#ya know i'm 26
mrfoox · 10 months
"I'm in my slut era"
I whisper as I decide to go to an guy's house I first met yesterday, at 6pm on a work day
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I'm not an anime style catgirl but I'm also not a furry. I am a secret third thing (catgirl but change more of the body than usual)
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shiningstages · 9 months
❛ i wonder if i’m doing the best i could. ❜ DJEETS responsibilities to responsibilities communication
She stays silent for a moment, looking out at the great blue yonder. How at ease she felt, staring at the endless sea that was the sky. How much she had longed to dive into it - or, the better analogy, fly into those great heights and get lost in the mountains of clouds and forever-stretching horizons. Even at her worst, looking at the sky she kept blue...the beauty of life brought her back from any stump she was in.
She was hoping it did for Akira too, but she knew how different their lives were. The connecting countries are nothing like the islands that she flies to. The magic systems are vastly different, and with how many promises she's made - including the ones she had broken, both on purpose and accident - now weighed more heavy on her mind with how the describe them. How they had come from another world, falling into their family of wizards, and then...falling again with them in tow. Everyone seemed to fall into Phantagrande, and barely the other way around...
But they were similar, too. Kindhearted leaders. Partially forced into many roles they didn't want; partially growing into them to protect the new friends and family they now cherished. They were much more mature than her, she could tell, but she could feel a bit of a kindred spirit with them on some level. Maybe that's why they seeked her out - or, perhaps, they both just happened to come up to the deck for some fresh air, of course. And maybe that's why they say what they did, wondering what Djeeta would say to it. How many times had that thought crossed her mind? Now more than ever.
"...You care about them, right?" She doesn't look at them, but grips the railing a bit tighter. "You want to do your best by them. Even if things never work out perfectly, you want to be by their side no matter what, and help them through whatever they're going through. You're thinking of ways to make them happy, or to satiate their curiosities, or to help the hearts and minds heal, in any way you can. Sometimes you can't...But even then, you're still there for them and try your best." She pauses as the wind whips her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. "I think...That's all we really can do. Try. Care for them and protect them - " or die trying " - a-as best as we can."
She chuckles to herself, before she finally turns towards them, her usual goofy grin replaced with a mature, warm smile. "I think you're doing great, Akira. And I'm sure the wizards appreciate all that you try and do for them." And, as soon as it's there, it's gone - her usual grin as she leans against the rail. "Of course, I know that probably doesn't mean that wondering won't come back. It always does, no matter how much you remind yourself. But that just means you need someone to remind you again - and you conveniently have plenty of people that'll do just that!"
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Taking care - Part 2 - human!Alastor x human!fem!reader
Go to part 1. Hello! This request really inspired me, so I decided to write another part. I’m even considering turning it into a short series (3-4 parts). What do you think? Would you be interested? Until then, I hope you'll enjoy this one! <3 Words: ~2150 TW: cursing, time specific views on women, abuse, violence
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The summer of '26
Today was a peaceful afternoon compared to many others, as there were only a few customers enjoying their meal. You just sat down, finally getting a moment to relax, when the voice you hated so much echoed through the diner.
"(Y/n), baby! Be a sweetie and come here, will ya?"
Francis had become a regular fixture at the diner since his first visit months ago. He seemed to know your schedule better than you did, always showing up with a new way to make you uncomfortable with his crude advances. You rolled your eyes, looking at your colleague who gave you a sympathetic smile. You got up and made your way to Francis's table.
Today Francis came over with a new friend. You sighed - another new person to get embarrassed in front of. He seemed very familiar, but you couldn't really put your finger on it.
"Ah, there she is! My special girl!" Francis shouted as he got up, wrapping his arm around your waist. You almost puked upon hearing the possessive pronoun, your cheeks getting slightly red as the stranger looked at you with a soft smile. "(Y/n), this is my good friend, Alastor! You might know him from his radio show."
Alastor grinned widely as he stood up from his seat to greet you properly. He was well aware of Francis' tendency to be handsy but chose to remain silent on the matter. Instead, he gently grabbed your hand, placing a kiss on the back of it.
"Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart! Quite a pleasure!" he said in a smooth, charismatic tone, his deep radio voice sending a slight tingle down your spine. You smiled, just now realising where you knew him from.
"Wait… You're really… that Alastor? Alastor Hartfelt?" You asked, barely able to contain your excitement.
Alastor chuckled softly as he released your hand from his grasp, nodding.
 "The one and only in the flesh, darling. I take it you know my show?" he asked, his smile widening.
"Oh, I love it! You're like… the most famous radio host around Louisiana!"
Alastor chuckled again upon hearing your enthusiasm, clearly enjoying your praise.
"Well, I'm glad to hear that I have such a devoted listener," he said, his eyes scanning over you for a moment in a way that was nearly indiscernible. Francis chuckled, his arm still around your waist.
"I told you she was a fan, Al," he said with a cheeky grin. "Now, sweetheart, how about you bring us that special pie of yours." his grip grew kind of tight on your waist, as you shifted uncomfortably. Alastor noticed the change in your demeanour and the subtle shift in your stance as Francis grew bolder with his touch, his own smile faltering for a split second.
"Why, that would be simply delightful, my dear," he said in a deceptively polite tone. Francis let go of you, which made you feel relieved.
"Any… Anything else?" you asked, smoothing out your apron.
"I'd like a coffee with milk, doll," Francis said, but you already knew what he would want, as it was the same every time. "What about you, Al?"
"What about a black coffee, darling?" He asked, not really having a chance to check the menu.
"Oh, trust me! She makes the best coffee. She can do a lot of things… A lot." Francis said, eyeing you up and down, as you tried so hard not to look away in disgust.
Alastor noticed the uncomfortable expression on your face. It was clear what Francis' intentions towards you were and even though Alastor didn't intervene, it was quite sickening, to say the least. As you left to go get the coffees, Alastor turned his attention towards Francis, raising an eyebrow.
"Francis, really? Must you be so inappropriate?" he asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Oh, come on! She's a fine piece… But I've heard she's had a bad experience with men so she's kind of reserved…" he said, looking at you while you walked away. "But trust me, one day, I will marry her."
Alastor's eyes narrowed at Francis' comment, a hint of irritation now clear in his demeanour.
"You will marry her, you say?" he asked, his tone a mixture of disbelief and mockery, a hint of a scoff escaped him. "And pray tell, why do you feel she will ever agree to marry you? She clearly seems to be uncomfortable with your… advances."
Francis rolled his eyes. "They're always like this… But she'll have no choice. She's already 24. At her age, she should've already been married with a kid on the way… Not… walk around in a bar." he explained, his tone leaving no room for arguing. "She will beg me to marry her before I even ask her."
Alastor clenched his jaw slightly, his smile faltering almost completely at the sheer audacity Francis seemed to have. He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes watching Francis with a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "Perhaps it's time you realized that women have purposes beyond just bearing children, my dear friend." Francis shot Alastor a disgusted glare, clearly displeased by his response.
"Don't tell me you're into this feminist shit… It's enough we gave them the right to vote…" he looked away, his smile quickly returning on his face as you made your way back to their table. "Ah, there she is. Took you a while. I guess no tip today." he joked, laughing loudly as you placed the order on the table, forcing a smile. Alastor couldn't help himself from mumbling, just loud enough for only you to hear. "Bloody bastard…"
You chuckled, accidentally knocking a glass off the table. Alastor's attention suddenly shifted as the cup was knocked over, the coffee spilling a bit onto his shirt. He looked down at the stain and sighed, looking up at you with a slight look of irritation, which quickly faded into a more neutral expression as he saw the apologetic look on your face.
"(Y/n), what the fuck?!" Francis shouted, getting up as if he was the victim. "How are you so dumb?!"
"I… I'm so sorry!" You said, quickly grabbing a paper napkin, and handing it to Alastor, as you started cleaning the shards on the floor.
"What is going on?" your boss shouted, coming out of the kitchen, his face getting red at the sight.
"Now, now, good man. No need to make such a scene. It was my fault. I accidentally knocked the cup over… She just tried to help." Alastor spoke, making everyone turn to him. Francis rolled his eyes, hearing Alastor's lies and quickly took his jacket on.
"We're fucking leaving! That thing could've destroyed my pants," he said angrily as he made his way to the door. Your boss left, but not before giving you a "this will cost you" look. You sighed, your cheeks still red from embarrassment.
"You didn't have to lie for me…" you told Alastor. He glanced at Francis as he walked off through the door, rolling his eyes before his attention returned to you as you spoke up. He gave you a reassuring smile, grabbing his waistcoat and shrugging it on.
"Oh, it's nothing, sweetheart. The man was an ass and I wasn't going to let you take the blame for something that was such a minor accident. And I've endured far worse than a bit of coffee on my shirt, trust me." He reached out for the wallet. "Now tell me, how much do I owe you?"
"No, no! It's on the house." you quickly said. "I can't take your money for something you haven't even touched."
Alastor chuckled at your stubbornness, shaking his head lightly as a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "My dear, I insist. It's only fair!" You hesitantly took the money, a soft smile on your face.
"At least, let me give you the pie to go?" you offered.
"That wou-" Alastor started, but was quickly cut off by Francis.
"Al, you comin' or what?" Alastor's eyes widened in surprise and slight irritation at being interrupted so abruptly, but he quickly composed himself, turning his attention back to you. He exhaled through his nose, glancing between you and Francis, clearly frustrated.
"I should probably get going. Wouldn't want to make my associate wait, now would I..." Your smile faltered a bit, but you stepped away, making room for him to pass.
Alastor got out of the diner, joining his friend who was just lighting up his cigarette. "That bitch…" he spat through his teeth. "Why did you lie?"
"Do you really think she deserved to be yelled at like that, Francis? She already gets enough of it from that pig of a boss she has, I wouldn't add to that," he said, the annoyance in his voice growing more as he remembered the way Francis had spoken to you.
"I think she did it on purpose… To embarrass me," he said, seemingly not listening to Alastor. "She wanted to make a fool out of me in front of you."
Alastor frowned at Francis' words, rolling his eyes in annoyance.
"Oh, for Christ's sake, Francis. You cannot be serious," he said, his irritation reaching new heights. "She clearly seemed nervous and embarrassed by the entire situation. Why on earth would she do it on purpose?"
He continued pacing, muttering under his breath. "Just wait until I make her mine... This is what happens when a woman doesn't have a husband to keep her in line... Can't even serve a drink properly!"
Alastor's hands clenched into fists as Francis continued his vile rant. He'd always known Francis to be uncouth, but the sheer disrespect he displayed toward you sparked an anger Alastor hadn't anticipated.
As they entered a dark alley, Alastor stayed back, not listening to Francis' banter. With calculated silence, he picked up a brick from beside a dumpster, his eyes fixed intently on Francis’s back. A sinister smile crept across his face, his eyes filled with a dangerous gleam.
"Hey, France…" Alastor whispered, making the man turn.
"What?"  With a quick move, Alastor smashed the brick against Fracis' head, making him fall to the ground. He grunted, his vision blurry as blood poured from his now broken skull. Alastor leaned down, a wide smile on his face as he admired his work.
"That's what you get for being such a filthy pig, my friend," he said, his voice filled with satisfaction as he looked at his friend. He stood up straight again, his wide smile on his face, as he brushed himself off a little.
"Al… man, what the fuck…" Francis mumbled, a loud ringing sound echoing in his ears, as his stomach painfully twisted. His vision was doubled and blurred, not really understanding what was happening.
Alastor pulled out a pocket knife, kneeling beside Francis with a chillingly composed smile. He began twirling the blade between his fingers, the smirk on his face turning more sinister by the second.
"What's the matter, friend? Not feeling too good, eh?" he taunted, his voice filled with glee as Francis tried to see clearly. He fell on his side, trying to crawl away, the cramps in his stomach intensifying with every second. Alastor chuckled darkly, relishing the sight of Francis's desperate struggle. "Where do you think you're going? You're not escaping, France." He taunted, inching closer with a menacing calm.
"Fuck you…" the man groaned as the nausea feeling got stronger, making him vomit.
"Oh dear, you really don't look too good there," he said with a mocking tone, his smile never faltering. "What’s wrong? Feeling a bit ill?"
Alastor grabbed Francis by the hair, yanking his whole body on his back, the man gasping at the sudden pain. "I wish (y/n) would've seen you like this… I bet she would've loved it, don't you think?"
"Please…" Francis begged, his breathing heavy.
Alastor chuckled at Francis' pleading, clearly enjoying the man's desperation. "Please, what? Use your words, my friend," he said, his tone dripping with mockery as he leaned closer to his face.
"You bastard…" Francis mumbled as Alastor pressed the cold knife against the man's neck, drawing a bit of blood.
"Careful with what you say, friend. You're not really in a position to be insulting the man holding a knife to your throat," he said his voice deadly calm. "Now… let's get you to the car. We need a more secluded place to start our little game."
As Francis’s consciousness waned, Alastor’s smile widened with a dark satisfaction. He savored the thought of the favor he’d done—not just for you, but for everyone who might benefit from Francis's absence. A part of him regreted not having a camera with him. He would've sent you photos with all the things he'd do thim, as a gift.
It would've been such a good gift only for you…
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Tags: @ratsematary @littlebluefishtail, @starryhiraeth
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croquis-el · 1 month
Well, um, hiya☆
I've come to life a little here and brought you some interesting features in the characters' spoken language
To begin with, let's look at the male trio of main characters: Naruhodō, Mitsurugi, Odoroki (Wright, Edgeworth, Justice)
Some people know it, some don't, but in Japanese there are many options for how to refer to yourself, i.e. "I" can be said with different pronouns and they are all ranked by gender (there are also gender-neutral ones) and the level of politeness.
The first one we have is Naruhodō.
He always, regardless of the situation, uses the pronoun "boku" (ぼく) in relation to himself.
僕 (ぼく)
僕 (boku) is a first-person pronoun often associated with male speakers. It has earnest, polite, cultured connotations. Overall, 僕 (boku) has a softer, less aggressive than 俺 (ore), another common pronoun with masculine connotations.
Naruhodō uses it both in the first trilogy, when he is 24-26 years old, and after the 7-year gap, when he is 33-35. It doesn't matter if he is in the courtroom or talking to friends - he always uses "boku".
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言わずと知れた、ぼくだ。 若手実力派弁護士として、 今年で3年目に入る。
Iwazu to shireta, bokuda. Wakate jitsuryoku-ha bengoshi to shite, kotoshi de 3-nen menihairu.
It goes without saying that it is me. I am a young and talented lawyer, and this is my third year in the industry.
ぼく・・・・今、弁護士を 目指して、勉強しているんです。
boku ima, bengoshi o mezashite, benkyō shite iru ndesu.
I'm studying to become a lawyer.
いいや。ぼくは、 大学は芸術学部だったからね。
Ī ya. Boku wa, daigaku wa geijutsu gakubudattakara ne.
No. I entered the arts department at the university.
When addressing someone, Naruhodo uses pronoun "omae".
お前 (おまえ)
お前 is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough — it's often used for cussing! It could also be a way to show affection to close friends, partners, and family in a very casual manner.
It is curious that he only addresses Mitsurugi this way, while he addresses the others (Mayoi, Odoroki, etc.) by name + suffix (Mayoi-chan, Odoroki-kun).
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もしかして、おまえ・・・・ やったんじゃないの?
Moshikashite, omae yatta n janai no?
Maybe you... did it?
そういうおまえだって、捜査の時は 証拠品をつきつけまくってたとか。
Sōiu omae datte, sōsa no toki wa shōko-hin o tsukitsuke makutteta to ka.
Even you, who is like that, apparently presented a lot of evidence during the investigation.
おはよう。思ったより早かったねえ ・・・・オドロキくん。
Ohayō. Omottayori hayakatta ne e Odoroki-kun.
Good morning. It was earlier than I thought... Odoroki-kun.
Next up we have Mitsurugi.
Mr. Politeness uses the pronoun "watashi" when referring to himself.
私 (わたし/わたくし)
わたし (watashi) is quite a common first-person pronoun as it's used regardless of gender, and both in casual and formal situations.It also has a certain elegant, sophisticated feel to it.
