#He was well behaved.... I worried he was going to touch me under my clothes without go ahead but nope
mrfoox · 7 months
"I'm in my slut era"
I whisper as I decide to go to an guy's house I first met yesterday, at 6pm on a work day
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Playtime´s over (Viserys I Targaryen x servant!reader)
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synopsis: King Viserys calls you into his chambers for a favor.
warnings: DUB CON (power imbalance), age gap, very little plot, smut, oral (m recieving), p in v sex, unprotected sex
word count: 1.4k
A/N: This is technically my first smut in a while so please be nice. Also this can be read as a stand alone or as a prologue to my mini-series I could protect you
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You are sitting on a blanket with Aemond, a book on one thigh and the six year old Prince on the other. Enjoying the warmth of the late summer sun high in the sky from within the gardens, as you read the Prince a story of old Valyria. It was his favorite place in the entire keep, he had frequently told you, to which you let out a chuckle. Alicent had just recently scolded you for reading those cruel stories to a six year old, but Aemond would not stop pouting and huffing until he saw you pull out the book he wanted. In all fairness you think she is just overprotective of him. It is magnificent how such a ´well-behaved´ child could be so insistent and headstrong at the same time. You shake the thought with a smile. Even in his young age it is clear that Aemond has not many friends as it seems and you are happy to lend him some company whenever he asks. He is such a smart and kind child. You often feel sorry that he and his siblings each seem to share a deep interest with their father, yet the man could not be more uninterest in them. Your voice is quiet as to not interrupt the peace around  the two of you, barely heard over the singing birds in the trees and bushes around as a maid approaches you. Interrupting you mid-sentence.
“My apologies, Aemond. It seems like playtime is over for now.” You set the boy down so you can stand up.
“The king demands to see you.” The woman simply says. Her eyes are trained on you with a look of pity in them.
You thank her with a nod. Immediately you can feel the perspiration on your palms and close your eyes to take a deep breath, in the hopes it would make the wish to chew down your fingernails again.
“Are you in trouble?” You hear Aemonds calm but concerned voice behind you. He looked so serious for a child.
“No, of course not. What would possibly make you think that, little dragon?” You put on a smile for the boy again. He doesn´t need to see the nervousness in you at what comes next.
“Whenever my siblings or I talk to my father we get yelled at.” The statement makes you click your tongue in disapproval of the treatment these children experienced.
“Don´t worry, Aemond. I have to leave now, but if you wish to, we can continue our reading in the evening. Hm?” you pick up your tone in the hopes to cheer the young Prince up again. Even if only a bit.
“I would like that.” He gives you a smile back.
“Perfect. I will see you later then.” You make your way towards the Maegor´s holdfast as quickly as possible, without running. Wondering what it would be that he would ask of you today.
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Knocking quietly on the King´s chamber doors quietly you get called in in a matter of seconds. Viserys is sitting by his model, giving you some hope that today he had called you for something more innocent. You could not have been more wrong. Unknowing what his intentions for this meeting are, you stand by the closed door, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. You are sure you are not much older than the current queen, when rumors of her visits made their rounds through the castle´s staff.
“Your majesty called for me?” You bow your head in greeting.
“Yes. Come here.” The instruction comes in a calm tone and he doesn´t look up from his model.
“As you wish, your grace.” You go to kneel between his legs without any more words.
His leg muscles tense instantly under your touch as you let your hands rub over his thighs. Every stroke getting them closer to the hardness underneath the soft material of the clothing. Once your fingertips feel his manhood twitch, they waste no time to open the zipper to free his cock from its confines.
The two of you had done this countless times before. It never really got any easier, but you were always sure to find a present along with your moon tea. So, you start placing gentle kisses across his length, from the stones to the leaking tip. Which you grace with little kitten licks.
Viserys groans above you. One of his hands threading into your hair, tugging on it, at the roots. The action pulls a moan from your lips. You let his hand guide you. Your lips close around his shaft, taking him in as deep as possible without choking, hollowing out your cheeks to earn another groan. Viserys´ hand is not gentle as it guides your head up and down on his cock in a steady rhythm. He never had been. You don´t know why you still think it would change. His length twitches inside of your mouth. So you take him deeper, fastening the speed in which you bob your head up and down. It becomes harder to breath and you can feel your jaw starting to hurt slowly but surely. Then you here that moan and feel him twitch again. The telltale sign he is close to finishing. You pray for your knees that he comes quickly and start to play with his sac with the hand that isn´t wrapped around the base of his length.
Suddenly Viserys tugs at your hair again. Pulling you off him. You raise an eyebrow at him, but stay quiet.
“On the bed.” Comes his breathless instruction.
You follow it suit. Slipping the fine dress he had gifted you not too long ago over your head and rid yourself of your small clothes, before laying on your back in the middle of the mattress. Legs spread for him to see your cunny.
The corners of his parted lips go upwards with a huffed chuckle and you see the dilated pupils of those beautiful Targaryen typical lilac eyes travel downwards. Then with a deep inhale from both of your lungs he buries himself deep inside your tight heat. His breath fans over you face as he begins to move, but the way he ruts into your core is anything but romantic. It´s a cold way of satisfying his own needs without any regard for yours. A way to get rid of any stresses.
You make sure to hold on to his shoulders, gazing deeply into his eyes, that are focused on where he disappears inside of you. Soft and breathy whimpers fall from your mouth. Along with his huffs and hisses they are the only sounds in the room. The pace he sets at first is slow. Almost painfully so, with the lack of preparation, but when your hand finds its way between your legs to rub circles into the bundle of nerves sat atop of your cunt it gets easier. The motion sends sparks of pleasure through your body, the velvety walls fluttering around his cock. As a result Viserys picks up the pace with which he drives into you. The lewd sound of skin slapping on skin grows louder.
I doesn´t take long until you bring yourself to finish. Your walls tighten around him and in time with your shaking legs, you hear that telling groan from above you once more.
“Beg for me. Beg for my seed.” The kings breathless voice rings from over you and of course you oblige instantly.
“Please, my king. Spill yourself inside of me. Please give me your seed.” Your voice is high pitched and you look at him with the most needy look as your eyes meet.
With a few more rolls of his hips and a few more honey voiced pleas from your mouth, his forehead rests against your shoulder. You feel his finish paint your insides white, taking a few more breaths to calm down.
He is quick to pull his softening cock out of you and sit up at the edge of the bed, tugging himself into his pants to make himself presentable again. You do the same. Standing up to put your dress back on, with his seed dribbling down your thigh.
“Your majesty.” You curtsy once more when you are done. Closing the heavy door on your way out. Making your way through the corridors, to clean yourself up, before you returned to your proper tasks around the castle.
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layla4567 · 8 months
Let me take care of you
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Pairing: Bruce!Wayne x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are very close to Bruce but lately he seems very distant or cutting, one day he will come to the mansion beaten and you will have to heal him.
Warnings: Not proofread, Injuries,bit of blood mention, secrets, fluff, worry/angst,
Word Count: 3k
︶꒦︶꒷︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶꒷꒦‧ ₊˚・
You hadn't known Bruce for long, but it seemed like he had been in your life from minute zero. You didn't have the pleasure of knowing him personally when he was just a child, but he grew up and met you. It was pure chance, you were late for work looking at the ground as usual and you didn't notice the people crossing in front of you until you suddenly collided with a boy with hair as dark as his clothes. He looked at you sad and apologizing profusely, you only had eyes to see and admire that beautiful serious but worried face. After that you two became good friends, you saw each other often, sometimes he invited you to his mansion. You had met his butler who soon took a liking to you. In Bruce you had found peace, a rare and pleasant serenity in contrast to the chaotic city of Gotham. And you could say that the feeling was mutual, young Wayne had found in you a light of hope, someone to cling to, it is true that he already had Alfred but he was someone already older and Bruce was afraid of losing him. Besides, what he felt for you went far beyond a simple friendship. In him he discovered a new rebirth, a soft and tender side that he never dared to show, you were his light in the middle of the darkness and he didn't want you to go out. In a city like that full of dangers, you had each other.
He had never told you about his "double life" that is, that he was Batman. When he met you and realized how important you were to him, he promised to protect you with his life. With so many villains and crimes on the loose, Bruce couldn't risk losing the only good thing he had ever had in that city of death, the only thing that gave meaning to everything. his life. You. And that's why lately he had been behaving strangely, he was still affectionate with you but you still noticed something strange and different about him.
You two had met in a park under the treetops, you were walking aimlessly admiring the vegetation, you were both arm in arm like an adorable old couple, from time to time you would rest your head on his shoulder since you were shorter than him.
"I missed these days like this". You sighed, squeezing his arm affectionately.
"Me too". He said looking at you and smiling slightly.
"You've been very busy lately, does your company demand so much of your time?"
"My company? Oh yeh, yeh, lately unemployment has umh risen its numbers…". He said, clearing his throat nervously.
You looked at him confused, was something wrong with his company? Had you said something bad? You never saw him so hesitant, he was almost always a person sure of his words. You didn't want to worry too much, he was always someone enigmatic and you loved him for that, you respected his silences and spaces. You two sat on a bench watching the people walk by, but you noticed that Bruce was serious and thoughtful, well, more than usual.
"All good?". You asked anxiously, taking his hand.
Wayne seemed to wake up with your touch, as if he had been in a trance. He looked at you surprised, meeting your worried look, he smiled, downplaying it.
"Of course, don't worry." He caressed the back of your hand with his thumb and brought your hand to his lips to kiss it tenderly.
That gesture brought the heat back to your cheeks and you smiled, sighing in relief, maybe he had just had an exhausting day, to tell the truth, your work also tired you sometimes. They continued sitting trying to bring up topics of conversation other than the insecurities of living in Gotham or the horrible crimes that were committed there. You told him about a new book you were starting to read and he listened attentively as if his life depended on it. He loved listening to you talk about things that were so mundane but that were clearly exciting to you.
"I'm just starting to read the first pages but it's already exciting! It's full of adventure and fantasy!! and the protagonist must face a mystery from his past and…"
The words came out of your mouth like an uncontrollable torrent, you gestured with your hands and your smile widened as your eyes lit up. Bruce admired your passion and charm for reading among other things, your cheeks heated by the speed at which you spoke seemed to him to be the cutest thing in the world.
"Maybe one day you can bring it so we can read it together."
Seeing how your eyes opened brighter than the sun and your cheeks turned even pinker was his most precious treasure, and it made him laugh softly. You, surprised, accompanied him with sweet giggles. When you decided that it was too cold to be outdoors, you two got up and you tenderly approached behind him and hugged him, squeezing his stomach a little to which he let out a grunt of pain. Startled, you quickly turned away, looking at him.
"What was that? Are you ok?"
His face was trying hard not to contort in pain but he had a deep frown on his face.
"It's nothing, I must have torn a muscle while exercising"
His voice seemed calm but he was holding his stomach with one hand, that alone was enough to dampen the good mood and nice moment the two of you had had. In silence they each returned to their homes.
On another occasion, Bruce disappeared for several days without showing any signs of life. You understood that he had his life and was independent, but it was worrying that you didn't hear from him for so long.
"Come on, come on answer"
You were in your apartment with the telephone in your hand and the other on your hip, moving your legs nervously. Bruce didn't even answer your calls, much less your messages. You were already thinking the worst and you didn't want to be panicked so you decided to do the only thing you could do, find out if he was in his mansion imprisoned like a mole.
You put on a hand-knit cardigan and headed out to Wayne Manor. You walked in a hurry so you arrived almost breathless at the great mansion. It was a miracle that no one had jumped you before. You knocked on the door three times and an elegantly dressed older man opened the door for you. Seeing you, a soft smile filled his lips.
"Miss Y/N, how lovely it is to see you here, tell me, can I help you with something?"
Alfred was always happy to see you hanging around Wayne Manor, many times you had even stayed over to sleep, it was a pleasure for him to serve both his master and you, you could say that you were almost like family. And if you made Bruce happy, the butler was pleased with that. But more urgent matters prevented you from noticing the warmth and kindness with which he greeted you.
"Actually, yes, there is something…Is Bruce home?"
A subtle shadow appeared on the butler's face but he quickly added
"Masterr B had to leave urgently due to work issues but I'm sure he'll be back soon"
"But I haven't seen him in days and he doesn't even answer his phone!"
You were starting to get nervous so Alfred put a warm hand on your shoulder.
"That's because he has had to move from one city to another to attend to important… matters. And you can guess that's also the reason why he hasn't used his phone, he doesn't want distractions."
"Please Miss Y/N, come in and have some tea, you can wait for him on the couch."
Almost forced, you entered the mansion with the butler's hand gently pushing you from behind to enter. Although it was not the first time you visited the building, you were always surprised by finding new details, whether it was a painting that had been moved or a new, clean carpet. The mansion exuded opulence and good taste and that always surprised you no matter how many times you had been there. You sat on the couch waiting for tea while you played with your fingers anxiously. You turned your head and looked out the window, scanning the landscape outside, hoping to see Bruce walk and return to his house. Alfred arrived with a tray on which rested a cup of tea and a sugar bowl with sugar cubes.
"I brought some chamomile tea, it's good for your nerves." He said with a knowing wink.
You thanked him with a nod, trying to smile. You cupped the cup with both hands, feeling its heat, which calmed you down a little, it was like being near a smoking fireplace, those memories made you aware. The cup was finely painted porcelain and decorated with small blue flowers and green leaves with their stems intertwining with each other. The steam from the infusion rose to your nose and warmed your cheeks.
"Are sugar cubes okay or would you prefer honey?"
"The clods are fine, thanks Alfred"
The tea seemed magical to you, it managed to calm your darkest fears and you could even say that you enjoyed your short stay in the mansion. But you still remembered why you had come there. You were about to finish your drink and put the cup on the table when a figure wearing a black coat appeared in the doorway like an apparition.
"Bruce!". You stifled a scream
Bruce was a mess, his battered face had a bruise on his eye and a cut on his forehead, his hair that had previously been combed back was now messy and fell forward a little. Hearing you distressed, Alfred arrived as soon as he could to see what was happening, of course he already imagined it, when he saw Master B standing there looking tired, his face contracted into a frown. Bruce took slow steps entering the mansion.
You covered your mouth with one hand, swallowing your tears, and ran to hug him but you did so with so much force that Bruce gave a pitiful moan, contracting his face and tensing his body slightly. Scared of hurting him more than he already was, you turned away from him.
"For the love of God, what the hell happened to you?!"
Bruce, without removing his grimace of pain, sat down heavily on the sofa near where you were. Alfred left them alone so that the two of you could talk in peace. If you needed anything, the butler knew that you could always call him.
"It's nothing Y/N, leave it at that.". Bruce said with a whimper
"Are you serious Bruce?! It's nothing?! You have a bruise and cuts on your face, what do you call that nothing?!"
The anguish of knowing that someone had hurt him made you scream in desperation, added to the fury you felt at the habit he had of minimizing everything so as not to worry you, well, it wasn't working this time.
"Please let me at least check you over."
"No, wait"
You ignored his complaints and grabbed his face softly and delicately, even so he gritted his teeth when he felt your fingers rubbing his bruise. You didn't understand what the hell he had done to end up like this, but you suspected that it wasn't because of his work issues. After checking his face you came to the conclusion that his bruise urgently needed ice and that the cut on his forehead was not that big but it needed to be cleaned or it could get infected.
"Well, I'll tell Alfred to bring the first aid kit, now will you tell me what happened to you?"
"Some thugs hit me in an alley when I was coming here…" He said avoiding eye contact.
You knew it was a lie because of how he avoided looking at you, but you didn't know how to get him to tell you the truth. You frowned and touched his arm when you felt something wet, you noticed that a part of the sleeve of his coat was slightly darker. You ordered him to take it off and when you saw his arm you gasped. He had a cut deeper than the one on his forehead and it was bleeding. You urgently called the butler who arrived quickly with the first aid kit.
"Fuck! Will you also tell me that that cut was the fault of a thug?"
"I must have cut my arm on a loose nail or glass… I don't remember"
You sighed frustratedly trying to control your temper, you hated when he lied, especially in such a stupid way. A cut like that couldn't have been from a simple nail, it seemed more like it was made by a knife, you shuddered when you thought about it. You opened the first aid kit and took out everything you needed: gauze, disinfectant, cotton, etc. You took his chin with your thumb and turned his face to get a good look at the wounds. You weren't a nurse but you knew how to heal certain wounds. You wiped a cotton ball with disinfectant and Bruce tensed his jaw and closed his eyes, frowning.
"I'm trying to be delicate."
"I know". He sighed and one corner of his mouth turned up.
Luckily Alfred also brought ice so when you finished the cut on his forehead you gave him ice wrapped in a towel to put on his eye. But the worst part remained, the cut on his arm that was beginning to stain his clothes. You rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and grabbed a clean cloth soaked in clean water. When you ran it over his cut to clean the blood, he quickly removed it, complaining.
"Ouch". He growled loudly.
