#writing stuff about moi
Me: “I should write more headcanons. It’s been a while!”
Also me: *only thinks about all 4 of them probably having some sort of a praise kink, and Raph and Donnie are the ones loving it the most*
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why is it the only idea I HAVE
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tsnbrainrot · 2 years
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helen-with-an-a · 3 months
Short but Mighty
Hi. So this is a request I got and I absolutely loved writing it. It's a little on the long side but I really hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, just imagine no one is injured in either team and it’s Arsenal not Chelsea against Barca in the UWCL this year. Another side note is that I am 5’6/5’7 so I don’t really have much of a frame of reference for being short/shorter but I hope I’ve done it justice 🩷
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: R is short and a little angry
Word Count: 4.8k
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“She’s so angry because her attitude has been compressed into that small body”
“Have you ever noticed that in every friend group, the shortest one is usually the craziest?”
“Short girls are mean because they are closer to hell”
“If you think she’s short, you should see her patience”
“The smaller the creature, the bolder its spirit”
“Like a chihuahua”
“And though she be but little, she is fierce”
You had heard it all. Even Shakespeare had commented on it. Every comment about short and angry people ever made – you had heard it all. But the thing was, you weren’t short. You were 5 foot 3 inches. 160cm. The average height for women in the UK – you would know; you googled it to make sure. But for some reason, every person on your team was a bloody giant – towering over you, making you look even shorter. Except for Aitana – she was the only one who truly understood your pain.
At first, it bothered you. Growing up, you were constantly being leant on by your friends or patted on the head; your coaches affectionately called you ‘short stuff’. It really, really pissed you off. You saw players on the field consider you a joke of an opponent as you stepped onto the field. So, you started to build muscle, lifting heavier, adjusting your diet, and altering your lifestyle as much as possible while remaining healthy. When you made your senior debut at just 17, you could lift well over 1.5 of your body weight. You also channelled that muscle into your speed, earning a reputation for being the fastest on the pitch. On paper, a defending midfielder of your height was laughable, but when the challengers on the pitch saw your name in the Starting XI, they would quake with fear.
Despite all the comments, they were right about your supposed anger. You don’t know whether it was you being unafraid to utilise your body on the pitch or something else entirely, but you were frequently topping the table with the number of yellow cards at the end of the season. Personally, you believed the refs had a vendetta against you; your reputation preceded you, so they felt it was necessary to uphold it – often giving you cards for something that would have been just a caution for anything else. You did pride yourself on never receiving a straight red (only double-yellows) – something that Lucy frequently reminded you; it wasn’t that impressive as many people didn’t receive straight reds. You weren’t an aggressive player by any means. As soon as that whistle went, you were the first to offer a helping hand. You had never injured anyone – ever. That was something else you were proud of. Whilst you often got yellows for the tackle, you never left any lasting marks. Were you physical? Yes. Were you aggressive? No.
It was the only thing people had spoken about in weeks. Arsenal vs. Barcelona in the Champions League semi-final. Walsh vs. Williamson; Russo, Lacasse and Blackstenius vs. Leon, Bronze and Batlle; Little vs. Putellas; Codina vs her old club; Paralluelo, Pina and Caldentey vs Wubben-Moy, Catley and Fox; Y/S/N vs. McCabe. That was the big one – two of the most carded players in their leagues battling it out for a chance to snatch the other’s chance of a Champions League title. Alexia had been pestering you since the draw was made about your behaviour. She wouldn’t hesitate to bench you if you were acting out. Her tactics were based on negative reinforcement. It hadn’t worked – all her threats, lectures, and pressures were rendered null because you knew how physical these matches would be. You knew Jona would put on the most physical players, at least to start with.
Lucy, on the other hand, relied on positive reinforcement. As your girlfriend, she was always in your corner, especially on the pitch when a card was lifted above your head. But she didn’t like how often you were suspended or how often your abilities were outshone by the number of yellows next to your name. Your technical prowess was often overlooked by commentators and fans because of the cards.
“You know,” Lucy started, her fingertips brushing your neck as she pulled your hair out of her way. You were standing at the kitchen counter, looking at a recipe on your phone as you planned out your tea.
“What do I know, gorgeous?” you teased, tilting your head up to look at her. Your hands came to rest on top of hers on your waist.
“I think we should set up a sticker chart system or something. What do you think?” She mused, starting an assault on your neck.
“N-no marks, my love,” you stuttered out automatically but leaning back into her body anyway.
“I know.” You could feel the grin against your skin. “But you didn’t answer my question, lovely.” She nipped at your earlobe gently.
“Stickers … what for?” You turned around in her arms, coming to look at her. She didn’t stop her attack, her strong hands coming to angle your head so she had more access to your jaw. You let your eyes slip closed, getting lost in the feeling of her mouth on you.
“As a way to … combat?... your little card problem.” That sobered you right up. You pushed her way and raised an unamused eyebrow at her.
“My card problem?” You snarked.
“Alexia has been on my arse about getting you to … calm down … during matches,” she explained, choosing her words carefully. She moved to put her hands back on your hips, but you stopped her with a hand on her chest.
“So, you went with a sticker chart?” you asked incredulously. “I’m not a child, Lucy.” You never called her Lucy unless you were angry at her; she was always ‘gorgeous’ or ‘my love’, just like you were always ‘lovely’ or ‘pretty girl’ to her.
“I know you’re not, pretty girl.” She cupped your face with her hand. “I think I phrased myself badly. I’m sorry.” Her thumb moved methodically against your cheek, an action that has always calmed you. “How about a little reward system?” She grinned cheekily at you as you narrowed your eyes. “For every match without a card, I’ll treat you?” She proposed.
“I don’t need a-” you started, still annoyed that your girlfriend and your captain felt it necessary to set up a system to manage your behaviour.
“Alexia has been on my arse about this for weeks. She’s serious about benching you, lovely.” She interrupted. You sighed. You were well aware of what Alexia considered unacceptable in the Barca team – and the number of yellow cards you received was one of them. “So, what do you think? I think it’s a win-win situation if you ask me. Alexia will finally back off and not be a minute away from a heart attack, and you get …” she paused, thinking of the right way to phrase it. “Whatever your heart desires.” You could see her reasoning. Judging by the vein in Alexia’s forehead, she wasn’t coping too well with the idea that you would face McCabe in a few weeks. And you get weekly treats if you avoid yellow cards.
“Whatever I want?” You double-checked. Lucy could see you were already agreeing to her idea.
“Whatever. You. Want. Pretty girl.” She punctuated each word with a kiss.
“So, if I wanted a fancy date night at that place in town?” Lucy wasn’t the biggest fan of dates where you had to dress up all fancy – she thought it wasn’t an accurate and complete representation of your relationship. She loved taking you to smaller, more casual restaurants where you could relax, order something to-go, or just cook a nicer meal at home. But Mapi had shown you a place she was planning to take Ingrid for their anniversary, and you had fallen in love – begging Lucy to go on a date there with you. What you didn’t know she was saving it for when she proposed – the ring hidden with her Euro medal buried in the depths of the cupboard in your spare room.
“Whatever you want.” She smiled at your shocked expression.
“Or if I wanted a spa day at home on our day off?” you asked, checking how far she would be willing to go. She would much rather do something on your day off to keep her body moving a little, whereas you would rather lounge on the couch, catching up on your show.
“Whatever you want.” She repeated, leaning down to kiss the corner of your mouth.
“Or…” you tried to think of something she would say no to. “If I asked you to put on my old United jersey? And take a photo in it? And post it on social media?” Your request was ridiculous, but you knew it was something she would never, ever say no to. You had played for United while she was at City, moving to Lyon together, where your relationship had budded into what it is now, before returning to your respective clubs. You were friends before Lyon, having played with each other on the England squad for years, but moving to the new city together had led to something magical. The rival was a constant joke between you, often tuning in to the Derby’s when your schedule allowed for it – her and Keira on one couch, you and Ona on the other – all clad in your particular colours and fighting for the right to brag.
“Whatever you want.” She sighed but loved the fact that it brought that big, wide grin of yours to your face.
“What about if I asked for control?” You wiggled your eyebrow and scanned her body appreciatively, indicating precisely what you hinted at. You could see her eyes flicker slightly, making you think you had found the thing she wouldn’t do as your reward. Lucy loved being in control, and you didn’t mind letting her do it. But occasionally, very, very occasionally, she handed over the ropes (figuratively and literally) to you.
“What. Ever. You. Want,” she said lowly, silencing any more of your questions with a passionate kiss.
This was it. The big day. The first leg of the Champions League semi-final. Arsenal vs. Barcelona. McCabe vs. Y/S/N. You had been good to your word – the reward system was working well. So far, Lucy had treated you to a day at the beach, a nice meal, a new set of lingerie, and a day trip with you to Tarragona on a day off. Four treats for your four matches without a yellow. It would have been more, but you picked up a yellow card during your match with Real Madrid. But this … this was your big test.
“Todas mantienen la cabeza,” Alexia said just before you all left the changing rooms. She said it to everyone, but you know it was aimed at you.
“What do you want your reward to be, pretty girl?” Lucy asked you as you performed your final pre-match ritual (a quick roll of deodorant, a pump of breath spray, and a spritz of perfume—you’re welcome, everyone on the field).
“Not sure, I’ve got an idea, but I might wait for the final for that one,” you winked cheekily at her, giving her an indication of what you were insinuating. She sighed, shaking her head at you.
“Later,” she promised as she guided you into the tunnel.
This match was not going to plan for you. Ona and Pina had already picked up yellows for dissent, and you were only 30 minutes into the match. You were on your best behaviour – even going so far as not to tackle Katie when you would usually have. You could see how much less stress Lucy was under with every game you played where you didn’t have your name on the card list. You weren’t behaving for yourself – you couldn’t care less if you were benched (slight exaggeration, but the sentiment remained). You were doing it for Lucy; her frown lines were easing somewhat; her muscles were less tense; she was sleeping much better. You hadn’t realised your actions added much to her plate.
And then Katie left a studs-up tackle on Lucy and didn’t get carded or even a foul. You were near her when it happened. Lucy was running down the wing with the ball at her feet, you were dropping back a little, allowing her the space to make a cross to an awaiting Patri and Aitana. Katie’s yellow boots appeared from nowhere and clipped her ankles – not even making an attempt to get the ball. It was an obvious card, yet the ref motioned to carry on whilst Lucy was on her knees, clutching at her ankle, her eyes scrunched shut at the pain.
Eventually, the whistle was blown when it was apparent that Lucy wasn’t standing up. You crouched at her side, a hand coming to rub at her back.
“Do you need the medics, my love?” You asked, the tone gentle in comparison to the fury you were filled with.
“Just … gimme a minute,” she gasped. You nodded even though she couldn’t see you, your hand resting on her lower back in silent support.
“Estás bien? Está ella bien? Necesitamos a los fisios?” Alexia gushed as she came to your side, a concerned Patri and Marta joining her.
“Ella esta bien,” you said, your words supported by Lucy’s actions as she moved to stand up. You briefly scanned her, nodding to yourself as you confirmed she was fine.
The switch in you was instant. McCabe needed to pay for that. And if the ref wasn’t going to do it, you would.
“Don’t,” Lucy said at the same time as Alexia uttered “no”. You just waved them off, smiling innocently at them as you set up for the corner kick.
