#wow it's a toddler that can walk n talk n all that now and it's fucking me up
nikutsuneart · 2 years
The Sleeping Realm Theory’s 4th Anniversary!!
Hey everyone, I don’t think i’ve ever made a formal post here (on I guess my art account??) about the good ol Sleepy Boy Theory. I figured I might as well with the anniversary but as of today, it’s 4 years old! Where DOES the time go?
A lot has happened since this bad boy (several releases for one and a global pandemic for two), and as the official keeper of the crypt I’d like to thank everyone who has shared their Love and even their Great Distaste for it over the years. It’s wild to think it still lives on as such a footnote in this series’ history that I still saw people seething about it just last week.
It’s been discussed around the world as well as translated into more than one language! It’s a global reach I’ll never fully grasp, a talking point for people I’ll never meet, and it’s something that I’m immensely proud of!
To this day we’ve made points and discussed findings I still don’t see anybody ever talk about, like the kbg world logo or the location of Kairi’s heart. And if that sounds new to you, may I recommend checking it out once more and peeping those cool updates
And for those who don’t wanna sit and read, there’s a mostly up to date video format where me and AuroraPeachy read thru it together!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Anyway all that’s to say happy birthday to what amounts to a kingdom hearts college thesis! Here’s to another year of not being debunked somehow 🥂
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comicwritesstuff · 5 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
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Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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luveline · 1 year
more girl dad! hotch plsssss 😫😫😩😩😩
hotch navigates his small family ♡ mom!reader, 1k
Hotch speaks with a softness you could spin into silk. "That's okay, sweetheart. You fill this one out for me next." 
You peer through the small gap in the door. Hotch is sitting behind his desk with a case file open in front of him, though you assume any photographs are sequestered away, because in his lap sits a small girl, a toddler with dark, neat hair and a matching frown. 
"This one next," she says, picking up her crayon. 
"That one next. Good job, I'll be finished in no time with you helping me." 
"And we can have… uhm…" 
"Yes, please." 
Hotch leans down to kiss his daughter's small head gently. "You're so polite. How about we leave all this grown up work and get you a rusk now?"
She turns on his leg to slouch into his stomach. Hotch picks her up, the sleeves of his shirt tightening at his biceps as he wraps them behind her back and under her butt, pushing the office chair aside with a careful leg. 
He sees you in the doorway and smiles. 
"Hi, Mr. Hotchner," you say. 
"Hi, mommy," he says, directing Jane's little body your way so she can see you where you're standing outside of his home office. "What are you doing?" 
"Just coming to check on you both. And I need help with something." 
You've stopped expecting him to pass you whatever kid it is he's carrying anymore. When Aaron is home, he's home, and he's dearly attached to his young daughter. He'd be attached to Jack if he weren't constantly out in the backyard looking for toads. He kisses your cheek, careful not to squish Jane between you. "What do you need help with?" 
"I can't get the lid off of the pickles and I promised Jack I'd get him the biggest one." 
"Why are our children so hungry?" he asks, putting his hand behind your shoulder as you walk down the stairs together. "Could it be because they both refuse to eat their breakfast, even when mommy says you'll regret it?" 
"Breakfast?" Jane asks, blinking owlishly. 
You smile at her. "No, sweetheart. Let's have rusks and milk, should we? With honey. Dad's gonna make it just the way you like it." 
Jack is back in the house tracking mud footprints over every inch of the kitchen. Only then does Aaron pass you Jane. She's light and easy to hold, she doesn't wriggle or gripe. Despite her resting frown, she's a happy girl who's content to be passed from person to person. "Daddy?" she asks. 
"Two seconds." Jack stands guiltily by the fridge, looking down at his shoes and then up at the ceiling, like looking away will get rid of the mess. "Jack, we've talked about this. You can play in the yard when it's wet if you take your shoes off before you come in."
"Well, I thought my shoes would be more dry," Jack says. 
"You can't leave water everywhere. What if Y/N slipped while she was carrying your sister? Then they'd both be hurt." 
"I guess," Jack says. 
"We're gonna have to mop it up. You can help me, buddy. You remember where we put the mop bucket?" 
You prop Jane on the island by the sink basin. She immediately puts her hand under the faucet, fascinated by the automatic water. "Wow, lots of fuss," you say. 
Aaron helps Jack take off his messy shoes and puts the mop bucket into the basin with a heap of praise for Jane's assistance, such a good helper. He lifts Jack up to squirt cleaner into the water. He's still laughing when he sets him down. 
"Rusks, dad?" Jane asks. 
Aaron almost barrels you over trying to hold her, lifting her back into his arms to kiss her soft cheek. "I am, I promise." He gives you a pleading look. "Honey–" 
"Yeah, okay. I never do the mopping, anyways. Me and Jack will learn together." 
You can hear him drowning Jane in love and sweetness as you and Jack get to work. "It's like this, babe, we push the mop head into the drain so we can soak up all the muddy water, then rinse and repeat." You drop your voice to a whisper, hands slack on the handle. "Don't worry, I'll do all the hard work." 
"Can we still have pickles?" Jack asks. 
"Of course we can. Dad's not mad, he just doesn't like the mess. Quicker we clean up, the sooner we can have a snack. You're not super hungry, are you?" 
"I'm starving." 
You put the mop back in the bucket, looking Jack up and down. He looks like he could use some proper warming after his time outside in the late September cold, pale cheeks rosy and his nose kissed with chill. 
"Aaron? Me and Jack have to pause the mopping, we're hungry." 
"Pretend I believe you and sit down. I'll make you something." 
"We really are hungry, dad." 
Jack takes your hand and pulls you toward the kitchen table. It's an organised chaos, your work things, Aaron's coat, Jack's science project. Underneath it lays a carpet of baby toys and Jane's washables; she plays under the table often to be close to her dad when he's working and you're cooking, or he's cooking and you're reading. 
You put him in a seat next to the highchair where Jane spoons warm rusk-mush into her mouth hurriedly. Aaron has secured a baby pink bib around her neck with a safety pin and filled her little sippy cup with watered down orange juice. She looks as happy as you've ever seen her as she misses her own mouth. 
You fill Aaron's seat as he vacates it to watch her. You and Aaron are good at filling each other's gaps, parenthood akin to the world's most loving game of musical chairs, and you're just as good at being together, you'd say —he squeezes your shoulders as he leans down. "For the record, you know how to mop. I just don't see why you should." 
"That's the right idea," you say happily, laughing as he kisses your cheek. 
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charlesf1leclerc · 1 year
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Summary- a night in the life of the leclercs 
Warnings- cuteness, badly translated French, talks of bathing kids, poorly edited ( like not re read so if you see some really bad mistake please tell me )
Notes - Inds- Indy’s nickname, Lily- Sicilys nickname
It was currently 5:30 on a Saturday evening and it was time to start the Leclerc family house good night routine. You and Charles had a system a system that works as sometimes it could get a bit challenging with two little girls 6 and 2 especially they were both in polar opposite stages of their life’s but vogue just as crazy in their own way.
Both girls were sat on the couch watching cartoons to entertain them. Charles was on the dinning room table looking through that notebook of his were he writes all his racing notes, you weren’t 100% sure but you loved how committed he was to his work. You were in the kitchen getting dinner ready for your family tonight spaghetti bolognese and of course you were the one cooking as well all knew Charles could not cook for the life of him. As you were chopping up the carrots for the sauce Charles got up from the table 
and can over and kissed you on the lips. 
“ I’m gonna get the girls in the bath “ He spoke rubbing your back.
“Thank you, good luck” I laughed as he walked over to the couch we’re the girls were sat
“ ok my angles time for a bubble bath”
“No papa show not done” Sicily spoke in her cute toddler voice
“ I know but do you know how fun it’s gonna be in the bath, with bubbles and we could even get some of those bath time markers out” he kneeled down beside the couch rubbing her chubby little cheeks
“ sounds good to me” Sicily smiled jumping down from the couch
“ Ind’s you too come on Cherie “ 
“ 5 more minutessss”
“ how about I pause it and we come back and watch it again later”
“ if I must” she spoke getting off the couch as well following her sister as they both toddled us the stairs. This girls were getting far to sassy for your liking.
The girls were now currently splashing in the bath with the bubbles flying around. The bath titles were covered in doodles from the bath markers you and Charles had brought in order to keep them both occupied during bath time. Charles was shampooing both of their hair and rinsing it off with a little cup filled with water.
“ look papa flower” Sicily pointed to her drawing on the tiles that looked like a blob.
“Wow that’s very beautiful” he spoke leaning on the bathtub and stroking her freshly washed hair.
“That’s not a flower, this is” Indy spoke to her as she draw a flower on the tiled wall.
“ their both beautiful flowers girls , all flowers are different” Charles didn’t want either of the girls to get upset. 
“ ok time to get out loves dinner is basically ready I can smell it up here” 
Charles had gotten both girls out of the bath and wrapped up in their little towels. 
“ Indy why don’t you go get into your pjs and wait in your room I’ll be in once I’ve gotten Lily dressed” 
Charles had picked out the cute little pks and gotten the youngest daughter dressed and her hair brushed out knot free ready for bed. 
“ ok Lily go down stairs and keep mummy company while I check on your sister” he encouraged as she ran down the stairs excited to see her mum and to eat of course that girl loved food.
Walking into the oldest daughters room seeing her all dressed in her pj’s Charles grabbed the brush and began brushing the girls long brown locks.
 “ ouch papa”
“Sorry chérie since when did your hair get this long “ he apologised
“ it just grew I don’t know” she shrugged 
“ Dinners ready everyone “ y/n called from downstairs 
“ ok let’s go eat that delicious food Cherie” 
 Indy walked down the stairs and Charles closely followed behind her. By now the time was 6:30.
 Indy walked over and pulled a chair out to sit in at the dinning room table. While Charles swept Sicily up and placed her into her high chair she has basically grown out of.
You laid the dinner out on the placemats infront of everyone. 
“This looks delicious baby” Charles spoke taking his place at the table digging into dinner.
To say dinner was well enjoyed was an understatement the girls ate every last bite and so did you and Charles although a lot of  Sicilys food ended up on her bib that you would rather she not wear as you thought she was to old but you didn’t want her to keep getting her clothes dirty.
“Papa can we finish the cartoon like you promised now?” Indy shook Charles arm in a pleading manner
“ ok girls but only 20mins and then time to get ready for bed ok” 
“ yay thank you” Indy spoke running away 
“ up papa me wanna watch” Sicily put her arms above her head.
Charles lifted the 2 year old out of her high chair and she copied her sisters movements running into the living room behind her.
Charles packed up the dishes on the table taking them into the kitchen. While you put the placemats away and wiped down the table and high chair.
Charles had started on washing the dishes and you moved to stand next to him drying them and putting them away. There did need to be constant conversation between you two that’s just how you worked you loved each others presence.
By the time 7:30 had rolled around The two girls were both back in the bathroom this time brushing their teeth. Charles had placed the barbie toothpaste onto their toothbrush and Indy was brushing her teeth while Sicily was trying to but Charles had to help every now and then.
You were in the kids bedrooms folding back the covers and trying their night lights on getting their bedrooms ready for bed. Laying out their teddies the way they liked or you knew they wouldn’t sleep.
It was now when you and Charles split up you alternated each night what girl you would get into bed. Tonight it was Charles job to but Sicily to bed and your job to put Indy to bed.
Charles had gotten Sicily into bed and tucked her in. They had chosen out a book to read for the night and Charles had sat on the bed next to her reading to her in a soft voice. 
“ The end”
“ no more papa more”
“ tomorrow night sweetie time for bed now, but first let’s say our good nights”
“ good-“ Lily went to start saying her good nights
“ how about we say it in French tonight Cherie” Charles encouraged
“ ok, bonne nuit étoiles, bonne nuit lune, bonne nuit maison, bonne nuit maman, bonne nuit papa, bonne nuit Indy ( goodnight stars, goodnight moon , goodnight house , goodnight mum , goodnight dad , goodnight Indy ) Sicily said her good nights
“ good job, ok night sweetie I’ll see you in the morning “ Charles stood up putting the book back on the bookshelf kissing her head and leaving the room shutting the door.
At the same time you were coming out of Indy’s room shutting the door as well.
“ both asleep huh “ he asked
“ yep “ you replied
“How is this how we are spending our Saturday night?” Charles asked
“Yeah but you know you love it “ you laughed 
Charles wrapped his arm around your waist as you both walked down stairs to watch Tv and snuggle on the couch before going to bed yourself.
Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed feel free to leave any comments. Or leave any requests in my request box. Xx
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jerzwriter · 9 months
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The way I screamed when I saw this commission! The artwork is by the simply lovely, delightful & talented @rosefuckinggenius. If you have never commissioned her, you should! Rose, you're the absolute best, my dear! Thank you for bringing my babies to life this holiday season!
All is Merry & Bright
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey Carrick) Other Characters: Bryce Lahela, Vivian Carrick (F!OC), Jordan Carrick (M!OC) Words/Rating: 1,200 / Teen Summary: It's their second Christmas with little Samantha, and the Carricks are getting ready to take their Christmas card photo. As Uncle Jordan sets up the perfect shot, Grandma Vivian and Bryce provide the commentary. A/N: In my timeline, this would be taking place during the Christmas 2024 season.
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With their coffee orders securely in hand, Tobias stepped into the vestibule of his townhome, careful to make sure ‘Hurricane Samantha’ wasn’t underfoot. A year ago, he and Casey wondered what it would be like when she began to walk and talk; now they knew it only added to the joyful chaos they had come to know and love. It was as familiar as the warm vanilla cinnamon scent that had filled the air ever since Casey moved in and as welcoming as his wife’s loving embrace or his daughter’s smile at the end of the day.
He smiled as he placed the snowflake bedecked cups on their dining room table. The last four years of his life bore no resemblance to the thirty-six that had preceded it, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard his brother's desperate pleas from the next room. He was doing his best to keep Samantha occupied, but she was quicker than he thought, and the bowl of red, silver, and green-wrapped Hershey kisses was too tempting. As the toddler's tiny hand reached up to grab the bowl, Jordan started to unravel.
“No, Sammy! No! I know Mommy and Daddy don't want you on a sugar high while before taking your Christmas pictures!”
But Samantha was undeterred.  “Yum-YUMS!” She yelled. The bowl was about to topple on her just as Tobias lifted her from behind, placing her high atop his shoulders in one swoop.
“Uncle Jordan’s right, pumpkin. Let’s save the sugaring up for after, OK?”
“Wow!” Jordan was astonished. “You said I was right!”
Tobias shot his brother a smirk. “Yeah, well, even a broken clock is right twice a day! Where is Casey, anyway.”
“Upstairs, finishing her makeup.”
“She was all done,” Jordan shrugged. “But then Ma had... opinions... so she's upstairs touching up.”
“Oh, shit!” Tobias laughed. “Then we’re safer down here with this little firecracker.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
But Casey and Vivian were descending the stairs at that very moment, and Mrs. Carrick was all happy to interrupt her sons.
“Hate to disappoint you, boys. But we smelled that delicious coffee the moment you came in. There’s no keeping us away.”
“Gam-mah!” Samanta squirmed excitedly, throwing her arms her grandmother's way, and that's how Vivian instantly forgot about her coffee.
“Oh, come here, my little angel!" She cooed, retrieving her from Tobias's arms. "That’s right! Tell Daddy that Grandma’s here. His services are no longer needed!”
“Really?” Tobias sneered. “Because with all your complaints of wanting another grandchild, I think my services are most certainly needed.”
Bryce dropped his coffee cup to the table with a thud. His eyes rose to the ceiling as he let out a sigh. “I don't know if putting up with you two is worth the free coffee.”
“Maybe not,” Tobias said, pointing to a few bags on the table. “But there are also cookies from Parziale’s, and I’m ordering in Chinese after the photo. Would that make it worthwhile?” Bryce may have answered if he weren't too rushing for the cookies.
Tobias let out a slow whistle as he walked toward Casey, making a show of looking her over as he did.
