#wow this took forever to finish sheesh
coramatus · 11 months
Black Reshiram AU - part 3
Part 1 - Part 2
Emmet has to take a few days off work. The revelations that Ingo shared were just too much.
He spends the time cuddling his and his brother’s Pokémon teams. The gathered Pokémon do their best to take care of him in turn, keeping him fed and functional. They can do little more than watch in sadness as he cries.
To know that he was so close to getting his brother back, only to lose him to the machinations of higher powers…
It’s not fair… why did they both have to suffer for another’s amusement?
If Emmet ever meets Reshiram, he’ll… Well, he won’t be able to do anything really. But he’ll certainly give that feathery jerk a piece of his mind, Legendary Unovan dragon or not! And to think he liked Reshiram too!
It’s a lot to reconcile.
He wonders how Ingo is doing…
Ingo is not faring much better. He hides away in a cave, curled up in his dragon form, struggling to come to terms with his new reality.
But it feels impossible. Anger and guilt keep bubbling up, constantly reminding him of the unfairness of it all. Why should he have to suffer for the poor choices of others?
But that’s not fair either.
Everyone made the choices they thought best. His parent did it out of a love so misguided and oblivious that only a near-immortal could conceive it. And the old Ingo hadn’t known the full picture before agreeing to essentially die.
Current Ingo didn’t ask for any of this. He’d been perfectly happy living as a dragon, doing whatever he pleased. And now he’s stuck with a mess he didn’t even cause.
But Ingo is not so heartless as to be blind to the greatest victim in all of this:
Ingo’s heart aches at the thought of his once brother left all alone, going through life with half his soul ripped out. He had no voice in the matter and yet he still lost half of his world. Emmet deserves better. He deserves his Ingo, whole and home again. He doesn’t deserve some sad echo of his dead brother. Perhaps he would heal with time, but to even make him suffer through that pain in the first place is unconscionable.
Ingo doesn’t want to abandon Emmet.
But it’s better for everyone if Ingo stays away. He’ll only complicate and confuse things with his identity issues. This mess doesn’t need new layers of mistakes added on top.
Yet he still has no idea what he truly wants out of all this.
Ingo shifts and catches sight of Chandelure’s ball tucked in a safe corner. The urge to talk to someone suddenly proves too strong and without thinking, he releases her.
Chandelure pops out looking a bit rough around the edges, her flames dimmer and glass cloudier than it should be. Her eyes grow wide upon seeing him, her glass ringing out in surprise at the black dragon laying before her.
“…hello,” Ingo awkwardly greets her, lowering his head to her level.
Chandelure stares at him long and hard before asking, “…Ingo?? Is that you?”
Ingo winces and sadly informs her of his circumstances, that he’s just her trainer’s reincarnation and not the actual person she knew.
Chandelure floats over him, carefully scrutinizing his massive feathered form. Reincarnation certainly explains why his soul is in a dragon’s body now.
Ingo tries to argue, but Chandelure doesn’t care as she happily cuddles up against his feathery cheek. To her, Ingo is still Ingo even if he is a Legendary Pokémon now.
Her words remind him of his parent’s odd reassurance over a century ago, that he is Ingo no matter what. Now that he knows what his parent meant, it makes even less sense.
“I don’t understand. I have the old Ingo’s memories but… but they just don’t fit anymore. It feels wrong… like I stole his place.”
“That’s not how I see it,” Chandelure hums. “At your core, you’re still that little boy who caught me as a Litwick all those years ago.”
Ingo winces, “Then, why doesn’t it feel like that?”
Chandelure sighs sadly, but with understanding, “Reincarnation is tricky, even for ghosts. But sometimes bonds can transcend lifetimes. Maybe a bit more literally in your case.”
Ingo isn’t what to make of all this. Everything was dumped on him so suddenly; he isn’t ready for any of it.
Chandelure senses his distress and presses him to talk to Emmet again. She knows how desperately Emmet has missed Ingo. And it's clear to her that even with the reincarnation, part of Ingo desperately misses Emmet too.
Though he can’t deny it, Ingo is still reluctant. He doesn’t think that’s fair to Emmet. It’ll only confuse things between them. He just can’t be Emmet’s brother. He’s physically not that person anymore.
Why not? Chandelure points out that Emmet’s soul is still linked to Ingo’s, there’s nothing stopping them from forging a new bond. It doesn’t have to be that of siblings; they can still be friends, can’t they?
But Ingo still worries. It can’t be that simple… Emmet probably hates him for what he stands for…
At this, Chandelure bonks his snout with a sconce. Emmet doesn’t have a single hateful bone in his body! He is upset and he is hurting, but there is absolutely no way that he hates dragon Ingo. Emmet wouldn’t have given him her ball if he were that upset.
Besides, Ingo is hurting just as much. He needs someone besides just her to be there for him.
Ingo considers Chandelure’s words. He isn’t sure if she’s right, if Emmet would want him in his life at all. But she has a point. Moping in a cave won’t give him answers. If Ingo talks to Emmet, if he gets that ultimate rejection… at least then he’ll know he can move on from his past life completely.
With a soft sigh, Ingo shifts back to his human form. Chandelure floats up to him and he presses his forehead against her glass globe. He agrees to go back to see Emmet. Possibly for the last time. But he has an odd feeling that won’t be the case.
Four days after Ingo’s last visit, Emmet gets a knock at the door. He’s still shaken up and not feeling particularly sociable but answers it nonetheless.
He’s surprised at what he finds.
He hadn’t expected to see Ingo again. At all.
Ingo looks just as tired and miserable as Emmet. His black, feathered dress is a ruffled mess. He keeps his gaze lowered, ashamed.
“…you came back,” is all Emmet can say, clear shock coloring his otherwise dull, hoarse voice.
Ingo visibly winces and says with an uncharacteristic softness, “I… I wanted to talk to you.”
Part of Emmet’s spirit lifts with hope but the more realistic side of him knows better. If Ingo wanted to come back, he’d have said so already. What Ingo wants from him this time, he has no clue. But Emmet is patient and lets Ingo in. He has to hold himself back from simply clinging to Ingo as hard as he can.
Though Emmet is encouraged to see Chandelure hovering at Ingo’s side, her flames burning much brighter than before. She gently bumps her glass against Emmet’s forehead in a familiar act of comfort and he closes his eyes, leaning into her touch. With that, he follows Ingo to the kitchen table.
Their talk is an uncomfortable one.
Ingo speaks first. He expresses his hopes that Emmet can offer some insights as to their next steps. Does he want to be brothers again? Does he want Ingo out of his life? There’s so many ways to move forward but Ingo doesn’t have a clue which tracks to follow.
But all his questions do is uncover the uncertainty that Emmet feels. In growing frustration, Emmet openly admits that he doesn’t know the right choice any more than Ingo’s parent did. Hell, he knows even less about whether or not there is a right choice!! As Emmet starts to break down and cry, he buries his face in his hands, whimpering that all he knows is that he is so tired of being by himself.
Without another word, Ingo steps forward and wraps Emmet up in a hug. Emmet sobs and hugs Ingo back, practically collapsing in his arms. As they sit there embracing each other, Ingo decides that maybe this is enough to start with.
That night, Ingo stays by Emmet’s side, gently comforting him to the best of his ability. Emmet eventually falls asleep crying, cradling Ingo’s hand against his chest.
When Emmet wakes up, he’s alone. For a moment he wonders if last night was just a dream. Then the smell of cooking catches his attention. He gets up to find Ingo making breakfast. He looks a little strange doing this in his feathery dress and long hair, but otherwise it feels like a normal morning before Ingo… Emmet shakes himself off and shyly approaches. Ingo quietly passes him a plate of food before going back to cooking for the Pokémon. Emmet feels his heart twist in his chest at seeing the meal made for him. It’s all his favorites. He sits down with a soft thank you and starts to eat. It’s not long before he’s sniffling, his eyes stinging slightly from forming tears. He laughs between a full mouth as he starts to cry. Ingo drops what he’s doing and moves to Emmet’s side, but Emmet shakes his head and swallows his food. He just… he needs a moment… the food tastes just the way his brother made it…
Ingo hovers uncertainly before reaching out to rest a hand on Emmet’s back. He quietly rubs between Emmet’s shoulders as he cries, at a loss. As Emmet slowly calms down, Ingo apologizes for causing him so much pain. He knew that being here would just make things worse. If Emmet wants him out, he’ll go, no questions asked.
To his surprise, Emmet is quick to grab his hand, asking, almost begging Ingo to stay. It will be strange and uncomfortable and heartbreaking, but he does want Ingo to stay. He meant what he said before; he does not wish to be alone anymore.
Ingo considers this solemnly.
He gently squeezes Emmet’s hand.
“I’ll stay,” he softly promises.
If the pain in their hearts eases for just a moment, then they don’t say anything.
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spiritedscorpio · 1 year
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Pairing: Nikolai x F! reader Warnings: NSFW content; overstimulation, slight voyeurism and breeding.
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Today was the day of the Decay of Angels Christmas party. Fyodor was against it at first however after enough convincing from you and Nikolai, he agreed, just wanting you to leave him alone. The party was being held at a penthouse and close friends and allies of the members would attend. Since Fyodor didn’t really want anything to do with the party, you and Nikolai were responsible for decorating. The tree was at least 20 ft tall making decorating it take quite some time. Since you were shorter, you decorated the lower half of the tree while your boyfriend used a ladder to decorate the top.
You slumped down next to a box of ornaments. “Ugh, now I'm kinda regretting this party, this is going to take forever”
“Aw c’mon y/n it’ll be fun!” Nikolai said, trying to cheer you up. He threw a white garland down towards you. “Can you wrap the rest of this around the tree for me?”
