#would love to keep track with this comic omg
anemptypuddingcup · 6 months
"Can you stop messing up my medical folders?"
Nurse who knows what to do but she is new on the job, and whenever she's close to Law she's always clumsy~
Dominant Trafalgar Law to teach her a lesson and to practice anatomy~
Have fun ^^
Yessss omg- I might write a smut short abt this bc this got me quaking tbh- that doctor x nurse relationship got me goin-
"Can you stop messing up my medical folders?"
You stumbled a bit as you carried a heavy stack of papers and folders for your dear doctor. You were new on the job and let’s just say that you wasn’t as precise and careful like a usual nurse. You had a bit of common sense in the medical industry yeah- but…let’s just say you weren’t as careful. Tripping over things, spilling medicines- It was something that you genuinely couldn’t help, but you knew that if it continued Law would have no choice but to put you out.
Law’s eyes flickered up at you and he quirks a brow as he watched you struggle to carry the files in your hands. “I-I have your files D-DoctORRR!-“ You let out a loud yelp as you slipped and tripped over nothing, comically falling face first and spilling out all of the files and it’s contents onto the cold tile floor. Law sighs out and sits back in his rolling chair, you were a pain to keep track of if he had to be honest.
“Could you please stop being so fucking clumsy, you’re fucking up my medical files and shit my dearest nurse.” He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose a bit tight before he stood up from his chair. You shoot up from the cold floor and slap your hands to your burning rosy red cheeks. “O-Oh! I’m so sorry Doctor! I-I’ll clean it all back up right now!” You yell before scrambling frantically, grabbing all of the files and left over paper.
“Don’t bother. Stand up now, my dear.” He demanded in a dark tone.
You slowly stand up and lower your head in shame, your body trembling just a bit as you felt that you were about to get terminated on the spot. Although…he gives you words entirely different from what you were thinking.
“Here, take a seat on my desk. Now please.”
You shuddered but obeyed walking over to his desk and setting your hips upon it while your dress inches up just a few centimeters. He watched as you scoot back a bit, setting your pretty ass onto the wooden desk.
His heels clacked against the tile as he walked closer to you before staring down into your eyes. He moves in and whispers into your ear, his voice making you tremble a bit and making your body grow hot.
“I think it’s about time you’ve had a pep talk and a lesson in anatomy.”
☆ ☆ ☆
“And this part here is your g-spot, a pleasurable spot deep within your pussy~ It’s a bundle of nerves and works just like your clitoris in a way~ It’s made to pleasure you~”
You moan out as his buries his fingers far and deep inside of your cunt. Your red pump nearly slipped off of your stocking-covered foot as you lift your leg for a better angle. “Mmgh~ Mmh!~ D-Doctor!~ I-I’ve never felt anything like this before! It feels so good!~” You mewl out heavily, a bit of drool spilling from your lips as he fingers you diligently.
His eyes widens in shock and he smiles sweetly before moving in closer to you, his chest pushing up and squishing against your breasts. “Oh really? So this is your very first time getting fingered? You’ve never experienced pleasure before?” He asked, quirking a brow to you. You shook your head before gasping out, your hands gripping his shoulders while you arch your back.
“Well then, I guess I’ll have to give you a full examination immediately. Doctor’s orders.” He whispers to you, grinding his digits continuously against your sweet spot. You bite your bottom lip while your brows furls at the pleasure. “Y-Yes please doctor, I would love to know more about this!~ Ah!~” You whimper, throwing your head back a bit.
“Don’t worry then, your doctor will take very good care of you while teaching you.”
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elliezlils11utt · 5 months
Hiii, first of all, idk if you take requests, but I loved the fic that you did w ellie (the bad idea! One w a girl in red song), so I was wondering if you could do another fic with ellie, but this time based on "I wanna be your girlfriend" by girl in red?
A/N: Hi Hi annon! so first of all I do take requests & Your my first one! Also THANK YOUU????? that fic was so rushed omg. and I love girl in red sm so when i tell u I ran to write this. Also I think that how I view this song and how other people view it is kinda different, so just bare with me on this one. (I pulled this idea outa my ass.)
"I wanna be your girlfriend"- Girl in red. (E.W)
content: You walk your crush home after hanging out with friends. Should you tell her how you feel? or did someone beat you to it? (based off of "I wanna be your girlfriend - Girl in red.)
song link: https://open.spotify.com/track/5PjdC2gMATetx5xdnwGUu7?si=eba1439d3ffd490e
warnings: sfw! none really. loser!ellie? angsty? cussing? idk.
proofread: nope! (sorry babes!!)
You all sit bundled up in comfy coats. The crisp winter air whistling in the wind while you and your friends laugh up a storm. Your eyes find this one girl's eyes immediately though. Ellie Williams. You and Ellie had been friends for years. Friends. Keyword. Its not like you ever thought there was a chance you and Ellie could even be anything more than that. Maybe it was just a wish? She's perfect. Ugh that sounds like such a cliche. And maybe it is. But as Ellie sits here rambling on about some girl that was madly in love with her, you can't help but admire her every move. 
“Hey, are you listening?” 
“Yeah- uh sorry.” You can't tell if your ears are red because you're embarrassed, or because it's cold asf outside. 
“So this girl, cat. Everyone keeps telling me she likes me. But I don't know.” 
“I mean, I would just go talk to her right?” This is fucking painful. Giving your crush girl advice was not at the top of your to-do list today.
“Yeah, I guess you're right.” her hands fumble at her fingers, toying with her nails to keep her fingers busy. She always did this and you found it so cute. 
“Hey guys, I think we are going to head out. Jesse wants to ‘netflix and chill’ if you know what I mean.” Dina says, hooked to her boyfriend's arm. And boy did you know what she meant. Jesse and Dina were always sucking each other's faces off. Its a merical you havent seen them fully fuck in public. (and trust, there have been times they got close to it.)
“Sure yeah! You guys have fun.” you respond, giving them a sweet smile as a farewell. And now here you are, Alone, With ellie. Oh fuck. You're alone with Ellie now. Okay so let's rephrase this. You and Ellie had been friends for years… With the company of Dina and jesse. You guys never really spent time alone together. Your friendship just wasn't like that. And plus you were always too much of a pussy to say anything. You got so nervous whenever you were around her alone. Just like you were now.
“It's getting late, I should start back home.” Her hand plays with the back of her ear while she talks. You notice that she only did that when she was nervous. Why would she be nervous right now? 
“Yeah definitely! I could walk you home, yk if you wanted me to.” 
“Yeah, I would like that.” As much as you hated being alone with Ellie, you loved spending time with her. Even if she didn't see you like that. It was just nice to be around her. To be in her presence. That fluffy little feeling you get in your stomach when she says your name is worth the nervousness. Watching the way her eyes light up as she talks about her favorite video games or comic books, is worth the nervousness. As you guys walk to Ellie's apartment, you talk about anything under the sun. The conversation just seems to flow. Fuck, another reason to fall in love with her. (as if you weren't already) You didn't want to pretend you wanted to be her friend any longer. Because the truth is. You don't wanna be her friend, you wanna kiss her lips. 
“You're a really good friend, you know that?” She turns to look at you as you approach her apartment. ‘Friend.’ Just another reminder on how she thinks of you. Just a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. And that will probably never change. You are fully convinced you and Ellie were meant to just be friends. 
“Mhm yeah, you deserve it ellie.”
“I mean it though. How'd I get so lucky with you, huh?” You giggle, as if that comment didn't just set your heart on fire. Your eyes find her lips. The icy air makes your breath visible. The same breath you wanted to be lost in a kiss with ellie. You wanna kiss her until you lose your breath. As you and Ellie walk up the steps of her complex you contemplate telling her how you feel. Tell her how you think about her. Beg her to just look at you the same. And just as you are about to spill your feelings out, Ellies phone rings. 
