#wu is aroace anyway
parachutingkitten · 5 months
I've seen Misako rewrites or ideas all over Tumblr. What would you do?
idk. get her out of that awful love triangle for a start.
I think a lot of my problems with her come from their characterization of her. I'd give her a ton of self doubts about what she did. I'd make her awkward, and distant but overcompensating all at the same time. I'd make her a lot less graceful and put together and... warm. You know, rough up her edges so she's not just a motherly exposition machine.
Also, give her a proper divorce.
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legendsoffandoms · 12 days
Just to be safe yall, trigger warning for: implied cannibalism, mentions of death, implied mentions of extreme violence
But I was thinking of this au for ninjago, and I think some of yall might like it.
So it’s an au based of Lloyd’s oni and dragon side being like separate consciences inside his brain. But very very different.
So it takes place after season 3 but before season 4. And in which in some weird form of magic, Lloyd gets separated into basically a pair of twins. No one is quite how it happened as Lloyd was obviously on a solo mission. But safe to say, that villain probably didn’t make it out unscathed. Anyways, now there’s well Oni Lloyd and Dragon Lloyd. Who surprisingly get along quite well. But the names are gonna be a problem soon….
Anyways, that’s my idea for the background for this. (The dude that managed to dude this is also definitely dead 😔🙏 ) But now onto some cool facts about this au!
The two of them wear matching necklaces, dragon boi is the white side of the Yang and Oni boi is the black side :3
Oni gets hit a lot by dragon for his quite violent nature, but it’s all in good love. Dragon would totally kill someone if they tried to hurt his twin :3
The ninja were honestly so confused when they met up with Lloyd expecting just him, and instead got two of them…. They also tried to kill them XD it took a lot of explaining and attempted murder to get them to calm down.
Morro was also hella confused. Thought when he kidnapped Dragon he was just kidnapping Lloyd. Dude’s life almost died cause Oni tried to murder him again. The ninja had to stop him multiple times in fear of hurting dragon.
Oni and Dragon have Oni and dragon features, but can hide them if need be. Which has let to lots of confusion on everyone else’s side. And by that I mean no one can tell which one is which if they truly want that. The two are some little ass gremlins.
Jokes on yall, Dragon is Aro and Oni’s Cupio AroAce. Dragon just doesn’t date because he of said Aromanticness (which is he is choice) , and Oni just doesn’t think anyone is good enough for him. [This is more of a hc, please don’t get mad at me 😭]
Kai is both Dragon and Oni’s favorite sibling/teammate other than themselves. Naya is a close second. And everyone is extremely jealous of him.
Lloyd is trans in this au, which does sadly mean some unpleasant times for the twins dude to their unhuman sides. Basically mating season for both of them is quite unpleasant. Kai and Naya are the only ones who can touch the two during said time other than themselves.
Dragon honestly likes Wu a lot (though it slowly fades as the show goes on). While Oni basically silently dislikes him. Oni loves their father a lot more than normal Lloyd openly shows in the show. While Dragon loves him just as much as Lloyd actually shows in the show.
Dragon Lloyd actually quite enjoys the goth aesthetic, while Oni boi likes a more traditional style. Which leads to some interesting conversations with people XD
I think that’s about it for now, I do hopes you enjoyed this new au :3
Also feel free to call them Odi, said O-de, and De-de. Odi is Oni Lloyd and De-de is Dragon Lloyd. The reason? Odi comes from the end of Lloyd, o-y-d, I just placed the Y behind the D and got Odi. Also cause I was like, what’s the first letter of Oni? O, what’s the letters after O in Lloyd? Y and D. And I got De-de from just taking the D from Lloyd and Dragon, then simply saying them and putting an E at the end of each D gives you De-de :3
So I hope you like Odi and De-de! Also another quick note on their powers! The twins both have energy and their respective species element.
