#wow i really wrote all of this huh
mabaki · 1 year
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A Mbk warmup!! >:O Trying to draw from memory lmao
my struggle as I go through iterations LMAO
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Gonna drop some really old 'lore' that I've been shy about as I try to open up LOL
He can grow vines from toxic spores that he cultivated himself yeaahhh. I'd imagine they're small, the size of a ping-pong ball haha. Got that idea after I got that toxic offshoot finisher many years ago. (also can be grown into Dreamthistle weapons. No weapon swapping. More like, weapon growing/forming LOL).
He still has to place the spores or throw them somewhere if he wants the vines to grow form a specific point. (He could I guess attach a spore to his back and make the vine act like a tail? LMAO looks ridiculous in my head).
He's become accustomed to the spores' hallucinogetic effect but no, he is not completely immune to them so he's still got to be careful.
The spores can also be used as a sort of 'smoke screen' bomb of sorts, but it's to get his targets to hallucinate so he has a few seconds to escape. It doesn't last long.
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Fun fact: did you know the US government has been awarding Automattic Inc. millions of dollars since 2021 which will run until December of 2024? Specifically, the presidential office has been funding tumblr.
Automattic Inc. bought tumblr in 2019.
Do you know who else funded Automattic Inc. in 2019 some $70,000? The US Department of Defense.
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moiraineswife · 1 year
Taken and Paid - A Moiraine & Anvaere Fic
Title: Taken and Paid
Warnings: SPOILERS for episode 4 of season 2! And canon-typical continuation of the themes of abuse, manipulation, suicidal ideation, coping very badly with trauma, depression - the usual Moiraine stuff for this season, in a nutshell.
A continuation of the scene between Anvaere and Moiraine where her sister reveals that she knows the information Moiraine seeks, and that if Moiraine wants it, she must subject herself to the invitation she refused that morning, and sit and have tea.
Teaser:  So Moiraine took what she wanted, and paid the price that was owed.
She got down on her knees and lowered herself into the chair opposite her sister. She raised her hands in supplication and reached out to accept the extended cup. She tied a noose around the last remaining shreds of her dignity and pride and took a small sip. She let herself go as a tribute to the Dragon, who could never claim she was unfaithful, as she smiled in apparent enjoyment of sharing a warm drink on a cold night with a beloved family member.
Link: AO3 or Read Below:
“If you want to know about that redheaded boy from the inn you’re going to have to ask me very nicely… over tea.”
Looking into Anvaere’s quietly triumphant face as she delivered her final line, this little play that she had planned and set the stage for having just been performed to perfection in her eyes, given the ever-so subtle satisfaction that placed that perfect emphasis on the word ‘tea’; Moiraine felt for a moment as though she was at the Eye of the world once more. Trembling as Ishamael stared down upon her in exaltation of his power and his control as she lay stripped and vulnerable at his feet.
The stench of the Blight, fetid and inescapable as the twisted heart within her own chest, was thick in her mouth again. For a fleeting moment the room shifted, and the dark furniture became dark stone, the twisting patterns of the carved window frames the twisting patterns of Ishamael’s seal, the flickering fire-light the glow of her power before it was snuffed thoughtlessly like an insignificant candle. 
She was powerless again. She was on her knees again. She was backed into a corner, walls all around. She was convulsing with pain and violation as Ishamael lorded over her powerless form again.
Blinking, the memory cleared. It was something Moiriane had become rather well-practised at in the last few months. Everything, no matter how small, no matter how innocent, no matter how obviously well-intentioned, sent her back to that place. At times she had even wondered if the Forsaken was capable of haunting and shaping waking nightmares, as he had haunted the sleeping dreams of Rand and the others. But no. It was not the Forsaken. Moiraine did not matter enough to him for him to waste his time with her. It had only ever been her own weakness. A weakness she would overcome. Every day for the rest of her life, if that was what it took. The stubborn defiance faded to a shiver at the prospect, but she had control again.
Moiraine looked at Anvaere, looked at her, and truly saw her. So pleased with the success of her little scheme, so jubilant in her exaltant victory. The deliverance of her just punishment to the sister who had done the most unthinkable and unforgivable thing a Cairhien noble could ever do to rest of their pit of vipers: escaped. 
It struck her then, the reality of the situation, that while she had struggled, and fought, and desperately sought to find, and train, and save the Dragon Reborn so that he might save all of them in turn; Anvaere had sat and schemed and sought to forced Moiraine to accept her invitation to tea after scorning it that morning.
She wanted to laugh. To laugh, without humour, until she could not breathe, because of the absurdity, of the near hysterical way the Wheel seemed to be forcing her to confront what she might have become had she stayed here. 
She wanted to scream. Scream until her throat was raw and the pretty little porcelain of Anvaere’s neat little tea-set, and the vile glass in the judgemental mirror shattered and revealed how empty and pointless they all truly were. The Forsaken were being released, released because of her, because of the choices she had made, the plans that she had set in motion. Now this. This game she had always despised and now, more than ever, had no desire, and no damn time to play.
She wanted to fall to her knees and weep. Weep for the cruelty of the Wheel. For, time and again, when she was quite sure that she had lost everything a single person could lose, when she had nothing left to sacrifice, and nothing left to pledge to prove her loyalty, and her devotion: it asked for yet more. It took every last fragment of strength she had not to sink down the ground and sob because nothing was ever easy. Nothing was ever given. Everything had to be taken. Everything had to be paid for.
What she took was always the same: something to advance her mission. A scrap of knowledge, a prophecy, a scrap of lore, an artefact that may hold answers, a secret that may prove vital. The price changed with whom she needed to purchase from. Some wanted coin, some wanted information, some wanted secrets, or favours, or power. Today Anvaere wanted her pride. Served up to her on a silver platter, raw and bloody, as the prime cut of a kill should be.
Pride was all Moiraine had clung to after the Eye. It was all that had kept her from taking the dagger she had tempted Logain with and using it to cut free the last tether she had keeping her in place. Like snipping free the final tendon holding a severed and useless limb in place, too stubborn to let go, too stupid to realise that such stubbornness was utterly pointless. 
Pride was what had driven her, day by day, to wake up, to force herself to rise from bed with nothing to do and no purpose to strive towards, to put one foot in front of the other, even when the result was more a shamble or a stagger than a walk, to carry her water and try to clean off the feeling of being dirty and contaminated that she knew could not be scrubbed from her skin when it had sunk in and settled like scum on her bones and on her very soul, but that she did anyway.
Pride was what had stopped her from ever being able to let another person see her weakness, never willingly handing a vulnerability to a potential enemy, never being able to admit that it was sometimes agony just to breathe.
Pride was Anvaere’s price. And she knew there would be no negotiation, no haggling, no bargaining, no escape. For they both knew that Moiraine needed what her sister held, and that she had no other way of getting it, as her futile, exhausting efforts in the city that day had only served to underline.
So Moiraine took what she wanted, and paid the price that was owed. 
She got down on her knees and lowered herself into the chair opposite her sister. She raised her hands in supplication and reached out to accept the extended cup. She tied a noose around the last remaining shreds of her dignity and pride and took a small sip. She let herself go, hanged as a tribute to the Dragon, who could never claim she was unfaithful, as she smiled in apparent enjoyment of sharing a warm drink on a cold night with a  beloved family member.
“You really shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble,” Moiraine said, with the expected courtly perfection of a refined polite, slightly self-depreciating tone, as was appropriate when falsely humbling oneself to thank their host for providing the poison they now sipped on together, “just to have a cup of tea with your sister,” she said, with a smile she was sure was uncannily like the one she had practised in the mirror that morning, revolted and slightly chilled to realise that, after all this time, the mask they’d held her down and sewn onto her face still slipped seamlessly and easily back over her features.
“Well,” Anvaere began, responding with the appropriate level of graciousness and deference to their honoured guest whom they hosted in their home with around the same level of reluctance they would hand over their jewels to an uncouth man with a dirty dagger at their neck, “I wouldn’t have been forced to do so had you not made me,” she crooned condescendingly, smiling as though Moiriane was a child she’d just had to slap for putting her hand too close to a fire.
And there it was. The dark undercurrent of drive that had shadowed her entire life and shaped her entire person: she had been made to be hurt. If she had not been foolish and cried at court when the maid she’d loved had been sentenced to death for stealing kitchen scraps from the noble’s meals, her Uncle would not have needed to punish her for it. 
If she had simply done as was expected of her, had perfected her steps at the first instance, as she should have done so, her dance instructor would not have been forced to snap at her bare feet with a cane until they were raw and bloody, for if she had done it right, she would have missed the blows, and would have pristine, perfect feet - as a Damodred should have.
If she had not been blocked in her channeling, she would not have needed her mentor to assault and beat her with the One Power until she finally broke through the pain to embrace the Source herself and fight back.
If she had not been so foolish, and so stupid, and so wrong she would not have let herself be Cut off from the Source at the Eye of the World.
Every failure was her fault, and was a reason for pain; every triumph was a result of that pain, and therefore ultimately attributable to those who had caused it, not to her.
Swallowing down the unseemly surge of bitterness that had threatened to mar her courtly poise, so like the expected Aes Sedai serenity, simply with its own purposes and quirks to suit the Cairhien society, rather than the Tower one, Moiraine took another drink of tea to force down the sour thoughts and smiled blandly over the rim at Anvaere.
“Are you enjoying your tea?” her sister asked, in a tone so sweet it had to be poisonous, and told Moiraine quite clearly that she had not been as swift in hiding her distasteful thoughts as she wished she had.
“It is a very pleasant blend,” Moiraine returned a little stiffly, forcing herself to take another grudging drink.
Anvaere’s eyes glinted at that, and she opened her mouth to say something else–
“So, sister,” Moiraine cut-in, breaking the formal flow of their conversation in a misstep that would have been considered near scandalous, had she actually cared, the pretence slipping, as did her patience. Sitting up a little straighter, she barreled forth before Anvaere could say something else and draw out this agony any further, “you clearly wished to take tea with me very much,” Moiraine noted, as though Anvaere’s obsessive dedication and aggressive reassertion of control over Moiraine’s slightest perceived flouting of that was an admirable trait, “was there something you wished to discuss with me in particular?”
“Well typically,” Anvaere replied, with a very mildly wounded inflection in her voice, almost playful in its insincerity, “when a beloved family member, especially one as close as a sister, is away for an extended period of time, as you have been,” she said, each little addition a perfectly shaped and sharpened knife designed to slide efficiently and ruthlessly between Moiraine’s ribs to stab directly into her heart, “it’s customary for them catch up as it were,�� she said with a smile that would have been genuinely warm and full of sisterly affection had both of them not known very plainly that Moiraine despised doing this in all of its forms, “you’ve been gone so long,” she said with a mournful cast to her eyes, though the sharpness and shrewdness never left them for a moment, “I would so like to hear how you’re doing.”
“Of course you would,” Moiraine said, and her tone and expression, too, mirrored that expected sisterly warmth, as though they were at a table full of dinner guests they could not embarrass with the explosive fight they’d been having moments before walking through the doors to the banquet hall and now had to keep up appearances, and not sitting alone together in Moiraine’s old bedroom. “It’s only natural, after all,” she smiled, even though she now knew, having learned from Siuan and Lan, that the relationship and dynamic she had grown up with in her family was about as natural as a shark scenting the fresh blood of a wounded seal and choosing to to nurse the poor creature back to health rather than simply ripping it apart to feast as was its nature.
“I do still know you, sweet Moiraine,” Anvaere simpered, leaning forward to pat Moiraine’s hand. It took more self-control than she would ever admit not to instinctively pull back from the unwanted touch. “I know that doing things like this can make you feel a little awkward and uncomfortable,” she gave an entirely humourless little laugh, with a subtle undercurrent of mockery, audible only to her as she added, with false fondness, “our Moiraine, so humble, with such humility, never wanting to flaunt her accomplishments or her talents,” she side with a smile.
Moiraine reflected, with a twist of something that might have been true regret for the state of this relationship and what their world had forced them to become to one another, that if Anvaere were to ever learn about what had happened to Moiraine at the Eye, about how she could no more channel than her teapot could, while outwardly she might be able to put on a decent show of sorrow and pity, deep down she would feel nothing but satisfaction and vindication that the prized apple at the very peak of House Damodred’s family tree had toppled from her great heights and proved rotten and weak to the core.
“So to make it a little easier for you,” Anvaere was saying now, and Moiraine forced her focus back to her, even as her exhausted and already strained and stretched mind longed for nothing more than to swipe the cup from Anvaere’s hand against the wall and order her to get out and leave her be. “I thought we might make a little game out of it,” she said with a nostalgic little smile, glancing very pointedly at the large portrait that loomed above them, in pride of place above the mantle.
It had been a gift, a request of Moiraine’s, actually, for a nameday when she had been twelve, or perhaps thirteen. They had been close, once. There had been a true fondness and love between them at one time. When they had been children, and had still been sweet and blind enough to believe that they could be different, that they could be the siblings in Cairhien who never worried about backstabbing, or betrayal, or even assassination from the other. As they had grown, and their Uncle, more and more, had Moiraine groomed as heir, while Anvaere was groomed as little more than a broodmare had started to strain that relationship. Moiraine revealing she could channel had utterly broken it beyond repair. Yet she had kept the portrait, as a memory of things that, while they were not, and would never be again, had still been a small source of comfort, and joy; a reminder of better, happier times, short lived though they had been.
Now Moiraine would have happily torn the portrait from its place on the wall and cast it, and the judgemental eyes of its naive, foolish occupants into the fire until it was nothing but smoke and memory.
“You remember how we used to love games when we were girls?” Anvaere said, as though following Moiraine’s own path of thoughts, likely thinking very similarly to her, ironically.
“How could I forget?” Moiraine replied with a false little laugh that made the self-loathing lurking within her rise up and hiss its own cruel, malicious laughter in the back of her mind, knowing it would replay over and over again when sleep refused to claim her because the monsters in her mind had not yet had their say.
“Indeed,” Anvaere returned, not missing a beat in this little dance they did together now. “Well I thought that it could something like this,” she began, meaning, it will work exactly like this, or you won’t see so much as a scrap of information from me, “but I will ask you a question, likely about what you’ve been up to while you’ve been away from us,” she smiled, as though this was an exciting adventure she longed to hear about, and not the bitterest truth that had stirred hate in her heart for Moiraine as nothing else could have: the fact that she had escaped this world, while Anvaere had been chained to it so long she’d been forced to truly become it, not merely to live in it, “and then, if I’m happy with your answer,” she added, a slightly harder note entering as if to remind Moiraine that, in spite of all these niceties and politeness and pleasantries, Anvaere was still firmly in control of this interaction, “you can ask me a question in turn,” she smiled, “about anything at all that you wish to know.”
“That sounds like a very fair arrangement,” Moiraine said, hesitating just a fraction too long, long enough that they both knew Anvaere had seen her briefly falter and slip on a step, “and I believe that you should go first, as you were the one to propose it,” Moiraine said, graciously inclining her head and saluting her with a slight raise of her teacup, before bringing it to her mouth and swigging down too much of the still scalding liquid at once, feeling a strange satisfaction as it burned her throat and left it raw as it went down.
“How sweet of you,” Anvaere returned. Then she shifted in her chair, sitting up a little straighter, and Moiraine mentally braced herself for what was to come. “Truly, I have to confess, that what I have been simply dying to hear about more than anything at all simply has to be your husband,” she beamed, sitting with her chin propped on the hand that wore her wedding ring, which caught the firelight and gleamed almost threateningly between them.
Moiraine’s heart went tight. Well, at least she could say for Anvaere that, once she decided to finally get right down for it, she wasted no time in simply going straight for the killing blow. They both knew that this was a particularly sore point. As they both knew that, more than politics, or betrayals, poisoning or parties, assassinations or assaults, what Moiraine most feared and dreaded as a fact of her life was the idea of having to marry a man, to be forced to his bed, to bear his children, to become chained and beholden to him. They both knew that was a fate that she had escaped, fleeing from an arranged marriage to instead go to the White Tower and train. Anvaere had not been so lucky. Her husband had passed only a few years ago, with no love between them, and enough children that the mere thought made Moiraine feel slightly sick.