It also does not change over time, and is used by him both at 24-26 and at 34-35 years old.
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私が異議をとなえれば、裁判長は かならず聞き入れるだろう、と。
Watashi ga igi o tonaereba, saiban-chō wa kanarazu kikiirerudarou, to.
If I raised an objection, the judge would certainly listen.
私が検事の職をまっとうできるのも、 周りの誰かの支えがあってこそ。
Watashi ga kenji no shoku o mattō dekiru no mo, mawari no dareka no sasae ga atte koso.
It is only thanks to the support of those around me that I am able to carry out my duties as a prosecutor.
礼を言うのは・・・・ 私のほうだ、成歩堂。
rei o iu no wa watashi no hōda, Naruhodō.
I should be the one to thank you, Naruhodo.
But he has a special attitude towards the informal address "you". And by the way, it depends on the situation Mitsurugi is in, and not on who he is addressing.
Because he uses at least 4 (maybe more, I couldn't catch them all) options of address!
The first is "omae". We have already discussed it, so I will not repeat myself. But the situation in which it is used is when Mitsurugi tries to be cheeky, when he makes fun of others (most often, of course, Naruhodō)
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Omae no seida zo. Naruhodō.
It's your fault, Naruhodō.
Ikoku demo shōko-hin no tsukitsuke to wa, omae mo aikawarazuda na.
You're still the same, presenting evidence even in a foreign country.
Next, the address "kimi".
君 (きみ/キミ)
君 (kimi) is a second-person pronoun with various nuances. Some dictionaries define 君 as a pronoun you can use in a friendly way towards someone of equal or lower status. These days, however, the way 君 is perceived varies quite a bit from person to person.
Outside of hierarchical situations like the workplace, 君 is used a lot to sound literary or poetic.
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成歩堂。折り入って キミに頼みたいことがある。
Naruhodō. Oriitte kimi ni tanomitai koto ga aru.
Naruhodō. There's something I'd like to ask you.
キミのいない法曹界は 平和そのものだったよ。
Kimi no inai hōsōkai wa heiwa sonomonodatta yo.
The legal profession would be at peace without you.
いや。・・・・・・・・だが、結局 キミの力にはなれなかった。
Īya. Daga, kekkyoku kimi no chikara ni hanarenakatta.
No... But in the end, I couldn't be of any help to you.
In the example, Mitsurugi asks Naruhodō for help, so I don't think it's a hierarchy thing. It's more of an equal thing. (Correct me if I'm wrong)
And then comes the most epic part. Kisama.
貴様 (きさま/キサマ)
貴様 (kisama) is a second-person pronoun that's masculine and rough, it's often in combination with vulgar language!
Although it's associated with masculinity, that doesn't mean it's a pronoun only for men. Even if you don't use 貴様 regularly, it's a great way of expressing your anger.
貴様 can also be a way to show affection in a very casual way towards close friends, partners, and family. In this case, the above example would be playful, rather than showing genuine anger.
Mitsurugi uses it when he gets angry (usually in the courtroom) and sometimes in relation to friends. So, the area of ​​application is justified by its purpose as a pronoun.
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キサマの娘が、人を小さなハコに 詰め込むというショーをな!
Kisama no musume ga, hito o chīsana Hako ni tsumekomu to iu shō o na!
Your daughter puts people into tiny boxes in a show!
き、キサマなどに、美的感覚を 非難されるイワレはない!
kisama nado ni, biteki kankaku o hinan sa reru iware wanai!
You have no right to criticize aesthetic sense!
And the last one - addressing by name + suffix or without suffix (Mayoi-kun, Naruhodō)
Next - Odoroki Hosuke (Apollo Justice)
He's a real manly man, haha. He always uses the pronoun "ore".
俺 (おれ/オレ)
俺 (ore) is a first-person pronoun with a strong masculine feel. It sounds "manly" and less gentle than 僕. 俺 is also a pretty casual pronoun and can be seen as vulgar, especially when used in formal situations. In order to use 俺 naturally, the speech style also needs to match the manliness of 俺.
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オレは、ここの事務所の 所長さんに会いに来たんだよ。
ore wa, koko no jimusho no shochō-san ni ai ni kita nda yo.
I came here to see the director of this office.
A odoroki ore mo, chottonara dekiru yo.
I can do it a little bit magic too.
But he doesn't bother with addressing others, and always addresses them by name + suffix (Naruhodo-san, Minuki-chan, Garyu-kenji, Mitsurugi-kenji)
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成歩堂さんが 弁護士をやめたのって・・・・
Naruhodō-san ga bengoshi o yameta notte
Naruhodō-san quit being a lawyer...
(みぬきちゃん。 片付け始めたぞ・・・・)
(Minuki-chan. Katadzuke hajimeta zo)
(Minuki-chan, you're starting to clean up...)
I hope this will clarify the characters a bit and give you a new perspective on them.
One day, I'll do the same with the main female characters (because it takes a lot of time, but I bless those who post screen recordings and screenshots, thanks to them I can quickly find the right moment).
There may be errors and typos, don't be afraid to point them out to me
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k-germsworld · 2 months
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Yuju x M! Reader
2.4k words
"WHAT !!! Rejected again." Yuju looked at the rejection letter in her hand and sighed. She sent her resume to many companies but was rejected without exception. "Damn it, is it that hard to find a job now?" She was fired from her last company two months ago. 
"Ring.....ring...." Her phone rings. She answers the phone and realises that it is her mom.
Mom: "Yuna ya, I heard from others that you were fired?" 
Yuju: "No, never. Mom, I'm very busy right now. I'll call you later." 
Yuju quickly hung up the phone. She didn't want her family to know that she was fired from her previous company, so she had to hang up the phone quickly. She also received many letters from banks telling her how much money she owed and that she had to repay it within certain time frames or face legal action. All these factors made her feel very stressed. She checked the time and realized it was lunchtime. Even with all the stress, she still had to fill her stomach to continue looking for the next job. So she headed to the nearby cafe. On the way, she passed by a notice board and saw a job hiring on it. That job hiring post is from a top company. It says that they are hiring a female secretary, and you only need to know a little paperwork, as long as you are willing to learn and do it. Salaries are up to 6 million won per month.  
Yuju was attracted by the job posting and quickly emailed her resume to this company. While she was having lunch, she received a reply from the company and they already arranged an interview for tomorrow.  She felt so happy that she almost cheered loudly. When she got home, she began to learn about the company so that she could be fully prepared for the interview tomorrow. 
The next day, she was well-prepared and headed to that company. When she arrived, she found that so many people were waiting for their interviews. Yuju looked like the last one to arrive, so she had to wait until everyone else was done. "Next, please." After waiting for almost an hour, it was finally her turn. After she tidied herself up, she confidently walked into the interview room. She saw three people sitting and waiting for her. The person who interviewed Yuju was not anyone else, but the boss of this company. 
"Good morning, my name is Choi Yuna. You can call me Yuju. I'm here to apply for the boss's secretary position." Yuju makes a simple greeting to them. 
"Have your seat please." The boss said. 
The three of them holding the resume emailed by Yuju. "Choi Yuna, 26 years old. The reason why you were fired from your last company was because you leaked company information, causing your company to miss out on a large investment. For this reason alone, our company should not hire you." The interviewer sitting next to the boss said.  
Yuju was shocked to hear this, they knew that the person who leaked the company information was her. She knew that this company was her last chance because other companies were afraid to hire her because of her previous company, so this top company was her last chance. "I can swear I won't make the same mistake again." 
"Why should we trust a guy who has no credibility?" The interviewer told her in a more stern tone. 
"I can do anything, as long as you give me this chance." Yuju please them.
"I'm sorry, miss.  We can't give you this job, please leave." The interviewer motioned Yuju to leave. 
"Ahem...." The boss's cough made them stop arguing. "Are you willing to do anything as long as you can do this job?" Yuju nodded her head. After seeing her answer, the boss looked at the other two interviewers and asked them to leave the room. After making sure the two interviewers had left, the boss stood up from his chair. Yuju is very curious about what kind of test the boss will give her. The boss stood in front of the table and took a look at her resume. "Yuju ssi, let me confirm with you once again that you can do anything just to get this job?" She nodded firmly and continuously. "Yeah, that's right. I'd do anything to get this job." The boss smirked. “Stand up!” She stood up according to the boss' instructions. He walked over to where Yuju was and looked her over. "Such a beautiful and sexy woman." The boss said in his mind. He lifted her face with his fingers. She shyly avoided the boss's eyes. "Yes, boss? So what can I do now?" However, the boss still didn't give her an answer yet. He walked up behind her and sniffed her hair vigorously. "Ah...ah. It smells so good." The boss spoke out what was on his mind, leaving Yuju speechless. "What is he doing?" She said in her mind. She was curious about what the boss was observing her for.  
The boss hugged Yuju from behind, scaring her. She tried to break free from him but the boss was too strong. “Hey, let me go.” His hands moved from her waist to her tits. His hands began to grope her tits. “This is what you need to do if you need this job. I am hiring a secretary just to please me and help me release my stress." Yuju finally understood why the wages were so high. “No, I wouldn't do this shit if I had to sacrifice my body." After hearing this, the boss let go of his hands. She was also confused at once. "Okay, you can leave now. Wait for our call." The boss pretended that he had not done anything to Yuju. She had no choice but to leave according to the instructions. Just as she took a step to leave, the boss suddenly said something to her. “I know you need this job, but no one in this industry will hire you if you dare to step out from this office. And everyone knows how you were fired from your last company.” This made her very angry, but she did not dare to contradict the boss because he was telling the truth. He went on to say, "And if you listen to me, I guarantee you'll get this salary easily. And you don't need to do much."  He knew that although these words were frivolous, they were a great temptation to Yuju. She gradually felt that what her boss said made sense. She really needed a job and money to pay off her debts, and she didn't need to worry about her mother.  "So as long as I listen to you, I can get a fixed salary of 6 million won every month?" She couldn't resist this temptation, so she thought about it for a while before leaving the office and said to her boss. The boss knew he had succeeded. "Yes, it's not a big workload. As long as you are willing to please me and help me relieve stress when I need it, you can easily get this salary." He went towards Yuju’s direction and removed her clothes. She didn't resist and let the boss do whatever he wanted. He touched her tits again. Yuju's tits were just the right size for the boss. He didn't like big tits so he did everything he could to keep her.
"Before you become my official secretary, I still need to test you." He glares at his pants, and seems like he wants to ask Yuju to help him to take off his pants. She understood what he meant, so she knelt on the ground and took off his pants. She didn't pull off his panty at once but she can see a bulge on his panty. Even though she hadn't seen the real thing yet, she was already surprised by the size of the bulge. "Continue!" The boss saw that she seemed dazed, so he reminded her. Yuju continued to pull his underwear down. This time she finally saw his cock. His cock was not as big as she thought it was, but thicker, so it looked bigger in his underwear. She slowly stroked on his cock. She felt very strange but had no choice but to continue in order to get the job. She used both of her hands to stroke his cock. Her hands were just big enough to completely encompass the length of his cock. So she began to stroke his cock up and down. While she was stroking, she also looked at the boss. He seemed dissatisfied with her performance and did not seem to enjoy it at all. 
Yuju knew that if she wanted to make a guy cum she had to use her mouth, but she really didn't want to put a dick in her mouth. “You‘re so sucks at pleasing me. If you want me to cum, you need more than just a hand job.” She continued to stroke her cock with her hand and ignored her boss’s mood. As she continued to stroke his cock with her hand, she began to get horny. She looked at his glans and suddenly felt like putting the cock in her mouth. Since she only wanted to use her hands, the boss was getting less and less interested in her, so he wanted to stop her. When he wanted to stop her, he found that she already slightly extended her tongue to lick his glans. She began to lick his glans with her tongue. She also began to slowly lick around his cock. "Yes, that's it. That's what you need to do to make me cum." It seemed that because of the praise, Yuju became more and more skilled at licking without realising it. She was able to take her boss's cock in her mouth and spit it out, while her hands played with his balls. She also took her balls into her mouth while her hand continued to stroke his cock. “Yes, you're a fucking genius in this.” She was very happy to hear these compliments. He saw her horny face, which made him pat his dick on her face. She lets her boss pat his saliva-covered cock on her face and she seems really turned on.
Yuju couldn't wait to take his cock in her mouth again. So she opened her mouth and waited. The boss saw this and stuffed his dick into her mouth. But this time it wasn't Yuju who took the initiative, it was the boss. The boss's thick cock kept entering her mouth, causing her mouth to be constantly enlarged by the thick cock. Although the length was not long, it could at least deep down her throat. The boss couldn't help it, he grabbed her head and started facefucking her. “OH fuck Yuju, your mouth is so hot and good on taking my dick.” She couldn't answer the boss because she could only make the gag sound. Her mouth was drooling but she enjoyed being facefucked by her boss. The boss stopped when he hit the deep of her throat. He enjoyed the moment when her throat was tightened and wrapped his dick tightly. She patted his legs when she almost ran out of breath. The boss realised and pulled his dick out. Yuju was panting so hard when he pulled out his cock. He is watching his dick is dripping with her saliva. He also saw that her chin was full of saliva, he went over and licked clean all the saliva on her face. They have a passionate kiss. She grabbed his face and didn't want to let him go, and put her tongue into his mouth. The boss also put his tongue into her mouth. He held her waist and slowly moved her to the table. He laid her on the table but never stopped kissing her. 
The boss took her bra off and ate her nipples. She was so aroused that she couldn't bear it any longer. “Just fuck me already, boss. Stop teasing me.” After hearing that, the boss couldn't wait to take off her panties and stuffed his cock into her already wet pussy. "You are so perfect, Yuju. Your pussy's shape is so perfect for my cock. I promise to make you happy every day if you become my secretary." After that, he continued to swing his hips and thrust into her. Before Yuju could even get used to her thickness, he was already pumping rapidly, and it didn't take long for her to squirt. He felt that she was about to squirt, so he pulled out his dick, and at that moment, Yuju squirted a lot. After squirting, she lay on the table and twitched. Her juices spurted all over the table and the floor. But the boss did not blame her. Instead, he looked at her glistening pussy that had just squirted and prepared for the second insertion. 
Before she could rest, the boss had already inserted his dick into her. This time the insertion was easier than before because she had just squirted and her pussy was wet and warm. "Oh, boss. You fuck me so deep. I can't......" She couldn't even finish her words because of the boss's skillful thrusting. "Ah... you suck me so tight, it feels so good." The boss hasn't had sex with a girl who feels so good for a long time, and he feels like he's about to cum. He grabbed Yuju's waist and increased the speed of his thrusts. "Yes.... boss. Fuck me like this. Ruined me with your dick please." “Fuck… Yuju… I am about to cum.” Along with the boss's moan, he also shot his semen into her body. He took out his cock and watched his semen flow out of her pussy. “It’s so hot inside me.” Yuju felt his warm cum in her pussy. The boss didn't want to cum inside Yuju, but she made him feel so good that he accidentally cummed inside her. 
She picked up some of the semen with her fingers, took a look at it, and then lay on the table, gasping for breath. "Is my performance okay?" He smiled and said: "You're hired, Yuju ssi." "Thank you, boss." He approached Yuju again and aimed his dick at her pussy. “This is your orientation party.” He smirked and inserted his dick in her pussy again. Yuju didn't stop him and they both had sex until both of them were tired.
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dollielliot · 1 month
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˳ ・ׅ ⠀⠀ . ゚* 𑙕 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ׁ𐄙transcripts from police calls about columbine
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F.B.I. report excerpt about the Library 911 call:
"On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed twelve students and one teacher at Columbine High School Littleton, Colorado. During the incident, teacher Patty Nielson placed a call to 911 Emergency. Neilson was in the library when she placed the call. The 911 operator answered the call stating "911" at 11:27:47 a.m. The phone call lasted 26 minutes. During the call, noises including gunshots, explosions, screaming, and yelling can be heard. The initial backround noises heard come from the hallway just outside of the library. Four minutes and ten seconds into the call, Harris and Klebold entered the Library and begin shooting. They left the Library eleven minutes and forty-five minutes into the call. The remaining gunshots and explosions heard on the tape occur in the Cafeteria, Science classroom area or the hallways of the school."
