#yandere battle royale
i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
For 2k, if all the yanderes competed for our attention, who will win?(killing, fire, etc is on the table)
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Like... Like a yandere battle royale?
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huicitawrites · 11 months
Patiently Craving 
Yandere! Sukuna x Reader 
warnings: major jjk spoilers (non/manga readers, or manga readers not up to date), assault, yandere behaviour
word count: 4k
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It has been a long, arduous, night of study- you and Yuuji stayed up past twelve to finish a history group work. Jujutsu history homework was no easy task, for there were various curses, clans, battles, cursed techniques, and objects to recall. Still, the two of you managed to push through with the blessed help of some energy drinks and snacks. 
Yuuji sighed as he carried over a blanket to your form that was passed out on the couch. The pink-haired boy felt a little bit guilty; he should be the one sleeping on the couch. It was common courtesy that he should lend you his bed if you were staying over at his dorm. 
But you insisted, and ever so persistent, Yuuji could not get past you. So now here he was, gently placing down a blanket over your form to keep you warm. 
The blanket was slowly descending when it happened again. 
For just a second, an extremely dangerous second, Yuuji’s body shook. His face contorted uncontrollably, his eyebrows trembled, and a wicked grin plastered itself. Out of his own bodily command, Yuuji’s eyes widened and the hidden eyelids in his cheekbones popped open. 
The monster threatened to come out. 
But then, Itadori Yuuji’s contained him, again. 
Yuuji’s hand had tossed the blanket. He bent over to pick it up. His lips were tight against each other and he flared his nostrils to get a good breath of air. He opened his mouth wide and as he exhaled, he tried to let his body loose and ignore the stiffness of his muscles. He settled the blanket on you, and this time, he was hesitant to touch your body or get any closer. 
His face showed despair and signs of concern, and his heartbeat fast and climbed in his throat. 
He was afraid, but he better not show, not let the monster know. Yet Yuuji knew of such to be naive, for the curse is one with his body, a parasite- and Yuuji is his vessel. 
“Don’t be a fool.” A voice, deep, rumbly, and cunning spoke. Its words laced with the venom of mockery as a soft, condensing, chuckle vibrated after. 
A voice, a tone, Yuuji was familiar with. The one he despised the most, Sukuna Ryomen. 
He glares down with his four eyes from the comfort of his skull-throne, a tall phantom tori-gate framing his body and painting him in a royal manner- The King of Curses, of course. 
Itadori clicked his tongue and blew air against his lips his eyebrows, furrowed, and with much annoyance he faced his enemy forth. 
“What do you want, Sukuna?” 
He is not scared to say his name, if anything, he is tired of saying it. He spits it out without any hint of respect, the King's antics have grown old and bothersome on him. Sukuna’s grin twists into a cheshire smile and he scrutinizes Yuuji with his hellish crimson irises. 
“You know well what I want,” His head cocks to the side and lands on his clawed palm, the other set of fingers tapping rhythmically on the throne’s armrest. 
Usually, Yuuji tries to keep his cool. The pink-haired boy is aware of the manipulative tactics and shenanigans of the curse, so he knows better than to give in and be played by his words to physically maintain him at bay. 
Albeit, this is not the case, not when it is about the life of a friend. More so when it is about his unexpected and inexplicable obsession, he has with you. Yuuji does not know how or why, but you have caught the eye of Sukuna. 
“Fuck you,” Yuuji spat at him, and Sukuna simply laughed, “I will never let you, ever.” Yuuji looked up at him to challenge him, meeting his piercing stare with one of his own dark eyes. 
Sukuna’s cheeks puffed, only to explode into wild laughter. Yuuji simply stand still, tall, and straight- unfazed. He must not lose his cool, not let him grasp the reigns. 
He must not take over, not with you here so close and vulnerable. 
Surely, people have priorly done this- the feat of impressing the King. Gojo, who is the strongest and Sukuna's biggest threat, and Megumi for some reason Yuuji has not yet deciphered. In any case, it is their power and potential that beckons Sukuna, and which made them appear worthy, he guessed.  
With you- it is completely different. You are not a particularly strong sorcerer; you are at the same level as him and Kugisaki. You also lack any inherited technique. heavenly pact or extraordinary mumbo-jumbo from the jujutsu world. 
And yet- you caught his interest. Somehow, your presence grew on Sukuna. At first Yuuji did not notice, for it was subtle. Like a little gut-feeling whenever he was around you, like he could suddenly feel Sukuna paying attention and listening with keen ears, 
After a while, it became more obvious, but not obvious enough. If Yuuji happened to walk away from you, be it because he was heading somewhere else or something, his body protested. His legs became a bit heavier, and his torso and shoulders tried slightly to twist in your direction. Even further- Sukuna's mouth began to pop out randomly but in your presence. Sometimes, the curse would tease you or mock you, or smile wickedly at you- all which made Yuuji apologize profusely. 
The last, most prominent, bright red flag which slapped Yuuji into the implications of Sukuna's undivided attention occurred in a mission two months ago. The four of you had been sent to exterminate a couple of small grade curses, and unfortunately the lot of you miscalculated the situation. A special-grade curse, a cursed womb to be precise, rose within the shadows and overwhelmed the team. Yuuji was out of breath, Kugisaki had only a few nails left and Fushiguro had already spent more than half his arsenal, and you were far from them, snatched by the throat by the curse. You were passing out on its claws as you thrashed through your last breath. Yuuji recalls vividly how your writhing form made the curse inside of him snap.  
Itadori was surprised to find himself detached from his body as he watched from a spectator's standpoint. His body launched at top velocity and obliterated the curse with one swipe of his hand. Merciless, unbound, and wild- yet delicate when he held you. This had never happened before, Sukuna would never help someone else, Yuuji was testimony to that when Sukuna laughed cruelly alongside Mahito at Junpei's tragic predicament. 
But there you were, unharmed on his arms, passed out, and Yuuji swore he even felt Sukuna clutch you tighter. Heck, his clawed hand carefully caressed your face and nudged aside the hair strands. Oh, this was fucked up, he realized. So, he did what was entrusted to him, and regained control of his body. Kugisaki and Megumi observed with widened eyes and slacked jaws. The silence between the three of them was loud and spoke volumes. That day the three of them expressed their concerns to their teacher and decided to hide this incident from you- in their version of the tale, Yuuji saved you, which was half-the-truth in the least. 
After the incident that almost cost you your life, Sukuna got worse. He was unbearable and unashamed, the curse attempted to take over his body numerous times. Anytime, anywhere. In Jujutsu High, during missions, in the streets even. It was tiresome, but Yuuji would not budge. He even tried to distance himself from you, but your friendly self was too naive to notice.  
Each day, Yuuji fights to keep his body to himself and protect you, and Sukuna fights to break free and do whatever he wants with you, which terrified Yuuji. 
Yuuji didn't realize how close Sukuna got to him whilst he was lost in thought and memory, but realization had been too late by the time the Cursed King delivered a blow right to his gut. The two-eyed salmon haired coughed in pain and fell to the ground, and his counterpart used this opportunity window to press the sole of his foot on his face, harshly. Yuuji's skull resisted, and the palm of his hands went to both sides of his chest, but he couldn't pick himself a centimeter up. His face was flushed and rubbed onto the mysterious watery floor, and Sukuna chuckled devilishly. 
"Just what exactly do you plan to do to stop me? You cannot even pick yourself up, idiotic brat" The force pushing him into the floor got stronger, the foot twisted deeper into his cheek. Yuuji opened his mouth in any way he mustered, but before any words came out of his mouth, Sukuna fully stomped his feet and Yuuji sank into the water. 
He woke up on the tatami of his dorm in cold sweat and rushing heartbeat, a dry throat to top it all. '(Y/n)!', Yuuji snapped his head to glance at the coach. He stood up desperately, his legs stumbling, and he fell on the coach's armrest. His own eyes scanned your sleeping form; indeed, you were resting peacefully.  
Itadori Yuuji's body collapsed on itself slowly. He fell on his rear, and then tired on his back. He faced the plain ceiling. His chest rose and fell rhythmically. Once he gathered himself, Yuuji glanced out the window and distinguished the light and smooth colors of dawn.  
Fuck, it was late. 
Naturally, he sought out the clock hanging on his dorm wall and his hand came to his forehead, where it damped. He brought it up his hair before it slid down to cover his eyes, and a series of swear words and curses left his mouth in a hush manner. 
Time, he was running out of time. 
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Itadori Yuuji asked with a cracked voice. As an answer, he only received the distorted laughs of his friend, Megumi Fushigoro - no, of the curse possessing his friend, Ryomen Sukuna. 
‘Fuck, fuck! How could this be?!’ 
Both you and Yuuji stood frozen in place, shocked. The tables had turned drastically, never had you entertained the thought of Sukuna switching into another vessel, least of all Megumi. 
You took a quick glance at Yuuji. He looked heartbroken. Sukuna looked delighted, joyous, ecstatic. He ran his hands on his new hair, feeling the black locks of Fushigoro Megumi. 
“Stupid brat, you didn’t really think through our Binding Vow,” he blurted in between laughs, his voice alien to his body as the red eyes filled with mockery and disdain. 
You saw Megumi, no, Sukuna, incoming, and you picked up your stance, you looked sideways to Yuuji, and - 
“Yuuji!!! Dodge!!!” You cried out for your friend, your arm desperately reaching for him, your body ready to sabotage its survival instincts to push him out of the way. 
But you were too slow, and he did not move a muscle. He just stood there and took the powerful blow. 
Eyes widened; you saw him spit out blood. With a single blow to the gut, Sukuna blasted Yuuji away, and his body crashed through several buildings, far from your sight.  
It is about damn, fucking time. That Itadori brat has had his use, and at this point, he was becoming more of a prison than a vessel. Although dumb, weak, and naive, that brat did only one thing right. 
He could restrain him. 
Sukuna had tried more than a couple of times to catch you off guard. When you turned around, when you were too focused to notice your surroundings, when you stayed over to sleep at the brat's, when you were too weak and exhausted to fight, or simply anytime Ryomen Sukuna desired. 
And each single fucking time, the damn brat stopped him. 
But now, now that was a thing of the past. A nuisance he no longer had to deal with. Not as he had the body of Megumi Fushigoro under his control, and with a single punch to the gut, that weakling was done with. 
Sukuna laughed, his eyes wide and mad, his pupils dilated, and his toothy grin wicked. 
About. Damn. Fucking. Time. 
Horror painted a canvas on your face, and despair formed a pit in your chest, but despite it all, you managed to cast a spell. Even with a tight lump inside your throat, you brought your hands together in a seal - your last two fingers crossed each other and the first three touched each other. 
“Caladrius!” You conjured a white owl Shinigami big enough to carry you. You grasped its feathers to propel yourself upwards and climb it, but a tough arm grabbed you by the ankle. 
“Oh, no, you won’t.” 
He pulled you down, and you failed to resist his strength, but you were quick to command the owl to set off on its own. It was more important that it reached Yuuji, for his sake, yours, and Megumi’s - if he was still there, he had to be there, deep down. 
With the usurped body of your friend, his black hair thrown back out of his usual hairstyle and sinister signature tattoos invading his skin, the ‘borrowed’ arms went around your waist, and his sharp claws slightly tore the layers of your clothes, prodding at the skin below. 
“Do you like my new host, [Y/n]? I sure do; it feels refreshing,” The usurper said nonchalantly in your ear as you struggled against his frame. He chuckled at your struggle, finding it cutely futile if anything. 
Sukuna lowered his head into the crook of your neck and inhaled your scent. He was slow, painfully so, taking his sweet time in tormenting you. 
"So sweet," he whispered in your ear, but blood did not rush to your face nor taint the tips of your ears. No. That intimidating aura, that immeasurable amount of cursed energy so close to you. 
You froze. 
You could die here and now. 
Only when you felt a slim sensation up your neck, dangerously close to your jugular, did you wince. Snapping out of your shocked state, you began to thrash in his hold. 
Sukuna merely chuckled; you could feel his chest and abdomen rising and falling against your back. He laughed and laughed, baring his teeth and fangs, his four eyes brimming with joy. He dragged his maniacal display until it ended with a satisfactory sigh. His expression fell, his grin fell flat, and his eyes narrowed. 
“You don’t have any idea how much I wanted out from that Itadori brat." the King of Curses sighed. 
His arms began to snake around your waist, and his clawed hands grasped your skin. His sharp nails dragged tightly against your skin, leaving a thin reddish trail behind, but you were too focused on his words. “All this time I have been looking at you, woman, my woman. My future queen.” Such a passionate confession would leave anyone stuttering with a mad blush, but this was Ryomen Sukuna, the enemy of all enemies, the worst of curses, a threat to any living being - he couldn’t be serious, this just could not be real. 
This was madness. 
“You made friends with two weak and idiotic boys, did you know? But I must admit, at least that damn Itadori brat did quite the job in restraining me.” His nails began to feel tighter on your skin and were threatening to tear into you at any moment. 
“All this time, I’ve been craving you.” He parted his lips and brought out his tongue, lapping it all the way up your neck. Sukuna relished it - he could taste your fear, and he loved it. 
It was addicting. 
He continued, “Now, now [Y/N]. If I had to tell you something with all my years of experience, is that I do not like being bothered” The King of Curses could sense people coming, and while he normally enjoyed torturing and murdering his enemies, just for this time he would rather be left alone, with you. 
Utilizing the body of the Fushigoro boy, he moved his grasp from your waist and brought them together in a seal, in front of your abdomen - of course, silly, he would not let you go. 
"Nue," his deep voice vibrated against your ear, and a wave of cursed energy flooded the area. You shot up your head, and your jaw dropped. Megumi's bird Shinigami had turned into a colossal predator, at least four times its usual size, and it even developed a tail. With the flap of its wings, thunder and lightning surged, attacking the neighboring area around you and Sukuna. 
The sight of the beast made you snap out of your haste. You had to do something. Although you were powerless against this demon, Megumi was still there. He was being held prisoner in his own body, but he could break free. If you could just reach out to him, "Megumi! I know you are there! You can snap out of it, just like Yuuji! C'mon Megumi!" 
Naively, your eyes sought for eye-contact. Only to see the four red irises of Sukuna, his tattoos shifting along with the grin on his face. 
"Megumi? Really? He may be able to hear you, [Y/N], but I assure you, he's not coming back," Sukuna purred, his grip on you tightening. "Don’t make me jealous now, calling out another man’s name... I’d rather you call out mine." 
