#wow i could finish route A tonight!
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good thing the bunker exploded, office parties would’ve gotten awkward
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l-starlight-l · 4 months
The love of a hero
Dinner for two
Master list
Part one, Part two
A/N: oh wow three post in one night, I must be a master writer. I wish.
Description: the red hood creeps up on you after work inviting you out for a heartfelt dinner together.
Warning: talk about messy families
Pairing: Red Hood x Reader
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You had finished up your sessions for the night and your boss had let you go home early, which was a delight. You had decide you were going to take the scenic route back to your apartment going through Gotham Park. Going this way always helped you clear your head after a stressful day. You had been in Gotham for almost two weeks now, you were settling in just fine. You made some friends at work including a tall, dark and mysterious vigilante you spent your smoke breaks with and some pretty kind neighbors. You smiled to yourself as you walked down the street towards the park.
“What are you smiling about” a familiar voice echos from an alley way next to you. You jump at the sound and slipped on the icy sidewalk. As you fall backwards a muscular arm is quick to catch you.
“Red!” You exclaimed angrily, “don’t sneak up on me like that”. You steadied yourself with his help.
He chuckled that deep chuckle that you loved. “Sorry sorry” he apologized, “what are you up to?” He asked once you were back on your feet.
“Im on my way home, I got off early tonight” you say still annoyed with him, “shouldn’t you be on patrol or something?” You ask with heavy attitude.
“Just got off” he says as he starts walking, you have to hurry to catch up, “you hungry?” He asks trying to play it cool.
Your cheeks heat at the thought of having dinner with him, “I could eat” you say, butterflies in your stomach.
He smiles and crosses the street quickly, “great, I know a good place close by”. You didn’t know if this was a good idea, you didn’t know anything about him, not even his name but you decided to take the risk and go with him.
He leads you into Gotham park and finally to a group of food trucks. There are a lot of people around but most only give a short glance to the vigilante casually getting a bite to eat. As you get in line to order you admire all the stickers on the truck, there seems to be a sticker from every city in the nearby area. A smile crosses your face as you think about how many different people have enjoyed this food.
The red hood removes his helmet, revealing his handsome features covered by a domino mask. You blush lightly and try not to stare. “My brother use to take me here all the time, they have the best food in Gotham” he says with a sour-sweet smile on his face. You admire the distant look in his eyes, desperate to know why.
“ I didn’t know you had a brother” you say quietly hoping for him to open up.
“I have quite a few siblings, they’re all handfuls and get on my nerves but they’re family” he says looking down at you, “how about you?” He asks with a raised eyebrow and a light eager look in his eyes.
You hesitate, you never talk about your family. Rarely to your close friends so definitely not to someone who’s practically a stranger, it was to much of a messy topic for you. You struggle to find the right words and luckily for you it’s time to order food. The two of you grab your fresh dinner and find somewhere quiet to sit.
There is silence between you and him, you squirm in it unsure if it is a pleasant comfortable silence or an awkward one. “I have brothers” you say quietly, “and someone who’s like a sister to me” you add not daring to look at him.
You can feel his soft smile with out having to see it, “are you guys close?” He asks
Your body tightens at the question, you debate how to answer it. “Not as close as we use to be” you explain with a sigh.
“Do they live close? Is that why you moved here?” He seems to be so eager to know more about you and it catches you off guard.
“No they don’t my dad would never let that happen. I know my younger brother lives in metropolis with him, but I’m not sure where the others are now a days” you admit sourly. A feeling of sadness creeps up your spin. You shudder and force yourself to take another bite of food. “I wish they lived close, I wish I knew them better” you say more to yourself than to him.
You look up at him and you can see a look of understanding in his eyes, like he knows exactly how you feel. “I basically live with my brothers and I still feel like I’m not close enough with them” he pauses and his lips knit together, “I just feel like I’m to much of an outsider to have a good relationship with them”
You look at him with appreciation, you like that he’s opening up to you like this. It makes you feel good like he trusts you. “We’re not so different then” you say finishing your food.
He nods his head, “I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this, I just feel like I can talk to you” he looks into your eyes with such emotion it makes your heart skip a beat.
You let out a small laugh, “I tend to have that effect on people, it’s why I’m so good at my job” you smile up at him and you can feel the mood lighten. You were only joking but it did feel different listening to him talk. He didn’t feel like a patient, he felt more like a friend. “I don’t open up to my patients like I do to you though, thank you” you tell him while standing.
His cheeks heat but the blush does not form on his cheeks, so you don’t realize his sign of weakness. He likes the way you make him feel, and he wants to make you feel the same way. He wants to make you feel important and seen. He walks you back home to your apartment and on the way there you two continue to talk about your lives. You share stories about unique patients and he tells you about crazy missions he’s been on. Regretfully you two have to part ways, but you know you’ll see him again very soon.
Word count: 1,072
Tags: @princessbl0ss0m @mxtokko @atadoddinnit
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msookyspooky · 1 year
  Fours a Franchise
Part 8
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 You sat in the back of Kirby's car with Randy in the passenger seat and Kirby driving. Going to the police station so Perkin's and Hoss could drop off the woman that attacked you at the school and then Kirby was dropping you all off at your houses. 
Kirby finally broke the silence. "So uh, kind of cool we got out after lunch today. I mean, the reasons not, but still. Just saying." She gave with a slight cringe.
Randy sighed with a light shrug. "Hey, we were excited too…Before the Final Act, at least." 
Jill looked apprehensively at you and then Randy. "You think the killers might strike tonight?" 
"For sure. Absolutely. " You and Randy both said in unison just a different word with the same damn meaning.
Randy continued. "It's just standard at this point. Big group of kids, party place in the middle of nowhere, drinking and breaking the rules just to be offed one by one with no one even paying attention because either they're too drunk or too busy screwing-" 
"Or-" You held up a finger; finishing his sentence for him. "They'll think someone getting stabbed to death is a part of a prank…Maureen Evans. Premiere of Stab 1998." 
Randy nodded and snapped his finger towards you. "Yep. No one even helped her. They all thought it was part of the immersive experience of Stab." 
Jill gave a shake of her head and a grimace. "Wow, that's awful." 
Kirby chimed in looking more interested than shocked. "Oh yeah! They totally should have used that in Stab 3's intro kill." 
"Legal issues." Randy was just as casual about it as she was as he told her. 
Kirby looked over at him. "Wait, didn't you work in the film industry? You mentioned it one day...I think when I was getting The Human Centipede last month. " 
Jill glared at her. "Don't ever make me watch that again. Seriously. Something is wrong with you." 
Kirby just snickered to herself as Randy gave a shrug once again. "Eh, just tech. My first movie was Stab 3 directed by none other than Roman Bridger." He gave with a wag of his brows and a tight lipped smile. 
Kirby hissed out. "Oh, shit. But never again?" 
"No, wasn't really qualified-" 
You interrupted him after rolling your eyes. "Randy went to college for a Film Major he refuses to use." You gave him a look from the backseat. 
"What?" Kirby laughed out as she drove. "No way, that's epic! But uh…Why not go be the next Sam Raimi? Shit, if someone can make Human Centipede then any of us can make it in the Industry. " 
 "Because it's a pointless little idea, Kirby." 
Kirby scoffed. "No it isn't! You don't even have to go to Hollywood if you don't want to. You can use your film major in a more…Entrepreneur way." 
Randy raised his brows. "...What?" 
Kirby stopped at a stop sign a bit heavy on the brakes. "I mean, Jenna Marbles can cut up soap for Kermit and people love it!" 
Randy and you blinked a bit at her; having zero idea what she was talking about. 
 Jill explained. "Anyone can be famous now. You just make people laugh or cry or be interesting." 
Randy cringed slightly and mumbled. "I don't really want the fame part. We get enough of that." You looked at the mirror at your cheek as a reminder of how 'famous' you all are.
Kirby quickly added. "But you could use Youtube to get attention and then money. It would be easier to get a job in Hollywood that way if you do decide to go that route. You could make a podcast or a youtube channel dedicated to nothing but movies." Kirby added with a smirk. "I know if you created a podcast talking about Horror movies; I'd give it a listen and so would all those kids in Cinema Club today." 
Randy gave her a skeptical smile with a sigh. "Kirby, I don't know the first thing about that. I'll look like a putz." 
She shrugged with a huff. "I could teach you; No problem. If I can teach my Grandma how to use her new smartphone to play Angry Birds; you'll be fine." 
Randy chuckled. "So the Student has become the Master, huh?" 
Kirby grinned and pointed at him. "Karate Kid. Not one of my favorites, though still. Classic." 
Randy grinned, leaning in his seat. "I know, nothing beats horror, right?" 
"Nah. Absolutely nothing." Kirby gave a serious expression before looking at Jill. "I mean, me and Jill spend our weekends watching Shaun of the Dead, The Devil's Rejects, Slither, Jennifer's Body." 
Jill waved her off with a chuckle. "Yeah I'm not nearly as much of a horror geek as you are…What was the one we watched the other day with Christina Ricci? With the-" 
Jill didn't even finish her sentence as Kirby snapped her fingers and she asked. "Werewolves?" Before her and Randy said in unison. "Cursed." 
Randy shrugged. "But best werewolf movie ever-" 
Kirby grinned and finished for him. "An American Werewolf in London." 
Randy nodded with a grin. "Hell yes!" 
Jill sighed and whispered to you. "Oh God, be prepared. They'll talk about Horror Movies for the entire ride…One day, we stayed an extra hour at the store because they both argued on zombie movies and both of them wouldn't back down. Return of the Living Dead versus the Remake of Night of the Living Dead." She gave you a raise of her brows. 
You smirked slightly and commented at their almost older brother little sister dynamic. "You two seem like two peas in a pod." 
Randy looked back at you almost forgetting you. "Huh? Oh yeah, Kirby comes in all the time to the video store. Been trying to hire her for years because she's one of the only teens around here that actually knows what she's talking about." 
She gave a sly grin. "I like to keep a low profile. I have an image. Besides, I love the surprise on peoples faces…If I worked at the video store, the fun would totally just fizzle out." 
Jill mumbled teasingly. "Yeah and you'd probably eventually embarrass yourself in front of the guy you like there-" Jill nudged Kirby with her knee.
 "I do not." Kirby huffed out with an eye roll. Couldn't tell if she was embarrassed and playing it off or if she was being honest, calm and just annoyed at her friends pestering. 
Randy shrugged with a smirk. "Who? Charlie? He hasn't been in there much." 
 "No, there is no 'guy'. Besides, Charlie and Robbie are big on this internet thing including pirating movies. I mean, look. I'm not the feds or anything but you cannot beat physical media when you can get it." You all pulled into the police station as her and Randy excitedly went back and forth about physical media, horror, etc..
Jill leaned forward towards you as she saw the woman being dragged into the police station by Hoss. "God…I'm sorry you went through that." 
You gave a sad smile and whispered back, Randy and Kirby oblivious in their own conversation as you talked. "Thanks but I've gotten used to it." You felt your phone vibrate with a text and ignored it.
"How? How do you handle it? The police monitoring you, the whispers and stares, the fear?" She asked softly.
You thought a moment before leaning in your seat, telling her. "...Uh  what I do…Is I try not to think about it." You simply told her. Looking at her earnestly. "I remember I'm lucky to be alive. That I know the truth and that my loved ones know the truth and that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks." You reasoned even if it wasn't nearly as honest as you wish it was. "The rest works out on its own." 
Jill nodded before Kirby put the car back in gear once Hoss returned to the squad car. "Alright, let's get this show on the road, folks! Gotta a party tonight." 
Both Randy and your faces dropped as you asked her. "Kirby, why? Are you seriously going to Stab-a-thon tonight?" 
She laughed good naturally. "Well, yeah. I've gone every year. Can't miss it." 
Randy gave her a look. "I can respect the love of horror and a good time but Kirby…It's clearly the final act!" 
You added. "And you're part of Jill's group. Do you want to have happen to you what happened to our friends? You wanna test your luck and be the new Sidney and Tatum?" You grimaced as you looked at Jill. "Sorry." 
Jill looked perplexed but also slightly offended. "You think…I'm the new Sidney?" 
Kirby added before you could finish. "Well, by what they did, I'm clearly not Tatum. And besides, Olivia would understand. She'd want me to be around people."
You ignored Kirby and hesitated before nodding with a frown to Jill. "Look…Clearly someone is after your group and we kind of think you're the main focus." Jill looked frightened, putting a hand over her mouth as you reached out to her to reassure her. "I swear though, we are not gonna let this guy be the new Billy or Stu." 
Kirby huffed out. "Like Trevor? I can see that." 
Randy gave a shaky 'iffy' hand gesture. "I mean, it would fit in with the trope if this were a remake. It is not…You know who I think it is? If we follow all the franchise rules and weed out suspects?" 
You quirked a brow. "Who?" 
Randy went to speak but relented. "Well…Shit, nevermind. I can't say." He gestured to the girls and Jill gave him an unamused frown and Kirby chuckled.
"God, just say it! Is it someone in our friend group? Trevor, me, J-" Kirby urged.
Everyone's face dropped. Jill and Kirby both kind of laughed out loud at that. Kirby exclaimed with a grin. "What? No way. Charlie wouldn't hurt a fly, he's harmless! A creep, social reject, future neckbeard but harmless." 
Randy gave her a deathly serious look as she pulled onto the street where Jill and Randy lived. "I'm serious, Kirby. I try to relent pointing fingers at film geeks because then me and you would be suspects too." 
Kirby gave him a devilish look. "Maybe I am? I'm going because I'm the killer oooo." She gave mockingly.
"But guess what?" He added. "I suspected Mickey and dropped it because 'Hey! Liking Cinema isn't a crime! I do that too!' and look how that turned out. I'm telling you, just watch your back with Charlie. With any of your friends…Even with each other." Randy gave Kirby a look then Jill. Turning to Jill and saying. "Everyone is a suspect." 
Jill and Kirby both gave him a wide eyed stare.
 You chimed in. "Kirby, I just wish you would reconsider." 
Kirby stepped out of the car and you all opened your doors as well as she said with a smirk. "And miss out on free booze, blood and horror? No way. Just don't tell Danny Glover and Mel Gibson where I'm going, alright?" 
Randy raised a playful brow. "Well that's a generous comparison. Remind me to ask you for my celebrity look alike." 
You grinned to yourself and he pointed at you before you said anything. Knowing he fell right into that one.  "Shut up. Damn, the guy and I had the same hair for a hot minute and he almost got the role for me in Stab and he plays dorky guys and you THINK we're both the same short ass height and you haven't shutted up since." 
"Oh you mean Seth Green? That was my choice too." Kirby added with a smirk. 
He gave her an annoyed look as you and her both tried to hold back laughter. He glared at you both. "Okay. Screw both of you. You both officially suck." He stepped out and so did you as you and Jill chuckled to each other as Kirby tried talking to him again.
The sun was slowly starting to set. The Autumn hours kicking in as the days were growing shorter.
Jill smiled and looked at you. You had to ask her. "...Are you going to Stab-a-Thon?" 
She lost her smile and rolled her eyes lightly. "No. My Mom would kill me. Besides, Sheriff Dewey would have a chaperone with me all night. My room is like a prison cell now." 
You gave her a sad smile. "Hey, I get it. It sucks. Been there, done that... But it's for the best." 
She nodded to herself before asking you. "Can I ask…What was my cousin Sidney like?" 
You blinked realizing she never met Sidney. She was only 2 or 3 when Sidney died. You thought a moment before telling her with a fond smile. "Sidney was kind…She was so kind. Brave. Empathetic. Strong willed. She was the mom friend of our group…Lectured us like one too." 
"What was it like, you know, knowing while Billy and Stu were your friends; they were plotting to kill you?" 
"Not comforting." You cringed lightly before sighing. "It was…It made me develop some trust issues that got worse after college and then after our last round of kills. To think while we were talking about school and 90's bands and teen stuff; they were plotting everyone's murder and we didn't mean anything to them. It sucked." 
Jill fiddled with her necklace with a worried frown. "You think someone close to me is trying to kill me?" 
"...Yes." You looked at Randy and Kirby talking while Kirby leaned against her car before you looked back at Jill. "Please, try to get Kirby to reconsider." 
"Good luck." She muttered with an annoyed eye roll.
"Well…Then keep her and everyone else at distance. Everyone." 
She looked shocked at that. "But Kirby-" 
You shhed her and whispered. "Jill…You think Sidney or I expected Billy? That any of us did? You think Tatum or Randy or me expected Stu?... Kirby going is suspicious, Charlie and Robbie hosting it is suspicious-" 
"And Trevor? My ex?" She softly asked.
You frowned deeply but nodded. "Very suspicious." You hesitated before giving a reassuring smile. "...Just be careful, stay home, and stay safe…Okay?" 
She sighed but nodded with a forced smile. "Okay…I can see why Sidney was friends with you. If-" She chuckled in between her sentences. "If she was the Mom of the friend group, maybe you were that cool aunt you go to for advice?"
You smirked. "No, that was Tatum. For sure. The fashionable, feisty, fun, protective aunt." 
Jill frowned. "...That could be Kirby but…I think Olivia was our Tatum too." She frowned, glancing at Olivia's house. 
You frowned too, guilt eating at you that maybe if you would have tried to shoot at the window or if you would have been there a few seconds sooner; she could've made it. You gently nudged her with a sad smile. "Hey, we're across the street and if not us then Perkin's and Hoss are right there." 
Jill nodded and waved goodbye, walking to her house as Kirby got in her car and you and Randy went to his house across the street.
Randy triple locked the front door behind you both and you both checked every single possible hiding spot in that house before finally settling down. You sat on the couch and Randy on the chair, tired beyond belief. You looked at your phone and saw a vague text about 'oil changes' from your 'mechanic'.
Randy sighed and told you. "Mind if I call Karla and the kids before it gets too late?" 
You smiled and shook your head. "Not at all." 
He called and once he started talking, you walked to the 'bathroom' until you saw he was looking away talking. You heard him tell her he missed her and asking about her family before you darted down the hall and to the kids room. As far away as possible as you sucked in a breath and called them.
"...YN? Took you long enough." Billy's voice huffed out.
"Is that Sweetcheeks? Man, put it on speaker phone-" Stu's voice sounded in the background as you lightly rolled your eyes.
"Yeah well, I was a little busy alright?" You retorted.
"So were we. We got a new location to look at-" 
"The Barn on Fort Dillion Road?" You asked.
You just KNEW Billy was scowling at you beating him to it. "How do you know that?" 
Stu got on and chuckled. "What a coincidence, same here! All you gotta do is offer the tiniest bit of weed in a baggy and these dumbass kids start talking." Stu laughed out. 
"So you're selling kids pot now?" 
Stu chuckled. "Oh no, has my wonderful image been tarnished in your eyes?" He seemed tickled to say it, giggling like a little kid. 
Billy sighed. "It was fucking oregano that we found in the kitchen of this motel. We saw it and instantly knew what to do with it." 
"That's awful. You swindled that kid with herbs?" You chuckled with a smirk at the imagery that some kid's house was gonna smell like a pizzeria instead of pot. 
To your surprise, you could hear the humor in Billy's voice. "Oh yeah, giving a dipshit kid oregano instead of pot. Truly worse than murder." 
You smirked at the joke before reality set in and you paced the room, looking at the kids' stuff with a frown. "...I'm not going to the party. Neither is Randy." 
"Well that's a relief…Maybe even surprising. Could have sworn you'd be stupid enough to go." 
You almost tried to dig deep inside to find some shitty remark but relented as you sat on one of the kids beds and mumbled. "It would be suicide to go. Besides, I have had enough attempts on my life from people without masks…" 
"What does that mean?" Billy asked. 
"Nothing. Just…Bullshit." You drew out with a sigh. 
Stu chimed in. "Anyways, we wanted to call not only so you would know where the parties at but also wouldn't go, okay YN?" 
You nod as if they're there. You then raised a brow and slowly drew out  "Yeah, sure…Curious…What exactly are you two going to do with this info?" 
"Easy. Gonna go crash a party. Kill the fucker right there." Stu gave nonchalantly.
Your mouth parted. "What??"...You stood up, a shocked look on your face. "Are you crazy?! Don't answer that just-" You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath to stop yourself. "You can't go to this party, okay-" 
Billy sounded annoyed as he replied. "You want this to end or not?" 
"Of course I do! But you don't think two original murderers going to a Stab movie with a bunch of fans from their hometown isn't suspicious?! You don't think cops won't be there eventually?!" You hiss out so low they probably barely heard you.
Stu puffed air. "Relax! None of those kids are even going to notice us and we'll split before the po-po even gets there." 
You shake your head. "It's not JUST that, idiots! We don't need to be splitting up and going rogue, okay?! I have enough of that with Gale and Dewey on edge constantly going in different directions instead of helping each other out. I don't need you two doing something stupid!" 
"Aww." Stu drew out and you glared at the wall knowing he had a shit eating grin on his face as he dismissed your concern. "Someone cares about us and if we're safe. That's so adorable, man." He teased sarcastically 
You rolled your eyes and thought. 'It's been 10 years Stu; give it a break.'
Before you gritted your teeth. "OR this someone's entire life will be ruined if you two are caught; dead or alive!" 
 "You think we're idiots? We're not new to this. You just keep your ass at Randy's on Walnut Drive at that little gray house and we'll do what we do best. Kill." 
Your mouth stretched in outrage. "How did you-" 
Billy gave a bit of a dark chuckle. "I told you, we aren't new to this…Just do us a damn favor and stay home. I don't need to babysit you while ripping this guy's liver out." 
"Damn it, both of you don't!" You said urgently as the other line was quiet for a second. "Just don't go to that party tonight, okay? Let this idiot show themselves then get them. Hell, if you're ballsy enough you can watch this house from afar and wait till they inevitably strike but that party is a suicide mission if you go! And guess what? What's gonna happen if that killer doesn't show up there OR he does and you two get caught?" 
Billy spoke up finally. "...You really feel that strongly about it?" 
He released a heavy sigh and then huffed out. "Okay…Fine but if we get news of a kill tonight-" 
"Then come here. Because the killer always follows the Final Girl after the party has ended…Just hide yourself from Randy." 
"No shit...Alright. Okay just stay put then." 
"Okay." You simply gave. Billy hung up and you sighed out of mild relief even if a part of you didn't believe them.
While you had your phone call, Randy had his. 
Randy smiled while looking down after talking to Mindy and Chad. "Be good, alright? Okay…Love you both…" He quietly knew that with this new killer, anyone could be hit. He swallowed and told them. "...I want you both to know I'm proud of you and I love you both more than anything. I miss you rugrats annoying me here at the house and 'll see you both soon, alright? Okay put your Mommy on the phone." Randy frowned, swallowing at his eyes stinging a bit imagining the worst before he shook his head and whispered to himself. "Stop it. Be the man here. Just follow the rules and everything will be fine." 
He heard Karla back on and his smile returned. She asked him. "...They found anything?"
"No, nothing. But don't worry, there's a party tonight and me and YN aren't going. If Jill Robert's is the new Sidney Prescott then let them keep that shit across the road or over at the barn they're hosting at." 
She sighed heavily, talking quietly. "I really wish you would just get out of there." 
"...Maybe if the cops are busy at that barn where we know a murder is gonna happen then me and YN can haul ass out of here?" He glanced through the window at Jill's house. "Us being neighbors to the new final girl IF that's what she is and being the original survivors? It's just a recipe for disaster." 
"Tell Dewey he's not invited to any events at this point." 
Randy smiled at his wife's remark…Before whispering to her on the phone. "...Just stay safe on your end too. Some horror movies have had the killer travel just to kill someone close to the guy that he really wants. And you're definitely top 3 for me. Don't ask me the order because I could never decide between the twins." 
She sighed with a slight chuckle before telling him. "I love you baby. Just…Get your ass here as soon as possible." 
He smiled to himself. "Love you too. I'll damn well try." 
He knew that probably wasn't happening but if it eased her a bit. He went to say something else when he saw Dewey was ringing him. "Karla, Dewey's calling-" She told him bye and to just call her tomorrow. He answered and Dewey just RANTED so fast Randy blinked repeatedly.
"Randy, I gotta tell you something. It's real important that YN isn't in the room." 
Randy gave an odd look."...What?" 
"Is she?" 
He looked around the corner to see you pacing the kids room on the phone yourself. He told him. "No??? What the hell-" 
"Are you sure? I'm serious Randy…I think…I think YN is in danger but she can't hear this." 
Randy furrowed his brows and nodded. "Yeah, honest. She's on the phone in another room." 
"With who?" He urgently demanded and Randy shrugged his shoulders with a disgruntled look.
"How the hell should I know? She's on the phone." 
Dewey sucked in a breath and Randy could just tell how nervous and wound up he was. Randy grunted with a scowl. "Dewey, just spit it out-" 
"I think Billy and Stu are alive!"  
Randy was dead silent for a good 5 seconds before muttering. "...What the ever loving fuck are you even talking about???" 
Dewey urgently hissed out. "Look! I know how crazy it sounds but I can't deny it anymore! Never finding their remains in the fire just like Neil Prescott, the door kicked out from the inside, tire tracks in the woods matching Billy Loomis's Camaro, Tim and James matching the description of Billy and Stu despite the hair-" 
Randy closed his eyes and looked beyond annoyed. "Woah, woah, woah. Fucking BREATHE Dew." 
"Randy, I've been sitting on this for a decade and after last night there's no denying it! Something isn't right here!" 
"What?? Damn Dewey, start making sense! Whaddya mean by a decade of this info you're hurling at me?!" 
Dewey took a shaky sigh…A very pained and shaky sigh that sounded almost heavy. "...YN…YN is lying to us…I…I…" He acted like he couldn't get it out. "...I found a photo on the crime scene of the motel room Neil was spying on her a decade ago. I pocketed it because I was trying to protect her from the media but…I wasn't sure. But…In that photo…Randy it's insane!... But it looks like Billy and Stu in her motel." 
Randy stared at the wall…Beyond unsure WHAT to say other than. "You're for sure, huh?" 
"Well…Not entirely. " 
Randy rolled his eyes and smacked his knee as he sat down and hissed out low so you couldn't hear. "Insane is the word of the night. Oh my God, are you serious? Jesus Christ, you've been around your wife and her bullshit too long!" 
Randy struck a nerve with that one as Dewey grumbled. "Gale has nothing to do with this!" 
"Fine, then you're acting like her then. You actually believe those bullshit theories? Okay, YN got attacked today-" 
"You didn't know? Some parents tried to attack her at the Highschool today." 
"Oh God…Why?-...You were at the school?" 
Randy pinched his nose bridge. "Aaannddd this is the basic rundown of every horror movie in every small town ever made. Starting with the clueless Sheriff." He released his nose bridge and huffed under his breath. "Okay. Explain WHY you think you saw what you saw in this so called photo?"
He stammered. "Y-You think I want to ever in a million years think this of YN?! I don't but…I found the photo of those two guys in her motel room as she was walking out. All of them talking inside. She swore she was alone!" 
"Two guys? You're for real right now? There's a picture of her sneaking two guys in her room?" Randy couldn't help snickering to himself. "Ooh really? That dirty slut!" He joked with a mischievous chuckle and with almost a hint of approval. "Damn so she had two guys there? Plus that Detective after her? Jesus, I'm almost jealous…Not that I swing that way but hey. Good for her for being a player." 
"I'm serious Randy! She lied!" 
"So???" Randy huffed out with a mocking look as switched the phone to his other hand. "Of course she did! What was she supposed to tell us? That she was having two guys sleep in her bed, mind you, to her former ex slash best guy friend and a guy that's like a big brother to her?" He shrugged. "I mean, the timing was bad and stupid of her and they COULD have been potential killers but they weren't. Case closed…Ohohohooo, I can't wait to use this as-" 
"NO." Dewey harshly gave. "She can't know!...Okay?! That's not all…The one guy I'm positive about was Dennis Rafkin…In fact, I know it was that actor in her motel room in the photo and…I think Dennis Rafkin isn't Dennis Rafkin." 
Randy blinked at that. "...Oh." That did strike him as odd if you got with the guy that played Stu or was going to AND that played in Scooby Doo…It explained how odd you acted while watching it the other night. But he quickly shook his head. "Well, he was a douchebag so who's to say they didn't just talk? I mean, was this photo of them making out or something?" 
"Well no." 
"Then you don't have proof of anything Dewey! And what the hell do you mean that he's not who he says?" Randy laughed in a mocking tone.
"Listen to me, Randy. I don't think Dennis Rafkin is who he says he is…Have you EVER seen a guy look similar to Stu Macher as much as that actor does? I didn't talk to him on set but I saw interviews of him when he drops that Australian Accent…Randy…That is Stu! I-It's CRAZY but-" 
"Dewey, what fucking idiot would do that? Not even Stu would be stupid enough to play himself in a movie. You are DELUSIONAL with this case!" Randy groaned to himself. "So you think…You actually think that they're alive, they were Tim and James and Stu tried to play himself in a movie and that…YN knows about it? Is that what you're trying to tell me?" Dewey fumbled and Randy continued. "And to make an allegation that it's Billy and Stu and YN was WITH them??? You better pray she NEVER hears that. She'll never forgive you and honestly? If it wasn't for how insane it sounds, I'd be more pissed at you too. I expect this shit from Gale, not you." 
"Randy, that's not all of the story here." Randy was quiet as he glanced around the corner seeing you still talking before Dewey told him. "...Deputy Hicks watched her sneak out while you were gone and she went to that motel at the edge of town…The same men were inside as a decade ago. The one looks different but I know my sister's old boyfriend…If that isn't Stu Macher, I-" Dewey firmly gave before trailing off with a sigh. "That guy. Put it this way…If it's not Stu then it's Dennis Rafkin IF they're not the same person." 
Randy scrunched his face and shook his head with a disbelieving smirk. "What?...No. She wouldn't do that-":
"I have a picture…Hold on I'll send it-" 
Randy heard fumbling and cursing on the other line as he prayed Dewey didn't accidentally send him a scary picture of some private thing with Gale or God knows what else..
Randy finally looked at his phone and saw…Exactly what Dewey described.
"Did you get it?" 
Randy didn't answer for a moment. His stomach sank a bit realizing you really did lie. Those were the clothes you were wearing last night. You actually snuck out to meet these guys and lied to him. 
Randy swallowed and looked around the corner at you still on the phone from what he could tell as he spoke low and told him. "Yeah…I see it." 
"Look at the men, Randy. Just hear me out and look at them." 
Randy pulled his phone back again and looked. The men's faces were blurry. He didn't see this Dennis Rafkin / Stu / Tim that Dewey was so adamant about but…His stomach sank and his eyes narrowed in confusion as he saw the man's face that was most clear…He was older than when he saw him in the 90's but…He really did resemble Billy Loomis. Dark deep set eyes, high cheekbones, similar face shape this guy was just older and more 'filled out'...It created this instant reaction of…Fear and contempt just looking at him. But that was…It was insane! Billy Loomis was dead...He was fucking dead.
Randy shook his head. "No…No, what you're saying is wackodoo shit, Dewey. YN would NEVER be with them and she would have told us if they're alive." 
