#wounds from 911 finale btw
lifeatpaddys · 1 year
rewatching tends bar and gang gets romantic to heal all the wounds
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bitchinlyras · 6 years
hi!! jake/amy + 44? btw i'm a huge fan of your writing!
ahhh thank you! now this is an idea i’ve had for a while and this prompt is perfect for it.
44. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” set during florida. what if amy hadn’t gotten to jake and jimmy figgis in time??
Amy hears the gunshots as she’s running for him, gun in hand, and it’s as if her blood both boils and freezes as she desperately pushes down the unburdened thoughts of what the gunshots could mean.
She stops at the corner of the building, her gun poised, and peeks round the corner, and her breath gets caught in her throat.
Someone. Someone on the ground.
Jake. Jake lying on the ground. No one else to be seen.
She rushes over to him, falling to her knees. He’s been shot just below his collar bone; the bullet has gone all the way through and blood is pooling out fast, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“Jake,” she sobs, hand over mouth. She quickly takes off her own vest and shirt, and presses her shirt to the bullet wound, to stem the bleeding. She carefully lifts his head up, and wraps the shirt around so it presses against the exit wound too. She lets him down gently, and presses against the wound with her hand.
Her chest heaving as she tries to suppress her sobs, she fumbles with her phone, dialling 911. Not far off she hears a crash and a screech of tyres followed by some shouting.
“911 what’s your emergency?” Comes the operator’s voice.
“Uh, a police officer’s been shot, just below his collar bone. It’s gone all the way through so he’s bleeding out fast.” Amy says so quickly that her words tumble over one another. 
“When did this happen?”
“Less than two minutes ago.” She can feel her heart beating in her chest so fast it feels as if it’ll explode.
“And where are you?”
“Coral Palms, The Fun Zone.” Jake’s blood has soaked her shirt, and she can feel his warm blood on her hands. She squeezes her eyes shut and pretends this isn’t happening. She wills it to stop happening.
“We’re sending an ambulance and dispatch out right now. Do you know if the person who shot him has been disarmed?”
“No, I, I don’t know,” Amy stammers, “can you come quick he’s gonna bleed out.” She can’t keep the panic out of her voice.
“We’ll be with you within three minutes, ma’am, okay? Just keep pressure on the wounds.”
“I am, I am,” Amy tells her, her voice strained.
There’s a pause. “I’m going to hang up now ma’am, is that okay?”
“Uhh, I guess,” she says unsurely. “I mean there’s nothing else you can do.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, just stay calm and keep that pressure on until help arrives.”
“Thanks,” Amy murmurs and the woman hangs up, the dial tone beeping rudely.
“C’mon, Jake, just hold on,” she whispers, pressing both hands to the wound, “just two more minutes.”
“Amy?!” It’s Rosa running towards her. “What happened?” She asks, crouching down next to Amy.
“I don’t, I don’t know, I just… he was just like this.”
“Have you called-”
“Yeah, they’re on their way.”
Suddenly Gina comes running from the parking lot. “We got him! We got Figgis!” She’s shouting, and before Amy knows what she’s doing, before she can process the scream Gina lets out at the sight of Jake, she’s telling Rosa to put pressure on Jake’s wound and she’s running, gun in hand, the wind cool against her bare arms. 
Holt has Figgis handcuffed against a wrecked car, sirens echo in the distance, blue and red lights coupling them.
“Figgis,” Amy spits, her blood hot and every inch of her on fire. Holt jumps out of the way and she shoves Figgis against the car, pressing her gun to his neck. Holt protests, but it’s as of he’s far away, and she shake’s off his attempts to pull her away.
Figgis smiles, a wry laugh escaping his lips. “How’s your boy?” He teases.
She pushes the barrel of the gun further into him. “If he dies,” she whispers, her face inches from Figgis, “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” he snarls.
She turns the safety off, digging extra hard into his neck. “Don’t you fucking test me.”
Next thing she knows arms are grabbing her and voices are yelling. They pull her away from him but not before she has the chance to kick Figgis in the balls.
It takes her a moment to realise she’s surrounded by cop cars and ambulances, and people rushing in all directions. Rosa is leading her somewhere and saying words that Amy’s not processing.
“This is Jake’s ambulance,” Rosa says as they reach one of the far ambulances, “we’ll meet you at the hospital, okay?”
She leaves Amy standing cluelessly in front of the ambulance. “Are you Jake Peralta’s wife?” The paramedic asks her.
“I, uh, I’m his… Yeah, I am,” Amy stutters, grabbing the arm offered out to help pull her up into the back of the ambulance.
The doors are pulled shut and they drive off quickly. Jake is lying on the stretcher, connected up to a heart monitor beeping too slow for comfort. The paramedic in the back is holding pressure to the front of the wound and constantly yelling different pieces if medical jargen that Amy doesn’t understand to the driver.
She looks at Jake and feels it all rushing up inside her. The six months of longing, loving, missing, the sudden possibility that Jake, her Jake, was going to die here and now. She reaches out for his hand and squeezes it, letting herself cry.
“If you die,” she tells him, “I’m gonna kill you.”
At the hospital they rush him to surgery, telling a shocked Amy what they’ll be doing who takes in none of it. She’s left alone in the waiting room, feeling cold in only her bloodied singlet. She shivers and wraps her arms around herself, letting out a howl of pain.
The rest of the Nine-Nine arrive not long after, all of them simultaneously embracing Amy and bombarding her with questions she has no ability to answer.
“What condition did they say he was in?” Asks Charles, who looks as of he’s been crying more than Amy.
“Umm, critical, he lost a lot of blood,” Amy replies, on the brink of bursting into tears again.
“Did they say he’d be okay?” Terry asks her.
“I don’t, uhh, I don’t, I dunno know,” her voice breaks and she has to bite her bottom lip and shut her eyes to stop herself from crying.
She feels a hand on her back, guiding her away from the others. She opens her eyes to see Rosa, and once again she lets her lead her away, because anything is easier than thinking right now.
Rosa takes her to a gift shop where she purchases a large t-shirt that says ‘GET BEARY WELL’ with a picture of a teddy bear with a crutcher and a bandage across its face. Then they head to a (thankfully empty) bathroom.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” Rosa says, pulling the singlet over Amy’s head and chucking it in the bin. Amy spots herself in the mirror, and it takes her a moment to process that her reflection is indeed her. She has blood everywhere. Jake’s blood. There’s a bit on her face and in her hair, some on her stomach where it had gone through her singlet, a little on her pants; her hands and forearms are covered in it - some of it isn’t even dry, just clinging on in sticky clumps.
Rosa washes her quickly and practically, using warm water and paper towel. She wipes down Amy’s face first, then her stomach, and lastly her red arms and hands. 
Amy just stands there motionless, letting Rosa work around her, surprised at her gentleness, wondering what sounds Jake’s heart monitor might be making right now.
Rosa finally pulls the beary t-shirt over Amy’s head. “You okay?” She asks her, and Amy has never heard so much kindness and vulnerability in Rosa’s voice.
Amy looks down at her feet. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, Rosa,” she looks up and meets Rosa’s dark eyes, “I don’t know what I’m going to do if he dies.” 
“He’s not going to die,” Rosa tries to keep her voice steady and firm, but it wavers at the end, and she wills herself to remain strong for Amy, who is crumbling in front of her.
“You don’t know that,” Amy’s face crumples, and tears run down her freshly cleaned face. “I’ve never seen so much blood,” she whispers; she thinks of her shirt, of the complete dark red his blood had turned it. “I didn’t even kiss him tonight, or tell him I love him. It’s been six months and I haven’t.”
For the first time in her life Amy finds herself being hugged by Rosa, and she feels herself completely breakdown in that moment, ragged sobs echoing the bathroom as she cries into Rosa’s dark hair.
Amy’s not sure how long Rosa holds her like that while she cries. “We better go back out there before we miss any news,” Rosa finally says, letting go of Amy.
Amy nods, and they had back out.
It’s been over two hours of waiting when they finally hear Jake’s name being called.
They all rush over to the doctor. “Are you Jake Peralta’s wife?” The doctor asks her.
“I’m his partner, yeah,” Amy replies, “is he okay?”
“Yes,” the doctor confirms, and a sigh of relief echoes throughout the entire squad - with both Charles and Amy letting out more of a sob of relief.
“The operation was success,” the doctor continues, “he lost a lot of blood, and we had to do a massive transfusion as well as stop some internal bleeding in the chest, but we are confident he will make a full recovery, though it may be a while before he has full use of his left shoulder.”
“Can we go see him?!” Charles asks desperately.
“He is in the ICU, and he’s still asleep, so we only allow immediate family to go in.” The doctor nods at Amy.  
“I’ll let you guys know when he’s awake,” she says, turning to the squad, “thank you… for everything.”
“We’ll be here,” Holt tells her, nodding reassuringly.
The doctor leads her to Jake’s room. 
He’s alone and asleep, an oxygen mask on his face and a heart monitor beeping comfortingly next to his IV.
Amy walks over to him, delicately tracing his face with her fingers; with trembling lips she presses a kiss to his forehead. “I love you,” she murmurs, tears dangling from her eyelashes. She closes her eyes and presses her forehead to his, breathing in time with his heart monitor. 
She moves the chair in the corner right next to his bed, and curls up in it, clutching his hand so tight and entwining their fingers.
