#yay i wrote sth
siren-of-agony · 2 years
Welcome Home
Masterpost This is a continuation of Mitra's story that I started in Whumpcember. You can read what happens before this here and here
CW: lady whump, claustrophobic imagery, short vomit-mention, knife-mention
She woke up in total darkness, disoriented and unable to move. Even when she had regained her bearings enough to feel the rough wood pressing in around her, Mitra still couldn’t remember how she had ended up locked in a box too small to be comfortable. Through aching limbs and still hazy thoughts she tried to recall the last memories that led her here.
There was a smile that made her heart beat harder in her chest. Then, calmness. She remembered questions being asked, sounding as if they were coming through a thick fog. Her name, how old she was, where she came from, who’d miss her if she didn’t return soon. What she was good at. What she was doing here. Mitra had answered them all without hesitation. Then nothing, until this.
The wooden box pressed in around her, and she was sure there wasn’t enough air to sustain her. She could neither stretch out her legs completely nor pull them in, and she couldn’t move her arms up to try to push up the top, if not to open it, then at least to give her ribcage more room to move. Her breaths came quickly, short and with no depth to them. There was no oxygen coming to her lungs, she knew it. Her heart raced. Tears rolled down her face and trickled into her ears, dampening her hearing, and she couldn’t even wipe them away. She was vaguely aware she was shaking, but even so, the box shook around her to a different rhythm. She felt sick, and this sent up new panic up her spine. If she’d threw up, here, without being able to move-
Her thoughts were interrupted. Only now, as they seemed to have stopped did she realize what the rattling and rumbling around her had been. She must be on some kind of cart, they were driving, and now, they had stopped.
She heard hinges creaking, steps, then things around her lifted, carried out. Wood scraping over wood, right above her. There had been boxes over her. She was truly trapped.
Then, she felt herself move. What felt like her coffin got lifted, not quite gracefully. She tried to braze herself against the walls, unsuccessfully. Her head got hit against the hard wood more than once. 
She felt herself set down, and then the top started to lift. The light flooding in burned in her eyes, but she only allowed herself to keep them closed for a few seconds. She needed to know where she was, what was going on.
It was easier, looking up the second time, but that was also thanks to someone now leaning over her, blocking out the sun. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but then she recognized him.
The circus director was looking at her, the bored disinterest on his face not less terrifying than the smile she had remembered not long ago.
“Ah, good, she’s awake already,” he said to no one in particular. Then, he focused on someone Mitra couldn’t see. “Alba, help her up.”
Another figure came into view then, but her eyes had more problems adjusting this time. A dark shadow leaned over her and gripped her arms. She felt herself being pulled up. The strong hands almost hurt, but she was still glad for the stability they gave. Her legs prickled. They had fallen asleep and were in no condition to hold her up. Only when she was face to face with the woman did she recognize her, did her memory truly come back.
Mitra had been worried about a rude stranger, and somehow, that seemed to have landed her in big trouble.
She searched the face opposite her for answers, for help, for anything, but all she found was yet another disinterested expression. This one seemed less natural, though. The lips were pressed together in a straight line and the eyes were staring right through her. This mask of neutrality seemed hard fought for. 
Before Mitra could say anything, she felt herself being spun around. The other’s hands still gripped strongly around her biceps, and she wasn’t sure if they were supposed to help or just ensured she didn’t run away. She looked around for the first time, and realized there were other people. None of them looked in their direction. It seemed intentional, the way no one even acknowledged her existence. They seemed to be busy erecting the big circus tent, as well as a barrier around the camp. Through the gaps left, she looked out and saw a small town she didn’t recognize. She had no idea where she was. Even without the hands keeping her here, she wouldn’t even know where to run to.
Movement right in front of her brought her focus back. The circus director had stepped closer, and he was holding a small knife. He was smiling again, like a hunter who had just one of his traps had worked. Mitra took a step away from him, but felt her back hit the woman still holding her, who didn’t move at all. She couldn’t escape. 
The knife came towards her face, and she closed her eyes. At least she wouldn’t need to see. The cold metal touched her cheek, grazed over her tense jaw muscles. But it didn’t cut her skin. 
One quick move, next to her ear, a fast sound, and she felt his presence step away. She opened her eyes, just in time to see him put a lock of her hair into a small vial and store it away into his suit jacket. 
She was caught somewhere between fear and confusion. She could feel herself trying to ask what was going on, but the breath she had held escaped her lips as soon as she opened them to form words.
The man now looked behind her again. “I’ll have to make sure camp is set up correctly. You bring her to the free wagon. I’ll give her the tour tomorrow.”
With a last hungry look into Mitra’s direction, he turned around and walked away in the direction of the tent. Behind her, she felt the woman tense up, then relax slightly. Then, one hand dropped from her arm, and she was pulled by the other.
“Come on,” the woman - Alba, Mitra reminded herself - said, her tone still cold, hiding all emotion. 
Mitra finally found her own voice again, but all of her questions about what was going on, where they were, what was going to happen to her, went unanswered.
They ended up in front of a small wagon. Alba led her in, took the few steps up behind her, as if making sure Mitra wouldn’t run. She should have still tried, maybe.
Instead, she stepped into a cramped room, mostly taken up by storage. a thin cot in one corner was the only thing identifying this as living quarters.
She turned around. Alba was standing in the door frame, her dark silhouette blocking almost all the light. “Please-” Mitra stopped herself, unsure what she even wanted to ask for.
Alba said something in return, it was barely a whisper, but Mitra was still sure she had heard “I’m sorry.” Alba shook her head, and this time, her voice was louder, harder, cold. “I told you to leave. This is your own damn fault.”
Then, she turned around and closed the door. After a few seconds of quiet, she heard a lock click. Now, she was truly trapped.
She still ran to the door, trying to get it open, begging Alba not to go, to explain to her what was happening. But all she got as an answer were what sounded like two pairs of footsteps, walking away.
Taglist: @i-can-even-burn-salad @suspicious-whumping-egg @winedark-whump @whumpawoman @yesthisiswhump @painful-pooch @whump-in-the-moonlight @dont-touch-my-soup (If you want to be taken off or included, please let me know!)
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patrophthia · 11 months
attention is what i want! | theo. nott
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pairing: theodore nott x fem!reader
genre: pining, one sided crushes, angst !!, complicated feelings, theo is a dick tbh, humor (my attempt at it), reader embarrasses herself (multiple time), girls girls pansy, reader are friends with the golden trio but isn’t a gryffindor, cursing, drinking, a bit suggestive in the end hehe
wc: 4.3k (idk how it got this long, i planned to write sth with like 2k at most but it kept going)
note: i wrote this while listening to attention by new jeans for two hours straight (yay pining!) i have very mixed feelings for this fic but here it is anyways!
summary: it’s no secret that you have a crush on theodore nott, theo knows it, hell the whole school knew it; maybe if they didn’t then it’d be easier for you to get over him after you embarrassed yourself in front of the whole school. at least you got a new friend because of it.
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To say you had a crush on Theodore Nott would be an understatement. You never actually confessed to the Slytherin but it's as clear as days that you were into him. 
And when he was as good looking as he was, could anyone really blame you? 
Not really, not when most of Hogwarts found your attempt at shooting your shot with him the most amusing thing ever. 
"Good morning, Nott." Your hand shot upwards the second the Slytherin enters the classroom. His eyes settling on you whilst his friends bickers behind him. "I saved you a seat." 
There's snickering from behind you, hushed whispers as your classmate gossips about your pathetic attempt at getting with Theodore once more. 
His eyes scans the room, finally settling on one of the two empty seats behind the class and B-lining towards it. Zabini, having lost to Malfoy at grabbing the seat next to Theodore smiles at you kindly. Maybe even apologetically as he sits next to you. 
"Better luck next time?" He offers, trying to lighten your mood and you smile back, nodding. "You'll get him eventually." 
And though your voice is low, barely audible and muffled; Zabini still manages to hear you huff out a: "doubt it." 
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"Do you think he'd pay attention to me if I dyed my hair green?" You ask, playing with your hair. 
Sure, your hair would end up damaged but if it meant Theodore would spare a glance your way then you'd take it. 
Harry looks at you as if you'd grown an extra head, green eyes enlarged as he tries to gauge whether you were serious or not. "Excuse me?" 
"I think I could pull of forest green hair." 
Hermione rolls her eyes. "No, you can't." She doesn't really mean it though, she does agree that you'd probably pull off forest green hair but she'd rather you do it for your own personal wants rather than to gain someone else's attention. "And you won't." 
You only huff at her words. "Why not?"
"Because, it's stupid. You'd look stupid doing so." Mione doesn't bother sugarcoating it, she doesn't need to when you've known her as long as you have. "If you need his attention so badly then ask him out, just drop the question and get it over with." 
"I'm trying to!" You groan, passing your plate with leftovers over to Ron who accepts it gladly. "I could walk naked in front of him and he wouldn't even bat an eyelash." 
Ron face scrunches at the idea, finding the prospect of a naked you disgusting. "You could put up a banner," he suggests through a mouthful of food. "I'd notice someone if they put up a banner with my name on it." 
And when Hermione's whacked Ron at him encouraging what she deemed was self destructive behavior, the conversation shifts to something else completely. 
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You're huffing and puffing when you straighten up, showing your three closest friends what you'd been working on for the last two days. "What do you think?" 
