#wrote for the site.
tillman · 2 years
Wait what happened with you and the scp people? I'm sorry to bring it up but I deeply love the scp foundation and it's wiki and I don't wanna support something bad
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born-in-hell · 5 months
As some of you might know, southern Brazil, specifically the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has been struck by heavy rains and a consequential flood. The rains started on monday (29/abr) and only stopped today (5/mai), in Porto Alegre ─ the state capital, and the city i live in ─ and in the other cities nearby.
The lake that borders PoA (named Guaíba) has reached more than 5m up its normal level. This is higher than on the historic 1941 flood. The city's center ─ a big residential and commercial hub, beyond being the host of most of our public services (such as the city hall and the state government) ─ is completely taken by the water. Many other neighbourhoods were also affected.
Smaller cities that also border Guaíba were even more heavily affected, such as Eldorado do Sul, whose territory was almost 100% flooded.
The state is, for a lack of a better word, abandoned by the people that were supposed to aid.
Our governor, Eduardo Leite, is more worried about his plitical campaign ─ making dramatic videos, changing his facebook pfp to one of him with a public defense vest, making streams with no useful information ─ than with the people's lives. This year, he destinated only R$50.000 (~ USD250.000) for the Civil Defense. For the entire year. He is now, delegating the responsibility of recuperating our state to the Federal Government, stating that "the rbuilding of the RS will demand a Marshall Project".
Porto Alegre's mayor, Sebastião Mello, has vanished. He sold our city out to big enterprises ─ Melnick, Zaffari and Panvel, mainly ─, and hasn't destined any public resources to maintaining the Mauá wall (a wall built after the 1941 flood with a system made to protect the city from other floods), which caused many points to fail and the water to invade the city.
This is the danger we all face with a neoliberal system.
Neoliberalism is an individualist ideology. All these people and companies I named did close to nothing to help us. Or even made it worse. The Civil Defense, for example, published a map of all the areas that would be affected, but had to take it back, since it didn't consider the topography.
Its the people for the people.
This situation is being aided by people using their own resources. Donations of various natures and volunteer work. It is very beautiful, in a way. It shows that colaboration and union can do great things. It shows, at least to me, that the world can reach, one day, a self sustaining way of living, contrary to the ultra-individualistic capitalism some preach. Humans can, and are, good.
But it also lays out how much the people that govern us failed us.
Human lives were lost because of their negligency.
This flood isn't normal. It is a product of the huge levels of degradation multi-billionaire companies are causing the world, supported by higher class and their representatives. Eduardo Leite changed almost 500 points of our state's Environmental Code, for the worst, when he was first elected in 2019. His actions, and the actions of all other neoliberal politicians, such as our ex-president Bolsonaro, are what created this situation. They are responsible for everything that is going on here.
This flood isnt the only environmental crisis this state has faced in the last 6 months. This isn't the last one that will happen.
This text is, beyond a personal vent, a warning. We need to keep fighting against a system that is actively trying to kill us. Please, do not support ideals and people ─ especially if said people will rule you ─ that go against the environment, that preach that the capital, the money, the posesions, are more important than lives. Of the people, of the animals, of the environment. Fight for a better world, i know there can be one.
Always be aware of the climate in your areas. Things like this won't happen only here. Please be safe.
Sorry for the long post.
If you're interested in donating, @decaf-lesbian made this post with some links for international and national donations.
-> If you're from Brasil, check this link, that has a copilation of maps of risk areas, shelters, places to donate to, etc, made by a UFRGS student.
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zarla-s · 10 days
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I did Karaoke for my birthday a bit back and had a lot of fun, so I got to thinking about what songs these two might do, and of course they'd do Pokemon songs! I immediately thought of OK! 2000 for Kabu since the singer screams at the top of her lungs right at the beginning, haha. Larry's voice is softer in Japanese than I expected, so I thought of something a bit quieter for him - Soko ni Sora ga Arukara. It turned out the lyrics for that kind of fit!
When you become tired from trying so hard, Look to the sky as you shed your tears. The wind brushes your cheeks, I'm sure it'll say: "It's okay if you fall. You are you and that makes you wonderful!" Those that haven't been hurt cannot see the blue sky. On a journey you hesitate to walk on, your life will shine.
The OK! lyrics are simpler.
OK! Let's move on OK! If we're together, we'll be all right OK! Even if the winds change OK! Our dream won't!