Eric - "Get up!"
Dylan - "GET UP!"
Eric - "Stand up right now or we'll blow your fucking heads off!"
Dylan - "Fine I'll start shooting then..." (shoots Velasquez) "Woohoo!"
Dylan - "All jocks stand up... white baseball cap"
Eric - "Pigs are here..." (begins firing out the window)
Dylan - (shoots Hall, Ireland, Steepleton) "Yahoo!" 
Patti Nielson - "our father.. who art in heaven... hallowed be thy name" Dispatcher - "ma'am, you need to forget about praying right now. What's happening there?"
Nielson - "They're in here... they're killing kids... I have to go." (drops phone)
Eric - (kills Curnow) "Die! Motherfucker!"
Dylan - "WOO!"
Kasey Ruegsegger - (after being shot by Eric) "Oh!"
Eric - "Stop your bitching! It's merely a flesh wound."
Dylan - (laughing hysterically)
Eric - "peek-a-boo" (kills Bernall)
Dylan - (shoots Ireland) "Die! …..down on the floor!"
Dylan - "REB?"
Eric - "Yeah?"
Dylan - "hey, man... there's a [ n word w/ the hard r] over here."
Eric - "shoot him."
Dylan - "SHIT YEAH!"
Shoels - "no…no…no.mom!"
(shoels and kechter killed)
(C02 bomb detonates)
Valeen Schnurr - "oh my god... help me..."
Eric - "do you believe in god?"
Valeen - "no. yes..."
Dylan - "Why?"
Eric - "God is gay."
John Tomlin - "Don't... done enough?"
(shots fired)
Dylan - "You think we've done enough?" (laughing)
Eric - "nice glasses" (shots fired... sounds of a scuffle.. shots fired again, Mauser killed)
Dylan - "was he trying to jump you?"
Eric - "yeah"
(shots fired... DePooter killed)
Dylan - "Look what we have here..."
Eric - "What?"
Dylan - "just some fat fuck"
Dylan - "give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you."
Evan Todd - "I don't want to get into trouble."
Dylan - "Trouble! You don't know what trouble is..."
Evan Todd - "That's not what I mean... I don't have a problem with you guys..." 
Dylan - "I'm going to let this fat fuck live... little fat fucking piece of shit... you can have him if you want." 
Eric - "Let's go to the commons"
Dylan - "One more thing" (sound of something smashing)
Dylan - "Reb, ya ready?"
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Dispatcher - "Columbine Senior High School. There's been a shooting. There's a female in the south parking lot. OK, I'm sorry, can you tell me where she is?"
Student - "She's in the south parking lot on the lower parking lot."
Dispatcher - "She's in the parking lot, the lower one?"
Student - "Right, toward the east end of that parking lot .... I just saw everyone running. I just saw the smoke."
Dispatcher - "OK. We had a report of explosions down there. Is there a car fire or anything?
Student - "People are saying there's a gun."
Dispatcher - "Do you know if anyone was carrying a weapon out there?"
Student - "No, I do not. There's like smoke going off in the parking lot right now. There are loud noises. I'm not sure exactly. A cop is pulling up."
Dispatcher - "Can you direct them?"
Student - "No, but they're going in the right direction. People are running out of the school like mad right now."
Dispatcher - "Where is the female ... is she still in that south parking lot?"
Student - "I can't see her anymore. I ran to the phone."
Dispatcher - "Can you see anything else?"
Student - "A lot of people are at the front of the parking lot and they're running out."
Dispatcher - "When the kids came out of the school, which direction were they going?"
Student - "They went down towards the street."
Dispatcher - "What part is this? Is it like the gym area, the cafeteria or just classrooms?"
Student - "They're coming from like the commons, the lunch area right now."
Dispatcher - "The commons area? 
Student: Everyone's running and I'm still standing here."
Dispatcher - "You're out of the way of danger, aren't you?"
Student - "I believe so, I don't know." 
Dispatcher - "Do you mind if I keep you on the phone here so you can tell me if anything else is going on there?"
Student - "I think the fire alarm is going off right now. Yeah, the fire alarm is going off."
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Dispatcher -  "...Shots fired at Columbine High School, 6201 South Pierce, possibly the south lower lots toward the east end. One female is down"
Dispatcher - "71"
Deputy Neil Gardner - "Shots in the building. I need somebody in the south lot with me."
Dispatcher - "MC-2's in the area."
Dispatcher - "140 enroute. 11:26" (dispatcher gives time of broadcast). 
[unintelligible field radio with siren in background]
Dispatcher - [unintelligible] "11:26"
[unintelligible, officers acknowledging their response]
Deputy Neil Gardner - "Several shots. Code 33."
Dispatcher - "71. Several shots fired. Columbine High School. Use caution...."
Dispatcher - [unintelligible] "You were covered."
[unintelligible field unit]
Dispatcher - "Copy. Attention. All units, there's a code three on this channel. For the officers at Columbine High. Take your traffic to channel two...."
[unintelligible field unit]
Dispatcher - [unintelligible] "11:27"
Officer - "41"
Dispatcher - "41"
Officer - "Yeah, the alarm's OK. Enroute down to Columbine."
Dispatcher - "11:27"
Dispatcher - "71 requested assistance at the south lower lot."
Officer - "At the lot?"
Dispatcher - [unintelligible] "at the lot. That's where we had the female down.... [unintelligible] 127 [unintelligible]"
Officer - "OK ... We've got the pupils leaving the grounds."
Dispatcher - [unintelligible] "I have report of possible grenades in the school."
Officer: "147"
Dispatcher: "147"
Officer: [unintelligible] "teacher thinks somebody is in the school with a gun."
Dispatcher - "Report units of possible parties inside the school with weapons. Also we have reports from outside the school that possibly grenades are being thrown from the roof of the school."
Officer - "27. I'm set up on Pierce at the, uh, south side lot."
Dispatcher - Pierce south side of the lot.... [unintelligible]
Officer - "44. I'll be set up on the west side of the back of the school, by the ball field."
Officer - "MC-2. I've got the west side by the ball field. Supposedly they're in black trench coats."
Dispatcher - "MC-2. West side by the ball fields, parties in trench coats, possibly has a shotgun."
Officer - [unintelligible] "copy."
Officer - [unintelligible]
Dispatcher - "Last unit"
Deputy Neil Gardner - "71"
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mj0702 · 9 months
The other Bronze - Part One
Here we go again 🤣 Thank you (as always) to Crush and Bubs
(the bad Spanish is courtesy of Google and if you find typos or anything please point them out to me 😉)
You finally walked the last steps towards the door of your Sisters small house at the Outskirts of Barcelona. What you're doing in Barca on a random Friday Night? You wanted to surprise Lucy for her Birthday. It took a lot of begging to Mum and Dad to let you fly all on your own from Manchester to Barcelona and when you turned your phone on after landing, you had 26 missed calls and 15 messages already, the last one from your older Brother Jorge telling you to text him if the Plane crashed and you died – real Clown that one. You phoned Mum, telling her that the Flight was just a little delayed and that your still very much alive and not Shark food in the Ocean. You knew Lucy had training, so you stayed a little longer at the Airport, watching people, drinking Coffee. You found some nice company in a Girl, who waited for her Girlfriend and surprisingly spoke English. So know you're currently walking up the steps towards Lucy's front door, her spare key (which you got from Mum, in case Lucy wasn't home), my Earplugs blasting Music and you opened the door – boy what a mistake.
„Luuuucccyyyy!! Happy Birth... OH MY GOD MY EYES!!! OH EW!!“ you started to yell out in horror before spotting my Sister on her Couch. Naked. With another Girl on her knees in front of her, her head buried between your Sisters legs. You turned around as quick as you could, shutting the Door behind you. A few minutes later, some shuffling and swearing from the inside, said door got ripped open again.
„What are you doing here?“ Lucy asked you and you couldn't tell if she was pissed off or just annoyed.
„Surprise??“ you say, your back still facing her.
„Why do you have a Key to my Apartment? You can turn around by the way“ she sounded annoyed, which was good – annoyed is better than pissed off.
„Mum... I just saw things I never wanted to see ever“ you shrugged like it was self-explanatory. „Dear bloody Jesus“ your Sister huffed out, before grabbing your Arm, starting to pull you inside, as you tried to stop her by holding on to the Door frame
„I'm NOT going back in there again“ you say, gagging for good measure.
„Stop being difficult“ Lucy said, putting her arm around your Shoulders instead, having more leverage. Back inside you were sat down at the Kitchen table, the Girl from earlier just making some Coffee.
„I hope you sanitized that Table“ you mumbled, before looking at your Sister „No way you haven't fu...“
„If you finish that Sentence, I'll call Mum telling her that you broke that ugly Vase at Christmas three years ago“ Lucy narrowed her eyes at you, before turning to the Girl „Ona... this is my overly annoying baby Sister y/n... devils spawn... this is Ona, my Girlfriend“
You just looked at the Girl with a blank face nor knowing how to react to these news.
„Manners“ Lucy growled at you and slapped the back of your Head
„Hola“ you said to Ona, not really knowing what to think of her.
„Hola“ Ona smiled back, putting a cup of Coffee in front of you, which Lucy took away the instant it touched the Table „No hay café para ella“ she said to Ona, while ignoring your frustrated „Oi!!“.
„Por qué?“ the dark haired woman asked.
„Look at her.... she's already a pest, I don't need her caffeinated up“ Lucy answered, finally in English, while pointing at you.
„Aye you Arsepiece“ you huffed out, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
„You're English, not Scottish, ya wee shite“ your Sister grinned at you, but finally came over, ruffling you Hair, which is Lucy language for „I love you“.
“I was born in Scotland therefore I’m Scottish” you grumble out.
„I don't understand a word you two say“ Ona said confused, her spanish accent thick as she speaks english and Lucy laughed out loud
„All good...“. She then looks at you again „But seriously... what are you doing here?“.
„Wanted to surprise you for your Birthday... haven't seen you since the Euros“ you mumble a little embarrassed
„You... missed me“ Lucy smirked
„No... how could I miss your annoying Ass?“ you answered quickly and she KNEW she hit a nerve
„I missed you too, Devils Spawn“ she said, pulling you into a side hug
„You never told me you had a younger Sister, Lucia“ Ona said, smiling slightly at our interaction
You just raise an eyebrow at Lucy „Lucia? What have you done to fuck up so badly, that she uses your actual name?“
„Lucia is more common here, you daft punk...“ Lucy rolled her eyes at you still holding you to her side before answering her Girlfriend „I try to keep her away from the Spotlight“
„Oh...“ Ona said, like she understands, which you doubted „I'll leave you two to catch up, I'm going to go...“ she smiled
„Weren't you about to come a little while ago?“ you blurted out, which earned you a very hard punch to the shoulder courtesy of your lovely Sister
Ona just look confused, which causes you to laugh „You can explain that one, Kneeless... Bathroom that way?“.
As you renter the Kitchen, you see Lucy and Ona kissing in the Doorway. You comment it with a loud dry heaving sound. Lucy blindly throws a shoe at you, which misses by miles and you snap a photo of her. You can only see Lucys back and Onas Hands around her Neck, so it's obvious that there's someone else, but you can't see who. You sit back down at the Table, your Stomach starting to growl and you realize just how late it is. You shot up and run up to Lucy, grabbing her shirt, pulling hard successfully ending the make out session
„You have to phone Mum that I'm here, otherwise she'll send a search party and I'm already dead, because I didn't text her that I arrived safely“ you stumble over your words, because nothing is more scary than Mum Bronze in Mum Mode. Lucy rolled her eyes, pecking Onas lips again for a final goodbye, before pushing you back into the Apartment again
„You realize what I just gave up for you?“
„Multiple Orgasms, I know... I don't want to know, but I know... can I post a picture, saying I'm with you?“ you murmur the end of your question, knowing Lucy is very picky with private Pictures and even more, when you're involved
„Let me first call Mum, then let me check the Picture, then we decide what we get for dinner, okay?“ she pressed a Kiss to your temple, already her Phone in Hand, dailing Home.
She was on the Phone to Mum forever, apologizing telling her she was so happy to see you that we forgot to call her. Straight A+ lie, but if someone can pull it off, it's Lucy
„You owe me, Smol“ she said after ending the Call „Now show me that picture, so I can say No and we can go finding food, since my fridge is empty and I planned on eating something else tonight“ she grinned, as you start to dry heave again.
„Please... i REALLY don't want to think about it“ you say pained
Lucy laughed out loudly and you smiled. You really missed her.
„Show me the Picture“ she said, encouraging you, a smile playing around her lips, as you show her.
„That's a good one“ Lucy said after a minute of looking at it closely handing you the phone back „You can use that one... Just don't tag Ona please“
„I don't even know who she is“ you said looking apologetic „but I think she's nice“
Your Sister laughed again „She is... haven't felt like this since Keira“
„Why did you and Keira split up? I really liked her“ you said and Lucy looked at you for a second, really looked at YOU before answering
„We just fell out of Love... nobodies fault... it just happened and it wasn't fair to either of us to keep pretending“ Lucy said carefully, yet seriously, knowing that Topic was difficult for you
„As cliche as it sounds, but we're still friends and I know, Keira will be over the Moon seeing you again“. Truth is, when Lucy and Keira split up you refused to talk to your Sister for weeks, not grabbing fully why she would leave Keira. Keira who was a mixture between a big Sister and a Mother to you. Keira, who made you laugh, when you where sad. Keira, who carried you to bed, when you fell asleep during a Movie. Keira, who held you when you came crying into Lucys Bedroom, just woken up from a Nightmare. In the End, you was just too young to grab fully what was happening. Maybe not too young but you couldn’t understand the feelings behind it.
„Was it my fault?“ you whispered, always the nagging feeling at the back of your Head, that it was your fault they split up.
„What?“ Lucy asked confused „No... of course not! Y/n listen to me... it had NOTHING to do with you“
„But if I would have acted more grown up and not come running nearly every night..“ you stared and Lucy immediately knew what it was about
„Y/n... it had nothing to do with that... nothing! You went through something traumatic and we were honestly glad you trusted us enough to come to us or let us calm you down when you had a nightmare“ she said insistently, holding your look „You had nothing to do with what happened between Keira and I, do you understand me?“
„I just... I feel like it's my fault“ you look down, playing with your fingers
„It's not... and if you don't believe me, you can ask Keira...“ Lucy said, grabbing your Hands in hers, holding them tightly „It just happened“
You let her pull you into a hug and for the first time in a long time you felt safe and home.
„Thanks Luce“ you mumbled against her shoulder
„Always ya wee shite“ she said and you felt her smiling into your Hair.
Yes, even at 16 years old, Lucy is a whole Head bigger than you were. Your stomach growled again and Lucy laughed „What do you want to eat, I'll order“
„I'm in Spain... obviously I want Fish and Chips, Idiot... I want authentic spanish food“ you said sarcastically
„Smartass“ she rolled her eyes „We could also go out, whatever you want“
„It's YOUR Birthday... why do I have to choose? “ you said, honestly confused
„I was trying to be nice... I know a small little Restaurant, not too far from here“ she grinned at you
„Do I have to change for it?“ you asked, looking down at your button down shirt, ripped jeans and the baby blue chucks
„Other shoes and you're good to go“ Lucy said as she threw a pair of NIKEs your way „I'll just go change, don't do anything stupid“ she pointed her finger threatenly at you
„Never, my beloved Sister“ you say sarcastically.
While Lucy is changing, you decided against posting the picture of Lucy and Ona kissing online. You know your Sister values her privacy and even she gave you the ok, it didn't feel right – but that doesn't mean you couldn't send it to someone else... Keira.
Y/n: ~ inserts picture ~ It finally happened Kei... I walked in on her... thankfully I haven't eaten today, otherwise Lucy would have to clean that up too
Keira: You're in Barcelona, Bitsy?! Why didn't you tell me?
Y/n: Sure am... wish I wasn't tho... ehm... surprise?
Keira: I hope you didn't plan to fuck off without saying hi... and don't kid yourself, Bitsy... that definitely wasn't the first time you walked in on your Sister ;)
Y/n: of fucking course not... and how would you know that, Ms. Walsh?
