#would be funny if he had a bogey
blamemma · 3 months
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daniel ricciardo ahead of free practice one | 📍 jeddah corniche circuit, practice day | 📸 rudy carezzevoli
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topgun-imagines · 8 months
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Day 10: Blood In The Water
Pairings: Nick ‘Goose’ Bradshaw x sister!reader, Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky x fem!reader
Synopsis: What would have happened if it was you, Ice’s RIO, in that flat spin instead of Goose?
Warnings: mentions of death, panic attacks, crying, fainting, engine failure & plane crashes.
Note: wouldn’t mind expanding on this one after whumptober if people are interested
Word count: 1.3k
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“Come on, Mav!” You called from behind Ice. The two of you were currently flying right behind Maverick, the arrogant pilot having cut you off to get a shot on the bogey. After many attempts, he was unsuccessful and now refusing to move to let you and Iceman get the shot. He was too close to get a proper shot lined up. The pissing contest between the two was really starting to get out of hand. “Get the hell out of there!”
With a roll of your eyes, you gave up on yelling at your brother's best friend and spoke to Ice instead. After little encouragement from you, it was his turn to yell at Maverick. “Mav! Come off high right,” You grinned, ready for Ice to make the shot. However, Mav insisted that he only needed five more seconds. “Come off high right, Mav. I’m in.” Everything seemed to be going fine. You and Ice were about to make the shot, putting you on top of the scoreboard.
But in the blink of an eye, everything went to hell.
“I’m off. Shit!” Maverick hissed, quickly pulling up and to the right. For a second, you were elated. This was the point that would put you over the edge. You were seconds away from winning the Top Gun trophy. That was before your stomach dropped and you realized what exactly was happening.
You froze, eyes screwed shut as you screamed at Ice. “We’re in his jet wash!” Distantly, you heard Ice curse in front of you. Your head was pounding against your skull, horror surging through your veins. The only thing you could do was hope that Ice could pull you out of it. This was not good. You peeled your eyes open when you heard a sensor going off. “Shit! We’ve got a flame out, Ice!” More sensors went off as your jet continued to spiral. “Engine one is out! Engine two is out!”
It was then that you heard the words you never wanted to hear from your pilot. He called your name in a rush. “I’m losing control, I’m losing control!” The panic in his voice was unlike anything you had ever heard before. “I ca- I can’t control it! It won’t recover!” He cussed again as the jet spun uncontrollably through the air.
You looked up with tears in your eyes, watching the view from the canopy switch from the dark ocean below to the bright blue sky. “We’re out of control! This is not good!” Before you could stop it, a sob bubbled out of your chest. It wasn’t often that you cried, and you knew that Ice needed you to be level-headed, but you couldn’t help yourself. You were about to die.
When Ice heard you crying behind him, it was as if something clicked in his mind. Suddenly, you stopped spinning. Now your jet was headed straight for the ocean. As a kid, you loved the water; splashing around in it with your brother. Now? Not so much. Through heavy breaths, you blinked sluggishly. Everything felt funny. Your head became fuzzy, it was harder to breathe and you felt sick to your stomach.
And then everything went dark.
In front of you, Ice was focused on pulling the two of you out of the flat spin. The two of you were going to make it through this. He was sure of it.
Only one hundred meters away, Goose watched, helpless as his baby sister and her pilot spun out of control. He would never tell Maverick this, but if there was one person that he was confident could recover from a flat spin, it was Iceman. When you had followed Goose to the academy only a few years after him, needless to say, he was worried. He was even more worried when you were paired with the infamous Iceman. After all, you were his baby sister. Nick Bradshaw would lay his life down to protect you. And everyone knew that.
One night, only a few days after you and Iceman had been paired up, Goose approached the cocky pilot that he considered his friend. Regardless of the fact that some would have assumed that Goose was really questioning Ice’s skill, Ice knew that your brother was simply looking out for you. And that was something that he could understand. That night, your pilot had promised to protect you with his life. If he could help it, no harm would ever come to you.
A few months later, Goose met Maverick. Even though Mav wasn’t at the academy, the two grew inseparable almost instantly. You had met Mav many times before being reunited with the pilot at Top Gun, however, he had never met your pilot. When you walked into the first class only a few weeks ago, Maverick’s jaw dropped at the sight of you strutting in with Iceman’s arm thrown over your shoulders. Needless to say, he was a bit jealous.
Maverick was never a religious man. But now, even he was praying that Ice could pull this off. Right now, his ego didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except for saving you and Iceman. Did he like the pilot? No. Did that mean that he wanted to watch him crash into the ocean? Hell no. Especially not if it meant you were going with him. You and Goose were the only family he had left. He wasn’t about to lose you.
“Mayday! Mayday! Ice is in trouble!” Simultaneously, Maverick and Goose’s jaws dropped. They both watched Ice pull off a miracle. Your jet was no longer spinning out of control. Instead, it was rising steadily. Even over the coms, they could hear Ice breathe a sigh of relief. But they weren't quite done yet. The next step was getting all four of you back to land without another incident.
Back on land, you were lying on the tarmac, out cold with Ice, Mav, and your brother hovering protectively over you. Ever so slowly, you blinked your eyes open, gasping quietly at the sight of the three aviators hovering over you. You only had a second to process what was happening before Goose collapsed onto you, clinging to you for dear life. There was a small smile on your face as you hugged him back.
Ice and Maverick sat back on their heels and made eye contact. Where there normally would have been anger or disdain, there was now thankfulness and understanding. A nod was shared between the two. And then your brother was launching himself at Iceman. Chuckling at the sight of your pilot's shocked face, you sat up slowly with the help of Mav. Ice shot a dazzling smile at you from over your brother’s shoulder and patted his back in reassurance.
“Thank you,” Goose pulled back, his expression as serious as you had ever seen it. “Thank you so much for keeping her safe.” Everyone’s expressions became sombre at the reality of what could have happened. Ice only nodded at your brother.
You were the next to hug him, falling into his arms and sniffling into his chest. His strong arms wrapped securely around you, keeping you anchored to the ground, to him. You could have sworn you heard him sniffle, but no one else ever had to know. When you sniffled again, holding him tighter, he rocked the two of you back and forth. And neither your brother, nor Maverick, needed to know that he pressed a delicate kiss to your temple seconds later.
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a/n: hope you enjoyed! Join the taglist!
Tagging: @ohtobeleah @xoxabs88xox @bradleybeachbabe @oldermenaremyreligion @els-marvelvsp @kmc1989 @nyx2021 @mploopssek @callsignharper @seitmai @kellyls04 @scarletmeii @inkandarsenic
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fizzyginfizz · 7 months
Someone's Mum
For @hinnymicrofic -Day 20 "Mom"
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The poster unfurled, a Quidditch star winked with sass and smile
“Lucky him,” they’d say in passing
She never cared what they said
But Albus was two and he didn’t speak
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“Are you miserable?” Words raw, a fear hidden, only uttered under the blanket of night.
“No,” she dared whisper, a confession in the dark. “When I’m there, I’m thinking about here. When I’m here, I’m thinking about there. Not miserable… mediocre. I never half-arsed anything that mattered and now I’m mediocre.”
Her fingers sought his, tangled in sheets.
“I catch a Quaffle and I miss the boys and I miss the hoop and I’m not crushed because my dream has become just another day with another Quaffle and another hoop and another number on another board and I miss miss miss when it mattered.”
Who was she without it?
Someone’s mum
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James turned the page
another and another and another
another and another and another
“And down once more, but not so fast- “ *
Her shoulder needed to be iced
“They’re on their way to bed at last- “
How many times did they have to hear this story?
“The day is done they say goodnight- “
How many times would they want to?
“And somebody turns off the light- “
How many nights until they were too old
and she would
miss miss miss when it mattered
“The moon is high- “
Albus was two and still didn’t speak
“The sea is deep- “
Thumb in mouth, his green eyes followed her finger tracing the words
“They rock- “
James nestled closer, elbow jabbing the Bludger-sized bruise on her hip
“And rock- “
It hurt
Her finger trembled as it traced
“And rock- “
Albus, two, not talking, lifted enormous green eyes to hers
“To sleep- “
Green eyes that spoke sonnets
His Mum
He grinned
She was the center of his world
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“What can I do?” Never one for words, he had long ago learned to ask. “What can I say?”
Sheets rustled as their fingers laced.
“What will you see, Harry?” She muttered. “I know what everyone else will see and I’ll pretend it won’t matter. But what will you see when you look at me?”
He rolled on top of her, cupping her face between his hands.
“The woman who bat-bogeys reporters and fought in a war and loves so fiercely her heart swells and splits and bleeds.”
Soft kisses to chin, cheek, eyelid.
“The effortlessly funny companion who can commentate two snails crossing the porch and have us all cheering the one with the hilariously tragic backstory.”
He lowered his forehead to hers.
“The girl who wrote in the diary who married the boy who slept in a cupboard. Neither of them have anything to prove, Gin.”
A tear escaped, rolling into her hairline.
“A Mum?”
She dared to whisper, a confession in the dark.
Irrelevant to the world
The world to three
“I’ll see you, Ginny. And I will love you until my last breath.”
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The day was done, the edges curled
The Quidditch star winked as the poster furled
*Excerpt from “The Going to Bed Book” by Sandra Boynton
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whimsicalmeerkat · 22 days
WIP Whenever
WIP Whenever
I've been tagged by a ton of people and just haven't had either the energy for the post or anything to share. This is from a fic for @dear-massacre that I'm writing as repayment for a somnophilia rec list. Fuck or die Deter under the cut.
Stiles had thought it was funny at first. He'd made a million jokes about sex pollen. They stopped when he looked up the flowers Peter had been sent. When he realized Peter would actually die, and this time it would almost certainly stick. Derek wasn't going to risk Peter's life on the slim chance that it wouldn't.
He would have said something already, but he really doesn't know how to tell two packs, one sometimes hostile, that he's going to fuck his uncle. He doesn't think the majority of them will see it simply as something he's doing to save Peter's life.
They would be right, but he's certainly not going to say that to any of them.
"I mean, it's Peter, so we already know normal rules may not apply, but yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. If we don't do something about this, Peter will die," Stiles confirms for the dozenth time. Derek has to give him credit. In spite of how little Stiles likes his uncle, he doesn't sound smug at all. He sounds completely serious for once. It makes Derek feel a little better about what he's getting ready to do.
Well, more like makes him feel better about what he might have to reveal if the pack doesn't shut up about who's going to have to bite the bullet and fuck Peter, like he isn't worth it. Like it would somehow sully them to fuck someone to save his life. Like he's not pack, like he wouldn't do it for any of them, like they haven't all done things they needed forgiveness for.
"OK, everyone, head home," Stiles says, standing. "Derek and I will figure something out for Peter None of your extremely reluctant volunteer efforts will be needed today."
His sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed, but no one says anything in response. Derek bites back his growl, but doesn’t try to don a more neutral expression. Stiles looks just as angry, which makes him feel better.
The house clears quickly, until Scott is lingering in the entry with Stiles. Derek notices Stiles hasn't put his shoes or coat on but doesn't have much time to think about why. because Scott is glaring at Derek in a way he hasn't in years. His eyes are red and there's a hint of rumbling coming from his chest.
Derek isn't sure he could have stopped his eyes from changing or the growl he let out if he'd tried. He didn't want to, though, so he just let it happen. At the sound, Stiles' attention snaps to Derek. Stiles doesn't waste any time trying to talk them down. He steps between them. It makes Derek's wolf crazy, but Derek maintains control. He trusts Stiles.
"Alpha McCall, I am speaking to you as Emissary of the Hale Pack." Scott blinks and his eyes are brown again. He looks at Stiles, clearly confused. Derek tries not to look smug. He's been saying for years that Scott underestimates Stiles. He loves being proved right.