Since the lyrics were in Japanese I figured I should write them out for real instead of Romanizing them, which made me realize just how long it's been since I've written in Japanese, haha. I bet my handwriting is terrible...
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hoonclub · 8 months
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starlit--gaze · 7 months
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Yeah pretty much
Worth mentioning I still don’t speak Mandarin very well (Cantonese speaker) and am still learning to read and write Chinese so I actually have no idea how you say “I’m mad” in Mando?? And I also don’t know how to write in Cantonese. This is what machine translation gave me. For the same reason I don’t know how to write coarse language in Chinese so the English is more of a “I want FX to say this” vs “this is what the Chinese is saying”
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starbiology · 24 days
forever confused by how this one nc event they had items with a bunch of important facts about the altador council and then the actual item descriptions are just random fluff??
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like what was the purpose???
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tboyswag · 7 months
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philip marlowe from fictional detectives of the hardboiled crime genre has tboy swag!
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Okay, so I don't usually post my fics directly on tumblr (usually just on ao3 with a link on here) but ao3 is down atm and I finished the dbd x mphfpc fic!
Tagging @fellow-fandom-fruitifier bc he asked :)
Um...I'll add what would be tags here:
Fandoms: Dead Boy Detectives (TV), Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Books)
Not really any necessary content warnings. Just a nice little case without anything dangerous, for once.
Word Count: 2069
The Case of the Lost Boys
Summary: The Dead Boy Detectives find themselves on the island of Cairnholm, investigating the whereabouts of a wandering ghost and his unfinished business.
While London alone was teeming with ghosts with issues to solve, occasionally ghosts brought cases from farther away. Typically, these cases were much simpler than what would, 25 years later, lead them to Port Townsend.
One of these cases, back in 1998, was The Case of the Lost Boys. 
The ghost of a young woman arrived in their office one afternoon. While the case didn’t necessarily concern her directly, she had spent a lot of time with the affected ghost. A young boy, around Charles and Edwin’s age, had been wandering the island of Cairnholm for decades, the woman said. He was looking for something—someone—that just wasn’t there. The woman paid them sufficiently, and Charles and Edwin agreed to take the case.
Mirror hopping led the two detectives through the mirror inside a bathroom, which was attached to a motel room, which was above a tavern. The sheer amount of noise coming from below caused Edwin to simply walk through the wall to get outside, instead of going down the stairs and through the tavern on the ground floor. It was one of several things that freaked Charles out every time Edwin did it. To his credit, however, Edwin was trying to do it less when Charles reminded him of it. However, that didn’t mean he didn’t still forget from time to time.
Edwin walked through a second floor wall and landed on his feet on the ground outside. A few minutes later, Charles was next to him, having taken the long way around. “Mate, you can’t keep doing that! I know you’re fine, but I still forget we’re dead sometimes.”
“Right, my apologies. I’ll use the door next time. I simply didn’t care to walk through such a loud establishment.”
“Next time, we’ll take the stairs and walk through a wall on the first floor, yeah?”
“Agreed. Now, let us track down this wayward ghost, shall we?”
After a bit of walking, the two detectives found the place their client had mentioned the boy to frequent. They had to wait a while, but, sure enough, the boy wandered through the bog and up near the old, previously bombed out house on the far side of the island. Once they were sure he’d stay there for a while, Charles and Edwin followed him up, Charles holding his cricket bat out in front of him.
“Excuse me,” called Edwin, “but we were called because we were told you might need help.”
The boy turned around. He’d been tearing through pieces of the house, searching. “My sister. She was here.”
“When it was bombed during the war?” asked Charles. He hadn’t quite gotten around to explaining the second world war to Edwin, but Charles knew London and other parts of the region had taken a lot of damage. He’d paid some attention during his history classes.
“Yes, but it always reset before anyone got hurt.”
“What do you mean, reset?”
“The bird reset it to the night before the house was destroyed. We would watch the show each night before bed. Then I went out one night, and I died. I can’t get back in. I haven’t seen her in years!” The boy punched a wall, causing chunks of it to fall out. Charles pulled Edwin backwards, out of the house entirely.
“I think he’s lost his mind,” said Charles, once he and Edwin were alone again. The two of them were poring over Edwin’s notes.
“It seems he’s lost his sister, and, though the house was bombed with her in it, he believes she’s alive.”
“He mentioned it all being reset. Sounds like a time loop, doesn’t it?”