“Sorry its cat, I gotta take this. Thanks for walking me home though! See you Friday?”  And with that you're left at the steps of her home. Watching as she gets all giddy to talk to another girl. A girl that's not you. And that never will be. You and Ellie will never be more than friends. Even if you wanna be her girlfriend. With teary eyes you wave goodbye while her back is faced to you. Watching her walk away without a proper goodbye. This can't be real. It's all just a dream. Your heart shatters. Completely. You knew that You and Ellie would never date. But thats confirmation just fucked you over. You lose your breath.
A/n: This is so bad and i feel like shit bc its my first ask. But uh. Enjoy? When i think of "girl in red" I think of heartbreak so no fic based off a "girl in red" song is going to end happy:D
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cacartoon · 11 months
(I don't know if you do headcannons for your comics, so sorry if you're not comfortable with it!!!)
Headcanon for the Castaway Octonauts AU:
The junior octo agents (at least try) to bring back the octonauts and find Barnacles at some point.
For example, it just fits Koshi to be determined to keep "The Case of the Beached Barnacles" in her free time,
As well as for Ursa and Orsom to be too determined to not give up on their uncle who survived the catastrophe of their first 'Polar Bear Track' (I forgot what its called-) with them.
As Periwinkle got older, he could see how much his uncle was hurt by everything, and despite not knowing much about the team, could still see how much
Even Pinto who loved and respected the Octonauts team would be in disbeleif that they would give up (Even if they did try their best and kept the search up for all those months.) And would try to pry the details out of a reluctant Peso.
Maybe they'd pull a "Parent Trap, and try to bring the octonauts/octo agents in the same place to try to sort things out, or one or more to leave by themselves to try and find him.
(Whether or not it actually works can create some major fluff or angst)
IDK tho, I feel like the meme with the guy and the conspiracy board-
The Case of the Beached Barnacles- omg I am deceased. That’s brilliant!
Honestly I had a similar thought of how the Junior OctoAgents responded to the team splitting up.
Maybe I can have them like speaking in secret 🤫 with one another to have each other keep tabs on the crew.
Koshi would definitely have a whole notebook about the details of the day the captain disappeared. Dashi would’ve of probably vented to her sister after some convincing.
Periwinkle definitely would feel awful for his uncle Shellington. I feel like he’d ask about why they split up and Shellington would explain how things just got too hard for them. And Peri would absolutely work with the other agents to try and continue the search, even if the team is too distraught.
I do have a bit of how Orson and Ursa (the captain’s niece and nephew) as well as their mother Bianca reacted to hearing that Barnacles disappeared. The cubs were devastated to hear about it but refuse to believe that he could just vanish like that. With them being polar scouts, they’d have contact with Tracker so they would be able to get information on the rest of the team and the agents. Bianca was also devastated by her brother’s disappearance, thought she held strong for her cubs. Though she wasn’t certain if Barnacles was alive or not, she knew Barnacles wouldn’t want her to give up (especially since she’s a mom with two young cubs).
Note: I also have more on Natquik Peso and Tracker. With those three being close with Barnacle’s family through their relationships with the captain, I imagine they keep tabs on Bianca and the cubs. Tracker would keep giving any updates he can get. Natquik, with some help from Peso, always send care packages and gifts to Bianca and the cubs as a way to keep an eye on them for Barnacles.
Now Pinto, OOOOOH Pinto wouldn’t take the news lying down. I’m sure at some point Peso explained what happened (although maybe not in a lot of detail) and tries to get Pinto to understand the situation. However, knowing Pinto, he’d be just like Kwazii and refuse to give up. So while he investigates in his own way, he also would encourage Peso to not give up as well and to reach out as often as he can to the others.
Other OctoAgents do play a role in continuing the search in little ways. Paani and Min especially. Whether it be encouraging the Octonauts to reconcile and get back together, or trying to support them in their time grief and anguish.
Overall your headcanon was amazing to think about.
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kaleeatinghoe · 5 months
(+individual)⚠️ocd and very small blood mention (just to be safe)
recently ive been obsessed with them i need to make headcanons it’s a requirement
first of all, gregory was never secretive about his feelings,,. he would call chrisophe “darling” and “my dear” but christophe somehow didn’t realize that this was romantic (??) and thought that was just how he spoke.
everybody assumed they already had something going on, until gregory started loudly monologuing about his love and how he had “longed to profess” his love.,, christophe was absolutely taken aback, but nobody else gave a fuck
gregory is definitely a theater kid in a way. he joined the drama club at school, and was absolutely disgusted at how bad everyone’s acting and how they didn’t put their entire heart and soul into a school play.
he also convinced christophe to join tech crew. (maybe i make a comic??:0)
sometimes christophe disappears for days at a time and hes just like somewhere around like in a random field or walking down the road,, and he doesn’t sleep much. hes just out all night doing random stuff
gregory speaks french and he’ll monologue in french occasionally and very theatrically and christophe is just there sick of this shit
they both just crawl into each others houses through the window(especially christophe) while the other is sleeping. gregory keeps his window open and christophe has crawled in and woken him up at some ungodly hour because there was something unescessary that he insisted had to be done and couldn’t wait until daylight.
he also somehow just knows extremely specific details about people and businesses that he pulls out of nowhere whenever they are plotting against them
oh and he definitely knows all about tweek bros,, and has planned to expose them
gregory once kissed ze mole in a very theatrical way. he would do some kind of speech and make it look straight out of a shakespeare play,, and time it right before he leaves abruptly. and christophe is like shocked and also cringing because gregory is such a fucking theater kid and while what he did was rlly sweet.., it’s like dude
gregory is a bit germaphobic and takes hygiene extremely seriously. he washes his hands before and after he eats, and showers atleast once a day. he may have ocd which causes him to wash his hands like 57 times a day giving him super dry hands (js like me with my ocd fr) so he constantly puts lotion on his hands
christophe is kinda the opposite. he has normal hygiene like he doesn’t fail to wash his hands after taking a shit but he will also forget to shower for weeks. he just kinda forgets so he has gregory remind him every so often “have you showered this week?” also he is really dirty all the time and tracks dirt and mud a lot. gregory makes him take his shoes off before coming inside
overall christophe doesn’t take very good care of himself., mostly because he forgets, partly because he doesn’t gaf. gregory on the other hand, gets severe anxiety if he forgets one step of his routine, or forgets to eat, or loses track of time and goes to sleep too late,, he is very concerned for his wellbeing and physical / mental health,, a bit to much to the point where it affects his mental health a little bit
ALSO CHRISTOPHE HAS FUCKING BUSTED UP HANDS from like digging and stuff,, his nails are just caked with dirt even after he washes his hands. bro cannot wear white clothes without them getting stained
gregory also has busted up hands sometimes because when his ocd gets really bad and he washes his hands like crazy,, and he forgets to put lotion on his hands crack and bleed. (js like me omg)
okay,, i wanna do more but i can do a sequel. if u want me to do any particular character(s) or ship(s) my ask box is always open!! ;D
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jane-does-dolly · 3 months
hello, could I possibly see some headcanons for either (middle) Ocean, (toddler) Jane [specifically before she finds out she's Penny], (preteen) Mischa or (caregiver) Constance? Thanks :)
hiya!!! so sorry this took so long i was on vacation :V but i hope these are good!!! i was actually going to ask for rtc requests like an hour before u sent this so i did them all ^_^
♡ middle! ocean ♡
♡ usually about 9-10ish!!
♡ she really likes going to the megamall!! she never really got to when she was like. for-realsies 9-10. so she likes making up lost time!!
♡ absolutely loves going to constance's house she is always there
♡ comically bad at painting her own nails but thats ok shes having fun!!!
♡ shes really artsy!! she likes painting most but shes also really good at regular ol drawing!!!
♡ very outdoorsy!! she lives near a few fields and forests and she loves hanging out around there!!!
♡ toddler-re! jane ♡
(using the context of her not knowing she was penny to mean her in the show's canon)
♡ oh she was so scared :(( poor angel :(
♡ prooobably like 3ish? maybe 2ish after the ballad :o
♡ absolute vice grip on her dolly 24/7
♡ this makes 0 sense in words just bare with me but she liked showing the rest of the choir little trinkets around the warehouse!!! there would be like. a little plushie or something and she would be like omg mischa needs to see this immediately.... ocean look there is a party hat !!!!!