"Sorry, this hurts me more than it hurts you". You said sadly
"Oh really?" He said, mocking slightly with irony.
But when he saw your distressed face, he stopped smiling and extended his arm to you so you could heal him. You tried in every way to do it gently but Bruce would squirm slightly or moan and make the job more difficult. When you cleaned the wound the cloth had turned red. You put some disinfectant and bandaged the wound. Bruce, despite being hurt and bruised, looked at you with tenderness, how you took the time to heal a poor boy like him. You were so worried and focused on your task that you didn't realize he was staring at you until you raised your head, a warm smile spread across his face and it infected you, but you were still angry and that's how you let him know.
"Bruce I need to know the truth, who did this to you?"
He opened his mouth but you interrupted him again.
"And don't start with that they were thugs because you and I know that's not true.". You warned him
He looked into your eyes, getting lost in your long-lashed gaze while he thought about what he was going to say. You looked at him worriedly, waiting for an answer, a real one this time. He sighed and lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.
"Y/N I can't really tell you what I did today because it would put you in danger and I don't want that. When I met you I swore to myself that nothing bad would happen to you and that I would protect you no matter what, well if I tell you the truth that I could break my promise and I don't want to see you hurt."
You looked at him stunned by his words, now with more reason you wanted to know what was happening but you didn't want to risk someone hurting you…or killing you. Suddenly you couldn't help but think of terrible things that Bruce could be involved in, as if he read your thoughts, he said.
"I'm not involved in any shady business if that's what you want to know. What I do is something more complex than a mafia, but it's not bad at all, I assure you."
Bruce saw that this was confusing you even more and he could even glimpse a hint of fear that he wasn't sure if it was because of him or because of what he was doing. He quickly took your hand and caressed it.
"I understand that this is all confusing but you must trust me please. I assure you that I would not do anything to hurt you, in fact it is just the opposite."
Bruce gave you pleading looks and he sounded so hopeless that his silences spoke for themselves, he begged you to believe him. You pursed your lips thoughtfully and then placed a hand on his uninjured cheek and caressed it carefully.
"Bruce… I trust you, and I really want to believe you… but, it hurts me to see you hurt like this."
You sighed and he nodded, closing his eyes, feeling the warmth of your hand bring him back to life.
"It's okay, I know you know how to defend yourself. But I ask you for the love of God that whatever you're doing, don't get too involved. I don't want to find out one day through the mouths of others that you're in a hospital or…-"
Your words got stuck in your throat, stifling a sob and he hugged you. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and breathed in his perfume, that seemed to calm you down. It was ironic how Bruce being so hurt could still comfort you even though it should be the other way around. You slowly broke away from the hug.
"By the way, thank you for healing me and being so nice to me."
You smiled maternally
"Of course I had to take care of you and it was a pleasure."
Alfred, who was actually in the kitchen listening to everything like a gossip, approached with stealthy steps and proclaimed
"Oh no, I think I should watch my back or Miss Y/n will take my job.". He said mockingly playfully
The three of them laughed in relief, feeling the tension dissipate. If your life depended on it, you would take care of young Wayne every day of your life without once complaining. Bruce smiled at you even though the bruise still hurt and his face contracted a little into a grimace, you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek and he invited you to stay the night if you liked, you nodded delightedly, maybe that way you could keep an eye on him even closer.
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riseofamoonycake · 3 months
*enters doing a ballerina twirl*
Lulu~ 1st: I don't remember if I sent a request before you closed the ask box, I'm sorry if so :(
2: Confucius, Buddha, Bishamonten and Sasaki with a s/o surprising them on Valentine's Day speaking their native language?~
Luv u girl, remember to take care of yourself
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Don't worry for the other requests, there is one yours I still have to write, but I have a lot of ideas for it mueheheh
SO! The sentences spoken in their native language are in another color, even if still written in english (I didn't want to use Google Translate, sorry)
Language of Love
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💘 Characters: Confucius, Buddha, Bishamonten, Sasaki Kojiro
Warnings: suggestive💓
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He brings or waits for you at your favorite place, the one in which you two met for the first time; he arrives here three hours before the date and spends the time walking, running in circles and gesticulating, dreaming of the moment in which he will see your smile and adorable eyes.
The moment you arrive, he runs into your arms, nearly throwing you to the ground due to the ardor he feels, and hugs you tightly while rubbing his face against your chest.
"I am so happy you came, Y/N! Yes I know you were going to come but... but well I am so happy! Stay with me for the entire night, the entire year, all the life."
Sweet puppy goes totally crazy.
Especially when you hug him back and sink the fingers into his obsidian black hair, or if you scrape his neck until he moans and melts under your fingers.
Then you smirk, and narrow your eyes. "Of course I came, sweetheart... after all, you are the only one I could cross the entire world for... my beloved Confucius."
Confucius' smile freezes in his face for the surprise. It cannot be real; he doesn't trust his ears. Did he hear you right? You... your words... "Y/N..."
"Yes, darling?" Come on, try to not laugh now. I dare you.
"Love... did you just speak in... in Chinese?"
"Of course! And I am able to whisper too, right into your ear... or, if you want, I can talk when we reach our bedroom... and then..."
SBAM. Confucius drops to the ground like an apple, passed out. Conquered. Completely taken.
You broke Confucius, bestie. Be proud of yourself.
In the next days, be ready to be followed by him everywhere, his eyes full of adoration, his face dreamy while he begs you every second to keep repeating (in Chinese) how much you love him and how he is your only man. Every. Second.
It is the best gift he could receive *^*
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Buddha doesn't like Valentine's Day that much, but agrees to celebrate it with you in order to have all the candies and chocolate he can obtain. For free, also.
So he smiles widely when he sees you coming at his place with a lot of heart shaped boxes wrapped in soft silk as red as your cheeks, your face bright for the excitement and your body covered by clothes as elegant as soft, moving and trembling...
Yes he is waiting you not only for the sweets eheheheh
Buddha comes to help you and takes the boxes, so he can even touch your arms, his long fingers sliding under the sleeves to tease your sensitive wrists and till the elbows.
A grin widens into his face when he sees you jolting and whining in surprise, and he giggles without any shame while you blush and, to not fall to his traps, slap his hand. "Behave yourself, man!"
He stays still for a second, surprised by the sound of these words, this language he hasn't heard for a long, long time, and then takes a deep breath before speaking again. He tries to contain what he is feeling right now, but he is dramatically failing. "Wo, who taught you this? I wouldn't ever imagine you to come out with this... surprise."
"Never underestimate me, little lotus."
"Little lotus..." He comes closer to you, covering you with his height. "It seems someone here needs to control the tongue, or..."
"You don't want to increase the heat, right? Not in public!"
Buddha laughs again, then gently takes your hand and drags you with him. "Let's go inside, then... we have a lot to speak about, and you still have to receive my present..."
You stare at him in the eyes, and can't help blushing again and even more: it is going to be a long night...
Congrats, you won over him, now deal with the consequences.
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This god is as stern as easy to surprise, and, in the right places and moments, even romantic to the point he can melt and soften like snow under a summer sun. But only with and for you.
So, even if he doesn't show it in public, Bishamonten is happy to spend Valentine's Day with you: due to his duties, he is not always by your side, and he feels sorry and bittered whenever he has to leave you, even if only for some days.
Every moment with you is treasured; every touch, kiss and act of devotion is intense, deep and soft at the same time. And an entire day and night by each other is more than a gift for both of you.
Bishamonten doesn't smile often, to be fair is rare to see his lips curving upwards; but when he sees you running towards him with your eyes sparkling in joy and the arms wide open, ready to close on his huge body and hug him with all the strength they posses, he can't help risking to lose control over himself.
To not fall under your spell in front of everyone (especially of the other Lucky Gods, who are already giggling and looking at you two with a knowing smile), Bishamoten precedes you into your bedroom and only here turns to you, ready to face your cuddles and adoration and to repay you with the same coin.
And he isn't bothered when you jump into his arms and hug his strong neck, proceeding to kiss him all over the face. The god lets you have your way with him and enjoy long, sweet moments, feeling proud and being (secretly) moved by how much you love and care for him.
Then, before resting, you sit up on your bed and smile at him, before kissing him on the forehead and handing him a drawing made by you. The god knows you are a skilled pupil of the Lady of Art and Knowledge Benzaiten, so he is expecting a great gift...
And it is, but actually the thing that surprises him more is not the drawing, but the words written on it.
"For the god who came out from my dreams...", he reads, before lowering his voice, "... You learned my native language..."
You blush a little, then the sweetest smile arises on your face. "Yes, I did. It is my real gift for you, for the lord of my heart. I have a lot to learn yet, but I am working hard, and..."
Bishamonten doesn't let you finish: he grabs you and lifts you into his arms, then presses the mouth on yours in one of the most passionate and intense kisses he ever gave you. You can hear his heart beating like a war drum, and yours matches the sound as soon as the heat of your lover fills your mouth and lungs, and you can't help moaning his name.
"You earned the blessing I am going to give you...", Bishamonten murmurs to your lips, before staring at you and lifting your soul to heaven.
Hurray, a great Fortune is going to fall upon you!
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Sasaki Kojiro
Everyone knows that Sasaki is much smarter and more perceptive than he seems, so it is safe to say that he immediately realizes that you are up to something; however he does not investigate, waiting for things to show themselves.
Since Valentine's Day is approaching, he understands that your elusive and even suspicious attitude could be a surprise associated with it, and the thought already melts him: Sasaki is so humble that anything would please him and make him happy, even a simple flower, a kiss on the nose, a smile and a caress. He doesn't expect anything more, your love is more than enough!
However, he can't help but be more and more excited and curious like a child as the fateful day approaches and the moment of truth along with it.
To help you in your aim, he invites you to the place where you met, holding you close to him all the way to it and treating you with the sweetness and respect with which he won you over.
"If you're tired from walking we can stop, Y/N… you don't have to get tired to make me happy." Words calm, gentle and tender, as his fingers intertwine with yours or caress the back of your hand gently, his gaze full of adoration.
"Ahahahah, you are always so kind to me, Sasaki dear… who knows when we will be married, then! Will you crown me as a deity?"
Immediately, the samurai freezes and turns to stare at you, perplexed, eyes and mouth wide open; then an adorable blush covers his cheeks and he chuckles, running a hand through his hair. "Y/N, Y/N…really, this is a nice surprise!"
You hug him tightly, then leave a kiss on his cheek. "I knew it would make you happy… and since you are the best soul a person could find and dream of, this is the least I could give you!"
Kojiro hugs you back, then buries his face in your hair and nuzzles his nose against it. "Well, at this point… why don't you sing for me? Your voice is so sweet, I would really like it…"
You blush and giggle, then nod. "I can try… but only if you give me a kiss."
You get ten kisses, one in a row.
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cutiemochiii · 10 months
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“Focus On Me”
My first JJK FIC YAY
You are Megumi’s sparring partner, however he can’t help but feel you aren’t taking him seriously…
Itadori was truly an anomaly. For someone with no experience with curses and cursed energy until very recently, he took to it like a fish to water. You watched as he dodged each blow Kugisaki aimed at him.
Even her cursed technique was too slow, and Itadori easily avoided the nails that flew in his direction with gymnast-level physical prowess.
These individual practice fights were the idea of the lovely Gojo Satoru, after Okkotsu Yuuta had come back from spending time overseas.
Gojo wanted Yuuta to show the newer sorcerers what it meant to truly understand cursed energy, a talent that made Yuuta second only to Gojo himself. But what had started as a demonstration between Yuuta and Maki turned into a full-blown training session, everyone finding themselves a partner to spar with.
You had been waiting for a chance to test your skills against Itadori, and Megumi had been waiting for the opportunity for a one-on-one with Yuuta. But both were whisked away before either of you could even ask.
You and Megumi weren’t unfamiliar with one another, but you weren’t exactly the best of friends either. He was kind enough, albeit quiet. And you were friendly towards all of your fellow classmates. But neither of you had spent much time with each other.
And so it came as a bit of a shock to you when he approached you on the bench, asking if you’d like to train with him. You couldn’t refuse, you had seen Megumi’s abilities, and had been told that he had improved even further. Besides, perhaps it would be nice to have a little practice before you took on Yuuji. His strength was practically impossible to match.
Even in the midst of your training with Megumi, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Nobara and Yuuji. It was rather frustrating for Megumi. He was worried that if he let out an attack that was too strong, he would hurt you because of your distraction. You weren’t taking him seriously as an opponent. Whatever, he would just sit down. There was no point in fighting against an opponent with no intention of fighting back-
And let her underestimate you like that?
Even if he wasn’t present, it was as if Gojo Satoru was standing behind him, eyes judging as his voice rang out in Megumi’s head. That damn sorcerer. But he was right. Megumi was tired of being ignored. “Oi,” he began. You turned your head towards him, humming in response. He was too fast for your eyes to follow. In a blink, you felt your feet give out from under you. The world had turned sideways.
Just before your head hit the ground, you were grabbed by the front of your uniform. Megumi had his fist curled around your clothes, looking at you with his head tilted. “Itadori is not your opponent. I am.” He tugged you up so quickly you lost your footing and almost fell into his chest.
You backed away as he took up a fighting stance. “So focus on me.”
He was giving you a chance to prepare yourself, but you stood quietly, thrown off by his actions. He stood straight again. “Well? I am all warmed up, aren’t you?” He questioned.
There was a surge of cursed energy that hadn’t been there earlier, so strong that even Yuuta and Maki had paused to assess what was going on between you and Megumi. He was completely different from the Megumi that was engaging you in light hand-to-hand combat earlier.
You smiled. It had been rather rude of you to behave the way you were towards someone who had politely asked to be your partner. You rolled your shoulders and neck, stretching your hand out in front of you, towards Megumi. “Couldn’t be more prepared.” You summoned cursed energy to your fingertips, touching the small daggers in your belt. You raised your hand, your cursed technique of telekinesis causing your daggers to float in front of you.
Your technique allowed you to pick up even the faintest cursed energy residuals on anything, using that to control said thing. Whether living or nonliving.
Megumi summoned his shikigami Nue, who began plummeting out of the sky towards you at a high speed. You waved your arm towards it, your daggers slicing through the air. One of them hit the shikigami’s wing, causing it to falter. However, you knew Megumi wouldn’t just rely on his shikigami.
Just as you had suspected, Megumi had closed the space between the two of you, kicking at you with cursed energy he had gathered. You parried, his strike hitting your forearm. The impact caused you to shoot backwards, digging your heels into the dirt to slow yourself down before he caught you unaware.
But he didn’t stop his attacks, coming at you with a high jump, twisting his body to put more force behind his next swing. You levitated off the ground with your technique, and slid off to the side. His fist collided with the earth, dirt and dust flying in all directions. You summoned your daggers back to you, waving your hand in Megumi’s direction.
The daggers shot out towards him and he flipped away in order to avoid them, but there were too many to dodge, a couple cutting his face and body. You realized that Nobara and Yuuji had stopped their fighting when you heard shouts.
“Come on!” Nobara called out to you.
“Fushiguro! You can’t lose to her!” Itadori egged him on.
It was surprising, to everyone, just how evenly matched the two of you were. As the battle ensued, even Gojo had taken some time away from his work to watch beside the other students, his casual smile ever present as he kept his hands in his pockets. Though Gojo could still sense some hesitation in Megumi, he was finally realizing his true potential.
And as you worked up a sweat, panting and smirking challengingly, he knew you were giving it your all too. He wondered how much longer it would be before one of you finally exhausted yourself.
You could feel your body trembling with exhaustion, and by the shaking of his hands, you could tell Megumi was nearing his limit too. Finally, all you have to do is land one finishing blow-
You blinked and he vanished.
You glanced around frantically, causing the sword, that Maki had placed on the ground after deciding to watch, to float towards you. You had to be prepared, you couldn’t be caught off guard. Even if Megumi had somehow turned fucking invisible.
“Boo.” You felt a hand on your shoulder, jerking around and letting the blade fly towards him. He leaned his body to the side, the weapon flying past his head. He grabbed the sword by the hilt before it flew too far. In his distraction, you tried to swing at his face. But he was too quick, crouching down and kicking your feet out from under you. This time, however, he did not catch your fall, letting you hit the ground with a loud thump. He slammed the blade into the ground right beside your cheek.
“I win.” He stated, smirking at the look of silent astonishment on your face. He extended his hand to help you stand. You coughed, the impact of hitting the ground having knocked the wind out of you. He placed a hand on your back. The students were cheering, Gojo clapping as he laughed.
“That was quite the performance Megumi.” He complimented his student. Itadori ran up to him and gave him a playful smack on the back of the head.
“I knew you could beat her!” He said with a grin, to which you frowned. He looked at you sheepishly.
“Uh, no offense?”
You huffed. But Megumi simply smiled.
“So, shadows huh?” You asked, sucking on the dark blue popsicle Megumi had bought you after buying you dinner. At least he was kind enough to help you feel better after your humbling loss.
