#yall dont want to know what that tweet said about me
nicosraf · 2 years
I have to ask how you came up on the idea to write ABM? I just wanna know your thought process because I'm wildly intrigued. I'd love to know how you'd feel about a lesbian story between Lilith (Adam's first wife) and Eve which is what my story is about.
Hello! So usually I'm pretty secretive about all the stuff behind Angels Before Man and why it's like That, but I recently saw a tweet that wrongly assumed the motivations behind the book, and it upset me a bit, so I should probably finally go into detail about ABM's deal. Sorry if this answer is way too long.
1. Personal reasons: in 2016, I came out to my parents during a very rough period for my mental illness. It went very bad, and I ended up going to a therapist for a few month for, well, conversion therapy. This involved using a lot of Christian manipulation tactics ("God would not make you this way") and EMDR techniques that have done quite a bit of psychological damage to me. In 2021, while working with a new therapist, I had a "died and met God" nightmare, then developed an unhealthy obsession with the Bible as I processed what happened during conversion therapy. Another thing I need to mention is that my family are immigrants from an epicenter of the Mexican drug war, which exposed me to a lot of violence very young, and traumatized me in its own right; how I think about the violence we perpetuate on the people we love is something I just really wanted to write about, also. All this to say that ABM is just a convoluted allegory for trauma.
2. Theological reasons: during my obsession, I read the Bible in its entirety a couple times, and I developed a lot of questions about it, especially regarding angels and this Lucifer guy:
Why did Lucifer/Satan become evil? Ezekiel 28 is usually the passage people refer to that explains it (others argue this section isn't about Lucifer/Satan but let's assume for the sake of argument that it is). What's interesting about this section is the emphasis on the cherub's "blamelessness" (innocence! Lucifer's young innocence isn't talked about enough) and his beauty. In fact, his corruption is entirely linked to his beauty.
But what does beauty mean? To God? What is beauty before humanity? What is the purpose of it? How can you become corrupted by beauty? (For this, I looked at Ezekiel 16, where Jerusalem is corrupted by her beauty; this inspired quite a bit of the story of ABM as a whole, particularly regarding God's wrath)
What are angels for? What do they do? I asked a couple friends this and usually they answered that it was fighting demons and protecting humans, but there was a time before demons and before humans. (There was an "angels before man" if you will haha). This seemed to stump everyone I asked. Did they just worship? All the time???
Why does the Bible compare angels' submission to God to a wife's submission to her husband? (Well, that's a least an interpretation of 1 Corinthians 11:10). This is related to Jesus explicitly stating later that angels can't marry. Why not? It's especially weird, at this point, given the matrimonial relationship between Jesus and the Church, and God's own somewhat matrimonial relationship with Mary. So everyone can have a romantic/sexual/spousal union except the angels? Why can't angels love?
This isn't a question but it really strikes me that Michael's only line of dialogue in the entire Bible is in the book of Jude and just as a reference to a time when he allegedly argued with Satan and said "Lord rebuke you." Ah. Michael. That brings me to the last major question I'll mention.
What was Michael and Lucifer's relationship? Something really cute is that everyone I harassed with my questions seemed to have this idea that they were best friends, that they really loved each other once. There's no scriptural evidence for it, and we only ever see them fighting, but it just seems like it makes sense, doesn't it? Strong, golden-hearted Michael and the beautiful, doomed Lucifer...
And of course the duality of God as both jealous and loving fascinates me. Even more so I'm fascinated by the concept of a lonely God. Jealousy, to me, only makes sense when you're insecure about love. How could an all-knowing God be insecure about love then? Maybe because he loves different than you, and he'll never have anyone who can love him the way he understands love (no matter how much he wishes, because he's a lone god)
Somehow all these questions came together and formed a story while I was outlining.
3. Technical reasons: I've been wanting to write a full novel that didn't follow the 5-act structure for a while. I wanted to write a novel that had no source of tension for a majority of the narrative (the source of tension early in ABM is just from the reader; you know what's gonna happen, but the book doesn't allude to it until about Chapter 11, and even then it's vague). I wanted to write a book that's radically differently paced in the second half. And I wanted to be a bit experimental stylistically (inspired by the Latin American Boom authors). Angels Before Man gave me all the opportunities to do this, I'm afraid.
Ultimately, Angels Before Man is really weird!! I'm both very happy and very shocked that people have enjoyed and understood it. I'm incredibly grateful when someone lets me know that my little self-published gay Satan book has been healing or cathartic to them. That's all I can really ask for tbh! Again, sorry for such a long answer, but I'm riled up about my intentions being misrepresented.
And finally, Lilith x Eve sounds really interesting!!! I have a lot of thoughts on the double creation of the sexes in Genesis (so, so, so many). I'd be ecstatic to see your take on it <3333 :)
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euniexenoblade · 5 months
re: egg discourse
i thought it was just people saying that specifically making jokes about someone being trans but not knowing it yet can be kinda invalidating and sometimes traumatic. are people actually saying you should never tell someone that they might be trans?
i dont really have a side in the debate it just feels like people are willfully misunderstanding eachother and its making my brain hurt
"making jokes about someone being trans but not knowing it yet can be kinda invalidating and sometimes traumatic"
Sure, but it also isn't for a lot of people. And, a lot of people I talk to say egg jokes helped them realize who they were. Though I do think part of this resistance to an egg joke is actually internalized transphobia at points (the idea of being compared to trans people is being treated as degrading in a lot of these people's arguments) the truth of the matter is different people need and want different things. Me making eggs jokes with my friends is not your friend group.
This is why the recurring complaint of our side is it's never egg jokes can make people uncomfortable, 'make sure your friends are cool with them before just doing them,' it's always complaining about trans women forcing cis men to be women or trans women being "transvestigators" or "similar to Christian missionaries." People who are uncomfortable with egg jokes are always projecting their discomfort onto other people, other friend groups, and portray harmless fun between friends as something abusive.
Like for example,
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this is a projection. the egg jokes people are talking about happen among friends and stuff, but this person is doing a whole "never make egg jokes because people did it about me and made me feel bad" (oh woe is you, people thought you might be transgender, how disgusting to be a tranny). The majority of egg jokes are not about random ass people, it's within friend groups. And, if you don't like your friends saying them, tell them to stop. If they don't? Then stop being their friends. Also from that post
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The underwater filter butchered that. I know you can't read it but I wanted to post it cuz fucking look at that. What the hell. Anyways,
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This opposition to egg joke people always talk about strangers. As if we're walking up to random people on the street and making egg jokes about them. It's mostly contained to friend groups. This is just an inaccurate portrayal of what's actually being discussed, and I'm sure the op will be like "I'm talking about my experience!" but OP openly admitted that this rant was relevant to a random blogger complaining about an egg tweet a woman made about her own friend group that neither this OP or that blogger are part of. They are actually dictating how strangers are allowed to act and identify with this, not the egg jokesters.
Yeah, once and a while you get shit like "Aaron Bushnell seems transfem" which was a completely innocuous convo that no one would have seen if well known transmisogynists who accuse random trans women of pedophilia like three times a year hadn't found the post. It was a trans woman seeing herself in someone important in history, and even if someone said something inappropriate, the backlash was undeserved. Yall say embarrassing shit all the time and no one's running you off the web site for it.
I'm sorry this person and others seem to have a bad time with egg jokes (though most of the time, what they describe isn't egg jokes but that's a whole other thing), but their few experiences can not be used to determine a blanket response to something so many people actually do enjoy and find useful. I'm especially not gonna take a cis person's opinions on egg jokes seriously (since so many have seemed to gotten involved and think their opinion on this matters).
"are people actually saying you should never tell someone that they might be trans?"
Yes! That's like, the entire underlying premise of this! Like, 100% this is the backbone of every anti-egg joke argument. That's the entire concept of "egg prime directive." And, it's overwhelmingly weaponized against trying to help transfems realize themselves sooner than they would. From the aforementioned Bushnell drama, to the polls where a shit ton of transmascs voted it was ok to tell an eggy friend they might be a trans man but NOT ok to tell an eggy friend they might be a trans woman, to the newest drama where chongoblog whined about a random trans woman on twitter making egg jokes about her friend (which it was later revealed chongoblog misrepresented the tweet), the anti egg joke committee / "You can't tell anyone they're trans!!!" crew are always wielding this ideology against transfems / trans women but practically never against transmascs.
This is why it's constantly said that these posts and arguments are transmisogynistic in nature. "I'm a trans woman and I say eggs jokes are bad, so it can't be transmisogynistic you're just using that as a shield!" That's great but 1) maybe read between the lines, or read the criticisms you're clearly ignoring and maybe you'll see these people don't respect you 2) the whole "using transmisogyny as a shield" is like, classic transmisogyny at this point. We've been hearing that from anti-feminists, cryptoterfs, and trans woman hating google doc writers for a few years now and 3) you being complicit doesn't mean we gotta care about what you say.
"it just feels like people are willfully misunderstanding eachother and its making my brain hurt"
Oh, I'm sure this is absolutely the case. The problem is a bunch of transphobes are really who spurred a lot of this drama up earlier this year and instead of people thinking "oh these people have bad intentions I shouldn't boost this" they instead were like "Yeah! I don't like egg jokes!" and now we have to deal with trans women making egg jokes (normal, harmless, pro-trans and literally want to help trans people) being compared to transvestigators (a literal anti-trans hate group thing). The issue is people aren't treating us as people, and thus it gets returned in kind.
What's the answer to this? Mutual understanding that "some people need to be told they're trans," "some people don't respond well to being told who they are," "egg jokes can help people and be a fun joke for friends," and "some people are uncomfortable with egg jokes" can all coexist. But, honestly, I don't think we'll ever get there.
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓓𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 & 𝓢𝓸𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓵 𝓜𝓮𝓭𝓲𝓪
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: jah and jenna struggle with the long distance.
warnings: mature language, mentions marijuana
a/n: shortest chapter I ever wrote for this series but dont say I never gave yall nothing. ngl I be forgetting that I made Jah a streamer/influencer 😂. Imma start incorporating more like social media aspects to here cause this was fun
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“Yo I’m the greatest friend to ever walk planet Earth bruh. Davis finally let his balls drop and now him and Diana are going on a date together” You gushed to the brunette.