Keira: Because I was there :p
After you read Keiras last Text, you threw your Phone to the other End of the Couch with a loud „EW!!“.
Lucy came running from the Bedroom, looking at you shocked „What happened?? Are you okay?“. „I walked in on you and Keira???“ you cried out in agony.
„What?“ Lucy looked at you confused. You showed her your Phone, which caused her to laugh – full on belly laugh „Oh yeah... I forgot about that“ Lucy laughed.
„I WALKED IN ON YOU AND KEIRA???“ you screeched horrified.
„Yep... multiple times actually“ Lucy grinned.
„Oh god... I think I need to throw up? When... wait no... don't answer that“
Your Sister laughed again, throwing a coat towards you, silently telling you that you were leaving. „Is it okay, if I invite some people?“ she asked you, as you leave the Apartment.
„It's your Birthday, Luce – you can invite whoever you want“ you shrugged your Shoulders. „Whomever“ Lucy corrected you automaticly, before she pulled out her phone and send some texts. „Smartass“ you mumble as your Sister put her Arm around your Shoulders, manoeuvring you through the City.
Just as you rounded a corner into a small side road, someone shoulder checked you, turning around, yelling something in spanish at you. You looked at the guy confused, feeling Lucy going into protective Mode, making herself bigger by your Side. Before she could say anything, you looked at the Guy, yelling at him „Cállate la Boca, matildo hijo de puta!“
Your Sister looked shocked at you as does the Guy. You put on your best Bronze-Fightingface, before making a step towards him. Just as the Guy made up his mind and also took a step towards you, a Woman pushed right in between you two oozing confidence and started talking calmly to the Guy. She was pretty but damn – she was intimidating. The Guy talked back twice, before turning around, leaving the little alley
„What the Hell, Y/n??“ Lucy yelled at you „What the hell did you say to that guy? I understood ONE word and know it wasn't a compliment – and since when do you speak spanish?“
She then turned to the Woman „Hola Alexia... Gracias por interferir“
„Ningún problema“ the woman smiled at my Sister
„And you“ she turned to you „Where did you learn that?“
And there was that intimidating look again, which made you gulp. You grew up with Lucy Bronze, but this woman scared you. You pushed yourself behind your Sister, trying to hide
„Answer her“ Lucy pulled you out from behind her.
You just shook your Head and mumbled „She scares me Luce“
„Good“ your Sister mumbled „now answer her“
You shook your Head again. The woman looked at you and smiled slightly
„Excuse me. Hi, my name is Alexia, I'm a teammate and friend of your Sister“
You're still careful, not to stand to close to her „Hi... Y/n... I'm.. the Sister of my Sister“
This actually made her laugh, while Lucy groaned and started to rub her forehead embarrassed
„So... now that we know each other, where did you learn to offend spanish people? As much as I gathered, you don't speak spanish..“ Alexia said and immediately she got all scary again
„I... no... yes?“ You looked at her and tried to hide behind Lucy again, who groaned again. „Cariño.... my patience is wearing quite thin... you better start talking” Alexia said sweetly, but you knew it was a fair warning
“A girl at the Airport taught me... I just tried to order a coffee, which is SO hard in your country and the Barista didn't understand me and she kinda took over and ordered for me... as a thank you, I paid for hers... and we sat together as she waited for her Girlfriend and since we had time, she taught me some spanish” you stutter out
“Do you even know what you just said?” Alexia looked at you shocked
“ehrm... no... but the girl said I have to put on a Bitchface after saying it... she was cool...”
“Y/n... you just can't throw around spanish phrases, because SOMEONE told you” Lucy pressed.
“She look trustworthy” you defended yourself
“Cariño...” Alexia said softly “... don't EVER say that again, because you will get hurt in the process”
“Is it bad?” you ask unsure
“It is...” the Spanish woman said “... and if I ever find that Girl, that taught you, I will have a VERY serious talk with her... in spanish” she winked at you
“What are the Odds” you mumbled and Lucy looked at you
“What odds?” she asked you confused
“That girl just turned around the Corner” you said, pointing at a Girl, laughing loudly with some other girls
“I should have known” Alexia groaned out “María Pilar León Cebrián!!! Nosotras necesitamos hablar!!!” she yelled out
The Girl in questions Head snapped towards Alexias angry Voice, her laughter dying in her throat. She made eye contact with you, her eyes went comically wide and you could swear, you saw her mouthing the word “Fuck”, before slowly starting to walk backwards
“Oh please do” Alexia sneered, while walking towards Maria “Please start running, so I can chase after you because after I caught you, I'm gonna drag your sorry Ass up to Nuo and let you run Laps until Training is over and then some more...”
You turned towards your Sister “Isn't Nuo Egg?” you ask confused
“Huevo is Egg.. Nuo is the Stadium where we train and play” Lucy explained
“Ah... and why is Alexia calling me Cariño ... is that some weird spanish name?” you said, still confused
This Time Lucy laughed out loud, while Alexia is “actively” having a word with Maria – she was outright yelling at the poor Girl. You actually did feel sorry for her. Maria looked very guilty, trying to explain, but not getting a word in.
“Cariño is a form of endearment... something like Honey”
“Excuse me?? She could have at least taken me out on a Date first” you huffed, but smiled.
“Are you causing trouble already?” a voice behind you said amused. You turned around and sprinted off, throwing yourself in the Womans arms.
“I missed you, Keira” you mumbled into her neck, while she's hugging you tightly
“I missed you too, Bitsy” she kissed your Hair, not breaking the contact
You felt safe in her arms. Lucy came over after getting over her initial shock of you just sprinting off
“For once, it wasn't her causing the Trouble... it was Mapí” Lucy said, nodding towards a still yelling Alexia with her head
“What a surprise – Mapí causing trouble... these two would absolutely cause havoc” Keira laughed, not letting go of you
“Take a guess, why Mapí is getting yelled at... they have met already” your Sister grinned
“Oh god” Keira groaned laughing “What has Mapí done?”
“She taught me spanish” you said proudly
“What did she teach...” the other english woman started before getting interrupted by Lucy “Don't!!!! Don't ask!”
Keira was a little taken aback, but didn't ask any further
“She taught me a phrase... apparently it's a bad one and I'm not allowed to say it again, otherwise the scary Woman will have my Ass” you said, still pressed into Keiras side
“Scary Woman?” Keira raised an eyebrow at Lucy
“Alexia” your Sister answered shrugging her shoulders
“Mapí would like to say something” said Woman stood behind you three, her hand grabbing the back of Marias neck, who looked like a kicked puppy
“Lamento mucho haberte enseñado algo malo” the smaller Woman mumbled, clearly not happy or comfortable with the situation
“En Inglés” Alexia rolled her eyes “As you maybe remember, little Bronze doesn't speak spanish”. “Su hermana lo hace - ella puede traducir” Maria said
“Maria” Alexia warned “Deja de ser difícil y discúlpate correctamente”
“I'm sorry for teaching you bad spanish” the younger woman huffed out annoyed
“It's...” you started, before Alexia interrupted you “And now we try to say that, like we really mean it” she said to Mapí, grabbing her neck a little tighter
“I'm sorry” the younger girl winced
“Very good” Alexia smiled, but everyone saw it was fake, before getting a stern face again “You still will run laps tomorrow”
“What??? I apologized” Mapí said shocked
“Still doesn't change the fact, that you nearly caused a fight – if I hadn't stepped in, she most like would have end up in the Hospital with a broken nose... or worse” Alexia said
“Oi!” you yelled out “I may be small, but I can hold myself, thank you very much”
“We” Alexia looked at you sternly “Will talk tomorrow”
You gulped again, making yourself smaller at Keiras side, who had watched the whole interaction with an amused grin on her face.
“Can we get food now?” you whispered into Keiras side
The Midfielder laughed loudly “Let's go” she said as she pulled you into the small Restaurant, everyone following you. You sat between Lucy and Alexia, Mapí to Alexias right, next to her her Girlfriend Ingrid, Keira was to Lucys left with one seat free in between them for when Ona would join.
“What's edible here?” you ask to no one particular, studying your menu.
“Should I order for you, Cariño?” Alexia ask, wanting to make you feel welcome and comfortable “If this is you aassuming that this is a date, then no...” you say distracted, still try to figure out the menu.
Alexia was taken aback, while your Sister laughed.
“But what is... potatoes braves?” you asked, looking up confused.
Mapí clutched her heart dramatically “My heart... my Heart burns... I think I have a heart attack.. is this what a heart attack feels? My poor Heart”
“What is her deal?” you asked your Sister, who already had tears in her eyes from laughing
“You just absolutely BUTCHERED her language and food” Keira said, her tone dry as usual still looking over the menu.
“But it says there...” you climbed on top of Lucy, your Knee pressing into her thigh, causing her to groan out in pain, to show Keira on the Menu “Potatoes braves... or something like that”
“Patatas Bravas” Keira corrected you “It is potatoes, but it's not called Potatoes and definitely not Braves..”
“Look at you, all fancy spanishing” you rolled your eyes at her, but she knew you didn't mean it.
“Could you please finally get off me?” Lucy groaned out, pushing you back on your chair “When did you get so heavy?”
“Are you calling me fat, Arse biscuits??” you challenged her by raising an eyebrow
“What if I do, Twat McFuckknuckle?” Lucy taking your bait, raising her eyebrow as well
“Stop it! Both of you, we have company AND in public” Keira said sharply, successfully interrupting your interaction “God the two of you – always trouble”
You kicked Lucys ankle lightly under the Table, she shoving you, pushing you successfully into Alexia.
“Sorry... she pushed me” you mumbled out, while shoving Lucy back.
Alexia looked at Keira “Are they always this violent towards each other?”
“Oh this isn't violent – this is actually them behaving” Keira smiled fake, watching you two shoving each other “Just wait till there's food on the Table – THEN it gets violent”.
Just as they were about to order, Ona joined the small Group, pressing a small Kiss to Lucys lips. You watched that interaction with a frown on your face. You cared deeply for Keira and assumed it wasn't easy on her watching her Ex and her new Girlfriend kissing right in front of her. You carefully looked at Keira, but saw her laughing with Ingrid, who changed seats for conversation purposes.
“What's this dark look on your face, Cariño?” Alexia whispered in your ear, unknowing to you, she always had an eye on you.
“Nothing” you said flatly, not wanting to start a scene “I'm just hungry”
It was your Sisters Birthday after all and she looked very happy with Ona.
“Dinner will be served soon, don't worry” the Barca captain said lightly, putting a hand on your bouncing knee.
“Ale?” Mapí asked from Alexias other side.
“Si?” the woman in question looked at her younger Teammate
“Can we swipe seats?” Mapí asked hopefully.
You look at her confused “You want to what?”
“Swipe seats... I take Alexias, she sits in my seat” the young spanish said
“Oh... OH... you mean swap...” you say as you realize what she wants “and they say I butcher a language”
“No” Alexia said sternly “before you ask, you two won't be anywhere unsupervised”
“Oi” you exclaim “I'm very capable of looking after myself”, while Mapí exclaimed something in spanish.
“No idea what she said, but she's right” you say, pointing at Mapí
“Enough” Alexia said sternly, both of you stop complaining immediately.
Keira looked impressed at Alexia, trying to hide her smirk. Lucy was in her own world with Ona, ignoring everything around her. Finally there was Food on the Table and before the Plagrabfor everyone even were placed on the Table, you and Mapí already starting to grab whatever you could reach. Alexia watched in horror, as you two just loading food on your own plates without waiting for the rest “Excuse me? María León... I know for a fact that you have manners and won't just load your plate with food without WAITING for everyone else – especially for the Woman who celebrates her birthday today... isn't that right, María?”
Mapí looked down on her plate guilty, before starting to put the food back.
“I thought so” Alexia said, still a mad undertone in her voice
You on the other Hand didn't care one bit. You grew up in the Bronze household. You snooze, you loose. You threw a little fried something into your mouth, chewing happily. That was until the spiciness kicked in. Your eyes went wide, tears starting to form in your eyes and you started to have problems to breath. As always, you turned to Keira for help, throwing food at her to get her attention.
“Y/n please... I didn't raise you for years so you start throwing food in public” the Woman said, turning to you before realizing what was happening. Once she saw you in your distressed state, she immediately came over, pulling you out of your chair and out of the restaurant. Lucy finally noticed her surroundings, as Keira pulled you outside. She jumped up, following the two of you outside
“What happened?” Lucy asked worried, seeing you having difficulties to breath and tears streaming down your face.
“I don't know. She suddenly started to throw food at me, I actually was about to tell her off, but saw her having problems to breath and got her out” Keira gave Lucy a rundown, while keeping you upright
“It's okay, Bitsy... calm down” Keira started to talk to you in a low, soothing voice “Take a deep breath for me”
You tried to follow her instructions, but with no luck. Lucy finally sprung into action grabbing you by your shoulders, making you look at her
“Did you eat something?”
You nod, still trying your hardest to breath.
You nod again, thankful that your Sister keeps a cool head.
“You're doing good, Bubs... Do you know what you've eaten?”
You shake your head.
“Okay... we can work with that” Lucy said, a small reassuring smile on her lips, turning to Keira “Could you get something dairy.. milk... yoghurt... whatever”
“Sure” Keira smiled before disparaging inside the Restaurant.
“It's okay, Bubs... it's going to get better soon, I promise – just... don't shovel everything into your gob without asking next time.. these guys here are absolutely unholy when it comes to spicy food”. Just as your Sisters calm voice started to work on your nerves, Keira appeared with a glass of milk AND yoghurt
“Drink Bitsy” she smiled assuringly at you, pushing the glass of milk into your hands.
You took a sip and immediately felt your tight chest loosen up. Greedily you drowned the whole glass, feeling better with every gulp.
“Fuck” was the first word, that left your mouth after you regain your breathing again.
“You okay now, Bubs?” Lucy asked concerned.
“Getting there” you said, leaning forward, your hands on your knees “But I think I need to throw up”
Lucy pulled you upright quickly “Are you serious?”
“Yep” you breathed deeply, your stomach on a wrath for torturing it
“I'm getting you home right now” your Sister said seriously “Spicy is one thing, but your stomach is normally made of steel, that's not normal”
You just groaned
“Stay” Keira said to your Sister “It's your Birthday – I'll take her to my Place and have an eye on her... you stay and enjoy your evening, okay?”
“I can't ask that of you, Kei” Lucy said softly
“You're not asking... I'm offering” Keira smiled softly “If she feels up for it, we can meet for brunch or lately at training”
“Thank you” Lucy whispered, hugging her Ex-Girlfriend before turning to you “You behave... be good for Keira”
You nod before Keira wraps you into a hug, leading you away.
As soon as you're out of earshot and view, Keira let go of you and grinned knowingly “You can stop pretending now...”
You looked at her shocked “How did you know?”
“I was always able to tell... your sister is right, you have a stomach made of steel... your whole face changed after you drank the milk and I knew you're alright again... what I don't know is why you put on a show” the english Woman smirked at you, as she called you out
“Didn't want you to put up with Lucy and her new One being all lovey-dovey all evening... and I didn't want to put up with it either” you mumble caught.
Keira started to laugh loudly “Oh Bitsy... I see that lovey-dovey every day... it's okay for me... Lucy deserves to be happy...”
You looked at Keira and she knew there was more to it.
“What's wrong, Bitsy?” she ask lovingly
“I feel like it's my fault you broke up...” you mumble, having a hard deja-vu
“Oh sweetheart... no it's not... Lucy and I just grew apart. It happens and it's nobodies fault, especially not yours... but there's more, isn't it?” Keira said softly
“I don't like the new one” you mumble out, looking down embarrassed
“Why? Ona is a good person, she's good to and for your Sister”
“She looks like she doesn't even need to shave” you exclaimed.
Keira bursted out laughing “You're one of a kind, Bitsy... trust me... Ona is a good Person and she's good for Lucy... I know you're always struggling with change, but please.. give Ona a chance, she'll surprise you”
“M'kay” you mumble.