Moiraine took another sip of tea, to give herself time to regain her poise, but most of the liquid dribbled down her chin instead because of how her hand was shaking, and she had to duck to wipe it away, utterly ruining the intended effect.
“My husband?” she repeated with feigned confusion, frowning politely at her sister, quite sure that this little farce would not be believed, but that wasn’t really the point.
The point was she needed a moment to gather her wits and curse her sister. Why in the Light did it have to be about Lan? Why wouldn’t she have asked about almost anything else? But of course that was not the Cairhien way, was it? When one identified what was undoubtedly the best weapon to use for a current fight, one did not choose a less effective tool simply because it would have shown a hint of mercy. That might result in a loss, and a loss was unacceptable. It did not matter if something was gained by the purest and most noble methods, or the dirtiest and vilest of tricks that many a cutpurse would have flinched at. All that mattered was that you came out better than your opponent. By whatever means necessary.
“Oh, are you not married to him?” Anvaere said, continuing this painful little charade of pretence, just to draw it out, twist the knife and force it a little deeper before she withdrew it and allowed it to bleed freely for her own amusement, “I apologise for making the assumption,” she replied, very clearly slighting Moiraine by implying that it would have been wrong to assume she would be a decent, upstanding woman and marry the man she was bedding, as she would be expected to. 
Waving her fingers idly, Anvaere added carelessly, “but I’m sure you know well the one I mean,” and though this comment was only a stepping stone in passing for her, unseen and unknown, the damage it caused was deeper and more lasting than Anvaere could ever know. 
Yes. She had known him well, had known him better than anyone, in fact. Moiraine swallowed down tightly past the tight knot of emotion forming in her throat. She had not thought of Lan, had deliberately kept her thoughts on anything else, since leaving him, for every time she remembered his face, or heard his voice chide her for not eating or sleeping as much as she should be, it almost made her wish that she was back at the Eye with Ishamael, as that would have been far less painful to endure. She could not lose her composure now, could not reveal to Anvaere just how much of a weakness Lan was for her. Anvaere had told her that she saw Moiraine as a threat. And Moiraine well knew how threats were to be dealt with in Cairhien. Any weapon that could be used against an enemy would be, and any potential weapon would be found so that it could be held in reserve and used to threaten as needed. She would not allow Lan to suffer the consequences of her weakness and failures yet again.
Returning her full attention to her sister, she heard, with a clarity as sharp and cutting as freshly broken glass, as Anvaere said casually, “that brooding man who is always at your side,” she raised an eyebrow very slightly as she added pointedly, “well, usually at your side, in any case.” When Moiraine, jaw clenched, remaining silent and missing yet another beat of the dance, unable to trust herself with speaking when she was not sure she could open her mouth without screaming, Anvaere continued mercilessly, “he had eyes so hard and cold I would have bet they would chill the very fires of Dragonomount,” she said with a contemptuous twist to her mouth, “let alone a woman,” she added with an affected little shudder.
Moiraine’s hand, the one not currently strangling her teacup, clenched tightly on the arm of her chair, and she was quite sure, given Anvaere’s slight flicker as her own mask slipped, that she had not concealed the anger at this insult well at all.
“Regardless,” Anvaere said, licking her lips as though almost thinking better of this, side-stepping her rudeness as if it was as insignificant and beneath her notice as a dirty puddle in her way on the street, “do tell me all,” she pressed with a seemingly warm and inviting smile.
Her mouth did not say ‘or I will tell you nothing of what you want to know’ but her eyes could not have made it plainer where they peered expectantly at Moiraine over the rim of her own cup.
“Lan is not, and has never been,” Moiraine clarified swiftly, before Anvaere decided to twist the knife any further and force her to go over this again, “my husband. Nor were we ever involved that way,” she added, unable to stop a little of the exhaustion she felt bleed into her words.
It was not the tiredness of her body that was unbearable to her, though it was certainly beginning to weigh on her, but how simply exhausted she was by this entire culture and way of life in Cairhien. Where every phrase in a conversation with her sister had to be examined for loopholes to swiftly close lest they be taken advantage, as though she was eternally stuck making endless bargains with the Sea Folk. Every word out of her mouth was weighed, and judged, and measured, every breath was critiqued, every step taken drawing raised eyebrows and whispers behind hands. It had been less than a day and she felt strung up, skinned and gutted. How had she survived here for so long as a child?
“Yet you spent such time together,” Anvaere pressed, her eyes wide, as though Moiraine was sharing a juicy piece of scandalous gossip, “travelling alone together with only a man, sharing rooms at inns, if the rumours are to be believed.”
“He– He was my Warder,"Moiraine broke in, speaking too swiftly, wishing to simply shut Anvaere’s perfectly painted mouth. 
Only Anvaere could do this to her, get under her skin this way, provoke a temper she’d not had in years. And in doing so she had also forced Moiraine to stumble once more. She’d felt the slip herself as her Oath caught and gagged her when she'd briefly tried to say 'he is my Warder', for that was no longer true. Not after what she'd done. 
“Was?” Anvaere said, pouncing immediately upon the word like a rabid street dog upon an injured mouse attempting to scurry past it, “Did something happen?” she asked, with a very appropriate level of expected concern. ‘Did something happen?’ Light. What a question. With so many answers, and so much pain attached to it. Moiraine blinked and forced herself to take another too large gulp of tea, letting the blistering in her throat distract her, letting her draw herself back to the room, away from the Eye, so that she could hear Anvaere conclude with saccharine sweetness, “nothing too terrible, I hope?”
"No,” Moiraine answered mechanically,  “not at all.” Quite the opposite, in fact. Terrible would have been bringing him here, subjecting him to this vile place, wasting more of his life with her, until it was ultimately, pointlessly, cut short attempting to prolong the miserable excuse for existence hers had become. “I suppose you could say that he has…moved on to greener pastures,” she said with a forced smile, betraying nothing of the raging tempest of emotions within her.
"Ah," Anvaere sighed, with a look that would almost have been pitying, had Moiraine not caught the glint of satisfaction as she watched her sister come to her own conclusions about what exactly that meant. "A lesson for you, then," she said, "always marry them when they're still addled with lust for you and pliant. Uncle, for all his faults, was right about the fact that, when presented with the opportunity to make a killing blow, you should never hesitate."
Moiraine noted Anvaere’s assumption, in spite of her attempting to kill any possibility of thoughts in that direction, that Lan had only agreed to follow her initially because he’d wished to bed her, and decided it was not worth trying to scrape together more energy she frankly didn’t have to argue the point. Naturally she assumed that. It was how they were taught, and how the game was played. A woman’s sexuality is one of her only weapons, and hse must wield it accordingly to gain whatever power she can while she still has it at her disposal. She knew it would be almost impossible to explain the relationship she and Lan had to Anvaere, who simply came from such a different world that she could not even begin to imagine it, let alone accept it.
More impossible for her, still, was the sentiment behind why Moiraine had pushed Lan away. There was no greater sin in Cairhien than to not use every advantage you had. The idea of actively pushing away someone that you loved, worse, someone who was useful to you, simply for their sake? Unthinkable.  Moiraine would likely not have been able to conceive of it, either, not before Lan. For this had been his influence upon her, she knew. Ironic, given how hard he’d fought against accepting it. Sacrifice had been a language she spoke fluently and well, but letting someone go, letting them be free of the burden of duty or love so that they might be happier for it? That was a lesson that Lan had helped her to learn. Along with so many others on their journey together. And now–
“You seem to miss him,” Anvaere observed, giving voice to the very thoughts Moiraine had been working so hard to push down and ignore, lest they break her.
Her sister also betrayed a flicker of surprise in her expression for the first time, as she apparently uncovered something she had not already known was there, and was as such not expecting it. Learning things about Moiraine had never been the purpose of this little interrogation. Hurting her with things already known had been. Punishing her, in the most Cairhien of ways, showing her the consequences that came with refusing a polite invitation. Had she taken tea that morning perhaps they might have had a pleasant chat with one another. Since Moiraine had forced her to go to all of this trouble, well, now she had to pay the price.
Moiraine swallowed hard, drank her tea to give herself thinking time, for the simple truth was that she did. She had not expected it to be so much sharper and keener for the loss of his physical presence in her space. She had been missing the bond, and the emotional connection she had delivered held off, for months now, why should this have made it so much worse. Yet it had.
In the end she could come up with no way to talk around her First Oath and was forced to say, very quietly, throat painfully tight, “I do.”
Anvaere, at last, looked satisfied, and Moiraine decided not to let the opportunity presented to strike go to waste.
“Now,” she said firmly, leaning forward with clear intent, “about that redheaded boy at the inn,” she prompted and Anvaere raised an eyebrow slightly to indicate that, as hoped, she would permit Moiraine her first question, “how long has he been staying here in Cairhien?”
An hour later, Moiraine had what she needed, though she felt as though she’d been forced to let Anvaere flay her very soul until it was raw and bloody and exposed before her. Nothing she had asked had been dreadfully invasive, really, but that had not been the point. The act itself had been the price, and the punishment, of her earlier transgressions. As she moved from the room, she did so feeling hollow and empty. Like the old dollhouse, or the books untouched for years, or the dust that had lain thick upon the space, Moiraine was now but another old, unloved ghost, cold and despairing, and never able to find peace.
I'm friendly please feel free to yell thoughts/comments at me!! They fuel my angst and pain!!!!
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scribblingface · 1 year
sometimes I have a day where I am genuinely 0% effected by migraines, no mild migraine, no prodrome, nothing, and I'm always surprised, like, oh, I actually really have at least some migraine symptoms literally all the rest of the time, huh
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sydmarch · 2 years
@ignitingthesky sorry for the tag if you don't care about this feel free to ignore LOL but i was deep in my drafts and i FOUND THE DREAM JOURNAL ENTRY that i wrote immediately after waking up from that dream about michael the reaper we were talking about the other day! i didn't even know for sure if i actually wrote an entry or not so i cant believe i stumbled on this right after talking about it. clearly i was deep into my spn rewatch when i had this dream bcus the characters keep popping up LOL
dream a a reaper woke up around 540 went back to sleep. saw a face in the window across from my living room working w a headset on. then started seeing a tall tall man outside looking through the window in to do his work. like stretched out two stories tall. I was some kind of deal maker& I had a client come back after recently making a deal to make one again bcus she wanted to see him. but then the woman was Sam? and he wanted to fuck the reaper. was talking to Claire about it she was like nah I'm too short and he's like I'm taken but he thought he was gonna die soon on a mission so her wanted to. I'd never seen him I kept glancing out. eventually he came over to me and was like why do you keep looking over. and I was like I've never seen you before I'm all this time. he said he thought it was bcus my client has been wanting to see him he was revealed but he had been there. he had like olive skin and shaggy dark hair. he made himself average height and we were in this like bar and he was introducing himself. he was telling me abt some creatures apparently Sam and Dean were like... sex god's? & I was like Hm maybe I should give them a try (???). he had purplish hair now. then he showed me to his room on the fourth floor it was small and hoarder like there was a ton of stuff abt writing. reference books like whole owns about the weights of dogs. and stuff. some kanuscript for a spn episode or fanfic? he had latter's taped up from like.. an ice man and other supernatural friends wishing him a happy birthday and stuff. his name was Michael. wandered through another random apartment in my way back but this one was L ik e a child's room. there was something about an older Claire w a younger Claire rushing down a river. older one hadn't planned on stopping but then needed to save her friend Jimmy from going too fast but fell asleep in the water woke up and he was smashed against a car and his eyes were gone, a train came through even tho it was water and crushed him. then I think I was waking up at my place and peeking out for him again and he was gone. then at the couch at my parents place looking out the window in the living room. it was snowy and there was a restaurant built like ten feet from the dog pool but it was really like.. a pet supply store? but tiny and cozy
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archiverstappen · 10 months
the cat sitter (part 13) ✧ max verstappen
max verstappen x fem! reader
previous part | masterlist | next part
loosely inspired by the story on how max lost his cat
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liked by landonorris and 4.920.557 others
maxverstappen1 My crazy cat lady is finally back
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↳ username 🤨🤨🤨 suspicious
↳ maxverstappen1 WOW
yourusername starting to wonder, will there ever be a day where you finally post a decent picture of me 🙍‍♀️
↳ maxverstappen1 No
↳ yourusername there will be repercussions for your action
danielricciardo Okay now i get where the name ‘crazy cat lady’ came from
landonorris 👀👀👀 hehehe yourusername
↳ yourusername sHHHHHHHHH
sophiekumpen 😁🧡
↳ username and it’s of y/n🥹 HE’S DEFINITELY IN LOVE
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liked by maxverstappen1 and 178 others
yourusername not fast just furious
view all 12 comments
maxverstappen1 SIIIIIUUU
maxverstappen1 Told you I’m a good teacher
↳ yourusername couldn’t see the road properly because my vision was blurry from all the tears that i held
↳ landonorris YOU MADE HER CRY?! maxverstappen
bffusername i jusT KNOW that the driving lessons were chaotic, but props to max for doing something no human being can afford to do 🥹
↳ yourusername iM A GOOD STUDENT!!!!
↳ maxverstappen1 Half of the lessons were filled with her having a breakdown, and the other half were filled with Y/N saying “huh” because she couldn’t hear my instructions through “Tokyo Drift” that was playing in the background
↳ bffusername sounds like the y/n i know 👍
bffusername ANYWAY so excited to finally be yor passenger princess 😘
↳ yourusername i would love to drive you around, but i still don’t know how to park 😁
friendusername Remember that time when you hit my mother’s car in high school? 😂 Look how far you’ve come!!
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author’s note: IT’S FINALLY HERE!!! i really hope you guys like this one 🧎🏻‍♀️
taglist: : @flwr-stella @reidsworld @myloverjk-blog @debss-319 @hiraethrhapsody @electrobutterfly @love4lando @lunnnix @allenajade-ite @jjsprobablywrong @whoreks @soleilgrec @oscarwildingsworld @christianpulisic10 @thievin-stealing @glitterf1 @elliegrey2803 @trouble-sistar @escapism-writer @cornerofacry @hollie9111 @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @ad-astra-again @canyon-lwt @thecubanator2 @lifesuckslife @leclercloml @sunny44 @nmw-am @sachaa-ff @multilovebot @glow-ish @moneygramhaas @whitefireproofs @icarus-nex @iloveyou3000morgan @ccallistata @copper-boom @fictionalcharacterslut @celesteblack08 @maxiel-jpg @slytherheign @lunyyx @series-books-food @coffeehurricanes @shrimpyshrimp @somanyfandomsbruh @justcallmeelli @laneyspaulding19 @ironmaiden1313
pictures (c) to pinterest and instagram
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chlorinecake · 3 months
It's sad you haven't written that much for sunoo
𐙚 — 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 | 𝐤.𝐬𝐧
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▹ PAIRING: boyfriend ! sunoo x girlfriend ! reader
▹ SUMMARY: While on a picnic date with your boyfriend in honor of your one year anniversary together, things take an unexpected turn as one simple touch leads to another...
▹ WARNINGS: TOUCH DEPRIVED SUNOO who can't help but leave marks all over your neck and thighs, fluff mixed with super messy smut, fingering + oral (f. r), handjob, protected sex (love that for them), tit and spit play, exhibitionism, mentions of food
▹ WORD COUNT: 2.5k
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“You brought ice cream to our picnic date in the summer?”
“Yes... and you wrote me a love letter,” Sunoo replied frankly, the gentle park breeze blowing his wavy bangs to the side of his face slightly... “of course I appreciate the gesture, baby, but why go through all that trouble of trying to hide it from me?”
His question made a memory resurface in the back of your mind.
One from earlier this morning when you threw a pillow at his face in an attempt to sneak away with the letter undetected.
