#yandere platonic mcu
remotepixel · 5 months
Hi, it is a bit angsty, but imagine yandere platonic avengers with an outcast/wanderer teen mutant reader (maybe some elemental powers like fire) who is cynical because her parents kicked her out because they discovered her powers and thought of her as a freak? Can you please write how would they react to her and what kind of thing would they do to make her trust them? Thanks a lot.
Hiii! Thank you for requesting and sorry this took me so long <3
TW: yandere themes
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-Assuming the reader didn’t want to become a hero in fear of being outcasted even further, it’d probably be someone like Clint who met you first - someone who isn’t immediately spotted by the public.
-As a father (or, to be fair, just a normal empathetic person), seeing an obviously homeless/mistreated kid would be setting off a series of alarm bells and a want to help. Since he’s trained for stealth, I think he’d be able to recognize the distrust in your overall posture and gaze, so he wouldn’t push too much. He’d probably hand over some money, a simple suggestion to stay safe, and head on his way.
-Obviously, his concern starts to grow into obsession (you’ll start seeing him more, he asks a few more questions than last time), but he wouldn’t mention it to the avengers unless he felt there was a higher need to: like seeing you start a fire with just your hands.
-As you can probably guess, they’re not a big fan of hearing some kid could just burn down the entire street if they wanted to, but, since, at the end of the day, you’re just a kid using your powers to survive, they wouldn’t be trying to hunt you down or anything of the sort. In a mixture of sympathy or some member’s wariness, they would be joining Clint in his (now daily) check up on you.
-Natasha is an expert in reading body language and changing hers to get what she wants, so she could smell your distrust from a mile away. She’ll keep up a emotionless façade despite your best efforts to make her leave.
-It’d probably annoy you more at first, the fact she’s so calm when you’re having the worst time of your life, but she’s careful to not cross any boundaries she knows she won’t come back from and you start to feel bad later on, thinking of your emotional outbursts against her stoicism.
-When you’re starting to trust her more, she opens to you in return. She don’t ask about your home life or what happened, she mostly listens or sits in the quiet with you, with the hopes of becoming a safe place against everything (or anyone) else.
-Bruce would be another more comforting figure out of them all. He knows how it feels to be judged for something - destructive - out of your control, and it would offer a comfort to know you’re not alone.
-I don’t see him visiting as often as some of the others (he’s too nervous to do so - just in case he messes anything up), but normally brings something when he does; something small like a trinket or a book. He doesn’t want to come off as pitying, and he assumes you won’t be accepting of any ‘extravagant’ gifts, so he hopes you would at least accept those - a way of showing he cares and something to do for you.
-He wouldn’t push his luck, similar to Nat and Clint, but he would suggest moving into the tower or similar thanks to him being science bros with the pushiest member of the team: Tony.
-Tony would be the worst person in this scenario. Sure, he knows his way around the social scene, but normally that’s with fellow arrogant businessmen, not angsty teens.
-Despite understanding your distrust, he doesn’t have the subtle cues mastered like Nat. His first line to you is probably a question/joke about your powers, which definitely doesn’t help when that’s the reason you’re cynical in the first place. He’ll attempt to be casual, then just blurt out how the tower has extra rooms - an not-very-subtle offer you have declined too many times in the past week.
-What he makes up with badly-formed conversations, he tries to make up with gifts: blankets, shoes, way too much cash he just shoves into your hand before leaving. He doesn’t view you as a charity case, but he hopes his attentiveness to your needs/wants solidifies the fact that he’s trying to help.
-Steve’s a 50/50 I think. He’s an easy person to trust, but once his obsessive thoughts start taking over, he gives off heavy ‘i’m going to gaslight every interaction into something positive and you’re never getting rid of me’.
-Like, even if you don’t trust him (yet), he’ll be sitting next to you with a smile on his face thinking about how well this is going. It clear he’s trying though. He’s persistent in his efforts - making sure to visit everyday at a set time - with either food or maybe his drawing kit if you’re interested in that.
-He’d probably pull out the ‘:(’ face if he deems you haven’t opened up enough to him, and basically try and guilt-trip you into doing so (because he’s the epitome of goodness, right? Shouldn’t you trust him at least?)
-Thor probably doesn’t realise you don’t trust him. As long as you stick around, cowering in the corner or not, he’ll happily talk about his newest adventures or how much you would like Asgard (never mind the fact you won’t even think of the idea of following him somewhere and he’s already trying to bring you back to his home realm).
-He’d be similar to Tony in terms of being overly-interested in your powers, but his is out of such pure enthusiasm that’s it hard to completely brush him off. He doesn’t even flinch if you decide to show how dangerous your powers can be on a stray piece of trash, he’s just happy to see you using them.
-When you eventually open up about your parents, the avengers aren’t happy obviously. They knew you probably weren’t living in the streets for fun, but to hear that the people you were supposed to trust most were the reason?
-Don’t be surprised if you hear your parents have suddenly gotten fired from their jobs and moved across the state (or, at least, that’s what people think since they’ve also cut off any contacts they had).
-However, in a twisted way, there is a sense of satisfaction that your parents were fully out of the picture, no ways of them ever being able to regain your trust. It leaves an open spot for the avengers to swoop in; pick up the broken pieces and claim the number one spot in your heart.
-You can happily stay in the tower with them, far above the streets you once lived in, knowing that they’ll never let you leave go back.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
Can you write platonic yandere wanda headcanons? Thank you!! <3
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I'll be writing her as a parental figure, I hope that's okay
She would most definitely be the literal definition of a helicopter parent since she would hover all around you, checking whether you do something dangerous or not
Will most likely baby proof the entire house since she can't risk you getting hurt
Will feel bad a bit if you like the other parent more than her but she'll still find a way to spoil you nonetheless
Dating is completely off the table for you. A big fat no since she will not be having all sorts of guys or girls for that matter using you and breaking your poor little heart later on for their cruel amusement. If you do have a love interest or something like that she'll list out a hundred different reasons for you not to go out with them. And if you don't listen to her, nothing a few dreams with the help of her magic can't fix. Else she'll create some fake evidences or something like that to make you think that the person isn't good enough for you
She'll allow you to have friends though. Only after she finds out all the details about them from their home addresses to their parents names and lol, by the time she's done talking to them, it'll be like an FBI Interrogation. And the winner gets to be your friend 😂
Anytime you have nightmares she'll use her magic to calm you down and snuggle with you and sing you lullabies so you'll fall asleep in her arms
She'll be proud of all your achievements no matter what, be it a high score in a video game or a silly participation trophy in a contest, she'll always be proud of her darling little angel's work. Heck, she'll even show it to whoever comes to your house and she'll be bragging about all the wonderful things you've done
So, you'll be spoiled to death with her as a mom. But when she gets angry, she'll either guilt trip you or she'll use her magic on you till you say sorry or something. Just don't piss her off, trust me, things won't be ending well for you
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yandereheros · 3 months
Hi, I’m Jay!