Desperation and fear surged through your veins, but you refused to give in to Sukuna's taunts. Summoning every ounce of courage, you had left, you clenched your fists and glared defiantly at him. 
"You're wrong! Megumi is strong, and he won't let you control him forever. I believe in him, and we will find a way to break your hold on him!" You retorted, determination shining in your [e/c] eyes. 
Sukuna's laughter filled the air, echoing around you like sinister bells of doom. "Oh, how amusing! Your faith in him is laughable. But I'll humor you, my dear [Y/N]. Let's see how long you can hold on to that hope before I make you mine entirely." 
As Sukuna's laughter subsided, you felt a surge of raw energy emanating from him. The air crackled with malevolence as Sukuna prepared to unleash his Nue’s full power. But before he could strike, an unexpected presence intervened. 
A figure emerged from the shadows, radiating a powerful aura that seemed to challenge even Sukuna's might. Itadori Yuuji, battered, bruised and with several cuts from the earlier blow, stood tall with a determined glint in his eyes. 
"Leave [Y/N] alone, Sukuna! This is between you and me," Yuuji declared, his voice steady despite the pain. 
Sukuna's lips curled into a sinister grin. "You still think you can stand up to me, boy? I'll enjoy tearing you apart, scum." 
Yuuji's resolve only strengthened. He clenched his fists and channeled every ounce of cursed energy he possessed. "I won't let you hurt [Y/N], and I won't let you get away with what you've done." 
Using another set of Megumi’s shikigamis, Sukuna conjured the monster serpent (now, a full, intimidating horned cobra) and it curled tight around you- rendering you immobile as it drained you of your cursed energy.
The battlefield crackled with tension as Sukuna and Yuuji faced each other, locked in an inevitable clash. Meanwhile, you struggled against the shikigami’s tailed hold, trying to summon every ounce of cursed energy within you to break free. The ground trembled beneath your feet as the battle commenced. 
It soon became clear that Yuuji was no match for Sukuna's overwhelming power. Despite his valiant efforts, Sukuna's strength and cunning proved to be too much to handle. With a single devastating attack, Yuuji was defeated, lying unconscious on the ground. 
“Yuuji!!!” You screamed and tears welled up in your eyes. 
Sukuna stood triumphantly over Yuuji's fallen form, a sinister grin stretching across his face. "Pathetic brat," he sneered, "You were never worthy of her attention. But now, she's all mine." 
Your heart pounded in your chest as you faced the monstrous curse before you. Sukuna's eyes bore into yours with an unsettling mix of possessiveness and desire. He took a step closer, and you could feel his cursed energy suffocating you. 
You clenched your fists, trying to muster the courage to stand up to him. "I'll never be yours, Sukuna," you retorted, your voice wavering and cracking but determined.  
Sukuna's grin widened, reveling in your resistance. "Oh, how delightful. The more you resist, the more enticing you become," he said, circling you like a predator eyeing its prey. With a chask of his fingers, the shikigami which held you vanished, and you fell on Sukuna’s arms. One of his clawed and tattooed hands reached out to grasp you by the chin, forcing you into eye-contact and squeezing your cheeks- bringing your lips forward. 
Your heart raced with fear, and Sukuna's grin only grew wider. His face inched closer, his breath ghosting over your skin. "My love," he whispered, his voice laced with a possessive edge. “I will not let you escape me. You are mine, [Y/N], and I will gladly be yours " he murmured, pulling you closer to him. Anticipating his actions, you focused your remaining strength in struggling against him. Regardless, Sukuna leaned in and succeeded in sealing his lips against yours.  
Ryomen Sukuna kissed you with a passion you would never expect, or experience- a profound hunger and impatience that had been finally sated. A tongue, thick, slimy, and intrusive that relentlessly claimed a pair of lips it had been craving for so long, a desire long fulfilled. 
His onslaught was merciless; he wanted more, but when he looked at your flushed face and shut eyes, and attention to your weakening fists against his chest, he chuckled against your lips and broke the kiss. You gasped for air and breathed frantically, as Sukuna admired the trail of saliva that bridged his lips to yours. 
"You are mine, [Y/N], and there's no escape. I have been waiting for so long; I have been so patient. I think it’s time I deserved my reward." 
His lips peppered and trailed up your neck, climbing across your jaw, past your lips and near your ear. He whispered, hungrily and husky “I’m just so hungry for you.” 
A/n: I’ve literally been trying to write this a LONG time ago, and finally broke through! I hope you like a normal dickhead sukuna that is a hard simp for darling. One more sukuna fic that I’ve been saving to go!
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Part 2 on the yandere General hcs
Yandere! General pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Pt. 1
Yandere! General is a battle-hardened leader with a reputation for being unyielding and fierce. An unapproachable force with a bloodthirsty aura present in his mannerism. So it’s no surprise that he’s out of place in the king’s banquet filled with joyous laughter and people waltzing onto the dance floor.
He feels repulsed by just being there, who cares if the royal family personally invited him, he should have stayed home. There were just too many people with ulterior motives for approaching and it didn’t help that the princess had a crush on him. God how he hated her, she just never seemed to want to leave him alone. She is a selfish little brat who whines all the time and always seems to balance others for her atrocious actions. “Please stay the night with me, I promise I’ll make it worthwhile? I’ve just missed seeing your face, I want to spend more time with you.” Yep, he really wished he stayed at home today.
Deciding that engaging in conversation with the princess was not worth it, he simply just ignored her and made his way outside to the royal garden. There, he sees a figure dancing in the moonlight. The way you moved had him transfixed and in a daze. He silently stares at them and waits for them to finish their performance. This dancer is actually you. Now the question arises, why are you dancing and in the royal garden no less? Well the answer to that question is quite complicated, actually.
Your father is a low leveled noble in the aristocratic society. Who is power hungry and strives to raise their social standing no matter what. Everyone in your family hates you and rarely acknowledges you. The reason for this is because your father cheated on his wife with a lowly maid working in his manor and conceived you. His wife, now your stepmother, was enraged by this and ended up murdering your biological mother. She was, however, never caught or tried. The only reason why she kept you around was because she thought that you would be useful for future purposes. Your family never really paid much attention to you and you have an older half sister who absolutely despises you. She treats you as if you were a dog or some common slave.
Your life was extremely miserable but the only thing that seemed to bring you happiness was dancing. You first learned to dance when you were eight. When one day you decide to sneak out of your father's manor and go visit town. Luckily for you, it was during that time that a festival was being held and you couldn’t take your eyes off of the dancers and secretly copied their moves. It wasn’t until one of them noticed you and asked if you would like to join them. Ever since then, you have been secretly going to town to learn and improve your dancing skills. It’s not like your family even cared that you were gone, heck they didn’t even notice.
Many years have passed and your love and passion for dance is still the same. This tranquility, however, did not last for long because the moment you turned eighteen your parents agreed to sell you off to be engaged to a rich but very old nobleman. No amount of begging and pleading could convince your parents to change their minds. It was always met with the same response of “Don’t you know we need the money? Why are you being so selfish?!?! How else could we raise our social status, don’t you know your sister needs this in order to have a chance with the crowned prince?!?! Just be lucky that you're alive and that we feed you!” You have never been more depressed. You’ve always dreamed of marrying for true love, you didn’t want things to end up this way.
The news of your engagement broke in high society which had helped boost your family's prestige. You had briefly met your soon to be husband and had to force yourself to not cry. After the meeting, your father severely scolded you and it was decided that the next time the two of you would meet, would be on your wedding day. Due to your family’s higher social status you were all invited to the royal banquet that was created to celebrate the country’s tremendous victory in the four year war. You’ve heard rumors about it and how it was mostly won due to the general who easily sunk ten battleships in one day.
The moment that you stepped foot into that room, you immediately felt as if you did not belong. You were so out of place and everything was just so suffocating for you. You had to go outside and take a breath of fresh air. When you made your way outside you noticed a beautiful path filled with followers and decided to follow it. There you saw a beautiful flower garden, none like you’ve ever seen before. Being there just felt so peaceful and relaxing. You couldn’t help but just live the moment and dance in the moonlit sky. During that time, everything just felt so right in the world.
After you finished your performance, someone coughed in order to get your attention. Looking to the right, your heart almost shot due to fear, it was Yandere! General. He starts to compliment your dancing and the way you shined brighter than any of the stars that night. You both chat for a few moments when he just randomly asks out of nowhere, if you wanted to marry him! You honestly could not believe this man, why would you want to marry someone you just met. Without batting an eye you quickly reject the offer and before he could say anything, one of his men went to inform him that the king wanted to speak with him. Clicking his tongue in annoyance he agrees to go and tells you that he’ll be back.
Watching him leave, you swiftly make your way to exit the garden and decide to hide out in one of the restrooms. When Yandere! General gets back and immediately tries to find you but to no avail because you successfully manage to avoid him and leave undetected. This does not deter him because he has been there to find you and orders his men to help his search. By the time that the sun starts to rise he learns almost everything about you. Your age, your family, and your engagement.
That same morning Yandere! General makes his way towards your house and demands for your hand in marriage. Your parents are unsure about what to say, on one hand you being married to the general would bring many benefits but, on the other, they already agreed to you being married to the old nobleman. Your father tells him about your engagement and Yandere! General responds calmly with, “Don't worry, I’ll handle it.” In the afternoon he mails the head of your fiancé to your parents. Welp problem solved, guess you’ll just have to marry him.
Running away in this situation is useless, the only thing that you can do is to just accept your fate. With a heavy heart, you interact with him everyday getting to know your future husband.
There were of course many protests from the upper class of society. How could someone like him marry a person of lower status? It just wasn’t right. These complaints mainly came from the princess who was the most vocal about it. She loved him so much how he could do this to her. She tried to stop the wedding of herself but Yandere! General threatened to kill her. When that didn’t work he told the royal family directly that if she tries to interfere any longer, then he won’t hesitate to rebel against the royal family. After that, all attempts were stopped.
Your wedding day is very grand, there is not one speck of dust to be seen anywhere. Everything seemed so perfect, with the best of items that only money could buy. There, in one of the rooms stood you, putting on your wedding outfit with many maids swarming you like a pack of bees. As you walk to the altar you are greeted with the smiling face of your fiancé. It felt like such a blur to you, that you could hardly even comprehend what was going on. It was as if some sucked all the air out of you.
“Do you take Yandere! General to be your lawful husband?”
“… I do.”
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secretagentsociety · 1 year
loves makes people crazy
yandere dragon X madly in love reader
Here's another idea,a yandere dragon like all powerful and scary the villager is scared of him,the king is scared of him,the Wizards and pretty much everyone and their grandmother is scared of him but then there's you,you different breed of a human decides to see him for the first time and say "yes that's my hubby" and the rest is history
• people often called you crazy, dilusional and others not so nice insults for being still not being married despite hitting the big 2 0 that and also rejecting the local lords and basically anyone who tries to court you
• now just because people say it doesn't mean you HAVE to follow it yk?oh but you did you played their little fantasy of you being crazy so perfectly people were honestly scared for your mental well being,why?you may ask
• well it's because when khum first arrived at the village (I say first but it's really his 100th time terrorising the village) you decide to whisper something that some people might have heard "he's perfect" you said eyes filled with hearts watching him scaring the sht out of the locals
• honestly you're staring so much he could feel you boring holes into his head,curious he looked around for whoever it is that dared to stare at him for so long and BAM! He saw you,at first he thought you're staring at him in contempt or anger maybe both but then you sigh lovingly and waved at him a fools smile placed upon your face
• he had to look around and points at himself just to made sure he even mouthed "m-me? you're talking to me?!" But you blowing him a kiss and winking made it pretty clear it was him,well let's say after that he couldn't help but think about you "what an odd human" he thought
• "oh my god haven't you heard?! The dragons visit has been so frequent lately our village can't keep affording the rebuilding cost!" One of the villagers said,you aren't paying attention but just hearing him coming back more and more made your heart flutter "I know it's a blessing" you sighed melting into the seat as you remembered the first time he talks to you
•well it happened,khum stood Infront of you folding his hand,what is his plans anyway?kidnapping a human all of a sudden,a weird one at that,"human,do you have a name?" He said
• "you can call me yours,and I'll call you mine" you said "how about the name....treasure?no too basic maybe clove?nah um.....oh darling?" he said tilting his head,khum never thought one day he'd witness a human visibly explode and faint but here we was
• it was a rocky start to the relationship,well...rocky as in everything was so perfect it's scary, here's the recap,on day five of your kidnappings you've opened up to how the villagers had been treating you(not that it's hard to make you open up,all he had to do was give you food and call you pet names while stroking your head and bam! you're dumping your entire trauma onto him) and oh boy was he not happy
• now despite everything he's still a classy dragon,he ofcourse had hoarse of treasure but he also had a pretty nice castle he may or may not seize from a royal you don't have to know that tho so moving on,and with a huge castle come servants and with those come soldiers who needs to maintain security,not that he needs any but you know he likes to have thing's completed and that including the castles needs
• now when his subordinates first saw you absolutely gushing on how cute he was they were absolutely shocked,because one he literally look like a demon ripping out people's heart and two this isn't some flower field it's a grusome battle scene yet you couldn't help but blush when his shirt got torn off,you even closed your eyes to savor the moment after a while
• khum really can't understand your fixation on him,is it like his love for you?but even then he acknowledges your weird behaviour but you literally looked at him as if he was a god,not that he minds,he gotta admit that day he kinda wore a shirt that's a couple of size down so when he does some movements that needs intents flexibility his shirt would rip off in some cool cinematic style,it worked,it worked too well
• so apparently his stamina had their limits he'd come to know it last Night after the battle,oh but the details won't be necessary,oh but don't be fooled if he were to actually try you'd be the one to pass out
• now is he dilusional?nope he knows full well that it's not healthy but does he care?nope he's a powerful dragon,are you dilusional?maybe?...idk...probably....yes?.... Well he is cute so I'll give you that
• he is possesive, but it's really hard to show possesive when the person he loved won't look at other people,you will talk to people normally but once he entered your line of sight the other people can forget ever having a conversation with you
• now for the big question does this technically make you a yandere? maybe..yes.