She watches his chest rise and fall and listens to the sound of the heart monitor. She’s so tired, but everything that’s happened in the past twenty four hours rushes through her mind, and she’s not sure she’d be able to fall asleep even if she tried.
She almost proves that statement wrong twenty minutes later, as her eyelids begin to feel heavy, and they flutter shut, right at the moment that she feels Jake squeeze her hand weakly.
Her eyes snap open. “Jake?!” She exclaims, sitting up excitedly.
His eyes flutter open. “Ames?” Jake slurs, his voiced muffled even more by the oxygen mask.
Her face breaks into a smile, tears back in her eyes. “Oh, I missed you so much, Jake. I’m so glad you’re okay. I let the others know you’re awake.” She quickly pulls out her phone and texts Rosa.
“Figgis?” He mumbles.
“We got him. Well, Holt and Gina did.” Amy tells him, her voice racing. “It’s all over Jake, you can come home.”
He shuts his eyes again, and squeezes Amy’s hand reassuringly. “Home.” Jake murmurs, smiling weakly underneath his oxygen mask; happiness blossoming inside his chest.
that was a bit longer than intended and i havent checked it for typos or anything so i hope it’s okay!
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koganphrancis · 6 years
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Camless Episode 4
(gif credit: winifred-burkle)
It’s a landmark episode and not a lot happens, as always.  If they didn’t have the fact it was the 100th episode to talk about, they’d pretty much have nothing at all.  Another episode without bringing up Terror (yay!), another episode without sex or a titty shot (shock!), another episode where we learn nothing about wtf is going on with Ian (yawn).  I HAD thought the show had managed to wrap up 3 storylines, but then I saw spoilers online last night that would indicate at least 2 of them will go on :(  Spoilers and not much else under the cut.
Ian got the “here’s what you missed” again this week, which I’m taking as another sign Cam is nearing the swan song ;)  But, ugh,the opening wasn’t funny-or understandable-at all.  Cam’s standing in front of a busload of extras they must’ve bussed in from a local Chicago school of modeling to portray Gay Jesus supporters, he’s wearing his “God Loves Fags” T shirt and says, “What the fuck were you doing last week that was more important than watching Shameless?  Protesting homophobia and bigotry?  Damn right you were.”  WTF?  If people weren’t watching Shameless last week they were exercising good taste, not “protesting” somewhere at 9 PM on a Sunday-or does he mean not watching this shit show is a protest against homophobia and bigotry?  That actually does make sense.  I apologize ;P
Liam  Whatever the point was of aging him and doing a time jump after Monica died went out the window last night when Liam is approached by some public school teachers about his placement for the next school year.  Liam is afraid he’s going to be kept back, but they assure him it’s the opposite, they want to move him up.  He asks if he’ll be put in 3rd grade, but they say they want to try him in 6th.  But if Liam thought skipping a grade would put him in 3rd, that means currently he’s in 1st and the oldest that would make him right now is 7.  The fuck?  The only reason I’m talking about any of this is because that’s how lame the show is now.
Carl  Lip FINALLY says something to him about the dogs smelling up the whole house.  And then shockingly Ian and Carl have a conversation about the dogs too-and West Point.  But of course this is the year of the Gallagher house seeming weird and creepy, so the conversation takes place with a very catatonic-like Ian sitting on the basement steps in weird shadows whilst Carl feeds the dogs.  The brotherly convo goes like this: Ian: Sure they wouldn’t have been better off if you just gassed them like you were supposed to? Carl: I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I: How are you going to order men (note to JW-women can serve in the armed forces now too, even in combat) to kill the enemy if you can’t put down a couple of old dogs?  That’s what officers do-order men (!!!) to kill.  What did you think they were gonna teach you at West Point?  Marching cadences? C: Is that what Gay Jesus would do? I: What, kill old dogs?  Hell no, Gay Jesus is all about inclusion and grace, but you’re not looking to get into heaven.  You want to lead lean mean murdering machines.  (DID ANYONE EVER THINK THAT WAS IAN’S GOAL IN GOING TO WEST POINT?  LEADING KILLING MACHINES TO THEIR DEATHS?  I HATE YOU, JOHN WELLS!)  If you can’t kill a couple of old dogs might be the time to start considering teaching kindergarten?  Nursing school?  
On that note, he gets up and walks away.  Let me interject another rant here-since WHEN is Ian this insensitive sexist jerk who would think of jobs/careers in terms of things real men do vs. traditionally (in the dark ages) “feminine” jobs?  John Wells is a fucking dinosaur that needs to be educated-fucking teaching and nursing jobs are as difficult as soldiering, plus these days they’re expecting teachers to start protecting classrooms with weapons.  He’s such a dumb fuck!
And also-I bet this is the only time Ian will speak to Carl about West Point and we’ll never know how he truly felt about watching Carl grasp at the dream he once had.  Way to blow the opportunity.
There’s a whole stupid side story about Carl and the kid who originally was getting the West Point letter of recommendation.  In another add it to the list of “read the room, school kids arranging to shoot each other isn’t funny, you fucking out of touch white males” plots, Carl needs to get his “killing mojo” back so he goes to visit a local veteran.  I can’t even begin to guess if Wells was trying to make some commentary about PTSD or if he was just using the poor guy for laughs (this is Shameless, as they love to remind us, so I’m guessing Wells was just going for yuks).  The show makes its at least THIRD joke using tattoos as a punchline, and-just like with Mickey and Ian-it fails to be funny.  Get new material, you untalented hack!  Sorry I keep yelling at John Wells-what a waste if he’s not actually reading this ;) 
In Carl’s showdown with the other kid, Wells turns that kid into a poetry-spouting “pansy” at the last second.  The kid can’t bring himself to shoot Carl, so he shoots himself in the thigh saying his warmonger dad can’t make him enlist in the Marines now even if he’s not going to West Point.  I’m sitting at home wondering if the idiot nicked his femoral artery and is about to bleed out.  Carl says the self inflicted wound is just a flesh wound and they’ll be able to tell, so the kid starts blabbering poetry and Carl shoots him in the other thigh to shut him up.  The kid thanks him and Carl walks away.   Now I’m convinced that second shot had to hit the femoral artery and no one’s calling 911 and I bet the kid dies and Carl’s path to West Point is now strewn with his body and Kassidi’s.  
Debbie  I can’t...I’ll try, I’ll try to be brief, because it’s all meaningless.  After spending one night together, Alex says they should live together (because that’s what ALL wacky lesbians do, they move right in), and Debs says yes.  They get to have a cute domestic breakfast scene that by rights should’ve gone to Mickey and Ian, but I digress.  Debbie goes out and buys “lesbian” outfits, which to me just seemed like they were making fun of HER-of course she’s going to hit the mall, she’s just a teenager!  She doesn’t have to be the spokeswomen of lesbians everywhere.  This show has a knack of mocking the wrong things at the wrong times.  It’s their shitty writing, not teen spending habits, that’s ridiculous here.
The next time we see them, they’re in bed again, and Alex is filling Debbie in on her past serious relationships, and then Wells gives Debbie a speech about all the dudes she slept with and it’s so much more cringe-worthy thinking about the fact he wrote it.  Plus it’s another “relationship retcon” speech since Debbie doesn’t mention that every other time she’s had sex it was a form of rape.  Matty (who Wells has Debbie say had a “big dick”) wasn’t conscious (and, btw, John, a 12 year old virgin-which is the oldest Debbie could’ve been at the time with all your screwing around with her still being 16 last year-wouldn’t be all that enthusiastic about “big dicks” for her very 1st time), Derrick (who she lied to about birth control-if he had slipped off a condom right before entering her that would be rape and this case is also-Wells says he had a great body and really knew what he was doing), and the guy she crossed state lines with who was obviously over 21 if he could rent a hotel room in Missouri, PLUS she was drugged and unable to give consent-that dude’s a two for!  Debbie doesn’t mention him, since she can’t remember him, I guess.  She brings up Neil, but says being with him was just financial (she doesn’t bother to say he just watched while she did things to herself.  But hey, if they had had sex, that would’ve been another case of statutory!)  Anyway, then Wells has Debbie spout off about what having sex with another “girl” is like and Alex gets more and more dejected.  She’s just now seeing that Debbie’s not gay?  We’re supposed to feel sorry for her?  When in the previous episode which SEEMS to have taken place the day before (or a couple of weeks, tops, if you’re going by Liam’s time line) Alex said right out loud that she knew Debbie was straight?  WHY IS THIS SHOW SO DUMB?  We haven’t gotten to know Alex well enough to have sympathy for her regardless, but they made the point of letting us know she KNEW going in Debbie is straight.  And of course in John Wells’ world, there’s no such thing as bisexuals, so...
Deb and Alex “break up” (who cares?) and I thought that would be the end of Alex and Debbie’s gay storyline, but no-sounds like they’re going to be the new Ian and Terror-next week “Debbie tries to repair things with Alex” according to Spoiler TV.  NOOOOO!  I wanted that to be one of my three wrapped up storylines!  
Debbie comes back into the Gallagher kitchen, dragging her baby carriage and pillow with her and crying her heart out.  None of the siblings appear very concerned-this is the new Shameless, a bunch of strangers occasionally bumping into each other.  The biggest “shocker” of the scene is the family is eating Popeye’s instead of KFC.  Another jolt that we don’t even know these people anymore, LOL.
Lip  I can’t...I just don’t understand the motivation to try to make Xan part of his life when he doesn’t seem to be bonding with her in the least.  He asks her if she’d want to stay with him if her mom never comes back-but doesn’t tell the kid why HE wants her to stay or ask Xan why she would want to stay when she says okay.  The story is hollow and no one seems to try to be filling it with any substance.  