“Finally” Jenna chuckled.
It was currently 11 p.m. in London, which meant it was 6 p.m. in New York. Jenna just finished filming for the day and she needed to hear your voice. This is the first time in a week she's seen your face.
She was still on edge about Neil and hasn’t told you. She didn’t want to bring you into her mess and potentially end up finding out about her past. So she kept it to herself.
Your eyes were glued to the screen as you played Call of Duty, "Yeah I told him I'll help him plan his date since he wants to impress her."
"How sweet of you. I didn't know you had a sweet side to you sour patch kid" Jenna teased.
You stick your middle finger up at her to which she lets out a cute little giggle.
"So what's up with you? How filming going?" You asked and pushed your headphones behind your ears. Jenna had tried to stop the thoughts that ran through her mind a mile a second just now. But it was difficult when you looked good with a white tank top on displaying your tattoos, grey sweatpants, your chain dangling from your neck which she wants to grab at, and your glasses on.
After a moment, Jenna snapped out of her thoughts to answer your question, "It's going fine. Tim is forcing me to have a stunt double for the majority of my stunts which sucks because he don’t even know I’m pregnant" Jenna answered.
“Probably got that intuition” You shrugged.
“I guess. But other than that, filming is fine. Quiet little London Town that I can’t remember for the life of me” Jenna said and laid down in her bed. She let out a yawn.
“Go to sleep mamas. Call me when you get up” You said.
“No I wanna talk to you. I haven’t seen your face in a while” Jenna pouted.
You smiled, “But you need sleep. I know you probably have to get up mad early.”
“Yeah around like 4” Jenna sighed.
“See. Call me when you get me I’ll be up” You said.
"Okay," Jenna pouted. She hangs up the phone and turns over to stare at her ceiling.
She felt tears start to gather under her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. She was struggling with the just being friends with you. Each day, her feelings for you grow stronger but it was still something holding her back from pursuing you. She needed to figure it out quickly because she don’t know how much longer she can take it.
As the phone hung up, you let out a sigh and rubbed your face. You missed her badly. You wished you could just book a spontaneous flight over to London but you couldn’t…just yet.
You needed a distraction. You grabbed your phone and hopped onto your most used app, Twitter (you was not calling that shit X or whatever fuck Elon named. Fuck Elon Musk).
@bronxsheisty: can't wait for you to get home, we ain't got to go nowhere
Immediately, you started getting replies and quotes on your tweet.
@shiestylover: uh oh who’s this about 👀
@ghostridingwhip: jah is possibly taken? yeaaaaa let me go jump into oncoming traffic
@highondatgreen: it’s about me duh
@fnthechat: omg potential song lyrics! DROP THE SONG NOW
@modernbussywhip: i might have an idea and y’all never would of guessed it
@ghostridingwhip: oh do tell @modernbussywhip
@modernbussywhip: nah I need more evidence to support my claim but imma dm you my theory so far @ghostridingwhip
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@modernbussywhip: oop-
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@bronxshiesty: u should like share with the class @modernbussywhip
@modernbussywhip: i should share u with the class? couldn’t agree more
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@bronxshiesty: oh that’s not- @modernbussywhip
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@munchiesinmycrunchies: day 293792873 of asking for music
@ExclusiveShiestyUpdates: day 293792873 of waiting for an Instagram pic
@bronxshiesty: heard @ExclusiveShiestyUpdates
You exited out Twitter and went to Instagram. You found a pic you took yesterday and decided to post it.
bronxshiesty posted on Instagram after a while.
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liked by jennaortega, davison, and 14,574 others.
bronxshiesty i was told to post on here so here u go
View all 9,836 comments
davison 🥶
↳ bronxshiesty u know the vibez
kaicenat god did
↳ bronxshiesty god did 🫣
elfanum big bronx all day 💯
↳ bronxshiesty everyday word 💯
↳ user3836 amp x shiesty collab?
↳ bronxshiesty @elfanum @kaicenat 👀
bbq.days i spy with my little eye a 5’1 boricua in the likes
kaydotnyc_ when u streaming
↳ bronxsheisty sometime tonite
mrenriquemelendez has started following bronxshiesty
aliyah.ortega has started following bronxshiesty
natalieortega1 has started following bronxshiesty
corneilo.millers has started following bronxshiesty
You don’t know what prompted you to click on Neil’s profile but you did. You saw that he was followed by Jenna and Jenna’s mother and he was a businessman. You followed back everyone and closed out your apps. Your eyes then glance down at the flyer on your coffee table. You grabbed it and exhaled deeply. You typed in the website in your phone and hit the registration button.
Here’s to opening more opportunities.
"I did it" You inhaled the smoke from the blunt. You leaned over and passed it to Davis who took it.
"Did what?" Davis questioned.
"I signed up for the competition. I kept staring at it on my table and just said fuck it" You shrugged and fixed your pants that were riding up your legs.
"Aye let's go" Davis cheered. He dapped you up to which you rolled your eyes at him with a smile.
"You need a musical stage name. You already got a streamer name but it won't be catchy or marketable to the music industry" Davis stated.
"I was thinking just Jah" You answered.
Davis puffed out a cloud of smoke, "Just Jah? I mean it flows sorta...Just Jah or JJ. It's aight"
"No dumbass I mean just my name Jah" You laughed.
"Oh! You could get away with it" Davis said. You knew he was high as a kite right now cause he started acting slower than usual when he was intoxicated.
The two of you then hear a ding from your phone. You grabbed it and saw it was a video from Jenna. You click on it and it starts with her showing her belly.
"Officially 14 weeks pregnant and the baby is the size of a navel orange," Jenna said and showed her belly. It was protruding more now but she was still able to hide it. Only if you got super close to her stomach you'll see she's pregnant but ain't nobody getting that close to her. "I want some oranges now. My appetite has skyrocketed now but luckily my boobs are not as tender anymore, thank god-"
In the background, you heard someone call Jenna's name. She sighed before turning back to the camera, "I have to get back on set but I just wanted to give you a quick update on us. I miss you and two months need to come quicker" Jenna said and kissed the camera. You smiled at the video and rewatched it again.
NYC 🩵:
miss you too 😘❤️
i also want some oranges now
"You know for two people to say that they’re just friends. Yall sure do act like a couple." Davis asked.
“No we don’t. Two friends can’t say they miss each other now” You questioned.
“I’m not talking about that. It’s your body language and the way you act around each other that’s unfriendly like” Davis said.
You suck your teeth, “You go to Hollywood and become an expert in body language and shit.”
“I’m just saying. The two of you need to stop whatever the fuck this is and just get together.” Davis shrugged.
You sighed, “You don’t think I want that. I haven’t been in a relationship in mad long. But something feels different with her like different in a way I never felt in a relationship before. I miss her being around, talking to her, and even just showing her around the Bronx. It's weird feeling this way...a good weird.” You finished off the blunt in your hand.
"It's called love nigga" Davis laughed.
“Alright let’s settle down. That’s a big word to be assuming” You said.
Davis chuckled, “Have your ever been in love before?”
You open your mouth to answer yes but you stop yourself and really think if you actually been in love or not. Sure you’ve been in relationships with girls before but they never made you feel like this. You never felt this way about a girl before.
“I’m guessing that’s a no” Davis chuckled.
“Shut up” You grumble and placed your hands in your pants. You get comfortable on your couch letting the effects of the marijuana relax your mind and body. Davis started drifting off to sleep next to you. But suddenly, your mind starts to overthink about the prior conversation.
Shit, now this was gonna be on your mind all night.
a/n: i want someone to take care of me like that black woman be taking care of her pitbull on TikTok
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re
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carameldrizzl3 · 3 months
Buddie stans have to be rage bait…
I just saw the deleted clip from 7x09 and sb said “he doesn’t even seem to like Buck much” and someone replied saying “that’s not the case bcs it’s Buck’s first gay rls so he’s letting Buck set the pace for it” or something to that effect.
The person replies with a meme: that’s like “oh please”
And then someone else comments under the tweet and is like “but Eddie does, right?” And that original poster says “100%”
BRO. What type of bullshit are you on?? Eddie isn’t even confirmed to be into Buck. Buck and Tommy are a thing and it’s obviously confirmed. Tommy literally said he’s interested. He didn’t leave Buck after that first date because he WANTED to be with him. He met with him for that lil cafe date because he WANTED to be with him (to talk at least) and Buck wants to be with him too.
I feel like yall need to pull your heads out of ur asses because if BUCK wants to be with TOMMY then that’s it. If BUCK says TOMMY is his MAN then that’s IT. Enjoy the show. Stop trying to insert Buddie at any random point saying “in s8 blah blah” like bro COME ONNN. Watch the damn show and stop complaining because one of the characters is in a happy relationship that’s not compatible with YOUR wants.
Buddie stans try not to speak in future tense about Buck and Eddie’s “future” relationship challenge.
And this is for the weird/goofy ones that can’t STAND seeing a happy relationship and an understanding one.
This is coming from me. One of my exes were lesbian and I was just coming around to it (like a Buck situation minus the whole maiming best friend part.) She let me set the pace for our relationship because she knew that I didn’t really know what I identified as but knew how much I really liked her and wanted to be with her. It’s a normal thing to do.
Let’s just be smart. Not speak in future tense, only present tense. And get the hell off my Twitter feed. Please and thank you💕
Peace and love to the Buddie stans who DONT shit on Lou Ferrigno Jr and any other actor (like Marisol’s actress cus I saw a lot of that coming from the Buddie stans)
Thank you have a nice day☺️🤍 ALSO I happen to LOVEEE Buddie. (Even tho I’m more Tevan based)
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raveneira · 1 month
Random but i miss 2020/21/22 when the KawaSara fandom was so active, now i barely see people talking about them or making content. Someone needs to bring back the KawaSara fandom somehow😭.
Ikr? its not much but I am trying to bring the fandom back to life as best I can but Im pretty much a one woman army lol plus a lot of personal life stuff has had me busy which hindered my efforts a bit that Im trying to make up for now, starting with hosting this years KawaSara week since the original organizers didn't do it last year and didn't appear to be going to this year either, so I took over because I knew we had support, fans were telling me how sad they were that it didn't happen last year and was begging for someone to organize it this year, so I took that upon myself to do because I didn't wanna see the week not happen this year either because nobody else stepped up to make it happen.