Ron gasps loudly, eyes wide as he takes in the imagine in front of him. "You're crazy." 
"If you'd just—" Hermione, as if it was second nature, reaches up and smack at his arm. "—learnt how to shut up, this wouldn't have happened." 
It's only natural for you to frown at their reaction, brows knitted as you asked them. "Is it too much?" 
Harry, and his sweet sweet soul tries his best to not hurt your feelings as he nodded. "Maybe?" He tries to soften the blow, adding on: "I think it's brilliant, it's just ... a lot." 
You look over your masterpiece. Reading out the glittering paint, letter by letter and watching it as it takes shape into one of the biggest banner you've seen at Hogwarts by far. 
Written in shining green paint were the words: 
A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N, attention is what I want. Nott, go out with me? 
"I mean, if anything you'll definitely get his attention with that," Harry says, blinking rapidly at the banner. "It's pretty hard to miss." 
"Let's hope so." 
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The dining hall is louder than normal, it has always been noisy; having seated thousands of teenagers who had little to none supervision during their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 
But like Theodore has noted earlier, it's noisier than normal. And the drop of voices is significant when he steps through the large doors, loud gossips turns to hushed whispers; eyes roaming between him and a figure by the Gryffindor table. 
It doesn't take him long to notice why, a dust of glitter falling down on him from above. He glances up, eyes squinting as he reads out the banner before him. 
A-T-T-E-N-T-I-O-N, attention is what I want. Nott, go out with me? 
The letters are bright, glinting under the candle light as if it was taunting him, pushing at his buttons for a reaction. And though, there was no name written on the banner to indicate who'd made it; he knew that it was you. 
Dark eyes narrows as he zones in on you. You dressed up nicely, watching him with a pretty smile on your waiting face. 
And when all he did was roll his eyes and turn towards the Slytherin table, without sparing you another look. You all but deflated in front of everyone's eyes. 
You knew it was stupid, and that it was all your fault to make your love life so public for everyone to entertain themselves with, but you can't help but feel hurt at the laughter bubbling through out the hall. 
You're scrambling out of your seat, rushing out of the hall when a voice shouts out. "Serves you right, pick me!" 
Oddly enough, it's Pansy who speaks up; her voice loud and clearly irritated when she shouts back, telling them to go and: "Fuck yourself." 
Why the Slytherin threw a dirty glare at her friend and ran after you despite the two of you not being friends —let alone having been seen together before, was a mystery to everyone. 
And since Hermione loves you too much for her own good, she’s quick to scramble out of her seat, casting a spell to set the banner up in flames as she rushed after Pansy and you. 
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There’s a sort of guilt that Hermione feels when she finds you hunched over with Pansy’s hand running up and down your back. The two of you weren’t friends, neither is Hermione and Pansy but when a girl’s in need of comfort, it’s only normal for them to be there for her. 
“I don’t get why you’re into him, honestly,” Pansy grits out, “out of all the boys in Slytherin you just had to choose the dickhead, didn’t you?” 
Hermione can hear you sniffle out a laugh as she takes a seat on your other side. “Out of all the boys in Hogwarts you just had to choose the dickhead, huh?” 
Pansy and Hermione are sharing a grin as you lift your head up slightly, a small smile tugging at your lips. “It’s not like I wanted to like him, you know?” You say with a small laugh. “I guess I’m just attracted to an asshole.” 
“You’re guessing this now?” Pansy says with a roll of her eyes, there’s no venom in her tone, only playful annoyance. “This isn’t the first time he’s treated you like this. I’ve heard all about your … attempts, you know?” 
“Really?” You’re laughing and the hurt in your tone is clearer than ever. “How embarrassing.” 
“It’s not,” Hermione reassured you, “if anything I think it’s endearing.” 
“Me making a fool of myself for a guy is endearing to you?” 
Pansy giggles at your words. “I’ve done worse, maybe just not so publicly.” Her voice is playful when she adds on, “but this should be the final nail in the coffin right? Finally getting over that asshole after this?” 
“That asshole is your best friend,” you remind her and she looks to her side bashfully. 
“That doesn’t excuse him for being horrible to you,” she mumbled. “And I thought Draco was bad.”
“Malfoy is bad,” Hermione chimes in. “He just didn’t humiliate you like Nott did her.” 
Pansy tilts her head to the side in thought. “Maybe. Or maybe we should just stop dating Slytherin guys over all.” 
Hermione only smiles fondly at her words. “Maybe.” 
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You’re doing fine. Or as fine as one could be after a publicly humiliating confession. You’re still very you, smiling at Theodore every chance you get even though you’ve told your friends (now extended to Pansy) multiple times that you were getting over him. 
The only BIG difference that anyone noticed after your rejection was that you no longer attempted to get closer to Theodore. You don’t save him seats, you don’t tell him good morning, and they’d be lying if they said it wasn’t weird. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
You look up, eyes widening at the person in front of you and nodded. “I’m saving it for someone.” You pray to Merlin that he doesn’t hear the waver in your voice as you did so. “Is there something you needed?” 
He doesn’t answer you, instead placing his book bag on your desk. You try to control the butterflies caged in your stomach, fluttering at the sight of his forearm flexing as he did so. “You’re saving it for me? Like always?” 
You blink at him. “… no. I’m saving it for Blaise.” 
“Huh,” he hums thoughtfully, “you’re in first name basis now?” 
You move to your right when he takes his seat to your left, trying to distance yourself from him. “What do you want?” 
He looks at you and your pretense of being over him crumbles all over, tumbling as he nearly knocks you off your feet just how intense his gaze is. And though you’ve always wanted his attention, for him to look at you back like he’s doing now. You can’t help but feel sick to your stomach with how much you still liked him. 
“Attention is what you want, right?” 
What is he playing at? “Not anymore.” 
“Shame.” There’s a slight smile at your answer. “I was finally ready to give it to you.” 
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“He said that?” Pansy repeats your words back to you, her hand moving away from your face as she dips it back into the face mask she’d mixed up. “That’s weird.” 
“That’s what I thought,” you murmur, feeling Hermione kick her feet into your lap. “I’m so confused right now.” 
“Maybe he’s playing hard to get?” Hermione suggests. “Even if he is I hope he knows the only hard thing he’s getting is a rock thrown at his face.” 
It’s clear that she’s taken your rejection harder than you did, grumbling at the thought of him. “A text book if he’s lucky.” 
Pansy finishes up your face mask and sets the bowl down. “I told him to apologise to you, not to go and bother you," she says, frowning slightly.
“You told him to apologise?” The tone of the conversation shifts, downing just the slightest bit. 
Pansy avoids your eyes as she nods, “I just wanted him to say sorry for how he treated you, you didn’t deserve that. But that fucker decided to go and do something weird, I’m sorry, lovely.” 
When she’s taken up the nickname lovely for you, you don’t know. But you’re too much into your head to say anything about it. “Please don’t do that. Don’t meddle with this just because you pity me. I can handle this by myself.” 
“I don’t—” Pansy pauses, realising the weight of her actions “—I’m sorry, I promise I’ll leave you be.” 
You’re nodding when you tell her: “thank you.” 
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Trying to jot down notes does nothing to soothe your nerves, and it definitely doesn’t distract you from the fact that Theodore Nott is sitting so damn close to you. So close that your thighs were touching, and that with any small move you made, your shoulder brushes against his. 
Moving your chair to the right is no use, not when he’d move his just so he’d be closer to you. You’re so close you could practically hear him breathe. 
It’s when your quill slips off of your desk that you have to confront him about it. You nudge at his thigh with yours, forcing them to his left only for him to look at you curiously. “Can you move?” 
“Why?” He asks instead, planting his thighs where they’d been. 
“My quill fell, I need to get it.” You explain, avoiding his eyes as best as you could. His attention is not good for your heart, maybe it two weeks ago, but it definitely wasn’t now. 
Theodore is uninterested and unmoving when he quipped back. “And you can’t get like this?” 
Not if you didn’t want to plan your face on his lap and be so terribly close to his— yeah no. You sigh, leaning forward to tap at the person’s in front of you shoulder. “Would you mind getting my quill for me please? It’s bit hard for me to reach.” 
The person in front nods and leans down to get it for you with a smile. And when they hands it to you, their finger brushing against yours, you distinctly feel Theodore press himself closer to you. 
“You could’ve borrowed mine,” Theodore says lowly, eyeing you from above. 
He’s slightly taller than you, even when you’re both sat. Trying to prove to him (and yourself) that you were over him, and that this close proximity did not matter to you; you strain your neck up to glare at him. “You could’ve moved.” 
“Maybe,” he concurs. “And you could’ve just asked for me to get it for you.” 
“Like you’d do that,” you murmur with a roll of your eyes. “For me of all people.” 
“For you of all people,” he repeats. 
You hate how you instinctively break away from his gaze, looking at your notes as you try to calm your beating heart. Two weeks is nearly not enough to time to get over a crush you’ve been harboring for the longest time, not when you liked him so much you didn’t bother to keep it a secret to anyone and he knows it. 
He knows it and he’s using it as an advantage, for what exactly you don’t know. What you do know, is that you need to get away from Theodore Nott. Or kiss him. Whichever works. 
You sigh, glancing at your hands and hope that your voice doesn’t tremble when you quietly ask him. “What are you playing at Theodore?” You’re exasperated and he can hear it, he can hear the exhaustion in your voice and he tries his best not to let it get to him. “I know Pansy told you to apologize but you’re not apologizing, you’re just making things worse.” 
