#world cold and hard………bunny soft and warm
nvuy · 8 days
i always think about jiaoqiu with his little worker partner. his little busy bee. his little sleep deprived mess that he loves so much.
the thing with jiaoqiu is that not only is this man the most fuzziest cuddle thing in the world—and during the colder months especially he becomes a ginormous soft blanket with how his tail instinctively curls over you—but he’s also your personal chef.
obviously, if you’re sick, he’ll see to your symptoms and take care of you himself.
but, even just for everyday meals. maybe your job is much more gruelling than his. maybe you start an hour before he does in the morning.
your alarm goes off every morning, and he wakes up with you. a lot of the time you fight in his hold, half because he’s so warm and it’s so cold outside and you’d much rather remain in bed and trace his twitchy ears all day with your thumb (and hope you can hear those gentle squeaky purrs you know he can make), and the other half because the sleep deprivation is really catching up to you.
even if he’s not a morning person, and he’s a little bit grouchy he prepares coffee, even if you insist he doesn’t have to.
“oh, don’t be silly,” he mumbles tiredly one morning into your hair. he’s still in his pyjamas while you’re almost fully dressed. “if i don’t cook for you, you won’t even eat all day.”
well. he’s not wrong.
he’ll make and pack you lunch to take to work every single day. usually, he’ll prepare meals depending on what you need; more protein, more iron, more fibre, whatever, whatever. he’ll mix in vitamins to help you as he sees fit.
he’ll also sneak snacks. he tries to avoid chocolate or sugary treats. and prefers to cut up some fruit, or sneak in a nut bar or something.
but sometimes when he knows you’re having a particularly rough week at work, he’ll give you something special. and he’ll prepare dessert after dinner. nothing major. he’s not really a baker, so it’s usually treats picked up from the bakery when he goes out to buy bread.
after you finally come into the kitchen in the morning to leave for work, you’re just as bone tired as he is while you’re putting on your shoes.
jiaoqiu comes over slowly and hands you three containers. there’s few words exchanged; you’re both way too exhausted. it’s six in the morning.
he’s wearing bunny slippers and they skid and slip across the floor as he then hands you coffee in a travel cup before he leans forward and presses a kiss to your hair.
you work harder. he knows. you work longer hours. your job is much more physically and mentally taxing. he loves his job. you… not so much.
he compensates by working hard at home for you. there’s always the smell of something cooking when you walk through the door. and though you insist you’ll clean the dishes, he always ends up taking over with a reassuring kiss to your head.
bedtime is his favourite. his absolute favourite. especially if he knows you have the day off tomorrow.
if he knows you’re in the mood, he’ll tease. just a little bit. fleeting whispers in your ear, and the soft brush of his tail against your thighs.
most nights, though, you’ll fall into his arms and he’ll bury his nose into the side of your neck.
he knows your sleep schedule is fucked to bits. that won’t deter him though. sneaking melatonin in food is easy, but for the most part, jiaoqiu ensures that the food he cooks for you everyday provides enough nutrients to get you through the day.
and hey!!!! bonus on your day offs in the morning!!!!! as a reward for being such a lovely little malewife, you retrieve the brush from the nightstand and slowly detangle the knots in his tail. and the kisses he peppers you in while his tail frantically wags side to side are always worth it.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Can we have some prompts for what it's like to hug the tadc cast?
What it's like hugging the TADC cast!
bro i want a patty melt so mf bad ive literally never had one but it looks so yummy idc if its just a burger on texas toast i wanna eat that!!!!!!!!! short post btw!! (i say, as i make it longer than first intended)
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very small and holdable. depending on the size difference you can just carry him around like its no big deal... feels just like holding a person since his body is human shaped... might have to move your head since his teeths are very large.... solid 9/10 imo
similar to caine thanks to her shape but i think she would be very squishy. she looks like she would be squishy, dont you think? i think its because of her design and her at the beginning trying to take off her headset shows shes kinda squishy n soft... but maybe thats just the digital worlds physics and everyone is like that... she looks like she would squeak if you squeezed her... 8/10 she gets one point off because sometimes the squeezing can be annoying but she cant help it
very soft and plush, said several times that i see her as a literal doll so she feels like one of those plush dolls. shes warm, i think... like sure shes a doll but she looks like she would radiate warmth, cant explain why.. like caine and pomni have normal body heats but ragatha is just a touch warmer.. 10/10, would love to cuddle with her and nap
not squishy!! but not... hard... like he has a little give if that makes sense. like, normal average skinny person squish, i think. normal body temperature. oddly smooth which can be a little weird since hes a bunny, so you would expect fur... but no hes just smooth. but not smooth like a shaved person, smooth like a weird rubber. weird. 7/10 imagine it gets hot one day and he just. gets sticky. one time we accidentally left my dogs rubber ball out in the heat outside and it got sticky. sticky jax. sticky jax gets a 4/10
very. hard. now we're getting into the characters who arent that huggable, which makes me so sad because i love kinger sm. he cant really hug back. like sure he can hold you in his hands but thats a little different than being able to wrap his arms around you... hes hard, too, being a chess piece... not very warm.. however his robe does a bit to make him softer and a little warmer so its not too totally terrible as long as youre not like. CLINGING onto him... kinger i love you but youre getting a 6/10
see where kinger has some saving grace with his robe, zooble is just. naked. plus i think they would feel like plastic, with the main body being like. solid hard plastic. their limbs are obviously also plastic. its like holding a giant child's toy... very cold, too, the only heat zooble has is the heat that comes from your own body... 3/10 im sorry zooble
no body heat, but like at least its not hard plastic... but theres hardly anything there... can hold you back but you cant really feel it, like ghost touches pretty much... since gangle is just ribbons, what more did we expect? 4/10, extra point simply because gangle hugs arent as unpleasant as zoobles
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
Yandere 701 Headcanons
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A/n: I haven't really gotten into all the boys in room 701, I will write for them soon I promise and that will be part two to this one, but for now it's only Jack, Legoshi, Collot, and Voss
Warnings: yandere behavior, reader is a herbivore {bunny type but is not fully said so, there for it can be any herbivore you would like} violence, threats, murderer, dark content, and Su•cide
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Yandere Type -> protective, worrisome, aware
How it started -> you were one of Haru's friends a sweet little thing in the gardening club. Now when he first started visiting the gardening club it was for Haru... But the more he saw you the more interested he became. So small, so soft and fluffy, and yet unafraid... So willing to stand up and get in others' faces whether they had fangs or not. You stood up for Haru quite a bit however Haru had always looked out for herself first and you never if not rarely got the same treatment from her, he felt you needed him...
🐺❤️‍🩹• Legoshi is very protective, he is ok with you going on your own, and he is alright with you having friends... (for the most part) however if you do go out he has to know several things first, where are you going? Who is going with you? What time will you be back? Are you coming back to him right after? Can he go? If not, why?
He wants you to be safe and wants to be the one to keep you safe, and if he deems it not safe for you, he either comes along whether you know it or not, or he doesn't let you go at all. Simple as that. It can go one of two ways, either he tries to make excuses as to why you can't go or explains how he already planned to take you out that night, or he just has to make a hard call and forces you to stay home even if he feels bad afterward.
🐺❤️‍🩹• Legoshi is very worrisome, he worries about everything all the time. Are you ok? Are you thirsty? Hungry? Cold? To warm? Maybe you'd like to go to the garden? Or maybe stay home with him? Have you eaten today? Does he do too much? Do you ever get bored of him?
He is worried that one day you'll decide you hate him and just run away; of course, he wouldn't just let you go, or more so he CAN'T let you go. It would tear his heat to shreds, he would have to force you to stay and then you would hate him and that would also hurt him but not as bad as you going away forever.
🐺❤️‍🩹• now Legoshi isn't delusional, and while he tries to justify what he is doing, telling himself that you need him and you don't always know what's best and that he only wants you to be loved, cared for, and protected he knows deep down that what he is doing isn't morally right.
But even then he tries to justify, saying that he IS a carnivore and they survive on feeding the flesh of others, so his existence isn't morally correct.
Deepest fear -> he is afraid of hurting you, not just accidentally scratching you, or pulling your ear a bit too hard. He means getting carried away and losing in his feelings that he devours you... Afraid that one day he will just snap and he'll clamp down on your soft neck... If he did that he would probably take himself out of this world out of guilt...
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Yandere Type -> worshiper, Clingy, Stalker
How it started -> he was being pushed around, being a dog that is known for being domesticated and weak he is always being pushed around by the bigger guys. But when a small little thing like you came to his aid, he swears you were a fluffy little angel, and while he was mocked for being saved by someone like you... He didn't even care. Not when butterflies, rose petals and star dust seemed to dance around your head.
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack looks at you like you hung the stars in the night sky, you could tell him you made the earth and he would believe you. Anything you tell him he takes as truth with no questions and will defend your words no matter what. He doesn't care if what you said was wrong or what you said isn't true and he knows it, he gaslights himself into believing whatever you tell him. Once you say something no one can convince him otherwise not even his best friend legoshi...
