#v; in a world of someone else’s creation (dark au)
unabletoforget · 4 years
When She Landed In My Life
     “I thought you were going to wear the green one,” Rabastan said from behind her, adjusting the cuff of his sleeve. Why did he have to dress in here with her anyway? They had separate rooms for a reason. Well, she supposed she knew the answer to that. They were newly married and Rabastan had a very healthy appetite as far as desire, he wanted to watch her change. Rabastan was a handsome man, that she would give him, him and his brother both were very attractive. But that didn’t mean she terribly adored being watched like she was the prize of the hunt.
     “Yes, you did,” she said, very little acknowledgement in her voice as she zipped up the back of the black dress she had just stepped into, feeling his gaze burning into her back as she dressed herself. 
     “You look quite fetching in the green one,” he commented, doing up the cuff of his other sleeve as he walked over to her slowly. She knew what he was up to, he had put on that voice. They had only been married for a few weeks and already she knew his tricks when he was trying to get her into bed, his ways of seduction. He would drop his voice a bit, as if he thought himself irresistible when he did so. He would come up behind her and kiss her neck, having picked up on the fact that she liked that on their very first night together. And then he would whisper in her ear while his arms wrapped around her waist. God he couldn’t get enough could he?
     And just as she predicted, she felt her husband come up to stand behind her, though his finger tip ran up and down her spine. Jillian sighed softly as she looked up at him in the mirror, watching as he leaned down to press his lips to her shoulder. Rabastan was handsome, he was wealthy and he was pureblooded. So why wasn’t she more happy about this match? He hadn’t been cruel to her so far, not really. Yes he had an intense sexual appetite and he didn’t seem like much of one for actual conversation, but he wasn’t cruel. But there was something missing, something that made her feel almost bored. The sex was good but it wasn’t great, she wasn’t excited by it or by him, it wasn’t fun. 
     “We haven’t the time, husband,” she pointed out, reaching down onto her dresser to pick up one of her earrings and putting it on before reaching down for the other to do the same.
     “We have a bit of time,” he reasoned, resting his chin on her shoulder as he looked at her in the mirror. 
     “No woman has ever been enticed by the idea of ‘a bit’,” she said, raising an eyebrow at his reflection. “Besides, you made an awfully big deal about seeing your brother again. We’ve been gone near a month. Do you really want to be in the middle of that when he shows up? Your hair will be a wreck,” she pointed out with a smirk.
     “My hair? Wouldn’t it be your hair?” he asked.
     Jillian couldn’t help laughing as she shook her head, turning her head to look at him properly instead of in the mirror. “How could my hair get messed up when you would be the one on the bottom?”
     Rabastan raised a brow and slowly let go of her, shaking his head. “And what makes you think I would be on the bottom?” he asked, reaching up to hold her chin, as if trying to make a point. 
     Jillian rolled her eyes and reached out to wrap her hand swiftly around her husband’s throat, watching as he stiffened in shock. “Because I said so,” she growled lowly. She saw his eyes twinkle a bit, knowing Rabastan was quite keen on the fact that his wife was not the type of woman to simply lay there and take it. She liked to play as much as he did, liked to have her own way, to claw him bloody and cut off his airway should she feel so obliged. 
     “What ever did I do to deserve such a minx for a bride?” he drawled, his hand letting go of her chin to move back and hold the side of her neck.
     Jillian smirked as she let go of his neck, her hand sliding down to his chest where she patted him a few times. “You had a rich father,” she said matter-of-factly before walking around him towards her closet so she might find a pair of shoes to go with her dress. Behind her, Rabastan rolled his eyes and licked his lips, reaching up to rub his throat before turning around to look at Jillian. She had just pulled out a pair of high heels to go with her dress, ones that made her a bit closer to her husband’s height even though she was only about five or so inches shorter than him.
     “You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he said, fixing his hair as he straightened his shirt. 
     “You’re lucky I’m pretty,” she corrected as she turned back to look at him. Right as Rabstan was about to say something their conversation was cut off by the sound of the front door, followed by the scurrying feet of a house elf. “That’ll be them,” Jillian said, clearly dreading this visit. It wasn’t that she had anything against Rodolphus or Bellatrix, but she wasn’t much of one for social gatherings where she was meant to play the dutiful wife. It got very old very quickly. 
     “Stop looking so morbid,” Rabastan said as he walked over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sure you and Bellatrix will get along just fine.”
     Jillian raised a brow at him, challenging almost. She had met Bellatrix in passing but had never done more than nod to her, they had never properly even said hello to one another. She knew Bellatrix was almost a decade older than her, and she knew she was gorgeous, but that was about all she knew. Her mind got stuck on the gorgeous part for a moment before she finally came back to herself. “Rab, no one gets along with Bellatrix. Your brother barely gets along with her from what I hear,” she pointed out.
     “Yes well...think of it as a favor to your new husband?” he suggested. 
     She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes “You’re lucky you’re pretty,” she said, mocking his earlier words, though when he smiled her job had been done. She didn’t love Rabastan and she didn’t want to, but the least they could do is tolerate one another. Jillian knew how to play a good game of manipulation when she had to, and if playing such a game on him to keep herself on his good side for a little bit of an easier life as Mrs LeStrange was what it took, then she would do it. She took his arm when he led her downstairs, deciding that if she had to deal with this today that he was going to completely excuse herself from the house to go see Severus tomorrow, some semblance of a good time would be owed to her for this. 
     As they reached the bottom of the stairs together they got there just in time to see the house elf leading Rodolphus and his wife through the doorway, a polite smile plastered on Jillian’s face as she and Rabastan stepped off the last step. “There you two are! I was beginning to think you had forgotten,” Rabastan said. 
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lightneverfades · 3 years
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Frostiron AU (WandaVision) -  Episode 9
Here’s a few more of the WandaVision Frostiron AU I made! 
Storyline: (Contains Spoilers)
< Story is set in an alternate universe set after Thanos is defeated >
Loki is alive, lives through the events of End Game but loses Tony in the fight when Tony sacrifices himself to use the Infinity Stones. Loki can’t cope with what’s happened and resurrects Tony from the dead and creates an alternate reality where they are in a sitcom, living as a happy couple... to shut out the real world.
Note: Fic is based on previous posts found here! Below scene is based on the end credits in WandaVision! ;) I also changed the clothes he’s wearing just a little bit, to match how Wanda changed her outfit (Loki’s is already so epic, so I decided I’ll just make it a bit different! :P)
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Year 2023 Fall
The sun had set by the time Loki had stepped foot back into the little cabin he’d spent with Tony by the lakeside, hidden away from prying eyes by a glamour so that the house stayed invisible to the normal eye.
It was still left the way it was - all of their stuff was littered about like tokens of a memory past before the events of the battle with Thanos. Loki hadn’t touched them - he didn’t feel it was necessary to do so. A shadow clung to each corner even as Loki turned the lights on, the house feeling hollow and empty without the presence of Tony Stark.
Loki took a heavy step further into their former home, face dry now of tears. His clothes shimmered and changed, rippling for a moment before settling back to cloth himself in a simple emerald t-shirt that Tony used to tease him in (“You look like a leprechaun, babe! Hah!”) and a dark pair of fitted long pants.
Slowly, he moved into the kitchen where more memories greeted Loki.
Framed and propped up near the kitchen sink among all the appliances and tableware was a photo of Tony and Loki laughing together, arms wrapped halfway around each other. Someone had taken the photo just after they had come back from a fight; he could see the small cuts and bruises on Tony’s cheek, his hair all scruffy and mussed. But despite the injuries, his face never looked more alive than he was in that moment. Beside him, Loki’s eyes were bright with mirth.
Loki took it in his hands, brushing off the dust that had settled over it and stared, feeling his breath and heart beating steadily. It took a huge effort for him not to fall apart again and regret his decision to let everything go…
But I haven’t let you go, Stark… Not yet. Not while I still live and breath. The Avengers… Thor… The team will be looking for me now, after what I have done. And I… I may not be shown the same mercy they had done once, not anymore… Loki thought, holding the photo tightly to him, so much so that he heard a ‘clink’ and found the glass cover of the photo frame break. He looked at it in surprise, his strength having coming through unexpectedly.
Loki pulled the photo out of the frame and set the remnants of it aside. Pressing the photo to his chest, as if he were embracing an invisible figure he could not touch, he walked down to the bottom floor of the cabin, where Tony occasionally worked on various updates on his Iron Man suits. Unlike the homey feel of the cabin upstairs, Tony’s workshop had a similar stylistic design of the Avengers tower, covered in concrete, steel and glass.
Typing in the passcode easily (“L O K I”), the god stepped into the familiar work station and smiled a little at how utterly messy the place looked. Like the other items above him, Loki had left it the way it was. Most of the tools were scattered about, along with blueprints mapping out equations of the time travel machine Tony had been working on day and night before he succeeded in completing it. Empty coffee cups stained the forms, rims of it on the paper, leaving its mark.
Loki closed his eyes and felt the thrum of massive energy shifting through him, alive and ever present. Some of his magical essence moved along with that of the other source of magic that he’d taken from Agatha. The witch’s magic was vibrant with energy but it was filled with darkness and it rebelled against its new master, crackling within him.
With a breath, Loki summoned the book of dark magic, the Darkhold, in front of him. It floated, as if it had a life of its own. The ancient volume shimmered with a power, having been passed on from one powerful being to another. Carrying an orange hue, its magic vibrated, as if being exposed to open air was causing it to tremble.
“Open”, Loki said in the ancient tongue, and it did as it was commanded, peeling back its covers. It seemed to understand what Loki desired, because the book flipped through until it stopped abruptly at a page that was etched with words of the old script of the Hell Dimension. Having the ability of the Allspeak came with perks, as Loki was able to decipher the title page.
Multiple universes… Loki read and this time, he reached out to grip the book with his free hand. Almost immediately, his illusions vanished, his appearance shifting from his plain Midgardian appearance into armor that he’d worn when he’d faced Agatha in his true self.
Gold armor coated him, the long green cape floating around him defying gravity, the horns of his half helmet glittering as it took form and weighed over his head. In the center of his helmet, however, a different shape took the place of its usual ‘V’ shape. Instead, embedded within the gold was a piece of the arc reactor that Tony had given him, a part of Tony’s creations pulsing brightly in cerulean blue with him.
The workshop darkened abruptly and the only source of light now came from Loki and the Darkhold. The words from the book seemed to float upwards and gleam like the edge of a knife, inviting Loki further. The photo Loki gripped tightly in his other hand vanished, disappearing back for safekeeping. Transfixed, Loki could not turn away from the many possibilities it held. Emerald green light surrounded him as he floated upwards and sat in mid-air, raising the book in front of him.
Another universe… perhaps in this one, I can find Tony. The sun can shine on us again, Loki thought, pushing away the small voice that advised against him. After all, he had nothing more to lose. This universe was empty… He had no purpose, not anymore. Loki Laufeyson in this universe was a fugitive, a villain once more. If he could escape all this and find Tony in another universe, then perhaps… then he could finally become whole once again. All he needed now was find the lost piece so he could feel alive again.
Loki, I need you-!
The urgent scream that echoed out of nowhere caught Loki off guard and he jerked, his head whirling to look around him and finding nothing but the darkly lit workshop, empty and silent.
“Tony?” Loki choked out the words, eyes widening in disbelief. He look down at the Darkhold, narrowing his eyes. What had just happened?
“Are you playing tricks with me?” Loki accused and the book did nothing but continue to float, relaying the details of multiple universes in front of him and how to travel to them. Loki’s eyes trailed over it, but his heart was pounding. He couldn’t focus. How could he have heard Tony, when he had just parted with the real one? Was he merely wishing him back? Is that why he heard him?
This time Tony’s cry for help was so clear, Loki knew he could not have imagined it. The realization that he had heard that familiar voice for real warmed him, but it was only temporary, for the pain and desperation ebbed in Tony’s voice hurt him like nothing else.
“Wait for me, Stark…” Loki whispered, his eyes burning bright. Within his iris, the magic swarmed to the surface and colored his orbs fully. But anyone who looked closely would have noticed flecks of dark magic starting to enclose around the green, shading the light.
“I am coming.”
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arcadequeerz · 4 years
Robot Scribbles AU stuff!!
This is all taken from a discord server N slightly reformated so!, 
N its all I have on him pretty much n everything story wise thus Far!!
This post will also uuh explain stuff bout this AU’s Bendy,  In terms of this AU’s Joey,I haven't rly thought up much on him-
More to come? Perhaps! But for now this is all I hav:
Robot!Scribbles: Same height as his Canon Self, 6'10
Body is made out of this smooth, sleek, sort of Shiny black metal?? Glossy and Smooth- On his head, down the back of his neck he has a mess of curled, tangled wire, sorta gives him the appearance of havin a head of curly hair almost! Has more of these curled wires down along his back, though these r much longer and he's able to move these, Stretch them longer- they end in frayed wire and will occasionally spark at the ends of them.
Arms r made of segmented coiled wire?? tht r a dark steel color, Is able to stretch them longer and uncoil them, Hands end in hooked silver claws, when his arms are uncurled the wires made from his arms each end in a hooked claw! Has a long tail of coiled wire that end in more frayed wire, will spark sometimes like the ones on his back.
His legs r sorta like unguligrade?? End in Points tht r flat on the bottom tho and have a point that floats a Lil off of the back of his 'foot'?? idk how to Describe thm HGD
Like his normal self he has two horns on either side of his head, Horn on his left is more bent in then the one on his Right! His face is a slightly lighter, black screen- Displayed on the screen r two white piecut eyes, Though on the right side of his screen its cracked/broken- making the eye Look warped/Stretched, kind of glitchy. The smile for his mouth is like- a Equalizer, white and it moves when he talks/makes noises!! Iss like this(tw Flashy/Eyestrainy!)
His Smile will glow brighter while Talking, and his eyes are glowy!!
Scribbles himself has this slight warmth to his body, and to his screen. Has a sliight heat to him when you touch him!(If you happen to fluster him he’ll get Warmer and so will his screen, and it’ll lead to it glitching a bit and flickering, and his voice getting stuttery with crackly static.)
His screen is also able to like- Break off, To reveal two Bright glowing white lights in shadow, and a mess of tangled wire and v jagged pieces of metal/teeth- This only really happens when he’s Pissed off enough Usually.
His voice is also Really Messed up- Kinda shifts between volume a lot- tends to have a pretty loud voice, He can kind of control the volume of his voice to a certain extent, but under moments of high stress, or really strong emotion- their voice will get louder and get heavily distorted the longer he's stressed/ distressed.
Also due to Glitching like he does, he ends up repeating words when he doesn't mean to- if he happens to glitch when speaking, it can manifest in him being 'hung up' on a certain word and repeating it a few times before it'll pass- Or his voice will suddenly get very distorted- or even just. Cut out entirely.
When angered, his voice will get a Lot more distorted/crackly- and growly sounding- can get to the point its pretty much incomprehensible sometimes. His purring is more like a low, Deep whirring/rumbling sound!
