#wonder what i’ll even think of it now seven years later…
spacecravat · 1 year
awful. they put pellaeon in the mandalorian and now i’m actually kind of tempted to reread the original thrawn trilogy
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flowerfreya · 2 months
First Day
This is Part 2 of an office / cooperate AU for poly!141
Here’s Part 1 / Part 3
Pairing 141 x you
Tw: mean bf ( not 141)
The 141 leaves at the same time , and when they get down to the lobby they see that you are still down there in the cafe with a cup that is for sure empty and a large smart water on your phone. They are all shocked to see you there and and John is pissed but tries to breathe through it.
“What are you still doing here?” ,He ask.
You look up and is a little startled when you are greeted by 4 large guys looming over you. Your startled a little bit, “huh?”, you tired and you know you haven’t done anything for seven hours but your still not at home and you wish you were.
“What are you still doing here, bird?” John pushes out , he has an ideas as to why but he wants to hear from you.
“Oh , I’m waiting on my boyfriend , he gets off in 4 more hours” you say brightly , faking it until you make it.
“Do you need a ride ?”, Soap interjects, “ I get great gas mileage.”
“Oh thank you for the offer, but I’m okay”. You know how your boyfriend can get when he thinks that you are entertaining other guys , which you would never do but he doesn’t seem to realize that.
“You sure?” he questions, you want to take him up on his offer but you know you can’t so just smile and shake your head.
Four and half hours later you are passenger side of the car and he doesn’t even ask how your interview went just wonders what for dinner.
You roll your eyes , you don't even like cooking but its your duty since you don’t work and still need to share the responsibilities.
“Probably chicken and rice”
“Anything other than that?” , that pisses you off because one: you haven’t made chicken and rice for a two weeks and two: you don’t like cooking so he should take what’s he gets.
“If you don’t like how about you cook” you snap back.
“Don’t be such a bitch” he says casually. You know you deserve better than this but you feel stuck, you’ve been with him for 8 years, he was you first everything and while they has been many breaks within your relationship you never strayed and hopefully he hasn’t either (he has break or not).
You get home , you make dinner you don’t really want to make , have a sex with a guy you don’t really want to have sex with and go to sleep in a bed you really don’t want to sleep in.
The call comes in the morning at 8:30 am sharp , your so excited you have an issue answering the phone so it take a couple of rings beofre the sliding your thumb across the screen.
“Good morning , this John Price from the interview yesterday” his voice sounds so nice and low over the phone and you honestly love and it take you second to remember to say something back.
“Yes, that’s me”
“We would like to offer you a position as receptionist associate”
“Woah, bird slow down, you need to hear my offer and then ask some questions”
“Oh okay sure”. So you listen to him talk and do a spiel that sounds almost robotic. He ask if you want to negotiate for the salary. No you say. Honey, you should negotiate he says. So you ask for a dollar more than offered and he says that will be fine.
“When can you start ? “ he ask
“Ummm I guess not immediately, my boyfriend has the car today”
“I’ll call you a car” he says easily.
“Oh sure, how long do I have”
“Can you be ready in 30 minutes” . No. You cannot, but you say, “Sure”, in the most preppy voice as possible, you can feel the aniexty ramping up.
When you get off the phone it’s a mad scramble to find an outfit , which of course nothing fit rights and everything is wrinkly. You do your hair but you need a reti and your hair is fuzzy so you just leave it down. Your make up is not turning out right and you forgot to powder your makeup so now it’s going to crease. And you didn’t have breakfast but still has coffee so now your going to have to go the bathroom in 20 minutes and it’s not going to be fun.
And your sweating. A lot.
You just finished with your routine by the time you get the text from the number that called you this morning
>>the car is here for you.
You thumbs up the message, rushing out the door with your tote bag.
You slide into the backseat of the car because you think it’s a rideshare.
“What are you doing back there? Sit up here with me”. You look up and see Soap looking at your through the rear view mirror and shoot him a smile slide out of the backseat and move to the front seat.
“I didnt know this is what Mr. John meant when he said he was going to send a car”
“Mr. John,eh”
“ I just want to be respectful,” you say with a laugh.
“Hen , he will love that”
By the time you get to the office you are a bundle of nerves , you hate being the new girl , you also hate not being good at your job. You know what happens when you get a new job but you can still hate it. You are picking at your cuticles which is a nervous tick that you have, you follow Johnny up the office space and sit on the sofa next to the reception and wait for John to call you into his office. You do the basic onboarding task with and thankfully Kyle which you now know as “Gaz” is HR and that’s why he’s in the annex. After you are done with John you get sent back there and complete the rest of the task and that when you get shown your desk at reception.
“You can decorate it however you want”
“Really” You’ve never had a cubicle or a desk that you can decorate however you want. You're so excited to go to TJ Maxx after work and spend the money you don’t have . You sit at the desk and get started with making your system to work. Making a new voicemail message, making a new email signature and distro list. You look after answering the phone and having to assign to a rep and see a tall man with a surgery mask staring back at. You remember when you got the tour of that being Simon Riley. You give him a big smile and wave nd then point to the phone and then to you then to him and nods once, you transfer the call hopefully to Simon but then you hear Johns phone ring and you internally cringe, already knowing that you transferred the call to the wrong office.
“This is Price , what can I do for ya?” you hear and want the floor to swallow you up. You look over at Simon and his eyes widening and then is followed by his shoulders shaking and great hes laughing at you.
“Hen, a word ? “ You look up and see John in doorway, leaning against in that sexy way that guys do and you stand up from your desk with you head down and head over. You squeeze by him to get into the office and he shuts the door behind you.
“Please have seat , do you know how to- “ You quickly cut him off and start to explain how your still getting used to transferring calls and that you know Simon sits next to Soap but Soap real name is John but also called Johnny and then everyone's name is blinking an-
“Your not in trouble … did anyone teach how to use the phones?” You shake your head, and then he teaches you, like actually teaches you how to do things, and its the best first day you ever had.
You forgot to tell your boyfriend you had to work, and when he got home without you being there he called you. Your phone was on silent. In your purse. He has your location.
The door slam opens with the blinds bouncing on the door causing you be look and be startled. “Where the hell have you been” he demands , you know hes mad , his face is red amd his hair look like he ran his hand through it multiple times and you know for a fact the car is park half haphazardly taking up two spots.
Your used to this attitude and you make sure you stay perfectly still but not too defensive because it will make it worse but you’ve never experienced it at work. You glance over to your coworkers: John standing up in his doorway, Soap moving towards your desk, and Simon watching from his desk , he’s alert and you can’t see his hands.
“I’ve been here, they wanted me to start today”, you smile hoping to pacify him. You start to get stuff ready already knowing that you are about to leave just so he won’t embarrass you anymore. “I’m sorry it was all so sudden, you know”, ending in a nervous laughter.
“I’m not fucking laughing”, he says your name with so much force , you lean back as if that will get you away from him.
“I know” , you say softly, moving around the desk and putting your jacket on.
You look around and thank them for such a good first day.
“You okay ?”, John ask you with a tilt of his head trying to look you in the eye.
“She fine”, your boyfriend answered for you. You know you have tears in your eyes and if you were lighter you would be flustered but all there is to show for it is sweaty armpits. You nod you head and smile at him.
“I will see you guys tomorrow , have a nice rest of your day” , just as your boyfriend grabs you by the arm and drags you out of there.
John glances at Soap and then Simon and nods his head towards annex. They need to have a little chat about the receptionist and her little boyfriend.
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dazedandconfused-15 · 4 months
Heaven's in your eyes (Part 2)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader
Summary: Life in Hawkins is dull and lonely, especially after your mom abandoned your family, leaving you even more isolated amidst school rumors. Already shy and with few friends, you find solace in your solitude—until Billy Hargrove, the intriguing new boy from California, comes into the picture. To your surprise, Billy seems to seek you out, finding ways to talk to you despite the odds. Never in a million years would you have imagined forming such an unexpected bond with someone.
Link to: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
@tatumrileyslover @nocturnest @i-keepmyideals @eddiestans-blog here you go!
It has been exactly six days since Billy dropped you home that Monday after the trip. The following days he never fails to greet you if you cross paths in the hallways. He hasn't ignored you once, even though you haven't called him yet. The truth is, you are terrified of doing so. When you think about dialing his number, two days later, you think it's too soon and you will look desperate, so you put the phone receiver back in its place. At the same time, you keep mulling over his words. 'Call me when you feel like it'. It means you don't have to call him right away, maybe he really means to call him when you feel like it. On Saturday morning, you decide it's the perfect time to call him. Enough time has passed to avoid seeming desperate, but not so much that it seems like you don't want anything to do with him. You need to repay the favor, and even though it's pouring rain outside, you pick up the phone.
After a couple of hours of pondering and racking your brain, you decide to take the risk and go for it. You had written Billy's number down as soon as you got inside, safely on a piece of paper. As the phone rings, you're already regretting your decision, feeling nervous as hell.
“Hello,” a girl's voice answers.
“Oh, um, hello. Is Billy there?”
You definitely didn’t expect a girl to answer. She sounds very young.
“Hold on,” she says, sounding bored. You quickly move the phone away from your ear as she screams Billy’s name.
A few seconds later you hear the rustle of the phone being moved around. “...cking yelling like a banshee. Hello?”
“Hey, it’s Y/N” you say, hoping he remembers your name. It would be weird if that’s the case.
“Hey. What’s up?” he says instead.
You instantly feel relieved. 
“You told me to call you when I wanted. I hope it’s not a bad time.”
“‘Course not,” he says. “You okay?”
“I’m good, thank you. And you?”
“Yeah, same. What you’re doing today?”
“Um, nothing special.” You glance at the window. “The weather is awful. I was actually wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite?” It feels like you’re inviting him on a date. It’s embarrassing. “Since it’s raining.” Now you’re repeating yourself. You’re glad he can’t see you blushing furiously as you keep rambling. “I mean, remember you told me you wanted to see more of Hawkins? I saw the weather and thought about this place. It’s a bit outside of town. If you don’t have anything planned.”
“Yeah, sure. Just need to finish working on some stuff. I can pick you up at seven.”
“Seven is perfect,” you say, your heart still hammering in your chest. “I’ll see you then.”
“See you.”
You change clothes at least three times, unable to decide what to wear. You don't even know why you're making such a big deal out of it—it's not a date, just an outing between friends. Actually, you two aren't even that close. But don't dwell on that too much; what is the reason for your outing, anyway? Originally, it was to show Billy the rest of Hawkins. Dinner is part of that plan, but Benny's Burger isn't one of the places he mentioned, even though it's a bit more isolated. However, that didn't seem to bother him. This time, you decide to bring enough money to pay for both of you. It's the least you can do.
Despite anticipating this moment with secret enthusiasm, seven o'clock arrives faster than you'd like. You leave the house in the pouring rain to find Billy's Camaro idling in front of your trailer, its low rumble cutting through the night. You hurry to open the door and close your umbrella, trying not to let any water into the car. As you settle into the seat and turn to greet him, your breath catches. You try not to look too impressed by the sight of him as you fix your wet hair, but a quick glance is enough to get your heart racing. You’re increasingly convinced that this man has no physical flaws, and that thought destabilizes you. He’s wearing a white tank top under a black leather jacket, with blue jeans that fit like they were tailor-made for him. As he puts his hand on your seat and looks over his shoulder to back up, he manages to keep his cigarette firmly between his fingers, one hand on the steering wheel. You take the opportunity to steal a glance at him. The movement brings him closer, and the scent of his cologne reaches your nostrils, making your skin prickle. His long curls are perfectly styled, reminding you of a lion.
“I didn’t think you’d actually call.” he says as he shifts from reverse to first, heading toward the end of the trailer park. 
“Oh,” you say. “Why is that?”
“Dunno.” he chuckles, his long lashes brushing his cheekbones. “Maybe you were scared of me or something.”
His sentence moves something inside you. "Oh. Not at all,” you say, your voice carrying a hint of determination. You are determined to make him understand that you may be shy, but you are not a fragile little thing. "I'm not scared of you."
“You’re not?” his voice is like a low rumble, it burns through you and sets you on fire.
“Uh-huh.” your mouth feels dry, and you distract yourself by feeling the hot air coming out of the vent with your hands.
When you walk into Benny's Burger, it's practically deserted. There's just a couple of old gentlemen. From the way they are dressed, they look like fishermen. It looks like they have recently ordered because there is only cutlery and two glasses of beer on their table. Benny Hammond comes to take your order and greets you warmly. He and your dad are good friends, they went to school together here in Hawkins. Billy orders a double burger and a large portion of fries, and you order a steak with a small portion of fries. You were afraid the evening would be punctuated by few words and awkward silences. Billy is not the biggest of talkers, but the feeling of uneasiness quickly vanishes as the night goes on. You tell him about your dad and Benny, recounting how your dad was born and raised in Hawkins. When you tell him about his travels, you linger and talk a lot about California. Billy is curious about what your dad did there for five years. Then you tell him how he went to Jamaica alone and risked his life several times but had a good time. Then Billy tells you how his group of friends in California had been very diverse, two of them being a Jamaican and a Filipino. He tells you how good their mothers' cooking was when he was invited to eat at their house. You are surprised how the conversation always manages to bounce back. 
Half an hour later, Billy has cleared his plate. You, on the other hand, are still struggling to finish your steak, so he finishes it for you. You comment in amazement that he eats like a horse, then immediately apologize, feeling your face flush with embarrassment. Billy laughs and tells you he does weight training five times a week. You feel like saying you've noticed, but luckily manage to stop yourself in time and avoid further embarrassment.
You insist on paying to make up from last time, but Billy refuses categorically. You feel guilty, but his stubbornness prevents you from doing anything else. When you leave the restaurant, it has stopped raining. The smell of rain rises from the asphalt of the car park. As you walk towards the parked Camaro, you cross your arms over your chest, suppressing a shiver. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Billy take off his jacket.
"No, don't take it off, I'm good, really." you tell him, already knowing what he’s doing.
“Here,” Billy drapes it over your shoulder anyway. The weight of a jacket and the smell of leather envelop you. You try not to show your surprise as his warm hand gently squeezes the back of your neck. “Just wrap it around yourself. Don’t wanna catch a cold.” 
His hand seems to leave an imprint on your skin. You didn’t know you would like his touch so much until now. The sound of zippo rips through the silence and your mind. Billy walks past you, the orange glow of a freshly lit cigarette is the only light in the evening darkness. He opens the driver’s door and bents inside, inserting the keys and fiddling with the radio. You lean your back against the side of the car, enveloped in the warmth of his jacket, still carrying the lingering heat from his body. You breathe through the collar of it, smelling the faint scent of his cologne. 
The gentle guitar strumming of ‘Landslide’ wafts through the air as Billy closes the door, windows down, and leans against the car, beside you. You turn towards him, your eyes dragging over his body covered only by his wifebeater. He takes a drag from his cigarette, the tip of it vibrating until it almost turns red. 
"You’re sure you're not cold?" you ask, daring to be a bit bolder and nudging his shoulder gently.
Billy nudges you back, mumbling around his cigarette. “Hey, I’m a tough guy.”
You softly shake your head at his answer, looking at the trees in front of you, forming a wall of darkness, a trickle of wind shakes them slightly in the breeze. “I love this song,” you say with a soft smile. Then you look at him. “I didn’t know you liked Fleetwood Mac”.
“What did you think I liked?” Billy asks after exhaling the smoke, taking the cigarette from his mouth.
“I don’t know,” you hesitate, hoping he doesn't misinterpret your words. “I thought you were more into metal. Just ‘cause I heard you playing it from your car sometimes.” you hastily add.
Billy hums in acknowledgment. “So you were watching me, huh?”
“No, it’s not that! You just, sometimes the music is very loud.” 
He laughs, and it’s such a pleasant sound. It makes your insides swirl. “S’alright. I do play my music very loud.” he flicks the cigarette on the ground, the glowing ashes extinguishing silently on the wet asphalt. “I listen to metal, yeah, but I like rock in general. Hard rock, folk rock,” he jerks his head to his right where the music comes from. 
