#xiao x female y/n
anime-addict-362 · 1 year
So Many Ways to Say Yes
Request: i may or may not want to duck his brains out; autocorrect is trying to unhorny me; yknow that one arc when the character has been abused or mistreated or feels unworthy or whatever so immediately assumes theres no aftercare and just tries to leave like "alright, ill be out of your hair then, sorry i took so long to pack up" and you just have to pat them and comfort them
A/N: I've never tried so hard on a smut oneshot 🧍‍♀️ I don't know much about genshin but thank you for requesting! I tried to not go too into details, considering I've only played around 4 hours into Genshin and didn't ge that far. Never heard of Xiao but I looked at videos, then took the request into mind while trying to write his character out. Enough talking, hope you enjoy! :))
CW: NSFW, Xiao x Female Y/N, Sub Xiao, hand jobs, anal penetration (male receiving), fingering (male receiving), oral (male receiving), fluff, lots of reassurance, aftercare
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Y/N eyed Xiao from the tree she sat under. It was a nice day and she needed a break after work. But jesus christ, what was he doing?
He was jumping around. That's the most logical thing she could come up with. Maybe practicing to be a ballerina? She snorted at the idea of him in a tutu.
Then he fell. It looked like it was on purpose, just falling on his face. She had to fight from laughing too hard, and exposing her spot under the tree.
She got up with a sigh when he didn't get up, going over to him. He was still face down in the grass. "There's a bug in your ear."
He jumped at the voice, then hit at his ear. "What?!" Y/N snickered, and Xiao frowned, smacking her as he stood up. "Go back to work, dick."
She gasped. "Dick? Me?"
"Yeah," He felt his going red. Why? He didn't really know.
"Rude," She chuckled. "And I'm done with my work today. I was reading."
Xiao stared at her. "Then what are you doing here?"
"I was reading there," She pointed to the tree, watcjing Xiao think.
Then his face went a deep red.
"You saw-"
"I did," She confirmed. "What was up with that, by the way?"
"None of your business," He spit out quickly, looking away.
"Okayyyy," She smiled. "I'll let it go, as long as you promise this isn't a sign that you should see a psychiatrist."
"I'm fine mentally," He waved her off.
"But physically..."
Y/N saw his face go red again. "I'm fine."
"You sure-"
Y/N jumped at his sudden yell. "I have a pretty good doctor if you just don't want to tell me-"
"Please shut up," He groaned, burying his face in his hands. "No doctors. In fact, don't tell anyone what you saw."
Y/N stared at him, making out his mumbling. "Are you okay? Like actually."
He huffed, feeling her worried look. "I can't tell you."
"Why not," She looked at him weird. "You called me when your friend got his foot stuck in that toilet, how is this worse than that?"
Xiao couldn't help but snort, and knew that's what Y/N was trying to get. "You broke his foot."
"He stuck it in a toilet," She shrugged. "Not my fault. Now what's up? I won't judge you, I promise."
He hesitated. "No laughing?"
"None at all."
"No jokes?"
"Absolutely not."
Xiao groaned. He couldn't believe he was going to tell Y/N. He was going insane. Maybe he did need a psychiatrist.
"I uh," He gulped. "I can't... Get rid of my uh-" He coughed.
Y/N looked at him weird. "Spit it out or else I'll laugh in your face."
He groaned. "My- penis. It won't go soft."
Y/N blinked at that. "That's it?"
Xiao scoffed. "That's it? Really?"
"I thought you were going to tell me some issue with your ass or something, not that you can't come," She shrugged.
Xiao frowned, but he was glad Y/N didn't laugh. "Can you leave me alone?"
"I... That doesn't explain the jumping around," She frowned. "Is that like a kink or something-" She yelped when he smacked her repeatedly. "Okay! God!"
He groaned, going back to the ground. It was better there, maybe it'll swallow him whole.
"I don't know, okay," He ran a hand down his face when she sat by him. "It's driving me nuts. It hurts, I don't know what to do."
Y/N hummed. "How long?"
"Like since 3 AM last night," Again, he was thankful there was not even a chuckle coming from Y/N. He might actually try and snap his own neck if she laughed at his dick.
Y/N thought that over. "I know you said no doctors but-"
"No," He shook his head quickly.
"Alright," She nodded.
"You don't have to help me," He huffed. "Its awkward and weird, I'll just go back to my bed and die."
Y/N snorted at that, and looked down to his pants. Right, he always wore a cover. Which was understandable, goblins and mages didn't care whether a hit to your dick hurt, they'd probably aim there if they were smarter than they were.
"It's not that awkward," She shrugged. "Shit happens."
"So how many people have told you... What I told you," He stopped himself from repeating it. Once was far enough.
"None," She confirmed. "But there's a first for everything, no need to be shocked by everything that comes my way," She sighed, sitting up on her knees. "Do you want help?"
Xiao froze but relaxed soon after. She didn't mean it like that.
"I don't want anyone else to know," He peaked over to her. She looked at him confused.
"What, are you like loud," She snickered. "I'll gag you if I really have to, but I doubt-"
Xiao kicked her leg. "You want to fuck me?!"
Y/N laughed at his kick. "I want to help the fact you're in pain and yes, having sex seems to be apart of that," She cleared her throat, shrugging. "Doesn't have to go that far though, just until you come."
He opened his mouth a bit, then closed it. Was she being serious? "You don't have to-"
"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to help," She threw in there. "But if you don't want to, you have to promise you'll see someone for help. Embarrassing or not."
He huffed, for about the third time of that exchange. This was not happening- Was she really offering... Whatever she was, just to help him?
"Dude, it's okay if you don't want to," She chuckled. "Just wanted to help."
"I just..." He stopped, mind reeling. "What uh, what do you mean..  Help?"
Y/N shrugged. "Probably just start with a handjob, see where that gets you. If it doesn't help, might suck you off. But again, just what you're okay with," She leaned back on her hands with a sigh, stretching. "Could fuck me, really. But you'd have to give me a moment to get ready. For sure need a condom."
This was happening. This was happening? Jesus christ, she was being serious. "Are- are you sure," He asked, afraid that she wasn't actually okay with this. She was nice and would help him whenever but he didn't want her to force herself just to help his issue. It was his fault he didn't see a doctor, anyway.
"Of course," She smiled. "You seem miserable dude. And I'm fine with it."
He thought over it one more time. Y/N wouldn't do anything he didn't like, he already knew that. But was he okay with this? Was he okay with Y/N... Well, jacking him off? Was he okay with seeing her bent down between his legs and sucking-
Yeah he was, his dick behind the hard cover really confirmed it as he twitched. God, it really hurt.
"Okay," He nodded.
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure," He groaned, going to stand up, then yelped as his penis somehow got caught in the cover, but jesus, did it send a shock of pleasure with the pain through him. He sat right back down.
"Okay okay, lay the fuck back," Y/N snorted, and moved to sit on her knees in front of him, between his legs.
"Ri- right here," He hated how his voce rang up multiple octaves.
"Can you walk," Her question almost sounded like a challenge. "If you don't want to here, then at least take this goddamn cover off until we get to wherever."
He was just jumping around just fine damnit, why couldn't he stand? "What if someone-"
"They won't," Y/N assure him, hands moving to rub his thighs. "I promise, okay? I wouldn't be doing this here if I wasn't sure of it."
He gulped. "Can we uhm, at least move to the tree," At least there was shade, and some cover. But she was right, it was quite a long walk. He barely knew how he got over here with all the jumping around.
But he was desperate, so who knows.
"Of course, c'mon," She gave him a reassuring smile, helping him get up with her.
Okay, one step at a time. The tree was right there, and Y/N was going to- Okay yeah, he needed to hurry before his penis exploded.
Maybe he was being dramatic but the thought of Y/N helping him get off was very overwhelming, okay? Even if it wasn't exactly... New.
Okay so Y/N was hot, everyone thought so! It was okay for him to think it too. Even if his thoughts were shifting towards more romantic things, and less just wanting to fuck her into the bed things.
The things people tell him just because he's close to Y/N was insane. He didn't need to hear about their fantasies about her, it was weird.
So he was jealous- Fuck off.
Oh shit, he made it to the tree! Didn't even notice.
"Alright, get comfortable," Y/N spoke up, then smiled as he collapsed against the tree. He looked decent enough, really. Except for while he was walking, he didn't seem to be too uncomfortable. But she trusted him when he said it hurt.
Once again, she dropped to her knees in front of him, watching his face turn red quickly. "Any way I can do this that'll help you calm down?"
He shook his head. "I'm okay, it's just uh... I'm fine."
"It's just what," She asked, not wanting to fuck up somehow if she didn't have to.
"I don't.... I don't think I'm very good at this tyoe of thing," He gulped.
"Oh," Y/N smiled, and god, it was bright. "That's okay. It's just me. I won't make any jokes, promise."
Well since she was being nice. "But what if I mess up?"
"There's not much you can do to mess up," She chuckled.
"I disagree."
Y/N hummed at that. "I get it. You're nervous. But you really can't mess up here."
"Xiao," She grabbed his face with one hand, successfully squishing his cheeks. "If you do something that wrong, I will let you know. I will smack you in this pretty face if I have to. Understand?"
He nodded and she smiled, letting go. "Lift your hips," She wasn't expecting him to listen instantly, but he was probably really wanting to get on with his dick to stop hurting. He was practically limping.
She slid the more loose pants off his legs, and set them aside. Her next step was tp take that damn cover off. Obviously, it was not helping him, other than hiding it.
"Not even a pair of boxers," Y/N asked, working on loosening the cover. Why did he need one so damn intricate? "No wonder your dick hurts, this is like metal."
"I know," He huffed. "The fabric was too rough."
"And the metal isn't," She snicked, finally taking the damn cover fully off. And damn, was it fucking messy. It looked like he had came repeatedly already.
Eh. She could deal with that.
She didn't bother waiting to grab his dick, but pulled away when he flinched, hard. "Did that hurt?"
"N- no," He shook his head quickly. "I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Y/N chuckled, and held onto his dick again. More carefully this time. "Rough or gentle?"
She nodded, and gave an experimental tug. She expected another flinch, or a gasp. Not the moan that was practically yelled, and him fucking into her hand, not gently.
"Fuck," He practically sobbed.
Y/N raised an eyebrow but smiled in amusement, watching tears fill his eyes so quickly. She just kept her hand still, letting him do his thing.
He couldn't think straight. All he knew was that a cold-ish hand wrapped around his dick, and god, he needed relief. But he caught himself and stopped, pulling away. "I'm sorry," He was deeply embarrassed by the fact he was crying.
"Stop," Y/N sat up, moving to lean over him. He slid more on the ground during his moment so it wasn't hard. "It's okay, Xiao. C'mon."
He moaned again as she held his dick again, just as gently. And with her above him, smiling at him reassuringly, god, he needed to come.
"You were doing so good, fuck my hand again," She started moving her hand first, but stopped once his hips started to buck up, slowky this time. "Good job, you're doing such a good job."
He choked out a moan, hands gripping at Y/N's wrist and waist. "Don't stop, please."
"I won't," She assured him, despite knowing he was doing most the work here.
"Y/N," He gasped, hips stuttering. "Kiss me? Please?"
That caught her off guard, but she listened. She leaned in and groaned when Xioa slammed them together. The kiss was messy but Xiao was moaning throughout it, so she didn't complain.
"Thank you," He whimpered against her lips. "Feels so- You feel so good, please don't stop."
Y/N felt her breathing pick up. She didn't know he would be like this. She liked it though, how fucking whiney he was, hips excited to fuck just her hand.
So she kissed him, just as roughly as he did. He grabbed a handful of her hair to keep her in place, fucking into her hand faster. Her hand was absolutely covered in the old come, but she hoped more would be joining soon.
He pulled away to whine into her shoulder. "It's not enough," He sobbed, frustrated and embarrassed.
"Okay," Y/N nodded, taking a deep breath. "Just uh, give me a second, okay?"
He nodded, pulling away so she could do what she needed. He watched her every move, the way her arms flexed as she pulled her jacket, the way, her eyes closed as she pulled her hair up, and god, the way she looked at him.
He yelped as she grabbed his legs and pulled, quickly and roughly. She kept doing so until he was laying on his upper back and shoulders, and his legs were on her shoulders, successfully putting his dick and ass practically in his face.
This was so fucking embarrassing, what was he-
"Oh fuck," He yelled as her tongue ran up his length, her hands holding his hips to keep him from squirming too much. "Yes!"
She kissed his thigh but pulled away again. "What all did you do to try and get off?"
He paused at the question, mind running much to quick to process it quickly. "I uhm- I jacked off?"
"That's it," She asked, looking confused.
"Well," He gulped. "I took a cold shower and um... Fingered myself," He gulped again, looking away.
"Jesus christ Xiao," Y/N mumbled, looking to his ass. "Can I eat you out?"
So many different ways to answer that. So many ways to say yes. But he didn't think one really fit the situation like he wanted.
"Please, Y/N," He choked out, reaching out to hold her hand.
Y/N held his hand back, before going to eat him out. He immediately jumped, then moaned softly. So she brought her free hand up to jack him off, gently again.
Xiao could barely think. Y/N's tongue inside of him, the hand around his cock, and god, the way she fucking manhandled him so he wouldn't move. He could get used to this, he wanted more of this. He wanted this everyday, just Y/N.
God, the things he would want to do to Y/N if she let him. All of it went way past sex. No, he liked her more than that. He wanted a life with her, not just the sex, even though it sounded great.
And god, it was great. Y/N was relentless, obviously trying hard to make him come. It was just like, whenever he felt he was getting close, he just wouldn't come. He hoped that Y/N would make a difference, and yeah, it felt way better. But he still wasn't coming.
"Y/N," He whimpered after a few minutes of wordless moans, and grabbing at her. "It's- It's not-" He shook his head.
Y/N didn't want to give up at this point. Xiao was fucking close, she knew it. So she adjusted him again, letting his legs lean back into the air, rather than hwr shoulders.
She let two fingers slide in and almost groaned at how easily they slid in. God, this would be a great time to have her strap on her. Damnit.
She searched for that spot she knew was there, other hand wrapping around Xiao's hips so he was stop moving around so much.
"There," He gasped. "Yes, fuck, there yes, that's it," He nodded, hand going down to find Y/N's thigh. He really needed something to hold.
Y/N loosened her arm from his hips to go back to his dick. She let her fingers curl everytime she moved them in, to hit that one spot that was making him jump.
God, he was sobbing again. His mind switched from completely full, to absolute empty. He couldn't think, he only felt those goddamn hands. He wasn't sure what he was saying but hes pretty sure he was talking. Or just mindlessly babbling.
Regardless, he was past the point of embarrassment.
He didn't know when she added a third finger but he felt it when he felt his stomach twisting. He sobbed loudly. "I'm gonna cum, please Y/N," He gripped her thigh roughly, maybe too rough, but Y/N didn't say anything. "Oh- God fuck! Please!"
Y/N huffed, keeping her pace even. This was working.
Until it wasn't.
She sighed when Xiao didn't come, and felt his frustrated groan, a hand going up to wipe hie tears.
"This is pointless," He dropped his weight on her, not caring at this point.
Y/N thought this over. His cock was very clearly sensitive, a very deep red and he seemed to be getting tired.
Xiao was ripped from his hating thoughts when Y/N pulled away completely. "What-"
"C'mon," She threw him his pants.
"Did I- What are we doing," He asked, breathing heavy. No. He didn't want to stop. Even if it wasn't working- No, he needed Y/N. Fuck, no, she can't just leave.
"I love you," He blurted out, stopping both of them.
Y/N paused. "What?"
"I love you," No turning back now. "I'm in love with you, if anyone can make me come, it's you. Please don't leave me like this, Y/N, I'm begging you."
Y/N watched Xiao cry with wide eyes. It wasn't out of pleasure this time, but she could tell he was getting overwhelmed, he even looked scared.
"Xiao," She mumbled, sitting by him and holding him. He sobbed, holding her back. "I'm not leaving, I promise. I was never leaving. It's okay, take a deep breath."
"Don't leave," He could barely tell it was his own voice. It was shaky, and almost pathetic, but Y/N just held him closer, kissing the top of his head.
"It's okay," She assured him, lifting his head and wiping away tears. "Look at me."
He looked her in the eye and almost broke down all over again at the look in her eye. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I'm right here."
"I love you," He shook his head. "Don't push it aside, please acknowledge it, I love you Y/N. I don't want you to leave me after this, please don't."
Y/N sighed, kissing him. He groaned, kissing her back and then looked at her for her next words. Anything more.
"I love you too, Xiao," She wiped more tears away.  "I am head over heels for your dumbass."
He couldn't help but chuckle. "Do you really?"
"Yeah," She nodded. "And we'll talk about that later okay? I promise we will. But I need you to answer something for me."
He nodded. He was sure he would do anything right now, if she asked.
"Did you purposely not let yourself come because you thought I would leave you here," She asked, a thumb still caressing his cheek, despite most of the tears being dried up.
"No," He shook his head, then thought it over. "Maybe? I don't know, it could've been part of it but it wasn't on purpose. I'm sorry."
"It's okay," She smiled softly, then blew out of breath. "Thank god, I thought I was losing my touch."
Xiao smacked her arm, rolling his eyes. That was definitely her, alright.
Y/N chuckled. "Okay c'mon. Let's do this again."
He watched her move back between his legs, spreading them over her own thighs, so he was on display for her once again.
"Wait," He spoke up. "So what were you doing, if you weren't leaving?"
"Oh," She tilted her head. "I was gonna fuck you at my place."
He blinked. "...why not here, like everything else?"
"I wanted a condom, and my strap is in ny bedroom," She snorted. "I don't want to pop out a baby quite yet."
"That's fair," He nodded with a sigh.
"Mhm," She hummed, a hand pushing up his shirt. "Ready?"
"Yeah," Xiao nodded, looking to her with a small smile. God, he better fucking come, it was going to be embarrassing as hell if he didn't.
She wrapped her hand around he again, gently. The other hand made its way to his right nipple, moving her thumb over it before she pinched it, still gentle.
He moaned again, breathing picking up. "Oh fuck," He wished he could stop crying.
"Good boy," She hummed and he twitched, starting to fuck her hand all over again. And again, he wasn't gentle with himself.
"Call me it again, please," He practically begged.
"You're such a good boy, Xiao," Y/N grinned, watching him fuck her hand harder.
"Just yours," He whined.
"Yeah, you're my good boy," She kissed his chest, then moved to kiss his neck. "You're doing so good, c'mon baby, you can come. You're look so pretty, fucking up into my hand."
His jaw dropped as he whimpered, his orgasm sneaking up on him. "I- I'm- Y/N-"
"Yes, come baby," Xiao thrived at the way she sounded as breathless as him, and came all over her hand.
He gripped onto her hard, body jerking closer and farther from her hand. "Ah fuck fuck FUCK," His eyes rolled back, and it felt like it wouldn't stop.
But next thing he knew, he was in a bed. Not his, no. But looking at the room, he could tell it was Y/N's. It was so her.
"Sup," He jumped at Y/N's voice. She stood in the doorway to her room, eating something. "You're awake!"
Xiao sighed, sitting up. "God, what happened?"
"Dude, you came so much," Y/N laughed. "Its was so hot. But you pretty much blacked out from there. I almost took you to your place but my place was closer and you looked like you really needed some rest."
She walked away for a second but came back with another plate and handed it to him. "I cleaned you up but you should eat."
"Thank you," He frowned a bit. "For everything."
"No need to thank me," She shook her head, setting her plate aside. Go ahead and eat. We'll talk afterwards, okay?"
He nodded, head hanging.
She kept him talking pretty much throughout the whole time they ate, about random things. Events coming up, whether he had to do anything significant soon, or what he did over that week.
Then when they were done, Xiao laid back in her bed, waiting for her return. She said she was just cleaning the dishes but she was taking awhile. But she did come back, with his clothes, now clean.
"Thank you," He looked back down, once he had the clothes, seeing she even fixed a hole in the left pant leg. "Why'd you do that?"
"I got bored," She shrugged, sitting by him. "What's up?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you're pouting," She chuckled. "C'mon, talk to me. What's wrong?"
Xiao shrugged, because he didn't really know. He was happy, Y/N loved him back, she did all these great things for him, what was there to feel bad about?
"Is has to be something," She held his hand and he felt his eyes shoot to them. Fuck yes!
"I don't know," He spoke truthfully. "It's nothing specific. I guess... I feel bad that you did all this, maybe. Had sex with me in an almost open field, brought me here when I passed out, made me food, cleaned and fixed my clothes. I think it would've been easier to just take me home or just leave me there."
"Do you think you're a burden for me," She asked with a frown, and he shrugged.
"I guess you could say that."
"Xiao," She turned his head and kissed him. It was soft, and much more controlled than their other's. Her lips moved gently over his and he sighed, taking a tighter hold of her hand.
"You will never be a burden to me," Y/N looked him in the eye when she pulled away, still holding his face so he wouldn't looked away. "Everything I did today, I did because I wanted to. I wanted to do it for you. And you deserved it all, and so much more."
He sighed, taking a risky move to hold her. But she held him back, kissing the top of his head. "Thank you. You know... I'm so down for you to peg me."
"Oh yeah."
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makelemonade · 29 days
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men who absolutely love to break you- watching with absolute pleasure as you cry and thrash under him, whine about how it’s too much but he knows you can take it- you’re his good girl, aren’t you? such a good slut who is willing to do anything for him! so let him make you cum as many times as he wants <3
he loves to watch the way your eyes roll back, starting to go absolutely drunk on his cock as you begin to babble about it, drool leaking out the side of your mouth. Maybe to others it was disgusting but to him you looked absolutely gorgeous.
He loved how he made you like this- he made you this cock slut who can only fit around his cock. It drives him mad whenever you go to him, admitting your needs, begging to be filled up my his fat cock, because he knows he’s finally made you his offiical
You don’t been remember your own name when he fucks you, but that’s not a big deal, right? You shouldn’t think about yourself right now- only think about how good he’s fucking into you and all the cum dripping out of you <3
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angelsrcute · 1 month
can you do the they catch you read something spicy with kaeya, xiao and alhaitham?
