#work related injuries
blogsbyakarsh · 27 days
Can I Get Workers Comp Benefits For My Back Pain? | HEMA
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Let's start with a fact: Stats show that back pain is among the top three reasons why folks miss time from work in the United States. Whether you've had a tumble at the worksite or been singing the desk-job blues, back pain tops the work woes list. Click here to learn if you can get workers compensation benefits for your back injury.
Blog- https://www.hemadrs.com/blog-posts/can-i-get-workers-comp-for-my-back-pain-a35bb 
Contact us- https://www.hemadrs.com/contact 
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askamnesiamoonjumper · 5 months
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Me when I edit my ref sheet for a!mj for the millionth time: :3👍 (technically a repost of old ref sheet but I’ve edited it so severely since posting it I’m considering it new in my brain, but the last image of the eyes/hands/mouth/soul is new! But it is a redraw of an old ref image I’ll include it under the cut!)
(Close ups bc I know tumblr with screw over the quality)
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Og vers of the extra ref image: (SCARY….)
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delusinaldreamer19 · 21 days
So your telling me…that I have a lingering cold AND I fucking sprained my ankle…
I can’t tell if this is the Ao3 author curse or if God just fucking hates me 💀
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objecthusbandry · 27 days
just got home, work was wild today. someone came into the shelter this afternoon with an orphaned baby lightbulb, about two weeks old, that had serious injuries. we did everything in our power to help it, it's stable now and it's in my incubator next to me so i can keep an eye on it. the bloodwork will hopefully come back tomorrow and we'll see what sex it is. it's got a big missing chunk of glass on the top of its head, a crack on its cheek and is missing an arm so without MAJOR work, it probably won't be able to be released back into the wild. we'll just have to wait and see how things go. i'm not naming it if at all until i know for sure it'll be able to live.
it's kinda funny just a couple days ago i was thinking about adopting one, but i was NOT expecting to raise an injured baby lightbulb.
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ladydisofdurin · 11 months
The collective shame of having someone in your family that works for the joker
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enemynumber1 · 11 months
Ok so the pale king just casually built a death trap in his palace for what reason??? How did he and his servants move around???? This can't be legal
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cheemerthelizard · 7 months
at the er 👍
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fightingtostayfierce · 4 months
My job is completely dismissing my pain, forcing me to use my own vacation days for a work related injury. Saying I "chose" not to come to work when my supervisor saw my swollen hands.
When I told her I'm on light duty (not lifting more than 3-5 lbs and frequent breaks) she paused and said, "....for your HANDS?????"
Fuck this company.
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euclydya · 3 months
just a couple more revenges until we're caught up on them I think!!!!!
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ajokeformur-ray · 6 months
Had 3 days off work due to a stomach bug but I go back today and I don't wannaaaaa😭😭😭😭😭 it's been nice getting eight hours of sleep every night and studying at a relaxed pace and doing what I want hhhh my work senior was texting me the whole time I was off sick with stuff I gotta do when I go back so I already know I'm doing two people's jobs today😭😭😭
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blogsbyakarsh · 1 month
How To Track My Work Comp Injury Payment? | HEMA
When a workplace injury occurs, concerns about its financial impact often loom large. Many individuals find themselves wondering, 'How can I track my work comp injury payment?’ To answer this question, let's first explore the workers' compensation process in New York.
Contact us for more- https://www.hemadrs.com/contact
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kanerallels · 1 year
Ok. Here's an idea to help that writing tangle. Feel free not to do this if you would rather not.
Here's a line, can you give me five more? ;D
The utter stupidity of it all had her fingers twitching for the blaster at her hip, but SOMEONE had to be the level head in all of this.
This was so so sweet, thank you for sending this! And it TOTALLY WORKED because this sentence combined with an AU concept I'd been toying with and um. Let's just say there are more than five sentences lol, so here we are!