Low-pressure tags for either Wednesday or whenever: @dear-massacre @lucky-bishop @calenlily @definitively-different-drivel @yogi-bogey-box
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minilpark · 2 years
my everything with rooster
warnings: canon injuries, character death, not edited
genre: hurt angst pain no comfort >:)
author notes: honestly imagining this scenario hurt me so much, i just hope i wrote it down in a way you can feel it too- this is my first "real" fic, so pls be gentle. also, there's an implied pining for each other
y/c/s - your callsign
waking up this morning, you didn't expect "making an emergency landing" would ever be in your to-do list. only thing you had to worry about today was supposed to be surveillance of enemy positions, nothing too big, especially since there was a ceasefire agreement established.
emphasis on was.
running into bogeys was nothing new for you nor rooster especially for being in the job for so long. all you were instructed to do was to scare them off, specifically no weapons allowed to be fired unless fired upon first.
"easy enough" you thought while proceeding to get tone on one of the su-57's that were sent out. after their pilot bugged out, you turned to look over at rooster and see how he was doing.
"how's it goin over there flyboy? you need some help?" you chuckle seeing him try to maneuver behind the enemy while you begin to close in.
before he could even get a response out, you could see and hear the enemy's guns being shot at his aircraft. rushing over to back up your wingman, you radio back to command letting them know the situation. upon hearing "weapons free", you begin to engage the enemy.
however, they were a formidable opponent. being able to constantly shake you and rooster, getting multiple shots in on both your aircraft in vital places. for you, it was the fuel tank, but for rooster, it was the cockpit. turns out mav wasn't wrong when he told the both of you months before that it's not the plane, it's the pilot.
with the limited time you two had left to keep this fight up, you had finally managed to get good tone on the plane and shoot the bird out of the sky. not having good structural integrity of either of your planes, rooster made an executive decision to make an emergency landing...on enemy territory.
once you two got settled in a secure, but hidden spot, you called for emergency evac. after which, rooster let out a breathy chuckle, catching your attention.
"hey what's so funny, bradshaw?" you smile confusedly while scooting closer on the snowy ground to your wingman.
rooster rested his head on the tree trunk turning slightly to you and smiled a bit
"ah nothing, just the fact that all of this happened on what was supposed to be a simple surveillance mission is all-" he said while letting out another breathy laugh, making you furrow your eyebrows in slight concern at the sound of a wince at the end of his laugh.
"yeah- but if anyone got caught in a situation like this, it would've definitely been us..." you shifted slightly to face him better and tilted your head "are you doing alright?" you said while giving him a once over and noticing a bit of blood soaking through his flight suit.
without even waiting for an answer, you unzipped his suit, leading to his eyes widening and him scooting back slightly
"woah, y/c/s, take me on a date first before you try to get in my pants-" he joked, before realising how serious the look on your face was and quieted down.
seeing how bad the damage was, you felt your blood run cold. you could tell the bullet went clean through which usually was good, but with the size of about a 20mm round, it left a sizable hole in bradley's abdomen. the reason he couldn't feel anything wrong was because his adrenaline is still running...at least for now.
before he could get a good look at his abdomen, you quickly cut off the sleeves of your flight suit and put pressure on the wound to try and buy time for evac to arrive which was estimated to be about an hour from now.
rooster winced which indicated the adrenaline was wearing off.
"so how bad is it? and don't pick now to start sugarcoating your words-" how this man could still find a way to joke with you was beyond comprehension-
"you'll be fine. i just need to buy you some time before evac can get here since there isn't much i can treat you with at the moment." you tell him while running through your head of what you can do to try and slow his bleeding as he's probably lost a good bit of blood from the time he got shot till the time you actually noticed.
rooster winced again while trying to sit up, "alright, what can i do then?"
"i would say that you can sit here looking pretty for me while i fix you up, but i need you to hold this down and keep pressure on the wound while i figure something out-" you say before taking his hand and placing it over the area.
taking a breath for a second to clear your head, you realise there isn't enough time to run back to where you two stashed the jets for the first aid kit and make it back to rooster in time, so you're going to have to make due with what you have to try and slow the bleeding.
which means the best you can do is tie off his flight suit sleeves as tight as you can around his abdomen to keep pressure on it.
and surprisingly enough, this worked for a while. you kept a diligent eye on the area and kept him talking as best you could. which wasn't hard as you two, under regular circumstances, seemed to never stop rambling about nonsense or arguing about stupid things.
until you noticed his responses became far and few in between your own.
looking up at him, you noticed how pale and sweaty his skin became compared to his natural glow and the snow surrounding you both.
you sat up and patted his cheek lightly with one of your hands, "rooster don't go falling asleep on me now-" you insisted, while the other checked his pulse. he was going into shock, so you lay him down and elevate his legs a bit.
"i'm sorry darlin' just...feeling a bit tired is all-" he breathed out shallowly.
"i know, i know, but i need you to fight a little longer, evac should be only 10 minutes out, we're almost home" you stressed
yet, despite all your best efforts, the blood loss and pain is too great and you can tell he's really starting to fade as it gets harder and harder for him to keep his eyes open-
"nononono don't go, stay with me please. please, i can't lose you. you- you're everything i wanted to be. if you go-" you plead while chuckling slightly "then..then who will i argue with on who's the better pilot-"
he smiles weakly and holds the hand that you've rested on his cheek while looks up at you, and at barely a whisper,
"you'll always be the better half...i love-" and just like that you saw the light fade from his doe eyes
no pulse.
but you were "too damn stubborn" -rooster's words, not your own- to accept that he was truly gone
so you began compressions for what seemed like hours until the paramedics arrived.
even when they landed and ran over to you, offering to take over, you wouldn't budge.
you still didn't budge even when the paramedics looked to each other and shook their heads, confirming the loss of your partner.
you knew that stopping the compressions would just confirm your worst fears, that bradley was truly gone before you could even tell him how you truly felt about him.
and yet, that choice wasn't up to you.
you were pulled off his lifeless body, being dragged and hauled to the helicopter to return to the carrier.
the last glimpse you got of him before the funeral was being zipped into a bodybag.
when you touched down on the carrier, the world around you was silent.
and it feels like your life has been that way since.
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mav-tomcat-f14 · 2 years
Ch 1 - Playing With The Boys - Top Gun Mav and Rose (OC) story.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/n WC - 2361 I have has so much fun making this story, that I hope other people like it to, Please leave feedback good or Bad I do not mind. Sorry for any Spelling or Grammar mistakes Playing with the boys part list and summary
What a day, getting sent up to look into a bogey sighting around our aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, Myself and my RIO (Radar intercept officer) Mark William who we all call BullDog because he is big and he likes to bark orders at people even if they are ranked higher than him, My good friend Pete Mitchell aka Maverick, and his trusted RIO who happened to be my big brother Nick Bradshaw knows as Goose or Goosie as I like to call him, we also had Cougar and his RIO Merlin, 
It was meant to be a simple go up and have a looked but it turned into an almost dog fight with two MiG-28 one of which locking on to me with a missile but didn't shoot like they were playing with us wanting to see what we would do, I won’t lie I was tempted to blow them out the sky but our orders was to not fire unless fired upon, with some fast-moving and sharp turning I got the Mig off me only for it to head for Cougar, Who did not do so well, one moment he calm the next he panicking calling for Maverick and me to get in and help,
I got a missile lock on them just like they did with me as Maverick took the moment to have a little fun inverting his jet over the Mig, not long after that it was flying off home, and we got the call to head home too, only Couger was not responding, he was silent, all I could head was his heavy breathing as his RIO told us he messed up, 
I had lander first and taxied over to the side as Maverick was coming into land but at the last moment he pulled back up something I know he was going to get his ass chowed out for later, I stood on deck Bulldog next to me as we watch Mav and Couger come flying in Couger flying dangerously low before pulling up last second lading on the deck of the ship.
Now here I and BullDog stand outside the big mans Stinger's office waiting for him to call us inside as Maverick and Goose stand on the other side Sweating from how hot it is inside this carrier, Couger had not long gone in before us, I could head voices but could not make out what they were saying, 
“Why do you think we are here? we landed, we did our orders”
BullDog asked standing tall next to me as I had my back on the wall slouching a little, as I chowed on my lip not feeling worried. 
“Relax it’s probably just a briefing and to ask what went on up there, nothing to be worried about” 
I commented not bothering to look at him, but looked over at Goose and Maverick who both looked at me Goose smiling and Mavrcick giving me a wink, 
“Yeah you two will be fine, it's more like me a Mav here that are going to get told off after going back up to help Couger”
Goose points out, BullDog lets out a small laugh.
“When are you too not getting into trouble over the shit Maverick does” 
BullDog has been my RIO for two years now, and I trust him but sometimes he can piss me off with his comments about Marick, I stand up tall letting out a small huff of air from my nose before elbowing BullDog in the rips softly, but he acts as if I did it hard, making me roll my eyes at him, 
“I think what Mav Did was kind, Couger needed a little help, ok, and I would hope that if that ever happens to me, he do the same for me,”
I tell BullDog who just looks down at me, making a face of slite disapproval, which confused me a little more than I have already been with him lately, he has been acting differently he is not his same funny self finding things funny, he stiffer now, I was about to say something else when the door open, and Couger walked out, Goose called to him but all Couger said was ‘Thank Maverick’ with a node, 
Before anyone could ask him more all our names were called to get in the room and he did not sound happy at all, we all turned to walk in the door when Mav stopped and said Lady first getting a laugh from Goose and a shove in the shoulder from me as I opened the door, I know Mav was not being a 100% Gentleman like, he just did not wanna walk in that room first, No of us did, 
Walking in we all stood in a line standing tall and just wanting for Stinger to talk as he looked at some files on his Desk, 
“Maverick, you just did an incredibly brave thing.” 
He started by saying, but I get a feeling he not meaning it in a ‘yay way a go Mav you did amazing’ more like you're brave to be disobeying orders …. Again.
“What you should have done was land your plane, You don’t own that plane, the taxpayers do. Son, your Ego is writing checks your body can’t cash. You’ve been busted. You lost your qualifications as section leader three times. Put in hack twice by me”
Stinger went on to say looking over his glasses at Mav, as I stood beside him and Goose on his other side and BullDog next to me, 
“With a History of high-Speed passes, Over five air-control towers, and one Admiral’s daughter.” 
I could hear Goose whispering Penny Benjamin which made me need to hold in a laugh at the memory of watching that happen, Stinger may have missed the small sound coming from me but BullDog did not, giving me the same small hit to the rids I did to him outside. 
Stinger got up from his desk taking his glasses off as he wakes behind us toward Goose, 
“And you, Asshole, You’re lucky to be here”
His Comment to Goose made me turn my head giving him a small dagger look, lucky for me his head was turned away not to see, it
“Thank you, Sir” 
Was all Goose said back to him, 
“And let’s not bullshit, Maverick, Your family's names ain’t the best in the Navy. You need to be doing it better and cleaner than the other guy, Now, what it is with you?”
