#world of make believe reprise
personinthepalace · 8 months
Happy Closing Night to Peter Pan Goes Wrong on the West End!
from pangoeswrong instagram
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whetstonefires · 11 months
Madam Yu is so much of a character in so little space, it's fantastic, and it's funny to me being also in the Scum Villain fandom because. She is very much set up on the same character framework as Shen Jiu. She's that same Kind Of A Guy.
But ofc her trauma foundation is in being a proud woman in a world that does not value womanhood, and without the social skills to get anyone to forgive her for it. So she's less violently fucked up than he is.
But like him, she's all twisted up around the sensation that her suffering is her own fault for being the wrong sort of person. Which is an unutterably fucking corrosive mindset.
And I really think that she doesn't in the least believe that her husband loved or had an affair with Cangse Sanren. She's humiliated that other people believe it, and furious that he's encouraged them to, but she doesn't think it's true.
What she thinks is that Jiang Fengmian liked Cangse Sanren. As a person.
And of course, he doesn't like her. Because who could? Yu Ziyuan is not the sort of person people like.
And then Jiang Cheng, her son who takes after her, is basically just an extension of herself. So obviously, his father doesn't like him, either.
And she says this. Out loud, in front of him. While having honestly a really embarrassing meltdown.
I'm sure one of the things driving it is worry, because as she'd just acknowledged even though she's now blaming her husband about it they have to send either Jiang Cheng or Jiang Yanli into the hands of the Wen or face reprisals, which she doesn't want to face either, and obviously Jiang Yanli would be toast.
But if your response to worrying about your kid is to make fun of him, yell at him, shame him, and shout that his father doesn't love him in a weird tantrum before storming out and going to your room where he isn't allowed, you are failing as a parent on such a fantastic variety of levels idk where to start.
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sadlynotthevoid · 7 months
Okey, but, I feel like og!Cale is the type of person that, if someone tried to make fun of him for a crush, he would be like "ah, yeah, that's true" and openly admit it.
So, og AlbeCale AU where whenever someone tries to mock Cale about liking Alberu or asks him about it, he downright says the truth. Regardless of who is hearing him.
As in, maybe once someone asks if Rok Soo and Cale are dating because they seem close (in part because they're kind of close, and in part because Cale keeps knowing what he is thinking, but they don't know that's just a Cale thing). And Rok Soo is like:
Rok Soo: Nah. This guy's type are baker princes.
Cale: You got it wrong. I don't like any princes who bake, I like Alberu only.
And Alberu, who was drinking tea on the background, suddenly chokes on his cup. Which they notice, of course.
"Oh. Hey, Al. Are you okay?"
—Totally unfazed for having Alberu heard the whole conversation.
He's so shameless about it and it's completely unintentional.
He has no idea of how people treat their crushes normally nor is interested on doing the same. He knows that some people tend to get shy, but a decade purposefully acting as trash killed most of his shame— Well, at least when it is about others' opinions of him—. If he wants to do something, being laughed at is not what's going to stop him.
And what he wants is to say how adorable he thinks Alberu is, so that's what he does.
Rejection? He isn't proposing anything. He doesn't plan on dating or wooing Alberu either. It's not that he wouldn't like it, it's just that it hasn't occurred to him that that's even an option. For him, who had spent years hearing everyone say the worst of him, the idea of someone wanting him by their side is so far away that it has yet to form.
So he keeps making casual comments about how cute Alberu is when he's confused, or "his hair looks so soft, I bet it feels that way too", or "he looks so handsome when he's tricking people. I like it more when he doesn't have to, tho", while everyone else feels embarrased for it. Except Rosalyn, she thinks it's hilarious.
Of course, he's pretty much respectful about it, never crossing the line to sexual harassment. And he would stop if Alberu told him too, but he doesn't. He kinda didn't realize that was an option at the beginning and, at this point, he got used and actually enjoys it a bit (a lot).
Cale: oh, sweets! They're my fifth favorite thing in this cruel world.
Rosalyn, fully knowing what she's doing: what are the other four?
Cale, carefully choicing which cake eat first: Well— *rising a finger per item* my family, animals, Alberu and wine. In that order.
Alberu: *frowns* I'm only third?
Cale, picking a chocolate tart: Mm? I loved animals since before meeting you and, at this point, is a part of myself. The other day I saw a dog and spent two hours squatting at her side without realize. It was not a conscious decision, it was... a soul impulse, let's say.
Alberu, looking at his thighs because damn, that's a lot of time to stay in that position: Oh. Wait, you've also loved wine since before meeting me.
Cale: Yes, but drinking wine is a choice. I can live happily without it. You would be... more difficult to leave.
Alberu: *processing* (that means— can't be happy without me aksjdjsj) "blushes hard*
Rosalyn, looking at Alberu's silly fuming face: (don't laugh don't laugh) Pff—
Cale: cherry pie? *Holds a mini pie in front of Alberu*
The turn tables when Alberu realizes that Cale doesn't have resistaince against genuine compliments. He never takes fake glibbery words seriously, but if someone says the slightliest good thing about him and they mean it, he'll become a mess. He just— doesn't know how to react when someone believes anything good about him.
So, Alberu starts complimenting him seriously— as reprisal, of course ("that's just flirting, nephew. You two are flirting, stop calling it vengeance"). Small but real things, details most people doesn't notice, deeper things that he deserves to hear (because, honestly, someone should tell him how sweet he is. How considerate he is. How much he should be appreciated because he's precious. And it seems Alberu is that someone). It works everytime.
Alberu calls his smile cute once and Cale stops talking. Face red and eyes avoiding everything, he can't pronounce a single word.
He calls him kind after Cale subtly helped a strange for no reason (he's obviously doing it in a way others wouldn't notice unless they knew what to look for. Alberu wonders if this is other "Cale thing"). Cale trips and almost gets discovered. When Alberu looks at his face, he's pouting.
Curiously, he doesn't have the same reaction when he gets called smart. He just smiles a bit and sometimes puffs his chest. Huh. Still adorable, tho.
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chironshorseass · 9 months
i will forever stand by the lightning thief musical being the best pjo adaptation by a loooong shot. i’ve seen more than a few people critiquing the show for making these kids be way too serious for what they are—kids—and i’m just thinking abt how well the tlt musical writers understood the assignment!!! (and also the actors!) they’re adults playing 12 year-olds and u really forget that while watching the musical, by how well it’s written and interpreted by the actors. also the way the writers Understood the characters and their dynamics to a T…man, i still think about the good kid reprise when luke paralleled percy 😭😭😭😭 and how annabeth’s cleverness is never doubted and displayed, yet she’s also a silly girl! same with grover and percy! for example percy’s anger showing up in so many parts of the musical yet he’s always trying his best (which is why the good kid reprise works so well!) and then grover having his tree on the hill moment😭😭
back to annabeth: it really irks me how so many people fail to understand her? even her creator ???!!! truly outstanding how in the movie she’s watered down to just being the love interest who says she’s smart and the daughter of wisdom and blah blah blah yet does little to make the audience believe that, and then in the show she’s too smart, almost too perfect in everything she does. (none of the scenes have yet to show her making mistakes, like in the book). i love love love tlt musical annabeth bc she’s a girl looking for others to notice her! she wants to be seen! she wants to make her mark! she says she always has a plan yet sometimes she doesn’t! she’s still 12! she’s petty and makes mistakes and hasn’t seen the world! just goes to show which one is the superior adaptation.
anyway, tlt musical stans RISE!!!!