I’m very new to tumblr, so tips would be appreciated. I’m interested in writing (Yandere) Male!DC or Male!Marvel characters paired with Fem!Reader. I can make it gender neutral upon request though! I’m open to writing NSFW though I’ve never attempted to write it before.
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marveloustimestwo · 1 year
Hiii! If it's ok, can I request general headcannons for a platonic yandere steve rogers? Thank you!
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Hi! Thanks for sending this in!
Warnings: Yandere themes, hardcore manipulation from Steve
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When Steve becomes platonically obsessed with someone, he will automatically take up the mantle of their older brother or father if you're young enough.
And I can definitely see him being more likely to do this with some feral ass child he met somewhere.
Like, if you display the slightest bit of rage at the world or are considered a delinquent or "bad kid", Steve will immediately try to take on a mentor role and try to steer you in a better direction.
Because he was that kid. He was the one always fighting people and ended up getting beat up in alleyways. And he had Bucky to help him and make sure he wasn't left in those alleyways.
But who do you have? Parents? Siblings? Nah, you got Steve now. The golden boy Captain America who now sees himself in you.
And he'll be very very protective. He absolutely does not joke around when it comes to your safety.
I don't think he'd immediately try to kidnap you. I think he'd prefer to have a normal relationship with you for the most part. He'll be far more overbearing than any normal person would be, but you never see the worst of it unless you intentionally provoke him.
Such as going out of your way to get yourself hurt or running away, in which you will be promptly locked away and have restricted access to the outside world and other people.
But other than that, you can go to school and/or work and have friends. An unfortunate thing is that Steve does end up butting into every aspect of your life.
He likes to know all of your teachers' names or bosses' names to run background checks on them and make sure you are truly safe with them and that they treat you well.
Steve will also end up meeting your boss behind your back to use his status as a well-known superhero to get you a pay raise and promotion. Same with your teachers and getting you good grades.
He will end up meeting all of your friends, too, and getting the names of their parents to make sure they're all decent and upstanding members of society.
When you end up calling someone your friend and trusting them, Steve just wants to make sure they don't stab you in the back. The first sign he gets that they can't be trusted around you, he will end up framing them for something.
Sometimes, he frames them for some crime, and their reputation gets ruined. Other times, Steve just ruins their reputation in your eyes.
He particularly likes the second option when you have a crush on someone.
Steve hates the idea of you dating. He barely tolerates your friends, so why would he allow someone to get romantically involved with you. That much access to your heart is dangerous. They could so easily break it and leave you devastated.
So he figured he could fix two problems at once. If he ends up not liking a friend and you have a crush at the same time, he'll just set up a bunch of coincidences that make it seem like your friend is intentionally going after the person you like.
And Steve will make sure you ditch both of them. Even if it hurts you now, it will help you avoid more pain in the future.
If you couldn't tell, Steve's a big manipulator. He likes to keep up a pristine image for you. He wants to be a good role model for you so that you aren't afraid of him.
But he still won't hesitate to get his hands dirty if he has to.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
Yandere Tony Stark
(platonic yandere)
Tony sat on your bed watching you sleep peaceful, he didn't know what had gotten into him.
Ever since you'd joined the team he'd become protective and possessive of you.
He just couldn't image life without you anymore, he always wanted a daughter.
Was it crazy for him to think of you like his daughter?
He looked at you and gently reached forward brushing the hair out of your face.
"I'll make sure to love you like no one ever has." He whispered as you stirred a little.
He quickly backed away and out of your room, it was best you didn't know he was there.
You woke up the next morning and stumbled downstairs to see it was just Steve awake.
"You're up early." He commented as you yawned and went straight for the coffee.
"I had a nightmare so I thought it was just best to get up." You muttered pouring fresh coffee into your favourite cup.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as you looked down at your cup.
"Just the usual." You muttered as he nodded and you sat next to him.
"What are your plans for the day, Cap?" You asked as he chuckled softly.
"Nothing too exciting." He replied making you nod in response.
You sat and watched TV until you heard a noise and saw Tony walking down the stairs.
He saw you and instantly felt at ease watching you laugh at the TV.
"Hey, Tony! Want me to make you a coffee?" You asked making him smile.
"That would be great, kid." He replied before sitting at the kitchen table beside Steve.
"You only keep Y/N on the team because she makes you coffee." Steve said jokingly as you laughed.
"It's definitely a bonus." Tony commented before you came over and gave him his favourite coffee.
"Thank you so much, sweetheart." He said making you smile as you sat back down on the couch.
Steve left eventually and Tony decided to sit next to you to finish his coffee.
"Did you have any nightmares?" He asked as you hugged your knees to your chest and nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked gently placing his hand on your knee.
"It was about my father." You whispered. He hated your father more than anything in this world.
That man wasn't your father, he was a monster.
Tony could take care of you so much better.
"He was a terrible man, Y/N. He will never hurt you again, you have my word." Tony said as you smiled and leant onto his shoulder.
"I have you guys as my family now." You whispered as Tony smiled and wrapped an arm around you.
"And we'll protect you with our lives, sweetheart." He replied making you smile in return and close your eyes.
"Can I sleep in your room tonight? I can set up a mattress." You whispered shyly as Tony smiled, you were finally relying on him and trusting him and he'd never felt better.
"You can sleep on my bed if you want. It's a super king bed so there's plenty of room. Only if you're comfortable." He suggested as you smiled softly.
"Only if you're okay with it." You replied shyly.
"I'd be more than happy to keep you safe."
