#yall im probably paranoid or something
papercuttragedy · 3 months
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snekdood · 1 year
Idrc if you wanna find the politics in every piece of media you consume but personally i dont really care to all the time like idk. Like idk sometimes i just wanna enjoy shit w/o constantly thinking about the underlying politics or whatever? Sometimes its hard to ignore if its super rw based but still, a lot of other shit i just feel like im investing more energy into this shit than was intended for most ppl like idk. The underlying political implications of spirited away. Idk i just dont really care lol
#its a movie about an emotional journey so uh thats kinda my focus there bud#also ngl it does feel like ppl bring up this argument so they can keep coming to conclusions abt what the creator meant by whatever#when sometimes its not for that reason or not that deep. idk. i do feel like some of yall are married to being paranoid that whatever ur#consuming will somehow make you take on entirely different politics?? idk. but ill be real consuming things w not perfect politics only#really solidifies in my head that im right when i *do* actually think its worth psychoanalyzing. or maybe i end up neing wrong#in my assumptions. either way. im ok w critical thinking and then also not feel this weird need to shit on the media constantly#like i loathe family guy. some of the jokes are funny. most of the show is horrible. i dont talk about it bc i dont care.#im sorry lol like. what do you want from me#ive already thought about what about the show i dont like. its politics etc. and i dont watch it. but thats bc its kinda hard to ignore#the constantly shitting on everyone energy of the show. w other shit like idk. dora or something like?? im not spending my time#looking for the political flaws really?? probably there to learn spanish lol#ig i personally find tearing apart media all the time and finding its flaws to be like. a hobby people engage in. but they seem to see it#like as... political action..? ig i can see that being good for something like harry potter or whatever. but sometimes its like idk what u#guys fuckin want from me. you want me to analyze every fucking thing i watch always and forever? because for me the problematic and#off putting politics come off bery obviously when they come up. but as far as a lot of childrens shows go? idk. ig id be more focused#on the plot than the politics..?#ig its bc i kinda feel like... this isnt political action to analyze media all the time.......#i think a better use of your time is learning what you can actually do to change peoples minds to be more progressive personally?#ig if you do that w a piece of media often co opted by rwingers or something like that then its cool but idk#ig i worry about shit like. 'spongebob is a fascist' type takes lol. ig i dont feel like this is like... a great way to move ppl to the#left. esp since the only ppl who are gonna read your media analysis on tumblr is other leftists who already agree with you :|
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listen up y'all
what are you gonna do now that soap2day is gone? you are gonna find yourself another free site to watch things on, thats what. *how* are yall gonna do that? im gonna tell you, **as long as you have an adblocker** (if you use firefox there are a bunch of good ones ive used but currently i recommend adblocker ultimate)
1. google "watch [movie/show] for free online". a list of sites will come up. some are illegal streaming sites. some are not. you figure out which is which mostly by clicking on them
2. if nothing useful comes up, scroll to the bottom of the page. check page 2 of google search results
3. if *that* doesnt work, scroll back to the bottom of page 1. therell probably be some bs disclaimer about them removing search results because of copyright claims, and itll provide a list of the complaints. click on one of these complaints
4. after being taken to the complaint page, scroll down to where it says "allegedly infringing urls" and copy+paste those urls, one by one, to see if any work. in all likelihood one or two will but most wont. rinse and repeat with each "complaint" link until you find one that works and doesnt seem likely to take control of your computer or something
5. when youve found a site, dont go blasting its name all over the internet, for the same reason im not just *telling* you the sites *i* use. yeah, share it with your friends and family, but you dont want to draw more attention to it. this might just be me being a bit paranoid but whatever
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apostate-angels · 2 months
decided to do headcannons instead of a full fic because im lazy as fuck. this is super self indulgent but yall asked for it. also sorry for weird formatting, i couldnt be bothered writing this on my computer
Harvey x FtM Farmer
- Honestly? You don't even have to ask him to help you do your injections. When you tell him you do them at home, he practically jumps at the opportunity to help. (Only because he is a generous doctor, not because he wants to get closer to you, of course!)
- Before you marry him, he insists on only doing your injections in his clinic. Poor guy is so happy you trust him with this and is SO paranoid about infections.
- He honestly makes it a sweet little routine. If you do your injections in the morning before you get to all the farm work, he is waking up early to make you a nutritious breakfast and get you some water before he sits you down.
- If you do your injections at night, he makes sure it is after a nice shower so you aren't as tense after farming.
- Either way, he is so gentle. He walks you through every single step no matter how many time it has been done.
- "Alright my love, take a deep breath in for me. I'm about to poke you so just relax." type shit.
- 10000% keeps silly bandaids around the house that are always geared to your interests, no matter how childlike they are. Superhero bandaids, Bluey bandaids, or just bandaids with fun patterns. He loves seeing you smile when you see which one he picked for the day!
- Honestly, he probably ends up getting your prescription at some point so you don't have to take the bus out to Zuzu city as often. Stays super on top of ordering everything you need so you never run out.
- Once you have the bandaid on, he makes you sit and stay with him for a couple of minutes, he says it is to make sure you don't have a bad reaction but really he just likes being around you.
- Rubs your injection spot, always. Man straight up drags you over to him just so he can rub your thighs and tell you how proud of you he is.
- If you are scared of needles, he figures out a way to work around it. Always tells you when he is switching needles so you can look away if need be. If you get really scared he gets you something to fidget with.