“No mistletoe needed here!" Casey laughed. "You can just kiss me."
Tobias studied Casey's face, then kissed her forehead. “Not bad! Not bad at all!”
“Jordan told Vivian he didn't like it,” Casey smiled. “He wanted something a little edgier. That a little punk edge four our family Christmas portrait would go a long way.”
“And I made it clear that my foot would go a long way...” Vivian interjected. “A long way up his ass if he thought I would allow that to happen.”
“ASS!” Samantha hollered, and everyone but Vivian broke into a fit of laughter.
“See what you make me do!” Vivian scolded as she whisked Sammy into the living room. “Making me say bad words in front of my grandbaby.”
“There is a swear jar in the kitchen," Bryce noted.
“Yeah," Casey added. "Between all of us, her college education will be funded before she turns two.”
“Amen to that,” Tobias laughed.
“All right, guys, as fun as this is, do you think we can start taking the pictures?” Jordan requested. “I do have a date tonight.”
“Oh, do you?” Casey teased.
“Yep,” Jordan grinned, playfully smacking his brother. “Someone’s gotta keep the Carrick rep going since this one has gone all domestic.”
“That’s not our rep!” Vivian shouted. “You’re not getting any younger either, Jordan! Who is this person? Do I know them?"
"I think I know him," Casey winked. "Make it quick; Vivian is itching to plan another wedding!"
“Oh! Trust!” Tobias laughed heartily. “Trust! She is!”  
“All fun aside," Casey segued. " We should start the photos before it gets too close to Sammy’s naptime.”
“Yeah, we want to do it before my naptime, too,” Bryce added.
“You’re not in the photo,” Tobias reminded. “You can go nap now if you want."
“You know, I’m still insulted by that," Bryce complained. "Why am I not in the family photo?”
“Because you’re not their stepson, no matter how much you may act like it," Vivian advised. "Now, if you want a family portrait, I suggest you get mar...”
“Annnnd on that note, it's photo time!" Jordan grinned.
“Sammy, come here, baby,” Casey beamed as her giggling little toddler wobbled over to her. “Let Mommy fix your sweater so we are all pretty for our picture!”
“I’ll admit,” Vivian observed. “Those sweaters wouldn't have been my first pick, but they're definitely you two! They will make an adorable family Christmas card.”
Casey stopped what she was doing, exhaling as she snuggled under her husband’s arm. “Family Christmas card... our second already. Can you believe it?”
“Oh, do I hear disappointment there?” Tobias teased.
“Not even a little. But sometimes, I’m still astonished. How did we end up here?”
“Do I really have to explain how this came to be, Mrs. Carrick,” Tobias winked. "See, when a man and a woman fall in love, sometimes, they do this thing together...."
“OK, No!" Jordan insisted. “I don’t need to hear about how Sammy was conceived.”
“No, we don’t,” Vivian agreed. “But I do need you two to keep at it - in private! Because I sure would love a second grandbaby on next year’s card.”
“I think that’s her way of offering to babysit for us tonight,” Casey winked. 
Tobias pulled his wife and Sammy closer. “Then, that's our queue! Come on, let's get this picture over with."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
@choicesholidays It fits a few, but let's go with ... it's a tradition. .
Tagging the rest separately.
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punsmaster69 · 1 year
"Burning things must run in the family! How'd you even do this?"
flowey poked at the burnt mass in the middle of the pan with a fork. it made a clink sound against the metal.
"just lucky, i guess."
"...Wow! You really suck."
"you really like basking in my failure, huh?"
i tossed what was supposed to be a pizza into the trashbin with a 𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘱 as it hit the bottom.
cooking isn't exactly my specialty, but papyrus is always saying that food is 'the key to the soul' n whatnot, so i figured it might as well be worth a shot.
..decided i can't just keep avoiding frisk forever 'cuz something a little embarrassing happened.
......more than a little embarrassing.
either way, they might be more willing to hear my explanation if there's food involved.
so, i asked flowey what the kid's favorite food was, and now we're here.
"seems like homemade is off the table."
"Knowing you, they probably expected delivery anyway."
"they have a soda preference?"
"It's root beer. Duh. It's like you don't know them at all-"
"you want anything?"
stopping mid-sentence, flowey seemed a bit taken aback.
"....A- An orange soda-"
"Well, what're you getting? It's probably way worse-"
"an orange soda."
"never said i don't like the stuff."
"just said it was gross."
"you wanna add anything else?"
i offered him my phone, and he took it with a mischievous look on his face.
"I'm gonna add everything."
"I'll max out your card in pizza toppings!!"
flowey seemed upset by my lackluster response, silently handing my phone back after adding to the order.
"says it'll be here in about fifteen. you wanna put together a puzzle?"
"...What kind?"
"you like dinosaurs? we've got a ton of those."
he lit up at the mention, but played it off.
"If it'll pass the time, I guess a puzzle with, say, a picture of a giant T-Rex, would work. Just to pass the time!"
i lifted his pot barely and inch from the counter before he started screaming at me.
i watched as he used two vines to lift himself off counter onto the kitchen tile. he slid himself forward until he hit the living room carpet, nearly tipping he and his pot over.
"this is like watching a toddler walk around."
whipping around to yell at me, he knocked his pot sideways onto the floor.
"you're gettin' dirt on the carpet."
his only answer was to hiss at me before straightening himself upright.
"still don't want any help?"
i picked the coolest-looking dino puzzle i could find from the shelf under the tv.
opening the box, i put the cover picture-side out so he'd definitely see it.
now sitting cross-legged on the floor just a ways away from him, he still continued to try and hop towards me on the carpet.
hop, wobble.
hop, wobble.
hop, wobble.
"What are you 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 for, trashbag? Just put together your stupid dinosaur puzzle already!"
he looked on the verge of tears.
i pushed the puzzle towards him.
"i can't figure it out."
"can't do it."
flowey stared at the pieces for a second, then quickly began assembling them as if trying to prove something.
"guess only total nerds can do that one."
"𝘠𝘖𝘜'𝘙𝘌 one to talk-"
a ring sounded from the doorbell.
at the door was frisk. before i could get up and answer the door, they already let themselves in.
"Get me away from this smiling trashbag!"
"Hi Flowey."
"heya kiddo."
"..Hi, Sans."
again, the doorbell rung. this time, it was the pizza.
"good timing, kid."
we all sat around the pizzas on the floor, puzzle pushed aside in favor of food.
frisk stared incredulously at flowey's pizza choice.
"..Flowey, you just wanted a cheese pizza?"
"ALL pizzas have cheese, idiot."
"But with 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 else on it??"
"Yours has PINEAPPLE!"
"You're just too cowardly to try it!"
"pineapple pizza 𝘪𝘴 pretty nasty."
"Not you too, Sans!"
"now, a pizza with mayonnaise and broccoli.."
i couldn't help but smile about their collective "ew".
we continued discussing weird pizza toppings and ate until everyone was stuffed.
"...Wait, Sans, didn't you wanna talk about something?"
guess i can't (and shouldn't) avoid talking about it.
"..look, me n tori-"
"Does this make you my dad now? I'm still just gonna call you Sans."
"i- what? no, we're not-"
"toriel's just a friend."
"..Is what he keeps saying to himself at night."
flowey unhelpfully added.
"that night was a total accident, alright?"
"You ACCIDENTALLY slept with my mom?"
"i didn't-"
flowey interjected.
"His fatass got stuck in the window, apparently. Tore his shirt."
"Why was he in the window???"
"tori wanted to avoid getting teased for havin' me over, but it ended up becoming ..way worse."
"Not my fault she basically has heart eyes around you!"
"Flowey, you've 𝘴𝘦𝘦𝘯 her flirt with him, time and time again!"
i covered the two's mouths with my hands.
"... that's just her sense of humor."
uncovering their mouths, i continued.
"we're just friends."
my phone started ringing.
deciding not to tell them who it was, i made a quick depart to my room to answer her call.
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fantasyqueen502 · 2 years
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 4
Summary- (Before the infection/apocalypse) A look into the life of Mrs. Miller. The good days and the bad. Joel makes sure his love has a good day. 
Relationship- Joel Miller X female Reader
Rated: PG (depictions of chronic illness, sickness, and mentions of death.)
Author's note: Wow!!!!! That's all I have to say. I never expected the first things I write on Tumblr to receive so much love. Thank you all so much. Apologies for the wait. I just wanted this installment to be great. Only one more chapter and this story is complete. Thank you all again. Feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions and enjoy. 
Word count: 1584
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"Morning brother." Tommy greets, shambling through the garage door with his arm full of groceries. Placing the bags on the table with a pant, Joel puts Sarah in her highchair.
"Thank you, Tommy. How much I owe ya’?" fishing his pockets. 
"That's a'ight."  Tommy waves off. 
The eldest Miller shakes his head, retrieving a couple bills. 
"Joel, it's ok." Tommy assures him, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Hey, Sarah Bean." He coos, giving the toddler's cheek a kiss. She giggles. 
Dumping out the bags, Joel begins to chop the watermelon and pineapple into sizable cubes. A handful of each fruit into a blender along with yogurt and coconut milk, making a pretty smoothie. 
"I can watch her. Make her breakfast." He volunteers. Rolling his eyes at his brother's distrusting look. "I have my moments, but I'm not stupid." taking a small bowl from the dish rack and filling it with the fruit that he noticed Sarah making grabby hands at. Placing the small bowl in front of Sarah. "Watch her and make sure she doesn't choke," he says, dragging a chair to sit next to the highchair. Giving his niece his undivided attention. 
Joel nods, "Holler if anything happens." walking up the steps, mindful of the creaking floorboards beneath his feet. Making his way to their bedroom dark with the curtain drawn a mound of blankets taking a seat . 
"Mmmm." sounds from the mound. 
"Breakfast." He keeps his voice low. 
"Maybe you'll feel better if you ate somethin'. Put something on your stomach." He shrugs. 
"I doubt it." She grumbles. Lifting the blankets off with her arm, remaining on her side, one eye cracked as she winced. "Feels like my---ead's gonna pop."  She groans, struggling to set it up. 
"Two sips, take your pill, a nap. Hopefully you feel better tomorrow."
-A few days later-
Feeling the breeze and fresh air of passing nature. The gentle rocking of Joel's steady driving along the dirt road. Lifting her cup and sipping the last bits of her morning smoothie.
His free hand rested on her knee. "No headaches, no migraines." She answers the question written on his face. "Thanks to your smoothie." holding his hand. 
A whine catches the parents’ attention. Y/N turns to see Sarah in her carseat, beginning to fuss. "It's okay, baby." She coos, rubbing her hand and belly, until she falls back to sleep. "There we go." She coos. Hand lingering on her tiny foot. The rise and fall of her chest and the tiny twitch of her arm as she dreamed. 
"Mmm." She just noticed the car was now parked in a lot among others. 
"We, ummmm---" he clears his throat. "We never talked about—and we don't have too." 
She nods. "I want to. If you want to." She assures. 
His eyes darted all around, blinking frantically as his eyes watered and his breath ragged. She reaches out her hand, holding it over his pounding heart. "I…" words choked him as the overwhelming cocktail of emotions clawed its way out. The tears fell closing his eyes tightly; rivers lined his cheeks. "I can't."  He manages out. "I can't lose you." tumbling out of his trembling lips. 
"You're not losing me." She soothes.
"How are you okay? How are you okay with this?"  
"Who says I’m okay?" she corrects. "I'm fuckin’ terrified," she laughs feeling actual relief saying it out loud. "What comforts me and puts all of my fears to rest is knowing that our little girl will have you," drumming her hand on his chest in a calming rhythm that put him at ease. "The kindest, smartest, and most loving father in the entire galaxy," she lists. 
"Just the galaxy." He mumbles. 
"The universe and life as we know it." She restates her heart warms to see the smallest of smiles on his face. 
"I am thankful for each and every second I am gifted to spend with the people who mean the world to me. I'll always be with you." She gives his chest a loving pat. "Someone has to make sure you and your brother don't kill each other." She grips his shoulder, finally meeting his eyes. "C'mere." Both leaning over the console for an embrace after a tender kiss. 
"I love you." 
"Love you too." 
Y/N coos while smoothing some sunblock onto her daughter's  cheeks. "Don't want you to burn, baby girl," she baby talks adjusting a cute white sunhat on her head. Strapped securely to Joel's back in her carrier. 
"Never been here before. What was wrong with our usual trail?"  
"Something new and a surprise at the end." 
"Really." Wiping a trail of sunblock down the bridge of his nose. "Let's get to it."
They bounced the fussy girl between themselves as she screeched towards a boulder. 
"I guess she wants the rock." He chuckles, placing her chubby legs on the ground. She has taken her first steps, but parental worry leads to them always assisting her. Holding Joel's hand, she led the way, toddling over to the rock and smacking her hand against it. She giggles, grinning at her new discovery. 
"Come to Mama." Y/N coached sitting on top of a rock. The boulder's peak reached Joel's hip. She adjusted her footing, preparing to leap for the closest handhold.
"I got you." Joel comforts her by placing a hand on her back. 
"Look at that face." Y/N cries with laughter. "My independent girl." 
The toddler successfully grabs a hold of the top.
"There we go!" 
"You did it!" The parents cheer Sarah, smiling, as she plops into her mom's lap. 
"I did." She grins, clapping her hands. 
"You did it." 
"I did it." She cheeses. "Daddy!" She waves him over. 
"I did it." She informs him of the great news. 
"You what?" 
"I climb--- mountain." She explains. 
"Wow!" He gasps. 
"My big girl. Not my wittle baby anymore." She mumbles, blowing raspberries into her neck and cheeks. 
Feet back on the ground, the toddler scampered ahead. Bending her knees to pick a handful of wildflowers. 
"I'm surprised she likes hiking." 
"She's a Texan." 
She nods, pushing his shoulder.
"Mommy!" Sarah whines and toddles over, reaching up to be picked up. "Stinky." She makes a face. 
"It is stinky." She agrees 
"Must be the surprise." Joel smirks.
"A petting zoo." She guesses. "A farm!" 
"Sheeee!!!" Sarah says, trying to say sheep.
"Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-oh. And on that farm he had some sheep." She sang bouncing the child on her hip to the beat of the nursery rhyme. "With a…" 
"That's right!" She praises. "With a baa-baa here and a baa-baa there. Here a baa. There a…" 
"Baa." Joel joins with a realistic sheep bleating. 
"Everywhere a…"
"Sheeee!" Sarah exclaims, making her parents laugh. 
Finding a sign, Y/N walks over to it. 
Skimming the welcome greeting.
"A horse riding ranch." She smiles. "Will keep that in mind to check out soon." 
"Surprise." He says punctuating with jazz hands. 
"C'mon. Don't wanna be late." He advises walking through the main entrance. 
"Late?"  She gasps.  "For what?"
She followed her husband, who greeted a person with a horse in tow. 
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"Oh, my God." She gasps and speeds over to the magnificent pinto. "Look Sarah."  She squeals, showing her daughter how to pet a horse. "Hey, horsie," she coos.  Stroking its head "You're so pretty." She compliments. 
"This is Betsy" The handler informs. 
"That's funny."  She laughs, looking at Joel. "Get it?" 
"I get it." 
"I don't think you did."
"Why's that?" 
"You would've laughed." 
"I don't want to offend Betsy, by saying she looks like a cow." He counters. 
"Cows are beautiful and smart. I would take being called a cow a compliment." 
"Brave enough to test that theory Mr. Miller."  She taunts.
"Nope." He pops the 'p'.
On the outside of the fence, clapping and whistling as Y/N directed the horse over bars and skillfully around barrels with the aid of the handler.  
"Mommy!" Sarah patted her father's face, making sure he was paying attention. "Dada." She pats his face, making him close one eye. 
"Yeah," he answers. 
"Mama." She points. "Look. Mama." 
"I'm looking."  He assures a smile never leaves his face. Her laughter rides the wind. The light in her eyes now, a rare sight over the long periods of the pain she had been forced to endure, "Ya!" Y/N barks, the horse going from a trot to a gallop around the pin. The golden glow of the sun, and the wind in her hair, which had grown to a striking pixie cut, framed her face nicely. Pulling the reins and the horse to a stop, looking towards her cheerleaders with a proud smile. 