•i feel the need to say he is 100% taller than you, I'm sorry but it's just the rules 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ
• yes he has two pp lets move on now
• he had a way of marking you so other beasts knows to back the fuck off it's called biting,the first night you ever discover the chamber of secrets together(wink wink nudge nudge)he bit down on your neck,it leaves a pretty little flower mark that's imbued with his power it's very very very tiny teeny I cannot stress enough how tiny it is so it's safe
• now if you EVER even say someone else is cute then oh boi oh my,now I have established that he is jealous have I?,no?well too bad because he is,and his jealousy doesn't play nice,he will rip out the heart and torture the person over and over and over each time reviving them again and again and put a curse of Resurrection on them only to leave them in a forest of ravaging beasts that has lost their minds to be feasted upon and tortured until he sees them having suffered enough. ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ Moral of the story? don't just don't say anyone is cute (yes not even babies) (he won't like k.o them but he will like curse them or sum sht )
on that note good night people
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soundlessdreamss · 4 months
Heya I was wondering if you could please do a Yandere Lucifer Morningstar with a Human reader who’s like immortal? They can die but they don’t stay dead for very long so every time they die they get a scar so there essentially covered in scars both big and small? If not that’s alright!
Yes ofc I can write this!! Sorry for being inactive so long, I’ve been playing my games a lot… :3 (also WTF happened to the yellow color?…)
Lucifer x immortal!reader
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also I’m gonna do romantic and yandere headcannons! (Totally not cause I didn’t see the yandere at first until I reread it…)
He’s very confused at first. He could’ve sworn he just saw you die a couple of minutes ago and now all of a sudden your completely fine???
he noticed that you had a ton of scars in the beginning but just thought it was from reckless battles.
once you came back after “dying” he questioned how and asked if you were okay.
once you told him what actually happens he was shocked but thankful that you were still with him. (Not sure how you could die though with the king of hell at your side…)
he tried to heal the scars multiple times but it never works cause it’s permanent, to resemble how many times you died.
he asks you to be extra careful as he doesn’t want your beautiful body to gain anymore scars on it.
Overall he’s still happy with you as his partner ;3
when you first died infront of him he was pissed. Whoever killed you… well let’s just say they are probably going through some torture device he made. Because death isn’t enough for them, they need to pay for the rest of their miserable life.
his grief is powerful and he misses you. (It’s only been like 20 minutes since you died but ok.)
when he gets a knock on his door he doesn’t wanna answer since he’s feeling heartbroken but he answers anyways.
once he opens the door and sees you he’s shocked and confused but he immediately pulls you into a bear hug. With a death grip on you
he starts yapping talking about how he could never let you out of his site again and puts a protection spell on you, and even hires vox to keep an eye on you when your out in the city. (If for some reason your not out in the city with him.)
it’s been shared all over hell now that if anyone hurts you they are royally fucked so everyone avoids you. Expect the hazbin hotel!! So yay!! You have some friends at least…
he insists on going everywhere with you even though you are immortal. He doesn’t care if your immortal, he doesn’t want you getting hurt.
overall he’s still happy ur alive lol. (As if he wouldn’t manage to bring u back if u died.)
requests are closed atm because I need to work on all of them lol…
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ozzgin · 2 months
I’m a little worried now because I was 100% joking and didn’t expect so many notes…are people just laughing with me, or am I to prepare an actual gamer boy yandere clashing pitchforks with the tentacle monster?
Cucker vs cucked in one final royal battle for Reader’s affections.
You might say, “Ozz, don’t be ridiculous. The pathetic human can’t possibly defeat an ancient eldritch creature.” But you forget one vital aspect! He's not just any human, or rather, he's no longer a human in the sense we are used to understanding. The parallel years he spent in the dating sim isekai have given him 2D properties on top of his newfound yandere drive. It is unknown how these acquired powers will come into play during the duel.
I'm leaving the rest to you. Do we root for the tentacle monster and his horny caress? For the seasoned gamer boy and his redemption arc? Do we arrange a bonus, hidden ending where the (Y/N) booty is shared, in order to avoid bloodshed?
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riniworld · 6 months
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warnings: nothing serious,reader reference to "y/n(maybe one or two times), you and she/her", sorry for any mistakes,mention of blood,pet names" flower"(just one time)
i suggest you read the remake , it's better than this!
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there was an emperor named taron he was the most powerful royal the history has known
he has fought many empires and seized them but..
there was one empire..no,one person in particular he couldn't defeat
the "the legendary savior" how the people like to call her,the general of empire of the West, general y/n.
she has got in alot of battle and wars and it always end in victory
Your reputation has reached all empires, everyone wanted to buy you, but you were loyal, which made everyone look at you in more admiration.
when taron tried to get the empire in his hand you've stand in his face
oh how amazing, taron didn't had such a difficult fight in ages
he did not want this to end quickly so he backed down
is it wierd to arrive with a big smile when you've just lost?
and there it started,you've got in a lot of fights and it's always ends in a draw
in every fight he grew found of you..your skills,your plans,your courage.........your beauty
you've got suspect about it all,There were so many opportunities for Taron to kill you but he just backed off
untill one day...
Rumors began to spread about your relationship with the Crown Prince of the Empire
it spreaded so fast untill it got to the biggest empire,taron empire (ofc he named it after him duh-)
taron wasn't pleasant with all this talk
His strongest opponent in a relationship? that a bullsh!t! how could someone so strong get in something so stupid? that will only make you weak....he won't allow it
if anything why would someone as strong as you get with someone has never touched his sword? so weak.
you should at least be with someone deserves you, like...like him
so he backed for a fight and maybe the last fight
for the first time he fought seriously
for the first time he have injured you
for the first time he..was that angry
that was the longest battle for the two of you
after what seem like forever there were you
under his feet so weak to stand
oh that beautiful face was covered in blood but don't worry dear!
you'll get all good in his castle
"given up,flower?"
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woah I'm so satisfied with that
should i make this a series?/I'll do:)
have a good day/night♡
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ystrike1 · 9 months
Taming a Corrupted Slave Man - By Purple Village (8.5/10)
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Love is off the table. Everything is a lie. Constant mind games. It's exhausting. Our protagonist is kind of a sociopath but I get it. Being the only woman with healing powers in the country is crazy stressful. The problem is everybody is crazy, and all of the love stories here end in blood. There's a surprise twist yandere too.
Aren is the only daughter of a very special family. Literally only the current king knows she has healing powers. It's a rare thing. Her family gets tons of royal cash because her existence is so convenient. She's VERY sheltered and her father loves her VERY much. He refuses to have more kids, because he loved his wife who died in childbirth. He spoiled his special daughter too much.
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She dies at the hands of her fiance, Duke Daiman. He's a strong, brilliant Knight...with a heart condition. She cured his heart, because she fell for his good looks at first sight. Daimen took advantage of her. He is a genius with royal blood. He uses her family money to attempt to usurp the throne. He also brings in a lover named Lillian, because he thinks she's that stupid. He thinks she will let him have a lover, because she's so lonely and she loves him so blindly.
Her father died in war. Her fiance is all she has.
She stands up for herself.
She says she will not let another woman in.
She attempts to break off their engagement, and he stabs her in the back.
Well, he doesn't want her to marry into another family. She's too useful. Her healing powers are too valuable. If he can't use her no one can.
His lover smirks while she dies.
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Aren basically wakes up evil it's wild. She values her servants. She adores her father utterly. She will not let him die in war. The law dictates that a man from every family must go to war, so she decides to adopt a "brother" into the family. A meat bag to be used so her beloved father may live. There's not even a whiff of romance.
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Aren knows who the most talented swordsman is.
She goes out to pick him up.
It's a slave named Cassadim. He became a royal servant under the Crown Prince in her past life. He was known for his unreal beauty and his savagery in battle.
Aren feels a little guilty for like a second, but she uses the royal money she has to buy him. From then on there is zero remorse. Her father knows, by the way. She literally tells her father he should adopt a fake son to use, if he's still not willing to remarry. Aren and her father are both actually interesting because they're "nice" on the surface, but if you annoy them...well...bye? Aren is against(?) traditional slavery. Kinda. She doesn't like torture. She intends to let Cassadim live well as her brother. As a noble. If he doesn’t die in battle he will lead a charmed life...but omg buying him to take her dad's place is soooo messy. Evil ice princess dang.
(Also Cassadim was used for "night services" as a slave, so she does save him from that. She NEVER does anything sexual to him. She also uses her powers to fix his scars, and health issues that piled up when he was an arena fighter. He's getting a pretty good deal. A healthy body. The possibility to survive as a noble son. Yeahhhh. Slight problem though. SHE NEVER TELLS HIM. HE DOESN'T KNOW HE'S A WAR HORSE UNTIL IT HAPPENS. AH! but by then he is willing to die for the family so I guess...the plan worked...)
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By the way nobody knows Aren is a healer. She of course steps in to save the prince.
Cassadim doesn't know EVERYTHING, but he knows. He doesn't trust Aren. He's totally right to be suspicious. He also uses her. He mistakenly thinks the King is the one who destroyed his home country. So he uses knowledge he gets from Aren's medical book collection to create poison. He goes to the ball with her.
He poisons the prince, Leon.
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And now he's in love....not really. Leon thinks Aren is the most perfect and convenient wife. She says no and he gets pushy. Cassadim finally gets jealous. He likes living with Aren and being her brother on paper, but he doesn't know how to feel about her getting married. He starts to act immature for the first time. He has been spoiled, on purpose, by Aren. This is the way she wants him to be. Clingy. Protective. Willing to die for her.
She tells him she knows everything. She knows he poisoned the Prince. He did it because HE used to be a prince, but his country was burned to ash.
The King didn’t do it.
Duke Daiman's father did.
How convenient.
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Aren jumps on the chance. She convinces Cassadim to go against the Duke with her. She pins the blame for the poison on the Duke too. Her revenge is perfect...Cassadim snaps for the first time. He accuses her of being a seductress. A liar. Someone who will never care about him as much as he cares about her.
He's sort of right. They fall in love later, but Aren is totally obsessed with revenge for half the story.
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He actually attacks her.
Things get tense.
Then we get the classic yandere ramblings. Yes, after years of "love" Cassadim loses. He is putty in her hands. Unable to stand the thought of her getting married or even sleeping next to someone else. He starts begging her to use him when she has "urges", because he doesn't want another man to do it. The Prince, and actually lots of people, start to comment about how weird he is. His worshipful love is an open secret.
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Aren grabs her last puzzle piece. Tol. A slave that was tortured by Daiman and his butler. Aren does a great favor for Tol. His tongue was cut out. She grows it back for him. Tol is grateful and he agrees to lie for her. Someone must be blamed for the poison incident.
The plan is:
Aren pretends to be a foolish girl in love with the Duke, who visits him in prison.
She will then claim the Duke encouraged her to commit treason and hide signs of his crime.
Tol will pretend to be a witness, as he has been a slave in the ducal house for a while.
She unleashes the plan when Daiman thinks he is safe. When he's out of prison with an alibi, at the Prince's royal birthday.
It goes off without a hitch. Daiman freaks out and has a seizure in front of everyone. Then, all of his enemies know about his secret weakness. If he doesn’t go to jail that's fine. One of his many enemies will take advantage of that weak heart of his.
Aren gleefully laughs about how she easily could have been his savior. He had the LITERAL ONLY MAGICAL HEALER in his grasp, and he chose to abuse her.
He falls from grace, and even the prince acknowledges how scary Aren is.
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Plot twist.
Daiman was obsessed with Aren in their shared past life. He cut her off from the world. He kept her his secret and he coveted her power and he was madly in love...but he was a bad yandere. He was not openly affectionate. He enjoyed controlling every step of her day. He knew she loved him unconditionally, so he made her chase him and beg for his love when she was lonely.
He brought in Lillian, a random woman, purely to make Aren jealous.
When Aren lashes out for the first time ever Daiman stabs her because he sucks, and he doesn’t want her to leave him. He didn’t want Aren to hate him. He just wanted her to be lonely whenever he wasn't around. He stabs her the second she falls out of love with him.
Lillian desperately tries to seduce him to save her own life, but Daiman cruelly torments her before he kills her too. He blames Lillian for ruining his perfect Aren.
Cassadim is a little less crazy. He gets the right to wed Aren after he does well in the war.
The audacity.
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shiny-jr · 1 year
DAMNNN, congratulations on 5k followers!! You FULLY deserve it, your work is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! (≧▽≦)
I was thinking for your event, FEAR - "I don't scare you, do I..?" with Riddle Rosehearts would work so well! I'm obsessed with how you write him!
Have a great day!! ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
– Warning: Yes, this is a yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
– Prompt: Fear. "I don't scare you, do I...?"
– Character: Riddle Rosehearts.
– Note: First prompt in a week. Sorry, guys. The reason I got so many out last time was because I knew this would happen, I knew I would get busy and distracted. But don't worry. I still have over 60 in the inbox right now. That'll be enough to last for a while. I just wanted to answer at least one right now. But I'll be honest, I think I may want to work on the damnation project right now so I'll try to write for that before I'm off to bed. Also, I took some creative liberties here and based this prompt kind of off the damnation au. So yeah.
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Red. Red was the royal’s favorite color. It was everywhere. On the roses, on the walls, on the strawberry tarts, even most of the soldiers he commanded wore armor that shined like crimson rubies. Riddle’s robes were red, his crown had red, his axe was red, even his hair was red. As if that wasn’t enough, it wasn’t unusual to see him with a splash of red across his flesh, and you were certain it wasn’t some red beverage. 
“My dear, is something the matter? You look awfully pale.” You avoided his gaze, staring at the ground so you wouldn’t see the red on his hands. The same hands that wielded his oversized battle axe, the same hands that just executed the protagonist. You sat rigidly as Riddle carefully approached you, dropping his axe before wiping his hands clean. His voice was soft, quiet, unlike earlier when he was proclaiming a raving speech in front of the onlookers at the public execution you were forced to attend as the royal’s consort. “You’re not frightened of me, are you? You do realize that I would never lift my weapon against you, don’t you? As much as I loathe to admit it, you’re my weakness. All you have to do is blink your pretty little eyes at me and I’ll melt. Because, whether you like it or not, you had willingly chosen to take the place of my partner, and now you have to stay here to finish what you started.”
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lovelydork505 · 2 months
Platonic yandere! Uncle Iroh x reader
(tw: yandere, dark fiction, implied obsessive behaviour, mentions of manipulation)
This is just a concept, I actually haven't thought about it much this is basically just a word vomit.
No matter how you two meet, I feel like it's no surprise that he's not overbearing.
In fact, compared to ozai, he is pretty nice and reader probably won't even notice the rise of his tendencies as a yandere.
Uncle Iroh chooses and values humility over pride so he's pretty chill. He is wise and takes great joy if he manages to get reader to laugh with one of his jokes.
If you aren't a part of the royal family, maybe you originally meet him at a tea shop you frequent or work at.
