#works in the public domain
simply-sithel · 1 year
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Was motivated to attend the SF Art Book Fair this year after seeing @njbice post that he'd be there and am oh so happy I went. Not exactly my "scene" but who isn't immune to a sea of beautiful works? Walked out with minimal purchases and remain haunted by The White Paper book I didn't get... not my subject but exquisite workmanship I could have gifted to someone else. (Did buy a lovely book about clouds from the same press however)
Caught a talk by Cita Press which I really enjoyed- they find and publish works written by women in the public domain (and are freely available on their website). Would have stopped by for more talks (it went all weekend) but was trapped in a class at the SFCB the two other days. Books books books abound!
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starlit-mansion · 10 months
there's something so poetic about coyote vs acme being the thing that causes wb's 'the producers' ass scheme of shitcanning movies for tax breaks to blow up in their face and cause them to turn to the camera, blink twice, and dissolve into a little pile of ash that their eyes fall down into with a little bounce
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deoidesign · 2 months
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Doing master studies the only way I know how: Stealing them and making them my guys.
(Barberini Faun)
(The Fallen Angel - Alexandre Cabanel)
(Covent Garden - William Bruce Ellis Rankin)
#obviously. not actually theft...#i was gonna say these are public domain but covent garden actually isnt yet#it will be. in two years.#thats the most different one though like i added a whole new guy..#maybe not the most different. barberini faun is pretty different i just took the post#pose#its barely even a study. thats not true#but. what was i saying.#oh its not theft it's study... the purpose is to learn!!! but also. if im gonna spend like 2 days on something...#its GONNA be my guys#otherwise. idk. i only want to spend 30 or so minutes per study#just to get the notes down and the practice for the skill im working on#i dont get all that much more out of completely rendering a master study. PERSONALLY.#at least definitely not enough to be worth taking 100x longer#but making them my characters makes it worth going all the way!!!#plus it's good practice w like. not just going 1:1 but actually genuinely interpreting whats there so i can manipulate it...#again. personally. this is just how i worm#WORK#youd better worm bitch#uhm... anyways yeah. ive done lots of study but why TF share it LMAO i dont even save it#its just to learn. ive got 1 million other drawings to save and look at later.#once the learning is done it's done its job and i have no need anymore#this is why the only studies i have are from school. i had to save and upload them#well. ok also i dont study as much now BUT in my defense im a full time artist#an hour or so a week is different ok im learning while working too.. i learned how to learn and i do it all the time now#master studies#digital art#my art#illustration#my ocs
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prokopetz · 2 years
The reason why we're suddenly seeing a bunch of indie video games – particularly American indie video games – using vintage music is because the US finally has a public domain in sound recordings.
For context, until 1972, there was no federal copyright regime in the US for sound recordings; intellectual property law for sound recordings was devolved to the individual states, meaning there were fifty different sets of rules that might apply to any given recording, and some states allowed sound recordings to be protected for an indefinite term – i.e., in essence, perpetual copyright without expiration.
What changed in 1972 was the Sound Recording Amendment, which established unified federal copyright on sound recordings for the first time, but which allowed any pre-existing state-level copyrights for sound recordings published prior to February 15th, 1972 to run for their full term. Since most state-level sound recording copyrights had no fixed term (see above), this was capped at the "publication plus 95 years" rule which applies to other federal copyrights – with the twist that the 95-year cap on previously perpetual sound recording copyrights would count from 1972, not from the date of publication.
This effectively meant that no sound recordings in the US would enter the public domain until February 15th, 2067 – which doesn't do anyone a whole lot of good right now!