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack is very very very clingy... He has to be breathing the same air as you to be happy. He always has his hands on you. Not even in a sexual way. He just always has to be holding your hand, fluffing up your fur, petting your ears, and nuzzling up to you.
He doesn't care who is around, they can leave. Or sit there and watch. He doesn't care, he is already bullied for being him so what could be worse? Being called a simp? Or obsessed? Oh please, he's heard worse from his own mother.
🐶🐕‍🦺• Jack is always around you. Even when you think you're alone, you're not. Even before you were dating he watched you from afar, either just sneaking around your dorm room door, a bench at the park, or just following your car.
You've already shared many intimate experiences together and you just don't know it. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about you. He always tells you it was "just a hunch" when he 'guesses' the things you like when he does anything or gets anything for you. It wasn't a hunch he knew because he saw it...
Deepest fear -> you leaving him behind, one day you feeling suffocated by him to the point of loathing him and just packing your things and leaving him behind... It would shatter his soul. He would lose his sanity and would probably end up damaging himself, emotionally, mentally, and physically
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Yandere Type -> delusional, playful, manipulative
How it started -> most girls flock to him, but he doesn't fully know why. But he isn't one to complain about the attention from pretty girls. However, that doesn't mean he exactly enjoys being labeled as this heartless playboy leaving a trail of broken hearts. He just likes to explore his feelings sometimes he feels a type of way about someone only for that feeling to drift and find a better feeling with someone else. He doesn't mean for it to seem like he is a heartless player but it comes across that way. You were very cute and very sweet but just seemed to have a sour taste about him. But that changed when you we being chased around by some boy rabbits trying to get you to go out with them, and in a moment to try and save yourself you found Collot and pretended to be dating so the boys would get scared of the large dog...
🐶🐩• he is quite delusional, he truly doesn't see what he is doing as wrong. To him it's just his feelings, everyone has feelings, and some are just more extreme... Right? He just doesn't get it.
But if you tried to explain it, he really wouldn't listen. He had never felt this way before how would you possibly know what was going on with him? He likes you, isn't that enough?
🐶🐩• Collot is very playful, he uses that to mask his unusual acts and way of thinking. For example the time he 'playfully' shoved Jack for standing a little too close to you. Or the time he jokingly told someone that if they let their hand get too close to your butt again he'd have to bite it off.
He again doesn't see anything wrong with these 'jokes' and he can always just blame when he gets to rough on him just being a big dog. And that's a bonus to him! while yes he is big and can be intimidating to anything smaller than him he is still a dog, and others still don't really take him seriously. He can get away with a lot.
🐶🐩• Collot is manipulative but unintentionally so, he is just really good at talking things into going his way. Thanks to his laid-back nature and seemingly unfazed aura, "yeah you can hang out with them, I mean that seemed a little grabby about you but if you really trust them don't worry about me. Go ahead and have fun, just text me once in a while yeah? Just so I know nothings happenin' to ya."
It's that kind of manipulation where he just makes you second-guess your choice of friends, and who you are in a moral sense.
deepest fear -> being pushed to the side because you find someone more alluring than him. Collot isn't a firm believer in karma and what comes around goes around, but he would be lying if he said he hadn't ditched someone he was talking to simply because he found someone he was more interested in. It wasn't maliciously, he is just a go with the flow 'it is what it is and shrugs-it-off kinda dog and he doesn't fully grasp the fact that not everyone is like that and his actions have caused others heartache in the past, and normally if someone he was talking to did the same to him he again would just shrug it off... But if you were to... He doesn't think he could just shrug it off.
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Yandere Type -> Demanding, Clingy, possessive
How it started -> he again was being ignored for being one of the little guys, he asked three times for no pickles and he still. Got. Pickles. But no matter how angry he got or how much he told the guy he still didn't listen. But you overheard and stood up next to him and said "Excuse me! He said No. Pickles." you sassed the large carnivore and while Voss would normally be pissed at someone stepping into his business but... Seeing someone small like you being able to get sass one of the big guys and get away with it... It made him feel something he never had before...
🤏🐶• Voss is quite demanding in your relationship, but he is so small and cute that he kinda gets away with it. He is demanding in a way of always wanted to be around you and gets quite valgure when you don't let him.
He will shit-talk your friends, and he will ask you if you wish he was different, "do you wish I was taller?" "Oh I see, you just want me to be quiet and just sit in the background huh!" he isn't always mean, but he can be when he gets insecure.
🤏🐶• Voss is clingy, very clingy. He is always on you. Not holding your hand, not following you. He is ON you. You might be small but he is smaller, he is on your shoulder, and he won't get down. Voss just wants you to want him, he wants to be in your lap and just talk, and show you that he really likes you. More than he has ever liked anyone.
Even his friends were shocked at how clingy Voss was, while yeah he hung onto them but only when he needed to get around quick with them but he never clung to them like this, and while they think it's good he found a partner they don't think it's the healthiest.
🤏🐶• Voss doesn't want you being around ANYONE, he doesn't want you talking about interacting with anyone that isn't one of his close friends or you have to interact with them due to class or work reasons. He hates the idea of you not spending time with him and having fun with someone else.
Deepest fear -> being replaced. He is a small guy, he is always pushed to the back and is only ever seen when he is with someone bigger. He is afraid of you not finding him interesting anymore. Afraid you will see his as everyone else does. He just wants you to love and want him as much as he does you.
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I hope you enjoyed, sorry I was away for so long. I have gotten back into beastars if anyone wants to ask for them 👉👈
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truetogaia · 1 year
Hi can I request a tonowari fic where his female mate is cold at night and she tries to cuddle up to him for warmth but he turns away from her unintentionally she pushes him to wake him up and when he does he sees her on top of her pouting he strokes her face and asks her what’s wrong? She looks into his eyes and says you rejected me by turning away from me and is upset at him, he laughs at her saying she is so cute and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her close and using one arm to cup the back of her head to rest on his chest and rubs her back to warm her up and giving her kisses on her forehead and hair, maybe he calls her pet names too! Thanks
ask and you shall recieve lovely nonnie!!
pairing: tonowari x fem!na’vi!reader
genre: pure fluff
warnings: none
notes: I LOVED THIS REQUEST IT WAS TOO CUTE!!! Honestly, ‘wari deserves SO much more recognition bc omg he is the most adorable being ever. Definition of big body = big heart
The cold air of the night seeped in through the cracks and crevices of the drapes secluding your marui pod. You awoke suddenly, turquoise skin prickled with bumps in response to the sheer cold enveloping your body. You found yourself shivering, noticing the lack of embrace from your dear mate. Turning your head around, you saw him lay on his back a foot away from you, chest rising and falling in sync with his deep breaths. 
Na’vi didn’t usually use anything to cover themselves with as they slept, and if they did, it was very rare. Pandora was a planet of warmth, the temperature never went below pleasant degrees, so the na’vi had adapted to sleep without coverings, aside from the gentle embrace of their mate. 
Usually, you would be wrapped up in Tonowari’s strong, warm embrace all night, only awakening when you felt him shift his weight and getting up. But on this particularly chilly night, when you awoke, there had been no brawny arms wrapped around you. 
You carefully moved closer to where 'wari slumbered, attempting to crawl under his arms unnoticed, not wanting to wake him. But when you reached his sleeping form, he suddenly turned to his side, his muscular back facing you. You stopped, frowning, and tried once more. Again, your attempt was fruitless. He shifted in his sleep, turning further away from your desperate endeavors. 
The crease that had set between your furrowed brows only deepened, a pout forming on your plush, pink lips. You gently tapped your mate’s broad shoulders, trying to wake him up. He only stirred in his sleep, disturbed by your persistent poking. Your irritation grew along with your freezing state, You began gently nudging him, to no avail. He grunted in response to your consistent nudges, which quickly turned to shoves and jabs. 
Then, he suddenly awoke, adrenaline rushing through his big body. He was on high alert, ready to strike something. But when the adrenaline levels decreased, he finally realized what had woken him up. His face wore a puzzled, questioning expression as he turned to you. A sorrowful pout was placed upon your gentle features and he felt his heart twinge, there you sat, shuddering. He suddenly felt the biting cold cloaking the pod, realising his mistakes. You had probably been laying, freezing half to death, all alone as he slumbered peacefully without a care in the world.
“Oh dear, I’m sorry darling.” He stretched his long arms out to you, wrapping them securely around your trembling form. You quivered lightly, eyes drooping as you fought the newfound warmth enveloping you. Your mate chuckled at your drowsy bearing, placing a soft kiss on your temple.
“You are just the cutest, bunny.” You felt yourself being pulled into his hard, but warm, chest, while he laid the two of you down again. Groggily, you nuzzled into him, burying your face in his squishy muscles. His arm traveled to wrap around your waist, working to pull you even closer to him, if even possible. His sweet scent filled your nose as your face was practically pressed into his being. 
With one hand on your hip, he used the other one to gently lift your head to rest on his broad chest. You tried your best to smile at him, but your eyes wouldn’t open, and you finally gave up on trying to stay awake when Tonowari began tenderly rubbing soft circles into your back, tracing your spine and every crevice of your muscles. 
Soon, sleep overtook your form, embedded in the warmth of a loving embrace. 
