#yea they fell asleep crying in each other's arms
i-care-arts · 4 months
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hold me hold me i'm falling apart
so Arabella and Anne-Charlotte had a... a time, infiltrating the Sabbat. People died senselessly, atrocities were witnessed.... remorse dice were rolled to conserve humanity :') Anne-Cha is @neybulous's Ventrue OC, Ara is my Toreador idiot
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foreingersgod · 5 months
what if like you did a CC x reader fic with Good luck, babe! And like reader is like Caitlins gay awakening and stuff…
Good Luck, Babe! . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: Good luck, babe! by Chappell roan
A/N: i’m aware that in a good chunk of my cc fics that it starts with reader and cait “just hooking up” or something like that, so i swear this will be the last time i do that 😭😭
It's fine, it's cool
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
the sun peaked through your linen curtains, making your eyes flutter open. you glanced over at your phone, 8:30, and over to the left side of your bed where she laid. she was sleeping peacefully, sheets pulled up to her collarbone, hair spewed in different directions against one of your pillows. she looked so beautiful like this. having her naked, in your bed, was truly a blessed sight to see so you cherished it whenever you could.
as she snored softly, still deep in a dream, you turned over on your side to look at her properly. you let your fingers run across the prominence of her collarbone, toying with the hem of your sheets that hid the rest of her gorgeous body. you watched as her lips parted with each breathe, how her nose twitched, and how her faint freckles danced across her cheeks. she was a sight for sore eyes.
not much later, her eyes fluttered just like yours had moments ago, yawning as she stretched for the first time this morning. she looked over, noticing you had been staring for who knows how long.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer” she laughed, leaning over and kissing your forehead before shuffling out of bed and starting to get dressed.
“no picture could beat the real thing” you grinned back. she looked over, smiling back at you, grabbing her keys.
“hey i gotta go, connor’s got this weird brunch thing that he needs me for, but um” she made her way to the door “i’ll text you”
“wait!” you stopped her before she could leave. she let you of the handle to your bedroom and turned to face you, giving you full attention. suddenly you felt vulnerable, still naked and barely covered by your sheets, laid right in front of her “would you want to grab dinner sometime this week? i know we meet up on fridays, but…i don’t know i thought it’d be nice to see you sooner”
“um…yea…you know i’ll have to text you or something” she shuffled around, avoiding eye contact. “it’s just that me and connor…he’s still my boyfriend…”
you fought the urge to roll your eyes “yea, yea i know”
“well i can’t just go out with you all the time like we’re girlfriends. me and connor are still together”
“even if you’re in my bed every weekend?” you scoffed “whatever, caitlin, i get it”
she just stared at you, not wanting to pick a fight. instead she opted for a sigh and left your apartment, leaving you alone and wanting.
you wished she didn’t have to pretend. you wished the two of you ended up differently.
And guess I'm the fool
With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
you shouldn’t have let yourself get this attached to someone you knew you’d never be able to have. you intentionally put yourself in situations with caitlin, hoping that, in some magical fantasy in your head, she’d fall for you. but you knew her. you knew about connor and you knew that being ‘gay’ was no where near something she was willing to accept, wether you were in the picture or not.
you found yourself constantly thinking back on all the times you’d realized that you were in love other her.
when she fell asleep on your shoulder during a movie night with your mutual friends.
when you and caitlin decided to road trip to tennessee to visit a close friend who was graduating. you let her have the aux and watched as she hung out the window. sunset illuminating her face, wind rushing through her long hair, singing the lyrics completely wrong but she didn’t care. she was the sun itself, in your eyes.
when she came to your crying for the first time, sobbing about something connor had done. how she so angry at him and needed a friend to spend the night with.
when she came over a second time, completely distraught again. something about how she didn’t feel right, that her head was messing with her. she was having thoughts. thoughts about you, about women, and that she was having a crisis about her sexuality.
when she came over a third and fourth and however many amount of times, when she opened up about those thoughts with you. asking you if you would help her. asked if you would take her to bed, to relive some of her thoughts. make her feel good, worship her like connor could never do.
but your crush never went past that. taking her to bed and waking up with her already gone most mornings, shooting you a ‘thank you’ text and saying she’d see you next friday.
I don't wanna call it off
But you don't wanna call it love
You only wanna be the one that I call baby
“caitlin, can i talk to you for a second” you asked, moving her hands away from the waistband of your shorts.
“yea, baby” she said, calling you that like she didn’t know it destroyed you on the inside to hear it “what’s up?”
you bit your lip, nervous to pester her with this again, but you don’t think you can handle it much longer. this secret sleeping around situation was taking a toll on you and you don’t want to be waiting around for someone that will never come.
“i love the time i get with you so so much” you began “but i don’t think i can keep doing this”
“i’m sorry, what?”
“i just don’t feel like being something you keep on the side. or like being a secret for that matter. i’ve had feelings for you for a very long time and it’s very clear that you don’t feel the same, so i think we need to call this off if that’s the case.”