I swear someone has pissed in Stinger's coffee today, he can be an Asshole but today he was double the asshole, Stinger was now in front of us almost getting into Maverick's face as he talks
“Just wanna serve my country, Be the best fighter pilot in the Navy, Sir”  
Mav answered back, 
“Don’t screw around with me, Maverick, You’re a hell of an instinctive pilot, Maybe too good, I’d like to bust your butt, but I Can’t, I got another problem here” 
When saying that he looked over at me, making me raise an eyebrow at him, 
“I gotta send somebody from this squadron to Miramar, I gotta do something here, I still can’t believe it, I gotta give you your dream shot, I’m gonna send you up against the best, you Two characters are going to Top Gun”
Part of me felt happy for them going to Top Gun Is a big thing but the other half hated it, they will be gone and I will be here alone, it has never been like that since I joined they have always been with me, 
“And I can’t believe and having to say this too, But am sending Rose and BullDog with you, BullDog I understand but Rose”
He just looked at me smiling, the same smile I have seen many times, the smile of ‘Yeah right like you can do that’s’ But I’ve wiped that smile off many people's faces and it would give my great pleasure to wipe it of Stinger's face, he now turned his eyes back to Maverick who I could see out the corner of my eye smirking,
“For a year you’re gonna fly against the best fighter pilots in the world, You were Number two, Couger was number one, Couger lost it, Turned in his wings, You guys are Number one, But you remember one thing, You screw up, You’ll  be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong”
He looked between Mav and Goose before moving to stand right in front of me, 
“And you, if you don't last more than a week you also be flying Dog shit around, lets Hope BullDog here can keep you in order, I know about your high-Speed passes too, don’t think that I get you mixed up with other people, Girl”
“Yes sir” 
That was all I said looking him in the eyes, I was not scared of him, I’m used to getting looked down upon for being a ‘girl’, he backed off looking at all four of us, 
“That is all, You can tell me about the Mig some other time,”
As Stinger said that we all started to leave the room, BullDog being the only one to salute him, Mav was the first to open the door, but stopped when Stinger called out, making us all look around at him, 
“Good luck”
He said to us all, getting a thank you from us all, Mav then moved to the side making a hand gesture for me to go first, I smiled at him as I walked out the room, with him and Goose close behind, ending with BullDog, 
“Top Gun baby here we come”
Mav said all excited picking me up and spinning me around making me laugh before putting me back down putting his arm over my shoulder as well as Gooses, Me and Mav are not together no matter what some people think, but then again some people think me and Goose are twins and Mav is our younger brother, which is way wrong since Mav and Goose are the same age, 
“Let's just hope, you're not going to be flying Dog shit around”
BullDog said laughing, Oh so he can still have a laugh and a Joke, I turned to look at him, stopping making Mav stop too as he does not let his arm fall from my shoulder, “I think if I fail BullDog, you fail too, so we both be flying shit around, but I don’t plan to fail, I plan to show him am a good pilot and I can do just as good as anyone else, and to prove I have the best RIO than anyone else”
I smiled at him, getting a displeased sound from Goose as he punched my shoulder, 
“Hey I have you know I’m an amazing RIO just ask Mav” 
I looked at Mav who then look at Goose and surged his shoulder smiling at him, the look on Goose’s face it the look of a dog who just had its favorite toy taken away from them, making me and Mav laugh, 
“You the best Goose, am only play with you”
Mav tells him ruffling Goose's hair only to have his hand slapped away, 
“Not funny, Not funny at all, that hurt, it really did” 
I just laugh ducking under Mavs arm to hug my Brother, by this time BullDog has already fucked off as he does when we get into our same old playful mods, Pulling away from Goose, as we started to head down the hall to our bunks.
“Did he say when we are leaving?”
Goose asked a good question, he never said when, 
“Someone will probably tell us later on before lights out”
Mav replied pushing his way between me and goose to put his around over our shoulders again, Which I have to say, for anyone walking behind us would find funny as Goose is much taller than Mav, it was a bit of a reach for him to do it, but with me being smaller than him he does it was ease.
“So you snecking into our bunk again after lights out to finish that game of cards?”
Mac asked, I just laugh shaking my head at him, the first time I did it I was worried I get told off and kicked out of the Navy, but after the fifth time it was a walk in the park, and sometimes I did not know I was doing it until I was in their room, 
“And what risks getting seen and them taking away my chance to go to Top Gun, you must be crazy”
I tell him moving away from them to walk down a different hall as our bunks were not in the same place, being the only woman on the ship I had my own room, Yes there are other women in the Navy but not many get to go out to sea or in the air, as we slip up I turned around watching them walk away,
“Hey Mav”
I shouted to him making him stop and turn on his heels to look at me, 
“You best not cheat and change my cards again like you did last time”
I called to him making him give me one of his big smiles, 
“Does that mean you coming?”
“Only if you don't change my cards” “I won’t change them if you come”
I could not help myself but laugh, this man has to be the cheekiest man I have ever met and he knows it, he also knows he can get almost anything he wants by flashing that smile of it.
“Rosie you think too highly of him, to think he can ever remember the number of the cards” 
Goose then said making me let out a belly laugh watching Mav spin around to look at Goose who took one look at Mav and turned to sprint down the hall with Mav on his heels, 
Life without them boys is not a life I wanna live.
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
Hey. Can u do a Harry×fem!reader (Harry is such an underrated angel) where The reader thinks Harry deserves someone much better than her, maybe Ginny? Ginny is smart,attractive,funny cool and a badass. So,She ignores Harry thinking it would make his feelings cold abt her. I don't know what I want the end like so if u can make it angsty or fluffy,Up to u.
Pss: take care of ur self 💛
Mirror Mayhem
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of blood and drowning
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A/n: cannot agree more, Anon, Harry deserves better. On the other note, thank you for the compliment!
Ps- are you a hufflepuff? (just curious)
"Isn't this funny?"
His dead voice snapped her to reality as she clenched her eyes in the realization that she had been staring...almost for an hour.
"Sorry?" She was quick to slip the piece of mirror inside her layers of clothes.
It had been in her routine, nowadays- patrolling out of the tent in turns, few discussions about the increasingly nebulous Horcrux hunt, then getting lost within the horizon of the small mirror and sometimes striking a small conversation with Hermione. It pained her to see Hermione so brittle after Ron had left.
"I had been thinking," he repeated, his gaze sternly fixed on her, "isn't this funny that you prefer to ogle at an ordinary shard of the mirror rather than talking to someone alive?"
He didn't sound larky and joking as he did months ago...years, really.
But what he didn't know was that this mirror wasn't ordinary.
It seemed like a trick of eyes to her, at first- the way the blasé mirror didn’t stare her back like always. But thinking it was just her hallucination after the near escape from the ministry, she didn’t think about it; slipped it inside her boots for future  use.
But the next time she had to stand up to it again was when it actually tore off a portion off her feet.
Bloody mirror.
And she felt like a daft idiot picking up the blood sodden mirror (she had to blink for at least five minutes to make sure that her conscience wasn’t fooling around her) because it just didn’t show her eyes...it reflected back a pair of unsettlingly, lush green eyes along with hers.
She had to whelve the small gift by Dumbledore as her breath hitched at the sight.
She had made a decision, and she was going to stand by it.
So there was no surprise when she shot an irritated yet quick glance sideways at his amusing comment.
He had observed too, quiet from sometime, how she started diverting her path as soon as she would see him, became the first one to wake up and needless to say, the first one to leave at night, and started talking to them meagerly...like he was a stranger to her now.
He well knew that the glass she had been pouring herself over was in Dumbledore’s will. Quite useless, unless you really count the fact that it could help you slaughter something in the absence of a wand.
“Fine. It’s quite settled then,” he slowly stood up from the drawf and dusty chair he had occupied, and snatching the locket from around his neck, dropped it onto her lap. “You are welcome to talk to me when I am dead.”
She kept her head down as he left her mallowing in guilt. 
The little image of Harry and Ginny bombarded somewhere in her brain as silvery tears slided down her cold cheeks.
Ginny was definitely better that her- she had mastered the bat-bogey hex, was a member of the Slughorn club, a famous quidditch player; while she- just a simple witch who never got any attention (not like she craved it). She seemed so minimal compared to her friends that people never acknowledged her existence with them turning their group into the Golden Quadlet...just a side kick to the Golden Trio.
Honestly, it hurted.
Hurted even more than piercing stabs or nose-blowing punches. And cascading the ugly, obnoxious locket strangled her breath.
But she was at fault in all this- or, wasn’t she?
As the world felt spinning around her, she brought up her hand to wipe the stains of guilt and rage from her face, just to find it even more soaked.
And as the faint glint of moonlight struck the blood sucking mirror, her eyes were focused on a little stick figure of- oh, that was a wand. Her wand.
It was pretty stupid, in her opinion, to leave the wand behind when you are considered as ‘Undesirable No-1,’ that too this late in night, deep in the forest with death eaters all around.
Classic Potter.
And with a last glance at their figures in the mirror, she tightened her grip at a puncturing rate around the wand and strolled into the forest, silently hoping that Hermione would be safe until she returned.
As tiny specs of snow flakes amassed the layers of hers sweater, she felt her breath torturing her more than relieving. She purely had no idea where Harry was. He had to be safe, for all she knew.
She would have surpassed the dark lane down the forest without a second thought if she hadn’t heard a deafening splash from there.
In horror, she whirled on her spot, terror seizing the control of her limbs; she stomped through the spearing and serated twigs and branches, and as soon as her gaze landed on his clothes and Hagrid’s pouch. A yelp eked out of her throat involuntarily as she dived inside.
Every part of her body screamed in protest. She felt every drop of air inside her lungs freezing slowly as she drifted headlong. The cold was agonizing; almost felt like sizzling on fire.
Before she could catch up with him (who was far deeper into the lake than her), something closed tightly around her neck.
Thrashing and suffocating, her numb fingers struggled under the hilt of the locket, unable to loosen it.
With these many layers of woolens and a strangling chain constricting her windpipe, she was sure to drown and die.
And when she came facedown with the snow, she had no strength to even move her fingers, let alone thank her savior. Still choking under the puncturing grip of the horcrux, a shaking hand reached up to her throat and cut the chain into her flesh.
With trembling fingers, her hand tried to graze the blood spitting spot when her savior gripped it.
His panting voice gave her enough strength to roll over on her back. He was sinking on his knees, without any clothes on his upper body which was shining blissfully in the clouded night. As if it was a reflex, she sat up with the support of her lax arms and started undoing one of her sweaters, which had turned to a very deep shade of violet from the drowning. 
Squeezing it free of water, she silently dabbed his shivering figure. At least he was safe.
“Why the hell,” he dangled the horcrux with shortened chain in front of her eyes as if in a parody of hypnosis, “did you not take this thing off before you dived? And why did you even dive?”
She couldn’t answer. Shuddering with the drenched clothes, she caught up with his pile of clothes and struggled to pull them over his head.
“Why had you dived- no, don’t pull that out.”
"I saw the sword of Gryffindor. Ron has it right now."
"Ron? Is he here?" She made a frail struggle to turn around as he continued.
"He will be back, Y/n. Take off your sweaters."
"Take them off- never mind."
He stood on his knees and dumped her layers of drenched and dull sweaters on the placid floor of snow. And without another word, he crushed her into a desperate hug, gently moving his hands on her bare skin to soothe out the goose flesh that were creeping on to her skin.
"It's fine. I've got you. You shouldn't have jumped inside."
"And you think I'd have let you freeze inside?" She pulled away from his chest and quickly slid down his sweater as they heard frantic footsteps approaching.
He was well aware that Ron's appearance was even more blissful than the silhouette of the silvery galloping doe that brought them the sword, so there were no surprises when his two friends flung their arms onto each other, a wail erupting from Ron's throat.
"Blimey, Y/n, I almost thought you were dead. If something like that would have happened, I would not have left you in peace, mate," he called Harry out.
But he didn't smile, didn't joke back at their platonic concern. His eyes were focused on the shard of glass which had helped him cut the chain...it looked sickly familiar.
He couldn't view his own self, except, it reflected two lips moulding together, moving in synch, with a rhythmic flick inside.
He well recognized that pair- it was his and Y/n's.
"It's the mirror of Erised, isn't it?"
His question almost made her heart drop down to the stomach. There was no way he could have found it.
"Wait. Is it the one which was in Dumbledore's will?" Ron looked between them, dumbfounded as she nodded in response. "Bloody hell, I read something about this while I was on a run from the Snatchers. It accepts blood, does it?"
"It does," she asserted. "It opened like that only."
