#wuthering waves drabbles
instaspacenoodles · 3 months
✧₊⊹𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐧
Have I recover from Jiyan brain rot? Nope. So here’s more of my fluffy headcanons in honor of raising him to lvl 70.
Jiyan has been career-oriented since childhood, all due his family’s background as medical professionals. He was the type to focus on studying and mastering his medical skills rather than dabble in schoolyard crushes. His family had high expectations for him after all and he didn’t want to disappoint them. If it meant turning down his peers’ invitation to gather herbs or burying his noses in thick books then he’ll do it.
Jiyan can be kinda oblivious to people having a crush on him because of his lack of experience. Romance was so far off his radar that he wouldn’t know if it hit him in the head. The thought doesn’t even cross his mind that someone actually likes likes him. Subtle flirting would definitely go over this man's head no matter how hard you tried to drop hints. Like you leaving him chocolate? It was just a friendly gesture. You complimenting him on his looks? Perfectly normal for people to express their opinions on appearances.
Jiyan would think that your weird behavior around him was just out of shyness, awkwardness or even fear. You’re so outgoing with everyone else, but you’re so quiet with him. He has no idea why you have such a drastic shift in personality. Was it because of his title and status of general? Is it because he’s serious the majority of the time? He understands that he looks a bit intimidating, but tries to be approachable to not make you uncomfortable. Man is just utterly clueless that his attractiveness is the reason you’re going crazy.
Jiyan is the embodiment of “you fell first, he fell harder.” It might take a little time and external forces, but once it clicks that you have a crush on him — let’s just say he’s sent into a whole dilemma. Man is rethinking every interaction you had with him. All the chocolate, the compliments, how flustered you get when he approaches you - how didn’t he see this before? His eyes have been open and now he can’t help but study every gesture you make. The way your smile makes his stomach swirl, the way your laugh was such a pleasant sound to listen to, and the way being close to you made him feel nervous. Ah, maybe he might like you too.
Jiyan was held back by two things though. His lack of experience in the romance department and his fear of getting too close to people. He already lost so many people that were close to him, so many people that he failed to protect when it mattered most. The doubts festered in his mind endlessly and haunted him everyday. What if you got hurt? What if he failed to be there to protect you? What would he do if he couldn’t save you? He can’t shake those thoughts, yet he knew that he would regret missing this chance more than anything else. He would just have to try his hardest to make sure that nothing harms a hair on your pretty little head.
Jiyan would definitely go into research mode to try to understand what’s the right way to romance you. He would want to sweep you off your feet in a sweet gesture that expresses his feelings. He would even ask his mother for advice on courting you because she knows best. Jiyan would definitely try the secret admirer route - it would be the perfect way to return the favor of all the gifts you gave him while also making his feelings clear. He’s thoughtful in his gifts and if he hears you want something specific, you’re damn sure it will appear the next day. Meanwhile, he would even try to subtly flirt back when you two were together even if the attempts are a bit clumsy or make him feel a little flustered.
Jiyan would do a cute reveal, inviting you to meet your “admirer” at the cliff overlooking the base. The stars were twinkling in the sky and the calm quiet of the night would make the perfect atmosphere. He would be awkward, but sincere when confessing his feelings for you. He awaited your response in baited breath and respond you did. Jiyan was honestly expecting a flustered yes or no from you — not the way your face brightened in happiness and your arms were suddenly around his neck. The way you readily agreed to his confession with that beautiful smile of yours, core memory right there! He blinks a couple times in surprise before smiling down at you with a light flush to his cheeks.
Bonus!! Later, you would definitely 100% tease him about his obliviousness for the past few months. The pain and agony of your flirting attempts meeting a cold, stone wall. Jiyan, in turn, would recount all the times you could barely function around him and relish in the way you sputter over your words.
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fuji-sen · 4 months
a scar x reader oneshot / miniseries ༉‧₊˚༉‧₊˚.
based on the music video: Monster under the bed by Emily Mei.
fandom: wuthering waves (game)
characters: reader, Scar (delinquent and jock-ish?), Rover, mentions of Baizhi.
setting: modern au, characters (most) are in a college setting.
warnings 🖤❤️: stalking, yandere themes, drugging, kidnapping, obsession, lovesick???, scar, off the scene violence, suggestive intimacy or gifts (used underwear), suggested sex behind the scenes.
disclaimer: made when wuthering waves recently got out, so characters may seem ooc in the future. If it does seem ooc, I'll maybe consider rewriting it in the future.
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˖⁺ ・🔪⋆ ♡ 💌・ ⁺ ˖
You stare at the man who towered over you, your body was sprawled on your bed, the sheets in a state of disarray, your room was dark except for the soft moonlight that poured in from your window. Your hair and skin was wet, and you were in nothing but a towel as you had gotten out of the bath.
Fluffy locks of peppermint colored hair framed the man's face very well, his eyes, mismatched just like his hair, stared deep into her eyes with a nearly indescribable emotion.
His hands held your wrists, pulling your arms above your head, his weight nearly holding you down. His lips tugged to a smirk, "I got to say, you put up quite a fight, and a cute one at that but.."
"You're no match for me little lamb."
a year ago...
It was just the start of your second year at college at Jinzhou Academy. Your hands smoothened the creases of your uniform as you stood at the entrance of the main building. Numerous students walked by, some had different colored hair, others had scars or echos for pets or assistances, some were focused on their textbooks and school work.
"(name)!" A voice called you over, and you turned to greet your friend, Rover, who had a mop of black hair and enchanting gold eyes. They made their way towards you, "sorry I kept you waiting!" they apologized.
You shook your head with a smile, "it's alright Rover, what kept you busy?"
"Almost got into trouble with Scar.." The black haired student sighed in annoyance, your brows raised as your interest was piqued by the mere mention of the name, 'Scar.' He was one of the more famous delinquent or troublemaker at Jinzhou. That's all you knew, you were relatively quiet, bordering on introvert, and although you did have friends, you never made it a mission to seek more having been buried by your curriculum.
"I suggest you stay away from him." Rover grimaced, noticing your curious look. You quickly scoff "oh come on, I'm not stupid." you brushed their expressions off.
"Well, well, well" an unfamilliar voice was heard by you two, and you find another student, in a much more incomplete and messy uniform and a rather bloodied state, approach you. Specifically Rover.
The scarred face student wrapped an arm around your friend's shoulder, "how could you snitch on me Rover~! and I just thought we were warming up to each other!" he sighed playfully hurt.
You scanned his appearance, his tie was loose, merely hanging on his neck, the top buttons of his shirt wasn't buttoned, and instead of the blazer or vest, he opted for a striking red jacket/coat, His hair was messy yet looked so fluffy, with the colors of red and white. His eyes were mismatched, perhaps heterochromia? he had red and grey hair, complimenting and matching his hair.
"Get off me Scar!" Rover's words fell on deaf ears as Scar laughed. "Oh come on, you're just rubbing more salt on my wounds" Scar said, a hand on his chest "and after I made the offer for you to join us!"
"I don't want to join!"
You weren't paying attention, continuing to scan the male, he had gold earrings and black gloves, he also had a black bag around his chest, and you could see the numerous scars around his arms perhaps from hard labor or countless fights.
On his face was a large scar, but it seemed to only enhance his beauty, his hands were stained with almost dried up blood, some of it was smeared on his face.
Your brows furrowed, 'what is this feeling..?' you wondered, as you placed a hand on your chest, looking conflicted. Your cheeks were starting to get flushed and your heart was beating rapidly.
