#y’all i literally rushed the first pic so much but it still took me a good hour and a half 😭
phase0exe · 1 year
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ALSO here’s my Splatfest post (it’s Flamberge becuz my current username is Flamberge) LEMME KNOW IF YOU FIND ME
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SPLATFEST HYYYYPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! SEE YOU ALL TONIGHT ON THE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
How DARE You Go And Die On Me???  - Jason Todd x Reader Soulmate AU -
Words: 2.1k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Jason Todd x reader soulmate AU pleasssse where when you touch them with skin for the first time there’s sparkly lights that only you and your soulmate see or something and you feel really warm and your soulmate glows or something? Thank you ❤️”
I love this request. So much. I hope y’all enjoy this one because I really got to live out my famous science nerd dream. Thank you for the amazing request! I secretly love soulmate AU’s hehehe so please send more! Y’all are so creative with them too :)))
Soulmates were a sore subject for you. At a young age you glowed bright red, and it was the most crushing moment of your life. Soulmate glows only occurred when you touched your soulmate for the first time or when they died. Knowing this meant you would never meet your person was hard, but you hoped maybe you’d be one of the lucky ones who got a new soulmate, seeing as you were so young. But years later nothing had happened even though you stayed hopeful. Unlike so many who go off the rails once they realize there’s no one for them, you dedicated your life to researching soulmates, and it was incredibly fulfilling. As a high school intern working under a group of molecular biochemists, world renowned computer scientists, and psychiatrists you were worked towards creating a drug that made you glow in your soulmate color, it would make finding soulmates much easier and from there you could maybe make a sensor and go international with your research. Who wouldn’t want a drug that finds the person you’re meant to be with?
You’d been tracking soulmates to see if there’s any tell before they find out they are soulmates besides the glowing. It was painful to watch thousands find their life long partner but part of you hoped that by finishing this research you would be able to figure out if your soulmate was really gone, or get filthy rich trying. As just a teenager you planned on working for the company for the rest of your life, staying involved as you pursue your degree then returning, this project was growing up with you. 
As far as you knew, soulmates were drawn together. That was the only explanation as to why so many people in your tests were soulmates. There was something almost magnetic about finding your other half, and you were convinced it was chartable. There was a scientific explanation for everything. 
Finally the drug was ready, after months of blind trials and high highs and low lows it was time for the first wave of real life test runs. Grouping a couple thousand eager participants together, your team split into groups. Taking each participant into a room you gave them the drug and filled the color they glowed, and if anyone matched you’d bring them together. Of course all the interns on your team wanted to try too. 
Stepping up you couldn’t hold in excitement. Since you were only newly a teenager you hoped your soulmate color would be cool. You’d seen some amazing colors and meetings all throughout the day. It couldn’t get more exciting.
Stepping up, you took the drug and waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
But you didn’t glow. “Hey uh Y/N you did say you glowed when you were little right? Sorry to break it to yah kid but yours is gone, we’ve got a couple hundred more tests why don’t yah go home?” a voice came over the intercom, and your heart sunk. Sure some people didn’t glow either, and they all had flashed at some point. Your hope was clearly misplaced. And with a broken soul, quite literally, you went home.
Years later you’d kept with the team. The drug was almost ready to be released officially, and the public was beyond excited. You were 25 now, a huge public face for the soulmate finder, you’d stuck with the program and it had made you practically famous. Doing PR you’d brought the drug on talk shows, finding strangers their soulmate on live TV, you made special appearances to celebrities to find and log their soulmate color. Everyone that took your test had their specific color logged in a huge database, so when you tested if your perfect color matched somewhere your soulmate would get alerted. It was perfection.
Tonight you were going on television to do another round of soulmate finding with a late night host. Nothing new.
“And please welcome, Cupid Herself, Y/N!” The crowd was always full wherever you went, everyone wanted a chance at love as soon as possible. “Now I’m very sorry to disappoint the crowd but we’re bringing out some celebrities who’ve requested a chance at love... I bring you THE WAYNES!” You were a little shocked, you probably should’ve read the brief but no difference, you had enough for about ten people. Standing up you shook Bruce Wayne’s hand, moving onto the chair at the side while Bruce and three of his children walked in. “Hello! Mr. Grayson, Todd, and Ms. Brown right?” the host greeted the three and shook Bruce’s hand, no need for his introduction. 
“These three couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. As you know Mr. Drake-Wayne has found his soulmate and now husband so we couldn’t bring him! And my son Damian was erm- busy.” You saw Jason Todd snort, slightly taken aback by his actions on live television. “Can I just say, I am super excited to be here! It’s a huge honor Ms. Y/L/N this is too cool!” Stephanie got up, giving you a quick hug, you smiled, happy that she was so kind. 
“Well lets get this show on the road! I’m sure millions want to know if any of the Wayne’s are their soulmate!” the host waggled an eyebrow as the crowd cooed. This was basically a chance at the lottery, a Wayne was a ticket to riches for life. Taking the lead you gave your pitch about the drug, taking consent before grabbing a serving for four. Walking up you handed a glass to each boy, finishing with Bruce, but he refused. “Oh no, I don’t want to know” he said softly. The crowd booed, and in a bit of a panic the host said “well then how about the lovely Y/N takes a drink? We all want to know if the creator has a soulmate!” you politely told him and the crowd you’d tried before, but there was no light, explaining how you lost is when you were younger. As you saw the crowd looking upset you decided it was better than nothing.
“How about I try it guys! Maybe something’s changed - find out live here on Late Night!” you pitched into the camera and the host nodded, cutting to an ad-break.
“Does this shit actually work?” Jason turned to you, swirling the liquid around cautiously. “Yes! We’ve been error free for five years!” you said proudly, this was your life's work after all. “And we’re back! How ‘bout we get this show on the road! Grayson you first?” 
With a shrug Dick threw the little up back, and in a few seconds a cerulean blue glowed around him. The crowd oohed and ahhed as Dick smiled. “Any matches?” He looked to you. Glancing over at your guy who had snapped the exact color he shook his head. “Not yet! Dick Grayson-Wayne’s soulmate is still out there!” the crowd rumbled in excitement, everyone wanted a test now.
“Ms. Brown! Care to drink?” Stephanie drank eagerly, and quickly shone a deep royal purple and the crowd cheered. “No match!” you let everyone know and there was another cheer.
“Mr. Todd, you next?” Jason didn’t waste a moment, drinking the liquid he shone the brightest red you’d seen in a while. For a moment it reminded you of your red all those years ago. Looking over it was another no, and the crowd was almost losing it, many girls in the audience begged for a drink to see if they were his lover. 
“And lastly Ms. Y/N! Ready to see the creator try her own drug?!” You corrected him, taking a moment to shout out all the amazing scientists, interns, and volunteers you’d worked with over the years. The crowd cut you off, chanting “DRINK DRINK DRINK” urging you to throw the cup back, the liquid tasted way better than the last time you’d tried it in the trial run. You help out your hand to show the lack of coloration and the audience sighed. Smiling sweetly you began to talk about the drop date.
“Thank you all so much! I’m so excited to release this with my team in just a month. I’d like to once again thank my tea-” you heard a shriek “OH MY GOD THAT’S JASON’S COLOR!!!” and the audience lost it. Confused you saw Jason’s jaw drop, and you looked at your hands that now radiated the same deep red from all those years ago. 
“UM WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!” the host shouted over the chaos. You immediately got up, rushing to the color scanner. “Holy shit Y/N it’s really Jason’s color.” he confirmed your suspicions and without thinking you sprinted back up to the sofa. Connecting your hand to Jason’s cheek the two of you began glowing the same color. Locking eyes with Jason, you couldn’t help but start crying. The aura radiated between the two of you and Jason pulled you into his chest. 
The camera came on after the 20 second impromptu break. And what they saw made the news that night. “JASON TODD FOUND SOULMATE LIVE ON LATE NIGHT” “CAMERAS TURN ON AND JASON IS HOLDING HIS GIRL - TOO CUTE! CLICK FOR PICS” “JASON TODD CUFFED! SEE THE PICS HERE!” In just the few seconds before they could cut the cameras, millions of viewers saw Jason holding you, the bright red shining around the two of you while you clung to him. And the pictures were everywhere. Pulling you off stage you couldn’t wrap your mind around what had just happened. 
“My- my soulmate died years ago. When I was a kid I took the drug and didn’t shine! This doesn’t make any sense!” you looked up a Jason and practically saw a lightbulb go off. “Well um, were you around 13 when your soulmate died? [ you nodded ] And you were about 14-15 when you tried the drug? [ again he was right ] Okay well long story I died and came back to life. And you must’ve tested when I was still gone” he finished and you almost passed out. “YOU DIED?” you screeched. And he clamped a hand over your mouth. 
“Shh princess that’s valuable knowledge for family and soulmates only” it was slowly starting to register that you were in fact his soulmate. “Soulmates” you whispered, leaning in to hug him again. “Soulmates.” he confirmed. 
“God I have never seen Jaybird this sappy in my life, you might be magical” Dick came up to you, shaking your hand and pulling you in for a hug. “You got a good soulmate Jay. By the way, can I have a couple servings early I’ve got a bet with Timbers that Damian’s soulmate is Jon and I need some soulmate help for myself?” you rolled your eyes and Jason tugged you back to his side. “Back off Grayson she doesn’t even know you!” 
“A little protective already Jay? Poor Y/N get used to this sweetheart” Dick winked at you and you felt Jason tighten his grip around your waist. Dick backed off and Stephanie bounded up to you. “Oh my god Tim’s gonna die he’d totally wanna be here! Plus I bet Bruce is gonna have to do all sorts of interviews now hahaha. How are you doing girl? This is a lot! Welcome to the Waynes!” she said, pulling you in for another tight hug, and the seriousness of finding your soulmate hit you. “Oh my god I’m gonna have to do so much press. How did I not think of this. What are the odds oh no this is gonna be a shitstorm fuck fuck fuck” Jason interrupted you by squeezing your hand. “Uh I really hate press too, I mean Bruce owes me patrol for like a week for just tonight but, if you like, need me for something I can go... does that help?” he looked lost, but it was clear that he wanted to help, and it was adorable. 
“I would like that. And it’s late. I’m exhausted. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow somewhere private? We’re gonna get stalked so maybe you can come over to my place?” you realized you just had to take it step by step, and finding a soulmate was the best first step ever. “Yeah, that seems easier.” Jason sighed, and the two of you exchanged numbers.
“By the way, what does patrol mean? And does the color red mean anything to you cuz it doesn’t to me and usually the color means something but it could not?” You saw Jason’s eyes widen.
“Erm, I’ll tell you tomorrow. It’s another one of those ‘family and soulmates only’ facts. If that’s okay?” you nodded, just happy to have a soulmate.
“Of course Jason, but just know I’m gonna give you a hard time for going and dying on me. Idiot” you stuck your tongue out as he winked.
“Only to make a perfect love story for you princess” and you groaned, but he wasn’t wrong. This one truly one for the books. 
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Welcome Home Part 3
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*not my gif*
WARNINGS: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, seriously I use the ‘F’ word a lot. 
Pairings: Cody Rhodes x OFC (Sister), Brandi Rhodes x OFC (sister), Dustin Rhodes x OFC (Sister), past Seth Rollins x OFC, future Kenny Omega x OFC 
Summary: Peyton gets an offer that will change her entire career, while she tries to deal with the rising feelings for her best friend. 
A/N: Here is part 3. I hope y’all like it. 
The next few days following the aquarium, Kenny and I were more inseparable than usual. Everywhere we went, we were together. When Dynamite rolled around, the entire locker room was whispering about us. 
I was on my way to the EVP room, when I was stopped by Kris Statlander. “Hey girlie.” She greeted, booping my nose. It twitched at the contact. “I didn’t hear from you much this week, and then I saw the pics of you and Kenny. Spill.” She smiled, with a raised eyebrow. 
I laughed nervously, “There’s nothing to tell. We’re just friends.” She shook her head. I knew what people were saying. “I’m serious, Kris. Just friends who went to the aquarium together.” I defended, moving my hands in a definitive motion. 
“Girl! His eyes were on you, not the damn fish.” She rolled her eyes, “How are you both so clueless?!” She threw her hands up, flabbergasted. She quickly whipped her phone out and pulled up the shark tank picture again and showed it to me, zoomed in on Kenny’s face. “Those are heart eyes, girl. He is in love.” 
There was no way Kenny was in love with me. “Kris, he is literally married to wrestling. No time for relationships.” I pointed out. 
“But he always makes time for you.” She said before walking away to film a bit for BTE. Kenny did always seem to make time for me. I tried to shake her words as I continued my way to the EVP room. Cody had sent me a text earlier in the day saying that creative had a storyline they wanted to pitch to me. 
I opened the door and Cody was there with The Bucks, a writer, and Tony Khan. “Hey, sorry, I rushed here as fast as I could.” I apologized for my tardiness and grabbed a seat next to Cody. 
“Peyton, we want you to have a with Penelope for the number one contender slot for the AEW Women’s Championship.” Tony started to explain. A huge smile crossed my face. Then Nick added, “We want you to face Shida at ‘Winter is coming’”. I shook my head. 
“No fuck--” Cody gave me a stern look, telling me to watch my language, “I mean, no friggin’ way?!?” I couldn’t hide my excitement. Tony handed me the contract for the match at ‘Winter Is Coming’. I looked down at the papers in my hand. “This is legit? Are you sure there isn’t anyone else who deserves this before me?” I questioned, looking up from the packet that held my future. 
“We have pulled all the stats, plus we took in account fan base and Dark comments. You beat Penelope, and you’ll be number one contender.” Matt laid it all out, and I just needed to take it. All it took was one smooth signature and it was booked. 
“Well good evening, folks. It’s Wednesday night, and you know what that means! Thanks for joining us here on Dynamite. Boy do we have a lined up show for you.” I listened to JR announce as I paced back and forth in front of the gorilla monitors. The announce team of JR, Tony, and Excalibur went on to discuss the card for the night. 
To say I was nervous was an understatement. Sure, I had been in the title picture before, but this was completely different. This would be my first title shot in AEW, plus Penelope and I were kicking off the show. That was something that didn’t happen often. Cody was waiting by the curtain, like he always did before my matches, to wish me luck. He immediately could tell that something was wrong. “What’s up, Pey?”
“I’m worried about Kip. It has me thrown off. He’s a wild card.” I mumbled anxiously as I bit at my nails. Cody nodded, giving me a knowing look. He pulled me in by my shoulder.
“You’ll be just fine, kid.” He smiled. I wanted to ask what he meant, but Kenny’s voice filled my ears before I could. 
“Hey, Princess!”  I could tell my face lit up at the sight of him. “I just wanted to say good luck. And ask if you wanted to grab dinner after?” Cody looked at the both of us and sighed. I knew he wanted the heat to die down from the Aquarium photo, for my sake. He had told me many times. I didn’t care though and neither did Kenny. 
“Of course, Omega. Thank you.” I replied quickly, throwing my arms around him for a tight hug. Cody grabbed my attention, letting me know it was my time. I released Kenny, but he grabbed my hand, giving it a light ‘you got this’ squeeze, before letting go. 
“The following contest, with a twenty minute time limit, is scheduled for one fall, introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, being accompanied to the ring by Kip Sabian, Penelope Ford.” I watched as they made their way into the ring and gave a disgusting show of PDA. 
I fiddled with my jacket, waiting for my music to hit. I instantly regretted letting Brandi talk me into wearing a choker. It suddenly felt too tight. I didn’t have a chance to remove it before I heard the familiar start of “My songs know what you did in the dark”. I composed myself and fixed my hair. I walked out the “Heel” tunnel and onto the ramp.
