#worlds best aunties
radiance1 · 1 year
Danny and Vlad are now mythical creatures.
They don't know exactly how- their bets are on Desiree. Which mean someone in Amity Park had to wish for this to happen.
Except it extended to the whole of Amity park, and not just them. Danny became a dragon, while Vlad became a phoenix and not those small ones, but he's a very big one.
Like, bigger than a person big.
Everyone can switch between from a creature back to their human selves, with the catch being that some of their beastly instincts and traits carry over into their human side.
Danny is just minding his own business, resting in dragon form in the deepest part of the Far Frozen, until a phoenix busts through and interrupts his haze, fire blazing behind him and hits him with.
"Pariah Dark is missing."
And if that didn't wake Danny up faster than one of his parents inventions exploding then he doesn't know what would.
So they go to his abandoned castle, see the coffin missing, proceed to freak out for a few minutes, then remember that Clockwork exists and races over to his lair, leaving a trail of ice and fire in their wake.
Clockwork tells them that Pariah Dark was summoned to another dimension.
"Ghost King he is no more, but powerful ghost he still is."
So now they have to jump to different dimensions to try and find Pariah Dark before something goes down.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
The 10 year old sitting at the edge of the summoning circle staring at the Sarcophagus that just appeared in stunned silence.
Also said child walking forward and poking at it curiously.
Also said child when he summoned something in his parents basement from a really old book he found not expecting it to work but it did: Neat.
The kid then opens the Sarcophagus, found it stupid easy, and then what is obviously a groggy giant man pulls himself out of it.
So he obviously dragged him upstairs and sat him down on the couch.
Meanwhile with Danny and Vlad:
Both of them are going through portals looking for the ex-ghost king, landed in some medieval dimensions, accidently became legends based on sightings alone, landed in some present day dimensions, alarmed their governments.
Yet none of them contained were wrecked and enslaved by Pariah Dark, nor was there even any signs of him.
they spent a few years looking in different dimensions, then they felt a tug about someone summoning them, not just one of them, but both.
Probably didn't get the memo about a new king.
Meanwhile with Pariah Dark:
Showing pictures of the kid who summoned him to other aunties and gossiping about the new gangs and drama in Gotham.
Meanwhile with Vlad and Danny:
Looking at the stunned faces of cultists as they stand menacingly in their mythical creature forms, just staring done at them as if they were mere ants.
In reality they just want this over and done with so they can go back to finding Pariah Dark and finally call it a day.
They're waiting for the cultists to finally speak and tell them what they want, only for them to be interrupted by people in colorful spandex who beat up the cultists.
Did they stay after that?
They left the summoning circle to look for Pariah if he has any chance of being in this one.
They also went intangible to avoid them if they decided to chase after them, Vlad went one way and Danny the other.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Okay hear me out Missy/Donna
this came out so silly. it’s more pre-donna/missy but give them like a few weeks and missy will be earning herself so many kisses.
“Are you a friend of the Doctor’s?” Donna asks upon spotting the woman sitting on a bench in her garden outside the Doctor’s TARDIS. It’s far too warm out to be dressed in as many layers as she is, but at least she has her own umbrella for shade. She turns her head to look at Donna, and there’s something familiar about it that Donna can’t put her finger on.
“His dearest,” she says. Donna raises her eyebrows in disbelief, but really, the woman says it with so much conviction that she’s not even sure how to argue. “Why? Is there anyone else I could be here to visit?” Donna huffs a laugh.
“Not unless you’re paying for one of Rose’s toys in person.” She considers for the briefest moment that this woman could know Shaun and immediately dismisses the thought. Absolutely not. They’d be making up stories around the dinner table about what Miss Mary Poppins got up to every week if he knew her. “Or- No. Never mind. He doesn’t have friends.”
“Oh?” The woman pounces on Donna’s irritation. “Domestic problems?” Donna joins her on the bench, despite a small part of her mind still insisting there’s something terribly off about the woman. She makes room for Donna, her eyes never leaving her. Despite the umbrella’s shade falling across her face, her dark eyes seem to glitter.
“Not mine.” Donna rolls her eyes. “When the Doctor keeps that man on a tight leash, anyway. Personally, I think we’d be better off with a real leash to tie him up inside the TARDIS whenever the Doctor goes to the store.” The woman’s smile grows.
“Sounds like trouble.”
“You have no idea.” Donna shakes her head. “But you try suggesting we shouldn’t be housing a maniac. The Doctor’s eyes get all watery and he looks like a kicked dog about it. ‘He’s my oldest friend, Donna. He needs me, Donna. Blowing up Rose’s new shed was an accident, Donna.’ Believe me, I made him fix that himself. Only time I’ve ever been fond of him was watching him help Rose with stitching up replacements for what he destroyed.” Donna stops. “Sorry, what did you say your name was?”
Donna gets- Not memories, nothing so clear, but sometimes, little pings in her subconscious of the Doctor’s experiences through the remnants of the metacrisis that sunk safely and comfortably into the back of her head to stay forever.
Right now, that ping is more like an air siren.
“Missy,” Donna repeats. Missy puts a hand out, and Donna’s not sure if she’s expecting a handshake or a kiss to her knuckles.
“Short for Mistress.” Donna’s face falls.
Which is what the Doctor stumbles out of the TARDIS to, five minutes later, as Donna yells, “Absolutely not! Not another one of you! Not in my home!” He does not, on the whole, improve the situation, by breaking out into a grin and wrapping Missy up in a hug even she clearly isn’t expecting.
Donna, begrudgingly, allows one more Master to stay with them.
Donna, even more begrudgingly, grows fond of her.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
“I don’t care what others say. She’s my favorite teacher. She’s the best, the sweetest, and helps me understand that I have a gift. Not a burden. Best teacher ever. Also she’s got the best weed ngl.”
