#won't be annoyed at all! love getting asks
lost-in-fandoms · 2 days
"Tell me again."
Max hums, moving his hand in slow circles along Daniel's back, feeling his chest move against his side, his face hidden in the folds of Max's t-shirt.
He bows his head, pressing a kiss against Daniel's hair, shifting against the hotel's pillows until he's comfortable again.
"It's going to be sunny," he says, voice low, letting Daniel's curls tickle his lips and nose. "It's going to be sunset, orange, the trees all golden in the way you like."
Daniel's back shifts under his hand, his fingers twisting in Max's shirt.
"We'll be sitting in chairs, because you have old man knees, and would complain about sitting on the floor."
He twists away from the halfhearted poke in his side, then settles back.
"They will be those garden ones, the ones with the straw?"
"Wicker," Daniel corrects him softly, voice scratchy.
"Yes, wicker." He tugs Daniel even closer, not knowing how it is even possible. "With pillows, so you can curl in them like a little cat."
He smooths his hand down Daniel's back, like he does with Sassy, when she stretches out beside him on the bed, similar to how Daniel is now. Does it again when he feels Daniel's shoulders uncurl slightly.
"We will be drinking your weird beers, the expensive ones that taste worse than all the others."
"Craft beer isn't weird," Daniel argues, just like Max was expecting him to. He sounds like there's something stuck in the back of his throat, and Max kisses his hair again.
"It is weird, Daniel. Beer does not need to be that expensive."
He gives him space to reply once more, but Daniel doesn't.
"We will drink your weird beer, and we will talk about that time we ate pasta in your hotel room."
It wasn't just one time, but Max knows he doesn't need to specify. They're both thinking about the same one, illegal spaghetti ordered from room service, hidden from their trainers, sauce on the corner of Max's mouth, cleaned by Daniel's thumb first, Daniel's mouth later. And even if they aren't thinking about the same, it doesn't matter. Every plate of pasta shared, in every hotel room, would matter just as much, stepping stones in their story, just as important as that first kiss.
"And it will be rainy," Max continues, voice even lower. His t-shirt is damp, stretched by Daniel's tense fingers. Daniel's back is shuddering, even when he holds him closer and closer and closer.
"It will rain, and you will have a blanket, because you always get cold, even more when it is humid."
The thing that was in Daniel's throat is in his too now.
"We will talk about how stupid everyone was. We will say it was all unfair. But we will not be angry anymore, because it will not matter anymore."
Daniel's hair smell like Max's shampoo, even if he usually doesn't use it, because he hates how dry it makes it feel. Max can taste salt on the back of his throat as he shifts his head slightly, trying to at least keep his ears dry, now that his cheeks are a lost cause.
Daniel's breathing is a stuttered rhythm against his ribs.
"We will cook eggs," Max pushes on, pressing every word against Daniel's skin, hoping every one feels like the i love you that it is. "Because we will have chickens on your farm, like a real farm, so we will be good at cooking eggs. And you will drink your wine, and sing your songs."
His voice breaks, sudden betrayal, just as Daniel trembles in a sob, but Max pushes through. They've both always known how to push through.
"And I will ask are you happy and you will say yes," he says, making it sound like a promise, because it is a promise. "And we will not regret any of it."
He knows they won't. Not the angry moments, not the painful moments, not the annoying little moments they will never even remember. They will take all of them and throw them into the jar of their lives, little pebbles, and colorful marbles, and shards of glass smoothed out with time and love and distance, all mixed together.
"We will sit on your chairs, and they will have nothing, and we will have us."
He holds Daniel closecloseclose, because he's never learned how to let go of the things he cares about, has always clung to things with his teeth and desire bared, and he has no intention of starting now. He has no intention of starting ever.
Even if this is not the way he wanted things to happen, he doesn't believe in letting go, especially when it comes to Daniel.
He swallows, clears his throat to try and dislodge the tight knot of feelings there, raises a hand to swipe his thumb along Daniel's wet jaw.
"We will have chickens, and a garage full of dirt bikes, and I will ask Grace to teach me how to make the pasta sauce you spilled all over the carpet when you were five."
Daniel nods against his chest, fingers relaxing. His breathing is still uneven, Max's t-shirt is still damp, but he can feel him going lax against him, relaxing bit by bit.
"We will," Daniel murmurs, voice shaky enough it sounds closer to a question.
"We will," Max tells him, firm. Would be happy to tell him again and again, until Daniel's voice doesn't shake on it anymore. "We will eat so much food, and we will become fat, and we will be happy. We will."
Daniel nods again, then shifts, wiggling in Max's hold until he can properly climb on top of him, pointy elbows planted on the bed, above Max's shoulders, trembling fingers tracing the wet lines on his cheeks, red-rimmed eyes soft.
When Daniel kisses him, they both taste like salt, exhaustion and the future.
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Beach episode with the bad Sanses
Why does "take my idiot henchmen to a secluded beach to blow off some steam" 100% sound like something Nightmare would do? He'll bring you along too. The boys can't relax when their beloved favourite human isn't there. You're like a therapy kitten a bunch of giant terrifying fighting hounds refuse to go anywhere without.
Horror doesn't like deep water, too many bad memories of a certain fish monster, so he's staying away from the sea. But he does like the sound it makes... the waves are wonderful, they're something other than his own thoughts to concentrate on. He'll sit on the sand, with a hat over his face, listening to the ocean and enjoying the sun soaking into his old bones. Might even fall asleep. For the love of God, keep Killer away from him, his 'prank' attempts on the sleeping giant will not end well for anyone. Don't let him catch you when he's looking tired - he'll drag you up against him and snore into your hair until the sun goes down.
It's weird to see Dust without his hood. You half expected him to even wear it to the beach, but it makes sense he wouldn't. There's enough dust on that thing already, he probably doesn't want to get sand on it as well. He'll spend most of his time resting in the shade (why is he wearing sunglasses when he doesn't have eyes?), but if you ask him to, he'll venture into the sun. You're the only one who can convince him to do anything fun. Out of all of them, he's the one who'll go get you something to eat. He'll randomly disappear, then quietly return with ice cream, or crepes, or smoothies. Just three, though - one for him, one for you, and one for Horror because it'd just be rude to not get him food. He won't tell Killer where he got it.
Killer is having a great time. He will be ogling your beach outfit, it doesn't matter what it is, he'll stare and flirt as often as he possibly can. He wants to play volleyball or football, have you bury him in the sand, take stupid posed pictures, stay until sunset and start a barbecue, he's having an amazing time. This is his dream. If you can keep him company, please do, because it'll keep him on good behaviour - if you leave him alone for five minutes he's going to start annoying the other skeletons. By the end of the day someone is dunking him in the ocean, at least once. Probably Dust.
Nightmare will sit on a chair, under the darkest umbrella you've ever seen, without a speck of sunlight reaching him. He won't engage with the other skeletons at all and it seems like they know to give him his space. He'll be delighted to chat to you, if you come up to him, but other than that he just... vibes there, alone. Makes you wonder why he even came to the beach, since he clearly will do whatever it takes to avoid light.
He bought you along because the other skeletons want you around, sure. But he also bought you because he could tell you needed the stress relief. He likes just sitting back and listening to you enjoying yourself, watching the happy feelings roll off you - they're nice to see, even if he can't eat them.
Not that he'll ever say it aloud, but he planned this day out almost entirely for you.
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neptuneiris · 2 days
Cruel Summer (03/10)
Against the Tide
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: at Crown's family tensions rise and you keep running into a person you shouldn't talk to. but both he and you can't help testing the waters.
words: 9.3k
thank you to @peachysunrize for being my beta reader, she also helped me in the previous chapter and I forgot to mention her, but finally here she is. love you bestie!❤
previous part • series masterlist
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I am so excited for you to read this chapter! from the next chapters onwards, what we have been waiting for begins (forbidden love)🤭 and I want to thank you once again for all the support you are giving to the story, you guys are amazing and you don't know how much I appreciate it🙏🏻 now enjoy!
warnings: half smut, language.
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Sunset's Pier stretches along the boardwalk, a vibrant and lively place, especially on summer evenings.
In the distance, waves break gently against the pier and shore pillars, while palm trees sway in the cool ocean breeze.
Wooden planks creak under the feet of visitors, while the smell of the sea and freshly made food fills the air. 
The stores lining the pier are clearly divided, some full of luxury, with glittering windows displaying designer dresses and accessories. And there are other more modest stores, where prices are more affordable.
Or as it would be technically said among the locals of Sunset's: stores for the rich and stores for the poor.
After an exhausting afternoon trying to surf with the boys, Alysanne drags you into the stores, excited to find something nice for tonight's party.
The two of you walk between shop windows, exploring the options, especially in the stores where you can both afford to shop. But Alysanne stops in front of one of the more expensive stores. 
You watch as she gawks at a blue bikini on display on the mannequin, the color as deep as the ocean at sunset.
"Look at this!" she exclaims excitedly, almost pressing her face against the glass, "It would be perfect for tonight's party. If only I had the money to buy it," she murmurs between excited and disappointed.
You smile, understanding the desire. The bikini is really beautiful but it is obvious that the price must be very high.
"Don't you have any savings?" you ask her.
"No," she laments, "I used it to fix my phone, did you forget? I can't afford to buy a new one so I have to fix the one I already have."
"Well, I guess I—
A high-pitched laugh interrupts the conversation and when you both turn around, you instantly recognize the people.
Perfectly coiffed black hair and shiny red hair. All those impeccably dressed girls, with expensive handbags, gold accessories and designer sunglasses; Baratheon and Lannister.
But you distinguish precisely Floris Baratheon, Aemond's girlfriend.
All of them in a group watch you both with a mocking face for two things; for being in front of a store like this and for being longing for the beautiful blue bikini.
And even though they don't know you, it doesn't matter that they bother you for the radar of recognizing poor people, because the difference between you and Alysanne is too big compared to them, who can afford to shop here.
Especially since the top you are wearing at the moment is torn on one side. You don't see much but they've already seen it, as well as inspecting your dirty, old tennis shoes.
"Do you really think you can buy anything here?" speaks precisely Floris with a venomous tone, with a sneer as he looks at the bikini and then at both of you, "It's a shame you can only look. Not everyone has the privilege of affording something so nice."
"Yeah, maybe someday you can get it... in the next millennium sales."
They laugh among themselves, clearly enjoying the moment of superiority. And you clench your jaw, annoyed, especially as you watch Alysanne lower her gaze in humiliation.
"Excuse me, do we know you?" you inquire.
You obviously know them, but you won't indulge them.
"Oh dear, everyone here knows us, especially me," Floris says superiorly, adjusting her sunglasses.