Not one of your best moments, you'll admit, but he took it lightly anyways, laughing off the confusion your strange behavior brought about...
“You weren’t supposed to come back home til tomorrow, Sunoo, and I wanted to surprise you…” your voice trailed off just as your boyfriend rested his hand at your thigh, caressing the flesh in a soothing manner…
“I wanted to make it more special,” you went on, feeling your heart flutter slightly at the way he suddenly tilted his head at you, almost as if cooing at your worried confession.
“____… what could be more special than a letter with your sweet kisses all over it?” Sunoo asked, gaze falling to your lips for a second before his eyes flicked back up, displaying his comforting smile.
“Just open it already,” you whined playfully, making your boyfriend giggle a bit at your impatience.
“Wait, I wanna guess what’s inside first!” He paused excitedly, looking to the clouds as he sat in thought…
“Hmm,” Sunoo hummed, feeling through the envelope with his fingers to see if it'd give him any clues… “are these... condoms?!!”
“What!? No! Why would I give you such a thing!?” You laughed out loud, giving the park a brief scan to see if anyone was around to have heard your boyfriend's wild revelation.
“Relax, ____... nobody’s watching the romantic couple on their picnic date,” Sunoo reassured with a light-hearted chuckle, running his hand a little higher on your thigh this time, making your breath hitch slightly.
What was getting into him today?...
“Righttt... so it’s just us and the trees now, huh?” You asked sarcastically, just as a random hiker came walking up the trail a few feet behind you two.
“Yup!” Sunoo answered confidently, letting his touch leave your skin, “just us, the trees... and no protection…”
Tear ˎˊ˗ ...
Sunoo tore open the triangular flap that once sealed the envelope, opening the paper-pocket to reveal a set of tiny squares poking back at him…
“Wow,” his voice started, a feigned shock to his tone, “you must really wanna take me raw after this…”
“Oh my God, you’re being such a slut today,” you whisper-yelled, smacking his shoulder playfully before taking the envelope from his grasp, shaking out the contents into his open palm.
“They’re P o l a r o i d s,” you enunciated slowly, “of us, baby...” you continued with a smile, watching as he brought each photo to his face, one by one to examine them...
“Aww,” Sunoo pouted, feeling his own heart warm up at the burst of memories. “Thank you, love… this is such a sweet anniversary gift,” he said, leaning forward to hug you, his weight accidentally overtaking you to the point where your back fell against the picnic mat with a soft thud.
It wasn't unusual for Sunoo to underestimate his strength, especially whenever he got excited and wanted to show you his affection... still, it's something that he always felt bad about doing...
“____, I'm so sorry! I didn’t mean to...” your boyfriend's initially apologetic voice trailed off, all thanks to the mistakably erotic sound that slipped past your lips while caged beneath him.
“S-Sunoo… it's okay,” you stammered nervously, feeling his thigh brush up against your core as he adjusted him position, a small wet spot from your soaked panties now marking his jeans.
You couldn't think of anything to say, especially not with the way your sundress was hiked up now, putting your hips and bottom on full display.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you were met with the wet sight yourself now, Sunoo’s flexed thigh doing nothing but make things worse for the ache growing inside you...
“T-that's not what I think it is... right?”
Your boyfriend's voice came out quietly as a delayed silence followed right after, his eyes staying fixed on you as you raised to sit on your knees now.
You put a hand to his chest, pushing his back against the picnic mat now before leaning on top of him and whispering, “Stop staring and just kiss me already…”
Sunoo almost couldn't believe those words had left your mouth so smoothly, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat with anticipation as his eyes fell back to your lips.
Your gorgeous, kissable lips...
“And if anyone sees us?” He asked with a slight rasp to his voice, eyes sparkling beneath the sunlight as you traced the side of his face with a finger...
“Then they can cry about it…”
That's all it took before you two started kissing, both of your eyes fluttering shut as gentle sounds of pleasure were exchanged by the tips of your tongues.
You felt one of his hands find the side of your face and drift down to your neck, his touch gripping just enough at your throat for the pressure to be noticeable, but not overwhelming.
“Been wanting to do this since we got here,” Sunoo groaned, a little weak yet heavy at the end as you broke away from the kiss, meeting his eyes with your own lovestruck ones as you noticed his touch wandered lower, pulling your sundress over the curve of your hips again, tugging at your panties.
“Wanna get these off of you so bad, baby,” your boyfriend said breathlessly, your legs wasted no time in moving just enough for him to slip your panties down and toss them.
“Much better,” you hummed, letting your lips find his again in an even more hungry kiss than before as you felt his fingers ghost over your folds, circling your clit in a way that had you twitching almost instantly.
Something about the way he kissed you in this moment was so raw and greedy, a bit of spit dribbling down the side of both your mouths, only for you two to take turns licking it back up with your tongues.
And he was gathering so much of your slick on his fingers, too, making your clit throb with need as he kept toying with it, your hips subconsciously rocking against his fingers as you grew closer and closer.
“You're making such a mess of me, Sunoo,” you said in between kissing him, his mouth traveling to your neck where he sucked even harder against your flesh, groaning against your skin.
“Can't help it when you taste so sweet, love,” is all he managed to say before rolling you over on your back and taking dominance again, your body being sprawled out face-up on the picnic mat as he started to pepper kisses down from your jaw, to your tits, before finally reaching your swollen cunt.
You couldn't help but close your thighs around his head, even though it was only a matter of time before he forced them open again, taking a break to finger your pussy while marking the expanse of your thighs, holding intense eye contact with you the entire time.
“Could play with your pussy all day, baby,” he mumbled against you, moving from your thigh to lick a stripe up the middle of your core, “might have to beg me to stop...”
“F-fuck,” you cried out, arching your back at the way your core trembled thanks to his skilled fingers curling inside you, “I'm so close, baby...”
“Yeah?” He asks breathlessly, looking you straight in the eye again while still fucking you with his digits, “gonna cream on my fingers, baby?... clench that pretty pussy as you cum for me?”
A string of desperate yes's spilled from your lips only to get caught in your throat, your teary eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt yourself release from the inside out, shaking from the wave of pleasure that washed over you.
“That's it baby... let it all out,” Sunoo cooed, fingers not ceasing in fucking your hole until you reached your hand down to stop his wrist from moving.
Sunoo just stared at you for a second... and even though he knew you hated when he did that, he couldn't help it. You just looked so beautiful to him right now. Cheeks a flushed hue from your orgasm, covered in his marks from your chest to your thighs...
Using his free hand, Sunoo reach for the picnic basket, digging under a few things before pulling out a shiny gold package.
A condom.
“Babe, you... you planned this?” You asked with a glint of amusement to your voice, body still moving in slow-motion as you recovered from your first orgasm.
“Hey, don't judge me,” he smiled softly, tossing the condom in the middle of you two as he got started with unbuckling his pants, “you can put it on me, if you like...”
Timidly, you crawled towards your boyfriend on all fours, thankful to God that you didn't flinch once his dick sprung out from the confines of his boxers, nearly hitting you in the face given how hard it was.
Still, there was something about the subtle look of shock on your face that made Sunoo feel good about himself, reaching out a hand to caress your head as you tried opening the package with your nails.
“Just use your teeth, love,” Sunoo suggested, just as you took the plastic in your mouth, tearing it away with ease.
Pulling out the ring of rubber, you aligned it over his tip first, sliding it down in a stroking motion.
It doesn't take long before you have the whole condom slid down his shaft, but your ministrations don't stop there.
You kept pumping him in long, drawn out movements, experimenting with pressures and slightly escalating the speed with each stroke.
And it didn’t take long before he started moaning all loud and shamelessly, biting his lip with slightly screwed brows as you continued to jerk his cock in your hand, caressing his thigh with your free hand to help him relax.
“Sh-shit,” Sunoo cursed beneath his breath, eyes glued to the way you fisting his length, your hickey-stained cleavage coming into view as your sundress fell further down your shoulders with gravity.
The whole sight was just so intoxicating to him, especially coupled with the sensation of your fingers wrapped around him.
It was only a matter of time before you had him coming undone, filling the condom with his load as you started to stroke him more slowly now, somehow craving his dick even more.
He was a panting mess, pretty chest heaving beneath his shirt as you sat up on your knees now, crawling over to straddle his lap.
His lust-ridden eyes watched you the entire time, too, pants still lazily hanging around his thighs as you untied the bow keeping the top of your sundress together, revealing almost your full chest to him.
He didn’t hesitate to start groping your chest, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands as you humped against his lap, sliding your slick folds over his wrapped dick and shivering from the returned stimulation.
You moaned at his actions, clinging onto your boyfriend’s shirt at the sudden feeling of his tip prodding at your entrance.
“God, I need to be inside you so bad, ____... need to feel you taking me nice and slow...” Sunoo practically mewled against your lips, the desperation of words making your pussy clench around nothing.
You let your hips grind against his length even faster now, despite how you both were extremely sensitive at this point.
You didn’t expect one fleeting kiss to get you here… a slimy, moaning mess in your boyfriend's lap all in the middle of nature… but you were too far gone to turn back now, and besides… something about the risk of being caught like this was a turn on for you, anyways…
Reaching down for his dick, you let the head find your hole again before slowly feeling him slide past your ridged walls, shaky sighs coming from both your lips now…
You two stayed like that for a few moments, too, simply basking in each other’s closeness until you got ready to move, Sunoo’s delicate hands resting at your hips, eventually guiding your speed.
“S-Sunoo,” you started weakly, thighs trembling at the way his tip grazed your sweet spot as he rocked you back and forth against him, “we’re not gonna last very long in a state like this…”
Your sultry words sounded like fuzz in his brain for a second, his body being too pleasure drunk to focus on anything other than the way your perfect pussy was taking him.
You kept your hands secure at his shoulders, grinding against him the best your tired legs could manage as his lips connected to the skin below your ear, speaking the feathery words: “Might as well make it worth it, then…”
That's when your boyfriend let his back fall against the picnic mat, releasing his grip from your hips, only to find your hands instead, connecting you both by your latticed fingers.
His pelvis snapped up to help you both reach your highs faster, your chest heaving with emotions as you gasped at the feeling of his cock plunging inside you so well, a mere matter of seconds passing before your orgasms hit you both like a crashing wave.
Sweet mmm's and ahh's of pleasure left both your squirming bodies, Sunoo's thighs twitching beneath you as your walls clenched down on his length, your climax taking it's sweet time to leave you.
You felt his cum slowly fill up the condom from inside you, gentle pants escaping his swollen lips as your hands stayed intertwined, eyes slightly teary beneath the shining sun.
“I can't believe we just did that in public,” you sighed, lifting your hips from his to free yourself from the stimulation, helping yourself to removing the now filled rubber from your boyfriend's dick and tossing it in a picnic napkin.
Sunoo smiled at your choice of words before sitting back up to readjust his pants, still feeling a bit wobbly in his movements after everything that just happened.
“And I'm more than open to doing this again,” he said, crawling towards you on the mat to help re-tie the bow at the top of your dress, “… and again, and again, and again...”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” you chuckled with a smile, watching his hands finish up each bow before he creating a small distance between you, placing the picnic basket in the center of the mat and flipping open it's lid, his hair slightly disheveled as he asked, “In the mood for some ice cream soup?”
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AUTHOR’S NOTE 𐙚 | To the anon at the very top of this post, I hope you enjoyed what I came up for with for everyone’s favorite sunny boy !! That is, if you ever happen to cross paths with my blog again >< !!
TAGLIST 𐙚 | @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @ot7sevenlvr + link to my enhypen bookshelf if you’re interested !!
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coolyiooo · 7 months
Overstimulating BSD Men
Pairings: Dazai, Ranpo, Fyodor, Atsushi, Chuuya, Sigma, and Tecchou
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❗WARNINGS: SMUT, MDNI, overstimulation, begging, praise, degrading, pulling, scratching, gagging, breeding kink, moaning, groaning, whimpering, and etc❗
This was the first BSD smut I wrote but I edited it a bit to make it better. it's a bit short (I feel like it is) but hope you enjoy it :)
You just wanted to punish Dazai for teasing you so much today. So you decided to just drive him over the edge with just your hand. Your hand was moving up and down on his throbbing cock. Your hand and his dick were wet and slimy from his previous orgasms. He couldn't stop moaning and whimpering. He kept on twitching while a small amount of drool dripped from the corners of his lips. Some of his own cum was on his stomach. His hands were clenched so tightly that his fingernails were digging into his skin.
You kept kissing his cheeks, neck, and temple as you kept massaging his cock. He was a sight to behold that's for sure. You kept giving him so many praises but also small degrading comments, only fueling to his euphoric release.
"Mnn~ ah- your hand feels so mph!- amazing, bella~" Dazai moans while his cock throbbed.
You kissed his neck, making him shiver slightly "you look so beautiful like this dazai~ but you also look pathetic being covered in your own cum" you taunted with a slight smirk
"P-please.. b-bella mmmn~ I can't handle more of this ah!-" he groaned.
The overwhelming amount of pleasure was becoming unbearable. His body was becoming hot. His heart rate was racing, yet he felt nothing but pleasure and it was only getting better and better.
"Why should I when the most beautiful sight is you cumming just by my hand? Plus you can't stop throbbing and moaning like a little man whore, it's really music to my ears" you degraded him
His cock only throbbed more when you degraded him. Something about you making him so submissive like this was so arousing for him. He can only moan louder. You then started to move your hand faster. Making his head fall back with his mouth open while moaning loudly .His cock throbbing aggressively. The sight could almost make you cum. Your underwear was drenched from your wet cunt.
"AH~! fuck! So f-fucking good~! Don't stop mmn~ I'm gonna cum again ah~ please don't s-stop!" He whimpered.
You smirked slightly "Oh, alright..since you asked so nicely"
You bent over to his sensitive cock and started to suck him off like your life depended on it. Your warm, sticky tongue wrapped around him perfectly.
He eyes shot wide open as he moaned loudly "B-BELLA! Y-yes! AHHH~!"
In a couple seconds, he thrusted upwards into your mouth to release his cum. Eyes and mouth wide open. His Back slightly arched. He was gasping for air. He felt like he was ascending to heaven, but it felt too sinful to be heaven, but if hell was like this, he wouldn't mind going.
He was panting and sweating while his body was hot and trembling aggressively. His eyes were now closed as his body was started to relax and calm down. You swallowed his cum before kissing his cheek with a small smile. He opened his eyes tiredly to see your beautiful face. All he could do was chuckle softly and say "that was...just...wow.."
You wouldn't stop bobbing your head up and down Ranpo's cock even after he came a few times already. He just tastes so good and looks so irresistible when overstimulated, and his whimpers only made you keep going. His hand was behind your head as he caressed your hair and head.
"Mmn~! Ah~! You really can't have enough of me, huh, sugar~?" He whimpered
You lift your head off his dick with a pop, using your hands to rub him instead. You smirked slightly while looking at him. His cheeks were flushed while his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. It was evident that he was feeling amazing and loving the feeling of your mouth and skillful tongue.
"You taste so sweet ranpo~ I guess you are what you eat right?" You then started to bob your head up and down on his needy cock again.
He moaned out loud. His hands were squeezing the couch cushions. He was looking away with a blush face and a overwhelmed expression, eyes squeezed shut. He went back to whimpering loudly. His whole body was trembling with pleasure.
You lifted off his cock for a quick second "Your whimpers make me so wet ranpo~ your being such a good boy~" you said before sucking his cock again.
His cock twitched at the praise and he started to thrust into your mouth, making you start to gag on his cock, but it only made him feel even better. He looked down at you to get a better view of you. You looked up at him with what looked almost like an innocent face, but your action was far from it. The way you moved your head up and down just to make him cum again aroused him so much. He moaned and whimpered, feeling his release start to approach. His head tilted back while he arched his back slightly. His was exposing more of his neck while he did this.
