#would make me sound somewhat deranged.
candycryptids · 6 months
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“Please treat your life like I would have.”
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“Every night, the same dream, every morning, the same emptiness… what I wouldn’t give for you to still be here.”
Vierapril Day 3: Rest/Wish
Or, rather. The lack of rest? I hope I conveyed that dream sequence of everything feeling Strange and becoming blurry/hazy the more you try to hold onto it.
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casinodove · 2 years
⁺‧₊ CUPIDITY ─ y!Capitano .
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IN WHICH, his lack of control over his cupidity was certainly visible whenever he was with them.
─ sfw , cws for general yandere themes , capitano being deranged , mild dumbification , power imbalance , talks of "owning" someone , misuse of power , somewhat mild violence , toxic relationships , helplessness , slight sadism , mentions of blood n cutting someone's throat , forced marriage
gn!reader ft. they/them prns , 2nd person pov , y!capitano x reader
─ side notes , you've already heard of gentle and caring yandere capitano now get ready for rough, sadist, deranged and bloodthirsty yandere capitano, bought to you by yours truly. Also new layout wow. Not proofread surprisingly
CUPIDITY , (n.) Greed, strong desire
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It wasn't that huge of a surprise to you when his love confession was nothing like that, you had already picked up on his odd behavior from months prior to it.
However, calling it pleasant, nice, or romantic in any shape or form would be a stretch, for those were certainly the only emotions you didn't feel during the moment. It was empty of all passion, the euphoria was there yet it was there for a bad reason.
Although the cut itself wasn't that deep, it was deep enough to draw blood. The fresh wound on the sensitive skin of your neck began to sting as blood dripped down onto your shirt.
─ "Say it"
He commanded, pressing the swords sharp tip a tiny bit further into the flesh of your neck, inching closer towards you.
Your breath hitched and one painful lump manifested itself into your throat, saying what he wanted to hear was certainly getting harder by the second considering that he'd only need to push the sword into your flesh a little more to separate your neck into two pieces.
Swallowing hard, you gathered whatever crumb of courage was left within you and tried to mentally prepare yourself before finally speaking up.
─ "Please put the sword away, my Lord."
Your voice sounded way louder than it should've within his cold study room, which sent you into some slight panic since you didn't want to anger him by being too "demanding"
Despite your pathetic plea, he only twisted the sword ever so slightly, his dark helmet boring through you.
It was clear from his lack of speech that his previous demand stood and that perhaps the only way he'd remove the blade from your flesh would be if he was satisfied with the love confession that he knew you'd eventually make.
It would be helpful for your escape if you weren't pressed up against a wall and well, his sword however escape wasn't what you were planning for the moment, for what currently mattered right now was to get out of this situation with your throat intact.
Taking one last, quick scan of your surroundings you closed your eyes and took one deep breath, bracing yourself mentally and clinging onto the last bits of dignity left in you before he devoured that too.
Putting on your best innocent facade, softening your gaze and looking at his helmet in order to give an illusion of submission you let the lies words spill out from your mouth.
─ "it is true my Lord, that I too have loved you for long. I have loved you for many moons and yet I was fearful of admitting it. I feared rejection, for I didn't desire to be humiliated in such a way. My feelings are nothing but sincere for you, my Lord, and, it is beyond any shadow of a doubt, I'd truly like to spend the rest of my days by your side if you would allow me to."
He tilted his head slightly, searching within your facade eyes for any trace of a lie, yet instead of slicing your neck the sharpened blade traveled to your chin and raised it ever so slightly.
─ "We both know you better not be lying, dove. You are already aware of the consequences lying to your lover and Lord brings, no?"
Nodding your head the best way you could without cutting yourself on his sword you never dropped the act once.
─ "Ofcourse, I.. wouldn't lie to you, my Lord."
You struggled forcing the innocent tone out of your throat the best way you could, fully knowing it was one poor attempt at pleasing his intensifying cupidity.
It truly astonished you how the previous few minutes he was ranting about how much he loved you, about how much he required you to continue living, and then a minute after he was done with that, the blade that was previously barely touching you was threatening to slice your throat as he demanded you to confess your neverending love back to him.
However, even without the sword, there was nothing else you could do but "confess" your totally existing love for him, for he was an almighty harbinger and you were a low ranking fatuu, he could destroy you in more ways than one just considering that.
Yet, you couldn't say you really enjoyed this extra attention from your superior, it truly brought chills down your spine whenever he'd coo things at you as if you were too dumb to understand his big words otherwise. You knew he was wrongly using his power to get what he wanted from you, matter of fact he had done it so many times, yet nobody really cared. Nobody cared about when you were forced into going out with him or forced into helping him on missions, nor when you were working overtime with him and spending multiple sleepless nights due to having to help his lordship.
Simply because he, was a harbinger, a high ranking one at that, and you, were merely a nobody compared to him. And goodness, did he make sure to drill that into your head every chance he got.
─ "Well then, I shall believe you and allow you to spend your days alongside me. Betrayal and disloyalty will not be tolerated any longer from this point on."
He put the sword away, and with one swift move his gloved hand slid the lavish ring onto your finger, the ring felt heavy on your finger not due to it being made out of pure gold nor due to the previous gems adorning it but due to the burden that you now had to forever carry with you by being his lawful partner.
For you knew, the ring was but another mark of clear ownership, and it was that very ownership you desperately wanted to get rid of.
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im litteraly going feral over this man rn I can't even
─ casinodove , 22.01.23 .
do not copy, translate nor rewrite any of my works without explicit permission from me !
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sarnai4 · 6 months
This is going to sound a little odd given how some of my previous posts mentioned Viggo being very dismissive of Dagur...BUT I'm going to throw this idea out there. Imagine Viggo and Dagur as actual business partners/crime buddies. (Spoilers ahead)
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Now, just hear me out. They are extremely different, yes, but I think their strengths balance the other's weaknesses. Let's consider Viggo. His biggest flaw is what I like to somewhat affectionately call his Viggo ego. The man is cocky to a new level. He couldn't even imagine someone betraying him, not him because he's the genius Viggo Grimborn. He can tell Dagur to follow orders and that he's dumb and he'll do nothing. Oops, okay, he did something. Viggo can ridicule his brother time and time again and Ryker will obviously do nothing to him because who can, right? Well, Ryker apparently can turn on him. Hmm, weird. Okay, for real this time, no one else can try to touch him. Dang it, Krogan and Johann! Just had to try to kill the guy. Don't you know that no one can go against Viggo? He's amazing. Well, that's the thing, he is, but he's so aware of that fact that he sets himself up for failure by not even considering real dangers as threats. It's really Viggo's only weak area. Besides that, he's incredibly strategic, level-headed, cool, charismatic, etc. He just needs to balance out that arrogance of his. I think Dagur could help him with this.
Despite Dagur definitely being a cocky guy too, he's nowhere near Viggo's level. To put it in perspective, the guy didn't even fight back after getting choked out because he didn't want to mess up his plan. He never said anything when the Grimborns mocked him and he also let Alvin think he was in charge back in DoB. This is the type of influence Viggo needs in his life. If he's willing to listen, Dagur could help open his eyes to the people around him and how they aren't all on his side. Honestly, once Viggo doesn't have to worry about his "allies" trying to kill or betray him, he's pretty much good. That removes about 70% of his problems. Even just in the two interacting, Dagur could probably help Viggo gain some humility and learn to not underestimate people. It would be difficult for the crime boss to accept that someone like Dagur is actually smart, so it would be an important first step for him to take. Afterwards, he could probably start opening his mind more to different forms of intelligence and not just assuming, "I'm better than you and you'll never stand a chance against me," when meeting someone.
Considering Dagur, I think his biggest weakness is his temper. No, not his mind. That's not fair and honestly not true. Him being deranged has led to him being unpredictable, a valuable trait when going up against people. He's also still very capable, so it's never held him back. His temper on the other hand. Woo. Yeah, that causes some issues. He gets angry over tiny things and just cannot function anymore. Dagur, if you stayed calm, you probably would've expected the tail to the face when Heather and the Riders left. Probably would've also not retreated in fury when the A Team showed up. This is how he had his first real loss against Hiccup back when they were kids because he was so angry at the provocation that he didn't pay attention and took him on with the Skrill, electrocuting himself. He had the advantage before that because of the numbers, but he reacted too hastily. Just have to get that temper under control.