There’s a couple of scenes at the motorcycle shop and it’s so obvious Lip and Brad have no idea what they’re doing-they always just grab wrenches and poke at bike parts with them.  Last night Lip kept using the ratchet wrench-I think JAW must like the noise it makes.  
Lip sells the bike he restored to get money to buy parental rights from Xan’s mom, and it’s just creepy?  Why would the mom know to trust him?  I’m still not even convinced WE should trust him-sharing a room with her is creepy af.  Anyway, Xan comes running up when Lip’s trying to get the mom to make the deal (and why is Xan out unsupervised in the middle of the night on a dark South Side street?  Even if she did “just” sneak out to look for her mom, this is a clear example that Lip isn’t father of the year, that he’s not meeting the bare minimum requirements as a guardian), and the mom drops to hug Xan because it’s the 100th episode and these two characters we barely know should get the big emotional scene?  Anyway, Lip drops the check and runs, overwhelmed by an actual show of emotion, no doubt.  THIS was the 2nd storyline I was hoping would be over, but then TMZ reported that the actress who plays Xan has been signed for Season 10.  Which, BTW, still hasn’t been officially announced and that just seems weird that they haven’t.  What is Showtime waiting for?  
Fiona  Ugh, she was worse than ever this week.  Can’t believe these are her waning days-it truly seems like Wells is out to punish her.  Fi is on the toilet as Bored brushes his teeth.  Fiona goes right from flushing to brushing her teeth WITHOUT WASHING HER HANDS.  It was so gross-I hope next episode she and Bored have pink eye and mouth thrush.  (Fi also touches her lip after putting on lipstick-still without the benefit of soap.)  They still have no fucking chemistry, and they start talking about the election which of course they don’t see eye to eye on.  Then Fi goes to Patsy’s for the first time in forever and Wells gets to recycle the Fi vs Ian fight over gentrification from last season by having Fi on the opposite side of Frank’s candidate, although they don’t bother to give us any face-to-face interaction.  Which is just fine, since the election storyline was boring and weak anyway.  
Fi is a total...I don’t even know the word-what do you call a boss who doesn’t allow their workers their freedom as voters?  She tells the waitresses to take off their buttons supporting their candidate and that there can be “no electioneering” at the workplace, but puts up a poster for her guy and offers free pie to anyone who puts on one of his buttons.  Would she ever really be that clueless and such a bully?  Does anyone care anymore?  
Later, Fiona goes to the Alibi and has a conversation with Vee where she basically says, “This is what Ford is telling me to think this week...”  Fiona says she wants to vote for the guy against rent control, the businessman  And Vee points out that “the businessman” in Washington isn’t working out too great.  Ooh, Shameless, rushing in with the timely political commentary!  (There will be more too, ugh.)
When Fi shows up at her (or a?) polling place, there’s a rumble going on and Wells has her throw one punch to show us she’s still “South Side”, I guess.  It was gratuitous.  It did not remind us of the show’s glory days, it was a thrown in pointless moment that was so outrageously just tacked on. 
In Fiona’s final scene this week, Bored walks into the apartment building with his massive wooden toolbox reminding us he’s a massive tool, and Fiona tells him how she changed her vote, they kiss, and women’s rights are set back another 100 years.  Oh, and Bored still squints A LOT delivering his lines.  Emmy seems to open hers even wider, probably unconsciously trying to get the other actor to at least try to keep his open once in a while...
Veronica and Kevin  There was some more truly awful “rape jokes” this week. Rape is never going to be funny, and with the week this country suffered through last week-plus the fact that it’s still ongoing-I really wish they had just deleted all the Alibi scenes.  Kev makes up a scoreboard or bingo sheet (it isn’t clear) of all the “types” of rapey behavior that can now be shorthanded into a celebrity’s name.  I won’t even justify the “joke” with some examples.  And then KEVIN becomes a sought-after consultant to make other South Side bars less rapey because he’s the white man running the Alibi and Vee is...not.  
Frank is in the episode more than I’m going to talk about, but suffice it to say I do truly believe his election storyline is over (one out of three is not good enough, Shameless!  Wrap up the boring shit that’s going nowhere and do something with the other shit that’s also going nowhere!)   Mo wins the election, and Wells has a reporter say it’s because voters were afraid to say they were bigots in polls.  Which again, this show is too narrow to try to address larger issues-if that’s Wells’ theory why Trump won, it doesn’t explain how “bigoted voters” elected Obama twice.  Try making the world a better place, Wells.  Yes, there is racism and idiot bigotry here, but there was just something smug about how he justified his fictional political outcome.  There was a scene where Frank’s asking some of the Gallaghers if they’re voting-Carl says he’s too young, Lip says he’s not registered, and Ian says, “What’s the point?”  And that pissed me off too, because we’re having Gay Jesus shoved down our throats, but then Wells seems to be saying Ian won’t bother to vote and would rather blow shit up.  Again, the kid that ORIGINALLY had the dream to serve his country by going to West Point.  And fucking Lip-what, he’s too “smart” to think voting matters?  
(Also in that scene, Ian was eating peanut butter toast, but still no sign of his pill bottles.  Cam actually took a bite of the toast, if that type of dedication to his craft matters to anyone.)
The post credits “joke” was a pedo joke about Mo.  Fuck you, John Wells.  
The only thing Frank was good for this week was to lead us back to Mickey’s house.  As so often with this show, I have to forget context (good thing I’ve had plenty of practice, I guess?) and I will fully admit that when I saw Mickey’s little castle of a house I teared up a little.  It was like seeing an old friend.  
But then of course they had to ruin it by Frank knocking on the door, we hear Terry yelling and hitting a dog named Adolf (they put a yelp in and everything) and Terry opens the door wielding a baseball bat that brought Negan and Jeffery Dean Morgan to mind-I hope that was a shout out to him.  The bat had nails in embedded in it instead of barbed wire, but close enough.  Best not to imagine how much cooler the show might have been with JDM instead of Sean, sigh.  
A much funnier joke than anything they did give us about Mo White would’ve been to have Frank ask Terry, “Still have a connection with Russians?  I have an election to rig.”
Finally we get to Ian but just because he had more screen time this week doesn’t mean we’re any closer to knowing anything.  And I was going to bust Cameron for acting very sleepy and out of it in all of his scenes, but then I realized that’s pretty much how all the Gallagher kids actors have been acting, except for Fiona (and I’d say she’s trying too hard sometimes.  There’s also been lots of scenes so far where it seems like she’s phoning it in-but of course they’re giving her shit to do).  
Anyway, things this episode start in the Gallagher kitchen, Ian groans when he sees the coffee’s all gone, and says he’s not sleeping-he got too used to all the noise in jail, it’s too quiet here.  Well, bitch, the house was always lively when the Milkovich siblings were there too, work on getting them back...
Lip asks him if he met his public defender yet and Ian says Geneva and the Gay Jesus donors got him a lawyer, “rich, queer, too much time on his hands since same sex marriage got fixed.”  Um, why is Ian sounding so put out with the guy without even meeting him?  What’s this superiority complex?  
Later Ian walks into GJ church HQ and he’s limping, but I don’t think it’s a continuity error, I think they probably just had him film scenes out of order that day and I think he went a little too hard, LOL.  Anyway, the GJ kids applaud and Geneva hugs him-she’s into it, he’s not.  At the HQ they’re making silk screen shirts with Ian’s face and Gay Jesus signs.  Geneva is once again spouting out statistics, saying how wildly popular the movement is, 77,000 followers in the past five days-One Direction at their height was gaining popularity around the globe like that, not this Gay Jesus shit.  Ian doesn’t seem to be listening too closely to what she’s spewing, and when two body-builder women walk by he asks Geneva who they are.  She says they’re part of the lesbian legion from an MMA gym and adds, “Your gays turned out to be too sweet to handle security.”  Whatever-they keep trying to act like there’s all this dynamic action happening off screen-NO ONE CARES since all we ever see is Ian moping around, looking like Cameron has a headache.
Next time we see Ian he’s walking around outside in his red kicks (really wish we knew the significance of those-are they supposed to be like Jesus’ sandals?  What happened in the cut scene where he left them in the aisle last season?  I only want to know because the show seems to think they mean SOMETHING)-anyway, where’s Ian going?  Why?  We’re never told-great storytelling this ain’t, kids.  A van slows up next to him and a guy leans out and says, “You’re Ian, right?  Gay Jesus?”  How did the guys in the van know where Ian would be walking?  Do they just circle the Gay Jesus church hoping he’ll come out?  Again, we’ll never know.  The guy continues, “I’ve been watching your videos with my friends.  The burning vans, the sermons-it’s inspiring.”  Ian says thanks.  The guy says, “You really think that’s what Jesus was teaching?”  Ian says, “Inclusion, love, acceptance for all?  Yeah, absolutely.”  Then the van guy says, “You don’t think God sees homosexual bestiality as a sinful perversion of His divine creations?”  Ian’s confused, says, “What?”, sees the sliding panel door of the van open, and takes off running, jumping over fences and at some point in his getaway, pulling some muscle in his tight jeans.  
Next time we see Ian he’s sitting alone in the Gallagher kitchen nursing a beer and his thigh.  (No Bible this time-no sign of his pills either.)  Lip comes in and asks him if he’s okay and Ian says he maybe pulled a hamstring running from homophobes.  Lip says, “I guess there’s nothing new about that, right?” and you wonder just when he stopped caring so completely about his brother.  