Groaning, you rose to your feet, attending to his request. After 20 or so painfully long minutes you were finally done, standing back to admire the tree. “Isn’t it pretty?” He gushed.
“It’ll be prettier once we get the other stuff done” you said, opening another box of decorations.
While you decorated the stair railings, Nikolai went to decorate the rest of the area. “Y/n, can you come over here?”
You finished with the last of the garland and went to see what he wanted. “What?”
“Look up” He said, seemingly excited. You looked up to see a mistletoe hanging in the doorway. Your gaze met his, an unimpressed look on your face. “We still have a lot of stuff to do” You returned to your original place.
He pouted at your reaction. “But it’s tradition to kiss under a mistletoe”
You huffed in annoyance, going back to him to press a quick peck on his cheek. “There you go”
“That’s not a proper kisssss” He whined when you walked away again.
“Well that’s all you’re getting for now so help me decorate”
“Fine” he muttered, going to get a handful of decorations.
In the next hour you had finally finished and collapsed onto the couch. Hours before the occasion you made sure to get a bunch of snacks and drinks, laying them out on a table. You and Nikolai were at the penthouse beforehand and changed into your outfits in one of the bedrooms. He was wearing a white suit and dress pants with a black vest and shoes and a gold tie. You were in the bathroom getting dressed while he waited on the bed for you. In a few minutes you left the bathroom to reveal your outfit. You wore your hair down with a velvet dark green dress that had a v cut and slit that exposed part of your left leg. The dress showed your cleavage and hugged all of your curves perfectly. You did a spin for him to see your whole outfit.
“Wow... you look amazing” he pulled you onto his lap, running his hands along the material. A kiss was pressed to your lips as his hands ran down your hips and to your ass.
You pulled away and straightened out your dress. “The guests are going to be here soon” He frowned at the loss of contact but still followed you to the main area. The party started at 9 pm and people started arriving shorty after. You both separated and began conversing with different people. Eventually you went up the stairs and to the bathroom, finding Nikolai leaning against the wall when you left. “What are you doing?”
He pulled you in for a kiss, trailing them down your neck. “I miss you”
“Well you’re gonna have to wait, it’s a party go mingle” You pushed him by his shoulders towards the guests.
The two of you were apart again, only to run into each other again when you went to refill your drink. “You’re here to try something again?”
You took a sip of your drink, looking at him over your lashes. “I’m just here for something tasty to snack on” His hands found their way around your waist and he nibbled on the side of your ear.
“Sheesh, calm down”
He let out a low chuckle in your ear. “Can you blame me when you look this beautiful?”
You walked off again, leaving him alone. This happened multiple times throughout night. You would run into each other, getting into small make-out sessions but you prevented it from escalating any further causing your boyfriend to grow needier and needier. The two of you ended up on the couch, talking to some of the guests and you were sitting on Nikolai’s lap. The act was seemingly innocent but his hand soon trailed up your thigh and to your ass, kneading the skin through the fabric of your dress. His actions went unnoticed by the couple you were talking to but definitely not by you.
“Sorry to cut the conversation short but there’s something I have to finish upstairs” You stood up and looked back at the white-haired male. “Will you give me a hand, dear?”
“Uh sure” He followed you although he had no idea what you were talking about”
You returned to the bedroom you were in earlier and locked the door behind you. With your right hand, you dragged the chair by the desk in front of the bed. "Will you please have a seat" You said, gesturing to the chair.
He followed your instructions, looking up at you confusedly once he did. "What are you doing?"
Your fingers trailed along his shoulder before your arms draped over them. "Giving you what you want" You whispered against his ear.
"You've been quite the needy one tonight haven't you?" Your words tickled his neck and you gently nibbled on the skin. "Not being able to keep your hands to yourself, and I bet you've been mentally undressing me again and again... Well here you go" You pulled the dress over your head, revealing a white lacy set of lingerie.
He instantly tried to pull you closer to him but you slapped his hands away. "Patience, love, we're doing this my way and you're going to keep your hands to yourself unless I say otherwise, got it?" He nodded frantically, desperate to feel you against him again. You straddled his thighs, instantly pulling him into a kiss as you grinded on his clothed cock. He moaned into the kiss, the sounds slightly being muffled by your own lips. You soon felt a tent form in his pants underneath you. "Aww, you're this worked up already? Is there anything you want me to do?"
He nodded frantically in response. You tugged harshly on his braid so he was looking up at you. "Use your words"
"I want to be inside you" He huffed out. "Why don't you show me how much you want me?" He looked up at you with a confused expression on his face. "Perhaps I didn't make myself clear... strip down for me and get yourself off" Your voice was firm and demanding.
He was quick to stand up, removing his many layers of clothes before sitting back down and wrapping his fingers around his cock. His pace was fast as he looked up at you, desperate for your approval. He let out unashamed moans, completely disregarding your location. "A-am I doing good?" Instead of responding, you ignored his question, giving him new instructions. "Lay down on the bed for me"
You joined him on the bed, lowering yourself so you were next to his ear. "Don't come until I tell you and I promise I'll make you feel good, okay?" As you spoke you ran your fingers through his hair in a soothing manner.
He hummed out an "mhm".
As he continued to get himself off, you focused your attention on his ear. Your tongue trailed up the edge of his ear before taking it between your teeth a gently nibbling on the area. He was already on the verge of coming but he did his best to hold it in, eager to please you. Kisses were trailed down his neck before you began sucking on the tender skin, decorating it with purple marks. The white haired male's eyes were clenched shut and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth as he tried to ignore his rapidly approaching climax. You brushed your hand over one of his nipples, a jolt of pleasure running through him. Your lips wrapped around the other sensitive bud, circling it with your tongue while you toyed with the other one with your fingers, leaving both of them swollen.
You pressed a kiss to his lips. "You're doing so good for me" You cooed at him before moving to sit between his legs and moving his hand out of the way. You give him permission to come just before you wrap your lips around his tip and he comes as soon as your lips close around him.
"Sit up" you order, using the time to remove your lingerie. You're quick to straddle his lap, sinking down on his cock, a loud moan leaving his lips. "Try to be quiet, alright? If someone walks by they'll surely know what's going on and you wouldn't want that, right?"
You can't help but notice the way he twitches inside you at your words as you begin riding him. "Oh?" He feels you smirk against his skin. "You like the idea of that? How naughty of you" As you increase your pace, he leans forward, sinking his teeth into the skin of your shoulder. Your lips latch onto his neck again, leaving bites marks on the other side. He lets out whines and whimpers against your neck, the pleasure feeling overwhelming.
As you continued to bounce on his cock, your clit repeatedly hit his pelvis, stimulating it, and bringing you closer to your release. When he finally pulled away from your neck you saw his gorgeous teary eyes, starting to spill down onto his flushed cheeks. You kiss them away, the sight of him stirring something inside you. "C-can I come now?" He asked, his voice whiny and his eyes having the most desperate look in them.
Since he had been so good for you, you let him, your walls almost instantly being painted white. You moved at the same pace while he rode out his high, the pleasure becoming overstimulating. His head fell against the headboard, strings of moans and pitiful whines leaving him. "I know baby, just a little longer. You're doing so well for me" You brought your hand down to your clit and rubbed circles on it. The next time you sank down on his cock the knot in your stomach snapped, your legs wavering as you rode out your high. You got off of him and layed next to him.
"Do we have to go back downstairs?" He looked up at you, his normal skin color returning to his cheeks.
"Yes," You went to clean yourself off. "Fyodor will kill us if he finds us like this"
"But I'm tiredddd" He pouted, hoping you would sympathize with him.
"Oh hush, the party will be over in about an hour"
"Fine..." He sighed, getting dressed again.
You both left the room at the same time and lucky for you, no one was in the hallway.
"Hark great people! Worry no further, I have returned!" Nikolai shouted as if the past events hadn't occurred. He went off, casually talking to the guests.
You watched him with a smile on your face. It was beyond you how you ended up with such an odd man but you couldn't imagine your life without him.
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slashersangel · 2 years
im gonna boop you now-
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Lets get down to business..to defeat thw Hanssss :D I wanna request poly!lost boys(pls include pretty boy michael uwu) with a fem s/o who is COMPLETELY human BUT ..She was the only one in her family that was human, born with superpowers. I would say elemantal control bc it's pretty cool admit it- ..so what if i watch the avatar or legend of korra ?! Sheesh, enjoy this should be fun
The usual elemants would Fire, Earth, Water, Wind. I would also add lava, metal, ice, snow..BUT WOAH SLOW DOWN, there is a catch here ya see? She doesn't know how to control her powers AT ALL and she has had a few problems in the past and currently atm.
Bye, have fun! Also, if u had a superpower what would it be? Mine would be dark matter or something that involves like dark witchcraft..not bc Im emo I- nvm lmao but have fun with this! ♡♡♡
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Ooh this is a good one! And if I were to have a power it would definitely be either energy manipulation (like wanda from marvel) or uhm… definitely control over nature like plants and animals and stuff! <3 and wow i haven’t thought of avatar or legends of Korra in forever! Thanks for jogging that memory.
these kitten gifs make me feel better because my cat ran away a few days ago 😭😭
Ploy! Lost Boys + michael with s/o who has powers! (fem)
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• it started off with it raining whenever you were sad, thundering when you were angry or upset. At first it was very broad things that the boys thought maybe it was just a coincidence. But the other night, it was completely clear outside, not a cloud in the night sky, but after you had finished a sad movie (spoiler the dog died) you were trying to hard not to cry, they could tell, thats when the clouds rolled in, and when you started crying after Paul asked you what was wrong, the rain started.
• David and Dwayne looked at each other but the others didn’t seem to notice, too busy taking care of the crying you. Now, David and Dwayne have heard of witches before, never actually came across one before. They wouldn’t have even thought you were one until tonight.