♡ she had so many animal facts memorized from when she was penny and absolutely loved sharing them with the choir!!!
♡ the new birthday song cape is like a blankie to her!!
♡ preteen-re! mischa ♡
♡ thinks penny is so so cool
♡ ^ he is also absolutely fascinated with the whole jk-47 story and will make her tell it again and again LOL
♡ his favorite hobby is listening to music!! he likes playing tracks from a few years back for the extra nostalgia!!!
♡ he likes biking around uranium alot!! he doesnt like driving when regressed (because that is not a very good idea!!!) but he still likes going places so he bought himself a bike!!
♡ borrows ricky's comic books!!
♡ cg! constance ♡
♡ oh she is the world's most nervous cg ever in the world
♡ she appreciates reassurance that shes doing a good job caregiving so so much!! draw her a little picture or just straight up tell her shes doing great and she is over the moon!!
♡ absolutely loves teaching her regressor how to bake!!! she helps with moving the trays in/out of the oven but otherwise lets them do it themselves with instructions!! (and supervision of course!!)
♡ very very attentive!! she always makes sure to keep an eye on her regressor to make sure theyre ok!!
♡ she likes alot of kid's shows already so she is happy to watch them with whoever she's watching!!!
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ladywritesrps · 2 months
omg you are watching xmen 97 too!! what are your opinions who are your faves
I am! I'm not fully caught up as of right now because life has been tossing me around like a rag doll, but I'm loving it so far!!
I'm a die hard X-Men fan, face first in the comics, so I've been watching with my conspiracy cork board out, tracking possible comic storylines, screaming about Morph's cameos (Spiral was such a pull, I died).
I'm a sucker for Maddie Pryor, and of course her animation was fantastic, the speed run of the Inferno storyline was really something. I'm so basic but the scream I scrumpt when Morph turned into Illyana then immediately into Darkchylde got me, that like...fifteen seconds was the highlight of everything for me. Now bring me Kitty Pryde and I'll be happy. Or Illyana as actually Illyana. Or both! Both would be great.
I'm sure I'll have more thoughts when I'm all caught up! I heard this last episode is a good one, I need to keep watching. Also! Also please feel free to throw your thoughts at me, too!
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diovstheworld · 2 years
Random La Squadra HCs (#1?)
just some things that come to mind about the guys that don’t fit into any other post 😭 sorry prosciutto and formaggio have so much more than the others omg. i would keep typing these but this has literally been in my drafts for months and i’m sick of looking at it 💀 i keep adding and if i don’t post now i never will (minor mentions of drugs and alcohol and slight swearing)
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
loves rain, specifically the sound of rain on the roof. he loves to just sit in silence (which is a rare occurrence) and listen to the sweet sounds of the rain pattering against the slate above
after a long day of hard work, risotto loves nothing more than relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate, headphones on, maybe even reading a book or the days newspaper
this guy has a shit ton of piercings and definitely has a few tattoos too
his guilty pleasure is watching soap operas. normally watches them with prosciutto while doing a face mask (prosciutto forced him into it but risotto loves it)
loves nutella on his toast. literally the only thing he will have on his toast. he absolutely loves the stuff
honestly i think he actually would just have a really big sweet tooth
big fan of iced coffee. don’t know where this headcanon came from but it’s stuck in my brain now
massive gamer. also into comic books and figurines and stuff like I mentioned in a previous post
probably had braces when he was younger
if he does want a hot drink, he enjoys a nice cup of warm milk
huge astrology bitch. literally won’t shut up about it. i can definitely see him saying things like ‘that’s such a scorpio thing to do’, ‘you’re acting like such a virgo’, ‘let me guess, you’re a pisces?’. he will analyse the crap out of you once he learns your star sign etc.
loves crystals too. has a massive collection of them (i’ve kind of mentioned this headcanon before but i love it too much). often keeps a crystal in his pocket and it also often changes. normally brings a crystal that is good for luck and is 100% convinced this crystal is what makes him so good at what he does. he probably messed up once on a job when he didn’t have the crystal on him (which was totally just a coincidence) and now he doesn’t leave without one in his pocket.
also i think he deep down has a lot of insecurities and anxieties which he masks with the cocky attitude
loves cosy things like soft blankets and fluffy pyjamas <3
really good at drawing and painting
also really good at singing and playing guitar tbh
i think he would smoke (i’m a big fan of this headcanon honestly) but not just cigarettes. i could definitely see him smoking weed and having been a bit of a stoner kid back in his younger days.
mum friend of the group. honestly i think i didn’t have to say this one because i feel like a lot of people think this. constantly giving advice and pep talks even though no one asked for it lmao
favourite alcoholic drinks are red wine, espresso martinis and whiskey
favourite non-alcoholic drink is coffee for sure. the man is convinced he can’t function without a cigarette and a coffee in the morning
favourite fashion brands are gucci and prada! though he just is a big fan of fashion in general
i gave ghiaccio a breakfast preference and i have one for prosciutto too lmao. i think he would eat the thickest porridge. no one in the team can understand why he enjoys it this way and he never elaborates
i said this in a previous post but he’s definitely a big vinyl lover. loves the little crackling noise in between each track. it brings him a sense of comfort
a clean freak and a perfectionist. this applies to all parts of his life including his room and his looks
i think i’ve also said this but he definitely runs a fashion blog in his free time lmao
another one who i definitely does drugs (definitely would do more than just weed in my opinion lmao)
i feel like he would be a pretty sporty guy and would like playing stuff like football and basketball (i’ve said this before whoops)
the joker of the group for sure. probably the kind of guy who can’t read the room and doesn’t know when a joke is appropriate or not
also the kind of guy who wishes he wasn’t always just seen as the silly goofy friend. my guy wants a break every now and then from the joker personality!
another guy who enjoys video games. and is actually very good at them
i know he shoved his cat in a bottle and all but i think he actually loves his cat a lot. probably prefers his cat over people half the time lmao
also, he would totally have freckles
this guy would do anything if you dare him to lmao
also loves telling dirty jokes
the king of dirty jokes tbh. i feel like ghiaccio would get so annoyed lmao. but illuso and formaggio would crack up at them, they find them hilarious
a massive gamer! loves video games and loves playing them with ghiaccio
also a big movie enjoyer. invite him along to see any movie and he’ll be down!
and also a big fan of musicals. he loves to sing along to all the songs
speaking of which, he would also be a good singer just like illuso. and he would be the kind of person who knows the words to a song after listening to it once lmao
got the whole gang into ru paul’s drag race and they always watch it together. melone and illuso are normally critiquing all the contestants lmao
i think he would have quite a few food allergies (not dairy though, my boy loves his milk). but i think the other guys would be very considerate of this (probably because prosciutto warned them within an inch of their life to do so) and they always make food he can eat. on the odd occasion they don’t, they make sure there’s no cross contamination!
scared of thunderstorms. if there’s ever a thunderstorm, you better be protecting this boy. he hates the loud noises of the thunder so he’s normally seen wearing headphones or something to block out the noise
massive animal lover! big fan of formaggio’s cat, can normally be seen giving the cat some sneaky treats here and there
another warm milk enjoyer
slime videos are his guilty pleasure
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oh-three · 7 months
Loki S2E6:
LOOK AT THE EPISODE NAME. SOMETHING'S GOING DOWN TODAY. (Also, this is the same name of S1E1).
Holy shit, it's an hour long.
The Marvel Studios logo is going backwards in time 👀
Time to watch Victor die again.
The first of many times.
Miss Minutes 🤣
Oh, well, that one was gruesome. Nice close-up of poor Victor's skull.
Loki: speedrunning the plan Sylvie: 🤨
He's actually gonna make OB teach him everything to make the next loops faster.
WAIT, REALLY. I did not expect the "centuries later" timecard, omg.
