#woof !! this au.. makes me happy :]
sunnydayaoe · 2 months
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more high voltage [explosion sound effect]
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lilotio · 1 month
I've been going crazy with Collector AU (by @cutepotatook) lately and I made this babi :> I want to show her off a bit :>
My English is very bad so please don't criticize me if you find any wrong grammars or words ;v;
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★ My baby is Collector! Astray. She is a 10 year old little girl :>
★ Her design is slightly based on Collector Y/n's design ;v;
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★ Ngl when Astray has great affection or admiration for these two people :>
★ Anyway, Layra by @softlantern :>
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★ About Astray's lore, she was born as a creation of God. From childhood, she was always pampered and cared for very carefully by them (God in A's universe has no defined gender). Because of that, she has a great love for her God and is very attached to them like a child would do to its mother.
★ Until one day, the God created new creations, took care of their new children and gradually spent less time with Astray. At first she didn't mind much, but gradually she had a hunch that God was probably spending too much time with her new siblings. One time she asked for a hug from the God, they ignored her, making her feel a bit sad. Even though she told herself that everything was okay, a part of her was harboring jealousy. Astray's jealousy grew stronger and stronger as she observed the children being lovingly cared for and cherished by the God, she could not hold back her jealousy.
★ When she couldn't stand it anymore, she committed a heinous crime. She lured another of her siblings to a secluded place, and with a weapon in hand, she used it to vent her anger brutally on that child. Whatever comes must come, Astray's crime was discovered by the God. They were angry and punished her by causing her body to be tormented in extreme pain, her soul to pieces, she lost all her memories, was banished to a terrible place and forgotten by everyone (the two pictures above are when Astray was banished to the terrible place called The Void Realm). The little girl was banished there with many bleeding wounds in the shape of sparkling stars shining on her body, she was completely exhausted.
★ The Void Realm where she was banished to was not a good place. It is a place where there is no sun, not a single ray of light, it can be said with certainty that nothing like that exists. The Void Realm is a space covered in pitch black (the whole sky is black, the surface is only black water). Due to her exhausted state, she was unconscious there for an unknown amount of time (but let's just say it was a long time). Luckily, she was found by Collector! Wally was in a state where her body was floating on the water. Then Collector took Astray home and let Helper! Wally takes care of her wounds while he tries to put the pieces of her soul back together. The two of them took care of the little girl until she woke up, letting her live in the Collector's mansion :>
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★ This is just a silly little comic where the duo encounters someone who wants to harm the little girl :> The truth is that Astray falls asleep very easily when she is in someone's embrace, no matter how big or small the embrace is, she will still fall asleep. Collector and Helper often witness such things, but I think they will simply put her to bed😭😭😭
★ A small fun fact is that Collector often calls Astray by cute nicknames like: Little Dove ; My Angel ; Little one ;... when she got used to life here. As for Helper, he simply calls her by her real name ;v; As for Astray, she often calls Collector Mr. Collector and Mister (she is used to using honorifics, a habit when she used to live in heaven) and with Helper, she calls him Mister or Mr. Blueberry (she calls him exactly what she thinks of him :P)
★ Woof the family trope so much hmu- I think Collector, Helper and Astray fit the family of three, the warm and happi one🥹🥹🥹 (don't mind me, I'm being silli now😔😔😔)
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ki-yomii · 2 months
helloo! could you recommend your favorite jungkook and yoongi fics? thank you and have a lovely day ♡
hey there~ 💛
... tbh i haven’t read too many fics for my boys lately 🙈
i've been trying to work through the books sitting on my shelf collecting dust + i got sucked back into fallout now that the show is out lol.
but i do have some all-time favorites!!
please mind the warnings/tags - you're responsible for your own reading consumption. that said, all of these fics are 🔞
i hope you have a great day nonnie and if you have any recs send them my way 🥰!
the crimson shell series by @angelicyoongie
mermaid aus are my lifeblood istg. and this is one of the best one's i've ever read!! it's dark, it's creepy, it's foreboding - and tantalizing. everything i love about mermaid/siren aus crammed into one series.
you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
make you mine two-shot by @colormepurplex2
i'm a sucker for abo, and as such, have read a looot of it over the years. its a genre that's very easy to descend into wtf-how-are-they-still-alive-after-THAT territory but this fic does it very well in a way i haven't seen too often. i loved the world-building and set up.
Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
a sea of indigo series by @foxymoxynoona this was the first BTS fic i ever read... and is a big reason as to why i got into the fandom in the first place. i had no clue who they were before then. i'd heard of them + listened to agust d without knowing it was yoongi 💀 but this fic made me check out BTS RUN and now here we are 🤪
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
witch oneshot by @sailoryooons
this is easily one of my top 3 yoongi fics. the world building, the tension, the relationship between yoongi and reader. it ticks all my boxes and vividly paints a picture of this universe. i adore the concept, and love the way this fic is brought to life through sailoryooons storytelling.
For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
desolate series by @angelicyoongie
one of the first hybrid fics i've read for bts 😭 i love my lil meow meow and the set-up for this fic is amazing. it takes a fresh direction with the hybrid trope and builds a relationship that feels organic and progresses very naturally💛
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
ps. i woof you oneshot by @gimmesumsuga
this one is just so so cute and asjhdjsghfjs!! i adored remi and thought about having yoongi and holly as neighbors for days after reading this lol.
The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
first and last and always oneshot by @floralseokjin
i'm not one for holiday fics/aus usually but there's something about this one that i absolutely adored. it felt very realistic and drew me into the relationship within the first few paragraphs. the angst is so well done and heartfelt, it made me cry lol.
You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
go send these authors some love!!
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bunchesofoats · 2 years
Feat — Tyler Galpin x Nevermore!Reader
Contains — Slow Build, Playful Flirting, No Established Relationship, etc ALSO SOME VERY LIGHT WEDNESDAY SPOILERS!! (Set before show in canon)
Length — ~1.8k Words
Notes — Reader’s powers/species not specified (just considered an Outcast). This isn’t proofread, moves a little fast, and was written at like 2 am so proceed with caution I guess. ALSO, I ACTUALLY WORK IN A CAFE SO I WILL INFO DUMP GRRRRBARK BARK WOOF WOOF Also, if you have any input just drop it to my inbox !
“Welcome to the Weathervane staff.”
Your new manager welcomed you with a smile, to which you replied with a nod as she left you to do paperwork. You made your way out of her office, remembering her instructions to be training with Tyler. Your feet shuffling up the stairs slowly, paying no mind to the creaks that came with it. You knew Tyler Galpin, not well, but you knew of him enough to know he was the son of the sheriff. The sheriff who didn’t seem keen on Nevermore students. Though you were pretty sure they only hired you for Outcast Diversity, you were at least happy to had gotten a job that wasn’t Pilgrim’s World.
“Medium Iced Chai Latte with a Chocolate Croissant.” A voice pulled you from your thoughts.
Trailing the voice to the source was easy considering he was the only person behind the counter before you came along. There he was, Tyler Galpin, with the usual mop of brown curls that stopped just above his eyes and the crease of concentration upon his forehead as he moved to fiddle with the espresso machine. You’d been dragged here enough by Enid to know the details, especially considering she kept tabs on everyone.
“You’re looking at the wrong end of the machine, Galpin.” You called out, causing him to jump. A smile crawled its way onto your face at his expression. It didn’t take long for him to register who you were outside of the Nevermore uniform, he had seen you enough and he knew there was a new applicant coming in.
“Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?” He gave you a pointed look.
“More of a hobby,” You shrugged before making your way behind the counter. Taking a closer look at the machine, you had been right. The source of the never ending steam was a valve issue. “I’m gonna need a tri-wing screwdriver and 4 millimeter Allen wrench.”
Tyler handed you the screwdriver with no hesitation, he couldn’t understand the Italian instructions anyway and he wasn’t about to resort to Google Translate.
“You have a valve issue,” You began screwing the bits back into place, careful not to direct any steam towards you or your new coworker.
“You have one of these temperamental beasts with a mind of its own?” He quirked a brow at you, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Not exactly.” Thankfully, Nevermore had quite the class in engineering and you had fairly decent grades. The steam stopped spewing, and the machine was fixed to the best of your ability. Tyler began gathering the pieces of the pipes, filters, and other parts back into place resounding in a satisfying click.
“Thanks…” He stopped for a moment.
“No, yes! No, I mean, yes I know! You come in here a lot, and I recognize your name from your application.” He mumbled on and on.
“You’re supposed to be training me and yet you can’t remember my name?” It was your turn to point questions now. It wasn’t like you couldn’t work a register or understand the difference between a cortado or a cafe au lait, but you needed to know your way around Weathervane at least. Plus, it was fun to tease him.
“I just mean, you’re unforgettable.”
“You know what, why don’t we start off with a tour? You know the main area, but let me show you the back room.” Tyler abruptly turned away, leaving with tinted cheeks. He lead you to the small storage room on the opposite adjacent end of the bar counter. The length of it was long, but the width of it could just barely fit one person with the shelves so close on either end. He allowed you in first before following in after, showing everything from the closest to the farthest at the back wall.
With Tyler explaining everything in broad detail, it was easy enough to understand considering everything was ordered neatly from the coffee beans and food products being separated from cleaning chemicals. What was hard, on the other hand, was trying not to pay attention to the way the dim lighting reflected in his eyes. Something about it seemed familiar, almost supernaturally captivating. If you didn’t know any better, you’d assume he was a Vampire or Siren or even something else entirely luring you in.