Viggo is so calm and reasonable that I could see him helping with this. Even in times when he's lost, he can respect a game well played. There are times when he's lost his temper, but it's very rare and he generally keeps a cool head. Now, he'd need to not be condescending towards Dagur since that would make it worse, but I think he could be beneficial. Viggo getting through to Dagur, finding out why he actually gets so furious about things and helping him calm down/think things through when he's in one of those states would really help him out.
So, this friendship would definitely take time to work. It also might take some situations where they're forced to rely on each other first, but I think there's potential. Unfortunately, this would ultimately be to the detriment of the world because a Viggo who doesn't underestimate his foes and a Dagur who doesn't let his anger get the better of him are a deadly duo.
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medichamcham · 1 month
thinking of some fucked up interaction between rose and gio where a 3rd party threatens rose's life and giovanni saves him and rose makes a comment like "I must be more useful than youve let on" and giovanni says No. there are plenty more useful idiots around if anything happened to you. and rose is like ":/ ok so what am I to you then?" and gio is like . . . [takes way too fucking long to answer if at all because he cant admit he cares about him]
What would one call divine intervention, if the divine were not so?
Rose is at the edge of the bathtub, first-aid kit in hand, watching Giovanni patch himself up near the sink.
…Giovanni, the leader of Team Rocket, the breathing embodiment of evil, as wicked and calculating as they come.
He's cleaning up his wounds, hissing when he wipes his bleeding skin with alcohol. He requests more bandages.
…Giovanni, the thief who stole Rose from death’s cold hands.
Rose picks out a small box, containing a roll of bandages, handing it over to him.
“...Any way I can help?” He asks. “It's the least I can do.”
“No need,” Giovanni replies absently, eyes concentrating on wrapping the bandages over his knuckles. “In fact, I don't see the purpose of you sitting here and staring at me.”
Giovanni breaks character, and he cracks a cheeky smirk, glancing back towards Rose.
Rose laughs somewhat sheepishly, not realising his gawking. He reaches up to twirl his curl of hair around a finger.
“Well, I’m sorry for being attentive to your needs,” he quips, tipping his head to the side, brow raised. “Should I return to the living room and take your act of kindness for granted?”
Giovanni can't help but snort, ears perking when he hears a word most unfamiliar.
“You have a knack for the hyperbolic,” he huffs, although his grin shows his jest. “It’d hardly do us any favours if those fools slashed your throat and left you for dead.”
Rose remembers the few hours before. Found by masked strangers whilst wandering home, brandishing knives and baseball bats, crudely embellished with nails.
At the wrong place, at the wrong time, to put it simply. An uglier side of Galar, which Rose feels no pride for.
With nowhere to go, his trusty Pokémon recovering from a sparring match, and physically outnumbered… What could he have possibly done on his own?
Rose’s heart sinks at the thought, pulling him back to the present, and his fingers reach up to trace across his throat.
If it weren't for him, his story would surely have ended right there and then, gruesomely so.
“Giovanni, you must be misunderstanding me,” Rose tells him in a less joking manner. “I saw you fighting those men alone; I saw you getting hurt when all I could do was stand by and watch, because I’m obviously not cut out for such work! And when one of them pulled a bloody pistol on me…”
He trails off, his heartbeat quickening when he recalls the sheer terror enveloping him at that very moment.
“You saved my life, you know,” Rose adds, quietly. “And there's no hyperbole to that statement. So, I insist.”
Giovanni slows his movements to a halt whilst hearing Rose speak, halfway in wrapping up his scarred hands.
The warmth, the gratitude, the honesty. It's not often he’d be on the receiving end of such genuine admiration… aside from his own organisation, of course.
It makes something stir within the decrepit void where his heart is supposed to be.
…Well, nearly.
Rose's words sink in. And Giovanni comments with a sarcastic huff.
“A most inspiring speech, Mr. President,” Giovanni muses, returning to covering up his wounds. “Ever considered politics?”
Rose rolls his eyes, grumbling to himself.
He supposes that two can play at that game, and he crosses his arms with a smug twinkle in his eye.
“Alright, then why did you even bother going through all that trouble in the first place?” He argues. “To me, it sounds like I must be more useful than you’ve let on so far.”
Giovanni barks a laugh, his wide smile making him appear nearly deranged for a split moment. A sardonic part of him takes great joy out of Rose's innocence.
“Hah!” He grins. “What makes you think you're indispensable? Simply because I didn't let those idiots beat you to death?”
Rose's shoulders sag, flipping from prideful to bemused. He doesn't answer straight away, the brief silence pressing under the weight of apprehension.
“Maybe so,” Rose chuckles, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. “I mean… you're always up to something. You're not the type to do things unprompted.”
His teeth sink into his lip, tentatively, for another moment. While he talks, his leg unconsciously starts bouncing as a way to ease his nerves.
“If I’m so useless to you,” Rose says, slowly, thinking his words through. “What’s my purpose, then?”
Giovanni doesn't respond, not sparing a glance, his concentration on his wounds creating a sense of distance between the two.
Rose won't make him walk away, however.
“Am I wasting your time?”
The last thing Rose wants is to have no meaning to his presence. They're busy men, something the both of them understand. Time is a limited resource.
Giovanni falters for a moment, grimacing when his mind draws a blank. A rare occurrence.
Rose is a decent business partner, sure. But he's right in saying he didn't need to stick his head out for him, especially considering the risk he poses to exposing himself. It's something he didn't expect to do at that moment, either.
“No,” He sighs, frank in his tone. “You don't waste my time, Rose. That's not what I’m saying.”
He’s nothing like him. He's idealistic, naïve, aimless. Downright pisses him off, on occasion. 
Yet his charm has come to smooth out those edges. Rose is considerate to a fault and, unlike countless others, he understands his business practices. Tries his best to see him for who he is, rather than the monolith of Team Rocket.
And perhaps that makes Giovanni want to look out for him. He's a selfish bastard, sure, but he’s been taught to appreciate what he's given. 
It's common sense that, should you want to keep receiving the goods … you better keep the distributor happy.
…Or safe, at least.
But Giovanni doesn't feel like letting him know. Not yet. Partially because he's getting rather annoyed by Rose’s badgering now.
Simultaneously, he both enjoys and loathes his relentless persistence.
“So what are you saying, then?” Rose presses. “Am I not allowed some clarity?”
Giovanni groans and lowers his bandages, unable to focus.
“Okay, next time you're hanging off a cliff, should I just let you fall?”
“Ah? No, no!" Rose blurts. "Of course not! But—”
Giovanni raises his hand in a beckoning gesture, snarky in his disposition.
“Then quit overthinking it,” he orders him with a toothy smirk. He comes closer to Rose by a few steps, standing over and peers down, maintaining an air of authority by keeping his head lifted.
“If you're so concerned over being useful, then hand me the medical tape, Mr. President.”
Rose opens his mouth again to talk back, but ultimately relents. He begrudgingly does what he asks of him, sitting back and basking in his dissatisfaction.
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legs-like-jelly · 2 months
I have personal headcanon/story attached to the Lee Megatron art.
Optimus was awoken by the sound of Prowl seemingly laughing loudly. He was confused and somewhat interested by the sound he was hearing. He went out into the living area but he kind of wished that he hadn't. The sight that was in front of him was too much to witness.
Bumblebee: Take back what you said! *While violently tickling him*
Prowl: I said what I said Bumblebee! Now stop it! *he continues to laugh and thrash around violently* The other Autobots and Sari wouldn't dare to get in between this. They knew they'd probably end up worse than Prowl.
Optimus: So what happened? *while staring about Bumblebee and Prowl*
Bulkhead: Bumblebee was talking to Sari about how good video games were. And Prowl jumped in a said that video games were a childish waste of time.
Sari: Bumblebee then said "I'll show you a childish waste of time" in a deep and deranged voice. And then he jumped onto Prowl and started to tickle him violently. He's now trying to make Prowl apologize.
Optimus: Mhmmmmmm *while shaking his head slowly*
Prowl: Bumblebee! Get off me!