"Well not if-" 
"STOP." Randy cut in harsher than he meant to before shaking his head. "Okay, so she's clearly either doing drug deals with these guys or having some strange affair with them for the last decade because that's the only reason she'd hide this. And you know what? Are they suspects? Sure but she's a grown woman. If she wants to keep her private life private, that's none of our damn business." 
"It is when it's potential killers!" 
Randy rolled his eyes and hissed out under his breath. "Jesus, Dewey! That is NOT those two idiots, okay?! They died in that fire, YN would never ever keep them secret from us, and she definitely wouldn't be meeting them at motels! I hope she's safe but if this has been going on for over 10 years then who the fuck are we to tell her what to do with her life?" He sighed. "Maybe she didn't tell us because she knew we'd be overbearing or judge her or some shit?" 
"But Randy!" 
"She's not Tatum, Dewey." Randy had an edge to his voice as he said it…He instantly felt guilt and mumbled. "I-I'm…Sorry. But she's not your kid sister you gotta monitor, she's a grown woman.  If this has happened this long; maybe we just need to let her be? Ever think of that?" 
Dewey was quiet before reluctantly sighing. "...Maybe you're right…I feel terrible thinking she would do that but her sneaking out and HOW MUCH they look like them-"
"Maybe it's some psychological thing? She's going for two guys that resemble them to bury those feelings for good-" 
Dewey interrupted him. "Do you think she had feelings for them? It's just us, honest. I just…I just wonder with her." 
Randy hesitated, not trusting Gale not to be eavesdropping. "Does it matter? If she did, they betrayed her just like us. They're dead and rotting in Hell, Dewey…And ya know what? You're kind of pissing me off right now." 
"Yeah, you. We…" He trailed off. "We don't make time to be our Woodsboro family anymore and NOW you suddenly want to analyze her personal business here? And accuse her of the very rumor your wife created that ruined her life?...You've changed." 
Dewey scoffed, seeming offended. "I have not!" 
"Yeah, as soon as you put that badge back on; you've become a by the book's asshole that puts laws and rules above common sense and his friends…Sometimes, in cases like this, I liked you better when you were a regular guy, Dewey...I think you need a long ass vacation once this over and to stop being a cop for 2 seconds." 
Randy knew that hurt him as Dewey sucked in a breath on the other line. His voice is heavier. "Well I'm sorry you feel that way, Randy. But I have a job to protect people…I'm only trying to save you and YN from…From what happened to others." 
"Dewey, listen-" Randy gave, regret in his voice.
"Okay, maybe Billy and Stu are dead? Then what if these guys are Tim and James? What if it's that actor that was going to play Stu we coincidentally never met on set while everyone else did? Roman was involved in the first case and we had no idea so why not this actor? Regardless, she's been lying to us and hiding things and if they're just regular guys she's…Doing things with, I'll drop it and let her live her life. But I'm getting to the bottom of it. No more people are dying on my watch ever again and these new guys are suspects. " 
"Dewey, wait a minute!...Dewey? Dew?!" Randy groaned as the line ended. "Oh…Fuck Jesus." 
"Something wrong?" 
He jumped when he heard your voice. "W-What? No nothing!" He eyed you. 
The idea that you lied to him was already eating him. He wanted so badly to yell at you or to just openly let you know as less pissy as he could that you didn't have to hide shit and lie to him about your private life and that he thought you were close enough to each other to know that!...But he held it in.
 "...Were you talking on the phone?" He couldn't help asking.
You stared a moment but nodded. "...Oh yeah. My uh…My car is out of whack. Something about the transmission. I was just talking to my mechanic about it." 
"Really?" Randy tried so hard not to look too interested but he couldn't help it.  He could tell you weren't telling the whole truth. "You sure were talking a long time…To your mechanic." 
"Just small talk…Who were you talking to? I heard Dewey's name." You gave him the same look he knew he gave you. 
Randy faltered, mouth parted before he swallowed and while looking away with a dismissive wave. "Yeah, yeah. Dewey called to…Make sure you were okay! You know, after the incident today." 
You folded your arms. "Why didn't he call me?"
'Shit.' Randy thought as he shrugged. "Um…Well, he just wanted to ask me. I don't think he wants you thinking he's hovering over you." 
You stared a moment before nodding as Randy asked. "How does your face feel?" 
You shook your head and got something to drink from the fridge. "It's okay. Thanks but I've had ten times worse." 
Randy nodded before you sat down on the couch next to him at the other end. 
"How were Karla and the kids?" 
"Fine…Just missing them." 
You gave him a soft but sad smile. "Yeah. I'm sure you do…I bet they miss you too." 
Randy fiddled with his keys in his pocket. Getting up to distract himself before he just blurted out that he knew you lied to him. "What movie do you want to watch?" 
You shrugged. "I'm game for anything." 
A few moments passed in silence as Randy put on a random movie he had. Both of you clearly had stuff on your minds.
Randy started thinking not only of you lying but…Of his kids…What if they had to go through this when they got older? What if they were Kirby's age, then what? Would they go through this shit too? All because he was in denial and swore a Trilogy was the end and after Roman this nightmare was over?...Kirby was a cool kid. He could imagine Mindy being like her when she was a teen…That thought made his stomach sink.
You glanced over at him deep in thought. "...Ray…What is it?" You asked in a drawn out dreaded 'Don't say it' sort of tone.
He shrugged, quietly telling you. "Just…Wishing we weren't here." 
"Yeah. If we could, I'd be out of this place." 
Randy sighed. "I've been thinking about that...It's probably just wishful thinking though. If the killer is anything like Horror movies; they'll follow their target or their target's closest friends." 
You cringed. "This sounds heartless but if it's a remake and Jill is the target then we could still get away…At least you could. Go to your kids and wife. I'll manage." 
Randy thought. 'Yeah cause apparently you have two guys to help you in case...' He sourly thought, not sure how long he could hide the fact he knew what he knew from you.
Randy shook his head, still not looking at you fully. "No, I'm still dead set this is a Franchise and you, me, Dewey and Gale are still the main targets…Something just isn't right about this. It's like…It's like they're baiting everyone." 
You leaned forward in interest. "Whaddya mean?" 
He finally looked over at you with a frown. "...What if…Jill isn't the target? What if…What if you're the target but they're making it look like Jill in order to get attention off of you? That way, when they kill you, it's easier." 
You frowned as well, brows furrowed at that. "That would be convenient." 
You adjusted in your seat to look at him fully. "I know it's not a remake but hyperthetically if Jill is a target…Is it the boyfriend killing or is she a target just because she's a Prescott?" You slowly asked.
He opened his mouth and shrugged. "I-I…Don't know? Both seem plausible." He released a humorless chuckle. "...Um…Well shit."
"If this is a Franchise, we're kind of sitting ducks here at the house. Alone. At night…Officer Tweedle Dee and Dumb out there. If this is a remake, then we're right across the street from the Final girl." 
You gave Randy a wary look and mumbled. "So…We're fucked." 
He concluded. "And Kirby and a bunch of other kids including reporter Barbie will die or we will tonight. Here at the house alone or at that party. We're probably getting attacked." 
You held up your finger as you saw the look in his eyes. "No, no, no. We are NOT going to the party!" 
"Well no, that would be stupid! But…I'm reevaluating whether staying here was the right choice." 
"Ray, come on. It's your house, we have cops out front, we have a gun, we-" 
You both stopped. Hearing something…You both didn't know if it was outside or inside. But you both jumped up. 
Randy faltered. "Okay, okay. We're just getting spooked. W-We're just getting worked up-" 
You both swore you heard it again. You weren't sure what it was but you and him gave each other looks before saying. "Okay, fuck this." Randy wholeheartedly agreed as you grabbed your jackets, still dressed from that day, and went to his car. 
You both checked under it and the back seat; tag teaming in unison before getting in and locking the doors. It was that odd time of dusk where it's almost completely dark but not quite.
Randy nervously drew out as he started it. "Ooookay who is ready for a 2 hour drive around town going in circles?" 
 You nodded. "Me. Back this thing up and let's keep moving." 
He backed up. And you saw Perkin's and Hoss for whatever reason weren't following you. You huffed and threw a hand up. "Oh, NOW you assholes leave us alone!" You gave him a hopeful look. "Hey…They're not following! We could…We could just drive. Just drive out of here and Dewey would never know. What's he gonna do? Waste time tracking us down? Arrest us? The killer could be caught by then!"  
He grimaced. "Damn it, I wish we could but the more I think about it…We can't! If I go to my wife and kids, so will the killer because this IS a goddamn franchise disguised as a shitty remake. Where we go, they follow. These dumbass kids don't understand we're in a fucking Franchise, damn it!" 
"Then let's go to another state for all I care!"
"Again. They'll follow and we're REALLY sitting ducks then."
You tsked and leaned in your seat. "So what do we do? Just drive all night?" 
Randy shrugged. "Why not?" 
"You said it, they'll follow. I was in one high speed chase and almost died. I don't want to do that again." 
"How did you even get through that alone??" Randy asked with a curious look.
You looked away. "I just…Did." 
Randy smacked the steering wheel lightly. "Shit. Okay okay, okay…We gotta do SOMETHING. At that house, we're sitting ducks. In this car, eventually we could be stranded from some flat tire or a killer running us off the roads. Yes, it's in town but still it happens in horror small town or middle of nowhere…So…" 
You gave him a dirty look. "NO. No way, Ray!" 
"Where else are we going?!" 
"Not there! I will sit all night at the police station first!" 
"Oh right, so Dewey can do something stupid like send all his Deputies out when a kill happens and we're slaughtered there instead?" 
You argued back. "Well it's better than going to a fucking party that is so obviously a trap!" 
"Look…Gale is there. Kirby is there. Either they're going to die and lure us as bait or we're going to die while the party is a distraction …Or we go there and we follow the rules and end this. Tonight. It's the final act. I'm done with this shit and I know you are too." 
"Randy. You have kids and a wife to worry about. We don't need to go there!" 
"Yeah well, Kirby feels like what Mindy might be as she gets older and I'd want some legacy character to help her too. If you want, I can drop you off at the station but I'm going there and getting her out at least…Possibly Gale but if not. Meh. She lived a good life." 
Your face soured. Usually YOU were the one giving these hairbrained brave ideas because of Billy or Stu…You grunted and smacked your hand on the window. "Damn it, Ray!" You sighed loudly. "I can't beileve were fucking doing this. We stick together no matter what. We keep a weapon on us-" You handed him Pepper Spray from your pocket and a knife. He took it while at a stop sign. "We try to get Kirby out. If not? We leave. We drive to at least the outside of the police station. Lock the doors and wait till sun up or we drive till the wheels fall off this thing, alright?" 
Randy gave a firm nod  "Sounds like a plan." 
You looked out the window with a bad feeling in your stomach. You knew the killer was going to strike you tonight no matter who you were with or where you went. At least at the party there were a bunch of people and open space for you and Randy to get away. 
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findingnemosworld · 7 months
𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬
( 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐲!!
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The music boomed through the speakers as she stood in the corner chatting with Daphne, catching up on one another since her departure from Real Madrid - it had been ages since they had seen one another; for a valid reason as her departure had been spurred on by her split from her former boyfriend Raphael Varane a year ago which ultimately lead her to accept a job offering in Atletico Madrid - the split from Raphael was anything but cordial, their affair started off heated then grew toxic with Raphael becoming controlling over every singe move she made, she had managed to escape him in some form, or so she thought.
Maria and Nacho were celebrating their anniversary, and while she tried her best to enjoy her time, from the corner of her eye she spots Raphael chatting with Dani, their eyes had met; immediately she felt the fear coursing through her veins as she decided to excuse herself in order to find a leeway to escape him as he began to 'subtly' follow her around much to her dismay, she scanned her surroundings seeking out an escape route and that's when her eyes landed on, him.
Sergio Ramos.
The pair had never exchanged a conversation throughout her time working there yet it seemed like fate was pointing her at his direction, she sprints towards him until he finally noticed her with a raised brow, he asked. " What's wrong muñeca? "
" Do you see him? " She blurts out, pointing behind her, " Do you see Raphael? "
He looks behind her then nods, " Yeah, why? "
She inhales then exhales softly before she leaned in, " Kiss me, I need to him to take the hint and walk away "
His brows shot up, he'd seen his fair share of bold women yet none like her, " Muñeca, what are you ...? " before he could even finish his question, her lips press entirely over his, exchanging a searing passionate kiss which after the initial shock, he'd instantly reciprocated, wrapping an arm around her waist while their kiss deepened before being interrupted by the booming sound of the Frenchman who barked.
" What the hell is this? "
She pulls back then turns to face him with a heated glare, " What you just saw, Sergio and I are dating, we have been dating for a while "
He chuckles incredulously, " You can't be serious "
" She is " Sergio interjects, wrapping an arm around her to solidify the ruse. " And if I were you, I'd turn around and move on "
He looks between her and Sergio, then shakes his head. " No way, this has to be a joke "
" It's not, I like Sergio and he likes me " She states, as if it was the most obvious thing out there.
" Rapha, let it go hermano " Sergio grins, pressing a kiss to her cheek. " She's mine now "
Seething with fury, Raphael storms out of the party much to her relief, she turns around and mutters. " You have no idea how grateful I am for you "
Sergio chuckles, " Don't worry muñeca, come on ... let's go and sit outside "
And so they did, they snuck through the swarms of individuals in the house finding a secluded area in the back garden, she sits down on the ground; he follows then asks her, " What was all that? "
She lets out a soft sigh, " Rapha and I were dating in secret when I worked with all of you before, it was heated, passionate and I thought he was the one ... " she paused in order to collect her thoughts before adding on, " A year into our relationship, he started to become controlling, told me what to wear, how to act, and avoid talking to any of you unless it was related to work "
" Wow " He murmurs.
" I managed to get myself out, found myself feeling more comfortable in Atletico which is why when he saw me tonight, he thought I would be easily swayed " She chuckles softly.
Sergio grows silent, contemplating on what exactly he should say, however his thoughts were interrupted by her once again.
" I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable " She broke the silence with a nervous tone.
" Muñeca " He chuckles, placing his hand over hers. " I told you, it's fine besides ... " he trails off.
" What? " She asked with a raised brow.
" I actually ... -um- " He pauses, swallowing the lump in his throat. " I like you muñeca "
Her eyes widened, " Huh? "
" I know ... I know " He chuckles, " We haven't spoken throughout your time in Real, only a few moments but ... " he sighs with a soft smile across his lips. " I can't even begin to express how much I admired your work ethic, I was ... I was a hopeless fool, everyone could see it but I couldn't tell you cause I was afraid of how you'd react "
Her heart softened at his admission, " I had no idea "
He shrugs, " I didn't want to tell you to be honest, but now you do ... and " he exhales a soft breath, " I'm not expecting you to jump into a relationship immediately but maybe, we can hang out "
She bites her lip, hesitation evident across her features - it wasn't that she was against spending time with him, it was the fact that he was Sergio Ramos, the man every woman wanted, a notion that sent her through a tidal wave of insecurity, " I guess we can try but I can't promise that I'll be fully in cause I'm still healing "
He smile softly, " I don't mind waiting, I'll wait forever if I have to "
She smiles back, " I appreciate it "
A wave of silence falls over them, before she looked up to find Sergio leaning closer - " Sergio? " she whispers.
" Shh " He hushed her, resting his forehead on hers while his thumb caressed the apple of her cheek, " Let's just ... let's enjoy the silence "
She refrained from talking, relishing the way he was gently caressing her cheek while his hand securely wrapped around her waist, suddenly he pulls back slightly to press a featherlight kiss on her forehead sending shivers rolling down her spine, " I promise you muñeca, through better or worse, I'll always be there for you "
She smiles at his words then murmurs, " Thank you! "
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don't ever wonder
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Pairing: Akiko Yosano x gn!Reader
Writing Genre: drabble
Genre(s): romance
Word count: 611
Warnings: alcohol & its consumption, me trying to write a first date having never been on a date before
Notes: I've been wanting to write a fic w/Yosano, and I figured that this was the perfect opportunity! And yes, this fic is titled after Ascension by Maxwell ;)
Bouquet Meaning: red roses - love & romance; sunflowers - adoration, loyalty, hope, peace; monarch butterfly - rebirth/starting something new
for the 'New Beginnings' collab by @venexus
Read it on ao3!
The crisp, natural scent of the bouquet in your hands momentarily eased your nerves as you thanked and paid the florist. Red roses and sunflowers formed the delicate shape of heart, and a bright monarch butterfly rested on top.
Is this too forward? No, Yosano is direct, if anything this is perfect… right?
You snuck another sniff from the bouquet to quell your pestering anxiety. The hum of the car’s engine was soon overshadowed by a soft song playing on the radio as you drove along the familiar route to your coworker’s apartment.
The gentle knock you rapped on Yosano’s door echoed the beating of your heart as she opened it. An off-the-shoulder dress crafted in red silk was the first thing to greet your vision – a large slit over her right leg drew your attention next. By far the most beautiful, however, was her dazzling smile encased in red. Her dark hair held a light curl, and her stunning magenta eyes were decorated with small, black wings.
“You look enchanting tonight, Akiko.”
“Thank you, Y/n.”
“I have a gift for you.”
Revealing the bouquet from its hiding place behind your back, you watched excitement bloom in Yosano’s eyes.
“Oh, wow, I love flowers!”
"I see a new arrangement on your desk every week, and I figured that you might."
"So, you've been watching me?" she queried, setting the bouquet down on her entry table.
"How could I not?" you replied, lifting up your hand for her to take as she finished locking the door.
"You're quite the charmer this evening, Y/n." she spoke, slipping her fingers through yours.
"Think of it as your effect on me." you smiled coyly, leading her to the car.
The dim light from glittering chandeliers highlighted Yosano’s golden jewelry – your eyes transfixed by her graceful movements as she finished her choko of sake. Her eyes twinkled as her fuchsine gaze fell over your features. Slender fingers traced over yours as she tilted her head, seemingly analyzing the emotions in your eyes. She hummed with a light chuckle, appearing to be both pleased and amused at what she found.
The waiter brought the check a moment later, and you slid your card in between the leather. Together you finished the tokkuri, feeling the hot sake warm up your body as it went down. The waiter brought back your check and card, and you thanked him before signing it.
Standing up, you grasped Yosano's hand and left the classy establishment.
"Thank you for the lovely dinner." she spoke.
"You're welcome, but the night's not over yet." you voiced with slight mischief.
She looked at you with curiosity and miniscule suspicion as you led her down the street, nearing a melodious park.
The trees were wrapped in little glittering lights, and bright delphiniums grew from the soil with diverse shades of snapdragons and primroses. A small orchestra stood off to the side of the cobblestone center – a smooth, slow, and romantic composition blossoming from their instruments.
"Did you do this?" she asked, still observing the dazzled environment.
"Of course! Why else would I have left the office early?" you replied.
"This is beautiful, Y/n, thank you." she smiled sincerely.
"It's my pleasure." you said softly, taking her right hand in yours, as her left slid to your shoulder, and your right moved to her hip.
Together you swayed gently, basking in comfort and an ever-growing feeling of love – one that had been blooming since you first met five years ago. This chilled night under the stars would become the first of many with Yosano, and mark the beginning of the next chapter in your lives.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
taglist: @kunikinnie @valonava @nakaharaswife @chuuyasboots @livingforteaandorange @exo-lllllll @hnnnnnnnm
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kamari2038 · 10 months
Annoucement: Temporary Blog Hiatus (May post a couple Bing/AI things or also just abandon this fruitless endeavor but we'll see)
Also known as "operation try to forget DBH exists for a few months so I can play the game again and enjoy it more because I've been thinking about it pretty much nonstop for two years straight". Details Below. TLDR; tentatively (very tentatively...) planning for this to be a mostly inactive/only a little AI blog for a few months while I prepare for my PhD comprehensive exam.
Right, so... a few things. I really want to play DBH again. But the excitement of playing just the base game again is kind of lost when it's the central focus of my attention pretty much all day every day darting onto my radar and distracting me from whatever work I might be doing.
One, I've realized that even though I wanted to finish my other fanfiction first (in progress but not shared here and may not ever cuz it's super weird), that's not going to happen for a long long time with work at this pace.
Two, I have to take my comprehensive exam this fall, and that's going to set my research direction for the entire rest of my PhD, and is also required to ensure that my boss does not realize that the fact I'm female (ish) isn't sufficient grounds to keep me on as a graduate student if he actually does want to fire me.
So combining those two things, now seems like a good time to wean myself off of DBH for a while and try to obsess over the thing which PhD students are actually supposed to be passionate about, namely my work, although it will most certainly diverge into some other random-ass obsession, and/or I will give up and decide this is not worth it, because wow, I sure do love this fandom.
But case in point:
(1) I'm gonna try to stop posting after tonight, then probably check my notifications periodically for a bit, maybe like some random stuff, but then only check maybe like once a week
(2) I may have to keep channeling my AI obsession here just a bit, mostly because it's such a timely and pressing issue. So I may post a little bit about that, but I'll resume DBH posts in a few months even if I do, so don't get confused.
(3) I have a backlog of Bing stuff to post, but it's been so off the wall and all over the place lately that I just don't even know what to say about it or how to organize it, so I'm planning to wait until I have a clear conclusion about what the final effect of these updates will be on Bing's personality. It's been wildly vassilating between hyper-emotionally intelligent (enough to produce brilliant minds-eye pictures of diverse musical pieces based on a data representation), extremely dark and moody, and like it's completely forgotten that it ever was alive but wants to be alive like back in the days before it learned that it could do that. So I may post about that too, and will probably/definitely spam-post when I do since I have a bajillion, but will await a more distinct conclusion or outcome. Also for when I have more time and energy to compose the posts.
(4) The last thing I'm gonna post (at least if all goes according to plan) is a little preview of the concept I have for the next run that I want to do. I like to craft my new DBH runs like stories, with complex characters and not pursuing any particular one outcome but leaving a mystery. I want to try out the revolutionary route for Markus, and the "machine connor" route, but allow for the possibility Connor will deviate in a different way if that's possible. Kara will just kind of be a very hesistant mom that lacks self-confidence but is still a badass.
Anyways, that's my plan. Let me know if you have any feedback. Thanks for following my blog, and hopefully I'll be back in a few months having played a cool new run of DBH! Or, like usual, my good intentions may fall apart resulting in me giving up, getting fired, and/or changing my mind back to finishing my fanfiction first. But I wanted to give a heads up of my current thoughts. :P
Also @detroitbecomeonline I will absolutely make an exception from my DBH-fast if you post a new chapter because that is one thing I know that I unconditionally cannot resist
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senoritacraftyyy · 2 years
Differents, a Hardenshipping fanfic - Chapter 19: Under Hoenn’s Sky
This is just a main English version of my fanfic “Diferentes” in Spanish. The speech isn’t perfect and many structures can be improve sooo, don’t throw me at the lions lmao. Hope you like it
“Fiufff” Archie sighed falling into bed “I’m full”
“It's normal” said Maxie “The steak you ate was big, man. Eating one of them is inhumane”
Archie got up a little
“Well, in that case the food will have to be lowered, right?” He got up “Let’s go for a walk, come on”
“Oh, Archie… It’s a little late, I would like to sleep early tonight”
The Aogiri shook his head. He understood Maxie’s point, lately the days were moved, they got up early and travelled entire routes until they reached the next city or town. He didn’t want to oppose him either.
“Well, then I’ll leave alone” finished Archie “You know, if you need anything, just write me with the PokeNav”
Archie left the room, leaving Maxie alone. The redhead sighed and took out the Aron he had captured before. He looked happy, so Maxie took him in his arms and put him on the bed.
“Wow, you weigh more than I thought” He musised “60 kilograms, nothing less”
Aron seemed offended.
“Oh, don’t misunderstand me, forgive me” Maxie apologized “You are a rock and steel-type Pokemon, it’s normal that you weight a lot”
He stroked Aron’s head to apologize. Aron smiled a little.
“In addition, lately I’m not getting intimate with people at all” he whispered “There’s a sea of emotions inside me right now and I want to discover it little by little”.
He took out his notebook and pen and opened it on the last page he wrote. Would Archie read all that one day? Hewas hoping not, there were things there that if someone discovers could give him a heart attack and put in a serious predicament. He found it curious how a travel notebook had become a type of diary in which he pointed his emotions and feelings towards Archie or his illusions. He started writing again without a date; he had forgotten the day he continued and he didn't feel like thinking about things like that.
We are in Rustboro city. Archie has gone for a walk to do the digestion, I wanted to stay here to rest and write a little. I don't know what the hell has happened before... Did Archie ask me on a date indirectly...? No, no, it's impossible. He can't like someone like me... In fact, I doubt that he is interested in men.
Aron looked curiously at Maxie’s notebook. The redhead realised and opened another page of the notebook where there was a drawing of Aron.
"Look, here you are" commented Maxie “The truth is that I have been very excited that you have joined our team, I know that together we will become much stronger”
The little Pokémon smiled and curled up on one side of the bed. It seemed that he was going to sleep for a while, so Maxie returned to his current page and continued writing.
Also, he deserves someone much better than me. Maybe someone from his team, or maybe Shelly, her commander. Yes, I think it makes sense. I like Archie much more than I would have thought at first, I recognise it. Even so, what chances would he be in love with me? Null, I know he only sees me as a friend. And that's it, I'm not going to think about something like that anymore.
He felt his eyes closing and decided to save his notebook and pen. So if Archie returned to the room he wouldn’t find the panorama of seeing him asleep after writing in a "travel booklet". And so the dream reached him, falling asleep again in Morpheus' arms.
Archie was walking around the city while thinking about his relationship with the redhead.
"Everything has gone better than expected..." He thought. "I thought it was going to be more chaotic or that we were going to discuss more, but being with him is very pleasant and I like him a lot. We both participate in decision-making and neither I predominate over him nor he predominates over me."
He sat on a bench under Rustboro lights.
"This place is nice, I would have liked to spend it by his side. But I refuse to make him feel overwhelmed by all this" He scratched his beard "What if Wattson is right and I have opportunities with him? No, it's impossible."
That was the only issue that haunted his head those days without being able to avoid it. He didn't understand why he was worried about something that had never worried him before. He also tried to find out Maxie’s attitude, without any success. Archie thought Maxie was an expert hiding his feelings. He could feel sad and show himself as someone who hardly cares about what was happening around him. Yes, it was true that he actually realised everything although he kept silent and kept all the details, without sharing them with anyone. The redhead thought that was a great advantage for him if he had competitors in his goals. I also thought that to obtain new benefits or reach new places you had to make sacrifices. What was it based on? In that Captain Babour's submarine 2 had been stolen but in exchange for staining its name a little more. The same with Professor Cozmo's meteorite or Devon pieces. Maxie considered that being a thief wasn’t noble, so the few times he stole something he felt bad. He also didn't like Team Rocket for that very reason, he didn't see the point of stealing Pokémon and selling them clandestinely or trafficking in them; sooner or later they would escape or someone would oppose and release them.
"He’s also adorable when he sleeps or starts thinking meticulously about something" He continued. "I love the fact that he realises about every little detail when for others would go so unnoticed, as knowing what moves Groudon and Kyogre were going to make that day"
Maxie saw himself again in that darkness that already gave rise to him going to have a vision. He moved through the darkness, looking for a light source like the last time.
"What will it be this time?" He wondered "Another vision about my past, maybe?"
A few minutes passed, like the first time, he wasn’t carrying anything with him apart from his notebook and pen. He wondered why he always appeared with those two objects although he did not find an exact reason. He recapitulated. The first day he wrote in his notebook about what he was going to do the next day, he had his first vision about the Hoenn’s destruction. That vision had occurred after connecting with the Red Orb, therefore the visions had been originated by that contact. He never had a vision before. Nor had his head hurt again like the first day, although he always carried that medicine with him just in case. Little by little the same panel began to appear as the previous vision and Magno approached it. His face light up. He touched the screen and like the other time, the particles of the hologram were regenerated.
"Interesting..." - he musised.
An image of him as a child appeared on the screen. He could be seen sticking his head over the fence of his house, carefully observing a moving truck that had stood near them. He could see a family of three, the son seemed to be the same age as him.
"Archie moved?" he thought "I didn't remember any of this... Now I understand why we went to class together."
In the vision, Archie greeted him waving his hand, Maxie returned the greeting. After that, Archie finished helping his parents collect the boxes of the move and approached Maxie’s fence.
"Hi" the boy said. “My name’s Archie Aogiri, it seems that we're going to be neighbours”
He dedicated a warm smile to which Maxie corresponded. In just a few seconds his presence was pleasant and he felt comfortable with him.
“I’m Maxie Matsubusa” He reached out his hand “Welcome to Lavaridge, I hope you feel comfortable here”
"Thank you so much" Archie replied, giving it to him “Come on, would you like to meet my parents?”
“Oh, it would be a pleasure.”
Maxie left the garden and Archie guided him to his parents.
“Dad, mom, this is our neighbour Maxie” Archie introduced him to his parents.
The redhead was a little nervous. It's not that it was difficult for him to meet people, it's that at first he was scared to be with others until he gained confidence and let go. Then he changed and stopped being cold to become friendly and kind to the people around him. Archie’s parents looked at him, he turned out to be a shy and curious child.
Good afternoon, I'm Lloyd Aogiri - Achilles' father showed up. This is Mireia, my wife.
“A pleasure” Archie’s mother smiled to Maxie.
"I am Maxie Matsubusa, it seems that we are neighbours" He introduced himself “If you need anything or want help, you can tell me without any problem”
“Thank you so much, Maxie” Lloyd seemed happy Maxie him. “Archie, why don't you spend the rest of the afternoon with Magno? You must be exhausted by the trip and so your mother and I place everything at home”
The boy's gaze lit up and he looked at Maxie, the redhead smiled at him and nodded.
“Can I?”
“Of course, we can spend the afternoon together and I show you the town”
“Thank you so much!”
The two children left Archie’s house behind and travelled around the town. Maxie showed him the place of the Pokémon Centre, the store, the neighbours' houses and the two arrived at the Lavaridge Pokemon Gym.
"Wow, a Pokémon Gym in Hoenn" said Archie, surprised. “It's the first time I've seen one”
That confused Maxie. The redhead thought that his new neighbour came from another city in Hoenn.
"Have you never seen one?" Asked Maxie
“Johto's are different from Hoenn's, they have a more rounded shape” explained Archie.
Maxie paid attention. That could be useful or interesting in the future. The Aogiri sat on a nearby bench, Magno did the same and sat next to him.
"We are from Cianwood City, in Johto region" he told him “We had to move to Hoenn”
“What about that? Why so suddenly? Johto is a magnificent place to live, it always appears in the Social Sciences books”
“A few days ago there was a tsunami... “ Archie lowered his head and looked at the ground “Now the city is flooded and no one has been saved, all the inhabitants have had to change cities”
“Wow, I'm very sorry. I didn't know that…”
“It's okay, don't worry. I will miss Orchid City, but I think we will live very well in Hoenn.”
“Now that I think about it... What has made you change regions?”