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kokorose · 6 months
Christmas with you
Mick Schumacher x Kpop!gf
face claim: Sana Minatozaki (k-pop group Twice)
In a world where K-pop idols could publicly date and not get canceled.
Yn's username translates to YnBunny in Korean and Mick calls her Hase which is Bunny in German.
Google Translated Korean and German.
Pics from Pintrest
Allkpop posted
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liked by YnYn, Ynstreasure, ynoncetwice3, YnTail, and 16,498 others.
Dispatch: Twice's Yn seen at Incheon International Airport. Sources say that Yn was seen boarding a flight to Switzerland. JYP Entertainment has not put out a statement as to why the Twice member was headed to Switzerland, we will update you once we get any news.
YnYn: why's Yn headed to Switzerland?? @JYPEnteraiment we need answers!?!?
username: She's so pretty.
Ynstreasure: @JYPEntertainment????
YnToki Posted to her story
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YnToki: Mein Mäus (my mouse)
MickSchumacher: ❤❤
YnToki: ❤️
EstebanOcon: 👀👀
Nayeonyny: 마음에 드는 사람 (Cuties)
MickSchumacher posted
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liked by EstebanOcon, LanceStroll18, SebastianVettel, lewishamilton, YnToki, and 2,728,289 others
MickSchumacher: mein kleiner Schneehase (my little snow bunny)
username: Mick still soft launching???
username: Mick its been 3 months, who is she?!?!
EstebanOcon: 😳😳😳
SebastianVettel: She's a nice girl Mick.
username: Sebastian met her?!?!
lewishamilton: 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
username: ummmm, Yn in the likes????
username: you're being delulu babes
username: omg cute
YnToki posted
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liked by MickSchumacher, momo, jennierubyjane, lalisa, GinaSchumacher , nayeonyny, and 2,378,389 others
YnToki: I don’t mind the cold because I’ve got you to keep me warm. 🐭
jennierubyjane: pretty girl 💕💕
lalisa: 💗
username: omg!! yn officially soft launched!!!
username: MICK IN THE LIKESSS!!!!
Username: not just Mick but Gina too!???
username: Mick Schumacher what are you doing here????
username: is that Mick in her pic????
MickSchumacher posted
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liked by lewishamilton, lancestroll18, callumillot, estebanocon, YnToki, and 1,389,380 others
MickSchumacher: some snow, good food and even better company!
Sebastian Vettel: if you guys have time, you should come visit!
Username: wait is that… yn?!?
Username: I swear to god that’s Yn!!!
ginaschumacher: my favorite couple!
EstebanOcon: 🤮 stop it’s too cute
Username: mick and Angie!!!
YnToki posted
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Liked by MickSchumacher, GinaSchumacher, nayeonyny, momo, todayis_wendy, LewisHamilton, and 3,379,738 others
YnToki: puppies, kisses and Christmas cuddles!! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and happy new years! 🎄🎄
And to my mäus, these last 3 months have been the greatest time of my life. I love you and can’t wait to spend many more Christmases with you! ❤️❤️
Tagged: my love
MickSchumacher: I love you too Hase(bunny) ❤️
GinaSchumacher: YAY!!!!
Username: omg!!! THE MATCHING PICTURES!!
LewisHamilton: 🐰🐭
Momo: 💕💕💕💕
Username: omg the Christmas hard launch
AllKpop posted
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Liked by username, username, username, and 250,893 others
AllKpop: Twice member YN reveals she’s dating Formula One team Mercedes-Petronas AMG reserve driver Mick Schumacher in latest instagram post!
JYP entertainment put out a statement saying that it was Yn’s personal life and she had informed them(the company) of said relationship back in September after the couple had begun dating. They ask that everyone respects the couples privacy.
Username: omg
Username: awwww good for her!!
Username: ooooohhhh he’s kinda cute!
Username: what a beautiful couple they make!!
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thistuesdaynight · 8 months
prongsfoot fluff microfic drunk prongsfoot first kiss, unrequited wolfstar, light angst this plot bunny would not go away. It might even become a little series? idk we'll see what happens.
"James," Sirius hisses, voice straining. "Come on, mate. Help me out here."
James couldn't stop giggling.
He often felt like that after drinking, like everything in the world was just so funny, how could he not laugh along? And he certainly was drunk tonight. He and Sirius had gone out together, taking shots like there was no tomorrow. But the bubbly, bouyant feeling in James' chest may not have been from the alcohol, but from Sirius' arm around his middle.
"I had such a good night," James sighed, delighted to be here with his best mate in the whole world feeling drunk, and happy, and invincible.
He loved how he always felt invincible when he was with Sirius.
"That's great, Prongs, but could you pick up your feet?"
Sirius was just as sloshed as James, but James always tended to get floppy when he was drunk. They swayed up to the front door of the house, pressed together hip to hip, Sirius holding onto James' waist, and James was buzzing from the warm point of contact.
After dropping them twice, James finally managed to get the keys into the lock. However, the door was finicky, and in his addled state, he couldn't twist and unlock it properly.
"Bollocks," James cursed. "Bloody door."
"Here," Sirius murmured, reaching over him.
Sirius took the keys from James' grasp, brushing over his fingers and sending goosebumps up his arm. It must have been the cold night breeze. Sirius leaned in closer to maneuver the sticky lock, invading James' space.
James traced the line of Sirius' jaw with his gaze, desperately wanting to know what it felt like under his lips. From this close, James could count the freckles on Sirius' ear, blow warm breath across his neck, and breathe in his scent of spearmint and eucalyptus.
He was captivated by the curl of dark hair currently falling over Sirius' brow, which was furrowed in concentration as he fiddled with the door. What would it be like to brush the hair from his face? To take those soft pink lips with his own…
With a great heave, Sirius finally got the door unstuck and the two boys tumbled forward into their front room, the door slamming behind them. They landed in heap of tangled of limbs, James on his back, and Sirius half on top of him, his curls hanging into James' face. James dissolved into hooting laughter, guffawing from the ridiculousness of it all.
"Prongs, shhhh!" Sirius shushed him with a hand over his mouth, but he was holding back giggles of his own, face flushed red with mirth. "Shh, Remus and Pete are sleeping."
James tried to respond, but Sirius still had his hand over his mouth, which caused them both to erupt into barely contained sniggers, grinning like idiots.
"What were you going to say?" Sirius giggled, moving his hand down so that James could speak, but keeping a finger on James' bottom lip.
"Who cares if they're sleeping! They should have come out to celebrate with us."
James and Sirius liked to go out sometimes to celebrate on random Fridays, just to commemorate the start of the weekend. Peter and Remus valued their sleep too much to go out with Sirius and James every weekend.
"Nah, it's better like this," Sirius whispered, his gaze roaming James' face.
James looked up at Sirius, his pale skin glowing in the moonlight, smiling down at James like he was the only thing in the world. James felt that same bubbly effervescence in his veins, and he didn't care whether it was the alcohol or not.
"Yeah, Pete can't hold his liquor for shit."
Sirius sniggered, laughing so hard that his whole body was shaking from trying to stay quiet. He swayed forward, resting his mouth on his fingers, which were still on James' lips. Sirius' warm breath whooshed over his tongue, and James tried to drink it in. Sirius tipped forward even more, until he was giggling into James' mouth, grazing his tongue, and smiling against James' bottom lip.
And every touch, every breath, every connection sent electricity humming through James' veins.
James surged upward, meeting Sirius's tongue with his own, moving his lips over his, and inhaling his scent like it was oxygen. He kissed Sirius so hard that the other boy fell back until James hovered over him, devouring Sirius' mouth like it was his last meal.
It was Sirius.
His Sirius, and they were kissing. His best mate, but they didn't feel so friendly any more.
Their noses knocked together as they pressed impossibly closer, sharing heat and breath, and this- this was better than being drunk, James decided.
Sirius Black was his own personal drug.
He needed him more than anything. More than everything.
James took Sirius' bottom lip between his teeth, pulling back slowly, enjoying the keening moan that left Sirius. He placed his lips on Sirius' throat, tracing it with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses, and it was better than he'd imagined.
"Wait," Sirius said, out of breath and chest heaving. "We can't."
The words didn't register, and James continued his ministrations underneath Sirius jaw, because he wanted nothing more than to swallow him whole and be swallowed in return. But Sirius pushed on his shoulders. "We can't, James. You're drunk. We're drunk."
James pulled back, dazed and wanting nothing more than to have Sirius Black under his hands and in his mouth once again. "Drunk?" James pouted, petulantly.
"Yes, James," Sirius sat up on his elbow, pushing James out of the way to do the same. "We're drunk. We're not thinking straight."
James looked at Sirius, the angles and planes of his face, the smoothness of his skin, that mane of raven hair that James wanted to tangle his fingers in and never let go.
"Nope, not straight at all," James murmured.
Sirius gaped at him for a moment, letting out a surprised chuckle. Then he surged forward to capture his lips once again.
It was like Sirius couldn't help himself. He hummed into the kiss, reaching up to card his fingers through James' hair. Sirius gave a gentle tug on the strands, and James felt it all the way to the base of his spine, moaning wantonly into Sirius' mouth.