He doesn’t say anything, though you can still feel his eyes on you. “Excuse me, Professor,” he says suddenly, his shoulder knocking yours as he stood up, “I’m feeling a bit under the weather, would you mind letting me slip to the infirmary?” 
His hands are on you, holding firmly onto your wrist as he speaks. “It’s best if I had a friend to help me.” The professor doesn’t get a chance to respond before Theodore is pulling you away from the class. 
Your words are jumbled, flailing as you try to match up his pace; you’re confused and against your better judgement, you trust that he wouldn’t hurt you —even if he’d done so many times before. 
He comes to a halt by a hallway, it’s quiet still; students having yet left their classes. 
He looks at you, dark eyes clouding with emotion and tries to get you to look at him. Practically begging for you to give him your attention before speaking. “How am I making things worse? It’s what you wanted isn’t it?” 
“It is,” you say after a minute. “It’s just— this isn’t how I wanted it.
I like you, Theodore. A lot and I’ve made it so clear so many times and you always made it clear that you didn’t like me back. I finally try to get over you and you do this? What even is this? What are you trying to get at, Theo?” 
He doesn’t answer you, his hand finally releasing the grip on your wrist to rest by his side. 
You scoff, noting how he falls back to his pattern of not speaking to you when you’re practically pouring your heart out to him. 
“Why did never ask me out?” 
Your expression is puzzled, and he knows that he needs to explain himself, for him to tell you exactly what he meant but can’t bring himself to. Not when he wants to keep his pride in check.
“I did ask you out,” you tell him slowly. “In front of everyone.” 
“Exactly,” his reply is breathless as if he had been pondering over this for ages, “in front of everyone. Why didn’t you tell me you like me? Why didn’t you ask me when it’s just you and I?” 
“Are you serious?” You let out a ridiculing laugh. “You never wanted to step a single foot next to me and you expected me to ask you when it’s just me and you? Are you kidding me? 
Did you ever wonder why I wrote ‘attention is what I want’?” 
He’s speechless. And screwed. He can sense that you’re growing agitated with him, and he hates it. 
“Would it have changed anything if I had asked you out between you and I?” 
His silence is loud enough for you to understand his converted answer. 
“Merlin, why did you bring me out here, Theodore?” 
Theodore is bad at emotions. He’s bad at feelings, he’s bad at love and everything alike. He doesn’t like you and he’s pretty sure of it. Then why does it bother him so much to know that you no longer wanted anything to do with him. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Of course you don’t.” You meet his eyes and he knows that this is the end, you’re done with him for good. “Out of all the boys in Hogwarts you just had to be the one I liked, huh?”
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“And that’s it?” Ron ask curiously. “You’re finally getting over him?” 
“Mhmm,” you hum, waving at Pansy who waved at you from the end of the dining hall, her Slytherin friends pointedly looking between you, Pansy, and Nott. “Finally am.” 
Ron doesn’t need to know that despite your mind being set on getting over Nott, your stomach still did somersault every time you see him —even in your peripheral vision. 
And when you smile at him, much like you did to everyone else and he doesn’t smile back at you; you feel your heart break all over again. 
It’s your own fault though, falling for a mere stranger who you’d only ever spoken to in classes —all of which having been conversations about school. 
“Do I get reward?” 
Hermione rolls her eyes. “A reward for doing something we’ve been telling you to do for ages? You wish.” 
“I’ve been wishing for something else.” The mischievous look on your face is enough to clue her in on where your mind as gone, scrunching her face as she scowls at you. “Gross.” 
“Are you okay though?” Harry asks you lowly. “I know it can be hard to get over crushes.” Take him and Chang for example. “So if you need anything we’re here for you.” 
“I’m okay,” you tell him. “Or at least I’ll be.” 
Harry offers you a smile, as kind as always. “That’s good then.” 
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It’d only be weird for you to visit the Slytherin common room often (courtesy of Pansy) and for you to not run into Theodore at least once. 
You’re standing outside the common room, waiting for Pansy to come and get you when the door swings open and he stands there in front of you. He’s in his pajamas, an oversized sweater pooling at his hands. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Though you’re also in your pajamas, you feel slightly underdressed under his eyes. Only having worn a loose T-shirt and shorts for girls night. 
You want to ask him what he’s doing here but it is his house’s common room so you withheld your question to yourself. “Pansy.” 
He gives you a once over before glancing back into the common room, it’s roaring with laughters; a bunch of the Slytherin boys deciding to play card games as they indulge themselves with the alcohol they bought with their father’s money. 
“Let me walk you in,” he offers, already turning back into the common room; expecting for you to follow after him. 
“You don’t need to—” you don’t get to finish your words when Theodore throws you a sharp look. As if he was asking you to protest him on this. You sigh, following after him. 
Theodore stays a good distance away, hiding you and your bare legs from the other Slytherins. He doesn’t really have to though, most of them minding their own business until Blaise chirps up to say hi. 
“Hello,” you greeted him back, waving at him. Crabbe, now noticing your interaction lets out a low whistle at the sight of you. And Theodore moves closer to you, almost possessively. “I’ll see you in the morning?” 
“Mhmm,” Blaise says, humming before turning his attention back to Enzo. “Goodnight, princess.” 
There’s a snicker from Goyle, smirking as he says. “You’re stealing Nott’s girl now?” 
You only offer him a smile, feeling Theodore come in over closer to you as he hurries you up the stairs. There’s a thump! from behind and you knew, without seeing, that Blaise threw a pillow at the bastards face. 
Theodore doesn’t try to hide his amusement when you curse a hex in Crabbe and Goyle’s way, not when Mattheo’s laughter roared across the room at your spell. 
“Thank you,” you tell Theodore, and you noticed that his lips are curled; why exactly, you don’t want to know. “Goodnight, Theodore.” 
You’re halfway up the stairs when he calls your name, you turn to him. “Yes?” 
“Goodnight,” he says, turning on his heel to leave. 
You turn back up the stairs, only to pause and look back at him once, twice; before setting off to find Pansy. 
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It’s two weeks later when Theodore bumps into you again, this time; quite literally. His hands are on you, stilling you so you wouldn’t fall flat on your ass. 
The dance floor is crowded, but it’s to be expected when one of the most popular students at Hogwarts (read: Blaise Zabini) is throwing a birthday party. 
You’re —by extension through Pansy, a friend of his which means you needed to be there or he’d be pretty (very) sad about it and pester you about it for the rest of your life. 
“Woah!” Your hands lay awkwardly on his chest, trying to push him away whilst trying to balance yourself still. “Watch where you’re going.” 
Theodore straightens you up, hands lingering a little too long before letting you go. “Sorry,” he murmurs, “I’m sorry.” 
And though you promised yourself to let go off Theodore months ago, you can’t help but feel your heart twist at his words. Skin burning where he’d touch you mere seconds ago. 
“It’s fine,” you wave him off, “just be more careful.” 
“Yeah.” His tone is breathless, blinking at you slowly as if he couldn’t believe you were so close to him. “You look nice.” 
You better hope so, it’s not like you spend an hour getting ready to look anything but nice. And despite your better judgment, you feel butterflies setting off in your stomach once more. But that could’ve also been caused by the mixed concoction you downed five minutes ago. 
“Thank you,” you murmur. “You too, Theo.” 
“Mhmm,” he hums nodding, his expression is hesitant. “Thank you,” he says, turning his head to the side and under the clubbing lights, you can easily spot the tinging redness at the top of his ears. “Do you want to get out of here?” 
“What?” It’s not that you didn’t hear him, it’s that you didn’t want to hear him. Because you knew, damn well, that if he’d just repeated himself you would agree within a heartbeat.
He gulps, and repeat himself. “Do you want to get out of here?” 
Maybe your heart is weak, maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s just Theodore that gets you out of there with him attached to your lips. 
His hand pressing into the small of your back as you leaned against the wall, a small groan slipping from his lips when you nipped on it. 
Theodore pulls back, eyes wide and roaming your face as he takes your features in; memorising the slope of your nose, the plumpness in your lips, and the apples of your cheeks as if this was the last time he’d be able to do so. And presses his lips to yours once more. 
He calls out your name, a free hand reaching up to cup your jaw so you’d look at him. For you to give him the attention he so desperately wanted from you. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I know you probably hate me and I’m so sorry but give me a chance, please.” 
His tone is desperate, almost begging as he did so and you wonder if he knew the impact he still had on you. He lets go of your jaw, arm wrapping around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer to him.
“Give me a chance to make it up to you,” he asks of you, mouth pressing wet kisses down your neck as he repeats himself. “Please, please, pretty girl.” 
“Theo.” His kisses doesn’t stop, much less falter at your words. “Theo.” 
“Mhmm?” He hums against your neck, pulling back to give you his full an undivided attention. “Yes?” 
He’s a bit taken aback when you kiss him quickly, chasing your lips as you pulled back. “You have a lot to make up for.” 
“I know.” The curled smile of his returns, dark eyes glinting as he looks at you. “But for now let me give you all my attention.”
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— from bee: i guess reader got what she wished for at the end lol, feedbacks and reblogs are greatly appreciated!! (๑>◡<๑)
p.s this pic of mingyu is so (my) bf i love him!!