Ian doesn’t bother to answer, sips his beer instead.  After a minute he quietly asks Lip, “Think you could do hard time?” Lip: In prison?  Uh...rather not.  I: Gay Jesus kids don’t want me to cop a plea.  Want me to take it to trial.  Get as much publicity for the cause as I can. L: What’s your lawyer say? I: Could be looking at 10-15 if I don’t take a deal.  (Me at home, screaming at the TV: WHAT ARE THE CHARGES?  WHY CAN’T THEY EVER TELL US ANYTHING?  WHAT ARE THEY SAYING YOU DID THAT’S ON PAR WITH MICKEY’S BULLSHIT ATTEMPTED 2ND DEGREE MURDER SENTENCE????)
Lip, rather than saying ANYTHING to the brother he’s closest to about maybe not giving up his entire young adulthood to a cause, not saying something like, “You’d be older than the real Jesus got to live till by the time you get out”, not saying if he thinks Ian’s an idiot if he’s even questioning doing hard time in a bad place, no, rather than that, he takes his coffee out of the microwave and comes around the counter to the same side as Ian and says, “You ah, hearing from Shim again?” I: Sometimes.  (Me at home: WHAT?  WHEN?  What does that look like when it happens?) L: Well, what does Shim think? I: Unclear.  (Oh, Ian, are you kidding me?  All this time you thought you were talking to god but you’ve just been playing with a Magic 8 Ball?) L: Xan’s mom showed up today.  (Guess we’re done talking about Ian then!)  She’s a junkie.  Hookin’... I: What are you going to do? L: I don’t know. I: Maybe you should try asking Shim. L: Maybe.  
End scene.  So again, we get tantalizingly close to a discussion about what might be going on inside Ian’s head-is he getting it?  That the Gay Jesus movement is just using him at this point?  Or does he really think going to prison as the highly recognizable face of said movement is going to work out somehow-other than him not dying a painful and brutal death?  And why can’t Lip give enough of a shit to at least ask him not to go?  Fuuuuuuck.  
Next Ian’s back at GJ HQ.  Geneva comes in and says she didn’t see him come in.  He says he came in the back-all the hugging and applause when he comes in the front is kinda weird.  Since Geneva is the only one who ever hugs him, I hope she’s getting the hint.  He’s looking over the “Free Gay Jesus” posters.
Ian: What is this? Geneva: Couple of the arty kids are working out a few ideas for if you do end up in prison. I: Couple assholes in a van chased me last night.  Apparently they’re not very big fans of my interpretation of Bible verse. G: Fuckers.  I’ll get you a couple of lesbian legion body guards.  They’d love nothing more than to a chance to stomp homophobes.  (Because, yeah, THAT was Jesus’ message.) Ian holds up a Che Jesus shirt with an unintentionally hilarious graphic of him wearing a beret-Showtime probably thinks fans want to buy them (I wrote these notes before Steve Howey tweeted he wants one last night.  It got less than a thousand likes, and I bet that number would be less than half if Cam hadn’t replied).  
I: Think any of this is gonna end up making a difference? G: Ian, you’ve given thousands of gay and lesbian teenagers a voice.  (Insert Mickey gif of “Not really tho” here.)  You’ve inspired us to stand up and fight for ourselves.  
So much wrong with so much of that.  First of all, is Geneva LGBT?  She was a runaway who ran away from having to give blowjobs, right, not because her parents kicked her out for being LGBT?  And she’s been crushing on Ian since Day 1, so, probably not “L”, and Wells clearly doesn’t believe in “B”, so who is Geneva to say “us”?  And next, IF Ian/Gay Jesus has given kids “a voice”, what is he saying for them-are the teens really into his whole “Jesus was a junkie”, “my god is non-binary” shouting that they haven’s shown since last year?  Don’t teens get bored and move on to the next thing when their idols aren’t doing anything new?  Lastly, she says they are standing up and fighting for themselves-where, when, how?  
I: Know what I was thinking when I was running away from those bastards?  (Me at home: NO!  We never know what you’re thinking!  That’s the whole damn problem with your storylines!)  It’s been 2000 years since Jesus died on the cross and I’m still running for my life down an alley because I fall in love with men instead of women.  (No, Ian, you’ve only ever loved one (1) man-fucking admit that for once and then get on with your life.  That line should’ve been “have sex with”, no one deserves to be chased down for that either, and it wouldn’t have made me exasperated with Ian over the whole “love” thing, which is a separate issue this show fucking needs to handle before it’s all said and done with Ian.)  
Then one of the GJ kids comes in to report there’s a bunch of Nazi’s keeping people from getting to one of the polls and we don’t see Ian again this episode. But again, I hope that they’re finally having him wake up to the fact that NO ONE cares about him.  The family has washed its hands of him, the Gay Jesus followers WANT him to go to prison (and probably die) and be a martyr for the cause.  Time to ask yourself who is the only person who ever looked at you and actually saw you there, Ian.  The only person to look you in the eye and say, “I love you.”   
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
mafia! Jeonghan
anon requested: “ I hope I understood the FAQ's right, and if not I am very sorry, please ignore this! I wanted to request a mafia-boss! Jeonghan scenario (the bullet list ones) where he randomly meets the reader who isn't involved in that life. And while he tried to not involve her, he can't seem to stay away from her. I just want to read about sexy daddy-ish jeonghan hahhaha. I really enjoy your scenarios btw. Especially the harry potter ones! Thank you guys for the hard work💕 “ and “ hi hello! i love mafia/spy/assassin au's and i was wondering if you could do a mafia jeonghan? thanks :) ! ♡♡ “
Admin note: S O R R Y this took so long, I’ve never had such difficulty writing anything like this before and I hit a block with this one. Tysm for the kind words though bb ^~^ (btw I connected this to Joshua’s mafia au and the reader in Joshua’s au is y/n’s friend, f/n, in this story :D)
Yoon Jeonghan had not felt safe in a long time
when you’re breaking the law
things like safety aren’t a commodity one can afford
but luckily
Yoon Jeonghan was no average criminal
when he first started out
he was the best forger of fake ids and passports in the city
he started from the darkest pits of the system
and from the bottom, there’s nowhere to go but up
that’s what made the svt mafia gang incredibly efficient
the high level bosses may have had plenty of employees under them
but all the business was attended to personally
Seungcheol manning weapons deals
Joshua holding deals negotiations
Jeonghan planning the jobs
when Seungcheol walked into Jeonghan’s little shop for fake official docs
asking for a new ID, back before everything started
Jeonghan didn’t know who he was dealing with
but he found out after
a mafia’s son, of a group that died
when he readily agreed to help Seungcheol
they ended up going into business together
and thus the svt gang was born
Joshua joined soon after along with all the others
but Jeonghan felt like they were more than just coworkers
and relying on other people for survival made him feel safer
Jeonghan’s primary job is planning jobs for the gang
making sure that there are at least fifty backup plans
and there’s no way anyone can mess up
he loves watching everything happen under his direction
like a conductor revels at the intricacy of the harmonies in the orchestra under his direction
and how he pulls all the strings
making everything fall perfectly in place
each move carefully planned in his head
but the real thrill
he loves the feeling of going out for a job the most 
blood rushing
the feeling of power as he steadily aims a gun
and hits his target
the money that came with it all
the adrenaline
it kept his mind calm 
pushed aside the fears he had 
it kept his heart racing
better than beer and soju at the bar
it’s interesting building your empire up from the ground up
but it’s dangerous
this Jeonghan knew
svt’s success was met with resistance from other gangs
and the law enforcement of the city was finally catching on
but his plans made svt one of the most notorious mafia groups of history
their name was feared
but sometimes things don’t go as planned
you can’t account for every possibility
that was how Joshua went missing after the last job
it had been pretty simple too
a new group had been acting reckless in their territory 
getting the police’s attention
and Joshua had been sent to warn them about the consequences of messing not only with the law enforcement
but with svt in their home turf 
and then
Shua disappeared
just gone
the whole group tearing apart the city to try to find him
Jeonghan tearing up everything to find him
Jeonghan wasn’t taking it well
he kept blaming himself for the missing team member
you don’t mess with one of them and get away with it
so when he got a lead one night
the name of your friend, f/n
he went out to investigate himself
he was so desperate and out of it he didn’t pay attention to the possibility of it being a trap
and that’s how he got a bullet to the leg
and came crashing through the door to your convenience store
and whether he wanted to or not
crashing into your life
that brings it around to you
you’d like to think you led a very average and normal life
but now
you weren’t sure about anything
especially after meeting Jeonghan
living in the city is difficult
especially since you had to for university
a broke college student trying to make enough money to pay for tuition and finish your degree
anything for a better life
you had always needed to take care of yourself
after all you didn’t have anyone else to help you
it’d be working eight hour shifts on the weekends
and then writing your research paper for English at night
it didn’t leave a lot of free time for anything
you got jobs where you could find them
and quit old jobs when you found better paying ones
the convenience store clerk job may not have been in the safest neighborhood
but it paid decently and you could do statistics homework during break
oh and free snacks
one night you got a text from the owner asking you to take the graveyard shift
since the person just quit
you’d be paid overtime
which was exactly what you needed
guess it was going to be potato chips and coffee cans for dinner
the owner kept acting suspicious though
but money was money
so there you were
midnightish, raiding a can of pringles
trying not to fall asleep
when a loud bang made you jump
you look outside the window
you hear another loud bang
you run low to the ground and over to the door, flicking off the lights as you go
and turn the bolt on the door before running back to the counter
sitting under it, wrapping your arms around your knees
heart beating fast
this wasn’t the safest of neighborhoods
you knew that too
you’re never taking the graveyard shift again
”I could have been sipping hot cocoa and watching my favorite show right now” you think to yourself, trying to calm your unsteady heartbeat
a loud crash rang out behind you
glass shattering as the door to the store was broken
holding in your scream, you hold your breath
maybe they wouldn’t notice you
was it someone trying to rob the store?
