#x: i was barely 21 when i lost everyone i had ever loved (relations)
deepperplexity · 9 months
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Prompt 21: Star Of Wishes [B8]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: OC’s home -> Severus’s hidden place
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, 3. Snowballing, 7. Stormy Reunion,  8. Rosemary For Holly, 16. Keep Warm, 19. Hope & 20. Returning Home
A/N: TODAY WE WRAP UP SEVERUS’ STORY! I’m super drained, tbh, but I so loved writing this part and giving everyone that HEA even if it doesn’t happen until the very end so to say 😂🙈 We do get some lovely smut though, hope you'll enjoy the emotional ride of the intimacy too 🤭 This might be the last long fic for the year. I have 0 time, I have no idea how I’m gonna be able to write the next 3 fics and get them up but I’ll manage somehow 😂 I still don’t know what prompt 23 and 24 will be this year, I do know that tomorrows prompt will be the one I use to wrap up Turpin’s story — how, I have no idea yet. We’ll see 😂👍
+A/N: This part of the serial contains a relationship dynamic in the beginning that can be extremely toxic and dangerous when real, but this is FICTION, and as the author I have created this relationship with the intention of it being trauma-healing, safe, loving, and no harm have or will come to any of the characters due to the relationship or any acts of either of the characters. If you feel this relationship matches yours, PLEASE take a step back and really evaluate if you are in a dangerous relationship - if your partner is treating you in a manner that isn’t loving or safe.
Tags/TW’s: Kisses, embracing, Harsh and Soft Touching, Apologising For Ones Behaviour, Slight Snark, Trying Ones Best, Stunted Emotional Development, Confessions of Regret/Hurt/Anger/Fear/Pain/Lacking Knowledge/Love/Affection/Trust, Explicit Description, Dark Sexual Past, Gentle and Caring Touches, Hints At Past Sexual Abuse/Coercion/Rape (not graphic or described),
Word Count: 4.7k
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It had been over seven months since the day I thought my heart would stop. The day I found him more dead than alive in the Shrieking Shack. The day a strange little elf was sent to me with a message from someone a mere boy, which led me to find the man I loved so broken — poisoned, snake venom slithering through his veins no magic could have stopped. But my mom, she stopped it. My mom, a muggle who the Dark Lord so much detested, had won over his own snake.
The year had passed in a blurry ordeal of pain, love, recovery, and healing. But still, there was so much healing needed I could barely wrap my head around it. Christmas was upon us, and I hadn’t the heart to decorate our home. The home we ended up sharing, just me and Severus. At first, it was to get away from everyone and give him a chance to heal, but it changed about a month ago. A month ago, it became something different, an emotional journey for the two of us one could say. Spewed words of hatred, panic attacks through dark nights, long stretches of time without a word spoken from him, my dear broken man.
I didn’t give up, yet yesterday, when he’d so viciously barked at me about the time I’d decorated his office and how stupid I’d been to do such a thing — well, something broke in me. I hadn’t decorated our home, I hadn’t put up anything related to Christmas despite it being the 21st of December now and my most loved holiday. I’d simply allowed our home to remain barren, for his sake, as he seemed to hate the holiday with a vengeance unlike any I’d ever seen.
“I’ll take a walk,” I called through the little house, not expecting any response. The cold winter air greeted me but there was no wind, not a sound from beyond the bubble the little house sat in at the very end of a clearing in some ancient forest I still had no idea of the location of. I could only apparate there since I knew what it looked like.
My heart ached for the man left behind in the house while stepping into the night. No matter what, I wouldn’t give up on him. He had every right to be broken, hurt, lost — but sometimes I had to take some time for myself to find the strength and courage I needed to go on when his hatred and pain shined too brightly. Sometimes, I was the only one around he could lash out against and even if it hurt beyond anything else to hear such foul words in his voice directed at me, I still loved him more than anything and the nights when I held him tight I just knew it would pass. Eventually, time would heal his wounds and I’d still be there. I would never abandon him, something I knew he feared above all else yet he always showed I was free to come and go as I pleased. He knew what it was to be trapped, he didn't wish that for me in any sense of the word.
The snow crunched beneath my shoes, I slipped on my mittens and shoved my hands into my coat’s pockets while walking ahead. Above me, just before I left the clearing and the trees would obscure the sky, I saw the little stars speckling the darkness. I paused for a second to just look at the enormity of the universe, to get perspective perhaps, or simply allow myself to think of how small things can mean so much in the enormity of it all. A falling star streaked by, and I couldn’t help but close my eyes and send a wish to it. It was a childish thing to do perhaps, but I wished for Severus to allow me to help him and be close with him. Some day it might come true, he’s trying already…
I walked around for nearly two hours, until my toes were numb and my cheeks beyond chilly. Just breathing, imagining a happy Christmas with him. “In the future, when he’s healed… Maybe then…” I murmured to myself as I stomped off my boots and stepped back into our little home.
I lost my breath.
When I left, the house had been dark, dreary, void of all things Christmas but now… Now there were decorations everywhere. Eternally burning candles, perfectly green garlands, golden ornaments, and red bows littered every surface, door frame, and window. The house had turned into a Christmas-littered haven perfectly decorated to my own taste, almost as I had decorated Severus’s office a year ago — just slightly different colours.
“What in the world,” I whispered as I dragged off my fluffy mittens and shrugged out of my coat. “S-Severus! I don’t mean to alarm you but I think Santa broke in!” I called, my brain not able to think of another reason why our house looked like Christmas heaven. “No, love,” he murmured as he appeared in the doorway to the living room beyond the hallway I was moving through. “I am apologizing,” he continued and the sweet look of guilt and hope covering his features made my heart ache.
“Severus, what-, why?” I asked as he straightened and reached for my hand to tug me into his arms. I followed without any resistance. I always wanted to be in his arms, one of the many things I always wished for while I nursed him back to health physically after my mom had saved his life. “I said dreadful things.” “You’re trying, Sev.” “No, you are trying, Linna—” he exhaled the words into my hair “—and I’m constantly making it harder for you.” “Healing takes time, Sev. It takes time.” “It gives me no right to take it out on you, you have done nothing but stand by me.” “I always will, I won’t abandon you.” “I almost wish you would, it would be easier to be in misery than… deal with it all.” “Oh, stop, you’re a strong man, you can deal with it.” “Love, you overestimate my abilities, and underestimate your importance…”
For a long moment, I said nothing, just thought about his words — the sweet ones he now spoke and the hurtful ones that came out when we tried to process his trauma. It wasn’t easy to stay, wasn’t easy to take it and not retort or yell or scream or cry. But the hardest thing I had ever done was stay away from him, nothing else came close to it.
“Will you forgive me?” he asked, his voice low and nearly that of someone frightened. “I-, Severus… you don’t need my—” “Your forgiveness is the only one I need.” “I won’t forgive you then,” I said softly. “I won’t forgive you until you fight harder.” “Love, I—” “No, you’re the strongest man I’ve ever met. I’m nothing compared to you and I have nothing to equal your pain and hurt, your strength, or your bravery, so if I only have this one thing to hold over your head I bloody well will, Sev.” “Feisty today, are we?”
His voice was teasing, yet the hurt and fear still lingered behind it all and I couldn’t help but feel even more love for the man who dealt so poorly with his own emotions — he’d never been allowed any, so how would he ever know how to deal with them properly? I did the only thing I could think of, I hugged him with all my strength until his arms wrapped around me and I felt some of the tension leave his body. “Silly man,” I whispered. “You really need to learn how to deal with your emotions.” “I’m… I am trying,” he confessed and I knew he spoke true. He was trying with everything he had and I’d be with him every step of the way.
We stood there, for the longest moment, until I felt the urge to explore all the Christmas decorations he’d filled the house with. “I thought you hated Christmas with a passion as strong as amortentia’s power to make people go insane with obsession.” “I do.” “Then, why?” “You are the obsessed in this case,” he chuckled. “So, for me, then?” He merely nodded but I smiled warmly at him. It was a giant act of care and love on his part, it only made me love the holiday even more.
We walked through the little house, I looked at everything he’d done in a sort of stunned silence until we got to the bedroom. “Really?” I asked and arched a brow at him, he shrugged while raising his own brows in a sort of “what?” kind of expression. “Rosemary?” “Well…” he murmured as his cheeks took on the tiniest hint of pink, barely there but significant enough for me to notice after having gotten to know him so well the past few months. “I love it,” I said and kissed his cheek gently. “It’s perfect,” I continued while allowing my eyes to rest another moment on the rosemary twigs replacing the holly — just like it had done a year ago.
“Love, I truly am sorry… I shouldn’t have said the things I did, or done it in the manner I did.” “I know, and you know, and it’s in the past.” “It is not in the past,” he said and sighed. “I fear I’ll never be able to… To…” “Sev, schh, it’s okay. You’re learning. Have you ever had a right to express yourself? Or even have feelings at all?” “No.” “So you’re a baby.” He sneered at that, almost recoiling. “If you think about it logically, you’re as able as a child to deal with your emotions and when children feel truly safe with someone they’ll act up, they’ll cry and scream and get pissed because they feel it’s safe to show their emotions and, eventually, with the help of safe adults they learn to communicate and deal with their emotions in a healthy and proper manner. Yes, you’re a grown man, but you’ve never had the chance to learn or become comfortable with your emotions.” “I’m comfortable with you.” “And I am with you, we can both show our emotions, and right now your emotions aren’t under control but that’s not your fault. You’ll learn, grow, and become able to handle it eventually.”
Severus simply stared at me. It felt like an eternity passed while his eyes seemed to dig themselves into mine. Eventually, he drew a long breath. “You are far too good.” “I’ll be anything you need me to be.” “I merely need you, just as you are. If you… if you are willing to be patient, with… me…” It sounded as if he had to push with all his might to say the word in a calm and collected manner, as if he felt a need to either spit them out or say nothing at all. It warmed my heart and I nodded gently, smiling up at him as I took his hands gently in my own. “I’ll always be patient with you,” I said and leaned up to kiss him. His thin lips pushed harshly against mine while he tugged me closer.
He backed me up, toward our bed, and gently laid me down without our lips ever leaving each other. “Severus?” I asked, my heart hammering too hard while my entire body tightened warmly under him. “If you don’t want this, say so now, love.” “I-, I do…” It feels like I’ve waited all my life for this moment. “But are you ready?” I asked in return, remembering all the times he’d recoiled at my soft touch or jolted at a sweet caress of his cheek. Loving touches, as I’d learned over the past months, wasn’t something he was used to or even knew how to deal with.
“I want to try,” he confessed after another kiss. “Okay,” I whispered and he kissed me again while his hands roughly caressed my sides. His kisses turned harsher and he bent my legs to fit himself between them. I simply moved with him, allowed him to lead the way while I avoided touching him, keeping my hands above my head even if all I wished to do was strip him and ravish him with all my love and adoration, thousands of kisses and hundreds of soft caresses — with all my warmth.
His hands travelled up my arms until one of them clamped around my wrists before the other tore open my blouse with a jerk. His breathing turned ragged, his hand clamped around my wrists harder while he undid my pants with his free hand — tugging at the buttons too harshly.
“S-Sev,” I whispered against his lips. All his motions halted. He looked down at me, his eyes darker than ever. “I won’t run away,” I whispered. “Even if you don’t hold me down, I won’t touch you unless you allow it,” I continued. “I-, I don’t know how to… How to do this…” His voice was a mere murmur, a deep droning of a confession barely audible. “I know. I understand. But I do… Let me show you?” I asked gently while holding his eyes with my own.
He hesitated, a fear of what was to come in those onyx eyes of his, while I laid utterly still despite the need to love him clawing at my skin with a burning desire. He nodded, a stiff motion, while he slowly released my hands.
I sat up and he backed off the bed, standing between my knees. I looked up at him, not making any quick moves but standing up while he took a step back and his fists clenched. “Will you let me lead?” I asked. He merely nodded. “No, Severus. I need you to say the words.” He looked bewildered for a second before his fists unclenched on a deep exhale. “You lead.” “Thank you.”
I gently reached out while he stood absolutely still. “I’m going to undress you. And then you will undress me, slowly.” He nodded at my words and I got to work with the buttons of his shirt, not letting my fingers tremble while he watched them work. I tugged the shirt off his shoulders without touching his skin, dragging the fabric down his arms while searching his eyes before it floated to the floor. I undid the belt of his pants, then the button and zipper before bending to tug them off as he wore no shoes.
He lifted each leg for me to remove the pants fully while simultaneously slipping my finger within the hem of his socks and taking them off at the same time. I heard him draw a shaky breath as I rose before him as he stood in just his boxers. He was such a beautiful sight in the candlelight and I couldn’t help but look him up and down while my cheeks heated, no matter how hard I tried to control my own emotions for his benefit.
“Now, you undress me in the same manner. But, you can touch me if you want to.” He nodded at my words and as he reached for my already open blouse I caught a glimpse of his unsteady fingers that seemed to be both stiff and trembling. But he managed to undress me in a somewhat slow fashion, even if he didn’t look at me while he did so. His eyes flickered all over the place as if he didn’t know where to look.
When he stood up we were only in our underwear. I was strangely relaxed while he seemed tense. So I stepped closer, my eyes seeking his, and allowed my hands to reach out. “I’ll touch you now,” I said and his eyes found mine. He looked terrified, but he didn’t move away as my hands reached his chest dusted with dark hair so soft to the touch I wanted to moan at just the sensation of him. “Touch me, Severus, feel my body. It belongs to you,” I said gently to encourage him to dare. “I-, I have never in-, in this manner,” he confessed. “Tell me how you’ve done it, share your experiences with me while we do this gently.” “Love… No,” he said, a darkness to his voice. “Tell me, and touch me.”
I allowed my hands to stroke down his arms, slip to his hips, and go up along his sides until I could spread my fingers over his chest — his heart pounded. Then his hands reached out for my hips. “It was rough,” he began while his uncertain fingers began exploring my body in a jaggedly jumpy fashion. “Never out of care or, want… A necessity, sometimes something done without my approval. Merely for the… mission …” “Never again, darling,” I whispered while my hands explored his back and my front went flush against his, forcing his hands to slip behind me as well.
I kissed his collarbone and allowed my lips to slant up along his throat until I met his jawline. “This will only ever happen if you want it,” I assured him and his fingers stiffened at my lower back while I felt his cock press against my pelvis. “I can’t talk about it,” he confessed. “Not like this,” he continued and I nodded before kissing his cheek. “That’s okay, Sev. Will you still allow me to lead and touch?” “Yes…” “Say stop and it all stops.”
I stepped back and took off my underwear before ridding him of his. As we stood face to face I searched his eyes, tried to read what few emotions he showed, I found none truly alarming so I continued to kiss and caress him before we ended up on the bed. He was stiff beneath me, but I kept kissing and caressing his upper body while snuggling myself between his legs.
“Love…” he murmured. “Yes, Sev?” “Are you-, do you truly wish for this?” “Yes. I want all of you, all you are willing to gift me.” “All?” “Yes, all . There is no part of you I don’t love. I want to be close to you, care for you, love you.” He seemed to soften beneath me at that. “I will try,” he said quietly while his hands finally began to caress my skin, travelling along my sides until his fingers reached my face and he pulled me closer before kissing me softly.
I moaned into his mouth and kissed him back with all I had while still keeping the pace slow and the touch gentle. His thumb caressed my cheek and the kiss ended. I began stroking his side, travelling from his ribs to his hips before lifting myself a bit to reach his cock. He exhaled deeply as my fingers wrapped around him and I began stroking him gently, each movement measured and controlled to be gentle and comforting.
“It-, it feels good,” he whispered as he laid back fully, relaxing and taking in my touch. “I’ll always make you feel good, Sev,” I said, my voice too low but I was desperate to keep my control when all I truly wished to do was ravish him and have him fill my aching cunt. But we both needed this, he needed this to be different and I wanted him to feel safe and adored with me — as he always should feel.
I worked him to the point of him moaning deeply beneath me, my hands touching and stroking, my lips slanting and kissing, my mouth whispering sweet words of adoration and care. The room turned too warm, his breaths came harder and his muscles tensed beneath me while my core turned slick and needy.
“Sev, I’m going to ride you,” I said, making sure he knew what was about to happen before I did anything, giving him the chance to stop me. But he didn’t, he merely looked at me with warm eyes of want even if a small sliver of worry still lingered within the onyx colour.
I climbed atop him, guiding his thick cock to my entrance while straddling him. He looked up at me, his hands landing on my thighs as I began to sink, allowing him to slip inside and fill me up deliciously slow. He groaned and threw his head back as I took him to the hilt. It felt too good. He felt too perfect within me.
His hands flexed, his fingers digging into my flesh, and I moaned his name while taking in the sensation of being with him. I had dreamt of that moment for so long, wondered what it would be like, what he’d feel like, how he’d react — never had I imagined I’d be the one leading. But with Severus, things were always different.
“Love,” he groaned as I began riding him slowly. “You feel so good, Sev,” I moaned as my cunt adjusted to his size. “Belinna,” he moaned. “I-, I can’t,” he continued with a strain to his dark rumble of a voice. “Want me to stop?” I asked while keeping on riding him in slow motions, steady rising and falling, using all of my power to not allow the frenzy building within me to take over. “No, no don’t stop,” he groaned as his fingers dug themselves into my flesh with a grip so tight I wondered if he’d leave marks on me from his desperate hold. “But I can’t, I can’t hold out,” he panted while I felt his entire body turn nearly solid beneath me.
I’d only barely begun, but I wouldn’t take away his pleasure or deny him a release he so obviously needed. “Then let go, darling,” I said while I upped the pace a tiny bit. “Just let go.” “ Belinna ,” he moaned in a near prayer as I splayed my hands out on his chest, leaning forward to find a new angle to take him. He jerked beneath me, his jaw clenched tightly while his hips bucked upwards, and I moaned as he came undone beneath me.
His cock jerked with me, warm waves coating my insides while I kept riding him steadily while my hands felt the hammering of his heart. “You’re so good, Sev,” I praised while he groaned deeply. “So good, darling,” I continued and he moaned a strange sound of relief and something darker. I slowed my pace until I stilled fully, not chasing my release.
I watched him, the pale skin with a slight tint to his cheeks and little beads of sweat across his forehead, and couldn’t help but be filled with a desperate need to comfort him. He looked strangely satisfied but confused, tense but relaxed at the same time.
“Sev, are you alright?” I asked while stroking away a few stray strands of his hair. He looked up at me, I was unable to understand what his eyes were filled with though. He just looked at me, his chest still rising and falling rapidly, while I felt him soften within me his hands released their grip on my flesh.
“I-, I don’t know,” he confessed. “That’s okay,” I said and leaned forward to kiss his hooked nose while he slipped out of me, a gushing of sticky cum flowing out of me. “We’re a mess, would you like to shower with me?” I asked with a smile even if my entire body was reeling with the need to come. He shook his head and I nodded before kissing his thin lips gently. “I’ll be right back, I don’t like cleaning up with magic.”
I handed him his wand after having stood and went to the bathroom on shaky legs. My insides pulsed and his cum streaked down my thighs. I locked the door and stepped into the shower, the warm water cascaded over me and I reached down to find the release I so desperately needed while his moans and groans filled my head from mere memory. His cum and my slick covered my fingers as I stroked myself into a trembling mess, taking support from the wall while biting down on my lip to not make a sound. I made quick work of it all, finding my release swiftly only to rush through cleaning myself.
I grabbed my robe from the hook on the wall and left the bathroom while cinching the sash around my waist. When I stepped into the bedroom Severus sat on the edge of the bed, dressed in a new shirt and his black silken pyjama pants. He was leaning his elbows on his knees, a hunch to his shoulders and a stiffness to his back.
I walked up, sinking down on my knees before him. “Sev? Are you alright?” I asked anew but he shook his head. “What’s wrong?” I continued while wrapping my hands around his where they were entwined before me. “Is that how it’s supposed to be?” he asked quietly. “What do you mean?” “Soft, caring… Warm …” My eyes widened as he looked up at me. “Sev… Darling… Yes, it’s supposed to be all those things. It’s supposed to feel only good.” My heart screamed at the torment and confusion in his eyes while he looked at me so intently that I felt as if he were trying to enter my soul.
“What do you need, darling?” I asked while squeezing his hands. “Need?” “Yes, what do you need from me?” “Nothing you haven’t already given too much of.” “Okay, what would make you feel safe and cared for right now?” I asked to change his view on the question I was asking. “I-, I don’t know.” “Cuddles?” I asked. “Or alone time? Food? Words of affirmation?” I kept going to try and jog his thoughts about it all. I knew what I wanted but what I needed was to comfort him in whatever manner he needed.
“I usually prefer some cuddles and snuggles after getting clean, and talking about what felt good and what didn’t,” I said to open up about my own wants to hopefully make him see it was okay to ask for something more, for what one needs. “There was nothing about that which did not feel good, love,” Severus murmured, his eyes cast down on our hands. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“Would you like me to stay or give you some time?” I asked after another moment. “Don’t leave,” he whispered. “Stay. Please…” The confusion and worry in his voice was heartbreaking but that he asked me to stay warmed me. “I’ll stay, for as long as you wish.” “Forever. I wish you to stay forever,” he said and I felt my eyes water at his honesty. “I love you, Severus.” “I love you too. And I am trying, I am truly trying, Belinna.” “I know,” I said and reached my hand up to caress his chilly cheek.
He leaned into my hand, a small smile across his lips. Such a difference to just a few weeks ago. “It may sound foolish,” he began quietly, “but I… I wished on a falling star for the bravery needed to be closer to you. It fell across the sky just as you left for your walk.” “I-, Sev, I wished on that star too,” I confessed and he blinked at me. “I wished for you to allow me to be close to you…” “Is that so?” “Yes…” “Star of wishes, perhaps we needn’t wish on stars in the future…” “Perhaps we can simply… talk with each other more?”