The day went on and Tony had some work to do. As much as he hated not spending time with you he knew he had to distance himself.
He knew he was getting possessive but he didn't know if he could stop it.
He stepped out to the main room and saw you sitting and talking to Steve.
You were leant up against him and Tony felt anger rising in his chest.
He knew it was wrong to be jealous that maybe you saw Steve as a father figure.
He walked over to you and sat on the opposite couch, pouting.
"You okay, Tony?" Steve asked as you looked up from the TV.
"I'm fine." Tony grumbled as you sat up.
"You look upset." You commented with a worried voice.
"I'm fine, Y/N." He grumbled as you looked away sadly.
Tony looked at you and panicked.
He'd made you upset and that's the last thing he wanted.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. I was just a bit on edge from working in the lab, you didn't do anything." He said as you smiled a little.
"Do you want me to come help?" You asked making him smile.
"I would love that." He replied knowing this would be the best way to get you away from Steve.
You followed him back into the elevator and down to his lab.
"So, what are you having issues with?" You asked looking around his lab.
"Do you look at Steve as a father figure?" He muttered not looking at you as you looked at him in confusion.
"No, not really. He's protective of me cause I'm younger but I kind of see him like an older brother or best friend more than anything." You explained as Tony looked at you and nodded.
"Do you see anyone as a father figure?" He asked quietly as you looked at him.
"Well... I suppose you're the closest thing I have to a father figure. You protect me and take care of me and you're nothing like my real father." You said looking away from him shyly.
Tony felt himself smile with pride.
"I'm glad you see me like that, you deserve someone that you can trust and that will protect you." Tony said coming closer to you.
He gently wrapped his arms around you and you smiled, wrapping yours around his waist.
"I don't know what I would do without you, Tony." You whispered feeling him stroke his hand through your hair.
He wanted more than anything for you to call him Dad but it was too early to even suggest it.
Once you and Tony had tinkered around his lab you went back upstairs with him.
"Oh also I should probably let you know that I have a date with a boy on the weekend." You said in the elevator as he looked at you in shock but mainly anger.
"Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?" He muttered trying to keep his anger under control.
"Well, you work a lot, it all just came about so quickly." You said a little nervously as Tony stopped the elevator making you look at him in shock.
"T-Tony?" You muttered looking at him with fear.
"I don't want you dating anyone." He muttered as you looked at him in confusion.
"I don't understand, why do you care?" You muttered in a small voice.
"Because you're my daughter and I have to protect you!" He shouted making you look at him in shock and slowly back away from him.
"What?" You muttered as he looked directly into your eyes.
"No one has ever been there for you, you need someone. To tell you what's right and wrong and that's me, understood?" He said stalking closer to you as you looked up at him in fear.
"I don't understand what's happening Tony. You're scaring me." You whispered looking away from him.
"Is that what it's going to take to make you listen? Do I have to scare you?" He growled lowly standing in front of you as you held your breath.
"I'm not your daughter." You whispered as he chuckled softly.
"That's not your choice, Y/N." He whispered not knowing what over took him, but thus was the only way to keep you safe.
"I have to keep you safe, Y/N." He whispered as you felt a tear in your eye.
"I'm sorry, I just love you so much. And I have to protect you." He said as you shook your head.
"Please don't do this, Tony." You whispered as he reached up to hold your face softly.
"Shh, you're going to be safe now, babygirl. I'll take care of you."I
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our-destiny · 2 years
Can I request a yandere Thor bestie hcs?
Thank you for your time💜💟💐💙💚
Of course you can! This is probably very ooc because I haven't watched the films in a while but I tried :')
Trigger Warnings: Threatening (not towards reader)
Yandere Best friend Thor headcanons
I feel like Thor would be very over the top with you to the point where you would brush off his yandere behavior as just normal Thor.
He would be obsessive, delusional, harmless and a bit protective.
He's one of those friends where he wants to be around you 24/7, he constantly follows you around or if he has to do something he's dragging you along too.
We know he's a very loud person in general and it's no different with you, Thor always makes sure you have a good time, he loves to make you laugh.
I feel like he doesn't realize that his behavior is wrong. He's the equivalent of an excited puppy.
He doesn't get why you wouldn't want to be around him, he makes you happy, you two have a great time together. He's delusional in the sense that he just doesn't see why you would hate him, it's not even a possibility in his mind.
Even if you say to him that you dont want to be around him, he'll just think it's because you don't enjoy your time together and he'll try to improve and make you happy. Which just results in him spending more time with you to prove it.
Thor would never hurt you, he'll never even be mad at you. He might get a bit annoyed but it won't be too serious and he'll get over it in no time. He knows you'll do better so he forgives you.
He also won't hurt anyone else. He doesn't get jealous easily, he's always around you so when someone else talks to you or takes your attention away he can easily get it back. As long as he also gets to spend some time with you he doesn't mind.
Thor is a little protective over you, everyone he loved has died and he doesn't want to lose you. To keep you safe he just follows you around and, like a guard dog, tries to scare people away from a distance. If they still don't get the hint not to mess with you then he'll get them alone and threaten them, and after that they leave you alone cause being threatened by the God of Thunder and King of Asgard is quite scary.
This ^ also goes for romantic partners. You don't need anyone but Thor. Don't worry, he'll be there to help you when your partner suddenly breaks up with you for no reason.
Overall Thor is just an excited puppy that really wants to be included and not have any more of his family die :)
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liones-of-love · 2 months
Hey Guys
I'm knew on tumbler and wantet to get back in to writing buisnes. So here i am. As so manny other young women i have a rather dark desier, so yeah, i like writing about dark persons, Yandere, platonic and etc. Don't get me wrong i also like writing sweet stuff ;)
I am basicly asking you to write me some request so i dont have to think abaout what to write next. You might wonder what you can request, well basicly evreything.
I am quite a little nerd so i know a lot of stuff.
Star Wars Univers Marvel Univers The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Call of Duty House of Dragons The Mummy Movies Harry Potter Univers Doctor Who Iluminaty Last of us Avatar Formula 1 The Boys Twilight Venom Dune
I could go on quite long. But if you wanna find out if i can write down your dark desiers, just ask me <3
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honeymelonpm · 2 years
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Head Rush
Characters: (mcu) platonic Peter Parker X reader
Warning: Mild Violence, implied kidnapping, Yandere Themes
Set After No Way Home!
