abeauutifulpatience · 10 months
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nooneblue · 1 year
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greenjaydeep · 1 year
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There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word. ~ #yasminmogahed #selfienation #selfiestagram #selfieee #shamelessselfie #motog825gshot https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpt4N6gPfDR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thepocket221 · 2 months
(if you are unable to donate, then shares are greatly appreciated!!!)
to use my account for more than just reposting information, i will be doing commission-like drawings (examples below the links) for anyone who donates (with proof!!) to any of these links listed below!! and if there are any i missed that you donated to, let me know! i’ll add them! any and all donations are appreciated!! none of this money goes to me, it goes directly to the sites listed below!!
dm my discord (.pocketful) your donation amount sent and what you want :D !!
gazaesims.com - keeps gaza connected to the rest of the world
gofundme.com/careforgaza - one of the most helpful charities that sends direct aid to gaza!!! people are starting to eat grass and drink polluted water !!! let’s change that!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vtMLLOzuc6GpkFySyVtKQOY2j-Vvg0UsChMCFst_WLA/htmlview - very direct way you can help palestinians who are trying to find refuge in egypt
piousprojects.org/campaign/2712 - donate hygiene kits to women in gaza !!!
https://donate.unrwa.org/gaza/~my-donation?ns_ira_cr_arg=IyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyNXs1EOsB%2FwQA60h60Vx89o1WmSgYpy21YOjO%2Fuk9VebOe%2FVn8YKXFP01%2FOBPhzHsFIxw7b73ZFz0jRtYQ4x5sCxKHl0iI2ZSUKEj%2BO193%2F%2FdEbm4dJ6hzmf5T71krzV6k%3D&utm_source=social+media&utm_medium=social+media+organic&utm_campaign=gaza+appeal&_cv=1 - the largest humanitarian aid organization; don’t let gaza starve!!
https://baitulmaal.org/winter-relief-kits/?utm_source=yasminmogahed&utm_medium=SIM&utm_campaign=winter&utm_term=yasmin4hope&utm_content=winter-relief-kits&fbclid=IwAR2J_uwEVzikcSBV7vULUy5yy3Fbeg3A4ciVyzKVtkHv31qtRI6lUrVdrbs - the people of gaza have not access to any sort of heating nor can secure stable eating, and as we are still in the colder months, any winter supply kit would be wonderful for them to receive.
https://give.muslimi.com/humaniti-palestine-v2-1?fbclid=PAAabYl-vlNc8nWD_qs7kbR0C9OpA2xIQ0jC_Ds-S-Kjhj3_114-pp7aUGLWo_aem_ARsYMaPdsDLrFzw5AaYVftyDdEFcrzeuXf4zSeUuyes0VQnTXn3ONvDc5B4plGpJ49gO93IOdAzcgddKLX3EXruj&utm_campaign=1_US%2CCA%2CUK%2CUAE%2CAU_Yasmin_Broad_Muslimi_Children+Vid_29%2F01%2F24+-+Advantage%2B+shopping+campaign++Campaign&utm_content=Humaniti-Yasmin-Gaza-Ayah-Fix-Jan-23-2023+%7C+Learn+more&utm_medium=paid-social&utm_source=ig&utm_term=1_US%2CCA%2CUK%2CUAE%2CAU_Yasmin_Broad_Muslimi_Children+Vid_29%2F01%2F24+-+Advantage%2B+shopping+campaign++Ad+set - provides emergency aid to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
https://www.gifttool.com/donations/Donate?ID=2017&AID=1926 - donation links to/information on congo from @ congofriends on instagram
https://www.gooddeedcharity.org/?fbclid=PAAaYqZ1P-jAyUOTSlUx0aAAE8lU7oLeib9PIAW6tUGFOYzMxACDlGAUqTwQc_aem_AVp1EsCBw7qB8BXzqAcMXJx2xDXQUk63n3dYeRjNTN1wB1i-5yUoce_mc5IIqY25p_c - help the people of yemen during the worst humanitarian crisis of our time!
https://linktr.ee/sdn.world?fbclid=PAAaaPhAWhNnhElyoe1u5FXrommZJoyRW2G4ciYcHNhPaIOg85-KW4WLLc3Ok_aem_AeNB6clYjd1rOfHI39urN4IORt_AqdUxNDGGx6didiEkVbGCmy5wizAw9aJdLgXTRVg - a handful of links that provide help to the people of sudan !!
https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/CollinsDogShelter?locale.x=en_US&fbclid=PAAaYw5shdPrtjs4YjYLYdv_gtJV_7hNwkrA0R0T88IXN8A-AJ20kaGe_sjPE_aem_AXb4IeXyythA9nrA731vMoqVcKapBg_oHemaNSyb3h20_QZhbOlIvAPdMQWlROOm1D8 - collin is a 16 y/o in uganda who donates his time and all proceeds to helping animals and others! the you can find him on instagram @ collins_community_outreach ! (this one is just a personal one i wanted to add)
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nouurun · 2 months
Pengharapan Pada Allah
Allah berfirman, “Jika seorang hamba mendekati-Ku sejengkal, niscayacAku mendekatinya satu hasta. Jika ia mendatangi-Ku dengan berjalan kaki, niscaya Aku mendatanginya sambil berlari kecil.” (Hadis Qudsi)
Barangkali, sampai detik inipun kita masih sering gagal fokus. Terlalu sibuk pada hal-hal yang fana terhadap dunia dan berpikiran buruk tentang Allah ‘azza wa jalla.
Langkah awal menuju kekuatan emosional yang baik terhadap Allah
1. Mengubah fokus: Alih-alih berfokus pada apa yang tidak bisa kita ubah/hal-hal negatif. Fokuslah untuk menyelaraskan diri pada hal-hal yang baik.