"Do not set the Multiplier down, or it will roll off the gangway." I wonder how many times that happened.
There's the microphone shot.
Suit integrity's failing....
Victor ain't gonna make it. I have never been so glad to be wrong.
It feels too good to be true. Something's gonna happen.
"The Loom is overloading again." Noooooooooooo 😭
"You can't scale for infinite. It's like trying to divide by zero." He's not even wrong. Damn, they were so close.
"It's almost as if as soon as the timelines started branching, this was doomed to happen." Yeah, and who helped create that problem, hmm?
Do it right this time, Loki.
Now he has to fight Sylvie a few dozen times, brilliant.
My heart is breaking all over again.
"If you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me." DUDE, IF IT ACTUALLY COMES DOWN TO THAT, I WILL LOSE MY MIND.
"So, how many times have you been at this?" Lmaooo, He Who Remains might be a time tyrant, but he is hilarious af. And scarily smart.
Oh. He froze time. Neat.
A COUPLE THOUSAND? This man is having way too much fun. Leave Loki alone.
He would totally mock his variant, oof. Be nice to Victor.
I can't decide if he's encouraging Loki or trying to keep him from stopping the Loom's overloading. Or if he just hates Sylvie that much.
Loki realizing that past Mobius doesn't know the Timekeepers were fake 😂
He's pretty much just telling him to kill Sylvie, omg. But also, that eight-year-old story is heartbreaking. Holy fuck, it was Renslayer.
"You just choose your burden." Ouch.
'Goodbyes' plays/Mobius spagettifies NO. I WISH I DIDN'T MEMORIZE THE NAME OF THIS TRACK FROM THE S1 ALBUM. Thank god for the timeslipping.
"I'm not giving you my blessing, if that's what you're waiting for." We'd never want you to, Sylvie. We'd never want you to. That might make it hurt even more.
Alright, Loki, what's the plan. Are we killing Sylvie and breaking everyone's hearts, or are we just letting them go back to the timelines as who they were meant to be?
Whoa, this guy's going out there himself. Without gear.
"I know what kind of god I need to be...for you. For all of us." 😭
Ooooh, now that's an iconic look. Definitely looks more like it's from the comics, that's for sure.
Oh, shit, there goes the fucking Loom. Is that undoable?
Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Loki, the God of Stories.
Also, I can't not mention the music. It's beautiful.
Well, there's one way to get back to the end of time.
sits down in the pristine golden throne in a crumbling castle
Oh god, they brought Miss Minutes back.
And, yay, OB's out of the shadows at last!
Oooh, Quantumania Kang reference.
"You're leaving." I don't know if I should be happy for him or fucking devastated. Mobius, don't go 😭 (all the same, he's earned it. and he's got good reason).
B-15 literally is the perfect person to run the TVA, though. They've got that right.
New TVA guidebooks 👀
A Victor Timely that got to live out life as he was meant to. ❤
Ravonna in the Void (good riddance)
Mobius watching Don and his sons 😭
Oh, what's up, Sylvie
"It's the best house on the block." He's totally biased. But he should be allowed to be.
I love how supportive Sylvie is of him going back. She shouldn't have criticized him for it, but she's damn proud of him for having the courage to actually do it.
Is Loki just. Going to sit on that throne for all of eternity? That is so depressing. He sacrificed his life in a completely different way- he didn't die for the timelines, he decided to live for them, to literally be the one thing that lets them all flow. He really is the God of Stories.
Something tells me there won't be a season three..
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kidflashimpulse · 2 years
Any yj fanfic recs, it doesn’t have to be just Bart or zetaflash. It can be anything! I’m just trying not to think about the cancellation lmao
im glad im answering this now instead of when I first saw it cause all this time I thought u were asking about fics in general and ive been trying to come up with some since and WHEW I have zero idea on where to start id be at it for hours. 
apologies for only replying now, ik this might've been more helpful in the moment but I was hoping my post on YJ status was somewhat helpful on the matter ! still imma give some reccs in case u need it in the future
though warning... I get the impression its entirely possible (very likely) u might have read them all already? im gonna try my best with variety but I can't promise u haven't read it already
for YJ, I have to confess....... I have tunnel vision for bart, I don't recall reading much outside/beyond him and those that I have, well since I don't archive what I read (one of my worst traits if u ask me), its not coming to me rn, but next time I read smn I wanna recc Im gonna try to remember to add it to this post as an edit lol
but for now...
Sunshine. Falling by @/radioactive-earthshine 
ok...so ik im gonna mostly be giving the stuff that ive bookmarked on ao3 (which isn't at all a comprehensive list, theres sooo much more that ive loved but I don't use my acc to read at all so I usually just free-ball it when trying to remember fics, and yes, its a habit I very much hate lol) and in fact, I wish I could mention them all here but I would be writing a novel if I spoke about each and every one of the so ur best bet is to just check that list out honestly 
and also, yeah its not a YJ fic, but I enjoy how it follows his comic characters run and builds on it. I find his characterisation in this fic rlly interesting and authentic (also Max being Native American there is everything, I actually have this whole theory/HC in YJ that Max is a Native American “God” (like the ancient greek/roman gods) i.e commonly known as Mercury, that just kinda roams about but is mostly in New Genesis (no idea where that thread/post is rn but I read someone connecting Lightray to Hermes/Mercury and since then that idea has been stuck in my head lol)) 
okay I have gone totally off track (im so sorry omg) im gonna try to keep it concise from here lol, anyway supper recc sunshine falling, the writing is gorgeous and the plot is rlly interesting! 
After the fall of Olympus by @/greycappedjester  
okay, im obsessed with this series, the world building is INSANE, the first fic in the series is basically a YJA AU where failsafe actually happened (whole flashfam except jay dies, but YJA bart still makes it to that TL cause he actually ended up dimension hopping rather than time travelling, or smn like that). To keep it short, his characterisation here is AMAZING, I love it sm, the second fic, flash facts is one of my all time favourites (if u ask me its the only canon take of his interaction with the rogues, cause don't get me started on how foul his comics history with them is (and not in a gd way)) so personally, this series, particularly flash facts, is just fantastic. it also very much explores other YJ/DC characters, (Dick is the central figure in AFTO and bart appears relatively later on and when the YJ Invasion plot passes, the plot focuses alot on other characters, especially considering its largely about Dicks evolution).
For zetaflash, I mean it quite literally when I say I think ive read almost all the fics under the tag... we are very much at that stage in the fandom, so yeah lol, quite a few of my faves are in my bookmarks but I haven't updated it in a while
Sooner than later, a Wally and bart oneshot on their YJ bond, its quite sweet, ft spitfire
Waking up to Ash and Dust  its incomplete (just one chapter) and quite an old fic, its also been super long since I last read it so I can't remember it clearly, gotta give it a reread but I remember it being a rlly interesting take on things so it stuck with me, basically an outsider POV of bart with OCs 
ill try to update this list when I can! and my bookmarks at some point too whilst im at it lol, hope u can enjoy these (if u haven't read them already lol) and im so sorry for the totally unwarranted random essay lmfao
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gwynpool · 11 months
what if L&K continue to terrorize the masses and do the "women are just interchangable LIs for the men" but with Yelena and Nat...
bc L&K already got a back track record of bringing in the women just for the male lead to fuck for saucy panels and then write her terribly everywhere else, Miss "I knew this random guy for a week and am now changing my whole identity bc the writer forgot to remember my personality"
omfg wait what if L&K (and Smith) do more of their MCU brand synergy and make Yelenat sisters... bc they already brought MCU-Peggy for no reason and omg marvel already has a weird thing going with one ex-Cap having a weird love triangle with related women who get written as "catty" towards each other... what if L&K make their version of that with the other ex-Cap and Yelena and Nat...
sorry to be a doomer but i hate those men and that editor. the stories just keep getting worse and so repetitive and warp the established worldbuilding behind the villains in weird ways. like marvel has NO more ideas and just recycle things like a bad fanfic 😔
“What if L&K continue to terrorize the masses…”
best intro to an ask ever, anon! you literally made my day!