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nerdylilpeebee · 6 months
So i been seeing your post recently and...well.....do you not think whats hapening in palestine is a genocide?
No, I don't.
Firstly, the numbers of how many have died comes from Hamas. And I refuse to believe they can name every dead kid but can't name how many hostages are alive. And even if we humor the idea they're telling the truth, 30k is an INCREDIBLY small number in terms of conflicts like this and most likely includes Hamas fighters, who are dressed as civilians and of whom Hamas does not differentiate when counting these numbers, so the civilian death toll is far more likely to be around 15k, and that's a generous high-roll. It's also not really possible they'd mostly be women and children. Cuz if they were, this would mean either every man in Gaza is a Hamas fighter (unlikely) or most men in Gaza has somehow avoided death. An incredibly unlikely option, especially given Pro-Pals insistence that Israel is "carpet bombing" Gaza. If you're carpet bombing an area, it's not possible that adult men could almost all avoid death. XD that's just not possible.
Secondly, Hamas has been proven to be lying. They lied about Israel bombing a hospital pretty early (they claimed Israel bombed the hospital and 500 people died, but in truth, one of their missile misfired and hit the parking lot of the hospital they claim was hit), and ever since I have either seen multiple lies from Hamas or Pro-Pals claiming this building or that was destroyed, but a quick Google search of the building either provided oodles of proof it was not destroyed or that it wasn't even in fucking Gaza. I refuse to believe the side lying their asses off will be accurate when calling something a genocide. This doesn't mean I think Israel has never lied, but they have not engaged in nearly the same level of manipulation that Hamas and the Pro-Pal side have.
Thirdly, Hamas has been launching unguided missiles into Israel for over 20 years. This necessitated the Iron Dome, and Israel in the areas that were bombed even has alarms in every neighborhood and a bomb shelter in every house. Even so they have killed thousands over the years in this campaign of slaughter. They then capped this off with October 7th, a terror attack that claimed almost exclusively civilian lives. They raped, butchered, and even recorded themselves doing these things (which is of course ignored by Pro-Pals). They had journalists involved who warned no one and even posed with Hamas leaders and took pictures of themselves with grenades. Apparently there were even members of the UNRWA involved, tho I haven't seen full proof of that bit yet. This was a terror attack that killed 1400 people, innocent people who were just taking part in a music festival. Then they kidnapped over 230 more innocent people, all civilians, many of which weren't even Israeli's, and while yes they gave SOME back during the ceasefire for hostage exchange, they kept a lot of infants (yes, INFANTS) they took, separating them from their mothers, and didn't give back all the hostages, rejecting the offer to keep the ceasefire going in exchange for them all. And now, they won't even name how many as still alive!
And after this terror attack they retreated to Gaza, even taking some corpses of the people they killed, and went into underground tunnels so any reprise against them would hit innocent civilians. They even said on live TV that they view Gaza as a country of martyrs they're happy to sacrifice. And yet despite all of that, we get to point 4.
Fourthly, Israel warns people before attacking. This is unprecedented. Militaries the world over call it a stupid move, cuz tactics-wise, it is very fucking stupid since inevitably Hamas gets the warnings too. But Israel does it anyway in an attempt to prevent civilian deaths, with Hamas refusing to let a lot of the civilians evacuate so they don't die. And the ones that did? They followed them to Rafah, bringing hostages with them, making Rafah, by law, a military target.
Fifthly, Hamas steals the aid that gets in, Palestinians have even testified to this, forcing Gazan civilians to starve and get desperate. The most recent consequence of this is the "flour massacre" in which starving Gazans swarmed an aid truck, and the aid workers inside ran a lot of them over in a bid to escape. Pro-Pals of course spread the lie that Israel butchered them all.
And finally point 6, having to do with the hostages: Hamas lies about the hostages. They claim they're treated well, even forged a thank you letter. But one interview with a released hostage demonstrates that this is a blatant lie, the family of the hostage the letter was from even said it was a lie!
I refuse to believe a genocide is happening when all of this is true. People facing genocide don't engage in this level of manipulation. They don't take innocents hostage, rape them and kill their families and neighbors.
Yeah, Gaza military-wise is weak compared to Israel. And their government has no interest in protecting them whatsoever. But one side being weak does not make a war a genocide. One side's government choosing to hide in underground tunnels, launch missiles from civilian buildings, hide weapons and hostages in hospitals, schools, and children's bedrooms does not make it a genocide.
What is happening is awful and it needs to stop. but it's a war, not a genocide.
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tv3headz · 7 months
Loser, baby reprise idea
If we get a reprise of loser, baby in season 2 I want it to be the opposite of the original song.
like wether that be something going on with alastor, his gambling/ alcohol tendencies, or the fact that he hates he’s a winged cat. Maybe, if we wanna be angsty, all three. 
Like how the OG song was a combination of ANGEL’s relationship with VAL, his self destructing habits like drugs and alcohol, and his self hatred for his body and being a toy for Val, (or a PET, like how Alastor sees husk!) 
And then I believe this would take place somewhere more personal like in a enclosed room or bathroom or even at the hotel bar, where the OG was in a messy open setting on some rando street.
Preferably it would be later in the season so there would be a bigger break and relationship development to help the reprise hit harder since it has ALREADY become their song. (And to help the pacing)
So husk would be all down in the dumps and Angel would lift him up the same way Husk did to him all those months ago but since then, their relationship has become deeper and sweeter so it would be slightly more… cute? 
Like I don’t want something as light as the more than anything reprise compared to the original song where it just becomes lighter and more natural, no.
I want it to be sweeter in a way where it reflects how these two are still struggling together, are still losers together but it’s become less insulting and more lighthearted and teasing. like we already see in episode 8 that the losers thing has become a cute lil joke. 
So, it developed even more to where the reprise makes it genuinely sweet while not dumbing down on the purpose of the original song? That would be PERFECTION.
It would be shorter than the og since it is a reprise, and it would NOT be where they kiss. I have many ideas for when they kiss (if they even do cuz omg I love slow burns but idk if I could wait ANOTHER season if we even get a S3) probably about a minute long like the other reprises.
Since I’m so hyperfixated on this idea, I already imagine the main line is changed ever so slightly. 
Instead of ‘you’re A loser baby,’ it’s something super sappy and romantic like ‘you’re MY loser, baby,’ and they would both joke about how soft and stupid they’ve become?!?! I would MELTTTT.
I highly doubt if this were to happen these would be the lyrics by here’s my idea of how it would kinda go 
Angel to husk: so things look bad, and you’re back’s against the wall… *much slower, lighter, softer.