Bumblebee: Not until you apologize! *He said then he aimed for prowl's most sensitive area. His pedes.*
Prowl: *He starts to giggle and laugh way louder*
Bumblebee: Do you give up yet?
Prowl: No! *Prowl not trying to give up his pride*
*Ratchet gets out of his bedroom and starts walking towards the two. He takes Bumblebee off of Prowl with his magnetic grapplers*
Ratchet: Can you two rust buckets shut the slag up?! Some bots are trying to get status sleep
*Prowl is a giggling mess on the floor. He still hasn't recovered from the tickling that just occurred*
Bumblebee: *pouting in the air*
Optimus: Hmm didn't take Prowl as one to be ticklish *In a contemplative tone*
Bulkhead and Sari: I know. Right?
Megatron: You Autobots have the worst forms *while pinning down Bumblebee*
*Bumblebee escapes threw Megatron's legs slightly brushing up against them. Megatron legs buckle a little the sudden touch catching him off guard. Optimus is quick to observe this*
Optimus: hmmmm *while looking at what just occurred*
*Megatron rushes over quickly to try and seek information from Sari about the location of her key*
Megatron: So child..where is the key that the Autobots have so graciously trusted you with?
Sari: I don't know anything! It was stolen!
*Megatron raising his fusion cannon at Sari* "Liar"
*Optimus quickly formulated a plan. Thinking about what he saw this morning. You never know what your enemy's weakness might be so he decided to give it a shot*
*Optimus started to tickle Megatrons sides. A childish but funny plan of attack*
Optimus: Gotcha!
*Megatron tries to stiffen his giggle but a smile is slowly starting to appear on his face*
Megatron: G-get off of me! *Megatron says while trying to pull Optimus off of him*
Optimus: Nuh uh! *In a sassy Optimus like tone*
*A big smile is starting to form on Megatrons face. Blitzwing and Lugnut are looking at them in disbelief. How could the mighty leader of the decepticons be ticklish? They continued to stare in disbelief*
Megatron: Get off of me! *he says while giggling like a tiny little sparkling*
Optimus: Nahhhhh *in a sassy tone*
*Optimus traps Megatron's arms at his sides while tickling his side with the other arm. Blitzwing, Lugnut, Bumblebee, Prowl, Ratchet, Bulkhead and Sari. Could not believe what they were witnessing. The mighty leader of the Decpeticons was getting tickled by their very eyes*
Prowl: Oh wow *In a surprised yet monotone tone of voice*
Bulkhead: I'd never would have thought in a billion stellar cycles that Megatron would be ticklish
Blitzwing: I know *He says while looking at Optimus and Megatron*
Megatron: Get off of me you autobot fool! *He says while laughing loudly*
Optimus: Nope! *He says while tickling him harder in his stomach area*
*Everyone could not believe what they were witnessing. The great leader of the Decepticons was getting tickled and laughing loudly instead of punching the daylights out of Optimus. Megatron seemed to be blushing and flustered at this childish action*
Optimus: I'll stop if you retreat!
Megatron: Okay then Slag!...Decepticons retreat!
*Optimus then lets Megatron go. It seems that Megatron is too tired to transform into his helicopter mode*
Lugnut: Want us to carry you home sir?
Megatron: No. We'll walk *In a serious but embarrassed tone*
Lugnut: Yes Sir
*The Decepticons started walking off*
Bumblee: What a day. Am I right sir? *Bumblee while talking to Optimus*
Optimus: Yeah let's go home everyone *Optimus while somewhat embarrassed that he had to do something as childish as tickling to get Megatron to stop his onslaught or his friends*
Optimus: Autobots roll out! *everyone proceeded to roll out*
Bulkhead: Today was a weird day
Ratchet: Yep
Prowl: Agreed
*everyone was silent that night at dinner*
Sorry for giving you this long fanfic in your inbox. Feel free to ignore this. Thank you for drawing that Megatron art. I thought it was super cute! Have a great day!
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siriuslysatorusimping · 11 months
*Excerpt* Shattered Existence Deleted Scene (Another Level)
Hiiiiiiii 😊
I know I've been a lil MIA lately 🙃
Just been focusing on a few things other than writing for the first time in a while... But I wanted to share this deleted scene that I decided not to include because I felt it would have just served as needless filler 😬
Since we're already through it, I figured it'd be fun to share!
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
And the installment this was deleted from, Shattered Existence
Shattered Existence Deleted Scene
“My precious students are watching, you know.”
Gojo’s laugh was deranged as he jutted his thumb toward the crows watching.
“My girlfriend, too!” he continued, his voice sounding delirious. “You hear that Megumi? Finally fuckin told her.”
“How sweet,” Sukuna laughed. “How does she feel knowing that you and her kid are beatin’ the shit outta each other?”
Her jaw clenched, her chest constricting with fury as Sukuna’s grin widened.
“And who’s gonna stop her from comin’ in here and getting herself killed when you die?”
“I’m not gonna die,” Gojo shot back confidently, grinning just as wide. “But at least I have someone who cares about me enough. What’ve you got? That monk? My girl could take ‘em easy.”
“I don’t give a shit about anyone else tagging in for me,” Sukuna replied, smirking now. “You rely on others, and that’s what makes humans weak. But you, you’re at least somewhat capable. Still nothing compared to me. Like I said, you were only the strongest because you were born at a time when I wasn’t around to put you in your place earlier. An ordinary guy.”
Gojo laughed. His genuine laugh that lit up his entire face and made his eyes brighter.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Maybe I am an ordinary guy. But I’m still gonna kill you.”
“Is time what’s necessary for adaption, or is it experience?” Yuuji asked, his eyes not leaving the screens as they debated Mahoraga’s adaption.
“You mean, does he take the time to analyze an attack after being hit and then adapt?” Kusakabe clarified, his hand on his chin. “Or does he adapt after being hit by the same attack multiple times, right?” Yuuji nodded, and Kusakabe tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, which is it?”
Their rambling was beginning to get on her nerves. The constant questions that were being thrown around, Kusakabe’s babbling about domain expansions.
He was, to an extent, right about most of what he said. But the problem was that even when he didn’t have answers, he was still fucking talking.
“Either could be possible,” Kashimo said. He had a wide grin on his face, excitement oozing off him in waves. “This is the fight I wanted to see-”
“It’s closer to the second,” Rinko stated absently, ignoring the confused looks she received. Her focus remained on the fight in front of her. “It’s volume. Not quite experience because experience still requires time. The complexity of the technique combined with the amount of cursed energy put into its use. The more energy used, the faster Mahoraga is able to adapt. So, if Gojo were to use more energy with Lapse Blue, then Mahoraga would likely gain more than one spin.”
It was why Gojo needed to finish Mahoraga in one hit. It couldn’t adapt if it was dead.
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maochira · 1 year
can you doen the event schmement thingymajiggy but its a girls night with the babygirls (MUST INCLUDE BAROU AND LORENZO AT LEAST) and silly potilly things
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ANOTHER GIRLS NIGHT HNGNG I LOVE THESE feel free to request more of these with different characters!!
Girls night! With Barou and Lorenzo!