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Kaeya, Xiao, Alhaitham + Fem n M(Xiao's part)!Reader ➜ cws: Modern au, riding, spanking. ᡴꪫ‎
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꒰ঌ 𝐊𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐚 ໒꒱ — 🪦
He'd tease you about it so much I bet. He was working on a paper and saw you were focused on your phone. He got up, curious on what you were reading with so much focus that you're not doing the papers that are to be submitted tomorrow. You let out a shriek after noticing him behind you,
“Woah..are you into those type of things? interesting, Y/N. Why not try it, hm? given you're so red about it.” He coos, climbing on the couch, taking the phone away, “Welp, there goes our paper. Do think of the excuse we're gonna give.”
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꒰ঌ 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨 ໒꒱ — 🪦
He would be crazy blushing. He decided to go to your room to play games, but God damn, what the hell. You were watching hentai. And it wasn't some normal type too, fuck, how down bad were you?
“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?? yikes..”
Well this guy is fucked because you're already leading him to the bed, ass presented to you as his face faces the laptop. Let's just say Xiao couldn't walk the next day nor could he go out, especially with those visible ass bite marks.
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꒰ঌ 𝐀𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦 ໒꒱ — 🪦
He'd be amused, but jealous too. God, what's the good about that fictional character when he's right there? the audacity! So here you are now, on top of him as you ride him, whining at how big he is. He'd spank your ass if you got too loud, reminding you that the neighbours would complain. Your cunt sucking his dick in, head all warm and fuzzy, eyes hazy. You had forgotten how many times you came, body shaking at this point.
“Why? Thought you wanted to be fucked stupid, reading that ‘overstimulation’ or whatever fanfiction. So, now be a little grateful.”
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jinkicake · 1 year
Ps. Would u mind if I request a 2nd part for the arrange marriage aus for the first fews chars (esp. Perrio👀) if nit they it's fine <33 thx u for creating such an amazing content!!💖💖
Forced / Arranged Marriage Trope
(pt. ??) Alhaitham, Dottore, Pierro, Zhongli x Reader
fem!reader bc I like the use of ‘wife’
A/N: hi anon!! thank you for being so patient w me and for being so sweet </333 T T i hope you like this~~ if you want me to do part2 for anyone else let me know!! I only did it for zhongli and pierro teehee bc i also wanted to add alhaitham and dottore (i hope that is alright~~)
WC - 3.2k
- yandere!dottore  // dottore is his own warning -
NSFW // LIGHT SMUT (pierro+zhongli)
“I will be home after sundown, habibti." Alhaitham places a gentle hand on your shoulder after he stands up from his chair at the dining room table. He lowers his head with a slight dip of his neck to place a kiss on the crown of your hair. “Be good today.” 
And then he is gone. 
Months have passed since your husband began staying late after work. You don’t understand it in the slightest, he hates doing unnecessary tasks. The entire time you’ve known him, courting and beyond, Alhaitham has always spared time in his day for his interests. One day, he even told you that his favorite part of each day was settling down to read. He likes to live a carefree and relaxed lifestyle, so staying late in the Akademiya seems like the complete opposite of that. 
Regardless, you bear the weight of your suspicions and ignore it. 
You focus on being the docile wife you were advertised as and focus on your housework. In truth, your arranged marriage could not have gone any better. Despite your parents parading you around, you somehow found the most laid-back candidate who suited your needs to a t. Every night you thank the Lesser Lord Kusanali for such a kind husband, who lets you come and go as you please. You would have probably hired a hit on your parents, as opposed to never speaking with them again, if they married you away to a cruel man. 
However, housework only keeps you busy for so long and before you know it, it is ten am and you have finished everything that you wanted to do for the day. You could go bother your husband’s old roommate or have a meal with your friend but, you notice that Alhaitham left his lunch today. The neatly prepared and packed lunch is still sitting on the counter where you left it. He must have forgotten to grab it. 
With ignorance only Alhaitham could have installed in you, a result of keeping you in the dark for so long, you head toward the Akademiya. However, you regret it once you speak with his co-workers. 
“Alhaitham is not here today.”
“Your husband? He didn’t come in this morning,”
“I heard he was heading to Port Ormos after speaking with the Gauhar.”
Through your dejection, you braced a kind smile and thanked them all before heading back home. What could your husband possibly be going to the port for? He’s not a student anymore, there’s no reason for him to be going there. 
Unless someone else is there. 
You stubbornly try to shake that negative thought out of your head as you walk through the marketplace. As if Alhaitham would commit something of adultery, he doesn’t show interest in anything or anyone. 
Perhaps, you will have to speak about this with him when he returns home. 
Returning home that night was not something Alhaitham did. In fact, he did not return back to you for two nights and only appeared on the third morning of his disappearance. 
To say that you were upset would be an understatement and your husband was able to see it the second he walks in through the door. 
“(Y/N), I know I have been gone-”
“Where have you been?” You don’t give him the chance to begin with the sorry apologies as you cross your arms over your chest, you get straight to the point. 
“It was for the Akademiya, I cannot discuss the matters with you and you know this.” He sounds sincere enough, there’s a tiredness to his words that you can’t pinpoint. “I wanted to check in with you before I returned.”
“Check in with me?” You scoff and start to look at him as if he had grown three heads. “Check in with me before returning to your mistress?” 
“My mistress?” Alhaitham raises a subtle brow and keeps a straight face despite the amusement growing in his chest. 
“Why else have you been gone so long? Staying out so late? I’m not a fool and personally, I don’t care about who else you see.” You lie straight through your teeth, lie until you choke. Alhaitham sighs before stepping closer toward you. 
“I really cannot share the details of this assignment just yet, you have to believe me, habibti.” He gently cups your shoulders, giving the area a soft squeeze before soothingly running over the planes of your back. “Listen to me when I say that I would never think of betraying you so cruelly.” And, before you have a chance to react, Alhaitham lowers his face to brush his lips against your ear. Vulnerability spills through his every word. “Please do not act so indifferent about the matter of us, I want you to care as freely about me as I do you.”
Smoothly, his hand cups your face and tilts you his way. 
“No matter what thoughts you may come up with on your own, trust the logic that I love you.”
“The Doctor will return from his mission sometime next week, perhaps during the beginning of the new moon-”
During the message personally delivered from your husband by a trusted subordinate, you can’t help but audibly groan. 
“Why must he ruin my entire week with his presence? Did he specifically plan to return on Monday? Why couldn’t he have come back the following Saturday or Sunday?” You place your pen down with great irritation and with it, the notebook you were writing in slams shut. The large Fatui soldier stares down at you, quite flabbergasted by your actions. At the lack of response from your maids, he continues. 
“Well, The Doctor wanted to spend some time with you before his next mission-”
“You’re kidding?” This time, you stand up and slam your palms against the strong wooden desk. Hatred and frustration flow through your veins, nearly choking you by your throat. “When you receive word that he is on his way, within a day away from me, then you will come back here and tell me. Understand?” You and your shorter frame could not nearly pose up to the Vanguard standing before you but, given the status of your esteemed husband, you can speak with him and any other solider of your choice however you want.
“Yes, my lady.” He offers a respectful bow before leaving your office and does not flinch under the intensity of your unwavering glare. 
“My day is ruined.” You hum and try to calm yourself down by rolling out your shoulders. Within an instant your close friends (the maids assigned to you by your beloved) are by your side, offering you their condolences and support. “We must prepare for the torture that his arrival is ensured to bring. Where are my earplugs?” 
Each day that follows, you work alongside other members of the house to prepare the cozy home that your husband chooses to reside in. Cozy is a cute way of describing it, this castle that hides within the mountains is anything but cozy. It’s large and empty but, you rather enjoy all the empty space that provides shelter when you’re hiding from your husband. 
In the midst of your breakfast later in the week, you’re interrupted by another announcement. 
“My lady, The Doctor will arrive-”
“What do you want?” You scowl and push your plate away, lowering your utensils before standing up from your chair. Now, just like your week and the ones that follow, your meal is ruined too. “I do not care when that wretched vermin will arrive. Tell me when he is here and leave me alone.”
“That is the thing, my lady, he is here early.” As one of the Legionaries beside the previous Vanguard steps to the side, your husband moves in front of you. He stands tall on the other side of the long dining room table and you have half a mind to sprint for the door. “I did not have time to issue the previous warning you asked for.”
“Warning? Is that how you speak of me when I am not around?” Dottore tilts his head slightly before slowly walking around the table. You try not to shake as he corners you, hands braced behind his back. “Oh? Where has your attitude gone? Down the drain with your fight?” 
He doesn’t have to remove his mask for you to see the sneer on his face, the anger that is sure to be littering his features. 
“Dear,” You nervously greet him, offering a pathetic smile that does little to hide your nerves. 
“Sweetheart,” He greets back just as gently but, you can see the tension in his shoulders. “I must confess that I was thinking we would spend time with one another before my next trip to Sumeru but, now I'm not so sure.” 
But? You mentally pray and pray to the Tsaritsa that he changes his mind and ditches you altogether, that he leaves you alone again for months on end. Anything would be better than facing his wrath. 
“I don’t think we need to see one another for a while.” He waits for you to let out the breath you were holding in, to sigh in relief, before gripping your jaw with his gloved hand. “I think it would only be fair since you’ll now be coming with me to Sumeru. We can spend the entire trip together, side by side. Finally, you’ll be able to see my work up close and not just from your timid frame in the lab doorway.”
You can’t hide the way your lip begins to quiver, eyes filling with tears. That is the last thing you would ever want. 
“Aren’t you excited, my wife? You must be since you’re near bursting into tears!” He mocks you until your soul breaks, until the farthest place you could ever be from him is no longer far enough. “If this is how you act when we are apart then, you will never be from my side ever again.”
“You are a blessing,” Pierro murmurs lowly as his hands delicately sculpt your sides, gently he presses into your skin with his thick fingers. “a divine creation.” Like this, he worships you. His lips lightly trail between the valley of your breasts as he ascends up your body. “Hundreds of years have passed since I’ve felt this alive.”
Pierro slowly drags his lips up your throat and over your jaw to hover above your lips. His breath fans your chin, teasing you with his close proximity. He laughs when you tilt your chin in an attempt to kiss him, but it fails. 
Regardless of how you care for your husband outside of your shared bedroom, you always love him inside of it. 
“Please,” Your quiet voice sounds like a melody to the older man and he nearly sighs at the sweet tone. This is all he has ever desired, you wanting and yearning for him. He knows his words will never be enough to get this point across, ever.
With a light hand, the man brushes any lingering strands of your hair out of your face. He stares down at you with lust-filled eyes before cupping your jaw with his large palm. Subtly, Pierro tilts your face upward and meets your lips in a passionate kiss. As he presses his mouth against your own, applying just the correct amount of pressure, his thumb gently strokes your cheek. It’s a sweet kiss, one that leaves you breathless and wanting more. 
Before he can catch himself and reel in his self-restraint, Pierro cups your breast. Your arms loop around his neck, digging your fingers into his broad shoulders as he fondles and squeezes at your chest. The constant stimulation only makes you greedier for more and your hips create a mind of their own as you roll slowly upwards against his pelvis. 
“My wife,” Pierro groans, pulling away momentarily to catch his breath. His voice sounds shaky as he tries to fight back the overwhelming desire to just take you right now. “enough, before you make me do something I’ll regret.”
The first of the eleven Fatui harbingers thinks he has himself under control finally, that he will be able to continue but then you glance up at him. In your young eyes, mischief shines brighter than the life in his own. 
“It’s alright if I don’t regret it, don’t you think?” And then you kiss him once more. You yank roughly on his neck, catching him off guard, and pull him down again. 
The growl that leaves your husband is animalistic. His sharp reflexes snap at your wrist, pinning you effectively to the bed without much room to move. The kiss of his lips, once sweet, turns possessive and greedy as he presses you into submission. With little fight, you obediently fall right into his open palms with your lips parting at the slightest jut of his tongue. 
Skillful hips roll against your own, Pierro’s hard cock grinds into your clothed cunt and the sensation against your sensitive clit makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. When you start failing to kiss back, Pierro makes his attack. He squeezes your wrists and shoves his tongue into your mouth, swallowing and taking all that you will give him. Your thighs are beginning to burn against the stretch of being spread for his muscular waist but, the pain is dulled over at each slot of his hips. 
Your pitiful whimper pulls him from his conquest and Pierro remorsefully separates himself from your lips. 
“I need you,” Your whisper does not fall deaf on his ears, Pierro hears every single word. No matter how much you make fun of the older man, poking at his true age, he’s sharpened every one of his skills beyond their years. 
“I know, my beloved, I know what you need.” His hands make you sigh out loud as they run up and down your waist, breathy moans leave your lips. “Do you understand the affection that I hold for you? Are you aware of the effect you have on me?” Pierro closely watches your reaction, stares as you keep your eyes closed and don’t so much as flinch at his words. You simply hum and lay like a blessing against his sheets. Now, the older man lowers his lips to your stomach and presses his mouth into your skin. He gently creates a path to the band of your panties with each kiss getting heavier than the last. 
“One day, you will understand the true extent of my feelings.”
Lately, you’ve been worried about your husband. Your concerns are nothing new or anything revolutionary but, you can’t speak about it to your friends or others who are unaware of his godly status. To deal with the matter, you sought out the one person you could discuss the matter with, one of the people who know him better than you do. 
“I’m worried about Zhongli,” You sit patiently at the stone table, in your husband’s seat as you confess your inner feelings to the cloud retainer. 
“Zhongli?” The bird rolls her eyes, tasting the name on her tongue before it clicks. “Morax. What is there to be concerned about? Foolish girl, he adores you.” The cloud retainer raises a judgmental brow at your timidness as she pours you a cup of tea. She sits down with an elegance that makes you feel small in her presence. Still, you proceed. 
If any of the adeptus are going to listen to you, it’s her. If there is a single one that you can trust, it is her. 
“Isn’t that the problem?” Truthfully, you have been worried about the upcoming and unforeseen future. You’re always worried about it. Not that you will disappear soon but, mortal lives are nothing compared to that of an adeptus. How will he fare when you pass? How can you prepare him for it? “What will happen to him when I inevitably-”
The aged bird cuts you off before you can even finish your sentence. 
“Speaking of such circumstances when they are nowhere in the near future will only come back to bite you.” Cloud retainer quietly sips at her drink, leaving a few moments of silence between the two of you before she sighs. “Fully cherish the time you have with him, that is the only piece of advice I can offer you.”
And that is as far as you go with her on the matter, the conversation was over.
Still, in your heart, you weren’t satisfied with the answer.
It continued to bug you even as you tried to ignore it, even as you tried to cherish the time you have with the immortal. 
“How are you today, my dear?” Every single day when he returns, Zhongli finds you and presses a delicate kiss on your cheek. It’s a kind gesture that always makes you melt into the palm of his hand. 
It also, more often than not, always leads to something else. Something more intimate. 
“Would you forgive me if I said that I missed you today,” Zhongli’s low voice fills your senses and clouds your mind, leaving you barely unable to think. Now pressed into the couch with your husband over top of you, protectively holding your thighs over his hips, all you can do is take everything that the god has to give you. “I’m often missing you when you are away.” 
His pure confessions make your gut twist in an uncomfortable way. 
“Will you be okay when I am no longer here?” You whisper, letting the words spill into his ears as you hide your face in his neck. 
Zhongli stops his movements. The gentle, smooth thrusts of his hips come to a standstill as his hands lower from your thighs. He places a palm beside your head and pulls back enough that he can look at you. 
“I will never be the same without you.” The raw emotion in his features and the distinct vulnerability in his eyes cause tears to well up in your eyes. “But, I will continue to live. Your memory will keep me alive until we can be reunited again.” His gentle touch comes up to wipe at your tears as his thumbs brush over your cheeks. “I don’t want you to be worried about that just yet, okay, my gem?”
Softly, Zhongli presses his lips against yours and it muffles the sob that leaves your lips. 
You tighten the grip that you have on his biceps, digging your fingers into his skin as your lips open for his tongue. 
“I love you, I will always love you forever.” He murmurs into your cheek before kissing over your eyelids. Smoothly, his hips pick up a slow pace once more and you gasp loudly. The sound makes your husband laugh, gently shaking as he presses his forehead against your own. “If I had my way, we would have met earlier and you would never part from my side.” 
In every touch, he portrays how much he loves you. There is an ‘I love you’ in the press of his fingers against your hips. There is an ‘I love you’ in the skillful roll of your hips and there is an ‘I love you’ in the gentle kiss of his lips. 
Yes, Zhongli is sure he will always love you. Even through grief and mourning, he will never forget the feeling of loving you. 
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sarahsartistportfolio · 5 months
SAGAU: A Rumor Spreads
Forewarns: Female reader, real self indulgent shit, not cult au or imposter au, reader is a virgin, reader is soft and feminine, ok honestly this is straight up virginity kink I'm going call it what it is lol, Kazuha having a bittt of a corruption kink, Wanderer's section turned out really romantic? lol, this bit isn't 18+ but future chapters might be, Cyno on his knees for us👀, Xiao yearning hard,
Kazuha - Cyno - Xiao - Heizou - Zhongli - Childe - Wanderer - Maybeeee Lyney and Albedo
“Ei I’m thinking of planning a girls only getaway at an Inazuma hot springs? Would you and Yae Miko like to help me out?” 
The two are immediately beaming and receptive to the idea. Any chance for you to spend more time in Inazuma is quickly snatched up. As you sit with the two lovely ladies, planning out who to invite, where to host the outing, you explain to them that you’d rather keep this event private. If word got around(especially to the other nations) that you were holding an exclusive get together in Inazuma(at an hot springs no less) you’re afraid some nosy guests might try to peep in on the conversation. The two swear to you they’ll keep their lips shut but as your invites go out rumors just tend to spread. Now every woman in the nation of eternity would love to attend this private get away, just to get an opportunity to speak to you their goddess one on one. And of course there are those with a little more devious intentions of seeing their beloved goddess in such an exposed state. 
Oh and of course once the word gets around to the boys, the absolute disappointment on their faces plus the swirling curiosity. A trip with just the girls? What will you speak about that you don't want any male ears to hear? Is it about them? Are you going to speak about them in private?
(Heizou not so subtly asking Sara what was said on this trip. Thoma sneakily listens in to conversations any of the women have on the estate that even mention your name. Itto loudly and desperately begging Shinobu to tell him where you are holding this outing so he can just, you know, not subtly spy on your conversations.) 
Despite the rumors still floating around, you follow through with this little getaway plan. With extra reassurance from Yae Miko that if she catches any peeping toms she'll be sure to zap them. 
And despite some of the girls being more nervous to be so up close and personal with you, others are just jumping at the chance to see you so laid back and vulnerable. And the steam from the hot springs just seems to melt away your walls, as the night goes on you find the conversation drifting to…romance. You tell Yae Miko how you love to write sappy cheesy romance novels and she’s more than happy to give some of your rough drafts a read. You playfully start to run your hands through Kirara’s damp hair just to hear her purr and now suddenly Yoimiya is asking “Me next! Me next!”
It isn't until you sheepishly say “Ah well despite writing about romance a lot I’ve never actually been in love or slept with anybody.” that an audible pause washes over the group. The deer scare making a loud echoing “clink”.
Now they all begin to coo and question you. 
“There’s no way no one hasn’t fallen head over heels for your Grace yet?! You must be like thousands of years old, surely you’ve stolen someone’s heart” Yomiya loudly proclaims.
“Aww so you’re saving yourself for your one true love, how cute.” Yae Miko insinuated.
“When you say it out loud its embarrassing-”
“Has anyone caught your eye yet your Grace?” Sara asks a bit too calmly as she and Ei eye you down with anticipation. 
The girls continue to grill you with nosy questions “What’s your ideal type?” “Do you prefer men or women more?” 
And you answer them with giddiness, happy to spill your life long dreams of getting married and having a family of your own one day.
“Ah, so you desire to get married and become a mother?...” Yae Miko vocalized aloud, wondering what this would mean for the whole of Tayvet. 
“I know it's a silly little dream of mine…”
“It's not silly at all, your Grace!” Yomiya cheerfully chimes in. “If you have your heart set on someone let me know and maybe I can set up a huge fireworks display that spells out I love you.” She giggles and Kirara nods in agreement.
Thanks but I don't really want anyone to play matchmaker…
The rest of the night goes on with laughter and drinks. The women feeling blessed to see this vulnerable side of you. You assume the conversations you had with the ladies will remain private but…it seems like someone has loose lips.
Soon days after the trip, rumors start to pop up.
“Ah didn't you hear our dear goddess is still a virgin, as pure as a lily kissing the sun’s rays for the first time.” “I aspire to have the same chastity as her.” “I heard she’s specifically looking for a husband because she wants to have kids.” “Surely if she chooses a man from our nation that means she’ll permanently reside here right?”
When you meet up with Venti again he’s a little more gleeful than usual. And when you part to say goodbye he leans in, eyes close but you abruptly stop him with a hand covering his mouth.
“What are you doing?”
“I wanted to kiss you before anyone else does.” He says with disappointed eyes, voice still muffled by your hand. When you allow him to speak more it's then that you know. Somebody in at that hot springs squealed. 
And there’s no stopping these nosy rumors once they start going. What happens when they reach the ear of...?
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hanilessa · 1 year
aaaaa can you do your work 'your attention' but with xiao, albedo, kazuha and wanderer? i liked it so much i wish they had a version of it 🥲
` Author’s notes: aww hello, dear anon!! thank you very much for your request! i'm very glad you like this idea. i hope you enjoy it!! ♡
part one! part three! likes, replies and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3 my inbox is open for your requests! feel free to text me if you want to request headcanons or drabble. :3
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` Summary: You pay a lot of attention to your newborn child, and your husband has only to watch it jealousy. He lacks your attention.