• The six of you were over on the beach after chasing out a couple of people from their bonfire. It was chilly out due to the up take in wind, you had a shaw to keep you warm, key word is had. Paul and Marko took it from you to hit each other with.
• you were upset because you were cold and instead of asking for one of their jackets, you pouted and stared down Paul and Marko as they went ankle deep into the ocean. You bit the inside of your cheek and stared harder, which David noticed and he was about to hand you his jacket or make Michael do it, but there was a flash in your eyes that made him wait, and he’s glad he did because not a second later, a huge wave came crashing down on Paul and Marko.
• the boys laughed and you smiled before asking if they were okay. When you were asleep on David’s lap that night, he talked to Dwayne about it. Wait— he thinks you what? Made the wave? Sure… ya know David, you should get some rest with y/n
• David wasn’t as sure as he liked, so he brushed it off as a coincidence. Then Dwayne started think about it as well, maybe you were a witch or something without knowing.
• and the next night, they were all in your house and Paul, Marko and Michael has made it their mission to see which one was the better flirt, you wouldn’t give them an answer so they just decided to use their best pick up lines on you. It didn’t help that you were also making some food and at the end of Marko’s line (one of very many) he kissed you. When that happened, the eye you were boiling your water on caught fire. You quickly extinguished it and blamed it on the heat being too high, hiding the real truth.
• A few days later, they talked to you about it, to which you were completely surprised at, but you answered them. You were born human but had abilities, you could control the elements, the only one in your family with that could, and you didn’t know how to control them very well, explaining the fire incident. But you couldn’t control it, and you didn’t mean for the wave to hit Paul and Marko, but you were just so upset that it just happened!
• They all silently took it in, well Paul immediately asked if you could make lighting hit someone to which you shrugged at but Dwayne shut it down immediately. They asked you all sorts of questions about it too. Hey y/n can you light this on fire? Hey y/n, can you make an earthquake? Y/N, could you grow weed? Hey y/n, say someone was in the ocean, and you didn’t like the person could you— No Paul.
• they’s definitely try and help you control your powers so there isn’t a hurricane every time you cry over your favorite character dying. Baby, it’s okay, it’s not real, please don’t wipe out the whole western seaboard.
• they wouldn’t know what to do really, they associate controlling your powers like controlling their blood lust or mastering their mind tricks. With David, he tries and get you to master the harder elements like fire, metal or air. Yeah it might suck really bad whenever you don’t get it, or god forbid accidentally get hurt while doing it, (if that happens then you’d be banned from ever using that element) But he’d basically tell you to suck it up and continue and give a really shitty explanation of how to do it, because hey, he doesn’t know either. but you’ll end up getting distracted because he get’s frustrated that you’re not getting it.
• with dwayne, he takes a slow approach, he’d definitely find a book about it (how?), or about learning control and read it so he could teach you. He’d be one of those teachers where he’d put a cup of water in front of you and be like, now do something. Like what do you want her to do sir? SiR? If you want help, definitely go to him, he’s most likely to actually get anything done.
• Michael will try and mimic what Dwayne is doing to help you without the reading portion. He’d end up getting distracted and asking you to do something with your powers for him. Like, hey y/n, can you fill up my water? And you get confused when he spits it out. Y/N this is salt water???? Sorry babes. That would start a lesson on making drinking water and salt water, so at least you can do that now!
• now onto the terror twins. They’d definitely try and teach you together but end up getting absolutely nothing done except terrorizing people on the boardwalk. Like, hey y/n blow that girl’s hat away, she was looking at you funny. Y/N blow up that dude’s drink in his face, he was staring at your boobs earlier. You end up doing half of what they say, minus the more dangerous ones like lighting a girl’s scarf on fire, striking someone with lighting. (Paul >:()
• Paul would definitely ask you to strike Marko, come on y/n, he can take it! Then Marko would be all like, maybe i can take it… no Markie, you cannot take it.
• you’d run into the cave one night, excited, bouncing off the walls and when the boys would ask you what got you all happy, you’d show them. After a few deep breaths and a few moments of concentration, snow started falling inside the cave. When you opened your eyes, you saw the boys standing there dumbfounded, completely surprised that you could do this. You laughed and giggles with joy.
• I headcanon that since Michael went from Phoenix to Cali, he has never seen snow, but he knew from the moment it landed on him what it was and he was genuinely shocked, but he enjoyed it with you as you smiled and laughed in excitement. They loved how joyous you were about this and couldn’t help but smile along with you and your uncontainable excitement.
i really liked making this :), lemme know if you want a part 2??? also i’d love it be a witch? mostly because i grew up watching charmed but also because that’d be so fun?? whatttt
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Truth Or Dare
Pairing: Sami Yaffa x Reader
Author’s Note: I feel like this is a super stereotypical idea, but oh well. I wrote this while dog-tired and suffering a headache so sorry if it’s not the best!
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“(Y/N)! Sami! Come on already!”
You let out a laugh as you walked into the living room, balancing a bowl of popcorn and a six pack of beer in your arms. “Alright, alright. We’re coming. Sheesh,” you said to the four boys who were waiting anxiously for you and Sami’s return from the kitchen.
Nasty, Michael, Razzle, and Andy all sat cross-legged on the dingy carpet. Nasty had broken the sofa the week prior in a drunken mishap so now you and all your roommates were left having to sit on the floor until you could afford to buy a new couch.
“What’s the rush?” you asked, handing out snacks to the four impatient boys and taking a seat on the floor as well.
“We wanna play a game,” Andy said, his grin mischievous.
“What kind of game?” A voice asked from behind you. Sami had just entered the room, carrying more beers and food from the kitchen.
“Truth or dare!” Nasty and Andy shouted in unison.
“Oh please,” Michael said. “How old are you?” He was smiling though, and you had no doubt he wanted to play the game too. Nasty just stuck out his tongue in response.
“Alright,” you agreed. “I’ll play.” You turned to Sami who had taken a seat next to you. “How bout you Sami? Are you in?”
Sami flushed slightly under your gaze. It was no secret that the boy had a huge crush on you. Even if Nasty and Andy and Razzle hadn’t told you months ago, it would be obvious. Sami always acted so shy around you, blushing and fumbling over his words. He also used every excuse under the sun to spend more time with you. That was probably why he’d volunteered so eagerly to help you grab stuff from the kitchen earlier.
“If you’re playing, I’ll play too,” he said softly.
You smiled at him sweetly and ignored Nasty and Andy’s giggling and mock gagging noises. You always found Sami’s behavior adorable. His crush never bothered you.
“I’ll explain the rules,” Andy said, capturing everyone’s attention.
“What rules?” Razzle asked with a quirked brow. “It’s just truth or dare.”
Andy sighed dramatically. “Well, these are my rules,” he explained. “Rule one, if you refuse a dare or a truth then you have to face the punishment that the group decides upon beforehand.”
“Punishment?” you questioned, a little fearful of what you had just agreed to play.
“Yeah, like you’ll have to dress in drag for the next gig and do a strip tease in the middle of the set if you refuse to answer the question or complete the dare.”
Five pairs of eyes blinked at Andy.
“That’s very… specific,” Michael said, finally breaking the silence that had fallen over the room. “How about whoever won’t do something has to do the dishes?”
Everyone let out a groan. The dishes were a huge issue in your flat. There was a giant stack of them in the kitchen sink that spilled out onto the surrounding countertop. In the almost six months you and the boys had lived here, you couldn’t remember a time when any plates or bowls or spoons had been cleaned. It was the source of a lot of arguments, but the stack of dirty kitchenware was too big for anyone to take initiative and clean them.
“That will work!” Andy said, almost a little too excited. There was no way in hell anyone would be refusing a dare or truth now.
You all mumbled your agreement as Andy continued explaining the game.
“Rule two, the person who last received a dare or a question is the next person to ask. Okay?”
“Okay Andy, we get it,” Nasty whined. “Can we just start already?”
“Fine,” Andy huffed. “I’ll go first.” He looked around the room, trying to decide on his victim. “Michael.” He stopped at the blonde boy. “Truth or dare?”
Michael pursed his lips as he thought. “Um, truth.”
You all booed at him. Nasty threw the cap of his bottle at his head.
“What?” he asked, taken aback by your strong reaction to his choice of truth.
“Truth is boring!” Razzle proclaimed.
“Well, I’m not going to change my mind,” Michael said, crossing his arms. “I’m not gonna take a dare from Andy of all people.”
Andy frowned. “Let’s see,” he said, thinking of a good question to ask Michael. “Hmmm. Oh, I know! Have you ever tried to take a sexy photograph of yourself?”
From the way Andy was grinning and Michael was blushing you had a feeling Andy already knew the answer.
Michael glared at Andy. “Yes,” he muttered through gritted teeth. “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone about that.”
By now, everyone was howling with laughter.
“You took sexy photos of yourself?” Razzle cried out. “What were you wearing?”
“None of your damn business!” Michael snapped. “(Y/N), truth or dare?” he asked quickly, eager to move onto another round of the game.
“Dare,” you said once you finished laughing, excited and up for whatever challenge Michael sent your way. Nasty whooped at your answer.
Michael tapped his chin, trying to think of something good. Razzle leaned over and whispered something in his ear which made him smile and nod. “Good idea. (Y/N), I dare you to go over to the neighbor’s house and ask if they have any condoms.”
“Michael,” you scolded. “Our neighbor is like ninety years old.”
“I know,” Michael said, proud of the dare he had given you even though Razzle was the one who came up with the idea.
You sighed but rose to your feet. A dare was a dare and there was no way you were going to be washing the dishes. You marched out the front door followed by the rest of the household who were excited to see you ask an elderly lady for a condom.