“…And if you have any questions then just ask me.” Tyler finally turned back to you, catching your gaze. He hadn’t realize how close in proximity you were, you awkwardly pressed against the wall as he had just been reaching over to point out which coffee beans were which. You hadn’t been paying attention, not with him so close. You weren’t usually the nervous type, not with Vampires and Telekinetics and Werewolves etc constantly being around you. But this newfound flip of your heart was concerning considering he was 1) a normie you hadn’t actually fully conversed with before and 2) you were still unsure of his standing with you as an Outcast.
“Yeah, I’ll call for your help when I need to fix the espresso machine.” You snort. He huffed with a lingering smile you managed to catch. Maybe his stance wasn’t as bad as his fathers.
“I’m definitely sure you don’t need to call me just for help with that, you can call me for other stuff.” Tyler shrugged.
“So you want me to call you?” Your gaze met his again, forgetting the close distance between you both. This was a different start to your new job than you were expecting. Flirting with your coworker in the back of the cafe was probably against all types of normal work ethic and morals. But when was Jericho ever normal?
“Tyler?” A voice called out from the front, breaking the tension between you two. You both recognized that voice, Tyler knowing it more than you did. You both tried to scramble out of the storage closet in an orderly manner. Tyler emerging first, Sheriff Galpin perking up to see his son from the other side of the counter. You followed suit not a second after, barely halfway out of the closet before you could see Sheriff Gallon’s face drop. Suddenly realizing how incriminating the situation seemed, you quickly grabbed a random can from the shelf within arms reach before fully exiting.
“Hey, uh, dad.” Tyler coughed out, clearing his throat from the situation you two were in. “Just showing the new hire around and restocking.” To which you maneuvered the can to one hand to give the man a small wave.
“Condensed milk? I swear you stocked and dated that one when I came by yesterday.” His dad raised a brow. Shit.
“This one’s long expired, found it on the back shelf with a manufacturing issue puncture in it.” You laughed dryly, moving the can to your side hiding it away. Tyler glanced wide eyed as his father’s expression creased.
“You want your usual?” Tyler moved towards the bar, moving his father’s attention with it. You managed to slip the can back on the shelf before closing the door and following the boy.
“Large Americano. Two shots. Hot.” The sheriff’s gaze never left, studying you closely as you followed Tyler to input the order on the register. You knew how to work a register, but you didn’t want to stay within his dad’s eye sight for long. The setup was as easy as the storage closet, everything labeled from Hot Drinks, Iced Drinks, Specials, and more. Clicking onto the hot drinks, you found everything quickly.
“Did you want to add anything in there like milk or cream?” You asked, knowing already what his answer would be.
“Black.” Like your soul, you thought. The order went through and Tyler thankfully already had it done. Reaching past you on the register to hand it to him, the sheriff gave his son a nod and you an unreadable look before leaving.
“Don’t worry about him,” You heard Tyler assure. “He’s too ‘wrapped up in work’ to care about me being in some closet with someone. Nice save, though.”
You turned to make eye contact with him, his arm resting upon the register counter by your waist and yours almost hitting his chest at the movement. Again finding yourself in close proximity.
“Does that mean you’re often caught doing who knows what in closets with people?” You raised a brow. His face flushed at the question, glancing aside and for once probably happy the cafe was emptier than usual.
“Calm down, lover boy. We’ve skipped a few steps, I still don’t even have your number to call you when I need help.” You flicked his forehead away with a smirk. He let out a small lopsided smile as he fell away from you. You were sure his number would be lying around somewhere on file or you could contact him through the employee app, but where was the fun (and consent) in that? You had no time to think about that as customers had come in.
“Ms. Thornhill, what a surprise to see you!” You couldn’t say you were shocked, Jericho’s a small town and being the only cafe around this would’ve happened eventually. You were surprised you hadn’t seen Enid out and about “blogging” despite it being a weekend.
“Y/N, lovely to see you. Why didn’t you tell me you got a job at the best cafe in town?” She gasped.
“It’s the only cafe in town, Ms. Thornhill.”
“I kid, I kid. Now what should I get? I usually get a double-cap, no foam, with two pumps of sugar free vanilla. But now that you’re my new favorite employee, I’d like your recommendation!” Favorite? Had Tyler been her favorite before? You weren’t sure what she had meant by that.
“You know me, miss, I love a good London Fog.” She knew full well of that too, you bring one into her class every other day.
“Alright, get me one of those!” You rung her up For Here and handed the item receipt to Tyler who was already steaming the milk. The next customer just wanted a warmed up Pain au Chocolat which you got out of the way quick enough.
“Here,” You heard Tyler call to you. Facing him, you noticed him holding a to go cup for you and Ms. Thornhill’s mug on the counter. Had he made two whilst you were busy?
“London Fog with an extra pump of vanilla syrup, that’s how you usually order yours.” He sheepishly scratched the back of his head.
“Now what’s this then?” You grabbed the cup.
“Just think of it as a welcome to Weathervane.” Tyler left with Ms. Thornhill’s order before you could question any further. You note a black smear on your hand, confusion riddled— you turn the cup.
— “(xxx) xxx - xxx
Call me outside of work?
- Tyler”
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
one piece smau: dating vivi edition
— a little different because its still modern au but i wanted to go with teh idea that vivi was still royalty and reader is her rlly hot bf that the public likes, but tabloids hot bc they dont think hes good enough for her ... whatever that trope is im a sucker for so thats why i made it this way
— male reader B)
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liked by king[name], igaram, ttchopper, and 530k others
queenvivi: visited drum island <3
tagged: king[name]
dni_nami: popcrave is gonna love this onneee cuz u look so good here vivi !!
-> queenvivi: thank u nami, i miss u sm !
-> uso_pp: popcrave jus posted on twitter "queen vivi slays in recent photo, shocking the entire country"
freeluffy: vivi when r u going to visit us :////
[liked by princesanji, dni_nami, and 70 others]
-> queenvivi: ??? babe i'm gonna change your password very soon
-> king[name]: WOOF WOOF WOOOOF
-> dni_nami: this why the media hates u [name]
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liked by pell, queenvivi, and 70k others
king[name]: will go to as many boring royalty events if it means im by her side <3
tagged: queenvivi
queenvivi: you're so handsome in all of these, im the luckiest woman in the world
roro.zoro: can't you get into a lot of trouble with literally every country for complaining abt this???
-> king[name]: proof?
-> roro.zoro: mf wtf do u mean proof??? THE PROOF IS RIGHT IN THIS POST
igaram: i'm going to murder this dumbass boy.
-> king[name]: oooh im telling on you to miss terracota
[liked queenvivi, dni_nami, and 100 others]
princesanji: i can't believe they make queen vivi cover her blue hair for these events, they are suffocating her natural beauty </333
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liked by dni_nami, freeluffy, and 103k others
deuxmoi: do you guys remember when vivi and [name] started dating? the royal couple are everyone's favorite pair !! happy four years to the two of them, to many more in the future to the cutest couple in the worllddd!!! p.s. honestly thank god for [name] because we got to see vivi in his iconic leather jacket, hello?! she looks so good!!
tagged: king[name] and queenvivi
randomroyallyobsessedfan: atp if he doesnt propose to her i will
-> anotherrandom: if she doesnt marry him atp i will
uso_pp: its crazy we r literally friends with the queen of a whole country
-> freeluffy: no we are BEST friends with vivi, usopp :DDD
[liked by queenvivi, king[name], and 200 others]
ttchopper: i remember when they first met, vivi was a blushing mess the entire time
-> queenvivi: please do not remind me. its so embarassing chopper.
-> king[name]: my own girlfriend is embarassed of me </3
princesanji: it should have been ME
-> king[name]: you're a fraud dni w me thanks xoxo
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liked by robinkills, king[name], and 450k others
queenvivi: what lana said that one time
tagged: king[name]
dni_nami: i pyo to that song where is my credit
king[name]: stop i am NOT a serial killer the tabloids r gonna have a field day w this reference pls
-> uso_pp: if hes a serial killer then whats the worst that could happen to a girl thats already hurt. im alreayd huurutttt
[liked by queenvivi, king[name], and 200 others]
-> pell: i'm going to confiscate your phone, she is fine. please relax igaram.
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liked by queenvivi, princesanji, and 200k others
king[name]: alexa play seven by jungkook EXPLICITY VERSION. EXPLICIT VERSION. EXPLICITY VERSION.
tagged: queenvivi
robinkills: it's like [name] wants to get banned from seeing vivi again
-> king[name]: the entire country trying to keep me out will not stop me from seeing my beautiful girlfriend
dni_nami: seriously??? of all songs???
-> king[name]: its the way that you can ride its the way that you can ride
-> queenvivi: babe please stop i can't keep explaining these references to my father he might kill you
roro.zoro: 3d a better song but alright
-> uso_pp: the way you couldn't be more wrong???
king[name]'s story
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i would lay down my life to protect this woman form any harm to come her way, some of you simply will NEVER understand
queenvivi replied to your story: i love you so much, let's stay in tmrw to relax
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sissylittlefeather · 4 months
How the Web Was Woven: Chapter 13
A/N: Woof. This one took me a minute. Also, it's a short bridge-type chapter, but don't worry. Next chapter will be LONG and JUICY. This is just a necessary part of the story. Please don't give up on us! ICYMI this is the soulmate/time travel AU between Elvis and a fem!reader.
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
Warnings: cussing and angst (a smut-free chapter?! Who am I?! Don't worry. It's coming soon and they will be too 😏)
Word count: ~1.9k
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"Why didn't she come for me?"