- Generally gives you prince treatment, he does not want you to lift a finger at all!
damn this was unorganized as hell, and late to post 💀 i got caught up with school and work. also my first time writing something in a hot moment but i NEEDED to make something about this because the brainrot
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
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Look at the pictures, Close your eyes & take a couple deep breaths. Open your eyes and choose. If you can't choose a pile this may not be the reading for you!
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Attention ❗ ( this reading will not be for everybody!)
Hey ya'll! I wanted to make a Tarot reading channeling the planets. Originally This was supposed to be just Neptune.... but spirit said not right now. So instead they told me to do the luminaries & pluto. Idk why these specifically. Pluto did just move into aqaurius so i understand pluto but the sun & the moon are probably the divine feminine & masculines. Depending on which pile you pick will tell a lot about the energy you are. But it's alot with karmic issues & divine unions. I'm also picking up on venus energy as well. Ik venus is finishing up her flower. So maybe I'll just do a channeling venus next for the Twins/ soulmates out there. It won't be a pac just a collective read. I want those of you who are in these type of dynamics to understand your purpose & what it means when you come across certain omens etc. I'm sure your spirit team as well will help you to understand. I just feel called to speak on it. Alright enough of my rambling! As always enjoy! (444 as I was typing this)
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• ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆ . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊° .☆. • ☆ . ° • ☆ . ° .•°*₊° .☆ .
Pile 1:
Tarot: 3 of swords, 7 of cups, 2 of wands, 6 of pentacles, The Empress & The Emperor
Runes: Ehwaz- horse, transportation, partnership; Nauthiz- Need, necessity, hardship; Tiwaz-honor, justice, leadership, authority
Extra Messages: virgin,fated,water,dancing/music
Oracle: jump in, karmic relationships, surrender to the sweetness
Moonology- full moon in cancer, New moon in aqaurius, full moon in aqaurius
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Messages from the moon:
If you chose this pile you are heavily connected to Lunar & water life energy. The moon is saying something about relationships. You have went through a break up that left you feeling confused. You may have had bad luck in love & receiving dreams about this. With the 2 of wands & 6 of pentacles I'm really getting that you're going to come together with a person. You guys may explore the world together and give charity or just really help people. So I pull my cards/runes as I'm writing. If you look above you'll see the runes you got and they match up perfectly with what I just said. You & this person may travel. You both may be very powerful & earlier I wanted to say you gave me power couple vibes. But there may be some type of misunderstanding that's going on here and the moon may be sending you dreams to understand this. But there's like a need for your two to be together. This is karmic and Fated. You may be new to relationships and things like that. Moon wants you to open up. You may be a dancer as well ik that's random but your energy kept pulling song cards. You and this person may have not had s*x yet and your scared of that but again moon is helping you to open up. You may have really gotten hurt before or your scared of this person hurting you again. You should connect with water as well. You may have moon-venus,moon-Uranus, or moon in aquarius, cancer, taurus/libra. Yall may be traveling out the country soon as well because I just heard, "visa". I can't get over this 3 of swords & 7 of cups energy so I'm gonna pull some more...... ok so I pulled the world card & the 3 of wands wanted to come out. I getting maybe your scared/paranoid to travel. Maybe it's with the person. I think you might have social anxiety and the moon wants you to show the real you. Whatever issues you have will come to a close. The moon wants you to bring love onto your situation & freely show yourself. Be vulnerable. You could also be afraid of large bodies of water. I'm also getting that your beautiful. (I mean you did pull the empress so ofc) your uniqueness is pulled to the front. I feel like yall have like Lunar and Uranian energy heavily in your chart maybe even venusian. It's kinda crazy because Im not getting much on your person they may be moving really slow towards you. They could even be long distance or live overseas and your scared to take a leap of faith to go see them. I'm really getting your protected tho. Yeah there's definitely some type of wedge that's driving yall apart but your going to come together. It's really something with travel but this issue will be fixed. There may even be a certain lesson you have to learn about letting go & be OK with change. Don't stay stuck in one spot because your scared. Alright bye pile 1!
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Pile 2:
Runes: Mannaz- Mankind,Divine structures, mind, learning,memory; Peorth- unknowable, luck, chance, fate, divine intervention, ancestry memories, feminine, destiny; Ansuz- ancestors, ancestral knowledge, God/gods, communication, omens; Thurisaz- regeneration, chaos & power, protection, violence
Tarot: Knight of Wands, 8 of wands, 2 of cups, Queen of Pentacles, The lovers, The judgement card
Oracle: Star Family- you're apart of a team of souls call in support; Portal- doors are opening. you decide. Rewards. Wild card; The Great Severing- mars energy, anger, conflict, softening to love
Moonology- full moon in libra New moon in aqaurius
Extra messages: Past Lives, My Soul Evolves, Countertop,Yin-yang
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Hey to my plutonian pile!!
If you chose this pile 222 & 88 could be important numbers to you. So before I even pulled anything I started singing London Bridge by Twenty88. Maybe if you fell off it would be really bad for someone/ something. Maybe pluto is really taking you through a destruction moment. Perhaps something is coming to an end? Let's pull to see!