"Even your kind know who we are," Cerelle also speaks with clear contempt.
Alysanne regains her composure and you instantly notice.
"Yes, we know you are such a bunch of idiotic, shallow people for thinking that the price of clothing defines someone."
"Some of us have more important things in life than spending money on something so insignificant," you too stand up for yourself and your people.
They all let out a laugh, where Floris takes a step toward you.
“Yeah, sure. The poor always find an excuse to justify their misery. How pathetic and sad," she feigns an exaggerated pout.
"I'd rather be poor than be as empty as you," Alysanne next to you snaps at her.
She arches an eyebrow at her, amused and clearly entertained, as she folds her arms in her arrogant attitude.
"Empty, huh? Well, it's better to be empty than desperate, like you two. Keep dreaming of things you can never have. But don't worry, being poor and living on the filthy side of town, dreaming is free."
"And who do you think you are huh?" Alysanne lunges at her, "You think because you are rich I can't break your face or what?"
You quickly stop her holding her by the arm, worried and of course, Floris recoils back with a frightened face and her friends don't take long to instantly surround her, shielding her as if they were her wall of protection.
"Not so talkative and brave now huh!?"
"Hey, Aly," you hold her back, "Stop it. It's not worth it."
Floris and all of them look at you both with despise.
"See? They're all savages," she says without again getting too close.
"Oh yes, very savage, just because we're defending ourselves from you making fun of us and making us less," Alysanne tells her firmly and in a defiant tone, "But you can't even defend yourself. So I advise you to talk less or I'll break that pretty rich girl face of yours."
It is clear that Floris wants to say more mean words, but she stops when she notices someone else walking towards the group, completely oblivious to the situation and you also recognize this person; Helaena Targaryen.
She with her usual calm, appears near you, but stops just in front of another nearby store, casually observing a clothing through the glass without noticing the tensions.
And you curiously notice how Floris, upon seeing her, remains silent for a moment. Then you guess that she doesn't want to show her true colors in front of her sister-in-law.
"Let's go," she orders in a lower and less confident tone than before.
Her friends obey without another word and begin to walk away, but not before giving your cousin a last contemptuous and disdainful glance at your side.
And you too, of course.
Helaena also leaves with them as they approach her, her silver hair shining in the sunlight and moving with impeccable grace.
Alysanne lets out a frustrated sigh next to you, still angry. 
"I can't believe those idiots think they have the right to treat us like this. And all because of what? For not being rich like them?" she inquires in disbelief, "Do you realize how stupid that is?"
"Let them stay in their bubble," you mutter, feeling just as irritated, "We're not rich but we're better people than they are."
Alysanne takes a deep breath, shaking off the adrenaline of the moment, then you both go your own way, trying not to let this thing that happened ruin your day.
Especially since you have another party tonight, unfortunately with those girls, but it's not like you're going to be with them.
And just as ten o'clock at night falls, Cregan's car and the excited shouts of the guys rushing you to get into the car can be heard practically all over the street.
Alysanne again shushes them, as your uncle and aunt are asleep, as well as most likely the neighbors, and you both quickly get into the car amidst laughter and scolding of the guys.
Then Cregan's car speeds up and soon all of you are walking into the Crown's side.
The party is as always; on the beach. And it's everything you'd expect being among the rich. The DJ can't miss, the clean beach, the pier, the yachts and the smell of alcohol mixed with the sea breeze, among other substances.
Tonight you decide not to focus on the people around you and together with the guys, sit on the white sand, while Cregan and Sam go for as many beers and bottles of champagne as possible.
Alysanne is also not in the mood to be inspecting and lusting after Pandora accessories on all the rich girls that are here. So the two of you relax.
Chase lights the bonfire in the center and pretty soon everyone is drinking, talking and laughing, enjoying the party and nothing else.
Every now and then some guys come up to greet Cregan, who greets them back without much enthusiasm and returns to the group, where you notice how attentive he is especially to Alysanne.
You don't say anything and just continue drinking, laughing at the guys' jokes and burning a few marshmallows, when then... you feel it.
A piercing look on your face.
You don't doubt it's a girl inspecting you, so you don't think anything of it at first. But then... it's as if that look burns you and wants to see through you, sending shivers through your whole body.
You look around, just out of curiosity, but when you raise your gaze absentmindedly towards the direction of the yachts, to the part of the deck specifically, your eyes meet piercing blue eyes.
Then you see him.
Aemond Targaryen.
Time seems to stand still and you feel more of the weight of his gaze, that same weight you felt last night on the pier, when he caught you.
You also feel a surge of nerves course through your body, with your heart racing as you remember the night before. It's not fear, but it's something close to it. 
Because now he's caught you here too, at a party of his people, at Crown's.
And the weird thing is that you didn't expect it and you feel so silly about the fact. How could you not think that he would be here and that the two of you would probably see each other after last night?
Even though it's no longer a probability, he's seeing you right now and sees what you're doing; pretending to be one of them.
You watch as his gaze briefly sweeps over the guys you're with and honestly... you don't know how to feel about it. Technically, you're not doing anything wrong here either, are you?
‘Then why do you feel so embarrassed?’
His piercing eye again focuses on you and you, for some strange reason, don't look away and neither does he. It's as if the two of you are caught in a game you can't avoid. 
No one seems to notice the silent exchange between the two of you, except you and him. But you know that talking to him, getting close to him in public, is impossible.
You know it and you know he knows it too. It's like a law in Sunset's among its locals but more specifically among those your age; the rich and the poor can't be friends.
You bite the inside of your cheek, even without both of you looking away, where both of you are too far away to say anything to each other, but the looks say it all.
Then, it is he who looks away when Floris holds his face and kisses him softly on the lips, claiming his attention. You feel a sting of something pinch your stomach and you force yourself to stop focusing on him as well.
You try to refocus on what the guys around you are saying, but you can't, not now that he's here too.
You didn't tell anyone about what happened last night with him on his pier, because nothing really bad happened, except the fact that you almost got caught.
It was just a conversation with the son of the richest man in the whole country and heir to his fortune, nothing more. 
Although the memory has followed you ever since.
Unable to help yourself, you look at him again, where you see him surrounded by his friends and also distinguish his brother, Aegon. And of course, Floris, sitting on his lap.
He is no longer watching you but you wonder what he might be thinking now that he has seen you here too.
'Probably nothing.'
You think, since for him, what happened on the pier was just a conversation, a small slip in which you both sought some solace and nothing more, an insignificant moment.
What else could he think of having shared his time with a Black Waves girl? 
You let out a long breath and your eyes roam his features, as the same thoughts from last night return to your mind when you were also slyly admiring him.
'He is so handsome.'
You think as you also admire his short silver hair and see a silver chain peeking out from between the collar part of his shirt, with that simple accessory making him look so ridiculously good.
But you cannot pass Floris Baratheon unnoticed, on his lap, talking to him and leaving from time to time some kisses on his lips or on his cheek.
You shake your head, clearly being impossible, since he belongs to a world that is not yours, to a social class that would see you as an intruder if you even tried to approach.
So you can only think that what happened on the pier was just a one-time thing, a quirk and a moment that you must now bury in oblivion.
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Aemond Targaryen, as a child, does not remember a single moment when his family did not attract attention.
He does not remember a single moment where his mother did not ask him, as well as his siblings, to accompany her and his father to an event in the town for work and simply to see them all together as a perfect and powerful family.
He has forgotten the countless times where his father, Viserys, introduces him and his siblings to his associates and all those important people more as trophies than as what they really are; his children.
With Aegon the introduction is brief, for after all, no one expected his first eldest son not to follow in his same footsteps as his older first daughter did, Rhaenyra.
But Aemond knows that Aegon is... uncontrollable. 
As a teenager he began to show signs that he didn't want to go into business or anything like it or anything relatively formal. 
As much as his mother, Alicent, and even his own father and grandfather Otto tried to scold, persuade and convince him, it only caused Aegon to back away from the idea and start doing whatever he pleased.
For him only desire has always been to simply live life and find out what he really wants.
Then there is Helaena, who followed the same path as Aegon but in a more controlled way and with different aspirations to life though just as flattering, which is to study marine biology.
And finally there is him, Aemond Targaryen.
He saw the whole process of his older brothers in deciding not to devote himself to the business or rather empire that his father has built. With Aegon it all turned out to be a disaster but Helaena was more persuasive.
So someone had to do it, follow in his father's footsteps as Rhaenyra did, but this time a man, a son and that had to be him.
Daeron still lacked time to decide and grow up some more. So he watched as his father began to despair and have fights with his mother and everyone at home for not being able to choose the aspirations and decisions of his children.
So it was he who calmed the storm at home when he announced that he would apply to college to study business management to carry on the Targaryen legacy, just like Rhaenyra.
His father was overjoyed, as was his mother and for the first time, in that small moment, Aemond felt that he was finally receiving that recognition and appreciation from him.
But then he realized that it was never worth it.
After searching for so long for a way for his father to finally see him for what he is, his son, when that moment came it wasn't worth it and it didn't make him feel any better.
Because Aemond knows deep down that only his father was happy for him out of convenience, to mold him to how he wants and because that way, he is just another piece on his board.
And it became quite clear to him the moment his father expressed his idea about the Baratheon's.
Viserys, even with all he has and having an advisor at his side like his grandfather Otto, wants more.
And Borros Baratheon is that more by being the owner of the most important commercial fleet operating along the entire Pacific coast of all. Viserys needs to transport freight for its big company, which is what Borros does.
Viserys needs freight for his great enterprise, which is what Borros is all about. But Borros Baratheon is a difficult and greedy man who also wants more, even to Viserys Targaryen himself.
So he and his entire team focus on an easier target that will get him to the finish line; his daughter, Floris.
Any of his daughters would have sufficed, but considering Floris is about the same age as Aemond and his father had already seen her get her hopes up for him at events, it was the perfect idea.
At first Aemond refused. For the moment he had no intention with any girl, especially any of the Baratheon sister’s. But his father insisted.
Viserys explained to him how much he needed such a partnership and asked him to start asking her out to eventually formalize and make the deal with his father easier.
Aemond tried to help him find other alternatives, tried to make him understand that he didn't want nor could he play with Floris' feelings in that way to achieve a partnership.
But none of that helped.
His mother sided with his father, with the difference that she was more sensible on the subject and asked him to try and take the time to get to know her, that maybe he might really like her.
So he had to give in and before long, he was in a formal relationship with Floris Baratheon.
And now this is his life.
Not that much has changed, but there are these fights at home between her mother and father because there's really no love between them. 
There's also fighting between his father and his siblings over the choice of what they really want to do with their lives while they're all attending events to pretend to be this perfect family that they are.