“oh my- are you serious?” she furrowed her eyebrows, voice raising “i don’t get the privilege to just come out and tell everyone i like girls, YN. and regardless, like i’ve told you countless times, me and connor are still together”
“but why, caitlin?” you matched her tone “do you even love the guy? cause last time i checked, you don’t even spend time with him anymore. why? cause you’re always here with me playing fucking house! i don’t care if you don’t want to come publicly out, but…but i don’t think it’s fair that you treat me as some play thing for when you want to play pretend!”
she tugged at her hair in annoyance “jesus fucking christ, YN. whatever this is between me and you…it’s not love, alright? i thought you wanted this?! you’ve been more than willing to fuck me every time. so i’m not really understanding why you’re so upset!”
you felt sick, like you were genuinely going to puke. she was a mess and you’re not going to be her experiment for when she’s having trouble with her sexuality.
“just fucking leave, clark” you shook your head “i’m not doing this with you anymore. come back when you’re ready to figure yourself out.”
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars
Shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling
after that night, caitlin was a disaster. she was choosing to ignore what you said; about being in love, about connor, about everything. just because you fucked on the side didn’t mean she was gay…right?
she hadn’t been herself at all. she was screwing up at practices, forgetting about events and team dinners she needed to attend. she was starting to fall behind in classes, every part of her life was crumbling.
even when she laid in bed, inched over to the very edge of the mattress, connor snoring obnoxiously loud from the other end, she couldn’t stop thinking about the last time she saw you. things were never right with connor, she had always known that subconsciously, but it was becoming very clear how loveless this relationship truly was. but she brushed it off, tricking her mind into thinking that this was how things were meant to be.
she had been with men all her life, taught that this was what girls were supposed to do. so to imagine a life in which she ended up with you was just some silly dream that was meant to stay only as an unattainable desire.
for the nights that she couldn’t sleep, she would spend in the gym practicing, trying to shake off the truth that gnawed at the back of her head endlessly. this was good, she thought, basketball always made her feel better. it was her safe place. here she could leave her worries at the door and find comfort in the game, not even thinking about you.
but no matter how many shots she took, how many baskets she made, no matter how many drills she ran to make herself forget, she found herself coming back to the thought of you.
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
after about a month without you, caitlin had started to realize how much she was fucking up.
“caitlin, are you good?” kate had approached her after practice one day “you’ve been way off. and no offense, but your shots have been awful. what’s going on?”
“nothing” she plastered a fake grin on her face “nothing really, just been having a rough patch with connor, but we’re chill. just gotta lock in” she tried to joke.
kate laughed along, but she knew caitlin too well. there was definitely something up with her. but again, knowing caitlin, she needed to let her deal with it on her own.
caitlin had numerous people approach her about this. about her behavior and how she seemed to be struggling recently. but she brushed it off every single time, probably giving a dozen different excuses as to why she was acting in such a manner. she hoped that she would eventually believe them herself.
Good luck, babe!
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
you truly hoped that she was doing ok. you hadn’t heard from her in quite some time, not bothering to reach out to her in fear that you’d poke the bear and make it worse. all you wanted was for her to realize what she truly felt. wether it be in love with you or that she had never loved connor at all the begin with, it didn’t matter, you just wanted her to finally see how beautiful life was when someone found their true self.
you had been in her position before: unforgiving parents, no one to trust, you’d even had the remorseless religion to add on to all of the reasons why you felt like you couldn’t be yourself. and you knew what i took to get to where you are now.
caitlin believed that most things could be fixed by either ignoring it, or fixing it right away and never looking back. but this wouldn’t be the case now, you already knew, she would have to come to terms with it eventually.
And when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
caitlin shot up out of bed, gasping for air, clawing at the sheets that seemed to be glued to her skin. another nightmare, she’d been having those recently. she looked over, squinting her eyes in the dark, making sure connor was still asleep. letting a sigh of relief go when she realized he was out cold.
her hands found their way to her hair, hands scratching at her scalp, elbows balanced on her knees. she was losing her god damn mind. she couldn’t stand him, she no longer held love for connor (not there was any in the beginning). with each passing day that she had spent with him, she found that her heart beat more and more for you each time.
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
the idea of loving you was tormenting her every single day for the last few months. you were the reason she woke up every morning, the reason she worked so hard to win each game, and the reason she woke up the next morning and dumped connor. she was finally able to see clearly now, finally able to understand that she was madly fucking in love with you.
she realized that no matter how many times she fought the feeling or no matter how many times she tried to convince herself otherwise, that you were the one thing she breathed and lived for.