Requests open! - event list - event introduction
Tags: gn!reader, just silly goofy stuff, Lorenzo gets put into a dress, Claire proofread this so if there's a mistake it's their fault (Claire ily)
Event synopsis: you, Claire (@deerangle3 ) and Mao (me) are assistants in the Neo Egoist League
-Barou was extremely confused why you would invite him to something like this, but the reasoning was "girls' night with the babygirls" and as much as he doesn't understand why you, Claire and Mao chose that nickname for him, he accepts the invitation (probably because Mao would not stop being annoying about it but lets leave that aside)
-Lorenzo on the other hand, immediately agrees to it. He just wants some quality time
-Claire can't go 10 minutes without pointing out how greasy his hair is. So she ends up forcing him to wash it BUT it's still lowkey greasy afterwards
-you get to style Lorenzo's hair however you please, tho. At first, you plan to do something stupid, but you end up doing something nice that he actually likes
-in the meantime, Mao puts Barou's hair into space buns and he absolutely hates it
-Claire takes a picture of him and can later use it to blackmail Barou
-despite how cocky Barou is most of the time, talking to him is pretty nice and he goes along with most jokes. He seems to somewhat soften up around you and the other assistants, as long as his other teammates aren't around. Because Lorenzo is there, he doesn't let the cocky demeanour drop completely tho
-Lorenzo is very fun to talk to because you can (playfully) bully him as much as you want to and he won't be bothered by it. Usually, he just throws an insult back
-spending time with you, Claire and Mao actually reminds Barou a bit of spending time with his little sisters. Mao has already decided Barou is her big brother weeks ago so maybe that's why
-Mao doesn't get a chance to wear their usual clothing most of the time in Blue Lock, since you're required to wear a uniform as the assistant. But Mao has some of her regular clothes. And she wears lolita clothes. So you get a silly little idea
-you want to put Barou into one of Mao's dresses, but he's too broad for that and he said he's going to beat you up if you make him wear that, so that idea fails
-but. Lorenzo isn't as broad. And Mao has a dress that's a bit stretchy
-five minutes later, Claire and Mao are holding Lorenzo so he can't run away while you're putting him into a cute frilly pink dress
-another picture Claire takes for blackmailing purposes. Lorenzo asked her to delete it, but she said "only if you make out with me" in a half-serious half-joking tone. Lorenzo politely declined and now he has to live with the knowledge of that photo's existence
-you've never seen Barou laugh as much as he does when he sees Lorenzo wearing that dress
-at first, Lorenzo hates it. But after a few minutes, he gets used to it and doesn't mind it anymore. He keeps sitting in that dress on your bed for the rest of the evening
-he regrets it when Ego knocks at the door and looks into the room to check on you
-Ego just looks at Lorenzo, and then he looks at you, Claire and Mao. Without saying a word, he leaves
-it makes you laugh so hard you don't make a sound anymore and your stomach hurts, same goes for Mao
-Claire runs to the door and yells into the hallways "EGO CAN WE PUT YOU INTO A DRESS AS WELL?"
-if he wasn't used to Claire being deranged, Claire would risk losing their job by saying these things. But honestly, they do good work and Ego is just too lazy to look for a replacement
-after that incident, Lorenzo takes off the dress and changes into his Blue Lock pyjama again
-as every good girls' night, there is at least one deeptalk conversation. It's probably about money because of Lorenzo
-you really enjoy getting to know Lorenzo and Barou on a more emotional level. Sure, technically you're in a position above them because of your job, but outside of work hours it's great to have them as friends
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Leon Fic Chapter 3
I just wanted to post this chapter, what even happened 😭
Synopsis: end of date, Leon leaves for a while, emo rambling and a magical fairy appears at the end of the chapter (not really though don't take that literally)
The wind felt like little ice pricking at my skin, sparking electricity in my veins as I held on to Leon for dear life. Exhilarating, that was the word I was looking for. At some point, I opened my eyes to see the gorgeous lights of the city as we whisked by them. It was unreal. This whole situation was. Me, out on a date with a guy who, even though I just met him, feels like I’ve known him my whole life, on a motorcycle for the first time in my life, but feeling completely safe. I take a moment to thank the writer’s block that led me to that cafe as I watch the encouraging fairies pass by. They don’t feel like regular lights anymore. They feel like fairies. I almost feel like a fairy. At a red light, I readjust my hands around his waist to make sure I don't fall off, interlocking my fingers. He glances behind at me for a second.
“You okay?” His voice sounds close and far at the same time. I was too enamored in the sights around me to think too much about his dark leather jacket, or the sleek helmet he wore. Breathlessly (it was taken already), I replied.
“Yea.” He laughed lightly.
“We’ve gotta get you a helmet.”
The food at that place was amazing. I don’t know if it’s because of how effervescent I’m feeling, or the chef’s careful measurements. As usual, Leon is a regular, though the stand man says it’s the first time he’s visited in months “and with a girl, no less.” I’m not quite sure what it is I ordered, but it has that quality that only someone passionate enough to work in a truck can put into their food. There were wooden park tables built around the place, making it feel like a real restaurant. The truck even had its own veranda. After our meal, I couldn’t help but feel like dancing. I held it in, though (barely). 
We were outside of my apartment building now, me loosely holding onto the light pole Leon stopped at while he sat on his bike, helmet off, eyes staring so perfectly. He was so perfect. I don’t even remember how I got here, I only remember his face, his hands, his voice. 
“I was probably the last kind of girl you were hoping to take on a date. Some deranged creative who accidentally wrote you into a book. Sorry for wasting so much of your time.” He laughed at me again, that soft and low breathy thing he calls a laugh. I try my best not to swoon, but I don’t think it’s working. I really do love that laugh.
“If you’d believe me, I think you’re the only person I ever should’ve taken on a date.” He adjusts himself to get a better view of me. “And I wouldn’t mind being your muse. If you’ll have me.” He looks so honest about it and it’s my turn to laugh now. I don’t think he understands what a muse is, but that’s okay. Anything he does is okay. I allow the pole to support most of my weight, unable to trust my feet anymore.
“Be prepared for that. It’s not for the faint of heart.” I can already tell just from the time we spent together, his heart is anything but faint. 
“So, when will I see you again?” I try my best not to look as eager to see him as I am. 
“That depends, when are you free?” He’s flirtatious, effortlessly so, but I do my best to match him.
“Almost always. Just come by when-” I was cut off by Leon’s phone ringing. I was a little surprised by it, but more than that I was taken aback by the complete drop in his expression. It felt like he already knew who it was before checking the caller I.D.. I motioned that I would walk out of earshot for him, and he smiled apologetically. I loitered around a bit down the street, sometimes looking at the grave expression he had on while he spoke. Somewhat instinctively, I knew what it was about. I remembered the way he faltered for a second when talking about work. It has to be about that. He’s special forces, after all. I think about movies I’ve seen and wonder if the real thing is the same or not. It’s probably much worse. At some point he beckoned me back over, quickly running his hand through his hair before he spoke. 
“I’m sorry, it’s- work. I might not be back for a while, so I guess I’ll have to trust you were serious about me being able to stop by whenever.” He tried to play it cool, but I could tell he was anxious. He probably had to leave soon. I won’t keep him any longer.
“Of course I was. I’ll see you when you’re back?” He will come back, right? I had a feeling of unexplainable uncertainty, the kind that happens right before something terrible occurs. 
“Yea.” He stops to look at the floor for a moment. “You’ll be the first person I see.” With that, he drove off at a worrying speed. I was left there, underneath that light post, all alone with my thoughts. And so, so many feelings.
I didn’t see him for a little over a week, though that week felt like months. I continued my typical routine, but with a bitter aftertaste in every activity. Courtesy of the time I used to waste sleeping, I finished the first few chapters of that book and turned them into my editor. She praised me for being ahead of schedule. I wondered what the schedule was for whatever he was doing. I accidentally fell asleep on the couch and woke up wondering if he had a decent place to sleep. I ate at that cafe again (and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again), wondering if he had a proper meal yet. I was most certainly having more feelings than necessary for someone I only knew for a day, but I couldn’t help it. They kept falling out like heather-scented sludge from a broken faucet. I knew that I would never be allowed to know what he was doing or where he was going, that’s something they wouldn’t even tell his wife, but it was the fact that I knew he was in a dangerous position. To say it messed with me would be a gross understatement (mess, like the mess on the floor from the water I spilled, I need to clean that up). I was so disconcerted, in fact, that I even started working on that painting for that mean old man, thinking maybe he felt a similarish way about his late wife. I painted with guilt and grief and longing and all the things I suddenly realized were prevalent in people. I am much too nescient, and now was the worst time to have realized such a thing.
I was just beginning to stir from a nap on the couch when I heard a ping from my phone. I languidly checked to see what message I got from my editor, probably. It was not my editor. It was Leon. I panicked for a moment, and before I even got the chance to properly read the message, he was calling me. 
“Hey, what’s your apartment number?”
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.23
Dagur x Reader
LESGOOOOOO!!! Three updates in a month! Looks like we have a somewhat solid update schedule guy.... wonder how long until the burnout hits. Sorry if the chapter is a little shorter than usual, just wanted to get something out before school steals all my attention.
Dagur had grown a lot in the past three years, grown in madness, grown in delusion, but also in muscle and height. Two of which were currently on display as he towered over your laid out form, holding the dagger in his right, your ankle in his left. 
