#yay! my submission!
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[Reblogs are love!]
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potato-lord-but-not · 1 month
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rambunctioustoons · 11 months
The girl boss shirt for your Moondrop from this week's Magma~♡
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Moon is very pleased by this! :D ✨
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empresskadia · 7 months
Part I (Probably OOC, probably crap):
There was something about the stars that had always brought Naomi-010 peace.
She couldn't explain it, not verbally, not to anyone. Something about being able to look up and gaze into that endless sea had calmed her even during the worst of the war. Despite the war, and the mud and the blood and the dead and the dying, despite it all, the stars were peaceful. She could look up from any planet she was on, and they'd be there as always: silent, enduring specks of light in a limitless, shapeless void of possibility.
"Ah, there you are, Naomi."
She was pulled away from her reverie by a voice, her lips ever so slightly curling into a small smirk as she turned to you. Even in the dark, your eyes had that same twinkle she had seen when she first met you. She couldn't place what it was but it had drawn her to you like a moth to light.
"May I join you?" You had asked, and she feigned like she had to think about it before she nodded. You checked over your shoulder for any other members of your squad before crouching down next to her, crossing your legs as you sat down. "I was wondering where you'd gotten off to."
She shrugged. "A bit too crowded for my liking."
You nodded. "Yeah, I don't blame you. Had I known before becoming a Helljumper how often you'd be making a hammock sandwich with your squad mates, I would've been a pilot."
Naomi snorted a little when she laughed. Only you could get her to do that. "No offense, but I've seen you fly. You would've crashed and burned before you even got your wings."
"Psssh, I'd be fine." You pointed to the Ace of Spades on your pauldron, the playing card so worn that you put it in a card protector so it didn't away completely. "I'm lucky, aren't I? As long as I got this with me, I'll make it."
In all the years the Spartan had known you, that card had never failed to be on your person. She had always wondered what it was for, or what it meant, but there was never a right time. No time like the present, right?
"May I ask you something?" She had asked, and it was so quiet she wasn't even sure you had even heard it.
"Of course." You replied instantly, raising a brow. "What's on your mind?"
You had responded so quickly that she realized she didn't quite know how to ask you. The two of you had had your shares of personal talks before, but you had always been the one to initiate. And maybe, with the way you had quickly switched from joking with her to paying utmost attention to her had flustered Naomi enough that she didn't know how to initiate.
Fortunately, you threw her a lifeline as you noticed her eyes switching between yours and the card on your shoulder. "Oh, this?"
The spartan nodded quickly as you pulled it from the little clasp you had it on and handed it to her. "This little ticket is my lucky charm."
"A playing card?" She held it gently in her hand as if it were the most valuable thing she had ever held. The white of the card had been stained and yellowed from light. The black spade in the center had begun to fade, and she could just barely make out the letters UNSC SoF at the bottom.
"Yeah. You remember when I told you about my uncle, the one whose ship went missing with all hands early in the war?"
"I do."
"Well, I can't remember him as much as I like to. But I remember he carried a card like this on him everywhere he went - said it was his ticket to get Lady Luck on his side. Well, he gave me this card. And I carry it just like he did."
"Do you think it works?" She asked.
"Of course it does!" You replied confidently., beaming. "I got lucky enough to meet you, didn't I?"
She didn't know what to say to that. Any joke or playful tease she had ready was forgotten and the crisp mountain air was suddenly warm. Looking at you didn't help either because you kept that luminescent smile on your face. It was hard not to feel something when you looked at her as gently as you did now.
She gently returned the card to its spot on your armor and then turned to you. The care in your eyes was so visible that it was hard not to return it.
"You'd still make a terrible pilot."
You laughed, melodious and wonderful. "Yeah, you're probably right. But the view here is worth every second." She hummed her agreement before she leaned her head against your shoulder as you both watched the night sky in silence together. A moment of peace and quiet in a loud galaxy.