"Mmhp! I'm going to- ah~ cum! gonna cum~! P-please let me~!" He whimpered
You only left the tip of his cock in your mouth, sucking and slurping it beautifully while your hand rubbed the rest of his shaft, making him not able to last anymore. After a few seconds, he came on to your tongue, earning a loud, desperate moan. You could taste how sweet he was but you didn't swallow yet. You took him out of your mouth to open your mouth wide open for him to see how much he came into it. He blushed and started to become hard again at the sight, slightly whimpering again.
You swallow his cum and kissed his cock "such a good boy".
Fyodor is a very prideful man, so he would try his best to not fully express how he's feeling, but you know he's trying to hide it. Fyodor let you top him because you insisted you could make him feel just as good as he makes you, so here you are, jumping on his cock even after he came a couple times. His cum making it easier for you to move. Fyodor kept his moaning to a minimum but every once in awhile he'd let out short gasps or small moans. He is still human after all and it's a normal body function when your being overstimulated.
"Why are you hiding your voice Fedya? Mmn~ I want to know how good I'm making you feel" you moaned slightly while smirking
"Mnn~ well maybe you have to try a bit harder, darling~" he said while smirking as well
You pouted a bit but you knew he was trying his best to keep calm. You could feel how much his cock was throbbing inside of you, clearly Loving how your walls clench around him. You grabbed his hand and pressed it against ur stomach. "Can you feel how deep you are inside of me? Ah~ How your cock aches and twitches inside me~ you feel so fucking good mmn!- your the only one who can make me feel this good~"
He whimpered quietly from the feeling. He turned his head away from you. Eyes closed with a slight smile on his face. "Ah- hmm~ feeling is mutual...so please keep doing what your doing" he said trying not to sound to desperate.
"Mmnph! But it'd be amazing if you let me hear your voice..please Fedya~"
He looked at your eyes as if he was contemplating, but he decided to give into your desire and he laid his head on the pillow, eyes closed and moaning deeply. He truly was gorgeous. It made you squeeze him tighter and made you go rougher, making him moan more.
"Ahh~! Fedya do you want to come? Your close aren't you?" You clenched his hair, making him throb more.
"Mnn- yes, moya lyubov mph~ since you want it so bad" he still tried not to sound desperate
"But do you want to cum? Mmn~ it doesn't sound like you want to" you looked at him with pleading eyes
"Hmm~ of course, lyubov mmn- there's nothing more I want than to fill you up" his small smile never going away
"Then let me hear how much you want to cum..p-please~!"
He seemed pleased by how much you've been begging to hear him moan, so he will at least grant you this small wish. He knew it would make you go over the edge anyway. He started to moan loudly, but not too loud. He told you small praises just to throw you over the edge a little more and before you knew it you came before him. His voice is just so heavenly.
"Hm~? And I thought you were the one supposed to please me" his smirk was wider
You still kept going. Didn't stop a single moment even though you were now the one being overstimulated, But the sight you left before Fyodor was definitely the cherry on top for him. Seeing you become a mess just for him was enough to make him loose control. The way you bounced on him while your body seemed it's about to give up. How you couldn't even form sentences anymore and only moans.
He then came inside you with a loud groan. His cock twitching inside you as it filled you up with his hot cum. You came again with a loud moan. Both of you were out of breath and still feeling just pure euphoria throughout your bodies. You both panted and breath heavily from your climaxes. He smiled slightly when your body laid limp on his chest. He caressed and kissed your head as you tried to calm down from your high. He was really desperate to come inside you once again, but not before making you into a mess.
You were bouncing on Atsushi's cock. He's been cumming so many times inside of you, but his body seems to still not have enough of you. He was a whimpering mess. Atsushi's hands were gripping on ur hips so tightly that it'll for sure be leaving marks. He's been telling you sweet nothing's, which only made you feel electricity throughout your body. Even during this lustful and sinful act you two were doing, His words were nothing but pure and beautiful. He always had a way with words that would touch your soul.
"Mmph~! Y-your so ah! Beautif-ful aggh~! You make me f-feel so g-good~!" He moans while caressing your cheek. His eyes were full of awe
"Atsushi~ mmn~ your literally breath taking agh~! I've never felt this good~" you whimpered
His cock twitches everytime you give him praise. He loves to know that he's satisfying you in any way, especially when your being intimate. "F-Fuck~ I love y-you s-so much- AH~!" He whimpers as he rests his forehead against yours.
"I-love you too~ your literally Mph!~ perfect" you clench his hair gently.
The way you clenched his hair and say something like that, he couldn't handle it. He throws his head all the way back as he arches his back. Your becoming too much for him and he couldn't hold back anymore.
he gasps slightly "I-im g-gonna MMN! i-im gonna cum! P-please don't s-stop nngh! y-you feel so fucking good ah ah~ c-cumming.. cumming!"
He thrusts up into you, making sure his cum is shot deep inside of you. He moans so loud that you had to kiss his lips to muffle out his moan. You still feel him pumping his cum deep inside you, almost like he's never gonna stop. You give him a kiss on the cheek after he calms down from his high. His eyes looking like he's seeing heaven as he panted heavily.
"You've been such a good boy for me" you smile softly
He looked at you with those same soft eyes "and your such a beautiful woman, y/n"
Your tongue wrapped around Chuuya's dick was enough to make him moan so much. Even after cumming many times, your mouth never left his pretty cock. You loved the way his body twitched aggressively when he came inside you as he moans, it was so addictive. The feeling was mutual for him too. The feeling of your mouth sucking him off was definitely addicting for him and he could never get tired of the pleasurable sensation your tongue brought to him.
"F-fucking hell doll~ ah~! You can't get enough of me or what? MMN!~ not like I'm complaining " he groans with a slight smirk as he looks down at you.
You never left his cock out of your mouth even if he was taking to you. Your mind was just focused on making him feel good. He loved seeing how desperate you were for his cum.
"S-shit! Nnngh~! Feels so f-fucking good! Please don't stop~" he moaned
You went at a faster pace and made sure his tip was reaching the back of your throat, even if you were gagging, you were just desperate to make him cum again. He put his hand behind your head to make your movement faster. The action made you gag more but you honestly didn't mind, It only made you more wet.He arched his back and tilted his head back
he groaned "AH~ F-FUCK~! y-yes, doll~ gonna cum~ g-gonna cum so good down your pretty little throat~ MMN~!"
A few more thrusts and he whimpered loudly when he came deep down your throat. You felt his legs tremble and stomach twitching. His eyes shut tight with clenched teeth. You took every drop of his cum as he filled your throat with it. It was honestly so stimulating. Before you could do anything, he caressed your cheek as he panted
"I want to see....you swallow, doll...if that's not too much to ask"
You blushed as you looked at him with enticing eyes. His cock still inside your mouth. You swallowed his cum in one gulp. He smirked slightly before pulling his cock out of your mouth. You coughed a bit, but he then kissed your forehead lovingly "damn your good, dollface" He says that you can't get enough of him but he also can't get enough of you.
You were jumping on Sigma's cock quickly. His cock was covered by his previous orgasms and your cunt was filled. His cum made you able to jump faster of his dick and more pleasurable for him. Even though he was out of breath and looked pathetic, he looked so elegant and precious. He truly was a gorgeous man, even if he came from unnatural origins, his body sure acted like a real man. His grip on your hips were tight as he whimpered and moaned loudly from overstimulation.
He shut his eyes tight "Mmn~! Too- ah~! Much, y/n~!" He whimpered
You kissed his cheek and smirked "mmmn~ Your cock is throbbing aggressively. It's feel so good~ you want to cum more, don't you?"
He twitched from the praise "Ngh~! There's no more~ ah~!" His grip became tighter
You cupped his cheek to make him look at you in the eyes "That's ridiculous, love~ mmn~ let me prove it you" you smiled
Your pace became more rough and fast. His head fell back with his mouth agape from moaning loudly. His dick only getting bigger the more he rubbed against your tight walls. His cock pulsating even more as he felt another orgasm coming
"AH~! S-Shit~! Ngh~! too good! I'm gonna~!" He whimpered before shooting his load inside you once again, filling you up as if he's trying to impregnate you. He moaned loudly from his climax
He breathed heavily as he tried to calm down from his high. You kissed his lips before looking into his eyes "You look pretty when you cum, Sigma. It's addicting~"
His eyes were soft and gentle as he still pants "I'm glad the feeling is mutual"
You smirk as you lean into his ear "no matter how many times you cum, your body still wants more~" you said as you touched his already hard cock.
he whimpered and shivered the second he felt your hand on his sensitive dick. You smirked wider before saying "maybe one more round will do"
The man is the strongest hunting dog. The man has a LOT of stamina. It would a lot to get him overstimulated and tired, but you've managed to do so. You just feel too good and he was getting overwhelmed by the pleasure.You lost count after a couple of rounds, but you've been jumping on his cock for a long time. His eyes were closed while his body was trembling a little. His face was overwhelmed by the pleasure, but even though he was in ecstacy, he would not make a loud sound. His hands were gripping tightly onto your hips
"How are you feeling, love?" You caress his cheek gently
He gulped and leaned into your touch "You feel like..heaven, dear" he catched his breath mid sentence.
You jumped a little rougher which made him clench his teeth and arch his back slightly. His eyes open slightly and he stared at where you two were connected. You clenched his hair gently, making him gasp softly
"Come one ah~ let me hear your voice~" you pleaded softly
He looked down for a second. He seemed embarrassed to let you hear his moans and whimpers, but if that's what you want from him then he will deliver it just for you, but he still needed more encouragement. He was still clenching his teeth as he blushed slightly.
You caressed his muscles gently "Please~? Your moans turn me on~" you whispered in his ear
He trembled more when you caressed his muscles. He laid his head back and let out a deep long moan. Hearing his moan turned you on and encouraged you to jump faster. You were both moaning slightly loud and twitching from the pleasure.
"I- oh God~ ngh~! D-dont stop~" Tecchou moaned with his cheeks sightly blushed
Hearing his words made you jump at a desperate and quick pace. He arched his back while moaning. His mind was blank. He only thought of the pleasure and you. He was unconsciously thrusting upwards. He couldn't handle it anymore.
His dug his nails into your hips "Ngh~! I can't anymore i- "
He quickly pulled himself out of you and then groaned loud while he shot his load on your stomach and chest. You came after him with a loud moan from the beautiful moans and sight he presented you with. He was out of breath and sweating
You giggle softly and kiss his cheek while you were out of breath "You did well, love"
You saw a small smile on his lips as he panted "so did you"
Please check out my Wattpad book! Wattpad deleted my book for breaking their policies so I have to start off from scratch. I'd appreciate it greatly if you check it out ❤️🙏. My Wattpad account is @Coolyiooo
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calypsocolada · 4 days
someone else bought you flowers... ft. nanami, gojo, toji, hakari, takuma, & higuruma
authors note: hi. this is just a lil something I wrote while on break at work. my birthday was last week and I wanted to write a lil something but got too busy. until now! pls enjoy. bye. ps: probably gonna write a second part for some of the other boys...
cw: suggestive, slight jealousy, fem reader
wc: 2.2k
click here for my masterlist
“Baby?” You hear Nanami’s voice from the kitchen, you lean back in your chair, spying down the hallway. When you spot him a smile spreads over your face. 
“Hi honey, you’re home early.” You say, pushing to your feet as you make your way towards him. He’s standing near the island in the middle of the kitchen, hand outstretched towards the bouquet of flowers you’d set there. “Thank you for the flowers by the way… what was the occasion?” You ask, outstretching your arms to give him a hug. Nanami pulls you into him, kissing the top of your head. 
“I didn’t send you these cheap flowers, honey.” He intones against the top of your head. You pull back, slightly surprised. 
“I know your favorite flowers. Those are practically weeds.” You laugh softly at his words, he’s still holding you gently.  He’s serious as he looks at the bundle of flowers with scrutiny. 
“So I have a secret admirer?” You ask as Nanami’s gaze sharpened. 
“It seems. But they don’t know you very well. Pity.”
“You’re a flower snob.” You tease as Nanami tightens his hold around your hips. 
“I just know my girl.” He kisses your cheek first, then your jaw and neck, he trails up to your lips, pausing before they meet. “And my girl deserves only the best quality flowers.” You scoff out a laugh and he shuts you up with a kiss. 
You flicked the card from the flowers, your coworkers gushing beside you as you blushed embarrassed. 
“Wow… he really went all out.” Your coworker beamed, leaning to smell the bouquet. You turned in your chair, popping open the card. 
You shine through my darkest days... Signed, your future. 
The card was sappy but the flowers were a nice thought. Satoru liked to embarrass you sometimes and even though you weren’t really a flower kind of girl you still appreciated him thinking of you. The elevator to your floor dinged and your coworker giggled, nudging you. 
“Here’s Mr. Romantic.” She teased as you turned and spotted him. He smirked at you, giving you a little wave. You gathered up your stuff as he met you halfway, taking your purse and lunch bag. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you two walked to the elevator. 
“Someone got you flowers?” He asked as you blushed, rolling your eyes. 
“Uh huh, someone…” you teased back. “My future apparently.” You said as you two stepped onto the elevator. 
“Your future?” Gojo echoed. 
“Who apparently shines through your darkest days?” You and Satoru met eyes before he reached out and plucked the card from the flowers. He looked over it for a second. 
“So my girl had a secret admirer?” He says, pocketing the card. 
“Oh? They’re not from you?”
“I know you don’t like flowers, baby.” He says as the door slides open and you two walk out. He was right, you were more of a sweets person. “You know for someone who’s your future they don’t know you very well.” He teases as you laugh. He holds out his hand for the flowers as you hand them off. He presents them to an older lady walking by who blushes and thanks him. 
“You pawned off my pretty flowers.” You teased as he took your hand. 
“Thanks because you need arm space for all the shit I’m about to buy you.” He winks, pressing a kiss to your cheek, pulling you towards the city.
You huffed coming through the door, arms full of at least fifty roses. You struggled until an arm jutted out, pushing your front door open for you. 
“You’re home early, baby.” Toji’s voice intoned, deep and smooth from just waking up. 
“There was a mix up with the shifts at work so I got to leave.” You say, watching Toji’s eyes stick to the roses in your arms. “This was sweet of you by the way. I didn’t get to read the card yet.”
“Don’t bother.” He said, eyes sharpening. “I didn’t send these.” 
“Oh?” You hum, setting the bundles of roses on the table as Toji plucks out the card, tearing it open. He reads it over and hikes up a brow. 
“This is some corny shit, baby.” He laughs, handing over the card for you to read.
Roses are red, violets are blue, the best part of my day is you. 
You audibly laughed. 
“Yeah if I had read the card I would’ve known you didn’t send these.” 
“These are expensive,” Toji says, plucking one of the petals from a rose. “Looks like some rich bastard has his eye on my girl.” There’s a glint in his eyes that had your stomach bottoming out. 
“How inconvenient.” You tease as Toji pushes the roses right off the table into the trash. Your lips part in surprise. 
“We can’t just-“ he’s swift with his movements, pulling you into him, large hands on your waist as he turns you to face him, bodies pushed together. 
“I’ll kill him.”
“It’s just roses.” You smirk as he sharpens his eyes. 
“You want some roses, I'll buy you thousands, not some schmuck from work.”
“Toji… are you jealous?”
“Hush.” He whispers against your lips before kissing them.
“Morning, you sleep well?” You push inside the front door, struggling between the bags and the flowers. Hakari glances up from his phone and sets it down on the coffee table. It was evident from the lingering scent of coffee and his disheveled appearance that he had just gotten up.
"Yeah, like a corpse," he replies, helping you with some of the bags. "What's with the flowers?"
“Oh?” You glance at the flowers. “I thought you sent them to me?”Hakari raised an eyebrow momentarily, taking a close look at the bouquet.
"Not from me, babe. You sure they ain't from some secret admirer?" He teases with a lighthearted smirk, plucking one of the flowers from the bunch and twirling it idly in his free hand.
“Well if they aren’t from you then they are from someone else.” You respond, walking towards the kitchen. Hakari follows closely behind you, setting the bags down on the countertop. He leans against the wall with his arms crossed, a curious smirk on his face as he watches you set up the flowers in a vase.