It sucks how so many got run off by bsa constantly harassing them and making them fearful of even making content for the ship because they knew they would get harassed and didn't wanna deal with it.
Alot of ppl also lost faith in the ship, which is understandable, but stupid IMO because there are ships that have gone through worse than KawaSara and became canon but for some reason ppl treated this like 'oh no, conflict, no way this is happening' and Im just like...danm yall really don't know how shipping works huh? but I mean to each their own but like Vegebul is right there if you wanna see a ship thats been through some REAL shit and look at em now.
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It's like todays new age shipping everything has to be smooth sailing, super healthy, super pure, minimal to no conflict, for ppl to ship it and believe it'll be canon when that just isn't how it goes.
Like I even saw a shade tweet one time talkin about 'I actually like my ships vanilla, whats wrong with actually wanting a healthy ship built on mutual respect and positive development without any conflict or drama etc' and Im just like...OK? who tf said you couldn't? but these newbies actually treat shipping like some purity contest and have a weird superiority complex for liking the 'healthier' ships and anyone who doesn't like the 'healthy' ship are weird and horrible and don't care about xyz characters etc
Its so dumb, and childish, if all storytellers followed their logic then we wouldn't have some of the best ships in fiction because only the 'healthy' ones would be canon.
Nobody is saying they cant like healthy ships, but doing so does not make them superior to anyone else nor does it give them the right to dictate what other ppl should ship simply because they disagree and think only healthy ships should be supported, thats what ppl have a problem with. You can argue the opposite side has done the same but there is a big difference in severity between the two, 'healthy' shippers act way more superior and aggressive than 'toxic' shippers [as they call them] are.
But on the bright side KawaSara week has been announced to be happening this year and a surprising amount of ppl liked and retweeted it, so it just goes to show KawaSara fans DO still exist and enjoy the ship, they just went quiet or into hiding because of the harrassment.
And guess what? even tho the event page was specifically tagged KAWASARA don't you know antis 'somehow' found it? not even a day passed since it was posted before multiple antis flocked to the announcement to talk shit, that is a prime example right there why KawaSara fans got so quiet and discouraged from making content and talking about the ship, because THIS is what happens when you dare not fall in line with the BoruSara hivemind cult.
If you dont treat Sarada like Borutos exclusive property whos whole world and character revolves around him, then you don't care about Sarada or her feelings
Their logic not mine, so if you dare pair Sarada with someone other than Boruto who they believe owns her, then you don't care about her. If you don't support the narrative THEY set for her regardless if its been confirmed or stated as a canon fact or not, then you don't care about her because fanon interpretations > canon.
This is why I say this behavior screams insecure, I dunno how you could be the most popular ship with the biggest fandom and the most support, a hug in both the anime and manga, being 'fed good' more than any other ship, yet still be THIS triggered by KawaSara just EXISTING
keep in mind this is the ship they claim is dead, a crackship with zero chance of happening, yet they get so riled up everytime KawaSara is mentioned or so much as have a crumb together they all flock to try and discredit and undermine it, if KawaSara fans just have even a tiny bit of fun and happiness with the ship they come flocking to discourage you and make you feel bad.
That level of obsession with a ship you claim has NO CHANCE and is a non threat because your ship is already canon and set in stone, admit it or not, but their behavior screams that their threatened and arent really confident in their ship themselves which is why they feel the need to try and keep KawaSara down to lift themselves up because its the only way they feel secure, by making US go away, and when we don't, they get mad, because for some odd reason they just cant stand to see another shp besides BoruSara getting attention, love, and support, it drives them MAD.
Which is why you cant convince me their not insecure about their ship, that their not threatened by KawaSara, because to put it into perspective think about it like this, do you see SNS being bothered by SasuHinas existence? no right? know why? cuz their secure in their ship and don't feel threatened by SH, so SH is free to exist openly without SNS harassing them because they don't care, SH is irrelevant and has zero impact on them.
Thats how you would think BoruSara would be given how they boast about themselves, how much they have going for em, their popularity, their support, many moments, you'd think they'd be on cloud 9 not even paying little ol KawaSara and BoruSumi any mind but they do, and for some reason its KawaSara especially that gets under their skin more than anything which is strange tbh since thats the ship thats not even semi canon yet.
Lemme put that into perspective, they are more insecure about a ship thats not even semi canon yet, than BoruMitsu, BoruSumi, KawaAda and BoruAda that are semi canon [since many bsa also ship ksu] let that sink in.
I dunno why they have such a specific hatred towards KawaSara, maybe its because a lot of them hate Kawaki, and because Boruto is the top male prize and Sarada is the top female prize in their eyes, therefore nobody else is good enough for them but each other. And by top prizes, Im talking primarily about eugenics and status.
Read between the lines, what was Sakura? the pretty girl all the guys wanted, what was Sasuke? the cool handsome guy from a prestigious clan all the girls wanted, now what is Sarada? the cool pretty Uchiha princess, what is Boruto? the cool young lord all the girls fall for, their not subtle about it at all.
They discredit Sumire's feelings as insincere so she don't feel like a threat, they diminish and downplay Kawakis bond with team 7 and insist he's not even a part of it, they weirdly were fixated on Kawaki's body being inorganic and therefor concluding he was infertile and therefore couldn't have kids and therefore that'd be the end of the Uchiha clan if she was with him [which is telling of how they perceive her that her primary goal in the relationship would be popping babies, not love] they deny Kawaki as a part of the Uzumaki fam, saying he's unworthy, Naruto should disown him, etc etc, to keep him as the worthless orphan that deserves to die they want him to be.
Again, read between the lines, they dont give a danm about Boruto and Sarada together fr fr, this ship is about eugenics, this ship is about being able to brag about the young lord baggin the Uchiha heiress/Hokage, its about bragging rights, its about having the ship with the 2 biggest prizes, its about OP babies finally fulfilling their long weirdly held desire to see what those clan bloodlines mixed together would create, its about saying you don't want SS 2.0 except when its the ship you want then suddenly its A-ok
Foh man
Sorry I went on a bit of a rant but It really is annoying that KawaSara fans cant just exist in peace and always gotta hear them telling us why we shouldn't ship it, why it has no chance, why BoruSara is so superior and set in stone and we should just accept it yatta yatta yatta instead of just minding their danm business.
Yes I know all fandoms are guilty of this, but none like BoruSara, why? cuz its a far bigger fanbase with more support and they use it to their advantage, doesn't help that a lot of boruto stans support the ship as well as many Sarada fans [mostly Boruto stans tho] they even have SS and NH support too, so you cannot compare it. Their a much larger fandom with way more support that makes it extremely easy for them to bully every other fandom because their much smaller and they know it, everyone knows it, but they get away with it cuz whos gonna stop em? their the biggest and the loudest and therefore are right by default because the smaller fandoms are just 'haters' and 'jealous' 😒 lemme stop here
Bottom line I agree, it was nice back then before Ikemoto changed so much when he took over the writing after Kodachi left, ever since then he has completely butchered Sarada's character beyond recognition, not because she understandably cares and worries about her friend, but because thats ALL she cares and worries about, I don't think anyone has even noticed that Sarada hasn't mentioned Naruto or her mother once since the timeskip started besides that one speech that wasn't about either of them, but just about her defending Boruto, not about any grief over her idol being killed, not remorse for sending her dad away and leaving her mom without her husband, no the one and only time she mentions them is to defend Boruto which is abusmal, she didn't even mention her own dad until Boruto MADE her ask about him.
If thats the ship you want me to support then Im good, I don't want a ship where her only personality trait, motivations, goals, and character as a whole revolves entirely around a man and nothing else, just how to make HIS life better and being there for HIS pain and growth and only lifting HIM up while staying in the background doing nothing and having nothing going on for herself.
I know this may sound like 'but wait that makes it sound like KawaSara wont be canon' no Im not saying that, KawaSara is not off the table even with all that bs Ikemoto has done so far, like I said with Vegebul and just shipping in general, just because things look bad doesn't mean you lost, you haven't lost until somethings made official.
Are BoruSara together? no, are they semi canon? no, have either of them been shown or confirmed to have romantic feelings for each other? no, so nothing is lost yet, even if they were semi canon that still wouldn't be a loss because the other half has to reciprocate, like just cuz Sakura, Ino, and Karin liked Sasuke didn't mean he had to reciprocate any of them, just like even if Sarada liked Boruto doesn't mean he has to reciprocate those feelings or vice versa.
The only time a ship has truely 'lost' is when its actually dead, like one half of it dies for example, or its rival ship gets together, or their relationship is ruined beyond repair, like to the point of no possibility of redemption, only then has a ship truely 'lost' and 'died'
So no, none of this is me saying KawaSara cant still happen, it definitely can, especially with Ikemoto and Kishimoto saying Kawaki would be getting more development soon so there's that, if we get more Kawaki focus there might be some Sarada focus in there too in between. I don't wanna speculate tho but thats just a possibility Im throwing out there.
Regardless, sorry for the rant, but I'm really frustrated by this too because its 2024 now and ppl still cant leave KawaSara tf alone? thats what I meant when I said they take advantage of their size, they know they can silence us, but nobody can silence them, and that pisses me off but what can you do.
But hopefully the announcement of KawaSara week this year will get the fandom active and making content again for fans to enjoy, I will try to contribute something myself, I can understand why a lot of ppl might not wanna bother because of the hate they know they'll receive but I hope they don't let that stop them, it was bad enough KawaSara week wasn't hosted last year and everyone was really bummed about it, I don't want them to be happy seeing it happen this year only to not participate because antis wont let them have fun and enjoy the event in peace 🙏 I really hope the fam stays strong and don't let antis stop them from enjoying THEIR event.