The incident that got you the card was well deserved. You had only 2 minutes left of the half – not including injury time – and Katie was starting a last-minute Arsenal press. You were winning comfortably at 3 – 0, but you knew Arsenal would come out hard in the next half; they weren’t called ‘second halfsenal’ for nothing. Could you have gone for a clean tackle? Probably. Could you have just tackled her in general? Yes. But it wouldn’t have been nearly as satisfying as watching her fly to the ground. She ran full speed down the wing, not looking where her defenders were. You timed your run well, bracing your body as she slammed into you. You had bothered to stick out your leg to make it look like you were aiming for the ball, but everyone, on and off the pitch, knew you were going for revenge. She clattered to the ground in a pile of red and white, and a torrent of Irish-accented swears erupted from her.
You were immediately faced with an angry Aussie. Caitlin shoved your shoulders as she demanded retribution for you. You lifted your hands innocently.
“I was going for the ball,” you said, shrugging a little. You could see the referee approaching, Alexia looking furious at you, and Lucy shaking her head. Still, you could see her smiling – finding the situation at least somewhat amusing. “I was going for the ball,” you repeated to the ref, ignoring the shouts from the Arsenal girls. “See, she’s fine.” You gestured to a now-standing McCabe. It didn’t help your case; the yellow square was lifted above your head as you rolled your eyes.
“Fucking short-arse bitch” you heard McCabe mutter as you all walked away, ready to finish this half.
“And yet, I still put you on the ground,” you smirked at her, letting Lucy drag you away.
Halftime was full of Alexia's lecture. You looked to Jona to see if he would intervene, but he just shrugged. When he saw Lucy go down from a dodgy tackle, he expected nothing less from you.
“Prometiste que te portarías lo mejor posible.”
“She’s still walking, isn’t she?” You weren’t about to apologise for this. This was your style of play; she knew that when you joined the team; Barca knew it when they signed you.
“Qué dije de los amarillos? Te pedí que no los consiguieras. Y que haces?” She continued as if you hadn’t spoken. “Necesitas empezar a actuar de forma más adulta al respecto. No necesitas ser cardada por todo. Recibir tarjetas todo el tiempo es muy inmaduro. No tienes respeto”
“Enough, Alexia.” You interrupted. Yes, she had somewhat of a right to be angry at you, but calling you immature? Saying you had no respect? “I play my style of play. If the club didn’t like it, they wouldn’t have renewed my contract or signed me in the first place. If Jona has a problem with it, he would either speak to me or not play me. But they haven’t. I have renewed with Barca and Jona hasn’t even mentioned it in our one-to-ones. You are the only one who’s up my arse about this. And you’ve been pestering Lucy, too. Newsflash, she’s not my keeper, Alexia, and I am not a child; she’s my girlfriend.” You could see she was trying to interrupt you again, but you pushed through. “If you had maybe spoken to me in a way that suggested you valued me as a player and a person rather than lecturing me every chance you get, we could be in a different situation right now. But no, you have insulted me and the way I play my football, and now you have made me even more pissed off than I already was. So please, leave me alone at the moment.” You were seething. You hadn’t meant to explode at her like you did, but she had hurt your feelings one too many times about a bloody yellow card. You looked around the changing room, seeing the shocked expressions on people’s faces. No one spoke to their captain like that. You didn’t dare glance at Lucy, too afraid of what you might see. You would have seen the proud expression gracing her face if you had. She had been waiting for you to detonate at Alexia; she could see it in the way you grit your teeth during every lecture, the way you took longer showers after training to destress every time Alexia had called you away to talk about your behaviour, the way you were baking more and more as a method to try to quell your anger.
You pushed your way past, banging the door heavily as you stormed back out of the tunnel. You knew the Emirates well, so there were no chances of you getting lost. A few doors down, there was a seldom-used bathroom you could hide in, but you could still hear the chatter that told you the team was in the tunnel, ready to start the second half.
The changing room was silent. You could hear a mouse sneeze if you listened carefully enough.
“Bien entonces,” it was Mapi who spoke – breaking the tension-filled silence.
“Quién se cree que ella es? Todo lo que he estado tratando de hacer es ayudarla a limpiar su juego.” Alexia was incredulous. She believed you needed to clean up your act if you were going to go far at Barca. She didn’t consider the fact that you had numerous accolades to your name, coming second in the Ballon d’Or for the past 3 years and earning yourself a Sports Personality of the Year twice.
“No, Alexia. You are in the wrong.” Lucy snapped. She couldn’t allow this to go on any longer. Yes, she wanted you to stop getting yellow cards, but not at the expense of your style of play. She wanted the cards to stop being the only thing commentators spoke about when your name was mentioned. She wanted the world to see you as she did. “I know you meant well, but you basically asked her to stop playing in the way that makes her so unique. Imagine if someone did that to you, you’d be pretty pissed off too.” Alexia frowned. That wasn’t what she had meant – not at all. She wanted you to stop getting the yellow cards because she viewed something to be feared, not something that was just a part of playing football.
“Y ahora te has ido y la has hecho aún más enojada,” Patri laughed humourlessly. “No se sorprendan si hoy vemos un rojo, chicas,” she added as the team made their way back to the pitch.
You slipped silently out of the bathroom, joining the rest of the team as if you were just the last one to leave the changing room.
“Hey, pretty girl,” Lucy said, extending her hand to you as she lingered just out of sight of the cameras.
“Hey, gorgeous.” You squeezed her hand, letting her know you were ok.
“Please, try not to get a red,” she joked.
“If McCabe behaves, so will I,” you said seriously. She smirked at you – just the sort of thing she was expecting from you.
McCabe did not behave. It was remarkable how calm you had been, considering how riled you were during the half-time break. You had spent a lot of this second half on the floor, being a victim of harsh tackles from McCabe herself and a particular Aussie. You could see your English teammates wincing every time you went down. But you always gave as good as you got, leaving unforgiving shoves and exacting tackles just on the right side of nasty.
 It was in the 55th minute when the second incident occurred. You were genuinely going for the ball. You both jumped up for a header – you might have jumped more sideways than up, but that was neither here nor there. The slight knock you gave her made her lose her balance, landing hard on her hands and knees rather than her feet. It didn’t help that you landed perfectly upright, either. You knew how much running into you could hurt – particularly if you braced yourself (which you had been); she had been jogging backwards, unaware of your presence behind her.
“Oh, my god. I am so sorry. Are you ok?” You were genuine this time; both your national and club teammates could see it. This time, Leah was the first one to you, pulling you away by your shoulder.
“What the fuck, Y/N?” She asked, shocked by your display of aggression.
“I’m sorry, Lee. That was a complete accident.” You looked down at McCabe rolling around on the floor, gripping at her ankle. She just sighed in response. Lucy was the first of your Barca friends to reach you.
“I’m sorry,” you said dejectedly.
“I know you are, lovely” Lucy squeezed your elbow gently. “But you know you’re going to get a card, right?”
“Yeh, I know.” You turned to face the ref, shocked to see Alexia pleading with her and arguing for you. You were unsurprised when her protests were waved away, and you were presented with the yellow and red squares before being shown that you had to leave the pitch. You took it graciously and headed off the pitch.
You were escorted to the changing room by an official but were left to your own devices. You showered quickly before changing into your clothes, grateful you had packed some ‘street clothes’ – just jeans and one of Lucy’s hoodies. As you heard the Emirates erupt with cheers, the idea was planted in your head. This was a Champions League semi-final, no way in hell were you missing that. So, you slipped your accreditation around your neck and left the changing room. The crowd were still celebrating the Arsenal goal as you emerged from the tunnel. You saw Jonas spot you, his eyes widening as he gestured to the Fourth Official. You nodded once and waved at Jona and the other Barca coaches before hopping over the barricade. You spotted a woman with a young girl sitting on her lap with a free seat next to her.
“Do you mind?” You asked as you gestured to the seat. The woman shook her head and laughed a little as you made yourself comfortable next to her. The little girl was staring at you wide-eyed. She was wearing a little Barca jersey with her hair in two plaits, looking the epitome of cute.
“Hi, I’m Y/N.” You said, extending your hand to her. “What’s your name?” After a second of cajoling from her mother, she piped up.
“Lucie. But with an -ie not a -y.”
“Well, Lucie with an -ie not a -y, that is a very good name.” You smiled and turned back to the pitch, watching the game resume. You could tell the cameras were on you; you could see Ingrid shaking her head from the bench every time your face was displayed on the big screen.
The rest of the match was uneventful. Barca scored another two goals, bringing the final score to 5 – 1.
“So, Lucie with an -ie. Whose number’s on the back?” You nodded to her shirt.
“Lucy Bronze,” she cheered. “She’s my favourite. And we have the same name, but we spell it differently.” Lucie said with all the seriousness of a 6-year-old with something essential to tell you.
“Can I let you into a secret?” You leant down to whisper to her conspiratorially. She nodded enthusiastically. “She’s my favourite too.” Lucie looked up wide-eyed at you. “Do you want me to try and get you her shirt?” You asked. Her eyes grew even wider; you thought her head might pop off with how aggressively she was nodding. “Ok, wait here, ok. I’ll be right back.” You smiled as you hopped the barrier again, making your way onto the pitch and headed straight to Lucy. She was standing with Keira and Leah, clearly having a bit of a catch-up.
“Hello, trouble.” Keira teased as you appeared.
“Yeh, yeh.” You lightly shoved her head. “Can I have your shirt, my love?” You asked Lucy. She cocked her head at your request. “I think I might have found your biggest fan.” You smiled as you started to take your jumper off, grateful that you had put a shirt on underneath for once. Lucy laughed as she whipped off her top, thanking you as she slipped the hoodie on to keep her covered. You hugged Leah quickly before dragging Lucy away to find your new friend.
“Alexia wants to talk to you, pretty girl,” Lucy said as you pulled her back to the stands.
“Later,” you sighed, not really in the mood for anything Alexia had to say. “I want you to meet my new friend first.” You looked at her with a wide smile as you came to a stop in front of Lucie.
“Lucie with an -ie meet Lucy with a -y. Luce, this is my new friend, Lucie.” You did the unnecessary introductions.
“Hi,” Lucy grinned at the young girl. You handed the jersey off to her mum as you left them alone for a little bit, moving to interact with some of the other fans.
A little while later, familiar strong arms wrapped around your waist, distracting you from your conversation with Alessia and Lotte.
“Nosotras tenemos que ir, lovely” Lucy whispered, kissing your shoulder lightly.
“We get it; you speak Spanish.” Alessia teased, waving goodbye to you as you sent them both a kiss.
“Vamos,” you joked as you leant back into Lucy. Although your position made it a little awkward to walk, you were too comfortable to move.
“What reward do you want this week?” Lucy whispered in your ear as you entered the tunnel.
“Reward? But I got a card, two, in fact. Or did you miss the part where McCabe ran into me twice, and you went down a player?” You looked at her, confused.
“I know, but you were so, so sexy.” She squeezed you not-too-gently. “I’ve got to treat my pretty girl when she looks that good,” she teased, but you knew by the glint in her eyes that she was deadly serious. You hummed.
“I think I might have some ideas,” you mused as you leant back on her subtly, letting your head drop back on her shoulder.
“Good,” she whispered back, littering a series of kisses to your cheek. “My short, sexy defender.” She laughed.
“Oi,” you slapped her arm. “Enough with the short jokes.”
“Never, you get so riled up by them.” She laughed at your angry expression. “And you know exactly what that does to me,” she said lowly in your ear – a lasting promise of later left unspoken in the air.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
spaghetti straps - r. shidou ࿐
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warnings: 2.4k; fem-bodied reader, coercion, reader wants to fuck more than she’d like to admit, shidou is a little annoying, shidou can lift and hold you (he stronk athlete), dirty talk, semi-public sex, a little plot, p in v, creampie
note: hi! (✿◠‿◠) my first shidou fic (finally) and my contribution to @saintshiba’s sundress szn collab! truly hope everybody enjoys my take on him cause i am so obsessed with him. banner manga cap colored by moi! plspls let me know what you think of my writing! feedback means a lot (≧◡≦)
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You aren’t used to wearing things other than your typical track shorts and t-shirts, never one for fashion or dressing up, though you admire anyone who enjoys that kind of stuff.