First of all, I'm annotating this while reading, so this is my genuine reaction, I waited to get home from work to read it. Second, I squealed when I saw this in my inbox earlier, my co-worker thinks I'm insane and doesn't understand why I'm giddy about this.
To start us off-
"There was something about the stars that had always brought Naomi-010 peace."
So glad you included her love of stars, I love her thoughts about them <3
"Even in the dark, your eyes had that same twinkle she had seen when she first met you. She couldn't place what it was but it had drawn her to you like a moth to light."
They're soulmates, your honor, I'm already kicking my feet. Like the 'being drawn to someone' troupe is my favorite thing. Especially for a Spartan, I'm having a brain riot moment.
"and she feigned like she had to think about it before she nodded"
Love that she's comfortable doing this with her partner, she's so cute.
"The two of you had had your shares of personal talks before, but you had always been the one to initiate. And maybe, with the way you had quickly switched from joking with her to paying utmost attention to her had flustered Naomi enough that she didn't know how to initiate."
Naomi, who gets flustered when having her partner's full attention!! Yes, please. Just imagine how seen she feels, like she isn't just a soldier in her armor but you make her feel like a person, dare I say, human. Personal talks with Spartans are important in my mind.
""A playing card?" She held it gently in her hand as if it were the most valuable thing she had ever held.""
Sweet baby angel.
and she could just barely make out the letters UNSC SoF at the bottom.
"Yeah. You remember when I told you about my uncle, the one whose ship went missing with all hands early in the war?"
""I got lucky enough to meet you, didn't I?""
"It was hard not to feel something when you looked at her as gently as you did now."
I'm kicking my feet, looking at the Spartans as if they are the most precious people ever BECAUSE THEY ARE.
"She gently returned the card to its spot on your armor"
She put it back herself, your honor, she loves us T-T
""You'd still make a terrible pilot.""
Naomi, I just want to kiss you, thank you. She would be so sassy with her partner.
This was 10/10, I need more, I want to give Naomi all the forehead kisses until she's annoyed with me. Don't you say this is crap because this is gold and it made my night, I will be coming back to read this over and over again.
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banana-pancake5 · 7 months
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your guy 😦
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so2uv · 10 months
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incorrect-dc-comics · 11 months
Green Lantern: I’ve found a foolproof way to tell if an alternate timeline and/or Earth is evil.
Flash: Which is?
Green Lantern: If Wonder Woman has a sword, it’s evil.
Flash: That’s pretty sound logic actually.
Source: uncorrectintamed (with some modification…)
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lubotomies · 2 years
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for all the rusame tomtord truthers 😊
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Haha lol Ice Emperor goes Brrrr part 6
The winter coat did wonders for Lloyd’s complete lack of natural cold resistance. Gone was the uncomfortable shivering, instead replaced with a seemingly-endless desire to explore the winding halls of the palace. The Emperor—Julien, as the child had taken to calling him—spent much of his time simply letting Lloyd perch atop his shoulders as he went about his business, though sometimes the boy went off to explore on his own.
He couldn’t say the concept didn’t worry him, and really, wasn’t that a novel experience? The Emperor of Ice worried for the safety of a child? Were his generals not so afraid of the power he wielded, they would laugh at him. Still, he had ensured to inform the guards of the palace—and Boreal for good measure—that Lloyd was not to be harmed in any way, and perhaps to humor his more harmless desires. He was, after all, just a boy, albeit a strange, determined sort.
For the most part, though, Lloyd stayed at least somewhat close to him, whether that be from him taking The Emperor’s advice on being careful in his diminutive form—his soldiers needed to be quicker about locating the plant. The leaf’s effects did not appear to be the sort to wear off, and The Emperor didn’t know how the child’s lack of autonomy in a world that wasn’t built for him was going to affect him in the long run—or because he simply preferred it. Either way, it was a rare day that set Lloyd and The Emperor in two entirely different sections of the castle.