"Are you okay (name)?" Rover shrugged off Scar as they made their way to you, worried clear in their eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine." You reassured him as you still continued to look at Scar, who finally turned his attention towards you.
The smile on his face had widened, "and who's this little lamb?" Scar asked and feeling threatened, Rover put their arm in front of you, as if guarding you from the slowly approaching student.
Scar easily slapped Rover's hand away, he leaned towards you, enough for you to smell ashes and smoke. "your name?" he asked, his smile seemed to mellow into a more charismatic one, less of the manic one like before. It seemed more like a mask.
You gave him your name despite Rover's objections.
And seeing as how hopeless it was to stay, Rover took you away, you'd glance back as you walk, and your eyes would meet mismatched ones.
"It's a shame our short date had to come to an end." He pouted as you got farther and farther.
Whether or not he was serious, you didn't care to know. You find yourself focusing on your own feelings, researching at google, you find that the answer was that you simply fell for the scarred student.
You couldn't tell Rover however or seek guidance, they didn't seem to like scar and you didn't trust your other friends.
You could remember how you got to that point in the future.
It started with the little things.
It was your and a few of your classmates' designated cleaning day, but you find yourself alone in the classroom, your cleaning mates decided to play hooky yet again. You frowned but shook it off, there was nothing that could be done. You begun to push the chairs in the desk and erasing the blackboard. But the eraser was filled with chalk so you opened the windows and began hitting the eraser so the dust would fly off.
And then your eyes seemed to catch a peppermint haired boy, and you couldn't stop staring as he played soccer, he skillfully dribbled the ball pass his opponents and kicked it, scoring a point for his team.
leaning forward and eyes squinted to try and get a better look at him as he raised his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, and then-
A gasp escaped your lips, jumping away from the window, as if sensing your stare, he turned to look at your direction, you started to sweat, some part of you hoped that he wasn't looking at or for you, but there was another part of you, a small and tempting voice, that spoke, making you think he was looking at you intentionally, like he knew you were there.
And so you continued on with your cleaning.
Your everyday routine started to change, adapt as you continued to increasingly seek out Scar. Not in a social or chatting way, but in a stalker type of seeking out.
Rover and your other friends could sense your change, but was unable to point out what changed specifically, and you learned to hide it.
The gallery of your phone was slowly filled with candid shots of the apple in your eyes. That one previously empty space in your cabinet was starting to get filled by trinkets and printed out photographs and sticky notes of your 'senpai', your love.
Trinkets such as used bottles or pens or handkerchief you stole from him while he wasn't in his classroom. Sticky notes that filled with compliments and notes about him.
Scar note #1: he doesn't like bitter food or overly sweet and fatty foods.
Scar note #5: he's a member of the sports club while also being in a gang or group named Fractsidus.
Scar note #7: he's having difficulties with science but excels in PE.
You got more bolder as you become more skilled in stalking him, you'd start to leave gifts or anonymous notes inside the drawer of his desk or bag whenever you could. Your gifts vary depending on your mood,
sometimes it was meticulously written notes for his science class, one you had to work hard to learn yourself and even have to ask Baizhi for help, other days you'd leave snacks or bottled drinks for him, food that you knew he liked.
once you were bold, and perhaps becoming more sick? perverted? horny? in love, you sent a pair of your underwear. used ones even, with a particular scent and a white patch.
And yet, your gifts garnered no outward reaction from Scar, at least, from what you could tell.
Even helping him clean or patch up his wounds, or directly communicating or interacting with him face to face, although he regarded you with playfulness or amusement, to you it didn't seem like he was interested in you at all.
But it did not deter you, it motivated you even, like a moth to a flame or perhaps Icarus and the sun. You knew he was dangerous or just bad for you, but it didn't stop you, you wanted him, and you were willing to do whatever it takes to have him.
The notes on your closet became more erratic and less cutesy, the handwriting deepened, almost ripping the paper.
My love <3
So handsome 𖹭
I will have him.
You find yourself investigating, procuring questionable materials like a stun gun and thick long rope. You begun to fall into a rabbit hole, and you began to slip in terms of cautiousness, but perhaps that will be for another oneshot~
˖⁺ ・🔪⋆ ♡ 💌・ ⁺ ˖
And then you did it, you finally snapped as you heard that someone planned to confess to Scar. You grabbed a small bottle that had grinding up sleeping pills and headed to school. You finally decided you were going to get what you so desperately wanted.
. . .
You knew Scar's schedule well, and so you knew the perfect time to strike. Scar usually stayed at School very late at night, seemingly doing something on his laptop in the library. And so while he was away having went to the bathroom, you grabbed his bottle from the desk, opening it to hear a fresh pop and then you sedated it.
You left as quickly and as quietly as you came, hiding behind the numerous shelves of the library, you managed to peek through an opening, watching him return, behind his back you could see him reach for the bottle and.. he drank it.
And when he soon fell asleep, you took him away to your apartment. You closed his laptop quickly, putting it in his bag which you also brought to your apartment with you.
After maneuvering around the cameras and stuffing him unceremoniously in a guitar case which he surprisingly fitted in?? Scar was on your bed, and you were slightly out of breath, your hand reached to brush his locks away from his face "I'm sorry I had to put you in a guitar case" you softly apologized, "ah~" you leaned towards his face "you are so beautiful" your fingers would graze his scar, and then he stirred.
With wide eyes you quickly tied him up and tape his mouth, you began to stretch your arms, and mentally you decided to go take a bath.
As you get a towel and headed to the bathroom you closed the lights of the room and went out, quietly closing the door.
In the bathroom, you quickly stripped off all your clothes and after filling the bathtub with water, you dipped your toes and then entered the bathtub. You sighed in relief, praising yourself on a rather productive day.
Once you were done you got out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around yourself, cursing as you remember you forgot to bring a change of clothes. And you walked back to your room, ignoring the wet puddle you tracked in the hallway.
Entering your bedroom you find that something was off but seeing him sleeping soundly on your bed you relaxed, you headed to your cabinet, maneuvering in your dark room to not bother your sleeping love.
As you were about to open your cabinet someone pulled you, and you find yourself in the present predicament.
back to the present
"You're no match for me little lamb."
You stared at him, a bit pale, cheeks flush at the intimate position you were in, your mouth was open but you were unable to express any words.
"Got nothing to say huh?" he laughed in amusement as his grip on your wrists loosened. "Did you think I was that careless to get kidnapped by you?" He questioned and you looked at him as the gears in your head started to turn.. "you let me?"
"Of course, you were such a devoted little lamb, I just had to reward you." He cooed, his other hand cupping your face and you purred, leaning into his warm touch.
"I see" you said softly and you find yourself relaxing, if he willingly let himself get kidnapped by you, then there was some mutual feelings or respect,, right?
Scar hummed, taking his hand away from your cheek causing you to pout, "now how should I reward you next? you did a lot for me after all, such a good little lamb." he said, his hand made its way to your neck, his fingers trailing down, leaving fire in its trail as your body began to feel hot.
You squirmed under him as he reached your collarbone, it taunted you, almost daring it to go further down and perhaps under your towel.
"What do you want?" he asked, there was something burning in his eyes, a look you were familiar with.
He laughed but didn't seem opposed or disgusted, if anything he seemed pleased, "Good, but if you want me, you have to give yourself to me in return." he told you.
"You already have me."
His eyes crinkled in some sort of twisted joy, and then it confirmed it. The look in his eyes was one of twisted love and obsession, one that mirrored your own, if not overpowering it.
That night was when you officially tied the knot of this twisted love.
He was yours, finally.
And finally (officially) you were his.