Back at the car, the sun had gone down, leaving the starry night and moon as their companions on their journey home. 
Sarah was soundly asleep in her car seat. Watching silently through the rearview mirror. His gentle touch as he strapped her in, gracing his thumb over her cheek, closed the door, and he slipped into the driver's seat. 
After a few moments of silence, his eyes caught hers. "What?" Joel asks, clicking his seatbelt and meeting her eyes. 
"Nothin'." She shakes her head, looking ahead. 
"Something on my face?" He asks dusting and wiping his face looking into the rearview mirror. 
Y/N leans over, placing a tender kiss on his cheek. "Now there is." She snickers, tapping her cheek where she left her lipstick mark.
Series chapter order:
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 2
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 3
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 4
Mrs. Miller: Chapter 5
(Let me know if I missed anyone) Tag list:
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Daycare Snacks Vash AU Part 7
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“Made it home safe! Good night y/n :)”
“Good night Vash :)”
You held your phone to your chest as you noticed your heart was racing slightly just thinking about him and the next time you see him. He was definitely one of the best dates you had so far.
Ever since that night, you have been looking forward to finishing the game with Vash again. Even the next day while you were doing your errands you couldn’t stop thinking about him and how fun it was to spend time with him. By Monday, you went about your normal routine with the kids as you were leading the art activity. You got paper plates, glue sticks, crayons, safety scissors, googly eyes, and fuzzy wires to get the kids to create animals of their choosing.
“Remember if you need any help, let Vash and I know okay?” you told them
“Okay!” the kids agreed in unison.
“Oh and don’t forget we’re going to the zoo in a few days! So remind your parents to fill out the paper so you can go!” Vash added as you brought out the  permission slips.
“Wow we get to go to the zoo?” Eli asked.
“That’s so cool! I’ve been wanting to go see the lions!” Zac mentioned.
“Oh I wonder if we can pet one of the animals or feed them!” Marlo asked.
"Yes everyone! We should be able to do that. For now, focus on your paper plate so you can take them home and show them to your parents,” you reminded them. You and Vash would monitor the kids to make sure they were able to make the animal they wanted. Some of them would get a bit messy on the cutting or coloring but it added character to their plate. Vash then nudged you as you looked at him.
“I gotta prepare the snacks and drinks. Do you want anything?” he asked.
“Just a juice box, I’ll get a snack later,” you requested.
“You got it, I’ll be back,” he said and took his leave.
“Y/n, will you be with us at the zoo?” Mona asked.
“Of course! Vash, Liz, and the rest of the workers here will be with you. We’ll stick together so all of you can have fun,” you replied.
"I’m so excited! I gotta get momma to let me go!” Mona said.
“Me too!” Zac chimed in.
You kept monitoring until it was time for their recess. You told the kids they can continue working on their plates tomorrow, and to help you clean up. They all started singing the clean up song and putting stuff away. You collected their plates and made sure to put them in the crafts bin so they can work on it later.
“Okay everyone, ready for recess?” you asked as the kids cheered.
“Alright, line up and we’ll head outside. Then we can get our snacks later. Sound good?” you asked again.
“Yes y/n!” the kids answered and ran outside to play. You couldn’t help but admire their enthusiasm and wish you had a bit of their energy. You then felt someone tug on the end of your shirt.
“Hey Ginger, what’s the matter?” you asked the toddler as she looked a bit shy.
“Y/n, can I talk to you? I need your help,” she asked.
“Sure, let’s go outside and take a seat somewhere yeah?” you offered as she nodded. You walked to the picnic table where the kids would sometimes eat lunch at. Both of you took a seat and positioned yourself where you could see the kids but still faced Ginger so she knew you had her attention.
“Whats on your mind Ginger?” you questioned.
“It’s about the zoo. I want to go, but I’m scared,” she explained.
“What are you scared of Ginger?” you asked.
“You promise you won’t laugh?” she asked looking away.
“I pinky promise I won’t laugh, cross my heart,” you told her while extending your pinky. She reached her pinky and intertwined with yours.
“I’m scared of snakes y/n. Last time I saw a snake I was so scared I couldn’t move. I had an asthma attack and dad had to help me. I want to have fun with everyone and go but I’m worried dad won’t let me go,” Ginger explained further.
“Hmm, I see. Well I can talk to your dad about that. If you go, I’ll make sure you’re okay. We can avoid the part of the zoo that has snakes if you want. I know some of the other kids aren’t comfortable with seeing certain animals too, but that’s our little secret,” you mentioned giving her a little wink and put your index finger to your lips.
“Really? You’d do that?” she asked.
“Of course! Plus, I know Vash will have your inhaler just in case,” you added.
“Thank you y/n! You’re the best!” Ginger said as she gave you a hug.
“You’re welcome Ginger, I hope I was able to help. And you know you can always come to Vash and I if you need anything right?” you added.
“Yes! And of course! You two are my favorites after all!” she replied. You couldn’t help but smile at the comment.
“Thanks Ginger, now go play. I think your friends are waiting for you,” you pointed out as the rest of the kids were waving at her. Ginger then left to join.
“So what did I miss?” Vash asked as he took a seat next to you while handing you your juice box
“Ginger wants to go to the zoo, but she’s afraid of snakes. So I’m going to talk to her dad about it and how we can look after her,” you filled him in.
“I can help talk to him if you want,” he offered.
“That would be great! It would help since you’re pretty responsible,” you added.
“Of course! I’m always happy to help with anything you need,” he gleamed.
“Same here if you need anything,” you replied smiling at him as you sipped your drink.
The day went by quickly and it was time for the parents to pick up the kids. Both you and Vash were collecting or passing out the permission slips to each parent as the kids begged them to sign it.
“Mom, I want to go! I’ll be on my best behavior!”
“Dad, can you sign the paper so I can see the animals pretty please?”
“Mom you need to sign the paper so I can join my friends at the zoo!”
Eventually, Ginger’s dad arrived as you and Vash stood up while Ginger walked up.
“Hi sweetie! Ready to go?” he asked.
“Daddy, before we go I want to ask you something. Could you sign the paper so I can go to the zoo. I really want to go,” Ginger pleaded.
“You sure sweetie? You’re afraid of that one thing remember?” her dad asked.
“Sir, we would take good care of her. In fact, we can talk to the staff and visit another part of the zoo where she doesn’t have to see that animal,” you reasoned.
“Yeah, and if something happens I’ll be in charge of her inhaler and the other items the kids will need. Either way, we’ll respect whatever decision you make, but know we’ll take care of her,” Vash made his case. Ginger was selling her puppy eye stare at her dad as he looked at the both of us.
“Okay, but only because I trust them. And if anything happens, you stick close to them Ginger,” her dad answered as he started filling out the permission slip.
“THANK YOU DAD! I promise I’ll do my best and stick with y/n and Vash!” Ginger replied. She then ran up to you and Vash and pulled the both of you into a hug. You couldn’t help but smile at her gesture. She then let go and went to her dad.
“I’ll see you tomorrow!” she called out and waved. You waved back as her dad closed the door. You were about to say something but noticed Vash was holding his heart and getting teary eye.
“Are you okay?” you asked him.
“Yeah, just appreciating how wholesome that was,” he explained as you smiled. You then patted his shoulder and looked at the door.
“They all are, the world needs more of that. Come on, lets clock out,” you told him and began gathering your things. Thankfully you and Vash were the last ones to leave the daycare.
The days went by quickly as the staff was preparing everything for the zoo trip. You and Liz made sure there were enough snacks and drinks for the day, while Vash consulted with the parents on medications and items the kids would need. The day off, the staff gathered at the entrance of the zoo while the parents reminded the kids to behave before dropping them off. All the kids were excited and gathered around the staff.
“Okay everyone, before we enter the zoo we gotta remember a few things. One, We stick together. All of us are going to follow the buddy system. Vash, y/n, and I will watch you, but we need you to be together. So we’ll be doing head counts. Two, if there’s an emergency or something happens, you need to tell one of us. Three, we stick to the schedule. If there’s something you want to see we’ll get to it, but we need to be patient. Is that clear?” Liz asked.
“Yes Liz!” the kids said.
“Okay, now let’s have fun!” Liz finished as the kids cheered. Liz led the kids up front while you stayed in the middle, and Vash was by the end of the line. All of you agreed this was the best to keep watch since Vash was the fastest runner and Liz was a frequent visitor of the zoo. You started off with taking the zoo’s train system to reach the interactive garden. The kids were beyond excited to ride it and would point out the different places that caught their attention. Once the train stopped, you only had to walk a little bit until you made it to your destination with a zoo staff member waiting for your group.
“Hi everyone! I’ll be your guide! Are you ready to see some animals?” he asked as the kids cheered.
“Then follow me! And if you all behave, you can feed some of them too!” he added as the kids were jumping up and down. The guide led you inside to see some of the squirrel monkeys first. The kids were captivated as they watched the monkey climb the tree to eat some fruit or hold on to another monkey as they travelled. The guide then escorted your group to see the flamingos splash around or flap their wings as the kids were entertained. Next, the guide led you to the bird room where all kinds of birds were flying around.
“Okay, in this room you can feed the birds if you like. Anyone want to give it a try?” the guide asked. A few of the kids were hesitant, but you figured you would go along with some of your kids who stuck with you. The guide gave you and your kids some bird feed and asked you to stay still. A yellow and green parakeet landed on your shoulder while a few more parakeets landed on the kids as they giggled or gasped. You then raised the cup of food to the bird as it started eating away. Then two birds flew to you, one landed on top of your head, while the other one landed on your other shoulder. You couldn’t help but giggle as they did this. Vash was staring at you and how much fun you were having. He wished he could have captured this moment as he loved to see you happy. Meanwhile, Liz was taking photos of the kids and staff at each area.
“I want to feed one!” Zac asked.
“Me too! It looks so much fun!” Eri added.
Eventually the kids joined in on the fun as you went back to the staff.
“Had fun?” Liz asked.
“Yes! They kinda tickle when they move around,” you mentioned.
“Vash you’re volunteering at the next one. No take backs,” Liz added.
“Wait why?” he asked.
“You’ll see,” she replied coyly.
The guide then took everyone to the butterfly room. You were in awe of the place with so many colorful butterflies flying all over the place. The guide then asked for volunteers to walk in as Liz pointed at Vash. Vash’s group pulled him forward as you watched him slightly stumble inside. As soon as he steadied himself, multiple butterflies were landing on him from his hair, shoulders, and hands. His group was ooing and aahing at the sight. The minute you looked at him, you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Him with the butterflies made him look so ethereal. You didn’t think he could get any prettier until now. A pink blush dusted your cheeks the longer you stared at him. Liz caught on and took a picture of him and the kids who started walking in. You snapped out of your thoughts as your group led you inside. Once they stopped pulling you, you needed to regain your balance.
“I got you,” Vash said as he steadied you by grabbing your arm. You felt yourself get hot with how close he was and the way he was looking at you.
“Thanks Vash,” you said as you looked away.
“Y/n, can you hold still?” he asked. You were confused but stayed in place as you heard a *click* You then looked at Vash and saw he was taking a picture.
“Sorry, about that, I wanted to capture this,” he explained and showed a picture of you with a butterfly that landed on the side of your hair. You actually liked how it turned out and looked at him.
“Could you send that to me when you have the chance? I like that picture,” you asked as he nodded. Then another butterfly landed on your nose. You were startled a bit, but you smiled as it slowly flapped its wings.
The guide led you to more places to see bears, hippos, kangaroos, giraffes, cranes, gorillas, and aquatic life. Eventually it was lunch time and the guide led you to the picnic area to rest and eat before seeing the lions and reptiles.
You made sure everyone was accounted for before sitting at one of the large tables. You sat in the middle between Eri and Mona.
“I'm having so much fun! I can’t wait to see the lion next!” Eri spoke.
“Me too! I want to visit the garden again the next time I come here. Are you having fun y/n?” Mona asked.
“Oh I’m sure y/n is having fun,” Eri commented with a smirk growing on her face.
“Girls, I’m having fun knowing you’re having fun. Besides, are you both excited to see the lions?” you asked after taking a bite of your lunch
“Yes, and the lizard room too!” Mona added.
“Well eat what you can. We’re heading straight over once we’re done,” you told them.
After everyone settled down from lunch, the guide led you to where the lions and tiger were as the boys were excited. The girls looked around and cooed at the ones that had babies or rolled over. One of the lions roared as the guys were amazed to hear them that loudly. Some of the girls hid behind you or covered their ears. You, Liz, and Vash made sure to comfort them as the lions walked around in their den. Finally, your guide was leading you to the reptile room. Before you could walk in, Liz stopped you and pointed to the back of the line. 
“You’re needed, I’ll cover your groups,” she said before walking in. You turned around to see Ginger holding on to Vash and started walking to them.
“Hey y/n, she’s a bit nervous. She wanted to talk to you,” Vash said as you crouched down to Ginger’s level.
“Hey Ginger, you okay? We’re right here,” you told her.
“I won’t go in unless you two are by my side,” she said looking distraught.
“Okay, we’ll be by your side, right Vash?” you asked.
“Yeah, we won’t go anywhere without you,” he comforted her. Ginger looked at the both of you and then grabbed your hand and Vash’s hand.
“I’ll only go in if we do this. It makes me feel better,” she added with a determined face. You then looked at Vash who then patted her head with a small smile
“Okay, if it helps I don’t mind,” he told her. You then smiled at Ginger and gave her hand a small squeeze.
“Ready to go in? I promise I won’t let go,” you told her as she nodded. The three of you walked hand in hand into the room. Ginger was doing pretty well as she got to enjoy seeing the lizards move around or blend into their surroundings. You managed to catch up to your group as they were about to enter the area with snakes. You told Liz that the three of you can wait for them. As your group moved forward, you managed to find an area where the turtles were swimming. Ginger’s face lit up as you were happy that she was enjoying herself.
“Y/n, Vash, thanks for doing this for me. I’m sorry we can’t join the others. I wish I wasn’t afraid of snakes,” Ginger said looking at you both.
“Hey, you don’t have to apologize. All that matters is you’re having fun at the zoo,” Vash told her.
“Yeah, besides I prefer seeing this over the snakes,” you mentioned. Ginger smiled and asked to walk around more as she got excited seeing the turtles come up and rest on the rocks. Ten minutes later, your group came out from the snake area and you joined them. The tour was finally over as your guide led you outside and back to the entrance.
“What do you say to the tour guide?” Liz asked.
“Thank you for today!” the kids said while waving him goodbye. You could see that some of the parents were waiting for you as you walked closer to them. One by one the kids were getting picked up and waving goodbye. When you saw Ginger’s dad, Ginger let go of your hand and faced you and Vash.
“I had so much fun because of you two! I can’t thank you enough!” Ginger spoke and then hugged you and Vash by your legs.
“We’re just glad you got to enjoy the zoo,” you told her as Vash agreed.
“Well, I gotta go. Thank you again! See you next week!” Ginger waved as she ran to her dad who also waved at you both. 
“You did good,” Vash commented as he looked at you.
“You did too, this wouldn’t have happened if you didn’t help convince her dad,” you mentioned.
“Then let’s settle with the fact we make a good team,” he suggested.
“That I can agree with,” you replied flashing a smile. 
“Good work you two, we didn’t have any accidents or lose any of them. Did you both still had fun?” Liz came up to you both as you both agreed.
“Then I’ll see you both next week. Get home safe, and I’ll print the pictures out when I can,” Liz waved off as she headed to her car.
“Ready to head home?” Vash asked.
“Ready when you are, my legs are tired after today,” you told him as he led you to your car.
Vash drove you to your place and walked you up to your apartment as usual. Before you could say goodbye Vash brought up something.
“Hey, this might be a little cheesy, but remember how you said you liked my playlist?” Vash said.
“Yeah what about it?” you asked.