You know I hate to say it, I told you so
she didn’t even know what she was doing or what she was going to say, but she found herself making her way out of her apartment and into her car. she had to see you and tell you how wrong she was this whole time. that she was so in love with you that her body shook with it.
her heart pounded as she turned onto your street, immediately singling out your building and noticing your apartment lights were still on. her whole body must’ve been shaking with the way that she could barely put the car in park and unbuckle her seat belt. but she managed to make it up every flight of stairs and to your door where the shiny gold ‘103’ sat, practically antagonizing her.
her mind was on autopilot, not even realizing she had already knocked three times until she heard your footsteps approach the door. and suddenly there you were in all your glory, as beautiful as ever.
you were dressed in your comfy clothes, fuzzy cow slippers on your feet, hair messed up, and your necklace backwards. but she thought you were the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen.
“caitlin?” you rubbed your eyes in astonishment “what-um-what are you doing here?”
“hi” she breathed “i know it’s late, im sorry, really. but i just need to see you”
“caitlin i don’t want to do this again. it’s been months and you show up at more door suddenly at what? 12:40 in the morning? i thought i told you i was done with the whole charade.” you stated firmly, about to shut the door on her, but she wedged her foot between the space of the door before you could close it.
“no, no. it’s not…it’s not like that. i meant that i need to come clean to you”
still skeptical, you let her in, watching as she politely hung up her jacket. you ushered her to the couch, grabbing her a glass of water and preparing yourself for whatever she was about to confess.
“when you ended things with me,” she broke the silence “i thought i’d eventually get over it because i didn’t think what we had was all that serious. i was scared to admit that i didn’t love connor…and most importantly that…that i like girls.”
you looked at her solemnly, you knew how hard this was for her.
“and i guess is till don’t know exactly what i am, but…but what i do know is that i took you for granted and i treated you unfairly. you didn’t deserve any of it and for that i apologize”
“hey it’s…it’s ok now. yea i was upset with how things were going, but i’m proud of you now that you’ve recognized what you’ve done and you’re working on yourself.” you tried to reassure her.
“i really am trying” she stated “because i want to. for you.”
you watched as her eyes twinkled under the glow of your lamp, tears rimming her lash line. you noticed the way her nose twitched like how it did that one morning she woke up in your bed. and how she looked just as flawless as she did when you had met her.
“YN, im in love with you.” she blurted “i know i have no right to come here and say that. especially after i completely disregarded your feelings for me. i don’t expect you to take me back and try and love me again, but i just need to you to know that i have spent every day regretting what i’ve done”
there was another heavy silence again, filling the room instantly, encapsulating that words that rolled off of her tongue. you were honestly at a lost for words. of course you were still in love her, you never stopped, but now things were real. you were watching your deepest dreams unravel to you right in front of your eyes.
“You know…I hate to say it but” you said, watching as caitlin braced herself for what she assumed was rejection “…I told you so” you couldn’t hold back your grin, immediately falling into playful laughter as you scooted closer to her on the couch.
“i’m in love with you too” you finally admitted out loud for the first time in months.
her shoulders finally relaxed, exhaling after holding her breathe waiting for your response. she laughed with you, just glad to here you say those words.
“don’t scare me like that” she said, face inching slowing towards you “i don’t think i would’ve been able to handle the rejection”
“don’t worry, i don’t think i ever could’ve stopped loving you if i tried” you whispered, finally closing the gap between you. you’d kissed her many times before, but this would be the first kiss that actually mattered. “but i really did tell you so” 
A/N: yayyy!! happy ending!! <3
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ivrxquack · 3 months
Lame, okay.
Toxic! Tokyo revenger headcannons
(Back in my Tokyo revenger era 😭)
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Too clingy.
Acts like you’re his life support…literally.
One time you woke up in the middle of the night to get water, you were gone for about 5 minutes and in that short time Mikey was able to have a full blown panic attack.
“Y/N, where did you go?” He whined as you sighed shaking your head going to hug him, as he wiped his tears on your pajamas. “Mikey, I just went to the kitchen it’s ok.” You said as he rubbed his cheek against yours, pulling you back into bed with him burying his face in your chest mumbling about how you should never leave his side again.
Every time you guys go in public like the store, mall, out to eat or anything like that he has a death grip on you. You’re always to hesitant to tell him that it feels like you’re hand is about to snap due to his unnecessary grip.
The first red flag in the relationship was in the first few weeks of dating. You and an old guy friend spotted each other at the park you two were at, you didn’t realize it but Mikey was shaking like a mad man his eyes wide and full of rage. Mikey, didn’t want to beat him to death especially infront of you so he “politely” excused himself from the situation.He was gone for about 30 minutes you and your friend were only talking for about 5 or 7 minutes, you couldn’t believe what he said he was doing when you asked him about it.
“Mikey!? Where did you go!?” You asked spotting him sitting by the lake throwing pieces of bread, “I was feeding the ducks!!” He said smiling widely hoping you wouldn’t notice the giant hole in the tree beside you with blood stains on it. You’ve thought about breaking up with him but he’s honestly so sweet to you, so you’ll learn to deal with his behavior but it naturally will get old soon.