And he's in a relationship with a person he doesn't really want to be with and as soon as the summer is over, he's going off to college to study with pressure and expectations on his shoulders for a degree he doesn't really want to study.
But as anyone in Sunset's would think, both Crown's and Black Waves; the Targaryens are perfect.
A voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he looks up as he sees Aegon approaching him, shorts on, sandals, a white t-shirt, sunglasses and phone in hand.
"I was looking all over for you. What are you doing?"
He lets out a long breath and closes his book to place it back on the shelf.
"What do you want?"
"Get dressed. We have a party tonight," he lets him know, then starts typing on his phone.
"Another one?" he asks with a serious look on his face.
"What?" he becomes indignant, shrugging, "Come on, it's summer. And everyone will be there. Cassandra told me Floris is going."
"I don't want to go."
He looks at him with a frown.
"What are you talking about?" he asks him blankly, "You're going to stay here reading these stupid books all summer? You're going to college for another two months!"
"Helaena and Daeron will go with you, I don't understand why you want me to go too," he tells him grumpily, choosing another of the many books in the library.
"Helaena is sick and Daeron promised to stay with her to watch movies," he tells him as if were the gravest sins in the world, "Come on, man. Come with me. And I won't ask you for anything again, this will be the last time, I promise."
"That's what you always say, like I don't know you," he says as he picks up a book and sets it on the table, "You're just so fucking annoying."
Aegon lets out a frustrated groan.
"Come on, don't be like that. You'll have more time to read and be doing these boring things you like to do," he tries to convince him, pointing to the books.
But Aemond says nothing to him and, of course, Aegon starts to throw his tantrum.
"Aemond," he complains, "Come on, please."
And the sound of his voice is already starting to annoy him, especially being in the library.
"Come on," he interrupts him, insistent, "I really don't want to stay here and listen to dad yelling and fighting with mom all night, man." 
Aemond lets out a long breath again and with nonchalant movements watches his brother over his shoulder, looking serious and now slowly becoming resigned.
And soon enough, they are both already in his car, driving towards the Lannister house.
Normally he wouldn't have agreed to come, but he recognizes that Aegon is right and the truth is that he doesn't want to stay at home listening to his parents' quarrels either.
Even though his house is huge, the shouting echoes through the halls, and then his father in all his anger goes against Aegon as well, where Helaena intervenes, then Daeron and finally him to try to calm the waters.
And he's tired of it.
Just last night another one of those fights happened, his mother was almost in tears and Helaena too, while Aegon and his father were shouting all the worst things possible at each other.
And that's why he decided to go to the pier after he failed to fall asleep.
As he drives, his gaze softens as he remembers you. 
He still doesn't understand how a girl like you, from Black Waves, for a whole year was going to his family's pier at midnight without being discovered. 
He doesn't understand how you did it either and he's not sure he wants to know. He was about to call security, of that he has no doubt, especially considering the robberies some of his neighbors suffered. 
Because that's what he first thought, that you were a thief and he was trying to do something with his yacht.
However, it was something in your fear and pleading, perhaps also that you didn't have something suspicious on hand to try to do harm and the sincerity in your gaze after silently evaluate you that he saw to finally understand that you weren't doing anything wrong.
It was bad to cross over private property but other than that, he saw you earlier, before he approached from a distance, sitting on the edge of the pier looking out over the horizon.
But he still had to make sure and it all turned out very interesting.
That you were on his pier, risking that you could be caught, simply because that place gives you peace and quiet, caught his attention.
It seemed... unusual. Something out of the ordinary. Maybe because you're a Black Waves girl.
But still, it's something he's not used to hearing from others in appreciating something so simple and plain but so meaningful to that person.
And being there with you... everything in his mind disappeared.
All his excessive thoughts, frustrations, pressures, expectations and stress disappeared for a moment, which is very difficult for him to do in the midst of all the storm in his mind.
And strangely, because he shouldn't have, he spent a nice time with you, an unknown Black Waves girl, even if he didn't show it much at the time.
He doubts that was a good idea, to let you stay and still tell you that you can keep going to thepier. But technically... nothing bad happened.
And doubt that I'll ever see you again, last night was just a coincidence, besides that shouldn't happen, right?
In the town where you both live, a poor girl and a rich man can't even be friends. And much less he can afford something like that because of his family name.
Again his thoughts are interrupted as they enter the area where the Lannisters live and Aegon immediately chatter excitedly about how amazing the party looks.
And soon enough the two find themselves walking onto the beach and onto the Lannister dock.
It's the same as always, there's really nothing new, just decorations, DJ, open bar with bottles of vodka, wine and champagne as well as beer, cocktails and the smell of cigarettes and weed in the salty air.
All the people are dancing and getting drunk, as well as there are other people having mini bonfires, drinking and burning marshmallows.
When a group of people catches Aegon's eye on one of the yachts, he takes no time at all to drag him along with him.
And just like that he meets Floris, who greets him very happily with a hug and a kiss on his lips, which he tries to reciprocate as genuinely as possible.
Aegon goes off to find a girl to stick his tongue down her throat and he stays on the yacht with Floris and his friends. 
Quickly some of his friends offer him drinks to cheer him up and he declines as he has to drive, so he only chooses to light a cigarette, wanting the night to pass quickly.
And so the hours pass, with nothing really interesting going on around him and Floris sitting on his lap, trying to keep up with her to also try to be a good boyfriend.
But all he wants to do is go home.
"Are you okay?"
Floris' voice brings him out of his thoughts and he turns his head towards her, where she watches him with a small smile on her lips and with one of her hands starting to stroke his short silver hair.
"Yeah," he tells her in a low murmur, then takes another sip from the only bottle of beer he'll be drinking tonight.
"Are you sure? I didn't even know you were coming. I texted you and you didn't respond," she says making a pout.
And he avoids looking instantly annoyed.
It's not that Floris is a bad girl, she really tries because she really loves him. But he doesn't feel the same and doubts he ever will, though he tries.
"Yeah, you're right, sorry, I was busy in the library," he explains briefly.
"At the library?" she repeats confused, "Why?"
"I'm getting a head start on reading books for college," he again explains as briefly as possible.
Luckily she doesn't say anything more on the subject but continues to sit on his lap and try to get him to talk, even though he's not really having any of that right now but he doesn't want to be rude to her either.
So when she starts talking to one of her friends, he looks in all directions, scanning the party without again finding anything interesting.
But then in the midst of analysis he sees it.
Or rather he sees you.
A few meters below him on the sand, confused, he immediately recognizes you, sitting among a group of guys and a girl with a bottle of beer in hand, laughing and talking to all of them.
And again he wonders; what are you doing here?
And you can't blame him, he really doesn't get it, it was surprising enough seeing you on his pier, in the most exclusive and private area of all Crown's as to also see you here, on the Lannister's pier, a Black Waves girl mixed up as if you were one of them.
He sweeps his gaze over all the guys you're with and is more surprised to see you talking and laughing with Cregan Stark.
Then he gets it all.
He's the one who gives you access, as well as your friends and that girl you're with, who he assumes must be your cousin from what you told him last night, all except Cregan belonging to Black Waves.
And there you are, again not hurting anybody, but pretending to belong to Crown's.
All the guys you're with are certainly having a great time and so are you, while he again focuses on Cregan, from whom he honestly expected it.
He doesn't include himself much with the guys from his part of town, sometimes he talks to him or Helaena, but nothing more. Now he knows why.
And somehow he can't take his eye off you.
He watches you curiously, analyzing you, seeing that you have guts, just like your cousin and your friends, to take risks like this.
At any moment anyone could expose you if they watch you too much, but you don't seem to care about that, nor do the others.
And then, his gaze meets yours.
He sees you freeze for a moment, as if you are once again trapped by him, which actually you are and he, for some reason, doesn't look away and neither do you.
Memories of last night invade him again and he can guess how you must be thinking about it too.
But he can also guess how you again feel exposed and how terribly nervous you must feel. As if you are afraid that he, now that he has seen you here too, will expose you once and for all.
But it is as if it were a game of stares, as neither of them look away from each other. It's not as if they can talk, the distance is too much, also considering that he is on top of a yacht. 
But what if this were not the case? Would the two of you talk?
Aemond knows perfectly well that they wouldn't.
"Hey, did you hear what I said, babe?"
Floris makes him turn his gaze away from you to focus on her as he feels her turn from his cheek with her hand towards her to plant a soft kiss on his lips, wanting his full attention.
And he awkwardly reciprocates as his attention is still on you.
But he forces himself to take that attention away from you, especially as he still has Floris sitting on his lap with both arms around his neck, glued to him.
And it's here that he assumes, as you do, though he doesn't know it, that what happened last night was just a one-time thing, two people seeking refuge from the world on the pier one night.
But that's all.
The two of you must not know each other, you can't talk or be seen together, mostly because of different social classes, which leads to pretending that the two of you don't know each other and haven't spoken to each other even once.
And what happened that night, on the pier, didn't happen.
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A pile of dishes are placed in front of him on the table in the huge back garden of his house which is basically on the shore of the beach, having a spectacular view of the ocean, the beach, the pier, the cliffs around and also the huge houses of his neighbors.
His mother thanks the cooks, who retire and leave his mother, father and him alone.
Aegon must still be asleep, Daeron too because he probably stayed up watching movies with Helaena all nigth who is still very ill. So he is the only one who joins the breakfast.
He looks carefully at a message from Rhaenyra, which is accompanied by two PDF books.
'These books helped me a lot when I first started studying, you can read them if you want to before you go to uni so you have an idea of everything you will learn.'
Aemond reviews both books, both over 400 pages, being very dense material and being exactly what awaits him at college, but he also knows it's important.
He runs a hand down his neck and responds to her text.
'Thank you, Rhae.'
Ever since his older sister knew he would be going into business as well, she's been supporting him. 
It's not like from the beginning the two of them had a good relationship, especially since she's the daughter of their father's first wife and there was no first-rate bond, neither with him nor with her other siblings.
But now that she has a family and he has matured enough, at least more than Aegon, that relationship has slowly begun to be forged and maintained.
Besides he is grateful to receive genuine support. Especially from her, already an expert on the subject and with whom he will probably lead the Targaryen empire in the future.
"Are you going to have breakfast, son?"
His mother's soft voice causes him to look away from his phone screen and set it aside, having no interest in responding to messages from Floris or a few of his friends who were with him last night at the party.
"Yeah, sorry."
He tries to catch up with their pace, making himself his cup of coffee the way he likes it.
"Rhaenyra tells me you're planning to take a management course in the middle of summer, son," his father says, catching his attention, "Is that true?"