Ok so basically from these cards I'm getting that your ancestors could have built some type of mystery school. There are definitely assisting you in your path. It's funny we are talking about past life's because plutonian energy does rule over death. And old memories. So maybe you remember your past life. Your waking up to what you used to be to help you in the present. They always say "know where you come from so you can know where you are going". There is definitely love invovled. You and your person text or talk alot. Definitely a divine union because we have two of cups, the lovers and the judgement card. The judgement card to me in this scenario is saying that you both are waking up to remember something. You could be getting alot of messages from source. A lot of the runes are saying the same thing. This is something that is Fated and has to happen. You are protected by pluto and if anybody messes with you they gone kick they a$$. I really just heard that. You may teach mankind some type of ancient knowledge. Maybe you were a queen in your past life as well. So yeah I just pulled two extras and we have the empress and death. And with that London Bridge song the catch phrase,' the London Bridge is fallen" means the queen has fallen. So maybe you were killed in a past life by someone. You were definitely a queen and I feel like you feel this energy in the present. You have very strong energy. Maybe someone was jealous of you and your partner.
Wow yall I didn't even need to pull oracle because it's just confirmation. You have support when it comes to your spirit team and ancestors. They are opening doors for you on the other side. All you have to do is tell them and they're willing to ride and do it. The last Oracle card you pulled was mars energy and that's funny because scorpio is originally ruled by mars. But again with this jealousy and violent energy. Someone definitely was jealous of you in your past life. As for your person they may have been a little bit of a hot head. You were the queen of pentacles & the empress so you were very powerful . You had a lot of earth energy & connected to Gaia.
Something in summer could happen for you. This summer you may go through a transformation. But pluto is evolving you into a even stronger energy. If you don't remember certain past life memories you will start to get them back. You & this person are divine counterparts. I really feel like you & this person have already met in this lifetime so this is confirmation if you feel like you know them. They were like the other half to you literally. Yall may be building a house or something like that as well. Or your going back to a house from your ancestral lineage and seeing the countertop and you like it. Ik thats specific but thats only for a few of you! Also your ancestors or your family now may have a stone/rock business maybe they were into architecture. You guys may be being spied on as well. Thank you for reading pile 2! I hope this resonated for you!
Pile 3:
Tarot: The Emperor, ace of swords, the empress,9 of cups, knight of cups,3 of swords, knight of wands, the tower
Oracle: Double mission- lightworker & starseex ; Deep cellular healing, The seas of mintaka- seeing potential bringing unconsciousness to light.
Moonology- full moon in cancer, full moon in saggitarius, New moon in cancer
Extra messages: sweet, hit different, angel for them but for me you a hoe
Runes: Berkana- mother earth, birth, fertility, growth; Fehu- wealth, property, new begginnings, luck; Jera- harvest, year, patience, harmony, abundant
Heyyy pile 3! Ya'll are my solar pile! So before I pulled your cards I was hearing at your best you are love by Aaliyah. You are like sunlight for somebody. I just heard, "thank you" so maybe you really help people out. You really are the sun. The sun is giving you the light to light the world & spread love. Let's pull some cards now....
Now I'm hearing Ja Ara É by Burna Boy. This song really just sounds happy to me. But go give that a listen.
Ok so yall literally got almost the same cards as pile. I shuffled these card atleast twice before I even getting to this pile. So ik it's not me. Even the same Oracle wanted to come out and for the moon cards there was one card that is the same as pile 1. So yall are traveling somewhere. I'm getting like maybe moving somewhere far away. With the emperor I'm getting maybe this is a masculine energy watching this pile. Idk but if your a masculine and you have a DF her energy was in pile 1 and for some reason I really couldn't get much on you the masculine energy. So maybe this is the other half of pile 1! You may be wanting to talk to a feminine enrgy. Maybe you said some hurtful things and you want to make her feel better. Or maybe there is this mental understanding between the two of you to try something new and heal together. I'm seeing that this will be beneficial and make the both of you happy. You could be sending the feminine energy words of love & healing. Yall literally may be traveling to see one another. I'm getting one of yall are fast and the other one is slow. The 3 of swords and the tower tells me that there was some type of break up that happened abruptly. I think you are now coming back together and building. There's a new begginning between the two of you and there's a lot of abundance surrounding this connection. I get the feeling that the emperor is the empress sun like the emperor lights up her being but when the emperor is mean the empress isn't happy. You may have broken up to find yourself and not be so attached. I keep getting water energy so maybe yall are very connected to water. The empress is very sweet. The empress may actually be pregnant the more I look at these cards. Alrighty pile 3! I really didn't get much but I think this was just a wrap up of pile 1 from a different perspective. I hope this resonated!
Catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time!
~𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕!
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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sqepfray · 2 years
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♤My view on Mugman
CAN WE JUST- Can we just acknowledge something for a second. Yall probably have acknowledged this but I just wanna mention:
Mugman is so much more protective, paranoid, anxious and just generally more tired in s1b that he gives up on Cuphead more easily. I mean he still tries to keep Cuphead out of danger but he doesn't try as hard as he used to in season 1. He also acknowledges almost everything as danger now probably cus of some trauma with the Devil and going to prison etc.
Also I literally cannot remember Mugman having like an actual good time in season 2, he was literally just anxious, angry, upset etc most of the time. Like I can remember so many times Mugman was happy in season 1.
Also Mugman is easier to snap in season 2, both in sadness and anger. He literally cries in almost all of the episodes and is almost always angry and have been going to doing irrational things more often.
So my view is, Mugman has gone through some actual character development and he's now just so damn tired with Cuphead's shenanigans that he doesn't even care what cuphead do most of the time anymore. I mean he still cares inside but he doesn't show it as much as in Season 1. Mugman just let's cuphead do whatever which really shows Mugman just needs a break. It's sad to admit that he really is just tired of Cuphead's mischief
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♢My view on Cuphead
Mugman asides, do you guys think the reason Cuphead is so much more chaotic and troublesome in season 2 is because he's trying really hard to push all his negative emotions aside by replacing it with "fun times" like he literally looks for fun every second. Or maybe he's just being a mischievous dumbass that he always is. But he really does acts more chaotic and careless in season 2.
