#wouldn't that be a lot of LIs?
blood-starved-beast · 26 days
So I've been thinking.
Icarus and Arachne clearly have some situationships going on (Arachne's is triggered when Mel gives her ambrosia and it looks to be mutual unless something else changes). They are both shades LIs (2)
Eris and Nemesis both clearly also have situationships with Melinoe. They are both female god LIs and daughters of Nyx (2).
Moros is highly implied (like the foreshadowing is very thick) to be a potential LI for Melinoe. He is a male god and son of Nyx (1). If we look at the pattern going on so far, we're missing one male god love interest. Who could that be?
Now, it's entirely possible that it's a god not yet included in Early Access and has to be patched in with development. But also. Melinoe has had a parasocial relationship with Hypnos going on since forever. She gives him great reverence/interest with him. She clearly is into babygirl" men. It would be wild, and I say wild, if the final male LI established is Hypnos. Once you wake him that is.
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eyes-of-nine · 4 days
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draws P instead of actually playing the game bc I suck at combat so badly
commission info
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declawedwildcat · 1 month
I think one thing that's going to be interesting to see play out in Touchstarved is the theme of willing vs. unwilling. I feel like Ais, Kuras, and Mhin's bad ends are going to be largely unwilling; their monster forms overpower their will and attack you out of spite or random animal instinct, or a "this hurts me just as much as it hurts you" greater-good kind of decision.
Meanwhile Leander and Vere are going to be almost completely willing. You were always just a pawn in their game from the start, a means to an end for them. It's a pity they got so attached, but... oh well. There's always whoever comes next.
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princessaurayt · 5 months
Legion Arms (Pt.1)
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Okay, something different. Requested by @grace-kami originally, but I was inspired to just do all the arms cause why not? I thought I could get all arms on one post, but I was a little silly thinking I could fit every single detailed pictures for 8 Legion arms when I have a 30 photo comp limit LOL. So there'll be 4 parts at the very least, 2 Arms for each post. If you have any suggestions on what I should focus on more, I'll make an addendum to this post and add in more pictures in a reblog + take it into account for future Legion arms. I do want to try finishing these by next week, but we'll see!
Left Arm of Steel + Fulminis
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Left Arm of Steel
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baldursghaik · 1 month
it's funny to me to watch people speculating if another company can makes the inevitable Baldur's Gate 4 and have it turn out to be a good game, like the first two games in the series weren't total bangers
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angryteapott · 9 months
Okay wait some of my posts are wrong tho because as much as li lianhua likes alone time and simple productive pursuits he... does not just find fulfillment feeding himself and others at all? He loves complication like mr "im learning how to cook" cool but you also fake raised TWO people from the dead just for the drama of it all. "Well I can't NOT butt in and announce everything in the most dramatic way possible" how does this find the corpse my guy. Fulfilled some weird fake resurrection pact for a manual. "I'm a ghost drifting searching for my brother's body" ur a poltergeist and a menace. You are ALWAYS in the thick of it. "I've left behind fame and fortune for a simpler life" THEN WHY ARE YOU STILL FAMOUS? Incurable. Di Feisheng has his fucking number.
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cannibalovers · 3 months
jack coming back, showing pics of the crime scene to will AND molly, pressuring him to come back and molly telling him that she would be satisfied knowing he did the right thing and that he should go and Will actually going made me actually shed a tear.
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dollypopup · 1 year
a (not)short list of unpopular polin opinions
+Colin saying that he 'found/met himself' on his travels is GOOD, actually, and Penelope should be overjoyed that her friend put that kind of work into himself. she should be happy the letters between them were genuine connection instead of him using her as 'free therapy' as some people like to state
+Colin is not using Penelope as free therapy, ffs
+Colin's line about not courting Penelope couldn't have possibly 'ruined her prospects' because she already had 0 prospects
+Colin caring about Marina even after everything went down is proof he has a good heart and nature and would make an excellent partner. (do i think he should have visited her still? no, i think she deserves her privacy, but Colin didn't do anything wrong in the S1 situation and him coming to check on her, being nice to her husband and her children, and feeling concern about her happiness is HEAPS better than how other men in this series have treated their previous romantic partners)
+Penelope being upset he isn't interested in her is 100000% valid. Cutting him out of her life for it however is toxic as hell (and celebrating her 'ghosting' him is very telling)
+Penelope was SUPER out of line multiple times w/ Colin, in particular when he's clearly heartbroken. Nearly confessing her crush on him in S1 was bad and selfish (his engagement JUST blew up very publicly by her hand) and when he comes back from traveling (aka: trying to heal after said blow up) asking about women he met is very tone deaf. reminding him she herself is a woman is ALSO very tone deaf
+Penelope has been and continues to be a bad friend to him, partly by her own admission when he complimented her on being a loyal person and she said she didn't deserve that (good news: this means she can have a character arc becoming a better one!)