How long he knows of you will also depend if you are from the fire nation or Ba sing se
His fixation probably starts if you reminded him on anyway shape or form of his deceased son. Even as wise as he is, Uncle Iroh is not imune to grief and it's sorrowful claws, which sometimes leads to some irrational paranoia (not that reader or anyone else is aware).
With that, he wishes to be by your side no matter what, it's enough to just bask in your presence and to know reader is safe and sound at all times.
I see him carrying something you own with him 24/7, so if your favourite necklace is suddenly missing don't worry to much about it. Oh? You're sad about it? He'll buy you another one so you'll always have with you something to remind you of him
He's actually really sweet period
Even though he's just an old man, don't let looks deceive you, he is pretty powerful, a general and brother of the Fire Lord Ozai, when it comes to you and your safety, if it's necessary he won't hesitate to use any of his titles, although he prefers peace over battle.
Teaches you a lot os things like how to brew tea property. Loves to make you tea and other blends
If you don't know how, he'll also teach you how to play pai sho
As we all know, he is great at giving advice when you come to him with your problems, he loves listening to you. If reader has any activities they enjoy he'll absolutely insist to participate.
Best emotional support and company, you'll find it easy to talk to him about anything and everything, and in the middle of your excited rambles you won't even realize the amount of personal questions you've answered and the kind man who is mentally memorising it all, drinking it like the golden liquid of the gods
He tells you stories of his time as a general, tales of the spirit world and shares his knowledge of culture from other nations.
He doesn't care if you can bend or not, you being you is enough.
His yandere side doesn't really shine through that much, he lets you have all the freedom you want but you'll come to notice that he's always near, seemingly afraid to stray too far.
Like a father, he praises you for everything not just because of his tendencies but because he's genuinely proud of you.
Even if he doesn't like it, he'll subtly manipulate you to stay with him or to not leave permanently without him for another path of life .
Of course, that's just the tip of the iceberg, once reader ceases to be oblivious of their situation some things are bound to change.
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forbidden-sunlight · 1 year
Can you do a yandere Hades or Loki(ROR) x fem kokushibo reader plz. I have this weird feeling that Hades would know everything about her since she was a human, and the human part of her technically died. Loki would be interested in us cause he finds us interesting to watch.
Here it is! I'd like to thank @thatstrangesheep and @the-dumber-scaramouche for helping me flesh out Loki's character since he's a tricky little fella to write about lol. Got a lot of requests for him, but here he is!
I hope you will enjoy this piece, although it is a little short! :)
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Loki did not have a high opinion of humans. Why did they deserve to live for another thousand years when all of these pitiful creatures have done nothing but caused destruction in Midgard? Like Aphrodite had said before, everything has become ugly. It’s much better to start over with a clean slate, right~?
Still, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun with them in this battle royale, this ‘Rangarok’, that Brunhilde proposed to hold before setting the world on fire. So why is Zeus being a selfish asshole and letting the God of Deceit fight a low-level demon instead of a human?
Pouting childishly, he stepped out of the gods area in the coliseum as Heimdall went on a spiel about his infamy and how powerful he is in the Norse pantheon, basking in the cheerful roars and spiteful comments alike while the humans quivered in fear at their representative. 
[First Name] [Last Name], Muzan Kibitisuji’s right-hand woman of the Twelve Kizuki, the former Moon Hashira. 
Tall, sinewy frame draped in a [Favorite Color] kimono and black hakama with embroidered flowers. Wild, untamed hair tied up in a ponytail. Six eyes dyed in crimson sclera stared right at him, unblinking with a clawed hand rested on the hilt of their sword. Wooden full moon and grassy field hanafuda earrings swayed slightly in the breeze. 
Loki scoffed. Yup. There is no doubt in his mind that this is the ugliest demon he had ever met in his life. Least she’ll be dead soon enough~. 
He smiled. “Let’s try and have some fun, ‘kay?” He said, swaying from side to side, violet orbs fixated on his opponent…or at least trying to pretend that he’s a little interested in this filthy scum. 
And of course, she doesn’t say anything except bow her head to him and unsheathe her sword. Boring~.
Summoning chained scythes from either of his arms, Loki broke into a sprint and charged at his opponent. Swinging the left scythe over his head, he flung it towards her, confident that the battle will not even last five minutes. But that bitch deflected his weapon with her sword, inhaling a deep breath through her mouth before launching several crescent-shaped blades towards him. 
Loki cursed, leaping out of the way and using the remaining scythe to deflect the blades. If he yanked back the chain of the other scythe too quickly, he would’ve lost an arm. 
So, she got lucky. It won’t happen again~.
The fight dragged on longer than he nor the other gods could have anticipated. Humanity’s representative effortlessly parried the blows of her opponent, releasing one breathing technique after another but narrowly having her head being sliced off by Loki’s scythes when he snuck up from behind. She repaid such kindness by jamming her sword into his right shoulder, twisting it in a full circle before pulling out the blade. 
Breathless, bloodied, and pumped full of adrenaline, neither opponent was ready to surrender until Heimdall officially declared that the bout was a draw. 
Loki was absolutely livid. How could he, a trickster god, not win against a demon with his clever mind and silver tongue? Gods were supposed to kill demons! Why, no, how can a demon be able to go toe-to-toe against someone like him?! It wasn’t fair! 
Yet as he laid in the gods’ medical wing and allowed the nurses to patch him up, his mind kept drifting back to the silent swordswoman. For all the spiteful insults he hurled at her in battle, she retaliated in a calm, grim voice.
“Interesting…for a simpleton  who does nothing but yap like a puppy, you’re still alive. Most of my opponents would have been obliterated by now.”
Loki grinded his teeth at the memory. He might have not defeated his opponent, but a draw is simply but another chance to pummel that demon into the ground. 
He knew her fighting style, her weak points, everything. He will annihilate the Moon Hashira and prove to the Norse pantheon that he is much more than just a jokester. The humans will fall, the gods will win just like they always have. 
So why did he feel….annoyed at the thought of the six-eyed demon vanishing from sight?
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mamayan · 10 months
Hey babes!! Last night late night thoughts got to me real hard, so I was think Yandere! Vampire! getou. Reader is like a princess, her grandma made a deal with him years ago about the 1st female child beared from readers mother will be given to him. And after a while of having reader, which he uses as a blood bank sort of, he takes small drinks from reader every so often, he falls in love with her. Thank you for your time!! 💗💗
Okay but like, you’re making me remember my teenage years of being vampire obsessed! 💖
TW: Oral (M!) • Humiliation/Degradation • Yandere Themes • Kidnapping • Vampire Themes
Geto’s face isn’t the least bit amused.
Not your adorable pout or wet eyes are enough to fix his ruined mood. He’s in fact quite furious with your act of rebellion against him. No matter how Royal you think you are, how pampered and cherished you once were, you were nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a blood bank. Albeit his but nonetheless, you didn’t seem to know your place.
“What’s wrong little Princess?” The smile crawling onto his lips is mocking. His sharp gaze piercing into you, and it’s not shocking to see you tremble just a bit under his gaze.
“You were the one who asked, don’t act like such a useless crybaby. I haven’t even done anything yet.” His is irritation palpable, tone venomous as he looms over you. It didn’t matter that your tears were falling, body language conveying fear despite how you struggle to maintain a shred of dignity.
It’s his least favorite. How you still seem to think you’re still a beloved Princess, and not his pass time for him to use and toy with.
“You want to visit the vile hag who sold you to me for a more secure position on the throne? The reason you’ve fallen from grace to hell?” His words are full of ridicule, not just for your position but your bleeding heart for others.
Your insistence on finding the good in everything, the ability to love even a pile of shit.
Your insistence on being kind even to him, the monster who only wants to ruin you. Geto hates it.
Hates how much your tears have his pants too tight. How the fear and crystalline water drops down your face make his fangs ache to sink into your soft skin. To taste your irresistible blood and sink his cock inside you. Fuck you until you don’t remember you were ever anything except his personal harlot for him and his pleasure alone. There’s nothing better for Geto than reminding you of your new station in life.
Beneath his feet.
“Fine little Princess, I’ll so mercifully allow it—if you get on your knees and convince me. Show me how desperate you are to see dear your grandmother with that mouth, and I’ll consider it.”
Cruel. That’s all you can think as he leans over you, a curtain of silky black hair covering you two off from the world. Almost like lovers whispering, but the flash of his pointed fangs and dark eyes reminiscent of a vortex swirling with madness, it’s not difficult to tell yourself he’s evil incarnate. A beast within the skin of a beautiful man. Not human.
You do it every time. Hesitate and battle your will to maintain your dignity versus your love for your family. This isn’t your first request to visit home, last time he’d only allowed you to peak at your parents and siblings, their laughter and happiness without you revolting and comforting all at once.
You’d been forced to watch for a while too, his hand not giving you reprieve. You were made to witness how they’d completely moved on, so quickly without you. Geto drinking in the pale and sick expressions you made with delight before feasting on you.
“Don’t tell me you don’t really want to go? I’d have thought you more compassionate little Princess, doesn’t your heart break thinking of her dying without you by her side?” His teasing words had you finally bowing, as you always did before him. Sinking to your knees with a vacant stare as you prepare yourself for the humiliation to follow.
“That’s a good girl. Not so hard is it?” His praise is empty, you know better than to be tricked by his wicked words and intentions. “You need to show a little more enthusiasm dear, or I won’t be convinced of your desperation.” His hand sinks into your hair, gripping tight and painfully, yanking your head to smash your face against his crotch. His hard erection grinding through his clothes against your cheek, rubbing the fabric painfully into your soft and delicate skin.
You know what he wants, already convincing yourself it’s for your beloved grandmother and you’d do anything to see her.
It was Geto himself after all that teased you with her impending passing. His hatred of humans no secret and sadistic joy in your suffering no secret.
You moved, your knees already aching on the cold marble flooring of his home as your shaky hands fumble and undo the buttons of his trousers.
His hot leaking cock freed by your hand.
“Hmm…” you flinch at his grip in your hair nearly tears the strands out, freezing and gasping painfully. He stares down at you as if contemplating.
“Humans are so similar to dogs don’t you think?” You aren’t given any time to decipher what that means, soon being dragged across the floor by your hair over to Geto’s favorite pillow to sit upon. Almost like a throne where his servants and slaves would worship.
Your cry of pain and pleas ignored as usual.
He releases your hair finally, taking up a spot on his pillow with his legs spread wide and cock standing high against his lower abdomen like a proud display. Leaning back on both hands, his lazy posture appears debauched.
“Don’t you think the most desperate display is just like how a dog begs?” Your eyes widen, staring up at this vicious monster as horror dawns on you.
Of course it wouldn’t so easy. His need to humiliate and degrade you too strong for him to pass up an opportunity to make you beg.
“G-Geto please—“
“Ah ah… that’s not how dogs beg, now is it?”
“…w-woof…” Geto loved it, the tears streaming down your cheeks, the appearance of pure submissiveness. He could smell your sweet scent thickening, because try as you might, he knows this arouses you as much as it does him. Your pride not allowing you to truly embrace being his slut quite yet.
“Really, do you even want to see her? I suppose not—“ You panic as he tries to put his cock away, dropping onto all fours and crawling towards him, barking like a dog and even panting. Your pink little tongue sticking out and drooling.
Geto’s enraptured by the absolutely pathetic display of yours. The way you leave your hands on the floor, and use your face and mouth to take his cock between your lips.
He’s kind too, leaning back again and not denying you a chance at redemption. He’s a generous master after all.
“That’s a good girl, so you do know how to act?” One hand comes to lightly rest on the back of your head, while you lick and lap at his shaft, shivering in shame as you taste his precum leaking from the soft tip. It doesn’t matter that you’re crying, Geto wouldn’t have it any other way.
The way you slobber and begin to try and work his thick long cock into your mouth is adorable. Your ass sticking up in the air like a bitch in heat while choking on his length a sight for sore eyes.
“Fuck—you really were made to be a cocksleeve weren’t you?” He grunts in pleasure, sinking too deep into your throat and gagging you painfully.
As you try to pull back in panic, lungs and throat on fire, his hand locks and keeps you in place. His hips rutting up as he laughs.
“Haha! What’s wrong Princess? I’m just helping you out. Desperate little mutt like you can’t handle your master’s cock? I need to rectify that don’t I?” His grip is iron, and you shake and gag as he uses your throat like a true toy for his pleasure. The silent screams and whimpers trying to escape your mouth only vibrate your throat and arouse him further, his thrusts becoming mildly violent. The way your tongue moves around wildly trying to make room for him and your throat tightening as you try to swallow what spit isn’t dripping down your chin and his cock, all of it have his balls pulling up painfully. “Don’t fucking bite, I’ll make you really sorry if you do.” He moans, chuckling through his groans and grunts of pleasure as you become nothing more than the mutt he calls you as he fucks your face. “Cute little Princess, you found your true calling haven’t you? I’m going to cum, take it all slut.”
“…!” Your vision is going dark as you finally go limp, fully submitting beautiful for him as his hot load shoots down your throat and straight into your belly. He holds you there, no possible way for oxygen to get you as he lets every drop go down before he releases you.
You drop limp like a doll as only a wheezing noise escapes you, air finally filling your lungs and extinguishing the fire inside them. Your wet snot covered face blank and finally to Geto’s liking. You’re stupid expression enough to have his cock hardening again.
“Aw~♡,” he coos, beginning to disrobe fully now, grabbing your pliant body and dragging you into his lap and arms. He’s mockingly rubbing his face against yours, looking like one might with their pet after they do something cute.
“You don’t think that was enough to convince me do you?” His words bring you back to life, eyes wearily meeting his.
His smile appears softer, but his eyes never lie.
He’s shifting you, so he can nip and lick your neck where he intends to drink.
“Always so sweet…” he murmurs, sinking his fangs in and moaning as the taste of you explodes in his mouth. You’re unable to resist the rush of pleasure which follows him drinking from you, whining in his hold. “Be good pet, save that energy, I’m going to taste your cunt next.” His vulgar speech leaves you shaking as he savors you, licking and sucking on your skin even after he’s fed.
He pulls back to look down at you, messy and ruined looking in his hold. “I’ll give you another chance little Princess, to show me how desperate you are~♡”
He’s not going to let you go see the vile woman which sold you to him. The disgusting humans which you so love and call family all to happy to dance on your corpse for a leg up in life.
No, you just need to be obedient and sweet to him alone. No need for thoughts revolving around anything but him, he’ll ensure it with time and proper training.
Once he makes you his familiar, you’ll stop aging and the memories of your life as a human will fade.