You arrived at Keiras Apartment, she let you both in before setting up her guest room for you. You went on exploring Keiras home. You were about to open a cabinet as she called from the guest room “Don't you dare open my Cabinets... I love you but you're a clutz”.
You quickly let go of the handle, looking at the pictures hanging on the wall instead. You spotted one of yourself and Lucy, sound asleep on your Couch in Manchester. You laid on top of Lucy, while she was sprawled out under you, her right arm over your back, holding you safely, her knee carefully placed on some pillows, her glasses askew on her face, your hand fisted in her shirt.
“I love that picture” Keiras voice soft behind you “I came back from training, wondering why she hadn't answered my texts about dinner... I walked in and both of you were softly snoring on the Couch. Your leg was so close to her freshly operated knee, that I was afraid you'd hurt it, if you move and I tried to lift you off her, but both of you started to stir as soon as I moved you. So I just let you sleep – after I took a picture. I think Lucy slept for another hour and you slept for nearly three more hours”
Keiras voice was soft and full of love, that you started crying silently. Another picture showed Lucy and Keira in a park, you asleep in between them. You pointed at the picture, your back still facing her.
“London” Keira said understanding you even without words “Our first anniversary.. She planned this whole Weekend to the brim, with fancy Restaurant, Musical Show, Sightseeing... everything... then your parents got so sick with the flu, that we took you with us... her plans went so fast out the window” Keira laughed quietly “but we improvised and instead of fancy restaurant we did pick-nick in Hyde Park – and I wouldn't change it for the world. You were so done after a day of exploring the city and all of the sights, that you were out like light as soon as you sat down”
You pointed at the next picture, again the three of you.
“You can't remember this one?” she asks you surprised.
“I do” you whisper “but... please”
“Paris” Keira said softly “Third anniversary.. Lucy just joined Lyon and invited me over to France for our anniversary She told me, she has the weekend off and wanted to take me to Paris – I honestly thought she would propose... Somehow you heard Lucy talking to your mum and begged her to let you come as well. It was the first time you two were separated and everyone could see that it was so hard on you. Lucy said as long as I'm okay with it, you could come. I remember you being so over the top with your nerves, that you ran around the Airport like a maniac... I lost you twice” Keira chuckled “and as soon as we started, you were out like a light again. In Paris, I had do carry you off the Plane, because you wouldn't wake up – and I still had to get our luggage AND carry you. It took me forever and Lucy was starting to panic that I bailed until she saw me, packed like a Donkey holding onto your sleeping form, dragging our bags behind me. And what did she do? She first smiled and then laughed – but it was the most beautiful sound in the world to me”
“Do you miss her?” you asked quietly.
“Of course I do” Keira answered honestly.
“Do you still love her?”
“I love her, yes... but I'm not IN love with her” she said.
You finally turned around, hugging her tightly.
“I miss you at home... so much” you mumble into her shoulder, tears rolling down your cheeks. Keira held you tightly “Oh sweet girl.. I miss you too – I really do”
You stayed like this for a moment, before your eyes grew heavy and Keira carefully walked the two of you towards the Guest bedroom, not letting go of you. You held onto her for dear life, letting her guide you.
As Keira kicked the door of the Guest room open, you mumble into her shoulder “Don't wanna sleep alone”
The english Woman chuckled lightly “I thought so... I just thought I'd offer, just in case... being a good host and everything”
She guided you towards her own Bedroom and sat you down on the Bed. You already were half asleep and whined tiredly as Keira let go of you. She smiled at your hunched over form
“Hush you... I need to change and get ready for bed – you too by the way”
You whined again “too much effort”
“Come on” Keira pulled at your Shirt “Teeth, Face, Change”
You felt like being Seven all over again.
“Nooooo” you whined out.
“Don't start... I'm not Lucy, I'm not a push-over... seven years of me in your life should have taught you that” Keira said severe.
You huffed heavy-hearted, before pushing off the Bed, shuffling towards the bathroom.
Keira smiled to herself “Still a big baby”.
After both of you went through your nightly Routine, with Keira basically brushing your teeth for you and changed your button down shirt with a normal shirt to sleep in, you made it into bed, where you immediately cuddled into Keiras arms and closed your Eyes. The older Woman kissed the Crown of your Head as she mumbled sweet nothings into the dark room, knowing you'd fall asleep in an instant.
Part 2 follows... at some point 😅
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Wrong Number 2
Someone said they liked when authors put their super-specific jobs in fics so I hope ya like Steve havin a (kinda romanticized) past job of mine.
For the first time in his life, Steve felt like the stereotypical young person who was always glued to his phone. Every time it made a noise or vibrated, his arm shot out like lightning, hoping with every fiber of his being that it was the mystery number.
It had been about five days since he'd sent that first message and he'd been worried about their conversations being stale. But that wasn't an issue. The only times their talks lulled was when they went to bed.
And even that was after texting late into the night. Steve would watch the clock go from 9 to 10 and promise to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. And then it would be midnight and what was a few minutes after that? Then he'd look up and it would be 2 in the morning.
Texting this guy had become the highlight of Steve's days. To the point where he didn't even realize Friday had come until one of his students mentioned it.
Then, purely out of habit, he asked: "Any weekend plans?"
"I've got a soccer game", Zach answered.
"My parents are having date night", Belinda said.
And normally Steve himself would be thinking about going out and finding someone for the night. But the idea hadn't come to him for once. He knew why, but he didn't fully process it until he got home to Robin, who was in the middle of cooking breakfast for dinner it seemed.
Steve was in the middle of replying to a text sent during lunch.
(12:15) I just realized you know about my off the wall job (12:17) But I have no idea what your 9 to 5 is (12:18) Your legally required to tell me if ur famous (12:18) Not bc im a clout chaser (12:19) But bc I might not have a clue who you are
[4:13] Not famous. Don't worry. I'm a teacher.
(4:15) As a former student I apologize
Robin opened the cabinet, looking for pancake mix. “Are you and that girl still texting?”
“Me and the who?”, Steve looked up from his phone.
“That girl? I assume you're finally setting up a date for this weekend?"
"She-" Steve racked his brain for a good excuse. But it was hard to do when the person who knew him the most was staring right at him.
"Whatever flaws of hers you're about to make up, I'm gonna call bullshit because your phone hasn't stopped pinging for days." She started mixing the pancake batter.
Steve looked down at the words on his screen. The one flaw of this guy was that they couldn't meet in person. But maybe it was time to close the distance just a bit.
"She's shy. Might just text a bit more before she's ready."
[4:19] No need for sorries. All my kids are great. But that's probably because I teach their favorite class.
(4:21) Oooh their favorite? (4:21) It's gotta be something like art rite? (4:22) Or are you being a smart ass cuz you teach like calculus or something?
[4:23] I teach cooking 😛
(4:23) Oh shit. (4:24) You're actually the favorite
[4:25] Toldja. Hey quick question and then possibly many more questions.
(4:26) Go ooooon
[4:27] How would you feel about spending the night playing 20 questions? Like are you free tonight?
Eddie bit his lip as he looked at Steve's words. He had picked his shifts this weekend to make sure he had plenty of time to talk to Steve. Which meant he was in fact free tonight. He replied as such and Steve said he wanted a little time to take a shower and then he'd be ready.
And because he was a little shit, Eddie took advantage of him being away from his phone.
(4:35) Since you're in the shower, I'm taking the first question. Boxers or briefs?
[4:54] Cheater. And I prefer boxer briefs. My turn?
(4:55) Go for it
Eddie was curled up on his couch, tv low and in the background as he waited for Steve's question.
[4:55] What's your name?
(4:56) THATS your first question? (4:56) Wait we've been texting for days haven't you saved my number? (4:57) What do you have me as?
Steve bit his lip, wishing he could lie to this guy, but he couldn’t. Instead he sent a screenshot of his phone.
(4:59) Misty? That’s the name of the chick?
[5:00] Yeah. But I guess I should put your actual name now, right?
It was a gamble. But this guy already knew Steve’s name. And by this point they’d been texting for nearly a week. He just wanted to know his name. He pushed back the part of himself that said he needed to know.
(5:00) It's Eddie.
Eddie. The guy he'd been talking to was named Eddie. Eddie with the long curly hair and the chunky rings who threw axes for a living. He was a far cry from the soft girls he usually dated. Or the preppy guys he usually dated.
(5:02) Favorite bug?
The question threw Steve for a moment but he decided to humor him.
[5:04] Bees 🐝I like how fuzzy they are. And I like honey. [5:05] What rings do you have?
A couple minutes later, Eddie replied with an image. It was taken from above and showed his hands lying flat on a coffee table. Steve zoomed to make out the details of each ring. He was also able to see a watch and a couple of wristbands on him.
[5:08] How did you take that picture? With your mouth? 🦭
(5:09) Did you did you just compare me to a seal???
[5:09] What other animal catches things in their mouths?
'I can be an animal with my mouth'. Thankfully, Eddie's fingers weren't as fast as his brain and he didn't send that to Steve. Eddie had in fact put his phone in his mouth the take the picture, having a real 'no thoughts, head empty moment' when Steve asked about his rings.
Steve was letting his own mind wander as he gazed at the picture. Eddie's hands were...his hands were...well they were-
(5:10) Favorite youtuber?
The adoration of Eddie's hands were interrupted by Eddie himself as their question and answers continued. The picture continued as well. Steve sent pics of his favorite pair of shoes, his hair products, and of his neck when Eddie said he didn't believe he had all these moles.
Eddie had sent pictures of one arm, covered in tats, his acoustic guitar, and a super worn copy of Peter Pan.
The hour was growing late and both of them were feeling more bold but at the same time hesitant because it felt like they were close to crossing a line.
Needing an outside opinion, Eddie consulted with The Council (the discord server with his band mates) about whether or not he should shoot his shot. Gareth told him to go for it, what harm could it do? Grant said to do it because it could potentially be the funniest catfishing story. Jeff agreed that he should, if only because their guitarist getting murdered would be a great back story.
With their unanimous approval, Eddie decided to start actively flirting with Steve.
(8:37) Soooooo ya like jazz?
[8:38] I do actually. I really love the piano.
Okay, that one was just practice. Be smooth. Be suave. None of that was in Eddie's wheelhouse but thankfully nothing he said turned Steve away. He always seemed just as eager to reply back.
(9:10) What's your oldest piece of clothing?
Eddie was thinking of his own oldest article a t-shirt that had started out overgrown on his tiny eight year old body but he'd grown into and kept over the years. It was super faded but filled with the memory of the first time he spent more than a couple of days with his uncle.
[9:12] I'd show you, but I'm wearing them right now.
Steve had closed his bedroom door before sending the text. There wasn't anything scandalous but it seemed like it could very quickly veer into that territory. All Eddie had to do was ask. If he wanted to see them, Steve would show it.
'I would like to see it.'
(9:12) I would like to see it
Eddie knew it could be anything. Maybe a holey sock. Or maybe he also had a super faded t-shirt with deep sewn-in memories as well. Maybe he was wearing a class ring?
[9:14] image.jpeg
Eddie was treated (and goddamn what a treat it was) to Steve Harrington's bottom half, barely covered in shorts with a school's logo on them. Thick thighs covered in hair. And a bulge that was there. It was very there. Eddie couldn't overstate how there it was.
He palmed his own crotch before remembering he was looking at a guy's junk and about to jerk off to it in his living room. And he had yet to answer. What was the most respectful way to say 'humina humina humina-wolf whistle-awooga'?
(9:16) Are you trying to kill me Steve?
[9:17] Do you like it?
(9:18) ❤️‍🔥 🔥 🥵
Eddie tried to think of any other way to tell Steve how hot he made him but it felt like typing words just wasn't enough.
(9:19) Can I do something insane? (9:20) And feel free to ignore me if it's too much
Steve was lying in his bed, phone of his charger now. Nothing Eddie could do would be too much. He could knock on his door and he would let him in.
[9:21] Go ahead
A second after he sent that, Steve's phone started to ring. It was Eddie. He stared for about five seconds before picking up.
If possible, Steve melted more into his bed. Eddie's voice...he didn't know what he expected but it wasn't that. He said one word and Steve wanted to wrap himself in it.
"That was pretty naughty of you, sending me that pic. I could show up to your school."
"You'd be a few years too late. These are my oldest shorts, remember?"
"Tiniest shorts maybe."
Steve laughed and Eddie was on cloud nine. He was so lost in bliss, he miscalculated and fell off the couch.
"What was that?"
"I uh, I fell. Off my couch."
"Did you fall hard?"
Eddie beamed as he got up and turned off the tv. Now that he had his voice, all he wanted to hear was the man on the other line.
"Oh super hard."
Steve let out a sound from the back of his throat and he wondered if Eddie had heard it. It was honestly amazing how the smallest things got him going. Or maybe he was just that into Eddie.
"You still there Steve?"
....."Yeah. I'm still here."
Part 4
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thrillered · 3 months
You know I Mountain Dew it for ya Pt.1 | Spencer Agnew x F! Reader |
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You started working at Smosh when you were 26, a few years after graduating college. In your down time you wrote and produced your own music. Not that you had much down time, which wasn’t necessarily a problem, you loved your job, you got to work with some of the most creative, talented, and hilarious people you’ve ever met. After working on it for months you finally finished writing and producing your latest single "Espresso". The song blows up but Smosh fans begin to wonder if the song is about her dear friend and coworker Spencer Agnew.
*Every piece of this work is fictional. I was inspired by Sabrina Carpenters song Espresso when I noticed how much it could apply to Spencer lol, I did NOT write or produce Espresso*
Pt. 1: Lunch
“Hello everyone!! And welcome back to another TRY NOT TO LAUGH!” Amanda started, a burst of energy shooting throughout the sound stage. “Don’t worry, we’ve heard your requests so we grabbed Josh to do another MUSICAL episode!”
The cast cheered, you smiled as you stayed ducked behind them. “Because we’re doing a musical episode we invited the one and only Y/N to join us!” Courtney smiled, the group— Amanda, Courtney, Shayne, Angela, and Chanse— splitting to allow you to pop up. 
“Hey everyone!!” You began, the cast and crew clapping and giving whoops of encouragement. “Okay, okay, that’s enough you’re making me blush” you joked, hands behind your back and twisting your foot.
“Don’t stop blushing yet Y/N, we aren’t done talking about you.” Chanse added, shaking your shoulder. 
“We may or may not have had ulterior motives for this musical episode.” Amanda continued. “We invited Y/N to join us because she is releasing a new song!”
“AND because I'm hilariously witty, right?” you joked, causing shayne to roll his eyes. “But! Yes, the day this releases my new single “Espresso” will be premiering at 10 pm PST, like, everywhere you get your music! This song is super fun so I hope you guys like it!” The group cheered and with that the round began.  
With Amanda in the stool first you decided to bust out your Sarah Christ impression for a beautiful ballad about how no establishments will let you smoke in them anymore. Amanda was quick to laugh, almost spraying you in the face, followed by a compliment about how good your Sarah Christ was. 
The game went by smoothly, or as smoothly as a smosh video goes, everyone making each other laugh. During your time in the stool Shayne sang, or rather yelled, one of the lowest notes you'd ever heard. You stayed strong until he had been holding the same note for probably 10 seconds and his face turned the most pained shade of red. 
“Oh thank god!” He said, leaning his hands on his knees as he caught his breath, “I think I would have gone until I passed out” 
The final round ended and you began the outro with applause, “That was so much fun! I demand to be invited to every musical TNTL from now on. Thank you guys so much for watching, we hope you laughed just as much as we did.” 
“Don't forget to stream “Espresso” by Y/N!” Chanse added, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder. 
“It’s SO good! Like, I swear to god, it's been stuck in my head since I heard it for the first time.” Angela added.
“And with that we must part ways..” You began, in a deep melodic tone. “Don’t forget to like and subscribe and check out one of these two videos on your screen! Okay bye!” 
That was two weeks ago and the Try Not To Laugh was being posted today. Your single premiering tonight.  
You sat at your desk, anxiously bouncing your heel as you tried to focus on the doc in front of you. You were supposed to meet with the games team later that afternoon to discuss possible creatives for some upcoming live streams. But the only thing you could focus on was what people would think about your song. 