And a rare day it is, The Emperor thought, idly watching Vex stride to the foot of the flight toward his throne. Ice shattered as he tilted his head. “Vex. What news do you bring?” Vex was not one for friendly encounters on most moons. Always working. Always focused.
“My lord, I believe it is pertinent to speak about your… ward.” Ward? Did he have a ward? Was this about Lloyd? Again?
“Ward, Vex?” Another crackling of ice as he leaned forward, interest playing at the edges of his mind. “I gather you speak of Lloyd.”
“Yes, m’lord. His… wandering troubles me.” The Emperor rested his head on a hand, nodding for his advisor to continue. “I fear he may still be looking for his friend. That he could lead the prisoners to arms against you. Repairs are becoming more difficult, Emperor; you mustn't put yourself at unneeded risk.” Frost danced around his fingers like a bird. Something familiar. Like the falcon’s cry that resonated so softly in his mind. “I fear that he may be manipulating you.”
The Emperor banished the forming ice, idly watching the single, ice-blue eye fall from his hand. It was supposed to be something more, he thought. “Vex.” He turned back to look at his advisor. “You are a wise man, but do you think that you place too much suspicion on a boy? He’s not even ten summers, I highly doubt his ability to manipulate me.” A breath laced with something warm. Like the ice had fallen away. “If I truly fall from my mind, then I trust you, Vex, to bring me back.” A hand brushed across his advisor’s shoulder, tracing the lightest pattern of silvery-white frost. “Is that all?” It was a whisper, light on his tongue in the same way as his smile.
A snort, something in the area of amused. “That is all, m’lord.”
“Then do get some rest. You walk these halls like a phantom.” He leaned back, letting his shoulder hit the back of the throne and stick there with a dark sort of ice crawling over his armor. “An emperor is only so well as his advisor.”
Vex bowed as he left, a theatrical affair even as he hummed in what The Emperor could place only as assent.
Months’ walk away, in a flash of purple light, warm bodies fell in an ungraceful pile, multicolored gis standing out against the white. Shouting voices rang loud against the mountain, disturbing the snow.
And watching it all, he turned to the guard to his left, eyes half-lidded in lazy amusement. “Have the traveling party kill them all. Leave nothing. Dump whatever of them you can’t burn into the river. He must not know of this.”
Beyond, Neverberry in hand, a figure dressed in black slipped out from behind a shard of ice, returning to the palace unseen.
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Bands & Horror! 🔪
FKA Twigs + Wednesday Addams! 🕷🖤
“Be afraid. Be very afraid.”
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mcyt-but-everywhere · 2 years
Hello! Im just checking smth. Could you answer this ask please if you see it? I think tumblrs eating my asks. If you do see it then… uh. Sorry for the submission spam dhfbdh
Hi! I would gladly help with this.
In the meantime tho uhh hows everyones day? Or night, or afternoon, wherever you are.
Hm, just a reminder for everyone to eat and drink water!! And dont be afraid to take breaks!!
Edit: i just looked at my submissions, sorry i never saw them before! For some reason i never got the notification or anything, ill post them right now :)
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sanguinesinners · 2 years
|| Love and sappy shit is over, which doesn’t last too long in our lives anyway 😂 - so who wants to go back to gloomy angst? Lol
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dapperrokyuu · 6 months
First time playing New Leaf in forever and the first thing I did was dig up some flowers and fail to place furniture outside.
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thebigshotman · 10 months
Easy big guy, no need to get all worked up. Maybe "Hazelnut"'s running behind schedule, you know how the holidays are.
*[[That specil time of year]]??? ALR3ADY???? TIME TO BRE4K OUT THE [[ugly sweaters, $10.99!]] AND THE [[fuzzy winter coats for $25.99]] AND THE-4ND THE-AND TH3-
He bites down, hard, making himself vibrate a little from the force of the jaw clacking down as he runs his hands through his greasy hair several times, each one more glitchy than the last. A cold breeze rustles past him, assuring him physically that yes, it is that time of year once again. That time where trying to rein in his commercials was impossible, his other voices so eager to promote this and sell that regardless if he wanted to or whether he even had it in stock whenever the word “holiday” was brought up.