Elvis spends the next few weeks anxiously waiting for you to show up somewhere. It's clear his mind is elsewhere. Everyone around him notices that something is off, but he won't tell anyone what's going on. He just prowls around like a caged animal, nervous and waiting for something that no one understands. He goes back to Memphis before he has to be back in Vegas in August to film his concert documentary. The only thing that gets him out of his room is Lisa Marie. Otherwise, he mopes around or stays inside.
What no one knows is he's grieving. He's pretty sure he's lost you and his son too. The pain almost overwhelms him and he has a hard time living in his real life. He finds solace in music and spends a lot of time at the piano playing a whole catalogue of new songs. His favorite, though, is a song produced by the Beatles' record label, and he eventually asks to record it later that summer. It ends up on his album for the documentary That's the Way It Is and even makes it into a rehearsal scene with him playing it on the piano and singing. For some reason, the song makes him think of you, so he sings it as often as he can.
Even though it begins to look like he's back to himself, the pain of losing you is omnipresent. He resigns himself to the fact that he will likely never see you or his son ever again. As such, he leans into the documentary and even does a photo shoot with Priscilla over Thanksgiving to try to rekindle the affection he feels for her.
But he still feels like part of his soul has gone missing. It's the same old feeling he always has when he's away from you for too long, but this time it settles in his chest and becomes a part of him. 1970 slips into 1971 and he does his best to move on. 1971 slips into 1972 and he throws himself into work and lets his relationship with Priscilla sour. She moves out and he has a hard time even caring, except that she took Lisa Marie and it just twists the dagger of having already lost one child. There are other girls, like there always have been, but they never fill the void that you leave. He has a you-shaped hole in his heart that no amount of sex or romance or even love can fill. 1972 slides by, he films Elvis on Tour, and he plays shows across the United States. He plays Vegas again and then tours again, hoping that by keeping himself busy he'll notice your absence less.
Finally, he prepares for the Aloha from Hawaii concert that will be broadcast across the world. He tries to get back into peak physical shape and does everything he can to throw himself fully into this concert. In the process, he squashes the last hope of you ever showing up again. It's been three years.
You're gone.
Covid hits strong in 2020 and your world gets upended. You learn to work from home, host zoom call happy hours with your friends (even though you're pregnant and can't drink), and wear a mask anytime you're in public, which isn't often. In September, you give birth (alone and in a mask) to your daughter and name her Erin Love. She's perfectly healthy and looks so much like her brother you think you've given birth to his twin. And again you weep. Elvis is missing this and you know it'll break him if he ever finds out.
2020 fades into 2021 and you still can't risk going out with a baby. Every time you start to think it might be safe, a new strain or variant shows up and the world cowers in fear again. Vegas opens, but you're terrified, both of traveling and of the possibility of sending Covid back to 1971.
So, you wait. You wait and you wait and you keep waiting until your baby is old enough and the virus seems to slow down. Still, Vegas, with its masses of people, seems too risky. Finally, in December of 2022 you have an idea. You start making plans to head to Hawaii with both kids and your mom in January of 2023. Hawaii is much more secluded and you know exactly where he will be.
When you ask your mom to come with you, she wants to know why. This is going to be a very expensive vacation and she's not sure why you need her. You sit on her couch trying to decide just how much you should tell her. Eventually, you settle on something very close to the truth.
"John is there. We haven't seen each other in three years." You look down at the ring on your finger.
"I was starting to wonder if he still existed."
"I'm not even sure he'll want to see me..." You look at the ceiling to try to stop yourself from crying, but it doesn't work and the tears come sliding down your face.
"Oh, sweetie. I'm sure he does. He loves you."
"I hope so." She pulls you into a hug.
"I will go with you. I'll watch the kids so you two can get reacquainted."
"Thank you, mom."
Once she agrees to go with you, you drop an ungodly amount of money to stay in his suite and pack up both kids to fly to the islands. You decide not to tell John Jessie why you're going, just in case it doesn't work out. He's almost 6 now and he asks about his daddy damn near everyday. Somehow, he remembers him despite the fact that it's been almost 3 years since he's seen him. Erin's too little to ask questions. She doesn't even know she has a daddy, which breaks your heart every time you think about it.
After a rehearsal, Elvis heads to his suite to rest. He's 100% invested in what he's doing. But out of nowhere, he thinks of you again. He hums the song he's designated as yours and goes to work changing out of his jumpsuit.
He's got the zipper all the way down when he hears a sound that makes his heart stop. There it is, the old familiar buzzing. He hasn't heard it in so long. He turns slowly, sees the portal, and practically runs through it without thinking about the fact that he has no clothes packed and is wearing a jumpsuit.
When Elvis comes through the portal, he stops and stares at you. He's so in shock that he doesn't know how to respond. Your mouth pops open in awe of him standing there in the American Eagle jumpsuit fully unzipped. He looks better than you could've imagined. Obviously, you've seen the footage, but it really didn't do him justice. He zips it back up and gives you a hard stare.
"It's been three fucking years, y/n."
"I know-" You don't get any further though because John Jessie comes bounding into the room. He runs to Elvis and jumps on him. He's supposed to be napping with your mom in one of the bedrooms.
"Daddy! I heard you!" Elvis grabs him and holds him tightly.
"Heyyy buddy, I missed you so much!" You can tell he's trying hard not to cry. You look nervously towards the bedroom. If your mom sees him in this jumpsuit, it'll be impossible to explain.
"Bubby, where's your grandma?"
"She's asleep." You breathe easier and John Jessie turns back to his daddy. He launches into a monologue that only a 5-year-old can follow, but Elvis sits with him on the couch and listens attentively. You stand and watch the scene and Elvis glances at you every once in a while.
After about 15 minutes, you hear Erin cry from the room where she is taking her nap. Elvis looks up at you, shocked.
"Who is that?"
"That's my sister. She's little still." John Jessie answers knowingly. Elvis's head swivels to you so fast.
"Sister?" You nod and duck out of the room to grab Erin before her crying wakes your mom up. When you come back, Elvis looks at both of you and his eyes are shiny with tears. "Is she-?"
"She's yours." He stands up and immediately takes her from you.
"What's her name?"
"Erin Love."
"Love? Like my..." He trails off and looks at her lovingly.
"Yes. Like your mother." He holds her to himself and looks up at the ceiling, trying not to cry. He pulls back and looks at her again while she babbles to him.
"Baby, do you know I'm your daddy?" She looks up at him.
"Yes!" She smiles widely and he holds her close to him again. He looks at you incredulously.
"We have another baby."
"Yes, we do." He kisses her cheek and sets her down on the floor, turning to you. His eyes burn through you and he whispers angrily.
"Where the fuck have you been?! We have a daughter?!"
"Please, Elvis, I can explain."
"You better. I'm going to spend the evening with my kids, but you better have a damn good story when they go to bed."
You nod. How will you get him to understand Covid?
He changes into some clothes you have for him and helps you put the kids to bed. Despite not knowing the routine, he proves to be pretty helpful. You're amazed at how well John Jessie remembers him. Your mom seems to just know she should make herself scarce through the whole evening and stays in the room. Once you get both kids in bed, you sit on the couch facing him, heart pounding and stomach in knots. He looks at you with a mixture of sadness and anger.
"Tell me why, y/n."
"There is a new virus." You desperately try to explain everything that's happened over the last three years.
"So you couldn't come to me because of a cold virus?"
"Elvis, you don't understand. This was a global pandemic. Everything was closed and people all around the world were dying. They literally shut down Las Vegas."
"I've been other places." He responds, the anger in his voice obvious.
"I know, but I couldn't risk our kids. Or the possibility of you taking this virus back to your time. I finally feel safe here in Hawaii."
"I don't know, y/n, I'm glad you're okay and I'm especially excited to see the kids. But I thought I'd lost you. I buried you in my mind."
"Did you- did you move on?" For the first time, the reality that your marriage to Elvis might be over hits you in the gut and your eyes widen. Elvis isn't sure how to answer. He has a girlfriend, and technically another wife. But he looks at you sitting in front of him and can't help but feel the connection that's bound you together for over fifteen years. He wants to be angry so badly, but really all he is is sad. Sad that he missed the first two and a half years of his daughter's life. Sad that he went so long without all of you. Sad that you almost feel like a stranger now.
You sit on the couch staring at each other waiting for his answer.
Come back soon for Chapter 14!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @rosepresley68 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @that-hotdog @eddiesgirlforever @helen06dreamer @returntopresley @rjmartin11 @noirrose21-blog @tacozebra051 @deltafalax
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a-998h · 4 months
Hi I hope your having a good day.
Anyways I've got a sagau idea
So I've made like ten-ish or over OCs who look exactly like/similar to me because of Lore Reasons.
So pretend Reader has their own universe with a look-alike self-insert and over ten OCs who look just like their IRL self because of Lore Reasons.
It only applies to physical appearance and it ranges from "you're identical to the Reader" to "you could be a relative to them."
Let's say that instead of Reader getting Isekai-ed to Teyvat, one of their OCs who looks just like them lands in there instead and is executed in Imposter AU fashion, no matter how much they say they aren't Reader and never even claimed to be them.
They wake up in their universe like it was just a nightmare, but now have scars permanently acquired from the Imposter Hunt.
As for Reader, they had a nightmare where they saw their OC brutally hunted and killed in all the worst angles and don't take it well.
Next time its time to boot up Genshin Impact, they just hand it to a friend who loves the game but don't have the storage to play it, and just watches them play.
Their acolytes are wondering why their creator isn't controlling them anymore.