Severus reached up and cupped my face, smiling softly while I placed my hands on his chest. His heart beat steadily beneath my palms and warmth seemed to envelop the two of us among the garlands and candlelight. “I wish for nothing more than a future where we can speak openly,” he said gently and I felt as if I were melting on the inside. “Let’s make that future a reality, together.” “Together,” he echoed and kissed me deeply. My wish came true, and my hard work and patience were rewarded in the end. My own little Christmas miracle…
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A/N: WAAAAAAAH!!!! Gosh, frikkin darn it, I love this so much and it's so sweet and they are so loving and caring and waaaaah..! I hope you enjoyed the end to this Rickmas2023 serial as well darlings! 🥰👏
+A/N: I am so so so sorry I haven't had the chance to reply to comments/reblogs yet - I am itching to do it and I will get to it as soon as I have a chance to and life isn't going crazy (I love and adore that you comment and reblog darling! I really do!) ❤
Q: Do you feel ready for 2024? A: I am so so so ready for 2023 to be over, it's been the most insane year and I can't quite wrap my head around it now that we're on the home stretch - how did I manage all I managed this year?
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
@morphineisouthoney @meteoritewolf69 @bionic-otp @elizabeth-baelish @romanceandsarcasm @severuslovebot @glowstar826 @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @a-queen-and-her-throne @impulse-anchor @commodoreseverus  @writewithmarites @alisongurl13 @yan-senna @writewithmarites @reinekefoxart @nixislight @lokisbjchnl  @lght-n-drk @ladykardasi @lyrixsnape @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
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unabletoforget · 4 years
.tag drop.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
I found this on twitter and wanted (try) to answer them here instead. :B Great questions! thanks. @LM_Nocass twitter.com/LM_Nocass/ status/1292935841258647553
𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥/𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥/𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 (𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲); 2:28 PM · Aug 10, 2020 --------------@LM_Nocass
1. Which part of herself does Carol see in Daryl?  ||um same brokenness past and seeing that there’s good parts in him. He’s not like Merle and Ed. 2. Which part of himself does Daryl see in Carol?  ||They both know what it’s like to be abused and have an understanding. He sees strength in her. /...I think they slowly start to think they’re not alone on feeling like the odd one out or fighting to live before Apoc. They eventually think they’re a lot alike and connected right away. s1-s2. I guess they both started to grow at the same time and look after each other’s back ever since.
3. If there was no za and they met each other, would they be so close? Why?    ||Yeah I think so. But not so close or “early” on. Probably lil glimpse of like oh they’re alike and good people. But other things in the way...like Carol or Daryl be stuck in bad situations and die or something. Y’kno Daryl would’ve been like “mini Merle” or like.... dead from stopping a fight or prison. Carol could just be dead or lost herself from being with Ed. ...Unless they got away from their abusers :) I can see there’s a chance of them getting close.   *”mini Merle” I think I got this phrase wrong. Mini Merle is Merle’s hand weapon thing. I meant that Daryl would have become more damaged,lost, and be similar to Merle then. ..like a younger Merle.
4. How do you think, Alexandria's ppl ship them or they don’t care? Why?  || BTW, I think of what the writers want or had in mind.. Anyway, when Rlchonne happened or Abe and Sasha went canon, it just seems like very neutral whatever way. Well I guess the show isn’t that .. charactery and romantic. -_-  Anyway, I think they care and are supportive and of all Team family but mind their business. I think practically everyone knows about Caryl and their close relationship. I guess they’re like in the same boat as us or general fans. We would be happy if they get together but if not then like ....hmm you guys are so together~  Um..I guess people would be going WTF if Caryl grew apart.
5. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to believe in supernatural stuff? Why?   || they both seem to be into that. erm I’ll say Daryl.
6. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to send a lot of Red heartFace throwing a kissSmiling face with heart-shaped eyes and etc? Why?   || Carol is more open to display of affection. But Daryl got his heart on his sleeves. He’s straightforward tells/show you how he feels and means it.
13. What would do today's Carol if she met someone like Ed?  ||Probably she be able to stand up to him when he starts to be controlling and she speak out and say it’s not right. Idk..maybe them talking it out will make Ed change himself if he wants to. And she walks away from him early on. 14. If today's Carol met past Carol, what would she say to her?   ||You’re stronger than you think you are. You are enough. These hard times made her wiser in Apoc./life. She’s always a mother..when they’re gone, they’re still with her. 15. If today's Daryl met past Daryl, what would he say to him?    ||This doesn’t always have to be this way/Merle-life. You’re not alone. Good people will stick with you. Trust them. Your goodness matters. You don’t need to depend on Merle. If Merle wouldn’t change now then he won’t later on. Idk... Daryl is so loyal and to his brother. So it’s just he gotta let Merle/his past go. 16. Why does Daryl prefer the crossbow, not a bow?   ||I guess that’s what hunters like to use most often. Idk. 17. AU: real life. Which one of them is most likely to surfing in the Internet for hours? Why?   ||Carol because she mentioned internet in s4. lol Okay um yeah Carol I guess. I think she likes to research on things. Daryl is more outdoorsy kind of person. 18. AU: real life. Which one of them will have a private acc on social medias and who won’t care?   ||I think both would be private...or heck Daryl not private but barely any content. lol Just hunting, nature stuff and games.
19. AU: real life. Which one of them will send memes?   ||Carol because she like goofy or sassy jokes.
20. AU: real life.  What profession is suitable for Carol? Why?  ||hmm housewife, teacher, nurse, or something to look after the community.. She likes to cook but Idk if she likes to do it often. Some job to care about the people and place.
21. AU: real life. What profession is suitable for Daryl? Why? ||A hunter, mechanic, or construction worker. Something like hands-on job.
22. Which of them has a black sense of humor?   ||I think Carol have a dark/black sense of humor. Daryl is ..more less humor-y. more sarcastic. idk what im saying.
23. Had Daryl ever thought about having children? If he did, he would prefer boy or daughter?    ||I think he never really thought of it till he’s away from Merle/past life. But Idk I think he doesn’t really think on it. He just wants to protect all kids. He’s Uncle Daryl. I don’t think he has a preference.
24. Is Daryl asexual or demisexual? Or other? Why?    ||Read ? #10. I say so far it seems like he’s demisexual from what Kang said and from what people/fandom been always questioning him from the show and from that 6 years in woods plot. (Also the show isn’t that showy on romance and relationships so I didn’t think they would bother to address his romance/sexuality but they did so ok.) I guess I always think of him as demisexual...or someone who would be friends to lovers kind of person. He’s the closest with Carol so..slowburn to canon, yeah? /// This makes me think of Carol’s relationships and how she is fine having sex anytime ..no emotions involved way...She doesn’t really have or know a good emotional canon relationship except almost with Zeke, I guess. 25. Carol’s fav movie genre(s)? ||Romcoms <3
26. Daryl’s fav movie genre(s)?  ||action / horror :O 27. When the show ends, what kind of ending do you want for them?   ||I want good writing and that flows right. Caryl be Caryl. I guess them riding off to the sunset to New Mexico. Or..looking after team family in ASZ or TF working together to find/help Rick and living their best lives in a community. A happy ending pls. 28. Which one of them is good at math?  ||hmm Carol. Daryl would be good at reading..science.
29. If there was Caryl movie, what song(s) would you add to it?   || hmm a song to add, I would pick ..”You and Me” by Pink I think. Or, “X and Y” by Coldplay. Or, “Cosmic Love” by Florence Machine. 30. Did Daryl help you?   ||I really appreciate the writers and the acting did with Daryl and Carol. They’re really unique, interesting and relatable characters. Daryl helped me to keep being myself and do what’s right even when you feel odd ball out. Idk I also like that we see characters like Daryl and Carol what we stereotypical think they may be like in s1 but then we see they’re relatable and we can be more open minded to other people.  I liked that we see him getting a chance to grow and see how loyal he is. 31. Did Carol help you?  ||Yeah. I really like how she’s like I guess most people in s1, quiet, timid, not quite fit into the Apoc. world, but learns to trust herself, get braver and open up. She’s like so strong and brave now but it’s not surprising to see that in a way because we see her character development and I like how writers and acting, made it so relatable and realistic to me. We all can be like Carol. //I think she’s a great character to watch for mothers who lost kids or was a abused wife/person. Same with Daryl as a abused child/brother in that Merle’s lifestyle.
32. What did Caryl give you? Hope? Strength?  ||I really like what became Caryl in the show for years. They became one of my fave ships. They’re unique and I love that we see their strong bond and connection. They’re soulmatey and angsty. Idk I feel like they gave hope that there are people that will get you and have your back. And strength, they grown so much and made me think about myself to keep facing my fears and be in a healthy relationship. 33. Carol’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country pop. Idk.. I think McReedus are into Rock music so. 34. Daryl’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country rock. ...Idk Metal music.
35. Describe Carol in one word. ||Brave
36. Describe Daryl in one word. ||Loyal or uh a word that means does what he think is the right thing to do...and caring. Uncle.
37. What do you expect from them in season 11?  ||Idk I’m really clueless. TWD right now is really not by the comics anymore and it’s hard to speculate now. I’m kinda hoping they have something a plot that relates to taking care of the Grimes kids and a plot/s that relates to Rick’s journey/TWD show. Idk well I guess they be figuring it out what to do with Maggie and politics with the ..spoiler- new communities.
I hope for good writing and if they go canon, I hope they write good relationship/romance writing. As in they don’t separate them and break up a bunch of times or be boring. eek. I hope it’s like they still be like the subtle canon ship..like RIchonne as there is something else they have to do together. Like they be canon but they talk about the new plots/problems/family in s11 and their relationship grows.
38. Your favorite Caryl season(s)? Why?  ||It’s season 2 or s10. I feel it’s the most Caryl interaction and them deepening their relationship. 39. When do you think Daryl was ready to start a relationship? Or do you still think he isn't ready? Or he is ready rn?    ||Whenever the writers are ready. :\  I think as a character he’s ready...yeah especially s10. He’s not hiding and being emo in the woods in s9. He’s not the (Rick’s)sidekick character anymore. He’s I think grown a lot by being with people and opening up being a leader-like now, domestic?,leading character, and I think he’s now more ready to have romantic relationship if he wants to. And for Carol ..rn is like does she feel worthy or ok to have love again. ooh angst. 40. Which of them is owl, and which of them is lark? Why?  || I think Daryl is a lark/early bird because he likes the quietness and time to hunt, and Carol is a night owl because she likes to know what else is going on when it’s the dark.
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miximax-hell · 4 years
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Happy Goku Day, everyone!!
I checked and, miraculously, I still have followers on this blog. In fact, I’ve gained some since the last time I posted, for some reason! I’m not going to question it, though. Just... bless. But, hey, long time no see! As usual!
This time, I’m going back to my roots. The first drawings I posted on this blog were meant to show my love towards original Raimon, and it’s never a bad time to remind you all that I still adore these kids. Especially now that my friend @dust-monsters-under-my-bed​ has reminded me of them. Go check her art, btw! She’s not very active on Tumblr, but you can find her art on Twitter right here: https://twitter.com/rachelmonart
Anyway, she’s watching Inazuma Eleven for the first time and she’s made me think again about how much love these kids deserve, BECAUSE THEY SURE GOT NONE FROM HINO. DAMN YOU, HINO. So, today, let’s talk about the one and only IE character whose feet are classified as mass destruction weapons, who decided to borrow power from someone who will make you all question me, my logic and my tastes: Yamhan (or, as he is known in the west, Tiencha), THE FUSION OF YAMCHA AND TENSHINHAN FROM DRAGON BALL.
Introducing ShoYamHan! More on him under the cut.
So, first of all, how have you all been? I suppose many of you, like myself, are being told to stay at home to fight this situation. I salute all of you who do your best to stay safe and not help spread anything. It’s a very necessary fight, even if it can be boring at times. Many of us have friends or relatives fighting on the frontline, though (unless you yourself are the doctor or nurse friend!), and we hopefully know that staying at home is a small price to pay.
As for me, I got a job in December and lost it last month, so... yeah. It’s not been great. Still, something I’ve been working hard on for a while should be released soon and that’s so exciting! MY NAME WILL FINALLY BE ON SOMETHING’S CREDITS AND I CAN’T WAIT FOR IT TO BE UP.
But, anyway, back to business!
Rachel suggested I talk about the reasons behind this particular miximax, and considering it makes for a perfect parallel with my first posts, where I talked about the reasons behind Max’s and Kageno’s miximaxes, I’m all up for it! But, this time, I will have to do something new: explain WHO THE HECK YAMHAN IS. So let’s start with a picture of this handsome devil.
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As most of you hopefully know, this project is about miximaxing Inazuma characters with video game characters. No anime, movies or anything else. Only and exclusively video games. Dragon Ball has probably spawned all those things, but it started as a manga, so you’d be right to think it most definitely does not qualify for this project. And, indeed, Dragon Ball doesn't. What DOES qualify, however, are Dragon Ball characters exclusive, or first introduced, in a video game. And that’s exactly the case we’re dealing with here!
Growing up, I loved Dragon Ball games. Even before I watched the show properly, in fact! I would go to my friend’s house, who was a fan of the show, and we'd play the Dragon Ball Budokai games nonstop with absolutely zero regrets. Those were some great times. And once I came to know the source material, the game that blew my mind the most was Dragon Ball Budokai 2. Was it the best one? Not necessarily. Is it my favourite? Not by a long shot. Still, it was the most creative! Most games follow the story of DBZ, which, obviously, is always the same. But Budokai 2 wasn’t afraid to do new things. Its story mode resembled a tabletop game and it was more than happy to deviate from the source material in some really fun ways; most notably, with exclusive fusions.
Budokai 2 introduced us all to Yamhan, the fusion of Yamcha and Tenshinhan, two long forgotten characters in the series, as they (and especially poor Yamcha) didn’t do anything especially relevant past... well, past the original Dragon Ball. As a champion of the unloved, that blew my mind. There were other fun things in Budokai 2, but what fascinated me and stayed in my thoughts for years to come was Yamhan. It was just such a cool concept. Two underdogs who had fallen into obscurity fusing to create a much greater warrior!
Of course, Yamhan isn’t the only videogame exclusive characters in Dragon Ball. He isn’t the first, nor the last. Yamhan isn’t the strongest, nor the weakest. But I haven’t played FighterZ nor Fusions (yet), nor pretty much any game that wasn’t on PS2 or GBA. And even if I had, I doubt Android 21 or any of the HUNDREDS of combinations available in Fusions would captivate me and my imagination as much as Yamhan did back in the day. Yamhan was a fusion, which is something that has always fascinated me to begin with. I MEAN, THIS ENTIRE BLOG IS ABOUT FUSING CHARACTERS, SO I THINK IT’S PRETTY OBVIOUS LMAO But he wasn’t just one among hundreds. He was this very specific, never-seen-before, cool as heck and usable fusion. Like, wow. That was wild for me. Sign me up, man.
But, you know, I try not to let that sway me too much. Of course, I wouldn’t likely pick a character I hate for a miximax, but, still, my preferences aren’t everything. And choosing Yamhan begs a question that I have already alluded to: if Yamhan isn’t the strongest game-exclusive DB character out there, then, why him? Well, the answer to that is related to the biggest problem posed by the sheer concept of miximaxing with a Dragon Ball character:
Power escalation.
It’s no exaggeration to say that Goku is, pretty much, the strongest character that has ever played the lead in any manga, and one of the strongest fictional characters ever, period. By the end of the Dragon Ball Super anime, he has EXCEEDED THE POWER OF MANY LITERAL GODS AND IS (or has been) A CANDIDATE TO BECOME ONE. You may prefer One Piece, or Naruto, or anything else, but few things reach the astronomical, reality-bending scope of Dragon Ball. Not to say DB is the best series--I’m just saying that it’s so out of control at this point (and I love it). But, of course, the stronger Goku is, the stronger the villains need to be, and Goku ends up becoming EVEN stronger than said villains. Rinse and repeat dozens of times until you can make an entire universe disappear by raising your hand.
Now, imagine applying that out-of-this-world power escalation to a context where the power balance isn’t so outrageous. For example, Inazuma Eleven.
Goku wriggling in his sleep is more powerful than Zeus, and an accidental sneeze would smash all of Ixal Fleet to smithereens. Do you see what this would do to the balance? It would ruin it completely, as anyone who miximaxed with Goku would be immediately a one-person army able to defeat ANY opponent--and if the opponent were to be EVEN GREATER than Goku, well, the rest simply wouldn’t stand a chance. Ever. Remember: the point of this project isn’t to create perfect and unbeatable players, and I’m not trying to prioritize anyone or make them noticeably stronger than anyone else just because I happen to like X more than Y. That completely ruins the tension and the fun (and my attempts to create justice in this unfair universe). The point is to come up with a balanced team full of players with strong points, but with flaws, too, that complement each other when they play together against stronger enemies.
So, if we go with Dragon Ball, and I love Dragon Ball WAY too much to not include it in this project in some way, we have to be careful and avoid overdoing it. Balance is key. And now that you know why I didn’t just choose the fusion between Beerus and Whis or something crazy like that, I’ll move on to explain what makes Yamhan a very interesting option. I SWEAR THERE ARE SOME ACTUAL REASONS.
First of all, the very concept. You know, Yamcha and Tenshinhan fused to created Yamhan, and now, Shourin is fusing with a fusion. That’s just... hecking cool. I won’t lie--my preferences towards Yamhan didn’t tip the scales towards making this happen, but my preferences towards FUSIONCEPTION totally did. XD But there’s more, thankfully.
From the very beginning, I knew I wanted a fighting game character to miximax with Shourin because it fits his theme best. I’m not big on fighting games, though, so it was quite tough. Especially because just any fighting game wouldn’t do it. Shourin is a martial artist. As I mentioned at the very beginning of this post, his feet are his weapons. His entire body is a weapon, really. If I were to suddenly miximax him with some character who wields a sword or an axe, for example, it would be a complete disservice to Shourin. Original Raimon members don’t have much going on for themselves, and I’m going to cut or ignore the ONE thing that makes one of them special? Not in a zillion years. Shourin needs to fight with his body. That, of course, cuts many characters already: pretty much the entire roster of Soul Calibur, many members of Mortal Kombat, many from games like Skullgirls (which I still want to try to represent here in the future, because @lumaga worked on it and it makes me happy just because of that), etc. For a very long time, I considered someone like Ryu, from Street Fighter, but then it hit me: I have never played Street Fighter and I don’t want to include him just because I know what a Hadouken is. It’d be... cheap. And fake. Thankfully, as I also mentioned earlier, I played LOTS of Budokai back in the day and I am an actual fan, so I don’t have to pretend to know what the heck I’m talking about. XD And, thankfully, most of the characters in DB games fight with their bare fists and legs, so they perfectly fit my needs. Yamhan is, of course, no exception.
Now comes my favourite reason to choose Yamhan and not, well, literally any other DB game-exclusive character. And that reason is style.
Remember that power escalation thing I mentioned earlier? Well, it’s epic, but it comes with a big disadvantage: power ends up becoming much more important than skill. Early Dragon Ball was very focused on fighting styles. There was an ongoing feud between the Turtle School and the Crane School, who taught different martial arts to fight in different ways, and there was a big plot involving which one was superior. It wasn’t just about who was strongest, but about who fought better. With time, that disappeared, though. Even though battles became flashier, aerial and more spectacular, they were much more indistinct. Sure, there were gimmicks like “heh, I have a tail and I will sometimes hit you with it,” or “I will try to hit your face with the palm of my hand instead of my fist for some unspecified reason,” but that isn’t... much. You just see very fast people avoiding equally as fast punches to the face. And Goku, the main character, only shows some style when he adopts a fighting pose BEFORE fighting. Once the punches start flying, it’s all a race to see who can hit the other the hardest in the gut to make them spit blood. Cool nonetheless, but still.
Ironically, though, it’s two of the least relevant characters who never really lost those styles that made them unique when they were first introduced to the series. And those are, of course, Yamcha and Tenshinhan.
Yamcha joins the Turtle School and learns techniques as classic as the Kamehameha, but he had his own style way before that, based on attacking and tearing enemies apart like a wolf would. This is best represented by his signature move, the Rougafuufuuken or Wolf Fang Fist. He never drops this style, but instead builds up on it through his training to make it even fiercer.
Tenshinhan has different things going for himself. First of all, he is a hybrid between a human being and a civilization known as the Three-Eyed People, which grants him powers such as growing extra arms from his back or dividing in 4. Not just moving so fast that it looks like there’s four of him, but ACTUALLY dividing into 4 separate bodies. In terms of skills, he was a Crane School student, but when he realised the wrong of his master’s doings, he decided to start training and developing on his own. Basically, a path that mirrors Yamcha’s, but both lead to unique fighting styles unlike anyone else’s in this universe. And, most importantly, none of them depend on appendixes that are always there, like the aforementioned tail, so they totally work for us here!
Shourin is a proper martial artist. He wouldn’t want to make himself crazy strong as much as he would like to refine his technique and learn new moves and tricks. Martial arts are about discipline, self-control, skill and protection. He would take a cool-ass combo based on a wolf’s moves over earth-shattering strength any day of the week, hence why the fact that these two have so many techniques to offer is so appealing.
Finally, and probably least, is the design idea that immediately came to my mind when I thought of a miximax between Shourin and Yamhan. Historically, I have had to work with characters like Fudou, who are usually mostly bald and they miximax with someone with hair, thus making for some very... difficult things to figure out. But the idea of miximaxing Shourin, who is mostly bald, with Yamhan, who is ALSO mostly bald, was just golden and too good to ignore. And the fact that Yamhan has three eyes GIVES ME AN EXCUSE TO ADD A THIRD CROSS-SHAPED EYE ON SHOURIN’S FOREHEAD. IF A MIXIMAX BETWEEN BALD PEOPLE WAS GOLDEN, THIS IS OUTRIGHT PLATINUM.
