#xiao enjoyers we have
mondaymelon · 1 year
the button said speak so I have spoken
I like ur new theme btw
congratulations on following my order. you have now earned a badge of approval
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(xiao supremacy)
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lavenderchqn · 4 months
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synopsis — they get jealous parings — bf! xiao, wanderer, lyney x reader (seperate) warnings — it's written in 2nd person (and although it's been proofread... my english is not englishing all that well); you and xiao get into a minor argument (it gets resolved!); scara is his boastful self and pays a price for that; lyney's just sad I'm sorry :( requested? — requested by @ceneid notes — thank you so much for the request! hopefully it's to your taste, considering I've made it more sad if anything and it's a written piece with some texts messages included!!
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Any occasion to meet with friends is a worthwhile, so when Hu Tao invited both you and Xiao to her upcoming birthday party, you quickly agreed to come — of course, with the ‘pass’ from your partner.
He wouldn’t consider your friends to be the most enjoyable in the ‘company’ department, mostly because he considered them too loud for his liking. However, despite such displeasure, Xiao could still certainly say that your enjoyment was worthy of a few hours of his torture.. 
Unfortunately, not everything can go as we would like every time and that would be the situation the raven-haired man has found himself in. 
The moment the two of you stepped into Hu Tao’s apartment you were whisked away by some of your friends, leaving Xiao to fend for himself… Although he could see a smidge of displeasure across your face the moment one of the girls - Xiangling if his memory didn’t betray him - grabbed your arm. 
And well, that’s the situation he was stuck in for a while… Feeling like an accessory to your person, all while your friends have been chatting about how life was treating them. Being overstimulated was an understatement to of how he felt at the moment. 
Leaving the living room to get a breather only furthered him in the thoughts of feeling ignored… and perhaps a little bit jealous? Well, it’s not like he could voice his concerns with how you’ve been behaving throughout the evening.
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Your phone vibrating multiple times in the past minute has piqued your curiosity, prompting you to open it to check the messages… Only to leave you in utter shock.
Not only have you realised that the time was more than what you expected… But your partner was about to leave to head home all without you. Guilt was most certainly creeping down your back. 
You replied to him as quickly as you could, hoping that he would stay true to his word of staying for a second longer.
— Hu Tao, we’re gonna head home now. - You tapped her shoulder, informing her that you and Xiao would be leaving in a moment. - Once again, happy birthday.
Grabbing your purse, you’ve made your way to the hall of the house, eyes meeting with the displeased look of your partner’s and the silent treatment already making its debut as you were leaving the building.
The car ride was borderline horrific - the tension between the two of you thick enough to cut with a knife… And albeit confused with Xiao’s behaviour, you needed to start the conversation in order to hopefully resolve the conflict between you.
— Can we talk about it? - You asked shyly, turning your head to search for some signs of willingness on his face. 
— Not that much to talk about. - Xiao sighed, not taking his eyes off the road. - I’m simply upset your friends can hog your attention for so many hours. 
Your eyes widened at the thought of his obvious statement of jealousy… And the next second, turned into immense guilt. You of all people should be aware of how he reacts in settings like those, and yet you kind of brushed that off.
— I’m sorry. - You stated, hearable sincerity in your voice. - I should’ve kept your feelings in mind, and yet I didn’t. 
Xiao… Was most certainly not expecting that. He could imagine multiple scenarios, in which you attack him for being jealous and possessive, and yet here you were - taking accountability for a minor mistake you’ve made. 
— I understand you wanted to enjoy some? time with your friends. - He stated. - Next time I won’t go. I don’t want to sour the mood. Spending time with your friends to the fullest is important, is it not?
Apologies have been exchanged between the two of you, topped with a night of eating fried tofu snacks and watching silly horror movies.
After all, friend time and Xiao time don’t have to land at the same time, do they? 
If you could use only two words to describe your partner - “prideful” and “boastful” are the first ones that come to mind. At this point you’re pretty sure, you’ve heard the story of Haypasia at least twenty times…
To Wanderer, your jealousy makes him thrive. As messed up as it sounds, to him it’s proof that you’re with him for real… That you won’t betray him, given the chance. On the other hand, you don’t appreciate that specific behaviour of his too much — One or two times might’ve been silly but the more he tends to engage in said actions, the more it makes you feel insecure.
His persistence is exactly what resulted in… let’s say a tad of joking.
You’ve known  Tartaglia for many months now. Introduced to you by your partner, the only interactions the two of you shared have been online. According to Wanderer, it’s due to Ajax’s constant traveling…
And yet the ginger says it’s due to other reasons. 
— [y/n], trust me. - He says cheerfully via voice chat during one of your gaming sessions. - That will absolutely make him fuming with jealousy! Hell, I’d be lucky to make it out alive after pulling that. -
You’ve found out that Tartaglia will just so happen to be flying to your city soon. Throughout the last few weeks, the two of you schemed a little plan to show your loving partner EXACTLY what jealousy is like In the end, you trusted the male to take reign over the performance that would happen in due time.
Sure — you felt a bit bad doing something that in your eyes seemed “malicious”, but with Wanderer’s persistent attempts and encouragement… Surely you needed your boyfriend to have a taste of his own medicine. 
And said time was about to come. 
You’ve agreed to pick up Ajax from the airport, excitedly speaking of this  being your first meeting in person. While you’ve sent each other pictures, albeit in your case it was Wandy sending a couple of photos of the two of you, this would be much, much different in comparison. 
— I still don’t understand what prompted you to pick up that ginger from the airport. - The raven-haired man scoffed, looking at the arrivals signs. Him and his silly ways of showing affection… 
— Well, I know that said ginger is quite an important person in your life. - You smiled, partially since you knew you were saying the truth as well as the chaos that was about to happen between the two of you.
Wanderer was almost about to say something, getting when he got cut off by the noise of someone running, getting increasingly louder and culminating in him getting tackled into a hug. 
— It’s so good to see you guys! - Tartaglia said, after leaving your boyfriend alone for a second before turning to you. - It’s so lovely to finally meet you in person, [y/n]… Pictures don’t do your beauty justice. - A kiss on your hand. 
To say you were flabbergasted would be an understatement. Sure, you agreed on him doing mild flirting… BUT THIS? And you were not the only one standing in utter shock. 
— What the fuck was that Childe? - Your partner asked, seeing red at the events unraveling right before his eyes.
— Common courtesy. - Tartaglia winked. - In my culture, it’s quite normal to kiss a lady on the hand when you greet her. 
Oh, the coyness in his voice spoke everything. He enjoyed every single second of the jealousy Wanderer was feeling. And to say that this interaction would be the last of your plan was a huge understatement.
Your phone has been pinging ever so often, with messages coming in from different social media — all from your boyfriend obviously. Tartaglia ordered a lovely dinner on his tab as ‘thanks’ for picking him up from the airport. This was also a way of the ginger giving you space, which posed as an opportunity to check what Wanderer was up to.  
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Lyney feels as if he’s going to suffocate in the next few minutes. It’s not that he’s unhappy to be here. Frankly, he’s here to support you as a loving partner. It’s just that… The atmosphere here is rough. The situation at hand is reminding him is reminding him of all the times he has attended those funding meetings with his Father.
He proceeds to take a deep breath. “Anything for [y/n]” - Lyney whispers to himself. 
Speaking of yourself, here you are trying not to pass out from the stress you feel. You’re mere minutes away from giving a presentation on your project, which if received positively, will land you a promotion with a generous pay raise.
The possibility of this success comes with its price — the need to “suck” up to some of the more liked employees in hopes of getting their approval for your ideas. 
This is precisely how you’ve ended up in this situation… away from Lyney because archons only know why.  One moment you were introducing him as your partner to many of your work besties, and the next you’re in the middle of a conversation with the manager of another branch… Who - you would say - has a horrific sense of humour. 
— And I tell her “Can’t say I sleep like a log! After all, I don’t wake up in a fireplace”! - You force yourself to smile, fully cringing inside at the dad joke you’ve just heard. Hell, this guy isn’t even a dad… nor is he over thirty years old to be making jokes like these! 
— I see, I see. - You reply politely, fully intending not to show your hidden feelings at what you just have witnessed. Your eyes, however, wander to try and find Lyney amongst all these business-oriented people. And indeed you manage to locate him. 
Unfortunately for you — there’s clear evidence that your partner is not feeling his best… And since you’re the reason he even showed up to this setting, you feel like you need to check up on him. Therefore, you proceed to message him. 
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From the messages it seems like your lovely partner is doing much better than before… However there’s this inkling in your brain that he might still feel jealous about this situation. 
— Thank you for the conversation. - You manage to finally get a word in with the manager who has been talking nonstop. - Unfortunately, I’m here with someone… and I feel bad leaving them unattended. I shall be taking my leave now. - 
With those words said, you proceeded to get to Lyney, finally getting a break from acting as a suck-up throughout the entire evening
— Hi lovely. - You say, catching your partner’s hand in yours. - I’m so sorry about leaving you all alone. - 
The guilt inside you can be felt both in your manner of speech, as well as in the grip you have on his hand. Lyney must be able to sense this, as he’s bringing your hand up for a loving kiss. 
— Pay that no mind. You’re absolutely forgiven, Muse. - He whispers, not wanting to bring more attention to you than necessary. - Besides, I’m sure you’ll repay me with all the kisses in the world once we get home.
It always turns out like this. A situation where you were supposed to be the one comforting your partner, turns its tables into him uplifting you with poetic words. The result of it being you - feeling the most courageous you have been throughout this entire business meeting.
In the end, your presentation goes more than well. You’ve knocked each point out of the park and even answered all the questions with merit! 
— I knew you would do amazing, bubs! - Lyney gives you a kiss on the cheek the moment you leave the venue where your presentation took place. - As expected of the magnificent Muse of the magnificent Lyney. 
He’s singing you — and himself by proxy, because he has to be stunning if his partner is that good — praises the entire road home, which makes you wonder… How in the world a singular person can go through so many behaviour patterns in the span of a singular night? 
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date of posting - may 22nd 2024
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yuoimia · 1 year
summary: you ask them to fly you to the moon.
characters: aether, albedo, alhaitham, ayato, baizhu, childe, cyno, diluc, heizou, itto, kaeya, kaveh, kazuha, thoma, tighnari, wanderer, xiao, zhongli.
cw: gn! reader, not proofread.