"Blimey- it's reflection makes the sword of Gryffindor stronger-"
"Then we have got some work to complete," Harry interrupted and trudged towards a flat rock, gesturing them to follow.
"Is it, er- necessary to do it right now?"
"The faster we get rid of it, the better, Ron."
He nodded and his chin dipped down as he handed the sword to Y/n in listless movements before backing away.
"Merlin Boobies, I can't!" I've already almost splinched my hand while apparation- I saw the tent nearby, by the way. Let me go and er- surprise Hermione."
She turned speechless at the betrayal and huffed out a deep breath, fixed her gaze at the raven-haired boy.
Months of ceaseless struggle had overturned him...the silence and the sternness was agonizing.
"Why don't you finish it off? I'll do the rest."
"I won't," he replied with a perfect brevity. "You can do this. Just- just be careful, it will fight back. When I tried to finish off Riddle's diary, it tried to kill me. Just be safe, okay?"
She nodded shortly as a lump started forming in her throat.
"How are you going to open it?"
"I'll ask it," he looked at her hopefully. "Using parseltongue."
As the words came out of his mouth like a hiss and a snarl, the golden gates if the locket swung open with a click.
"Stab," he murmured, holding the locket steady on the rock.
She raised the sword with her quivering hands, half terrified and half glad that it didn't put up a fight until a small voice whizzed from the horcrux.
"I've seen your heart and it's mine."
"Don't listen," Harry commanded harshly. "Stab it!"
"I've seen your dreams, Y/n L/n, your deepest desires, your sacrifices for the boy you love, and yet his denial."
"Y/n, stab it- STAB IT!"
Still transfixed, the sword tip dangled over the scarlet, slit pupiled eye of Riddle but she backed away. There was a cloud of vague built oozing out, and Harry had to retreat too as the locket brusquely turned white-hot.
And he couldn't believe what was unfolding before his eyes. It was him; and Ginny was there too. Both the pseudo figures degrading her.
"Don't listen, Y/n. Stab!" His voice echoed and rebounded from the horizon of the naked trees.
He badly wanted to look away as the Riddle-Ginny intertwined herself around his pseudo figure, and their lips met.
He swore to himself that he saw Y/n's eyes mimicking Riddle's as she let out an abrupt and frustrated cry, and stabbed the locket straight in the centre, smashing it's intricate glass window. He ducked, thinking that there would be probably blood flying off, but it was over. Everything was silent...except her. She was shaking and panting heavily, head sunk into her knees, the sword lay forgotten on the stratum of snow.
Scooping up the broken locket and the small piece of mirror, he crouched beside her, his eyes turned heavenwards.
"Don't believe anything you heard."
He heard her sniffle as she tilted her gaze towards him.
"I couldn't stop it- I'm sorry, I- I should have tried-"
"It's okay. It's gone."
And this met a silence again. a silence that none of the them dared to break.
"Y/n? Can I believe you?"
She swerved fully towards him at this question, her shaking almost at the bay now. "I thought you did."
"I do. I just- I want go know about this," he flicked the mirror into her palm. "What do you see in this? Look, don't lie. I'm quite aware about your feelings now."
She smiled sadly at his prior sentence. "My feelings could be for Ginny too," she made a brave attempt to diffuse her perturbation.
"Fair enough. What do you see?"
"Your eyes."
One side of his lips twitched at her words as he smuggled the mirror back. "Want to see what I saw?"
And before she could reply to him with an obvious yes, their lips moulded concurrently, all like the same as he saw in the mirror.
Oh well, one horcrux was down.
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always-hinny · 3 years
Ginevra (hinny one shot)
“Ginevra, huh?!“
“Yes,” she slowly said.
She looked at him, frowning. “What?”
“Oh, nothing. I just think it’s funny, that until now, I didn’t know your name,” Harry said amused. It was awkward to talk to him in this figure. Instead of the dark-haired boy with shining green eyes, she loved so much, a skinny, redhead with freckles stood next to her.
He could have been her brother. But this thought was awkward regarding to the fact that they have been together for a few weeks, not so long ago. Merlin, she had kissed him the day before. So much for not falling off the wagon, she thought, still looking at him.
If Ron knew, they were talking to each other right now, he would be furious, but she couldn’t care less. She could talk to whoever she wanted to and if Ron would complain about it, she could not promise, her wand would stay where it was.
His face lit up and he grinned at her. As if he’d read her mind, he said: “You know that we are actually not allowed to talk. I promised Ron, I would leave you alone.”
“It’s too late, anyway. And I’m not talking to Harry. I’m talking to my distant cousin Barny. So distant that no one would think it’s awkward if we snogged in front of everyone,” Ginny replied smugly.
“I intend to live a little longer.” Harry laughed. “You did a good job of distracting us from the real topic of conversation. I never thought, your name was Ginevra.”
“What did you think? Please don’t tell me you thought my name was Virginia. Merlin, everyone thinks my name is Virginia and I swear, if anyone asks me again if my name is Virginia, I'll bat-bogey hex them!”
Harry laughed again. “I never thought your name was Virginia.” A satisfied smile spread across her face. She turned towards the couples on the dancefloor. “I just assumed that your name was simply Ginny.”
She gave him a sideways glance. “I wish by Merlin it would be like that. My full name is Ginevra Molly. I am surprised you never heard my mum shouting my full name through the burrow. The name Ginevra is dreadful, but my name combination is lethal!”
“I think your name is beautiful,” Harry said. Ginny turned to him again and looked at him unbelievingly.
“You can talk. Your name is very normal.”
“I think I will call you Ginevra from now on.”
“And I think, that if you do so, I will make sure, you won’t be able to make children, so you can’t give them dreadful names. Because your taste in names is dreadful,” Ginny replied feisty.
“First of all: ouch. And don’t tell me you have a good taste in names. You’ve named an owl Pigwidgeon.”
“Actually, I have to punch you right now.”
“Attention, Ginevra! We don’t want Viktor Krum to lost interest in you only because you battered your poor cousin.”
“Krum?” she asked, and Harry noticed with satisfaction that she said this name in disgust.
“He asked me a few hours ago, who this good-looking girl is. He had pointed at you.”
“And what did you say?”
“That you have a very jealous boyfriend you'd rather not mess with.”
She looked at him in shock. “You didn't agree with him that I was really pretty?!”
“Unfortunately, I'm in my 'Cousin Barny' form right now, otherwise I would show you my right hand. But I think you remember what it says. In case it slipped your mind, I'm happy to quote it: I mustn’t tell lies.”
“I was serious about the 'make sure you can't make kids to give them horrible names later' thing, so watch your mouth!" she said, grinning dangerously.
Harry smiled. "You know perfectly well that I think you're incredibly pretty."
So many unspoken words, hung in the air.
But they didn't need to say it. They knew what each other would prefer to say and they also knew that just because they didn't say those things didn't automatically mean they weren't true.
Harry was her 'very jealous boyfriend you'd rather not mess with', even if they were actually separated.
Ginny wasn't just pretty in his eyes. She was beautiful, smart, brave and so much more that he couldn't sum up in one sentence.
They both hoped that the children with the probably dreadful names Harry could give them would later be their children. Even if it seemed an unrealistic future scenario at that moment.
And instead of telling each other exactly that, they both merely smiled at each other. With the smiles that were only meant for each other.
They enjoyed the comfortable silence for another moment until Harry looked around. "As much as I hate to say it, you'd better go. Ron's coming back there. But if you want to get beat up, you're welcome to stay," Ginny said with a grin.
"See you," he said, continuing to smile at her. Then his face turned serious, and he looked at her. She understood what he was trying to say even without words. I'm sorry.
"I know," she said without stopping to smile. I will wait.
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Written for the Hinny Ficfest 2021. 
Thank you @clarensjoy for organizing this! And an enormous thank you to @whiffingbooks for her precious help!
“His pickup line wasn’t as good as mine. Just saying.”
Disclaimer: I found some pick up lines on the Internet. The first and third were adapted to fit in the story, the others were let as is.
Also available on Ao3.
“Merlin! When I said ‘Accio the most beautiful woman in the world,’ I never thought it would work!” 
Ginny froze, her lips inches away from the straw in her cold butterbeer, hoping that awful pickup line wasn’t destined for her, but, to her total disappointment, a young man with brown hair slumped his elbow over the bar next to her.
His spicy perfume made her wrinkle her nose a bit, the scent so strong she felt like she could taste it on her tongue. Fixing her glass with a frown, Ginny decided to ignore him, hoping he’d take the hint and leave her alone. She hadn’t expected having to reconsider her decision so soon when she heard the next sentence he dared to pronounce, the words sounding filthy coming from his mouth.
“I’m Harry Potter, nice to meet you.”
Ginny closed her eyes and took a deep breath, not believing her ears. If there was one thing Ginny would recognize everywhere, it would be Harry’s voice.
That man wasn’t Harry. And he had the audacity to use Harry’s name to woo a girl in hope to bring her home tonight. 
She turned her head towards the guy, noticing the round glasses and fake faint scar on his forehead. But the eyes were all wrong. Totally wrong. They weren’t that enchanted green that made her heart falter every time Harry landed his eyes on her. 
Under the effect of the wave of indignation vibrating in her veins, she fisted her hand around the fabric of her skirt and exhaled through her nose. 
“Oh really?” she asked him, her voice velvety and smooth. The guy sat more comfortably on his leather stool, sending her a grotesque wink at the same time. He nodded to her, playing with the side of his glasses and then, leaned over her, which caused Ginny to pull back. 
“In chair and in blood. At your service, Mademoiselle.”
She couldn’t let this slide and it took her herculean strength to not hex him right then and there with the hardest bat bogey hex she’d ever manage to send.
“I’m so happy you’d changed your mind about me,” said Ginny, batting her eyelashes at the guy.
The guy frowned. “About you? What do you mean?”
“You don’t remember, Harry? You told me we were done.” Letting out a heavy sigh, Ginny passed her fingers in her long hair, before taking a sip of her cold drink. “I’m so happy to see you.”
Giving her a nervous laugh, the guy shifted on his stool. “I’m sure I’d have remembered you. A girl as good-looking as you? Nah. I wouldn’t forget you,” he said with more confidence.
Giggling, she bit her bottom lip, and then leaned towards the man. “That’s funny. They do say you never forget your first!” She widened her eyes, gasping. “Maybe I shouldn’t have Obliviated you that hard,” she murmured looking at the dirty floor of the pub and placing her finger on her chin like she was remembering the event. “You were just begging so hard for me to do it, Harry.”
The man gulped before looking at her with a stare Ginny could describe as half horrified and half judgy. 
“Right. Erm. Listen, I’m not really Harry Potter. But hey! I may not be the Boy Who Lived, but I can still be your chosen one,” he chanted like he’d practiced that bad pickup line in front of the mirror a hundred times.
“Oh, you’re not?” asked Ginny, pouting. “That’s too bad. I guess you’re still cute enough.” 
“Amazing!” exclaimed the imposter, clapping his hands in joy. “Are you interested in making some magic together tonight? My wand is all ready for you! I have a big one too,” he added, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Mine is ready too!” she responded with a devious look, taking out her wand. 
The guy took a sharp breath at the sight. “You know what? I think someone on the Floo called me,” he said, pointing his thumb behind his shoulder. 
“You don’t want to play with me? That’s a pity.”
“I’ll see you-”
“No thanks,” she said with a severe tone, sending a hex at his feet. Ginny was done playing. Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, threw her a nasty look, still wiping a glass, but said nothing. The imposter guy, dumbfounded, widened his eyes at her in fear. “Don’t try ever again to dress up as him to shag, understand? And you look ridiculous with these glasses by the way,” she shouted at him when he ran away.
“His pickup line wasn’t as good as mine. Just saying.”
Ginny, still fuming, jumped at the sound of the voice, spilling a bit of her drink on the bar. She turned towards Harry who was leaning against an empty table just behind her, arms crossed.