You’re whole existence seems, fuckin’ hopeless..
You’re feelin’ filthy as a {I feel like they would change the lyric here, but it would depend on the context and setting to make it work. Like how the og was outside a gross bar, the line ‘dive bar bathroom stall’ fit for that situation. Or it’s just a general metaphor and I’m insane.}
Can’t face the world sober, and dopeless… [ok imagine instead if it getting higher here like the OG song it gets LOWER? It would be a nice change for a reprise : o]
You’ve lost.. you’re way… but you know you’re life ain’t wrecked {There’s two ways the buildup to the chorus rewrite could go. - 
They could keep it the same, or change it up in a way to where Angel is referring to how Husk already helped him through this and this situation and how he knows it’s pointless to dwell. Which is why he’s helping husk now with the same problem, but he’s just a dumbass because he knows this! Reflecing on the original song idea of ‘yeah you’re pathetic but so am I with you’ kinda mentality.}
So I guess we’re correct… {or, as I originally said, OG lyrics BASED ON story context. Obviously idk what S2 is gonna be like lol}
You’re my loser, baby, my loser, goddamn baby you’re my fucked up little whiney bitch, you’re a loser just like me.
*And I would adore it if husk just did a sarcastic scoff and said ‘thanks asshole’*
You’re my screws-loose boozer and only one star reviewser [this line on they would sing it togetherrr]
You’re a {Depending on if the OG song was saying that Husk was also a power bottom and that was his company or if he just generally had company is still unclear to me, so they could hypothetically keep that line or take a spin on it where they joke about, say, husk being a submissive top? I’m just flowing with ideas gosh} [I wouldn’t be able to make a clever rhyme for that joke except for this so why not] >>>>>>
You’re a sub top at/off the highest rooftop, but you’ve got company~* in a more flirty and teasing tone cuz husk was also teasing him a lot in loser, baby* 
I will not explain the joke but it’s pretty self explanatory [The roof is considered either the most empty or luxurious part of a building, it can also be roofs, flying, wings I THOUGHT ABOUT THIS! And off if we want be a lil… dark if we ain’t referring to flying 🤨] 
|Anyways I ain’t no professional songwriter in any way that’s just a little personal dumb line|
And then it would end! Like I said not in a kiss like the more than anything reprise cuz I don’t really want another chaggie parallel? (Not saying the chaggie and huskerdust parallels are bad it’s just parallels between the f/f couple and m/m couple when they’re both very different I don’t want to be many) - 
I think it would be a hug or a soft snuggle or something more simple get intimate like that : P since Angel needs sweet stuff not more ‘sexual’ :/ advancements.
Or this whole thing is pointless cuz the point of the song was Husk telling Angel once and for all that he’s not alone and they wouldn’t need to bring it up again? But we already got the instrumental so there’s slight hope…
Anyways, if we were to get a loser baby reprise that is just my personal idea of what I think would happen! Obviously the second season is already written but if something even remotely similar happens to this I will be happy. Hell maybe I was right on point but it’s highly unlikely haha
Toodles~ |I didn’t write this at 2 am instead of sleeping on a school night cuz I had 2 assignments due whatttt|
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quickstappen · 22 days
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track 003: twisting stories, all because you're jealous
A/N: i am back at it guys, sorry for the angst? i hate the written section of this with burning fashion, i think i rewrote it like 20 times (that's why it took so long to post) but i can't get it to be where i want it to be so fuck it we ball.
also, some additional warnings here: nothing specific but mostly crude language, swearing and touching a bit on sexual harassment (not exactly, just don't know how to explain the rumors spread about paola in warnings, english is not my first language)
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liked by jensonbutton, oscarpiastri and others
paola_sainz road crimes were definitely committed, but at least we got the band back together ;) featuring Jenson the taxi driver
tagged: oscarpiastri, logansargeant, arthur_leclerc, frederikvestiofficial, paularon_, liamlawson30, jensonbutton
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jensonbutton I knew that's all I was to you, a glorified taxi driver
↳ paola_sainz don't take it personally ❤️
shithappens the prema (+liam) band is back!!! the world is healing
elmatadorf1 get away from them! leave the drivers alone, i can't believe she's still trying to leech off of them 🐍💀
F4ST_C4R did you race? if so who won???
logansargeant hate to break it to you, but you were the main instigator of those crimes Lola 🙄
↳ paola_sainz so not true! oscarpiastri tell him!
↳ oscarpiastri it's all Arthur's fault
↳ mcwilliams not Arthur catching strays 👀
cuddlyxricc will you comment on the paddock ban or ignore it like everything else?? 😒
redleclerc we need to know who won!! 👀
4ND1 what i would give to go karting with all of them 😭
↳ lightning_enjyr right?? it looks like so much fun
lewibear did you win?
hammertime_1 i bet she destroyed them
charles_leclerc I think my invitation got lost somewhere?
↳ arthur_leclerc Find your own friends Charles 🙄
frederikvestiofficial We need to do this more often!
hamilteaa how is it that she posted this man so many times and we still don't have any characteristic feature?? it could literally be any brunette 😭
arthur_leclerc For everyone asking, I won 😎
↳ oscarpiastri That's not true
↳ paularon_ No you didn't Arthur
↳ logansargeant mate, you came last
oscarpiastri Always a pleasure to race alongside you 😉
↳ paola_sainz even when I get super competitive?
↳ oscarpiastri Especially then
↳ paola_sainz 🧡😉
catstri mister piastri, she is taken 😳
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oscarpiastri posted new instagram stories!
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caption: even when arthur_leclerc attempted 'the ichident' reprise on the main straight, paola_sainz still won
⟶ paola_sainz replied to your story!
paola_sainz aw osc, you're making me blush ☺️
⟶ arthur_leclerc replied to your story!
arthur_leclerc Only because she cheated!
oscarpiastri Excuse you, my girlfriend does not cheat
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paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
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caption 1: bit of a chill evening today, can't say I'm used to this during race weekends lol
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri I really wish you were here baby, you have no idea 🧡
paola_sainz me too Osc, but dw you'll do great
caption 2: keeping up with Redbull Ring from my bed, let's go boys!
caption 3: we all knew max was gonna win (congrats by the way maxverstappen1) but HELL YEAHHH OSC! THAT'S P2 MATEEE 🧡
⟶ maxverstappen1 replied to your story!
maxverstappen1 Thanks Paola 🎉
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri mate?
paola_sainz isn't that how you aussies relay affection?
oscarpiastri 🖕
paola_sainz 🧡
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and others
paola_sainz british grand prix? don't know her. this week is for miss America and miss America only. welcome to the 4th of July bash at Jenson's house ;)
tagged: logansargeant, jensonbutton, oscarpiastri, alex_albon, arthur_leclerc, danielricciardo
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hamilteaa they celebrated 4th of July with Logan 😭😭 no one speak to me
danielricciardo As a honorary American I approve, the free alcohol was a big plus👌🤠 Jenson should invite us over more often
↳ jensonbutton I was not aware of this happening until it was too late
↳ paola_sainz you love us ;)
↳ jensonbutton Unfortunately 🙄
srgashley logan with the flag 😂 he's so american i can't
XGEORG1NA man, I'd kill for some ribs with mac'&cheese rn 😩
oscarpiastri Is this what it feels like to attend a frat party?
