nobodieshero-main · 5 months
i think i want the lavore's to be one of the oldest families on the continent and the only reason they're a nevmonesian noble house is bc they just Refused To Move. and then i think it would be funny if lhyr and morielle used to be one place, but when oveta used the river as the border to miednic they just split in half - so now there's the Miednic Lavore's and Nevmones Lavore's and they have a really petty fued going on
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
how do Shadowhunters get $?
This is for the books, not the movies.
I’ve read all of TMI & I know what happens in all the other books. But does anyone know if they ever explain how Shadowhunters get money? I know they could get it from Downworlders, but like half the Clave was super bigoted until the 00s (and some Shadowhunters still are). I read something that said certain mundane government agencies know about Shadowhunters, so maybe some agents go around to Institutes…dropping off $? 😅 I know that sounds weird, so if anyone has a better answer, feel free to comment.
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awritingcaitlin · 11 months
The Queen of Schmiedland's Director of Intelligence is definitely overstepping his bounds.
It's absolutely for his own gain. He doesn't want to rule, but he wants to change who is in power.
Politically, he cannot rule, actually. While he hates that Schmiedland is ruled by half elves and thus he cannot rule without making major changes, he understands that making that drastic of a change too soon will end in a revolution that probably leaves him dead.
That said, he would like to put a puppet ruler on the throne. Where it's basically him ruling in all but name. Where he has control but not necessarily the responsibility for when things go wrong
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yanderefairyangel · 8 months
Hiya, about the thing with Sylvain and his crest: Crests are way different in Faerghus than in Adrestia. Sylvain suffers because of his crest since it means he's the sole heir; if he didn't have one then no one would want him/less people would see him as an easy way for financial gain (like potential lovers)
Hi, thanks for the correction Anon, but my problem doesn't lie on that but more on the way Crest are transmitted.
Yes Crest in Adrestia are different then from Faerghus but then I wonder why in Adrestia they are still going to marry someone who is crestless in hope to have the Crest of the family transmitted because of generational skipp but not in Faerghus ?
If all that is required for someone to hope to have a child with a Crest is that at least one of their family member bear one then why is there such a pressure on Crested people or non crested individual ? For all I know the inheritance system is so nebulous that even someone having a Crest and then a child isn't guarateed that this child will have one, example with Hanneman's sister or Miklan both being crestless despite their respective brother having one inherited from their father and seeing how Hanneman's brother in law still hoped to have a Crested child no matter how many times he tried, this means that they are so wonky that someone who doesn't have Crest married to someone who also don't have one can give birth to crest baby provided that their ancestor had one....that's confusing
While I get why I'd be wrong to think that Sylvain's problem would have happened even without a Crest, it hardly changes the problem for other characters and because of how nebulous the rules for crest inheritance to the point it get easily confusing. When you have the story telling you that people with a Crest, women in particular, are used as baby machine but then you learn it's also the case of crestless women and that's just because they are of the same family as someone who have a crest, it's starting to get contradictory
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catherinekal · 1 year
Figuring out magic or if I even want magic for my story is rather difficult. So many directions to take it.
Another night of worldbuiliding hell. One day I'll actually get to write something.
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blackjackkent · 12 days
Hi there! I’ve been reading your playthroughs and love them a lot! It’s inspired me to want to try smth similar with my game, but I’ve been having a really hard time coming up with a character, as opposed to a generic self insert. Your PCs are so great and distinct, how do you go about creating them?
:O Ahhh, this is such a nice message, thank you! Very touched to hear you've been enjoying my stuff and that it's inspired you as well. c:
Let's see. I think what is most significant about the way I create characters through liveblogging is the idea of focusing on throughlines. In other words, recurring elements carrying through from post to post/event to event. Every time I write about something happening to them, I try to focus on how it can relate back to something else that already happened to them, and how that informs their reaction to the new thing. This helps give them a sense of internal consistency and motivation.
This is particularly significant, I think, with Rakha, since she literally knows nothing besides what she's experienced over the course of the game. So every experience is a step based on what came before it. But even with Hector or my other earlier OCs (or, tbh, even when I'm writing fic about established canon characters), in any given situation I'm always thinking about what makes their response specific to them and not somebody else. What have they gone through, what past reactions have they had, that inform the current moment.