I mean at least he shows some character in season 1 but in season 2 he was just a mess. He was acting more childish. I'm probably looking into this too deep but I really feel like Cuphead was acting more irrational and careless in season 2. I mean it's Cuphead its no surprise and it's a comedy/kid show so it's normal for a character to just mess around 24/7
Tho despite his carelessness and how pissed I was with him in the episode "Another Brother" and the "Piano Lesson" episode. He does still show some care for Mugman which I really appreciate but he still never listens to Mugman. I hope he makes up to all the things he's done. I mean i know he's like a character that's not very aware of people's feelings etc but please can you at least give your bro a hug 😭😭😭 you've made him gone through so much I'm begging you cuphead 😭😭 I thought you were the one that should be traumatised cus your soul could be taken any moment but Mugman seems more traumatised than you 😭😭
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Anyway this was just me ranting about the second season of TCS. Feel free to comment your thoughts :) also this meant no harm, I'm not hating on the writers or the characters this was just me putting my view on their behaviours.
I genuinely enjoyed the second season and I fucking love how assertive Mugman is in the second season AND IM SO MAD THEY LEFT US ON A CLIFFHANGER I LITERALLY GASPED SO LOUD WHEN THE CREDITS ROLLED I WAS LIKE "NO FUCKING WAY THEY JUST DID ME LIKE THAT" I WAS SO IN DENIAL 😭😭😭 anyway I can't wait for the third season and please continue to support them so we can see more of these precious cups :))
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malka-lisitsa · 4 months
What's it like dating Katherine?
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I'm so glad that you asked!
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I see a LOT of 'Dating Katherine would consist of-" Posts and they're all so romanticized its so unrealistic!!! So let me tell you what dating Katherine is ACTUALLY LIKE, because she is NOT an easy person to be with!
Now quick disclaimer here- this doesn't mean she isn't a good person to date and that it's all bad. It's NOT and I will definitely list the entire spectrum here good and bad- but Katherine is not for the faint of heart and if yall want to fantasize about what dating her would be like you need the real guide book.
SO here's what dating Katherine Pierce would be like.
Katherine is BPD this is a terrible condition that affects her ability to maintain relationships especially.
Paranoid delusions are v common, Katherine has incredible trust issues already (can you blame her) so paired up with paranoia she would be very suspicious at completely random times. One day she could be completely ok with x person being around you and then the next day she could be so insecure and jealous bc her head has convinced her that you are in fact cheating on her.
Katherine's rapid mood swings? Not cute! :D She can go from fine, to white hot rage in a split second and then if you blink shes sobbing! WHY? SHE DOESN'T FUCKING KNOW!! And to top it all off!! She doesn't know what to do with herself when she has these mood swings! Could be anything from isolation, to being needy, or even lashing out randomly! Its a surprise for EVERYONE INVOLVED!!
Picking fights! Legitimate fights out of nowhere! Why? Bc abandonment issues! You're gonna leave her anyway why shouldn't she be in control of that right? She will push you away viciously!! The guess what?? After that episode is over she will try to smooth it over and pull you back because she doesnt actually want to lose you- shes just SCARED and has zero emotional regulation!
She will TEST YOU CONSTANTLY and you will never know, you will never be trained, or given a guide you are expected to know what the right thing to do with/for her is and if you DONT- FIGHT. This is super common in BPD, these tests and theyre almost ALWAYS unreasonable, again bc if you fail the test she gets to pick a fight and rationalize you dont actually care about her and she should push you away before you hurt her.
Intense emotions! My GOD lets not forget that she not only feels things vampire intense but she feels them BPD intense ON TOP OF THAT. SHE WILL BE UNREASONABLE. OFTEN. IT IS NOT HER FAULT. She literally has no control over it. She is not logical when triggered it is ALL emotional lizard brain. If you push her she will bite you- no middle ground.
She will get scared, and she will most likely try to run, or push you away. Anyone who can reach you, can hurt you- and Katherine has a built in warning system when someone starts to get close enough they can actually hurt her- the the instinct to sabotage that relationship kicks in.
Katherine is an impulsive liar. You will be lied to. Probably over the stupidest shit like 'we're out of nuggets' so you pick her up something else on the way home. Also probably about important shit. Katherine's most common lie is 'im fine'
Katherine is POSSESSIVE and she is NOT shy about it either. Reactions can vary from some heavy PDA to actual violence...
Dating Katherine is dealing with her insomnia. It's dealing with her waking up screaming, or in tears. It's having her climb in your lap to sleep because she needs to feel safe. Remember this girl has been HUNTED and FUCKED WITH for 500 YEARS. SAFE is never a default feeling for her. She is ALWAYS in fight or flight mode and it's EXHAUSTING when your brain keeps telling you 'cant sleep now there are enemies near by'
Dating Katherine is never knowing whats going on in her head because she wont tell you. You need to learn her very subtle language she communicates in to understand her mental state.
its katherine having very little emotional maturity, and lashing out at the first sign of rejection or criticism. Its Katherine having black and white thinking NO grey area.
Its learning a whole new dialect just to be able to understand what she actually means when she says or does certain things.
But it's also katherine routinely playing games with you. Random games of tag. Making up new rules youve never heard of in checkers that she swears are legit she learned them in mexico. Its secretly throwing games sometimes so she can win and you get to keep playing that game...