You aren’t new to making music. In fact, you’ve been writing it since college and even performing it at some open mics and small gigs. But, most people who knew you online knew you from Smosh, not from your musical career. You had about 3,000 monthly listeners, which always astounded you, but this was the first time that you were releasing music that was being promoted by such a large online entity. 
“Keep shaking like that and you’ll cause an earthquake” You turned to see Spencer approaching your desk, hands in his pockets. You opened your mouth to respond but he cut you off, “Everyone is gonna love your song, Y/N. You don’t need to worry.”
“You haven't even heard it yet, Spence” You retorted, having made Spencer (Along with the rest of the cast, minus Angela) swear that he would wait until the release party to listen to it. You leaned your head on your chair to look at him as he sits next to you. 
“Yes, but, you would only put out something good so I trust that the song slaps.” Spencer tried to ease your running mind, only to get a huff in return. “Okay fine.” He began, standing and grabbing your phone while simultaneously turning off your monitor. 
“Wha- Hey” You started, trying to stop him but reacting too slowly.
“We are going out to lunch.” Spencer said, matter of factly.
“But what about the games meeting?” You asked.
“Got moved back an hour, don’t you look at the slack?” he chastised.
“Okay, but isn’t everyone going out tonight anyway?” You questioned, remembering that some of the cast and crew insisted on going out to celebrate your song release.
“Yeah but that’s everyone.” Spencer began, already walking towards the door, “Consider this your pre-game with your best friend.” 
“A pre-game at..” You looked at your barren wrist, “two pm?” 
“One: you’re not wearing a watch. And two: okay, a social pre-game. Plus, I’m not taking no for an answer, so come on and let your wonderful best friend buy you lunch.”  Begrudgingly you agreed. You walked side by side to Spencer's car, him opening the passenger door for you before rounding the front and getting in the drivers side. 
You smiled as you realized where he was taking you. He took you to a little hole-in-the-wall ramen place you two had discovered the year prior. It quickly became you and Spencer's own little spot. Neither of you ever went there without the other unless it meant stopping by to take it to go on the way to the other's apartment for a game or movie night. 
The older Japanese-American couple that owned the restaurant greeted you with warm smiles, “The usual?” the husband, Kenji, asked. 
You both nodded as you took a seat in one of the four small booths that lined the wall. The comforting smell of hot broth and spices calmed your anxious mind as you closed your eyes to take a deep inhale. You and Spencer talked about some upcoming shoots and how his Baldur's Gate 3 save was going as you waited for the food to arrive. 
 It didn’t take long for Emi, the other owner, to bring out your food, “You two are just the cutest, such a wonderful young couple.” She cooed.
“Oh we’re not-” 
“Thank you Mrs. Ito, that's so sweet, we really love coming here.” You cut Spencer off, smiling at the woman's kindness. She walked off, heading to grab an order for a driver. 
You turned to find Spencer staring at you with an eyebrow slightly raised. “What?” You asked, sipping on the steaming broth.
“So you think we’re the ‘most wonderful young couple’ huh?”
“Of course I do honeybun.” You jested, leaning over the table and tapping Spencer's cheek sarcastically. Resuming your meal as Spencer rolls his eyes.
The rest of your lunch is pleasant, filled with chatter about everything yet nothing. You tried to pay for your lunch when Mrs. Ito brings the bill but Spencer insists on covering it since he wanted to take you to lunch to distract you. 
“Thank you spence, I really needed that.” You said, grabbing Spencer’s hand in thanks as you walked back into the office. 
He squeezed your hand lightly, “I always know what you need.” And he did, Spencer was a consistent support system for you, had been since you began at Smosh. Beginning as an editor you worked with Spencer a lot. Your friendship blossomed over a shared love of movies and games. 
Over the years you got closer and closer until you were unequivocally best friends. Weekly movie nights, breakfast, lunch, and dinner dates solidified that years ago. Now there’s hardly any time you spend without each other. 
You walked hand in hand to the conference room, ready for the games meeting now that your head was clear.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 3 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 26
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
Thanks to my good sis @paigereeder for helping me! Without her there would be no chapter 26! She is the best and if you haven't, check out her story Beautiful Scars ( it's soo damn good!)
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liked by trinity_fatu, romanreigns and 200,000 others
AirielleJones: 🧸☀️
view all comments
trinity_fatu: i love you!!
↪AirielleJones: @ trinity_fatu , i love you more!
user: 😩 she's so fine. is she still with jey??
↪ THEUSOSSOURCE: @ user , no she's not sadly 😞.
sashabankswwe: girl!! 🔥🔥🔥
_c.smith : 🥵 u being 8 hrs away aint good for my spirit (❤️ by author)
↪@ uceyjucey :fuk this suppose to mean?
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August 27th 2021 - North Little Rock, Arkansas
Yasmine glared at her cousin who was sitting across from her. This was the first time Yasmine had seen her cousin since she and Trin busted into her apartment and to find out that Airielle and Josh were not together but that she had gone out on a date with another guy pissed her off. 
“Stop looking at me like that.” Airielle muttered as she pushed her salmon and shrimp alfredo  around on her plate. Yasmine sucked her teeth. 
“I love you Airielle. With all my damn heart. But you need to relax. You hoping from nigga to nigga without giving yourself time to heal. So this Clifford dude, what’s gonna happen when five months from now, he asks you to move in with him. You gon’ run away from him too?”  Yasmine questioned, staring Airielle down. 
“No.” Yasmine cut her off. “You need to hear this Rih. I stayed out of it but goddamn it! You are letting the best man ever get away because you’re scared and I understand why you are scared but you need to talk to Josh about that. You need to let all the hurt go.”  
“What hurt Yasmine?”  Yasmine wanted to reach over and smack her cousin, but she decided against it since she didn’t want to be in a jail in Arkansas while she was 7 months pregnant.
“You lost your child Airielle. You had a miscarriage because your fiance was an abusive piece of shit. You have not gotten over that. You haven’t asked me once how my pregnancy is going,and I’m not mad about that - I promise you I'm not mad. But you can’t carry this around for the rest of your life. You’re scared because Josh has said multiple times that he loves you and wants to be with you forever. You dipped once he brought up moving in together because you know what comes next, starting a family.” 
Airielle scoffed and folded her arms over her chest. “That's not the only reason Yasmine. You know I was going over there to talk to him. You and Trin literally forced me out of my apartment.”  
“And you seen Christopher and chickened out right?”  
“No!” Airielle snapped,  “He had another woman at his place Yasmine. When he answered the door, he wouldn’t even let me in, I had to talk to him in the hallway. He kept trying to get me to come back later or for him to come over to my place later and I was so fucking confused cause like, just let me talk to you.” Airielle took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. “Then, she opened the fucking door, stading there in nothing but his shirt, nipples on display for the whole world to see, talking bout some ‘is everything okay Josh.” Airielle said, mocking Yara’s voice. “That shit hurt Yas, he did that shit to get back at me because he seen me and Raymond together the night before.” 
Yasmine was floored. She had talked to Josh a couple of times, asking what was up with him and Airielle and he ain’t mentioned none of that. “Wait, he had some other bitch at his place?”  When Airielle nodded, Yas continued. “Do you know her? Y’all work together?” 
“Bitch she’s my damn understudy.” Airielle huffed, showing Yas the text message she just received from Road Dogg stating that starting Friday, Yara would be shadowing Airielle.  Yas gasped and covered her mouth in shock. 
“You fucking lying. I know you lying to me right now!” A couple of people in the restaurant looked their way but Airielle and Yasmine paid them no mind. 
“Then he gon have the nerve, the audacity to tell me it was a mistake, like nigga are you dumb? You don’t invite some bitch over to your place and fuck them by mistake.” Yasmine was speechless, literally. She sat there, mouth agape, staring at Airielle. 
“Man, fuck him. I can’t believe he did that to you.” Airielle just sighed and handed the waiter her debit card when he came over with the check. “So what happened in Turks. Trin told me y’all spent half the day fucking.” 
“We did.” Airielle nodded her head with another shrug as Yasmine rolled her eyes. “But just because we had sex in Turks didn’t mean we were supposed to get back together.” 
"Having sex in Turks doesn't exactly scream 'let's just be friends,' Airielle."
“I know that Yas.” Airielle replied, smiling at the waiter as he brought over her card and receipt. Airielle stood from her chair and went over to help Yasmine up. “I have to get back to the hotel. It’s almost time for me to be at the arena.” 
“Okay. Joe’s waiting outside.”  Airelle and Yasmine were silent as they made their way outside to Joe’s rental. Airielle was silent because Yasmin's words of her not being over her miscarriage were playing over and over in her mind. She hadn’t even noticed that she pushed Yasmine away after finding out she was pregnant. While she was grateful she had no ties to Christopher, she couldn’t help but think about how her child would have been and what they would have looked like. 
Now Yasmines, she was simmering. She had told Josh back at Airielle’s surprise birthday party to not hurt her. She had told him that he had to be patient with her and to learn that Josh had sex with another women set Yasmine off. She was protective over Airielle and trust, Josh would be hearing her mouth today. 
“Hey Rih. You coming with us?” Joe asked as he got out of the SUV and opened the passenger door for Yasmine. Airielle shook her head and pointed over to her own rental. 
“Nope. I was Just walking her over here. I see y’all later okay?” Airielle pulled Yasmine into a tigh hug and whispered “i’m sorry” into her ear, to which Yas responded back by rubbing her back. 
“Oh, I forgot to bring this in.” Yasmine said, before releasing Airielle and reaching into the car and pulling out a white box that had a pink bow wrapped around it and handed it to Airielle. “Open it.” She said when Airielle arched her eyebrow at her. 
Airielle opened the box and let the top fall to the ground as she let out a choked sob, covering her mouth with one of her hands. “Are you sure?” Airielle asked, failing to stop the tears from falling down her face. 
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“Duh. Who else would I ask? I love you and I know you're gonna love your niece slash goddaughter.” 
“Thank you.” Airielle whispered before pulling her cousin into another hug. 
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To say she was shocked was an understatement. Airielle had come back to her hotel to one of the concierge telling her she had a package. Airielle’s eyes widened as the concierge pulled out nor one but FOUR bouquets of flowers. The concierge, who Airielle had learned her name was Amanda, looked at Airielle in amusement. “Do you need help carrying them to your room?”  Airielle scoffed out a laugh and nodded her head. As she and Amanda walked towards the elevator. Airielle had spotted a card in one of the bouquets but decided to wait until she was alone to read it. 
Anything to put a smile on that pretty face  p.s ; you got me watching wrestling for the first time since I was in highschool.
Airielle smiled and took a picture of the flowers and sent them to Clifford to thank him and let him know that she received them. She then took another picture and posted it on her instagram story. She let out a laugh when she seen that Yara had already viewed it in the 12 seconds that it had been posted. “Weirdo must have my notifications on.” Airielle muttered as she walked into the bathroom so she could shower and then head to the arena. 
AirielleJones posted to their story!
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uceyjucey replied to your story: the fuk is this suppose to mean?
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Simmons Bank Arena 
Yasmine marched through the halls of the Simmons Bank Arena with a purpose. Joe was trailing behind her with a lazy smile on his face, he loved watching his girlfriend in ‘mama bear mode’ as he liked to call it when it came to her being protective over Airielle. 
“Baby you gotta calm down. You being this mad aint good for the baby.” Yasmine huffed and flagged him off before pulling open The Bloodline’s locker room door and storming inside. 
“Aye!” Jon called out, covering himself up as Yasmine stormed in. She ignored him though, her glare set on Josh who looked confused. 
“Me and you.” She said pointing at Josh. “We got problems. Outside” When he didn’t move she looked over at Joe who chuckled and pulled Josh off of the couch and pushed him towards the door. 
“Aye man, what the fuck.” Josh yelled, pushing Joe back, then yelped when Yasmine came and grabbed him by his ear, dragging him out of the locker room and towards the docks.  “Listen Yas, I love you like a sister, but don’t do that shit ever again.” He muttered, rubbing the spot on his ear where she was pulling. 
“You had sex with another woman!? And thought that Airi was just gonna forgive you?!” Josh huffed and let his head fall back so he was looking up at the sky. 
“Imma tell you the same thing I told her, it was a mistake that I wish I could take back.” He said as he lowered his head to look Yasmine in her eyes. 
“That was some rehearsed bullshit and you know it! You sleeping with that girl was no mistake Joshua. You wanted to hurt Airielle and you succeeded.” 
“I never wanted to hurt her Yas!” He spat back. “She hurt me and I just wanted to - “ 
“You wanted to get back at her!” Yasmine cut him off. “I talked to Trin, and she said that this Yara girl has been around ever since then. You’re rubbing it in Airielle’s face and it’s corny.” Josh opened his mouth but Yasmine cut him off again. “You had that girl in the apartment that you wanted Airielle to move into. The same apartment that Airielle damn near decorated.  Had that girl lying in the bed that you and Airielle were supposed to share and all you have to say is that it was a mistake?” 
“Fuck..” Josh trailed off rubbing his hand over his face and sucking in a deep breath. “C’mon Yas, it wasn’t like that. I just..” Josh trailed off again. 
“Just admit it.” Yasmine huffed out. “You might not have known that Airielle was going over to your place but the girl works with y’all. Did you think she was gonna keep her mouth shut?” 
“Fuck..” Josh trailed off rubbing his hand over his face and sucking in a deep breath. “C’mon Yas, it wasn’t like that. I just..” Josh trailed off again. 
“Just admit it, you wanted to hurt her..” Yasmine huffed out. “You might not have known that Airielle was going over to your place but the girl works with y’all. Did you think she was gonna keep her mouth shut?” 
“I didn’t want to hurt her. I never wanted to hurt Airielle but what the fuck man, she hurt me so I just said fuck it. She was kissing up on him and holding his hand and shit but telling me she didn’t want to me with me. I was fucking hurt Yasmine.” 
Yasmine sighed and nodded her head. “Okay, I understand that she’s not completely innocent in this either. But saying it’s a mistake isn’t the way to go. You want her back?” Josh nodded his head immediately at her question. 
“It doesn't matter though. She already moved on to some dude named Clifford or something.” Yasmine rolled her eyes. 
“He don’t matter, I promise you he don’t. What are you going to do? You have to prove to her that you want her and not this Yeasty or whatever her name is.” Yasmine said. 
“Who this fuck is Yeasty?” Yasmine rolled her eyes and walked away from Josh back towards the locker room. “No forreal,” He called out. “Who the fuck is that?!” 
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Airielle had just finished her segment with Paul Heyman, the second Jon and Josh stepped out of the room, Airielle had booked it. She had to stay close by because she had another segment to film but she didn’t want to see Josh or for Josh to see her. 
She did have to admit though, from the little glimpse that she did get of him, he looked good. He had cut his hair a little bit and - nope. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to rid him from her mind. 
“Be right back.” Yara said in a sickly sweet voice and threw a fake smile towards Airielle and then marched her way towards Josh who had just finished his segment. Airielle watched as Yara shoved her phone in Josh’s face, laughing as he glared at her, his jaw ticking as he looked at Yara’s phone. 
Airielle rolled her eyes and looked back down at her phone. Smiling at the message Clifford had sent her, telling her how beautiful she looked on t.v. She was in the middle of texting him back when another phone was placed on top of hers. 
“What the fuck Rih?” Airielle looked up, meeting Josh's intense gaze. His face was contorted with anger and his fists were clenched tightly at his sides.
“What exactly are you mad about Joshua? You told me you were done with me. Was I just supposed to wait around for you?” 
“It’s been one fucking week Airielle! He snarled, his chest heaving and his fists clenched tightly. "One week," he repeated, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration and hurt.
“And you fucked her the day after I had my date with Raymond. So what’s the real problem here?” 
“Why you keep bringing her up? This is between me and you, nobody else. Not even that car guy you tryna replace me with.” 
Airielle scoffed, “Replace you? What exactly do you want? You’re over here bothering me for what?” 