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stares blankly - aether, heizou, zhongli, albedo.
bombarding them with odd questions never ceases to render them completely speechless, despite the countless times you have. their intelligence flies out the nearest window. and this particular one, asked so nonchalantly, so casually, like an enquiry about the weather, a generous minute is needed to recover. to blink away the confusion, and sneakily observe you. do you seem serious? or are they just the victim of your usual dosage of self-indulgent teasing? sometimes distinguishing the difference is harder than the question itself.
“hey, could you please fly me to the moon?”
hands you some cheese - childe, cyno, itto, diluc
thinks they’re very funny. absolutely hilarious. they can’t even hide the muffled sniggers as they look into your face of disbelief, cheese dangling in your hand where it was placed. cheese? of all possible answers, you were given a block of cheese. and their face, an annoyingly smug grin plastered onto it, almost makes you want to shove the piece of cheese right into their mouth. you were expecting some romantic answer, complimented with some cute gestures, but no. all you received was some smelly piece of camembert.
“yes, camembert.”
“…do you get it? well, it’s because-“
“the couch looks nice, doesn’t it?”
“how about we watch it together instead?” - kaveh, kazuha, thoma, baizhu
smiles whilst answering. kind as ever, they’re willing to do the next closest thing. if they can’t fly you to the moon, they dearly hope watching it with you will be just as enjoyable.
when you explain it was just a joke, that you weren’t serious about being flown to the moon, they softly laugh and reply with something along the lines of just wanting you to be happy. your happiness is their happiness, they will always try their best for you. so sometimes, it makes you wonder how someone could be so infinitely loving and beautiful.
“keep on dreaming” - wanderer, xiao
meanies who understand the joke but takes it seriously (to purposely rile you up ??) in all honesty, they would 100% take you to the moon and back a thousand times if they could. they tend hide the depths of their love under sentences that have double-sided meanings. all dreams must come to an end, don’t they? something (or someone) will have to wake you up. they know they can’t fly you to the moon, but that doesn’t stop them from doing something just as miraculously sweet.
“what a crazy mind you have” - al haitham, tighnari, ayato, kaeya
secretly amused. despite having a disapproving tone in their voice, their face and mannerisms tells a different story. your creativity with these questions get his mind thinking into overdrive, as he tries to come up with a reply just as smooth and unforeseen. but today, they settle with a comment on your thought process. (affectionately and jokingly, of course.)
“i was thinking… could you fly me to the moon?”
“what a crazy mind you have.”
“so that’s a no?”
“when you do find a way to fly to the moon, tell me.”
he does want to fly you to the moon <3
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© ayaboba. do not copy, modify or translate in any way.
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accio-victuuri · 6 months
i was trying to understand what some cpfs were talking about, all the more because it was locked posts and it was about knocking drama cp then i realized— they don’t like how some cp fans are liking the pair of wei ruolai and shen tunan. 😂😂😂😂
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dude. seriously. are we really doing this? i’ve noticed it early on, how the relationship of the three looks like the shen siblings fighting over lai lai’s favor. whether that’s romantic or not, the story is about the two siblings’ completely different beliefs in life and which one would wei ruolai choose. and as someone who is a cpf, meaning we are more sensitive to non-het pairings, how can you not notice them? you literally have Wei Ruolai acting like a love sick puppy over Shen Tunan. he literally said i’ll give my life to you last episode. master-apprentice type of dynamic being somewhat romantic isn’t new. and it doesn’t help that we are already close to mid point and the two lovers Wei Ruolai and Shen Jinzhen aren’t showing any strong romantic feelings. In today’s episode, SJZ was kinda seeing Xiao Wei in a different light when he attended their new year dinner, but nothing that really screams lovers. maybe in the next episodes we will see more of that but this is why i get where some cpfs are coming from.
i know the whole OTP thing and how we shouldn’t dare see xz or wyb as a pair to anyone else other than each other. but that’s the point, i believe in xiao zhan and wang yibo and that they are together romantically. wei ruolai tho is not wang yibo. wei ruolai is a fictional character. it’s perfectly fine to ship their characters in dramas they are in if that makes the experience more enjoyable for you then go ahead. as much as i love yizhan AU pairings, it’s not the only way. it makes total sense for a viewer to see these potential pairings based on the story. you are not being a traitor or unfaithful to the fandom. just enjoy their dramas/movies. xz and wyb are not their fictional counterparts. okay? people should really chill. 😅😅😅
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primojade · 2 years
fallacy (n.) : are flawed, deceptive, or false arguments that can be proven wrong with reasoning.
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 : As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to! 
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 : graphic depiction of violence; possible character death (on bad ends so choose your route wisely!); multiple endings (including good, bad, normal and secret ends); canon divergent, game mechanics, existential crisis, character study.
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : isekai/reverse isekai, choose your own adventure (cyoa) with branching narratives, romance, comedy, angst (depending on the routes), hurt with/without comfort (still depends on routes), action, mystery, found family.
𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐒 : albedo, tighnari, zhongli, cyno, xiao, diluc, venti, ayato, kaveh, kazuha and tartaglia. Possible more love interest as the story progresses.
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 : on-going
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 : that love is a fallacy.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 : alea iacta est. (the die is cast)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈 : argumentum ad hominem.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈 : argumentum ad ignorantiam.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈: audentes fortuna iuvat. (fortune favours the bold)
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈 : magister dixit.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈.𝐈𝐈 : argumentum petitio principii.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈 : ignoratio elenchi.
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈.𝐈𝐈: cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈 : veritas liberabit vos. (the truth will set you free)
𝐈 | odi et amo ; ( gn!reader × scaramouche ) ; in which scaramouche reveals you the reason why he hates you so much. But in the silence that comes after his hatred is revealed, and from the unspoken words that never leave his lips, would it be too selfish to ask for something more than this? 
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reader here is gender neutral, so if I happened to have a pronoun slip by accident, please do correct me. I swear it was a honest mistake cause I don't really proofread my works :3
that being said, although reader should based off of you, as in you reading this, reader has their own background prior to their arrival in teyvat. Down below are some of the changes/characteristics I took the liberty to add to the reader's persona and history to fit in the story!
(i.) reader is a university student studying science or other related field (their specialisation differs in each route to make it interesting). though i did not specify their age, appearance and race (feel free to imagine them whichever), they were supposed to be in the middle of taking their college degree.
(ii.) reader has an adoptive older brother (who would be important in the storyline later on).
(iii.) reader is presented to be quite reckless, a bit ditzy, chaotic, an unhinge and lively character, rebellious, hardheaded, opinion oriented, and wouldn't bend to rules that they see as pointless no matter how the society dictates them to do so, but they were kind and carefree when you get to know them more. you'll see what I'm talking about in the first chapter 😂
before I forgot, although I'm a huge fan of the sagau presented in tumblr (the one with creator and cult themes; those are chef kiss btw), my take on the plot of sagau is very different. There's no divine creator here or cultish behaviours (i'm so sorry if that's what you're looking for 😷) my main focus here is all about the genshin characters' self awareness that they were in a game as they interacted with the isekai!reader, which is why I added the reverse isekai in the genre tags because it will be a huge turnover in the future chapters :>
also, the game mechanics I'm talking about above is what we see on the screen of genshin. Like the Paimon Menu, the inventory, the character archive, and so on! When reader is isekaid, it seems like they brought the whole screen with them? XD
I know stuff will probably be confusing for you and me later on because of the branching narratives happening in this hellhole of a plot, but please bare with me xD I will do my best to make it clear as possible.
This fanfic has four types of routes (or ends if you prefer it that way), There are good ends (romantic happy ending all the way!), bad ends (if you're unlucky that you fall in the dramatic hellhole then yes), normal ends (this could end in either being platonic, a cliffhanger or an open ending up to your interpretation lmao), and lastly, the secret ends (i'll keep whatever this is hidden for now because I planned something huge for this lol).
a "what if" routes are a series of one-shots, short stories or drabbles that was not really connected with the primary routes. It could be read as a standalone fics. Possibly just my word vomit and brainrotting lmao. They also don't have any branching narratives like the primary routes.
well! that is all, i guess! I'll add something later if I remember stuff I should be telling you beforehand but for now, i guess this would do xD also, if you wanted to be tagged for this, feel free to dm me or send an ask about it! Thank you for reading all the way and I hope you will have fun (and a good laughs!) while you were reading this trash of a fanfic lmao 🤣
Ps. I'll try to post the prologue tomorrow since its already half finished already <3
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ongshimi · 2 months
hi hi !! i am nene and i am legal (19+). i also go by she/they pronouns and am currently looking for some long term 1x1 rp partners or just some rp groups to write with ❤︎︎
❥ i tend to write descriptive, 3rd person point of view in past tense… up to 3-5 long paragraphs ( advanced lit or even novella ) !! but i usually like to just mirror my partner’s style.
❥ i have no preference as to what kind of dynamics i write for (whether it be mxm, wxm, wxw, wxnb, mxnb, etc) 🫶
❥ i don’t have many triggers so i can write about most topics, but i will respect my partner’s triggers and not write about the topics they are uncomfortable with :3
i have a lot of ocs !! so i do have a mixture of both female and male muses that i write for !! but here are some of my preferred fcs:
❥ female: jang yeeun, song yuqi, kim gaeul, bae joohyun, kim yerim, yoo jeongyeon, chou tzuyu, gracie abrams, ning yizhuo, fukutomi tsuki, kim minji, pham hanni, maitreyi ramakrishnan, jenna ortega, go younjung
❥ male: lee minhyuk, im changkyun, wen junhui, jeon wonwoo, lee heeseung, park jongseong, nishimura riki, kang taehyun, park seonghwa, song mingi, xiao dejun, na jaemin, bae jacob, manny jacinto, shěn quánruì, sung hanbin, mackenyu, c. thomas howell, matt dillion, tom blyth
i am fairly active during the day and my replies to tend to be fast !! however if i am busy with things (uni and work) i will let my partner know in advance 🫡 i would expect the same from my partner. life gets busy and things happen !! i will respect that.
❥ as i am legal, i would want my partners to be 18+ as well… and i am comfortable with writing about any sort of connection (whether they be platonic, romantic, or negative, etc) !!