You knocked on your neighbor’s door and looked back to your friends who were standing a ways away to avoid being spotted. Soon after, the door opened.
Your neighbor looked like she was just about to go to bed. She was wearing a nightgown and slippers and her hair was put up into curlers. You fidgeted nervously as she greeted you.
“Oh, hello dear,” she said, peering through her glasses at you. “What can I do for you?”
“Um,” you started. You cleared your throat. “I was just wondering if I could borrow, a um, a condom?” You cringed as you asked her.
“I’m sorry dear, you’ll have to speak up. I already took out my hearing aids for the night.”
You groaned internally. Michael was so going to pay for this. You forced a polite smile onto your face. “I was just wondering if you have a condom I could borrow?” you practically shouted at her.
This time you were pretty sure she heard you. Her kind expression morphed into one of offense. She quickly shut the door in your face without another word.
You returned to your so-called friends who were laughing their asses off. “Ha, very funny,” you said bitterly. Nasty swung an arm around your shoulder as you all went back inside the flat.
“That was amazing!” he said, wiping a tear from his eye.
You shrugged his arm off of you. “Let’s keep playing,” you grumbled. “Razzle, truth or dare?”
The game continued on for almost an hour. Andy stood on his head for five minutes, Razzle admitted to crying after he lost his virginity, and Nasty ate a pickle covered in mayonnaise. The game was actually proving to be a lot of fun. The six of you came up with some pretty creative ways to try and embarrass each other.
It was now Razzle’s turn. He had just been forced by Andy to smell everyone else’s armpits and rate them from best to worst (you were proud to have won best smelling underarms), so he was not a happy camper. He was looking forward to making someone else suffer.
“Sami,” he drawled out slowly. “Truth or dare?”
You watched Sami as he debated which to choose. “Um, I’ll choose dare,” he said, sending a quick glance your way.
He had been doing that all night. It was nothing new for Sami to be constantly looking over to you. You thought it was cute that he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of you for more than a couple minutes.
“I dare you to kiss (Y/N).”
“What?” you exclaimed after Razzle’s words registered in your head. “You want us to what?”
You risked a glance at Sami who was staring at you with his jaw hanging down. His skin turned a lovely shade of red as Nasty and Andy and Michael began to tease him.
“You have to kiss for at least three minutes,” Razzle instructed, clearly loving how uncomfortable poor Sami and you looked. “With tongue,” he added for extra measure.
You turned to fully face Sami who was looking a little terrified. “It’s alright,” you said. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“Yes, he does!” Andy interjected. “Or he has to do the dishes.”
You glared at Andy and were about to argue but the feeling of Sami’s hand on yours stopped you.
“Is it okay with you?” Sami asked quietly, so only you and he could hear.
Your breath caught in your throat. “Uh, yeah,” you managed to stammer out. For as long as Sami had obviously been crushing on you, you had never really expected him to make a move. He always seemed too shy. Now that Razzle had dared him to kiss you, you were quite nervous.
Sami licked his lips before hesitantly placing a hand on the back of your head. You couldn’t help but stare at his mouth as he slowly leaned in towards you.
You could faintly hear the other boys laughing and commenting as yours and Sami’s lips finally locked, but it was all garbled background noise to you. Sami’s kiss was gentle even as he parted his lips slightly and poked at yours with the tip of his tongue. You wrapped your arms around his neck and scooted closer to him as your lips moved together in blissful harmony. It felt like electricity was flowing through your veins as the kiss went on. You found yourself wanting it to go on forever.
“Okay! That’s three minutes!” Razzle shouted, ending it all way too soon for your liking.
You and Sami parted, breathless. His lips were swollen and glistened with saliva. You thought the sight was beautiful. You stared into his eyes, not paying any mind to what the others were saying.
“Wow,” you said to Sami, not knowing how to put into words how magical your kiss shared with him had been for you.
“Yeah,” Sami said breathily, agreeing with you.
“Maybe,” you said. “Maybe, we could do that again sometime.”
Sami smiled at you and ducked his head. “Yeah, that, we should do that.”
You chuckled. “How about right now? We could go upstairs.” You were eager to have his lips back on yours.
Sami bit his lip nervously but got up and nodded, nonetheless. He offered you a hand a pulled you up to join him standing. The two of you finally addressed the other people in the room.
“Well, I think (Y/N) and I are gonna have an early night,” Sami said.
Razzle, Michael, Nasty, and Andy gaped at him.
“Are you serious?” Razzle asked. The dare had been meant to embarrass Sami, not ignite some weird spark of attraction from you.
Neither you nor Sami answered him though. The two of you were already giggling like children as you ran up the stairs hand in hand.
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nsokolow · 4 years
Talladega Nights: Mystery Beyond the Track-Ch. 2
Julie’s Simpsons alarm clock woke her up right when it was supposed to. Remembering she got the job, she immediately perked up as she slammed down the “off” button on the clock. Having slept in her clothes, she pulled her duffel bag out from under her fold-out bed, took a look at the few clothes she had with her, pulled out a Hello Kitty shirt, and considered wearing it. She however remembered she was going to be wearing a uniform at her new job, so she decided to wear what she had on and drove over to NASCAR.
As Julie pulled into the parking lot in her teal-colored Toyota, she took a deep breath. A new chapter of her life was beginning. She had heard of NASCAR here and there throughout her life, but never before had she imagined working for them. She was super proud to be working for a famous company that involved car races.
Julie walked inside a building and to the ticket booth. Understandably, nobody was in the booth. She turned to her left to see Jesse Andrews walking towards her with a small smile.
“Hey, Julie. Thanks for coming on time,” said Jesse.
“You’re welcome!”
Confused by Julie’s enthusiasm, Jesse shrugged off the feeling and continued talking. “So, I’ll walk you down to the women’s bathroom, which is next to where your uniform is, and then after you change, I’ll show you which garage you’ll clean first before you move outside…unless the other janitors already finished cleaning outside.”
“Yay! Thanks man!” Julie lifted up her hand for a high five…that she didn’t get. Dang it! Just like the attempted fist-bump!
Julie was led to the bathroom and she changed into her uniform, which consisted of a light blue, short-sleeved button-down shirt and dark blue slacks. She then left her clothes on the tool table and continued to follow Jesse towards the garage she was to clean.
When they arrived at said garage, Julie saw Ricky Bobby’s pit crew were right there examining the car, looking as if they were about to fix Ricky’s car. They were now out of their uniforms, though she recognized them right away. Jesse grabbed a broom that was rested on the wall, handed it to Julie, then walked out of the garage.
Julie looked back at him, shrugged her shoulders, then began sweeping the floor while she watched the pit crew talk about the car.
“I can’t believe this happened right when Ricky returned.” The crew chief, a tall, bald, dark-skinned man shook his head as he lifted up the bent up hood of the car. He looked at the damaged engine.
A balding man, who was shorter and had lighter skin and small eyes, put his hand on the top of the car and stared at it. “It might be totaled. The engine’ll make it, but I don’t know what to make of the rest of the car.
Another man, who had a more fit build and almond shaped eyes, looked at the back of the car. “The back isn’t much better, either. I can’t believe this!”
The one with the last name, “Muncie,” a slender man with straight light brown hair and blue eyes, and the only one whose last name she remembered, smiled. “Don’t worry! As long as we have friendship, heart, and teamwork, we’ll make it through this!”
“Or how about we give you a good beating to get us warmed up,” replied Almond-Shaped Eyes.
Julie felt really bad for Muncie.
“Friendship, heart, and teamwork helped me through a lot of things!” Julie said with a smile. She was a little angry as well, but she didn’t show it.
The pit crew turned around and looked at her. Crew Chief, Small Eyes, and Almond-Shaped Eyes looked back at Julie with confused expressions, while Muncie smiled in appreciation of the remark.
“Are you new here, Miss?” asked Crew Chief.
“Yeah! Today’s my first day! I’m Julie! Who are you?” Julie smiled pleasantly.
Crew Chief sighed. “I’m Lucius. I’m Ricky Bobby’s crew chief. Nice to meet you, Julie.”
“I’m Hershel.” Small Eyes said with a mild smile.
“I’m Kyle.” Almond-Shaped Eyes said with a straight expression.
“I’m Glenn! It’s a pleasure to meet you!” Muncie smiled as he extended his hand.
Julie’s pulse quickened as she looked into his eyes and shook his hand. “Hi! You too!”
“Boys, we’re gonna need to get a new hood.” Lucius announced.
“Oh, for sure!” Hershel said as he and Kyle turned back to the car.
Glenn smiled and waved at Julie before he turned around. Julie continued to sweep with more pep in her step.
“Okay, it’s time for your hour lunch break, Julie.”
Julie, who had been picking up trash with a four foot long trash picker and putting it in a tilt truck, turned around to see Jesse.
“Wait, what time is it?” Julie asked, surprised.
Jesse nodded.
Julie spoke again as Jesse turned and walked away, “By the way, we never really talked about how long my shifts are and how many days a week I’ll be working. Not trying to tell you how to do your job…just…it would be nice to know, hehe.”
Jesse stopped and turned around. He thoughtfully turned his eyes upward as he mumbled numbers and moved his fingers. “We don’t have another race until next week, but Ricky and Jean’s cars are going to be worked on until then, our only janitors are currently you, me, and another guy, so how about you show up for the next two days from eight a.m. to two p.m.. I did schedule you from eight a.m. to two p.m. today. Sorry; I should’ve told you sooner.”
“It’s okay…I’m just happy I have a job.” Julie smiled pleasantly.
Julie ordered French fries from a Burger King. She then drove back to the Talladega Superspeedway, approached the empty bleachers, sat at the second-to-front row, said grace, then ate her fries.