“That it does, Charles, but we cannot see it, and therefore we cannot break it.”
“Is that even the problem, though? If he just sees his sister, he’ll move on.”
“That would be quite easy, Charles, if only we knew where the sister was.”
They didn’t even know the ghost’s name, and now they needed to find his sister, too? This wasn’t as easy as they thought it would be.
Charles and Edwin returned to the island the next day, after spending the night in the office reading up on time loops and delirium in ghosts. This time, they used the stairs to exit the tavern, and by the time they reached the old house it was midday. Despite the sun being high in the sky they still couldn’t see very well in the old charred house. Charles pulled two flashlights from his backpack and the search continued.
Eventually, Charles found a hole in the floor. “Edwin, come look at this!”
The boy in question followed Charles’s voice until they were both looking down into the hole. Edwin went down into the hole while Charles stood lookout, just in case the ghost boy made another appearance.
Inside the hole in the ground, Edwin found a trunk of old photos, featuring children doing largely impossible or supernaturally odd things. As he sifted through them, a second light appeared above his head. It was a soft glow, like a fireplace, and Edwin looked up right as Charles called, “Edwin?”
A girl stood next to Charles, holding a ball of flames above the hole to see into it better. Edwin heard her voice echo as she asked Charles, “What are you doing here? Who are you?”
“Stay back,” warned Charles, pointing his cricket bat at her.
“What. Are you doing. In our house?” asked the girl, punctuating each set of words with a few steps forward. Behind her, Charles soon noticed, were a smaller girl, likely about seven years old, and a boy the older girl’s age that gave off a faint buzzing sound if it was quiet.
“We were just leaving, actually.” Charles took a step back.
“Good,” said the girl.
“Emma,” said the younger girl, “we should go before we’re late for lunch.”
Emma grimaced, turning around towards the two that were with her. “I suppose so. The bird will be angry if we’re late.” She cast one last warning glare over her shoulder at Charles, and then the three of them were gone.
Edwin climbed back out of the hole, with help from a rope Charles had in his backpack, and reported his findings to Charles. “It appears to be a group of syndrigasti: a variant of human with an extra soul. These extra souls give them special abilities, such as the boy’s ability to do so much damage around this place, and the girl’s fire.”
“So, his sister must be one too?”
“Not necessarily. It’s a relatively rare condition, however, it is especially likely in this case. If he cannot find her, and neither can we, she’s likely in a time loop for the living. Only syndrigasti can enter, and we are not that.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad then, does it? He can go in himself and find her.”
“Not if he died in a certain way. If the creature that killed him consumed his extra soul, then he can no longer enter the time loop, as he said before. We will need to get the sister to leave the loop temporarily.”
“How do we do that?”
“I do not know. I suppose if we can find another occupant of the time loop, we may be able to get a message across. For that, however, we’ll need more information from the boy.”
“What about that girl, Emma? She had abilities, didn’t she?”
“We don’t know for sure that she lives there, though it is likely. Unfortunately, they’ve gone, and we still do not know how to enter the time loop.”
Later in the day, the detectives found the boy in the same place as the day before. Charles stood by with his bat while Edwin questioned the wayward ghost. They learned that the boy’s name was Victor, his sister’s name was Bronwyn, and that he had, in fact, died in the way Edwin had suspected. 
The one good thing about all this was that he remembered how to enter the time loop. Charles suggested writing on the cave’s wall and hoping they’d see it when one of them left again. Edwin, however, thought it might frighten the children if they saw a note reading “Bronwyn, your brother is looking for you”, considering Victor had been dead for decades.
Instead, Edwin wrote out a neat note and attached it to the wall of the cave:
Bronwyn Bruntley,
I am from the Dead Boy Detective Agency. We were called in about your brother. His ghost is still on the island in the present day. Until he has closure, he will not move on to his afterlife. Victor’s unfinished business is seeing his sister again. Once you receive this, it would help both of us if you could leave the time loop temporarily to reunite with your brother.
Edwin Payne
Edwin and Charles stayed on the island late into the evening, watching the mouth of the cave for someone to take Edwin’s note. Eventually, the note seemingly disappeared on its own. It moved like it was being removed from the wall by a hand, but there was no hand. It floated through the cave and disappeared through the other end.
Less than an hour later, two girls and a floating hat emerged from the mouth of the cave, each of them able to see Edwin and Charles (or so they assumed). One of the girls, the one that wore trousers and a shirt, asked, “Are you Edwin Payne?” She held the note in her hands.