Megumi nodded quietly. You clicked your tongue. “So, how long were you gonna keep it a secret before you decided to kick my ass with it?” Megumi chuckled, causing you to smile.
“I’m not sure. I am still working on it. So far I can only conceal myself for really short periods of time, and that shadow space makes me feel sick. So I have to keep honing the skill.” You nodded in thought. You were sitting on a picnic table as Megumi leaned against it beside you. You sighed, letting your head drop back as the sky was painted a deep red with the sunset.
“Fushiguro, listen. I acted really shitty towards you today, and I wanna apologize. You are truly an incredible sorcerer, and I would like to continue being your sparring partner. I gotta get you back for embarrassing me so hard in front of everyone.” You elbowed him playfully in the leg, and he smiled.
“Yeah, I guess you do.”
The silence was a pleasant one, both of you finishing your popsicles as the sun dipped below the horizon. Jujutsu Tech was truly a unique place, and even with all the dangers that threatened you daily, you considered yourself lucky. And now, you were making friends. People you knew would help you become a stronger sorcerer. And with Megumi offering his hand to help you stand, and walking back with you to the school, you looked forward to the next time you two could fight together again.
Author’s Note: UGH FINALLY I HAVE TIME TO POST. I have been super duper into JJK recently (especially with the new, PAINFUL season ;-; which I hope to write for too) if you haven’t noticed, I tend to give the “reader” character similar abilities throughout the anime worlds (i.e. “star breathing” throughout all of my KNY fanfics, and now this telekinesis cursed technique throughout my JJK fanfics), I really hope this makes it easier and more enjoyable for all of you!!! It gives the reader a lot more character imo, and it’s fun to really incorporate the character into the realm. ANYWAYS!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED YOUR LIL SPARRING SESSION WITH MEGUMIIIII
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lesbolordo · 1 year
G'day r u aight ? Cuz I'm not.
The Hogwarts Legacy fandom lacks something. Very much.
Where the fuck are my genderbent meow meows ??? I want to see Seb with big tatas and Ominis with pretty nice thighs in witch I can die between-
I want to see Poppy as a cute beast lover boy and Imelda as a hot Quidditch player wtf ?
Urh, so much potential wasted 😔
Anyway I tried genderbending Sebinis thinking about that.
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I made several headcanons about them because I have nothing to do with my life but think about Women.
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Sebastian :
If Sebastian was a girl, I'd have no name for her. Really. What is the female version of Sebastian ? Urh.
Anyway, if she was a girl Anne would be a boy, obviously.
I feel like Sebby would be a chubby-buff girl. She's strong in all third ways : Is a bit round and could beat your ass with and without magic.
She was very close to her dad and so she hates Solomon even more after her parents die.
I feel like one summer she suddenly got curves and took some weight and Solomon -being Solomon- was too awkward to ask her her new size of clothes so he just tried something : spoilers, all of her clothes are too small but she doesn't seem to care much and since she only hangs out with Ominis -blind mf- nobody really tells her that her shirt is begging for help, threatened by her big tatas.
Honestly, girl or boy, Sebastian would beat your ass -or try to. He's not one to differentiate boys from girls after all.
Often deemed unladylike, "behaves like a boy". She doesn't care, she never will, move on.
She's self conscious about her height -even Masc! Seb is to me- and so she lies about being 160 cms tall when she actually is 159 cms tall. I see some Poppy inside of her, small but feisty... I think that these two would be friends, boy or girl.
"Fuck around find out."
Hates dresses. Unpractical. Ugly. She will wear dresses only for Ominis. End of the discussion.
What is going on with her hair ? No one knows. Legend has i that in the morning if you pay enough attention, you can hear the birds that accidentally got caught in it
She'd wear the boys uniform.
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Ominis :
Even as a girl Ominis is the mom friend. Always looks worried and tired, but don't worry she could very well beat your ass if she wanted to.
Unlike Sebastian she comes from an aristocratic family and so she behaves "properly" for a lady, but only because it's the only thing her parents await from her : As a woman she is deemed less important -Ominis hates it- but at the same time they leave her alone most of the time.
I do not have a name for Fem!Ominis but she could step on me either way.
Fabulous lashes™️.
She may be taller, but only because all of her damn curves went into her height : flat as a wall, no ass, and very much thin like her masc version. Her depression may be chronic, but her ass is microscopic.
Speaks well, could end your career with words, won't be afraid to do so. But don't you dare bring your fists to the fight, because Sebastian is always behind to save Ominis from breaking a nail -and committing murder.
Pretty hair in appearance, but do not touch it. Under. Any. Circonstances. I'll let you ponder why. Her mother loves to put ugly hats or accessories in her hair, Ominis hates it but apparently Sebastian finds it funny and pretty, so she leaves it on. Being blind, she learned very early one way to style her hair and now she ALWAYS uses it. Because she doesn't know any better.
Long elegant pianist fingers, just like her boy version. Can and will use them to either hurt you or make Sebastian cu- Cuts her nails short. More like Sebastian does it, Ominis lies saying that she can't see she can't do it herself -Sebastian believes it.
Doesn't mind dresses. Prefers comfortable clothes, may be girls or boys.
"God let me live another day. And I'm about to cry about it."
She's tall -both for a girl and a boy- but she knows Sebastian is self-conscious about her height so they don't talk about it.
She'd wear the girl's uniform.
Now that I'm done please do give me genderbent! HLC. Especially Fem! Versions because I love women.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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pervprincealwayswins · 4 months
Omg hi hi you write for Beyond! I LOVE HIM SM BRO!! He’s been my long time obsession.
(Tw, SH mention) I’d like to ask for Beyond’s reaction to his male s/o lifting his shirt, pant legs, just moving his clothing around to make sure he wasn’t injuring himself. Just a cute gesture, his bf manhandling him to make sure his bratty ass is behaving.
Hi! I made it a bit fluffy too, hope you like it :)
Beyond x Male! Reader Fluff
Inside the residency of Whammy's the laughter of one Beyond Birthday could be heard. "Babe, what are you doing?" He exclaimed.
Y/N rolled his eyes. "Just making sure you're not hiding any injuries under there! Gotta keep you in check, you know?"
Beyond chuckled. "Oh, come on! You know I wouldn't hide anything from you. Besides, I'm perfectly fine."
"I know, I know. But I can't help but worry about you. You mean the world to me, and I want to make sure you're taking care of yourself." Y/N replied, while still continuing his check up.
"That's sweet of you, but you don't have to go to such lengths to make sure I'm behaving. I promise, I'm being good." Beyond said.
"I know you are, but it's just my little way of showing how much I care. Plus, I can't resist the opportunity to touch you a little." Y/N winked playfully. Earning a blush from his lover.
"Well, in that case, I won't complain. But only if you promise to give me some extra cuddles afterwards." He said.
"OH deal! After all, what's a little manhandling if it leads to a lot of love and fluffiness?" Y/N grinned.
Beyond chuckled. "You always know how to make me smile, babe. I'm grateful to have you looking out for me."
Y/N smiled at Beyond and planted a kiss on his lips. "And I'm grateful to have you by my side. Now let's get back to some serious cuddling and forget about manhandling for a while."
With that, Beyond wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "Sounds like the perfect plan to me."
Y/N snuggled closer. "I love you, Beyond."
"I love you too, Y/N. Always and forever." Beyond said. Smiling in the comfort of his boyfriend's arms.
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supermarine-silvally · 6 months
Gooooood morning, I'm here to send you numbers 1, 2, 7, 10 and 13 from the Happy Together ask game for Yara and Ace, my beloveds. Hope you're doing well!
tysm for the ask!!! I am obsessed with these two fr (also tagging @oneirataxia-girl to share the brainrot heheh)
(ask game here!)
This got long so I'll put the answers under the cut!
1. What are your OTP’s love languages?
In terms of receiving, I headcanon Ace as a words of affirmation sort of guy-- we all know that between Garp and Dadan and all the adults in his life that Ace didn’t receive a lot of reassurance about his self-worth growing up. The only time he was probably ever praised was when he brought home dinner for the mountain bandits, and he definitely enjoyed that one time when Makino remarked on how well-behaved he was for her, so getting that sort of verbal affirmation helps chase away the doubts he feels about whether or not he deserved to be born in the first place. As for giving, Ace is always surprising Yara with little gifts he finds on his solo missions/adventures or on the islands they visit together. He just loves making her smile.
Though she may come across as a little distant and give off the occasional ‘go near me and I’ll bite you’ vibe, Yara actually loves being touched and held and getting that skin-to-skin contact with the people she trusts and cares about. She basically was never hugged or given much physical affection for the vast majority of her life, and has some pretty severe abandonment issues, so she’s very touch-starved. The first time Ace hugged her, she didn’t quite know how to react, but all she knew was that deep down, she never wanted him to stop. In terms of giving affection, Yara shows her love through acts of service. She might grumble about Ace leaving his stuff lying around, but she always picks it up and puts it back where it needs to be, and makes sure that he has clean clothes and enough food/water to last whenever he’s going to be away for an extended period of time. Whenever Ace falls asleep in the middle of a meal, she’s always patiently waiting with a napkin or a cloth for when he comes to again.
2. Is your OTP a battle couple? How do they work together?
They’re both on one of the strongest crews in the One Piece universe serving under a literal Yonko so they’d definitely fit the battle couple description! (Yara is technically second-in-command on 2nd Division under Ace, so they end up side-by-side in combat a lot). Now the fun thing about them working together in battle is their devil fruit powers. Yara’s Tōka Tōka no Mi (Pass-Pass Fruit) means that she’s basically untouchable to physical attacks, barring seastone or a strong application of haki (or the Yami Yami no Mi), and Ace’s Mera Mera no Mi, being a Logia, means essentially the same thing for him. So Yara doesn’t have to worry about accidentally hitting Ace with her sword (her devil fruit might give her an excellent defense but it has almost no offensive capabilities, so she has to make up for that with swordplay) and Ace can go wild without worrying about burning Yara. Being faced with them in combat is to endure both their terrifying powers and combat prowess as well as their (mostly Ace’s) insufferable flirting. 
7. Do they plan on getting married? Who proposes? What’s their wedding like? 
Oh, Ace was probably thinking about marriage even before he left the Moby Dick to chase after Blackbeard. He aims to live without regrets, and he’s found someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with, so why wait? (Yara probably doesn’t think much about marriage, but if Ace asked, she wouldn’t say no). In alternate universes where Ace manages to avoid his unfortunate canon fate, they get married shortly after Marineford, after they’ve recovered from their injuries. Ace wanted to come up with an elaborate proposal plan and spent weeks crafting something, scrapping it, and annoying the hell out of Marco in the process. In the end, Ace and Yara are probably doing something simple like looking up at the stars and talking late into the night and he finally just blurts it out unprompted. (Yara is a bit surprised at first, but she eventually responds with a smile and a “Yes, of course I’ll marry you, you wonderful idiot.”)
The wedding is kind of chaotic, but in the best possible way. It was one of those things where it was supposed to be a small wedding (at Yara’s insistence, she really did not want to make a big deal out of it), but more and more people kept getting added to the guest list out of concerns it would be rude to not invite someone, so the event turns into a bit of a who’s who of the pirate world. Whitebeard’s entire fleet is invited, as are the Straw Hats because of course Luffy wouldn’t miss his brother’s wedding for the world. Curly Dadan and the mountain bandits also come, and Dadan spends the entire time ugly-sobbing into a handkerchief. At some point, Shanks’ crew stops by and brings a fresh round of booze with them. Yara begrudgingly (after many long discussions) allows Ace to extend an invitation to Mihawk, who surprisingly shows up. They find a nice uninhabited summer island for the venue, probably one under Whitebeard’s protection. If Whitebeard is alive, he officiates. If not, Jinbei does. Ace definitely cries a bit at the altar, which makes Yara tear up as well. (Neither of them probably ever imagined finding someone who would love them this much). The celebrations last for a solid week, but partway through, Ace and Yara sneak away on Ace’s striker to start their honeymoon early. Afterwards, Ace takes every possible opportunity to refer to Yara as his wife. Saying it aloud never fails to make him grin.
10. What’s their sleeping arrangement? Who falls asleep first?
Ace can fall asleep anywhere, at any time, so Yara has had to learn to adapt to that. Whenever it happens, she just shifts around and tries to make them both as comfortable as possible until he wakes up. He pretty much always falls asleep first and will actively seek Yara out whenever he wants to take a nap. Ace’s devil fruit makes him the perfect person to nap with, so Yara almost never turns him down. It’s not an uncommon sight on the Moby Dick to find them curled up somewhere, having a rest. 
13. What do they love most about the other?
For Yara, loving Ace is like loving the sun-- he’s so bright and warm and passionate and all-consuming, but what she loves most about him is his kindness. He can befriend almost anyone and actively helps others even when it doesn’t necessarily benefit him to do so. (This is the man she watched spend days crafting a very large hat for a giant just to give him some protection from the elements, after all). Ace touches the lives of everyone he encounters, commanding such loyalty from his first crew that they were willing to come back and try to rescue him after he was defeated by Whitebeard, risking annihilation from a much stronger crew just to get their beloved captain back. She counts herself lucky to have been drawn into the orbit of such a bright, wonderful, absolute sweetheart of a man who brags about his little brother fifty times a day and manages to maintain his cheerful demeanour despite how much the world might hate him for the blood that runs through his veins. When Ace turned his kindness towards her, how could she not fall in love with him? 
Yara’s beauty might have first turned Ace’s head in her direction, but that wasn’t what held his attention there. He appreciates her steadfast loyalty to her crew and her sharp wit, but what he loves most about her is her honesty. Yara says what she means and means what she says, so he can always count on her to be straightforward with him. He was absolutely terrified of what she might think upon finding out he’s Gol D. Roger’s son, but when she smiled at him and assured him it changed nothing, he knew that she meant it. Whenever he has his self-doubts, he knows he can come to her and that she won’t just coddle his feelings, but will truly and honestly reassure him of the value that he brings to the world and to the lives of everyone around him. He trusts her opinion more than perhaps anyone else’s and feels like he’s found a partner who truly sees him for all that he is. His heart is in her hands, and he’s certain that when she says she’ll protect it with all her might, that she means it.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Not going anywhere | Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer
Request:” Hi i have request for you ,Lucifer and the reader have a big fight they are married, and this fight it's lucifer fault The reader leaves home and Lucifer decides to give her space After a few days, he goes to the reader and realizes that she has been missing for a few days,When the person behind all this claims that the reader is dead and gives them a her body . Everyone thinks that the reader is dead and Lucifer He gets depressed and thinks it's all his fault , and after a few days, the thieves release the singer and the reader goes to Lucifer.Lucifer first thinks it is an imagination and then apologizes to the reader Thank you so much”
Genre: Angst with happy ending
Warnings: kidnapping, death
Your intention had never been to start a fight. All you wanted an explanation (preferably one that also made sense) and an apology, but apparently that was too much to ask, because as soon as you voiced your opinion, Lucifer went up in flames
“Don’t start this again!”
“I dislike it just as much as you do but what I hate more is being cancelled on, AGAIN, through a text message no less!”
“It was an emergency!”
“It’s always an emergency Lucifer! It’s starting to sound a lot like work means more to you than I do!” “The detective needs me, damn it!” your husband yelled
“And she has you! Every day of every week! All I ask for is one date night and for the past month you’ve done nothing but avoid committing to one or backing out at the last second! I’m tired of being your second choice Lucifer! I’m your wife and you are my husband, I love you to the ends of the world, I just wish you'd say no to Decker from time to time...”
“I’m saving people’s lives Y/N. So if you’re not on your deathbed, other people are and they need me now!” as he said this, Lucifer walked right past you and into your bedroom, seemingly ignorant to the painful words he’d just said. You looked around the living room, vision blurry with tears, your chest heavy with anger and disgust. You rushed towards the elevator.
“When you find time in your busy schedule and feel like being my spouse again, let me know!” the elevator door closed before Lucifer could say anything
When Lucifer woke up the next morning to a cold and empty bed, he didn’t think much of it.Truthfully, he was still kind of pissed at the attitude you had given him a day before, so he got dressed as usual and went to the precinct, assuming you’ll be home by nightfall.
Except when he got home that night, he stopped by Lux first, which ended up like it always does: with him sucked into an endless cycle of booze and dancing, that lasted until well into the night. When he did enter the penthouse eventually, he found it empty. Exactly the way he had left it in the morning. Even the tie he had left on the floor, after deciding last minute that it didn’t go with his suit, was untouched. Now this was curious, but still, Lucifer felt like you must be playing hard to get. He sent you one text message, before going to bed
“Call me when you can!”
The day after that, he figured his part was done! By reaching out first, he had already made a big compromise, so now it was your turn! To reach out, come home! But that didn’t happen that day, or the day after that.