“I made you a playlist of some songs I think you might like. I figured since you like to go to cafes or go to some places for some down time, you can listen to it. I sent you a link,” Vash continued as he looked away shyly.
You felt your phone vibrate and saw his message. You clicked on the link and saw the playlist he curated for you.
“You remembered? That’s so sweet of you! No one’s made me playlist like this before. Thanks Vash!” you commented.
“No problem, let me know what you think when you listen to it,” he said.
“Of course! Oh, before you go, do you mind if we continue playing House of Ashes if you’re free this weekend?” you asked.
“Yeah I’d love that! Does tomorrow at 6 work for you?” he asked.
“That’s perfect,” you told him. Vash then engulfed you in a hug as you hugged him back.
“Drive safe, and see you tomorrow,” you told him and waved. He waved back and made his way to his car. You then went inside your apartment and laid on your couch recounting the day. You then felt your phone vibrate as you got a message from Liz.
“A sneak peak of the photos. Enjoy~” it read. You then saw she took pictures of the kids having fun. But the last two pictures were of you in the parrot room and of Vash in the butterfly room. You instantly blushed at his picture as your heart raced. You then clicked on that picture and assigned it to Vash’s contact info as you looked forward to him messaging you later.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 11 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: This is a sad one -Danny Words: 2,647 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'gold rush' -by Taylor Swift
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XXXVII: We Ran Out of Chill Pills
The walkie turns on, and Lily picks it up quickly. "Mike?"
The sounds of battle startle us, and we think Michael's in trouble. We almost drop everything and run straight to where he is, but then he speaks. 
"Do you know that look in Ara's eyes when she's training?"
"When she looks insane?"
"Precisely," Mike replies.
"Hey!" I repeat in outrage.
"I think I get it now," he continues. "Listen to this..."
Way in the background, we hear a manic peal of laughter. I recognize it only because I've heard my brother laugh that way before, when he's demolishing me while playing UNO.
"What's Percy doing?"
"That's your brother?" Lily asks in shock. "He sounds crazy!"
"He looks crazy," Mike states. "He's helping though, the bridge was—Oh, wow! Hang on."
I finish my bombs and Lily finishes her traps in a hurry, we start to walk in Mike's direction, we want to help him. 
"Yes!" He laughs, it sounds like he's running. "That's what I'm talking about!"
"Sounds like it's going well," Lily points out.
"We're going, Mike, maybe you can put our bombs to use!"
"Yeah, maybe..." I don't know how he's able to speak to us and shoot arrows at the same time, but it sounds like it's no biggie for him. 
We haven't been walking for long when Mike talks again. No fight noises are coming from his line, and he's whispering.
"Don't come."
Lily presses the comm. "Is it over?"
"He's here," Mike replies, and we immediately know who he means. "Annabeth's been hurt. Don't come."
We look at each other, and instead of listening to him, we run. Probably not the best idea considering we're carrying bombs, but we aren't thinking about our safety.
"We're going!" Lily yells to the walkie-talkie. "Hang tight!"
"Blackjack took Annabeth to safety, Lily. Go to her—Do not come!"
I snatch the walkie out of Lily's hand. "You must be out of your mind if you think we're leaving you!"
"I'm not repeating myself!" His line is failing. "Focus on your mission, beast. Good luck."
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Ara's eyes linger on the wall where Michael's picture is hanging.
Next to him are Austin and Kayla, they're hugging each other and making faces, Michael is laughing with his whole face like he used to. Ara remembers how he glowed whenever he did that.
Michael's leaf-green light was so easy to bring out, he had an awful temper, but man, whenever he laughed...
"Wow! Are these all former campers?"
Ara gives a start, Leo's standing at the doorway. She points to the wall next to her. "Yeah. That's Percy, in case you were curious."
Leo approaches and takes a look. The picture shows Percy and Annabeth arm in arm, he has pitch-black hair, green eyes, and a great complexion. Now that's a demigod. Then he notices the girl clinging to Percy's waist: A younger version of Ara that barely reaches her brother's shoulder.
Leo has never seen her smile the way she's doing in that picture. His eyes wander as they always do, and there she is, same age as now but different. Her face is solemn yet more childish, a laurel crown rests on her head and her purple cloak is on her shoulders covering a white sleeveless dress. The girl's holding Almighty with both hands, the blade pointing down.
On her right side stands Lily Saggio, trying and failing to look lively. On her left, there is a boy with dark hair, dark eyes, black clothes, and a sinister expression. Still, Ara stands out the most, she looks like a queen. The picture was definitely taken the day she got Aphrodite's blessing.
Leo realizes he's way over his head with Ara Jackson, completely out of his league—They're not even playing the same sport!
"Why did you come here? Leo?" She speaks at last, then follows his line of vision. "Oh."
Leo can't make eye contact, he vaguely points to the picture. "You look amazing in that one."
Ara makes a face. "I look like a toddler wearing adult's clothes."
"Don't downplay yourself, you look like Aphrodite in that picture," he tries to tease her, but he sounds way too flustered to make it work.
She chuckles. "You've never met my mother, how would you know?"
He forces out a laugh trying to hide his anxiety. "Right. Still..."
There is a hesitant smile on Ara's face and he wants to make her laugh for real, but he wishes she could go back to just being Ara in his mind. Why can't she? It's not her fault, he knows that, but she could at least try to be less perfect...
And why isn't he talking? Why is a picture affecting him this way? It burns in the back of his mind like he's got it tattooed on his eyelids. 
Ara tilts her head with amusement. "What's the matter? Ran out of lines?"
Leo clears his throat determined to speak, he wants to be honest even if she doesn't believe him, but at the same time... she's so many things to the world, and he's got nothing to offer.
Ara tenses suddenly, she walks past him at once. "I think Lily's coming, we should go back."
As soon as she's out of sight, Leo grabs fistfuls of his hair and pulls in exasperation. What the heck is wrong with him? He's never been this speechless before! His gaze goes back to Ara's picture, looking like a young goddess guarded by two murderous wards. 
It was easy to pursue her when she was just a pretty girl he met under weird circumstances, but Ara's a war hero, and in the past six months, she's done more than Leo in his lifetime.
He can light himself on fire for her amusement, and build her a few toys, but he's bound to bore her someday. It takes one look at her brother to know Ara doesn't belong in Leo's world.
Even Ara, who's the most thoughtful cute girl he's ever talked to, will end up hurting him.
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Leo has been staring at her the whole movie and it's getting on her nerves. It's not a cute stare, she can feel him scowling from across the room. 
He's no longer flirty and fun, he's "Sorry, General" and "Thanks, Strategus", and Ara hates it. He's been like this the whole day, and the week is ending soon.
Lily locks eyes with her, and Ara doesn't understand how, but it's like she knows exactly what Ara's thinking. 
"Well, we better hurry!" Lily nudges Connor's arm. "Hey, Queen B, you have no problem cleaning up after us, right?"
Ara smiles. "None at all."
"We'll help—" Jason starts, but Piper stops him.
"Actually, I need your help with something," she pulls him along, giving her sister a brief but significant look. "Thanks, Ara!"
As the girls hurry to take the boys away, Ara catches Leo's wrist and pulls him back onto the couch, maybe a little too roughly. 
"Ouch!" Leo winces. "Ara, watch it when you manhandle me!"
She blushes, but his complaint is not enough to distract her. "Tell me what's wrong."
He scowls at his feet. "Nothin'."
"It's stupid."
"I want to make things official." The boy looks up at her, mouth slightly agape. He tries to speak but Ara stops him. "I can't be comfortable with that decision if you don't trust me enough to be honest about the things that upset you."
Ara knows his mind works as fast as his hands, so she gives him a moment to catch up and put his thoughts in order. This is not as fun as she'd dreamed it'd be.
"I'm not right."
Ara looks up. "Not right?"
"Yesterday, I overheard one of your siblings saying that you'll end up dating a buff Greek guy once we sail on our quest, 'cause it's the only match that makes sense for you..."
He rants about all the things he's been repeating over and over in his head, only growing more frustrated. 
"...And I laughed at first, 'cause we'd kissed and they had no idea—But then..." he shakes his head. "I saw that stupid picture..."
For a moment she doesn't know what he's talking about, then she remembers. "The one in Chiron's office?"
"You're beautiful, Ara," he blurts out defeatedly. "Why are you with me?"
"Argus took that picture the morning after we won the war," she explains to him. "I had just gotten the child of Olympus' blessing, of course I looked unreal! But I don't look like that all the time!"
"But it's you!" Leo insists. "The one who picked me up at the Grand Canyon, and fought the Cyclops—That is your best self, and I..." he gulps. "I'm just a mechanic."
It disturbs her to hear him say those things, this is exactly what she was afraid of: her friends building walls around her, feeling like she's unapproachable... it's such a lonely life, and Ara's not built for that.
"You think I'm impressive because you met me at the right time," she replies patiently. "Ask any of my friends... better yet, ask me. I'll tell you who I really am." 
Ara's heart is pounding and her hands are cold, but she needs to talk about this. She's seen Janus again, something's coming her way soon.
"There is someone I haven't mentioned yet," she says, hands so shaky she has to close them in tight fists.
Leo looks at her with a frown. "Who?"
"He... I couldn't talk about him before," Ara takes a fragile breath. "He was..." her chest feels so tight she has to take a moment. "He's the reason I became a daughter of Olympus."
The boy places a hand over her fists, trying to loosen them. "Ara," he says, forgetting about his worries for a moment. "What happened?"
Leo touches her and suddenly she's no longer drowning. She's in pain, but her vision sharpens, and she feels strong enough to walk through her grief if only for just a moment. 
It helps that she's doing this to ease Leo, makes her feel like she has permission to think about the past, and makes her sorrow a thing of use. Ara has to do this, Leo will never believe they're in the same boat otherwise.
"I used to have two best friends. One was Lily, the other was a son of Apollo," she gulps. "His name was Michael Yew."
As soon as she says it, Ara bursts into tears.
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Austin runs up to us, looking desperate. 
"We can't find him—We can't find Michael."
Lily abandons her bag on the ground, running towards the destroyed bridge. I follow her without a second thought. 
We scream Michael's name until we can't speak, but no one answers. I find his bow and backpack on the floor, near the edge. My knees give in and I fall, holding onto his bow tightly.
"We should've been here," I whisper hoarsely.
Lily inches closer to the edge of the bridge, but it's too unstable. I catch her wrist before she gives another step forward. 
"What are you doing?" I ask, voice shaking.
"We have to keep looking," I know she's thinking of every possible scenario, refusing to believe this one. "He could be down there."
"Lily," My thumb presses on the scar on her wrist, the mark Michael left on both of our bodies. "He wanted us to stay away..." I pull her back. "It's time we listen."
"Now more than ever it's when we shouldn't!" Her breathing's getting heavier. "He could be alive—he needs us!"
I lift Mike's bow. "We're too late!"
I want to scream again, my vision's getting blurry but I try to hold on because Lily needs me to. "He knew what was going to happen. He asked us to keep going, don't quit on us now."
She looks back at the edge, and a whimper abandons her and she rubs her eyes furiously. "I'm sorry..." she covers her face in shame. "Forgive me, brother..."
I get up and hug her as tightly as I can. We're the same height but I'm stronger, so I squeeze her so she feels something other than despair. Lily buries her face on my shoulder and sobs.
"It's you and me now," I cry quietly. "I'm not leaving your side until this war is over."
She doesn't speak, only holds onto me tighter.
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"Everyone always took care of me—Michael, Charles, my sister... they slipped through my fingers and I just... I was so far from where I should've been, every single time—"
"You didn't fail them," Leo holds her face. "From what I've heard, you did great things after they died."
"Michael was the first to believe I could be someone great... and he died because of me. He swore on the Styx that he'd make me a child of Olympus," she sobs. "I don't want you to think I'm more important than your well-being—I became a child of Olympus to make sure no one would sacrifice themselves like that for me ever again."
"But being a child of Olympus doesn't mean you can control..." he hesitates, understanding what she's trying to say. "How you're perceived by others..."
Ara's heart is in her throat. Leo's hands hold her face so gently, almost as if she's made of the finest silk.
"I'm sorry I dropped this on you with no warning..." she says hoarsely. "I needed you to understand... I'm as worried as you are... about not being the right fit," Ara stares at him with deep distress. "Just to imagine how it'd feel if I lose you too..."
Leo wraps his arms around her carefully, allowing her to decide whether she wants the contact or not, and she welcomes it fully. He pulls her closer, wanting to say something but having no words. He rubs her back gently. 
"I won't make any promises if that's what you want," he struggles but tries very hard to voice what's in his mind. "But I have never cared the way I care about you, so we'll go to the gods-darn Underworld together if we have to."
"No rebirth or anything until we see each other one last time?" She asks, barely keeping control of the lump in her throat.
"It's a deal," he dries her tears with his thumbs. "Until then, you can lean on me. I'll lean on you too if it makes you feel better."
Ara doesn't understand why Leo is so perfect in her eyes. She wouldn't change him at all, except for the parts that hurt him. To think it's been just a few weeks since they met...
"What?" He asks, amusement dancing in his gaze. "What's that look for?"
"I'm in love with you."
Leo blinks, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth at all. He stares at her, convinced that he's lost it, there is no way he heard that right. "What?"
"I love you," Ara states with certainty.
Leo's heart rate goes off the charts, his entire body lights up so brightly Ara has to look away. His smile grows as he processes what Ara said.
"I love you too," He's been dying to say it ever since they first kissed, but now he's hardly able to sit still and form a coherent sentence. "Are we crazy?"
"Yes, extremely," Ara wraps her fingers around his wrists. He's still holding her face but he's stuck, he either stays frozen or he'll bounce off the walls and wreck the rec room. "But I mean it with my whole chest, and that's when you're supposed to say it."
"I believe you," he gives in easily. "You're an Aphrodite, if you say you love me, heck, who am I to say it's not true?" He smirks. "I've loved you for longer, though."
Ara laughs, messily cleaning her nose with the back of her hand, in a way that Leo loves cause it makes her look so normal. She's not the pretty girl he met before or the impressive hero everyone keeps away—Ara is his girlfriend, his favorite person in the world, and that's nothing scary. He won't be able to keep his hands to himself after this.
"You're the best boyfriend ever," she sniffs. "And an idiot."
Leo is always expecting her to roll her eyes and disregard his comments, but she never does that. Gods, he loves her.
"Maybe," he replies with a smile. "But most importantly, I'm officially your idiot boyfriend."
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aajjks · 7 months
it’s a beautiful day in goryeo, corea and the coldest season has now officially passed and made way for spring. now more than ever, flower business bring in customers as the best time of the year to grow flowers and vegetables is in the waking of spring. excitedly, you wake up early to ensure all six of your children were fed, bathed, and dressed for school with their essentials in hand and organized.
“bye mommy!!” your twin girls say as they race to the carriage. next to say goodbye to you is your 8 year old son jawon, then areum, then ae-cha, and the finally jinseoul. “make sure you all stick together!! and be safe!! AND BEHAVE” you announce to your children as they yell back a ‘yes ma’am’ before riding off to school.
you’ll never get tired of getting your kids ready for school. you remember when each of them were just little toddlers learning how to walk and now they’re all grown up. you miss your babies so much and if it weren’t for jungkook being in an important meeting, you’d cry to him about it but for now, you’ll go love up on your remaining toddler, jaehan who will turn three in just a few more weeks.
“greetings queen y/n, here is the menu for tonight’s dinner” says one of the head chef’s of the kitchen who presents you the menu for tonight. “thank you. do you all mind if areum makes the dessert for tonight? also, we’ll be having guests accompanying us so make extra”
“that will not be a problem, your highness. we will make sure to make extras for yours and the king’s company”
“thank you”
you hand the menu back to the chef and head to jaehan’s room to bathe him, wash his hair, clothe him, and help clean his mouth. since jawon isn’t around, jaehan decides to stick beside his mother and practice his writing in your office while you attempt to get some work done. occasionally, you bounce back and forth from tending to your infants, doing your paperwork, and helping jaehan with his writing.
while at school, jinseoul is greeted by hyunjin which is odd.