↳ logansargeant this was definitely better
↳ paola_sainz how can you know, you've never actually been to a frat party Logan
↳ oscarpiastri Don't expose him for being fake American
↳ logansargeant Jeez, ganging up on me on July 4th, so not cool 😔
elmatadorf1 god, this is just so cringe 💀
shithappens oh my god those cowboy hats are so cute!
predestined55 why do they even hang out with her? she's acting like she's clinically insane 🙄
charles_leclerc Again, where was the invitation?
↳ paola_sainz Charles, you're not even American? You're Monegasque
↳ charles_leclerc That's clearly doesn't matter?? Only one of you is American!
↳ arthur_leclerc I could be American
↳ paola_sainz Arthur, you can't claim to be French AND American 🙄
↳ charles_leclerc Arthur, we are NOT FRENCH
isawthesainz we will never forget what you did to Carlos! 🐍
↳ prplsector she literally didn't do anything to him???
redleclerc charles loosing his mind in the comments is sending me 💀
↳ 4ND1 poor him, he will never understand Paola's and Arthur's banter lol
logansargeant Again, thank you guys for this. Bringing home a little closer to me for a while ❤️🇺🇲 Happy 4th of July everyone
↳ paola_sainz we're all American for 4th of July
↳ oscarpiastri It's mostly all about the food
sheilaxtay is she even American?
↳ lightning_enjyr she's Spanish
↳ sheilaxtay ??? what the hell
↳ lightning_enjyr Logan is the only American on the grid, she's always celebrated with him so he's not alone
↳ STARG3N i don't understand how can people not like her, she's so sweet 😭
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paola's messages:
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paola's messages:
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screamingmeals posted new instagram stories!
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caption: Let's go Hungary! Join us on twitch to watch the race with us and our special guest paola_sainz!
paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
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caption 1: come listen to our nonsense commentary of the Hungarian gp on the screamingmeals twitch chanel ;)
caption 3: ¡Vamos Ozzie! you deserve this so much oh my god this is absolutely glorious! I am so proud oscarpiastri
⟶ charles_leclerc replied to your story!
charles_leclerc Oh my god you are SO whipped
paola_sainz I am so telling Alex you said that 🙄
charles_leclerc No please
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❝¡Vamos, vamos! Oscar, come on! Oh my God! I think I'm gonna faint," she hid her face in her shaking hands, "tell me when it's over. God I haven't been this stressed since it was me in the car I think."
Next to her James and Clement exchanged looks laughing quietly.
"Don't worry," the Formula 2 driver ruffled her hair, "we'll let you know when he rounds the last corner so you don't miss it."
"Gracias," Paola rolled her eyes and pushed his hands away. "Mate stop, you're messing it up."
"Aw, don't be like that," Clement reached his hands out again, trying to mess with her hair more, but Paola dodged his attempts. The two started pushing each other off the couch until James stepped in and sat inbetween them.
"Also, for everyone watching us here on twitch, she's a dirty liar," Clem said, peaking out from where he sat behind James, after they both calmed down a little.
"I am not mate, what the hell?" Paola exclaimed, obviously appalled. "When have I lied?"
"Just now actually," the driver smirked.
"I might have to agree with Clem here," James looked between the two with amusement. "You? Stressed in a car? Never."
"Yeah, so don't go saying that this is almost as stressful now," Clem showed her from behind James, causing the man in the middle to look into the camera with a pained expression. All while mouthing 'just like children' to the great amusement of the fans watching the interaction. "Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you this stressed before."
"Maybe," Paola's cheeks quickly started resembling the famous Rosso Corsa. "But it's Oscar," she said after few seconds.
"Yeah, it's Oscar," James smiled softly at her, some of the amusement still twinkling in his eyes.
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"And he's taking that Mclaren to the top step of the podium! The Australian driver advances all the way to that checkqyerd flag, Oscar Piastri wins for the first time in Formula One! It's a Mclaren 1-2-"
Paola couldn't hear anything thing else, the commentator's voice slowly fading into blissful silence while she watched Oscar cross the finish line in firs place. Right next to her Clement and James were cheering and jumping around but she paid them no mind for the time being. She could've been crying for all she knew, but it didn't matter. None of it mattered. Oscar was a Formula 1 race winner.
"Dios mío," she said quietly into her hands, eyes locked in on the car number 81, she couldn't miss even a second of this.
Paola always knew Oscar would win. He was born a winner, it was only a matter of time before he took the Formula 1 world by storm. She had no doubts that he'd stand among the World Champions one day, right there in the spotlight where he belongs. She just... Well, at a time she was also convinced she'd be standing right there with him. Over the years the vision changed. Oscar was always meant for greatness, but her? She was forced to step into the shadows, take the reality head on and manage her expectations accordingly. So that's exactly what she did. In her mind, it was no longer her and Oscar standing on the top steps together, but she was always there. Looking up at him with tears of joy in her eyes. And that's how it was supposed to be.
She was supposed to be there.
But now she wasn't.
It was Oscar's, Oscar's, first win and she... She wasn't there. Instead she was in the UK, with Clement and James livestreaming from her living room. It's not that she didn't like the guys, they were amazing and watching the race with them was actually fun, but-
She was supposed to be with Oscar.
"Excuse me for a minute guys," she laughed weakly, despair flowing through her like a raging river, leaking out of her along with the tears falling steadily from her eyes. "I'll be right back, just need to catch my breath and make a quick phone call."
As she left the room the cheers form the dingy laptop speakers only seemed to grow louder.
It must've been time for the podium celebrations. ❞
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liked by oscarpiastri, jensonbutton and others
paola_sainz oh my god??? someone better tell this guy that I used to drive circles around on track that he's a damn formula 1 race winner now what the hell??
no, in all seriousness now, Oscar, I am so proud of you! From the moment I saw you on that track at 11 years old, I knew you were destined for greatness. It was like there was a sign hanging over your head - "watch out for me, I am the future" - and since that day, you prove that I was right every single day. Everyone knows now that someday you WILL stand among the greatest. I just hope that when you do, I'll be there to cheer you on and ugly cry with your mom. Enjoy this one Osc, you 100% deserved it!
see all comments...
charles_leclerc I did not get a post like that for my first Ferrari win, favouritism at it's best
↳ paola_sainz yeah well, I was also there when you got your first win in rosso corsa, you got the live version 🙄
shithappens i am sobbing on my bedroom floor what the fuck
prema_team Our Oscar is a Formula 1 race winner!