` Includes: Xiao, Albedo, Kazuha, Wanderer x fem!reader
` Genre: fluff, romance, hints of jealousy
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When your daughter was born, Xiao was a little scared. He isn't accustomed to communicating with people, and even with you, mostly at the beginning of your acquaintance, he preferred to be silent, listening to your voice when you talked to him.
But his child is different. This is his blood and flesh. This is your blood and flesh. And he's obliged to give his child as much love as he gives you.
But he must tirelessly continue the work of the exorcism, so basically you take care of the child.
He wants to help you, he really wants to, but his debt of karma has settled in his soul. But you never reproached him for it, and he will always be grateful to you.
You love to sit by the window and look out the window with some longing, waiting for the return of your lover. Your daughter twitches her nose in a funny way while you hold her in your arms.
You smile happily as you cradle the baby in your arms.
And when Xiao, frozen on the balcony railing, sees you and his child in your arms, he thinks he just doesn't deserve it.
You're so gentle, beautiful, you treat a small child in your hands so reverently, and this makes his heart tremble with love and desire to be in your arms too.
When Xiao really wants something from you, he will never say it directly. You have long been accustomed to the fact that basically an adeptus will always wait for the first step from you.
This applies to literally everything. Hugs, kisses, tender words. Understand him, it's just hard for him to be open, but he really tries, so please support Xiao in his timid actions.
Greedy for your touch, he looks with some jealousy at your daughter in your arms, also wanting to receive your gentle touches and words of love.
When you lay your daughter in her cradle, you call your husband closer to you, and the adeptus doesn't dare to resist you, because he knows that he will do anything for you at your one word.
He's always greedy for your attention and kisses, because you're his salvation. You will always be a light in his dark realm, illuminating his path forward with your radiance.
You pull Xiao closer to you, and his tense body gradually relaxes, feeling your familiar cuddle. He squeezes your waist with his strong hands, finally feeling you next to him.
You whisper into his hair, "Rest, my dear. And I will protect your dream."
Before your son was born, you and Albedo always did experiments together.
You were his assistant and right hand, you always helped him when he needed your help.
When your child was born, you left your job because you had to take care of your son. He was very active and you always needed to keep your attention on him.
At first Albedo didn't attach much importance to your absence, because, for example, he always worked alone at Dragonspine, not allowing you to accompany him, because he was afraid that you might get sick.
And for the most part, he did his job well, even when he worked alone, but something still wasn't right.
The constant feeling of you next to him seemed to have ingrained under his skin, and when you were next to him during the moments of his work, he felt more confident than ever in his experiments.
Because when you were by his side, he knew he could handle anything.
But now all your attention is riveted to your son, and this slight sediment of jealousy remains in his chest.
Looking at you and his son, Albedo clearly feels that he has missed your attention madly.
Therefore when your baby falls asleep, Albedo immediately pulls you into his arms, hearing you exhale excitedly.
Albedo is always restrained and calm, and such a manifestation of his emotions and desires isn't entirely characteristic of him, so you're very surprised when he slightly unexpectedly and rudely presses you closer to him.
He seeks your attention, preventing you from focusing on anything other than him alone. Therefore until he's satisfied with your affection and love, he won't allow you to go anywhere.
You can only shake your head as you watch the great alchemist turn into a small child when he lacks your attention.
"Please be my assistant for the next experiment. I want you to witness my success." He whispers into your neck and you pull his head closer to you, enjoying your husband's presence.
"I promise."
When your son was born, Kazuha wrote the poem for him. And the next poem he wrote for you, where he said that for him there is nothing more valuable than you in the whole world.
He thanked you for the fact that your child was born, and asked your forgiveness for not being able to be with you every day.
His soul is always dreaming and longing for travel, and you know it. You never reproached Kazuha for this, humbly waiting for him to return to his native land.
And as captain Beidou's ship returned to Inazuma after a long voyage, Kazuha's soul sings with the realization that he will soon be able to be with you and your son again.
At the moment when he sees you holding your little baby in your arms, his heart flutters, and he hurries to give you the most tender and long-awaited hugs.
But Kazuha stops halfway to you, because you ask him to wait a little while you put your child in his bed.
The baby was crying in your arms as you tried to soothe him by humming a sweet melody that seemed to your husband the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
The thought that he could now see you right in front of him after a long separation without being able to hug you tore his heart apart.
But you have always been adamant when it comes to your child, so Kazuha meekly with a bit of jealousy in his red eyes waited for you to put your son in his cradle.
Words of love, beautiful songs burst out of him like birds from a golden cage when you again find yourself in his arms and bestow your attention on him.
Kazuha's love language is words. He can compose for you any poem, any novel about his boundless love for you.
And be sure that his poem about love for you will be passed from mouth to mouth in the breath of a light breeze, which is an integral part of his being.
Therefore continue to give him affection and love.
"Your attention is dearest to me, I beg you, keep looking at me with your beautiful eyes."
It's difficult to call Wanderer a gentle person after how much pain and suffering he has endured, but when you have a child, his puppet heart trembles with sincere joy.
He doesn't believe that someone as rotten on the inside as he is, can give rise to a new life – as pure and innocent as your daughter.
You will never get tired of repeating to Wanderer that even though his past is clouded by bad memories, his future will always be bright, sunny and calm.
Because you and your daughter will always be by his side.
Let him never show it, Scaramouche will always be grateful to you for your words. You and your daughter are the meaning of his life and something without which he could never exist in this world.
But when it comes to your attention, he doesn't want to cede it to anyone. Even to his child.
He looks at the little baby with narrowed eyes as she tries to reach out to you two with her little hands in an attempt to get your hugs.
But the Wanderer tactfully stops her attempts in the bud, because now he's the one who will receive all your tenderness and love.
You just smile, holding out your hand to the little baby, watching your husband's brows furrow as the child giggles happily.
"You promised me that today your attention will be focused only on me…" Scaramouche grumbles in annoyance, pouting his lips.
He's so funny when he furrows his brows. A blush covers his cheeks as he realizes you've noticed his little weakness. Yes, he needs you and your hugs, so please give him your attention.
You chuckle at how cute and irritable Wanderer becomes when your attention is on someone or something else.
"Your daughter wants my attention too. Why don't you share it with her?" You smile slyly.
He just snorts and pulls you tighter against his chest, forcing you to let go of your daughter's hand. After that light sweet kisses begin to cover your neck.
"I won't even think about it."
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alkiii1w · 28 days
He doesn’t like to admit things. Especially when it comes to his longing for love. He wants comfort, he wants to bask in your arms, but will he ever admit it? No.
Sometimes, he might tug on your sleeve for a hug. His ears and cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of red as he feels embarrassed about the whole situation.
He wants your love. He wants your cuddles. He wants you. He doesn’t want to admit it. It’s a weakness of his, he wants you to understand his cues and act promptly. You never understand his cues but you can tell by the way he’s as bright as a honey apple. It’s cute.
It’s adorable. He longs for it. Give him the love he desires (and needs).
Akutagawa, Xiao, Scaramouche + ur faves!! (Can u tell what my type is..)
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moldygenshin · 3 months
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I’ve got an idea for an xreader and I think it’ll be a banger. I’m just kinda unsure who to ship her with.
You are what the people of Teyvat call a Wanderer. Not the person who’s referred to as Wanderer from Sumeru; you’re a creature. A creature who has sharp teeth, pitch black hands that fade into your skin color, and completely white eyes. You’ve seen many wars and deaths, the worst war you’ve witnessed is The Great Archon War as humans name it. There were times where you’d gaze across the land and destruction is all you’d see.
Until recently you didn’t know how you came about or why you’re here. But you stumbled across a fairy and a boy with long blonde hair that you felt drawn to and knew they were your purpose of living on this miserable rock.
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dustofthedailylife · 2 years
Caught staring at their Lips
→ Masterlist
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Summary: They catch you staring at their lips and how they would react (headcanons + short drabbles format)
Characters: Ayato, Childe, Diluc, Heizou, Kaeya, Kazuha, Thoma, Xiao, Zhongli x (gn!)Reader (separate)
Warnings: None - pure fluff!
A/N: Your girl is back! I finally managed to finish these drabbles I had sitting in my drafts for half an eternity already. Always appreciate any asks, comments or reblogs about this if you liked it. Let me know your favorite! &lt;3
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It wouldn't take long for him to notice your dreamy stare.
Would literally stop talking mid sentence as soon as he notices you staring, just to see how long it would take you to notice he was no longer saying anything.
Once you realized, he would just smirk and throw you a knowing glance.
He can't help himself, he needs to throw a remark and he would enjoy it greatly that he is making you even more flustered.
Despite him looking like he is entirely unaffected by your gawking, on the inside you would make him go crazy, his heart would beat so loud he is scared you would be able to hear it.
He hummed, snapping you out of your trance, making you realize that you had been staring at his lips for the entire time he had been talking. Wait? When did he stop talking? Oh, Archons. You felt the blood rush to your face and wanted to cover your eyes in embarrassment, but that would be admitting that you, in fact, had been staring at Ayato's way too soft and inviting looking lips while you wondered what they would feel like against yours.
"Care to share with me what you were so entranced by on my face?"
"... I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, so you admit that you were staring at my lips?"
"I… no, I–." You were desperately ringing for words and all you could manage to get out was a stammered word salad - much to the amusement of the man in front of you.
He let out a soft chuckle and he trained his lilac eyes on yours before he suddenly took your hand into his, brushing over the back of your palm with his thumb. You thought your heart was about to jump out of your chest any second, which seemed to be very much visible on your face as well, because Ayato's smirk grew even wider.
"No need to be so nervous, I was just testing you."
"W-what were you–?"
He quickly pulled you forward and pressed his lips onto yours, one of his gloved hands finding its way to your cheek, cupping it gently.
"Now that we finally got around to spending time together, don’t you perhaps think it’s being wasted by just staring?"
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Oh Archons, you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into…
He would be an absolute tease about it (because of course he would be).
Would it stroke his ego if the most beautiful person in all of Teyvat stared at his lips this way? One hundred percent.
If you thought you’d seen his shit-eating grin before, better reconsider that because the grin he would have on his face now, was wider than it had ever been.
Prepare to be flustered because that man will stare right back at you and not even falter for a second under your gaze.
You stood in front of his desk as he flicked through the pages on the clipboard you just brought over to him. You closely watched the way his eyes scanned over the paper with a bored expression, finding your eyes wandering from his eyes a bit further down to his lips.
You found yourself drifting off, fantasizing about what it would feel like to press your own lips against his. You were so lost in thought, you missed the way he kept looking up at you out of the corner of his eyes with a smug smile slowly forming on his face, before getting up from his chair and getting over to where you were standing.
“Look at you!”, he took your face in between his index finger and thumb and pulled it up in a way that you were forced to look into his eyes. “Staring at my lips like you have a chance in hell to kiss me, hm?”
“I-I’m sorry, I must’ve…”, you rung for words as he kept pinning you down with his intense ocean blue eyes, the conceited grin on his face becoming wider with every stammer that forced itself out of your throat. You hoped he didn’t feel how your cheeks had started to burn under his gloved hands and how fast your heart had started to hammer against your chest.
“What if I told you though, that you do have a chance?”
Oh Archons, this man would be the death of you.
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Would be the one to keep talking even if he notices that you’re staring.
Don’t be fooled though, he just tries to keep it cool but he’d eventually break under your gaze.
His face would turn a flaming red and become almost indistinguishable from the color of his locks and he would start to stammer and avoid eye contact.
Would probably inquire whether he had something in his face making you aware of the fact that you had been staring, flustering you all the same in return.
You would shake your head and attempt to hide your face while an awkward silence settled between you two.
He would secretly wish for you to look at his lips like that more often.
Sitting at the bar at the Angel’s Share you caught yourself being entranced by the lips of the man behind the bar who was focused on wiping some of the glasses dry, while striking a conversation with you.
As soon as he looked up from the counter you noticed a small startle in his composure before he kept talking again, earning nothing but a zoned out hum or nod from you in response as you were too busy with the way his lips basically danced a slow rhythm as he was speaking.
“Sorry. I-Is there anything between my teeth… or on my face?”, he stammered suddenly, interrupting whatever he had been talking about prior to that. Not that you would actually remember what it was about, embarrassingly so, because you knew exactly why he was asking.
“No, no, everything is fine.”, you replied awkwardly to which he nodded before quickly turning around, busying himself with cleaning up the perfectly arranged and spotless shelf behind him. You had been too obvious, hadn’t you?
“Say…”, he suddenly turned around again with a bright pink blush across his cheeks. “Are you free tomorrow night?”
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What gave you the idea that staring at his lips would either go unnoticed or end well?
That man basically has a sixth sense, of course he would notice straight away.
Would probably let you stare for a bit longer and pretend he doesn’t see you looking at his lips so blatantly obvious
He absolutely wouldn’t be able to hold back the smug grin on his face for too long.
Brace yourself for teasing, because you sure won’t hear the end of it.
As you sat at your desk at the Police Station you couldn’t help but steal sneaky glances over to your colleague and his handsome features every now and then. Especially his lips magically kept pulling you back to them and you frequently began drawing imaginary patterns over them with your eyes and were unable to take them off.
Heizou suddenly piled up some of the files he had been working on the entire day, grabbed them and walked over to your desk with a confident smirk on his face that could mean nothing good.
“Well, my favorite colleague, care to lend me a hand with a case I’ve been struggling to solve?”
“Excuse me?”
Him? Struggling with a case? Frankly said, you found that almost impossible to believe so you just questioningly raised an eyebrow at him. 
As if prompted, he pulled out the chair in front of your desk and sat down, putting the files on your desk, too. But much to your surprise he didn’t open them but instead pushed them aside and leaned in closer to you over your desk, intently staring at your face, the smug grin never faltering.
“You heard that right and you’re the only one who can solve it.”
You stared back at him as if he had lost his mind. He had never asked for help with a case, neither directly nor indirectly. As if spurred on by your confusion his grin grew even wider and you started getting more nervous by the minute.
“So… there is someone who keeps staring at my lips recently in a not so sneaky way. Do you think they want to kiss me or am I on the wrong track here?”
Oh god.
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He would catch you staring pretty quickly
A smug grin would be painted on his face along with a flirty glint in his eye.
Similarly to Childe he would be a total tease about it - so better prepare for some remarks thrown your way.
Although he would just use it as a facade to play down and hide his own flusteredness.
He would most certainly be thinking about your longing stare for quite some time after, wondering what your lips would feel like when joined with his.
You and Kaeya sat together at the Tavern after work over some wine and snacks. While he was talking you couldn’t help but start scanning his handsome features. The way his soft hair fell across his forehead and shoulder and the way his frost blue eye wandered around the dimly lit tavern and the way his lips softly wrapped around the rim of his wineglass every so often.
As you kept looking at his lips you soon noticed that they had formed into a sly smile. Looking up you saw that he had his eye trained on you. Crap, had he caught you staring?
“Why, hello there, sweetheart. What are you looking at?.”, he purred and playfully bit his lip.
“Oh archons, stop it?!”, you whined as you clasped your hands over your face in an attempt to hide..
You were ready to sink into the ground in embarrassment right then and there, and it got worse when you heard him put his glass down onto the table and felt his hands pull yours off your face again so he could get a look at your flustered expression. 
A pleased grin was painted on his face as he moved so close to yours you could smell the wine he had been drinking on his breath and his lips were barely a hair’s breadth away from yours.
“Well if you’re so intent on staring at me like that, you have to live with the consequences, don’t you think?”
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When he catches you staring he would smile back at you, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
He would be so soft and nice about it, softly brushing over the back of your palm to divert your attention his way even more.
Prepare to be showered with words of affection and compliments in return.
By far the most romantic about it out of the bunch. 
Would be the type to write poetry about the moment and dwell on the moment for quite a while.
You and Kazuha were sitting together near the harbor in Liyue, on a big stone bank just outside the city. Kazuha was leaning back with his eyes closed and propping himself up with his hands. The mild ocean breeze softly carded through his white locks and his lips were formed into a soft smile. You actually would have liked to kiss them right then and there and the urge to reach your hand out to brush over them became stronger with every passing second.
He turned his head over to you and fixated his crimson colored eyes on yours before throwing you the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. 
He grabbed your hand to trace small circles over the back of it with his thumb making your whole body feel tingly and your heart started racing.
"Can you believe we've known each other for almost our entire lives... and yet we've never shared a kiss.", he suddenly remarked, a rosy blush playing around his cheeks. "... we can change that now, if you want."
You could feel how the heartbeat in your chest became more erratic at his words and your face started heating up. 
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel–", you began to protest, but you didn't even get to finish your sentence before you could feel a pair of soft lips be tenderly pressed onto yours.
"You're incredible!", he whispered before uniting your lips once more.
His words engulfed all your senses and you gripped his shirt in a futile attempt to keep you stable as the sensation of his lips made you melt like candle wax in the sun.  And if you were honest, you were sure this must be what heaven felt like.
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He would become so flustered once he notices and would totally forget what he was saying while averting your gaze. Who would have thought outgoing and cheerful Thoma could be so shy?
He would desperately try to keep his cool but would outright just fail and become beet red in the face.
Definitely would stammer and start nibbling on the mochi in his hand - anything to keep his lips out of your line of sight and his thoughts away from the way you just looked at them.
Should he ask you what you were looking at? Did you want to kiss him? No, no, he must be seeing things.
When you noticed his weird behavior you realized what you were doing and in turn felt the blood rush to your face as well.
You and Thoma sat in the patio of the Kamisato estate, eating snacks all while you went through the organization lists for some of the upcoming festivities the Yashiro Commission was assigned to host. 
There was but one problem, you just couldn’t focus on the work in front of you because you repeatedly found your focus shift to the lips of the man before you. The way they moved when he talked, the way he quirked the corner of his mouth up or the way he pressed his pen against them when he was thinking about something. 
Lost in scanning his features you completely missed the moment Thoma addressed a question to you.
“Are you still listening?”
“Hm?”, you snapped out of your trance, flicking your eyes up to meet his again. 
He didn’t miss the shift in the direction of your gaze and instinctively reached his hand out to his lips before it started to dawn on him where you had been staring the entire time. The thought instantly made him blush violently. 
He hastily grabbed one of the mochi lying on the plate in front of him on the table before shoving it in his mouth in a futile attempt to make the tingling feeling on his lips and in the pit of his stomach go away. How was he supposed to concentrate on his work now?
“U-Uhm… w-well. Do we need some more pa-paper lanterns? What do you think–”
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By far the one that gets flustered the most when he catches you staring at his lips.
Would quickly turn his face to the other side to escape your gaze and his cheeks would glow in a bright pink.
Would seem rather annoyed, but don’t take it the wrong way - his heart is threatening to jump out of his chest any second now.
No matter how hard he tries to shake it off, he has to admit that the way you looked at his lips felt rather nice.
Please stop him from teleporting away because he is just too flustered.
The man in front of you clearing his throat pulled you out of your thoughts and you flicked your gaze from his lips back up to his eyes. You were met with an undecipherable but stern expression of the adeptus that made your heart run wild time and time again.
“Would you stop that?”, Xiao asked in an almost demanding tone.
“What?”, you asked, genuinely confused at first but it soon dawned on you. You had been staring again, but this time it wasn’t you who caught and could reprimand yourself but instead it was him who did so.
“Did no one teach you that staring at others is rude?”
“I’m sorry. I-I didn't... I couldn’t help it–”
He scoffed and turned his face away from you abruptly, but it wasn’t fast enough for you to miss the dust of pink that was starting to bloom across his cheeks. 
No matter how hard he tried to seem cold and distanced, around you he never quite managed.
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He would mistake it at first and would think you're just pratically glued to his lips because you find his storytelling so enthralling.
But when he notices the longing glint in your eyes he immediately knows it's something else that has you so captivated. 
And it has surely been a while since he welcomed the feeling of someone staring at his lips this way that much.
And especially considering it was you, he would be genuinely flattered.
He indulges in the thought of what it would feel like to kiss you for a while, although he would not let it show on his face.
Might throw an underhanded remark your way.
“It was then said that Rex Lapis allowed the Lord of Geovishaps to roam the land freely until his mind fell victim to corruption and he began attacking those he had once sworn to protect, leading Rex Lapis to having to seal him back underground.”
Zhongli picked up his teacup and blew the rising steam off it before taking a sip. You didn’t miss the way his lips curled around the corner of his cup and how the tea dampened them before the corners of his lips turned upward in a content smile.
He continued retelling his story where he left off but your eyes and thoughts were trained on something else instead. You were so entranced by the way his lips moved while he spoke that you at first didn’t notice that he had stopped midway, looking at you curiously with a sleek smile playing around his mouth.
“Am I perhaps boring you?”, he inquired.
“N-no, not at all, it’s just – I was distracted.”, you stammered, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks.
“Hmm, I see. Do you want me to continue or are you perhaps more inclined to keep being entertained by whatever thoughts are on your mind instead?”
You could see the right corner of his mouth twitch upwards ever so slightly into a soft smile while he trained his gaze on your face, a fond and adoring expression flaring up behind his amber irises.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife
Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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@irethepotato @euphierosyne @x-zho @stygianoir @polalcee
(send an ask or comment under my taglist in my pinned post to be added)
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veliamore · 2 months
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warning/s: there’s a part where the reader is naked in front of xiao, but nothing sexual. fem reader
you cannot tell me that xiao, in a modern genshin au, wouldn’t be an artist.
he’d probably keep it a secret from every human being in the beginning, thinking it was something stupid. It’s just one of the few talents he has, it’s useless, why would anyone care about it.. but oh boy when you found out about it and actually complimented a few art pieces of his he felt his heart skip a beat, maybe two. The way you were actually interested in what he was doing made him fall over heels for you, and that’s when you started being his muse.
every single drawing he made was about you: at first it was subtle, the subjects had a few features of yours, like your hair or your eyes, or even the way you dress, then later on all the subjects became you. Everything you did gave him inspiration, during his classes he kept doodling your face on his notebook, he was enchanted by you and your persona.
of course when you two got together this didn’t stop. He managed to ask you to pose for him multiple times, not that you minded, you found this whole thing adorable. A couple of years later into the relationship, you found yourself posing for him while being nude too.
it was a quiet moment of intimacy, the silence you both shared was comfortable, it wasn’t the first time for xiao to see you naked and yet you could still notice his cheeks heating up everytime he looked at you and back to his canva. His eyes were filled with adoration towards you, no matter what pose you were in, he’d still find you breath taking no matter what.
i swear im working on all of my requests, slowly, but i am.