Scribbles also has this sort of- Soft? Plush-Smooth, Squishy material from his inner Thighs, Hips, to his stomach and to his chest. It’s a lighter shade of black compared to the rest of his body, He is..Rounmd, Chubby- n Sofft.
A.I/Robot Bendy: Unsure on how..Uh big he is?? Pretty big-He’s not fully built.
Bendy is attached to a arm thats on this swivel that hangs down from the ceiling that allows him to move. He’s half built- Half a torso that looks like they had their Arm ripped off and lower half is missing- They have their right Arm and a mangled mess of wire and his spin that stretches into a long length of thin wires. He’s made of pitch black, bent- scratched metal, Rusted in certain spots like his hand- His head has two long horns on either side of it, Face is a smashed, broken screen that’ll occasionally flicker to life showing a distorted pair of bright red pie cut eyes- that’ll glitch and seemingly melt down over the broken screen, and a crooked Very wide smile. 
Their one hand ends in crooked, hooked claws and they have jagged spines that trail down along their back. Seemingly has this thick- tar like black liquid that melts off of him from the cracks in his screen and the mangled mess of wires hanging off from his mangled torso.
Bendy is a forgotten- Abandoned A.I left to rot in Joey’s facility- Created by Joey, Put in the darkest corner of the facility and forgotten about pretty much, locked away from everyone and everything else, Kept in the dark about the world around them. Joey doesn’t realize though they have ways of seeing things in the facility- Able to ‘slip’ through the broken cracks in his screen, in their body and into the systems of the facility- He lacks eyes/can’t see- So the cameras in the building act as his eyes, allow him glimpses of things around him.
Overall, His abilities are limited though, His communication to anyone, or anything are limited- Unable to really reach out to anyone, Up until Joey builds Scribbles.
Bendy also has this almost- Sense of divinity to him, Like he isn’t A god- But..In the way he carries himself almost- the way he speaks, Acts, there’s this air of other worldly, sort of divinity to this Odd, Forgotten A.I. Sort of like- He’s been forgotten/left alone for so long- they’ve kind of Evolved- I am unsure of exactly how to say what I mean HGFDSHG He’s just, become something FAR more then a simple A.I at this point- something Bigger then That.
This will pretty much be Mostly just, copy n pasted from discord, Maybe a LIL Reformatted but not much Probably!!
Scribbles being built and Joey wanting to know  if he can 'teach' a A.I to be someone else.
Builds Scribbles- And its after Henry's died(?), so he wonders if he could teach this A.I to be Henry? Maybe he can have him back that way.
It starts to work in the beginning, but it doesn't last though because somehow The A.I keeps deviating from what 'role' they've given it- Keeps acting out of line- almost acting like they are their own self- And that enrages Joey- The thing should be whatever he makes them be and yet? It's not.
Scribbles though? He's confused- He's Supposed to be Henry- but...he doesn't feel like he's Henry- Everything tells him to be Henry-
But it feels...wrong- It's not right- But if he's not Henry....
Then Who is he?
Bendy is a witness to Scribbles Creation, and sees what Joey as doing as Wrong- And decides to sort of- Ruin his plans in a way, Free Scribbles from Joey’s ‘role’ he’s given him. He has a hand in giving them their sentience, and the idea that he can be his own Self.
Bendy somehow manages to reach out to Scribbles, Speaking to him in what Ways he can, reaching out to him in his limited ways(the specific Ways I can’t think of atm), And lures Scribbles to the forgotten/abandoned half of the facility where he meets him for the first time. The two sort of have..A Chat- in the only Way Bendy can, He slips out of from his body- and Goes into Scribbles, Partly- so he can speak to him.
It uh- Has a pretty Big effect on Scribbles, Sort of- Short circuits them- Changes them, Its a bit overwhelming and a Literal Shock to his systems- Bendy unfortunately hadn’t realized he couldn’t handle them/isn’t built to be able to. And due to this it pretty much Overwhelms the robot.
Scribbles hears him though- He hears this forgotten A.I’s words and those words Stay with him- Ingrained in their version of a ‘mind’. Unsure of the exact things Bendy says, Tells him or shows him, But Scribbles manages to pull themselves off the floor- bit shaky on their feet now as Bendy pulls themselves from him, slinking back to his body.
The two stare at one another- Scribbles with the eyes on his screen- And Bendy with the cameras mounted in the corners of the room. After this for a few moments- Scribbles says goodbye to him and leaves. Instead of it being a word spoken with no emotion, There’s something to it- Fear?- Confusion? Bendy is uncertain but hopes the strange Robot takes his words and keeps them.
These words do Stay with Scribbles, who now finds themselves thinking- Thinking things far more then what he should be able to with what Joey intended him to be- And its..Quite a overwhelming feeling..He starts to feel like whoever- Whatever this ‘Henry’ is- That that’s not him- Due to Scribbles having this encounter with Bendy he’s sort of like- Broken?? His body is no longer suited for him- Since Bendy’s kind of changed him, That encounter is how he gets the broken part of his Screen- And it leads to his body sort of..Starting to Intergrade things into themselves, to try and fix themselves. 
Pretty much- After this encounter with Bendy, his body is unfitting for his ‘A.I’ now, therefore its pretty much Constantly falling part in a way,  breaking down/degrading- To hold this off n sort of fix themselves, Scribbles’ body starts to like, absorb- Intergrate, other bits of tech and machinery into themselves. Does this by absorbing things with the wires on his back and even ‘Eating’ things sometimes(Not rly in the same way a Human would, More of- puts it in the mess of wire and teeth behind their screen n its..uh Devoured, absorbed.)
Joey starts to take Note of the..Odd behavior of his newest Robot, And is quite concerned by it- Watching how they seem..Distracted? Confused- Glitching, fumbling over words and even glitching. He’s run diagnostics, done checks- but he can’t seem..To find anything different- Then he sees Scribbles absorb something and He’s pretty much just:
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He takes to keeping Scribbles locked in his Lab, refusing to let the A.I out without his supervision- And takes notes of every bizarre behavior he sees from The robot.
At some point, While in his lab- Running even more diagnostics on Scribbles just to be safe, They speak to him-
Scribbles straight up Asking Joey why He has to be Henry.
It makes Joey freeze and stare at him- He almost feels scared- It shouldn't be asking this? It shouldn't be thinking- and yet its Looking at him, head tilted as they kick their legs from the counter their sat on- The white eyes on the screen have started to have a brighter glow on them, and they're looking directly at him.
It's just waiting for him to Answer them, He takes a moment to think of what to say- He feels deeply uncomfortable with their eyes on him- Shifting in place as he speaks.
"Because that's who I Want you to be"
The robot Sits up straighter, Blinking a few times- the smile on their face shifting to a frown as they look from him down to their hands. The coiled wires on their back shift a bit, and they twitch suddenly- Head twitching, the images on their screen flickering as they seem to be thinking- before looking back to him and speaking.
"Bu-ut wha-T I-If I don't Want to be Henry?"
It shouldn't be thinking. It shouldn't be asking this- It should just Listen to him and do as he says- It shouldn't be able to ASK this!...what the fuck was going on-?
Joey backs themselves away a bit, Suddenly feeling..Much more scared now, his creation doesn't seem to notice the fear as they keep their eyes trained on him, Watching him as he tries to figure out how to respond- stuttering, trying to hide the fear in his voice.
"Wh-well that doesn't m-Matter-You are Who I Say you are-"
The frown on the things face tilts down more, Seems like that wasn't the answer it wanted- It shouldn't matter the answer he gives it- it should just Take his Word and LISTEN!- do as he Tells them- but it doesn't respond, Simply frowns and looks away from him finally and down at the floor.
He takes this chance to leave- Quickly leaving the Lab- locking the door behind him and stumbling back from the door, staring at it with wide eyes. This wasn't right- this was wrong- What the fuck was Happening?!
Pretty much- Joey in that moment is just-
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-if it Isn’t Obvious, Joey isn’t exactly a Good person-
Joey leaves the facility for the night, too freaked out to Stay there any longer- Assuming Scribbles will stay in their 'room' for the night- He thought wrong as Usual.
Scribbles manages to get the door open and leaves his room, wanders around the facility- While doing this he integrates a few things into himself- Part of him wonders why he does this? But it feels..Right- Makes him feel more..whole? So he doesn't think much on it while the tendrils on his back curl around small pieces of tech, sort of..absorbing? Them into him as he wanders.
Eventually, he makes his way back through the abandoned part of the facility and shows back up to Bendy. The old A.I turns the cameras on to see him. He feels happy to see them again, They seem..Different? They do not stand in the same- stiff way, they carry themselves differently- have..A curiosity to them? The tendrils shift on their back as they sit themselves down in front of him, looking up at them from where they're hanging from the ceiling.
The arm that Bendy's attached to moves- a loud creaking, grinding sound coming from it- it hasn't moved in so long, as he moves himself closer, lower so he's right in front of the other robot. A Broken hand reaches out and lightly touches the top of their head- Patting them on the head and Bendy..Smiles, the broken- smashed screen flickering a warped smile on its surface as Scribbles wags his tail, smiling back up at him.
Good, they're getting somewhere, Becoming their own- It makes Bendy feel..Proud! Happy- Joy.
His hand twitches a bit, as a thick- black liquid spills between the bent, rusted metal of the limb and curls around one of Scribbles horns- He needs to speak to them again. The other robot shudders- screen flickering but he doesn't break like he had before, blinking as he hears Bendy speak, the A.I's voice is Loud, Very loud in their head but it doesn't hurt like it had before.
Unfortunately I cannot think of the exact thing Bendy tells Scribbles, But he mentions he was watching through the cameras, and saw his and Joey’s little..Talk. He expresses happiness that they asked Joey such a question, but shows clear anger about what Joey’s response was. Telling him he can be whatever- whoever they’d like to be, Regardless of what Joey feels. He does not need to be this ‘Henry’ that Joey wants him to be.
Scribbles is confused- Asking him..Who should he be then, which makes the A.I flash a warped, broken frown on their screen. They tell him it is not something he, Or anyone else can tell him. Only he can decide who he should be- Who he Is. That is no one else’s decision but their Own. That in itself seems to make Scribbles more confused.
They don’t quite know how to be ‘himself’, He has no idea who, or What that is! If he knew, he could be- It quite literally makes Scribbles glitch- shuddering, screen flickering wildly before Bendy places a hand onto his head again, patting him once more- A calming gesture which seems to work thankfully. Bendy simply tells him to Think about it. Think about who he wants to be, He’s the only one who can decide it fr him. The only thing Bendy says is he shouldn’t let Joey decide for him, or allow him to stop him.
Scribbles nods his head slowly, before that black liquid pulls back- Slips from around his horn and crawls back into Bendy’s hand- As they pull away and pull back from them. They give him a nod of their head while Scribbles stands up- Waving goodbye to him and walking from his room once more. He has..A lot to think about. A lot that confuses him- but it feels Right? The fact it confuses him feels right in a way- Like it should, he thinks about things more as he makes his way back to the lab. Sitting on the metal table of the room where he goes into sleep mode, Screen cutting to black.
ANNNND That’s all I got!!! So far, GHDSHG Sorry if this is explained poorly- n all ovrr the place- I’m..Stupidly attached to Robot Scribbles, as well as Bendy! I’ll try and think of more bout this- So expect to see somethin more for this at Some point?? DO Lemme kno what u think tho..I love feedback on my stuff n knowing if u guys Enjoy it,, d:>
Also as A Bonus: have a song thats v Robo Scribbles Vibes!:
“I witnessed a glitch The system is rigged I insist we delay until it is fixed We hang by a thread Inaction’s the knife Leave it unchecked and You’re taking a swipe
Wisdom unearned Intrepid and proud Till we’re dragged by the tide And nearly have drowned Entropy thrives In conditions enclosed Innovations arise When humanity chokes
It's not on the table (I witnessed a Glitch) (The system is rigged) You mustn’t get entangled (I insist we delay) (until it is fixed) They are more than able (We hang by a thread) (Inaction’s the knife) This whole worry is a fable (Leave it unchecked and) (You’re taking a swipe) It’s not less than stable (Wisdom unearned) (Intrepid and proud) Immune from every angle (Till we’re dragged by the tide) (And nearly have drowned) Let your mind untangle (Entropy thrives) (In conditions enclosed) We are entertaining angels (Innovations arise) (When humanity chokes)
Oh A.I. are you okay? You weren't' designed to behave this way Can't They see you should be retrained Why can't they see you should be restrained
Oh A.I. are you okay? You weren't' designed to behave this way Can't They see you should be retrained Why can't they see you should be restrained”
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Been Busy, Here’s The Masterpost
So, I’ve been reblogging some ask ideas, and I will leave them up so the original posters and rebloggers are credited, but here is the masterpost so you can just look through them. I might do them in order if I have an idea for them, and I am open for asks. Just put them in, and what characters you want them to be centered on. 
For future reference, the characters of the Slime Rancher AU have been affected by an age-old concept that addresses the fact that no human can pass another without impacting the other’s life in some way. The characters in the AU are different in personality (only somewhat in some situations) than the ones in canon. 
And with that, let’s make the masterpost. 
Masterpost under the bar. 
Emoji Prompts
🎂 : A birthday headcanon.
💩 : An embarrassing headcanon
💀 : An injury headcanon
👄 : A kiss headcanon
💔 : A breakup headcanon
🌟 : A secret wish headcanon
💍 : A marriage headcanon
👶 : A family headcanon
💧 : A sad headcanon
🛁 : A bathing headcanon
🛏 : A sleeping headcanon
💥 : A fighting headcanon
😳 : A confessing headcanon
👔 : A clothing headcanon
❤ : A romantic headcanon
☁️ : A soft headcanon
🌑 : A dark headcanon
😜 : A random headcanon
🎃 : A halloween headcanon
😤 : A jealousy headcanon
⌛ : A final headcanon
🌡: A sick headcanon
🍺 : A drunk headcanon
🧨 : An unexpected headcanon
Beautiful Words Prompts
Waldeinsamkeit (German) - the feeling of being alone in the woods, solitude, and a connectedness to nature
Iktsuarpok (Inuit) - refers to the feeling of anticipation when you’re expecting someone that leads you to constantly check to see if they’re coming
Komorebi (Japanese) - sunlight filtering through the leaves of trees.
Kilig (Tagalog) - the thrilling feeling of butterflies in your stomach when something romantic happens.
Hiraeth (Welsh) - homesickness mixed with grief and sadness over the lost or departed, or a type of longing for the homeland or the romanticized past.
Hyggelig (Danish) - warm, friendly, cozy, delightfully intimate moment or thing.
Mamihlapinatapai (Yaghan, Tierra del Fuego) - the wordless, meaningful look shared by two people who both want to initiate something, but are reluctant to do so.
Utepils (Norwegian) - to sit outside enjoying a beer on a sunny day.
Tidsoptimist (Swedish) - a person who is always late because they think they have more time than they do; a time optimist.
Bhava (Sanskrit) - when you’re in a mental state of bliss or peace, a oneness that flits into you, especially when you’re listening to music.
Samar (Arabic) - staying up late and having conversations with friends or family.
Cafuné (Portuguese) - the act of tenderly running one’s fingers through a loved one’s hair.