You hum thoughtfully, tightening his jacket around you. “That’s nice. I think they’re among my favorite folk rock bands.
“Those guys?”
Billy nods his head. “They’re cool, yeah. What else do you like?”
You hum while thinking. “There’s lots. My dad likes all these rock bands, like Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and a bunch of others. I picked it up from him. He used to blast them in the house when I was little," you recall with a soft smile. "He's a big fan."
“Well, well, well.” Billy grins in appreciation, his smoldering eyes on you. “Didn’t know little miss was so cool.” 
You let out a small laugh, and put a strand of hair behind your ear with a shake of your head to do something with your hands. You thank the night for hiding how flustered you are. “I just…” 
“What else are you hiding?” he tilts his head toward you, the warming mood bringing him closer than before, his shoulder brushing against yours.
“Not much.” you laugh again, unable to meet his eyes. 
“Huh-huh,” he mumbles playfully, bringing the cigarette to his mouth. 
You switch the conversation on him, to shift the attention from you. “And how did you start listening to rock?” 
Billy initially stays quiet. At a certain point, you’re almost convinced he either didn’t hear you or doesn’t want to answer.
“My mom.” he finally says. You look at him, instantly feeling the shift in his mood. “She listened to all this folk stuff, like Joni Mitchell, Mamas and Papas, Bob Dylan. I remember hearing it play in the house since I was a toddler.” he muses, and for a moment seems lost in the memory, breathes a silent laugh through his nose. “She was a bit of a hippie.”  
You can imagine his mom dancing barefoot in the living room, him mirroring her movement with a smiling chubby face, his bright blue eyes looking up in adoration at her.  
“And my old man didn’t like that part of her one bit,” he says then, his voice turning acidic. He flicks his cigarette again. “You meet someone and expect them to change what they are for you. Kinda makes sense, huh?” 
Something in the way he talks about her suggests to you that her mother is part of his past. You don't know on what level, but surely the whole thing didn't end well. And that's one of the sensitive topics regarding his life in California. 
‘Dreams’ starts playing next, filling the last few seconds of silence. It makes you think about the vinyl of that album you bought in Chicago when you spent part of last summer at your grandparents’. It was the right before your mom left.
"I think it’s kind of cool. It's usually always dads who listen to that music,” you say gently in an attempt to lighten the mood. 
“Yeah, no.” Billy snorts. “Surely not mine. He thinks that’s the Devil’s music. Still into that conservative bullshit.”
“My grandma thinks the same,” you comment. “I had ‘Rumours’ on vinyl before.” you start, referring to the current song’s album. I bought it that summer when I visited them in Chicago. It got damaged shortly after buying it. I still think she broke it on purpose.
“Shit. That sucks.” 
“Yeah,” you sigh. “It’s my favorite one.”
“Do you still have your record player?”
“Yes. I have a few other vinyls too.”
As the two of you continue to talk about music, a topic you didn't think you'd be on the same tune on, the mood returns to a lighter one. Soon later, the rain starts falling again stopping you in the middle of your conversation and you both realize it got late. Billy crushes his unfinished cigarette with his boot and you get in the car.
“Thanks for paying tonight. Again,” you tell him sheepishly once on the drive back home. 
Billy slightly lowers the radio's volume until the guitar strums are just background noise, his eyes fixed on the road. “There’s lots of other ways to make it up to me, but I won’t let you pay. Sorry, sweetheart." 
His tone suggests he's not sorry at all. It almost sounds like it’s out of the question for him. You try to ignore how the nickname makes your heart flutter, refusing to dwell on its meaning.
“But why?” 
“Because,” he chuckles, probably amused by how you seem fixated on the question. “It’s just the way it works.”
“Doesn’t make sense,” you mumble quietly, burying half of your face in his big jacket still wrapped around you and suppressing a shiver. 
“Shit. Does it always rain in this shithole?” he squints his eyes a little bit as he lifts the lever to increase the windshield wiper's speed. The rain is now pelting the car more aggressively. 
“I think it’s because you’re used to California,” you say gently. 
There still are a few droplets of water on his naked arms and shoulders. However, he doesn’t seem to feel cold since he’s not shivering.
“Guess so,” he mutters. 
For the first time, you notice he has a tattoo on his shoulder. It’s a skull smoking a cigarette. You wonder when he got it done, what does it represent? 
Before you can stop, your mouth talks. Your voice is quiet, but it is still audible. “That’s a cool tattoo.”
He turns his head toward you, and for a moment he seems surprised. Then his face settles back into a composed expression, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. "Yeah, you like it?" he responds casually, you swear his tone betrays a touch of warmth.
“Mh-mh.” you nod, feeling comfortable enough to say what you really think next. “It suits who you are.”
He lets out a quiet chuckle under his breath. “What do you think that is?"
Maybe it’s the relentless thundering of the rain over you, maybe it’s the fact that it’s pitch dark or you’re slowly being accustomed to being around him. You feel a sense of comfort enveloping you. 
“I think… You’re tough on the outside, you always act distant from what surrounds you, like you don’t care about anything and anyone. But deep down, you’re kind-hearted and really gentle.” 
The only sound breaking the silence is the soft hum of the music and the harsh drumming of rain against the car. Your swallow seems thunderously loud in the quiet, but the collar of his jacket offers some solace. Glancing at him, you breathe in the scent of leather and him, focusing on his forearms—robust yet slender—then his hands gripping the steering wheel, long fingers lightly wrapped around it. You wonder what it would feel like to have his arms around you, his hands on your waist, neck, cheeks. Every thump of your heart against your ribcage feels hyper-aware.
“Like, incredibly kind and gentle,” you venture, sensing the weight of your words. It's why you try to cloak yourself in the armor of a rough exterior, a fortress formed by sharp cutting gazes, sharky smiles and skinned knuckles. You want to say more, but it feels too personal, too revealing. You know he wouldn't handle it well. It would make him feel vulnerable, prompting him to close off. You guess he’s hiding some things from himself and the world, afraid it would spill over and flood the fragile sanctuary of his soul. 
Billy chuckles softly, his tone light yet evasive. "You're painting me as a real softie, aren't you?" his words carry a playful edge, his gaze still fixed on the road ahead. His eyes won’t meet yours, though. There are a few seconds of silence before he speaks again. "Got it last year. The tattoo. Hurt like a bitch."
You notice his subtle attempt to divert the conversation. But you can’t blame him. You went a bit too hard. 
“I want to get one too. Someday,” you murmur. 
“Yeah?” he glances at you.”D’you have something in mind?” 
“Not really…I guess I’d have to think about it.”
“You should. It’s gonna be there forever. Unless you get it lasered off, which is a new thing. And that’s a whole other level of pain.”
Just to make you think about it makes you shiver. “Laser it…?”
Getting a tattoo is something you have to ponder for a long time indeed. And you’ve always had a penchant for changing your mind. Getting excited about ideas, projects, and it always seemed to work for a long time until you changed your mind. Or something happened and you consequently changed your vision of things. You’ve always been uncertain. Your life had a penchant for unexpected events and uncertainties as well.
“Maybe getting a tattoo is not for me,” you mumble. “I’m bad at making decisions. I feel like all of my life is going to be like this.”
“What do you mean?”
As the car slows down, you realize you’re already driving on Forrest Hill trail road.  
“I mean…” you sigh, uncertain whether to delve into what’s on your mind and risk exposing yourself. But Billy opened up tonight, so you feel compelled to do the same. It also feels kind of natural. “In my life, things always seem to take unexpected turns. Often in a bad way. I can never know what to expect. And I don’t like that.”
The car comes to a halt, and you find yourselves parked in front of your trailer.
“Well, I could tell you ‘That’s the beauty of it’ or some stupid shit like that. But huh…” he chuckles, shaking his head as he rattles the pack of cigarettes in his palm to extract one. “My life has been a shit show itself. So, I get it.”
“I’m really sorry,” you say softly. That’s all you can say, you can only imagine from the vague piece of information he gave you. 
Billy shrugs as if to brush it off. It’s so natural it looks rehearsed. You wish you could tell him it does matter, that he deserved to have a happy childhood, he deserves a happy life.
“I wish I could at least have a hint. Even if it’s just one piece of information. I don’t like all of this uncertainty,” you continue. You've known Billy long enough to understand he doesn’t appreciate pity, or even anything that remotely seems like pity. “I wish I could see my future. My grandma…” you stop yourself with an embarrassed laugh. “I know this is gonna sound stupid. It’s probably not true anyways. But I’ve always wanted to get my palm read. My grandma used to know how to do it.”
Met with silence, you feel the familiar burn of shame and regret welling up inside you. Why would you say that? He’s probably thinking you’re crazy for believing in this stuff.
“Wanna give it a shot?” 
You turn toward him in surprise. “You know how?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty good at it.” he shrugs, putting the pack of cigarettes in the compartment. Then places his cigarette behind his ear. “Come on.” he holds his palm in invitation. You place your hand in his, palm facing up. 
“Alright,” he begins, tracing a line with his fingertip, “This here, is your headline. It’s curved and wavy, which means you’re creative and intuitive. You think outside the box, not afraid to follow your own path.”
You watch his face, his concentration as he reads your lines. “And this one. Huh. Oh yeah. See, your lifeline is strong and deep,” he continues, his voice a low rumble. “That means you’re full of energy, and vitality. You’ve got resilience, no matter what life throws at you.”
He shifts his focus to another line, “An this, here, this is your fate line. Not everyone has one. Suggests you’ve got a purpose, something you’re meant to do, and it’ll shape your life significantly. Basically, your destiny is in your hands.”
His thumb moves lightly over your palm, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. “Your skin is soft. How's it so soft all the time?” he almost mutters to himself. “Means you’re sensitive, maybe a bit sheltered. Shows you’re not letting anyone in. But it’s not a bad thing, you know what I mean?”
You could listen to his voice forever. It’s like a low melody, resonating deep within you.
“How do you know all this?” you breathe, your eyes studying his face. 
“Told you my mom was a hippie. She was into all of this stuff. Taught me how to do it. Shit”, he chuckles. “...haven’t done that since I was ten probably.”
Finally, he traces the heart line, deep and prominent. “And this,” he says, rubbing his finger across a line that nearly runs the full width of your palm. “is your heart line. It runs deep, straight across. It means you feel things intensely. You love deeply, but you also hurt deeply. See this?” he presses his thumb into the little fleshy space between the first and middle fingers, then meets your eyes. “When it curves outward like this, it means you’re willing to give a lot to the other person. Like, you give all of you.”
You are caught between the urge to look away from him and hold his gaze. His tourmaline eyes are two deep pools in which you swear you can lose yourself.
“I uh, we’ll see about that.” you manage to say. “I haven’t had anything like that before.”
“Haven’t had a boyfriend yet?”
A small laugh escapes your lips at your own embarrassment. His own slightly twitch too. “God, no. I haven't exactly been in the game.”
“So nada, huh?”
One of his thumbs caresses your palm, the other the skin of the inside of your wrist, drawing circles. It sends tingling along your body. A pleasant shiver that makes your whole body aware, a hot sensation in the pit of your stomach, all your nerves rising. You can feel something hanging in the air, a palpable tension, but you also wonder if it's just your imagination running wild. Being inexperienced as you are, perhaps it’s all in your head, and all of this is fueled by the undeniable attraction you feel toward him. Then Billy jerks his chin toward your right.
“Looks like your dad is waiting for you.” 
You follow the direction he’s pointing at. Indeed, the little light outside the trailer is lit. Your dad is peering at the small window on the door, you can see him munching a pickle in the meantime. As you’ve been burned, you quickly retract your hand from his.
You are grateful to your dad for entering the picture and getting you out of this situation. With him looking at both of you, you can do little other than simply greet Billy without a second thought. Had he not been there, you would surely have stumbled over your words.
“Oh, uhm. Sorry about that.” you chew at your bottom lip before looking back at Billy, an apologetic expression on your face. It’s embarrassing. “He was probably worried, he does that when I come back late. Oh,” you suddenly remember you’re still wearing his jacket, so you quickly take it off. “Here. Thank you. I’ll see you at school?”
Billy takes the jacket. “Yeah. See you there. Sleep tight.” 
You want to ask him if another hangout is on the program, but you don’t wanna press too much, so you hurry inside the trailer with your heart a little lighter and a thousand questions. In your bed, you keep replaying the hours spent with him unable to fall asleep. His change of tone and attitude when he talks about his parents lingers in the back of your mind. You don't know his story in depth, but you are increasingly convinced that he and you share more than you think.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
The Way You Miss Me | Joel Miller (Chapter Seven)
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Chapter Summary | Joel has been MIA for a week since he kissed you on the porch. You're paired up for patrol, alone for the first time and Joel has twenty years of time to make up to you.
Pairing | Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings | SMUT. MY BABIES ARE FUCKING AGAIN. Unprotect PiV sex, oral sex (F receiving) and some dirty talk for good measure.
Authors Note | It took me so long to get this right in my brain, but these two idiots are finally together again and I'm so happy that they get aa happy ending. This is the last full chapter of The Way You Miss Me - I have a small epilogue planned coming out soon to round their story off. I'd love to know what you think - you can pop into my ask to let me know and as always, reblogs, comments and likes are my life blood.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It’s just past 9am when a knock at your front door pulls you from the bottom of your coffee mug. You set it down on the coffee table and answer the door. It’s Tommy. 
“Good mornin’, sunshine,” He greets as usual, “Nice day, right?” 
You lean against the door frame, “Morning Tommy,” You smile, you know he wants something, “Absolutely, looks like it’s going to be a scorcher.” 
“Perfect day to get out and about, right?” 
You smirk, “What do you want, Tommy?” 
“Ben is sick, he was due to head out on patrol up to the lodge, I was wondering if maybe you’d consider taking his duty today?” 
It had been a week since the last time you’d gone out. Since the close call with Ellie and Joel. Since Joel stood on your front porch and kissed the life out of you. Or back into you. You still couldn’t decide. A week since you’d seen him. You didn’t know where he was hiding. 
“Yeah, I don’t see why not, what time was he due to head off?” 
“He was down for midday patrol, should mean you’re back in time for dinner later,” His hand moves to the back of his neck, like it always does when there’s something else, he’s not telling you, “You should know Joel is down as his patrol partner, I know things haven’t been easy between you two, so if you’re not comfortable, I can take it instead.” 
You shake your head, so Joel hasn’t told Tommy about kissing you. Interesting. Were you about to go back to being a secret again? 
“It’s alright Tommy, I’m a big girl,” You shrug your shoulders, “Plus, Maria will have my ass, you’ve got a baby to think about now, can’t have you out there risking life and limb just yet.” 
“I owe you one, thank you,” Tommy reaches out to squeeze your arm, “I’ll make sure he’s on his best behaviour.” 
“I’m capable of putting that man in his place Tommy,” You say, pushing yourself off the doorframe, “We’ll be fine.” 
There’s a slight breeze through the trees as you walk which makes the heat pleasant. You’ve got a rifle strapped to your back, much like you had when you’d taken Joel and Ellie to the lake, and a handgun resting in the back of your jeans. Joel is walking a few steps behind you; he’s been like that since you left Jackson an hour ago. 
“Enjoying the view, Miller?” You shoot over your shoulder. 
“Always have.” Is his response. He can’t see your face but you’re smiling. 
You have to admit, this is weird. When you’d met with him at the gun store, he’d been polite, saying hello, but keeping his distance. You thought maybe once you’d left the confines of town he’d lighten up, walk closer to you, maybe even hold your hand, but he’d kept a few steps behind you all the way. Maybe it had something to do with the tight jeans you’d decided to wear, but something in you suspects he’d a few steps behind to keep an eye out, to protect you if something goes wrong. 
It doesn’t take long for you both to reach the bottom of the hill that leads to the lodge. You stop and prepare yourself. You’d first done this run with Tommy in the winter and it had almost killed you. The snow had made walking up the steep incline even harder, and when Tommy had announced you were halfway you thought you might cry. Your lungs were screaming, the calf muscles in your legs threatening to cramp. 