“Oh! Hello, Romeo. Fancy seeing you here, I thought you’d just left,” she said over her shoulder, looking at her brother’s best-friend. 
Harry had a murderous look on his face. “I saw. Thanks for that. And, erm, sorry. I’d never had said this to you.”
“At your service, Cap’tain.”
Harry smiled a little. “I’m not your captain anymore.”
Ginny waved her hand, taking a sip from her glass. “It’s a tiny detail.”
“Right. Well, I’m truly sorry about this. I wasn’t expecting blokes to try to-”
“Don’t be sorry, you prat. You can’t control this. Plus, you weren’t the one trying to get into my pants tonight.”
Harry gave her a faint nod, uncrossing his arms. “Can I?” he asked, pointing at the stool next to her, to which she nodded without waiting, making place for him to sit by moving her legs from the way. 
She glanced at him without saying anything and, like he’d read her mind, he answered her unspoken question. “Ron asked me to pick up our dinner tonight, so I ordered here.”
“Good choice. Their stew’s the best,” she said, her fingers on her straw.
“Mmm, I think your mom’s stew is better.”
Smiling, Ginny leaned in Harry’s direction, engulfed by the sweet scent of his soap. “She’s not here, you don’t have to pretend,” she murmured to him conspiratorially. 
Harry faked a gasp. “Who do you think I am? I would never! Not to Molly Weasley. I’m way too scared to lie to her face. What if she finds out? And she would. I could even lose my place as her favourite Harry!”
“Well, I can confirm to you you’re also my favourite,” said Ginny, putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
Harry held her gaze, his eyes glinting in the murky bar, making Ginny’s heart pump faster.
“I still think my pickup line was better by the way,” he said, breaking the intensity in the atmosphere.
She let out the breath she was holding. “Right. I still think you were drunk,” replied Ginny, a smirk on her lips.
Harry shrugged. “Maybe.”
Looking at the grumpy man behind the wooden bar, they exchanged a couple of words, Harry confirming his takeaway order again and paying, and then he turned to her.
“But I won’t confirm anything,” he said to her at last.
“What was it again?” she asked.
With a crooked smile, Harry adjusted himself on his stool. “Are you sure you’re not a Dementor? Because I’m sure I’d die if you kissed me.”
Ginny let out a chuckle, twirling the straw in her glass. “That’s such a pickup line for an Auror. Did you hear it at the Ministry?”
Putting his elbow on the bar, he replied, “Of course I did. But it was my favourite.”
“That’s what I thought.” She took out the straw from her butterbeer, pointing it at Harry in accusation. “I know you and you’re not smooth enough to think up one yourself. At least, Fake-Harry did,” she added, unimpressed. To add credence to her act, she looked down and pulled a lint from her skirt, and then sighed dramatically.
Harry acted offended which warmed Ginny’s heart. Since the battle, Harry was more closed, always sporting a frown, suspicious of everyone and everything. To see him carefree, exchanging nonsense with her in a public place like it was the most natural thing in the world, was a precious sight after all the horrors she saw herself. 
She pinched her lips together and lifted an eyebrow, knowing she’d hit his competitive button. He squinted his eyes in concentration, ignoring when the bartender put his takeaway bag at his side, the rich and homey scent of the stew made with red wine filling the air and enveloping her senses.
“Did you survive the Avada Kedavra curse? Because you’re drop-dead gorgeous. Oh! Nevermind. That was me.” 
Ginny, taken by complete surprise, spat out a bit of her butterbeer on the bar and started coughing, hand on her chest. Harry, laughing at her spontaneous reaction, put his hand on her arm, a simple gesture, yet, one confirming her he was there to help if she needed it.  
“Merlin, Harry! All your pickup lines are dark,” she pointed out to him with a laugh, once she’d regained her composure. She wiped the liquid from her bottom lip and chin, mindful of not looking yucky when Harry was so close to her, his hand burning the skin of her arm. 
He gave her a boyish grin in return, never removing his hand from her, his cheeks tinting pink. “What can I say, it is my charm.”
A moment passed, neither of them seeming to care about the flow of people walking close to them at the bar or the cheesy song playing on the wireless, spending the minutes looking in each other’s eyes, a goofy smile on their lips. Harry eventually cleared his throat, his mood darking. “And, er, you? What were you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?”
She shook her head, crossing her arms on the bar “No, I was here with Neville-”
Harry’s shoulders slumped a bit, and she wondered what she’d said to provoke such a reaction from him when his jaw squared. “Ah. I see.”
“- but Hannah finished her shift and he was drooling too much for me to stay there. I said I had to talk to Tom for my mum and just left. I don’t even think he noticed,” she said with fondness, remembering Neville stammering when he spoke to Hannah. 
Harry’s demeanour shifted in a sudden when she mentioned Hannah and a melodious laugh escaped his mouth when she finished her story. “And he believed you?”
Sending him a wink, she put her straw between her teeth. “Just like your imposter did. I’m a good liar.”
He shook his head, eyes close, a small smile on his lips making him look adorable. There was something magnetic and captivating in Harry’s whole-being, always causing her to crave and long for more. 
“You’re perfect,” he threw at her, earnest. It was totally unexpected and the passion filling his voice surprised her and left her speechless for an instant, her mind unable to come up with any reply. Blood rushed to her cheeks, her heart racing at high speed, and she fought with herself to tear up her gaze from his, to stop reacting like the teenager she once was.  
Harry pressed his lips together without leaving her eyes, inhaling deeply like he was trying to gather enough courage. Ginny didn’t dare to breathe when he lifted his hand slowly, tentatively, to the lock of hair shaping the side of her face. His warm fingers grazed the skin of her ear, sending shivers in her neck, the moment filled with an intimacy they had never experienced before then. 
“Come with me.”
“Where?” she whispered, her throat closing from nervousness. 
Pulling back, he took the steaming bag with the forgotten stews and put it on his lap. “We’ll give that to Ron and Hermione and, I-I don’t have any other pick up lines in mind, shit,” he mumbled.  “Would you come to dinner with me?” he asked, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence.
Thinking back to the party at Dean’s yesterday, she remembered when he told her the dementor pick up line, how she’d hoped it could be real, and knowing full well she’d be the one dying if he’d kiss her. Ginny had spent the rest of the night imagining the feeling of his lips on hers, what it’d have been like to have him an inch from her face, enjoying the sensation of his firewhiskey smelling breath warming her skin. 
She had followed each of his steps all night, not that she was proud of it of course, and hadn’t been able to shake off  her excruciating desire for something to happen that was burning in her veins. Burning since, if she was honest with herself, years. 
But, as expected, nothing happened. Nothing apart from Harry shooting her this weird, yet, charming pick up line. And as clumsy and kinda dark it had been, it had affected her for hours. From his attractive lips, everything could sound adorable. Nothing happened because Hermione had broken the moment by giving Harry a glass of water and her brother Ron had laughed at how Harry had clearly reached his limit that night. Harry, his jaw clenched, had simply scrambled up to his feet, away from her, and Ginny had missed on her his glazed eyes looking at her like she was all he’d ever wished in life for the rest of the night. 
It wasn’t possible though, she’d told herself. She knew she had still been imagining things. That pick up line had surely been a joke so Ginny hadn’t wanted to dwell on it too much. 
Now though, there was no possible misunderstanding and she came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, Harry had been trying to flirt with her since a moment already. 
“Yesterday? You were serious?”
Harry passed his hand in his hair with a sigh. “I know I’m bad at pick up lines. I wanted to crawl in a hole after telling you this. And clearly, you didn’t get my intentions-”
“I really didn’t,” she rushed to say. 
Harry sighed. “I’m bad at this.”
“Really bad,” she confirmed, nodding with vigour, and Harry tried to poke her stomach playfully in response.
When their laughter died, he touched her hand, brushing and looking at her fingers in the most gentle way, electrifying her senses. Ginny realized he was still waiting for her response.
“I have a better idea,” said Ginny, too excited to hide it. 
Tilting his head, he sent her a confused look. 
“There is some stew at home that Mum cooked yesterday.” Harry squeezed her hand, his warm eyes illuminated as much as one of the flames of the candles burning in the Leaky. 
“I couldn’t ask for more,” he said, getting off of his stool, Ginny mimicking him. “You, your mum’s stew- 
She waved her hand at Neville and Hannah in goodbye. “Oh, wait until I bake you a treacle tart, Romeo,” she told Harry with a smirk, walking in the direction of the Floo with him at her side.
Harry groaned. "How long are you going to tease me like that? It's not fair! I'm not teasing you with your poem! Do you want me to recite it or-?" he asked her, beaming like a fool and reaching for her hand. Ginny's eyes widened in horror at his words.
"Fair point, Romeo."
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matrixaffiliate · 3 years
New Story! FFN and AO3
It's been six months of stress and odd hours for one Harry Potter, which has meant any quality time with Ginny is nearly nonexistent. But closing the case and a bit of fast planning means that he can arrange for nothing but quality time with his wife.
A little steamy story for the wonderful @fairqueen2 as part of the @harryandginuary Harry and Ginuary Gift Exchange! I hope you enjoy!
Harry handed Ron the file and holstered his wand. "We're so on vacation it's not even funny. Only call if the world is about to end. I need this break."
And he did. The last six months had been chaotic, taking down a serial killer. Add to it Gin's first season as a starter and it was amazing the Potters had managed to get more than an hour together without being passed out cold on their bed, and their bed was being underutilized in the saddest way. If they managed anything, life and reality barged in before the afterglow had even begun.
"Have you told Ginny yet?" Ron took the file and tucked it in his desk drawer.
"She still doesn't know, but I'm going to pick her up right now." Harry chuckled. "You wouldn't believe how much weight I had to throw to convince Gwenog that she didn't need Gin for the first week of the off-season training.
Ron snorted, "You're full of it."
Harry chuckled, "Just don't ask questions when the Harpies' training room gets some new equipment."
Ron laughed loudly and waved Harry off as moved for the Apparition point.
Harry popped to the Harpies' office and nodded to the receptionist as he strode the familiar path towards the locker room, choosing a bit of wall to rest against as he waited for Ginny to walk out the door and hoping she wouldn't be too disappointed at not getting to go out with the team to celebrate the end of the season.
He chuckled as some of the players walked out and cat-called. He and Gin had something of a reputation among the team, and while he still felt some of the uneasiness of embarrassment, he mostly enjoyed their good-natured teasing. Then he smirked as Gin walked out and they only fueled the flames by her moving swiftly into his arms.
"Hey stranger," she pressed a light kiss to his lips and Harry followed her retreating mouth.
"I'm kidnapping you," he murmured against her before kissing her more seriously, sliding his tongue along her bottom lip before nipping her with his teeth.
"You have time for kidnapping?" She ran her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and pressed her curves against him.
Harry slid a hand under her shirt and up her back as he moved to kiss along her jawline. "Ron and I closed the case yesterday. I have a Portkey and packed bags at home ready to send us to that private island Fleur went on and on about last Christmas."
Ginny pulled back with wide eyes, "If you're kidding I'm going bat bogey hex you into next year."
Harry shook his head, "I told Ron not to let anyone contact us unless the world is ending and I've already cleared this with Gwenog. It's you and me and no one else for the next week on a private island resort."
Ginny's smile blossomed on her face before she pressed forward, kissing him in a fervor, her hands pushing under his shirt, her breath coming in quick gasps as she seemed intent on devouring him in the corridor. And Harry met her fervor with his own. It felt like ages since he'd held her like this, felt her fire, the way she made his blood burn and his mind push out the world.
"Get her out of here, Potter." Gwenog's voice sounded nearby.
Harry reluctantly pulled away and rested his forehead against Gin's.
"You heard the boss," Ginny grinned.
Harry pushed them off of the wall behind him and took her hand. "Let's go, the sooner we get home the sooner I can activate our Portkey."