˖⁺ ・🔪⋆ ♡ 💌・ ⁺ ˖
Sorry for the low quality gif at the top, I may or may not make a part 2 and 3, depending whether you guys like it or not. Ehe~
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yandere-sins · 3 months
Can I request a reluctant reader taking care of a very sick yandere? Yandere can be any character of ur choice >.< tyia
Thanks for requesting! ^-^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
"You're hurt..."
The stench of blood, dirt, and sulfur filled the air in the underground hideout as you climbed off your bed, the heavy metal around your ankles rattling when you moved. You watched as the silver-haired man collided with the wall before sinking to the floor, his body sparely illuminated but his hair shining brightly, giving away his position. Your gut churned with hesitance, with the instinctive need to avoid all evil—especially the one that had threatened and abducted you. But it had been so long since he left. So long that you've been stowed away in secret. You were, unfortunately, drawn to him like a moth to the light.
Even though you kept your distance from your captor, your words barely a whisper as if not to disturb the man sitting on the ground, holding the side of his stomach, Calcharo flinched at the sound of your voice, cranking his head back to look at you. His gaze was unreadable, his whole face a mask free of emotions. But judging by the pool of blood collecting next to him, the wound must have hurt, even if he showed no signs of it.
"I promised I'd be back—" he mumbled as a ripple of tension tightened his muscles, everything in him readying his body to get up from his spot. As if greeting you properly was needed at that moment. But with his teeth bared, the gaping wound stole all of his strength, making him sack back to the dusty ground with a muffled groan.
"Give me a moment. It'll heal."
Curiosity killed the cat as you stretched your neck, bile rising to the top of your throat at the nasty sight of the gash. Even Calcharo's big hands—that you remembered so vividly squeezing and pulling at your body—weren't enough to cover the wound completely, blood soaking all of his clothes and staining the floor. Wasn't there medicine for that kind of injury? Although, seeing a doctor would probably be more appropriate. If it wasn't for the awkward situation you were in, you'd have freaked out at even the thought of seeing someone so badly injured, yet all you could do was stand in one spot, a good five steps out of his reach.
Even when you fiddled with your hands, wrenching and holding them, you were less anxious, knowing he wasn't in the condition to harass you that day. He'd been gone for a while, leaving you to your own devices and the evergrowing boredom. But you were still undecided if you preferred him being back and constantly hovering over you, watching and testing your reactions, or the loneliness and isolation you experienced, chained up and hidden away who-knew-where when he was gone. Both were unideal; both were destructive behavior on his part. You didn't have much choice in it, but him coming back severely injured was a situation you hadn't grown accustomed to yet.
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
His head jerked upwards, eyes narrowing at you suspiciously. Yeah... you surprised yourself, too. You weren't the type to offer help, especially not to him. You were his captive, nothing more, nothing less.
"Or not..." Hands falling to your side, you fiddled with the seam of your shirt instead, avoiding his gaze as always. To Calcharo, you were an object to be observed, one he owned now but still couldn't help but expect to be betrayed by. As if you were going to pull a knife out any second now and stab him, even after he immobilized you with the chains around your legs. He was that kind of man; that much you had learned about him, even if it barely seemed to graze the surface. You began hating the feeling of his eyes on you the moment he revealed himself to you in this shabby hideout, his gaze so incisive it hurt. As if his eyes were daggers that he dragged through your flesh, stabbing over and over in an attempt to rip out your soul for him to observe.
"There are some bandages behind the mirror in the bathroom."
Torn from your thoughts, you couldn't help but stare back at him, even as his head fell forward again, his gaze disappearing. You two didn't have that kind of relationship. You didn't help him when he was in need, so you felt surprised at the simple instructions. They held no weight as if he didn't care whether you followed them or not—as if he expected you not to, rightfully so. Glancing at the blood, you thought that a bandage might be useless, that he needed stitches at least. But Calcharo said nothing more, pressing his palm harder against the wound without making another sound. Your head turned towards the door leading to the bathroom, and although it felt wrong to consider helping him, a compassionate part of you recognized that he needed you, your feet slowly turning away, picking up the pace as you disappeared from his sight.
The mirror caught your reflection as you flicked on the light. You had seen better days that much was sure. You weren't famished, the bags under your eyes more from anxiety and stress than lack of sleep. However, the green glow of the light didn't do you any favors either, and although you didn't think of yourself as ugly, you could only wonder what your kidnapper saw in you that he had to take such drastic measures. You were just you. That seemed to have been enough for him, even if it was strange.
The chain around your ankle felt twice as heavy as you wondered how long you'd be in this situation. Would you ever be free? Would he let you go if you helped him? Calcharo had always been silent when you asked him for his reasons. He'd sit by your bedside and wipe away your tears if you cried, begging him to be reasonable, but he never gave you the answers to console you. That was the kind of man you had offered help to. Someone so cold and selfish.
Opening the cabinet, you realized you had never looked behind the mirror before. Why? you wondered, but you were surprised at the amount of medical equipment. There were a couple of first aid kits and a box of resonator-only medicine and tools. He had every shelf stocked fully, and although he only asked for a bandage, you took at least one of everything you could find.
Calcharo was eerily quiet when you returned to his side. It made your pulse rise momentarily as you feared he might have died in the minute you were gone. The chain you were strung to clattered as you ran over, dropping to your knees next to his, dropping some of the extra weight from your arms to the floor in a moment of panic. You realized your closeness too late, anxiety shivering down your spine with how little distance there was between you two. But your focus shifted instantly, relief filling you as Calcharo looked up at you again, his eyes dropping to the items crammed between your arms and body. He scanned over your haul, and you immediately felt silly for worrying about him at all. He was perfectly fine, it seemed.
But what would you have done if he died?
You didn't know how to get out of here in the first place. Calcharo had never shown you any keys to undo your chains or to open any doors. There were no windows, and if you got out, there was no guarantee you wouldn't be in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by Tacet Discords going for your throat. These thoughts made your heart sink with a sense of panic as if reality was finally hitting you over your head. Or perhaps it was the thought of living with a corpse until you found your demise here as well. Either way, you were glad when he reached for one of the packages, revealing some round pills that he slipped between his lips, glancing up at you for a moment as if to make sure you were watching him swallow them. You fiddled with the medical utensils until you found another package, wanting to give it to him, but he shook his head as you held it out.
"Just use the bandage."
"You want me to do it?" you asked, reluctant to simply act. Glancing at the first aid kit, you were sure you'd find some there, but so far, Calcharo had always handled himself around you. Even when you had an outburst, trying to hit him, he'd let you slap him across the face rather than stop you. You'd half-expected him to retaliate when you stumbled back, recognizing his strength as superior and bracing for the impact, but it never came. He had always remained calm and composed, even with the glowing red hand-mark across his cheek.
It was the same with food or bathing. Calcharo always had enough rations stocked, and if he was back at the hideout, he made you meals all the time, only eating your leftovers or getting something for himself after you had your share. And he never took a shower first, ensuring you had all the warm water that would eventually turn cold (sometimes you let it run out of protest). You thought it might have simply been resourcefulness, but you began overthinking your beliefs now that he wanted you to do something for him.
"Are you sure?" you asked him again. There was a sense of exhaustion when he looked up at you, and much to your own surprise once more, you quickly snatched the first aid kit when he reached for it. "I can do it! Just didn't think you'd want me to..."
Calcharo let out a short grunt before lowering his arm again, not fighting you on this, but his eyes followed every one of your movements as you fiddled with the first aid kit. Ridden with sudden determination, you almost dropped all the contents on the undoubtedly nonsterile floor, only catching the bandage midair while some of the tools clattered to the ground. Quick as lightning, Calcharo caught a small pair of scissors before they could graze your leg, his bloody fist wrapping around it so tightly, you could see his knuckles whiten through the red sheen.