Okay for real, I’m done. Do hope you enjoyed this au I made! And have fun with it :3 (with credit of course)
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sketching-shark · 1 year
You used to like Bull Demon x Sun Wukong right? Could you do 76 + 85? Could also include Iron Fan or be one-sided if that's more your style
SDFAEGRTHSGRFES I literally got this ask three times so dang anon it seems you really like your Demon Bull King x Great Sage ship! Though I will say from my own end that while I personally see Sun Wukong as aroace, of all the people I have seen Sun Wukong shipped with I think pairing him with his og classic bestie made the most sense (like wow Wu Cheng'en even composed this whole poem about their ferocious fight and how tragic it was that their incredibly close friendship ended in bitterness). ANYWAY, here's an attempt at a Demon Bull King x Sun Wukong story with lots of Princess Iron Fan & the prompts of "Did They Or Didn't They" + "Innocent Physical Contact"
Humans could become gods, gods could become yao, but it was vanishingly rare for a yaoguai to declare themselves equal to heaven. Learning that there was another who would so audaciously dare to rebel against the deities was what had initially attracted the self-styled goddess Princess Iron Fan to the far-away Mt. Huaguoshan. She was a xian who knew herself to be accomplished in both the martial, spiritual, and magical arts, but even with an entire mountain cave court of her own to run she felt that the existence of another who called themself a deity on Earth was well worth her personal attention. There was always the chance, after all, that a Earthly god would sooner or later make an attempt at her home and her life. Such a being, as she knew from her own character, would not be restrained by the same rules that governed the Heavenly entities.
For an immortal of her caliber it was but a short trip to Mt. Huaguoshan. It was as filled with fruits and flowers as its name suggested. It was also a scene or unbridled, yet still strangely ordered, chaos. Thousands upon thousands of yaoguai--a good half of them monkey yao--were everywhere playing, eating, fighting, lovemaking, drinking, and even studying scrolls on a multitude of different subjects under the eyes of attentive teachers, all while others practiced military drills in tight formations. Five of the monkey yaoguai who were clearly working as guards had watched Princess Iron Fan float in. One of them had dashed off as soon as she was spotted--likely to announce her presence to this so-called Great Sage Equal to Heaven--while the other four waited for her to land with polite, if cautious, deference. They greeted her as Lady Immortal, and requested that she wait for their king to come welcome her himself. Princess Iron Fan decided to play along for now. Based on what she had seen of the activity on Mt. Huaguoshan, this Great Sage would at the very least have to be quite the administrator to organize everything from food production to education for all the yaoguai who called this mountain home.
When the Great Sage arrived not long after Princess Iron Fan had made herself comfortable on a stone chair covered with high quality silk and was wondering whether she should attempt the plum wine or assorted delicacies that had been brought out for her enjoyment, he did not come alone. The self-declared goddess found herself grudgingly grateful for the impeccable manners she had been instilled with when she still resided in heaven, as she had almost snorted with surprise and mirth when she first saw the vast differences between the Great Sage and his companion. Princess Iron Fan had known before coming that the Great Sage Equal to Heaven was a monkey yaoguai, but she hadn't expected him to be so...short. His stature and slender frame made the towering, well-muscled bulk of his bull yaoguai associate seem all the more formidable.
It was something that Princess Iron Fan, carefully keeping her face pleasantly neutral though she did, couldn't help but appreciate.
The two yaoguai both greeted her with a level of enthusiasm that shocked the self-declared goddess before they flopped carelessly onto the stone seat across from her, the bull yaoguai settling back with a snort of contentment, the monkey yaoguai using his horns to swing around and seat himself on the bull yaoguai's shoulders. The monkey yaoguai--the Great Sage--stared at Princess Iron Fan for a few seconds from his perch before he gave a short chatter of knowing laughter.
"Let's have a cup of wine each, brother bull! It's best if we start this party of three by assuring our guest that nothing's been poisoned."
Princess Iron Fan felt her face heating in embarrassment from being read so easily. Still, she was a stranger in a strange land, and the easygoing hospitality of the yaoguai across from her signaled that they didn't find anything insulting about her suspicion. Rather, they both leaned forward almost eagerly, and asked her if she had come to be part of the alliance of seventy-two mountains.
She had arrived knowing that the self-proclaimed Great Sage was a monkey yaoguai. She had also gathered tales of the many friends that he made everywhere he had traveled. And if she was being honest with herself, Princess Iron Fan had come not just to potentially scope out a future enemy, but with the hope that she might be able to make a new friend.