you hear a string of curses
it doesn’t sound like some masked robber trying to kill you?
if anything the voice was gentle but strained
it sounded like they were hurt
you peek behind the counter
a man
he’s wearing dark clothes 
his brown hair neatly styled
he falls on the ground and you gasp as you finally see what’s wrong
blood clearly smearing the floors you had mopped not too long ago
pooling faster than you thought possible
he starts crawling over to an aisle
you freeze unsure what to do
you should call the police
but what if they don’t get here in time
and you had a gut feeling
a pit sinking in your stomach as you realize it could be a bullet wound
and before you can properly think about the situation
you quickly run out from behind the counter to the toiletries section and watch as he looks up weakly at you
eyes misty
in a panic you try talking to him
anything to keep him conscious
”I really can’t have you dying in my store, I need to get my paycheck not a homicide investigation.” you whisper, freaking out finally
the gash on his leg made you almost hurl
”God I regret not listening to my mom and becoming a doctor.” you wanted to scream
reaching quickly you grab gauze from the aisle and some disinfectant
”Hey! Hey sir?” you ask him
you place the bandages on the ground as he attempts to hold himself up
he looks at you, reaching for your arm
he grunts in pain
”God what the actual-” you apply pressure on the gauze on the wound on his leg
you scream
tears starting to form at the corners of your eyes
panic at the idea you really wouldn’t be able to save his life
something about the way he looked at you
you must really be his last chance
you hold onto the pressure on his leg as you reach for your phone
you call 911
“911, what’s your emergency?”
“I- have- there’s someone bleeding-”
“I need you to calm down-”
you watch as the injured man grabs your phone
a string of choice words said through his teeth as he hangs up
“Are you crazy?” you ask him, “You’re going to die, I’m not a doctor!”
he types in a phone number and brings it up to his ear before saying one word
the line cuts and he lays his head down on the ground
eyes looking around in panic and pain
you keep pressure on his injury to try to stop the blood
you can’t just leave him here
you wrap the wound with the remaining bandages, wincing whenever he winces with pain
honestly you’re not functioning correctly
you feel a pressure on your arm as he grabs you and pulls you down on the ground
he holds up his hand, grimacing, and says, “Quiet.”
his voice is soft as you both take cover behind the shelves of the store
voices can be heard from outside
“You definitely hit him.”
“He crashed into the window look.”
“Let’s just hurry up and finish. The cops might show soon.”
“I’ve waited a while to take down Jeonghan. Tonight is a good night.”
your eyes widen as you stare at the guy with the bullet in his leg
his name must be Jeonghan…
he stared blankly in the direction of the voices and kept still
“Is there another exit?” Jeonghan finally whispers to you
“Yea the back door…”
“I think it’s time to go then.”
Jeonghan attempts to get up and almost immediately falls due to his leg
you can already hear approaching footsteps
whoever those people were
you had a good feeling, they weren’t friendly
Jeonghan’s face had gone pale, sweat dripping from his forehead at the strain of trying to walk with a bullet wound
briskly, you take his arm and drape it around your shoulder and help support him as you both walk quietly towards the back of the store, keeping low to the ground
you unlock the back employee door and stumble outside with Jeonghan still being supported by you as you walk into the back alleyway, laying him gently on the ground before fumbling for your car keys
“We need to get you to a hospital-” you start saying, turning back to Jeonghan
the point of a gun enters your vision as soon as you turn
freezing mid sentence, you look at the owner of the gun
another guy, maybe about the same age you would guess to Jeonghan stood in front of you
his black hair framing his face 
his stare was cold, calculating
without taking his eyes off of you, he bends down, keeping the gun trained on you as he examines Jeonghan
“Hannie, you alright?”
“Cheol, yea- I’m fine.” 
“How about Shua, did you meet f/n?”
“It wasn’t her, got attacked.” Jeonghan stares at you, “She didn’t do it Cheol, stop pointing the gun at her.”
you watch in confusion as Cheol lowers his weapon slowly, still staring at you and helps Jeonghan up to his feet
“How do you know f/n?” you blurt out without thinking
“How do you know f/n?” Jeonghan asks you, steadying himself against Cheol 
“She’s my missing friend, I haven’t seen her since last-”
“Last Tuesday?” Jeonghan finishes your statement 
“Yea, how did you-” you stutter
the night’s events finally running their course on you after the adrenaline wore off
“Cheol,” Jeonghan asks his friend turning, “What about the guys outside?” 
“I had Wonwoo take care of them, but we couldn’t find you so that’s why I came looking myself. We don’t really need to lose someone else.” Seungcheol said, bitterness lacing his words
you slowly back away from their conversation, hoping this is all some really weird dream and that you did not run into the people you think you just did
“What about the girl? If she knows f/n, she could help-” Cheol asks
“No it’s too dangerous, let’s just go back and figure out a new plan.”
“Alright we have to take care of that bullet wound anyway.”
“Call Mingyu about clean up.” 
“Thought of that already.”
you didn’t know what to make of anything they said but you watched as they turn to face you
you were pretty sure now
the mob
you had run into the freaking mafia
just your damn luck
“Thank you.” Jeonghan said quietly
and then you felt someone come up behind you
before you could turn and run
a cloth was forcibly pushed up to your face
the smell of chloroform filling your nose
as the world faded to black
when you came to
you were laying on your couch at home
was it all… a dream?
looking down at your clothes, you realized you were wearing the same clothes as last night
and there were still blood stains
definitely not a dream
how were you home then?
the last thing you remembered was
thoughts of Jeonghan resurfaced in your memory
did he survive?
was he ok?
the way his pale face reflected the yellow light of the city at night
the way he had said “thank you” right before you blacked out
who was he?
you recalled that he had used your phone to call someone
Cheol? Was that his name?
reaching for your phone, you called the most recent number
“This number no longer exists. For additional services please press 1…”
you quickly set down your phone
how were you home?
what happened?
a few weeks had passed since that night
considering the store owner had come back to clean floors and a glass door in perfect condition which had earned you a pay raise
did not help your memory
you could have sworn the door shattered
you spent the past few weeks going insane, thinking maybe the whole night was some wacky tripped up on sleep deprivation and convenience store gummy bears hallucination
how else was the door perfectly fine, the floors bloodless?
could you have imagined the whole thing?
your bloodstained shirt from that night hanging on the laundry hamper begged to differ
you were scared to tell anyone though
because who would believe you?
paranoia plagued you everywhere
it always felt as though there was someone, out there, watching you
sending chills up your spine
you didn’t feel safe
and one night your fears were confirmed
you had been walking home
when all of a sudden your phone rang
that voice
it was
“It’s Jeonghan. We met on… unfortunate circumstances a few weeks ago.”
you took a shaky breath
“Listen carefully.” he said
“It seems that a hit has been ordered.”
“A hit?”
“Yes. Someone wants you dead.”
your blood ran cold
freezing in your tracks, you looked up and down the empty street
it’s nighttime
no one’s around
“I have good reason to believe that me meeting you did not do you any favors.”
“I didn’t do anything!!!” you yelled
your voice echoed across the street
“Y/n, there’s some people following you. I need you to keep walking until the street corner. Can you do that?”
“Why would I trust you?” you said hysteria rising
“Because I don’t want to kill you, and they do. See the difference?”
“I really don’t.” you snapped
but you can feel your feet take on lives of their own
as you walked forward
the street corner was still quite far away
you picked up your pace
was it just you or
could you hear footsteps…?
you broke into a run
and Jeonghan’s call to you cut
they were faster
you felt yourself being yanked backwards
a cold blade being pressed against you
as you felt a sharp pain slicing into you
burning your side
setting your nerves on fire
you collapsed onto the ground
phone sliding through your fingers
a dark figure stood above you
“Thanks for making my job easy sweetheart.” the man chuckled
“You should know to mind your own business next time.” he growled
your vision blurred as you laid on the cold concrete
the street lights dimming with each passing second
so this was how you die
a tear ran down your cheek as the man dropped the knife
it fell with a clang as a loud gunshot echoed in your ear
maybe you were imagining things in your dying moments
but you swore you saw the face of an angel
Jeonghan calmly lowered his gun
and bent over to pick you up carefully in his arms
looking down at you, he placed you gently in a nearby car
“Don’t die on me yet, y/n.”
and then the world faded to black
you woke up in an unfamiliar hotel room
your side wrapped in bandages neatly
“The cut wasn’t too deep, you should be ok.”
your eyes met Jeonghan’s 
he stood, arms crossed at the door
leaning, casually against the wall
“You were lucky.”
you heard a bit of an edge in his voice
and anger
he slowly walked towards the bed
“What-what happened?” you asked
“It seems someone found out you helped me escape that night.” he said, sitting on the sofa placed at the foot of your bed
“And they don’t take well to anyone messing up their plans.” Jeonghan gave a hollow laugh
“So I was attacked?”