Drabble/Oneshot I guess?
The strands of webbing tugged tightly around your wrists, keeping your hands bound behind your back as your fragile body swayed ever so slightly, the weight of your body being dangled from the ceiling by a rope of web gripped firmly around your ankles.
You struggled to keep your vision focused as all the blood rushing to your head kept you in a loop of constant dizziness, the haunting feeling that your eyes would pop out of your head any second is what kept you so still and compliant.
The tears that welled up in your eyes had severely blurred your vision, however you were still able to make out his silhouette when he walked into view of the doorway.
"I lost everything, everyone. Tony, "He took a sudden, harsh breath before he whispered with a weak voice, "May."
A hot tear ran cold as it rolled from your eye and across your forehead, before disappearing when it met your scalp.
"My girlfriend, my best friend, every time I thought I had someone left, they slipped through my fingers, one way or another." The grainy floorboards groaned beneath his feet as he took a step closer to you, his face perfectly aligned with yours.
"We've been together forever, it's always been us against the world." His face twisted into a look of genuine confusion and misunderstanding. "I just don't understand why you would want to not only move away, but move in with some guy you've known for what, two months?"
His hand caressed the back of your head, before gently pulling your head closer to his, "What were you thinking?" He whispered.
It took a couple of attempts to inhale a proper breath before you could reply, whispering a breathy "I-i'm s-sorry."
The tears that he had kept unshed melted as he stared at you in wonder, his eyes becoming just that bit glassier when a lump swelled in his throat, "I know, but-"
He cut himself off, his eyes leaving yours as if to stare in thought for a moment, before clamping a silk gloved hand firmly around your mouth, turning his slim waist and holding out his hand towards the door, his fingers almost brushing against the trigger of his web shooter.
"One peep out of you and I'll drag you to Stark Tower and stuff you in a suit, do you hear me?"
His sudden threat not only terrified you, but confused you, until a beat later when three dull thuds pounded against the front door of the apartment.
A muffled "Parker?" resounded against the thin yellowing walls of the flat.
Peter's grasp on you became tighter, his fingers slowly beginning to crush your jaw.
"Parker?" Another three knocks rapped against the door.
Five breaths passed, silence filling the air before Peter slowly lowered his hand and turned to you, a subtle look of relief washing over his face when your presence was proved to him.
A/N: wow it's been a while since I've written something :/ This is just something very brief and random. It's unedited but I just wanted to post it and see how people thought about it.
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For the 🦈SirenSong!AU, it looks like the popular idea is for the reader to be related to Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine! Got to admit, that will be one wild ride. Not to mention, the reader is getting every kid he has adopted/had biologically as their siblings/nestmates, all his friends (the X-Men) as their other protectors and caretakers, AND a few of his enemies/rivals (plus their kids/guppies/pups) as possible villainous uncles/aunts/parent figures/other nestmates.
Some of the possible colors and types of sirens everyone is is as follows:
The X-Men:
• Logan/Wolverine: deep sea siren; larger than regular reef or open ocean sirens, but still small compared to other deep sea sirens; long serpentine tail with a long sail, and long, sharp claws, and fangs; has rippling soft, dusky blue and lemon yellow and ink black scales (Animated Series version) or pumpkin orange and iridescent black scales (Evolution version)
• Ororo/Storm: open ocean siren; lithe and powerful; flowing fins around her tail, similar to an eel, can electrocute someone like an electric eel, can still control the elements; moonstone white and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Hank/Beast: deep sea siren; large and soft; strong tail, a bit of fluff like a yeti crab or fur seal or otter; is fluffy and blue, really strong, but his brains is where his best skills lie; furry with royal blue scales (Animated Series) or midnight blue scales and dusky blue-gray fluff (Evolution version)
• Charles Xavier/Professor X: reef siren; partially paralyzed tail, but has had help from both the X-Men and the Brotherhood, and can use a wheelchair on land; powerful ability to mind control creatures, ranging from humans to other sirens, even some animals; shady forest green and summer yellow scales (Animated Series version) or soft brown, jet black, olive green, and tiny flecks of silver (Evolution version)
• Scott/Cyclops: open ocean siren; strong tail with flowy fins at the end; either hypnotic eyes or still has some form of optic beam eyes; ruby red, navy blue, and sunflower yellow scales (Animated Series version) or garnet red, warm brown, and summer yellow scales (Evolution version)
• Jean/Marvel Girl/The Phoenix: open ocean siren; strong and long tail with a long sail; has telekinesis and can sometimes read minds, possible hidden empath ability; bright orange, sage green, and scarlet scales (Animated Series version) or spinel red, emerald green, and a small streak of golden-yellow along her sides (Evolution version)
• Anne-Marie/Rogue: open ocean siren; toned and firm tail; can mimic/take on other sirens' abilities for a short time, has long nails; auburn, sunny yellow, and vivid green scales (Animated Series version) or moss green, dusky red, bone white, and dark black scales (Evolution version)
• Remy/Gambit: reef siren; a bigger sort, has ruffled fins; can channel power into objects and make them explode, same as usual, possibly has a slightly hypnotic voice; russet red, spinel pink, and coal black scales (Animated Series version) or muted brown, charcoal gray, rusty red, and soft pink scales (Evolution version)
• Kurt/Nightcrawler: reef siren; smaller sort, fuzzy and noodly; can teleport; midnight blue fluff and scales with some red undertones (Animated Series version) or navy blue, goldenrod yellow, and small red specks (Evolution version)
• Kitty/Shadowcat: reef siren; medium-sized, and has many frills along her tail; can turn invisible, like a cuttlefish or octopus, but can sometimes become completely intangible; hazelnut brown and baby pink scales (Animated Series version) or soft lilac, dusky pink, and chestnut brown scales (Evolution version)
• Evan/Spyke: open ocean siren; lean and toned; has sharp spines, and can regrow them if lost, kinda looks like a seprentine pufferfish; he is technically only from Evolution, so his scales would be cream, butter yellow, sandy gray-yellow, and warm sepia