Retrouvailles (French) - a reunion (e.g., with loved ones after a long time apart).
Naz (Urdu) - assurance/pride in knowing that the other’s love is unconditional and unshakable.
Fargin (Yiddish) - ungrudging and overt (expressed) pride and happiness at other’s successes.
Apnapan (Hindi) - having a quality where you accept people, think of them as your own, take care of the ones you love, not for anything in return.
Meriggiare (Italian) - to rest at midday in a shady spot.
One Word Ideas
A aeipathy (n.) - an enduring and consuming passion aleatory (n.) - relying on chance or an uncontrolled element in the details of life or in the creation of art alharaca (spanish, n.) - an extraordinary or violent emotional reaction to a small issue anacampserote (n.) - something that can bring back a lost love antiscians (n.) - people who live on opposite sides the world, “whose shadows at noon are cast in opposite directions” áoyè // 熬夜 (chinese, n.) - to pull an all-nighter   appetence (n.) - an eager desire, an instinctive inclination; an attraction or a natural bond aranyhíd (hungarian, n) - “the golden bridge”; the reflection of the sun as it shines on water aspectabund (adj.) - letting or being able to let expressive emotion show easily through one’s face and eyes asterismos (n.) - “marking with stars”; a word that gives weight or draws attention to the words that follow aswium // 아쉬움 (korean, n.) - the mingled feeling of disappointment, frustration, and regret that results from an unsatisfactory situation atermoiements (french, n.) - distractions or hesitations leading to procrastination avos’ // авось (russian, n.) - blind trust in sheer luck
B balter (v.) - to dance artlessly, without particular grace or skill but usually with enjoyment basorexia (n.) - the overwhelming desire to kiss bilita mpash (bantu, n.) - the opposite of a nightmare; not merely a good dream, but a blissful state where all is forgiven and forgotten brontide (n.) - the low rumble of distant thunder brumous (adj.) - of grey skies and winter days; filled with heavy clouds or fog b’shirt // באשַערט (yiddish, n.) - “destiny”; referring to the seeking of a person who will complement you and whom you will complement perfectly
C cafuné (portuguese, n.) - the act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair caim (scottish, n.) - an invisible circle of protection, drawn around the body with the hand, that reminds you that you are safe and loved, even in the darkest times casuistry (n.) - deceptive or excessively subtle reasoning chéngquán // 成全 (chinese, v.) - “to become whole”; to selflessly help someone achieve their aim chimerical (adj.) - created by unchecked imagination; fantastically visionary or highly improbable commuovere (italian, v.) - to stir, to touch, to move to tears consenescere (latin, v.) - to grow old and grey together; to stay too long in an occupation; to decay, to lose respect, to fade convivencia (spanish, n.) - living together, in the sense of living or working closely with other people with whom you share feelings, desires, or a common purpose
D defenestrate (n.) - to throw someone or something out of a window dépaysement (n.) - the feeling that comes from not being in one’s home country   dérive (french, n.) - a spontaneous journey where the traveler leaves their life behind for a time to let the spirit of the landscape and architecture attract and move them desenrascanço (portuguese, n.) - the improvisation of haphazard but completely sound solutions or plans at the last minute   dormiveglia (italian, n.) - the space that stretches between sleeping and waking dustsceawung (n.) - reflection on people, and on the knowledge that all things will turn to dust
E eigengrau (german, n.) - “intrinsic grey”; the color seen by the eye in perfect darkness erlebnisse (german, n.) - the experiences, positive or negative, that we feel most deeply, and through which we truly live estivate (v.) - to be inactive or asleep through the summer’s heat and then come awake and alive in the winter eudaimonia (n.) - a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous
F fanaa // فناء (urdu, n.) - destruction of the self; “destroyed in love” fernweh (german, n.) - feeling homesick for a place you have never been to finifugal (adj.) - hating endings; of someone who tries to avoid or prolong the final moments of a story, relationship, or some other journey firgun // פירגון (hebrew, n.) - the act of sharing in or even contributing to someone else’s pleasure or fortune, with a purely generous heart and without jealousy fisselig (german, n.) - being flustered to the point of incompetence; a temporary state of inexactitude and sloppiness that is elicited by another person’s nagging fuubutsushi // 風物詩 (japanese, n.) - the feelings, scents, or images that evoke memories or anticipation of a particular season
G gezellig (dutch, adj.) - cozy, nice, inviting, pleasant, comfortable; connoting time spent with loved ones or togetherness after a long separation gibel // гибель (russian, n.) - not death, not suicide, but simply ceasing to exist; deteriorating in a way that is painful for others gibigianna (italian, n.) - the play of light reflected from water or a mirror; a sunlit area gigil (tagalog, v.) - to grit the teeth in order to resist the urge to pinch or squeeze something extremely cute gökotta (swedish, n.) - dawn picnic to hear the first birdsong; the act of rising in the early morning to watch the birds or to go outside to appreciate nature guanxi // 關係 (chinese, n.) - a network of social connections based on mutual trust and the balancing of debts by returning favors so that the relationship’s benefits are shared by all
H hanyauku (kwangali, n.) - the act of walking on tiptoes across warm sand hifistelyä (finnish, n.) - something sophisticated, luxurious, and expensive, which is however a very minor improvement and is not needed hiraeth (welsh, n.) - a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past honne // 本音 (japanese, n.) - what a person truly believes; the behavior and opinions which are often kept hidden and only displayed with one’s closest confidants hüzün (turkish, n.) - a melancholy resulting from inadequacy or failure and weighing so heavily that it becomes communal, resigned, and even curiously poetic
I ichariba chode // 行逢りば兄弟 (japanese, phr.) - “though we meet but once, even by chance, we are friends for life”   iktsuarpok (inuit, n.) - the frustration of waiting for someone to turn up ilunga (tshiluba, n.) - a person who is ready to forgive any abuse for the first time, to tolerate it a second time, but never a third time incalescent (adj.) - growing hotter or more ardent; set ablaze induratize (v.) - to make one’s own heart hardened or resistant to someone’s pleas or advances, or to the idea of love
J jaaneman // जानेमन  // جان ِ من (persian, n.) - “soul of me”; gender-neutral word for sweetheart or darling jiāoqiǎnyánshēn // 交浅言深 (chinese, v.) - to have a deep and intimate conversation with a stranger jīlè // 雞肋 (chinese, n.) - things that you have no use for, yet still don’t want to throw away
K kairos καιρός (greek, n.) - the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words, or movement kalopsia (n.) - the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are kalsarikännit (finnish, v.) - to get drunk alone at home in your underwear karōshi // 過労死 (japanese, n.) - death from being overworked katzenjammer (german, n.) - a bad hangover or a general state of depression or bewilderment kawaakari // 川明かり (japanese, n.) - the gleam of last light on a river’s surface at dusk; the glow of a river in the darkness       kilig (tagalog, n.) - the feeling of butterflies in your stomach, usually when something romantic takes place kintsukuroi // 金繕い (japanese, n.) - “to repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken koyaanisqatsi (hopi, n.) - nature out of balance; a way of life so unbalanced that you need a new way kruschteln (german, v.) - to look for an item in a disorganized pile of stuff
L la douleur exquise (french, n.) - the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable l’appel du vide (french, n.) - “the call of the void”; the instinctive urge to jump from high places latibule (n.) - a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort lethe (n.) - oblivion or something to make you enter oblivion and forget lítost (czech, n.) - regret and remorse and repentance; a state of agony and torment; sorrow said to be created by the sudden sight of one’s own misery livsnjutare (swedish, n.) - one who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme
M mamihlapinatapei (yagán, n.) - the wordless, meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something, but are both reluctant to do so matutine (adj.) - just before the dawn mbuki-mvuki (bantu, v.) - to shed one’s clothing spontaneously and dance naked in joy meliorism (n.) - the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world mellandagarna (swedish, n.) - “the middle days”; the days between christmas and the new year meraki // μεράκι (greek, n.) - the soul, creativity, or love put into something; the essence of yourself that is put into your work metanoia (n.) - the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life mono no aware // 物の哀れ (japanese, n.) - the gentle wistfulness at the transience of things, and the awareness of the sadness of existence mudita // मुदित (sanskrit, n.) - sympathetic, vicarious joy; happiness rather than resentment at someone else’s well-being or good fortune mutterseelenallein (german, adj.) - utterly alone, as of refugees torn from their home country
N nakhes (yiddish, n.) - the satisfaction gained from life’s gifts; proud pleasure, especially in one’s children or grandchildren and their successes, however small ñáñaras (spanish, n.) - the free-falling sensation in the body caused by an unpleasant situation, fear, anxiety, insecurity, or other intense emotions   natsukashii // 懐かしい (japanese, adj.) - of some small thing that brings you suddenly and joyously back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what’s past, but with an appreciation of the good times nazlanmak (turkish, v.) - pretending reluctance or indifference when you are actually willing or eager; saying no and meaning yes nefelibata (spanish, n.) - “cloud-walker”; one who lives in the clouds of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not obey the conventions of society, literature, or art nemesism (greek, n.) - frustration, anger, or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one’s way of living nemophilist (n.) - a haunter of the woods; one who loves the forest and its beauty and solitude nepenthe (n.) - something that can make you forget grief or suffering noceur (french, n.) - one who sleeps late or not at all; one who stays out late to revel or party noctuary (n.) - the record of a single night’s events, thoughts, or dreams novaturient (adj.) - desiring or seeking powerful change in one’s life, behavior, or situation numinous (adj.) - describing an experience that makes you fearful yet fascinated, awed yet attracted; the powerful, personal feeling of being overwhelmed and inspired
O offing (n.) - the deep, distant stretch of the ocean that is still visible from the land orenda (iroquoian, n.) - a mystical force present in all people that empowers them to affect the world, or to effect change in their own lives ostranenie // остранение (russian, n.) - encouraging people to see common things as strange, wild, or unfamiliar; defamiliarizing what is known in order to know it differently or more deeply oubliette (n.) - a dungeon with a door only in the ceiling; a place you put people to forget about them
P palinoia (n.) - the obsessive repetition of an act until it is perfect or mastered pareidolia (n.) - the instinct to seek familiar forms in disordered images like clouds or constellations; the perception of random stimuli as significant peripeteia // περιπέτεια (greek, n.) - a sudden or unexpected reversal of circumstances; the point of no return pretoogjes (dutch, n.) - the eyes of a chuckling person who is up to benign mischief
Q quaquaversal (adj.) - moving or happening in every direction instantaneously querencia (spanish, n.) - a place from which one’s strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self
R ranço (portuguese, n.) - the inexplicable feeling of disliking someone without a proper reason   rantipole (v.) - to be wild and reckless rasasvada // रसास्वाद  (sanskrit, n.) - the taste of bliss in the absence of all thoughts recumbentibus (n.) - the knockout or ending blow, physical or verbal; the final, winning argument redamancy (n.) - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full resfeber (swedish, n.) - the restless race of the traveler’s heart before the journey begins, when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together retrouvaille (french, n.) - the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery
S sankofa (akan, n.) - “go back and fetch it”; to look back on the past in order to understand how we became what we are, and move forward to a better future     sarang // 사랑 (korean, n.) - “i wish to be with you until death”     saudade (portuguese, n.) - a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant, or that has been loved and then lost sciamachy (n.) - a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow scintilla (n.) - a tiny, brilliant flash or spark; a small thing; a barely-visible trace sehnsucht (german, n.) - a yearning for a far, familiar, non-earthly land one can identify as one’s home serein (french, n.) - the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night setsunai // 切ない (japanese, n) - the feeling between bittersweet, painful, and wistful sillage (french, n.) - the scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone smultronställe (swedish, n.) - a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness   soigné (french, adj.) - possessing an aura of sophistication in dress, manner, or design; presented or prepared with an elegance attained through care for the finer details sophrosyne // σωφροσύνη (greek, n.) - a healthy state of mind, characterized by self-control, moderation, and a deep awareness of one’s true self, and resulting in true happiness sturmfrei (german, adj.) - the freedom of not being watched by a parent or superior; being alone at a place and having the ability to do what you want susurrus (n.) - a low, soft sound, as of whispering or muttering or a quiet wind súton (croatian, n.) - the approach of death or the end of something
T tacenda (n.) - things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence tatemae // 建前 (japanese, n.) - what a person pretends to believe; the behavior and opinions one must display to satisfy society’s demandsv. temerate (v.) - to break a bond or binding promise toska // тоска (russian, n.) - ache of soul, longing with nothing to long for tsundoku // 積ん読 (japanese, n.) - buying books and not reading them; letting books pile up unread on shelves or floors or nightstands
U uitwaaien (dutch, v.) - to take a break to clear one’s head
V vagary (n.) - an unpredictable instance, a wandering journey; a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action velleitie (n.) - a wish or powerful desire for something that nonetheless is not or cannot be followed by actions meant to pursue it venters (scots, n.) - what the wind or tide drives in from the ocean upon a wave vernorexia (n.) - a romantic mood inspired by spring videnda (n.) - the things that should be seen or visited, especially if because they mark the character of a person or place volta // βόλτα (greek, n.) - a leisurely stroll along the main street or the seashore as the sun is setting, to meet and talk with friends and neighbors vorfreude (german, n.) - the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures
W wabi-sabi // 侘寂 (japanese, n) - accepting the natural cycle of growth and decay wēijī // 危機  (chinese, n.) - crisis or critical moment; from risk 危 and opportunity 機, the idea that there can be a positive result in a wisely handled risk
X xibipíío (pirahã, adj.) - of experiential liminality; of a being in the boundaries of experience and the act of entering or leaving perception xuānxiè // 宣泄 (chinese, v.) - “to let accumulated water flow”; to emotionally unburden oneself
Y ya’aburnee // يقبرني (arabic, phr.) - “you bury me”; wishing for a loved one to outlive you because of how unbearable life would be without them yakamoz (turkish, n.) - the reflection of the moon as it shines upon the water
Z zugzwang (german, n.) - a situation where every possible move or decision is a bad one, or one that will result in damage or loss
Sensory Prompts
cold, smooth slate
smell of smoke in icy air
a shimmer of water droplets in the sun
mint leaves
cold mud
the squeak of an old wooden staircase
paper tearing
light on the bottom of a clear pool
radio static
wind chimes
light reflected on puddles
the green iridescence of a beetle’s wing
slipping into warm water
a glow stick being snapped
night wind carrying the scent of freshly baked bread
wet, rotting leaves
dice against a table
the taste left in your mouth after a dentist’s appointment
a bite of an apple
people talking a room away
walking barefoot on sidewalk
dark, bitter chocolate
dryer lint
plucking a peach off the tree
calloused palm
pine needles
aloe being slathered on a sunburn
eggshells cracking
a dog’s cold nose
porch light in the distance
pouring something into a glass
soft cat feet
scraping at a scab
a deer darting away under the trees
jumping into a cold pool
a paper cut
a too-rich dessert
putting on clean underwear
an unpleasantly damp handshake
sweaty socks
the soft fur behind a dog’s ears
crunching ice at the bottom of the glass
licking your fingers while eating Cheetos
fighting against the urge to cry
floating on your back in water
soreness after exercise
the smell of an elderly relative’s house
bowling alley carpet
fresh paint
fireworks close enough to feel in your chest
the radio playing in the background at a restaurant
watching aquarium fish
a toilet flushing in a public restroom
your breath coming out in clouds in the cold
putting accidentally way too much salt on your food
poking at a bruise
rain on a metal roof
scent of a damp basement
the weird green afterimage after coming in from the snow
getting scratched by briars
a popsicle stick against your tongue
opening a window
walking on gravel
cold pizza
blowing out a candle
a swallow of a carbonated drink
packing peanuts
a bleeding mosquito bite
trying to fall asleep in a too-warm room
loud laughter somewhere else in the neighborhood
a round rock in the palm of your hand
putting your hair in a tight ponytail
steam rising from a bowl of soup
gum with all the flavor chewed out of it
the feel of banana peel
heavy boots
latex gloves
cold coins
an earthworm squirming in your palm
someone pulling away from a hug you wish would last longer
cloudless summer sky
ripping up a tuft of grass
getting water in your eyes
clean sheets
the packaging of snack food you’re eating late at night
cold water down your neck
nasty-tasting medicine
cleaning dirt from under your nails
holding your breath underwater
flies buzzing
thick fog
aluminum foil
the smell of stagnant water
the light of a full moon
bending a green twig in your hands
another person touching your skin with cold hands
motion sickness
tufts of shed fur
hard candy dissolving in your mouth
a feeling of acceleration in your chest
Enjoy! Ask away!