“No, you were supposed to die.” Jeonghan said playing with the buttons on his suit
He got up and walked right up to where you were laying in bed
And stared down directly into your eyes
“But you didn’t die.” he tilted his head before giving you a dazzling smile
“Which means…?” you asked
“Which means there will be plenty more people after you, wanting blood.” he said 
“But…” he began, “I’m not letting that happen.”
“Why don’t you just let them kill me?” you scoffed, “Probably would save you a lot of trouble.”
“I could, but you see y/n, I take everything very personally. Attack me, fine, fine. But attack someone because of me. Well, let’s just say you chose the wrong person to mess with.” 
He walked slowly back to the door of the hotel room
“I’ll be back later to check up on you. For now, the best medicine for for a knife injury is sleep.”
“I thought it was pain killers.” you groaned
“Yea but the pain killers I have aren’t for you, babe.” he winked, “Plus I want to get to know you better.” 
and then he left
you spent several days recovering 
and although you had the choice to leave at any time
Jeonghan made that very clear when he visited you everyday
it was suggested that you’d be safer under their watch
at least for a bit
Jeonghan did make it a bit better
he brought movies and take out 
not something you’d expect of him 
not that you expected anything
he’s the freaking mafia after all
and you’d both just sit around 
watching shows 
being lazy
not getting up except to get food
and strangely
he seemed
the way he talked to you was casual 
but he didn’t seem bad
at least not to you
you observed more than you probably should have those few days with Jeonghan
you saw him get frustrated countless times on the phone
sighing and running his fingers through his hair
“No.... Get the- look there better not be a target on her head anymore or... I don’t really care how you do it-”
“Any leads? No I’m going to stay here for a bit, lay low and hopefully get this issue resolved. It’s dangerous for y/n...” 
he might have thought you were sleeping away on pain killers for your injuries
but you heard it all
you saw how he sometimes sat
frozen in his chair
head resting on his hands
you could see how desperation seemed to roll off him
how scary he could be when he wanted to be
talking to the random men that met him in the eating area of the hotel room
you peeking out through the opening of your door 
finally you decided to ask
he looked up carefully from the schematics laying on the dining room table in the hotel room
he tried hiding it from you but you knew
“What’s up y/n?”
“I’m not clueless you know.” you sighed, “I know who you are and what you do. And I’m telling you, I’m terrified.” 
you suck in a quick breath before sitting down next to him
“Terrified of me?” he asked guarding his expression
awkward silence passed between the two of you
you weren’t scared of him
but for him
that weird inexplicable little tick in the side of your chest
if he had wanted you dead
you would be and it’d be simple too
he wouldn’t and didn’t need to save you that night
he was clearly dangerous
and you being out of the way would have helped him
but now you’re the liability
he spent days waiting here for you to heal
making sure you felt safe
and that no one else would come after you
and now
you were scared for him
“T-Tell me what’s going on...” you stammered, clearing your throat
“With what?” he said dodging
“What happened that I’m still here, and that you- you’re upset... What is it?”
he turned to face you with his whole body
faces a foot apart
“I live a dangerous life, y/n. It’d be in your best interest to not get involved.”
“Like it or not I’ve been involved. I almost died.”
“I know, and that’s why I’m sorry. Why you’re still here, why I’m trying my everything to make sure no one ever hurts you again.” he gritted his teeth as he answered, shaking slightly
“On the Tuesday your friend went missing, my friend also went missing.” he told you
“Joshua?” you had heard the name countless times but never understood where he fit into everything
“Yea. My best lead is that your friend, f/n, was someone Joshua knew a long time ago, but she’s missing also.”
you thought about this new information
it was true f/n had transferred not too long ago to your school
she had been quiet though and the reason you two were friends was because of a class project
“I’ve been looking through the whole city but I can’t find Joshua or f/n. It’s not anything I’ve ever experienced before.” he clenched his fist 
“So, I’m going to keep looking, even if it kills me, I need to find Joshua.”
you hesitantly reached for his hand
trying to comfort him
“You’ll find him.” you tried reassuring him
“I’m going to find him. I’m not going to lose anyone else important to me.”
he looked at you
because you were important to him
and he was just figuring that out
“So until I figure out who’s after you, you’ll stay with me right?”
you’re stunned
you should have said no
you should have run very far away
this person is dangerous
this whole thing was dangerous
he saved you that night
he tried protecting you the same way you blindly protected him that night he was shot
“I’ll stay.” 
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seagreen-meets-grey · 7 years
It’s gravity that pulls the rain down
Every B99 finale gets more dramatic, we all know that. I recently had an idea for the next one, after watching probably too many MsMojo Top 10 videos and a very specific scene from Pretty Little Liars.
I told @astrangetypeofchemistry about it, then wrote it, then she made me post it. Get ready for some fluff and angst.
Amy was floating. She was walking on clouds, the war between her feet and her shoes completely forgotten, banished into another dimension, one where she was no bird, no eagle, levitating high up in the sky, soaring through the fluffiest clouds to ever grace the skies. What was gravity even? It certainly didn’t seem to affect her anymore.
I do.
She couldn’t stop smiling, couldn’t contain the bounce in her every step. The actually cloudy sky outside wouldn’t faze her. If it rained, the eagle would simply fly higher, until it broke through the clouds, waiting for the rain to wash away the last remnants of any recent stress and worries, before it could dive back into the sea of cotton candy. (Amy didn’t know much about eagles.)
I do.
Three letters. Two words. One second. She couldn’t tell what was more intoxicating, saying those words herself or hearing him say them. Each time, she felt like her chest would swell so much it would explode any moment, creating a path for the billions of butterflies that were dancing inside her so wildly. They were in their own little bubble, far away from the rest of the world. She felt the slight tremble of both their hands, felt his thumb lightly stroke her knuckles, absentmindedly lingering on the new golden band on her ring finger.
The kiss they shared brought this moment to completion. Amy wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck and he pulled her close, their bodies pressed together, both of them holding onto the other for dear life, not giving in to their weak knees. Amy could taste the love on his lips, warm and soft and perfect, while her entire body was tingling, and she was sure she just ascended from the ground, ready to join the stars in the sky. A second later, however, her feet touched the ground again and somewhere in the back of her head she realized Jake had picked her up, but the rest of her mind was busy melting when they broke their kiss and she fell into a pool – no, two pools – of warm, brown sparkles, like a chocolate pudding made of love. Any other day, this comparison would have sounded too Charles to her, but right now, she knew nothing but him. Her husband.
On this day, nothing could bring her down. Not Charles’ over-enthusiastic comments about their wedding night, not the rain drops increasing in size and amount every other second, not her parents fighting with Karen and Roger over the right way to pour wine, or that Gina had finally annoyed the DJ so much that he simply gave in and played her playlist.
She was in the middle of a conversation with her great-aunt when the volume of the music suddenly peaked, prompting everyone who wasn’t on the other side of the room, far away from the DJ’s desk and a shocked Gina who quickly drew her hands away from it, to cover their ears.
That was when she felt it. For the first time since she woke up this morning, a frown crept onto Amy’s face. Something wasn’t right. She had a weird feeling in her gut, one that felt hauntingly similar to the tight strings pulling on her heart and tightening her chest and stomach that she usually associated with danger – more precisely, Jake and danger. She’d felt it when Geoffrey Hoytsman had abducted him, when he and Charles were trapped in that store during a robbery at Christmas, when he’d gotten that phone call from Figgis that sent him away from her for months, and of course at the horrible sound of that one little word – guilty.
Amy scanned the room for Jake but came up short. Her muscles just wouldn’t relax, and her heart was beating so hard she was sure it was visible, as if she were in a cartoon and–
She didn’t see Milton Boyle pull Gina away from the DJ, didn’t notice the music return to an agreeable volume, didn’t hear her great-aunt try to continue their conversation. She only saw Rosa. Her frown matched Amy’s as she warily eyed a door on the side. Amy ignored her great-aunt and made a bee-line for Rosa who was aiming for the door.
“Rosa, have you seen Jake?”
“I think he went outside, like, ten minutes ago.” She lowered her voice, frown deepening. “I think I just heard a gun go off.”
Amy’s heart jumped into her throat. Her gut twisted even more.
Rosa saw her paling. “Either that, or your husband’s playing with firecrackers outside. It’s probably that. Nothing to worry about.”
Amy nodded reluctantly. No need to panic. Everything was fine. This was her wedding day, the best day of her life. The only thing that could go wrong on this day, other than Gina messing with the music, was her husband (she loved the sound of that) destroying his suit and other people’s cars with firecrackers. Knowing him, he was probably planning something. Something involving firecrackers, and presumably fireworks and ridiculous music. He wasn’t in a fight with Figgis or Hawkins, that was impossible, no matter what her mind came up with.
Nevertheless, her weird gut feeling didn’t go away. So, just to prove to herself that everything was indeed fine, she opened the door and rushed through the small hall toward another door that led to the parking lot behind the venue, Rosa following her.
The rain had gone over into a drizzle. With half a mind not to ruin her dress and hair, Amy stopped in the doorway, the hand that had opened the door falling to her side.
The first thing she saw was cars, cars upon cars. Not far to her left, Jake stood with his back to her and Rosa who appeared only a second later. Amy didn’t see a fire or broken glass anywhere, and she heard no car alarm. Whatever Jake was doing out here, whatever Rosa had heard, it was fine. No matter what her gut told her.