Very very very overprotective.
“Babe, I don’t think you should be around here.” Baji said holding onto your arm pressing your body against yours, as you two walked around downtown which was surprisingly kind of empty. “Baji, my aunt needs these” You said holding the bag of different medicines your aunt lived in one of the neighborhoods downtown.
“Yea, ok.” Baji said rolling his eyes hardly as you two turned a corner to see a homeless man “ma’am..do you perhaps have some money?” He asked as Baji’s guard was immediately up. “No, get lost” Baji said tugging you away from him only for to you push him away, as you pulled your wallet out and handing the homeless man a few dollars. Baji couldn’t believe his eyes and before you could even blink the homeless man was knocked out on the ground, Baji standing on his head.
What the fuck?!” You said pushing Baji off him. “Sorry…..I thought he was about to punch you.” Baji said as you stared at the poor man before tucking the money in his coat pocket, and storming off making sure to give your boyfriend a lethal death glare.
He’s like your own attack dog if you were crazy enough and ordered him to fight someone for you, he definitely would and wouldn’t stop until they couldn’t walk. He doesn’t care if it’s a old man, old lady, kid, girl, woman, boy, man, cat, rat, bat he’ll fight them cause he’ll do anything to protect you!
“Y/N, why are you crying?” Baji asked rushing up to you as you fell into his strong arms sobbing. “A-Abby” he heard you whisper as his adrenaline started to race(idk if I worded that right). Abby was your bully who so happened to have a “crush” on Baji, she had been so rude to you at work normally you would ignore her but today…she really got under your skin. After calming you down and making you a big comfy spot on the couch, Baji said he was going to go get your favorite snacks.
Later that night you and Baji were sitting on the couch watching a movie. Baji was half asleep laying his head on your lap, as your phone dinged from an unknown number You hesitantly clicked it. What you saw made your jaw drop it was Abby getting jumped by 4 guys. “What the freak” you muttered quickly deleting and blocking the number throwing your phone across the room onto a different couch.
Completely unaware of the wicked smile on Baji’s face.
He babies/ enables you.
He has child proofed certain things in the house.
“Mistuya, are you serious.” You said in disbelief as you stared at the plastic knifes and forks in the drawer. “Safety first!” Mistuya said patting your head as you saw him put the actual knifes and forks into a drawer with a lock on it. You felt more like one of his little sisters then girlfriend, sure he was the definition of perfect but damn. You wished he’d understand that you could do most things by yourself.
“Oh, your shoes are untied, here let me get that for you.” Mistuya said as you two stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, he smiled at you softly patting his knee gesturing for you to put your foot up.
“I can do it myself!” You bending down as you quickly tried to tie your shoes somehow tangling the string. “Come on don’t be silly, you still do bunny ears!” Mistuya said bending down pushing your hands away as you watched his cute little delicate hands undid the strings.
Sometimes without knowing he would embarrass you especially infront of his friends. “Remember that one time you tripped on the baby gate? I had to put up cause you’re so clumsy” Mistuya asked laughing as Mikey and draken started to laugh at you. “Baby gates? I didnt know Y/n was a toddler!” Mikey teased as Mistuya chuckled but quickly stopped seeing the way you were staring at him like you wanted to murder him.
Despite the fact you always check him on what he does, and how much he apologizes and promises not to do it again he obviously still keeps doing it.
But at the end of the day he’s still YOUR man so you can’t say too much since you’re choosing to date him!
Wayyyyy to obsessed with you.
At first you thought it was adorable how often he checked up on, how often he hung out with you, how often he was thinking and talking about you. Until it became weird and weirder.
“There’s motion at your front door.” The notification on your phone said as you sat up out of your bed, checking the camera to see two big indigo eyes peering into the camera scaring you to death. “Y/N, its me Hakkai” Your boyfriends soft voice said as he revealed his jaw dropping stunning gorjus smile. You quickly rushed downstairs and let him in as he hugged you, when you questioned him he nervously explained on how he had just been in the area and wanted to see you.
He clearly has the mind of a bed bug cause after he left after a few hours of talking, something was telling you to check all of the cameras you had around your house and when you did boy his ass was grass. You saw Hakkai, walking around your house his eyes glowing in the night vision camera like he was a wild animal or something. He was peering into all your windows as you heard your dog barking. ‘That’s why she was barking?!’ You thought as you saw Hakkai jump at the noise as he ran to the back of the house where your bedroom was.
It turns out he was actually taking pictures of you while you were sleep, you were a little nervous but the next morning you two met up at a cafe and you brung it up as soon as you two sat down at your table.
“What? I would never do that.” Hakkai said as he took a bite of the cake he had, as you tried showing him the footage only to not find it all. And you knew that you saved it to your camera roll.
“You feeling ok, baby? Are you sick?” Hakkai asked with a worried look as he cupped your cheeks in his hands, and you nodded sighing.