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Headcanons on Kon in the Captain Marvel adopts Superboy AU
Kon is his universes Captain Marvel Junior, Freddy is called Lieutenant Marvel instead
Billy’s age isn’t known, only the Shazamily and Kon know. Plus Tim, Kon told him and Tim makes sure Batman doesn’t figure it out through sneaky sabotage
His jacket has embroidery saying “You’ve been” with Caps symbol on the back with a “Struck!” At the bottom (You’ve been thunderstruck) instead of “Don’t mess with the S”
Does have access to Captain Marvels powers if needed, he’s part of the family so he can call down the lightning, but doesn’t like to because it ages him up and he ends up looking just like Clark
If he is Shazam-ed up his leather jacket becomes double breasted with the thunder emblem taking up most the front and thunder bolts in a belt formation on his hips, other than that his suit stays entirely the same
Civilian name is Conner Elliot Ordway; Conner is obvious, the Elliot is a nod to the House of El, and Ordway is the maiden name of Billy’s mom. The initials spell out CEO which is a humorous nod to Lex. Billy wanted to make sure Kon had a name that honored his family history, as messed up as it is, while still giving his one that’s makes him part of his family and able to be his own person separate from them. Which is why he gave him the last name Ordway instead of Batson, so his identity is completely his own if he wants it to be.
(More under the cut)
Knows Billy is Captain Marvel but still sees him as a great father figure, one who cares about and loves him unconditionally and respects him while also actively trying to be present in his life
Billy models his treatment to Kon as a mix of how he remembers his own dad and doing the opposite of what Superman was doing, which leads to a very loving parent-child dynamic built on respected boundaries and lots of open affection to remind eachother they’re loved
Billy mainly sees Kon as a older brother, Kon sees Captain Marvel as a dad figure and Billy as a little brother when they spend more time together as civilians. It changes based on how long they spend together in one of Billy’s forms for the most part, but mainly Kon sees him as his dad (even if the differences in age are supposed to be odd)
Billy uses the “Pretending to be my own dad” trick with Captain Marvel to get Kon in a high school in Fawcett plus Tim’s stellar “I faked a whole uncle to avoid being adopted” abilities to fake the paperwork
Billy works at Whiz radio and uses Cap in civilian clothes working odd jobs to afford an apartment for the both of them, which is made a lot less expensive when Billy uses that “Powers of Shazam, summon before me (insert desired thing here)” spell he summoned a ping pong table with that one time to cover large furniture
Superman started giving Cap the silent treatment after he learned Conner has been all but legally adopted Kon
Mary is a cool aunt to Kon, both get along well and scrapbook together as a bonding activity
Freddy, understandably, freaks out and is all over Kon the first few months he’s part of the family. Asking about TTK, doing dumb stuff with their powers and arm wrestling to see whose power set is better, asking any and every question that comes to mind. Those two get in a lot of power based shenanigans and hang out a lot in and out of costume
The love language of the entire family is shared time and involves a ton of physical affection just because it’s good to remind people you love them with a hug, Kon is living his best life with all the love and validation he gets 24/7/365
Billy inadvertently catches up with and excels past his age groups study’s after learning what he can as Billy and trying to stay up to date with Kon’s school work to be the parent that can help their kid with homework and does
They go as eachother for Halloween one year, Kon takes a selfie and shows it to the rest of young justice forgetting they don’t know about Billy and when they ask he panics and says that’s his kid brother.
Which tumbles into Batman thinking Cap is CC Batson reincarnated with powers and trying to be a good dad and hero despite the whole death thing and Tim in the background trying not to laugh when he knows Bruce is wrong
(Stuff tied to comic canons)
Captain Marvel disappears for a solid 3 weeks after Kon dies, spending the whole time bouncing from afterlife to afterlife trying to look for him and asking the various death gods he comes across where Kon might have ended up. He doesn’t find him and has to grieve losing his family all over again
Covered every base he could think of looking for Kon’s soul, checked his family’s old faith, Hades because of the Greek ties, Kryptonian gods, a fist fight with Lady Blaze for information but couldn’t find anything. All he knows after that is that either Kon didn’t have a soul (which isn’t true and he refused to believe that), his ghost is roaming around and didn’t move on properly so he’s in a state of limbo, or he’s in some other afterlife and he has no idea what other ones to check for him in. Either way, Billy can’t find him and gets torn up that he lost some of his family all over again
The new 52 has Superboy Prime a prisoner held in the Monsterlands, a realm under the Council of Eternity’s (and Captain Marvel’s) control. Billy makes every day there a living hell for him for the next year until Kon is brought back, and after that all of Young Justice gets a free lifetime pass to pop by and beat him senseless for some Therapy™️. Tim and Cassie got a lot of hits in
When Kon does come back and gets back into the swing of his civilian life Billy worries a lot more and gets a little hover-y as a parent to Kon, Mary makes him earrings and small pieces of jewelry that has protection charms on them, and Freddy checks up on him between classes.
All in all, it’s a family of orphans all in various situations of oprhanhood being there for eachother no matter how weird life gets for them. Sometimes a family is your middle school aged dad, his best friend, his twin sister, a shape shifting talking tiger, and yourself
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crabussy · 5 months
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a-shadowedvales · 6 months
when you think about becky, you have to remember that she spent at least four years listening to terry’s “crazy theories” about hawkins lab, and the big bad man taking jane away. she knew terry took part in “hippie crap” and assumed that messed with her head. that those experiences combined with miscarrying in the third trimester had a terrible strain on her mental health, ultimately losing her connection to reality. she spent those years watching terry fight and lose legal battles against brenner and hawkins. she pleaded for her to stop, to get help, as their relationship grew stressed and strained because becky didn’t believe her, and terry hated her for it.
and then when terry’s mind was completely broken, she spent her days and nights caring for her. the show never touched on this. just what did becky think happened to terry? what story was she told? was terry put into a random hospital with doctors from hawkins lab, under a guise of caring for her, just to tell becky there was some kind of accident? maybe a car accident. did they claim the drugs used in the mk ultra testing from all those years ago took affect on her mind? probably not, because then becky would be in an opportunity to sue. i highly doubt there would have been any mention of the lab, opposed to some, "unfortunate accident." it really bugs me that there’s no story about what becky believed made terry catatonic. terry knew becky didn’t believe her, and as such, definitely did not tell her about her plans to break into the lab. so a story could have easily been concocted.