As far as the initial process of creating a jumping off point... I think for the most part I try to combine two simple facts about them to create a unique third thing, and that ends up providing a very personally unique starting point for all the throughline work. (DND with its combination of class and background provides some useful starting points for this out of the box for any new character.)
Hector: I knew from the character creator that he was a monk and that he had the Sage background. This gave me a starting point image of a guy whose life consisted of a combination of physical training and intellectual study - which would be a very rigorous life indeed, leading to the combination "third thing" that he didn't really ever leave the monastery and was very new to the adventuring life. This was the jumping off point for all of his early game reactions to things.
Rakha: I knew bc she was Durge she was no thoughts head empty, and in my first post writing her, I had her think very systematically through all the facts of her situation. Taking these two things together made for the "third thing" that she is a very analytical thinker and takes rational interpretation of events to an extreme, which has colored her speech patterns, responses to events, and interactions with other characters.
Caden: I decided in the CC that he was a thief, and the game gave me an initial context of being raised in Candlekeep and being close with Imoen and Gorion. This combined to the "third thing" that he was a good-hearted person who nevertheless did know how to steal things - kind of a goofball who liked pickpocketing and stealing for the fun of it but always gave everything back. This laid groundwork for him turning out to be a generally trusting person often flummoxed by people less generous and more manipulative than himself.
Speaking a little broader and outside the DND context, Elliot Hawke: I knew I wanted him to be a mage, I knew I wanted to play him as more sympathetic to the Templars, and I knew I wanted him to be a red/aggressive Hawke, since my previous DA2 char had been none of those things. So I combined these for the "third thing" (conceptually, not numerically) that he was a somniari, which gave him reason to be scared of his own powers and lash out at the people around him. This informed all of his choices and behavior afterwards.
I sadly can't find the post now but I read someone a while back talking about how you can use this same approach for worldbuiliding as well. (A particular culture of people with only one defining trait is boring. But with two, you combine them to make a third more interesting set of implications about that culture which gives them depth. Etc.)
But yeah, once I've figured out that establishing hook, then I can build on it with every experience they go through. How is their response to that experience colored by the hook/past experiences? How does it fit or contrast with what they've done up to now? How does it add to their store of experiences going forward?
One example off the top of my head, with Rakha: meeting Ethel at the tiefling camp turned out to be a formative experience, because it clashed and contrasted with the established throughline up to that point. Rakha was, as established, very cool and analytical and not emotionally driven, but Ethel was (apparently) kind to her and it woke up an emotional response that was new to her. This made the experience stick out in her mind - and also meant that when she eventually went to Ethel's teahouse, she had a very specific chink in her armor that Ethel could use to convince her to give up her eye. Had she gone straight to the teahouse without the previous combination of experiences, her reaction to Ethel's hag form would have been quite different.
I could probably ramble about this a lot longer (quite entertaining to analyze my own writing like this), but I hope this gives you some ideas to work from and answers your questions to some degree. c: I really appreciate you asking! Cheering you on in your own character creations and would love to hear about what you come up with!
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numericalbridge · 30 days
Meta masterpost
+ Darius meta masterpost (wip) - specifically for Darius-centric meta
#toh rewatch numericalbridge - general thoughts while rewatching | #darius rewatch meta - specifically about Darius
#toh rewatch liveblog - semi-liveblog tag:
Season 1: episodes 1-3 | episodes 4-5 | episodes 6-10 | episodes 11-15 | episodes 16-19 + season 1 thoughts
Season 2: episodes 1-2 | episodes 3-5 | episodes 6-10 + season 2a thoughts | episodes 11-15 | episodes 16-21 + season 2b thoughts
Season 3: episode 1 | episodes 2-3
General Meta:
Post (about minimal changes that would've improved my personal toh watching experience)
Post (what i would've liked to see about rebels, 'what if')
Post (about other wild witches, rebellion and worldbuilding)