At first, he didn’t react. Just when Amy thought he hadn’t heard her, he spoke, murmuring something about the rain. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rosa take a step forward, half into the drizzle that was now rapidly transitioning into a steady pour.
“What the hell are you doing, Peralta?” Rosa shouted over the rain. “It’s raining like crazy, come inside!”
Jake seemed to shake off whatever trance he’d been in and slowly turned around.
First, she noticed his dull eyes and pale face that suddenly turned into a grimace, as if he just now realized something. Then, as his eyes trailed down his body, hers followed him, stopping at a red stain on his white shirt, right where the buttons of his jacket had opened. The red stain kept growing, however, and Jake’s eyes widened slightly, as if surprised by what he was seeing.
Then he collapsed.
Amy couldn’t tell who screamed. If it was Rosa with a loud curse, or if it was her who forgot about the rain and stumbled to his side, dropping to the ground, no thoughts wasted on her white dress getting dirt all over it.
She pressed her hand on the ever-growing blood stain on his stomach. His eyes fluttered closed, losing their struggle to stay opened.
“Jake! Jake, open your eyes!” Amy raised one hand, now covered in blood, to his face. “Don’t you dare close your eyes, Peralta! Look at me!” Her voice cracked over the last words and she pressed her thumb down on his cheek, unbeknownst to the tears trailing down her own face. She didn’t hear Rosa call 911, didn’t register the rain soaking her dress, or her hair falling into her face.
Her hand left his face, grabbed his hand and squeezed. “Please, Jake… Don’t do this to me! Open your eyes, talk to me, please stay with me!” The blood was now covering half his shirt. Some of it was on her dress; if it came from her hand or was soaking in from his wound, she didn’t know.
She was sobbing now, panicking, screaming his name, begging him to open his eyes. And then he did.
His eyelids fluttered open halfway, locking with hers. Amy felt a light squeeze on her hand. Then it went limp and his eyes closed again, head lolling to the side.
In the stories, this would have been the moment the dying character wanted to see his loved ones one more time before… No. This wasn’t the stories. This was real life, this was her and Jake’s wedding day, they just got married, despite everything their lives kept throwing at them, and maybe even because of that. They were one. And she wasn’t going to lose her other half, not now, not ever.
The next sob got stuck in her throat. Her mouth opened and shut, as if to keep screaming, but no sound came out. She was still squeezing his hand, waiting for him to squeeze back again, but it remained slack.
Someone tried to pull her away from him. She struggled against it, not ready to leave his side, never ready to do that. Several pairs of strong hands grabbed her and, against her kicking and screaming, moved her under a canopy from where she watched two paramedics stretcher Jake off into an ambulance, out of her sight.
Amy was floating. But not between clouds. She was floating in brackish water, the stream pulling her down, down. A wet grave. The eagle wasn’t soaring anymore. It had been shot. Had plummeted through the clouds, like a stone. Fast, faster, until it crashed, until it hit the water, hard. She was drowning in the rain, in her tears, in her fear.
And gravity pulled her down.
We all know that main characters won’t die, especially not Jake. So I’m all in for this scenario. Btw he was attacked. It was probably some enemy from the latest storyline or a lackey or just some mugger or whatever. Anyway, they probably wrestled and when the gun went off the attacker fled the scene, and it all went very fast. It’s your imagination.
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nocoolname123 · 7 years
Salt In the Wound
I wrote this for a satire writing assignment at school. People have told that it’s good and well written but I wanted some more eyes on it. It’s not the kind of satire that you’re used to (South Park would be an example) because it focuses on the more disturbing, grueling parts of society. If you’ve heard about internet challenges, the salt and ice challenge, in particular, this is what this story is about.   
Warnings: this may be triggering to some 
Anna sat with her legs crossed under the seat of the tram. It rocked back and forth as she scrolled through the YouTube comments under her video.
stupid bi*** needs to delete her channel
not even funny, can’t believe why she even has views in the first place
f*** you, your fat
Anna knew that she should turn off her phone, but she couldn’t. It was like her fingers had a mind of their own; they kept scrolling. Anna prayed that the other people on the tram couldn’t read her expression; see the tears threatening to spill. With the last ounce of strength she had, she shut off her phone and put in her bag, turning to face the window.
The snow fluttered down onto the pavement, sticking to the window. Anna drew swirls in the window until the tram finally stopped. Anna got out and started walking in small, but quick steps to her apartment complex. The wind bit at the parts of her skin that were exposed and the snow polka-dotted her hair and jacket.
Anna fiddled with the camera before finally getting it to focus. She turned her head to the right, not fully facing her ‘boyfriend’ behind her and asked, “You ready?”
“I’ve been ready, you just took so long to set up”, he replied, setting down his phone.
“Well it’s not my fault that you dropped it”, Anna tried to lighten the mood by joking before he got annoyed.
“How many times do I have to tell you? I never dropped it!”, he snapped.
“You know what? I don’t wanna’ argue today, okay.”, Anna turned back to the camera and could practically feel him roll his eyes at her back. She turned it on once he settled down next to her and started her introduction in the fake, cheery voice that all YouTubers seem to have mastered.
Her boyfriend joined in, “It’s Anna, and-”
He waved his hands near his head and, chimed, “Atticus!”
“So, today we’re going to be doing another challenge for you guys and this one might be a little dangerous, but-”, she shrugged and raised her hands to emphasize the gesture, “it’s all in good fun”.
Atticus kept talking as Anna reached for something on the table behind the camera tripod. A bowl of ice cubes and a can of salt.
“Okay, I’ll go first”, Atticus grabbed the bowl and the can and started doing the challenge. In a few seconds, he was squirming on the couch, while holding down the ice cube on his arm.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Owwwwww”, Atticus moaned, keeping pressure on the ice cube. Anna started to get concerned and scooted closer.
“Hey, I think that’s enough”, she tried to pry Atticus’s fingers off of the ice cube gently. Atticus looked a little out of it. Anna took the little blob of ice that remained and tossed it in the general direction of the bowl. She shook Atticus’s shoulders, trying to wake him up.
Panic welled up in Anna’s chest as she realized that he might be seriously injured. She glanced at the burns on his forearm and figured that they could be third-degree burns. Anna scrambled for her phone, which lay on the counter a couple feet away from the couch.
In her haste, the camera tripod wobbled and fell, knocking over the can of salt on the center-table, not that she cared.
“911, what is your emergency?”
BTW: Anna and Atticus from the story depict signs of an abusive/dysfunctional relationship; arguing about the same things over and over, hostility or tension, etc. Make sure to find help if you find yourself in a relationship like this. 
What do you think? Where do I need help with my writing? Send me some suggestions! 
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supernovaecastaway · 7 years
it seems that you didn't reblog the ask meme BUT I'M STILL GONNA ASK haha feel free to do only the ones you want: 6, 8, 9, 10, 33, 44
but i guess ill answer since theyre here now XD
6) My fave show at the moment.... uuuuuh.... I really like that new 911 show that just started on Fox. It’s by the guy that does AHS and it’s about first responders, and has all the awesome actors like Angela Bassett, Connie Britton and Peter Krause. if you saw me talking about an au last week about a firefighter and a 911 operator, this is where the idea came from lol
8) My fave subject in school was English, which should come as a shock to literally no one. Well, I think technically band/color guard was my fave but I don’t think that really counts XD My least fave was math even though I was randomly good at it 🙄 Like, I was taking geometry in 8th grade, and had technically completed my high school math credits by the end of freshman year. But math is also the worst thing that has happened to me so yeah, fuck math.
9) Plans for the future. Wooooow, this is getting deep. The realest of real talk, I don’t know? If you’d asked me this question a few years ago, I’d have told you the plan was to move to LA, become a kickass music journalist and one day make my own music magazine that focused on touring. (Think Almost Famous turned into a magazine.) But then I actually went to LA and was a music journalist and wound up hating just about everything I had planned on for my life. Which is just fantastic, ya know? sarcasm btw Then I got really into baking and cooking so I thought maybe I’d go back to school for culinary arts and then I could write for food magazines and shit. Except the idea of going back to school makes me want to die. So, long story short.... I don’t know. I’m kinda living one day at a time at the moment. The only thing I know I for sure want to do is publish something, but I don’t want to do that until I can create something that truly feels like it could stand the test of paper and ink. 
10) If I could travel anywhere, I’d def go to Japan. I’ve always wanted to go and see where my grandma grew up and take in the amazing culture and the food. I’d also really love to go to London, and I would kill to go to Germany again since now I’m old enough to take part in all the fun stuff lol
33) I joined tumblr in 2009 so I could blog about how my then best friend was driving me fucking crazy without him finding out since he followed me literally everywhere else. And then he joined tumblr a couple months later and I had to purge everything anyway T.T in case you were wondering it would take almost a year and a half before we finally cut ties 
44) What do I think of you/your tumblr? I think you’re freakin’ awesome dude! I can always count on you when I’m trying to procrastinate-- and apparently when I’m not trying to XD-- and I know if I ever need to talk to someone, you’re there! I also now know if I need a flamethrower, I know who to go to lmao. 
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bookish-wanderer · 7 years
Hello! Welcome to Life of A Simple Reader! Today I’ve got a book blitz for a YA Fantasy novel (umm, it’s actually a HUGE series) called Forsaken Prince and you’ll find some eye candy covers, excerpts and a $50 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway for the U.S. residents in this post so I hope you’ll enjoy! Btw, you could check the tour schedule HERE!!