“You alright?” Joel asks, finally standing side-by-side with you. 
“I hate this fuckin’ hill.” You reply simply. 
Joel laughs, “Come on, you’ve still got youth on your side, I’m old and this is fine.” 
“I’m forty-five years old Joel and my knees have gone to shit,” You hit his arm, “And my lungs are not what they once were.” 
He’s stepping forward to start walking, “That’s what you get for starting on cigarettes,” He scoffs, turning around to you, “You should really give up.” 
“Don’t try and take the high ground Miller, it won’t work.” 
He holds out his hand to you now, “Will you take my hand, for God’s sake,” He chuckles, “It’s not going to burn you.” 
You slip your hand into his and he’s pulling you up the start of the hill. His hand is still large against your own, his skin still rough and calloused, like it always had been. You’d expected him to let go of your hand once you got moving, but instead, he moves to lace his fingers through your own. You look down at your entwined hands and up at his face, which shows a smile you hadn’t seen in forever. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much,” He speaks softly as you tackle the hill together, “Tommy’s been bustin’ my ass with patrols all week.” 
“It’s alright Joel, you’re here now.” You give his hand a squeeze and a comfortable silence falls between you. 
“Listen, I wanted to say sorry for what I said before,” You can tell he’s a little out of breath, but you don’t know whether that’s from the hill or the nerves you can feel radiating through him, “It was wrong of me to tell you I hadn’t thought about you, truth is darlin’ I never stopped, always wondered what happened to you, where you were, what you were doin’, it drove me crazy the whole time,” He stops to take a deep breath, “I’m fuckin’ awful at this,” He grumbles to himself, “I guess what I was tryin’ to say to you was that thinking you were dead helped me stop thinking that maybe you weren’t safe, that someone had you or somethin’ like that.” 
“Joel, stop, please,” You give him another squeeze to his hand, “It’s fine, I get it. There were times when I tried to do the same, although I suppose if anyone was going to make it through this whole ordeal then it was always going to be you,” The hill is becoming steeper and you’ve both slowed down, “I guess I just always knew if it wasn’t going to be you, you know, that I ended up with, I didn’t want anyone else, that’s why I kept telling myself one day, one day I’d find you, and all that matters now is that I did, we can forget everything else, let’s just focus on moving forward.” 
It takes another thirty minutes or so of walking before you’re cresting the brow of the hill and the lodge comes into view. Joel let’s go of your hand for the first time since he took it, letting you press your palms to your knees, bent over to catch your breath. He’s right, you need to give up the smoking. 
Once you’re both sure the lodge is still secure with no signs of infected or raiders, you move to the guestbook which Tommy had set up and write both yours and Joel’s name down, with the date and any observation notes. When you turn around, he’s leant against the railings, arms crossed over his chest with his backpack and rifle placed against the wall. The sun in framing him like he’s straight from the pages of the bible, creating a halo around his head, and you think he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen, but then again, he always was. 
“C’mere darlin’.” He reaches a hand out to you and you walk the short distance, taking hold of it. 
He tugs you to his chest, arms wrapping around your shoulders as yours circle his waist. You can feel him take a deep breath at the top of your head and instinctively you do the same, soaking in his smell. You feel content here, he always was your safe haven. 
“I’ve missed you so much Joel.” You speak softly, feeling one of his hands drop to your lower back, pressing you further into his body. 
“I missed you too darlin’ girl,” He presses a kiss to the top of your head, “But I’m here now, and I’m not goin’ anywhere, I promise.” 
You tilt your head towards his face, pressing yourself up on your tiptoes to press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. You try to pull away but instead, his firm hand presses into the small of your back to keep you still and then his mouth his on yours. It’s slow, his lips pressing against your own softly, so soft that you could almost convince yourself you were dreaming. He pulls away slightly, tilting his face so his nose bumps against your own, then his mouth is back on yours, this time with more force behind it. 
One of his hands is tangling in the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling your face towards him and as your mouth opens for him and your tongues are working against each other, you feel the hand that was at the small of your back work its way down. His hand slides into the back pocket of your jeans and he squeezes, earning a moan to fall from your lips, only to get drowned out on his tongue. 
He pulls away and presses his forehead to your own, eyes closed, and you can tell he’s just as content as you are right now. 
“I’ve thought about this for the last twenty years Joel,” You whisper, “Please, I need you.” 
He smiles with his eyes still closed. He moves, turning your position so he has you pressed up against the railings this time. His lips are back on yours as his hands move to undo the button of your jeans, undoing it with the same prowess as he always had. He tugs the zipper down and then he’s dropping to his knees in front of you and you think you might combust with excitement. He’s pulling your jeans down your legs, trailing wet, open mouth kisses to your skin as he does. He’s unlacing your shoes and pulling them off before his husky voice is speaking to you again. 
“Step out of this darlin’ girl.” 
You do as he says, lifting one foot and then the other so he can pull your jeans right off. They’re discarded somewhere behind him, then he’s hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. Your head tilts back as you feel his mouth pressing kisses around the outline of your underwear. His hands are gripping the back of your legs, where the curve of your ass meets the back of your thighs and you think that if you have to wait any longer for what you want, your heart might stop. 
“Joel…” You breathe out, fisting a hand in his hair to pull his attention to you, “I’ve waited too long for this for you tease me.”  “What do you want, darlin’ girl?” 
“Take these off and put your mouth on me, Miller.” 
You can feel his smirk against your inner thigh as he pulls your leg from his shoulder. Your underwear is swiftly discarded, and your leg is back over his shoulder, his hands cupping the round cheeks of your ass in order to keep you upright. 
He licks the pad of his tongue from your aching entrance all the way up the seam of your pussy until the tip of his tongue flicks at your clit and you crumple. His hands on your ass are doing a fine job of keeping you up as he circles your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hand is fisting his hair and you’re pulling so hard you think you might hurt him, but judging from the depraved sounds that are coursing through your pussy, you don’t think it matters to him. He keeps you like this for what feels like forever, teasing your clit with his tongue until you’re practically grinding onto his face. 
“Joel… fuck, oh my god, I’m so close, please…” You beg. 
“Please what?” 
“Make me cum.” 
He wastes no time. He does exactly what he used to do all those years ago. He pushes two of his fingers into your weeping pussy, curling them in just the right way that you’re keening at him, shallow breaths heaving through your chest as his lips suction around your clit. It’s too much. It’s always been too much. Before you know it, your legs are shaking and cries of “JoelJoelJoel…” are falling from your lips as he works you through the first orgasm you’ve had since you last saw him.
He presses kisses to your inner thigh, rubbing his stubble on your skin to wipe off most of your slick before he’s standing. There’s concern in his eyes because you’re crying. Genuine tears of happiness that the man you had wanted all along really was here and was still able to pull earth-shattering orgasms from you like it was nothing. 
“I’m okay,” You reassure him, “Just happy.” 
He kisses you and the taste of yourself on his lips is sinful. You drink the taste of yourself from him, letting your palm run over the growing bulge at the front of his jeans, “You going to fuck me, Miller?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. 
“I thought you’d never ask.” 
He’s turned you around now, the front of your body pressed against the railings. You can see the whole world in front of you. The sun just beginning to set, the wind rustling the trees, and Jackson out in the distance. You hear Joel undoing his belt buckle and the sound of his zipper being pulled down. Then you feel his skin against your own, the hardness of his cock pressing into your ass. He takes a moment to push his fingers back inside you, gathering your slick which he then uses to coat his own length, before he’s lining up to you and gently pushing himself inside. 
If you thought the feeling of his mouth had been a relief, it was nothing compared to this. He had always been a snug fit inside you, the friction of his size sending tingles up your spine as he slowly edged himself inside you. He’d never fucked you bare before, too risky, but now you didn’t care. You could feel all of him inside you and it was like you’d never been apart. Fit right back together like two pieces of a puzzle. 
He starts thrusting into you in earnest, clearly as overcome with the feeling of being back inside you as he always had been, “Fuckin’ hell darlin’, you’ve not changed a bit,” He pulls you flush against his chest, one hand resting at your throat, the other wrapped across your lower belly, mouth right against your ear, “Still fit me like a glove.” 
“Oh Joel,” You moan, hands gripping the railing in front of you, “Harder, please.” You beg. 
He obliges, just like he always has done, “Darlin’, I’m not gonna last much longer,” He breathes out, hand snaking down to your clit where he starts to rub tight circles around you, “Fuckin’ old man, I want to spend eternity buried inside you.” 
“Ohhh Joel, don’t stop,” Your head falls back against his shoulder, “I’m… ah! Oh god, I’m going…” 
“Go on, give me one more, always such a good girl for me.” 
You do just that, the tight circles he’s rubbing on your clit and the filth he’s whispering in your ear, topped off with how his cock is slipping in and out of you, has you screaming his name out into the world below you as your feel your pussy clench around his cock. He’s not far behind you, he pulls out of you just in time to paint your backside with thick ropes of his cum as he fists himself through his own orgasm. 
You fall forward, pressing your forehead into the railing whilst you catch your breath. Joel follows suit, his chest falling against your back whilst you both gather your thoughts. 
“I have to admit, this is not how I thought I’d fuck you after all these years.” He’s chuckling into your ear as you both stand up, aware that you need to start heading back soon. 
“We were never conventional Joel,” You smile as he hands you your clothes, “I’d have thought something was wrong if there was a comfy bed or I had to be extra quiet, so we didn’t wake anyone up.” 
The walk back to Jackson is much easier downhill than it was going up it earlier. The sun is almost set when the gates open for you both. Joel had been holding your hand the entire time and you’d expected that once you got back to the safety of the commune, he’d let it go, but he does the opposite. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, and you find your hand slipping into the back pocket of his jeans, just like his had up at the lodge. 
You can see Tommy in front of The Tipsy Bison, he looks like he’s seen a ghost at the two of you, claiming each other in front of everyone else. And then he’s cheering, confusion written on the faces of the people around him who don’t know your history. It’s reminiscent of high school and you bury your head in Joel’s shoulder to hide your embarrassment. Joel shrugs his shoulder, so you lift your head. 
“Not embarrassed to be seen with me, are you?” He’s joking, and you know it. 
“Never.” You smile, pressing a kiss to his lips for everyone to see. 
You’re done hiding from everyone else. Joel Miller was yours and you were his. No more secrets. 
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mirimiramiri · 2 months
A story about a king and his koi
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Happy belated Tanabata everyone!
Here is a picture I did about half a year ago. I always thought it stayed behind its potential, so it got a recent make-over.
Hitomi invited Van to spend this years celebrations with him.
Now a snapshot from my work-in-progress story „Star-crossed lovers“ for which I’ll include the link at the bottom.
******************* The colors of tanabata danced around them, mingling with cheerful sounds and delicious smells to a true ode to life. It was overwhelming, magical, wonderful, and if he had not had his faithful companion by his side, the visitor from a distant star could easily have lost himself in the foreign spectacle.
Then, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity in this strange strange world, Van saw something that reminded him of home. People had kept a respectful distance around one of the attractions. And with good reason, for it was dangerous here. Lined up side by side were seven structures made of sturdy straw, each the size of a wagon wheel. A circular cardboard disc was attached to each one. Concentric circles were drawn around a black dot in the center. At that moment, an arrow hit one of the targets with a hiss. The spectators applauded politely, even though the archer was standing quite close. Nevertheless, the performance was not to be scoffed at, for it was a young boy who was now visibly proud to receive a yellow stuffed mouse as a prize. The cuddly toy was almost as huge as the boy himself and was grinning a happy, slightly psychotic smile. The little winner ran back to a woman and a man who proudly patted their offspring on the head. "Do they hunt with bows and arrows here too?" Van wondered curiously and walked over to the stall. An elderly gentleman with a round face like a pancake and dressed in a shimmering robe was picking the arrow out of the straw target.
"Ah. That was a long time ago," Hitomi replied. "Hardly anyone goes hunting anymore, let alone with a bow and arrow." "With what then?" "Uh, with modern weapons," Hitomi pressed. That wasn't her specialty and certainly not a topic she liked to talk about. She could google it quickly, but she didn't feel like it at the moment. "Nevertheless, the tradition of archery is kept alive here. More as an art and for entertainment than out of necessity." Van nodded. "To preserve the ancient knowledge." "That's right!" Hitomi smiled in relief. The man in the extravagant garment scurried around, showing off the longbow in his hands, challenging people to test it. "I've never tried it, though…" Van finally turned back to her. "Did you know that archery is one of my rather sparsely sown talents?" He smiled mischievously, just to the left, as if to express a challenge. "Would you like to try your luck?" she guessed in surprise. Van raised his eyebrows. "Not my luck, my skill." She vaguely remembered him firing a single arrow at the dragon's eye with a crossbow embedded in his armor. Somehow, she had always assumed he would use something like that on the hunt for food. More precisely, she had deliberately never questioned how exactly he killed animals to gut and eat.
She had found it immensely creepy, back on their trip through the wilderness towards Freid, every time he and Merle had slain rabbits and snakes without batting an eyelid to later roast them over the campfire. Even though it was necessary and important for their survival, she preferred to look the other way. "Okay." She reached into her tiny bag and pulled out one of those colorful printed pieces of paper that served as currency here. "Just give this to the dazzling, loud man. I think he'll understand." He accepted the 1,000 yen without argument, reverently and with both hands, as if it were much much more. He even bowed slightly to acknowledge this huge sacrifice. They had already had enough discussions about whether it was appropriate for her to invite him to everything today and to fulfill his every wish, no matter how small. With the result that his resistance was finally broken and he surrendered to her hospitality. "Then show me what you can do. Conquer one of the stuffed Pikachu for me," she urged him. "I'll prove myself worthy of your trust and won't let you down," he promised, marching off confidently. The crowd magically made way for him, expressing something that was more than just politeness. As if frightened by his extraterrestrial presence, a few half-grown men stepped aside, though he didn’t even notice them.
"Ah. Would you like to try, young man?" the booth operator understood correctly when Van offered him the money with a polite bow. "How many shots? One? Or seven times?" "Sumimasen," he replied for lack of alternatives. The man looked surprised. He had mistaken the teenager with the shiny black hair for a countryman. But this stumbling pronunciation gave him away in an instance. How peculiar, he had Japanese features at first glance, anything but at second glance, and when you looked closer, it became increasingly unclear where he might have come from. Apparently, his family tree was rooted all over the world. Anyway, the youngster had enough money for a shot, wanted his fun, and was going to get it. "So, let's see what you've got," he cackled good-naturedly, handing the boy his bow and arrow. "You may choose any of the targets, but none of the spectators, please! Ganbatte!" "Arigato." Van mumbled the second of the words whose meaning and pronunciation Yukari had painstakingly taught him. Then he inspected the weapon in his hand. The arrowhead was rather blunt. No wonder, since it was only used for ceremonial purposes and not for killing. The bow was about the same size as Fanelia's. It was a bit worn, but fit well in his left hand and weighed little more than a fistful of feathers.
By now, a crowd of onlookers had gathered around the scene. At least two dozen pairs of eyes followed the boy in the dark red yukata as he examined the possible targets and finally strolled decisively to the right. He took aim at the farthest straw body, then stepped back a few feet. "Pretty brave," someone commented next to Hitomi, who was watching the spectacle as intently as everyone else. By now the arrow had a long distance to overcome before it would reach its goal. But Van seemed to be absolutely sure of himself. He stood with his legs apart, put the arrow in place, drew the bow in one quick movement, nestled the feathers against his cheek… and closed his eyes. Hitomi opened hers even wider. What was he doing?
"Oh!" shouted those nearby. "He's shooting blind!" "He really wants to know!" someone sneered, and a group laughed. As usual, Van didn't understand a word. And even if he had, at this point nothing could break his concentration so easily. Over the past year, he had almost perfected the art of blocking everything out. Even himself. Often enough there was no other way to cope with reality. Hitomi watched in complete fascination as his muscles worked under the thin, red fabric. He smiled only minimally, but she saw it anyway. The neckline of the yukata had opened a little, revealing the hint of a sun-kissed torso. Just below his prominent collarbone, a pink jewel shone peacefully. Hitomi had seen him demonstrate his skills as a warrior more times than she would have liked. On the battlefield, in the Colosseum of Palas, against Dilandau, in seemingly hopeless situations. As far as she could tell, he wielded his sword skillfully. But never with enthusiasm, only out of necessity. Now, for the first time, she saw him doing something he was not only good at, but clearly enjoyed. Hitomi felt the butterflies in her stomach dance wildly again.