• Jubilation/Jubilee: reef siren; thin and wiry, ruffled sail; can make small explosions/fireworks; technically she has been in Evolution, but was a major player of the Animated Series, so for either version, she looks mainly the way from the Animated Series, human and siren form alike, with sunlight gold and bubblegum pink scales
• Laura/Wolverine 2.0/X-23: deep sea siren mixed with reef siren; smaller than most of the others, even Logan, due to being a siren pup; long claws and sharp fangs; she was from Evolution, that is where we first see her, ever; her scales would be yellow-orange and dusky black, looks similar to Logan
The Brotherhood:
• Erik/Magnus/Magneto: open ocean siren; strong and lean; can control metals, might have once dated/been with Professor Xavier; blood red, steel gray, and violet scales (Animated Series version) or brick red, silver, and wisteria purple scales (Evolution version)
• Raven/Mystique: open ocean siren and reef siren mix; lithe and graceful; can shapeshift into other beings; twilight blue and garnet red scales (Animated Series or Evolution)
• Victor/Sabretooth: deep sea siren; very large, flowing sail; sharp talons and sharp fangs; sunset orange, amber, bright yellow, and umber brown scales (Animated Series version) or caramel golden-brown, velvet black, and tan scales (Evolution version)
• Pietro/Quicksilver: reef siren; lean and thin; fastest of the sirens, on land or in the sea; sky blue and snow white scales (Animated Series version) or opalescent white-blue-green scales (Evolution version)
• Wanda/Scarlet Witch: open ocean siren; average-sized and tough; can manipulate chaos and bend some things to her will; pyrope red and dark rose scales (Animated Series version) or carnelian, scarlet, melanite black, and gray flecked scales (Evolution version)
• Lance/Avalanche: open ocean siren; a bit large, firm; can cause earthquakes; asphalt and blue-gray scales (Animated Series version) or steel gray, rawhide tan, charcoal black, and some golden spots (Evolution version)
• Fred/Blob: open ocean siren; large and thick-scaled; near-indestructible and can absorb a hit and not be harmed; mud brown, mustard yellow, and burnt black (Animated Series version) or army green, khaki, ash gray, and dirty blonde scales (Evolution version)
• John/Pyro: reef siren; a bit shrimpy, but has fast reflexes; can manipulate fire; bright orange and sunny yellow scales (Animated Series version) or fiery orange and brick red scales (Evolution version)
• Todd/Mortimer/Toad: reef siren; really small, has slick scales; long tongue and somewhat amphibious; olive green, murky yellow, and gray-green scales (any version)
Miscellaneous Characters:
• Piotr/Colossus: open ocean siren; giant and sturdy; has skin and scales akin to metal if he wills it; metallic silver, gray, black, and blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Bobby/Iceman: reef siren; a bit small, and kinda thin and cold, has frills along tail; can create and manipulate ice; pale ice blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Rahne/Wolfsbane: open ocean siren; regular-sized, small bits of fluff; can turn into a wolf (or maybe something like, a seal or walrus or otter for this au?); rusty red-brown and peridot green scales and fluff (any version)
• Illyana/Magik: open ocean siren; lean and mean and a powerful teen; has a portal to and reign over Limbo, a weird, demonic dimension; platinum blonde, soft silver, and electric blue scales (Animated Series or Evolution version)
• Roberto/Sunspot: reef siren; average size, has some sharp barbs along his tail; solar energy powers, turns into a living ember; ember orange, dusky red, and sunlight yellow scales (any version)
• Sam/Cannonball: open ocean and reef siren mix; skinny and long; can fly really fast and tends to crash, hence the nickname; pale blue, off-white, daffodil yellow, and bright red scales
• Dani/Mirage: open ocean siren; small but powerful; can manifest desires, dreams, and fears into the real world; banded onyx scales (any version)
• Tabitha/Boom-Boom: reef siren; tall and lithe; can make small explosives/explosions; bright hibiscus pink, banana yellow, and cherry red scales (any version)
There are others, I know, but these were the ones I remembered (and knew enough about) to list off the top of my head. Some versions I'm more familiar with of certain characters, and y'all can imagine any characters in any media, from the (X)MCU, the anime, the Animated Series, Evolution, even the comics... I did my best, and that is all I can do!😊 Please enjoy this honeycomb thought for the 🦈SirenSong!AU!
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Hello again! I hope you're having a wonderful day! I was just wondering if you could write a platonic yandere batfam? Where one of their Darling is like Tony Stark from Marvel. A super smart genius billionaire who just gets kidnapped by the batfam. Darling knows that they can't beat them all at once or one on one fights so they go with pitting them all against each other. I could think that they could rival Bruce or Tim in intellect and resourcefulness. Darling knows for a fact that they are being watched and learns where all of the cameras are placed. Trying to find any blind spots for said cameras, but is likely won't find any. Mostly because of paranoia and clingy behavior of the family. Yet they still manages to stay one step ahead of the Batfam and just leaves after 4 months or so. Maybe have them be resourceful like Tony when he was kidnapped. Using small scraps of metal and basic trash to help in their escape. With the Darling being absolutely disgusted of the entire ordeal. Maybe even have them start a career and becomes a superhero/antihero (Iron Man type of suit? Maybe?) because of the family's actions. P.S. So sorry it got so long, I couldn't really help myself. Hope you enjoy my request/prompt.
Hello Hello! Sorry for the late response but here ya go!
summary: long story short, tony stark! reader has no chance if they don’t have their knowledge of nanotech. many nicknames are created.
status: unedited
I feel like the scenario you’ve given can go two ways depending on how far the reader has gone through their personality development (keep in mind most of my marvel knowledge comes from the MCU)
If you’re still that ‘arrogant, sexually active, ignorant of the consequences your company’s weapons have’ phase then it’d definitely be much harder for you to escape.
Then again, I find it really hard for the guys to be attracted to someone like you at that point. M a y b e Dick, but he wouldn’t see the relationship too seriously.
And frankly speaking, even if they were attracted to the reader at that phase; you would just never be able to escape. The only reason why Tony was able to in his first movie was because he wasn’t fighting against armed and experienced vigilantes that happen to have a shit ton of money. Especially with Tim and Bruce on board. You will not find any blindspots. Not the bathroom (they’ve kidnapped you and restricted your freedom, why would they respect your privacy at this point + they know of your experience with robotics), not in any corner of your room, or any point in time either because at least one of the batfam will be watching you.