“hey man” smiles the young man.
“uh..hey? when did you get here?”
“it’s my first day. your dad sent a letter and gave me permission to get my education here”
“really? well, that’s cool. i could use an extra friend” jinseoul says as the two boys walk to class together and spend the entire time talking to one another. the school is very pristine and though hyunjin gets strange looks from the other royal kids, jinseoul glares back at the stuck up kids.
“the kids here are so stuck up. thank God my parents did raise us like that”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean, my mom and dad keep all of us humble. they raised us with integrity”
“well, your parents did an awesome job with you all. you’re really nice”
“you are too, man. your mom seems nice”
“she is nice—“
“JINSEOUL!!!! i’ve been looking everywhere for you!!” fusses ae-cha and the glare of hers looks awfully familiar to hyunjin. it’s a little too familiar…but on a brighter note, here she is and wow is she beautiful.
long dark hair, doe eyes, a round face like the queen’s; ae-cha is—
“can you quit staring at me? you look like a frog”
ae-cha is rude.
“o-oh, s-sorry” hyunjin quickly bows and is a little offended that she called him a frog. he hopes she meant that in a nice way.
“who are you anyway? never seen your face before”
“i’m, uh, hyunjin. i’m here because of your father”
“really? wow. well, i’m ae-cha”
“it’s an honor to meet you princess ae-cha”
“ew, don’t ever say that again. just call me ae-cha, man. no need to be weird about it”
“AE-CHAAA!!! OVER HERE, GIRL!!” yells one of ae-cha’s friends.
“ugh, i’ll fuss at you later as for you, i’ll see you around. I’M COMING GUYS WAIT UP!!!” yells ae-cha as she jogs up to her friends to laugh and talk with them while hyunjin looks like he’s been hypnotized.
“if you’re going to act like this every time you’re around my sister, i’m gonna puke” jinseoul says as he continues to walk to his next and final class.
As soon as the king is done with his meeting, he’s on his way to your chamber, but you’re not there, so he just figures out that you’re in your own office working,
You’re so hard-working, honestly how do you have so much stamina to deal with nine children and do your duties without breaking a sweat.
You were always a perfect choice for him, and he doesn’t regret a thing about you. Although he still a little mad about last night because you left him horny and it’s not really a good feeling to sleep with blue balls but he does deserve this punishment after all..
Jungkook is honestly starting to think that he has a stupid magical, or rather cursed tongue because whatever he says just comes true. Like the thing with Yeonjin.
Which reminds him that yes she’s coming over to dinner tonight all thanks to your courtesy, but you’re just trying to be nice and that’s not wrong— and you two have to discuss the arrangement you have decided for her.
Jungkook knocks on your door patiently he makes sure to tell the guard to be silent and not announce his presence- He’s finally allowed to come in, and he sees jaehan sitting on a sofa while you sit in your chair, going through some papers.
“Hello my queen.” he says, in a high-pitched voice, hoping that he won’t recognize him, because you still haven’t looked at him.
But before his prank can go on, Jaehan begins to scream out his name. “DADDY DADDY DADDY!!”
The way you’re startled makes him laugh out loud. “Oh yn look at you.” Jungkook begins to laugh his ass off while Jaehan jumps in his father’s arms.
Jungkook kisses his toddler on his rosy cheeks and you glare at him. “what I just wanted to surprise you, but he scared you I did not.”
Jungkook takes the seat right infront of you, he’s so impressed with how seriously you take your duties and not just your role as the mother of his children, or as his wife, but as the queen of this nation as well.
He’s so proud of you that he’s not worried about the future for this dynasty.
“Babe, you know if I die, you’re gonna make a great queen regent for our crown prince until he learns his role, when he will be crowned king.”
He likes to joke about his death because it’s something that all of the Royals have to be prepared for and it’s about time that he starts preparing you for your next role and his oldest son to take his place soon as well. 
Because Jungkook knows that his life span is not guaranteed and he can die any day. don’t get him wrong. He’s perfectly healthy but he’s a warrior.
Death will always follow him like a shadow.
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maginxlia · 2 years
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Starring JJK Men As Dads and Their children🌸 The Headcanons and Scenarios
Rated PG-13
Dictionary🌸 D/N is for Daughter Name🌸 S/N is for Son name🌸 Y/N is for Your Name
No pronouns in this Bih
Author Note💖 I Hope y’all enjoy these, I love all of y’all and the appreciation is real babes💖
Askbox always Open
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Gojo Satoru
The Headcanons
✿ The best dressed one year old is your son who looks just like his daddy
✿ Those eyes and Fluffy white hair leave zero doubt to who your son’s father is
✿ Gojo keeps your son spoiled with the freshest Baby timbs and jordans to Disneyland tickets
✿ Your son can barely walk but his shoe collection is something adults is envious of
✿ Gojo and your son’s outfits always match even down to the matching chains and Glasses
✿ Gojo is a such a proud father of his two sons Megumi and S/N
✿ Megumi spends a lot of time babysitting for y’all and he’s good with S/N?? He’s a baby whisperer
✿ Gojo Has the hardest time going on missions now, He’s a family man and he want to be around for everything
✿ It breaks his heart when he has to go out for long missions because he misses y'all so much
✿ So he always brings backs gifts for y’all
✿ Wants you to record everything y’all son do because he would hate to miss a milestone
✿ How many times have you walked into Gojo Trying to encourage your Son to walk to him? You’ve actually lost count
✿ Your son is Actually Happy Not walking or talking for his old man, Gojo see how it is now
✿ You just gotta remind him that it’s not that deep and that S/N is a baby
The Scenario
❀ Your man has been on a mission for three long weeks, S/N and you were missing him badly
❀ All the FaceTiming wasn’t doing a damn thing, S/N has become restless without his daddy around
❀ This was the longest Satoru had been away from your son since he had been born and it’s taking its toll on everyone
❀ Even ending FaceTime with Satoru has become a heartbreaking event, S/N wail loudly as soon as his daddy goes of the screen
❀ Satoru hates being away like this and he wants to come back home but he has his duties
❀ Satoru himself cries whenever you tell him about how hard S/N is taking him being away
❀ You didn’t know when he would come back and there is always that worry of if something happens and he won’t be able to return that brings tears to your eyes
❀ This morning you woken to the cries of S/N You knew it was because he was hungry so you scooped him out of his crib and placed him into his high chair
❀ As you prepared his breakfast he had calmed down, his curious eyes following your movements
❀ You fed your son and placed him in his playpen so you could begin preparing yourself something it
❀ While you was cooking you heard a knock on the door, it was odd to get visitors this early but you walked over to see who it was
❀ Looking through the peephole you saw familiar white hair, “Satoru” you softly said as you opened the door
❀ You automatically wrapped him in a embrace the moment his body was near yours
Satoru: Hello My love, I missed this…. I missed you! Now where our little guy
❀ As you both walked to the playpen S/N let out a Loud “DADA” stopping both of you in your tracks
Satoru: Did he just….. Wow my little man can talk and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in a long time
❀ Satoru picked S/N up to snuggle him, you swear you could see tears in his eyes
“Welcome Home Baby” you whispered as you wrapped your arms around Satoru and joined in the snuggling of your son
Nanami Kento
The Headcanons
✿ Your almost two years old daughter is a Daddy’s girl through and through
✿ For the longest of times she wouldn’t fall asleep without Nanami being on FaceTime to her sang her a lullaby when he's working late (Which he rarely does now)
✿ She can tell when his car pulls up when he comes home in the evening and she excitedly waddles to him as soon as he walks through the door
✿ If he has paperwork? He’s giving her a piece of blank paper to “fill out like dada”
✿ She loves her father and He loves her
✿ She’s so well manner for a toddler and you can only thank the fact that she's picking up Nanami proper mannerisms
✿ Nanami always make sure to match his tie to what she's wearing when they go out
✿ She joins Him in the morning when he’s getting for work, He always spray some of the cologne he’s wearing on her because she loves smelling like her Daddy
✿ If He’s Shaving, He’s putting Some Shaving cream on the tip of her nose
✿ He makes her a small breakfast so they can eat together before placing her in the bed with you
✿ He takes his time doing D/N hair, He can do elaborate styles so effortlessly without hurting her tender head
✿ Going out is always a event because the y’all always looking so clean and perfect; locals call y’all the catalog family because y’all look straight out of one
✿ When he’s baking something sweet he always slip a little something to his princess
✿ There is a lot of warmth and love in your household mixed with the beautiful sounds of a happy child
The Scenario
❀ Your house was quiet, You had been out running errands and had just come home to a oddly quiet home
❀ D/N toys had all been put away and from the smell of it, your darling husband had cooked dinner
❀ Walking softly around you took in your surroundings, It had been Nanami’s only day off but he managed to tidy up the place too; The man was so giving and perfect
❀ As you walked into the living room your eyes automatically laid upon the sleeping forms of Nanami and D/N on the couch, A book had been put to the side and this told you all you needed to know
❀ “They must’ve fell asleep while he was reading to her” you thought as you grabbed a warm blanket to put around them
❀ As the blanket touched them, Nanami woke up. His beautiful eyes stared at you with love
❀ D/N wasted no time stirring awake, it was like she could sense her father wasn’t sleeping anymore
❀ She got off the couch to hug your leg while Nanami asked you how long you had been home?? After you answered his question he spoke these words
❀ Nanami: Dinner is ready but if two want we can finish this book together???
❀ As your daughter hopped back on the couch and Nanami adjusted his glasses, how could you say no to a before dinner story and family cuddle??
❀ You sat with Nanami’s arms around you while cuddled your precious baby as Nanami read from the book
❀ You felt nothing but love radiating and you wished this moment could last forever
Geto Suguru
The Headcanon
✿ Never in a million years did man ever think he’ll be a father
✿ But now he’s sitting here holding a newborn baby.. His Newborn baby that you gave life to
✿ He was nonchalant for the whole pregnancy, In a delightful daze and Over the moon at the same time even if he didn’t show it
✿ And now he’s holding his son, A strong little boy who put you through 18 hours of pain but he was worth it to you
✿ You both had come up with a name for your son, one that would be fitting for royalty and show the world that he is worthy to be here.
✿ Geto S/N, He’s just a mere baby now but one day he’ll be among the greats but now his father is tearing up over him
✿ Suguru was shocked but pleased, how could a monster like him have such a precious beautiful child as his own?
✿ He kissed his son chubby cheek and studied him like he was going to disappear
✿ S/N had yet to open his little eyes but Geto can wait
✿ His black hair peeked from under his little hat and the boy had a lot of it
✿ Suguru Swears on his soul no harm will ever come to this child
The scenario
❀ It Had been four days since S/N and you had been home
❀ Suguru busted his ass making sure you was comfortable and Attending to S/N needs
❀ The baby wasn’t fussy and was calm for a newborn even though he went through four boxes of diapers already
❀ Suguru had woken up to feed S/N, as he tied up his hair he walked into the kitchen to prepare a bottle; This was a routine he had come to love
❀ He walked into the nursery where S/N laid, Suguru took a moment to burn into his memory how precious S/N looked sleeping so cutely
❀ As he gently walked to the cradle he softly whispered to your son
Suguru: Are you Hungry angel?? Don’t worry daddy here with your bottle
❀ Soon as Suguru held y’all son his little eyes opened up to stare back at his father
Needless to say Suguru was happily surprised, his son has eyes that looked just like his…..S/N is beautiful
❀ He woke you up just for you to see how beautiful S/N eyes were
❀ As you held your precious Baby Boy who was taking in his surroundings for the first time, Suguru took a picture of you two
❀ You swear that night both of y’all fell asleep with smiles on y’all faces
❀ The Proud parents of a Healthy beautiful boy
Fushiguro Toji
The Headcanons
✿ Toji and Y’all three years old daughter is menaces
✿ Mans literally teaching your daughter how to count and do math by playing blackjack with her and she’s a prodigy
✿ One of her bad habits is trying to gamble with other children at the playground and winning their toys from them
✿ Y/N: where did she get that toy from???
✿ Toji: She won it
✿ Y/N: :/
✿ She loves for Toji to carry her around and when she’s in her daddy’s arms she braids his hair on one side
✿ Your daughter joins Toji for his workouts and giggles when he lifts her over his head or do push ups with her on his back
✿ Btw Toji has master the texture of her hair, those long fingers sure know how to braid, twist and fluff up his baby’s hair
✿ She hates when Toji leaves and it’s a heartbreaking experience for everyone
✿ If she see him with his bags packed she’s crying her eyes out so Toji usually leaves at night when she’s asleep
✿ When Toji is gone Your daughter can only fall asleep when she’s sleeping on his side of the bed because she misses her daddy so much
✿ So He never goes on “business trips” that last over three days and almost all his spending money goes towards clothes & Toys
✿ She’s the main reason Toji heart has grown softer and he doesn’t hide it
✿ He even spend time and send gifts to Megumi, He’s trying his best to have a better relationship with his son
✿ Talking about Megumi…. D\N loves her big brother, from the moment he walks in till he leaves she’s right by side him
✿ She call Megumi “Gummi” and it’s so adorable
The Scenario
❀ You knew Megumi would be visiting Today so you decided to pick up some groceries
❀ The young Fushiguro male often brings his appetite when it comes to any of the food you cook and you hadn’t done the grocery shopping for this week yet so it wouldn’t hurt to pick up the ingredients you need
❀ Kissing Toji goodbye and snuggling D/N one last time before heading out you checked over the list as you grabbed your keys making sure you had everything you need on it
❀ Little did you know as you headed to the nearest grocery store Megumi would arrive early at your door
❀ As soon as he walked through the door his little sister held onto his leg with all her might “Gummi’ she said happily as their father tried to ask him about his day and lessons
❀ D/N was lifted up by her older brother as he talked with Toji about all the things he learned that day while she played in his hair
❀ Megumi noticed you wasn’t there and he asked Toji about your whereabouts after Toji answered his question, He begin to play with his baby sister who was more excited than usual
❀ She showed him her new tea set before asking her daddy to join her Tea party, Megumi sat down across from his sister watching her as she brewed and prepared the imaginary tea
❀ The two Fushiguro’s males became engulfed in the imaginary world of D/N
❀ From her tea shop to her hair salon, their attention was 100% hers; so much that Toji nearly didn’t hear you come in.. Nearly
❀ What you walked into was Megumi and Toji drinking imaginary tea with their hair covered in hair ties, D/N was so proud of herself
❀ D/N: Gummi and Daddy are so pretty!!
❀ As you took their picture: Yes Baby they’re
❀ Your daughter has two Fushiguro’s who would die for her
Ryomen Sukuna
The Headcanons
✿ Your five years old daughter is just the smaller more adorable version of Sukuna
✿ With Scarlet eyes and head full of unruly hair the same colour as her father’s; she has your face and a mixture of the two of y’all skin tones
✿ She is a rambunctious child with more energy than you know what do with but her daddy can easily keep up with the young half curse
✿ Sukuna could be threatening someone and D/N would be climbing him to sit on his shoulders or swinging off his arms; Sukuna wish a fool would say something about his princess behavior
✿ For a Kindergartener your daughter already has immense strength and intelligence that other children can’t compete with but she is a sweetheart that would never hurt a fly
✿ Her aura alone makes lesser curses back the fuck up
✿ She can easily tell Sukuna and Yuuji apart (She calls Yuuji Soft Papa and it’s really cute) She has never questioned why Yuuji take her out in public but when she’s home she see Sukuna more; She knows Her father is a King and Soft papa is his disguise just like in the fairytales!
✿ Sukuna is a doting father who has a hard time saying no to your daughter, especially when it comes to sweets
✿ It’s not uncommon to find Sukuna Gently coaching her through her training, He wants her to be able to protect herself from curses and Humans alike
✿ If there is one thing he has never been able to Defeat in the hundreds of years he's been alive it’s her hair, Sukuna is amazed when you do her hair so effortlessly but he struggles with even gathering her hair for a ponytail.. Wtf??