Post (about the show's worldbuiliding, everything everything being based on modern USA, education and demons)
Ask re treatment of the demons
Ask re King's backstory
Ask reply rant about Whittebane fans
Post (about characters trying to eat someone)
Post (underrated unintentionally hilarious scene during Hunting Palisman, silly)
Post (Hunting Palismen is good because of Luz)
Post (Luz and fanfic headcanons + general writing pet peeve)
Ask reply (rant about AUs where Caleb is suspicious of Luz)
Ask game reply (Luz, Scara and Darius)
Gus and Willow:
(listed together because they are the most side-lined out of the main kids and are often side-lined together)
Post (rant about the treatment of Gus and Willow and their friendship with Luz)
Post (Gus and his non-involment in Understanding Willow)
Post (mini-post, Gus could’ve easily joined the crew for the Echoes of the Past episode)
Post (Gus, the Clouds episode, unexplored trauma, side-lining)
Post (Willow, the switch when in the Clouds ‘Luz’ saves Willow)
Post (Willow's and Gus's roles in my Rot AU)
Post (rant about Camila's treatment by fandom)
Post (Camila and Raine) + more about Ramila (ask game reply)
Post (Eber vs Terra headcanon)
Post (some headcanons about Eber's character and their relationship with Darius)
Post (fan names for Eber’s ratworms)
Ask game reply about Eber
Post (Eber’s super vision spell + Gwen, silly)
Post (Eber dealing with Gwen, silly + Gwen and Coven Heads)
Post (Coven Heads banners in season 1)
Post (Eber as a traitor?! silly, AU)
Post (Eber in Oh, Titan, silly)
Post (funny faces during the Eber vs Mason fight in KT)
Post (mini-post, i don’t really see Eber as a parent figure for Hunter)
Post (Eber’s tail is not a tail, silly)
Post (Eber dealing with Gwendolyn, silly)
Old poll about Eber, silly
Ask re Raine's characterization
Post (about Raine's reaction if someone actually successfully sacrificed themselves for the cause)
Post (the episode where Terra is introduced is also the episode where Eda prominently uses plant glyphs)
Post (about Raine not smiling during the CHs introduction and their and Darius's acting)
Post (silly post about Raine’s penstagram secret code)
The Catts:
Post (a weird moment with Steve and Lilith in Oh, Titan - a hint that there might have been a rebellion that was going on for a longer time?)
Post (Draining Spell diagram, what did the rebels think)
Post (hints of team RED snooping around in s2b, headcanon)
Post (about the rebels using their magic together in HM, headcanon + observations)
Post - are Team RED’s disguises meant to be so obvious in-universe? (HM, semi-silly observations)
Post (Team RED's cloaks in HM)
Post (mini-post, Eber’s and Amber’s 1 second friendship)
Post (abominations as robots, headcanon)
Post (abominations as an analogue for generative AI, silly pet peeve)
Post (mini-post, ok, just a picture of the baby plant abomination because its cute)
Other characters:
Post (thoughts on the Collector’s introduction)
Post (about Hunter and what he realizes about his situation with Belos)
Post (about Mason)
Ask re Lilith (Lilith's arc)
Ask game reply about Lilith (and dariraine)
Ask re Scara (headcanons)
Post (mini-post, funny Scara, Gus, Viney and Puddles screenshot)
Post (about Alador and infantilization)
Post (silly post, the way other palismen looke at Flapjack in s3ep1)
Post (about Severine, silly)
Post (one-sentence mini rant about canon Hunter and fanon Hunter being different people)
AU ideas:
Post (Human!Willow AU)
Post (instead of puppets Collector turns the Coven Heads back into children)
Post (Eda and Camila switching places)
Post (~ Hooty hanahaki disease ~)
Post (Eber raising Hunter)
Post (Villain time travel)
Post (Perrius AUs)
Post (what Raine would've done if Lilith never switched sides)
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lemonhemlock · 7 months
20 and 21
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20. i'm one of those people who prefer and are mainly drawn to the court intrigue aspect of asoiaf, so, for me, whatever is not that will kind of be a sludge to get through. i do appreciate complex worldbuiliding, so i'm willing to make the effort, but, my god, there are portions of jon's, arya's, bran's and (later) tyrion's POVs that had me dragging myself by my shoelaces, especially if they take me out of the main story. this is why ADWD was a little challenging for me to get through, because it cut off many POVs that directly had elements i liked and left me only with those that didn't particularly interest me. the water turtles became a meme for a reason. don't get me wrong, i do genuinely think that variety in perspectives and placements is a hallmark of a good book and, knowing what happens, i can look back and appreciate it more, but it's still baffling to me how people can rate adwd over affc. but that's the thing about asoiaf, isn't it, there's a little something for everybody to go around.