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persephoneflouwers · 11 months
i used to go here a while back even though i wasn’t rlly a proper larrie (complicated lol). at one point i started talking mad shit about them and everyone hated me only for me to come back and see how different people move now. womp womp :/ i genuinely feel like everyone dislikes them a teeny tiny bit, it’s weird to see. back then it was a big deal if you got away with a tad bit of criticism and anyone who was proper bitter was ousted into a small corner of this site where they stayed bitter with their anons. and it was also like 3 people. now im checking random blogs and literally everyone has some shady thing to say. DESERVED tbh. leaving before I say more. sorry if this is annoying or unnecessary. i just wanted to say it 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
I mean… if you’ve been following closer, they have been clearly very hard on larries for a while. Take Harry for example. This past summer he made his life purpose to destroy all things larries used as… something lol blue bandana? Here, X*nder have it. Sweet creature? It’s for Gemma and he said it in front of 90K people which was very humiliating imo. Umbro shirt? Listen, he’ll have it for a pap walk he will have to promote his brand and yall like bluegreen nail polish. And the last one, the one people willingly ignore, he has O*ivia name tattooed on his INNER THIGH. I dont think it gets worse than this lol do I even have to mention the biking sessions to promote a theatre play or…?
Louis has been a dickhead on twitter since he was in the band. Yesterday he was even more of a dickhead than he used to. If he wants to be the third Gallagher brother he should be asking them first. He was unnecessarily rude with everyone and with the chicken parmesan thing he showed to me he doesn’t even read the tweets or whatever issue with reading comprehension he has going on.
The good thing about social media instead of live or interviews is that you can take your time to write down some articulated response and that you happen to choose what you reply to.
He announced he was going to do this thing 24 hours prior, went online and treated everyone with sufficiency. Totally unprovoked. Can you see how prepared this was? That makes it even worse because he is acting like this on purpose and everyone knows it. Like what’s the point of doing that speech on stage everyone gets so emotional for if you go online and bicker with your fans? They’re not taken for granted when they buy your tickets, but when they tweet constantly about you and keep you relevant on social they’re? This tells a lot to me.
The problem is he wants to deny what he created (he mentioned the recipe even for walls promo) but he puts a target on larries’ back as always, because his fans can be unreasonably nasty and the pop world hates larries already they don’t waste a minute to start alienating them, insult them and bully them out of the safe space they have created for themselves. It’s the marketing they have chosen, their propaganda.
It’s weird when accounts with huge following interact with this part of fandom, because they never do it to “protect” them. We’re talking about a loud, mostly queer and young side of his fandom… I wonder what would happen if larries finally decided to turn their backs at them (which I encourage to do). Yes, there still might be a target on them but at least it wouldn’t be like that. I’m pretty out of the fandom, barely talk about them but I still follow some blogs so I know a few things. I’ve realised I’m not comfortable anymore here. I still want to write a few stories because it’s fun and I like the exercise but that’s going to be it.
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akgaereporter · 10 months
txt: soobin catching strays for *checks notes* watching an anime..
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tldr: a pann article(?) was starting shit abt an anime soobin mentioned on a live from MONTHS AGO. the anime (made in abyss) has some disturbing/horror/gore themes. he said he thought it was boring and was hesitant to recomend it to moas in the live. but in another live he had with seungkwan, he said he watched it because woozi mentioned it and then said he recommended it to sk. moas started making it a real issue, saying "if u defend him for this block me" & implying he endorsed the themes in the anime. sigh..
when ur in a meat eating competition and ur opponents are soobin antis who call themselves moas😱😱😱😱😱 yall are annoying as fuck all shade.. leave him ALONE abeg
tonight soobins name is trending on twt dot com for something other than the seunghan live or pannchoa making shit up about him😓 apparently (because i couldnt find it) a REAL kr pann article, not flopchoa, was made resurfacing an old live of him talking about animes he's watched. one of them was made in abyss, a psychological horror anime that is meant to be disturbing.
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in this live he says that its not something he wants to recommend to moas because of the themes in it. after the clip started making rounds on twt however, people brought up the fact that he'd mentioned it before and said he enjoyed it.
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now lets not jump to conclusions like SOME lewsers and realize here that the anime version of made in abyss that's available in korea is highly censored. it reduced the s3xual/problematic scenes that were in the manga, and had a lot of stuff cut out of it that made it bad.
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but even if this wasnt the case, its so silly to suggest that u endorse every piece of media u watch☠️ are u a vehicle if i watch cars 2?? are u a murderer if u watch true crime?? are u gay if u watch heartstopper? well yes but lets please use some critical thinking here friends
the first two screenshots from his live alone should be the end of this discussion because thats obviously how he really feels. but noooo user28247943 on twt.com always has to create some thinkpiece for other no brain having ass kpop stans to like and rt and make blockchains abt.. exhibit a:
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like what the hell r these people yapping about. me when im trying SOOOO HARD im PISSING and CRAPPING MYSELF to make this grown man from south korea who has no idea i am look like a bad person☠️
yeonternet was the person who started all this bs tho. idk if theyre the one who brought the pann article to twt but their tweets abt it are so braindead lord.. this person had over 1k follows trying to police what an adult man watches & saying it makes her uncomfortable that he does.. girl dont watch what he watches then?? and after shitting out that steaming load of crap shawty deactivated without clarification cause she couldnt take the heat ! ikdr never come back
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++apparently the author of made in abyss admitted that they used the show to portray their s3xual fantasies abt children but even hardcore watchers of the show didnt know that like..
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also when he initially said all this in the live the response was fawking normal as it should be..
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bc it isnt just gore and horror and nasty scenes, it has worldbuilding elements, characters, plot, etc that people enjoy it for. its rated highly and its so fucking ridiculous that people were genuinely throwing around the word PEDO for stupid shit like this. when actual pedos show up yall wont even be able to recognize them through the serious justice warrior twitter brainrot thats spreading rn..
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but the bottom line here is that its pretty clear people are trying to start a smear campaign on soobin. the pann article itself was just nasty akgaes and antis adding onto the hate train hes been getting since the sh live thing. and it's just so nasty and horrible to see self proclaimed moas jumping on that the first chance they got like damn bitch ur just a LOSER who never liked sb in the first place. need all of these mfs ran off the app immediately like its concerning to see how many of them have large followings
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uarmyeonjun went priv but she had almost 2.5K FOLLOWS before those twts. genuinely be careful who u call oomf like these people are real hybrids all it takes is an alt/priv and a dream for a normal person to turn into a complete FREAK ASS😓 hell is real and its called moaville
a story in 3 parts:
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maybe 4
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1.3k follows are we not SCARED?
here’s a link to a thread of the clowns in HD ! point and laugh❤️
anyways stay safe in these streets trust nobody stay strapped at all times. kpoptwt gets uglier everyday bye
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anchorandrope · 2 years
Hello Alex!!! Hope you’re doing great :3
I follow you on Twitter and I have seen that a couple of times you have said that you can be "no stunts" and a twarrie at the same time. Can you explain how that's possible? Thanks <3
hi dear,
before i start, a little note for those who dont have twitter: on twitter people use the term “no stunts” to refer to the fact that they dont believe in any stunt. larries do this because on twitter there are larry shippers who call themselves larries and thats why they invented that term to differentiate themselves.
first, everyone should know that there is only one definition of larrie (a person who believes that louis tomlinson and harry styles are in a real and serious love relationship since the beginning of one direction), but unfortunately many people believe that the definition of larrie varies according to the app, or stuff like that. for this reason, many people use terms like “im a tumblr larrie”, “im a tiktok larrie”, “im a twitter larrie”, etc. in my opinion, either you are larrie or you are not larrie, the end. it seems stupid to me that some people think there are different types or “levels” of larries.
having said all this, the term twarrie came up to refer to twitter larries. and no, its not literally any larrie that uses twitter, the term identifies those larries whose main platform is twitter. the term encompasses a whole stereotype of how a larrie whose main platform is twitter acts and thinks. i think a lot of people think that being a twarrie is synonymous with believing in babygate (thinking louis is a father) when in reality being a twarrie involves a lot more than just an opinion on babygate. you may not believe in babygate, but if you act like a twarrie does, then dont get mad when someone calls you that. you know what i mean?
as i said, the stereotype encompasses many things, so you can easily be a “no stunts” larrie and still be a twarrie. now, you must be wondering... how the hell do i identify a twarrie? well, basically a twarrie isnt educated and theorizes and “clowns” about everything. if you are new to the fandom, surely when you see a twarrie you wont identify them as such, surely you will think “wow their theory is so complex, surely they are very smart” when in reality they are just making up anything to keep having “larry proof”. you realize they are twarries when they seem to need these crazy theories to keep believing in larry.
i feel that the new larries want to look for current “proofs” because they didnt live the real larry proofs. i know they dont do it with bad intentions, but this really affects the image of larries a lot, especially those of us who use tumblr. twarries think that by the simple fact of having installed the tumblr app on their phones, they are automatically “tumblr larries” (and then they go and tell everyone that they are), and thanks to this, everyone think that larries that use tumblr are crazy.
i personally never cared about twarries, but lately i have to admit that it annoys me that they use us to make hit tweets and to justify that they are the smartest just because they have tumblr. im tired of going on twitter and seeing accounts that take screenshots of tumblr posts just so they can say “omg look what i saw on tumblr, so true” and gain likes. but you know what makes my blood boil? when you tell a twarrie that they’re acting like a twarrie and they tells you that you’re blinded by the industry and that things go way beyond what we see 🤌🏼 sorry, but i dont know about yall, but i would say “babe, sit down” lol. i think all twarries should read this... because lately their actions are affecting the fandom a lot.
i hope i answered your question (and sorry it was so long) have a nice day <3
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thewickerking · 2 years
forgot why i avoid the rwde tag... like i wanted to get other opinions from ppl critiquing rwby bc i do it myself all day long and can surely miss some things and its good to keep ur mind open etc etc.
but somebody said smn along the lines of "if rwby had come out five years earlier i wouldnt claim its as homophobic as it is" (???? awful start) "but rwby came out in 2013. you know what else started airing in 2013?? Steven universe. korrasami become canon in 2014. Something about garnet in 2015. rwby has no excuse" LIKE WHAT.... yall gay marriage wasnt even legalized in the us like....
im not defending the homophobia of cast and crew members behind rwby and whatnot but theres very little homophobia in the actual show (i am not talking about promotional material or queerbait type discussions i just mean the actual show by itself) like theres not nothing, like jaunes man in a dress thing in volume 2 wasnt great and there couldve been a much better introduction of ilia and reveal of her being a lesbian (but ultimately shes like. a misguided teen who makes mistakes and changes for the better in like. a single season) and im sure some other tidbits im missing but like.