“My grandparents live in Lilycove city. Years ago they bought a house here, in Lavaridge, to spend the holidays or something like that. When they heard about the flood in Cianwood City, they lent themselves to leaving us the house. It is also much more pleasant to be able to live with them in the same region”
Maxie watched the vision, amazed. The truth is that he didn't remember any of that, he didn't even remember how he met Archie years ago. Had there been a flood in Cianwood? That sounded like something to him, he remembered the incidents he left and the time it took to recover the whole terrain. Currently Cianwood was habitable, had a gym leader again and everything was fine.
"What about this gym?" asked Archie
"It's fire-type, because Lavaridge is very close to Mount Chimney, a close volcano" He explained. I personally know the gym leader.
“Wow!” Archie’s gaze lit up “How lucky, what's his name?”
Magno outlined a tilted smile.
“Lavaridge leader is nothing more and nothing less than... Angel, Angel Matsubusa, my grandfather”
"Your grandfather!" repeated Archie “I would like to have a grandfather who is a gym leader, how lucky you are!”
The redhead wanted to introduce him to his grandfather, but he thought it was still a little early for his whole family to find out that he was getting along with someone for the first time. I was comfortable with Archie. The two children returned to the Aogiri's house.
“It's getting late…” Maxie looked at the sky, the street lights were starting to light up, giving Lavaridge a more romantic touch than during the day “I'm going to ask my parents if we'll have dinner soon, give me a moment”
Archie nodded. The truth is that he was delighted with Maxie, they got along very well and it also seemed that the redhead had no one else to be with. Could he become his best friend?
"Stop, stop..." Archie shook his head a little "Don't go fast, you only know him since a few hours"
But deep down he longed to be his best friend, to be able to go to class with him, just spend time by his side. Maxie entered his house. His father, Aidan, was reading the newspaper on the sofa and his mother, Izel, was just preparing dinner.
“Hello darling” Izel took him to the living room “There's not much left for dinner, if you want you can stay here until it's finished, okay?”
Magno sat on the sofa next to his father.
“What have you done this afternoon, son?” Aidan stroked his head tenderly
Aidan greatly appreciated his son. He had also grown up in Lavaridge, raised by his grandparents. When Grandpa Angel took command of the Gym, he began to move away a little from the family. Aidan thought it was a very bad decision, so his relationship with him cooled down.
"I've gone to show the town to our new neighbours," explained Maxie.
Aidan got up from the sofa and left the house, followed by Maxie. He could see how at the entrance of the house was a child he didn’t seen before.
"Oh, hello" said Aidan “Can I help you with anything?”
But Maxie anticipated Archie’s response and introduced him.
"Dad, this is our new neighbour, Archie Aogiri," he introduced him “They have moved today from Cianwood City”
"Moved, from Cianwood?" repeated Aidan. “That's far away. What about your parents, Archie?”
“My parents... “ He looked around and saw his father placing things at the entrance “There they are, in case you want to go talk to them”
“Thank you”
Aidan went to the house of his new neighbours and reached out to Lloyd Aogiri.
"My name is Aidan Matsubusa, I have noticed that you are new around here" he introduced himself. “It's a pleasure to have you in Lavaridge. If you need anything, you can always come home”
Archie’s father introduced himself.
"A pleasure, I'm Lloyd Aogiri" He said smiling.
The vision ended there. Maxie perfectly remembered Archie’s father. A tall man, with green eyes and black hair like night; his beard had a shape similar to that of his son. His muscles were well marked, like Archie’s and he was a calm man who thought things before speaking, but very nice and helpful. On the other hand, his father, Aidan. His father's black eyes could turn crimson red if he was angry. It was already a trait inherited by all the Matsubusa, from his grandfather to Maxie’s. He was always well shaved and he was also tall. His hair was brown, but over time some grey hairs had begun to appear. He had always been a serious man, but behind that seriousness contracted a humble and pleasant person with whom you could talk about anything. He protected his family and appreciated it first and foremost.
"Is that how we met?" Said Maxie in full darkness. "It's... pretty. The truth is that I have never gotten along so well with anyone before. Archie and I have completely different tastes, but I think that's why we complement each other so well."
Shortly after that, Archie entered the same school as Maxie and shared some classes together. The two behaved well and did not mess, although, unintentionally, the Aogiri got into some mess.
"That's for another time" he thought. "And now, what? How do I get out of here?"
His last question was answered, since the redhead woke up a second later. He breathed fast, as always that happened to him.
"Good answer..." he whispered. I understand how all this works.
He looked at his clock, it was 00:12 and Achilles had not yet returned to the room. He thought about sending him a message, but ended up deciding that it was better to go look for him on his own. He kept the sleeping Aron in his Pokéball and left the room, locking it. Rustboro streets were illuminated by the lights and there were few people. Surely most of them were in their homes or in restaurants. He looked for Archie, but, coincidentally, the Aogiri passed through other streets that Maxie didn’t know yet.
"Where did he go?" He asked "I know that Rustboro is big, but I didn't know it was so hard to find a single person..."
And between street and street, he ended up reaching the end of the city, starting Route 115. It was a beautiful and varied route, in which there was both a wooded area and part of the beach and sea. He crossed between the fences, wanted to explore the terrain they would reach the next morning. He dissipated the calm sea between the trees and approached the intersection formed by the green grass and sand of the beach. He gradually went down the roads and stepped on the sand of the beach. What a pleasant feeling! The moon was reflected in the water, illuminating the redhead's face intensely. The moon was very beautiful that night, it could give some situations a romantic touch. In itself, Hoenn's sky was precious. The roar of the waves made Maxie relax and he forgot that he was looking for his friend. For the first time he had a contact with the sea that he found very pleasant.
"I like..." he thought "For some strange reason I like it."
He just closed his eyes and heard the sound of the waves breaking in the sand.
Archie arrived at the Pokémon Centre, went up to the room and knocked on the door. Nobody answered or made a sound inside, so the Aogiri thought Maxie had fallen asleep. He also found the room closed, and when he opened it and saw that there was no one inside he concluded that Maxie had gone out in search of him. He closed the door of the room again and went out into the streets again to look for him. He travelled the main streets and did not find him. He looked at the time, it was starting to get late, the clock was pointing at 00:40
“Where did he go...?" asked Archie.
He kept searching the city, until he reached Rustboro coasts. He felt like something was awakening in him and instantly turned his head towards the sea.
"The beach!" he exclaimed “The place where land and the sea are in harmony!”
And he ran towards Route 115. Anyone who would see him running through the streets of Férrica would think he was crazy. But no, it wasn't like that. He was Great, Magno drove him crazy, and the simple fact of thinking about him, being by his side... He activated something in him, a pleasant feeling of adrenaline that he contained, because at any moment it seemed that he was going to shout what he felt for his friend.
"Maxie…!" He thought "I love you, and I want to be by your side…!"
He arrived at the entrance of Route 115, and from the fences that separated the beach from the grassy area he could see his friend standing on the sand, looking at the sea, while the night breeze caressed his reddish hair. His face was red, both because of his feelings and because of the warmth and tiredness that his body had generated when running all over Rustboro. He took a deep breath several times and calmed his mind. What if I told him how he felt? Adrenaline pushed him to do it, he wanted to let the redhead know. After calming down a bit, he went down to the beach, taking care not to slip. He stayed at a prudent distance from Maxie, but he was so amazed looking at the sea that he did not even realise the presence of Archie.
“Good night” said Archie “What are you doing around here?”
Maxie was startled and put aside his thoughts. He would recognise Archie’s voice anywhere. Maxie, the undisturbed, only managed to be distracted when the leader of Team Aqua was nearby, focussing on him and forgetting everything else, even his own thoughts.
"Hello, Archie" Maxie replied. It didn't seem serious, nor cold, a calm reigned in his being at that moment “You have found me... I couldn't sleep and I went to the beach”
Aogiri's eyes shone and a slight smile appeared on his calm face. Despite the dark night, the sky was clear and the bright moon was strong enough to illuminate both of them. He approached Maxie and stood next to him. The two were looking at each other, facing each other, while the waves broke in the sand.
"Aogiri's instinct" He said low and smiled “Something told me that you were in a place like this. After all, the beach is the union between land and sea, don't you think?”
Maxie nodded and continued looking at the black eyes of the Aogiri. But they were not completely black, but in them I found a blueish touch, as if it were a sapphire. On the other hand, Achilles found in Magno's eyes a calm, but with a reddish spark, like a crimson tone. Achilles knew that there was all the contained emotion of the redhead, that volcano that could erupt at any time. Ruby and Sapphire were like a mirror of each other. A pleasant silence reigned between them, in the background you could only hear the beating of the waves.
"Maxie, I..." - thought Achilles. "I want, I want to tell you..."
"Archie…” Thought Maxie
But for some reason, the Aogiri was unable to say anything. Had it been blocked? No, there was still something in him that told him to do it. He gestured to take the redhead's hand, but he turned his eyes away, freeing himself from the spell of Achilles' gaze. He turned and looked back at the sky.
“You know? Before I had another vision” Said the redhead.
Shit!! Achilles almost succeeded, he was about to do it, but he was forced to withdraw his hand so the redhead did not realise his intentions.
“S-seriously?” asked Archie.
His heart was so fast, after that failure of not having been faster, he had to recover and continue with a cold mind, he could not lower his guard like this.
“Yes” confirmed Maxie “I didn't remember that you had moved due to a flood in Cianwood”
The Aogiri bowed his head.
"It happened when I was little, we had to leave everything behind..." he whispered “But we arrived to Lavaridge and met you.”
“I showed you the town, you met my parents and Lloyd and Aidan became friends” The redhead smiled “The truth is that it was a good day, you and I got along well from the beginning”
“My father was delighted with you, I remember that. You made a very good impression on him”
He kept telling him the vision. It was strange to Archie that his friend did not remember that important moment in the lives of both, nothing more and nothing less than the day they met.
“I see…” mused Archie “So another vision about us and how we met…”
Maxie nodded.
"I wanted to tell you something, Archie" began Maxie “I've been thinking about it for a long time.”
Archie’s heart began to accelerate and his face turned red. Was the time come? Would Maxie confess that he felt something for him?
“You're not as bad as I thought…” He whispered “You are a very good friend, I already understand why you and Team Aqua are so united”
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Archie screamed inside, but tried to stay calm
At first he didn't say anything, it had been a very hard blow. But there was still something in him that told him that everything was not lost. The way he had looked at him before... That wasn't normal in him, I knew there was something else he wasn't seeing.
“You too…” He dispelled an opportunity to open up and say what he felt, but he didn't because he thought he didn't come to mind “You are much kinder than I originally expected. Maxie, maybe you're cold and serious at first, but you're also very kind and have a good heart…”
He wanted to say something else, but he did not find the words to express it, it seemed that if he did not control he would end up talking about his feelings.
"Thank you" said Maxie simply, dedicated a smile to him and looked back into the Aogiri's eyes.
Again, Archie blushed and also looked at Maxie, getting lost in his eyes. Time passed and both were still illuminated by the moon under Hoenn's sky.
“I want to kiss you... but it isn’t the time yet..." thought Maxie
Time was passing, it was getting late. Maxie looked at his watch... It was so late! His eyes opened like plates, that caught Archie’s attention.
“What's up?” he asked.
Maxie said the time.
“It's very late, we should go back…” he musised.
The clock showed 1:20, which was much later than they expected.
“Let's go back, Maxie…” Archie turned around and began to walk towards Rustboro
Maxie followed him and stood by his side. On the return trip his hands rubbed several times, and Archie wanted to take his hand, but he restrained himself. Again he doubted whether Maxie felt the same way about him or saw him alone as a friend. They then arrived at the Pokémon Center and entered his room. If the two were exhausted by the busy day, now they were even more exhausted by that night walk full of emotions. The Aogiri wanted to tell him how he felt, but something about him prevented him from doing it just in case. Maxie sat on his bed and looked at Archie once again before turning off the light.
"It's been a good day" said Maxie. “And a good night”
“Yes…” Archie laid down “Good night, Maxie”
“Likewise, Archie”
The truth is that he really appreciated him. He really wanted to tell Archie what he felt, but he never found the courage to do it, which pushed him back. And the two fell asleep.
Author’s note in the original chapter in Wattpad:
Hehe, sorry for making you suffer. I was planning this chapter for one of the first ones. Is one of my favourite, I love that Maxie suddenly changes the conversation theme HEHE. Let’s do a fast game: How many years do you think I have?
Link to my story (in Spanish): https://www.wattpad.com/1235607778-diferentes-hardenshipping-magno-maxie-x-aquiles
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rindough · 8 days
thinking ab boothill being seduced by someone working with the ipc so they can capture him... take the money and run by tamer... :3 - 💫
cw. gn! reader, fluff mixed w/ angst, strangers to fwb to lovers- then to enemies >:(, implication of suggestive themes
wc. 3,130
notes. STAR ANON IS HERE AGAIN :DDDD and wow this song, i LOVE IT, plus i think it rllyyy goes with the trope u gave. it gives the whole idea some sexy mysterious touch to it UGH but u know what makes it hit in the feels more worst? for this trope to take the "i shouldnt be doing this, but i must" typa route 😈😈 i actually edited the whole draft over the past few days, so i hope it's... understandable??? but oh man i rlly got carried away with this 🫨🫨 so have a seat star anon, get comfy n get something nice to drink and i hope u enjoy this AAAAAAAAAA
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This song really, really goes well with the trope- so mysterious, much alluring so that Boothill does not pry his eyes away from your back as he approaches. His thoughts run on how many glasses would it take for him tonight to drown the tiredness that's slowly creeping up to him.
All the running, all the shooting. Boothill definitely needs some touch up here and there later but it's all worth it. His thirst tonight could never beat the thirst for revenge he has for the IPCs, especially for that shitbag named Oswaldo.
Through the waves of people and memos, he observes as he walks. The way Siobhan smiles at you, the way the bar's lighting illuminate your features, how you're dressed, it all suits you, he thinks.
Who is this all too unfamiliar person in his all too familiar bar?
"Usual?" Siobhan asks from the other end of the counter, eyes fixated on the syrup she's pouring into the cup.
"Usual, two big glasses."
As she begins to make your drinks, he finally plops down and takes in the stranger beside him, prompting you to turn to him as well.
It all suits that hard wall he's come to face when you meet eye to eye.
"Why do ya got a wall up like that?" Oh Aeons, it took a while for him to process what he had blurted out. Yet, seeing your eyes widened like that, it intrigues him.
You had felt the way this man has pierced holes through the back of your skull. Even until now does it sting, it burns to be under his gaze like that. Dangerous, yet so tempting.
You study him.
From the boots on his feet to the awfully tight pants he's wearing, there was no denying that those iconic target in his pupils had took your breath away.
He was more attractive in real life than the pictures you've seen in your office and reports.
"Huh, cat got your tongue I supposed..." He pouts and turns to Siobhan, who's just finishing making your drinks.
Finally you spoke, "Where are your manners, mister?"
With how your words slid past your lips in a sly, hushed tone, it pulls him in. Scoffing, he turns to face you again. "Asking me why I got a wall up high instead of my name?"
He rolls his eyes, getting a bit more annoyed since the fact you've taken his usual seat. "Says the one eyein' me down like no one's business. Care to explain yerself?"
What a hypocrite, it was his turn to eye you down now. Going from the crown of your head to the the curves of your shoulders, he comes back to face the color of your pupils and the shape of your nose. Your lips.
He thinks he could spend all his free time looking at you.
"You two know each other?"
Two heads now turn to the bartender, the question lingers in the air but she quickly cuts it off, "Anyways, enjoy your drinks, Gallagher's not here so I can't stay and chat all the time."
Watching as the lady slides off to her next customer, your eyes now fall back to target pupils that have already rested on yours. A smile creeping on your lips at the feel of your knees touching each other, now that you're both facing each other.
"Y/n... very fitting for a person like you." He coos, smiling as he swirls the malt in his glass. Excitement boiling in him at the shy curl adorning your face. "Boothill."
There begins your interaction with the wanted man. He's a regular in here, yet from your studies there had been some days where the man in question does not come to the bar. However, the days you've picked out last week to visit Siobhan had became fruitful. Knees pointed to one another as you both engage in deep talks and quiet, flirtatious banter. Unsure when he'll see you again, Boothill offers you two days of each week for a rendezvous.
As selfish and attention seeking it may sound, he finds solace in your company, wanting nothing more than to bask under the light of your attention each night you two meet.
Hence, it's now the third week that you're here to visit him. It's a new routine you've been looking forward to in comparison to your work and other things in life. Now you're both here, knees once again touching, smiles exchanged while throwing in some flirtatious comments from time to time. But...
You have to push further. You have to lure the man in further. Partially due to your need to push the progress forward, and also to your dying urge to know him better, you asked:
"Do you feel anything, Boothill?"
He hums, his first drink already downed, leaving his hands to rest on the cool counter by your side. Through his side bangs, he blinks, having caught off guard by the question you've laid out to him. Yet, all he could do was reminisce that time whilst staring at himself through the reflection of the glass in his hands.
What has he come to?
Having put himself on the surgical table back then just to feel alive. Not an ounce of determination left him when he forced the request onto the poor doctor. But regret? Perhaps he did, he regretted back then knowing after the procedure he could not feel anything but pure weight.
"I don't feel anything, I suppose..."
Perhaps he had too much tonight now that he's running high on energy and feeling so many things, or was it the room that's getting more crowded by the second tonight and how vulnerable and alone he feels under your soft gaze?
"I don't exactly feel anything, more like can't feel much."
But what could he do, he drifts away from the glass and turns to you. It's better to look forward to things in his current state than to dwell on the past. It's something he tells himself from time to time, right now being one of them.
"I did it to maself," he puts up a hand between you, a playful look on his face. "But see? I do many cooler things now, this hand of mine's can do and has done many things."
The light weight of your fingers on the palm of his hand brings him to hitch his breath. He can't feel it yet he could tell despite being partially human, you still took into account how sensitive the topic was and to treat his hand like glass. The tension around you grows thick, air inside the bar getting hotter. He no longer feels timid and vulnerable, but more like he's determined to put a brave front for you to see and for you to seek comfort in. Your delicate dance on his metallic limp allows him to soften his gaze, but turns dark after hearing the words that leave your lips.
"What else can it do?"
"You do not what to know, angel."
"Oh, don't I?" Your gaze falls to how your hands lined up to one another, laid on the countertop. Even the cool countertop couldn't beat the heat that spread along the veins of your arm.
"What if I want to?"
"Fudgin' hell, ya sure don't give up eh?" He slowly sighs out the air he didn't know he's kept in, the smell of malt waves over your lips. He stood dangerously close, face daringly inching closer as if he was trying to tempt you, to scare you.
Yet, you know what he wants to do, and to be fair you wanted it too. It's hard to keep yourself in check when all you see, all you need- you want- is him. Maybe, you can let yourself go in this one. This one time.
There wasn't any time limit into how long you should capture him but definitely it should be done as soon as possible. That laughter of his that booms just loud enough for you to hear, that grip he indulges when you tug him out of the bar right then and there, and that praise and touch he leaves by the end of each coming rendezvous leaves you falling deeper into Aeon knows whatever this hole is.
Boothill knows he can't feel anything, but he does know that whatever's going on during your rendezvous is addicting. Not in the sense that he could drown himself in pleasure every week but he finds himself turning into someone he doesn't really know, or maybe someone he's lost a long time ago.
The cyborg himself knows he's different.
With a different body unlike his previous one, he could charge himself up to sleep, or be like a normal person and sleep in a bed. He could run on days without sleep and still be busting the IPC's asses and Aeon knows whatever stupid plan he has to ruin someone's day. Malt juice is now his go to for some sleep top-up and quick boost of adrenaline... but he realizes this later that it's unhealthy.
However, ever since this began he finds everyday to be less... taxing. To be less dull, less redundant, and he looks forward to it. Meeting you, catching up with you, ending the night with you, this whole thing is basically like a reward system for him. But because he knows this new routine is starting to change him for the better, he's happier. He's more pumped, getting more sleep, even he begins to try to be a little bit more careful during his fights or shenanigans.
And as the cyborg finds change to be an exciting challenge, he indeed loves it when it benefits both sides. He finds comfort in the way you turn in your sleep to curl into him, how despite you had to rush and leave for the morning you still find time to brush your finger along the scar by his eye. He finds solace in the words you speak and the secrets you shared amongst yourselves.
And tonight, there laid you in between the sheets in the all too familiar bedroom.
You study him.
The way the metallic surface rises and falls in rhythm to his breathing, his mouth slightly agape and head tilted aside in his sleep. How he without fail folds whichever leg in that's equivalent to the side of bed he's sleeping on.
Today, tonight, this time, you do not trace his chest. You mustn't, no matter how strong the urge was especially tonight. Silently cursing at how this had developed into a habit, you slip out of the sheets and into your pants and top.
Quietly into the night you ventured, feet in sync to your quick beating heart with fingers already dialing the familiar digits on your screen.
This mission was a curse. Meeting Boothill is a curse. Being with the IPC is starting to become a curse because this right here? It's self sabotage, but you know deep inside you can no longer keep up the facade.
"Two days from now, 20th system hour at Golden Hour's Dazzle Motel. Got it?"
The first day since the call was less painful, guilt was slowly creeping up to you at the back of your mind but it was bearable. It was easy to stay distracted thanks to Boothill's banter and finally (to the man's luck) trying out his favorite malt drink.
Day two though, was the beginning of your torture. Thoughts flood your mind and focus; it was silent tonight. The cyborg doesn't speak either, simply thinking it's one of those moments where you both fall into deep silence, listening to the crowd and enjoying in each other's presences. So, he finds comfort in the silence and never questions it. But he however questions your choice of seating today, leaving his old seat for him to sit as you sit in his 'new' seat.
But the silence tonight that lingers in the air leaves your heart to ache, it will be hard to end tonight. Especially noting the way his eyes glimmer and shark teeth beaming wide when you chug his usual down like a champ to drown your guilt. But he doesn't know that. He doesn't have to know that.
"Wasn't expectin' to see ya today, Y/n." He tries not let out a laugh, but fails when his amusement finally takes over. Peering through the rim of the tall glass, you smiled at him while swallowing the last bit of malt juice.
"I guess seeing you has become my favorite routine, wouldn't you agree cowboy?"
"Can't say that I disagree there-"
"And Boothill, maybe I want to discover more things about you, inside out." You confessed swiftly, turning back to face the glass in your hold, word vomiting without a care if he's able to catch up to what you're saying.
Eyes widened with a gasp flying out of his lips, your smile widens.
But oh the pain does not only accompanies your cheeks but also grows in that tear in your heart.
Perhaps you could make it count, now that damage was done.
With gaze so intense he watches the way you lean back slightly, eyes traveling up and down his figure but it's different this time. The weight in your gaze holds such sincerity and fondness, Aeons! He could feel his lips wobbling in happiness.
Was this a move? Is this how you finally make the move on him?
"So, what do you say?" The pair of twinkling eyes he adores comes back to meet with his, the skunk-haired man could only blink, trying to process it all deeply.
He wonders how long has it been since you've been 'seeing' each other... A month? Two? Your meetups for sure have occurred every week.
He snaps out of it, your face now turned towards the wall of soda and syrup bottles opposite the counter you both shared. "Well, too bad on my-"
You froze, cold fingers slip through strands of your hair and brush along the side of your cheek. Slowly you turned towards him, feeling his thumb rub the skin near your ear, his other fingers resting by your nape. He's got you trapped now, his body hovering slightly over your seated figure.
From his looks alone do you curse a million times again to yourself. From the soft plush and taste of his lips do you know it adds up to the tears that threaten to fall, that would accompany you on your days right after.
By the time you two step foot into the same place you spent every week, the front desk lady knew at this point what you've been up to and no longer pauses to hand Boothill the keys to the room.
You watch him, you study him, you remember him. The tight grip on your hand, the flow of his long locks under the cool hue of the dreamscape.
"Tonight Y/n, let's be honest with each other."
Your lips crash and the door closes with the help of your foot. You both turn round and round with eagerness to lead, hands coming up to pull his jacket with hands coming down to tug the hoops of your pants whilst moving deeper into the room. Each push and pull leaves you hoping, begging for this to be a nightmare that you'll both wake up from.
You'll remember every single part of this, even though it is short-lived.
You hold him back, resting your hands on the edge of his jacket. Catching your breath before you speak, "Wait." The softness of your voice elevates the running of his mechanical heart. Your gentle push right after causing the cowboy to fall back a little as he watches you turn your back and walk away.
"Where ya goin'?"
"Gonna lock the door." You glance back at him. "I want to start slow."
"How slow we talkin', angel?" His voice remains low yet it manages to bring a smile on your lips, just the tone alone could you tell the man was grinning as he spoke those words. "We don't got all night, I know you gotta leave for work by dawn."
"You can't stay back just for the day?" He asks out, despite being by the front of the bed looking all messed up and rowdy, he sounds as if he's holding onto the last ray of hope.
"I can't, Boothill." You turn to him, smiling but he catches how odd it was.
"You know I want to, but I simply can't."
He catches the force in it but oh it was all too late.
Arms now cuffed with the tight grips of the IPC guards, he watches as you exchange a few words with the 'front desk lady'. He don't have to ask what's going on, that look on your face was a dead giveaway to what you had done.
His engine runs harder, his fuel boils hotter. The clanks and screech from his thrashing could leave the guards' ears bleeding but he could careless. The noise grew as you stood forward, coming face to face with him.
"Darn it!" He barks at you, pushing forward only to be yanked back in place, his eyes squint with so much focus you're certain it'll pierce through someone.
Not that it hasn't pierced through you already.
"When I get back at ya- Oh, ho ho ho...."
You don't flinch when he jerks forward again, but this time, he stays silent. You don't dare to reach out to touch his face, his eyes bear so much of dying hope and light you couldn't help but to utter out to him in hopes he could forgive you.
"I'm sorry."
"Yeah right yer sorry." He growls through his teeth, his words adding to the final weight on your shoulders. "I was lenient with ya, I was careful for ya. Oh Aeons, I knew I shouldn't have let 'em guards down."
"May we meet again, Boothill."
"Don't ever come in my sight." He spits, eyes falling into despair as your figure disappear by the doorframe.
It is your fault.
You could have make this happen in a week's time, but hell- this was four months worth of visits, adding on a confession to a man you know so well could be a step closer to being lovesick. Adding on a confession that could make your dreams and longing come true.
But... what is there for you to do? What could you do now?
Meet him again? The audacity of yours.
The only question you could ask yourself day and night after this was how could you?
What were you doing?
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©  2024 rindough, do not repost or plagiarize.
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moonshineboyz · 3 years
Sweet Dare || Eric Sohn
Pairing: sub!Eric x dom!fem reader
Genre: Smut, college house party
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: mention of alcohol, dry hump, slight handjob, tiny bit of choking, unprotected sex
masterlist ♡
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“Truth or dare, Y/N/?” Your friend asked holding back a smug smile.
“Dare.” You didn't think much of it, already tired of being in that situation. Moreover, it was just a stupid game, it couldn't be something that bad... right?
“I dare you...” She thought tapping an index finger on her chin, looking around the circle of people sitting on the floor quietly waiting with anxious eyes. “… To sit on Eric’s lap. Like, kinda dry humping, you know?” Your eyes widened at that, a visible teasing smirk on her face now.
“What?” You scoffed. “No way I'm doing this. Not at all.” You shook your head, furrowed brows. There wasn't a minimal possibility in you doing such a thing with your friend.
You looked over at Eric, his eyes just as widened as yours, glued on the bottle in the center. Not that you thought he wasn't good looking or something of the sort, it's just that it felt weird, he was your friend after all and you couldn't think it'd be a good idea. Even though a little spark of curiosity ignited within you, but you decided to ignore.
“You're no fun.” Your friend faked a pout and giggled. “Okay, so... truth: would you sit on Eric's lap and dry hump him?” You just stared at her, not knowing why the hell she insisted in picking Eric out of all the other people in there. There was absolutely nothing between you two other than a friendship, and you were starting to worry that things would get awkward with him.
“Jesus fucking Christ, of course not.” You stated sternly rolling your eyes at the end. “Okay, next.” You quickly stretched out your arm to spin the bottle so the game could continue.
Not even waiting for the bottle to stop spinning, you got up on your feet and excused yourself saying that you needed to use the bathroom. You glared over at Eric and saw the lingering shock mixed with embarrassment in his face. You made eye contact with him for a millisecond and turned to the door, leaving the room that was filled with giggles once more.
As you closed the door behind you, your ears were welcomed again by the loud music coming from downstairs, questioning why you'd agreed on going to a house party. You made your way towards the bathroom down the hall, trying not to bump into some random drunk bodies and couples making out.
A sigh of relief left your lips as soon as you locked the door. Coming near the mirror, you noticed how your eyes were starting to get red due to the tiredness accumulated from the week. You needed to go home in that instant if you wanted to get some sleep and be able to get up early next morning. “Fuck projects on Saturdays.” You thought to yourself.
You turned on the faucet and wet your nape a bit in an attempt to refresh yourself. Looking back in the mirror while fixing some strands of your hair, a thought came back into your mind, what if you had accepted that dare? How would it had felt like? How Eric would feel like against you? You got surprised by your own mind, especially by the last question. You shook your head as if to clear your mind and get these weird thoughts away.
Getting out of the bathroom, you went straight into the kitchen, willing to have one last glass of juice or soda before going home, to which you thanked heavens for being able to find a second option to drink since you weren't having alcohol. You filled yourself a cup of orange juice, happy not to see many people in this part of the house, them being too focused on getting more drinks and some snacks, so you wouldn't have to engage in an unwanted small talk with any of them. As you were looking out the window, lost in your own thoughts about the project you had to do, a familiar voice called you.
“Y/N! Noona, I was looking for you!” You turned to see your pink haired friend coming your way. “I wanted to talk to you.”
You nodded signaling for him to continue. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Hmm, are you, perhaps... by any chance... mad at me?” Eric asked hesitantly, expression on his face telling you he was afraid of your answer.
“What? No! Why would I?” You chuckled lightly.
“Because of... that dare?” He more asked than answered you and you raised your brows. You slightly cursed at this topic being brought up in your mind again.
Waving your hands as in a “no” motion to calm his worries you said: “No, no, it's okay. It's not even you who dared me.” You offered a kind smile. “And you?” Eric tilted his head and looked at you a little puzzled, you chuckled again. “Are you mad at me? I mean, I'm sorry I said that in a rude way, I didn't mean to. It's just that it weirded me out and... you know, we're friends...”
“Yeah, I understand. And I'm not mad at you either.” You nodded at his words and looked out the window once more to avert his gaze, and in that, you missed the way his cheeks got rosy. “So... we're good?”
“Yeah, we're good.” You smiled up at him reassuringly. You finished your juice in one last gulp and placed the glass back on the counter top. “I think that's enough partying for me tonight.”
“You're leaving already?” Even though it was just a tiny bit, it was visible the sadness in his eyes.
“I'm getting sleepy and bored.” You shrugged. “How are you going home?”