“You went to Burger King?” a familiar man’s voice asked.
Julie turned to her right and saw Glenn standing to her right at the sides of the bleachers. He was holding a paper bag with his name written on it, the colors of the letters alternating from blue to green.
“Oh, yeah!” replied Julie, “It’s my favorite fast food place! You want a French fry?”
“Oh, no thank you! I went to Burger King earlier, and I already have French fries to go with my cheeseburger and Gatorade. What else did you order?”
“Oh, just fries.” Julie said casually before she bit into another French fry.
“That’s it?” Glenn’s face dropped into a concerned look. “Why?”
“Oh, I’m just trying to save money. I’ve been unemployed for a long time, and I’ve been trying to conserve money, and my last job didn’t pay too well—“
“—Do you want to have half of my cheeseburger?” Glenn got up onto the bleachers and walked over to Julie.
Stunned at Glenn’s offer, Julie didn’t know what to say for a few seconds.
“Really? Thanks!” Julie said as she took the half of Glenn’s burger he tore off and handed to her.
“So, uh, what brings you to Talladega?” Glenn asked a bit shyly as he sat next to Julie.
“Well, I just moved to North Carolina, and I wanted to get involved with the new place I live in, and I found out online that there were some janitorial and mechanic positions open for NASCAR, so I sprung for the race to have fun and ask for a job.”
“Really? Nice! How come you didn’t apply for a mechanic job?” Glenn asked, still not having eaten one bite of his lunch yet.
“Well, one of the security guards said that being a NASCAR mechanic is a tough business to break into, and that it’s a boys’ club.”
“Well, you’re not wrong. I don’t think there’s ever been a female pit crew member before.”
“Well, I don’t mind being a janitor!” Julie bit into her cheeseburger. “It’s kind of relaxing.”
Glenn started. “Oh! I forgot to say grace!”
“Dear Jesus…” Glenn began as he folded his hands and closed his eyes. “…thank you for this food, please bless this food, and thank you for Burger King. Thank you for Lucius, Kyle, Hershel, Ricky, and Julie. Amen.”
Julie blushed at herself being named in the prayer. “Amen. So, you pray before meals, too?”
“Of course! There’s a lot of Christians in the South.”
“I heard about that; I didn’t know a lot of other Christians where I’m from, which is Southern California.”
Glenn gasped dramatically. “Do you know any actors or singers? Did you grow up with any?”
“Well…a friend took me to an Avril Lavigne concert, and she high-fived me when she ran across the stage and high-fived the front-row people. I didn’t wash that hand for a week, and that almost got me fired from a grocery store I used to work at because I was blamed for a coworker getting the flu. Turned out it was expired meat she bought from the store. My boss was sued and the store closed down.”
“Wow! That’s amazing! Not that you got fired, but Avril Lavigne! She’s cool! Like her song goes, why do people have to make things so complicated?”
“You’re pretty insightful!” Julie said as she took the last bite of her cheeseburger.
“Thanks! Lucius says I’m like a creepy little greeting card.” Glenn smiled, not at all insulted at what Lucius said. “The only creepy thing I ever did was stalk an ex-girlfriend.”
Julie burst out laughing. “You were a stalker? Did you like, cut her hair in her sleep and smell it every night before bed?”
Glenn chuckled. “Well, I would watch her from my car when she was at work or at her house. When I accidentally missed a day of work when I stalked her, I realized I needed help. I got therapy, and I learned the reason why I was holding onto her so much was because she was my first girlfriend, and I thought we would be together forever because I thought life was like Disney movies. I haven’t stalked her in months, and I don’t have feelings for her anymore. Besides, she turned out to be a Nazi sympathizer. I guess I should’ve noticed something was wrong, because when she and her friends waved at each other, it looked pretty stiff, and people would glare at us.
“Sheesh! Didn’t one of the janitors get fired for being a skinhead? I read that online.”
“Yeah, he and my ex-girlfriend are dating now.”
“Wow!” Julie grabbed a few fries and took a bite.
“So, what brings you to North Carolina?” asked Glenn before he took a drink of Gatorade.
A surge of panic painfully hit Julie. “Uh, I…needed to get away.”
“Oh! So you needed a change of pace?”
Julie grinned nervously. “That’s one way to put it.”
After a minute of Julie and Glenn eating in silence, Julie ate her last French fry.
“When do you get off work?” asked Julie.
“Well, me and the rest of the pit crew weren’t scheduled to be here today, but I’m planning on leaving around four. What about you?”
“I get off work at two. When we’re both off work, I was thinking…you know this skate park that’s a few minutes away from here?”
“Yeah! Klakston Park!”
“I was thinking…if you have a skateboard or bike or something…do you maybe wanna meet there after work? I’d bring my skateboard…”
“Really? Sure!” Glenn replied with an enthusiastic smile. “Four-fifteen?”
“Glenn!” Hershel appeared in front of them. “You gotta check this out man! There was less damage than we thought!”
“Okay! I’m coming!” Glenn got up and followed Hershel. He turned back to Julie and waved. “Bye, Julie! See you at four-fifteen!”
“See you, Glenn!” Julie waved back.
“Well, well, well! You and the janitor seem to be getting along very nicely!” Hershel remarked as soon as they were out of Julie’s vicinity.
Glenn chuckled softly and looked down.
“Guess what? Our sweet little Glenn here is a stud! He already has a date with the new janitor!” Hershel announced as soon as they entered the garage.
A little embarrassed, Glenn grinned and turned to the side.
There was a collective, “Ah!” from the rest of the pit crew members…except Lucius, who pleasantly smiled, looked down, and shook his head.
“She’s very nice; she just moved here from California.” Glenn piped up.
Hershel perked up. “Does she know any movie stars or singers?”
Glenn was thrilled to be asked questions about her. “Well, no, but she saw Avril—“
“—Why’d she move from California?” asked Kyle.
“Well, she said she needed to get away, and when I asked if she needed a change of pace, she said that was one way to put it. She’s like a shooting star, daring to burst away from where she used to be and zooming off to the new adventure that is NASCAR!”
A long silence ensued.
“Glenn,” Lucius said, “Did she get any more specific about why she moved here?”
“Well, no, but—“
“Be careful, Glenn. You don’t know this girl too well yet.”
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Little Mac walked in the kitchen and dug through the pantry. “Where are those protein bars?” He muttered to himself. Eventually, he pulled found the box and pulled on out. He walked out the kitchen and began eating his bar when he noticed a door right across from the closets. “How long has that been there?" 
Walking over to it, he opened the door and saw stairs that went into a deep basement. He followed those stairs and kept walking straight. The hall felt as if it had gone forever when Mac heard some muttering. With the slightest sound, he his by a wall and peered past the corner. He saw Dr. Mario surrounded by chalkboards covered top to bottom in pictures, with a few dim lights above his head with the occasional flicker.
A bit worried, Mac slowly walked to the doctor. "Hey, Dr. M? What’s… What’s all of this?" 
No response.
"Uh, Dr. Mario?” He called again, getting closer.
No response again. Just eerie muttering.
“Dr….?” He reached out and tapped his shoulder.
Dr. Mario swiftly turned around and had a crazed look on his face. “Fliggityjibbitubibbidyswoooity!” He started shrieking jibberish.
“Gah!” Mac took a few steps back.
“…..” Dr. Mario regained some of his composer. “Hello, Mac.”
“H-hey…uh, whatcha…whatcha up to?” Mac asked, slightly nervous.
“Oh, y'know. A bit of research.” He answered. Little Mac could easily tell that it had been days since the doctor had slept.
“Researching what, exactly?” Mac questioned. 
Dr. Mario slowly turned around and faced the chalkboards. “All of the incidents…”
“Incidents?” Mac tilted his head.
“Haven’t you noticed that ever since that purple pterodactyl got announced, more people have been getting hurt?” Dr. Mario asked.
“It’s pretty hard not to.” Mac answered flatly.
“First was with Regular Mario and Megaman…” Dr. Mario started.
“Wait, you two are for real not the same person? I thought you just go by that since your in doctor clothes.” Mac commented.
Dr. Mario rolled his eyes and ignored the comment. “Then, when the Belmont’s showed up, Luigi had his soul snatched. And King K. Rool? We all know what he did to Dedede." 
"Didn’t he just hit him really hard?” Mac asked.
Dr. Mario held up a sheet that showed Dedede’s skull facing right with a small crack in the back. “This is what happened.”
“Dr. M? Pretty sure you showed us all our X-rays before. That crack has been there for a while.” Little Mac told him.
“Dedede was facing forward. His skull was facing was right.” Dr. Mario replied.
“Sheesh! No wonder we didn’t hear him eat raid the kitchen for a couple of days.” Mac said, shuddering. 
Dr. Mario nodded. “And its only a matter of time until Dark Samus or who knows who else hurts anyone else." 
”…Wait, else?“ Mac repeated, worried.
Dr. Marion held a finger up. "And don’t you think this is a bit odd that Ridley came right after the Inklings? Things are happening and they’re all trying to make some sort of pattern.”
“Hold the phone, doc. First, I don’t think you have a degree for investigating stuff this deeply. It’s great you care this much about us, but I’m pretty sure that even Mario has his limits. Your a doctor, stick to that. Second, I know that specific people getting injured this badly is horrible, but I’m 100% certain that the Belmont’s and Inklings are just as worried as we are. They wouldn’t think for a second of hurting the group like this.” Mac told the Doctor.
Inkling Girl, Ness, Corrin, and Richter were playing UNO while Villager was watching from the sidelines. Richter sneezed, which would be the fifth time in the game he had done that. 
“Are you alright, Richter? That’s the fifth time you sneezed in under two minutes.” Corrin asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t think I’m catching anything.” Richter reassured her.