Its her snooping through your stuff to get to know you, because while she could just ask, she needs enrichment and snooping is very fun for her.
Its her plopping herself down next to you because she just wants to be around you (even if its picking a fight for attention)
It's her head on your chest as she listens to your heart beat and falls asleep on you.
Its seeing the way she looks at you, with a love so powerful you cant even imagine what it feels like.
its her doing little things to express that she loves you. Thes things vary from doing a chore, to leaving you a present, kissing you randomly, asking to cuddle and watch a movie- its a wide variety she uses to express herself with.
its her asking you to watch videos with her or read to her.
it's finding out all of the little details she knows about you, all the tiny stuff most people don't notice, that she has learned and even likes about you.
its her cooking you one of her 4 known and perfected dishes randomly.
its quiet evenings of just existing in each others company as you do whatever
its play fighting, that turns into a make out session.
its mind blowing sex tbh
Its being loved with a love that was more than love-
its waking up next to this beautifully complex creature and knowing she picked you.
Nah, dating Katherine is not a walk in the park. It takes a very special and dedicated person with a lot of courage to handle this girl. It takes someone with patience. Someone with determination, and the ability to love her at her absolute worst. It takes someone willing to UNDERSTAND that she is not always in control of her behaviors. That she is just as fed up and scared and done with the way shes acting, but shes TRAPPED on the inside of her own head just WATCHING herself tear shit apart and she cant do ANYTHING to stop it.
It takes someone willing to meet her aggression with a gentle hand. It takes someone who will reassure her constantly that they love her and want her. It takes someone who understands that she needs special treatment most people would deem unreasonable or entitled. It's a toxic relationship until you learn the cheat codes to bypass her defense mechanisms. It takes time and dedication. So if you're thinking all of that sounds toxic and terrible, then you honestly don't deserve all the good, all the light she can be when handled properly.
Katherine is a girl who loves harder than most people could even imagine. She's dedicated. Shes smart. Shes a wonderful charismatic person- but she is DAMAGED and requires special care- so if you cant handle the care needs for an exotic animal, it's best you just visit every now and then and let someone whos willing to put in the effort, reap the immense benefits. Dating Katherine, LOVING KATHERINE- it isnt EASY.... but it's WORTH IT.
I'm sure I missed a few things for good AND bad but honestly you get the jist.
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soyeonsbabygirl · 4 months
Sir yapsalot is back 🤓
I think fnaf makes up what they lack in actual scare factors, with stress & anxiety factors—that are mostly effective for the first two nights 💀
Like in fnaf 2 with the alarm that goes off whenever something’s in front of you or in the vents. That’s gonna be really stressful when you don’t have any idea why it’s happening, and even when you do, you know that you have to be ready to avoid death when that sound plays, so it becomes more helpful than stressful. It’s like Freddy’s laugh in Fnaf 1, if you’re just playing and haven’t figured out that he laughs whenever he moves and that it’s really supposed to help you, you’re gonna be stressed about who the hell this making (actually kinda fucking creepy) laugh and WHY they’re doing it.
nowadays even someone who’s never touched fnaf 2 or any fnaf game probably wouldn’t be that scared considering the alarm’s been made a meme 😭
Now in the later/custom nights the usefulness of the alarm isn’t in your favor anymore because of how much is going on, you’re going to be hearing that through nearly the entire night. And even now that it’s not scary anymore like it was on the first night, it’s still not a joyous tune, right? And, assuming players are keeping their volume up to hear sound cues, it’s fairly loud too. Loud noises activate our body’s stress response, which releases adrenaline, and that can make you more focused and can be used in your favor, but, again, there’s a lot of shit that’s happening (fnaf 2 has 11 animatronics). So it’s really a double ended blade.
But the regular office ambiance is also made to be stressful, so the alarm would just pile onto that. Like a muddy soup of things that are supposed to intentionally stress you out and immerse you more.
Now, I don’t have an opinion about which game has the scariest jumpscares, I mean, it sure as hell isn’t pizza sim or fnaf 3 (the hallucinations get better scares than springtrap 💀). I’m a little bitch baby, so they’re all bound to get at least a jump out of me 🥲 but I have an opinion, that Im sure tons of people won’t agree with just because of all the other extremely non-scary aspects of this game, on which one has the most anxiety-inducing jumpscares :p
Yeah.. Security Breach—now just HEAR ME OUT!! SB has one thing no other fnaf game fully has, free-roam. Meaning, when you get spotted, you can get chased, and for a lot of people, being chased is just instant fight or flight whether they’re being chased by a friend or a stranger. Also the fact that you might lose a shit ton of progress is so 😭
Oh god… yall rlly don’t want to encourage me to talk abt my interests 😭
- Sjar <3 (this is attractive?)
I loved playing it (I loveddd Roxy!!) but I was so paranoid that I would get caught EVERY SINGLE TIME! I didn’t really like the second part of it though, that was vv disappointing to me.