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redfurrycat · 9 months
Hangaroo/Hangster AU - Mobster!Jake x Undercover Cop!Bradley (yay? Nay? I’ve always had a thing for the cop x criminal trope myself 😁❤️)
Hey 🤗
I love every possible combination: Mafia Boss!Bradley or Mafia Boss!Jake. Or rival Mafia Bosses.
With the other being a cop or a sex worker, or fleeing a shitty situation, [I'm so referring to actual fics brilliant people wrote 😃❤️]
Now, I'm going to twist your ask a little bit.
Bradley is a detective, yeah, and does undercover work too, BUT one day he's assigned to a new partner for a special case. (Phoenix being his BFF & usual partner <3)
This new partner though? Tall, Tanned and Texan. He's charming, very much cocky, and scarily smart. And Detective Bradshaw doesn't stand a fucking chance.
He tries to get close to him, but Detective Hudner is tight-lipped. Seems to stay focused on the case, and the case only. And Bradley can understand that (makes him all hot and bothered to watch Detective Hudner biting his lip and reflecting on possible suspects). Still they work and close the case in the end.
The day after, Detective Bradshaw goes to his temporary partner's desk to see if he's available for a drink or sth (😉).
Except there's too much activity going on in the precinct. Very unusual.
This is when he's called by Chief Detective Simpson in his office and learns the truth.
There never was a Detective Hudner.
It was a cover for one Jacob Seresin, the Mobster Boss' son from the Cavalieri della Morte gang. Never once spotted before. Always working in the shadows....
So, why this sudden interest in a more exposing job that is working for the local police? What is Seresin's true motives?
And more importantly, what will Detective Bradshaw do with this piece of information?
(I was feeling inspired and wanted a reverse undercover kind of thing? 😅)
Have a sweet day! 🥰
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sweetbrier2908 · 7 months
Hiii, can I request from the OM section “The moment you realize that he's in love” and "He loves you so much sometimes it just hurts so bad."? Thanks! ^^💕
OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING! I really love to share my idea with you guys so yay thanks so much for asking about those WIPs!
"The moment you realize that he's in love" is list of headcanons I have for the brothers, inspired by "You Are In Love" by Taylor Swift.
Its plot is basically summarized in the title "the moment you realize that he's in love". That's it! The moment MC realize that the brothers undoubtly love them! I think it's interesting to write about how MC slowly realize that the brothers wholeheartedly love them before they realize it themselves, also most of the time MC is the one who initiate affection so maybe maybe they've already known that the brothers were in love while they were still in denial.
So here a snippet for Mammon's part:
"One month passed, then two, then three - half of his closet is in your room, his boots are next to your shoes at the door, there are two toothbrushes, and you two are like basically living together at this point in your small assigned studio apartment and not the fucking massive haunted mansion with other 6 of his brothers. Somehow Mammon refused to go back to his somewhat thousands-year old bedroom despite Asmo's protestion and Lucifer's order and somehow, you have no problem with sharing your a-little-bit-too-big-for-one-human bed."
"He loves you so much sometimes it hurts so bad" is a oneshot? snippet? sth like that.
I determined that is my first line, take place in Nightbringer timeline? It maybe MammonxMC, or SolomonxMC or all of themxmc? I haven't decide it yet 🥹 But I think this line fit perfectly with our boys in Nightbringer timeline so yes, that's the only thing I decided up until now. It's a good prompt but I feel like I had written sth like this before so I don't know if I should continue.
It will be super angsty I think. Recently I wrote a lots of snippet with 2nd/MC's perspective so I want to write something from the boys' perspective too!
I rarely finish any of my drafts so I'm sorry for having any proper snippet from those works. This is the first time someone send an ask for me so you really make my day!!! Thank you 🥹
WIP ask game
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polaroidcats · 8 months
1. Friend's day is an actual thing I didn't make it up to get away from spending time with my fiance 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
2. Short haired galpals (gn) are warmly welcome and eligibile for head scratches instead <3
1. hahahahha so sorry for doubting you!!! i put the word you wrote into google translate and it said "Valentine's day" 😅 is friend day actually the 14th? or is it sth like galentine's day?
2. yay very happy news for all the mysterious short haired galpals (gn) 👀👀🎉💖
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the-green-dot · 10 months
can I just take a moment to vent (?) laugh (?) about the way people talked abt mental health in 2016?? based on that article that I’m not even sure mike was interviewed for at all or was just trying to make mental health headcanons on an aesthetic looking white background? talking about things like ‘hurdles’ or ‘roadblocks’ or whatever it said and how you ‘come out stronger’ or sth and framing (reducing) the demands of capitalism to ‘oh no what career should I have should I make money doing music or keep studying’ but all ‘yay for that deep connection with fans you know someone cares abt you’ I’m sorry. It was actually a decent article but it’s just hilarious the way we were so emotionally unaware as a society even then? maybe I’m biased or maybe I just don’t know anyone who doesn’t have depression but it’s such a piece of the 2010s it just cracks me up. and mentioning cal co wrote jbh and never mentioning him again? iconic
first off you are always welcome to use my asks for venting. Or laughing. Or both.
second of all, I agree. I think that in the early to mid 2010s, an artist just saying that they were struggling with mental health issues was so much less common than it is today. But now, so many different artists have songs about mental health. And so many of them are singles, even lead singles (like anti hero). And I’m so happy that we’re at that point, but it makes looking back on articles like this kinda weird.
also I do NOT think they interview Michael for this. They used his tweets as quotes lmao. Maybe I’m wrong though lol
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hushedstars · 11 months
Hi! I just watched you finish the episode through my notifications lol did you like the episode finale?
Hi! I was just going through your blog checking out your viewing experience hah ^^
Hmmm it's 50/50 for me, I guess? Still processing some stuff. Probably will change my mind on some things later on or after reading what other people think but as for now...
I would have changed some stuff (how Boston was treated for starters) but what they went with fit the storyline they wanted to show (does that make sense?).
I enjoyed most of SandRay scenes so big yay about that (they were the ones I was the most apprehensive about after ep 11 as they were the couple I was rooting for).
This ep could have been better but could have been much much worse.
I checked a little of what you wrote in your overall review of OF and "Not too open-ended to make me feel like I needed closure" BIG YES with that one. I was so afraid that they will make it in a way that would mean 2nd season is a must. Now it's not a need but a nice possibility (like I am okay to wait if they announce it or have them not do it at all without any strong feelings on my part. But seeing that they have some script already and that last scene? Smells like sth is cooking.).
I got so surprised seeing Mix! One of the highlights of the episode for me srsly xD His Minx energy would be fun to watch in OF2 + as you wrote "There are many loose threads" (tho one of them for me is Sand's father but it's very much "how life flows" type of thing, so I am not sure if it's a loose thread or just me wanting to see them talk since it seemed Sand actually wants to tell him).
My goodness I am all for "SandRay are gone for each other" BUT it just hit me that if they somehow made SandRay + Mix's character into poly couple that would make me very happy (as a new 1998 guys + Earth friendship enjoyer, and FirstMixKhao have nice energy together as actors as well).
Thank you for asking, that's so nice! And sorry for late reply, been thinking, and writing, and thinking... Hopefully some of what I wrote makes sense. You already wrote what you think (and I will read the whole post soon) but if you feel like saying sth more, I would gladly read it too^^
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vakta · 2 years
i think i may have just had an anxiety attack
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amerasdreams · 2 years
So... dad didn't eat the food I made. Mom did. I assumed she didn't bc she isn't here for lunch. Idk what was going on in my head. Occasionally she brings things I made to work. Doesn't tell me. I don't mind if either of them do it. Just that dad never does. So I took his doing something abnormal for being spiteful and wanting me away. Which... I probably get bc I assume hat anyway. Lots of room for assumptions when you have an almost total lack of communication and the history of me... never thinking dad cared much for me so ....
But this is totally not his fault. I can't accuse someone for something they didn't do. Panicking about something totally nonexistent (in this case)
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cartoonsaint · 2 years
been busy (but in decent health yay!) the past month so writing’s been slow; figured that for now i’d offer a lil sth i wrote about a year ago and never finished, mostly bc it required me to maintain too high a suspension of disbelief about how hot and/or how much effort mr gordos feetman would put into his appearance. the guy canonically uses head & shoulders. and he's proud about it. man wouldn't know a mousse from a moisturizer.
a lot of the beats and central tensions i had planned for this story have been folded into a different project i like more, so this little bit is all that remains. Not A Game AU, might actually be rated G (wow!), contains eating and some talk of weight and appearances. enjoy an oblivious gordon learning that many people think he’s hot, including at least one person at the dinner table. surely he’d use that information wisely and not be a big dumb smug bastard about it, right?
That night at dinner, Joshua sets aside his drink (root beer cut with seltzer, a treat he only gets when they eat with the NeoScience Team), a thoughtful look on his freckled face, and asks, “Daddy, why do all the other parents always wanna talk to you?”
“What?” Gordon says, chuckling. He nudges some of the mystery root vegetable he’s just cut up towards his son, who studiously avoids it to fork another bit of meat. Venison of some kind, he thinks? Tommy and Sunkist caught it today, they said. “The other parents don’t always wanna talk to me. I’m hardly ever even there, bud.”
Joshua frowns and opens his mouth to rebut, but Coomer advises, “We don’t talk with our mouths full at the table, Joshua!” Obediently, Joshua closes his mouth and begins to chew quickly, the better to ask his question sooner, but the rest of the table has already had its attention caught.
