#write off wednesdays
ro-sham-no · 25 days
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give unto caesar (give unto me), a poem by me.
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campbyler · 2 months
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i fear will byers is never beating the clothing thief allegations
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teencopandthesourwolf · 7 months
"I'll text Stiles," Scott says, grabbing his backpack. "Then I'm gonna go see Allison.”
When Scott turns back around, Derek's lips are a thin line and they are the only part of him that moves when he asks, through his teeth, "Are you going to talk to her, too?”
Scott just squints. Because—huh? 
"Derek, what do you mean, am I going to talk to her, too?” He narrows his eyes even more, suspicious. “Why else would I be going to see Allison, if not to talk to her? I don't just, like, watch her from afar like some creeper, you know." 
Scott isn't about to admit that he has, embarrassingly, done just that on occasion. Alright, occasions, plural—but only once or twice! Five or six times, tops. And only ever when he thought Allison was, or could possibly be, in danger. It's not weird, though. It's not! It's noble, okay? It just sounds weird when you say it out loud. Even if he hasn't actually said it out loud. Well, at least not just now anyways; he's said it in front of the mirror a couple times and it turns out your reflection can be pretty hurtful and judgemental which, honestly, is a little upsetting.  
Just as Scott realises that Derek must know he just told a lie—half-lie!—the Alpha's face does a thing that Scott has never seen it do before. Ever. The dude looks almost… Human. 
And, what the hell? 
Derek clears his throat and shifts his weight from one foot to the other and worries at his bottom lip a bit and now Scott is feeling anxious because who is this guy? And what has he done with Derek ‘I Will Never Give A Single Thing Away About Myself Ever Other Than The Fact I Am Eternally Pissed’ Hale? (that's one of Stiles's). 
Just the possibility of Derek ‘Emotionally Open and Vulnerable’ Hale is, like—it's just way too much for Scott to handle on a Sunday morning when he's supposed to be at the veterinary surgery in less than fourteen minute's time and has to somehow manage fitting in seeing Allison on the way.
But it seems Scott is also too nosy to just move on from this and let sleeping dogs lie. And both of those things are really annoying because strange old phrases and being overly curious is usually a Stiles thing, not a Scott thing, so Scott really doesn't know what he's supposed to do! 
What Would Stiles Do?
"Um, Derek, have you been—"
"Firstly, McCall, following somebody around and watching them from a distance is not creepy if you think that they need to be tailed for their own safety, alright?" Derek starts and—well.
Scott actually genuinely likes Derek, for just a moment, because he knew he'd been right about that! He gives himself an internal high-five and an imaginary congratulatory pat on the back because being kind to yourself is never a bad option. Unfortunately, Scott now also has to admit to himself that it does, in fact, sound weird when you say it out loud. Or, well, think it out loud. Whatever, he knows what he means.
He realises that Derek is still speaking.
"...because Stiles is human and also the biggest danger-magnet in the pack, so it makes sense that one of us should be keeping tabs on him. Thirdly, I—“ 
“Someone, Derek!” Scott blurts, “I was going to ask if you've been creeping on someone!" he interrupts because—honestly, in the most way possible—what?! The hell?!
Scott is both stunned and annoyed at hearing that Derek has been following Stiles (hiding around dark corners and slinking about the place like a wolf ninja. Scott should know. Shut up.) 
Because Stiles! Is Scott's best friend! 
And, like, how long has he been doing this? And for what purpose, really? Because Derek's heart just skipped about twelve beats, never mind one, so reason number two was obviously at least a half-lie of his own. 
That's when Derek's mouth clacks audibly shut. 
Scott just stares. And he knows; there is more going on here than meets the eye.
Then it's obvious that Derek knows that Scott knows and then everybody is knowing and looking and looking and knowing and Scott just—he can't stand it, okay? He needs confirmation. He doesn't necessarily want it, but it's like his mom always says: Life's tough sometimes. 
Eventually, he manages to say, "Are you stalking Stiles, Derek?" and hopes to hell he's wrong because he now feels somewhere in between being affronted on his best friend's behalf, totally grossed-out because it's Derek, ugh, and maybe just a little bit amused. Or is it bemused? Possibly confused. Scott is definitely some of those words. 
And again, seriously, what the hell?  
