#worried 118
daniwib · 4 months
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A case of mistaken identity has Buck in the line of fire when Amir comes seeking revenge on Bobby for the loss of his family.
Will Tommy and the 118 have to watch the man they all love die a horrible death in front of them - or will they be able to avert a tragedy echoing the one Bobby was unable to years before?
[Fic is complete, final chapter should be posted before the next episode. Read on Ao3 here]
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tevanactually · 4 months
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Me thinking about 7x09
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
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bring them here to shelter in your soft-structured parking lot
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makorragal-312 · 3 months
So, just so I'm clear...we're all in agreement that Gerrard and that bitchass councilwoman are in cahoots together, right?
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typicalopposite · 5 months
Ok so in all honesty I’m hoping the look Buck’s mom gave after seeing him and Tommy was nothing more than her old brain trying to understand and process what she was seeing…
I really hope if his parents mention Tommy anytime soon on the show the depth of angst is so shallow it doesn’t even faze Buck… maybe even surprises him a little that it goes so well. Because we don’t have much time left with Buck this season and even less with Tommy and I want it to be so happy and easy for them
however… HOWEVER
in fic format.
I am devouring the deep angst post coming out fics. I need more of them. I crave more of them😀
Because… there’s a because I’m not just sadistic ok. I need Bucks tribe to stand up to his parents for him. I need MADDIE to stand up to their parents for him. I need Chimney and Bobby and Hen and Eddie… I NEED CHRISSSS TO STAND UP TO THE BUCKLEY PARENTS FOR HIM…. I NEED THE NURSES AND- AND SOME RANDOM PATIENT DOWN THE HALL TO STAND UP FOR HIM
I know there’s already quite a few out there… but I need more! I need all the fics of Buck’s people showing up for him!
Because his parents just were (are if you are petty like me and cannot forgive and forget) so terrible and they got let off so easy… so soooo easy! And it’s not fair!
And so I (ok maybe it is a little sadistically) want even more angst from them so it can be fixed with love from everyone else
Ya know?
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whumper-at-heart · 4 months
Imagine the rest of the 118 getting the call abt bobby and Athena being in the hospital.
I think bobby and Athena are each other's next of kin , but seeing that both are admitted to hospital , who is their next emergency contacts ?
I don't think so it's may or Micheal or Harry for Athena , because they aren't around usually , so it's got to be hen .
For bobby I think it may be buck.
So hen and buck gets the call.
Buck is supposed to be with tommy at the time . Imagine them kissing when bucks phone rings . He picks it up , replies, then falls down on the couch in shock . Tommy takes the phone from his hands and finishes the conversation because buck is in too much shock to speak.
I think hen would be awake too , and sitting with karen , pouring over documents and records, trying to find a way to get mara back. She picks up the call absent mindedly , hands still rifling through pages when they freeze. Karen knows smth is wrong the moment hen goes stiff , and she puts down the call and says in a horrorstruck voice "Athena and bobby are in the hospital."
We can assume then buck calls Eddie and hen calls chimney because they are their best friends .
Imagine Eddie knocking on the locked door of Christophers room , apologizing and begging Chris to come out and talk when buck calls. He declines it the first time , but when it rings again , Eddie knows something is wrong . He picks up , bucks voice is shaking on the other end , and Eddie slides down the door.
We know Maddie is on a shift so it must be a night shift , while chimney is alone at home with jee yun. Imagine him waking up to a call from hen and he immediately jumps up because he knows smth is wrong when she calls him so late in the night .
Imagine them all rushing to their cars , bucks hands shaking when he reaches the hospital, Eddie clutching that prayerbook , hen and chimney supporting each other . Imagine their reactions when they realise bobby big goodbye to them all , without any one realising.
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kboo1999 · 4 months
he wasn’t offered, he volunteered, more like asked right out if he could be the captain at the 118.
like they can’t even let the 118 and their family just be and live happily
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introspectivememories · 6 months
walki with me... tommy kinard calling buck "baby"..... tommy kinard kissing buck..... tommy kinard gently holding buck's waist.... tommy kinard making buck laugh.... tommy kinard listening to buck ramble with stars in his eyes.... tommy kinard peppering kisses all over buck's face as buck blushes..... tommy kinard letting buck set the pace for their relationship..... tommy kinard calling buck "evan".... buck learning to love his own name because how can he not when tommy says it so gently..... buck sitting in tommy kinard's lap..... buck getting hurt on a call and tommy is there right away taking care of him.... buck waking up in the morning with his head pillowed on tommy kinard's chest as the sunlight streams in through the window and casts tommy in a sort of halo and his breath catches and buck is so happy he made it through his twenties and the tsunami and truck falling on him and the embolism and the lightning strike and any of other myriad of ways the universe has had it out for him because he gets to wake up to tommy motherfucking kinard in his bed as the sunlight gently cradles them in her embrace
("baby," tommy says, eyes still closed, less than two seconds later, hand brushing along buck's spine to card his fingers through buck's hair, "you're thinking too loud. go back to sleep."
buck honest to god flushes at the endearment. because that's what he is, tommy's baby. he's tommy's baby. jesus fucking christ, he feels like combusting. burying his head in his boyfriend's (boyfriend!!!) chest, buck tries not to whine.