But it’s summer, and it’s hot, and you’re at a beach house with some friends. Pulling a cotton shirt and shorts on and off over a wet bathing suit is simply not it, so for this weekend you’ve decided to pack sundresses instead of your usual attire.
It’s been 2 days and all the stares you’ve been getting from the guys are still weird, most of confusion and/or surprise, but there are a couple friends, specifically one infuriating, blond-haired insect of a man, who is very obvious in the way he looks at you, magenta eyes half-lidded, salacious smirk stretching across his lips. It’s maddening, made even worse by the fact that he already knows what you’re hiding under your little sundress.
“The yellow suits you,” Shidou purrs in your ear in the kitchen, and you feel one of his fingers wiggle underneath the thin shoulder strap of your bikini top. “Goes nice with the purple suit.”
“Too bad none of it’s for you,” you grumble, trying not to pay him much attention.
He isn’t so much your ex-boyfriend as much as your ex-mistake, a fuck buddy you had the misfortune of catching feelings for only for him to let you down gently. Or, as gently as someone like Shidou could manage.
I still wanna fuck you, though, he had told you thoughtlessly. It’s better than nothing for you, right?
You had immediately cut things off, both hurt and offended that he just assumed his dick would be enough to keep you around. That you were so desperate for him that you would just take what you could get.
No, you hadn’t quite reached that level of infatuation.
You’re still a little bitter about it, a little embarrassed, but you’re also irritated, especially since he insists on coming onto you even now.
“Who’s it for then, hm?” he asks, bending down enough for his breath to hit your neck. It gives you goosebumps. It also makes you squirm away from him.
“For me. ‘Cause it’s easy and breezy.”
“And beautiful… cover girl,” he quotes. You fight not to laugh. “But really, the dresses look good on you. You should let me take some pictures…” he wiggles his eyebrows. “More for my private collection.”
You make a face of disgust. “Ugh, you haven’t deleted those yet?” The thought of him having all kinds of lewd photos of you both disturbs and excites you. Does that mean he still uses them?
“Why would I delete such quality content?”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you threaten, “if you post those anywhere, I’ll kill you.”
Shidou grins crookedly. “Kinky.”
With an exasperated huff, you walk away.
Even with crazy, windblown hair and covered in sweat, you can still sense Shidou watching you. It makes your already heated skin burn even hotter.
Currently you’re situated under an umbrella, just scrolling on your phone while all the guys play a game of beach volleyball. If it can even be called that. They should definitely stick to soccer.
You aren’t surprised when Shidou plops down next to you, dusting up some sand so that it powders your bare thighs.
“White today,” he comments, picking at the hem of your short dress.
All you offer is a noncommittal, “mm,” gritting your teeth at the feeling of his fingertips grazing your skin.
“Makes you look innocent,” he continues. “Which we both know is a lie.”
“Shidou, please drop it. Admire from afar if you have to, but—”
“Miss when you used to call me Ryu.” He nuzzles into your shoulder, inhaling deeply, and when you try to shrug him off, you feel his teeth against your skin. He doesn’t bite hard, but it’s enough to anchor him to you.
“Ryu!” you squeal, shoving his face away.
“Just like that,” he grins before mimicking you ‘Ryu’. “Used to scream my name like that when I’d fuck you real good.”
“God, you are insufferable!”
He’s also turning you on, much to your disappointment. Hand slowly slipping under your dress, a small nibble to your earlobe.
“I know all your spots, baby. Just give in. You know you want to.” He’s using that seductive voice that always makes your breath quicken and your eyes dilate. Everything is brighter even with your sunglasses.
“See, you’re already spreading your legs for me.”
He’s right. Your knees aren’t pressed together anymore, leaving a gap between your thighs.
“There are people around, Ryuusei,” you tell him sternly, a last ditch effort to spur his advances.
You aren’t the least bit surprised when his only counter is a petulant, “so?”
His hand slides up further until his fingers brush against your covered pussy, and you bite your lip, ashamed that you’ve let him get to you like this.
“Sand,” you whine. “Don’t want…”
He hums in consideration then turns onto his back, rolling and propelling himself straight to his feet in one fluid motion. Annoying.
“To the showers, then,” he says, pulling you up.
He ignores your mumbling as he leads you to the little shower, on the beach for the purpose of rinsing sand off of sticky bodies. A little blue curtain is all that will block you from view. You’re supposed to keep your bathing suits on after all.
The water pressure isn’t strong, but it is enough to get the sand off both of you. You swear out loud as you pull your bottoms off. The dress is staying on; there’s no way you’re getting entirely naked. Shidou, on the other hand, shamelessly pushes his trunks all the way off, letting them pool on the wooden plans right next to yours.
You gasp when he suddenly spins you around, finding the strings of your top and tugging them loose.
“Get this shit off.”
He yanks the material over your head, turning you to face him again, and groans when he looks down at your chest. With your white dress entirely soaked, your hard nipples show through the sheerness. Shidou immediately starts groping you, his head falling back like he’s already on the verge of cumming just from playing with your tits.
It feels good, his palms rubbing over your sensitive buds before he pinches each one. You’d rather skip the foreplay, though, eager to have something inside you while also nervous about being caught.
To move things along you reach between your legs, running your middle finger between your folds and hating yourself for how wet you are. Like you’d said the other day, water makes a terrible lube, but if you’re already ridiculously slick, it doesn’t really matter.
You slip two fingers into your hole and scissor them apart, well aware that it’d be unwise to take Shidou without any prep. His cock is too pretty, something to be proud of, and he is. It’s thick and long, fat mushroom shaped head perfect for dragging against your walls.
“Yeah, you want it now, don’t ya?” he teases.
“Don’t push your luck.” It’s meant to be a warning, but you’re too breathless for it to have any weight.
Shidou abandons your chest in order to guide your hand away from yourself, replacing it with his own and fucking you with his longer fingers. He hikes one of your legs up, holding it to his hip, and as he stretches you out, he ruts his pelvis forward.
“Okay, I’m good,” you tell him. “I’m good, I’m ready.”
“Oh? Baby girl all cock hungry now?”
“Ryuuu,” you whine, grinding down on his hand.
“Only ‘cause you’re making such pretty sounds for me.”
He grabs your other leg, hoisting you up with the strength gained from years of dedicated workouts. You shift in his grasp until you feel the tip of his cock rub against your cunt. The amount of times the two of you have fucked, you know each others bodies well, and it’s almost second nature for you to guide him into your hole without the use of your hands.
Your mouth hangs open as he slides inside, the muscles in Shidou’s arms straining as he lowers you on his cock. You’re relying on him entirely. He’ll be in control as he supports you, and you’ll be completely helpless.
He doesn’t ask if you’re ready, if you’ve braced yourself, just starts bouncing you up and down. His fingers dig into the fat of your thighs, definitely creating bruises, and you steady yourself by tangling fingers in his hair. He’s so fucking hot like this, water running down his toned frame, blonde strands plastered to his face.
The way that you’re gripping his hair pushes his face into your tits, and Shidou groans like a porn star, lapping up the droplets that cover your chest.
Short moans are forced out if you with every bounce. Hn, hn, hn until Shidou starts moving you more aggressively and your jaw drops. Ah, ah, ah.
“Missed this sweet pussy,” Shidou pants. “Take my dick so good. Think she missed me too.”
You’re not a huge fan of him personifying your literal vagina, but you’re too far gone to chastise him for it. In fact, you agree, nodding and huffing, “I do, I do…”
His thrusts are shallow because of the position, but he still feels so good as he bullies your soft, gummy walls. The way you’re wrapped around him has your hard clit rubbing against his pelvis, the coarse hairs at the base of his cock beginning to rub you raw in a delicious way. You always did like a little pain with your pleasure, and Shidou is amazing at delivering just that.
“Really should open this curtain. Let everyone see how gorgeous you look getting fucked like this.”
“Don’t you dare,” you gasp.
“You sure? You don’t wanna put on a show for the guys? I bet they’d all get jealous.”
“Ryu, please!”
He bites the top of one of your tits then relents, rolling his striking eyes. “Fine.” His thick eyelashes are dripping with water, so pretty. “But only if you cum for me.”
You wouldn’t be able to if he hadn’t been fucking you so perfectly, cockhead massaging your g-spot, clit now overstimulated.
“Think you can do that for me, sweetness?”
You nod. “Are… are you close too?”
“‘’m always close when I’m fucking you,” he tells you. “Just looking at you gets me hard.”
Vulgar but flattering.
“You want me inside? Stuff this pussy full of cum?”
“Nnng, pleeease.”
You shouldn’t let him, shouldn’t reward him after how much he’s annoyed you on this vacation. But you love the feeling of him dripping out of you, thick and warm, enough to spill down your thighs. If you weren’t on birth control, you would never. As it is…
“Alright, cum for me then,” he commands. “Wanna feel your cunt milk me.”
Heat spreads from your pussy to the place between your hips, pooling into your tummy and traveling to your toes.
“Oh god, Ryu,” you sob, “I’m… don’t stop…”
He spreads his legs, squatting slightly so that his thighs can support some of your weight as he quickly rocks back and forth, his fat cock pistoning in and out of your spasming hole.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“m’gonna blow,” Shidou huffs. “Gonna fill you up… take my cum, baby, take all of it.”
It’s a subtle sensation, him spilling inside of you. You can’t feel every individual rope of cum, but you can feel your pussy getting fuller and fuller, stretching you even further. And then, you can feel it begin to leak out of you, coating Shidou’s cock as he pulls out until only his tip remains inside of you.
“Still as good as I remember,” he remarks, lifting you until he slips out of you before setting you back on wobbly legs.
He’s right, unfortunately. The best lay you’ve ever had.
“It was… nice,” you mumble regretfully. “Glad we’re already in a shower.”
“Convenient. Since you always get so messy,” he smirks.
“Because you make me messy.”
“I take that as a compliment.”
You rinse off the slimy fluid dripping down the insides of your legs, retrieve your bathing suit from the ground. The bottoms are easy enough to wiggle back into, but you have to ask Shidou for help with your top.
“You look so good without it, though, he says, but when you cast him a glare, he concedes. “Fine.”
As he ties it back around you, you can’t help but ask, “is it just the sundresses that did it for you? You like them that much?”
“I mean, I do like little dresses like this,” he confirms, trailing his hands down your ribs and pulling you back into him. “But anything you wear gets my dick hard. My jerseys, pajamas, your boring t-shirts n’ shit.”
“Boring but comfy.”
“And still sexy cause you’re the one wearing ‘em.”
Your stomach flutters in a familiar way, butterflies accompanied by dread. “Careful. You’re starting to sound awfully sweet, Ryu.”
You feel him shrug, his arms locked around you and his lips pressed to the skin behind your ear.
“What can I say? I missed you.”
You can’t even formulate a response to that, refusing to get your hopes up. The vacation will be over soon, and Shidou will go back to being a fuckboy. You’re not about to let him hurt you again.
So you shake your head and step out of his arms then bend down to grab his swim trunks off the ground.
“Put your pants back on,” you sigh, and, taking a page out of his book, you leave him with a casualness that you hope will mess with his head in the coming days. Just like this whole encounter is sure to mess with yours.
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2023©️shidou-x. please do not plagiarize, edit, or share my work to any other platforms.