He was graceful. He had never been as beautiful as he was now.
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But the sight did not last long. He released the arrow, which immediately soared through the air, and the crowd held its breath for a moment. There was a hiss and a soft, very satisfying sound as the tip hit the target. A collective "Ooooh!" traveled from spectator to spectator. The archer opened his eyes. The arrow was dead center. Van smiled serenely. He turned his head and saw what he had hoped for: Hitomi, looking at him with huge eyes, overflowing with admiration. His smile widened even more. He had reached his goal, in more than one way. "Someone fry me a stork! Right on target! Incredible!" "A true master!" "A trick!" someone squealed. "But he did it anyway!" The bystanders applauded enthusiastically for the young man, who seemed to consist of nothing but pure confidence at that particular moment. Hitomi had never seen him so radiant. What other secret talents would he reveal to her? The thought made her blood boil, her hormones spike, and she had to hide a broad grin behind her hand. Meanwhile, the center of everyone's attention was confronted with completely different problems.
"And here's the prize! Well deserved." The cheerful vendor handed the young man a clear bag instead of a fluffy Pokémon. His victorious smile immediately faded. The bag was relatively heavy, which was not surprising. It was filled to the brim with water. Which was absolutely necessary. Inside, a strange creature was making its monotonous rounds, looking out at the world in constant amazement. It was white, speckled with orange spots, and proudly wore a thin moustache that reminded a bit of the licked lackeys of Astoria. The similarly hollow look in his eyes also matched that comparison. His new owner stared back, much more puzzled. His companion had to stifle a laugh. He came back to her. Now people were staring after him in fascination, but he payed them no attention. "That was great!" Hitomi greeted him with bright eyes. Unfortunately, he barely noticed because he was distracted by the thing in his hand. "What kind of creature is that?" asked Van. "Well, a fish. A baby koi, to be exact. Don't you know?" He looked at her and she had to grin again at his confused expression. "I know fish. Grilled over the fire or drowned in greasy sauce in Astoria…" "It's certainly not for eating. They are kept for pleasure, to enjoy the sight of. As a pet, a house animal.“*
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"House? Animal?" Individually, the words made sense, but together? Somehow, Hitomi liked the idea of the king keeping an ornamental fish from now on. Would there be room for the aquarium in his tiny, spartan quarters? How would Merle react? "Do you want it?" Van held out the poor, orphaned animal. Maybe he had a gift for her after all. But she put her hands up defensively. "That’s sweet, but my father doesn't allow pets." As Van became more and more desperate, she suggested: "We'll set him free. There's a pond over there." "Agreed," he said, relieved, and hurried after her. Away from the hustle and bustle, a dark surface of water lay still in the starlight. Only now and then could white shadows be seen passing beneath it like ghosts. Together they tipped the contents of the bag over the pond. The bright orange of a sleek fin flashed in farewell… then the animal was free and among its own kind. The girl in the blue yukata and the boy in red knelt on the bank and simply watched for a while, enjoying the wonderful moment of mutual silence in a way only very close friends can. "Sayonara, Klausu," Hitomi whispered, "I hope the other fish are nice to you." "Klausu?"
"That's what I named him…" He looked at her intently. Here in the shadows of some old maple trees they were all alone and unobserved. "Thank you, Hitomi," he said solemnly. "For showing me your world." "Gladly." "I apologize for not being able to bring you the Pikachu trophy I promised." "Oh no, don‘t worry about that! Seeing you shoot that arrow is much more important than any Pokémon could ever be," was her reply. She waved her hand defensively, and the small bag attached to the wrist flew wildly through the air. Was he mistaken, or did she become just as nervous as he felt? In any case, her sudden flow of words was another indication. "You know, there are always archery competitions here at the temple in the fall. And there's a lot more to win than just fish. Kamakura is famous for this spectacle, and the art is called Yabusame. However, the competitions are held on horseback, which makes it quite difficult." "I'm very good at riding, too." "Really? Maybe you'd like to come back and we can watch the tournament together?" "I would welcome the opportunity to come back." A pink glow rose in her cheeks and her smile grew even brighter. All the colors of the night gathered in her beautiful eyes. The sight tempted him to take her delicate hand and finally move closer to her. Was this the time and place for one long overdue first kiss? While he was still sorting his thoughts to plan the next steps, her mood suddenly changed.
If she had been nervous before, she seemed almost anxious now. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time," she blurted out. "I'm sorry, Van. I'm so sorry."
* Foot Note: sadly the joke gets lost in translation. The German word for pet is Haustier, so house plus animal, therefore the thing with the two words combined make no sense to Van.
Anyway, I love the short scene in Freid where we see Van practicing archery. It’s so calm and peaceful. A lot of episodes later we see little Van returning with Vargas (Balgus) with bow and arrow, probably from a hunting trip. See how happy he looks? He seemed to really have enjoyed that so I guess it’s his favourite hobby.
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starry-hughes · 8 months
Thinking that the other doesn't like them in that way, while their friends watch both of them become an incoherent mess in front of each other, wondering when they'll finally ask each other out
luke hughes:)
star’s 1 year celly!
you had interned with the team before luke got there. so when you returned, there was a new face to you. you were new to luke as well. nico and jesper were excited to welcome you back.
“rusty! this is (y/n),” nico said. “luke, right?” you smiled at him.
he fell in love right there.
a couple of days later, you were walking toward the bench during practice. luke was grabbing his sticks from the rack. “hi luke,” your heartbeat picked up.
“oh hi… how’s um, how’s life, i mean um, yeah how’s life?” he stuttered. what was wrong with him? he flirted with girls before with no troubles, why was this a trouble now? “its good” you squeaked out. luke, not paying attention, fumbled with his sticks, still holding eye contact with you.
the loud crash of sticks stopped most of the players on the ice from warming up. jack and john stifled their laughter. “shit,” luke muttered to himself, fumbling to pick up everything.
a week or so later, you were making sure the locker room mini fridge was stocked with water bottles before a game. your arms carried empty bottles to go fill up and you went to exit the locker room. most of the boys were in the locker room already but you had to bump into luke in the doorway.
“oh hey,” luke paused in the doorway, making jack bump into him. “luke!” you said. you suddenly forget every word in your vocabulary. “water. for bottles. yeah,” you stumbled out. he was confused before realizing you were trying to do your job. “oh! right, sorry, yeah, have fun with your water.” timo and simon watched the interaction painfully.
“i give him two weeks until he asks her out,” dawson mumbled to john.
the next interaction was barley an interaction. luke and you awkwardly attempted to side step around one another, but every time you stepped to one side, he also stepped to the same side. jack face palmed from nearby.
“oh my god this is torture. (y/n) lukey is free tomorrow night. i’ll text him your number. i’ll even call in the reservation for your dinner date!” jack groaned. your cheeks grew hot and luke embarrassedly looked at his brother.
“(y/n) are you free at seven tomorrow? i’m making the reservation for seven. luke will pick you up,” jack said.
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messedupfan · 1 year
Chapter 5
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Summary: Reader and Wanda hang out together with some of their friends and get to know each other a bit better.
A/N: So sorry for the late chapter but this thing is almost 7k words and it was very difficult to find a stopping point. Chapter 6 is most likely going to be late as well, hopefully I can get back to my schedule. Thank you all for your patience and for reading. I truly appreciate all of you! Enjoy!
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Spending a week in the woods, camping with Rachel, has been a tradition since she could walk. Jean only participated in the first two. After the divorce you weren't sure you wanted to keep the tradition but Jean made a few good points on why you should continue it. Now, years later, it's the best way that you get to bond with Rachel beyond the distracting devices and all of her shows and music. You do your best to keep up with all of it but she is constantly changing. You encourage it, of course. But it's hard to feel connected with your daughter. Except on these trips. 
You rent the same spot every year. The two of you build the tent together and make it cozy inside. Then you set up the fire pit and she finds the best spots for the chairs. The two of you make food together over the fire. Tell jokes and scary stories. Remain completely unplugged for the entire trip. At night she snuggles close and you cherish the way she holds you tight because you know there will be a day a few years from now when she won't. She'll be upset with you because you'll be upset with her. Things will get tough, as they do with growing up, and you won't get as many hugs as you do now. And she'll continue to grow up and find her own way in life and her snuggles and these camping trips will be nothing but a distant memory. 
Between meals the two of you make up games, talk to each other, and you teach her what you can think of at the moment.  The two of you swim in the lake nearby and have fun splashing each other. A dog runs up to her when she’s eating her food and you already know that she's going to start asking for a dog. Luckily, you're able to convince her that she's still too young for one. 
All too soon, it's Friday morning and the two of you are packing up the campsite. It's sad putting away the fun week but it's what has to be done. Once your truck is packed up, you hit the road and she's finally able to use her phone again. The entire drive home she is blasting her favorite songs and singing at the top of her lungs. Once you're back in town you're reminded of your plans and at a stop light you message Wanda to see if she's still up for drinks. You don't get a reply until you're pulling up to your apartment building. 
Too nervous to check, you unload the car and get Rachel comfortable before you check your messages. I’ll see you at seven? Your shoulders drop from the relief. You call your sister, Kate, and ask if she can babysit for a couple of hours. 
“Oh… does someone finally have a date?” She inquires and it makes you roll your eyes. 
“No, I'm just grabbing drinks with some friends,” you clarify. 
“You’re so boring,” she groans. “Alright, I'll babysit. I don't mind spending some one on one with my favorite niece!”
“She’s your only niece,” you laugh at her enthusiasm. 
“Exactly,” she says. “I’d have other favorite nieces, maybe even nephews, but no. You refuse to make anymore.”
“Gross, you do realize that you're upset with me for not getting laid, right?” The line goes quiet and you wonder if she's even there anymore. “Hello? Kate?”
“I’m here, I just had to go scrub my brain with bleach to remove the last few minutes from my memory.” She says nonchalant, as if that was the most normal thing to do. “Anyway, I'll be there in a few. You better leave me some money for food.”
“Of course, I'll see you in a bit. Thank you so much,” you say your goodbyes and hang up. You walk to Rachel’s room and knock on her door and enter once she says you can. “Hey kiddo, aunt Kate is coming over to watch you for a bit. I have something… I mean I will be… uh, I have to do something.” You cringe at how you’re fumbling telling her that you’re going out. Normally, to avoid this, you would plan to do something on a night you don’t have her. But you only have yourself to blame for this. 
“Okay, have fun,” she says as she scrolls through her phone. 
“Okay,” you almost want to laugh at how easy that was. “Okay,” you repeat yourself. “I’m going to shower so can you let your aunt in if she gets her before I’m out?” 
Rachel nods, “Yeah no prob, now go! You don’t want to smell gross for your date.”
“It’s not a date,” you clarify and Rachel mutters something to herself that you can’t decipher but decide you don’t want to know anyway. “Please don't ever grow up,” you say with a smile and she looks up at you with big eyes like her mother. 
“I have to someday,” she says seriously and it crushes something in you. As a parent, that is possibly the best and worst response to ever hear. “Now go, please,” she says with a small wave of her hand. 
You finally leave her room, closing the door to the point that it's left to a crack. Just to mess with her a little. Then you head to the shower because you haven't had a proper one in several days. Your daughter is right, you do smell pretty gross. When you step out you hear your sister and Rachel laughing at something playing on the television. You finish getting dressed and when you walk out with a smile to greet the two girls they look up at you with horror. 
“What?” You ask as you look at your t-shirt and jeans. Your usual attire. 
“Is that what you're wearing?” Kate asks as she slowly eats the popcorn from the bowl between her and Rachel. 
“Yeah, why? What's wrong with it?” You laugh at their judgmental eyes. 
“Nothing, it's just so… you,” Kate replies with disgust. 
“That’s a bad thing?”
“No,” she pauses as she continues to look you up and down. “It’s just not a good thing.” 
You shake your head with a laugh, “Gee thanks, little sis. But it's nothing to get bent out of shape over. It's just drinks with some friends. I highly doubt Steve or Phil are going to have anything to say about my outfit.” You grab your jacket and put it on despite Kate's commentary about not wearing it. “What? I checked the weather.  It might rain tonight.” 
“I’m sorry, Rach. You’re not going to get another step-mom anytime soon,” Kate says. 
Rachel is hardly paying attention to the conversation anymore so when her aunt speaks to her it takes a moment for her to respond. She shrugs, “It’s okay, Ms. Wanda likes their work uniform. She won’t mind this, I guess. I just thought she deserved better from them.” 
“Oh, she has a name? And she knows Rachel?” Kate says in surprise, happy to be getting the good details now. “This must be serious.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you shake your head. “No, it’s not. I’m not dating anyone, Kate. Stop encouraging this kind of behavior.” You say, frustrated from having to repeat yourself constantly. You never liked this kind of teasing. It makes you uncomfortable and feel like you have something to prove. Besides, it's not fair to the other person who can't defend themselves. You grab your wallet, phone, and keys. “I don't have cash on me so I’ll send you the money for dinner. Thank you for watching her.” You say as you get a text from Wanda that she's already at the bar and sends you her location to double check that it's the right one. You send her a thumbs up. “I’ll be right around the corner so if there's any kind of emergency do not hesitate to call. Okay?”
“Of course,” Kate says. She hands Rachel the bowl of popcorn and gets off the couch. She stands in front of you and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m sorry, I know I tease you a lot but… I just want you to be happy.”
You hold your sister for a second and pull away and smile at her. “I am happy, kiddo. You don't need to be in a relationship to find happiness.” 
She pats your check with a fake expression of pity. “Oh, you are so single. It's sad.” 
You shake your head with a hearty laugh. “Whatever, weirdo.” You step away from her and go to join Rachel on the couch to give your daughter a hug. “I love you, nugget. I'll see you in the morning.”
“Morning? You’re going to be out all night?” She asks in surprise. 
“No, sweetheart. You’ll be in bed by the time I come home.” You tell her with a soft laugh. “I’ll be back here tonight and will be making your favorite breakfast in the morning. Don’t worry.” You tap your finger to her nose and she scrunches her face with a giggle. 
“Okay, have fun!” She gives you one last side hug, careful to not spill the bowl of popcorn. 
Finally, you leave the apartment building and walk a few blocks down to your favorite bar. You used to work there when you turned twenty-one and learned many skills that you don’t use anymore unless it’s to try and impress someone you’re interested in. Especially since the owner has a soft spot for some of his former employees and will let you behind the bar to let you do a trick or two. 
Walking inside The Hub you grow nervous because this will be the first time you and Wanda intentionally hang out together. You weren’t sure what you were supposed to talk about. What if there is nothing to talk about? How are you supposed to continue to go to her house and eat her food if she hates you after this? Steve is sitting at the bar talking with Phil. You met Steve when working here, he was the one who trained you in mixology. 
Steve served in the military before you met him here. His usual story is that he only enlisted because he didn’t have a direction at eighteen and needed something to help him make good money early in life. The real story is that he spent the majority of his life training to be in the military. His entire family is in the military, it was all he knew. But once he was actually in battle he realized that life wasn’t for him. When he finished his six year commitment to the Marines, he didn’t renew his contract and hasn’t spoken to his family because of it. To say they didn’t approve would be an understatement.  
“Rogers!” You greet him happily. You do a quick handshake and pull each other into a half hug. “It’s been a while, I’m glad you could make it out.” You sit next to him. 
“I’ve been good, Peggy and I just got a place together,” he says with a grin as he takes a sip from his beer. 
“That’s awesome man,” you congratulate him. 
“Wow, it’s like I don’t exist,” Phil says as he sets a glass down in front of you and pours your favorite drink for you. 