‘She didn’t realize I hacked into her phone!’ Hakkai thought happily
The first time you went over his house probably should’ve been the last….
“Wow, your room is cute.” You said looking around it was surprisingly neat and smelt like lavender, you were pretty sure he only cleaned up for you thought. “Thanks!” He said as you looked at the posters on the wall of many different things like sports and stuff. “I’ll be right back, I’ll go get you something to drink make yourself at home” Hakkai said excitedly as you nodded sitting down on the bed to see a picture of you framed on the nightstand next to his bed. There was also a picture of you and him together, him and his sister, and of course him and Mistuya, and a few with him and his other friends. You smiled widely at the thought of the love and devotion he had for his friends and family, before you noticed light shining behind a door. It wasn’t his closet cause his closet was one of the first things you saw when you walked in.
You walked up to it cracking the door open slightly as your jaw dropped. You saw a few dim lights surrounding pictures…:pictures of you, what really got you were the pictures from last night of you sleeping.
“Y/N?” Hakkai asked as you quickly back away from the door as he had a tray of drinks and snacks on it. “What were you doing?” He asked as you put on a fake smile . “I was just curious to what was in there, I didn’t see anything” you said as he tilted his head to the right as you sat down on the bed.
“Whatever you say, love” Hakkai said as you thought about ways to distant your self from him. (It doesn’t work and it never will.)
What’s not toxic about his bitch ass🙄 there’s a lot of things but let’s only go through the worst one, the way he’s roasts you like his life depends on it.
“You kind of look like a cracked out ferret in that jacket, take it off” Smiley said as you side eyed him zipping up the jacket that was actually cute asf. “Shut up for once, damn” You said frowning as you and angry stared at him like he was crazy.
No matter how many times you(really just angry) try to check him it just plays it off as joking, you’ve always been skeptical if he was. But angry always reassures you that’s his brother means no harm if he did he would’ve been made you bite the curb.
“Babe, you look like you eat mattresses for a living.” Smiley said as he helped you put on eyeshadow. “Are you kidding me? Why do you have to say things like that?” You said as his smile only seemed to get wider. “Like what?” He said snarkiliy as you rolled your eyes standing up to stare at your perfect face in the mirror. “You always make fun of me for everything I do…” you said walking out to the living to see angry sitting on the couch, you guys were going out to eat. “Don’t be stupid. You know I love you” Smiley said following you throwing his arm around your shoulder as angry stared at you with sad eyes.
A good thing is if anyone were to try to come for you he’d be very quick to put them in their place!
When you two were in the beginning stages you were getting picked on and smiley was the only one to help you out. “You wanna come for my, Y/N? First of all your lace front is literally lifting up, your underwear is probably crusty and musty just like your mom. Your built like a watermelon” Smiley went on and on until the girl finally went away tears in her eyes.
You can always count on him to have your back!
He got on smileys nerves so bad when he had a crush on you. Everyday smiley had to hear “she looked at me she must love me!” “She waved at me in the hall ways she wants to get married!” If smiley was out of his mind he would lay hands on angry, but he has some self control and he loves his brother a lot so he learns to silence him out. Angry’s delusional got 1000”x worst once you guys started to date.
“Y/N, told me to pick a box up I picked it up and she said thank you, she’s clearly madly obsessed and in love with me.” Angry said with a lovesick look as a few of the other members of Toman stared at him like he nuts.
Usually his delusionals are harmless but one time they got WAY Too out of hand.
You were going to the mailbox and the way your house is positioned, the window to your room is facing the whole front yard. Angry was watching you like a hawk with love in his eyes, well the love quickly turned into sadness as he saw a man a friendly looking man approaching you.
“Hi, Mr. Ronald! Long time no see” You said as you two started talking. Mr. Ronald was your old babysitter he was always kind to you and a joy to have around. Angry wasted no time in calling his brother “bro, I think Y/N is cheating on me!!!” Angry hollered as soon as smiley picked up the phone. “What?” Smiley said in confusion anger in his voice already planning on how he was going to beat you until your face was unrecognizable.
You were making your way inside when you heard angry yelling on the phone but is ceased once he heard the front door open. “Baby, is everything ok?” You asked walking up the stairs to see him with the most hurt look ever. “You’re cheating on me, aren’t you?” He asked as you saw him fighting back tears in his eyes. “My Little cotton candy head, is this about Mr. Ronald?” You said sighing as you made sure to keep your distance since you knew his alpha came out when he crowd.
“I love you please don’t leave me for him, I-i promise I’ll change!!” He said as he ran up to you hugging you extremely tight, it felt like your lungs could burst any minute. “Angry, he’s like family to me, let me go” You groaned out trying to shove him off you as he kept sobbing about how you and your neighbor were getting married, and all types of dumb stuff. “Angry…” you said feeling life slowly getting further and
Further from you, as you heard thundering footsteps racing up the stairs.