and agree on everything you just said. we literally share the same concern that i am honestly wondering if we talked about this before in another app 👀
i and a lot of sharon fans had a lot of hope entering into L&K’s SoL run, how much they gushed over loving sharon as a character and growing up with cap comics. and then a particular issue made me doubt them (emma’s cameo) followed by shitty confusing issues and then that godforsaken podcast was the final nail in the coffin for me.
they are so goddamn terrible at writing female characters, and it should have been obvious when they endlessly stated how they wanted to showcase steve and bucky’s “friendship” that it honestly feel like the entire run is discreetly pandering to #those shippers.
i wouldn’t be surprised if mcu synergy does happen, particularly yelena and nat retconned as sisters since i did see the upcoming white widow run’s synopsis as referring to yelena as such. also, they weren’t the ones who brought back the hag (blame coates) but they did make her as close to as relevant as possible. maybe irrational as they could have been forced to include her but that still sucks.
i wouldn’t hope for a buckynat comeback. i wish i could, but not when it comes to them. wouldn’t put it past the editorial team to give us yucky too.
i would love to talk to you about this more so hit me up anytime, even thru dm 😉
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kari-go · 1 year
I love your art, and thats inspire me to want to create a miraculous au, do you have any tips, of drawing, apps, comic or other things?
Omg, that's so awesome!!
Before I got CSP I drew on Krita, it's free and there are some things that I wish were on CSP. Ibis Paint is also very good(the phone version, idk about the computer) there's a lot of things that I like (and wish were on CSP xd).
I keep track of my word count on Notion. I also have a lot stuff written in it but I barely use it now. I mostly use google docs and google sheets, I keep my kwamis there (both on docs and sheets), hero names, power unification, seating charts, timeline, etc... I also use Tumblr, I'm pretty sure I have the power-ups on here and nowhere else xd. It's kinda messy, I mostly just keep things in my head and hope I don't forget them xd
I hope this helped at least a little, I'm happy that I inspired you. I never thought that I would do that. What is it about?
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lusthurts · 7 months
13.  How much planning do you do before writing?
It really depends - often I will start by just writing to get some ideas out of my system. Many works will start with my just writing one scene that somehow turns into a whole fic. I've never been great at outlining before writing, probably because I kind of like the process of surprising myself during the writing process. For really long fics, I like to set a timeline of events to include and some bullet points of interpersonal character drama that might happen during that event, but it's very informal. This is why I tend to have entire fics almost completely written before I actually start publishing them lol
I will say that even I don't outline before writing, I usually do end up doing at some point during the writing process once I get a better idea of what the story is going to look like. That outline still is very much subject to change based on the ideas I get throughout writing, but I do kind of like having it there to keep track of ideas and thoughts.
14.  If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
omg this is so fun, probably "How Bright We Burn" because it's the longest, and it's the one that I would most love to see as like an alternate version of canon. Obviously it would be so fun to see anything I've written ever adapted visually, but this is the fic that I've put the most time and work into, and it's the universe I like to immerse myself in the most. It's also the only fic where I've put this much effort into my OCs, and it'd be so fun to see those characters visually beyond just the like "face claims" I have for them in my head. If I had a single ounce of drawing talent, I would be drawing fan art all the time lol
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
I love a cliffhanger lol, something that gives people something to think about. But I also kind of like to end chapters where I feel like there's a natural ending to that particular plot point or set of scenes. Sometimes it's when an event/the reflection on that event ends, sometimes it's when characters finally talk through whatever the big issue of the chapter was, sometimes it's when I think readers will be most upset or happy with it ending, etc. Whatever will set up the next chapter best. And for the fic that's coming after "How Bright We Burn," it's a summer fic that will be sandwiched between this fic and its sequel, and it will be 3 chapters, one for each summer month.
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blueyellow8green · 3 years
My ranking of the arcane soundtrack!
(because why not ʘ‿ʘ)
Guns For Hire - Woodkid. A cinematic *master piece* perfect for the scene the lyrics??? Omg "tuck your innocence goodnight you sold your friends for guns for hire". Unparalleled. The vocals. Heavenly.
Goodbye - Ramsey. I love songs that make me want to cry and this one hits it just right. A key theme of the show is loss and grief. And I can just feel it. "Where is my home. I don't recognise the faces anymore."
Dynasties and Dystopia - Denzel Curry, Gizzle & Ben Joy. The best of this song makes me want to run and move. It fits both Ekko and Jinx's vibes so well and of course goes with one of the best fight scenes of season 1.
What Could of Been - Sting. Like I said I love sad songs. Similar to Goodbye it hits some of the sadder themes of the show so well. The opening line just *chefs kiss* "I am the monster your created". That's it isn't it. Not just Jinx and Vi. Not just Silco and Vander. Or Viktor and Jayce and Mel. But Piltover and Zaun. They are the monsters they keep creating over and over. Plus the best violin section and a drop?? Dies.
Enemy - Imagine Dragons. Don't get me wrong love the opening song it's a banger and I love ID too however it doesn't hit as hard I think as any of the songs on the soundtrack however the beat slaps so hard it takes number five. Plus it's like the soundtrack mascot and it's music video is bomb.
Misfit Toys - Pusha T & Mako. Although I think it doesn't have as much of a beat as Snakes and DLA I think its lyrics add so much more to the story. It does feel like a mix of Silco and Jayces song with the opening lines being "I declare war... How could you ignore the voiceless, the screams of the poor". It mirrors what Silcos message is and what Jayce learns in the last episodes. It really hits on the personal aspects of the war between Topside and the Undercity with lines like "both sides go to war like a mosh pit... Our neighborhoods held hostage". I just really love the lyrics okay.
Snakes - PVRIS & MIYAVI. The song Slaps. Cannot deny it. Think it's a banger and also wants to get me fighting. It definitely feels like a Jinx song and really focuses on all the rage she has inside her that we do see but she doesn't articulate very well and often falls back on her childlike behaviour. This song is so so good I really wish it was further up but I think it did lack a little something something.
Everything Went Wrong - Fantastic Negrito. Gotta have some country music in there haven't we. I actually really do like the song and it lifts the whole soundtrack a lot with its different beat and style. It's very much needed to even things out. There's also some nice lyrics in there that pulls a more comical spin on things.
Our love - Curtis Harding & Jazmine Sullivan. This song also provides a lot of balance into the soundtrack which stops it from being all heavy beats and electronic. The scene this is in,,, I'm just saying Jayce and Viktor are there I am Just Saying. I do like the song not my typical style which is main reason it's low down but I get why people like it. The vocals are gorgeous.
Dirty Little Animals - BONES UK. Does kind of feel like a lesser version of Snakes as it lacks a lot of meaningful lyrics. I like the chorus but not my personal fave. Just kind of there on the track.
Playground - Bee Miller. I don't know why but this song bores me a little it's a nice song and it works fine in the scene but I usually skip it on the soundtrack. None of the lyrics really stick out as well they're kind of generic. But it is in the opening episodes when we didn't know the characters so I understand.
Was this pointless? Maybe! Does my opinion matter? Nope! Please don't take this to heart I just did it for fun. I would love to see if anyone agrees or disagrees and why I love seeing people's ranking list for this soundtrack I think it really highlights what they like about the show personally.
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hiddleloki · 3 years
But Horseman!Peter is such a ??? VIBE??? Apocalypse could become way darker with evil!Quicksilver.
I have some headcanons if you don’t mind.
1.       After DoFP when Peter saw Erik on TV screen he became rattled with guilt an anger at himself. Over the years all this anger and angst just tenfolds and he becomes more susceptible to manipulations. He’s also more of a dick like his comic version
2.       At some point after DoFP he also lost his twin sister and ran away from home because he couldn’t deal with everything.
3.       Instead of going to Poland and having a family, Erik went on to found Genosha and lives there content and in peace for once
4.       Because Peter’s at his lowest Apocalypse finds it easy to manipulate him into joinig his little clique. Instead of Erik, it’s Peter who joins the team.