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queenlua · 3 months
who are these people writing reviews of middle grade / young adult stuff on goodreads like "UM EXCUSEZ-MOI, THIS BOOK HAS UNPLEASANT ISSUES THAT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL MIDDLE SCHOOLERS" and the list of issues is like. the existence of 9/11. eldercare. other extraordinarily anodyne shit
like (1) kids have a basic fucking ability to process grief and bad things happening. like why on earth should a middle schooler find The Fact That Sometimes People Get Old And Need Care "inappropriate." i'm pretty sure you can explain that shit to, like, a six year old, and they will not break down or get traumatized or anything
and (2) did these people not grow up in houses with books. like when i was bored as a kid i'd go raid my dad's study for random lurid medical texts or i'd steal whatever the hell my mom was reading for her book club that month or i'd raid grandma's attic for some REALLY spin-the-roulette-wheel stuff. plenty of sex & violence & whatever else in all these books and you know what it was fucking fine. some stuff went over my head (in which case who cares no harm done), and sometimes i learned a new thing (which is fine??? if i was too distressed i could just close the fucking book???) ((which ok i did have to stop reading twenty pages from the end of All Quiet On The Western Front at age 10, because i simply could not bear to watch yet another poor fuckin sweet little german teenage boy die in some horrible way for no fucking reason, and you know what, that's called The Book Was Working & i regret the experience exactly zero)). and when We Need To Talk About Kevin dropped, e.g. the book about a creepy school shooter dude, mom simply could not finish reading the book in time for book club, because me & my brother kept stealing it from her & we had like multiple lengthy dinner conversations about it. which is a cool and fun way to think about a text. like did these people just not absorb any real media with any real themes until age 22 or something i legit don't get it
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nrdmssgs · 9 months
Tips to write for Nikolai (useful phrases)
Masterlist Tips to write for König (useful phrases)
AN: This guide is not meant to encourage you to start loving Russian language or culture. As much as I personally love Nikolai, I'll absolutely understand, there are people out there, that may feel bad, seeing him in CoD franchise, because of everything going on right now. This is not a call to start loving him, not a call to start describing this character as an absolute angel (he is not and never was). If seeing such a guide makes you feel bad - I'm genuinely sorry, and I'm open to a dialogue to make it better.
I tried to cover the most commonly used themes. However, it's impossible to make it short, yet all-covering. So please don't hesitate to come into my DMs with 'hey, I want Nikolai to say this thing in my fic - could you translate it in Russian for me?'. I'm always super-happy to help!
These are not my HCs, about what would Nik say, just some usefull phrases!
And the last one: Russian language uses Cyrillic letters. But I personally love to, at least try to hear, how other languages sound. So I provided translations (Cyrilic) and transliterations (Latin).
TW: swearing
Basic words, you may need for everyday chit-chat
Hello - Здравствуй Zdravstvui
Hi - Привет Privet
Good morning \ day \ evening - Доброе утро \ добрый день \ добрый вечер Dobroe utro \ dobryi den' \ dobryi vecher
Goodbye (untill next time) - До свидания Do svidaniia
Bye - Пока Poka
Thank you - Спасибо Spasibo
You are welcome - Пожалуйста Pozhaluista
Yes \ yes of course - Да \ Конечно Da \ Konechno
No - Нет Net
Genderless (can be used, referring to both men and women, depending on relationship dynamic):
Angel - Ангел Angel
My soul - Душа моя Dusha moia
Treasure - Сокровище Sokrovishche
Sun \ little sun - Солнце \ Солнышко Solntse \ Solnyshko
My joy - Радость моя Radost' moia
Love - Любовь Liubov'
My light - Мой свет Moi svet
My happiness - Счастье моё Schast'e moe
Dream - Мечта Mechta
Little cloud - Облачко Oblachko
Little fire - Огонёк Ogonek
Precious - Прелесть Prelest'
Heart - Сердце Serdtse
Little tiger - Тигрёнок Tigrenok
Wonder - Чудо Chudo
Feminine and masculine versions of petnames (Here you can add 'my' moia for feminine, moi for masculine versions of names)
Priceless - Бесценная \ Бесценный Bestsennaia \ Bestsennyi
Divine - Божественная \ Божественный Bozhestvennaia \ Bozhestvennyi
Peerless - Бесподобная \ Бесподобный Bespodobnaia \ Bespodobnyi
Gorgeous - Великолепная \ Великолепный Velikolepnaia \ Velikolepnyi
Delightful - Восхитительная \ Восхитительный Voskhititel'naia \ Voskhititel'nyi
Darling - Дорогая \ Дорогой Dorogaia \ Dorogoi
Precious - Драгоценная \ Драгоценный Dragotsennaia \ Dragotsennyi
The only one - Единственная \ Единственный Edinstvennaia \ Edinstvennyi
Desired - Желанная \ Желанный Zhelannaia \ Zhelannyi
Golden - Золотая \ Золотой Zolotaia \ Zolotoi
Affectionate - Ласковая \ Ласковый Laskovaia \ Laskovyi
Beloved - Любимая \ Любимый Liubimaia \ Liubimyi
Sweetheart - Милая \ Милый Milaia \ Milyi
Tender - Нежная \ Нежный Nezhnaia \ Nezhnyi
The one, I can't stop looking at (lovingly) - Ненаглядная \ Ненаглядный Nenagliadnaia \ Nenagliadnyi
Incredible - Невероятная \ Невероятный Neveroiatnaia \ Neveroiatnyi
Charming - Очаровательная \ Очаровательный Ocharovatel'naia \ Ocharovatel'nyi
Dear (often said to someone, you consider your family) - Родная \ Родной Rodnaia \ Rodnoi
Sweet - Сладкая \ Сладкий Sladkaia \ Sladkii
Good one - Хорошая \ Хороший Khoroshaia \ Khoroshii
Love confessions and stuff around that
I love you. - Я люблю тебя. Ia liubliu tebia.
I like you. - Ты мне нравишься. Ty mne nravish'sia.
I fell in love with you at first sight. - Я влюбился (if man says it) \ влюбилась (if woman) в тебя с первого взгляда. Ia vliubilsia \ vliubilas' v tebia s pervogo vzgliada.
I can not live without you. - Я не могу без тебя жить. Ia ne mogu bez tebia zhit'.
You drive me crazy. - Я схожу по тебе с ума. Ia skhozhu po tebe s uma.
I wanna be with you. - Я хочу быть с тобой. Ia hochu byt' s toboi.
I think about you constantly. - Я постоянно думаю о тебе. Ia postoianno dumaiu o tebe.
You are my only one. - Ты мой (if the partner is masculine) \ моя (if the partner is feminine) единственный\ая. Ty moi \ moia edinstvennyi\aia.
I really need you. - Ты мне очень нужна (f partner) \ нужен (m partner). Ty mne ochen' nuzhna \ nuzhen.
We were meant for each other. - Мы созданы друг для друга. My sozdany drug dlia druga.
I'm ready to do anything for you. - Я готов/а на все ради тебя. Ia gotov/a na vse radi tebia.
I'm never giving you to somebody. - Я тебя никому не отдам. Ia tebia nikomu ne otdam.
Dirty talking
I want you. - Я хочу тебя. Ia hochu tebia.
I'm all yours. - Я вся твоя \ весь твой. Ia vsia tvoia \ ves' tvoi.
Your body drives me crazy. - Твоё тело сводит меня с ума. Tvoe telo svodit menia s uma.
I want to feel your touch all over. - Хочу чувствовать твои руки везде. Hochu chuvstvovat' tvoi ruki vezde.
You can do anything you want today. - Тебе сегодня можно всё. Tebe segodnia mozhno vse.
Take me the way, you want to. - Возьми меня, как ты хочешь. Voz'mi menia, kak ty khochesh'.
I want to make you moan. - Хочу заставить тебя стонать. Hochu zastavit' tebia stonat'.
Give yourself to me completely. - Отдайся мне весь (to m partner)\ вся (to f partner), без остатка. Otdaisia mne ves' \ vsia, bez ostatka.
Show me, that I belong to you only. - Покажи мне, что я только твоя \ твой. Pokazhi mne, chto ia tol'ko tvoia \ tvoi.
What do you want to do to me? - Что ты хочешь со мной сделать? Chto ty hochesh' so mnoi sdelat'?
Don't stop. - Не останавливайся. Ne ostanavlivaisia.
I want to taste you. - Хочу попробовать тебя на вкус. Hochu poprobovat' tebia na vkus.
Fuck (as an interjection) - Блять Bliat'
Fuck off - Отъебись Ot"ebis' (to one person), отъебитесь ot"ebites' (to a group of people)
Bloody hell - Ёбаный пиздец (NOT used during sex!!) Ebanyi pizdets
Bastard - Сволочь (applied to any gender) Svoloch'
Motherfucker - Ублюдок \ уебан Ubliudok \ ueban
Son of a bitch - Сукин сын Sukin syn
Asshole - Жопа \ задница. Zhopa \ zadnitsa.
Cunt \ Pussy - Пизда (This and next one can in theory be used in bed, but i really strongly recommend you to NOT) Pizda
Cock \ Dick - Хуй Hui
Cultural extras to get in the mood
I sometimes meet this take, that Russian, as well as German language, sounds menacing or harsh. And as much as I understand, that it is subjective perception, I have something to add: you can modulate Russian speech as well as any other. You can sound like softest softie, coo and purr in Russian, if you want. Here is a good example: a guy just reads a poem, but you try and tell me, he is not straight seducing you.
Very nice perspective on how non-tourist Russia looks like. The guy travels to places, that still look and feel like USSR and somehow manages to survive. Don't mind him rambling, how good was soviet life - he doesn't mean it, he just says whatever people, he meets, would love to hear.
Another good channel to explore non-tourist Ru and some extreme weathers. Don't worry, there are no jumpscares and nothing scary happens on the videos.
Russian winter is a tricky one, because -40 С in Yakutsk can sometimes feel softer as -20 in Moscow. Humidity and wind are the keys.
No, vodka is not the only alcohol option) You can write a Ru character, that despises vodka and it will be 100% legit.
If you need domestic and interior references to Nikolais youth in soviet Ru - I can recommend HBOs Chernobyl series. An accuracy and attention to domestic details there is so great that it gets uncanny sometimes.
Stefan Kapičić does very tender and smooth version of Slavic accent. And he is 100% right to do so - it works good both for his character and the audience. If you want to hear heavier versions of Russian accent - here is a little funny video.
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marcspectorstannie · 8 months
ᰔPrank Wars ᰔ (Steve Grant x Reader)
This is kinda long and I did not mean for it to be and i don’t even like it. So uh yeah. Enjoy
A/n- this is very very VERYYY old and my very first moonknight writing☠️So if this is bad I apologize,I've made some edits so it's not too terrible hopefully. Also dropping this bc I've been putting off that Ken fic😞
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You and Steve have been dating for a while now, and one day you decided to catch him off guard one day. He was getting ready for work when you took his name tag the night before while he was asleep and put it in his bathroom cupboard. "Love, have you seen my name tag? I can't seem to find it." You hid your smile as you shook your head. "No I haven't, maybe check on the table? " He nodded lightly as he turned away confused. You began to think you went a little far since he can already barely process things well. A few minutes of thinking went by when you heard a voice in the bathroom. "Love, why is my name tag in the bathroom?" He came out and saw you chuckling. "Did you put that in there?" He smiled slightly. "You cheeky little devil." He walked over and lightly kissed your forehead. "Goodbye love, I'll see you later."