Title: Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)
Author: Andrea Pearson
Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: November 1st, 2017
  About the Book
Jacob refuses the role of Forsaken Prince. Until his father and little sister are kidnapped…
When an attractive girl tells Jacob he’s the Forsaken Prince and that an entirely different planet needs his help, he calls her crazy and sends her on her way. But then he discovers dead demons in his house, his mother beaten, and his father and sister kidnapped, and he’s forced to begin a dangerous journey.
Now Jacob must team up with Aloren to find a magical key and stage a rescue with a tight deadline, all while making decisions that affect not only himself but hundreds of thousands of his subjects in this new world. Can he figure out his new magical powers fast enough and will he and Aloren reach Jacob’s father and sister before time runs out?
Forsaken Prince, Kilenya Chronicles Book One is an edge-of-your-seat story of fantasy, adventure, and exciting twists and turns. Grab your copy now to begin the magical journey!
  Add it on Goodreads!
  Buy Forsaken Prince on Amazon!
  All books in the Kilenya Chronicles series: (Amazon)
Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)
Ember Gods (Kilenya Chronicles #2)
August Fortress (Kilenya Chronicles #3)
 Rise of Keitus (Kilenya Chronicles #4)
Eyes of the Sun (Kilenya Chronicles #5)
Golden Symbol (Kilenya Chronicles #6)
  Remember the eye candy covers I promised in the beginning? Well, here you go:
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Holy moly! A gorgeous PRINCE for each book?? YES, PLEASE!
  Forsaken Prince EXCERPT 1–Getting Home
The lights inside Jacob’s home were off. That wasn’t normal. Mom always kept lights on. She would rather pay an elevated electric bill than live in a dark house. Jacob flipped the switch. Nothing happened. He stepped inside, and something crunched under foot. He looked down. He’d stepped on broken glass. Jacob glanced around the room. All the bulbs had been shattered—the lamp near the front door, the overhead light, and the lamps on the shelves by the piano. Nothing else was broken. His heart did a little flip, and foreboding settled over him. What had happened? “Mom? Dad?” No answer. He stepped into the kitchen. Everything there was broken—not even the battery-operated clock on the wall was still ticking. Jacob’s breath caught when he spotted blood all along the edge of the counter. “Dad! Mom! Amberly!” In a rush, he searched the rest of the first floor, then bounded up the stairs. He didn’t get far before stumbling to a halt. A huge body was sprawled across the top of the staircase. Jacob gasped, stepping back involuntarily, and nearly fell down the stairs before catching himself. It wasn’t human. It couldn’t be. No human looked like that. He clung to the railing, staring at the dead beast. What the crap was it? The thing was huge. Humanoid, with stubby, muscular legs, massive arms, and four fingers on each hand. The wall all around it was splattered with blood and marred with spray from a shotgun. The creature wore dark leather pants. It wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Jacob nearly wretched as he stepped up the stairs and saw a huge gaping hole in the thing’s chest. More blood slicked down the stairs and pooled beneath the beast. The entire thing was covered everywhere with very short hair. Spikes jutted out from the lower jaw, coming to sharp points about two inches from the chin. The eyes had rolled back in the head, the lids open. Jacob stumbled up the stairs, trying not to touch the creature or its blood. Were there more of those things in the house? Was he in danger? And where were his parents? His breathing came in pants and gasps. His dad’s shotgun lay in the hall near the top of the stairs. Shells—some empty—were scattered across the floor. Jacob grabbed the gun and several of the shells, fumbling to load the weapon in case he needed to defend himself. Someone whimpered, and he rushed down the hallway. He passed another one of those beasts, this one missing a head. His stomach flipped. He refused to look at the gaping neck. “Hello?” he called out, clenching the shotgun. “Mom?” His parents’ room was empty. He barely glanced into his and Matt’s separate bedrooms before pausing in the doorway to Amberly’s. A familiar figure huddled on the other side of the princess bed, and he gasped. “Mom!” Jacob rushed to her side, dropping to his knees. He set down the gun and placed a hand on her shoulder. She jumped, shrinking against the wall, her hair falling over her face. “It’s me! It’s Jacob. Are you okay? What happened? What’s going on?” Mom slumped in relief and sobbed. “I’m so sorry.” He gently pushed her hair away from her face, then startled. She was covered in blood. Bruises were blossoming across her cheeks and neck. “What’s going on?” he repeated. “We tried . . . to protect you . . .” “Where are Amberly and Dad?” “They—they took them.” “They who?” Jacob asked. He pulled out his phone to call 911. “The Lorkon.” Mom’s eyes cleared as she concentrated on her son’s face. “They sent their servants. Your father and sister have been taken. You must go get them!”
  Forsaken Prince EXCERPT 2–Beasts in the Hole
Jacob was making his way over a very large section of dried mud when a cracking sound came from under him. He stopped and watched in dismay as a line shot across the surface, starting at his foot. He didn’t have time to react before the crust below him gave way. Jacob gasped, eyes widening as he clutched at the air, trying to find something, anything, to hold on to. He tipped backward and fell, the shell breaking as his body hit it. He was aware of Aloren’s scream, the bright sun in his eyes, and the scent of mud. Cold, damp air rushed past him, making a roar in his ears as he gained speed in his descent. With a thud, he landed on solid ground, and the wind whooshed out of his lungs. Everything threatened to go black. He forced his eyes open, and a dull ache built in his chest. “Jacob!” someone screamed. He tried to pull in the air he needed to breathe. It wouldn’t come, and panic washed over him. How far had he fallen? Everything was dark except for a small shaft of light that came in through the hole above him. His chest was on fire. The pressure built and built until finally, with a gasp, he drew in a ragged, painful breath. “I’m okay,” he called out weakly. Was he? Jacob tested all of his limbs—they each responded, and without pain. But when he tried to sit up, fire raced across his chest again. He must have broken a rib. Or several, judging by how painful it was to move. With difficulty, he rolled over and sat up, gasping for breath, working through the pain. His eyes widened when he saw a crumpled body near him. Aloren had fallen too—had her bubble broken when Jacob’s did? The hole above didn’t look that big. Her eyes were shut, her body unmoving. Jacob crawled to her, doing his best to ignore the agony ripping across his torso. Dark liquid dripped from a wound on her forehead, and judging by the awkward position of her body, she’d broken several bones. Was she even alive? Panic made Jacob’s hand shake as he checked for a pulse. He’d never been around a dead person before. “Please, please be alive,” he whispered. It took a moment to find the right spot in her neck, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a faint heartbeat. Shuffling and grunting sounds reached Jacob’s ears. He looked around and felt his insides twist into knots. Several huge forms moved in the shadows, circling them just outside the ring of light. “Hello?” he yelled toward the hole above. “Is anyone there? We’re not alone down here.” The grunting grew louder, and Jacob stumbled to his feet, curling an arm around his side. He refused to face whatever was coming sitting down. He kept his eye on the closest form and blinked when a man’s hand became visible. What the . . .? The body it came from was definitely not human. The creature stepped forward, and Jacob gasped. It was a bear—or something very similar to one—with human hands and feet. Thick brown fur covered it snout to ankles, and the eyes, ears, and nose definitely belonged to a bear. It roared, and all similarities to a bear disappeared. The roar was like fingernails on a chalkboard times a thousand. The tongue was forked, and the teeth were green and long, like a saber-toothed tiger. The bear-like beast pounced, its movement eerily similar to a cat’s, and before Jacob could react, it had knocked him to the ground. He gasped through the pain, doing everything he could to keep those teeth away from his face. Adrenaline shot through his system, pushing the pain away and giving him more strength than he could have found without it. With a grunt, he rolled out from under the bear-thing, flinging it to the side away from Aloren. It was much lighter than a bear should have been. He growled when more of the creatures rushed him. He didn’t have time to concentrate, to think, to wonder how best to defend himself and the unconscious girl. Jacob practically danced around her, keeping the beasts back, throwing stones and pieces of broken shell at them and tossing the bears away when they got close. They formed a tight circle around him, coming closer and closer. Sweat trickled down his face and into his eyes, blurring his vision. A bear grabbed Jacob’s arm, yanking him away from Aloren just as one of them jumped on top of her, teeth flashing.
  About the Author
Andrea Pearson is an avid reader and outdoor enthusiast who plays several instruments, not including the banjo, and loves putting together musical arrangements. Her favorite sports are basketball and football, though several knee surgeries and incurably awful coordination prevent her from playing them.
Andrea graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor of science degree in Communications Disorders. She is the author of many full-length novels (the Kilenya Series and Mosaic Chronicles) and several novellas. Writing is the chocolate of her life – it is, in fact, the only thing she ever craves. Being with her family and close friends is where she’s happiest, and she loves thunderstorms, the ocean, hiking, public speaking, painting, and traveling.
Website  Blog  Facebook page  Facebook profile  Twitter  Goodreads  Amazon  Pinterest  Newsletter
  Last but definitely not least…
There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Forsaken Prince. One winner will win a $50 Amazon Gift card. US Only.
  Enter here and good luck!!
  Thanks for reading & hope you have a great weekend!
  Until next time,
Jasmine 🙂
Book Blitz: Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1) by Andrea Pearson Hello! Welcome to Life of A Simple Reader! Today I've got a book blitz for a YA Fantasy novel (umm, it's actually a HUGE series) called…
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