Deciding in a flash that honesty was the best policy when it came to forging new and hopefully friendly relations, Princess Iron Fan congratulated the Great Sage for his audacity, and admitted that it was precisely that which had first prompted her, as another self-stylized Earthly deity, to make the trip to his mountain home. The bull yaoguai--who, she learned, went by Niú Mówáng-- had roared in laughter at that, and informed her with a cheeky wink that his sworn brother might be the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, but that he was the Great Sage who pacified it. From there the conversation and wine had flowed quickly and pleasantly. Princess Iron Fan learned many details about the alliance between seventy-two yaoguai rulers and their seventy-two mountains that the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, religious name Sun Wukong, had created. She heard story after story of the exploits of Sun Wukong, Níu Mówáng, and the other five members of the sworn brotherhood, and offered a few of her own. Hours flew past in laughter, and while Princess Iron Fan had ended the party by telling a pouting Sun Wukong that she needed to consider matters further before she agreed to be part of his alliance, she could confidently say that their meeting seemed to be the beginning of a delightful relationship. That cheered the monkey right up, his good humor only getting larger when the three immortals were accosted by a pack of young monkey yao that Sun Wukong greeted enthusiastically as his grandchildren. He gave Princess Iron Fan one last wave before he let the horde tug him away, and proceeded to pull one sweet after another out of seams in his armor, the clamor of his grandchildren getting louder and louder as they all begged "Yeye Sun" for some of the treats.
Níu Mówáng watched the monkey and his young entourage leave with clear fondness before he turned back to the self-styled goddess.
"Well my Lady Immortal, what now? Are you planning to return to your own court, or shall we explore those amorous looks you have been throwing my way all evening a little further?"
Princess Iron Fan felt shocked by the bull yaoguai's bluntness into silence, long enough for Níu Mówáng's eyes to grow comically large as he fumbled through an apology for his forwardness, saying sorry that he had so terribly misread her gaze, sorry that he had assumed, sorry that he had-
"Please, you can call me Raksasi. And I think that could be a lovely way to end a delightful day."
The Demon Bull King looked so happy and grateful for her consent that Princess Iron Fan nearly laughed. She couldn't, however, help a squeal of joy and amusement when he picked her up easily and settled her on his shoulders, whispering almost conspiratorially that there was more than one way to ride a bull before setting off at an eager jog for his bedchambers.
Princess Iron Fan had been an Earthly immortal for centuries, and over that time had enjoyed a number of lovers. Yet if she was being honest with herself once again, Princess Iron Fan was coming to prefer the blunt honesty among many of the friendly more "animal" yaoguai over the strange, upsetting mind games that so frequently haunted even the closest of human and godly relations. At the very least, their willingness to express their true desires helped assure that the pain which came with misunderstanding was kept to a few embers, rather than turning into an inferno of raging and confused feelings.
It wasn't often that a relationship which had begin for mainly physical reasons blossomed into deep love, but it was a position that Princess Iron Fan found herself in when, years later, the Demon Bull King had greeted her marriage proposal with joyful tears and a bellowed "YES!!!!!" The bull yaoguai had been loud enough that a worried Sun Wukong, his as-you-will cudgel at the ready, had flown into the orchard Raksasi and Níu Mówáng were meeting at with his fangs bared, declaring he could turn their foe into a meat patty. All that fury quickly morphed into joy when he heard what his sworn brother had agreed to, and for all his small stature Sun Wukong was easily able to get the Demon Bull King in a headlock so that he could alternate between nuzzling his sworn brother and tousling his fur with monkey shrieks of delight. Sun Wukong even insisted that they hold at least the wedding feast at Mt. Huaguoshan, even going so far as to bring Princess Iron Fan into that sanctum sanctorum--his personal wine cellar--to convince her of the obvious benefits to choosing his mountain home over her own cave court. Eventually they compromised through the realization that there was no need to have one wedding feast when they could have several. It was a recognition that got that particular monkey off of Raksasi's back as he went to go plan at least five nights of what would be, in the Monkey King's own words "parties that will blow our collective tits clean off."
Raksasi had been happy with her life beforehand, but her upcoming marriage and all the years of friendship and love she had received made everything all the sweeter. She was a powerful xian, loved, respected (and a little feared) at her own court, a firm member of the alliance of now five hundred caves, the friend of some of the most amazing yaoguai she had ever met, and now soon to be married to the great love of her life.
And yet...and yet.
The relationship between Princess Iron Fan and the Demon Bull King had gone through many shifts, yet his relationship to the Monkey King was as strong now as it had been when she first met them. And it was clear to anyone with eyes that the Great Sage Equal to Heaven and the Great Sage Who Pacifies Heaven had a very close relationship, defined by constant tussling and hugging, loud parties, confidential whispers, and even bouts of them going off on adventures for two that sometimes lasted months, Sun Wukong perched confidently on Niú Mówáng's shoulder as they left the Mt. Huaguoshan cave, waving back at the cheering assembled yaoguai until they had disappeared from sight.