Yes it’s vv attractive when you talk abt your interests and yap to me i love it 🩷🩷
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cogbreath · 5 months
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vent below idk what image to give to make it worth your while have geeked up spongebob sparkle
7 in the goddamn morning that family is YELLING YELLING. and by that i mean my. but i dont want to really be a part of it. not like they treat me like one anyway. really. except my mom. but when shit like this goes down im basically invisible. maybe its for the better that way. but i dunno. having to see that shit go down. really effects me still. i can enjoy watching nasty fights on reality tv and shit but this stuff isnt enjoyable. cuz like. well i live with these people and shit. whatever. point is. starts making some alters really freak out. i dont even really disagree with the ones who start feeling violent about it. if killing an abuser didnt land u in prison 4 life basically i dont think we'd even be dealing with this shit. probably cruel to say. but really whats cruel is someone who does this shit to people for 20 odd years. can i blame them at all for thinking that when we r like a caged animal who cant fidn a way out i really cant
itsnfine dont worey i wont let things come to that point. but ifnsomehow they do i guess my point that well you all know i tried ans you all know that the fucker had it coming and i will try to figure out how to fit a phone up my hole in prison ans i'll keep blogging as long as none of yall snitch
^ none of yall better act like thats something serious im being a bit funny but honestly i do think this site is pro killing your abuser more than other sites at least on the hypothetical level which helps becuse a lot of you won't disagree with us feeling that way
id love to do it but i wont because i've talked about it and alluded to it more than enough to warrant premeditation charge, and i wouldn't be able to feign innocence to hide it for the rest of my life and id always be paranoid about it so its not worth the mental weight either
i used to worry a lot that he would snap and kill me and mama
i guess it could still happen but i dont feel as scared about it as i used to.
maybe because i feel that im old enough to maybe stop it or at least be really hard to accomplish
this will all mean nothing when i forget about it mostly in a few hours
actually i'll be going to sleep in a few hours
since my schedule is literally the opposite of this family because i need time to myself
hopefully my dreams will be kind to me
i was really upset yesterday because i had a vivid dream where i was being affectionate and romantic with a guy who committed rape on me
woke up super disgusted and went back to sleep until 6 pm about it to get a better dream
does anyone on here care if i call it that if it wasnt violently penetrstive?
to me its a gross criteria plus what are you supposed to call someone who did less that that
point is i hsted the dream
all my dreams are vivid
many of them are lucid which is lovely
when they arent lucid though sometimes its awful but still its very vivid and all felt as real as life
this isnt really relevant anymore
right now i kind of feel nothing but my tummy hurts a lot
love you guys
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sanslover6969 · 8 months
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so i havent thought of a name yet for the au BUT,
basically the sans in this au doesn't have a papyrus, this is because he was the original and successful creation, he still doesn't have a bunch hp (5hp) because of his magic being unstable and can cause him harm, his magic is consisted of blood, so whenever hes fighting the magic he uses is from his blood and others blood he can manipulate, he still has all the same original magic, but everything is made out of blood, his or not. he can still teleport yadda yadda, but his specialty is in blood manipulation, the vial around his neck is a type of magical blood that gaster (creator) gave to him a long time ago [barely uses it due to aftereffects]. everyone either calls him "B" or "vamp" mostly a pun because of his blood manipulation, this is due to also being able to intake blood by eating it [he will never admit it but he likes the taste].
during his early adolesence, gaster taught him about science and physics, as well as biology and cells, he took to it like a fish to water, during these periodic moments, sans didnt notice that his creator was slowly planning something for him, on his 12th birthday [june 25th] gaster taught him about blood manipulation, sans did not understand why but studied it anyway, 5 days after gaster started to start doing small tests that gradually over time turned more intense. at first he would inject blood into sans during trials, then started adding dt into the blood mixture, the process was agonizing, gaster slowly built up his magic, while sans deceasingly lost his mind, the trials abruptly stopped when he was 22, he had almost full control over his ability, gaster was working on the core but during one of his experiments crashed the magical levels of the core and it self destructed, sans and only a few other monsters survived, sans was devastated, he never loved his father/creator but felt absolitely horrible for the other monsters.
[nightmares squad]
all the negative energy that came off the survivors led nightmare and his crew to their au, sans in his delusional state met them, at first he was paranoid but over time eased and healed, making jokes with killer, annoyimg nightmare until he thwapped his with his magic, and harrassing fell whenever he was near their headquarters, nightmare offered him a position in the squad over time but sans refused stating "you guys are cool and all but im "bloody" tired", nightmare and the crew understood but always offered a way in if he decided later on,
[omega timeline]
after that escapade echo firisk met up with him/popped out of no where and scared the crap out of him, brought him to the omega timeline where other au's lost their home, classic usually visited, and as they shared puns they quickly befriended eachother, he mostly hangs out there but also enjoys watching undernovela with error.
one day when sans/B was messing around with his magic, due to uts unstability he was able to cross into different au's and voids, this is where he discovered the white void where he saw a glitchy monster twin that was freaking out over undernovela, B sat next to him and started watching it, quickly freaking out as well over the ~drama~ . most days he will randomly poke error [error doesn't really freak out unless its too much] or watching undernovela, he also likes to pop up behind him and scare him, they pretty chill
erm... so that was alot. i'll probably add more on later but this is what i got so far, PLEASE IF YALL HAVE ANY IDEAS OR QUESTIONS COMMENT THEM I AM HORRIBLE WITH STORY MAKING.
also theres prob a lot of typos because i cant type for shit
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
sorry for sending a ask when you're so overloaded :,) i keep thinking about that post asking about humankin bio animals .
i follow multiple accounts on tiktok (i know) of "talking dogs", or dogs who communicate on some level with buttons . there's one account of a dog named bunny , one of the repeated dilemmas with bunny is that she either sees herself as human or can't understand the difference between human and dog . i really wanted your input on this !! ill link some of her videos where she "talks" about humans or identifies her mom/herself as a human and vice versa:
video one
video two
video three
would love your opinion on this , i think its really interesting!!