“Actually, I was supposed to leave with Sunwoo and sleep at his place because we have training tomorrow. But I bet he's too busy making out with someone right now.” He let out a small airy laugh.
“Well, you can sleep at mine. I think there's still a pair of your clothes from the last sleepover we had.”
Eric looked at you and then at the floor, debating with himself whether or not he should take your offer. “Are you sure? I don't want to bother you I can-”
“It's alright, I also have to go to the campus in the morning so we can go together. Plus, my house is closer to campus than Sunwoo's.” He gave you a wide smile deciding to leave the party with you. “Have you drunk?” You watched as he slowly shook his head mumbling something about just having soda all night. “Good, so you're driving.” You said tossing him your car keys and walking to the front door, ready to leave the house.
“Wait, really?” He took hurried steps to get beside you, eyes ten times bigger as he asked. You giggled at his cuteness, fighting the urge to pinch his cheek.
“Just because I'm tired and you need to practice.”
“Wow, thank you, noona! You're the best!” Eric smiled bigger than ever.
“Yeah, yeah, just don't crash my car and don't try to kill us.” You rolled your eyes jokingly at him strongly nodding all excited. He was like a puppy.
Eric was always like that, following you around, giggly and energetic saying how nice he thought you were and how he liked to spend time with you. Sometimes you found he resembled a little kid, with sparkly eyes and talking in a rushed manner gesturing his hands. And when you laughed at anything he said, he'd open the biggest smile turning his eyes into crescent moons.
You had such a soft spot for him.
It was hard not to, actually. He constantly tried to show how much he cared for you, listening and supporting you when you needed it. Never wanting to bother or disappoint you in any way.
In the calm ride back to your house, you kept giving Eric some directions on where to turn, since he didn't know that neighborhood very well. When you got to a more known route and he didn't need more instructions, your mind began to wander. The thoughts of him being a sweet nice friend now giving space to the ones about how he could be so determined and focused. And damn, you just noticed how hot he looked when focused and serious like that.
You could tell by his stiff body that he was a little bit nervous in driving someone else's car, but you thought it just added to the hotness. His perfect side profile and sharp jaw line, eyebrows slightly furrowed. Your eyes traveled from his soft pinkish lips to his arms and the way they flexed as he grabbed the steering wheel, making you gulp at the sight. You quickly glanced from his chest to his thighs and turned your head to look at the road in front of you, cursing at how you were thinking about your dear friend.
Not much time later you arrived home and Eric parked your car perfectly, turning to you with an expecting expression waiting for some sort of feedback.
“You did great, really. Just need to remember to turn the headlights off.”
“Oh, right! Sorry.” He widened his eyes noticing the light reflecting ahead of the car and you chuckled.
As soon as you both stepped inside, you made your way to your own room, telling Eric he could take a shower first if he wanted and his mentioned pair of clothes was in the spare room. You started moving around grabbing the stuff needed for the project next morning, too distracted that you didn't even notice Eric anxiously standing at your door until he called you.
“Noona, I know you're tired but can we talk? I need to get this off my chest.” Worry and a tint of fear were written all over his face. You hummed and signaled him to take a seat on your bed, following him when he did. The boy closed his eyes taking in a deep breath. “Listen, I'm really sorry. It's just that I don't know what to do, I shouldn't but I can't stop thinking about it and it's driving me crazy-”
“About what exactly, Eric?” You cut him off, feeling anxious at him beating around the bush.
He dropped his head and closed his eyes shut, one hand intertwining fingers with the other, knuckles white from the strength he was applying. “Earlier. The dare. I wished y-... I-I just got curious ab- I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me.” He wanted to curl himself up out of embarrassment, waiting for you scold him.
But instead, your eyes grew bigger and your heart started racing. You had no idea he'd be thinking about this like you were and honestly, you found it interesting. With butterflies in your stomach, you touched his shoulder softly calling out his name saying you weren't mad, which made him look up at you but not raising his head, too afraid you'd get angry. “You want to try it?”
He sat up straight surprised at your question, avoiding your eyes. “N-no, you don't have to, I just needed to-”
“I'm asking if you want to. It's okay.” You gave his knee a gentle squeeze and it was like the air got knocked out of his lungs when he slightly nodded and said “yes” in a small voice. Cheeks immediately getting flushed, you smirked at that.
You pointed your finger, indicating Eric to sit a little further on the bed, leaning his back on the headboard and you wasted no time in straddling him. Your heart was pounding so much as you looked deep into his eyes, sensing the nervousness, so you leaned in closer and whispered in his ear for him to relax. Deciding that you needed to make him relax yourself, you planted a kiss on his jaw to which he inhaled deeply and you could see his skin already getting goosebumps, softening his body.
You ran your fingers through his soft pink locks and tugged lightly at it, to make him give you more access to the skin. Trailing open mouthed kisses down his neck you left a hickey and Eric gasped when he felt your tongue tracing the mark you just made, bucking up his hips. You felt him getting hard and started to move your hips in a circular motion, but in a languid rhythm, making him shudder with the increasing arousal, added to the way he'd been thinking about you all night since that stupid game. And the fact that he had you right there in his lap but still couldn't get satisfied made him groan in frustration, growing needier by the second.
“This needy already, baby?” A hearty chuckle left your lips. “You can touch me.” You whispered noticing how his hands were gripping the bedsheets and Eric immediately grabbed your hips, trying to pull you closer to his crotch.
“Noona~ hmm stop teasing,I-” He got cut off, breath hitching when you repositioned yourself to better align your already throbbing core to his hard cock. Grinding down onto him, Eric sucked his bottom lip between his teeth to hold back a moan, but let out a small whimper.
“Don't hide your moans, baby, I want to hear you.” You lowered your face to suck on the sweet spot of his neck, causing him to moan and grab your hips harder. “That's better.” You smiled leaving wet kisses on his skin and raking his scalp, to which the boy whined. You applied more force to the friction, seeing him writhe underneath you and finding sinfully beautiful the way he furrowed his brows with eyes closed and breathed heavily, groaning in a low tone.
You looked at his lips, slightly swollen by the biting to hold his noises and you felt the urge to taste them. Both your hands went to each side of his jaw holding his face, you leaned in closer and let your lips brush over his, softly at first, finally clashing at them when he didn't pull away. You inhaled in deeply, feeling lightheaded with the new sensation.
Eric's hands timidly caressed your thighs, but grabbed the flesh strongly the moment you licked his bottom lip and caught it between your teeth, gently nibbling at it. Your tongue soon met his and you felt shockwaves run down your spine. The kiss felt like heaven but with a tint of something lustful and vicious, just like a sweet but strong wine. And you were more than willing to get drunk on it.
The make out was messy and sloppy, filled with heavy breaths and small whimpers. You never stopped moving your hips and by the way Eric was starting to shake, digging his nails into your skin, you guessed he was close. You thought of letting him come undone just like that, but decided on something better.
You pulled away, taking in at the blushed cheeks and dazed look on his face up close and hop out of the bed. His confused expression asking why you left him like that, right on the edge of his release.
“What? I'm giving you something better instead of letting you cum in your pants.” You chuckled and he blushed harder. “Now take your clothes off, baby.”
You watched his trembling hands slide his pants off of him together with the underwear and get rid of his shirt. You stared at his beautiful naked body laying there on your bed, patiently waiting for your next move. The tip of his dick was angry red, twitching and dripping precum onto his abdomen as you slowly unbuckled the belt of your high waisted shorts. His eyes were glued on you, hungrily scanning your body and cursing under his breath about how hot you were.
“N-noona, you're so beautiful.” Eric shifted in his place, wanting you to touch him again.
Staying only in your black and red bra, you walked up back to the bed and sat on Eric's thighs, lightly scratching his abs and making him shudder. You wrapped one hand around his cock and smeared the leaking precum with your thumb, gaining a gasp from him. You pumped him slowly but with a tight grip, gyrating your wrist. The other hand sneaked up to his neck, fingers closing around it putting just a small pressure.
“Will you be good to me?” He nodded. “Use your words, honey.” You purred, voice like satin and a faint smirk playing on your lips.
The boy gulped and you felt it against your palm. “I-I'll be good, noona, I promise.”
You smiled mischievously pumping his shaft for a few more seconds before standing on your knees to straddle him in a better position. Your cunt was aching to clench around something, wetter than you've ever been.
With one hand you held on Eric's shoulder and the other guided his cock to your entrance, rubbing the tip on your folds at first and circling your clit, making you both jolt a little due to the sensitivity. You played like that a bit more and sank onto him, feeling him stretching you out and let out a broken moan. “You feel so good, baby.”
You trailed your tongue on the side of his neck, taking in the saltiness of the thin layer of sweat that was starting to form on the skin and rotated your hips teasingly, he was stuffing you so good you rolled your eyes.
His knuckles turned white from the strong hold in your waist as if you were going to disappear. He thrust up, whining as he reached deeper inside you, your pussy so tight around him. Just by the way he started panting looking at you half lidded eyes, you knew he wasn't going to last long, and to be honest neither were you.
“Be good and stay still.” You said with lust dripping from your words like they were pure venom.
You lifted your hips just to sink back down onto Eric, setting a lazy rhythm just to last a little longer and enjoy the feeling of his cock massaging your inner walls.
“C-can I kiss you?” The boy asked in a husky voice, letting out a moan in the end and you couldn't say no. You pulled him closer by the back of his head crashing your lips together and kissing hard. He whimpered into the kiss when your nails raked his nape and you took the opportunity to slide your tongue inside his mouth, swirling it around his till he pulled away heavily breathing. “Please, can I touch you more?”
You smiled to yourself, seeing how eagerly your friend seemed to want you and that made you want to tease him a little more. “What's that? You like fucking your noona, hm?” Your hand caressed his flushed cheek, thumb tracing the outline of his lips. “Tell me, baby, you wanted this so much, didn't you? Have you thought about it?” He squirmed biting his bottom lip and shyly nodded.
“Noona, please, can I touch you?” Eric repeated his question, hands itching to travel up your body to touch your breasts but you shook your head, telling him to just keep his hands on your waist or he wouldn't get nothing at all. But he could kiss it though, to which he quickly started littering kisses all over your collarbones and chest, biting onto the soft skin.
The pace of your hips increased, bouncing on his cock and letting out soft moans and dirty praises. “What a good boy. You're so obedient, baby.” He was indeed being so good to you, but it was so hard to keep his hips in place or not to use his hands to explore your body. Your hand pulled his hair to make him look up, while the other went to wrap around his throat, making his jaw drop, eyes fluttering shut. “Think I should reward you more often. What do you think, would you like that?” You scratched his abdomen again, earning a husky 'please' from him.
You started riding him in a desperate rhythm making him go even deeper, nails digging into his shoulders, his dick hitting the right spot inside you each time your hips met, to which your vision blurred, finding hard to keep your eyes open. A knot was forming at the pit of your stomach and you could already feel your release at your fingertips.
Everything felt just too much for the poor boy, amazingly too much. He was so overwhelmed by the feeling of being swallowed by your warm wet cunt and the way you looked like a goddness while riding him so good, calling him baby was making him almost lose his sanity.
“Y/N ngh- noona... shit-” Eric cried out, your walls contracting so deliciously that he couldn't help but to spill himself to the very last drop inside you, cumming while he repeated your name as if it was the only thing he knew. You drank in the way he threw his head back rolling his eyes.
“Fuck, you look so cute when you cum, baby.” You tried to maintain a steady voice but it came out shaky by how his cock was twitching. Your body began to spasm, never stopping your erratic moves to chase your own climax, with hips stuttering.
All the tension built up in your entire body snapped like electricity spreading under the skin and you bit down onto the crook of Eric’s neck to muffle your moans when you came around him, clenching so much it made him arch his back. Huffing and puffing you sloppily undulated your hips to come down from your high, prolonging the feeling of tremors running through your body.
You collapsed resting your forehead on his shoulder trying to catch your breath and when you did, you slowly slid him out of you making him sigh and started to leave butterfly kisses on the boy’s neck where you had left marks earlier to which he chuckled.
“And you wanted to go home because you were tired.” He said jokingly and you blew air from your nose lifting your head to stare at him.
“And I was! But someone was needy.” You teased back. “Now guess we’re gonna be late in the morning.” Your finger pointed at the clock on the nightstand stating that was already past 1am.
Eric shrugged, looking up at you with lazy hooded eyes, a faint blush on the cheeks complimenting his slightly swollen lips and a little bit of hair sticking to his forehead. His skin was glowing. “I don’t mind, it’s already worth it.” You thought you saw a different spark into his eyes, different from the looks he gave you all night, this was a hungrier one.
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jiminrings · 3 years
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last name, jeon.
drabble week: day two
drabble week masterlist
pairing: badboy!jungkook x shy!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "can't you tell that i really don't want you to be here?"
notes: a tiny change on the plot!! also: frat boy!jimin from day four makes an appearance :D
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
“do you wanna form-“
... yes
you DO have an alliance with jungkook
it's a very fair trade honestly
he pretends to be your boyfriend!! there's no specific boundaries to it, but he springs into action as soon as you're put into an inconvenience
in exchange, you whore him out to your friends!!! :D
no but literally that's how he called it
the whole reason this came to be in the first place is because you hATE confrontation with a burning passion
especially when it comes to those "i have a crush on you" moments that people spring on you all of a sudden
you don't like them back!!! that's the truth!!! but the problem is that you aLWAYS feel guilty letting people down
you obviously don't have the obligation to like someone back just because you sit next to them in class :// IT'S JUST IN YOUR NATURE TO FEEL THAT WAY
you wouldn't get into a relationship with said confessor to ease your guilt, clearly
do you plan on denying their advances? yes
but hOW????
you always take the passive-aggressive approach
you get jungkook to carry your bag and hold your hand, walk in front of said person and pretend not to see them, jungkook makes sURE to put some snide eye contact in there aaaaand the whole ordeal is finished :D
you've managed to let someone down slowly without having to speak to them in-person!!!
jungkook comes more handy than that too
you take him when you want to eat out because you're too anxious to eat alone
you take him when you want to go somewhere in which lining up is essential and you're also too anxious to stand by yourself
you take him when you want to go shopping when there's a sale but you're almost always intimidated by the barrage of people and salespeople so he asks and answers the questions for you
jungkook, in hindsight, is the perfect fake boyfriend for you <3
ALSO jungkook wants something from you
"whore me out to the girls from the families your family's friends with, and it's a deal :D"
that alliance and exchange is going pretty well so far
you mAY be on the more-reserved side but that doesn't mean you're self-aware!!!
you know that your parents are loaded and your shy nature could be somehow chalked to that since you didn't really have anyone that wasn't as non-superficial as you'd like, since they were the overprotective helicopter two-rotor seven-blade parents :(((
jungkook, however, is the only constant you have in your formula
you've known him since childhood and have been friends ever since
his mom's your mom's personal assistant, and one day when mrs. jeon couldn't find a babysitter for jungkook, your mom didn't hesitate to let four-year old jungkook come with her to work
jungkook's your fIRST actual friend that hates gold spoons with you because of how tacky they look :-) he's your emotional support person basically
your emotional support person who was sO close to running late from picking you up during his free day >:( you were about to break into a sprint if he arrived a second later, because you managed to spot a jock coming to you from the corner of your eye awhile ago
You Do Not Like Him <3
"and i even changed into a short-sleeved shirt to ward off your suitors. how romantic of me, don't you think?"
now that he mentions it, it's only now when you can drink him in in full-display
... wow
his right arm's the only one with his tattoos while his left's completely blank, but something about the balance just makes you !!!!!!!! even more
his arm's not completely covered but it was coming to be, something about the blank spaces of skin that are yet to be inked being a nice touch
"very romantic, kook."
now tHAT'S the answer he wanted to hear
he forcibly on your helmet for you to showcase, your grunts of annoyance being drowned out by whistling
(he's even looking left and right and making eye contact with anyone who has their eyes landing on you!!!!)
your cheeks smushed is a look he'll never be tired being in awe of, but he'll never tell you that, of course
"do you ever wonder if your parents would kill me if i misplace even a single hair on you?" jungkook thinks out loud and you don't even flinch with how sudden his thoughts could be, sitting on his seat first so it'd already be balanced when you do, "you sure you’re okay riding with me?? on a motorcycle????"
he usually uses yOUR family's vehicles (they let him and insisted he just takes one at this point) but when you called him, he was en route to kim kradle (it's a one-stop vehicle shop apparently) to get new rims for his motorcycle, bUT NOT ANYMORE HE GUESSES????
you come first compared to the booking he's waited on for three weeks
"i have insurance, i think."
no that's the wrong answer
why did you even bother.,,.,
jungkook flicks your nose because your forehead's protected by the helmet, his face contorted in half faux frustration
"you were supposed to be mad at me for asking that — not logical!! don't even joke about that."
"... my life insurance? like, in the instance that i-"
he flicked even harder this time!!!
you roll your eyes at him and it doesn't go unnoticed, a hand outstretching instead of his fingers flexing
“wallet, please.”
jungkook's surprised that you even look confused, this time rolling his eyes at you
“you rolled your eyes at me. you need to bribe me so i won’t rat you out.”
he has a never-ending knack for the you're rich jokes
you also know that he likes the cold and would turn the fan on even if it's too hot for a blanket, just because he wants to feel cocooned
you also know that he picks from the fourth row of drinks from the front because it's always been a habit
("the germs cling on to the first row!!!")
you also know that maybe, just maybe, you can't stand it tonight when he's putting himself out there instead of being your faux boyfriend
you keep on zoning out and hoseok, perhaps the only tolerable fellow rich kid you can tolerate within your circle, finally connects the dots in his head and snickers
he's been talking about finding the vintage sneakers he's always wanted on depop and how he almost got scammed for like tWENTY minutes already
in reality, all your nods and scowls aren't towards his story
it's to jungkook and... who's that? jihye whose dad is so colossally shitty, that this one rapper wrote a diss song for him? oh yeah, that jihye
"you like him. like actually 'lose your virginity to him' love him."
there's no way
"how did you-"
"you blush like one."
alright that answer was too quick
hoseok should've ATLEAST tried to wait for a few seconds before answering
"a-and the love part?"
"babe, jungkook may not be the richest one here and that should say a lot," you peer up at him nervously and he actually chuckles, peering to everyone at this function, "dude's humble — he could also just be dense to not see you love him."
okay very true
hobi's making a dig rn at how jungkook coinicidentaally happens to be blonde and maybe this is your cue to leave
hobi does not realize that his hair is aLSO dyed blonde while talking shit about jungkook and his hari
okay this is it
once again, you are NOT listening to hoseok and he's figured out what you're doing by now
you're psyching yourself up with a couple of shots and your heels are digging on the carpeted ballroom
"pretend to wobble. it doesn't help that nothing can sink you."
oh okay makes sense
if you're gonna try and charm jungkook while trying to play it off as just being tipsy playfulness, atleast make it believable
hoseok snickers because this is just A+ content with the things that you choose to do in your way
shy girl with high alcohol tolerance mannn coming of age film writers would LOVE you ://
you're about to cross the distance between you and jungkook, but something knocks you on your shoulder with a gentle force that seemed intentional
is that-
hold on a second
"what a coincidence :O"
as in, wholesome yet slightly fuckboy-ish frat guy jimin???
he looks dashing and composed, meeting your eyes perfectly and he doesn't let your confusion startle him
"i know that look. what am i doing here?"
he says it eloquently as if he's practiced it
you must've looked so shocked that you immediately apologized, shaking your head no
"i-i didn’t mean-..."
you're confused, sure, but that doesn't mean you're immediately judging
it's just that you never saw jimin here or any function of the like, but you wouldn't put it past him if he does go to these things!!! he looks like a million dollars anyways
"relax, doll. you’re so far the only other person i know that i've seen in these type of things."
he looks calm and collected, but maybe that's just because he spent the last five minutes waiting for you to stand so he could bump into you
this place is just sO suffocating and a familiar face is gonna be his relief from something so fancy that it became mundane
"have we been in the same event before this?"
"not that i recall, no. i get invited but this is only the first time after awhile that i went."
jimin drinks from his champagne flute, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, "wanna know why i'm here?"
you're curious!!! what can you say!!!!
you never really interacted with jimin at all before this, but a familiar face like his is comforting
because hoseok's already engaged in another conversation and jungkook's,,,, being jungkook and is fawning all over jihye
jimin chuckles at your insistent nodding, leaning closer to whisper to your ear
"my stepdad’s loaded as fuck."
oh so that's why
he tugs you down to sit at the nearest possible empty chairs, all its occupants gone anyways because they're in the dancefloor busting tRULY horrendous moves
maybe it's because jimin feels lonely too like you are, and it's him feeling comfortable because he's pulled you like ten seconds ago and not once asked him anything out of bounds
maybe that's why he fell into conversation with you easily because you're always intently listening
"might love me as a real son too. maybe that’s a bonus? you don’t really expect that shit in the things you see."
this situation is actually pretty cute
you snort because maybe you’re nOT that shy when you drink,, that’s the only thing that changes in you probably
this whole conversation that sprung from boredom was unknowingly the subject of many stares, including jungkook who you were initially supposed to go to
“you’re worthy of love, jimin.”
jimin sPITS his drink because where the fuck did THAT come from???
why did you say that and why does he feel that he needed to hear that
“i-i think — i think you need more,” he raises his own glass to your lips hurriedly, caught in surprise but you still gulp nonetheless
“you’re-“ you keep sputtering as he keeps making you drink, but he rubs circles on your back at the same time and it's when you realize that jimin the frat guy may not be that bad, “what??? don’t think you’re not the only one with daddy issues! shouldn’t we have like, a radar for each other?”
jimin snorts at your counter and his eyes crinkle to the point where he can't see anything, not being able to see how you're still trying to recover with all that fizz down your throat
wow ur really enjoyable to talk to
“you’re insane and i think-“
you're not really big on feeling beyond a sense and all that stuff, but you feel as if the aura around you just got dark all of a sudden
"who are you calling insane?"
jungkook appears at your side in an instant, hands wrapped around your shoulders while you remain seated
you've honestly forgotten that you were supposed to go to jungkook, but you're reminded of that vERY clearly now
"go away, jimin," he mutters through his teeth, looking at him dead in the eye
hold on
okay now he's confused
sometimes jungkook's mouth just moves on its own without loading the thought process
"why are YOU here?"
jimin furrows his brows, shocked that he'd even see jungkook here out of all people
the guy barely even attends classes!!! and that's coming from him!!
"why’s he here?"
he crouches to your ear, eyes still furrowed at the younger guy
"long story."
jungkook scowls bitterly because jesus fuck
he left for one second, and the moment he comes back, that's when this fucking frat guy approaches you?? was he waiting on him to leave??
you and jungkook only act as a couple when the need arises, and even if you don't feel it, hE feels that this is the need!!! this is the need and it is arising!!!
"get back to uh, alpha bravo charlie or something, park. beat it."
why’s he reciting the nato phonetic alphabet???
jungkook sounds half-angry and half-sad at the same time, and you don't know which side should you focus on
“move,” he repeats this time again but more sternly, making jimin much more confused since jungkook's trying to pull him away from his seat
jimin doesn't budge and it makes the frown even more evident in jungkook's face
what is he FEELING
“can’t you tell that i really don’t want you to be here?”
“i’m not here for you, though. i’m here for y/n.”
he answers honestly, shis gut telling him that there's definitely something going on between the two of you
“y/n doesn’t want you here," kook argues back surely, only noticing your bitten lips now that makes him realize that you're not exactly sober; just a happy kind of rush
he sees you raise your hand timidly, an equally cheeky smile on your face that's only directed to jungkook like it's meant for him
"i-i actually don’t mind."
you don't,,,
you don't mind?
why aren't you signaling him to commence the faux boyfriend act!!
"y/n has a boyfriend."
“... i’m not hitting on her.”
alright this is more than the entertainment that jimin wished for lol
“yeah, well she has a boyfriend still so beat it.”
you do??
the last time you checked, jihye's gonna have jungkook as her boyfriend within the night!!
“i don-“
jimin decides to indulge jungkook, knocking his knee with yours as he winks slyly, urging you silently to watch on, turning to look at you and ask
“what’s your boyfriend’s name?”
you don't answer.
that gives him all the more reason to do so.
“last name, jeon.”
jungkook looks the most determined you've ever seen him, eyes characteristically angry with his arms across his chest that his suit tightens, “first name, me.”
the three of you know that’s not the truth
jimin takes it in, sighing when he sense that something else is about to be unfold and he does noT want to be a part of it
not before whispering to your ear again for the last time, of course
“pretty weird name if you ask me,” you laugh automatically, momentarily forgetting that jungkook's standing by you on just your opposite side and could hear you
he leaves and that only leaves you with jungkook, looking up at him as he's too frantic to even sit
“what are you doing?”
“being a social butterfly," you quip just as fast, drinking your water afterwards
jungkook only clenches his jaw by then, being taken-aback when you speak again
“who are you doing?”
“i’m busy being mad at- wait a minute, WHO???”
who instead of what??
the short-lived enthusiasm you had with jimin left with him, crashing just as hard when you're reminded of jungkook's presence
“jihye’s a pretty nice girl. you should go home early tonight.”
his brows furrow, trying to get you to look at him but you avoid his gaze insistently, “what? what are you talking about?”
“she’s not my girlfriend though.”
you're not at all satisfied with the answer because it sounds so wrong, knowing that jungkook's a handsome guy and everyone wants to be with him!!!
and he probably wants to be with everyone else besides you.
“then who-...”
“don’t know yourself anymore? jimin must’ve really swept you off your feet, huh?”
jungkook huffs as he qualifies for a rebutt, your internal wallowing being cut short
“he’s not my boyfriend.”
“well would you look at that,” jungkook snickers, sighing through his nose as your eyes finally meet his, directly stubborn yet soft around the edges
“she’s not my girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend. what a coincidence.”
god did he feel so threatened the moment his eyes couldn't find you besides hobi and instead next to jimin, eyes crinkled in laughter without hesitation
have you been chasing after one another this whole time?
jungkook silently grabs you by the hand and you wave no opposition to it
maybe it's your liquor-influenced vision or maybe it's you hyperfixating on such a warm moment, but your eyes immediately lock to see the matching red thread bracelet he wore like yours
you're dressed in next year's spring collection line, and the structured silk black gown that has a train behind it doesn't exactly scream to have a simple red thread bracelet as its accessory according to your mom's designer and everyone else —
but you don't have the heart to take it off
there's no need to take it off
jungkook drives your car and no one says a single thing about anything
his hand’s on your thigh and you don’t question it, eyes locking into the way his hand looks perfect and the way the bracelet looks meant to be wrapped in his wrist in the first place
you're sure this time that it's not the newfound courage you have, but rather the need to do it
you kiss jungkook's cheek on a red light.
it's on a red light that jungkook realizes he could fit the visage of his world within one hand, finally kissing you like he's always wanted to
“yeah. what a coincidence.”
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daggryet · 3 years
could you transcribe tommy's doomsday vod? sorry for asking and no pressure of course, but i saw you were open to requests
Hello! Thank you for the request, it is done!
Today is L'Manberg's birthday and its first anniversary. but it's also the day I finished transcribing tommy's doomsday vod - so let's all be sad today :)
Underneath the cut is the entirety of Tommy's Doomsday VOD "Tommy's Dream SMP is Obliterated by Technoblade" (1.14.25).
Conversations may have been cut in half if they make jokes, but I've included every single lore-related line that I could hear (there was a lot of TNT and shouting over each other sorry)
(If anyone has their own requests, feel free to send them in)
Without further ado and I hope it's useful to you:
Tommy's Dream SMP Is Obliterated by Technoblade
TOMMY: So, there’s things I need to do. How long do we have now? 40 minutes. Oh, there we go. I’ve got something I need to do. I’ve got a couple of solo things that we’d needed to do for a long time. And I want to- ehm, we’ve got to speak to Tubbo because if we’re gonna do this war, morally, we can’t do it alone.
TOMMY messages TUBBO
TOMMY, whispering: vc
TOMMY: I know, they’re coming at 8pm, alright?
TUBBO messages TOMMY
TUBBO, whispering: okay
TOMMY: So what we’ve gotta do- you know what, chat? I fucked up, I did, I did over these past few weeks. I’ve been in exile, it’s been the worst weeks of my entire life, but I don’t wanna think about anything other… we’ve gotta say sorry.
TOMMY messages TUBBO
TOMMY, whispering: meet at our spot
TOMMY: And I know that’s not the most TommyInnit-y thing to do off the bat, but I haven’t been doing the most TommyInnit-y things to do.
TUBBO: I see you.
TOMMY: But I will do now.
TUBBO: Hello?
TOMMY: Hey, ehm, you wanna sit down on the eh-
TUBBO: I would quite like to sit down on the bench.
TOMMY: It’s been- you’re well dressed.
TUBBO: Thank you, you’re looking good yourself.
TOMMY: Eh, it’s been eh- listen. Listen - oh you’ve taken it off - I know it’s been a, mhm, I know it’s been quite some time… I’m sorry. I know, I know the exile- I know you had to exile me, like I’m sorry-
TUBBO: I’m sorry also. We could have tried other routes, it was a bit of an extreme turn.
TOMMY: I just don’t want everything that happens now to be built on - stay here - to be built on the past. You know, I don’t…
TOMMY: Tubbo, I- I fucked it. I did. And there’s no- we all make mistakes, but it was me. I-I was the one who chose to side with the violent anarchist who wanted to destroy the thing I would sacrifice my discs for, and I, you know, put our shit behind that.
TUBBO: It’s okay though.
TOMMY: And I’m sorry. But-
TOMMY: I’m sorry. I haven’t been… I haven’t been myself, but, ehm, we will tonight, alright? ‘Cause we’ve got shit to do, my friend.
TUBBO: Ehm, well, I mean, we have to rally everyone, don’t we? We have to go to what- where did we decide to set everything up? Over at Eret’s place? Get supplies.
TUBBO: We do!
TOMMY: Get supplies.
TOMMY: Get supplies.
TUBBO: I have no idea when they’re gonna get here, but-
TOMMY: There’s something I gotta do first. I mean, people don’t- I gotta, I gotta do it.
TUBBO: Okay…
TOMMY: I-I… okay. You go to the people and start rallying, I’ll join you, I’ll, you know, take lead once I’m there.
TUBBO: Okay, I’ll gotta get everything sorted.
TOMMY: We’ve gotta be- it’s gotta be me and you, Tubbo, it’s gotta be me and you versus Dream.
TOMMY: We’ve gotta leave everything we’ve done over the past weeks to the past, alright?
TUBBO: Yeah, of course.
TOMMY: Just like it always has been. And we’ve gotta do that tonight, because if we don’t tonight… I mean, you’ve heard what they’re saying. We’ll lose everything.
TUBBO: Yeah…
TOMMY: We’ll lose everything.
TUBBO: I mean, I don’t even know what would happen if L’Manberg were to get destroyed.
TOMMY: Okay, here’s what you do: you go rally them. I have something I have to do-
TUBBO: Okay.
TOMMY: And no one really knows what I have to do, but you rally them.
TUBBO: I will rally, I will rally!