Raksasi knew all about this, of course. Conversation between her and her betrothed often turned towards the great deeds him and his sworn brother had accomplished (as well as their mishaps, if the bull yaoguai thought it made for an amusing tale). As it was, Raksasi had come to appreciate this part of her own relation to the Demon Bull King. Being the leader of her own court made for a very busy life, with many aspects that she had constructed according to her preferences over the centuries and which she hadn't wanted another party attempting to abruptly rearrange under the belief that romance with her allowed for anything. Indeed, her and Niú Mówáng had discussed this aspect of their upcoming married life in great detail, and had agreed that Raksasi's cave court and the Demon Bull King's grassland territory should more or less follow the systems that both yaoguai leaders had already established even after they had officially joined forces. Too abrupt a change could result in chaos for their people and for their personal lives. And that was to say nothing of the fact that they were both yaoguai centuries old, and as such as seen a multitude of relationships among their kind falling apart from too many small annoyances piling up as the years went past. The Demon Bull King and the Princess Iron Fan loved each other, but their love would be like the wind caressing the tree; their lives would be connected, but they would still stand as their own beings.
Raksasi was often left giddy in the knowledge that she had found a lover whose own desires wre so suited to her wants. But the closer her marriage to Niú Mówáng got, the more the intimate relation between her betrothed and the Great Sage Equal to Heaven became a topic of court and cave gossip. The whispers and rumors all around her started to become to intense to ignore. The Iron Fan Princess tried...no, she did trust her groom to not be dallying with another yaoguai behind her back, especially not with one with which they were both friends. But as the rumors continued to circulate over the precise nature of the Demon Bull King and Monkey King's apparently too friendly relationship, after she caught a number of her own court regarding her with pity, Raksasi felt justified in seeking reassurance.
When Princess Iron Fan was alone again with the Demon Bull King, she stopped his amorous touches by telling him about the rumors she had heard, how prevalent they had become, how much it was putting doubt on her and her betrothed's relationship. Niú Mówáng grew wide-eyed and gave a snort of surprise upon hearing all of this. It was, however, quickly followed by a thoughtful hum.
Princess Iron Fan braced herself for what might come next.
"I won't lie to you, honey. You are the love of my life...but Sun Wukong is the first one I ever felt such affection for. He...he was my best and most beloved friend for centuries before we even met you. He's been there for me through some of the hardest times in my life. And, well, you've seen him. Whether he's acting as a general or a drinking buddy, he's...he's magnificent."
Princess Iron Fan felt herself bristling a bit at this language in spite of the countless declarations of praise the Demon Bull King routinely gave to her own glory. She almost wanted Niú Mówáng to stop talking. But she wanted the truth of their relationship even more.
"Did you ever...act on your affection for Sun Wukong? Are...are you still acting on it now?"
The Demon Bull King looked absolutely crestfallen at her question, and Princess Iron Fan felt a pang of terror. She had been so worried about the possibility of her betrothed ruining their upcoming marriage with a secret affair that she had completely neglected to consider how her own mistrust might do the same. But Niú Mówáng eventually but smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, as if in silent apology for how his feelings and actions could have sparked her suspicion.
"Truth be told, I don't think he's ever even recognized my affection. And, well, once I realized that he had never shown that kind of interest in anyone, I got scared that me doing so would ruin what we have." Niú Mówáng offered Raksasi another hesitant, melancholy smile. "Truth is I'm still scared to tell anyone."
Raksasi experienced yet again the warm glow that came from understanding how much someone else trusts you to see something they'd rather have hidden. But even so, she had one more concern that, no matter how foolish it might seem she could not ignore.
"If Sun Wukong was receptive to your affections, do you...would you rather be marrying him?"
The Demon Bull King moved towards Princess Iron Fan slowly, as if scared she would fly away. But she let him pull her into a gentle hug and take a few minutes to assemble his thoughts.
"I love my sworn brother. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
Princess Iron Fan returned her beloved's hug fully.
"Thank you. For your love, for your patience...and for the truth. I know that it can't have been easy to admit your lingering feelings, not right when we're soon to get married. So know that because you told me the truth anyway, I will treasure all the more."
Reaching up, she cupped his face and tried to pour all the love she and understanding could into her gaze. It was also to buy some time to put together one of her own less-than-standard thoughts.
"So thank you for the truth my love. But know that if...if he ever tells you that he may want to take your relationship further...I wouldn't necessarily be averse."
The Demon Bull King's eyes and nostrils grew big with surprise, but then his faced rearranged itself into an expression that was absolutely lascivious.