And he doesn't ask it in a bad way, on the contrary, it surprises Aemond to see how he has pride in his eyes. 
"Yeah, well... I think they'll do me good before I go to college."
"Yes, very good idea," Alicent says, watching him proudly as she notices all his dedication to his study, as it has always been.
"Oh yes, of course," Viserys agrees, without hesitation, "Have you found the right course yet?"
"I'm still working on it."
"But..." he frowns slightly, watching him not entirely convinced, "How are things going with that girl... uh... Floris?"
He immediately feels an uncomfortable sensation in his lower abdomen, stirring in his chair as he runs a hand over the back of his neck, biting the inside of his cheek and trying to maintain a normal appearance.
"Good," he replies briefly, without looking at him, "Everything's fine."
"Yeah?" he asks seeing his reaction, "You've been hanging out with her?"
"We were together last night," he says without wanting to go into details, wanting to get that topic over with.
And Alicent also sees how his son is starting to react.
"Floris usually comes in often during the day," she tells her husband in a soft tone with a cup of coffee in her hands, "You don't see her because you're at work."
"Well, that's good to know," he says pleased, though not entirely satisfied, turning his focus back to him, "I fully support the idea of the course, it will definitely do you good but... you can't neglect that girl. Your relationship with her is very advantageous to the company and very soon her father and I will start having meetings."
He brings a hand to the back of his neck again, staring at a fixed point on the table as he presses his lips together, controlling his emotions and what he really wants to say to him.
His mother stares at him, alert, not wanting him and his father to have fights too. But it is clear that he too is already reaching his limit.
However, Aemond knows that he has more self-control, besides he's already into all of this, so he has no choice but to accept, again, what his father tells him. 
"Is that what you want me to do?" he asks him in a low tone, honestly feeling tired.
"Of course," his father states sternly, as if it were obvious, "We must have all the most suitable people possible in the company. And the Baratheon's are crucial to our expansion."
Aemond looks up, but says nothing, because he already knows the speech. The Baratheon's, power, family and company.
"Yes but that really isn't the most important thing," his mother interjects again, "After all, Floris is a very nice and pretty girl. I can tell she really cares about you, son."
He can't help but purse his lips at that comment. He knows Floris isn't a bad girl but she's not exactly nice either. And that doesn't change the fact that he's not interested in her. 
"Yes and for that very reason you must not ruin things with her," his father insists, "We have to partner with her father and you can't let her slip through your fingers."
"Viserys," his mother calls out to him with mild reproach.
"You know how important this is, Alicent," he begins to say with reproach in his tone, "I have already lost hope in Aegon. It seems he will never change and will be a good-for-nothing for the rest of his life, taking nothing seriously."
"Don't talk about your son like that," his mother scolds him.
"I'm not going to live forever and someone has to take over the company and support this family. But that doesn't matter to him in the least," he continues, "Daeron is still young and I'm thankful that at least Aemond has taken the same direction as Rhaenyra and me."
Aemond says nothing as his mother continues to reproach, annoyed to hear how Viserys refers to her children, especially Aegon. 
And he remains silent, fed up with these discussions, family pressures, expectations and being the only one of his children whom his father seems to trust.
And the worst thing is that he can't say anything, because he knows very well that his father considers him as his last resort and in a way... he doesn't want to fail him and he doesn't want everything in his family to explode.
Even if it means he has to sacrifice his own life for the good of the family, he has to do this and it's not worth arguing with his father because it's no use and he's not going to change his mind.
His father starts to raise his voice, his mother too and he ends up going to his room with his morning already ruined, annoyed, tired and grumpy.
And when he tries to distract himself, to occupy himself with his own personal matters so as not to think too much, just at that moment Floris comes to visit.
Just now he doesn't have the capacity to want to be around her, or anyone in general, he just wants peace and quiet, but considering the conversation he had with his father, he is not able to ask her as nicely as possible to come another day.
"I was with Cerelle at my house but I got too bored, even though I told her to meet me tonight at the beach."
She begins to talk as she starts pacing all around his room he just sits there with his desk in front of him and a few books open.
"I also talked to Royce, he said he would be coming for a visit soon. My dad is still mad at him for leaving but I'm sure he'll get over it. I also heard that Jeyne wants to have a party the next week and..."
And so he listens to her voice continuously, talking about everything she did and didn't do in her day, while he puts a hand to his forehead and lets out a long breath, trying not to sound irritated.
"Oh and I went to the mall with Cerelle. I bought a beautiful bag and clothes for our trip to Hawaii," she says excitedly, "My dad has already arranged everything and my family is so excited for you to come with us. I'm also..."
Her voice slowly fades slowly, becoming a distant murmur, as he sinks deeper into his seat and stares at a spot in his room.
His brow furrows and his mind drifts further away from the conversation.
He can't find a way to tell her to stop talking without looking rude and frustrated, but the last thing he wants to do is listen to her right now and the last thing he wanted was for her to show up at his house this day.
He has enough going on in his family lately, especially with his father and he's not in the mood to be dealing with people right now. 
He's fed up with everything and all he wants is to be alone while a wave of mental exhaustion washes over him. He wants to get away from everyone for a moment, to have no one bother him so he can have peace and quiet. 
The hand on his shoulder and the voice so close to him brings him back to reality. He blinks and raises his gaze to Floris, who watches him in confusion.
"Are you listening to me?"
"Yes," he says awkwardly and clears his throat, "Sorry," he says, turning his gaze to the front and stirring in his chair.
But she raises her hand towards him, placing it gently on his cheek and Aemond tenses immediately, as she forces him to look at her again gently but firmly enough.
"Are you sure? Are you okay?" she asks him genuinely concerned, "You didn't seem to be listening to me."
"Yes I was and I'm fine, don't worry," he tells her trying to sound convincing.
But Floris is having none of it.
"Is it because of your father or college?"
The silence that follows is palpable as he averts his gaze and removes his hand from her face with a nonchalant gesture. He says nothing but it's clear she's hit the nail on the head.
And Floris lets out a long, resigned sigh, already expecting that. For it is so typical of him not to confide his thoughts and feelings to her.
She's tired of her own boyfriend raising this constant wall between the two of them, where he doesn't want to open up to her. It hasn't been long since the two started dating but still, despite being a couple, there is no trust.
"Aemond," she murmurs his name softly and unexpectedly takes a seat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Floris," he calls her name awkwardly as well, trying to shake her off, "Wait, I don't—
"You know you can talk to me about anything," she interrupts him, her tone insistent but with a gentleness that she hopes will soften the situation, "I mean...I'm your girlfriend and I'm here for you whenever you need something, talk or anything."
He lets out a long sigh, feeling the weight of her insistence and the firmness with which she remains sitting on him.
The feeling of oppression invades him, both physically and emotionally.
"It's not... I don't..." he tries to speak, "Look, it's not that I don't want to tell you, but..." he gets frustrated, not finding the words or even the will to talk to her, "It's a lot of things."
"You can tell me," she insists, "Come on, babe. I just want to help you," she says as she begins to stroke his hair.
He close his eye for a moment, his patience quickly wearing thin.
"I don't want to talk," he makes it clear to her in a cold, resigned, tired tone.
She shrugs.
"Then we won't," she says simply, accepting that, "But I want you to understand that I'm here for you."
"Yes, I know," he says without even looking at her, running a hand through his hair.
"We can always do other things," she mentions with a certain tone that Aemond understands instantly.
And before he can do anything, she is already kissing him.
The kiss starts slow and soft, while he has difficulties to reciprocate at first, but Floris doesn't stop and pulls the back of his neck towards her, deepening the kiss. 
And he with all the mental chaos he has, tries to reciprocate as best he can, trying to forget at least for a moment.
Floris' hands begin to move down, sliding her fingers slowly over his chest while her other hand gently stroke his hair. Aemond tries to lose himself in the sensation, in the moment and let himself go, so he places both hands on her waist. 
She begins to move slightly on top of him, her breathing becoming more agitated and her tongue making its way between his lips, wanting more.
He tries to keep up with her and when Floris begins to rub her center against him, his body responds automatically, letting out a slight grunt without stopping the kiss. 
Floris' need is evident and when she brings one of her hands to the edge of his shirt and pulls away from his lips, she watches him with full intent and desire in her gaze, her lips red and swollen.
"I want you now," she murmurs against his lips.
He doesn't say anything, just watches her, truly not so sure. But then he thinks: fuck it.
He's tired and exhausted from carrying the weight of everything around him. He just wants to forget, if only for a few moments. So when Floris starts to take off his shirt, he allows it.
She kisses him again with more intensity and he responds with more fervor than before. 
Her hands begin to roam all over his naked torso and he stands up, both hands on her thighs, leading her towards his bed.
Soon Floris is on top of him again and feels a spark of electricity run through his skin as her hands touch the edge of his shorts, but before that happens, she slowly pulls down the straps of her dress.
Aemond watches her wordlessly, with his dark eye and indecipherable expression, as Floris complacently takes her time, enjoying every second, wanting him to desire her.
The straps fall and the top of her summer dress slides off, revealing her breasts. Aemond swallows hard, a mixture of desire and bewilderment passing through his body.
She leans into him again to kiss him, as she takes one of his hands and places it on her breast, prompting him to caress her. 
He does so, almost mechanically, trying to let himself go and lose himself in the moment, as she rubs herself against him again, making him more aware of how he begins to get hard, his breathing hitching.
But when Floris' hand descends and slips under his shorts, touching him, it is as if his mind wakes up and sends an alert throughout his body. 
Suddenly, he stops kissing her and takes her hand roughly, stopping her. Floris watches him confused and half-naked on top of him, still shaken and not understanding anything.
He closes his eye tightly and lets out a deep sigh, shaking his head and bringing a hand to his forehead, clenching his jaw.
"Fuck," he mutters.
"What's wrong?" Floris asks him without understanding what has changed so suddenly.
But he doesn't answer, just shakes his head again and pulls her hand away, to also gently brush her off of him.
"I'm sorry," he says softly.
Floris watches him from his bed, still with confusion on her face and quickly adjusts her dress, covering her naked body.
Her breathing is still rapid, but not so much from desire, but from the feeling of rejection that is infiltrating her. And again, for an instant, she thought this would never happen again.
But here they are, him pulling her away and her heart broken again by the humiliation.
"It's been a while," she murmurs, lowering her gaze, “Y-you don't..." her lips tremble, "You don't touch me."
He doesn't look at her, he can't. 
"I know. I'm sorry," he says in a low tone, the apology falling with a tone of resignation.
He picks up his T-shirt that's on the floor and puts it on, bringing a hand to his hair, ruffling it in frustration. And Floris watches him still completely confused.