Has Derek honestly been creeping on Stiles because he's concerned for Stiles's safety? And, if so, why? Like, does Derek even get concerned for humans? Or other wolves for that matter (apart from maybe his own betas which is probably only a biological thing anyway, Scott reckons). Does Derek care about anybody? At all? Dude doesn't even care about himself, Scott doesn't think.
Scott now tries his best to come up with another reason, any other possible reason, that someone might have to follow a person around, but he can't seem to land on—OH, GOD! DOES DEREK HAVE A CRUSH ON STILES? Oh, shit! Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! He can't. But he—nope. No! Because what. The actual. Hell! He just—no. No, no, no. He can't! Can he? Oh, my God, what if he does?! And if it is true... ew! Derek Hale crushing is just gross! And on Stiles?! Just, no. But also, why? And also-also, how the hell did Scott not notice something sooner?! 
And another thing: Did Scott somehow wake up this morning having somehow travelled in his sleep to one of those Affirmative Universe places that Stiles is always banging on about?
Man, Scott has, like, so many questions. 
Derek still hasn't said anything and is just standing opposite Scott with his stupid arms folded across his stupid chest with his stupid beard in his stupid loft looking really, really stupidly sheepish, and Scott thinks, yep.
Affirmative Universe. 
He doesn't know what to do and Stiles isn't here to ask, so he waves a confused (and maybe amused and bemused) arm in the air and says, “Derek, what the hell is going on? Have we travelled to an Affirmative Universe or something, because—”  
“Don't you mean Alternative Universe?”  
“—you never just, I don't know, don't throw something offensive or at least defensive back at me when I'm talking to you about Stiles. Or, you know, anybody else. Or anything else, come to think of it!”   
Derek now looks, for real, actually scared.
And Scott? Well, Scott is now officially terrified.  
His phone starts ringing and, as it's already in his hand, he just answers it without looking, eyes still fixed on Derek The Imposter. 
“Yooooo, amigo, what's the plan?” 
It's Stiles. Of course it's Stiles. 
Stiles is on the phone and Derek Hale might-probably-definitely have a crush on him, and Scott may or may not be in an Affirmative Universe but can't know for sure and can no longer speak or think or breathe.
“Uh, Scottie? Scottland? Sir Scott-A-Lot? You there, ol’buddy, ol’pal?” 
Derek can obviously hear who is on the other end of the phone. He looks positively constipated, his brows knitting together even tighter than before, tighter than ever before, and his lethal jaw is ticking away like it's being controlled by the World Clock in Berlin that Scott learned about in middle school.
Scott sighs, heavy, like he's seventy years old instead of seventeen.
Derek is now giving his best version of Scott's own speciality Puppy Dog Eyes (something Stiles and Allison always accuse him of), with a definite flavour of please, don't tell…
And Scott wants to cry. Like a baby. Like, throw himself onto the floor and scream and shout and kick his feet in the air. 
Instead, he grits his teeth together like the mature person he is, feeling very firmly smooshed between a best friend-shaped rock and a werewolf-scented hard place. 
Ugh, his life is just so unfair!
He mouths YOU OWE ME to Derek, and Derek's whole body visibly sags with relief. 
Then he takes a deep breath and answers Stiles—who is now chanting ScottieScottieScottieScottieScottieScottieScottie down the phone—with, “Dude, shut up and listen, will you! I think we might have a very real problem with Affirmative Universes!”
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cirque-dhomosexual · 15 days
Hey um? So you wavier (and other ship of the guy I can't remember) fans (if you exist???) Yall do realize if Netflix had an issue with the content of the book they would've a) not have employed the author or b) made them rewrite it, right? Like, are yall aware of the editorial and commission process????
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wikiangela · 3 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @tizniz @strandfirefly 💖
I said I'm not starting new wips at least until the 7x10 fic is done but.... I started a new wip 🙈 I shared some of it yesterday for the wip tag game, but I wrote some more lol
And so he gets up, taking deep breaths, trying to appear as normal as possible, and just as he’s about to take a step away from the bed, Tommy’s hand shoots up and wraps around Buck’s wrist loosely, from where he’s still spread out on the bed, now propping himself up on his elbow.