"Oh? You'd like our dragon and phoenix to be joined by a monkey? I didn't realize I was marrying such a lecher~."
The Iron Fan Princess screamed in mock fury before giving her love a few gentle swats with her folding fan, condemning him for a mind clearly overtaken by the lust he accused her of. The Demon Bull King just responded with a bellowing laugh and sweeping Raksasi up so that he could nuzzle her face and pepper it with kisses, his whispered words going from naughty to sweet and then back to sensual. The Iron Fan Princess was left both heated and warmed from her husband-to-be's attentions and the promises of the treats he had planned for their wedding night. Yet for her the most wonderful part of all was the blooming realization of how honest with each other they could be.
And to be honest with herself once again, she could admit to jealousy. She had never had as deep a relationship with any of her past lovers as she had found with Niú Mówáng, something that left her both joyful that he had it and terrified that he wouldn't want to be in her life forever. Even if she had nothing to worry about in terms of Sun Wukong coming between her and the Demon Bull King, the reassurance that she was the love of his life soothed the spectre of loneliness that often haunted her thoughts. She was, at any rate, very grateful that she didn't have to confront the Great Sage Equal to Heaven for making moves on her man all while pretending to be her friend. Still, Princess Iron Fan could fully admit that while it was not the same kind of adoration that she and the Niú Mówáng shared, neither Raksasi nor anyone else could deny the loyal fierceness with which Sun Wukong loved the Demon Bull King.
It was something that Raksasi could even feel a terrible gratitude for when, centuries later, the Monkey King had prostrated himself before the entirety of a Heaven he had once attempted to overthrow and managed to negotiate, using himself as a bargaining chip, Niú Mówáng's sentence of death for attempting to hinder the journey to the west down to five hundred years imprisonment.
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specter-writes · 11 months
You still doing TOH matchups? If soooo
I am a lesbian oriented aroace, and nonbinary transmasc(they/he). I am an INTP-T and I have adhd and anxiety. Also a leo
I am 5’7, white, and have long-ish brown hair and grey eyes
I can be kind of gullible and a bit slow at times. I’m a lover of puns and horror novels, as well as cartoons, musicals, and music(favoring rock and electro swing). I try to look on the bright but can be pretty pessimistic. I have a hard time expressing emotions, but when I do I usually try to work them into jokes.
I have a passion for acting, gothic architecture, and art in general. My favorite aesthetics are easily gothcore and forest punk.
Aaaand my 15 highest kins: Lexington(Gargoyles), Marcy Wu(Amphibia), Miu Iruma(Danganronpa), Himiko Yumeno(Danganronpa), Dipper Pines(Gravity Falls), Tamaki Amajiki(My Hero Academia), Tomura Shigaraki(My Hero Academia), Shuichi Saihara(Danganronpa), Blitzo(Helluva Boss), Alphys(Undertale), Mikey(rottmnt), Donnie(rottmnt), Charlie Morningstar(Hazbin Hotel), Tsumugi Shirogane(Danganronpa), Amity Blight(The Owl House)
Hello anon! Hope you're having a wonderful day. I had a fun time thinking of a match for you, and it turned out pretty eas surprising enough. Also, I appreciate your taste in cartoons 🛐
Anyway! I'm easily sidetracked and match you with:
You can take this either platonically or romantically, or a mix of both, your choice. The reason I picked Eda was the bit where you said, "I have a hard time expressing emotions, but when I do I usually try to work them into jokes."
In my opinion that's a personality type she vibes with really well. In terms of relationship, she's what I'd call the "Unwilling Mom Friend/Partner." What I mean by that is that she doesn't really mean to mother people, she just does it naturally while pretending she doesn't actually care because she's Eda Clawthorne, and she's too independent to care about others.
Boy howdy I hope you dont forget to eat or drink regularly (I do) because you are in for the lecture of your life. Also, she gets your sleep schedule in order, ignoring the fact hers is practically nonexistent.
Whenever you let slip something depressing or pessimistic, she stares at you with this look of intense confusion, like you'd just said the sky was green and grass was blue.
She brings you human trinkets depending on what part of the canon/post canon you want it to take part in.
She is also very impressed by your knowledge of art and architecture. She never knew buildings had so much thought put into them.
And that is all I have for you my lovely folks! Anon, hope you enjoyed, and ffor the random reader, matchups are open till... I close them ig. So jus send in an ask lol and I'll answer.