↳ paola_sainz hell yeah he is admin
prplsector this is too much i can't- 😭
cuddlyxricc this just feels condescending?? wym "the guy i used to drive circles around on track", it's just mean?
barbiegirl mate, it's clearly a joke?? did you not see the whole fucking paragraph underneath?
oui_lyanne i am starting to see your point jordie lightning_enjyr
↳ lightning_enjyr i TOLD you, this is like way above friendship level
fastkiwi oh my god i am so mad that she couldn't attend the race 😭 fia when i catch you
lightning_enjyr it's just so devastating that she missed his first win because of some petty drama her own brother is trying to cause
catstri oh my god those pictures 💀
oscarpiastri I am not going anywhere without you, the top step doesn't feel as high when I look down and you're not there
↳ L3CH41R oh that is bold statement my man
↳ 4ND1 this on main? damn
↳ papayamonique didn't he just confirm that he has a girlfriend? this seems not cool, I'd definitely be jealous if I was her
↳ L3CH41R mate c'mon 😶
jensonbutton Celebratory dinner at our place when you get back oscarpiastri you deserve it man, congratulations
↳ oscarpiastri Thank you Jenson, it means a lot
↳ paola_sainz 🧡
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paola's messages:
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madi's radio: if the end feels rushed, it's because me and the 30 photo limit do not like each other and i greatly underestimated how long this part was gonna be (and i already had to cut it into two)
click here to be added to the hiding in the seams taglist!
taglist: @blushmimi @Ale-522 @joalslibrary @jaydaaasworld @vroomvroommuppett @sugarhoneylemons @formulaonebuff @clove0 @rockyhayzkid @glitzyditzy @coriyaps @irishmanwhore @gr3yhues @kikiki04 @fall-bambi @nichmeddar @sunfairyy @formulaal @marauders-wife @theseus-jpg @heavy-vettel @anxxiousaries @linaversion @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @d3kstar @camelliaflow3r @delululeclerc @lesliiieeeee @gaviymarcsbride @solidalibi @fernandoswarcrimes @asteriajaye @spilled-coffee-cup @ouiouibaguettei @Scott-McCall-could-lift-mjolnir @lady-bennet @kittylolly4 @ST4RSHINE @warrensluvr @asparklysoul @sharllleclerc @charllleclerc @sheridamn @thewannabewriter @justjessieslife @back-on-my-bullsh @Scarlettwidow3000 @Idkiwantchocolatee @olivyamarvelgirl @antrenix
xxx - couldn't tag you 
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
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I think the addition of Tsuwabuki to the plot line of RGU is genius, BUT especially so linking him narratively with Nanami.
Something about... depicting a child who wants to be a prince to protect princesses (the narrative male gender role) with initialy good intentions; and taking that and making him end up looking up to Touga (and everything he represents; The Student Prince) .
Already showing the seeds of the instrumentalisation of his role as a man when stalking Nanami in an extremely creepy way and manipulating her to get on her good graces, even if it DOES put her in danger.
Something about growing up and feeling the despair of seeing the boys you care about in your life (who already had privilege over you as a girl, even if they didn't know how to fully exploit) turn into mysoginistic men...
Seeing this kid who at the very start you think: "well he's still just a child, maybe he won't be like the other men, maybe he'll just be a sweet boy so that Nanami gets some character development and nothing more, a one-episode character and then realize that...no. It's not that he's different from the others, it's that he has yet to be like them.
In Ohtori, Tsuwabuki is a "kid". Really, all of them are. But the show makes a very clear separation between kids before adolescence and teenagers. What's interesting is that, in Utena, the designs of everyone who is at least a teenager support the narrative theme of the adultification they suffer, which is clearer with the younger girls. Nanami and Tsuwabuki have a 3 year age gap, the same as her and her brother. This allows us to really see the disparity between their desires.
Nanami "loves" his brother because she has been brought up to believe that he is to be idolised, the he is HER prince.
Touga wishes to become A Prince (not an Ideal Prince like Dios, for his behaviour clearly tells otherwise; after all, he is following the steps of the "Captured Prince" but that's a story for another day).
And then there's Tsuwabuki, whose core desire is... becoming an adult.
But adults are complicated, especially in Ohtori, for they don't really exist. Ohtori is a corrupted Neverland where its Peter Pan is an adult only when compared to all the children that surround him. For can someone really be considered an adult when they willfully remain inside their own man-made eggshell. Choosing death –for only those who are dead lose any ability to grow up– so long as he remains in control. A chick growing inside their coffin, with no desire to see the outside world. The most childish desire of them all.
But kids look up to their older peers. It's only natural.
AGAIN we see this idea of boys becoming oppressive and learning to use their privilege kinda reprised (or rather, Nanami being once more the reflection) with Dios/Akio and Anthy and Akio and Touga.
How "The prince" ends up manifesting in all boys and men in Ohtori, how his ghost(s) haunt those men both dead and alive. Younger and older men alike...
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broodwolf221 · 9 months
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forever thinking abt solas and sera as extraordinary foils of each other
elven history v. elven modernity is a big thing but just as major imo:
solas is the dread wolf, the trickster god of rebellion and deception. we know now that it's more nuanced than all that, but he did lead a rebellion - and with good cause!
sera is a modern rebel, and what does solas do? he tries to share his experience with her. he talks about the tactics of rebellion, the choices to be made, the difficult things that lay ahead. sera listens and then rejects it and he's so confused. she's a rebel, she obviously cares about people, why won't she take it all the way?
but her reasoning is about avoiding his consequence and he doesn't even see it. she doesn't want to kill or ruin all nobles bc to do so would plunge everyone into chaos and she recognizes that. solas plunged all of arlathan into a chaos so profound it destroyed it
in a lot of ways, sera is wiser than solas, wiser about people, about reaction, about cause and effect. he went to extremes in order to free slaves and to punish the evanuris. she knows that nobles are awful and that servants and workers and all the people who provide for them are abused and misused, but she doesn't think wholesale destruction is the answer and she isn't wrong
and what's the difference? imo, community and experience. solas is such an academic, distanced from those he seeks to protect, and can be very paternalistic. sera has lived these things. she talks about how some of the red jennies make enough coin to retire and how the ones who do good are fine but others end up being the target of the jennies. she knows how people can change
also: the red jennies scare the nobles. there's power in that. it's far from perfect, but that doesn't mitigate the very real power in it. what if instead of destroying everything, solas had led a rebellion that put fear in the hearts of the evanuris? what if he forced them to confront that they, too, could face the consequences of their actions? it wouldn't have been easy but it would have prevented the absolute destruction that followed
and he! doesn't! fucking! see it! he doesn't see that sera's reasoning is about avoiding his mistake! he doesn't see that sera's wisdom grounded in experience counters his naivete grounded in an academic pursuit of justice!