21. hmm.... idk in the olden days i thought stannis was way overhyped, but that has died down after his stans were forced to accept that he doesn't "win" the iron throne after all. margaery received similar treatment, but i see that now people are more prone to revisit and reframe her actions without rose tinted glasses. so, nowadays idk. this can perhaps get me into trouble, but i don't think the dorne plotline is going to be efficient, cathartic or a genuine quest for justice, more like a cautionary tale against letting revenge consume you and turning it into your life's quest. what i mean is that i don't think this "justice for elia" movement is going to end up honouring elia at all in any way she would interpret as fair (ellaria herself ponders this issue out loud to her family; i don't think her speech was included for nothing). equally, i'm not convinced young gryff's "reign" will end up as this model administration that improves people's lives and that they become attached to ideologically. there's this dose of irony in this socio-political experiment engineered by varys and illyrio producing only a mediocre or "bad" king that i don't think should be discounted as an idea
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bondeadart · 1 year
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Some worldbuiliding art for a worldbuilding project 2022
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funpolishfox · 1 year
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Yes, I have Fiverr account. I will write literally ANYTHING. Check out links, if you're interested.
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w975x · 4 months
me sleeping instead of writing the tokyorev worldbuiliding posts people started following me for
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Alright I have two rants to do because this fandom is very exhausting.
1/ the minor one because I still saw people arguing whether or not the Fell twins are Alear's sibling and I am being like "How are you still involved into this stupid discourse it's been 6 month since the Dlc came out I though it was finally over 4 month ago (ಥ﹏ಥ)". They are confirmed to be romance, that mean they aren't. Idc if you think it makes you morally superior to acts like they are siblings when the writing doesn't treat them as such, it just makes you looks like a weirdo for arguing you can date your half sibling in a video game and dumb as it shows you don't even pay attention to the writing of said game ! And I know they aren't genuinely wanting to view Alear and them as a platonic/family relationship because if they did they wouldn't even try to argue on them being canon related. I am the first one to correct people on Byleth's lack of kinship with the Nabateans, doesn't prevent me from having some draft of Byleth acting as family with Sothie and Rhea and the whole point of Engage is that family is based on connection through bond not blood ! The only reason why they want to prove that is because they don't like the option being a thing, even though the Fell twins's relationship with Alear has no relevance in the main story outside of shipping. I am tired to see that the only thing people have to say about them is that, they don't deserves it. And I am not even saying you have no right to prefer to view them as family, if you genuinely like them like that please go on, you are doing an amazing job and have fun, but the fact that those people who argue clearly are doing it just to shame anyone who want to waifu Nel or Rafal is annoying and toxic when IS themselves allowed it to be a thing. I respect not liking it, but I don't respect using it as way to look down on others and claim to be moraly superior.
2/The biggest one because I am tired : NO liking 3H and disliking Engage doesn't make you more intelligent or superior then fans who don't. I am tired of people acting as if Engage fans had low IQ and calling us "weeb trash with no taste". This is the exact same mentality as people liking "modern trendy songs"looking down on people who likes doujin music. I am so sorry for liking a game who has an enjoyable gameplay and is an actual strategy game with funny custom and an actual place where I can take a break from the story and do little mini games, griding or skip it to my heart's content over the one that is very easy to break, punishes me for not playing it "the correct way" forcing me to do boring shores for support or training grinding, being an actual paradox of a game with features making it all easy yet punishing me for skipping the most boring part of the game with this monastery and hellish calendar system that breaks the pacing. I am sorry for liking a game with much smaller and tamer world builing using most basic references that French/European speakers like me can get over one that has this gigantic wordbuliding barely using it correctly and shoved with 1 000 of references that most people I am sure have no idea existed or are familiar with. I am sorry for liking a game that uses symbolism as a way to strenghen its narrative over one that uses symbolism as a way to tell its story. I am sorry for liking a story that actually rewards me for replaying it by