“And her opponent, from Atlanta, Georgia, well they call her the “Dream Killer”, Peyton Rhodes.” Justin announced my name and the crowd still cheered, which made my heart happy. I quickly made my way into the squared circle, so the bell could ring.  
The match started with a few back and forth blows. Penelope got me into a side headlock, before quickly doing an arm drag. I shot back up to my feet. Again, we locked up, before I drove a knee up into her stomach. I had quickly gained the upper hand in the match. I was getting ready to drop her with a DDT, when I saw Kip pacing outside of the ring. I flipped him a bird and slammed Penelope’s head into the mat. As expected, Kip got involved. He slid into the ring, getting in my face. “Get out of the ring, Kip!” I yelled and he stepped a bit closer. I thought he was going to push me back away from him. 
Suddenly, the crowd erupted in cheers as a figure jumped the barricade and slid into the ring. It was Mox. He pushed Kip back and into the ropes, making him fall through. This distracted Penelope and I took that chance to hit the “dream killer”, my finisher. I got the three count and the bell rang. Aubrey raised my hand and Justin announced me as the winner. 
Jon was still standing at the tunnels when I climbed through the ropes and walked up the stairs. I extended a hand to show respect, which he gladly took and pulled me in for a hug. The fans went wild. “What a reunion it was tonight for Peyton Rhodes and Jon Moxley. Now that Rhodes has defeated Ford, she will go on to face AEW Women’s champion Hikaru Shida for the title at “Winter Is Coming’ on December 2nd.” Tony announced for the viewers at home. 
Cody again was waiting by the curtain for me. “Great match, sis. Jon, thanks for having her back.” He said, like it was all planned. I needed to know what the hell Jon was thinking.
“Dude! You guys are trending!” Matt yelled as he walked up, shoving his phone in my face. It was like I was in a daze. I had no idea why Jon, of all people, got involved in my match. Now, we were trending on social media. Before I could reply, I was being pulled by an assistant to do an interview with Dasha. 
“I’m backstage with Peyton Rhodes. Peyton, what was that?” She asked. I quickly got into character. I flipped my hair over my shoulder, attitude immediately crossing my face. 
“What was that? You’re asking the hard-hitting questions, Dasha.” I mocked her, before continuing. “ Let me tell you what that was. That was me rising to the top of this division, just like I said I would.” I stepped closer to her mic, “That was me letting Shida know that her days as champion are numbered.” I turned to the camera. “Hold onto that title tight, Shida. Because it will be mine very, very soon.” 
Dasha nodded, looking annoyed with how bitchy I was being, “But everyone wants to know what Jon Moxley was doing?” She inquired, pushing the mic back in my face. 
I scoffed, “No comment.” I quickly walked away to find out what the hell just happened. Why did Jon come help me? I tried to find him, but no one had seen where he went. So I settled for finding my brother. I went to his trailer, and banged on the door. 
“Open up, Rhodes.” I shouted, and Brandi came to the door. I looked at her, fuming. “Where is my brother?” I snapped. She just moved to the side, letting me in. Cody was sitting on the couch, like he was waiting for me. What surprised me, was to see Kenny sitting there, too. 
“Glad you could join us, sis. Take a seat.” Cody motioned for me to sit next to Kenny. I cocked a brow, confused, but took the seat anyway. I looked at Kenny about to say something before Cody cut me off. “Since you two are wanting to be the talk of AEW, and have no intentions to listen to me or my advice, Khan wants you to work together.” My mouth dropped. 
“What the hell does that mean?” I growled. Kenny looked at me, shocked, that I was angry that we got to work together. I saw his smile drop instantly. “I mean, Don’t get me wrong, Ken, I would love to work a story with you. But I can’t do the whole ‘escort/manager’ thing again.” I objected, not going down that road again.
Kenny nodded in understanding, “I know. And you know I would never do that to you, Princess.” He ensured me, placing a gentle hand on my knee. 
“I would also never do that to you, Peyton. Trust me, this will be amazing.” Cody predicted, “We have a lot to talk about.” He smirked, taking a seat across from us. “After you left the meeting last week, Tony pulled me aside.” Cody started to explain. 
My mind was racing. What did Tony have in store for me? For Kenny? How in a matter of two weeks did I become number one contender and get to work with my best friend? I looked over at Kenny, who’s blue eyes were focused on what my brother was saying. He looked so happy. I wondered if it was because we got to do a storyline together or because he was getting his shot at the AEW world title? 
“Tony wants you to turn on Moxley.” Those seven words drew me from my thoughts. My whole body went rigid. Did he just say what I think he said? I looked over at Kenny who was smiling like a cat who caught the canary. 
“He wants me to do what?” I asked, wanting Cody to clarify what the fuck he just said to me.
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katieamazeballs · 5 years
DWTS Live Tour Recap 2020
Whew....this day has been a doozy between lack of sleep and a weird ass day at work.  This years tour was a vastly different experience than in the past because Mother Nature is a raging beeotch.... but it was still so amazing!  Details below the break to save y’alls timelines some grief. 
We started off our day at work and school.  I had known, and bitched extensively, about the 100% rain outlook but it was pretty sunny all day.  I picked Abs up at early release and I swear to you...the second the car door shut, the sprinkles started.  Because of course it did.  We got ready and went for some lunner only to be caught in INSANE traffic.  Fun fact, Floridians can’t drive in the rain and there was a fatal accident on a major bridge that shut it down and made traffic a nightmare.  No biggie though, because it was nasty out and we knew they weren’t just going to be wandering downtown so we were in no rush.  We got downtown about 4 and we started wandering. 
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(Gratuitous bus pic)
We stopped and chatted with the nicest security lady who, bless her heart, was sitting there between the buses huddled under a golf umbrella.  She said she hadn’t seen anyone in quite a while (probably because they were inside teaching the show to Keo) but that if we had been there at 7am they were all outside chillin and going to work out and such.  We did a lap then stood under the awning at the front of the arena for a bit. 
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(Why is she so weird?)
During our laps we saw Keo (who was limping something fierce...like I wasn’t sure he was going to make it up the steps to the arena limp...looked like he pulled a hammy) but due to the sprinkling and the running buses he either didn’t hear us or pretended to not hear us.  We also saw Val, possibly Jenna (hood was pulled over her to her eyes), Daniella, and Wit.  Everyone but Wit was doing the mad dash into the arena from the buses.  Wit was in full hair and makeup and talked to Abs for a second as she was entering her bus...Abs didn’t ask for a picture because Wit clearly wanted to get into the dry and not mess herself up.  We did a couple more laps then standing under the awning loops then met up with @loveisstatic​. 
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(Poor sweetheart bore witness to Savage being savage most of the night.) 
We decided to take a lap but didn’t see anything....sigh.  After a pretty epic battle over the fact that Haley said she also “liked” Alan....as in, he’s a good dancer, which “someone” took as “Imma steal your man”. 
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We went in the arena and went to the merch table where Abs refused a tour tshirt because Hannah was on it...lol.  I was trying to get a cute pic of Abs and her 10 paddle....but home girl was trying to make sure she wasn’t standing next to Hannah ffs....
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Then we went to get drinks (ha for Haley) and were very quickly let in to our seats.  Haley was actually only a couple rows in front of us, so we were able to chat before the show and during intermission.  The show is, of course, absolutely amazing!  It has a cute “theme” of driving the bus on tour and the voice overs were cracking me up.  After the Magic Mike number, Jen talks to the lady rubbing up on Val.  The poor lady clearly either has zero idea who the two of them are or has lost her senses due to all the testosterone filled sweat on her person.  Jen “You know, I recently got married”  Lady “Oh, congratulations!!!”  Jen “Yeah, that man you were just grinding and rubbing and smacking on....that’s my husband”  Lady “OMG!”  Jen “Yeah, his name is Val.  I’ll let it slide this time (then whatever the script is)”.  The lady was so embarrassed.  It was funny.  There was the absolute cutest little girl in the front row that Val came out and talked to.  She’s on the DWTS Tour story.  That section of the show was pretty awesome, actually.  I loved his speech about breaking the tv barrier and coming to do shows live to all of us who were gracious enough to invite them into our homes every Monday night.  Abs fave dance was Daddy Shark (I’ll steal her video and post it later....we can’t have enough reposts of that gem) and anything that had Alan and mine was the entire Hero section at the end where they’re wearing white (for the dancing) and Dream On (for the music).  Actually, the dance where they’re passing the key to the tour around was pretty awesome, too.  Then, it comes to intermission and Abs starts bitching about being hungry.  I told her sorry (she’s not a popcorn or nut fan and that’s all they really had) and she starts made some wildly and embarrassing comments about want candy...Alan’s candy complete with eyebrow waggles and cackling.  I think that it was at that point that our new friend decided that kid is a hot damn mess.  Jenna’s swan dive is absolutely amazing in person....mostly for the reaction it causes.  I, of course, knew it was coming but the lady next to me literally slap/grabbed her husband and whisper yelled “OH SHIT!”.  After the show, the adults in the group had to pee.  The teenager in the group just bitched that we were going to make her late to the buses.  (This is a very important fun fact for later.)  They have some weird ass security dude on tour this year who had some rule where the crowd standing (couldn’t have been more than 20 of us) had to scrunch into the space of 2 of those metal fence things as opposed to the other 57000 of them lining the buses.  Every 5 min or so, he’d waltz out and yell at us to “get on this side of the line.  No one can be between the buses”...except none of us moved after the first few times.  He was intense and a good time fun ruiner.  Kept trying to tell us that the police were going to see us standing at his one of his non approved fences (the same ones we’ve stood at for 2 other tours) and “shut the whole thing down”.  Sure, Stan.  Evenutally, he stopped fussing and Kate came out. 
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She is a gem, honestly.  Super sweet and funny as hell.  Love me some her.  After Kate went in, it was cold and SOMEONE in our group had to pee (remember that fun fact....ha).  Val came out and got into the runner van and scooted off to the airport.  There was much discussion of how we knew it was him and how we knew where he was going.  Sasha came out and we talked to him and got pics. 
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(Not all his selfies are hysterical gems that will be reused for all of eternity)
I gave him all my notes and Glebs drugs because we thought we were going to have to leave.  He said he’d pass them out for me.  We were deciding to leave when Emma popped out of the bus all “Which one of you gave the Benadryl to Gleb?  That was bloody brilliant!”.
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We took pics with her and decided to stick around for a bit more because Abs needed  wanted to see Alan.  Thankfully, he came out shortly after and turned on the front camera flash I didn’t even know I had. 
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(He also has very long arms for a good selfie angle)
After Alan came Wit and Daniella and thankfully that was it.
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The grumpy security dude told us all to leave and I think everyone was ready.  We were stacked like 6 people deep having to shove up to the front for pics as the pros were like “WTF is wrong with these weirdos in Jacksonville and why aren’t they standing over at all these other perfectly decent fences”.  Like, they’d move over to the fence to the left to take pics and we’d all be like “NO!  We aren’t allowed!”.  It was cold and it was a week night and everyone was pretty much over the foolishness at that point.  What was cool about the night was I got to not only meet up with a fun tumblr friend, but there were a few of us at the buses that have started recognizing each other from other tours.  The girl Brandon pulled on stage recognized Abs and me and then I recognized a dude we’ve seen each year.  Funny story, the girl (who is a huge Derek stan) and I were talking about how pretty Gleb is (after the Benadryl thing) and she was talking about Brandon and having to touch his butt on stage.  She’s all “I mean, it’s a nice butt, but he’s just too cute to rub up on”.  She’s not wrong, he is just the cutest thing in person....just not in a sexy Daddy Shark type way.  Anyways, another tour down.  Plans to see MVPJ with a new friend and bus stalk at the “next tour” with the other bus stalkers.  Can’t wait till next time! 
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eye-raq · 6 years
Aquarius Daddy.
It’s Erik’s birthday and the wives have a special night planned for him.
Warnings: SMUT
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It was that Aquarius birthday today, Their husband and Daddy.
He woke up to luxury gifts at the foot of his bed and the view of his wives with their sleepwear on and a tray with his first birthday drink and a cigar.
“Happy birthday Daddy!!!!!” They threw confetti and blew into party horns, Henny even had a gold crown made for him with colorful gemstones set in it. Erik couldn’t help the goofy smile on his face, receiving kisses and hugs. Kimora opened his balcony doors, rushing him out to find a lounge table with breakfast buffet. Davita and Kristina joined them all, taking pics and sharing laughs.
Erik got a personal bath from Angel while he sipped on a strawberry Henny mix that Ryley made. He even had a fresh outfit and shoes picked out by Bastion for the night, while Kimora got his hair together. Homie and Josie kept him company on the basketball court, snapping pics of his glistening body with that crown still on his head.
The night came quickly and the lights were set low in He kitchen, his Henny cake covered in strawberries and whipped cream lit by candle. Erik finally came down with Aly’sha and Charlie trailing behind, a shake of his head and a genuine smile on his face.
“Thought we could sing you happy birthday you old fart!” Angel teased.
The cake was eaten and of course the biggest bottle of Henny followed them out to the party bus that Henny had custom made for the day. It was all black with gold trimming, a shiny black floor with a single gold stripper pole in the middle, picks from Erik’s previous turn ups littering the walls. Music blasted and drinks went around, Kimora of course on the pole with some money thrown at her.
What Erik hadn’t expected was for him to already be drunk at the entrance to the nightclub. It was an exclusive event with red carpet and cameras flashing, the sight of him causing an uproar. He was blown away, howling like a wild animal with a bottle of Henny. Erik was doing the damn thing dancing all over the place and on his wives. It went on into 4 am, everyone clearing out and back to the party bus home. He might have thought he would be retiring for the night to his room, but little didn’t he know, the wives led his drunk body down the hall and towards a finale  of wicked games.
Ryley locks the door without secret in the biggest playroom in the house with the largest bed and walls filled with contraptions and toys. All of the wives share a look before their eyes collectively turn to their drunk husband with his black silk shirt undone, gold chain pressed against his chest and bottom lip hanging, revealing bottom row gold and diamond fronts. He removes his gold frames, a coy smile slowly creeping up with a chuckle.
“So we locking doors and shit?” None of them spoke, just simply kicked off their shoes, Poosy standing firm and Henny closing her eyes with a shake of her head. She already knew the plan and she TOLD THEM that if they keep providing Erik with Henny throughout the day, he won’t stop. Erik’s eyes roamed the tiny dresses each of them wore without bras and little ass thongs. They really went out looking like this? Erik must have been faded something serious before they even left the house.
“Fuck y’all up to?” He walks closer with a dip in his hips.
“What the fuck you think?” Kimora spoke with sass.
“Take your shirt off DAKA, now.” Charlie presses.
He laughs again, his eyes so damn low they were practically slits. He licks the corners of his lips with a quick swipe of his tongue.
“So...y’all tryna FUCK?” His eyes searched everyone’s, mostly with no sign of denial, except for Poosy and Henny, just pure lust and impatience.
“Like FUCK FUCK. That’s what we doing?” He points his finger between them before bringing that same hand to stroke his beard and a shrug of his shoulders.
“Well it is my fucking birthday right? If we doing it like that, LINE THE PUSSY UP.”
All the wives including Erik began undressing with rushed movements. Ryley and Bastion were the first to get undressed.
“Looks like Ry and Bast the only two that want the dick!”
“No the fuck they ain’t!” Homie yells, practically ripping her dress. Charlie took her time removing her dress, the liquor in her system almost making her trip. Kimora slips her panties off with a shimy of her hips, kicking the thong to the other side of the room. Angel keeps her heels on but removes her dress, flipping her hair to one side of her head. Alysha ass was laid out naked on her belly, kicking her feet in the air. Josie stood firm with her eyes glued to Erik’s dick.
“Okay so clearly y’all all wanna get split in half. Y’all know this nigga been drinking since the am? The water didn’t even calm that monster down! Dick been swinging since before the roosters could even cOcKA-DOODLE-dO.” Josie knew how Erik’s Henny dick could be, and it was his damn birthday so that Aquarius dick was possessed by the underworld.