Three days after the text message,Lucifer was getting worried. He was looking at his phone every other minute. Always making sure he hadn’t accidently put it on silent or missed any texts. He sent more messages, telling you he was sorry and that he wanted you to come home. That he would listen and spend more time with you, promising luxurious dates and weekend trips, if only you forgave him. You didn’t even open the messages.
“Lucifer are you listening?” Decker was insanely annoyed at her partner’s lack of concentration
“Sorry detective. I’ve...I’ve got a lot on my mind”
“Well, better get it out of the way now, so that we can move on to our case!” she said, cleaning out her desk quickly, before resting back into her chair “Talk to me!”
“It’s Y/N. I’m worried about her!”
“Why?” “We...had a fight a couple days ago and she left. She hasn’t come back since”
“Have you heard from her at all?”
“No…” Lucifer said, embarrassed at his own lack of care for you. He should have called you earlier, reached out more! He should have tried harder!
“How long had she been missing for?”
“4...maybe 5 days…”
“Lucifer, are you sane? And you’re only telling me now?!” Chloe jumped from her seat, turning on her computer
“I thought she needed space! I thought she was avoiding me intentionally cause she was angry! I didn’t know…” Lucifer choked back a sob, not wanting to break down in tears in the middle of the precinct
“Lucifer!” Chloe caught hold of his hand “I’m gonna find her! I promise you!” A few days later, she did. Well, more like Y/n came to her, in the shape of a pretty little gift box left on Decker's doorstep.
“A lil too late on your case detective” read the note attached to it. 
Inside were Y/N’s clothes, all of them stained with dark, dried blood. Y/N was declared dead that day and the case was closed. At her funeral, only her closests friends were present. Lucifer wanted it to be as intimate as possible.
That day was also the first time anyone had seen Lucifer, since the news. His eyes were bloodshot and the dark circles under his eyes almost matched the black suit he was wearing. Throughout the ceremony he kept twisting his wedding band, a habit he’d picked up on since you went missing. He chose not to do a speech, but once the crowd disappeared, and he was left face to face with your grave, he pulled out a little piece of paper from his pocket and sat down on the grass.
“In hell, everyone feared me. There, I was nothing but another server of the universe, ruling over an empire I never really wanted, because I never had a choice. So eventually I left, thinking anywhere will be better than what I had, and I came to earth.
I ran into you about 2 weeks later, before I really even knew how to behave myself. Before I knew anything about who I really was besides ‘the devil’. I longed to know, grow and discovers different sides of me, where I could be something new, and you gave it to me. You made me who I never thought I could possibly be. You made me a lover. I never thought of myself as capable to love anyone, in any degree, but your light shone everywhere you went and your kindness touched me and everyone around you. It became impossible to not get infatuated with your person. I allowed you to see and feel around every dark corner of my soul and being and every time I thought it was the end. Everytime I would take in your touch as if it was the last, I would prepare myself for abandonment, but it never came. Through everything you stood by my side and when I felt my darkest, you gave me a fistful of your light and that was enough to keep me going. You married a broken man and called him perfect, despite everyone telling you how much of a foul you were. Even then, you shooed them away. Even then you chose me. I wasn’t worthy of your love or your trust and our last night together proved it.
You’re not here anymore to hear my apologies and I’ll never forgive myself for it. You’ve gone now somewhere I can not follow, but I know you are well taken care of there. I hope, someway, somehow, you’ll hear these words: I am sorry. I loved you with my entire soul. Not listening to you was the biggest mistake of my life and I’ll never forgive myself. I choose however, to remember you as you were, because I know that’s what you’d want. I’ll remember you and your laugh.I’ll remember our date nights and shopping sprees. Nights in Lux or on the penthouse balcony. I’ll remember all the meals you prepared for me and the flirtatious remarks you used to make, because you thought they were so silly. I’ll remember the little frown on your face whenever you worked on an important project for work and I’ll remember every evening walk around the block you’d make me accompany you on. I know I always complained about them, but they were always fun. Everything I ever did with you was always fun.
I loved you. I still do. You are my everything Y/N. Thank you for devoting yourself to me in all the ways that you did. I’ll forever live on in my heart.“
It had been months since your disappearance. After all this time, you finally managed to escape your kidnappers and report them to the New York police station, since that’s where you had been held hostage for so long. As soon as the paperwork was done and you were sure that the people who ruined you were getting the punishment they deserved, you jumped on a train and headed straight back home. Straight to Lucifer.
Lux looked exactly the same as you had left it. You were washed over by a wave of comfort that almost brought you to tears. Home. You never thought you’d get to step in here again. Overwhelmed, you took a seat on one of the couches, allowing your head to rest back on it, as you took in every detail of your surroundings: the feel of the leather on your fingertips, the cool breeze of the air conditioning, the warm lights. Everything was still here.
“Y/N?” you jumped at the sound
“Hi love…” your voice broke as you said those words. Words you never thought you would be able to mutter again. The sight of your husband, messy as he was, made you weak in the knees. He was standing at the top of the staircase, dressed in nothing but his robe, tied carelessly around his waist. He had probably just woken up. You wanted to say something again, but before you could, he laughed
“Nope” he said simply, before making his way down the stairs and to the bar “I’m not doing this. Not today, not ever!” Lucifer filled his glass to the top with bourbon, before turning around and trying to leave back to where he came from
“Lucifer, it's me!”
“Sure you are, except you’re not real! Nice of dad, taking my ability to stay endlessly sober, getting me drunk, forcing visions of my dead wife onto me to teach me another lesson about managing my emotions. Real clever, except this is too much! So I’m going to enter that elevator and I expect to never have to see you again, hum? Right, well, au revoir now!” he continued on his way, but before he could get far, you were clutching on the silk tie of his robe. Lucifer felt the tug around his waist and turned around slowly to look at you, this time a little more unsure. As if he was trying to figure you out
“Lucifer, I’m Y/N. I escaped”
“Escaped? But that’s impossible, she died! I saw it-”
“What you saw was a bloody shirt!” he looked up to meet your gaze, tears already forming “They lied to you Lucifer”
Finally, it seemed like he had connected all of the pieces of the puzzle. The glass of alcohol fell to the ground and your husband wrapped you in a big hug for the first time in months. He nuzzled his head in your hair and took in your scent, your figure, your warmth. Hell, you were even more perfect that he remembered! Silent tears fell down both of your cheeks as you collapsed to the ground, still holding onto each other for dear life
“I’m so sorry” Lucifer sobbed in your hair “I’m so so sorry”
“It wasn’t your fault Luci”
“If I hadn’t been a jerk you wouldn’t have left! If I would have simply listened to you, they wouldn’t have gotten to you! You would’ve stayed here, where you belong! You would have stayed with me but instead I was too busy with my stupid job and the stupid cases and I’m sorry! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry” he continued crying on your shoulder as you rubbed small circles on his back
“I’m here now my love” you whispered, kissing his cheek “And I’m not going anywhere”
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Rusted Remnants
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Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x mutant!Reader
Warnings: past noncon, smut, dirty talk, Stockholm syndrome, violence, mention of human experiments, swearing.
Words: 1924.
Summary: You felt better knowing he wouldn't have to leave for quite some time now, staring at the man as he leaned back against the pillow, watching the smoke slowly disappear in the air - Heisenberg wasn't your darling, but he's the only one who kept you sane in that fucking hole where human life mattered so little. Among other Lords he's the only one who had the resolve to fight that heartless bitch hiding behind the façade of a holy mother.
When a bearded man in sunglasses opened the door with a grinding, abrasive sound, you felt both fear and relief - Heisenberg was a mean son of a bitch who couldn’t stand people crossing him on anything, and you learned that the hard way. However, thanks to that insanely strong bastard who could smash in a Lycan’s skull with one swing of his hammer, you were still safe in his hideout, not having to worry about mutilated monsters this place was swarming with.
Besides, even though Heisenberg was as rotten and disgusting as any other Lord, he still had more human in him than Dimitrescu, Beneviento and Moreau altogether.
“Did you miss me, little monster?” He smirked, watching you laying in bed with some cheap romance novel you traded for bullets with the Duke: you had little hobbies since you barely left Heisenberg’s factory.
You rolled your eyes, knowing he hadn’t been home for a couple of days and now needed to get under your skin, feeding off your emotions like Alcina fed off her victims’ blood. It was something like a routine to him: he needed to know you had something human in you, too.
“Who else do you expect me to miss?” you snorted, leaving a worn book with a dirty yellow cover on the bed. “You know I don’t like when you leave for so long.”
“It’s not like I like it either.”
Leaving his monstrous hammer on the table full of blueprints, drawings, nails and all other things you were forbidden to touch, he took his glasses off, and you saw his weary eyes, the blood vessels widened in their white. It didn't happen often, but from time to time Heisenberg would abandon his façade of a smug, careless bastard, and then you could catch a glimpse of a deadly tired man who had long lost any hope to ever free himself from Miranda’s death grip. Something had happened in those couple of days when he had been wandering the woods and catacombs filled with Lycans, Samcăs, and Vârcolacs, and it certainly wasn’t good news if it stripped Heisenberg of his endless complacency.
Quietly slipping away from the bed, you put your shoes on while the man in front of you left his coat hanging on a chair and stilled, his dirty hands on the desk as he stared at it blankly. While he stood there, motionless, you turned on the large faucet in an improvised shower cabin - everything there had been old and rusty, and you needed time to adjust the temperature of water from icy cold to bearable cool or even hot if you were lucky enough. Thankfully, Karl never protested against showering, washing away dry blood, machine oil, muck and filth.
Saying nothing, you carefully lifted his hat, unclasped the belt on his chest and started unbuttoning his dirty shirt - nobody would believe it had been white once. Finally, Heisenberg came back to his senses, smirking and letting you strip him of his clothes, leaving his pants and huge heavy boots on the floor. As he stepped into the shower, he dragged you with him behind the old plastic curtains full of holes, and your nightgown got drenched within a couple of seconds, water pouring over your head. You didn’t protest anymore, knowing the man wouldn’t let you go until he blew off some steam, pushing you into a wet stone wall and wrecking you ass till you started sobbing - he loved when you squeezed his fat cock with your pussy, but Heisenberg couldn’t risk getting you pregnant, leaving his child to be endlessly tortured by that holy bitch until she turned his baby into some fucking monster doll. Sometimes he could buy some condoms from the Duke, but it was still a rare occasion, so most of the time Heisenberg spent using your other holes, filling you to the brim with his cum until he felt satisfied.
"Wearing that white nightgown like some noble slut from Alcina's castle." he growled into your ear from behind, grinding against your ass, his callous fingers gripping your hips as he forced you spread your legs for him. "Did you do it on purpose, baby? Did you want to bounce on my cock so bad?"
Turning your head to him, you didn't get a chance to speak up when the man crashed his mouth into yours, his arm lifting up the drenched fabric of your nightgown and baring your flesh. Landing a loud smack to your ass, he grinned through the kiss: he loved it when you behaved well around him, taking whatever he was giving you like a good girl you were.
You didn’t mind. At first the thought of him touching you had been giving you panic attacks and nausea, but as years flew by, nothing changing in this Hell of a place where sanity was a privilege, you clung to Heisenberg in a desperate attempt to feel human again - even if it was something as primitive as grinding your bodies against each other.
As he rubbed his cock in between your shaking thighs pressed together, you moaned, the water cascading down your bodies while Heisenberg fondled your breasts, biting and nipping his way down your neck.
"You're going nowhere until I fuck the shit out of you."
Breathing in the smell of his Cuban cigars, you watched Heisenberg smoke as he laid close to you, his naked body barely covered by a blanket: his skin was littered with nasty scars, and it seemed like every centimeter of it had once been burned, cut or bitten. Some of them were so old you could barely see them, others relatively knew where the scar tissue was still angry red and thick: most of the time he got them while working on his personal army down there, but with his regenerative abilities they were like a kitten bite to him. Of course, even of they weren't, Heisenberg would still pretend like it was nothing, wearing his shit-eating grin.
"The holy whore is up to something," he says after long minutes of silence, ash falling to the floor from his cigar, "and I don't like that I know fucking nothing of her plans."
You felt better knowing he wouldn't have to leave for quite some time now, staring at the man as he leaned back against the pillow, watching the smoke slowly disappear in the air - Heisenberg wasn't your darling, but he's the only one who kept you sane in that fucking hole where human life mattered so little. Among other Lords he's the only one who had the resolve to fight that heartless bitch hiding behind the façade of a holy mother. You couldn't call him sane, but he had enough sanity to remember what Miranda did to all of you and how fucking twisted was her desire to have a family. You weren't her children, regardless how many times Moreau was going to call her his mother. Whatever she did to you or those miserable villagers, her cannon fodder, she did only to revive her real daughter, and the thought had been making you sick since the times Heisenberg told you about Miranda's past.
"You think it's something big?"
"Yeah. She keeps disappearing into thin air, and I can't find a trace of her anywhere at all."
You grew silent, staring at the blanket with empty eyes: it certainly wasn't a good sign. Where was she going if even Heisenberg couldn't locate her? Was she crossing the forest to get to the outer world? The last time it happened she brought to the world one more horrifying monster with a face of a little girl. The only thing you knew about her was that she was destroyed a couple of years ago, just a failed experiment like all those Miranda had been involved in.
"I think she partners up with someone, some organization that can give her what she wants like, you knew, she did before." You muttered, and Heisenberg stared at you, narrowing his frightening light eyes.
"With whom could the old bitch partner?"
"I don't know, but I know she brought someone with her, willingly or not."
Now you had his full attention as he turned to you, his eyes burning a hole in your face. "Who did she bring here? How the fuck do you know?"
Rolling over to your stomach and hugging a pillow - a real pillow you got from the Duke a month ago, not that pile of garbage the man had been sleeping on for ages - you let out a loud sigh. You weren’t eager to go exploring the factory even though you knew where his soldiers were, but you couldn't just stay in his room for the rest of your days, and sometimes you would get out for a couple of hours, wandering empty corridors with rusted doors.
At first it was subtle. You knew this place well, but you couldn't sense monsters or people getting in the way Miranda did even after Cadou implantation. You just wandered the same places over and over, collecting semi-precious stones, bullets and other things you could trade for something with a merchant. As the time flew by, the feeling of uneasiness was washing over you as you stepped into certain rooms, got into certain places. There was nothing peculiar there, nothing that would catch your attention, but something was still eating you up as if you knew something wasn't right.
At one point you realized that what disturbed you were things moving from their original places - changes were small, barely noticeable for someone who didn't spend hundreds of hours walking around here, but you could know put your finger on what was wrong. Who was it? You knew it weren't the Lords who had no business here. Besides, the Master of Metal could always feel their presence. Obviously, it weren't humans from the village for whom the factory was sacred, and monsters possessed too little intelligence to put things on their places in the very same order. You thought it could be Mother Miranda, but she wouldn't be sneaky if she really wanted to show Heisenberg his place.
Now it all made sense. You knew the outer world would learn about this place sooner or later, especially after that monster girl incident, and it only proved the idea Miranda brought someone with her.
"I think it's someone smart, Karl. Someone who will either destroy Miranda or try to take control of her - and us, maybe." You said after telling him about your little adventures, and the man smirked, stroking your back. Of course, after her little Eveline had been released into the world, he had thoughts about other organizations having their fair share of Megamycete,
“Someone we can use against her, then.” He whispered, his eyes dark and perceptive as he leant closer, dropping a kiss to your shoulder, his complacency getting back as he sent you a smug grin, slapping your ass loudly. “Good job, little monster. Good job.”
Rolling you over on your back, he got on top of you, pushing your legs apart and licking his lips at the sight of your naked pussy right in front of him, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your thighs.
“I’ve forgot to tell you baby," he grinned at you when you squirmed from his touch, his thumb already tracing tiny little circles against your clit. “I’ve got a rubber, so you better milk me dry with that sweet little cunt of yours.”
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gucciwins · 3 years
Leather and Lace
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The one where Harry goes to the Grammy's and Y/N is his date
Word count: 4,960
A/N: Hello beautiful friends! Harry at the Grammy's just blew me away, the leather look is all I want to talk about for the rest of my life.
I was feeling inspired and decided it was only fitting to continue Adore You. Part two is Three Time following nominations. So this is part three. Yes, I have a soft spot for Harry and Atticus. Will always write for them if the inspiration strikes.
warnings: smut (female pleasure), pandemic
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There's been one thought running through Y/N's head for most of the day, and Harry can tell because it's nearing five pm and she has not started on dinner. Instead, she's sitting on the backyard steps that give her the beautiful view of the pacific ocean, an empty glass of wine in hand.
Harry doesn't say anything, just sits next to her, knowing she will speak when she's ready, but he also knows she enjoys the quiet moments with him.
Y/N leans her head on his shoulder, letting out a deep breath before settling down the wine glass to wrap her arms around his bicep.
"You asked me an important question."
"Wasn't that important." He shrugs.
"Harry," No nickname making sure he knows she's serious. "It is important. You asked me to be your date to the Grammys where you're opening the show and are a three-time nominee during a pandemic."