Steven is finally home but you left to go the store to buy some more food. It's pay back time. He takes your slippers and hides them under that bed. You hide his tag, he hides your slippers, it's only fair,right? You're finally home, tired from carrying bags and of course you would wear shoes that hurt like hell after too long. "Steven, can you help me out here?" He rushes to the door to help you, grabbing a few bags from your hands. You aren't thinking about anything but getting your uncomfortable shoes off and slip into some much more comfy ones. "You alright, love? You don't look too sharp." Steven asks placing the bags down.You sighed, ploping onto the couch and peeling your shoes off. He watched your relief as you began to search for your slippers. "Sweetheart, have you seen my slippers? It would be today that I can't find them" He shook his head no and quickly turned away from you. You quickly caught onto his act and played along. "Really? They're usually right here." You pointed to the empty spot in front of the couch. You glanced at the bed, seeing the pink fur peaking under the mattress. "Steven,love,I can see them under the bed." His smile slightly drops and awkwardly plays with his hands. "Well I tried, I'm not that good at.. pranks.. and stuff like that." You walked over to him and leaned on his shoulder. "It's ok, not everyone is a prank master like moi." You kissed his cheek, grabbed your slippers and walked away.
You and Steven went on a small date to have some time to yourselves. You were holding hands when Steven felt your grip slip away. He figured you went to go look at something else so he wasn't too worried until a couple of minutes went by and you didn't come back. He texted you asking where you were and still had no answer. You only weren't answering him because you wanted to end the prank war once and for all.
'Hey love, where are you?'
'Love,are you alright?'
'I'm getting worried where are you :('
' :((((?'
He was so scared you went missing when you were really just on the other side of the store. You quietly snuck up behind him and blew into his ear. He quickly jumped and covered his ear. "Bloody hell! Christ, you scared me." You stifled your laughter as his face relaxed after the sudden adrenaline rush. "Bollocks, I thought I lost you. I didn't know where you were." You looked at his shaky hands and grabbed them. "I'm sorry I got you scared, love. But this war had to be settled one way or another." He looked into your eyes, relaxing his breathing, knowing you're safe. "Yeah, you win this one. "
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worldsfromhoney · 9 months
Greetings, plebeians
This is your resident unknown and attention-depraved author/writer, BEE/bee/beE/🐝
Here’s some stuff about moi:
I like… tea. YES I LIKE TEA 🍵🍵🍵 it’s quite honestly the greatest invention of all time
I also like reading. That’s kinda like a hobby that all writers are mandated to say. Which is reasonable.
I’m a fan of miniatures and piano. Yeah, I did try them out. Yeah, I did fail spectacularly, thank you! ☺️
I also like painting but the therapy one and not just a blank canvas that sucks the soul out of artists lol
What do I write?
I write… stuff. BEAUTIFUL, HEARTBREAKING STUFF, mind you. But it’s still stuff, so lemme elaborate.
Speculative fiction - if you idk this, it’s really just a mix of fantasy and sci-fi; the ‘what if’ genre
Urban fantasy - don’t get me wrong, I love high fantasy, but urban is waaay easier to worldbuild
Steampunk & other punks - PUUUUNK 🤘🤘🤘
Horror and thriller - mostly psychological and body horror, don’t worry! I don’t do jump scares or anything ☺️
Slice of life - mwah my heart and soul mwah
Others - yes, I am capable of doing other genres 😤 I’m a multi-faceted bee, you know?
DISCLAIMER: what I write might only reflect upon my psyche and state of mind but that is not a guarantee
My WiPs
I am proud to say that… I DO NOT HAVE ANY!!
*gasp* what ever do you mean bee? Are you quitting writing? *sobs*
No, my darlings.
i just have no big projects to boast about right now. I feel like big projects aint my thing at the moment and pushing myself only led me to disappear from the internet for a month 😞
What i do have are short works i randomly choose to write and post here on tumblr !!
If you’re interested, please comment on this post or reblog or DM me if you want to be put in the taglist!!
Does that mean you accept… requests?
…………yes. Yes i do. Go and flood my askbox you plebs !
Am I anywhere else?
Please. It’s 2023. Of course I’m… everywhere *cue evil laugh*
Bluesky - if you haven’t heard it yet, tis the new Twitter… cuz it’s literally made by the old creators of that glorious blue bird *cue a moment of silence*
Tiktok or Twitter - do not look for me here
Tumblr - EYYYYYYYYYYY i post ALL my stuff here !! They’re really just bait to hook some writer friends 🥹
Ko-Fi - ehem ehem i know first drafts are considered shite but BUT i have decided to make them available for perusal yes you can burn your eyes to anyone who buys me a cup of tea ~
Patreon - i finally have one!! I’m still setting it up tho and prepping all the content 💛💛💛
I’ll be doing a patreon soon enough actually so look out for that
How I organise myself
Well i wish this is applicable to actual life because i’d very much like to know how 🫡
Jk, here be the tags:
#bee writes some stuff - my micros, my flash fics, my text posts
#bee plays some games - tag games !! which i have never played before till now !!
#bee does some prompts - this will definitely see the light of day… someday
#bee stalking some writers - what it says on the tin
#bee answers some asks - omg i only added this because someone actually sent me one *faints*
#bee saves some stuff - there are way too many resource posts that i’ve scrolled past cuz idk how to tag
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hey-kae · 2 years
Trust me
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x female reader
Request: Hello, me again! Just a fluffy thought: the reader goes with Charles to the track for one of the Ferrari promotions and she gets to ride with him in the three seater car? So she gets to talk with him over the radio and experience a day of driving with him? Maybe she freaks out over how fast they go and keeps telling him to slow down lol
Warnings: language and one sexual joke
Sidenote: sorry this took me so long to write😬. Do i know if Ferrari have a double seater? No but I didn’t want to include a third person in the car. Also we’re gonna pretend they would actually have a radio in this case for the sake of the imagine.
After a peaceful night of comfortable sleep with Charles in his apartment in Maranello, you woke up in the morning to him moving around the barely lit bedroom, trying so hard to be quiet but failing even harder to do so as stuff kept dropping from him onto the floor. In an unusual behavior at such ungodly hours of the morning, you found yourself chuckling at his hunched posture as he tiptoed around the bed, heading to the bathroom, barely dressed but carrying a pile of red clothes in his arms. You smiled to yourself as you watched him cringe at the slightest sound, not aware that you had woken up and were watching him.
“Good morning, baby.” You greeted, slightly startling him, causing him to immediately straighten up.
“Shit. I’m sorry, mon amour. Please go back to sleep, i will be quieter.” Charles was quick to apologize, his voice still barely above a whisper.
“Don’t worry about it.” You shrugged it off, gesturing for him that it was okay.
He padded barefoot access the room, right back to the bed and leaned down to give you a kiss that you happily returned before you asked him what was on his schedule for the day.
“Carlos and i are filming a video in the two-seater F1 car.” He grinned, his excitement about that clearly shining through his delighted expression, his passion being clearer than ever. It made you smile up at him.
“You look really excited, chéri.”
“I am. It will be- Actually,” he titled his head to the side as if he was considered something, “why don’t you come with me?”
You sat up and stretched up your arms with a yawn before speaking.
“Oh, no. I wouldn’t want to get in the way.”
“Get in the way?! Mon amour, non! I want you there, that way we can spend more time together and you can watch me drive!” His hand wrapped around your arms and he started literally dragging you out of bed while chuckling.
“Charles!” You squeaked, laughing along with him.
“What has gotten into you?”
“Je veux bien t’emmener avec moi, chérie.” I really want to take you with me, darling.
You looked at him, eyes practically begging you to accept his offer and lips almost pouted making it nearly impossible to say no. You shoulders slacked and you sighed in surrender.
“Fine.” You exhaled and let him drag you off the comfortable mattress.
“Merci, baby.” He grinned and kissed you again before he disappeared into the bathroom, leaving you to stare at the few items you had brought with you hung neatly in the closet, trying to put together an outfit decent enough for the day.
The drive to the Ferrari Factory was short and mostly silent on your side since you were still a bit sleepy. You just listened to Charles ramble on about the car he’d drive today. You loved listening to him talk, especially when the subject was something so close to his heart. It calmed you beyond words and made you smile.
Once the two of you stepped foot into the building, Charles’ attention became divided between you and the people there. It seemed that everyone who passed by him made it a point to stop and greet him and therefore you.
“Come on, i need to quickly stop by Mattia’s office before we go to the track.” Charles intertwined your fingers with his and started guiding you down hallway after hallway as if he knew them like the back of his hands.
Once the two of you reached the Italian man’s office and after polite but brief conversation was exchanged, you took a seat in a chair next to Charles and mindlessly listened to him and Mattia talk in Italian, not understanding most of what they’re communicating until they both stood back up, exchanging “ciao”s and shaking hands.
Charles, still switched onto his Italian mode, held you hand and tugged on it as he poked his head towards the door and said, “Andiamo.”
“Huh?” You asked, already following him out of the office.
“What?” He frowned, “Oh, sorry. It means let’s go.” He smiled at you as you walked.
“Oh, okay. Andiamo.” You grinned at him and started walking faster, passing him.
Charles chuckled at that, pulling on your hand so he’d be able to hook his arm around your shoulders.
“T’es trop mignone.” You’re so cute. He kissed the top of your head as the two of you exited the building, a blush spread across you cheeks.
That didn’t go unnoticed by Charles.
“Look at me, mon amour. I still make you blush, love?” He grinned and tugged you closer.
“Oh, please. Have you ever looked in a mirror, Mr. Leclerc?” You teased him and he burst out laughing, the sun illuminating his face so beautifully, further proving your point that a day where this man wouldn’t make you blush might never exist.
“Listen, Carlos is already on track. It’s about a fifteen minute walk from here, do you mind walking?”
“That’s fine by me, baby.” You sprinted out of his grasp, running in front of him as he threw objections your way.
“Better try to catch up, then.” You giggled back at him, walking backwards so you’d face him. You watched as he started running to you, a big smile shining on his glowing face.
When he was close enough, he grabbed your waist and pulled you to him, laughing into your neck, raising goosebumps on your skin as the vibrations coursed through you.
“I caught you.” He teased, turning your head towards him to plant a kiss on your lips. You were thankful that the area was mostly empty of people at such an early time of the day since you were highly appreciative of any moment of privacy you had with Charles.
“No shit, sherlock. Thanks for telling me.” You teased him before the two of you resumed the walk, now actually heading for the track while exchanging soft remarks and talking softly to each other.
Half an hour later, you watched the two-seater carrying Charles and Carlos shoot down the track from your spot in the red and white garage, the sound of its engine thrilling you. It was barely seconds before the vehicle was out of sight and a matter of less than a minute before it reappeared. You took your phone out, taking a brief video as it zoomed past you to immortalize the memory of today.
After a few laps around the track each, the team members gestured for Charles and Carlos to stop, giving them a thumbs up to let them know they probably got enough footage to work with.
You observed as the car stopped back in the garage and the two drivers got out of it, Carlos immediately taking off his helmet and balaclava while Charles kept his on as he crossed the garage to talk to a team member in what seemed to be a rushed tone. The guy he was talking to nodded and Charles high-fived him before making his way to you.
“Come on.” He put out his hand for you to take.
“Wait, where are you taking me?” You reluctantly took a step.
“T’as confiance en moi?” Do you trust me? His voice sounded muffled since he still had his helmet on.
“Bien sûr! Mais, que-“ Of course! But, what- Charles cut you off.
“Do you believe i’m a good driver?“ He asked as someone handed him a plain black race suit and a white helmet.
That’s when it clicked in your mind.
“Oh, fuck no. I’m not getting into that death contraption!” You tried to pull your hand out of his but it was in vain.
“Tu m’as pas repondu. Do you believe i’m a good driver?” You didn’t answer me. He stopped moving and turned towards you.
“I know you’re an amazing driver, but Charles,” you moved closer to him and lowered your voice so no one would hear, “what if the engine blows up or catches on fire? Or the throttle stops working? Or you lose the brakes? Or-“
Charles was laughing.