Henny stood naked and firm on her spot, not so ready to fuck Erik while his adrenaline ran off of Hennessy.
“This nigga getting everybody pregnant tonight. Nah uh uh my pussy don’t deserve the torture tonight, I’ll give daddy some good suckie and make a movie
The pussy was lined up alright, Erik sitting on his throne with Homie’s lips wrapped around his dick. He had both fists in her hair guiding her head while she choked him up. It was hard for her to control the literal python that eased its way down her throat with Charlie’s lips on her pussy. It was a train of sucking and licking pussy while Erik got sloppy top with spit dripping down to his ass. His birthday crown was lopsided on his head, a hazy look in his eyes and a low ‘oh fuck’ escaping his mouth every second.
“THAT'S IT BITCH.” She gagged.
“No smart remark huh?! Can’t anyway your throat stuffed with this big dick.” Her argumentative ass challenged him with a harder suck, Erik meeting her demands with strong hip thrusts.
“Happy birthday to me, damn” erik pulled her hair to lift her mouth from his dick, Homie gasping for air and face covered in spit.
“Go at the end of the line and eat some pussy. NEXT.” She pouted, going at the end to find Aly’sha waiting with a teasing flicker of her brows, her ass wiggling in the air and ready since she didn’t have the luxury. Charlie was up next, hands plastered to the ground and her mouth latching onto the thick tip of his dick. Erik bit down on his lip hard, eyes closing as soon as her mouth sank down deep on him. She started clenching and unclenching her jaw around him, the pressure causing him to lift his hips from the chair.
“ooooo, you slick bitch! I know what you tryna do you better calm that controlling shit.” Of course, she didn’t listen, twirling her mouth now with the same force.
What Erik didn’t know was that the feeling of bastions lips wrapped around her clit with a flick of her tongue caused her to take complete control. Bastion slaps Charlie’s plump ass, bastion’s pussy accepting Kimora’s tongue. It was buried deep in her pussy, wiggling and slurping.
Erik had enough of Charlie trying to make him cum without more head from his other wives.
“Damn you and that fucking tongue!”
“What you thought, Daddy? It’s a celebration you gotta take this head.” Charlie gives his dick kisses, loving kisses, Henny zooming into her face with her camera, Erik palms her ass hard with his nails digging into her flesh, his fingers sliding through the crack of her ass dragging down to graze her pussy lips.
“This phat ass pussy getting this work too Henny. You can try and play director if you want to.” Erik’s fingers easily slide into her dripping wet pussy, pumping fast and rough.
“Shit DADDY!” Her grip on the camera falters, her body bent over his lap. She had her face inches away from his dick, meeting Charlie’s eyes before spitting a hefty amount on his dick, watching Charlie slurp it up. Charlie gives on last long suck before switching places witn Bastion.
Her bratty ass sucked on both of his balls, Henny jerking his dick with a repeated drip of spit. Bastion felt Kimora come up beside her, sucking on Erik’s head with a frantic bob of her head.
“Y’all tryna suck all the nut out of Daddy dick huh? It’s just one dick how all of y’all gon get the nut??” Ryley detached her lips from Angels sweet little pussy, crawling over to lick up Kimora while Angel did the same for Bast. Poosy had Aly’sha under her spell with her tongue flicking as quick as a vibrator against her clit. That skill alone had Homie pausing on eating Aly’sha pussy just to watch.
“Bitch what the fuck?!” She was thoroughly intrigued.
“Don’t act so shocked Homie I had you eating my ass like this just two nights ago.” Homie would have argued but that sight had her closed lipped.
Poosy had already cum twice before, and she much rather do this all night than get the dick from Erik.
“Keep looking at me like that Angel and I aware to FUCKING GOD GIRL.” Angels pretty face was painted with spit and her mascara leaked in black tears. Her mouth was soft and warm around him, his balls so damn tight and tongued down by Ryley.
“You like the way I bat my eyes at you daddy with this big fucking dick in my mouth?” She licked along the vein of his dick, causing him to shiver.
“I love it when you bat those pretty brown eye while you suck up daddy dick.”
Kimora and Basion were grinding clits roughly on the bed, laying in a heavy puddle with sweaty body and wild hair. Charlie had Hennys legs wide open with the camera pointed to her face, eating her pussy with her fingers inside her deeply. Moans, groans, whimpers, and cries filled the room. Erik held off pretty well, but he realized who had been missing from getting some dick in the mouth.
“Where the fuck is JoJo and Aly’sha?! Erik got up from the seat, Ryley standing with her hand wrapped around his dick, spotting pussy in her own world with a hypnotized Aly’sha. Ryley guides Erik with his dick acting as a leash. Poosy didn’t know what was coming to her as her eyes fell on Erik.
“You having fun my little wicked witch?!”
“Come on E I’m close!” She was on the brink of another orgasm. Erik took a handful of her braids, practically pulling them from her scalp. That snapped Aly’sha out of her trance, her hand coming up to grip her jaw from how sore it was.
“Henny! Aim that camera in her face! She watching this later on. Henny cake over with a smirk, aiming the camera in JoJo’s face.
“Ryley do the honors for me, put my dick in this bitch mouth. It’s my special day today and she don’t wanna give daddy no more gifts. As much as I spoil your ass and you deny me of some wet top for this?! Disrespectful Josie.” Josie scowls before opening her mouth, Ryley pulling Erik’s dick into her mouth, she went to grip his thighs, but Kimora held her arms behind her back.
“Look at you helping daddy out.” He chuckles, pushing his hips forward roughly, watching the discomfort in her face.
“Suck the dick Poosy! Relax your throat!” Angel yells over Erik’s shoulder, her breasts rubbing along the scaring on his back making her nipples hard. She started biting into his back, leaving trails of spit behind. Erik fucked Josie’s mouth the worse, his movements growing frantic.
“Aly’sha put that mouth on my balls girl, I wanna nut.” Erik threw his head back, feeling  aly’sha’s tongue flicking each nut sack. All of the wives knew that he was going to cum, all of them crowding around grabbing at all of him, leaving big marks on his skin, spit on his nipples, tongue on his back and abs.
“Fuck fuck fuck! Damn daddy like that nasty little mouth.”
“Daddy needs to share!” Bast yells as she got on her knees. Erik’s hips stiffened, toes curling before lifting Poosy mouth from his dick, Jerking his dick with all of them crowding around.
Henny flocked at the side of his dick, sucking the skin on the side as he strokes. All of their tongues poked out long and wet, bastions trying to be directly under so it could drip.
“Mmmm, oh fuck!
“Damn shit is so good!”
Erik’s cum releases, all of their tongues on his dick and fingers on his balls.
Erik could only drag his hands down his face.
“Yo I swear all y’all getting some good dick tonight. I’m not even playing right now fuck. I’m hella weak.”
He was clean and shiny, dick dripping to the floor.
Erik trails his eyes over his kneeling wives, falling on Josie who struggled to keep his gaze.
“You thinking about disappearing?” He had a glint in his eyes that she saw as a one time warning.
“Erik the dick is TOO FUCKING MUCH RIGHT NOW.”
Erik wasn’t hearing that shit as he pulled pussy up, bending her over. She squirmed, Homie holding her arms in place while Erik got on his knees, placing his lips on her pussy. Aly’sha got on her back, lining her pussy up with Josie’s mouth to pay her back. She wrapped her hands in her braids and guided her lips, muffling her cries.
Bastion and Charlie had their mouths back on Erik again, sucking him while he ate Josie. Kimora had her eyes set on riding Henny’s mouth so she grinned her hips into her mouth while recording the mini orgy in front of her. Ryley was on top of Angel next to erik, Ryley and angels pussy gaining his attention in his peripheral,  causing him to play in both pussies one at a time? Two fingers deep.
It was a musky, steamy mess and Josie’s tears didn’t stop Erik’s assault.
“Fuck my mouth pussy, throw that pussy on my mouth.”
She did as she was told with a tremble in her hips, slamming down over his mouth hard before cuming with a scream.
Bastion squats over Erik’s dick, her hands on his abs for leverage before frantically bouncing up and down like a pogo stick. Charlie returned with a vibrator, placing it on her clit hard.
“This damn dick!!!!!” She claws his belly, her movements frantic.
“Give me that dick daddy! I’ve been so bad fuck me!”
Erik grunts, lifting his hips to meet hers.
“Damn, I want next fuck all that!” Kimora says with a moan, one hand buried in Henny's hair with the other on the camera. Josie finally lifts from Erik’s mouth with difficulty, Aly’sha replacing her with a swing of her hips. Erik gives her ass two hard slaps before taking his time with her honey bucket.
“Mmm, give me that tongue DAKA.” Her hands were in his dreads.
“Birthday boy eating his honey ain’t he?” She teases.
Angel had the pleasure of having Erik’s fingers in her and Ryley’s tongue on her clit, her hips rolling and angelic face contorted in overwhelming pleasure.
“Ry!! Erik!!” She sat up on her elbows, legs shaking, before squirting all over them both, falling flat. Erik lifts his fingers to Charlie’s mouth, watching her suck it off. She multitasked between rubbing the vibrator on Bast as she fucked Erik, and gagging on his fingers.
Bast felt Erik jerk his dick inside her, stroking her spot repeatedly, causing her to shakingly cum on him, falling flat on her knees.
Kimora comes over, Bast lifting up to allow her a chance. Kimora fucked him reverse cowgirl, her eyes on Poosy her loving wife as instructed her.
“Work that dick like you working the pole.” JoJo said with frantic kisses. She yanks Kimora’s hair, trailing wet kisses down her neck. Erik noticed her slow movements, slapping Kimora’s skin rough. She hissed, going back to work on his dick like he deserved. Charlie was in King Jade mode as she pinned Henny’s legs back, her vibrator rubbing along her swollen slippery clit. Henny knew to lay there and take the assault, her eyes rolling and mouth agape.
Aly’sha’s final shouts of pleasure boomed through the room before trembling over his mouth. With one final slap to her ass, she lifts from his mouth. Erik focuses on Kimora, pumping her pussy with his glossy beard shining, eyes hard.
“Tight ass freak! Bouncing on this dick, work this dick!” He guides her ass, two of the wives slapping her flesh. Ryley pulls Erik’s wallet out, showering money on Kimora as she twerked his dick.
“You gonna make me cum while I give you a show birthday boy?”
“I’m making that pussy cum. That’s my shit anyway.”
“Fuck! Make my pussy cummm!!!” Kimora couldn’t take it anymore, eyes wide and body shivering. Aly’sha had Eirk dragging her to the mirror, bending her over with his hands buried in her hair and his nails in her hips.
“You see me don’t you? Eyes on me while I kill this pussy.” She obeyed, her eyes never leaving his with the nasty image of her sister wives in the background. Erik spreads her cheeks, sticking his thumb in her ass as he stroked, earning a lip bite and a moan.
“Got my thumb all in this tight ass.” Erik licks his lips, his dick doing things to her she couldn’t put to words.
“If I tell you throw it back will you listen?”
“Yes daddy I promise.” She whimpers
“Then throw the pussy back.”
She clapped her ass on him, eyes fluttering and watering.
“Let me find out my baby can’t take it.”
“It’s big as FUCK.”
“More reason for me to dig right?”
She was so close, her knees caving in. Erik grunts loud, slapping her ass before watching her shiver madly, cum spilling out and to the floor
“Good girl.” He kisses her spine repeatedly.
Erik slaps her ass for reward, slipping out of her and picking up Ryley, tossing her on the bed. She bounces with a laugh. His big frame laying over her, lips possessive and hands stretching the back of her thighs.
“Wassup my wild thing you ready?” He spits on her pussy, rubbing it in with his fingers. She simply nods with a bit of her lip, Erik sinking into her with a hand at her throat and a smile on her face.
“Fuck your little ass up!” Erik bottomed out into her, so damn deep she could feel it in her chest. The bed was the new destination for everyone, charlie riding Homies mouth, Henny recording with humor and her hands gripping Erik’s firm ass. Kimora and Aly’sha has a 69 going while Angel and Bastion played around with an assortment of vibrators.
“Fuck Erik, you better work this pussy!” Ryley could feel a hand rubbing at her clit, noticing the long nails to be Josie’s. Her body made a bridge from the bed, Erik never stopping his mouth over hers before going faster. You would think Ryley was past out by how limp her body went from Erik fucking her.
“Look at her y’all she can’t move!” All the wives laughed.
Ryley tried to push Erik away but instead did push up in her pussy, causing her to cry loudly, before squirting on him.
Angel was bent over now with her ass in the air, arch deep, and Erik’s dick digging her out.
“How daddy doing?” He whispers.
“So good Daddy, give me all of it.” She just layer there with a glazed look, her pussy repeatedly pounded. Erik strokes her arched back before grabbing her hair.
Her booty clapped off of him, cries muffled in the bed.
The sight of pussy eating among the wives didn’t help angel try and keep it together. She felt good with each stroke his dick gave her, never wanting him to leave.
“Damn Erik fucking that shit up.”  Charlie says from between Homie legs.
Angels body starts to tense up, Erik almost breaking her spine with his hands. She was practically lifted in the air and her cries were loud.
“Come on with your cute ass, cum on daddy dick, I know you want to.” With those words, she had the strongest orgasm, her body limp. Erik places a kiss to her brown flesh before slipping his dripping dick out. Henny takes that opportunity to lick her juices off of him, welcoming the way Erik held her head in place as she cleaned him.
Homies titties were being sucked from each end, her chocolate skin electrified. Aly’sha flicked her tongue on one while Bastion had the other to suck on. Erik had her legs over his shoulders, pounding away at her pussy, his face struggling.
“So it’s your pussy that got daddy cumming right now?! Shit ! Fuck it.” Erik was mad in her pussy, shaking his head with each thrust before cumming in her deep, rolling his hips to make sure it’s buried.
“Gotta be certain daddy got you good.” He bites down on her belly before slipping out of her, rubbing her clit with his thumb. She squirmed, her body shaking, before attempting to kick his arm away. She was too late though, Erik had already won.
“My turn now.”  Charlie’s sticky body crawled over to Erik as if on the prowl, Erik matching her movements before wrestling her on the bed, before picking her up, wrapping her legs around him. She began bouncing, her arms around his neck and his hands palming her ass. What she hadn’t expected, was for Henny to approach her with a vibrating but plug, slipping it inside of her and turning it to the highest max. That had.  Charlie speaking in tongues.
“You a big girl Charlie, whatever we dish out you can handle, just like we gotta handle you.”
Shock filled them both as her cum spilled out like a leaky faucet.
“Do that shit again! I love it.” He went harder, his teeth in her neck and her toes curling.
“This fucking dick!!!” It was perfect and hard.
“Cum in here?! Nut all in this pussy!?” Erik was coming up on nut number three and he needed it.
“That’s what my pussy is for! Cum in me nigga!” Sure enough he did, but he didn’t stop, the wetness just edging him on.
“Fuck E!” Charlie tilts her head back, groaning with her aching orgasm.
Henny said she didn’t want the D right? Well of course that wouldn’t last. She took in the sight of her husband enjoying his special evening and that alone had her dragging him to the bed to get some action.
“Bought time you stop acting defiant!” He slaps her rough on the ass, before grabbing her throat.
“I want y’all to record her now since she wanna play games. Thought you would play around with that camera? Think again.”
Erik pulled her over him, instructing that Josie hold her hands since she was next. Erik kept a hold on Hennys throat with one hand while his mouth attacked her titties. She pulled at his dreads, feeling his body bound up into her rough. She jerked, each one earning a sharp intake of breath.
“Damn baby, you can't breathe?”
She shook her head frantically.
“How about now?”