You just need to stay his good little Princess.
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Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Dragon’s Bride
(full piece)
Yandere dragon Hanayama Kaoru x Princess reader x Orc Jack Hanma
Took me a long time to do this, but it’s here. I felt so bad not allowing Jack to get a proper ending and there will be no part 2. Enjoy the 400 follower special!!!
5.6 k words
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A young girl shyly hid behind her mother’s dress as her big (eye color) eyes gazed at the young boy being introduced to her. She was mesmerized by the small black horns on his head that were still coming in and his small black wings. She couldn’t believe she was meeting a dragon face to face…
His mother pushed him forward as (your name)’s mother pushed the shy girl in front of him. The two children staring at each other in curiosity.
“(Your name)? This is Hanayama Kaoru. He’s going to be your protector until you’re twenty.” Queen (Mom’s name) smiled down at her shy little princess.
“H-hello.” (Your name) softly told the boy with a blush on her cheeks.
“Hello.” Kaoru replied without his face showing much expression. It seems he was the quiet type.
The two mothers smiled at each other fondly. They were happy that the tradition between the Hanayama and the (last name) family would continue for a second generation. The friendship between the two royal families was powerful, dating back for centuries with Kaoru’s mother’s side. But this was the first time a male dragon would be guarding a princess in the tower. Usually his mother would have done it, but lately her health hasn’t been well so she passed the torch to Kaoru.
Kaoru’s mother had utmost faith that Kaoru would make sure nothing happened to (your name). Dragons are extremely possessive over beautiful things after all.
Over the years together in the tower, Kaoru got tired of (your name)’s antics. She always greeted him with a bright smile whenever he came back from a dispute with other creatures or even just a short flight outside. How she always dresses his wounds and made him meals. Kaoru hired servants to make sure she was properly taken care of because he tried to stay as long as he could away from the tower. Lately he’s been leaving her for about a month in the tower.
Kaoru had no romantic interest in a weak human girl. He always coldly rejected her advances and yet she still persisted. She was like an annoying little fly he wasn’t allowed to squash.
And today, he reached a breaking point. Now he was thrilled that she no longer tried to hug to touch him, but she still always greeted him whenever he returned.
“Kaoru!” (Your name) happily greeted him when he flew down and landed on his perch. “I was worried about you when you didn’t come back for a month but I’m glad to know you’re okay-“
“I’m fine.” Kaoru hissed as he flashed his teeth at (your name) who frowned. She held her hands close to her chest as Kaoru continued, “Just leave me alone. I don’t want to see you anymore.”
“Im sorry…” She replied softly as she held her arms. “I just-“
“We are not friends. We are not anything.” Kaoru growled as smoke came out of his nose. “Just because our mothers were does not mean the same for us. They’re both gone now so we don’t have to carry on that stupid tradition. You don’t have to make meals for me, that is for the servants. And you don’t have to hum your stupid little tunes, I sleep just fine on my own. You’re nothing more than a weak little human and I have no interest in any sort of relationship with you.”
Kaoru then turned on his heel and stormed off, leaving a teary eyed (your name) behind. The young woman sighing softly.
“Okay… okay.” She then went back into her room and shut herself in there. The young woman taking her diary and putting it into the burn pile along with all the letters she tried send Kaoru when he went into small battles for more treasure. “I’ll give you what you want.”
(Your name) then decided from that day forward, she wouldn’t bother him again.
Sure enough, Kaoru didn’t see much of (your name) anymore. There were no more greetings or smiles towards him, no more meals made, and no more letters sent. Just silence. It made the tower feel… empty. It’s been weeks of silence.
Kaoru roamed the tower’s halls to check on (your name). Her coming of age was approaching in a year and she would be leaving the tower soon… which meant she’d be getting married off to someone.
Kaoru peaked into her room and saw her standing on her balcony gazing down below. She didn’t turn her head to greet him when he knocked on the door, her eyes transfixed on the forest below. She was ignoring him again.
“I’m going on another trip.” Kaoru told her in his gruff voice. His obsidian eyes gazing at her for any sign of acknowledgment but she didn’t react to him. “It could take awhile.”
(Your name) made no movement towards him and didn’t speak, causing Kaoru to huff. How long was she planning on this silent game? She could at least tell him to be safe- no. Why would he care if she wants him to be safe.
Kaoru stormed off to exit the tower. His body shifting into that of a giant black dragon’s. He was a massive dragon with obsidian scales and long black and red horns that curved back on the top of his head. His obsidian eyes now a bright ruby red.
Kaoru flew up into the sky but not before glancing at (your name) who was still standing on the balcony. Her face looked so… sullen.
Kaoru shook his head. Why did he care if she looked gloomy? It’s not like he cared about her or anything… right?
Kaoru flew off in his pursuit of treasure, leaving (your name) behind once again. Unaware of the danger she would be in…
(Your name) left the tower to sit by the river she always watches from her balcony. The servants didn’t really talk to her and neither did Kaoru so she was usually alone…
(Your name) began to pick some swan river daisies by the water and slowly turn them into bracelets and flower crowns. A smile on her face for the first time in weeks. She only had one more year… one more year in the tower and then she’d be married off to a prince… she hoped maybe then she’d have someone to love.
(Your name) was completely immersed in her flowers that she didn’t notice the honey colored eyes observing her from the bushes. He was enamored with this human woman. She always looked so sad standing on her balcony… this was the first time he’s seen her out of that tower and so defenseless… he was going to take advantage of this opportunity.
A large creature slowly approaching her as she worked on her flower crowns. A large shadow now lingering over her.
(Your name) glanced up and was surprised to see an orc standing before her. His large, muscular body only covered with a green loin cloth, a pair of ill fitted shorts, and some leather gauntlets. He was definitely an orc warrior… but what was he doing here?
“Hello?” (Your name) softly greeted the orc, hoping not to upset him. The orc didn’t seem hostile despite the numerous scars that covered his body.
“Hello.” The orc greeted her back as he slowly went to sit a few feet from her. His honey colored eyes watching her closely. “My name is Jack. Jack Hanma.”
“My name is (your name)…” (your name) softly introduced herself to Jack. Her eyes sparkling under the sunlight as she smiled brightly at Jack. This was the first time she has spoken to another man other than Kaoru… and also the first time someone introduced themselves first to her… she was excited of this potential friendship.
“I always see you in that tower but I’ve never had the chance to talk to you…” Jack muttered as he looked away in embarrassment. “Are you a prisoner?”
(Your name) blinks at him before laughing a bit. “No. I’m not a prisoner. I’m a princess.”
Jack blinker before frowning. “But why are you in a tower?”
(Your name) thought for a minute before answering. “It’s a family tradition for my family to be locked away in a tower until we come of age. It’s a weird way to protect me until I am married off.”
Jack hummed in thought. He guess it made sense to want to protect a princess’s purity but at the same time, she looked so miserable. He couldn’t imagine being locked in a tower with no company… he never sees her talking to anyone in the months he’s been watching her. She always looked so sad and alone… just like him.
Jack had been alone for most of his life. Everyday he had to fight to survive and to become stronger so he could defeat his father… but a part of him craved love. He longed for the way he’s seen other creatures hold each other.
It was pure luck he spotted (your name) and saw he trying to speak to that scarred dragon for years. It gave him hope. Hope that she could love someone like him.
“(Your name)? I don’t live far from this river so you can come see me anytime.” Jack tells her with a hopeful tone in his voice. Jack nearly jumped up in the air when she placed a hand on his arm.
“Thank you… it’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to someone.” (Your name) smiled at Jack who blushed in response. She was so pretty… how could someone be so pretty?
“You can speak to me anytime.” Jack whispered. He’s had his eyes on her for months and he was so happy she wasn’t afraid of him…
(Your name) smiled at him. “I’d love to.”
Kaoru glanced expectantly at his window each day. Wondering when the bird was going to bring him a letter from (your name). She always sent letters whenever he was gone… always.
But over the last week, he had yet to receive one… why wasn’t she sending him letter? Was she okay?
Kaoru paced in his castle in thought. This was the longest they’ve went without an interaction in the decade they’ve known each other and he was going mad.
When the bird landed on his window, he practically leapt at it and snatched the message off the leg. His heart clenching when he realized it was just a message from her family informing him that (your name)’s coming of age party was coming up.
Kaoru threw the letter to the ground as he sat in his chair. He leaned his head back as he sighed.
He had successfully gathered all the jewels and treasure he wanted on this trip and yet he still felt so empty… why did he feel so empty…
Kaoru sighed as he rubbed his forehead. What on earth was going on with him? Why did he miss (your name) so much?
Over the next few weeks, (your name) began to see Jack as much as she could. The two sharing meals she made together and stories. Sometimes (your name) would sit beside Jack and read with him.
For the first time since she’s been in the tower, she has a friend. A real friend.
(Your name) smiled at Jack as she made him a flower crown. The orc happily accepting the crown as he sat beside her by the river.
“There. Now you’re a prince.” (Your name) smiles at Jack who laughs with her.
“I’m a ferocious warrior prince.” Jack snickers. “My brethren would have a cow if they saw me like this.”
(Your name) leans her head on Jack’s arm as they sit by the water together. They became so close over these last few weeks, if feels like they’ve known each other for a lifetime.
“I think you’re neat.” (Your name) tells Jack. “I admire you a lot, Jack.”
Jack blushes as he turns away. He hates how soft he is for her but at the same time, he loves it. He loves her.
Jack just hates how out of place his reflection looks next to her. He’s an orc and she’s a princess… they’re from two very different worlds.
Jack glanced at (your name) who was smiling as she made more flower bracelets. He wanted her… he wanted her almost as bad as he wanted to defeat his father. And damn it, he’d do anything for her… anything.
“Jack? I made us some sandwiches to enjoy.” (Your name) reached into her bag and pulled out some little sandwiches she made.
Jack smiled, his tusks almost digging into his cheeks from how wide it was.
“You spoil me, sweet cheeks.” Jack felt like he needed to gift her something… maybe she’d like a new fur to keep warm with before the cold months hit…
Kaoru threw a chair across the room when he received a letter back from the servants in the tower. (Your name) had befriended another man… the servants wrote that they share meals together and they’re always laughing.
Kaoru couldn’t stand it. Why was she doing that… she must want to upset him. She wants him to be jealous… that’s what it had to be. She would never move on. They’ve been together for a decade.
Kaoru glanced at the neatly wrapped gift he had gotten for her. He was sure she’d love it… she used to always talk about wanting this…
Kaoru decided to head back home with his plunders. It was time to go back to (your name) and this time, he’s give her all the attention she wanted.
(Your name) lightly sung as she worked on another meal for her and Jack to enjoy by the river. A bright smile on her face as she imagined his gracious expression. Jack was always so happy whenever she came by to visit him. He was such wonderful company.
The door creaked open but (your name) paid it no mind. She figured it was just a servant.
At least not until the large form of Kaoru stood beside her.
“I’m back…” Kaoru muttered as he stood beside her, his obsidian eyes gazing at her expectantly. As if he was waiting for something.
(Your name) set the bowl down as she turned to look at him, the smile on her face gone. She didn’t understand what he wanted from her.
“Okay.” She replied before getting back to work, but Kaoru put his hand on the bowl.
“You… you didn’t send me any letters…” Kaoru whispered as he held the bowl down on the counter. “I… I was safe.”
(Your name) frowned at Kaoru’s behavior. The princess moving away from him. She didn’t understand why he was talking to her.
“Okay.” (Your name) replied again. She didn’t know what to say to him.
“I brought you something.” Kaoru told her as he went over to the door and grabbed a present. The dragon presenting her the gift with a soft expression.
(Your name)’s brow furrowed in confusion. Why would he bring her something? He’s never brought her anything before…
(Your name) slowly opened the gift before he eyes widened at the contents. This was… this was a gown she had wanted a few years ago… why would he give his to her?
“Do you like it?” Kaoru asked, his eyes hopeful as he trembled. It was as if his eyes were telling her, ‘look at me. Look at what I did. Look at me.’
“You didn’t have to get me this…” (your name) whispered as she covered the gift back up with the lid. She remembered how Kaoru had told her that she wouldn’t ever be able to wear something like that because it wasn’t like he was ever going to take her dancing. He convinced her it was a stupid want and now she didn’t have a desire to dance. “It’s impractical. I’m never going to go dancing until my coming of age.”
Kaoru felt his breath hitch at her words. How could he forget how he told her that she’d never be able to wear this dress… god he was awful.
“Well you can wear it.” Kaoru told her. “I… I could teach you how to dance-“ (Your name) shook her head and handed Kaoru back the gift.
“No. You have no desire for any kind of relationship with me, remember?” (Your name) sighed as she decided to abandon her cooking to get away from Kaoru.
Kaoru lunged forward and grabbed her shoulders, causing (your name) to gasp.
“I didn’t mean it…” Kaoru whispered as he held her in place. “Please… I didn’t mean it.”
Kaoru pulled (your name) into a hug as he buried his nose into her shoulder. The dragon sighing at her scent.
(Your name) pushed him back as she stepped away from him.
“I’m sorry. The damage is done… I don’t think I want to be near you. I’m sorry.” (Your name) then walks to her room. Kaoru standing there shocked.
She wasn’t supposed to reject him… she always loved him. Always. Why didn’t she love him anymore?
Kaoru made his way up the stairs to her room but he paused when he saw a notebook in the burn pile. His curiosity getting the better of him.
Kaoru’s clawed hand flips through the pages before his obsidian eyes widen in realization. This was her diary…
Kaoru took off to his room to go through the pages. His heart beating erratically in his chest when his eyes glimpses at how often his name was in here. He couldn’t wait to find out all the contents in this book…
Meanwhile, (your name) snuck out of the tower to go see Jack. The orc waiting for her by the river. The orc trying to hide something behind his back with a blush.
“Oh! You’re here!” Jack didn’t want to admit to her that he was counting the seconds. It wasn’t like him to be so impatient to see someone, let alone a girl. “I got you something.”
Jack presented (your name) the fur coat of a white tiger. He had been extremely careful not to completely destroy the animal, but he was able to keep most of it intact after his attack. He kept the meat for himself, but he carefully carved the pelt for (your name). It would be a perfect gift for her before it became cold… the pelt should keep her warm.
(Your name)’s eyes sparkled at the beautiful pelt. Her hands touching the soft fur in awe. It was beautiful…
“It’s so beautiful, Jack…” (your name) thanked Jack as she held the pelt in her arms. “I can’t believe you got this for me…”
Jack gave (your name) a toothy grin. He was proud she loved his gift. She deserved beautiful things.