Shourin would've probably looked a lot less like a joke if he had had hair covering his entire head or if I had at least given him proper eyes... but that would no longer be the Shourin I love. Not to mention that it’s very likely that Shourin willingly shaves his head to begin with (even if the ponytail ain’t doing him any favours--but that’s just Inazuma logic, so let’s not look too much into it), just like Tenshinhan or Krillin do, so he would probably be happier to keep that, uh, advantage. Relative advantage, but still.
As a side note, though, we can’t forget the balance. When Yamcha and Tenshinhan fuse, they undoubtedly become the strongest human being in the DB universe, overcoming the one who is usually strongest: Krillin. A fusion is always greater than its parts individually, and Yamcha and Tenshinhan aren’t so far away from Krillin to begin with, so that’s not even a question. Regardless, they still don’t have that overwhelming and surreal strength from other characters, so we still don’t get into absolutely OP territory. Yamhan is strong enough to provide Shourin with a power that can make a real difference without completely putting him above everyone else.
Sadly, Yamhan doesn’t really have a backstory, as he’s a game-exclusive character that, honestly, was probably only there for a laugh. That means there is no deep connection between them. We can, however, make obvious connections between Shourin, an aspiring martial artist whose dream, as stated in IE2, was to study at Manyuuji (Kogure’s school) for their focus on martial arts, and is now trying to become stronger to protect what he loves, and two skilled warriors who have been training nonstop under different masters and on their own for basically their entire lives to keep becoming stronger and more skilled in order to defend what’s precious to them and, simply, to be the best version of themselves they can be. Upon seeing such dedicated warriors and artists, Shourin would undoubtedly want to learn from them and, if necessary, borrow their strength too.
Or he might just fanboy and ask for their autographs, honestly. I sure as heck want Yamcha’s. And his baseball card.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Epilogue
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: Just pure fluff. 
Word count: Approx 3500
Bucky and the Reader have a party to celebrate five years of owning their cafe together and remember some of the best times they’ve had in those years. 
Flashbacks are in italics. 
A/N: THE END IS HERE. I’m both sad and happy, I absolutely adored writing this story and now I feel empty. I have no idea what to write next! I can’t believe that this 21 parter has come to an end. I also can’t believe that this story has been written over 97 pages in Word and in total is 55692 words!! Insane!  Thank you for all of your wonderful support and love for this series 💖
Let me know what you’d like to see next!
Bucky smiled as he watched you propped up against Steve’s side with Sam on your other side and Gemini on your lap, enjoying the vast amounts of attention coming from you and her two uncles as they had since proclaimed themselves.
 It had been five years since you had ownership of the café and you and Bucky were holding a little party amongst your friends to celebrate the five year anniversary of your new and improved life together. Bucky signalled you over back to your original spot at the head of the table next to him, you’d pushed all the tables in the café together to cater for everyone.
 You sat down next to Bucky, Gem insistent on staying with Steve, Sam arguing with him about how he should get Gemini on his lap and not the other way around. Bucky’s arm draped around your shoulder as he leaned over to press a kiss to your temple before gently hitting his glass with his metal finger, getting everyone’s attention.
 “Thank you, everyone for coming.” Bucky started, five years of normal life had increased his confidence by miles and you could see how comfortable he was with speaking in front of everyone, compared to years ago when he could barely even get a word out to Steve when he arrived. “I’d like to say a few words before we start eating.” He went on, Tony sitting up straight and throwing him a look of encouragement, the two of them having grown closer after the events that pushed them all apart during the civil war.
 Bucky glanced over at you as he stood up from his seat, a soft smile on his lips as he looked out across the room. “I remember when I first arrived back at the tower. It was terrifying, I was in a bad way.” Bucky sighed, his smile faltering for a moment as he remembered some of those scary moments. The worst to him was when he was trying to express his feelings to you but his brain wouldn’t let him, causing him to lash out every time he tried. He had hated himself for it, he’d scared you a few times, but it never ceased to amaze him that despite the fear he caused, you always stuck by him.
 “Without you,” Bucky glanced back at you again. “My pretty girl, god, I don’t think I would’ve pulled through the way that I did. I’m sure I could have done it by myself, but I don’t think I’d be in such a good place without you.” He grinned, Pepper letting out an aww from the other end of the table, Tony and Wanda who were on either side of her chuckling and fussing over her when she began to get teary eyed.
 “We’ve spent five years in this coffee shop, doll. We have some great memories here.” Bucky paused, watching everyone’s faces for a moment before continuing. “Right by that window was where we had our first ever date.” Bucky chuckled fondly at the memory, how damn nervous he’d been that day, how hard it had been to admit any kind of feelings, but he was beyond glad that he had. “I also found our girl Gem right outside in the alleyway.” Bucky grinned, the little cat currently taking residence on Steve’s lap still, much to Sam’s displeasure.
 Bucky went on, listing the things you’d done together, not just related to the coffee shop, but also in the tower and the city in general.
The first days of the coffee shop were demanding, but so fulfilling and as Bucky briefly reminisced about the first weeks of your ownership of the shop, you remembered those times vividly.
 “Whoa, do you need some help there, sweetheart?” Steve asked as you accidentally crashed into him, bounced off his chest and stumbled back into Bucky who was right behind you, dropping the box you’d been carrying. “Sorry Stevie, couldn’t see where I was going.” You giggled nervously, your best friend giving you a grin before squeezing your shoulder gently and bending down to pick up the box you’d dropped. “Nice going, you probably broke everything with your brick like chest.” Sam quipped, causing Bucky to snort as Steve rolled his eyes. “It was just books, asshole.” Bucky grumbled, while making sure you were fine.
 “I’ll put this in the reading nook, sweetheart.” Steve called over his shoulder as he walked away with the box. “You take care of organising things how you want. I don’t want you hurting yourself.” Bucky kissed the side of your head before walking away and you happily went ahead to fiddle with the reading corner you’d just finished building at the back of the coffee shop.
 When you were finished with the reading nook, you were so proud of your work. The café was coming along nicely and the main floor was pretty much finished. All the tables and chairs were where you wanted them to be, all laid out the way you and Bucky wanted. The main counter was set up neatly with all the supplies and bits you needed to begin serving customers. You’d spent a good while writing out the menu on a giant chalk board on the wall above the counter and adding little drawings and pictures to the board, mostly space themed.
 Your reading nook looked great, it had several large bookcases, some comfy armchairs, a little loveseat sofa and some bean bags. Sam had helped you unpack the books and you’d taken great pleasure in bossing him around with the placement of all the genres on the taller shelves that you couldn’t reach.
 “Ready for the finishing touch before we open this place up tomorrow?” Bucky asked, walking towards you with a box in his hands. You nodded with a grin and he opened the box, pulling out large bulb string lights, similar to the ones you’d seen on your first dinner date with Bucky. They always gave you that lovely, cosy feeling.
 You stood back as Bucky finished stringing them up and you smiled, your boyfriend coming to stand next to you with his arm around your shoulders. “I think we’re ready.” You grinned up at him. “I think so too.” He smiled, kissing your forehead gently.
 “And we can’t forget when we moved in to the apartment above this place three years ago.” Bucky grinned. “God, it was a mess, we had to completely rip it out and redo it, but it was totally worth it.” He smiled. “Don’t get me started, man, painting those damn pipes for you sucked.” Sam chimed in, while he sounded offended, he couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he remembered helping you both do up the place. “Shut up, you were proud.” Steve nudged him in the side. “Yeah, but Gem had to go and walk in some paint.” Sam groaned, eliciting a few chuckles and laughs around the table.
 You had just finished helping Steve put down the new wooden flooring in the apartment, the far corner was covered in a tarp as Sam very precisely painted the exposed pipes in a nice duck egg blue colour. Despite his grumbles and complaints, you could tell he was actually enjoying the painting, as much as he liked to make it appear as if he hated it.
 “Almost done up here, you still taking us out for drinks after, Terminator?” Sam called over his shoulder at Bucky who snorted, a smirk working its way onto his lips as he pulled up some painters tape from the other week that had accidentally been left on the skirting board. “Yeah, yeah, we’re going as soon as we’re done, promise.” Bucky nodded as he balled up the tape.
 Suddenly, as you went off to wash your hands, you heard Sam shriek like you’d never heard before. “No, no, no, no!” He cried out, Steve and Bucky immediately collapsing into laughter as Gemini leapt out of the paint tray Sam had been using and ran straight across the new deep brown wooden flooring. You smiled fondly as Bucky scooped up the little Maine Coon whilst she wildly protested and he took her out of the room to clean her up.
 “Oh shit, I’m so sorry, you just put that flooring down.” Sam groaned. “I should’ve known better than to put the damn tray on the floor.” He huffed, moving to start clearing up the paint but you let out a cacophony of unintelligible noises to stop him. Both Steve and Sam looked at you a little confused, Steve tilting his head to the side. “Leave it, I kinda like the paw prints.” You giggled, admiring Gemini’s little bright blue paw prints on the flooring. “But she made a mess!” Sam protested, sure that it was better to just clear it up. “Nah, she added her artistic flair to the place.” You giggled, shaking it off.
 Bucky was far from disappointed when he discovered that you’d asked the boys not to clear up the paint and he thoroughly enjoyed the line of prints that stretched from one end of the living area to the other. “Kinda makes it a bit more homey, don’t you think?” Bucky asked as you both enjoyed the little prints on the floor. “Definitely.” You nodded with a grin.
 “Ooh and not to mention two years ago when Cap finally asked Nat out on a date.” Tony cut in, Nat grinning fondly at her boyfriend as he squeezed her hand. “You lost your touch as a spy that day, Barnes.” Nat giggled. “Hey, I retired from spying years ago, Natalia.” Bucky used her full first name as he pointed at her with a raised bow, trying hard to hold back his playful smile and failing.
 “Hey, sweetheart. One black coffee, a latte macchiato and two of your best cakes, please.” Steve grinned at you while Nat discreetly held his hand under the counter, but you could see what was going on. “You got it Cap.” You playfully saluted at him before shuffling off to make his drinks, leaving Bucky in charge of ringing up their order for cakes and serving the next person.
 “Two coffees, a Sol muffin and a Luna muffin.” You smiled, setting down the tray and handing both Steve and Nat their cakes. “Thanks, sweetheart.” Steve smiled at you and as you were walking away you glanced back to see them holding hands again, trying hard to hide it.
 “Hey pretty girl.” Bucky spoke softly as you sidled up to him during a break between customers, having served the whole line of people, you had a few minutes before either of you needed to serve again. “Hey Buck, you notice Steve and Nat?” You asked, nodding your head in their direction. Bucky scoffed and nodded. “Of course I noticed, how could I not notice my best friend and his crush?” Bucky asked, obviously not catching your drift. “No, no, I meant really notice.” You pushed a little, glancing in their direction as they giggled over something.
 “They look like they’re getting cosy over there.” He remarked, watching as they both got up at moved over to the reading nook. Perhaps they thought you couldn’t seem them around the corner, but both you and Bucky slowly peered over the counter, keeping yourselves hidden behind a display on the countertop. Bucky leaned over, head just above yours and he watched the pair as he drank down some of your homemade tea he’d brewed from himself.
 “Oh my god.” You spoke under your breath, watching as Steve and Nat started making out on the loveseat. Bucky almost near choked to death on his tea, almost spilling it everywhere, but managed to stop himself, both Steve and Nat catching you both watching them and you shyly smiled and waved at them before disappearing behind the counter, Bucky completely frozen as he stared at them. All they could see was your little hand wrapping around his shirt collar and pulling him out of their line of sight before they laughed it off and continued their date in the back of your coffee shop.  
 “We’re just glad you two finally started dating, it was about damn time!” Sam nudged Steve in the side. “You didn’t have to get dirty on my loveseat!” Bucky chuckled at the couple once they’d retold the story, several people butting in with random details and small observations here and there. “Oh come on, I’m sure you two have gotten dirtier than us in this café.” Nat winked, making both Bucky and Steve blush while you sunk down a little in your seat. “Besides, it’s called a loveseat for a reason, right?” Pietro cut in, Sam trying to stop his laughter as Clint playfully smacked Pietro’s arm. “Right.” Nat grinned. “I know what you two get up to.” She winked at you, making your eyes go wide as you slid further down.
“I bet you-.”
“I don’t wanna know!” Peter interrupted, standing up awkwardly from his seat, sending Tony into a fit of giggles at his awkwardness. “Can you tell us something less… Incriminating?” He squeaked out as he sat back down again, Bucky snorting at his reaction.
 “Okay, okay there is one more story.” Bucky smiled, you looked up at him a little perplexed. Perhaps there was one you had forgotten. “This started a few weeks ago.” Bucky began, shifting in his step a little. “Stand up doll, you’re the main focus of this one.” He gestured for you to get up, holding out his hand for you to grab onto as you stood. “So I went out a few weeks ago, I’d been thinking about today a lot, I wanted to make our little party special.” Bucky smiled fondly at everyone. “On my way back I stopped at a store and I saw something so perfect for today that I just had to get it.” He grinned. “I didn’t get it out until now because it’s a surprise.” Bucky turned to you.
 “So, in celebration of our years in this café, I wanted to give you something.” Bucky grinned. “You helped me through so much, you helped me to become human again and learn how to function properly. It wasn’t just the big things, it was small stuff too, like sitting on chairs and sleeping on an actual bed and not the floor.” He went on, everyone falling silent as they listened, Bucky’s full attention was on you this time, rather than the whole group. “You helped me embrace love again, to accept the feeling of love again.” Bucky almost teared up himself when he saw you getting glassy eyed. “I wanted and still want to do everything I possibly ever can to repay everything you’ve given me.” He choked out, taking a short pause to compose himself.
 “So, this is the start of that.” Bucky spoke quietly, quickly pulling out a box from his pocket and dropping to one knee, the whole table was suddenly a mixture of gasps and hushed whispers of surprise. You clapped your hands over your mouth in surprise, tears springing to your eyes as you let them run freely down your cheeks.
 “Doll, pretty girl, darlin’, will you marry me?” Bucky asked, flipping open the top of the box as he tried to hold his own emotions together, just long enough that he’d be able to see your reactions clearly. You couldn’t speak, your throat felt like it was too tight to even form words, so you nodded frantically, letting out a few sobs as you let Bucky take your left hand in his so he could slide the ring on. It wasn’t a diamond, it was something more unique, something that fit both you and Bucky so well. It was a little space rock, a Lunar rock to be exact and it was beautiful.
 Everyone waited for your moment to pass before they erupted into cheers and celebration. Tears were cried, hugs were shared and smiles all around. Pepper practically wept the whole way through, Wanda joining her while Pietro held her hand and shared a few of his own tears with his sister at the sweet engagement. Steve was bawling, tears streaming down his face as he watched his two best friends get engaged, one of which he considered his little sister and he thought about how you’d both changed and grown so much over the years, how both of you had been so good for each other.
 The party went on after everyone had celebrated your engagement and Tony, Pepper and Steve decided they would take over the catering rather than you and Bucky, allowing you both to enjoy the party while they served the food and drinks and later the dessert and alcohol, Steve insisting on staying behind at the end to help clear up, along with Thor who’d been adamant he needed to help out.
 The boys had left after clearing up, locking up the downstairs before they went home while you and Bucky took things upstairs to your apartment. Gemini had made herself comfortable in one of her many cat beds that had been gifted to her. She was often treated like a spoiled little kid, given a plethora of toys, beds, hiding spots, clothing and general gifts here and there.
 “God, this is the life I dreamed of every night.” Bucky sighed as he held you close, your head resting on his bare chest. “Living in a nice place with a pretty girl who I’m engaged to, a sweet little cat and a job that I genuinely enjoy.” Bucky spoke quickly as he brushed some of your hair out of the way. “Never thought I’d have any of this, if I’m honest.” He sighed and you squeezed him around the middle. “I’m the luckiest man alive.” He whispered. “We’re both lucky, Buck. You changed my life for the better.” You smiled into his chest as you snuggled a little closer to him. “So did you, doll.” Bucky agreed, keeping his voice quiet as he held you tightly against him.
 You lay in silence for a few moments, both of you enjoying the company of one another. Bucky gently took your hand in his as he quietly studied the ring on your finger. You both smiled at it, it felt like you’d ended another chapter of your story together and begun a new one.
 “I’m glad we have each other, doll. I wish I could go back and tell myself that I had something so wonderful to look forward to, perhaps it would have helped me not break so much.” Bucky sighed. “Perhaps we were supposed to help each other.” You pondered. You’d both fixed each other, not necessarily with romance, most of it had been through gentle friendship at the start, coaxing each other to open up and find comfort in one another before it slowly turned romantic.
“Perhaps we were.” Bucky nodded, a soft smile on his face as he turned his head to kiss your forehead gently.
 “I think I’m ready for the next part of our journey.” Bucky murmured, looking down at you. “I think I am too.” You grinned up at him.
Bucky leaned down and captured your soft lips in a gentle kiss, his warmth against you as he kissed you slow and passionately. He couldn’t be happier. You’d given him everything he needed and more. He was ready to take on the whole damn world for you if that’s what you wanted. Bucky’s tongue gently caressed yours as he cradled your head with his hand, the other gripping your waist as your fingers gripped at the nape of his neck and brushed at his beard. A soft hum rumbled through his chest as he kissed you, wanting to remember every detail of you, every detail of the day that he’d proposed to you.
 When he broke the kiss, Bucky looked down at your soft eyes, his heart melting at the sight of your sweet features and he grinned. “I love you.” He whispered, gently brushing some of your hair away. “I love you too, Bucky.” You smiled up at him, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away again and settling down against his side.
God, I am so damn lucky. We are so lucky.
You did it Barnes, you got the life you wanted with the girl you love.
Bucky stayed awake as you fell asleep against him and he smiled to himself, thinking about all the ways he wanted to show you love and all the things he wanted to do with you in your next chapter of life together.
He couldn’t wait.
Permanent Taglist:
@shygirl-00 @swanlakemikey @scuzmunkie @paintballkid711 @lovelylilia @mapreza1 @love-bucky-3000 @cals-cigarette @scarlett-berserker @2407zzz @mercurybarnes @mywinterwolf @geeksareunique @fairislesheets @wendaiii @mochibarnes @anyasthoughts @miamua-posts @megantje123 @sideeffectsofyou 
His Second Chance Taglist:
@socialheartbreak @whatsupbucky @yesno18 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @crystallstaircase @fantua @lady-x-red @buckys-islandgirl @chipilerendi @butteryoptimisticpeanut @blondecity @dark-night-sky-99 @myjokesarecriesforhelp @rand0mfangurlstuff @tfandtws @vxidnik @bluerorjhan @calwitch @hello-keeley @vrgelivvvv @carol-twinklefists-danvers @stitchers-in-stitches @hungry-pasta @lauraxwndrlnd @supercleverbouquetsoul @isaaclaheygurl @torntaltos @jhangelface0523 @love-on-the-murder-scene @a--1--1--3
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holylulusworld · 6 years
Forbidden Love – Part 4
Summary: Dean, Sam and the reader grew up together. The boys loved her like a little sister…until they started to love her in a different way.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam x Reader, eventual Dean x Reader x Sam, John Winchester
Warnings: sad reader, language, angst, smut, protected sex, oral (female receiving), fingering, fluff, arguments, sad reader
Flashbacks are written in italics!
Forbidden Love Masterlist
  “Nice picture.” Dean rasps looking at the picture in your hand. Smiling he remembers his first time with you. He never was so happy with another woman.
“It was…back then.” You whisper.
“You know what happened a few hours later?” He whispers in your ear.
“I made the mistake of my life!” You snap at Dean. “…and a few months later another huge mistake.” You grunt looking at Sam.
"You regret that I was your first?" Dean asks sadly.
“If I would’ve known what I know now I would’ve never had sex with one of you. You two never wanted me, never loved me. I was only a toy for both of you. After you had your fun you looked for someone new.”
“I loved you and I still love you.” Dean rasps kissing your hand.
“I loved you too and I still do," Sam admits.
“Yeah, sure. That’s the reason you left me for Lisa and for every other chick. And you Sam? You’re the same; you loved everyone else but me. So stop pretending you ever felt something for me, both of you.” You yell now.
Sad you take the picture out of Dean’s hand. Putting it back into your hunter’s diary you turn to leave the library.
“Please wait, we know we made mistakes, but we love you. We’ve missed you. The last three years were hell on earth for us…please…” Sam begs.
“And my life was heaven on earth or what? The two men I loved with all my heart betrayed me over and over again. I say I need time on my own and you just left. I came back after a week, after I calmed down and you two were just gone…”
“Wait! You came back?” Dean asks panicked.
Nodding you cast your look down; wiping the tears away you remain silent. The memory hurts so damn much. Standing in the empty hut your heart shattered into pieces. They left without looking back.
“You came back to us?” Sam whispers.
“I wanted to stay with you, even if you didn’t want me the way I wanted you two. I thought we could try to be friends again but you were gone…both. So I left and hunted on my own until I met Jackson.”
“You wanted to be with us again?” Smiling Dean tries to hug you but you push him away.
“That was three years ago. You never tried to find me, so don’t pretend you missed me.”
“Wait, we kinda followed you the last three years. Anytime we had the chance we followed you to make sure you’re safe.” Sam admits.
"Sammy, what the fuck?" Dean grunts.
"You followed me? How dare you! After all, you've done to me you stalked me?" Feeling anger boiling up your stomach you slap Dean's face. Throwing your shoe at Sam you hit his shoulder.