He gave her the meanest strokes. She began to cry, clawing at Josie’s hands. Erik could feel her clamping him.
“There she go, that’s it! Give me it baby girl.”
“Fuckkkk this monster dick!”
“Baby you know I want you to come stop playing! He keeps his stroke, making her unravel. Erik fucked her until her body went limp, biting down on her lower lip before laying her on the bed.
Last but not least was Poosy. She knew that running wasn’t an option.
“You can poof if you want, just know that I’m fucking You all over the house for punishment tomorrow.”
Erik lunged for her, laying her on her side while lifting her leg to her chest. He wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her closer, taking his hand to slip in her tight pussy.
“I think you do this shit on purpose Josie.” He pumped her shit hard, Josie screaming with her hands clawing at the bed.
“You know this shit is virgin tight right? And you KNOW that daddy like some tight pussy.” His teeth bit into her neck hard.
“Give me that juicy pussy!”
She couldn’t even speak. The show he was putting on had all of them staring in lust like pornographic statues.
“I’m taming this pussy, run if you want I swear to god.”
She was cumming from her spot being rubbed.
“Bitch ass making me cum!!!!’” He clamped her mouth shut, accepting her squirt.
“Daddy cumming too. FUCK JOJO!” He growled in her neck, giving her two more thrusts before burying deep in her with his nose rubbing in her hair.
The wives cheered like it was a damn show, climbing the bed to clean up their man. He was of course still hard, and they still had energy; all except Poosy.
“Okay so the dick still stiff!” Bast wanted that.
“I got plenty of cum left to give.” Charlie jokes.
“Okay okay, let me drink some Henny then we can go another round.”
All of the wives shared a look
“HENNY?” They said in unison.
“That’s why we in this situation now.” Henny scuffs.
“FINE. Bring me two bottles of water and then we can fuck.”
Erik rubs at his sweaty body in annoyance.
“Turn on the AC too, it’s fucking blazing.”
“Alright birthday diva!” Ryley teases before cranking it down to 60 degrees.
From Davila’s lab, her and Kristina stare with wide eyes and immobile bodies.
“What the fuck…” they both say, mouths hanging open.
“Wha-I mean- this shit here!” Davita throws her hands up.
“Freaks man! I know Erik had the best birthday so far.” Kristan says, causing both women to laugh.
@whoramilaje @hennessystevens-udaku @poosypoosy @allhailnjadaka @thereturnofbadazz @vikkidc @davitaroberson @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @alyshastevens-udaku @thekompound @itsangeludaku
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chicgeekgirl89 · 5 years
I Could Have Loved You: A SEAL Team Fanfic
A/N: This fic. This. Fic. It started as one thing and then it was something else and now I don't know what it is except all kinds of feelings. Basically it's a look at the six weeks in between "Never Out of the Fight" and when Lisa will presumably leave for her officer billet (NO IT'S FINE I'M NOT CRYING THEY'RE TOTALLY GOING TO MAKE THIS WORK NEXT SEASON OKAY?!). These two are special and I hope I'm able to convey that in this fic. As a bonus there will be recommended listening for each chapter. Just songs that sort of make me think of them and mildly influenced some aspects of the chapter. Not necessary, but extra fun! Enjoy!
Recommended Listening: "All to Myself" by Dan + Shay
Chapter 1
“Hey there baby face.” Lisa ran her fingers over the smoothness of his cheeks. “Barely even recognized you yesterday. Thought maybe I went home with the wrong guy when I woke up.”
Sonny had left her in his bed the morning after Brett’s funeral and the only thing that had gotten him through running hills and working scenarios with the boys all day was knowing he’d see her again tonight. 
Six weeks. He was getting six weeks with her. And then…he wouldn’t think about what came next. He didn’t want to. Not yet. They had time. Six weeks was practically forever.
“Yeah well, gotta get all gussied up here once in a while. Snap a pic, make my mama happy,” he said. “Too damn bad though. That beard was a work of art.”
“It was a beard Sonny. It’ll grow back."
“Hey! You’re acting like it’ll pop back up overnight like a field of daisies. You have no idea how much effort a beard like that takes. You gotta brush it and oil it and make it look all pretty so the ladies still want ya.”
“And here I was thinking you were just a lazy ass who didn’t like to shave.”
“Lazy—!” Sonny looked incensed. “Now listen here lady. There ain’t nothing lazy about a man growing himself a beard as an expression of his manhood.”
“Oh is that where your manhood comes from? Guess I shouldn’t be expecting a whole lot in the bedroom from now on then huh?” She grinned at him while he spluttered. “Come on cowboy, you don’t have a comeback for that one?”
He took a step toward her, brazenly invading her personal space. “I didn’t hear any complaints about my manhood last night.”
She leaned in, clearly unfazed. Damn, he liked it when she was feisty. “Well I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“My feelings?”
“Let me tell you something,” he was nose to nose with her, “you don’t ever have to worry about my feelings.”
“Is that so?”
In one swift movement he lowered his lips to hers, grabbing her by the belt loops and pulling her towards him. Her arms went around his neck, fingers finding their way into his hair as their mouths met again and again.
He walked her backward until they hit the wall and she hopped up, her legs wrapping around his waist, settling above his hips. Her movements had become so familiar to him over the last few months. He’d always been afraid of routine because routine quickly became boring, but things with Lisa always felt perfect. And definitely never boring he was reminded as she nipped at his earlobe. God he’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted this woman.
He kissed her neck and she let out a sigh. “Sonny?”
He paused. “Yeah?”
“I like the beard better.”
He lifted his head to glare at her. “You’re a mean lady, you know that?”
She grinned. “You got a problem with it?”
He growled and carried her into his bedroom, lowering her onto the bed and stripping off his shirt before joining her. “You good?” he asked, his breathing ragged as he hovered over her.
She pulled him toward her and kissed him hard. “Yeah, I’m good.” 
It quickly turned into the kind of make-out session that high school Sonny would never have had the patience for. Hell, Sonny from a year ago wouldn’t have taken his time like this. It was long and slow with lots of laughter, clothes coming off in between kisses and teasing. There was no rush. He was content to be here with her all night.
Sex had always been just sex for him. He was a no-strings-attached, don’t-call-us-we’ll-call-you kind of guy. As long as everybody walked away happy you could call it a good night. But this thing with Lisa…it wasn’t just sex anymore. She saw through all his bullshit, she always had, even before things had heated up between them. This thing with her? It was fun. But it was something else too. Something good.
Some time later she was wrapped up in the sheets. Sonny pushed up onto his elbow. “What are you doing to me woman?” he asked softly as he caressed her hair.
“Teaching you a thing or two about life. Being a man,” she said.
“Ha!” he snorted. “Yeah you sure are.”
“And me?” she asked. “What am I getting out of this?”
“Well nobody’s ever complained about my technique,” he grumbled.
“And you won’t hear me say a word about it.” Her stomach growled. “But you will hear about it if I starve to death in this bed.”
“Well we can’t have that now, can we?” He checked his watch. “Told the guys I’d meet ‘em at the bar at nine. I reckon we’ve got a little time to get some take out before we arrive there, separately of course.”
He grinned. “No ma’am. Indian.”
“Aw Sonny come on! It’s gonna stink in here for a week!”
He pointed a finger at her and reached for his phone. “You’re the one who made fun of the beard. That makes dinner my choice tonight.”
“All right.” She shrugged. “I just don’t think I’ll feel up to any more hanky-panky after drinks tonight if your breath smells like curry.”
They had Chinese. And then drove separately to the bar. Sonny met her in the parking lot. “Well hey there Davis, fancy seeing you here.”
She poked a finger at his chest. “You behave yourself tonight.”
He held up two fingers and grinned. “Scout’s honor.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah scout’s honor my ass.”
“Sonny!” Jason came up behind him and slapped him on the shoulders. “Davis, or should I say, Officer?”
“Hey Jay,” she said, accepting his hug.
“I’m buying the first round in honor of our resident cake eater here.”
“What a gentleman,” Sonny said following him inside, winking at Lisa as he passed.
The rest of the team had already gathered, picking right up where they’d left off the night before. “That is ABSOLUTELY not how things went down in Panama,” Sonny said to uproarious laughter from the rest of the group.
“That’s exactly how I remember it,” Ray said. “Trent saving your ass from being taken by one of those ladies of the night. Only she wasn’t so much a lady of the night as she was a spy.”
“Spies look like all the other ladies. How was I supposed to know she was a spook?” He glanced up and saw Lisa heading for the bathroom. “‘Scuse me gentlemen. Nature calls.”
“Aw, come on Sonny!” Clay said.
“Y’all should talk about Shanghai!” Sonny shot back over his shoulder. “Far as I remember it was Trent’s ass that nearly ended up in the bottom of the ocean on that one.”
Lisa was just stepping out when he got there. He put one hand against the wall, effectively stopping her from walking out of the hallway that hid them from the rest of the bar. “What are you doing?” she asked.
“Just haven’t seen you in a couple hours. I missed you.”
“I’ve literally been across the bar.”
“Yeah but, that’s not exactly quite the same as what we were doing before we got here.” He leaned in and kissed her.
She pulled away and glanced over his shoulder as another burst of laughter filled the air. “You’re playing with fire Sonny.”
“Yeah well, I’m a little drunk.”
“A little?”
“A lot.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“Let’s go home.”
“And miss out on time with the boys? I think you can wait a little longer.”
“But I don’t want to,” he pouted.
“Too bad,” she said. “I want to finish my beer. You’re just gonna have to wait.”
She slipped under his arm and back into the bar. He watched her go, the sway of her hips driving him just a little bit crazy. Her cruelty knew no bounds this evening.
He waited exactly one more hour and then could take it no longer. “Well goodnight guys!” he called over the din of the bar. “Sleep tight and all that.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, you’re leaving?” Jason asked. “It’s your round!”
“Put it on my tab,” Sonny said. 
“What you got a hot date or something?” Clay asked.
“More like a booty call at this hour,” Brock said, checking his watch.
“I just need my beauty sleep,” Sonny claimed. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” He shot a pointed look at Lisa before stepping out the door.
He arrived home in short order and then waited patiently for Lisa’s arrival, which was another forty-five minutes later. He heard the door open, heard the lock click behind her, and then she wandered into his living room. “You trying to kill me woman?” he asked with a scowl. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said as she pulled off her boots.
“When I left, that was your cue to also leave.”
“Was it? Huh. I must have missed that somehow.” Her eyes sparkled as she sat on the bed. She’d known exactly what she was doing and clearly had enjoyed every second of making him wait.
“If you’re missing stuff like that we’re going to have to send you back to Sonny’s School of Secret Signals.”
“Ha!” She snorted. “And what exactly does that entail?”
“Well there are quite a few. You’re going to have to pay very close attention.”
“Am I now?”
“For example, this signal I’m giving you right here? This is the ‘I Would Like to Have Sex’ signal.”
She scrunched up her nose. “That’s it huh? You think maybe it could be a little bigger?”
He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her into the bedroom while she laughed. It turned out she was a pretty quick study.
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noscorpsaladerive · 7 years
Flo in Bordeaux!!!!
I wrote up mine and Emily’s experiences seeing Flo yesterday but the verb tenses are all over the place and this is REALLY LONG so it’s going under the cut I hope y’all enjoy :)
So Emily and I got to Bordeaux around noon but we couldn’t check in until 14h so we were walking around trying to find food that didn’t cost 20€ per person and we accidentally came across the theatre!!!  They had a couple posters with Flo’s face on them and I nearly died omg.  We saw a couple of vans outside and I’m guessing it was all of their equipment.
Skip forward a few hours and one mild freak out session that resulted in breathing exercises later, and Emily and I FINALLY head over to the theatre about an hour before showtime.  There are already quite a few people outside, which surprised me a little bit, but the age demographic was very strange.  Like there were a lot of women who were at least in their 40s and 50s and even a gaggle of preteen girls not that enjoying Flo’s music is limited to a certain age group but it was just an unexpected demographic (as Erin said it’s the same one as 50 Shades of Grey lol).  But anyway while we were standing outside I heard some music playing AND IT WAS FLO’S SOUNDCHECK.  I think he was playing J’attends encore but they just played part of it but it was still enough to cause a heart attack dear goodness
So we finally get into the theatre (and there was this whole drama about the staff holding onto my fancy camera during the concert because apparently photos weren’t allowed ugh but ANYWAY) and it like still hasn’t quite hit that I’m actually seeing Flo again??? I think part of it might’ve been the fact that we had to get up at like 4:45 in the morning to go to the train station but I was like scarily calm considering this is Flo we’re talking about.
The opening act was a band from Bordeaux called MO and they were actually really good!! I’d looked them up beforehand and their music seemed like French country and considering that I don’t like American country I wasn’t too excited but it was a little bit more soft pop than country and it almost reminded me of Diane’s music??  It was a very similar genre regardless.  They got the audience to do this like percussive song thing with them and it was really fun I’d definitely be happy to see them perform again.
Then after a good while where the crew moved instruments around and they adjusted the lighting one last time the band walked on stage and started playing some music then FLO WALKED ON STAGE AND I COULDN’T STOP GRINNING LIKE AN IDIOT and they keep playing then he gets interrupted by his mom calling and he finally turns around and I see his stupid face and I’m gonna die just writing about this omg and he’s so damn cute and he’s now wearing a hoop earring (we were on Flo’s left so we had great views of the earring haha) and omg I’m still dying
Anyways after the fake phone call with his mom they start playing Se serrer la main which is one of my fave songs on that album but like i wanted to like stand up and jam along but no one else was standing??? Concerts that take place in real theatres stress me out idk if we’re supposed to stand or sit or what but ANYWAY
after that song ended he asked « Y’a des drôles de filles ici ce soir?? »/« Are there any drôles de filles here tonight? » (sorry I can’t think of how to translate drôles de filles rn) but I FLIPPED MY SHIT QUELLE DRÔLE DE FILLE IS SUCH A JAM (plus it’s my blog title lol) uhhhh idk which songs were next and I’m too lazy to pull up my recording rn to check but he sang a new song and damn it was such a jam and he was like noodling and dancing across the stage and i was struck by two things:  1) he seemed SO COMFORTABLE in his own skin and in his own body and i know he’s struggled with body issues before so it warmed my heart to see him so comfortable with himself and 2) he leaned backwards at one point (a mini-Rosenberggggg lean if you will) and I noticed his abs through his shirt???  And I was like wtf????  Are his abs just THAT well defined or is his shirt kinda see through??? Later on after I saw his nipples I was like YEP that shirt’s see through oops.  I knew his outfit seemed too normal I was getting suspicious. He also dabbed at the end of that song and you could feel half the audience groaning hahaha.
Uh I’m forgetting the song order but for Les Blessures qui ne se voient pas he started out a cappella and people were kinda singing along at first but everyone stopped and it was literally a silent theatre full of people listening to nothing but Flo’s voice and it was so beautiful and powerful I almost cried.  Oh I also almost cried when he did Te Ressembler because I wasn’t expecting him to do that song and it reminds me so much of the relationship I have with my mother and it just gets to me man.
After maybe like half an hour he started the whole bit where he tells us his life story starting with Canada which is a shame that he doesn’t start earlier because I would literally die to hear him perform some Lost Smile.  So he starts out the bit at a bar and he orders a rum and coke from the bartender (aka the guitarist who was wiping down his guitar with a towel as if it was a bar countertop lol) so the guitarist pours him a glass of wine and calls it rum and coke and Flo says « What kind of rum is this? » and the bartender/guitarist says « It’s Bordeaux rum! » and everyone screams since we’re in Bordeaux and Flo says that the best rum is from Bordeaux and everyone screams some more.
He talked about the friend he wrote « Alone » for then he performed said song and I nearly died I never in a million years thought I would ever hear him perform Canada songs live but also I feel like Emily and I were the only ones who knew the song???  The general feeling I got from the audience was confusion while I was jamming along having the time of my life.  The only other Canada song he performed was Mrs Mary which I don’t know as well as Alone but oh well.  