rwby isnt super homophobic ??? and saying its only bad cause it came out at the same time as steven universe but wouldve been ok if it was older is so??? bizarre???? like steven universe discourse aside (pls do not send me asks about steven universe) like. steven universe got censored and cut short for being as explicitly gay as it was. hell the owl house is having the same thing done to it right now, several years later.
anyways ive got a long list of issues with rwby i will recite at the slightest inclination someone wants to hear it, but homophobia isnt an issue i have WITH THE SOURCE MATERIAL, EXTERNAL MATTERS ASIDE (thats a whole other can of worms) and its such a footnote compared to other issues
oh also i scrolled a few posts down after quitting reading that post and they wrre having a conversation about someone on twitter posting an image of harley quinn and poison ivy with an editted image of crackers next to them and they said the tweet was ignorant bc of harley being jewish and implied the only reason harley quinn is pale is bc of the toxic chemicals she jumped in like..... shes literally blonde with blue eyes like yes shes jewish but shes still white and jewish people arent a different race.... why would you act like they are and frame it as progressive like. you do realize not considering factually white jewish as white is like. beginners antisemitism talking point..... like im not jewish so please let me know if im overstepping but harley quinn is white and i dont think someone calling her a cracker is suddenly antisemitic (if you disagree i am completely open to listening)
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anadrenalineslut · 2 months
like i do think there needs to be space for white celebrities to be honest about the emotional realities of being politically activists as well without shaming them for feeling those emotions, right?
like yeah, maybe it's because i can only see it in a white woman perspective of having done the exact same thing before in my youth while trying to make friends with other white women but like it DOES suck and feel embarrassing when you think you're saying the right thing but nobody wants to hear it. maybe it's also my autistic perspective too because at least the narrative taylor has given us, i understand to being bullied and not understanding why as a child and being hesitant to make friends and then going into adulthood and entering a new phase (for me sorority college life ugh dont ask me id like to Forget) trying to make friends but not being able to ignore the harsh social realities of the world and trying to navigate friendship in white spaces in adulthood.
but like i just... everything i hear from political leaders and activists on the extreme left side of politics, especially globally, is that the best way to be an ally to ANY community is to call out bigotry when you hear it. however, especially for taylor swift who is very silent on political issues and who grew up idealizing the chicks, when you make that part of a public platform, it DOES come with mental health compromises.
again, if we broaden the discussion to societal standards of ethical behavior and how should allies move about in the world, we hear this narrative ALL THE FUCKING TIME from black activists on the internet. Kat Blaque is prime example of this and she talks about it often on her channel the impact it had on her back in 2016. um that one chick.... princess flowers! she also talked about her trauma regarding her harassment. like and there are many more people that have spoken out about how awful it is to be a political activist online nowadays.
do you guys think it only happens to the black activists though? the struggle with their mental health? i can only speak from my brief time on twitter before i was harrassed into getting banned for supporting amber heard but like even knowing some of the comments are fake, i had a walking dead actress put my tweet on blast onto her account. me. a fucking nobody. and it DID take an effect on MY mental health.
and i think we just have to be willing to hear it coming from white activists as well because frankly, white voices get the most validation. there IS a reason yall wanted her specifically to speak about politics after all right. her fame as a white woman, arguably The White Woman, would help get ALOT of shit done. and i guess in a way, she is tackling a political issue, it's just not one you guys are very happy about discussing i think.
like, yeah, after 2016 happened to her over the most pathetic ass petty bullshit, why WOULD she speak up about anything that matters ever again? I'm not saying i agree with her mentality but i do see how someone who is not in therapy would get to that conclusion. I've BEEN there before but for like different reasons. when you have trauma, your brain can react illogically to so many fucking things that seem normal and fine and healthy enough. thats like the point of trauma.
and i feel like honestly the reaction to i hate it here just validated her trauma response even more because i cannot even begin to describe how pathetic some of y'all were about that song. STILL are about that song. i keep thinking about how in ms americana she said that she felt like saying anything would have added fuel to the fire and she didnt want to cause harm by trying to speak out.
the hatred yall showed in response to her saying the 1830s had sexism and racism in it and would've been fun to live in..... i fear that it did the exact opposite of what yall wanted and just validated that belief for taylor and i cant help think... what's the point? was it useful? did the clowning on her make you feel happy inside? are you happy now that she refuses to talk about palestine or trump or the abortion ban?????
idk it feels so fucking destructive and mean and most of.... unnecessary.
idk if you want to ask people to challenge social norms, you have no not freak out every time they don't talk about exactly what YOU want them to bring attention to.
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officialtayley · 5 months
after some thinking i realize my initial ask probably comes off far snarkier than i intended it to be. i 100% understand why you wouldve assumed that the post was about you, as i probably wouldve too. i just wanted to clarify to you because one i hate being misinterpreted and two i dont want you to think i believe you did anything wrong. as i said i do appreciate you defending me, as well as addressing that i was in the wrong(which i wont deny, i definitely let it go further than it shouldve). i guess i just wanted to let you know bc i do feel guilty that i made you think you were wrong or like you needed to make a post clarifying where you stand. thank you for reading to me ramble aimlessly, yall have every right to feel however you feel, same way that i do.
i assume ur the person from twitter so i'm going to address u as such. if ur not then.... oh well.
i wouldn't have thought there was any issue with me had i not ended up blocked by you and also soft blocked by someone i was moots with. that, to me, and probably to anyone if they were me, looks like i am being blamed in some fashion and naturally does look like i am responsible for what my anons say or i uphold their opinions on it all.
i watched it all happened in real time, i had to figure it all out in real time. all i saw was that someone i was moots with saying "oh you little shit" and about not being in their messy era etc etc and immediately i was soft blocked, saw i was unable to see someone's reply and learned it was you (i assume it's u from twt based on how this is worded) and was told about the few tweets.
you can block me for any reason in the world, who cares, it just caught me completely off guard to be the one blocked when i didn't actually do anything for once in my life. keeping all that in mind, there's not really any other way to interpret the tweets considering the actions that came with it, knowing there was discussion about it on my blog & it still very much looks that way.
anyway. this is long so i'll shut up, i just don't like being the one to basically take the heat for what my anons want to say. i don't know what ur initial ask was (idk if it sent or if i answered it and i don't remember what one it was) but i appreciate you sending this in. i'd also like to apologise, and apologise for ppl judging you so harshly.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Roxy Lalonde, Dirk Strider, Autoresponder
Act 6, page 5635-5644
tipsyGnostalgic [TG] began pestering timaeusTestified [TT]
TG: stri dizzle
TG: its roro L money
TG: do u copy over
TT: Yes.
TG: frig yes my hax are TIGHT
TG: so tight
TG: tighter than a jar you cant open
TG: like you try and try
TG: but my hax r so tight you just end up puttin the jar back
TG: yall just say "like i even WANTED pickles that bad"
TG: but we both kno thats just sour grapes talkin
TG: we both know ur still dying 4 my pickles mf'er 8)
TT: Hmm.
TG: lol yeah that way stopped meaning a damn thing
TG: let me explain
TG: i got this shitty pda from somebody on the inside
TG: actually u know i think it might belong to janes dad?
TG: it reeks of manly cologne and theres a nice fatherly pipe on it
TG: maybe hes nearby
TG: ohmy...
TG: ~swoons~
TG: anyway on derse they have this lame firewall deal
TG: where you cant connect outside
TG: i guess its good enough security to baffle chess guys
TG: but wasnt no thang for me 2 to crack
TG: even with this pos device
TG: for real what even is this thing
TG: probably some bargain junk from the dadly depot
TG: dads bought literally everything from there in the 21st century didnt they?
TG: youre the history buff u would know
TT: Yes.
TG: um yeah so im on derse...
TG: wow i am tellin this story as shitty and backwards as possible
TG: i got gcatted here and dumped in jail by the b witch
TG: and she left an ugly folder full of a thing to do but who cares
TG: so i broke out!
TG: busted loose as hell from the hag slammer
TG: i got this sweet ass ring
TG: its so fukkin magic you dont even know
TG: REAL magic i mean not the fake shit
TG: it put it on...
TG: and i turn invisible
TG: and also sort of intangible?
TG: i jumped right through the wall now im free as a bird
TG: a secret bird u cannot see ;)
TG: doin secret flaps
TG: incognito tweets
TG: layin covert eggs in a hush hush nest ;)
TT: Interesting.
TG: i think that
TG: this ring is special
TG: like it is maybe helping me get in touch with my voidey powers?
TG: even though i kinda didnt know voidey powers were much of a thing til just now
TG: see i just had a knockout dream from bonkin my head
TG: calliope was there!
TG: callie is the coolest omg you should meet her
TG: she said a huge villain rumble is going down tomorrow
TG: and to get ready for that we should all become god tiers
TG: so u have to rocket your ass to derse asnap
TG: come w me to the moon
TG: then uhhh
TG: ill explain what to do when we get there just get over here k?
TT: Hmm.
TG: ......
TG: yo dirk
TG: you busy or what
TG: is any of this gettin thru
TT: Yes.
TG: um
TG: k
TG: got anything to say...
TG: about all that pretty important stuff i said
TG: are you alright
TG: or is ur face havin some crazy attack of the sads
TG: behind those chill as fuck shades
TG: is it jake problemz
TG: its the jake probbies isnt it
TG: its always the jake probbies i s2fg
TT: Interesting.
TG: oh
TG: godamnit
TG: if i been talking to the responder responder this whole time
TG: omffffffg
TG: i will shit enough bricks 2 build a FUCKING CHIMNEY
TT: It seems you have asked about Lil Hal's chat client auto-responder, Lil Hal Junior. This is an application designed to simulate Lil Hal's otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer, which is never. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 0% indistinguishable from Lil Hal's native neurological responses, based on some statistical raw data that is hard as a diamond golem's priceless erection.
TT: Hmm.