“Baby, stop overthinking! Just trust me on this one.” He handed you the suit and helmet, “Please, for me? I promise you’ll enjoy it. We won’t go as fast as I normally would.”
For the second time today, you sighed in surrender. You snatched the race gear out of his hands and huffed a “fine” before you started slipping the suit over your clothes.
Even with the helmet on, Charles’ grin was obvious as he helped you secure your own pair of earphones, microphone and finally the helmet under your chin, tightening the strap just enough and making sure it fit you perfectly.
“Perfetto.” He mumbled before he took a step back to make sure the suit was properly covering your body.
“Andiamo.” He gestured to the car with a cheeky smile once he finished inspecting if you were safe enough.
“Shut up.” You mumbled through the thick helmet, finding that it made it a bit harder to breathe and made your head feel slightly heavier.
“Remember, you can always talk to me, love.” He reminded you as a staff member brought a step to the side of the car so you’d be able to get in.
Charles, very meticulous about your safety, helped you into the vehicle and made sure himself to attach your seatbelt and secure you in your seat before getting into his own place up front.
“Charles, wait. Can you hear me? Do you copy?” You started freaking out.
“Yes, love. I copy.” You heard him chuckle, “It will be okay. Just relax and you’ll enjoy it, baby.” His voice startled you since it took you a second to register that you were hearing him through the earpieces.
“Wait, so whatever i can say, you can hear me?” You spoke even if it felt like you were talking to no one.
“Yes, cherie. Don’t worry.” Silence took over for a few seconds before you heard his voice again, “Ready?”
“Um, no?” You stated to obvious, receiving a small laugh from Charles just as the car launched like a missile down the race track.
“Oh my fucking god!” You screamed at how fast you were moving.
“Baby, less screaming please.”
“Charles, I don’t think i’m gonna make it out alive.” Your jaw clenched and you fisted your hands as nerves took over your body.
“Eh, mon amour. I don’t want to hear you say that. I need you to trust that i will always keep you safe, okay?”
You had no doubt in your mind that Charles would never put you in any dangerous position. Quite the opposite actually, he’d go out of his way to protect you from any hazard.
You sighed and relaxed your hands as much as possible, watching as the trees you passed blurred into nothing but green flashes of color.
“I need you to answer me, y/n. Tout vas bien?” Is everything going well? Charles, concerned by your lack of reply insisted.
“Tout vas bien, chéri.” Everything is going well, darling. You reassured, still not fully at ease but your mind had finally registered that it was none other than Charles who was driving you around.
However, your heart had leaped out of chest as he drifted into the first corner and every corner after it.
“Fuck, go slower. Please.” You squeaked.
“Je ne t’ai jamais entendu dire ça.” I’ve never heard you say that. Charles’ laughter filled your ears.
“Pervert on and off track i see.” You found yourself smiling, even if he didn’t diminish the speed at all.
Once you got used to the feeling of the helmet and the tight space of the car as well as seeing everything as nothing but colorful flashes zooming past you, you found yourself actually enjoying the thrill of such absurdly high speeds. The screams during every corner turned into small, barely audible shrieks you’d let out as your breath caught.
The steady sound of the engine made your blood rush and the screeching tired against the asphalt shot electricity through your body.
“I see why you chose to do this for a living.” You blurted out.
“Wait.” Charles dragged on the word, “you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” His smile was practically audible.
“Well, I don’t hate it?” You laughed.
“Brace yourself then.” His tone sounded devilish.
You watched as the car raced down a road that didn’t seem like a part of the main track. Soon enough, a vast circular spread of black asphalt came into view.
“Don’t even think about it, Leclerc!” You warned him through the radio as soon as you understood what he had in mind.
“Relax, baby.”
“Don’t tell me to fucking relax.” The sentence ended with a screech as the car began spinning with the two of you inside of it, your body titling with every move of the vehicle.
“I hate you.” You screamed and heard him laugh in return.
“Feel free to do that but i love you.” You heard him chuckle.
The sound of the tires was so loud and you could faintly smell the burnt rubber as smoke rose from the tires, clouding the air so quickly.
Through the radio, you could hear Charles giggle to himself, clearly enjoying this.
He kept spinning the car for a few more seconds before he stopped it right in the center.
“Are you okay?” You heard him ask.
“I’m okay, don’t worry.” You panted like you’d ran a marathon.
While the car was still stopped, Charles reached behind him, putting out his hand for an awkwardly angled high five.
You hand met his briefly then he gave you a thumbs up and started heading back to the garage, the speed this time not as high.
Once the car was parked, Charles jumped out of it and helped you out. He helped you get rid of the helmet then removed his own before hugging you to his chest.
“Told you i would never hurt you.” He smirked.
You looked up at him with a painfully wide smile, the adrenaline still coursing through your veins from the thrill of the experience.
“Did the two of you forget we could hear everything?” Someone with headphones over his ears pointed out before you got the chance to reply to Charles, making you blush furiously under the gaze of the many team members.
“You know i love you, right? You didn’t say it back out there on the track.” Charles, after flashing the man a smile, attempted to distract you, his arms still loosely pulling you to him.
“I love you too, idiot. You know that.” You smiled back at him, suddenly not caring about the prying gazes, only caring about him.
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sauron-kraut · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me, @nihil-ism 🖤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 15.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
9,329 - you see, my works posted so far are either shorter one shots or ficlets/drabbles.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Silmarillion and adjacent works by Tolkien. :) And within this fandom it's almost exclusively about rather niche ships with Mairon. Let's see when/if I will write for other fandoms; I'd love to at some point.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Of Gods And Monsters
All of these are Mairon/Ar-Pharazôn. lmao
5. Do you respond to comments?
I will respond to every single (first) comment someone leaves on a fic of mine. I thorougly enjoy these little interactions and I want to show my appreciation to people who show me theirs.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That must be my double drabble Plaything I guess. At least if we talk about the very moment ending the fic. Throwing up from negative emotions and alcohol alike seems pretty... angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That must be Of Being Born and Little Deaths. Everyone (well...) is having a good time and it literally ends with an orgasm.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
So far I haven't and I'm very grateful for that.
9. Do you write smut?
I love writing smut. And I love weaving character analyses/studies and some poetry into it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't, personally not a fan of crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but sharing headcanons and ideas with others has endlessly inspired many of my fics.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Angbang (Melkor/Mairon). I love them, I will never be over them; they've been with me for ten years now, I could ramble on forever about how important this ship is to me and what it means to me. It's rather popular in fandom though and I feel like there's many great writers out there who have graced us with their brilliant work. That makes me feel like I don't necessarily need to... add to that somehow. I'd love to write (more) Angbang at some point but as far as writing goes my favorite ship is Mairon/Ar-Pharazôn (which many of you might have guessed at this point lol). It's rotten, it's biblical, it's a playground for all things terrible to me. And it's a rarepair (why??) and therefore (in my mind) lies like a bare field before me, ready to sow and play in. 🖤
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
No such thing. My WIP are my children and I will not abandon them. It might take many months but they will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Building atmosphere, pretty lines, poetry, in some parts characterization. (Very) short formats are my strength in general.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not really able to write anything plot-driven, sometimes dialogue (though I might have started to improve a little), prioritizing pretty imagery and rhythm/sound over meaning/sense sometimes, having difficulties writing longer stuff.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Not really my thing; could get awkard quickly imo.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Visual Kei bands (Moi dix Mois) when I was 14.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? 
Easily my little double drabble Reverence. It illustrates nicely what I talked about regarding my writing strengths for question 17 imo.
Tagging @lvsifer, @curufiin, @cilil, @saintstars, @gardensofthemoon, @elevenelvenswords , @crackinthecup , @swanhild , @a-world-of-whimsy-5 and @i-did-not-mean-to (no pressure ofc and sorry if I forgot anyone, in that case: that's just my forgetful brain at work)
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baked-potatoes-rule · 7 months
just stuff, bear with moi (they even had her wear the same shirt for fuck's sake)
in s1e3 we have the group at the newly found cabin
jackie however, ends up being overwhelmed when Van tells her she isn't exactly helping by whining about why they didn't stay at the plane crash
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we then see Shauna, observing her from inside the window of the cabin.
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when the camera pans back, Shauna is no longer in the shot, behind the window
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we then have footage of the whole group talking about the porn magazines and being goofy. Jackie is out by herself,they are all in
after awhile...Shauna appears with two blankets (she's wearing one of her flannels,the pattern being what it is)
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even apologizes for hurting Jackie's feelings when she sided with Taissa in favor for going to the lake. She even admits that she isn't sure whats wrong or right
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none of them do. they are presented with a challenging situation...All of their baggage and issues will surface
s1e10 Jackie goes out after their fight. We get another still of Shauna,watching her from inside a window(a different window this time) Despite the huge emotional gap between them,she still cares. (She's wearing the same shirt.Again.)
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after that...the camera pans back and we get ANOTHER still where Shauna is not behind the window anymore.
Now...Maybe that was the big middle finger to Jackie and the viewers. A small chunk of hope that maybe Shauna will come for her...like she did then...But she doesn't. Shauna is not the same person anymore and she never will be. She found out she was pregnant, she had to gut animals and prepare food for them, she saw Lottie get possessed, she saw Laura Lee explode, she did shrooms involuntarily and almost sacrificed Travis...The setting they were put in, brought Shauna's locked potential to the surface...in the craziest way possible. Shauna being a pushover was no more, she was finally going to start speaking up for herself. Jackie of course, in all her right was like "Wtf girl? Why didn't you just tell me?"
Jackie's expression after Shauna snaps at her for telling her to wear the boob dress.
S : Maybe I don't wanna wear the boob dress. And I sure as hell don't wanna hook up with Randy fucking Walsh
J: Jesus, what crawled up your ass? Wear whatever you want.
S : Thanks. I will.
J :
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Of all the times she had the chance to change her approach with Jackie...she did it at the worst time possible, under the worst circumstances.
It has everything to do with self-worth. Shauna feels overshadowed by and second best to Jackie, but she is not. Regardless of how "bossy" her best friend would get, if she hadn't had the door mat-wired psyche, she would have placed boundaries and Jackie (as we see above) would have eventually run with it. But no...Shauna didn't set boundaries with her because their relationship was toxic af and her self-worth was/IS, low. She literally turned into an upset little meow meow <3 and went to write in her journal about how they picked Natalie over her.
If we don't take the necessary steps to make the changes, life will eventually pave the path for us to get there...And sometimes it has to get ugly for people to wake up.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 10 months
When Y/N Falls in Love
pairing: nikolai lantsov x fem!reader
genre: flufff
el's thoughts: requested by @luna-writes-stuff for my speak now event .. i hope you like it!
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Y/N rushed through the hallways, her heels clicking with every step. Her legs threatened to buckle under as fatigue settled in her bones. One of the maids of the palace trailed behind her. 
“You should be resting, ma’am. You just got back-”
She cut herself off at the sight of the young king rounding the corner. “Moi Tsar,” she dipped into a curtsy and froze behind Y/N.
Nikolai smiled at the girl and turned his attention to his best friend. “Y/N/N, didn’t you just come back from a trip only one bell ago? You should be resting.”
“And I would, Nik, trust me I would be. But I heard Genya fell ill so I went to the gardens and picked some flowers.” She held up the small bunch of pink and white flowers and smiled. “So if you’ll excuse me, I have a personal delivery to make.”
The king watched her walk past him in awe and quickly decided to follow her. He watched as she pushed the door to Genya’s personal sleeping quarters open, rushing in to assess her dear friend. 
“Y/N,” the red-head coughed, “you didn’t have to come here.” 