"Fuck, James," Sirius groaned, the noise only spurring him on.
Sirius moved to put a knee between James' legs, and the pressure was so exquisite James thought he would combust right there. He let out a whine, grabbing at hips, clothes and skin, clutching Sirius closer.
The light turned on then, a voice breaking them from their hormone cloud. "Prongs? Padf--"
Remus stood in the hallway in his pajamas, squinting from the light, and probably from the confusing scene in front of him. James bit his lip, wanting to laugh again, but when he looked closer, he realized that Remus wasn't confused, he was horrified. Frowning, James looked to Sirius, who was flushed and anguished.
Sirius pushed off of James, sitting up and allowing a rush of cold air to slip between them.
"Remus," Sirius said, guilty and pleading.
Remus said nothing, face stony. He just turned and went back to his room. Sirius buried his face in his hands, while James watched on, bewildered, his drunken buzz going silent.
Read Part 2 here!
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ja3hwa · 1 year
Day 17 : Daddy/Praise : Seonghwa
「Title」 : Cruel, Yet Kind.
「Word count」 : 1.14k
-> Genre: Suggestive, Mafia Au, Angst, Fluff
Paring: Mafia!Seonghwa x Reader
[Warnings] : Blood. Mafia gang stuff. Mention of killing. Making out. Light choking. Dirty talk. Pet names. The use of daddy (obviously) read gets naked in front of Hwa. Some angsty stuff. Hwa cries at one point and he is also covered in blood but it's okay. It's hot. Haha, Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: I rushed this. So I'm so sorry if it's trash. ♡ Also yes, I know I've used the Mafia au twice in this event... shut up.. I like the Mafka au okay hehe.
February Filth Fest Event Day Calendar
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He was the sweetest boyfriend. He was caring and loving. Always performing kind gestures and showering you with nothing but the most endearing and kindest form of love. He treated you with nothing but respect, believing you were his equal. No one could have seen this coming from Seonghwa. He was known for being blunt, cold and in all honesty… cruel. Even his leader, the head of their gang, thought he was the cruellest out of any of them. So where did the coldness go whenever you were around? You heard whispers and stories about this mysterious bad boy Park Seonghwa was known to be. Yet, whenever you were around your boyfriend he was like a puppy. Kind and affectionate. You wanted to see the bad side of him. The cold-blooded killer. The right hand in the famous mafia gang of Seoul.
“Hwa…” You barely let out a whisper as you settled your book down on the side table, eyeing your boyfriend that come home from a particularly hard mission. You had never seen him covered in blood before. He always made sure to never bring his work home. But this time he was left with no choice. You were scared, but not as much as you were curious about what he might have done the evening he was away.
“I’m sorry Bunny….” His voice was laced with anger, pacing slowly around the room. He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to go back and finish the job he had on the rival spy that had closed in on their operation. But they needed him alive, sadly. You quickly got up, rushing over to comfort your boyfriend. Your hand rested on his cheek, blood staining your skin. You didn’t mind feeling the warm blood through your fingers, only worrying about what was going through your lover's mind.
“I shouldn’t have come in here covered in blood. I'm sorry if I scared you.” he felt guilt riddle him, but anger was still surging through his veins and he couldn’t figure out how to calm down for the life of him.
“Scare me? Hwa, you could never scare me. I’m just worried that it might have been your blood. But it seems to be you aren’t injured. So I have nothing to be scared about.” Your words were soft, stepping closer, you noticed you had gotten some blood on your nightgown, but you didn’t mind.
“I never wanted you to see me like this.” he leaned into your touch, leaning down his forehead met yours. You felt a tingle in your gut, thinking maybe this was the best time to confess your thoughts to him.
"But I wanted to see all of you." You spoke pulling away from him, feeling as if your heart is going to burst out of your chest at any minute. "I want to see all of you. Not just the sweet loving man that stole my heart. I want to see the dark, cruel side of you. I want to know all of you."
He swore to himself that he must have hit the jackpot with you. You are so caring to him, always making sure he is safe, even though he is the one that should be protecting you. He let out a sigh, leaning his forehead against yours. His heart ached for you, loving spilling on the floor, leaving a light trail to follow whenever you needed each other.
“I don’t deserve you.” A tear falls down his blood-stained cheek he clenches his jaw.
“Yes. You do. You deserve everything in this world.” You leaned into him, pushing your nose against his before locking your lips with his. It was soft, with a hint of desperation. You deepen the kiss, tasting the whiskey on his tongue. It’s almost intoxicating. He grabs you by the waist pulling you closer. He needed you. Needed to have all of you. And he needed it now.
“Do you trust me?” He groaned into your mouth, biting your bottom lip before pulling it back and then letting it go, making you moan out for him.
“I trust you with my life.” that’s all he needed to hear, lifting you up before walking to your bedroom, keeping your lips locked on his. He thanked he knew the way, otherwise, he was sure he would have fallen by now. Entering your room, his lips pecked the side of your mouth before your cheek and then your jaw. He throws you back onto the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. The blood that stains his clothing had stunk into the fabric, leaving some on his toned body. You watch with a gulp in your throat. This isn’t hygienic but you find it somewhat hot. He’s covered in blood, filthy and rough from the fight of cruelty and it made you feel the want from between your legs grow more. He glances over at you with a small smile, yet his face remains unreadable. You slip off your pj’s, while he pulls his belt off his pants. You are left in your underwear and nothing else.
“You are always such a good girl aren't you?” He chuckled watching you open your thighs, letting have a full view of your body. He bit his lip, unbuttoning his dress pants. “Always ready for me hmm?” His words were low, a seductive grumble. He was taking things slow. Too slow for your liking.
“Show me…” You lent over to get on all fours so you can crawl over to him. You sit on your knees on the edge of the bed, pulling him by his pants.
“Show you what my love?” He hummed, leaning slightly so his face was inches from yours. Your noses push against one another while you take a shaky breath in, giving a small kiss to his cheek then his jaw, then his neck.
“Show me how cruel you can be… Daddy.” You whimpered, wrapping your arms around his bloody torso, getting blood on your own chest and tummy. He laughed this time. Not chuckled, nor hummed. A low laugh. And a sinister one of that.  The new name sent him over the edge, making him feel a switch snap in his head. You feel his hand snake down until it found your neck, lifting you away from his body so he could see your face again. His fingers pushed in the right places making a shock wave of adrenaline shoot through your body. His stare is dark, while his lips are parted slightly, letting his tongue dance slightly against the opening.
“My perfect little bunny, so ready for her daddy to please her. Hurt her even. Hmm,” his fingers squeeze, cutting air from your brain slightly. “I hope you’re ready for me princess. Cause if you want all of me. Here it is…”
He was going to ruin you.
Ateez Masterlist
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helianskies · 6 months
4 for engport please!
chapter 69 is upon us! there is the tiniest hint of suggestive-ness in this bc it's port, so have a cookie anon and settle in! 🍪
João is cold. He wakes up feeling like his toes have been bitten off, like the duvet is in fact made of snow, like the window has been left open all night. 
None of the above is true, of course. But it might as well be!
João is cold. He wakes up to the bitter chill of an English winter and, to his absolute dismay, his husband is not there in bed with him to greet him with the usual warmth he holds. 
It’s a mystery how he does it, to be honest. Arthur will be cold during the day, and usually has to fight João in order to get to hold his hand (because João naturally doesn’t like the cold!). But in the mornings, when they wake together, he is fire. He is so warm that João never wants to let him go, and Arthur actually has to fend him off so he can get out of bed and make breakfast and go to work and so on. 
That is why, when João finds himself alone that morning, it feels like betrayal. It is betrayal. And what is perhaps even worse is that he knows—he knows precisely where Arthur is, and precisely what Arthur is doing. And that only makes him all the more conflicted about his current predicament.
It takes him about ten minutes to work up the courage to get out of bed. He hurries to find his bed socks (they have a bunny design on them, courtesy of Arthur’s taste). He wraps himself up tightly in his bathrobe—it makes a small difference—and he reluctantly trudges down the stairs.
As expected, Arthur is in the living room. He is knitting away in his own merry world in his armchair, glasses hanging off the end of his nose, brow slightly creased as he focuses on the intricate work he is trying to complete. 
What he is knitting is a jumper. For João, actually. Apparently he was tired of João pinching them from his wardrobe, so he has insisted on making his husband a thick and cosy jumper of his own to keep him warm. It is a very sweet, very Arthur gesture. 
Right now, though, he needs warming up a bit faster than Arthur’s hands can work. Or, faster than they work with knitting needles, that is.
Arthur—rightly so—greets João with a smile and a soft, “Morning, sweetheart,” which might as well have been a trickle of warmed honey down his throat. But he needs more. It simply isn’t enough on its own, as loved as it makes him feel.
He greets him back of course, and approaches his husband in search of what he lacks. Only, as João stands in front of Arthur, lips slightly pursed and hands tucked up the fuzzy sleeves of his bathrobe, his husband’s eyes are once more glued to his knitting. The conflicted feeling returns.
“Mmh? Everything okay?” the other asks as his needles flick and dip and turn. 