You gulped, watching him drag the scissors and his arm back to his side, too afraid to straighten your gaze and see the wound in full glory. When you agreed that you could do it, you had temporarily forgotten about the truly gut-wrenching part of medical treatment, and suddenly, you were even less sure about all of this.
Calcharo grumbled under his breath, noticing your sudden stiffness. His free hand reached out to touch yours. "Open it," he muttered, and his words put your body into motion. Following his instructions was so much easier than working through the thoughts that made you hesitate. He grabbed the start of the bandage from your hands once you unwrapped it, waiting for you to get onto what he was doing as he placed it over his naval before pressing it down onto the wound.
There was some visible comfort in the way his shoulders rose tensely as he covered the wound, but he dragged the now bloody bandage over the gash with skilled precision. As if he had done this countless of times, and you were almost certain he had. You reckoned that his life must not have been easy if he got so used to hurting himself for the sake of simply healing. But you quickly reminded yourself not to sympathize with him. To not forget how he wronged you despite this moment of unusual humanity. Usually, he appeared to you more like a monster, but right then, he was but a wounded soldier, and perhaps your parents had been right; you were too good-hearted for your own good.
Dragging the bandage to his side, Calchero stopped, huffing as you had stopped unwrapping more of it. He pulled his legs in so he could push his torso off the wall before he looked up at you. Gulping, you knew what you had to do. It wasn't like he wouldn't do it himself, but it was honestly ridiculous that you sat there frozen in place now that you had come so far. Inching closer, you positioned yourself between his legs, hesitating for a split second more before you reached out your arms, wrapping them around his front to reach behind Calcharo.
Carefully, perhaps with less pressure than he would have liked, you wrapped and pulled the bandage from his back to his front again. Calchero released it once he noticed you taking action, but when you reached the blood-soaked gash again, it was his hand that did the dirty work, pressing the bandage down. There was about one more round that you could make, and you quickly guided the wrap around him once more before making an amateurish knot on his healthy side. It was far from perfect, and you tried to ignore the feeling of his blood coating your hands now, too. It didn't feel like you helped him, but it was what he had wanted.
Placing your hands on the ground, you wanted to get up again, get some healthy distance between you two, and clean your hands if you got the chance. But before you could even slip one leg out from underneath you, Calchero's whole body suddenly collapsed forward. In a spurt of a moment reaction, you grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing your own between his collarbones to brace against his weight that could have easily buried you underneath it.
"H-Hey!" you called out, unsure what was happening, when you suddenly felt him inhale deeply, his hot breath releasing against your chest, sending shivers down your spine. And then, he chuckled.
"I didn't think you would."
His voice vibrated against your skin as he spoke them directly into your body. You didn't know what to say nor what he meant, but you felt the goosebumps rise across your arms and neck.
Calchero lifted himself just enough to nuzzle his face between your neck and shoulder, his weight so heavy as it rested on top of you. All you could do was curl your fingers into his body, and you cursed yourself for not immediately pushing him away, a small part of you afraid you might agitate the wound.
"Didn't think you'd care about me."
"I don't," you clarified, sounding pouty rather than confident. It had been a mistake, after all. You should have just let him sort out his own mess and stop being a busybody and help. Then, you wouldn't be in this situation now, your pulse throbbing in your ears as your heart began to beat faster with the anxiety and discomfort.
"I'm glad," he muttered. "Glad you care."
"I don't!"
This time, you did push. At least you tried. Calcharo didn't move an inch away from you, his head resting on your shoulder, his body threatening to bury you underneath if you didn't stay solid in your spot. The thought of Calcharo trapping you on purpose crossed your mind, and you hated yourself for not seeing it coming, walking right into the trap. And even if not, he was clearly exploiting the situation for all it was worth!
Of course, he'd take advantage of your kindness. Of course, he'd use your naivety and kindness to exploit you for something he wanted. Even if you questioned why it had to be you, why he kidnapped you of all people, his intentions—albeit disciplined—had always been clear. Although he held himself back from doing something regrettable so far, you had caught him touching you often: touching your hand while passing you a plate with food, brushing away hair from your face right after waking up, and letting his fingers glide over your arms or legs while you had dozed off, just to name a few. You should have been more careful. Should have listened to your body telling you to stay away. It might have just been something akin to a hug, but you should have never allowed him to go this far.
What if he took your kindness for consent?
"Please stop," you mumbled, feeling the tears shoot into your eyes. You didn't need to turn your head to know his eyes had opened, probably after hearing the sob in your voice. You wished you were stronger, able to push him away. Wished you could have fought him and caused him to stop liking you—wanting you. Wished you never even thought of him as anything but a monster.
"Just a little bit longer," he mumbled, lips brushing against your skin. Even when hiccups shook your body, Calchero didn't move, didn't budge. It seemed he didn't care anymore, getting exactly what he wanted. All you could do was sit there and wait for it to end, just like always. You felt his gaze vanish, the closeness allowing him to observe you differently, without needing to see when he could instead feel you.
His arms wrapped around your body, and you felt more trapped than ever, the feeling only registering when he said two more words that day,
"Thank you."
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n0tamused · 4 months
I don't k know if your busy or not but is it alright with you doing a Jiyan x injured reader? Like one day reader got hurt and decide to not tell Jiyan but he soon found out?
Thank you for your time and have a great day/noon/night
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Contents: Jiyan x GN!Reader, angst, ends on a better note, hope you enjoy this anon :)
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Thundering drums fill his ears with their haunting echoes as he raced through the sea of moving soldiers. 
Strands of his hair were loose from its ponytail with more strands sticking to his sweaty forehead, small parts matted with mud and dust. His clothes weren't shown any more mercy, with parts cut here and there with blood speckled throughout. Yet, it wasn't his clothes and hair that were haunting, but his face. Pale and eyes wide, devoid of any emotion in particular and looking like two deep voids that threatened anyone they looked at.
Jiyan’s heart was echoing, drumming and beating, but he couldn't feel any of it with how cold his very blood felt - he could swear he was dead and this was hell.
He rushed through into the open corner of the base dedicated for treating the injured, his eyes jumping from one face to the other, searching.
His feet had a mind of their own as they walked past the injured and the unconscious, sparing them some looks and bathed words of reassurance, his tone so soft that, were he in a better mindset, he would've asked whether the other even heard him properly.
His mind yells, jumping at the first sign of the familiar head of hair. It's you! His heart leaps further up until he can taste the metal wash over his tongue. Days have passed since he has seen you vanish off the battlefield and he had grown restless by the day, wishing he could deny the possibility that you could be gone forever. So when word reached him you were found injured and brought back to the medics, he was racing at first chance.
He is quick as the wind, running up to where you were laying, arms and torso all up in bandages, the smell of medicine and herbs so heavy in the air it made even his nose scrunch. “Y/n!” he calls to you when he sees your lashes fluttering, one sign you were awake, and your movement the second sign. You are alive, despite a little voice in his head telling him this is just a cruel illusion. His hand finds yours, fingers curling around it and holding it, closer to him, feeling your warmth before two fingers slide to the inside of your wrist out of pure instinct to feel your life pulse for himself.
“It is me, (Y/n).. Are you in pain, are you alright?” His mind is reeling with questions and all the ways to scold you but he can’t bring himself to be angry, he lost the capacity to be angry at you ages ago - he just feels scared, the empty abyss within him yawning for reassurance of your state and yearning to swallow you into its void where you couldn’t come to harm.