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subterra-rose · 2 years
hii its me :3 i s wu reblogged that ask thingy about picking a acharacter and tbh idk what all thje fandoms ur in(and i dont wanna pick a rando you may not know lol) but im gonna go with a good boi.. Hunter from the owl house >:3 (i finished the series last week and i am READY for march 19!!) sorry tjis is kinda long cus im a ramblin kinda gal............................. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Catt my beloved mutual, tell me your thoughts on TOH PLEASE hgdsjfgdsj
favorite thing about them I like snarky white boys 😔 what can I say? Seriously though, I think Hunter is interesting to analyze bc there's facets of his character that reflect really well off of other characters like Luz, Amity, and Eda
least favorite thing about them Sometimes he's kinda rude for no reason? But I definitely get why given how he was raised
favorite line "Hey, find a different perch, bird" He's so mean to Lil Rascal and its like bro? The bird loves you smh stop being a bitch and accept it /j
brOTP Him and Luz but I could also see him being really good friends with anyone in Luz's circle
OTP Eh nothing really, I hc him as aroace tbh, but most ships involving him im fine with LOL
nOTP Okay if you actually want me to give one, I guess him and Gus? I havent seen that one a lot anymore but im 90% sure its implied Gus is like 12-13, so its just kinda squicks me out
random headcanon I feel like Hunter used to sneak out a lot more before he was made coven head, whether that was to find more info on wild magic or just explore parts of the isles
unpopular opinion Okay this is me not liking hc/aus but I really dont like when people make Lilith his mother figure? I feel like she's awful with kids (eg. Her and King) LOL
song i associate with them Im not good at associating songs with characters, Im better at scenarios 😔 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSQBHDrF_X4
favorite picture of them He's literally neurodivergent and a minor And my son
Tumblr media
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fate-pride-order · 2 years
Info + Rules
Hi everyone! On this blog, I recreate pride flags by color-picking from Fate/Grand Order characters. Feel free to use them however you want! Credit is appreciated, but not required. Blog inspired by ygoprideflags and operated by spring-ephemeral.
Link to tag list for mobile users (you'll probably have to open it in your browser).
This blog is open to requests, and you can find some guidelines/rules below the cut. Don’t be deterred by the length, I just like being thorough, though TL;DR: Be nice, don’t start discourse and don’t be vague if you want something specific.
Feel free to send in asks if anything is still unclear to you.
Any sorts of bigots or exclusionists will not be tolerated.
1. Any character from FGO with official art can be requested, and I can also put multiple characters on one flag. Asking for multiple flags at once or combination flags is also fine. I will do other characters from the TYPE-MOON franchise if requested, but my main focus will be on FGO.
2. Do not ask for more than three flags per request, and don’t send in another request until all of the ones you asked for last time have been posted. I’m trusting you guys not to misuse anon features for this.
3. No straight/ally flags, no joke/gimmick flags (e.g. rabies, superhell), absolutely no MAP-related flags. Requesting the latter WILL get you blocked. Pride flags related to disability, neurodivergency etc. are allowed.
4. If you want me to use a specific ascension stage for the character, please mention it, otherwise, I’ll just use the one that’s easiest to get the right colors for or that I personally like the most. Also tell me if you want me to use Alter or Summer versions.
5. Asking for some color or positioning adjustments is just fine! But for the former, please remember that I can only do so much with what I have.
6. If there are multiple iterations of a flag (such as the rainbow flag or the aroace flag) or if the flag is relatively obscure, please specify which one you want me to use unless you’re okay with me just taking the first ones that show up on tumblr or Google. For the given examples, if you don’t specify, I will use this rainbow flag and this aroace flag. 
7. If you simply say “gay flag”, I will do both the MLM and the rainbow flag, so if you only care for the one, please differentiate in your request.
8. I’ll ONLY use official art (unless you can somehow get permission from the fanartist), and I’ll usually try to go for the Expression Sheets first unless otherwise requested. I might be willing to occasionally make other official art transparent by myself, but I can’t do that for every flag if I want to regularly update. Because of this, some flag/character combinations will just not be possible for color-picking. I can still make you an icon where only some or even none of the colors are picked from the character (usually with some other decorations to make up for it), but I will try to ask you about it beforehand. Art that was created by the official character artists but not implemented in the game still counts as official art and may be requested.