"I just don't get it," she insists, "We're a couple. We should... be okay, I don't know," she says confused, "And I don't understand you. You don't talk to me, Aemond."
Aemond rubs his forehead, the pressure behind his eyes growing. He doesn't know how to explain, doesn't know how to put into words all the thoughts that suffocate him.
And he can't tell her that he doesn't really want to be with her either.
"I need to go," he says flatly.
"What?" she moves quickly, catching his arm, "No, please don't go," she tells him, her tone full of pleading, "I think we should talk."
"I can't, Floris. Not now."
Without trying to be abrupt, he releases his grip and Floris, unmoving, watches him as he takes his phone and car keys without another word. 
And he walks away, leaving her alone in his room.
He has no doubt that he will be in trouble for this later, maybe she will mention what happened to her sisters, eventually it will reach her father's ears about her having problems with their relationship and then it will reach his father's ears, demanding explanations from him.
He's not supposed to let her get out of his hands, as his father says, but now he really doesn't care about that.
He doesn't want to be with her and he shouldn't have let that happen. He should have stopped everything the moment she started kissing him.
Sex has been off the table for a while now. He has only slept with her once, when they both started dating for the first time. 
He barely remembers it. It was after they both went to a party. He drank a little more than he normally does and assumes that's why what happened at her house happened. 
And mostly it hasn't happened again because he doesn't have the interest. He doesn't feel the need with her. And just when he thinks it will finally happen when he lets himself go, in the moment he can't do it because it's feels wrong and pushes her away, leaving the action half done. 
And it's not her fault, it's his doing. But he knows that if he explained it to her, she wouldn't understand.
But just like that, another new frustration joins the storm in his mind.
Now he walks towards the pier, the only place where he feels he can breathe. The sound of the waves gently breaking against the wooden pillars, which is the only thing that accompanies him as he sinks into his thoughts.
He doesn't expect anyone to follow him or look for him there. In fact, the last thing he needs is someone else demanding something from him. 
For now, he doesn't want to be the perfect son, the boyfriend who should be attentive or the future heir to the family business. What he desperately wants is to escape the expectations that stifle him day after day.
He leans against the wooden stand and stares out into the deep, dark ocean, letting his mind wander, as he feels all the frustration wash over him and in an instant, he pulls out his pack of cigarettes and lights one.
He inhales deeply, letting the smoke invade his lungs, seeking in that sensation a temporary relief from the pressure he constantly feels. 
He enjoys his solitude, he has been used to it since he was a child. In many ways, he prefers it and finds it easier.
It is only now that he feels he is getting closer to his family or at least his siblings since his father has put more pressure on everyone. But he has not approached in the way he had hoped.
Aegon is not serious enough to broach the subject and evades his family in clouds of alcohol, parties and girls. Halaena is more independent and wrapped up in her own world, with her way of coping without getting swept away. 
Daeron doesn't yet understand the gravity of the expectations that will one day fall on him. And Rhaenyra... she's away with her own family.
And friends... he has no friends. At least, not genuine ones. They are not people he can trust without their own interests involved. 
And if he were to talk to any of them, it would be the same as with Floris; an empty conversation, full of awkward silences and expectations.
That's why at times like these, he strangely wishes he had someone to talk to. Someone who doesn't look at him with judgment or see him only as the heir who has to do his duty.
He needs someone who sees him for who he is, without expectations, without judgment. He just wants to be himself, wants to be just Aemond, without the unbearable weight of expectations.
'What would that be like?'
He wonders with genuine interest and even a certain... longing. But he knows he'll probably never know. Not with the life he has. 
He inhales deeply once more, the smoke mingling with the salty wind, enjoying the fleeting respite this place affords him. Then in the midst of his peace and quiet, the wood creaks softly under the footsteps that are not his.
He frowns and looks toward the entrance to the pier, thinking maybe it must be some of the security men, but then... he sees you.
He frowns more and attentively, he watches you walk, back straight and with cautious steps, as if trying not to make noise as you walk away, unaware of the creaking wood betraying you.
Then he wonders what you are doing here and why you are leaving. 
He remembers that he told you you could come back but doesn't understand why you're leaving. And before he can stop to think about what he is doing, he calls out you'r name.
You stop immediately, your body tensing as if you've been caught doing something you shouldn't, again. 
You bite your lips nervously and slowly turn to look at him, some sorrow on your face as he continues to stare at you in confusion.
And well... he's already caught you, again, first here two nights ago, yesterday at the party and now here again, so what's the point?
"I'm sorry," you say, "I-I... I didn't see you on my way over here," you explain, "And well... I thought you might want to be alone."
Your gaze focuses on his, and for a second, the whole world seems to shrink down to just the two of you, as if you were the only ones on the beach, under the dim lights of the pier.
And he doesn't say anything to you, he just watches you intently. And you take that as a sign to leave.
"I'll leave you alone," you assure him in a soft tone, starting to turn away.
And again, Aemond without thinking, decides to stop you.
"Wait," he says finally, in a soft voice, "You don't have to go."
You watch him carefully and curiously as you tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, a little unsure.
"Are you sure?"
He says nothing, just gives you a slight nod and you, hesitantly, finally take a step towards him and then another, beginning to close the distance to join him at the end of the pier.
An anticipation and excitement begins to grow within you, with the sea breeze and the sound of the waves enveloping you. 
You feel a slight tension begin to grow between the two of you. It's not uncomfortable but it's not easy to ignore either. And both Aemond and you know that you are both walking on uncertain ground.
But neither of you can help it.
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series taglist:
@zenka69 @strangersunghoon @deliaseastar @thefireblaze @kythefangirl25 @p45510n4f4shi0n @saturnssrings @bellaisasleep @primroseluna @tinykryptonitewerewolf @barnes70stark @tssf-imagines
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meeludrawz · 21 hours
Aquapark HCS - MHA Boys x Reader
A/N: I dreamed about going to the aquapark last night and got these ideas lmao Bakugo, Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks, Shinsou, Deku
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Doesn't really like swimming but will go with you if you ask
DOESN'T want to lose you in the crowd so he follows you around like a puppy
He wants to try something that you don't want? Like those horrifyingly huge slides? He'll tell you EXACTLY where he's going and will want you to do the same but he knows he can't stop you if you get distracted so he won't leave your side often
He really doesn't want to lose you in a huge place like this, what would he do without you?
You know that calm river with donuts? You both hold hands and you both have fun pushing your donuts under the small waterfalls along the way
He also likes the wave pool
You two are holding hands the whole day and he helps you dry your hair in the hotel room
If you ask him, he might invest in a pool for your house
He doesn't like water but he'll go because you asked
He doesn't know how to swim, but again, he'll go because you asked
You want to teach him, of course, but he doesn't want to when there's tons of people
Shigaraki's considering to break in a pool in the middle of the night just so you can teach him and just so he can spend more time with you
If the Aquapark is indoors, he's fine. If outdoors, pour tons of sunscreen on him, because he's white af and u don't want him as red as a lobster
He loves the calm river with donuts, because he doesn't have to swim
Shiggy also loves the slides that has donuts
Back at the hotel, he's worn out and he flops on the bed, almost instantly asleep but he will fight the sleep demon as long as you're not in bed with him
Oh and also, you two helped each other to dry your hair <3
DABI - TOUYA TODOROKI (Quirkless au tho because he prob can't get in the water with those scars :((( )
He hates those places
Too much people, too much voices, too loud
But he'll go anyways because ain't no way you're going alone
He chills on the lounge chairs the whole time
Watching you like a proud boyfriend and making sure u don't drown either lol
Sometimes he'll chill sitting in the water or getting to ankle deep
He's not going farther even if u beg him to
He also likes the calm donut river, except those waterfall areas where he'll hop off his donut and walk away from those, yes, even if the water is waist deep
Back at the hotel, he helps you dry your hair
He also watches tv all night while you sleep against him <33
As soon as you asked to go to a waterpark, he already reserved tickets
The only annoying part is that he has to leave all his feathers in a bag in the hotel room, he doesn't want to accidentally smack someone with those lol
He tries everything, slides, wave pool, donut river, EVERYTHING
He's like an overexcited puppy!!
He'll buy those funky bottles that look like zigzags
He'll buy towels as a souvenir
Fans will often stop him for selfies and signatures but he'd refuse some, not everyone, so people don't bother you or him too much
Back at the hotel, you help him dry his hair, he loves it when you play with his hair
He doesn't really mind these places but sometimes people are too loud for him
He spends the whole day following you around but whenever you part ways, he trusts you and knows you'll find him or that he will
Had to tie his hair because he can't see shit with his hair on his face
Doesn't like having his hair tied but you told him that he looked great and he internally screamed
This boi also needs lotta sunscreen
You guys got selfies that you sent to his dad, Aizawa
You're both thinking about bringing his family, Aizawa, Mic and Eri next time
He got takeouts to end the day and u both fell asleep watching tv
Everything he brought with him for this outing had All Might on it, his towel, his backpack, his sunscreen, his swimsuit shorts, water bottle, EVERYTHING
He was embarrassed by it but hey you love him don't ya? You didn't care
He bought more all might stuff by the end of the day dw
He's kinda scared of the slides so he didn't go but he cheered for you
Someone tried to hit on you
Deku wasn't happy with this
He told them nicely to "Fuck off", yes he said those two words
You were shook, since when did he swear
He said he might or might not have learned from Kacchan, which made sense
You often had to run to him because his hair was hiding his eyes and you helped him, you both often laughed about this
At the end of the day, you both fell asleep against each other after Deku called his mom and All Might, they get worried, of course
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merakiui · 15 hours
Ngl i'd lower my guard if (prisioner) Floffy-doffy(Floyd) said those sweet things to me 🥺 a hug won't make them fire me right???
He (cold-blooded killer on death row) is such a sweetheart!!! 🥺 only for you, though. If a hug is all it takes to get Floyd on good behavior for the day, you'll readily give him as many hugs as he wants. One less rowdy prisoner means less work for you.
He'll ask for you for his last meal when the time comes. A wine and dine situation,,, having dinner with you and then a little fun for dessert. And they can't deny a dying man his final wish now, can they? :) the amount of time they permit him is going to be the most passionate sex of your life, so much so you almost don't want them to kill him. >_< he tells you how much he loves you, and it's a genuine love. There is no manipulation behind those words. He just loves you. Simple as that.
Imagine you start crying because of his confession (because previous times when he'd tell you he loved you it was always played off as a teasing joke) and he smiles sadly and wipes your tears away, whispering, "C'mon now... Don't cry, Shrimpy. It'll be okay." But you just don't want him to die. Even though you know you shouldn't be so attached, you've grown to appreciate him in the time you've spent with him. He's flawed and so annoying, a heinous criminal, but he's sweet and gentle with you. Your job tells you you shouldn't afford any leniency to a person like him. Society says you shouldn't love or trust dangerous criminals. But your heart wants him to stay with you forever.