"How did you know about that" he spun the blade in his hand with ease relaxed and staring down at you. "Y/N, I have gone three years without so much as your voice. So, when I look at you, I take in everything" he slid the knife back into your boot, moving so he can lay on the bed next to you. Dagur shifted to wrap his arms around you, holding your side into his chest while he rests his chin on your head. It was awkward, at least for you it was. Dagur, content to bury his nose in your hair. As stiff as you were, you couldn't help but melt into the softness of the sheets. Who would have thought the chief of the Berserkers would be so diligent with keeping his linens clean. 
"Never say that, again unless you mean it" he said the word with venom as if cursing the very memory. Maybe saying that you and Dagur would never be together wasn't the best thing to do immediately after making him upset minutes earlier. But it was something that was in your mind, an unfortunate truth. Sure, a part of you still cared for Dagur and missed when you were able to be with him, but that was before the war. "I do mean it" Dagur released one of his hands around your waist to grip your chin to look at him. "Then say it" you remembered the last time he did this; made you challenge your feelings. It was a similar situation to this, just a different ship and a different time. 
You were a fool to think you would be able to face him alone. You had honestly believed you had trained yourself to deal with Dagur, no one could; he was wild and unpredictable. Your silence was answer enough for him it would seem, as he cupped the side of your face. "What can I do to make you forgive me".
"Leave my brother and Berk alone, forget the dragons, forget your revenge" Dagur seemed to think for a moment before releasing you and sitting up and walking to the center of the room. "My love, you know I can't do that" you sat up quickly to stare at him. "You say you love me" you asked. 
"I do!" his answer is instant a glimpse of his more deranged tone seeping through. "Then forget it all! If you love me, you'll leave them alone". Dagur's eyes turn wide, his pupils narrowed and crazy. His hands are suddenly gripping your arms, squishing them to your sides, as he looks down at you, insane. "I love you. I love you, and that's why I'm doing this" his grip tightens to the cusp of pain, but not quite. Uncomfortable and firm you can't move to gain distance from the now worked up Berserker, "As long as Hiccup is alive, he'll try to take you from me".
"Because you're crazy!" your arms were released and Dagur stepped back enraged. "You- you... AAAAGGGHH" Dagur spun around away from you, carding a hand through his hair, "I'm getting some air!" he yelled slamming the door as he exits. 
The faint sound of a scream and a splash told you that Dagur no doubt threw someone overboard, which made you feel a slight amount of guilt for the poor bystander that happened to cross his path after your argument. 
Dagur was upset, no, livid, to say the least. He understood that he had a habit of making rash and less thought-out decisions when it came to you. But they were always in your best interest. And you- You just had to be so well equipped to getting under his skin. He wasn't mad at you per say. No, he could never be mad at you, but he was irritated. You knew all the perfect spots to hit to get him worked up. And usually he loved that, to him it was a testament to your bond. But right now, he really wished you would take a moment to realize he was doing this for you. 
Being called crazy wasn't an insult, not when you said it. But that glare you fixed it with, along with your vocal and visible demeaning nature was. Dagur would never say it (to anyone but you), but he loved it when you would get angry. The way your hot and narrowed eyes would be on him, and only him. It was likely stemmed from the lack of your attention he was given in his youth. But he planned to make up for it ten times over once the two of you got married. If only you could see that. If only you could see all the joy and freedom this would bring. But until then Dagur was stuck outside, away from you, throwing anyone that got in his way overboard.
The stopping of the ship brought Dagur's attention away from his irritation. His mood did a 180 at the realization that the treasure would soon be in his possession. This was just a temporary issue; you were being stubborn out of habit not out of malice. It would be gone in a couple weeks, and if not, Dagur had some ideas of how to get it out of your system. 
"This is it" Gustav said stopping at the mouth of the cave. "Why are we stopping" Dagur asked. "No reason, I was just kind of impressed that you trusted your men enough to show them exactly where the treasure is hidden. Especially when there's so much of it" the brat in question had a point. Dagur trusted himself to be able to scare his men back in line when they got unruly, but that didn't mean they couldn't try. 
"Stay here" Dagur called to his crew, gesturing with the dragon eye. "Why" the sound of Savages voice was grating to his ears. Dagur played up his pondering before letting out a loud stream that sent the outcast found berserker cowering backwards, "Oh, uh. Let's see, uh... I don't know. Maybe because... I said so!!!".
"Oh, good idea, sir. We'll stay here and uh... guard the prisoner" Dagur sent a maddening look back at the tall man. "Uh, the queen" he corrected. Turning sharply Dagur walked over to Gustav forcefully placing the dragon eye in his hand for Fanghook to activate. The dragon eye illuminated an orange yellow light, casting the map onto the rock in front of them. "Ah, I see. You outdid yourself, Hiccup. I love this thing". And with that the pair and the made their way into the cave. one of which, unaware to the approaching dragon rider.
You however are in a much less open area, still locked in Dagur's quarters.  The sound of soldiers marching outside the door told you that unfortunately, they were smart enough not to leave the ship unattended. "Ok, come on brain, think" A glint from the small window in the room gave you an idea, but without a getaway plan, it would take Dagur a matter of minutes to find you once he realized you were gone. However, the faint outline of a black shadow approaching the island told you that your getaway was already here. Pulling the knife out from your boot you wedged is between the pane and the wood of the ship to use as leverage to pop the glass out. 
Unfortunately using both hands to leverage the glass was not the best idea, as the glass came out farther than expected and fell to the ground shattering. The door began to rattle as berserkers came running over struggling to unlock the door. Without hesitation you threw yourself out the window landing in the shallow waters of the island. Looking up you could see the glinting yellow scales of Silver Tongue flying above, invisible to the oblivious and distracted Berserkers. Quietly to swam along the beach line till the ship was out of sight. 
Silver Tongue's beating wings kicked up large plumes of sand that stuck to your wet form. "Alright buddy, let's get out of here" Silver Tongue let out a huff and low groan, the two of you taking off back towards the edge. 
As it would turn out, Gustav had planned to stay behind in order to steal back the dragon eye as well as get the treasure. A plan that by some miricle had worked. 
"Gustav I-" Astrid was interrupted by the teenager placing a finger to her lips and shushing her, "Uh-uh, stop right there, sweets. I can't stay. My mom would kill me. She usually notices I've been gone after about three days". 
"Or she just enjoys the quiet for three days" you whisper earning an elbow from Hiccup as well as a high five from Tuff. "Alright, Fanghook, let's go. You take care babe. Don't worry, Gustav will be back soon!" the boy and his dragon then lifted off the ground back towards Berk. 
 Hiccup moved to open a small wooden chest. "What's that". "Oh, just something I found at the bottom of that cave" he held up a blue crystal eye lens. "Oh, a new lens" Fishlegs said. "Yeah, there was treasure in those caves after all. The dragon eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along. We just weren't looking in the right place". Fishlegs' eyes widened, "And if there's one of these out there, that means there has to be more".
"Huh, and to think we never would've found that without Gustav" Astrid said making you wince. "I'd rather not be in debt to him right now thank you" Hiccup gave a light laugh. "Alright, awesome. Let's just go tell Gustav" And on cue all of you screamed a stream of no's. 
This was the beginning of a new adventure. 
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Small opinion I had while showering: It could have been better if maybe they established Tiger Claw starting to see Shredder as a father figure or the closest person he can to a parental figure. Since Shredder took him in and gave him a place to stay and seems to have some kind of favoritism towards Tiger Claw. So him bringing Shredder back to life would make a bit more sense I guess?? Or even better, bring in Kitsune from the IDW comics. Something I decided to rewrite regarding the Kavaxas arc is that we finally get introduced to Kitsune. In IDW she works for the Shredder so her story is somewhat similar to the one in my version. She is a loyal helper and long time friend of Oroku Saki who also has various abilities and powers she obtained over the years. So she finds out about what happened to him and decides to avenge him and bring him back to life. I'm still working on her character but uhhhhh- seeing the crap she has done to Leo and the others in the comics, she is VERY unhinged in my 2012 version of her, is the lightest way I can put it- and to establish more of how unhinged she is and a terrible person in general and would definetely top some characters in the Pure Evil characters wiki she causes some of the worst psychological, mental, physical and emotional damage to the gang. Idk, just something I wanted to share with someone because I'm pretty passionate about my version of Kitsune in 2012- Wait that sounds like I love her for the damage she causes to the characters and all of the horrible things in general she has done... Yeah I love me some very deranged characters! ^^
I already have my own version of 2012!