Now, let’s say you were a vigilante before everything went to shit.
[Y/N] [L/N]. Billionaire, philanthropist, genius reveals that they are in fact Iron Man.
Now that is where I can see both you having a chance and the men taking notice.
You reminded Bruce a lot about himself. He has met you already in a bunch of Galas, used to writing you off as a spoiled brat that would definitely get themself killed. But your turn to vigilantism certainly intrigued him.
Intrigue quickly turned to an obsession. Learning about your past, the way your parents died. It was as if you two were the same person, just with drastically different suits.
He wanted you for himself, a partner in crime if you would, but you see there was one problem. You were engaged. Soon to be married to the love of your life and previous secretary Pepper Potts. Meaning that you would most likely retire your heroism and that you’ll dedicate your time to someone unworthy of your affection. Like seriously [Y/N], relationships borne out of power imbalances are doomed to fail can’t you see? Not to mention the dangerous act you’ve made of sharing your identity as Iron Man. What were you thinking?
So what better way to teach you that you belonged to him than kidnap you and keep you to himself?
His obsession with you wasn’t subtle. To you and the other members of the family.
Dick had already been attracted to you (mostly sexually) since the day he met you. Your identity as Iron Man, and just the sheer boldness you have exposing yourself, made him realized that he admired you rather than saw you as object of his sexual desires.
I could also imagine you being the one to save Jason. Perhaps not being able to completely stop his turn into Red Hood but you at least put in the effort unlike some people. That likely jumpstarted a partnership/friendship between you too.
Thus, Bruce chooses him as the ticket to getting you all safe and sound in the safety of his manor.
Now you already knew Bruce is Batman and the identities of the Robins. Through your investigation towards Jason and whatnot. Similar to your anti-Hulk suit and Batman’s anti-Superman one, you were also prepared to go toe to toe with the Dark Knight.
What you didn’t expect was that Jason of all people would be the one working with him to get you.
That certainly put a damper on your plans, but oh well.
That’s where you’re formally introduce to Tim and Damian. You’ve known them. Worked with them as well. Not to the extent of how much you’ve been with Red Hood but enough to at least be acquaintances.
Tim adored the banter and intellectual debates you two had. You took your time earning his trust, and taught him about the A.I. you usually had in your suits (slowly hacking into the surveillance systems making sure that you’ll have at least a couple minutes of time of privacy for your plans).
You even named one A.I. after him. T.I.M. ‘The Impervious Man’ it stood for you said. It actually meant ‘The Introverted Mess’
Have I mentioned you give every one of them horrid nicknames?
Dick was just various ways to say penis.
Bruce was Gatsby (if you weren’t picking at his age, or his deep ass voice, or his dark ass aesthetic, or bat theme) if not Vladimir. Or The Puny(er) Bruce. Oh god, Emo Bruce- My Lovechild with Banner??
Jason was muscle-man, titan, half-a-hulk, or [insert bulky hero] wannabe. (Sometimes when you’re feeling extra sadistic you’d throw in a Joker related one there too)
Tim was the introverted mess, chair guy, wheels, lanky boy, flashy traffic light guy, guy who definitely dreams of getting pegged, Budget Falcon. Baby Falcon.
Damian was The Diva, The Boy with a Baton up his Ass, Junior, Kid (Basically any nickname that highlights his youth), Kid with long knife, Katana Kid. Green-eyed Meanie.
Collectively they were just “The Super Secret Emo / Goth Boy Band.”
Anyways when it comes to Damian, the boy, as usually towards the people he meets, acts like a total tsundere. He just tries so hard to act mean as if he hadn’t spent the last night reading about your achievements and inventions for the nth time. You used him as a benchmark to see when the whole family has fully trusted you.
It takes you a few months (mostly due to you hacking into their systems and trying to learn their weaknesses) but after slowly gaining their trust cozing up to them you escape.
You could have since the beginning, nanotech and all that, but you were feeling kind of bored and gave them a chance to convince you to stay. Unfortunately, your future wife was still better in comparison these 5 goth men.
You’re definitely upping your anti-kidnapping measures after that.
Also you definitely hold that incident as a way to blackmail them. A system is prepared to share everything about them everywhere if they attempt to take you on again.
That’s one thing you have over Batman, sure you didn’t have a bunch of ingenious children under you to use at your disposal. But you also didn’t have an identity to keep safe.
You’re almost looking forward to their next move.
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kingstonwrites · 19 days
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇!
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★
ִֶָ☾. I'm Kingston! you may know me from my Art Blog
This is a writing blog where i'll also do art to tie in with the fics! (if the inspiration strikes!) Dont be shy! I’m in ALOT of fandoms! Ask away!
My art tag is still #king's paintbrush
My writing tag will be #writing wish
𓇢𓆸 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒!.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Natalie
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐ Jackie
𓂃 ִֶָ𐀔 Mari
𓆱⋆。°✩ Lottie
႔ ႔ ᠸᵕ ᵕ 𐅠 Van Palmer!
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Shauna Shipman Javi Taissa Misty Quigley
Coach Ben
+ All of them!
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★
ᯓ★MCU/XMEN 97ִ ࣪𖤐
— Under Construction—
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
☁️Agere/Petre, Therian, Angst, Yandere, SLIGHT suggestiveness, Fluff, Romance, Platonic, Siblings, Horror, AU’s ✅☁️
𖥔 ࣪˖ ⊹₊ ⋆Art Requests still go to my Main Blog!٠࣪⭑꩜.ᐟ
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remotepixel · 8 months
headcanons for platonic peter parker who wants to be your brother sooo bad
AAAA ok i want to say thank you so much for requesting !!!!!! i was literally so excited when i saw it lol.
I set this around Homecoming but didn't specify too much.
TW: yandere themes!
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I imagine Peter always wanted a sibling.
-As a bullied, ‘weird’ kid, he grew up wishing he could have someone to hang out with when no one else wanted to.
-Of course, his parents always said no (since it obviously isn’t as simple as young him thought) and he never pestered May and Ben about it, too busy grieving and learning the struggles of money, but the idea lingered well into his teens.
-And, when he met you, he couldn’t help but think maybe God was granting him his wish.
He would be very clingy (to put it simply).