"don't wanna," he whispers, peeking up at tommy, "wanna look at you."
tommy's other arm comes up to settle along his waist and buck wants to, fuckin', purr or whatever with how right it feels. tommy cracks open his eyelids to peer down at him.
"evan," his boyfriend (boyfriend!!!) says fondly.
and that's another thing he never knew about himself until he started dating tommy. he loves his name. not his nickname or his last name or buckaroo or any variant of that but his first name. he fuckin' loves the name "evan" or maybe he just likes the way tommy says it. and tommy has so many ways he says buck's name.
there's a soft, whispered "evan" in the mornings, and fond "evan" in the afternoons. there's an "evan" that tommy says like he's holding 3 tons of solid gold in his hands. there's an "evan" that he can barely get out through his laughs when buck bursts out with a fun fact at a wrong time. there's a choked-off, bitten, "ev-" when they're in bed at night and tommy can't believe buck is under him, gorgeous and panting. and there's the panicked "EVAN!" on a call gone wrong and there's an angry "evan" when buck doesn't take care of himself and there's a worried, two-syllable "ev-an" when he comes home with more bruises than he left with and there's-,
well the point is that there's a lot of different "evan"s that tommy says these day. he's going to catalogue them all one day. like his very own personal auditory archive. something to pull out on his off days.
"evan," tommy says fondly, "i'm not goin' anywhere sweetheart. i'll be here when you wake up. so go back to sleep, i'll be right where you left me."
and well-, buck forgets sometimes that this is a two-way street. that he may be tommy's baby but tommy's his boyfriend too. that tommy's practically required by law to be here when he wakes up. (oh by law?, he can almost hear his boyfriend snark. buck's bites the inside if his cheek to stop himself from giggling.) and more than some vague, ephemeral, Boyfriend Laws™️, tommy wants to be here when he wakes up. this is something tommy is actively choosing to do.
so when tommy says, "go back to sleep sweetheart" and "i'm not going anywhere, evan", well, who is buck to question that? he burrows deeper into the warm cocoon tommy has made, and let's his boyfriend's heartbeat lull him back to sleep.)
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papabearbobbynash · 2 years
If I ever saw someone saying the 118 is just this upset because it's buck and they wouldn't be that emotionally damaged if it was any other member of the team dead on that gurney on their hands, I would assume that someone watched the show with their ass.
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batcavescolony · 6 months
Are their any fics of the firefam finding out that Eddie put in his will that Chris goes to Buck if anything happens? Cus we know Buck and Eddie know but everyone else? What would their reaction be?
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irritablepoe · 22 days
they're all having a tea party in the stomach of fukuchi, don't worry, everyone just has to go there first yk
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buck-up-buck · 22 days
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Soooooo I didn’t do this last season but I decided to do a bingo card for everything I think/would like to happen in season 8- let’s talk about it shall we.
Let's talk about the obvious- the one thing I think the fandom all collectively wants. Mr Diaz to come out of the goddamn closet. Now, Gay Eddie makes so much sense, but also, so does Demisexual Eddie. I feel like, especially with his relationship with Shannon, him coming out as Demi would make so much sense.
I would respectfully like the writers to leave Henren alone this season. Give them a win, give them Mara back, let Hen beat the shit out of Ortiz, and then leave them ALONE. I want no drama for my moms this season please and thank you.
Now saying that (don't hate me) I think Hen is due a major injury... I am just saying, if someone is gonna be hurt this season, it being Hen would make sense.
RIGHT, give me a BuckTommy argument, give me some BuckTommy angst, and then, have them make-up. We have seen so much growth for Buck these past few seasons, let's see him resolve a problem in his relationship by communicating. And then, have them make out afterwards. Please.
I feel like we are so overdue a Halloween episode. We have a full season this time around so I want them to make full use of it. Saying that, let me also bring in the fact that I do also want a Christmas/Thanksgiving episode as well. Give me family bonding with the 118. Another Christmas Party, Bathena using their new place to host Thanksgiving, something, anything.
I know we all want it but, GET GERRARD FIRED. I don't want him to be injured, I don't want him to die, I don't want them to skip over the arc they ended with entirely. I want someone to get dirt on him, and take it to the chief, and for his ass to be dragged out of that firehouse.