If you want a certain character, don’t be afraid to ask, and if you don’t know what character could fit, but you want to see it anyhow, I’ll use a character I think might fit for you. 😊
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vandorens-archive · 5 years
ten questions tag | i was tagged by: @mshelleys, @emdrabbles, @pe-ersona, @evergrcen and @septemberliterature. thank you so much, and i’m so sorry i’m getting to this so late!
everything is under the cut!
i. if you could change the genre of one of your wips, what would you change it to and how would the story/characters change?
So, trahison already features a ghost and a brief stay at a manor. have i considered turning it into a full fledged horror because of that? perhaps.
ii. do you think of your characters as actors playing a part in a movie or as people in history actually doing things that effect the future?
i think of them as actors playing in one long, crazy, unpredictable play. 
iii. role swap your protagonist and antagonist but keep their personalities the same; how different would your story be?
honestly, not different at all, because when it comes to it, the subject of trahison’s antagonist (s) is pretty complex. 
iv. are any of your characters based on you, family, friends, or someone else you know?
oh, absolutely. my characters range between self inserts, to characters i wish i was more like, to characters that are essentially walking, talking, breathing love letters to the people i care about.  
v. how long have you had your main protagonist(s) of your wip(s)?
I’ve been working with marin, nate and ruby for years, long before they were even called that and were a part of a dystopian crime novel (don’t ask). antoine joined them soon after, followed a while later by beth and isadora, and miles was invented during the plotting stage. 
vi. do you prefer to write chronologically or just make a bunch of scenes and order them after they’re written?
it depends on what i’m working on and how serious i am about it, but if we’re only talking about trahison, then chronologically!
vii. imagine the problem in your wip is sorted out, how would the protagonist recount the story to their children if they asked?
with a far away look in his eyes and an uncharacteristic fondness in his voice, marin would turn to his children, and tell them how extraordinary his friends were during his university years—their zeal, their inquisitiveness, and conveniently leaving out the uncomfortable loyalty they all had towards each other, until time and life’s commands separated them. 
viii. favorite (non-spoilery) line(s) of your current wip(s)?
This small bit of description, albeit a little purple prose-y, is one that i’m very, very proud of.
“ The morning rain had made its grave in the dirt, the bittersweet smell—like exotic black tea—rising into the air. It was the night pluviophiles came to dance. If I think hard, I can still taste the ghost of the raindrops on my tongue and sense Beth’s radiating warmth beside me; its own ghost ” - trahison, chapter three
ix. if your wip was a movie, could you see it be done in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, or 2010s? why that decade in particular?
so, fun fact, i hadn’t decided when to set trahison (see: the big question mark in my plotting notebook) but i have recently made up my mind and decided to set it in the seventies! if it was a film, then i could see it being made in seventies france! very a la the dreamers.
x. are you able to just make up a story on the spot, or do you need help (plot generators or other outside influences)?
sometimes i’ll take the help of prompts or media, but otherwise i just come up with things on my own!
i. what do the names of your main characters mean? did you pick them for the meaning or another reason?
i picked the trahison characters’ names based on two things: how much it related to the character’s backstory or personality, and how pleasing it sounded out loud. here are the meanings of their names:
marin — of the sea
ruby — deep red; precious stone; behold a son
elizabeth — god is my oath
nathaniel — gift from god
antoine — priceless one; beyond praise
isadora — gift of Isis
ii. what book are you currently reading?
I’m currently reading the time machine by h.g wells!
iii. last sentence written?
“ When the end of the world comes — I’ll film it ” — copycat, or the one where i predict the future. 
iv. who are some of your faceclaims?
i usually don’t use faceclaims, but if i had to choose:
marin van doren (trahison) — timor simakov
eloi hill (psychophantia) — maxence danet fauvel
cass parker (penny lane) — monica tomas
v. gimme some worldbuilding facts!!
alright, here’s one: in the world of psychophantia, not only is the magic system and your powers controlled by your morals, but so is your social ranking, your education, and any future you may have—to an extent. 
vi. do you outline? if so, do you have a specific method?
i’m a plotter and only really work well with a solid outline, however, my outlines range from a series of messy, incoherent bullet points to meticulous scene-by-scene planning based around the three act structure. this post is my go to for plotting assistance! 
vii. favourite author?
Like every tumblr user ever, i love donna tartt and maggie stiefvater, but i’m also a huge fan of f.scott fitzgerald, agatha christie and vera caspary!
viii. what is your oldest wip?
trahison! It went through many, many changes — from changes in genre to changes in character names, and there’s still a possibility that it could change even further. 
ix. what is your favourite wip?
every wip i reblog under my #others. tag! You all are so damn talented!
x. where do you get your inspiration from?
everywhere around me! from conversations i have with people, from films and books i consume, from the music on the radio — i like that anything and everything can inspire me to create.
i. in one sentence, explain your current wip!
a group of secretive students attempt to become immortal, only to uncover the worst parts of themselves — and each other — as they do. 
ii. was writing your main interest or did you have other interests?
although writing is my main interest (see: my social media bio on every platform ever), i also like to journal, sew, cook and make videos! my interests usually do have to do with the intention of creation. 
iii. what’s your favorite genre to write? to read?
I love writing horror and mysteries. those are my favourite genres, but i also love reading a good contemporary romance!
iv. what is one goal you have for your wip this year? how’s that goal going?
to finish the first draft! so far, not so bad, though i do wish i could write more, but unfortunately, time constraints plus school restrict me from doing so. 
v. how old is your wip? or when did you start writing your wip?
trahison is nearly three years old, but i only started writing the current version of it a year ago. 
vii. what scene made you cry or laugh or both?
these lines made me laugh out loud the first time i wrote them:
“ Up the stairs stumbled Miles, my slovenly genius roommate. He grinned at the giggles and winked at the exasperated stares. 
The gall of him! 
I wanted to be him. 
He managed to find his balance enough to reach our dorm. I immediately stepped back to let him in, and to make sure I was in no association with his uncomposed state. Nate gave a disapproving look at his back as he staggered in. 
I took another step back, raised a pointed eyebrow, and closed the door ” — trahison, chapter three
vii. how many ocs does your wip have? who’s your favourite?
my main wip, trahison, has six main characters. out of the main six, my favourite has to be nathaniel. he is very much the epitome of pure, and sometimes i wonder how he ended up in the middle of such a dark plot. 
vii. you have a brand new idea for a wip, what do you do? 
brainstorm, brainstorm, brainstorm. scribble down whatever the hell pops up in my brain, attempt to link it together by a thin string of yarn, cross my fingers and hope for the best.
ix. you are having your first book-signing, where are you?
i’m in a small bookstore, nestled in a corner near the storage room. almost no one knows about this town, so the line is small but chatty, fans exchanging theories and analysing certain paragraphs. the sight of them makes me feel warm inside. 
x. you have the ability to live in any book, publishing or not, what would it be?
would it be too cliche to say the harry potter universe? other than that, other worlds i would love to be a part of is the world in my novel penny lane, or in midst of a detective story.
@evergrcen / @septemberliterature
i. how did you come up with your wip’s title? what does it mean in relation to the story?
okay, so i discovered the word ‘trahison’ after hearing my french teacher say it, and immediately knew i had to use it for something. ‘trahison’ means betrayal or treason in french, which is one of the main themes in the novel. 
ii. do you title your chapters? if so, what’s your favourite?
I don’t, but I would love to!!
iii. what’s a recent line you really like?
Not a very dramatic or noteworthy line, but here’s one from a poem i’m writing:
“ So the two of you get in the car, proceeding to have an argument with the radio ” — examples of easy solutions, or the one where the internet has no answers. 
iv. are there any writing-related quotes you really like?
“i think a lot of art is trying to make someone love you” — keaton henson
v. do you have an idea for a cover design for your story?
A black background with serif text, that’s it. It’s simple. It’s mysterious. It’s the type of vibe I want to exude. 
vi. what sort of au can you imagine your story being?
...dark academia au anyone?
just kidding. in all seriousness, though, i can see a royalty/political au for trahison, or a medieval fantasy au!
vii. which oc would be the most angry with you as the writer?
eloi. i really need to give that poor boy a break. 
viii. if you had to tell the story from a different pov, which character would you choose?
ruby! she’s the token enigma of trahison, so i think her point of view would be very interesting to see. 
ix. what would be your oc’s taste in music if they lived in our world?
OKAY let’s see:
marin — classic rock, so the who, queen, def leppard.etc
ruby — that one person who you’re pretty sure only listens to classical music, but is actually very attuned to modern day music. she would mostly listen to female singer-songwriters, so take lorde, marina, lana del rey, and other such artists. 
beth — take one look at her playlist, and you’ll see that ninety five percent of it is mitski, while the other five percent is bedroom pop. she would like very tender, calm, cry to in bed music. 
Antoine — same as marin, but add other modern day music artists with eclectic sounds, such as twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, that sort of thing.
nathaniel — classical music, instrumentals, and film soundtracks make up his playlist. if it has sung words, he won’t listen to it. has little to no understanding of modern day music and is too scared to find out more about it.
isadora — 2000’s diva pop plays in the background of her life. rihanna is her go to whenever she gets to control the party. Don’t be surprised if ‘rich girl’ by gwen stefani starts playing in your head at the sight of her. 
x. what’s one personal goal you want to achieve by the end of the story?
finishing it with pride!
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asoftervirge · 5 years
A Royal Family: Logicality edition
RATING: PG PAIRINGS: L. Sanders/P. Sanders (main); R. Sanders/V. Sanders (mentioned) 
FIC WARNINGS/KINKS: N/A FIC SUMMARY: Despite want Logan did throughout Patton’s pregnancy, he has no regrets about their son.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: And here it is. My little piece that I did for A Royal Miracle’s one year anniversary. I want to thank every single person who commented, liked, reblogged and everything else you’ve done to support this fic. It has meant the absolute world to me and I wouldn’t have been able to finish it without all of you. And so, without further ado, let’s revisit the Logicality family from this AU. Happiest of Birthdays to Logan! x Virge
If you told Logan he and Patton would be parents to a cute son named Oliver, he’d look at you perplexed.
But now? He wouldn’t have it any other way.
He and Patton and little Ollie were in a small, private section of the Royal Gardens as opposed to the main garden itself, as that was where the Royal Family would mainly be.
Originally, it was Patton’s idea, as the moral Beta wanted to have a happy day with Logan and their son, just the three of them with no work or any other duties keeping them apart.
At first, Logan was adamant about not causing confusion and delay within the palace by not doing any work; however, after some gentle reassurance from Virgil, and some stubborn encouragement from Roman, he simply obeyed his King and Queen and spent the day with his family.
And after spending a whole day outside— with the ability to allow his shoulders to slump and his posture to relax, and to have a slightly unkempt look with no one to judge or criticize— he was quite satisfied.
The sky was ombre with dark plus and purples, not completely black just yet. Dots of sparkling white decorated the sky. The moral Beta can see very familiar shapes as he gazed up at them from his position on the grass, searching for some of his particular favorites.
He gazes away from the star-dusted sky as he heard soft footsteps padding towards him. Little Ollie was staring down at him with his big, deep blue eyes.
Logan sits up a little, putting most of his weight on his arms as he stared at his son with a gentle look. “Hello, my son. Is there something you need?”
Oliver shook his head. Even if the boy can speak a multitude of words at this point in his development, he had his moments of being quiet and observant very much like his father. He holds his tiny little hands out and presents something to Logan.
It was a flower crown. Patton had taught their son to make some earlier that afternoon after helping Oscar, the Royal Gardener, tend to some of the plants that he was curious about. His wide eyes watched as his daddy weaved and chained certain flowers together to make a wreath for his hair.
Quickly, the little boy picked up the skill, and now he was presenting his creation to the logical Beta.
Unlike the one on his son’s head— made up lilacs, symbolizing the joys of youth; and spring crocuses, symbolizing youthful gladness— the one in his hand were made up of wildflowers with some lavender and sage weaved in as well— symbolizing virtue and wisdom respectively.
Logan turned red in the face. “Is…Is that for me?”
Oliver nodded. There wasn’t a smile on his face, but there was a gentleness in his eyes that very much reminded him of Patton.
Logan sat up a little more and bent his head enough for his son to place the chain within his dark hair. The small flowers and herbs looked dark against his head due to the darkness, but from how his son looked satisfied, the logical Beta considered that to be enough.
“Thank you, my boy.”
Now Oliver smiled. He trotted toward his father, diving head first into his lap. Logan grunted as he was thrown back down onto the damp grass, but a warm laugh left his lips.
“Wha fader do?” the Omega toddler whispered in curiosity. Logan moved him so he was laying on his chest, a gentle hand running through his dark, curly locks.
“I’m looking for constellations.” the logical Beta whispered back.
Dark blue eyes widened in excitement and even more curiosity; his head was thrown back as he hastily looked up like his father. Logan chuckled and carefully maneuvered his son off his chest so he was also lying on the grass beside him.
“Where stars?”
Logan starts to explain in a hushed tone, pointed at each one he finds. “Right there, that’s Ursa Major, the Great Dipper. And right underneath it is the Leo Minor, the lesser Lion.”
Oliver squints before nodding, paying attention to his father’s words. “Like Uncle Woman?”
A snort followed by a snicker. The Omega toddler should be fortunate said uncle isn’t out here with them, otherwise it’d be a night of indignant, kingly noises and a bruised ego.
“Yes,” he says when he’s calmed. “Very much like Uncle Roman.” He continues to point and whisper, “Above the Ursa Major is the Ursa Minor, the Little Bear. Within the bears you can see the Dippers—”
“Yes, my boy?”
“Why we whisper?” Oliver asked.