✿ She paints Her Father long “Pretty Nails” for him and Sukuna always compliment the job she do; She even got Yuuji Walking around with bright pink nails
✿ It’s hard for the King of Curses to Watch his princess go to Kindergarten because he misses her so
The Scenario
❀ After Yuuji dropped off D/N, Sukuna mood was sour like usual when he see his princess go into that building with all those untrained Germy brats
❀ Sukuna was worried sick and he was for once content that he didn’t have control of the vessel; he’s worried sick.
❀ To make it worse you’re out running errands and he can’t consume his time with you
❀ This was D/N third day at Kindergarten, Yuuji was pissing him off with how calm he is; How the fuck can you be calm?? You left my baby with all those untrained Animals_ Sukuna, The King of curses circa 2022
❀ The Hours flew for Yuuji who worked at home but for poor Sukuna the seconds tick by
❀ Yuuji work was disturbed when the phone rang, the caller? D/N Kindergarten
❀ As Soon as Sukuna heard that his princess had a incident with a bully, he took full control of Yuuji body
❀ Sukuna is not above beating a five years old ass but the most important thing is getting to his princess
❀ He ran to her. He ran. He made it there in record time. As he walked in the ❀ Kindergarten his eyes Automatically went to D/N sitting on the bench; Her face was tear stained, Her long pigtails that you took hours to do had clearly been pulled and one had been cut.
❀ As soon as her eyes met her father’s she ran into his arms crying
❀ Sukuna placed her back on the bench as he walked in to talk to the headmaster, cause he’s ready to demolish this building
❀ They had already sent the boy home but nothing they say could make Sukuna calm down, He’s trembling. How could they let the monster who did this to his peaceful angel go
❀ The only thing that stopped Sukuna from going full blown ape was the fact that he didn’t want to do it in front of his baby, for the first time ever he walked out and stayed as calm as he possibly could
❀ He carried D/N all the way home and made her the biggest sundae to ever been made
❀ When you got home, you both came to the agreement that she would be homeschooled until she's ready to go back.. if ever
❀ Needless to say the school paid for her hair to get fixed and her pain & suffering; that's the only way they got rid of the threat of the King of curses
Yuuji Itadori
The Headcanons
✿ Your Three years son is the sweetest lil boy (he inherited it from his Daddy)
He looks just like Yuuji but he has your lips
✿ You are his favorite and he’ll bend over backwards to make you smile
✿ He loves his daddy a lot too But he’s often seen following you around and holding on to your leg
✿ He Helps both of you with your tasks (As much as a three years old can) he loves to feel like he helping his parents out
✿ Yuuji is an amazing father, He’s so soft and tender with the parenting of your son
✿ Coming home from work just to see his two favorite humans always make his life better
✿ Even Sukuna is calm to your son and tries his best not to scare the little boy while barking out commands to poor Yuuji
✿ Sukuna: Brat, S/N Looks like he might need to carried! Pick him up now!
✿ Sukuna`s the reason your son will become spoiled rotten at this rate
✿ Yuuji Favorite activity with is reading to S/N before bed, you have recorded many ✿ videos of Yuuji doing funny voices to add to the story and it’s really cute
✿ Going to the park and watching Yuuji play with S/N is also very very cute but nothing beats them gardening together
✿ Watching S/N help Yuuji in the your small garden is a blessing itself
✿ His small gloved hands holding a giant tomato as his papa congratulations him for finding the ripest biggest tomato can take your breath away
The Scenario
❀ As you laid in bed Sleeping in late
❀ Your darling Lover was with y’all Son trying prepare a surprise for you outside
❀ Yuuji and S/N was picking your favorite wildflowers trying to make you a beautiful bouquets
❀ As S/N walked behind Yuuji he grabbed a hold to his papa shirt while asking questions about the flowers they were picking
❀ S/N softly: Papa why are they wild? They don’t bite
❀ Yuuji laughed at his son question while answering him about wildflowers and why they call them wild
❀ The Sereness Even had Sukuna Quiet and Listening to the interaction between Father & son
❀ After they was done with your bouquet, S/N suggested they make a flower crown “just like you showed him”
❀ As they sat on the Ground together making flowers crowns, they didn’t know you were watching them the whole time
❀ As you walked through the garden to where your sweetheart sat you couldn’t help but smile at how adorable and precious they were being
❀ Y/N: it wouldn’t be Fair to my King and Prince if I didn’t make them flower crowns Too!
❀ Your morning was filled with beautiful flowers and the gorgeous calm moment between your small family and you
Fushiguro Megumi
The Headcanons
✿ Megumi’s and Your Son maybe the most laidback kindergartener you’ve ever met
✿ He doesn’t throw tantrums and he hardly ever lie
✿ He just sit back and observe before adding into any situation
✿ S/N looks just like Megumi but he has your hair
✿ Your son has calmed Megumi down a lot since he’s been born
✿ Megumi is a patient loving father to S/N
✿ S/N swears he wants to be just like his daddy when he gets bigger
✿ Every morning Megumi reads the newspaper to S/N while they both sip on something warm
✿ S/N is Megumi Shadow, He will follow his daddy everywhere and back
✿ It’s so cute to find them cuddled on the couch together napping
✿ How many times have you seen Megumi giving y’all boy piggyback rides???? You lost count at this point
✿ Your son having A plush Dog, Owl and Snake “Just like Daddy” he says
✿ S/N has inherited the Fushiguro face of disinterest
✿ Satoru coming over every time he’s free to bring gifts for his grandson and to Annoy Megumi with his “I’m the sexiest grandpa” Jokes
✿ Yuuji visiting with his son and the two of the young boys playing together while their fathers reminisces is a scene worthy of a painting
✿ Megumi Knows that With your son’s talents the Zenin Clan Will try to get their hands on him but He swears on Everything he is Nothing will ruin S/N childhood
The Scenario
❀ Megumi Days off are cherished by S/N and you
❀ Usually you all would lay around and enjoy each other’s presences
❀ But since S/N started kindergarten everything been hectic especially since Megumi answered a phone call from S/N Kindergarten saying he needs to be picked up, Something about “Bullying”
❀ Megumi knew this had to be a prank, how could y’all calm laid back child turn into a bully??
❀ Megumi was fuming on the drive there, when he made it to the school he had to calm himself down
❀ Walking in he saw S/N sitting quietly there waiting for him, Megumi pat your son on his head before going to speak to the headmaster; The headmaster said that S/N bullied a innocent boy and that the behaviour needs to be fixed at home before he can come back
❀ After the conversation was done, he grabbed your son and walked with him to the car
❀ As soon they got into the car S/N softly broke the awkwardness
❀ S/N: I wasn’t being a bully. I only punched him because he cut the pigtails of this girl and made her cry!
❀ Megumi didn’t know to feel proud of his son or to be stern with him; The boy have a lot of father in him
❀ Making it home you both sat down with S/N why his actions was too harsh and why he shouldn’t do that again
❀ Megumi did sneak some ice cream in to your son as a reward for standing up for others
The Headcanons
✿ Choso is a excellent father and He loves being a father so much that you are now pregnant again …with twins and you are due any day now
✿ Your Almost four years old daughter is over the moon at the idea of being a older sister
✿ Since D/N looks like a miniature copy of you, You are excited for what the twins would look like; Maybe a mixture of Choso and you or more like Choso
✿ Choso is excited to have newborns in the house again and begin that wonderful experience
✿ He ready to give love to three of y’all children at once
✿ Choso is a very sentimental person and he has photos of all the cute things D/N has done, the best gift he was ever given besides his babies of course was a Camera
✿ He is a scrapbooking king and he happy to start new scrapbooks for the new babies
✿ Choso carry photos of D/N and the sonogram of the twins around in his wallet; he always showing them off to Yuuji
✿ D/N is shown extra attention by Choso who doesn’t want her to feel left out, he takes her out to cat cafes and they have such a beautiful time together
✿ Choso has mastered the texture of y’all daughter hair so he always doing new cute hairstyles on her
✿ She love when you two tell her stories about when she was a small baby
The scenario
❀ You all sat on the couch together, Choso had his hand on your belly as D/N head Laid on your left arm while you flip through the scrapbook
❀ You were looking at the photos Of D/N when she was just a mere newborn
❀ D/N Giggling: I was really that small Daddy???
❀ Choso smiling as he rubbed small circles on your belly: You were the smallest most grandest gift I could ever ask for. Did you know I cried tears of joy when you were born?? That same happiness haven’t me left yet
❀ Your daughter went to cuddle with her father as you flipped through the scrapbook some more
❀ D/N: Daddy?
❀ Choso: yes angel?
❀ D/N: When will I get to meet the babies?
❀ Choso as he pat her head: Soon My angel Soon
❀ As you flip the last page you felt one of the twins kicking and you moving Choso hand to where the baby was kicking
❀ You watched as his face lit up and He gently placed D/N small hand on your belly to feel her sibling kicking
❀ You both heard her whisper “The baby” but her next action shocked you
❀ She got off the couch and kiss your belly right where the baby kicked
❀ D/N as she hugged your belly: I can’t wait to see the babies
❀ Choso had his camera ready as he took the picture that he’ll cherish forever
Hotties on the Taglist ❤️‍🔥 @ren-simp @aaphroditeeeee
Likes, Comments, Reblogs and Asks is Appreciated & Loved💖 Please Don’t Steal My Shit
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
Puppy love.
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synopsis: they get jealous over a kid that has a crush on you.
character(s): ganyu, shenhe, eula. (separate)
warning(s): mild jealousy, cuteness, fluffiness, they love you so much <3
note(s): female reader (salmon are such respectable animals. they swim about 900 miles and climb nearly 7,000 feet upstream just so they could lay their eggs! isn’t that amazing?? i sure think so).
⎯⎯mod angel 🎐
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“Ganyu! My wife! My beautiful wife! I missed you!”
You grinned up at the building that your beloved Ganyu worked at for most of her days, and watched as her face exploded into a fiery crimson that rivaled even the strongest of pyro users. She smiled bashfully and timidly made her way down the stairs whilst covering her face in embarrassment. Taking slow, leisurely steps before inevitably failing to conceal her excitement and rushing down the last few in order to fly into your arms. 
Although not one for PDA, Ganyu was more than happy to indulge in your touch after a long day from work. Smothering her face into the crook of your neck while sighing, “I missed you too...” in a whisper that was quieter than a summer breeze itself.
“Let’s go home now, hm? It’s getting late and I don’t want you falling asleep mid-walk again...like last time.” Teasing her lightly with the flick of a finger, you watched your wife’s face burn pyro again before fizzling out like a fire extinguisher. “I...I am still sorry about that.” Your wife mumbled before turning away in embarrassment. “I don’t know what came over me that night.”
Chuckling at how shy your wife had gotten even after all these years of being together, you held onto her arm and nudged her shoulder. “Don’t be. I still love you no matter what. Even if I have to carry you on my back all the way home.”
She went quiet after this and the two of you enjoyed a comfortable walk home together in the atmosphere of chirping crickets and dimly lit lanterns. The night being a peaceful way to spend time with your beloved, only for something --or rather, someone-- to collide into your stomach with a force compared to that of a tiny child. 
Maybe...because it was a tiny child. 
“Woah--” the little girl before you nearly stumbled back in surprise if you hadn’t caught her in time. The two of you now kneeling on the floor as your wife gasped in surprise at the sudden situation. “Are you two alright?” she asked, kneeling down with the two of you and watching as you gently checked the girl for injuries. Her eyes slowly blinking open and adjusting to her surroundings. 
“Uh...yeah...I think I’m alri...” when she finally opened her eyes fully and caught glimpse of you worriedly staring back at her, she paused and sat there with wide, unblinking eyes in a mixture of awe and amazement. “I...wow. You’re pretty ma’am!”
She suddenly grinned whilst the two of you were caught off guard. 
“Oh, why thank you! I moisturize daily,” you smiled, helping the little girl to her feet and dusting off any dirt on her dress. “Where are your parents little one?”
“At home. Can I take you with me?”
Both you and Ganyu were both confused as to what this little girl was talking about. Take you home? Like a pet?
“Ah...I’m afraid she can’t do that--” your wife was interrupted when the girl suddenly grabbed your hand, her face showing that she definitely did not anticipate that. “I...what’re you--!”
“Please come home with me misses! You’re really pretty and I’d really like to keep you!” the girl started tugging you away by the sleeve towards what you assumed was the direction of her house, but wasn’t really doing anything considering that well, you were an adult and she was just a child. “We can have tea parties, play with my dolls, and we can even get married in my princess castle!”
You suddenly felt another tug on your other arm. Ganyu now pulling on you too and basically making you into a human tug-of-war rope. 
“You can’t take her!”
Her cheeks puffed up in frustration as if she were a toddler refusing to share a toy. You had never seen such childish jealousy coming from your wife before, and it was cute, but you could see that it was taking a toll on her energy as she was starting to get tired just from getting so worked up. 
“Ah, Ganyu, let me handle this, okay? I promise she won’t take me away. I promise.”
Reluctantly letting you go, you were pulled to the side of the little girl’s, and kneeled down in front of her calmly. “Hey, little one...I’m afraid I can’t go home with you right now. You see, I belong with someone else.”
You smiled and gestured to your wife behind you, who was still puffing red and fizzling with jealousy. “That’s the person I belong to. She’s already taken me a while ago, so I belong to her and will go home to her. You are a very beautiful young girl however, and I’m sure you will be able to find someone when you’re older.”
Patting the top of her head, the girl huffed and nodded reluctantly. “Okay...” she mumbled, backing up before bowing in apologies. “I’m sorry miss, and I’m sorry miss’s taker. I...I hope you have a nice night.”
Bowing once more, the child scurried off and after a few more seconds, didn’t seem too bothered by the rejection. Relieving both you and Ganyu as you didn’t want to deal with a crying child this late into the hour. 
“Ah, phew, are you alright now Gany--” you stumbled to catch your wife as she fell over onto you in drowsiness. The woman murmuring with sleep-deprived eyes while trying to keep her wobbling legs upright. 
“Yes...I am alright now, but...” she huffed shyly and struggled to stand up, “It seems that I have exhausted all of my energy into anger. I am sorry, my love...”
You only giggled into her hair and pressed a soft kiss to her temple, turning over so that she could effectively slouch herself onto your back. “That’s okay, because like I said before,”
Ganyu sighed and murmured the rest of the sentence against the skin of your neck. A smile planted on her sleepy lips. 
“You love me no matter what.”
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“Y/N. It appears that someone is at the door.”
“Oh I’ll go get it. That must be Qianfan!”
“Qianfan? The guest?”
You suddenly opened the door to you and Shenhe’s shared residential space to reveal a young boy that appeared to be around 6-7 years old. His --what Shenhe assumed to be-- mother standing right beside him with her hands squared upon his shoulders. “Thank you for agreeing to take care of him, Miss Y/N, I’ll be back in the afternoon.”
“No problem! Your son is in great hands, ma’am!”
With the two women shaking their hands at the door and discussing all the proper essentials to taking care of the young boy, Qianfan wandered about inside the house. Looking at all the various weapons and knick knacks the couple had scattered about their home, before eventually locking eyes with the adepti student herself. 
“Who are you?”
The question cut through Shenhe like a knife through butter. Caught off guard by the sudden questioning of this young child, and having no experience in dealing with such fragile and innocent youth. 
“I...I am--”
“Shenhe!” her head snapped towards the voice of her beautiful partner, “I’ve already told you about this yesterday, but this is Qianfan! He is the son of a family friend and I agreed to babysit him for the morning while his mother went out for work.”
“Babysit? I’m not a baby!” Qianfan frowned, crossing his arms as if that’d help his case. 
“Oh but Qianfan you’d always be a baby in my eyes,” you teasingly pinched both his cheeks and laughed when he started fussing over how embarrassing it was. “Miss Y/N! I’m a man now! A whole six and a half year old man!”
Shenhe tilted her head at this statement as she did not think a six and a half year old boy would classify as a man. 
“Ah alright, then you’re a little man Qianfan,” you teased, ruffling his hair. “Shenhe, I’m going to go start preparing breakfast now. Why don’t you and Qianfan get to know one another while you wait.”