5.       He finds a kindred spirit in Ororo because they’re both kinda alike. Also : hair color buddies
6.       He and Warren don’t get along. Like, at all.
7.       When giving them new suits etc Apocalypse awakens his dormant ferrokinetic powers. Basically he inherited Erik’s ability to control metal (comics accurate babes!), but he’s still pretty untrained at that
8.       Charles gets kidnapped and once he wakes up in Cairo he recognizes Peter as the kid who helped them 10 years ago
9.       Peter is angry at him that his life got ‘ruined’ because how could they just recruit a 16 year and then just left him in the ditch, like he wasn’t important anymore.
10.   Unknowingly to him, Charles did keep an eye on Peter for a bit, and figured out he’s Erik’s son, but lost track of him soon after.
11.   Charles tries to talk him down just like he tried with Ororo in the deleted scene but to no avail.
12.   Raven, Hank and the X-Men travel to Genosha and tell Erik Charles’ has been kidnapped so he immediately joins them and together they fly to Cairo to save him
13.   The fight erupts and Apocalypse’s side is pretty OP, they have Peter and Psylocke who cover the ground and Warren and Ororo up in the air.
14.   Peter vs Kurt but Peter has the upper hand, because yes Kurt can teleport fast, but Peter is still faster.
15.   The moment Peter sees Erik he just freezes and then just goes straight at him.
16.   Erik recognizes him and doesn’t want to fight him, because to him he’s still a kid who helped him a decade ago
17.   At some point he clasps his legs in a metal binding to force him to stop, but to his surprise Peter breaks free with metal manipulation which shakes Erik to the core because he remembers “my mom knew a guy who could do that”
18.   But Charles is kind of safe and Kurt grabs Mags and they all teleport to that half destroyed building to regroup while the chaos is still going strong. Charles wakes up and is happy to see Erik there for him and fighting for the side of good.
19.   At some point someone says that they need to take out the horsemen before going at Apocalypse and Charles pulls Erik aside and tells him Peter’s his son, that he figured it out a few years ago and that Peter probably doesn’t know.
20.   Erik tells him that he figured that out a few minutes ago and that he appreciates the confirmation and he will do everything in his power to help his son the way Charles helped him all those years ago
21.   The final fight happens and Erik singles out Peter and he tries to talk him down, telling him that he was in similar shoes before and that that specific path leads nowhere.
22.   He then tells him that the guy his mum talked about was actually him and that he’s his father and obviously at first Peter doesn’t believe him, until Erik shares some more details about his mother.
23.   Eventually Peter calms down a bit and helps out his dad in the final fight. Apocalypse is defeated, Ororo and Peter join the team.
24.   Back at the mansion Ororo and Peter talk and she tells him she’s gonna stay at the institute and become an X-Man but Peter isn’t as sure what he’s gonna do.
25.   Erik and Peter have a heart to heart talk and Erik brings up that he noticed that Peter also has the ability to control metal and Peter tells him that he definitely wasn’t aware of that, that it’s a recent thing and he’s still struggling to learn how to actually use that power.
26.   Erik invites him to go with him to Genosha, not only because he’s his son and would want to be in his life from then on, but also because he could be a mentor to him and teach him how to control his newfound powers.
27.   Peter agrees and instead of becoming an X-Man, he goes to live with Dadneto in Genosha. End.
Anon, I don’t know you but I love you.
Horseman Peter is such a great concept omg. And also the idea of Peter having no clue about who Erik is to him, but Erik figuring out Peter’s his son and fighting for him? YES, I NEED MORE OF THIS
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rkived · 3 years
extra drabble #2: love is in the air and it’s rubbing it in right on pediatricsurgeon!jungkook’s face as he’s reminded that he’s awfully single once again. that doesn’t mean he can’t gift a special someone something, right?
or in which, jungkook thinks you’d look nice with tiffany & co. jewelry around your neck. (hospitalplaylist!au)
📍drabbles masterlist
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‘‘What do you think she’ll like?’’ Taehyung asks Jungkook as they peruse through the Tiffany & Co. counters filled with expensive jewelry. 
The youngest shrugs his shoulders, ‘‘Shouldn’t you know? You’re the boyfriend,’’ he comments, but it only garners him a displeased side-eye from his friend. 
‘‘Why do I even bother asking for your help? You haven’t had a girlfriend in over a decade.’’ Taehyung mumbles, shaking his head as he keeps analyzing the sparkly bracelets. ‘‘So until you have one, don’t even try to use the I’m the boyfriend and I should know argument…women are far more complicated than that.’’ 
One of the pediatrician’s eyebrow raises, curious about the neurosurgeon’s words. 
Jungkook blames Med School for his lack of ‘‘women knowledge’’. His dating life was basically nonexistent all throughout the years he was studying to get his degree and although he did try his best to go on a couple of dates after he got his specialization, he had realized that he was absolutely clueless about how to even date. 
If he could grade his dating skills, Jungkook would give himself a less than average score. 
He has to give credits to his friend. Although the older male was stressed about getting his younger girlfriend the perfect Valentine’s Day gift, at least he was trying. The neurosurgeon isn’t a patient person at all, and on any other occasion, Taehyung would’ve picked anything at random, swiped his credit card, and called it a day. 
Jungkook doesn’t understand why does one put themselves through so much stress for one day. He’s a firm believer that there shouldn’t be a predetermined day to be romantic with your partner. Then again, Taehyung is right, the pediatrician hasn’t dated in a hot minute so what does he know? 
The neurosurgeon clicks his tongue as he starts to think that he won’t be able to find anything for Yoonah in this store. He’s about to call Jungkook over to tell him that they should try Cartier next, but he holds himself back as he notices the youngest is stuck staring at one of the showcases displaying the latest arrivals. 
Taehyung chuckles, placing his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder and startling him. ‘‘Thinking about getting someone something for Valentine’s?’’ He asks, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. 
Jungkook laughs nervously, ‘‘No! I uh─’’
‘‘I think Y/N would really like that, don’t you think?’’ Taehyung interrupts him, a teasing tone to his voice. He actually has no damn clue what you even like, but he thinks it’s funny to pester his friend, especially when it comes to you. 
It’s almost comical how embarrassed Jungkook gets whenever you’re romantically implied to him. 
In any other moment, he’d tell Taehyung off. What does the neurosurgeon even know about what you like? This time, however, Jungkook remains silent as he looks back at the necklace that had caught his attention. Two interlocked pendants hanging delicately from the gold chain. It is something you would like. 
‘‘So, are you gonna get it?’’ The neurosurgeon asks him, it almost feels like he’s cornering the youngest into swiping his black card right then and there. 
Jungkook stammers, lips slightly ajar as he debates inside his head if he should. 
He’s really not the type to give people gifts, not even to you. Although he did give you that spa day certificate last year, it was only because his mom had given it to him in the first place and he couldn’t seem to find the time to use it, regifting it to you because coincidentally you had been complaining about knots in your back that same week. 
 ‘‘Let’s go,’’ the pediatrician mumbles, tugging his friends’ jacket to get him to leave the store. 
There’s a really vivid picture of you wearing the necklace with a big smile on your face that he can’t seem to get out of his mind now. 
You’ve always had mixed feelings about Valentine’s Day. 
On one hand, you think the festivity is cute. The hospital gets decorated with pink and red colors, there are heart-shaped paper banners hanging from the walls and there’s even free candy all over the place! 
On the other hand, it serves as a yearly reminder that you’re terribly single and have no one to spend this day with. Of course, you could always do something with your friends. Sadly, your friends are all busy doctors. Besides, you are very aware this day is marketed for couples. Whoever came up with the friendship idea must’ve been single and felt left out. 
You already have plans of your own anyway. A bottle of wine and a family-sized bag of your favorite chips are waiting for you at home, you’re only left to pick what movie will be the chosen one for tonight. 
The debate of what rom-com to watch is stopped as you enter your office, a gasp escaping your mouth as you notice the bouquet of flowers over your desk. Your eyebrows raise in surprise, taken aback by the sudden surprise. 