and then, one random day, a kid shows up at her doorstep, claiming to be the daughter she didn’t believe existed. immediately, by jane opening the door with her mind, becky held some kind of belief for she'd heard terry’s rants about her baby being used for experiments, experiments which gave her powers. and in comes jane, demanding to see her mother, able to open a locked door, blood dripping from her nose. all too soon she realises that there has so be some semblance of truth. the girl says her name is jane: she fits all the descriptions. the descriptions of the niece she never had. this child who her sister fought tooth and nail to get back. i can’t even imagine the guilt that would begin to fester for not believing terry, for thinking she was having a mental break, for trying to get her to see therapists and get her some real, serious help.
scared and confused for herself and her sister, and unable to fathom what is happening, what does she do? she comforts jane. there is distance, there’s awkwardness, but this girl is her blood and every moment that passed only proved that she could actually be jane ives. she makes her a sandwich, tries to comfort her, tells her that her mother is in a dream. probably a good dream. she comforts and tells her that terry never stopped believing.
she always believed you were out there. she always believed you’d come home one day. home? yeah, home.
she offered her, this strange little girl, a place in her home with her and her mother. she didn’t push, she didn’t need to know everything in that moment; she focused on jane and nothing else. the girl was obviously traumatised judging by the way she spoke, the way she sheltered herself. if everything terry claimed was indeed true, then becky couldn’t even begin to think about what she’d gone through.
i wanna help you, but to really do that, i need you to talk to me, okay? it doesn’t have to be now. it doesn’t have to be today. when you’re ready, okay?
she never moved a single thing in jane’s room. although she didn’t believe terry, she respected and loved her enough to keep it exactly as she’d planned. and at least she could give jane that, the vision her mother had for her, what the first steps of their wonderful life would have been like. becky claimed terry was “stuck” living the “same dream” over and over. where becky, too, was the one who was stuck. terry became 24/7 care, and unless she had helpers (which i highly doubt), becky would have given up her job, her out of home hobbies, her entire life to care for her sister. stuck in an endless routine until jane came along and struck her with the reality of it all.
as soon as jane contacts the void, you can see becky looks on edge and nervous. which, fair enough! she asks if she can sit and watch, but doesn’t interfere or distract jane. she even sits a little further away from her, perhaps out of fear (which would be completely justified. this girl physically moved things with her mind, who knows what else she can do) or just trying to take this all in within her own time and space. but the moment, the second jane departs the void and is in a state of distress, she moves to comfort her. she isn’t sure how, and doesn’t expect it to be returned, but offers it nonetheless. as far as she knows jane just spoke to her sister; she would be dying to know what happened, if she said anything. but remains silent and focuses on the child.
unfortunately we really don’t see much else of their dynamic on screen, but it is very justified that becky contacted hawkins and tried to get a hold of hopper. he and joyce were the only ones who seemed to have some kind of understanding; of course she would want to contact them. she put on a brave face in front of jane, focused on her and her needs. but as soon as she put the bed down and jane wanted some time alone in her room, becky had a moment to breathe. to think about her, her sister, all those wasted years because she didn’t believe. so, weeks later, when she gets a phone call from a weak sounding girl, saying she was sorry, the relief is immense. when recovered from her illness after closing the gate, the first thing jane wanted to do was call her aunt. hopper got on the line after the initial apology and asked if becky would come to hawkins, so they could work things out from there.
i just think becky is such a neat, complex character for the literal twenty minutes (probably less) screen time she gets. i adore the way she treats jane, and think she is such a good influence in her life. imagine all the stories becky could tell her about terry. things no one else could. her relationship with her aunt is one like no other, for both the sake of her mother, and that she is the only true family she has ever known, or as far as she knows, even has. becky never expects anything from jane (unlike a lot of the people in her life), and in that respect, jane does actually open up to her overtime. to becky, jane isn’t a girl who’s saved the world a few times. she’s the niece she didn’t believe in, and would spend the rest of her life making it up to her and terry.
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willowfey · 1 year
someone tell me to be brave and hit send on this email
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do you know what i just need to chill out i need to drink ridiculous amounts of water and chill out and try get to bed early tonight and tell my mum that i love her and be okay with the fact that i feel incredibly suffocated when i'm around my family i just need to stop myself from spiralling and i need to not self martyr but also not feel like i'm the world's biggest cunt for not wanting to spend time with my family i need to take a deep breath and remember that i'm very lucky because in two weeks i'll be back in my uni city and i'll be able to be free again i need to roll all my emotions back and take care of myself while also being there for my family and grow the fuck up BASICALLY !!!!!!!!!
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non-un-topo · 9 months
Have to thank my partner for realizing before I did that talking about kids with people makes me extremely dysphoric --- whereas I thought I just had a problem and hated children or something lol
#you can't really start a sentence with 'i don't hate children--' though.#do i... like them..? ehh they're fine on their own. i just don't like to be around them for very long. they freak me out.#but mostly it's parents who freak me out. or people who aren't parents yet but kids are all they talk about#(cough) my sister-in-law.#it's not ALL she talks about but she does happen to bring children up an awful lot around me. and uhh i have bad news for her.#anyway i feel like the worst person on earth but my gut reaction when i hear people talking about kids is to just get pissed off#or roll my eyes or want to leave the conversation STAT. like my flight instinct takes over.#so it was my partner who figured out that these conversations activate my dysphoria like a nuclear bomb.#dysphoria has manifested in the form of irritation for me this year. same with depression. i just feel angry and annoyed all the time#plus a bit of despair. and it gets more intense with every passing month.#my sister has decided to work in childcare and is doing a placement. she also updates me on every single thing she does in a day -#- down to how many times she shits. i wish i was kidding.#so i get a constant feed of what these random children did in a day (yesterday a girl showed my sister her poop lol)#and it would be funny and fine if it didn't make me want to jump out of my gd skin.#happens all the time at school too.#'whaaaaaaaat you don't want BAABIIEEES?? but you'd make such a good mom!!!'#ahaha No i would not thank you. jesus christ please no thank you. please.#i'm a father figure to a few of my friends and it's the best feeling in the world. that's all i need.#conversations like that always trap me. i feel like a fucking rabbit. stuck with all the aunties in the kitchen.#so i have to be a dick and not offer to clear the plates because none of the men are clearing the plates.#just........ Gender. UGH!!