"Don't forget your promise, Potter," Gwenog called as they moved to the Apparition point.
"What promise?" Ginny quirked an eyebrow at him.
Harry pushed his free hand in his hair. "I'll tell you later."
Ginny went to protest, but Harry turned and took them home.
"Portkey is right here," he led her to the water bottle standing next to the two suitcases near the fireplace.
"So you're not going to tell me?" Ginny laughed and took hold of her suitcase handle and held out her hand.
"We're just helping make up the difference for some new equipment for the team." Harry tried to sound confident, and Ginny laughed.
"I wondered how you'd convinced Gwenog to let me go for a week."
"She's ridiculous, you know," Harry shook his head. "She seemed to think I was being a baby about having not seen you properly in months."
"I mean, you did just plan a spur-of-the-moment vacation in one day." Ginny grabbed his hand as he picked up the water bottle.
Harry looked down at her with a quirked brow. "You didn't seem to mind when I told you."
"I never said I wasn't appreciative," Ginny pressed up and kissed his cheek. "So let's do this."
Harry kissed her lips, savoring the taste of her, then activated the Portkey.
They landed in the middle of a bungalow and Harry felt the breeze of the salt air blow the weight off of his shoulders.
Ginny hummed and moved to the bed at the far end of the bungalow. "You're a genius, you know?"
She sprawled out on the bed, kicking her shoes off and onto the floor. Harry shrugged out of his Auror robes and removed his shoes as he followed his wife. "Genius, eh?"
"Yes," she sighed and closed her eyes. "This is exactly what I needed."
Harry moved his fingers along the hem of her shirt. "Just this? Nothing more?"
It was the slightest change of her expression, one he'd learned to recognize after years together. It was the slightest uptick of the left side of her mouth combined with her shifting her face to look at him. It was all the sign he needed that they were of the same mind.
"Was there something you had in mind?" Her voice was almost bored, but her eyes sparkled up at him.
Harry shifted to align his body along hers and then slipped his hand under her shirt, tracing his fingers along her stomach. "Nothing specific, but in a general sense yes."
Ginny's eyes fluttered closed. "Does your general sense include more of this?"
Harry chuckled, "Yes, and a few other things as well." He moved his hand high enough to tease her before sliding his hand back down to her navel.
It was the slightest arch of her back, a barely-there upward tilt of her hips, combined with Ginny's hum of approval had Harry letting out a long slow breath.
Ginny blinked open her eyes again and smirked at him. "Are you going to make it at this pace?"
"I might speed things up at some point, but right now I like this pace."
Ginny reached her hand up and cupped the back of his neck, pulling him down for a kiss that was far from the teasing pace he'd originally set.
"We can speed up," she murmured against him, "We have all week for slow."
Harry moved to kiss along her jaw and her neck.
"Are you sure?" He murmured behind her ear and smirked as she arched into him.
"Damnit, Harry, take a hint!"
Ginny pulled his mouth back to hers and kissed him, plunging her tongue into his mouth before sliding the tip around his lips. Then her hands were shoving his shirt up his torso and Harry pulled away to pull it over his head. The fervor that they'd felt in the corridor returning tenfold as clothes fell away and finally they were reunited without the urgency of the past few months, without the exhaustion, without the stress, without the heaviness of knowing that reality would be waiting for them the moment they opened their eyes.
Harry kissed up Ginny's neck as he shifted his weight off of her.
"I love you," he murmured in her ear before pulling away to see the dreamy smile that he only saw in these moments. The smile that was all for him, because of him.
"I love you too," she pulled him down and kissed him, slowly, caressing.
"We should probably send for dinner," Harry spoke against her.
Ginny hummed and continued kissing him. "And I want to swim in the ocean."
Harry smirked against her, "I think I'd like to swim with you in the ocean."
"And lay on the beach?" Ginny asked as her hands slid up and down his arms and chest.
"I think I'd rather enjoy that as well." Harry shifted to lie against her, tracing her hip bone with his fingers. "As long as we work in time for some slower fun of this sort."
Ginny grinned up at him, "I was suggesting that slow would be involved in the swimming and the sunbathing."
"And you called me a genius," Harry chuckled before slanting his lips over hers again.
"Where do you think you learnt it from?" Ginny nipped at his lip. "Now go get me food."
Harry slid his hands around to hold her against his chest for a moment, breathing her in and savoring the fact that this was their next week, the two of them, together with no other cares as she tucked her head into the crook of his shoulder.
"Alright," Harry kissed the top of her head. "Dinner."
"And then more of this," Ginny shifted against him and sighed into his chest.
Harry chuckled and reluctantly untangled himself from her. "Keep that up and I'm going to completely forget about the food."
"Fine," Ginny gave him a push. "Go find me food, and don't forget the pudding."
"I'm not enough of a pudding for you?" He teased as he pulled a pair of joggers from his suitcase.
Ginny laughed sprawled out luxuriously against the pillows, her hair splayed in every direction, her body completely relaxed in a way Harry had missed over the last few months.
"Why don't you see if there's a pudding that would work with those slow plans you had?"
Harry paused mid pulling up the leg of his joggers and looked up to stare at his very alluring wife. "You really are the genius."
"Don't forget it, Potter." She blew him a kiss. "Now hurry, I'm hungry."
Harry moved to the bed to kiss her instead, sliding his hands across her chest and into her hair. "I might have to have pudding first then."
"We're on vacation, I think it's a rule to have pudding first." Ginny slid her hand along the waistband of his joggers. "Now go get me food, Potter." She gripped his bum before pushing him away.
Harry groaned but moved for the door to call for the house-elf assigned to their bungalow. With any luck, Ginny would want pudding first with every meal they had on this vacation.
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jaskiersvalley · 4 years
I was going through your blog and came across the one where Jaskier teaches the Witchers to sock slide. I was already smiling, and then you slayed me with Eskel. "Lambert if you fart on my pillow" I started laughing loudly, and kept going till I giggled. I'm currently still giggling and have tears on my face. I have a brother to whom I have said the exact same damn sentence. Growled and everything. Thank you for the happy laugh and happy memories. The way you write sibling dynamic is perfect.
It must be a sibling thing to say “if you fart in my pillow...” to each other because I have both heard that being said and been the one to say it too XD Have a little more sibling idiocy as thanks for such a sweet comment.
The way Vesemir knew that all was well with the winter residents of Kaer Morhen was that there was always some noise. Whether it was the grunts of training, the sound of bickering or the peals of laughter from a well executed prank, there was always something to fill the halls. Which was why, when he sat down for lunch, Vesemir was suspicious of the silence. His pups were all there, as was Jaskier and they were being too well behaved. Not even an elbow on the table, no bread balls being flicked in bowls, nothing. Watching them all with suspicious, Vesemir decided it was better to eat and let them bring their issue to him in their own time. Hopefully it was just a simple squabble over some stupid insult that cut a little deeper than intended.
Around the table the other began to eat. Eskel shuffled around and perhaps muttered something under his breath but Vesemir didn’t quite catch it. Nobody else reacted so Vesemir let it go.
It didn’t take long for Geralt to clear his throat and Vesemir was certain he mumbled “penis” while staring into his bowl. But age had a funny way of distorting things, surely Geralt wasn’t one to be mumbling crude words without reason.
Jaskier was less subtle and he muttered “penis” for sure, a little louder than Geralt. It was most confusing and Vesemir could only work hard to not let his face betray his inner turmoil. Maybe it was his lack of reaction but Lambert looked up, eyes fixed to the distance and, at completely normal speaking volume, he confidently declared “penis”.
The floodgates opened after that and each exclamation of “penis” was louder than the last. It was getting frankly quite ridiculous. With all the authority he could, Vesemir set his utensils to the side and his hands flat on either side of his bowl. As an instructor, he had learned to project his voice over the hubbub of the training grounds. Not once had he thought this was how he would use the skill.
“PENIS.” Long and proud, his voice echoed through the hall and four sets of eyes stared at him in awe. Hopefully it would end this silly little game of theirs and Vesemir could finish his lunch in peace.
To the left, Lambert snickered and there was just the softest murmur of “bogeys” that had the others tittering.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Hi! After your ask about Ron, I would like to read your thoughts on Ginny as well. The ask about misogyny and the Not Like Other Girls trope in HP basically sums up my feelings about her, and I’m curious about yours!
(I obviously would LOVE to read an analysis about Romione as well, so unless the Ron anon asks you, I will)
Hi there,
so far the Ron anon did not ask me after Romione. 😁
Now, my thoughts on Ginny. And I am talking about BookGinny here.
As I said in the answer to the ask you named (which is here) Ginny is text book "not like other girls" trope, the cool girl, the girl who is into sports and yet she is also attractive and funny etc. She's a bit like your typical male fantasy, badass, but also pretty. And what is best - and I mean this ironic - she is absolutely head over heels for the hero, even though she tries her best to hide it. The only thing is that she is not like that from the beginning.
She is obviously written to be sympathetic, even her and Hermione making fun of Fleur, the girly girl, is meant to be funny. She is also shown as being 100% supportive of Harry even when he is in the wrong. I mean Ginny has no reason whatsoever to like Draco Malfoy, the son of the man who tricked her with the Horcrux Diary, but does she have to dress down Hermione for criticizing Harry when he had used sectumsempra, an unknown and harmful spell?
Ginny also inherited the somewhat vindictive nature of her mother. In contrast to Ron she can be vicious (bat bogey hex).
She can also be very nice. At the beginning of fifth year she seems to be the only friend Luna has and that she is completely accepting of Luna's weirdness is something I like about Ginny. She also is usually nice to Neville. So, although she is popular, there is a part of her that cares more about being nice to unpopular people than to look after her popularity.
To be quite honest, I'm often not sure, if she is written that well. JKR obviously had a personality in mind and most of the time she seems like a personality, but some parts of Ginny seem to be written just so that she fits for Harry - mind you, not all, but some.
Her character does develop over the books. In Harry's second year Ginny had the worst time of her life, when Voldmort took over her mind and body. This must have been a traumatizing experience and the fact that Ginny survived that and grew up to be a lively teenage girl says something about her resilience. But I am not entirely sure if this is real character development or if it is JKR writing Ginny as the fitting girlfriend for Harry. Because apart from one snarky remark of Ginny that she knows best how it feels to be possessed by Voldemort, we don't learn anything about her coping with that trauma. Apparently coping with her trauma made her become sassy instead of shy.
I mean, it is possible that she is one of the people who overcome their shyness, that she takes Hermione's advice (which begs the question why Hermione of all people would be the best person to give Ginny advice on how to be more open, but I digress....) and tries to overcome her crush for Harry. It could also be interpreted as overcompensation to her trauma or even a sort of healing. That a girl with six elder brothers can hold her own is not really a surprise. But we only see that girl in fifth and sixth year and to me this always begs the question where this girl comes from. It's not completely illogical, but at the same time it is not really explained. I always thought that Ginny in second and fourth year (I don't even remember if we see her in third year) is this shy persona and that she changes off screen so to say. Neville on the other hand gains self-confidence on screen when he joins Harry for the DA. In the movies they decided to stick to shy Ginny - a choice I don't really approve of because it means that she seems to be nothing more than Harry's love interest.
It could be explained by Harry's PoV because it is only in sixth year that Harry really notices Ginny as a girl he is attracted to. Still, I think it could have been done better.
So, in theory Ginny is a person I could like: She's pretty straightforward. When she's pissed at you, you know that. She's not someone who is sneaky. She is also someone who sticks to her friends. On the other hand she can be pretty opinionated and her disdain for girly girls is something I don't like at all.