"Well, when you put it like that." He teases.
Y/N and Harry made two years of dating on February 16. To celebrate, they had dinner from their favorite Italian food place with chocolate strawberries for dessert that Atticus made for them with the help of Mitch and Sarah, who were more than pleased to take him for the night. It was a beautiful day primarily spent in bed talking and enjoying each other, reminding each other how much they were loved and would continue to be as years went on.
Two years and their relationship has been well hidden. Honestly, Jeff has been impressed at how not one word has gotten out. This may be due to only close friends and family knowing about the relationship. Also that they spent almost one entire year inside due to this ongoing pandemic.
She's not worried about others finding out about her relationship with Harry; that isn't her big concern; it is what they will say about her and Atticus. Harry is a single dad to the world, and Atticus is his first priority, and everyone knows that; she does not want to be the reason they write about how Harry is a neglecting father for dating someone so openly. She fears the backlash and how it can affect how Harry sees her.
Reasonably, Y/N knows that won't happen and that Harry sees her as his life partner as he's told her on multiple occasions. Also, the assurance that Atticus gives to her by calling her Mum more openly around their family. The constant I love you's get her through it.
"I understand if you aren't ready, love."
"Don't think I'll ever be ready, but there are lots of times where I just find myself wanting to shout it from the rooftops how much I love you." Harry smiles, knowing he's felt the exact same way.
"Yes, I'll be your date to the Grammys." She breathes out after a moment of silence.
Harry sits up straight, shifting to make her look him in the eyes. "Yeah, you will?"
"I'd be honored."
Harry's smile is breathtaking, and the next thing she knows, his lips are on hers. It's passionate and full of thank you's because she knows how much this means to him.
He pulls back but not before pecking her lips twice.
"I'm going to call Jeff." Harry rushes inside, leaving her alone once more, but a sincere smile is left on her face.
Y/N said yes because even though a part of her wanted to say no, the urge to say yes won because to be there by his side holding his hand no matter the results win her over.
She says yes because as much as she may have wanted to say no, the urge to say yes and be there by his side, holding his hand no matter the results, wins her over.
Harry comes back ten minutes later, a bottle of champagne in hand, with his eyes shining bright as if he had already won the award. "Jeff said it's all set. He's going to be our third wheel for the night."
She laughs, knowing very well he loves when Jeff has to be around them without his wife now. Always teasing him, but also very happy for him.
"Pop that open then! Let us celebrate." They walk back into the house, getting glasses, when they hear small steps approaching them.
Atticus is thrilled at hearing the news about Harry performing at the Grammys. He got even more excited when he found out Harry was taking Y/N as his date. Told them that she would be the prettiest on the carpet, Harry had pouted, asking what about him. Only to agree when Atticus said no one's beauty compares to his Mum's.
Harry had asked Glenne to watch over Atticus, and she eagerly accepted. They let Atticus know, and he was over the moon excited. Atticus knew his Auntie Glenne had a hard time saying no to him.
In a different time, if there was no pandemic, Harry knows Atticus and Y/N would have been the perfect dates for what is supposed to be a joyous night.
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Grammy day arrived, and Harry walked the red carpet alone.
It's something all three agreed on, not at all wanting to steal any attention when it was such a big debut for Harry. As much as Harry wanted photos with her, he knew this was the way to go; she would be sitting next to him for the rest of the night, which he was thankful for.
Harry felt comfortable and happy in his red carpet look. He was wearing a green and yellow check tweed jacket and a tartan sweater combo worn, flared trousers, and lavender boa. It was a bit different but entirely himself, and that's all he wanted.
As soon as he's done posing for photos, he has his mask back on and is ushered into his changing room to change for his performance happening very soon.
Y/N is waiting in there chatting with Sarah, and when Harry opens the door, he's taken back by her beauty. Yes, he saw her dressed at home, but she seems like a dream here in this new light. Y/N is wearing a lilac satin backless dress, a long slit going up her left leg. She's wearing gold heels that their wonderful friend Harry Lambert acquired for her. The gold primrose signet ring adorned her right-hand ring finger. A few more that she has gifts from her mother and others she bought for herself, but his attention is on the one he gives her because even as she is in a conversation with someone she's fidgeting with, she has the feel of it under her fingers.
"Clear the room, friends," Jeff announces. "Styles here has to get ready. We can start heading to the stage."
Everyone is up and out in a matter of seconds, Jeff shutting the door behind him, telling him he only has fifteen minutes.
More than enough.
"Are you going to help me or just sit there ogling me?"
She smirks. "If I help, there's no saying you'll get clothes on in time."
Harry feels a twitch in his trousers and knows she's right. He huffs, not bothering to argue, just throwing his lavender boa in her direction.
"I'll always accept a striptease."
"I should have had Jeff kick you out as well," Harry says, not meaning a single word.
Y/N pouts. "Not nice, H."
"Baby, please. No more teasing, not really a fan of going on television with a boner, especially in leather." Harry stops her before she can continue on.
"Alright, I'll behave."
Harry breathes a sigh of relief because he's always so close to caving in. She has that effect on him.
Y/N sits there, turned on by Harry changing his outfit. What she wishes she was home instead because watching and not being able to touch is absolute torture.
Harry shimmy himself into the leather pants wanting to get Y/N to laugh, and it works like he knew it would.
"Got a nice ass, Styles. Might have to take it for a ride."
Harry mutters a fuck, and she's giggling. "It's like you hate me."
"On the contrary, I adore you."
"Yeah, well, hand me the jacket, please."
Y/N gets up, the black leather cropped jacket in hand; she stands behind him, guiding him to slip in his left arm, followed by his right. It rests perfectly on his shoulders; she let her hands slide down his arms before turning him around and getting a good look at the completed fit.
She takes a step back as Harry reaches for the mint feathered boa slipping it over his shoulders before dramatically swinging it over his left shoulder. He poses a hand on his hip.
"What's the verdict?" He's biting back a laugh.
"I'm in love. You should ask for my help in designing a look more often." Y/N's gaze has not left his exposed torso. The butterfly fly tattoo starting back at her, Harry's a bit leaner, but he's never looked, fitter. Definitely, feel lucky she can run her fingers over his abs as soon as they get home.
"You recommended no shirt."
"And look how right I was. Your fans are going to go crazy."
"There's only one person I care about going crazy." He steps forward, pressing a kiss to her neck before trailing up to her lips. Leaving soft kisses, not giving her more, and she needs it. She needs him to push her up against a wall and just take her.
"Trust me, baby. I'm showing so must restraint right now. Fuck, you need to walk out now before you're late."
Harry smirks; he likes knowing the effect he has on her. She's the reason he's wearing leather, having confessed thinking he'd look really good. And right she was. "Need a good luck kiss."
Y/N nods, bringing a hand up to rest on the back of his neck, the heels adding a few extra inches making her aligned perfectly with his plump pink lips. She's gentle as she connects their lips; he wraps a hand around her waist before taking control of the kiss, slipping his tongue inside; she lets out a soft moan as he kisses her with all he has. Harry pulls away, a dimpled grin on his face. "Lots of luck in that kiss." a
She nods, still in a daze. "I'll be watching, baby."
Harry and Y/N walk out hand in hand, masks on as they find Jeff, who directs him to the stage entrance, a whispered I love you and a final kiss. He's walking towards the stage, greeting each of his band members lingering a second longer with Sarah.
Y/N was grateful she was allowed to watch the performance from a hidden side stage with Jeff by her side. Those three minutes of Harry singing, she was left in awe as she always is; he's got a way of capturing your full attention. She let out a gasp when Harry threw the boa and turned to have exposed his chest, a broad smile on her face. Jeff was trying to stifle a laugh next to her, and she knew he would be passing this information along.
She felt lucky to be loved by Harry.
As soon as Harry finished performing, Jeff ushered her to his changing room where she could watch the other performances as they waited for Harry to join them once more before going to sit at the socially distanced tables.
Harry came back, a deep smirk on his face, his mint boa now resting on Mitch's neck. "What you think, love?"
"You were wonderful; you and the band just killed it. I felt like it was my first time listening to it. Those note changes were beautiful." She hugs him, happy to have him in her arms again. "Get changed, not much time."
Harry nods, going to the clothes rack but comes back to give Y/N a kiss. She feels herself melt into his touch. She pulls away and sees his green eyes glistening. "Thank you for being here." Before she can respond, he's walked away and changing into his previous outfit.
Harry is dressed, and Jeff ushers them out. Harry leads, greeting people as they walk by, occasionally stopping for someone. Y/N falls behind, smiling at everyone from behind a mask, she laughs, remembering others can't see it, but hopefully, they feel it. She spots a women's restroom and grabs Jeff's arm to get him to stop. He turns concerned. She leans in close, letting him know she's heading to the restroom and will catch up soon.
Y/N is walking out of the restroom heading down the hall when she stops hearing her name called. She turns and finds it's her good friend Julia Michaels.
"Hi darling," Y/N greets a large smile hiding behind her mask. "You look brilliant." Julia was dressed in a black gown adorned with white patterns resembling seashells and her tattoos on full display. Y/N was in awe.
"Thank you! As do you." She says, pulling her in a hug. "Is that a bit of an accent I hear?"
Y/N laughs. "Don't know about that; I've been living in London for years now. Might be that I've been around my British friends constantly."
"That or-"
Julia is interrupted by a man calling her name. Y/N sees it's her boyfriend, JP Saxe.
"Ah, the beau is calling for you, it seems." Y/N teases.
"Oh bummer, I love chatting with you. I would tell you all about him, but I'd expect the same."
"What do you mean?" She feigns confusion, but Julia sees past her.
"Well, who's your date?"
She can feel her face warm, knowing exactly who she's referring to.
"I came with my boyfriend," Y/N answers proudly.
Before Julia can respond, Y/N feels a hand on her back and turns to find Harry behind her. "Calling for us to head to our seats, nominations up next."
"Okay, H." She smiles, knowing there was a look of concern for her hiding behind the mask.
Harry seems to remember she was speaking with someone.
"Hello, Julia, lovely music. This one always plays it around the house." Harry knocks his hip with Y/N's. "Especially this new song that's nominated, she always had it playing. Soon my son was singing it as well. It meant I had to join in. I don't like being the odd one out."
"Thank you, Harry; I'm glad you could all enjoy my music. We've been doing the same. Fine Line is a gorgeous album. Best of luck tonight." Julia tells him sincerely.
"You as well."
"One last thing between us."
"Of course," he nods.
"She's a special one; take real good care of her." Y/N has never been more thankful for a mask because it hides her face that she is slowly starting to heat up.
"I like to think I've been doing a good job, or she wouldn't have stuck around for two years so far."
Julia doesn't hide her shock, her eyes go wide, and Harry just smirks.
Y/N laughs. "We have been good at laying low. Except for this one, he likes to always be doing something new."
"What can I say? I like to keep busy." Harry shrugs, knowing everyone knows about his next film in London.
"Now we definitely have to grab dinner soon or a zoom date, I don't know. I want to hear all about it." Y/N can tell Julia is curious but overall happy for her.
With that, they bid each other goodbye, and Harry escorts her to their seats.
"Someone is very open," Y/N tells him, adjusting her dress as she sits down.
"She's a good friend of yours but also Niall's. I know we can trust her." Harry tells her honestly.
"I see. We'll see how interviews go soon." Y/N knows Jeff had told them he had to do at least one interview if he didn't win, and if he did, it would just be him addressing the virtual press room.
Harry is sitting in the middle, Jeff to his left andY/N to his right. He's never felt as safe when they name the nominees for the category.
Y/N feels the tight grip Harry has on her thigh, and his left hand is rubbing up and down his pants to dry the sweat she can only imagine is building up. She looks up at his face, but he's calm, but she knows him; there's a storm of thoughts running through his head. Y/N knows there isn't much to help ease, but she can remind him she's there for him. She lifts his hand that was resting on her thigh to her lips and gives it a gentle kiss through her mask, yes he can't feel it, but the sentiment is there. She sets his hand back, fingers now intertwined with hers. Y/N knows he's looking at her and meets his gaze reassuring him with his eyes she loves him.
Rachelle Erratchu is opening the envelope, and in the next few seconds, she will announce the winner for the best pop solo performance.
"Watermelon Sugar, Harry Styles!"
Harry sits there shocked, his shoulders dropped, eyes wide, not at all able to hide the shock. He just heard his name called; he just won a Grammy.
In the next second, he's standing up, removing his mask, his nervous smile now able to be seen by the camera. Jeff is quick to pull him in a tight hug. Y/N stands feeling the happiness travel through her entire body.
Harry won.
A mask is no longer hiding his smile, and she knows if she removed her, she'd have a matching smile. Harry hugs her tight, her arms going around his waist; she can feel how fast his heart is beating. Harry is not at all ready to let her go but knows he has an acceptance speech to give.
"You did it, H," she whispers, ushering him to head up the stage.
Harry gets up, letting out a deep breath as he hears the applause continue. He picks up the Grammy for a second before setting it back down. He looks out at the audience, and he's just astounded that he's won.
"Wow, um..." Harry takes a deep breath before starting. "To everyone who made this record with me, thank you so much. This was the first song we wrote after my album came out, during a day off in Nashville. I just wanna say thanks to Tom, Tyler, and Mitch, and everyone, Rob Stringer, everyone at Columbia, my manager Jeffrey who always nudged me to be better and never pushed me and thank you so much, and I feel very grateful to be here." He smiles at Y/N. "Thank you to my son, who has been the light in my life and my biggest fan. Everything I do is for him, and I hope I continue to make him proud. I love you, darling boy." Harry knows he's got only so much time left, but there is one last person to thank. He doesn't address her by name, but everyone in that room knows what he says next is for Y/N as he never takes his eyes off of her.
"Thank you for believing in me. I was not the easiest to deal with when we first met, but you're here and have been every step of the way. Thank you for helping me become a better man each day. I adore you." He chuckles, continuing on, "All these songs are fucking massive, so thank you so much; I feel very honoured to be among you, so thank you so much."
Harry walks off stage, leaving the grammy he had just won behind, eager to have Y/N back in his arms. His eyes are set on her; she's standing arms open, ready for him. He melts into her touch, hiding his head in her neck placing a gentle kiss on her exposed neck. "I love you," he whispers.
Y/N softly cradles his cheek as he leans into her touch, her eyes filling with tears of joy. "I love you, H."
Harry pulls away, letting her take a step back as Jeff hugs him tighter than before. He's so happy he places an affectionate kiss on Jeff's masked cheek.
Harry's happy; he knows he didn't need an award to let him know how talented he was, but it was an honor to have his support team by his side as he did receive the award.
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Harry had taken Y/N with him to help change, claiming he needed help. Jeff knew better but let them be.
As soon as Harry ushered them into the changing room, he pushed her up against the locked door, ripped his mask off, shoving it in his pocket, kissing down her neck.
Y/n reaches a shaky hand up to remove her mask, letting it fall in Harry's waiting hand to place next to him.
"Kiss me," she breathes.
Harry, never one to deny her, brings his lips to hers. Y/N felt her whole body tingle as he claimed control over her mouth, hungry and intense as if she'd disappear if he would slow down.
Y/N laughs as her hands rest on his shoulder, letting him kiss all the skin she has exposed.
"Baby, you're a Grammy winner." A hand now in his hair as she feels his lips right above the curve of her breasts.
"Just like you."
"Atticus must be so proud," Y/N says, now lost in thought.
Harry pulls back, "As much as I love our baby, please don't mention him as I'm trying to shag you in my dressing room."
Y/N grins nodding, she pushes the plaid jacket off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor. "Sorry, did you say shag? Is that Grammy fame getting to your head?" She teases
"The only place my head is going is between your thighs." His voice rough, no longer teasing. She can see the lust building in his emerald eyes.
"Guess I'm the real winner," Y/N tells him, pushing up her dress to reveal her black lace panties, Harry's favorites.
"Fuck." Harry trails his hands down her thighs as he sinks to his knees.
Y/N holds her dress up as Harry begins to pull down her panties, letting them fall to her ankles. "Those are too hot to be hidden, baby. Fuck, knowing you had those on the whole time for me has me so hard." He unbuttons his trousers giving himself breathing space.
"Please, baby," Y/N begs, wanting him to give her some kind of release.
"Alright, darling, since we don't have much time."
Y/N has her legs spread open for Harry; her face was flushed, knowing the pleasure Harry would soon bring her. She was wet; she had been since she saw Harry perform in his whole leather outfit; she swears this look will enter her dreams when he's away.
"Love, you're so wet." He smirks, knowing this was for him, but a bit of confirmation never hurt anyone. "All-cause of me?"
"Yes, always wet for you." She breathes out, looking down at him.
Harry leans in, pressing soft kisses on her thigh, getting her to relax, wanting her to enjoy this as much as he's going to. He loves how soft her skin is; he litters kisses as he watches her, still feeling how close he is to where they both want him to be.