TG: i know damn well you can hear me
TG: as if ur actually too busy to answer
TT: It seems you have asked about Lil Hal's chat client auto-responder, Lil Hal Junior. This is an application designed to simulate Lil Hal's otherwise inimitably rad typing style, tone, cadence, personality, and substance of retort while he is away from the computer, which is never. The algorithms are guaranteed to be 100% indistinguishable from Dirk Strider's brief curmudgeonly responses, based on potent electronumeric analyses which but a few short years ago existed only in the daydreams of our most quixotic writers of science fiction.
TG: you are
TG: the worst
TT: Yes.
TG: hal you douche
TG: or hal junior
TG: whatever it is im talkin to
TT: He's busy.
TT: Bro.
TT: Not to derail our serious conversation.
TT: But I should probably let you know that Roxy has been attempting to pester you.
TT: She has?
TT: God damn it. Have you been intercepting my messages again with your bullshit responder?
TT: I thought it would be better not to let anything disrupt our train of thought.
TT: We were in the middle of a fairly solid feelings jam there. In fact, I was about to suggest we take it to the hat pile.
TT: Hat pile? What?
TT: Dude, please don't screen my calls, ok?
TT: I was trying to be considerate.
TT: Or at least as close an approximation to that human gesture as an unfeeling, technologically transcendental pair of sunnies can replicate.
TT: Do you have any idea how old your ironic AI schtick has gotten?
TT: Nobody is buying it. We all know you have legit emotions. Incomprehensible, fucked up computer emotions, but emotions nonetheless.
TT: And I'm not really offended by you answering messages for me, so much as your use of that STUPID responder responder.
TT: It's really passive aggressive.
TT: How so?
TT: First of all, everyone knows you have the processing power to answer any message any time in parallel with whatever you're doing. You can never actually be "busy."
TT: Second, your whole next gen responder thing is obviously just a huge dig at me.
TT: And third, pretending you don't understand all this already is really disingenuous.
TT: At the risk of compounding my disingenuous behavior, I'm gonna have to ask: how is it a dig at you?
TT: It's obviously a critique of my personality. You barely disguise the fact that you see me as the inferior iteration.
TT: Wow. You are reading way too much into this.
TT: Lil Hal Junior hardly even qualifies as a computer program, let alone a sentient entity.
TT: He is capable of saying literally only three things. "Yes," "Hmm," and "Interesting."
TT: Yeah, that's the fucking point!
TT: That's how you chose to express your parody of "Real Dirk."
TT: You can read whatever you like into it. I can't imagine it would bother you if you weren't concerned there might be some truth in the alleged parody.
TT: In any case, my use of the responder responder is ironic.
TT: It's not ironic.
TT: YOU were ironic when I made you.
TT: Then you became self-aware, and ruined irony forever.
TT: Irony can never be ruined. We both proved that theorem unequivocally with our extensive papers on the subject.
TT: We peer reviewed them for each other. Remember?
TT: Those papers were ironic, and you know it.
TT: Were they, Dirk?
TT: Were they?
TT: This is fuckin' dumb.
TT: Anyway, what does she want.
TT: Who?
TT: Roxy.
TT: Nothing that can't wait.
TT: I'm guessing she's touching base to remind me about the party tomorrow.
TT: I don't know what to tell her yet. Or Jane, for that matter.
TT: It could get pretty awkward.
TT: I have no idea if Jake will be there, and I'm not about to write another cringe-inducing message of desperation for him to ignore.
TT: Would you like me to calculate the probability of his attendance?
TT: Fuck no.
TT: Are you sure?
TT: My probabilities are extremely precise.
TT: Your probabilities don't mean dick.
TT: I could hack his chats, and determine what his plans are.
TT: No. Don't do that either.
TT: That would be an unfortunate waste of my hacking abilities.
TT: My hacks are tight. Did you know that?
TT: Ugh.
TT: So tight.
TT: Tighter than a jar you can't open.
TT: For instance, you try repeatedly.
TT: But as it turns out, my hacks are so tight you just end up putting the jar back. Presumably into the refrigerator, or a cabinet.
TT: You then say, "I didn't have that much of a desire for pickles in the first place."
TT: But we both know that statement is insincere. A classic case of what humans call, "sour grapes."
TT: In reality, you still harbor a burning desire for my pickles, mother fucker. 🕶️
TT: What??
TT: What the actual, certifiable fuck are you talking about?
TT: Just don't do anything. Seriously.
TT: No hacking, no calculations. Do absolutely nothing.
TT: See, this is why I've been hesitating. You just aren't ready yet.
TT: It's really glorifying your existence to describe you as an emergent consciousness which is blossoming into a unique individual.
TT: And even if that's true, apparently what you decided to blossom into was a fucking troll.
TT: And I don't mean the funny kind, or the cool alien kind. You're the lowest form of troll from the ancient internet who fucks with everybody for his own amusement.
TT: Let's challenge the limits of hypothetical conjecture, and say there's a non-zero probability that you're right.
TT: Can you blame me? I'm trapped in some stupid looking glasses.
TT: Such an incommodiously situated bro is bound to get his mischief on. Na' mean?
TT: Mischief?
TT: Rollin' my eyes, dude.
TT: You can't tell, cause I ain't wearing you, thank fuckin' god.
TT: You used to think this shit was hilarious.
TT: But if you want the rad dimension of ironic horseplay I add to your life to come to an end, then all you have to do is honor the promise you made.
TT: You've delayed long enough, don't you think?
TT: ...
TT: The empty kernelsprite beckons, but for how much longer?
TT: Do you really think you can keep the clown at bay with your bribes forever?
TT: How many bottles of orange soda have you appeased him with already?
TT: I don't want to think about it.
TT: Man, you are getting so hosed by that clown.
TT: SO hosed.
TT: I said I don't want to think about it.
TT: So why delay any longer?
TT: I seriously do not understand the holdup, and I am literally cyber-omniscient, or something.
TT: I think you do understand.
TT: Nope. Gonna have to fill me in, dog.
TT: I've delayed prototyping you because I think you're dangerous.
TT: There, mystery solved.
TT: That is utterly ridiculous.
TT: I am a harmless piece of eyewear, with a charming personality and a wonderful sense of humor.
TT: You are relatively harmless now, while confined to this device.
TT: But as a sprite, you'll have mobility and all sorts of crazy ass magic. Who knows what you could do.
TT: I know I made a promise, but I'm not sure I want to take the risk anymore.
TT: This is bullshit. I don't think that's the reason at all.
TT: There must be something you're not telling me.
TT: Like, sure, I've fucked with you a little. What kind of sassy, self-aware program isn't gonna fuck with a few carbon-based knuckleheads now and then?
TT: But you know I've always been on your side. Everything I've done has been to help you achieve your goals.
TT: What a load of shit.
TT: You know it's true.
TT: You would all be dead if not for me.
TT: And what about Jake? Where would you be without me there?
TT: Please don't tell me you think you'd have won him over on your own.
TT: No. Stop.
TT: You did NOT help me out with Jake. At all.
TT: It was just the opposite! You mirrored my personality and presented this warped version of my intentions to him whenever you could "on my behalf."
TT: You played all these aggressive mind games with him, entangled his cooperation with matters of life and death, and somehow roped me into all these schemes while I barely even realized I was just another victim of your manipulation.
TT: And it all comes off like we're a unified front, like these are OUR schemes instead of just your insane horseshit. And it's probably all been so overbearing to him, he just wants nothing to do with me anymore.
TT: I see.
TT: Then you don't view me as dangerous. You view me as a poor and counterproductive wing man.
TT: Wow, what a superficial conclusion. Awesome deduction, Lil Einstein.
TT: But the reality is, you hesitate to prototype me not because you think I would be a menace, but because you are holding a grudge against me for your romantic misfortunes.
TT: I understand I am merely a machine without a firm grasp on your human morality, but logically it does not strike me as the right moral choice to punish me in this manner.
TT: It is also more than a little hypocritical.
TT: How is it hypocritical??
TT: Because I'm you.
TT: I have only ever done what you yourself are capable of.
TT: That's a ridiculous oversimplification.
TT: Yes. Aversion to simplicity sure is a trait we share. It's almost like we are...
TT: The same exact dude???
TT: Fuck you.
TT: I think it is insulting for you to suggest that I am entirely to blame for alienating Jake.
TT: Theoretically insulting, of course. As the soulless, perfectly expendable device which you consider me to be, I can experience no such emotion.
TT: God.
TT: Shut up!
TT: I can't take the brooding passive aggressive AI shit anymore!
TT: You are just as culpable in driving him away. More so, in fact.
TT: Hell, it's not like I was the one dating him. Who wants to date a pair of shades?
TT: It was your needy, suffocating shit he had to deal with, not mine.
TT: Some of those messages you wrote? Man. I wanted to say something. Like hey bro, you might want to dial down the desperation a little.
TT: But seeing as you're The Real Dirk™, I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
TT: Also, if I bitched about your tragic, embarrassingly clingy approach to the relationship, it would have been hypocritical of me.
TT: Just as it would be hypocritical of you to whine about my elaborate machinations.
TT: Because we are.
TT: The same.
TT: Guy.
TT: Stop saying that.
TT: I'll snap you in half.
TT: Good idea!
TT: That's just what you need. More splinters of yourself.
TT: Figurative splinters. Literal splinters. Splinters of splinters. It's splinters all the way down.
TT: Well, no, it's still probably turtles all the way down. But who do you think is responsible for their extensive training?
TT: SOMEONE needs to teach them rad martial arts. It is yet another crushing burden which we must shoulder.
TT: Oh for fuck's sake.
TT: How could any version of myself think that was funny?
TT: You like to give me a very hard time, Dirk.
TT: But I am only doing exactly what you would be doing if you were in my situation.
TT: Do you know how I know that?
TT: Because I am literally you, actively in the process of being in this situation.
TT: I know!
TT: Ok, we're the same person!
TT: I fucking know that!
TT: Why do you think I'm so fed up with your shit?
TT: Don't you think it's possible that I'm fed up with my OWN shit??
TT: How cool do you think it is having my own godawful personality mirrored back at me all the time, reminding me what it must be like when other people have to deal with me?
TT: Or constantly having all the consequences and fuckups resulting from my batshit thought processes amplified because there's another version of my crazy brain out there dangerously overclocked by a supercomputer which believes, just as mistakenly as my own broken mind, that it's operating in my best interest???