❥ i usually prefer to write and rp on discord, but i can definitely give tumblr a try !! it will just take me some time to understand how rp-ing works there 😭
❥ also i would love to make spotify playlists and pinterest boards for our ocs ★ as well as talking about small headcannons for them along the way ! hopefully we can form a little friendship and makes the plotting more enjoyable that way (≧◡≦) ♡
if you are interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out and dm me !! or you can just like or reblog this post and i can directly dm you as well ♥︎
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xiaoaetherposts · 8 months
All Lantern Rite event, but it's XiaoTher
Summary of Xiao x Aether content in every Lantern Rite event so far.
Lantern Rite 1.3 event (2021):
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☆ Aether helped Xiao perform various tasks.
☆ Aether visited Xiao in Wangshu Inn.
Aether: "You wouldn't go to the festival, so we brought the festival to you."
Xiao: "Does is serve any grander purpose?"
Aether: "This way you can take part in Lantern Rite."
☆ Aether prepared a dinner for Xiao and helped organize a small Lantern Rite celebration at Wangshu Inn.
☆ Xiao accompanied Aether to Liyue Harbor.
Aether: "O Vigilant Yaksha, please escort us safely to the city."
Xiao: "So be it. I shall accept your proposal."
Xiao: (...) Speak my name. Anywhere. Anytime."
☆ Xiao watched the lanterns and smiled.
I know, it sounds like two characters dating. It was like that. Sometimes even I'm surprised how canonically the Xiao x Traveler ship is treated by HoYo.
Lantern Rite 2.4 event (2022):
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☆ Xiao invited Aether to Wangshu Inn.
Xiao: "When this matter is resolved, come to Wangshu Inn. In previous years, the Mingxiao Lantern has been visible even from there."
☆ Aether visited Xiao and bring him food and other presents.
☆ Xiao said Aether that:
Xiao: "If anyone wishes to see me, I know they'll come and find me"
implying that he would like Aether to do this.
☆ Xiao watched the lanterns smiling again.
What was especially cute was that when Aether arrived at Wangshu Inn, Xiao right away went up to him without Aether's calling and asked if he could help.
This happened at the first meeting and even during the Waterborne Poetry event, but it's rare when Xiao takes the initiative.
Lantern Rite 3.4 event (2023):
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☆ Xiao saved Aether from the water and was very worried about him.🥹
*Someone carries you ashore, so quickly that you don't catch who it is...*
Xiao: "Glad you're okay."
Xiao: "...Your actions here caused caused others a great deal of worry. Do not repeat them again in the future."
☆ Xiao finally went to the Lantern Rite festival in Liyue Harbor because of Aether.
Xiao: "She told me that all the guests today would be "acquainted with elemental power." and I knew that you would be here."
☆ Xiao sat down next to Aether at the dinner table and then escorted him out.
Aether: "I ate too much. Could you come take a walk with me?"
Xiao: "Sure."
☆ Xiao and Aether talked lovingly in private:
Xiao: "Whenever I think of the ordinary conversations I've had with you, it feels... strangely novel."
Aether: "Strange in a good way?"
Xiao: "Yes." *little smile*
☆ Xiao chose Aether to be "the most distinguished guest." (so that even Zhongli was there, whom he deeply respects)
Everyone: "Who is the most distinguished guest here?"
Xiao: "One person here is well-acquainted with everyone else."
Aether: "(...Hm?)"
☆ Zhongli approved Xiao and Aether's relationship and gave advice to Xiao.
Zhongli: "Just as Xiao may seem unapproachable to most, but Aether has proved otherwise."
Xiao: "Rex La- I mean, Zhongli, what you're saying is..."
Zhongli: "Haha I meant what I said."
Xiao: "General Kapasis always said that we should live in the present and enjoy every little pleasant surprise. Perhaps that's what I should do with what I'm feeling now."
Zhongli: "It looks like you understood what I meant."
Xiao to Aether: "I appreciate your kindness. See you next time, then."⬇️
☆ Xiao and Aether finally watched the lanterns together.😍
Lantern Rite 4.4 event:
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☆ Zhongli took Aether on purpose to the place where he knew Xiao was and wanted them stay together alone and fly a kite together.🪁
"Uh, why did you have us walk all this way?"
Zhongli: "I'll leave these two kites with you. Perhaps you can find a few friends with which you partake in the activity. You might find it to be enjoyable use of your time."
Flustered Xiao: "Oh, uh... Wait, who enjoy kite-flying?"
Zhongli: "Well, I would imagine some of your talent and wisdom is more the capable of finding out."
Xiao: Aether, when the Lantern Rite is over, come find me near Pervases' temple if you have the time.
Aether: "Absolutely."
Xiao: "Mmm." 😊
Zhongli: *plan succeed*
☆ Xiao invited Aether to visit him at the usual place and they released together the lantern that Xiao made.
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Xiao: "Aether."
Aether: "It's just as I thought... You stopped short of stepping into the city again."
Xiao: "Being in the city isn't the only way for me to appreciate the lights and beauty of Lantern Rite. Look... Liyue Harbor lies just beyond this mountain."
Xiao: "As long as I stand at this vantage point, I may freely behold the sight of all the kites slowly ascending into the sky. ...For me, that is enough."
Aether: "Alright."
Xiao: "I invited you here because there is something I would like to do. I want to release a Xiao Lantern, and... I'd like you to be there for it."
Aether: "Did you make it yourself?"
Xiao: "Yes. I apologize for its crude appearance... I have little skill in that regard."
Aether: "No, no! It's amazing!"
Xiao: "...You're very kind, as usual."
Xiao: "Alright, it's time."
*they release the lantern together*
☆ With a nice metaphorical expression that Xiao said, it was hinted that Aether is the one who brings peace to Xiao.
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Xiao symbolizes the lantern itself (to which the name Xiao Lantern refers), and Aether is the sky (his name means this in all languages).
Xiao: "Although, watching a kite gradually ascend into the sky does bring me a certain peace of mind. ...Perhaps they are a bit like Xiao Lanterns in that way."
This expresses Xiao's longing for Aether, which is also indicated by his idle animation (when he tries to reach the little light that goes towards the sky with his hand).
When he asks Aether to release the lantern into the sky together to bring the two things closer together symbolizes this beautifully.
Aether: "As the Xiao Lantern slowly disappears into the tranquil night sky, Xiao's expression softens."
Xiao: "... Aether. ... Thank you."
So as the Xiao lantern approaches the sky in a symbolic sense, as Xiao approaches Aether (which is referred to by the meaning of their names), as they have become closer and closer to each other over the years, and this has brought him calm and peace.
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Twitter(X): @xiaoaetherposts
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stardustdiiving · 11 months
I love Neuvillette and find him so interesting to compare to other characters he shares characteristics to—I rlly wasn’t expecting them to go the route they did for what kind of character he was going to be but I’m so on board with it he’s so fun
First comparison I’ve been thinking about I suppose is him and Zhongli. They’re both distinguished old men (tm) who r powerful non human entities, but the way they both go about this are both enjoyably distinct. Both of them are both capable of deep gentleness, but Neuvillette’s gentleness feels a lot more “innocent” than Zhongli’s does. Zhongli is gentle from a place of experience of having to be not gentle in his time as an Archon who had fo hold his country together through apocalyptic war and calamity, but while he is gentle from a place of certainty about himself and what he’s learned/will learn about the world, I feel Neuvillette is gentle from a place of uncertainty and feeling he still has much to learn about himself and the world
We still don’t know a lot about Neuvillette’s history as of 4.1 but it’s interesting to me Neuvillette feels like a non human character who hasn’t had a lot of unique suffering tied to being physically nonhuman, and/or calamity intertwined with him learning about and building a relationship with humanity, like a lot of other non human characters we know have. A lot of his hardship in this vein feels very…grounded on a human level (see: his SQ) and different than say, a Scaramouche or any of the Archons
Neuvillette seeking out humanity and the way he connects to communities and other societies I think can have this additional sad edge to it because I wonder if you could frame that as being influenced by the fact he doesn’t really have any community of his own kind around him to feel a sense of identity with. So like, compare how Neuvillette engages with humanity, compared to how characters like Yae Miko or Xiao—I feel there’s a level of disconnect and difference in how they want to/feel they should engage with humans because they have a sense of identity as youkai/adepti that Neuvillette might have never really had a chance to develop, because of the circumstances with his own kind
The way he forms bonds with humanity and the melusines just feel very distinct to me, and feels like he’s been able to explore it with a less jaded view than a lot of other characters have been able to do. That’s sort of what I mean when I describe him as having this certain feeling of “innocence” to him
He’s just very earnest in a way that’s honestly really endearing. I like how he sincerely responds to Paimon’s silly suggestion to refer to himself as a “dragon out of water” rather than a “fish out of water” because he’s just genuinely spending a lot of his time trying to learn and understand how to communicate and engage with others very often. It’s funny how it’s not even like Neuvillette isn’t jaded or doesn’t hold strongly worded opinions or dislikes of things. His earnestness about this sometimes manifests as him being kind of sassy and it’s honestly hilarious. He’s very a impartial judge who cares a lot about fairness but also he must scoff at a lack of respect towards the Art of drinking water and Zhongli + Venti LARPing normal mortal humans , you see. Love this guy
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synthleeius · 9 months
new years day
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kind of taylor swift reference,,,, ☹️
NEW YEARS FIC!!!!! im sorry its 4 days late um. (im lazy)
Xiao materialises silently on the balcony behind him, arms crossed. “Hmph, it’s you,” He murmurs, his voice barely audible.
“It is,” Aether said, waving him over as he leaned against the rails. Xiao complied, moving himself to stand next to the traveller. “So, is Liyue big on new years? It seems like it..”
Xiao’s gaze shifts to the bustling streets below, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Yes, Liyue is known for its grand celebrations during the lantern rite. Mortals gather to welcome the new year, hoping for good fortune and prosperity.” He turns his attention back to the figure beside him, his expression softening ever so slightly. “Is there a reason you ask..?”
“Not necessarily.. I was more asking if you were big on it.” Aether admitted, smiling softly at the city.
Xiao's eyes flicker with a hint of surprise, as if caught off guard by his question. "I... I suppose I don’t partake in such festivities," he admits, his voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "As an adeptus, I have always maintained a certain distance from mortal affairs. My duty lies in protecting Liyue and its people, but I have never been one to revel in celebrations or seek personal enjoyment. It’s not in my nature."