“I am Edwin Payne. You must be Bronwyn.”
“I am. You found my brother?”
“We did.”
Victor, who had been all but dragged over near the bog by Charles earlier, stepped closer to the girls.
The two siblings embraced so tightly that anyone else might have bruised a rib from it. Edwin and Charles gave them a bit of space for their little reunion, until, eventually, Edwin had to burst their bubble.
“I do not mean to bring down the room, but since your unfinished business has now been finished, Death will be coming to collect you shortly. Therefore, Charles and I must be going, now.” Edwin turned on his heel and began to walk away, Charles shortly behind him. 
Then, the other girl, Emma, called out, “Wait!” and Edwin stopped. He turned back around to look at her.
“I don’t know if you work with the living at all, but I’ve been looking for a certain boy since the last war. If I give you a name, can you send the results to our post box in town?”
Edwin’s expression softened slightly, and he pulled out his notebook and pen. “Of course. What is the name?”
“Abraham Portman.”
This second, smaller case did not require that the Dead Boy Detectives remain on Cairnholm. The two of them did, however, have to use their disguises that would allow them to appear living. They searched computers and phone directories until they found the man Emma had been looking for.
The two ghosts finally found Abraham’s house in Florida, in the United States. Mirror hopping there was easy. The difficult part was deciding how to explain it to Emma. Abraham was married by then. He had a wife, two children, and his son even had a son of his own. So much time had passed since Emma was this young. Edwin understood far better than he’d have liked to.
Edwin ultimately wrote Emma, sending the letter to the postbox she gave the address to. Charles looked it over for sensitivity purposes, and then off it went. A week later, Edwin received a letter in return, thanking both he and Charles for putting in the effort to help her, even though she didn’t get the answer she wanted. Attached were a few paper bills as payment.
Although Edwin continued to be baffled as to how she was returning his letters, he continued sending them. As it turned out, despite having so many other children living with you, the novelty of a ‘pen pal’, as she called it, was slow to wear off. 
Letters were sent back and forth between Cairnholm and London regularly for a solid twelve years, and then, suddenly, they stopped. Edwin, unsurprisingly, began to worry. That is, until he received a letter from Florida, instead of Cairnholm.
Emma, it seemed, was doing just fine.
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dovesick · 3 months
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(the end is near) “they don’t deserve them! take a look around you. this society is a disease & they are the vectors: mindless drones with happy memories. they’ve never suffered! they’ve never felt pain like i have! they won’t miss their memories, they’re just as useless with or without”
carys prepares for attack as the creature in front of her grows larger. its grin distorts as it grabs the boundaries of reality & steps out. she knows she cannot let it leave for the sake of the world. 
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yurtb0y · 1 month
YESYES OKAY!!! *inhale* SO.
(this all might change later since he's still pretty new)
General info I guess (haven't fleshed out his backstory much yet.)
was a Catholic priest before the AM takeover (obvis)
he's roughly in his mid/late 30's- early 40's
he doesn't have a name yet because I'm stupid.
He lived in the United States when AM attacked. He was born in Poland and moved to the US in his mid 20's. (probably someplace like Texas or Utah... )
probably gay or in some way queer but DEEPLY in denial. (also in my mind IHNMAIMS takes place in the 60s/70s somewhere around that time so like... y'know... also makes room for the religious guilt plotline.)
Kinda stopped believing in god after long enough in AM's complex because like really who wouldn't. throwback to Ted's entire spiel about AM being god y'know the one.( Ik that wasn't meant litterally but the sentiment still works.)
As for his relationship with the other survivors and his torture.
Ellen- He'd most likely be less harsh on her and not really like.... *ahem*. use her. He'd always been a pretty compassionate man he was never like the freaky creep kind of priest/pastor. He can most likely sympathize with her past a bit as well- or atleast as much of it as she's willing to share which I imagine isn't much.
Nimdok- This mf is Polish. He does not like Nimdok. (If we're talking game Nimdok which is what I'm basing this... AU, I guess? off of.) I don't think they'd actively beef but they'd prolly just try to avoid eachother within the group. In terms of book Nimdok I think there's a slight possibility they could've gotten along. Honestly for Nimdok like... (Idr if where I saw this I think it was from a fic somewhere) but I like the idea that he wasn't actually a n*zi but since it's mentioned his memory is fucked AM just convinced him and the others he was so pin them against him and fuck with him some more. idk man allied mastercomputer behaviour. It also makes me dread thinking about him a little less.