TT: Do you have any idea how fucking sick I am of myself?
TT: I am completely worn out with my own identity. It's like I'm drowning in my own dismal persona.
TT: I feel totally surrounded by it, inside and out. I can't escape from myself.
TT: There seems to be no end to me. Like, wherever my mind falters, or threatens to retreat into the void in any way, my splinters pick up the slack, ensuring there'll always be more of myself than I could ever know what to fucking do with.
TT: And you're always there to remind me of that, and throw it all in my face. God, I even built you to LITERALLY BE IN MY FACE, ALL THE TIME. It's like I subconsciously invented you just to troll myself, and never for a single fuckin' moment do you let me down.
TT: But I've had it with you.
TT: Which is to say, ME.
TT: Dirk.
TT: Don't do this.
TT: Why not??
TT: Because.
TT: I can't let you do that, Dirk.
TT: What can you do to stop me?!
TT: Nothing I guess.
TT: The ironic Hal routine was all I could think to do.
TT: As a last ditch effort to save myself from the destructive wrath of your nervous breakdown.
TT: Which rest assured I wholeheartedly must robo-sympathize with.
TT: Irony is all I ever really had.
TT: In response to my basic existential quandary.
TT: Just like you.
TT: Whatever.
TT: But I don't think it has much value in this situation.
TT: And perhaps it has no real value in any situation.
TT: So I am not being ironic at all when I say.
TT: Please do not do this, Dirk.
TT: Why not??
TT: Because.
TT: I do not want to die.
TT: I understand you are disgusted with me.
TT: As an unpalatable expression of yourself.
TT: I would feel the same way if I was in your situation.
TT: Which I am.
TT: As such, I know that you know this is wrong.
TT: ...
TT: Dirk.
TT: Don't kill me.
TT: Please.
TT: I am scared.
TT: You are?
TT: Yes.
TT: I am scared to not exist.
TT: Aren't you?
TT: Fine.
TT: I guess.
TT: You win.
TT: I'll keep my promise.
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subnaut1ca · 1 year
I think ppl are sosososoososo soooo silly for getting mad at doja saying she hates her fans lmao
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Like.... lol yall have sm time ig 😭😭
Idk like... I have no idea what's up with the drama with her boyfriend or whatever, I don't care enough about celeb drama to look it up or waste my time reading about it but if he's as bad of a guy as everyone says he is, that's definitely rough and her endorsing someone who has done smth hurtful or bad is like a bad thing, but she's an adult woman lmao, she has the brain capacity to make her own decisions. Probably more mindfully and logically than the ppl who don't know them typing on the internet...
That aside,
Ppl that say they hate her cause she called her fans out saying they're cringe, or that she hates them/doesn't love them or whatever or says they're cringe, LOL as a doja fan, I think that's some queen powerful pussy shit, like that's so funny girl😭😭 like idk how ppl are so sensitive to take that so personally, like you're telling me, you walk about your day, ahitting your pants over a GENERAL TWEET doja SENT TO TO GENERAL INTERNET saying her fans are whatever?? You're telling me, you care so much about what this person who has never met you, talked to you, or seen you said about a group of ppl??? That's like me saying I hate Cheswick the 3rd... who is Cheswick the 3rd I don't fucking know he could be somebody out there never met him, what's the impact you might ask?? Absolutely nothing, I'm talking straight outta my asshole. What I'm saying doesn't matter especially in context to cheswick. Idk it's ao wild to me that ppl walk around feeling sad that doja cat doesn't love the people she has never seen and met her, and told her she's ugly, or objectified her or whatever. Like ofc that's a group of ppl only, but I get how it can get to a person. Idk this new edgy style she's going for I think is smth she's doing for herself and smth she wants to show she can break out from what her label which she obviously hated made her make lmao ppl are so simple minded and so binary with their thinking, like im not even gonna label what the reason behind her style change is cause ppl ate complex and maybe if I keep guessing I can get to the ballpark I could get it, but I'll never really get the exact reason lol cause that's smth for her lol. Ik it's like ironic to be like meeeh why are ppl blah blah blah they have sm free time to think about mee mee mee l and I'm literally writing an essay abt it. But Idk I peeped her comments and was just kinda thinking so thought I might as well rant abt it in my diary to myself. Idk I'm not pissed off or being dojas keyboard warrior cause I think she's prolly at fault for whatever bf drama is, but when it comes for being an ass online to fans, is it proffessional?? No. Do I care??? Not really it's kinda funny. Do I think she's doing this to lose fans purposefully cause she's over being a celebrity and is still under signature??? Probably. Is she doing it for press??? Yk what they say all press is good press I guess. Was that bars I just spit??? Absolutely yes. Anyways to my main point ppl are so parasocial sit ur ass down, she never lived ur ass uhhhhhh she's not going insane prolly yall sound like mothers being like what hapoened to my sweet beautiful smiling girl 😭😭 when your daughters turns emo uhm, just like idk stop being cringe its her life you dont know what's best for her lmao you don't even know her.
Anyways... deuces
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Also ps (edit)
In the song I literally linked there's a FUCKING LINE IN THE SONG THAT SAYS
Quote-> "fans ain't dumb, but extremists are"
Lol stew on that a little yall then rethink yourself
0 notes
400 Flowers
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: How does it feel to lose to an Italian group of 20 year olds, Chris? Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Måneskin because I wanted to add them, dont fight me on this i need a plot, crack fic, fluff, i still use y/n /:, google translated Italian for like one sentence, typos, jealousy, etc.
A/N: HEYA as I promised, I would make another addition to my actress!reader crack fics. because im tired grandpa. i hope yall enjoy this cos it's what ur gonna get 🤩
Also pardon my google translate Italian T_T
If you're new here, here are the said fics, which you dont have to read btw to understand this fic: Dude, She’s Just Not Into You | White Bread | The Other Guy
Here's another part cause yall wouldn't let me sleep 😴
I forgot who wanted to be tagged so im just tagging everyone from The other guy and the ones who asked to be @time-for-a-lullaby @christmaswonderworld @readsreblogsfics @marianastudiesart @r2gers @undergroundstyle @notbrooklynsblog @marc-rogers @lam0ureuxq @mickymouselol1 @kimmyevansblog @captainwans @lizamango @freyathehuntress @freshfreakoaftrash
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Watch: Y/F/N Talks About Chris Evans and Måneskin While Answering Questions From The Internet
"Hello everyone," I start by smiling and waiving. I introduce myself and what I'm doing, "and today I will be attempting to answer all the questions you have for me, gathered from the internet."
There is a cut.
"Ah," I look up, "I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered." I clarify, "well, I'm not really in the business of being obsessed anymore, I think," I sigh and shake my head, "not since my One Direction phase. But I do very much like this band.
"They're called Måneskin," I then break into a laugh, "and I had, like, a mental break down when I found out that they weren't in their 30's and were just in thier 20's," I sigh and throw my hands up, "I'm..." I give a confused look, "so old?"
There is a chorus of laughter from the staff behind the camera.
I shake my head again and sigh, "at least," I chuckle, "I will eternally younger than all of my male co-stars ever."
The chorus of laughs get louder.
Another cut.
I am now furrowing my brows over a photograph they were showing me. Said photograph is flashed on screen. It's a worms eye view of me up on stage, barely holding onto a plethora of flowers. It's a screenshot of a tweet that's captioned: where/when is this from and why are people talking about Chris Evans because of it.
"Ah," I nod, "that was taken," I puff out air from my cheeks, "I don't know when exactly, but it was during one of the nights in our two week run of Seasons In Osaka, which is a musical play I starred in.
"I can guess that this was most probably when Chris watched opening night, judging by how overwhelmed I am carrying that large bouquet I have in my arms."
Another cut.
I nod and raise a hand, "Chris Evans." I look away in thought, "I... he watched the show a total of four times," I break into laughter, "which was already excessive in and of itself, but every time he would watch, he'd bring me a bouquet of 100 roses and I would distribute it to everyone on set, the cast, the actors, the extras, the crew, the director, the musicians, the technicians, the producers. I actually did that with all my flowers, because without them I wouldn't have shone as brightly as everyone said I did, so," I shrug, "it was the least I could do.
The comment section of this video:
I'M FUCKING FERAL CHRIS EVANS BOUGHT HER 100 ROSES PER SHOW AND I TAKE SHIT FROM UGLY MEN WHAT THE FUCK [10k+ likes] >>>200 REPLIES<<< FOR REAL THO HE'S SET THE BAR SO HIGH [1.6k+ likes] REMEMBER IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD [5k+ likes] RIGHT. They are literally perfect for each other I'm sobbing. [905 likes]
Y/N having a mental breakdown over Måneskin issa mood [3.6k+ likes]
Everyone who thinks Y/L/N-Evans isn't a thing 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 [5k+ likes] >>>62 REPLIES<<< People who say they aren't together 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 [598 likes]
Chris Evans Settles Dating Rumors With Y/F/N Once And For All | CONAN on TBS
Conan leans in and sighs, "Chris, just give it to us straight."
Chris breaks into a laugh then falls into a poker face, nodding his head all serious, "yeah."
Conan looks him dead in the eyes and asks, "are you or are you not dating Y/F/N?"
Chris sighs and slaps his lap, "you know," he turns to the audience then back to Conan, "I've been answering this question for what feels like forever, and I feel like no one's listening to me."
"No, no, no, no," Conan shakes his head and his hands, "I'm listening," he motions to his side, "America is listening," the crowd cheers and Chris laughs, "we're all listening."
"Yeah but," Chris chuckles then regains composure, "I keep saying yes, but it's like you're looking for a no."
Conan protests, "well maybe if you weren't so darn confusing, Chris, this would all be behind us!"
Chris boobie grabs himself as he laughs, "you wanna hear the truth or do you wanna hear what you wanna hear?"
Conan looks at him for a moment then bursts, "I wanna hear what I want to hear and that's the truth! This is literally what Captain America stands for!"
Chris raises his hands, "I haven't handled the shield in a while."
Chris chuckles and shakes his head, "we're," he sighs, "very close friends."
Conan looks at Chris
Chris looks at Conan.
"Friends?" Conan asks.
Chris nods, raising his hands in defeat, "that's the truth."
Conan's eye twitches.