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I've talked about her a little bit on here, but basically she is Shinigami's mother and old friends with Splinter, Shredder and Tang Shen. As kids and teenagers they are a team, always hanging out together, but Kitsune left the group and did her own thing after getting sick and tired of Yoshi and Saki's rivalry. (note: she left before Shen married Yoshi)
Years later she has a fling which results in her being pregnant. The father of her child abandoned her so she raised her daughter, Shinigami, on her own (with the help of her mother aka Shini’s grandmother). Kitsune is a master of the dark arts and witchcraft, and she taught everything she knows to her little girl. Eventually, when Shini was around 7 years old, Kitsune reunited with Shredder and he offered for her and her daughter to join the Foot Clan. However, Kitsune is smart and a tricky woman. She knows Shredder only sees her and her daughter as pawns in his game, but she's willing to play along. That's what makes the game fun, right? The game gets even more fun when she meets Karai. Kitsune knows the truth that Karai is not Shredder's daughter as he claims. Ever since she first met Karai as a young girl, she knew just from a glance that she is Yoshi's child. Should she tell her? No. It would be more fun for Karai to figure it out on her own.
My favorite thing about my version of Kitsune though is her dynamic with Splinter. I'd say it's playful platonic flirtation. Kitsune constantly teasingly flirts with Splinter, which makes him uncomfortable. She does it out of her entertainment. She's not interested in him romantically, but the reaction Yoshi makes when he thinks she is is HILARIOUS to Kitsune.
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💭 Capture-Bonded (Boba Fett x Princess!Oc) 💭
(Fanfic Excerpt 2)
*These excerpts will be posted in random order due to me not having everything written in chronological order yet!
*ALSO! this version of Boba Fett is based on his original backstory that existed before the prequels [from the "tales of the bounty hunters" and "bounty hunter wars" EU books.] he is not a clone. headcanon voice is jason wingreen (original VA).
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Neph had started to wonder if she was being drugged.
She had gained more freedom to move around on the Slave I. It was a small freedom, but a freedom nonetheless.
With being given more space came this strange feeling.
She had only been on the ship for a few days, but it started feeling more safe.
This feeling confused her deeply.
How could it be possible to feel safe with a bounty hunter?
Maybe it was just a result of the extension of the deal.
She had thought back to overhearing the conversation between Boba Fett and the aristocratic client that had put in the morbid request to capture her.
Fett seemed somewhat disgruntled at the modification of 'contract'.
He had already done his job and all he had to do was bring the princess from point A to point B, and then he would be paid.
But now he had to wait.
Essentially playing a game of 'keep away from the other bounty hunters' or something like that.
She had wondered why he didn't just go directly to the foreign planet, hold a blaster to the creature's head, and demand payment at that very moment.
He could have. She had heard about the type of person that Fett was. He didn't seem like the type to just go along with this type of meandering nonsense.
It was a pretty deranged concept, but Neph had found it typical of a being with too much time and too many credits.
This was just a fun way of gambling and making bets.
A game.
But maybe this was what made Neph feel safe.
She was being guarded and protected. For now.
There was no mistake about the fact that Fett was likely the most terrifying bounty hunter in the galaxy, but he was also very straightforward when it came to his work.
He was far less likely to toy with his bounties or engage in anything shady. He was simply interested in business.
The same could not be said for some other hunters who took a strange pleasure in the grotesque.
But Neph still felt like it was overwhelmingly strange that she should feel this way. Perhaps it was just a coping mechanism. A way to try and come to terms with her fate.
Or something else entirely.
She didn't entertain the idea any further.
She thought about the extra week that was being given to her. An extension of life.
It nauseated her, so she pushed the thought away.
A lot of things could happen in a week.
Maybe the deal could fall through?
Maybe the client would change his mind?
Maybe she-
Her thoughts were interrupted by a whistling sound that was meant to get her attention.
Neph turned her face to the direction of the sound to see Boba Fett standing a few feet away from her.
He seemed to be more relaxed than usual with one of his hands resting on his belt.
It frightened her that she hadn't heard him enter the room. Usually she could hear the faint jingling sound of his boots.
Maybe she was just too lost in her own world at the moment.
He tilted his head in the direction of the holding cell as a way to signal for her to look over to it.
She turned her head and saw that there was food for her. It was in its usual little tray, just resting on the bench.
It had begun to look less disgusting with each passing day.
She was not a picky eater by any means, though. Over the course of the few months when she was in hiding, she actually got used to eating almost anything.
It was a strange adjustment after having grown up with personal chefs and a wide variety of high quality meals, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be.
She supposed that prisoner food wasn't meant to be appetizing, but she was appreciative that it was seemingly becoming more edible.
Neph could have sworn she almost wanted to smile a bit, but she kept her face from showing any emotion.
All she did was subtly bow her head as a show of gratitude.
"Thank you."
Fett nodded and turned to walk away. This time she did hear the little jingling sound.
She was overcome with the desire to say something more to keep him from leaving her alone again.
Not that he was great company to have around, but the solitude was beginning to get to her head.
She took a breath to say something, but couldn't find the words.
Of course the bounty hunter heard this and he paused for a moment, turning back to look at her inquisitively.
Neph froze up beneath the steely gaze of his helmet.
"I...know you're probably busy...but I just...I miss..."
Oh, Maker.
She felt utterly stupid.
This was ridiculous.
She didn't even know if she could finish the sentence, and cursed herself for opening her mouth in the first place.
It was too late to stop now, though.
He was waiting for her to finish her thought.
She dug her nails into the palms of her hands, making fists, forcing herself to spit the words out.
"I miss having company...I know that being on death row isn't meant to be cozy and pleasant, but I don't really want to be alone right now...I thought that perhaps...If it’s not too bothersome…"
She slowly stopped herself from rambling as she watched Boba Fett move a crate over to the nearby wall, nudging it ungracefully with his boot.
He sat down on it and leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head to the side slightly.
Neph swallowed.
Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
She had forgotten that he wasn't the most relaxing presence to have around. But she just shook the uncomfortable feeling off.
She swayed nervously, her dress gently moving along with the motion.
She felt...shy.
"You should eat before it gets too cold."
That voice.
She hadn't heard it in a little while and it was almost like hearing it for the first time again.
It scared her, almost making her jump.
The princess nodded and meekly walked over to the cell, sitting down on the little bench and beginning to eat the food.
"I'm sorry for making you sit here with me..."
She was careful to finish chewing before speaking. Despite being a prisoner and on the run for months, she tried to keep most of her manners in tact.
Fett shrugged a bit. It would have been unnoticeable if Neph wasn't truly paying attention.
"You're not making me do anything. I'm here of my own accord."
She had realized it was silly for her to assume that she could actually 'make' someone like him keep her company.
Of course he did it of his own volition.
She nodded again, finding herself doing that often.
"I know...I suppose I mean to say...I'm sorry for asking. I know it's a silly request."
"You just worry about eating that food."
The command shut her up quickly.
It didnt come out harsh or anything like that.
He actually sounded very calm.
Still, she found herself not wanting to be obstinate, even with a very casual instruction.
She continued eating, feeling a burning warmth in her face the entire time.
Shame. Discomfort.
Neph wished that the bounty hunter would stop staring so intently.
She couldn't see his eyes, of course, but she knew exactly where they were looking.
Staring straight through her.
Her mind wandered as she ate quietly.
From one thought to another, she couldn't quite focus on a single thing.
Then she thought about being drugged again, looking down at the almost empty tray.
"Why is it that you're so adamant about me eating?" Neph asked, looking up from her lap to stare at the man across the room.
"I've had bounties make an attempt to starve themselves in the past. The alternative of being force fed isn't very pleasant and I wouldn't recommend it. Especially not for a princess like yourself. I'm not very gentle with that sort of thing."
Fett shifted in his seat a bit, getting more comfortable.
Neph had put away the idea of him sneaking any kind of substances in her food as she finished it.