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stylishanachronism · 1 year
I wish I had the illustrative and writing skills that dream!me had goddamn
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hollowxport-moved · 2 years
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Surprisingly enough, there are two members of Skylar’s maternal family that they actually get along with. Pearl and Dino Critelli are Skylar’s Uncle and Aunt. Pearl being their mother’s sister and Dino married into the family. Dino is a highly successful nurse and apothecary, while Pearl is an artist and mathematician. The duo were the closest things Skylar had to parents after Oliver disappeared, even going so far as to move to Clayburrow from Boston just to watch out for Skylar. After Skylar joined The Seekers, So did Pearl and Dino. Pearl focuses more on research, while Dino is a doctor. Oh. One more thing? Pearl & Dino are a t4t & bi4bi couple.
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snailmusic · 1 year
Listen to red flags by tom cardy sometime im currently obsessed with it
i have and i get it
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5sospenguinqueen · 4 months
Terrible Two | Max Verstappen x Hamilton! Reader
Summary: Lewis hates the idea of Max dating his sister. Not because he's overprotective but because he’s trying to save the younger driver from the insanity of his sister. Or the one where Y/N terrorises the Grid OFF the track and Max terrorises them ON the track.
Warnings: Swearing. Fluff. Not 2021.
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest.
Requested by @shelbyteller
Main Masterlist
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63 and others
YourUserName race day with my favourite hamilton (oh, and lewis was there too, i guess) 💚 tagged: roscoelovescoco, lewishamilton
User 1 i live for the hamilton sibling shade
lewishamilton i miss how peaceful my life was before you were born
→ YourUserName i miss how peaceful my life was before i was born too
→ User2 oof, felt that
roscoelovescoco loves you aunty y/n
→ YourUserName and i love you my sweet boy. i’m already planning my next attempt to kidnap you
→ User3 i love that she wastes no time to pick on lewis but plays along with his roscoe account
→ YourUserName i don’t play when it comes to my fluffy man
User4 miss thing, you are not slick. we all see the red bull in the last slide
→ User5 omg and they were seen chatting outside the space between the two garages earlier
→ User6 she was also seen talking to charles, pierre, valtteri and george but i don’t see any of you linking them together?
→ User7 her and Charles tho
→ User6 ffs 🙄
mercedesamgf1 you and roscoe are also our favourite hamiltons
→ lewishamilton i just can’t catch a break
charles_leclerc thank you for letting me into the garage to see the baby 🐶
maxverstappen1 always nice having you around the paddock
liked by YourUserName
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by alex_albon, lewishamilton and others
YourUserName another weekend, another flex 🏁. also, thank you to @ nike for literally being the reason i get to chase my brother around the world tagged: lewishamilton, georgerussell63
7,669 commnets
georgerussell63 will you stop eating my snacks
→ YourUserName no, you don’t need them. your trainer says you’re getting fat
→ georgerussell63 don’t tell lies!
lewishamilton shoes on the bed!!
→ YourUserName they never touched the bed! and they’ve never even touched the ground!
→ YourUserName get off my post!
→ YourUserName go lose some races!
→ lewishamilton just like you’ve lost my love!
→ YourUserName i never wanted it in the first place!
charles_leclerc perhaps you could wear red next?
→ landonorris nah mate. papaya all the way
→ maxverstappen1 i think she'd look better in blue
liked by YourUserName
mercedesamgf1 thank you for being the most entertaining member of the garage
→ georgerussell63 admin, how could you? i thought i was the best 🥺
User8 i'm living for y/n's sponsored post for work literally leads to her terrorising half the grid
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User9 no because the way this woman had him blushing and kicking his feet outside his own garage earlier, he’s smitten
→ User10 i was in the paddock and no joke, he giggled!
User11 um i highly doubt max is flirting with y/n to mess with lewis, if anything, lewis asked y/n to flirt with max to mess up his game
→ User12 i bet you’re feeling real foolish about this comment now (race day tweet)
→ User13 agreed with user12, if anything the flirting fuelled max because he won with an 8 second lead
User14 no because they would be far too hot for any of us to handle
YourUserName oh look at that, I’m trending again
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and others
YourUserName thanks for having me @ redbullracing. it was a different perspective of the track, that’s for sure. well done on your 1-2 tagged: maxverstappen1
mercedesamgf1 but you’re still a traitor 💔
lewishamilton i missed you
→ YourUserName @ lewishamilton you’re so needy
→ YourUserName but i missed you too
redbullracing our good luck charm
→ georgerussell63 back off. you can’t have her
→ mercedesamgf1 @ georgerussell63 you tell ‘em, boo
maxverstappen1 it was a delight to have you
→ User15 dude you need better rizz than that
charles_leclerc ferrari in the future?
→ lewishamilton no
→ georgerussell63 no
→ mercedesamgf1 no
→ maxverstappen1 no
(this comment has been deleted)
danielricciardo i tried getting you to visit me there for years but max comes along and asks ONCE
liked by maxverstappen1
→ User15 omg max invited her
→ User16 omg she was there for work
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lewishamilton, maxverstappen1 and others
YourUserName he said he liked my curls so I let him take me for a drive
yourfriend okay but the hair is looking fire
lewishamilton who’s car is that
lewishamilton where are you
lewishamilton who are you with
lewishamilton I know you’re on your phone. stop ignoring my comments
→ User1 lewis is killing me
→ User2 she’s really making him work up a sweat
yourfriend2 these pics are killing me. salivating
→ yourfriend3 agreed. bark bark woof woof
liked by YourUserName
liked by maxverstappen1
User3 okay but doesn’t that look a lot like max’s recent car?