“Baby, you okay?” he asks, and Buck looks at him, sees the worry in his eyes, the small crease between his eyebrows, as he’s looking Buck up and down looking for any sign of something being wrong. Shit. It’s annoying sometimes, how quickly he became so well-attuned to Buck, how he knows him so well, and he’s so damn perceptive. Sometimes it’s adorable, and hot, and fills Buck with so much affection. Right now, it’s a nuisance. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” Buck smiles. Or, he tries, because at that moment he tries to step away again, and a searing jolt of pain shoots down his leg again, and he releases a breath that sounds like he was punched in the gut.
“Yeah, you’re clearly not fine.” Tommy raises an eyebrow, but his eyes are still full of concern. He tugs on Buck’s wrist lightly. “Come back here,” he pats the space on the bed Buck just vacated, and it’s so tempting, and he’s in pain, and he just wants to sit back down. But he’s also stubborn, and he decided that he’s fine and that he doesn’t want Tommy to worry for no reason.
no pressure tags: @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @diazpatcher @monsterrae1 @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @bucks-daddy-issues @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @daffi-990 @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @loveyouanyway @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @kinard-buckley @evansboyfriend @bucked-it-up @bidisasterevankinard @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @weewootruck
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becca-e-barnes · 9 months
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As a romantic, sentimental shit, I decided to add a little spin off to the Moving In series.
While I'm not a huge fan of Christmas, Christmas Eve always felt really special to me. Christmas Eve traditions in our family have changed a lot over the years but I'm really excited to start my own! I've been trying to imagine what my perfect Christmas Eve would be like next year and it'd be pretty damn close to this.
If you celebrate it, have a lovely Christmas tomorrow! If you don't, I hope you have a wonderful day!
There's no way to keep the cat off the twinkling fairy lights on the tree. You've tried every trick the internet could offer but nothing stops her; except her own sleepiness.
After a long afternoon fighting the lights (and losing), she's curled up in the armchair, peacefully sleeping.
The tree is safe.
For now.
"Your fluffy murderer is asleep." Bucky hums contentedly, pulling you impossibly closer to him on the sofa.
"Good." It's about time. Even the TV playing Olaf's Frozen Adventure doesn't seem to be disturbing her and she loves that movie.
You're surprised the heat hasn't knocked Bucky out yet. Between your body heat, the matching pyjamas you're both wearing and the glowing embers of the fire, you're surprised he's not asleep too.
"What's Santa bringing tomorrow?" Bucky teases, running his hand from your hip to your waist, slipping his hand under you top and letting it rest there.
"I don't know! Hopefully the stand mixer I asked for... Maybe some baking supplies... Some cat treats maybe." You smile at the thought and feel Bucky laughing against your back.
"That cat of yours has not made it onto the Nice List, sweetheart. No chance. Santa won't be visiting her." His lips are curled into a smile as they drift from your collar, up the back of your neck.
"She's been good the rest of the year. She's only been naughty since I put the tree up." You feel like you have to protest on her behalf, even though you know Santa will be bringing her plenty of cat treats.
"So there's hope for you too then if that's how Santa works. If he excuses short bursts of naughtiness, you might still make it." His hand trails its way back to your hip, slipping just under the waistband of your pyjama shorts.
"I've been good this year and you know it!" You tease, pressing your ass back against him.
"Oh see no, this is naughty." Bucky corrects you, kissing your neck with a little more pressure.
"I don't think so. You seem to like it so this is me being nice." You wiggle your ass against the front of his pyjamas, enjoying the evidence of his interest.
"Don't argue sweetheart, that'll put you firmly on the Naughty List." He knows you hate reasoning like that.
"Well, if you've been so good this year, what's Santa bringing you?"
There's a short pause but the kissing over your neck doesn't stop.
"I don't know... I don't need anything." He didn't ask you for anything for that same reason. "I have everything I need here."
"That's gross. Grow up." You know he can't see the way that made you smile so you're free to affectionately bully him for saying it.
"You're so right." He laughs, somehow shuffling even closer to you.
"I'm sure if I got down on my hands and knees in front of the tree and looked right in at the back, I could find a gift with your name on it." You go back to rubbing your ass against his crotch, tempting him to escalate.
"Sweetheart, that view alone would be enough of a gift." He's got a special way of making you feel like a temptation, without ever objectifying you. God, he's wonderful. "But I want to see that pretty face. I want to lay you down under your tree and unwrap my gift properly."