“Woah, angry! Chill” Smiley said as he rushed over using all his strength to pull his brother from you, normally he wouldn’t interfere with stuff like this but he knew that his brother would never be the same if you died especially from his own hands. “Y/N? Honey? What have I done?!” Angry yelled out crying as he let you go watching as you gasped for air on the ground. “I’d never cheat on you angry…” you said coughing as smiley roughly patted your back as angry stared at his hands before running out wailing hysterically smiley following instantly.
Let’s just say you couldn’t bring yourself to even look at angry. Let alone speak to him after this(you guys got back together cuz you love you’re little blueberry)
He’s. Such. A. Crybaby
It’s like every little thing that goes slightly wrong sets him off.
You got a paper cut? He’s already crying a river. You passed a test? He’s crying while planning a special suprise for you, it’s honestly just ridiculous.
“Takemichi, why are you crying?” Mikey asked watching his friend cry while staring at his phone.
“Y-Y/N, only put one heart in her message!” He said wiping the snot off his face showing Mikey the message you sent him. ‘Have a great day I love you♥️’ the message said as Mikey stared at him in confusion.
Ngl that about it for him cause there’s really nothing wrong with him but being with a crybaby is mad toxic trust me I know😭 (I was going to make it he still clings into Hina but I passed on that cuz yeaaa)
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ginax0916 · 11 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝟏.𝟑𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
Anakin POV:
"Ani! Stop! I can't breathe!" Y/n yelled as I tickled her everywhere. Our laughter lit up the room.
"Ok! I'm sorry I'm sorry" I said through laughter.
"You know I hate being tickled!" She said.
"But I love seeing you laugh" I smiled at her.
"Ani there's other ways to make me laugh!" She protested.
"Yea but this is my favorite way" I kissed her cheek sweetly making her blush.
"You're blushing" I chuckled.
"Stoppp" Y/n replied. Dragging out the P and hiding her face in her hands.
"Hey don't hide that pretty face baby" I hugged her bringing her onto my lap where she stayed for hours.
"Anakin! Help please! Come quickly!" I heard y/n screaming in fear.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened? Are you ok?" I yelled back panicking already thinking of terrible things that might've happened to her.
"There's a spider on the floor Ani! Kill it please" She said as she hid behind me holding onto my arm seeking comfort.
"Baby don't do that I got scared I thought something bad happened to you" I replied while killing the spider and turning around so I was facing her.
"I'm sorry" she apologized looking up at me with those pretty doe eyes.
"How could I never not forgive that pretty face hm?" I said cupping her cheeks and kissing her softly. Then hugging her until my arms grew tired.
I woke up to the bright Coruscant sun shining through the crack of the blinds. Y/n cuddled up next to me, still deep asleep. I stared at her in adoration. She's so beautiful. Her luscious hazelnut hair fell down over her shoulders as her head laid on my chest. Her long eyelashes touching as her eyes remained closed. Her soft pink plump lips sealed together as she slept. Her body fit perfectly into mine as she cuddled closer into me. I love her so much.
"Why're you staring at me like that?" Y/n suddenly said with that soft voice that I adore so much.
"You're just so beautiful" I pecked her lips.
"I love you" She said hugging me tight and hiding her head in the crook of my neck.
"I love you too beautiful" I hugged her back even tighter. Never wanting to let go.
"I'm home!" I yelled back as I returned home from my month long mission.
"Ani!!" I heard y/n squeal.
She ran to me and hugged me so tight it felt like my ribs were breaking. She kissed me all over my face and passionately kissed my lips. I kissed her back immediately grabbed her by her hips and pulling her closer, if that was even possible.
"I missed you so much Ani you have no idea. I couldn't sleep without you I had to spray your cologne on a pillow and pretend it was you!" Y/n said in a voice that sounded like she was about to burst into tears.
"It's ok baby I'm here now. And I missed you too, more than you can imagine." I comforted her.
"Come on let's go cuddle on the couch and look at the stars as you tell me everything about your mission" She said as I stared at her in adoration.
"Sounds like a lovely thing to do baby" I kissed her and carried her to the couch where I told her everything for hours and hours until she fell asleep in my arms.
And now I lay alone on the bed we once used to share. I live in the apartment that once used to belong to both of us. I eat on the dinning table where we once both used to tell each other about our day.
I stare at the blank white ceiling with nothing better to do. I've been in a state of depression since the day I lost my y/n. There's no reason to be happy if she's not the person I wake up to every morning. If she's not the person I hug every time I need it. If she's not the shoulder I can cry on when I feeling down.
I still remember the day I lost her vividly. It haunts me everyday. I could be living my best life on Naboo with my beautiful wife if it wasn't for the war that took her from me.
"Ani you've gotta let me go" she spoke with a voice so low I could barley hear her.