You blew her a kiss causing the adepti prodigy to smile, only to stop once she felt Qianfan start to play with her weapon from behind. “Is this a sword?” he asked curiously, poking at the handle like it were some kind of bug. “Polearm.” She responded, casually shifting the dangerous weapon away for fear that the child might injure himself. 
“Polearm? Your arm isn’t a pole!” Qianfan then prodded at your girlfriend’s arm as she looked somewhat confused as to what this young child was doing. 
“That is not what I mean--”
Suddenly distracted by something else, Qianfan rushed over to a little jewelry box you had in the corner of the living room and popped it open to see all the pretty jewels inside. 
“I don’t think Y/N would like you touching--”
“Ooh a ring! Hey, do you know if Miss Y/N is married yet?”
The abrupt question caused Shenhe to freeze in place. The young boy suddenly pulling out a Ring Pop from his sweater pocket and raising it in the air as if it were some sort of blessed object. “Because I plan to ask for Miss Y/N’s hand today! She’s so pretty and kind and and--”
The rest of his words blurred out as all Shenhe could think was...
Someone else wanted to marry you.
‘No, I will not lose Y/N to a mere child.’ she rushed over to Qianfan and stood tall over him. Bitter jealousy overcoming her and showing in her glossed over eyes. ‘I will gladly fight to the death for Y/N’s hand. You will not stand in my way.’
“I want to marry Y/N too!” she suddenly blurted out, now blushing since she was overcome with emotion. “If you want her hand in marriage, you’d have to fight me to the death!”
“The death?!” Qianfan gasped. 
“What’s going on in here? I heard shouting...” you suddenly hurried into the room and saw Shenhe standing over Qianfan like an aggressive giraffe. “Shenhe?”
“Qianfan has revealed that he intends to marry you but I refuse. I want to marry you as well.” Shenhe rushed over and grasped your hands. “Please marry me.”
“Right now?!” this was not how you expected she’d propose. “Ah...he’s just a child, Shenhe. I would never accept a proposal from someone so young.”
“I’m a man!” Qianfan called from across the room. 
“Ignore him,” you spoke softly, intertwining your fingers with Shenhe’s. “If you are jealous, my love, then just say so. I will not be upset.”
“Jealous? Over a child?” Shenhe frowned. “I could never be.”
“Oh but you do sound like it,” you giggled, “But for clarification, there is no one I’d rather be with than you.”
“So...is that a yes then?” Shenhe’s eyes sparkled with hope, causing you to chuckle. 
“Despite catching me quite off guard, yes. I will always be with you, Shenhe.”
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Eula sneezed when the two of you passed by a particular pot of Mondstadt flowers being sold near a flower stall. The aristocratic woman looking bashful for a moment after doing something so “unladylike” in front of her prized lover. 
“Bless you, darling.” You smiled gently. 
“Thank you dearest,” Eula looked away for a moment in shame, “I apologize. It seems that there is some pollen in the air which triggered some springtime allergies.”
“Don’t worry too much about it Eula, your sneeze is cute.”
“Excuse me!” you suddenly felt a small tug on your sleeve and looked down to see a young child. “I bought these for you, pretty lady!”
They shoved a small bouquet of flowers from that particular flower stall, and Eula started sneezing like no tomorrow. “P-Pardon me-- a-achoo!” she covered her mouth in embarrassment and turned away to try and keep the noise to a minimum. “Excus-- achoo!”
“Do you like them miss?” the child tugged on your sleeve again and you had no choice but to accept the flowers. “Ah, yes, they are very beautiful. Thank you.”
“Hehe, I’m glad! Our wedding will have these everywhere then!”
Eula’s eyes snapped open and she whirled her head towards the direction of the kid. “I beg your pardon?” She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. “I said our wedding will have these everywhere then! But...you seem to be allergic to them miss...hm...” the child hummed in thought as Eula tried her very best to repress her sneezing, “Oh! I know! You can wear a mask to our wedding! I’ll allow it.”
“Your wedding?” Uh oh. Eula sounded annoyed. 
“Well...who else would this beautiful woman be wedded to? You?”
“You don’t even know her name!”
Eula’s voice was getting higher and higher, attracting the attention of ongoing bystanders. “E-Eula!” you gently wrapped your arms around hers and pulled her away from the child for a moment. Handing them the bouquet so that Eula could stop sneezing for a few precious moments. “It’s not worth getting riled up over. They’re just a child, they don’t know any better.”
“I...” Eula paused for a moment before realizing what she had just done. “Oh...oh dear. Please pardon my childishness Y/N, I was a fool to get so worked up.”
“It’s alright darling, as long as it doesn’t escalate--”
“Are you her wife?” the child pointed to Eula in a sudden yet blunt manner. The two of you caught off guard as you had assumed that they would’ve left by now. “Er...no. Not yet...” Eula blushed at the accusation and seemed to be regretting not putting a ring on you sooner.  
“Not yet? So Miss...Y/N was it?” Oh no. They’ve figured out your name. “Your hand is till open for marriage?”
“Yes, and it is mine for the taking,” Eula interrupted, trying to keep her irritation under control. 
“Not for long!” The child suddenly whipped out a stick from nowhere! “I challenge you, Miss Eula! To a duel for Miss Y/N’s hand in marriage!”
“I accept.”
W H A T .
Suddenly, Eula produced her own stick from nowhere and brandished it as if it were a sword. “You stake your claim and I wish to defend my lady from it. A duel to the death for this maiden’s hand!”
“Eula this really isn’t necessary--”
And then the two rushed at each other with raised sticks. Batting at each other like untrained knights since the child was well, a child, and Eula was trying to hold back on accidentally stabbing the kid. 
“I shall protect my lady from any and all suitors who wish for her hand! Only I shall have that hand!”
Now having attracted a small crowd, everyone watched as one of the Knights of Favonius dueled with a young child with nothing more than pairs of sticks found on the ground. It was, so, so ridiculously cute, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at how dorky Eula was being. 
“Haha! I’ve made the maiden laugh! She clearly favors me then!” Eula smirked confidently at your sound of laughter and put her hands on her hips. Leaving an open opportunity for the young child to run around Eula and strike her in the back with their stick. 
“Gah! I’ve been hit!” Falling to her knees in front of you, she smiled and watched as the child whooped around in victory. “My lady...I am dying...please revive me with a kiss of true love!”
“Okayyy Eula, you’re overdoing it.” You giggled and kneeled down in front of your lover, kissing her temple for her brave efforts, “But, for my brave knight. I shall indulge in your victories as a reward.”
“I lost on purpose in case you couldn’t tell.”
“Yes darling, I could tell,” you chuckled and helped her up to her feet, “Even though you lost, my heart will still belong to you.”
“Good.” Eula turned around to catch a glimpse of the child still whooping and hollering, chuckling to herself before bringing you close to her chest. 
“Though, perhaps I should marry you soon before the others get to it.”
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vinvantae · 2 years
Baby Steps
Part 17/26
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Warnings - Mentions of death, explicit language
The sun beat down on you as you walked through the paddock, Milo on your hip and Dan’s large hand wrapped around yours. He promised he wouldn’t be hurt if you didn’t want to be seen with him today - it wasn’t about your relationship and he knew well that the media would have a field day seeing the pair of you together like this, but you needed him by your side. He and Milo were keeping you grounded as you took in everything around you.
The place hadn’t changed a bit. You don’t know why it would have, but part of you expected that it would all be different without Ben. But the usual hustle and bustle of pre-practice one surrounds you, teams far too busy with prep to even notice you. Someone who wasn’t too busy, however, was Andreas. As he stepped out of McLaren headquarters, he was taken aback to see you coming up the steps.
“Y/n, wow… hi.” He pulled you into a gentle hug, almost as if he didn’t believe you were actually there. “I…you’re here?”
“I’ve come to say goodbye to Ben, I hope that’s okay?” Your voice was quiet, timid.
The team boss smiled sadly and nodded. “Of course it is. The track will be quiet until this afternoon so take all the time you need. I’ll inform the marshals.”
He stepped aside and let you into the building - you, Dan and Milo dipping into the driver’s private room for a little while. “You all finished with your picture, jellybean?”
“Can I see?”
He scrunched up his little nose and shook his head. “It’s for daddy. Want him to have it first.”
You shot Daniel a look and he just shrugged, not sure what the toddler had drawn either. You simply smiled and kissed Milo’s forehead before grabbing yourself a bottle of water from the fridge, putting off the inevitable. This was what you wanted to do, you wanted to be here, but the idea of stepping foot on the tarmac scared the shit out of you.
“Remember what I said.” Daniel came up behind you, his arms wrapping around your middle, pressing a soft kiss to your temple. “If at any point you need to get out of here, I’ll get you out.”
His hold around you seemed to make you feel at ease, so you sunk back into his chest. “I know. It’s just a lot, I never thought I’d be here again… you’ve helped me so much.”
“Hey, I refuse to take credit for this, baby. It’s all you and I’m so proud of you.” He hummed softly, giving you a squeeze.
“Thank you.”
After one more moment of gathering yourself, the three of you began to make your way towards the track - Dan used his body to try and block you and Milo from the small group of media hanging around the track, hoping to get a quote from a driver. You didn’t need anyone’s eyes on you right now. He guided you with a hand on the small of your back to a walkway onto the main straight.
You clutched a bouquet of flowers to your chest, Dan holding Milo’s hand as the three of you walked down the track. Your heart was thumping and your head felt fuzzy - but you were determined to fight through it.
“Breathe, you’ve got this… Milo and I are right here.”
The barrier was in front of you now with zero indication that there had ever been a crash; the wall was freshly painted and the run-off stripes cleaned to perfection. It made your heart ache a little when you saw the bouquets of flowers zip tied to the fence by your fellow team-members for him - they hadn’t forgotten him. Knowing you weren’t the only one who missed him made you feel less alone, knowing he was loved made you feel like you could breathe again.
You watched as Milo let go of Dan’s hand and toddled his way across the tarmac, his tiny feet moving him with determination. The driver took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as you approached - standing back enough to give Milo his own time to talk.
“Mummy says we lost you here.” You could hear his little voice, as crisp as anything. “And… sad we did not meet but mummy tells me you were cool and funny. I like that.”
Dan let his hand drop and slide around your waist, and you let your head rest against him - watching the small boy before you, a stray tear rolling down your cheek. The Australian pressed a soft kiss to your temple.
“I drew you this.” You still couldn’t see the drawing as he held it out in front of him. “I have only seen pictures of you but I hope you like it!”
You slowly approached and knelt down beside him. “I bet he’d love it, jellybean.”
Cautiously, you took the picture from him and smiled sadly when you saw what he’d drawn - it was a drawing of a stick figure family, three three of you stood in front of a house with lots of flowers. A little speech bubble above Milo’s head ‘I love mummy and daddy!’. You punched a hole in each corner of the picture with a pen and zip tied it to the fence with the flowers.
“There we go.” You hummed softly. “Now everyone can see your beautiful picture.”
“Your turn mummy. Can I stay?”
“I’d love nothing more, jellybean.”
You crouched down to his height and traced your fingers across the ground. It wasn’t the same as it was the day he died - you couldn’t feel him anymore but that was okay. You didn’t necessarily believe in an afterlife but the fact you no longer felt him lingering made you feel at peace. But you still wanted to get apologies off of your chest.
“…I miss you, baby.” You whispered. “Sorry it took me so long to bring Milo here. You would’ve loved him, he reminds me so much of you.”
Milo smiled. “You say I’m funny like him, right?”
“The funniest little man.” You chuckled softly, kissing his cheek. “…there’s so much to catch you up on, not really sure where to start.”
You ended up sitting on the tarmac as you relayed the past three years to the wall - sure, you definitely looked crazy but it was good to get it all out. Finally catch him up on what he’d missed. Meanwhile, Dan had stepped away a little from you both to give you a little bit of privacy, his honey eyes scanning the edge of the grid to see if anyone was watching. He knew they were, but the sight of the line of cameras lined up behind the fence frustrated him - this was your moment. It was private. He crossed the track, his brow furrowed.
“Do you guys mind leaving? She’s saying goodbye here.” He asked, resting his hands on the wall. “This is a family thing.”
“Then why are you here?”
He opened his mouth to speak before closing it again, not wanting to get either of you in the shit right now. “I won’t ask again, please leave. Or I’ll call security.”
He stood his ground and after a few moments they moved away, muttering complaints that he was sure was going to come back and bite him in the ass but if it meant getting you the privacy you deserved it was the right thing to do.
The Australian looked over his shoulder to see Milo waving his hands wildly and jumping up and down. “Come here, please!”
He chuckled softly and jogged back over. “Hey, what did I miss?”
“Down here.” Milo tugged at Dan’s trouser leg, encouraging the driver to join the two of you on the ground - his knees brushing against yours a little. “Mummy and I have been talking to daddy.”
“Oh yeah?” He smiled softly.
“Yeah! Don’t know if he can hear but told him that we love and miss him.” The toddler explained, like it was any normal conversation - not one with the father he’d never known.
Dan heard you sigh softly from beside him but was pleasantly surprised by the gentle smile on your face when he turned to look at you. Your hand came up to cup his jaw, thumb brushing over his stubble. “I told him about us… told him that you were taking good care of me.”
“Y-you did?” Dan’s cheeks flushed dark, this was the first time you’d been here since the accident so the fact you’d spoken about him was truly flattering.
“I did. It felt right. Told him about how the last three years have been and right now? I’m the happiest I’ve been, and that’s because of you two.” Although you were smiling, a tear had rolled down your cheek. “I’m so glad I met you.”
He let his forehead come to rest against yours. “I’m sorry the journey was so tough… as grateful as I am for you to be mine, I wish you’d never gone through such heartbreak.”
“Hi, Uhm, sorry to interrupt but we’re gonna have to ask you to leave the track.” A marshal approached awkwardly, his hands behind his back. “And Daniel, they want you back at the garage.”
“Yeah of course.” Dan forced a smile and helped you from the ground before helping you zip tie your bouquet to the fence amongst the others - the bright orange standing out amongst the others. “Sorry you didn’t get longer.”
“It’s okay, I’ve… it was enough.” You said, scooping up Milo. “More than enough. I’m glad we did it.”
The toddler snuggled up into your chest, gripping onto your jacket. Dan took your free hand as you rested Milo on your hip. “If I could skip the race-“
“Don’t be silly. I want you to race, you’ll smash it.” The Australian smiled as your hand came up to rest on his cheek. “Your passion for racing is one of the reasons I like you so much, go out and get a good result for me and jellybean. I'll be waiting for you back at the hotel.”
The driver leant down and pressed a tender kiss to your lips, both of you unaware that your sweet moment had been noticed by the paparazzi Dan had shooed away just minutes prior - now eager to get payback for him snapping at them. He pulled away and smiled sweetly at you, nudging his nose against yours, a soft giggle leaving your lips. “I'll absolutely send it.”
“Mhmm, you better.” You grinned, surprising even yourself about how good you felt.
As you and Dan walked back towards the paddock, you were expecting to feel beyond broken, upset, at coming to visit Ben - but it was good, cathartic even. The only thing you were bothered by was the fact you hadn't done it sooner; you weren't mad at yourself, it was a tough thing to do but knowing that you could've brought Milo here sooner, made you feel a little guilty. But, all in all, you mostly felt a sense of relief and comfort knowing that Ben wasn't lingering anymore, that he'd found peace whether there was something after death or not.
“I have one more thing to show you before you before you go.” Dan smiled, offering you his hand. “If you'd come with me?”
You let your fingers link with his, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before he began to lead you towards his side of the garage. Although the team were surprised to see you, most of them gave you soft smiles and small waves - a sense of pride that you were here.
“Are you ready?” The Australian gently tugged your hand around the car and over to his helmet, which lay on the side. “I wanted to do a little something…”
He passed you the helmet, allowing you to turn it over in your hands -a soft gasp leaving your lips when you saw the small 41 printed on the side. “Dan… you didn't have to do this.”