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cegantheayugipi · 1 year
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Xiao x Reader Smut)
An Enemies to Lovers smut oneshot
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Tags include: hate sex, no foreplay, angst, breeding, loss of virginity, competitive sex, post nut depression, soft ending, Xiao being Xiao
Xiao was furious. Again.
At the report of monsters in Dihua Marsh, Xiao rushed to the scene to eliminate them. This was merely part of his Adeptal duties – he protected all mortals in Bishui Plain and beyond. As ordered by Rex Lapis, he would not allow any human to come to harm while under his watch… However, for the past several nights, Xiao would reach a location reported to have monsters only to find their scattered corpses.
And not only would the monsters be completely eliminated, but they would be struck down with no traces of elemental power whatsoever. The poor Yaksha consulted all remaining Adepti, and none of them knew what could be responsible for such a feat other than some fluke or natural disaster. Still, night after night, Xiao would be frustrated upon reaching the scene. He would be mere minutes too late to catch whoever seemed to be disrespecting him, taunting him, telling him over and over just how slow and incompetent he was at his own job.
At the report of monsters in Dihua Marsh, Xiao rushed to the scene to eliminate them. This was merely part of his Adeptal duties – he protected all mortals in Bishui Plain and beyond. As ordered by Rex Lapis, he would not allow any human to come to harm while under his watch… However, for the past several nights, Xiao would reach a location reported to have monsters only to find their scattered corpses.
And not only would the monsters be completely eliminated, but they would be struck down with no traces of elemental power whatsoever. The poor Yaksha consulted all remaining Adepti, and none of them knew what could be responsible for such a feat other than some fluke or natural disaster. Still, night after night, Xiao would be frustrated upon reaching the scene. He would be mere minutes too late to catch whoever seemed to be disrespecting him, taunting him, telling him over and over just how slow and incompetent he was at his own job.
Still baffled by yet another impossible feat, Xiao wandered through the remnants of the hilichurl camp. He seethed at his incompetence; this would be the last time he’d miss anything like this. 
“Help! There’s Geovishaps!”
A voice tickled Xiao’s ears, and his head immediately shot up.
“I won’t miss it this time,” Xiao muttered. His superhuman senses told him exactly how far away this call came from. He disappeared from the field, leaving behind only black wisps of smoke. 
In an instant, the Yaksha had traversed hundreds of meters to the source of the voice, only to watch the earthen monsters be beaten into dust by a blindingly fast flash of metal.
“What?!” Xiao blurted out, his mouth falling open as he watched a small figure – a human – destroy the monsters with efficient strikes of a claymore.
And what was worse, the human had no traces of elemental abilities whatsoever. Their claymore fractured the earthen ground as they struck the monsters over and over, a testament to their power.
Meanwhile, Xiao simply stared, too shocked to take over in the fight.
“Hyaa!” You screamed, flexing your shoulders as you wound up for your final attack. The metal of your greatsword sung into the night as it struck down the monsters and embedded itself into the damp earth.
The stony Geovishap bones scattered across the ground, mere remnants of the monsters that terrorized the mountainside only minutes prior.
Now that the monsters were defeated, a silence fell over the area. You listened to your own rapid breathing as you recovered from such strenuous work. Wrapping one hand around the hilt of your claymore, you pulled it out of the ground and inspected it for damage. As you did so, you failed to notice the enraged Yaksha, who seethed at you.
“YOU!” Xiao roared, making you jump from surprise. You spun on your heels to face him. “You’re the one who is killing MY monsters!”
“Who said they were yours to kill?” You scoffed, sticking your giant blade back into the ground and crossing your arms over your chest. “From the way you look, it seems like you’re an Adeptus. I guess they really are stuck up old fogeys.”
“Stop trying to do my job,” Xiao spoke through gritted teeth. “You’re a weak mortal. Killing monsters is a job for the Adepti, not humans.”
“You’re the one who’s taking too long to even get to the monsters,” You stated with a shrug. “Maybe it’s time to retire, you’re getting slow.” 
Xiao let out a growl at your insinuation. Rather than snap back at you, however, he turned his head to the side, disappearing in a puff of smoke.
You rolled your eyes as you watched him disappear. A couple of villagers who witnessed the fight stood there in shock as you turned around and began to walk down the path away from them.
“Onto the next field, then,” You muttered to yourself.
Aether and Lumine frequented Wangshu Inn during their travels, and knowing their elusive Adeptus friend lived there, they often tried to talk to him – whether it be luring him out with almond tofu, or calling for him until he would get too annoyed to ignore them any longer.
Although they thought Xiao acted this way towards everyone, the twins had no clue that they were the only mortals in all of Teyvat that Xiao would ever willingly interact with. They were the closest thing to a ‘friend’ the Yaksha had in a while.
Aether was speaking to Verr Goldet about any requests she might have for the day. The sun had just breached the horizon, and the two travelers were already at the front desk of the inn, eager to go out and explore the area for the day.
While waiting for her brother to finish speaking, Lumine looked up through the main foyer of the inn to see Xiao ascending the staircase towards the top.
“Hey, Xiao! There you are!” She called, but received no acknowledgement from the Adeptus.
Aether turned when he heard his sister speak. “Xiao?” Aether called, but the twins merely watched as he continued to ignore them both. The reclusive Adeptus walked through a door at the top of the stairs, slamming it behind him.
The twins exchanged glances, wondering why he would act that way, and Aether gave his sister a nonchalant shrug.
“Maybe he’s busy. We can talk to him later.”
The next night, Xiao was determined to defeat the monsters that lurked throughout Bishui Plain and Qiongli Estuary before you could even get there. He stayed on high alert, traveling north through Dihua Marsh and clearing out Hilichurl camps before they would become a problem for the nearby villages.
As an Adeptus, he didn’t need rest… he could slay monsters for days on end without needing a break. He was determined to prove he was infinitely more capable at slaying monsters than you were.
“Weak!” He exclaimed, pitching his spear through a Mitachurl’s chest. He watched as the beast crumpled to the ground, defeated. The seething Adeptus wrenched the polearm out of the dead Mitachurl’s rib cage, bringing with it a spray of blood.
Xiao didn’t need to look around to know that all of the monsters had been killed – he simply walked onwards down the path to the next camp he would come across.
However, in the distance, he spotted blackened earth and trails of smoke that rose into the night air. Confused, he teleported towards the location, arriving only to see yet another destroyed monster camp.
You had already been there.
Xiao’s hands balled into fists as he turned slowly in a circle, examining the elemental traces…
A Pyro Abyss Mage, an Electro Samachurl… and half a dozen Hilichurls. 
Next to the smoldering remnants of the monsters’ campfire, a Samachurlian staff had been stuck into the ground. Attached at the top of the staff, a daintily handwritten paper note fluttered in the late evening breeze.
‘You’re rusty ;)’
Xiao let out a growl so frustrated and enraged that if anyone nearby had heard it, they would confuse him with the monsters he killed.
“Why do you seem more cheerless than usual, Alatus?” The serene voice of Cloud Retainer echoed across the peaks of Mt. Aocang. The mystical Crane perched elegantly on a rocky precipice of Qingyun peak, her gold and white feathers glowing in the late-afternoon light.
Xiao had visited his fellow Adeptus to retrieve powerful medicinal herbs which only grew in Jueyun Karst. Cloud Retainer had stored them in a latched wooden box, waiting for the time he would come by to take them. 
“I do not wish to talk about it,” Xiao responded curtly, causing Cloud Retainer to lean closer towards his face.
“You also appear to be fatigued. Have you not been resting properly?” Cloud Retainer questioned.
“Adepti have no need for rest,” Xiao responded, looking away from the prying Adeptus.
“Is it because of that mortal who has been purging the land of monsters?” Cloud Retainer mused, fluttering her wings as she adjusted her feathers.
Xiao scoffed, “Nonsense.”
“They are quite the aid to Liyue. The mortal has even rid Jueyun Karst of treasure hoarders.”
“WHAT?!” Xiao exclaimed, turning back around to face the Adeptus’s aviary form. “When?!”
“About a week ago.”
Xiao’s mind reeled. Every single night he had watched with near-helplessness as you cleared out monster camps in Western Liyue faster than he could find them. He had no idea how you could possibly do this in Eastern Liyue at the same time.
“One despises mortals who tread on the sacred land of the Adepti. However, this mortal is more than just an exception. One would like to invite such an honorable person for tea. Perhaps One should invite Morax as well, and One can teach such a child about the ways of the Adepti.”
Cloud Retainer’s rambling only made Xiao seethe with anger. How could Cloud Retainer consider you honorable when you were stealing the job of an Adeptus so blatantly?
“I must go. Farewell.”
Xiao’s blunt statement was as courteous as he could possibly make it. Too furious to wait for a response from Cloud Retainer, he teleported back to Wangshu Inn with the package of herbs in his hands.
Verr Goldet looked up from her desk as she felt the wind shift in the air. Xiao had appeared before her. 
“Oh, Xiao, you’re already back.” The Inn Owner smiled. “Thank you for fetching the herbs for me. I’ll prepare your medicine promptly.” Xiao didn’t respond as he stalked towards the desk, dropping the package onto the oak surface and teleporting away once again.
Verr looked down in shock, wondering why Xiao would seem even more irritated than usual. She knew he hated visiting the front desk in the Inn’s main foyer due to the number of humans that usually filled the room.
However, it didn’t seem to be as busy as usual, so it left her even more baffled. To top it off, Verr looked down to realize the wooden box had been splintered from the intensity of Xiao’s grip.
This time, Xiao was more determined than ever to prove to you that patrolling the countryside was a job meant for Adepti only. Humans were frail, and Xiao was certain you would slip up at some point.
The night was incredibly clear. Xiao could see all the way across Liyue from his perch atop the roof of Wangshu Inn. He looked out towards Guyun Stone Forest, admiring the vast remnants of the Archon war and lasting proof of Morax's power.
Something glimmered along the coast of Yaoyang Shoal. At this distance, Xiao couldn’t tell if it was a glimmer of moonlight reflecting off of the sea or if it was something more.
Not willing to take any chances, he teleported to the sandy beach.
As he arrived, he realized he was right – amongst the scattered remnants of Khaen’rian Ruin Guards were some that were still active. How they could survive centuries of deterioration and the elements was a question for someone else. 
Xiao was simply here to destroy them.
The ruin guards began to wake up, clambering to their feet with the screeching metal and whirring engines.
Spinning his spear in one hand, Xiao prepared to strike one ruin guard down when a flash of silver caught his eye. He barely had time to register the claymore that shot straight into the Ruin Guard’s core, impaling the machinery and causing the monster to collapse to the ground. Sparks flew from the core as it sputtered and the ruin guard began to die. 
You leapt down from one of the rock faces that dotted the shoal, landing on the ruin guard to wrench your blade from its core.
Xiao let out a low growl, shocked and enraged by your sudden appearance.
“Wow, you actually found the monsters before me this time,” You laughed darkly, moving onto the next ruin guard.
“Worthless!” Xiao shouted, turning to fight a third one that had awoken.
“Easy now, old man.” You shouted between clangs of metal against metal. Sparks flew into the air as your claymore screeched against the reinforced armor of the ruin guard. You jumped from place to place, the muscles in your back flexing beneath your skin as you wound up to strike at a weak point.
Xiao growled as he fought the other ruin guard. He gripped his polearm so tightly he was worried he might break it… But that was the least of his problems. With a gust of wind, he launched himself into the shoulder of the ruin guard, breaking its arm off in one clean strike. Arcs of electricity sparked across the joint, stunning the machine and preventing it from fighting back. With several more quick jabs of his spear, Xiao was able to cut down the automaton.
As soon as the Ruin Guard was no longer a threat, Xiao spun around to attack the next one – only to see a beach of scattered metal parts. He gawked at the destruction, shocked that you were able to defeat two ruin guards so quickly.
“Man, whatever metal these Automatons are made of sure wear out blades fast.” You sighed, running your fingers down the side of your claymore.
“You don’t have a vision. How do you find monsters so fast without elemental sight?” Xiao demanded, stalking towards you.
“If you actually looked at the Adventurer’s Guild bulletin in Liyue Harbor, you’d be able to see where all the monster and enemy sightings are.” You rolled your eyes. “But you’re too busy being a recluse, trying to do everything without any outside help. And definitely not making any money either!”
You lifted your blade above your head, shoulders and biceps flexing as you lowered it into the holder on your back. Of course, since you weren’t gifted with elemental power, you couldn’t create a subspace pocket for your belongings. That meant carrying around your ridiculously large and heavy greatsword wherever you traveled.
“This isn’t a job for mortals. It is the duty of the Adepti,” Xiao seethed as he stared at you intensely.
“Duty of the Adepti, my ass!” You scoffed, dusting some sand off of your shoulder. “Liyue is rife with monsters that would go unchecked if it weren’t for adventurers like me.” 
“Mortals cannot be tasked with killing monsters. It’s too dangerous.” Xiao pressed, stepping closer to you.
“Then why am I so much better at it than you are?” You smirked.
Xiao’s eyes widened suddenly, and you thought you had finally gotten through to the stubborn Yaksha. However, instead of snapping back or continuing to argue, Xiao roughly pushed past you as an orange glow filled your vision.
“Watch out!” He exclaimed. You turned around just in time to see Xiao use his polearm to swipe away a magical fireball that had been hurtling towards you. A sinister high-pitched cackle filled your ears, telling you exactly what it was.
“Abyss mages!” You exclaimed, instinctively reaching over your shoulders for the handle of your greatsword. Pyro and Electro Abyss Mages had shown up out of nowhere, laughing and taunting the two of you from behind their spheres of elemental shields.
Xiao immediately attacked both of them with his polearm that he infused with Anemo. You grew frustrated as you watched him effortlessly use the Abyss Mages’ own elements against themselves thanks to the wind’s power.
As someone never gifted with a vision, you could do little against Abyss Mages with just a claymore. Instead, you turned around and ran towards the ocean. Swinging your claymore backwards like a bat, you used its flat edge to splash into the water, sending a wave towards the Abyss Mages and drenching them.
“What are you doing?!” Xiao exclaimed, confused.
“Work smarter, not harder!” You responded, used to using your surroundings to your own advantage. “Now swirl them!”
Xiao growled, begrudgingly doing as you requested. The Pyro shield broke first – you immediately took advantage of the Mage’s sudden weakness, sending it into the next life with a single strike.
The Yaksha wasn’t far behind with killing the Electro mage… In mere seconds, the beach was silent once more. All you could hear was the gentle rush of the tide that rose and ebbed along the sandy shore.
Xiao turned to face you, appearing as though he was about to shout at you again. You crossed your arms over your chest, staring at him, refusing to show any sort of weakness towards the Adeptus.
However, before he could open his mouth, he turned away from you and disappeared in a cloud of dark smoke and wind.
“Asshole.” You grumbled, frowning.
The teal-haired Yaksha appeared in his small room at the top of Wangshu Inn. It was sparsely furnished, with only a bed, a table and chairs. The wooden floorboards and walls were thin and creaked with each footstep. Despite Verr Goldet offering a suite for the Yaksha to live in, Xiao preferred the attic. Here, he could see all of Dihua Marsh from his window… and he preferred a room far away from guests or any other humans. At the top of the building, it felt less like an inn and more like a treehouse. The ancient tree’s branches grew through one side of the room, its bark poking out of the wooden planks and running from floor to ceiling.
Despite usually enjoying his little piece of serenity at the center of Liyue’s marshes, Xiao had arrived irate.
“INCOMPETENT!” Xiao roared, throwing his spear down in a fit of anger. Its shaft clattered against the floorboards as the weapon slid across the room, its blade embedding itself into the bark of the exposed tree trunk at the far wall.
Xiao was too furious to acknowledge that Verr Goldet would most certainly be heartbroken if she ever saw the damage he caused to the tree. He was too furious to eat, sleep, or do most things these days. All he wanted was for you to stop doing his job.
Your treks through the mountainside had been boring for the past couple of nights. Smirking to yourself, you thought that perhaps you were simply too good at killing monsters. You passed your time traveling from monster sighting to monster sighting, finding little to entertain you in-between.
Thus, when you heard the sound of fighting in the distance, the smirk on your face grew into a  grin.
You rushed down the path towards the fighting, finding yourself in front of a very large hilichurl camp. At the center, a furious Xiao tore through the crowds of monsters, shrouded by a cloud of black smoke.
“It’s about time something interesting happened!” You exclaimed, drawing your greatsword and jumping into the fray.
Xiao noticed you approaching in an instant. “No- stay away!” he exclaimed, launching backwards as he attempted to continue fighting. He jumped into the air before diving back down, raining ethereal spears down from the sky. They impaled all of the Hilichurls around him, killing them almost immediately. Xiao’s face was obscured by a black mask as black wisps of smoke continued to swirl around him. You had never seen elemental power like this before, so you couldn't help but stare for a moment before going back to fight on your own.
“When will you realize humans can be just as good at fighting?” You exclaimed, swinging at a Mitachurl that blocked you with its shield.
You didn’t receive a response – you finished off the Mitachurl and turned around to see Xiao struggling with the Hilichurls.
“Off your game today?” You taunted, jumping into the fight to help.
With your powerful swings, you made quick work of the remaining monsters. When all of them had finally been killed, you turned to face Xiao only to see him with one knee on the ground, relying on his polearm for support. The black wisps of smoke had increased in intensity, swirling around the Yaksha’s body like a miniature maelstrom.
“Are you alright?” You asked, reaching out to offer him a hand.
“Don’t touch me!” Xiao exclaimed sharply, making you take a step back.
His curt statement was enough to finally make you snap.
“Okay, I’ve had it up to here with you!” You raised your fist and shook it at the stubborn Adeptus, anger boiling over within you. “What is wrong with you? All the gods, the Adepti, the Yakshas embody immortality and superiority over humans. And for what? None of you really protect the land. None of you really care about the humans who live here!”
“That’s not true.” Xiao muttered, groaning as he used his polearm to pull himself to his feet. “We do care-”
“If Morax really cared, my family would still be alive! If he gave half a damn then maybe he would have punished the people who killed them!” You were irate, and now nothing could stop the dam that had broken loose as you raged.
“You…” Xiao was bewildered as you continued to rant. While the torment of his Karmic Debt was severe that evening, he suddenly couldn’t feel the pain at all as he processed what you were saying.
“I’ve trained day after day to become stronger and avenge my family because nobody else would. If any of the gods cared at all, I’d at least have a vision after everything I’ve been through and everything I do for Liyue!”
“What…” Xiao’s voice wavered as his grip on his polearm faltered.
“So fuck the Archons, fuck the Adepti, and fuck you!” Your face was bright red as you shouted. You were completely unaware of the way Xiao swayed where he stood, too consumed by anger to notice something was wrong with him.
“I-” Xiao groaned as his knees finally buckled. You weren’t exactly sure what you were seeing as you watched the mask disappear from Xiao’s face, revealing his amber eyes that rolled back in his head as he lost consciousness.
You caught him instinctively, not sure what to do with a fainting Yaksha. After a moment, however, you shouted as burning hot pain flashed across your skin.
“Ah! What the hell?!” you looked down at yourself to see the black wisps of smoke lapping at your irritated skin. Whatever this ability was, it seemed to hurt humans.
“You fucking idiot Yaksha!” You exclaimed, suppressing every urge to throw him and gently setting his body on the ground.
“Miss Goldet… the herbs…” You heard Xiao half-consciously mutter.
“Goldet? Verr Goldet of Wangshu Inn?” You asked Xiao, leaning down to stare at the expression of agony on his face.
“The medicine… at the inn,” Xiao whimpered.
You had never heard a sound like that come from an Adeptus. Your heart began to race as you realized the situation was dire. You were hours away from the inn by foot, and weren’t sure how long the poor Yaksha had before whatever was affecting him would kill him.
Your skin still seared with pain from what little contact you had with him, so you looked around you for the best thing you could do.
You scrambled across the ground, tying together bloodied hilichurl furs and fabrics to fashion a makeshift rope. You looped it under Xiao’s arms and around his chest, deciding that dragging him back to the inn would be your best chance.
You could feel the stabbing pain of the black wisps that licked at your fingers as you gripped the furs. You persevered, attempting to drag him back to the inn. While he may be a small Adeptus, he was certainly not light… After dragging him for several feet, you let out  a sigh of disdain as you unsheathed your claymore and stuck it into the dusty ground. You could only hope nobody would come to steal it as you continued your way along the rolling hills and plains of Liyue.
Without your bulky and heavy greatsword, you found that you could pick up your pace to a slow jog. Despite being battle-trained and strong, your hands and arms began to ache as Wangshu Inn grew in the distance. You cursed yourself for not having the capabilities of the Adepti, being forced to travel by foot.
“Menogias… you need to tell them…” You heard Xiao mumble, half-conscious, squirming against the rope that you carried him by.
“Come on, short stuff. You can make it.” You grunted, picking up the pace. You weren’t sure if you were trying to encourage him or yourself.
It wasn’t long after that when you found yourself at the foot of the huge tree that held the inn. There were a couple of people around you who spotted such an uncanny situation, a young human dragging an unconscious Adeptus that had a whirlwind of black smoke enshrouding himself.
“Is that the Yaksha?”
“Who is that adventurer?”
“What’s going on?”