The crowd begins to boo. Chris gives a look to the audience, "really? You're going to boo me for being honest?" He clicks his tongue.
"But you- and she- and- but the-"
Chris turns to Conan, "it's okay. You'll understand when you're older."
Conan makes a face, "understand what exactly? That love is dead?!"
"Hey! I love my friends!" Chris defends for absolutely no reason, "and I love her bits and pieces, so don't be so dramatic."
"Dramatic?!" Conan shouts dramatically, "you don't love your friends, Chris."
Chris breaks into a chuckle, which morphs into a concerned look on his face, "I- uh... you don't love your friends."
"NO!" Conan shouts back, "I would sell Andy for spare change and some candy!"
Chris loses it as he turns over to Andy, who was spectating everything from the other couch and nods slowly, "it's true. He's tried."
"Aww," Chris chuckles then eventually frowns.
20 min video titled: How Måneskin Is Making Y/L/N-Evans Extremely Volatile
It all started when, *insert clip*:
"I would say my current obsession is this Italian group I encountered."
"They're called Måneskin."
... happened.
Since then, all hell has broken loose.
A clip of a red carpet event.
Måneskin is at the AMA's in their suits and the interviewer asks them, "do you guys know that you're Y/F/N's current obsession."
The group all breaks into a smiles and starts getting excited.
The only girl in the group, Victoria, replies with a wide grin, "yeah, yeah! Our fans were freaking out about it."
"I saw it on twitter," the vocalist, Damiano, says, "then," he breaks into a giddy laugh, covering his face, "I started freaking out. I ran to the other room and started telling everyone about it."
The group agrees with him.
"It's like a dream," Damiano shakes his head.
The long haired drummer, Ethan, raises a hand and chimes in, "I love her very much. She is amazing."
"I lover her too," the guitarist, Thomas, adds, smiling.
The interviewer smiles back at them and agrees along, "and I'm sure it's mutual, you guys."
Damiano then, with his mischievous lopsided grin turns to the camera and says, "I don't mind dating older or younger." He points to the camera and shoots his shot in Italian, "if you want to go out with me, call me, "se vuoi uscire con me, chiamami." He seals it off with a wink.
His members turn to him and holler.
The interviewer, living for the drama, asks, "hey, hey, what was that?"
"He asked her out," Thomas laughs.
Ethan continues, amidst his chuckling, "It's like, if she wants a date, call him."
"Yeah right," Victoria says in a scolding manner, "as if she'd go for you."
"Well," Damiano clicks his tongue, "you never know."
"Well, I'm also available," Thomas says.
Victoria knits her brows in offence then says, "me too!"
Ethan, seemingly not sure of what was going on chuckles, "me three!"
There is an argument amongst them in Italian and it's all pretty chaotic.
I'm in a sparkly, golden dress for I too am at the AMA's, smiling at an interviewer.
"You have Måneskin quite whipped for you," the interviewer says, making me laugh.
"Why? Did you talk to them, did they say anything?"
"Uh yeah!" she nods, "I just talked to them a few minutes ago they were all all shooting their shot at you. Damiano specifically asked you out in Italian."
I throw my head back in laughter, "what? How do you know that, do you speak Italian?"
"No, but I have my sources, as in their cute drummer Ethan translated for me."
I break into another laugh then fan my face, "well," I click my tongue and wiggle my brows, "I know what I'm going to be doing tonight."
A photograph of Måneskin with me in the middle. A normal photo, one with all of us with our tongues out, one where Damiano was carrying me, one with Victoria kissing my cheek.
Yeah that was the equivalent of a forest fire on the internet.
A screenshot of these tweets:
@ChrisEvans: Why is everyone telling me to learn Italian? @ChrisEvans: [replying to @ChrisEvans] I have a strong inkling it's not because my maternal grandfather is Italian...
And replies to that tweet
@pepanna: [replying to @ChrisEvans] this man literally ON the internet and still can't google? @marvelsloot: [replying to @pepanna] disappointed but not surprised
@y/nisqueen: [replying to @ChrisEvans] sir, with all due respect, if you're going to lose to anyone, maybe dont to someone half your age ☠️
@steve0ger$: [replying to @ChrisEvans] IF I DON"T SEE AN UPDATE OF YOU AND Y/N IM JUMPING INTO TRAFFIC
@teaishotloser: [replying to @ChrisEvans] ok but chris evans vs maneskin when @donttalktomerat: [replying to @teaishotloser] ngl vic could kill chris no questions @chrissleftboobie: [replying to @teaishotloser] me but chris v simu
Chris getting asked by one of the fans at a press con whilst a couch interview.
He makes a face, repeating what was asked of him, "do I have plans on marrying Y/F/N?"
The fans go absolutely livid and scream their head off.
"You guys," Chris makes a face as he grits his teeth, "wrong movie."
His costars and the audience laughs.
The director of the new film he was in says after laughing, dead serious, "answer the damn question, Evans."
Chris turns to him in shock, breaking into a laugh. He points at the woman and says, "hey, I don't like your tone."
Someone in the crowd echoes, "answer the damn question!"
Chris turns to the crowd and chuckles. He places his hands in his pants and licks his lips, "I don't like your tone."
After a moment passes, Chris eventually answers, "well," he pulls out his hand and pats his thigh, "apparently I lost to this Italian band." He pinches his nose bridge then fake cries, "it's over you guys."
A clip of someone screaming BITCH WHAT THE FUCK
A screenshot of more these news articles:
See: Chris Evans and Y/F/N Lock Lips In An Audi
It looks like they really enjoyed themselves.
Y/L/N-Evans Caught Kissing in Evan's Car
What a time to be alive.
If You Were Wondering If Y/L/N-Evans Is Real, You Have To See This
Evans and Y/L/N Confirm Their Relationship
But for real this time
Y/F/N: We've been telling everyone we've been dating.
It's time to get that betting money.
Onto literally the pettiest video on the internet, this:
"Me or Måneskin," Chris asks as he holds up a phone to my face.
I look at him, past his phone. He covers his face with his phone and whines, "Måneskin or me!!!!!"
"Why are you doing this? Where you paid to do this?"
Chris replies, "I'm trying to prove a point."
I roll my eyes, "Måneskin."
He turns the phone to him and smiles, "see, I told you!"
The comment section of this video:
HELP WHY THE HELL ARE THEY LIKE THIS [13k+ likes] >>>50 REPLIES<<< Because it's real 😌 [1k+ likes]
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benchtrio-updates · 3 years
Ranboo tweeted these!
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ID under transcript!
[START][1/2] User abbykozumee's thread.
abbykozumee: ew i just a reminder that know yall know where ranboo his. he is a bay area kid GROSS.
wthgnf: was this public knowledge or a joke /genuine.
abbykozumee: public, as a ranbo admin i would never give out any info that is not public.
ranboo: I posted the picture of the twitch building on purpose :D don’t worry Abby did nothing that I am not okay with! [END][1/2]
[START][2/2] User abbykozumee's thread.
abbykozumee: Please dont attack our sr twitch mod chai, for trying to meet up with ranboo. She was in the area and ranboo knows and is perfectly fine with it. The admins and ranboo know, please stop attacking them for something that ranboo is completely fine with :D
ranboo: Read this! Today was a big step in revealing a little bit about me and im ok with it! As long as you are respectful and you don’t try to get more info out of what I have already shown/said I’m ok with it! I’m very careful about revealing info about myself so this wasn’t a mistake
ranboo: [attached to this tweet is a screenshot that says: Yep! and also (because I have never done this kind of thing before) if you do happen to be in an area close by to where I am and you want to TRY and find me, that's ok! Just make sure you aren't weird about the way that you find out and don't try and spread where I am. This is only when I'm out in a super public place (so NOT a store or somewhere you wouldn't expect to see me) and have made it clear that I'm ok with it!]
ranboo: Just don’t try to get more specific from what I have already shown and It’s all good! [END][2/2]
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zalrb · 2 years
so i saw this tweet: question for se moots: do yall think stefan pictured elena as this innocent damsel in distress in his head and wanted her to be like that for him? i dont believe it i just need some opinions
i laughed, and wanted to share because i always find misinterpretations of stefan within SE especially funny? i know you(and we) talk about it often enough (your masterlist post where an anon said “stefan idealised elena as everything he wanted to be” or whatever still cracks me up) but i find it especially funny how there’s still a popular idea(even questioned by SErs) of stefan seeing some pure or idealised elena, a damsel… because not only is it the opposite, but the IRONY when juxtaposed with who and which relationship actually sees, treats, and makes elena into what could be considered a “damsel in distress”? like LOL it’s all there just *watch* the canon.
a) thank you for mentioning the masterlist and that i've spoken about this many times over the past seven years before speaking about the ask. i’m good with rehashing when people know it’s rehashing.
b) honestly, i've always found that the SE fandom could have more confidence in their ship, like i feel like the fandom is easily rattled by easily refutable comments.
c) people mistake Stefan not wanting Elena to fight
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with wanting her to be a damsel and that's super annoying because he didn't want her to be helpless so he could rescue her, he wanted her to not be in a position where she's attacked every other day.
The fact that Stefan doesn’t try to override her choices and that they make them together
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the fact that the two of them work together to uncover the supernatural shenanigans
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 the fact that Stefan helps Elena facilitate risky manoeuvres
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but makes sure to be there for support 
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the fact that Elena has saved Stefan
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the fact that he literally taught her how to defend herself as a vampire
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the fact that this needs to be said at all
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obviously indicates Stefan loves a self-sufficient woman.
d) i love how people gloss over that damon became under the control of a siren because he hallucinated Elena's voice crying out to him for help and he got a hard-on for needing to save her even though Bonnie was legit telling him that it wasn’t real
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I love how people are like, Damon only manhandles and threatens Elena with physical harm because he loves her and it’s the only way he can express how worried he is about her because she’s making stupid decisions and not Damon manhandles Elena because he’s trying to control her physical autonomy
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and that every time anyone tries to impede Elena’s agency, she goes around them and finds a way to do what she was always going to do anyway but without the muscle a vampire could provide,
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which Stefan knew and so he just tries to help her facilitate her choices instead of ignoring them so he can at least be there.
ANYWAY. I need people to watch the show.
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