Fast forward to 2018, when another piece of federal legislation, the Music Modernisation Act, was passed. Though this act was mainly concerned with streaming royalties and such, it also contained provisions to grandfather certain sound recordings into the public domain earlier than the Sound Recording Amendment's all-or-nothing 2067 deadline. Specifically:
On January 1st, 2022, all sound recordings published before 1923 would enter the public domain
Sound recording published from 1923 through 1946 will enter the public domain 100 years after the date of first publication
Sound recordings published from 1947 through 1956 will enter the public domain 110 years after the date of first publication
In practice, what this means is:
All sound recordings first published before 1923 entered the public domain last year, on January 1st, 2022;
This year, 2023, is a "gap year" in which no sound recordings enter the public domain (i.e., being the 100th and final year of protection for sound recordings first published in 1923); and
On January 1st of next year – that is, January 1st of 2024 – new batches of sound recordings will begin to enter the US public domain on a yearly basis for the first time in history, starting with sound recordings first published in 1923.
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a-devious-route · 29 days
The more you know:
[FR] J'ai découvert (thanks tiktok) ce petit site bien pratique qui référence des images qui sont libres de droits et/ou maintenant dans le domaine publique!
Je ne crois pas avoir vu beaucoup de gens en parler par ici, mais sharing is caring donc voilà! Si vous chercher des textures/images pour vos créations, je crois que vous allez en avoir pour un bon moment à hoarder le tout et explorer la plateforme!
[EN] I discovered (thanks tiktok) this handy little site that references images that are royalty-free and/or now in the public domain!
I don't think I've seen many people talking about it around here, but sharing is caring so here you go! If you're looking for textures/images for your creations, I think you'll be hoarding and exploring the platform for a while !
See yah!
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conwise · 18 days
I know the holidays are still far out still but I literally can't stop thinking about a Candlenights special that's just TAZ vs A Christmas Carol where Lady Godwin, Mutt, and Phileaux are hired to play the 3 ghosts
Of course it all falls apart during the Ghost of Christmas Past bit and they just start fighting Ebenezer Scrooge
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nevert-the-guy · 9 months
Everyone putting the Famous Rodent at the forefront of their works is missing out on the almost cosmic humor of having him as an incidental minor character instead.
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infernothechaosgod · 10 months
Shout out to whoever made the "Mickey can't Access platforms outside of disney owned ones" I love you
Since oswald is in public domain now he has all the Access there is to other both legal and illigal websites and platforms and since he's been mostly neglected throught the years he didn't do much well... anything! SO he wasn't aware of that awful rule they put on mickey
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dogzcats · 1 year
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Left to Right: Wild Geese Flying under the Full Moon, Snowy Gorge, Hibiscus Mutabilis and Long-Tailed Bird
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858)
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daily-public-domain · 2 months
Day 113: Newts and Co. Notice the olm (here called proteus) in the bottom
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–This image is part of the public domain, meaning you can do anything you want with it ! (you could even sell it as a shirt, poster or whatever)–
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fun-twisted-tales · 3 days
Why does the book of bill reference the great Gatsby?
It’s what bill replaces the book with once he realizes he’s giving us his weakness
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It’s just straight up the book too, like no changes or anything.
Knowing Alex, I thought it was just a jab at how boring the book was. But in “thisisnotawebsite.com”, if you put in “VALLIS CINERIS”, you get this:
“VALLIS CINERIS” is Latin for “valley of ashes”, a reference to the great Gatsby. The actual valley is said to symbolize a lot of things. From the crumbling morality of the rich to where they will end up when they are forgotten.
When the website was under repairs before the book came out, one of the options Soos would give you would lead you to a free PDF of the book. Again, the book was unchanged.
I don’t know if this means anything. Does anyone know?
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archivistic · 9 days
(please excuse this petty complaining) I tried to read Lesbian Love Story: A Memoir in Archives but I got so annoyed by the author's "dusty archives" bullshit and half-assed ~research~ that I couldn't make it past the 2nd chapter even though I love lesbians, memoirs, and archives!!! I was so annoyed that I learned how to use the annotate feature in my kindle specifically to complain about the line "I don’t have a history degree, but I do have lived experience, and that should make me just as qualified as the scholars who have come before me" like... BUDDY. Historians have a job??? That they get trained to do??? It is not just ... reading people's letters???????