letting me noticing the amount of thoughts that were put into it since it's obvious that everything was planned as confirmed by the early concept art of Alear and its sheer amount of foreshadowing and clever use of japanese over a story that objectively lacks focus and was confirmed to not be planned by the devs in the interview where they joked about 3H seeming to write itself on its own without them understanding how or about the 1000 year worth worldbuiliding that "no one truly knew about" and it shows that needs me to play all the routes to feel emotionally invested despite it not making sense with the context of said route despite having a team of 3 writers. I am sorry to prefer a tame worldbuiling I can actually explore and feel immersed into over that gigantic worldbuilings that is the epitome of tell don't show, infodumped on me 99% of the time with some of them never used again and so big that even the writers got lost into it as they confirmed themselves in the interview. I am sorry for liking the anime chessey opening that has more variety in its musicality and feels like a love song to the fans and franchise over the opening song that feels like an anime ending sung by a character who I ended up feeling nothing but indifference and that is being recycled over and over and over again in 99% of the soundtracks. I am sorry for liking a game that is so fun to replay that I have problem switching to another one over a game that is very tedious at some point and would actually gave you a burn out if you don't do some break. I am sorry for liking a game with beautiful graphics and animations, colorful, going as far as changing the sheath the character is wearing depending on which sword they are using over the game whose graphics makes it look bleak and unappealing and whose fruits looks like that
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I am sorry for liking a game who had actual care and fun put into its developpement despite a lesser budget as felt throught the gameplay and the writing who despite not being the priority still felt more prepared and though about then the game who has a rushed developpement, was delayed for non covid reason, was literaly a collab because of the budget put into it and has far more cut content that were essential to its writing, including entire chapters. I am sorry for liking a game that has villain who are actual character with some depth even if they aren't morally conflicted individual over villains who are nothing of character but pure comically evil in a so called "morally grey" masterpiece and whose motivation needs you to get Buddhist references leaving room for people to make up story about how they were colonized. I am sorry for liking a game who has a satifisfactory ending over one that solve no conflict and every big thing happens off screen. I am sorry for liking a game capable of showing and not telling over one that keeps telling me stuff and barely shows anything. I am sorry for liking a game that despite being linear has a freaking bad ending over the one that is a split route and that should have some by laws but doesn't because you actually have no meaningful decision. I am sorry for liking a game where character have actual moral compass working on a moral system that speaks to my mind over one that ended up falling into moral relativism. I am sorry for liking a game whose story is much simplier and a breath of fresh air over the one who was so complex and over the top that people still have no idea what happened in said story 4 years later while keeping in mind that the only canon event is chapter 1-2. I am so so sorry for liking a game whose cast is fun and doesn't infodump you on their personal trauma 99% of the time creating convoluted backstory over a game that keeps making fun of the traumatic experience of their character and their ptsd. I am so very sorry so sorry sorry for liking a game whose protagonist might be an avatar but is an established characters with quality, flaws and struggles, dream to pursue, a character arc, character developpement, who is very endearing, whose female counterpart has an outfit that i love and has actual interaction with the cast even if it took a whole DLC to have one character having genuine chemistry with them to give me shipping brainrot over an avatar that is hated by it's own game and was the only thing I ended up liking from said game since they were the only reason why I kept on playing it and who makes me looks at them with sad eyes because of how much a spin off did them better and is the reason why the game's quality in story telling is lesser then it was supposed to be while waiting for an entire spin off to have someone having genuine chemistry with them and give me shipbrainrot. I am definetely very soorry for having things used in the game, having character whose backstory actually matter over the game that pretends to tackle serious subject but ignoring an entire freaking genocide. I am sooo very sorry for liking a game that is essentially a love letter to the franchise and to me and the others fans over one that divided the fandom into the most toxic conversation ever. Really sorry for being that stupid and tasteless.