9. Under NO circumstances will I ever make flags for:
Summer Frankenstein (stage 3/4)
Ibuki Douji (Stage 1)
Chloe von Einzbern (any stage)
Jack the Ripper (stage 2-4)
Wu Zetian (stage 2-4)
Mochizuki Chiyome (stage 1)
Kama + Summer Kama (stage 1)
Abigail Williams (stage 2-4)
Summer Abigail Williams (stage 1)
I won’t block you for asking anyway, but I will give you some serious side-eye for some of these.
10. If you try to start debates about my rules (especially #3 or #9) or complain about certain flag/character combinations, there’s a 99% chance I will block you without engaging.
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lok trolls au
😭😔 listen blame my little brother who made me watch trolls like a million times, my idiotic brain, this post that started it all, and simran for this im so sorry y’all /lh 
[under the cut because oh boy this got so long i hate it here]
first off we begin by saying don’t question the plot like eesha? why are korra and asami the bergens? how does this even work? i have no idea, plot doesn’t exist in my brain so yeah now here we go! 
wu is poppy, as a happy-go-lucky prince, willing to spend his days singing and scrapbooking 
and mako as branch, the outcast troll who lives alone and is wary and practical and doesnt like singing 
(please i cant explain the plot of the movie “trolls” to you guys im so sorry)
let’s start with poppy (wu)’s crew
creek (the yoga dude who betrays them) is SO kuvira
glitter dude is kai (except less nakedness? idk thats a void in my memory i hated that so its gone because wow thats so weird)
cooper, that weird animal thing that poops cupcakes is bolin
the fashion twins (satin and chenille) are eska and desna
 biggie or the big dude with the worm is uhhhh the airbending crew (ikki, jinora, and meelo) because i love my airbenders and the worm is an air bison
dj suki, or the...you know the dj is,,,,,,,not here 
fuzzbert, the troll that doesn’t even talk is iroh ii purely becuase i need my aroace king somewhere in this au
smidge is just ,,,,,,,,all of the beifong kids, instead of smidge we have the iconic wei&wing, wonderful opal, and huan beifong (the only beifong kids that exist ❤️)
literally just the entire pop trolls population is the earth kingdom 
and now the bergens? that’s what they’re called right? 
the chef, or the main villain is president raiko
the king, king gristle sr. (i know, i dont like the fact that this information is at the top of my head either) is asami’s dad, hiroshi
so asami is technically king gristle jr. (and you know what? no she DOES get the job done but she can’t not listen to raiko so yeah)
korra is bridget, the maid who works under the chef, and admires asami from afar 
good? good now moving on to the songs
like just imagine the entire opening song (idk what it’s called) with the entire earth kingdom like 
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[ID: a screencap of Princess Poppy from the movie, Trolls. She is running under a handmade, colorful, curved bridge formed by the two lines of trolls’ hair. She is smiling, with her arms wide open in glee. END ID]
also “get back up again”? with wu 
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[ID; a screen cap of Princess Poppy from the movie Trolls. She is dirty and roughed up, standing with her feet apart, holding what seems to be a yellow venus fly trap open, with a determined and triumphant look on her face. END ID]
this is so wu please
the rollerblading song?? with korrasami??
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[ID: A screen cap of King Gristle Jr. and Bridget in a rollerblading rink from the movie, Trolls. They are rollerblading, Bridget in a rainbow wig and pink jumpsuit, rollerblading backwards and pulling King Gristle Jr. who is dressed in his normal attire of blue shirts, a red and white striped shirt, and a kingly cape. They are smiling wide at each other. END ID]
“true colors”?? that’s a wuko song (god i hate that) like branch getting his color back and mako getting,,,,,something back
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[ID: A screencap from the movie Trolls. In the screencap, Poppy and Branch, who has gotten his color back, are the main focus as they stare at each other and hold hands. Cooper’s head is visible in the side of the frame, with his eyes closed, playing the harmonica. In the background, all the other trolls can be seen END ID]
wu, mako, the gang, and the entire earth kingdom dancing “can’t stop the feeling” to korra and asami? unparalleled 
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[ID: a screencap from the movie Trolls. in the screencap, Poppy and Branch can be seen with their arms raised up in a dance move, smiles on their faces, while the rest of the trolls watch. END ID]
anyway that’s it for this folks because one, this is all my brain can come up with and two, for the sake of my sanity i will stop here
once again im so sorry <3
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falling-chandeliers · 4 years
this is unprompted but are you willing to share your lgbt headcanons for lok characters? 👀
oh geez, not gonna lie i don’t really have my own, but i just agree with most of the fandom on theirs :/ @agenderbumi and @lesbiankya have some great ones though !!
so i guess these aren’t really mine but these are ones i believe in sorry :/
- demiboy meelo. a lot of people don’t see this bc of his young boy men-are-better attitude, but i really think they could question their gender later on in the show !!