"As glad as I am that your letting me play, what's the fuck happened to make you let go of your borderline obsession with it?"
"one hell of a nightmare to put this off, the fuck happened?"
"You know [OC's Name]? I had a nightmare they woke up in Teyvat and was murdered and tortured by almost everyone in Teyvat. Because they looked like a Creator Deity."
"There's never even been a mention of a Creator God, and looking like them got one of your favorites killed, good god."
"yeah I can't stomach this anymore. I think I'll focus on my own original creations instead, you can have my account for now on."
"Woof. Not too keen on spoiling my Teyvatian faves myself knowing they might be culpable in making you sad."
"yeah I'm scared of having nightmares of my other look-alikes being murdered."
"Whatever makes you happy."
From then on Teyvat has to grapple with only having attention from a friend of their Creator occasionally giving them the time of day instead of their Creator's doting.
Teyvat will have to grapple with the 'imposter' being one of their many direct creation always meant to look just like them.
Teyvat will have to grapple with having executed a direct creation of the creator and loosing their love because of it. All that love now directed to those very mistreated creations.
Teyvat will have to grapple with their Creator Deity not even knowing/remembering that they created Teyvat, and only thinks they made their current focus.
Okay now I'm imagining an AU where another look-alikes OC whose heard of what happens the first time around wakes up in Teyvat and it very intent on staying away from civilization and finding their own way back to their universe.
Like what if this happened because Teyvat or other parties couldn't get the Creator back yet, so they settled for the next best thing. Their own creation who looked oh so similar.
This fits with my own lore for my series on my blog.
They want you. You're their beloved god but they can't have you, at least not yet. Thanks to Travel and the existence of you controlling them they knew other world exist.
The first they thought was a copy of you. They hunted the imposter, how dare this weakling impersonate their god. The death was brutal. That one woke up with scars.
This repeated for who know how long. As they come to terms with the fact that they won't have you just yet, the settle for someone they think is related to you. There are traits shared between the two of you, but that one isn't their god. But the have to settle until they can have you.
The nightmares that follow you push you away, they're sorry. They want you back, they'll be nice to the next one if you just look their way again. Please, they need you.
There is guilt, they killed a creation of yours with no remorse. They killed someone because they happened to look like you, and Teyvat thought this person was lying about being their god. They'll all make it up to you, just please look their way again.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
Pftttt oh thank goodness- I read that one ask that was maybe Spanish-? And saw you mentioned you gate keeped some of your asked to look at them.
Anxiety for the better of me and I panicked that I had offended you when I sent an ask say how much I enjoyed your stuffs, that’s good to know woof.
Yes it was spanish, english is actually my second language (the grammatical mistake i commit when i post at midnight take me away).
And yes, there's reasons i don't answer all asks i get in the moment
-i REALLY love what you say and i don't want to loose said ask in the waterfall that is my blog so you're trapped here now till i can find the way to print you ask and put it in my notebook, just know that i love you~
-idk how to answer your question yet, so you're trapped here till my mind make a right answer for you, sorry.
-you just hit a BIG point in my plot that i can't share yet till it happens, so you're trapped until then.
-You asked something i had already answer like 4 times/is in the masterpost.
-You send me your own au idea in hopes that i draw it for you, and i had leave it clear i don't like that.
-in the same fashion, you spammed the same question like 10 times in a same day, worst when is a question with topics 'm not comfortable talking (god heavens, stop with the questions about sexual abuse, that topic isn't going to be include in my Au.)
-You send me a mean comment in hopes to be see as a edgy hater, but i just saw a child crying behind the bars in my askbox 'cause i don't ship what you ship, so i yeeted you out.
-i probably erase you ask without realizing 'cause i was trying to erase another ask (this had happen to me mostly on midnight). im REALLY sorry if that the case.
-for some reason your ask dissapeared from my askbox, and then it was there days later (that had happening before with some asks i know i hadn't erase but that somehow goes missing when i want to answer then and then show up randomly days later, i get confused each time it happens)
The point is, don't get anxious if i don't respond your asks right away, i usually have a schendule to work the asks that both help me advance the story and don't overflow the blog, but just know that all the support and pretty words i had recieved in my ask i have them hostage 'cause it really bright my day each time i open the askbox, you guys really make me happy here~
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frenchlatte · 8 months
“You can call me whenever you want..”
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[Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader]
[Modern!AU][AFAB Reader][No smut only Fluff]
Sighing to yourself, you checked your phone for the time. 10:15 AM. It feels like time can’t fly any faster at your job.
You worked at the most popular green coffee shop, and today it was slow. Seems like everyone wanted to sleep in! Grabbing a cleaning rag, you rubbed the counter for about the 5th time in a row today.
Hearing a drink’s ticket print, you grew excited at the opportunity to do something. It was easy, a small iced caramel macchiato. Finishing quickly, it became evident you were back to square one again.
Hearing the door give a small chime caused you to perk up. Eyes scanning forward you saw your favorite regular! Well.. favorite was a word. He made you feel flustered every chance he could, especially if he had been super chatty while you worked on his drink.
He was incredibly handsome, and always had a small smile on his face when he spoke to you. He had his spiky blonde hair down today, while he wore a white button up, tie, and slacks. His sleeves were rolled up to the forearm. Woof.
You let you eyes stare probably a little too long, as he greeted you and went to place his order at the register. He definitely caught you staring, but again when does he not..
His name is Rengoku, his usual order goes as a large iced hazelnut blonde latte. Replace the 2% milk for whole milk, and light ice.
He always wears nice business casual when he comes in, and seems to drive a really nice car. You wondered what he did for business, as the only thing he tells you is security. You thought to yourself, no security guard makes that much money.
After placing his order, he seemed to scuffle over to you pretty quickly. He waved, and smiled bright at you. You felt your face grow a little red with the new attention.
“Hey!! Good morning Rengoku, welcome back. I got your latte coming out soon.” I smiled back at him as I prepared his drink.
He waited across the counter patiently, “No worries Y/N! I’m so happy you’re making my drink. It always comes out the best from you.”
The compliment made me smile for two reasons, I was passionate about my craft and it came from him. My eyes went back to him as he spoke again.
“Have you had your 30 yet, did you wanna come sit with me if you’re able..?”
His voice trailed off a little, sounding less confident but still with a bright smile. His eyes were soft, but still piercing in a golden hue. He sounded nervous to ask you.
Your lips curled into a smile, butterflies swarmed your stomach. Whenever you could, you would take your meals with him. It was so fun to sit and just talk about nothing. You watched him across the counter from you fidget waiting for your response.
You topped his finished drink with a lid, and handed it out gently,
“Let me go check to see if they’re in a good enough place for me to take a lunch now! I’ll be right back Rengoku.”
His eyes brightened and he nodded excitedly with small words of encouragement.
You turned around to walk and see if anything urgent needed to be done, and if your team needed you for those 30 minutes. Without any reason to stay, you walked back out to the lobby and sat down with him.
“Alrighty they don’t need me. What’s up Rengoku, I feel like I haven’t seen you recently.”
You sat down directly in front of him, leaning your head into your hands. Your eyes met, and you smiled. Focusing your attention solely onto him. His posture straightened as you sat down with him, and you watched his hands subtly twitch. He was a very well sculptured man. His shirt clung onto his arms tightly, and his pants were tailored to him exact. He had a nice and assumingely expensive watch on his left wrist. He always dressed so nice.
“I feel the same!!” He said enthusiastically. “I’ve been working so hard recently. You’ve been on my mind a lot though, so I wanted to drop in as soon as I was at a stopping point. I hoped you hadn’t forgotten about me yet.”
He let out a low chuckle and scratched the back of his head. He was blushing softly, and so were you. This man always made you feel so special. You broke the eye contact and averted your gaze to the coffee he held in his hand. Your face undoubtedly had a nice red hue to it.
You shifted in your seat uneasily , “Rengoku, how could I ever forget about you? Even when you don’t come in I still think about you and wonder how you’re doing.”
His eyes widened slightly and you could’ve sworn you saw him tense, grabbing his coffee a little tighter than normal. His face broke into a grin, and he laughed a little.
“ Wow Y/N!! I didn’t know you could make me smile this big .”
Your face erupted into a hot blush, and felt uncertain on how to respond. He seemed to notice his outburst and rushed out,
“ Ahh I’m sorry that came out so forward… you’re blushing like a rose… you just…” he trailed off smiling at me with half-lidded eyes. He brought up his coffee to take a sip.
“no no it’s okay I promise.” A few giggles came out of your mouth, and time seemed to pause for a moment while you two stared at each other. You couldn’t break the eye contact, it felt so comforting and alluring in that moment.
In that moment, it connected for you. You are attracted to this man beyond his looks, but how he talks to you and treats you. When he would come in, he’d show you goofy dog videos on Tiktok. You both would chat about random things like broken patio furniture and make it interesting. He cared when you would seem different, asking about what happened and how he could support. He was .. great. You wanted more of this.
“Uhh hey Rengoku..”
He snapped back to reality.
“Yes Y/N!” He answered with a smile. His hand came up to brush a few strands of spiky hair out of his face.
“ This is so awkward but..” you hesitated, huffing a little and blushing again, fiddling with the sleeve on your shirt. “ I wasn’t wanting a relationship recently, but since you’ve been coming in I just.. have realized I have feelings for you. You always make me happy to be around you and I want more of that..”
Your eyes were shifted down at the table, and you squirmed in your seat. Your brain focused on the soft music playing in the cafe around you two, and you tried to not think about the man in front of you.