The utter stupidity of it all had her fingers twitching for the blaster at her hip, but SOMEONE had to be the level head in all of this.
Ignoring the slaver leering at her, Hera directed her attention to Kanan, who was glaring at the other man like he'd very much like to kick his teeth in. Reaching out, she caught hold of his arm, pulling his attention to her.
He met her gaze, the anger in his eyes fading just a little. Stay on track, Hera thought, willing him to remember. Don’t break our cover. Remember why we're here. It's not about how these people look at me, it's about helping someone who needs it.
She saw him give her a tiny nod before looking at the slaver. “Let's focus on our actual deal,” he said, his tone sharp. “You said you had a Lasat here?”
Turning his attention to Kanan, the slaver nodded. “We might just. Depends on what you’re willing to pay.”
“Oh, don’t you worry about payment,” Kanan said, letting his hand come to rest on the pouch hanging at his hip. It jingled just enough to draw the slaver’s attention, so he didn’t see the half-smile crossing Kanan’s face as he added, “You’ll get everything you deserve.”
Oh, boy. Hera cleared her throat pointedly. “If we could see him first?” she said.
His eyes gleaming with greed, the slaver nodded. “Aye. Anything you like.” Starting down the hallway, he added, “You can have his friend, too, if you pay a little extra.”
“His friend?” Hera exchanged a confused look with Kanan as they followed the man. The reports they’d heard hadn’t said anything about multiple survivors of the massacre on Lasan.
“Aye,” the slaver said. “Human male. Grabbed ‘em both together— they fought like fyrnocks, but numbers won out in the end. He’s a strong one, and with that red hair he’s quite the rare specimen.”
As they approached one of the nearby doors, Kanan said, “Then why are you offering him at a discounted price?”
“He’s trouble, putting it lightly,” the slaver said, keying a sequence into the pad next to the door. “Had to teach him how to behave, and as much fun as that is—” he let out an ugly laugh that made Hera’s skin crawl— “it takes too much time. But I’ll still be charging you. Here they are now.”
The door hissed open, and Hera had to choke back a gasp of horror.
The Lasat was there, chained to the wall by the arms. It was immediately clear that he’d been beaten badly— the area around one of his eyes was so swollen that he could barely open it. Blood, both dried and fresh, covered his arms and face, but his face was twisted in a defiant scowl as he regarded the trio.
Opposite him was a man the slaver had described. He looked equally battered, and while his expression was a little more calm, there was still a spark of rebellion as he studied both Kanan and Hera.
“As you can see, we needed to teach these two a lesson,” the slaver said. “Well, a couple lessons.”
He laughed, and Hera had to clench her teeth to avoid snapping a response, or shooting him in the face. You can’t save them all, she reminded herself. They only had a certain amount of credits, and if they were to save the Lasat… they might have to leave someone else behind.
“What exactly are you charging for him?” Kanan asked suddenly, and Hera shot him a sideways glance. 
One look told her something was off. He was eying the red-haired man with an impassive expression that read more as unease to her. Clearing her throat, she said, “Are you sure about this?”
“I am,” Kanan said. Turning, he met her eyes. “I think we could… have use for him. The same way as the Lasat. Or… like me.”
Wait. What? There was no way Kanan was implying… did we find another Jedi? Hera lifted a questioning eyebrow at him, and he gave her a tiny nod.Ah. Well, that changes things.
Turning to the slaver, she gave him an overly sweet smile. “Could you give my companion and I a moment alone? You can just leave us here.”
“I don’t think you should be alone with the merchandise,” the slaver said, and Hera’s stomach turned. Those are people, you complete—
The sound of Kanan pulling a small handful of credits from the pouch at his waist brought her attention back, and she watched as he casually tossed them up in the air. “Oh, I don’t think it would be a big deal. After all, there’s no way out other than the door. You can guard from out there.”
The slaver hesitated, then held out his hand. Kanan dropped the credits into his palm, and without another word the man pivoted and headed for the door. 