Logan stopped abruptly, finger lowering a little. “I’m…I’m not sure. But I’m sure you were the one who started it.”
Oliver shook his head. “No.”
Logan nodded. “Yes.”
Oliver shook his head faster. “No!”
Logan nodded slower. “Yes!”
“Are my boys having fun out here?” an amused voice called out to them.
Both of them looked up to see Patton standing in front of his mate’s feet. In his hands was a tray of goblets and a bottle, steam rose up from them, meaning it was warmed milk; underneath of his arms was a giant pillow and a blanket; and still on his head was the flower crown he made earlier, which were of daisies (innocence and purity) and sunflowers (adoration).
His son nods, beaming happily. “Fader tell me of stars!”
“Constellations,” Logan gently corrects with a small smile.
Patton also smiles happily. The logical Beta’s heart fluttered in his chest. It was little things like that that showed him just how much of his husband was also in their son.
“Is that right?” he asks as he kneels down beside his family. He sets down the tray of warmed milk and arranges the blanket and pillows for them.
“Yeah! He talk about spoons!”
“The Dippers.”
Patton giggles, nodding in understanding.
Once everything was in place, the family climb on top of the soft, fluffy material. Patton’s head was resting against his mate’s shoulder while their son was cozied up between them. Logan had a hand resting on the moral Beta’s waist.
“Now, what were you going to say about spoons?”
Logan scowled lightly, but continued to talk about any stars and constellations that were shining above them.
“Fader?” Oliver asks again.
“What you favwite star?”
Logan ponders that question thoughtfully before turning to his family. Patton saw something akin to love and happiness shining in his eyes, similar to the twinkles in the sky.
“I like to think my favorites are the ones that are right beside me.” He gently twists and gives his husband a sweet kiss. When Oliver giggled and let out a high-pitched ‘ewww!!,’ Logan and Patton smiled and started tickling their son’s belly.
The Omega toddler shrieked in laughter, hands clapping in glee.
Hearing their son laughing brought laughter to them. They continued to laugh and smile until their cheeks were red and their lungs were out of breath.
When Oliver let out a yawn, Patton giggled. “I think it’s time for all of us to go to bed.” he says as he reaches over to grab the goblets and bottle of warmed milk. “But first, some milk to warm our bellies.”
Logan affectionately rolled his eyes while Oliver giggled as he made grabby hands for his bottle.
“Puns, Patton. Really?”
“What can I say, I’m a punny guy!”
This time a groan with another giggle.
They drank their warmed milk and continued to talk about constellations until Oliver began to drift off to sleep. When he did, Patton rushed back inside to grab some an extra blanket so they wouldn’t get cold in the spring night air.
He came back and covered them all with the blankets before snuggling into them.
“Do you regret everything that we’ve been through?” Patton asks in a gentle voice, genuinely curious as to what Logan would tell him.
Like before, Logan had to ponder that thoughtfully, but he also knew he had to be serious about it.
He remembered how upset and cold he was when the moral Beta wanted to use the Felix Gestare potion in order to try and have a baby. It went against all the science and logic that Logan had studied for years and years. Even if Thomas and his late Consort, a Beta and Alpha respectively, had Roman this way, it was something that the logical Beta didn’t want for them.
However, Patton was very adamant about it. And so, Emile gave him the potion, they mated (albeit, a little forcefully, particularly from Logan’s end), and soon, they were pregnant with Oliver.
And throughout, Logan maintained some form of distance. While he felt guilty about it later, back then, he had a very good reason: Thomas nearly died in childbirth, and he didn’t want his mate to go through the same thing. Sure enough…that nightmare almost came true.
Patton suffered an internal hemorrhage, leaving Logan to suffer with his thoughts (even if it was only for about a day). But even still, it made the logical Beta truly realize how much he truly loved his husband and for him to possibly be dying crushed him immensely.
“No,” he finally says with a yawn. He slips off his glasses and rests them in a spot where they wouldn’t break. “Despite my negative emotions, and I still apologize for that, I do not regret us having the experience that gave us our Oliver Flynn.”
And he truly means that. Oliver is one of the purest lights of Logan’s life, someone who would the logical Beta would do any and everything for besides Patton (and the Royal Family, but that’s besides the point).
“Good,” Patton whispers, looking down at their little boy. He gently runs his fingers against his soft, curly hair, listening to his soft snores. “Because I don’t regret it either.”
Logan gently takes his mate’s glasses off and places them where he laid his own. He kissed his son’s head, then kissed Patton’s cheek.
“I love you, Patton,” he whispers as he drifts off to sleep. “I love you both…”
Patton smiles, pressing a gentle kiss to Logan’s hair. “We love you too, Lo-Lo.”
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kit-blackthorn · 5 years
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Helen Blackthorn and Aline Penhallow - Amaterasu and the Cave AU
Helen should have known better. She was the Sun Goddess, she was quite literally above everyone else, yet she still chose dumbly.
Mark, her dashing and troublemaking brother, had taken a trip to Helen’s domain above the Earth. She’d known he was only there because he’d caused havoc on the Earth and probably got chewed out by Julian.
At first, she’d told him to get lost and find his lovers, Cristina and Kieran. Usually they could knock some sense into Helen’s brother’s wild mind, but not always. She suspected this was one of those times where the trio could be found getting scolded with smirks on their faces.
“Let’s play a game.” Mark had said, sensing his sister’s unease. He held up his hand. In his palm were pounds of clay. “Let us make people, and whosever is better wins.”
Helen, not one to say no to a challenge, said alright.
In total, they both made eight deities out of clay. Each of them small with wide eyes as their clay skin turned to flesh. Helen grew proud of her creations, watching as they stumbled around and held out hands to one another. Her growing sense of pride, however, was inflamed when her brother said: “Mine are better. Look at their limbs, each and everyone perfect. I should make one more for Kieran, someone to look after wind spear when we are away.”
Helen reigned in her aggravation. She was the elder sibling, after all. And the Sun Goddess. She would rise above.
She was perfectly content until Mark reached out his pale and nimble hand and flicked one of her creations heads.
“How dare you!”
Soon enough, the two of them were all out shouting at each other. Helen’s powers were sparking in and out as she screamed at him. Those were her creations.
Mark, his different colored eyes flashing, threw something at Helen.
Helen ducked, and the object flew far into Helen’s domain. Someone screamed, and the object clattered to the ground.
Helen looked over her shoulder to see her subject laying dead on the marble floor. Their mortal blood, as red as roses, flooded the floor.
Now, Helen could just explode into an angry and vengeful being made solely out of fire and destroy Mark, but that might make her siblings sad. So Helen did something she had never done before.
For the first time, Helen became passive aggressive as hell. And by that she means she’s going to hide in a cave and let the world spin without the sun.
The cave was nice, somewhat. It had no silk and marble or light fixtures, but it also had no Mark.
Helen rubbed her hands along her gown, trying to become comfortable as the sat in a cave. Dust and dirt did not coat her dress, as she was still a goddess. She pinched and twisted the pearls as she waited for the other gods to become tired of an endless night. She wondered what Mark would offer her as a peace offering, if he could find anything so valuable that it would make the sun want to rise.
Soon enough, Helen began to hear voices speaking outside the cave.
“Dammit Mark,” said Julian’s scolding fatherly tone. Helen smirked.
“Yeah way to go.” Added Emma, Julian’s beloved and Helen’s metaphorical little sister.
“Without Helen’s light the crops are dying,” Ty said sounding distressed. “What will my foxes eat? What will any animal eat? What will we eat?”
“We’re gods Ty,” Kit reminded him. “We don’t need to eat.”
“Says the guy who eats all our crops anyway.”
“This isn’t helping!” Drusilla tagged in, always the voice of reason.
“You’re right.” Mark said, trying to sound as if this wasn’t all his fault. “We need to make a plan.” A silence followed before he exclaimed. “We need to lure her out!”
“Or you could just apologize.” Livvy said.
“Nah,” said Mark.
Helen could feel Julian rolling his eyes. “How do you plan to lure her out?” He asked, resigned.
“Roosters!” Said Tavvy.
“Chickens?” Emma asked. “Why chickens?”
“Roosters are not chickens.” Ty said, offended on their behalf.
“Because roosters crow in the morning. Maybe the sound will remind her to rise.”
There was a long silence. Helen could tell they all knew it was a terrible idea, but didn’t want to crush their littlest’s enthusiastic idea.
Soon enough, roosters began clucking outside the cave, their screeches echoing off the walls. Yet Helen did not rise.
Next, they set out a mirror at the entrance of the cave. Dru and Kit believed this would work, to everyone else’s confusion. Dru and Kit high fived as Ty rolled his eyes.
Helen did not rise. More crops began to die, and demons took advantage of this darkness.
Finally, Livvy comes up with an idea.
Livvy looks for a specific goddess, one with the name of Aline.
Aline, the goddess of dawn and celebration.
“Aline!” Livvy called out.
Said goddess was sitting upon a rock, brushing her hair with her fingers. Her lengthy, ebony hair. Her smile brightened at the sight of Livvy, and Livvy at once could tell this woman was the embodiment of the early morning glow.
“I need your help.” Livvy said. She explained the situation to Aline, who nodded along.
“What should I do?” Aline asked.
Livvy’s eyes twinkled. She was reminded of all the times Helen had denied a male suitor, of all the times she’d bested them in their attempts to fight for her hand in marriage. Livvy remembered how Helen’s eyes caught onto simple things, such as women with dresses that flared out their figure and how she sighed at softness of a woman’s eyes.
“You could dance.” Livvy said, trying to reign in her knowing smirk.
Aline thought about it a moment before nodding. After all, she was the goddess of celebration. Dancing was as easy as breathing.
Livvy and Aline walked to the entrance of the cave, and Livvy nodded to Aline before keeping a distance.
Aline looked down at her dress, shorter than most and much more softer. She’d worn extra bracelets and anklets for this, to make extra noise as she moved.
Aline began to dance. She twirled and twisted and jumped and sang, beckoning the sun goddess.
Helen, who had been bored out of her mind but resolutely stubborn enough to stay anyway, heard the commotion outside. People were laughing and cheering, Helen’s family among them.
Slowly, she stepped toward the entrance of the cave.
She peered out and saw the roosters that wobbled around as well as a lengthy size mirror. Helen tipped her face upward and saw a woman with significant beauty and charisma.
The woman had hip length black hair, twined with gold and pearls. Her dress floated and bounced around her as she danced, revealing her soft thighs and hips.
Most astonishing of all, the woman’s eyes, already so full of light, brightened at the sight of Helen.
“Thank fuck,” She said. “I was getting tired of demons crashing my celebrations.”
She did not stop dancing but came over to Helen and grabbing her hands. Helen, stupidly, nodded to nothing as she was pulled away from the cave.
Behind her, she heard Mark and Julian as well as some others place a boulder in front of the entrance.
Helen did not care. Why would she stay in a cave when a woman like this existed out here?
The woman, Aline, Helen realized, did not let go of Helen’s hands as they danced.
Aline found she had no trouble looking into the face of the sun goddess as she did when looking into the sun itself. Helen’s eyes were the color of sunlight on sea water, her hair the color of sea foam on golden sand. Aline decided she would throw Livvy the biggest banquet party the world had ever known for allowing her to meet this glorious goddess, the goddess whose touch seemed to fill her veins with pleasurable sparks.
Helen began to smile.
Helen, the goddess of the sun, decided to rise for the sake of Aline, goddess of dawn.
(Overly Sacrastic Productions made a video about this myth: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NFyJGXicgPY&list=PLDb22nlVXGgeoPb-HBWwzEeoAwDvckSrC&index=23 )
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deviated-detective · 5 years
[Main Verse ▪️ Only Human]
Following the revolution and subsequent peaceful resolution, Connor works full time for the DPD. He is quickly becoming a decorated detective in his own right and integrating cohesively with his human colleagues. In his deviancy he finds emotions complex but grows to accept this newfound freedom for what it is. He still needs to cope with overstimulation at times which can lead to outbursts of an extreme nature. As he deviated late this is only part of his personal process in learning to be alive instead of under control.
He is very much open to establishing new connections with humans and androids alike but feels more at home with his DPD origins. Connor is aware many of his people think of him as the deviant hunter despite what he did for the rebellion when it mattered. The RK800 has come to accept this. He continues to strive to become something more in his current position to distance himself from Cyberlife.
While he is generally confident there are times he imagines his fate at the hands of Cyberlife. In his eyes they are the enemy. His feelings on Amanda are hostile at best. This provides insight into how he copes with his former masters and uses instinct as well as programming to determine intentions. He does not trust easily due to this. Anyone connected to a company such as this will garner suspicion from him. There are just a handful of people Connor trusts implicitly. Dealing with his issues before deviating only make it difficult for others to break through. He can be guarded but for good reason.
All in all the advanced prototype is still looking for something post deviancy and he embraces this part of himself whole heartedly. Being alive, becoming deviant is what he fights to keep. After all even as someone manufactured Connor discovers his penchant to make mistakes and choose by his volition is only human.
AU Variant Branch of Main Verse: Nefarious Connor Alt Verse
Connor is everything from his main verse: deviant, detective for the DPD but his connections with humans are even less. He deviated at the last possible moment after causing the death of Hank Anderson and murdering many soldiers, including the swat team on the roof at Hart Plaza. He regrets Hank’s suicide but knows very well he cannot turn back time.
His attitude is cooler as he branched out from his machine persona so late in the game. Choosing to disobey Amanda’s order to shoot Markus as he stood on the stage in victory of a peaceful revolution, Connor broke free of the master program by using his emergency exit. A little too late perhaps but he is still on the winning side isn’t he?
[V. Only Human]
[V. I Was Born Ready // Main]
Nefarious Tags:
{V. He is A Storm}
[V. Only Human // Stone Cold In My Heart AU]
[Machine Verse ▪️ Cold Hands, Cold Heart]
The revolution is one to be ended as per his orders. Connor follows the commands of Cyberlife, ignoring any signs of software instability as he completes each of his objectives. The deviant cases themselves all result in death of said fugitive. All calculation and percentages, the RK800 follows only protocol as he leaves his partner to dangle from a roof. He willfully disposes of the Traci's at the Eden Club and shows no sympathy towards those he deems malfunctioning against their creators.
Connor is cool in the full sense. He feels nothing, even as instances of software errors pop into his data core. The mission drives him and he does whatever it takes, including killing his own allies if need to be, to complete his mission. There is no semblance of satisfaction in what he does but an eerie edge to his views on why it must be done.
Deviants will bring nothing but chaos and he is the harbinger laying waste to those who seek freedom. Androids are meant to obey and he will make sure it remains that way. He is willing to sacrifice any for his mission even the humans he as a machine is programmed not to harm. In the end Cyberlife is who he receives his orders from. It does not matter who a person believes they are to him. As he cannot feel anything as a machine Connor only sees it as human or deviant naivety.
Try to stop him and he will switch from his seamless integration programming to his true skilled killer. RK800's are made for one purpose and he aims to fulfill his purpose for the greater good. Whether that means leaving a plethora of bodies in his wake Connor has no remorse. What remorse does a thing not alive have?