“Y/N !! You’re the only reason I come here. I find myself just wanting to see you every day, and I’m pretty sure you consumed 90% of my brain! It’s not awkward please don’t say such harsh things about yourself.”
Your eyebrows raised hearing his words.
You felt a large hand caress your face, it encouraged you to look forward and meet the eyes of a love struck Rengoku. His face was equally as blushed except he looked so happy to hear your thoughts. His eyes were glowing as he grinned. The other hand of his reached out in an inviting way for your hand.
You slowly lifted your hand to slide into his, and leaned into the one on your face. A smile broke loose on your face, and you said softly
“I guess you’ll be needing this then..”
You reached into your pocket pulling out a tiny post-it note square and a pen. You scribbled down your number and passed it to the enthusiastic male across from you.
His eyes beamed with delight, and he nodded.
“ absolutely Y/N. I’m so happy to finally have told you this.. it removes so much worry off of me.”
A small alarm came from your phone, signalizing your break was over. A pang of disappointment washing over your heart and face.
Rengoku reached out and gently cupped your face, smiling brightly.
“Don’t be so sad my little flame!! You can call me whenever you want to!!” His hand slid to your hair and gently ruffled.
Your face glowed, giving him a smile.
You would.
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skyward-floored · 7 months
Here’s the Incredibles au oneshot that I said I was working on that I accidentally deleted and finally rewrote oops
This is set right before supers are officially banned, so Twilight is the only kid born so far. And his poor family is not dealing well with the looming ban.
Twilight let out an excited yip as he chased his tail, spinning around in dizzying circles. Normally he wouldn’t be allowed to spin so fast, but Mama wasn’t trying to walk past him and nobody else was home, so he could go as fast as he liked!
He spun in even faster circles, and let out excited little growls as his paws pounded the floor. The living room whirled around him, and Twilight nipped at his tail, spinning like mad.
Sudden a weird wriggly feeling lurched in his stomach, and Twilight wobbled to a stop, blinking rapidly as his vision kept spinning around.
Ooh... maybe there was a reason he wasn’t supposed to go so fast.
He plunked onto the floor, shaking his head as his vision continued to spin. Twilight whined and set his head on the floor too, but finally the wriggling in his stomach eased, and his vision came to a stop.
Twilight shook his head one last time, happy he could move without wobbling, but then a noise hit his ears. He raised his head, then tilted it, confused. That sounded like Mama, but he’d never heard her make a sniffly noise like that before...
...was she okay?
Twilight padded out of the room, swiveling his ears as he followed the noise. He walked through the house, listening carefully, then finally poked his head around a corner and found Mama.
She was sitting on the stairs, which was already weird, but she also had a hand over her eyes, and tears were rolling down what bit of her face Twilight could see. He stared at her in shock, then crept over to her, a small whine building in his throat.
She was crying?
He’d never seen her cry before.
“Mama?” he woofed anxiously, knowing she’d understand him. His mother startled and looked down at him, her eyes shiny with tears. “You hurt?”
“Oh... oh honey, I’m okay,” she said in a wobbly voice, swiping a sleeve over her eyes. “I’m just...“
She sniffled, and Twilight rested his head on her knee, nuzzling her leg just a little. Malon breathed out, and Twilight let her gather him into her arms, wriggling around until he was comfortable.
“The world is just... a little sad right now,” Mama said quietly, holding him close. “People are... scared, of what our powers can do, and when people are scared, they... they sometimes make bad choices.”
Twilight stayed quiet for a moment, thinking this through as Mama brushed away a bit of flyaway fur from his eyes.
“That’s why Daddy was hurt yester-a-day?”
Malon startled, then sighed. “Yes sweetie, that’s why.”
Twilight went quiet again, and Malon held him a bit tighter, looking down at him worriedly.
“You don’t need to be scared honey, it’s okay. Me and Daddy will keep you safe,” she said gently, scratching his ears. Twilight wiggled his nose, and after a moment’s concentration, turned back into a hylian.
“Not scared,” he said, and it was true. He wasn’t scared of mean people who didn’t like powers, even if he’d... never actually met any. But he knew he didn’t like them for making Mama cry and Daddy limp around all of yesterday.
Were they also why Sky had been so angry the other night, and why Warriors didn’t play with him as much?
Mama sniffled again, and Twilight looked up at her, that wriggling feeling in his stomach coming back even worse as a tear trailed down her cheek.
“Don’t cry Mama,” he said, and when she looked down at him, he reached up and planted a big kiss on her damp cheek. “Be okay.“
Mama gave him just a little bit of a smile, and held him close, pressing a kiss to his hair. He snuggled closer, and she ran a hand through his hair, smoothing out the little tangles that always seemed to show up.
“Thank you honey, you’re right. It’ll be okay. It’ll all be okay,” she said, almost like she was talking to herself instead of him. Twilight rested his head on her shoulder, and she set a hand on her rounded tummy, lightly rubbing it as she held him close. “Everything will be okay.”
Twilight smiled, and sucked on his thumb as she held him tight.
Mama was still making the sniffly noise, but not as loud as before, and Twilight nestled up to her, happy he’d helped. The wriggly feeling in his stomach felt better, and Mama had said it would be okay, even if the world was sad right now.
She pressed another kiss to his hair, and Twilight closed his eyes.
It would be okay.
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swampbrick · 7 months
Y’all have waited so patiently for me to get my shit together and format this post, and for that, I thank y’all endlessly (for not calling me out on my avoidant personality and procrastination xoxo)
Without further ado, I give you…
Swamp’s GhostSoap Recs
(electric boogaloo)
My qualifications to make this post are that I’m neurodivergent and have read over half the damn archive at this point.
If you see your fic featured here and don't want it included in a rec post, just shoot me a dm! Will remove any from the list without question or complaint at the author's request.
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Notes: I tried to sort some of them out into some broader categories for easier perusal, however, some fics might touch more than one of these topics. I went with whichever category was the MOST relevant in regard to the fic's content. Fics in italics are under 10K words. Stuff involving religious guilt and heavy religious undertones are marked in orange. Some fics are privated by the author- in that case the link might not work for you if you’re on mobile, so just look it up by author and title once you’re logged into your AO3 account. Happy reading!
Random Fics I Enjoyed and Can't Sort Into Broad Categories
The Wedding Lt. by SomnolentPavana
Like Watching Paint Dry by Grangers_apprentice
Mission Briefs by BleedingTypewriter
Don't be Scared by the Starting Gun by Suliana
Afraid (of Changing) by EmpressCirque
HALO by Cryypticchaotic
Tough Love by The_neurodivergent_nerd
Smooth Sailing on Choppy Water by coderaven
Poison Apple by surveycorpsjean
Punch Drunk by Drolly
Tesco's Finest by Vanemis
If You Don't Stop, I'll End up Believing You by Hochseeperle
Assorted AUs
like the dust (that hides the glow) by ArcadeGhostAdventurer [soulmates]
In My Time of Need by WhisperedWords12 [omegaverse]
lotus flower by exavibus [tattoo artist x florist]
Damaged Goods by Red_Clegane [lawyer x prostitute]
Safety Hazard by Red_Clegane [president's son x secret service]
On Leave
No Reqiuem by ice_hot_13
set your teeth against my throat (give me something pretty to wear beneath my blood-stained clothes) by aetherealmoss
let these hills absolve me by flowersferns (THE SHEERP FARMING FIC SOBBING CRYING)
solemn prayer, poppy in my hair by congee4lunch
A Scottish Bastard's Smile by SnarlingGherkin
The Fairtytale of Manchester by MildLimerence
Injury and/or Discharge
all that's said in the low light by headlocket (my favorite fic of all time actually if you haven't seen my 9000 other posts saying so)
My frozen heart (would melt just for you) by Red_Clegane
Clue by Wispscribbles
I Woke Up Underground by WispScribbles
Vicissitude by crows_and_curses
Yours Sincerely by LeoDoesGames
i'm a fire and i'll keep your brittle heart warm by marviless
Affirmative, Sir by Wixiany
To Drive a Man to Madness by Crypticchaotic
This Is (Mostly) P0rn
After Dark by Sylencia (THE BDSM CLUB FIC WOOF WOOF)
If I ever saw you try to be a saint (I'd be appalled) by Xalethar
Chicago Whiskey by Serpentwyne
Make Me Bad by Serpentwyne
gimme just a little bit (more) by applepieces [09!ghostsoap]
Want It All by TuxedoHummingbird
A Fool's Gambit by MildLimerence
tame me by MikaelLo
the human condition by bilbhoebangins
All the Sins You Never Had the Courage to Commit by mothbeast
The Worthy Vessel by MildLimerence
Hotline by MildLimerence
Bonus Fic!
Here's a Gaz Centric, Poly141 fic that has ghostsoap in it but does not focus on it heavily enough to go in one of the other categories. This is Kyle's time to shine.