(Your name) blushed as she held the pelt up to her body. The fur was warm and it smelled like Jack… his scent of musky and pine was so comforting to her.
Her relationship with Jack was starting to make her realize what love and care truly was. Perhaps she simply had a crush on Kaoru because those feelings were nowhere near the magnitude of what she felt for Jack. But she still had the wound of rejection, she was afraid to tell Jack how she felt…
Jack took in a deep breath as he observed her soft expression. He loved her… he loved her so much, it was scary.
“(Your name)?” The princess looked up, brown eyes meeting (eye color). Jack gulping down the lump in his throat before continuing. “I’m… I’m only half orc.”
(Your name) blinked as she glanced at Jack’s skin color. She had wondered why he had more of a human skin tone rather than the bright green she’s heard of orcs having, but she didn’t question it. Either way she didn’t care about something as minuscule as Jack’s race.
“That’s okay, Jack-“ Jack leaned his head on (your name)’s shoulder as he sighed.
“I was not born out of love… I was born out of conquest.” Jack softly told her as he wrapped his large arms around her. “I struggled to fit in with humans and orcs for years… I was a horrible monster for so long but I was so lonely…”
(Your name) frowned as Jack shared about himself, she patiently waited for him to continue sharing what he was comfortable with.
“I came to this forest to slay a dragon. To prove I was capable of defeating my father and taking over he orc hoard… but then I saw you.” Jack grabbed her shoulders and turned her upper body to face him. His honey colored eyes full of emotion. “I’m not trying to sound strange but… I’ve been watching you for a long time… how you were treated, rejected, and constant cast aside. I sympathized with you. I went through that as well all my life…”
“Jack…” (your name) held his cheeks in her hands as she smiled up at him. The orc leaning his scarred cheek into her right hand as he sighed dreamily. His eyes gazing into her with so much love, she thought she’d melt.
“I wanted you for months. I didn’t waste the opportunity to finally talk to you… I was so happy you talked to me and we’ve been seeing each other over these last few weeks.” Jack whispered, unsure if he should continue but with a nod from (your name), he felt more confident in proclaiming his feelings for her. “(Your name)? I’m in love with you.”
(Your name) felt her breath hitch when Jack pressed his chapped lips on her right wrist to give it a tender kiss. Her cheeks now a bright red as he stared longingly at her.
“I love you too…” (Your name) smiled up at Jack. It was the truth. In the two months she’s known Jack, he had shown her the love she had always desired. The kind she read about in story books… Jack was perfect. He may not be the picture description of the typical Prince Charming but he was charming in his own way.
Jack snakes his arms around her as he held her close. His forehead pressed against hers as he smiled brightly, his ivory tusks glistening in the sunlight.
“I’m so happy…” He had always lived a life of violence and anger… yet here he was finally embracing someone who cared about him. He no longer lived in the days of war and inflicting fear. He could finally be happy…
Jack pressed his chapped lips to the top of (your name)’s head. The two cuddling as (your name) smiled warmly at him.
And so began their secret relationship. (Your name) deciding she was going to run away with Jack instead of marrying a prince like she was supposed to.
It was just a shame Kaoru wasn’t going to let her go…
Later that night, Kaoru sat in his study flipping through (your name)’s diary. He has been reading through it all day…
Kaoru ran his clawed fingers through each page with love sick eyes. He had no idea how fond the princess was of him… how much she admired and cared about him. How could he be so blind?
(Your name) was the perfect little mate. Kaoru was sure he could find a witch or a wizard to be able to turn her into a dragon so she could be with him… just like she always wanted!
Kaoru made his way to his board of treasure. The dragon scooping through it excitedly as he began to pick out beautiful gifts to court her with. Some golden necklaces catching his eye.
Kaoru then made his way up to (your name)‘a tower with the necklaces in hand. His hand knocking at her door as he held the necklaces close to his chest.
“Who is it?” Kaoru smiled when he heard her soft voice from the other side of the door.
“It’s me…” Kaoru whispered back, the door slowly opening to reveal (your name) in her nightdress. The princess using a blanket to cover herself from his eyes.
“Oh. I wasn’t be loud or anything was I?” Kaoru frowns when she doesn’t look at him at all. Why wouldn’t she look at him? She loves him… so her eyes should always be on him.
“No… I have something for you.” Kaoru then held up the gold necklaces too (your name). The princess raising a brow at him. “I think you’d look lovely in gold…”
(Your name) tilted her head at Kaoru’s strange behavior. He never brought her gifts before… ever. So why was he trying to gift her things now?
“Oh… but where would I wear something that nice? I’m stuck in this tower for six more months…” Kaoru frowned at her subtle rejection before ultimately deciding to persist.
“You can wear them while here…” (Your name) stepped back when Kaoru pushed forward and entered the room. “Here, let me put them on for you.”
(Your name) sighed before sitting on her bed and using the blanket to cover up her body, except for her neck. Kaoru swinging the necklaces over her neck before clasping each one.
(Your name) shivered when his claws lightly brushed against the soft skin of her neck.
“You smell nice and your skin is so soft…” Kaoru whispered huskily in her ear as he turned her body to face the full body mirror in front of her bed. “And you look so beautiful in gold.”
(Your name)’s (eye color) eyes were wide at the sight before her. Kaoru’s large body sat behind her as he ran his claws through her hair. His nose pressed into the locks as he gave a few strands some kisses.
“Thank you.” (Your name) thanks him softly before gently pulling her hair away from him. She felt extremely uncomfortable. She was confused on why he was giving her so much attention suddenly.
Kaoru suddenly leaned forward and wrapped his large arms around her. Kaoru pulling her body to lean back on his as he purrs. (Your name) had no idea dragons could purr… it was a strange discovery.
“Why are you being so distant? Aren’t you happy?” Kaoru asks as he leans his head into the crook of her neck, his brow furrowing at the strange scent that was mixed with hers. Kaoru snapped his head away from her shoulder as his obsidian eyes flashed a bright ruby red for a second. This was a masculine scent… a monster scent. “Who were you with? Who?”
“Oh, I made a friend by the river…” (Your name) gulped when Kaoru’s eyes were now a bright red with thing black slits… the look on his face was terrifying… her body trembled as she tried to speak to him again. “His name is Jack-“
One of Kaoru’s hands swiped at one of the wooden bed posts on her bed. (Your name) screamed when the wood flew off and crashed into the wall from the force behind his swing. She covered his head as she trembled like a leaf. She could smell smoke…
(Your name) nervously glanced up at Kaoru who had smoke leaving his nose and his lips. He looked so angry… why was he angry?
Kaoru took in a deep breath before calming down. Kaoru pulled her close to his chest as he pressed a kiss to her head. “I’m sorry, dear. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I just got a little angry is all.”
(Your name) was as still as a stone as Kaoru caressed her. The dragon muttering her reassurances.
“I’ll get you a new bed frame and new bed posts… how about one of those canopy beds with the sheer curtains? Won’t that be lovely?” Kaoru offered her as he nuzzled her neck, making sure to rub his scent all over her.
(Your name) just trembled as she held the blankets close to herself. She didn’t know what was going on with Kaoru but she was afraid… she was so afraid…
(Your name) went down the tower to go out to see Jack, only to realize the door was melted… Someone welded the metal door completely shut… she couldn’t go out now.
(Your name) felt tears gather in her eyes as she tried the door. Only to sigh in frustration. The only ones who could get in and out of the tower now were the servants but that was because they were also dragons…
How was she going to see Jack now? How was she to let him know she was now truly trapped in his tower…
(Your name) went to go back up her tower and she ran into Kaoru. The dragon smiling softly at her as he held up some silk sheets in his hands.
“I got you that new bed. I’m going to get rid of all your blankets.” Kaoru then leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “Especially that fur. To smells disgusting-“
“Please don’t take the fur.” (Your name) grabbed Kaoru’s shirt. “Please not that… just let me keep that… please.”
Kaoru froze before sighing. It seems she grew some sort of attachment to that orc outside… nonetheless he must get rid of it.
Before Kaoru could speak, he felt (your name) hug him. His breath hitching at the gesture, his arms snaking around her waist to pull her closer to his body.
“I’ll do anything… please don’t.”
“Anything?” Kaoru felt dazed. Anything… she’d do anything for that sad little fur… “Then let me lay beside you tonight. I want to sleep in your bed with you.”
“…okay.” (Your name) whispered. Kaoru was so happy… he was so happy his little mate accepted him again. He’d never mistreat her again…
Now all he had to do was ask for her hand in marriage from her parents…
Kaoru was gone the rest of the day. He had flown off somewhere so (your name) used this time to try to figure out how to contact Jack.
The servants all left for the day but even then… Jack was too far away to hear her scream.
(Your name) felt a sob rack through her body. She felt hopeless… just like a damsel in distress…
“(Your name)?” (Your name) perked up at her name and ran to her balcony to see Jack. She waved her arms at him.
“Jack! Jack I’m here!” (Your name) felt tears fall down her face as she smiled. “Kaoru welded the door shut! I can’t get out!”
Jack furrowed his brows before walking around the tower. There wasn’t a way in besides that door and the windows that were high up… Jack was going to have to climb…
“I’ll figure a way to get you out! I promise.” Jack shouted up at her as he glanced up at the sky. “I think he’s coming back so I’ll have to plan a way to get you out safely! I’ll save you, I swear!”
Jack then dashed back into the forest before Kaoru saw him.
The large black dragon transforming back into Kaoru as he landed on her balcony. A smile on his face when he saw (Your name).
“Were you waiting for me? I made sure not to be gone for too long.” Kaoru wrapped his arms around (your name) as he sighed in contentment. His sweet little mate was waiting for him… he couldn’t wait to tell her the news…
(Your name) held him back a bit just to satiate him. She didn’t want to upset him in anyway…
Kaoru lead her into her room as he presented her some more gifts. This time she accepted them without hesitation. She didn’t want him to destroy her new bed…
“I paid your family a visit.” Kaoru whispered with a smile. “They’re not going to get you back now like they were supposed to.”
(Your name) freezes. This wasn’t the agreement… she was supposed to leave this tower in a few months and then runaway with Jack… why would the terms change?
“I burned down over half of that kingdom but they’re going to let me keep you.” Kaoru smiled as he placed his head into her shoulder and inhaled her scent. “You’re going to be my wife. Aren’t you happy?”
(Your name) felt her blood run cold. Kaoru wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her… he never cared about her before…
Kaoru played with her hair with a smile. (Your name)’s eyes wide in shock.
“We’ll love the rest of our days together. You’ll be my lifelong mate.” Kaoru explained softly. “I’m having Kizaki work on finding a witch or wizard who would be able to turn you into a dragon, just like you’ve always wanted.”
How did he know that she used to want to be a dragon to be with him? Unless… no…
“Kaoru… did you read my diary?” (Your name) whispered as Kaoru smiled at her.
“I did. You wrote about how much you care for me… how much you love me.” Kaoru took her hands in his. “How could I not be moved by your declarations and efforts? I swear I’ll never mistreat you again. From now on I’ll be the perfect mate. The perfect husband and provider.”
Kaoru pressed his forehead to hers. “I realized how important you were to me once you stopped your affection. You are my most valuable treasure, dear. I’ll treat you well, I swear.”
This had to be some sort of sick joke… Kaoru never wanted her before. Yet even she knew Kaoru doesn’t joke. He’s a very serious man.
Kaoru was obsessed with her and he was never going to let her go…
Dragons were extremely possessive of their treasure, after all.
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! General Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! General is very controlling and likes order. He has a specific way of doing things and doesn’t like seeing things out of line. Will be very demanding and forceful things don’t go his way.
🌟 Yandere! General who is insanely scary when pissed off. He basically triggers everyone’s fight or flight response no matter who they are. Can easily break every bone in someone’s body if he really wanted to or was pissed off enough.
🌟 Yandere! General has many scars on his body due to his many battles in war. He enjoys it when you run your fingers down on them. His battle scars are extremely thick and run all over his body. They symbolize his strength and resilience.
🌟 Yandere! General would write the world's most romantic letter to you everyday while he’s out at war. He feels guilty for leaving you alone and wants to finish the battle as quickly as possible just to get back to you. Every minute apart from you is torture and would always carry a picture of you in his uniform chest pocket.
🌟 Yandere! General gives you the juiciest French kisses when leaves or returns from war. He expresses his emotions mostly through action and rarely verbally expresses himself. Will also bring back jewels and clothes for you once he gets back.
🌟 Yandere! General met you at a banquet hosted by a member of the royal family. You were an aristocrat and he couldn’t help but be enthralled by you once you introduced yourself to him. He spent the entire night by your side getting to know you and currying your favor.
🌟 Yandere! General on the next day is meeting with your parents to demand for your hand in marriage. They most likely will say yes due to his high social standing and his incredible wealth. However, if they say no he won’t hesitate to kill your parents or use any form of intimidation to make it happen. Would kill a suitor he’s most threatened by and chop their head off. Then mail them to other suitors as a warning sign for them to stay away from you.
🌟 Yandere! General would betray his country and kill all the royal family members in a heartbeat if you wanted him to. Although he has a cold exterior and aggressive way of dealing with you, your wants are what he chooses to prioritize. Don’t ask too much out of him all the time though, if he feels as if your being to demanding he may spank you.
🌟 Yandere! General is incredibly hard to run away from. If you somehow manage to do so, he’ll use his position to scour the entire world until he gets his hands on you again. When he manages to do so, he’ll permanently break your legs and disabling you. This would cause you to rely on him for everything and he lives for that. You can scorn him all you want but in his mind you deserved it.
🌟 Yandere! General grew up as an only child. His mother died when he was young due to a sickness and was left with his father. Killed his father with his own bare hands which caused rumors to swell that he is a savage. Nobody knows why he did it but no one is willing to ask why due to their fear of him.
🌟 Yandere! General was forced to join the army as a child soldier in order to survive and make a living. Climbed up the ranks and is now the most respected man in the military. Over time he’s hardened a lot and the sight of blood does not bother him, in fact it excites him. The thrill of a dangerous battle gets his adrenaline going and wanting to smash someone’s brains in.
🌟 Yandere! General loves it when you read a book to him while he cuddles with you. It’s the peaceful times that he yearns for the most. Being out in war all the time and having to fight battles since a young age really traumatized him. A change in scenery is really like a breath of fresh air. He can only really feel at serenity when you’re in his arms.