The murmurs of people who surrounded you began to grow as you ran across the wooden porch and up the stairs to the main foyer of the Inn. Your legs and arms ached as you dragged Xiao up the stairs, but you were more concerned about whether Xiao would be alright.
As you reached the spacious lobby, you spotted the blonde innkeeper behind the front desk.
“Verr Goldet!” You exclaimed, “Can you help?”
“Xiao!” The innkeeper exclaimed, her eyes going wide as she rushed over to the two of you. “His Karmic Debt- I need to get his medicine!” 
Verr Goldet scrambled across the room towards the kitchen, for what you were assuming was the medicine to help with whatever this burning smoke was.
“Xiao…” You murmured. “So that’s your name.”
You began to slowly unwind the ropes from around his torso, the sting of the malicious smoke no longer a deterrent to you.
Feet scuffled across the room as Verr returned, a glass vial of medicine in one hand. She knelt beside Xiao and reached towards his face, but quickly recoiled when the black wisps licked at her fingers.
“Ahh, that hurts!” She exclaimed. “How can I make him drink this?” 
“Here, give me the medicine.” You held out one hand, and Verr hesitantly placed the vial into your palm.
You worked quickly, gritting your teeth as you harshly grabbed Xiao’s jaw and forced it open, pouring the medicine in then shutting his mouth afterwards. When it was all done, you recoiled and shook your hands vigorously to rid yourself of the searing pain – only a couple of seconds of contact were enough to leave angry red marks traveling from your fingertips up your forearms.
“Did you just-” Verr stuttered, staring at your inflamed skin. She turned around and shouted back into the kitchen. “Smiley, get the first aid kit!”
“I’m fine.” you scoffed. “What even is this black smoke anyway? I’ve never seen an elemental ability like this.”
“That’s because it’s not an elemental ability.” Verr responded, her tone ever-so-slightly melancholic. “It’s Karmic Debt that Xiao had accumulated over millennia of slaughter. He’s the only Yaksha left… the rest have all died because of it.”
The breath in your lungs fell still as you heard this.
“He regularly takes medicine to abate the symptoms, but recently he’s been acting strange… he hasn’t been eating, has barely come back to the inn at all, and hasn’t taken any medicine in weeks…”
Your breath came back to you as you murmured, “weeks…?”
Mind reeling, you sat back on your heels. Was Xiao acting this way because you taunted him and told him he wasn’t as good at killing monsters as you were?
“Hey, show me your hand.” A concerned Smiley knelt beside you, opening up a wooden box filled with first aid supplies. You complied absentmindedly, too busy thinking as you stared down at the unconscious Yaksha before you.
Not long after you had given Xiao the medicine, the toxic wisps of Karmic Debt subsided enough for him to be moved out of the foyer and into one of the bedrooms. Verr offered you a place to stay while you recovered, and despite your protests, she demanded that you at least stay one night to rest after everything that happened.
So here you sat, on the soft mattress of a luxurious bed, staring out a window at the beautiful Dihua Marsh. Moonlight reflected off the peaceful waters and cast a glow across the landscape.
Verr Goldet was kind to have offered up one of her guest rooms for you to stay in. But while you were given such a nice room to stay in, you felt like you couldn’t truly rest – your mind still reeled from what you had learned earlier that evening.
Shaking your head, you decided that this was enough. You stood up and began to put your holster back on, deciding that you should go back to retrieve your Claymore and then continue hacking and slashing your way through the monsters of Liyue. Only then, in the throes of combat, you felt you might be able to shake off this feeling of uneasiness.
You began to walk towards the door when the air shifted in the room, a familiar figure appearing in front of you without warning.
“Are you trying to leave?” Xiao spoke, his amber gaze boring into you, his brows pinching together.
“Why do you care?” You scoffed. “You should still be resting. You were in a lot of trouble today.”
“That’s none of your business.” Xiao retorted.
“None of my business?” Your voice rose into a shout as you waved your hands at him. “You nearly died! Hell, you would have died if I didn’t bring you back here!”
Xiao’s eyes caught onto the bandages that wrapped both of your hands and forearms. His eyes trailed up, realizing there were red marks that peeked out from where the bandages stopped. He instinctively reached out to them, knowing exactly what it was.
“Did you come close to me while-”
“Get your hands off of me!” You screamed, slapping away his hand. Xiao froze, his eyes wide.
You let out a frustrated and animalistic growl as you stepped towards Xiao, making him take a step backwards to get away from you.
You took another step, making Xiao move further backwards.
“Such a…”
Another step forwards for you, and another step backwards for Xiao.
“Fucking IDIOT!” 
Xiao tried to step backward again, but found his back against the door to the room. The look in his eyes made it seem like a million emotions were passing through his mind at once. But you didn’t care – you were mad at him, at the archons, at the evil that plagued the land of Liyue. You were furious that Xiao had pushed himself so far that he was overwhelmed by his Karmic Debt. You were even more furious that his sworn duty to Morax was to put himself into such a situation. Your heart twisted and wrenched at the thought of the Yakshas falling one after the other because of such devotion to their Archon.
In your fit of anger, your hand flew up to Xiao’s neck and pinned him against the wall. His mouth dropped open, body completely freezing up as he felt your bandaged fingers against his skin.
You paused for a moment, staring into his amber eyes. There was so much that had gone unsaid between the two of you, so much tension, hatred, fear…
You let out a low growl, your head tipping forwards until your lips crashed into his.
Xiao’s heart stopped as he felt your soft lips collide with his. You were so close to him, he could feel the heat that radiated from your skin. This sudden intimacy bewildered him, and his mind began to reel as your free hand snaked up to cup his cheek. This sort of action was something he had only seen between people who loved each other dearly. It sent his mind back to the times he would catch his fellow Yakshas Menogias and Bonanus stealing a moment of embrace or sharing a tender and intimate kiss. It was something he didn’t understand… although he wanted to. 
Xiao’s mind flashed to a gruesome scene: driven to insanity by the Karmic Debt they had accumulated, Menogias and Bonanus fought each other to the death.
“Stop.” Xiao twisted his head, breaking away from the kiss.
Your eyes snapped open as Xiao wrenched himself away from you. Your eyes scanned across his face, searching for a reason why he’d withdraw like this.
“Why…” Xiao muttered. “Why are you doing this?”
You made the most baffling expression at Xiao’s question. Your hands balled into fists at your sides, the frustration only continuing to build inside of you.
“Because I like you, dumbass!” You responded angrily, slamming one fist into the door beside his head. 
“You…” Xiao spoke, his voice trailing off, his eyes fixating on your lips once again. 
This time, he began to lean closer to you, his lips delicately brushing against yours as if he were afraid to hurt you.
You smirked, hands moving to cup his cheeks as you pulled him into the kiss.
Things quickly became heated as your lips moved against his, your hands eagerly roaming over his body. Xiao could feel the hunger in your embrace, the desire you radiated… He felt the same, overwhelmed by the nostalgic sense of comfort you gave him despite being a visionless mortal… You were someone Xiao never thought he would feel such a way about. Previously, he looked down on all humans because of their fragility and their brief lifespans, but you changed all of that with the way you seemed to run laps around him as you killed the monsters he was meant to be killing.
You grabbed onto Xiao’s wrist, forcing it against the wall above his head. The Yaksha let out the slightest gasp at your forceful action, his other hand sliding down your waist and gripping tight enough to turn your body when he slid one knee between your legs.
Your eyes went wide for a moment as he overpowered you, turning your body so now it was your back against the wall. You let go of his wrist in surprise, and he took that moment to pin your arms against the wooden wall.
However, you wouldn’t let yourself be overpowered so easily. With a grunt, you used one leg to kick at Xiao’s knee, destabilizing him and knocking him backward. As he fell, he let go of your arms which allowed you to snake one around the back of his head, cushioning his fall as you knocked him down to the floor.
You landed on top of Xiao, your arms and knees placed in a way where none of your weight was on him. You sat up on your knees and stared down at the blushing Yaksha as you began to undo your clothes.
“What are you d-”
“Take off your clothes, asshole.” You grumbled, throwing your shirt down on the floor.
When Xiao didn’t comply, and only looked up at you with a bewildered expression, you rolled your eyes and dipped your head back down to lock lips with him. Your hands roamed over his torso, sliding down to his waist, fingering at his belt.
Xiao froze as he felt your hand slip beneath the belt. You deftly undid the tie that held it together, allowing your hand to slide further down and palm his crotch.
“Ah-” Xiao’s eyes widened, a deep blush spreading across his cheeks.
You felt him twitch inside his pants, his member stiffening as your fingers ran across it.
Nobody had ever done this kind of thing to Xiao before. He didn't know how to act – his only knowledge of actions like this were from centuries ago, when he caught Menogias and Bonanus in a similar sort of position, clothes strewn aside… he didn’t understand the significance of such an act, only that it was an extremely private affair – and he didn’t stick around to find out.
So here, with your fingers wrapped around his stiffening cock, Xiao had no idea what to do. He felt a new sort of hunger take over his body as jolts of pleasure surged through his body, his kisses turning ravenous as you leaned down to devour his lips.
Xiao’s hands began to move on their own, undoing his clothes in the midst of your passionate embrace. You began to do the same, until all Xiao felt was the cold wooden floorboards and the heat of your bare skin against his.
You began to slide your hand up and down his member as you bit at his lips, making Xiao’s eyes squeeze shut as he shuddered with pleasure. His hips began to move in sync, shifting up and down against your strokes, trying to get even more motion from your movements.
You broke from the kiss, sitting back upright, sliding your hips forwards until they came to a rest with his throbbing member pressed against your entrance. Xiao looked up, taking his first glimpse at your naked form; he realized how much more beautiful you were without any clothes.
His eyes lingered on the curve of your neck, the tone in your shoulders, the faded battle scars that cut into your soft skin. He watched the way your arms and torso flexed as you moved, the ripple of muscle that was once hidden beneath clothes, the way your chest rose and fell with each breath you took. His eyes trailed up, trying to decipher the look in your eyes – desire, longing, sadness.
Xiao was wrenched away from his thoughts at a completely foreign sensation. You began to sink yourself down onto his cock, easing him into your hot entrance.
He gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head. He wanted to watch what you were doing, to see just how you could make him feel this good, but he couldn’t manage to focus. His mouth hung open, half-caught in a gasp. His hands fell limp to his sides as you seemed to take over his body with whatever magic you were doing.
You let out a groan as you sank further down his shaft, your walls quivering from the new stretch. You pushed down, gripping onto Xiao’s shoulders, your fingers digging into his bare skin.
“Ah-” Xiao murmured, the scratching of your nails making him snap back to reality. “What’s this-”
Again, Xiao was cut off as you rolled your hips, stirring your own insides with his twitching cock. He groaned, trying to keep his focus despite this ungodly sensation you were giving him.
Slowly, you began to rock back and forth, sliding yourself up and down his length. You leaned closer towards his face, lips brushing against his. Suddenly Xiao’s hands flew up to the back of your head to pull you into a fiercely passionate kiss. His teeth nipped at your lips, and you bit back, hard enough to draw blood. 
Meanwhile, you continued to move, creating a steady pace of up and down. Heat began to build between the two of you, droplets of sweat beading on your bare skin as you fucked yourself on Xiao’s dick.
The Yaksha began to move in time, shifting his hips up and down to get more movement against his throbbing member. He shifted his hands up to your waist, beginning to move you as well, beginning to pant from the pleasure you were giving him.
Xiao began to rut his hips harder and harder against yours, your body beginning to bounce on top of him. Your walls tightened around him, and he let out a breathy whine from the sensation. 
As pleasure began to overwhelm him, Xiao’s movements became choppy. You could tell he was on the precipice of orgasm – when Xiao’s hands moved down to your hips and his fingers dug into your skin, you stopped moving and simply stared down at his face. His hips tried to move again, but you had him pinned in place with your thighs pressed against his torso.
Xiao growled at the lack of movement.
This brought a smirk to your face, but it didn’t last long as Xiao quickly overpowered you.
He twisted his body to flip you around, and you suddenly found yourself on your back with Xiao hovering above you.
Xiao lined himself back up at your entrance, pressing into you without warning.
“Ah! Sh-shit, - Xiao!”
He didn’t respond, his fingers digging into the underside of your thighs as he pressed them against your chest. He began to thrust hungrily into you, controlled by the overwhelming desire that filled his body. You stared into his half-lidded eyes, watching the way his movements were almost animalistic above you. 
“A- aah!” Your eyes began to lose focus as Xiao picked up his speed, his hips snapping against yours, lewd slapping filling the room.
Xiao’s movements were hungry, growing faster and faster, chasing a release that devoured any sense of restraint. You began to grow overwhelmed by the repeated hammering of his cock against your most sensitive parts.
He was becoming more aggressive, his hands pressing into your thighs until it bordered on pain, pinning you in place so he could thrust into you more easily. Your eyes began to roll into the back of your head as your mouth hung open, lewd moans and whimpers escaping your throat.
Xiao let out a growl as his movements became hungrier, more possessive, more aggressive.
The sounds of his cock bullying into you over and over made squelching and slapping noises that filled the room, mixing in with your gasps of pleasure.
“Ahh, Xiao…” You whined, squeezing your eyes shut and falling fully into the utter bliss he was giving you.
His fingers gripped into your legs even harder as his movements fell still, his hips settling against the plush of your ass. 
You could feel his member twitch, followed by a rush of warmth, and you whimpered as you realized that he had just finished inside you… and that it felt good.
Xiao’s grip on your thighs relaxed as he blinked, realizing what the two of you had just done. He was a Yaksha plagued with Karmic Debt, harmful to any humans he came too close to… Including you. An immense wave of guilt washed over his body, making his heart wrench with grief.
“I… I’m sorry.” Xiao began to move backwards, pulling his member out of you.
“Wait.” You spoke, quickly moving your legs to wrap around his waist and stop him from backing away. Xiao froze, staring down at your flushed face. “Can we keep going?” 
“You… You want me to stay?” Xiao questioned, baffled.
“Yes.” You responded.
Xiao didn’t need any further response from you. Once he realized you didn’t resent him for what he had just done, he lunged back towards you to hungrily devour your lips again.
With a new burst of strength, you sat upwards, grabbing onto his shoulders and flipping him over to pin him back down on the ground. You caught his lips with yours, teeth gnashing together as if you were trying to devour him. 
At the same time, you shifted your hips to press Xiao’s quickly hardening dick back into your leaking entrance. You began to bounce fast, your legs straining as you forced yourself up and down him. You were hungry – desperate, even – for this.
Again, Xiao shifted his hips in sync with your movements, exaggerating the drag of his cock against your swollen and sensitive walls. You closed your eyes and dropped your head, trying your best to keep going as the pleasure in your core grew and grew.
The slapping of your hips against his grew wetter and wetter as you continued, the noises driving you further towards your climax. You could barely keep going, the coil in your abdomen tightening and tightening.
Xiao sensed this – his hands flew down to your waist, the snap of his hips becoming more and more aggressive as you fell fully into your impending orgasm.
As the coil finally snapped you threw your head back, crying out in pleasure as your walls convulsed around Xiao’s length.
Xiao groaned from the new sensation… it felt like you were trying to milk his next climax out of him.
The Yaksha stared up at the expression on your face, your head clouded by lust. The bandages on your arms began to slip down from the ferocity of your sexual act, revealing more of the angry red scars that marred your skin. The breath caught in his throat as he neared his climax, the lust overpowering all the guilt he felt for what his Karmic Debt had done to you.
Xiao pounded into you faster, harder, until he reached the precipice of his orgasm as well.
With something halfway between a cry and a whimper, he fell still, and you felt the familiar sensation of his climax spilling into you.
“Hah…a-ah..,” You murmured, your body relaxing, laying down on top of Xiao.
For a moment, everything in the room was quiet. All you could hear was the elevated breathing that came from the two of you and the rapid beating of your own heart. 
You rested your head on Xiao’s shoulder, looking up at his face to see him staring blankly at the ceiling.
There was a perplexing expression on his face… You furrowed your brows as you stared closer, and realized it looked like tears were welling up in his eyes.
Xiao, for some reason, felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened. The way you had entered his life and turned it upside down, becoming his rival, then saving his life, and now he had just experienced something so profound and intimate for the first time with you.
“Are you… crying?” You questioned, picking your head up to stare down at the Yaksha.
“No. Adepti never show weakness in the form of tears.” Xiao responded bluntly. However, at the same time, you could clearly see a single tear spill over and trail down his face. 
You reached a hand up and brushed it away with a bandaged finger, holding it up for Xiao to see.
“What’s this, then?” You asked. 
Xiao looked at the wet spot on the bandage, then back to your face.
“The roof leaks.”
You chortled. Sparing a glance at the window, you could see the sunshine streaming through the curtains.
“Idiot.” A grin spread across your face as you stared down at him. Xiao merely blinked and looked to the side, more tears spilling from the corners of his eyes.
You laid a tender kiss on the wet trails his tears left down his cheeks then settled back down, resting your head on his shoulder once again.
For a couple of minutes, everything was silent. The two of you merely enjoyed each others’ presence, despite the fact that you were laying naked on the floor surrounded by long-forgotten clothes when there was a perfectly made bed only a couple of feet away.
After a while, Xiao cleared his throat and began to speak.
“I should, uhm.” Xiao paused for a moment, unsure of how to say what he was trying to say. “...remove myself from you, right?”
You realized his dick was still inside of you, and the two of you were just laying on the floor this way.
“N-no, let’s just stay like this a little longer.” You responded, hugging him slightly tighter.
A huge thanks to my beta readers for the help writing and the wonderful motivational xiao photo
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blissfullyapillow · 6 months
┃If I can’t have you.. (everything means nothing)
₊˚⊹♡ Xiao x fem reader
₊˚⊹♡ wc: 9k~
₊˚⊹♡ Prompt: Xiao finds himself falling for a human despite his better judgment, while said human is hesitant to give their heart to the sweet yaksha who saved them, in fear of becoming a burden. 
₊˚⊹♡ warnings: slowburn, fluff, you’re visionless (gasp), tons of mutual pining, Zhongli acts like a parent figure to Xiao here (istg it’s so cute)
₊˚⊹♡ Pillow Talks: GUYS I AM SO PROUD OF THIS DFHUQI, I’ve been slowly writing the the last couple of weeks and I love how it turned out! I, once again, randomly got inspired when listening to a song. This time it was Shawn Mendes’ song, ‘If I Can’t Have You,’ hence the title of this work. I came to the sudden realization that the song would totally fit Xiao, and I realized it’s been a long time since I wrote something for him. I tried to make this as canon compliant as possible, as in Xiao would actually do & feel these things; I hope I did him justice! With much love, please enjoy this fic! Xoxo ♡(੭´͈ ᐜ `͈)੭
₊˚⊹♡ Masterlist
It’s an average night for the Vigilant Yaksha; Adeptus Alatus. Said adeptus is currently carrying out his duty as he watches over Liyue, defeating any man-eating monsters he happens upon.
Tonight there appears to be more of these monsters than usual, but it’s all the same to the mighty illuminated adepti. 
He wastes no time in slaying said monsters, and within a moment's time they are all subdued. 
At least that’s what he thought.
A sudden cry from afar immediately grabs his attention, and he wastes no time getting to the source. What he finds does not surprise him. A lone girl hesitantly backs away from a group of monsters, creating what distance she can as she inevitably becomes surrounded.
Xiao’s hand grips his spear as he readies himself to eliminate the threat in front of him. He falters when the lone girl emits a battle cry of sorts. He watches as she bends down to grab a..
A stick.
Xiao can’t help but snort at the comical sight.
This girl, all alone and surrounded by monsters, chooses a stick as her last means of survival. Almost as if the monsters can sense her foolishness as well, they emit sounds akin to laughter.
Xiao moves to help the girl, ready to save her, and yet…
He finds his feet glued to the floor when his eyes catch sight of her burning orbs. 
Most people he’s happened across in these situations are full of fear as they shout for someone, anyone, to save them.
Not this girl. She straightens herself with her measly yet sturdy stick in hand before she starts to swing.  
Xiao guffaws when she accurately lands a hit on one of the monsters. He’s flabbergasted when the small monster actually falls to the ground. He knows her stick won’t amount to much as a means of protection; it already looks like it’s on the verge of breaking. Despite this, she wastes no time in attacking another monster with her stick.
Xiao is rooted to the spot as he watches this girl miraculously handle herself pretty well in this situation. His sharp gaze flicks to the monster that creeps up behind her. He moves now, and in a moment’s breath he appears right behind said monster.
The girl has yet to notice the monster behind her as she swings her stick at another monster in front of her; the monster behind closes in on her from behind.  
He’s relieved he’s close enough to stop the monster before it reaches her since she seems all too unaware of her surroundings. 
So, imagine his surprise when the girl spins around, kicking the monster to the ground before his spear can deliver a devastating blow. 
Their eyes meet, and although all she can see is his mask her expression morphs into one full of wonder and awe. That is, before she swings her stick at him. 
Xiao easily catches hold of the stick, and in no time it snaps in two in his firm grasp. He ignores her attempt to hit him once more as he now focuses his attention on the remaining monsters around her.
He makes quick work in slaughtering them all. Once the task is complete he faces her. He expects her to retaliate once more. maybe attempt to hit him again.
His eyes widen in slight surprise when he’s presented with a formal bow. Her head hangs low, and her hands are pressed together as if in prayer.
“Thank you almighty adeptus!” He scoffs at her grateful exclamation. This mortal is quite the handful. He opens his mouth to speak, his face still hidden beneath his mask, when she straightens herself once more and her eyes meet his. 
Any response he would’ve had dies in his throat. His mind goes blank as her wide orbs bore into his. How does she even know where his eyes are? Aren’t they hidden behind his mask?
A touch of his fingers against his cheek, not his mask, answers his own question. He must’ve been so consumed with his thoughts that he didn’t notice his mask disappear.
Speaking of said human, she now tentatively takes a step in his direction.