He pauses for a moment, then adds, "However, I am willing to make an exception, if it is your wish to experience these festivities together."
Aether chuckled at the offer, shaking his head. "You don’t have to do that, Xiao, I know you’d rather not. But if you want.. we can stay up here for a bit?” He asked, tilting his head. “Please?”
Xiao's gaze shifts back to the lively streets below, watching as the crowds grow larger and the excitement mounts. "I appreciate your consideration.”
He turns his attention back to the blonde, his eyes meeting his. "If you wish to join me in this seclusion, I would be honoured to spend this time with you." He gestures to the balcony, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
He smiled widely, “Thank you~..” He lowered himself to the ground, his legs criss-crossed around each other.
Xiao follows Aether’s lead, lowering himself to the ground beside him and crossing his legs in a similar fashion. He glances at him, his smile a rare sight. “I hear your back from your travels in Fountaine, correct?”
“Yeah, it was.. well, Fountaine.” He laughed softly, his eyes trailing down his arm before he noticed something. “The ocean was amazing though, they-.. Hm.”
“..What is it?” The adeptus asked, a confused expression on his face as Aether’s fingers reached out to his skin. With anybody else he’d flinch away, but he's learnt to accept the travellers touch. “You're bruised.”
“I.. suppose I am,” He stated, seemingly not paying much mind to it. “Mere consequence of my battles.. You shouldn’t worry, There's probably many more to come. But.. they will heal due to time.”
“I know, it doesn't mean I like it.” He muttered, huffing quietly. “Yknow, if you ever need me to patch you up all you need to do is ask.”
“No need,” Xiao insisted, “But.. If it comes to it, I’ll remember that.”
“I’m glad.” Aether smiled, satisfied with the answer he received. His fingers dragged down the skin until he reached the end, his hand moving to rest on top of the other’s. -which of course would’ve been fine, but..
His fingertips trailing down his forearm made Xiao gasp, reflexively flinching back a bit. “A-Ah.. apologies, Aether. You just..”
“It's okay,” He replied, softly cutting the other off from speaking any more excuses. “My fault.”
The two sat like that for a few minutes in silence, simply enjoying each other's company. Well, it was simple until the blonde’s hand began to shift, nails drifting across his wrist an-
“Aether,” he spoke in a faked stern tone, turning to look at him.
“Uhuh,” He replied calmly, his nails grazing the same sensitive spot. “I'm just making sure you're not hiding any more injuries from me. What if you're in a critical condition and I didnt even know, hm?”
“Ihim- i’m not..?” a soft yelp left his lips, dare he even say– a giggle? “You’d know..”
“How am I supposed to believe that though? You're a very secretive person, Xiao. Now, I insist, stay still.” Aether smiled smugly, speaking whatever excuses came into his head first as he sneaked a hand to the adepti’s torso and latched onto his side.
“A-Ah! Aetheher..” He let out a shaky breath, restraining himself. “Don't just-..”
“Don't just what?” Aether tilted his head with a fake confused expression, his hand perfectly still.
“I.. ugh, your childish, Traveler.” Xiao sighed, turning his head away. Aether simply laughed softly, letting his fingers wiggle gently up his ribs. “I’m funny, excuse you.” He huffed, “I'm sure you’ll find me funny in a few minutes too.”
“I will no-hot!” He gasped, desperately trying to keep a straight face. He debated hiding with his mask on, but knowing Aether he’d probably give him hell for it..
“You’re no fun.. Come on, you're supposed to be laughing.” He whined, a playful smile shining on his lips.
“I don’t laugh.” He states, biting the inside of his cheek to keep his composure. “I’m an adeptus, it's un- hah.. unprofessional..”
“Sure you can, giggles. I’ll even help you!” Aether teased, gently pressing his thumbs into the bone.
“Don’t cahall me thahat!" He tried to grumble the best that he could, but he couldn't refrain from the small giggles that started bubbling from his chest.
“What, giggles? But it's cute! And you are giggling, y’know.” He pointed out, his hand darting to the others mid section and rubbing circles into his hip bones.
Finally, the dam broke with a gasp and breathy giggles, the shorter ducking his head down. “Thahats- nohot the pohohint..”
Aether cooed at the sight, shifting his position a little to be able to reach over and use both his hands. “Awh, Xiao~ I can think of a different point. Maybe about how you aren’t pushing me away?”
“I.. do nohot wihish to huhurt yohou.” Xiao mumbled out, his hands squeezed in fists to restrain himself. “Hm.. Excuses, excuses~” He sighed dramatically, giving his torso a couple last squeezes. “Alright, alright.. I’m done, sorry.”
As he regained his composure, he sighed softly, arms crossing over his chest idly. “It's.. fine. I suppose.”
“I bet.” Aether replied in a monotone voice, a knowing expression on his face. “No more tricks, ‘kay?” He promised, slinging an arm around his shoulders as a truce.
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ajaxbell · 3 months
The Truth subtitle files
The Truth/Let's Start Reasoning season 2 is an amazing show, but I think we can all agree the English subtitles are a mess?
Because I wanted them for myself, and I'm always happy to share, here are some very slightly cleaned up subtitle files. You're welcome to download and use these files or edit them yourself as you see fit. (And I'll continue to add new ones as the eps air.)
For clarity, I'm no translator. My Mandarin is barely above toddler level. All I've done here, for the most part, is fix names. There's several places where names are translated literally causing confusion. king for Wang, shellfish/shellpot/scallop for Bei Guo, minibus for Xiao Ba, and so on. Plus the many variations of push for any instance of 推 Tuī.
I did take liberties in a few places. In ep 8 there's two NPCs called Tui AI and Tui Ai (推AI and 推爱) and for English reading clarity I rendered Tui Ai as Tui Mou since there's several instances where they seem to be saying 推某 (Tuī mǒu) so I just went with it.
In a very few rare instances I slightly restructured a sentence. So definitely not fixing for accuracy here, just clarity for following along if you don't understand any Mandarin or simply find the machine translated subtitles in the chaos that is this show even more confusing.
There's a text file in with the subtitle file downloads explaining how to use them if you don't already know. I'm in the US and watching via YouTube, so these files are for those specific videos. If you want to further edit the files, any text editor should do (but I recommend Notepad++).
Again I pretty much only fixed names, and left most the wild weird artifacts of machine translation. Because honestly I find it adds an enjoyable surreal quality to the show. I only wanted to be able to follow who was being referred in the show without having to rewind and listen to what they were saying when the subtitles failed at their job. ETA - there are now two folders at the link, one with files with mostly just fixed names, and one where I've fully edited some files in an attempt to make all of it more coherent. But again I'm not translator (still I think it's better than Tencent gave us on Youtube).
But really sometimes the subtitles are so good they are bad, right?
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myechoecho · 3 months
The Double, the last episodes
The last episodes of The Double were mostly entertaining. Was it a bit of a convoluted mess? Yes, but really the plot was always pretty convoluted but told in an engaging way.
Even though I expected Yurong to kill Wanning, I did not expect it to happen that way and honestly, I thought it was brilliant of her to turn it around on him. Yurong really just thought he could poison her. But his shock and horror when she used the hair pin he gave her and then forced him to stab her with it was great. One last FU from Wanning to Yurong.
The Princess was really a great character, even though she was awful. There's something to be said of how the traumas that Wanning and Li went though and the different ways they dealt with it. Though I suspect Li had a bit of an upper hand in that she had a better, more solid foundation from her brother and father. Wanning did not have this and I suspect was sent as a hostage fairly young and then faced prolonged abuse. I was not surprised when she was the one who killed her father. Li Meng was incredible as her.
To the very end, Yurong never accepted responsibility for what he did. Something that Li keeps pointing out to him until the end. He also remains deluded in thinking that Li would come back to him. Spineless to the end, he begs for Li to kill him and she refuses. Even when he jumped to his death, it seems like he thought that Li would turn around. He was such an interesting character, and Liang Yong Qi did a fantastic job.
I know that Li and the Duke were not super angsty with each other, but that seemed to fit the drama for me. But they had incredible chemistry, and I just loved watching them learn to love and trust each other completely. I also adored the absolute faith and admiration that Xiao Heng always had for Li and her intelligence.
Li riding up to the Duke to say that he was not abandoned was everything to me. We got a wedding night! See how the Duke got the pendant, plus a bit of their married life, including a child.
Overall, it was highly enjoyable.
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dandelion-wings · 2 months
For the ask meme, Jean and Venti? :>
Thank you for the ask! :>
How I feel about this character
This should be no surprise to anyone, but I adore her. #1 absolute favorite Genshin character, bar none. She's already an archetype I love (honorable lady knight torn between duty/family and her own desires, bonus points for blondness; see also, FE3H Ingrid), enough so that the friend who got me into Genshin lured me in with her ("read the manga at least until you get to Jean, and if you like her, you have to start playing"), and a lot of her individual characteristics are also deeply endearing to me. I am not rational about Jean. She is my beloved precious blorbo who can do no wrong and I will write out her flaws and make her perfect if I want to, and I will write her outmatching and one-upping the male characters who are supposed to be just as or more cool, and I will write her whump and fluff and hurt/comfort where everyone goes "oh we have been unfair to Jean, let us rush to care about her," and I feel no shame on any of these points. I am holding her up and showing her to everyone like a beloved pet.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Okay, so, the thing about me is that I usually make my favorite character a fandom bicycle because I just like seeing how I think they'd interact with other characters I like? I have at least idle shipping thoughts about Jean and... so much of the rest of Genshin. But my primary ships for her are most of the other Knights of Favonius, particularly any combo, OTP or OT3 or OT4, of Lisa, Kaeya, and Eula, with some particularly energetic mental dabbling (less likely to make it on the page) in Jean/Ningguang, Jean/Rosaria, Jean/Diluc, and Jean/Sara. Those are probably the ones outside the OT4 and its permutations that I'm most likely to actively play with without some outside trigger or inspiration!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
See above, just without the kissing. That said, I think everyone knows it's Jean and Kaeya. XD And beyond that the platonic relationships within the OT4!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I... am not sure I have one? The people I choose to follow have Good Opinions, and I do not follow people with Bad Opinions so I don't know how popular they are (also I don't go into her main tag because main character tags get SO spammed with 'this character appeared once briefly in the background of this comic' sorts of tags. I follow individual artists and the rarepair tags). I like to think she could take Diluc, I guess? Who often gets presented in fanon and a little bit in canon as the Ultimate Mondstadt badass.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More cool action scenes! And also FIXING HER RELATIONSHIP WITH BARBARA.