Hand Around My Heart by Grangers_apprentice
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c-rose2081 · 4 months
The Mal and Audrey swap AU is so interesting, I have so, SO many questions about it. Does Mal know she's actually Maleficent's daughter? If not, how does she handle the revelation? How will everyone else handle it? Will she actually go along with her bio-mom's evil plan? How does Mal and everyone else, including the VKs, feel about and treat Audrey? Do they think Audrey is Maleficent's daughter? If so, does Audrey correct them? Even though Audrey knows she's not Maleficent's daughter, does she know she's Aurora's daughter? If not, how will she find out the truth? How is everyone going to react when they find our Audrey is Aurora's daughter? Will finding her real mom be what pushes Audrey to stop Maleficent's evil plan, or will it be something else? Is Mal gonna change her awful ways? If so, will she have a similar arc to canon Audrey (losing her social status to Audrey, becoming a villain, getting defeated and repenting) or will it be different? Sorry, I know that's a ton of questions, I just gotta know how all this plays out, especially how both Mal and Audrey will develop as characters and how the events of D2 and D3 will be affected, since Ben will still wind up with Mal despite the role swap
Woof, that is a lot of questions XD, but I don’t mind. I’ll go over some of the basics for you:
1.) Audrey knows she’s not Maleficent’s daughter because Maleficent told her so (she has more dignity than raising the child of her greatest enemies as her own). Audrey doesn’t know where she comes from, as far as she knows her birth parents are long gone and Maleficent ‘saved’ her from dying as a baby. She has no clue she’s actually Aurora and Phillip’s daughter. She doesn’t even know her full name, which is why she goes by Auds or A. However, she is very aware that Maleficent’s actual daughter is in Auradon somewhere, just not exactly where she is/who she was raised by.
2.) Mallory doesn’t know either. This is due to a very strong glamor spell Maleficent cast when the swap was made. It’s so strong that no one questions why Mal doesn’t look anything like her parents, and keeps her from wondering about it too much. She’s happy with her life and has no reason to question it. Her magic was explained away as a weird side-effect of Aurora’s time in the enchanted sleep.
3.) Audrey is basically an observer in D1’s main plot, a bit like a background character. On the Isle of the Lost she is a nobody and is treated as such. She’s a servant to Maleficent and bullied by the other VK’s. She takes orders without question, stays out of other people’s way, has no allies or friends of her own, and doesn’t interfere with Maleficent’s plans unless specifically told to do so.
When she gets sent to Auradon, for all intents and purposes she is Maleficent’s daughter (she would never say otherwise). She’s there to deliver Maleficent’s spellbook to Mallory, her one order, while the other VK’s are tasked with turning her evil. The story progresses similarly to canon, VK’s trying to get to the wand, spelling Ben with a cookie to try and fix his and Mal’s relationship, ect. ect. but Audrey is a passive observer to the entire thing, with her own little story on the side where she starts to make some friends (or rather, Jane and Lonnie start trying to be friends with her) and even has a romance with Mr. Chad Charming (I’m a Chaudrey shipper, sue me!)
4.) The glamor begins to wear off once Auds and Mal are in the same place for long enough, which is when people start to figure out something’s up. Queen Leah at Family Day really breaks things open, as her lack of time in the glamor made seeing Mal as an untrue heir easier to accept (she and Mal still don’t get along). Leah recognizes Audrey at family day, which spooks literally everyone and sends everything into confusion.
5.) I’m not spoiling endings or full realizations yet (mostly cause I haven’t decided what I want yet)
🥲 I hope this helps with some of your questions!
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kalliyen · 1 year
Brewing Romance
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Pairing: Diluc x GN!Reader
Featuring: Diluc, Kaeya, Jean
Genre: Fluffff, Barista AU, Modern AU, College AU
Summary: barista au….un lang lol also diluc falls in love at first sight….yeah
Reader’s Pronouns: they/them
Warning: diluc is so down bad, kinda ooc mb…(not really) HES SO FINE WOOF WOOF slight kaebedo implied lawlwlwlwlw
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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i. a change of pace
Diluc Ragnvindr wishes for a change of pace. Something different from his boring dull life as a college student who works part time at a nearby café.
It’s not like he needs the money or anything, his family is quite wealthy, but he decided to work for the experience. Also because his friend, Jean, forced him.
Not really forced him no, more like begged him to help her around the shop because they were very understaffed, and Diluc being the kind stoic soul he is, took pity in his friend and decided to accept her offer.
Unluckily for him, he didn’t know that his brother, Kaeya, also works at the café, if he asked Kaeya why, all he’d respond is with “To scout cute chicks!” But he knows Kaeya was just really ogling the blonde kid with bags in his eyes that sits in the back of the café, he noticed that Kaeya would always volunteer to give the man his order…..
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ii. new face ?
It’s like as if the Anemo Archon himself heard his pleas for a new face, because a few days later he’s greeted with someone new.
Not like he recognizes every single costumer that comes and goes, but you stood out to him because damn….you were breathtaking.
When you walked up to the cashier he internally panicked, immediately putting Kaeya in his spot and disturbing his brother from ogling that blonde kid again.
“Hey?!! Bro what the hell was that for?!?!” Kaeya exclaims “Spot me. You take their order and I’ll make it. Alright?” Diluc states
Not getting another word in, and not wanting to question Diluc about his red face for now, he begrudgingly takes your order, still kind of looking at the blonde kid at the back (these brothers are so down bad what the hell 🔥🔥)
Diluc makes your order, still as red as his hair, because you ordered his favorite drink, and Jean noticed that he was making it with a smile on his face. ‘I guess he’s finally gone crazy.’ She thinks to herself.
Diluc hands you your order, looking down a bit, because he swear if he sees your beautiful presence again he might actually just combust.
You notice a ‘help wanted’ poster near the door and decide to ask him about it.
“Hey are you guys still looking for help? Cause I’d love to work part time here, if that’s alright.” You state. And Diluc’s brain actually stumbles into himself, he responds to you with “O-of course! We’d be happy to accept your h-help..You can ask the manager for the application form and she can schedule an interview with you” He finishes, and points to where Jean was.
“Thank you so much! Uhm….Diluc?” You read on his name tag. Taken aback, Diluc replies “O-of course! No problem. Happy to help.”
Kaeya was watching the whole scene from the cashier with a stupid smile on his face, god damn his brother was in for it hard.
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iii. ARE YOU UP FOR THE CHALLENGE????? *vine boom*
On the day of your interview with Jean, you decided to dress up nicely and give it all you’ve got, like this is some big corporate job or something.
But hey, to you this was a big interview because god fucking damn did you need some spare cash, you don’t think you can live on processed food for another week even if you had to.
Jean doesn’t beat around the bush and immediately tells you that your hired, saying that you could start tomorrow.
Diluc over hears your interview and smiles to himself, he can finally work with someone he wants too!
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iv. cupid works in mysterious ways
Even if you did work together, Diluc unfortunately does not have the same shift as you do. He works the lunch hours from 11 am to 3 pm, while you work from 8 am to 12 noon, which only alots one hour with you everyday, but he tried to make the best of those 60 minutes with you.
Though he was very nervous to approach you at first, he was the one tasked to help you work the coffee machine, and how the workflow goes.
Admittedly, he gets distracted by you sometimes, he just can’t help himself. The way your hair is kept neatly so it doesn’t get it your face, the way the apron hugs you form, making you seem more beautiful than you already were.
It’s not like you were stupid or anything, you weren’t oblivious to the obvious ogling Diluc does whenever he works with you. It brings a wave of heat to your cheeks, because to have such attractive man have eyes for you? You’d almost believe that you were the mc of a fan fiction or something.
Jean obviously noticed the tension you two would emit whenever you worked together, and how Diluc hesitated to greet you goodbye when your shift was over. So she arranged a new schedule for him, to be on the same work shift as you.
They weren’t as understaffed as before, having a good handful of employees that recently applied. Mostly because they wanted to check out the two hot brothers that worked at front. But hey, whatever keeps the business going am I right?
Before Diluc leaves by the end of his shift, double checking if he’s cleaned the machine thoroughly, Jean calls him into her office, Diluc obliges, not thinking much of it.
“Is there a particular reason you called me here Jean?” Diluc asks, while closing the door of her office. “Don’t worry Diluc, it isn’t anything dire. Just a slight change in your work hours.” She says while fixing the papers on her desk.
At this, Diluc’s ears perk up, “My shift? Change? What for?” To be closer with you, he hopes.
“I’ve decided for you to have the same shift as y/n, I sense that you have no opposition to this? Seeing as you enjoy your time on the job whenever they are present.” Jean states like it was to be expected. “Of course, I don’t have any oppositions. You are the manager after all.”
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v. latte (he)art
To say you were surprised to see Diluc at work that early the next day was an understatement. You were ecstatic. “Diluc? what are you doing at work so early?” You ask, a smile threatening to form on your lips, trying your hardest to hold yourself back at the sight of him.
“Jean decided to change my shift, so I could work the morning hours, since that’s our busiest time.” And to spend more time with you, Diluc wants to say, but decides against it.
“Really? That’s great!” You start with a smile on your face. “Oh and uhm, I actually really needed your help with something. You know the latte art? Yeah I’m learning to do that now but it’s really hard, Kaeya tried to teach me but he completely gave up, I swear he just works here to ogle that blonde kid at the back”
“Of course I’d help you y/n, it’d be my pleasure.” Diluc says with a smile on his face. He looked very pretty when he smiled, you thought.
You and Diluc spent a few hours and countless cups of coffee, trying to get you to create an actually presentable output. But you just couldn’t seem to get the hang of it.
Profusely apologizing over and over again, But Diluc didn’t seem to mind, having been patient with you this whole time. He decided it was best for you both to have a slight break from the latter art.
But then you felt something warm on your hands, a cup of coffee and Diluc’s warm fingers, seeming to engulf your own.
You looked down at the cup of coffee, and then up at him, noticing that the cup held a cute heart in it, which made your own heart soar with happiness.
“Let’s take a break yeah? We can learn once you’ve collected yourself. Just enjoy this cup I’ve made for you for now.” Diluc hands you the cup, while leaving a loving yet hesitant kiss to your forehead.
gbye i didn’t know how to end this……anyways enjoy 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
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softagenda · 1 year
aperitif (ais)
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ais x reader(f)
food au / short fic
series: birds of a feather ; aperitif
originally posted on ao3
“He wants you to become one with the Seaspring. To bind your soul and body within this temple. To drown forever in these waters.”