YES ive been wanting to talk about my specific experiences and feelings like this, as a dog, for SO LONG. YES!! I LOVE YOU ANON!!
also -- i follow bunny actually!! i have been for like 2 years now? i've heard people dispute the way she communicates as being a well-trained dog (and not actually talking on her own)... i'm not smart enough to know whether or not she's actually just well trained or speaking for herself, but i suspect she's speaking for herself mostly... and i'll also be answering based off that
anyways. before i continue i just want yall to understand something: we (dogs) don't experience existential feeling. at least, not the same way humans do. existential feeling as a dog is more like "huh, cool" rather than a... paranoid or weirded out feeling. when the recent NASA photos came out of all the galaxies or whatever, i've seen a lot of humans say things like "wow, really makes you think about how small and inconsequential we are." and like... yeah, so? it's not really that big of a deal, i dont get the hype lol. when Bunny's asking what she is (video two, "Bunny dog what?" and video three, "Dog why?") it's not an existential question like, "what does it truly mean to be a dog? what is canidkind?" like her owner's response somewhat implies. Bunny's kind of in a hard place because she's sort of the epitome of being anthromorphized which is a pretty dangerous spot to be put in... the things she does are often compared to human experiences... when they should be treated as individual because she's not human. when Bunny's communicating, i suggest removing yourself as a human looking in, and instead just understand that she's still not human even if she's now part of human culture
also... dogs dont experience identity the same way humans do whatsoever. i'd say im an exception but even then i dont really use labels the same way other people do so i'm not sure where i am on this as a dog
infact, its not that deep at all. heres my theories as to why she's asking:
bunny doesnt view herself as a different person from her owner or her dog friend (babies up to... 3 years old? do this with their parents. after that the consciousness kicks in)
bunny's not asking what we think she's asking at all (her brain isn't human so she could be asking about something that's eldritch to humans but not to dogs)
her buttons are still limited compared to human vocabulary, and she's probably unable to actually express what she actually means (she could mean "why is a human friends with a dog? where am i on a hierarchy compared to you/do we have a hierarchy? why are you different from me/are you different from me?")
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shallowrambles · 1 year
Now yall got me thinking about human cas lol
And im not opposed-- i just would like to see him struggle
I think he would struggle doing hobbies that serve no Purpose (even gardening and all that); he's something of a utilitarian who likes to serve a cause for a purpose; think habitat for humanity over a private little tomato garden or something kitschy)
Restlessness would probably feature, even if Cas was getting regular feeding and sex; ofc if dean was involved, this could trigger major anxiety that he's not Enough; Dean already tends toward being paranoid of danger and fearful of the other shoe dropping
Yeah... Purpose is gonna be an issue
Cas tends to veer b/t sloth (tv) and overdoing purpose/causes so...
Whereas dean IS human and instinctually nests and loves food and music
I think both would tend towards hypervigilance
But this is about human cas specifically: cas values being strong and being able to protect his flock so he would have issues even during marital "bliss"
although he admires the ability for to shift from toughness to tenderness and compassion; that's more his attraction and trying to embody that
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yall wanna know the emotional rollercoaster ive been on today?
-best friend that i literally have spoken to every day since august, and since we've met and started hanging out there have been a total of 16 days we haven't seen each other face to face, is sick with a minor infection
-subnote: said best friend is also the only person to consistently not only touch me (cough cough touch starvation), but talk to me too
-spend all day home alone
-dnd got cancelled today while waiting for more people to arrive for dnd (didnt happen)
-spent an hour making a oneshot for it to be shot down for a 2 hour compilation video
-really touchy about isolation and being ignored and already wasnt doing good so i end up "hiding in plain sight" aka headphones and computer
-they finally interact by standing riiiight behind me and making me flip the fuck out before leaving for albertsons, which they know i wont do bc im not walking in the fucking cold (cold sensitive ;-;)
-end up talking a little to my best friend on the phone, who tells me im probably overreacting (which yea i know i was)
-on the phone call i start to do this thing that i do when i want people to think im not worth being around and get really angry and upset about it
-i get told by my best friend that im paranoid and scared about people not liking me, and i cant trust that they do (true)
-he tells me that he loves me, he loves being around me, and that if he wasn't sick he'd be there
-the people come back, i hang up and i drive everyone home (im the only one who can drive out of the whole group), and go home
-immediately feel better, get to talk to my parents a little bit, vent a little and get advice from people much older (while my best friend is in his mid 20s, my parents are 45+)
-realize that while i do like having someone who can look at me overreacting and tell me that i am, when im in a depressed/manic overreaction to something i have very very touchy trauma with, i need someone to also recognize that there is a very very real reason that im feeling so panicked and upset and reclusive and the best thing i can do is try and put everything objectively
-turns out my mom's whole classroom (that i volunteer in) made me a card saying that they loved having me around (how on point)
-i get 7 papers done in 3 hours and finish my first college semester
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
jino insufferable history class vampire UR SO RIGHT okay but we assume that they Have been in the world for a good while and if the orphanage let them have newspapers (according to webnovel *gags a little* they did have ~classes~ of some sort) the guys Might have some knowledge of things just through current events and stuff. which would be hilarious. i’m also starting to get a fun sense of the dark moon moral compass with jaan at one far end and jino and shion on the other. one end being cautious and paranoid and the other being “🤣🤣 fuck it !” and you know what i see it and i vibe
no yeah sooha would be a great foil to solon especially since being immortal/with your brothers for centuries is kind of . a static way to live. they probably have this mentality of “this is how we are and how we’ve always been and how we always will be” because of their immortality and experiences. sooha shows them they can still Change and they don’t have to stay static forever. being immortal doesn’t mean you can’t still grow along the way
- vrvr anon
honestly i Love the concept of immortals using their age/immortality to be like "smh yall are teaching it wrong believe me i was THERE" whether or not they ACTUALLY know the truth lmao. or just immortals using their immortality to fuck around in general.