Aaaaa and maybe you finally give him the blowjob he's been begging for ever since you met him. >:) perhaps you help him escape afterwards and he decides to take you with him because you can't possibly go back to work now that you've helped a criminal. But do you really need your old life? Floyd will give you much better. You don't need extravagant weddings or even a ring. You just need each other. <3
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strawberrygyuuuu · 3 days
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 —> 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 —> 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜!𝐭𝐱𝐭 (𝐨𝐭5) 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
—> 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩.
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I'm running off of hopes and dreams dudes
Older brother vibes
Definitely takes care of everyone but especially you
Yeonjun makes sure you're eating at least 2 meals a day even with a busy schedule
Very protective over you because you're the only girl and he knows you get awfully a lot of hate because of it
But he tries his best to make sure you know that you deserve to be apart of the team as much as the rest of them do
He pushes you to work harder, but because he wants you to be the best version of yourself
He's def clingy to you, but in an annoying way almost
Loves ruffling n messing your hair up, pinching your cheekies, sends you flying kisses across the room bc he thinks your reaction is funny n cute
He teased you a lot too but knows how to not cross the line
And if he does he'll be so regretful and apologetic like he'll do anything until you forgive him he feels SO bad 😭🙏🏻
Likes it when you cling to his arm, hug him or depend on him in general; especially if you prefer or like to be more independent
(or too stubborn to ask for help lolol)
Bro is all smiles n gladly helps you or takes care of you
Forehead kisses
Complains n whines when you try n kiss his forehead or cheek back in return or as a thank you but he doesn't mind it, finds it endearing, actually
Let's you rest ur head on his shoulder while sitting next to each other if he notices you're really tired or so ur neck won't get stiff
You guys are close and have a special bond
Definitely knows when to comfort you and when you're starting to have a hard time, and vise versa
Loves messing with you though like, pushing your buttons a little bit cause he thinks ur reactions are cute
I think he's also hard on you but only because he wants to prove that you can do just as much as the boys can do
Tries and make sure you don't feel like out
Because he knows that it might be difficult for you being in an all boys group and feeling left out since you're the only girl
But none the less he wouldn't want it any other way
He's fought hard to get you with them and so did you having to constantly prove yourself; youll always have too
He js couldn't be prouder of you tbh
Always comes to defend you
soobin feels safe with you and he knows he can tell you if he's struggling or if something is bothering him
youre the main reason he stopped doubting himself when he was new to being a leader
and he's forever grateful for you
When walking up stairs he takes his coat or blaze off and holds it up from being you to cover you up and protect you
Hates seeing you sad or upset so definitely tries to do anything to cheer you up or keep you happy !!
You prob bake sum with him sometimes in your guy's free time just for fun and bonding
Your BSF cuh
Like y'all are always together almost
Most of the time if you wanna find one or the other yall are found together doin sum
The schedules together are much more fun with beomgyu although I have a feeling the staff aren't the most thrilled 💀🙏🏻
He's so annoying But it's also kind of endearing you can't help but not be TOO mad at him 🙄 Y'all are prob the most comfortable with each other and you've seen him cry the most and vise versa Idk y'all just feel the safest w e/o and understand one another really well You guys truly have a special bond / friendship The most chaotic and funniest duo amongst all the members
Like, being paired up for challenges is hell for everyone else bc of how chaotic you two bitches are LMAO They sometimes will BEG to switch but just for shits and giggles the staff refuse to change the pairing bc it's funny n entertaining
He's def the one to act so brother like towards you
Like, he'll always come up to you and start punching you or sum but not enough to touch you just really close, but he's never actually touched you or hurt you
Idk dude it's js a brother thing apparently
Y'all are so sibling coded lol Rather you're older or younger, I think he'll still act like either an annoying little brother who admires his older sister or the annoying yet very caring (a little protective?) older brother with his little sister
Eats food with you all the time
There's been far too many times where he's made you starve and wait while he got his food js so y'all could eat together
Sorry pooks you gotta wait to eat, get used to it
It's also js y'all's love language, especially bg's
Def partners n crime, y'all need each other to fight crime !! ( Y'all share one brain cell while together trust you need to be together to function and be smarter, kinda)
For sure tag team yeonjun just to annoy him and get a good laugh at it lol y'all are unstoppable!! 𝐓𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧
You're prob a little older then him
He admires you, a lot
He thinks the things you do are cute and he js adores you
He's such a Sweetheart to you😭
He's very understanding and relies on you a little more then it might seem
Likes it when you give him affection the most out of all the boys
He has a little soft spot for you
Gives you cute little pecks and kisses on your cheek sometimes because he just adores you🥺😭
Will defend your name in public and correct you in private 𝐇𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐚𝐢
Also admires you a lot
Like he really looks up to you even if you're younger or older
If he sees you face a fear of yours he'll be so proud of you but also it'll help him have strength as well
Y'all are always doing pranks or up to some kind of mischief together
Y'all spoil each other
Although you probably buy food for him most of the time while he'll buy you food on special occasions
Y'all are gumz
Always touchy and clinging
Seen back hugging each other a lottttt
Very playful with each other too, just cute banter
You guys are also seen giving each other belly rubs a lot especially after a meal like maybe bts to do episode you'll just see Kai n you rubbing each other's bellys in the background hiding in a corner
Moas think it's the cutest but so do the members, they love teasing sometimes, "aigoo, what will we do with these two cute gumz?" Yeonjun says fondly lol
You n him learn kep1er dances together and other gg it's so fun w him
Soobin joins you guys sometimes as well
Y'all support and comfort each other when needed though
Always have an eye out for you and always tries to cheer you up when you need it most, even if it's acting a fool or embarrassing himself lol.
They were all definitely forced into learning the whole choreography of magnetic by illit because you begged them, they couldn't say no to you LMAO😭
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A/N I've had this is my drafts for far tooooo long and I figured to js post this to get sum out cause I have zero motivation.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 3 days
what do you gain from sending cruel anons? satisfaction? approval from others? does someone pay you to do it? I never understood why you freaks do that bullshit. it's useless anyway.
I'm not publishing your anonymous ask. no one deserves to look at that slop.
it doesn't even hurt me. nothing you say to me can be worse than the pain I've already felt. your words mean nothing to me. you can tell me to kill myself all you want. you'll never be louder than the voice in my head who almost convinced me to do it.
I've already reached my lowest point in my life. I've gotten better. I love myself too much to let you take that away from me.
you, on the other hand, are sitting alone in your room and copypasting the same generic message to random trans people you see online, because your life has literally no value, because you will never do anything of note, because you're unworthy of any sort of affection from others, and you will die alone, unhappy, unfulfilled, unaccomplished, and your last dying wish as you sit on your death bed surrounded by no one is that you could have spent more time being a cruel heartless bigoted irredeemable cunt to people online.
meanwhile I'll be living my best life. I'll forget about your entire existence later this afternoon. I'll continue to spend time with the people I love, and help spread positivity to people who need it. I will outlast you. I'll live my life to the fullest while you rot in your isolation. I will outlive you. my legacy will continue after I'm gone while people will try and pretend that your ilk never existed. I will outlove you. I will be a reminder that your negativity and hatred is but a momentary stain on existence that will be washed away by unconditional love and support.
I'm no longer speaking to that anonymous asker. instead I address this to my followers, as well as anyone else who may see this post: do not answer anon hate ever. it's not worth it. those people do not care about your response, and only receive gratification from seeing you suffer.
I know a lot of you weren't online in ye olden days. but back then, we had rules for the internet. and one of them is to never feed the trolls. feeding the trolls mean they win. somewhere along the line some of them managed to convince people that blocking the trolls means they win. that's not true. blocking means you win because you'll never have to see their disgusting horrendous comments again. the block button is your best friend. use it.
if you get anon hate, delete it. block the sender (which I'm pretty sure now ip blocks whoever sent the ask), and if it continues, turn of anons, or even turn off asks in general. do not let them hurt you. do not engage. do not respond. do not answer them. they aren't looking for a debate. and you won't change their mind. answering their ask just exposes their slop to all your followers. and none of them want to see that shit.
remember that for every hateful anon message you get, there are 100 people who love you unconditionally and care about you. do not let the loud hateful minority win.
maybe what I'm doing counts as feeding the troll. I'm not directly answering their ask, but I'm still getting involved. but fuck it. I'm turning their hate into positivity. I'm using this as a moment to spread awareness to others.
if you're a person on the internet who's received hateful messages, especially if you're trans, I promise you that you're not alone. ignore them. find people who care about you and love you. I promise that the small annoying obnoxious voice does not represent the opinions of society as a whole. I promise that nothing they say is true. I promise that you are loved. unconditionally. forever. simply because you are you.
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One shot: Falling in love
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Requested ? : yes by @queenoftheworldisdead
Request: Can you do Pedro pascal and plus reader? Maybe he falls for a costume designer on the set of one of his films?
Warning(s): nope
A/N: I changed it to the makeup artist if you don't mind! @queenoftheworldisdead
Image(s) found on Google/Pintersest
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"He should be here any minute", Sarah, your assistant spoke as she watched you let out a long yawn before continuing to put the brushes, blushes, small bowl of fake blood and hair clips onto the table.
"He better, or else he won't need my makeup at all, I could beat his face with my bare hands" you joked while putting up your fists and pretending to punch an imaginary person. Your assistant chuckled and made a mental note to ask Pedro's assistant if they could make a tiktok video with that concept.
Before she could voice her thoughts, the door to the trailer opened and a loud "Buenas dias!" erupted through the small room, Pedro entering the trailer and quickly closing the door behind him and greeting the two of you with hugs and kisses on the cheeks.
At your turn, you couldn't help but inhale the fresh scent of his body wash and perfume. That man always smelled like he was blessed by the Gods themselves. The Chilean actor grinned at you before whispering another "Good morning, beautiful" to you, making sure that Sarah wouldn't hear his special greeting for you.
"Good morning, you're five minutes late. My time is money, Pascal" you playfully scolded while patting his back, making him give you a quick kiss on the cheeks. "I am sorry, I will be on time tomorrow", he promised and finally released you from the tight hug, not that you wanted it but it was time to get to work.
"Okay, today you're shooting a lot of fight scenes, so your face is gonna look pretty beaten and bloody", you informed to which Pedro sighed and nodded his head, knowing that today would be a physical exhausting day. Nonetheless, he loved his job and loved that he got to spend the following hour in peace and with you.