“Why would anyone ever want to talk to your father?” scoffs a voice in Sylfaen, though Gordon can hear that Bubby’s smirking around the straw of his protein shake. “He’s so boring. He can’t even set anything on fire.”
“Don-don’t say that!” Tommy interjects. Under the table he’s clearly offering a bite from his plate to Sunkist, who is in the form of a large hound today. The Perfect Dog does not beg, of course — though with Tommy’s big heart around, she doesn’t need to. “I, I’m sure Mr. Freeman could light, could set anything on fire if he really wanted to.”
“And since he doesn’t, he’s boring,” Bubby snarks back.
“Oh, are we setting things on fire?” Coomer asks brightly, pushing his chair back from the table as though to leap into action.
“No! We, we have to let Mr. Freeman do it!” Tommy protests, already half-standing.
“Why, so he can f— screw it up?”
“We’re not setting anything on fire,” Gordon says loudly before an argument (or a fire) can erupt. “Everyone sit down! Besides, Joshie, Bubby’s… well, kind of right. The other parents are just being friendly.”
“Of course I’m right,” Bubby mutters from across the table, but at least he settles some. The others retake their seats and for a moment it seems like they’ll be able to continue their nice, (relatively) calm dinner together without any more fuss.
But Joshua shakes his head furiously, swallowing at last. “Nuh-uh! When Daddy comes pick me up, all the other moms and dads always wanna talk to him. Benrey knows,” he adds stubbornly. “Benrey thinks it’s weird, too.”
As one, the table turns to Benrey.
Benrey, who is sitting on Josh’s other side cutting up his meat while Gordon cuts up his vegetables, doesn’t appear to notice. He reaches across Joshua’s plate to nudge the sweet potato (?) closer to him once more, sets his utensils down, and picks up his glass of Powerade. He’s mid-sip by the time he realizes he’s being stared at.
“Huh?” Benrey says.
Bubby mutters something under his breath that could be “slap him on the ass” for all Gordon can tell, but Coomer pipes up with, “Welcome back to the conversation, Benrey! We were just discussing whether or not the parents at Joshua’s elementary school go out of their way to talk to Gordon more than is typical. Since you work there, we figured you would know best!”
It’s still a mystery to Gordon how Benrey managed to land a job as a security guard at a children’s school in such a safe town, but at this point he knows better than to look a gift horse in the mouth (especially when that gift horse is Benrey). And anyway, Joshua and Benrey being in the same place kills several birds with one stone: Benrey’s out of Gordon’s hair, Gordon has the house to himself during the day, Joshua is under the constant protection of a non-human monster who is absolutely devoted to him, and if Gordon has a panic attack about living with a non-human monster who has access to his son, then he gets several hours alone to deal with it himself without anyone being the wiser.
It also means that Gordon rarely picks Joshua up from school. Benrey brings him home most days, except for when Gordon goes to collect them both so they can all go directly to a NeoScience Team Dinner together. So if there is a difference in the way the other parents treat Gordon, Benrey would know.
Despite himself, Gordon finds his attention on the other man, curious. What, if anything, has Benrey noticed?
“...Oh,” Benrey says slowly in response to Dr. Coomer. He sets his glass down slowly, as though his thoughts are elsewhere, and then he glances sideways at Josh so obviously that even Gordon notices.
“What are you—?” Gordon starts, but Bubby hushes him. Gordon glances around the table to find all eyes focused on his son and his roommate, whose own eyes are locked as they silently have what must be a ferocious, facial expression-based argument. Gordon huffs in frustration. “Come on, at least—”
Joshua interrupts him. “Benny, pleeeeease?”
At that Benrey throws his head back; his hands come up to tug at the strings of his chullo. “Ugh,” he groans, which transforms into a bout of sweet voice in bright blue and green with pink shot throughout.
“Watermelon slice by the pool: I love you, but you make me act a fool,” Tommy translates dutifully, but Gordon had already gotten the gist. He stares at Benrey as the guy slumps forward, face in hands. Joshua, apparently satisfied, picks up his fork and starts eating again.
“...Yeah,” Benrey finally says, voice as unreadable as always. “They all always wanna talk to him. Won’t leave him alone… sometimes me n’ Josh can’t even reach him.”
“Wait, really?” Gordon says, eyebrows shooting up. He’d noticed that the other parents did tend to clump together when waiting for their kids to come out, and they did always include him in conversations, but surely that was just them being friendly? “But they always — Isn’t that just… like, normal?”
Joshie actually giggles. Benrey, face still in his hands, shakes his head.
Gordon tugs on his bangs, uncertainty rising. “Really? But I don’t, I don’t even — why?”
“Muh, maybe it’s because you’re fun to talk to?” Tommy offers.
“O-oh. Well, I — thank you, Tommy,” Gordon says. “I mean, I guess I sort of am? Like, like I can talk about science all day, I guess, and — well, I am very funny. But I don’t, uh, don’t usually—”
“Perhaps it’s because you’re the main character, Gordon!” Coomer says boisterously.
“What? Dr. Coomer—”
“Oh my god,” Bubby mutters before raising his voice. “You’re all morons. It’s because he’s a DILF.”
Gordon sputters some high-pitched, disbelieving laughter that fails to resolve into words because, immediately, Benrey growls.
Gordon jumps. He recovers quickly, though — at least this is a distraction from that totally absurd conjecture that would likely end in his mockery — and puts his hands over Joshie’s ears, protective. “Benrey,” Gordon says warningly, but the guy doesn’t even look at him. He just goes silent, pulling his hat even lower and again covering the rest of his face with sharp-clawed hands.
“Oh, relax, I’m happily taken,” Bubby says waspishly, which has Gordon doubletaking as Joshua wiggles out of his hands. What? Since when? Who—?
“That would make sense, though,” Tommy says, thoughtful. “The, the DILF thing. Humans — uh, people do like to be close to attractive people, and, and talk to them, too. And Mr. Freeman is pretty hot.”
Gordon sputters, heat rising to his face. “W-wait, what??” Bubby spouting nonsense is one thing, but it hits different coming from the most put-together adult of their group.  “Tommy—”
“What’s a DILF?” Joshua asks loudly.
“Excellent question, Joshua! The term DILF is based on the slang acronym ‘MILF.’ It stands for ‘Daddy I’d Like to—’”
Sunkist barks sharply in time with Gordon’s quick, “Woah woah hey!”
“It means they think he’s attractive, and would like to, to maybe date him,” Tommy explains kindly. Joshua ohhhs and stabs his last bite of meat, watching the conversation continue ping-ponging around the table without Gordon’s control.
“Subjectively, you’re too tall and your teeth are too white. Objectively, euh… some people like that.”
“Your face is very symmetrical, Mr. Freeman, and the, the gray streak and scars are — they’re distinctive and appealing!”
“Gordon, you often wear t-shirts that show off your arms, and your work-out regimen is clearly paying off,” Dr. Coomer says matter-of-factly.
“W-well, I had to be able to carry the HEV suit, and then exercising helped with stress,” Gordon admits. “But it’s not like I’m losing weight—”
“But you, you carry it well, Mr. Freeman,” Tommy says earnestly. “You look healthy.”
“Your skin is, hm, pretty good, too,” Bubby adds stiffly. “Keeps all your blood in. And your hair is…” He slurps at his near-empty protein shake, the sound somehow judgmental. “...fine.”
“Those are high compliments from the perfect organism, Gordon!”
“Uh, thanks, I moisturize. And use conditioner. But — but that doesn’t make me — those things don’t make a person hot.”
“No, but the effort certainly helps!” Tommy chirps. “You don’t seem to notice, but when we go out people sometimes — people stare. Plus you’re a, a single dad who loves kids. From the outside, you’re kind of a, kind of the total package, Mr. Freeman.”
“...Wait, ‘from the outside’ — what’s that supposed to—?”
“How did you think you got so many followers on JustinTV so fast? It obviously wasn’t your sparkling wit.”
“He’s right, Gordon! Attractiveness likely accounts for a large portion of the viewers on your channel!”
“No, hey, my wit is plenty sparkling! And, and, my filming set-up is kind of crap and you know it. Viewers probably wouldn’t even notice if I was, was—” For some reason, Gordon looks past Joshua (who appears to be attentively cataloging the facial expressions of everyone at the table) towards Benrey — but the guy is holding his hat to his face and singing a series of muffled chords into it, the colors of his sweet voice muted by the fabric, and doesn’t appear to even notice. Why isn’t he—?
“It’s four against one. You’re hot, get over it,” Bubby says, swapping his shake for a glass of bug juice.
“You really haven’t noticed, Mr. Freeman? People even, they treat you differently, even. Don’t you remember the other day when you, when that clerk gave you a discount for no good reason?”
“Hm! Gordon’s obliviousness would explain why he never uses his good looks to his advantage,” Coomer says thoughtfully.
“Wait, you can use being pretty to get stuff?” Joshua asks quickly. “Can I be pretty??”
“Of, of course you can, Joshua,” Tommy says indulgently.
For Gordon, this dumb hotness hypothesis is all too quickly developing into an unexpectedly supportable thesis. But he still has the evidence of twenty-seven years of being himself and looking in the mirror; while physical attractiveness isn’t necessarily the kind of thing to which he pays that much attention, surely he wouldn’t have missed it if he were hot.