Look, I might look like I do, but I don't hate 3H, it was still an enjoyable experience and I still think its a competent game that has a lot of strengh, but story and gameplay aren't its strengh. 3H still has one of the best cast in the entire franchise but I am tired of seeing people constantly accusing you of sheeting on the game for poiting its legitimate flaws and deluded or telling you to cope when you have actual reason to points out that there is things Engage objectively does better then 3H when it comes to writing. And I am tired to see tons of pathetic bad reviews that keeps proving to me that people lacks basic reading skills or are unable to understand the most basic and simple things with whatsmore no freaking body ever correcting their straight up wrong bad takes !! I am not saying Engage is a perfect masterpiece with no flaws, it has flaws, perfection is something that doesn't exist but the amount of bad faith criticism against that game is just baffling and it makes it worse since for some reason if you are an Engage fan and have some critics against 3H's way of handling things then you are automatically "just salty and jealous because 3h is more awesome then that L boring anime story" creating a magic shiel against critics 3h received 3 years before Engage ever came out and that we knew about it existing that are now deemed to be "being salty" or "drinking copium to thing Engage is good". I have encountered many 3H fans that are the first one to point out how the game creates its own plot holes because it was so ambitious it tripped over what it tried to do and said fans said they didn't talked as much about Engage because they though that they were less "fixing to do" which isn't surprising since the story was actually planned even if some moments still needs polishing. And I can't help but die a little inside each time I see comments or take of the style "if only we could get a game with the gameplay of Engage and the story of 3H then we would have the perfect fire emblem game" because No. Never, ever again. I don't want any more 3H style kind of story. Because I know that IS or rather KT is incapable of improving this mess. I though they would with the demo of 3 hopes seeing how it did the prologue better by miles but quickly realised they are unable to write this kind of story properly. They simply cannot improve Houses/Hopes kind of story. The perfect fire emblem would be an Engage 2.0 : not only from the gameplay, but with the story because Engage has genuinely little to improve and can be improved very easily unlike what the people who try to rewrite it completely changing the story or showing they didn't even understand it to begin with tries to gaslight you into thinking. That kind of storytelling works with Fire Emblem and is easy to do better. I want a good Fe game but a good Fe game would be an improved version of Engage's story that is to say with polishing rather then bringing back 3H kind of narrative. Never again.
And I repeat I don't hate 3H but I am tired of having to pretend it's a masterpiece and Engage is trashfire bad just because the fandom insist on comparing the incomparable when Engage ends up doing much better then 3H by far on both gameplay and storytelling, that's why I have much more fun dissecting Engage then 3H and the fandom's attitude plus the ambitions of 3H makes me less and less and less forgiving of it's flaws as time pass. And I also hate this stupid mentality that if a products fails then that means it's not finished or were made by incompetent people or had no care put into it because even if you dislike Engage, there is no denying the game is a finished products where love and care where put into and doing everything to make the player feel loved and rewarded each time they grab their switch because Engage was finished by 2019-2020 and would have launched if it were not for Covid, it might have sold less then 3H but it doesn't make it a failure because it never was supposed to and seeing the budget that was put into it, its current sale might be considered to be a success by the team compared to the game that was definetely delayed and costed much more just for the voice actors. I would never apply it to Houses because while I think it's story isn't its strengh at ALL, I can't deny that the devs genuinely wanted it to be a success on the story with the amount of references and worldbuiling showing they spend maybe days or weeks working and making researches for their work and I still enjoy 3H story analysis a lot like that super interesting essay on 3H's use of its soundtrack and I respect 3H for what it was trying to do, I even respect it more then Hopes that I did enjoyed more because it at least didn't ruin its story in an pathetic attempt to pander to the fandom as a bigger fanservice then implementing Marth and turning him into a mentor and angel guardian for Alear, because it was the biggest hommage FE could have done for its very first hero, showing how much he matured as a hero and paying hommage to his role as a Guide/Hero king.
In short I am tired to see people who don't even read the freaking game thinking they have the right to critize it and trash on it and be quoted religiously as references when freaking nobody bother correcting them even though anyone that has been paying attention to the events of the game would be able to answer their stupid bad takes that exist just for the sake of clickbaiting and looking down on other fans for loving and cherishing the love letter they have been given !!! I just want to enjoy all Fire Emblem games for what they do right and despite their flaws without having to feel like I have the IQ of a goldfish or doubting my intelligence for being able to do that. And I hate that people try to defend Engage by brining down Fe as a whole : No, Fe doesn't have all bad story, all story have their strengh and their weakness. No, Fe didn't always had bad writing, all of FE game's writing have their strengh and flaws even if some are improvements over others. And NO, FREAKING NO on Engage isn't meant to be taken seriously and wasn't meant to be good : this is a light hearted game with very vanilla shouneny writing, but it still takes itself seriously, even if it's not as much as game like Fe4 or Fe16 tried to. Yes it takes itself as seriously as Sailor Moon but when you write a vanilla kind of story that is inevitable. And BIG NO on that second part because Engage story is genuinely competent and good. Maybe not the greatest of Fe but it does more good things then bad things, it has more quality then flaws and trust me when something is really, reallly bad the redeeming quality can be counted on the finger's hand.