- when meelo comes out to tenzin they’re a bit confused but supportive, bc tenzin mainly understands the male female & nonbinary genders, not really anything in between
- but then after some time and effort tenzin comes to understand and eventually starts questioning their own gender (i’m a firm believer in non-binary tenzin!!)
- tRANS LIN. i am a FIRM believer in trans lin. she suffered from internalized transphobia for a while, because she thought that all girls had to act very feminine and, well, girly. i also believe that kya helped her through her gender crisis, and helped lin realize that no, not all girls are feminine.
- demigirl kya. i don’t really know how to explain this but,,,,,, demigirl kya.
- i also feel like lin would be bi oriented aroace. like, she would def be in a QPR with kya, but for the longest time she thought she was broken for not wanting a “normal” romantic relationship am i projecting onto lin? you’ll never know
- bigender wu !! wu has two gender identities, one that is male and one that is non-binary, although they tend to stick to he/they pronouns. 
- i really love the idea of panromantic ace bolin & genderfluid opal!! similar to the demiboy meelo hc, bolin first doesn’t really understand opal’s gender identity, but after a lot of explaining he ends up getting a general grasp on the concept. he wakes opal up every day w good morning kisses & then asks them for their pronouns. also along the way, bolin realized that oh shit, i am not just attracted to girls why is everyone so amazing
- bolin is definitely a major “I LOVE MY SPOUSE” husband, whether you hc opal as cis or not dsfjsfsdf and we love him for that
- everyone on team avatar is bi with the exception of bolin, who is a raging panromantic. asami has a preference for girls, korra for strong people in general (you can fight me on this), and mako has just recently discovered that yes, he is allowed to be attracted to boys. i hc him as a very deeply repressed bi, and that was partly why his earlier relationships were so awkward bc emotions??? he knows them, just doesn’t understand them.
sdkjfhjsdkf yeah anyways i lied i just came up with all of these ones rn (except for the last one) but if i accidentally stole someone hc i’m sorry :(
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dance-of-doom · 4 years
give me ALL your lgbt headcanons NOW
let's start with the main six
kai: nonbinary, gay and arospec
cole: trans guy. oriented aroace (gay)
zane: nonbinary. was meant to be a boy, immediately takes 900 steps to distance himself from the concept of gender. pan
jay byrd: trans girl. man i love this concept so much. she's a lesbian also (if we're rolling with jay then i say bisexual, trans guy)
nya: transfem demigirl, bisexual. i love her so much
lloyd: transmasc, but not really on the binary y'know? acespec AND arospec
moving to some other characters
pixal: trans girl (i imagine it went like with jenny from my life as a teenage robot, i haven't seen it but there's a clip floating around the website). bisexual & ace
skylor: trans girl. someone said she looked like a tiktok lesbian and i couldn't agree more (in a positive way. they're hot)
echo: demiboy and pan (similar to zane but not quite)
vania: lesbian and demigirl
faith and jet jack: trans lesbians
dareth and ronin: gay and bi respectively. both trans ofc
akita: genderfluid, bisexual
scott: *kisses him* bisexual demiboy (i accidentally reread this as catboy. he's nyanbinary now)
i also have headcanons for old people
wu: idc he's gay
misako and garmadon: they're bi
mystake: lesbian! and uh genderfluid i think it makes sense (actually i hate that only shapeshifters get to be genderfluid. that's very poor rep)
now on to the villains (spoiler alert they're gay too)
pythor: gay and homophobic
skales: bi
morro: nonbinary bisexual. arospec simply based on the color palette
harumi: trans girl, lesbian, aromantic
u.v: trans ace lesbian (i have so many trans lesbian hcs.. good for them)
mr. E: iirc someone said hesbian and hell yeah
cryptor: nb, gay
aspheera and machia: lesbiansnakes
all the other sneks and skeletons are mlm trust me
honestly im tired of having always the robots as nonbinary so i reversed that trope with pixal and kept it with zane. to balance it out or something. pixane trans robots power couple
ace pixal bc the colors fit those of her original palette kinda. same for uv
byrd is a headcanon that i've been thinking about for some months now (inspired by ju/ne egbert 💙)
half of these i went with *look at how hard i can project*
i probably missed some characters,, anyway feel free to reply/reblog with your own :p
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