João takes a slow breath. “‘M cold,” he says. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, the heating should be on,” Arthur tuts. He seems disappointed in himself, but still, his eyes are on the damn— “Do you want me to put the fire on? Would that help?”
He hasn’t the words. His mouth refuses to move, his tongue refuses to speak. Instead, impulse takes over. 
With a move that startles Arthur, João plucks away the knitting from the other’s grasp. He holds it tight. His face remains neutral when met by the other’s confusion. He then (because he is not a monster!) sets down Arthur’s hard work on the sofa, making sure the needles don’t slip, and proceeds to ignore his husband when he asks what he’s doing. Because words, frankly, aren’t needed. 
Taking a slow breath, João clambers up onto Arthur’s lap, straddling him and relishing silently at how the other’s face seemed to turn a bit more pink. But to finish him off, João pries the glasses from his face, puts them onto the side table, and says, “Maybe you could warm me up…?”
Arthur swallows. His hands fall onto João’s waist, and he looks up at his husband with a sort of incredulity, as if looking at a dream, an angel, an unspeakable treasure. 
(Well, João is, isn’t he?)
“Y-You want me to warm you?” Arthur repeats, cogs still turning away in his brain.
“Yes,” João replies. He brushes fingers through Arthur’s short bangs, and gives a gentle sigh. “Unless you… don’t think you can…”
“Oh, I— I can,” the blond affirms, however, much to João’s delight. “I can do that. Whatever you need. I’ll do it.”
João can’t help but smile at him with thanks and appreciation. “When you’re ready then, Kirkland.”
“He— Here?”
“Where else?”
“Bed?” Arthur suggests. 
“But I’m comfy!”
“Please?” the brunet pouts and prods and pleads. “Pretty please?”
He doesn’t necessarily intend for them to do anything too intense, bear in mind. A really good, long cuddle would honestly suffice. But there is something about teasing Arthur like this that certainly helps João warm in the meantime (in more ways than one) and it is hard to resist. He’s just so adorable when his cheeks start to change colour and he goes a bit awkward and then suddenly becomes overthrown by bravado and confidence in a bid to impress!
The truth is, though, Arthur will always impress Joao regardless. He’s the sweetest man alive. I mean, he’s knitting him a jumper, for crying out loud! A handmade jumper! It will be like wearing a hug and he can’t fucking wait, but— but for now, João needs his husband in his entirety. He needs his warmth, his love, his time, more than the knitting does.
So when Arthur gives in to his request, a relieved João thanks him and gives him a kiss. A full, hearty, grateful kiss. Arthur is the Sun to his Moon—the wind in his sails—his alma gêmea. He loves him. He loves him so much, it burns inside of him. And so he realises… that warmth he seeks is something he already has buried deep. João just needs Arthur to help him find it. He counts himself lucky he has Arthur to help him feel it.
[ ficlet collection on ao3! ] [ prompt list here! ]
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nobodylikety · 3 months
Snake hybrid! Rei🐍
I was thinking a lot about Snake hybrid! Rei or Panda hybrid! Rei so I'll made both versions, and you can decide which one you like the most! 💚
tags: snake hybrid! rei x fem! reader, hybrid AU, fluff.
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Snake hybrid! Rei, like all snakes, has the ability to smell with her tongue. So don't get mad if you see her sticking out her tongue, it's not personal! she's just smelling you <3
+ Snakes have a forked tongue and multiple receptors capable of picking up different amounts of chemical signals, and even though you read about it to learn how to take care of Rei, for a month you were scared to death of that aspect of snakes! and what was Rei doing? sticking her forked tongue out all day just for the sake of it 💚
When you first met Snake hybrid! Rei, you spent most of the day wondering why you could never find her…until you discovered that she goes to lie on the lawn in the garden, when the sun is at its highest, sunbathing and warming herself up ^_^
→ that's why she HATES when someone say she's a 'cold-blooded critter', she puts on the world's most dramatic expression of offence, before giving the explanation that she is 'actually an ectothermic blood animal', meaning that her body temperature is variable and is regulated by external sources, and that's why she sunbathes! ☀️
Snake hybrid! Rei inside Hybrid! IVE is the most calm and quiet! She is a gentle, kind and somewhat silent soul, but that aspect allows her to observe the emotions of others more closely, so she always knows when someone needs some comfort <3 although she is not always good with words, she likes to sit in silence with you (or the girls) and listen to you venting
Snake hybrid! Rei and Cat! Liz are the best friends in the world! they are somehow obsessed with each other, Liz talks and rambles for hours and hours if you let her, and no matter what topic she is talking about (or how dumb it may seem), Rei just sits and is happy to listen
Snake hybrid! Rei hugs VERY HARD (a trait of constrictor snakes) and she does it especially when she gets excited, so sometimes she's afraid to hug too much for fear of hurting you or the girls </3
+ HOWEVER, Cat! Liz doesn't mind that, she thinks Rei's super cozy and warm, and Rei makes her feel safe. So as nap buddies they are inseparable: Liz loves napping with Rei because she is soft and the best cuddler, and Rei loves napping with Liz because she is always gentle with her 🩷
Snake hybrid! Rei is the perfect balance between 'looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you' and 'looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll', because even if she is very gentle and kind, she will not hesitate to show her fangs if necessary
Snake hybrid! Rei is described by Bunny! Wonyoung as overprotective but in a nice way, because although she is gentle and basically love, puppies and sugar, a single look from her (as she silently appears behind you, that inherently snake-like habit of hers) is enough to: 1) protect you, 2) mark territory and 3) make her potential rivals pack their bags and go back the way they came.
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[ Snake squeeze 🐍 ] 
Every morning, Rei practically glides (because she is light on her feet) around the living room, as she greets the rest of her mates one by one with a soft, comforting hiss. Wonyoung hops around her excitedly, making her floppy ears rise and fall in rhythm with each hop, while Yujin —who is certainly calmer than the energetic bunny— greets her with a gentle tail wag.
"Good morning, Rei!" exclaims Wonyoung cheerfully.
"Ss... good morning, Wonyo," replies Rei, with a gentle smile. The morning light causes a slight flash of light, as it makes contact with her snake fangs.
And plopping down on the deck chair in the courtyard, Rei enjoys the morning by lying still to let the warm rays of sunshine warm her up a little. Whenever you look for where Rei has gone, you don't hesitate to go to the sunniest places in the house. Because where there is sun, there is Rei.
Leeseo and Wonyoung start playing chase each other in the yard, running around like a big ball of brindle fur and the other a little ball of fluffy, snow-white fur. You smile as you watch them interact, and as you move your gaze a little, there is Rei: lying on her deck chair, the sun beating down on her usually cool body, watching her mates play in the distance. Her eyes are serene, and her smile exudes love.
For despite her quiet nature, Rei gets along well with all the pets. They are her mates, and she loves them. That's why they often find comfort in her comforting embrace, and although she sometimes tends to squeeze a little tighter than necessary, she always does it with love.
Sometimes, while doing chores around the house or just hanging out, you see Liz joining Rei, quietly sharing her company. The girls know (and you know too) that although they are all quite close to each other, Liz and Rei are a level beyond. Like soul mates, you think.
And when it gets dark, during the quiet nights, when home is quiet and you're quietly walking to your bed to rest, you see out of the corner of your eye a scene that happens quite often: Liz looking for a warm place to snuggle, finding comfort in Rei's arms.
"Thank you, Rei," you hear Liz purr as she closes her eyes.
"Ss... always here for you, Liz," Rei murmurs tenderly.
It's those moments when you feel most connected to them, when their gentleness and reassurance fill your heart with peace.
And so you can quietly close the door of their room, letting them sleep curled up in Liz's little cat bed (Rei assumes Liz's bed as her own), and head to yours to rest as well.
They'll be just fine.
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bongwaterbunny · 1 year
safe place
pairing ;; bunny!reader x remus lupin
warnings ;; fluff + angst, bunny has anxiety, mentions of drinking and brief gore but that's all that i can think of.
synopsis ;; when wolf meets bunny, things can get tough - and sleepy.
word count ;; 581
yes, this is a self indulgent blurb i made during a panic attack, AND??
it's the quiet huffs that remus notices first, like when a kitten falls asleep in a space it feels safe and starts to snore. he blinks back the groggy feeling behind his eyes just as he hears the faint thumping of bunnys foot on the carpet. she's having a nightmare. it takes a moment or two for him to find her, curled up under the coffee table of all places, and he coos at the dark circles forming quickly under her eyes.
she stirs a little as his scarred arms wrap around her small frame, all too careful of the pure white ears she's tucked her face into, but she doesn't quite stir until he's about to step onto the cold tile of the bathroom floor.
"no- bun!" his voice is tired as she scampers away, pitter-pattering her way to the soft warm carpet in their apartment. "please?"
she sniffles, nose scrunching up, but it's not in her nature to stay mad at him, however tired she is. he looks rough, brown hair still greasy and brown eyes still tired from the last full moon; only days beforehand. bunny hears the pleading tone in his voice, see the limp he tries to hide from her and tears prick at her glassy eyes.
remus tries again, slowly, a soft "oh, bunny.." as he approaches her. she paws at his jumper as he picks her up, trying to quit shaking. "i'm sorry. i'm so, so sorry my love. i didn't mean to scare you."