Next he did the getting a call to come audition for MOR and the fake audition and he was acting all cute and when the casting director aka the keyboardist asked how old he was he said 27 and like half of the audience squealed he was acting so cute then this motherfucker went and sang Bohemian Rhapsody which is ANOTHER song I thought I’d never hear him perform live and I just about died and cried I was a roller coaster of emotions last night okay?
Then he sang « L’Assasymphonie » and we all stood up and jammed and I’m pretty sure there was eye contact happening between us and I was living for it seeing Flo perform that song gives me life I have a video too but I’ll be uploading all my videos, pics, and recordings later.
Then he got a fake call from Dove (and I squealed really loudly when Flo mentioned Dove) and Dove said he’d had a dream about Flo with a big sword (ahem) and that’s how he introduced Quelque chose de magique and I died all over again it was like this really awesome rock arrangement and I was living for it @Dove why don’t you get Flo to do the arrangements for your musicals from now on at least that way you can’t tell him to chop all his hair off but I digress.  Tbh I’m really glad Flo did Quelque chose de magique because Mon combat is awkwardly just out of his lower range and Auprès d’un autre is just...yeah.  But it was so great to hear him sing LRA live again I was so pumped.
At some point during the musicals or just after Flo took another sip of the wine (which the guitarist had been drinking lol) and he said « Fuck that’s good I’m gonna need three or four more glasses » and tbh same but after the musicals they brought out a drum and let Flo drum for a bit and they did Sur mon nuage then he did Arrête somewhere in there???  Oh and the slow version of Je ne sais pas (which is the better version imo) which he apparently wrote about the girl who dumped him in Canada which I totally didn’t realize.
Then he was winding down the show and did that sped up version of Quoi de neuf which stresses me out because it’s so damn fast and he also kept switching up the lyrics in the chorus???? Like dude wtf I can’t sing along if you keep changing it!!!!
He left the stage afterwards but came back to do another new song whose name I forgot and he tried to teach us the chorus and was like « it’s really easy!! » but I couldn’t understand the words he was singing???? Oh well maybe he’ll release it on his next album whenever that’s happening (which he hasn’t even mentioned another album so I’m not holding my breath lol) then he ended with Qu’est-ce qu’un homme which is such a good song y’all it’s SO GOOD. But y’all when he had his arms around his band members to bow the Floobs were out they were really out there and idk how to process this information.
We headed outside to see about stagedooring and there ended up being two groups of fans at two different exits and we were kind of eying each other trying to figure out who was going to be right and if we needed to rush to the other side but all of the sudden everyone rushed to one of the theatre’s main doors??? So Emily and I rushed along and we were all penguin huddled together and no one really knew what was happening but we were all just waiting while the theatre staff opened the door and let a few fans in at a time.  We finally figured out that we were meeting Flo inside which I thought was nice since that way he wasn’t being crowded by a bunch of fans at the same time.
So Emily and I finally get inside except I’m getting loopy because of lack of sleep and we really hadn’t eaten that much that day either and I was SO CLOSE to deciding I was going to tell Flo I was disappointed he didn’t do any Lost Smile lol.  So the line of fans goes around a corner so we can’t really see what’s happening until we get up close and we can see the dudes that opened the show and we thought Flo would be after them but no you greet Flo first and that’s when my heart started beating real fast I wasn’t fucking ready y’all but we were doing it.
So I finally get up to Flo and he and a staff member are talking about how many people are still waiting and he didn’t quite see me at first when I handed him my ticket to sign and when they’re done talking I quietly say « hi » and Flo finally sees me and y’all he got so fucking excited I was so worried he wouldn’t recognize us but he did!!!!!!!! Even though it’s been almost two years!!!!! He asks us how we’ve been and he seemed so sincere and genuine and so interested like he really did want to know how we had been doing and as he’s signing Emily’s ticket I asked what his cat’s name was and he said he wasn’t saying right now but that he was going to announce it later.  But he did tell us his cat was super sweet and that he didn’t make too much noise in the morning and that he will play fetch like a dog and I was like omg my cat too!!! I’m also 95% sure at some point during this convo I straight up told Flo I love his cat but idk if he heard but he didn’t seem weirded out lol so that was good.  Flo took selfies with me then while he was taking selfies with Emily I said, « The concert was better than Harry Potter » (a reference to the classic « Song For A Lunatic ») and he was trying so hard not to lose it mid-selfie and I’m pretty sure it was the cause of the blep in Emily’s selfies it was so fucking great hahaha then the theatre staff fussed at all of us because we were taking so long but it was so worth it. He thanked us for coming and seemed really sincere about it like it wasn’t in just a « I need something to close this convo with fans » way it was like really genuine and this man and his sincerity will be the death of me.
Emily and I stayed calm until we got outside the theatre then we fucking lost it and screamed at Emily’s mom on the phone while she was at work because FLORENT MOTHE RECOGNIZED US and he had like a substantial conversation with us and he didn’t with the people ahead of us and he smiled SO MUCH in our selfies it was so amazing I feel so validated as a fan like one of my all time fave singers actually knows who I am and I’m dying.
I recorded most of the concert so I’ll post that recording and some pictures and videos later on!!  Damn this turned out wayyy longer than expected lol.
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whatwillbe-blog · 7 years
Chapter 57
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It’s crazy… when I first got here everybody and they mama was going off on me, cussing me out, and damn near telling me to leave and not to come back until she was by my side. And yet the second I attempted to leave all I got instead was talk and complaints about how I never come home no more and how badly they wanted me to stay. When Mijo called I was ready to hop a flight and go back to Los Angeles so we could get on another flight to Bridgetown and go get our women but my family put an end to that plan. They held on so damn tight Mijo ended up flying to me so we could leave out of Virginia together. 
His arrival delayed us a few more days because my mother, sister, aunts, and female cousins had to heap a bunch of loving on him as well. My family took to Mijo from the moment they met him and it’s the same thing everything he comes around. They love up on him hoping to chase away that sad vibe the estrangement from his sister and family had on him. They love up him until they see genuine smiles and then they hug up a little more tighter. Punk said he was in a rush to go and get his girl but he ate up and loved every minute of the over love my family gave to him. Shit almost made me mad especially when he joined the choir of folks voicing my faults when it came to Robyn which resulted in even more loving from them. One more “Mijo so smart” comment I was that much closer to not going with him but then I would get a picture from Robyn and every not going thought was forgotten.
I’m convinced she’s trying to torture and kill me instantaneously. In every picture her bikini is getting smaller and smaller and her pose is getting sexier and sexier. I thought sending her that video would calm her little hot ass down but the shit she sent me back in return almost had me blowing up my mama’s house by instant combustion and going to my pastor and confessing all my sins cause damn. How her fingers can go that far inside of her coupled with how she had her body arched and angled… I swear that image damn near had me falling to me knees praying for strength, sanity, and a weeklong erection when we finally come face to face. The things I want and will do to her are so damn unholy even my mama’s prayers might not be enough to save me, her, or our admittance to our heavenly home. Her body is just… it makes me want to do things that will have us both in traction after we do them once, twice, or a dozen times. 
I miss being with her like that. During that whole dual dating nonsense she made so many vows about how we wouldn’t sex each other crazy cause it wasn’t fair to McCreepy but the second after she would make that vow we was right back at it. I’d tell her some bullshit about just putting the tip in and she would go along with it knowing all along that I was lying. One time I promised her that I would lay flat with no touching and just let her grind on me until we both got off and yet before I could even attempt to not keep my promise she was riding the shit out of me telling me where to touch, tease, rub, and suck. She did this reverse twist with her hips and literally spun around on me pulling out a reverse cowgirl that had my ass screaming and begging for a reprieve.
“What are you thinking about…?” Slowly smiling as I looked over at Mijo, “You already know…” “I don’t even want to imagine the two of you together when y’all finally come face to face…” “I’m going to behave myself… I don’t know about Robyn…” “Punk whatever… I heard your struggle breathing when you were checking your phone a couple of nights ago…” “If you had seen that damn picture…” quickly shaking my head, “shit I’m glad it was just a picture… if it had been a video I’m more than sure my mama would have disowned my ass by the time I was done…” “I don’t even want to ask but…” “The shit was so damn beautiful… if I could… damn…” “That good?” “If I could I would get that damn pic tatted on the palm of my hand so whenever I beat my shit I can fake like she the one doing it to me…” Shaking his head as he frowned at me, “Don’t make me go back to ignoring yo ass…: “Punk you asked… “That don’t mean you was supposed to tell me…” “I bet Mel got yo ass twisting too…” Softly laughing, “Why the hell you think we on this damn plane… I’m going crazy without my Sweetness…” “Y’all too much…” “You remember the first time we came to BIM with our little Songbird?” “That’s when you started calling her that…” “I didn’t know she had a voice on her until we went there and her people made her get in front of everybody and sing… the look on your face…” “I was in fucking awe… when we got back home I made her sing for me every chance I could…” Softly laughing again, “Y’all corny…” “I know you ain't talking…” “Shut up and go back to lusting over a damn picture…” “You better hope I don’t have to go to the bathroom…” Shaking his head, “I can already tell we won’t be talking by the time we get to BIM…”
Laughing as Mijo put back on his headphones in his attempt to ignore me I can’t stop my mind from going back to the first time Robyn brought me and Mijo to Barbados with her. Mijo and I asked her so many damn questions about her family and friends on the way over there. We were getting on her nerves asking question after question but for whatever reason we wanted to make a good impression on her people and let them know that we were in LA taking good care of Robyn. We face timed Melissa and Leandra countless times before but to actually come face to face with them had both me and Mijo shaking in our damn boots. When I took Robyn to Tappa everybody instantly loved her and she told me I would get the same love in return but still I wasn’t too sure. But with first glance at her friends as we stepped off the plane it was like we knew them forever and everything we good from that point on. They had us all over that island and by the fourth day we had perfected our accents and was claiming Bridgetown as our own.
Coming to visit Barbados was everything she promised it would be and if we could have we would have extended our stay for forever but life and bills back in Cali wasn’t haven’t that. I turned to Robyn ready to negotiate a little longer stay and I could something was off with her. She was smiling and laughing with everyone but it wasn’t showing in her eyes. The only thought in my head was doing something to put that look back in her eyes but I didn’t know what. 
Somehow it ended up being just the two of us left at the house… everyone else off elsewhere showing Mijo something they swore he would absolutely love. When Robyn didn’t want to go my choice was made as well… I wasn’t going either. It was only me and her left and I was doing everything I could think of to put that look back in her eyes but nothing was working and I was running out of ideas until I went and did the unthinkable.
I stuffed my big, tall. Lanky ass in somebody’s two piece yellow bikini and attempted to do a strip tease for her. She did everything she could to keep from laughing and giving in to me and she almost succeeded until Leandra and Melissa busted into the room with instant confusion on their faces. She fell out in genuine laughter as I attempted to explain to her friends who weren’t having it. In between them calling me every freak in the book my gaze went back to Robyn and my embarrassment was worth it. In that moment I promised myself that no matter how much of an ass I had to make of myself I was willing to do it to keep that look on her face. I’ve had more than a few ass acting moments but with every smile and genuine sound of laughter it’s all been worth it. After we burned all remnants of that bikini we headed to the beach and whatever we were flipped and became forever changed between us.
That night… that was the night Cove Bay happened. Her crew had a big bonfire going on the beach. The vibe and the people was everything we wanted it to be. Good green was burning, drinks were flowing, laughter, good conversation was happening, and I was feeling every minute of it but Robyn it seems had other plans. With my hand in hers we took off walking down and around the beach and by the time I looked up it felt like it was only the two of us all alone on the island. She explained we were in some little enclave that she used to escape to when she needed to clear her head. It’s obvious she had this little jaunt down the beach planned and she smiled back at me as she again took my hand helping me to sit on a blanket already laid out for us.
We sat staring at each other… no need for words but silently saying everything that needed to be said. My heart was beating a million beats a second and yet I felt calm, serene, and I knew I was where I was supposed to be. I attempted to utter a word or two but the slow shaking of Robyn’s head stilled my words so I simply stared back at her waiting for her to take whatever this is wherever she wanted to take it. And yet my breathing stopped as she slowly removed her shirt from her body. I would be lying if I said I didn’t want Robyn like that or that I never fantasized about this very moment happening but my fantasies didn’t come remotely close to the real thing happening in front of me.
Her breasts were perfect… hell everything about her was perfect but her breasts… we’ve never come close to doing anything like this but I’ve seen her naked breasts on more than one occasion. The night she got her nipple pieced I was still staying with her and she rushed into my room and she flashed me the finished result. I’ve spent days and nights caressing and kissing and using my tongue to sooth whatever hurt her piercing might cause but we never looked at my “help” as anything more than that… one friend helping the other. But her body was perfect and as she quickly stood removing the remainder of her clothes whatever rationale thought I thought I had left was all but gone. She slowly walked towards me in all her wondrous naked splendor and I sat there like a dumbass momentarily frozen and unsure what to do… let me change that… I knew what I wanted to do but in my dumbness was more about what to do first, how long to do it, and what position to do it. Like I said I’ve been having fantasies but for it to possibly be happening in the moment had me stuck on pause.
Robyn took all thought and indecision out of my hand as she stood in front of me tenderly touching my cheek. I stared up at her and read her want before I leaned forward and tenderly kissed her stomach. I wanted to please her orally in every way possible but before I could put thought into action she moved away from changing my every thought, breath, and action. Sitting in front of me once again Robyn stared back at me as she slowly began move her hands down her neck and shoulders until she gathered her breasts in her hands touching and caressing and fondling her breasts how I longed to. Quickly licking the tip of her finger she slowly rubbed and pulled and manipulated her nipples until they hardened and damn near begged to be sucked.
If watching her touch her breasts almost did me in I can’t even begin or attempt to explain my feelings as her hands slowly moved lower once again. Hearing a soft whimper as fingers quickly danced across her clit my shit was so damn hard and yet I’m almost frozen on what to do next.
Lighting biting her bottom lip, “I wanna see it…” “Rob…” Softly whispering, “Show me what I do to you…”
My mind went after that and in the next blink of an eye I was as naked as she slowly jacking my shit as she stared back at me. Every time my thumb rubbed the tip of me I don’t know who moaned out more… her or me… but watching her as she pleasured herself as she watched me do the same is something I don’t think I will ever forget. And with every moan… every whisper… every staggered breath I was that much closer to coming undone. With her head thrown back as her fingers disappeared deeper still inside of her I moved closer increasing my speed and stroke. This whole scene… moment… feeling is  something I never imagined anything like this ever happening and I’m so damn close to cumming I’m damn near ready to fall at her feet and spazz the hell out from all of it. I hear the hitch in her breathing as her fingers increase in speed and I know she’s just as close as I am to nirvana.
Falling to her back her eyes slowly opened to lock with mine and I froze lost in the fullness of this moment. With fascinated eyes I watched as her orgasm claimed her and her moans called to me and triggered mine as well. With one final stroke I erupted spilling my seed across her stomach. My eyes widened and I don’t quite know what to do… this is my Robyn… my best friend… my Songbird and I have no clue on how to react. Before Robyn I really never had a girlfriend. There were chicks that hung around for a while or two that I readily did things with but when I was in Tappa I was too busy going through any and every girl that was willing to consider them anything more than what they were. I’ve sprayed more than a few body parts with my seeds only caring that they did not up inside the chick I was just with but with Robyn… with Robyn I stood there like an inexperienced school boy incredibly embarrassed not only what to do next. 