How I feel about this character
I like him! I have somehow ended up following and being followed by many Venti fans who love him much more intensely, and he's one of those characters I already like enough that I can be enjoyably swept up in that love, such that for the duration of the post I'm reading or the discussion we're having, I love him just as much. Then it goes back to 'sure, he's cool and I enjoy seeing him'. :> Which I definitely do.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Venti isn't a fandom bicycle for me just because he's not in my top faves, but he definitely would have the potential if he was. >> That said, Dvalin, Zhongli, and Xiao are the only people I regularly seek out pairing content with him for; I enjoy incidentally seeing him with pretty much any of the world's other immortal/long-lived-non-human characters and all the now-dead past character's he's been with, and he's fun with a lot of the Mondstadt characters as well. Honorable mention to Jean/Venti for occupying the same mental space as Venti himself: a pairing I'm not personally invested in but, while I'm talking to @esmeraldablazingsky and/or reading their stuff, am temporarily 110% high-enthusiasm about.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Broadly speaking, his various friends over the centuries and, currently, especially Dvalin, but I will admit that my Thing for Jean means that I am most fascinated with his relationship with her (the only person in canon who knows him in both his forms and is still respectful! XD) and, by extension, Gunnhildrs of the past.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I again don't know enough about general fandom opinion to have one. XD;; Most of my opinions about Venti are accumulated from the people I follow who love him, and I haven't seen any general popular ones among them that I disagree strongly with!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I put "Venti takes the Traveler to Celestia, or at least gives them a very strong hint and boost" in a lot of my speculative endgame scenarios because I feel like there are hints in canon that it COULD be what happens, and I really really hope that it WILL be. It feels like how the narrative around him should pay off, to me.
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thesparklingwriter · 1 year
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a technological affair
" And thus, his email was lost to the grips of hackers."
tags: modern au, pet names, gn!reader (use of wife), established relationship, zhongli cannot use a phone for the life of him, reader is an Apple enjoyer,
ao3 link | taglist | masterlist | next
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As far as you’re concerned, Zhongli is the closest thing to perfection a man could ever be. Except for one very minor detail. He cannot, for the life of him, use a phone.
Which could be blamed on his 30,000 year old android, with a screen that barely functions and a cracked camera, and you really can't let him go out like that. So one day, as an advance on your anniversary gift for him, you decide to welcome him to the wonderful world of the iPhone.
“What’s this?” Zhongli says, opening the box carefully. “What have I done to warrant such a gift?” he holds the phone in his hands as if it’s a baby chick—you bought him one of the bigger phones, knowing his hands are large, and even still he could do with something bigger.
“You dropped your phone in the toilet and I can’t allow you to continue using it. You have to understand.” You grin. “So I got you a new one that actually works and when you tap the screen, it actually registers it.”
Zhongli looks at you with gratitude but also an inkling of confusion. What’s he going to do with this fancy, characterless lump of metal that he couldn't do with his old phone? “I appreciate this, my love, I really do. But I don’t know if this is going to be as good of an idea as you think it is.”
You scoff, pulling him into a hug. “Zhongli, I would like to actually hear my husband when I call him. I would like to understand the texts he sends to me. And I would also like to send him pictures of cute cats on Instagram.”
And of course, Zhongli couldn’t possibly deny you anything you ask of him, so he agrees to try to navigate this new phone with as much positivity and faith as he can possibly muster.
In the few weeks since you bought him the phone, he has managed to:
(1) Lock himself out of it. For a whole week. You asked him how he managed to do that and he didn’t seem too sure as to what he’d done. So you asked him if you could know his password and promised only to use it in situations like this. (And promptly cried when you realised his password was your birthday.)
(2) Get his email hacked. He’d approached you with excitement, saying: “Dear, look. I got an email saying I’ve won a Macbook.” To which you replied: “You can barely use your phone, we might need to leave the macbook on the back burner for a while. Who sent the email?”. The email was sent by [email protected] and contained a link, which Zhongli had happily pressed. And thus, his email was lost to the grips of hackers.
(3) Find the dictation and voice note feature, which is great. He gives you encyclopaedic updates to his day, which you read or listen to with genuine enthusiasm. This was what you bought him the phone for at the end of the day, right? The extra chance to connect with your husband?
(4) Get into the habit of sending you pictures of things that make him happy or that remind him of you. Which is essentially the same thing as far as he is concerned. You’ve also got used to sending them back.
(5) Make an Instagram account. He’s not great at it, but with some guidance, he manages to post some of the pictures he sends you.
(6) Accidentally message the group chat (you, Xiao, Ganyu, Madame Ping and some others use it to invite each other to dignified tea parties and movie marathons) his shopping list. The shopping list included all the things he was getting for you as part of your anniversary gift, so Xiao had to teach him how to delete the message so you wouldn’t see it.
But by the time your next anniversary comes around, he’s actually really good with it—he can use instagram better than you can (though he read the terms and conditions from start to finish and became very careful about how he uses it), orders things from amazon at least three times a week, and has a facebook group for fellow birdwatchers with about two hundred people in it.
Yes, he has all of his icons and text at the largest size possible, and yes, he refuses to use TikTok and favours Instagram reels, but when he’s on work trips or you’re visiting friends elsewhere in the world, it’s nice to be able to video call him and not feel as distant as you used to.
“I think this phone might have been the best gift you’ve ever gotten me, dearest.” he says one night, after discovering the kindle app, where he can find all the classic novels he loves so much without having to clear out bookshelf space.
You sit in bed together, simply talking about your respective days, both your phones banished to charge in another room. Of course, being able to use a phone doesn’t mean that you should at all times—the phone banishment rule had initially just existed for you, but the rules had to accommodate the new technical whiz in the house.
“What about the gift that is me?” you counter, nuzzling into his chest gleefully. He kisses you deeply, a smile on his lips as he pulls away.
“Nothing on this earth is better than the gift that is you.”
“Not even your group of birdwatchers?”
“I did get to see a wonderful example of a nearly extinct sparrow with beautiful colouring last week,” he teases. “But no, they could never be better than my beloved.”
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© 2023, thesparklingwriter. please do not copy, edit, repost, or translate.
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notes: you all have cael to thank for this hilarious prompt idea. this is why you should always make friends with people on tumblr they always slay.
taglist: @medusuu @aixaingela @thelonelyarchon @ainescribe
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lurkingshan · 1 year
10 Things I Love About Go Ahead
This is all @ginnymoonbeam’s fault. I was just minding my business, clowning around, and she whispers in my ear: There’s this great cdrama I got into. It’s about a found family formed from broken families. There are adorable motherless children. There are loving dads. They’re going deep on intergenerational trauma and they’re doing it right. I can’t stop watching it. I have a problem and it’s time for it to be your problem, too. (I’m pretty sure she said all that).
And because this kind of epic family drama is my emotional kryptonite, I absolutely could not resist. And thus, I spent the last two weeks weeping and wailing and rending my garments over one of the best family dramas I have ever seen. In my entire life. And I have watched a lot of them, folks, not even counting the western ones!
So I’m here to pay tribute to this absolutely beautiful show, and hopefully drag a few more folks into the absolute agony and ecstasy of this watch experience. Tagging @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm in particular, who I’ve already bullied into watching this once their current drama projects end, @midnight-sun16 my fellow cdrama enjoyer, @troubled-mind my R88 bud, and @wen-kexing-apologist and @emotionallychargedtowel because I know they love a good intergenerational trauma yarn. So here we go: 10 (spoiler free!) things I love about Go Ahead.
These precious babies
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Left to right, that’s He Ziqiu, Li Jianjian, and Ling Xiao. They met as tiny children and are siblings by choice, not blood. They are fiercely protective of one another and their chosen family unit. And they love each other so much it absolutely will cause you to burst into tears at random intervals.
My two dads
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There are two biological fathers in the mix in our little family: Li Haichao and Ling Heping, aka Li Dad and Ling Dad. They’re not a couple, but rather two single dads who have decided to raise their kids together as one family unit. They love all their children equally regardless of blood ties, and while they show up for them in very different ways, they are both excellent fathers who never let them down when it counts.
A keen understanding of intergenerational family dynamics and how we pass our trauma on
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This show is deeply interested in exploring the old maxim that hurt people hurt people, particularly in the context of intergenerational families and parent-child relationships. I don't want to say a lot more because you should get to see the various plotlines that dig into this theme unfold organically. But you can trust me that this show takes it seriously and knows exactly what it's doing with these stories.
The absolute respect for chosen family
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I lost count of how many times this show explicitly affirmed the legitimacy of chosen families. The first (of many) times I burst into tears watching was in just such a scene. Our characters are often met with skepticism and confusion over their family unit, and they are not having it. It's really lovely how committed they are to loving and choosing each other despite societal norms and outside judgment.
Excellent side characters treated with dignity
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This gif here is of my best girl Mingyue, who is one of many excellent side characters in this drama. In this show, everyone matters and everyone has a story, and the show treats even the antagonist characters with dignity and empathy. Often the sides get their own plots that are in fact quite important to the themes - no wasted time here (which is really saying something for a 40 ep cdrama).
Female friendship for the win!
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Adult Jianjian lives with her longtime best friends Qi Mingyue and Tang Can, and the show delves into their friendship dynamics and the complicated twists and turns that spring up as they get older, begin careers, and start crushing on the same boys. I love the way they look out for one another, I love the way they fight, I love the way they give each other shit, I love the way they support each other. They feel very real as longtime besties who have become family.
Nuanced exploration of difficult mothers
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I'm gonna let you find out who this is on your own, but I'll say this: the show has three distinct plot lines that explore mother-child relationships, and every single one is a banger. These mothers are difficult, their choices are suspect, their motives are complex, their behavior is frustrating as hell. Where you come down on how redeemable each of them is will really be up to you, but the show gives you plenty to chew on and invites you to look upon them if not with understanding, at least with as much empathy as you can muster. I'm gonna be thinking about these moms for weeks.