"Unwrapping your gift early will put you on the Naughty List!" You try to feign disgust at the very suggestion but really, that's all you want.
"Then I'll be the happiest man on the damn Naughty List this year." He laughs, scooping you up and laying you down on the plush carpet.
"You're more of a terror than the cat." You giggle before his lips are pressed to yours, kissing you with an intensity you really quite enjoy. His tongue slips past your lips, rubbing against your own and it's almost dizzying to start so intensely.
Your fingertips dig into his broad, muscular back and shoulders. It's easy to let need cloud your brain and he doesn't seem to mind as he sheds his pyjama top.
"We aren't matching anymore." You smile, reaching for the bottom of your own top, pulling it off in one swift motion.
"Excuse me. You're unwrapping my present for me." Bucky pretends to be horrified but your decision has its perks. He's now got full access to your breasts and it's like Christmas came early for him.
He wastes no time, sucking and kissing and licking your breasts. His tongue flicks over your stiff nipples, enjoying the way the sensation makes you squeal and writhe under his mouth.
"Bucky... Please." You whine after a while, desperate for him to move on.
"Someone's needy." Bucky smiles, raising an eyebrow before he reaches down to remove the bottom half of your pyjama set.
Fuck, he's not wrong. His fingertips trail against your sex, checking to see whether you're as aroused as you sound and he's almost surprised to find you are.
"God, you're so wet. I'm going to make this pretty little pussy gush for me." He slips a thick finger into you, followed by a second and he's thrilled to realise you'll be able to take him already. He can take the edge off for you now and then take his sweet time licking his own load out of your fluttering cunt once he's given you what you need.
"Please." You whimper, noticing he's offered you nothing awfully useful. He hasn't curled his fingers to stroke your walls, he hasn't moved at all actually.
"I wanted to take my time with you." Bucky begins, removing his fingers and taking off his pyjama bottoms. "But that's not what you want right now, is it?"
You shake your head, giving in to your own desperation freely, knowing he'd want you to be honest.
"That's okay, sweetheart. Let's take good care of you." The residual heat of the fire warms your bare skin as Bucky arranges your thighs, settling himself between your legs.
"Good girl." Bucky hums, dragging his thick, bare cock through the evidence of your arousal, coating himself in the slick mess between your legs. "So pretty for me."
He watches the way your body accommodates him so willingly and your whines remind him not to keep you waiting.
His thick, leaking tip presses to your entrance and the feeling of him sliding into you is breathtaking. It always is.
Both of you stop breathing for a few short seconds until he's slid the whole way home, buried as deep inside you as your bodies will allow.
"Hey, look at me." Bucky whispers, holding the side of your face gently with one hand, making you realise you'd closed your eyes.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He begins to pull back slowly before pressing back in, setting a slow rhythm.
If feels wrong not to tell him the same. It's wrong not to tell him how wonderful you think he is. It's not fair to let the moment pass without mentioning that you love getting to do this with him and be vulnerable but still feel safe. You love having him in your space and spending time together and getting to enjoy these tender, intimate moments at the most random of times. But those aren't thoughts for now. Those are thoughts for when you're both fully satisfied and cuddling together, breathless and tired and entirely aglow on this same carpet later this evening.
That feels right.
"You are the most incredible man I've ever met." You reply instead, tugging gently on his soft, dark hair to pull him into a kiss.
You hear him groan against your lips, offering the same intensity as before. He speeds up his thrusts to match his mouth, sliding in and out of you with purpose and a delightful need to spill his release into you as he's coaxing yours from you.
"Play with yourself." His instruction is clear and driven by his own need. He needs to feel you cum before he can allow himself to do the same and his orgasm really seems to have snuck up on him.
Your hand slips between your bodies with a practiced ease, finding the little bundle of nerves between your legs, rubbing it in tight circles.
"Good girl. Fuck, I wish you knew how you feel. So wet and soft and warm." He hasn't taken his eyes off your face and that only lets you see how pleasure is evident all over his. He's almost overwhelmed and it's so lovely to watch.
"Fuck, I'm so close." You whine, begging him not to change a single thing. Not his pace, not his angle, nothing. This is perfect.
"Cum for me, sweetheart. Go ahead, I'm right behind you. I've got you."