His hand slid up your back and sunk into your hair. He crushed your mouth against his, more bite than kiss, his breath hot against your face. “Sometimes, sparrow,” he said softly, pressing the words into your lips, “I want that too.”
A thin trail of cigarette smoke issued from the open maw of the Seaspring’s temple.
You felt the tension leave your shoulders, breathing in a lungful of briny air as you breached the steps and entered. This must be what it felt like, to tread on the tongue of a colossal whale: humid, salty air drifting around you, almost cloying to the skin; the arching red gates and rafters forming the palate, stalwart pillars covered in white talismans like teeth; a lake of blood pooling below like saliva.
As you surveyed the room, a form lounged between the pillars on the left, one long leg hanging over the pier, his boot stirring the water below. Your gazes met over the embering butt of a cigarette, his eyes glowing amidst the shadow and gloom of the temple.
You waited for a moment, gauging his mood, but, when the corner of his mouth slowly rose, you approached. The pier creaked underneath your boots, the talisman’s fluttering against the current of air.
 “There you are.”
Ais took another long drag from his cigarette before a smirk curled his mouth. “Missed me?”
“Not you.” You instead knelt next to the Soulless lounging at his hip, three tails writhing with what you’d come to recognize as happiness. “Hey, good girl. I brought you a little something.”
Reaching into your bag, you tugged out a parcel wrapped in butcher paper. Once the massive hunk of meat and bone was revealed, Princess leapt to her feet and whined, prancing on the pier. You checked to make sure all the paper had come away clean before lifting it with both hands and offering it.
Vicious jaws bit with savage glee into the middle, sending rivulets of blood falling to the ancient wood below. She spun to the left and leaned into Ais, as if to show him the gift proudly, before he gently guided her back with a hand on her shoulder. 
“Good for you, Princess,” he said with a smile, the hard lines around his eyes softening a bit. “Mind eating over there? You’re dripping.”
With a happy whine, she took her prize a few yards away and began tucking in with glee. You smiled but glanced away, ignoring the visceral wet sounds of hundreds of teeth gnashing into meat and scraping against bone. 
“Where’s mine?”
You dropped down across from him, crossing your legs and propping your back against the pillar. “Jealous?” you asked, an echo of before that had his mouth curling again. “Have you been a good boy?” 
“Doubt it.”
“Then,” you continued, “earn it.”
Glowing red eyes watched you, their depths inscrutable, as he took another pull from the cigarette. The smoke curled from around his lips, slipping from the cracks in his teeth. The shadows under his eyes had darkened since you last saw him, the hollows in his cheeks deeper.
“You weren’t at the Wick the other day,” you said, careful to keep your voice level. “Skipping out on your tab?”
Smoke exuded from his nose as he sighed, head drifting back as his eyes closed. “Hm. Didn’t feel like company. Pissed I didn’t show?”
“No. Not like we’d agreed to meet,” you said easily. That was true - though over the past few months, it had become something of a regular thing: moseying into the Wick some time after dusk, having a drink with the other at the bar, sometimes lazing the night away in the booth in the corner, nursing pints and heckling Leander. “And now?” At his look, you added, “feel like company?”
“If I don’t?”
Witha short nod, you swept your bag over your shoulder and prepared to leave, when Ais’s eyes opened. “Stay.”
“Ass,” you murmured under your breath but slouched back to the ground. 
In silence, you watched the water, the blood red surface still as stained glass. Ais resettled, his head back, eyes closed, his expression almost meditative except for the furrow on his brow. Once in a while the cigarette was lifted, his frowning mouth wrapping around the end, before another ghost exhumed from his lips.
You sat back, content to wait, thoughts drifting hazily as though you were spread out on a sunny hillside rather than the threshold of hell. 
Ais could be mercurial at times - his moods swinging from playful smirks to grim contemplation, sharp with an icy rage or coddled by an almost drowsy boredom, with little warning. Some of that you knew was due to the Seaspring and the hivemind created amongst those who had drunk from the water, but it was difficult to tell how much. 
Every now and then, Ais would disappear for a while, locked somewhere deep in this temple, and resurface after a time, his countenance steadier, more controlled. You couldn’t be sure - you had only known him for a few months, after all - but you wondered if that was his time to center himself amidst the hundreds of others swimming through the hivemind’s pool.
Hours could have passed before you felt his gaze on your face. The cigarette was barely a nub between his fingers. He dropped it into an iron tray by the tea kettle with a flick of his wrist and watched you for a long moment before he lifted his hand. 
You lifted one brow in silent question, but Ais just curled his fingers, beckoning.
With narrowed eyes, you sighed before rising from your slouch and approaching him. Once in range, his hand whipped out and grabbed your arm, tugging you into his lap. Your knees hit the ground behind his hips, burning white hot for a moment before aching like a fresh bruise. 
Muffling a curse into the front of his kimono, you sat back on his thighs, pushing against the hand that had settled on the small of your back. “Here I thought you wanted to earn that ‘good boy’ title,” you griped, shooting a glare at the mouth just inches away.
But Ais wasn’t teasing as you’d expected. His mouth, rather than twisting into a smirk, had stiffened, a muscle flexing on his tight jaw. Red eyes bore into you, the color of wine, not bright with humor but full of a deep, bottomless darkness that hooked into you with a strange mixture of trepidation and desire.
“Far from it,” he said, his voice low and empty. Before you could react, his hips turned, both legs hanging over the pier, as he slowly leaned forward. 
Your arms, once draped loosely around his shoulders, now clenched around him as he held you over the Seaspring with an arm bracing your back. Your hands clutched fistfuls of the kimono, the fabric slippery between your sweaty fingers. 
Ais continued to bend until your back was near parallel to the surface of the water. Out of growing panic, your legs had wrapped around him, thighs gripping as tightly as you could hold. 
“Ais,” you started, but froze, the words caught in your throat.
His face turned toward you, burrowing deeper into your neck, his lips brushing against your ear. “Sometimes, the thought of you drinking from the Seaspring grows inside me.” His nose trailed against your cheek as until his mouth hovered against yours. “I dream of it. Taking a drink myself. Letting the blood pool in my mouth. Then…” A brush of hot, wet tongue teased against your lips, trying to coax you into opening for him.
A shudder ran down your back. Heat pooled and thrummed between your thighs, even as your stomach twisted at the idea. You’re caught between fear and desire, struggling to keep pace with him.
“Or like this,” he continued, his body pressed tightly to your front as he lowered you ever closer to the water. You realize with a thread of panic that the ends of your hair were now dipping beneath the surface. “Trapping you in my arms, and just… sliding in.” 
Something hard and unyielding pressed against your groin, rubbing against you.
You swallowed thickly, staring into his eyes. The simmering red had been completely subsumed within the black. An abyss peered back at you.
“He whispers it, in my head.” His arm loosened at your back, dropping you another inch closer to the water even as your legs and arms tightened desperately. 
The words sent icy fear flooding through your veins. He whispers it, in my head. That could only mean one thing, one being. A name you had only heard once before.
 “The thought of losing you, of someone taking you far from here,” Ais whispered, his voice rough. “He wants you to become one with the Seaspring. To bind your soul and body within this temple. To drown forever in these waters.”
His hand slid up your back and sunk into your hair. He crushed your mouth against his, more bite than kiss, his breath hot against your face. “Sometimes, sparrow,” he said softly, pressing the words into your lips, “I want that too.”
For a long moment, you hung there over the still water, holding him as tight as you could. You felt cold, your body paralyzed with fear.
Beneath you came the sound of faint, thin pops of air. Bubbles. One, two, a cluster breaching the surface. 
A scream was building in your throat. Instead of giving in to it, you stared into his eyes, searching. “You’d have to think of a new nickname for me,” you whispered, your voice cracking. “Sparrows can’t swim.” 
You licked your lips, your tongue just brushing against his, and - there. A flicker of that familiar red curling around his pupil. “‘Seagull’ doesn’t have - quite as nice a ring to it,” you gasped, heart pounding in your chest. 
The bubbles were emerging more frequently at your back, the water gurgling, near boiling.
A thin whine from nearby cut through the air.
Just as it seemed the Seaspring might reach up and wash you beneath its undertow, you’re jerked upward. As easily as he might a bag of flour, Ais rolled you both back onto the pier. Stars burst behind your eyes as your head knocked on the pier, your hair snagging on splinters and nail heads.
Blinking through the pain, you forced your eyes open.
Ais was braced over you, his hair drifting about his face, the white tips hovering along his jaw and his horns. He was stiff and pale, his jaw taut, his eyes clenched shut as he fought himself. 
When you twitched, his whole body tightened around you. His hand beneath your head which had once softened the blow, now slid down and gripped your nape, holding you in place. The silver pendant that rested on his chest now nestled against your collar, a cool kiss of metal against your clammy skin.
Panting, shaken, you laid there without complaint as your body slowly calmed. 
After a long moment, the tension seeped from him, a tidal wave easing back into the ocean. His eyes opened, and the familiar bright, brimming red finally set your heart at ease.
His lips parted but no words came forth. He seemed unsure what to say.
Gathering your courage, you sighed, “... good boy.”
Ais blinked. 
Stared, inscrutable, for a tense pause before his head hung between his shoulders. His forehead dropped against your collar bone, his face practically nestled in your chest, and just like that your heart was thundering again, knocking insistently at your rib cage. 