"i'm sorry!" it's sudden, and loud enough to make the werewolf jump a bit as he settles into bed. "…s-sorry.."
he pulls her tiny frame close to his chest, petting her as gently as he can and that's when it all cracks.
"please d-don't be mad at me, remmy, please i'm sorry." she cries a bit harder, covering her face in his jumper as if that could hide her from the world. and what he hears next breaks his heart. "jus' don't want you to leave me…"
she nods.
"bunny, oh bun- hey you're okay! you're okay, i'm not leaving."
she sniffles. he shifts so he can see what's going on in that little brain of hers, to see her expressions.
"j-just jealous, rem." it's only a whimper. remus didn't even hear her at first, but bunny doesn't stop her sniffles, and remus connects the dots.
bun's always been afraid of the bathroom, the cold tiles and hot water, the toilet that flushes so loud it's like an earthquake on her sensitive ears. even the gentle caress of her lovers hand makes her heart thump like she's dying in there, remus remembers the nights spent awake telling her everythings okay as she curls herself up as tight as can be under the covers. with his recent turning, the violence and aggression he knows bunny hates just as much as he does, things have been hard. he's gotten home late, covered in scars or drunk just to cope with the time. while he's been exhausted, buns been scared, walking on eggshells hoping the love of her life doesn't leave her behind for people who might actually be able to help him.
"bun," she flinches, "i'm so sorry princess. you know i'd never leave you. you know you mean the world to me, right bunny?" his voice is hesitant.
there's no reply.
there's no shaking.
there's nothing but the tiniest of bunnies snoring softly in her safe place, her werewolf.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
hi! how are you? ⋆˙⟡♡
i was wondering if i can request a romantic male atsv matchup please?
i’m a girl, 19, aries, enfp, my pronouns are she/her. i could be really shy sometimes due to my bad anxiety, but mostly i’m very sweet and bubbly person, i’m super affectionate with people who i love. i’m also very sensitive and emotional person too. 
my height is 5’5, i have a petite figure, have some boob, long brown hair and green eyes, 
i would describe my style as a hyperfeminine. i’m polyglot and i speak 6 languages, and i’m studying linguistics in uni. my other passions are makeup, cinematography and music ofc! i’m obsessed with rabbits and bunnies ₍⑅ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡ overall, i love cute things, such as clothes, accessories, makeup, stuffies and etc.
hope it’s okay! sorry for my grammar, english isn’t my first language. 
thank you and have a nice day <3
Hi there! :D I hope your day is even better!! <3 (and dw about your English, it’s flawless!!) Without further ado, I match you with:
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A handful of headcanons!
He loves how emotional and sensitive you can be
With your emotional-ness and his dark, brooding personality, you guys have a lot of deep talks
Life, death, dreams, disappointments—anything and everything that resides in the deeper parts of your minds
On that note, he appreciates that you’re a fellow intellectual
He loves to explore intellectual topics in discussion as well as emotional ones, so you’re a perfect fit; you can do both!
Conversations with you are the kindling to the warmth your relationship
As for your shyness, that’s not a problem for him
He’s not exactly a socialite himself, so he won’t be dragging you to parties or anything
But he’s not nervous around people like you are, so when you do go out in public, he takes the lead
Though he really doesn’t like socializing all that much, he’s more than glad to do it for you
He also loves taking care of you in general
He sees you as a delicate flower, small (in comparison to him, at least) and in need of guarding
He knows you’re the one when you return the favor :)
Being Spider-Man is hard work, and being able to come home to someone who’s soft and kind is the best thing in the world for him
He’s a pretty masculine guy, so he doesn’t take much interest in your more feminine side
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t support you!!
He’ll often surprise you with some new makeup or a bunny plush, just to see your face light up
His nicknames for you include “dear,” “my flower,” and “my love”
He loves to be called “dear,” “honey,” and “my hero”
A little drabble!
The window flew open, a cold drift blasting through the living room. Drops of rain dribbled onto the carpet, soon overshadowed by the moisture pouring off a black trench coat that slipped through the opening.
The window clicked shut again, and all was quiet save for the ragged breathing of the man in the coat.
You stood up from your reclined position on the couch, hurrying over to him.
“You’re back,” you smiled, opening your arms and wrapping them around his middle. You hardly noticed the icy rain he was drenched in as it began soaking through your clothes.
“Yes, my love,” he breathed, still regaining the wind in his lungs. “Tonight was hard.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” You pulled away, looking with sincere concern into his goggles.
He pulled off his mask, revealing a pained expression that just about split your heart in two.
“Oh, Peter…” you buried your face in his shoulder again, rubbing circles on his back.
You pulled away reluctantly after a moment. “Let me make you something warm to drink, then you can tell me all about it.”
The smallest of smiles curved his thin lips, and he leaned down to kiss you. “That sounds perfect. Let me change into something more suitable. Something that doesn’t leave you sopping wet, at least.” A little glimmer in his eye made you giggle as you finally let go, leaving him to change.
You positioned yourself on the couch with two mugs of tea resting on the coffee table. Peter sat on the ground in front of you, wrapping his arms around your hips and occasionally leaning his head against your thigh as he spoke. He didn’t need the tea; your sympathy was far more warming than a hot drink could ever be.
And… a song!
We Belong Together (Ritchie Valens)
You're mine
And we belong together
Yes, we belong together
For eternity
You're my, my baby
And you'll always be
I swear by everything I own
You'll always, always be mine
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I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for your support, lovely!!
(divider by saradika)
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boykombat · 8 months
Kuai Liang, - "Cleans The Plate"
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Description: Being apart of the Lin Kuei meant he didn't get to see his favorite person often. That person in question being you, of course. And it was always so cold when he returned back to the temple, and he needed to warm himself up somehow.
Tags: finger sucking, teasing, eating out, squirting, cumming without touch, incorrect use of pyromancy.
words: 1.8k
title makes sense bc kuai liang eats and doesn't leave a drop unswallowed
I know it's shorter but this was a lot of fun to write!
🦂 Enjoy!🦂
The mountainous region of where the hidden Lin Kuei temple was nestled, was constantly freezing. Due to the sky consistently showering down snow, the area of the earth was chosen by the ancestors because of its natural camouflage to the outside world.
Just because it's convenient, doesn't mean Kuai enjoys the cold. Being a pyromancer, his body runs hot. The cold feels like more of a bite than a relief to him. So, he seeks warmth in the shape of your body.
Whenever he can, Kuai has you near. Which isn't a lot. His duties constantly pull him away from you, it's hard for him to stand. As soon as he has a break from a mission, he's by your side. Sometimes it's for a couple days, other times a couple hours.
But he has you now, right in his lap where he likes you. Your chest is pressed up against his. Kuai always loves having you so close, soaking up your body heat. Yeah, he's naturally warm, but he could always be warmer.
Kuai's fingers are on your neck, cupping your throat. Not choking you, he's just resting his hand there. He can feel your breathing against his skin.
Kuai shifts a bit, bringing you closer. His eyes flick to the door, and he rests his head against your shoulder.
"You're very warm." He mutters under his breath, his gravely voice almost right against your ear. You let out a soft hum, and he hums back.
Kuai gently runs his fingers across your jaw, fingertips trailing against your chin. You press closer into his touch. His thumb gently pulls your lips open.
And he slides two fingers into your mouth. It draws another hum from deep in your frame. Kuai lets out a soft groan into your ear as he feels the warm interior of your mouth. His fingers are slick with your saliva as he pushes them in and out, over and over again.
You suckle on his fingers so well, your mouth slightly drawn open. Your tongue slides along his digits, and his other hand finds your hair. Slowly, he strokes the strands of your hair.
The warmth of your mouth has his mind thinking. The cold of the room bites at his skin, and he pulls you closer.
"You look so pretty sucking on my fingers, bunny." Kuai murmurs in your ear, and his lips start to press against your neck. Soft, warm kisses against your skin.
You look so relaxed in his arms, it makes him feel safe. In this moment, he craves you. He's not sure when he's going to see you next.
"Can I have you? I miss your warmth, your taste.." He trails off.
You nod yes, and he smiles against your skin. He moves you to the side, both of his hands on your hips to lift you from his thighs.
Kuai's fingers hook around your panties being careful as he tugs them off. Kuai would never want to hurt you, he's careful with you even when you want him to be rough. Though, he can get harsh sometimes, but it's rare when he does.
The pyromancer lays back on his cot, and he pats his cheek. His brown eyes watch as you crawl across the space, analyzing your every move.
You settle your size on every side of his face, hesitant in sitting down. You just hover, that's okay with him, for now. Kuai brings his hands closer to the insides of your thighs, gently pulling open your folds with the tips of his fingers.
Slowly, he starts to flick his tongue against your clit. A low groan leaves his mouth as he tastes you, the vibrations going straight to every sensitive area. It draws a gasp from your lips. Pretty, and airy.
He loves making you moan. Kuai's hands grasp your thighs, squishing them with his fingers. He pulls them apart further, bringing your cunt directly against his mouth.