+Calling Colin 'stupid' or an 'idiot' simply because he doesn't realize Penelope has a crush on him or for verbalizing things poorly is ableist and it needs to stop being so normalized in this fandom
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worstloki · 2 years
Thor knowing that their family is terrible and hurt them both but still asking Loki to return to it because it's what they have
#like you think Thor doesn't know he's hurt Loki?#you think he doesn't know that their parents did?#Thor refuses to let their family go because his role is what gives him worth the same way as it did for Loki#it's harder for him to let it go because it's a decision he would have to consciously make#and things are better for him as a prince of Asgard than they ever were for Loki (he has Odin's favour. is the heir/son by blood. is liked.#Thor has a lot more to lose than Loki did#Loki didn't have to refuse the family because he found out he was lied to and the decision was made for him#he wasn't liked and didn't have Odin's favour or a special weapon or friends or an official role to grow into#Frigga can say she's his mother and Odin can claim whatever he wants but it's just a reminder of what he no longer has#Loki relatively had a lot less to lose on Asgard but it made up the entirety of what Loki had because it separated him from. everything.#he let go on the Bifrost because there was quite literally nothing left for him there or that he wanted and could have#when Loki got cut off he didn't have any guarantee that his brother would side with him and... Thor probably wouldn't have#but if THOR decides to leave their home behind after Loki's death he would have been siding with Loki and would've been the one cutting awa#Thor has a choice in staying a family because he can suck it up to Odin and Frigga and is unable to comprehend that Loki doesn't have that#from Thor's perspective Loki is the one who is rejecting their home by not playing nice and returning#Loki's the one who will be rejecting their home if he faces consequences for attacking Midgard or sits in a cell for his whole life#because Thor thinks Loki can just make the same decision he does by simply staying loyal to Asgard and keeping complaints to himself#that's the way the family worked before anyway so Loki not *wanting* to go back to that is a betrayal. and for what?#from Thor's point of view Loki is stubbornly refusing to return to Asgard and gain everything he lost#he doesn't understand that the only thing Loki was given a choice in losing was his brother and that he never reached a decision about it#Loki betrays Thor and hopes he dies before any judgement is passed but calls him brother and hopes Thor gets the throne. like. what a mess.#Loki works with Frigga and Thor against what Odin/Asgard has decreed until you bring up that they're a family where he shuts down#if Thor works against Odin/Asgard but doesn't feel the need to separate that from the fact they're family so he doesn't#he doesn't see that Loki is incapable of doing the same because it's Odin/Asgard that already rejected/betrayed *him*#there was never enough on Asgard for Loki to want to return or seek forgiveness for when he was the one hurt/who lost it all#he cares for Frigga and Odin regardless of them not being his parents and cares for Thor because there's really nothing else for him#Thor didn't reject him and he didn't lie to him about his race/lineage but telling him to come home like he still has that is cruel#because Loki thinks that Thor knows there's nothing he has on Asgard and Thor thinks Loki's side doesn't need to be considered#family hurts and lies and betrays and judges you and Thor's accepted it because feelings don't matter when family is what it is#tldr; bold to assume that Thor's got any better idea of what love or healthy relationship is meant to look like than Loki
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 7 months
crazy to have hit 30k in sunless ground this month & for the manuscript to be almost at 40k like. when did that happen
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cak31ssuperi04 · 1 year
Throwing my hat in the relationship chart ring. 1bit/beat charts credit to @//likesaly and @///silvercrane14, if this bothers either of you please let me know so I can delete it!