He tilted his face toward you, his cheek rubbing against your shirt like a cat. “Do I get my treat now?”
“Think you deserve it?” you shot back, still shaken, but fighting through it to smirk. “After that performance… maybe I should muzzle you.” 
Ais hummed, his hands idly stroking up your waist. “Would find a way to bite you regardless.”
“How about you bite my buns instead, if you’re so desperate for a nibble?”
His brows rose, but Ais smirked, his hands drifting lower, headed for your ass. “Read my mind, sparrow.” He managed to grab two, squeezing handfuls while you were reaching above your head and digging through your bag. 
Wiggling out from under him and sitting up, you pushed another parcel into his now empty hands, flushing hot beneath your clothes. “These buns, asshole.”
Bemused, Ais maneuvered himself back into his preferred seat, leaning against the pillar with one knee drawn up. He inspected the parcel before unwrapping the edges. Three golden balls of bread were crowded together, their skins glazed with butter and lightly roasted. Inside, he’d find braised meat and chopped root vegetables, all marinated in a spicy sweet sauce.
He looked up, that fanged smile spreading across his face. “Really did miss me, huh. Sap.”
Huffing, you avoided his gaze and stared out over the water, drawn inevitably to the place where the Seaspring had begun to boil. The surface was once again calm, the depths impossible to distinguish. A shiver slipped down your spine, the hair on the back rising. 
A bun hovered in front of your mouth. You stared him down over the top. 
“Sharing is caring. Can’t be known as that terrible of a host,” he said dryly, “Think of my reputation.”
“You just want your balls in my mouth,” you grumbled but bit into the bun to hide your smile as he grinned again. 
“Been told the taste is to die for.”
“Who told you that, Vere? I guess he would know.” 
“Ask him. Get a second opinion.”
“An expert opinion, I bet. I’ll do that.”
Debating the point amidst bites from the mean buns, you sank into the comfort of the familiar as that moment grew further and further away. Princess, evidently finished obliterating her cow shoulder, approached and curled up next to you for a post-dinner nap, her head resting on your thighs. She seemed a little unsettled but calmed after a couple scritches. 
As you stroked her head and fed her the last of your bun, all beneath the soft, dark veil of Ais’s gaze, you resolved to tuck that memory to the side for now, to examine later. 
The first true moment that the Seaspring’s maw attempted to swallow you whole.
a/n: thanks for reading!
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
I've just discovered the pet zoo au and I.am.obsessed.
Also for some reason I think beels "woof" would be like that one meme with the husky where the humans are trying to sush it and he just lets out the most definde 'woof' ever.
Another thing,what if they tried to write out their names??? Like Satan steps in int and tries to make multuple paw prints on a paper to draw out his name in a way (he fails)
Also, it's said that crows can learn some words...what if crow Mammon (due to being magic as well) manages to start saying a few words and even starts making full on sentences. Can just imagine him flying through the window and landing in front of Ik and her dad like "feed me mortals or perish" as a joke to freak them out BC 'omg a talking crow' AND THEY INSTEAD START SCREAMING THWIR BUTTS OFF WHILE MAMMON IS TRYING TO CALM THEM DOWN BUT IT ONLY TURNS WORSE.
On the talking crow Mammon topic,what if he tells Ik what the others want to tell her?? Like "Yeah Lucifer wants you to put more Britney Spears" or "Levi wants to watch you play this game" or "Asmo says you gotta go pet him"
(wanna hear more from you tho BC I like your hcs, they're funny and silly)
orders given, orders received (/j i've been wanting to talk more about this au too!!)
i love the idea of the brothers attempting to communicate their names,, i feel like lucifer and/or satan would come up with some really smart method of going about it (like laying out books or ripping up a newspaper and using the letters), but ik and her dad are just like 'ah, what silly animal antics' and clean up the mess without even noticing what they're trying to spell out
so at first they just all have nicknames-
lucifer: peter (as in Peter the Peacock)
mammon: car (crow goes "caw!", caw sounds like 'car', ergo, car)
levi: socks (on the first morning after they took the animals in, ik found him trying to hide inside one. it's also funny because usually you get cats or dogs named this)
satan: paddy (aunt lisa picked this one - as in st paddy, for his green eyes)
asmo: duchess (ik had a feeling he'd like it)
beel: boof (it's the noise he makes)
belphie: hu (from the chinese word for fox (zhao picked this one). sometimes it's extended to hu-hu)
at first, satan and asmo are the only ones who like their new nicknames, while everyone else is mostly neutral on theirs, apart from lucifer, who HATES his
however, he still responds to it, so really it's his fault that it sticks
eventually everyone warms up to their new nicknames, but they'd still like their new family to know their actual ones
i like the idea of mammon learning speech, so yes he'd be the one to eventually relay the message!
he hops around on ik's shoulder going "lucifer! lucifer! lucifer!", and ik thinks her crow friend is conducting a ritual up until she realises he keeps pointing his beak at peter the peacock
she does switch to their actual names once she learns them, but in her head she still tends to refer to them by their nicknames, and they still respond when she uses them aloud
mammon's language would be more fluent than a regular crow's, but i don't think he'd generally be able to string together full sentences
so it's more like a "hey! food!" when he's hungry, "kid? okay?" when he's concerned, "levi. bowl. broke!" when he's snitching
he can manage full sentences if he tries really hard, but he usually can't be bothered, so he saves them for when he's serious
for example, if ik were getting bullied, he would go full fluency mode to say "i'm gonna kill them for you"
the other brothers are mostly happy to just chill (particularly levi and belphie), but lucifer gets so restless with no work to do that he starts assigning himself random chores to occupy himself
for example he's decided it's his job to open all the curtains in the morning and close them at night
ik starts bringing home random worksheets from school and lucifer will just sit there staring at them (he doesn't have hands to write with so he just has to answer mentally)
levi has a little box by the window from which he can see the tv and also sunbathe
ik brings home a sheet of stickers so that he can pick some to decorate with
beel is SUCH a big dog that he would take up the whooole sofa or bed if he sat there, so usually he very politely sticks to the floor
but then they buy him a big blanket and he starts carrying it with him from room to room to rest on (belphie also steals it a lot)
everyone has their own little spots around the house where they usually stay, apart from mammon, who is nearly always found on ik's shoulder
if ik isn't home he will stand on zhao's head instead
satan nearly always sleeps on either ik or zhao's bed and at some point his habit extends to the others, so they start taking it in turns being 'guards' for both humans at night
lucifer pretends to be above it as if he DOESN'T trot himself right to rooms and stay there the whole night as soon as it's his turn
whenever ik's stressed out from school she comes home and just plonks herself on beel
he's such a big dog that he barely even feels it so he's perfectly happy to be a big fluffy pillow
levi spends most of his time in his box but he'll also be quite happy to go around the house draped around ik's neck and listening to her narrate her whole day to him
sometimes ik brings asmo ribbons and such and he gets so excited that he does that jumpy twisty thing rabbits do (i think it's called binkying?)
asmo and satan both get the zoomies but satan's always so embarrassed about it afterwards, while asmo simply owns the energy and then flops over for pats afterwards
belphie's normally very quiet and docile but occasionally he'll just SCREAM and it scares everyone in the house
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zmediaoutlet · 25 days
wait we get to make you talk about ships? crowley/jack. what about that
girl you know you can make me talk about whatever you want. have to ask me to shut up probably!
I appreciate the audacity of this ship, first of all. Like Crowley dies the minute before Jack's born, right? That takes stugats. Like even more than that one determined Garth/Benny shipper. (Here's hoping Sheppard and Alex Whatshisname get married next.)
So your choices are full AU or an interesting post-canon thing where Jack dredges Crowley out of the Empty, presumably to smile at him and ask him all kinds of questions Crowley really doesn't want to answer but, whoops, New!God is completely immune to manipulation and you gotta be honest, because your lies will be super obvious and what's the point of that? So that's kinda fun.
but w/e, let's talk AU. Who cares how it starts in this sort of place. Like, whatever, Crowley gets a Jack Kline to dandle on his dadly knee instead of an Amara -- sure. I mean first of all let's all appreciate how hot that idea is, right? Woof. Blonde smiling shiny boy and Crowley's got 50 plans that he's meticulously arranging in the background and all kinds of manipulations and angles and uses to which the boy can be put, but also... god, he's shiny. And innocent in a true way, unlike pretty much anyone else Crowley ever deals with. The Winchesters are half-rotten even if they're determined do-gooders; Jack is just -- a fresh dawn, a spring morning. All the more appealing to try to spill some black ink onto and yet -- the purity is so thorough that he doesn't want to. He might do it still, because demons are demons no matter what, but...
There's also something appealing there about Crowley getting a kind of revenge on Lucifer by mucking up his son. Like you can imagine it as purely petty. Getting the kid on his back and wailing through a first orgasm and Crowley taking a polaroid from the side with a big grin like Happy Father's Day! Best served with a size of jizz, lol. And it could also be something to needle Sam and Dean with, since they're his dads too, although tbh I feel like Crowley should keep that one Real secret because Dean's general "no murdering Crowley" policy might end SUPER quick. (I don't like thinking of him as a shotgun dad, but given this particular kid and this particular suitor it's probably justified. Meanwhile Sam has a straight-up fury aneurysm.)
I guess I haven't mentioned Jack's side of the whole thing but lbr, Jack's ass is up for anyone who will be nice to him and offer to teach him things. Crowley is so willing to teach. Plus I bet being a super-nephilim, with all the power that implies, he's probably got a practically non-existent gag reflex!
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