→ lewishamilton show me the evidence
→ User3 omg no way you replied
→ User4 you literally can barely see the car but okay?
maxverstappen1 was he at least a good driver?
→ YourUserName i don’t know. he hit the curb and was a bit on the slow side
→ User5 you ain't slick, sis
landonorris omg you promised you wouldn’t tell anyone about us
→ YourUserName omg but you kept asking me for curl care routines. how could i resist?
alex_albon i mean the curls are nice but i don’t know how he can put up with your personality
→ YourUserName @ lilymhe dump him
→ lilymhe but he’s losing? so i feel like i have to wait until the season is over
→ alex_albon babe!
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User6 do they need a third
User7 everybody stay FUCKIGN CALM!
User8 okay but the way he holds her when he kisses her 🥹
User9 can somebody check on lewis? i feel he may not be able to handle this
User10 anyone else think these photos are an absolute invasion of privacy? how disgusting
→ User11 oh agreed. we hate that this was done but we're also so happy that they're together
User12 the dream team. one can terrorise the grid OFF the track and one terrorises them ON the track
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and others
YourUserName when bae is thirsty so am i 💦
User13 is this a hard launch
→ User14 no, i think the paps did that for them
→ maxverstappen1 she had a 10 page document of plans for a soft launch as well
→ User15 um miss y/n, we'll still take those posts please
User16 does this mean we’re going to be getting y/n in the red bull garage from now to on and not Merc :(
→ georgerussell63 we were told we had to have shared custody
→ mercedesedamgf1 toto and christian had to sign a contract
lewishamilton i don’t like this. i'm happy for you but i do not need max verstappen thirst traps all over my feed
→ YourUserName well, i know you much prefer the real thing but you’re not allowed to drool over that anymore
→ lewishamilton how do i disown you?
→ YourUserName i've been asking myself that question for years
danielricciardo woohoo maxie. i wasn't familiar with you like that
charles_leclerc it's nice to see the two of you finally together so that max stops talking to me in the cool down room about your beauty
→ maxverstappen1 shut the fuck up.
→ YourUserName @ maxverstappen1 aww you think i’m pretty
→ maxverstappen1 of course I do
landonorris how could you do this to me. i thought we were forever
→ YourUserName we weren’t even for 2 minutes
→ danielricciardo she only likes champions, mate
redbullracing going to need these blown up and out in the garage
→ YourUserName already on it
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
YourUserName just posted
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liked by mercedesamgf1, nicorosberg and others
YourUserName just a couple of besties aka my brother wants to steal my boyfriend tagged: maxverstappen1, lewishamilton
danielricciardo i think you mean MY boyfriend
→ YourUserName max told me your little fling meant nothing to him
→ danielricciardo @ maxverstappen1 you bitch!
→ maxverstappen1 i'm sorry but y/n means more to me than our night together
→ danielricciardo take it back
→ YourUserName your head game just wasn’t that strong
→ lewishamilton @ YourUserName i hate you for making me read that
georgerussell63 why don’t you take pics like this of me with lewis 🥺 i like him more than max does
→ YourUserName @ lewishamilton you’re upsetting all of your boyfriends tonight
→ lewishamilton i hate you
landonorris does this mean you’re free for me to hit you up
→ maxverstappen1 watch your back on the track
→ redbullracing @ maxverstappen1 christian said you’re not allowed to say that online anymore
→ maxverstappen1 for legal purposes, my previous comment was a joke
maxverstappen1 you’re the only Hamilton for me, schatje
→ YourUserName love you baby
→ maxverstappen1 love you too 💕
→ charles_leclerc @ maxverstappen1 i miss when you loved me
mercedesamgf1 please stop posting these. you’re making the rest of the grid jealous
mclaren please stop upsetting the grid by revealing their affairs. now they’re all crying
williamsracing @ YourUserName for the sake of the race, please stop stealing max from his boyfriends. they can’t drive through their tears
redbullracing we need more content like this, please. if the other drivers are too heartsick, there’s nothing standing in our way
→ redbullracing for legal reasons, this is a joke
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xo100 · 14 days
Baking cookies - LN4
*:・゚ Summary: Lando’s best friend Y/N babysits his daughter Nina while he’s away. They bake cookies, and when Lando returns, subtle flirtation and unspoken feelings hint at something deeper between Y/N and Lando.
*:・゚ Word count: 1546
next part
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The sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm golden glow over the cozy space. The soft hum of the oven in the background and the quiet giggles from the little girl perched on a stool by the counter filled the room with a serene warmth. It was one of those peaceful days, and even though Lando Norris wasn't home, his presence was still felt in the laughter of his four-year-old daughter, Nina.
Y/N stood by the counter, her hands coated in flour as she carefully measured out the ingredients for the cookie dough. Every now and then, she glanced over at Nina, who was eagerly waiting for her cue to start stirring. Nina, with her bright, curious eyes and a cascade of brown curls that matched her father’s, was the spitting image of Lando. There was no denying she had inherited more than just his looks—she had his spirit, too. Adventurous, playful, and always looking for fun, Nina had become the center of Y/N’s world, almost as much as Lando had been for as long as she could remember.
Lando had been Y/N’s best friend since they were kids, a bond that had only grown stronger through the years. But when Nina came into the picture—after her mother had left without a word—it shifted something deeper. Y/N had stepped in without a second thought, supporting Lando through the sleepless nights and the uncertainties of being a single dad. There had never been a question about it; they were a team.
"Can I stir now, Auntie Y/N?" Nina’s voice broke through Y/N’s thoughts, filled with excitement. She had been calling Y/N ‘Auntie’ for as long as she could talk, a term of endearment that made Y/N’s heart swell each time.