Y/N feels like she can't breathe; Harry's teasing always so good but not now. Not when she wants him inside her, but she settles for him eating her out. He's proven more than a dozen times how good he is with his tongue.
"I'm ready, darling. I'm ready to taste you, fuck, you smell amazing, but oh, there's something special about how you taste. Will you let me?" Harry asks, always asking for her consent, never wanting her to feel pressured.
"Yes, please." Harry always knows what she needs; she's happy to relinquish all control to him.
Harry tightened his grips on her thighs, scooting closer. He smiles at how glistening her pussy looks for him. How wet he's made her. He didn't have time for foreplay as much as he wanted to tease her have her withering under his touch. He drove right in, his tongue in between her lips, tasting her sweet juices. It was good, sweet, and just for him.
Y/N let out a moan; Harry wanted more from her; he wanted her a moaning mess. Y/n felt his tongue against her most sensitive spot and felt her knees go weak, fuck; he knew exactly how to bring her the pleasure she seeks.
Harry's eyes were closed, focusing on the noises Y/N was making and savoring the taste.
Y/N has a hand in his hair, her right hand holding up her bunched-up dress. "My winner," she moans out.
"You're always a winner. Fuck, so good." She pants.
"You are….baby" Nothing's making sense. She's lost in her pleasure. Harry was focusing on her clit; he licked at the small peek, knowing she was close.
She pulls harder on his hair, he lets out a moan against her pussy, and it brings her twice the pleasure. "Make me cum, baby." She whines, "Show me exactly why a song about oral sex deserved to win."
Harry, edged on by her words, begins to suck on her clit, letting her feel the ecstasy it brings her. Y/N lost in her pleasure, misses Harry's cursing against her.
"Harry, I'm close." She whimpers out.
"Cum for me, darling." He doesn't slow down, lapping against her pussy, taking everything she gives him. He sucks on her clit, swirling his tongue around as he brings a finger to her hole, gently pushing in, knowing it will drive her over the edge.
"Fuck, you're always a winner. This mouth is always a winner."
Y/N whines out his name, pulling him closer as he licks up all she offered him, letting her ride out her orgasm enjoying every moment. Harry pulls his hand away, setting it on her exposed thigh, drawing small comforting circles, until he's sure she's ridden it through.
She lets out a long sigh as she slides down the door, no longer able to stay standing. Harry grins, guiding her down gently as he sits back on his heels.
"Can I return the favor?" She blinks at him, lust still swimming in her eyes.
Harry blushes but not at all embarrassed. "Watching you cum for me did the job, baby."
She pouts her lips.
"Can treat me to a good time later," he promises; she eagerly nods, already knowing how she'd make him go crazy at him. The taste of him on her tongue later, something to look forward to.
"Think this was the reason you had a third outfit picked." She jokes,
Harry laughs, "Definitely."
Y/N and Harry sit there staring at each other, blissed out in pleasure, taking in the other's smile when a loud knock on the door startles them reminding them where they are.
"When you walk out of here, there better not be a single trace to what you did in there," Jeff tells them.
Harry smirks, "oh Jeffery, who does he take us for?"
Y/N is helped to her feet by Harry, who slips her panties back up her thighs. Y/N walks to the restroom to fix herself while Harry washes his face at the sink provided. Harry is quick to get out of his clothes and into the final outfit of the night. An orange blazer with a white low-cut shirt and plaid pants.
He's ready to step back out and mingle, showing off his girlfriend to everyone who approaches them. Harry stands in front of the mirror looking at the deep red mark on his neck where she left a love bite; he doesn't even remember her giving it to him.
She smirks, seeing him trace his finger over it. Y/N walks up to him, placing the black-feathered boa over his shoulders.
"I could get behind the feathered boas if it means I can leave more kisses like that behind," Y/N tells him as he swings it over his shoulder, adjusting it to hide the mark that would bruise over the next few hours.
"We'll see, love."
Y/N stands in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. She smooths her hands over her dress, happy with how she looks. Not at all like she was just given the orgasm of her life. Harry smiles, grateful she was here with him on an important day. He loves her, and he knows she loves him.
"Ready, love?" He stands being her, hand on her waist
She turns her head up to look at him, puckering her lips, waiting for a kiss that Harry happily gives her. "Now, I'm ready."
Y/N and Harry walk hand in hand, masks on.
Harry may not have won any more awards, but he truly felt like he had won it all way before ever hearing his name being called. With a woman like Y/N on his side who was intelligent, beautiful, and independent, constantly pushing him to be a better person every day, there was no way he would ever know what it would be like to lose.
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Thank you so much for reading! I adore you. Hopefully, the future allows me to write for Harry, Atticus, and Y/N some more but for now I hope you enjoyed this continued story. <333
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jaesqueso · 3 years
Something new (m)
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pairing: boyfriend!haechan x fem!reader
summary: you try doming your usually dom boyfriend at his request
word count: 1,532
warnings: light foot play (it’s over the clothes but consider yourselves warned), very light bondage, oral sex (giving and receiving), unprotected sex (please protect yourselves though)
a/n: well this was fun to write, I feel hot just thinking about doming this brat... please do give me some feedback! ❤︎
☽ ・・・・・ ☾
“Would you ever dom me?”
Haechan’s words linger in your head as you curl up around his body in his bed trying to watch a movie on his laptop. Ever since you began your sex life together he was always the one in charge and you didn’t mind because all you wanted to do was submit to him. So it came as a surprise when he randomly asked you if you’d consider switching roles sometime. Reluctantly you said you’d think about it and he told you to make it a surprise if you decided to go ahead.
As you lay behind him with a leg over his waist you decide to give it a try. You slowly move you foot to his crotch gently rubbing it.
“What are you doing babe?” He asks as he massages your bare thigh, eyes never leaving the screen.
“Don’t worry about it,” you remove his hand from you leg, “just keep watching the movie.”
You keep moving you foot over his sweatpants and you feel him getting hard. You lean over and start kissing his neck, leaving a bite here and there. He lets out a soft moan and you smile against his skin. You speed up your movement over his length and he tries to place his hand on your thigh again but you hold it next to his chest.
His breathing gets faster and he squeezes your hand. You sense him getting closer as he softly moves his hips against you to get more friction.
“Are you gonna cum with just my foot?” You whisper in his ear.
He only hums, bitting his lip not wanting to give into your tease. You press your chest against his back squishing your breasts between you too and in this new found closeness Haechan finally lets loose with a shaky moan. You move your foot a lit bit more feeling his dick throbbing inside his now wet pants.
You softly push him to lay on his back as he’s still panting, the movie you were watching already forgotten. You remove his shirt and then look down at his crotch seeing the wet patch on his pants.
“Look at the mess you’ve made.” He looks down too. “What a naughty boy. Did that feel good?” He looks back at you and nods slightly embarrassed. “Well, you should thank me now, don’t you think?”
He nods again and was about to get up to turn your bodies around but you push him back into the mattress.
“Stay.” You firmly say and he freezes.
You move back a bit and remove your already damp panties leaving you in just a tight top, nipples poking through as you didn’t bother to wear a bra. You come closer to him again grabbing his wrists over his exposed torso, tying them together using the piece of underwear you just removed from your body.
“Naughty boys don’t get to touch.” You say as you give him a very light peck, barely touching his lips. His mouth chases yours as you pull back.
You place yourself above his head, knees on each side giving him a perfect view of your pussy. You look down and watch his hungry eyes as he licks his lips.
“You’re gonna eat me out now and I’ll only get up when you make me cum, understood?” You barely give him time to answer as you sit down on his face.
He starts to lick your clit and humming as if he hasn’t tasted you for months, which was definitely not true and the one day hickeys on your neck could prove it. You lean your head back and moan running your hand through his hair.
“That’s it baby, your mouth feels so good.” You keep moaning and he seems to enjoy the praise by the way his tongue swirls on your clit.
You look down and watch his eyes follow the movements of your breasts as you breath heavily so you decide to give him a better view removing the last piece of clothing on your body. His eyes widen and he speeds up his movements when you start playing with your boobs. You look back as you feel him struggle with his tied wrists, knowing him he just wants to set his hands free to run them all over your body.
You feel your orgasm build up inside you so you start moving your hips as you ride his face. A few more licks and you cum on his mouth moaning his name. You keep moving as you come down your high and then get up.
“Good job baby.” You smile at his glistening face as he licks your juices from his lips. “Somebody enjoyed eating his girl out.” You look at the tent in his pants and start to remove them. “No underwear? You naughty, naughty boy.”
You kneel between his legs and take a long lick through all his length. He whimpers in pleasure and you smirk. Who knew your dom boyfriend could get so submissive?
You tease the tip of his cock with your tongue while you run your nails through his thighs.
“Please…” he speaks for the first time since you started your little game.
“Someone sounds desperate.” You look up at him with a smirk. “Tell me, what does my naughty boy want?”
“I-I want to be inside you…” He hesitantly says.
“Inside what part of me? My mouth?” He gasps as you take his whole dick and start bobbing your head painfully slow.
“Please baby…” he pleas in between moans.
“Is it not my mouth you want?” You release his member and crawl up his body until you’re face to face with a desperate Haechan. “What is it then?”
“I want…” He looks nervous, you never saw him like this. For a second you question if he’s okay with it but then again he asked you to, and it would be a lie to say you weren’t enjoying it. “Your pussy… I want my dick inside your pussy, please.”
“That’s my boy.” He give him a proper kiss as you align his cock with your entrance. “Since you asked so nicely it’s only fair I give you what you want.” You sit up and lower yourself on his length.
You both moan as he slides in so easily, this whole reverse roles situation has you dripping. You grab his still tied wrists to support yourself as you start bouncing on his dick. Not coping with your slow rhythm he starts moving his hips towards yours, but you sit down on him pushing him onto the bed.
“Don’t be bratty Haechanie,” you look deep into his eyes and he gulps, “or I might have to edge you until you learn to behave.”
“I-I’m sorry…” He mutters desperate for you to move again.
“Good boy.” You start bouncing again, this time a bit faster. “Do you want to cum?”
“Yes..” He moans.
“Where do you want to cum?” You speed up your hips even more.
“In-ah-inside you!” He groans as he gets closer.
“Inside me?” You repeat.
He vigorously nods.
“You’re gonna fill me up real good?”
He nods again closing his eyes, trying to hold his orgasm. You lean in and whisper in his ear.
“Then do it.”
And just like that he spills his seed in your warmth. You bounce a few more times taking your hand to your clit and soon your juices mix inside you, moans filling the air in his room. You collapse on top of him sliding out of his dick, cum oozing down on his body.
A few seconds later you reach into his nightstand, where you know he keeps some tissues, and clean both of you. Throwing the tissues away you lay on his side.
“Babe…” He lifts up his wrists in your direction and only then you remember he’s still tied up with your panties.
“I’m sorry!” You both giggle as you untie him.
Once free, he grabs your face and kisses you passionately. You melt into the kiss hoping this means you did a good job.
“So…” You say as he breaks the kiss laying on his side and pulling you closer. “Was that anything like you expected?”
“Oh babe,” he leans closer to your face placing a strand of hair behind your ear, “it was even better. You’re a natural.”
“You’re just saying that.” You hide your face in his chest returning to your regular shy and sub status.
“I promise you, I’m not. Thank you for doing this for me.” He kisses your forehead. “You know I like to take charge but I’d be down for another round of this sometime…”
“Really?” You look up at him to make sure he’s not just teasing you like he usually does.
“Yes, Y/N.” He gives you a soft kiss. “But now,” he pushes you to lay down on your back as he hovers above you, “let me remind you how it feels to be under my control.”
You smile as he kisses your neck. You knew Haechan wouldn’t last being the sub for too long without doming you right back.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Bo Sinclair X Reader
Part 1, Part 2
I've been enjoying some Soft!Bo recently, so here's some more!
Soulmate AU: shared pain and shared scars part 3:
Time passed since you first stepped into Ambrose, only a few weeks since you ended up meeting your soulmate in the most unlikely place and getting stranded in the small town. You told yourself you were stranded, tried to convince yourself of that, but it wasn't completely true. Now you thought that even if you got the chance to escape, you wouldn't. You wouldn't leave and if you did...you would probably end up being drawn right back to Ambrose.
Weeks passed. You mourned. You still found yourself saddened by Carly's death, but you had come to terms with everything that had happened. Bo had, in an act of kindness you supposed, demanded that Vincent didn't use any member of your group to create new wax figures. You were supposed to be at home in this town, you didn't need a constant morbid reminder of your past.
Of a night, you had been staying in Bo's room while he slept on the couch. Surprisingly, he had insisted on it. Despite you being his soulmate and practically being destined forgive him, he supposed he should try to make it easier for you. He just hoped it wouldn't take too much longer, the couch wasn't as comfortable as his bed.
The events from your arrival had settled and the town seemed to fall into it's more day to day routine. You had gotten to know Vincent and Lester a little better, but you found yourself more comfortable around Bo, which made sense even if it wasn't logical to an outsider.
Despite spending more time around Bo than the other brothers, you surprisingly didn't talk much. Neither of you really knowing what to say. You wanted to be around him instinctively but didn't know what to say to the man who killed your friends, or even if you wanted to say anything at all.
Today went by as usual, you spending the day down in the garage with Bo, eating lunch and dinner with him, and awkwardly sitting on the couch in front of the brother's little television. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, occasionally risking glances at him.
You had excused yourself and gone up to bed, changing into one of Bo's tee-shirts. You didn't exactly have a wide selection of clothes just yet but did you have other options of sleepwear? Yes, you did. Still, you chose to wear Bo's tee-shirt. You found it comforting.
Unsurprisingly, you hadn't been sleeping well. It took a few nights for you to get a good few hours of sleep but you were sure that your sleeping had actually become more disturbed than it had been. The bed was comfortable, and smelled of Bo, but you still found yourself tossing and turning, feeling like something was missing.
It was something you had been debating for the last few nights but always talked yourself out of it. Tonight though...you had decided to take the risk. You knew you would end up doing it eventually anyway.
Pushing back the sheets, you climbed off of the bed and exited the bedroom.
When you had arrived, the house had been untidy but you had fixed that during your stay. You had to fill your time with something and it helped make you feel more comfortable. So, now, you didn't feel too worried about walking around barefoot.
You made your way down the stairs and quietly into the living room. Bo mustn't have heard you since he was still sitting with his feet up on the coffee table, eyes on the television, with his temporary bedding piled beside him.
"Bo?" you asked quietly and he instantly turned to you. Under different circumstances, you might have found it amusing that you had surprised him.
His gaze scanned your body, wetting his lips at the sight of you in one of his tee-shirts. "You alright, darlin'?" he had never been shy about pet-names, always calling you by them. You didn't mind. You liked it.
"Can't sleep" you mumbled, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Wanna sit with me?" he asked and you nodded without having to think about it.
He gave you his signature charming smirk. "C'mon then" he patted the space beside him and you walked over to him.
Bo lifted his arm, laying it over the back of the couch as you sat down beside him, his arm behind you. Some old film was on the television, you had no idea what, but you didn't mind. Bo didn't seem very interested in it either.
"You got any idea what's going on in this?" Bo asked, gesturing towards the television, you just shook your head. "Need better fucking stations" he muttered to himself, making you smile a little in amusement.
"Or you could upgrade from VHS...maybe get a DVD player" you mused. "Do they even sell VHS's anymore?" you asked with a small chuckle, earning a smile from Bo.
"Guess we'll have to save up for your fancy technology" Bo teased, proud of himself when you laughed.
"I think I can deal with it" you shrugged before, not so subtly despite your best efforts, shifting closer to him.
"Good" Bo hummed, his arm lowering from the back of the couch to wrap around your shoulders and pull you closer. You allowed him, resting your head against his shoulder.
The two of you fell silent as you watched the screen, not really taking anything in. Risking your glances at Bo once again, the hand that lay lazily in his lap caught your attention. He was wearing a tee-shirt, ready for bed, leaving his wrist visible.
Gently, you reached out and took his hand in yours, your other hand tracing his scars. "Will you tell me about them now?" you asked quietly, watching your fingertips trace his scars.
"Ain't much of a story" Bo shrugged, watching your expression of concentration.
"I'd still like to hear it. Been wondering since my childhood" you confessed.
"Me and Vincent were very different kids. He was well-behaved and quiet, me...not so much. I got angry, I'd shout, throw tantrums, parents had to restrain me at the dinner table sometimes. I'd try to get out, fucking up my wrists" Bo explained, finding the repetitive touches to his scarring strangely relaxing. It wasn't something he usually liked to have on show, but he knew he could be vulnerable with you.
"That's horrible...I'm sorry" you frowned, meeting his gaze with nothing but sympathy in your eyes.
"Eh, had to do what they had to do" he shrugged dismissively. Surely, he should be apologising to you if anything.
"You did what any kid with behavioural problems does, they should have handled it much differently" you shook your head, brow furrowing in frustration. Who would treat their child like that?