Dalam psikologi, ini disebut “mencari manfaat”
Karena banyak hal di dunia ini yang bisa kita syukuri, setidaknya keberadaan kita di dunia sebagai seorang muslim adalah nikmat besar yang kadang kita luput untuk bersyukur atasnya.
2. Bertanya kepada diri sendiri, “Apakah ini membantu atau menyakitkan?”
Berhenti melihat sesuatu yang membuyarkan fokus. Berhenti membandingkan pencapaianmu dengan orang lain. Tanyakan pada diri, apakah hal itu membantu atau justru merugikan diri?
InsyaAllah langkah ini membantu proses penyembuhan atas luka masa lalu.
Mencintai diri sendiri adalah tugas kita, maka cintailah ia dan sandarkan pengharapan sepenuhnya kepada Allah
Wallahua’lam bisshowab, Baarakallahu fiikum ✨
source: healing your emptiness -YasminMogahed
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phoenix-has-risen · 4 months
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thelittlediaryofsloth · 8 months
Jadi..selama ini kita berlari menuju Sumber—atau sekedar pantulannya!?
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"kita semua berlari. tetapi jarang sekali kita berlari ke arah yg benar. kita punya tujuan yg sama. tetapi untuk sampai ke sana, kita perlu berhenti. dan memeriksa: apakah kita berlari menuju Sumber—atau sekedar pantulannya!?"
currentlyreading #reaclaimyourheart by @yasminmogahed , buku yg pertama kali saya baca 4th lalu, dimana dulunya bab 1 ttg keterikatan jadi bagian paling berat untuk diselesaikan😶
lalu ada seorang teman yg bertanya "kenapa memutuskan utk membacanya kembali tahun ini?" karena utk saya pribadi, buku ini mjd gerbang awal saya berkenalan dg genre buku2 spiritualitas yg pelan2 ikut serta dlm mengenalkan saya pada buku2 islamic studies lainnya.
bisa saya katakan jg buku ini adalah salah satu bentuk "bantuan" yg Tuhan kirimkan kpd diri saya 4th lalu yg begitu jauh dariNya dan merasa asing dengan keyakinan saya. setiap rasa sakit yg mendalam yg saya rasakan saat itu adalah buah dari setiap pelarian saya ke arah yg tidak tepat. menggantungkan harapan dan nilai diri kpd sesama ciptaan hanya menyebabkan penderitaan.
puji syukur yg tiada henti saya tujukan padaNya untuk setiap proses yg Ia kehendaki terjadi, hanya karena kasih sayang dan ampunanNya lah banyak sekali pintu2 baru terbuka utk saya kembali belajar menata ulang hati dan cara pandang saya thd: Tuhan dan diri saya sendiri, terlebih dalam waktu 2th ini. saya tahu ini adalah permulaan yg semoga Tuhan mampukan untuk terus berjalan dengan bekal yg benar dan menuju tujuan yg tepat. Insyaallah.
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blmra · 1 year
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One of my favorite pages #yasminmogahed
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hopeandvrede · 1 year
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#yasminmogahed #islam #motivation #art
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sameerahack · 1 year
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abeauutifulpatience · 10 months
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iyas1998 · 2 years
Siapa nih, yang datang di Seminar Ustadha @yasminmogahed dengan tema "Healing the Emptiness: A Guide to Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being" beberapa waktu lalu?
Nah, buat yang nggak sempat datang, berikut cuplikan videonya. Saat berlangsung talkshow-nya, MasyaaAllah sangat menginspirasi sekali! 😇
Nggak ketinggalan juga, Hijra Bank hadir untuk memeriahkan event tersebut dan tentu sambil silaturahmi kepada pengunjung. Ada yang mampir nggak, nih? Tulis di kolom komentar, ya! 😀
PT BPRS Hijra Alami (Hijra Bank) berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) serta telah menjadi Bank Peserta Penjaminan di Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)
#Hijra #HijraBank #HijraBankID #Event #Seminar #Kajian #YasminMogahed
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piousmuslim · 2 years
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#yasminmogahed #marriage #marriagetips #marriagequotes #piouscouple #muslimfamily #muslimcouple #islamicquote #islamicreminders #muslim #islam #jannahgoals #husband #wife #husbandandwife (at United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYoZxQQvshc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Food for thought! 🌱🍃
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islamicanimenetwork · 3 years
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"Many people believe that hardening the heart will guard you from pain. But it only guards you from joy. Keep the heart softened and then strengthen the fortress surrounding it with the remembrance of God."
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pelajarkehidupan · 4 years
The art of istiqomah
Bismillah, by permission of Allah i can share this amazing podcast of Yasmin Mogahed. This podcast is talking about "How to stay firm in a straight path" Actually, it's from simple act of how the solid foundation (istiqomah) was build in our heart. The simple that not literally simple to do that, but before all the causes that makes us shaken or away from the track, the first thing that should be erase from our mindset is that human being is a perfect creature. Why we should erase the perfection in our mindset? From that only mindset it will lead us to despair and forget about who The Most Merciful. And after that, we can build the solid foundation after we grow the love of us to Allah that will lead us healthy fear (taqwa). In conlusion, the quality of the foundation, how the solid foundation we want to be build is depend on how we guard our heart. Like how we allowed our eyes to see, our tounge to talk and our ears to hear, if those all we use to do good deeds, then our heart will lead us to another good deeds. Then of course, it need a consistent to that. Well, for me it's harddd to be done than talking, but i know, Allah will see the process of how i want to be in love with Allah. So wish me luck! And also good luck to you who striving build that priceless-solid foundation in your heart.
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