“I was going to get to you,” you laugh at his impatience. “How’s it been, Coulson? The place looks busy. I can’t even find the person I invited out.” You look around to find Wanda and her friend but have no luck from where you’re sitting. 
“Yeah, business has been good,” he says with a frown as he throws his rag over his shoulder. 
“Why does that sound like it's a bad thing for you?” Steve picks up on the bar owner's mood. 
Phil leans on the bar and sighs. “My daughter is home for the summer and she needed a job but no one was willing to hire her so I thought what’s the worst that could happen? Turns out, it’s this.” He points to the crowd of guys that keep looking over at the bar to catch a glimpse of Phil’s daughter and you laugh as you realize that the ratio of males to females is not what you’re used to at this place. 
“Where is she?” Steve asks and you nudge him as you shake your head. “What? I just want to see her. It’s been a while. Geez, I’m in a committed relationship, Y/n.” 
Phil looks at Steve, “No one is seeing my daughter tonight. She isn’t scheduled to come in. I’ve made sure to give her all Friday’s to Sunday’s off.” He says proudly. You point out the room full of customers that don’t know and he laughs. “I’m not going to tell them that. I still need to keep this business afloat.” You nod with a smile as someone comes up from behind him and you recognize her from the photos that Phil has in his office. She is much more mature now than she is in those photos and you can see why she draws in a crowd. You clear your throat to get Phil’s attention and point her out to him. He spins around. “Daisy! I gave you the day off! Why are you here?” 
“Calm down, Grant asked me to cover his shift. Besides, these are the busiest nights and I can make great tips,” she explains as she ties her apron on. Her and Phil have a quiet argument and you and Steve watch in amusement. 
As guys come to crowd the bar you and Steve step away and you are reminded why you’re there in the first place. She is across the room, sitting in a booth in the corner chatting with her friend. Wanda looks up and the two of you make eye contact and you smile as you grab Steve’s attention. A soft blush warms her cheeks and she looks away from you. “There she is,” you tell him. Steve isn’t sure who you’re looking at so he lets you lead the way. You join her and her friend in the round booth. “I’m sorry it took so long to find you. This place isn’t usually this busy. Believe me, I used to make the worst tips here.” 
Wanda laughs, “Okay, I’ll just have to take your word for it.” The two of you stare at each other for a moment. Not sure how to act around each other in this setting. She takes a drink from her cup and points to her friend. “This is my best friend, Carol Danvers. She’s in the Air Force.” You reach your hand across the table to introduce yourself, mentioning that it was an honor to meet her.
“An honor?” Steve scoffs in offense. “I served six years and you never said it was an honor to meet me.” 
“That’s because you’re a nightmare,” you retort. 
“I will have you know, I am a delight,” Steve defends himself. “I’m Steve Rogers by the way.” He offers his hand to Wanda first then Carol. “I know, it's an honor to meet me.” The girls laugh at his joke and you shake your head. 
You turn to Wanda, “I’m sorry about him. Now you can see why I'm in search of some new friends.” 
Wanda nods with her eyebrows raised, “I won't lie, I half expected you to bring Rachel's mom or my brother.” She admits in a laugh. “So, how'd the two of you meet?” 
“Here,” you state as you sip your beverage. “We used to work together here.” You tip your glass to her friend who is engrossed in a conversation with Steve about basic training and sharing war stories. “How did the two of you meet?” 
Wanda looks at Carol and then looks back at you. “We met at a party in high school,” she shrugs. “We didn't go to the same school, we just knew a few of the same people and became friends that way.”
“Oh that's cool. Which high school did you attend?” Wanda tells you about the high school she attended in another state. Then she goes into how she made her way out here. That she got into the university here and that's where she met Vision. How she got into architecture. She talks about how her parents weren’t ever married and that her father moved out here when she was in middle school. Which is part of what influenced her choice in university. Explains how Pietro followed along shortly after and worked under their father to prepare to take over the construction business for him. 
Before she can continue on with her life story, Daisy comes over to the table with a notepad and a few menus. “So my dad is having a bitch fit and now I'm your personal server tonight. Here,” she tosses the menus onto the middle of the table. “I will be back every five minutes. Go.” She walks away and you laugh. 
“The service is wonderful here,” Carol says sarcastically. 
“Oh yeah, definitely employee of the month,” Wanda chimes in and the two women share a look before laughing at each other. Steve makes a funny face to you and you shrug because you have no clue what their inside joke is. Wanda grabs a menu and turns to you. “What would you recommend?” 
“The loaded nachos and that’s it,” Steve cuts into the conversation. 
You nod, “Yeah, that’s the only thing that doesn’t go in the toaster oven.” 
“A toaster oven?” Wanda scoffs at the idea that an establishment would be allowed to get away with such a thing. But you nod, not showing any sign of the information being a joke. “Wow, okay. Loaded nachos then.” 
“My goodness! There you two are!” A woman says as she gets close to the booth. “I have been to three bars looking for you guys. What are we doing here?” She slides in next to you on the booth and she gives you a flirty smile. “Oh, hello,” she winks at you then she leans on the table to talk directly to Wanda. “Now I know why you were ignoring my texts.” She returns her attention to you, “Tell me cutie, are you single?” 
Wanda bursts out laughing at your uncomfortable expression as the strange woman strokes your arm. “Agatha, pump the brakes. This is the friend I told you about.” 
Agatha stops trying to flirt with you and her eyes widen. “Oh! You’re them! Oh, honey why didn’t you say anything,” She swats your shoulder as she lets out a boisterous laugh. Agatha holds her hand out to you, “Agatha Harkness, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” 
You accept her hand and shake it quickly before dropping it. “Nice to meet you as well, I’m Y/n.” 
“Oh honey, I know who you are.” She directs her next words to Wanda. “You told me they were cute but you didn’t say they were hot!” 
You look at Wanda with raised eyebrows and a teasing smirk. “Yeah, explain yourself, Wanda.” 
Wanda opens and closes her mouth as she blushes. She knew she shouldn’t have used any sort of compliment as a descriptor. “I never said Y/n is cute.” She says as she points her finger at Agatha. 
“Right, you didn’t say cute,” Agatha gives her a big wink. 
“If it evens the score, Y/n told me that Wanda is very pretty,” Phil chimes in as he comes over with a tray of drinks. You had told him the kind of drink you wanted Wanda to try when you texted him earlier about being here. He said that he’d have them ready once you lasted more than ten minutes at the table with her. “If you ask me, Y/n is a little smitten.”
You shake your head, “It’s a good thing no one asked you then.” Steve makes an ooh sound, Carol laughs and Wanda appears a little impressed. “Thank you, Phil. I appreciate everything you do.” You rush out with an apologetic smile. 
“You’re lucky I know you,” he says after he clears the tray. “Otherwise I’d pay Steve here to throw you out of here.” 
“Oh please, you wouldn’t have to pay me.” Steve says as he grabs his glass, “I’d gladly do it for free.” 
You nod your head, “Yup, these are the people I call my friends.” 
The two men laugh and Daisy returns to the table. “Know what you want yet?” She asks with her notepad and pen ready. 
“Two orders of loaded nachos please,” Steve says. “And a side order of your number,” he winks. Phil smacks the back of Steve’s head. “Ow! I was joking!”
“Behave, I won’t tell you twice,” Phil says unamused while the rest of you try to not laugh. 
Steve salutes him, and then looks at Daisy. “I’m sorry, we’ll just have the nachos, please.” 
The night continues like that, with humorous bits and teasing. Daisy returns every few minutes to check on the table and you order a couple rounds of shots that you want Wanda to try.  You watch her to see if she likes them and when she makes a comment about how you know good drinks Steve points out that you have a home court advantage. To which Carol suggests a change in venue for an even playing field. You pay for the nachos and some of the drinks as Wanda refuses to let you cover the entire bill. 
As you’re leaving The Hub, Daisy pulls you aside while everyone else walks out. You look at her confused and she writes her phone number on a paper in the notepad. She rips it out and slips it in your pocket with a sultry, “Call me.” You find the gesture to be a little funny but you don’t reject her right there. You figure that you’ll probably never use the number. Out of respect to her father and to her. You thank her and walk out the door to catch up with your group. 
As they’re walking Wanda thinks of something to ask you and turns around only to find you missing from the group. She looks around and sees the interaction between you and Daisy through the window. Her eyes widen when she sees the girl stick her fingers in your front pocket. She feels a pang of jealousy but she isn’t sure that’s exactly what she is feeling. Maybe she was feeling off from all of the alcohol they were mixing. Why would she be jealous of you getting some girl's number? You seemed close with her father, so you could be receiving that number for any reason. And yet, she couldn’t shake the fact that seeing that intimate interaction bothered her. When you appear in front of her asking where the five of you are headed off to next, she has to snap herself out of her head. She shrugs because she was so focused on herself that she wasn’t paying attention to the rest of them.
Steve points to a place a few buildings down that the group of five make agree to and their way over. This place was more of a nightclub and there is a crazy long line to get inside which you were completely fine with. It gave you some time to talk with Wanda while waiting. She asked you a lot of questions this time, to get to learn more about you. All you talk about is how you’re from this city and go into the details of your family. How you didn’t like being a child of a bitter divorce and that you wanted better for your daughter. Then you talk about the different types of jobs you’ve had since you were fifteen. And you reveal how you’re working towards a business degree at the community college because you’ve always wanted to start your own handmade furniture business. Steve hypes up your work when he overhears that part of the conversation. You awkwardly thank him and next thing you know, the five of you are inside the club. 
Once inside, you hate it immediately.  The music is loud making it difficult to hear. It’s hot and the air is thin. It was hard to breathe in anything other than the aroma of alcohol and the smell of other people’s sweat.  The place is full and cramped with sweaty bodies knocking into or grinding on each other which makes it hard to stick together. The flashing and rapidly moving lights are unpleasant and difficult to see through. Wanda grabs the collar of your shirt and roughly pulls you close so that you can hear her, “Can we leave?” 
You nod without hesitation and turn around to tell the rest of them that it’s time to go but Carol, Agatha, and Steve have disappeared in the crowd. Wanda grabs onto your jacket with a tight grip so she doesn’t lose you while you search for the other three. You spot Agatha first, she is grinning as she dances provocatively with some random man. Next you spot Carol smiling at a woman as she leans against the bar. Lastly, you find Steve getting excited about spotting a group of guys he recognizes. It’s as if those three were in this place for longer than a few minutes and made themselves very comfortable in the environment. 
You wrap your arm around Wanda’s waist to pull her close to talk, “I think we’re just going to have to wait outside for them.” Wanda nods and agrees telling you that she just wants to get out. You guide her through the many bodies that are colliding together as they dance to the booming music until the two of you are finally outside. “Oh my goodness I never thought I was going to breathe fresh air again!” You exaggerate once you’re free. 
Wanda laughs, “Oh man I had no idea that’s what those were like! I don’t really see the appeal of a place like that!” 
“We’re not drunk enough to enjoy it,” you shrug. 
“I guess not,” Wanda looks at you. “Were you a person that could handle a club like that?” 
You look back at the building and know that there are photos of you in that place somewhere online so there was no point in lying, it was a part of your life that you’re not proud of but a part no less. You nod, “Before my divorce, no way. I was a full-time parent and spouse. After my divorce however…” you drag out as you’re not sure how else to put it. Wanda nods in understanding but you feel like you still have to explain yourself. “Those first few weeks with no family to come home to were so lonely. I’m sure you know how it is. That quiet and isolation is so suffocating. So, yeah, I lost myself in a place like this.” You think back on that time and your reaction to going into that place back then is very different from how you reacted just now. “It’s been a while though and honestly, I cannot tell you how I did it. I don’t know how they’re doing it now!” 
Wanda laughs in agreement, “I guess it’s fun for some people. A nightmare for others. And an escape for those who need it.” 
“That’s an interesting observation,” you say. “Did you ever do stuff like this before having the boys?”
Wanda makes a face and looks back at the building then back to you, “No,” she drags the word out.“It always seemed like my worst nightmare and well… I was right.” 
You nod, “Yeah, it doesn't seem like your kind of thing. Sorry about that, I probably should have shut this idea down.”
“Don't be, I could have said something, I mean we were waiting in line for like an hour. I was curious and now I'm not.” She says with a shrug. Wanda looks around the street and spots another bar with a calmer setting that also has an outdoor option. “Want to go there?” She points it out and you look it over a bit. If you get a spot close to the railing, Steve and the girls will be able to see the two of you from the club when they exit. 
“Sure,” you offer your elbow for her to take. Wanda accepts it and makes a comment about chivalry and you laugh. The two of you cross the street and enter the establishment. It’s the type of place where you have to wait to be seated. So you tell the hostess two for outside and she grabs a couple menus and leads you to the empty corner table you had spotted from the club. You thank her and pull the chair out for Wanda, she looks at you funny. “What? You’re the one who said chivalry wasn’t dead. I have to continue to keep it alive.” 
“That’s too bad,” she pulls the other chair out, “because now it’s my turn.” She pats the back of the chair, “Have a seat, Y/n.” You look at the gesture and happily accept it. Wanda walks around to claim her seat, “There, now we’re even.” 
“Are we? I wasn’t keeping score,” you open the menu and start to look it over. You have only been here a couple of times and are still relatively unfamiliar with what they carry.
Wanda sits there and stares at you for a moment as read the menu. Not knowing the impact your words had on her. Most of her life has been an ongoing score board. If someone did something nice for her she made certain to do something even nicer, expecting them to do something in return. That’s just how relationships and friendships seemed to happen in her life. It wasn’t until halfway through her marriage with Vision that she realized that behavior wasn’t exclusive to good deeds. The amount of bad things they did to each other until the end of it when Vision won and continues to win… Cracks are starting to break through the rose colored lenses. 
“Can I get you two anything to drink to start?” A handsome waiter with a winning smile asks, breaking Wanda out of her thoughts. You tell him that you’re going to have a glass of water and one of the local IPA’s. “And for the pretty lady?” The man doesn’t hide that he is checking her out and though Wanda is flattered by the attention, she wasn’t comfortable with it being from him. 
“I’ll just have water,” she says shyly. 
“Actually, cancel the IPA, I’ll just have the water,” you change your order. You don’t want to be drinking anymore alcohol if Wanda is stopping. “And I’ll add an order of the grilled bread and good olive oil.” You notice that the waiter isn’t taking his eyes off of Wanda and you notice how she seems to shrink under his gaze. “Would you like another appetizer, honey?” you clear your throat as you ask. Not comfortable with using the term of endearment. Wanda sits up as it sounds foreign from you but she notices that the waiter has finally stopped looking at her. 
“Oh um, yeah, babe, you know what I like,” she tries her best to play along as she looks over the appetizers. “You’re so silly, you know that I like the-the… oh! White truffle garlic bread. That’s what I’ll have. For us,” she reaches across the table for your hand, “to share.” You bite your lips to keep from laughing as you nod and throw in a wink. 
“Will that be all for now?” The man’s flirty demeanor has changed to a more professional one and you know that although the both of you are horrible at pretending, you’ve been able to pull it off. 
“Yes, that’s all for now, thank you,” you say politely. He walks away and once he’s gone, you can’t help but laugh a little. “Oh I think we hurt his feelings.” 
Wanda smiles and hums, “That’s what he gets for being creepy.” She removes her hand from yours. “Thank you for that, by the way.” 
You wave her gratitude off, “It’s nothing. He should be focused on his job and not making his customers uncomfortable.” 
Wanda crosses her arms and leans on the table, “Did you ever pick anyone up when you were a bartender?” 
You laugh and shake your head, “No, I was still married when I started the job and then I was enjoying being out of a relationship when the divorce happened. I got to learn a lot about myself in that time.” 
“Have you dated since your divorce?” 
“I have been on a few dates. But I haven’t committed to a relationship since Jean,” you admit. “And it’s not because I still have feelings for her. Things between us ended for a reason and we’re still friends. That’s what we were always meant to be. But I haven’t met someone that I could introduce to her.” 
Wanda makes a face, “What do you mean by that?”