“Don’t talk nonsense, Gen. You’re ill.” Y/N placed the flowers in an empty pitcher before taking it to the bathroom to fill it with water. She heard Genya greeting the young king with a sore throat and called back for her to not talk. “You’ll make your voice worse.” She strolled back into the room and placed the flowers on the side table. “I’ll send for David to be here with you, as well as some warm soup from the kitchens.”
“Y/N/N, Darling please,” Genya chuckled. “You just got back from a trip, you need to rest almost as much as I do.” 
“Key word there is almost. I’m more than fine and well, I’ll rest once I know you’re taken care of.”
Nikolai shared a look with the red-headed tailor, both shaking their heads fondly at their friend. The king stepped forward, “How about this? I’ll call for David and send in a request for the soup. You go and rest.”
Y/N sighed, her shoulders slumped, “Okay, fine.” She moved to place a quick kiss on Genya’s head. “I’ll come back later then.” She walked to the door patting Nikolai on the shoulder as she passed him.
“No you won’t!” the tailor called out to her. “She really is a Saint.” She spoke again softly just to Nikolai.
He smiled to himself, “She is isn’t she?”
“Oh Saints.” Y/N ran her hand through her hair in disbelief. “This isn’t happening.”
“Y/N L/N. For the last time, if you don’t put this dress on now, you’ll be late.” Genya sighed in mild frustration. “You don’t want to leave him waiting.”
“A date…” The y/h/c-haired girl muttered to herself as she picked the beautiful green summer dress and walked behind the changing separator. “I see no way of this ending well, Gen. I-”
“Shut up, little Miss Sunshine and let me see you.”
Y/N walked out from behind the wall and smiled shyly, giving Genya a little twirl. “I think it’s my new favorite.”
“Rightfully so, Darling,” the red-head smiled brightly. “Let’s get your hair done.”
Y/N walked with a slight skip in her step as Nikolai escorted her through the palace gardens. She went on and on about her favorite flowers and their symbolism. She came to a halt and stared at the small bunch of white flowers in front of her. “Gypsophila.” She picked enough to hold between her fingers. 
“And what do these mean?” Nikolai asked as she handed them to him. 
She smiled kindly, “They’re called baby’s breath. They stand for purity, a pure heart.”
He hummed and tried to hide the reddening of his face. She really was a Saint. It felt so warm to be on the recieving end of her love. Like laying in a field in the beginning of autumn, just barely sunkissed. 
“When did you two finally happen?” Zoya smirked as she sat on the sofa in Nikolai’s room. Genya stood by the fireplace with a fond smile.
“I took her out a little while ago and things went smoothly.”
“That didn’t answer my question, but alright.”
Nikolai chuckled as he continued signing documents. 
“Don’t hurt her, Nik, okay? When she falls in love, she’s in it for keeps. She’s been nothing but a Saint to us.”
He sighed, “I know you both care for her deeply, so please know that I would never do anything to hurt her. Ever.”
“I told you, Genya.”
“I just needed to put it out there.” The red-head held her hands up in defence. “Because I can’t be held responsible for my actions if I find out she’s hurt.”
Nikolai looked between the two Grisha and chuckled. “Deranged, the both of you.”
Y/N walked through the halls of the palace but stopped around the corner when she heard hushed voices of some of the staff. 
“I heard she’s with the King now.”
“I heard the same.” Quiet giggles came afterwards. 
“Whomever she was to love… They would never be the same.”
“Isn’t that true? It’s all on her face, the fact that she’s in love. Haven’t seen her so happy in what feels like ages. It’s brought a new brightness to the palace.”
“I’m happy for both of them.” 
Y/N smiled shly to herself before clearing her throat and continuing around the corner. She smiled at the two women and nodded her greeting. Walking past them, her face heating up at the thought of the staff whispering about her and Nikolai. Her and Nikolai. 
She shook her head and pushed the heavy wooden door open with her hip. She smiled at the two Grisha women sitting on a plush couch and said her greetings to everyone else in the room- Toyla, Tamar, David and Nikolai. She placed the blue arrangement of flowers in a vase on one of the tables that lined the wall. She walked to Nikolai’s side and kissed the side of his head before sitting next to Zoya, holding onto her hand. 
The group went over what the next few weeks look like military and politically, bouncing ideas off each other to finalize plans. Once they finished they all bid their ‘goodnight’s and left the room. 
The young king watched as Y/N walked everyone to the door, her smile never leaving her face as she spoke quietly with her friends. 
Her bright presence hung in the air like stars in outerspace. 
He smiled at her as she walked back to his side, sitting on the arm of his chair. She brought a hand up to his hair and buried her fingers in his locks. He leaned back into her and hummed contently, “My Saint.”
She chuckled, “I’m no Saint, Kolya,”
“Oh but, Love, you are a Saint.”
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katyaromanoffpetrova · 3 months
I was not gonna send this because it’s not exactly innocent, but after my last ask, fuck it why not.
Just fyi, I have a drawing in the works based on this :) I showed u one inspo pic but the drawing consists of two poses so u actually don’t know.
So picture this right: it’s late summer so like not too hot, chilly enough for Kat to be wearing a leather jacket or something. This is not relevant to the story but it is for my drawing because leather jackets on women are hot. So she walks into the garage and sees Nat. Nat is working on her motorcycle, cleaning the chain, simple stuff, nothing that gets her too dirty and grease covered. So Kat just tells her how hot she looks with that bike, even just standing next to it. And Nat brushes it off at first because it’s just Kat simping.
This is where it gets good. Kat comes up behind her and just whispers in her ear “you’d look even better on top of it for me.” Nat is just turning to look at Kat when she’s suddenly lifted off the ground and put on her motorcycle. Kat sits on the actual seat while she puts her wife down on the tank. And she just kind of sits back, hands resting on Nats thighs/hips and just enjoying the view. So this turns into a whole lot of kissing and wandering hands obviously.
And then Kat gets off the bike and just lays her wife over it. Like sitting on it the wrong way around with her back leaning on the tank and legs over the back of it. And again Kat just admires her like that for a little as her hand slowly drifts towards Nat’s inner thigh.
And this is where I stop. I’m not about to write actual smut in ur asks inbox. I just know that every time Nat is on her motorcycle after that, she thinks about it. And it’s definitely not that last time this stuff happens.
You keepin secrets from moi? 🤨🤨
Ugh stop this is HOT. 😫 HOT. Nat planned to polish her leather seat but she didn't have to anymore after that 😌👀
But like the car, the motorcycle has also been christened. And yes, every time Nat happens to sit on it the wrong way around, this is exactly what pops into her head.
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rehfan · 1 month
The next installment of La Belle Dame avec Merci is coming...
Sorry... I'm still working on Chapter 8: Mon Mec à Moi
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I'm on the smutty bit now and - for me - this stuff is ALWAYS the SLOWWWWEST part to write.
So... if you want a sample? Just to tide you over? Keep reading.
If you have no idea what I'm on about - HERE - or HERE.
Chapter 8 snippet below the cut.
[It began to rain in Hawkins while Eddie was out trying to find you. You both got a bit wet in the process. Thank heaven your house has a fireplace.]
“Yeah. I wanted to check you were okay. You took off so fast. You seemed, uh… scared.” He peeked up at your sheepishly. Your face was unreadable in the low firelight. “S’the only reason I was stalking the streets of Loch Nora, I swear. I couldn’t wait until Monday.” He straightened up in the chair and took his feet off of the ottoman. “The guys were just– They were just looking out for me. They didn’t want me getting my– heart broken – or anything.” He felt himself blush. “Which is stupid. Never mind. It’s stupid. They’re stupid.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid of friends to look out for friends,” you said quietly. “I don’t want to come in between all of you. I don’t want to be the girl that broke up the friendship. It’s why I left. I had to get out of there.” His eyes were sparkling obsidian in the firelight as he looked up at you. Jesus, he was breathtaking. How did he not know?
“You took off because of that?” he said. He seemed confused.
You burned to kiss him to help him understand. But how is that a goodbye? You couldn’t tease him like that. Not again. You couldn’t treat him like an object - like all those others who just used them for their own ends. You had to make this a clean break for his sake. You were showing him mercy. “I’ll go get the cocoa. You stay here. Warm up.”
“What about you?” His hand gently took your wrist as you turned away, forcing you to stop. “You’re soaked too. What about you?” He pulled you over to sit on the ottoman, facing the fire, and guiding you with one gentle hand on your hip to sit. “C’mere.” He gently applied his towel to your hair. You had managed to dry your hair yourself beforehand with another towel from the linen closet, enough so that it wasn’t dripping, but you let him pull the towel over your hair anyway and lost yourself in the fire and the feel of him caring for you. God, what were you giving up?
His touch was tender, treating you almost as if you were made of spun glass. He smoothed the towel over your hair until he was satisfied. You felt his breath at your ear before he whispered: “There. All better now.”
I have the next couple of days off. I'll do my best to finish. Thanks for reading along!
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rudycomics · 7 months
Rudy Recs: Witch Watch (and its bittersweet love story)
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I've written in the past before about some of the things I've been reading in shonen jump, You and I are Polar Opposites as an example, and the current generation of manga in their lineup right now has some interesting stuff going on. Somehow, Witch Watch is not one of the manga I hear other people talking about as often as the others and I think that's a real shame!
Kenta Shinohara has 2 award winning manga under his belt and even though his concepts don't have this really intense fantastical hook and his art isn't clamoring for attention in the ways things like Chainsaw Man or Dandadan do, I think Witch Watch has incredible range. It's part romance, part slapstick comedy/gag manga, and part shonen battle manga all together, bouncing back and forth between these different styles each chapter.
I always felt like it was just really solidly put together and consistently entertaining (except for when the story focuses on some side characters writing fan doujinshi which bores me to DEATH), but the thing that made me feel like I needed to write about it was the way the series handles the romance between the two main characters, Nico, the witch given a prophesized control over every type of magic, and Morihito, her childhood friend and chosen protector because he happens to be one of the last Ogres in the world.
I'm going to be talking spoilers for things that happened in recent chapters, so be warned!
I will put a warning when I get to it, but I like writing about these things because I personally think getting someone to gush about specific instances of well executed craft gets me more interested in checking out new things than anything else.
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The basic setup to their romance is that Nico has a crush on Morihito (which she calls Moi and I'll use this nickname for convenience) and she begins living with him as her mother received a prophecy that some evil force will try to use Nico and her unnatural powers for evil purposes that will ultimately bring her harm in the process. Moi is chosen to be Nico's familiar to protect her from whatever this vague danger may end up being, but we see their personalities clash right away. She's very aware of him and he seems very stone-walled and closed off, despite their being some sort of connection between them from childhood.
The two get into a lot of wacky situations as Nico attends school and continuously uses her powers to try to help classmates with their personal troubles and they make some new friends along the way with their own special powers. The household of just the two of them grows into a house of 4 boys and Nico, with two other girls making frequent appearances. We learn about all these characters and their quirks and see how they are all invested in helping Nico try to form a relationship with Moi. It's not until a good handful of chapters later that we learn that in typical Nico fashion, she had somehow ended up putting a curse on Moi when they were children that locked Moi into being "best friends forever" with Nico, essentially kneecapping any romantic growth from sprouting from Moi.
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It's not that important to what I wanted to talk about, but I do think this is such a fun story device because it completely fits in line with everything we've learned about Nico and what every wacky situation stems from in this series: Nico somehow uses her magic in ways that challenge the intuitive way the powers would seem to work and creating unintended effects on top of what the power is supposed to do. Nico's bond with Moi ever since they were children has also become the reason that nothing will ever happen between them.
EXCEPT... All of their new friends have sussed the situation out and form a plan to break through the curse and free Moi to accept the feelings that are actually blocked off inside his heart that they all know are there. They even have this fun visual metaphor of a heart with a valve leaking romantic feelings that gets repeated all through this arc.