-If you’re in the same school, he’ll make you sit with him and his friends at lunch, walk you to and from lessons, anything to keep himself glued to your side.
-If not, he’ll be constantly checking his phone, texting you 24/7 (or calling you if he can), to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a couple detentions for it.
-He acts like being away from you is the worst thing to ever happen to him.
-Like if doesn’t get a constant reminder that you’re not ignoring him and you’re just busy he’s gonna drop dead.
Outside of school, he would normally invite you around his house to build lego Star Wars or binge old movies no one else your age knows.
-I think he’d really like having things only between you two - like an inside joke or a project you work on together - both because he has an excuse to talk to you, and because it makes it seem like you’ve know each other your whole lives (something he wishes desperately was true).
I imagine Aunt May seeing you two hanging out one day, squabbling about how to properly ensemble the last piece (he’d probably go with your judgement no matter what though), and tells him something along the lines of ‘stop fighting with your sibling’ as a joke.
-The way Peter’s face would just be 😯 before breaking into a massive smile that permanently stays on his face for the next month.
-Like, even Aunt May agrees that he’s your brother, that's basically the same as her adopting you, yeah? no-
Peter is a bit delusional if you couldn't tell.
-Like, the way he constantly called Happy because he convinced himself that it was gonna go through eventually? Yeah, you’re getting the same treatment.
-He assumes you feel the same even if you so much as look at him (I bet he’ll think it’s some ‘sibling secret code’ and look at you in the same way so it looks like he understood).
That isn’t to say he’s ignorant to your emotions though.
-He copies your feelings in a way - like, if you’re sad, he’ll be as well, if you’re angry at something, he’ll be angry, etc.
-He isn’t one for violence but I don’t think he would care if Spiderman webbed/roughed up a few people who were annoying you (I don’t think he’d do much more unless you were in serious danger or he got too caught up into his feelings like in no way home).
I can’t believe I didn’t mention this before but he would be so jealous if you actually had (a) sibling(s).
-Like, he’s supposed to be your brother, but now he has to compete with people who know you so much better than he does? People who get to live with you and say you’re related without getting funny looks?
-(He lied to MJ once and it immediately backfired- he just wanted someone to actually think you and him were siblings, ok? Is that really a crime?)
-I don’t think he would have it in him to be outright mean to them, but he wouldn’t be overly nice either, just neutral enough to hide any jealously and not get banned from seeing you.
He tries not to come across as pathetic (don’t tell him he lowkey is-) but he’s never had much of a family before. Sure, he has Aunt May but everyone else? Dead, just like that.
Siblings is a whole new world for him and he just wants to be there for you, be your role model like Stark is for him, and prove that he can be the best brother ever.
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I have re-read this but my tenses might be messed up </3
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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You'll most definitely be spoiled rotten with the avengers since they tend to baby you A LOT! And unfortunately for you, that also means no doing dangerous stuff and no going on missions with them or even entering the kitchen for that matter since who knows WHAT sort of dangerous items you could injure yourself with there
They're like your very own personal body guards and they've all formed a schedule who gets to spend time with you on what days and everything. Sometimes it even ends up in fights since they ALL want to spend time with you lol, but be glad that another Civil War doesn't take place. They'll cuddle you and you'll be suffocated with their presence that it might be a bit overwhelming for you at times
They're like over protective parents who'll always be proud of every little thing you do. Be it you getting an A grade in school or even beating someone's high score in a video game for that matter, no matter how small of big your achievement might be, they'll still congratulate you. Wanda likes making delicious goodies for you and Steve might help her at times. Natasha's more like the cool rebellic badass aunt who'll break people's bones if they mess with you. Steve and Tony are the over protective dads and Peter's the one who always makes sure you're safe wherever you go and as for Thor and Bruce, they're the lenient and chill laid back fun uncles that ensure you have a good time around them. Clint's the 'I'm a softie to you but a badass to others' kinda guy
One thing I can guarantee you is that you won't be getting any 'me time' and kiss your privacy goodbye since it's gonna fly out of the window with them around. Like seriously, they won't let you have an inch and ounce of privacy and someone or the other's gonna be around you or clinging to you. I can see Tony, Natasha, Steve and Clint and Scott inserting themselves into your personal life and understanding how you're doing in school. Someone bullied you yesterday? Oh don't worry darling, the Avengers are gonna take care of them. Someone confessed their feelings to you and you don't know how to react? No worries, just enjoy some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and no need to worry about telling that person how you feel about them since they won't be showing up to school the next day, that's for sure
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
I think a romantic or even platonic Tony vs Steve rivalry is hella underrated, especially during Civil War! Do ya mind writing a concept about it? Thx! <3
Of course! I'll keep it around the Civil War era yet I'll talk about a general idea of it. Been awhile since I saw Civil War so I did what I could do :)
Yandere! Tony Stark vs Steve Rogers
(Civil War Era)
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Overprotective, Manipulation, Tracking, Kidnapping, Trust issues, Violence, Dubious relationship, Trauma mention, Isolation, Attempted murder, Possessive behavior.
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For this I'll be focusing more on the chaos this pair causes rather than how you meet the two.
You could meet in many ways, honestly if you somehow have connections with one of them you most likely know about the other.
Out of all the times this rivalry could take place, this is the most intense time.
The Avengers are already being torn apart by different ideals... with you in the picture?
You will not know peace.
Tony wants you on his side as he feels he can protect you better if he supports the Sokovia Accords.
Superhuman accidents would be monitored and with his tech you'd surely be safer than with Steve.
Steve's always been one for freedom and feels he would be limited if he agreed with Tony.
As a result he feels you'd be in danger if there wasn't anyone to help you... which makes him want you to join him.
They both have similar ideas at their core.
They're heroes... they want to protect the people...
They want to protect you.
The two can't agree or share in the slightest.
It would be better for you if you distanced yourself from the situation as best you can.
In fact, going into hiding is definitely better.
They'd both be desperate to have you on their own side.
Tony may try to bribe you while Steve does genuine attempts to convince you.
Tony feels Steve wouldn't protect you.
Steve feels Tony would restrict your freedom (which is ironic).
They would fight verbally and physically.
You just become another reason they can't agree, tearing apart The Avengers even more.