which imo is all the more reason to believe he's a spirit. he had, and perhaps still has, a very simplistic view of things like this. if there is an injustice you fix it. you don't live with it and change it by degrees, you don't try to alter it at the root, you just Fix It, whatever form that takes. the evanuris are bad? imprison them. simplistic punitive justice. to sera, the nobles are bad? make them, THESE nobles, fear reprisal. give power and anonymity to the people being hurt. but don't get rid of all the nobles only to have to start the process over again
and we don't know the full form of solas' rebellion, granted. he may have tried many things for a long time. and arlathan appears to have been much worse than thedas is now - even tevinter doesn't seem as bad as arlathan is vaguely implied to have been. but he still destroyed... everything. he killed so many innocents. and yes, again, his situation was different - he talks about the evanuris destroying the world if he didn't stop them. perhaps he's right. it's not a 1:1 comparison, I get that. but they are still very profound foils of each other, and I find his insistence that sera should follow his path to be a fascinating bit of insight into his character, continuing to opt for extreme measures
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ge-nde-rr-env-y · 4 months
i played owen carvour in a production of spies in sydney, and tcb i have a confession i added a line. in the man behind the curtain reveal, owen says "if it hadn't been for my spot on aim and interest in foreign policy, i might have been an actor." i had about a month between application and audition and i was sitting on the first paragraph for so long and i got a bit bored. so i added "and you know, being blackmailed by the english" to that list. it added this manic, pained spark to the moment. fuel for the fire.
i dont know what joey thinks about owens history, but i gave him a timeline. born 1926 (nov 14th. scorpio bitch.), his fine family home destroyed in the Blitz, he enlists for some income (and maybe to escape home) at 17 in 1943, too young, but he's slick and clever enough to pass as an adult. 1945, right before the end of the war, he sees something he shouldnt have. the higher ups in a below the table deal that could ruin a lot of rich and powerful peoples lives if it reaches the wrong hands. owen carvours hands were the wrong hands. but he's a remarkable soldier, he's quick, he's a master tactician, and he's Good At Lying. hes useful. so instead of taking him out. someone says "hey kid. howd you like to be a secret agent. -also if you say no you'll die-" no choice. he'll continue to live at the behest of a governments will.
he doesnt Like being a spy, but its not the worst thing in the world. he likes the more decadent aspects, certainly, and deception not only comes naturally, but brings a sort of thrill.
he doesn't like being a spy until he meets curt mega. this part of his history is a bit blurry, but i imagine them meeting sometime near 1952 (because of the song Video Killed The Radio Star), surely on the job somewhere. curt makes spying fun. and curt is the first real thing owen has had reliably since 1943. he doesnt change, hes delightfully predictable, and despite him appearing somewhat less intelligent than owen, he has this knack for seeing straight through to owens heart. curt is daring, where owen might be intially more cautious. curt has the guts to get the two of them *into* situations, where owen has the tactician skill to get them *out*.
i think owen got comfortable. tragically, the two of them were so in sync, so reliant on each other, that he didnt see the fall coming at all.
it wasnt the fall that hurt. it was watching curt walk away. he'd always thought that if this were to happen, theyd go down together.
CHIMERA found him in the rubble, a boy who'd always been controlled, who'd never really got a chance to live a life of his own, and saw a man who was easy both to manipulate, and to empower.
they weren't aggressive about their agenda because they knew what would happen. the founder/ceo (a man i have decided is named Thomas) simply let owen recover in their facilities and let him free when he was able to leave, with an explanation of their plan, and an offer of further help should he require it.
owen broke within a month. a string of killings across europe simply attributed to an individual named The Deadliest Man Alive. CHIMERA drags owen back by the scruff of his neck.
"what the hell do you think you're doing."
"what? who are they going to arrest? owen carvours fucking dead."
its very important to me that owen wasnt brainwashed by CHIMERA. every choice has to come from him because the catharsis of him fully believing in the ideology he carries out with his chest for the first time is just delicious.
he doesnt. hate curt. i dont think. he loves curt, and he hates the institution of Espionage that forced them into this. but ultimately, that institution is so driven into curt that owen cant get what he really wants, which is to break curt out of that and have him all to himself. coldest goodbye reprise is a moment of sorrowful acceptance for both of them. owen understands that curt is always going to be a spy, no matter what, and giving up on the fantasy he had.
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personinthepalace · 1 year
Happy Closing Night to Peter Pan Goes Wrong in LA!! 8/17/2023
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thenightling · 9 months
Pet peeve about the Internet *Pretending* to have read Frankenstein
I am so tired of everyone and their dog on the Internet saying "Actually the monster was The Doctor." or "Frankenstein was the Doctor. Not The Creature." And no one notices what's wrong with this. First, Victor Frankenstein (in the novel) was no doctor. He was a student of metaphysics. He never graduates. He's not a medical doctor at all. He found the secret of life while reading the works of Agrippa and Paracelsus. A self-proclaimed sorcerer and alchemist. Now what makes Victor a Monster? He had f--king postpartum depression. No. Seriously. THAT is what makes everyone call him a monster. The term Postpartum didn't exist yet but that's what is described. He's excited about creating life. He even chose various parts for their beauty. The Creature has luxurious black hair, and perfect teeth (a detail left out of most film adaptations). But the eyes are yellow and watery. There's an effect that we'd today call Uncanny Valley. Victor does not find him hideous until he comes to life. Then Victor flees. It takes him months to recover from his "Brain fever." He has a sort of nervous break down. When he finally comes home it's to discover his youngest brother has been killed and The Creature has framed an innocent maid for the murder (and is hanged for it). YES, The Creature is sympathetic. Abandoned by Victor and rejected by the world but both make horrible mistakes. Victor is no innocent but he isn't Satan either. Someone on Tumblr even blocked me for trying to point out that Mary Shelley wanted us to sympathize with BOTH Victor and his Creature. It's not black and white. The person claimed I clearly never read the book and then blocked me after saying "Another person who didn't read the book trying to school me." Not only did I read the book but Frankenstein is in my top four favorite novels. To me, seeing the Internet constantly parrot the "The Doctor was the monster" is like seeing the rather sexist "Beauty and the Beast is Stockholm Syndrome" (which actually means "I don't trust Belle and will ignore her agency as a character.") Or the not-so-subtle transphobia attached to the Hot take of "Disney's The Little Mermaid gave up who she was for a man." which requires ignoring that Ariel wanted to be human before she ever saw Eric. I even got into an argument with someone about that once who insisted that she only sang "Part of your world" after she saw Eric. No. That was the reprise. The first time she sang it was before she ever saw Eric. Also I'm sick of people "correcting" those that call The Creature Frankenstein. The Creature views Victor as his father. Usually a son takes his father's surname. On a lighter note we have the people who PRETEND to have read Dracula, sharing the old man image of him with the handlebar mustache as being "This is what Dracula actually looked like in the book." I often point out to them that he de-ages in the novel and is later described with dark hair with grey in it. And a pointed beard. One person, who didn't want to admit they were wrong, tried to claim he was disguising himself so no one would reocognize him. That the beard was false and the hair was a wig. Umm... Why? The only person who knew what he looked like was Jonathan Harker. And at the time Dracula thought Harker was still in his castle. I know this is a long post but to sum it up... Please, stop repeating memes about classic stories as if they are fact and try reading them for yourself. It may not quite be what you've been lead to believe.
