#peraltiago wedding
renegadesstuff · 15 days
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BROOKLYN NINE NINE (2013 - 2021)
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sisterofficerlucychen · 3 months
this thought is eight years too late but i just realized that peraltiago's wedding episode is named "jake & amy" and the episode that started their relationship was "johnny and dora" and i really hope they were trying to pay homage to it bc that would have been really cool lol.
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anonymouscuzwhynot001 · 2 months
for a sec i thought that dream in ep1 was true 😭
aHA so jake CAN grow a mustache
amy is such a hermione with the ripping the page out of the books 😭
the diaz/santiago friendship is just so ✨✨✨
wow what a cliffhanger—
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evagelieneinthesky · 3 months
Pre-Peraltiago Moments that I love
These are the moments that occur in episodes where the plot is not them.
Season 1 Episode 5: The Vulture
The bus ride towards The Vulture's place where Jake is explaining to Amy why he wanted to work alone.
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Season 1 Episode 7: 48 Hours
The two of them going through the footage together and printing out the photo of the soul patch dude.
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Season 1 Episode 18: The Apartment
Jake venting the entire fight that happened between him and Gina and then Amy asking him what would Holt think her biggest fault is.
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Season 2 Episode 17: Boyle-Linetti Wedding
The second proposal in the trinity.
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chenford-fan · 2 years
At least one couple on The Rookie should follow the traditional route and I want it to be Chenford. I want them to date, get engaged, then have a beautiful wedding, a romantic honeymoon and then finally start a family. I don't want them to jump any step in between. 🥺
The showrunners should take notes from Peraltiago's (Jake and Amy from Brooklyn nine-nine) relationship. They didn't break them up or rush anything. Their relationship grew so organically. Please follow the same for Chenford.🙏
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hecckyeah · 7 months
Okay I saw your fic behind the scenes ask game and I MUST know behind the scenes info for "So A Crazy Thing Happened At The Terra Bella Lodge"
Oh my GOSH I'm so excited to tell you all of it!!!!
First, obligatory link to said fic in case someone would like to read it! (But be warned-- I spoil everything below)
A couple of fun facts:
I can't remember for the life of me what exactly spurred this idea, but it's heavily influenced by Leverage and some of the more bottle-like episodes they've done. Very heist-y origins! Although I wish I was better at writing heists, because a Brooklyn 99/The Rookie heist would be the crossover fic of the century.
I spent roughly 15 entire hours watching episodes of Brooklyn 99 and clips of Jake and Amy so I could get their voices in my head, since I'd been on a Rookie spree and all I was hearing was Tim and Lucy, and while they're similar in some ways I needed to remember how to write Peraltiago! Pretty sure I've watched every single b99 clip that exists on Youtube
The inspiration for the Terra Bella Mountain Lodge is actually a real place!! It's a wedding venue in Estes Park, CO called the Della Terra Mountain Chateau. I've sadly never been there but it looked GORGEOUS, and if I ever get married, it'll be on my top 5 venue options for sure
I tossed around the idea of whether or not to have Jake and Amy's kids there with them, since it's kind of a romantic spot, but I opted for my own enjoyment of getting to write the kids instead of being realistic and keeping them in New York with Jake's mom or something
I listened to basically nothing except this chenford playlist I made, the whole time. music on repeat is very effective for my writing brain :)))
I had a couple deleted scenes where Jake and Amy solve the whole case from the minivan, then Tim goes and busts Lucy out by fistfighting 3 guards at once in a superhuman throwdown brawl, but I went back and added those scenes where Lucy saves herself like the queen she is since she was feeling a little too Damsel-in-Distress and not enough Badass Officer (Detective) Chen, and I'm SO glad I did. It's a better story for the grandkids ;)
Also, in previous drafts Raymond Reeves WAS the villain. I was planning him as the thief who wanted to steal some diamonds or something, but it just wasn't gelling with my brain. I think I rewrote all the scenes with him and Marcia about 27 times before I was happy with it.
SPEAKING OF THAT DUDE!!! This is one of my favorite BTS tidbits :))) Raymond Reeves' backstory is that he has about 10 aliases that he uses and for ALL of them, the initials are S.K. -- Sanford Kain, Silas Kearney . . . Because S.K. stands for Serial Killer. He was so guilty about what he did to his brother-in-law, that he purposefully branded himself forever, subconsciously hoping someone would put the pieces together and he'd finally be arrested and punished for his crime.
Vesa Wescott was always going to be in on the crime from the beginning, I just didn't decide exactly how until Ronan Reeves came into the picture :)
This is very easily the first fic I've fully drafted out from beginning to end, and it STILL changed along the way!