Cursing you grunt as you wanted to hit his jaw. “You should train your aiming skills.” Dean chuckles.
Getting even madder you try to slap Dean’s face again but he’s faster. Catching your hand just in time holds you flush against his chest. Starring down at you in his arms he gives you his brightest smile.
Tilting his head he wants to kiss you, but you shake your head.
“No, none of you will ever touch me again. As Sam said what we had was kinda incest.” You snap at Dean.
“Nonsense. What we had was love and I’m going to show you that you belong to me…and Sam.” Dean states.
“Let go of me or I swear I’ll kick your sorry ass!” You warn.
"God, you're so cute when you’re mad. Going to enjoy having you around again.”
Chuckling Dean watches your features soften for a moment right before you kick his shin hard.
Cursing he let go of you. Giving you a dangerous glare he tries to get hold of you again.
Sticking your tongue out you run toward your bedroom. Locking it you start giggling…shit, you forgot your shoe…
"Hey, I’ve got your shoe!” Sam calls from the hallway. “You almost hit my head.” He adds.
“That was the goal Lurch!” You yell. “You can keep the shoe and play Cinderella on your own idjit.”
Laughing Sam stands in front of your room. You used your nickname for him for the first time since years…
Lurch, the first time you called him like that was after you watched the Adams family with Dean and him while John was busy hunting a werewolf. You saw the large guy and started giggling as Sam already towered over you and even Dean.
Dean was grumpy about the fact you had a nickname for Sam but none for him. Sam, on the other hand, hated you calling him Lurch. He always gave you a disapproving glare every time you called him like that. Except for this one time while he made love to you for the first time...
  2001, four months after Dean and you had sex for the first time
Since Sam caught Dean and you having sex he keeps his distance to you. Dean does the same. You know Sam threatened Dean to tell John what he did with you that night, so he decided to never touch you again.
Sighing you sit on the bed, knowing Dean is at a bar to find another girl to fuck. Feeling left outside alone you start crying, hating Sam with every fiber of your body. 
Whatever Dean and you had, Sam destroyed it.
Laying on your bed you can’t stop the tears from falling sobbing you try to cry yourself to sleep once again. You don’t hear the door open. You don’t see Sam’s worried face.
“You okay?” He asks.
“What happened?” Sam asks again taking place on the bed next to you.
“What do you mean?”
"You happened. Because of you, he started fucking other girls again. Because of you, he broke my heart by telling me he can’t be with me again…all because of you…” You yell at him.
“Y/N, it wasn’t right that he used you that night.”
“He didn’t use me! I wanted him just like he wanted me.”
“You’re too young for him, he’s your brother!”
“You and Dean aren’t my brothers! We grew up together but we aren’t related by blood. We did nothing wrong. I’m 18 years old. Would it have been better to lose my virginity to an asshole like Scott? He called me a slut when I told him I never…"
"That asshole called you a slut?" Sam asks angrily.
“Why did you do that Sammy?”
“Why? Do you feel good now? Are you satisfied?”
“I was jealous okay!” Sam says a bit too loud.
“Jealous? I don’t understand…” You stammer confused.
“I wanted to be the man…your first.”
“Wait. What?”
Sitting upright in your bed you look at Sam in disbelieve. Shaking your head you stare at him with wide eyes.
“You hurt me as you wanted me? You broke me only as you were jealous? You threatened me and Dean to tell John as you wanted to fuck me first?” You yell now.
"I wanted to make love to you…not fuck," Sam whispers casting his look down.
“Does Dean know?”
“I told him some weeks ago.”
“And what did he say?”
"That he needs time to process that I did this to you two as I was jealous. That's why he barely talks to me lately. He's mad at me as he lost his chance with you as I was so selfish."
“Why did you do that? Only as you wanted to have sex with me too?” You sob.
“No, as I love you.” Starring at him in disbelieve you look into his hazel eyes. Giving you his puppy dog eyes he pleas you to forgive him.
“You’re an ass Lurch.” You grunt. “What now?”
“Dean suggested I shall tell you how I feel and if you feel the same for him and me…”
“Sammy I love you…always have, just like Dean…I thought you’re not interested. We were never so close. Dean and I are much closer. You always kept your distance.”
“As I was in love with you since I was a kid.”
“I always wanted you, but I felt guilty for having those feelings. I should protect you like a sister not imagine being inside of you.”
“Does Dean know you want me that way?”
Humming Sam casts his look down daring not to look you in the eyes.
“Did he send you to me tonight?”
Nodding Sam covers your hand with yours, looking at you hopefully.
“Did he suggest having sex with me?”
“Now you shall fuck me as his substitute or what?”
Pouncing at you Sam presses you into the mattress. Crushing his lips onto yours he forces entrance to your mouth. Sliding his tongue with yours he groans at the taste.
“Sammy we can’t…Dean will be mad…I can’t do this with you.”
“He won’t be mad. He found the hunt to keep dad busy so we can have some alone time.” Sam rasps before kissing you again.
Moaning you can feel his hard cock pressing against your aching core. Whimpering you look up into Sam’s hungry eyes.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Please I want you Y/N, I need you. Give me tonight. Please.”
Moving your hands through his shaggy hair you press your body against his. Kissing down your neck he enjoys the taste of your skin.
Gasping you feel him sucking a hickey at your neck.
“Sam…no…John will see this…”
“Shit…I want to mark you.” He groans.
“Then choose a better spot…” You scold.
Chuckling at your bossy tone Sam starts shoving your shirt upwards. Immediately starting to knead your breasts with his rough hands.
"Do you want this?" He asks worriedly.
“Yes, Lurch.” You whine.
Smiling Sam drags your pajama pants down spreading your legs wider he lowers himself to lick through your folds.
“So wet?”
“I felt lonely and touched myself…”
“No need for that anymore. Dean and I will help you.” Sam states before going back to work.
Sucking and biting at your already oversensitive clit he sends you over the edge in no time.
Whimpering you stare into his hazel eyes while he devours you with his tongue. He doesn’t stop, not even after your climax. Pushing two fingers into you he stars scissoring them.
“Need to prep you right. I’m kinda big.”
Eyes widen your stare at him. Biting your lip you let him working open your pussy.
Retreating his fingers he licks them clean and you don’t know if you shall be turned on or giggle.
Stripping his clothes of Sam reveals what he was hiding and you panic a little. He’s bigger than Dean.
“I won’t hurt you. Promised.”
Nodding you watch him stroking his huge cock. After rolling a condom over his length he moves between your legs.
You can feel his cock nudging against your entrance while he devours your mouth with his tongue. Moaning you feel him pushing the head of his cock in. Slowly entering you Sam stretches your walls out to what you assume is your limit.
Finally fully seated Sam tries to hold back, tries to not come right away. He dreamed of doing this with you for so long, he can’t disappoint you by coming before you.
Pressing his chest against yours he smiles down at you right before he starts moving. God, he's so big and thick he brushes over your secret spot without any effort.
Grunting he starts pounding into you. Fast and hard but not too hard to hurt you. Digging your nails into his back you meet his thrusts.
“I want to feel you come Baby.” He whispers in your ear.
Placing your legs around his waist he starts snapping his hips against yours. Screaming his name you lock eyes with him while you drown into pleasure.
Hearing you scream his name let Sam lose all control. Pistoning his cock into your slick channel he gives you four, five more hard thrusts before spilling his cum into the condom.
Resting his head in the crook of your neck he whispers loving words into your ear. Stroking his back gently you try to catch your breath.
Lying in the bed in silence you hear a familiar rumble coming closer. Panicked you hope you misheard, but the noise is getting closer and you’re sure.
“Sam, that’s the Impala. You need to get dressed. John always checks on me before heading into his room.” You say frightened.
Nodding Sam pulls out of you tossing the condom in the bin he grabs his clothes to get dressed as fast as possible. Doing the same you straighten your hair.
Knowing Sam can’t leave your room without running into John you don’t know what to do.
“Okay, wait…lie next to me and soothe me. We tell John I had another nightmare." You say.
“Yeah…okay. Fake you’re asleep.” Sam stammers. Hoping John won’t see through the lie.
Opening the door to your room John looks confused. Sam is holding you tight, soothing you.
"Nightmare," Sam whispers.
"Oh, I see," John whispers.
“Dean was away so I tried to calm her down this time.” Sam lies.
"Good, good. Stay overnight. Dean and I are in our room if you need help." John says before leaving the room.
Dean only nods at his brother, giving him a tiny smile. Knowing now him, you and Sam can be together in the way you need it.
He wants to give you all you need, even if it means to share you with his baby brother…
Forbidden Love Tags
Forever Tags
@donnaintx​​, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco , @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,  @hawaiianohana15, @gh0stgurl​​ , @marvelfansworld​​, @sandlee44​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17
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borisbubbles · 6 years
Rasmussen - “Higher ground” 9th place
Ok, so somehow, in a contest with a nautical theme, the one song which *literally* started with the line “Ships in the making, bound for a distant shore” never got to open any of the live shows??? ¿¿Que??
So, Denmark. Quite possible the opposite of my previous entry, yet its greatness is just as challenging to put into words? As much as “Taboo” was a inaccessible conglomeration of every possible fucking staging trick, so simple was “Higher Ground” It is a great song, but I find it hard to explain why. It is just so much fun? 
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It’s like a chapter of the Edda Saga come to life, with its Old Norse chanting, banner-swaying and feigned-drunken slrrrrring uv wrrrrds creating a truly immersive atmosphere. (I love all things Norse, so I was never NOT going to stan this) I love how one of the backings looks like precisely like Conchita Wurst’s long-lost sister. I dunno, Higher Ground just shines on its own, without the need of convoluted gimmicks (tho still bless Malta’s souls for burying “Taboo” under them for no other reason than it (barely) fitting within their ad-funded budget <3). 
So it’s of no surprise that this ended up the Michał of the year, yes?
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As you are well aware of, Eurovision is in a continuous process of ‘reinventing itself’, which is code for ‘rejecting its Euroschlager roots in favour of increasedly pallid Ultratop50 knock-offs’, like guuuuurls you can do better than that. Think of an entry in this year that was actually *original*. I come up with... “O Jardim”, “Mercy” and maybe “Hvala, ne!”? Congratz 3/43.  This shocking display of self-loathing creates a power vacuum for the few -for some godforsaken reason- critically panned Euroschlager anthems which *do* make it into Eurovision proper. As the only entry in this year (out of 43) which can be described as “classic eurovision schlager”, “Higher Ground was always going to attract a lot of attention. Add in a few clear-as-crystal references to Game of Thrones (Rasmussen is literally Tormund + guyliner and a weave), a ubiquitous Viking tone and just general dramatic badassery, you’ve found yourself an audience’s fave and the bane for any jury chairperson’s existence. 
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This is the long explanation why “Higher ground” is actually a great entry. It is the only entrant, in a year so widely praised as the “first serious contest in years”, that actually feels traditionally Eurovision.  For a brief moment, we are hooked up on pure Classic Eurovision, the term often used to describe the time when “Eurovision Songs Were Still Good”. 
And yes, it is highly ironic (and tragic) that the one entry that reminds many of that very murkily defined time period venerated by the critics, is also one that was critically panned by crappy self-important jurors. Would it that jurors had any self-awareness (I’m pretty shocked the EBU were able to find 43 rooms big enough to house the jurors and their egos), but oh well.
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I suppose this is where I address the Melofestivalen shit, yes?
So, the jist of it is this: Two Swedes write “Higher Ground” for Melodifestivalen and get brutally rejected by Christer for reasons I can only guess, as HG was far better than anything in Melfest this year.. (Christer = Melfest’s Jeff Probst). 
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends- omg reminder that the 1986 Danish entry was a frame-by-frame carbon copy of the 1985 Swedish entry 😂,  please enjoy the pictorial evidence I have provided in support of this statement
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 ps: I love that the Danish entry was called “You are full of lies” so unselfaware, so meta, so Denmark <3 
but I digress. Anyway,
Considering that Denmark has a herstory of recycling past Swedish trends, they of course picked up the "Higher ground”, put it in DMGP, substituted the Swedish singer with a Danish one and voila! The melfest reject wins DMGP with his fingers up the nose, cementing his place amongst the canon as an audience darling, and YES scoring significantly better than Ingrosso in the televote 😍The discrepancy shown by televote wasn’t as hilar as “Colour of your life” rising from last to sixth with one sudden stroke (given that Sweden had a higher combined score than Denmark somehow 🙄) but whatever, the ending was perfect because much like the Edda, this Viking Saga also ended with the evil trickster getting swallowed by the World’s Serpent. Sorry, Christer, should’ve taken the LEEP LAKYU WERBWND; FRR HIYRRRR GRWWWWWWND!!!!!
12. Denmark (Rasmussen - “Higher ground”)
13. Malta (Christabelle - “Taboo”)
14. Cyprus (Eleni Foureira - “Fuego”)
15. United Kingdom (SuRie - “Storm”)
16. Serbia (Balkanika - “Nova Deca”)
17. Portugal (Cláudia Pascoal - “O jardim”)
18. The Netherlands (Waylon - “Outlaw in ‘em”)
19. Ukraine (MÉLOVIN - “Under the ladder”)
20. Macedonia (Eye Cue - “Lost and Found”)
21. San Marino (Jessika ft. Jenifer Brening - “Who We Are”)
22. Sweden (Benjamin Ingrosso - “Dance You Off”)
23. Austria (Cesár Sampson - “Nobody but you”)
24. Latvia (Laura Rizzotto - “Funny girl”)
25. Azerbaijan (AISEL - “X my heart”)
26. Israel (Netta - “Toy”)
27. Norway (Alexander Rybak  - “That’s how you write a song”)
28. Montenegro (Vanja Radovanovic - “Inje”)
29. Armenia (Sevak Khanagyan - “Qami”)
30. Poland (Gromee ft. Lukas Meijer - “Light me up”)
31. Greece (Yianna Terzi - “Oniro mou”)
32. Georgia (Iriao - “For you”)
33. Belgium (Sennek - “A matter of time”)
34. Italy (Ermal Meta & Fabrizio Moro - “Non mi avete fatto niente)
35. Romania (The Humans - “Goodbye”)
36. Ireland (Ryan O'Shaughnessy - “Together”)
37. Croatia (Franka - “Crazy”)
38. Belarus (ALEKSEEV - “Forever”)
39. Russia (Julia Samoylova - “I Won’t Break”)
40. Spain (Amaia & Alfred - “Tu canción”)
41. Iceland (Ari Ólafsson - “Our choice”)
42. Australia (Jessica Mauboy - “We Got Love”)
43. Czech Republic (Mikolas Josef - “Lie to me”)
1. I couldn’t really fit it into the narrative, but the actual reason why Rasmussen is only 12th and not higher is because I found the act kind of visually underwhelming. (the snow at the end is particularly sad) Like I said, the song is great and I often have it on loop, but the act is a bit too small for a stage that big.
2. That said, “Higher Ground” is by far the song I’ve listened to the most often this season, which bodes well for any future positive morphs when I rewatch this year in the distant future.
3. Rasmussen bombing with the jury probably has more to do with the lack of gimmicks than the genre of the song. Like I said, the song pretty much carries itself, so if you stop to ponder and list all the things great about it, it all boils down to “the song is catchy and fun”, which is not what juries look at (juries love intricate acts, layered complexity and technical finesse, none of which are particular strengths of this entry)
4. Yes, I think it’s MASSIVELY hypocritical to glom onto songs such as “A Matter of time” under the pretence of “It’s a good song” when yeah it was, but everything else was shit and then subsequently ignore “Higher Ground” for being “only a good song”. wtf.  
5. While I do enjoy trashing the juries on a regular basis, be aware that during the actual Jury Era of this show, none of the juries were professional. In fact, when I rewatched 1978 and 1985, both times the hosts were ADAMANT to remind the audience that the juries were in fact NOT professionals, but 10 randomly selected civilians (Celeb and non-Celeb) with no direct ties to the music industry whatsoever. This is precisely why entries such as Riva, Bucks Fizz and Toto Cotugno managed to win a ’jury vote’ with a comfortable lead lmfao imagine that happening now. Anyway, the bottom line is that today’s “five professionals” jury system fucking sucks and has to be swallowed by Jörmundgandr also. 
6. ’Eurovision used to be good before’ is such a weird statement, yet I hear it all the time in relation to the contest (by people of my age group????) Like... what exact years are you refering to, cuz like... the 2000s were trash and I can’t honestly think of a decade as consistently good as the 2010s lol? We haven’t had a weak year since 2012!! (but of course, most of the people I’ve talked about this in person have, by their own admission, not seen a year since 2010 so how would they know lol)
7. If we assume that 'Eurovision used to be good before’ refers to the time when Eurovision was song-centric, that doesn’t make a lick of sense either? If you’re old enough to remember the late 1960s your taste is probably irreconcilable with mine anyway. And yes, while it took until #London1977 before we finally got a ‘gimmicky’ year, this also made for one of the most watchable, consistently fun contests ever, -even to this day- while “song-centric” years like 74; 75 and 78 are grueling to sit through nowadays unless you have the taste of the average Söngvakeppnin voter. Gimmicks were a part of ESC even during the Chanson Era, as the language barrier was a massive hurdle for any song not sung in French. And true, the “gimmicks” then weren’t more than “performing barefoot” or “having a key change”, but good lord it’s the sixties, flat, boring French Chansons dominated and only because everyone fucking understood French, SO GRASPING AT STRAWS HERE.
 8. The funny thing is that Denmark didn’t copy Kikki Danielsson’s evergreen once, but twice. 😂 “Hallo Hallo” (DK1990) was just a repackaged “Du er fuld af løgn“ (DK1986), which as I said, was itself just a slightly different “Bra Vibrationer” (SW1985). It’s seriously some Bra Vibraception shit.
9. I will never stop shitting on Melfest 2018. It was pure Tropical House Torture and yes, Rasmussen > literally everything in that, including the entries I actually like (which were... Jessica Anderson, Ida Redig and... um... Edvard Blom? Rolandz? Margaret? Samir and Viktor???? *gunshot*) 😂/🙄@ rescinding their roots for 2014′s musical fade. Pray that Christer never discovers reggaeton - though who am I kidding, it will dominate ESC selections in 2020, bank on it.
10. Now that I’ve mentioned them, one of “Higher Grounds” songwriters (Niklas Arn) actually was the bass player for Rolandz (who were my second faves in the finale by fucking default). Robbed twice, both in Melfest and outside of it, smfh.
11. Oh and I think “Higher Ground” in the hands of Sweden, absolutely would’ve been guaranteed top five (watch how most of these “professional” jurors suddenly would *like* it because, you know, Melfest Winner) and that’s all the humiliation I need. That said, I doubt “Higher Ground” ever would have actually won Melfest (it has the Heartbreak Hotel “dominates televote, gets screwed over by juries” label stamped all over it) but oh well, that’s just because Melfest SUCKS and the “International Juries” are a fucking farce. So it worked out for the better that “Higher Ground” was in fact not in Melfest, I think. 
12. Rasmussen is actually the first Danish ESC contestant since Emmelie de Forest that I’ve liked. Gratz? 
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cyberramblings · 3 years
3DS: Time for Playtime
It's been fun getting a Wii U lately, but I wanted to look back on all the use I've gotten out of my 3DS in the last year by running down my most played games.
Super Smash Bros. - 154 Hours
This is still my most played game after recently getting back into the 3DS, despite playing zero Smash in that time. I played a lot of this game when it came out and then leading up to the release of Ultimate. This game was a godsend for someone like me who didn't own a Wii U but wanted to stay involved with the series.
Pokemon X - 56 Hours
Again, this is from when I first got my 3DS. I played this one over a whole summer vacation off and on! I still can't decide how I feel about XP Share.
Pokemon Ultra Moon - 51 Hours
Okay, this one is this high because after beating the game, my girlfriend tried to catch all the Pokemon and collect all the totem stickers. I really enjoyed this one, but the Ultra Necrozma fight kicked my butt.
Link Between Worlds - 49 Hours
I actually own the special edition Triforce 3DS which came bundled with this game! As my first game on the system, it is no surprise to see it so high, even though I got stuck on the final boss. I consider this to be one of the best Zelda games.
Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask - 41 Hours
This one makes a lot of sense. When I played all that Smash Bros before the release of Ultimate, this was the one other game I played during that time, to the point of actually beating it and a good chunk of the daily puzzles! I even missed a college lecture because I was so wrapped up in the climax.
Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - 27 Hours
Finally, a game I played recently with no shenanigans or excuses. This was an interesting "book ends" with Omega Ruby, as OR was the first Pokemon game I played in my recent endeavor to play them all, while AS was towards the end. Backwards of their names, huh?
Pokemon Omega Ruby - 26 Hours
Fitting that this game should be so close to Alpha Sapphire. I would think that one of these two games would've been left running overnight or somehow had the playtimes differ more, but it somehow makes me hapy to see them side by side. I appreciated Wally's Theme much more the second time through.
Pokemon Y - 23 Hours
Considerably less than the time I spent in X all those years ago. This was one of the last Pokemon games I played in my recent playing of all the games, since I had already technically beaten X. It was a lot of fun to revisit though, and I love Sylveon!
Ocarina of Time 3D - 21 Hours
This one also makes sense, since I owned it during my original teenage years of owning the 3DS. I can't believe I paid 40 bucks for this just to get stuck on the Forest Temple for years! OoT doesn't resonate with me the same way as everyone else seemingly.
Pokemon Red - 19 Hours
Again, this makes sense. I think this was the third game of my recent Pokemon marathon, right after Alpha Sapphire and Ultra Moon. It was a short run thanks to an overlevelled Venasaur and the three legendary birds. I enjoyed crushing this game.