“Stop. Do not come any closer.” His words are harsh and prickly. He crosses his arms across his chest, and he stands firm. 
The human takes the hint, but her eyes still stay on his. For some reason this flusters him, and he finally averts his gaze. The human seems to take this as an opportunity to come closer, and a noise of surprise escapes him when a warm pair of arms wrap around him.
Does this mortal have no sense of danger!?
His hands quickly grip your arms to pull you off of him, but he stops himself when he sees your expression. 
Your eyelashes house unshed tears and your lips are quivering. He quickly comes to the realization that your tough exterior was just a front. Now, you’re clinging to him as loud sniffles leave you.
He’s as stiff as a board as you cling to him, but he can’t bring himself to pull you off of him. A few moments of awkward silence, save for your sniffles, pass by. Eventually he awkwardly raises his hand to pat your back.
You two stay together in this awkward embrace until you pull away. He wants to scold you and tell you to return to your residence at once, but…
He remains silent.
“Thank you. I did my best to defend myself and remain calm, but I knew there was only so much I could do. I don’t have a vision, so I was feeling pretty desperate haha.” Xiao’s taken aback by your words. How come he didn't notice that before?
He looks over your person. Sure enough, there isn’t a vision in sight. He’s.. a bit impressed by your mental fortitude. You stood your ground and put up a fight despite having no external means of help. 
Honestly, he finds that very admirable of you.
“Whatever. Go home. It’s late. There are still monsters around.” The words leave him quickly, and he ushers you away. 
You don’t budge despite his pushing, and you turn your head to look at him. 
Archons, why do you keep gazing so deeply into his eyes?
He awkwardly coughs as he looks anywhere but in your direction. His hands on your person feel like they’re being lit aflame, so he quickly pulls them away. You turn to face him fully now, only to place a gentle hand on his arm.
He visibly jumps before his hand firmly grips your wrist. “What are you doing?” He grunts. “Can you escort me home? I’m still a bit shaken up...” You murmur the words under breath. You’re so quiet; Xiao wouldn’t have heard you if he weren’t paying such rapt attention to you. 
Xiao has no inclination to help you, let alone entertain you any further. He should just disappear from sight like he usually does. You’ll surely be fine. He may have fibbed a bit earlier, there are no more monsters nearby.
His eyes reluctantly meet your orbs once more. Something about the sincerity in your gaze compels him. He finds himself heeding your request despite his better judgment, and soon he falls into stride beside you as he accompanies you home.
“This is foolish.” He mutters under his breath. “It may be to you, but I greatly appreciate your time and generosity.” He didn’t think you heard him, so he’s more than a bit startled by your sincere reply.
He remains silent for the rest of the journey. He doesn’t comment on your close proximity as you walk side by side. 
He pays no mind to the occasional brush of your shoulder against his. 
He doesn’t notice the way your eyes are curiously drawn to him as you two walk, or the way they rove over his form.
After what feels like a millenia you two arrive at your residence. He should leave now. He’s indulged you more than he needed to. “This is goodby-” You cut him off when you throw your arms around him in a tight, warm hug. 
This is the second time you’ve done that tonight. 
He hates the way his heart lurches as a result of the unexpected proximity from you.
“Thank you, really. Is there anything I can do to repay you?” Your voice is soft, mesmerizing, and your words are whispered by the shell of his ear and you continue to embrace him.
Honestly he wants you to stop hugging him so his heart can stop pounding in his chest. “You can stop hugging me… and also… stay out of harm's way.” At his request you quickly pry yourself off of him.
He abhors the disappointment he feels now that you aren’t close to him anymore. “I can do that. Thank you…” You trail off, hoping he’ll fill in the blank for you with his name.
This has gone on long enough.
He turns now so his back faces you. He remains silent as he disappears. 
You feel a bit disappointed that he didn’t reply, but you’re grateful to him nevertheless.
Little did the both of you know, this encounter was only the beginning of something more.
“I thought I told you to stay out of harm's way?” His gruff tone makes you giddy as he holds you in his arms, out of reach from the swarm of monsters. 
You truly didn’t expect to see the adeptus that saved you that fateful night ever again, yet here he is. 
“I did my best to follow your advice! I just.. Have a bit of a knack for finding myself in crazy situations.” You sound sheepish as you laugh it off, but the yaksha holding you sounds anything but amused.
“You mortals are always such a handful..” He quickly sets you down in a safe area before he gets to work defeating the monsters in front of you. 
You cheer him on as if you were his personal cheerleader, and you swear you see the tips of his ears redden.
In no time at all the threat before you vanishes, and the adeptus stands tall in the midst of the aftermath. 
Well, as tall as he possibly can. He is quite short after all.
The thought brings a cheeky smile to your lips. The adeptus notices your expression, and a familiar frown presents itself on his pretty features.
“Are you sure you aren’t actively putting yourself in these situations?” He interrogates you. “No! I promise. I really could do without the added stress to my already busy life.” You smile as you make your way over to him.
He doesn’t stop you. He’s clearly contemplating your words.
You don’t blame him. This is your fourth encounter after all. The previous two encounters consisted of him saving you from monsters as well. 
Unfortunately he hasn’t walked you home since your last encounter, or told you his name, but you’re determined to learn that information tonight.
“So, mighty adeptus, will you please do me the honor of-” “You can find your own way home. I know you don’t live far from here.” He turns away from you, his telltale sign that he’s about to disappear. 
“No, please wait!” You grimace at the desperation in your voice. You notice him flinch slightly at your words. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t leave. 
You close the distance between the two of you, and you wrap your arms around him from behind in a hug. 
He sighs, a sound you’ve grown quite used to hearing from him. “You are one troublesome human…” He grumbles under his breath. Despite his harsh words he makes no attempt to move away from you. You enjoy this moment as you close your eyes and hold him. 
You smile to yourself since he lets you.
“Please escort me home tonight? I’m still figuring out the best way to repay you for saving me so many times; It’s only right that I do something in return.” You fear your words won’t be enough to convince him.
Your fears are promptly quelled. He regretfully moves away from you, but he begins to walk in the direction of your home.
The smile that lights up your face is radiant.
You easily fall into step beside him. 
The night air is chilly. You rub your arms with your hands to generate a bit of warmth as you rack your brain for a suitable topic of conversation. From your few encounters with the adeptus you can tell he isn’t the most social individual. 
Even so, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.
“Is there really no way I can repay you?” You decide to be blunt and cut to the chase. You’re rewarded by a startled snort. The sound is strangely cute coming from him. 
Your head whips in his direction, but his face remains stoic as if he made no sound at all. “If I say there is something you can do, will you stop pestering me?” He grumbles. Your eyes shine with delight at the prospect of doing something for the kind individual beside you.
“Yes, please!” You encourage him.  He hums in contemplation before he goes silent once more. You pout as the comforting sight of your abode enters your line of vision.
Once you’re standing in front of your door you turn around to wish the adeptus a monsterless rest of his night. Just as your lips part to say your farewells, he speaks. “You can make a dish of almond tofu. Bring it here tomorrow. After that, your debt will have been repaid. Now go to sleep. It’s late.” With those brisk words, he turns and leaves.
He doesn’t completely disappear on you this time, and the delusional part of you believes it’s progress. Unfortunately you still didn’t catch his name, but you’ve made progress in a different sense!
Too bad you don’t have the slightest idea how to make almond tofu…
“I’ve been up since early this morning, scouring multiple sources, and said sources have all referred me to you! So please, pleasseee teach me how you make almond tofu!” You’re on your knees in front of the chef of Wangshu Inn, pathetically begging him to teach you his wonderful ways.
Not too far behind you stands Verr Goldet, hunched over and clutching her sides in laughter. The chef takes one look at the sight of you in front of him before a deep, heavy sigh leaves his lips.
“I just can’t catch a break here, huh..?” Those are the only words you hear from him before you're hoisted on your feet and put to work.
Hours full of failed dishes and disgruntled sighs pass by. At one point the chef looked ready to cry, but hey, everything worked out!
Of course by the time you finally manage to make a successful dish of Almond Tofu it’s late into the night. You bestow your thanks upon the chef, but all he does is shake his head as he shoos you away. He may be far off in his assumptions, but he has an idea of who the intended recipient of that dish is. 
You carefully wrap the dish in a pretty carry on before you begin to set off in the direction of your home.
Before you’re able to get far a familiar voice stops you. “Wait! Y/n, was it? Head up to the highest floor of the Inn before you go. It’ll save you a lot of time.” Verr’s words confuse you, but you’d be a fool to deny her request. She was the one who told you to seek out the chef after all. So with a firm nod you quickly make your way to the place she insisted you visit before your departure. 
Once you get up there, the ephemeral sight of the full moon greets you. The little balcony is empty. It’s quite a beautiful sight, but you’re still a bit lost. Why did the boss want you to come up here?
You turn to leave since you’re eager to get home and present to the adeptus your hard work. You manage to take only a single step before a hand on your arm stops you. “Where do you think you’re going so late into the night?” You shriek and jump a mile into the air.
Wait, that voice. It can’t be…
Yet sure enough when you turn around the adeptus is there, glowering at you. “Did you make the almond tofu?” You want to scold him for his blunt question. Instead you hold your tongue as you shove the food into his hands.
He’s startled as he scrambles to hold the food properly. “You fool! What if I dropped all your hard work onto the floor?” He scowls deeply, but his words make your heart pound. “How do you know that I worked hard to make this?” You breathe.
His cheeks warm considerably; a light pink hue makes itself visible on his cheeks. The moonlight casts an ethereal glow on his person.
“It’s obvious.. with.. how well it’s presented.” His soft words are surprisingly sweet. You find yourself swooning as he unwraps the food you delicately packed for him. He moves closer to the edge of the balcony before he plops himself down with your dish of Almond Tofu.
You slowly make your way over to him before you sit down comfortably beside him. 
A stupid smile stretches your cheeks when your knee bumps against his. 
You watch attentively as he slowly takes his first bite. He closes his eyes as he savors the taste. He remains eerily still which causes your heart to drop to your stomach. Did you mess up the recipe again? But the chef sampled it and he said it was the best patch of Almond Tofu you’ve managed to make all day! You tried it too, and it tasted pretty good! You hope the adeptus doesn’t take this as an insult. 
Wait- were you supposed to properly make an offering of the Almond Tofu to the adeptus, like, in a traditional sense?
Your spiraling, anxious thoughts are stopped in their tracks when he eagerly takes another bite. Two bites turn into three, and soon the plate is wiped clean.
You’re stunned. You watch in awe as he gracefully sets the plate down at his side before turning to you. “It was okay.” You blink. Glance over at the empty plate again. Look at his deadpan expression.
It takes a moment for the giggles to build, but soon you’re full on laughing as you clutch your stomach, similar to Verr Goldet earlier in the day.
The adeptus huffs in faux annoyance as you laugh. Unbeknownst to you, a small smile is on his lips. 
“You don’t need to meet me anymore now. Go home earlier, okay?” His words make your laughter come to an abrupt halt. “Huh?” You splutter out in a confused daze. He says nothing as he moves to stand up.
You clutch his arm. 
He takes one look at the expression on your face before he sits down. “Please don’t do that. I mean, I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore. I’m sure I’m just another ‘silly mortal’ to you, and I know you have your own burdens and duties to attend to…” His breath hitches at your words. You wish you could delve deeper into that, but unfortunately you don’t know him well enough. Hell, you don’t even know his name.
“I understand, truly.. But..” You turn to face him. Your knee bumps against his once more, but you pay the electrifying tingles no mind as you gently grasp his hands. He sucks in a breath. You expect him to wrench his hands away, but he doesn’t. Whatever the reason is, you won’t waste this chance.
“I want to get to know you better. Maybe it’s simple curiosity.. Maybe it’s something more..” You subtly imply, “But I want to keep seeing you. On your time, of course. Please…” You’d say his name, but you don’t know it.
You squeeze his hands before your eyes seal themselves shut in anticipation of his rejection. He has no reason to accept. You feel like the fool that you surely are, for even suggesting that he’d want to spend more time with- “Xiao. Adeptus Xiao.” 
Your eyes shoot open, and your mouth parts in shock. “Stay at the Inn tonight. I’ll speak to Verr Goldet for you. Get some sleep.” His eyes move down to your hands, still gently gripping his, and the faint color on his cheeks deepen its shade.
He averts his eyes, looking down at his shoes before they trail over to the moon, back down to his shoes.
You find his embarrassment to be absolutely adorable.
You thank the archons for their generosity as you finally let go of his hands. You swear you see a smile on his lips before it disappears just as fast as it appeared.
He stands, offering you his hand to take. You gleefully take it and he hoists you up on your feet. “Have a goodnight…” He trails off expectantly. 
Huh? Why is he looking at you like that?
“Your name.” He prompts. 
Your cheeks warm to a dangerous degree as your hand flies to your mouth. You’ve wanted to know his name so badly, you focused so much on it. So much so that you forgot you never told him your own name!
“Y/n.” You whisper, your feelings of embarrassment blatant in your voice.
Xiao smirks at your reaction. “I see. Goodnight, Y/n.” 
Then he’s gone. 
You take a few minutes to cool down and quell your embarrassment before you go down to talk to Verr. Somehow, she has a room available. You gratefully take the room she offers. She tells you it’s on the house, and no matter how much you insist on paying she refuses to take payment. 
Aw well, you’ll leave a generous tip in the room before you leave.
A yawn escapes your lips as your eyes fall shut. As you drift off to sleep, images of the short adeptus- Xiao- occupy your every thought.
Meanwhile, in another location, said adeptus continues to whisper your name into the wind. 
He likes the way your name sounds on his tongue.
His heart throbs, and his throat feels dry. 
His eyes roam over your figure before he quickly turns around, staring off into the distance. Why does he feel so.. Embarrassed? No, that’s not the right word. It’s more like..
You move to stand a bit closer to him, to make space for the person passing the two of you. The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end; he’s acutely aware of your presence.
Ah, self conscious. That’s the word he was looking for. 
He can not wrap his head around these newfound feelings he’s having around you. He only told you his name last night, nothing more. Why is he acting like it’s such a big deal to him?
When you move away to create a bit of distance between the two of you he feels oddly disappointed. 
Maybe he’s feeling this way because to him, telling you his name and giving you his time is a big deal, whether he’ll admit it to himself or not.
He’s not particularly fond of spending his time with humans. Well, he wouldn’t mind learning more about human culture if it weren’t for his karmic debt. 
Speaking of, you seem none the wiser as you two embark on a leisurely stroll. The sun is high in the sky, a stark contrast to the full moon that witnessed the fateful exchange of your names.
Ah, there he goes again. 
He scolds himself for thinking of that encounter again. He spent all night thinking of you, enjoying the way your name rolled off his tongue with ease. Even as he fought a few monsters, his thoughts kept drifting to you.
He starts to break out in a cold sweat as he continues to think of you, even as you’re standing right beside him.
Will he be able to perform his duties appropriately? How will he, when’s he’s thinking about you constantly like a lovesick-
Where did that word come from? He doesn’t even know you like that.
Xiao’s cheeks redden from his thoughts. He pushes the thought out of his head, refusing to entertain the silly idea any further. 
“Thanks for walking me back… even though it’s broad daylight.” You tease. Xiao jerks a bit at your teasing. Why does that lit in your voice sound so alluring to him?
Xiao. Stop.
“It’s nothing. The threat of monsters linger, no matter the hour of the day.” He mentally pats himself on the back for that smooth explanation. He sees the way you nod your head in agreement, but more importantly his eyes zero in on the small upturn of the corner of your lips. 
When he catches himself his eyes quickly tear away from you. He awkwardly coughs into his fist before he looks down at the ground.
Is he.. Sick? Why is his heart beating so fast when all he’s doing is walking beside you? Maybe he should ask Zhongli if-
“Earth to Xiao?” You’re in front of him now, your face dangerously close to his as you wave a hand in front of his face.
Oh, Archons.
He abruptly stops walking, and it takes everything in him to avoid leaning further into you. 
“Uh, ye- AHEM… yes?” Oh dear. His face burns at the slight crack in his voice. He silently hopes you didn’t catch it.
You most definitely did, but you won’t tell him that.
“Are you alright? It seems like you’ve been zoning out..” Your kind eyes look over him. His palms sweat as he racks his brain for a quick, sensible justification for his wandering thoughts. 
“I was.. Just thinking about..” His eyes move every which way as he tries to come up with a new topic of conversation to distract you. He catches sight of a group of fishermen a few feet away, chatting happily amongst themselves as they wait for their lines to lure in their catch.
Ah, perfect.
“What are your hobbies?” You blink owlishly at him before you take a step back. 
He releases a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.
“My hobbies? Hm… let’s see..” You resume your position beside Xiao as you begin to delve into your pastimes. You unintentionally talk his ear off, but he’s grateful for it. This way, you forget about his rare moment of absent mindedness and he gets to learn more about you.
He doesn’t delve further into why he wants to learn more about you.
“So there you have it. What about you? I’m sure you’re busy, but I find it hard to believe even the adepti don’t have ways to unwind.” Your question is thought provoking, and honestly a bit insightful. 
“This may disappoint you, but not all the adepti have the leisure to indulge in moments of frivolity.” He leaves it at that. In another instance, he may have commended you for your bold question and challenged you to a duel of sorts, but you don’t have a vision and you’re not a renowned traveler. 
“Ah, I see. Well then, care to indulge me?” Xiao looks at you with a questioning stare, but you don’t elaborate. At this point in your journey the both of you are close to your abode, as well as Liyue Harbor.
You suddenly grasp his hand as you take off in a jog towards what he assumes is Liyue Harbor. Xiao splutters as he effortlessly keeps pace with you.
“Mortal- I- Y/n- What are you…” The rest of the question leaves his lips in a gasp when you turn to face him, an ethereal smile on your lips.
He’s quiet the rest of the way as he allows you to drag him to Liyue Harbor.
Oh, Zhongli.
This human is nothing but trouble.
Xiao finds himself being dragged around Liyue Harbor all day, engaging in various activities with you.
Xiao knows the entirety of Liyue like the back of his hand. He doesn’t need a map; he’ll know any location in Liyue based on a vague description alone.
Yet here you are, bringing him around Liyue Harbor as you force him to encourage him to participate in activities with you and the other citizens of Liyue Harbor. 
“Hey, Xiao. Do you like kites?” Your delighted voice drifts through the wind until it reaches his ears. “Hmph. I have no need for such a thing.” Is his stern reply. You seem to anticipate said response since all you do is playfully roll your eyes.
“Mhm. Well lucky for you, I got you one! Ta-da!” You swivel around with a newly purchased kite in hand. Xiao audibly sighs. You wish farewell to the kind old lady selling kites before you two head off once more. 
Xiao foresees the way you gleefully fall into step beside him as you walk side by side. Xiao even anticipates the way you subtly sneak the kite into his open hand. What Xiao doesn’t expect is to see Iron Tongue Tian narrating a story to Zhongli.
He freezes.
His feet stop moving forward as he’s rooted to the spot. His thoughts spiral as his mind scrambles for what to do. Should he approach him? It’d be rude not to, but then he’ll know about you. Well, not like it matters. You’re just another human to him and-
“Oh, I love Iron Tongue Tian. He tells the best stories. Come, let’s listen!” Before Xiao’s mind can catch up with his actions, he’s being gently pulled along to sit at the same table as Zhongli.
Oh boy.
Zhongli immediately catches his eye. Xiao almost hates the subtle recognition in his eyes, accompanied by what Xiao discerns to be bewilderment. 
He knows Zhongli won’t let him talk his way out of this.
Xiao chooses to sit down between the two of you, as a mediator of sorts. Iron Tongue Tian is currently telling a story, so surely- 
“That concludes my story. Fret not, I have come prepared with another story to tell. Please give me a moment of respite as I prepare the scene for my next narration.” 
Archons, Why?
Xiao is nonplussed to see the subtle upturn of Zhongli’s lips. 
“Ah, Xiao. It’s rare to see you in this setting. Who is this young lady accompanying you? Please, spare no details.” Xiao swears he can feel the lone drop of sweat that travels down his face.
“Mo-.. Zhongli… this is.. Y/n.” Xiao internally berates himself for the breathless way your name leaves his lips. If Zhongli wasn’t curious already, he certainly is now.
“Ah, Y/n is it? A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I go by the name of Zhongli.” Zhongli smiles in your direction as he introduces himself. Xiao turns to gauge your reaction; He doesn’t expect the familiar smile on your lips, or the knowing twinkle in your eye.
Why are you smiling at Zhongli like that?
He feels conflicted.
“I know who you are, Mr. Zhongli. I’ve seen you sitting here, listening to Iron Tongue Tian’s stories many times. It’s nice to meet you.” You reach over, extending your hand for something. 
Before Xiao can ask what you need assistance with, Zhongli’s hand grasps yours. You both exchange a gentle shake between the two of you before you retract your hand.
Oh, you were shaking Zhongli’s hand.
He wishes you would shake his, too.
“What a delightful young lady. Tell me, what brings you here? How did you manage to accompany Xiao here, of all individuals?” Xiao hears the underlying tease in Zhongli’s words. He turns his head to face Zhongli once more. A small pout forms on Xiao’s lips, and a small shake of his head signals Xiao’s displeasure of Zhongli’s teasing.
You, none the wiser, happily sit beside Xiao as you hum a tune to yourself. Zhongli leans down to whisper to Xiao, “It’s rare to see you interacting with the citizens of Liyue, yet alone to be accompanied by another party. Especially a human. The last individual I saw you spend your time with was the traveler. What is the occasion for this meeting? Did you orchestrate this? Do you feel comfortable?” Zhongli’s incessant questions only give Xiao a headache.
“I’m fine. There’s no need to concern yourself.” Is his gruff, short answer. Zhongli has become an expert at reading between the lines when it comes to Xiao. Based on Xiao’s body language and tone of voice, Zhongli deduced that nothing of immediate concern was occurring. If anything, Zhongli suspected something else to be at play. 