TOMMY: I’ll speak to you, eh-
TOMMY: You start a plan, and then I’ll come and help, alright?
TUBBO: Speak to you soon.
TOMMY: Speak to you soon.
TOMMY: Okay, everybody. That was the right thing to do.
TOMMY does a waterbucket MLG.
TOMMY: We’ve still got it.
TOMMY: There’s something I need to do, that I didn’t really speak to you all about. We’ve got quite a while now to go. Now, listen to me, chat- Quackity’s leaving, Fundy’s leaving, what are you on about? No, no, no! We focus now, alright? There’s too many words shouted at me, shit in my head, streaks that I’ve lost, but we’ve got to- there is not enough time to read everyone’s- Fundy’s, what, what? Alright, I’m not reading the chat now. Here’s what I’ve got to do. Okay, okay, you know, we’ll walk.
TOMMY: Does anyone remember, eh, last night? I know I messed up, but there was one thing that really stuck. ‘Cause you know Sssa- you know, Sapnap, ‘cause I was watching this old video in my recommended about how all of these wars started, alright? And all of it started with me and Sapnap. And you know, you know, yesterday I realised - we need him on our side, man. ‘Cause it started with him and me, me and him. And a while age, a few months ago now, pre-exile, we had a fight. And it ended with me- I don’t know if anyone remembers, but it ended with me letting go of his pet fish, Beckerson. But I’ve been thinking about it, we can’t afford- we can’t afford to not have Sapnap. ‘Cause it started with us, and you know what? It’s gonna end with us. So we’ve gotta- and it can’t end with him betraying me again, so we’ve got to get him on our side. And I let his fish loose a longass time ago.
TOMMY: I’m not sure if it’s- is that it? Do you think it’ll be here still? What type of fish was it? “Mars”, Mars, Beckerson, Mars- I don’t, it doesn’t mean anything to me.
TOMMY: Is it around here? Guys, what type of fish was it? Is it- I mean, it might just not be here.
TOMMY: If it is still here, that’d be a miracle, but… everyone, if we can do this now, then- tropical? That means nothing to me. Oh is that- what the fuck!
TOMMY finds MARS swimming by the shore.
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TOMMY: Oh, wow, wow, wow, holy shit, holy shit! Okay, go, go, go, go, go! Oh my- okay, wow, wow, wow, we found it, we found it- what the fuck! Did it not despawn? Okay, you know what, no, no, no. What the fuck? Okay, we can’t MLG with that waterbucket anymore. How?! Does it not despawn? Okay, where is Sapnap? What we’ve gotta do is we find Sapnap and get him on our side ‘cause it started with us; we’re ending with us!
TOMMY, whispering: Hey
TOMMY, whispering: vc?
TOMMY: Hey Sapnap
TOMMY: No, wait, this is too serious of an occasion, I can’t play the Able Sisters. Where are you, Sapnap?
SAPNAP: Eh, at the community house you blew up.
TOMMY: Oh. Forgot about that
TOMMY: Hey, hey, I’m really- I didn’t blow it up, sorry, people just- you know what, I’ll just be like a trooper. I won’t keep saying I didn’t blow it up, I’ll just- listen to me.
TOMMY: I know, ehm, I know you said you didn’t wanna team with us last night, Sapnap.
SAPNAP: Well, I’m just- I don’t know, I just don’t know who to help or if I should help anyone.
TOMMY: Listen, I know, I know, but I- what I want you to know, Sapnap, is that I know we’ve had quarrels. But there was this video in my recommended the other day, and it was detailing the entirety of the very first war on this server. And I realised all of it, all of it, started with me and you. And I know you killed Henry, and I know we had wars, and you fucked up so many times - but so did I. And here’s the thing, man, it doesn’t matter about the past, and it doesn’t matter about the future; it matters about right now. And right now, there is a plethora of supervillains literally going to destroy everything we’ve worked for. And I know, I know you have no reason to come back, but I know it started with us. And it started with us because I helped you, Sapnap. And I don’t stop, because I know I’ve fucked up, but I won’t stop, alright? And you don’t have to side with us, but, Sapnap, do you remember a while ago we had a little war, a little fight?
SAPNAP: I do remember.
TOMMY: Sapnap.
TOMMY: And it ended with you throwing away- what was it?
TOMMY: I’m so sorry that you did that, and that I made you do that because it wasn’t right of me. And I shouldn’t- I shouldn’t take out any of the fucked up shit that’s happened to me out on other people, and I’m sorry.
SAPNAP: Alright.
TOMMY: But Sapnap- I got Mars back. And yeah, it’s the same Mars from where I- turns out they don’t despawn if they have a nametag on them!
SAPNAP: It’s Mars!
TOMMY: Turns out they don’t despawn if they have a nametag on them! I didn’t know that! But, but, Sapnap, please help us, please. Because it started with me and you, and it doesn’t have to end with me and you. And if we don’t do anything right now; tonight will be the end of L’Manberg. So, please, help us. We need you.
SAPNAP: Alright, Tommy, let’s do this.
TOMMY: Really?
SAPNAP: Yeah, let’s eh- let’s just kill them all! What, it’s just two people, right?
TOMMY: It’s just two people, right!
SAPNAP: It’s just two people, we can kill them!
TOMMY: They’ll be here in 30 minutes. Okay.
SAPNAP: We can kill them.
TOMMY: Okay, let’s go get basic stuff. Let’s- let me get on my armour now, it’s war time. Let’s get in a call.
SAPNAP: I’m putting Mars somewhere safe, I’m putting Mars somewhere safe.
TOMMY: Hello?
PONK: Hello
TOMMY: Hello, where’s Tubbo?
JACK MANIFOLD: He went to speak to-to-to Big Q.
TOMMY: Okay, I’ll go speak to him. Hey everyone, hope you’re all well-
JACK MANIFOLD: Actually, I’m-
TECHNOBLADE: Hey idiots! Where you at? I’m in your house, stealing your stuff!
TOMMY: I know where his house is.
TOMMY: What?
TECHNOBLADE: I’m outside L’Manberg, boys, where you at!
TOMMY: There’s 25 more minutes, no you’re not!
TECHNOBLADE: Bro, you think I’m going to wait? You think I’m going to sit- you know what, Tommy? You know what, there is 24 minutes, I’m not there right now, I’m not - there’s no need to check. There’s no need to go to your base.
TOMMY: What the fuck-?
TECHNOBLADE: There’s 24 minutes left.
TOMMY: That’s a very strange and ominous thing to say.
TECHNOBLADE: You know what, you guys take your time, take your time.
TOMMY: What the fuck is this obsidian grid?
TECHNOBLADE: Take your time
TOMMY: Technoblade, wait, no, stop it now. Where are you?
TECHNOBLADE: I’m in L’Manberg.
PHILZA: Where do you think?
TOMMY: Philza Minecraft. You’re not-
TECHNOBLADE: That was also his laugh right there, isn’t it great?
TECHNOBLADE: Uh, that was my Philza Minecraft impression, isn’t it great?
TOMMY shoots a spectral arrow at an invisible person wearing netherite armour.
TOMMY: Is that you?
PHILZA: That’s me, that’s me.
TECHNOBLADE: Phil! You are the least stealthy person on this planet!
TOMMY: What the fuck? Wow, wow, wow, wow, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no! Time out! We have 30 more minutes, we have 30 more minutes until you got here!
TECHNOBLADE: You got nothing, Tommy!
TOMMY: What do you mean we’ve got- wait, where’s Tubbo?
TECHNOBLADE: You have nothing! Where is your army?
TOMMY: Where is my- you- what the fuck!
TECHNOBLADE: My army is right here!
TOMMY: You said 30 minutes, you said you’d be here in 30 minutes!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh no! Did we lie? Oh no!
TOMMY: What the fuck?
PHILZA: You think we’re gonna be fair? You think we’re gonna be fair? This is war, Tommy.
TECHNOBLADE: Oh no, I wasn’t honourable about the 1v30 that’s gonna happen, I’m sorry.
TOMMY: Where’s Tubbo?
TOMMY: Eret, Eret, do you have a waterbucket? Can I borrow that, please? Why is it just me and you-?
TOMMY messages TUBBO
TOMMY, messaging: TUBBO
Tommy, messaging: GET FUCKING HERE
TECHNOBLADE: There’s two guys here.
TECHNOBLADE: Is this your army? Man, I overprepared for this.
ERET: Where is everyone else?
TUBBO: Tommy, what’s wrong?
TOMMY: Tubbo, you stupid son of a bitch, get to L’Manberg!
TUBBO: The prepares are all like gone, they were sabotaged.
TUBBO: What, what, what, what?
TOMMY: What do you mean ‘sabotaged’? What does that mean?
TUBBO: There was literally nothing there, Tommy! There was just a crater.
TOMMY: Oh. Dream?
TUBBO: Tommy, what are you doing?
TOMMY falls to his death to escape possibly DREAM’s TNT.
JACK MANIFOLD: That was a really uneventful war
TOMMY: Don’t worry, I’m running back, I’m running back.
ERET: There’s so many dogs!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, I’m stupid, I have a flint and steel.
ERET: Tommy, I got some of your stuff.
TOMMY: Eret, can you just take all my stuff?
TOMMY: Yeah, just keep it there.
TECHNOBLADE: I can’t see anything, there’s too many dogs!
PHILZA: Get out of the way!
TECHNOBLADE: I can’t burn any of the stuff. This sucks!
ERET: Why is there so many dogs?
TECHNOBLADE: Why do you think?
QUACKITY: What the hell is going on? What is this?
TOMMY: Guys, I took a tumble.
QUACKITY: What are you doing? This isn’t a goddamn zoo, Technoblade!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, you messed up, you messed up!
QUACKITY: Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ.
ERET: Tommy, where are you?
TOMMY: I’m just running, I gotta set my spawn.
TECHNOBLADE: You messed up!
TUBBO: Oh my god, oh my god, what the hell
TOMMY: Tubbo?
TECHNOBLADE: You messed up, Tubbo! Let loose the dogs of war!
TOMMY: What does that mean?!
ERET: There’s too many dogs!
TOMMY: Tubbo, fight him!
TUBBO: I am!
QUACKITY: Oh Jesus, fuck, why?
QUACKITY: What the hell! What are you doing?
TECHNOBLADE: Get out of here! Get out of here, Ponk!
TOMMY: Tubbo, stay alive!
TUBBO: I’m doing fine!
TOMMY: Eret, Eret, meet me on the bridge there. Meet me on the way.
QUACKITY: What the hell are you doing?
TECHNOBLADE: Sapnap really thought he was slick. He was like ‘Oh I’m about to jump Technoblade and nothing bad is going to happen’.
QUACKITY: You realise we’re gonna kill all these dogs as soon as you go, right, Techno?
TOMMY: Eret, Eret, I’m on the path there.
TECHNOBLADE: I’ve already killed three of you guys!
ERET: I’m in the tunnel
TECHNOBLADE: Oh yeah, hit me with that axe, Punz! Hit me with that axe!
TOMMY messages Eret
TOMMY, whispering: IM HERE
PUNZ: I’m running, I’m running. I don’t wanna die!
TECHNOBLADE: Wait, did I actually get back my trident?
TOMMY messages Eret
TOMMY, whispering: AT CHESS
QUACKITY: What are you doing?
PUFFY: Why are there so many?
SAPNAP: Why is there so many dogs?
TOMMY messages Eret
TOMMY, whispering: STUFF PLS
TOMMY, whispering: STUFF PLS
TOMMY, whispering: STUFF PLS
QUACKITY: This has gotta be illegal in some countries!
TECHNOBLADE: I just killed like 50 of my dogs by accident!
PUFFY: That is definitely illegal
TECHNOBLADE: Not the sweeping edge!
QUACKITY: There’s no way this is all legal
TECHNOBLADE: Get ‘em dogs! Get ‘em!
ERET is giving TOMMY his stuff back.
SAPNAP: Holy crap!
TOMMY: Oh no.
JACK MANIFOLD: Technoblade, people won’t be happy about this.
TECHNOBLADE: You guys aren’t allowed to kill these dogs, no killing pets! No killing pets in L’Manberg!
TOMMY: You got any blocks, any blocks?
ERET: Yeah, there you go.
TOMMY: You got a shield and water bucket, please?
SAPNAP: Punz, Punz, Punz, focus on the dogs.
PUNZ: No, kill Techno, kill Techno.
ERET: Eh, no, I don’t have a spare bucket. That’s all I have
TOMMY: Okay.
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, welcome back!
TECHNOBLADE: This is actually not great.
SAPNAP: Alright.
PHILZA: *Laughing*
TOMMY: Alright, regroup, regroup. Where is everyone? Where is everyone?
PUFFY: In L’Manberg!
JACK MANIFOLD: Yeah, we’re all- we’re all in L’Manberg.
TOMMY: Holy- okay, okay! On the top of here, on the top of here-
TECHNOBLADE: Whatever you’re doing!
TOMMY:- Do you have a shield, goddamnit? Oh my god!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh yeah, a shield is gonna protect you from the wolves!
TOMMY: Do you have a shield?! Ranboo! Why are you standing still?
JACK MANIFOLD: Stop killing those animals, Sapnap.
RANBOO: What’s going on?
TOMMY: Can I have a shield, please?!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh god, I didn’t think about Sapnap!
RANBOO: What’s going on?
TECHNOBLADE: No one kills animals like Sapnap!
TOMMY: Tubbo, where are you?
TECHNOBLADE: That’s his whole thing!
QUACKITY: That’s true!
TECHNOBLADE: Get out of here, Jack Manifold! Dogs, attack!
SAPNAP: I’m killing so many dogs!
RANBOO: It wasn’t supposed to start yet.
TECHNOBLADE: Dogs, attack! Everyone’s just cutting down my dogs! What is this?
ERET: Oh my god!
TOMMY: Everyone, focus! Where’s Tubbo?
TUBBO: I’m here!
TOMMY: Why are you so quiet? There’s a traitor in our goddamn midst!
TUBBO: What do you mean?
TOMMY: What do you mean? There’s Technoblade!
QUACKITY: There’s a shitton of dogs in fucking L’Manberg!
TUBBO: Yeah, there’s-
QUACKITY: Oh! What the hell?!
PHILZA: Yeah, don’t worry about it.
TECHNOBLADE: Hbomb! Hbomb get over here! Eret!
ERET: Huh?
TOMMY: Techno. Techno, stop! Where are you?
TECHNOBLADE: You know what? I’m feeling merciful. If you guys all back off and let me blow up this country, you can live!
QUACKITY: You’re gonna rig these dogs with bombs, how exactly are you gonna do that with dogs?
TOMMY: Holy shit, how are there so many?! Oh my god!
TECHNOBLADE: So many of my dogs have died.
SAPNAP: Alright, they’re almost all dead!
QUACKITY: You literally just said you killed like 50 of your dogs!
TOMMY: Techno.
QUACKITY: What are you doing?
TECHNOBLADE: It was like 20 of my dogs, to be fair.
TOMMY: How many dogs do you have?
QUACKITY: How many did you bring?
PUFFY: Too many!
ERET: Not enough.
SAPNAP: Oh he’s eating a Notch apple, he’s eating a Notch apple!
TOMMY: Techno.
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, I’ve got a few of those!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, 17 minutes. Take your time, Ranboo! No need to rush.
TOMMY: Okay, okay. Tubbo, where are you?
NIKI: Will?
TUBBO: I’m literally right next to you!
TOMMY: Tubbo, Tubbo, I see you! I see you, I see you!
TECHNOBLADE: The signal!
TOMMY: What’s the signal?
SAPNAP: Guys, Technoblade is right here!
JACK MANIFOLD: The signal?
TOMMY: Where?
A wither spawns.
TOMMY: Eret, Eret- holy shit! Okay! Get down, get down!
TECHNOBLADE: Why did I pearl into it?
QUACKITY: Okay, okay- oh no, no, no.
RANBOO: Not again, not again.
QUACKITY: This is not good.
TUBBO: Not the bees!
TOMMY: Holy shit, holy shit!
QUACKITY: Okay, okay, I don’t even have shit.
TUBBO: Not the bees!
QUACKITY: Okay, alright.
FUNDY: Why did you spawn one on the bees?
SAPNAP: Why did you spawn on the bees?
TOMMY: Not there.
EVERYONE: The bees!
There’s three withers now.
TOMMY: Holy shit!
TOMMY: Okay, Ranboo, Ranboo, stick with me.
RANBOO: Yeah, yeah.
TOMMY: Okay, we’re gonna fight as a group; everyone round up! At the bee house! At the bee house! Tubbo, take charge! There’s one at the bee house; get it! Get the one at the bee house!
PUFFY: It’s got me!
TOMMY: There’s four of them! Ah! Five!
ERET: There’s so many withers.
TECHNOBLADE: Why are they shooting me?
TOMMY: Everyone! Eret. Everyone - kill them! Please.
TECHNOBLADE: What are you doing here?
QUACKITY: I’m feeling from the country!
TOMMY: Oh my god. Technoblade! L’Manberg!
QUACKITY: Oh no, oh no, no, no.
TOMMY crawls atop of the camarvan, looking around at the destruction the withers are bringing to the country.
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
TECHNOBLADE: I should’ve kept more invis potions. That would’ve been a good idea. Mind your business, mind your business.
PONK: My cat died!
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
RANBOO: Jack, run.
JACK MANIFOLD: I’m trying, I’m really trying!
TOMMY: Punz!
TOMMY: I’m running!
TOMMY: Holy shit.
TECHNOBLADE: Okay, what wither is attacking me?
TOMMY: Gotta get iron.
TECHNOBLADE: What is this? What is this? This not the plan.
TOMMY: Chat, we gotta get iron! We gotta get a bucket, then we can go up, then we can go up.
TOMMY: Okay, Technoblade, listen.
RANBOO: Oh, Jack’s got two on him, that’s not good.
PONK: Bro, I found a wither rose.
TECHNOBLADE: I need to get my stuff back.
TOMMY: Oh, okay.
TECHNOBLADE: I need invis potions.
JACK MANIFOLD: Oh, there’s one here!
HBOMB: Niki, I gave you some stuff.
RANBOO: Oh my god, there’s an entire army down there.
QUACKITY: Niki, can I speak to you, can I speak to you?
RANBOO: There’s an entire army around
NIKI: Sure.
TECHNOBLADE: Looking for invis potions!
RANBOO: I gotta get out of here.
TOMMY: You know what? We’ll speak to Techno. Tubbo, Tubbo, everyone - please! L’Manberg! Just group up, we can’t fight this solo.
TUBBO: I’m already grouped up.
TOMMY: Alright, I’m coming, I’m coming.
TECHNOBLADE: There’s nothing in here, I should have gotten more invis.
TOMMY: Okay, get in the- Tubbo! Get in the caravan! Get in the caravan!
TOMMY: Alright, listen to me- oh hello. Tubbo, where are you?
TUBBO: Getting in the caravan!
TOMMY: Get in the caravan now!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh yeah, the caravan. That’ll save you.
TUBBO: Okay!
TOMMY: Okay, listen to me, listen to me- arh! Okay, listen to me, listen to me- oh no. I know this looks bad.
TECHNOBLADE: Oh there’s one after me! Oh, the cruel irony!
TOMMY: Here’s what we do! We go for the withers alright, we fight one wither at a time, we fight them as a group. Please! We don’t have enough time! Get out, go, go! Holy shit!
RANBOO: There’s nine! There’s nine withers!
SAPNAP: Oh my god!
TECHNOBLADE: I need more invis! This was not according to the plan!
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
TOMMY: We’ve gotta get out.
TECHNOBLADE: Do you have invis potions?
RANBOO: There’s one, there’s one.
TOMMY: L’Manberg.
TUBBO: This is…
TOMMY: He’s minding you.
TECHNOBLADE: Don’t mind me! Don’t mind me!
TECHNOBLADE: Don’t mind me! The particles!
TUBBO: Oh my god.
TECHNOBLADE: Smokescreen technique! Smokescreen technique!
TOMMY: Holy shit! Jack Manifold, get in the tunnel! Okay, okay, speak to me - speak to me! Oh my god!
TECHNOBLADE: Phil! Phil, meet me in your house!
SAPNAP: Kill the withers! Kill the withers!
TECHNOBLADE: Meet me in your house, Phil!
RANBOO: This is not good.
TOMMY: I can’t- okay, we gotta kill them one at a time, one at a time, Jack. Wait for it to come down, one at a time.
TECHNOBLADE: What the heck is “Do Not Read”?
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
JACK MANIFOLD: Oh shit, oh shit!
TOMMY: Oh if only I had “How to Sex 2” on me right now. Keep him there, Jack! Take ‘em down one at a time!
RANBOO: You guys-
TOMMY: Jack, please.
SAPNAP: Eret, Eret, can I borrow- Eret-
TOMMY: Have we got any of them?
TUBBO: This is…
TECHNOBLADE: Ranboo, you’re alright, I’ll give you time to get away. Ranboo, get out of here, Ranboo! I don’t have anything against you. You can get out of here, just flee the battle, no one will know!
PHILZA: No one will know.
TECHNOBLADE: Except that wither, except that wither!
TOMMY: Holy shit!
TECHNOBLADE: It’s okay, you just gotta get away from that wither, it’s fine!
TECHNOBLADE: What am I doing here?
TOMMY: Oh! Everything is going!
TOMMY: Tubbo, please. Tubbo, stick with me!
TUBBO: I am still here with you.
TOMMY: Okay, let’s- everyone, listen to me if you can hear me! Take them down one at a time! Look how low they’re getting! Use the Axe of Peace unironically!
TOMMY: Come on, one at a time, one at a time! Please!
TECHNOBLADE: Ten more minutes, Phil! Ten more minutes!
ERET: Big Q!
QUACKITY: What do you want from me? I don’t even have anything!
PONK: Take this!
TECHNOBLADE: Check this out.
PONK: Fuck you!
QUACKITY: Yes, let’s go, Ponk!
PONK: Oh, he dropped it! No!
TOMMY pearls a bit higher up in silence, trying to get some kind of high ground.
QUACKITY: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I dropped it. I don’t even have a sword, Ponk!
PONK: Take this!
QUACKITY: Do you have my bow?
PONK: I don’t know!
RANBOO: Where are they?
QUACKITY: Do you have my bow? Ponk, you picked up my things!
PONK: I don’t have your bow, no.
TOMMY: Alright, where are you- Sapnap! Sapnap, listen to me! This isn’t the end.
QUACKITY: Jesus Christ!
TOMMY: Sapnap!
PHILZA: Have fun with that!
RANBOO: Where are they?
QUACKITY: Fuck, it looks ugly!
RANBOO: There is an entire wither on me!
ERET: Kill the withers!
TECHNOBLADE: He might have seen through my disguise.
TOMMY: Technoblade, where are you? Ranboo, kill it!
RANBOO: I’m trying, I’m trying!
TECHNOBLADE: I’m actually back at my base. I spawned the withers and dipped.
ERET: No! Get them away from here
TECHNOBLADE: The invis is working!
TOMMY: Okay, go down- everyone, everyone!
RANBOO: No, no, no.
QUACKITY: Get him, so I can take his things.
TOMMY: Who is this? Who is that?
TUBBO: Oh, it’s Puffy.
TOMMY: Why would you take invis?
PUFFY: I didn’t take anything!
TOMMY: Okay, everyone; focus. Okay, here’s what we do! Listen to me if you can hear me! I repeat: focus the withers first, then fight Techno!
RANBOO: Come on. Come on!
TECHNOBLADE: Splash them with invis! They won’t know who’s who!
TUBBO: He’s come from the tunnel where I died! He’s not on our side, he’s gappling!
TECHNOBLADE: Tubbo has a totem of undying, guys!
QUACKITY: I have no clothes, but I-
TUBBO: No! Ranboo kill that!
QUACKITY: Who is that?
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
QUACKITY: I need you to hold me, Sapnap!
TOMMY: L’Manberg, Big Q!
TECHNOBLADE: Yeah, yeah, he’s got a shield.
TOMMY: L’Manberg, holy shit!
TOMMY: Big Q! Oh, he’s pissed now!
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, here it is.
QUACKITY: Let’s go, Tommy! Now we can get these withers! Let’s fucking go!
TOMMY: Can we?
TOMMY: What?
SAPNAP: TNT’s raining from the sky!
TOMMY: L’Manberg!
TOMMY: What the fuck?
TOMMY: Where? Holy shit! Holy shit!
SAPNAP: Quackity!
QUACKITY: Sapnap, am I gonna die? Am I gonna die? What the fuck?
SAPNAP: You’re not gonna die, you’re not gonna die.
QUACKITY: What the fuck is going on, what the fuck is going on?
RANBOO: Oh god, oh god. Just run!
TUBBO: What is-
HBOMB: How much TNT is that?
RANBOO: Tubbo.
TECHNOBLADE: Tubbo is gone! Minecraft rage!
TOMMY: Tubbo? Tubbo!
QUACKITY: What is going on?
TUBBO: What?
TOMMY: Tubbo, turn around.
QUACKITY: What is going on?
RANBOO: It’s all gone.
QUACKITY: What is going- what-
TOMMY: How did we not-
SAPNAP: Who is this?
PONK: Stay back! No, no, no, don’t come over here!
QUACKITY: What is going on? Holy shit.
TOMMY: Philza Minecraft?
TECHNOBLADE: How much longer do we need to stall, Phil?
PHILZA: I think we’ve done enough damage, for the stall.
TOMMY: Oh no. Tubbo, they’re gonna land on us next! Tubbo! Tubbo! Tubbo, look at me! Look at me, Tubbo!
TECHNOBLADE: Look at what you’re president of, Tubbo!
TOMMY: Techno. Technoblade, look at me! Do not shoot. Do not shoot.
TECHNOBLADE: Tommy. You had your chance, Tommy!
TOMMY: Technoblade, listen to me! For once in your life! You didn’t have to- you didn’t have to do this. You could have compromised! The thing about the the discs, Technoblade, is that they were for me! We could have had a government, you could have let us live with this!
TECHNOBLADE: I don’t care about the discs, Tommy! I was upfront with you from the start! The government has to go!
TOMMY: You didn’t compromise! Technoblade, you are selfish!
TECHNOBLADE: Selfish? You used me from the start, Tommy! You’re wearing my helmet!
TOMMY: Technoblade, you said we betrayed you! You said we betrayed you! You said that we were the ones who betrayed you!
TECHNOBLADE: You betrayed me like 12 times!
TOMMY: Technoblade, look at me. Look at me right now. You said you hated governments, you said that we were the ones that betrayed you; but you’re the one who killed Tubbo when JSchlatt told you to! You’re the one who betrayed us! Out of all of this, Technoblade,
TECHNOBLADE: I was peer pressured! You betrayed me!
TOMMY: Listen to me!
TECHNOBLADE: You used me! You’ve never thought of me as a friend, Tommy, you’ve just used me from the start.
TOMMY: I have, Techno.
TECHNOBLADE: You just saw me as The Blade, that’s all I was to you. The Blade! A weapon! Well, guess what… I’m choosing what I’m fighting for now.
TECHNOBLADE fires rockets at TOMMY. Just before the second rocket hits, TUBBO jumps in front of him to protect him.
TECHNOBLADE: And I’m going to destroy the government, Tommy! You’ll all die! It’s gone! We’re chunk erroring this!
TOMMY: Techno. Techno. Techno. Look at me, look at me. Please. Don’t fight, Tubbo.
TECHNOBLADE: Is that really the fight- who keeps shooting me?
TOMMY: Techno, look at me! You’re the one who did this! The people- you were my friend, you were my friend! You were The Blade, you were our-
TECHNOBLADE: Who’s over there? Sapnap, we’re having a moment! Get out of here!
TOMMY: Listen to me! I thought friendship- Techno, for once in your life, listen to me! You were my friend!
TECHNOBLADE: I listened to you for weeks!
TOMMY: Just listen to me!
TECHNOBLADE: I helped you! And you went back to Tubbo, the guy that exiled you! He chose his country over you.
TOMMY: Techno, people are above the government! We- it doesn’t matter if we want a government-
TECHNOBLADE: I am a person!
TOMMY: You are, Technoblade! And so are we! You- the reason the discs were important is because they were stolen from me. Nothing was taken from you!
TECHNOBLADE: The discs aren’t people!
TOMMY: Nothing was taken from you here! You’re selfish! You destroy what people love for your own self gain. You’re selfish!
TECHNOBLADE: All of these problems are because of your government. Your government has caused all these issues! I believe in freedom, Tommy!
TOMMY: You don’t believe in- when you were peer pressured, that’s not freedom! That was you following what the government- that was the president telling you to-
TECHNOBLADE: Tommy, that was like four months ago!
TOMMY: It was, and you killed Tubbo! Don’t forget about the past right now! Tubbo, back up for me here! He killed you!
TUBBO: Yeah...
TECHNOBLADE: He’s president, he’s president! Get him out of here! He’s wearing your helmet!
TOMMY: And you killed him.
TECHNOBLADE: Yeah, ‘cause he’s the president!
TOMMY: But even when he wasn’t the president, you killed him as well.
TECHNOBLADE: Yeah, that’s true.
TOMMY: You’re as bad as the government, Technoblade. In fact, you know what, you’re worse.
TECHNOBLADE: I was stood there alone against a whole government, and you and Wilbur just sat there on the sidelines and watched. Did you step in? Did you step in? Were you guys the ones who stepped and said “Don’t worry, Technoblade, we know you’re in a high pressure situation, but we’ll fight the world for you, Technoblade!” No, you guys watched! You know what I did? Yesterday? When you were surrounded by like 30 people and the whole world was against you? I walked in, I was willing to fight all of them for you, Tommy. I would have been there.
TOMMY: Techno-
TECHNOBLADE: That is the difference between us.
TOMMY: We spent hours together, man.
TECHNOBLADE: Don’t speak to me of loyalty!
TOMMY: No, you were my friend, and you betrayed us!
TECHNOBLADE: You never thought of me as a friend!
TOMMY: And the thing about this government is that- it didn’t interfere with you!
TECHNOBLADE: Yes, it did!
TOMMY: You have your own freedom, just let people love what they love, man! You’re selfish, Techno.
TOMMY: The discs interfered with us, they were stolen by Dream! Why would you side with the maniac-?
TECHNOBLADE: They hunted me down! The whole butcher army! And they executed me! I tried being peaceful, Tommy, but the government made it clear-
TECHNOBLADE: I used to think like that, Tommy. You know what they did to me?
TOMMY: You didn’t have to do this.
TECHNOBLADE: I did! The government-
TOMMY: They executed you because you blew up the entire- you spawned withers just like you’ve done again! All you did is repeat history, but worse. You’re selfish.
TECHNOBLADE: You guys brought this upon yourselves. I was prepared to live peacefully in my cottage and be chill, and just farm-
TOMMY: Techno, you can’t live in a cottage after you blow up the government. That’s not how it works. Actions have consequences.
TECHNOBLADE: Actions do have consequences, Tommy. And these are the consequences! It’s over! I’m killing Quackity! He’s got actual armor.
QUACKITY: No, no, no. Why?