Ready to run around to find something to wipe away my seed on her I stilled as I watched Robyn use the edge of the blanket cleaning herself before staring back at me once again. She was driving whatever this was and as her hand extended to mine I was ready and willing to go and do whatever she wanted of me. Fitting and laying in the center of her I stared down at my best friend knowing that whatever we were before this night had been changed and if I were honest in that very moment I was terrified. At that point we were only friends and yet she honestly meant everything to me. I couldn’t or wouldn’t imagine life without her so to change that with actions we could control I almost pulled away from her to tell her over and over that we shouldn’t go there but then she whispered to me and the possibility of stopping was as good as gone.
Softly whispering as she stared up at me, “I want this…” “Robyn…” Lightly biting her bottom lip as her hand moved down between our bodies, “I want you…” ”If we go there…” Slowly shaking her head, “No more talking…”
Even if I wanted to protest the feel of her hand wrapping around me I was literally reduced to putty in her hands once again doing whatever she wanted me to do. Staring back at her my hand covered hers my turn to take control of what we were doing. Leaning into her I covered her mouth with mine slowly savoring and enjoying the taste and feel of her kiss. I’m feeling a million different things at once and I don’t want this moment to end. In the back of my mind something is screaming over and over that we shouldn’t be doing this but as her tongue moved against mine I blocked out those shouts and gave in to what we both wanted.
My kissing moving down her neck I slowly eased into her and instantly knew what heaven felt like. I’ve never felt anything even remotely close to that feeling and I literally froze on top of her honestly and literally close to tears. I was in the process of losing my shit fumbling and freezing because I wanted to make this moment amazing for her and yet I didn’t know what to do first. I’ve had sex what felt like million times and I’m pretty damn good at it if I have to say so myself but I wanted something more for her. I wanted her to feel every emotion and every feeling I’m feeling because this has to mean as much to her as it meant to me. I want her… the whispered call of my name pushed every jumbled up thought and indecision and I simply started to move.
I instantly became fascinated by each look of her face as I created a rhythm we both could enjoy. I never expected this to happen between us and with every moan, every whisper, every pull of me closer still I never want this to end. Her arms wrapped around my neck we shared another slow opened mouth kiss in no rush to end what we began. Slowly moving together until our moan filled our secluded slice of heaven I pulled and pushed into her until we both called out our completeness. There was no awkwardness or confusion as we stared back at each other because in the back of both of our minds we both knew it changed us and we became something more than what we were before. Taking her hand in mine I led her to into the warm water cleansing off our first of many go rounds of the night.
As I laid her once again on I completed yet another first as I orally pleased a woman for the first time ever. Like I said before Robyn I never had an attempt of a girlfriend so the thought or want never crossed my mind. In Tappa I was too busy going through them and no way in hell was about to do anything to bring them any kind of oral pleasure but with Robyn I had to… with Robyn I wanted my tongue to take her to please her in every way I couldn’t. Directing her to open her legs a little wider so I could once again rest in the valley of her I leaned forward as I slowly moved my tongue against her skin instantly becoming addicted on the taste of her. I lost myself in her and her taste and I think I licked her from front to back to front again and it was still not enough.
Softly whispering, “That was our first time…” “Huh?” “We never did anything together until that first time she took us to Bridgetown…” “Who didn’t know that?” Quickly looking over at him, “Huh?” “I damn near lived with y’all at that point remember… I saw how y’all acted around each other and I also saw how y’all acted the morning after y’all went missing… hell everyone pretty much knew what went down with the two of you and then y’all wouldn’t stop sexing after that so… punk you were already gone at that point when it came to her…” “I never wanted her like that…” quickly shaking my head, “I mean I wanted her so damn bad but I was happy with our friendship and her just being a part of my life…” “I remember when you first brought her around… I never saw you treat a chick like that. You were so damn different around her… like you literally wouldn’t leave her side and every word she said… no matter what it was your face would light up and…” Softly laughing, “Whatever…” “No I’m serious… the way you would look at her… even then it was obvious that you loved her…” Softly whispering, “I think I loved her from the first second I saw her. I acted like a complete ass and I hurt her feelings and I swear it felt like the end of my damn world when she walked away hurt and angry… I wanted to run up behind her and beg her for forgiveness in between promising never to hurt her or her feelings again and I didn’t even know her name at that point…” “Then why the hell you waste all that damn time with all them other broads you constantly brought around?” Softly sighing, “Cause I was dumb…” “Yes you were…” “I still have my moments…” “Yes the hell you do… you need to tighten that shit up…” “Me staying away like she told me to was me attempting…” Softly laughing, “And yet yo ass is on his way there…” “I’m only going because my brother was feenin’ for his Sweetness and I tagged along so his ass wouldn’t pass out before he got to her…” “Like yo’ ass ain't feenin’ too…” Pointedly looking at him, “Exact reason I gotta make that damn tattoo happen…”
My last statement too much Mijo shook his head as he blocked me and the rest of my comments with the music blaring out of his headphones. It’s for the best though… with the way I’m thinking, feeling, and reminiscing I’m almost afraid of the shit that might come flying out of my mouth. I don’t even know how we are going to get to them when we land but all I know is I can’t wait. My mother and aunt’s words turning in my head and I sat back imagining every word I’ll say to her when we finally come face to face. Truth speaking and knowing how I’m feeling right now every word dreamed is going to be forgotten the second I hold her in my arms.
That last pic she sent me flashing in my head my thoughts flip and switch again and I can’t help but begin to pray that Leandra has some place to go or some strong ass ear plugs cause I’m about to but in damn work. She knew exactly what she was doing when she sent them pics so it’s only right I show her the effect they had on me. Against my better judgment I listened to the last video she sent me. There were no images of body parts or angles or positions she shouldn’t be shifted in. Instead it was just of the sounds she was making as she sped towards her orgasm. Hearing every moan… every whimper… every sharp intake of breath had me shaking and spazzing and coming apart as she did the same. I swear I could literally hear how wet she was and whatever she was doing was only making her wetter and that damn sound had me falling to my knees clutching my heart because she was truly trying to kill me. The last sound on that clip was the soft call of my name and after every listen I promise myself that no matter what I have to do I’m going to hear that sound again.
A laughing Rorrey was waiting for us at the airport and any and every excuse and reason we had for being here only made him laugh at us even harder. Being the ass that he is of course he didn’t take us directly to Mel and Leandra’s house. Every stop we made he claimed was important but they were anything but. I think he drove past their house more than a dozen times laughing at every drive by. I was tempted on more than one occasion to jump out of his speeding car to get to my girl but I needed everything in working order when we finally came face to face so I kept my desperate ass in the car. After a not so friendly threat from Mijo Rorrey finally guided his truck in the direction of Melissa’s house. As I finally stood in front of Melissa’s house I was nervous as hell but I was equally calm all because of her. I chanced a glance in my brother’s direction and I couldn’t stop my laughter because every emotion I was struggling through was clearly displayed on his face as well. So while I was on the plane driving myself crazy he was doing the same thing just hiding it just a little better than me. His gaze catching mine we threw a head nod back at each other before we turned to Rorrey and all but forced him to go in first to help aid in our surprise.
We took less than two steps inside before Sweetness was in Mijo’s arms and my presence all but forgotten. I stood there and attempted to question Melissa as to where my woman was but she was wrapped so tightly around Mijo any answers I hoped to get weren’t coming. I walked further into the house hoping and wanting for my girlfriend to come jump in my arms in excitement at the sight of me but that never happened. For all the cars in front of the house it was surprisingly empty as I slowly walked through the house looking for Robyn. Dropping my bag in the room I assumed she was using I continued my search until I came across the crew lounging out on the back patio. 
Even with her back to me I could tell she was in her head and ignoring everything going on around her. Rorrey came in and riled up the crew and he was in the middle of a cuss down session with Leandra and Sonita and once again I was ignored. My urge to go to her and wrap her in my arms was at an all time high and yet I stopped myself. I tried conjuring up all the words I planned to say to her in my head and yet as I opened my mouth to speak even I shook my head at the mess I muttered out.
“I’m not putting on a damn bikini this time…”
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I hear his voice and I literally cannot move and the way things are going it’s probably my mind playing tricks on me again. I’ve watched that damn video of him jerking off so many times I would almost feel ashamed of myself if I had any shame left. I only gave him head once but after my last watching of that damn video I made a vow to myself that the first time I see him again to fall to my knees and bless that thick beautiful piece of meat with the sloppiest, nastiest, longest oral blessing of his life. Fuck a gag reflex… I want him at the back of my thought tickling vocal cords and tonsils and making it hard for me to breathe, think, or do anything but suck his ass dry.
If Melissa or Leandra had a clue of what my thoughts have been since the first viewing of that clip I would never hear the end of it. Hell if they knew how many times I’ve actually watched that damn clip they would disown me. It’s almost shameful but his penis is so damn beautiful and it’s mine and I want it so damn bad it’s not healthy. I’m not that girl… everyone has that one friend that so damn vulgar ready to talk about sex and positions and every nasty thing she ever done… normally I’m not that girl but damn it with the way I’m feeling and emotion I feel after every watch of that video I’m about to be. After that mess with Yohan I came back here and put that clip on a continuous loop and had to stop myself from calling in Melissa and Leandra to come watch it with me. I swear I heard every moan and every deep intake of breath as if he was in front of me giving me a private show and I got turned on even more. That clip forever takes me back to the first time we did anything more than his tongue on an aching nipple and I want it even more.
“So you really about to ignore me after I came all this way?” Slowly shaking my head, “I swear if you’re not behind me…”
When I received no response or answer from my words I couldn’t help but drop my head and shoulders in disappointment. With all the fuckery Yohan is convinced in bringing my way I really could use Chris by my side. I’ve been back here dreaming, lusting, and fantasizing about his penis but even if we didn’t come close to doing anything sexual him just being here would be enough for me. I miss him. I ran to Bridgetown with Melissa and Leandra with the premise of clearing my head and getting clarity while we packed Mel up and nothing I claimed to happen has happened yet. I’m still just as jumbled in the head as before and Mel ain’t packed shit. She hasn’t even attempted to grab a box to load anything and none of us have opened our mouths to question her why. She was so ready to move and be with Mijo so her dragging her feet makes no sense. I thought to ask Leandra but I don’t have the energy for that encounter or whatever answers she would give me. As much as she claimed not to be headed to LA too I’ve seen her do more than Melissa when it came to wrapping her life up here but I’m not ready to ask her about that either.
“Baby I really don’t want to wear no damn bikini but if that’s what it takes to get you to talk to me…” Slowly whispering with my back still to him, “Chris…” “Yeah baby…” “When… why did you come here?” “I missed you…” Slowly nodding my head, “I missed you too…” “Then turn around and look at me…”
Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes as I slowly turned in his direction. Even with that brief question and answer session I still wasn’t convinced that he was actually here. With the way my mind has been going and with my luck our whole back and forth was probably just my imagination working overtime and getting the best of me as usual and truth be told I’m just not ready to face that disappointment.
Softly whispering, “Baby look at me…”
Slowly opening my eyes my breath caught as his handsome face stared back at me. As silly as it seems I feel almost over emotional that he’s suddenly here with me. I wanted him here but I just didn’t know how to voice it and yet somehow before I even attempted to speak out my needs he was here staring back at me.
“Baby I’m here and…” “Oh hell no…”
I guess I’m not the only one noticing Chris was here. His sudden appearance totally made me forget that Leandra, Sonita, and Noella was out here with me helping to set up for a small cookout we were about to have. As usual I got lost in my thoughts of him so while they were working I was thinking all things Chris.
As he continued to stare back at me, “Hello to you too Leandra…” “What yo light bright ass doing here? Didn’t she tell you to stay away?” “I tried but I missed her…” “That’s what cell phones and texts are for… you could have called or texted her or…” “I missed touching her…” “You got chicks waiting on the side you could have called up and touched… you didn’t have to bring yo ass here…” “I called them and they didn’t answer which is for the best since the only chick I’m really trying to touch is standing here staring back at me…” Shaking her head, “Why yo weird ass friend ain't keep you from getting on that plane? You not wanted or needed here so you might as well turn around and…” Softly whispering, “Lee…” “I know your cunt ass ain't fall for this mess…”
I stared back at Leandra willing my eyes to say what my voice couldn’t. Despite all her words and antics she knew Chris being here was everything I wanted and needed… especially with Yohan lurking around. Not only that… she more than anyone knew how badly I was missing him. She walked in on one of our face time dates and she got an eyeful of something she more than likely never wanted to see. Before she could say more to send him back his way Melissa returned to the back patio in Mijo’s arms and our little cookout turned into a kickback and phone calls and calls to come party quickly went out.
When the rest saw Mijo and Chris sudden hugs and welcomes went around and before any of us could blink the back patio was filled with friends, music, and good vibes. Of course Rorrey was the main one hyping everyone up with his over the top self. Since our initial conversation I haven’t gotten the chance to say hi, bye, boo, or anything else to Chris and it’s driving me crazy. Rorrey dragged him to an impromptu dance floor wanting him to teach him some dance move he swore he saw Chris do. I wanted him to say no but everyone crowded around them hoping to see something and I’ve been stuck in singlesville by myself from the moment he got here. He’s stuck in Rorrey’s world so there’s no telling when he’ll get close enough to pull me to him and make me forget about all the time I’ve been here without him.
I look quickly at Melissa and I’m trying my damnedest not to be jealous of her. She and Mijo have been practically wrapped around each other from the moment they joined us out here. They’re in lovebird heaven and nothing or no one around them exist let alone matter. I’m convinced there’s some conspiracy to keep me and Chris apart because every time he’s seemingly headed in my direction someone came and pulled him in the opposite way so again I’m alone. Looking around at the crew I caught Lee’s smirking face and I just knew she’s the mastermind behind the Keep Robyn and Chris apart and the first chance I get I’m cussing her cunt ass out. She swears she means no harm in the shit she be doing but with every keep away I’m less and less convinced of that half truth.
Thankfully… miraculously… amazingly… mercifully the crew started leaving much sooner than we thought they would. But considering Mel and Mijo disappeared damn near minutes after arriving to the kickback the whole vibe had changed. Unlike Leandra the rest of the crew cared about feelings and what folks wanted so they stayed long enough to have a good time while promising to come back and really hang when both Mijo and Chris would be around. Hugged out as the last of the crew left it was just Chris and I as we stared back at each and the loud mouth that was Leandra making unnecessary comments besides us.
“Y’all might as well stop that shit…” Questioning Leandra as he stared intently at me, “Leandra you go somewhere you can go tonight?” “No… and even if I did I’m not about to leave my house for you to…” Interrupting her as she rambled on, “Well do you have some ear buds or…” “Why would I need that?” Slowly looking me up and down, “Cause I’m about to fick the shit out of your friend…” “No the hell you not…” Softly whispering as he shook his head, “I have to…” “No you don’t…” “That last video she sent me…” “I don’t want to hear or know about no video she sent you where she in there being nasty…” Once again shaking his head, “She’s not in the video… but the video… that damn video…” “What about it?” “All I heard… all I hear was sounds…” softly sighing as he closed his eyes and continued, “I could hear how wet she was and I just knew…” “Baby…” “I just knew… I knew she was thinking about me just like I was thinking of her….” “That don’t mean you get to come in here and talking about fucking her and…” “More than just fucking her until she can’t move…” locking eyes with me once again, “I’m going to do that baby and it’s going to be so damn good you won’t be able to walk, talk, think, or do anything else but roll over and do same thing to me…”
I feel like I’m falling deeper into a trance with each word he said and it doesn’t matter if Leandra came up with a million different reasons why we shouldn’t be together tonight we still were. Hear him as he continued to whisper back to me I was ready to strip bare and give him any and everything he asked of me.