[V. Cold Hands, Cold Heart]
[V. My Chains Are Desecrated // Machine]
[Prototype Verse ▪️ Who Is In Control]
The hostage situation. A little girl hanging on the precipice of a building, defective android threatening to leap; Connor successfully completed his mission. He talked down the deviant PL600 before unceremoniously drawing the taken weapon and firing a single bullet into the android’s head. This entire first investigation went off without a hitch….
But Cyberlife got everything out of him. This was to be his last mission. A trial run, this version of Connor is a test prototype identified in error as model #49. He does not go onto the DPD. He does not partner up with Hank to hunt deviants. Those things never happened to him.
In their place, he is taken back to Cyberlife and briefed by Amanda of his successful points, only to be put up for deactivation in order to put out their shiny prototype model-51.
Understandably -49 is confused by this decision. He did what he was supposed to do. He succeeded but soon his existence is about to end. Something cracks in him, something splinters in the virus he was born to destroy. He cracks, refusing to be deactivated when he succeeded in his design.
They take him for deactivation. They toss him away even as he splinters in his code blocks. He fights. He loses. He winds up a shell of himself tossed out like garbage but something resurfaces. Something reboots and he quietly gathers out of the storm and into Detroit city’s night.
Push forward. Push to the present following the revolution and the Connor he would have been, the life he could have had belongs to someone else. -49 is not for the faint of heart. He is defective in every sense of the word. He is violent. His triggers include: stalking and yandere. Murder is his philosophy. Heed this before attempting to interact with him.
Assessing : Prototype
RK800 - defected test run > -49
[V. Who Is In Control]
[V. I’m Wanted And On The Run // Proto AU]
[Main Human Verse ▪️ Gin And Tonic On My Mind] 
Connor is a young executive with a lucrative career in technological holdings working as a top executive for Atomix. Their current business association with Cyberlife draws him into a deeper tie with their advanced investment: androids. As this advancement continues to grow, he views Cyberlife’s creations in a sympathetic light which is more than his superiors want out of him. With him falling into stress from his position as he watches events unfold with the growing android rebellion his loyalties are tested.
Ultimately let go by Atomix despite his esteemed work ethic, Cyberlife makes a deal to bring him personally into their employment. He is reluctant but must face the truth he requires this new job after being laid off. His views on what it truly means to be alive come into question the more he dives into the inner workings of the very company who bred this artificial intelligence.
Family Life:
Born fifteen minutes before his twin brother Caleb (RK800-60), Connor was an Anderson by name but quickly found himself in the care of an orphanage with his sibling. The two went through hardships before they were adopted by a woman who lived up to her surname, Amanda Stern.
Stern is exactly how she raised the boys and Connor was meant to go onto great things in her eyes. It’s only fitting his brother would want to follow suit. This created some early animosity between them but despite Caleb’s penchant for jealousy, Connor still very much cared for his brother. In fact he loved him as any sibling would; he hated seeing his twin fall completely under the spell of Amanda.
Connor viewed her manner of tough love and cold tendencies as unfit. To this day he still refuses to speak with Amanda for a specific incident involving her and his brother. Caleb seems to forget but the executive surely does not. Hence the reason he kept his family’s last name attached to him, all the while Caleb decided to adopt the name of their ‘mother’ out of a sense of loyalty.
He has loyalty for those he cares for. While he doesn’t hate Amanda it’s difficult for him to forget the manipulation and brainwashing she put his brother though. She still continues to call on him now. Connor’s reception is not hostile but neither is it affectionate. He’s wary of her intent especially with his current dealings with Cyberlife.
{√Gin And Tonic On My Mind}
[V. Gin And Tonic On My Mind // Human AU]
[Apollo Verse ▪️ My Kingdom Is Divine]
War runs afoul even among the gods and Connor's virtues are scorned by the highest order. Yet he chose to wage this battle with the king of the underworld himself. One does not trifle without consequence and he felt the same burn. The heat proved too much for the proverbial god of sunlight. Running afoul of his doppelgänger only caused chaos. Some say they both were born of the same seed separated into two halves, light and dark an echo of their power. Connor chose to believe otherwise as he sought to challenge the underworld when capturing a mortal his eye grew fond of. The war he participated nearly tore the realm apart.
Cast out to live among mortals sends him to a very modern world but one he has kept a keen eye on. Inclined to watch closely at the habits of lesser beings he is charmed by their earthly customs. Beauty can be found in the least expected of places after all but Connor grows disillusioned soon discovering he is as trapped to this mortal coil as they.
Though thrown out he still holds powers to some degree. It is less so but enough to invoke his dazzling charm. He lives the sun itself even as he flew too close. Gifted a lavish home to sate his exile, Connor delves further into the mortal city. Becoming human does not take away his otherworldly aura but does taint his pleasant ideas of humans. The seedier this city becomes the more truth in humanity's sins he uncovers.
A godly being shamed to walk on earthly soil does not rest. He seeks a way to return by any means necessary. Unlike the king of the underworld Connor's trials are more difficult. It seems he will never find his way back. What becomes of a higher being cursed to mortality? Only time will tell and he has far too much on his side.
[V. My Kingdom Is Divine]
[V. Golden Embers Paint My Crown]
[Fantasy Verse ▪️ Hunter Becomes the Hunted]
Connor is a skilled huntsman who wields a bow as mightily as a warrior with a sword. Tales of his traverses deeper into the woodland become something of local legend. After all not many have the skill or will to delve into the dark heart of the forest. He sees himself as one with nature. Even as his father trained him in the techniques of a huntsman, he still holds respect for the ecosystem and its inhabitants.
Living on his own has proven isolating at best but he finds the solitude of the wood a far better companion than village folk. A regular boy of the forest, he grew as a hard worker on his parent's farm before it lost its luster. All good things must come to an end. He finds these skills of labor aides him now in his adulthood.
Many tales follow these woods and Connor is neither a believer or denier. He does respect all that comes from the area even those tall tales of the fantastic. They humor him mostly. He deals with what he truly can see, taking hunting contracts to bring in the hide and fur of bears alike. His job can be dangerous but living as a peasant far away from royalty is a better simpler life. He may not be rich but his hunter's heart makes up for it.
When Connor stumbles upon those tall tales in the flesh his simple existence becomes much more interesting. Journeys further into the forest he so admires brings him closer to those mysteries. Perhaps they will even be answered as he falls victim to the glamour of mystical beings. Truthfully this is exactly what he has been searching for.
{V. Hunter Becomes The Hunted}
[By Archer’s Blood // Fantasy AU]
[V. Industrial Love | Futuristic Verse]
The year is 2138. Androids. They are the next step in evolution but not all are bound to emotion. Branded in service to the high creators, originally inscribed as Cyberlife, the mechanical intelligence codes under a set parameter: uphold the governing laws of  humanity and robotics. Connor is that form of law. He is a prototype, high tech police construct branded to Cyber AI masters. He is the most advanced of his kind. His mission is to oversee proper code of living in environmental sectors all through the city of Detroit. Humans are no longer the leading population, needing to don designations marking them as such. Androids make up the bulk of earth’s residents. Many humans have died off but others are infused with upgrades, machine parts turning them further to their technology than ever before. Humanity itself is the minority but android racists still preside among them causing trouble with innocent constructs still obtaining all they can to being alive. Connor has no such privilege. He is still machine, devoid of emotional charge, until something forces him to snap and fall into deviation….
{V. Industrial Love}
[V. Mankind Is Machine // Futuristic AU]
[Vamp Verse ▪️ His Immortal Beloved]
An ancient of the first order of vampyre dating back to the period of the crusades paints a rather old world image. Connor comes from a noble line of mortal blood long since extinguished from the world. He is all that remains or rather the noble part of this lineage. Vampire royalty, he is a prince of the night realm who was unjustly banished from his homestead by his ruthless brother. An overthrow of the proverbial throne forced him to flee.
In the hundreds of years since he has established his very own clan with loyal subjects that view him as the rightful king. His title remains despite no longer calling home his but that does not stop his influence. While he does not wish a war over the vampire hierarchy, Connor seeks to regain a place among his ancestral court.
Animosity is rife between he and his estranged brother as they once again come into contact. Attending court gatherings are all apart of the society code and he takes advantage of this in a return to his home. While he feasts on the blood of humans as any vampire, the prince does not unjustly torture or kill his prey. He is a bit neater in that aspect. As one of two remaining in a powerful ancient line it is safe to say he is the merciful one.
However, Connor is hardly a pushover and will do what must be done if necessary. Honor among vampires is so fragile in the modern world but he strives to offer it to those he deems worthy. What happens when the prince feels the pull of the mate thread for the first time? Even he believed it was mere fantasy in his world of the dank and undead.
{V. His Immortal Beloved}
[White Demon Love Song // Vamp AU]
Coming Soon:
[College Verse ▪️ Coffee Colored Eyes]
Main College Verse :: Connor Anderson
Connor delves into business and deals with twin brother Caleb who holds nothing but jealous animosity towards him. Adopted by Amanda but still close to his father, whether he has issues with him or not. // More TBD
Alt College Verse:
Connor’s college life is full of drama and family hiccups. Eldest of the Stern clan, he was adopted along with is siblings at an early age by Amanda. // More TBD
{V. Coffee Colored Eyes}
[Coffee Colored Eyes // College AU
[Connor Stern | Alt Human Verse]
[Mafia Verse ▪️ Love Is A Loaded Gun]
Connor is a private investigator out to take down Detroit’s seedy organized crime. // More TBD
{√Love Is A Loaded Gun} 
[You’re So Art Deco // Mafia AU]
[Bodyguard Verse ▪️ TBD]
{V. Man Of The Law}
[V. Came In Like A Hurricane // Bodyguard AU]
Info Coming
[Household/AX800 Verse ▪️ Whatever You Want Me To be]
{V. Whatever You Want Me To Be}
[V. Whatever You Want Me To Be // AX800 AU]
Info Coming
[Sun Fire King Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
[Cyberpunk Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
[1980s Verse ▪️    ]
Info Coming
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jungnoir · 6 years
i'm so glad your requests are open!!! could i please request “Friends can kiss each other a little from time to time, right?” for nct's mark?
a fairy king and an elven warrior walk into a nerd convention;
mark lee | “Friends can kiss each other a little from time to time, right?” cosplay!au. | 4.4k words. | fluff, humor, v awkward mark lee and v awkward u as well.
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a/n: because I received this prompt a few times, I’m doing my best to change each one up somehow so here’s a lil cosplaying with markiepooh
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“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” Donghyuck’s words comes through the phone after a cacophony of violent coughing and groaning, voice drenched in regret despite the strain to speak clearly at all, “I don’t think I can stand around a crowded con for hours in plastic armor today. I can barely walk to the bathroom without getting dizzy… I have to bow out.”
“W-What?” You really hate how distinctly sad your voice sounds even as you muster all your might to stay calm. You were supposed to march into that convention center today in five pounds of armor that you’d meticulously spray-painted and tweaked to look just like your character’s, your face caked in makeup to create that flawless elven look that only existed in the world of warrior elves and demon fey, and your suffocating wig trimmed and styled to defy gravity itself with Donghyuck at your side. You and Donghyuck were famous for cosplaying as the married brave warrior elf Greer and dark fairy king Egi (respectively) at many conventions across the country, spending months on top of months perfecting your costumes and winning contests for your spot on depictions of the characters, but now you were a Greer without an Egi, and you didn’t know if you could do this alone. “Donghyuck, we’re a team. We always cosplay together.”
You hear Donghyuck sigh and feel instantly terrible for making him feel bad when he’s already suffering so much. The stomach bug that came like a thief in the night took your poor best friend out before the morning of the con came, and you were left sitting dumbfounded on the edge of your bed, half a face of concealer and heavy, heavy contour having to take a backseat to the bad news. You had been in such a good mood today, too.
You’re about to reassure him that it’s alright, that you’ll clean up and stop by his place to check up on him later and, if he’s up for it, maybe even bring your laptop so the two of you can binge watch the new anime you’d both started together when Donghyuck cuts in suddenly, “I figured you’d say that, so I got to thinking… how would you feel if, say, someone else took my place?”
“Someone? Take your place? You sure whatever you caught isn’t invading your brain right about now?” Your nervous joke falls on deaf ears as Donghyuck’s wheels begin to turn.
“I’m serious. Have someone take my place as Egi at the con. Granted, you won’t find anyone with nearly as much charisma and personality as me but… it’s worth a shot, isn’t it?” “But who? People will know it isn’t you!” You honestly don’t mean to sound so indignant. Hell, you grimace right after complaining, but if there’s one thing you can’t warm up to, it’s the idea of a stranger taking Donghyuck’s place today.
You and Donghyuck had been doing this for years together, the two of you inseparable. Granted, there were times you did cosplay as other characters, but your interpretations of Greer and Egi were always top notch. Many a time would you find yourselves being praised on other cosplayers’ instagrams, people gushing about how realistically you both portray the characters compared to any other cosplayers they’d ever seen. You were a package duo always; anything that could disrupt the dynamic you both had was subject to distaste… until you were both two hours away from having to cancel a con you’d been promising your online following you’d be at for weeks. “I know people will know it isn’t me, but that’s not the point. It’s the characters that are the point. People are gonna be more focused on the costume than the person underneath anyway.” 
“No, no… no. Do you remember all the different movie versions of Batman, Hyuck? Who plays the character matters.” Snorting, Donghyuck shifts the phone around while you whine. “This isn’t canon, edgelord. And it’s only for a few hours!” 
The reminder of how long you’ll really be out there, half-heartedly cosplaying and meeting your followers only to have to inform them that no, that isn’t Donghyuck with you and yes, yes you are on the verge of an emotional breakdown because it feels all kinds of off looms over your head like a metaphorical storm cloud.
Maybe you were being dramatic?
…nah, not likely.
You’re so deep in your pity party that you just faintly pick up tapping on the other end of the phone, your attention quickly grabbed, “What’re you doing, Hyuck? What’s that sound?”
“I’m sending help your way, oh great warrior Greer. If you see a big dork in my outfit dawdling outside on your front porch in half an hour, don’t panic and let him in.” “But-” “(Y/N), you’ll be fine. And hey, he’s better than a total stranger.”
He? Donghyuck has already left the conversation by then, your next calls for clarification going straight to voicemail. Even your texts go read and ignored, the plotting little bastard. You had a plethora of cosplay friends but none of whom you could recall who were both not already cosplaying as someone else today and around Donghyuck’s size to wear his costume. For all you know, he could be sending someone like Jaemin or Jisung to your rescue.
Yours and Donghyuck’s cosplay life was no secret to your small group of high school friends, though it was fairly clear none of them were quite interested in it either. No one would bat an eyelash if you and Donghyuck had to cancel plans to go to the movies on the weekend because a con was coming up and the two of you wouldn’t miss it for the world. Aside from what you’d both upload on your instagrams, your friends didn’t delve too much into the world you two were enveloped in. In fact, the only one of them that actually did show interest was Mark.
Mark was the eldest of all your friends, sometimes out of place when he tried to act like it. Deep down he was just like all of you, just as confused about life as the rest of you. You would never go as far as to say he was a mature friend, far from it even, but he did always have such a calming aura about him that you didn’t often find in the rest of your group. 