“I..I’m alright” On cue, your cough interrupts your response, making your chest jump and your torso attempts to pull itself up. Jiyan is quick and cautious as he helps you sit upward, rubbing your back up and down as your coughing fit subsides. “Have you eaten anything?” He asks as his eyes drink in the details of your face - pale skin, half lidded eyes, cracked lips and few scrapes littered across your exposed skin. You shake your head, barely able to tell what he was doing as he moved about you like a bumblebee, hopping from here to there and bringing a flask of water up to your lips and helping you drink. The water feels heavenly as it slides down your throat, quenching the feeling of an upcoming fever.
“Tell me what happened..” His voice is softer now, quieter as he wishes to keep some sense of privacy even in this open space, but it is no less worried and pent up with tension that squeezes him. His eyes are quick to meet yours when they look up at long last, looking at him and taking in his own disheveled appearance. 
Your lips open and close as you search your brain for adequate words, but it takes a moment for you to gather your thoughts. “My memory is muddy from the actual battle, but I remember you being ahead of me.. and I was dealing with a couple of TDs behind you.. I.. I bit off more than I could chew, and I led them far away from you and the others but there were... just too many.. I was surrounded- I did my best, Jiyan.. But I slipped somewhere along the way.. I don’t know what happened afterwards. I only woke up two days ago..”
“Why didn’t you send word for me?” he bites the inside of his cheek, stopping himself from sounding frustrated or accusing. Images of your retelling paint themselves vividly in his mind, and his heart aches and bleeds for you.
“I wanted to heal first..” you mutter with a small shrug, not knowing the true answer yourself, even as guilt and regret seeps into your heart. “I’m sorry..”
“It’s.. It’s alright.. you are here now” He sighs as his eyes flicker down to your wounds, and he then takes a look around. Jiyan’s heart is too weary to simply leave it at this, too frightened to just let you be after days of believing you were dead. He looks back to you, a bold hand cupping the side of your face and helping you look up at him. 
“I’ll go see if there are any free rooms inside the base where I can help you change these bandages, they are in a dire need of redressing.. Then I’ll get you something to eat, alright?”
You could cry at his words, his kindness and desperation to help you not escape your fuzzy brain, so you only nod, lips pressed into a firm line. He notices your eyes become watery and shock flickers over his visage, and faster than he could know he is already cupping your face with both hands. “Hey…” he whispers, worrying, filling his golden eyes that only sought to comfort you, not sadden you. Or were you in even more pain now? He feels a rush go through him, needing to get you somewhere where he can hold you.  “It’s alright.. I’m not mad at you, alright? Breathe..” he soothes your eyes that flutter shut when the pads of his thumb brushes over it. You nod again, swallowing your tears. 
“I’m okay..”
“You’ll be okay, my love.. just leave it all to me..”
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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bubbless-s · 4 months
➳ ♡︎ How deep is your love? ׂׂૢ
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Context: ‘The type of boyfriend..’ with Jiyan.
- ʚɞ genre: fluff
- ʚɞ warnings: none
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• The type of boyfriend to always get you flowers and go on a date with you when he isn’t busy.
• The type of boyfriend to notice the smallest details about you.
• The type of boyfriend who will pick you up to kiss you.
• The type of boyfriend who will let you play or mess up his hair and even let you style his hair into ridiculous hairstyles.
• The type of boyfriend who gets calmer and calmer when you touch him.
• The type of boyfriend to get easily flustered if you give him cheesy nicknames.
• The type of boyfriend who will admire you from afar.
• The type of boyfriend to let you sit on his back while he does push-ups.
• The type of boyfriend who spoils you everyday and every night,because he feels bad that he gets super busy.
• The type of boyfriend who would let you kiss his tacet mark.
• The type of boyfriend to give you surprises kisses.
• The type of boyfriend to listen to everything you say, even tho your info dumping about your interests and he doesn’t understand anything.
• The type of boyfriend to never get mad at you.
• The type of boyfriend who will love you forever.
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vrachis · 4 months
💭 thinking about … ; rough sex with sanhua !
— } imo i feel like sanhua like being eaten out a lot if u ask her to
— } supporting that point, i like to think she’s very sensitive down there so when u eat her out like there’s no tomorrow she’ll be letting out quiet cries and squirming in her place 🥺
— } since she serves jihnsi a lot and carries out tasks given to her by the magistrate, she basically has no time whatsoever to find relief yk :/
— } and ofc its ur duty as her lover to make sure she gets the proper amount of rest bcs!!! who would want to see such a pretty woman in such a bad state :(
— } so when u personally order her to request a break when jihnsi comes back to jinzhou, she thinks its so so selfish of you to ask her to do that, let alone she’s asking her boss; the magistrate of jinzhou, to give her a break????
— } girlie freaks out when u tell her bcs nuh uh her ass is stubborn and will NOT, i tell u she WONT ever leave her lady’s side especially now with the amount of tacet fields randomly spawning in all sorts of locations and she’s gotta deal with those 💀
— } however u reason out with her, telling her she’s gotta take a break bcs self care is key if u wanna take care of the person u wanna protect!!!
— } she agrees that ig u do have a point but the best she can do is go off for a day or two 💀😭👎
— } i mean thats good enough for a break right??? 😭😭😭 she does agree to this UNLESS jihnsi actually needs her in for work bcs god forbid the things u might say if u ever stumble into the city hall 💀💀💀
— } jokes aside tho you’ll tell her that you will make it up to her and provide her with the stress relief she needs!!!!
— } it’ll start as a usual morning for her getting prepared to go to the city hall to supervise jinhsi, and she’s all dressed up in that outfit (that makes u want to bend her over then and there)
— } so fuck it, since it’s still so damn early, why not have this time to give your lover some good luck and appreciation?? woman needs to be showered in praises and loving 🥺🙈
“darling, w-wait-“
you shush her when you push two digits in her mouth, your fingers mingling with her tongue as they get coated with her saliva.
“shh, let me wish you good luck before you go, alright? so stay still and take it.”
as your hips slowly still against her ass, you take the opportunity to press sloppy kisses against her cheek, and your hands making work to roam all around her curvaceous body. your other hand slips through her top (with easy access due to her having no sleeves lol) and toy with her tit, fondling her breast and making sure to give her nipple some attention too.
you can hear sanhua’s breath deepen as you do your ministrations. with some of the foreplay done, your hips pull back and snap against her.
the sudden thrust has sanhua letting out a loud mewl. her hands scramble to grip at the wall, hand steadying themselves to avoid herself from being thrown forward. her legs shake and you feel her become wetter; if the copious amount of slick dripping down her thighs was anything to pass by.
sanhua lets out a series of moans as you continue to snap your hips against her, the tip of the dildo inside her grazing against the spots she didn’t know had existed. she think this is so undignified, but she can’t help but want more when you make her feel so good. the knot in her belly make her feel funny, and she feels as if she’s going to make a big mess. she turns to you, wetness glazing her eyes as she gazes at you to see lust painted on your expression.
“gonna… make a mess! please, please—“
sanhua doesn’t know what she’s even begging for when that coil snaps and she’s gushing her juices out when you hilt inside her and hit her cervix.
your eyes go wide in excitement when the ever so composed bodyguard of the magistrate jinhsi, makes a fucking mess and comes all over your strap. you had other ideas in mind when you wanted her to take a break but now, you surely have other ideas now.
“how’s that for good luck? surely you’d come back wanting more right?” you coo against her ear when you loom over her back and hold her close. “don’t worry, i’ll make you feel real good, darling.”