You hadn’t been expecting anything from anyone. You were quite content with the amount of candy you had received, but something like this was far away from your mind. 
It almost even scares you to look at it closely. Afraid it could be a terrible joke or a simple mistake someone had made, an arrangement wrongly delivered to you instead of the original owner. That’s a possibility. 
Mustering up the courage to get closer, you pick up the bouquet to notice there’s a small blue box snuggled between the pretty flowers. Your eyes widen because...Tiffany & Co.? Yes, this must be a mistake. 
There’s no note attached, which only makes you wonder who could possibly this gift be for. 
You can almost hear a little devil Yoongi whispering from your shoulder finders keepers, it’s only fair since it’s in your office anyway. But there’s also ethical angel Namjoon on your other shoulder telling you to do the right thing, which is to head towards reception and ask who had entered your office and left it behind. Which you do ─ angel Namjoon rejoices as devil Yoongi swears he’ll get away with it someday. 
The receptionist is typing away at her computer’s keyboard, registering the new files into the system as she notices you approaching with the bouquet on hand and she stops her work to smile at you. 
‘‘Hello, Doctor Y/L/N! I see you got your Valentine’s Day gift, heading home already?’’ She asks curiously. 
You chuckle, ‘‘I think there’s been a mistake.’’ The comment makes the receptionist’s eyebrows furrow together, confused at your words. ‘‘I don’t have a Valentine, so there’s no way this is for me. There’s not even a note attached to it.’’ 
‘‘Ohhh, I see.’’ She says in a tone you can’t quite pinpoint, getting back to her typing quickly. 
You clear your throat, ‘‘I was wondering if you know who went inside my office today?’’ 
The receptionist refuses to look at you again, eyes focused on the screen in front of her. She shakes her head no, ‘‘So many people come and go, I lose track of them!’’ 
You sigh, defeated. The receptionist takes one last look at you before you leave, ‘‘That gift is for you, Dr. Y/L/N.’’ Your gaze moves back towards her, but you can tell her lips are sealed. Whoever left this behind must’ve asked for secrecy. 
Looking back down at the bouquet in your hands, you smile slightly at the idea of this being yours. Someone actually gave you something for once. 
The receptionist chuckles at your flustered cheeks and the smile you’re biting back from spreading across your face. 
Jungkook’s phone buzzes as he steps outside his bathroom. It’s a message from the group chat and he quickly opens it, fingers beginning to tremble as he hopes it’s the long-awaited message he’s been hoping to see throughout most of the day. 
[9:30 PM] Y/N 🥰❤️: i think i have a secret admirer? 
[9:30 PM] Seokjin: Welcome to the club! 
[9:31 PM] Namjoon: Why? Did you get something today? 
The message that proceeds is one that makes Jungkook’s heart stop momentarily. It’s a selfie of you smiling, a gold necklace being the main focus as it sits pretty on your chest. These are the moments the pediatrician doesn’t question Namjoon’s diagnosis, he is crushing hard.
[9:34 PM] Yoongi: It looks expensive, good for you Y/N. 
[9:32 PM] Taehyung: omg :0 
[9:33 PM] Taehyung: that necklace looks awfully familiar…..
Jungkook is too busy staring at the picture to even notice Taehyung’s teasing. 
It’s just like he had pictured, but much better. 
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a/n: hiii guys happy valentine’s day!! my gift for y’all is this drabble <3 pining 101 is a crowd favorite and i feel rlly guilty abt abandoning it :( but i HAD to write smthn for these two for vday!! hope u enjoyed n sorry (again) for the wait :P ps: although this is an extra drabble, this does take place during the main drabbles timeline!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 287: Family Reunion
Previously on BnHA: The Tomura For One VS Deku And Pals clusterfuck reached new levels of clustfuckery as AFO possessed Tomura’s body and stabbed Kacchan and Endeavor. Shouto was all “good thing I leveled up offscreen so as to be able to fly around whilst carrying 400lbs worth of people”, and did just that and it was like, damn, son. Meanwhile Deku’s rage went Mach 100, and he kicked Tomura’s ass for almost two whole seconds, but in the process he apparently forgot that IF TOMURA TOUCHES HIM THAT IS VERY BAD, and so he stupidly let Tomura touch him and Tomura was all “GAME, SET.” Fortunately for Deku, his quirk plays by its own rules, and so the chapter ended with us cutting to the METAPHYSICAL OFA/AFO PARANORMAL DREAMSCAPE OF MYSTICAL BULLSHIT, where AFO!Vestige was all “lol Tomura y u mad”, and Nana!Vestige was all “SUP DEKU, YOU’RE JUST IN TIME, LOOKS LIKE IT’S ASSKICKING O’CLOCK.” I’m paraphrasing a bit, but that’s more or less the gist of it.
Today on BnHA: AFO is all “well if it isn’t Tomura’s grandmother who I murdered that one time”, and Deku is all “?”, and AFO is all “fucking vestiges, man, wild”, and Deku is all “??”, and AFO is all “ANYWAYS GETTIM TOMURA”, and OFA is all “NOT SO FAST”, and Deku is all “???”, and really, same. AFO then goes off on some wild tangent about how Deku is unworthy because he couldn’t protect everyone and needed help from OFA and got mad about his friends being stabbed, which is such a cold take it gave me hypothermia, but it ends up not mattering since Deku and Tomura both wake up seconds later with OFA still in the possession of its rightful owner, HOW ABOUT THAT. The chapter ends with the LoV approaching on Gigantomachia’s back with Dabi practically salivating at the mouth, and Toga trying to reignite an old fandom blood feud. Toga why would you do this to me. Toga.
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“chapter 287: mistake” omg. yeah I’ll say you made a mistake, AFO. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THESE FLEETING LAST MOMENTS OF YOUR SHITTY EVIL LIFE
(ETA: so in all seriousness this must be referring to AFO’s belief that All Might/OFA made a mistake in choosing Deku, right? “I can’t believe you went and chose this shounen manga protagonist as your champion, what were you thinking.” I’ll just put this out there: however many comic books AFO read as a child, it clearly was not enough.)
wow Deku how slow are you
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yes you’re inside OFA you dimbulb, did you think your clothes suddenly vanished out of the blue and the ghost of Nana just randomly appeared in the real world by some freak coincidence?? can you believe this kid. breaks his arms a measly 10-15 times in a row and all of a sudden he can’t think straight, get it together Deku
but also brb having a moment at the fact that his thoughts immediately run back to Kacchan, even with all of this nonsense going on and Nana about to lay the beatdown on AFO’s potato-lookin’ ass. forget that noise, all he wants to know is whether or not Kacchan is all right. fuckin’ geez. AM I OVERREACTING HERE A BIT. probably
(ETA: ALSO!! the way he just trails off!! “Kacchan is...” and then he can’t bring himself to complete the thought. oh my god my heart.)