We only see so little of her and Hermione's friendship and this is a pity. Because depending on what they see in each other (apart from the fact that they shared a bedroom when Hermione stayed at the Burrow) we could better judge the characters of both girls. Are they just close because of sharing much time at the Burrow? If you look closely, Hermione and Ginny are not that similar. Ginny loves sports, outside, going out, being sassy. And Hermione loves books, is ambitious and hates Quidditch. Hermione can be quick-witted as well, but she is not funny and she is not popular. And her anxiety about school is a strain on any friendship, let's be real.
I would hate it if they just bonded over their dislike of Fleur. But JKR might have wanted to hint at that.
I do think that Ginny is much more cardboard, not as well rounded as Ron and her personality and her flaws do not move the plot forward like Ron's flaws do.
With Ginny there is always that nagging feeling that she might just have been written to become Harry's wife. Badass, sassy, sexy and what is the best for Harry someone with a big family that can fulfill his wish to belong.
That is the reason why I have not yet tried to write from Ginny's PoV. I just don't vibe with her.
Thanks for the ask!
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the-al-chemist · 3 years
6, 12, 13, 20 and 25 for the OC interview asks for Artemis, Ethel and Zadie 💛💛💛
Artemis: thank you for the ask, Lizzie’s mum!
Al: you don’t have to keep calling her that. She’s seen you do some stuff now.
Artemis: only rockstar me, not real me. That doesn’t count.
Al: if you say so. Now, you’ve already asked 6 here, so let’s go to number 12 - where in the world would you like to travel?
Artemis: everywhere.
Al: you and me both, pal. Anywhere in particular?
Artemis: well, my Uncle Newt has been all over the world looking for creatures. In New Zealand and Scandinavia he saw dragons and when he was in Scandinavia he saw these multicoloured lights in the sky. And in America my mum has family who I’ve never met and they have this thing called a Wampus Cat which is like a legilimency cat, and… why are you laughing?
Al: I just find the idea of a cat that can do legilimency really funny, that’s all.
Artemis: weird. Anyway, so America would be cool. And South America, which is just down from the other America. There’s the Amazon rainforest, I don’t know if you’ve heard of that?
Al: I’m familiar with the concept of the Amazon rainforest, yes.
Artemis: well, that has lots of creatures, even ones that aren’t magic. And in Africa there’s lots of animals and you can see those on a sahari.
Al: in the Sahara?
Artemis: no, that’s a desert. A sahari is a Muggle thing with a car that looks at the animals. A zookeeper told me about it once.
Al: oh! A safari!
Artemis: that’s what I said. And in Greece they have temples. One is called the temple of Artemis. I’d like to see it.
Al: you’ve spent too long looking at that map in your bedroom at your mum’s house. Right, if you had unlimited money, what would you build?
Artemis: a boat to take me around the world.
Al: okay, then. What’s your biggest pet peeve? What do people do that annoys you?
Artemis: I don’t like it when people tell me what to do, or think that I’m stupid. I’m not stupid. I don’t like it when people are mean to my friends, like Merula.
Al: good answer. Okay, finally: the freebie question. I did cheat and text Kaze to ask what she’d lie to know, and she wants to know what you’d like to learn and who you’d like to teach you?
Artemis: last time Merula was mean to Ben, Bill’s brother Charlie did a bat bogey hex on her. I’d like to learn that.
Al: I’m sure he’d teach you if you asked him nicely. Just remember to say please and thank you.
Artemis: yeah, maybe. Rockstar me can make fireworks, though. I’d like to do that as well. And your friend JD keeps saying that Amelia will teach me broomstick gymnastics and she still hasn’t done it.
Al: maybe you should just stick with asking Charlie to teach you about the bat bogeys.
Artemis: boring.
Artemis always takes a while to answer these so I’m going to have to put a break in before I go to the others, but first, here she is playing with a map…
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6. What is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Ethel: the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do was leaving Hogwarts and saying goodbye to Selene. We had been as thick as thieves since our first year at Hogwarts, always inseparable and we did everything together. We had these wild dreams and plans of being Quidditch heroes and living in a house together and of growing up and growing side by side… and then we realised that neither of us wanted those things anymore. It meant that we had to say our farewells not only to one another, but to our girlish fantasies and childhoods, all at once. It really was a wrench, I tell you, but now it seems almost silly. After all, we are still sisters, even if we shall never be Quidditch stars. Besides, I think it’s more of a loss for the Chudley Cannons than for us. Have you not seen how poorly they are doing in the league? It’s embarrassing, truly.
Zadie: I think for me, it was first going to Hogwarts. I’d always been very close to my brothers, and my parents, and then I had to leave them all behind. Especially when it came to mum, AJ and Liam - I was becoming a part of this world that they would never truly be a part of… although my brothers do enjoy watching Quidditch!
12. Where in the world would you most like to travel to?
Ethel: anywhere my dearest sister is.
Zadie: I’d love to go to NYC, see a Broadway show and see all the places you see in films. Los Angeles would be very cool, too, because I love old Hollywood movies, and South America, because I’d love to learn Latin dancing; salsa and tango, etc.
13. If you had unlimited money, what would you build?
Ethel: I would build a whole new societal structure, built on the principles of equality and individual merit, rather than based on antiquated systems that favour certain groups of society over others due to factors that are out of anyone’s control: blood purity, race, sexuality, etc, etc. I’d like to think that money would not be the thing that would be used to build such a world, however, if that old wench Ophelia taught me anything, it’s that money is power.
Zadie: I’d knock down Gringotts and build a theatre in Diagon Alley.
20. What is your pet peeve?
Ethel: I hate it when people I don’t know that well call me Effy. I only ever got called this because Jimbo couldn’t say my name properly, and it stuck. It’s perfectly tolerable coming from my family, or Selly, or Cled, and I suppose I don’t mind it from Héloïse, either, when she is with Jim, but others… It’s incredibly frustrating, especially when Mercury calls me that. I swear he only does it to vex me terribly!
Zadie: I hate it when people compare me to my older sister. I love Phoebe, I really do, but she is so pretty, and kind, and clever, and perfect. Everyone always expects me to be just like her, and they are always disappointed to find that I’m not. It makes me dislike her sometimes, and I hate that it does that to me.
25. What would you most like to learn, and who would you get to teach you this?
Ethel: I’d love for Héloïse to teach me how to speak all those different languages, so that I may converse with others from all over the world! Of course, I’d also be entirely grateful if anyone could teach me how to stop my eyes drifting over towards Lysander Mercury every time we are at a formal event. Honestly, I can’t stand the man, but he could even pass for a gentleman once he’s wearing his dress robes…
Zadie: I’ve never learnt any kind of ballroom dancing. I’d love to learn that, it would be so useful for school dances as well as for fun. Like I said before, I would like to go to Latin America to learn the style authentically.
Lizzie Jameson and Selene Fraser belong to @lifeofkaze, Amelia Booth and Cledwyn Ironwood belong to @that-scouse-wizard and Lysander Mercury belongs to @slytherindisaster
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weaselin-g · 3 years
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❝ ( george mackay, twenty-four, cismale ) hey, was that ARTHUR WEASLEY passing by? I didn’t think the PUREBLOOD was a student, but I’d recognize HIM anywhere. rumor has it they’re working as a MUGGLE HISTORY TEACHING ASSISTANT, so who knows what they’re doing here. they always reminded me of BAD MOON RISING BY CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL. I’ve also heard they’ve been recruited by THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. but despite all that I think they’re still ECCENTRIC, HONORABLE & OPTIMISTIC and A WORKAHOLIC, EMOTIONAL & COMPULSIVE. and the GRYFFINDOR alum still reminds me of mix-matched socks, cold cups of tea long forgotten while you work, sleepy smiles, a vast collection of vintage sweaters, quickly scribbled handwritten love letters, late nights with friends traded in for late night diaper changes . well, then, I guess some things never change. ❞
❝ Times like these, dark times, they do funny things to people. ❞
Q U I C K F I R E 
Full Name: Arthur Harfang Weasley Birthday/Star Sign: February 6th / Aquarius  Birthplace: Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon England Sexuality: Heterosexual but will kiss his homies good night Relationship Status: Engaged to Molly Prewett Wand: 14″ pear with dragon heartstring core and slightly swishy Patronus: Weasel Amortentia: Wildflowers, loose tea, the earth after it rains, cinnamon, dusty old book pages Boggart: Losing his family
H I S T O R Y 
     The weird youngest child energy is strong with this one. Arthur has two older brothers. They were all close as children, though Arthur could always sense some sort of confusion around his obsession with any and everything muggle from a young age. His childhood was one filled with constant happiness and warmth, unfortunately a rather rare occurence amongst the Sacred Twenty-Eight society he was raised in.
When he arrived at Hogwarts, the sorting hat barely had to graze his head before announcing him a Gryffindor. He flourished in school, the extroverted side of his personality finally clawing through to the surface. God bless any muggleborn student who was able to sit through Arthur constantly picking at their brain. While Arthur was a good student, he was no stranger to detention. He was the first to stand up for any of his friends when his fellow pureblood bullies came around. Many bat-bogey hex victims were sent to the infirmary at Arthur’s hands. While usually behavior like this would be any headmaster’s worst nightmare, Ablus Dumbledore isn’t like every other headmaster. Arthur’s loyalties to Dumbledore run deep and were sprung from the times that the headmaster sided with Arthur that kept his record cleaner than it should have been.
While his parents had made it clear the blood status of whoever he eventually fell in love with didn’t matter, there must have been a bit of pride when he fell head over heels for a fellow Sacred Twenty-Eight member. Arthur and Molly. Even a stranger would know they were made for each other. They began to date while in school, and to no surprise to any of their friends, they stayed together after graduation, if not stronger than before. As the world around him began to fall into uncertainity with whispers of a war brewing, Molly and the love they shared remained constant. After almost eight years of dating, Arthur finally popped the question last year.
After graduation, Arthur started a job as a research assistant in the Ministry. While he enjoyed working with muggle artefacts all day long, he was never fully satisfied. It was hard to feel like he was making a difference while cataloging all day. It was around this time, his old school headmaster made a reappearence in Arthur’s life. Recieving an invite from Dumbledore personally to join the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix was certainly a daunting moment in Arthur’s life; but with the growing list of muggleborn murders or disapperances, Arthur was constantly worried that one of his friend’s names would end up on one of those lists. The decision, though daunting, was easy for Arthur to make.
The offer of a posistion at Hogwarts College couldn’t have come at a better time, as a surprise guest in the form of William Weasley came into Molly and Arthur’s life a few months ago. With their wedding put off to the side in favor of focusing on their new jobs and family member, snide comments from other members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight about forced engagements and an illegitimate son that once fell on deaf ears begin to be heard.
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dewitty1 · 3 years
Hermione Granger's Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run
waspabi @waspabi
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Pining, Humor, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Friendship
'You're a wizard, Harry' is easier to hear from a half-giant when you're eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you're seventeen and late for work.
“You all right?”
“Brilliant,” Harry spat. His eyes burned and he turned away. He didn’t want Malfoy to see him crying.
“We can get rid of them,” Malfoy said quietly. “We can — not to sound murderous about it. I mean to say, we can just… Apparate away. Leave them here. We don’t have to get caught up in what they’re caught up in.”
“You think Hermione would go for that?”
“Probably not,” Draco admitted. “She likes the idea of a more organised resistance. Better resources. More money for those little pieces of Muggle parchment she likes with the sticky backs. But we can — we can strike out on our own, if we have to.”
“We wouldn’t last a week without her, remember?” Harry’s voice sounded hoarse. He wished his eyes would stop fucking leaking for five minutes. “We barely lasted a day at Jane and Cynthia’s.”
“I don’t know, Potter. We could figure something out. Sod this whole revolution business; it’s rubbish anyway. Crap food and no wages. Let’s leave this shit island to its self-destruction. We could go to Australia and live with Hermione’s parents and pretend to be Muggles. At this point I’d probably get an O on the Muggle Studies N.E.W.T, honestly, it’d be easy.”