The release is all consuming for a good few seconds, your body fluttering and twitching, milking Bucky's from him and he so willingly gives it to you. He groans gentle praises as he works both of you through your highs, taking every ounce of pleasure he can get from you while giving you as much as possible.
When your peak and his have both subsided, he slips out of you, giving himself a second to catch his breath.
"If you weren't on the Naughty List before, you definitely are now." You giggle, kissing his forehead repeatedly.
"I'm just getting started." He smiles, kissing your lips before moving down your body to kiss between your thighs.
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enidsinclajr · 4 months
i love violent enid ngl lol. like it just makes sense. have you seen her? when she went crazy on that bus I was like oh she's frl frl that girl has so much more to her!!! like I just think about all of the pent up anger she probably has from over the years like there is something brewing in her and i hope season 2 explores it more in some capacity like i need enid doing something that might even shock wednesday lol
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chaoticnerdsstuff · 2 years
There’s so many fics about Enid being Jealous when we all know that the Addams are canonically the jealous types
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lizhly-writes · 2 months
redacted for WIP Wednesday please
you got it!
The Peak Lords of An Ding and Bai Zhan were married.
Shang Qinghua did not write this. The barest hint of a thought had crossed his mind, when he had paired up Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge in a poorly-thought-out energy-drink-fueled fugue, but then he'd gotten distracted trying to figure out some historically-accurate energy drink equivalent, and well, that was that. Thought gone. Poof. Vanished.
Now, it had come back to haunt him.
Turned out, in Shizun's time, there had been a record number of disciples lost on standard supply trips. Obviously, An Ding needed further protection, and who better to do the protection than Bai Zhan? That was why the head disciples of that generation had been engaged.
It had turned out... weirdly well?
Shang Qinghua wasn't sure that Shizun was in love or anything like that, but he certainly liked the Peak Lord of Bai Zhan. That friendly and productive working relationship had echoed down into the disciples. The disciples were friends. An Ding disciples cheered on and supplied Bai Zhan disciples against different Peaks. Bai Zhan disciples chased down their sectmates for An Ding paperwork. You rarely saw an An Ding disciple wander around without a Bai Zhan disciple close by, and vice versa.
Even Shang Qinghua, who... was not great at making friends, had some random Bai Zhan disciple he didn't know stop in the middle of what they were doing to accompany him on some random errand. Shang Qinghua had felt oddly like some fainting maiden getting escorted by a chivalrous knight. It wasn't just him; this seemed to be how a significant portion of An Ding felt about Bai Zhan. A significant portion of that portion used it for romantic fuel.
In this sort of environment, it wouldn't be weird if the An Ding and Bai Zhan head disciples were engaged again. This was the common perception of pretty much all of the An Ding and Bai Zhan disciples, a lot of which... knew each other on a deeper level, let's say!
Which was why, even though Shang Qinghua knew he'd written a marriage to Yue Qingyuan, 60% of him expected Shizun to say, "You'll be engaged to Liu Qingge."
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lazorbeanz · 6 months
Late Night
Unbreakable Bond
Headcanons #3
🧡 During the times when he’s not busy or on missions, Tails has volunteered to help other kids in his area with their homework, especially maths. (one could say he’s a tutor lol) and they all love him (they’ve given him the name ‘the Fun Enstein,’ though Tails wonders if Sonic has been whispering in their ears), because he somehow manages to turn boring, stressful homework, with all its mountain load of impossible tasks, into a fun investigation, as he eagerly dives into the problem with them, breaking it up and solving it piece by piece until they can put those pieces together and get a complete answer. But it’s not just his teaching methods as to why they love him so much, but how he presents the task in front of them. He makes it not just a question on a page anymore, but rather an important mission, a thrilling adventure in their minds. He displays it to them in a way that will not only get their thinking caps on, but also make them just as excited to solve them, as tough as it may appear, because Tails wants them to know that every problem must and always has a solution…and that learning can be fun if you make it! The energy and enthusiasm he has radiates onto those while teaching, his giddiness and excitement over what they’re tryna solve spreads to them, realising that it can be fun, because he makes it look fun and easy and possible. He doesn’t push them or expect them to know right off the bat, if they have questions, he stops and listens, and will get them to use their “thinking caps,” providing small hints or information he gives out to see if they can solve it themselves. If they’re stuck or confused on something, he will go through it over and over, simplifying and carefully explaining it until they understand (he’s already used to doing that with a certain blue hedgehog)
Sometimes he will get so caught up in their work, he ends up doing a problem or 2 all by himself. He can’t help it though, it’s just out of instinct.