“Hey, do you guys ever feel like someone’s mentioning you behind your back?” Inkling Girl asked.
“Eh, not really.” Ness answered.
“I feel like mentioning something…” Corrin said. She then slammed her cards down in the pile. “UNO!”
“W-what?! That’s not fair! You cheated.” Inkling Girl interjected.
“If you call cheating winning, then I guess I did.” Corrin replied. “Vill, can you mark down another win for me?”
Villager gave her a thumbs up, and pulled out a note pad from his pocket and was about to write it down.
“Villager, don’t write anything!” Inkling pointed at Villager, which he then put the notepad down. “Corrin, admit that you cheated.”
Ness put a hand on her shoulder. “Calm down, Orange, it’s just a game." 
Inkling then turned around and gave Ness a death glare.
Ness had a pale expression on his face, and quickly took his hand off of her shoulder. He then scuttled and hid behind Richter.
Inkling turned her attention towards Corrin. "Admit that you cheated!" 
"Or what? You’ll to shoot paintballs at me?” Corrin said with a smug look on her face.
Inkling Girls’ pupils shrank. She cocked her head to the side. “What’d you call my ink?”
“Paintballs.” Corrin repeated.
Inkling Girls stared at Corrin for a few more seconds. Next thing the group knew, Inkling and Corrin were engaged in a classic cartoon dustcloud fight.
Villager walked over to Ness and Richter. Ness looked at Villager. “Dude, why did you pick out UNO when you specifically know that it can cause fighting among friends and that these two are incredibly competitive?”
Villager shrugged. ;)
Richter sighed. “You love mayhem, don’t you little buddy?" 
Villager looked away before nodding with a grin. Ness and Richter sighed once more. 
—-(Back to Doc and Mac)—-
"Mac, you don’t understand. I’m not saying they’re trying to hurt us. I’m saying that whenever a villain is on screen, one of us is injured.” Dr. Mario defended.
“Well, that’s kinda why they’re villains. They hate heroes.” Mac told him.
“I know that! I’m just saying that there’s something lying beneath the surface. Remember those purple and yellow chairs we saw?” Dr. Mario said, shifting the conversation forward.
“Doc, if this is about what I think you’re making this about and annoy me for weeks about it, I’m going to hit you.” Mac told him in a straightforward manner.
“What? No, of course not.” Dr. M told him. “Isn’t it weird that we have a lot of villains coming out this time?”
“Well, now that you mention it, we do have a slightly higher amount of bad guys around.” Mac agreed.
“And the moon. It is it’s own Assist Trophy now, correct?" 
"Wait, you keep tabs on Assist Trophies? Do you even get enough sleep? I’m pretty sure we have someone to do that.” Little Mac questioned.
Dr. Mario ignored the question. “Now, who could make it so that villains are becoming more cunning and increasing in their ranks, and the heores (and to a lesser extent) Dedede are met with a terrible fate?!” Dr. Mario asked, his eye twitching. “I’ll tell you who. It was none other than-MMPH!” 
Little Mac covered the Doctor’s mouth before he could finish. “Doc. I think you’re over thinking it.” Dr. M was about to come with a comeback, but Mac I interrupted him. “I know that all of our friends getting hurt is really worrying, but jumping at random conclusions based on random evidence isn’t gonna help. You’re only going to tire yourself out and you won’t be able to be there for the people that need you." 
Dr. Mario looked down and looked around at where he had been for the past couple of days. It was a total mess, and he had let it get to his head.
”*sigh* You’re right. I’ve been trying to figure out what would happen next for so long that it started messing with my head. I can’t stay cooped down here when there are others that need me.“ Dr. Mario said. A smile grew on his face. "Funny how the boxer, the one who typically needs a doctor to patch him up after a fight, helped to heal a doctor who was stuck beating himself up.”
“Well, you either go down doing what you can to help others, or worry long enough to need some outside assistance.” Little Mac said. “…I don’t think that’s the right way to say it, but let’s get out of here. It smell like mushrooms down here." 
As the duo walked back, Little Mac turned to Dr. Mario. "How long have you been down here?”
“What day is it?” Dr. Mario asked, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Sheesh.” Little Mac said.
On the table of the doctors notes, there was one thing that all the notes led up to. No matter which one was examined, they all led to the same terrible fate. A fate that would most likely change the course of Smash history forever. And that change would all start…
With a mask.
After 15 minutes, Inkling and Corrin’s cartoon dust cloud fighting turned into gentle pats. Ness, Richter, and Villager came back from the other room to with snacks.
Richter saw them on the ground. “You two are still going?”
Villager stared at Ness. “Villager’s right. You two should stop fighting. Its not like you bet coins on it.” Ness said, slightly glaring at Villager, who was silently laughing.
Inkling Girl sighed. “Okay. Corrin, I’m sorry for getting mad and fighting you. Even though I was winning." 
"I’m sorry also.” Corrin replied. “And I may have been cheating a little bit.”
“AHA!! I knew it!” Inkling shouted.
Richter chuckled. “Wow, you were lying this whole time? Corrin, you’re hilarious!” Corrin blushed at this comment
“So, you happy you won?” Ness asked Inkling with a grin.
“You know it, ya lunkhead. My night plans have been complete.” Inkling said proudly.
“Well, the nights still young. What should we do?” Richter asked.
The group had a long pause before Ness came with a suggestion. “You wanna go mess with Wario?" 
Villager smiled and pulled out a basket of eggs while the rest of the group grinned.
"I’ll take that as a resounding yes.” Ness grinned.
“Last one there is a mean old Tom Nook!” Inkling Girl shouted, running off. The other four followed in pursuit. Though Villager did have a small sweat drop hearing Tom Nook’s name.
253 notes · View notes
starwriter22 · 6 years
Fearful of Love // Pt. 7
Word Count: 2.1k
Rating: Romance/Angst 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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“You know you’re in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr Suess
(~Thursday, November 27th~)
*message received*
Taehyung: Psst
Taehyung: Are you out of class yet?? – Received 5:24pm
“Just go, ditch me for your boyfriend I’ll be alright.”
My small smile turned into a frown as I turned to Jungkook, “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Okay let me rephrase, go ditch me for your soon-to-be boyfriend.” Jungkook said with a smirk that only grew as I glared at him. “I can hang out with Jimin anyways.”
“You’ve been getting along pretty well with Jimin.” I noted, walking down the hall towards the exit of the school.
Jungkook shrugged, rolling his eyes as I eyed him curiously. “He’s pretty cool. When we hang out he shows me dance routines and stuff. He’s actually a really good dancer…and singer…he’s really damn talented.”
“You’re a good singer and dancer too.” I noted, “I wish you could’ve just gone to school for performing arts like you wanted to.”
“My parents don’t want me to waste my time trying to become an idol, you know that. It’s why they refused to pay for my tuition to get into the school I really wanted to go to.” Jungkook said, voice free of any emotion. “Like they said, ‘knowing how to sing and prance around on a stage doesn’t get you a job in the real world’ so I just came here like they wanted me to.”
I sighed, halting my walking before giving him a hug. He froze completely, obviously shocked from my unusual actions. “Right about now is usually when you hug someone back.”
“You’re hugging me…you don’t hug people, what is Taehyung doing to you?” Jungkook asked, looking down at me and smiling. “I like it.”
“Just shut up and accept the hug before I regret my decision.” I said, hugging him tighter as he wrapped his arms around me.
There were a million things I would have said in that moment. ‘I’m sorry’, ‘please follow your dreams’, ‘your parents are assholes, etc. But I didn’t say anything, because although I would love nothing more than for Jungkook to become a singer, I understood that reality got in the way. Being a singer that nobody knew doesn’t pay the bills and keep your refrigerator full, unfortunately.
“I’m going to see if Jimin wants to hang out, have fun with your not-boyfriend alright?” Jungkook said once he pulled away.
I nodded, about to walk in the opposite direction once we finally reached the exit, but I stopped myself. Turning to Jungkook, “Hey…just so you know, I think you would make it as a singer. You’d be the singer everyone looked up to and wished they could be as talented as, and girls would scream ‘Jungkook notice me!’ every time you went somewhere.” I said, watching as he laughed and shinned that smile that assured me his mood was higher.
“Thanks, if I do ever become a singer I’ll get you tickets to my first concert.”
“And backstage passes?”
“Of course, you’d hang out with me before the show and listen to soundcheck to tell me if I sound shit or not.” He said, and I smiled.
“I’m holding you to that Jeon Jungkook!” I yelled as he began to walk away, laughing as he waved his hand.
Once I turned around and started walking away, I pulled my phone back out.
Yep! Why do you ask? – Sent 5:35pm
Taehyung: Want to join me for lunch? Jimin refuses to leave the practice room and I’m dying of hunger – Received 5:37pm
Dying? Lol. Where should we meet? – Sent 5:38pm
Taehyung: There’s a really great pizza place not too far from here, but we’d have to take the train. Would you be up for it? –Received 5:39pm
Why not. I’ll meet you at the train station? – Sent 5:40pm
Taehyung: Okay! – Received 5:41pm
I hated the mixture of feelings that swirled in my chest every time I hung out, talked to, or just spent time with Taehyung. The most dominant being a strong overwhelming feeling of fear and wanting to run away as quickly as I could. But another feeling accompanied this as well, a feeling of excitement and giddiness?
I didn’t know which feelings were more dominant at the moment, but as I stood near the entrance of the metro my hands began to feel clammy. My heart began to beat faster just at the thought of seeing him again. That adorable grin, cute laugh, and- stop you’re just going to get pizza as friends.
It took fifteen minutes for Taehyung to finally show up, his eyes scanning the busy sidewalk. He didn’t spot me until I stood on my tip tops and waved my hands, and I couldn’t help the heat that warmed my body as he grinned at my stupid looking action.