“Because I love you and I want to be with you. I don’t want nobody else but you!” Airielle’s eyes flickered over to Yara who looked dejected and had tears welling up in her eyes. Yara snatched her phone from off of the equipment box where Josh had put it and walked away, not in the mood to be embarrassed anymore.   “You love me right?” Josh asked, bringing Airielle’s attention back to him. “Right?” she nodded. “And I love you, nothing or nobody matters. Nobody but us.” He cupped her jaw and leaned down so his forehead was resting against hers. 
“Nobody but us?” She repeated and he nodded. “So if I were to forgive you, would you be able to forgive me?”  Josh felt his heart rate start to pick up. But before he could ask her what she was talking about she blurted out, 
“I slept with Cliff.” She lied, looking into his eyes to gauge his reaction. He released ber jaw and moved his forehead off of hers. 
“You fucking with me right?” When she shook her head, he continued, “It’s been one week Airielle!” 
She scoffed. “So you can’t forgive me? You expected me to forgive you, but you can’t do the same? You’re a hypocrite.” She rolled her eyes at him before walking away, flinching when she heard the sound of him throwing something against the wall. 
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So... Airielle lied just to see how just would react and chile... He big mad lol
How did y'all like this chapter?
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cassianig · 1 month
- Why Didn't You Wait for Me? -
Rindou Haitani - Words: 1405 warnings: uhh reader gets their drink spiked, dw nothing happens!! just a warning in general ive never been to a house party, never gotten my drink spiked so i did my best if its bad my bad.
no pronouns used rin calls reader pretty and ran calls her princess
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hehe he poses so goofy. (got this off Pinterest ngl to u.)
You stand in front of the lively house, your phone in hand. You glance down at your phone and then back up at the house. This was the address Rindou had sent to meet at. You glance back at your phone looking over the messages you two had shared in the last hour.
[You]: [image]
[You]: does this look ok?
[Rinnie<3]: You look perfect. Now hurry up, you know I don’t like to wait.
[You]: are you sure they’re ok with meeting me?
[Rinnie<3]: Yes, they are happy to meet you.
[Rinnie<3]: Ran says to hurry up he wants to see you.
[You]: what was the location again?
[Rinnie<3]: ➤ Started Sharing a Live Location with you.
[You]: omw.
Read: 9:26 PM
You sigh and glance back at the building sending him a quick text, before you walk towards the front door. 
When you reach the front door, it’s cracked open. You push it open and step into the overly crowded two story house. You glance around scanning the crowd looking for either Rindou or his older brother. Your eyes flick from person to person, group to group. You bite onto your lip and glance back at your phone.
[You]: i'm walking in rn
[Rinnie<3]: Wait for me at the door.
[You]: ok hurry there's so many people
[Rinnie]: I’m wrapping something up just give me a min.
You stand by the door, awkward and out of place, nervously twisting your fingers and tapping your foot in waiting.
Your head turns when you hear a voice call out to you. “Hey there, you look lost. You looking for someone?”
You nod your head, “Yeah actually, well kind of.” 
“I know almost everyone here, shoot, I can probably point you in the right direction.” He gives you a charming smile, stepping right next to you, your shoulders almost touching.
“Well, my boyfriend said he’d meet me here,” You stated, unsure of whether or not you should tell him or just wait.
“C’mon, shoot!” He challenged rather confidently.
“Okay… I’m looking for Haitani Rindou and Ran, do you know where they might be?”
“Hmm,” He places a finger on his chin, “I think they might be in the kitchen, that's where I saw them last… Let me take you?”
You glance at your phone then back at him, “Yeah, alright.” 
He guides you through the mass of people around the house, you stick close to him as he leads you towards the kitchen. 
You pass through the archway that leads into the kitchen, you glance around and see no sign of your boyfriend.
“I don’t see him.” You voiced looking towards the guy. 
“He was just here, I swear I saw him.” He places his hands on his hips, “Here, I’ll help you look.”
“Ah- I should just go back to my waiting spot.” You point your thumb over your shoulder.
“I insist!” He remarks, reaching a hand out to which I just glance at. He retracts it and scratches the back of his neck. “Let me introduce myself, I’m Kenji. Would you like to get a drink and look for your boyfriend and his brother?”
You hesitate for a moment, “Yeah, alright.”
“Cool, what can I get ya?” He turns towards the liquor. 
“Oh- I don’t really drink.” You clarify, “Is there water or soda?”
“Oh, yeah that's cool, there's some coke over here,” He grabs a bottle of coca cola. “Ice, no ice?”
“Ice, please.” You tell with a smile.
“Gotcha.” He turns his back to you as he grabs the ice and puts it in the cup, then he turns and pours the soda. “Here you are.”
“Thanks.” You take the glass from him with a small smile.
“No problem, let's go find this missing man, yeah?”
“Yeah.” You nod, following him out of the kitchen and bringing the glass to your lips taking a small sip.
After a while of looking Kenji walks ahead of you with his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets, and stagger behind. Trying to keep up but your vision was starting to get blurry and your footing was beginning to turn wonky.
“Ken-Kenji.” You call in a slur, trying to get him to slow down.
“You’re going so fast- I’m not- I’m not feeling well. Can we take a seat somewhere so I can text Rindou?” You slur, grasping onto the wall as you blink slowly, reaching behind you to grab your phone.
“Kenji?” You call.
No response.
“Hey,” A gentle hand places on your shoulder turning you around, “Who’s Kenj- Whoa are you okay?”
Your eyes focus in on the figure in front of you spotting the glasses, the multi-colored hair, “R-Rinnie?” 
“What happened? I was looking for you.” He places his free hand on your other shoulder for stability, leaning you against the wall.
“I don’t feel so good, Rin-” You breathe in a slur, your hand clumsily coming to grasp one of his.
“I can see that, what happened?”
“I was looking for you, Kenji was helping,” You glanced at where Kenji was last. “Woah, Kenji is gone.”
“Some guy I met, he told me he knew where you were, and fixed me a drink and we were going to find you, and look I found you.” You smile up at him.
Rindou’s eyebrows furrow, “Fucking dead man, he must have spiked your drink, did he touch you? Are you okay?”
You shake your head, “Mm-mm.”
“He didn’t touch you or you’re not okay? Use your words, pretty.”
“Didn’t touch me. ‘M really really sorry.” You lean against him, “I was trying to be nice.”
“Well don't.” He speaks bluntly, “I don’t give a shit who it is if you don’t know them, don't go with them, don’t take drinks from them, and sure as hell don’t leave our meeting spot.”
You lean down the wall, and Rindou crouches in front of you, “Didn’t mean to.”
“I know, pretty. But why didn’t you wait for me? I was almost done, almost there.” He sighs out, tucking loose hair behind your ear.
“Didn’t want to rely on you. Or bother you, was gonna find you.” 
“(Y/N).” He speaks, tucking his index and middle fingers under your chin, lifting your head to look at him. “You could never be a bother, you know that?”
You nod, “‘m really, really sorry, Rinnie.”
“You don’t need to apologize to me, pretty.”
He gently guides you to your feet, “Now, come on, we’re going to go find Ran and the others.”
You shake your head, “No… Can’t let them meet me like this.”
“It’s okay pretty, we’re only going to want a few answers.”
“Of what.”
Rindou leads you to a couch in the middle of a room with a group of people sitting at it. Ran notices you two first and stands to his feet walking up and wrapping an arm around you.
“What happened to you, princess?” Ran asked with a look of concern on his face.
“Some idiot spiked a drink and gave it to her.” Rindou answers for you.
“He seemed nice.” You slur.
“They all do.” Ran shook his head and they sat you on the couch.
“What was his name?” An unfamiliar voice calls.
“Kenji.” Rindou answered.
“What was he wearing? I’ll beat his ass. No one messes with my baby brother's future wife.”
“Stay focused.”
“Sorry. He was- He was in a red jacket, it was poofy like this.” You gesture with your hands.
“That’s great, (Y/N). What else was he wearing?” Rindou asks.
“... Black pants, they were also poofy.”
“I know who that is.” Another unknown voice, you turn your head to see a guy with a tattoo on the side of his head, blonde.
“He had an ugly nose.”
The guy snorts, glancing at you, “Did he?”
“Take us to him, Shion.” 
“Okay, pretty. You sit here with my friend Kakucho, okay?”
You nod, “Where are you going?”
“To go kick someone's ass.”
“Don’t worry about that pretty head of yours. We’ll be alright after all there's five of us and one of him.”
Let’s just say you had to meet them all again, they loved you and invited you out more!!
They also loved to make fun of Rindou for how much of a simp he is around you
Kenji was never seen again. Dun dun dun
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sen-ya · 4 months
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part 5/7
is it silly that this is my favorite in this series? i really enjoyed writing kaya and I wanna do it again at some point :')
[op comic masterpost]
[pg1] panel 2: Kaya: Oh! Dr. Law! I didn't expect to find you in our library.
panel 3: Law: K-Kaya-ya!
panel 4: Law: Uh. Ahem. Excuse me. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your books.
panel 5: Kaya: Oh of course not! I'm just shocked to hear we have books you don't! What are you studying?
panel 6: Law: UHHHHH
[pg2] panel 10: Kaya: Oh! Is someone on your crew pregnant? Ikkaku??
panel 11: Law (thinking): She doesn't know Ikkaku is trans. Does she not know that I am?? I just assumed Nose-ya would have mentioned it. But that makes sense. If Straw Hat didn't already know Nose-ya was trans it's not like I would have told him.
panel 12: Kaya: ...?
panel 13: Law (thinking): Fuck, I've been quiet too long. I can't throw Ikkaku under to bus. Just say something.
panel 14: Law: No. Kaya: Oh. Then why...? Law (thinking): Wait, shit
[pg3] panel 15: Law: My, uh...brother...'s...wife. Yeah, we're taking him back to Zou soon...because his wife is pregnant...and I...want...to help...?
panel 16: Kaya: Oh, how sweet! Congrats "Uncle Law" hehe. If you have any questions I could help with let me know!! I specialized in traumatic injury, but I did deliver a few babies in Syrup Village! On smaller islands like that you wear a lot of hats.
panel 17: Law: And you've...been pregnant. Kaya: Well, yeah, but I wasn't my own doctor! Could you imagine if I had tried to deliver the twins myself? Even a doctor needs a doctor, you know that.
panel 18: Law: ...right.
panel 19: Law: ...what...what was it like?
panel 20: Kaya: Oh, my pregnant patients were actually pretty fun! I suppose it makes sense that as a pirate ship doctor you wouldn't have had to know obstetrics. But it was always so lovely to hand a parent their--
[pg4] panel 21: Kaya: ...newborn...baby...?
panel 23: Kaya: ...I'm sorry, Dr. Law. If there's context I need you'll have to give it to me. I'm not good at guessing.
panel 24: Law: What do you mean, I just gave you context. Kaya: With all due respect, you're full crying. It's a new sight for me!
panel 25: Kaya: You can tell me what's going on! I'm told I'm a very good listener
panel 26: Law: ...You Straw Hats sure are a pain Kaya: Sorry, hehe
panel 28: Law: ...I...ahem...so number one, if you didn't know...I'm...I'm trans.
panel 29: Law: But not like your husband. He got the works from Ivankov-ya...I never felt the need to seek that out.
[pg5] panel 30: Kaya: ...I see
panel 31: Kaya: How far along are you? Law: ..12 weeks, give or take. Kaya: Well, I've provided obstetric care of all kinds. So whatever questions you're researching here...why don't you ask me instead of being your own doctor?
panel 32: Law: ...Same question. What was it like?
panel 33: Kaya: Being pregnant was a horror show!
panel 34: Law: A glowing review. Kaya: Oh, sorry! I can lie if you'd prefer!
panel 35: Kaya: I was just so sick my first trimester! Law (speaking over her): KAYA-YA I THOUGHT I WAS DYING FOR TWO WEEKS WHEN WILL IT STOP I CAN ONLY EAT RICE.
panel 36: Kaya: It's different for everyone. By the end it wasn't quite so bad for me, though. And I love my kids so much. They were such cute newborns!! So I was alright being uncomfortable for awhile. Because that's what we wanted, you know?
panel 37: Kaya (off screen): What do you and Luffy want, Dr. Law?
[pg6] panel 38: Law: ...We haven't decided yet. We're giving it to the end of the week. I'm trying to think about it rationally. But I just keep getting emotional any time I talk about it. It's strange.
panel 39: Kaya: An emotional decision and a bad decision aren't inherently synonymous, you know.
panel 40: Law: ...your bedside manner is impeccable, Dr. Kaya-ya. Kaya: Well, thank you! Next time let's meet in the infirmary, mine or yours.
panel 41: Kaya: I'll be your doctor through this, okay?
panel 42: Law: ...Okay...Thank you. Kaya: Of course!
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baby-yongbok · 1 year
4:26 am
Best friend!Bang Chan × Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: You love your boyfriend Minho, but lately your best friend has been on your mind.
Warnings: Cheating, Chan is a tiny bit manipulative, Car Sex? (That should be all, sorry if I missed anything!)
A/N: This might might, be the last of Chan's birthday posts. I have one more that I prepared awhile ago but I might save it. Who knows lol. I hope that you enjoy! I'm trying to start writing again and it's been hard so I'm sorry if this is a bit rough 😅
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 “Tell me again why we're parked in an abandoned parking lot at 4:26 am.” Chan asks quizzically. I sighed, running my hands over my face. 
“I needed someone to vent to.” My gaze stays fixed on my lap, I don’t know if I can look at him, I don’t know what I’ll do when his eyes meet mine. He’s my best friend and I know I can tell him anything, hell, he picked up the phone in the middle of the night and came running to me. So I know that I can trust him but right now the thought of looking him in the eye with these thoughts running through my head is dizzying.
“Well I'm here, start when you want.” He leans forward, crossing his arms and resting them on top of the steering wheel. I run my hands through my hair as I try to gather my thoughts.
“Okay so, uh, Minho came home early tonight and he surprised me with this really cute home date and ya know… we had sex and it was good, really it was, but I just don’t feel… I haven’t been feeling…” My heart is beating a mile a minute, Chan and I are extremely close and we talk about our sex lives all the time but this time it’s different. 
“Unsatisfied?” Chan asks with an eyebrow raised. I nod my head, thankful that he finished the sentence for me. Talking about Minho behind his back feels so wrong but I suppose it’s not as wrong as what I plan to confess next.
“Yeah, unsatisfied and I've been… thinking of someone else.” I swallow hard as I play with the zipper of my hoodie, desperate to pay attention to anything but the look on Chan’s face. I know him, I know that he’s looking at me with semi wide interested eyes and he’s waiting for me to look back at him but I just can’t. 
“Who do you think about?” If I were in a hospital right now the nurses would go crazy because I am almost certain that my heart stopped, exploded even. I knew that he’d ask me that question but hearing it actually come out of his mouth sets off a whole new type of panic. Should I tell him the truth? I’m in a relationship, a beautiful and loving one at that, I shouldn’t go around confessing these things. But on the other hand, the thought of my fantasy coming true is too inviting to ignore. It’s now or never and I choose now.
“Well, it depends on the day. It could be Hyunjin, Seungmin, but… I mostly think of you. I guess it’s because of our connection or some shit like that, I don't know” My nerves got to me half way through my confession, shit, he must think I’m fucking with him. The silence around us lasted far too long for my liking, causing me to look over at the man in the driver's seat. His eyebrows were slightly raised and there was a red tint to the tips of his ears but other than that he seemed completely cool and collected. 
“Okay, uh, you think about me in what way? Like, do you daydream about me and kind of dissociate from Minho or do you pretend that he's me?” His brows knit together briefly before relaxing again. He shifts in his seat, leaning back completely and bringing his crossed arms to rest over his chest. He’s clearly trying not to show the effect that my confession has on him.
“I imagine that he's you, that his hands are yours and that you’re the one fucking me, it's better when I pretend.” I look back down at my lap as a deep blush creeps onto my cheeks. 
“Do you come faster? More intensely?” My head jolts up quickly and my eye’s find his immediately, the look of disbelief written all over my features makes Chan grin. He chuckles a bit and that's when I realize that he's messing with me. I sigh dramatically, relaxing into my seat before flashing my middle finger in his direction.
“Fuck you, don’t taunt me.” He smiles wider, looking down at his lap.