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy - 16 Hours
This is the game I just finished. I love the series and it was nice to finish it out. I think the ending was silly but the presentation value was nice to see.
Pushmo - 14 Hours
This was my go-to breakfast game for weeks, but phone-scrolling has replaced it as my morning activity while eating.
Shovel Knight - 14 Hours
This used to be the premiere downloadable title on 3DS. I think this game still holds up, but it has lost the sheer novelty of being a Kickstarter retro success over time.
Shin Megami Tensei IV - 13 Hours
I liked Persona 4 so I thought I would like this. It was too difficult for me back then, but now I don't have the patience. This was one of the games I actually paid 15 bucks to download back in highschool.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - 13 Hours
The first of my several attempts to get into Monster Hunter. I bought, played, quit, and sold this game all back in high school. I would later go on to buy, try, and sell Monster Hunter World as well. It just isn't for me.
Metroid: Samus Returns - 12 Hours
I tried and hated this game on PC emulator, but it has a lot more charm on the actual system. I still generally dislike the melee mechanic but I generally enjoyed this game. It helps that I even beat the original first! Hopefully Dread fixes the few things wrong with this game.
Kid Icarus: Uprising - 12 Hours
I don't know if I ever fell in love with the "unique" control scheme of this game, but I definitely fell in love with all of the characters! This was a great one to play with my girlfriend watching. It's also great to have more of a context for Pit, Palutena, and Dark Pit in Smash now!
Pokemon Sun - 11 Hours
I haven't beaten it yet, whoops.
Rhyhm Heaven Megamix - 11 Hours
One of the last purchases I made before the Switch came out and killed my 3DS playing nearly permanently. I paid 30 bucks! As much as I love this game, I don't know if it was worth that.
Super Mario 3D Land - 10 Hours
A rare game that I played before AND after the rift of me playing 3DS. It's...fine. Definitely Mario.
Picross 3D: Round 2 - 9 Hours
I have always loved Picross and this is no exception. I really should dive back in sometime!
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 8 Hours
I just can't get into it, I've tried but I can't.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright - 8 Hours
This was actually a birthday gift! I was very excited for the concept but hugely turned off by the time travel and setting. I need to give it another shake, perhaps after replaying some of the Ace Attorney games.
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D - 7 Hours
One of my few highschool digital purchases. I played a lot of Mercenaries in 6 and 5 (which this is based on, seemingly). It's...fine. But I should have just replayed Revelations on 3DS instead.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy - 6 Hours
It was 7 bucks at GameStop used, so I guess I almost got a 1:1 ratio of hours to dollars. I would've enjoyed this game more now, after playing FF7 Remake.
Pokemon Picross - 6 Hours
Free AND Picross? Yes, but also grindy and scummy. I wish you could just buy a physical copy of this game with everything unlocked.
Paper Mario Sticker Star - 5 Hours
Ten dollars on clearance was too much for this game. Maybe I will try it again sometime knowing ahead of time that it is a joke of a video game. I spit on this game's grave.
Mario Tennis Open - 5 Hours
A lot of the games I acquired within the last year have much lower playtimes, so I was not expecting to see this game this high. I guess I played a few tournaments. I feel like I quit because Waluigi cheated, then played just the tutorial of Mario Golf before quitting that too.
Elite Beat Agents - 4.5 Hours
This game rules.
Tetris Axis - 4.5 Hours
This game drools.
Kirby Planet Robobot - 4.5 Hours
Cute game, but I only play it with my girlfriend.
New Super Mario Brothers 2 - 4.5 Hours
I am surprised it is this low considering I got stuck on the final boss in single player and beat around 2 worlds in coop.
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward - 4 Hours
I need to play more!
Super Smash Brothers Demo - 4 Hours
Hell yeah this was such an exciting time to be a Nintendo fan! Trying to get ahold of this demo was like getting a Willy Wonk golden ticket. I was so excited to play as Mega Man, Villager, Mario, Link, and Pikachu even if just on Battlefield.
Kingdom Hearts 3D - 3.5 Hours
A surprisingly competent action RPG. This game kind of reeks as part of the PS4 collection, but it really shines on the original version.
Layton's Mystery Journey - 3 Hours
I like the idea of playing as Layton's daughter, but I don't like having a talking dog and an insufferable simp as sidekicks. I hope the next game just returns to the original crew.
Mario Kart 7 - 3 Hours
It's...Mario Kart. Not a ton more to say.
Mario Party Island Tour - 3 Hours
I have trouble keeping the different 3DS Mario Party games separate in my mind, but anything that's not Top 100 is fun with friends. Top 100 only has one, miserable board! Why???
Ultimate NES Remix - 3 Hours
A great game for pick up and play, but not for long sessions.
Art of Balance Touch - 3 Hours
Recently got into this. Tons of fun until the difficulty gets a little too high!
Warioware Gold - 2.5 Hours
I completely beat this game and it is still this low. Fun, but hard to recommend at any price but free.
Luigi's Mansion 2 - 2.5 Hours
Cute game....but feels hard to play for more than 20 minutes at a time.
Dead or Alive Dimensions - 2.5 Hours
Again, all I did was beat the game and then quit. Surprsingly competent for a 3DS fighting game, but too barebones with content compared to Smash.
Boxboy - 2.5 Hours
I feel like I played this game way more. It's cute and fun, but now I have a hard time picking up the puzzles where I left them.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Demo - 2.5 Hours
This tricked me into buying the game! Dangit
Mario Party Star Rush - 2.5 Hours
Oh god, I can't keep this one and Island Tour straight.
Pokemon Shuffle - 2 Hours
I feel like I played this one way more, but that is probably because the phone version also exists.
VVVVVV - 2 Hours
Beat the whole game! Not a bad way to spend time, but this makes it worth only 2 dollars according to my 1:1 ratio of dollars to hours.
Final Fantasy Explorers - 2 Hours
I like some things about this game but I just cannot play anything related to Monster Hunter.
Tri Force Heroes - 2 Hours
This suffers from "Overcooked syndrome" where you have to rely on your teammates so much that it becomes a total chore.
Theatrythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call - 1.5 Hours
I played that much just to unlocked multiplayer.
Super Street Fighter IV - 1.5 Hours
I think I paid for this game full price back in high school and then barely played it. I've always tried to delude myself into thinking that I can play real fighting games that are not Smash.
Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX - 1.5 Hours
Again, I feel like I played this game for days and days. I suppose rhythm games feel like time slows down when you play them. Thumbs up for including Puyo Puyo! I am surprised this game released in the West at all.
Rune Factory 4 - 1.5 Hours
I got this far as a favor to a friend. I just can't play any game where there is an optimal way to act that sounds exhausting but possible to me. I know I could easily talk to all the NPC's every day... but I do not want to.
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - 1.5 Hours
This was exclusively played with friends. Not a fan.
Pokemon Rumble World - 1.5 Hours
Free games. Novelty as a kid. No time for them as an adult. Nothing about this game is appealing beyond the price point.
Attack of the Friday Monster - 1.5 Hours
My biggest memory of this game is playing it on the schoolbus when a little kid asked if he could play/watch and I told him I was playing a boring game that he wouldn't like. As cute as this game is, yes, it is boring and not very fun.
Sonic Generations - 1.5 Hours
I somewhat enjoyed this game until the Shadow boss fight. Can't figure it out. Not fun.
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn - 1.5 Hours
Cute, played it with girlfriend.
Super Mario Land 2 - 1 Hour
I think I got this with Club Nintendo points?
Rage of the Gladiator - 1 Hour
Medieval offbrand Punch-Out.
Mario Party: The Top 100 - 1 Hour
ONE BOARD?!? At least it has the storybook minifame from gamecube Mario Party.
Trace Memory - 1 Hour
Bought used from GameStop. I was told it was a hidden gem, but I didn't have the patience.
Mario and Sonic Rio 2016 - 1 Hour
Cute game to play with friends but some of the minigames suck. Thumbs up for less common Sonic characters.
Azure Striker Gunvolt - 1 Hour
Not bad, just helped me realize that I don't really like Mega Man style games all that much. The genre of "Mega Man" just feels like a Metroid with no exploration or meaningful progression.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - 1 Hour
I tried to get into this franchise but it is so booooorring and slow and unappealing to me.
I've been rounding to the half hour, so the next game is Zelda Oracle of Season at 44 minutes, which would round down to half an hour. I will take that as my cue to finish here.
In conclusion: games I owned longer tended to be played longer. Shocker. This was all just an excuse to ramble about Nintendo games anyways.
0 notes
miyacchis · 8 years
Kis-My-Ft2 2017.04-2018.3 Calendar 700 Questions 700 Answers Book: Special Interviews & Backstage Shots - Miyata Toshiya Excerpt
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1. What’s a danger you’ve encountered on vacation?
A few years ago, when I went to Izu with a friend, I was hit with stomach pain, while we were stuck in traffic. Cars weren’t moving at all, but I had to wait all covered in sweat until we could make it to a parking area. I barely made it. 
2. Have you ever fallen in love with a girl at first sight?
I...guess so, yeah.
3. Do you prefer udon or soba?
4. Do you have any reoccurring dreams?
I’ve had this scary dream since I was kid where there are these tetris-like blocks falling on me, and I have to keep climbing up to avoid them. For some reason, if I make it to the top, there’s always a motorsports promo model, holding a parasol, waiting there.
5. What’s something you’ve felt gap-moe over?
I think it’s cute when someone who is kind of strong and aggressive goes shopping with their mom.
6. What’s a moment when you’ve felt on top of the world?
Once I went to this izakaya where the food was free if you could stop a stopwatch exactly at ten seconds, so we ended up getting everything for free. I wish I had ordered more.
7. What do you do to cheer yourself up if you’re feeling down?
I imagine myself as a happy old man. Like, a house with a garden, and me playing around with my dog. I can convince myself to work hard now for that version of myself in the future.
8. Where’s a place that you can feel at ease?
My house.
9. What are you doing to care for your health or to train your body?
Going to the gym. I’m trying to build up my chest and arms.
10. How many hours do you sleep ideally?
About eight hours.
11. When you sleep do you prefer keeping the lights on or turning them off?
I don’t really care either way. I guess I turn them off.
12. What do you wash first when you get in the bath?
My head.
13. What do you like to use on your eggs?
Soy sauce.
14. When you go on a trip, do you pack light or heavy?
I think I pack lightly, but if I look at everyone in Kisumai, I guess it’s not that light.
15. What do you always take on a trip?
My tablet.
16. Which do you like, ponytails or pigtails?
Pigtails. Although, ponytails are cute too!
17. Do you put the bills in your wallet the same direction?
I don’t pay attention to that, so they probably aren’t lined up.
18. Do you like going to tropical islands?
Not really, but if I were to go, I’m sure I could enjoy it.
19. What’s the best vacation you’ve been on?
Coming to Amami Oshima for this year’s calendar photo shoot. It’s never this relaxed. No matter where we go for work, we’re always running around really busy.
20. What’s your favorite season?
Fall because it’s cool.
21. Where have you been on vacation this year?
I went to Kyoto for filming, and whenever I had time, I went sightseeing by myself and even bought souvenirs. I bought some delicious thing from Kyoto for myself to snack on at home, and I bought some good bread for my mom.
22. What’s something you got excited about this year?
Higashiyama Noriyuki taking me out to dinner. I was nervous, but I’m glad I was able to hear a lot of different stories from him.
23. What’s the best thing you bought this year?
The OVA (original video animation) of a creator that I like.
24. Tell me about your schedule on off days.
I wake up around ten, adn then I kind of lazily watch anime until it’s dark. When I get hungry, I eat.
25. What are your top five favorite foods?
1. Yakiniku. 2. Shabu shabu. 3. Mongolian mutton barbecue (Genghis Khan). 4. Fried horse mackerel. 5. Bread.
26. What are your top three favorite movies?
1. The Garden of Words. 2. Jersey Boys. 3. Kizumonogatari.
27. Tell me three of your favorite animals.
Miniature Dachshund, Toy Poodle, and Maltese. My family has a Mini Dachshund.
28. What’s your favorite book?
I seriously love Hunter X Hunter. I read it a lot.
29. What’s your favorite color?
White. My house is overall white too.
30. What do you like about yourself?
Appearance-wise, I like my hair. I often go to the hair salon, and I use good shampoo, so I invest a lot of money in it. I want my hair to be silky soft. I also like that I can eat a lot.
31. What do you hate about yourself?
I’m restless. If we’re talking about appearance, I don’t like that I have extra bulk.
32. What reminds you of your mother’s cooking?
33. What do you wear to bed?
34. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Drink water.
35. What’s something you treasure?
The HD in my house because I have a lot of things I’m thinking of watching recorded on it.
36. How do you de-stress?
Lately I’m into muscle training.
37. If you were something other than an idol, what would you want to be?
A blogger.
38. What’s your favorite scent?
The smell of soap.
39. Do you have a special skill?
I can eat samgyeopsal neatly.
40. What do you like to drink?
Black coffee.
41. What’s something you want right now?
A washing machine. I want to buy a new one.
42. Where do you feel the most relaxed in your house?
My sofa.
43. What makes you excited?
When someone invites me for food.
44. What makes you feel down?
When I’m made fun of.
45. When was the last time you cried?
When I was watching Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans recently.
46. What do you always carry in your bag?
A charger.
47. When do you feel like you’ve been an idiot?
When I get excited so easily, like when other people are sleeping and I’m making a bunch of noise.
48. What is your favorite view or scenery?
Green places in the middle of the city, like Yoyogi Park or Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.
49. As a man, what’s something you hold dear?
My chest muscles.
50. What’s something about yourself you find weak*?
I tend to dwell on unpleasant things.
51. What kind of weather do you like?
Cloudy weather because, when it’s bright outside, the rays can hurt.
52. What’s a part of the city that you like?
53. What’s your favorite form of transportation?
54. What’s your favorite number?
55. What’s your favorite kind of sushi?
Horse Mackerel.
56. What’s your favorite rice ball filling?
Seasoned cod roe.
57. What food makes you excited when you see it at work?
Something fashionable that I’ve never seen before.
58. What’s your favorite female fashion?
I like knit hats.
59. Do you prefer someone you’re dating to be older, younger, or the same age as you?
Anything is okay. If I had to answer, the same age.
60. What’s your type?
Someone who smiles a lot.
61. What’s a habit that you find feminine?
Carrying a pouch.
62. What’s something you require in the woman you marry?
Someone who will change me. I feel like I’ll turn in a husband who doesn’t like to do anything ro go out of the house, so I want someone who’s confident they can make me into a good husband.
63. What kind of benefits come with dating you?
You can raise me into the person you want. You can change me as you like.
64. Do you think marriage and love are different?
I’ve never really thought about it. I do hear it’s different though.
65. What is one thing you would bring to a deserted island?
A radio. I’d like to experience being able to get to the right frequency and picking up sound. It’s romantic.
66. What’s something you try to keep in mind when you’re at work?
Having fun and messing around aren’t the same thing.
67. Who are you close with among your senpai, kohai, and douki (someone who joined Johnny’s at the same time)?
For senpai, (A.B.C-Z’s) Tsuka-chan (Tsukada Ryoichi). For kohai, (Johnny’s Junior) Sakuma Daisuke. There are more, but if I were just to give a couple...
68. What is something people misunderstand about you?
I actually get depressed quite easily. Even if someone only intends to tease me, I find it more painful than other people might.
 69. Tell me a secret of yours.
I like hte pain when I cute my nails a bit too short.
70. Do you have a best friend?
I do, I have friends who I’ve been with from kindergarten to middle school. There are about five of us, and we go out together a lot.
71. If you were to redo your life, where would you go back to?
I don’t feel like I’ve ever really made a mistake like that...If I had to answer, I think after debut I did too many weird things. I wish I had been a little more Johnny’s-like and tried to be cooler. It’s too late now (lol).
72. What would you title your life?
“Doing what you like as much as you like.”
73. If you had a million yen to spend in a day, what would you do?
I would go to a high-class restaurant, put the money on the table, and say, “Keep the change.”
74. Say something to 100-year-old you!
It’s amazing you’ve lived this long.
75. What would you do if the world was going to end in one week?
I’d stay at home. At the last moment, I would do a toast with my best friend and a glass of highball.
76. What’s something small that’s worrying you right now?
I’ve been eating too much lately.
77. What would you do if you could use magic?
I would give myself a six-pack.
78. With 100 being a perfect score, how would you rate your life?
About 15 points, I guess. I still haven’t become who I thought I would be at 28 at all.
79. What’s the best compliment you can receive?
“Have you lost weight?”
80. What clothes suit you?
Generally, there aren’t really any clothes that look good on me. A suit, I guess.
81. Dogs or cats?
82. What do you tend to do when you have free time?
I play games on my phone.
83. Do you believe in ghosts?
I don’t.
84. Do you believe in astrology?
I don’t.
85. The ocean or the mountains?
The ocean. The mountains are too dangerous. As long as you don’t go into the ocean, it’s fine.
86. Who are your fans to you?
My precious girlfriends.
87. What are you crazy about right now?
Body building.
88. Who is your rival?
(A.B.C-Z’s) Tsuka-chan. In terms of body building. I haven’t reached Tsuka-chan’s level yet, but I’ve decided he’s my rival.
89. What do you collect?
Nothing. Anime-related items gather together themselves.
90. What do you want to realize in 2017?
I want to lose weight.
91. What is you ambition for the next five years?
I want to learn to make good coffee, starting from the coffee beans. I think if I could do that it would be cool.
92. What is your ambition for the next ten years?
I want to become the kind of dandy who looks good with a beard.
93. What do you think Kis-My-Ft2 is lacking right now?
I feel like we need to level-up one rank as a whole, in terms of dancing, in terms of our concerts, everything.
94. What is your role in the group?
I don’t think I have one! But I have the feeling that it’s alright to have one person who’s like that. Like, “Can you do anything?”
95. What’s is your motto?
“Don’t worry about it.”
96. What advice would you give yourself at the time of debut?
“Your hairstyle is kind of weird.”
97. Tell me the appeal of the other members.
Kitayama - he knows good restaurants; Senga - he’s like a big puppy who’s easily loved by people older than him; Yokoo - his cooking is delicious; Fujigaya - he’s calm; Tamamori - everything; Nikaido - he’s boisterous. 
98. Tell me the weak points of the other members.
Kitayama - bad timing; Senga - pollen allergies; Yokoo - he seems angry; Fujigaya - he’s too calm; Tamamori - nothing; Nikaido - he goes overboard with whatever he’s into once he gets interested in it.
99. What is your appeal? What are you unbeatable at compared to other members?
I think my appeal is that I’m foolish, but that can also be my weakness. I look like I’m messing around to people around me. The softness of my hair is what I’m unbeatable at.
100. Please give a message to your fans!
We can be together the whole year! Look at me everyday, okay?
31 notes · View notes
deepperplexity · 4 years
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Prompt: 3. Smiles
A/N: Here we go, day 3 of SNAPEMAS and today we get Smiles as a prompt! :D I decided to play with one of my favourite Snape love tropes in this one; age difference. So while you are young - a mere 21 of age, Severus is 43 (so, 22 years age difference - same as my grandparents btw xD)
Also, please know that I use the term 'Christmas morning' since some celebrate on the 24:th (Christmas Eve) and some celebrate on the 25:th (Christmas Day). I don't want to limit it by writing Christmas Day Morning or Christmas Eve Morning ^^ Same goes for when I write Christmas - rather than Christmas Day or Christmas Eve :P
Setting: Diagon Alley, Sugarplum's Sweets Shop
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Word count: 1467
Warnings: Fluff, Age Difference
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST
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Diagon Alley was brimming with activity, teeming with merriness and joy as people rushed here and there. But you, however, did not rush. You simple walked slowly through the crowd with your boyfriend next to you. Your arm wrapped around his. Your heavy coats kept you nice and toasty as tiny flakes of snow sifted through the cold air.
You could not have been happier. This would be your first Christmas with the love of your life. Your first Christmas by his side. The first time you exchanged presents and the first time you'd wake up on Christmas morning and be able to cuddle in his arms. Oh, how you longed for Christmas to actually come around so you could make many new memories with your beloved.
It would be different this year of course. Your family had shunned you after you got together with Severus; he was more than twice your age and your family did not approve. He was almost as old as your own father - but what did it matter? You loved him, he loved you and you never felt as cherished as you did under his loving gaze. He was all you could ever have hoped for. And you chose him, you would always do so.
"Do you want to go in?" Severus asked as you had stopped in front of a second-hand bookstore. You shook your head, today was not for books. You both usually got stuck and the whole day would be lost. No today you wanted to be with him, in every way. "Let's go there," you said and pointed towards a very pink store called Sugarplum's Sweets Shop. Severus's lips tugged in a half-smile as he nodded. "As you wish, love," he said and your heart pounded at his voice and the utterance of the word 'love'.
The store was quite full of people but they seemed to clear a path as Severus strode in with his commanding presence. He always did that, it was just who he was and you loved it. His command, his aura, his posture and the respect he seemed to demand just by breathing. You relished in his strength and felt as soft as cotton in comparison. As brittle as glass. Yet he was like a barrier between you and all things that could break you. You were safe with him. Strong with him. Happy and carefree with him.
You looked around, there were sweets of all kinds; and pastries. The air was thick with a sugary scent and it was too hot with the heavy cloak you wore. But it didn't matter. You took his hand and dragged him over to the liquorice corner. So many goodies, you thought as you let go of Severus and looked at all the sweets. You smiled so broadly, had you not had ears it might have gone all the way around your head.
"What should we get?" you asked and turned towards Severus. He smiled at you, one of those smiles he never gave to any other person, as his arms laid crossed over his chest. "Whatever you wish, love," he said in that rumbling voice of his that made your heart pound a little harder as your knees grew a little weaker. You gave him a joyful expression before you turned back to the liquorice. you grabbed a bag and started to fill it with four pieces of each candy you wished to eat and share with him.