"Okay, I'll see if Denzel is ready, if he is then I'll start his makeup too" Sarah informed you. You hummed in response while focusing your eyes on the makeup you had set up, ready to be used. She nodded her head at your vocal response and quickly left the trailer, knowing that you and Pedro needed all the concentration in the world.
Once Sarah had closed the door behind her, Pedro sat down in his designated chair and removed his glasses, placing them on the table and letting out a tired sigh before focusing his gaze on you. You were standing next to him, leaning over to open the SFX makeup jar while thinking about how long and deep the first fake scar would need to look like.
"I'm really Sorry, mi amor. I overslept" Pedro's gentle voice pulled you out of your rhythm, to which you chuckled and faced him while silently admiring his beautiful face. His eyes stared deeply into your and he had this genuine look of regret on his face, his brown eyes begging you for forgiveness.
"You have nothing to worry about Pedro, I was half joking" you chuckled and patted him on his shoulder, not realizing that goosebumps had made their way across his skin at your touch, his stomach churned in delight nervousness while his heart fluttered in his chest. That man was long gone for you.
"When are we going to address this" Pedro responded, his question making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and surprise, your heart skipping a beat as you felt like you had been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do.
"Address what?" you asked and let out a nervous chuckle, the actor's piercing and loving gaze keeping you on your toes. The tension shifted in the trailer and a part of you knew that you needed to start doing your job or else the director would get annoyed at the delay.
"How we both are hopelessly in love with one another. How I can feel your increased heartbeat whenever I hug you, how you're the first and last thing on my mind. How I know that you're not gonna allow yourself to voice your deepest thoughts about your feelings towards me because you know that falling in love with an actor is not the most convenient thing on this planet".
Pedro gave you a wide smile, his eyes sparkling while you sat there awestruck. He had read you like an open book and you felt somehow exposed but at the same time relieved because he had indeed voiced your deepest thoughts.
A shaky sigh left your lips as you broke the intense eye contact for a few seconds, needing to gather your thoughts.
"Pedro..." you sighed and looked back at him again, seeing how he leaned forwards and gently placed his hands on your thick waist, pulling you closed to him so that now you were standing in front of him.
He gently wrapped his strong arms around your waist and placed his chin on your big stomach, smiling up at you and looking so damn adorable and handsome that it made your heart skip a beat while a delicate shiver ran its way down your spine.
"I know what you're thinking. I am asking you for one date, an afternoon or evening where it's just the two of us and nobody else. No work, no coworkers just us. If you decide to not pursue your feelings and keep things professional, I will do the same", Pedro's suggestion sounded heavenly.
"Okay, one date. And then a few days time to gather my thoughts and then I'll let you know my decision" you repeated with a quick head nod, loosing the inner battle of not touching the actor and gently letting your soft hand brush through his still damp curls. The motion made the actor let out a soft sigh, already loving your touch and yearning for only more.
"Thank you. I will set everything up, all I need from you is to show up".
"Don't tell me that, I will show up in sweats and a baggy shirt" you chuckled and shook your head.
Pedro surprised you by quickly standing up, still holding you in close while a wide grin took over his face.
"I don't give a fuck how you'll dress up, I'm already blessed to know that I'll spend a few hours with you", his romantic confession made you bite back a shit-eating grin as you felt your knees weaken.
"We gotta get back to work now, or both of our asses will be served on a silver platter" you spoke and let out a sigh, wishing that this moment would never stop. You had finally gotten the confession you had been secretly been hoping and wishing for. A deep sense of peace and glee settled in your soul as you couldn't wait for the special date.
"Then let's get back to work, but not before this-" Pedro surprised you by leaning forward and stealing a soft, gentle kiss from your lips. The delicateness of his motion making your head spin while your lips tingled with glee. You gasped at the sensations and pushed the actor back in his seat, making him let out a chuckle while you shook your head and finally got to work on his face.
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gracies-baby · 1 day
this account is the reason i am on tumblr fr. could you do one where audrey and abby are plotting to get gracie and y/n together but theyre already together and audrey and abby either see them kissing or bump into them on a date or something
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(Gracie Abrams x Reader)
I’m so sorry this took so long 😭
"What're you smiling at?" Audrey teases her friend when she sees her smiling at her phone.
"Nothing. It doesn't matter" Gracie replies as she puts her phone down to face her best friend.
"Nothing wouldn't happen to be coming over today, would she? Me and Abby decided we should talk to her. We know you're never gonna make the first move so we're just gonna have to convince Y/n to like jump on you or something" Audrey smirks as she watches her roommates face turn red.
"Ew Audrey! What the fuck?!" The brunette groans as she walks to the kitchen.
"Don't act like you wouldn't love that!" Audrey teases before walking back to her room.
"Hey!" Gracie exclaims as she answers the door to see Abby and Y/n on the other side. She steps aside to let the other two girls in. Abby greets her cousin before walking to the kitchen to find something to eat, leaving the other two girls alone.
"Hi, I missed you" Y/n smiles as she quickly leans up to press a quick peck against the brunette's lips.
"I definitely missed you more. Audrey thinks I've got a crush on you by the way. She won't stop bugging me about it" Gracie replies as she looks around to make sure neither of the other two could hear them.
"Well, is she wrong? Abby thinks I've got a crush on you too. She keeps telling me stories about you as a kid by the way. Did you really rip the heads off all her dolls?" Y/n asks as she walks further into the apartment to sit on the couch.
"She was being a bitch. I wouldn't have done it if she didn't deserve it" Gracie replies, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders, allowing Y/n to rest her head on her shoulder.
"You seem like you were a mean kid. I don't think we would've gotten along" Y/n jokes as Gracie scoffs jokingly.
"I wasn't mean! Abby was just annoying. She would always cheat at games. One time, we got into a big fight over monopoly and my mom said we weren't allowed to play anymore. We haven't played it since then"
"She still cheats at games. We should play monopoly tonight. I wanna see you being competitive" Y/n replies as she moves away from the brunette, seeing Audrey walk in.
"Gracie's always competitive. The other day, she threw my phone across the room because I beat her at Scrabble" Audrey tells her as she sits on the chair next to the couch.
"You definitely cheated. I would've won if you hadn't cheated" Gracie grumbles as she turns her eyes to the TV.
"Gracie, not everyone cheats at games. Maybe you're just not as good as you think you are" Y/n replies causing the brunette to jokingly glare at her before Abby walks in.
"Yeah, she kinda sucks at games honestly. She only thinks she's good because she always beat Henry and August but that's only because they suck even more" Abby teases as she takes a seat next to Y/n on the couch.
"Fine, lets play monopoly then. I'm gonna kick all your asses" Gracie grumbles as they all go to sit at the table.
"You need to pay!" Gracie yells at her cousin when she lands on her property.
"No I don't! You didn't even pay for the property! You just took the card" Abby yells back as she covers her money, making sure the brunette can't steal it.
"Y/n, tell her I paid for it!" The brunette asks the banker only to be interrupted by her cousin.
"Of course she's gonna side with you! You're her favorite!"
"Guys maybe we should stop playing-" Y/n tries to say only to be interrupted.
"I am not her favorite! You're her best friend and roommate! She would only side with me because I'm right" Gracie yells at her cousin before storming off to her room.
"That was.. intense" Y/n says as she begins packing up the game.
"Well, Gracie did tell you we weren't allowed to play. Now you know why" Abby replies before getting an idea.
"You should go follow her. Me and Audrey can finish packing up"
"Are you sure? It's just a game. I think she'll be okay"
"Just go. You would definitely cheer her up" Y/n agrees before walking to her girlfriend's room and closing the door behind her.
"Are you okay? I'm sorry, we shouldn't have played" Y/n tells her girlfriend as she takes a seat next to her on her bed before leaning her head on her shoulder.
"It's not your fault. Now you know why I broke her dolls" Gracie replies as she lays down on the bed, bringing Y/n with her and allowing her to rest her head on her chest.
"By the way, you're definitely my favorite. I love Abby but she's got nothing on you" Gracie smiles before leaning down to connect their lips. Y/n sighs into the kiss before Gracie moves to lay on top of her girlfriend so she can deepen the kiss. Just when she's about to take the other girls shirt off, the door opens causing them to jump away.
"Don't you two know how to knock?!" Gracie exclaims while Y/n lays on the bed in shock.
"How were we supposed to know you two were sucking face in here?! When did this start?!" Audrey replies with a big smile on her face.
"Around 3 months" Gracie tells them while Abby and Audrey begin to glare at the other two girls.
"So this whole time we've been trying to get you two together, you already were? Why didn't you tell us!" Abby asks.
"It's just been kinda fun sneaking around. Besides, you two would always leave us alone for hours trying to get us to confess and the alone time was kinda nice" Y/n speaks up for the first time since the other two girls walked in.
"Do you know how much I was panicking when you came home the other night with a hickey? I thought you were with some random girl! It would've completely ruined my plans" Abby tells her roommate while Y/n grins at her sheepishly.
"I'm so happy you two are together but if you ever have sex anywhere other than one of your beds, you're both getting kicked out 'cause we don't wanna deal with that" Audrey tells the both while Gracie and Y/n both look away with guilty looks on their faces.
"What the fucks wrong with you guys?!"
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vevobly · 2 days
Being Misty Quigley's Girlfriend Headcanons (Pre-Crash) [Part 1]
A/N: Ignoring Misty being absolutely "boy-crazy" with Coach Ben almost to the point of obsession, I'm making you her object of love instead! Devour and enjoy, my fellow Misty enthusiasts.
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Misty is absolutely devoted to you. Like in the original story, being anyone's girlfriend (especially the person she loves) means the world to her. The girl goes above and beyond to make you feel loved, sometimes even to the point of it being overwhelming. You don't want to know the lengths she'll go to just for you.
Misty showers you with affection through small but intense gestures like leaving notes in your locker, crafting handmade gifts, or constantly checking in on you to make sure you're okay. For Misty, your happiness means everything.
To your surprise, Misty is strangely confident in your relationship. Of course, that doesn't mean all is well with her. Misty is pretty insecure, especially about her place in your life. Sure, you love her now, but will you still love her after a few years? She constantly worries that she's not good enough for you or that you might leave her for someone else.
Because of this, she tends to ask if she's doing enough to make you happy or if you still love her. You always have to remind her from time to time that you're with her because you want to be, not out of pity or obligation, as she sometimes thinks. While her insecurity can be a bit too much, you understand her and always reassure her.
Misty is your personal cheerleader and your number-one fan. It doesn't matter if you're just participating in a school event, studying for a big test, or even having a rough day! She’s always there to support you (over-enthusiastically). She'll bring you snacks, shower you with praise, and offer to help with anything you need. Again, it can be overwhelming at times, but you appreciate whatever she does for you no matter what.