Sibling dynamics done right
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The way these three interact, I tell you. They've grown up together, and so they have the bond of lifetime familiarity, but they also have no actual blood ties, so they must choose over and over again to be each others' family. And they always do, even when life makes it really hard for them to protect their closeness. Watching them find their way to each other and sink into their comfortable family dynamics is always a delight. There are also some key differences in the relationship dynamics between each pair of them, which the show explores extensively. Which brings me to...
A sweet and cozy romance
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This is not a spoiler - the show tells you it's coming in the opening credits. And so instead of playing a Reply 1988 style game of who's it gonna be you know from the start who it's gonna be and the fun part is taking the journey to get there (though you can amuse yourself trying to figure out which of the child actors is going to grow into this tall drink of water). Let me be clear, though - this show is not a romance. The romance plot line is very well done, but it is mostly there as another means to explore the family dynamics and how they are affected by this major change in one of the core relationships.
Emotionally intelligent writing that never falters
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If you've been following me for any length of time, you know how much I care about quality writing in my dramas. And this drama has some of the best writing I've seen in a family show, particularly in the emotional intelligence behind all the character interactions. The show will surprise you sometimes, but never because the characters act in ways you don't expect or that feel wrong. The writing is assured and the show never loses its grip on who each of these characters is at their core. You can sit back, trust that you are in good hands, and enjoy the emotional roller coaster all the way to the end.
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
Another productive reading month for me! Manhua/Manhwa binge again and for those who are interested in what titles I tried, then this is the post for you. I don’t know what the next months will bring but I wanna get back to reading novels… we will see how that goes. for now, I just feel thankful that these works are out in the world for people to enjoy ^^
• The Tyrant Prince’s Last Promise ( Chapter 74 ; Ongoing )
Adapted from the novel, “the wife is first” so I see why there are alot of people following the manhua. Jing Shao ( MC ) is a prince who is good at battles and was made to marry a male concubine Han ( ML ). He didn’t treat him well for years but Han stayed by his side even if he was sentenced to death and was accused of so many things. Right before they died, he promised to treat Han better.
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So his wish gets granted and he goes back to their wedding night. Then the whole story focuses on their relationship and how Jing Shao pays his dues and tries to be the best husband for Han. He also tries to make different decisions to prevent him from falling from grace like before. This story is just so fluffy and sweet <3 and i love their chibi versions! ☺️☺️☺️ I might read the novel to see where it goes but i have to say it’s a standard trope — and i will never get tired of it.
Guilty Affection ( Chapter 47 ; Ongoing )
Esper/Guide trope but this one is more problematic. LOL. The MC, Han Yoonjae is an undocumented Esper and living his life as a normal person. There is some mystery from his past because you can tell that he is strong but decided to leave his life as an Esper. Then here comes the ML, Cha Minhyung. A popular & strong guide who comes to his life and offers to be his guide and make his life better. These two have a shared past and the story tries to uncover that. Also what will happen to Yoonjae and his power. I really like his power, and I understand why he will be someone that everyone will want to control. The relationship between them is not really the “romance” type but more co-dependence and lots of smut.
Crushing Jade & Catching Pearls Chapter 51 ; Ongoing
This one is very unique, I have never read something with this plot. It is modern era, but the MC/ML both work as apprentices for an old art of sculpting. Tho the ML ( Ding Hanbai ) is much older and is more accomplished in the field. It’s really more of the relationship between the MC & ML and less “romance” so far. I feel like some people will find it boring, but there is something about it that draws me to it. and it doesn’t hurt that the art is pretty. Ding Hanbai starts off as an asshole who bullies the MC Ji Zhenzhu — but then they slowly become closer. The MC who is the goodest boy with puppy energy melts Ding Hanbai’s heart 💕
No arguing with Mr.Mo Chapter 71 ; Ongoing
The trope of Mr. Cold hearted CEO who is actually a simp for the MC is not new and I usually like it — I often root for the MC and hope they get together. But in this one, I find myself liking the ML ( Mr.Mo ) waaaay more than the MC. To the point that I don’t think the MC deserves Mr.Mo at all. I get that Xiao Nuo have some trauma and baggage of his own but his drama over nothing just irritates me. Mr.Mo is straightforward and clear with his intentions, but MC takes advantage of him, willingly or not, is not my cup of tea.
I won’t be continuing on, or if i do, maybe it’s to see Mr. Mo’s panels.
Hard Boiled Love Chapter 93 ; Ongoing
I only finished up until Chapter 40 cause I felt like there is nothing else for me as a reader to see, plot-wise. I could be wrong but maybe I will pick it up again when i’m in the mood. This is popular, and i understand why, the trope is catchy : Rich kid and his Bodyguard, then add BDSM into the mix. Boom! There is just no way that people will not click and read. It is a good read and enjoyable but I wasn’t in the headspace for that type of smut, the interaction of the MC/ML tho are sweet!!!! 💕
What captured me tho is the ML. Hwayoung Yoon. He is a lovable psychopath. He gave off so much Hisoka vibes ( from the anime hunterxhunter if you didn’t know ) and this type of character would do so well if done in live action. How he seems to be this sweet boy that his family dotes on but is secretly a sadistic bastard. I mean, look at him as a kid:
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A master manipulator.
The MC too, Gyuwon, is well written. He is an ex mercenary who really wants to be someone’s sub ( in a sense ) but he doesn’t think that will happen because of how he looks. People have expectations of how he should be but lo and behold, he meets the fucked up Hwayoung. 😂😂😂 it’s more light and funny considering the subject — they could make the plot really dark, so i’m glad they didn’t.
Campus Trap Chapter 24; Ongoing
AHHHHHHHHHH! My new favorite. The omegaverse hoe in me is screaming! 🤍 too bad there are only a few chapters out. I honestly want to read the novel which is already completed but i’m still trying to figure out how to navigate korean sites. The plot of the story may seem dramatic to some, because it’s all about the MC (Chaewoo) who is an Omega and trying to make ends meet. He was once this kid who lived a pampered life but things changed and now he is a struggling student. One day, his Uncle, told him about the concept of a reset partner, which is kinda like a surrogate. So a dominant omega like him will be a surrogate to a rich dominant Alpha. He agrees and finds out that the Alpha is someone he goes to school with — Mister popular, Euigeon. It doesn’t help he doesn’t like the guy and Chaewoo is even jealous of his “success” cause he feels like he will be the same way if unfortunate events didn’t happen to him.
I LOVE IT. I LOVE THEM. The campus setting and the two being music students is also a bonus, it’s only beginning to be explored and I wanna see more. They have great chemistry and the way I squealed during the car scene. 😱😱😱 it’s also the type of story where I can’t wait for the ML to fall for the MC. I’m reading about Euigeon being this arrogant bitch to Chaewoo and i’m like— can’t wait to see you fall head over heels and regret your actions. It’s nothing abusive, if anything, I feel like his actions are reasonable cause he doesn’t want to make their relationship complicated. It’s supposed to be a business transaction. I wanna know more about ML too cause i’m sure he has so many issues that caused him to be this way. I have spoiled myself a by reading comments on the novel but i will surely keep an eye out on this till it’s completion.
Miss you, Lucifer 15 chapters ; Completed
A short Manhwa that is full of uwu and love! 🥹🥹🥹
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If you want something to lift your mood up then this is the best pick. Honestly! It had everything: romance, comedy, angst and some plot in there even if it’s only 15 chapters. The premise is an “idol” from a boy group that’s not popular x A-list actor pairing. I don’t wanna spoil too much cause it’s better to just dive into it, and like i said, it’s not that long.
Business as Unusual 15 Chapters ; Completed
Another short one that I enjoyed. 💕
Tho i’m not a believer of getting back together with your ex. Lol. That’s the story here. MC/ML were a thing back in college and because of a misunderstanding they “broke up”. Years later, they meet again as office mates and rekindle their romance. I’m happy for the characters because they had a second chance at love and are now at a better place to stay together.
Considering the length of this, there was one scene that really stuck with me. The two are walking on the street late at night and ML is chasing the MC, he wants to talk but the MC won’t listen so he shouts:
It’s so funny considering why it was said, to get someone’s attention — but also so romantic. It is like a scene in a k-drama.
Tied To You 64 Chapters ; Completed
I feel so lucky that I found this title in it’s completion cause i would absolutely go nuts if I had to wait, to find out what’s gonna happen next. As soon as I started, I couldn’t stop and took me 5 hours to finish the whole thing. So worth it. This kind of Manhwa is the reason why I keep reading, hoping that I will find something like this. It’s really something special. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
the synopsis is as follows:
It’s only sleeping together while holding hands, nothing else. That’s what Shin Wooseo tells himself when a red ring that ties a person to their soulmate appears on his finger one day. Once two people get tied by the ring, they cannot fall asleep unless they’re physically together. However, his destined partner isn’t his long-term friend and secret crush, Kang Jiseok, but rather his older brother, Kang Jigeon! And so starts the tragedy of loving one brother but having to share beds with the other. Although, it might not entirely be a tragedy, as Kang Jigeon doesn’t seem so disappointed about being tied to his younger brother’s best friend…
I don’t usually go for love triangle tropes, but this one is not really that kind of love triangle. The strength of this Manhwa is the storytelling. Every panel & interactions served a purpose. As a reader, you are pulled in and can’t help but want to know more. I also appreciated that we can see the perspectives of 3 different people, but moreso on the MC/ML. I liked the concept of “love” that was portrayed too — it’s something that you have to work and fight for. It’s a conscious choice and not all sweet gestures.
Now i wanna spotlight the ML, KANG JIGEON 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 If I was to rank my fave MLs from all the stuff I read, he would easily be in the Top 10. He is manipulative but in the best way because all he does is for Wooseo to pay more attention to him. I have to say that he ultimately sets up the “scene” but most of the time the choice is still with Wooseo. His devotion is very real and his approach to fighting for his love is ( to me personally ) admirable! GO GET YOUR BOY! I’m not even mad at him.