“Hey I hope you weren’t waiting long.” He said, signaling me to follow him down the stairs to the train.
I shook my head, “Nope. I could wait forever for pizza.”
Taehyung laughed, “Just for pizza? What about me?”
“Eh you’re alright.” I said, grinning as he feigned offense.
“I’m awesome! Have you heard my jokes?” He asked, letting me step onto the subway cart first before he stepped on. The both of us grabbing onto the metal bar above our heads before the cart jerked forward.
“I guess they’re impressive, but pizza Taehyung. Puns don’t satisfy an appetite.” I noted, watching as he pouted.
“Okay you’ve got me on that one.” He said, and I smiled reaching up and lightly poking his nose.
“Don’t’ worry, you’re pretty awesome too. Not better than pizza, but you’re pretty high up there.”
He smiled, opening his mouth to speak until the subway came to an abrupt stop, a few people  behind me taken by surprise and bumping into my back, causing me to crash into Taehyung’s chest. My eyes widened as he wrapped an arm around me to keep from falling, laughter leaving his lips.
“You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would think fate was trying to keep us close to each other or something.” Taehyung said, before the train doors opened.
Just friends, just friends, just friends.
“Please tell me this is our stop.” I mumbled, scooting closer to him as people bumped into us in their attempts to get out of the packed train car.
“We have two more stops…sorry.” Taehyung said, sending me an apologetic smile.
After letting go of Taehyung and holding on tighter to the metal bar above us so the incident didn’t happen again, two stops later we were finally getting off. The incident still left me a bit shaken as we walked from the underground onto the busy sidewalk. Why did I agree to this again?
“I feel like I’m going to lose you.” Taehyung said, slowly down his walking so I could be by his side again, “You’ve lived in Seoul for a while…are you not use to crowds?”
“I lived in a calmer part of Seoul.” I explained, “And if we did come to a busier area my parents always went around the time everything was calmer, since I always got lost when it was busy.”
“Sheesh.” Taehyung said, laughing as he led me into the pizza shop, “I’m going to have to keep you close then, huh?”
“It’s okay, I’m sure I could find my way back if I got lost.” I said as we sat down.
It wasn’t until we ordered the pizza and our drinks that Taehyung piped up again, pulling out his phone and headphones. “I forgot to tell you, I finished the song! Do you want to hear it?”
“Of course I want to hear it!”
He moved from his side of the booth to mine, plugging the headphones into his phone. “You aren’t the first person to hear it, I hope you don’t mind?”
“It’s fine.” I laughed, but my laughter stopped short as he lifted the headphones and gently placed them in my ears. His face was close, fingers brushing against my cheek in the process of fixing the headphones and causing my heart to stop in my chest.
Finally he moved away, allowing my heart to beat again, and his gaze went back to his phone as he played the song.
Namjoon’s voice came first, and I found myself impressed with his rapping. A small smile grew on my lips as Taehyung’s voice began to sing the chorus, and another voice as well that I couldn’t recognize.
Yoongi’s voice began to softly rap before the chorus managed to become even more beautiful with a high note, eventually creating a perfect ending for the song.
When I took my headphones out of my ears and looked up I met Taehyung’s gaze, who was trying to stay calm but it was obvious he was nervous.
“It’s really good!” I said, and relief visibly washed over him as a smile grew on his lips. “What did your teacher say?”
“She really liked it.” Taehyung said, and I grinned.
“That’s great! If she liked it than why did you seem so nervous while I was listening to it?” I asked, passing the headphones back to him.
“I don’t know.” He said, wrapping his headphones around his phone before putting it on the table. “I really wanted you to like it.”
“Oh.” I said softly, just before the pizza came and Taehyung moved back to his spot across from me.
It didn’t take long to finish the pizza, the both of us deciding to split the check before heading back to the subway, making our way back to campus. The walk was surprisingly quiet, so quiet I found myself speaking up to break it.
“Who else was in the song?” I blurted out, earning a confused look from Taehyung. “I mean…there were two other voices I didn’t recognize.”
“Jimin and his upper classman Hoseok.” Taehyung explained, chuckling as he saw my semi-flustered state. “Jimin did a great job and Hoseok rap was basically written on the spot.”
“Wow.” I said, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion as I felt a brush against my hand. “That’s really awesome.”
Taehyung hummed in response and silence came again. I began to seep into my thoughts until, yet again, I felt that brush against my hand. The touch so distracting I couldn’t focus on anything else.
My eyes traveled to our hands, my cheeks beginning to burn as I saw just how close they were, and for some reason I felt the strongest urge to hold his hand. I didn’t know why (well…I did….I just refused to acknowledge the fact.”
I lifted my gaze to look at where I was going and my fingers twitched as I continued to contemplate my actions. It’s just hand holding, right? Besides we’re not too far from campus. Five minutes away tops, it’s not like I’ll be holding his hand for long…right?
My hand gingerly slipped into his, my heart beating just a little faster as I felt his fingers slip in between mine. I snuck a peek at his expression, surprised to find he looked so calm. How? I was practically dying from the small act.
I didn’t miss the small smile that curled on his lips before I turned away, trying to regulate my breathing. It was so hard, trying to place just how I felt in that moment, I wanted to tear my hand away and never do it again, but it felt so nice. The heat of his hand keeping mine warm, the way his fingers seemed to fit perfectly in between mine.
Flashbacks to that morning in the studio and just a week before when I woke up on his chest began to run through my mind, and I started struggling to keep myself together even more. I was freaking out on the inside and I just hoped it wasn’t showing on the outside.
Oh my god I think I’m going to die…
A silent sigh of relief left my lips as we finally made it to the dorms, the pressure on my chest lifting completely as our hands detached. But that aching in my heart due to the lost warmth in my hand making the action bittersweet.
“Thank you for coming with me.” Taehyung said, his adorable smile shinning, “Even though you just came for the pizza.”
“No problem, I had fun.” I said, rocking on my heels and trying desperately not to just run away. “I’ll text you later?”
Taehyung nodded, and we both said our goodbyes before I nearly ran to my dorm. Bouncing on my bed and trying to calm my racing heart once I made it inside.
That night when I tried to fall asleep, I couldn’t, the day with Taehyung continuing to play in my mind. The feeling of his warmth in my hands carved into my mind.
I didn’t go to bed until 3am that night, that was when I could finally sleep and calm my fast beating heart that wouldn’t stop due to my mind being filled with panic and bliss.
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alicemoonwonderland · 7 years
The Thief’s Jewel - Part One
This is a collab between @bofurluvinkili and me based on the headcanons she thought up with her friend Charlie. The whole story has already been posted on Ao3 but seeing I am updating both websites, I am posting it here too. It is a 12-chapter story. Bofurluvinkili was in charge of Jaida, and I did Nori and other characters when needed. 
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12]
Fandom: The Hobbit Pairing: Nori x Jaida (Orignal Fem!Character) Rating: NSFW for later chapters
Tagging: @atlerion @themissimmortal(let me know if you want to be tagged)
Nori traced over the door’s intricate carvings with his fingers. Symbols, runes, patterns; each one dictating what or who lay beyond.
He scoffed at the soft jingle from a bell that sounded when he entered.
The shop was decorated delicately, with calming colors and simple furniture. There were numerous plants, and soft lighting. The tranquil atmosphere made him highly uncomfortable. Every inch of him itching, preparing for anything unexpected.
Normally, Nori wouldn’t be caught dead in such a place. But he felt guilty since it was Dori’s tea shop, and he hadn’t visited to see the finished product; not even before it opened. Actually, the poor dwarf didn’t see much of the company since they reclaimed Erebor less than a year ago. There were so many people coming and going; Elves, men, and dwarves returning home. So much moving and rebuilding, and he had to be everywhere at once.
Keep the peace, and protect. Know these halls like you know yourself. Any potential threats, take them out, and keep me informed. These were the duties assigned to him by the King, Thorin Oakenshield.
He smirked when he saw his brother at the counter, crossing his arms behind his head as he approached.
“Oi! Dori!”
The oldest Ri brother lifted his head and a look of worry crossed his face. “What happened?”
Nori shrugged. “Twas bored.”
“Then why did you come here?” Dori grumbled irritably.
“What, I can’t come see the shop?” He asked innocently.
“You? No. No you can’t. You’re just looking for trouble so you best go and find it somewhere else. We are far too busy for this today.” He pushed past his sibling before an idea hit him. “Though you know, you did come at an opportune moment. We are out of a few supplies. You can escort Jaida to the markets.”
“Wait, what? Escort? Who the bloody hell is Jaida?” Nori snorted.
Dori waved his hand. “My dear little helper. I certainly can’t send her by herself! Jaida!” He bellowed.
Nori’s heart skipped a beat as the sweetest voice in all of Arda called back. Then he swallowed a gasp when she stepped out of the kitchen.
She was stunning. Her hair almost black and it reached her waist. It was pulled up in a few simple braids, just to keep it out of her face. So soft and silky looking, he wanted to run his fingers through it. Her smoky gray eyes made him feel as though he could get lost in them forever. She wasn’t the plumpest dwarrowdam he’d seen. But she had curves for days, and it drove him crazy.
“Jaida this is my brother, Nori. He’s going to see you safely to the market and back. If he doesn’t mind of course.” He faked a smile as he turned to his brother.
Nori stared at her, his heart beating so fast. His mouth dry and his fingers twitched. Where in Mahal's name had this lovely creature been hiding? "My lady, it will be my utmost honor to be your escort today." He gave her a flamboyant bow, took her hand and kissed her knuckles. Smiling oh so charmingly at her. "Jaida, a lovely name for a lovelier dwarrowdam."