You walked around the store, filled your bag with care and grabbed a few pastries as well. You wanted to share them with him, with your beloved Severus and see his smile as you both shared such a sweet little moment in private. You were well aware that he had a different persona in front of others. That he had to, it was like a protective wall of his own. Like he was to you. But you didn't mind. You knew his true nature and the love he held for you. Just thinking about it made you all giddy.
He came up behind you as you were pondering whether to take the pumpkin pastries or the cinnamon rolls. He gave the top of your head a kiss and whispered in your ear, "Take both, darling. You know you will regret it later otherwise." You giggled as he gave your warm ear a little nibble before he kissed your jaw tenderly. You grabbed both the pastries and the rolls before he led you to the register.
Your goodies were packed, Severus paid and out the door you went. Your arm yet again wrapped around his as he carried the bag with all the goodies in his free hand. You talked animatedly about how you wanted to decorate his house, buy a tree, make a Christmas dinner among many other Christmas related activities. He barely said a word but every time you glanced up at him he wore the brightest of smiles. Despite being in public. Despite the looks everyone gave you. Despite the whispers and the people who swirled to avoid walking in his path. He smiled so brightly. You could not help but smile just as brightly as you walked down Diagon Alley.
When you arrived at Severus's house at Spinner's End you hung up your coat, kicked off your snowy boots and slipped your feet in the fluffy slippers he had bought you a few weeks ago. You had only complained once, once, that the floors were a little cold and just an hour later he presented you with the cutest little bunny slippers that were so soft and warm it felt as though you walked on sun-heated clouds.
You had grabbed the bag from him before you headed to the kitchen. You unpacked the goodies and placed them in different boxes to keep them fresh in the hopes you would be able to enjoy it all for a few days at least. Severus came in on muffled steps. His arms wrapped around you as he kissed the top of your head again. You leaned back into him and that smile was back yet again.
"If you don't stop my cheeks are going to hurt," you chided softly as your hands landed on his forearms that were wrapped right over your chest. "Stop what?" he murmured softly and the words vibrated through your entire body as his voice seemed to reach every inch of you. "Making me smile like this," you hummed and closed your eyes, completely content.
Severus chuckled and kissed your temple. "Never. It is my mission in life to keep you smiling," he said and you giggled. "Sev, you're so sweet." "Hm, perhaps for you. For you," he murmured and kissed your temple again, "I will be as sweet as I can." His words made you tremble and you felt so adored it nearly burst out of you in pure energy.
"This Christmas will be the greatest one ever," you sighed happily as your thumb stroked his arm. "I am sorry your family has not-" "Oh hush, they can rot in their mansion without the joy of watching the golden star on top of the tree." Severus leaned back a little and you looked up at his pondering face. You smiled wickedly on a soft shrug of your shoulder. "It's mine, the golden star was a gift from my great grandfather and it always sits at the top of the tree, every Christmas. Well, except, this year it will sit at the top of our tree," you said with that wicked smile and he let you go on a soft hum.
You spun around and embraced him as you tilted your head back to look him in the eye. "It is mine and it will be where I will be. And I, I will always be with you, from now and until the end of time." Severus's arms encased you in warmth as he gave your smiling lips a soft kiss. "You are a wicked delight, my love," he chuckled, "and I am the happiest man in the universe to be with you." You reached up and kissed him to convey all the feelings you had for him. He returned the favour.
You kissed while you smiled and everything seemed right in the world. Warmth, light and heavenly love filled you up as he refused to let you go until you wined about eating the goodies you had purchased earlier. And even then he only let go a little bit, so you could reach the goodies before he walked you to the living room with his hand at your lower back. His face in such a bright smile it made you feel as if the brightest of Christmas lights had nothing on his shine.
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Day three of SNAPEMAS and this was just a pure joy to write - I so rarely stick to just fluffy love stuff ( I don't feel I'm really good at it so xD ) but this was so rewarding to write. I feel as though our lovely Snape deserves to have some pure love and joy in his life. Especially around Christmas!  
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this and please join me for SNAPEMAS - it is not too late! :D 
Masterlist page // Masterlist post // SNAPEMAS POST 
Tags: @lizlil​  Want to be tagged? Please tell me! :D
84 notes · View notes
united auto insurance
"united auto insurance
united auto insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
No name cheap auto insurance for new driver? Please?..?
My friend is 19 and she got her license less than a year ago. She has a car and is paying $200 per month on it and she needs insurance or she'll lose her car. However, every company out there wants her to pay between 400 and 600 dollars a month. Is there any cheap no name insurance that she can get? Anything less than 400 would be great..preferably between 200 and 300..but she'll take what she can get. Oh and she has gotten a ticket for speeding and she can't get on her moms insurance. She needs basic full coverage. Please help..""
What do I do if my car insurance lapsed without my knowledge?
I need to get tags for my car this month, only when I called my car financing company to see how much it is, they told me that my insurance had lapsed, and my registration was suspended!! I had no idea, because my cousin had gotten the insurance for me (we are now estranged, and I don't have any contact with her), and I was told by her the insurance expired in May. All my documments have been sent to her house (and she refuses to send me my mail) and I had no idea. Now, I'm terrified that I won't be able to get my registration back, or pay fines, because I just barely have enough to get new insurance and pay for my tags. I have no proof that she bought insurance for me through May or anything. Does anyone else have had to go through this? What will happen? Please help!""
How to get Get Affordable Car Insurance in Detroit Michigan.?
Is there any information i read about this?
Approximate insurance cost for vw polo (UK)?
I am 17 and have just passed my driving test.. How high is the insurance likely to be for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? Cheers x
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
Ford Mustang for a first car?
I know people say mustangs for 16 year olds have high insurance, but would buying an older model (1994-2000) with the V6 make insurance cheaper? Thanks!""
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
25 yrs old and buying life insurance?
Hi guys thanks for reading my question. I am 22 yrs old and my husband just turned 25.We have been married 6 years and have 3 kids. He works in construction and my question is.. Is 25 too early to look for buying life insurance?? If not, what companies would you recommend? Im extra new to this, this will be the first time we have looked for life insurance for our family. Ashly""
What company has the cheapest teen car insurance?
I'm moving out, and I need insurance! But I can't afford my moms plan anymore since of course, moving out in college is expensive. I've ever had an accident, and I make straight As. Who could you recommend?""
How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?
in california
Health care insurance in ny?
What is the best health care insurance for a low income 19 year old who just got cut of the affinity child health plan due to age? Any suggestions?
Should I get Term Life Insurance at a young age?
I am currently 30 years old and in excellent health but since I am getting ready to start a family, I want to be prepared for the future of my loved ones. After reading about different life insurance options, I am deciding to go with Term Life Insurance for 20 years. Is it true that Term Life Insurance premiums don't change throughout the life of the term? If so, shouldn't I sign-up now while my annual payment will be low and locked in at this rate? My employer offers a very small life insurance benefit that I am already a part of but I want more just in case. While I am asking, are there any circumstances where a payout won't be made if I were to die under a term life insurance plan? Is it guaranteed? What if I (God forbid) get Cancer or have a heart attack? Thanks in advance!""
How much would car insurance cost under these conditions?
-15 -Texas -1995 mustang gt conv. -both parents will have insurance -car is fully paid off I would like to know what insurance would cost when i turn 16 as well.
Do U think it's fair women's insurance is cheaper because they have an 'innie' and men have an 'outie'?
I see just as many women being careless drivers as men. Why should their sex organs have anything to do with car insurance?
Do I really need travelers insurance?
We are taking a trip from Oregon to Cancun Mexico soon and am wondering if I should purchase travelers insurance. We are going to purchase airline tickets directly from Delta Airlines and also from our chosen hotel. I'm thinking that if there are any problems, the airline and hotel would take care of it. What are your thoughts?""
B Average for Car insurance?
I'm a 16 year old male who just got my license. I'm looking for car insurance, and was read about student discounts that said you need a B average. I have As and Bs, but I have a C in German, will this make me unable to get the discount?""
What is insurance quote?
What is insurance quote?
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
Question with progressive insurance?
Ok heres the deal. Last September we were backing out of our driveway and bumped into our neighbors drivers door on his late 80's mazda mx3. It caused a little dent in his car and just a tiny scratch on our car. We agreed that we will just handle it outside of insurance once spring came. Now that the snow finally melted here, he left a note on our door saying he wants payment in full in 7 days or he will report to our insurance. My question is, progressive told us they put it under property damage so there is no deductible but what will this do to our rates if anything? Thank You""
Report old ticket to insurance company?
I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?""
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc?
Why is a 1600cc engine Less expensive in insurance than a 1300cc or 1500cc? As my beetle was quoted 1100 insurance for 17 year old driver as first car, but when i asked for a quote for a smaller engine it said, 1700 for a 1300cc engine!? Thanks""
Fraudulent car insurance claim against me?
hi my problem in a nutshell is my vehicle was hit in the rear while it was parked, when i confronted the driver we had an argument and the police were called no offences were committed and the police left after me and the other driver exchanged names and addresses. A month or so later i received a claim for neck injuries to the driver and his 2 passengers for approximately 20,000 for an accident that he said i drove into the rear of him which was totally false, i have witnesses which include the police officer who attended to the fact that the other driver hit my parked unattended car, i have lost my no claims bonus and i applied for a job as a driver which i did not get because of this pending claim, my insurance company have tried to contact the other driver who has not answered for a number of months and when i spoke to my insurance company i was informed that the other parties insurance company does not have the full story i.e they have not been told that he hit my vehicle and i have witnesses to prove that i am at a loss because i have been told it can take 3 years for the claim to close if the other driver does not answer any of the correspondence he receives. any advice please""
What will happen because my auto insurance lapsed 2 months in Virginia?
We accidentally let our car insurance lapse for 2 months in Virginia. We paid the insurance company to get coverage again. What should we do with VA DMV? What kind of fine should we expect? Should I contact them? I'm mainly concerned about avoiding a suspended license.
Cheap car insurance im 19 male 1yr no claims any ideas or websites?
i need my insurance to be as cheap as possible any help ? ideas ? any thing lol any websites or anything to help thank you i know im in the same boat as everyone but this is worth a try lol
united auto insurance
united auto insurance
How much does car insurance in u.s.a. cost I need to know or i'm sincerely screwed so please help I loove you?
Hello I'm about to go the u.s. to work in production. anyway what I'd like to know is what's the cost of car insurance. I'm a male whose been aged 21 years old since august 2010; and if i get a car over there it will probably be me fist. just want to know can you give me an average price - is it expensive or would it be under $5,000. for example i know you'll say it depends but please just give me a rough guestimate or average THANK YOU P.S. I LOVE AMERICA.""
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?
Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.""
Different car insurance quote from same provider?
Hi, i went on a comparison site called Q4 insure and had a cheap car insurance quote from a company called ecar which i was very pleased with. i checked the benefits etc and i was quite happy. I went to their website to go direct and to see and make sure that there wasn't any mistakes or extra details i needed to give and the quote came back 800 more! does anyone have any idea why this is?? i done everything exactly the same and was very honest with my answers.""
Will getting a minor speeding ticket affect my insurance?
Today while driving home on the highway, from Moncton, NB, I was pulled over and received a speeding ticket for going 129 km/hr in a 110km/hr zone. Now this is my very first offense. I am wondering if the $170 ticket will affect my insurance rate with Wanawesa Insurance.""
Car insurance per month?
I was just wondering if any one could give me a close estimate on how much car insurance would cost a month if you drove a 2003 Cadillac CTS & were 16 years old. The car is used. Please don't say depends what insurance company you have. Thank you.
""GENERALLY, how much would insurance be on a benz c350 for a 19 or 20 year old male?""
I'm a male. im 19 almost 20. the car wouldn't be brand new, it'd be a 2008 with like 20k or so miles on it. and i've never had an accident in all my 3 years of driving, never even been pulled over, not a single ticket. perfect record, i have good grades, college student. Im just wondering like a GENERAL idea...don't tell me to go get a quote...ya i know i can do that, but there is a reason why im asking on yahoo answers as well! it shouldn't be too much right? not like a mustang or camaro coupe?? because mercedes c class's are rated high in safety as well! and this is going to be a v6 sedan, not a v8 coupe or anything.""
Car insurance question....?
A stray dog ran out in front of my car causing me some damage. My insurance adjuster writes his own estimate so he told me what the insurance would pay minus my deductible. He said the check would be sent to me, that I can have anyone I want to fix it and to shop around. Does that mean if I can find someone to do it for less I can keep the extra to help me toward my deductible????? even though I need to tell them who is doing it before the check is sent to me. (the check will have both names on it) My friend says if I can get it done for less that agreement is between me and who I chose so any extra is mine?????? I don't want to do anything wrong but I also don't want to give money away that I don't have to.""
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
What's the insurance like on an Acura RSX S-Type?
I'm just turning 16 and this's my 1st car(well actually my 3rd but the 1st one I've bought) and i know prices vary but i just want an idea of what my insurance will look like?
Which Insurance Companies still have affordable maternity coverage?
My wife and me want to have a child. However, we are having a hard time finding a insurance company that provides maternity coverage at a affordable rate. Can someone help us?""
Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance?
After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!""
Car insurance for students UK?
My son is on my car insurance as a named driver. He's 19 and held a clean licence for 2 years. However, he's off to university in September and will only use my car when home...probably only for the odd day here and there. Is there any insurance company who will add him as a named driver for a few days each time he comes home thus enabling me to go back to my usual extremely low payment? I'm a 50 something driver with a totally clean licence and max no-claims.""
Health insurance .?
hello...i am 33 year old and going to school full-time. anyone out there know any cheap health insurance that i can apply for? i am mostly healthy but just in case. plus does the government support full-time students with at least health insurance? i am from memphis tn are. thank you!!!
Can your auto insurance company raise your rate without notifying you?
hello, I just started a auto insurance policy with Infinity insurance. the agreed monthly payment was $403 and that is what my first bill was. this month I noticed that they billed my checking account $563. I did call them and they said the price went up because they made an error with the policy. so what I want to know is it legal for a car insurance company to raise your rate and bill and charge your account without letting you know before hand? also what can I legally do? it really does not seem legal...if I would have been notified I most certainly would have canceled my policy. thanks""
Do I have to give my Friend the car insurance details?
Me, my partner and my friend were in a car accident involving a polish driver who drove into the side of us. We exchanged details and my insurance company have been attempting to contact the polish insurance company with no luck. The accident happened in October and they has still had no luck. My friend said she wasnt hurt but was gonig to make a claim for whiplash. I told her she shouldnt make a false claim and I asked her not to as it would prob come out of my insurance as the polish company were not gettnig back to us. She agreed she wouldnt make a claim. She has since lost her job and spoke to me today saying she has spoken to a company who is going to make the claim for her. She has asked for the insurance details for the polish company as it was there fault and she says she doesnt need any details from me. Firstly - do I leagally have to give her the details for the polish driver/ insurance? and if she has no luck there will I have to give her my details so she can claim on my insurance? I know she isnt hurt and it just annoys me she could be putting my insurance up if she makes a claim against me! Any advice would be useful! Thanks""
Car insurance before buying a car?
I live in Pennsylvania and am new to car buying. Do I need to have car insurance before buying a car from a dealer? And if yes, then would I be able to buy the car immediately after getting the insurance?""
How do I get cheap insurance?
I'm 19. 1 NCB. Been on the road for 2 years and 5 months.
Hemi engine insurance?????
will the fact that i am considering a dodge ram 1500 with a hemi make a difference in the insurance cost if there wasnt a hemi engine under the hood, the truck is a 4wd dodge 1500 slt with the big engine, i am currently in a v6 4wd 2000 ford explorer, how much will the rates change???""
""Got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.?""
got in a car accident driving someones elses car, they had no insurance.im 26 ive never been in any trouble and have a clean driving record. i was terrified and i left the scene and got cought, whats going to happen at court?""
Can car insurance limit your driving distance by gade?
My father wouldn't let me road trip to another state because my car insurance would only let me drive from here to school. Can car insurance limit the places you drive?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Best Choice for Car/Insurance Price?
I am 21 and will be going shopping for a car under my own name where I will actually be making the payments and insurance for once I was wondering what kind of car would be a good choice I prefer nothing older than a 2007 and preferably like a Honda civic, Scion TC, maybe a mustang, jetta, nothing too horrible on gas and something I won't look lame in lol. Keep in mind I dont want something that is going to make my insurance too high I want a good rate on my insurance. Factors to know is that I am 21 year old MALE in Houston, TX. I really want to know what would be a good combo, like what car should I get to get the best deal on my insurance. oh and my deductible on collision/comprehensive i dont want to have more than $500 each.""
20 yrs old and i'm wondering how much insurance would be on a 600cc motorcycle in the Orange County area.?
I took a safety course and got my lisence a few weeks ago and i'm wondering if anybody can give me a range of how much it would be. I have a clean driving record and also have another car I could put on the insurance plan. Thanks
Car insurance question?
I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago.""
united auto insurance
united auto insurance
What life insurance policy should I get?
I have the option of variable whole life, whole life, and term life. I know term life is the best, but i am only 18 and i don't have time to go out and invest in mutual funds unless its really easy and quick. I am a college student, and I have no income. I am planning on becoming a nurse, but of course that is not guarenteed. Which one should I get and why? Please don't just say don't get whole life! it sucks yeah i know that but i need details. Also what about for my parents who are in their early 60's . Which one should they get??""
How does car insurance work? (also whats better buying a car vs leasing)?
well im 16 right now. planning to save up till 18 and buy a car. my first question is, how does car insurance work? i know you have to pay monthly and depending on each car its different but would car insurance be cheaper when the car is leased? or when its bought? also i know each car depreciates alot every year. at first i was thinking of leasing it but now im not sure. can someone tell me what would be a better choice on the long run?""
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
What is the BEST LIFE INSURANCE to get?
Do you have a life insurance? I would like to get one but i dont know what companys are good and how much money.. I have ask state farm they have a 30-term policies and if u dont die by that time you get back all your premiums all the money u have paid. but is very expensive for 100k gotta pay about 45dls.
What would the insurance rate be for a 17year old male for liability on a 2002 dodge ram 1500 4x4?
I have a son that wants a 2002 dodge ram 4x4 short cab. How much would it cost for liability insurance with a clean driving record?
How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old?
I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!""
My wife is pregnant. Due date: 9/10/09. Our COBRA health insurance expires on 7/18/09. What to do?
Our insurance expires before the due date. NO PROBLEM. We're getting a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Here's the question: Our insurance expires on the 18th, but HMO's don't start until the 1st of the month. This would leave a 2 week gap where we wouldn't have coverage. We can't start a HIPAA HMO on July 1, because you have to expire all 18months of COBRA before you're eligible for a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Chances are it'd be ok waiting until 8/1 to begin our new HIPAA plan, but if my wife went into early labor, it would be a very, very bad situation. PPO's start on the 1st, and sometimes the 15th. Same problem. What should we do? We'd prefer to not have a gap in our coverage.""
Question about health insurance & pre-existing conditions?
Shortly before being taken off of my parent's insurance plan, I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition that requires expensive blood tests and regular office visits. I have applied for insurance through my job, and when reading the bylaws I noticed that it does not cover pre-existing conditions. Will my thyroid disorder be considered a pre-existing when I was diagnosed only a few months ago? Will I ever be able to get any kind of insurance coverage for this disorder now?""
Instead of buying auto insurance is there a way to just have a savings account just for $coverages?
So all US states require all cars on the road to have insurance ... since insurance is just dollars put asside for release in the event of emergencies or other pre-determined event ... why cant I just put $100,000 into a bank account and call it my auto liability account and have my car insured with the state under my name providing that I don't touch those funds?""
How much does Car Insurance for a teenager cost?
How much is car insurance for a 15 ( starting drivers ed) year old girl if you are only a part time driver, like if you dont own a car you just use your parent' car in Illinois? Like how much is added on to your parents insurance bill? and how much does it cost if you have your own car?""
Car insurance for a teenager?
How much do you think insurance will cost (adding another car to my parents insurance plan)
Selling a Car in Colorado With Expired Plates and No Insurance?
I have a car that has expired plates and no insurance as I haven't been using it for the past few months. The plates are expired since March of this year. Will either a dealership or private-buyer be able to purchase her? I am afraid to register the plates as I was told that I need proof of insurance. I am afraid to purchase insurance because I was told that the insurance company will report me for expired plates. How can I get around this issue without going to court? The car has been parked on private property for months!
Driving with no insurance with a car the owner insured in Illinois?
Okay so this might sound kinda confusing but currently my car is being repaired and the person repairing my car is letting me use his until mine's fixed. Currently I don't have insurance, but he does. In Illinois, would his insurance cover me if I got into an accident or would I get in trouble for no insurance?""
Insurance question?
if you are being sued for a car accident how much will the insurance company cover up to
I am looking for a second hand HOT-HATCH for around about 1250 (not worried about insurance cost)
Which cars in this price range do you recomend. Thanks
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
What can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance?
I'm 19 & have had a class O learner's permit since February & my brother has been giving me driving lessons with his car since then. A couple days ago he got me this $300 car for when I get my license (so I won't keep asking to borrow his, lol) so..... I called the DMV, but this lady said I needed proof of insurance for a driver's license, plates, registration, etc.... So I called this insurance company, but the guy there said he needed a valid driver's license # to even give me a quote.... I'm probably gonna get my license in the next couple of weeks, but.... 1) Why isn't a learner's permit # considered valid when trying to get car insurance? 2) Which can I get FIRST: a driver's license or car insurance? And how?""