🌟 Yandere! General has a very unique and strange sense of humor. He likes to make a lot of pun jokes which most of the time leave the room just silent. Thinks that he is extremely hilarious and gets proud of his jokes. When he tells a joke to you, you usually just ignore him but he will keep repeating that joke until he gets a reaction out of you. Usually it’s a pity laugh or a really tiny awkward chuckle.
🌟 Yandere! General keeps weapons hidden from you. Does not trust you enough to handle them and doesn’t like you holding them. Why would you need them when he can protect you himself? Won’t allow you to learn how to properly use weapons because he believes that it isn’t needed with him around.
🌟 Yandere! General is very strict with you. He doesn’t like seeing you do things that he deems as “out of line” such as escaping. Has a daily routine that he likes for you to follow and won’t hesitate to demoralize you if you don’t. Although he can be very mean to you at times that doesn’t mean he’ll allow others to do the same. If he ever sees a maid bullying you, he’d gladly hang them in the middle of the city for everyone to see.
🌟 Yandere! General has so much power that at times, not even the royal family can stop him. He’s very influential and the only thing they can do is look at him in horror. Many successors in line for the crown will try to curry his favor in order to stabilize their position as the next ruler. His say is the most powerful out of all the noblemen combined. Absolutely no one can compete with him.
🌟 Yandere! General is very tall and extremely muscular all around. He’s the most well built person you’ll ever meet. His boobs are probably bigger than yours. Is as hard as a rock, if you ever tried to punch him you’re fist would probably break and is easily one of the most strongest people in the world.
🌟 Yandere! General isn’t as book smart as he’d like to be. It’s not surprising because for most of his childhood he’s been in the military. Most of his learning came from trying to understand important documents and make sense of them as a child. He loves to learn though and is willing to learn your native language if you have one.
🌟 Yandere! General has a lot of pent up stress due to paperwork he needs to complete. He lives to put you on his lap while he does his work in his office. Having you there just gives him delight and encourages him to complete his work faster. These days are very slow days to him and time just seems to drag on.
🌟 Yandere! General makes sure that you’re well taken care of and loves putting collars or chokers on you, it's just another sign that you belong to him. Don’t ever try resisting him because it just never goes too well for you. Just give up there’s nothing you can do.
Pt. 2
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cheriecelestial · 2 months
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Luminary Pt.1
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pairing *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Yan Emperor!OC X Swordmaster!OC
disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ yandere thoughts. hurt/no comfort. angst. mentions of violence and character death. lovers to enemies.
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Reposting a very old piece post editing (not really lol). According to my old a/n this was “very 3am spontaneous writing” meaning the idea was spontaneous not the process. Very manhwa-esque historical plot ig. Please listen to Joel Sunny’s Luminary for the whole experience. like always COMMENT LIKE & REBLOG (☆≧▽^)
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Ceaseless noblesse chatter, clinking of glasses and rustling of ball gowns blurred into an unintelligible myriad of sounds. Cecily massaged the bridge of her nose in an attempt to calm the pulsating migraine in her forehead. As much as she loved dressing up on her own accord and dancing, she felt much repulsion to high society. Whosoever had compared high society to a sandalwood tree must’ve been a wise person - exquisite and ambrosial smelling but intertwined with serpents waiting to pounce. Her sharp gaze, reminiscent of a relentless hunter, swept the expanse of ballroom to locate her target attendee. He wasn’t here, not yet at least. But he was expected to be here soon, after all what king doesn’t show up to the party he hosted in his own honour ?
Everything the room exuded an elite air of grandeur. Golden tendrils resembling vines creeping up the wall and colluding in a labyrinthine pattern of flowers and leaves against the stained glass ceilings. Lush roses filled each vase placed exactly five meters apart from each other. In the centre of the dome were three collinear alchemy powered faux stars, the centre attraction and the nominative factor of the ballroom — the Syzygy Hall. Leaning against the stone wall, the crisp night air fills her lungs while the stars twinkle in the dark, velvety sky, and she watched them with a nostalgic sense of appreciation. The flashing memories of her stargazing in this very hall with a certain gifted mage tugged harshly on her heart stings but she forced herself to shun them and focus on the task ahead.
Cecily shifted her attention to the noblemen and women drift across the smooth marble floors like clockwork nutcrackers in grandfather clocks. It all looked so beautiful and for the lack of a better word, rich. A part of her would’ve wanted to join to the festivities had her heart not drowned in waves of indignation for the host. But then as having danced her fair share of high society parties — she knew of the incessant debauchery, corruption and vicious yet sugarcoated calumny at the core of this diamond and silk adorned marvel. Nobility was a word that evoked images of artifice, undeserved riches, wastefulness and textbook narcissism. Albeit belonging to the pinnacle of non-royal nobility — Cecily’s lineage was both a blessing and a curse. As the daughter of one of the three dukes in the empire and the daughter and successor of the continent’s finest swordsman , Carlisle Reginald, Cecily was taught to be wary of desperate social climber with saccharine laced tongues at a young age. Just the thought of her family flared the inferno of negative feelings further.
“This far behind enemy lines ? Can’t tell if it’s brave, audacious or plain stupid.” Cecily rolled her eyes at the new admission. “What would you know anything about bravery Marcellus ?” The red haired paladin flinched at the woman using his full name and bit his tongue to restrain himself from answering her verbal jabs.
“I did what I had to do” He muttered quietly with his gaze fixed on the floor as if it was the most scintillating creation known to mankind. “You mean leaving your men to die mid-battle and defecting to the enemy’s side ?” Cecily scoffed at his confession. She couldn’t help be reminded of the past when they were trainee knights and how they were a symbol of valour and justice. The nights they spent at taverns celebrating after successfully completing missions and training. Cecily couldn’t pinpoint when everything changed and when people she knew digressed beyond recognition but it left a bitter taste in her mouth. Marcel’s words were slow to come out but he sighed and answered, “I merely chose the winning side . Unlike you, I have a sense of self preservation.”
“Where I’m from , we call it cowardice”
“Probably why that place burnt to the ground,”Marcel was hit with a sense of instant regret the second those words left his mouth. He muttered a quick apology as if that ever solved anything .
“Don’t say what you don’t mean. Genuine care doesn’t suit the self-serving likes of you.” Cecily spat out with anger laced in her seemingly calm tone. Had it been some other place with someone else, she wouldn’t have hesitated to draw her sword. Knowing her temper, he saw fit to change the topic of the conversation, “ It’s a fine dress you’re wearing. But I have to say - had I not known better I’d say it was a wedding gown. One refined enough for a duke’s daughter”
“It is a wedding gown. I just repurposed it since I don’t need it anymore and my other gowns were burnt along with my house. I’m sure you remember, you were there.”Cecily spoke in a monotone as she absentmindedly fiddled with the lace trimmings of her dress and the silver corsage on her wrist.
Marcel gulped at the realisation and looked away to the sea of jolly nobility dancing their evening away but he still couldn’t seem to shake off the chills floating in the air. Luck truly wasn’t on his side today “I know it was a purely political arrangement but Cedric was a good man. You have my condolences.”
His words evoked a humourless laugh from Cecily. Just how shameless could he be ? Leading the campaign that killed her fiancé and still have the guts to offer his sympathies.
“Losing a fiancé ? I’m sure you know what that’s like. Considering how you let Lucia Arden die just to save your own skin.”
Cecily remembered the sweet and gentle field medic who stopped at nothing to consistently heal her comrades and boost her fellow knights’ morale with her encouraging words. And she also remembered watching the radiant light leave her eyes and her skin turn frigid pale after Marcel defected and ambushed his own squadron. Cecily and Marcel were the closest of friends, maybe that’s why his betrayal stung so much. Had someone told about Marcel’s betrayal to her younger self from two years ago, she would’ve laughed at them and wonder if they lost their mind.
“What happened to her was regrettable. I asked her to join me. But she refused. Because she was -” so loyal to you, is what he wanted to say but something told him that not completely the sentence would serve him better. Cecily didn’t respond to him nor did she look at him. Marcel’s gaze fell to her fist which had clenched so tight that her knuckles were turning white.
“I tried you know. I really tried to convince her. That was more what I should’ve done considering what her family did to Genevieve—” despite his attempts to mask his emotions, venomous contempt seeped into his voice.“Lucia wasn’t her family. She didn’t know. She had no part in it.” Cecily countered firmly.
“She was going to be a mother ! And they—”Marcel swallowed thickly, unable to continue. Cecily sighed and massaged the bridge of her nose. Genevieve - the feisty barmaid at their favourite tavern who managed to capture Marcel’s heart and subsequently died a tragic death the hands of the Marquis Arden who couldn’t bear the disgrace of his daughter’s fiancé choosing a destitute orphaned commoner over his well-bred aristocratic daughter.
“What happened to her was unjust, but that doesn’t justify your treachery. You let your own men die. The very men that swore loyalty to you. The ones that fought, ate and bled by your side.” Cecily eyed him with simmering hatred. Marcel looked uncharacteristically startled for a moment by the her disdain but covered it up quickly. Silvers of guilt flashed in his eyes when he realised that even if he had managed to secure a future for himself as the commander general of the new king’s knights, he lost something truly important to him. The past him would’ve really hated him now.
“Of all people I thought you’d know what it’s like to lose the one you love the most. But in hindsight, you’re probably worse off than me. I’m sure you know, he isn’t what he used to be. The King’s scouts have been looking for you and the other rebels . You should leave before he sees you.” Warning her was the most he could do for her now. He had sworn loyalty to the new king but standing in front of his childhood friend - he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of conflict.
“Why ? Is he planning to send me and my men to the gallows ?” Cecily scoffed as if impressed that the king was putting in so much effort to locate her. “Your men ? Yes. You ? No. Corrupted or not, not even he could get himself to kill the woman he loves so dearly. But I’m positive whatever his plans for you are, would make you wish that he sent you to the gallows instead. He won’t kill you but beware— he won’t be soft either. He’s changed beyond recognition.”
“That’s exactly what I’m counting on,”she muttered to herself as she watched Marcel vanish from her side and melt into the sea of guests.
For a moment the entire ballroom stilled and she knew he was here. Her eyes swept the length of the ballroom till she met the gaze of the devil himself. Unlike what he used to wear when she knew him, he donned the most lavish robes and jewels she’d seen on a person. His unruly platinum hair were styled perfect to accentuate his looks. The crystalline vivid blue eyes she fell in love with were replaced by a sinister shade of ruby red. He stared intently at her, it is as if his eyes intended to pierce her skin and rip out her soul. Her stomach twisted and the chill in the air sent goosebumps down her neck and back. He never looked more glorious. The corners of his lips curled up into a slight smile as he made his way through the crowd. Her breath shallowed with each step that he took towards her.
“Duchess Reginald. It truly is you and here I thought my senses were deceiving me.” Cecily flinched at the title knowing full well that she never got to ceremoniously inherit the title since the previous Duke died at the emperor’s sword following the coup d’état and the estate was burned to a crisp not too long ago. His gentle expression of adoration cut off air from her lungs and she felt as though the string of pearls around her neck turned into a noose. She wanted to scream, to cry, to seek retribution for all the havoc he wrecked but swallowing her emotions down she placed her hand on her heart and bowed lightly,“Glory and blessings upon the rising sun of the Asterin empire,” Cecily heard melodious laughter as response to her words. Her heart dropped from the sheer impact. Cecily Reginald was a creature of pure control and the idea of losing control, especially just by his mere presence, was offensive to her. Her heart burst into multitude of emotions as she tried to rein them and stay calm.
“And I never thought I’d see you bow. But then, bowing isn’t always submission. Now is it, my dearest Cecily ?” Electricity coursed her veins at the way her name rolled off his tongue in the same tender fashion as he used to when they were younger. He’s changed beyond recognition, Marcel’s words ringed in her ears. Cecily didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of eliciting a reaction so she shifted her gaze away. Much to her dismay, her refusal just swelled his need to provoke her further .
“Please don’t shy away duchess. It’s a glorious party, would you be so kind to grant me the honour of a dance ?” The king outstretched his hand towards her with seemingly innocent intent. The emperor’s first dance of the evening, an action that symbolised winning the favour of the emperor. Which was why — traditionally it was done between courting, betrothed or wedded couples. After a moment’s hesitation she took his hand and was guided to the centre of the dance floor. The king placed a hand on her waist and interlaced his other hand with hers. The position seemed so natural to them like two pieces of a puzzle that were created to fit together. He actioned the orchestra and the waltz began without a hitch as the band of musicians weaved pleasant melodies into the air.
“You look ravishing my dearest.” Cecily’s breath hitched as the king tugged on her waist, pulling her closer. His smirk widened in satisfaction at her visceral reaction. “Thank you your majesty.” She looked at him with her eyes betraying traces of emotion even though she was restraining herself to her best capacity. But the memory of his touch still fills her heart with longing but she still hated how much the sensation excites her.
“I was informed that troops stationed north of Demaris were brutally slaughtered by the rebel forces spearheaded by a certain raven haired general. You wouldn’t know anything about that, now would you duchess ?” Cecily’s face hardened and she replied in a sharp tone,“Depends on why those troops were present in the first place your majesty.” The king’s troops were sent to forcefully evict war immigrants that were rendered homeless by the conquests of the previous emperor since he regarded them as a political liability. The villagers were kind enough to house some of the rebels in exchange for protection against the monsters near the border.
Vivacious laughter bubbles from his chest and he responded ,“Very well dearest. And please, drop the formalities. Call me by my name. Your majesty feels unnatural.” She knew provoking him any more than necessary would only spell trouble for it. Her scheme had to work out as planned. “Atticus,” she breathed out with much difficulty. Saying his name was a tougher task than she had initially thought. A pleased smirk made its way onto his lips, leaving Cecily feeling as if she had lost.
“I know blue is your colour but I have to admit, you look utterly angelic in white. You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. What a fine bride you would make.”
Under different circumstances, she would’ve blushed and accepted the compliment graciously. Cecily felt a strange feeling of melancholy and what ifs shrouded her. She was so determined before coming here and she couldn’t afford letting her purpose dissolve just because she was holding onto the ghost of the man she loved.
“What use is beauty when you’re cursed with rotten luck the way I am. I have two dead fiancés on my tab already.” She laughed humorouslessly and eyed him with an insinuating sharpness. Atticus smiled with his evergreen charm before continuing knowingly ,“ Hmm. Maybe it’s a sign from the goddess of marriage that those men and you weren’t meant to be .”