I threw around the idea of Lucy going into preterm labor during the snowstorm, but figured that was kind of cliche and scary and unnecessary, and I'd rather have her working the case with Jake and Amy than anything else.
Oh, and Tim absolutely breaks his no-Disneyland rule for the Peraltiago fam :))) But given that I've never been to Disneyland and have no idea what it's like, I don't feel qualified to write that fic . . . Maybe someday!!
So yeah, there you have it!! I hope you enjoyed this episode of behind the fic with yours truly 😄
[ask me about a fic!]
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howiehans · 7 months
if madney’s wedding episode is titled “maddie and chimney” like how peraltiago’s was “jake and amy” just know it was my doing
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idonthaveathing · 1 year
okay so i was on vacation and the only thing my brother was willing to watch on tv was the show •F•R•I•E•N•D•S•, this is my first impression of all the main characters (i probably watched 20 mins total)
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the brunette one - seems like the only rational one at least compared to lotion lady so i thought it was like she’s the rational one? idk she’s probably my fav
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the absolute child - he reminds me of andy from parks and rec but a little more mature, he seems pretty stupid and slow like he’s the one to go “……OH” at moments of realization and like if you took him to the store he’d be begging you for candy and toy dinos
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lotion lady - the only one in the show i recognized because she is lotion lady. it was off putting how young she looks, however her voice and accent still reminded me of a mom. but i cant have her as mom friend that goes to the brunette one cuz this girl is delusional asf, seems too scared to do things normally so she will come up with random ass plans that are unnecessarily complicated and she will drag the brunette one into it too
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the smart but tired one - he looks like the guy to say to the absolute child: “well NO SHIT” or like “YA THINK??” he seems like he would be very fed up with the rest of the •F•R•I•E•N•D•S•, the kinda guy to go “they’re lesbians, carl” (i think he did that once when the absolute child was reading a wlw book and thought it was hetero). another thing about him is that i thought his name was chandler and was very sad to find out that the brunette one doesn’t marry him (i only know they get married cuz i’ve seen things about how their wedding date is the same as peraltiago). i am very mad at the brunette one for choosing chandler over someone who seems at least a little smart, that said i think this guy is second fav character
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the blonde one - seems to have a new mans every episode (both episodes i saw, there was a new mans). she also gives dumb blonde vibes just a bit. i will be very proud of her when she finally settles down with someone, hopefully someone academic to counter the dumb blonde vibes (idk if she is dumb blonde cuz i’ve only seen a little bit of the show)
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chandler (the one i didn’t realize was part of the main cast) - yes fr i was watching and thought he was just like there for one episode or one bit but then he stayed and i was confused bc like why is this random guy part of the main cast?? i am actually kinda mad at the brunette one for choosing him, he literally has no traits that stuck out to me from watching like two episodes which means…
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he just seems like he doesn’t add much to the show, if he went on vacation and his plane crashed i probably wouldn’t notice. another thing about him is that he looks unsettling. idk how to explain it but like, if there was a video of a camera gradually zooming in on his face, i would be very scared. i also have reason to believe he is an alien-made robot sent to spy on the •F•R•I•E•N•D•S•. the more i look at him the stranger he gets. i would not trust this man with my cat.
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top 5 fav peraltiago moments pls
Ahhhh this is hard but
The last scene in Trying ("I really wanted to start a family" "Amy, we are a family. You and me.")
The proposal <3
Their wedding
"I may never have the mantel but it doesn't matter 'cause I have you" <3
The rooftop scene in The Bet
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer
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renegadesstuff · 4 months
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B99 Obsession Chart Season 1 :) PART TWO
so, i'm rewatching B99, and a lot of it makes me want more stories, more details, more more more. so, here are my notes, and what they make me think of.
for efficiency's sake, this will also be where i "store" my B99 s1 prompts. might be some spoilers for later seasons if the inspiration came from watching this one. just look for links in there to see the prompts. also, some prompts might fit with multiple episodes/notes but they'll only be linked in one place, which will be whichever fitting one i've in front of me as i add the links, not necessarily the most fitting one of all of them. did that make sense?