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shrimshrim4fun · 4 months
My boy Jiyan is the definition of:
Are you alright my love, can you walk?
Y/N: You came
Jiyan: You called
My boy gives off massive Studio Ghibli men ❤️
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kiwasmessywritings · 3 months
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(A Jinshi x gn!reader)
Jinhsi, who...
♡ always care more about the people around her than her own well-being. If you're in a relationship with her of any kind, expect a very caring & capable person always watching over you, even if she's busy with her job.
♡ is a queen at multi-tasking. She hates letting people down and would always try to please everyone around them as much as possible.
♡ likes to spend her evenings in nature with her loved ones, looking up into the nightsky, thinking about her future and those of all Jinzhou
♡ as the magistrate of Jinzhou, you can expect trying to shield you from the politics in the city, keeping your relationship as something more secret as well to avoid you having to worry about the Fractsidus
♡ would use pet names like "darling", "love" or "dearest"
♡ most definitely into words of affirmation & quality time.
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instaspacenoodles · 4 months
✧₊⊹𝐖𝐮𝐖𝐚 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐔𝐧𝐨
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐨 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 - Always makes sure the rules are crystal clear before everyone start playing. Will call you out if you try any unagreed bullshit like trying to stack +2s on top of +4s. The game’s guide is basically their Bible, they will not hesitate in wiping that page out just to triple check if something is allowed. Is sworn enemies with the Chaos Bringers. 
 Mortefi, Sanhua, Baizhi
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐅 - Starts out calm but will absolutely get fired up once the game gets going. Will not hesitate to get revenge if you even try to +4 them. Definitely would argue with the Uno Policers because stacking should totally be allowed idgaf. Somehow has the worst luck out of everyone at the table, getting straight shitty hands. If they do win, they would definitely rub it in everyone’s faces yet lose horribly the next game. 
 Calcharo, Chixia, Jianxin, Camellya
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 - They are calm and collected the entire game, usually sitting there with a damn good poker face. It seems like they have all the good cards and will absolutely using them when someone is low on cards. I’m talking taking someone from 2 cards to 12 cards in a blink of an eye. Would make silent alliances with other conspirators just to fuck up everyone else. Always 5 steps ahead of the group, guaranteeing they win the majority of the time. 
 Yinlin, Jinhsi, Jiyan, Taoqi, Changli
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 - The casual and more normal players. They don’t really care about who wins or loses, only that everyone has fun. Usually tries to calm down the Uno Policers or the Competitive AF players…well the best they can anyways. Second mostly likely to win and nobody can get upset with them. Just a good sport that’s happy to be here. 
 Verina, Yangyang, Lingyang, Yuanwu
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 - The no strategy player, would collects cards just for the fun of it then strike when least expected. The bane of everyone’s existence because, like the conspirators, it’s difficult to tell what’s going on in their head. Will they give someone the win just for the lols or make sure to prolong the game as long as possible? Nobody fucking knows. 
Aalto, Encore, Scar, Rover, Danjin
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fuji-sen · 4 months
Monster Under the Bed Headcanon!
(separate from my SAWUWA hcs!!)
❤️ Scar fell for you in his own sick way, just like you did, and started stalking you to get to know you. remember?
while you used your gathered up information to give him gifts and offerings, he didn't do anything with it just yet when you two weren't official.
❤️ he only fully let himself love you after that night where you both decided that you want each other, verbally and physically.
🔪 he'd let himself get vulnerable with you. he'd cling to you in private, he'd have to have some form of skinship whether it's just a hand on your thigh or a peck on the lips, or perhaps something more 👀.
🔪 he'd start giving you his own gifts, ones he knew that you liked from the amount of stalking and research he did on you.
🐑 his pet names for you varies, his favorite will always be 'little lamb', but outside he'd mix it up, sometimes it would be overly sweet, or a version of your name, sometimes it would be something weird like 'my little moth' (because according to him, he was the flame) or 'my dangerous kitty/puppy.'
🐑 you both stopped stalking (well you still kept tabs on each other, but it couldn't be called stalking when you both knew and consented with it right?) each other.
🖤 you guys would probably move in with each other soon, or if not, you'd take turns spending the night in each other's homes. But it was more often that Scar went to yours since he's home was filled with dangerous research and echos or perhaps weapons and wasn't really comfortable enough for you twos.
🖤 you know about Scar's cameras in your home, but you didn't mind, sometimes you'd put on a show for him.
❤️ a lot of your friends were surprised you started dated him, Rover was lowkey disappointed at you for not listening to their warnings but they accepted it when it meant that Scar stopped bothering them because he was more fixated with you.
❤️scar's enemies thinking they can attack you or use you to get through scar but you put your taser to good use :3
🔪 Scar doesn't get jealous often, he knows you belong to him and he belongs to you after all. But he gets upset if you two were spending time together and someone interrupts it or someone overstepping their boundaries on you twos relationship.
🔪 he'd probably be only worried about stronger people becoming interested in you or something, but he's not above to killing off any potential targets.
🐑YOU'D probably be more of the jealous type in your relationship though.
🐑scar thinks your jealousy is so cute~ and especially hot when you act on it.
author's note: - june 8, 2024. Got busy with graduation so haven't been able to update much. I'll also prettify this post when im free. I've graduateddddddddddddddd :'0
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yandere-sins · 4 months
I played Jiyan's quest today and I can't stop thinking about being Yandere!Jiyan's dirty little secret...
[Warning: Yandere, Sexual Content (dub-con), Dragon Behavior (a little bit like fangs, biting and snarling), Mention of war and all that comes with it, Stockholm Syndrom Reader]
Everyone got one of those, right? Some people overindulge in sweets, and some gamble 'just one more game' while their pockets are empty. But for someone like Jiyan, who is seen as great and respectable in the public eyes—a person who can do no wrong—it's you.
You are the dirtiest secret one could hope to never uncover behind the beloved general. It would be hard to turn a blind eye to your situation, so he does his very best so that no one finds out about it. You are only destined for his eyes, a splendid gift of Jué for sure. Why else would your paths have crossed, your fates intertwining as cruelly yet beautifully as they did?
You are hidden away in his mansion, locked up, and put through a very different hell than what he goes through. He loves you; he really does. That's why you can't leave. Never. You're the one thing that keeps him grounded in this world, the last spark of hope that keeps his sanity from accidentally killing himself on the battlefield as he realizes there's nothing more to fight for.
Jiyan doesn't return to his mansion to live in splendor and the luxuries of life. He only comes home to you.
You are not a willing participant in this secret of his. Not even the few servants he permits around him know of you. Everything must be under wraps and he used his salary as a general wisely to build you a palace that can house his madness in a beautifully twisted way. It's an illusion of the outside world, with technology and science providing the idea of being a little less captured and a little more free. And Jiyan doesn't regret spending every penny to keep up the illusion of being your lover, not your captor.
This way, he can ensure your safety and well-being far away from other people despite him being outside, fighting dangerous threats, and risking his life daily. He can ensure that you'll be fed and entertained for a long time after his death, and no one finding out long after your passing either. But he doesn't even think of this possibility. Not when he's the only one you can cling to.
Being isolated does something to one's psyche, and that's the one thing Jiyan cannot improve for you—and at this point, he doesn't want to anymore. Everyone outside the underground palace is a foe when it comes to you. They'd try to take you away from him. And after just shy of a couple of years of being imprisoned, he finally has you broken down enough that you won't fight his love constantly anymore.