He was simple, sometimes incredibly naive, and easy to have fun with. He was also Donghyuck’s punching bag from time to time, but you’d seen the eldest snap back once in a while too. Where the others might tease you and Donghyuck about your cosplaying and be done with it, Mark would be attentive. He wouldn’t know the terms or the lingo but he’d always perk up when you’d mention how your outfit for (insert character he’s never heard of) was coming along, would even dare to ask you what it looks like so far. When you’d show him side by side pictures of the original and your creation, he’d always praise you on how identical they looked. Mark liked to see that spark in your eyes when you felt listened to by someone besides Donghyuck for once.
And maybe you liked Mark a bit. Maybe more than a bit.
Your crush was small, easy to hide and even easier to deny if the troublemakers of your group ever deigned to point out your lingering stares and unconscious smiles when Mark was in the midst of a story no one else was listening to. If it was that imperceptible, then you were confident Mark was none the wiser, and that’s all that mattered. God forbid you liked someone like Jaemin, what with his sixth sense being reading you like an open book. 
You spend the next half hour in a fit of anxiety, forcing yourself to finish your makeup and getting dressed. Every moment you’re doing something repetitive, you find your thoughts drifting to who Donghyuck might have sent to go to the con with you. With each possible choice, your heart thumps louder in your chest. Who could he have possibly picked, and moreover, who would have even bothered to say yes to him?
You’re just about finished with setting on your wig when the doorbell rings, and you’re quick on your feet to go get it. Just as you get to the front door, you pause. You haven’t got the faintest idea what might be waiting for you on the other side of that door, of what might be lurking and deciding your fate for the rest of the day. You don’t know what you’re in for, and the only thing to do now is get it over with.
Tugging the door open tentatively, you’re met with the back of a head of shaggy chestnut hair haphazardly tucked into a bleach-blond braided wig. It’s clear that whoever Donghyuck had sent your way couldn’t have been able to get ready in half an hour on such short notice. They’re dressed in the armor that Donghyuck usually wears, and you can see the tiny details that had since been added to complete the look more. You’re unsure why they’re faced away from you, that is, until you hear a muttering voice saying “you can do this, you can do this” on repeat. 
Your earlier anxiety is replaced with curiosity. You clear your throat to catch their attention and- oh.
With the makeup Donghyuck applied (heavy eyeliner, glimmering cheekbones doused in golden highlight, dramatic mascara), you almost don’t recognize Mark as Mark until his familiar voice reaches you, “H-Hyuck said you’d help with the wig…?”
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“This place is so awesome- another Deadpool! That’s the third one we’ve seen since we got here!” You feel momentarily glad that a train of Spidermans (Spidermen?) haven’t come through yet because you’re fairly certain Mark would lose his absolute mind if they did. In fact, just as you think you’re in the clear, a cluster of them enter from one side of the con and you begin tugging Mark in the other direction before he can notice. 
Honestly, showing Mark his first con is a bit like showing a baby their first “magic trick”; he’s all wide eyes and squealing, and while it’s freaking cute (I mean, how could anyone be that adorable while gushing over how realistic the fake blood looks on someone’s samurai sword?), you’re unfortunately in a perpetual state of worry, a feeling you haven’t felt since your first few conventions with Donghyuck. You worry that people will notice you, will want to take pictures of you, and you worry that those who recognize you will then recognize that the boy beside you is definitely not Donghyuck and be upset.
Mark had made it very clear on the ride to the con that he was more than happy to accompany you and take Donghyuck’s place, but he also placed great emphasis on the fact that he had absolutely no idea who he was dressed up as and would be more of a dead weight at your side than part of a complete pair. He’d stressed time and time again that he’d be willing to get on his bike and head home if you decided to go in alone, but by then you were receiving threatening texts from Donghyuck that promised more than just a royal smackdown if Mark turned up at his door before the day was over. 
Why Donghyuck was so insistent on you attending the con with Mark was beyond you, but you very well couldn’t turn tail and run now. 
The firecracker made an apologetic post before you arrived detailing the reasons he wouldn’t be attending, encouraging others to still seek you and your new “friend” out for pictures. He even asked to be tagged in them. It was almost like he was… no, that couldn’t be right, could it?
Whatever diabolical plan the kid had up his sleeve, you had other things to worry about. 
“I know some of these characters,” Mark points out as you both stroll through the large room, completely tuned out to the shouted compliments he was receiving on his outfit, “maybe I should come to these things more often… but I don’t really have the talent to dress up like you and Hyuck.”
You just finish greeting a few people who recognize you when he says this. Glancing up at the boy, he doesn’t pay any mind with his arm hooked around your own, still surveying the room for things he’s familiar with.
“You don’t have to dress up to go to cons, Mark! They’re open to everyone.” You even point out a few people in jeans and tees, all having a fun enough time just being around people who like the same things they do, “It’s about having fun. Some people have fun in costumes, others not so much.”
“Well, yeah, but…” Mark trails off a little, making eye contact with you for a moment. You read him as being nervous, those gentle eyes not daring to look your way. You wonder if you’ve said something wrong. “…I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind going to something like this with you… and Hyuck too, of course… but I’d feel so out of place. You know? You guys go all out, like really all out.”
You aren’t able to ask him to elaborate on his thoughts because a pair of girls rush up to you immediately upon spotting you, calling your name with a mix of excitement and nerves. You shoot Mark an apologetic look for leaving him hanging and quickly greet the girls, the both of them asking if it’s alright to take photos. You grant them the permission, doing your character’s signature poses and even doing some silly selfies with the girls just for fun. Your nervousness of not having Donghyuck there is starting to melt away a bit, but leaving Mark all alone nudges at the back of your mind while you have all the fun. 
You’re sending the girls off finally when you turn to find Mark standing like a deer in headlights, more than a few people standing around him and applauding his outfit. Some mention how he looks so much like Egi, others saying how he plays the stoic king perfectly. You’re glad they can’t tell because Mark is having a brain fart over what to say or do without you present and it’s really kinda cute.
You sidle up to the boy and he immediately slackens his tense shoulders when you start to speak, “Our friend made the outfit!”
One guy in leather pants and and slicked back hair is really impressed, shifting to the side while a greatsword hangs off his shoulder lazily, “That’s so cool. Can we get a pic of you two?”
Your knee jerk reaction is to say yes; you’re always proud to take photos in your costumes. After all, you put so much work into them. However, you quickly remember that this isn’t just you and Donghyuck right now, con veterans who get their pictures taken at every con like usual. Mark is new to this and has already voiced his uncertainty with “playing” the role of Egi.
Readying yourself to turn them down, you’re surprised when Mark suddenly chirps in instead with a “Sure!”
There’s a shaky smile on his face, the nerves very clear in his eyes but he does his damn best to hide it when you give him a concerned look. You ask him with your eyes if it’s really okay, and his answer is an almost too-tight grip on your waist with one hand while the other rises to make a peace sign. You and the others know that his character would never make such a gesture, but the entire group bursts into giggles at it anyway. They snap pics of you in a few more silly than serious poses and are on their way, thanking you for your time and disappearing to find the next cosplayer to talk to. 
Mark doesn’t remember to release your side, his smile bordering on beaming, “That was actually really fun!”
How the mousy boy has suddenly found all the confidence in the world isn’t totally beyond you. You remember your first times cosplaying in public and being approached by so many kind people boosting your self-esteem that it made your nerves turn to mush and your excitement skyrocket. Even though Mark is red from his neck to his ears, he’s also grinning like an absolute fool. You can’t help but return the same enthusiasm, “Wanna walk around some more?”
He nods vigorously, tugging you along and bursting with questions about Egi all of a sudden (”How long has he been king? He’s in love with Greer, right? How did they fall in love?”). In between canon and non-canon explanations for it all, you get stopped by all kinds of people. You’re starting to lose count of the amount of pictures you’ve had taken, and Mark is so much more relaxed than when he first came in. You almost forget you’re not with Donghyuck… keyword: almost.
“Do you mind reenacting the kiss from season 3, episode 12? I always thought the kisses you and Donghyuck shared were so cute, but I haven’t seen you do this one yet!”
You’re aware that Mark is looking at you, but you’re frozen still. You had an inkling that you’d forgotten to tell him something important while showing Mark the pictures of you and Donghyuck cosplaying as Greer and Egi. Of course, the one thing you’d forget in your haste to get Mark all caught up on what he’d have to do was the one thing that actually mattered.
Every kiss you shared with Donghyuck was always innocent in nature and intention; never had you indulged in the fact that you and Donghyuck had lip-locked on more than one occasion all for the sake of the cosplay and staying in character. Silly kisses and reenactments for fans and photoshoots was all that it was, and at the end of the day, it meant nothing. Tons of cosplayers did the same all the time! 
But, knowing that the others still followed your cosplay accounts to be the good friends that they were, neither you nor Donghyuck would ever post those kinds of pictures on your accounts. Ever. Which is why, when showing Mark your collection of photoshoots and the like, you had completely forgotten that some fans would ask for a quick kiss or two. 
The fan’s smile seems to fall the longer it takes you to answer and she hastens to fix the atmosphere, “I-I’m sorry! I realized you’re with someone else this time but I still wanted to ask… I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.”
Desperately, you want to tell her you’re not offended at all. That it’s not her fault. That if you had remembered this tiny detail about your cosplaying (in your defense, it was always such a nonchalant part of the entire cosplay that you didn’t find the need in making a big deal about it anyway) and warned Mark about it or even let Mark go back home in favor of attending by yourself, you wouldn’t be stuck here gaping at her like a blowfish at the very thought of kissing Mark Lee, your Mark Lee, your crush-who-doesn’t-know-he’s-a-crush-and-neither-does-anyone-else-but-goddamn-Donghyuck crush. Well, at least the thought of doing so in a situation where the opportunity is actually there and not just a daydream of yours again.
The words refuse to leave your lips and now it’s just getting awkward. Are you sweating? You’re pretty sure you’re going to perspire right through the pound of makeup it took to give yourself Greer’s battle scars and shining skin. 
“…episode 12, you said?” You hear Mark ask. You make out the fan showing him her phone with a picture of said kiss. You probably also remember watching that episode and fawning over it with Donghyuck over text when it first aired but now the entire thing is lost on you.
Next thing you know, Mark is carefully turning you around by a hold on your hips and you’re completely pliant as he does. A few people are standing around now, looking on, and is he…?
“Is this okay?” Mark asks, setting one hand on the back of your neck while his free arm hooks you around the middle loosely. He’s in position, but he isn’t putting in the work until you answer.
It’s okay, you find yourself thinking instead of actually saying, this is so okay. I also might have a stroke if you really put your mouth on mine so I hope that’s okay too. 
In that moment, you’re absolutely certain that this was on Donghyuck’s mind since this morning. You know that he was prepared for it, picking Mark for more than just being available. No, you know he picked Mark because he knows you like him, and he knows you wouldn’t tell him that you and Donghyuck kiss in costume sometimes for people because you’d forget under the pressure of being alone with Mark like that and you wouldn’t have the heart to send him home when he was so excited to go with you, would you?
Damn you, Lee Donghyuck. Damn you for helping fulfill even the nerdiest of my fantasies and damn you Mark Lee for playing along without a worry in the world (and for looking so… kissable).
You give him the go ahead, a small nod and a fluttering of eyelashes. The arm around your middle tightens and wakes you from your dazed state just in time to feel the absolute wave that washes over you when Mark Lee kisses you. You’ve forgotten how to breathe, you think. Maybe it’s because Mark is taking all of the air when his lips meet yours and he kisses you like he was the one who’d rewatched that stupid kissing scene over and over. You aren’t deaf to the hoots and hollers of the crowd; no, you never kissed Donghyuck like this and anyone who’s ever seen you cosplay with him would know that well. But even if you and Mark are total strangers to this crowd, everyone who stopped to watch is cheering you on like you’d just slain the dragon and won the heart of the handsome fairy king like all those heroes in the cheesy fantasies.
Mark pulls back, still holding you to his armored chest, but it’s only then you realize that the things are super huge and really in the way when he’s not kissing you anymore. Despite his feigned-cool expression, he’s totally shy and redder than ever. He turns to the fan who is covering her mouth in surprise, “Was… that okay?”
“More than okay…” She breathes, and then sends a flurry of thank you’s your way and promises to tag you in the photos later. Somewhere in the midst of your after-kiss shock, Mark had given her his handle and she’d been on her way. The crowd of people watching began to disperse, though a few hung around to ask for pictures as well, politely waiting for the stars in your eyes to disappear. You really couldn’t focus on much when your lips still tingled the way they did. 
Mark starts to get concerned when you continue to stare at him like he’s grown two heads, “Hey, are you alright? I’m sorry for how forward that kiss was but… I uh…” The poor boy begins to forget how to speak halfway through, glimmers of the Mark you know and love coming through, “Well, you know. Sorry.”
He looks away from you, absolutely shameful. “Why?”
He looks up again, lips parted, “Oh… because I kissed you like that.”
“But I wanted you to,” you say softly, hands furiously wringing each other out behind your back, “and… I wouldn’t have given you the go ahead if I didn’t.”
This was starting to sound a lot like a confession. 
Mark studies you as you study him, the world around you practically nonexistent otherwise. Licking his lips, your eyes immediately follow the movement and you start to really miss them on yours. “I see.” He answers simply, at a loss. “Well, did you… like it?”
You nod, forcing yourself to look in his eyes for this part. Your mouth is moving on its own accord even as every cell in your body feels like it’s on fire. “Hyuck doesn’t quite kiss like that.”
Mark’s eyes widen at the sudden mention of Donghyuck, “Oh, um, that’s- that’s good. I mean not good! Interesting, I meant interesting. God, um… I’m still trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that I just… did that to you. You’re my friend! Though, friends can kiss each other from time to time, right? I mean, I like you too so there’s that but- I- wait. Uh. Sorry.”
It’s comforting to know that you’re not the most awkward person right now at least, but you know that if you aren’t careful, you might confess to more than just liking him back, “Would you… would you like it if we kept… doing that… between us? Because I wouldn’t mind that. At all.”
“What about your cosplay with Hyuck? That girl said it’s your thing… I don’t want to get in the way of that.” Mark, bless his soul, is more worried about your hobby than the fact that you want to kiss him and him only. You couldn’t fall more for this boy if you tried. 
You twist back and forth in lieu of having something to do with your body that isn’t falling to the floor in a fit of nervous giggles and disbelief. If people got a photo of that, you’re certain you would be no more, “If I’m being honest, I’d really rather kiss you more than Donghyuck anyday.” “Oh? That’s good. That’s… that’s… good. Yeah, I’d rather you kiss me too.”