"So, who do you think sent 'em? Got any ideas?" 
You pluck out the card, flashing it to him. 
“I haven’t read it yet.” 
Hakari's smirk widens in anticipation as he looks at the card, intrigued. He lets out an exaggerated scoff, pretending to be unbothered.
"Well, don't just stand there. Read it already. See who's been sending you flowers like a sap." You pull it open, reading the card. 
“Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow, from your secret admirer.” You recite. Hakari lets out a genuine chuckle at the message, a hint of mischief glimmering in his eyes. 
"That's pretty sappy, gotta hand it to 'em. Secret admirer, huh? Who do you think it could be?" He crosses his arms, feigning nonchalance, as he waits for your response.
“You don’t seem to be bothered with someone sending your girlfriend flowers?” You tease, tossing the card on the table. Hakari swipes it up, reading it again. Hakari chuckles once more, a smirk playing on his lips. He steps closer, closing the distance between the two of you.
"Nah, not really. I can't blame 'em for having good taste. And besides, I trust you." He reaches out, gently pulling you in by your hips, his smirk turning into a sly grin.
"But you still didn’t answer my question. Got any ideas who sent 'em?"
“I have no idea who it could be.” You tease, laughing softly “I have to say though, they did get my favorite flower. That’s nice attention to detail.” Hakari raises an eyebrow. 
"Oh really? Your favorite flower, huh? Must’ve gotten lucky." He steps a little closer, his hands still on your hips as he looks down at you, a playful smirk on his face. He leans in, speaking in a low, flirty tone. "I wonder, do I match up to this secret admirer?"
“Hmm… do you? When’s the last time you got me flowers?” You tease, his grip tightens just slightly. Hakari lets out a mock sigh of feigned annoyance, rolling his eyes jokingly.
"Alright, you caught me there. I can't remember the last time I got you flowers. But that ain’t the only way I can get your attention, you know.”He steps even closer, his hands slowly wandering lower as he gently pulls you flush against his body. His eyes locked on yours in a playful glance.
Takuma frowned at the sight of flowers in a vase on the counter. He cocked his head, narrowing his eyes. He walked towards the bathroom, poking his head in where you were taking a shower. 
“Hey, baby?”
“Yeah?” You called out from the shower. 
“Someone got you flowers?” He asked as you turned off the water and blindly stuck your hand out for a towel. Takuma pushed further into the bathroom, handing you a towel. He waited a moment as you stepped out, wrapped yourself in a towel and wrung out your hair. Takuma leaned on the doorway, a pout on his face as you glanced over at him. You took in his pout and furrowed your brows. 
“A coworker got them for me...Not sure who though.” You said, reaching out and gently grabbing the hem of his shirt. 
“It’s not Chad is it?” He asks as you pull him to you. 
“It’s not Brad, and getting his name wrong won’t make him go away, ya know?” You tease as he smirks. 
“Oops.” Takuma shrugs. “So a secret admirer?”
“Uh huh. Did you read the card?” You ask as Takuma idly twists a strand of your hair with his index finger. He shakes his head. “Well apparently they like that I read while eating my lunch, they say it makes me look smart.” You fill him in as Takuma narrows his eyes. 
“You eat alone?”
“Yeah,” you shrug. “I like to eat in the courtyard.” 
“I’ll have lunch with you from now on.” He says as a smile fits to your lips at his obvious jealousy. “I don’t want some bozo thinking he can just write love poems and watch you from afar.” 
“Baby, are you jealous?” You tease. 
“Yes.” He says without hesitation making you giggle as you run a hand through his hair, tucking it out of his face. He leans into your touch. “You do know how hot you are right?” He asks, making you laugh. 
“Calm down, I brought the flowers home for my mom, she likes daisies. And I’d love lunch with you everyday, even if it’s so you can puff out your chest.”
“No... no puffing of chests is happening. I’m just going to have lunch with my insanely hot girlfriend everyday for the rest of time.” He says, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You had fallen asleep on the couch, waiting for Hiromi to get home. When he finally arrived late, he quietly stepped in through the front door, not wanting to wake you as you slept on the couch. There was an unfamiliar bouquet of flowers on the table by the couch that he glanced at before setting his things down and pulling off his jacket, loosening his tie. You stir awake on the couch, slowly sitting up as you yawn and stretch. 
“You’re home late.” You remarked as he made his way over to you, running a hand through his hair before he’s pulled down next to you. He chuckles warmly as you sidle up beside him, placing your head on his chest as he wraps an arm around you.
“Did I wake you, love?”
“No… it’s alright.” You smile sleepily as he places a kiss on the top of your head. 
“Waiting up for me?”
“Always.” You answer fondly. A small hum left his lips as he started to shower you with kisses, trailing down to your jaw and down to your neck. He held you close, grip tightening a bit. 
"You didn't have to, I told you to go to bed even if I came home late"
“Well I wanted to thank you for the flowers. What was the occasion?”
“Flowers? I didn’t send them love.” Hiromi points out, still pressing absentminded kisses to your jaw and neck. It was hard to focus on his words. “I’ll toss' em for you.” He intones, pulling you into his lap. 
“You’re not jealous are you?” You ask heatedly against his lips. 
“They’re cheap, baby, they'll be dead by the morning.” He states, pulling you closer by the hips. “And rightfully so.” 
“So you are jealous.” You tease feeling his grip tighten. 
“And if I was?” He asks, voice low and warm, a slightly teasing tone to his voice. You laugh as he peppers more kisses. 
“I’d say it looks good on you.”
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spatio-rift · 2 years
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i cant i cant do this anymore
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luvismenu · 20 days
happy birthday master — jjk one shot
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happy birthday to our golden boy!!! 🥺🫶🏻
pairing: boyfriend!jk x fem!reader
warnings: lower case intended, maid cosplay (role-play?), making out, oral (male receiving), praising, hair pulling, spanking, clit play, unprotected sex, use of 'master" , bigdick!jk
wc: 1.7k+
note — not proof-read! y'all better ignore the mistakes cuz i wrote this quickly in one sitting 🥴
♡ — permanent taglist: @wnteraezz @jkvias @jksctrl @blaricee @blluee28 @letmekookk @whoa-jo @wobblewobble822 @jkslvsnella @clxssy1997 @nikkinikj @kayleesaltzmann @rrosiitas @naurnonope @lola75111 @somehowukook @redcherrykook @parkinglot-nights @deluluisdasolulu @minghaosimp @hyeon-yi
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you love jungkook more than anything.
and you'd go to the ends of the earth just to see him happy.
it’s his birthday today, and he’ll be home in just a few minutes. he had to go to his office for some work, which, to your relief, ended up taking him a few hours. that extra time was a blessing because it gave you the chance to get everything ready.
you want this to be perfect for him.
after all, he deserves nothing less on his special day.
that is why you bought a cute maid cosplay as a surprise for him!!
you’re a bit nervous about it, unsure if he’ll like it, but you remember the way his eyes lit up when he once mentioned maid cosplays... and just cosplays in general.
jungkook is always so generous with you. he gets you everything you want, often before you even have the chance to ask. and when it's your birthday, he makes sure it's an unforgettable experience, with grand celebrations that leave you in awe.
what you're doing right now might not compare to the extravagant surprises he plans for you, but you’re determined to make this the best birthday he’s ever had.
anything to see that smile on your boyfriend’s face, right?
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you’re hiding behind the couch, dressed in your maid outfit, your heart racing with excitement.
your outfit is adorable—the skirt is mid-thigh length, and you notice how it rides up slightly, teasing just a hint of your ass.
the fabric hugging you just right, with a little bow on your chest that really completes the look.
you look like a birthday present (at least, you hope so!)
you’re excited, maybe a little nervous too
you’ve planned this surprise down to the last detail, and all you can do now is hope he’ll love it.
when he switches the lights on, you’re going to jump out like a bunny, and in that moment, you’ll find out if all this effort was worth it.
then, you hear the sound of the door unlocking. your heart skips a beat as you quickly get into position, ready to do your little jump.
“baby? you planning to scare me or something?” you hear him call out as he walks in, the sound of his keys jingling and you don't miss the slight teasing tone in his voice.
your heart is pounding in your chest as you quickly adjust your outfit, trying to steady your nerves.
the lights flick on, and you take a deep breath, jumping right into character.
“welcome home, m-master,” you stammer slightly, a blush creeping onto your cheeks as you see him standing there, his eyes wide with surprise. you almost laugh when you notice him nearly dropping the wine bottle in his hand.
“baby...” he slowly looks you up and down.
you catch the faintest hint of a curse under his breath, and it makes you smile, relieved to see that he’s clearly impressed.
“happy birthday,” you say softly as you walk over to him
“huh—oh, right, it’s my birthday, yeah wow.. fuck” he struggles to find his words, too distracted by your appearance. you chuckle, taking the bottle from him and placing it on the table with the cake and decorations.
his eyes never leave your body, tracing every curve and detail
“what do you think, master?” you ask, biting your lip as you look up at him.
“master?” he echoes, a smirk slowly spreading across his face as he meets your gaze.
“i am your maid for today, gonna serve you good” you reply, your fingers playing with the collar of his shirt, “do you not like it, master?”
“like? baby, i fucking love it!” he says, pulling you close, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“you look so fucking pretty,” his hands slowly drift down, cupping your ass in his palms. you gasp softly, and he grins with satisfaction before leaning in to kiss your neck. “so beautiful,”
you let him grab and squeeze your ass gently, feeling his touch grow more intense. then, he captures your lips in a kiss.
“are you really gonna serve your master, baby?” he whispers against your lips.
“yes,” you breathe out, and he squeezes your
ass harder.
he kisses you again, this time more passionately. his tongue slips into your mouth, making you let out a soft moan. his hands make their way to your hips, giving them a soft squeeze.
after what feels like two minutes, you gently push him back. he looks at you, a little confused.
“you have to at least take one bite of that cake before we do anything else,” you say pointing at the cake.
“oh i'm definitely gonna take a bite,” he says as his hand lands a playful spank on your ass, making you yelp.
you quickly light the candle, the tiny flame flickering. as you finish, he pulls you closer to his side, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“birthday wish?” you ask, tilting your head to look up at him, a soft smile on your lips.
he gazes down at you, his eyes softening, "i have you; what more could i want baby?" he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of your face.
with a content sigh, he leans forward and blows out the candle. you carefully slice a piece of the cake, and then lift the piece to his lips. he takes a bite, savoring the taste, his eyes never leaving yours.
“delicious,” he says and you smile, pleased that he's enjoying the cake you made.
as you set the rest of the cake down, you notice a bit of cream on your fingers.
you smirk to yourself before you bring your fingers to your mouth, making sure he's watching every move. you slowly and deliberately suck the cream off your fingers, your tongue swirling around each finger, savoring the sweetness, while your eyes lock with his.
he kisses you immediately, his hands cupping your face, your tongues moving together as soft hums escape both of you. the kiss is urgent, yet passionate.
his breath catches, eyes darkening as he watches you.“fuck,” he breathes out, the word barely audible.
you start unbuttoning his shirt, your fingers fumbling slightly in your eagerness. he helps you take it off with one hand while his other hand grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you closer, leaving no space between you as he deepens the kiss.
after a few heated minutes, he pulls back, his breath unsteady. “I'm your master for tonight, yeah baby?”
you nod quickly, your heart racing.
“gonna be a good girl for me, hm?”
“yes master,” you drop to your knees before him.
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“mmph-fuck, yes baby, you're doing so good,” he groans, his voice thick with pleasure as you gag and drool on his cock. his breathing becomes ragged, each gasp echoing in the room as you take him deeper.
“you look so cute sucking my cock like that,” he murmurs, his hand gripping your hair as he watches you. the sight of your lips wrapped around him, the way your tongue swirls and your eyes water drives him wild. he groans, the sound low and deep, vibrating through his chest as he feels the warmth of your mouth engulfing him.
“fuck... get up, baby,” he orders, his voice filled with urgency. he moves his hand from your hair, helping you to your feet. he turns you around, guiding you into position.
"bend over for me, yeah?" he whispers, his tone commanding yet filled with affection. he pushes you gently down, and your hands grip the couch.
his hand travels down to your ass, giving it a sharp slap that makes you gasp. the sting makes you bite your lip, a mix of pain and pleasure coursing through you.
he doesn't stop there.
he continues delivering several more spanks, each one making you whimper and wriggle.
“you like that, baby?” he asks as he massages your now reddened ass, soothing the burn with soft, circular motions.
“mmfh... master, want you in me,” you whimper
he pulls your panties down in one swift motion, exposing your wetness to him. one hand stays on your hip holding you steady, while the other trails down to your clit. he moves his fingers slowly, rubbing them in teasing circles that make your legs weak. your moans grow louder, and your hips move involuntarily as he continues playing with your clit.
”will you let me cum inside you, baby?” he asks, his voice strained as his fingers continue their assault on your clit.
“yes... yes, please,” you moan out
he slaps your ass once more, the sound sharp and loud. “yes what?”
”yes, m-master,”
a satisfied smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth as he positions himself at your entrance. he teases you for a moment, rubbing the tip of his cock against your wetness before slowly pushing inside.
it feels so fucking good.
your walls stretching as his cock fills you completely.
he feels so fucking good.
“f-fuck master, so big!!” your grip on the couch tightens as you moan loudly. the feeling of his big cock inside you is almost too much, the pleasure so intense
“so tight, so good for me,” he grunts, his thrusts becoming faster, more forceful. the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room, each thrust driving you closer to the edge.
“such a perfect pussy,”
his hand stays on your hip, holding you in place as the other reaches up to your hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling your head back slightly. the added pressure makes you cry out, your body arching as he pounds into you relentlessly.
“so good... so fucking good,” he groans,
you can feel the heat building inside you, your body trembling. “master, i-i'm close,” you whimper, your voice shaky
“cum for me baby,” he growls, both of his hands moving to your hips to hold you as his thrusts become more urgent.
your body tensing before you cry out his name, your orgasm crashing over you. your walls tighten around him, pulsing as you moan, lost in the pleasure.
“fuck, baby, i'm gonna-" he gasps, his thrusts quickening before he drives into you one last time.
he cums hard, his grip on you tightening as he finds his release, filling you with warmth. for a moment, you both stay still, breathing heavily. slowly, he pulls out, a soft groan escaping his lips.
he then pulls you into his arms
“i love you so fucking much baby," he murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "you're perfect.”
“happy birthday, master” you let out a tired chuckle and so does he
“best birthday ever”
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the-boney-rolls · 6 months
There are seven levels of McLennon Hell
Level 1: Denial - What's this "McLennon"? Oh of course there are people that think they are in love. Wishful thinking but wouldn't that be fun ha ha ha
Level 2: Curiosity - I mean ok they were definitely platonic soulmates, right?
Level 3: Queering John - Oh wow seems like there's legitimate evidence that John was bisexual, I guess it's not that much of a stretch to imagine he was in love with Paul, that really changes things
Level 4: What Happened in India??
Level 5: Disillusionment of Paul's Immovable Heterosexuality - Oh they really wrote a lot of songs about each other huh. "I'm in love with a friend of mine," what's that mean Paul? Paul? Why are you so obsessed with queerness Paul? You don't have to mention John, Paul, no one asked!
Level 6: Letting Go of All Sanity - Look at the way they look at each other, it's not normal! Is it...... so crazy to think that they did? Paul is so private and repressed, he would keep that secret. What else could "waiting on the other side for your friends to go" mean??
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bwabys-scenarios · 11 months
Halloween with the Spiders
Phantom Troupe x Fem!Reader
warnings: looots of pussy eating, characters get hard/horny around reader. they eat her pussy after drinking, but they’re only buzzed, not drunk
A/N: I write Chrollo as the shy and awkward guy he actually is so… he’s not super suave in this. Also sorry I wrote out Kortopi, Franklin, and Bonolenov. I’m just not interested in their characters like at all 😭🙏 they’ve got nothing going for them I’m afraid!