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damn but this man sure knows how to ruffle my feathers. as eminently detestable as ever!!
could it be any clearer here that AFO is not on Tomura’s side?? for a moment I thought he had actually grabbed him by the back of the head in order to get him to look. but nope, he’s just resting his pointing hand on top of his head instead while he’s all “HEY TOMURA LOL IT’S THE GHOST OF YOUR DEAD PATHETIC GRANDMA”
for those keeping track at home, this would be the first time that Deku has heard this information -- that Tomura is Nana’s grandson -- and possibly the first time Vestige!Nana has heard it as well. Nana died when Kotarou was still a child, so for all we know the Vestige!Nana didn’t even know she had a grandson, lol. TODAY ON “MAKESTE RANTS AT LENGTH ABOUT THINGS THAT WILL PROBABLY BE ADDRESSED WITHIN THE NEXT THREE PANELS”, anyway moving on
lmao for the record I fucking LOLed at this giant question mark immediately bubbling up over Deku’s head
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no idea what AFO is about to ramble on about now, haven’t read that far yet. but let the record show that Deku’s immediate reaction to hearing “BTW NANA IS YOUR ARCHNEMESIS’S GRANDMA LULZ” is everything I could have hoped for
(ETA: fandom nailed the shit out of this one with the confused Mr. Krabs meme lmao.)
okay so now AFO is monologuing at length about how he would sometimes have “riveting dreams” about the previous owners of all the quirks he stole. but once he gave the quirks away they stopped bothering him?? holy moly let me just take all the notes
okay so he’s saying that Vestiges are created whenever someone has their quirk stolen by AFO. but if they then disappear when he gives the quirks away, does that also mean that whoever receives the quirks also gets the original owner’s Vestige bundled in every time?? that would be wild okay hold up let me read the rest of this
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so he’s saying that the Vestiges are actually the “consciousnesses” of the original quirk owners, which have become embedded in their dna or something. SOUNDS INCREDIBLY DUBIOUS TO ME LOL but on the other hand this is a world where children can be born with airplane heads, so my disbelief can hardly afford to pick and choose what it’s gonna be suspended at! anyways though, how does he know he’s the only one who was able to converse with them? did you conduct detailed six-month follow-up interviews with everyone you gave quirks to or what
and if it really is the case that this ability was formerly exclusive to him, isn’t that more evidence than ever that OFA and AFO are actually THE EXACT SAME QUIRK oh whoops am I getting ahead of myself again, sorry
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this makes it sound like they won’t ever get to rest, which sure sounds like a soul thing to me. well whatever, soul, consciousness, I guess it’s just semantics at the end of the day
anyways though, so this asshole is finally done talking (I’m sure that won’t last), so now we can finally have the heartwarming reunion we’ve all been waiting for
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-- actually, no, not “sigh”!! you know what!! because Tomura says “whatever the reason”, but that’s only because he doesn’t actually have a fucking clue about the reason. like, I don’t know if the knowledge that AFO killed Nana would be enough to give him pause, but if he knew the whole story and knew that AFO was behind not only Nana’s death, but the rest of his family’s deaths as well... now that would be a whole different thing
anyway. but at least it’s becoming clearer now why AFO spent all that time raising Tomura up as his heir and brainwashing him even though he seems to have been planning this body takeover the whole time. it’s all because he loves making people miserable! yaaaaay
btw HAS NANA HAD THE EXACT SAME MOLE ON HER CHIN AS TOMURA THIS ENTIRE TIME WTF. am I just the least observant person who ever lived lmao
lol wtf
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ground: [randomly starts exploding]
y’all I cannot fucking get over this “AFO growing out of Tomura’s hip socket like a fucked-up ventriloquist dummy” shit though
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you do realize that absolutely no one can take you seriously right now, right?? it’s important to me that you know this
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seems like SOMEONE has had it up to here with a certain SOMEONE ELSE’S bullshit lmaooo bye Felicia
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you guys why is he not dying!!
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love how Deku is just lying there like “YOU KNOW THOSE DAYS WHERE YOU’RE LIKE, THIS MIGHT AS WELL HAPPEN.” poor Deku
(ETA: where in god’s name is OFA Prime standing. why are my thoughts fully consumed by this lmao.)
are Nana and OFA Prime even doing anything?? why are they sticking their arms out like that. wait hold up is this all a big metaphor for the back-and-forth going on between Tomura trying to steal OFA and OFA being all “actually no you can’t, please enter your password and click on all the boxes with bicycles in them to prove you’re a human first”?
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I have only just noticed that metaphysical!Deku has the same scars as actual!Deku. and yet his arms are not currently broken! that doesn’t really seem consistent to me but whatever!! maybe he saved right before the boss battle, that would be smart of him
anyway, that’s great and all that OFA Prime is here helping out, but I really wanted to see Nana fight AFO in a one on one though so I’m a bit disappointed. also why is it only the two of them?? where are Banjou and the others. of all the times to be sleeping on the job
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oh shit hold up
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doesn’t this confirm that the reason he wanted to transfer his power to Tomura is because he believed it would make him strong enough to finally take OFA because of Quirk Singularity? jesus christ. and here he was so sure of himself. but it turns out he doesn’t actually know shit! you can’t just fucking take OFA like that ya dingdong that’s not how it works
(ETA: SO, A THOUGHT -- is there any sort of subtle hinting here in the way that he words this? “if your strength is combined with mine”, as opposed to “if my strength is combined with yours”? no idea if the admittedly-so-small-as-to-be-almost-inconsequential distinction between those two sentences exists in the original Japanese or not, but I find it very interesting that the English wording implies that he’s the one adding Tomura’s strength to his own, rather than vice versa.)
now he’s insulting Deku!!
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excuse me sir WHO ASKED YOU anyway. and never mind that being consumed by an, AND I QUOTE, “unquenchable” rage is your protege’s whole THING, and that he also needed your help to avoid being burned to a crisp a short while ago. where do you get off I swear
(ETA: also just want to point out that in the panel before this one he says that he’s been “watching through Tomura”, which pretty much confirms that his consciousness or whatever is alive inside of him all the time. Tomura is definitely not getting rid of this guy any time soon.)
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first he calls Kacchan useless, then he calls Deku a simpleton, and don’t even get me started with Nana. just, you guys. this man is just... a very, very rude man
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“DESPITE HIS COMMON SENSE” sdfkllk my man he already has one brother roasting him, take it easy guy
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hahaha nice try Tomura
so Deku’s all “I didn’t lose my power! BUT” and I assume the “but” is the part where his arms are still broken and shit, and meanwhile Tomura’s body is almost healed up now finally
they’re both wiped out and now AFO is again petitioning Tomura to let him take over goddammit
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“you won’t lose your mind” yep, he sure won’t! scout’s honor!! pinky swear!!
meanwhile Deku is getting fucking desperate flkjl;k my baby. and Machia is going to show up any second now too, probably. what else can fucking go wrong at this point
oh shit I shouldn’t have asked
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get ready to rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuumble, probably
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meanwhile Toga is having unsettlingly quiet angst
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jesus christ Toga this is all we need right now
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“WAS JIN-KUN NOT A PERSON” sdkfjlk Horikoshi I swear. please have mercy on this fandom. this is the debate that refuses to die!!
but seriously ffs, the issue isn’t that Jin deserved to die, it’s that the countless people whom Jin would have either directly or indirectly killed didn’t deserve to die either. people don’t only become people when you attach names and faces to them! we all loved Jin because we’d gotten to know him, but that doesn’t mean his life was inherently worth more than the lives of all the people he would have killed. sometimes there’s just no good answer
like, it’s just crazy to me that because the heroes are all “we want to protect everyone!” but then aren’t always able to do so because that’s literally impossible, whereas the villains are all “we don’t care about anyone other than the select few people that we actually like!”, the villains somehow wind up getting the better PR. it just so happens that it’s infinitely easier to be loyal to the interests of a few people as opposed to ALL THE PEOPLE. like, no shit, it’s easier to stick to your moral code when you barely have a moral code. and so the villains can kill thousands and no one bats an eye, but if a hero fails to save even one person they’re hypocritical moral failures. like what the hell
BUT ANYWAY, sorry to go off on a tangent there lol, it’s not really a big deal. I’m just preemptively trying to stave off more discourse about it lol but who am I even kidding
anyways lol, but of course they won’t kill you unless they have no choice, Toga. but when it comes to catch-22 situations, it’s a bit much to infer that the heroes don’t consider the villains people just because they opt for the choice that spares more innocent lives. I sure as hell don’t want my babies out here killing people, but to say that they can’t no matter what or else they’re no different from the villains is just...
anyway so the chapter has now just ENDED, just like that!! on a shot of Ochako’s face!
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I SENSE ANOTHER THROWDOWN COMING. and it had better not be a total letdown like the last one! NANA BARELY DID ANYTHING HORIKOSHI, WHAT THE FUCK. I started out with such high hopes lol
but I will settle for Toga VS Ochako, and Deku VS Tomura: The Sequel: Shouto’s Revenge! SPEAKING OF HEROES WHO HAVE NO QUALMS ABOUT MURDERING PEOPLE lmao
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