Many parents have come to Tails with questions as to why or how he is so good at what he does.
“When you love something with a burning passion…something that brings you so much joy, you will naturally have the ability to teach others, because you will end up finding joy in teaching them, and might just so happens to spread that joy to those you teach.” He replies
Because to him, this is his passion..this is the thing that brought him that joy. This was something that once brought him nothing but a series of bullying and mockery from his peers, now brings him a series of praise and compliments from those around him. This is the something that he can share to help others, whether it be to save the world, or to save a kid from failing their math class.
Whenever Tails thinks back on when people would bully him with names such as “Mr. know-It-All,” he shrugs…they were right, because being a genius means you know it ALL. And if there’s one thing he knows…
Is that he loves being a STEM nerd :)
💙 Sonic, for the life of him, cannot stay still for too long, and that makes sense..i mean he’s the fastest thing alive for crying out loud…he doesn’t stop moving. Even if it’s just a leg rapidly bobbing up and down, or finger tapping on a surface, or…the fidgeting…oh the dreaded fidgeting!!
And Tails completely understands his reasons for this behaviour…he knows his brother almost, if not, better than he knows himself sometimes, but BOY does it really begin to grind his gears when he begins to subconsciously start fiddling with something of Tails’ when he’s in the lab with him, or if they were eating out, he would pick up the cutlery and twirl it around in his fingers. Even if he has no item to hold Into, he will start tugging at the ends of his gloves. It’s like he has to hold or touch something…anything he can get his hands on.
Tails can’t complain too much though, as he also tends to do the same thing, but it’s almost as if Sonic’s is twice as annoying because it’s twice as frequent to happen. He’s even bought him an unruly amount of fidget spinners, all for them to have their fair share of tasting plaster, due to Sonic spinning them so fast, they’d spin right out his fingers, and straight through a wall.
So after multiple repairs and half tempted to remove the entire wall, he scratched that idea, leaving him sitting at his desk, finger tapping the surface in deep thought…finger tapping..oh no how he was doing it too! But that’s when he got the lightbulb, and began to use all that tapping energy in his fingers into rapidly typing on his keyboard.
Tails walks into Sonic’s bedroom, where he was sitting on his bed and to no surprise, fidgeting. He plonks down beside him, and hands him a tablet.
“I think you’ll enjoy it.” Was all he said, before getting up and making his exit.
Sonic stared at the tablet perplexed for a short moment before picking it up and looking at the screen, all he saw was a square button that said Start. He tapped it, and before he knew it, music began to play and multiple squares were appearing on the screen increasingly fast, but he managed to hit them before it was too late..if that was the game, he thought.
What was this Tails had just bestowed upon him? Soon enough he began to fall into the swing of things, hitting and swiping the split second a square would appear. He even changed the difficulty because it was too easy. This game…was just so…satisfying. His fingers have never felt so relieved. Even the music was catchy too. So he sat there for the rest of the day tapping away to the beat.
Tails was humming away as he tinkered about on his latest project. He then shot a side-eye to see his older brother, standing by his desk with the tablet he’d given him earlier. He looked up to face him, and when he did Sonic tossed the tablet at him. Looking down at it, Tails noticed there was a finger sized crack in the screen. He looked up at the hedgehog wide eyed. “How did you-”
“Fix it.” Sonic said, turned around and left.
Well I guess he enjoyed it then…
s/o to @mbrine for the inspo of these 2 hcs ☝️
🧡 Tails used to earn pocket money from Sonic for the little things he’d achieve when tagging along on his adventures, or if he was being a good boy and sonic decided to treat him.
Now, it’s Sonic earning pocket money from Tails…
Tails (mildy unenthusiastic): congratulations Sonic, you managed to put your laundry in the machine…here’s $1.50
💙 Sonic is fairly good at Tap and Irish dancing *cough cough happy feet sonic edition HACCK-*
🧡 Sonic takes pictures of funny or weird things and makes memes out of them to send to Tails
💙 Sonic and Tails are stargazing and Sonic points out a star.
“That’s a bright one.”