Knowing this girl? There is no doubt she has trouble understanding boundaries, especially yours. She often wants to be around you 24/7, and if she feels like you're pulling away, even just a little. She will get anxious, extremely anxious. You have to gently remind her occasionally that you're your own person, you have your own space that you need which she invades intentionally or unintentionally habitually. And while she struggles with the concept at first (she believes in that whole thing about couples being one when in love), she does try her best to respect it. Of course, the fact she never fully relaxes unless she's near you is an entirely different matter for another time.
If it wasn't obvious already, Misty absolutely loves doing things for you. It doesn't matter if she's helping you with your homework, making you lunch, running errands for you, or whatever; this girl will go out of her way to prove just how loyal and devoted she is. Aside from words of affirmation, acts of service are her way of showing how much she cares about you. You're the treasure she wants to keep all to herself, the jewelry she values more than anythi-
And of course with Misty being Misty, she'll sometimes go overboard with it. Doing things you didn't ask for—like organizing your locker or buying you things you don’t need, just because she thinks they’ll make you happy. Do you hate it? No, but it can be annoying and even frustrating at times. Again, you love her, but sometimes her love for you can be suffocating.
Misty is extremely protective of you (similar to a poodle dog). She can't stand the absolute idea of anyone hurting or even slightly upsetting you. Just like I've said before, this girl will go to great lengths for you. Especially if it's to ensure you're safe and happy. This girl won't hesitate to jump up to your defense if anyone says anything negative about you. She'll be quick with it too regardless if it was someone close to you or not.
You can bet Misty's protectiveness verges on possessiveness sometimes. Yeah, she loves you, but she doesn't want anyone else other than her getting way too close to you. Once again, you're nevertheless any smarter about it. Excusing her behavior again and again after the other.
Misty is hella big on physical affection. She's always eager to hold your hand, hug you, or kiss you in public. She doesn't care what other people think, none of them matter when she has you with her. And besides! Being affectionate with you is her way of showing the world that you're hers.
While you absolutely enjoy it, once again, it can be a bit too much. Especially in public spaces. Every once in a while, you have to remind her to tone it down in front of others. I mean, with the way Misty is towards you, you guys could be mistaken as two horny hormonal teenagers. (Jackie even made a few jokes about it, saying you guys were practically devouring each other's faces. You made no comment about it even after Natalie casually stated she caught you two getting heated in the janitor's closet.)
Misty is a quick victim of jealousy. She gets easily jealous of anyone, especially your friends if she feels like they're taking up too much of your time. She'll ask a lot of questions (practically interrogating you) about your plans with them and sometimes even try to insert herself into your friend group.
While she'll never openly admit it, it's obvious she fears being replaced. So you have to reassure her every now and then that your friendships with other people won't diminish your love for her.
You can guarantee Misty rambling on and on about her interests from minor things such as obscure trivia to major things like her passion for becoming a nurse one day. She is incredibly eager to talk your ear off about anything and everything she can, to show you whatever. You're always interested in what she has to say, but her certain ardor for macabre stuff is something else and you won't lie that you don't find it a little unsettling. But this is Misty! Your weird yet completely wonderful girlfriend so you don't mind it that much. It's not like Misty would do anything about her knowledge of those things immorally, right..?
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nocofamilyau · 10 months
not related to noco at all but what is katie and sadie’s relationship like now?
pretty good all things considered! while they're both married to two sweet guys and have separate families (none of their kids are other td characters, unfortunately...) they're still really close, and still live next to each other at that same beach town they grew up in, now both running that successful 80s themed ice cream business they've been dreaming of! its safe to say they probably suffered the least on Total Drama, only leaving with a couple of minor scars, good god were they lucky..
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gregoftom · 1 year
pretty sure i’ve seen romance movies with scenes like this
#tomgreg#where do i even start with t his horseshit okay here we fucking go.#so tom's first instinct is to go to greg when he's on shaky ground with shiv. the only way  he feels safe is to have GREG with him.#who tf would want greg as an attack dog??!?!? lets be fucking real. when he says that i think he means just a dog. just someone loyal.#who loves him and won't dick him around. i think he's pretty tired of it by now.#he wants an alliance with like. ok in this show who would you pick to ally with. i love greg but he's abso useless in terms of skills that#would keep you safe. if anything TOM would keep HIM safe. in fact tom  himself says who else has taken care of you. literally spells it out.#he even says greg is a joke; will fail; will fuck up; so what use does he have for tom other than companionship. other than love?#a dog might do tricks for you but your main reason for getting one is usually love. right? at least it should be. it would be in tom's case.#and don't even fucking get me STARTED on ''do you wanna come with me? ...sporus?" like girl.#you know what you told him about nero and sporus right. and now you're saying to him; yeah i was talking about you.#you and me. you're my favourite and i wasn't joking when i said i'd marry you.#the whole while tom is asking greg to be his attack dog his fuckin. eyes and expression we get it you're in love with  him. like it's ridic.#and all this coming with phrasing it sounds like they're fucking ELOPING. I HATE IT!!!!!! SHUT UP! stop saying that fucking shit god. god#they are so annoying. anyway#the way tom's voice breaks as he says he has things to do [what things. will i find out later.] and the deal and!!#what am i gonna do with a soul anyways... i have you what do i need it for. and as that paragraph said somewhere. he castrates his soul.#then they giggle and are fucking annoying and greg'S HANDS LOOK LIK EHE'S ABOUT TO IDK. HUG TOM? AROUND THE MIDDLE MAYBE#or do something else. and then they just hug instead and i fucking. ugh. i've had enough tbh good fucking bye
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megumi-fm · 4 months
#the secret to making friends is to let yourself annoy them#this is a joke but im also being completely serious#all my life I've been too apprehensive to make the first move because im always afraid of being bothersome#but looking back at the friendships through the past 4years at uni... im so lucky that a lot of people didn't worry about bothering me#and decided to come up and initiate conversation anyway#and also. whenever anyone has 'bothered me' by asking about me or wanting to know more... I have only felt loved and special...#so i guess what im trying to say is that#cringe culture is dead and theres nothing cool about prioritizing how you appear over the potential of a real bond#and I was born to be persistent and curious#so yeah. now that my graduate program will start in a couple months and there are opportunities to get acquainted with my classmates#I reach out to people with no attempt to hide my enthusiasm in getting to know them.#I double/triple text a lot and annoy them (affectionate) like i do my bffs and its incredible how 9/10 reciprocate that energy so quick#and despite the cultural differences and minor mistranslations/miscommunications we still manage to find common interests to discuss about#and it's like '!!!!!!! we're besties now'#yeah sure sometimes people might get a bit uncomfy and by the second message if i feel like I'm disturbing them I back off#but i won't know that until i reach out in the first place. so all in all this has worked really well for me and i love itttt#megumi in the tags
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serenedash · 2 years
so I wasn't expecting my khux gameplay post to blow up this much because normally I just shout my khux thoughts into the void and that's that, but it's been really amazing and heartwarming seeing everyone's personal experiences with khux, like I can't say enough how much I LOVE looking at everyone's additions and tags :)
I had tried writing a long post about some khux feelings but it just wasn't coming out right. this post isn't about the game this is about me sorry tl;dr I'm a very anxious person and I love to see other people just as excited about khux as I am because I feel better about how much I like it. which is A Lot
#sorry for being vulnerable it won't happen again /lh#the real tl;dr is that I feel very dumb and stupid and anxious all the time constantly for being obsessed with khux#but again everyone's responses made me feel so much better#like yes its a major source of joy for me but I get so anxious#and I dont really talk to people at all bc of it like discord servers are a special hell but I try anyway#and majority of my khux friends drifted away from it forever ago so I feel kind of really alone by myself#I just love other people's posts and content so much I feel so stupid in comparison- I look up to so many people in the community#making memes is such a great joy for me but I yearn for more yknow. I can be a serious artist past all my clown behavior I promise#I mean all my fics are very serious and angsty but no one reads my writing Im not too confident on regularly posting it so its fine really#I'm just in my own echo chamber on here and I always assume everyone hates me or is at least annoyed by me#like people don't really comment on things I make or send me asks or message me#so not getting feedback except a decent number of notes on my posts is like. not the best#im not guilt tripping people into interacting with me really its fine I swear Im just having my own issues#really dont feel you have to because also Im really bad at conversations fr#my personal tag is 'im rambling' for a reason#but anyway this is my house and if people don't like it they can leave#at the end of the day I love to just create for my own enjoyment#and if people like it too then that's great!!!!!#but I'm also still very anxious all the time
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imthefemalemonster · 2 years
You're wise for leaving twitter. I should probably do the same. People over there are too crazy and oversensitive. It's insane. 🤯
Honestly I've never really been on here except to lurk on Lucemond/HoTD related account and I'm glad - when I see things they receive over fiction ? It scares the living shit out of me. We are just here enjoying things, creating things, also we are not throwing it in their face so... don't like don't interact?
Looks simple but people would rather "call out" and cancel over fiction and pretend to be good people to their 10 mutuals.
Take care of yourself anon! You come always come here for comfort ♡♡
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5uptic · 2 years
#getting caught up on the twitter stuff and hsjdndjdj i live for people being petty. please continue it is very funny#i have a lot of opinions but let me say this. i used to like his chat better than ***'s chat. but i think it's just a smidge better#and that's saying a lot if you know me#anyways..... come over to tumblr! we'd love a bigger community here <3#(and don't send me asks about this because i won't reply. i'm just watching this from the sidelines)#....edit nvm. don't come over here. i actually don't want you guys here#and yes we are superior. because we don't give a fuck. and streamer/mods are not over here <3#jerma voice: every single person is my enemy#okay even more edits here we go#it's so funny to me how appalled people seem to be at the existence of cr/wfu fic#and everytime they stumble upon them it's like. they legit clutch their pearls#i have been in tumblr since i was 13 years old. nothing is sacred for me anymore i guess#it's a bit of a generational divide i think. (god is this an inside joke LOL)#I MEAN i would say that but these people are 19-22???#and then talk about 'boundaries' like no. stev said he didn't want to SEE people use his face as pfp bc its awk#but hes not in tumblr. so why would i not do it... like i'm saying haha fuck steve i have no respect for him this is why i run this blog#like no????? tw/tter culture is just so deranged in all the worst ways#i hate how common the phrase 'touch grass' is because it is very annoying and people just use it whenever but. but#sometimes people forget how human behavior works like and it is most apparent on twitter#we all have to work on that. God Bles.#this has been my manifesto alright
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