Would a Hyundai Genesis coupe be considered...?
a sports car by insurance companies? If i were to get a sports car the insurance company would raise the costs because i am not married or at the legal age. So would my insurance go higher if i got the lowest model Genesis coupe?
Insurance rates and quotes?
hi im Robert, im From the MD NJ NY areas. lived mostly In Maryland and central New Jersey my life im 19 i lived in florida for a little over a year. wanted to stay but the Economy has done its toll on me and my bank account & Loosing a job there but back in MD i have a new job and also an opportunity to work out of the Baltimore Office or the Freehold NJ Office. i know when my father had an Courier delivery company he paid Alott and out raged prices to insure his trucks. and even paid 950 a month for one car in staten island NY. which was the place we lived for time. but anyways. i have a chevrolet G2500 Express Cargo Van that i do nothing really but commute and put tools in for side work and remove trash and stuff. and take on road trips because i can turn it in to a RV within 30 minutes and hook up a genertor. its pretty cool. but thats in-material, so anyways. i don't want to Pay through the Nose for Common/Average Car/Truck insurance Any Answers or suggestions will be glady Appreciated! Thank You!""
Any reccomendations for a good dental insurance??
i have health insurance through my job, but they do not offer dental.""
Cheap Car Insurance for International Drivers License holder in the UK?
please i was told i could use my IDL here for a year. but to be able to drive my auntie's car i would have to get car insurance. i just need it for a couple of weeks. so please if anyone knows how i can obtain one please let me know thank you
""21,no job,no health insurance,need meds, what do i do?""
i live in california & i had Health insurance for 3 months (medical) but they cut me off when i turned 21 in december. during those 3 months i was taking fluoxotine for my depression/social anxiety & nexium for dyspepsia. The meds actually worked. it took 2 weeks for my mood to change. i felt happy,less anxious & more talkative! but unfortunately i have ran out. My insurance company said they only take care of youth up to age 21 & the elderly. Well what does everyone else do? do any of you over 21 have Health insurance? if so what company? I have no money to pay for the meds myself, My fam cant afford it, i have no help, i cant get a job (ive been trying for two years) i Have no idea what to do.""
2 speeding tickets in 1 days! USAA insurance. Help Please!?
Ok, so as the title says, i got 2 speeding tickets in 1 day. Yes that was stupid, i know. I am really worried. one is a $205 fine, the other $110 both for speeding 15 mph over. I think it is possible to get defensive driving with one of the tickets because my last ticket was around 2 years ago. Thats the other thing. 2 yrs ago i got in a wreck, my fault and a ticket too + defensive driving. so with all that taken into account. do you think i will get dropped from USAA insurance or how much do you think my rates will rise? Thanks for the help!""
Motorcycle insurance?
how much would it cost to insure a 16 year old male for a 230cc motorcycle in Ca ??
Total loss and State farm auto insurance?
I had a collision a few weeks before and it is classified as collision damage. I received an estimate at a body shop who initially provided an estimate of $xxxxx/- and said that the insurance company has agreed to pay them and a delivery date was given. Now, things have changed in the middle and the body shop manager tells me a new stories of additional things that went wrong due to collision (all of a sudden) and that the insurance agent after inspection wants to call it a total loss based on this new estimate. My insurance company- State farm wants it to call a total loss which I doubt given the extent of repair it might take for the minor damage in the front fender alone. Now, here are my questions. I now have suspicion on the integrity of the body shop as well the trick palyed in declaring total loss. 1. Can I have a second opinion at a different body shop? Does State farm allow that? 2. If the repair cost is more than the ACV, and if I still wish to keep the car, can I negotiate for the max amount less deductible that State farm is willing to pay the body shop (xx% of the max amount that state farm is willing to pay before declaring total loss) and I take care of the remaining cost? Your input is appreciated. Thanks, NS""
united auto insurance
united auto insurance
Insurance on Crossfire. 16 Year old.?
i am a 16 year old boy and i was wondering what the insurance would be on a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire Coupe. I am pretty sure that it is a sportscar. So, help me out. I got to convince my parents to get me one.""
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
If I add business to my car insurance?
and I have an incident/accident is it held against me on my policy. Situation is the company i work for want me to use my car for doing errands for them and they said there willing to pay the extra on my insurance if i add business use. My argument is if i have an accident will it go against the business or my insurance policy
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
""I just bought a new car, now i have to switch insurance?
how do i go about that. im right in the middle of my current insurance on my old car.
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
Car insurance for 4 months.?
I'm going to uni in 4 months but my mum is planning to buy a car. I'll be the main driver for the 4 months prior to uni and after that it will be my mum's car and I won't be driving it at all. How would I go about getting insurance for this situation?
If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered??
or do I have to get my own policy?
No car insurance california get fine reduced?
I bought a used car from the highway patrol (crown victoria) and i gor pulled over on the way home for no license plate. I got a ticket for no insurance how can i get it reduced or get out of it? I did get insurance the same day with Allstate when i got home. And dont leave a hole answers please
How do i get my national insurance number?
I've lost my national insurance number, if it helps i'm 17 and scottish.""
Medical insurance coordination of benefits help?
Husband & wife both have group medical insurance with their employers. His insurance is a bucket plan through Cigna called an HSA. It pays for the first $750 & then he has to meet another $750 before anything else is pd. Her insurance is Healthlink PPO with $250 deductible. If husband's insurance pays for his chiropractor bills in full (as not over $750 total) can these bills be submitted to her insurance to help meet the family deductible of $500? We live in IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
What cars are cheap to insure?
What cars are cheap to insure for a 17 year old male living in the City? Like what brand and what specific car? List me a few. Thanks
Would you switch car insurance companies after 10 years to save money?
Since 1997 I've been with the same car insurance company. Have had FANTASTIC service and support with claims and general questions. I use the same company for car insurance, home owner's insurance, life insurance, and to manage my IRA. When pricing out alternatives I realize that I could save about $50 a month by switching my car insurance to esurance. I attempted to get my current insurance to match their price without success. I'm very leery about possibly loosing my excellent service and support from my current company. Would you switch to a new company, and possibly a worse company, to save money?? I can easily afford my current company, but I'd obviously love having an extra $50 a month to plan with.""
How much should i expect in a car insurance settlement?
My chiropractor is charging 3,000 for my treatment. I was involved in a rear end accident. I was in a small honda civic coupe, when i was rear ended by a big ford F-150. My car was totaled and not driveable (the manual transmission cracked, oil leaked out, and it wouldn't go into any gear). I suffered from whiplash injuries because of the two impacts,( one small impact, then i turned around to see what happened, then the truck hit me again). the other driver got a ticket for following too closely. I was not at fault, so the insurance already paid for my car (1800). Initially they offered 1200,but i told them i couldn't accept because i paid 2500 for it, just a month before. Has anyone had a similar case? if so, how much can i be compensated for? My back still hurts. the accident was in august""
Where can I get temporary van insurance?
I'm looking for temporary van insurance for my van as I want to drive it to Spain for a few days but don't use it enough to warrent paying for a year's insurance. I would also need european breakdown cover, so if someone could help with that as well, I would be very grateful.""
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What is the best medical insurance for unemployed or self employed?
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
Affordable Health Care Who is really paying for it?
32 Million in the US uninsured. Pre ACA, the uninsured would show up in the ER, get whatever treatment they could then leave, most of them not paying the bill. The hospital prices ...show more""
How much Michigan will fine me if I drive without insurance?
I was driving and accidentally a police officer stopped me because I crossed the red light, and he requested my car insurance but I don't have one. Now I got a ticket and a fine for driving without car insurance. How much will Michigan state fine me?""
Cheapest liability insurance?
I'm 19yr old male in Texas w/ good-driving record, no tickets, have license for 2yrs now, have liability w/ State Farm for $116/mo looking for cheaper premium. W/ this info, can some one point me towards the direction for finding a much cheaper premium, preferably LESS than $100! Thanks.""
Health Insurance for an Eighteen year old Graduate?
Alright. I am in desperate need of some knowledge. I just graduated from high school and live in Idaho with my boyfriend and his parents. The house includes 2 parents, 3 kids under the age of eighteen and 2 adults that are exactly of the age of eighteen years (7 total). I used to live with my father, who does not have any health insurance (he's a Veteran). And even before that I lived with my mother in California who although does have health insurance, I was never a part of. My boyfriend's mother wants to take me to the Department of Health and Welfare so that I could maybe get with Medicaid or something to help me out. I haven't had a job yet (still trying to find one) and I really am quite lost in the world. I am behind on immunizations, have not visited a dentist...in a while. I do have terrible eye sight and will need more exams in the future and have not yet received any type of check up from a doctor or a physical. I was wondering if there was a way that I could get on my mom's insurance even though she lives in another state and maybe if welfare was all I could really do now. I'm not very educated about insurance and was hoping if there was a wise person out there who could help me. I appreciate any help at all and thank all of you for taking the time to read my cry for help.""
Insurance for Pregnant Women??
I just started taking Clomid, and I know I will probably, hopefully get pregnant soon, and I want to make sure that I have insurance. Anyone know of a great insurance, that is not too costly? For pregnant women?""
I'm17 and have not got my license yet but when i do how can i get cheap car insurance?
I have heard that if i buy a classic car, my insurance will be cheaper, is this true? And do you have any tips for getting it as low as possible. P.S I HAVE ASKED THIS ON THE INTERNATIONAL AND U.K SITES SO SORRY IF YOU'VE ALREADY SEEN THIS....""
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking at buying a road bike to save money on gas. i am 21 years old and have a good driving history. how much do you pay for insurance? I live in Michigan? do i need insurance? does it matter the size engine for different price insurance?
Can other people drive my car with my insurance?
I am going on a road trip with a friend but I don't want to drive the whole way. I have AAA insurance, will it cover my friend if she drives my car part of the way? She has state farm insurance if that makes any difference.""
united auto insurance
united auto insurance
0 notes
wolfwhiteflowers · 4 years
found this on twitter and wanted (try) to answer them here instead. :B Great questions! thanks. @LM_Nocass 
𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥/𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥/𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 (𝐩𝐥𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲); 2:28 PM · Aug 10, 2020 --------------@LM_Nocass
1. Which part of herself does Carol see in Daryl?  ||um same brokenness past and seeing that there’s good parts in him. He’s not like Merle and Ed. 2. Which part of himself does Daryl see in Carol?  ||They both know what it’s like to be abused and have an understanding. He sees strength in her. /...I think they slowly start to think they’re not alone on feeling like the odd one out or fighting to live before Apoc. They eventually think they’re a lot alike and connected right away. s1-s2. I guess they both started to grow at the same time and look after each other’s back ever since.
3. If there was no za and they met each other, would they be so close? Why?    ||Yeah I think so. But not so close or “early” on. Probably lil glimpse of like oh they’re alike and good people. But other things in the way...like Carol or Daryl be stuck in bad situations and die or something. Y’kno Daryl would’ve been like “mini Merle” or like.... dead from stopping a fight or prison. Carol could just be dead or lost herself from being with Ed. ...Unless they got away from their abusers :)
4. How do you think, Alexandria's ppl ship them or they don’t care? Why?  || BTW, I think of what the writers want or had in mind.. Anyway, when Rlchonne happened or Abe and Sasha went canon, it just seems like very neutral whatever way. Well I guess the show isn’t that .. charactery and romantic. -_-  Anyway, I think they care and are supportive and of all Team family but mind their business. I think practically everyone knows about Caryl and their close relationship. I guess they’re like in the same boat as us or general fans. We would be happy if they get together but if not then like ....hmm you guys are so together~  Um..I guess people would be going WTF if Caryl grew apart. 
5. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to believe in supernatural stuff? Why?   ||hmm they both seem to be into that. erm I’ll say Daryl. 
6. AU: real life. Which one of them is more attractive to send a lot of Red heartFace throwing a kissSmiling face with heart-shaped eyes and etc? Why?   || Carol is more open to display of affection. But Daryl got hearts on his sleeves. He’s straightforward tells/show you how he feels and means it. 
13. What would do today's Carol if she met someone like Ed?  ||Probably be able to stand up to him when he starts to be controlling and she speak out and say it’s not right. Idk..maybe them talking it out will make Ed change himself if he wants to.  14. If today's Carol met past Carol, what would she say to her?   ||You’re stronger than you think you are. You are enough. These hard times made her wiser in Apoc./life. She’s always a mother..when they’re gone, they’re still with her.  15. If today's Daryl met past Daryl, what would he say to him?    ||This doesn’t always have to be this way/Merle-life. You’re not alone. Good people will stick with you. Trust them. Your goodness matters. You don’t need to depend on Merle. If Merle wouldn’t change now then he won’t later on. Idk... Daryl is so loyal and to his brother. So it’s just he gotta let Merle/his past go.  16. Why does Daryl prefer the crossbow, not a bow?   ||I guess that’s what hunters like to use most often. Idk.  17. AU: real life. Which one of them is most likely to surfing in the Internet for hours? Why?   ||Carol because she mentioned internet in s4. lol Okay um yeah Carol I guess. I think she likes to research on things. Daryl is more outdoorsy kind of person. 18. AU: real life. Which one of them will have a private acc on social medias and who won’t care?   ||I think both would be private...or heck Daryl not private but barely any content. lol Just hunting, nature stuff and games.
19. AU: real life. Which one of them will send memes?   ||Carol because she like goofy or sassy jokes.
20. AU: real life.  What profession is suitable for Carol? Why?  ||hmm housewife, teacher, nurse, or something to look after the community.. She likes to cook but Idk if she likes to do it often. Some job to care about the people and place.
21. AU: real life. What profession is suitable for Daryl? Why? ||A hunter, mechanic, or construction worker. Something like hands-on job.
22. Which of them has a black sense of humor?   ||I think Carol have a dark/black sense of humor. Daryl is ..more less humor-y. more sarcastic. idk what im saying.
23. Had Daryl ever thought about having children? If he did, he would prefer boy or daughter?    ||I think he never really thought of it till he’s away from Merle/past life. But Idk I think he doesn’t really think on it. He just wants to protect all kids. He’s Uncle Daryl. I don’t think he has preference. 
24. Is Daryl asexual or demisexual? Or other? Why?    ||Read ? #10. I say so far it seems like he’s demisexual from what Kang said and from what people/fandom been always questioning him from the show and from that 6 years in woods plot. (Also the show isn’t that showy on romance and relationships so I didn’t think they would bother to address his romance/sexuality but they did so ok.) I guess I always think of him as demisexual...or someone who would be friends to lovers kind of person. He’s the closest with Carol so..slowburn to canon, yeah? /// This makes me think of Carol’s relationships and how she is fine having sex anytime ..no emotions involved way...She doesn’t really have or know a good emotional canon relationship except almost with Zeke, I guess. 25. Carol’s fav movie genre(s)? ||Romcoms <3
26. Daryl’s fav movie genre(s)?  ||action / horror :O 27. When the show ends, what kind of ending do you want for them?   ||I want good writing and that flows right. Caryl be Caryl. I guess them riding off to the sunset to New Mexico. Or..looking after team family in ASZ or TF working together to find/help Rick and living their best lives in a community. A happy ending pls. 28. Which one of them is good at math?  ||hmm Carol. Daryl would be good at reading..science.
29. If there was Caryl movie, what song(s) would you add to it?   || hmm a song to add, I would pick ..”You and Me” by Pink I think. Or, X and Y by Coldplay. Or, Cosmic Love by Florence Machine.  30. Did Daryl help you?   ||I really appreciate the writers and the acting did with Daryl and Carol. They’re really unique, interesting and relatable characters. Daryl helped me to keep being myself and do what’s right even when you feel odd ball out. Idk I also like that we see characters like Daryl and Carol what we stereotypical think they may be like in s1 but then we see they’re relatable and we can be more open minded to other people.  I liked that we see him getting a chance to grow and see how loyal he is.  31. Did Carol help you?  ||Yeah. I really like how she’s like I guess most people in s1, quiet, timid, not quite fit into the Apoc. world, but learns to trust herself, get braver and open up. She’s like so strong and brave now but it’s not surprising to see that in a way because we see her character development and I like how writers and acting, made it so relatable and realistic to me. We all can be like Carol. //I think she’s a great character to watch for mothers who lost kids or was a abused wife. Same with Daryl as a abused child/brother in that Merle’s lifestyle.
32. What did Caryl give you? Hope? Strength?  ||I really like what became Caryl in the show for years. They became one of my fave ships. They’re unique and I love that we see their strong bond and connection. They’re soulmatey and angsty. Idk I feel like they gave hope that there are people that will get you and have your back. And strength, they grown so much and made me think about myself to keep facing my fears and be in a healthy relationship. 33. Carol’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country pop. Idk.. I think McReedus are into Rock music so.  34. Daryl’s fav music genre(s)?   ||Country rock. ...Idk Metal music.
35. Describe Carol in one word. ||Brave
36. Describe Daryl in one word. ||Loyal or uh a word that means does what he think is the right thing to do...and caring. Uncle.
37. What do you expect from them in season 11?  ||Idk I’m really clueless. TWD right now is really not by the comics anymore and it’s hard to speculate now. I’m kinda hoping they have something a plot that relates to taking care of the Grimes kids and a plot/s that relates to Rick’s journey/TWD show. Idk well I guess they be figuring it out what to do with Maggie and politics with the ..spoiler- new communities. 
 I hope for good writing and if they go canon, I hope they write good relationship/romance writing. As in they don’t separate them and break up a bunch of times or be boring. eek. I hope it’s like they still be like the subtle canon ship..like RIchonne as there is something else they have to do together. Like they be canon but they talk about the new plots/problems/family in s11 and their relationship grows.
38. Your favorite Caryl season(s)? Why?  ||It’s season 2 or s10. I feel it’s the most Caryl interaction and them deepening their relationship.  39. When do you think Daryl was ready to start a relationship? Or do you still think he isn't ready? Or he is ready rn?    ||Whenever the writers are ready. :\  I think as a character he’s ready...yeah especially s10. He’s not hiding and being emo in the woods in s9. He’s not the (Rick’s)sidekick character anymore. He’s I think grown a lot by being with people and opening up being a leader-like now, domestic?,leading character, and I think he’s now more ready to have romantic relationship if he wants to. And for Carol ..rn is like does she feel worthy or ok to have love again. ooh angst. 40. Which of them is owl, and which of them is lark? Why?  || I think Daryl is a lark/early bird because he likes the quietness and time to hunt, and Carol is a night owl because she likes to know what else is going on when it’s the dark. 
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what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??”
"what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??""
for California and for finance company requirement
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will I be covered under my moms car insurance?
Alright I am 18 and I live with my mom. My car recently stalled out and there is something wrong with the engine. So my mom has AAA auto insurance, and I am covered by state farm which is my dads insurance. We are in California, and I wanted to know if I would be covered if I were to drive my moms car until mine is fixed. I know that if you live in the same household that you wouldnt be covered, but my insurance has my dads address under it. So do you think I would be covered?""
Medical insurance on long term disability running out. Cobra WAY too expensive. Need affordable alternative.?
I'm on long-term disability from my job and receiving long term disability pay, my husband is unemployed because of a layoff as well, my medical insurance plan expires the end of ...show more""
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
Are petrol cars or diesel cars cheaper to insure?
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Does anyone know the best/cheapest uk car insurance provider after an accident?
I have been driving for 17 years, have no points or bans etc and have 9+ years no claims bonus. For the past 4 years i have driven a 1990 honda prelude that i loved, it was broken into last year, and a few weeks ago got wrote off (insistent it was my fault grrr). My insurance has gone from 25 per month to 50 per month for moving house and now for exactly the same model of car they want to put it up to 96 per month, not because of the crash but because its a new car, even though its the same model???? This is with the green insurance company. does anyone know of a really good company that might give me similar to what I pay now? I thought the idea of protecting the no claims bonus was so that the premiums dont go through the roof??? thankyou for any help and sensible answers xx""
I cant get car insurance because I have bad credit?
please help! I have just passed my driving test and having a problem getting car insurance im 22 and i got bad credit from catalogs loans and overdrawn i dont own anything like a ...show more
How to get health insurance?
I was laid off from work a little over two months ago. Unemployment pays me 405 a week. After taxes I bring home about $1400 for the month. I nearly get by now paying my rent and my car. How can I get health insurance at lo cost or no cost?
First car accident - forgot to get insurance info?
I just got into my first car accident ever today. I have his license #, plate #, address, cell number, but I totally forgot to get his insurance info. The CHP officer did come and file a report though. Do I still need to get it or amI ok? Am I supposed to report to my insurance company now or wait until 5-10 days after the report is finished? Sorry, this is my first time so I don't know anything. My car is is a 95 Honda and he drives a Lexus. There were only some scratches on his car (very minor damages) and mine is pretty bad. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy Vday to me. =[""
Which insurance company in California offers a $5K-$10K term life policy?
I am looking for a term life policy which pays $5-$10K. All of the major companies I searched for do not give online quotes and the services that do offer online quotes start at $100K.
Is there such thing as unemployment health insurance in TX?
I don't have a job but I want health insurance. I live in Houston, TX. What is my best approach to this problem? (other than getting a job that has insurance)""
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
Where can I buy good Health insurance?
Anyone know where I can buy health insurance. Im an independent contractor who needs good, cheap rates.""
""What to do, can't afford Automobile insurance 17 year old male.?
I'm 17 been driving since i was 15 i have quite a few tickets but no moving violations never once. only expired tags and stuff like that. i had insurance all when i was 16 in my name $130 a month. well i lost my job and all i moved out of my moms and on my own now and i got another job but that barely covers rent and food money. i went everywhere last few days and can't find insurance cheap. everyone tells me its $250 down and 200 a month. the cheapest i found it was $200 down and $160 a month im in Houston Tx and its a 94 mustang Gt im trying to insure. Seriously what do they expect me to do? im a 17 year old kid and they expect me to pay out the *** for insurance? how do they expect me to do that? what should i do? i got a 25 mile drive to work everyday what would u guys recommend me to do? all seriousness though i dont wanna get car impounded.