“Well, when she started dating, she kind of made up a system to weed out the people she wasn’t sure if they would work out or not. If she didn’t think she could introduce them to me without a doubt that I would be comfortable with them being around Rachel, then she wouldn’t pursue it. Now she’s happily married to the woman of her dreams,” you elaborate. 
“Huh,” Wanda says. The waiter returns with a pitcher of water to fill two glasses and the two plates of appetizers. When he disappears she continues the conversation. “I’ll probably be single forever then,” she says before she drinks her water. 
You laugh as you chew on the bread, “Oh yeah, that system is not designed for people like Vision.” 
Wanda shakes her head, “Nope. I’m sure he already has a file of every bad thing you’ve ever done prepared for drop off on Sunday.” 
“Oh gosh, so you’re saying I shouldn’t have accepted that follow request from hotgurl69?” You say with a smirk. 
Wanda stops chewing and stares at you with uncertainty, “You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not,” you grin as you pull out your phone to show her the obviously fake account that followed you during the week. It had a couple of posts of an objectively attractive woman but not someone that is your type. You hand it to Wanda and she shakes her head in disbelief as she looks it over. “I didn’t actually allow the account to follow me but oh that was something to see when I got back.” 
“He is a nutjob,” Wanda says under her breath. She blocks the account just for her sanity. “I am so sorry about that,” she returns your phone to you. “That’s ridiculous, he is such a child.” 
“There you guys are!” Carol says with a girl under her arm. “These are my friends. That’s Wanda and that’s… Wait. What’s your name again?” She points to you and you smile as you introduce yourself to the girl. 
“Hi, I’m Maria Rambeau,” she says with a grin. “It’s nice to meet you guys!” 
“Likewise,” Wanda smiles. 
“We’re about to head out, I just thought I’d tell you so you didn’t assume the worst. Also, Agatha went home with some Ralph guy. I don’t know. But have fun,” Carol waves as she walks away fast so that Wanda can’t convince her to stay. You and Wanda laugh as the group has gone their separate ways for the night. 
You look at your phone to send a message, “I should probably check on Steve and oh! His girlfriend had an emergency and he went home.” You close the phone and put it in your pocket. “I guess it’s just you and me, that is unless you’re ready to go home.” 
Wanda looks at the half eaten bread on the table, then to the busy street full of people walking by and businesses that are alive, and then at you. Smiling at her with kind eyes that make her feel special. Eyes that make her nervous in the best possible ways. “No, I’m okay to stay a little longer,” is what she wants to say. But she isn’t sure what would happen if she did stay. How would the night end with just the two of you past this point? Would the two of you go on a stroll and continue to talk? Will there be a moment where the two of you get swept up by some romantic setting and she does something stupid like kiss you? She doesn’t want to risk this growing friendship for something so silly. Besides, you and her brother will be at her house tomorrow fixing her wall. She has already looked foolish in front of you plenty of times in the few weeks that you’ve known each other. She doesn’t need to add to that list tonight. 
“Actually, I am a bit tired. Knowing Pietro, I’ll be waking up at six in the morning to let him in,” Wanda explains. “This was really nice, thank you for inviting me out. I haven’t had the courage to do something like this in a while. We should do it again sometime.”
“Yeah, and hopefully something that keeps everyone interested and engaged,” you reply. “I’ll cover the bill, we don’t want to give prince charming over there any reason to make some move on you because I can’t pay for your meal,” you say as you pull out your card.
“Ah well, it’s only appetizers,” she remarks. “If I were him, I’d probably say something about the lack of a three course meal.” 
“Oh, no worries,” you say as you wave the waiter over. “I’m two steps ahead of you.” The waiter approaches and you ask for the bill. He makes a face stating that you’ve only ordered appetizers. “Yeah, we got a call from the sitter,” you start and glance at Wanda to see her start to smile. “Six kids is a lot to handle for one person. We rarely ever get to have an uninterrupted evening like this,” you lie easily and Wanda tries to hide her amusement. 
“Yeah,” she adds with a disappointed sigh, “And can you believe we’re expecting seven and eight?” She reaches across the table again for your hand and squeezes it with excitement. 
The waiter's eyes widen, “Wow uh, congratulations! You could never tell. Since this was a celebration, you know what, the meal is on the house.” You are surprised and insist on paying but he clears the table and allows you and Wanda to leave without paying. 
The two of you walk to the end of the street where you’re headed in opposite directions. “My apartment is that way,” you point to the building you’ve called home for the past year and a half. Wanda nods as she makes a comment about the building looking nice. Then she turns and points to the parking garage where she parked her car. “I will see you tomorrow then,” you say awkwardly, not really sure how to end the night. 
“Tomorrow,” she repeats, “Goodnight, Y/n.” Wanda walks away and you head home after bidding her a goodnight as well.
When you walk in, the place is quiet other than the soft volume of the television that Kate is watching. “So? How’d it go?” she asks in a whisper. 
You shrug as you remove your jacket, “It was fun. Her friends ended up finding people to go home with and Steve had to head back to Peggy. Wanda and I got to spend some time alone and it was nice. Plus, do you remember Daisy? Phil’s daughter?” You are sitting next to your sister on the couch now. Kate nods as the name rings a bell. “Well she’s home from school and she gave me her number.” 
“Oh, she has had a crush on you forever,” Kate admits. 
You make a face, “Really?” You don’t want to believe your sister, especially not since she is constantly making comments on your lack of a love life. But it does explain why she made the move on you when you hadn’t shown any interest in her all night. “Oh well, I’m not going to call her anyway.” 
“Why not? Things go well with Wanda?” She tries to see if you’ll admit that there is anything more than friendship between you and Wanda and you roll your eyes at her attempt.
“You’re insufferable, you know?” Kate shrugs and asks again why you’re not going to use Daisy’s number. “One, it’s none of your business and two she’s Phil’s daughter. That’s weird, I consider him a friend. I can’t just date his little girl without him knowing. Then I can’t end things with her if he does. It’s way too complicated.” 
“Is it? Or are you making it complicated?” Kate challenges and not having the energy to even try to argue with her, you get off the couch. 
“I’m going to bed. You know how to use the pull out,” you walk to your room. “Goodnight,” you call out to her behind you.
Chapter 6
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @evenbeingcrazy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @lizziesplant @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler
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ricky-tiki-tah · 8 months
Glamrock Freddy Through The Ball Pit Part 1
(These aren’t particularly chapters, but each post is numbered and tagged ‘#gfttbp au fic’ so it’s easier to get to them)
“Disassemble Freddy!” Vanny screeched, her wide crazed red eyes zeroing in on the bear.
“Gregory, run!” Freddy called out, giving the boy a soft push in the direction he needed to go before taking off towards the many employee hallways to lose the staff bots. “I’ll distract them!”
Gregory gave a determined nod and continued on his way.
Freddy ran as fast as he was able, finding a nearly empty storage room to barricade himself in, tumbling staff bots as he went.
That was a mistake.
It appeared that the staff bots weren’t working alone. The spare endoskeletons had joined in the hunt and started to bang on the door Freddy had hurriedly closed. He looked around in case there was anything helpful in the room.
There, a crowbar! After a moment’s contemplation, Freddy jumped away from the door, racing towards the opposite side of the room, past the abandoned ball pit that seemed to be the only other thing in the room.
He didn’t make it. The staff bots swarmed him and the much stronger endos started tearing into his outer shell.
The bots ripped him apart, pieces flying everywhere. Freddy had barely enough time to hope Gregory would make it out of the pizzaplex safely before one of the bots tore out something he needed to function, and everything went black.
It was the housing for Freddy’s AI coding. The ending that had ripped it out, tossing the bits of metal and wires aside to continue wreaking havoc on the animatronic bear.
No one noticed that the small bit of Freddy that made him who he was landed in the ball pit.
Michael was playing hide and seek. Or more accurately, he was hiding in the Fazbear Diner’s ball pit, laying in wait for his little brother, planning to jump out and scare the nearly seven year old.
“Ouch!” Something poked his leg, and Michael put a hand down to feel around for whatever the thing was. It wasn’t safe to leave pokey things where little kids played.
After waving through the colorful plastic balls for a long moment, Mike’s hand closed around something small and slightly rubbery. Confused he surfaced and pulled the thing up to look at it.
The small object appeared to be some sort of charm, missing its chain. It was a light blue, rubbery plastic, lightning bolt. It looked cool.
Michael completely forgot his previous mission of scaring Evan and instead went searching for something to string through the small circle at the top of the pendant. He planned to wear it, declaring in his mind that it was something a cool rockstar would wear.
It wasn’t long before he found a bit of balloon ribbon and had strung the pendant around his neck. He planned to switch the ribbon out for a bit of twine when he went home later that evening.
Speaking of going home…
“Mikey, let’s go! Daddy says we’re leaving!” Elizabeth called out, running past him to join their father and little brother at the entrance.
Freddy didn’t think he would wake up. Not that the animatronics really slept, but they did rest occasionally. This felt different. Like he was under water or behind a curtain. He couldn’t quite see anything clearly yet, but he heared one voice very clearly.
“Now I look like a superstar!”
He wondered where the voice came from. It sounded excited, and Freddy realized he was excited for the voice as well, despite not knowing who it belonged to. Everyone deserved to be a superstar.
Freddy blinked and everything got a tiny bit clearer. Just enough that he could make out vague shapes around him, but not enough to understand where he was.
“Wait until I show my friends!” The voice squealed and Freddy smiled softly before everything fell dark again.
Over time, though Freddy was unsure how much time, he was able to see much clearer, and what he saw greatly shocked and confused the poor bear.
He wasn’t in any sort of machine, be it endoskeleton or computer. He actually appeared to be riding along in a young boy’s head.
He couldn’t do much about this fact, unable to actually move on his own or even speak aloud. He did learn however, over the course of a day or so after the world finally cleared up, that the boy seemed to be able to hear him, at least a small amount. Pausing as if considering Freddy’s commentary at some points.
Freddy learned that the boy’s name was Michael and that he was thirteen years old. He has shaggy brown hair, grey-blue eyes, and a bright smile that lights up his brown, freckle covered face. Michael also has two younger siblings, Elizabeth and Evan. They live with their father, and visit a diner that he owns nearly every day.
Freddy also learns that Michael has three friends. The strange part, he thinks, is that each of them have a mask depicting much older versions of his friends, and even himself.
It’s with these three friends that Freddy finds himself most vocal, quietly scolding when the four boys pick on younger children at school or even Michael’s own brother. He doesn’t know why they do so, but he intends to make Michael aware that it is unkind.
Mike is fairly certain he’s going insane.
He keeps hearing a voice at the back of his mind, asking random questions, noting something he might have missed in schoolwork, and even scolding him for his actions. He wonders if his conscience woke up and gained a voice.
It’s very strange, he thinks, to have a proud voice say ‘well done, Superstar!’ after he’s completed a task, but he smiles at the praise nonetheless.
Lizzie keeps looking at him strangely when he suddenly starts grinning like a loon after washing the dishes. He’s not sure how to explain that the voice in his head is proud of him for doing something so simple as his chores without looking like a nutcase so he stays quiet. It’s not like she needs to know anyway.
Instead, Mike plots his surprise for Evan’s birthday at the end of the week.
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Book seven stuff, but stuff out in en. Though specific dialogue is edited/rewritten, especially to include Dusk.
Malleus finds Silver alone on Main Street.
Malleus: Silver, the party will start soon.
Silver: I know, I just… It’s hard. I was just coming to terms with the whole sudden brother thing, and now both of them are going to leave.
Malleus: I know. I feel the same way.
Silver: *starts to cry* Dad is going off to die alone and who knows where Dusk is going to go! They’re both just going to leave us alone like nothing!
Malleus: Alone… *snow starts forming*
Silver: *An alarm on Silver’s phone goes off and he wipes his tears* I should get going. Are you going to come with me?
Malleus: No, I’ll be there in just a little while.
Silver: Alright. I will see you there. *walks off*
Malleus: *to himself* Alone? What if they don’t have to leave us alone? Leave me alone? A world where nothing has to go wrong and change for the worst.
In a corner of the party where everyone in the school was invited.
Silver: Aren’t you having fun? People are also partially here to celebrate you too, considering you’re also leaving.
Dusk: *actually standing* They are definitely here for Dad. I’m completing the year while he’s leaving. I’m probably not the only one who’s dropped out, or will be.
Lilia: *walks over with Sebek* Don’t think if it as a drop out. You just need to focus on your health.
Dusk: Yeah, by dropping out.
Sebek: At least you’re taking it seriously. You look far better now that you’ve taken a break from floating.
Dusk: I got used to the nausea and dizziness. It wasn’t really a big deal. *looks around* Hey. Where’s Mal?
Silver: *looks around too* I don’t know. He said he was going to come later, but I guess he has been missing for quite a while.
Lilia: I should probably go find him then. He wouldn’t like to miss out on a party.
Sebek: *tug’s Silver’s arm* We should go instead. You two should enjoy the party for you. And someone *looks at Silver* should make up for not knowing where our liege is.
Dusk: He’s still just our brother. I hate those titles.
Malleus: *teleports in with a large amount of flair* Such a big party! Everyone is here to celebrate, aren’t they?
Dusk: Malleus! What took you so long? And what’s with the theatrics?
Malleus: I simply have the perfect gift.
*Crowd whispering*
Lilia: Malleus, what are you talking about?
Malleus: *projects his voice* Everyone! I have a wonderful gift you all can enjoy! It will bring an end to your pain and suffering!
Dusk: Malleus! You’re acting weird! Stop it or I’ll tackle you!
Malleus: *starting to build up magic* A world where nothing can go wrong! A world of pure joy and comfort! A world where no one will leave! That shall be my gift!
Crowley: Draconia! What are you doing?
Ortho: *alarm sounding* His blot readings are spiking! This is an emergency! We need to evacuate or stop him!
Crowley: Everyone! You are allowed to use your magic! Stop Draconia at all costs!
Malleus: Fools. That’s enough! *Stops their spells and makes them drop to the ground*
Lilia: *building up magic for an attack* Malleus! This enough! Stop whatever you think you’re doing! *he looses his magic* Not even one spell?!
Dusk: *Steps forward building his own magic* You’re acting like a complete idiot! Stop it right now! *sends an attack only to get immediately countered and hurt himself*
Malleus: How sad. Two who have such power, yet now one has lost so much and the other can’t handle it and things going headfirst will solve it all. I REFUSE TO LOOSE YOU TWO!
Silver: Dusk! Father!
Sebek: Young Master! Please stop this!
Malleus: You two have no need to be afraid. Now all you need to do is sleep!
Lilia: Malleus! Stop now!
Malleus: Fae of Maleficence
Lilia: Malleus!
Malleus: *sends out magic causing him to overblot and everyone else to fall asleep*
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dw-writes · 10 months
66 for the Spotify thing 💖
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Song: Blow by Atreyu Fandom: American Gods lol okay so this song is actually from an anime rage playlist that i listen to at work a LOT because people get on my nerves. it's not exactly sticking to the song, but i think it's close. I hope you like it!! in terms of where this sits, it's somewhere during their travels. I'm not 100% sure where as of right now, but I'll figure it out later! :D Chapters:Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three || Chapter Four  || Chapter Five || Chapter Six || Chapter Seven || Chapter Eight || Chapter Nine || Chapter Ten || Chapter Eleven || Chapter Twelve || Chapter Thirteen || Chapter Fourteen || Chapter Fourteen-ish || Chapter Fifteen || Chapter Sixteen || Chapter Seventeen || Chapter Eighteen || Chapter Nineteen || Chapter Twenty || Chapter Twenty-One || Chapter Twenty-Two Requests:Mad Sweeney and The Holidays || The Invasion and the Stressful Blows One Shots:The Invasion and That One Thankful Holiday || The Invasion and the Weight of Change || Eyes On You
The Invasion and the Stressful Blows
There was something that was itching at Sweeney, making him irritable. It was easy to tell, after knowing him for so long – there was a hunch to his shoulders, a tightness that coiled down his neck and around his spine until it held him tight. It reminded you of something, something saw days or months or years ago, it was hard to remember, but you were sure he reminded you of himself, of the things you saw while learning his name. He paced back and forth and you saw a war brewing across his shoulders that made your own ache.