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1bit relationship spaghetti breakdown:
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#Also feel free to ask for elaboration on anything#pieceofcake.txt#Saying Koza is related to the cats is weird but I didn't want to put “pseudo-familial” for Merue and Shitsuna so whatever#adoptive family is family(cats count)#Replaced the close friends line with respect but in hindsight 'friends' could range anywhere from besties to#spoke a couple of times and got along pretty well. Oh well#the 1bit one in particular's timeline is wonky because I don't think a lot of these characters would know each other /during/ 1bit but that#it also leaves out a lot of relationships that would have formed by the timeskip/relationships that would've developed and changed by then#Was tempted to add the main characters to the 1beat chart but(if my 1bit chart wasn't apparent enough) I'm very flippant about how#I want the main character relationships to go#There wouldn't be much change tbh. More of them would be friends maybe.#I did say Izuchi was familiar with the Blue Sun trio to an extent but I lied#which is to say I forgot that they said Blue Sun College of Music and not just a general college#Going to run with it having other branches in the area so maybe he's /heard/ of them or has even watched them perform before#But they're not like schoolmates or anything#I kind of want Sora to be friends with the cats because he shares a va with one of them but I have no idea what circumstances#would lead to them meeting#Also intrapersonal relationships between the fatcats but I haven't decided on those#Got a little too silly with the ''dislike'' lines for Sora and just ended up opting to remove them entirely#they're there in spirit though
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braceletofteeth · 7 months
tag someone you want to know and/or some of your besties.
I was tagged by @fourth-quartet 😊 Thank you!!
favourite colour: Gray but I'm currently in a brown phase
last song: I've got recently reacquainted with Beginner by AKB48 😄
last series: The Kidnapping Day. It was a lot more wholesome than the name suggests.
last movie: Saw X (surprisingly also a lot more wholesome than you'd expect????)
sweet/savoury/spicy: Sweet :3
currently watching:
Koisenu Futari
Chains of Heart
The Golden Girls (season 1)
Love in the Air (2nd rewatch)
other stuff I watched this year: Not listing all of it here (I've never watched so much stuff as I did in 2023), but I'll mention the ones that I enjoyed watching the most from each month so far (*not including rewatches):
JAN: Wednesday
MAR: Not Me
APR: Tick, Tick... Boom!
MAY: Utsukushii Kare
JUN: Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938
JUL: Takin' Over The Asylum
AUG: Marry My Dead Body
SEP: Utsukushii Kare: Eternal
OCT: The Sandman
shows I dropped this year/didn't finish: I barely remember the ones I watched till the very end 🤡 But ok, let me see...
Eve (dropped after one episode; Rich People and their Rich People Problems™, I think was the reason)
A few straight GMMTV shows that I didn't really catch the name (I. Well. I just. I just couldn't make myself give a fuck, ok 😔)
+ Currently deliberating whether or not I should drop Chains of Heart. All the subtitles I've found are lacking in terms of coherence, and the story itself is already not the most straightforward, so I can only hope I'm understanding what's going on at all? 😀 And I'm also not feeling the main couple from either the present nor the past (? I suspect they are the same (but I may never know))... HOWEVER, I like the acting of the main, and the Thai scenario that is not Bangkok for once. That's always refreshing. And sometimes the cinematography is pretty too... Decisions, decisions...
currently listening to: Back for More by TXT & Anitta (I went after the link for it and distractedly searched for "banger" instead of the title 😆)
currently reading: Codename Villanelle (it's a small book but I'm. ..struggle)
current obsession: I'm not obsessing over anything at the moment 😟☹😫 Have been too busy with mundane adult life problems (therefore, as you can imagine, I'm just about going up the walls here :))
tagging: @eatprayworm @thisautistic @hyp-no-tic @visualtaehyun hi 👋
#tag game#it's one of those weeks when I feel like my old acquaintances might be sick of me already#SO I tagged some people I think might be really cool but haven't directly approached yet#you know. for maximum anxiety#I've lost many songs over the years (it's never safe to have only one copy of them; thankfully I can afford more now)#the first time I found Beginner (as a pre-teen) I just downloaded it randomly listened to it and liked it so much I decided to keep it??#oh to be young and not care about stuff like viruses or managing your time#at some point while writing this post I finished watching Ko¡senu Fut@ri#10/10 no notes#(lies. there are notes. dozens and dozens of reblogs just waiting for me to spread them all over your dashboards in the near future)#tick tick boom was quite nice... for a musical#(not a fan of musicals so to have one on my list is. wild)#already four months since the Lee brothers left me 😪#and I haven't heard a word about LDW's new drama in MONTHS. actively gnawing the bars of my cage rn#OH OH WAIT I ALMOST FORGOT#SPECIAL MENTION TO <SUMMER STRIKE> IN MAY#if my other option wasn't Utsukush¡i fricking K@re I wouldn't even hesitate. but. it was#and everyone knows I'm not normal about this one 😀🙂#if anyone wants to advocate in favor of Ch@ins of Heart. please. I'm all ears. is it worth it?#uhh. I'm not gonna disclose much but it's true I'm under a lot of stress lately. there is a lot going on right now.#I might not be able to watch new shows/be around tumblr while I (try to) sort my shit out#just a quick heads up 👍
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casiavium · 10 months
All of these "who has more anything gender!" polls are just. white man without extreme body builder muscles v white man without extreme body builder muscles. The gender is "masculine" stop pretending it's universal
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frociaggine · 1 year
sometimes i wonder if what anastasia was actually going to do was a soul merge and john stopped her because he saw it as mutual death
Oh, I hadn't considered that! I think John was broadly telling the truth when he said that he "put an end to it" for "Anastasia's benefit" but it's John so: what does it MEAN.