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merrilygreen · 9 months
Hey!! :) Good Kid is a song where Percy explains how he’s been let down by almost (love you Sally) every adult in his life because they take everything he does in bad faith and refuse to believe in him. Kids being let down by adults is the overarching theme of The Lightning Thief musical. The Good Kid melody is reprised twice. The first time is during Son of Poseidon, which is the song where Percy makes peace with his dad’s shortcomings and decides that it doesn’t matter what people think about him because he’s going to be the best he can be for his own sake and his loved ones’ sake rather than doing it to prove himself to a world that is always going to take his efforts in bad faith. The second time is during The Last Day of Summer when Luke reveals himself as the lightning thief: where Luke reveals that he’s had enough of trying to prove himself to a world that doesn’t care and has let the anger build up so far that he has knowingly allowed himself to be manipulated into starting a war just for the chance to take his frustration out on his father. They make completely opposite decisions for the same reasons as reflected musically :D Anyway have a nice day!!!!!
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catboymoments · 4 days
I've been on a bit of a Danganronpa kick lately, and I wanted to share some thoughts I remembered (originally from 2022).
I am having a hard time believing that the whole world outside of Japan also suffered from the same total societal collapse (+ brainwashing?) that Japan fell to. Yes, I can imagine that countries with particularly close ties to Japan could suffer greatly, some perhaps even falling to civil conflict, but I'm not sure if I buy the totality of it, especially in the countries more isolated from the outside world (eg. Cuba), or ones with draconian censorship regimes (eg. China). The developing countries in particular I imagine would be spared most of the brainwashing, instead taking the brunt of the damage from the worldwide economic crisis, which yes it would also end in blood, but -- if I allow myself to be cynical for a moment -- nothing that particularly exceeds the scale of the wars and genocides we've seen there in the late 20th century. Really, the less culturally connected a country is to Japan, the less brainwashed its populace should probably be, given how Japanese Hope's Peak student body is. And, especially in the developed countries, this is probably where the effects of the Tragedy are the lightest, allowing them to gather themselves relatively quickly and act as starting points for rebuilding the world. Which honestly provides interesting story material on its own, as many of these governments could have visions of the post-Tragedy world that conflict with the Future Foundation's and each other's...
This is going to be a direct criticism of the Future Foundation now: of their 14 divisions, none of them are tasked with rebuilding of governments, local and national institutions of power. Almost as if they planned on ruling the world indefinitely after defeating Despair. And the fact that they don't seem to have a plan for handing over power makes me fear for how the world would actually look after their victory at the end of DR3. And when people start demanding a say in how they're governed, how will they respond? Will they respond to these protests like Hope's Peak did to the Parade, and set up another Tragedy as a result? Will they hastily restore status quo ante, with all its systemic failures that allowed Despair to fester and set up a Tragedy reprise, just further down the line than the first option? Because fixing these systemic problems is a work that should be started Day 1 of the Foundation's operations, to have a proper plan that adequately addresses them. And, like I said, they don't seem to have any kind of team dedicated to making such a plan.
I know this is a long ask, but I needed to get all of this off my chest. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day.
I agree with u. DR3 has so many issues
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classicanalyzer · 22 days
Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2 Premiere Thoughts
"I have walked through the dust and deserts of far-away lands, in search of an artist possessing the craft to save all Middle-Earth. A storm is coming, Celebrimbor. I can bring you the knowledge none other possesses. I can unlock your grandest abilities. And when our work is complete, never again will the world overlook you as the mere scion of Fëanor but forevermore revere you...The Lord of the Rings." Sauron/Annatar
Season 2 really improved on the aspects of S1 I found lacking. There are more connections to the lore of the Second Age and better writing in the stories from S1. The production design of this show has always looked amazing, but this season really nails it. The practical Orc designs is always great to see. What a great premiere.
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Elven Kings Under the Sky
"Always, after a defeat... the shadow takes another shape and grows again. Morgoth is gone. Leaving us alone and disgraced. But today, a new age begins. Under me. Your new master. Sauron. And with a new age, I bring a new vision. A path to unconditional conquest. For I seek a new kind of power. Not of the flesh, but over flesh. A power of the unseen world. One we shall use to enslave the peoples of Middle-earth to our very will. Many Orcs will die. But out of the chaos, we will forge a new and perfect order. No longer will we be hunted as the demons who broke Middle-earth, but rather worshipped as the saviors who finally healed it. By bringing its peoples together, to rule them all as one!" Sauron
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I find it funny how Sauron was this out-of-touch wannabe ruler who nonetheless shows why he's feared as he killed a treasonous Orc. This Sauron is a player who didn't invest any points into charisma lmao.
It says a lot about a being when freaking Orcs (one of the most famous examples of corrupted evil mooks) revolt against Sauron. I really like how this show makes you emphasize the Orcs and how Adar was a caring ruler for the Orcs and wanted the best for them. This is especially compared to Sauron who just outright told them they must obey him and they're a race who are meant to be hated.
It's fascinating to see how much the prologue of S2 parallels the prologue of S1 between Sauron and Galadriel. And of course, Sauron chose selfishness just as Diarmid, the kind old man, telling him that he can choose to be good each day until he's good all day. It also shows how Sauron once again loves to lie and twist the truth.
I really love Elrond for understandably being the only one to distrust the rings. I also like the strained relationship between Galadriel and the rest of the Elves even further, except this time they have to work with her since she's the one who got them into this mess. Also, that beautiful shot (the screenshot for this episode's thoughts) is an amazing piece of visual storytelling. It conveys a sense of underlying sadness for Círdan that I can feel.
The Three Elven Rings are finally used (Gil-Galad is a great singer ngl) and we will have to see the greater ramifications and consequences of their use.
The Stranger's deadpan snarker humor is pretty funny to see. I'm also glad Poppy is a part of the duo now, she and Nori have a pretty wholesome dynamic.
The orchestral reprisal of Wandering Day (Warning in the Words) is mesmerizing. It's such a great payoff and a heartwarming reminder that while Sadoc is gone, he continues to help his fellow Harfoots in death.
Where the Stars are Strange
"You are wise to fear this power, Elrond. But do not let that fear blind you to the ways it can be used for good. For it is not your enemy, that bear these rings...But your most trusted friends. If you believe they have strayed, do not abandon them, but rather open their eyes and guide them...Before the darkness spreads across Middle-earth, and blinds us all." Círdan.
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I really love the updated intro for this show as the grain of sand shifts to the music. But now we see red grain as the darkness of Mordor (the red sand at one point "erupting") and Sauron begins to spread. It really sets the stage for the dark times ahead for Middle-earth. The logo is now less shiny and more rusted.
The opening for this episode is so chilling with Celebrimbor's impending death. I just wonder if the show is going to adapt Sauron's brutal killing of Celebrimbor and show his corpse if they adapt the Siege of the Grey Havens.
Durin IV and Dísa continue to be one of the sweetest and wholesome couples in Middle-earth and this show. I love how they support each other at Durin's lowest point. Seeing Khazad-dûm's lights dim is so chilling and it just further sets the ground for the eventual Durin's Bane to come. When Dísa and the singers fail to communicate with the mountain, it really shows how the darkness is beginning seep in everywhere.