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved
if you would like to be added to the NSFW taglist, comment a ❤️!! make sure you have your AGE in your bio, and that you’re able to be tagged/mentioned!
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It was the end of summer, august slipping into September before you knew it. The weather was still warm enough outside for you to be wearing a tank top and shorts, something the blonde you were currently dealing with appreciated greatly.
“Okay Shal, you should be good to go. You can get a popsicle from the fridge now.”
You were the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, a woman Chrollo had recruited to be the troupe medical director after he watched you donate your time and services to meteor city residents.
Right now, you were at one of the various expensive hotels Chrollo rented for you, using your nen to tend to Shalnark’s wounds. “Thanks, (Name)! I really thought I was a goner this time!”
He gives you a sly smile as he laps at the popsicle you give him, causing you to laugh. “Shal, you had a cut on your cheek. I swear, you’re such a baby.”
You didn’t know the real reason he always came with injuries in… strange places. He wanted you to use your nen on him, knowing it worked in an unusual way.
When you wanted to heal someone, you used physical touch, and depending on the severity, it could be a touch of your finger to a kiss from your lips. Today, it was a simple touch.
You glanced at the TV, a Halloween themed add popping up. “Oh wow, they’re showing these real early this year.”
Shalnark looked up, biting down on his popsicle. “Huh, weird.”
He hummed, getting a mischievous look in his eyes. You were a real sweetheart, but also easily manipulated by sob stories. “You know, none of the Phantom Troupe has ever celebrated Halloween.”
This had your full attention immediately. “… what?”
Ever since Shalnark informed you of the troupes lack of Halloween experience, you’ve been meticulously planning a way to celebrate with them.
It wasn’t easy getting them all together unless Chrollo willed it, so you’d have to go to the leader to ask for a favor.
You were one of the only members that knew of his location at all times. In your mind, it was because you had an important role, but in reality it was because Chrollo quite enjoyed your presence.
You sprinted towards the dark haired man, and though calling out his name in public wasn’t exactly the safest thing to do, he didn’t scold you. He instead smiled, opening his arms and allowing you to jump into them. “I’m glad you could find me with ease. Let’s go to a cafe and you can discuss what you wanted to talk about with me.”
Chrollo never let you pay for your own things when he went places with you. He said it was because you did so much good for the Troupe, but that was only a half truth. He enjoyed taking care of you.
“Mmm… oh!”
You placed your pumpkin spice muffin down, and Chrollo couldn’t help but laugh when when you held up a finger as you chewed. “I almost forgot to actually talk about what I came for! Chrollo!”
He lifted a napkin, wiping at your mouth. “Shh, (Name). You shouldn’t speak my name out loud so easily, it’s not exactly a common name.”
You blushed, and he placed the dirty napkin in a nearby trash can. “Oh, sorry…”
He motioned for you to talk, and you cleared your throat. “Anyways, Shalnark told me that none of you have ever celebrated Halloween! Is that true?”
He stared at you for a moment, trying to see why you’re bringing that fact up. “Yes, that’s true, we haven’t c-“
Your tears surprised him, but not enough for him to react. You’re kind of known for being a bleeding heart, so his expression stayed neutral, but he did offer you his handkerchief. “Chrollo, Halloween is so much fun! You get to carve pumpkins, wear costumes, eat lots of treats…”
You paused, reaching out to grab his hand. “So, the reason I asked to see you…”
Chrollo waited for you to continue patiently. He couldn’t help but find your ditzy and forgetful nature endearing, so he smiled.
“I want the troupe to get together on Halloween at my house!”
This actually surprised him. He nearly choked on his strawberry scone, having to pat his chest for a moment. “You… you said the troupe? As in everyone?”
He stared at you for a moment to see if you were being serious. You were smiling, looking hopeful and expectant.
‘How… can I put this gently..?’
Chrollo squeezed your hand, causing you to tilt your head. “(Name), my sweet and kind friend, the troupe has only come together once in the past three years, and that was for an important heist. I’m not sure if they’ll want to meet for… a Halloween party.”
You giggled. “Oh, but I’m sure they’ll love it! Besides, if you order it, they’ll come!”
He sighed. You looked way too cute, giggling and smiling as you pulled out a notebook and began showing him the things you already had planned.
Sometimes, when he watched you, all he could see was Sarasa. Your perky personality and compassion for others reminded him of her so much, it was one of the reasons he adored you so.
And one of the reasons he had trouble telling you no.
“Alright, alright. I’ll ask them to come, but it won’t be mandatory.”
You squealed in delight, nearly jumping over the table to give him a hug. “Oh, thank you Chrollo! It’s going to be fun, I promise!”
He sighed, smiling and patting your back. Normally, Chrollo would push any other person away, but he let you get away with a lot. “Okay, (Name).”
It was the day before Halloween, and you were sulking. Already, three of the Troupe members wouldn’t be able to come. Franklin, Kortopi, and Bonolenov each called to say they couldn’t make it.
You’d spent most of the week decorating your house and getting it ready for guests. Feitan, Shalnark, and Shizuku would be staying in your three guest bedrooms while the rest rented hotels.
“(Nameeeee) come open the door!”
You blinked, looking out the window to see Shizuku behind your door. “Oh, Shizuku, you’re early. I thought you’d be here tonight?”
She walked into your home, turning in a circle before tilting her head. “I wanted first pick of the rooms, so I finished up my job quick.”
That was only half true, she wanted more private time with you!
“Oh, that makes sense. You’re just in time then, I finished making all the beds a few minutes ago!”
She nodded and walked upstairs to pick her room. Not even five minutes later, you heard someone knocking at your door.
You open the door to see Feitan standing behind it, holding…
“Feitan, is that… is that a pumpkin?”
“Halloween, pumpkins are important.”
He handed the pumpkin to you before pushing past you into your house. If you didn’t know any better, you would think he looked almost… proud of his “gift” for you? Feitan watched you carry the pumpkin into your kitchen, where you sat in on the counter.
“Oh wow, it’s huge! What a nice pumpkin!”
He nods, following you. “Stole best one.”
You held back a laugh, knowing he was a bit sensitive when it came to giving gifts and being nice. “Oh, I can tell. Thank you so much Fei!”
Feitan had the habit of following you around like a stray cat when he was around. It was an improvement to your relationship when you first joined the Phantom Troupe as an honorary member. He used to sprint away from you the second you looked at him, and now he followed a few feet behind at all times. Honestly, he was pretty cute. Like a stray cat.
“Hey princess!”
You blinked as your door was torn off its hinges and Uvogin walked in, laughing and stomping into your kitchen before picking you up into a crushing hug.
Feitan stood in the doorway, watching the interaction with narrowed eyes. “Careful, Uvo. She not like us. Fragile.”
uvogin looked down to see Feitan was right. The girl in his eyes was making a pained expression, patting his arm to signal she couldn’t breathe. “Oh, my bad.”
He let her go, keeping her steady as she drew in breath. “Woo… now that is a bear hug that I think an actual bear would give, Jesus Christ…”
You turned back towards the cabinets and began taking out what you would need to get started on baking. “Uvo, could you be a dear and grab my Halloween decorations from the attic? I tried to get them earlier, but they were way too heavy.”
“Of course!”
He walked up the stairs, leaving you to sigh softly. “Okay, let’s see what we can do about that door-“
“It’s aight, (Name). I’ve got it fixed.”
You nearly jump out of your skin when Phinks and Shalnark just appear behind you, and peek over them to see that your door was indeed fixed!
“Oh, thank you guys!” You give them both an affectionate pat to the arm before continuing your baking preparations.
By the time you finish baking, your house is full of Phantom Troupe members. Pakunoda, Nobunaga, and Machi arrived individually within the last few hours. Machi shyly offered to help you bake, watching you from the corner of her eye as you worked. ‘Cute, she’s even wearing an apron…’ Machi thought, her eyes soft as she watched you.
Chrollo was the last to arrive, getting to your house at nearly 8 pm. He opened the door, every member looking up to him when he did. “Hello, everyone. I’m glad to see you could all make it.”
You rushed forward and took his coat, gently scolding him for not wearing a shirt underneath. He laughed, sitting down and smiling at the troupe. Chrollo waited for you to go back to the kitchen before his face returned to its usual serious expression.
“As you can see, (Name) has tried her hardest to make our first Halloween celebration the best it can be. You’ll do as she says, and have fun, though I’m sure none of you wish to upset our special girl.”
They all glanced between each other, nodding slowly. After that, they had a quick meeting to discuss non Halloween matters before (Name) came back into the living room. “Okay, I know I gathered you all here before Halloween, but it’s only to go over my plans and give you all your gifts!”
“Gifts? Aww, you didn’t have to do that for us, sweetheart.” Nobunaga said, smiling.
“But I wanted to! Lemme go grab them!”
You scurried up the stairs, giggling the whole way up. “It seems she’s excited about this.”
You walked down the stairs a few minutes later with a large box in your arms, whining a bit. “Hnn… it’s kind of heavy…”
Several of the boys jumped up to help you, but Feitan got there first. “Give. Too weak.”
You handed the box over, knowing Feitan was doing it to help you. “Thanks, Fei!” You gave him that pretty smile of yours, and the rest of the troupe grumbled lightly.
Feitan sat the box on your coffee table, using his sharp nails to slice open the tape. “…”
Inside were clothes, all the same design. “(Name) what exactly are these… gifts?” Shalnark asked, tilting his head as he pulled a set out.
“Oh, they’re matching pajamas! I was hoping we could all get a picture together!”
You hand out everyone’s clothes, smiling.
“How did you know our sizes?” Pakunoda asked, seeing the set of pajama was her size. You giggle, turning towards her.
“I have my ways~”
Surprisingly, most of them were completely fine dressing in the Halloween themed pajamas for pictures, and the ones that weren’t did it anyways.
Phinks sat on the couch after the pictures, humming. “Huh, these are pretty warm and soft. You mind if I take these with me back to my hotel?”
“I don’t mind at all, they’re yours after all!”
The people that weren’t staying the night filed out soon after, all thanking you, a few giving you hugs and cheeky kisses to her forehead.
“Goodnight, (Name). Sleep well, and thank you for this.”
Chrollo was the last to leave, saying that before cupping your cheek and planting a kiss on your forehead. It left you. A little flustered, but you still waved at them all. “Be safe, and make sure you’re here by 9 am!”
Shalnark, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed behind, the former two eating some leftovers you had in the fridge. “Wow, it’s been nearly a month since I’ve gotten to try your homemade cooking, (Name)! This is amazing!”
You felt your face heat up, giving your friends a sheepish smile. “I’m happy you’re enjoying it.”
Soon, everyone went to bed, and you climbed into your own, excited for the day to come.
You wake up in the middle of the night to the feeling of eyes on you. You’re quick to reach for your light switch, only for your hand to come in contact with someone’s face.
A hand covered your mouth before you could scream, the person shushing you gently. “Don’t worry, it’s just me, (Name).”
Shalnark sat, crouched next to your bed, that boyish smile on his face as he pulled his hand away. “Huh… why are… why are you in my room?”
“Oh, we’re watching you sleep.”
You blinked, glancing around the room to see Feitan standing in your doorway, leaning against it. “I not watch, making sure he don’t try something.” Feitan corrected, glancing to the blonde.
“Oh, you wound me Fei. I would never hurt (Name)!”
“Not hurt, but might touch while sleeps.”
The blonde blushed, glancing down at you as you gave him a disturbed look. “No, I promise I wouldn’t do that! I just… you look really cute when you sleep!”
“… how many times have you watched me sleep??”
“… almost every time we have a mission together.”
Feitan nodded to confirm this, walking into your room. “He not mean any harm, just worried.”
Shalnark pouted at his friend. “So you were teasing me on purpose earlier?”
The two ignored him. “Worried? What does that mean?”
Feitan sighed, plopping down on your bed. “We… lost people before. Shalnark get anxious, not want you to get hurt. Watches you.”
You soften, gently patting the blondes head. “Aww, Shal, that’s really sweet. I’m okay though, I promise!”
You give them both a smile, tentatively patting Feitan’s arm. He tenses, but doesn’t move. ‘Progress!’
You kind of treat Feitan like a scared stray cat, and it works most of the time. After your gentle pat, he scoots closer ever so slightly. You rub your eyes and yawn. “Well, I’m going back to sleep.”
You turn around and pull the blanket up to your chin, snuggling into your pillow-
The dark haired girl was lying next to you, wearing the Halloween pajamas you gave her. “W-when did you get here?”
“I’ve been here the whole time.”
“She has.”
“Longer than Shal.”
You sigh, lying back on your pillow, accepting this. “Okay, as I said, I’m going to sleep. Just… don’t do anything weird and you can all stay.”
Strangely, having the three in your room helped you sleep better. It almost made you feel safe, knowing your friends were watching over you.
The Troupe gathers in your living room at 9 am sharp, some looking tired, others perky. You’re surrounded by your comrades, some(namely Shizuku and Feitan) hovered around you shamelessly as you began to speak.
“Okay, the first thing on our list is pumpkin carving!”
You had Uvogin and Phinks help you carry in the pumpkins as Pakunoda and Machi laid out newspaper to keep your living room clean. “So this isn’t just normal pumpkin carving, it’s a contest! I’ll be the judge, and whoever makes the pumpkin I like the best, wins!”
“What’s prize?” Feitan asked, poking his pumpkin. You blinked at the shorter man.
“Oh… I think I completely forgot about a prize. Any ideas guys?”
You smiled, still in your cute pajamas. Shalnark raised his hand. “Shal?”
“How about a blowj-“
Phinks smacked the blonde over the head before Shalnark is pulled away by a few members and scolded in the corner.
“Hmm? What did he say?” You asked, tilting your head. Chrollo cleared his throat, the man surprisingly flustered easily.
“Nothing. How about… a kiss from you as a prize?”
You hummed softly. “A kiss? That doesn’t seem like a good prize, I don’t think anyone here would want th-“
The entire troupe started to argue with you, and you blush.
“Oh, um… okay. A kiss it is.”
This helped to motivate the group, but before they could start you raised your hand. “Two rules, guys. No nen, and you have to use these pumpkin carving tools.”
Already, Machi and Shalnark were pouting. Feitan took the pumpkin carving kit, raising an eyebrow at you. “… dull blade. Why?”
“Well, it’s supposed to be child safe.”
“(Name), we’re a band of thieves.” Chrollo said, his lips twitching into an amused smile. “We can handle actual knives.”
You whine and hand him his own kit, puffing out your cheeks. “Well too bad, thems the rules!”
You cross your arms and walk into the kitchen.
“Haha, you sure pissed her off, boss! Boss?”
Chrollo sat in the chair with his head in his hands, groaning. “I’m an idiot.”
Uvogin clapped him over the back with his large hand, laughing. “Oh don’t worry boss, you know she can be pouty when it comes to our safety.”
“Boss not wrong though. Kill people, can use knife.” Feitan grumbled, stabbing his pumpkin.
“Fei, I don’t think that’s how you carve a pumpkin.” Phinks said, crouching down.
“Tch, you know better?”
Phinks held up his phone, a tutorial on the screen. Pakunoda, Machi, and Shizuku sat together, ignoring the men as they carved their pumpkins, occasionally dodging flying pumpkin guts.
You walked out of the kitchen 30 minutes later, carrying in some muffins shyly. “Sorry, I was a little rude earlier. I made some- oh, are you all done?”
You ignored the complete mess the troupe had made, happy that you laid out plenty of newspaper. Nobunaga nodded, holding up his pumpkin. For an expert in the sword, it looked… really bad.
“Yep, we just finished up!”
You hummed and looked over each pumpkin. “Oh, Paku, is yours a cat?”
She nodded, trying to keep a neural expression. It was a little cat, and you couldn’t help but coo and take a picture. “Cute!”