“Hey,” you gently called, voice falling flat in the empty hotel room.
He turned on the ball of his foot, old carpet protesting under his boot.
It was far too early, you thought, for him to be withdrawn and angry and you couldn’t even pinpoint what happened to put him in a mood. You’d just woken up to see him pacing, muttering to himself, clenching and unclenching his fists at his side.
You shifted on the bed, curling your legs under you and pulling the blanket over them as he stalked past again.
“Sweeney,” you called through a yawn.
He twisted again at the door, breathing in harshly through his nose as his eyes flitted over you without seeing you. You wondered if he even heard you. You swallowed and rose from the bed, letting the blanket pool around your feet as you carefully padded to him.
“Sweeney,” you whispered, reaching out to brush your hands over his arms.
He flinched, squeezing his eyes shut, muscles tensing beneath your fingers.
“Where are you?” you gently asked.
He exhaled slowly, keeping his eyes closed. “Field,” he muttered after a long moment, “War.” His body went limp as you gave him another squeeze, leaning into you until you both crumbled to the floor. His arms wrapped around your back and held you there.
“Wanna talk about it?” you murmured against his shoulder.
He grunted, huffed, and finally sighed. “No,” he mumbled. He dropped his head against your shoulder, curling around you. You held him tight, rubbing your fingers up and down his back. You could feel the rage easing out of him one pass at a time, until he melted around you with a sigh.
“Now that you’re a little more relaxed,” you said, leaning back to look up into his face, “You wanna blow off some steam?”
Sweeney was on his feet before you finished your sentence, yanking the dingy mattress to the floor with a grunt. “Been a bit, luv,” he grunted as he flung his denim shirt to the side, “Hope you’re ready.”
“I’ll be fine,” you argued as you stood. You rolled your shoulders. “Ready?”
He lunged.
The two of you ended up paying for another night and some damage to the box spring, but at least Sweeney looked lighter when the two of you finally left.
~*~Thanks for Reading~*~ ~*~Tag List~*~
@hannon-say || @divadinag || @superflannel || @jinxy-toast || @the-bluest-hour || @karmabites2313 || @siedrkona1991 || @hstott || @lakeli || @massivecolorspygiant || @leximus98 || @weirdo125 || @fleeingdawn-blog1 || @madamecoyote || @postgradandstupid || @hopplessdreamer || @ceyruh || @animatenebrae || @ultrablackwidower || @callmemaeverick || @loisbaggings || @fictional-hooman || @babypink224221 || @quietwitchworld || @mags-writes || @sunshine-gumdrop || @theonlylolland
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Comte Drama CD Translations, Track Seven: "To You Who Are So Lovely" - Ending
I'm not a professional yada yada yada, these are just my rough transcriptions of each track in the CD because I need fodder for my simping.
This one reads a bit like a love letter left for MC, it's another sweet one:
…Indeed, the sand in the hourglass has fallen. It appears my day with you is over. (I'M DISTRAUGHT TOO DW BEAUTIFUL) In this way, every moment trickles into another ceaselessly…yes, forever. Even now as I say it, the word “forever” drives a painful wedge in my heart. I often wonder at the essence, the weight that word carries--so often spoken with admiration and yearning by humankind.
I think this is the first time in my life I ever went "philosopher (affectionate)" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I could listen to him all day [contented sigh]
I know very well…just how heartbreaking it is. I was shaken by that never-ending, pathless darkness…until you gave me the hope of “now.” A vampire who lives forever, and a woman who lives a finite life, hoping for a better tomorrow. I’m not sure what will become of my love for you that sprouted at the boundary between “forever” and “now.” …But I promise you this. I will never let you go. When I give you eternal love… Let’s spend that time together.
Man the way I act up when I hear fictional man say "I will never let you go" [INSERT LOUD BARKING] it's a promise, Abel 🥺💜
It may turn out to be a bumpy road…but, don’t worry. We’ll take every step of the way hand-in-hand. When I get lost…you’re so kind and strong It makes me sure that if we do ever get lost, we’ll worry about it together, and find answers together. Like a waltz, let’s take each other’s hands…and live together.
Okay all my usual court jester energy aside, I really am so fond of this motif throughout his stories. This idea that being in a relationship is about being there for each other, about promising the other will never be alone. I guess they really just embody what marriage is at its best, for me? Like not necessarily that there's only one way to be married, but that it should be about helping each other and caring about each other? Building a life and sharing that happiness, an enduring love that grows the more two people are together.
Holding hands and dancing, I'm so...
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And one day, I’m sure I will… …I’m sure that I’ll turn you into a vampire. At that time, let’s live together forever. From the moment I met you that day, in Paris of the 21st century…it felt like the frozen hands on the clock of my life began to move. I was determined that I would never fall in love with a human again. I was moved by your pure and single-minded thoughts, and I wanted your love. A year later, ten years later, one hundred years of accumulating this “now” I’ve received from you… In the far distant future, I want to see you beside me. I found you in eternity…I love you, and I will dedicate my pureblood life to your fate--
If y'all need me I will be wasting away, ty--
"In the far distant future, I want to see you beside me." I WANT THAT TOO, GORGEOUS
Man the way my brain is just so: the only kind of man I want is one that can go "I wanted your love 🥺👉👈" and "I wanted her blood to run down my mouth." AT THE SAME TIME
It's about the multi-faceted yearning 🤌🏼
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ari-kari · 4 months
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Where to start?
Both of these images were captured in the Knott’s Berry Farm Hotel, about 7 years apart. The first was taken the night before I left for college in LA; the second, the night before I moved out of LA to Wisconsin. More has happened in those seven years than I could possibly summarize in this post, and it’d be somewhat insane of me to try. So for now, I’ll focus on the girl on the left. Lord knows the one on the right has received her fair share of analysis 💀
She wasn’t technically “Ari” yet, first and foremost. That shift would happen at a later date. But from an outsider’s perspective, it was a time in her life where all signs were pointing upwards. She’d been scholarshipped into a well-known conservatory after a decorated academic and musical career. Her best friend would be staying in the dorms with her and tackling college at her side. As of yet, there’d been no deviation from the clear-cut, linear narrative she’d been following all her life, and damn if she wasn’t fully intending to keep it that way.
The cracks had already started to form by then, though. Her last year of high school had been the most demanding of her life - and unlike the other times, she hadn’t really bounced back afterward, not all the way. There was this lingering gloom that seemed to permeate everything, coloring her vision and making her loved ones feel like strangers. People kept asking her if she was excited for college, and she’d tell them she was “excited and nervous.” That was a lie. She felt nothing but dread for what was to come - like the best years of her life had already come and gone, and everything from this point out was just an epilogue.
She was right to be afraid. I can’t sugarcoat that. Just thinking about what was gonna happen to this kid in the years that followed chokes me up a little. But she was wrong about the most important things - namely, that life after high school was going to be little more than an epilogue. Because no matter how you slice it, one thing is certain; life had barely even started for her yet! The world was so much bigger, and brighter, and harder than she could’ve possibly imagined. And for all the pain she had coming, I don’t think she could’ve imagined how much joy she was capable of in the same breath.
Two days ago, I graduated full-time therapy - not with honors, per se, but with as much love and support as a single human can possibly receive. My therapist bawled like a baby during my ceremony while telling everyone how proud she was of me. The last time I’d made her cry, 6 months prior, she was filling out my suicide risk assessment form on my way to the hospital. We both agreed afterwards that the progression felt right.
I don’t know. I feel like I have more to say about this than I could possibly fit here, and I’ll probably have to save some of it for another post. But right now, in spite of the uncertainty that awaits me in my new home, I’m honestly just…content. I’m on a train heading cross-country through the American Southwest. I am dating one of the most beautiful and wonderful people I’ve ever met. And on top of all that, I have you! Followers and friends who’ve stuck with me through some pretty intense highs and lows, and allowed me to share my writing with the world for the first time in my life.
Thank you all for your kindness and enthusiastic support. And thank you for giving me a space to be my authentic self. I hadn’t felt like a real human being for a really long time when I first showed up here; that has changed, in no small part, because of you.
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@laas-yahnir tagging bc I’m love you
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ladylooch · 11 months
Something angst ? What about the first big fight with miles ?
The margarita in my hand tastes incredible after a long day at work. I’m with my co-worker, Jen, sharing in a moment of celebration after completing a big, 6 month long project. 
“To us!” She cheers me. “I am so glad that is done.”
“Until next year.”
“No, don’t remind me.” She groans. “If you even work here next year. You might be a trophy wife by then.” I snort on my drink, coughing and shaking my head no. 
“I don’t think so. I like working.”
“That’s what they all say. My friend married a professional basketball player, she was going to keep working too. Now she spends her days renovating their three houses.”
“Basketball players make more money the hockey players.” I wave off.
“So are you saying it’s a possibility?” I blush. 
“I mean, I hope so.” I murmur, smoothing out my cocktail napkin.
“It seemed pretty serious at the Christmas party. He couldn’t take his hands off you.” She’s right. His hands were glued to my ass, hip or side the whole night. He turned into the perfect charmer and shared endless stories of his seven NHL seasons in New Jersey. My boss demanded Miles come to the next team happy hour, but unfortunately Miles was out of town. It’s come up every day since though.
“It’s… getting there.” I giggle, then proceed to tell Jen all about the ways our relationship is escalating into something more than dating. Notably is our goodbyes when he goes on the road. He whines and gives multiple goodbye kisses and lingers in the apartment a lot longer than he should. Plus there is that little detail of him wanting to replace my old beater of a car.
“He wants to buy you a car!?” Jen shrieks as I finish. “You need to lock that shit up, babe.”
“Okay there is more to him than his job and money!”
“Yeah he’s also ridiculously hot.” I choke on my margarita, beginning to laugh and nod along. There is no reason to deny it. “Speak of the Devil… is that Miles?” She asks, pointing at a spot over my shoulder. I glance behind me as I’m taking a sip of my margarita. 
“Uh. Yeah. That is.”
“Who is he with?” She wonders as I set my drink back down on the bar. 
“His parents.” I’m a little embarrassed. I was just telling Jen all about how I think things with Miles are getting more serious. We have been spending more time than apart these days. I stay over at his place for days on end, only going home to grab more of my items and move them over to his place. I’ve even stopped leaving his place when he heads out on the road. He likes me in his bed.
But now he is here with his parents. All he told me tonight was that he had people in town from back home and they were catching an early dinner.
“Oh, have you met them?”
“No.” I shake my head. “Didn’t know they were in town either.”
“Oh….” She trails off. She grimaces slightly, but tries to hide it with her glass of Prosecco. I keep my back towards the door, hoping they will be seated away from us. They are, but unfortunately are in the path to head to the bathroom, which I need to use before heading… home? I was going to go to Miles’ place, but now I’m not sure what to do. We both suck our drinks down as the bar gets more and more crowded from the afterwork rush.
“Do you want to stay longer. Or?” Jen wonders.
“No, I’m going to use the bathroom then head out.”
“Okay, I’m going to sneak out now. Wanna put the kids to bed with my hubs.”
“Of course.” I hug her quick, then send her off to the front while I head to the bathroom. I try not to make eye contact with anyone at Miles’ table, figuring I’ll slip by and head out without being detected. I am seemingly successful.
But when I come out of the bathroom, Miles is leaning against the wall, waiting.
“Hey.” He breathes out, worry on his face.
“Oh hey.” I try for a smile but it’s admittedly a lame attempt.
“Um, I’m here with my parents.”
“I saw.” 
“I’m sorry. I-”
“It’s cool. You don’t want me to meet them. But let me guess, I should come over later?” I’ve heard this shit before. This was my last “boyfriend’s” MO. I thought Miles was different though. It felt different.
“Come over if you want to, but not in the way you’re referring.” He stuffs his hands into his pockets.
“I’m going to my place. Have a good night.” I lean forward, kissing his cheek. He laces our fingers together to halt me. 
“You’re upset. Can I please explain?” I shrug, looking down at the grey tiled floor. A man scoots by us to continue on towards the bathroom. “I really like you. And I have been telling my parents about you, but I wanted to… coach them a bit before you met them. I was planning on asking you to meet them tomorrow.” I stare back at him, unconvinced. “In the past, they have gotten really excited about meeting someone I am with. They come off really strong and it freaks women out. I wanted to talk to them about how to act… so they didn’t scare you off.” 
“Miles, if you haven’t scared me off with your missing teeth and cuts all over your face, I don’t think your parents can.” His goofy chuckle shakes his big shoulders and I feel the tension leave my frame a bit.
“My mom is literally going to ask you if you will birth my babies tonight. Are you sure?”
“About her asking or having your babies?” Miles pauses for a moment, mouth dropping slightly open. 
“Um… both?” He asks curiously.
“I’ll have your gigantic babies. But if we are doing this, we’re swinging for the fences and trying to four.”
“Oh… god.” He sputters.
“I’m kidding.” We both laugh together, then he tugs me back into his body. I rest my hand on his chest, rubbing over his sweater.
“I feel like an ass.”
“You kinda acted like one. It would have been nice to have a heads up, rather than ‘people I know’ are in town.” 
“Yeah. Can we start over?”
“My parents are in town. Will you have dinner with us?”
“I would love to.” Miles pushes out an anxious sigh, then takes the lead to bring you back to the table. 
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indiaalphawhiskey · 10 months
Hey India,
I haven't gotten to send you one of these for like years so, Hi again <3. I'm happy to see you still here and kicking. Now on to the actual prompt, WIPs.
What is your favorite element or item or sequence you have written so far in your new stories?
Also this is for you.
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Sam :)
Hello, love!
So nice to hear from you. Yes, I’m still here — I take some regular breaks, and try to limit my interaction to superficial things and writing now, because that just feels much better for me.
Thank you very much for the hug!
Mm, in terms of favorite elements, I’ve definitely shared a lot from GAPT AU and because it’s so long, it’ll be hard to pick. So, I think I’ll pick this one, from Omegaverse AU:
Harry’s soft scent slowly filled the air, the earlier vague familiarity of it growing solid in this new, confined space.
His blockers were wearing off, Louis realized belatedly, only for another truth to hit him a beat later: he had never scented Harry in full before, because of course – of course Harry, of all people, still ascribed to the archaic idea that an Omega’s scent was far too intimate to be worn so openly.
Thinking back across their seven years in school together – half that time spent sitting in somewhat close proximity, in one class or another – Louis knew he had picked up traces of it; enough that he had never thought to wonder. He knew, at the very least, the subtle mandarin of it – a hint of suede, a kiss of birch – but he would have never been able to pull it from memory or describe it.
Now, though…
Now he knew Harry Styles smelled like coming home on an evening in early spring; knew he was equal parts crisp and warm – all dewy leaves and dim lamplight and decadent linens, like the gust of fresh air let through an open bay window to taunt the fire burning in the hearth.
And, while already disconcertingly captivating on its own, his scent was made somehow more beguiling by the dark note of heartbreak hidden in the shadow of the lingering cashmere. It smelled deep but bright, like the fire had burned just a little too hot and a little too high, that night.
And, of course, a hug back:
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🖋️ Ask me about my WIPs?
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
mafia au!
WIP Wednesday (4/24) | Mafia Front Restaurant AU (Part 144)
Well, goddamn. That explains Kevin’s clinginess, maybe even explains the tension they’d had between them all those years ago. Andrew isn’t sure what to do with that right now. But he’s got cards in his hand. 
He gestures to the game before them. “Playing?” 
“Oh. Right.” Neil blinks and starts to gather up his cards. He arranges them in his hand and looks expectantly at Andrew.
“Are you going to explain the rules or just leave me to guess?” 
“I think it would be fun to see what you’d come up with. But because I’m such a sweetheart I’ll show you the ropes.” Neil says, making Andrew snort. He watches as Neil draws a card, checks his hand, and puts down a set of three tens in front of him. He finishes by dropping the king of spades beside the deck. “Follow that?”
“It’s like Go Fish with extra steps,” Andrew observes.