“Ain’t a big deal” he shrugged again. You could already tell that he didn't like talking about this sort of thing and you found yourself hoping he would begin to grow more comfortable with opening up to you.
“Come on, Bo…if you can’t talk to me, who can you talk too?” you asked with a small but sincere smile. You were his soulmate after all. “I know it hurt, I felt it, remember? At least when the pain started for me, I had someone there to calm me and help me. I can’t imagine how distressing it would have been…” your smile quickly faded, expression turning to sympathetic as you squeezed his hand gently.
There was a short silence, Bo not looking at you, and you decided that if he didn't talk, you wouldn't push it further. “It hurt” Bo finally spoke, clearing his throat. “Each time the restraints would get tighter, ‘least that’s how it felt. The more I struggled the more it hurt, but the more it hurt the more I struggled. Just wanted to get out of the damn chair” he told you shortly, sighing as your thumb brushed over the inside of his wrist. And then he looked at you properly, “for what it's worth, I’m sorry you had to feel that too…and everything else.”
“You don’t need to apologise. I was never angry with you for the pain, just angry with those hurting you” you confessed.
Bo smirked a little at the anger in your expression. The hand that you held onto moved, gently grasping one of your wrists as he brushed his thumb over the matching scarring. "Hey, don't you start worrying about me, alright?"
"I'm not allowed to care?" you asked, suddenly hit with the realisation that you did care. You cared a whole lot about this man.
"...you want to care? You go ahead and care, darlin'" he nodded, giving his permission, making you smile.
"Good...because I will, even if you don't want me too" you told him, knowing that now. Accepting that.
"Beginning to think you're warming up to me" Bo hummed, the hand on your shoulder stroking up and down your arm.
"Don't ruin it" you rolled your eyes but still moved closer to him, naturally draping an arm around his waist and laying your head against his chest. "I wanted to ask you something" you spoke quietly after a short pause in conversation.
"Shoot" Bo looked down at you, his hold around you tightening ever so slightly.
"Was wondering if you...wanted to sleep in the bed, maybe, with me tonight?" you glanced down at your lap. You shouldn't have been embarrassed, he was your soulmate, but circumstances were more than unusual. "Don't like sleeping alone...it never used to bother me" you confessed.
"Can't complain about getting back in my own bed" Bo mused before hooking a finger under your chin, lifting your head and making you look at him. "All you had to do was ask, darlin'" he assured you.
The way he looked at you, the intensity of his gaze, made heat rise to your face, but it still earned a smile from you. "Just sleeping, though" you added, not wanting him to get any ideas.
"Just sleeping. I swear" Bo chuckled lowly, the sound vibrating in his chest. It was a nice sound.
"Thank you" you whispered, breath catching in your throat when you realised how close your faces were now.
Bo noticed how you gaze flickered down to his lips before meeting his eyes again, cheeks darkening with a flush. He hadn't been subtle despite putting effort into making you comfortable, you had often caught him staring and he'd only smirk when you caught him looking at you.
Bo didn't seem like the type of guy to sit back until somebody else made a move, he seemed like an initiator type, but you knew that he wasn't going to play into that role right now. You had just talked to him properly, invited him back into his bed. He could be impulsive but he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't risk scaring you away right now.
You had no idea where you got the confidence from, or maybe it was just the innate gravitational pull you felt towards him, but you started leaning in. Eyes fluttered shut as your lips brushed against his.
That seemed to be enough to reassure Bo that you wouldn't run away as he fully closed the space, pressing his lips further against yours in a proper kiss. One that you instantly returned.
You couldn't help yourself, arms looping around his neck as you lent into his chest. Strong arms circling your waist and pulling you closer, practically onto his lap. His kiss, his touch, his mere presence, lit a fire in you. The like of which you had never experienced before. In that moment it truly felt like you were the only two people who existed. Two people colliding in an unlikely little town.
And, in that moment, you knew. Monster or not, soulmate or not, you were supposed to be right here with Bo. It didn't matter if the universe had a sick idea of fate, the past didn't matter, only now mattered. Only him and only you. Finally, you accepted the truth you had been resisting for so many days.
He was yours and, more importantly, you were his.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Hii!! First, thank you for letting us enjoy your writing, I absolutely love it!. And for tonight's sleepover (sorry if it seems a bit off, I'll understand if you dont want to write it) but... What about one of Daniel's characters discovering a knife kink, like they love the way reader can defend by themselves, he admires that and can't help but thinking about reader being so dominant, slashing his clothes or their own clothes teasing him. How would they react once reader notices that?
this just SCREAMS sub!zemo at me and hhnng you know I can't say no to that! knife kink obviously but no blood, oral m receiving, premature ejaculation, mention of anal, and lots of teasing c:
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Say what you will about EKO Scorpion, but you were a dedicated unit of soldiers. Maybe it was because most of the squadron came from intelligence first, but there was a discipline a lot of other boots-on-the-ground seemed to lack. While they spent their leave in bars and brothels, you were working; all of you were. Training, specifically. Some of the others were training with weights, a few more with guns; but you and the Colonel were on the other side of the barracks, running drills with a much more ancient weapon.
He was there first, you saw him sparring against a dummy with his sabre and you stopped to admire his form for a moment before he caught you watching.
"What a sad little blade you've got there, Lieutenant," he smirked, "it's nothing compared to my broadsword." He waved the weapon in question just for emphasis, and you had to admit he looked pretty good holding it like that.
"It is little, isn't it?" you admitted as you observed the dagger in your hands. "I'm just using it to compensate for my huge dick."
He scoffed but you knew the comment threw him off a little bit. He did a better job than the other men in the unit at ignoring your female-ness, but apparently thinking about whatever was in your pants-- huge dick or otherwise-- wasn't how he expected this conversation to go.
"Spar me?" you suggested.
"Sure, where's your sabre?" he asked.
"No, I'll use this," you clarified, and he seemed both shocked and amused (again).
"Against this?" He waved the sword again.
"Yes! Now will you just get back into form? And try not to stab me too hard?"
He cleared his throat quickly and squared himself up. "No promises," he mumbled.
You made the first move, and though his sword started to come down over you, you were able to catch it in the divot of your dagger's hilt, blocking him so swiftly that he never had a chance to stop you from twisting around and pointing your weapon at his neck, just under his jaw.
He dropped the sword and raised his hands, taking a step back and pressing himself against the wall as you followed him with a raised brow. "Well, that was a bit anti-climactic, huh?" you smirked.
His wide-eyed expression made your heart swell for no good reason at all: here was your Colonel, your commander, someone you looked up to and obeyed without question, looking uncharacteristically submissive-- and not just in general, but to you. The thought hadn't even crossed your mind before, but you liked the rush it gave you.
His gaze glanced down for a second, at himself, and you instinctively followed it; you weren't sure what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn't an obvious boner pressing up against the inside of his uniform trousers. That's what it had to be, right? What else would have that shape, with the ridge of his head visible through the dark green fabric? It looked thick, too... were you drooling already?
"Okay, maybe not anti-climactic for all of us..." you mumbled.
"Exciting, sure," he awkwardly countered, "but I wouldn't quite call it 'climactic'... yet..."
You grinned and stepped even closer, delicately running the blade over his jaw; he had just enough stubble that you were more likely to give him a sudden shave than to actually cut him. Not that you'd ever want him to shave the stubble, because you secretly loved it. "I can fix that," you whispered. "What was it that got you excited, then, Colonel? The blade, the fight, the way I casually walked in here and kicked your ass?"
"A little bit of everything," he decided after swallowing thickly. "H-how sharp is that, anyway?"
"Really sharp," you promised, moving the blade down lower to run over where his neck met his shoulder. "I could cut you. I should stop then, right? You don't want me to cut you."
"Don't stop," he whispered.
You moved the dagger lower again, this time to the collar of his shirt where you slipped it underneath and started to slowly slice your way down, right through the standard-issue cotton fabric. You mainly just focused on your work but caught a glimpse of his mouth falling slack above you.
You'd seen him shirtless before, you end up seeing your comrades in various states of undress when you're in the field together this long, but it looked different with his chest rising and falling every time he panted, with a thin layer of sweat over the highest point of where his pecs were dusted with blonde-ish-brown-ish hair.
You dropped to your knees in front of him, ghosting the side of the cool metal over his fly and watching him tense up. "Y-you're not gonna cut me there, right?"
"No," you answered, suddenly sliding the shining tip of it right between his legs, where his balls must've been turning blue waiting for you to stop teasing him; he started to creep up onto his tiptoes to avoid getting pricked as you continued, "not if you behave."
You looked up at him expectantly.
"You're going to behave, right?"
"Yes, Lieutenant," he nodded quickly, and it was so odd to hear him say that as if you were his superior. You liked the feeling, though, it made you want this more than ever.
You sliced the button of his fly clean off; you hooked the tip of the blade into the end of his zipper and carefully pulled it down.
"Fuck," you heard him mumble as his cock was freed, looking so lonely and achingly hard. You couldn't even stop yourself from leaning forward and swallowing up the tip of it, hearing him moan and feeling his hands grab at your hair right away.
"Hands to yourself, Colonel," you stopped to correct him quickly, and he slammed his hands back against the wall with all the desperation of a man who would do anything to get you to keep sucking his cock. Thankfully for him you did, running your tongue up under the base of it before suckling at the head once more, going just a bit deeper with each bob of your head.
"Oh god," he groaned, "s-so good, it's so good... please don't stop."
It was the sadist in you that had to stop right then, though you gave him a little mercy by stroking his cock slowly with your free hand while twirling the knife with the other. "How long has it been since somebody got you off, Colonel? Other than yourself."
"Can't even remember," he admitted with a sigh, "even just by myself. You know we can hardly ever get a moment alone in a unit like this. But I know the last time I got off, I was thinking about this."
"This?" you repeated, bewildered.
"Exactly this," he confirmed.
"That's funny, cause the last time I got off, I was thinking about you, too," you grinned.
"Really? You thought about me when you touched yourself?" he smiled.
"I never said I was alone the last time I got off, Colonel," you reminded him. "No, I was with somebody... and while he was fucking me I was imagining how much better you would do it."
"Oh, fuck," he sighed as his head fell back against the wall; you kept stroking him as you started sucking again, bringing the side of the blade up against the crotch of his pants again just to see how he squirmed with his cock still in your mouth. "I'd fuck you so much better, Lieutenant, you know I would... let me show you."
You had to pull off of him before you smiled too hard to keep going. "Oh, Colonel, I don't think that's a good idea. I think I should just keep sucking you off until you come-- shouldn't take you very long, you're already trying not to come all over my face as we speak-- and then leave you be. Keep it simple, you know."
"N-no, I need more, fuck," he hissed.
"No, you definitely don't," you chuckled, "you can come right now, just from this. Is that what you wanna do? You wanna come down my throat right now?"
"No, I wanna see you," he explained, "wanna touch you-- I need to make you come, Lieutenant, it's all I've been thinking about for months."
"Okay, let's make a deal then," you offered. "I'm going to keep sucking your cock and if you can keep from coming for fifteen seconds, you can do whatever you want to me. You can fuck me right here on this floor, you can eat my pussy until I pass out-- you can put it in my ass, if you really want. Whatever you're into, whatever you've been thinking about when you get yourself off."
His eyes were so wide as you said that, you worried they'd just fall out onto the floor.
"But if you come, all you're getting is the memory of this afternoon as material for your pathetic little spank bank of fantasies. Deal?"
He could only nod weakly as he stared down at you.
"Count for me, Colonel," you demanded, hearing him start with 'one' the moment you wrapped your lips around him again.
He almost lost count right away, because clearly he hadn't been expecting you to pull out all the stops-- you sucked hard, you bobbed your head and twisted your hand over his spit-slicked length, you trailed the blade slowly down his thigh through his trousers. "Two, th-three, four, five..." he breathed, whimpering a little when you looked up at him and made a moment of eye contact. "Fuck, uh, six, seven..."
You pressed your tongue against his slit and felt his hand jump up to grab your hair instinctively. You kept sucking and stroking as you circled it with the tip of your tongue, moaning around him even though you hadn't even really meant to.
"Eight, f-fuck... ni-- oh, god!" he groaned, and even you were surprised as you tasted salty, warm come beginning to coat your tongue. He held you down with his grip on the back of your head, cock twitching as streams of come shot to the back of your throat. You almost gagged, but managed to keep it together until he was done, at which point you pulled back and showed him your full mouth before closing and swallowing it in one go.
"Not even ten seconds, Colonel, that's a shame," you grinned, loving how embarrassed and flustered and exhausted he looked, "I was really looking forward to being all yours, however and whenever you wanted me... oh well."
You shrugged and stood up, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"You don't last very long in a sparring match, huh?" you chuckled, tossing the blade to him and seeing him fumble but managed still to catch it. "Better luck next time."
You left without another word, though his dumbfounded expression proved he had plenty to say, just no wherewithal to do so. You could only hope that he'd find a chance sometime soon to get his revenge on you, because you were really looking forward to losing your next bet with him.
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
needy little ; preferences
warnings —  DDLG, swearing, mentions of longing/missing someone,  mentions of leaving someone, teasing??
characters — dark!andy barber, dark!steve rogers, dark!ransom drysdale, dark!bucky barnes, dark!lance tucker,  dark!clark kent, dark!syverson, dark!august walker
a/n — THIS IS FIC  WITH DDLG DYNAMICS,, do not interact if youre not 18+,, finally??? a new fic???? oh my god im sorry, i may be a bit rusty..
tagging — @la-cey​ @doozywoozy​ @melancholyy-hill​ @pedropcl​ @beck07990​ @isysen​ @anna-bailey @briefnerdwobblerpainter
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays | cartoons | obssessed |little rules | innocent little | bratty little | little activities
masterlist | join my taglist! (please follow my rules)
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After placing two scoops of the chocolate ice cream on the cone, Y/N lifted her head up to look at her daddy who sported a scowl on his face as he was drumming a pen in between his fingers as he tried to piece together the facts of the case. Normally, she wouldn’t be allowed so close to Andy as he was working, but given how needy she had been all morning — despite sitting right by his feet wasn’t enough for her — she promised to remain well-behaved and quiet for him so he gave her the green light to go ahead and stay with hi as she played with her scoop and learn toy set. Silently putting down her cone by the ice cream trolley, she moved towards his leg and when he didn’t move or acknowledge her, she clung her arms around his calf as her cheek snuggled up against his shin. “What?” Feeling something cling around his lower leg snapped him right out of his focused trance as his confusion easily melted into adoration as he peered down and saw his girlfriend curled up against him. “My petal’s quite needy today isn’t she?” “Sorry dada,” She said lowly as her fingers drummed rhythmically against his clothed leg, “Was behaved and nice.” Nodding, he then bent and carried her to sit on his lap. She squealed excitedly as she then wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face in his neck, “Wuv you, dada.” Humming, he rubbed her back soothingly as he looked into her eyes, “Need to hold dada huh?” The smile that formed on her lips was a toothy grin that was the attorney’s favorite sight in the whole world. “Want to hold you so much, dada; ‘m sorry,” She pouted at the thought of him being disappointed at her; sensing the drop of her mood, he then cooed and peppered kisses all over her face, feeling his prickly beard graze her skin prompted her to erupt in a fits of giggles as she loved the affection that he was showering her with. “This what you needed, my little petal?” He asked her in his gentle, playful tone as she nodded and snuggled herself against his chest as she toyed with his large fingers, “Mhm, love you so much, dada.”
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“Hello?” August answered the phone call with a frown — Y/N was never one to call her boyfriend when he had missions that required him to go undercover and/or while he had overseas operations; so it was alarming that she called him he thought of only the worst possible scenarios. “Hi, daddy,” She sniffled out into the phone — part of her was relieved she got to hear his voice, but really she just longed to be with him. “What’s wrong, little one?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he impatiently tapped his fingers against the steering wheel; she let out a sigh before admitting, “Miss you, daddy. So sad without you.” Despite feeling pain on the field of his job, the sound of her small and vulnerable voice was the most painful thing he ever had to hear or endure. “Little one, have you been good for me?” She nodded against her phone as she hugged the Cinnamoroll stuffie that had a shirt specifically sewn on for the stuffie which had the words “daddy’s little one” embroidered on it, “I do, daddy. Miss your kisses and hugs so much.” As he parked his car in front of their yard he smirked as he answered her, “Well who knows when I’ll get back right?” He was positive that there was a pout on her lips as she thought of the likelihood that she was going to be alone for a while, “But daddy I miss you already!” Her whine was so loud that she didn't hear the way August opened up their front door and walked to the living room where she was lying in the couch; he ended the call and he could see her slumping down her shoulders from behind before jumping down beside her and hugging her, “Well good thing daddy’s home now, yeah?” She let out a shrilling shriek in excitement as she kissed his bearded cheeks repeatedly, “I missed you so much, daddy! Promise I was the goodest girl for you!”