It wasn’t amazing, but cute nonetheless. You continued looking, the next one to catch your attention being Shalnark’s. It was an image of some anime character, and despite looking amateur, you could recognize the character. “Oh, is that sailor moon? It’s really good Shal!”
He gave you a proud smile, holding his pumpkin i his lap. The last pumpkin that caught your attention was Feitan’s, which was honestly the best looking one. It was a detailed carving of human heart, and you couldn’t help but be impressed.
“I think we have a winner!”
You pick up Feitan’s pumpkin and hold it up for everyone to see. Despite being upset they didn’t win, everyone also agreed his was the best looking.
You placed the pumpkin on your table before smiling. Under his jacket, Feitan’s cheeks were a soft pink as he stood before you. “Fei, are you ready for your prize?”
He froze, his hands trembling slightly in his pockets. Feitan had always been on the shy side, and when it came to you, his shy nature only intensified. The others could pick this up, especially Phinks and Shalnark. The two were about to speak up, but you talked first.
“Fei, I won’t kiss you if you don’t want it.”
His eyes widen slightly. How should he tell you that it’s not that he doesn’t want to kiss you, it’s the fact that he wasn’t sure how his body would react to such a thing? Shit, it was already hard enough to not pop a boner in your presence, a kiss might kill him!
“Kiss… kiss alright. Can handle it,” he tried to say nonchalantly, but his words came out shaky. You smiled warmly, stepping closer and gently tugging the hood of his coat down.
“Are you ready?”
His heart thumped against his chest rapidly, his eyes half lidded as he stared at your soft lips. “Y-yeah…”
You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his for a moment before pulling away, giggling. “There you go!”
You open your eyes, only to see him tug his hood back into place and speed away from you. Feitan’s face was bright red, and he could feel his pants tighten as he his under hid coat.
“Well,” Chrollo said, getting everyone’s attention. Only few people would be able to read the hint of jealousy in his eye as he spoke. “What’s next, (Name)?”
After a quick lunch, the group gathered at a corn maze. “Okay everyone, we’re going in groups of two, using the buddy system in case we get separated! Stranger danger, ya know?”
Phinks patted your head. “No one else is here, (Name), we’re the only people in line. I don’t think we’ll have any trouble with stranger danger.”
“Besides, we’re all adults and nen users.” Pakunoda said, slightly amused by your concern.
“Hmph! We’re doing the buddy system, there’s scare actors in there. What if one of them can use nen? It’s better to stick to pairs of two!”
Chrollo nodded, paying for everyone to enter. “That’s smart, (Name).”
The pairs were as so: Chrollo and Pakunoda, Phinks and Feitan, Shalnark and Machi, Uvogin and Nobunaga, then Shizuku and you.
Pakunoda glanced at you and Shizuku. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, (Name)? Shizuku can be a bit forgetful, I don’t want you two to get separated. You’re scared easily, aren’t you (Name)?”
Shizuku huffed before pulling you into her chest. “Hey, I’ll keep her safe! I’ll stay focused!”
You blushed a little, your face directly in her breasts. “Mmph!”
She released you, patting your head. “Whoops, you alright?”
You nodded shyly, your face hot.
The group entered the maze, taking different paths. It was large and intricate, more like a labyrinth than a maze. Shizuku kept a hold on your hand, occasionally squeezing it when someone jumped out to scare the two of you.
“Oh. (Name), are you scared?”
You were trembling and holding onto her arm, giving her a slight nod. “A little, y-yeah…”
The two of you continued to walk through the maze, but Shizuku seemed to space out. “Hmm…”
She let go of your hand for just a moment, and when you attempted to grab her hand again, she was already gone. “Shizuku? Shizuku!”
You shook in your little Mary Janes as you tried to find her. Just then a man with a chainsaw begin chasing you, causing you to shriek and sprint in a random direction. “AGH! SHIZUKU! SOMEONE!”
You cried in fear, spotting a familiar figure and nearly sobbing. “Uvo! Nobu!”
They looked up, Uvogin opening his arms to allow you to jump into them. He held you close as you trembled and cried, obviously terrified. Nobunaga gave you a look of concern before glancing up, unsheathing his sword and the man approached.
“Hey, back off. She’s scared.”
The man takes one look at the two menacing figures before turning around and running away. Nobunaga turns back to you, gently running his hand over your hair to smooth it out. “Hey, he’s gone. You’re okay now.”
You sniffle a little, but relax into Uvogin’s arms. “There ya go, princess. Just relax. We’ll find our way out.”
The two spent the rest of the maze in silence. Their intimidating presences alone were enough to keep all the scare actors at bay. By the end of the maze, you had fallen asleep, your arms around Uvogin’s neck.
“Uvo, Nobu? Oh thank god, you found her!”
Shalnark ran towards the three, looking over you with relieved eyes. Nobunaga held a finger up to his lips, the blonde getting quiet. “She’s sleeping, Shal. Did anyone find Shizuku?”
Said girl was being scolded by Feitan close by. She seemed sorry enough, glancing at you with regretful eyes. “I didn’t mean to leave her, I got distracted…”
Chrollo took you from Uvogin’s arms, sighing softly as he tucked your hair behind your ear. “That doesn’t matter, all that matters is she’s safe. Let’s get her home.”
By the time the group got home, it was dark. You awoke when you heard a wet thwack!
“Huh? What was that?”
Chrollo set you down. “I’m not sure, I think it’s coming from around the corner.”
You peeked arousn the corner, your eyes going wide. “The pumpkins! Hey!”
You run forward, the troupe following close behind. A group of drunk men were smashing the pumpkins you all worked hard on. “Hey, you assholes! Get away from-“
You attempted to shop them away, but were pushed to the ground. “Shut up, bitch. Stupid whore thinks she can tell us what to do…”
Thankfully, Phinks caught you before you could hit your head on the concrete, his strong arms lifting up up. “You alright, sunshine?”
You nod, sniffling a little, tears running down your cheeks. “They… they’re smashing our pumpkins…”
He did his best to comfort you as the rest of the Troupe advanced. “Trash, make her cry.” Feitan spits, wielding his umbrella.
“What should we do, boss? Can’t let them hurt our sweethearts feelings, can we?” Pakunoda asked, ruffling your hair as she passed by.
Chrollo hummed. “Take them out, but wait until we get (Name) inside.”
Pakunoda, Feitan, and Shizuku stayed outside while the rest walked in. You heard screaming for a minute, then the sound of Shizuku’s nen activating.
“I’m sorry about the pumpkins, (Name). I know you liked them.” Shalnark said, sitting next to you as you sulked on the couch.
“It’s okay… I got pictures of all of them… at least…”
Shalnark patted your back before opening his phone. “I’ll call in some pizza, okay? Uvogin and Nobunaga brought alcohol, so why don’t we watch some horror movies and chill?”
You nodded, rubbing your teary eyes. “Yeah, that sounds fun…”
It didn’t take long for everyone to get pleasantly buzzed, you included. The troupe gathered around your TV, each taking turns to sit next to you. After all, you always jumped into the lap of whoever sat next to you when you got scared!
You stood up, humming. “Imma grab some treats, made ‘em yesterday.”
Little do you know, Shizuku had an idea. You returned with the tray, placing it on the coffee table and smiling. “Okay, dig in g-“
The dark haired girl snuck up behind you, yanking your skirt down and sitting you on the coffee table. “Let’s play a game, whoever can eat her out and make her cum the fastest, wins.”
You sat there dumbfounded, trying to process the fact that your pussy was on full display for the entire troupe, and they were all blatantly staring. You tried to close your legs, whining, but Shizuku kept them held open. “H-hey!”
You pour at her, but you don’t make any further moves to stop her. You’ve never had someone eat you out before, you hadn’t even had sex, so the thought of all 8 members present taking turns making you cum was making your pussy drool in delight.
It’s not like you haven’t imagined it a few times. Your fellow troupe members were attractive, and although this was a little embarrassing, you were a little excited.
Phinks crouched down in front of you, taking a good whiff. You squeaked, your face hot with embarrassment.
He’s quickly shoved away by Machi, who huffed. “You said you get to go first? We’ll have to draw straws.”
Chrollo cleared his throat, the bulge in his pants more than evident. “That’s a good idea, Machi. Get the straws.”
You were allowed to sit down on the couch, a pillow under your hips to get you comfortable.
The first one up was Feitan. You felt a bit sorry for him, he was obviously inexperienced in such a thing, staring at your pussy with wife eyes, his hands shaking a little when he grabbed you by the hips.
He lowered his head to your pussy, looking up at you with those dark eyes. He took his coat off, now only wearing pants. Even from this angle, you could see the tent in his pants, his cheeks a light shade of pink.
“Come on, Fei. Hurry up!” Phinks yelled, tapping his foot impatiently.
Usually, Feitan could be pretty intimidating to most people, but you knew that he wasn’t actually a bad guy, he was just a bit shy and awkward. You played with his hair, trying to encourage him. “It’s okay, take your time.”
Even as you said this, you lightly bucked your hips trying to reach his face. You couldn’t help it, he was so close to burying his nose in your pussy.
Maybe he just needs a little guidance…
You look at him, grabbing a fist full of his hair and gently guiding him to your cunt. His eyes widened, and when his lips touched your pussy, he moaned into you. Feitan’s tongue darted out of his mouth, testing the waters.
He buried his face in your pussy, licking and sucking everywhere. Occasionally he’d touch your clit, but you knew without some more guidance, he wouldn’t be able to make you cum.
Gently, you grabbed his hair again, cooing softly as you guided him towards your clit. “Here, Fei.”
He glanced up at you through his dark eyelashes, immediately latching onto your clit. This had you mewling, your hips bucking into his face.
Feitan was a fast learner, you only had to show him how to please you once and he was on it like a hawk. After a minute, you ended up cumming on his tongue, panting softly.
Phinks clapped Feitan on the back as the dark haired man pulled away. “Hey, it took a bit but you got her there! Nice job, man.”
Feitan looked at you shyly, patting your thigh. “… good girl.”
‘Oh, he’s so cute.’ You thought, wanting to give him a kiss or something for his efforts, but the next person up was already crawling between your legs.
Pakunoda held your thighs apart, her thumb rubbing against your clit. “Is that good, princess?”
You nodded, whining a little. “Mhm… ahh!”
You squeak when she inserts a finger, now sucking on your clit as she adds another finger in. You bucked your hips, but she keeps you still.
You cum pretty quick, the woman smiling up at you as you catch your breath. “Mm, you taste divine, (Name).”
She gave your pussy a kiss before moving away for the next person to come.
Chrollo and Shalnark were similar in the way they ate you out. They liked to make a lot of eye contact, their fingers curling inside you, sometimes chuckling on your clit as they suckled on it.
Phinks and Uvogin were rough, their big tongues filling your pussy up, their fingers stretching you out. They both groaned when your walls clenched around their fingers as you came.
Nobunaga and Shizuku were a little desperate, their tongues lapping at you and fingers thrusting into you at ungodly speeds. Although you came quick, it wasn’t as satisfying when you came the previous times.
Machi was much like Pakunoda, taking her time and making you cum on her tongue easily. She was the only on to grab your breasts, making the others jealous. They hadn’t even though of that!
By the end of the night, you were exhausted!
The pillow underneath you was soaked with your cum, your skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat. “Our sweetheart seems tired.” Phinks teased, crouching down to help you get dressed.
The group decided to sleep in the living room, and you fell asleep being cuddled by the entire troupe.
Was it easy being loved by a band of thieves? No. Was it satisfying?
Oh yes.
“This was the best Halloween ever…” you whispered into Chrollo’s chest. He smiled and kissed the top of you head.
“It really was.”
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golden-cherry · 6 months
deal - cl16 (25/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Having lunch with friends always leads to sharing information. And girl, those friends don't hold back.
Warnings: 18+ (mentions of smut), fluff, Kika is the bestest friend on this planet, mentions of Carlos and his girlfriend (yes, I consider this a trigger)
Word Count: 3.3k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: I just reached 2.6k followers and wow!! thank you so much!!! I love you! and this one is for you!!! feedback is appreciated.
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Although it's only a few days until Christmas, the sun is shining so brightly that it's pleasantly warm as you and Kika leave the furniture store. As planned - but still with an uneasy feeling - you have left the almost overflowing shopping cart in front of the checkouts and while Charles pays for your "early Christmas present", you and your friend walk to the restaurant.
"I hope all this stuff fits in the car." Kika curls her mouth into a grin. "The mirror I wrote on the note - you know, the one they have to get from storage - is pretty big."
"I'd like to have your guts," you answer her. "Just picking out a huge mirror without knowing exactly whether it will fit anywhere in our apartment."
Kika grins and points to her brown eyes. "Eye measurement, baby. Those marbles are that big for a reason."
You have to stifle a laugh. "If you say so."
While the Portuguese woman plans where in your room she will place which decoration, your thoughts drift off. 
It bothers you a little that Charles wants to spend so much money on you. And for no good reason. "I want you to feel comfortable" was his explanation, which is of course very courteous and loving of him. But you could have bought the things with your own money. At least a small part of it. 
Would he expect a similarly expensive gift for Christmas now? If so, what could you get him? What do you give someone who already has everything? 
"Are you mad at me?" Kika interrupts your flow of thoughts and grabs your elbow. 
Confused, you turn to her. "What?"
"I - I don't know." When she stops, you're forced to stop too. "I didn't tell you that Charles is a famous Formula 1 driver. You - you confided in me about Raphael and I kept you in the dark about your roommate." 
You exhale. "Kika..."
"I wasn't a good friend and I'm sorry about that. Charles had asked us all not to tell because he wanted to protect you and enjoy the time with you when he was just Charles to you. Even if it wasn't fair to you. I can understand if you're angry with me and-"
"I'm not angry with you," you interrupt her and smile at her. "You're Charles' friend first and foremost and I can't blame him or you for keeping his secret. It doesn't affect our friendship in the slightest."
"Promise?" Her tone sounds a little more pleased than it did a few moments ago. 
You nod. "I promise."
She hooks back into you. "Thank goodness for that. I felt super bad because I couldn't tell you. But it wasn't my secret and it wasn't my place to tell you. And I'm really relieved that you see it the same way." She rests her head on your shoulder as you continue walking. 
"So you're a model, huh?" you ask her. 
She nods. "Yes. Well, I put a lot of effort into it and it's very tiring at times." Kika shrugs her shoulders. "But because of that - and Pierre, of course - I get to travel a lot and see great places. And I really appreciate that." She looks at you. "Now that you're unemployed -" You give her a dirty look. "Maybe you'd like to take my pictures sometime. And then I can post it on my Instagram and maybe other models will want to book you."
"You haven't seen any of my pictures yet," you reply with a laugh as she grabs your hand and jumps up and down. "Of course we can. We can try it out if you like."
Your friend looks around briefly before letting go of you and moving away from you. "How about now? I know you don't have your camera with you, but you can use my phone. The photos won't be as focused as with a real camera, but it should be enough to get you started." 
She hands you her cell phone before standing opposite you against the wall of the house. You watch her uncertainly as she fixes her hair. "Are you sure about this? What if the boys are already waiting for us?"
"Let them." She pulls her black jeans up a little so that they sit loosely on her hips. "It won't take long. And I trust you. So here we go."
While Kika turns, repositions herself and smiles at the camera, you take as many pictures as you can. In between, you adjust her purple cardigan so that it sits in the middle of her narrow shoulders, tell her how her feet should be positioned to emphasize the curves of her body and even tousle her hair once so that a few strands fall loosely into her forehead. 
When you look at the pictures after ten minutes and favor three of them, she looks curiously over your shoulder. "They look great. Really outfit of the day vibe." You hand the phone back to her. "I like this one. And this one. You've captured my butt well," she grins and puts the phone in her black handbag before hooking it back up to you. "And now let's go. I'm really hungry and I don't want to keep your tiramisu from you."
Oh well. 
Charles' words - "Then lie down on the bed, mon amour. I'd like to see how you look on it" - haunt your mind and the images that appear in your head don't make the situation any easier.  