"No no no! Y/n keep your eyes open for me please love don't close them! I can't live without you please baby don't go." I screamed through tears.
"I'm sorry Ani it wasn't supposed to end this way" she cried as I brought her closer to me.
"Baby stay with me please I can't do this without you please" I cried while resting my forehead on hers.
"I had the best life with you my love. I'll never forget the years I spent with you. All the memories we made together. I'll always be by your side baby even if you can't see me" She whispered softly as tears fell down her face.
"I loved it too. I loved all of it baby. I love you so much." I cried even harder as I kissed her cheek.
"I'll see you soon Ani. Keep trying my love it will all be ok. I love you." She cried as she kissed me for the last time ever.
"I love you too Y/n Skywalker." I kissed her back as I felt her body go limp in my arms. I screamed and cried harder than I've ever had in my life as I hugged her dead body. She was gone. She was truly gone.
That was the last time I ever saw my wife. I've cried every night since that day. It's burned into the back of my mind. I loved her more than anyone could imagine. I've thought about giving up and just ending it all just to see her again. But I keep trying. I keep trying for her.
Now all that I have left of her are the memories.
Hoped y'all enjoyed :)
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys finding you asleep on the couch after an argument ||
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includes: kuroo tetsurou, miya osamu, & oikawa tooru
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a/n- hello! sorry for posting so late, but this has been sitting in my drafts for a while and i was actually in the mood to finish it so i hope yall enjoy! oh and im not really sure about how i feel about it,,, might take it down later we shall see.
warnings: none ( lmk if there’s anything! )
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last night you saw a post kuroo’s “work wife” had made on instagram with her kissing him on the cheek, and it didn’t make you feel the best, so you decided to bring it up to him the next morning. and you did, just as he was getting ready for work you talked to him about it.
you were standing in front of him filled with anger arguing about how it made you uncomfortable, “can you please listen?! i dont feel comfortable with your “work wife” kissing you?” you yelled. “Y/N it was on the cheek its not a big deal!” and to be honest you just wanted to cry. 
finally, he walked past you and opened the door. “i don’t have time for this y/n, stop being so insecure! at least she wouldn’t argue over something so small!” and with that, he slammed the door and you stood there stunned. kuroo knew that he shouldn’t have said that, instant regret and guilt filled his gut.
 but he already said it, he can’t do anything about it now. with a frustrated sigh, he went to work. hoping to fix everything when he gets home. you stood there speechless, as you realized you still had work so slowly you made your way to the bathroom. 
after getting ready and grabbing a quick snack you were out the door with a heavy chest. once you get home, tired and feeling worse than before. you trudged to the couch and plopped down letting out a shaky sigh remembering the argument and the words he said repeating in your head. 
you broke down crying, and before you knew it, the exhaustion from today took over and you were sound asleep on the couch. kuroo got home an hour later, he felt guilty and was already practicing how he’d apologize to you as he walked in.“y/n? kitten?” no answer. 
he called out again, and was met with silence, he made his way over to the living room where he found you sleeping on the couch. gently walking towards you he knelt down, and saw your tear-stained face which made his heart sink. “i fucked up” he said to himself.
giving you a gentle kiss on your forehead he softly apologized and carried you to the bedroom. you ended up waking up when you felt his body weight dent the bed. “tetsu?” you said softly squinting at him. relief rushes through his body at the sound of his nickname. looking at you with guilt in his eyes
“im so sorry kitten, i shouldn’t have said that. i didn’t mean to hurt you” he said gently. at that tears started flowing again and he was quick to hug you and wipe your tears with his other hand. “it’s ok, i shouldn’t have been so insecure anyways” 
he shook his head with a frown “no it’s not your fault ok? i didn’t mean anything i said. i love you so so much and i’m so lucky that you’re mine” you look up at him and gave him a small smile “okay” before cuddling closer to him. giving you a soft kiss on the lips he hugged you tighter as you both fell asleep.
osamu was just having a horrible day, his head was pounding and the customers he had to deal with today were just plain rude. then he had to do most of the work since one of his employees called in sick, and for some reason, everything just annoyed him.
you on the other hand did not know about his day at all and thought it would be nice of you to make a surprise visit. walking in with a huge smile on your face stopping midway when you realize he wasn’t at the counter. “where’s samu?” you asked sweetly to the employee
“he’s in the back, i think he has a headache,” she says giving you a small smile. you can tell something was off by the way she spoke but decided to just brush it off and make your way to the back. “hi samu! surprise!” you exclaimed cheerfully as you make your way towards him
he just kind of looks at you, which you thought was weird, but you decided to hug him anyways. when he doesn’t hug you back and groan, you pull away and look at him “baby i heard you had a headache. i didn’t bring any medicine, but we could eat first and i-” 
you couldn’t even finish your sentence since osamu just stood up. he was infuriated and had no clue why, usually loved listening to you but today he was just annoyed. “look y/n a don’t mean ta be rude, but a don't have the energy for this right now. please just go home.” he said coldly staring right at you.