Cecily arched her brow at his revelation. Is that what he was trying to paint them as ? Twists of fate ? She may not have loved either of them but they weren’t deserving of the end that befell them. “I know you’ve taken many aliases in your lifetime but goddess of marriage ? That’s a new one your majesty.” Atticus’ mocking clearly struck a nerve. She half expected him to take offence to her words but instead he looked at her in bemusement.
He clicked his tongue in a ‘ah’ gesture and suggested ,” Well you know what they say m’lady. Third time’s a charm .” Cecily knew exactly what he was implying but she didn’t want to grant him an ounce of satisfaction by giving him a favourable reaction .
“Unfortunately your majesty, I am above wedding kinslayers and dark magic practitioners .” She scowled at him as if testing to see if he had even an ounce of conscience intact . Atticus’ smile faltered and there was a brief flicker of discomfort in him as the implications of her words sunk in. His eyes narrowed slightly at her reaction.
“Ces I —,” but before he could respond Cecily cut him off ,“ And even if they had it coming . It doesn’t change the fact that you killed my father.” Memory of the pain of finding out about her father’s death on accounts of treason was clear as day in her heart. Carlisle Reginald was many things but not a traitor. He was so loyal to the crown that there were times when she resented him for choosing his duty over his own family.
Atticus visibly grimaced and his eyes turned to icy resentment ,“ The same father that abused you and caused you unimaginable pain in the name of training ? The same father who burnt the side of your face to destroy any chance of marriage because noblemen don’t wed women with scars ? The same father that nearly pushed you to end your life because you couldn’t handle the mantle of becoming the next swordsmaster ? Do you truly resent me for it my dearest ?” Cecily felt her throat tighten with emotion. She glanced away as though trying to think of an answer. There is no right answer to that question.
“ I don’t but —,” She admitted, her eyes still fixated on the corners of the room ,“ What about my Silas? Why did you kill him ? He looked up to you. He chose to pursue alchemy over swordsmanship because of you. He was a child . He didn’t deserve it.” The night her father died, the king’s men burnt her family estate to the ground and her brother with it.
Atticus stared at her for a couple of seconds before letting out a pained sigh ,“ My love, you must believe me. I never intended to put Silas in harm’s way . I just wanted to get rid of the duke because he was the only one standing between me and the throne. I was sure that Si would be at the academy. But unfortunately he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. If it provides any solace just know I had the informants and soldiers who failed to convey that Silas was in there executed .”
There were many things she wanted to say, to vent her frustration and anger but when the time came - her grief was too severe to be expressed in words so she just looked at him, hoping he’d see how much he made her suffer. Atticus tore his gaze away from hers and clenched his jaw as if keeping himself from saying or doing things that would just worsen their situation. Uncomfortable silence befell them as they continued to dance. For the first time she realised, that they were is a ballroom filled with people. The world seemed to have dissolved into nothingness when it came to Atticus but now she was starting to feel the weight of the other guests’ curious stares and whispers. Of course rumours would make their way across high society at the speed of lightning. Two star crossed lovers forced on opposite sides by fate. Cecily and Atticus had love, one for the ages but one chose the duty to her homeland over love and the other chose power over love. Love had no place in this fight of morality and duty. It was quite a pity really.
“But your crimes don’t end there. You delved into a form of magic that was forbidden for a reason, there is always a cost for power that wicked. Always.” She looked straight into his ruby red eyes. The vibrant blood red swirled in a way that resembled shadows obscuring a ravenous beast lurking underneath.
“Is that why you got engaged my brother ? To dispose of me and make him king ?” Cecily felt the temperature around them fall as Atticus’ eyes shone with a newfound sense of fury. Gone was the sweet and gentle man she knew, instead he was replaced by this - this thing. His fingers twitched where he held her waist as if wanting to tear into her skin.
“Sure. Let’s go with that .”She replied cooly. Logic be damned, she just wanted to shatter the mask he was wearing and truly see what he’d become.
“You think I’d let him have you ? Let him make you his queen ? I‘m so sorry if it hurts you my darling but I will slay any man who thinks he can have you . If you really want to be queen, I could make you this very moment. Just say the word.” For the first time, his suave facade cracked. He sounded almost desperate, so much so that Cecily was tempted to believe that a part of the old him was still in there. Regardless of Cedric somewhat sanctimonious and saintly character, he always lacked the vigour and the ambition it took to become king and most of all - to deserve Atticus’ goddess. Cedric was the only pure blooded prince who showed an inkling of kindness to a bastard of the previous emperor so Atticus granted him the mercy of a quick and painless death. But the idea of him wedding his beloved was beyond blasphemous and filled him with unimaginable rage; making him want to give Cedric a slow and painful death instead.
To him, Cecilia Seraphina Reginald was the closest humanity has attained to godliness. The passion she projected in her art and the fire that burned behind her eyes is enough to drive anyone to insanity . She used the sword as if it was an extension of her own body and where most fought with the crude desperation , every movement of her body was deliberate and precise as if she was floating like a butterfly through the air. With each step, she seemed to move through space and time, transcending the boundaries between ordinary and extraordinary. Each slash and strike was like a paint stroke on canvas, drawing a picture of beauty and grace in motion. Her raven hair striking a beautiful contrast against her emerald eyes . Even when her father burnt the side of her face , it barely obscured her beauty. Atticus had seen her in sickness and in health. At what she considered her worst, to his eyes — she was far more enchanting than any of the excessively powdered noble ladies he’d seen in court . There is something religious about the way he adored her. There never was a God in Atticus's life. No one deserved that title after what life had thrown at him since he was little.
He remembered the first day they met when she fended off the third prince bullying Atticus at their first day at the Royal Academy. She never once discriminated against for being an illegitimate child of the emperor. Atticus was born as a result of acts of cruelty on an elite battle mage of an enemy nation who was taken by the previous emperor as spoils of war. Despite his actions, the emperor never even bothered to officially make her his concubine so Atticus’ status in the Royal Palace was akin to that of a servant’s. Throughout his childhood, he had been a prince solely in name. His entire life, everyone looked at him as if he was some sort of abomination — except her. Despite that the dignified and legendary duke’s only daughter, the lady with the highest status after the empress and princesses themselves, when faced disapproval for befriending the emperor’s bastard, she never once turned her back on him. And not necessarily because she was kind but because it was the right thing to do. Cecily was first person in Atticus’ life who made him believe that he was worth being treated as a human.
“What have you become Atticus ? We could’ve—”
“We could’ve what exactly ? Huh ? There was no other way. And you know it.” Atticus spat out through gritted teeth, a look of abject misery flashed by Cecily’s face. He was right, unless there had been some great power intervention there was no way he could become king. It didn’t matter if the most elite swordsmaster or the nouveau rich nobles that supported him, he could never get past the old nobility and the six legitimate pure blooded princes.
“What is worth it ?” She asked with her words dying by the end of the sentence. For a moment, she felt as though she was back when they were kids and how he would talk about making them pay. No rebels or tyrants, no duty or thirst for power — just as Ces and Atty .
Something in Atticus’ snapped as he gripped her wrist tighter,“ Better than anything I ever imagined. They always acted so high and mighty, you should’ve seen how they grovelled and begged . It was worth it, all of it.”
“Was it worth losing me ?” Cecily knew she shouldn’t have asked something she didn’t want him to answer. She knew she shouldn’t have crossed that line. She shouldn’t have because she knew the answer. But she had to— in order to move on, to let him go, to fulfil her duty and destiny.
“I haven’t lost you” Out of all the responses he could’ve given , this was the least expected. Did he truly believe that ? Cecily searched his face for any signs of fallacy or trickery but found none. Her mouth fell open in disbelief and after composing herself she asked ,“ What makes you say that ?”
“The way I feel for you.” He answered without even skipping a beat. Cecily scoffed internally, the way he felt for her ? What a jest. It was common knowledge that the starting price for dark magic is a person’s humanity. Dark magicians were known to not be able to feel anything let alone remorse or guilt .
“That’s not true. You can’t feel anything.” She jeered at him. Atticus didn’t respond and twirled and lifted her into the air in accordance to the rhythm of the waltz. His lack of reaction almost made her think that he didn’t hear what she said, she opened her mouth to say that again but was cut off by his reply ,“Contrary to popular beliefs my darling , dark magic doesn’t completely deprive a person of all emotion. It merely diminishes emotions that were present in silvers and amplifies the most emotions felt by the person. In short, the user becomes absolutely sure of what they feel and what they want. Anger becomes rage , sadness becomes despair , fear becomes horror and love becomes –” As he spoke, he pressed his lips against her hand. She can feel the heat of his breath in the centre of her palm ,“ — unbridled obsession.” Cecily breath hitched as he moved his lips up her wrist to her palm again, tracing her veins with his lips.
"Pray tell, is that how it went ? Your barter of soul with a devil for dominion only to find yourself upon the throne, consumed by anguish not because you killed your family but rather by the realization that your affection for me would impede your ambitions ?"
Atticus got closer to her. His eyes were locked on hers, and his lips had a slight twitch to them. Lust. He was never the type to give into such base urges, but in the her presence - he craved her. A part of him hated this feeling even more than her tormenting comments. If only he could kill her and rid himself of this weakness of the flesh. “You aren’t far from it . You know I never understood the appeal my father saw in my mother but I guess I do see it now. Fiesty enemy general that just refuses to concede and all.”
“And here I thought you said you were never going to be anything like your father. I guess you kings are doomed to repeat failures of your predecessors. After all the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” He absentmindedly hummed in response to her words as if neither agreeing nor disagreeing. His eyes were fixated on his thumb caressing her wrist, Cecily noticed it and tilted her head to her side as if silently asking ‘what’re you thinking ?’
“You aren’t wrong my darling. Maybe I am the same as him. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I have everything I wanted. Except for a couple things and I don’t intend on stopping until I’ve got them.” Atticus’ eyes gleamed with a glint of great impending danger. He paused for a second as if debating whether he should disclose his plans or not but in the festive atmosphere decided the former. “You’re quite a stubborn little thing you know. I wonder if I were to incapacitate you from wielding the blade ever again, would your resolve shatter ? All the princes are dead, there’s no one to succeed me. I’ve made sure of it. Who would you crown king after me ?” He wondered if he chopped her wrists off so that she couldn’t use her sword again, would she stop resisting then ? Or perhaps if he snapped her ankles then maybe she wouldn’t be able to run away ?
“Incapacitate me ? You think you could do that ?” Albeit Cecily knew she was playing with fire, she wanted to see to what limits she could provoke him before he took extreme measures. They were playing a dangerous game. Both were waiting for the other to make a mistake, to lose their cool and to drop the civil facade and settle the score .
Others might see Atticus as this stone cold man with no feelings, but his heart was beating loud and clear in his chest, seemingly for one purpose. He hoped that his emotional conflict would clear out once he made the deal but it didn’t help. Not one bit. He often found his eyes subconsciously searching for the familiar figure in the crowds of people he’d address every day, wanting nothing more than to reach out and have her with him again. The scent of her skin and the light lavender fragrance haunted him as he tried to sleep, the vivid image of her following him in his dreams. If it were up to him, he’d drag her to the church alter this very moment and make good on the wedding gown she was wearing. He knew she wore that to mock his guilty conscience, that is if he had any left.
“I have my knights stationed at every corner of the ballroom. One action and they’ll attack.”
“You think fresh recruits could even hold a candle against a swordmaster ?” She was right, no matter how trained they would never able to best her. The only one who stood a chance against her skill was he himself. No one else.
He chuckled at her spirit, it was one of the things he adored most about her. “No. Not really.” Cecily smiled with a victorious expression but at the same time she knew if he were to use his magic, things were bound to get messy. Although not their own, but much blood would be spilt and in a room full of the empire’s finest — it wasn’t a risk she was willing to take.
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a/n 2.0 – After reading this my current writing seems so crappy wtf. I guess there is a reason this took three months to write. Tho good to know I couldn’t articulate my thoughts well enough to make a respectable plot even back then. Sorry for the abrupt ending, tumblr kept glitching so I had to split it in two. I’ll upload pt.2 in a week.
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
hello! good day to you! can I request yandere hobie brown with a gn! reader that came from royal family. Like the reader is a princess/ prince! Feel free to deny this request :)
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Warnings: yandere behavior
A/N: this idea is making me foam at the mouth! Thank you for requesting <33
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A relationship that nobody, including himself, would think he would get into. Both of you are likely complete opposites. It’s possible you may have a refined speech and often wear clothes that a lot of people would assume you are bratty or at least spoiled rotten.
While Hobie isn’t one to wear bright and poofy clothes, he does love seeing it on you. Whenever you get excited to try on new clothes you've bought, he always lays back on the bed watching you rant about it, making him smirk.
Bows down to you whenever you pass by him, always jokingly saying ‘your highness’ (like when Miguel got angry at him in the movie) he adores seeing you laugh, especially with your smile widening largely. And yes, he’ll even do it when he gets food for the two of you; always asking for a kiss for ‘going into battle for ya’,’.
He will often ask about your family, wondering what they do and since you were born in a high royal family, he always asks if you had it easy or hard. Either way, when he does get a chance to meet your parents, they’ll be in for a surprise.
But, Hobie is very respectful of your parents. Especially when you tell him to knock it off if he’s being annoying or stretching it too far. While he doesn’t understand the whole ‘first impression’ meeting, he will do it out of respect for you.
If you love flowers, he’ll make sure to get a bunch of them - recreating his bouquets and making it both of your ‘themes’ of styles. At some point, if he’s in the mood for romance, he’ll put some flowers behind your ear and kiss you on the cheek.
Jewelry may be something you like, to which Hobie immediately hooks on and makes sure he decorates you with his designs - often making your bracelets, necklaces, and earrings if you have them pierced. Let’s not forget that he made you a special necklace made out of silver and connected to his guitar pick.
If you go out of your way to do things for him, especially make things that fit your type of style, he will wear them confidently and take no shit from anyone. No matter how ‘bad’ it looks, he always reassures you that it’s pretty and he’ll wear it. However, he will die from cuteness if you decide to make a necklace of a heart for him.
Though, out of respect, he won’t be wearing it when he knows he gonna be doing missions. He doesn’t want to get it ruined.
Flower crowns are something you may also be a fan of, and Hobie lets you put them on him all the time. Sometimes, he’s met with Gwen and Miguel wearing one, the colorful white flowers and green vines decorating his hair as he just raises his eyebrows and says, ‘What? Somethin’ on my face?’
Hobie would love to teach you how to play guitar, something he’d love as it means he gets to get closer to you. Being able to move your hands, teaching you the way of the different cords of strings and telling you to keep it easy.
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© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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