Instead, you walk up to him as he finally returns, weeks having turned into months. But with no one else to give you attention and love, you open your arms to him, worn-out and bloody as he is. Your body is tense and wary, with a frown on your face, but when he moves forward, so are you. Both of you are so desperate for what only the other can give.
You let him sack into your embrace and allow him to reciprocate your hug, always just a little too tight for your comfort. It feels revolting to hold him even after all this time. Still, you claw your fingers into his clothes as if he were going to disappear again any second. He reeks of sweat, blood, and dirt, but you tolerate it, and he is ever so thankful for you loosening his hair tie and combing through his hair. It's the end of stress and despair for Jiyan. You are ringing in the peace into his life, and he wants to stay like this forever, but another part is threatening to take him over.
He had to hold back for so long, yearning and exercising patience. Now, the beast inside of him is starving.
He can't help but lose his composure a little, burying his face in your chest and smelling you like an animal. His snarls reverberate throughout your whole body, like the purrs of a cat, the need for you building rapidly inside of him. Fangs protrude from his lips as he drags them over your shoulder, searching for the taut skin above your collarbone to sink them into you. Your blood tastes sweet and exciting instead of the bitter and impure blood on his lips whenever he worries them in the barracks, thinking of you. You squirm, complain, wiggle—a part of you still resisting. But if he wants to have a taste of you, then there's nothing you can do unless you want him to accidentally rip your throat out. He's proving you're real—not another damn hallucination—and he licks up the wounds with fervor, knowing you are alive and well after having your taste spread over his tongue.
Jiyan loves the pouty look on your face when he topples you over, catching your arms with his hands. He chuckles as you resist vainly, his grip leaving the prettiest of bracelets made of bruises on your wrists. The last ones have already faded and tears well up in your eyes as he replaces them dutifully. He knows you don't want to spread your legs for him, your body resisting that until the bitter end, so he picks you up instead, carrying you to the bath to ease the tension you're feeling. He needs it, too, and Jiyan licks his lips as the sweet release of all his pent-up feelings draws near.
Your moans resemble a song of healing as they echo through the bathroom, filling the space with all the love and adoration he gives you. Jiyan worships the way your body twists in his grip, tightens around his cock, and lets him know the extent of how good he is making you feel. His thrust may be harsh, and your mouth may be begging for him to stop mistreating both your lips and body as he mauls you like a Spearback, water splashing everywhere as you two get rowdy in the bath, but you can't resist orgasm after orgasm shaking through you, your belly full of his warm seed. It takes a while to satiate Jiyan, but just like you took care of him when he returned, he washes your exhausted body afterward and takes you to bed to pepper you in kisses and to stroke you some more until you are a bawling, beautiful mess coming completely undone in front of him. There need to be no secrets, no shame between you two, and your beauty is unrivaled, especially after seeing you again after so many nights imagining this very sight in front of him.
It solidifies his life's worth when he can watch you sleep, bundled up and frowning since you are so sore. He wipes the tears from your face as you have nightmares of being alone and being with Jiyan. But hearing you say his name in your sleep—regardless in which context—is enough for him to finally settle into the soft pillows too. One arm around you, the other one for you to rest your head on. Because just like you'll never escape this prison, Jiyan won't let you be anywhere but next to him as long as he's home.
He falls asleep with dreams of domesticity. Cooking with you, feeding you dessert, taking walks in a park he'll never take you to. Massaging you, sharing your woes, and cuddling in front of the fireplace. A life he will never ever have with you, but which has kept him from death so many times. Knowing you were at home, waiting for him, angry, pouty, trying to scratch his eyes out, but you were safe and healthy, saved him from the despair of losing everyone he ever cared about in this cruel war. Your blood reminds him of life rather than death, and the warmth of your body in his arms is the comfort he needs after the endless cold nights outside of this dream he built for you.
So Jiyan doesn't even think about everything of yours that he sacrificed to get to this point. You'll be his dirty little secret forever, and he'll make sure of it no matter how many discords or people he has to kill or how much he needs to break you to make this possible. He can't continue living like the hero people make him out to be if he can't have you to compensate for his madness. Isn't it a fair price? Jiyan wouldn't know what to do with all the despair and anguish if he couldn't turn it into love. Jiyan isn't sure he could stop himself from and fight against becoming what he fears most—a mad monster.
He has yet to realize that, beneath his mansion, sleeping peacefully next to you, he has long lost that battle.
But it's his dirty little secret no one on the outside needs to know.
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n0tamused · 4 months
Hello there! I hope your day has been going smoothly!
As your requests are currently open (I hope I read it right), may I request Platonic!Jiyan x Sibling!Reader Angst, where reader dies not because they are a midnight ranger, but because of a chronic disease they were diagnosed with?
Reader and Jiyan can be twins, or Jiyan can be the older brother. Up to you!
I hope you have a great day!
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A/N: Not sure what to say other than that I love writing angst and that I hope you enjoy this anon, sorry for the wait :)
Contents: Familial Jiyan x Twin!Reader, GN pronouns, angst, short lol, character death
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Death crawls through the midnight blue washed streets of the Jinzhou, its flaky claws seeking and scratching. And seek out their victim it did. Found in a cozy bed that reeked of illness and herbal medicine. Ashes of incense laid on top of a long wooden tray fashioned in the looks of a dragon.
There were more dragon motifs sprawled around, in the embroidery of the blankets, on the painting, on tea cups and jewelry, but not one of those could protect the one confined within the bed and the one forever gone. Pale skin glistened with the remnants of sweat and water they were bathed in, and their hair smelled of old flowers in summer heat, and it was only going to get worse should they remain here, hand held by the person closest to them.
Jiyan. The General. The Qingloong. The medic in his youth. Their brother.
He had returned from the front lines at long last for a short reprieve, only to find his beloved sibling in a worse state than last time. It horrified him even more than the sights he encountered in war, and it shook him to the core. What’s worse, he could smell death waiting at the front door, and entering behind his heel after he went into the bedroom..
His hands gingerly held onto their cold hand, knuckles pressed against his forehead as he remains quiet, foolishly hoping warmth would spring to their skin and they’d greet him with a ruffle to his hair and call him silly for worrying so much. He swallows thickly, cheeks wet from the trail his tears left behind and he breathes out a breath so heavy, one would question how the world didn’t cave in where he sat. 
“I love you…so much..” he whispers before lifting his head up, eyes fluttering shut to spare himself the sight of their forever slumbering face, his lips lingering on their knuckles in expression of love they’d never feel again.
They didn’t share just blood, they shared their childhood years, interests, and they shared their mother’s womb together. Their bond was one closer than any other, yet it was severed all the same as any other. 
“I miss you…”
Even with all the knowledge Jiyan could’ve plucked from Jinzhou and from the outside nations, all various medical practices and all kinds of healers, Jiyan couldn’t save them.
Maybe in another life he saves them, but in this one he gets to carry their memories until his own demise, forever haunted by their absence. 
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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unhappy-last-resort · 4 months
Yandere Scar drabble (GN Reader)
Warnings: Yandere, Scar has a dick, implied nsfw/non-con, may be ooc, not proofread
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You should've been wiser before traveling alone, you should've paid more attention to the rumors of Fractsidus activity in the area before you decided to set out on your venture. Then you wouldn't be in this position now, pinned against the wall of a crumbling house as Scar looks like he's on the verge of an unholy epiphany.
His eyes wide, a grin that could only be described as pure glee stretched his lips, his forte occasionally flashing at uneven intervals. What's he like when he overclocks, you wondered, although you guess there wouldn't be much wondering now.
His nails felt more like claws stabbing into your skin and threaten you not to move an inch. Without warning, Scar suddenly buries his face in your neck, inhaling deeply as if he was smelling the air for the first time.