“That’s Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. It’s the brightest star in our night sky. Its name literally means “glowing” in Greek. Sirius has a high luminosity in comparison to other stars, and has a mass twice of that which the sun has. In fact, if you were to place Sirius next to the Sun, it would outshine the sun more than 20 times over…”
Sonic doesn’t even bother to fact check him as he’s probably right. All he’s thinking about now is whether his little brother has an IQ of 300 or 3000…
🧡 Sonic and Tails have a special handshake, and I mean a gumball and Darwin kinda handshake lmao
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WIP Wednesday!
Tagged by @sophiainspace thank you!
Not sure if this will be in the final draft or not... but here's something from Trophy!
Barry opened his eyes “No.” He looked around, taking in his new surroundings with a mounting horror. “No, no, no, no–” The events of earlier were coming back, shattering his entire world all over again, a world that was spinning before his eyes. “No, no, no, please–” He didn’t know who he was begging, the universe, the speedforce maybe– anyone who could undo what he couldn’t.
@negative-speedforce @vexic929 @shrinkthisviolet @i-hate-happy-endings @practically-an-x-man no pressure of course !
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I see people doing the whole “she asked for no pickles thing” with Wednesday speaking up for Enid, but I could see Enid being the one speaking up for Wednesday as a way to prevent her for stabbing the server for messing up her order.
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jessieren · 4 months
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Given Evans isn’t yet complying with the terms of his contract I’m all out of new HNW content
Luckily this is hotter* than any naked content…
*well ok, as hot… almost.
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bookinit02 · 11 months
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some byclair for your wednesday💗
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wikiangela · 4 months
wip wednesday thursday
tagged by @tizniz @bidisasterevankinard @spotsandsocks @hoodie-buck @weewootruck thank you 💖 tagging y'all back for friday lol
(I was so sure it's still Wednesday and only checked after I prepared the post so fuck it, posting it now lol)
don't look at me, I started another bucktommy wip 🙈 istg these two inspire me like no other ship ever has lmao the problem is i can't finish anything bc I constantly have new ideas
this one is inspired by mgk's song "twin flame" bc it was stuck in my head and it makes me think about the invisible string theory, and I'm a little insane about them clearly haha - I have most of the dialogue outlined so now I just gotta write the fic around it and hopefully it'll be done soon and I can get back to all the other ones lol I feel like for each writing game i post a snippet of something totally different 🙈
He’s so focused on admiring every little feature of his boyfriend’s face, thinking about how much he loves him and wants to spend forever with him, he startles when suddenly Tommy turns his head, his blue eyes on Buck now, smiling softly.
“You okay, baby?” he asks, a hint of concern audible.
“Yeah.” Buck smiles, his hand on Tommy’s chest tracing small patterns on his pec over the fabric of his t-shirt. “All good.”
“You sure? I’ve felt you stare at me for like ten minutes straight.” Tommy raises an eyebrow.
“Can’t I admire my hot pilot boyfriend for a minute?” Buck answers and adores the blush on Tommy’s cheeks, the sound of his laughter filling him with warmth and affection
no pressure tags for friday!: @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @diazpatcher @monsterrae1 @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @bucks-daddy-issues @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @fortheloveofbuddie @daffi-990 @aroeddiediaz @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @underwaterninja13 @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @dangerpronebuddie @loveyouanyway @theotherbuckley @diazsdimples @kinard-buckley @evansboyfriend @bucked-it-up
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carlos-tk · 4 months
wip wednesfriday
because what even is sticking to a schedule
here’s just some sentences from a meant to be finished fic that i’ll share pretty soon. probably when I decide to stop adding to it and actually send it off for beta 🫣
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Once or twice I think,” TK laughs.
“That many?”
“Yeah,” he grins, pretending to count an imaginary amount with his fingers. Mouthing each number silently as he does so, and getting all the way up to seven before Carlos is shoving him in the chest as protest.
“You’re not funny.”
“Some would disagree Carlitos.”
“Ugh!” he groans “I thought I told you stop calling me that when we’re in bed.”
thanks for all the tags and sorry it’s so late! tagging you all back for the next wip day 🫶🏼
@strandnreyes @tellmegoodbye @sznofthesticks @whatsintheboxmh @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
@alrightbuckaroo @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand @americansrequiems @fallout-mars
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