Softly whispering, “Can we do that baby?” continuing at my nod, “but I was honest when I said I missed her… I missed holding her… laughing with her… talking with her… just being with her…”
With every whisper of what he missed Chris took a step closer to me and by the time he whispered his final miss he was standing in front of me staring down into my eyes. In that moment… hell every moment since he arrived I am his for the taking… ready and willing to do whatever he commanded me to do. My breath suddenly stilled as he extended his hand to gently caress my face and every thought, want, and emotion was mirrored in his eyes as well and if it’s at all possible I fell just a little deeper still into him. He came to me… I gave him every reason and excuse why we needed this time apart and yet when I needed him the most and without a single word he came to me.
Softly whispering, “I knew you needed me…” “How?” “Cause I needed you just as bad…”
That was all it took… Leandra or whoever else be damned… we are about to do some things in my damn room tonight, tomorrow, and they day after that until we can no longer function or think straight. As much as I want it to be soft and tender our first go round will be anything but. His hand in mine and regardless to Leandra yelling in the background I turned and led Chris in from the patio towards my room.
Angrily yelling, “I hate y’all!”
Securing the lock on my door I took a slow deep breath before I turned in Chris’ direction and yet I damn near turned right back around as my gaze caught his. I knew exactly what that look meant and my poor insides might not survive.
Softly whispering, “Come here Robyn…” “Chris…” “I said come here…” Softly whispering in return as I shook my head, “You come here…”
No sooner than the words left my mouth Chris was in front of me pushing me against the locked door. As he picked me up my legs quickly wrapped around his waist as his lips joined mine. And like a synchronized dance as his tongue moved against mine our clothes fell away. His kiss moving down my neck I couldn’t stop my moan as his hand covered my breast fondling, caressing, and invoking my nipple to respond to his touch. Accompanying words with his touch I’m damn near undone and we haven’t really don’t anything yet.
“I played that last video over and over…” Breathlessly as his breath warmed my skin, “Baby…” “I could hear how wet you were and all I wanted to do was bury my tongue in it cause you taste so damn good…”
As he moved his kisses and words to the other side of my neck his touch moved down my body and as his finger slowly drummed a rhythm against my clit Chris softly whispered to me once again rendering me useless and unable to respond to him.
Softly whispering, “I been keeping a secret from you…” “What?” “That first time I tasted you…” “Yeah…” Gently kissing me behind my ear as his fingers increased in speed, “That was the first time I ever…” “Ever?” Slowly nodding, “No one deserved it before you…” gently whispering as he eased his fingers inside of me, “or after…” “Chris…”
I couldn’t even attempt to finish calling out his name or anything else as he added another finger deep inside of me. I’m speeding towards bliss and as much as I wanted to slow down and drag him with me I can’t and before I can put thought to effort I called out to him as my juices covered and coated his digits. I’m once again in a trance as I watched him remove his fingers from me only to bring them to his mouth to slowly lick my taste from them. Hearing his soft ass moan I snapped and I quickly pushed at him wanting momentarily to be in control of things.
Going to my knees in front of him I gathered him in my hand stroking and coaxing him to harden and grow. Seeing a few drops of pre cum at his tip I made my fantasies come to life and swallowed him whole. I’m sucking and slurping feeling close to dizzy as his dick danced down my throat. With one hand braced against the door for support his other tangled in my hair as he quickened his thrust as he sped towards his bliss. This was about getting him off and making him feel as good as I did but with each slam of his hips driving him further down my throat I’m about ready to fall in a heap at his feet shaking and shivering from just how good it all feels.
And yet before ecstasy and euphoria could overtake me Chris pushed me from him leaving me momentarily lost and confused as I stared up at him. Shaking his head stilling my words and questions before they were even spoken Chris snatched me up directing me towards the bed directing me to lay back and open up for him. Propping myself up on my elbows I crossed my legs over the other enthralled as I lost myself watching want and desire in his every move. With slow deliberate moves Chris came into me uncrossing my legs and positioning me how he wanted me. Lust and anticipation damn near drowned me as he stood at the end of the bed staring back at me. Biting my bottom lip as he slowly spread my legs I stared at him in return already knowing the ride he’s about to take me on. It’s crazy… he’s done nothing more than opened my legs and stared at me and I’m fighting back pending orgasms and convulsions at the sight of him slowly licking his bottom lip at the meal I presented him with. I’m wet and slick and I’m to feel his tongue in and on me so damn bad it’s not even remotely healthy or right.
Softly whispering, “Damn baby…”
His turn to kneel Chris opened my legs a little wider before he went to his knees and buried his mouth, tongue, and taste in the center of me. He has me in his control and with each swipe, twist, twirl, curl, and lick of his tongue he knows it too. Pausing his devouring of me Chris momentarily moved his tongue from the center of me only to drive me even crazier by gently kissing the soft skin on the inside of my thighs. Too many feeling hitting at once I tried to push him away from me needing a break to catch and calm my mind but he wasn’t having it. Flipping on my side be again buried his head between my parted thighs sending his tongue and taste in places even I didn’t know I had.
I know I should be quiet. And I know come morning or whenever we leave my room we will hear it over and over and over from Leandra but I can’t stop myself. He has me positioned on my knees with my legs spread as fall as they could go without me collapsing to the bed and he is literally feasting on me. His fingers tenderly opened me wider and his tongue is darting and dancing claiming my mind, body, and soul. I screamed out his name as he slowly licked my juices than ran down my thighs as yet another orgasm takes over me. With my head buried in my pillows trying to find and control my breathing and my ass tooted in the air I’m done and ready to tap out but of course Chris has another agenda and yet another scream ripped through the air as he buried himself deep inside of me. I can’t even attempt to explain how damn good he felt as he moved in and out of me. I went from screaming to begging to chanting his name over and over with each move of his hips.
Softly whispering as his grip tightened on my hips, “You feel so damn good…” “Chris…” “I just want to make you feel good…”
From that moment on our bodies were flipped and turned and twisted into as many positions as we could think up and yet never stopping as we rushed and fell over into bliss and nirvana over and over again. His hands readily moved up and down my body touching and caressing and claiming all of me as I sat atop him rocking, moving and riding him until he called out to me. Hearing his whispered pleas we both let out long rambling nonsensical words as I spun on him so my back now faced him as I continued to ride and control this tumble into ecstasy. He told me he wanted to see and watch as he slid in and out of me so I slowed my movements letting him get off on the sight of me sliding up and down the length of me.
Softly whispering as he grabbed and slipped my ass, “Too much…” “You feel that?” “I need you baby…”
As he continued to thrust and pump up into me I fell back against his chest moaning out as Chris wrapped his arms around me. We moved like this as his hands and touched began their usual exploration of my body and with my hands covering his we massaged and caressed all. His hand still covering my breast coaxing and teasing my nipple into hardening he moved his other hand down my body until it rested in the valley of me. Quickly rubbing his fingers against my clit as he still moved in and out of me I gave into Chris and his control losing myself in all of the feeling rushing to me. Finally too much I again gave into him slowly calling out to him as nirvana came for me. He continued to move and thrust and pump up into me until he too called out as he spilled inside of me. 
Hearing him call out to me the most I could offer was a weak head nod and smile before I fell off into slumber. Still buried deep inside of me Chris joined me as we both slept off the high and euphoria our coming together gave the both of us. Thankfully my door is locked because I had no desire or energy to move and as I found out later us remaining attached and wrapped around each other was all part of Chris’ plan and he made good use of both until walking, talking, functioning, or facing Leandra’s wrath was even remotely possible. And yet when we finally saw her she threw three words at us before she stormed off leaving us to our own devices which lead us right back to me room.
Angrily as she shook her head, “Y'all gon learn…”
Back in my room we attempted to recreate the scenes, moments, and experiences from before while creating even new ones this go round. I wanted him here so bad but I didn’t know how to make it happen without going back on my words about needing space and now that he’s here… tightening my hold on him I pushed all thoughts of anything else other than us and this moment from my head and allowed his kisses, touch, and every emotion pull me under and happily drown as he did the same.
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soap-brain · 7 years
oooo so i got tagged by both @elroymarvelous (something like a week ago i’m so sorry) and @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet (yesterday :p) to do this alphabet questions thing! let’s go!!
a - age: 19
b - birthplace: düsseldorf, nrw (it’s in germany) (it’s the best city in germany) (95 olé)
c - current time: 11:38 am
d - drink you had last: some neat sparkling water, also i pretended to drink chips rings but they’re solid so idk whether that counts
e - easiest person to talk to: @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet , cause we have somehow absolutely /no/ need for filters and we’ve talked about some things we would never, ever talk about with other people :D (hey ryn, remember the scintillating convo we had recently involving chrispy? good times) and also @loststarlight bc she’s a very bad person who got me into a ship and enables me to write fic for it and sends me unacceptable photo posts and totally made me watch doom!! which i didn’t want to do.. at.. all *sweats nervously and holds hand over pocket that’s def not bulging with karl pics... and bruce... and chrispy...*
f - favorite song: atm it’s a tie between sabotage by the beastie boys and ..... every time we touch by cascada (look, i’m technically a rock person, but sometimes it’s midnight, you’ve had about 5hrs of sleep every night, you know you have at least one more hour of super complicated chemistry to do, you’ve had a long ass day, you’re really hungry, just had a bowl of cereal and are fast approaching an ultra sugar high. what better to party with than that song??)
g - grossest memory: story time! during grades 9-12, i sometimes liked walking home instead of doing the hour long tram and bus ride. idk, it was a self reflection / relaxing thing, which i still kinda do. there was a short tunnel i had to go through. nothing scary, it was literally just the street and a pavement on each side, it was short, well lit, in an okay neighborhood, there were frequently people around etc. so really, really, not scary / gross. one day i’m walking and i see a guy of maybe my age coming towards me ahead of me, so i go to one side of the pavement, while he goes to the other, i’m doing the staring ahead thing which will morph into a lightning quick checking the other person over thing once we pass each other. it’s a thing i do. so  we’re just about to pass each other, and he pushes up his tee shirt (it was summer/spring) and ... there’s just... his erection. which he consciously shows to me. and he says something which i didn’t hear cause i’m listening to music, but i do physically recoil a little, my shoulder brushes the tunnel wall but i keep walking, pretending nothing happened, and i remember thinking to myself “the fact that you know now that you won’t believe yourself later that you didn’t make this up is the only thing that’ll make you believe it really happened.”, and just because i know i thought that then already, i believe myself that i didn’t make it up cause man, i kinda wanted to pretend it didn’t happen. and that’s the story of the first ever real life erection i saw! yay! now you know things about me you didn’t want to know!
h - horror yes or no: noooooo pls i get scared easily. even bad horror movies (ie doom) can scare me a bit. esp jumpscares??? the worst imo
i - in love?: nah. never been, either *shrug emoji*
j - jealous of people?: klasjdlfjasdlf i get really jealous of how people manage to socially interact with such ease?? and just... talk to other people and aren’t awkward and make friends?? a wild concept
k - killed someone?: ok so i know we should all either answer something cool and quirky or no!! of course not!! but i have a story. (fuck ok now y’all think i actually killed a person. disclaimer: i didn’t. but i was close) ok so i was doing my three months mandatory nurse work for studying medicine, and around the second month there was this old lady (93yo i think), who’d just gotten i think a new hip? and before her op she was surprisingly mobile with her walking frame and just really cute and chipper and also scared of her op. afterwards, she went to the icu, as was scheduled bc she was so old, and and then she got back to her regular station, and she was slowly but surely learning how to sit up and stand up again and then also walk. she had major pain problems  and her leg had gotten stiff, but she really was a champ, and i really liked her. also, to make some infusions (ie pain meds) easier, she’d gotten a central venous catheter, ie a catheter into the vein right at the bottom of her neck. and then it was time to take it out bc she’d gotten so much better, and there was a doctor there and i was just doing some work or something in the same room (i think we just got done helping the patient dress), and the doctor knew i wanted to study medicine, so she asked me whether i wanted to take it out with her help. i said yes, and then the doctor got a call and took it and told me to go ahead and detach the iv drip line from the catheter. which i did. then i waited for the doctor to finish her call to tell me the next step. she was done just as the patient started feeling faint and started to lose feeling in the arm on the side the central venous catheter was in. long story short, she was rushed to the icu again, because what i didn’t know was that you had to close the catheter, and i’d essentially pulled off the stopper as well, and she ended up having no blood in certain parts of her brain, which i think ended up as a terminal condition for her. she lived, but she had a very, very hard time getting better again and i think she never fully recovered. so. yeah. that’s my story on how i almost killed a person.
l - love at first sight or should I walk past again?: definitely walk past again :D looks and mannerism can be very deceiving
m - middle name: inge brigitte
n - number of siblings: 2
o - one wish: to get my shit together lmao
p - person i called last: i think my dad?? about photoshop?
q - question you’re always asked: probably about my one weird tooth maybe? or what i did between school and uni 
r - reason to smile: getting messages / people willingly interacting with me, horses, when life is going good, when i can be proud of myself for a reason, when there’s music making me feel good things, star trek
s - song you last sang: i don’t sing. i’d sometimes like to, but i feel too awkward cause i’ve been told that i can’t sing at all, so like...
t - time you woke up: 6:47 am the first time, then sometime around 8
u - underwear color: white
v - vacation: this probably ties in with all the “places you wanna visit” ask games, so the answer has to be most of europe, northern america, iceland, australia, parts of asia, parts of africa, space, berlin
w - worst habit: picking at my skin.... and procrastinating!
y - your favorite food: well my fave meal would be garlic bread, a medium steak with fries and beans and either lava cake or crème brûlée for dessert, along with an apple martini; but my fav normal food would be spaghetti bolognese and ... chocolate-y sweets (and truffles. oh boy i want some truffles now)
z - zodiac: libra
i’m tagging @loststarlight, @chameleon-kirk, @bottomkirk, @mccoysbi, @lieutenant-sapphic, @trappist-1p and everyone else who wants to do this!! esp all my new followers - if you wanna do this, tag me so i can get to know y’all!!