“Guys, none of this matters because the premise of this conversation doesn’t make any sense. I’m not — I look okay, but I’m just regular. I’m nothing special. And I’m a smart guy, I graduated from MIT, I think I’d know, or notice, if I was, was — hot, or whatever.”
The table goes silent, all eyes on Gordon, and he can practically see the ellipses floating around his friends’ heads. A flush starts to build, heating his face and chest. “I would! You —” he tsks, annoyed — “you know, sometimes you guys act like I’m completely oblivious, but I’m not.”
The hum of sweet voice suddenly cuts off. Gordon barely has time to blink before it’s replaced with a hoarse, incredulous cackle, the kind that he only rarely hears, even living with the guy. He jerks his head round to find Benrey staring directly at him, sharp teeth flashing as he sucks in a breath to laugh again.
“What??” Gordon demands, the heat of his embarrassment and confusion easily flipping towards anger.
“Must we… really. Discuss this at — hhh — the dinner. Table?” the G-Man finally interrupts, gliding from the open plan kitchen into the dining room and setting down a basket of oven-fresh rolls with an exasperated thump. For a moment the weird air breaks; Gordon seizes on it, never more grateful for the G-Man’s disarming presence.
“I agree with Mr. Coolatta,” Gordon says quickly. “Let’s just — here, Joshie, why don’t you finish up your plate? You’ve still got these, um. These… white carrots? Left to eat.”
“That. Is a turnip… Mr. Freeman,” the G-Man says, disapproval frosting the air between them.
On Joshie’s other side, Benrey carefully spears one of the turnips with a fork, bringing it to his nose to sniff. It must pass muster, because he puts it in his mouth, chewing slowly — and then makes a noise of interest and spears another.
Joshua, seeing this, immediately picks up his fork and goes for one of the turnips as well. Gordon blinks and looks with renewed interest at his own plate; maybe he ought to try one as well.
and... that's it, sorry! onto better things etc. hope u enjoyed this behind the scenes peek, & thanks for reading! :)
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minniemariex · 2 years
imma just write my experience here lol
welcome to the stream of thoughts on first watch of ep 10 of KINNPORSCE The Series (yay)
i really wrote it while watching so expect a lot of random stuff
so pete. i love you. i’m excited for vegaspete in this episode.
so far so good. thank you production team for the fight scene that looks good and realistic and show their skillets quite well. lol for bodyguards they did little body guarding in those 10 ep lol
that was so good. also side note i love pete in his suit/uniform he’s so hot 🥵
noooooo kinnn
omg wtf
the puppy eyes. yes trust him baby.
also i saw that nod to pete before he turned away
jeff baby i so hot. omg they so cuuute. so glad they get a bit more screen time. chay is a sunshine. kim is the protector. and like i’m in love.
it must feel amazing to wake up in the arms of the person you love.
okay i saw someone else ask but how tf did jeff make cheek kiss look better than some normal kisses in other series? like it’s so cute and wholesome and like ugh i love kimchay so much it’s ridiculous
(how is it that i’m always more invested in side dishes than in main ??? like i like kinnporsche but kimchay and vegaspete have consumed me (see what i did there lol))
chay pretending to sleep is me lol
the way chay grabbed kim’s waist when he was kissed was H.O.T.
awww baby i can cry if you want to. omg okay let me just say that chay saying he is unlucky is not some foreshadowing (i welcome anything that will make kim go batshit crazy (idk why i like my fictional men morally grey and slightly violent when needed but i do and like fits perfec))
and then the look on kim face. i wonder if he’s not fully there yet and kinda went with chay on the whole i like you phi thing.
omg his face when chay said i love you was just adoration and like awe taht someone would say that to him. omg he couldn’t say it back. i mean yeah that’s when the guilty should hit him.
the staring at the hand that was in chaya hair. is giving me.
is this where everything goes to shit??
omg kim don’t leave. you little coward.
thé gonna kidnap chay. and kim gonna go crazy.
OMG the running. the screaming. kik coming to the rescue. the teaser. the fading to black. it was great.
why do i feel like the producers heard us wanting more of mafia story line and putting it in. like that most of the complainants i heard were that it was a bit tame in that department ement. and people (me included) wanted sth a bit darker. so that’s what we got this week it seems.
omg we all agreed to hate tawan right? glad to have big spreading the word lol.
yes kinn baby trust poersche not tawan.
pete baby i back. looking fresh.
the way he looked up and away when talking about torture but looked straight into kinns eyes when he said they might get me to talk and that they will kill him at the end is GREAT detail.
omg porsche is gonna loose his shit when he finds out chay is gone.
kim woke up. and he’s calling kinn. kim is pissed enough to call kinn and ask wtf happens taht made others kidnap chay. he probably wonders if it’s against him or porsche.
and we back at the minor fam house. with pete in a red uniform. are bodyguards at minor house randomly placed? cause like four in one corridor?? a bit much isn’t it??
pete taht was a really lame excuse. boy learn to lie better. IS THERE NO SURVEILLANCE IN TJIS HOUSE?? how did they miss him??
omg vegas has a red room xD it’s literally whips and cabins and ball gags and cuffs and i’m LIVING FOR IT
pete you innocent baby. don’t touch the ball gag. it’s gonna be your but later honey. collars and harness too? vegas i see you are fully equipped.
omg ofc vegas would not hide stuf in a folder called CONFIDECIAL like pete bby i know you smart why you so dumb now??
okay so ofc porsche would chose to find his bro instead of dirt on tawan vegas !!
and lol kinn you weren’t expecting tawan to run away ? bitch that’s obvious he’s the bad guy. and now you’ve lost the cctv.
omg porsche you dumb dumb bitch why go there alone?? please kim to the rescue.
omg tawan you grave is deep and ready.
the way porsches face lit up at the sight of vegas is so precious but also so sad. cause like god why would you ever trust vegas. porsche really you shouldn’t trust some people. i really need kim to the rescue.
omg okay. so pete rapportés to kinn and immediately got caught by KEN. perth bby i knew you were the traitor since the character story came out but i still live you but also want to know the reasoning behind your actions.
also pete’s steel look at ken was glorious.
OMG VGEAS did you seduce tawan? bby i’m proud of you. you can manipulate him however you want to.
also bible speaking english is such a turn on. like seriously. it’s hot 🥵 af.
okay to be honest that was a good plan. and it honestly wouldn’t have mattered if kinn believed it. what mattered was the opinion of the public. the perception of being weak would’ve made kinn not act on his believe in the innocence of porsche. cause we already saw that he cares about his power and his image. and also i don’t think korn would let him ruin his reputation (that’s the word) for love of all things.
omg so yeah that happened. well i wasn’t exactly expecting anything else from vegas lol. i wonder if tawan was his sub(?) cause that would make sense. with the way vegas kisses his forehead and is somewhat gentle with him even though we can clearly see him getting annoyed.
and porsche finally sees what kind of person vegas really is. a ruthless one, without care for others if they stand in they way to his goal. even if they helped immensely and are loyal to him (idk if tawan was loyal to vegas but he clearly cared for him).
KIM TO THE RESCUE. also is this first time porsche gonna meet kim? as i’m kim not wik cause he must know WIK as the idol his little bro is obsessed with. that gonna be fun. does porsche think kim is a bodyguard.
OMG what just happened. big you … can’t believe this wow that was something
omg i just realized billie is smaller than most of the cast. it just shows that height and muscle is not all. he looks way more dominant than tawan even though tawan is bigger and back hugging him. vegas just seems way bigger than he physically is.
kinn likes hot just smoking. awww liked the kiss and porsche needed that hug very badly.
ANOTHER TRAILER SCNENE. this can’t be comfortable position to sit in lol.
omg porsche. that was disgusting.
chay is being a very reasonable person wanting his brother safe and out of the mafia.
also I CNAT BELIEVE KINN ACTUALLY FORGOT ABOUT PETE my god that will give me soo many trust issues won’t kinn. like man he went there for info for but you just forget about him??? rude
okay so we’re done
lol seems like next ep we’ll see more of vegaspete for which i am grateful
also the line ‘papa will finally accept us’ is great. shows taht he not only desires power but also acceptance for who he is. must’ve been told he’s deprived for liking first boys and then more sadistic and controlled sex. probably experiences a lot of pressure to be the perfect son knowing he already fails at the basic level.
but also MASTE MANIPULATOR loving this shit.
the explosions were weak af.
kim just left chay didn’t he? omg he did lol
also is this the moment chay finds out his brother joined the f MAFIA ???
i do not understand why they let chay just walk off ? he’s been unconscious for x amount of time. just woke up. and is in the middle of nowhere. porsche you big dolt go after him and get him somewhere safe for f sake.
god kinn being a mood with ‘i went there to tell you tawan was working with vegas But you run away’ lol
kinn being ‘do i want to smoke? am i forgetting sth? i am aren’t i? what am i forgetting?’ lol
finally we get pete tied up to the post. TRAILER SCENE HERE WE COME.
pete looks so f crazy. like deranged him laughing and smiling but then looking starting into vegas’ eyes with like seriousness is so hot.
also the screamed were really good.
omg perth is such a good actor. that was so good. and i hate kan so much.
omg yes just kill him please. omg don’t say it honor or some other bullshit just kill him.
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With Michael, he feels safe.
(wherein Jeremy Heere is scared of girls and Michael Mell is his last line of defense.)