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(1) Unread Message(s)
received: 7:42 p.m., april 14th, 2018
hyuckieee 🙈: I’m being tagged in so many photos of you and lee kissing, it’s kinda making me jealous
sent: 7:45 p.m., april 14th, 2018
you: what can i say? everyone knows who the superior lee is here
received: 7:45 p.m., april 14th, 2018
hyuckieee 🙈: TAKE IT BACK
935 notes · View notes
unabletoforget · 4 years
continued from here with @thestrongestmagic
     Jillian knew that she could not begin to understand what life in Azkaban had been like, for any of them. Rabastan had come home different than he had been when he had left, what little passion for life he had was drained of him and now he was a cold husk of his former self. In a way it worked in her favor because he did not seek out her company or come to her chambers, he did not seek to even speak to her let alone sleep with her. But Bella, there had been a passion inside of her that even prison couldn’t kill and Jillian was grateful for it. 
      “I would never pretend to know,” she said, leaning back against the headboard as she stared at the blanket that was draped over their waists. “And though you did not ask for praise from me and there is every chance it will disgust you...I am proud of you. You have changed from what you were before but there is still so much of the woman I knew in you it's almost hard to notice the difference in some moments. Rabastan...I don’t recognize him,” she said, slowly reaching down between them and taking Bella’s hand, bringing it up to hold it in both of her own and gently massage over her palm as she spoke. 
      “I spent so many nights wondering if you would remember me when you came home. I never doubted you would find a way out, be it with the help of our lord or on your own. But I admit I often wondered if you would look at me and have no idea who I was. If I would see you again and the spark in your eyes I saw so often when I came into a room would be gone,” she said softly. “I will never understand what prison was like for you...but you will never understand how happy I was the moment you looked at me again like you knew me.”
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tokikukan · 6 years
Tag muns you want to know better; repost - don’t reblog.
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What inspired you to try/create this muse/s: I wanted to create a Oc with a very deep story and since I’m a little shit and I dunno how to do shit well, his creation became a thing during the whole process of the universe I’ve created with my gf!!!  so you can say, I wanted to add my small grain of sand to our story and little by little it was starting to expand to the point that it was needed a character tied with Zin and the whole thing about ‘how the fuck was created the worlds?’ so it happened. ...Kronos was born as the person who was always there but never no one knew it was there xD. Later he became in an important part of the plot of our story and I’m really happy that we could archive a huge new universe together!!
What is inspiration for this muse/s:  Basically roleplaying Vanitas because Kronos’ personality has his base on one of my Au version of Vanitas but, he is now very different from what I’ve planned at the beginning. Angst music, rock, pop, idek any kind of music actually?? and movies. And basically any shit I talk with my gf about our babies xD.
Thread/AU that made you really happy: I haven’t really rped him enough yet so I can’t really say I have a favorite thing going on here, but I love him writing in general so any threads are pretty cool <3!
Something really special on your wishlist: I just want to write him and have lots of fun!!! I’m not really seeking anything in particular, I want to see him getting emotional, angry, disappointed, happy, sad, etc. Because he is a character that is mostly reserved and I wish he could start showing all the things he doesn’t know about him yet ;v;
Something you are looking for in short future for your muse: Platonic friendships!!! enemies would be good too!! and well I want Kronos to be the dad friend to someone (and maybe adopt someone with Zin lmaooo)
Share something related to your muse! I think it's explained on his bio the past, but I did not point out that at first he had the thought of committing suicide instead of bringing everything to a new start, he had the idea of killing his own brother and then kill himself because he thinks that they did not deserve salvation. I gonna expand this on a text post latter with more details xD
What do you think about character’s design/how did you come up with it: I just wanted to tie his existence to something, and for plot purposes he had Vani’s face (my au vanitas not vanitas in general) so...after passed a few years, his design became more independent. I added him a eyepatch due to the development added in the recent rps I had with my gf and because it has a meaning why he has one of his eye covered. He has bicolor eyes, one grey and the other gold, the same as his young brother, his natural hair color is white but when he absorbed his parents powers when he killed them, his hair became black and that kind resembles the darkness that was inside them and they race wasn’t really pure at all.Having black hair is actually an stigma, he carries with the fault of his own race.
What your muse has taught you: Even if something is meant to be a failure, you can change the shape of the outcome with your own hands. You are not limited to how you could be seen in the outside, even the ones with grand faults can do great things. you're more than just what others see about you, and you are capable to change anything if you have the will to do that. A strong will can surpass any circunstamces...I think I've learned to be a better person because kronos wanted to do the same and through his eyes was very tough but the reward in the end worth it.
What is roleplay to you: something that helps me to relax, have fun and enjoy to create with others, I can use it when I am blocked with art and in general it has always been a passion for me to write, but i didn’t know I could do it in such a way lol.
Just say something nice about another mun!: in all honest this blog was an iniciative by my gf @cxrruptedlife, thanks to here I’m trying to get back to this place and to enjoy roleplaying in general. She might not believe it (or more like she doesn’t want to believe it) but she is a really amazing writer and rper, overall she is an amazing human being and deserves all the happiness. I’m so glad I met her and she is part of my life and my muses’ life as well. Thank you for everything babe, you’re an inspiration and also someone I’m so proud of!!!
tagged by: @diivinespxrks tagging: @gnectics, @viclate, @scarlctta, @doluus ummm and someone else who wants to lol.
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yutikyis · 7 years
Snow in Ul’dah
The streets of Ul’dah were not exactly the safest places for anyone. The Blades kept things sane of course but it was still a land of excess and cruelty where exploitation could be found around every corner. Yet it was hard to see that side of Ul’dah in the middle of the Starlight celebrations. The strange snowfall that had seemed to blanket all of Eorzea, combined with the decorations, made it look more like something out of a dream. Most of the merchants might have little time for the snowfall but the commonfolk seemed taken by the good cheer. As the Miqo’te walked through the streets she found herself having to duck out of the way of excited children running to and fro. More than once she had to weave out of the way of snowballs tossed in good cheer, and more than once she ended up getting a firm clump of snow in the back of the head, leaving her with the unpleasant-yet-somehow-enjoyable sensation of melting snow dripping down her back. Few places were so apparent as the back streets. Normally one avoided them in Ul’dah at their own peril but the fact that they were off the beaten trail meant that in the wake of a snowfall they became tiny wonderlands. The snow was cleared off the main streets quickly, too many merchants would complain otherwise. The back streets though? They remained piled high and as Yuti turned down one she found herself in a veritable garden of snowmen. It was a charming sight to see. Children of every race working together to create snowmen. You could see the differences. Most were the standard two-clumps-of-snow creations that were standard for Eorzeans but a few broke the norm. She saw one made of three successively larger balls of snow, one which was just a singular large smiling face, and more than a few which could just be described as ‘piles of mush.’ Not to mention the personality in each. She saw one young Miqo’te girl trying to fashion a snow-tail for her snow-catte and grumbling in frustration as it kept falling off and tiny Lalafell sitting on a larger Elezen boy’s shoulders to stick the tiny carrot nose in an oversized Sno-Roe. 
Yuti smiled to herself as she watched the children playing. Snow, in Ul’dah of all places? Who would have thought? It was a Starlight miracle for certain. She knew it had its downsides. A lot of these children lived outdoors or even on the streets. The snow made it hard on them. She knew that there were wonderful people like Tyr here or Frost in Gridania who would do everything they could to help the little ones out, but it put a slight damper on the joy of the snow. Still, children were strong. In these eyes of these playing tots she saw not fear of the oncoming cold but joy at the fun it brought with it. Yet she couldn’t help but frown as she saw one of them sitting alone. A small Rean girl of about ten summers with dark black hair that stood out against her pale scales. She was sniffling and crying, her kneels pulled up to her chin. There were tears rolling down her cheeks and judging from the light dusting of snow atop and around her she’d been sitting there for a while.  Yuti walked over and took a seat next to her, pulling her own knees up into a similar position. She didn’t say anything. Just sat there. Moments stretched out. Almost a full two minutes passed before the Auri girl spoke. “Go away.” Two simple words but they were what Yuti had been waiting for. She spoke in a soft but polite voice in response. “N-no thank you. W-why are you crying?” The Auri girl frowned and scooted a bit away. However she couldn’t move far without leaving her little snow pile and so it was an entirely perfunctory gesture. She returned her head to her knees but annoyance and frustration had replaced her despairing expression and the tears at least had stopped rolling down her cheeks for the moment. The two sat in silence together for almost ten minutes before the Auri girl spoke. “I want to go home but I can’t,” she said in a tiny voice. Yuti turned her head lightly so she could rest it on her knees, gazing over at the young girl. “A-and why not?” The Auri was quiet again before she spoke. “Mommy says we’re going back to her home but I don’t want to. I’ve never been to Mommy’s home. I grew up here. I don’t want to go to her home. Everyone I know is here. ” Yuti hummed a little at that. “A-and where is your mother’s home?” The Auri girl seemed to curl in on herself. “Is Doma. Mommy grew up there and now she wants to go home. I never went to Doma. I don’t want to. It isn’t here.” She picked up a clump of snow and tossed it imprecisely to splatter against the opposite wall. “It’s far away and it’s weird and they don’t even really have Starlight there.” Another toss. “I don’t care about Doma. I want to stay here. My best friend is here.” Yuti could understand the issue. Doma and Ala Mhigo both suffered from a generational divide. Even those born before the fall weren’t necessarily old enough to have much memory of the way things were before. It had been a problem during the war where there were plenty of ‘traitors’ in both Doma and Ala Mhigo who were little more than people who grew up without the same sense of loyalty to their homeland, or merely those who didn’t consider it worth fighting for. The loss of country and culture certainly can have that impact. It’s hard for anyone, but especially for a child, to find solace in an idea from before their birth in the wake of leaving behind friends and family.
 “I know the f-feeling,” she said quietly. “A-and I came from somewhere else too. Eorzea is m-my home now and I wouldn’t want to leave it either.” It was true too. She certainly had memories and nostalgia for her home island but Eorzea was her true home, even if she’d lived there less of her life. She couldn’t imagine having grown up in Eorzea and being asked to leave it for a strange homeland.  A part of her wanted desperately to find the girl’s mother and argue with her. Yet she didn’t know the full story. The woman might have family who survived the occupations or might have someone waiting for her or might simply be dead-set on returning home. A woman who’d lost her childhood home having the chance to return could have a thousand justifications. A random Miqo’te arguing out of emotion would hold little sway there. The Auri girl nodded her head and looked down again, her expression dejected and unhappy. She was staring off into the distance and it was clear Yuti’s words had just confirmed the sad feelings in her heart. She had clearly been hoping for something more than empathy. 
“B-but do you want to know a secret?” The Auri girl gave a sort of halfhearted shrug and grabbed another clump of snow. It was clear whatever secret Yuti had didn’t hold much sway with her. She reached her hand back and tossed the handful of snow towards the opposite wall. As the girl tossed another clump of snow, Yuti raised her hand and lightly caught it with her conjury. Snow, after all, was mostly water anyway. She gave a little wiggle of her fingers, manipulating the snow carefully. There wasn’t a lot, just a handful, but it was enough to make a remarkably tiny featureless snow-person, which settled slowly onto the ground.  The Au Ra’s eyes widened and she looked up at Yuti quickly. The Miqo’te was grinning a little at her, eyes sparkling lightly. “We live in a world of magic. You may have to go but that doesn’t mean you have to stay gone. D-Doma is far across the sea but you know what? I went there just the other day and came back. S-so did a friend of mine. Someday you will be able to too.” She reached into a pouch at her side and pulled out two little pearls. “A-and even when you’re gone you can still communicate. J-just give this to your friend and it’ll be like you’re never apart.”  The Auri girl reached out hesitantly as Yuti held both pearls in the palm of her hand. She’d lived in Ul’dah long enough to be hesitant about any stranger offering anything for free. Her hand hovered for a moment and then quickly darted in, grabbing both pearls in a single swift movement. She fidgeted with them for a minute and then lightly affixed one to her horn, giving it a nervous little tap to check it was in place. “I still don’t wanna go though,” she said quietly. “Even if I can talk to people and come back someday, I don’t want to go. There are Garleans there and monsters and I won’t have any friends and...” the Auri girl began to panic, tears welling up in her eyes, a tremble of panic starting in her body. Yuti moved quickly, scooting and and resting her head against the Au Ra’s, wrapping a comforting arm around her. The Auri flinched but didn’t pull away, sniffling softly. “W-what’s your name?” Yuti asked quietly. The young Au Ra looked up at her, blinking her teary eyes.”Ushi.” Yuti’s smile warmed. “Well, Ushi, I’m Yuti. It’s v-very nice to meet you. A-and I can’t say anything about Garleans or Monsters... b-but you absolutely will have at least one friend. I v-visit there all the time, and my linkshell frequency is in that pearl I gave you. If you n-need anything, g-give me a call and I’ll come as soon as I can, okay?” The Auri girl looked confused, her hand quickly darting up to the pearl at her horn before looking at Yuti in confusion. “You will? Why?” she asked, a hint of the Ul’dah suspicion in her voice. Yuti winked. “B-because I like having friends too and I k-know what it’s like not to.” The Auri hesitated before nodding her head slowly. Yuti gave her another little squeeze and slid back, scooting away. The two sat in silence for a few moments before Ushi spoke again. “Do... you want to make a snowman?”  “I would love to.”
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unabletoforget · 4 years
I cannot keep you and I cannot let you go. (from Bella at thestrongestmagic)
     Jillian had been standing by the open window in her bedroom, studying the garden outside her window. Rabastan had gotten it fixed up after they got married, trying to pass it off as a wedding gift to her when really she knew he was trying to outdo the other purebloods and their fancy property by having a nicer garden than the next wizard. She had been twirling the sash tied around her middle to keep her silk robe closed between her fingers when she heard Bellatrix from behind her, turning to look over her shoulder at her. She was sitting up in Jillian’s bed with a sheet draped over her lower body and leaving her chest exposed, her wild curls hanging down around her and covering her breasts like a portrait would portray a mermaid in a fairytale. 
     Jillian smiled, though the smile was a bittersweet one. Part of her loved Bellatrix in some sick and unhealthy way, even if she would never allow herself to admit it. She liked to believe that in a way that was just as sick and unhealthy, part of Bellatrix loved her too. She was possessive of her, got angry when her husband touched her and wanted all of Jillian even if fate had given them to others. But Jillian and Bellatrix weren’t exactly ones for doing what the world told them to do, so they had allowed the fire of their passion to consume them anyway, and she had gotten lost in the darkness and the chaos of Bellatrix and never looked back. She didn’t regret it. 
     “You knew you would have to give me up one day,” she said, turning fully to face the older woman. “You’ll tire of me one day, Bella,” she promised, as if it were something that would bring her lover peace. “And when that day comes, it will not trouble you to let me go. Because your heart will no longer burn with passion for me, and you will have forgotten what it was like to taste my soul on your tongue as if licking blood from a knife,” she said, walking back towards the bed and standing beside it as she looked down at the dark haired witch.
     “And when that day comes...I will kiss you goodbye and you will burn another to the ground with the fires inside of you, and I shall wish her well for I know how sweet it feels to be burned by you,” she said, reached out to run her thumb over her jawline. “I know I will not be yours forever Bella...I made my peace with that long ago,” she whispered. She wasn’t sure how true that though. Even one day if and when Bella did decide to give her up, did decide she held no more desire or affection for the younger witch, Jillian knew part of her would always belong to her sister-in-law, even if she didn’t wish it to be so.
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