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I’ve been wanting to read a character like him, a chaotic good if you will, and that’s probably why this made such an impact on me. It was hilarious seeing the comments of readers in the early chapters being sus about Jigeon and thinking he is gonna be an asshole ML. In the middle, they were confused whether to love or hate him and the schemes. Towards the end, everyone was cheering for Jigeon and applauding him. Lol. I guess he was successful in making the readers fall in love too. ❤️
The King and Me Chapter 36; Ongoing
The story is very unique, atleast to me, cause I haven’t read anything set in Ancient Egypt + Time travel. There is also some heavy plot aside from the romance and every character here is just beautiful and badass!!!! The first few chapters broke my heart. I swear. It was effective in setting up the MC’s quest and why he is so stubborn when he goes back in time. What he is after is so important. 💪🏼
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I adore the MC (Zhang Li)!!! He is so smart and determined to find out the truth about his “Rocky” and the tyrant king. His circumstances are not the best, but he tries to adapt and is not some love sick fool. Even if the main reason that he is there is because of love. This story is still in it’s early stages and I feel like it could easily go up to 150++ chapters because of the plot and well, the progression of MC/ML relationship. It’s also a slowburn so if that’s your thing, you would enjoy this.
Manhattan Romance Chapter 40; Ongoing
This reads like the kind of novel set in a specific city, in this case, NY, and two people meet each other and fall in love. Of course there are challenges and issues between the characters and their environment but the central story is their relationship. I think people who will read this would want to be the MC (Hyeon), in a way, all because of how much the ML (Luwan) dotes on him. Hyeon has his own issues and he is a precious bean that is too good for this world! I’m so happy that Luwan is the person who “caught” him and not some toxic shit. Let them live in their penthouse and be happy, Let Hyeon paint more masterpieces and the two of them to travel the world. ❤️
Ordinary life of a Universal Guide Chapter 61; Completed
Because i’m a sucker for esper/guide universe I had to pick it up. There is really nothing “special” with the plot, it’s the usual for the trope. My comments sounds like i hated it or something lol but the truth is — it’s alright. I picked this up after reading really good ones ( tied to you & the king and me ) so this was an in between read. I can’t always be that lucky.
The Third Ending Chapter 67; Completed
OMG how do I even begin to describe this perfection. I’ve been seeing this on other people’s list but for some reason I kept putting it off. Funny how I always manage to “start” reading something really good just before bedtime — which delays the “sleeping” I should be doing 😂😂😂
First of all, I love the art. It reminds me of Omega Complex that was so pretty so that helped a lot. 🫶🏼
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Suh Yoonseul has had life easy—everyone likes him, he’s good at his job, basically everything has always worked out as smooth as butter. However, there’s something that brings all of his good luck down, and it’s the infrequent dreams he has of Kang Joon. Who knew that rejecting a guy once would hang so heavy on your life? To make things worse, after he runs into Joon the dreams keep on coming daily. At his wit’s end, Yoonseul takes some advice from a friend so that he can free himself from this jinx. It’s simple. Make Kang Joon think that he’s a nice person. That can’t be hard, right?
Yoonseul is one of my favorite MCs. He’s a chronic people pleaser and has this perfect facade that he presents to everyone. So when he remembers being mean ( showing his true self ) back in high school to someone who confessed to him — he can’t let it go. It was so fun to see him suffer when it comes to winning Joonie over ( AHHHHHH Joonie is the most precious and can do no wrong!!! ) because tbh his intentions weren’t good. He is selfish. The entire season 1 was such a treat. Seeing their relationship progress and I— I don’t wanna spoil anymore but this could easily be a kdrama. There was that scene in the snow. AHHHHH! I was screaming while reading it! Lol. Season 2 is sweeter and more on fluff, by that time, you’re already so invested on them that you don’t care about any plot. Personally, what I loved about this is their mutual obsession towards each other. I’m a fan of that. I like tropes that are about “fated pairs” or something similar.
Between the Lines Chapter 20 ; ongoing
Not gonna say too much about this and I encourage people to wait for more chapters but it has a solid start. The MC/ML are both likable. Especially the MC. The premise is also hilarious, cause MC is a bl writer who is having a writer’s block and needs an inspiration for his protagonist. Here comes ML, who acts like Mr.Perfect ( but he isn’t ) and inspires him. There is so much more going on here that I feel like will be explored more as the story progresses so i’ll definitely come back to it.
Necromancer Survival 79 chapters ; 2 seasons completed and s3 is TBA
I had no idea what was in store for me when I decided to pick this up. I have a thing for necromancers and this one has the whole “dungeons” concept to it so I was down. But like — this probably ruined every other story for me. In a good way. Now I want a plot-heavy type of story with the romance as a bonus only. All I’ve been reading so are heavy on the romance & relationship, this has that element too but you get really invested with the plot.
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When the weak and unconfident Choi Yikyung first found out that he was a user, he thought he had finally hit the jackpot. In Yikyung’s mind, Necromancy seemed like the ultimate mix of cool and interesting. Back then, he had no idea that the Necromancer class was the weakest of them all! But as Yikyung enters the newly reopened Tower of Spirits in search of enhancement materials, he is sucked into a mysterious area of the dungeon where he encounters a frightening corpse. “Ding!” A quest window pops up, and it says… “You have made a pact with Seo Dawon, a vengeful spirit.” When tackling quests, it doesn’t hurt to have a companion or two, especially if one of them is the spirit of an ultra powerful and handsome young man. After all, “it’s dangerous to go alone”!
Don’t let the art fool you. It’s not some bright and shiny story. I made the mistake of thinking it’s gonna be some g rated adventure story lol It’s literally a necromancer whose goal is to make a master/slave pact with all the members of a dead team. He has to fulfill their wishes and help them get their revenge— which means killing a lot of people. It comes with a price, because every summoning is making him weaker in some aspects. Also no one knows what the true power of a necromancer is so whatever it is he’s doing — they don’t know what will happen to him in the long run. I freakin love the concept and how it’s mixed in with the romance. Is Seo Dawon only attracted to Yikyung because he is his master or are these real feelings? How will this relationship even work when one of them is Dead? A huge bonus too are how likable the other characters are. Especially Jung Garam!!! 🫶🏼
I hope the Manhwa continues cause I wanna see them get that revenge! 💪🏼 I wanna know too if Yikyung’s power will allow him to resurrect people and if so, what’s the payment?
I see lots of comments that say this adaptation does not live up to the novel & source material. Which i get it — a Manhwa will have restrictions, especially on the themes. The novels seems more gruesome and explicit ( not the sexual kind ) which usually has to be toned down for a Manhwa to get a license. Plus from what I can tell, the Novel is like 500 chapters ++ with a concept so niche and is for a specific type of reader. So yeah… I’m not sure if I will pick up the novel. I don’t have that urge yet, tho I am very interested in the censored scenes and if it’s really as dark as people are saying it is. I have a feeling it’s right up my alley. && I read some comments that Yikyung gets more dangerous as the story progresses ( getting corrupted by the summoning and the practice of necromancy ). I’m very curious! 👀
If anyones decided to read this, lemme know what you think. 💕
Black Mirror Chapter 64 ; Completed
This is the perfect spooky + sexy read for the season we’re in right now. From the first page down to the end, I can’t stop reading and wanting to know what happens next. It perfectly captures that eerie feeling, even if there are a lot of explicit scenes, it’s still there. The author really planned this well and the artist perfectly executed it. I don’t explain more because it’s best to go into this blind and experience the story for yourself. Highly recommend ✨✨
See you all next month ^^ & feel free to recommend me some titles! 💕
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primojade · 2 years
𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈 : 𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐀 𝐈𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐀 𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐀. ( the die is cast )
𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐈 : argumentum ad ignorantiam. ( argument from ignorance )
" real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. " - confucius
𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒' 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | As a veteran AR60 player of Genshin Impact, you pride yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Teyvat, even studiously completing Spiral Abyss every reset, and having 100% exploration to some, if not all, of the released regions so far. Everything is fun and enjoyable, especially since Sumeru just recently debuted so you still have a lot to do!
All that ends though, when a mysterious passerby pushes you off the building of your university while playing Genshin. But instead of meeting your inevitable end, you find yourself waking up in the very world you were addicted to! 
It's supposed to be a fun dream, right? Something you could laugh at when you wake up? Right?! So, why is that you were back in AR1 with nothing but a dull blade in your inventory?!
…well, at least you still have those 700+ sunsettias and mints, Timmie's fowls…and surprisingly similar game mechanics you used to merely see on the screen before. But what should you do now? Flirt with the Genshin men??? Good lords...
"Welcome to Genshin Impact, Dreamer. Here, we can show you a happier ever after you've never had before…so, ready?"
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 | In which you find yourself mysteriously waking up in Liyue after running away from Tighnari. Now, two of Liyue's Big Three are hot on your tails, determined to find answers out of you.
𝐂𝐖 / 𝐓𝐖 | Cursing, fainting, Xiao threatening you, a fungi attacked you? Lmk if I missed anything!
𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 | I decided to finished writing the alternate bigger route first instead of the branching narratives in route 1. This route might go a bit more insane-ish and action packed because reader is gonna end up in Liyue...👀👀 and this route is a lot more difficult to write that the first one ngl 🤡 i scraped a lot of ideas and maybe shed a tear or two /j anyhow, reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
masterlist | prologue: that love is a fallacy | (alternate route) route i: argumentum ad hominem
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It took almost all your willpower and strength to get yourself out of the bed. Your mind is racing with a lot of possibilities, and your heart is pounding with adrenaline as you successfully leave Tighnari's hut undetected—hopefully.
You need to get out of here.
You don't know when he'll be back from fetching your "medicine" but you really didn't think it would be a good idea to stay in this place, you had a bad feeling something will happen the longer you spend resting instead of finding a way to get back home—or wake up from this dream.
Getting isekicked to Genshin sounds so fun and exhilarating at first, especially with the way the fanfic writers penned their own masterpieces in SAGAU with so much enthusiasm and eloquence. Sure, you wished to meet your favourite characters at first, but now that you were experiencing it for yourself, it brought you nothing but fear and disappointment. Fear for the not-so unknown world that awaits you and the utter disappointment how your AR suddenly regressed back to the start. 
And, no. This is not like those SAGAU fanfics on Tumblr you were obsessed with! You were not a Creator or something, not even an impostor! Tighnari doesn't seem like he's about to worship nor attack you anyway. If anything, he just appeared as clueless, if not suspicious, as you about this whole ordeal!
So, now, you have no one you could rely on in order to survive in this not so foreign world. Well, nothing aside from your AR1 account and the game mechanics that seemed to work just the same as before.