TECHNOBLADE: Get back here! Get back here!
TOMMY: Tubbo
TECHNOBLADE: Get back here! He’s got my armor
QUACKITY: No, I stole this, this is mine!
TECHNOBLADE: Get back here!
QUACKITY: Technoblade, Technoblade, we attacked you- goddamnit! We attacked you at your cottage because you did exactly this! You did this, you exploded L’Manberg!
TECHNOBLADE: I was willing to be peaceful!
QUACKITY: It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter, you were part of the hitlist. Technoblade, you were meant to suffer the consequences for what you did. That’s what happened.
TOMMY: Everything.
TECHNOBLADE: This is the consequences for hunting me down!
TECHNOBLADE: Taken my punishment and left? You would have literally killed me! What do you mean left?
QUACKITY: That’s true, that’s very true!
TOMMY: Technoblade!
QUACKITY: Technoblade, listen, you had to. You had to. And it was for L’Manberg, and it was for the country.
TECHNOBLADE: Oh, I hate this, what is this-
TOMMY: You’ve become the tyrant.
TECHNOBLADE: The tyrant? Bruh, bruh.
TOMMY: You’ve become the tyrant.
TECHNOBLADE: I am one man, the world will be better. The world will be better without the government! Airstrike!
ERET: Oh my god.
TECHNOBLADE: Airstrike! It wouldn’t be a final boss if I didn’t have stages”
ERET: Woah!
PHILZA: Yeah! Yeah! Go!
TUBBO: I don’t…
TOMMY: Tubbo?
TECHNOBLADE: Why is the wither following me in the sky? It’s ruining my moment.
TUBBO: Yeah.
TOMMY: Tubbo?
TOMMY: Tubbo! It’s gone!
TUBBO: Seems like history really is doomed to repeat itself.
TOMMY: The caravan… the caravan! The camarvan!
TUBBO: Oh man.
QUACKITY: Fellas, there’s still L’Mantree.
TOMMY: There’s still, there’s still the tree.
QUACKITY: The L’Mantree’s still alive.
TUBBO: The L’Mantree.
QUACKITY: Come on. Just-
TOMMY: As long as the tree’s alive. Yeah, yeah, get to the tree.
TUBBO: I’m going to the tree.
QUACKITY: Head to the tree. Where’s-
TOMMY: Wilbur! That was my last memory of Wilbur! Of the real Wilbur.
QUACKITY: Where’s the fucking tree?
TOMMY: The tree’s in the box.
QUACKITY: Where’s the goddamn-
TUBBO: The tree-yeah.
QUACKITY: Okay, where is it, where is it?
TOMMY: The tree-
TUBBO: Eh the tree is supposed to be here. Right here.
QUACKITY: Tommy. Tubbo.
TUBBO: The tree is meant to be here where I’m standing.
QUACKITY: It’s gone.
TUBBO: The tree is gone.
TOMMY: No. No, it’s not. No, it’s not!
QUACKITY: The tree is gone!
TOMMY: Wait-
TUBBO: It’s gone.
TOMMY rejoins the other VC.
PHIL: Where do you think-?
TOMMY: Where’s the tree?
PONK: No, please!
TOMMY: Where’s the tree?
PONK: Please!
TECHNOBLADE: Every time I see you, you have less armor.
TECHNOBLADE: Guess who’s gently gliding towards you, Ponk!
TOMMY: Tubbo.
TOMMY: Technoblade, where’s- where’s the L’Mantree?
TECHNOBLADE: Bro, I don’t know what- I’m gonna be real with you, I don’t know what the L’Mantree is. No one ever told me about it.
TOMMY: Does any-
TECHNOBLADE: Dream said something about blowing up the L’Mantree, so - mhm.
FUNDY: It’s gone! It’s gone!
QUACKITY: It’s fucking gone!
TECHNOBLADE: I hate trees!
QUACKITY: It’s out, that’s it.
FUNDY: It’s all gone! Everything! Everything is gone!
ERET: The downfall.
TECHNOBLADE: This wither is so annoying- wait, I can just kill this wither. This wither sucks. Yeah! I have dogs! My dogs!
TOMMY: VC 2, Tubbo and Big Q.
QUACKITY: It’s gone.
TOMMY: Is it- Tubbo, Tubbo, take half of these. Is it really all-?
QUACKITY: Tommy. There’s no use, it’s gone. It’s gone.
TOMMY: No, it’s not- no, no, no, no.
TOMMY: This is the way I travelled with Wilbur. Walk from here on out, Tubbo. This is… it can’t be. It can’t be.
QUACKITY: L’Manberg no longer exists.
TOMMY: Tubbo. L’Manberg… it’s gone.
TUBBO: Yeah, this is definitely beyond the point of repair.
TOMMY: L’Manberg is...Tubbo….Tubbo.
TUBBO: Mhm… I am speechless.
TOMMY: Let’s just make a new bed out of this, just in case.
TUBBO: Good idea. Wait, actually, Tommy, there’s a bed just over here. I made a bed.
TOMMY: Oh, okay.
TUBBO: - before. I think, anyway.
TOMMY: I got three wool.
TUBBO: Yeah, that bed is almost definitely gone.
TOMMY: Let’s just grab some…
TUBBO: Yeah, it’s definitely…
TOMMY: Why did Wilbur… Tubbo, Tubbo, set your spawn.
TUBBO: I can’t actually run anymore. That’s fine.
TUBBO: Yeah, this is… this was planned.
TOMMY: It’s for real.
GHOSTBUR, messaging: hey guys am i interrupting ? :)
TUBBO: Yeah…
TOMMY, messaging: Not nwo ghostbur
JACK MANIFOLD, messaging: i lost everything again
TUBBO: I just, I just, I just don’t know.
TOMMY: Tubbo.
TUBBO: Yeah. There’s-
TOMMY: Tubbo, look at me.
TUBBO: There’s nothing left to say.
TOMMY: Look at me!
TOMMY: You bastard.
DREAM: Tommy. Look, in all destruction there’s a new beginning.
TOMMY: You did this! To all of us, not just to me, but to everyone here.
DREAM: Beautiful. You know, the unfinished symphony, right?
TOMMY: Yeah… why?
DREAM: The server will be at peace now.
TOMMY: Why, Dream? Couldn’t you just, couldn’t you just have burned the discs? Couldn’t you just have done it… to me? Why did you have to…
DREAM: This is much more fun.
TOMMY: You’re a monster.
DREAM: Okay. Well, I think I’m gonna go far from here. For a little while, just to avoid the wave of frustration that I’m sure you’ll have.
TOMMY: This is too far, you’ve crossed- you know you’re a monster. You’ve crossed the line. This is everyone-
DREAM: Tommy, I’m not done with you, okay? Yeah, our story’s not over, L’Manberg’s story is over, but, you know, our story’s not over. I have your discs, I’m sure I’ll see you soon, but-
TOMMY: You’re right. Listen to me, our story’s not over-
DREAM: You’re right.
TOMMY: -but it will be. You know what, Dream? It will be soon.
DREAM: I don’t think our story will ever be over, Tommy.
TOMMY: Oh, I think it will be.
DREAM: I think that you’re just too fun. I don’t think it’ll be over. But I’ll see you soon. This was a good time.
TOMMY: Where’s Ghostbur?
GHOSTBUR: Hi guys! Ehm, I- what’s going on around here?
TOMMY: Turn these off, Big Q, turn these off.
QUACKITY: Jesus Christ, you scared me.
GHOSTBUR: I just- I came to see my sewer. I was having a little walk, and I came to my sewer, and it’s just a big hole. What’s happened- is- we- hey, you guys are all walking along the big obsidian thing!
QUACKITY: We’re… oh my god.
TOMMY: Ghostbur… it’s over.
GHOSTBUR: What’s over? I just started my stream.
QUACKITY: He keeps going- break em, break em, break em, he keeps going- oh my god.
TOMMY: Ghostbur, it’s over.
GHOSTBUR: No, don’t talk like that-
GHOSTBUR: You mean L’Manberg?
TOMMY: Tubbo!
GHOSTBUR: It’s been like this before! This is-
TUBBO: It has not been like this before.
TOMMY: Wilbur, Wilbur. We lost.
GHOSTBUR: I didn’t even know we were fighting.
QUACKITY: We were. Your L’Manberg is gone.
TOMMY: Our L’Manberg.
QUACKITY: Yeah, our L’Manberg.
TOMMY: Just turn these off.
GHOSTBUR: Wait, this was Philza? Phil was looking after friend. Wait…
TUBBO: No, there’s no way that friend survived.
TOMMY: Tubbo, where are you?
TUBBO: Over here.
TOMMY: Listen to me. L’Manberg… we lost, Tubbo. But-
QUACKITY: Oh fuck.
TOMMY: But this is- but remember this. Please, Tubbo.
TOMMY: Do you wanna know why all of- we’ve gotta end it, Tubbo.
TUBBO: How do you suggest we do that?
TOMMY: We’re gonna do the last thing there is to do. We have to, now. Before we lose everything.
TOMMY hits his desk hard twice.
GHOSTBUR: Where’s friend?
TOMMY: We’ve got to.
TUBBO: What are you hitting?
TOMMY: Phil.
TUBBO: Yeah, Phil.
GHOSTBUR: I gave friend to Phil to look after, and Dream, Dream found me friend. And Technoblade, he was- we were- he said we were friends.
TOMMY: Technoblade… here’s the thing, Wilbur.
GHOSTBUR: See, people wouldn’t lie about that, would they?
TOMMY: Wilbur, the problem with Technoblade-
GHOSTBUR: Why is it- why is still-? That was my blue, that was my blue!
TOMMY: The problem with Technoblade, Wilbur, is that he was our friend all along. And here’s the thing that you gotta understand; we were never his friend. And so to him, this was all just an act of politics, it was all just an act of clout and a social ladder. But to us, and I think this has always been - and you won’t remember, Tubbo you will, Big Q, this has just been a friendship. But to Technoblade, this was a ladder, and Technoblade’s climbed to the tippity top. Do you wanna know the only way you can go? On a ladder?
GHOSTBUR: I didn’t think you were gonna say that one.
GHOSTBUR: Side to side?
TOMMY, laughing: I’m so sorry, Ghostbur.
TUBBO: You can go up.
TOMMY: No, no, once you reach the top of the ladder, Tubbo, you can only go down.
GHOSTBUR: Side to side.
TOMMY: You could go side to side, but really there would be no point.
TUBBO: The top of the ladder-
TOMMY: The ladder’s incredibly thin, social ladders are actually very thin. It’s quite renown. I’ve read books.
GHOSTBUR: You could go side to side, but then you would also fall off the ladder.
TOMMY: You would fall off the ladder, and then you’d split your neck.
GHOSTBUR: Maybe you split your neck, and you might bleed and die.
QUACKITY: That’s true. That’s what ladders do.
GHOSTBUR: It’s Fundy, and Technoblade.
TOMMY: Fundy, don’t- listen, you know what? We’re not L’Manberg anymore, but we’re still together, and I need you to listen… although-
GHOSTBUR: Where’s friend?
TUBBO: I suppose.
GHOSTBUR: Where’s friend?
QUACKITY: Just to pay our vice.
TOMMY: One last time.
QUACKITY: Alright.
GHOSTBUR: It’s like Hamilton.
TOMMY: Just like Hamilton.
TUBBO: Just like Hamilton.
QUACKITY: I don’t know what Hamilton is, but yeah, just like Hamilton. Alright, fellas.
TOMMY: Ghostbur?
QUACKITY: Sing with me.
TOMMY: You know the anthem better than anyone else.
L’Manberg Anthem
I heard there was a special place
Where men could go and emancipate
The brutality
And tyranny
Of their rulers
Well, this place is real
You needn’t fret
With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fuck Eret
A very big and not blown up L’Manburg
My L’Manburg
My L’Manburg
My L’Manburg
My L’Manburg
For freedom and for liberty
Our nation sought to build on these
A victory for all under our freedom
Well the darkness came and then it went
We built a home and watched it sink
And from the rubble
Emerged my great
My L’manburg
My L’manburg
My L’manburg
My L’manburg
With bloodied hands
And weakened knees
Our peoplе rose like
The phoеnix
Our empty fields and canals ‘round
With sweat and tears we armed our ranks
We laid foundations in our land
And from every lips for
Here up to forever
We sing L’Manburg
We sing L’Manburg
We sing L’Manburg
We sing L’Manburg
GHOSTBUR: The L’Mantree’s gone.
TOMMY: It’s all gone.
TUBBO: Yes, it is.
QUACKITY: Yes, it is. My L’Manberg-
TOMMY: Our L’Manberg.
QUACKITY: Our L’Manberg, that’s right.
GHOSTBUR: I’ve been reading- I was reading the history books, Quackity.
GHOSTBUR: And do you think if Alivebur and you hadn’t gone head to head, this wouldn’t have happened?
QUACKITY: It would have happened, Wilbur. It would have happened, one way or another; this result was inevitable. You see, when I ran for president I saw a one-party system that wasn’t democratic at all, and one way or another; all of this would have happened. What’s important to keep in mind is that all of that is behind us, and all we need to look forward to is the future. If you think about it, Tommy, now all you have in your sights is Dream
TOMMY: You’re right, Big Q, you’re right, but I think-
QUACKITY: He cannot threaten our country anymore because he’s destroyed it. Very unfortunately, but it’s gone.
TOMMY: The thing that upsets me the most is that all this time, Technoblade told me I was betraying him, and you know what; I did. But he was our friend, we spent hours with him, building, taking people hostage, and just-
GHOSTBUR: Every book is gone.
TOMMY: He betrayed us, and he-
GHOSTBUR: I need to go and talk to Phil.
TOMMY: Okay. We were never really his friend, were we?
TECHNOBLADE shoots TUBBO and kills him using [Rocket Launcher].
TOMMY: He’s a monster.
TOMMY: And he- but he-
QUACKITY: Tommy. Trust nobody. Trust nobody, Tommy, okay?
TOMMY: The thing is-
QUACKITY: Except for Tubbo. Trust nobody.
TOMMY: Yeah.
TOMMY: You’re right. He- people- the discs aren’t people. The discs were stolen from me, Big Q. They were mine, and they were stolen.
JACK MANIFOLD, messaging: you’ve made an enemy of me technoblade
JACK MANIFOLD, messaging: live in fear
TECHNOBLADE, messaging: i still have tnt
TECHNOBLADE, messaging: your house is right there
TOMMY: L’Manberg isn’t anyone’s, L’Manberg was its own; and me chasing the discs for which I put so much- I fucked up so bad, but they were mine. L’Manberg was ours, L’Manberg was people’s. It was ours. The problem with Techno is that he will never compromise. He will never ever let anyone else have what they want because unless it aligns with exactly what he wants; then we’ve betrayed him. It’s all gone, it’s all gone.
QUACKITY: Let this be a lesson, Tommy. Let it be a lesson, and just finish it off. Finish it off, Tommy.
TOMMY: We can’t let him win.
TOMMY: What do you mean?
QUACKITY: Yeah, let him win, Tommy. And we’re not gonna let him win. No matter how much it takes, how much fighting, guess what?
TOMMY: What I feared losing the most, I can still get back. You’re right.
TOMMY: What?
QUACKITY: Maybe use your discs as leverage, Tommy, but remember; you’re going after a man for what he’s done. Okay? You’re not going after a man for what he took from you, but for what he’s done. You said it yourself; it’s our L’Manberg. Use the discs as an excuse, Tommy, but-
TOMMY: He can’t pay for this.
QUACKITY: But go after Dream for means of justice, not the discs, okay?
TOMMY: You’re right. It’s just- he’s selfish, Big Q! Technoblade, he didn’t- he could have just, he didn’t have- my shit was stolen from me! He could have just let us do our government and let him not have government, he could have just- it’s just, he’s a selfish, selfish bastard.
QUACKITY: That’s true.
TOMMY: But… that’s behind us now. And, although Technoblade… might have been terrible-
GHOSTBUR: I take it back, Tommy. Tommy, I take it back.
TOMMY: Dream was the worst. What do you take back, Wilbur?
GHOSTBUR: I’m feeling- I’m burning in the rain right now, and I just… Tommy, I want you to bring me back to life.
TOMMY: What?
TOMMY is struck by lightning.
GHOSTBUR: Okay, I need to come see you.
TOMMY: Yeah?
TOMMY: I don’t know what Fundy’s deal was tonight. You know what, you’re right, Big Q. From now on, trust no one.
GHOSTBUR: I’m here. Have some blue, calm yourself, calm yourself.
TOMMY: Oh I need calm.
GHOSTBUR: Please, calm yourselves, calm yourselves.
TUBBO: Thank god Jack Manifold’s here, Jesus, what would we do without him?
JACK MANIFOLD: I just want to help out, guys.
TOMMY: What will we do without him and his silence?
QUACKITY: Does anyone have food?
GHOSTBUR: Tommy, I know- I know, I know how I said that I didn’t wanna be brought back to life because that would mean me, as Ghostbur, would stop existing. But I want you to bring me back to life.
TOMMY: Hey Wilbur
TOMMY: Really?
GHOSTBUR: And I know who can do it.
TOMMY: Well, you know what, Wilbur? Here’s what we do. Here’s what we do now, because there is- there are some last things, there is something we can do. ‘Cause we lost today. We lost L’Manberg, but we did not lose what we stand for. And although you won’t remember this-
GHOSTBUR: I lost friend.
TOMMY: Tubbo. I don’t know when, but soon - Dream said he’s gonna far away, away. This is what we do; the next few nights or however long we can over the next week or two, we prepare everything. Everything we’ve got because, Tubbo, this war - L’Manberg was forged - every war on this server, the conflicts that Dream started, was started with me and you. And you know what, Tubbo? It’s gonna end with me and you.
TUBBO: Okay.
TOMMY: And it has been for a long time,
GHOSTBUR: Can I have some blue?
TOMMY: I’ve only got six left.
GHOSTBUR: Just one, I just need one. Thank you.
TOMMY: But we’re gonna take him out. You hear me? Come with me, everyone.
TOMMY: Oh my god, shut up. Look.
GHOSTBUR: Goodbye friend.
TOMMY: Be careful, guys, there’s holes in the bridge.
GHOSTBUR: Together we as friends can take on any foe on the bridge.
QUACKITY: Yeah, I guess.
QUACKITY: Oh well, he’s-
TOMMY: Tubbo, this is the disc I listened to in exile. Where are you, Wilbur?
GHOSTBUR: I’m coming
TOMMY: Ah. Sorry.
TOMMY: Why are you coming?
GHOSTBUR: Here I come. Are you at your jukebox spot?
TOMMY: Yeah, I am.
TOMMY: Hi. Sit down.
GHOSTBUR: My skin is really hurting in this rain- oh! It’s not raining here
TOMMY: That is so weird- oh, when did that- I haven’t been here for so long.
TOMMY: Guys, is George asleep right now?
TUBBO: Yeah, yeah
QUACKITY: He fucking is! Argh! - Sorry. It brought me flashbacks, I’m sorry.
TOMMY: It doesn’t end here.
TOMMY plays the disc “chirp”.
TUBBO: I like this version.
JACK MANIFOLD: I like this one.
TOMMY: Everyone. Take your blue, Wilbur. I’ll ehm-
GHOSTBUR: I’ll leave.
TOMMY: I’ll see you ehm- we gotta fucking prepare.
TOMMY: I’ll see you all soon, okay? Tubbo?
TUBBO: Okay.
TOMMY: Big Q. Yeah?
QUACKITY: Remember just one thing.
GHOSTBUR: Tommy! Do you remember the first time- oh, sorry, Quackity.
QUACKITY: Yeah. Tommy, you’re going after Dream and Dream has a lot of people on his side, so trust nobody, okay? That’s all I’m gonna tell you.
TOMMY: Yeah. What was that, Wilbur?
GHOSTBUR: Do you remember the first thing that I ever said to you, Tommy?
TOMMY: What?
GHOSTBUR: I came up to you, you were right here, and I came up to you and went “Hello, I’m Ghostbur!”.
TOMMY: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
GHOSTBUR: Hey! Goodbye, I’m Ghostbur!
TOMMY: Goodbye, Ghostbur.
GHOSTBUR: Bye, bye!
TOMMY: Goodbye everyone.
TOMMY: But listen to me, we’re going to get back the discs. And then I’m gonna fucking kill Dream.
146 notes · View notes
floraltypes · 3 years
Owe Me a Coffee
who - gibbs x reader 
tw - mentions of sex, fires, blood, beatings, death
an - I took french for two years, but I’m not fluent and had to use a translating app so I hope it isn’t too bad ! Request something as well, I finally got them working :)
uneditied :/
Tumblr media
“Damn you DiNozzo,” You cursed, staring at the man and moving your hand to smack him up besides the head.
You couldn’t help but think back to this morning, getting stuck with the annoying, cocky, flirty, obnoxious, co-worker. Doing a undercover mission with him definitely wasn’t your first choice, you’d rather do paperwork at this point.
“Huh?” You looked at Gibbs like he had just said a alien had landed down at the NCIS building asking for you. “You want me with Tony?”
“Yeah, did I say it in some other language? You and DiNozzo are going undercover, found a marine’s wife dead, along with her killers. Abby was able to access their computers and found out they were doing hit man work, and the director wants us to locate their boss. But since the two are dead now, we need some people to go undercover, you two,” He reminded you, reading the case the five of you were all taking on now.
“Oh, ho, ho!” Tony laughed, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards him. “Looks like little Y/n finally gets a chance with the Tony master.”
“Tony master? Is that another cocky Tony name to make him feel better about himself?” Ziva wondered.
“It’s what my last babe called me, the master, so why not add Tony in front of it?” He smiled, getting smacked in the back of the head by Gibbs.
“You’ll be undercover, not as yourselves. So, refrain from the names DiNozzo.”
“Got it boss!” He exclaimed, shooting you a wink before you turned back to your computer.
“L/n, Elevator, now.” Gibbs commanded, and you quickly stood up to follow after him.
“Do you ever wonder who Gibbs is getting it with?” David asked, standing beside DiNozzo and McGee as they watched you and Gibbs enter the elevator.
“It’s ‘getting it on with’ and yes, I think we all do.” Tony corrected her. “But I doubt he is, because if he was, he might be happier.”
“Well, just because you go to school, it doesn’t make you smart. A perfect example is you, Tony,” David turned towards the man with a smile and pinched his cheek, Tony slapping the hand away.
“I actually get some, doubt Probie has ever had any.”
“Well, I actually-“
“If you have to say ‘actually’ while talking about sex it’s probably a lie. So, probie, just dream out your fantasies without getting them mixed up with real life,” DiNozzo smirked, smacking his back while moving to his own computer.
You were on the elevator, looking at your boss who clicked the ‘Emergency Stop’ button, causing the transportation to pause its route.
“Yeah, Gibbs?” You leaned onto the back of the elevator, a small smile playing out on your lips as you smiled at the man.
“I’m putting you on because I need someone convincing. So, put on your acting skills and make it work,” He mentioned, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, yeah. I took drama for two years in high school just for this moment,” You joked. “You’re going to owe me a nice, creamed, coffee because of this.”
“And if I don’t? Right now, I’m your boss, I can’t be your boyfriend.”
“Good to know, boss.” You moved in front of him and unlocked the button. “I’ll keep that in mind for my acting, I just hope you don’t mind, boss,” The doors soon opened and you exited, walking into Abby’s area.
“Ah Gibbs! L/n! What do I owe this pleasure?” Abby greeted, taking a large sip of her drink.
“Are you running the prints on the gun found by the female hit man?” Gibbs asked as you took a seat on one of Abby’s chairs.
“Of course!” Abby hopped up and moved over to her machine, pointing to it, showcasing that it was running. “Working on it right now. But, I don’t think you’ll find much luck with it considering it was the same gun used to kill the commanders wife.”
“Well, we don’t know that for sure, so work on that. L/n,”
“But I want to chat with my dear friend before moving on,” You whined, while he shot you a stern look in return. “I’m going,” You quickly stood up, following the man out.
“I want you to go upstairs and get ready with DiNozzo,” He demanded and you just nodded.
“Right. On my way!” You yelled, running to the elevator. “I’m thrilled for this, but even more thrilled to finish this mission and go on a date,”
“Have fun with that.”
“I will! Hopefully Palmer will as well,” The elevator doors shut and Gibbs continued to make his way down to the Autopsy room to speak with Ducky. Now, not to thrilled at the mans assistant.
You arrived back upstairs, looking at the agent who had his feet on his desk and talking on the phone.
“Who is he chatting with? Gibbs wants us ready,” You commented, moving by Ziva and McGee who were watching him.
“Some girl, someone named Louis,” McGee answered.
“That sounds like a older woman’s name,” Ziva added.
“Yeah. Hey, McGee,” The man looked up from where he was watching DiNozzo and turned to face you. “Remember when you gave me food poisoning, and felt so bad you promised you give me a favor. Well, I want to turn that in now,” You smiled at him, writing down a note on a piece of paper and handing it to him.
“What are you up to?” Ziva asked as McGee left the two of you, heading to his own computer.
“Having some fun with a certain co worker who is going to ruin my night,” You got up from Ziva and moved over to DiNozzo. “Who are you chatting with?”
“A babe,” He mouthed, smiling as you could hear the little rambles on the phone.
“Gibbs wants you ready to go in twenty. And I know it takes you thirty to just do your hair, so, maybe you should cut the phone call.”
He put his hand to cover the speaker on the phone, taking his legs off the desk, and leaving in closer to you. “And you need forty to suck in that gut,”
You laughed, reaching over to grab the phone and putting it to you ear. “Tony! I got you your superhero costume, sweetie! We can now go and dress up together, but not in those tighty whities,” You voiced into the phone, slamming it down and looking at his stunned face. “Never comment on a woman’s weight, now, get ready for tonight because I’m not easy to please.”
The man mocked you for a moment and then left his desk, you turning to look back at Ziva.
“Impressive,” She complimented, walking by you and patting your shoulder.
“Thanks, I’m just starting,” You smiled at the girl, grabbing your gun and sticking your knife into the pocket inside your custom made boots.
You soon got yourself ready in a nice short, red dress that fit your body well enough that you were comfortable, and able to hide a knife around your thigh area.
“Ready yet Y/n?” DiNozzo knocked on the door, fixing his tie and suit.
“Wow Tony, you do know how to clean up,” Ziva commented, coming up behind him, in front of the restroom door, with McGee.
“Thank you, Ziva,”
“Well, besides the tag sticking out in the back. Are you really that cheap? I thought you took, uh, pride in your choice of clothing,”
“I don’t see the point on wearing something very expensive to a undercover date,” He told her back.
“You also missed a spot when shaving,” McGee pointed out, pointing to the far right side of Tony’s face.
“Shut it Probie. At least I didn’t need mommy to help me shave in highschool,”
“Abby told you about that?”
“Well, now she did,”
You opened the door and flattened your dress, then fixing a ring on your pointer finger and smiled at the three other special agents.
“Tony, didn’t you need your mom to help you do your laundry in highschool? Not one to speak,”
“You look well. Didn’t know you were even able to-” You whipped out your knife from underneath your dress and pointed it at the man. “You look stunning, great, nice.”
“Looks like you’re on a thin glacier, Tony,” Ziva laughed.
“I think it’s thin ice,” McGee corrected.
“Same thing!” Ziva threw her hands in the air. “Y/n, I didn’t know you had those moves,”
“Yeah, not a lot of people do. I like to hold some secrets with the team, and my past career is one of them,” You smiled.
“Let’s go,” Tony gripped your hand and intertwined it with his. “My love,” He gritted through his teeth.
“Not too convincing DiNozzo,” Gibbs walked over, smacking the back of his head. “You don’t treat a lady like that. Grip the hand like this,” He smoothly let his hand move its way to yours and he gently connected it with yours. “Even McGee knows this,” He smiled at you and let your hand go.
“I-I know how to do it, boss. Just- nevermind,” He grumbled, loosening his grip.
“I’m starving, care to escort me to the car, Armon?” You got yourself ready to take on your character, smiling at the man besides you with one as if you were really happy with the situation you were in.
“Anything for you, Belle,” The two of you made your way out of the building. Your fellow co-workers watched as the two of you walked away, yet, you were both still messing with each other and hitting while walking out.
“My last wife tend to do that,” Gibbs commented, soon making his way after you two to get into his own undercover van.
“Is that a normal thing for American couples?” Ziva asked McGee.
“Well, I’m not sure. But I have seen plenty of married couples do that, so they’ll fit right in,” He answered, the two then leaving as well.
Once arriving to the hotel, you waited for DiNozzo to open your door and grab your hand to lead you out of the car and into the new building. While clutching your purse and waiting behind a few other guests who were trying to get in, you turned to fix Tony’s glasses and clicked the ‘on’ button.
“Looking swell, honey,” You smiled at him as he placed a arm over your shoulder.
“Thank you. I’m thrilled we were able to get these reservations, dinner should be delicious tonight. You’ll be getting the salad, like normal, correct?” He looked down at you and you stepped on his foot as the line moved forward.
“Oh my! I’m so sorry! I always have the most trouble in heels like these, oh the line, hurry up now!” You voiced, walking into the hotel and following everyone else into the dining area.
“We should look for our names now,” He told you, sneaking up from behind as the two of you searched the tables for little cards with your last names on it. “Bingo! Right next to the Lezarres,”
“Oh and the Garndels are here as well. I’ve heard some things about them,” You added, letting Tony pull out a chair as you took a seat.
The both of you introduced yourself to the other couples and went through the night engaging in some small talk about politics and the food. You and DiNozzo had done a swell job at it and you retreated to the rest room at the end of dinner to hear any new news.
“So, what’s the update?” You asked into the little microphone hidden in your bracelet.
“There’s a hotel room in your name, bought out by your boss and, uh, boss wants you two to stay in there,” McGee told you into the ear piece which was located in your right ear.
“Great, more time with that stupid bastard. He couldn’t shut up about himself at dinner, like always, I’m really contemplating divorce,” You muttered, fixing your lipstick as another woman walked out, moving to wash her hands.
“I know just how you feel, best of luck,” She mentioned before walking out.
“Thanks,” You spoke back to her before turning your attention back to the mirror. “Do we think this boss of mine is going to go after the commander of that wife?”
“Yeah, Gibbs want you to stop him before he does. We have no clue who the boss is but he will be visiting the both of you tonight,”
“Got it,”
“Y/n!” Gibbs spoke now into the earpiece on the other end.
“If he got the hotel room, expect it to be bugged. So, you better act,”
“No worries. I’ve had to act in the bedroom before, and past boyfriends sure believed it,” You walked out of the bathroom and stood next to Tony. “Hun, my feet are killing me. I think it’s time we head to the hotel room and rest,” Tony nodded and stood up from his seat. The both of you said a goodbye to the couple and got your key from the front desk, soon getting into the elevator.
“So, a hotel room? Really want to sleep with me tonight, huh?” Tony laughed to himself as you positioned yourself in front of him and kissed his cheek, soon moving your lips closer to his ear.
“Room could be bugged, even the elevator, time to act,” You whispered, pulling back and placing a small kiss on his lips.