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donnyclaws · 9 months
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A digital collage zine about dysregulation
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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if you eventually want to see the crochet lace work I struggled all day on fixing I am now sporadically posting my crafts on @sleepy-princess-craftery
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deepdreamnights · 3 months
Fair MisUse: Mona Lisa
or... Ever heard a JPG sing itself to you?
I have been playing around with Suno a bit, something I will be inflicting upon you all more in the coming weeks, and I found something interesting.
Suno lets you prompt music with symbols.
In the Lyrics box, if you put together strings of symbols and punctuation, the system interprets that into the structure of the music. Not quite sure how, or what symbols link to what notes because I'm absolutely a monkey with a flamethrower when it comes to music, but if I build a faux waveform with punctuation marks and extended ASCII, I get repeatable motifs.
Example from an early test: -_---…--.--
And since that worked, I prompted with this:
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I loaded the JPG file into notepad, copied the results, and used them as a lyrics prompt (first 3000 characters at least). I've since found that if I can crunch an image to around 2k I can load the whole image's data into the lyrics block.
For the style prompt, I used a truncated version of the Wikipedia info block on the painting:
Mona Lisa Italian: Gioconda, Monna Lisa da Vinci c. 1503-1517 Oil on poplar panel Lisa del Giocondo 77cm×53cm
(I had to omit the word "Leonardo" from the prompt because there's apparently a musician called that.)
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(the same prompt (more or less, had to change some symbols MJ uses for code) run through Midjourney, as a bonus).
Mona Lisa (the Song) and the above image are very obviously in the public domain. Not really sure about the Machine Ghouls' Hunt since technically I did compose it.. but if you wanna use it, go nuts.
Check out the whole DeepDreamNights Robot Band Oeuvre here.
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improbable-implosions · 2 months
A little mend here that I was pleasantly surprised worked, I fixed the fraying bits on my book-shaped wallet! Figured that red thread works quite well with the themes of War of the Worlds.
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First up, we've got some simple stitches perpendicular to the edge of the wallet, think a blanket stitch but the thread doesn't run through the loop created. Honestly, there are probably more complex ways I could have stitched that vinyl "leather" back onto the fabric and cardboard of the book structure, but I figured these simple stitches would be faster, and work just fine.
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Second, on a slightly larger tear on the "spine" corner, I did some randa stitching! This actually draws from a style of embroidery I'm almost completely unfamiliar with, most popular in Brazil, so I may be labeling it wrong. If you know better, let me know! It's a sort of baseball-stitching like process, I was roughly following this video as a tutorial: https://vm.vxtiktok.com/t/ZT8TNMKw9/
and also this one to understand how to get started: https://vm.vxtiktok.com/t/ZT8TNrMML/ (Excuse the tiktok links, but I am not immune to the allure of short video on occasion! I even have posts of my own, every now and again)
I actually need to do similar rim-lining on the other three corners, as the adhesive is starting to come off, and that'll hold it still enough to solve the problem.
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Also, some miscellaneous adventures in hemming patches properly! A process that proved MUCH simpler once I found my rolled hem foot. These two patches came out quite good, actually! straight stitching, for the most part, and relatively even folds.
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It was much simpler to get the hems just so on a larger patch like this one, thankfully! I'm actually really pleased with the way this one in particular came out, and hopefully, I can make something pretty with it on the thigh of the jeans it goes with. (yes, that's why the patches are numbered, so I can keep track of where they go in the stack!)
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Even despite how well things went overall with the patches, I still fumbled, got a bit hasty in trying to get the corner of one of the later patches through the machine. Said haste had me trying to shove shove, cram cram the fabric through the foot to get it hemmed, turns out, don't do that! Results in bending the needle on my machine! Oof!
Luckily, the machine came with some spare needles, so it only slowed me down a little bit!
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