Harry shut his eyes and had a brief, delirious fantasy of him and Malfoy on some Australian beach. Draco would be grousing about the heat, a thick line of sunblock on his nose. His bare shoulders would be red and peeling a little. Maybe he’d put on a really naff t-shirt with a stretched out collar to keep from getting more burnt. Harry would have a surfboard, and he’d somehow have got really good at surfing. They’d have boring jobs at a shop and no one would be trying to kill them.
“Funny,” Harry said, and his wet laugh was not very convincing.
“No?” Draco shuffled a bit closer. “Worth a shot, I suppose.”
“Sorry about your dad.” Harry scuffed his shoe on the ground, digging a little trench in the dirt. “Seemed like… I mean, I know he’s a right bastard, but I think he does love you.”
“He does. Fat lot of good that does me, obviously.” Draco edged yet closer. “It’s all right. I mean, it’s not all right, but it’s…” He shrugged expressively. “I think we’re handling your situation first.”
“I don’t have a fucking situation.” Harry looked at his feet. “Piss off.”
“In the immortal words of Harry Potter, ‘nah’.” Draco was very close to him now. He reached out and touched Harry’s hand — Harry flinched and stepped back.
“What are we even doing?” Harry demanded, wiping his eyes.
“Saving the country, and possibly the world?” Draco shrugged. “We may be doing a middling job of it at the minute, but it’s the thought that counts.”
“No, I meant…” Harry turned away. He didn’t want to look at Draco. “I meant, what are we doing.”
“Oh,” Draco said. Harry could practically hear him go rigid and pointy. “Oh, that.”
“Yes, that.” Harry turned back around so he could glower at him. “What — what are you playing at? You buy me a coat, you fix my shitty trainers, you hold my hand…” Harry’s eyes stung. His heart hurt so badly. “What are you fucking me about for?”
“I’m not fucking you about.” Draco looked pained. He brushed his hair out of his eyes. “I’m not playing at anything. Or I don’t mean to be. I… Don’t make me say it.”
“Make you say what?”
“I… you know. You.” Draco looked down at his hands, which he had twisted together so tightly his fingers were white. “I feel… I have felt… For fuck’s sake, Harry! It’s so cringe. Don’t make me say it.”
“Oh,” Harry said. “You mean… You fancy me?”
“Fancy,” Draco echoed, looking up at the patches of sky through the trees. “Yes. Obviously, are you completely dim?” He rubbed a hand over his face. “Fancy. Merlin and Morgana both, Potter.”
“Oh.” Harry ground the toe of his repaired trainer into the dirt. “I’ve never had someone fancy me before.”
“That is patently impossible, Potter,” Draco informed him. “You’re unbelievably unobservant, that must be the problem. Really, it’s like you’ve got tunnel-vision. You can only pay attention to a vary small radius of information at a time.”
“No one who knew me,” Harry amended. “No one who really knew me.”
“Oh,” Draco said. He took a deep breath like he was bracing himself for something. “Merlin’s sake, Potter. Can you stop doing things to me, for once?”
Harry frowned. “I’m just stood here.”
Draco covered his face with both hands. “This is so horrible. I hate this so much. Could you come here, please?”
Harry took a few steps forward. This was so confusing. Everything was weird, and confusing, and he was a wizard, and those men knew his parents, and they wanted him to be part of some weird underground resistance group that was somehow different to Harry’s weird underground resistance group, and here he was about to, he was pretty sure, have his first boyfriend. He was about seventy-five percent certain. He didn’t want to be cocky. He wasn’t all that certain how these things worked for normal people, let alone for teenaged renegade wizards.
“Come here properly, arsehole.”
“I don’t know what I’m meant to…”
“For fuck’s sake, Potter. Have you never learnt elementary social cues? Here.” Draco dropped his hands from his face and put his arms around Harry. He clutched Harry’s new coat with both hands. Draco’s face pressed against Harry’s neck, long eyelashes brushing his skin.
Harry couldn’t move. Draco’s coat smelled of smoke. His breath was warm and his nose was cold. Harry’s chest went tight and painfully full, like a wardrobe packed so tight that it would shortly avalanche all over the unfortunate person who would next open the door.
“Hug me back, you dickhead,” Draco mumbled into Harry’s neck.
Harry did. He put his arms around Draco’s waist and leaned into the curve of his chest. His eyes went hot and wet again, which was embarrassing. He ducked his head to hide them on the shoulder of Draco’s fancy coat. His nose leaked too, so he wiped it on the wool. It even felt expensive on his nose, which was impressive really.
“I’m getting bogeys on your coat,” Harry told him.
“You’re such an absolute knob,” Draco said, but he didn’t let go. He touched Harry’s head with one hand, spreading his fingers beneath the tangle of hair to slip over his skull. His fingers moved slowly, carefully. “I have no idea why I like you.”
“You like me. You said it out loud.”
“You must be hearing things, Potter.” Draco’s grip tightened around his waist. His other hand slid to the back of Harry’s neck and stayed there, warm at his nape. “I’m concerned about your delusions and flights of fancy.”
“My flights of fancy,” Harry said. “You lot met me on a train platform to tell me I was a wizard.”
“You are a wizard.”
“It’s the principle of the thing.”
“Can I…” Draco pulled back, eyes flickering to Harry’s mouth.
Harry didn’t let him finish. He leaned forward and kissed him. Draco made a soft sound, or Harry did, or both of them. Harry had kissed two people in his life and neither of them had felt like this, like if Draco took his hands from Harry’s face he would crumple to the ground. Harry wanted to get closer, closer, but it wasn’t possible. Pansy’s robes were infuriatingly unassailable — Harry groaned in frustration and Draco laughed into his mouth, warm and wet. The delirious dizzy nearness of Draco, their mouths together and the heat fogging Harry’s glasses… Harry felt lit up. He felt like a lumos in the dark.
“Fuck,” Draco said, his forehead pressed against Harry’s. “We really ought to get back.”
“Probably,” Harry said, and kissed him again.
“You’re right,” Draco said, his mouth moving against Harry’s. “Fuck it.”
“They can fuck right off.” Harry laughed and kissed Draco’s cold cheek, the corner of his chapped mouth. In a few minutes, they would go back and find the others. Harry would face Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, and they’d figure out what to do about Pius Thicknesse, and they could change out of their ridiculous robes. Just not yet. Not quite yet.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x reader
Requested by @obsessedwithrandomthings
Prompts: 45. “I fell for you.” (List 2) and 75. “D-did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?” (List 2)
Warnings: Umbridge punishments (you know, the blood quill)
Gif credits to owner :)
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“Not funny, Goyle, you utter idiot!” You shouted down the corridor, firing a bat bogey hex after the Slytherin bully. “You okay, Neville?” you asked, offering your hand and pulling him up.
“Yeah I’m, uh... I’ll be alright,” he said bashfully. “Thank you, for you know-”
“Miss YLN! Was that you hexing Mr Goyle? Don’t lie to me, Madame!” Professor Umbridge’s sickly sweet voice echoed down the corridor and you sighed.
“Yeah, it was professor. Seeing as you weren’t gonna do anything about Goyle bullying other students right under you-”
“DETENTION! Miss YLN. You will come to my office at 6 o’clock sharp tonight,” she said, smiling sweetly although she was speaking through gritted teeth.
You nodded and waited until she went back into her classroom before going a very rude hand gesture. Neville laughed slightly. “Bloody hell, yn, I think I just fell for you,” he joked, but when you both looked into each others eyes you blushed deeply and looked away. “I’ll... uh... see you tomorrow, in Defence? I’ll tell Harry why you’re not at the DA meeting tonight as well,”
You nodded and smiled slightly, patting his shoulder. “Cheers,” you smiled. “See you later. Pray for me- my hand’s only just healed up after my last detention with that toad,”
He watched after you as you walked down the corridor, a dazed smile on his face.
The next day, in defence against the dark arts, you were distant. Your face was ashen and pale and you had dark circles under your eyes.
“Merlin, YN, you look like death warmed up,” Neville muttered as you wrote out the notes. You held up your bandaged hand to show him the aftermath of detention.
“Was up all night, couldn’t get it to stop bleeding,” you mumbled, a slight tremor in your voice.
“Didn’t you go to the hospital wing? Madame Pomfrey would’ve fixed it right away for you-”
“Mr Longbottom! Miss YLN, something you’d like to share to the class?” Umbridge hissed, that sickly smile still plastered on her face.
You gritted your teeth as Neville flushed and muttered an apology. “Oh, only that you’re a twisted old toad who clearly takes pleasure in torturing her students,” you said, staring her directly in the eye. A hush fell over the classroom as you spoke. “I’m pretty sure there are some heavy restrictions on blood quills, Professor Umbridge, considering they are dark, cursed artefacts commonly found in Knockturn Alley,”
“Miss YLN,” she said warningly.
“No, Professor, I’m not done. You’ve scarred almost every single person in this class in detention, and as I’m sure you’re well aware, given you work for the ministry, corporal punishment in Hogwarts School was aboloshied almost a century ago,” you held up your bandaged hand with blood seeping through and dripping onto your shirtsleeves. “Though you may not have touched me yourself, you did so using an artefact you knew would cause pain and harm to it’s victim. I’m sure the board of governors would have a lot to say about that, wouldn’t they? Even if half of them are deluded enough to be wrapped around both yours and the Minister’s little fingers, I’m sure even that lot of idiots can be convinced with enough evidence. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to the hospital wing to do something about the copious blood loss and scarring which you have inflicted on an underage student. Good day, Professor,”
You stood abruptly and grabbed your bag with your good hand, storming past Umbridge, the breeze causing her papers to ruffle on the desk. Both class and Professor were in stunned silence before Neville stood, rushing after you with your robe which you had left on your chair, letting chaos unfold in the classroom.
He hurried down the corridor, calling your name. He found you slumped in an alcove, just a few meters from the hospital wing, shivering. “Yn! Oh my god!” He said, rushing to your side and wrapping your robe around you. You let him guide you into the hospital wing, eyelids drooping and head spinning as Madame pomfrey rushed to your side. Together, they settled you on a bed and Madame pomfrey got to work replenishing you’re blood and stopping your wounds bleeding, muttering about how Umbridge had gone too far this time.
Stable, but sleepy, you laid in bed and hour later, eyelids fluttering open and shut. You turned to Neville (who had been at your side throughout the whole ordeal) and mumbled, “what’s going on?”
He looked up and gripped your good hand. “You had a go at Umbridge and stormed out of her class but... you lost too much blood from that awful quill. Madame pomfrey’s patched you up though, and said you can leave the wing tomorrow lunch time if you’re not all... floppy,” you smiled weakly at his questionable medical knowledge.
“Why’s there loads of talking? Thought she hated racket it the hospital...”
“Dumbledore’s there, YN,” he said in a hushed voice. “And Mcgonagall and Snape. Flitwick and Sprout too,”
“All the heads of houses,” you whispered. Neville nodded.
“From the sounds of it, loads of people have had to use her quill... you nearly died, YN,” he said gently. “You nearly died,”
Seeing the panic in his face, you smiled gently. “Hey, don’t worry,” you murmured. “I’m still alive, aren’t I?”
He nodded and took a deep breath. “Everyone’s talking about what you said to her, you know. You were brilliant, standing up to her like that,” you blushed slightly. “D-did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
You grinned. “What? Bit random, that, Neville,” you mumbled.
“No I mean... they did this flashy thing while you were having a go at her, because you knew what you were saying was right... they do it whenever you talk about something you’re passionate about,”
“Spend a lot of time looking deep into my eyes, eh, Longbottom?” You said, but you couldn’t help the blush that tinted your cheeks. He smiled and squeezed your hand as the curtains were drawn back and the professors stepped through.
“Ah, my dear girl,” said Dumbledore. “You’re awake. We have much to discuss,”
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