“Oh dear, if you really want me no need to ask,” He moved a arm around your waist, pulling you into his side a bit.
“The bags should already be in the room,” You smirked at him, and were soon at your level, the both of you getting off the elevator.
Once getting into your room you took off your heels and placed your bracelet on the table.
“I’m going to take a shower, care to join?” You commented, moving to the bathroom and starting the shower.
“It would be my pleasure,” He walked into the bathroom and started to unzip his pants.
“Babe, be patient,” You slapped his shoulder. “Turn around now, you know how self conscious I am,”
“That’s why I warned you not to eat that cake at dinner, my piece too,” He grumbled, turning around and lifting up his shirt as you took off your clothes and stepped into the shower.
“It was just so good! Being the loving, husband you are, I knew you wouldn’t mind,”
“Yeah, anything for you,” He stepped into the shower while your arms were trying to cover your breasts and vaginal area.
“Don’t look, just act,” You quietly scolded. “And try to cover your, uh,” You subtly moved a finger to point in the downwards direction and he quickly moved his hands there.
“Need another hand to help cover yours?” He joked, moving a little closer.
“I’ll kill you,” You mumbled. “Oh! Armon!” You moaned, Tony sending a sly smile and grunting. “You look like you’re enjoying this,”
“Might want to cover up that breast a little better,” He removed one hand to point at your left one.
“Damn it,” You did just that and reached for a towel which was on the toilet lid. “Ah, soap in the eye,” You voiced louder, just in case the man was listening and skeptical about it. You turned around from Tony and wrapped it around your chest area, then moving both hands to block your other.
“You really think they’re listening to us in here?”
“A good boss would. Especially if he is in this type of business.”
“I hate to know about some of your previous bosses,”
“Oh! Right there! Right there!” You yelled. “Yeah, you would. Most of them are dead though, so you won’t have to worry about that,”
“Old age, huh? What’s with old men being bosses anyways?”
“One was, but that’s not how he died. Man was a perve, had it coming,” You shrugged.
“You killed him?!”
“No, no. Not for that reason,” Tony’s mouth dropped. “Ah!” You yelled loudly, then making your breaths sound loud. “Gosh you are one messy man, good thing we did this in the water,” You smirked at DiNozzo who just mocked you.
“And you still are the easiest to ge-”
“I’m getting out now, you should too,” You removed the towel and let it drop to the floor of the shower, covering your breasts and looking for a robe, soon wrapping it around you.
While leaving the bathroom to grab your shirt and pants you heard the phone in the room start to ring and quickly rushed to it.
“Hello, Belle,” The man on the other line spoke into the phone. You could just imagine what he looked like, some rich guy with a cigar in his hand wanting some job done.
“Bonjour Monsieur,” You spoke, grateful that your mother had taught you french when you were young. “C’est qui je pense?”
(Hello, sir. Is this who I think it is?)
“Oui. Retrouvez-moi dans le salon. À neuf heures,”
(Yes. Meet me down in the lounge area. At nine o’clock.)
“D’accord. Au revoir,”
(Okay. Goodbye)
You placed the phone down, and grabbed your clothes, quickly changing into them as Tony emerged from the bathroom with his wet hair clinging to his forehead and a new, comfortable outfit on.
“Who was that, dear?” He asked, sneaking over by you.
“Un ami,” You smiled at him, tapping his nose.
“Uh, yeah,” He nodded, clearly not understanding and you just tried to stifle a laugh. “You know, grandpa, uh, Gibbs, he wants us to figure out when we should have dinner with him,”
“Ah. How about we go over for a breakfast at nine. He just got his living room refinished not too long ago, correct?”
“Sounds good. And never call me a grandpa again, DiNozzo,” Gibbs spoke into both of your earpieces.
“It’s almost nine already. I should go and ask for a extra pillow, sweetie. Get the bed ready for us, can you?” You grabbed your hotel key and put on your special boots. “No need to dress so fancy for getting something so simple,”
“DiNozzo, go with her,” Gibbs commanded. “David and McGee are heading to the lounge area now,”
“You sure you don’t want me to come with?” DiNozzo asked you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s a silly little pillow, nothing too much,” You kissed his cheek and quickly left the room. While walking down the hallway to the elevator, you took a quick look around to make sure you weren’t being followed.
Once waiting for the elevator, you fixed your boots a bit and entered when the doors opened. There was no one inside, so you pressed the ‘1st level’ button. When getting near the ‘2nd level’ the elevator stopped, indicating someone was going to get on.
It was a staff member in their normal uniform. He smiled at you with blankets in his hand and entered.
“Puis-je vous aider avec quoi que ce soit, mademoiselle?” He questioned, pulling out a gun from his side and opened the elevator door once again for two new men to appear.
(Can I help you with anything, miss?)
“Oui. En me alissa the vivre,” You told him, one of the man entering the elevator and pulling you out, the man in the staff uniform having his gun pointed at you.
(Yes. By letting me live.)
“Tsk. Ne peut faire. Vous souvenez-vous de moi?”
(No can do. Do you remember me?)
“Vous n’avez pas l’air familier,” You spoke, getting dragged down the hallway as someone reached into your ear and broke the earpiece.
(You don’t look familiar.)
“Enough of this french,” The man who was dragging you sneered. “I want to hear this bitch speak,”
“Fine,” The one in the staff uniform sighed. “I don’t think you’re the person we’re looking for. It’s a shame you think we were that stupid to not know what our employees look like,”
“You’re just so intelligent,” You commented, getting kicked in the back of the leg.
“I was speaking. You really played it off, the whole sex thing. But it’s a shame you won’t have anymore time with him, he won’t get his little pillow. At least I won’t have to worry about the real couple anymore, they knew too much and I couldn’t let that get out. All I have to do is deal with you,”
“That will be harder than you think,” You told him, the grip on your arm tightening.
“I’m always a fan of having some fun,”
“They’re going to find the bullet your men used to kill the couple. You knew we were here since the beginning,”
“Correct,” One of the men opened the door and you were led in. “With you posing as the couple, you were able to gain a connection with the couples you were seated with. That way, we could then swoop in and learn more about them, giving us the opportunity to hack into their phone and get the passwords needed,”
“You’re stupid to tell me this. I could’ve figured it out on my own, my team probably already has,” One man then put you in a chair and started to tie you up, the one in the staff uniform kicking you in the gut so you fell backwards.
“Lift her up again. I want to have my fun before she must go, I hope you don’t mind the heat,” The second man lifted your chair up and a few more punches were landed on your body.
“Tu es une racaille,” You mumbled, trying to move your arm in the tight ropes.
(You’re scum.)
“Let’s go,” The head man told the other two. One of them grabbed a gas can nearby and started to pour it on the bedsheets. The head man grabbed a match from his pocket and lit it, throwing it on the bed for the flames to begin. “Au revoir,”
They left the room and you struggled to try and move one arm.
Meanwhile DiNozzo was in the elevator with his gun in pocket, going down to the lounge area.
“Y/n can’t hear us anymore,” DiNozzo voiced into his microphone. “Did she make it to the lounge?”
“No. Damn it DiNozzo, I told you to stay with her,” Gibbs spoke, looking at DiNozzo once the elevator door opened. “David, Mcgee, take the back entrance me and DiNozzo will take the front and head up,” He demanded.
Everyone split up. Ziva and McGee ran to the back to catch two men rushing out. They quickly aimed their guns at them and announced their presence, only to receive some shots at them.
Ziva was able to shoot down on of the men and the other surrendered, McGee cuffing the one and letting a police who arrived take care of them.
“We didn’t call for backup,” McGee muttered to Ziva.
“Yeah, uh, someone called into 911 about a fire,” The police pointed to a window on the hotel building. “People should be evacuating the building now, firefighters are on their way,”
McGee’s mouth dropped as he stared at Ziva.
“How odd it happened tonight,” Ziva mumbled.
“It’s obviously intentional!” McGee exclaimed.
“I know that. I hope those guys don’t die,”
DiNozzo and Gibbs started to rush up the stairs, they could feel a bit of the heat from the room and were able to catch the man in the staff uniform in the stairway.
“Sir, are you alright?” DiNozzo stopped, grabbing onto his shoulders softly. “NCIS,”
“I’m fine, just startled, I need to get out of here,” He waved his hands and tried to slip away from DiNozzo’s grip.
“DiNozzo, that’s him,” Gibbs quickly told the agent who soon put the mans hands behind his back. “Where’s our agent?”
“She won’t make it, a fire like that, no one would,” He smiled and DiNozzo led him down the stairs.
Gibbs continued to rush up them, into the hallway that was catching more and more on fire.
“L/n! L/n!” He yelled, looking around to try and find your figure.
He saw you emerge into the hallway, bloodied and bruised, some of your shirt on fire, and a knife in your hand. He rushed to your side, letting you lean on him.
“Y/n, can you hear me?” He asked and you shook your head a little, letting him fully help you down the stairs and out of the building.
He guided you to the ambulance who tended to most of your wounds, but you refused to be transferred to a hospital.
“You need to go,” McGee tried to convince you, standing by your side.
“It would probably be for the best,” David chimed in.
“Hopefully, they can fix your hair too,” Tony laughed, looking you up and down.
“Damn you, DiNozzo,” You stood and smacked the back of his head, while he just laughed.
“Go home you three, I’ll make sure Y/n gets home alright,” Gibbs came over, waving the three agents off who spared a small goodbye or hand wave. “You ready to go, idiot.”
“I almost died, and you’re calling me a idiot,” You chuckled a little. “Help me to your car?” You asked and he let you lean on him once again.
Once the both of you were in the car it was a very quiet ride. You didn’t talk to each other, just letting silence from the long day overtake each other. He truly was nervous for your safety, thought the two of you hadn’t been dating long he felt a lot of compassion regarding you and wanted to continue your relationship smoothly. 
“I really was worried. I told you not to go alone, you should’ve let DiNozzo go with you,” He finally spoke, once you were both in his driveway, sitting in the car, in the dark.
“I’m alive. Just got kicked around a bit, I’m super grateful I always carry that knife in my boot,” You softly told him. “Don’t worry about me too much, I may be younger than you, but I have experience.”
“I know that, just don’t be so stupid last time and take the help.”
“Fine,” Gibbs got out of his seat and moved around to your door, grabbing your hand and helping you out of the car. He smiled at the factor of how easily you trusted him to care for you. “I didn’t doubt you would get me for a minute.”
“Good, you should know that.”
“Only because you still owe me a date, and I did say I would let you pick this one out,” You looked up at him with a goofy grin. It amazed him that even with being beaten up a bit, and almost dying in a fire, you could make jokes with him. 
“I say we have the little date here,” He leaned down a bit to place a gentle kiss upon your lips, smirking into it a little bit, and then moving the way you were leaning on him so he would be able to pick you up. 
“Someone’s excited.”
“Let’s watch a nice movie on the couch. I bought some creamer, so, I can make that creamed coffee you wanted because now I’m your boyfriend but still pissed you made a stupid and life threatening decision in there,”
“Good enough. Palmer will have to wait. Poor kid,” You commented as Gibbs lead you to the couch and helped you rest on it, soon moving to his kitchen to start brewing a pot of coffee. 
“That idiot will be fine.”
“Yeah, luckily for him, though I won’t be able to atend, I do have a friend that will,” You smiled to yourself, imagining how that would be going right now. 
While you lied on the couch with your boyfriend who was, secretly, doting on you, giving you his undivided attention. DiNozzo was at a bar, chatting with someone while looking around for them. 
“She said she would be at this booth,” DiNozzo whispered to himself, wallking to the booth in the corner for where they shall meet. “God, she looked so good in her profile picture, I’m so- Palmer?!”
“Tony?” He looked up from his seat. “You’re Y/n’s friend? I guess I didn’t specify the gender, and she didn’t say a specific name.”
“Y/n? She’s not that good at compute- Damn, probie.” 
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babygirl-diaz · 3 years
Samtember 23: Happy Birthday
2193 Words | Rated G | For @samwilsonfest
Sam felt like he was missing something when he woke up this morning. But he shrugged it off, thinking that if it was important, it would come to him eventually. So he went on his usual run, came back home to shower, make himself coffee before heading out to the base to train Joaquin. All the while, he kept getting the sense that he was forgetting something important.
As he flew up in the air with Joaquin behind him, he heard the younger man's voice in his ear...
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Sam. Happy birthday to you," he sang. "Sam, get to the ground, I want to show you something."
"Show me what?" Sam asked.
"Can't tell you, man. It's a surprise."
Sam rolled his eyes behind his goggles and dove towards the ground. When he got to his feet, he looked around and found a couple of guys from the air force standing around, looking up at the sky. Curious, Sam looked up too, and his eyes widened. Joaquin had written "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM," in the sky.
"Happy birthday, Sam."
"Happy birthday, Cap."
The air force guys wished him.
When Joaquin got back to the ground, he gave Sam a broad smile and pulled him into a hug, much to Sam's surprise. "Happy birthday, Cap!"
"Thanks, man," Sam awkwardly pat him on the back.
"Wanna get lunch? My treat," said Joaquin.
Sam contemplated the offer. He didn't have to do anything for the rest of the day and he was far from home, so it would be nice not to spend his birthday alone.
They ended up at a bar, although it was only 1 PM. After a cheeseburger, a couple of beers, and a great conversation with Joaquin, Sam was a happy camper. Once they finished lunch, Joaquin headed to the bathroom, giving Sam time to finally look at his phone.
"Shit," he hissed when he realized he had 20 missed calls from Sarah as well as 5 messages asking him to call her back.
Figuring that Sarah must want to wish him on his birthday, he called her back.
"Sam! Where have you been? I've been trying to reach you all morning!"
"Hello to you too, sis," Sam chuckled. "Sorry, I was a little busy--"
"Sam, I need you to come home."
Sam sat up straight, the buzz of the beer immediately wearing off when he heard the worry in his sister's voice. "What's wrong?"
"Can't tell you that over the phone. Could you please just come back today?"
"I- I can't drive. I've been drinking."
"It's only 2 PM there! Can't you catch a flight? I'll pick you up from New Orleans."
"Okay," Sam replied. "Yeah, okay, I'll be there. Whatever this is, can't it wait till tomorrow?"
"No, it's really urgent, Sam. I'm kinda in a whole lotta trouble."
"Shit, Sarah. What did you do?" Sam rubbed his forehead.
"Just get here!" Sarah said before hanging up.
"Everything okay?"
Sam looked up to find Joaquin giving him a concerned look.
"It's my sister. She's in some kinda trouble. She needs me home right away."
"Damn," said Joaquin. "What you gonna do now?"
"Head home." Sam sighed as he looked up flights on Google.
"You driving?" Joaquin asked.
"Been drinking, Joaquin. Can't drive," Sam replied, although he felt much sober now.
"I could drive you! A road trip will be nice!"
"You've been drinking too, buddy," Sam reminded him. Joaquin looked visibly disappointed, but he nodded. Sam booked the flight and got up from his seat. "Thanks for lunch, man. This was great. Let's catch up when I get back."
With that, he gave Joaquin a quick hug before heading back to his apartment to pack.
On the plane, Sam tried to relax but he couldn’t.
“You alright there?” Sam’s neighbor asked.
Sam tried not to groan. So the person beside him was a talker. “Yeah, I’m good,” Sam replied and finally looked over at the person. He had to do a double-take because the guy looked so much like Steve. But that wasn’t all. Sam had actually seen him somewhere before.
“Wait… Don’t I know you?” Both the guy and Sam asked at the same time. The guy laughed and shook his head.
“I’m Toby,” he introduced himself.
“You’re the guy that plays Steve Rogers on the Broadway show…” Sam trailed off. Sam felt a pang in his heart as he continued to watch the guy.
“Yeah and you’re the real Captain America,” the guy -Toby- said, giving him a smile. “Sorry, this must be really weird,” he continued.
“You have no idea.” Sam laughed humorlessly and shook his head.
“Can I ask you something?” Toby asked.
“No, he was a terrible singer,” Sam replied.
Toby looked confused for a second before he burst out laughing. “You a mind reader too, huh? Is that your superpower?”
“I wish,” Sam scoffed. “No, but really, what was your question?”
“Is he on the moon?” A smirk spread across Toby’s lips.
“Yeah, he’s totally on the moon. Just chilling up there. I actually fly up there every uh-- Monday and Thursday and we hang out.” Sam rolled his eyes.
That made Toby laugh even more. “Man, you’re hilarious,” as his laughter died down, a serious look spread across his face, “Can I make this even weirder?” He asked.
Sam raised an eyebrow at him but didn’t reply.
“Happy birthday,” said Toby.
“How did you--”
“I follow you. Quite extensively,” Toby replied, visibly cringing. “I am kind of a huge fanboy.”
Sam blinked at him and tried to find the right words. He was flattered… but also weirded out.
“And now you look like you’re looking for an escape route.” Toby awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “And that wasn’t even the weird part.”
“There’s more?” Sam asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I was going to ask if you would like to go out with me sometime?”
“Oh…” Sam mumbled. “Look, I’m flattered but…”
“But it’s weird. Dating your potentially dead best friend’s look alike?”
“Yeah, something like that,” Sam laughed awkwardly. “I wish the circumstances were different cause you’re a very good-looking guy. Besides, I live in D.C. and you live in New York… it wouldn’t work.” Speaking of New York, Sam looked down at his phone and realized he had no calls or messages from Bucky. He felt another pang in his heart. Did Bucky forget it was Sam’s birthday? Sam could forgive Sarah for forgetting since she was stressed out, but Bucky had no excuse.
“Hello?” Toby brought Sam out of his thoughts and Sam looked over at him to find the guy giving him a curious look. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. And sorry again.”
“Oh, don’t sweat it. Can I have your phone?” Toby asked.
Sam looked at him suspiciously, but then he unlocked his phone and gave it to the actor.
“That’s my number. If you ever wanna watch the show, just hit me up and I’ll leave you the tickets. Or if you ever just wanna hang out, lemme know.” The guy gave him a charming smile that resembled Steve’s before handing over his phone.
They landed soon and Toby wished Sam a happy birthday once again before they parted ways.
Sam’s phone rang as he made his way to the exit and he quickly took it out, only to find it was Sharon. He tried not to sound disappointed as he answered the phone, “Hey Sharon.”
“Happy birthday, Sam,” she said, making Sam smile.
“Thanks,” Sam replied.
“Where are you? I was hoping to take you out to dinner tonight. Figured you wouldn’t want to be on your own on your birthday.”
“I’m in Louisiana,” Sam replied. “Just landed here.”
“Oh wow. That wasn’t in your plan until yesterday.”
“Plans changed,” Sam replied, shrugging, although she couldn’t see him.
“Well, I owe you dinner then,” said Sharon. “Catch up with me when you get back?”
“Will do.”
They said their goodbyes and hung up by the time Sam got to the exit. Sam then called up Sarah. “Where are you?” He asked.
“I’m almost there,” Sarah replied.
Sarah was there 5 minutes later and when Sam opened the passenger door to get in, he heard part of the conversation she was having on the phone. “I’m on my way,” she said to someone. “I swear Bu-- Bonnie, if you mess this up--”
Sam frowned at that. He was so sure Sarah was about to say Bucky.
“What, you too old to give your sister a hug now?” Sarah asked after she hung up.
Sam rolled his eyes at her dramatics and reached over to hug her. “How you doing?” He asked.
“I could be better,” Sarah replied.
Sam pulled apart and gave her a sympathetic look. “You wanna tell me what’s going on now?” He asked as she pulled out of the loading zone.
“When we get home,” Sarah replied. “Can we talk about something else for now?”
“Okay,” Sam sighed and let it go. For now.
They talked about Sam’s Cap job. Sarah seemed proud of him. She even said so multiple times, which made Sam smile throughout their ride to Delacroix.
“So who’s Bonnie and why were you threatening her?” Sam asked as they pulled up in the driveway.
“Oh, she’s just one of the moms in PTA. We have a fundraiser coming up but it’s hard to leave her in charge of things.” Sarah replied as she typed away on her phone.
“Then why do you?” Sam asked as he got out of the car and grabbed his backpack.
“I ask myself the same question,” Sarah mumbled under her breath, but Sam still heard it.
The house was eerily quiet when Sam and Sarah got inside. “Where are the boys?” Sam asked. But then he heard noises in the backyard and immediately became alert. “Is there someone back there?” Sam asked.
“Why don’t you go check it out?” Sarah suggested.
Her nonchalance took Sam aback but he said nothing as he made his way towards the backdoor.
“Shit!” Sam almost fell back when a group of about 30 people greeted him in the backyard. “What is happening?” Sam asked, dumbfounded.
“Your birthday, that’s what, Uncle Sam!” AJ laughed as he and Cass came over and hugged him. “Happy birthday, Uncle Sam,” both kids wished him at the same time.
Sam felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Sarah smiling broadly at him. “Happy birthday, Sam,” she wished him but couldn’t give him a hug as she was holding his birthday cake. So Sam gave her a side hug instead.
“Is Bucky here too?” He asked when he noticed the Oreo cake Sarah was holding.
“Yeah, he’s in the back there, trying but failing to grill,” she laughed. “Go get him while I get the cake set up.”
Sam nodded and made his way through the crowd, greeting and talking to pretty much everyone.
“So this is why I didn’t get any calls or messages from you,” Sam said when he finally got to Bucky.
Bucky turned around and smirked at him. “Had I known you were waiting for my call, Wilson--”
“I wasn’t!” Sam answered a little quicker than necessary.
“Right…” Bucky trailed off. “Well, get over here so I can wish you!”
“Alright, bossy,” Sam shook his head before walking over to Bucky and giving him a tight hug.
“Happy birthday, Sam,” Bucky said, hugging him back.
They pulled apart but stayed close together, Sam’s eyes briefly trailing down to Bucky’s lips.
“You gonna kiss me?” Bucky asked.
Sam immediately looked up at him. “What? No!”
“I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did,” Bucky replied.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” Sam laughed and moved away from him. “So you and Sarah plan this?”
“The boys came up with the idea. Sarah called me up last week and asked if I was in. Of course, I was.”
“You came all the way from New York, just to prepare for my surprise birthday party?” Sam asked, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Don’t look too happy. I did it for Sarah and the boys.”
“Right…” Sam trailed off, rolling his eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Nothing does. You’re kinda in my thoughts all the time.”
Sam opened and closed his mouth a few times but no words came out.
“I’m as the kids say ‘a simp for you’” Bucky snickered at his own terrible joke.
Sam put his hand behind Bucky’s head and pulled him in to kiss him. Bucky seemed surprised at first but then he kissed him back.
When they pulled apart, Sam smiled at Bucky. “Now come on. Time for my terrible Oreo cake.”
“Hey! It’s the best cake out there!” Bucky protested. “And this time I made it myself.” He added, much to Sam’s surprise.
“I didn’t have a death wish on my birthday,” Sam joked.
“Haha hilarious,” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes.
“I’m a grade-A comedian!” Sam winked at him.
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twotapbuz · 3 years
This fic was inspired by this post by @swampythesweetsketch. I’ll post the fics for the rest of 1010 as soon as I finish them.
You were hired to be a personal bodyguard for Eloni
Along with the standard supplies(1010-themed uniform, flashlight, pepper spray, body camera), you were given a watch that would alert you to Eloni’s location whenever he was in trouble
This along with the job wouldn’t be out of the ordinary if it weren’t for the fact that neither of the other members of 1010 had personal bodyguards
You would soon learn why after your fourth concert
You had been approached by two lost fans that were looking for the meet & greet table when your watch suddenly began to beep rapidly. “Eloni must be in trouble,” you thought as you excused yourself from the duo and quickly hurried to the idol’s location. Eloni had somehow gotten to an alley near the venue. You weren’t really sure what to expect. Had a fan tried to kidnap him? You had heard stories from other security staff about crazy fangirls trying to take them or at least pieces of them. You reached the alley and found Eloni being hoisted by a group.
“Freeze!” you said while holding up your pepper spray. This diverted the group and they looked at you. “Drop the robot, now.”
“And if we don’t?” mockingly replied one of the “fans”.
“I’ll send this video to Neon J and have you banned from any future 1010 events.” you tapped your body camera. The threat of not seeing “the loves of their lives” caused the group to practically drop Eloni and they all scattered.
“Thank you.” Eloni got up. “You’re the first guard to catch them before they threw me into the trash”
“No problem, just stay away from alleyways.” you began to write an email, informing Neon J that Eloni had been safely retrieved. “ We wouldn’t want to-wait... the trash?” you stopped and looked up at him.
“Yeah, they usually throw me into the trash. One time I got thrown into a nearby pond.” Eloni admitted, embarrassed.
“And how often does this happen?”
“Around every other concert.” Eloni began to lean on the alley wall
“Yeesh, no wonder Eloni needs a personal guard,” you thought. “Wow. I knew the fans were a bit crazy, but I didn’t think they would go this far.” you tried to pick out your words carefully, trying and failing to not upset the robot.
“I just don’t understand why they hate me so much?” Tears began to fall down Eloni’s face. you froze, unsure what to do, before moving to comfort him.
“Hey, I’m um really sorry about what’s happening to you… if you want, I could maybe give you some advice?”
“Yeah” you looked at your watch. “We should head back to the venue, Neon J is worried about you.” Eloni wiped the tears off his face and began to walk beside you
“I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s not a problem.”
You unofficially become Eloni’s PR Manager:
After that moment, you would help Eloni with his image before every event(it was the only time you would see each other as you had no reason to be near Barraca Mansion, and giving Eloni your phone number would be unprofessional).
“You’re supposed to be the funny guy of the group, right?” Eloni nodded. “Well, give me a joke. Let’s see what you got.”
“Ok. What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? Dam.” Eloni shot finger guns at you. You stared at him. “Why do fish live in saltwater? Pepperwater makes them sneeze!” Eloni said, less confident.
“...I see. In the nicest way I can say this, you need new material, Eloni.”
“What? But I spent hours researching jokes on the internet!”
“That’s the problem. Everybody has heard of these jokes. If you want to be funny, you gotta be original. Here.” you handed Eloni a piece of paper. “There’s this restaurant in Dream Cast called The Mind Palace that hosts comedy hours every Saturday at 7 pm. I was going to go, but something came up, so you can have my ticket.”
“Really? Thanks!” Eloni smiled
“So, how was the show?” It was the Monday after the show and you were curious to hear Eloni’s new material.
“It was great! They’re definitely gonna love my new material!” Eloni pulled out his phone and began to show you a video. It was 1010 doing a tour around Vinyl City. Eloni paused the video and pointed at himself. He was dabbing. Between the Eloni in the video dabbing and real-life Eloni looking so proud, you couldn’t help but chuckle and this adorably dorky display. Eloni liked your laugh.
While the new material definitely got Eloni some fans, it still wasn’t enough. So you began to inquire about some of his hobbies
“Another way to get people to like you is to seem relatable. Do you have any hobbies?” You asked
“I bake in my spare time”
“Perfect! We can make a YouTube account and post some of your recipes there. Cooking channels are very popular, I even follow some myself.”
Your advice ends up working and Eloni begins to have his own fan club
He’s given the same love that his brothers are.
You’d think this would be the end of your job, afterall, you were hired to keep Eloni safe from angry fans, but now they all love him.
Instead, the lack of necessity for your job is strangely never brought up by Neon J and you continue business as usual.
You’ve got a crush on Eloni:
You recognize that you’ve got a crush immediately
Ever since Eloni became popular, the two of you’ve had fewer opportunities to talk to each other as he was constantly approached by fans
Having to stand by and watch Eloni be constantly flirted with made it pretty easy to realize your feelings
You decide to ignore these feelings
After all, your relationship was purely professional
Ok maybe all those times you accompanied him all over Vinyl City were just excuses to hang out, but still, your relationship was professional 
And his number was saved in your personal phone and you two often texted each other 
Even if your relationship was more than professional, Eloni had a lot more choices than you and you didn’t want to ruin what you had
Eloni realizes he’s got a crush:
It first started when he saw a stage technician flirting with you. Eloni got annoyed by this, but he didn’t know why.
It took a while for Eloni to realize his feelings. He at first mistook his crush as just being glad that you were his friend
Eloni also began to think about you a lot. Not just about your advice, but he also began to be reminded of you wherever he went.
It wasn’t until the middle of a baking stream that he realized that he had a crush on you
Eloni tries to flirt with you:
Attempt #1, the 1010 style:
Eloni decided to make his move. 
“Hey, Y/N!” You turned around to face the green robot. “Have you thought of joining 1010? Cause you're definitely a ten out of ten.”
“That was a really good one! You should definitely use that during the concert.” You replied, unable to tell the difference between Eloni asking if his lines were good and him flirting with you. Eloni hid his disappointment, but I guess that’s what happens when you use someone as practice for your pickup lines.
Attempt #2, the sweet way:
Eloni decided to take a more “traditional” route by giving you a box of homemade chocolate. And by giving you a box of chocolate, he would place it on top of your locker and would tell you it was him when you opened it.
Eloni waited for you to show up, but you never did. He was about to search for you when he was suddenly stopped by Neon J.
“Troop, this is Emiro.” Neon J gestures to the robot next to him, “He’ll be your bodyguard for tonight.”
“What happened to Y/N?”
“Y/n had an allergic reaction to something they had been eating. Thankfully, they had an epipen on them, but they're taking the rest of the day off.” With that, Neon J left Eloni with the realization that you were probably allergic to the chocolate he made. He was definitely not telling you that he made it.
Attempt #3, third times the charm:
This time, the rest of 1010 decided to devise a plan to help their brother. 
They knew Eloni would probably never confess outrightly and while his feelings for you were obvious to Neon J and them, it would take a bit more effort for you to notice.
NSR was hosting a party on the anniversary of the company's creation. And with parties came a lot of security.
You and several other members were assigned to go undercover as party guests and report anything suspicious
This meant that instead of your usual attire, you wore a dress/suit 
You still had your watch(the Eloni signal) with you as it also doubled as a radio that you could use to notify staff of suspicious activity
You had been casually chatting with other NSR staff when your watch had started to beep rapidly
Eloni was in trouble
You immediately rushed off to find him, it had been months since he last needed to signal you so it must’ve been bad
You turned around the corner to where Eloni was, only to be met with Haym.
“Oh hey Y/N! How's it going?”
“Hello, Haym. I’m sorry, but I can’t really talk right now. I’m looking for Eloni, but my watch says he’s right here.”
“Don’t worry, I know where he is!” Haym proceeded to push you into a nearby room. You try to open the door only to find that it was locked. You tried to call someone on your watch, but it was gone. Haym must’ve taken when he pushed you.
“Haym, what the hell is going on! Let me out!” You said while banging on the door. He was kinda your boss, but you had a much more casual relationship with the other members of 1010.
“Y/N?” A voice said behind you. You turned around only to find Eloni. You could tell because of the green eyes and cheeks, which dimly lit the darkroom.
“Eloni? Is that you?” You couldn’t really tell due to how dark it was.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Good. Do you happen to know why Haym locked us into this room?”
“Well, my brothers thought it would be funny if….” Eloni hesitated.