“Sort of,” Neil says with a shrug. “You can make runs as well. Like ace, two, three. Or five, six, seven. Those have to be wearing the same suit.”
“Like you and Moreau?" Andrew asks, gesturing to Neil's clothes. "You’re both wearing gray today.”
Neil gives a look. “I didn’t realize you could see into the kitchen from here.” 
“I can’t. I heard the car pull up earlier and went to look out the kitchen door and make sure it was you.” 
“Of course you did.” Neil laughs. “That reminds me, how did you get in?”
“Jimmied the lock with a piece of wire I found in the alley.”
“How resourceful of you.” Neil comments. Andrew grunts in response and draws before dumping the useless ace. Oh. Andrew blinks. It’s not useless after all, because Neil picks it up.
“Explain the pile.”
“Oh. You can take from it if you want.” Neil says as he puts down another card.
“And you can pick up multiple cards at once?”
“As many as you can hold.”
“Hm.” Andrew wonders if Neil is going for a set or a run. But when he draws an ace a minute later, he holds it even though he can’t use it. Defense is Andrew’s game, after all. If he doesn’t let Neil have it, he can’t play it. 
Oh god. How the fuck did cards turn into exy in his head? Andrew wants to scrub his brain clean of the damned sport.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 1 year
Summary: All cozied up by the campfire, roasting marshmallows and laughing about old times and creating new memories.
Fluff, Established Relationship au
Word Count: 2,940
Hyungwon X Reader
[Features: OT7! Monsta X]
[A/n: I've written marshmallow so many times while writing this that it no longer looks like the word. Anyways, if you’ve heard Hyungwon’s newest OST ‘Now’, I tried to incorporate the bridge of that song into this too~. I don’t want to spoil anything, but Jeonghan helped inspire part of this. Also, a special thanks to @jinkoh for encouraging this idea along!]
You get out of your car with cups and plates, knowing everyone has gotten the rest of the supplies. You couldn’t wait to spend the next day and a half in this lovely forest with your seven closest friends. It’s the perfect way to spend October. You make your way to the campfire, the leaves crackling under your feet. The beginning of fall felt so warm and cozy, although the weather was turning colder by the minute. 
You quicken your pace as you hear the yammering of your friends in the distance. You rush up and are greeted with several loud “Hello's,” You had arrived a little later than the rest of the crowd to your annual campfire and log cabin stay. But you couldn’t be more excited to see your boyfriend. “Won!” You cheer, and he stops what he’s doing, turns back to see you, and smiles, “(N/n)!” He meets you in the middle and kisses the top of your head, “Did you make it up here safe?” You nod, and he smiles, “I’m putting away the drinks into the coolers. I think Hoseok wants the utensils and things up at the house.” You nod and kiss his cheek before walking over to the log cabin. 
You head into the kitchen and put away the cups and plates you brought. That’s when you hear a cheer of your name, “(Y/n)!” and you turn back, “Jooheon!” He gives you a hug, “How have you been?!” You shrug and go, “Okay, and you?” He nods, “About the same, but it's nice to be back up here.” You agree, “I wonder what shenanigans we'll get up to this year.” He smirks, “I have a few ideas~” You laugh, “New games?” He nods as Hyunwoo comes in with chips and other snacks, “Anything good?” He smiles, “All of our favorites!” You grin, “Snack time is going to be great then!” The two smile and agree as you excuse yourself out of the cabin. 
You come out to see what else you can do to prepare for the big fire tonight. You grab some trash lying about and throw it away. There was nothing else to do since everyone was already starting to wind down from their tasks. You continue looking around until you spot Hyungwon leaning against his explorer, drinking a pop. And he locks eyes with you before finishing his sip as you walk over to him. He reaches into the cooler and snaps open another can, “For you~” You smile and take a drink before joining him leaning against his car. 
You tap your cans together without the risk of it spilling everywhere. You ask, “How was work?” And he shrugs, “The record store was slow for this time of year.” You nod and he asks, “How’s the office?” You shrug, “It was nice, but I was reminded of why I dislike it today.” “Why?” You ramble on about how your boss kept piling on the work, even when she knew you were leaving for a trip today. “That sucks.” You sigh, “Yeah.” He wraps his arm behind you, “But you’re here now. Your boss can shove it from here on out.” You laugh and lean into his chest, “I like the sound of that.” He hums, “Good.” You drink your pop and shiver, “It’s a little cold to be drinking pop.” He laughs, “I was thinking the same thing.” You ask, “You wanna go inside for a bit?” He agrees, and you put your free arm behind his back as you both walk back to the log cabin. 
Hoseok comes in with Changkyun after you two and says, “We finished getting the firewood for later.” And Kihyun says, “Perfect.” Minhyuk goes, “Let’s all sit back and watch a few movies until then.” Hyunwoo announces, “I’ll get the snacks!” Hyungwon and you sit in the armchair together, placing your cold pops into the two cup holders, “I feel a bit warmer now.” He laughs, “Me too.” The two of you curl up together, and he grabs the blanket from behind him. Careful of your pops, he throws the blanket over both of you. Jooheon cheers as he chooses, “The Great Pumpkin!” Hyunwoo returns with two bowls of popcorn, chips, and various little candies. 
Changkyun puts smaller bowls out to make it easier on you guys since you are all spaced out from the coffee table. You move the blanket down to reach for a bowl and scoop out some popcorn. And you turn back, “Want anything else?” He shakes his head, and you sit against his chest again. Jooheon starts the movie once everyone settles into their spots. And you enjoy the movie peacefully, giggling every once in a while as you eat popcorn.  
Once the night draws closer and you’ve all finished two movies. You join Hoseok in starting the fire, piling the wood strategically together. You douse it with lighter fluid, and the both of you stand back as he throws a lit match onto the pile. You high-five as it catches on fire, and he asks, “Do you want to tend to the fire while I go help Kihyun grill?” You nod, “Sounds fine.” You poke it with your fire stoker, coaxing it to grow bigger and brighter. 
Once all of the firewood is burning, you sit down on a log in front of it. And the rest of your friends slowly start joining you on the logs. Hyungwon sits down beside you as Hoseok passes out the plates. Kihyun comes around with roasted vegetables and smoked meat, serving everyone their fair share. You bite into a piece, “It’s as good as ever. Thanks, Ki!” He smiles, and everyone yells out their compliments as he puts the last serving on his plate. 
Kihyun gets up after finishing his first plate and asks, “Who wants seconds?!” You all cheer for another round, and Hyunwoo gets up to help him as everyone starts telling stories. Minhyuk begins, “So I’m leaving for work, right?” “Yeah,” He sighs, “The boss comes in, tells me I have more paperwork to do, and I ask if I’m getting overtime for it. And he told me ‘no’, so I told him ‘No, I won’t be doing it’. He didn’t like that. Let’s just say tomorrow. I'm having a 'friendly' talk with his supervisor in the morning. Cause I’m not going to do work, I’m not being paid for.” Hyungwon goes, “Damn right.” And he talks about the record shop and how slow it’s gotten. Although, they've put up their Halloween decorations, which is nice. 
Hoseok talks about his dance studio and the new trainees he’s teaching, and Changkyun and Jooheon tell you all about their adventures in producing music this year. You talk about your job and how your boss was piling on work for you today, even though she knew you were leaving for the day. Minhyuk pats your back, “Damn, our bosses suck.” You laugh, and Hoseok chimes in, “You could always work for one of us~” You both roll your eyes and tell him, “Some of us don’t want to live entrepreneur lives.” While Minhyuk says, “My money is for fun, I don't need to work.” You all laugh, and Kihyun and Hyunwoo bring back the food. 
“What are we talking about?” Hoseok shrugs, “Our careers.” Kihyun smiles, “Oh! I invested in the right assets this year, so I’ve been able to take fewer shifts at the bakery to supplement!” Hyungwon smirks and teases, “Young Flexer,” which causes Kihyun to groan, “I said it once, and you’ve never let me forget it…” You all laugh, and Hyungwon says, “That’s what friends are for.” He squints at him as he puts the meat onto his plate, “It’s so lovely being friends with you…” Hyunwoo passes out the vegetables and says, “I’ve been working at the gym like usual and at Hoseok’s studio these past few weeks.” Hoseok goes, “Oh! You should show them your new moves.” He shakes his head, and you all cheer, “Hyunwoo! Hyunwoo! Hyunwoo!” He puts the empty plate down and dances a few feet from the fire. You all cheer and clap as he finishes, and he gets shy, “That’s the new moves I learned…” Changkyun goes, “Damn, his moves are smooth.” You all agree before eating your second helping of food.
You take everyone’s plates and tell them you're going to wash them. As you walk back to the cabin with the empty dishes, Hyungwon comes up behind you, “You wanna wash them together?” You nod, “That would be lovely.” He smiles, takes some of them off your hands, and opens the screen door. As you fill the sink with soapy water, you ask, “Are you ready for marshmallows?” He nods, “Hell yeah, I am! It’s like the second best part of this trip.” You raise your eyebrow at him, “What’s the best part then? Because the marshmallows are like rewards…” He smiles, “Getting to spend this trip with you.” You bump him with your hip and go, “Yeah, that is pretty nice.” He pouts, “Just nice…” With your dry hand, you ruffle his hair, “It’s been my dream to spend these trips as your lover since we were younger. So, it's greater than nice.” Before kissing his cheek, he nods, “That’s better. And it's been mine, too.” You grin as the two of you work in harmony washing the dishes. When he puts the last plate on the drying rack, he goes, “All this water is getting to me…” You laugh, “You go use the restroom. I’ll put away the plates.” He nods and rushes off to the bathroom while you dry and put the dishes away. 
You decide to wait for him by the fire. You sit back down on the log you were sitting on before to see everyone starting to finish up their jobs. You rub your hands together before putting them close to the fire. Everyone starts gathering around the fire, and Hoseok stokes the flame to grow a little brighter for the marshmallows. You hear someone approach you and look up to see Hyungwon, and he pouts, “You got here before me.” You smile and pat your lap, “It’s your turn.” He raises his eyebrow and asks, “You sure?” You nod, and he grins and moves to one side of you before sitting down on your lap. You giggle as you wrap an arm behind his back, and he tells you, “You’re warm.” And he snuggles into your embrace, and you laugh, “You’re cold.” He whispers, “It feels unreal for you to hold me.” You grin as you whisper, “I could say the same.” Minhyuk whines, “You know there is more room on the logs to sit on than being all coupley!” You both smirk at each other and go, “Jealous, are we?” He rolls his eyes, and you both laugh in victory. Changkyun comes around, handing everyone a marshmallow skewer. When everyone settles into their spots, you all start roasting your marshmallows. 
Jooheon passes the chocolate bar and graham cracker plate around, and Hyungwon fashions both of your s'mores while you hold him on your lap. He hands the plate to Minhyuk before saying, “Ahh~” you laugh as you open your mouth, and he feeds you a s'more. Using your free hand, you feed him one of his. Hoseok goes, “This is the first year we’re only here for a day and a half.” Jooheon sighs, “I wish we had more time. I miss the days we would stay out here for a week or so.” Changkyun chimes in, “Some of my best memories are here.” Kihyun laughs, “Yeah, like when Joo dared you to go skinny dipping?” Changkyun laughs, “It crossed it off my bucket list. What about when you made out with that tree when you were drunk?” Kihyun groans, “I thought it was someone else... My lips hurt for weeks.” 
You both have another marshmallow sandwich while they converse. And Hyunwoo goes, “Remember how we dared those two,” he points at the two of you, “to kiss for the first time?” You smile, and Jooheon says, “And now they can’t get enough of each other…” You smile and look up at Hyungwon, “Yeah, he’s right.” He grins and kisses your nose, “Yeah, I’m so glad Minhyuk dared us.” Minhyuk says, “I’m still waiting for my thank you!” And you both roll your eyes, “Thanks, Min.” 
The stories and games continue into the night, each game growing more and more ridiculous than the last with the more drinks you each have. You were standing yelling, “Taka-Taka!” As Hyungwon and Jooheon went, “Heing-Heing” Changkyun for once able to follow your movements as you attacked him, and he did it right back at you. Causing you to fall to the ground in defeat, not expecting it. He cackles the loudest as you whine and drink another sip of beer before standing up and continuing the game.
When that game finally ends, you crumple onto the log beneath you. You murmur when Hyungwon is earshot, “You guys wear me out.” And he sighs, “Tell me about it.” You pat your lap, “I wanna hold you to recoup.” He lets out a breathless laugh as he nods before sitting back on your lap. “You’re like an oversized teddy bear.” You nuzzle your head into his stomach and relax. “This is nice.” He giggles, “That tickles.” You move your mouth away and say, “Sorry!” He shrugs, and you hold him tighter before adjusting and resting your head against his shoulder. “You okay?” You shake your head as Jooheon goes, “Alright, everyone rested for another round?” Hyungwon looks down at you, “No?” You shake your head, and he agrees, “Let’s go lay down.” 
Hyungwon tells him you're both tired, and he gets up off of you and holds his hand out to you. Tiredly, you ask, “You guys got the fire?” They nod as you accept Hyungwon’s hand. He helps you up as they wish you both sweet dreams. You two do the same and walk back hand in hand. As you get up to the cabin, you stop him, “You know this is our second time up here as a couple?” He agrees, “Yeah... Somehow, I can't believe it.” You nod, and he squeezes your hand before continuing, “I hope we continue to do this many more times.” You grin and kiss his cheek, “Me too.” Before sweeping his hair behind his ear and kissing him, he grins as he pulls back and places his forehead against yours, “It's almost unreal that you're mine.” You smile and whisper, “I'm glad this is real and that you're mine too.” He grins and holds you closer to him as you continue to the cabin and into your shared room.
You both change into comfortable clothes, and he joins you underneath the covers. You face each other for a moment before he turns you over and wraps himself around you, “It’s my turn to cuddle you.” You giggle, “Okay.” He whispers as you both start falling asleep, “You're like a deep dream to me.” You whisper back, “You're the same for me.” He hums and agrees before you both fall asleep, dreaming of each other.
The two of you sleep in while the rest are out and about doing who knows what. It isn’t until Kihyun knocks and lets you two know that they’re having lunch with or without you guys that you get up. You both repack your small backpack before joining the guys at the table. 
You serve yourself up some ramen and other goodies from the middle and eat happily. Changkyun cheers, “You guys missed it last night!” Hyungwon and you both wait for him to continue as Minhyuk sneezes, “We finished putting the fire out, and I guess we misjudged how drunk Min got…” You both raise your eyebrows, “He fell right into the ashes.” He sneezes again, “I think I still have ashes up my nose…” Hoseok goes, “We hosed him off before he entered the house.” You look at Minhyuk in worry, and Kihyun shrugs, “Don’t worry, we supplied him with clean, warm clothes.” You nod, “Good.” 
They continue telling you what went down after you two went to bed. Jooheon pouted as they told you how he dropped the rest of the marshmallows into the dirt, “I didn’t mean to! I was excited.” Hyunwoo shrugs, “He fell on his ass while ‘heighing’ knocked the open bag down.” You all cackle at that, and Changkyun ruffles his hair, “It’s okay, baby, everyone makes mistakes.” He nods and cheers up, and before long, it’s time to leave the lovely cabin. 
Hoseok asks as you guys leave, “Maybe we can do this for Christmas?” Minhyuk sneezes before saying, “We’ve never done that before.” You all agree that it would be fun. And Hyungwon suggests, “Maybe we roast marshmallows in the fireplace inside this time?” Hyunwoo continues, “And since it’ll probably be snowing, we’ll get frozen pizza to heat up here.” You suggest, “Hot cocoa?” Changkyun grins, “Hell yeah!” Kihyun says, “Maybe we can bake together?" Jooheon goes, “Maybe some of those delicious creature cookies." Everyone cheers before discussing possible dates before leaving for their respective homes. 
You arrive home first while Hyungwon drops some people off before joining you back home. He comes in to see you lying down, eating the pizza you ordered for the two of you. He sighs, “It’s nice to come home to you.” You laugh as he joins you on the couch, and you tell him, “I’m home wherever you are.”
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