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“How are your chicken tenders, sweetie?” Bucky asked after pressing a kiss on her forehead; they were out to dinner with Sam and his girlfriend, Leila — who like her was a little too. After the two bonded over the activity paper the server handed to them, they both munched down on their meal. “So yummy, tătic! But,” She trailed off as she looked around nervously. After drinking down a chunk of his beer then looked at him with worry written on his face, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Without a word, she snuggled close to his side right as she tangled her arms around his metal arm before looking up at him with doting eyes, “All better, tătic!” Slightly picking up on what she was up to, he grabbed another chicken and tapped it on her lips; she moaned lowly when he fed her then snuggled up more to his arm. “Need my touch, don’t you sweetheart?” Shyly, she nodded as she played with his fingers, “Always want you close to me.” Sam and Leila were both busy being all snuggled up too so Bucky repeatedly, sweetly kissed her lips before telling her, “How ‘bout we take a bath later, sweetie?” Extremely thrilled with the idea of spending tub time with her daddy, she nodded too much that little chunks of the chicken she was eating escaped her mouth as she expressed her liking of his idea, “So excited for that, tătic! Can we go home now and bathe together?” Chuckling at the small mess she made, he wiped the sides of her mouth with a napkin then kissed her forehead, “Only a few more minutes before we can bath together, sweetie.”
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“Into the tub you go, doll,” Steve sing-songed as he gently placed Y/N into the bathtub that was filled with warm water and soapy bubbles. She giggled as she felt the warm water graze her skin. For a while, she was busying herself with playing and blowing the bubbles; after a while, she was craning her neck to look for Steve, “Sir? Where are you?” A pout was now formed onto her lips that earlier was stretched out into a smile. The super soldier was in their shared bedroom preparing what she was going to wear after her bath when he heard her distressed call for him. Entering their ensuite bathroom the skin of his forehead wrinkled up as he approached her and kneeled down by the tub, “What’s wrong, doll?” A small amount of water splashed onto him when she crossed her arms, “Want you, sir.” Not fully understanding what she meant, he brought a hand to caress her back — as if to coax her into explaining as he said, “I am here, doll. What do you want?” “Want you here, sir,” Unclasping her arms from where they were crossed, she dropped her arms in the bubbly water and pouted at him. Nodding in understanding, he then stood up; hearing her whimper in need made him chuckle a bit, “I’m just gonna remove my clothes then join you in there okay, doll?” Gone was the frown that earlier donned her face for she now had a wide grin as she clapped when Steve slowly dipped in the tub, careful as to not spill water out of the tub. Once he was fully seated in the tub, his doll then moved over to him and hugged him tight, “Love you, sir.” Placing her on his lap, he then kissed the top of her head as he tried to calm his beating heart, “I love you too, doll. Now, how ‘bout we clean you up with your favorite shampoo hm?”
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“Where you bringing me, baby girl?” Sy wondered out loud as he allowed his nearly 200 pound self to be whisked away. It was unusual of her to remain this quiet; for some her whining and blabbering would be annoying, but the Texan captain loved how verbal she was especially since it served as a constant reminder about how much he was needed by her. Upon being brought to the den of their house that served as the office, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he gently stroked her back, hoping to coax out an answer out of her, “What are we gonna in the office, baby?” She pointed to the landline phone and to the stuffed animal that arrived defective a few days ago. “You want me to make a call?” He asked and she nodded with a wide smile. “Why can’t you make the call?” The question was asked out of curiosity, but with the way she batted her eyelashes and bit her lip bashfully had him worried. A small smile graced his face when she opened her mouth, but she quickly closed it and instead grabbed a pen and paper. Sitting down on the swivel chair, he patiently waited for her to finish jotting down her message. When she was done, she shyly slid over the paper to him and once he read it the words broke his heart, “My voice is ugly. Who said this, baby girl?” Shrugging her shoulders she fiddled with her fingers but he placed her on his lap which allowed him to gently stroke her thighs, “Come on, baby girl, please talk to me? I miss hearing your pretty voice.” As if to prove his point, his beard tickled her skin as he pressed kisses on her throat; she giggled as her hands pushed his wide chest away and cleared her throat, “Some guy said my voice is too deep for a girl.” Sy’s jaw clenched in anger at the person who disrespected his girl’s feature; a thick finger of his hooked under her chin to make her look at him, “Listen to me, okay? Don’t listen to the meanie who said that. Your voice is beautiful and lovely, just like the rest of you.” Biting the inside of her mouth, she then looked up at him with teary eyes; he was about to question as to why she was tearing up when she wrapped her arms tight around his neck as she peppered kisses on his bearded cheek, “Thank you, daddy. Needed that reminder.”
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“Papa?” Y/N groggily called out as she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes and looked to the side of the bed; she frowned when she noticed that the gold medalist wasn’t occupying the earlier spot he claimed. Grabbing for the first stuffed toy he had given her in her arms, she made her way off their bed and checked their walk-in-closet and ensuite bathroom — and was displeased when he wasn’t there. There were two other bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper floor and all three areas did not house her loving boyfriend.  “Where are you?” She was now close to crying as she headed down the stairs. Upon hearing noise coming from their dining room, she then skipped over there and was shocked to see him wearing his USA jacket and was faced in front of a laptop. “Well I have to say that my biggest motivation has to be my loving girlfriend,” Just as he said the last word he shot Y/N a sincere smile, patting her lap — motioning for her to sit on it.  Thankful that she wasn’t wearing her little pajamas and instead fell asleep wearing one of his sweatshirts, she shyly sat on his lap and was surprised to see that the accomplished gymnast was being interviewed, “And she just pushes me to be the best I can be, in all aspects.” At the compliment, she shyly waved at the interviewer. “Well that is all the time we have. Thank you so much Lance Tucker for gracing us with your presence and introducing us to your lovely girl too.” Lance’s computer screen faded into his screensaver of the two of them — the gymnast kissing her cheek as she smiled wide into the camera. “Woke up without you and was so scared, papa.” Her confession had his heart hurting a bit but he cuddled her and explained, “I’m sorry, angel. I had an interview and you looked so adorable while you sleep that I didn’t want to wake you.” At his explanation, her little mind was able to understand it and nodded, “Promise to never leave me?” His reply was instant, “My greatest nightmare would be leaving you. I love you so much, angel,” For the only thing he has ever been sure of in his entire life was that she was going to be with her for the rest of their days together.
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As much as Ransom and Y/N enjoyed summer, the bright sunny days allowed them to stroll around the different sights and go on long road trips across the state — even the country if the only Thrombey child wasn’t feeling lazy. “Princess, have you packed your clothes already?” He asked from the main floor of his house as he zipped up his duffle bag after checking once again that he had packed the necessary garments for their three-day stay in the high-end resort Ransom got them a booking to.  “King, can you come here please?” The man that was called for had to chuckle as he made his way up the stairs, heading for their bedroom because he could practically sense that she was pouting as she called for him. “Princess, everything alright with you?” Seeing her kneeling down in front of her suitcase with a wide array of clothing articles spread all around her. Shaking her head, she crossed her arms as her lips formed a pout, “Need king to help me pack.” Wrapping his arms around her  and placing her on his lap, he kissed the side of her neck, “My little princess needs help packing her clothes?” Snuggling against his chest, she nodded as she slipped her thumb into her mouth, “King packs my clothes better.” Having her in his lap as he was folding some of her clothes then placing it on her matching suitcases didn’t pose as a challenge for him; in fact he loved the thought of her being all small that she needed him. “Such a helpless, needy little thing you are hm?” Even though he was partially joking, she took it seriously but was not offended by it, “Just want my king near me at all times, please.” After zipping up her bags once they have been filled with all the clothes she was probably going to use during their stay there, he simply kissed her cheek and gently pat her thighs, “Well king’s not going anywhere without his pretty princess. Now let’s go on our vacation, okay?”
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“Where are you, bubba?” Y/N pouted as she rubbed her hands on her arms as she stood by the balcony in their apartment. Her phone was in one of the pockets of the bathrobe she was wearing, and when she grabbed for it, she searched on Twitter for Superman. A sad smile graced her lips when she read about him being currently in a different country, aiding citizens who were currently suffering a forest fire in their location. Locking her phone, she then moved towards the door and before fully going in and locking the door behind her she looked up in the sky with hopeful eyes, “Please come home soon, bubba.”
Removing the robe from her body, she rested it by her dresser then crawled under the covers as she hugged the pillow Clark often laid down on when they slept together. A gush of strong wind blew past her and before she could even process what it was or see it properly, she was faced with a freshly showered Clark who was smiling and laying down beside her, “Hi, bubba. I’m home.” Her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide as she kissed his lips repeatedly and excitedly. “I’m so happy you’re home, bubba! I missed you so damn much.” She moaned out in pleasure when his arms opened wide and cuddled her close and warm into his chest. Pressing a kiss on the top of her head, he then rubbed her back soothingly, “I know, bubba. I heard you.” hearing those words, she hid her face deeper into his chest, not having the guts to look up at him. With a cheeky grin, he reassured her, “ And don’t worry, I’ll be all yours this weekend. There’s no way I will be neglecting my precious bubba.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Just thought about this as a story or headcanons, maybe the lords in re8 have a child, which is the reader and they are somewhere around 7 in the beginning. You can do them all separately, like first part would be Heisenberg, then Dimitrescu, Beneviento, and then Moreau, so the reader would accidentally do something and they are scared that the lord that is their parent would be super mad and they run away and the lords reactions to their child being gone and maybe the reader goes back to the village older, maybe 14 or 15 and the lords are emotional when they finally reunite with the reader. Maybe at first they don't recognize the reader at first, thinking they are just an outsider until they see something that they gave the reader as a birthday present and they recognize them. And it's just full fluff in the end? This has also been bugging my mind for a while 🤣 sorry if this ask was complicated to read
Heyy ~ lovely idea as always hun! I changed it up a bit, hope you don't mind and still enjoy reading it nonetheless 💗
Alcina Dimitrescu
- Being the youngest Dimitrescu, you were expected to be a bit of a spoiled brat since our mother and sisters looked after you like the most precious and rarest gem in this world - Surprisingly though, you were a very well behaved child - A shy, quiet, well-mannered kid that followed their mother's rules like they were the law - But even you weren't immune to that childish curiosity that every kid possesses - So you had to go on and break a rule or two eventually - However, the biggest one you broke, the one that had you sweating nervously, was sneaking down into the basement where the wine your mother and sisters were so proud of was kept - With trembling hands you picked up one of the bottles, the one with the most interesting pattern on the bottle, and began to expect it - That’s when a noise suddenly echoed throughout the basement, causing you to drop the bottle which broke as soon as it the ground, sending the red liquid splashing everywhere - You were mortified - You were only six at the time, you couldn’t think of a strategy to fix the mess you had made - So instead, you chose to run and hide, convinced you’d get in A LOT of trouble when your mother would find out - The place you chose to hide in was a run down part of the courtyard where you were least likely to be spotted by anyone or anything - Your plan started backfiring only about an hour after you settled in your hiding spot - The cold was starting to be painful on your skin but you refused to go back in - Before you knew it you had passed out, deleting any memory of what was to happen afterwards - Upon waking up, you found yourself in your room, changed in a new set of clothes and void of the chill you were suffering from before you lost consciousness - It didn’t take you long to notice your mother sitting in a chair next to the bed, struggling not to drift of to sleep, her face looking like she had aged about ten years in the span of a few hours out of worry   - “Mom?” You spoke up weakly, startling the woman who was on her feet and crouching down closer to you within a second - “Y/N, darling, why’d you do that? You had me worried sick.” Alcina said, her hand gently caressing your hair, none of that sternness she was known for left in her - “I’m sorry, mama. For scaring you and for the wine bottle. I didn’t mean to...” You tried saying but got choked up by your tears - “The wine be damned. Nothing is as important to me as you are sweetie.” She said, planting a soft kiss on your forehead before climbing in bed with you and wrapping her arms around you, her embrace so warm and comforting - You never doubted your mother’s love for you, but that moment only made you more sure in it and made you love her triple the amount you already loved her
Donna Beneviento
- Donna had always been generous with the amount of dolls she allowed you to have and play with - Although, the ones she gave you were not infected with her Cadou and couldn’t move or speak on their own as to not scare you - However, you were still allowed to play and talk with Angie who you were raised to see as a sister - And just like sisters, you and Angie also fought every now and then - But, this one time, she really angered you and with all the strength of a six year old that you possessed you threw her across the room - She hit a wall hard enough to loosen one of her arms and it fell off - That’s when you knew you were practically dead in trouble and ran to hide under your bed - As you were climbing up the stairs though, you could still hear Angie’s screaming and crying from downstairs and Donna could no doubt hear it as well - So as to avoid running into her, instead of hiding upstairs, you went into the basement - Where you had never been in, by the way - Meaning you had no idea what horrors awaited you there - Mannequins, doll parts, terrifying dolls which moved on their own - In your eyes it was a pure nightmare - Seeing the dolls turning their heads to follow your movement, some even raising an arm as if to greet you almost made you scream several times but you didn’t want to give away your hiding spot - And that’s when the laid out mannequin on the table, one you were already terrified of, turned it’s head to look at you, opened its eyes and mouth - The radio on the other table turned on simultaneously, all of it being too much of a scare for you to be able to suppress the scream you let out - That’s when you felt a hand on your shoulder and screamed even louder, even beginning to cry - The hand turned you around and you were suddenly facing your mom who looked scared and concerned, a little paler than usual too - You took no notice of that though, seeing as how you ran right into her, hiding your face in her hip - “I’m sorry mommy! I didn’t mean to hurt Angie! Just please don’t let them scare me anymore!” You cried, your tiny hands balled up in fists, clutching to Donna’s dress as if for dear life - The woman was relieved to see you were safe although still a little confused as to why you had even run down to the basement in the first place - And then she thought a bit more about what you had said - “Oh dear, you thought you were in trouble? Angie’s perfectly fine, Y/N. Her limbs come off loosely all the time. You didn’t even actually hurt her.“ - Seeing that your distress was showing no sign of decreasing, Donna picked you up and proceeded to carry you up to where Angie was so she could apologize for making you feel guilty in the first place
Salvatore Moreau
- Being a young kid, the Reservoir was a rather dangerous place for you to wander around in unsupervised - Usually you’d stick to the safest area, aka the one furthest away from the water, and would only be allowed to see the rest of your dad’s property with him by your side, holding your hand to make sure you wouldn’t fall - But one day, as you were sitting in at the entrance of the Reservoir, in the small body of water by your feet you saw a golden fish - Mesmerized, you foolishly ducked down to try and touch it but it, of course, swam away - Oh but you were far from prepared to let it go - So you chased after it, watching its glimmering skin rush under the surface of the water, going further into the dangerous parts of the property - You were mindless to the fact you were entering a territory that was originally forbidden to you - That is until a wooden board on the dock broke under you, causing you to fall in the water - And being only barely six years old, you didn’t know how to swim so before the panic had even worn off completely, you started screaming for help, praying your father would hear you - And boy were you in luck - A giant fish emerged from the water from underneath you, carrying you on its back to the dock you had fallen from - You scrambled to get to the safe half of it and sat on the ledge - By the time you were able to look around with clear vision instead of the blurred with tears one you had been struggling with seconds prior, the monster fish was gone - And your dad was standing on the dock next to you - “You see no why you aren’t allowed here, child?” - You nod, sniffling and running to hug him, relieved to be in your dad’s safe embrace - Despite the efforts to be stern, Moreau crumbles back to his usual loving and caring self, being the best father in the world in your eyes  - He carried you, piggy-back style back to the safe space of the Reservoir
Karl Heisenberg
- It goes without say that, growing up in a factory as dangerous as Heisenberg’s, there’s certain amount of rules you have to respect for yours and your father’s safety as well as the successfulness of his experiments - But there was no force that was able to keep you away from this one machine that looked far too interesting for you to overlook - You couldn’t help but go up to it every now and then to look at the blinking lights and the tempting colorful buttons - And then there was one day when just looking didn’t satisfy you - So you went on to press a few buttons, in the order of your favorite colors - It didn’t take long for you to realize how poor that decision was - When sparks started flying from the machine was when you finally decided to back away and that satisfying your curiosity wasn’t worth it - But it was already too late  - The whole process had stopped, the conveyer belt of murder machines pausing mid-movement suggesting the whole operation was hindered - “Y/N? What on Earth are you doing?” - Your dad’s voice had never terrified you so much - All excuses and apologies you wanted to say died down in your throat at the sight of your mildly agitated father standing behind you with an unimpressed look on his face - He wasn’t angry by any means but your vision was too blurred by tears for you to be able to see that - “Dad, I’m so sorry!” You cried, running to hug him, back turned to the malfunctioning machine you believed you damaged beyond repair - Wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a quick hug before stepping around you and approaching the machine, fixing it with the press of a few buttons - “Hope that teaches you a valuable lesson not to break the rules kid.” He said with a crooked smile, ruffling your hair while you still stared at machine in disbelief
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