“I just want to know for my own personal records.” He licks his lips before looking back up at me  “It's fun hearing what I do to you.” 
At this point I’m sure that my brown skin is as red as a rose. Why did he have to look at me like that? Is he trying to ruin me? 
“I called you because I need to vent.” I remind him as I turn to look out of the passenger window, anything to avoid his gaze for a second. 
“Sorry sorry, continue.” I clear my throat and unzip my hoodie just a bit, is it getting hot in here? Why does his car suddenly feel so small?
“He falls asleep after sex all the time, I mean how could I blame him? Three rounds every night for four or five days a week is a lot on top of working and all of the other stuff that he does in a day. But no matter how many times we do it I’m still not satisfied afterwards, I watch porn and use my vibrator on the bathroom floor, every time.”
“Did you do that tonight?” His eyebrows knit together in curiosity, I open my mouth to try to answer him but when I look back in his direction I get distracted by the sight of his strong arms. He leaned back in his seat a bit more than he was a minute ago, his fingers intertwined and tucked behind his head giving me the perfect view of his biceps and everything that matches it. 
“No, I called you instead. I just needed to talk to someone. I feel like I'm going crazy, I keep wanting more and more sex. This can’t be normal.” Chan chuckles lightly and I can’t help but to roll my eyes. Is he even taking this seriously?
“Well either you're a sex addict or you aren't satisfied because you want someone else. In this case that person would be me.” He moves his hands from behind his head and rests them in his lap lazily.
“So, what? I fuck you and it goes away? If anything I'll keep wanting it.” I scoff, shaking my head in an attempt to erase the thoughts.
“You'll never know unless you try.” My eyes meet his quickly, I open my mouth to reply but no words make sense in my head. Is he serious? He’s messing with me… right? 
“I couldn't cheat on… I can't.” 
“Haven't you already though? Thinking of another man inside of you while he is? Imagining that you're with me.. your best friend. If he were thinking of someone else while he fucked you would you call that cheating?”  I turn away from him as if I'm physically trying to run away from his words. This is all too much to handle. The man that I can’t stop thinking about is basically offering himself to me. But I can’t do that to Minho, he’s been nothing but good to me for all of these years, he’s loving and attractive and he shares all of my values… but so does Chan and right now my best friend has one up on my boyfriend when it comes to intimacy. Is this really worth it? Is sex really worth potentially ruining my relationship to start a new one with Chan?
“I'm single, Y/n, if I screw you no one will care. But you, you're in a relationship. If we fuck you'll either feel guilty and confess everything to him or you'll feel so amazing that you'll call me at 4 am every night, The choice is yours.” Silence surrounds us and it almost feels heavy on my skin. What should I do next? I could tell him to take me home or I could get in the backseat and let him fuck me until I’m satisfied. I glance over at Chan to find that he’s already looking at me, his relaxed gaze is raking over my frame slowly but that’s not what did it. It was the way he licked his lips as his eyes met mine, like he could already taste me. Like he already had me. 
“Fuck it.” I blurt out, making up my mind all at once. It’s like every system in my brain shut off at once. I'm not really even thinking anymore, every move is now driven by desire. “Let me see your dick.”
 I maintain eye contact so that he knows that I’m serious. A smirk plays upon his lips and his eyebrows raise instantly.
“That escalated quickly.” He chuckles and I try my best to hide my giddy grin, Am I really doing this? Maybe I can take it back?
“Show me.” Chan takes a deep breath, hooking his thumbs into the waistline of his sweats before giving me a glance. I can tell what he’s trying to say with his eyes, he’s asking me if I’m sure about this and to be honest that answer is no, I’m anything but sure. All I know is that part of me is desperate to see if he really has this effect on me or if it’s all in my head. I nod to him and without another word he lowers the hem of his gray sweatpants and his cock springs up, resting against his clothed stomach.
Fuck what I said before, I don’t want to take it back. The mere sight of his dick, makes my mouth water. It takes every ounce of control that I have in my body not to lean forward and take him in my mouth. I want to taste him, to feel him, to use him.
“No underwear?” I tease with a smile and he shrugs.
“You said it was an emergency, I rushed over to you. Threw on the first thing I could find.”
“Mm maybe that's a sign.” He furrows his brows slightly as he watches me with curious eyes. I unzipped my hoodie completely, revealing the lingerie that I had put on for Minho tonight and never changed out of. 
“Fuck.” Chan says in a breathy sigh, bringing his hand up to his cock.
“Is it still cheating if I don't touch you?” I slip off my silk sleep shorts and turn my body towards Chan so that my back is against the passenger door. I open my legs to give him a full view of my cunt, reaching down to spread my arousal over my folds. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, babygirl” His tone is a bit deeper than before, the soft and playful tone replaced with a deep and husky one. He holds his hand out towards me and I nearly moan at the words that follow.
“Get it wet for me?” A low hum vibrates from my throat as I lean forward, pursing my lips and spitting into his palm. He coos at me, a quiet ‘good girl’ leaving his lips as he watches me. His eyes don’t leave mine as he takes his hand back and spreads my spit over his leaking tip mixing my saliva with his pre-cum. Slowly, his eyes trail down my body until they fix on my dripping pussy. He slowly starts to stroke himself, exhaling heavily when he rubs over his tip.
“Play with yourself for me, yeah?” At this point the only thing going through my head is Chan. He’s all I can remember, all that I want, all that I need. I feel drunk off of the sight of him sitting across from me, cheeks flushed and his long fingers wrapped around his hard cock. How could I possibly want to do anything but please this man?
I take a deep breath, exhaling slowly through parted lips, my eyes stay trained on him as I slowly trail my hand from my neck to my stomach. I watch his expression as he grows a bit impatient from my teasing, his dark gaze warning me to give him what he asked for. 
“Does it look like I want you to tease me, baby?” The tone of his voice sends chills down my spine, his words are breathy and challenging and it makes me hungry for more. What would he do to me if I kept teasing? How would he punish me? 
“Why would I give you what you want right away?” I run my fingers along my inner thighs, smiling at him as his gaze drops from my eyes to my core, watching my hand carefully. “That would be boring.”
“Touch yourself or I'll do it for you.” A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine him getting impatient with me and taking control, using his long fingers to fuck me. Why do I feel drunk off of that thought? It hasn’t even happened and yet I feel like I’m on cloud 9. 
“Fuck.” I hiss as I run my fingers between my folds brushing against my clit and circling it. Chan strokes himself a bit faster as he watches me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. 
“Put a finger inside.” He looks up from my cunt and my eyes follow his meeting for a second. My pussy clenches around nothing, desperate for something, anything, him. “Pretend that it’s me” 
He nearly sounds like he’s pleading me to do it, like he’s desperate to see how I fuck myself. Desperate to see what the thought of him does to me. I nod, slowly obeying his command and slipping my middle finger deep into my cunt.
“Oh fuck.” My back arches up off of the passenger door once I start fucking myself, increasing the pace gradually as I start to become desperate for more. I pressed the palm of my hand against my clit, trying to add as much stimulation as possible. He watches in awe as my hips buck into my hand a bit. 
“Add another.” I quickly obey his command, adding my ring finger inside, eliciting a groan of pleasure to fall from my parted lips. I try my best to keep my eyes open, I want to watch him, I need to watch him. His strokes are much faster now, small grunts and sighs leaving his parted lips, his head thrown back in ecstasy. I take in the way that his jaw clenched as he builds himself closer to the edge, his right leg slightly bouncing, it's a masterpiece that I wish I could become a part of. 
“Chan.” His name passes my lips in a breathy moan and he looks over at me as he strokes the head of his dick, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip at the sensation. “I need you so badly.” 
“Your choice.” He groans out as he throws his head back again squeezing his eyes shut. “ Better make up your mind, I’m so close, babygirl.” 
I sigh heavily as I try my best to fight the urge to climb over and ride him until I pass out. I focus on my own pleasure again, Imagining that it’s Chan rubbing tight circles on my clit while his long fingers reach spots that I didn’t even know existed. I imagine that it’s him bringing me closer and closer to the edge, I wish it was him. The wet sounds of Chan stroking his cock mix with my moans as we both draw closer to the edge. I watch his hand as he pleasures himself, I wonder if he’s imagining that, that’s me. I wonder if he feels that same way. Does he touch himself to the thought of me at night? Thinking of all of the times that we were play fighting and his fingers grazed my bare skin, all of the tight hugs that we shared, my chest pressed up against him. Does he think about me?
“Shit, oh my god” I squeeze my eyes shut and arch my back at the thought of him wanting me just as much as I want him, maybe even more.
“Fucking cum for me, babygirl.”  Chan groans “I'm so fucking close for you.”
Those words alone throw me over the edge, one of my fantasies is coming true right in front of my eyes.
“Oh my- I'm gonna..” Before I could get another word out my orgasm rushed over me, breathtaking and mind fogging.  I clamped my legs shut and arched my back off of the car door. My moans filled the space around us but I couldn’t hear them, the pleasure was deafening. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” My name fell off of his tongue in a sweet moan and my pussy clenched at the sound of it, sending another wave of euphoria through me. “Oh shit, I'm cumming.” 
He squeezes his eyes shut, his strokes becoming shorter but still just as fast. A rush of adrenaline hit me and suddenly my vision changed. I felt like a rabid animal who was desperate for food. Suddenly, I forgot about everything that was looming over my head. All of my thoughts about Minho and saving our relationship were gone. All that I could think of was pleasure and I was absolutely driven by it, so much so that after the first stream of cum came leaking from Chan’s tip I leaned forward, getting on my knees in the passenger seat and running my tongue up his length. He moved his hand quickly, clearly surprised by my sudden confidence. I licked up to the head of his cock and then took the rest of his length down my throat. His seed spilled into my mouth in warm and delicious spurts, painting my throat with his sticky arousal. Every bit of him tasted like heaven and in this moment I swear that I would do anything that anybody asks as long as I get to stay here. As long as I get to feel him. 
“Y/n” His hand lightly lays on the back of my head, stroking my hair slightly. “Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” I bob my head a couple of times, milking his arousal from him until I’m sure that I’ve got every last drop. Once he’s come down from his high I sit up, releasing his cock from my mouth with a faint ‘pop’ and licking my lips. I sit back into my seat, settling in a bit while we watch each other. Chan’s chest is rising and falling heavily and there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, once he seem to have composed himself a little the tiniest chuckle falls from his lips as he begins to tuck himself back into his sweatpants
“Do you think that fulfilled your lust for me?” 
“Not even close.”
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simsinlowspace · 9 months
Shang Simla - A Chinese-Simlish Font
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Good morning everyone! I have a new font to share with you today! Details and download below:
I've been studying Mandarin for last five months or so, and I've really wanted to make a Chinese Simlish font for awhile, but I wasn't comfortable with it until I learned more about the writing system (my app focuses on vocabulary and conversation). Thankfully, I work in an insane asylum library and we recently added a few books to our collection about learning Chinese, including how to write it, so I finally decided to tackle this project.
Shang Simla is a Chinese-Simlish hybrid font. There are 26 "letter" glyphs (they correspond to the English keyboard), ten numbers and the absolute bare minimum of punctuation since that wasn't really the focus here. Each glyph is a combination of a Chinese character and a Simlish character - some of them are Simlish characters with Chinese radicals added, and others are kind of mashed up.
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A few notes:
I had issues exporting the file for this one. Copying all the uppercase glyphs to the lowercase glyphs seem to fix the .OTF, so you can use either and you'll get the same results.
The glyphs are effing huge. I have no idea why, but you'll likely need to use some very small font sizes.
I used the standard Chinese characters for the numbers since Simlish numbers are usually just straight "English" numbers anyway. I ended up using the character for 10 in place of 0 because the Chinese 0 is an insanely complicated character that just wasn't playing nicely with my font tool. Since the 10 gets used in combination with other numbers quite frequently, I decided I was more than okay with it.
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This is a pretty rudimentary font and I'm hoping to use it as a base for a more stylized version in the future. My main goal was to see if it could work at all, and I think this was a success in that regard.
If you have any issues with the file, please let me know. It looks empty when you go to install it, but it showed up fine in Photoshop.
Attribution is appreciated, and I’d love to see your projects if you use it! Please do not use for commercial purposes or redistribute the font itself.
All right! Out into the wild with ya:
Lots of love, Spacey
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dailycass-cain · 8 months
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As promised many months ago to end this day, here's a 🧵of the insanity Cassandra Cain's "human" body can do due to what David Cain put her through (besides the two obvious ones of body language and various forms of killing he trained her in).
The best issue that showcases that is of course Batgirl Vol. 1 #14 where various government agencies look at the footage Cass got caught filmed in.
The first few pages are literally showcasing how inhuman, but still bordering on human she is due to what David Cain put her through.
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This is always fully covered throughout Batgirl Volume 1 and is usually forgotten when writers and editors tend to have their job. Not saying any names or storylines of any RECENT kind where a WAR broke out in GOTHAM.
is still salty YES
We've seen Cass's speed all the time throughout the Puckett run. To just showcase the prior issue's bullet dodging or her issue of Tim (#18) be child's play (along with her taking several shots up close and dodging each one from a certain corrupt government bastard).
Nah the best example of Cass's true "speed" is in #34 facing the mob boss Ving and his gang.
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Yeah, you're seeing that right she is faster than a freaking bullet. Surprising how SOME seem to forget that in other comics. 🙄
Something even Batgirls remembered (#15) when Cass was playing shogun dodge with Cluemaster who was trying to shoot her with a shotgun.
But what of Cassandra's strength? Just how strong is she really?
#19 where Cass is faced with the obstacle of three-inch quartz preventing her from escaping a gas chamber. So let's examine just how thick three-inch quartz is.
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Well, let's google just that.
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A SEVEN on the hardness scale. Further research says that it can only crack due to "extreme impacts" which wouldn't ya know:
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As for her body itself, Batgirl/Ghost: The Ressurection Machine #3 suggests this about Cass being immune to A LOT of poisons:
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Something Batgirl Vol. 1 "sort of" delves in #50 when both she and Bruce are doused with a new batch of super drug but it turns out they were both immune to it due to them being built differently than normal humans.
This is all the more surprising because a few issues prior to (#46) Cass is doused with a version of it, but you could say given what she "sees" Cass is under A LOT of stress (the building tension with Bruce, Babs breaking up with Dick, Superboy/Black Wind stuff). Plus she does "sort of" snap out of it to beat the bad guys in that issue.
Just like in #51 she avoids the pheromones to Poison Ivy even though she is showing signs of falling under the hormones but snaps out of it due to willpower (something Bruce was almost succumbing to before he fully snapped out of it too).
It really feels like "this anti-poison" ability Cass had was all but forgotten once the series ended. Of course, naturally with a certain "infamous" story ONE YEAR LATER, but also Batman & Robin Eternal as she is affected by Fear Toxin (among other stuff too).
#9 & #59 showcase that David Cain shot Cass regularly so much that she can not even feel it. This could explain also HOW she was eventually able to dodge bullets and become so fast.
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#22 also showcases this as well so this is not something simply just randomly put in. This was something the writers wanted to show the sickening lengths David Cain put Cass through.
Again, #14 brought up Cass's metabolism and how off the charts it was. I think something we just overlooked is that in #26 Cass slept for 20 hours a day for four days (or perhaps longer) straight until she fully recovered from fighting Lady Shiva.
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That's not even going under the amount of food she consumes. This little detail was first showcased in #39 when Cass ate like she was freaking Goku.
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This little bit of detail was brought back in #66 when she ordered THREE burgers (I'm assuming with everything on it) with three sides of fries and a BIG milk.
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Amusingly, this detail was recently brought back in Nightwing #106 & #108 where she FEASTED on who knows how many pancakes.
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Lastly, I feel this bit is worth mentioning as well from #47 with Doctor Lewis Friedman who started the theory on body language that David Cain made a frightening reality with Cass (shame he was never brought up again after this issue).
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All this isn't even counting on the extremely LONG hours of shower time Cass picked up in the Gabrych run that even Willingham's Robin (which went on during this) teased (something again Batgirls kept up on).
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So there you have it. The utter anomaly that is the body of one Cassandra Cain.
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