Holt is shit at social stuff
Jake needs finance lessons very badly
“channel that passion into the dance” >> jake hanging out at gina (and diaz’) s dance lessons
>> charles’ ex wife’s new boyfriend’s hot tub party 27
>> amy learns stick
>> peraltiago meet cute on the manhattan bridge 28
Jake’s shit at sharing
>> gina takes secret fight lessons, 99 teaches gina self defense and shit 29
Jake doesnt have a dentist
Holt & terry play IRL sims
Holt’s sneaky dad lessons : be supportive to your partner (jake whos surprised)
Squad meets kevin
Jake went to dentist >> dragging 30
Finest vinyard in arkansas >> team trip 31
Amy has a mental breakdown
Jake watches jeopardy
DVR : bones, sherlock, how it’s made >> wtff??? 32
Terry’s sneaky dad lessons : witness is witness even if he looks dumb (amy & rosa)
Holt’s possessive
Jake lets the perfect girl go to help charles
The dad episode
>> holt & jake play catch
Gina buys jake’s place 34
Gina & jake both no dads, grow up w/ nana
Jake watched movie abt cop protect potus 12x 33
Boyle knows where to get loose hairs??
Jake never seen little mermaid 35
Amy knows music letters thingy
I would totes buy the toilet in the living room flat
Gross cream hair makes me pukey
Gina got flat @20
Jake dug thru amy’s bin during his own crisis because he’s a nosy little shit
Jake saying 33 gives me starkid aladdin flashbacks oh no
holt plays along to robot jokes, my boy grew up so fast look at him relaaaax
amy & teddy / rosa vs charles ep
cwazy cupcakes >> addicted holt thing, related stabby episode? 36
Jake’s into star wars?
“dressed like an airline pilot” >> holt colleague with douchebag peralta 37
Jake’s a good shot
Holt lactose intolerant
Scully calls jake jakey 38
Stupid diet for stupid people episode
Jake & boyle wedding prep ep
Holt’s sneaky dad lessons : teach dont freak out (rosa)
Jake’s a “chocolate guy”
>> amy apologises to hitchcock for wishing him to have aneurisms after aneurisms after ya get me 39
Holt’s hulahoop accident >> jake stalks to prove 40
Amy goes to the dentist
Jake is obsessed by his job
Martin looks wayyy younger than kevin >> + jake is a jealousy prone only child + kid fic 41
>> Holt’s sneaky dad lessons : how to make speeches (jake)
How’d you go from let’s get married and move to another country to let’s break up ???
Terry has plastic spoons we need an intervention
Holt says all his breakups were nice but there’s wooden duck guy
Scully has at least two kids
Jake stalks eddy fong cause he’s a lunatic
Jake says “i’m blind” which sends me to the mentalist episode
Holt’s sneaky dad lessons : good posture (go on guess...ya it’s jake again)
Just how often does jake say thrift store??
I really want all of jakes fake names to be names of people he arrested cause hes a work obsessed freak 42
Amy cant dance for shit
Jake CAN dance???
If holt told you to jump off a bridge – jake fucking would
Rosa’s face when she says ‘ive never dated anyone good’ REEKS of ‘i let the perfect girl get away because i didnt get out of my closet to ask her out” 43
Gina and boyle shag
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anonymouscuzwhynot001 · 2 months
so i don't remember much since i watched the entire thing in two days and it was during the night so my brain wasn't fully functioning buttttt
wow the cops got arrested
i literally love the heist episodes 😍
PB&J STRIKES AGAINNNNN (peraltiago fangirling over hp tho 😍)
peraltiago parenting 101
pimento's back, the wedding was a bit fast-paced so glad they called it off, BUT THE POOR CHAIRS 😭
ROSA AND JAKE ARE GUILTY?? LIKE I EXPECTED IT BUT STILL?? this is why i hate the us court system. it's so fucked up 😭
melanie hawkins is such a badass . . . if only she wasn't a BADass 😭
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impossiblyizzy · 2 years
Peraltiago and Trobed for the ship asks!
Thanks Fee :)
Peraltiago - they were better before they got together! Maybe they should be in a QPR. I love their dynamic in Boyle-Linetti Wedding where they're just sliiiightly flirty. I mean, they're always cute and I like the way Jake brings out Amy's silly side but I also think they're overrated and I wish there was more content for other pairings. Having said that my favourite Peraltiago episode is Honeymoon.
Trobed - they're literally in a QPR and I love that for them but I'd also be happy if something romantic happened in the movie (although I doubt it will lol). favourite moment is when it's Shirley's wedding and they decide to be normal.
send me a ship and I'll give you my brutally honest opinion
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
peraltiago got married 5 years ago..
and i dunno if you watch friends, but the monica and chandler wedding was 22 years ago
what do you mean... peraltiago have been married for 5 years... i remember watching that episode when it first came out
(i am not the biggest fan of friends but i have seen so many episodes)
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dearreader · 2 years
peraltiago wedding
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Awh, Jake! I am so honoured and I would love to be - oh, nope, I can't make this. This is the same night as Lady Gaga.
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