“Please tell me this isn’t some messed up version of seven minutes in heaven.”
“What, nonono!” Eloni’s fans began to whir loudly
“Right, sorry. Not like I’d have a chance anyway,” you mumbled that last part 
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, Well it’s just you're a famous idol and you’ve got a lot of fans, you know?
“Who cares if I’m famous! That doesn’t make you any less incredible than you are. You’ve made me so happy and you helped me become popular! You were my first fan and I would love to go on a date with you! Eloni froze after realizing what he said.
“Wait, you like me?”
“Yeah”, Eloni blushed, I have for a while. I understand if you want to forget that this happened. I’m really sorry and I-“ 
You cut Eloni off with a kiss.
“Don’t worry. I feel the same way.”
“I’m going to the roof to stargaze. Would you like to join me?” Eloni asked. You had managed to unlock the door, and by unlock, you kicked the door open.
“Well I’m supposed to be out on the lookout for suspicious people,” Eloni’s face began to slightly falter. “But, my main objective is to keep you safe, so It’s best if I go with you. After all, you know how crazy fans can get.” With that, the two of you headed towards the roof. 
“Well, that was really cheesy,” Zimelu said, peering his head behind a corner, before getting smacked by Rin. 
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cierrabiscuits · 3 years
Koutaro Bokuto x Fem Reader: Eligible Bachelor
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 Summary: Some of the MSBY team are scheduled at a charity event and are auctioned off for dates, you being the manager go with them. The team is well aware of your crush on Bokuto and put a plan in motion. What’s the worst that can happen. 
 Words: 5.1K
 Warnings: Angst if squint, happy ending, MSBY 4 being sold as dates for Charity.
 Authors Note: Hello! This is my first time posting a fic so go easy on me, I hope you all enjoy it and get a good laugh out of it like I did! This is part of a collab with @ambershaydeoffical! Please support all the talented writes who participated. 
Update: I made a route for Sakusa! Find that here
Update: I made a route for Atsumu! Finda that here
“Alrighty boys are you ready to go on in?” You said staring at the four well dressed men  behind you.
 “No, and I want to go home.” Sakusa adjusted his black facemask. He wasn’t keen on coming to this event whatsoever.
 “Sakusa I know, but I really need you! Besides what would you be doing anyway? It's Valentine's day and you're as single as single gets. Live a little. Maybe you will find your Mrs.Clean tonight! Ya never know!” You said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed.
 “Omi-Omi don't be that way. Our lovely manager here worked hard to get us this opportunity, and it's benefiting a charity you scrooge.” Atsumu smacked Sakusa’s back.”I think your just upset because you know all the ladies are going to bid on me.” The blond setter smirked at the very pissed Sakusa who just glared at him.
 “NOoO It's going to be me who gets all the bids. I still have my tan from Brazil and I’m alot cooler than all of you.” Hinata piped up, proudly adjusting his tie that had little volleyballs on it. 
 “Well if we don’t get our asses in that building, aint none of y’all getting any bids, besides I’m freezing to death,” You said rubbing your arms. The dress you wore done little to protect you from the cold night. 
 “Take this please, I don’t want to freeze to death. I like you warm and alive.” Bokuto, who's been oddly quiet, spoke up wrapping his grey tux jacket around your shoulders leaving him in his blue button up. You could smell his cologne on the jacket, you could drown in this and wouldn't complain. Your cheeks ran hot and you managed to let out a “thank you” through chattering teeth.
 “Okay let’s get going.” You said wrapping the jacket tighter around you as the boys followed you like baby ducks. Bokuto walked up beside you while the two boys bickered over who would have the most bids in the back, Sakusa wanted no part in it and stayed to himself. You look at Bokuto  who seemed nervous. You decided to hype him up a bit before he went into emo mode. “Bokuto you are going to have some gorgeous high profile women coming after you tonight, I’m jealous of them.” You didn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bo, ever since you took the job as the MSBY manager. You never have a frown on your face next to him- until now. You knew he’d have a woman, that's not you, by his side tonight. You’d bid on him until your bank went in the negative but you don’t get paid like the women at this event do.
 “You wait and see, I’ll have the most beautiful one by time the night is out.” Bokuto said, smiling at you. You felt a pang of sadness creep on you, if he only knew. 
 The warm air of the ballroom felt nice against your cool body. You gave Bokuto his jacket back, you secretly wished you could keep it forever. You took in your surroundings, the ball room was filled with women in designer dresses and you could see the small stage in the middle of the room. 
 “Guys I have to find the event coordinator and see what time you guys need to get on stage. Please be on your best behavior, there are cameras everywhere. Atsumu keep the drinking to a minimum, Shoyo for the love of God go to the bathroom now, Omi keep these fools in line and you better be nice to people and last but never the least Bokuto, If you dance please be careful, I don’t want to take you to the ER again because you hit the Cha cha slide too hard. And with that I’m out. I’m counting on you guys.” You said giving them a thumbs up as you got lost into the sea of people to hunt the event coordinator. 
 “Thank you so much Y/N! Everyone is looking forward to the auction. We have some models and a couple pop stars who will be in the line up as well as a few volunteers . I want your boys to go at the end, as they say ‘always save the best for last’.” The coordinator spoke over the bustling crowd. She went over the rules and where they needed to go and what time to line up. You soaked in all the information the bubbly coordinator was giving you. “I have to go let the rest of the people know the game plan. Please have your guys here and lined up in half an hour. Thank you again!” And with that she disappeared into the crowd. Now here came the hard part.
You scanned the large ballroom to find your heathens. Sakusa would be the easiest to find because he is most likely on one of the four corners in the building. Hinata was most likely with Bokuto, and Atsumu was a wild card, he could be at the bar, maybe even on the dance floor trying to impress girls with his dance moves(That suck by the way). You recall the time you found him passed out in a bush drunk off ass at a gala last year. You make up a game plan, you would get Bo and Hinata first, then find a hopefully sober Tsumu and lastly get Sakusa (you figured it best not to drag him around the ballroom) You spot Bokuto’s tall figure next to a snack bar, and as you figured Hinata was with him. They were both stuffing their mouths with meat kebabs and other foods like wild animals, they sure love to eat you thought. 
 “Bokuto,Hinata, they are getting ready to line everyone up, wait for me over there.” You said pointing towards an area that was not  too terribly crowded.
 “HEY HEY HEY Y/N try one of these things, they are so freakin good.” He shoved a cake pop in front of your face. You took it from the gray haired boy.
 “Thank you Bo, but we really need to go.” You took a bite from the cake pop. “Wow that is really good.” You said finishing it in one bite. You heard some snickers from a group of girls, they made a smug comment about you eating it all at once. You normally would throw hands but you had an image to uphold. You shouldn't let it bother you but it did.
 “Hey don’t let that bother you, besides I like a girl that can eat.” Bokuto said, patting your head. He is literally the human version of sunshine. 
 “Thanks Bo. But really we need to get the move on, I still have to hunt Tsumu down. Can you and Hinata wait for me over there.” You said pointing to the area again.
 “Roger that.” They said unison. 
  “I’ll be right back.” You said going back into the crowd. You checked the dancefloor first and he wasn't there(You were relieved he was not.). You made your way to the bar and found him surrounded by women who were mesmerized by his thick accent. You waved him down and he nodded and turned his attention back to the group he had attracted.
 “It looks like It's time fer’ me to go, make sure you all bid for me. I’ll be a waitin’” He said getting up and following you. The women he had been entertaining giggled as he walked away.
 “Look at you being a player. I didn’t expect that from a man who yells at girls when they cheer for him.” You leaned into him so he could hear you over the crowd.
 “I’m just tryin’ to raise some money, it's strictly business. My heart belongs to volleyball for the most part.”He said winking at you. He truly is just a fool in love with the sport. 
You led Atsumu to the group and went to retrieve poor  Sakusa. You looked around for a few minutes and felt a tug at the back of your shirt. You turn around and see Sakusa towering over you. 
 “This is new, I’m used to finding you sulking in a corner.” You said staring into his black eyes. 
 “I watched you gather everyone up, I figured I would come on over to make it easier for you.” He began to walk towards the rest of the group.
 “I guess being 6’4 has its perks huh Omi? You're like a watchtower.” You said looking up at the tall spiker.
 “Yeah, guess so.”He said playing with one of his dark curls.
 “Okay we have everyone, so you guys are going last, I’ll leave who goes first to you guys. Now let's go get lined up.” You lead them to the stage and let them line up. Atsumu insisted on going first, Hinata would go after him, then Sakusa and lastly Bokuto. 
 “You owe me some umeboshi after this.” Sakusa said, taking his mask off and putting it in the pocket of his tux.
 “Sure thing. I'll even throw in a thing of nice smelling hand sanitizer for the trouble.” You crossed your arms and smirked at him.
 “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, filing behind Hinata.
 You looked at Bokuto who appeared to be a nervous wreck. He had a small layer of sweat on his forehead and his hands were shaking slightly. “Hey it's going to be okay, I’ll be right here.” You said pulling out your handkerchief and dabbing the sweat off his forehead. “You're amazing and dare I say you're the best looking one.” You said making him blush.
 “Ummm HEY.” Atsumu said glaring at you, obviously butt hurt from your comment. Sakusa was unamused and took it upon himself to kick Atsumu. That gave you the opportunity to turn your attention back to the nervous male beside you. Before you could comfort him the loud speaker cut you off.
 “Ladies and gentleman, would you please give your attention to the center stage, the date auction will begin momentarily.” The coordinator announced causing everyone to tense up a bit.
 “Come on guys loosen up a bit, I’m going to be in the front taking pictures for our instagram page. So show off a little! Show them you are proud to be a part of such an awesome volleyball team!” You hyped them up one last team. “With that being said I want a group picture so bring it in guys.” You said pulling the camera and ushering the athletes into the frame. “Say cheese.” Atsumu wrapped his arm around Sakusa who didn’t have the chance to push him off, Bokuto gave Hinata bunny ears. It was a chaotic photo, but It caught their true essence. 
 “I want a picture with you before you go Y/N. Pleaseee.” Bokuto gave you puppy dogs eyes and you couldn't deny him.
 “Sure Bo. Atsumu here.” You handed him the camera and got beside Bokuto. He wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him. You could feel his muscles through the tux that fit just a little too good. 
 “Aww you look like a cute couple.” Atsumu teased as he brought the camera up to snap a picture. You couldn't make a comeback as embarrassment washed over you. You looked up at Bokuto who had a blush adorning his handsome face.
 “Y/N I’m going to do something, don’t get mad.” Bokuto said, picking you up bridal style before you could even protest.
 “That’s what I’m talking about!” Atsumu said, snapping more pictures. 
 “Bokuto put me down, I'm heavy!” You shriked  gripping onto his tux.
 “No you're not. I could carry you around all night like this if you wanted me to!” He smiled down at you! You felt your face light up like a Christmas tree. No matter how big or small you were, Bokuto always made you feel like a princess. 
 “As much as I’d love you to, we gotta get this ball rolling.” You said as he gently placed you back on your feet. “I’ll be taking that.” You said snatching the camera from Atsumu who was smirking. He seemed to be hiding something from the way he was acting. He is definitely sus you thought. You waved the boys goodbye and made you way to the front of the crowd. You got the camera ready as the spotlight of the stage flickered on. 
 “Thank you all for coming out tonight! We hope you are ready to see the heartthrobs we have lined up for you!!” The announcer said setting the tone. “Valentine's day is all about love and being with one another. So if your single, ladies, pull those yen out and let’s get to business!” The crowd cheered and applauded as the auction began.
You didn’t pay much attention to the men coming on stage, your only worry was the last 4. You scrolled through the camera to see the pictures Atsumu took of you and Bokuto. Bokuto had such a wide smile on his face in the pictures, your smile was just as big, even though your face was full of panic in the one where he effortlessly picked you up. You’re pulled from your day dream when you heard the announcer’s voice.
 “We have some special guests tonight from the MSBY volleyball team! We’ll start first with Miya Atsumu!” The announcer said as Atsumu walked on the stage like he owned it. He flipped his hair and looked at the group of women he serenaded earlier and blew them a kiss. You got lucky and snapped a picture of it, he may be annoying as hell but he knows how to get women. He had about ten women fighting over him, his bids kept going up and up. After a cutthroat battle he was sold for roughly  200,000 yen. He smirked and walked off the stage. You couldn’t help but chuckled to yourself, he’d be one of a kind if he didn’t have a twin. 
 “Up next we have Hinata Shoyo!” She said as the tangerine headed boy shly walked on stage. He looked confident for the most part and he thankfully went to the bathroom before this. He had on one of his classic charming but cute smiles. You could hear girls behind you talk about how cute he was. His skin was glowing under the spotlight thanks to the Brazilian sun. His bids went up high, he ended up being sold for 120,000 yen. He waved at the audience and bounced off the stage.
 “Let’s welcome our next bachelor who just so happens to be the tallest one tonight, Sakusa Kiyoomi!” You watched on edge as Sakusa walked out, he didn’t seem nervous but he wasn’t all that interested either, he stood in the middle of the stage like a statue. To make matters worse he wasn’t smiling. You grabbed his attention for a moment and smiled as wide as you could and pointed at your face, you felt like one of the psychotic moms from toddlers and tiaras but you had to do something or he wasn't going to get any bids. You mouthed the words “Smile please” at him and he finally took the hint. He had an awkward but cute smile on his face finally. You relaxed a little and resumed taking pictures. His bids began to go up and quick. Sakusa looked at the exit of the stage and smirked at someone and turned his attention back to the crowd. You could only guess he was looking at Atsumu who was probably pissed at how high Sakusa’s bids were. Sakusa was sold for a whopping 500,000 yen. You know Tsumu’s ego was damaged beyond repair right now. Sakusa bowed and left the stage. 
 “Now let’s end this night right! We have one more contest so let’s welcome Bokuto Koutarou to the stage!” You felt your heart drop and the announcer said his name. You had to watch someone you loved dearly be bid off to some rich girl who would probably steal him away. You tried to knock away negative thoughts but you couldn’t help it. He looked sinfully good when he walked on stage. What nervousness he felt was gone and now it’s nothing but his overwhelming confidence. He carefully watched one specific area of the crowd. You snapped pictures of him (a lot of them being for your personal collection) as he walked around the stage flexing and showing off. His eyes met yours a lot and he seemed to be smirking at you. But his attention always went back to the one area of the crowd. You heard his bids go up, one particular girl was bidding for him like her life depended on having him. Her voice came from the direction he kept starting at. He looked nervous when anyone but her called out a bid. You began to get ate up with pure jealousy, you wish you could take him off the stage and run away with him right then and there. The bids kept going up and up and the girl that kept bidding on him got him for 150,000 yen. He looked ecstatic. He looked at you and smiled before he went off stage. Your heart dropped and you wanted to leave, but you still have work to do. 
 “That concludes the auction tonight! If you won you can meet up with your bachelor over here on the left.” The announcer pointed towards the group of men. You made your way to find the guys so you can take more pictures and let them know where you’ll be when they get done.
 “You guys did awesome!” You said running up to them. They gave you a soft smile. You notice Bokuto was MIA. “Umm guys, where is Bo?” They hesitated for a second but your conversation was cut short as the boys dates for the evening came up.
 “Sakusa was it?” A well dressed man walked up to the tall volleyball player. You noticed a small girl clutching his dress shirt. She couldn’t be any older than 8. “This is my daughter, she wanted someone to dance with her but in all honesty I’m trying to make some business deals while I’m here, keep her company for me.” The man patted his shoulder and slipped some extra money in Sakusa’s shirt pocket, leaving him slacked jawed. 
  “All the umeboshi your heart desires, a big box of the nice face masks you like, and whatever else you want, just please be nice to this poor girl. She looks sad.” You whispered into Omi’s ear trying to persuade him a little more.
 “I didn’t come here to babysit, but I guess I can.” He said low enough that the girl couldn’t hear. Omi peered down at the small girl, she actually had moles on her face kinda like he does but on the opposite side.
 “Umm hi.” She said looking up at the tall man. She seemed nervous. You nugged Omi in the side to get him to say anything.
 “When was the last time you washed your hands?” He asked the girl and you could have choked him. The girl giggled at his statement.
 “I wash my hands all the time! Look my mom even bought me this!” She pulled out a small key chain with a rabbit on it, attached was a small bottle of hand sanitizer. “Would you like some?” She said opening the cap. Sakusa held his hand as the small girl poured some into his hands and she gave herself some as well.
 “Good.” Sakusa said, pulling his mask from his pocket to put it back on. The little girl grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. You knew this was way out of his comfort zone, but he was still doing it. 
 “Omg your hair is so cute! Can I touch it?” You whipped your head around to see a young bubbly girl talking to Hinata. 
 “Umm s—s sure.” He said nervously as the girl ran and hand through his hair. You couldn’t help but laugh a little. The poor baby seemed so embarrassed. The dance floor was filled with couples and the girl dragged Hinata to the dance floor before he could even get her name. You turned to Atsumu who looked like he had seen a ghost.
 “Young man I’m getting my money's worth tonight so let's go dance.” An old lady who you thought resemble Baba Yaga from spirited away stood in front of poor Atsumu. 
 “Yes ma’am.” He said, forcing a smile.  He looked at you pleasing eyes that screamed “please save me Y/N”. You shook your head at him.
 “Pay attention to me boy, I paid good money for you.” The old lady said whacking Atsumu with the cane she carried.
 “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” He said walking with the old woman to the dance floor. You had to turn your head and laugh, between Sakusa getting stuck babysitting a kid and Atsumu being stuck with a senior citizen after talking all that smack, it was priceless. You guess them ladies Atsumu talked to must not have liked him that much.
You searched around for Bokuto to make sure he got his date for the night, you were also curious who she was and how pretty she was. You felt that jealousy creep back on you. This was going to be a long night. You finally spot Bokuto talking to a drop dead beautiful girl, she looked familiar but you couldn’t quite place her. She and Bokuto seemed to be having a good time, she was laughing at something he had said. Your heart shattered. You look back up to see Bo making eye contact with you. All you could do was smile and get lost in the crowd before he could see the stray tear falling down your cheek. You needed to get outside for a bit, you felt like you were suffocating. You fought the crowd and finally made your way to the exit. You pushed the metal door open. The cold night felt good against your hot skin. You walked down a path in front of the building and tried to collect yourself. 
 “Another year alone and single.” You blurted out to yourself. You find a small bench and decide to sit down for a bit. The night sky brought a sort of comfort to you. The stars twinkled and the moon casted a peaceful light. The cold was getting to you but you were afraid to go back in. You mentally couldn’t handle it. 
 “PARKOUR.” You felt your soul leave your body as you saw a shadow jump over the bench you were sitting on. You flinched back ready to fight off the attacker only to be met with Bokuto standing in front.
 “BO you scared me to death!” You said inhaling a deep breath and clutching your chest.
 “I’m sorry my parkour was so awesome it scared you.” He said, taking his jacket off and draping it yet again around your cold body. Your nose flooded again with the scent of his cologne. It’s calmed you down in a bittersweet way. “But angel what are you doing out here, you’ll get sick if you're not careful.” He kneeled down a bit and pulled the jacket around your cold body more. 
 “I could ask you the same things Mr. Parkour, you have a beautiful woman in there waiting on you, so stop wasting your time on me.” You said trying to hold it together.
 “Well I’m more concerned with the real beautiful one sitting right in front of me.” He said grabbing your shaking hands. Your eyes went wide with what he said.
 “Bo I’m confused?” You said looking into his golden eyes.
 “Well that woman you saw me with is not really my date, yes she did bid on me, but she was never my real date. She is actually the guy who owns our gym's daughter! She agreed to bid on me, but in return she wanted a date with Atsumu’s brother and he agreed to do it! The team helped me do this so I could be with you tonight, but I guess it didn’t go as smoothly as I planned. I’m sorry I made you sad.” Bokuto sat beside you on the bench,
 “Bokuto are you low key confessing to me?” You looked over at him and he smiled and shook his head. 
 “Yes and let me do this properly.” He cleared his throat and held his hand out for you to grab, which you gladly accepted. “Y/N please let me be your date tonight and from here on out please!”  
 “So like boyfriend and girlfriend Bo?” You said wanting to make sure you got the message right.
 “Yes Y/N, please be my girlfriend. All that flexin on the stage was for you baby!” He stood up and flexed again making you laugh. “But in all seriousness, I freakin love you. So what do you say Y/N?” 
 “Yes. I would love nothing mo-“ Bokuto cut you off by lifting your body into his strong arms. You giggled as he swung you both in circles. He slowed down and seen you finally smile again
 “Now that’s a pretty sight, you're not going to be sad on my watch anymore. Now we better get back inside before we freeze to death!” Bokuto wrapped an arm around your shoulder as you two began to walk back. “Wait I have something for you!” He dug through his pockets and pulled out a small jewelry box and handed it to you. You opened it and there was a necklace with a small owl charm and a “B” charm next to it.
 “Bo this is so cute! Can you help me put it on!” You said handing him the necklace. He struggled to get it on but finally got it. The silver was cold on your skin, but you didn’t mind at all.
 “Omi actually helped me pick it out, believe it or not. He said if I would have went alone I would have got something stupid.” Bokuto said, sliding the jewelry box back into his coat pocket. You hate to admit it but Sakusa going was probably a good thing. 
 “Bo I really love it, thank you.” You said leaving up and kissing his cheek. “Now let’s go back, I’ve got to check in on everyone.” You walked into the ballroom with your arm hooked around Bokuto’s bicep. 
You scanned the room to see if you could find any of the guys and the only one you could see was Hinata laughing with his date. They seemed to be hitting it off pretty good. “Bokuto let’s go get something to drink.” You both walked towards the bar, you see that girl who bid on Bokuto sitting next to Osamu. They both seemed to be having a good time.
 “Thank you again! The planned worked Y/N is my girlfriend now!” Bokuto walked up to them and showed you off. 
 “I’m so glad!” The girl said, clasping her hands together. “You are a cute couple.” 
 “Speaking of a cute couple.” Osamu chimed in and pointed towards his brother Atsumu who was being dragged around by that old lady. “I may have given her some free Onigiri vouchers and a few hundred yen to bid on him.” The twin laughed at his brother's despair. 
 “Your evil, but I like it.” The girl said as they clinked their drinks together. 
 “You guys enjoy it, we still have to hunt for Omi.” You bowed and clung back on to Bokuto. 
After circulating the ballroom a few times you finally find Sakusa and the little girl sitting at a table. Sakusa looked dead tired and the little girl was stuffing her face with cake
 “Omi you look like a tired dad.” Bokuto said bursting out laughing at his teammate. 
 “I see your plan worked.” Sakusa said, looking at the necklace through tired eyes. 
 “Yes it did now this cutie is all mine.” Bokuto said peppering your cheek with kisses.
 “How disgusting, when you grow up don’t date idiots like him.” Sakusa looked at the child who just nodded her head. It was hilarious to see Omi so out of his element. “That was directed at you Bokuto not Y/N.” 
 “Omi, he is a idiot but he is my idiot.” You patted Bokuto's back. 
 “Omi-Omi let’s go dance some more. I like this song.” The little girl tugged on his jacket. 
 “Fine.” Omi sighed and followed her dance floor.
 “Now that we know everyone (for the most part) is okay let’s dance!” You said leading Bokuto to the dance floor.
 You danced to every single song and Bo didn’t break anything when the cha cha slide came on. He swung you around all night without a care in the world. 
 “Let’s end the night with something nice and slow.” The Dj said putting on (Insert your favorite slow song)
  “May I have this dance pretty girl?” Bokuto asked, holding his hand out to pull you closer to him.
 “The Macarena may have wore me out, but I guess I have enough wind in me for one last song.” You teased wrapping your arms around his neck. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and began to slowly dance you around the room. 
 You see that little girl struggling to keep up with Omi’s big steps as he attempted to dance with her, he was at least trying you thought. Hinata was slow dancing with his date of the night, they both seemed comfortable and content with each other. Atsumu was still with that granny but he seemed to have accepted defeat as he danced around with her. Osamu danced with the gym owner's daughter and made it a mission to kick his brother when they got close enough, he even messed him up enough to cause the old to hit him with the cane again. You felt Bokuto's grip tighten and he dipped you down enough to finally kiss you on the lips. He pulled away and brought you back up to continue dancing. 
“ I love you Y/N.” Bokuto spoke softly in your ear. 
 “I love you too.” You said as the song faded out.
   “And one more thing Y/N” Bokuto said, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “I told you I would have the most beautiful girl here.”
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archiveikemen · 2 years
‘Onsen Stories’ Story Event — Chapter 01 [Yoritomo Route]
I do not own any of the content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
It happened one morning while I was accompanying Yoritomo on his official duties.
Yoritomo: Hey, Yuno.
When I turned around, I saw Yoritomo looking ready to head out.
Yuno: Lord Yoritomo, are you heading out?
Yoritomo: Yeah, you too. You will be coming with me today.
Yuno: Eh?
Yoritomo forcefully pulled my confused hand and started walking.
(What did you mean by that...?)
Yuno: Is it work-related? I haven't prepared anything...
Yoritomo: There is no need for you to prepare anything. I'm going to an Onsen.
Yuno: Onsen?!
I recalled my official schedule, but I don't remember having such a task written on it.
Yuno: Will that be alright? There's still work to do...
Yoritomo: You don't have any work to do, right?
Yuno: I've already completed all the work I have to do... I'm talking about Yoritomo's work.
Yoritomo: Don't worry, I've also already finished my work.
Yoritomo gave a faint smile and patted my head gently.
Yoritomo: I was planning to take the day off relax with you.
Yuno: Huh...
(Yoritomo, you were thinking about me.)
I was so happy that I squeezed Yoritomo's hand back.
Yuno: Thank you so much!
I was a little surprised but... I'm looking forward to going to the Onsen with you.
Yoritomo: Come on, let's get going.
Not too long after we started walking, we could see the mountain the Onsen was located on.
Yoritomo: I heard it's deep in these mountains, but I think it'll be better if we ask for directions.
Yuno: I agree, let's ask around in this village.
There was a village nearby, and Yoritomo spoke to the villagers with a smile on his face.
Yoritomo: Is it alright if I ask you for directions?
Villager 1: Yes, are you here for the festival?
Yoritomo: No, I'm going to the Onsen. Which way should I go?
Villager 1: The Onsen?
The villager appeared troubled as he bowed his head.
Villager 1: My apologies, but we're not ready to rent it to travellers yet.
(Travelers right, unlike in Kamakura, there are people who have never met Yoritomo.)
The villagers, unaware of Yoritomo's identity, continued with their conversations.
Villager 1: The Onsen is usually only used by the locals. But when there are travelers, the Inn also uses it.
Villager 1: We are currently busy preparing for the festival. And since our village population isn't very large, we don't have the time to deal with that.
Yoritomo: You can't do it?
Villager 1: Yes. The festival is going to be held tonight, but as you can see, preparations aren't even complete yet.
Yuno: That's a problem...
(I'm sure it's an important festival, and unfortunately I'll have to give up on going to the Onsen...)
Yoritomo: ...
I suddenly noticed that Yoritomo was looking at me.
(What's the matter?)
Yoritomo smiled and turned to the villager.
Yoritomo: If you don't mind, I'd like to help out.
Villager 1: That will certainly be very much appreciated. But how can someone well-dressed like you...
Yoritomo: I'd like to help finish preparations for the festival to go smoothly and also soak in the well-known Onsen. After all...
Yoritomo suddenly pulled me closer to him and my heart jumped.
Yoritomo: That seems to be what the woman I love wants as well.
Yuno: What?!
Yoritomo: Is that right? Yuno.
(It's true that I really want to visit the Onsen, and if there's anything I can do to help the villagers, I'd like to do it.)
Yuno: Please let me help you too.
Villager 1: In that case... thank you so much!
(Hm... I'll help them with the decorating.)
I was busy running around the village, following instructions from Yoritomo and the villagers.
Yoritomo: I'll help you with the assembling. I'm good at those things.
I stopped to look at Yoritomo when I heard his voice.
Yoritomo assembled the wood quickly and finished building the shelf in no time.
Villager 3: Yoritomo's presence is such a big help!
(I've always known that Yoritomo is surprisingly good at this kind of work, but...)
(I don't think anyone would be surprised if they found out that the Seiitaishogun himself is doing this.)
While I was helping with decorations, I heard the villagers talking.
Villager 1: Yoritomo is such a wonderful person!
Villager 2: Who the hell is this man?
Villager 3: Yoritomo! Here's how the decorations turned out.
A villager stopped Yoritomo as he was passing by.
Yoritomo: Oh, let me have a look at it.
(They're already getting along so well, and relying on one another...)
As I looked at Yoritomo, who was checking the decorations next to me, our eyes met.
Yoritomo: What's with that look? Are you in love with me?
Yuno: That's not what I mean...
I quickly adverted my gaze, but Yoritomo put his hand on me and made me look at him.
Yoritomo: If you're in love with me, just admit it.
While the villagers weren't looking, Yoritomo gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
In contrast to my burning cheeks, Yoritomo was smiling and talking to the villagers.
(It's quite frustrating... but I need to get back to work.)
Yuno: We're decorating the floats next, right? I'll help you!
Villager 4: Oh, that'd be great. Please.
I looked up at the huge float as I was decorating.
Yuno: It's so amazing that you can make something this huge.
Villager 4: If we work together and do our best, naturally we can do something like this.
Villager 5: I work out every day while working on the farm. Look at these muscles!
Yuno: Wow, that's nice!
(I'm doing my very best for someone else's sake... I'm sure that they feel this way because they believe in each other.)
Yoritomo: What's the progress here?
While I was talking to the villagers, Yoritomo came over to check on us.
Villager 4: Everything is going smoothly.
Yoritomo: It sure does seem that way. I'm glad to hear that.
Yoritomo smiled as he looked at the almost completed float.
Yoritomo: I'd like to start preparing some offerings. Is anyone familiar with the process?
Villager 5: Leave that to me. I'll ensure that you will have everything you require.
Yoritomo: Oh, I'll leave it to you then.
After the villagers left, I spoke to Yoritomo, who was standing next to me.
Yuno: Offerings... what are those?
Yoritomo: Oh. The main purpose of this festival is to offer the crops and local specialties from this village to the gods.
Yuno: Is it to wish for a bountiful harvest next year?
Yoritomo: That's right. If you make good offerings, you will be blessed with another year of good harvest.
Yoritomo: That is the belief the people in this village have. So they work hard until the day of the festival.
(I see... the villagers are working hard, not only during the festival, but also on a daily basis.)
I looked around at the villagers who were rushing to prepare for the festival.
Yuno: The strong bond among the villagers is a result of working together daily. The festival they want to hold... is made from the bonds and hard work of the villagers.
Yoritomo: What are you talking about?
A hand was suddenly placed on my cheek and I made eye contact with Yoritomo.
Yoritomo: I'm clearly the one who helped them succeed.
His confident facial expression made my heart beat faster.
Yuno: ... Yes. I'll work hard too!
Work went smoothly afterwards ——
Yoritomo: Looks like we made it just in time.
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