Something he would wholeheartedly support, depending on the type of person he determines you to be.
“So, Y/n. Would you care to tell me more about yourself?” Zhongli elegantly picks up the tea resting on the table in front of him. As he softly blows against the cup, Xiao’s attention is brought back to you.
He watches the way your facial muscles twitch as you open and close your mouth. It’s clear you’re not exactly sure how to respond. Xiao’s patient as he waits for your response, enjoying the telltale sign of nerves you express, as your leg bounces up and down under the table.
“Sure, what would you like to know? My hobbies? My favorite food?” You fill the comfortable silence with a tentative question. “All of that and more, if you will.” Xiao’s a bit taken aback by Zhongli’s forward statement, but you don’t miss a beat. “Okay, sure.” 
Many hours pass as you soon fall into easy conversation with Zhongli. Xiao occasionally contributes with your insistence, but overall you and Zhongli engage in pleasant conversation between Iron Tongue Tian’s stories. 
Xiao would never admit this, but he’s pleased by this turn of events.
Zhongli is evidently intrigued by you as you two converse, and you’re eager to listen to his wisdom. By the time you two wrap up your long winded conversation, the sun is setting. The sky is a beautiful blend of purples, pinks, and orange hues.
“It seems to have gotten quite late. I’ve immensely enjoyed our conversation Y/n, but I must head off. I hope to see you again soon, friend. Also, it was a pleasure to see you again, Xiao. ” With that Zhongli slowly stands to take his leave.
Wait, friend?
Zhongli referred to you as a friend!
Xiao feels an odd sense of elation. If Zhongli has referred to you in that way, that means Zhongli approves of you as an individual. 
Xiao abruptly stands up after Zhongli as he sends a pointed look his way. He hopes Zhongli takes the hint.
“Ah, I see. My apologies Y/n, but I must speak to Xiao privately about a certain matter. Please wait here for his return.” You happily nod as you shoo Xiao off to go talk to Zhongli in private.
Xiao’s cheeks burn for a reason unknown.
He follows Zhongli to a quiet corner. Before Zhongli can speak Xiao’s words burst out of him like a waterfall, unable to be held back. “Zhongli, what do you think of that human? Did they annoy you? Do you approve of them? I recently got to know them after saving them from a group of monsters. Through my many encounters with them, my physical symptoms seem to worsen. My heart pounds, my palms feel sweaty, and I find myself compelled to seek their eyes whenever they speak. Is there something wrong with me Zhongli? Do I need medicine?” Xiao’s words leave him so quickly, so fast, he’s sure Zhongli thinks of him as a nutcase.
Xiao would typically refrain from expressing such concerns to Zhongli. He’d rather shoulder his own burdens and have Zhongli remain none the wiser, but this is something new, Xiao’s never felt these things before. He’s a bit worried, to be quite frank. He knows this isn’t normal since he doesn’t feel this way when he’s around the Traveler or Paimon. Is it something you’re doing? Is-
“Hahah!” Xiao’s thoughts come to an abrupt halt. 
Xiao’s eyes widen a fraction as he watches Zhongli’s eyes crinkle with mirth.
It takes a few moments before Zhongli is able to collect himself, but once he does he places a firm, reassuring hand on Xiao’s shoulder. 
“Young adeptus, please keep the former word in mind. You are young, and there are many  thoughts, experiences, and feelings this world has to offer that you have yet to experience. What you’re feeling right now is normal. It does not matter whether I approve of them or not, as what ultimately concerns me is whether you feel happy around them. If you must know, I find them pleasant to be around, albeit from this brief interaction. None can speak for future events yet to unfold, but I believe you should exercise patience as you navigate this new experience. Don’t fret, my young adeptus. You are doing just fine.” 
Xiao releases a deep breath. It feels as if an invisible weight was lifted off his shoulders.
Oh, maybe it was Zhongli’s hand. 
Xiao notices Zhongli has retracted his hand, and now he stands before Xiao tall and proud.
“It pleases me to see you engaging with others more. Take care. I shall see you again.” Zhongli’s words feel like a warm hug from a loving, doting parent.
All Xiao can do is watch as Zhongli walks away, looking as refined as he does composed.
Xiao takes this opportunity to close his eyes and center himself. He recalls Zhongli’s words as he takes them to heart. 
Xiao takes a deep inhale through his nostrils, and out once more. Zhongli’s right. He’s doing just fine. Despite his better judgment, he’s savored each and every interaction between the two of you. He really should keep his distance, as per his karmic debt, but..
For some reason, the thought of being away from you makes his chest feel tight.
How odd.
Xiao decides you’ve waited long enough. He turns, opening his eyes to return to your side. As he slowly approaches you, waiting patiently at the table, you happen to turn around.
Your eyes lock with his, and a slow smile spreads across your face. Your hand is propped to allow your head to rest upon it, and your eyes twinkle and shine with delight.
His chest feels tight once again, but this time it feels good.
Xiao has noticed an obvious change in your behavior; it began after you met Zhongli. 
It’s not a bad change per se, but he doesn’t know the meaning behind your actions and sweet words.
It makes him a bit flustered in all honesty.
This scenario is just one of many that he’s had to endure this week alone.
"Stay with me tonight. Please." Goosebumps rise along Xiao’s arm as your whispered words caress the shell of his ear. 
“You know I can’t do that.” He retorts. His words are firm and strict, as he moves to put some distance between the two of you.
This is the first time he’s been in your abode, the one he often accompanies you to, and now you want him to stay. He stifles a groan when your arm wraps around his, effectively keeping him where you want him.
He made the mistake of accepting your offer to come inside. He’s not someone who typically indulges such requests from others, but with you, he’s found himself doing things he would never do for another.
You successfully lured him to your room, claiming you need his help with something that only he could assist you with, and now you’re trying to fall asleep with him by your side.
Xiao swears it’s not happening.
"I'll keep you warm."
Okay, maybe a few minutes wouldn’t hurt.
“Fine, but I’ll only stay until you fall asleep.” Your eyes widen in shock at his acceptance of your proposal. Your soft lips part as your hands squeeze his arm-
Get a hold of yourself.
Xiao scolds himself at his inappropriate, wandering thoughts. Why is he focusing on how soft your lips are? Or the way they curl up into a cheeky grin as you pull him down beside you? Or-
He awkwardly coughs into his fist as he averts his gaze.
You act all too familiar with him as you snuggle up beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
Archons, his heart is pounding. 
“Did I say you could do that?” He grumbles. You only giggle in reply, pressing yourself further into him.
His Adam's apple bops as he swallows any further complaints.
Xiao peers intently at your face, and he notices the faint bags under your eyes.
Ah, no wonder you’re acting so familiar with him.
Xiao picked up on a cute habit of yours, whenever you’re sleepy you act more familiar with him. You also tend to voice things he believes you hold back in fear of making him uncomfortable.
"You feel like home."
Ah, except he secretly wishes you’d say things like this to him all the time,
His cheeks warm at your whispered confession. “D-Don’t be ridiculous…” He spits the words out, false contempt within them, but you only release a blissful sigh as you relax against him.
He finds himself at a loss for words as you slowly drift off to sleep.
He hesitantly raises his hand to place it upon your head, fingers mere centimeters from your hair, before he stops himself.
Honestly, what is he doing?
As an adeptus, he shouldn’t indulge in these things. He has a duty to carry out, and his karmic debt could cause you harm at a moment’s notice.
With such sobering thoughts in mind, he quickly retracts his hand.
He sighs, slowly removing yourself from his person. For some reason the thought of leaving you causes his chest to constrict. He clutches his chest where his heart lay beneath.
Why does he feel this way?
With a huff he turns to leave, before he spots sheets of paper on a desk in your room.
Curiosity piqued his interest, but he refuses to invade your privacy. A blank sheet of paper catches his attention, so he makes his way over.
Deftly, he grabs a writing utensil before scribbling a message to you in neat script.
He leaves the note on your pillow where his head previously lay, before he vanishes in thin air. 
His thoughts wander back to your sleeping figure for the rest of the night, and an unfamiliar warmth blossoms in his chest.
You awake the next morning, content after finally getting a good night’s rest. You stretch, and something crinkles by your ear. 
You look for the source, and a small piece of paper catches your eye.
When you gently lift the paper to read it’s contents, the words bring back a rush of memories from the night before.
When you were being overly clingy with Xiao.
Your entire body burns as you force yourself to read his note. You hope he doesn’t hate you! Gosh, you hope you didn’t make him uncomfortable…
Your worries are quelled when you read his words.
When you are in mortal danger, call out my name. Adeptus Xiao. I will always be here when you call.
Your lips form a goofy smile as you re-read his words over and over again. “Adeptus Xiao…” You murmur his name under your breath, only to cry with a shout when he suddenly appears before you.
“You called?”
“Uhhh..” Your cheeky smile is enough to clue Xiao in; you had accidentally called his name. 
He expresses his annoyance with a cross of his arms and a twitch of his eyebrow, yet the corner of his lips twitch upwards as well. You don’t focus on the implications of that since he’s already scolding you, “I’m certain that I wrote, ‘When you are in mortal danger,’ did I not?” A nervous giggle escapes your lips, and once again the corner of his mouth twitches.
“I.. I’m sorry Xiao. Your name just kinda slipped out when I was thinking about you…” Your face flushes with warmth as you glance every which way to avoid looking at his face.
You hear footsteps approach you, and it only heightens your nerves. “Relax. I’m not upset.” His fingers gently lift your chin, forcing you to look at him. His bright amber eyes peer deeply into your orbs. 
It takes every ounce of strength in you not to lean into his touch.
“Y/n…” Your eyes flutter close when your whispered name escapes his lips, flowing into your ears like a whispered confession of love. 
“Xiao…” Your eyes open once more when his fingers are suddenly gone. 
He’s standing on the opposite end of the room, looking a bit uncomfortable now. You’re a bit confused, but you figure it’s nothing personal.
“Xiao, can you meet me at Wangshu Inn tonight? The same place we met when you tried the Almond Tofu I made you?” Your abrupt suggestion catches Xiao off guard. You’re surprised by your own outburst, quite frankly.
You just want to see him again.
“I.. okay. Same time. Don’t be late.” He forces the words out before he vanishes before your eyes.
Yet a smile remains on your lips as you stare at the space he once occupied.
You’ve spent a lot of time thinking before you left for Wangshu Inn. Why did you ask to meet up with him today? Why have you gone out of your way to be close to him?
Well, it didn’t take an Archon to figure out the reason behind your actions.
So, with a firm resolve, you’ve decided you won’t tell Xiao how you feel. You highly doubt an adeptus has time for a relationship, yet alone can harbor romantic feelings for a mere mortal like yourself. You think you’re a pretty cool person, but you also don’t want to be a burden to him. 
The last thing you’d want to do is make Xiao uncomfortable and destroy this wonderful relationship you’ve developed with him. You’re wise enough to know Xiao doesn’t form friendships easily, let alone dedicating time to people like has with you. 
So, with your renowned resolve you make your way to Wangshu Inn, intending to spend quality time with Xiao.
As you make your way up the steps, your eyes light up when you see Xiao already waiting for you. He’s standing with his back to you, his face tilted towards the sky. Your heart squeezes in your chest, you want nothing more than to tell him how you really feel, but you’d hate it if it ruined everything…
Almost as if Xiao can hear your racing thoughts, he turns around. “Why are you just standing there?” You jump slightly, quickly making your way over to stand beside him. “Sorry…” You murmur.
Xiao says nothing, turning back to look up at the sky. “Y/n… this isn’t easy for me to do but… I need to be honest with you.” Your heart races when his words reach your ears. You turn, staring intently at his face. He doesn’t turn to look at you, opting to continue staring at the night sky littered with stars.
Said stars twinkle in anticipation as your conversation unfolds. 
“I think it’d be best if I… wasn’t around you so often. My karmic debt isn’t something to be taken lightly, and…” The rest of his words are muffled as your face flushes with intense heat; your ears ring and your world temporarily spins on it’s axis. 
You don’t even notice when Xiao gently shakes your shoulders, before he’s shouting your name in panic. 
“Y/n!” His voice snaps you out of whatever daze you were in. Your vision clears and suddenly his amber eyes are oh so close to your face.
Your breath hitches.
Is he trying to leave you? …
Honestly, you wanted to keep your feelings buried deep inside, but you won’t let him leave you behind without a fight. With no hesitation you firmly place both of your hands on his cheeks, holding his face in place.
A radiant blush presents itself on his face, but you refuse to acknowledge it if only to tell him the words you desperately need him to hear. 
“Xiao, I didn’t plan on telling you this because I’d hate to be a burden to you. You’re an adeptus and I’m a human. You have a longer lifespan than I do, and I honestly would hate to drag you down or give you more problems than you already have, but…” You take a deep breath to slow the rapid beat of your heart. 
Emotion swirls in Xiao’s eyes, but you refuse to let go of him as you continue on.
“Even so, I don’t want you to distance yourself from me! These past few weeks have been so much fun, and I’ve been so happy. You know why? Because you were there with me, Xiao.” You hear his sharp intake of breath at your words, but he looks down at your shoes. 
His hands place themselves over yours, trying to remove your hands from his face. “I’ve heard enough Y/n, you don’t understand-” “No, you don’t understand!” Your loud exclamation startles the both of you. 
Xiao freezes, but he stops trying to pry your hands away from his face. Instead, he closes his eyes, nodding his head to prompt you to continue. 
You cough awkwardly, a habit you seemed to pick up from Xiao.
“S-Sorry..” The words quietly leave your lips, but Xiao’s quick to dispel your worries. “Nonsense. Continue speaking.” So, you do.
“I know you’re worried about your.. Karmic debt will result in me being hurt, but.. Honestly Xiao, you may not see it yourself but you have such a kind soul. You continue to fight monsters, watching over Liyue no matter how hard you have to push yourself. I remember the other night, when it seemed the wave of monsters were endless, you still kept fighting not only to protect me, but to protect everyone in Liyue. If by chance something does occur, I promise you we can figure it out when that happens. Xiao, you deserve happiness too. I don’t want to assume being with me makes you happy, but if those little twitches your mouth did earlier are any indication, then you shouldn’t distance yourself from me and cut off our connection before any relationship can even begin.” At your words, his eyebrows furrow and he visibly starts breathing faster.
His eyes slowly pry themselves open, and the pain you see swirling in the depths of his irises makes your heart lurch in empathy. 
His lip trembles, and with a steady hand your thumb slowly swipes across his lower lip.
He exhales at your touch, visibly shivering. He’s silent, his brain clearly trying to think of something to say. 
You patiently wait for him to collect his thoughts. In the meantime, you admire the teal undertones of his dark hair, tugging lightly on his hair.
You hesitate to do more, but he seems to appreciate your gentle touch. His eyes close once more, so you lean in, pressing soft kisses along his jaw. 
He trembles, eyes snapping open, and he moves back to remove himself from your touch.
“These hands have slayed many, you’d be wise to stay away.” The words almost sound foreign coming out of his mouth, and he appears unsure of himself. You get the feeling he’s giving you every opportunity to back out, if only for your protection.
You huff, a soft laugh leaving your lips; it appears the both of you were suppressing your own feelings in hopes of preserving the others’. 
“Hm? These hands?” You allow him to remove his face from your touch, but you slowly reach down to grasp his hands. 
Some irresponsible, foolhardy part of himself allows you to.
You unhurriedly lift his hands to your lips. Said lips brush along his knuckles, placing well meaning kisses against each one. 
He remains silent, but makes no move to pull away.
You smile to yourself, moving to stand closer to him.
He stands in front of you, stiff as a board.
“Do you mind if I touch you, Xiao?” His eyes are teeming with emotion. He gazes deeply into your own, before he slowly nods his consent. “I need to hear you say it, sweetheart.”
That gets a reaction out of him.
Dark cheeks accompany his hurried, “Go ahead.” You press your body to his, placing a tender kiss to the place between his neck and shoulder. 
You continue to press kisses along his body in hopes that your actions get your feelings across to him.
Your eyes trail along his body, fingers applying slight pressure below his stomach as they outline his waist. He swallows thickly, mentally telling himself to remove himself from your addicting touch. 
Despite his intentions to move away, he’s enraptured; rooted to the spot as your loving touches bring life to his dormant heart. 
You suddenly lower yourself, and Xiao swears his heart jumps in his throat when you press a kiss to his hip bone, over the fabric of his clothes. “That’s enough!” His words are harsh, and he roughly lifts you up by your arm, only to pull you in by the waist. 
Now your body is pressed firmly against his.
You can feel just how fast his heart is beating, and you’re sure he can feel your speedy heart pace too. 
No words are exchanged as you raptly stare into each other’s eyes. Neither of you comment on the lack of distance between the two of you, and you surely don’t object when your lips are soon mere millimeters apart. 
Soon, they aren’t apart any more.
The two of you simultaneously groan when your lips press against each other. It’s an innocent kiss, full of emotion. Your arms wrap around his neck as his hands on your waist pull you impossibly closer to him. 
It feels like an eternity passes before you pull apart.
As you stare at each other in silence once more, you feel a lopsided smile on your face. Xiao’s cheeks are painted a beautiful shade of pink as his amber eyes zero in on your lips.
Surprisingly, Xiao is the first to break the silence.
"Sorry, that was my first kiss." 
You giggle.
"I could tell." 
"I'm kidding!"
He rolls his eyes as you burst into a fit of giggles. He figures the only way to shut you up is to kiss you again.
So he does; eagerly.
“Zhongli, do you remember Y/n?” Xiao now sits across from Zhongli, as Iron Tongue Tian prepares to share a scene from his new narration. 
“Of course I do. It’d be hard to forget a human who has formed such a strong connection with you, Xiao.” Zhongli’s words hint at an underlying meaning, and it makes Xiao bristle. 
Zhongli only laughs; he’s fond of teasing Xiao. 
“What about them, Xiao? Have you found answers to your previous questions?” Zhongli leans forward, giving Xiao all of his attention as he patiently waits for his response.
Xiao hesitates before giving a slow, deliberate nod of his head. Zhongli’s eyes crease with glee as Xiao’s mouth forms a sweet smile. 
“Yes. I have.” Xiao’s simple response earns a hum from Zhongli. “And what is your final answer?” Zhongli leans back as he studies Xiao.
He notices the way Xiao shifts his weight in his seat, and how he fails to hide his shaky hands underneath the table. “My final answer is that I..” Xiao glances up at Zhongli, but all he finds is patience within those amber eyes.
Xiao takes a deep breath before he willingly admits, “I have grown quite fond of this human, and it appears they share similar feelings for me.” Xiao waits with bated breath for Zhongli’s response.
Zhongli closes his eyes as he digests Xiao’s words, yet he can’t contain his smile.
“I see. Do you feel happy when you’re with them?” Zhongli’s question confuses Xiao, and a tilt of his head displays that. “Of course I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t spend so much time with them.” It appears Xiao doesn’t recall Zhongli’s previous words from their earlier conversation, but that is quite alright with him.
“Then that is all that matters. I am happy for you, Xiao.” Zhongli opens his eyes, leaning across the table to gently grasp Xiao’s hands in his. He gives it a squeeze, before he pulls away. The action visibly flusters Xiao, clearly embarrassed.
“Zhongli…” Xiao groans. Zhongli beams, blithely expressing his delight as he laughs without constraint. 
“Ah, there you are.” Xiao immediately turns around at the sound of your voice, and a twinkle Zhongli has never seen before presents itself within his eyes.
That’s all the confirmation he needed. 
With a small smile, Zhongli stands. He shares a brief greeting with you before he looks at Xiao once more. Xiao stares at him with a neutral expression, before it slowly morphs into a shy grin.
Zhongli turns to leave without another word, whistling a tune under his breath.
He almost forgot how beautiful love can be. 
Xiao watches Zhongli leave before he turns to you, gently taking your hand in his. You lean your head on his shoulder as you close your eyes, listening to Iron Tongue Tian’s story. 
Xiao’s hand squeezes yours as he plays with your fingers.
He fails to suppress his smile when you squeeze back. 
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taintedtort · 1 year
I forgot to send this LOL so that lil blurb you did of Scaramouche and Venti walking into yn being naked? Could you please do one with Xiao and Childe? Much love and sending good vibes ♡♡♡
prompt ✧ you walk in naked pt2
characters ✧ xiao, childe, gorou
warnings ✧ afab!reader, you‘re naked, slightly suggestive
a/n ✧ added gorou for someone else who commented on pt1 ^^ AND FINALLY GETTING THIS OUT OH MY GOD!! SORRY FOR THE LONG BREAK
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✧ actually had a heart attack. died and ascended to the skies. it really had been an accident, but he could not find the words to explain himself. stood there just staring at you with wide eyes till you said something.
when xiao decided to come visit you in your room at the inn, he didn’t think he’d get such a surprise. he comes to your room quite often, he enjoys your presence a lot, so whenever he has free time, it’s spent with you.
you were in the middle of changing, you stood in your underwear with nothing else, getting ready to put on your outfit when you heard a knock at the door. before you could react, xiao was already walking in. you both froze in place, staring at each other. well— you were staring at him, his eyes were on your body. his mouth was dropped open slightly in shock, his eyes wide. it wasn’t until you shouted his name, followed with a "get out!", that he managed to move. he instantly vanished, green and black smoke surrounding him before he was gone.
when you finally put on your outfit, with a heated face, you called out his name. when he appeared in front of you, his cheeks and ears were red and he refused to make eye contact.
"i apologize, i didn’t mean to walk in on you like that." he mumbled, clearly feeling bad about it. he was worried you’d be mad and yell at him for just walking in without permission like that. he notes that he’s gotten a bit too comfortable with just walking in your room like that, not ever stopping to think that one day he might walk in on your changing.
"it’s fine xiao, it was an accident." you reassure him, seeing the worried look on his face. he nodded stiffly in response, still feeling awkward about the whole thing. when you noticed how uncomfortable he looked, you couldn’t help but laugh.