I think it was either something that involved Alecto (because she swore herself to Anastasia's line, is very personally regretful over Samael) or maybe it could have been that Anastasia was somehow 'going backward' making Samael into a lyctor in a way that would have killed her. Making a Paul-ish soul gestalt is also a cool option.
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jin-zixun · 20 days
i think everyone on that "who would survive" death match poll talking about how wwx and jc would obviously have much better teamwork and cohesion than xy and jgy and why would xy and jgy team up anyway xy wouldn't team up with jgy only to die, are all falling for the trap of imposing generic villain tropes onto the villain characters.
yeah it's a generic villain trope that the villain team doesn't have the cohesion or loyalty that the "good guys" have and don't understand teamwork or the power of friendship or whatever. but that's not actually a problem with the mdzs villains. their problem is that they are outclassed by people who want to kill them. which could be a problem, yeah. but like, where is the lack of cohesion or unwillingness to work together except in the reader's own assumptions?
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
I just realized. Your dream theory revamp means there's a wide field of options for endings outside of the dream, and I'm wildly curious about any ideas you have for that. Does Evan get to like. Grow up?? Ik you were still debating on the Bite for this, but I'm wildly curious about what things would be like if he actually got to continue on past that point.
Also, does Elizabeth still go missing?
I have. All the curiosity. Tell me anything. Or nothing. Follow ur dreams
I'm going to half-answer this in a rambling mess, okay, bear with me
So, initial idea for the au was that both Elizabeth and Charlie disappear, but I'm not exactly sure how that happens if William isn't actually a killer
Maybe it's possible that William accidentally killed Elizabeth in an ''abuse gone too far'' moment and covered it up afterward. Or there's some other killer or kidnapper who got their hands on Liz and Charlie. Or Liz and Charlie ran off together and got hurt and lost in the woods and never came back.
Orrrr, I was also thinking that it'd be nice to have an au where Mrs. Afton, aka Francine, is actually alive. So maybe William and Francine were going to get a divorce because William is an abusive piece of shit, okay, and William tries taking the kids and running because he REFUSES to loose everything that he had (all the "property" he owned) but he only manages to get away with Mike and Evan. So maybe in this version, instead of kids spreading rumors about how Elizabeth died, William and/or Mike is the one doing that to make Evan stop asking questions about Liz. William would have to leave Fazbear Entertainment behind to avoid jailtime for, yk, kidnapping though, so this version probably wouldn't work.
Or it's possible that Francine was the one to try taking the kids and leaving to keep them safe, but she's only able to save Liz for some reason. That way William is still part of Fazbear Entertainment, and anger and grief over the divorce/Francine running would further William's abuse of the boys; William could try pushing the idea that Elizabeth is "missing" around town rather than admit that his wife ran off with her, and kids around town still spread rumors about animatronics being responsible for Liz's "death." Maybe Charlie still goes missing, maybe not.
But either way, I think "Evan eventually grows up to reconnect with his mother and lost sister" makes for a good ending, especially if we squeeze Mike in there for the happy ending. Though ofc a lot of effort would have to be put into their relationship for Mike and Evan to get to that point, not to mention Mike and Evan having to get over the trauma of being left behind by Francine, whether she wanted that to happen or not.
If Mike does try killing himself at some point in the au, and esp if Evan is the one to find him, i can see Evan still growing up to be a doctor (probably pediatrics specifically) in the au, maybe; Evan wasn't the one in danger but the doctors and paramedics were all super nice to Evan when he had to call for help, when they showed up, and during stays in the hospital waiting room to see what Mike's fate would be. Evan obviously isn't very used to kindness, so their kindness would mean a lot to him.
It does admittedly feel weird to think about Evan growing up in this au tho, and I'm tempted to kill him off before he gets to that point for any other ending besides the "grow up and reconnect with his mother and sister" ending.
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