"You smell nice..." He breathes, a visible shudder wracking through his body as he lingers by your neck. "So nice I can't help wanting more."
Before you have the chance to process what that could mean, something muscular and wet drags over your neck and freezes you in places. It's like every function of your body pauses simply to focus on that one sensation as you're left reeling.
He does it once, then twice, then thrice until he's lapping the skin like a dog desperate for water. His breathing becomes heavy and frantic and any regard he may have had for proximity is gone as his body presses against yours, an uncomfortable feeling of hard leather and an undeniable bulge pushes against you.
"Ah, I've been so busy lately. I can't find the time for myself." His voice comes out like a low rumble, an irritated growl, perhaps. His face slowly envelopes your vision, blocking out the houses of Qichi Village cloaked in a mourning grey.
"You understand, don't you?" It was worded like a plea, but his tone felt like a command. His eyes clouded with a mix of mania and lust as he stared unwaveringly into your eyes.
You had feared death, enough so that you hadn't spoken or moved once since your encounter as your mind played 100 Ways To Die, but now you wanted so badly to struggle and you couldn't. The greatest protest you could do was turn your head and you did so, biting hard into your trembling lip as you prayed for salvation or a miracle.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. You have my absolute honesty in that I won't hurt you, as long as you just play along." You could hear the smile in his voice like he was asking you for a small favor, something usual and noninvasive.
He chuckles, seemingly amused by your lack of response. "You know..." He whispers into your ear, breath tickling your skin. "The people who once lived here won't mind us making use of one of their beds."
Your head snapped to look at his face, shock and disgust caught in your throat as thick thorns blocked your airways. On the contrary, Scar seemed amused as he threw his head back in a fit of laughter, shoulders shaking and grip ironclad.
"Well, if you would prefer..." He grins and a pit settles into your stomach as a hand drags up your throat to hold your chin. "I don't mind going somewhere more private, just for the two of us." He smiles as the world around you burns away into a wall of cards.
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spacesodaa · 5 months
Requests Rules <3
Hello, if you want to send an ask or a request, feel free to do so!
I write for Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail , WuWa and Dislyte, if you want to request something else you can try but I can't guarantee that I will be able to post it ^^°. Also I tend to switch between writing phases and drawing phases so your request might take me more time, sorry in advance.
Who I write for:
Genshin - Xiao, Zhongli, Neuvilette, Wriothesley, Alhaitham, Albedo, Kazuha
HSR - Jing Yuan, Gepard, Aventurine, Acheron, Dan Heng, Welt, Blade
WuWa- Jiyan, Rover
Disyte - Ollie, Amir.
What I write: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, huge maybe on smut
What I don't write: hurt/no comfort, non con, yandere
I will try my best to post requests, but life or lack of inspiration might get in the way so sorry in advance.
In the meantime, here's my masterlist!
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shrimshrim4fun · 3 months
A relationship with Jinhsi is the definition of:
If I betray you, I betray myself
If I betray them, I betray my country
My country is very dear to me
Dearer than I?
No,no,not dearer than you.
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rovingthewaves · 1 month
A Memorable Night ~ *Jinhsi*
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Summary: It's supposed to be a party in honor of Jinhsi, but she wants to anywhere but there. It's up to you to distract her from a socially draining night.
Pairing: Jinhsi X G/N!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Drabble
Word Count: 916
Warning: N/A
“Something on your mind?” You asked the lady wallflower, sliding up to her side in the elaborate ballroom.
Jinhsi didn't make eye contact with you at first, instead drinking her water from the gilded chalice in her hand. “You should be enjoying the party with the rest of the guests.”
You frowned and shook your head. “I'd rather not. Frankly, I'd much rather talk to you instead."
"And why's that?"
"You look lonely, standing here in the corner by yourself. I thought I would give you some company." You shrugged before flashing him a sweet smile. "Besides, shouldn't the Magistrate of Jinzhou be socializing with the people of her great nation?"
She glanced at you before returning her gaze to the water in her hand. "I think I've done enough socializing for today."
You nod. "You're right. I need a breather too. There are too many people in this ballroom.”
You caught her shy smile before it disappeared. “I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way."
"Then may I escort you outside for some fresh air?” You ask, tilting your head to gesture to the gardens outside of the ballroom.
She softly nodded and took your hand. “Yes, thank you.”
You were gentle as you led her through the gardens surrounding the ballroom. The two of you walked in silence amongst the flowers until you reached one of the many fountains dotting the gardens. With a soft sigh, you sat on the ledge and dipped your fingers into the cool water. “Mmm. Much better.”
Jinhsi awkwardly sat next to you, looking anywhere but at you. "Thank you, um, for sort of rescuing me from the party. I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by the amount of people asking to speak with me. Sometimes I forget how demanding the life of a magistrate can be."
You smiled at her. “I kind of figured, with how you were standing off all by your lonesome self, without Sanhua by your side. I'm glad I could save you by saving me. I’m just not used to big formal parties like these.”
She nodded, her small smile returning for good. "Me neither. I understand why people in upper classes like to throw them, but I'd rather be in my office or library instead."
“I completely understand.”
There was a pause before she shyly asked, "Still, do you like it here? It's not the same as where you’re from, but Jinzhou is still nice, right?"
You thought about it for a moment. “I do. I really do. I mean, I think each nation is wonderful in its own way, but I think this one has an extra special charm to it."
“I completely agree."
You abruptly stood up and began taking off your shoes, which startled Jinhsi. You simply laughed at her confusion before wading into the water of the fountain.
"What are you doing?"
"Cooling off." You giggled as you wiggled your toes in the water.
She gave a small laugh behind her hand. “You seem to be enjoying yourself there.”
“Then would you care to join me?”
You watched her hesitate, staring at your outstretched hand for a moment before giving a small nod. She removed her shoes and took your hand. She gasped at the coolness of the water as it lapped at her ankles and calves.
“Why didn't you tell me how cold it was?” She whimpered, but her smile was still present on her face. "I'm going to freeze my feet off!"
"Oh, you will not!" You teased her. "You act like you've never played in a fountain before."
"That's because I haven't."
“Really? I’ve done this a handful of times myself.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed once more. "Why am I not surprised? You always seem to be getting yourself into trouble one way or another."
“One could say that.” You pulled her closer. “Now, c'mon! Dance with me!”
Before Jinhsi could question you further, you tugged her into an awkward kind of dance through the water. The two of you laughed and splashed around, enjoying being with each other outside in the cool night air instead of inside the stuffy ballroom. This was far more enjoyable than the party in your opinion. 
As you danced, Jinhsi slipped and almost fell, but thanks to your quick reflexes, you caught her with ease. You now had her in an elegant dip, which made you smile.
She nodded, her eyes wide and her cheeks bright pink. “I'll try."
"You know, you make quite the dance partner, even if it was in a fountain.”
“Ah, thank you. It was fun, yes."
“It most definitely made my night.”
You helped her back to her feet before she quietly asked, “Alright, be honest; you planned all of this didn’t you?”
You winked. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. Who’s to say?”
A devilish glint appeared in her eye as she said, “Well, if I may, I say we continue to make this night even more memorable.”
That’s when she splashed you.
“Oh, it’s on now!”
And the two of you played in the fountain for the rest of the night and woke up with awful colds in the morning. Sanhua was sure to scold Jinhsi for her foolishness, but she didn't mind. Despite how miserable you felt, you were happy you got to spend last night with someone you cared for. You were content knowing you gave her the most memorable experience of the night.
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