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They try some things to get Moi to over flow with feelings faster than the curse can repress them which is fun but ultimately fruitless, only for Moi to accidentally being able to listen in to Nico tell everyone that she loves him because of all his flaws that are center to his insecurities that make him close up. It's a beautiful moment that caps it off with using that visual metaphor again to really push emotion to the reader and I thought this was so effective!
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From here on, I think what I want to talk about is spoilery enough that I should put a marker here for people that don't want to see anymore before reading:
The two both have feelings for each other at this point and Moi wants to confess to Nico now, but tragedy strikes as the big bad makes his move to attack Nico and friends which ends up costing Moi his life as he gets shot in the chest with a gun. Nico uses her powers to heal him at the cost of something of her own and what she ends up giving up is her time, which includes her memories, and turns back into a 5 year old.
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The group find out that Nico can be restored to her natural state by collecting these magic butterflies that escaped from her body during her spell, and here is where I think this series does something that really grabbed me.
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I read a LOT of manga. Like, scouring for new stuff to read every day. Comics are my primary source of entertainment and I read a LOT of romance stories. One of the things that I feel like authors have to consider when writing compelling romance is how to get readers to connect with characters enough to also want to see those characters get into a relationship. In general, I think a lot of this connection buildup happens AFTER characters get together and you have to just get accept the weak initial romantic beginning (like Galaxy Next Door for example), OR the story spends its whole lifetime creating their bonds slowly and ends right as they get together which annoys me, personally (hoping this one doesn't do that, but we will have to see).
What I think Witch Watch does here is so striking and unique; Nico and the gang put in so much effort in between their escapades to get these two characters together so that they can be happy. Right when things lock into place, it all comes to a halt and resets, but what doesn't get reset is the readers' understanding and connections to these characters. We're already invested in Nico and Moi and we get a second chance to see these characters form a loving connection in a really unique way that feels unpredictable as Nico slowly regains her age and memories back. It's got a bittersweet tone to it as Moi doesn't get to express his love in the way that he wants to, but we get to see such a complex form of love develop as he takes the role of a caretaker for little Nico. Love is more than romance or attraction and getting a chance to put that trope away for a bit to do something different is so refreshing. It really builds out something so much more complete and more befitting of a seinen maybe, rather than a shonen with fight scenes and mythical characters.
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This current arc is the beginning of part 2 of Witch Watch, with the big bad leaving the group alone because Nico is useless to him as a child with no control over magic. We know this peace will come to an end when Nico is restored to her proper age, but we get to see the characters all get up to their silly antics again with child Nico in the mix now. It's a really cool shakeup that adds new life to the slapstick comedy bits that make up most of the story, putting the action in the back seat again for now. This is the most recent chapter at the time of me writing this (chapter 133), and seeing Moi's perspective as the point of view in contrast to Nico's experiences so far is really gripping to me. This final page of the chapter is what did it for me:
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It hurts, but it's love. The pain is temporary, all for the goal of being together when it's all over, with a connection deeper than anything that they would have formed otherwise.
Please go give Witch Watch a read! It's really fun!!
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waitmyturtles · 10 months
Turtles Catches Up With Jojo Tichakorn: The Warp Effect (2022-23) Edition
My life is so insane right now with the usual adulting responsibilities that afflict me and so many others (AFFLICT, I SAY!) that I've been spending most of the little time I have to write meta focused on the Old GMMTV Challenge -- I'm even neglecting my DARLING Japanese doramas in Minato's Laundromat 2 as I catch up on everything else, gah. (Dangerous Romance and Only Friends on consecutive days. SMDH. GMMTV said, hey beesh, your time belongs to MOI NOW, and I'm all like, HOW DID I LET YOU DO THIS TO ME.)
BUT ALL THAT BEING SAID, fuck, if you wanna make something happen, you make it happen, right? I heard the demands, the slamming of hands-hands-hands on the table from my dear friend @wen-kexing-apologist (HANDS!) to take on The Warp Effect as a means of preparing for the Only Friends onslaught, and to get to know another clutch project by the inimitable Jojo Tichakorn.
The Warp Effect was airing just as I really began to launch myself into watching more GMMTV dramas late last year. At the time of its airing in December 2022, I had literally only watched The Eclipse and A Tale of Thousand Stars like a GMMTV BL dilettante, not knowing 1) anything about 2) anyone and 3) why anyone, from the actors to the filmmakers, would be important to know about for any particular show. If I had picked up on The Warp Effect literally as it was airing, I, as an Asian-American, literally would have been like, THEY'RE MAKING THIS STUFF IN THAILAND, HOW DID ANYONE NOT TELL ME?!?!?!?! And that would have been it.
So, yeah, thank goodness I've watched it *now*, ha, in the midst of the OGMMTVC, where I've gained knowledge not only of the history of GMMTV's BL slate (of which The Warp Effect DOESN'T belong, just to clarify), but of the many significant actors who were in TWE, and also of the history of the GMMTV network airing increasingly progressive content in the first place. While BLs of all kinds, by various filmmakers, have aired on GMMTV since 2016's SOTUS -- as many of us know, Jojo exists outside of the BL bubble, making progressive art that's focused on sex and sexuality, sexual health, and the inclusion of queerness and various sexual expression and identification spectrums in everyday life.
I committed to knowing more about Jojo's oeuvre when Only Friends was first announced, because I'm always of the assumption that 1) artists talk to other artists through their artistic oeuvres, and that 2) artists also talk to their own growing body of art, through new art, progressively over the course of time. I figured that by being as familiar as I could be with as big of a scope as possible of Jojo's body of work, that I could pick up more deeply on where his mind might be going within Only Friends.
So anyway -- that's why I took on The Warp Effect. After watching Gay OK Bangkok -- Jojo's BRILLIANT 2016 collaborative web series with Backaof Noppharnach about male queerness and men's sexual health -- I knew The Warp Effect had to be next on my Jojo list. I also utterly devoured Jojo's 3 Will Be Free for the OGMMTVC, but in The Warp Effect, I wanted to see Jojo's continued conversation about sex, and his openness about sex in his art specifically, as a means of understanding better the framing from which he's coming to Only Friends.
Both P'Aof and Jojo have an utter expertise in teasing out brilliant performances from actors who you wouldn't necessarily think could pull off what these two demand in their work. I think on a regular basis about Tay Tawan's spin as Shin in 3WBF, and I shake my damn head at that performance every time -- how Tay, coming off of the jock role of a lifetime as Pete in Dark Blue Kiss, could play with such aplomb an unassuming gay virgin, out of the closet and inexperienced, who had a STEEL core of survival within him. It was such a great role.
I felt the same about seeing New Thitipoom as Alex in TWE. (And, honestly, I thought it was SUCH a G move for Jojo to continue exploring how to get some GMMTV guys out of their jock reputations by casting New from his own Dark Blue Kiss past, just like Tay. BRILLIANT.)
I LOVED New in this role. He clearly was acting outside of his usual boundaries, and I think he ate this role with eagerness. New as Alex emphasized a major core of The Warp Effect for me -- as opposed to 3 Will Be Free, The Warp Effect was rooted in a particular genre that's not always explored across the GMMTV portfolio: COMEDY.
The Warp Effect was fucking hilarious! New as Alex was out of control so much -- bumbling, mistake-prone, disoriented, but quickly gaining in centered control as he organized himself to begin tackling his way out of the curse that he had been put under.
What I love about what Jojo did with TWE was that with every curve this show took, every direction the story went, he clearly was driving the course of this show with one foot on the gas -- but with razor-sharp steering. A show rooted in comedy and depictions and dialogue about sex could have gone off the rails at so many moments. He began a number of episodes with montages of various intimacies that brought such a sexy and mature vibe to the show, that he rooted himself firmly in the ability to then dialogue about that intimacy with fluency. He knew how to set up conversations about sexual health with not an ounce of teachy condescension. He leveraged comedy when necessary to lighten what could have gotten dragged down by just about anything -- fear, judgement, condemnation. We know from Jojo's past oeuvre (GOKB, 3WBF) that he'd never go there. But that he took SUCH control of a complicated narrative that involved a sizable number of characters -- the fact that he wove commentary about sex and sexual health into that complicated narrative, and did it with sensible comedy and drama, was brilliant.
3WBF didn't talk about sexual health, but Gay OK Bangkok did, in spades, directed towards the Thai queer male community. I predict Only Friends is going to have some amount of commentary about alcohol abuse in queer partying culture vis à vis Ray. Selfishly, as a mom -- something that I will forever take away from The Warp Effect was the focus on women's reproductive health. I haven't seen such a close look -- and an ACCURATE READ -- on women's reproductive health in a show before this one.
So, first of all, I DO hope that it was meant to be indicated that Alex's memory about being an OB-GYN came back because, shit, you don't learn about giving Pap smears in a 30-second montage, HA. But that being said:
Stirrups? Speculums? Questions about looseness and fluids? Vaccines? Fertility? IVF? HORMONES? PREGNANT MOMMY HORMONES???
Damn. I mean. GIMME. I felt seen as a mom. Yet again, this is why I watch shows from Asia, and particularly Thailand by way of this country's openness with sexual honesty in media. How Jojo was able to turn the topic of women's reproductive health into compelling television. Western media would likely pooh-pooh this topic and/or turn it into cringe-worthy comic-ish commentary that would ultimately condescend to a woman's experience. I've been pregnant a few times, and let me tell you -- Jojo got Nim's experience CORRECT. (Except for her drinking what I hoped was a mocktail at the prom wedding. I know there are cultures that allow for minor drinking during pregnancy -- I'd have to find out where Thailand falls on that -- but my own personal experience was that my OB was so strict that I was afraid if she FOUND OUT I had a sip of something. Anyway, red drink in martini glass, let's hope it was Hawaiian Punch or the Thai equivalent.)
And of course, this being Jojo -- how The Warp Effect ALSO treated men's sexual health and queer male sexuality was also amazing, even heart-wrenching. I found myself getting emotional at Army's conversations with Joe about penetration and positioning, due in large part to Joe being so resistant at the start of even exploring these issues within himself. How Alex hilariously intervenes to provide Army the information he needs to come back to Joe to make intimacy better for the both of them -- again, the use of comedy here being so brilliantly leveraged to discuss a topic that could otherwise carry discomfort within it. The writing and filmmaking of Army's overall leading dialogue was incredible.
(Let me also say: I hope Fah comes back to Thai television. She just NAILED her role as Jean, and I'd love to see her act again, and get to know her repertoire better.)
I think what made The Warp Effect so successful was, besides the tight but complicated storyline, is Jojo's TOTAL FEARLESSNESS at tackling topics that he is DEEPLY rooted in, at a very high comfort level. Even in 2016's GOKB, Jojo and P'Aof wrote VERY FRANK dialogue about men's sexual health. (And for good reason, as GOKB shared that in 2016, 25% of Bangkok's queer male population was HIV-positive -- a stunning stat.)
When a director is rooted in that FRANKNESS -- without fear or hesitation, and even pressure from a network or sponsors -- they can really go places by way of making bold content with equilibrium. Many of us have noted that Only Friends is not sponsored -- no Oishii or Lays in sight. That means that Jojo (and his team) are going into OF unfettered. Give me more unfettered content about sex and sexual health. The world needs it, especially if it's centered around a redemption story of such a good order, that it makes every single actor within the show better because of it. The Warp Effect was a joy to watch -- even while it was rooted in fantasy, the truth it shared about intimacy and health are permanent lessons that are always needing to be learned.
P.S. Gawin Caskey's theme song was a BOP.
P.P.S. Shirtless, tied-up Joong: YES.
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