So here’s my first Real Fic for the Be More Chill fandom. I don’t know how to write comedy but I am trying my best. Uh. Yeah. Chapter 2 will be updated in a couple days (currently working on Chapter 4). Hope you enjoy!
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, Se03. ep 7 (part 1)
Just to clarify, the only thing I didn’t like abt this ep is tohru, the rest is so good. kyo’s mental state is at its lowest & you can feel for him! ugh!, surprisingly akito’s own lid was so well-done!, Ren & shigure were epicly disgusting & fascinating!, kureno was so well-written, the final scene of tohru & kyo rightfully setting for the climax! Before moving on to the good part,  I’ll quickly go over why torhu’s character was once again the most inconsistent character in the show:
Ep,6 ending showed us a completely broken kyo in full display in front of tohru, best furuba cliff hanger to date hands down, followup: tohru laughing, cooking & wondering if kyo is asleep!!!. Complete detachment & extreme insensitivity to what she witnessed earlier. Not an ounce of wonder if kyo is okay or if sth is wrong with him. Not a single inner thought of “ I hope he’s okay” or “ oh momiji don’t call him, He’s a bit tired” while flashbaking to his traumatized face. Honestly, all they needed to do was a small quick inner thought to connect the scenes. No need to write new scenes. Alas, Tohru’s complete lack of compassion struck me deep. I was told ep6 ending was an anime original scene, I don’t mind any diversion from the original since I don’t know the it, but those writers who wrote a complete new scene didn’t feel the need to transition from it to the rest of the manga? really? It’s hard to believe.
Choosing the kitchen’s happy scene after of kyo’s nightmare is not bad as it shows that nobody either care or know abt his issues, fair enough. However, choosing the kitchen’s happy scene after the PTSD in tohru’s own bedroom & not modifying tohru’s happy go lucky, let’s cook yay face to a realistic concerned expression is absurd! It really takes plenty from tohru as a character. This comes after tohru’s long awaited background ep which returns tohru back to square one.
Just last ep, tohru opened her lid in front of kyo & he comforted her, While she still yet to overcome her fears, she failed miserably in doing the only thing that she’s been doing since se01, ep1, being compassionate & thoughtful. Oh well, adding a light scene in the midst of kyo & akito’s dark sequence is more important than tohru’s character consistency & growth.
moving on from tohru~~~
-Kyo’s suffocation: (guilty or not, it doesn’t matter)
we get kyo’s nightmare really gave me chills & was visually well-done. it brilliantly conveyed the feeling of suffocation, blinding fear, & intensified trauma. The nightmare’s horror vividly showcases kyo’s deepest insecurities & trauma:
It started with his mother’s “ it’s not your fault” sth kyo craved to hear from her very badly. Yet, it contradicted her action: Choosing death over staying with him.
His mother brings salvation: the cat’s cage. The cat’s room parallel’s kyo’s real life at his parents house. In se01, eo24, kyo said, he wasn’t allowed to play outside or watch TV, while his bracelet ”handcuffs”  were routinely checked by his mom. Just like a prison. His mom sentenced him in the new prison fitting for more horrible sins. The cat’s cage for the rest of his life.
While kyo looks panicked & horrified but on the verge to refuse, kyoko appears. “I won’t forgive you” solidifying his mom’s judgement.
They both warn him of the consequences of living & be forgiven: tohru’s death. Go on, kyo. Add one more victim to suffer in your behalf while you roam free. You might think that you can escape the cat’s cage but your hands remain dirty with blood. Others might not see the blood on yoyr hands, but YOU do.
Kyo is torn between being an actual sinner or a victim, between causing intentional harm or unintentional hurt, between being guilty or not. It all doesn’t matter & kyo knows it. What matter is the punishment has been going for years now & he’s tired, broken, lost & just wants it all to end. Death. Slow death in a tiny cage is so fitting for all the pain he caused others, for all the pain he suffered.
Kyo knows (a) suffering in front of tohru is hurting her. (b) Accepting her love will lead to hurting her: confessing of kyoko’s death. (c) Abandoning her is hurting her. (d) kyo knows that he doesn’t deserve her, not after he caused all this pain. (e) Above all, kyo can’t live with himself anymore. being close to her hurt so much.
-Akito’s lid: ( broken home & broken self image):
I must say they did an excellent job of presenting akito’s past! (a) It was a mixture of narration through (shigure & Ren), (b) actual animation of her parents causing her pain & traumatizing her (the scenes of Akira’s last words, her mom’s accusations), (c) Actual animation of the origin of her parents (Ren & Akira’s relationship), (d) akito herself confessing abt her pain in front of kureno. Tohru’s own lid on the other hands was presented through (a) excessive narrative with minimum animation (the grandpa’s endless exposition of tohru’s background quickly wrapped up), (b) no real animation of kyoko actually hurting tohru or how she did it, just again the grandpa narrating that kyoko “went away”. (c) tohru’s own self recall of her past being cut into pieces & divided throughout the ep, once after running from shigure & another in the sheet scene. Tohru’s ep wasn’t bad at all, it was good, but it was evidently shortened & summarized lazily. Oh well. What both eps serve is painting tohru & akito as foils of each other:
Both are attached toxicly to their parent. Tohru: kyoko & Akito: akira.
Both were welling to create a fake persona or an image that keeps this toxic love alive & cling to it no matter what.
Both hurt themselves the most & are struggling to let go of this bond.
Both have parents that hurt them. Akito: ren & tohru: kyoko, altho it is not clear how kyoko hurt tohru but kyoko is more a ghost than a real character.
Both cling to a dead object that represent their deceased parent. Tohru & the photo frame & akito & the box.
Kyoko existed to be this perfect mother with no sins, the character that tohru embodied to “fix” & “ heal all broken kids”. She lives only in memories. Even other characters think of her as this holy being. It is alluded Kyo seemed to know her as a real person who can commit mistakes, therefore, to kyo, kyoko isn’t an angel or a holy being. However, thanks to their encounter at her death & her “ I won’t forgive you” words, kyoko now is a haunting ghost to kyo. Akira on the other hand, existed as this sickly, pale & fragile head of the house, treated with so much aura & holiness. He died but his sins remain in how he raised akito.
Both must let go of their toxic bonds. Tohru of her deep attachment to her mom & akito to the zodiacs.
Both must learn to form healthier relationships.
However, there are striking differences between them! tohru never abused anyone nor attempted murdering someone by throwing’ em from a terrace, or locking them & torment them or stabbing them with a knife!! Tohru’s sin is torturing herself which by consequence tortured kyo, too. Cuz there’s is a theme of a loved-one’s pain is mine as well. Kyo’s mom hurt her own self & ended her own life. This resulted in her son’s years of immense pain, trauma & self-loath & similar suicidal tendencies, se0, ep16 “ I’ will yuki & then kill myself”, & se02, e9 “ mother, if only you killed me instead”. tragic.
Side Notes:
I will say this with a broken heart....... Tohru must learn to let go of.... kyo.  She is suffocating him. Not on purpose. I want them to be together! so bad! they’re so perfect for each other, but also, right now is NOT the time for this. Kyo & tohru’s character issues is NOT abt romance. They have real traumatic issues that are hindering their growth as independent characters. Tohru’s growth might not be well-written or well-presented, but kyo’s growth is still not explored. Next ep is where his lid opened! it must be painful. A person suffering from extreme self-loath & suicidal tendencies shouldn’t be presented so lightly in favor for the love cures all fairy tale! PLZ! NO!
Tohru must learn to not repeat her mistake again & live only for one person. She must let go of kyo in order to gain kyo back. Right now, She can’t have him! kyo is suffocated by his own trauma & adding tohru’s guilt on top of it is devastating. I mean, This could go differently & kyo might accept her love on the spot, & tohru might save him again or sth. I can see this being going deeper or shallower depending on the desired theme. Which of furuba’s heavy themes will be given to climax?
why is momiji doing a rabbit burger? he’s not cursed anymore. I know he’s keeping it a secret, but I thought momiji’s whole growth was abt letting go of the past. he still identifies with the zodiac rabbit?
Ren is hella sexy! & her Japanese VA deserves an Oscar! The way she expresses sexiness, seductive, anger, hate, contempt, sarcasm, delusional screaming, pain! EPIC!
“I thought I was created to receive others contempt” ugh! this hurt, kyo.
Shigure’s line abt looking at Ren to fantasize how akito will look if she were allowed to be a woman, ewww!!!! hella disgusting! imagine sleeping wth someone & fantasizing abt her daughter or vise versa!
Honestly, this ep while not excusing akito’s crimes & abuse of others, it did paint her in a human light. I really don’t want her to end up with shigure. Akito’s whole life is abt misunderstood love. Give her time to discover herself. A guy who slept with her mom is never a reasonable partner even if he loves her for eternity. but oh well~
Shigure indirectly caused Isuzu’s near death abuse by Akito. all in his attempts to free akito from the curse. I love how disgustingly selfish he is.  I remember his “ you mom told you to not interfere, kagura” in se03, ep3. shudder!!! if hiro never met haru that day & confessed to him, if kureno never noticed the maid! Still, he went & visited isuzu after her 4 moths imprisonment in the cat’s cage her hospitals discharge & recovery!
ngl... Shigure & Ren’s sexual tension is the biggest in furuba. Eww!
I’ll talk abt kureno & akito more in part 2. but I felt nothing watching kureno get stabbed lol. this is due to the trailer spoiling it & the ED having him happily in love -_-’.  bummer!.