For example, Charles kneeling between your legs and his gaze wandering hungrily over your body. How his hands rest on your thighs to open them a little wider so that he can lie comfortably on his stomach between them. How he slides his fingers under the hem of your panties to slowly pull them off your legs. And the way his mouth moves up from the soft skin of your thighs to where you want it to be. Need it to be. The way he opens his mouth and licks his tongue over his lips before closing the distance between you and - 
"Watch out. You start drooling." When you give Kika a confused look, she pokes you in the side. "I didn't know you could daydream about tiramisu."
"I wasn't even thinking about tiramisu," you defend yourself, but Kika doesn't believe a word you say. 
"Of course not." You could even hear her grin if you weren't looking at her. She lifts her hand and puts it to your cheek, playfully wiping the non-existent spit from the corner of your mouth. "I hate to repeat myself, but you're really not very good at lying."
You chew the inside of your cheek and look down at your sneakers. "Is it that obvious?"
"That you're totally into tiramisu? Hardly," she replies wryly, but puts her arm around your shoulder. "Let's be honest. A trained eye like mine can spot something like that, but if you're worried about the boys seeing it - you really don't need to worry. They wouldn't even recognize a dessert if you put it right in front of them."
"I just don't know what to do," you confess to her. 
Kika purses her lips. "Would you be ready for tiramisu after everything that's happened?"
A question you don't know the answer to. After Raphael's betrayal, you had actually sworn off men for a long time for fear that something similar would happen to you again. You tried to build a wall around your heart, but Charles has broken it down piece by piece and now there is only him. He has spread inside you, in your head and in your heart, and you are hungry for him - a feeling that you have never felt for Raphael before. A feeling that takes you by surprise and overruns you like an avalanche and you are helplessly at its mercy. 
"It's not the end of the world if you're ready for it," Kika assures you and her smile is genuine. "And when you're ready to give the tiramisu its real name, I'll be here if you want to talk about it."
You hug your friend tightly, causing her to let out a loud gasp. "Thank you, Kika. Really."
"You don't need to thank me. After all, I'm going to make full use of the mirror in your room soon and use you for your photography skills."
A few minutes later, you arrive at the small restaurant. As you enter through the glass door, you can already see the two men sitting at a table at the back. And Kika was right - apart from the four of you, the restaurant is deserted. 
"Where have you been?" asks Pierre as you join them. While Kika sits down opposite her boyfriend, you take the empty seat next to her. "We've been waiting for ages."
"We had to stop for a moment because I wanted to take photos," Kika explains and shows them both one of the pictures you took of her.
Pierre grimaces in amazement. "Very good photos. I hope you tag her in them too."
Playfully indignant, she puts her hand to her cleavage. "Of course! What makes you think I wouldn't do that? It might even land her more photo shoots with other models." She leans in your direction. "But as long as I remain your favorite model, everything's fine."
"You are and always will be my favorite model, Kika," you reply and briefly lean your cheek against the top of her head before she sits up straight again. 
While Kika and Pierre argue lovingly, you feel Charles pressing one of his legs against yours under the table. When you look at him, he smiles. "Everything okay?" he asks silently, tilting his head. 
You nod. "Everything's perfect." You press your leg against his as well.
The risotto you ordered doesn't taste too bad, even if it is a little more fancy than your typical meals. The boys talk about their sport and you try to understand everything, but when the conversation eventually turns to engines, you stop listening. 
You watch Charles as he talks energetically and passionately to his friend about his job, while the French mainly listens. He tries to explain things with his hands, waving them wildly in front of his face, and if you didn't know him, you'd think he was a bit out of his mind. But there is something twinkling in his eyes, a spark that shines brighter and brighter the longer he talks about Formula 1.
It makes him so attractive that you have to swallow. 
"How are Carlos and his girlfriend doing?" Kika interjects into the conversation. "I saw on Instagram the other day that they went on a trip together."
You look from Kika to Charles. "Who is Carlos?"
"My teammate at Ferrari. The other driver," he explains briefly with a smile before turning to Kika. "I've seen that too. Santorini or something, wasn't it? It was definitely nice, but let's see how long it lasts."
You have to ask again. " How long will it last? That doesn't sound like you have much faith in the relationship."
Kika, who has taken a sip of her water, puts her glass back on the table. "Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with faith," she explains and takes her cell phone out of her bag. She taps on it a little until she hands it to you. 
You see an Instagram page of a Becca, also a model, it seems. 27 years old, model at the Bijou Management agency. Her last post is actually from Santorini and alongside all the pictures of her lolling by the pool is one of her with a man. Carlossainz55 is tagged in the picture.
"When you're famous, it's harder to have a relationship," Pierre continues. "Not everyone is so lucky and falls in love with someone who is a good match for them. Sometimes rumors surface about people that aren't true, but still damage reputations. And to counteract this, some people go into relationships that put them in a good light."
You look around in confusion. "So it's a marketing strategy? So that people can sell themselves better?"
Charles nods. "These PR relationships are very conspicuous and usually easy to see through, but even then they distract from the actual rumor."
"And Carlos and Becca are in one of those PR relationships?" Your friends nod. "And what's the rumor that needs to be put to rest?"
Charles bites the inside of his cheek. "Carlos was with a young, super-nice woman for years. When they broke up, there was a rumor that he had a secret family and even a son. That this was the reason for the break-up. And that triggered a few conversations at Ferrari." He shrugs his shoulders. "And then they pulled Becca in for him."
You furrow your eyebrows. "Pulled her in? How do you find someone to willingly agree to a fake relationship like that?"
Kika catches your attention. "Some racing teams have a cooperation with certain modeling agencies for such cases. Which of course makes the whole thing even more conspicuous. But just think how much publicity the girlfriends get from it. It definitely doesn't hurt the modeling job."
"But you also have to understand that millions of euros are attached to a driver's reputation," Pierre explains. "Fans buy tickets to see their favorite driver. They buy merchandise like shirts, caps or whatever to show their loyalty. And loyalty is not exactly low. Ask Charles. One priest has his whole Instagram page dedicated to him."
As you look at your roommate, he can only nod. "That's true. Fans put their favorites on pedestals, praise them to the skies and would defend them to the bitter end. But a rumor that is so serious and has consequences like falling sales figures - anything is better than fans who refuse to support their favorites."
"And why do you think it won't be good for much longer?" Charles looks nervously around the room as if he doesn't know what to say, and his friends also avoid your gaze and your question. "Guys, I don't know these people. So, whatever you tell me - I can't do anything with the information anyway. Is there another woman?"
"It's not exactly another woman," Kika mumbles into her glass and all heads turn in her direction. "What is it? Like she's going to run to the nearest news agency and tell them that the Spanish Ferrari driver isn't exclusively into women."
You raise your hands placatingly. "In case it's not clear - of course I'll keep everything that's said around the table to myself. I'm not crazy and risking our friendship."
"I didn't expect anything else," Charles replies with a smile that could melt glaciers. "I couldn't bear it if we weren't friends anymore either." 
As you look at him and mindlessly lick your lips, you feel Kika's elbow gently on your arm. 
"What do you think? Do you fancy some tiramisu?" 
Your gaze lingers on Charles and when he presses his leg a little harder against yours, your breath hitches. "I'm craving it."
And indeed. The tiramisu isn't as good as the one at the restaurant where you met Kika and Pierre, but it comes close. You try to look away from Charles, but every time you look at him, his eyes are already on you. Something that makes you even more nervous than it should. 
When you get into the car a short time later, unnoticed, you glance briefly over the seats back into the trunk. "Where's the new bed?"
Charles straps himself in and has the seat belt fastened against his torso. "They'll deliver it between Christmas and New Year and set it up straight away. Then I won't have all the work and Pierre won't have to lug it around with me."
"For which I am very grateful," replies the Frenchman, steering the car through the streets of Monaco. "I don't even know how we're going to transport this mirror without breaking it. It was already barely possible to get it into the car."
"That sounds like a you-problem," grins Kika, looking at her boyfriend through the rear-view mirror. "You're the strong men. You'll find a solution while we get all the little things into the apartment. Right?"
The question is directed at you, but apart from a nod, she can't expect anything else in response. Charles's fingers are once again wrapped around your calf, his thumb gently stroking your warm skin and you can't think of anything else but the feeling of warmth that spreads through you from this small touch. 
It takes a good hour for both the mirror and the rest to get to the upstairs in your apartment. After Pierre involuntarily teaches you several swear words in French and Kika decorates your entire windowsill with fake plants, they quickly make a run for it, worried that you're both going to take even more advantage of them than you already have. 
"We've had a good day so far," you call out to Charles from the kitchen as you pour you both a glass of water each. You don't know where he is, but he will probably have heard you anyway. 
"Definitely," comes his voice from the living room. As you follow it, you see Charles sitting on the large couch, his head back and his eyes closed. Only now do you notice how thick his neck is. Is it from all the training for Formula 1?
"Here." You hold his glass of water out to him and he opens his eyes to accept it. As you sit down, he takes a sip. You watch his Adam's apple bounce as he swallows. 
"Thank you," he replies quietly and rests his arm on the back of the couch. A sign for you to lean against him, which you definitely don't refuse. 
As you snuggle into his side and breathe in his unmistakable scent, you feel tiredness overtake you. "But it was exhausting."
"Thanks again. For my early Christmas present. Even though it wasn't necessary," you joke, but as rigid as Charles is sitting next to you, he doesn't seem to be in the mood for jokes. And as you follow his stare, the roses on the white piano come into your field of vision. The reason why you suggested the trip to the furniture store. And suddenly your tiredness is blown away. 
"Do you happen to know anyone who has something like a fire bowl or something?" you ask your flatmate. 
This question seems to break him out of his spell. His gaze wanders from the roses to you and he raises an eyebrow in confusion. "A fire bowl?" You nod. "Joris has a rooftop terrace and we've had bonfires there before in the summer." He licks his teeth once. "What do you need a fire bowl for? You're not thinking about sitting around a fire with sticks and marshmallows in winter, are you?"
"Not exactly," you reply and get up from the couch. As you look down at him, you hold out your hand. "Come on, mon joli. I have an idea."
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the-ancient-dragons · 28 days
Ice, Rain, Night, and Sea Dragons!
From the How to Spot a Dragon Before it Spots You guide.
Details and explanation below, otherwise next week are the Overcomplicated SilkWings! See you then! :)
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Ice Dragon: - very sparkly - hard to see in snow or fog - sharp whistle sound when flapping
Keeping with the spiky design the wings are also very sharp looking. They would have a very distinct sound, I imagine, both because of the shape of their wings and because of the tail/neck spikes (think pigeon or mourning dove, their feathers make a very iconic sound when cutting through the air). Speaking of the tail, I just love how it turned out!
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Rainforest Dragon: - shortest wings for forest flight - change colours -> can camouflage - bouncy flight
What does 'bouncy flight' mean? Well, if you've ever seen any small songbird fly, some have a very iconic way of flying where they flap really quickly and then pause, wings tight to their sides and shoot forward like a missile. I think this would translate to a forest very well, where they could flap their wings for short bursts and slip through branches or vines on the upbeat. Their short wings are also inspired by harpy eagles. I thought it fit perfectly!
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Night Dragon: - impossible to see in the dark - underside of wings look like stars - quiet - very rare
The NightWing wing shape and flying style is completely inspired by Levithan Creations. It just works so perfectly that I can't think of anything else for them. How would they do it? Perhaps a very light hyperspecialized scale similar to the scales on moth wings that would help dampen flight sounds. Or, since that seems a little far-fetched, maybe a special peach fuzz like that on owl's wings. I'll need to dig deeper into it, but I like the direction it's going!
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Sea Dragon: - shortest dragon (height) - weakest flier -> more commonly skim - triangular wings - heavy tail drags so they often skim like flying fish
Wow I really had to mention the skimming twice. I mean wow that scavenger that wrote this is really lame, huh?
But in all seriousness, I was almost going to go with a more penguin-flipper like shape that would really not be suited to flying until I realised "holy crap we already have a really cool example of flying aquatic 'creature'". Flying fish are so cool. And really, if a SeaWing really chose to fly between islands, why go that far out of the water? Why fly as high as other dragons in the first place? Skimming on the water seems like a perfect use for their strong tails, which could propel them quite fast.
And that's all for the How to Spot a Dragon series. I had lots of fun making this. These designs aren't final but the general adaptations are going to be the starting point. I can't wait to do proper anatomy and action sketches!!!
But first, I want to finish the Overcomplicated series. Next up: SilkWings! See you then!
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thebestsetter · 25 days
Thinking about Inumaki Toge being insecure about his speech (or the lack of thereof).
I feel like if he could trade a year of his life for sixty seconds without his cursed speech, he would. Without second thought. And specially because of you.
He's had a crush on you for a while (ever since your first encounter), but he'd never admit it. Not because he's scared of rejection, but because he's scared you'll reciprocate his feelings. Because he thinks you deserve better. Actually, scratch that: he knows you deserve better. You deserve someone so much better than him.
"And then you won't believe what he said! He said: 'I can't date you, cause I'm actually your brother!'"
"No way! That's the plot of the movie? How shitty!"
You deserve someone like Yuta. Someone who can make you laugh with their own words, someone who you don't need to strugle to understand what they're saying. Right now, you and Okkotsu are talking about some bad movie he watched. And you're laughing so hard and your laugh is so pretty it makes him wanna laugh too. He wants to engage on the conversation. He wants to say: "That's one of the worst plots I've ever seen! I can take you to the movies to see a real good movie if you'd like to"
But he can't. He can't, but Yuta can. He should let you go so you can be with someone who deserves you. He has no right to be this selfish, making you a slave of a love without any words of affection.
It feels like everytime he looks at you, there's a nagging voice in the back of his head, painfully reminding him that he can't be with you, and there's nothing he can do about it. It's an impossible love.
Hell, even Panda is making him feel envious and jealous. Even though he's literally a panda, at least he can talk to you. Sing your favorites songs with you. And he can't. At least not without cursing someone (and, God forbid, maybe even you. You're the last person he wants to harm)
He wanted you to confide in him just like how you confide in Maki. You always tell her everything. He wishes he, too, could be a source of relief. A shoulder you can rely on. But he can't. He can't, cause the best he could say in that situation is "Salmon", "Caviar" and other stupid onigiri ingredients that have nothing to do with the actual topic of the conversation. Honestly, he would be tired of himself if he was his friend. You don't have the obligation to understand his dialogue. Nobody does.
So, he comes to the conclusion that he should just avoid you. He should give up on loving you, because he doesn't want you to suffer.
"Toge, please! We haven't talked in days! Why did you suddenly stop talking to me?"
He stays silent. That's the only thing he can do, after all. He can't speak. He can't. But he wishes he could. He wishes he could tell you everything that's going through his head, tell you about how he feels like dying when he sees you playing a game with Itadori and Nobara because he knows he'll never be capable of doing that with you normally. If he speaks now, everything that'll come out of his mouth are foods. Speaking now would only remind him about the drift that exists between you both (and there's two options to avoid anyone's fall: you either close the gap or you widen it. He chose the latter)
"Inumaki, talk to me" (how sad. You want him to do exactly the only thing he can't do. That just makes him remember that he'll never be enough for you. Never)
Also, wow. You're using his last name. He got in a really bad situation, huh? How will he get out of this? How will he stop your (and also his) suffering?
There's only one way. And even though he swore that he'd never use his spell against you, he finds himself lowering his scarf with trembling hands.
"Leave. And don't look back."
~A/N: This is the fic I wrote that I mentioned on my last post!! I know a lot of people have writen abt this b4, so this is inspired by other stories I've read (if you've written something like this and want me to credit you, feel free to send me an ask!!). IT JUST FITS INUMAKI CHARACTER SO MUCHHH!! Like, I can totally imagine him being insecure about not being able to speak. I just thought I should give it a try cause I CAN'T FIND INUMAKI STUFF, so I took matters into my own hands. I don't realy like this, but I thought it would be a waste to not post it anyway
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