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ham-lin-ton · 8 years
Post hamilton feelings
okay so i just got back from NY today and hamilton was AMAZING! ngl i was a little afraid it wouldn’t live up to the hype, but the hype is Real y’all!! my full hamilton #Review is below and feel free to shoot an ask or a msg if you have questions or just wanna Yell with me about it, i still have a lot of feelings and Opinions. and besides for hamilton, NY in general was ofc amazing! it’s so big and loud and bright and beautiful!! the buildings were so cool looking i felt like such a tourist taking pics of all the buildings and shit but i couldn’t help it, i loved the #Aesthetic so much. i had so much good food and cocktails! we toured the morgan museum and library and it was so cool to see all these old documents and abstract art. the strand was so cool, i bought a second hand vintage aesop's fables book and a cool hamilton themed canvas bag, i honestly could have spent all my money there. we p much walked from midtown (our hotel was in hells kitchen) to lower manhattan (west village) all day on the 31st and the rooftop party on new years eve was so cool! the empire state building was all lit up and was right there. if you got my snapchat you probs saw the pics and the following drunk snaps... there was an open bar, so i had a good time lmaoo
okay first of the theatre is beautiful, and i had front mezzanine seats so i was on the 2nd level. my view was great, i could see everyone clearly and i only had to lean forward a little bit because of the dude in front of me and his fat head.
okay im gonna get my criticisms out of the way first so i can get back to gushing. now some parts i wasn’t quite sold on was thayne jasperson as laurens/philip and seth stewart as lafayette/jefferson.
now i’ll be honest i love jordan fisher okay so im maybe a bit biased here lmao. he’s a babe and i love his voice so much (if you haven’t heard lin and jordan fisher doing your welcome, 10/10 would recommend), so when i saw that jordan wasn’t playing my boi john laurens that night i was disappointed, ngl. i really wanted to like thayne, i really did. but. he just.... did Not do it for me. his voice is very...young and boyish sounding. higher pitched and almost squeaky in parts. it suited him well as philip when he’s playing a child but as john laurens?.....ehhhhh. he just could not sing out those smooth crooner melodies like anthony ramos and i kinda felt like he trying too hard to sound like anthony. also thayne is....very white. and tbh the line “but we’ll never be truly free until those in bondage have the same rights as you and me... wait till I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion” just did not have the same bite coming from a little white boy.
as for seth stewart.... his lafayette was a bit forced. the accent was kinda jarring and distracting. during my shot he was really rushing it. i felt like he was trying to take it too fast and bust out those guns n ships level raps right away. when the whole point is that lafayette is unsure with english at first so he’s a bit slower and more hesitant but then by guns and ships he busts out with that IMTAKINGTHISHORSEBYTHEREINSMAKINGREDCOATSREDDERWITHBLOODSTAINS! and you’re like whooooooa! character development!!! and that did not quite happen. i was impressed that seth actually managed to pull of those guns n ships raps really well tho. so his lafayette didn’t quite do it for me, but his jefferson was amazing! jefferson has moves and swagger lol! you like him but you kinda hate that you sort of like the guy cause he’s an asshole, but he’s also charmed you a bit as well. you’re kinda sitting there like WAIT i don’t wanna like this guy but i sort of do!!
keep in mind that i have no other comparison other than the soundtrack and watching the bootleg a couple times. i was overall impressed at how true to the soundtrack it sounded!! the voices that really stood out to me were javier munoz (hamilton), brandon victor dixon (burr), nicholas christopher (washington), andrew chappelle (he’s a switch for p much all the parts but that night he played herc/madison), and mandy gonzalez (angelica). everyone was amazing but these people just really jumped out at me
javi is really enjoyable as hamilton, like i do enjoy lmm’s voice but let’s face it y’all he’s a rapper and a writer at heart, he doesn’t have those traditional broadway pipes. he still moves you and hits you right in the gut with his voice, but it is unique and distinctive, especially on broadway. so hearing javi, a objectively better singer, do hamilton was very refreshing and enjoyable. he also brings so much passion and intensity to the role and almost like a mischievous? quality as well.
dixon as burr was also very good... the burr songs (wait for it and room where it happens) were def like the highlights of the show. dixon kind of has more of a rapper quality to his voice than leslie odom jrs’ burr, who has that velvet and smoke jazz singer kind of voice. wait for it utterly took my breath away. he starts off so calm and controlled and by the crescendo he is passionate and intense, enraged even. it’s the most worked up you see burr and it’s amazing to see him go from 100 to 0 and bring it all back down to the burr like calm and control that we see all the time with him.... dixons voice was so strong and intense and when it ends and he’s standing there in darkness with just the lone light shining on him and quietly whispers “....wait for it”... ahhhh! one of my fave burr moments was how during aaron burr, sir at the line “you wanna get ahead?” burr grabs hams plain brown jacket he’s wearing at the time and like gestures and looks at it like really? you expect to get ahead looking like THIS
nicholas christopher had such a stage presence! and it’s amusing to notice that he is literally the only person in the show who can seem to say no to Ham outright. i also loved his Look, hes bald and has a big beard and when he comes out in right hand man banishing the sword it looked so badass. one last time was so intense and i was impressed that nicholas christopher managed to pull of those chris jackson runs, he sounded almost exactly like chris jackson on the soundtrack
andrew chappelle is also one of my faves, his hercules was amazing and he pulled of the swagger and presence really well but he really shone as madison. he adds so much sass and exasperation to madison, especially when it comes to jefferson. you really get the sense of him just humoring jefferson
now someone who REALLY blew the roof of the place with their voice alone was mandy gonzalez. she also played Nina in In the heights, and now she plays angelica. satisfied was one of the best parts and her voice just filled the whole theatre til it was bursting!! and the choreography and use of the turntables during satisfied was impressive, they literally rewind everything to how the scene is set during helpless when angelica, eliza, and ham meet.
speaking of hamilton and eliza omg, they were so cute??? like they’re so sweet with each other and are almost always constantly touching hands or touching in some way when near each other, which makes it that much more sad later when during non stop he tears his hands away from eliza (and angelica too) and during quiet uptown when hamilton tries to hold elizas hand and she jerks her hand away from his. another thing about quiet uptown was that when eliza decides to forgive him, hamilton is pretty much breaking down. like his shoulders are shaking and he’s openly crying and eliza is standing there impassively coldly ignoring him until she holds his hand and they turn to each other.
rory o’malley is delightful as king george, he is so petulant and ridiculous that you can’t help but laugh he had the whole theatre cracking up.
alysha deslorieux and peggy/maria was amazing! she has the same smooth low quality to it that jasmine has and say no to this was actually quite sexy. the soundtrack does not do it justice. hamilton and maria kiss pretty deeply with a lot of heat for like 10 seconds and during that part where hamilton is practically moaning “yes! yes! yes!” yea maria is essentially giving him a lapdance at that part, it was a very sensual scene.
parts i cried/teared up during (yes i am weak and emo okay)
-wait for it
-that would be enough
-dear theodosia
-the laurens interlude
-one last time
-it’s quiet uptown
-best of wives and best of women
-who lives who dies who tells your story
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
MVP Recap
Ok, guys.....sorry this is late but I 100% waited until today to do this because #1 It’s faster to type it on the computer than on the phone and #2 I’m now getting paid to do this.  (Who’s the real winner here).  Also....I can post this with a fancy page break so it doesn’t hog everyone’s feed.  But before the break....have a pic......
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(As per my now usual.....I will post about my experience more than the dances, because you can find those online or will be seeing them yourselves.)
To start off the day, I finally got to meet My Girl and it was AMAZING!  We met at her hotel then went to dinner.  As we predicted, the girls were instant besties and so were we.  (I love it when a plan comes together).  When we got to dinner the girls sat with My Girl and I sat with her hysterical mom, Nonna.  We had good food and good conversation and it was really nice to have a meal with “my people” and discuss DWTS the entire time.  The best part, however, was Nonna telling me no less than 7 times “I don’t like-ah that Maks.  He’s a jerk”.  (read that in a thick Italian accent).   
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(Abbie killed it with this selfie)
After dinner, we found our way to the theater.  I was no help, of course, because I don’t do downtown even though I’ve lived here for 34 of my 38 years.  As we were looking for parking we saw the buses straight ahead, lining both sides of the street.  We saw Ivan outside smoking (wtf dude) and JT.  Once we parked, moved the car to a different spot, and took selfies, we made our way to the theater.  As we were walking up we saw a guy with big girly hair standing by Val’s bus talking on the phone. We were all like “OMG....is that Val?!?!”.  The girls and I started booking it and got closer, that wasn’t Val but OMG HOLY CRAP he was right there in front of us!!  We attempted to approach him and the worlds grumpiest security guard stopped us in our tracks. 
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(Seriously.....look at her looking at me like I’m gonna rush him or something!  Trust me when I say she plays a theme throughout the night and imagine that face any time I mention “Bitchy Security Guard” or “BSG”.)
Well.....Val didn’t take too kindly to his fans being treated that way and told us to come take pics but that we had to do it quick because he needed to get inside to get ready.  I have to say....much like Brandon, pictures do not do this man justice.  He is really really really good looking in person.  I mean REALLY.  Gahdamn, Valentin. 
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(Notice the guy in the red flannel who is NOT Maks and will not be Maks at any point in the evening no matter how many times we thought he was)
Y’all be proud of Abbie.....she was given strict instructions of things she was banned from saying (I hate Jenna because she STOLE you from me.....and You used to be my favorite but now you’ve been replaced because Jenna STOLE YOU).  Girl handled herself like the sane fangirl we all knew she could be and didn’t even cry. 
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(Notice the death grip she has on him)
She showed him her purse and “may” have scared him a tad.  He went “Whoa!”
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(She keeps shirtless Val in the center.....because Mama ain’t raising no fool)
After we met Val.....and I failed to remember that I was lugging his book around in my damn purse and forgot to get it signed (I win at life, I swear), we were told exactly where we were allowed to stand and if we so much as took a deep breath, BSG reminded us that we weren’t allowed to move from that spot.  Then she would sigh and roll her eyes at us.  We tried to see other cast but it was getting chilly and windy (scroll back up and look at the chick’s pony in the pic of BSG) and it was getting closer to show time so they were all inside.  Before we left we did get to see Katie the Nanny taking Shai from the venue to the bus.  He is freakin adorable!  His little curls and his little wave to his adoring fans were on point!  I do not have a picture of this because #1 It happened super quick and #2 It’s not my baby and that’s kindof weird and intrusive and BSG was still side eying us and I’m pretty sure she would have taken my phone and deleted all the pics or something in retaliation.  She was seriously bitchy and hated her job. 
We got inside the venue and hit the merch stand.  We all got our shirts (to my surprise, Abs picked the white tour tee instead of the Team Val tee).  We found our way upstairs, got drinks, and found our seats.  They were pretty decent seats except for we had to sit forward to see the very front of the stage if they laid down (a few times) and couldn’t see them picking the people out of the audience.  The show was, of course, amazing.  In my opinion, it was better than the DWTS show.  Those Chmerkovskiy’s can dance!!!!  I’ve heard that Peta is amazing live, but that doesn’t do her justice.  She truly is the queen and literally commands the stage when she’s on it.  There were moments of great group numbers, moments of hilarity (the dad dance and the stripper section), and gut wrenching serious moments.  It really does tell a story through dance and we all loved it.  What you probably don’t see in the YouTube videos of the dad dance is Kiki has twins.  Abs is still laughing about those twins and when the baby sneezes and Maks yells “It got in my eye!”.  During the Chippen Val/Magic Maks section they pull up the lady out of the audience.  Let me tell you.....that lady was living her best life.  She was so funny!  Throughout the show we were annoyed by the group behind us.  There were about 8 or 10 of them and they talked the entire show.  I’m not talking quiet respectful whispers.....these bitches were straight up chit chatting.  I did giggle at one point because the oldest of them was totally Team Nonna.  They were doing their first talking section and this chick pipes up with “I’ve always hated Maks.....he’s such an arrogant jackass”.  During the super emotional break up section....it was so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop.  I had been annoyed the entire show, but at this point I started to get a little concerned that because it was so quiet in there (that section is riveting) that Maks and Peta would actually hear these bitches trying each others wine in an attempt to figure out which one had the tastiest.  Seriously y’all.....they were SO LOUD!  At this point, I turned around and said “PLEASE stop talking!”.  They shushed to heated whispers through the rest of the show but if one of us so much as looked at each other they’d say “NO TALKING!”.  At the end of the show they got up and left during the final bows (seriously the rudest group of drunk bitches ever).  I booked it out after the show to pee.  Abs didn’t have to so she went to stand outside of the bathroom to wait for the rest of our group.  I hear “That’s HER!” and look over and these bitches were WAITING for me to come out of the theater!  They start yelling “We are at a concert!!!  Talking is expected in this type of situation!  And you were rude too!!!”  (of note....no one ever said they were rude)  Abs is looking at me with huge eyes and I was like “Wait...how was I rude!  You know what...never mind....Abbie get over here!”.  I drug her into the bathroom still completely appalled at their behavior.  Be proud that I was an adult and didn’t engage.  Once all of our group was done, and these bitches are still standing there waiting, we just kind of grabbed the girls put our heads down and booked it out of there. 
We got outside and went to stand by the buses again.  BSG was still manning her post and was quite possibly in an even worse mood than before.  She seriously hates fans.  She should probably look into different employment.  Thankfully we had a different security guard posted to our standing area.  He was funny and nice and roughly the size of a mountain range.  He didn’t seem to be that huge of a guy but he had a chest and shoulders that somehow blocked the entire sidewalk.  He also must know us (is our picture up in these venues or something) because dude kept a super close eye on Abs.  She must have looked shifty to him.  He’s a smart man and I wish I would have taken a pic with him.  We stood there and stood there and stood there some more.  We had met Val, but wanted to talk to him again (because my damn book) and Makayla really wanted to meet Peta.  My goal was to meet Val (for Abs of course....ha) and meet either Maks or Peta to personally give them Shai’s hat.  Peta came out loaded down with bags and went to the bus.  She came back out and headed our way to go into a different door (probably to get food, they all went in there) and said she’d come back.  While we were waiting, we saw quite a few of the dancers coming out.  Ivan was standing there talking to a crew member and since no one else would pipe up I yelled his name.  He waved and I asked for a picture.  He was super nice and came over (Mt. Everest was amused by this).
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After meeting him, both girls (and the rest of the small crown of about 15-20) were oohing and aahing over how good he smelled and I realized that my damn sinuses are still acting up and I didn’t smell anything.  I thought back to meeting Val (when both girls had the same reaction) and I thought my lack of smelling him was just because we caught him before the show and he wasn’t freshly showered.....apparently my inconspicuous deep breaths when I was standing with him were just fail. I’m super salty about this.  Seriously.....I may not ever be ok with the fact that I didn’t smell Val.  Shortly after we met Ivan, we saw Emily standing there.  She also came over when I got her attention and asked for a picture.  Mt. Everest was again amused by me while the others were plotting how they could always manage to be by me at bus meets because I not only recognized everyone by name, but was brave enough to call them over. 
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I think it was at this point that My Girl’s girl was attempting to convince her mom that they should come to Jax to do all tours with me and Abs.......I don’t think she was successful.  Lol.   At some point in this process, we saw JT a few more times.  I really wanted to get a pic with him.  I yelled his name and he threw a half hearted wave, then looked over and said “Oh Hey” and waved harder.  He did not come over for a picture.  He must actually have recognized me....he was like “Yep...that’s a nope all day long, that bitch is cray”.  He has since been relieved of his best friend duties....but it’s ok because Nicole and Alyssa (Serge’s gf) have agreed that they are better choices anyways. 
Finally.....the queen emerged and came right over to our group.  She is strikingly beautiful in person and so so so tiny.  She could probably share clothes with Abs!  I gave her a hug and told her I had made a gift for Shai for his morning inspections.  She laughed and then peeked in the bag.  She awe’d and thought it was adorable!  (Totally winning at life here). 
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She chit chatted with our group for a bit and talked about how they had had to adjust and reblock that day because the stage was a tight squeeze (which explains all the rehearsal stories) and lamented the weird lights outside that went from normal to pink to red (which is why the pics are kindof weird).  Abs asked where Maks was and she laughed and said she had no idea and that she hadn’t seen him since bows.  As she left she thanked me again for the hat and said she’d post it on insta.  I’m really hoping he’ll wear it (toddlers are iffy on hats....and all things really) but I’m pretty sure she’ll post it some how if he won’t wear it. 
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(Of note....I could smell her.....she smells like a girl.....flowery lotion.  It makes me more salty)
We waited a bit longer and still no sign of Maks or Val.  It was getting late and even more chilly and windy and we decided to call it quits at 11.  The time came and after me having to snap at Abs (she is a determined fangirl), we made our exit with the agreement that one of the remaining group would watch us until we got to the corner and they’d yell Maks’ name real loud so we could come running back.  Mt. Everest thought this was hysterical and kept waving to us while we walked off looking back every 5 seconds.  We made our way back to the hotel, I was again no help because while I can confidently get myself home from downtown....the hotel was on the other side of the river and I had no idea how to get there.  The girls were passed out approx 37 seconds into the drive home.  When we got there Nonna popped out of the van and looked down and saw her shirt button was undone.  She goes “Oh look at me, all naked!”  I died.  She is the best and I might steal her.  We sadly said our goodbyes and Abs and I headed home.  After I got home (about 11:45) I went to check and saw @loveisstatic was the lone hold out and got to meet Maks.  I bet she really got the wrath of BSG for waiting so long.  (Girl...you gotta vouch for me on BSG....she was serious!)  All in all, we had the absolute best time and I can’t wait to do it again.....next year.....after my wallet stops crying.
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