I am also tired to see people act as if Engage was a total failure when it is not : it still sold well for a title of this year, it still is played to this day by the likes of me, the only reason why I had to wait before buying it rather then preordering it was because I wanted to have a game I had the time to play and wanted to wait to be on holidays so I could have all my freetime occupied by it. It has people who likes it for what it is and aren't blind on its flaws, that loves the cast, loves the world building and makes content for it. And I hate that people justify comparing it to 3H by saying "we have to compare it to the previous entry" because it's not even true, would it be the case you would compare it to 3 Hopes, the game which Engage pull the rug out from under since we weren't supposed to have a Hopes in the first place but no one does that because they just want to compare it to something they think is superior to have the pleasure to trash on it while looking objective and smart just because they didn't liked it and want to feel right in doing so! To give an example, for my literary study one year ago I had to read Le Journal du Voleur by Jean Genet. I didn't liked it. My classmate didn't like it. Even the teacher didn't like it. But not because it was trash, but because it's not tasteful and is too dark for my and visibly their tastes too, to the point we had a pikachu face when our teacher told us we were studying the censored version of the book and even now I still can't believe it, and when we were finished with it, I got rid of it immediately. But objectively speaking, it has to be one of the most well written book I have ever read with a unique style and a writing showing its author is capable of turning the most rancy thing into the most poetic thing ever and you can feel it was empowering for him to write his life like that and that he loved the world he re-created. So while I wouldn't recommend it to anybody because I care about you, I will never ever claim I didn't like it because it was badly written because that would be dumb and stupid of me, it definetely deserves to be considered a literary work and I do think it's underrated for what it does with language. And if I did based things only on my taste then I'd call Houses garbage without any redeeming quality, but it's not true and we all know it.
I like both games even if I do it differentely and I can't stand people looking down on me for it or thinking I can't have genuine good points, especially when I spend over 400 hours into Engage, and I am not even counting the time I rewatched the over 1 long hour full movie version uploaded on youtube despite the salty and hateful comments just for the sake of making analysis when I could just check that because in that case I would have spend over 800 hours into the story. I even played with the JPN dub and checked the OG script to give the writing a fair chance, something I never did for any FE game before and wished I did.
If you asked me to pick Engage or 3H, I'd pick Engage any day because of how much more welcoming it is with it's simplier story and fun gameplay compared to Houses, a game that each time I had the wish to replay it ended up giving up because of how tedious it gets. I still try to be positive of Houses because of the genuine fun I had despite my personal gripes and the fact it has genius character writing, but the constant negativity against Engage to literaly worship Houses is so annoying it sour me on it, and it makes me fear that from now one every single game IS release will constantly end up being compared to 3H. I just can't.
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I have a worldbuiliding, plot, and characters. Except for the villain. How do I build a villain when I already have their job and their world???
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khiatons · 1 year
Discovered RPG Rulebooks as Worldbuilding Tools
In order to get writing ASAP, I want to learn #worldbuilding from #spaceopera #RPG rulebooks. It will tell me what worldbuiliding details and tropes fans like and expect.
In order to get writing ASAP, I want to learn worldbuilding from space opera RPG rulebooks. It will tell me what worldbuiliding details and tropes space opera fans like and expect. Though I’ll strive to write more than a DnD campaign. My collection includes classic examples to get a grounding in the space opera genre. Though I’m also looking up more recent examples.I’m confident I can become…
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Welcome to WindSwallow Manor
WindSwallow Estate and her grounds welcome you, Visitor. There are simple rules to follow; respect the staff, be on time to breakfast and dinner, make haste from the screams in the trees, and enjoy the koi pond.
This blog will be the dumping ground for conceptualization and ideas for a project called WindSwallow Manor, done mostly as practice for worldbuiliding and story writing. Anything put here is subject to be changed, moved, or dropped later. This is now the end of the first post in an archive of a project to be.
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
Next month on my website I had planned to talk about worldbuilding, but I realized my process is the same info as the website and ask game @random-oc-questions-fairy has been sharing recently. The website is actually a little more in depth than my process, and it’s a really cool resource, so I’m glad to see it making the rounds but it also means I need to come up with a new post to do lol. Would anyone be interested in seeing a post about “Where to start Worldbuilding”? It would include info on how to keep yourself from getting overwhelmed without missing any important steps, and what to focus on based on aspects like the genre and scope of the story.
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