After a few more minutes of stealthily sneaking around, you finally had reached the end of the massive tree that held the Gandharva Ville together. It felt so surreal seeing the whole place with your own eyes and despite your fears, you felt the fascination and excitement you initially felt when exploring Sumeru for the first time. Like Tighnari himself, the details of the scenery, the trees, the houses, the leaves and even the grass looked as authentic as the ones in the real world. They don't look even close to being pixels anymore.
Plus, there are even more NPCs that reside in the Gandharva Ville than you remember. You saw Nasrin, Amir and the other Forest Rangers you talked to before in-game when you were bored. And even the researchers and non-hostile Eremites were standing in their respective places, too!
I wonder if I could see Collei. You briefly wondered before sadly shaking your head, you have no time for that. (Maybe in another route LOL).
On the other hand, you would take your sweet time to marvel at this discovery only if you weren't pressed for time. You want to go home as soon as you can, and be ready to put ALL of this as a great dream you can laugh at later.
"That's right. Plus, I still have to take my midterm exams…" You muttered to yourself as you opened the Map and made your way to the nearest Statue of the Seven near Gandharva Ville and the Chasm. You have to see if teleportation would work, and so that you could start lighting up your Map. 
Come to think of it, if you were indeed in Genshin Impact and this is all real…then which part of the Archon Quest are you now? 
"Ugh. I forgot to ask Tighnari if he already met the Traveller!" You facepalmed. "Though I wonder who is the Traveller here and one in the Abyss?"
Just as you already see the Dendro Archon's Statue in the distance, a sudden shiver runs down your spine. You don't like this feeling. You swallowed thickly, braving yourself to look behind you.
And you almost screeched in surprise when you saw a Stretchy Geo Fungus aggressively charging straight at you. You threw yourself at the side just in time for it to hit the nearby thick boulder instead. In panic, you summon back the Inventory tab to hopefully find anything useful to defend yourself with.
Another disappointment washed over you. "—a Dull Blade?! Where are my other weapons?!" You exclaimed, horrified. But you have no time to complain further because the Fungus quickly recovers, its beady eyes dangerously (and adorably) narrowed at you and come charging again, spinning its head so you quickly equipped the LVL1 Dull Blade and with all your might, you swung at it before it hit you.
"This is so unfair!" You cried as you blindly smacked the Fungi with the Dull Blade. You repeatedly saw 45, 52, 63 as you dealt Physical Damage on it, literally. Its health (or HP) bar floating above its head decreases little by little. You missed your hundred thousand damage and one shooting these annoying mushrooms.
After forever had passed (it's really only about five minutes) and shedding a tear or two behind physically wrecking the LVL10 Fungus (why is it level 10 already when you're in the WL0?!), you stared blankly at the Mora and Fungal Spores it left behind. 
"Huh? So, the game system about enemy loot is the same, too?" You asked yourself in disbelief as the Mora excitedly jumped around you before it vanished in your Inventory (you now have 35 Mora, yay!) You have to grab the Spores yourself before it, too, disappears in your Inventory. In the corner of your eyes, you also saw additional EXP for your Adventure Rank and possibly your Character EXP, too.
It was a huge relief that the Statue of the Seven seems to work just fine. So, when you interact with the Statue in Gandharva Ville, the Map that surrounds it is lit up, including its Teleport Waypoints. 
"A-Are you saying…" Your jaw dropped, also dropping the Dull Blade while staring at the Paimon Menu in unbridled rage. "...I HAVE TO FIGHT THE ENEMIES MYSELF TO GET LOOTS? You have to be kidding me!"
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The disappointing (again) thing was that…you can't resonate with the Statue like the Traveller does in-game. 
"In short, this game is rigged from the start." You frowned angrily as you started to trek away from the Statue. How come it only favours the Traveller to give them cool powers and not you?! Hmp.
In any case, you decided to leave Sumeru for now. This area was too dangerous for your AR1 ass, as you could see with fighting just a single Fungus. Archons forbid what would happen if you encounter those annoying Eremites and Fatui loitering around! 
Liyue seems to be more of a safe option compared to Sumeru. If not, you could always go to Mondstadt instead. The starting regions have little to no overall hostility that Inazuma and Sumeru possessed, aside from a few Fatui and stronger hilichurls. Plus, the chests there are easier to find compared to the ones in Sumeru and Inazuma. More chests means more mats. Heh.
If worse comes out, you could always run away with your Physical Dull Blade, no? You sarcastically console yourself.
And that's what you had done for the rest of the day. You tried your best to not disturb any Fungus or any Sumpter Beast nearby, hiding behind trees and bushes to camouflage yourself poorly. 
The only thing that you find lucky enough is probably how you manage to locate your backpack hanging on a tree. Thankfully, your phone (who magically seems to have an infinite battery??), your laptop, your textbooks and notebooks and other stuff didn't get wet from the constant rainfall in the Avidya Forest. And who knows what might happen if someone from this world discovered your things!
Anyhow, it must be the most stressful and exhausting two days of your life, and yes, this dream-turned-into-reality is being an absolute nightmare now. You have no proper rest, no proper food, and your flight and fight response is so high that even a slight noise nearby would make you jolt and run for your life, exhausting yourself even further.
You were glad you always brought some painkillers and other medicine and first aid (perks of being a scout during grade school. Hahaha). You could at least tend to your wounds while you were travelling by yourself—still, it's not enough but it would do.
You wanted to cry and curled in a ball and hoped that this nightmare would end soon. It was a bad decision to leave Tighnari's care so soon, yes, but you can't also let your uncertainty hinders you to know what exactly is happening right now. Tighnari may offer protection and safety to you, but that choice would also restrict your actions and discovery if you don't set yourself out.
"I still think I did the right thing…" you groaned tiredly, looking at the hilichurl camp at the distance. "...well, at least I'm in Liyue now. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can see Zhongli or even Xiao soon…welp."
Maybe you shouldn't have jinxed it.
That's all you remember before your stomach rumbles so loudly and everything goes black.
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When you thought meeting Xiao would make you feel safe and defend you at least since he's one of your best DPS in-game and could annihilate enemies faster and efficiently both in lore and meta sense, having to feed him with decent to godsent artefacts, and the prospect of meeting him did excites you for a bit, you almost forgot this possibility.
"...Answer me, mortal. Why did you call me and how did you know that name?" The tip of the Primordial Jade Winged Spear that you accidentally pulled in the Standard Banner was pointed at your neck threateningly. You stared wide-eyed at the glinting tip, and as you marvelled at the weapon's intricate design (and its delicious crit rate stat; nevermind its pointing at you), you immediately noticed one tiny detail.
"...Huh…why is your weapon not ascended—" You blurted out, unashamed before you realised you should've been afraid that Xiao himself was pointing his signature weapon at you. 
But no, you knew the design of PJWS by heart now. You knew that that is not its ascended form. But aside from that—
"Conqueror of Demons, please do wait a moment. They appeared to be lost and distraught. We must give them time to collect and explain themselves before we come to conclusions." The calm voice of Xiao's fellow 'Big Three' member somehow manage to soothe your confused nerves.
That's the keyword—somehow.
You didn't know if it was because of the grogginess of being asleep for who-knows-how-long had spiraled your initial fear and cautiousness prior to their arrival into confusion and you simply—
"What the actual fuck?" 
—cannot function well.
As well as you hoped to be, at least.
You have no idea why Xiao and Ganyu were with you right now! What you remember before passing out from exhaustion (and hunger) is passing by a hilichurl camp at the intersection between Liyue and Sumeru, and after that? 
What are you doing in Nantianmen now?! It's impossible because you were certain you haven't unlocked the Teleport Waypoint there yet! But you found yourself waking up with the two of them hovering around you, with one pointing his weapon at you the moment you land your eyes on him.
Xiao didn't seem like he would listen to Ganyu's words though, and his grip on his polearm just tightened with what you just said. "...I have not heard of that language. Explain yourself, mortal, and answer my question before I make a decision for you."
"Conqueror of Demons," Ganyu pleads, kneeling beside you and patting your shoulder awkwardly.
His threats shook you, because you knew if you didn't answer, he would really go with it. Especially since he was seeing you as a threat to Liyue right now.
"W-Wait! I didn't mean any trouble!" You found yourself exclaiming in desperation. "I didn't even know what the fuck is happening!"
His cat-like amber eyes narrowed down at you dangerously, obviously not believing what you said. "That is what every suspicious mortal says when caught in the act. And that did not explain why you know that name."
"Uh…I dunno, are you an Adeptus?" You tried pathetically.
"Isn't it only polite to call your name?"
Ganyu answered this time, still as soft as ever, that could've fooled you. "Mortals tend to call him 'Conqueror of Demons' or 'Vigilant Yaksha' instead. Not many were aware of that name so it took us by surprise that you seem to know him."
"Oh…" It dawned on you why he seems so hostile now. You were so used calling him Xiao that you forgot about that piece of lore.
Xiao is a name seldom heard.
Route 2.1: Tell them a lie! Something like your grandparents were once saved by him and he gave his name to them or whatever. Or maybe risk telling them that you knew the Traveller (which may or may not be a bad decision since you don't know what point of time is this now) but as if you have any choice anyway. It's that or die again. Ugh.
Now, you knew where you fucked up.
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Route 2.2: Tried reasoning with them as calmly as you could. Explain how you don't remember anything and you seem to have amnesia. Anything that would seem like you were innocent and the only thing you remember is someone telling you to call Xiao's name when you're in danger (which is not a lie in fact, since he did tell you [the traveller] that in one of his voice lines). 
TAGLIST (open! Send a dm or ask to be added :3) | @xinii , @maehemthemisfit , @abvolat , @crazypriestess , @ghostsaysno , @kittence , @unabashedlyminiaturetyrant , @xiyanin , @toasterinabathtub , @sketcheeee , @a-single-pizza , @fuoon , @luvwukong , @salty-salty , @rosebatsc , @inky8 , @thegeekact , @almighty-raiden-shogunate , @isuckat-avery-thing , @perhapsabitgirlypop , @2cuteforyourlies , @stxrgxzxr , @elsoleil , @tsukkinoyya , @mkaella , @celi-alika , @tiffthescales , @blurr3db3rry , @messyserver , @shadowmist0706 , @chin-chii ... (if ur username is orange, it means i cant tagged u :(( maybe its in ur settings? Also lmk if i missed anyone!)
Why the two routes are redflags waiting to be a Bad End tho 😂😂😂 i swear there was a reason why this route is called "argument against ignorance" LOL
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