I love tohru & kyo’s outfit in the ep cliff hanger. lol. Tohru really dressed up to confess.
Tohru read the room! Even if you magically forgotten how sickly & out of it he was in your room earlier, remember this: Kyo always have bad mood in the rain! Then again... he did hug her for the first time & called her by her name in the midst of a rainy storm. se01, e024. >_<!
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kimuramasaya · 3 years
i just listened!!!! the whole album is really nice but jikjin SLAPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS i finally have sth to listen to after almost a whole month of empty playlists fbvshdfvb might even revisit some of their older songs, their titles are always so good am so glad they're back now <3333 how do you like the album beloved? uwu
yay!! glad I only had to lightly bully you in the tags to make that happen ☺️ jikjin is sooo good like I'm so pumped up by the end of it and I don't know what to do with all that energy lol. darari is far and away the standout track for me it's like they wrote that song for me it could not be more my vibe. the rnb the bossa nova the staccato moments in the melody line it's just so 🤌🏼🤌🏼 u is also incredible she's so fun and in a horrible world where darari doesn't exist, u would be it for me. I'm not usually a ballad enjoyer, but it's ok hits just right the vocals are so pretty. I also like that it's jihoon wailing away at the end rather than yedam or jeongwoo. I mean I love our main vocals, but it's really nice to see other members shine too. the year long wait was brutal but they did not disappoint! I absolutely cannot wait for stages too! the dance aspect is really what drew me into kpop so I can't wait to see them perform again 🥲
as someone who had 9 treasure songs in my top 10 songs of 2021, I def recommend revisiting their old stuff! come to me was my most played treasure song last year, but be with me, I love you, boy, and my treasure are also faves.
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emiyummy · 4 years
third gym babies reacting to their sister being lesbian/bi!
pairings : elder brother!bokuto x reader , elder brother!kuroo x reader, younger brother!tsukishima x reader tw : nth except for reader isn’t straight hehe a/n : hello guys welp a lot of you might know me as a reader and this idea popped up on my mind yesterday which i shared on @dearkags and @bluberryparfait‘s discord but my brain went whoooooAT if i wrote it myself jhhshsjdh. this is my first work and i’m stil trying to figure out how tumblr works. pls dont hate i’ll cry. avoid if it makes you uncomfortable ig.
bokuto koutaro
so you’re bokuto tiny sister and you two share one braincell but you try your best not to show it bc “i’m the better sIBLING.”
at first you thought the attraction you had towards your bestie was normal but then realized “waIT whaT yall dont wanna kiss ur bff all the time??”
bokuto is dumb so he prolly didn’t notice anyth and only focused on protect (read restrict) you from the BOYs
you’re usually loud and outgoing like bokuto but when it comes to your bestie that you like more than just frEnds you get absolutely red and nervous
so you decide to go with the song challenge on tiktok where you tell the person to focus on the lyrics and whoosh
do you did it yay
and just as the music goes “i don’t wanna be your friend i wanna kiss your lips” (stan girl in red uwu) you lean in and just kiss her
she kisses back!!
and bokuto is also back!!!
he never knocks. by never i mean NEVER you gotta lock your door or oops
and your dumbass didnt
so just as the kiss was getting a lil steamy from soft
you both instantly pull away and the room is filled with silence except for the music still going 
he just stares dumbfounded like O-O
and then it hits him and he goes
“y/n you’re gay?!”
you facepalm so hard pls leave koutaro
“the term is lesbian-”
he needs to tell akaashi everything
10/10 supportive tbh but doesnt change the fact that no premarital hand h*lding  >:(
will probably hide it from your parents until you’re ready to tell then
best elder brother ever ok
kuroo tetsurou
at first he thought you just prefer being around guys more after seeing you get all wobbly and nervous when any girl gets close to you
he’s a very supportive elder brother ok so you probably try talking to him abt why you couldn’t kiss your current bf
you were just uncomfortable??
he told you he prolly wasn’t the right guy until he saw you smiling at one of his classmates as you waited for him after your classes
your eyes were just shining and it your nervousness was evident but she somehow made you noT run away ig
he was watching for a while, how you were tightly clutching onto the strap of your bag and how red your cheeks turned as she gave you a headpat before walking away
and your eyes lingered
but he decided not to say anyth that day cause he wanted you to realize and talk abt it when you’re comfortable
from that day on you waited for him (her) a lot
even ditching your classmate and shared bff at lunch one day as you sat on the bench outside beside her
kenma knew
this goes on for a while until you decide to tell him when kenma came over one day
he noticed. so he just smiles and pats your head 
“you finally admitted huh?”
your eyes widened how did he know jshjsd
“it was lowkey obvious. the guys weren’t wrong, the gender was.”
teases teases teases teases
you : literally just existing  him peeking into ur room just 2 annoy u : oya thinking abt your senpai?
they both help you prepare and confess
“you need to get it off of your chest, no matter what the outcome is.”
she accepts!!
and if your parents aren’t supportive, he will speak up and fight!!
tsukishima kei
so you’re a third year and go to a different school where you’ve been dating this girl for a while
he often saw you at the cafe near karasuno often
veeeryyyy often
with the same girl
he doesn’t pay much attention to that tbh 
but on a sunny weekend morning, he was passing by the cafe and looks at you through the window when yams says your name
you seemed stressed, kinda scared
they were planning to go to tadashi’s house and study or sumn
he comes back home to akiteru and your mom sulking in the living room
“your sister is being salty again. says she had a fight with her girlfriend and is crying upstairs.”
due to the smaller age gap comparing to akiteru, you two were kinda closer and he somehow knew that wasn’t fitting
you didn’t cry that easily.
he lets you be until he need one of your his dino manga or sth you borrowed
so he knocks on your door and you open with red puffy eyes, sniffing
he enters and decides to stay silent until you burst into tears again
he kinda stares awkwardly not knowing what to do and waits for you to calm down and start talking
as salty as you might be at times, you were extremely soft at times like your elder brother
so you tell him in the midst of sobbing
“she broke up with me. it wasn’t working out. i kinda saw it coming but it still hurt.”
only after venting you realize you never told him you were into girls, or even dating one and your eyes widened upon realization
“kei i-” “i didn’t like her anyway. she seemed too uptight and self-obsessed (hah)” “how do yo-” “i saw you at the cafe. you can get better chicks than her”
you smile and gently hit his head, telling him not to badmouth her
he doesn’t make a big deal out of it and treats it just as he would if you broke up with your boyfriend
and you’re glad that he is
won’t show it but he doesn’t want anyone to hurt his sister ok, he won’t tell you but he will fiTE
actually cares abt you
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gra-sonas · 3 years
Darling! Idk if this is weird and you don't have to post this at all lol But I just wanted to say that I've always struggled with "identifying myself" because I will read sth and be "that does sound like me" but then I will read sth else and be "ok, no, that is not quite right" but the way you wrote about how you feel/see sex and attraction was exactly how I feel and idk...I guess I just wanted to say thanks (even though you were just describing yourself...yeah, this is weird, sorry) *goes and hides*
Oh, it's you, darling nonnie! ❤️
Hey, no, it's not weird at all. Not for me anyway! We are all super complex, and there's no ONE SIZE FITS ALL.
TMI, vague mention of past trauma (no details tho)
It took me years (YEARS) to untangle how I felt, to discover labels, what possible label(s) might be fitting, and whether I was even allowed to claim one. It was super hard bc for most of my life I just felt "broken", that my trauma had ruined me, and that I was just a complete failure as a person in general, and a woman in particular.
I had no idea that there's a spectrum, and that no matter where you place yourself on that spectrum, it's always 100% valid and always perfectly and beautifully YOU!
And, what's even more important - nothing is set in stone! You are allowed to move around on that spectrum, play with it, claim a new label, or shed an old one that no longer fits. That's part of being a human. It's beautiful, and it's fucking complicated at times, but you're allowed to change and grow and see what fits and what doesn't at any given moment in your life.
After years of therapy, I'm at a different point in my journey than when I started. Today, I know I'm not broken. I know that my trauma didn't break me and that it certainly didn't make me a failure. I also know more about what I like, what I don't like, and I'm even open to experiencing new things in the future. I never thought I'd get to the point I am - and it's not a requirement either. If someone's content and happy where they are, that's also 100% valid.
I'm on a journey though, slowly claiming tiny bits and pieces for myself I never thought I could have (or rather enjoy having). And whether someone's on a journey, or already reached their perfect spot, it's all good and right.
But really, the concept of demisexuality/gray-Ace has been such a revelation for me. Finally, I understood why I never felt like climbing anyone like a tree, and why it's very unlikely that I'll ever experience the feeling of that. What a relief to realize that it's perfectly fine and valid??? Incredible!
I need the emotional connection to another person more than anything. And depending on how things are going, there can be more, but there doesn't have to be. And it's absolutely fine either way. I don't have to be or feel a certain way in order to be valid. I can't even begin to tell you what a game-changer that's been for me!
I still have a lot to untangle (yay, old trauma, the "gift" that keeps on giving :P), but I'm no longer beating myself up over not feeling the way our rather hyper-sexualized tends to tell people how they should feel or that it's weird not to experience certain things.
So, you keep exploring, and you keep shining, nonnie. And if the way I described how I feel makes you feel more seen, or helps you realize something about yourself, even better. That's never weird, it's beautiful and I'm very happy for you. ❤️
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