The minute it slid closed, Hera turned to Kanan. “Are you sure?” she said quietly.
“Positive,” Kanan said firmly.
Nodding slowly, Hera said, “Alright. Plan B?”
Kanan shook his head. “No way he buys that after the way I acted earlier.”
Rolling her eyes, Hera said, “I told you not to—”
“I know, you’re right. As usual,” Kanan said with a grimace. “I couldn’t stop myself, the guy’s a boot-licking karker, to put it likely.”
“So plan C?” Kanan offered.
“Hmm.” Hera tapped her chin thoughtfully. “We could. Or…”
Kanan sighed. “You’re about to say you want to do plan D, aren’t you?”
“You know me well, dear.”
“Hey.” For the first time, the Lasat spoke, his voice creaking from disuse. “What the KARK are you two talking about?”
As Hera exchanged a look with Kanan, the red-haired man spoke up. “They’re going to help us, Zeb.” He looked at Kanan, lifting his head in a challenging way. “Aren’t you?”
“We are,” Hera said. “But we’re going to need your help to pull it off. How do you feel about freeing every slave in this place, and taking out a few slavers along the way?”
The Lasat grinned, a vicious curl of his mouth. “Now you’re speaking my language. Where do we start?”
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optiwashere · 10 months
Hi there,
New argument about our favourite half-orc herorine. (Asheera)
Does she have a lotta bruises and stuff from bumping into things in the cottage due to the 8 dex? (Especially rat related incidents) I'm saying no since she's a soldier and an adventurer but everytime I try to convince my siblings type 8 into Microsoft PowerPoint and project it on our TV.
I'd like to be proven right please 🙏
Thank you!
Heya anon!
Oh, she's definitely clunked into things quite a few times here and there. It's less clumsiness, though she is huge and big muscles do not make for grace in most people, and more that she gets focused on things that lessen her awareness of everything else.
Not to mention the number of scrapes and such from working around the cottage!
As someone that has done a fair bit of metalworking in her time, so obviously not the same as carpentry but bear with me, I can tell you that even the most experienced people get all sorts of burns, scrapes, bruises and so on. The number of times I've accidentally cracked the side of my hand on an anvil or picked up something without gloves is unflattering (and trust me, everyone does it). So even though Asheera isn't blacksmithing, she's definitely catching some stray bruises.
I'm so sorry to say this anon, but I side with your siblings. It's not only the 8 Dexterity, it's also just the nature of the gig lol. She'll get all those bruises gladly for Shadowheart though. Anything for love.
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numinous-scribe · 1 year
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First time participating and first entry of the season! Enjoy!
Rating: Teen and up
Characters: Tim Drake, Kon el | Conner Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, Bart Allen, Amazo
Warnings: Canon typical violence, heart attack (kinda), panic attack, internal injury, ear related injury
Tim had been having a pretty good time. His pile of casework was at an all time low― the likes of which hadn’t been seen in several months ―and what was left was low stakes enough that he could afford to put it off for just a little while. All school work was completed and neatly tucked in his backpack back at the manor. The world wasn’t actively ending and Bart, Cassie and Kon were granted a little freedom away from their responsibilities. They’d made a day of it; lunch, movies, the mall― A classic teenage experience.
So, naturally, the universe just had to take offense to four superhero teenagers enjoying their day off. What was that phrase Kon had been using lately? Ah, right: Can’t have shit in Metropolis.
Whumptober Day 1: Swooning, "How many fingers am I holding up?"
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runawaycarouselhorse · 2 months
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This thread from the CPTSD subreddit about the overabdunance of cheap junk food, but little healthy food (and the weird poverty mindset leading to parents guarding food until it spoils and screaming at anyone who eats [too much] of it or acting like they were planning to eat it, but if you don't eat from it, it gets thrown out) is so illuminating.
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birthofvcnus · 10 months
guess who’s in the ER again
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