Gorrister- Surprisingly, I think they'd get along. Even if they don't share a religion I think they'd find solace in confiding their guilts in eachother, esp with Gorrister's guilt over what happened with Glynis-- also since it's mentioned in the book Gorrister used to be an activist (which I think is more interesting than his trucker backstory from the game so I'm sticking with the activist storyline.) I feel like he's the least likely to be quite as homophobic as the others (cause let's be real here.) so maybe. MAYBE. He'd eventually try talking about some of those buried up feelings with Gorrister. Unlikely though. Overall I think they could be the closest thing to friends I can imagine with their situation.
Benny- I think they could've gotten along pre-monkey'd, (For Benny I like to combine his book and game backstory in my mind so tldr he was a professor and was later fired when it was discovered he was gay and then the enlisted in the military and killed 3 people. boom.) I think Priest oc would've respected them but after the monkey moment I feel like he'd kinda treat him like the family dog just as the other survivors do.
Ted- Ohhh boy. I have some words I'm not sure I'm allowed to use on Tumblr. They'd either get along or beef or some secret third evil and more sinister thing. Toxic without the yaoi. They make eachother worse. I need to map my thoughts out better before I write anything about them out. giggles but not in a good way.
wow I really used this as an excuse to dump about my ideas for the other survivors too huh.
Whilst I haven't sat down to ponder how AM would fuck with him I do know I wanna play off the theme of guilt somehow. I can imagine him being ripped apart by wolves for some reason that's just been like stuck in my head the whole time I've been typing all this out. Also maybe almost something with sacrificial themes? I'm kinda thinking about how Benny's part in the game ends for inspo on that it's hitting the right vibe. Please don't cancel me I'm Polish and all my family is Catholic.
Annon I hoped you liked reading this cause I had fun writing it. Also here he is again for anyone who's seeing this but didn't see the og post.
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also I'm SO open to name suggestions for this freak cause I've got NOTHING.
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lila-rae · 11 days
My brother was talking about his wife and her love of AO3 and asked if I have an account.
I really try not to lie to my brothers but
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falsegrailwar · 2 years
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Hello QiuRong nation as well
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cascade05 · 2 months
Giddy, screaming in my pillow, kicking my feet because just imagine your fav’s warm chest under your ear… burying your face in his shirt… taking in his scent… smiling against his skin at the lazy way he draws his fingers up and down your spine, an action that both soothes you and makes you nuzzle deeper into his chest like you could make a home in the cavern of his ribs because you feel all fluttery and warm; nervous but in a fun, schoolgirl kind of way
Thinking about his hand on your hip, heavy and warm over the fabric of your sleepwear as you look up at him with a soft, content expression feeling all sorts of mushy and gummy and sweet because he’s got a life to live and probably a few things to do, yet he chose cuddling here with you and you feel like you don’t deserve it but you’re staying here all the same.
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Unedited, feel like this applies to any and all characters really, just feeling uber mushy as of late… dunno
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laseratingfist · 4 months
luka bombs the first few fights he competes in at the fight club, so sampo thinks he's probably safe to bet against him again. before the match, he tells luka to do his best and that he'll buy them both dinner afterwards. luka, newly motivated by the prospect of a date with sampo, absolutely crushes the competition. unfortunately, sampo is now all out of money, unable to afford the meal.
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omgpoindexter · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek "Nursey" Nurse/William "Dex" Poindexter Characters: Derek "Nursey" Nurse, William "Dex" Poindexter, Chris "Chowder" Chow, Samwell Men's Hockey Team Additional Tags: Flirting, that’s like the whole fic, Bunk Bed Era, Pet Names, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Dex gets to be the chill one as a treat, is it ooc for dex to be smooth? if yes i don’t care Summary:
Maybe it was a slip of the tongue, or an accidental admission after one too many beers, because Nursey doesn’t hear Dex compliment anybody else.
Nursey isn’t sure why he’s - so far - the exception.
(Or, Dex doesn’t compliment anyone. Except Nursey.)
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jounosparticles · 9 months
me pretending to not know what tumblr is when my cousin recommended it as a "good writing and blogging platform" (i don’t have the heart to tell her that i have a tumblr and do nothing but talk about anime men)
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