NOT THE GAGGING HSFJGDJHFJ but yeah-- and now the thought of the orphanage giving them newspapers and such to keep up with current events and keep up the illusion of normalcy in the orphanage ALSO makes me think. well the vampires probably have a few possessions theyve collected over the years that are priceless antiques now just because of how old they are. like imagine they happen across an appraiser or a historian or something and they just LOSE IT because "holy shit that watch is worth hundreds of dollars i havent seen one like that in so long where did you get it?!?!" and jino just has to he like "HAHA I GOT IT FROM MY GRANDFATHER,,," even though he knows FULL WELL he bought and/or pickpocketed it from someone himself some time in the mid-eighteenth century.
also you know that thing with vampires going to museums and finding belongings of theres? imagine the guys going to a museum and seeing, like, an entire exhibit made out of the salvaged remains of one of their hideouts from the 1940s. they're all yelling at each other (telepathically, because revealing that you're immortal in a public setting where anyone can hear is probably not the best idea) "HEY WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS MY JOURNAL WHY DID Y- oh thank god it was burned in a fire when they found it" "your journal?!? bitch they have the fucking sKETCHES I DID OF THAT ONE RANDOM HOT GUY FROM THAT CAFE IN 1934, THEY CAUGHT ME BEING A CREEP IN 4K--" "is that my tOOTHBRUSH are you ACTUALLY kidding me--" "THATS where i left that necktie!" the possibilities are endless lmao.
yeah the moral compass-- jino and shion are definitely on the "🤣🤣 fuck it" side of the spectrum, while jaan, solon, and maybe jakah are more on the cautious/paranoid side. heli i feel like is kind of in the middle, where he's constantly some level of worried about them being found out and tracked by the orphanage, but he also likes to see his brothers have fun and doesn't see the harm in a few shenanigans here and there.
YEAH LMAO. and now im just picturing the decelis faculty watching all these reports of nightmare-inducing school cryptids roll in like "how much is too much,,,"
okay but honestly speaking i have a Lot of feelings about how immortality changes the way people (or... NOT-people, as the case may be) exist and change and view themselves. living for that long, especially if you stay disconnected from the rest of humanity like the vampires evidently have been, probably makes you pretty detached from reality—it can create an "us" vs "them" mentality of sorts; the mortals, with their short, fleeting lives where everything goes so fast and they're constantly changing to keep up with it, and then us, the immortals, who have all the time in the world, so why shouldn't we take it? it seems like it would be easy for the vampires to become stagnant, like you said; convinced that their minds have been frozen in time along with their bodies. with no one to form connections with outside of each other, they just repeat what they've always done, forgetting that CHANGE is even possible for them. but sooha is mortal; even though she's like them, she's still growing and changing every day, and maybe being around her can teach them that they still can, too.
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wavesabove · 3 years
Remembering all my old one piece threads that haven't been tied up yet is truly wild
#shanks was at a wedding in a cover story once and his whole crew was there but it wasnt windmill village probably so?????#those two who claim to be related to whitebeard keep coming up between arcs so i guess they matter?#didnt jesus burgess stow away on sabo's ship once? did that end up mattering?#more come to me now and again#i should reread at least the cover stories#also some newer shit has been bothering me#like roger saying they were ''too early''?????? wtf does THAT mean dude? is the OP something that ages? was he not strong enough?#did something else need to happen first?#also if Luffy and Shirahoshi were the ones those sea kings were referring to in the Oden flashback then wtf?#Luffy wouldnt want that i think??????#also why do Apis and Coby have that thing where they hear the voices of all things or whatever#maybe Coby is some kind of ruler???#also im half conviced Zoro is some devil species descendant and the will of D is somehow related to said species#its gotta be where devil fruits come from#idk man one piece is simple until it absolutely is not#a person (me) watches ONE theory video and suddenly is paranoid abt spirits and moons#*smokes a whole bowl* yall ever hear there may have been 8 moons#edit: galaxy brain take is that everyone with pink hair is some kind of descendant of some big deal thing (ruler?)#if instead of Luffy those sea kings were talking about Coby (eh maybe) as some land ruler that needed to be born#then its him and shirahoshi#and then bonney has got some WEIRD stuff going on but is both a known ruler and probably some kind of revolutionary#with probable ties to whitebeard (how old is she?????????)#so she's fucking weird and probably important (regardless of all this she is still A Queen and I Love Her)#and then rebecca and her mom are cool idk they could be related to this easily but who knows#maybe pink hair is just exclusively for cool ppl and Oda has bias#i know i do 😌
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cursedxartist-moved · 3 years
🌹;  PSA
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My followers have been really wonky the last few days.  If you see I’ve suddenly unfollowed you, or it seems I’ve soft blocked you, please talk to me about it.  I RARELY ever soft block or hard block someone without warning, especially if we write together or talk at all OOC.  Multiple people have told me they thought I soft blocked them when I haven’t done so at all in the last few days, so I’m making this post to say I have not unfollowed or soft blocked anyone as of late, and if it appears I have done so, it’s tumblr fucking up.
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