"I hope this isn't asking for too much, but...Well…It's been somewhat cold in this cell at night...May I possibly have a blanket to keep myself warm?" Neph inquired as politely as she could.
The bounty hunter thought silently for a moment.
He did not discriminate when it came to bounties. He would pretty much take any job so long as it paid well, Male or Female, it didn't matter.
But despite this, he often found himself wanting to be slightly more patient with women.
He had recognized that they were almost always more delicate than men. It was just biologically true.
So how much more so did he feel the need to be forgiving when it came to a princess? Especially one that was so good at being compliant and making his job that much easier.
The only real offense she had committed was digging up a piece of his past.
But even still, it wasn't out of malice, and it wasn't truly a big deal to Fett. It had just caught him very off guard, and he found it to be moderately irritating.
"If you don't have any blankets, it's alright. I could use some sort of a towel or-"
Neph paused when he stood up, afraid that she had been asking for too much.
"Follow me."
The princess slowly stood up, fearful of where this was going. She brushed a few strands of hair out of her face to give her hands something to do as she trailed behind the bounty hunter.
A pointless motion as they fell back into place once again.
She had missed her maid servants tending to her long hair.
Washing, brushing, and braiding it for her.
It was very much like a ritual for the women on Mystra. Hair was like an extension of themselves, and it was treated with lots of care and kindness to keep it healthy and maintained.
Unlike almost every other culture, it wasn't used very much as a display piece. It was just something to be treasured and looked after.
Neph had felt crestfallen over not being able to care for it properly. It was very tangled and unkempt.
The only thing she could do was run her fingers through it to try and keep it from becoming too disheveled.
But that wasn't exactly good enough.
Fett stopped in front of a door and it slid open, revealing a small room with nothing but a bed in it.
Neph had assumed it was the place where he would sometimes sleep, but she guessed that he would usually just rest in his pilot seat.
He didn't seem like one to care about being comfortable.
"You may sleep in here."
He turned to look at her.
Her expression was a bit nervous.
"Are you sure? I don't want to steal your sleeping space. I'm alright with just a blanket and staying in the cell..."
Boba Fett nodded slowly.
"Alright...Well, thank you..."
Neph steadily and quietly padded into the room.
She had turned around to say something along the lines of 'Goodnight, I promise I won't try to do anything troublesome', but he had already turned and started walking away.
So she just gently closed the door.
The bed was far more comfortable than the cell she had spent previous nights in.
There was only one thing that had caused her stomach to do a flip as she got under the covers.
The bed smelled like him.
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val-of-the-north · 1 year
Top 5 hottest Bloodborne characters and why! (P.S. you must exclude Patches though, or else the top will be rigged and pointless)
Alright altright... let me think...
I don't have a particular order for any of these in mind, so bear with me here... the idea of hot in my head isn't really well-defined for these guys. I'll stick to the humans for this (and ones we actually meet and know what they look/ed like ahah), otherwise how is anyone gonna compare to like, Wet Nurse, Kos and Ebrietas? Simply impossible lmao. Also, it's half characters I personally really like and characters that just... ARE hot lol.
Call me simple but Annalise has some ALLURE to her. She looks absolutely beautiful in the portraits we do have of her, but her mask-bound visage inspires mystery and intrigue, as well as her just having that dignified nature to her. Despite everything she ever had having been toppled and destroyed, she keeps her chin up and still commands respect. She is very strong and confident in her blasphemy and you can't help but love to see it.
Call me simple YET AGAIN but Gascoigne is just undeniably hot lol. Like, I am not even his biggest fan but even I think it's an objective fact. He has everything you could ever want. Gigantic dad body, sharp teeth, a sexy voice... and he is probably sweet enough when off work to maintain a pretty stable loving family and a life-long buddy. Technically!!! He is the ONLY human character (that isn't a prostitute I guess) that is confirmed as not being a virgin lmao. Even the setting wanted you to know this man fucks. Like, there's no denying he is THE hot character of the setting when the topic comes up. People don't call him daddy for nothing...
Valtr. I don't even have to elaborate honestly. His looks are appealing, his insanity and violence are appealing, his voice acting is appealing. He is just REALLY freaking appealing with how strong he is and how passionate he is about the things he believes. And, while this may be a thing that only makes him more appealing to me, he also has the potential to be silly, which is hilarious since he is the character who'se goal is "everyone must die". I mean, it's THAT goal itself that makes him silly in the first place ahah. But yeah, solid design, concept, backstory and execution. It does not surprise me multiple people simp for him. Honestly, I am surprised it's not MORE.
Now with the more conventional out of the way, I'll go with Djura. He is a frisky old man, and one who tries to atone for his mistakes and crimes. He is well-meaning and surprisingly honest for someone in Yharnam lol, which makes him stand out in a sea of asshole opportunists and deranged lunatics. You know how people usually gravitate towards batshit crazy weirdo characters in a sea of relatively sane and good characters? I think Djura has the same effect but reversed lol. HE is the novelty in this world. Also, his design is pretty freaking attractive. It's simple, but the charm is there. His voice actor did a very good job as well ahah. I love his line delivery...
... I'll come out and say that I can see the appeal of Logarius VERY well. He is a tall evil man of dubious origin just chilling (literally) on the roof of Cainhurst for all time. He was most likely somewhat Pthumerian which adds to his attractiveness, as it would make him not QUITE a human (but still human enough to make it on this list lol). I also listened to the sounds he makes and I liked what I heard... he has a pretty cool evil laugh. I just like how he was either fully deluded and really believed his quest, or he was just enticing a group of fanatics while knowing full well their quest had ulterior motives. Both work and both are appealing for different reasons. One has to wonder what he looked like before he turned into a Halloween decoration...... welp, I said it. I am cringe but I am free...
Honorable mention to thicc Willem, the sexiest man in Yharnam and the one who ruined it. I like to think he wasn't JUST smart back in the day lol
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agentnico · 4 months
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024) review
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Who the fuck cast this Churchill?? Looks nor sounds like the original Prime Minister. Where’s Gary Oldman when you need him?
Plot: Under the guidance of the British PM, a group of military officials hatch a daring plan to neutralize Hitler's fleet of German U-boats during World War II. Made up of a motley crew of rogues and mavericks, the top-secret combat unit uses unconventional techniques to battle the Nazis and change the course of the war.
I’ll always make the effort to watch anything Guy Ritchie releases. He’s a proven director that has made so many films I truly adore, including The Man from U.N.C.L.E., Snatch and The Gentlemen to name a few. I absolutely love his writing style, with his characters spilling dialogue like they are proclaiming poetry, all the while cussing and using foul-mouthed lingo to the extremes. That being said, in recent years I have noted that Ritchie has been working a little too much. Don’t get me wrong, I admire his passion and work ethic, but I swear we’ve been getting about two annual projects from him for the past few years, and he’s already got 3 or 4 other directorial efforts on the way. If we look at his most recent movies, The Covenant was a surprisingly grounded and powerful war movie that was truly engaging, however before that we had a couple of throwaway action flicks with Jason Statham, the titles of both I can’t remember without needing to look them up on IMDb, and there was also that Aladdin live-action remake with a blue pre-slap Will Smith as the Genie, where honestly I questioned why Ritchie of all people was chosen to direct, as Disney is not what one thinks of when considering Guy Ritchie’s gritty gangster filmography. So there’s very much a quality over quality concern here, at least in my eyes, however again I would always be in line for a Guy Ritchie movie, so I have finally checked out his most recent directorial effort in The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare and here’s what I thought.
It’s an Inglourious Basterds-lite rip-off. Even the music score by Christopher Benstead, as delightful as it was, felt like it belonged in a Tarantino movie, and the villain is played by Til Schweiger, who if one recalls also starred in Inglorious Basterds as ironically one of the basterds. So in a nutshell this is another movie about smashing and slicing Nazis like butter, blowing shit up with reckless abandon and throwing about amusing quips that can be referred to as banter. However for a movie with a supposedly exciting set-up where Churchill acts as a somewhat Nick Fury-type, as he sets up his WW2 style Avengers team, the whole thing feels a bit lifeless. Stuff is happening and brutal killings are completed, but the movie lacks any sense of energy, tension or sense of urgency.