You can see a bit of fire flicker from his fingertips. The flame brushes your skin, leaving a hot sting in its wake. It makes you buck your hips a bit, even when you try to still them. Your grinding doesn't deter him, it just makes him want you more.
He can feel you starting to get wet against his lips. Kuai's hot tongue eagerly explores your folds, quiet groans leaving his lips at his amazing you taste. The sweet, saltiness of your arousal against his taste buds makes him hard.
There's been so many times where Kuai has cum just from eating you out. He can't understand why, he's never been like that with any other person. Just you. Not that he's a complaining, he's a sucker for how you whine when he finally starts to fuck you with his tongue.
Your cunt is so, so needy for him. Dripping with pure arousal. His fingernails bite at your thighs, and he pulls you to his face fully.
With a medium pace, he starts to slide his tongue in and out of your pussy. Kuai can feel your walls squeezing around his tongue.
It's so stimulating, the warmth of his tongue. It's something you can't get enough of, but being more naturally sensitive, you find yourself trying to pull away so you don't cum so fast.
"Stay." He growls against your dripping sex, a bit of fire flaring from his fingers as his grip on your legs tightens. He pushes you down further, the sting of fire against your skin reminds you of who's in control here. Kuai is, he always has been he always will be.
Your size tighten around his head, his hearing muffled by the vice like grip you have on him. Kuai can feel your fingers starting to grip at his hair, and he loves the dull pain of you tugging on his hair.
Kuai isn't the most vocal. But it's just something about you sitting on his face that gets his vocal chords going. He lets out a loud groan, his tongue working in and out of you like never before. His hands move your hips, and he starts to rock your dripping sex against his lips.
Kuai needs you to grind against his tongue, he craves it. You eagerly oblige, swiveling your hips against the muscle that is constantly torturing the walls of your cunt. He's like a machine with how he works, he won't stop until you tell him to.
Kuai lets his eyes open, and he loves what he's seeing. Your soft tummy, all of that smooth skin on display for him. He can see your tits bouncing on your frame, moving with every needy thrust you make. He loves all the soft curves he can see from between your thighs.
He moves up an inch, so he can see more of your body move while he eagerly lapse at your dripping cunt. His eyes focus on your face as he thrusts his tongue faster into you. You can feel your wetness pressed against his cheeks and chin, some of it even racing down his neck.
Kuai's eyes focus on your warm mouth, and how he can see the drool collecting at the corner of your lips. The things you do with that mouth make him feel harder, as he daydreams of you as if you're not on top of him in this movement.
He can imagine the warmth of your lips around his cock, the sound of you gagging as he fucks your throat ringing in his ears.
You grind yourself down onto his tongue faster, and faster. He knows you're about to cum. He can feel you clenching tighter around him, your soft curves jiggling slightly as your body shakes.
With one final thrust, You tug on his hair as hard as you can. Kuai's tongue abuses your good spot as you start to cum. He closes his eyes, feeling the arousal fluid shoot out from you as you squirt.
The pyromancer doesn't care about the mess, he'd probably fuck you in the baths after this anyways. He can feel the arousal fluid leaking into his mouth, and he eagely really swallows it all. The feeling of all of this seduction on his tongue pushes him over the edge, and his eyes roll back into his skull.
Kuai can feel the cum inside of his boxers as he finishes, he can feel how messy he gets. Just how messy you make him.
You tug his hair over and over, your fingers twitch when flexing with the feeling of a good orgasm. The feeling makes his hips jerk as the small of his back pushes from the bed. His fingernails bite into the sensory pleasure he calls your skin.
Kuai's massive hands pull your cunt down to his face, His tongue relentless against your clit. He won't let you finish only once, Not when there's a chance he couldn't do this for days.
He's gotta make you count, and he does. So much so he coaxes you into another orgasm.
You can feel your body shaking as you nearly fall forward onto his legs. Your hips snapping wildly as he pushes you over the edge yet again, in such a short span of time too. He always knew what to do, and he perfected flawlessly.
He can feel you cumming into his mouth, the salty sweetness of your juice invading his lips. Kuai can't get enough, he always swallows. Eagerly, he laps it all up as you cum against his tongue. His hands firmly gripping onto your thighs, pulling your legs open as your arousal fluid shoots out like he enjoys.
Kuai likes making a mess, that's just how he is. He likes knowing you felt good. What's better than visual proof?
As you start to calm down, Kuai slows his pace. Calming you down by coaxing you to stop, his tongue slowly sliding out from you. He placed one last kiss against your clit, and then on your folds.
You shift off him, now simply on your knees. Kuai rolls onto his front, his palms planted firmly on the other sides of his head. Slowly, he starts to kiss up your body. One on your hood, then your lower abdomen. Soft, tender kisses going up your body. His hands slide along the sides of your body.
Fingers massaging at the fatty tissue of your body, warm as bits of fire flick from then. Leaving a scorpions sting in their wake. His lips find your breasts, kissing at both. Lips brushing across your collarbone, his hands on your neck. Fingers slide into your hair, and his lips find the familiar flesh of your lips. His chapped lips against your velvety smooth ones is like a personal paradise.
This man eats, and he eats good. Cleans his plate when he's done too.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
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Media Game Of Thrones
Character Jojen Reed
Couple Jojen X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day Seven
Kinktober Concept Somnophilia / Reverse Somnophilia
Smut Non conset/ nudity/ nipple play/ breast play/ fingering/ eating out/ grinding/ breast sucking/ humping/ anal/ full sex
Slowly but surely I was pulled from the distance of sleep back towards reality my mind slowly becoming aware of the world that surrounded me, I was aware of the harsh ground under my blankets, of the cold chill in the air, in the pine and snow scent to the air, the warmth of my furs and blankets providing little to help but also feeling sweet pleasure build between my legs for a while I assumed I had merely had a more sensual dream that had left me feeling the need for attention but as I continued to gain an understanding of where I was and what was happening I noticed a warm hand had found its way through my maze of blankets and now two long slender fingers had slipped below my dresses may layer and now sat inside me gently moving back and forth for a moment I was afraid but I had to admit the feeling was so utterly thrilling I didn’t want it to stop even for a moment so I kept my eyes closed enjoying the sweet feeling of the pleasure building and building, Their thumb then began to rub little circles on my clit making me gasp in suprise but I kept still and quiet hoping to trick them into believing I was still asleep, and I felt sweet kisses across my head and neck as the hand continued its work, they gently pushed me to I laid on my back and pulled the covers away quick enough to shock my body but slow enough not to wake me leaving me exposed to the cold in only my little dress, their hand worked so much harder being utterly merciless on me causing my gasps and slight moans which only seemed to fuel them more.
Another hand then came and cupped my breast gently, squeezing and fondling it through my dress, given the cold I was getting far more sensitive, but they still continued to pleasure me, the hand on my breast left a moment before I felt it return tugging at my dress enough to slip a handful of snow inside my dress I wanted to squeal at the sudden cold as they moved it though my dress until the snow rubbed on my nipples hardening them quickly which they then took as an opportunity to play with them, twisting, rubbing, tugging on them hard which I admit was far more pleasurable then I imagined it would be even the sting of the melting snow against my skin was mildly enjoyable, I knew it wouldn’t be long until I would hit my wall of pleasure but suddenly my dress was janked down and my breasts exposed both their hands coming to rub and tug on my nipples while groping my breasts and as they did one question was answered, I knew this was a man as his hard erection pressed against me I was immediatly impressed trying not to blush he leant down and kissed my neck and I heard his sly chuckle as he kissed down and took my nipple into his mouth swiling his tounge and slightly biting the sudden warmth a strange sensation but it was overshadowed by his mouths work. 
I did my best not to moan or reveal I was awake to him but as he was flicking my nipple with his tongue, rubbing the other with his thumb and grinding his erection against me I couldn’t help but moan
“Shhhh shhh shh” He muttered “Humm nice and quiet for me little bunny, we don’t want to wake anyone” His voice spoke up 
I mean honestly, he would have been my first guess but still, to think he was the one who sat over me making me feel so good, doing all these things to me all while I slept it made me wonder if this wasn’t the first time? 
“Umm back to sleep little bunny, back to sleep for me” he cooes before he tugged up my dress exposing my pussy to the cold air, he moved down and began gently kissing my clit a few soft little kisses before he suddenly fully buried himself there kissing, licking, sucking, his hands wrapped around my thighs as he fully made out with my clit leaving me gasping and arching my back already close to an orgasm once he got into a pace one hand came up to grasp my still cold breast rubbing and tugging on my nipple his other hand moving to slip three fingers inside me fingering me in time with his passionate kisses which were enough to send me over the edge, I gripped the blankets and furs as tight as I could and bit my mouth hard so I couldn’t scream but it felt so amazing, as I was barely awake, the waves of pleasure washing over my body. 