"Of course, sweetheart," Y/N smiled, sliding the bowl closer to Nina. She handed her the wooden spoon, watching with fondness as Nina’s tiny hands wrapped around the handle, stirring with all her might.
“Don’t spill it everywhere,” Y/N warned with a teasing lilt, knowing full well that half the flour would probably end up on the floor.
“I won't!” Nina giggled, her tongue poking out in concentration as she mixed the dough.
Y/N leaned back against the counter, wiping her hands on a towel and smiling softly. These moments were her favorite—just her and Nina, baking, chatting, and sharing in the quiet joys of life. It had become something of a tradition whenever Lando had to travel for work or attend meetings like today’s with McLaren. Y/N would come over, and they’d spend the day making cookies or cupcakes, surprising Lando when he got home. Nina loved it, and Y/N loved that Lando trusted her enough to leave his most precious person in her care.
“Do you think Daddy will like these cookies?” Nina asked, her wide eyes looking up at Y/N, full of innocence and hope.
Y/N chuckled. “Your daddy loves everything you make, Nina. You know that.”
Nina’s smile widened, her face lighting up. “He always says they're the best cookies ever!”
“That's because they are,” Y/N replied, gently patting Nina’s head. “With you being the head baker and all.”
The little girl puffed out her chest, filled with pride. “I'm the best baker! Right, Auntie Y/N?”
“The absolute best,” Y/N agreed, a warmth spreading in her chest as she watched Nina’s joy.
The sound of a door opening in the distance startled Y/N for a moment. Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall. Lando wasn’t supposed to be home yet; he had told her he’d be gone until late afternoon.
“Daddy’s home!” Nina squealed, hopping off the stool and bolting out of the kitchen before Y/N could even react. She followed after Nina, wiping her hands on her apron as she went, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of seeing Lando again.
Sure enough, Lando stood in the hallway, his coat half-off, a smile spreading across his face as Nina launched herself into his arms. His laughter echoed through the house, and Y/N couldn't help but smile at the sight. He always looked happiest with Nina in his arms, her little legs wrapped around his waist as she peppered his face with kisses.
“Hey, munchkin!” Lando laughed, spinning Nina around. “I thought I was supposed to be back later?”
“Surprise!” Nina giggled. “We made cookies!”
Lando raised an eyebrow, his gaze lifting to meet Y/N’s as she leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen. His eyes twinkled with that familiar playful glint, the one that always made Y/N’s stomach do a little flip.
“Cookies, huh?” Lando grinned, setting Nina back down. “I think I’m the lucky one then.”
“They’re not ready yet, Daddy,” Nina explained, her little hands tugging at his. “Come see!”
Lando let Nina drag him into the kitchen, where the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the air. Y/N busied herself by checking on the dough, hoping to distract herself from the way her heart was racing at the sight of him. She didn’t know why it still happened after all these years, but there was something about seeing Lando with Nina that made her heart ache in the best way.
“So,” Lando said, leaning casually against the counter as Nina climbed back onto her stool, “How’d it go today? Any cookie catastrophes?”
Y/N shot him a playful glare. “We’re professionals, Norris. No catastrophes here.”
Lando chuckled, his eyes lingering on her a little longer than necessary. “I don’t doubt it for a second.”
There it was again. That lingering look, the way his voice softened just slightly when he spoke to her, the subtle flirtation that had always danced between them but never crossed the line. It had been like this for years, an unspoken tension that neither of them addressed, and yet, Y/N couldn’t deny how it made her feel. How he made her feel.
“Daddy, can we have cookies now?” Nina interrupted, her eyes wide with excitement.
“Soon, sweetheart,” Y/N said, placing the tray in the oven. “They need a few minutes.”
Lando moved closer, standing beside Y/N as they both watched Nina eagerly eyeing the cookies. His arm brushed against hers, sending a shiver down her spine. She tried to ignore it, focusing on the cookies instead, but it was hard when he was this close, his presence so warm and comforting.
“Thanks for looking after her today,” Lando said softly, his voice low enough that only Y/N could hear. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y/N glanced up at him, her heart skipping another beat at the sincerity in his eyes. “You’d be fine. You’re an amazing dad, Lando.”
His smile softened, his gaze dropping to the floor for a moment before he looked back at her. “I couldn’t do it without you, though. Really.”
There was a vulnerability in his voice that made Y/N’s chest tighten. She had always known Lando was strong, but she also knew how much he struggled sometimes—how hard it was for him to juggle his career and being a single dad. He never said it out loud, but she could see it in the way his shoulders sagged at the end of a long day or the way his eyes softened whenever he looked at Nina, knowing she depended on him entirely.
“You’re not alone, Lando,” Y/N said gently, her hand brushing against his. “You’ll never be alone.”
For a moment, they stood there in the quiet kitchen, the warmth of the cookies filling the air, and Y/N wondered if maybe, just maybe, things didn’t have to stay the way they always had. Maybe there was room for something more between them, something deeper than the friendship they’d always leaned on.
“Daddy, can we have the cookies now?” Nina’s voice broke the moment, and Y/N quickly stepped back, her cheeks flushing.
Lando cleared his throat, the playful smile returning to his face as he turned to his daughter. “Let’s see if they’re good enough.”
Y/N busied herself with plating the cookies, her mind still spinning from the closeness she had just shared with Lando. She handed a cookie to Nina, who immediately took a big bite, her eyes lighting up with joy.
“These are the best cookies ever!” Nina declared, her mouth full.
Lando chuckled, taking a cookie for himself. “You heard her, Y/N. Best cookies ever.”
Y/N smiled, watching as Lando took a bite, his eyes closing in exaggerated bliss. “I have to agree with Nina,” he said, his voice playful. “You really are the best.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, but her heart swelled at his words. There was something so simple, so perfect about these moments—the three of them together, laughing and sharing in the little joys of life.