“He deserves to be honoured, in fact - if you look around the garage…” Dan laid his hand on the small of your back and turned you to face the rest of the team.
As you looked around the garage, you began to notice that, aside from the pit crew, everyone's team kit was emblazoned with the same number and name. You covered your mouth with your hand as a tear rolled down your cheek - feeling absolutely heartwarmed by the way the team was remembering, celebrating, Ben. He'd never got to wear his team jacket and now the entire McLaren garage was proudly showing it off.
“W-When did you do all this?” Your voice barely a whisper as the team began moving around to prepare themselves for the upcoming free practice.
He shrugged. “Honestly? I didn't have to, they were already planning on doing it. As much as I'd like to take the credit, Ben truly was loved by this team. By everyone, and it only feels right that we remember him today. I hope that's okay.”
“...I don't have words, I'm truly so grateful for you all. I'd wish you luck this weekend but you don't need it, you're gonna smash it.”
As you stepped away from the garage, you held Milo close to your chest. The toddler looked up at you with bright eyes. “Mummy?”
“Yes, jellybean?”
“Daddy really was special… wasn't he?”
A soft smile took over your face. “He was baby, he really was.”
Hope you enjoyed this very sappy chapter 🧡 I think I’m gonna aim for 25 parts but I’m not 100% sure yet.
Leave a comment or send me a message to be added to the tag list! I’ve reached the limit for the post so I will add you in the comments :)
Next part >>>
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Andrew Is A Brave Man
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Summary: Andrew is a very brave man for calling his wife lazy. Prompt courtesy of @writer84. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, Bianca Barber
Warnings: Language, Angry Andy, Scared Andy, Stupid Andy, Angry Reader, Slight Daddy Kink, Minors DNI
A/N: I was asked to write a version of this a while ago, and the words just now kinda came to me while trying to write something else. Please enjoy. Part of my Growing Pains Series. Not beta'd. All mistakes are my own.
You collapse onto the couch, feeling exhausted. Bianca, your beloved toddler, had been nothing but an absolute terror today. She’d thrown two tantrums, colored on the walls, and then had gone into a crying fit because Donald Duck had hurt Mickey’s stupid feelings. 
There was a reason babies came out cute. It was so mothers didn’t eat their young. 
And then, on top of that, you’d had to finalize a freelance marketing project that you’d been working on. The client had kept changing their mind on the verbiage for their pamphlet. Every time you had the language finalized, they wanted to go in a different direction. 
Fucking great. We’re talking so much fun.
You had even put Bianca to bed, sans bath. Eh, she was fine. That’s what the morning was for. And forget about cooking dinner. Your baby had asked for dino nuggies and ketchup, and you were all too happy to provide.
Now she was in bed, which meant you could rest for a moment. Only a moment. And then you’d figure out what to make you and Andy for dinner. 
And then you doze off…
Thirty Minutes Later...
“Hey, baby!” Andy calls out as he saunters into the living room. “You will not believe the day I had. What’s for dinner?”
And then your husband notices you asleep on the couch. Deciding to leave you alone, he wanders into the kitchen to see what was on the stove. 
So he looks in the fridge. 
“Okay.” He murmurs. “Okay. I work all day and there’s nothing…okay.” He could feel his frustration rising.
Andy walks back into the living room, just as you’re starting to wake up. 
“Hi, baby.” You whisper as you rise from the couch. “How was your day?” Your hands go to rub some of the sleep out of your eyes. 
Andy pins you with a steely glare. “You wanna know how my day was, Y/N? It was fucking stressful. I’ve got a perp who might slip through our fingers on a goddamned technicality. The judge has threatened to recuse himself, and I am fucking exhausted.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Yeah, wow. Wow is right, honey. And the one thing I was looking forward to was coming home to something hot and delicious for dinner, because I haven’t eaten more than an apricot danish all day. But what do I find? Nothing!”
His hands are on his hips and his voice is rising. Careful, buddy.
“Andy…listen. It’s been a long -”
“You’re damned right it’s been a long day, Y/N! I work hard so you can stay at home and I don’t even get to come home to a hot meal on the table? I mean, I don’t want to call you lazy…but if the shoe fits…” He shrugs his shoulders. His big hand rubbing at his mouth.
Oh no he did not. Oh no, your man couldn’t be that brave. 
You get up off the couch. “What did - what did you just call me? I just want to confirm.”
Watch yourself, honey.
“I said I work hard all day so you can stay home, but I don’t appreciate you being lazy…”
You tune him out after that. Because he said that word again. Lazy. He had just called you lazy? Okay.”
“So I’m lazy? Is that what I am?” You do a little dance. “Whoo!” You clap your hands in the air. “Good Lord in heaven, please tell me that this man did not just call me lazy! Please save his life, dear spirit!” You do another little dance, clapping your hands while you do it. 
“Y/N, look…” Andy says, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Naw, sweetheart.” You growl. “The only person who needs to “look” is you.” You let out a whoop. “Let me explain something to you right quick before I hurt you. Because you are right there, okay? You - you about to seriously injure yourself.”
“So, I’m lazy. Alright. Who wakes up super early every morning to see you off and pack your lunch, unless you have a lunch meeting, and then kiss you goodbye? Me.” You glare at him. “Cuz that’s what we lazy people do.”
“Honey -”
“Nope - this is my turn, Andrew.” You hold your hand up at him. “Then, who turns around and goes to get your daughter up and ready for preschool? This lazy ass person. And while she’s grabbing her backpack, who’s packing her lunch? Hoping she actually eats it? Oh, hi!” You give him a sarcastic wave. “Your lazy ass wife.”
“Okay, baby. I’m sorry. It’s just -” Now your husband looks scared.
“Oh, no. I’m not done.” You snarl with your hands on your hips. “Then who drops her off at preschool, only to go and run errands - I’m talking groceries, dry cleaning, whatever. Assuming I’ve had time to dress myself before I take her. Because, you know, I can be lazy like that. If not, then I have to come back and then go out. And then..!”
You can feel your voice rising. 
“By the time I’m done with all that, I’ve got to pick her up and hope to God she had a good day. Because if not, I’m going to have to spend at least a good thirty minutes trying to make it better! Boy, am I lazy.”
Andy takes a careful step backwards. 
“But then I’ve got to figure out dinner. I get that you love your smothered pork chops, the roasted chicken and mashed potatoes, the beef stew, the braised short ribs, all of it! And I love cooking it. When I have the time.”
Your husband gulps and subtlety maneuvers himself behind the other couch.
“Do you know how much prep those things take? It’s not always a thirty minute endeavor! This lazy person, your wife, knows this. You don’t.” Your arms flail on their own accord. “Today I had to finish that project with the most indecisive client that I can ever remember working with. And Bianca was in a mood for the ages. I’m talking two timeouts, another tantrum, and coloring on the walls.”
“I’m very sorry for -”
“Save it, you jerkwad! I get that you have a hard job, and I'm not knocking what you do, but so is mine sometimes. I get that we agreed for me to pause my career until our baby was in school full-time, but I am allowed to be tired too.”
“I see that now, and I -”
“Not. Done. Talking.” You inform him. “Guess what? You might have had a rough day, but last time I checked, your legs still worked. And so do your hands.”
“I understand, baby. And I’m sorry.”
“Good. So, if you understand, either go order takeout for both of us or make us both a sandwich. I’m done with you right now. I’m sorry, I love you. But do not come into this house and act like an asshole. Don’t do that, Andrew.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I am. Every, uh, job comes with difficulties. And I screwed up by not acknowledging yours.”
You nod in agreement as you lay back down on the couch, refusing to let him see the tears prick your eyes. 
“How about Barria Tacos, honey?” You shrug. “Whatever.”
“Daddy really is sorry, baby.”
“Come back to me with food and we’ll talk. Thanks.”
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kaywinchester · 2 years
anon request: I've read all of your fics and I love them all! Can you please write a dean x sister fic where she is a literal toddler?Like dean and her are just playing and he unknowingly says something that he doesn't expect a toddler to get affected by? that makes her sad and she just runs and stays with sam. And eventually dean confronts her and talks to her? Maybe he could have said that they weren't buddies anymore (playfully of course) but the toddler sister takes it to heart?Thanks! Have a nice day byeeeew
Word Count: 716
Dean’s age- 19 Sam’s age- 15 y/n’s age- 5
A/N: a little au setting where the winchesters grow up with a little sis on the road :3 also hello! I know it’s been a while, I have a few requests to work on and I feel bad I haven’t gotten to them yet but ya know, life lately. Hope everyone is doing well! :)
“Deeean, Deeeaann!” y/n’s little voice echoed through out the room.
“Hey, sweetheart, what’s goin on?”
“Can you play horsies wifth me?” y/n asked sweetly as she held up her toys.
Dean sighed “Yeah, c’mon let’s go ahead.” He sat down.
Having a toddler in the Winchester’s life wasn’t always easy. Sam and Dean wouldn’t trade their little sister for the world, but to have John always in and out during the weeks and leaving y/n in the care of her brothers wasn’t fair to them. 
“Okay, you can be this brown horsie wifth white spots.” y/n held out her plastic toy horse in Dean’s face.
“Wow, this one has really soft hair!” Dean said with a little over excitement. 
“She does, the farmers brush her haiwr every day.” y/n smiled. “Okay, let’s go wriding now.”
“Giddy up horsey!” Dean said as he controlled the toy horse next to y/n’s 
“Dee, no. I have the faster horse, you can’t go in front of me.” y/n put her hand in front of the toys. She always liked to have some sort of order to her playtime, a sense of control which she probably got from Dean. 
“Well I’m older, so my horse is gonna be a little bit faster.” Dean sighed.
“Nuh uh! I have the black horse, like daddy’s car and it’s way faster.” y/n argued.
“I guess we can’t be friends anymore if you think you’re gonna beat me in this race kiddo.” Dean joked. 
Y/n paused and looked at Dean with serious puppy eyes. “You said we’ll always be fwiends.”
“I don’t think that’s the case anymore.” Dean shrugged.
y/n dropped her horse and stood up with tears forming in her eyes. Dean looked up and saw that y/n took him seriously. “N-n-no, y/n/n....”
She walked away to look for Sam who wasn’t anywhere in the motel room, which meant he was outside doing homework on the picnic table as he normally would if it was a nice day.
y/n wasn’t tall enough to look out the window, instead she reached up and turned the doorknob with both hands and spotted Sam outside. Dean was quick to watch her movements as he didn’t want to let her out of his sights. He watched as she ran to Sam who spotted her troubled face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam hunched over to her level, looking like she was about to start crying.
“Dee s-said I’m not his fwiend anymore.” she said through staggered breaths, looking up to Sam.
He lifted her up onto his lap and glanced towards their motel room to see Dean standing in the doorway with a frown. 
“What do you mean? Dean will always be your friend.” Sam reassured as he fixed the hair that was in her face.
“Does that mean you’re not my fwiend...” y/n hiccuped.
“No, no. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.” Sam sighed. It was these moments that he tried to be the best brother he could, he and Dean both. It wasn’t fair to y/n to have to rely on both brothers like parents. 
They each had their own lives to focus on but they knew their situation was different because of unfortunate circumstances. So they did their best to be there for their little sister.
Dean walked over to a grumpy looking y/n. “Sweetheart, I was just joking. You know we’re best buds, right?”
“You’re not vewy funny.”
Sam gave a snarky look to his brother, who shot back at him with an eye roll. 
“You’re right on that one, I’m not very funny.... But, I’m sorry kiddo, can I have a hug?” Dean pleaded.
“Do you pwomise? You’re my fwiend forever?”
“I promise y/n/n.” 
y/n held out her pinky. “I pinky promise too.” Dean smiled. “Now how bout you get back in there, you have a race to win!”
y/n giggled and hopped off Sam’s lap after he placed a kiss on her head, almost forgetting completely what had upset her in the first place.
Sam watched her run back to the room with excitement to resume playing. “You know she’s gonna be the boss when it comes to her horses.” Sam laughed, turning his attention back to his book.
“I won’t overstep next time....” Dean smirked as he turned to follow y/n back inside. 
@jackjackljaqui ​@hunting-the-grievers @susan-is-in-the-house@flirtyonsie @mersuperwholocked-lowlife @justsomedreaming 
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astralflower-writes · 3 years
toddlers and tiaras
♡ pairing: alex karev x female! reader
♡ genre: fluff
♡ warnings: none
♡ check out my grey's anatomy masterlist here
it was rare for the both of you to have vacations. typical for doctors to have them cut short though.
alex's and your vacation meant sleeping in and cuddling for days. maybe some movies here and there.
you were rushing to make coffee and tried to make a decent breakfast for two.
alex was no help at all. still laying fast asleep on the bed.
"babe! come on! get up!" you said shaking him up, trying. "we've got work!"
mumbling he said "hmm. 5 more minutes."
you said running to the shower to get an almost decent shower because all you did was stay in bed for three days.
mornings like this was not easy. sure you can just run to the hospital and put on scrubs but meredith specifically said to 'dress decent' for a patient.
you just got in the shower when the doorbell rang. it kept ringing and ringing.
"alex! can you get that please?" you screamed from the shower.
he stood up from the bed and trudging his way to the door, opening to see your sister with your four year old niece.
he got surprised since he's just wearing his pajamas.
"mom, why is uncle alex naked?" the kid asked and alex quickly shut the door and ran to you.
"who's at the door?" you asked
he sprung himself inside the shower with you.
"wha-what the hell?"
"your sister." he said easing in his breathing.
you quickly got out and wore your robe. running towards the door to you see your sister tapping on her phone.
rolling your eyes at her, you got confused. "i thought your trip was not 'till tomorrow?" you ushered your niece inside towards the living room.
"change of plans." she said winking at you.
"and i see the both of you had a fun night." she said smirking whilst handing you a bag then bid you goodbye.
you knew what exactly was happening. ever since you alex had been married, your sister and mother had been making you both take your baby niece more often.
they wanted the both of you to experience the joys of having a child in the house. not that you're complaining.
of course the both of you have plans and both of you want it. it's not just happening now.
"hey there, want some toast?" you asked your niece and set her to the high chair you've specifically bought for her.
"i thought we won't get her 'till tomorrow?" alex whispered as he drank his coffee. he's now fully dressed and ready for work.
"i did too. she said change of schedule or something." both of you continued your routines while watching your niece.
the three of you were in the car, on your way to the hospital.
"mama y/n, why is uncle alex grumpy?" she said looking at alex through the rearview mirror.
you laughed at her question. "no, baby. uncle alex is not grumpy. he's just uhmm."
"alex smile." you whispered at him. he tried to smile at your niece. his smile got her to smile and make her sing something until the three of you reach the hospital.
she's quite close with alex. but before she'll approach him, she makes sure he's smiling.
so on the way inside. both of them were talking about a princess tea party which will be happening tonight.
meredith was waiting for the both of you at the lobby. "she's growing everytime i see her."
your niece greeted meredith. "we're having a princess tea party later! you, uncle derek and zola can come." she said happily jumping up and down looking up at you.
"oh wow you've got new guests huh." you said chuckling.
"yeah! uncle alex will be there too!" she said laughing.
"oh he will? in that case we will definitely come." meredith said crouching down to your niece's height.
"okay. let's bring you up to day care." you said getting her from alex's grasp.
"i'll see you both up?" you told them both.
as you walked away, meredith was laughing at alex. "you don't even have yours yet and you're already having princess tea parties."
"i like tea parties." he said chuckling as the both of them walked through the hallways.
the tea party was full of princess tutus and tiaras for alex and derek. whilst you and meredith made sure there were enough snacks for everyone.
you're niece finally fell asleep. the three of your were laying in bed, with her in the middle.
"hey." alex said caressing your hair.
you hummed as a response. "you're up for more princess tea parties?" he said with a low voice.
"are you?" you said laughing as you smoothed out the blanket for your niece. "i'd die for more tea parties and car races." he answered.
"car races too huh?" you said fixing your gaze on him.
"well yeah. it'll be great if we get the full house." he said kissing you goodnight.
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