"what? did i look that terrible?" you tease, snickering as his eyes instantly snapped to yours and he quickly shook his head.
"of course not." was all he mumbled in reply, not bothering to tell you that be actually thought you looked quite stunning.
✧ shameless. it had been an accident, of course, but it wasn’t like he would let this opportunity slip by without making a joke or two.
when you were getting ready for bed and picking out your pajamas, you didn’t think childe would be home so soon. he’s usually late with work, so you didn’t think he’d walk in and see you. when he walked in and saw you in only your underwear, he let out an amused chuckle.
"oh? were you waiting for me?" he teased, making your face heat up. when you told him to get out and tried to cover yourself, he only smiled more, walking further into the room.
"why would i leave when you’re out on display for me like this?" his words made your stomach do a flip as he got closer. when he reached you, he leaned down and pecked your lips.
"but, if you really want me to leave i will." he smiled a charming smile, making you roll your eyes as you turned to pull a shirt on, muttering that it was fine.
you saw his grin widen from the corner of your eye as he stood and watched you silently, not making another joke. when you finished getting dressed and turned to fully look at him, he was smiling at you and had a loving look in his eyes.
"you know i think you’re beautiful right?"
✧ he barely got a glance before he covered his eyes, blushing harshly and apologizing. you didn’t even notice he was there till you heard him yelp out an apology.
you were changing in gorous tent, not worrying about any soldier walking in since you knew they’d ask before entering his tent. but you didn’t account for the fact that gorou would come back so soon, walking in without a notice, since it was his tent after all.
you heard some shuffling behind you but didn’t bother looking, assuming it was from outside. but then you heard your lovers voice shouting out an apology. you quickly turned and saw gorou standing there, his hands over his eyes with his head turned away, his neck a red color.
"gorou? you scared me!" you giggle, seeing his reaction to your bare back. you weren’t facing the entrance so he only had a view of your bare backside.
"im sorry! i shouldve said something before coming in." he apologized again, still not looking. his ears twitched when he heard you laugh softly.
"it’s fine, really." you respond, waving it off while tugging on a shirt and shorts. you walk over to him and gently take his arm away from his face. he did a once over on you before turning fully to face you, his cheeks red.
"sorry anyway." he felt a bit bad for just barging in, knowing that you need privacy to.
"you looked good though." he mumbled, not looking you in the eye.
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angelsrcute · 16 days
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Vampire!Xiao + Sub!Yan!Fem!Reader ➜ cws: stalking, yandere themes, unprotected sex, biting, creampie, Pervert!Xiao, panty stealing, tit play. ᡴꪫ‎
꒰ † ੭ — For the event!
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Vampire!Xiao who follows you everywhere, it's surprising you haven't noticed yet. At this point he has remembered your whole schedule, from what you eat to when you sleep.
Vampire!Xiao who thinks you look so peaceful and pretty while sleeping, leaning down to kiss your forehead and then disappearing into the night. He's just protecting you, he's totally not stalking you.
Vampire!Xiao who's a big loser, jerking off to your panties when you're not home, sometimes even pocketing them for later! Maybe he'll borrow some of your clothes too, he just loves your smell. <3
Vampire!Xiao who accidentally stumbles upon your shrine. He never knew you had a secret room, full of….his pictures? There were newspapers about him too.
Vampire!Xiao who swears he never felt your presence so how did you take pictures of him? He doesn't even notice that you came back. Standing in front of him, you definitely didn't expect that he would find out!
Vampire!Xiao who's currently bending you over a table in the same room, mocking you for being such a naughty girl! (He totally didn't act like a stupid pervert.)
Your sweet moans were a melody for him, hands gripping onto the table as he fucks your pussy. He bites your neck, sucking on the blood. Your blood was so sweet, just like you, his sweet girl. Tilting your head towards him as his tongue explores your mouth, making you taste your own blood. Fingers pinching and twisting your nipples, they were so sensitive! Pretty eyes all red from crying, legs barely holding you up, who knows how many times you came.
Vampire!Xiao who then visits you every night to fuck your brains out, you even get to be his personal blood bank, congratulations!! (or maybe not) :3
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jinkicake · 1 year
Clean-Up (Aftercare)
Diluc, Kaeya, Pierro, Zhongli x Reader
A/N: I, unfortunately, wrote a lot while being sick. I had fun writing and no fun editing...  i tried :-) anyway, i hope you all have a great new year </3 thank you for reading my works :*
WC - 2k 
Diluc R.
is a gentleman and does clean you up (always)
Diluc was originally going to clean up the mess he made, the damp rag in his hand is proof of that. He always makes sure to be thorough with aftercare and puts a lot of attention into his treatment of you. 
But when he saw your stuffed cunt he just couldn’t help himself. 
“Just a taste, darling,” He promised you as he lowered his face to your pretty pussy. That was a handful of minutes ago and now, feeling overstimulated and on the brink of cumming again, you know that it was never going to be just a taste. Diluc was trying to convince himself more than he was trying to convince you. It’s seen in the way that he can’t be physically separated from your heat, how he has your soft thighs pried open to fit his large body between.
By now you’re sure that he has swallowed all of your cum and his but, he shows no sign of stopping. With your fingers tugging at his high ponytail, Diluc is only fueled to keep going. He loves the feeling of your damp cunt against his face and how your clit twitches under the impatience touch of his angular nose. The winery owner nearly starts to squirm against the sheets all over again, grinding into the mattress while shoving his tongue as deep into your cunt as he can. 
This was supposed to be an innocent act of cleaning you up but with Diluc’s talents, you’re both riled up all over again. 
Diluc can sense your impending release, he can read your body like an open book. The way that your thighs tighten around his head as your nails dig into his scalp tells him everything that he needs to know. As his tongue continues to lap up your slit, Diluc pauses to give your clit a brief kiss.
“One more, baby, give me one more,” His demanding begs turn slightly whiny before he sucks your swollen bundle of nerves into his mouth, moaning against the sensitive area. The vibrations are strong enough to make you shiver. Diluc’s eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure as your hips shoot up and your back arches into his touch. He happily rolls your clit with his tongue, spitting and slobbering all over your cunt as you come undone again in his strong arms. 
His sucks get weaker and weaker as your thighs stop twitching around his head and Diluc leaves soft kisses against your cunt as you come down from your high. 
“You’re perfect,” He murmurs against your thigh before bringing the rag up to wipe at your dirtied legs. Diluc is soft as he works his way around, gently wiping at any of his dried cum left from the multiple times he finished in you during the night. “my angel.”
His cleaning routine always ends with a pepper of kisses on any part of your body that he can reach. Diluc makes a point to pamper you, to spoil you. 
“Thank you, Diluc,” As always, in response to your sweet voice, Diluc pushes you back against the sheets and kisses you until you need air. 
Kaeya A.
is an asshole and does not clean you up (half of the time)
“Kaeya!” Your loud cry is quickly muffled by Kaeya’s hand, silenced under his large palm as he pulls you up against his chest. No longer are you bent over his desk but are instead positioned upright as his lengthy cock works skillfully in and out of your poor cunt. 
There are obvious reasons why you never agree to Kaeya’s sweet calls that come in the middle of the day. For one, you almost always fuck in his office in the very crowded Favonius headquarters and two, he never takes responsibility for your soiled outfits. But, today was an exception to give in to his beck and call. 
Much to Kaeya’s luck, you were in the mood to jump his bones when given the chance.
“Stay quiet, pretty girl,” He grins against your ear, warm breath fanning across your face. Each of his little moans and breaths of pleasure that you catch only cause your thighs to squeeze together tighter. “ah, we can’t have everyone hearing.” His attempt at teasing you doesn’t work the way he intends to with the way he’s losing his grip himself. When your belly starts to tighten and you fall limp in his arms, Kaeya’s always two steps behind you. “I know you’re into that but- oh, fuck me,” The cavalry captain’s eyes nearly roll to the back of his head as you cum on his cock. Your tight cunt squeezes him so earnestly that it nearly has Kaeya drooling. 
“That’s it, sweetheart,” His pants only get louder as the slaps of his hips against your ass become quicker. Despite his earlier warning to stay quiet, the only thing heard in his room are the echoes of your bodies mending together. Kaeya cums with a sinful moan of your name as his hand squeezes your breast, he makes sure to bottom out inside of you and let his cum fill every inch that your cunt can take. 
He can see his cum leaking out and running down your legs (it’s a sight that quickly starts to get him hard again). 
“Sorry to make this brief,” Kaeya kisses your cheek and then jaw before carefully pulling out, he first grabs your panties from your ankles and pulls the soft material back up your thighs. 
“Seriously?” You can’t hide your irritation at this, at how he expects you to walk around with his cum leaking out of you all damn day. Kaeya kisses the back of your thighs as an apology while two of his fingers push his cum back inside. When he’s done, he pulls your underwear back up your hips. “Kaeya.” Your scolding does little in this situation. 
“I’ll make it up to you tonight, I always do,” His cooing works wonders to melt your anger. “besides it’s what you wanted.” 
Prior to this, it is what you begged for.
“Whatever.” Despite all your fight, you don’t push Kaeya away once. You allow him to slip your warm sundress back up and melt into each of the kisses he presses against your skin. 
For someone who doesn’t seem like he has a moment to spare, Kaeya always makes sure to take his time with you. 
old man, vvv tradional, will clean you up
It’s not often that the first of the eleven Fatui harbingers fucks you. With his busy schedule, you find yourself sharing Pierro’s bed alone on most nights. Even on the nights when he graces you with his presence, it’s still rare that he will reach out for you in comfort. 
When his rough hands do find you, however, you never regret his touch. 
The older man is much more experienced than anyone you could imagine, he knows exactly how to work your body and what to say to have you quickly entering a blissful state. 
With him above you, his large body plowing into your own, you already find yourself working closer and closer to your orgasm. He’s such a sight for sore eyes with his light hair flickering across your face and the literal stars in his eyes. Pierro gives in to your every demand and nothing could be more attractive. 
“My light,” He grumbles lowly into your ear, his thick hips continuing to slam against your ass as the tip of his large cock kisses your cunt. Each forceful thrust causes your toes to curl and walls to tighten around his hard length. However, he’s not deep enough yet. Pierro makes quick work to hook your thighs under his massive forearms, lifting you up against his pelvis so that he can roll his hips into your precious cunt
His balls tighten at the sight of your fingers playing with your nipples, pulling and twisting all while his thumb starts to rub your clit. Pierro’s chest rises and falls with each heavy breath, revealing his sounds of pleasure. 
His grunts have more of an effect on you than you expected. Your orgasm is unexpected, catching you by surprise as you cum with his name. The cry is loud and only gets stronger as the tight circles against your clit become quicker.
Pierro doesn’t press any harder or try anything new, he keeps the same pace against your sensitive pussy as he watches with greedy eyes at the sight of his beloved coming undone. He never falls too far behind you and shifts to bend over your body, forearms on either side of your head. Within a handful of thrusts, his hips press against the back of your thighs as his warm cum fills your pretty cunt. 
His deep groans and the beautiful sight of his eyes squeezed together in concentration make your heart melt. There’s something about a man so worn in a blissful state that makes your belly ache. 
The moment doesn’t last for too long before he’s reserved and closed-off once again. 
Pierro glances down at the mess before placing his palm on your stomach. The bulge makes his lips twitch upward slightly and he leans over to place a kiss on your lips. 
“You did good, my dear,” He murmurs against your lips before greedily licking at the corner of your mouth. Almost instantly, your lips part and allow him to kiss you more passionately. His hand squeezes your thigh as he licks the inside of your mouth. It almost seems like it pains the old man to pull away. “allow me to clean you up.”
His muscular arms flex as he reaches for a clean towel on the side table, something he placed out before starting this with you. All that is left for you to do is happily enjoy the sight. 
another old man, devoted to you, will clean you up
“Your beauty knows no limits as always,” Zhongli carefully lifts your thigh as he wipes at any excess from your previous lovemaking session. The touch of his hands is gentle as he slowly works the softest towelette across your skin. His eyes are half-lidded while he stares at your body laid before him. There’s a satisfied smile on his face, a very small twitch of his lips as he recalls how well he had you. 
Earlier you were on your side, Zhongli had your leg hooked over his scaled forearm as both of his cocks fit smoothly into your cunt. 
“Look, my gem,” He grunted in your ear, sucking in a deep breath at the tightness of it all. Never before has another being satisfied him the way you do. “you’re doing wonderful.” Zhongli’s encouragement only furthered your pleasure by helping you relax more into his touch. Being stuffed so completely full made your mind hazy, drool spilled past your lips as you started to become fucked dumb on his cocks. Your begs for more, for Zhongli to fuck you harder made the archon’s pride soar. He gave you everything that you wanted and more, he made sure that you were entirely satisfied. 
“You’re so greedy but, you’re all mine,”
The archon knows that your greed only mirrors a fraction of his own, a mere pebble compared to a renowned boulder. 
Zhongli has to force himself to continue cleaning you up and snap out of remembering the past, he never wants to falter in his restraint when it comes to you. If he keeps remembering what happened a handful of minutes ago then the two of you will end up in the same exact position again. 
He focuses on your pretty cunt covered in his cum instead as he dabs lightly around the sensitive area. There’s a loud part inside of him that demands he leaves you as is to ensure that his claim is made for anyone to see. Zhongli has to push the call down, has to embrace you with a warm smile instead of letting his possessive tendencies get the better of him. 
For a brief moment, to ground himself, the archon simply runs his sharp nails against your skin. Zhongli traces a pattern that matches his own scales against the outside of your thighs before reaching down to place a gentle peck on your stomach. 
Being in such close proximity to how he was positioned before sends his mind reeling again. Zhongli has to bite back a smile as he thinks about how roughly he ate you out, how he showed no restraint in throwing your shoulders over his thighs and shoving his monster of a tongue in your cunt. He recalls the way you squirmed and tightened around him as if he were giving you his cock, he can still feel how he had to pin you back against the mattress to make sure you didn’t move and interrupt his meal. 
Still, Zhongli is a gentleman, he prides himself in caring for you and making you feel good. But, he enjoys himself most when making a mess out of you.
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fallinfl0wers · 2 years
They wear your clothes
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fandom: genshin impact characters: xiao, albedo, scaramouche reader type: female, taller than them, tried to make it ambiguous enough so it can be read as reader being chubby too! summary: they've heard of the custome of borrowing clothes from your significant other, usually, a girlfriend borrowing from her boyfriend. since their clothes wouldn't exactly fit on you, they decided to try yours instead... genre: fluff notes: self-indulgent because i can't relate to almost half the posts on this trope (and a lot of other posts with some very specific descriptions on the reader compared to the character...) due to me not being dwarfed by most of my husbandos despite not being the tallest person around HAHA, also, i didn't consistently do this before, but from now on i will put in the tags the gender of the reader on each post rather than just in this section!^^
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He's heard of this strange habit humans have about borrowing their lovers' clothes, and at first, he didn't see the appeal.
But as he thought about it from time to time, he wondered... would you like to do something like that?
Listen, at most, Xiao only has about three or four outifts that look exactly the same and he uses them all if they don't get destroyed beyond repair during his fighting against demons, so it's not like he has many clothes to spare, let alone clothes that would fit comfortably on you if at all, considering your body is bigger than his.
He doesn't bring it up not to make you uncomfortable, though. He knows it could make you feel self-conscious.
He has never been truly self-conscious or insecure about his height, though. He thinks it's useful because it lets him be lighter and move faster than others.
But, man... if he hears you say you wish you could borrow his clothes too just for a while, he'll lowkey wonder if you'd be more comfortable if he was a bit taller and his clothes could actually fit on you--
So one day, while you were taking a shower and he waited for you in your room, he saw a fluffy, slightly oversized sweater of yours laying on your bed.
He blinked down at it.
And proceeded to take off his accessories and sleeve to try it on and see once and for all why humans seemed fond of stealing each other's clothes.
The sweater was already a bit oversized on you, so you can imagine... it was very oversized on him.
And he thought it wasn't that big of a deal but then he kinda looked down at himself, felt the soft fabric against his body, smelt the scent of the soap he knows you always use, the scent of you, impregnated on the sweater...
He looked tiny. And felt tiny too, in a weirdly good sense. He felt as if he was being surrounded by you, and since you were his comfort, it felt as if he was being surrounded by comfort.
When you get out of the shower wrapped on your towel, you can't even begin to process the picture before your eyes: Xiao, your beloved boyfriend, wearing your favorite oversized sweater and staring at you while his cheeks slowly gained a pink tone as he came out of his mind.
The moment you try to speak Xiao is already in front of you, gently throwing your sweater on your face so you won't see his expression.
"I... only wanted to see if it was warm. Um. It is warm. Wear it so you don't get sick.
After that day, Xiao sends hints to you that he wants to wear more of your clothes.
It isn't often, but at some point, when he's free and tired and you're not available, he will simply rummage through your wardrobe and pick the first sweater, hoodie or jacket he can get to feel closer to you.
He gives it a 10/10, wearing [name]'s clothes is free therapy and happiness.
And since his own clothes really won't fit you, at least he lets you wear his necklace at times. Plus, he personally crafts jewelry and other accessories of the like for you to wear instead, all filled with protective charms to keep you out of harm's way.
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He knows of this human custom, and he was never interested on it, honestly.
He can lend you his lab coat, it's a tight and small fit on you, and he wouldn't recommend you wore it if you were to actually participate in any sort of experiment; if you're ever interested on alchemic stuff, he already has a coat with your proper measurements.
Besides his uniform of the knights of favonius, I think he mostly wears dress shirts and that sort of elegant-casual clothes, always with his lab coat on because he spends most of his time experimenting anyway.
He actually overheard you talking with Klee one day while you were babysitting her when she asked whether or not you borrowed his clothes at times.
And, fairly enough, you sometimes borrow a scarf if you forget your own- but nothing more than that.
Albedo did what he knows best, and did his personal research on the topic: couples borrowing each other's clothes as a form of affection.
He spotted many couples throughout all of Mondstadt doing as much- many of them being a smaller female wearing a larger male's blazers, shirts or other garments alike.
Though, aside from that gendered trend, he identified that the most important variable in this situation was height and perceived weight between the lovers in question--
A conclusion he reached quickly during his first ten minutes of observing, something rather obvious: it is only functional for the smaller person in the relationship to wear the bigger one's clothes rather than the other way around, excluding cases where the builds of the two are similar.
He still quite didn't get why people liked it though.
So one day, you enter your room to look for something real quick, and tilt your head in confusion as you find Albedo wearing a dress shirt that belongs to you and is clearly not his size, staring at his reflection on the mirror analytically while smoothening down the fabric.
You frown, and if anyone saw you, they would see the question marks floating above your head.
The alchemist turns to look at you, and gives you a smile.
"[Name], good evening, how was your day? Hm? This? Yes, it is your shirt. I'm sorry for not asking beforehand, I'll do better next time. I was curious about this 'clothe stealing' thing some people do with their partners... I think I get it now. It is rather... comforting and reassuring."
From then on Albedo will ask you if he can borrow your shirts whenever he knows he'll have to spend a lot of time on his lab at Dragonspine, he says it makes him feel less lonely up there.
He still lets you borrow his scarves, and if your hair is long enough to be tied, also his hair ties.
For practical purposes, he can't simply buy oversized clothes to wear so you can wear them too and feel what he feels when he wears yours, but alchemy goes a long way, so he'll most likely gift you a bracelet, ring, collar or other charm of the like made with your favorite flowers, alchemically modified and solidify to last at least a hundred years intact.
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He might have a little... problem with his own height, but since he's convinced he's far too strong and amazing, no one can really know it unless they purposefully push his buttons (or look at the gigantic robot he piloted in Sumeru)
He's been around for a while, alright, but to be honest he really never interacted with a lot of couples enough to pick up on these kind of affection.
Probably though, during his time as a harbinger, he saw a couple of recruits exchanging coats before a particularly hard mission while spouting promises of "I'll return safely and we'll be together!" or something like that.
He thought it was just another weird human habit he wouldn't concern himself with because it was ridiculous AAAAND then you came into the picture, somehow broke down his walls and made him feel things he didn't want to feel again
Like attachment and happiness and joy and hope. Ew, what are those? He doesn't want them! (He does tho)
And since you're obviously bigger than him, while you hugged him, he suddenly understood that strange custom.
When you hug him, he feels all warm and fuzzy and fluffy inside- it's a comforting feeling that... well, feels so good he wants to cry.
So maybe, he thinks, wearing your clothes would have a similar effect.
And so here you have him, he made sure you wouldn't be around to see him do this, so he has no shame on dugging through your wardrobe until he finds the sweater you wear the most and puts it on to test his theory.
He looks at himself in the mirror and glares at himself for blushing-
Your sweater... it was soft. And fluffy. And warm. And it smelt like you.
He puts a hand over his chest, on the empty space where his heart should be.
He has no heart, so why does he feel like something just skipped a beat?
He closes his eyes, and he can almost feel as though you're holding him in your warm embrace. And he only puts your sweater back on place when he knows it's almost time for you to return home.
"I'm wearing your sweater today. ...? I'm not asking, I'm telling you. [Name], what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, I don't have to ask for this sort of thing! ... ...I just want to, alright?! Geez, you just want to know every little thing, don't you?! it's just so comforting... hah..."
Man will let you borrow his clothes if you want honestly, he can't guarantee you'll be comfortable but if you want to, go off I guess.
He'll lend you his hat, especially during rainy days when you're stuck out on the rain.
No matter how taller you are, an inch or five or more, he'll claim you're his umbrella for the day even though you say you've brought a far more comfortable, actual umbrella.
He loves this arrangement secretly, despite how uncomfortable it can get. He's very close to you this way and he loves it!
Man will also gift you jewelry and he'll make some himself too- and if he suddenly has far too many new jewelry himself and leaves it "forgotten" in your desk or plainly on your lap, you don't need to know why! Just wear it!! (please)
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2022. fallinfl0wers.
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