As the afternoon sunlight filtered through the window, casting a warm glow over the kitchen, Y/N couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, this was exactly where she was meant to be. With Lando and Nina, baking cookies, sharing smiles, and creating memories that were sweeter than anything they could ever pull out of the oven.
And as Lando’s hand brushed hers one more time, she realized that maybe he felt the same way too.
*:・゚ Notes; thank you for reading, love’s! Hope you all enjoyed it. If there is something wrong or need to be edited, let me know!
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norrisainz33 · 1 month
Secrets || CL16 & LH44
☆ summary: y/n hamilton is headed to the olympics and her secret boyfriend (her brothers future teammate) ends up confirming their relationship at the olympics
☆ pairing: charles leclerc x hamilton!reader
☆ fc & warnings: georgia-mae fenton & none
☆ requested: yes! thanks for the olympic gymnast idea 🫶🏻
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
ynhamilton has made a post
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco, georgerussell63, mercedesamgf1, charlesleclerc, and 645,238 others
ynhamilton: quick someone tell mini me that she’s going to the olympics 🤭
view all 876 comments
roscoelovescoco: prouds of you aunties
ynhamilton: thank you my sweet sweet little baby
user2: the hamiltons are going to take over the world just wait
fernandoalo_oficial: show them how it’s done mi princesa
ynhamilton: will do my best nando 🤍
user3: beautiful , perfect , flawless
lewishamilton: that’s my girl! i can’t wait to see you shine
ynhamilton: love you big bro 🤍
user4: the best sibling duo in existence
user5: y’all see charles hiding in the likes 🫣
user6: y/n prolly giggling and kicking her feet rn
user7: girl says she has a crush on a certain ferrari driver one time and you guys won’t let her live it down 😭
user6: user7 don’t forget that one time they were caught hanging out
user7: user6 she was in the paddock for her brothers race!!
user6: idk the way he was looking at her was anything but casual user7
ynhamilton has posted to her story
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view all story replies
user5: YOU MADE IT
user7: style icon y/n is in the building
lewishamilton: 💪🏻 win us a medal sis
ynhamilton: win me a race brother! also give roscoe a kiss for me please - i already miss him :(
lewishamilton: he misses you too
user8: the olympics should be thanking you for participating fr
charlesleclerc: good luck mon amour ❤️
ynhamilton: thank you charlie! i wish you could be here
charlesleclerc: i know darling im sorry i cant be!
user9: brb buying this exact set as we speak
user10: mother has landed
roscoelovescoco has made a post
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liked by ynhamilton, lewishamilton, charlesleclerc, landonorris, teamgb, simonebiles, mercedesamgf1, and 436,125 others
roscoelovescoco: we loves aunties y/n! watching froms homes but still so prouds 🇬🇧 p.s my new friend leos watches withs us
view all 345 comments
user11: roscoe’s insta will always be one of my favorite things on the internet
user12: roscoe supporting his favorite auntie is the sweetest
lewishamilton: roscoe would be there if he could! good luck today, y/n/n 🫶🏻🇬🇧
ynhamilton: big big love to you both 🤍
user22: look at grandpa using his emojis
ynhamilton: i love you with my whole heart roscoe
roscoelovescoco: roscoe loves y/ns
user13: hold on is he talking abt leo leclerc
user6: are charles and lewis watching y/n??? together?????? no way
user9: is roscoe hard launching y/ncharles
charlesleclerc: leo is wishing y/n all the best today ❤️
ynhamilton: thank you little leo ❤️
user6: guys i swear they are together
user7: user6 im gonna hold ur hand when i say this
texts between you and charles
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ynhamilton has made a post
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liked by teamgb, charlesleclerc, fernandoalo_oficial, lewishamilton, patriciooward, and 762,194 others
ynhamilton: i’m headed to the finals! oh what a surreal feeling this is. being an olympian was and always has been a dream of mine since i was a little girl so to step on this mat and to make it this far is the blessing of a life time ✨
view all 887 comments
user87: hamilton hamilton hamilton
fernandoalo_oficial: proud is an understatement
ynhamilton: 🤍
lewishamilton: you’re a star
ynhamilton: that’s you mr champion
user13: how does she make everything she does look so beautiful
user14: i love seeing women succeed
charlesleclerc: truly incredible performance
ynhamilton: 🥹 thank you charlie
user6: he’s here
roscoelovescoco: yess yous are the bests in the worlds
teamgb: that’s our girl! making us proud out there y/n 🇬🇧🤍
charlesleclerc has posted on his story
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user98: and where are we headed mr leclerc? paris perhaps?
ynhamilton: holy moly you look incredible 🤤
charlesleclerc: merci mon coeur ❤️
user65: why you looking at me like that
fernandoalo_oficial: you better bring our girl some luck !
charlesleclerc: working on it 💪🏻
lewishamilton: see you soon mate
user34: ohhhh you look scrumptious
user44: i already miss seeing your car go round in circles
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f1gossip has made a post
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liked by user1, user2, user5, user6, yourbff, user8, user7 and 154,354 others
f1gossip: Lewis Hamilton pictured attending the Olympic gymnastics finals to support his sister y/n! the surprise of the evening is that Charles Leclerc is also in attendance and sitting with Lewis and y/n’s friends. there’s been quite a few rumblings that y/n and Charles are a couple - is this confirmation?
view all 304 comments
user44: lewis ages like fine wine istg
user16: CHARLES LECLERC AT THE OLYMPICS?! that twitter user was right
user8: maybe they’re just bonding before next season
user65: forza ferrari!!!