I don't know where this sudden obsession with seeing Sal again has come from, but I would love a Sal redemption arc, or even for him to be a little bitch for Gerrard and also get dragged through the mud. Just, Sal.
SHALL WE INJURE OUR FAVOURITE HOT PILOT. I am not saying a major injury, but something, a little sprinkle of worried!Buck. Let's see him panic over his boyfriend.
I know I will hate it if It actually happens, but a mid-season cliffhanger. I think, we need something to keep us on our toes while they break. GIve me "missing groom" but more drama.
I have been asking for this since season 3 but GIVE ME A MADDIE BEGINS EPISODE. I want to see baby Maddie meeting Doug for the first time, I want to see them moving to Boston, and then moving back. The first time he hit her and his pussy ass apology. The day she escapes, and her journey to Buck. I BEG.
Bring Chris home please. Just, give Eddie his son back. PLEASE.
I want a Bathena cracking a case wide open and going full blown detective. I want to see Bobby with a murder board and Athena being so done with her husband but so in love. Give me treassure hunt vibes, but just, Bathena solving murder.
RIGHT- HERE ME OUT (this will get a separate post here). I want a Buddie begins episode. I want, realisations, and then, flashbacks galore. I want snippets of Buddie during Bucks recovery after the bombing, different POV's of things that have happened throughout the seasons, Buck sleeping on Eddie's floor the night he got home after the snipper. I want- I want so much.
Saying that, I also want, another Buddie argument. I want an argument over Buck and Tommy, or over Chris, or over work, just, give me, some Buddie beef. And then another hug when they make up. (or a kiss lol)
BuckTommy having a dinner date with Bathena and/or Madney. URG, yes please. Cute vibes all the way.
Right, so when Madney got married, I so wanted the fact that Jee had a baby-girl balloon to foreshadow another baby. I know they were in a hospital and improvising, but OMG that would be such good foreshadowing. I want Maddie freaking out because what if she messes up again, I want Chimney doing the same, thinking he is going to lose Maddie, and then I what them to talk about it. I want Maddie to witness all the firsts she missed with Jee. I want another Madney baby. Or give them a dog. That will appease me.
Dosed is probably one of my favourite episodes ever, so if we could get another episode on par with dosed and jinxed, I would love.
Let’s get Mr Diaz in therapy shall we. I want to see Franks reaction to all the shit he did in S7.
I mean, I wish for this every season just because I love whumping my favourite Buckley so bad, but how about wr injure Buck again. Give me worried!Tommy/worried!Eddie/Dad!Bobby.
It would be such a missed opportunity if someone doesn’t get stung by a bee. I am just saying.
I am soooo obsessed with Christopher already suspecting that Eddie is gay, or at least having feelings for Buck. Like, I want him to come out and Chris be all like “thanks for telling me but I know dad” (insert teen eye roll).
I WANT BUCKLEY PARENT BEEF. Their redemption arc is so over and done with, especially after their reaction to Tommy, so I want drama.
Yuuup, I think that pretty much covers it. Let me know your thoughts, and if you made it all the way through this, I love you, have a cookie.
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the-physicality · 3 months
i really do love the phoenix mercuries
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hirakiyois · 1 year
no what do you mean im not even thinking about a closeted demi/gay eddie growing up in texas, never really sure of himself until shannon came along and became a friend to him and he understood that as love because what else could it be. im not thinking about shannon telling eddie she's pregnant and eddie deciding he needs to provide for them, for their family, and the only way he could do that at that age was to enlist, and then maybe he wouldn't have to face himself and his feelings either. im not thinking about eddie seeing christopher for the first time and knowing he'll love him forever, only to look at shannon and feel the chasm inside him continue to grow, telling him to run away, back to the army. he still has to provide. im not thinking about eddie coming back to deal with shannon gone from his and chris' life and his own parents trying to take away the one good thing left in his life. im not thinking about eddie moving to la, for a better life for him and chris, and finding some semblance of it at the 118. im not thinking about eddie losing shannon and dealing with the guilt of it all but coming out on the other side with fond memories of her. im not thinking about eddie finding people that love him and support him unconditionally. im not thinking about him potentially finding someone he actually loves and that someone loving him and chris and being like a missing puzzle piece that completes the family, being someone shannon would have approved of. im not thinking about eddie trying to deal with his trauma and be better, not for anyone else but for himself, and having this person next to him throughout. im not thinking about eddie diaz.
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bi4demibuddie · 4 months
The fact that Bobby is getting so much attention this season is lowkey worrying me, I hope they don't kill him off.
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lixbf · 5 months
tommy is already iconic and i love him
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