So eager, it bled into his regular voice at times-the one damn thing that was still his. But despite his personal issues, the audience was right about the holidays being busier for those in retail. Especially those that worked for those that had their business in a legitimate place, like Eileen.
*…Y3AH. YEAH, IT’S [[you just gotta have this!]] THAT. JU$T BUSINESS FR0M THE [it’s the holiday season~] AND N0THING ELSE. SHE’LL BE HERE S00N…
*I hope that’s all it is…
Even after he stops talking, he’s humming with static and trying to calm his own voice down from attempting to sell hot cocoa and Christmas lights. He’s almost glad NEO made him miss the holiday rush last year. Almost.
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yikesb3rg · 1 year
HI, im glad people like my art enough to request stuff but there is just so much rqs in my inbox atm that i wouldnt be able to complete them all if i dont close them for the time being <33 thank u thank u thank u!!!!
i'll still have asks open if anyone wants to submit something non art related but for now pls dont send any more requests
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milequaritchsslut · 9 months
Riding Abby’s strap
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Abby fingering you
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“Just take it slow baby” she reassured, her hands holding onto your waist tightly. Her gaze was set on your wet cunt enveloping her thick strap on, it was such a pretty sight. Such a small little thing like you taking her like a good girl should.
You let out a breathy whine, sinking deep onto her cock as her thumbs rubbed circles into your waist. The moment you finally sunk fully onto her cock, your hands immediately made their way to her biceps. Desperately gripping her muscles while trying to catch your breath, but being rendered useless by how full you felt. Her cock was so thick, you could see the bulge of her cock in your stomach.
“That’s a good girl…” she cooed softly, smiling up at you widely. Her hands caressed your waist while she admired your flushed state. You were so cute like this, all out of breath because of her. Your cute little lips parting to let yourself breathe, she loved you like this. So submissive and soft…
“You ready baby?” She asked. Her voice low and husky as her left hand traveled down to your clit, rubbing small circles with her thumb.
“A-abs” you whimpered out shakily, your grip tightening around her arms as your chest heaved in anticipation. You were so vulnerable, hardly even able to make out a full sentence.
“I know I know baby” she murmured quietly, her hips beginning to move slowly. Grinding into yours sensually, as she hit your spongy spot with every thrust she gave.
You let out a soft moan, her mushroomy tip hitting your sweet spot so easily. Your vision was blurring, due to the tears forming in your eyes, the room was starting to spin. Your legs squeezing around hers as she sank deep into your drenched cunt.
“S-so good” you let out softly, finally looking up at her with big watery eyes. She felt so good inside of you, her cock rutting into you from underneath as you let her fuck you as hard as she wanted.
The sounds of skin slapping filled your senses, your mind going blank as she fucked into you ruthlessly. You could feel that familiar tingling in your core as she set her pace. Your plush lips parting slightly to let your lewd sounds fill the room and your girlfriends ears.
She looked up at you eyeingly, her pace quickening by your facial expressions. She could tell how much you loved it, your eyes glazing over as your mind went blank. She let out a chuckle at how easily she got you cock drunk off of her, you were such a senseless girl.
Your orgasm was pooling in your stomach, you could feel it building up by the second. Every thrust had you one step closer to ecstasy. It was such a good feeling, your whole body going numb from your silly little nerves being rubbed by her fingers.
“I-I’m gonna-“ you whimpered out loudly before you finally let go. Your slick gushing out of your cunt, drowning her cock in your sweetness. She smirked up at you, watching you unravel in front of her. She held onto you tightly, enjoying your pathetic state.
“Good girl” she hummed softly into your ear as she let you go finally.
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Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know, I’m starting to write again! (Yay!!!) But I do need to get back into the groove of writing, so I’m sorry that my fics won’t be as good as they usually are! But I know I’m getting back into it :)
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