user10: odd place to choose for a bonding event
user21: idk if i even want mother with that man
user17: out of all the drivers he’s not a bad choice
user18: the english and monegasque royal family’s coming together ,, it’s so beautiful
ynhamilton has made a post
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liked by lewishamilton, scuderiaferrari, patriciooward, charlesleclerc, fernandoalo_oficial, nicorosberg, yourbff, and 456,321 others
ynhamilton: regardless of the outcome i’m proud of me, i’m proud of my teammates and i’m proud to represent team gb. obviously a medal would have been nice but when you have competition like THE simone biles just being here is a win. thank you to lewie, yourbff1, charles and yourbff2 for making the trip to paris to cheer me on 🤍🇬🇧
view all 546 comments
user28: you’re still a medalist in my book
yourbff1: my bestie is that girl ✨
user29: the hamilton genes are insane
yourbff2: you are the most incredible, talented, amazing, perfect, gorgeous, slay, demure woman in the whole world
lewishamilton: proud big brother moment! was such an amazing experience to get to cheer you on and experience the atmosphere. i love you sissy ❤️
ynhamilton: wouldn’t be here without the support from the best big brother in the world 🤍
user37: that leo is gorgeous
simonebiles: you have so much to be proud of! great job out there y/n 🤍
ynhamilton: you have no idea how much that means to me!! thank you simone 🥹
charlesleclerc: i think red is your color 😉
charlesleclerc: but for real, félicitations ma belle
ynhamilton: i think it might be my color too 😏
user6: omgomgomgomgokgogm
nicorosberg: congratulations to my favorite hamilton
ynhamilton: thank you nico 🤭
georgerussell63: you made us proud y/n/n!!
ynhamilton: georgie!!!! i 🤍 u
charlesleclerc has made a post
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liked ynhamilton, scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55, lewishamilton, yourbff, teamgb, roscoelovescoco and 876,213 others
charlesleclerc: was lucky enough to take the prettiest girl in all of paris out last night ❤️
view all 876 comments
user19: if charles had to be taken off the market im at least glad it’s y/n
roscoelovescoco: yous betters be goods to my favorites aunties or i’ll bites you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
charlesleclerc: don’t worry roscoe, i’ll treat her like the princess she is 🤍 (leo would also bite me, he likes her more than me so it’s ok)
ynhamilton: you’ll be the first to hear abt it if he doesn’t roscoe 😘
user13: get him roscoe!
user56: the way their outfits match ,, please
ynhamilton: the best date ever 🤍
charlesleclerc: je t'aime mon olympien [i love you my olympian]
user18: the hard launch to end all hard launches
maxverstappen1: oh thank god. now we can finally play padel not in secret
ynhamilton: is that all you care about max
maxverstappen1: ….. no
user6: i hope you know i’ve been ride or die for you two for months now
ynhamilton: i know girly
user6: ok wow idk how to act uhhh hi y/n 😭😭😭
user34: i mean look at them im sick. i cant wait for lewis and y/n to be at ferrari next season
user87: the girlfriend effect already taking hold i see ,, that is a fine suit charles
scuderiaferrari: we’re glad red suits her so well 😉
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
a/n: thank you for reading!! likes and reblogs appreciated! still making my way through my requests, thank you for being patient with me :)
゚. ✿ ୨❤︎୧⠀✿ . ゚
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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astralee · 1 month
james potter x f!reader
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you’re panicking. your hearts racing, you feel flushed and your body’s shaking so much you can hardly control it. “what does it say?” you manage to tremble out nervously. “i think i’m gonna throw up.”
marlene stood before you, the pregnancy test in her hand. “it’s positive.” she spoke cautiously. “are you okay? i can’t believe i’m holding your piss stick right now.”
your eyes had shot open even wider than you ever thought they could go, practically bulging out of your head. “i’m gonna be a mum.”
“yup.” she hummed. “and i’m gonna be the coolest auntie in the world.”
she was probably right about that, she’s certainly the coolest girl you know.
like an epiphany, you thought of your boyfriend. “oh my god.” you groaned out gripping the sink tightly. “how do i tell james? what if he’s disappointed? what if he doesn’t want kids? what if he doesn’t want kids with me?”
“woah, woah, woah.” marlene interrupted your word vomit, her hands firmly on your shoulder as though they were grounding you. “james is gonna be over the moon. he loves you so much and you’ve spoke about kids before.”
“but we’re still so young, i hardly thought either of us was wanting them right now.” you huffed. “i’m scared marls.”
her arms were around you in an instant and you felt the kiss she placed on the top of your head. “i get that, but you’ve got all of my unconditional support and you’ll have everybody else’s too.”
you nodded in her arms, tears streaming down your face.
“why don’t you send your patronus and ask him to come home . i won’t leave until he gets here so you’ll have no chance to spiral, alright?” she suggested and clapped you on the back when you agreed. “atta girl.”
james was home before you knew it, his beaming smile falling at the sight of your puffy eyes and post breakdown face. “what’s up? what’s happened?”
his gaze was wavering between you and marlene and so she broke the silence between the both of you. “nothing to worry about jamsie boy. i’m getting off now, alright? pop round at any time if you need me.”
marlene was gone in a flash and james slowly moved towards you. “you alright babe?” he spoke gently.
“i’m okay.” your voice was shaky and he was quick to bring you into his arms. his homely scent immediately calming your nerves. “i have something to tell you.”
“yeah? what is it?”
you pulled back from him but reached for his hands. you hadn’t planned how to tell him, so the only option was to blurt it out. “i’m pregnant.”
“you’re pregnant?” he choked out and you noticed his eyes filling up almost instantly. “we’re gonna be parents? i’m gonna be a dad?”
you could hardly find the words to respond so you gave him a clear nod of your head.
he was crying, so were you. two lovers desperately clinging onto each other in happiness. “this is the best thing ever.”
“i’m glad. i worried you wouldn’t want a kid yet.” you admitted. you felt a lot better now knowing he was on board with having children. “because we’re still young.”
“i’d want to have kids with you in every universe.” james admitted. “it’s going to be hard but we’ll work through it. we have so many people around us that can help out.”
that you did.
“pads is gonna freak out when he finds out.”
“so is your mum.”
“she’ll be so excited.” james agreed wholeheartedly. “i’m so exited. this is all i’ve wished for for a while. i love you so much, you know? and id never want to experience parenthood with somebody else.”
“me too james. i love you.”
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