My parents wont put me in car insurance?
My dad keeps giving me excuses to why I'm not on his insurance yet. His excuse now is that he wants to switch car insurances first, but that he can't until he fixes his car. Like why can't he fix his car under the new insurance? it makes no sense. I've had my license for about 3 weeks now. All my friends have been put under insurance as soon as they got their license. I'm trying to get a job, but I cant because I'm not on the insurance. and no one can drive me to work since they work themselves. My parents think my older brother is my personal driver, its annoying. I don't know what to do. Any advice?""
How much is the premium for auto insurance usually for an 18 year old?
basic converage NY state 2000 plymouth neon driver was never in any car accedents
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old boy in Iowa?
I am turning 16 soon, and I am planing to get a car. Before I do I want to know how much insurance is... Boy, 16, Unmarried.""
Would insurance be extra expensive on X-Police Car (Impala)?
I am 16 and want a car, I love x-police cars. But me and my family dont know what the insurance would be like on a x-police car. Do any of you have a guess? Thanks!""
Where can I find salvage motorcycles directly from the insurance company?
I'm interested in purchasing cheap parts bikes directly from the insurance companies after a wreck. I am mostly interested in Harleys and I don't have any interest in these gimmicky websites where you pay a fee and there are not a lot of bikes. I've looked at ebay but these are usually bikes being sold from the person who bought it from the insurance company (ie premium). There are some public auto auctions, but these are usually only limited to dealers. But maybe that is my only choice?""
What is the cheapest Mitsubishi lancer insurance wise?
I want a Mitsubishi that looks nice, a bit like an evo, without the crazy insurance price or high speed engine. Any suggestions. I'm 19 and have been driving just over a year.""
Are rates for disability insurance different in different states?
To clarify: I own Guardian own-occupation disability insurance, which was initiated in California. Given a recent income increase, I am eligible to exercise a rider to increase my disability coverage. Are my premiums going to go up a different amount if I increase my coverage through my agent in CA than if I increase it through a different agent, say, in Ohio? Are these riders and insurance premiums nationally uniform for personal disability insurance plans through Guardian?""
California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheap car insurance in UK .?
who know a cheap car insurance please in UK, i been with Auto direct for two years they just made for me 100 pounds discount (i never made any claim) aim paying now 785 Pounds per year for Nissan car 2002 .""
Insurance question..I have 4 years no claims on my 125cc scooter....?
and I am riding it on a provisonal license in the U.K on a C.B.T certificate. I will pass my U.K driving test soon. Does anyone know if there is an insurance company that will take these four years no claims bonus into account when quoting for car insurance?
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??""
for California and for finance company requirement
Where can I find reasonably priced car insurance for a 17 male?
I am 16 years old, soon to be 17 and am looking for a reasonable car insurance quote. I am aware that being male and 17 both work against me in this situation, however the best quote I have found so far was with eCar at gocompare.com for 2340. I am thinking of getting a cheap 1996 Vauxhall Corsa as this has been the cheapest to insure when comparing quotes. I have tried Directline, gocompare, comparethemarket, moneysupermarket, tesco compare, insurance.co.uk, confused.com, uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. I really need something lower than what I have found so far, if you have any suggestions they would be greately appreciated. Thankyou.""
Does the cost of insuring a car go down when you turn 18?
is it worth waiting a couple of months to my eighteenth birthday to get cheaper car insurance? thanks guys!
Question about car insurance? (Progressive)?
So I am 19 and currently on my parents car insurance plan still. When I moved out the first time they put a hold on my car insurance because I didn't feel the need to have a car while living downtown. I moved back in with my parents for a few months to look for a new place and I got back on the insurance and now I am about to move out again permanently back to the city but this time I want to take my car with me. I will be changing my primary address and getting a new drivers license for that state (My family is in Indiana and I am moving back to Chicago). I will be going to school full time in that state as well as living there so my question is... does anyone know if I can stay on my parents car insurance if I am no longer living in their home/state?
""Why is Unitrin car insurance so cheap? Are they really a good, reliable insurance company?
I got a quote for about half of what I'm paying with another company with the same coverage.
Is the dodge magnum a considered a sports car?
23 years old, how much would I pay for insurance on a 2006? Thanks!""
How much would my insurance be if...?
I am a 20 year old female and I've been having car troubles with my 2010 Toyota Corolla. The cost of repairs is becoming more and more expensive even though I take very very good care of my vehicle. So therefore, I am purchasing either a new 2013 Chevy Camaro or a used 2014 Ford Mustang with 4000 miles for a steal of a price. Right timing I guess. Anyway I am looking for full coverage less than $300. I know that these cars are not considered sports cars in the insurance world I was told many times because they both posses V6 engines. If anyone has insurance or knowledge about the criteria I have provided please inform me of the best/cheapest insurance I can get. No mommy or daddy jokes, because i am paying for my vehicle and insurance, thank you very much! Please be respectful!""
What does 0% Coinsurance after deductible mean in health insurance?
Trying to purchase health Insurance and trying to understand what I'm dealing with.
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
Honda CBR125R Insurance rates or recommended agencies? 16 Year old male Ontario?
I have an 80% average in school and my parents have auto and home insurance with statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h tops. first vehicle. Thanks
Where should we keep car insurance papers and license plate registration?
My husband and I live in Ontario and currently share one vehicle. He insists on keeping the insurance papers and plate registration in his wallet but if I need the car I have to get them from him each time (of course, if we get stopped we can be ticketed for not having the papers). The problem is, we are both extremely busy and sometimes forget to give them back to each other and find ourselves driving without the papers. My question is, where is the best place to keep these papers (I've heard you shouldn't keep them in the car in case its stolen) AND/OR are they valid if photocopied and one of us keeps THOSE copies in our wallet? I've heard that using a true copy, whatever that is, is accepted but that some police officers won't accept them at true if you're stopped. This is becoming a real problem for us...please help!""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
What is the best life insurance to get and where?
I'm young but not in the best health, I'm looking for life insurance, something affordable and legitimate""
INSURANCE on a BMW 318i 2.0L coupe for a 17 year old? UK?
how much will insurance cost if my dad were to add me to his policy as an additional driver? i'm not fronting, its his car and he will use it most of the time... -- 17 year old just passed test -- 2004 BMW 318i COUPE 2.0L AUTOMATIC -- dad is 50 with 20 years UK driving exp all answers appreciated :)""
Appeals for insurance company?
i was wondering on average how long does it take for a car insurance company to process appeals if someone knows it would be greatly appreciated
Do I really need Car Insurance?
I live in Kentucky. My car is not drivable at the moment and has not been for months. Since I can't even drive the piece of ****, do I even need Insurance? I'm paying to much for it anyway and I don't think I should be paying for something I'm not driving!""
""Going to LA for week, how much does it cost to rent a car?""
I don't want anything too fancy but nothing crap if you know what I mean....just a decent car that will do me for a week. I know insurance will be a killer especially as I am under 25, but my boyfriend is 27 so if we put it in his name will it make it any cheaper? Oh and if anyone knows a good company to rent from, please let me know.....will it be best to go straight to the rental place that's in the airport? Thanks!""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a 2008 G6?
Me and my dad went looking for cars and he said that he would buy me a 2008 G6 but I have to pay for insurance, with full coverage. Any idea how much it would be? And if so, where can I get the cheapest insurance.""
What year in California did it become necessary for all drivers to carry auto insurance?
What year in California did it become necessary for all drivers to carry auto insurance?
""Insurers are anticipating large health insurance price increases next year due to Obamacare, how will libs try to spin it into a positive?
Can a tourist in New jersey buy a car and get an insurance?
My I-94 is valid till Feb 2013, and I wanna buy a car. Can I register it by my name in DMV and get an insurance? I know friends in other states did that (California, Indiana...etc) but I am not sure what about New Jersey""
""Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Non owner SR22 insurance, a cheap website?""
Car Insurance in a different state?
Hello and thanks for all the answers! I have my car insurance in nyc on my name, I am 22 and its 3200 per year. I have been told that I can somehow have it in another state even though I dont live there. Do I need to open a mailbox there or how does it work? What will hapen if I get a traffic ticket here? Thanks!""
What does 0% Coinsurance after deductible mean in health insurance?
Trying to purchase health Insurance and trying to understand what I'm dealing with.
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
How to get cheaper car insurance in bc?
Auto insurance question in Michigan?
i am making monthly payments on a brand new 2008 colbot that i got in dec 2007. I have shopped around for cheaper full coverage auto insurance, that what i already have. I can't seem to find no car insurance cheaper than what i have. My car insurance is more than my car payment. I have talked to a few insurance companies and we went over different things that could make it cheaper. But, they can't beat the price that i already have. My credit isn't the best, but shouldn't a car payment be more than insurance? Anyone have any ideas where and how i could get a cheaper car insurance policy?""
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??""
for California and for finance company requirement
Will my liability car insurance cover another car?
Okay, so the brakes of my car aren't functioning pretty well. So it stayed at a shop. Meanwhile, I am driving my mom's car. But its not insured. Will my insurance cover her car if anything? I reside in state of Texas.""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
How much is car insurance a month?
I am a female 21 yrs old that lives in Buffalo,ny. I wanna know how much per month will I have to pay for car insurance and if anyone suggests any car insurance companies for me.""
""I heard that if you have good grades, your insurance rate will go down.?""
I'm about to get my permit this summer, but I have one F (I'm not a slacker, but I just couldn't handle the work) Anyway, my mom said that if I don't get this F up, I can't get insurance, cause nobody will insure me. Is this true? Also, another question... Do I only need insurance on a car, or do I need my own insurance or could I drive my mom's car legally (when I have my permit)?""
Can a part time student get health insurance at a discount?
I am 30 years old, diabetic, currently living in South Korea as an English teacher. I am considering returning to America, becoming a part time student, and getting a part time job teaching ESL in California. Can I get discounted insurance at age 30 for being a part time student?""
Cobra or individual health insurance?
If I loss of group health insurance due to end of employment, but the company offers Cobra plan which is too expensive for me, can I get the individual health insurance or I have to stick with the Cobra plan? I live in NJ.""
Is an international student considered a 'resident' (for car insurance purposes in the UK)?
Every car insurance comparison website and company seems to insist that I be a UK resident in order to obtain a car insurance quote. What does 'resident' in this context mean? As far as I know I've never applied for residency. I am a foreign student in the UK, studying in a UK university on a student visa which expires at the end of my course. is that considered a resident? if not how does a non-resident get their car insured? I'd really appreciate any helpful answers""
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
""Car accident, not at fault, but no insurance, other driver has no license. what to do?""
my parents got into a car accident with another driver. however, it wasn't their fault. in addition, my parents don't have insurance for that car because they just go it about 2 months ago (used.) but we have 2 other vehicles that are insured. does that mean that our car is technically under the policy? The other driver, who was at fault, HAS NO LICENSE but has an identification card, and has insurance. (her license is probably suspended) what are my parent's options?""
Where can i buy insurance?
I'm have a low income and I'm looking for a right insurance coverage. I work as a part time job so my employer won't buy an insurance for me. Please if anyone knows any type of insurance that I can afford that would be much appreciated. Thank you
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
Car insurance? Insurethebox?
Can someone help me please? Im trying to get insurance quotes on a couple of cars, I tried with a Fiat Punto, and coudnt get any AT ALL. I then tried a Citroen C2, that came back at 4grand - 5 grand Fully comp. I then tried to get insured on a Peugeot 206 This also came back at 4-5 grand, fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt even give me a quote? Someone explain this to me? No years bonus, and 18, but still the insurance shoudnt be 4 grand? I would get a corsa, but to many of my friends have them, and i dont want one. I do want a peugeot 206, but i cant get insured.. am i doing something wrong? help!""
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
Who has cheapest auto insurance rates in ontario?
My son's Beretta car is now in his girlfriends name. He wants me to put insurance on it so it can be driven.?
I just want to know what the Michigan law is regarding insuring a car not in my name. And not in my possession. I get a good insurance rate now because I have always paid my bills on time. My sons girlfriend thinks I should do this for them. I don't and I won't but I promised to look into it today. I have two trucks already insured in my name and so does the girlfriend. I plan to speak today with my insurance man to find out what I can. Any suggestions besides being totally blunt with these 40 year old people? Just say no is a good policy and the right thing for me to do. But hard.
How to get a cheaper insurance premium?
In the UK am i able to put down a much lower value than the actual value of my car just so that i can get a lower insurance premium? Given my situation i would much rather pay for a new car if i crashed or pay for repairs myself if anything went wrong.
Old car insurance help?
just bought a new car and part exchanged my old one but the old one still had some months of insurance, can i get my money back for the un-used months? this ill help fund the new car's insurance""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
Im 19 and i have got my test in october, my driving instructor has moved away and so i thought I will get a car, and i had recently bought one it is a renault clio grande 1149cc, im looking for a good insurance quote and an insurance quote that will drop in price when i pass my test because many insurance company's rise in price after the test""
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
im 16 and my dad just bought me a 5 series bmw. how much is it going to cost to insure me. do i get a discount for having good grades.
""I'm 15, pregnant, and have NO insurance?""
I don't qualify for medicare. My parents make to much, can anyone give me any ideas of what I can do for insurance? Please, No hateful comments. I'm really being serious here.""
Will this effect my car insurance?
I got pulled over and ticketed for an outdated inspection sticker and a light being out. I've been ticketed before, but the ticket was thrown out in court. I was wondering if this will effect my car insurance at all. I live in Massachusetts. I think it counts as a moving violation but i think they let you off on your first offence.""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
Medical i don't know whats share of cost? or good insurance? for pregnancy?
does any one who lives in the state of california and have medical undurstand what is share of cost? mine is $796.00 now i dont know if have to pay that monthly ? my husband is eligeble for insurance from his job but in 2 months and it will be 400.00 monthly so it will be less expensive im so confused im 3 months pregnant and i know it's soo expensive so i want to have it sort out before i give birth but im not sure what the best choice i try to apply to kaiser permanente but they denied me becuase im already pregnant? do you guys know what share of cost or where i can get insurance ?
I need cheap car insurance keep in mind I am 19 & I need full coverage on m car any suggestions?
I need cheap car insurance keep in mind I am 19 & I need full coverage on m car any suggestions?
""How could i get affordable car insurance with in10, 8 points, 3 Children :'(?""
So i passed at 17, Iam 21 now, at the age of 19 i got my licence taken off me for driving without insurance (my fault thought i was insured third party on my dads car with his permission) With 8 points and a fine included. Since 19 ive been taking buses and sick of it missing lessons etc because i commute to Uni. 2 years later ive had enough and passed my test. How on earth do i get insured at 21 with 8 points in Bradford? Surely someone must be in the same boat and have some advice ? I have a car and 3 children and they are nearly all starting school i really need to be driving them there. I want to do the right thing and be fully insured its bin 3 years since i had the in10 cant they not be so harsh as its been so long now. Ive matured and am the calmest driver ive ever been. Thankyou to anyone who helps !""
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??""
for California and for finance company requirement
What states don't require auto insurance?
As a young driver auto insurance is way to expensive. Since I drive a Mercedes most quote me at thousands of dollars a year. More than what I can afford. I know some states don't require car insurance if you can prove you have the financial means to pay out if you cause an accident. I need a list of those states that don't require auto insurance if you can prove you can afford to pay out. On top of this question how do I prove I can afford it. Do I need to keep a minimum amount of money in a bank account or do I have to buy a bond how does it work. And if it works with a bond or bank account please list the states with the minimum $ you need in bonds or account money. The reason Im asking is that I can easily get a minimum amount in my account (hopefully under $10,000) because id rather have $10,000 sitting in a bank I cant use than having to pay thousands a year for insurance I don't need. I been driving for 3 years and I never had an accident and im confident I never will (at least not one that's my fault) so I don't wanna waste thousands of dollars I need for my school. The reason Im asking is cause im looking for a state that suits me. So far Vermont and new Hampshire have laws to my liking but hopefully you guys can give me more possibilities by answering this question. Thanks""
How much will car insurance be?uk?
i am 16 andd saving for a car for when im 17. I hope to spend about 900 on the car. Can anyone tell me an aprox amount pleease :)
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
If my someone else drove my car & got into an accident would they be responsibe for the damages or would I?
Auto insurance claim check?
Hi I hit a deer a few days ago and I received a check today for the damages but the check is made out to me and my bodyshop. My question is, can I cash this check myself or request another check that's just made out to me? No repairs have been made yet and I still owe money on the car so there is a lien holder. I plan to use the money to repair the car but I want to buy my own parts (aftermarket) and do my own repairs. I know for sure I can repair the car and with the parts I have chosen I will have a decent amout of money left over that I would like to pay my bills with. Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Is a Honda Civic expensive to insure?
I'm looking into buying myself my first car. Hoping for a newer used. I've been asking some of my friends about what car I should get, and many have said the Honda Civic. However none of them own this car themselves (many said if they could go back & change this they would.) But what I'm wondering is it expensive to get insurance for?? I've heard yes & no, so I'm just confused!! Thank you!""
""I want a 92-97 Lexus SC 300, how much for insurance in CA.?""
I'm a 17 and 1/2 year old looking for a 92-97 manual SC 300. I was wondering how much it would cost for Insurance in California? Also can I get it California DMV legalized if I swap the engine out for a 2JZGTE, a twin turbo version of the stock SC 300?""
How much to lease a car (WITH insurance)?
How much is it to lease an economic car (in Canada please), with insurance calculated into the mix? I am willing to pay 4-500 altogether, is this enough? Practical examples from people who lease their car, with how much they pay, etc, would be most helpful. (I am a recent graduate at the verge of starting an entry-level position). I am looking into VW golf and honda civic (hatchback).""
How much does insurance cost for a 2004 white dodge stratus ?
Please help me ?
Do I need insurance in North Carolina if I do not have a car?
Im over 18 and I need to help out my family by getting a Drivers Liscense. Do I need to have Car Insurance, even though I will not have my own Car?""
Quick question about car insurance?
I've been with a car insurance company for 3 years now and have been lucky enough to not have to file any claims with them, I just had my policy renewed and the premium went up about $100 from the previous year. Prior to this it had always gone down and when I called to ask why it went up they said because of an increase in claims in my area, now I know insurance has many factors such as the area you live in, and even if that is true I feel as if I should call and mention that I've had no claims in my three years with them, no tickets on my record and always pay my 6 month premium at once, would this be a useless attempt at getting them to lower my premium or could this possibly help me? I just don't want to seem like a fool on the phone.""
Does any one know a sight where I can get student insurance?
I want to join a sport but I need insurance and I saw some sights but they don't have my school please help
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
Sr22 for car insurance?
does any one know which car insurance company's will carry a sr22
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
What can I do about auto insurance price gouging?
I backed into someone in a parking lot. Thay had a claim off $1000. this is my first and only accident. My insurance company say's because I was moving it's a collision and my insurance has doubled. this is wrong.
What is a good cheap online insurance?
I have Allstate at the moment but I want to swith to something that is way cheaper but that is still good coverage any ideas? thanks. is there aperson i can go to that will help me find the cheapest insurance based on my information?
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
If there was affordable health insurance would there be early retirements and jobs for the youth?
If there was affordable health insurance would there be early retirements and jobs for the youth?
Where can i get free insurance when buying my first car???
im looking to buy my first car, and was wondering if i would be able to get free years insurance from a local dealership, or is it only mainstream dealerships do that? im looking to spend 1000 on a car, but 2000 if i can get free insurance, how would i be able to get this? Im 17, if age takes any part in this, and living in britain.""
""I need Health insurance, is it possible to get it?
Im 20 yrs. old and i work and am a full-time student but don't seem to make enough for health insurance and i got knee issues. How could I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would be my best plan??
How will I get medical insurance now?
I am 20 years old, sophomore college student at CSUEB. My father just got fired from his job of 7 years due to minor, policy reason. Anyway, because i'm a full time student, I have basically no time to work. I WAS part of my father's health insurance benefits and now, it's gone. So in case I get sick from now on, I won't get admitted into a doctor by just paying the $20 copay visit...instead, i'd have to pay the whole no-insurance amount... I do have temporary insurance at my college but I DON'T like at school..i live about 20-30 mins away. So, in case I get severely sick (worse than fever or cold), I won't get treated until I get enough money to pay for hospital/clinic bills. Anyone know a solution?""
What car will be cheaper on insurance? 2002 Hyundai tiburon or 2000 Toyota celica?
So I'm hoping to get one of them by next year (when i'll have my license) and i know they'll both be pretty expensive on insurance but, which one do you think would be cheaper? i really need to know this asap! thank youu!""
Cheap car insurance/ first car whats been ur best quote?
hi im all most finished my driving lessons and wondering about the insurance ect i dont wanna spend hours on compere or that putting in details , but wondering if there r any first time drivers out there and give me there thoughts on how i would get a cheap car and cheap insurance Category""
Pregenant without insurance!!!?
Pregenant without insurance. What are the options? Would hospitals allow payment installements? Definitely want a safe and equiped place to give birth at. Any idea what it will cost about? We are in the NY metro area. Feedback please.
Is this a good health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 58 years old and lives in California. I needed a plan where if there's any hospital bills or chemotherapy that needs to be done and it exceeds $100,000......I want the insurance company to pay for everything. https://www.healthinsurance.com/hi/web/health/ind/PlanDetails.aspx Also, can an insurance company suddenly cut someone if they are really sick and in the process of recovery? Does anyone know of a better health plan I should get for her? Thanks so much in advance.""
what is the full coverage insurance for motorcycle include??""
for California and for finance company requirement
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