Círdan has a great speech about how despite the origins of something with the potential for evil, it can be used for good...but that they must ever be vigilant, not let fear dominate them, and watch over their friends to ensure they stay on the right path.
I find it funny how Elrond agrees to help out Galadriel...but puts himself in charge of the mission. It shows how far their friendship had fallen and Elrond's distrust in Galadriel's ability to resist Sauron.
The Rhûn theme absolutely slaps so hard. It really captures the wonders of the desert really well.
Sauron knows exactly how to use his injuries to make himself sympathetic. He's a clever evil bastard alright.
At this point, the Stranger has to be Gandalf. I wonder who the Dark Wizard is tho. I hope the Dweller Acolyte gets more to do in this season.
The reveal of Annatar, the definition of the devil in angel's clothing, was so well done. He really knows presentation alright by making his entrance the most flashy dramatic reveal ever lol. I felt legit chills when he did a title drop with the Rings theme playing forbiddingly. The whole scene felt like a Renaissance painting come to life and at that point, I totally got how Annatar basically had Celebrimbor at his fingertips. The whole Annatar name reveal was so satisfying to hear.
The Eagle and the Sceptre
"And yet...the grief of Númenor is sacred to me. Your pain, a prayer within these walls. I hear your sorrow, and your anger. I share it. We have bloodied and been bloodied. But know this... We will find our course. Should there be another among us who feels moved to speak...firstly ask yourself this, for whom do you cry out? For those we have already buried? For your kingdom? Or for yourself?" Míriel
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Nothing bad should happen to Berek, one of the best characters of the show haha. Also, Isildur fighting against Shelob is pretty cool. It says a lot about how he longs to go back home now...though given the episode, it may seem like he might not be able to go back home.
I really love Valandil standing up for the Queen and he's becoming one of my favorite side characters of the show. He represents the soldiers who know what it was like in the battle compared to the politicians who use their suffering and the deaths of their peers for their own persona selfish agenda. I really hope he survives Númenor's downfall.
Some of the rhetoric of the pro-Pharazôn faction echoes the sentiment of people post-WW1 of the pointlessness and/or failures of the war. And one such latter group would go on to create one of the most monstrous regimes in human history, just like how Pharazôn's reign as King will become one of the most monstrous regimes in Middle-earth history.
Elendil's relationship with Eärien is going to be fascinating going forward as the two seem to be on opposing sides. It's ironic how in the show, one of Elendil's children began the downfall of Númenor while his other child caused Sauron to live onto the Third Age.
I never thought I would see a wholesome Orc family nor hear heavy metal in Middle-earth and you love to see it. I find it absolutely hilarious that the hill troll is voiced by Gil-Gilad's actor (I wonder if Gil-Gilad and the hill troll will fight each other...that would be so funny).
I absolutely love how Durin IV becomes the first character of this season to realize Annatar's untrustworthy nature because he knew that Elrond would never compliment him like that. The fact Durin IV knew that speaks a lot about their friendship.
I knew smth was fishy about Estrid but for a split moment, I thought maybe she was alright.
I know the death of Bronwyn is due to her actress Nazanin Boniadi stepping away from the show, and it's such a gut punch to see Arondir and Theo revert a bit from their character growth as they both grieve. You can feel that Arondir wants to help Theo but Arondir's reversion back to stoicism to cope and Theo's grieving prevents the two from bonding further.
The story of how Isildur's mother died and how she saved her son's life at the cost of her own...and how Isildur didn't tell anyone because of his own guilt. I really love how Theo emphasized this story given how his mother just died and all the way back in S1, Theo already felt guilty for how the Southlands became Mordor. Isildur's motivations for wanting to do something worthy are now revealed to be his idea to make up for his mother's sacrifice.
Never mess with Ents. Nuff said.
It took a rewatch but I find it funny that the Eagle, a sign of a bad omen in Númenor, looked like it was trying to say "No you idiots don't put Pharazôn into power!" and then left when it became clear Numenor chose its fate. The music especially is incredibly chilling for one simple reason: the main theme of Númenor is still the same. There's a minor key shift but it's still the same theme used for Pharazôn. This really spells the end of Númenor even before the Island will inevitably sink. The red of the future that Pharazôn will lead Númernor is one of blood and horrors.
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finleyforevermore · 1 year
~Things I would do if I played Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame~
"No, last year, [Frollo] said 'someday.........maybe!'" is played for laughs.
Smiling but very confused during the end of Topsy Turvy, like "oh they like me now, ok, I'm still not really sure what changed in those few seconds-"
Like in a community theatre production I saw, I don't reject Phoebus' help following Quasimodo being attacked.
"Oh no, not me, gargoyle..." is played for laughs like in the Papermill production/boot.
For "But in winter...cold", I actually try to think of something to say before simply settling on "...cold"
I do the "oh I'm gonna fall!" trick more than once during "Top of the World"
Absolutely lovesick during "Heaven's Light"
Straight up BOLTING for the bells at the end of "Emeralda"
Quite confused at the start of "Flight Into Egypt", like "where did Saint Aphrodisius come from???"
My Quasi is the absolute WORST liar. It's a miracle Frollo believes him in the scene following "Flight Into Egypt"-
I do little jazz hands towards the statues when I tell Frollo I'm just talking to "....my friends!" after hiding Phoebus
Starts internally/not so subtly panicking when Frollo puts his lamp on the finger of the statue.
"It's a clue!....she gave me!" is played for laughs like in the Papermill production/boot.
Quasi says "I don't hear anything" (like in the aforementioned community theatre production I saw) rather than Phoebus; played for laughs.
I'm absolutely devastated during "In a Place of Miracles", almost crying.
Angriest "Made of Stone" ever XD
G note at the end of "Made of Stone"
Smiling during the "Made of Stone reprise" in the finale, like I'm saying to the statues "hell yeah let's do this!!"
Brief pause before I reply "Yes, your friend!" to Esmeralda. I'm sad that Esmeralda doesn't romantically like me but then it hits me that being her friend is still the greatest honor.
Barely containing anger when Frollo says he could've loved Esmeralda.
I whisper "yes I do" while the gargoyles whisper "yes you do"
I make it a bit more clear that Quasi killing Frollo was spur of the moment and in a blind rage, so when he says the "There lies all I have ever loved" line, and it works a bit better.
I give Phoebus a hug during the "Out There reprise" in the finale.
More of a directorial thing, but I keep the marks on my face, so I'm deformed along WITH the cast. I saw a comment on a video related to the musical (I forget what video tho-) where the acceptance of Quasimodo in the musical is less of "you're beautiful like us" like in the Disney movie and more of "we're ugly like you". I like that a lot more than what the show does. (everyone is deformed other than Quasimodo)
Either the townsfolk reveal they are deformed in their own ways like in the US productions or a crowd gathers around Quasi and young girl who is deaf like him signs "I love you" to him like in the community theatre production I saw.
🔔✨The end!!!🔔✨
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