Supposedly this is based on a true story, however after seeing the movie I cannot name a single character. All the main team lacks any depth or layers, as such finding it hard to care for any of them. In the trailers Henry Cavill was showcased as this psychotic deranged man who sticks his tongue out and eyes maniacally wide open as he guns down Nazi scum, so I was looking forward to an unhinged performance from him, however in the final product it turns out Henry Cavill is just the regular soft-spoken Henry Cavill, now just with a longer beard and messy hair. So nothing special - he gets to kill some Nazis though. Alan Ritchson, known to most as Prime’s Jack Reacher, gets some great bow and arrow Nazi kills, but in terms of any personality he was given a couple of unfunny jokes and glasses. Henry Golding….was just kind of there? He also killed some Nazis. Eiza González sings a song, and kills one Nazi. Again, all the actors are playing supposedly real life people, but in no way does the movie take any time to get to know its characters. And again let’s not even about that miscast of Winston Churchill - like seriously what the hell??
Ultimately I was left disappointed. This is a moderately entertaining action flick, with a couple of fun moments, but overall it’s a wasted Guy Ritchie effort, and again a signal that the director should maybe slow down a little, and take more time in between films to actually cook up something worthwhile. C’mon Ritchie, be a gentleman, take a break. Have a Snickers.
Overall score: 4/10
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ladyelysandra · 4 months
For the emoji writer game: 🙌, 🌠, 🐸 (but for OT3), and 🌷, please! :)
Wohoo, more asks! \o/
🙌What's a line or paragraph of yours that you're proud of?
Char also asked that, and since I already had trouble answering it the first time around, I'm just going to point to this post XD
Wait wait wait, I just came across another line as I checked my stats for your last point:
Deep down, though, beneath all the bluster and drama he employs to catch and hold her attention in the face of all the wonders the world has to offer, he finds himself rather pleased at the proof of how well Helen knows him, and how much pleasure she derives from teasing him. (Autumnal Days, Ch. 2)
🌠What are your top three most commonly used tags on AO3?
Dom/Sub, BDSM, community: kink bingo - there might be a theme here lol
And as a special guest: #7 - 'feeding' which makes it sound as if I had a feeding kink and had me puzzled for a moment but it turns out it's actually all about vampire feeding. Who'd have guessed, huh? XD
🐸 If you incorporated your OTP into a Disney movie plot, which would it be? (but for OT3)
Helen/Nikola/Kate in a Disney movie? Hmm... I think I'd have to go with either The Jungle Book or Alice in Wonderland. I'm unsure about the details, but both have enough deranged characters to fit everyone in *cough
🌷What's one of your fics that isn't as popular, but you hold dear?
Going by kudos here, because I feel like age of the story plays a much larger role in hit counts. Umm... Picture of Obedience and Venice in Bloom? But I guess the whole Persephone series, really. I feel like I found somewhat of a niche with this dynamic (a niche in a minuscule fandom - great lol), with rather few people being into it? I don't know. Maybe it's just because it's my newest stuff...
Thank you for the ask! ♥
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msmorningstaarr · 5 months
Honestly I will read any deranged shit, like fuck me up bro. Hit me with all of it! But only if I get a happy ending and the fucked up bbs get to live happily ever after hahahaha!
Do they deserve it? No probably not
Do I care? Absolutely not!
I just need that pay off of knowing they’re happy together at the end because otherwise reading that kind of fanfics just makes me feel shitty and sad. Generally I think having a no happy ending isn’t the most popular so I think you would lose a lot of readers with that. (And you should definitely tag it at the start of the story!)
First of all, all my fanfics have warnings at my tags before my reader can actually dig into my series/one shots. So everyone knows what they’re messing up with.
Second, I feel like what you wrote me it’s actually really insightful. Because I was thinking of not giving Reader a happy ending but somewhat is sounding so misogynistic in my mind that I’m second guessing myself. Not for losing readers because I believe that people are free to follow whatever they want as am I free to write whatever I feel like. This is my self indulgence, as I stated before. But your opinion actually made me think about the construction of this series 🙂‍↕️
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scorpiongrassfield · 1 year
Something Crashed In Another Room
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Sighing, you close the door. You can’t lose focus on why you’re here. The crash sounded like it came from what should be Theo’s bedroom at the end of the hall. So you head straight to it. 
The lighter starts to cool as you open the door. 
It is indeed Theo’s bedroom. It is presumably in the same state that it was when Theo died. Except for all the stuff that’s been knocked off the nightstand. 
Concrete is nowhere to be seen, but your Shadow is there perched on the edge of the bed, its head in its hands. 
It perks up a little when it notices you, but it still seems somewhat upset. 
“Hi,” you say with a little wave. “Have you seen Concrete? I thought I heard it in here.” 
The shadow shakes its head. 
“Did you hear a crash just now, then?” 
It stares at you. Or at least you think it does. Hard to tell since it has no visible eyes. 
“Are you okay?” 
It shakes its head again. 
“I don’t know what to do,” it says. 
You start to hear the crackling sound again. The lighter warms once more. 
“What are you trying to do?” 
It shakes its head. “I think if I tell you it will all come crashing down. It’s unstable as it is.” 
The shadow sounds panicked. 
“What will come crashing down?” you ask as you come closer. 
It shakes its head again. “I. I can’t. I. I,” the shadow sounds very panicked. 
You sit down next to the shadow and pat them on the shoulder. “Hey, let’s take some deep breaths together,” you say, echoing a memory. “Let’s breathe in… and out…” 
You talk your friend through taking some deep breaths. 
The lighter cools down again. The crackling gets quieter. 
Once the shadow’s breathing returns to normal, you ask them: “Feeling better?” 
The shadow nods. “A little.” 
You pause for a moment, trying to figure out how to proceed. 
“I know there’s a lot you don’t think you can tell me, but is there anything you can? I’d like to help,” you say. 
The shadow shakes its head. “I’m the one that’s supposed to be helping you.” 
The shadow freezes. 
“Um. Because we’re friends?” 
“I get the feeling that I didn’t have many friends before I lost my memory. How did we meet?” 
The shadow is quiet for longer than it would usually take for a person to answer such a simple question, in your opinion. 
“We met through Pat. I was friends with them, and then they introduced me to you.” 
“And you decided that you liked me enough to protect me from a deranged exorcist?” 
The shadow winces. “Um. Well. I do like you. But I didn’t know you very well. Pat asked me to protect you. I’m actually supposed to protect both of you. Which. Is why I’m having so much trouble. Because Ametrine can’t hurt me, but she can hurt you and Pat has no idea what’s going on and neither do you, but if I talk about it too much it might collapse and then you’ll be sitting ducks and Ametrine will win and-” 
“Woah, hey, slow down it’s alright. There’s three of us and one of her. We’ll find a way to get out of this,” you reassure. 
The shadow still seems unsure. 
“Um. Can I make a request?” it asks. 
“Sure, what’s up?” 
“Can you… maybe… actually try running next time you see Ametrine? Because it makes things a lot harder when you walk right into her traps like this,” it rambles. It rubs nervously at the back of its neck as it speaks. 
“Sure. I can try to do that.” 
“And… don’t worry about Theo and Concrete, because they aren’t actually here. You are, and Ametrine is, and I am. And Pat could show up, since they’re psychic. But anyone else would just be a memory or an illusion. So. You don’t have to worry about them,” it explains. 
You furrow your brow as you process this new information, but you say, “Got it. Thanks,” you stand back up, ready to leave the cabin to avoid whatever trap Ametrine has in store. 
Then you stop as you remember something. 
“Hm?” the shadow hums. 
“Do you have a name?” 
“None that I can answer to at the moment, but um,” it pauses, and you get the distinct impression that the shadow might be blushing, “I um. I don’t mind when you refer to me as “your shadow”, it says. 
Well. That’s interesting. 
“Alright then, Shadow. Thank you for keeping me safe. I’ll see you later,” you say, and then turn back to leave. 
The door opens directly out into the woods. 
You wonder how much control the shadow has over this place. And how much control Ametrine has. 
You think it might depend on who's feeling more stable at any given moment, but there’s probably other factors. 
You’ll figure it out later. For now you have a choice to make. 
Do you want to explore the changes in the woods, or try to wake up so you can relay some new information to Pat?
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