There would be differences in the rivalry depending on who you side with.
>> Choosing Team Captain America
If you choose Steve, you have to deal with Tony's team hunting you down.
Steve's protective and caring with you.
He brings you into hiding with him and Bucky, promising to protect you both.
His best friend... and his darling....
Steve asks Sam, Clint, Scott and Wanda to defend you and Bucky with him.
He knows damn well how Tony feels about your decision.
The man is no doubt pissed.
Steve's right.
Tony gets his team to scan everywhere for you.
He can't believe you!
He offers you protection and you go with Steve?
Tony isn't going to rest until he finds where you and Steve are.
Meanwhile... Steve tries to reassure you that you made the right choice.
With a comforting yet eerily possessive hold, Steve promises he'll never let you go.
Even if it requires him to have blood on his hands.
>> Choosing Team Iron Man
If you choose to side with Tony, you now have to deal with Steve's team.
Tony praises you for your choice and gets straight to business.
He's caring yet a bit more cold... he's stressed about Steve and his war criminal friends.
Tony is more paranoid due to trauma and locks you up in a secluded building he has.
He claims it's for your own safety and it appears he's one of the more unstable of the MCU yanderes.
Would you rather be caught by Steve? It's too dangerous, baby....
The isolation is much better for you.
You won't be alone... after all, he's here.
If he isn't? Then there's James, T'challa, Natasha, Vision, and even Peter to help him.
You're under much higher security with Tony, yet not much freedom.
Steve would try his best to locate you but it may take longer.
No matter who you choose... at some point the two team will clash and you may even be traded among them.
You'll get tired of it fast.
Tony and Steve get violent towards each other.
You're surprised they haven't killed each other yet.
In fact... they just might go through with it.
For plot reasons they may not entirely murder each other.
Their respective teams will prevent that...
But they REALLY try.
They may just come to the conclusion the only way to guarantee your safety is to... get rid of the other.
Safe to say they've lost their minds due to the stress and obsession rooted in their mind.
Steve doesn't like the idea of killing Tony... but he has to defend himself and you, no?
Meanwhile... Tony?
Tony's so self-absorbed he doesn't care if Steve is thrown in jail or dies.
He just needs to be out of the picture.
By the end of Civil War, one of them will emerge "victorious".
It could be either of them.
By the end of it... you just want to rest.
You just want to be alone.
Yet... you'll be stuck with one of them in the end.
They both say they want to protect you...
But is their protection really what's best for you?
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marveloustimestwo · 3 months
So my teeth hurts for some reason and I can't stop thinking about what if the reader in platonic yandere vampire nat au after turning their teeth starts to hurt like baby's teeth when they start to grow and instead of teeth with reader it's fangs lol I want to request your headcanon on it and how will nay handle reader when she is grumpy and in pain literally ALL the time
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Sorry about your teeth, Noni. Hopefully, they've gotten better by now. Thanks for sending something in!
Warning: Yandere themes, infantilization, mentions of kidnapping and being turned against your will, and kinda body horror? Reader's growing her teeth in and there's some description of it, though not too graphic.
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Nat already truly believes that you're her child. Like, you're just an overgrown child to her, especially with how angry you can be.
After turning you, there were things she expected to happen. Now, you truly were just a newborn to her. You would be so curious about how everything worked.
The immortality, the new speed, strength, and agility that would have you stumbling and breaking things like a fawn learning how to walk.
She would never explicitly tell you, but she finds it very funny and cute. The fact that you can see her hiding smiles and stifling her giggles, however, is enough to make you a bit irritated.
Since she's been alive so long, though, there are some things Natasha has simply forgotten about.
The first and most obvious thing was the growth of your fangs.
In this universe, I'd like to think that vampires have retractable fangs to make them look more human, and therefore more friendly and better predators.
So you can imagine the pain of having four entirely new teeth grow in, while also having them grow in alongside the already existing teeth.
You'd be miserable constantly, always in pain because of these stupid ass teeth that you probably didn't even expect/want, and then you see the motherfucker that gave you these teeth trying to hide a smile.
Yeah, I'd be pissed.
It doesn't help that Natasha will not take your anger seriously. This is just another thing proving to her that you're her baby, her little cutie.
You're just lashing out because of the pain. It's expected, all children go through this.
It's totally not also because you might've been turned against your will, or you might've been kidnapped and held against your will. It's totally not because she's being really (both intentionally and unintentionally) condescending.
Yeah, it's absolutely just because of the pain and not anything else.
But don't worry, the pain will stop soon. Your teeth will grow in and then you'll finally be ready for the next stage of your very long life.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
platonic yandere moon knight boys having to sedate or drug their darling for cuddles/physical affection
Yandere Marc Spector
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You sat on the couch with your knees hugged to your chest as you cried.
"Come on, baby. Please stop crying. Look at me." Marc whispered as you looked up.
"I wanna go home." You muttered through your tears.
"My sweet girl, you are home. You're here with me and your other daddies. There's no where else you could be safer." He said as you shook your head.
"No! You're a monster! I don't want to be here!" You shouted as you went to run for the door but Marc grabbed you.
"What have we said about yelling at us?" He scolded as you cried.
"I just want to show you love, baby! And if I need to do this to show you I will." He growled as he threw you onto the couch and pinned you down.
He grabbed a bottle of pills off the counter and forced one into your mouth before washing it down with water, making you choke as you gasped for air.
"Easy, love." Marc said as he sat you up and helped you breath again.
"W-What did you give me?" You growled as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.
"It'll just make you tired, baby." He said before you shoved him off you and got up to run but you fell to your knees and groaned.
Marc went to your side and helped you sit back up onto the couch.
“Come on, baby. Don’t fight it.” He whispered as you groaned, he laid you down on the couch as you looked at him with dazed eyes.
He smiled and ran his hand through your hair.
“See, baby? You see why daddy has to do this? It’s because it makes you a good girl for me. I wish I didn’t have to baby.” He whispered before he picked you up in his arms and brought you into your room and laid you down on the bed.
He moved in beside you and cuddled your body into his as he smiled.
“I only ever want to care for you, baby girl. I wish you could see how much I loved you.” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You groaned uncomfortably as he ran his hand through your hair.
“Shh, baby. Just rest for me, such a good girl.”
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