Dori’s face dropped so much. Into the most disgusted look. Opening his mouth but shaking his head. If Nori wanted to play with that fire, fine. He was too old for this. He stepped back and handed Jaida a list. "Escort." He hissed. Making a disapproving sound and walking away.
Jaida nodded to Dori, looking a bit confused between the two. But blushing at Nori's actions. Wow his hair.
"What! I am an escort! I'm the best escort in the mountain! Sheesh. Get that broom out of your arse brother." Nori smirked cheeky and placed the lady's hand on his arm. "You're ready, ma'am?" He spoke smoothly.
She blushed a bit more, but gripped onto his arm. Stepping a bit closer to him as well as she smiled up at him. "Yes I am ready. Master Nori."
"Oooh. Hear that brother? She calls me Master. At least someone has respect for me here." He drawled with another smirk, quickly guiding her out of the shop before his brother could strangle him. "So, how do you do, m'lady?" He asked her friendly.
She giggled furiously, pushing her hair behind her ear. Starting to look around as they walked. "I am well today. Happy it is almost the weekend. And how about you?'
"More than perfect now that I'm in the company of such a lovely young lady." He smiled at her. "I hope my brother treats you well. Or I'll smack him for you."
She shook her head amused. "That is bold master Nori. Do you talk to all the dwarrowdams this way?"
"No. Only to the truly lovely one that is you." He winked at her. "Have you worked long in my brother's shop?"
She bit her lip a bit. Trying to remind herself that he was just being a sweet talker. He didn't mean it. "I have worked here since it opened yes. Or shortly after."
"By Mahal. If I had known you worked there, I would have visited sooner." He watched her curiously, his eyes falling on her lip. Oh so soft and plum. He'd love to nibble on it. "What does my brother wish for us to get?"
“You should visit because it is your brother’s shop. Not because there is another dwarf in which you wish to flirt with." She said softly. Keeping her eyes from him. "We need a few types of tea that we have run out of."
"You heard my brother. I'm not really welcome there." Nori shrugged casually, his face neutral. "Mmm. Well. I'm not as strong as Dori but I can do some heavy lifting with ease."
"I heard him say you were there to cause nothing but trouble. I'm sure he'd love to have his brother visit more. Ori always comes around after his shift in the library." She hummed as she turned them. Moving towards the necessary shop.
"Because I'm trouble! I cannot help myself. I cause trouble in the hope that grumpy old man smiles more. And Ori is the sweet one." Nori's face was blank as he followed her.
"Mm. I'm sure he secretly loves some trouble. But I'm sure he worries what would happen if he wasn't here. You would be the one to have to look out for Ori. And you can't very well do that if you get into too much trouble." She said softly. Glancing at him for a moment. Big mistake. Goodness his hair. She shook herself from it and moved to start gathering the tea they needed.
Nori became so quiet, staring at her with bit of wide eyes. A lazy smile appeared on his face. A girl with brains, who says more than others. He loved that. "I'll always watch over Ori." Like he has always watched over his brothers.
"I am sure you will. And he knows that too. Which is another reason why he gets grumpy. I'm sure some of the trouble you cause has been for the sake of your family. And thus he knows it is just. And it goes against his standard morals." She started pulling a few boxes off of the shelves and stacking them.
"You're a sharp little thing. Me likey." Nori purred softly as he took the boxes from her, carrying them with ease. "Any relaxing tea here. Mahal knows Dori needs it." He snickered.
She felt goosebumps appear on her skin. That purr should be illegal. He was nothing but trouble. Said it himself. You're smarter than this Jaida. "I am sure the relaxing tea goes straight home." She drawled amused as she walked past him.
"Heck yeah. Is there also something like 'happy tea'? He needs a heavy dose of that too. I know that there is pipe weed that makes a person...giddy." He gave her a smirk as he watched her. Oh that ass.
She rolled her eyes with a soft sigh. Moving the stack of boxes towards the register to pay. She needed to get away from that one and fast. Who did he take her for?
He picked up the boxes again. "So, m'lady, tell me more about yourself." He asked her curiously. He was the spymaster and he didn't know her. He needed to remedy that.
She grumbled a bit as she moved to the door after bowing to the shopkeeper. Holding the door open for Nori as he stepped out. "Why?"
"Thank you." He smiled a real smile at her. "Because I wish to get to know you."
"Well sir. I prefer to stay out of trouble thank you." She said calmly. Walking next to him as she looked ahead.
"There are all kinds of trouble, many of them aren't bad. But if you don't wish to, I'll make sure trouble never comes your way." He chuckled softly as he watched her. Feisty little thing.
"By the way that Mister Dori acted, I would assume you don’t know trouble that isn’t bad." Persistent little thing. She didn't go so long by herself to fall for a playboy.
"You know Dori. Always exaggerating and makes things seem worse than they are." Nori shrugged lightly, whistling a happy tune.
She just hummed her response, holding her hands behind her as she just focused on watching the path. Ugh why was Doris shop suddenly so far away?
"What are your favorite gems?" He asked her suddenly, tilting his head.
I knew dwarves were stubborn but can you not find someone else to entertain your trouble fantasies?" She said quietly, wrapping her arms around herself.
"Jaida. I'm not here to cause you trouble. I'm just helping you out, making conversation and maybe...I don't know...become friends." He whispered to her as he frowned.
"And how many have you said that to? Or am I fun because I'm a challenge and I don't just fall at your feet from your sweet talking? I'm not a toy." She whispered harshly.
"Wow wow. My apologies lady that I make you think like that. No. You're not a toy at all. And ask my brother. I never ask someone to be my friend." Nori spoke honestly as he watched her.
"So I am supposed to be ok with all the toys you've had before? The way you've acted before just because you asked to be my friend?"
His face fell. "I am who I am. I haven't had toys." He spoke calmly, his back straightening. "Yes I like causing mischief and fun. Sue me." A hard tone appeared in his voice. He had gone through hell and back. He countered the darkness by being a fool and cause trouble. It made people smile.
She chewed on the inside of her cheek. She'd never felt so rude and defensive against someone before. She held herself tighter at the changing tone in his voice. "Ok. Then why am I so special?"
"Because you've fire and spunk. And wit. I like that." He shrugged softly. "You call me out on my bollocks."
"So the fact that I've done nothing but be rude to you since the moment we met, is the reason why you are 'attracted' to me?" She drawled out, quirking an eyebrow at him.
He tilted his head. "Yeah. I guess. Don't ask for logical things. You've the wrong brother for that." He smiled at her.
She giggled softly. "Obviously. Then we've come to an arrangement. You won't like me long because typically I'm softer than Ori."
"Softer than Ori? Are you made of feathers, silk and kittens? That's the only way you can be softer than my little brother."
She shrugged. "I might be. But I'll still win if I fight you."
"Oh I don't doubt that for a second. dwarrowdams are fierce!" He shuddered as he remembered his Ma.
"I guess you'll just have to figure out a way to get me to let you find out what it is I'm made out of." She purred softly. Giggling to herself as she stepped up to the tea shop.
Nori blinked rapidly as his step faltered, almost dropping the boxes and swearing a blue streak as he stumbled into the tea shop. That little minx.
"Problem, Master Nori?" She looked so innocent at him. Pushing her braid over her shoulder as she walked past him.
He grumbled as he wanted to pull her close, pull her head back by her braid and kiss that cheeky mouth. "Oh. I'm perfect." He purred roughly.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head amused. "Oh. Excuse me." She murmured as she acted like she needed to move past him again. Squeezing between him and a table and brushing her chest over his arm. Moving for a stray cup left out.
"Trouble. Trouble with a pretty smile." He smirked wolfish as he stared at her. Heart beating faster. "Where do you want me to put this?"
"Oh sir, if you cannot find the hole yourself then we are in more trouble than I thought." She murmured with a soft smirk of her own.
"Oh my lady, I'm sure I can find the hole just fine when it matters." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. Carrying the boxes to the back.
She shook her head amused. The faintest of smiles on her face. She waited for him to come back out and gave him a curtsy. "Goodbye Master Nori." She said softly. Turning and moving for the kitchen.
"Good day, Mistress Jaida." He bowed deeply to her, a cheeky smile on his face as he watched her. He waited for her to get into the kitchen and started to look for his brother.
Dori watched the scene unfold, all but hiding in the corner as he cleaned some dishes. Practically scowling at his younger brother. He was too old for this kind of stress.
"Oh don't look at me like that. I've behaved. As much as I can." He shook his head amused as he crossed his arms. "I'll be coming over every few days to escort the lady to get new supplies."
Doris eyes widened a bit and he puffed up. Huffing softly. "You're a damn fool Nori. And I want no part of this. You do what you want." He waved his hands in surrender.
"Damn fool? Why? Sheesh. I'm just trying to help here." Nori grumbled confused and a bit agitated.
"You're messing with fire and you're going to get burned. But fine. At least I get an escort out of it. Thanks for getting the tea." He said reluctantly.
Messing with fire?....weird. "You're welcome, brother. It's nice to help out at times." Nori shrugged. "Anything else you need?"
"No. Actually. The shops dying down now and we'll be cleaning up. Go on home and bathe so Ori and I can this evening as well." He said calmly, drying his hands off.
"Sure thing, brother. You want me to get some stuff for dinner or do we have everything?" Nori asked softy. Decided to be not such a pain today.
Dori grumbled a bit as he quirked an eyebrow. Something was so not right with his brother. "Get some bread if you don't mind."
"Sure thing! See you later brother. Be safe." He nodded to him and walked away, whistling a tune. He didn’t give a rat’s ass about Dori’s tea. Ok, that isn’t entirely true. But he’d never admit it. He’d sooner admit to how much he wanted to see that dwarrowdam again. Which he’d rather grab a pair of scissors and cut his hair.
For now.
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