He chuckled “Humm such a good little bunny,” 
He moved to sit up but still kept his fingers working to let me ride it out his hand leaving my breast “You always act so good for me” he smirked “The rest of them won’t be awake for another few hours, maybe I should fool around with my bunnies little cotton tail” he smirked using his hand that had been on my breast to slip inside my ass Which immediately made me squeal and I sat up “ahhhh fuck!” He yelled putting some distance between us leaning himself against a tree in the little space I had climbed to sleep a good distance from the others “Holy- shit. You made me jump”
“What are you doing here jojen?” I asked asking as if I didn’t already know 
“Uhhhhh checking, you were sleeping okay” He lied 
“What’s on your chin?” I asked as of course his chin was glistening given he was just going down on me 
“Ohh uhh nothing” he says quickly wiping it 
“Jojen. How long have you been doing this?” I asked 
“So you know?”
“I was awake today.” I told him fixing my dress
“Oh shit.”
“Tell me. When did this start?”
“...you remember when we went to Winterfell? For the party?”
“When our families reswore to the starks?”
“And you fell asleep on my shoulder… in the great hall”
“I only felt you up! Just a little feeling around that’s all. And then I snuck into your room after dark. Just to look I didn’t do anything, and then I snuck in the next night and I felt up again and it all just kinda spiralled from there” 
“I see”
“You’re gonna kill me aren’t you?”
“No? Why aren't you- Ohh… did my little bunny enjoy herself too good to be mad at me?”
“Ohh I’m mad at you, but it is fun to be woken by such sweetness” 
“Awww my little bunny loves me too much to wanna kill me” he smirked 
“Where did that come from?” I asked
“The name?”
“Ohh, you're nose twitches when you sleep. Makes you look like a little bunny rabbit” 
“How far as this gone?”
“Uhhh completely, or almost. I play with your boobs, I play with your pussy, I know a trick to make you start breathing through your nose and I’ve used your mouth for alot of stuff, a lot of anal too fingers and… my cock. Basically everything except full sex but that's only because I was terrified of getting you pregnant” he explained “Sorry-”
“Next time. Tell me.” I told him laying back to get some more sleep “You coming?” 
“In- yes!” He smiled not wanting to ask questions jumping in my covers and bundling himself up with me as I pulled the covers close he spooned me a leg around me pushing his hips against mine completely his hands on my breasts peppering kisses up my neck “Ummm fuck you feel so good little bunny,” He groans grinding himself almost humping me “My cute little bunny gonna let me get off like this?” he smirked grinding harder 
“I’m sleeping” I fake yawned 
“Are you now? Humm sleep well then little bunny.” He cooed giving my cheek a kiss “I’m gonna have fun with your cute little pussy” he smirked undoing his pants and carefully working his way inside me “Ughhhhh fuck! This feels so much better then your ass!” 
“I’m sleeping” I giggled 
“Alright you sleep, let see how long you can sleep with me inside ya” he growled starting his hard and passionate thrusts 
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propertyofwhitney67 · 4 months
want to cuddle up to bunny whitney… world hard and cold bunny soft and warm (and mean)
Oh my sweet baby. So soft and warm, warm but not hot. Fluffy hair when he has bunny tf, otherwise it is not bc he bleaches his hair so much. Play with his hair, run your hands through it and beg him to let you braid it.
He teases you the whole time, groping you and making comments. Tug on his ears and tail to get him to shut up for a second, then he gets worse.
I'd like to think he is a good cuddler, and if his full attention isn't on you he is absent mindedly playing with your hair or rubbing circles on your hips.
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ryanlewisandclark · 20 days
So there’s a nest of baby bunnies in one of my larger flower pots from last year. (I tend to leave them out over winter so the dead stalks of the tomatoes and such can be homes for all kinds of little local bugs that need them.)
Two weeks ago, give or take, I noticed a rabbit hopping into one of the pots and seeming to disappear. After almost four hours collecting covers and bringing them back to the same pot it left, and I went outside to discover an adorable and well constructed nest, which we’ve made sure to avoid disturbing beyond visually checking to make sure it’s still there/whole.
Three days ago there was a solid amount of movement under the cover of fur blocking the nest, which ultimately revealed five or six fully furred baby bunnies with eyes just starting to open (best guess, we didn’t want to get too close so kind of hard to see through the wood sorrel in the pot). We were very excited to realize that soon the bunnies would be big enough to go out into the world and do their best.
Last night I went to check on my garden around ten and we noticed there was one of them out of the nest on the patio. Cautiously approaching, we realized it was hurt, with a small cut not visible through the fur around its neck and wasn’t able to get up and support its own weight. The most it moved was its eyes opening and closing and its back legs occasionally kicking. It had been there long enough to get fairly cold but was still breathing and hanging on. It was too late for any of the wildlife rescue/rehab groups to be available until this morning. So we put together a nest box with a hot water bottle attached to one wall for ambient heat and some clean rags to make it soft and fresh picked clovers. Wearing gloves, we very carefully moved the bunny into the box and moved it to a warm, quiet, dark place and left it overnight in the hope we’d be able to take it to some pros for help in the morning.
Unfortunately our little friend didn’t make it through the night. I know we did our very best and were careful and prioritized the animal’s safety as best as we could. I know sometimes bunnies don’t make it and that’s part of why rabbits make so many, life’s tough for a prey animal. I’m sad that it seems like the most likely cause was a fight in the nest, since there’s no evidence of incursion by predators at all and the bunny was only maybe a foot away with nothing nearby capable of causing the injury.
It’ll be ok. I’m doing a lot better about it than I thought I was going to. We’ve lost two nests of baby bunnies at this house and I’ve been pretty devastated both times. I really hope the other bunnies are ok in their nest but I won’t disturb it to check on them. It helps knowing we did everything we could, and we’ve had a lot of practice accepting death lately.
We’ll be ok but I need to put all this somewhere.
Today will be busy.
Tomorrow should be a very good day.
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202311073 · 7 months
🎢 My Fantasy About Andre Rieu Before the Next Journey to...
We got out of the bus. I was 16, and my name is Frilly for my beautiful hair.
I’m wearing a short pink dress a to below halfway down my girly thighs. It’s tight of course around the waist and “bust.” It has cute buttons. It has warm stockings for the cold, cold, cold winter.  Hee hee hee!  (I getting used to this…)  I have a pink like bonnet beret, you get the picture, like “Little Miss Muffet.”  I have a cute made up animal backpack with lots of space. I have dress shoes on that are warm and sorta pointy. I have on my gloves. I have my hair smooth with waves at the very end and bangs combed to the side parted on the side some. The material is made by me and thick and strong and soft etc. It’s, like, perfect now!
So, Frilly has eaten well and exercised. Andre Rieu has some real children and some “adopted” ones. Frilly is not the littlest nor youngest etc. She is still gonna grow, but she is younger than Andre Rieu. So, she is 5’6”. I guess Andre Rieu is usually sorta around 6’. That’s tall for an American. There are fat men in California. The skinny girls cling to them, and they tall. Of course, I was just a little girl from Miami playing around in Disney World…
So, it’s still daylight. Frilly was ready and had fun on the bus… tho it’s the night that’s “fun.” “Florida” kinda fun.
She has a hard time wandering around the other people. Andre Rieu is doing his job and overtime with his peoples. Frilly rubs nearby and rotates towards him and says to her “adopted” dad since her dad is deceased, as her mom, who she never knew well… and he sees she is more tired than everyone else and picks her up and talks to her so she can relax and not “talk back” and he helps her to sleep. They arrive at the restaurant and she wakes up in his lap, and she gropes her hand around the toy. She has a hard time sitting so walks around eating. They get back on the bus and she sits alone in the back and Andre Rieu comes by to cuddle her in his lap since she doesn’t know she can’t really sit or else she’ll get tired, now.
They arrive at the “performing arts center” in East Germany.
Frilly is working with the young men. She gets treats and eats her meal and stuff. When she is done, she wanders around. She gets to sit with some of the gentlemen and boys in different tech…
When it is all over, they eat at a nice quaint place. They get back on a transportation and head for a nice big hotel.
Frilly has a great time in the shuttle with TV in it.
They get back and she wanders around and buys candy and hangs out and uses the gym!
They go back to the hotel rooms and shower and next day is another travel.
The next night at the hotel they get back a little earlier. They fall asleep watching movies. Frilly usually plays undercovers partly. She has pajamas on she loves a lot and great kinda full covering slippers. Her favorite TV shows that come on in the same places at the same time like at 3 AM were the cartoon of the cross eyed bunny and  a documentary about Audrey Hepburn (Dutch) and a lot about her in “My Fair Lady,” 1 year younger than her Gramma. So, this time, she gets to stay with Andre Rieu and he’s not alone today, with a few other people of different types and ages. She is up playing a game with some kids mostly. She is looking forward to waking up early as always using the gym an hour and the pool an hour. They have a surprise for Andre Rieu since he’s in charge and so cute and sweet. They bring in a cake and presents and have a party. They take a video and pictures and wind down and put on a favorite program. Some are on their devices or online. Next day is great. At the end of this one, Frilly goes to a children’s museum and buys food and some souvenirs, like a T-shirt, a keychain, and more. She goes crazy and at some point gets to see the “adopted” of some dad, who has his real children, and she’s not the youngest nor littlest there. She runs into him and bounces up and hugs him and she squeals when he lifts her up and carries her around and talks some around and other people come and they all have fun!... and life has lots of things and great media.
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