“excuse me? i came here to surprise you and this is what i get??” you said in shock, voice a little louder this time. rolling his eyes “Oh wow am so surprised! now will ya please go home? a don’t wanna argue right now!” he yelled. with tears forming in your eyes you quickly wiped them and left. osamu knew he shouldn’t have said all that, but he was too mad to run after you in front of all the customers. 
you rushed home and sluggishly made your way to your room to change into something comfier, making your way to the couch, curling up into a ball allowing your tears to fall, and somehow falling asleep, after getting tired of crying. he gets home a few hours later, guilt building up in his stomach as he mentally slaps himself for the things he said. 
walking into the living room he opened the lights and you were the first thing he noticed. seeing you curled up into a ball on the couch made his heart drop to his stomach. you on the other hand woke up because of the sudden change of lighting. 
gradually adjusting your sight you see him and switch your gaze onto the floor when you saw him look at you too. seeing your puffy eyes he walks towards you slowly and sits beside you giving you enough space. “am sorry, a shouldn’t have taken my frustration out on ya.”
you look at him with watery eyes and his heart sinks “yea i was just trying to be nice, sorry i didn’t warn you before coming” he opened his arms and you instinctively scooted closer to him, he sighs “no a love it when you surprise me a was jus having a bad day a love ya so much ok?” finally hugging him “okay i love you too” giving you a quick kiss he offered to make you food and of course you said yes.
you love oikawa, and you’re very supportive and understanding especially when it comes to his career. but he has an awful habit of overworking himself and as much as you love him you can't bear the fact that you couldn’t even see him anymore.
he goes home late at night -as in you’re already sound asleep late- and when you do stay up to see him, he’s too tired to even keep a conversation. then the next morning he’s gone before you could even wake up. you’ve spoken to him about this many times, but alas nothing changed.
you woke up to an empty bed as usual, but today was different though, you’ve planned a dinner for about 2 weeks now. you were very excited because it’s been so long since you both spent some quality time together and he promised to come home early. 
getting up you send him a little text reminding him of your dinner tonight, with a smile you head on over to the bathroom to get ready for work. once work was over you made a quick visit to the grocery store to buy the ingredients you’ll need to make tonight’s dinner. 
quietly humming to yourself while going through each aisle, and double-checking your list to make sure you’re not missing anything while checking your phone here and there. oikawa still hasn’t replied “he must be busy,” you say to yourself as you send him another text about the dinner just in case. after about 30 minutes you get home rushing since it was already late, and immediately getting started on dinner. 
once you're done you sat down and waited, and waited, and waited. it's been 4 hours. dinners cold and still no sign of your boyfriend. you decided to call him pissed off that he couldn’t even show up to one dinner, “hello? y/n i can't talk right now i still need to practice” 
he said as soon as he picked up. “tooru? did you get my texts? what about dinner, we’ve made plans for this 2 weeks prior! i even-” you were cut off “look just eat without me ok? we can eat again somet-” now it was your turn to cut him off. 
“oikawa tooru, you leave the house while i’m asleep and come back when i'm asleep. i just wanted to spend time with you..whatever good luck at practice,” you replied as you hang up. his heart sank when he heard the crack in your voice rushing to his car on his way home to you because he knows he fucked up. 
buying your favorite flowers for you on the way home cursing himself and the world for making it traffic at that exact moment. when he got home the first thing he saw was the food and you fast asleep on the couch. he felt a pang of guilt about being late. 
“y/n chan?” he said while gently waking you up. you stare at him with red puffy eyes and he hugged you giving you the flowers “im sorry baby, i should’ve prioritized you and our dinner. i promise ill do better” you saw how genuine he was being so you accepted the flowers and hugged him tighter as he offered to reheat the food you made.
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reblogs are highly appreciated!
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Where Do We Go from Here
A/N: I’m working on a ‘The 100 Fanfic right now so I wanted to release this quickly since I’ve been gone for awhile.
This is a Harry Potter x Slytherin!Reader imagine where the reader calls Harry just a friend.
- it’s 6th year
- You two have been dating for three months
- You guys had gotten together over the summer
- Most of the Slytherins had no idea little Y/N was dating THE Harry Potter’
- Including your friend group that consisted of Pansy,Draco,Blaise,Theo, and Daphne.
- While you six were studying in the library Harry walks past you and kisses your cheek before walking off
- Blaise’s mouth drops and his stunned expression turns into a smirk.
-“ What’s up with you two?” He asks
- you make eye contact with Draco who looked like he might just explode
- you shrug and and tell your friends that he’s just a friend while wiping the kiss off
- Unlucky for you Harry heard and he stormed into his dorm
- After a long study session you wait for Harry to arrive in the part of the library where you usually snog
- He’s a no show though
- You grab your stuff to head towards the Gryffindor portrait to wait for him. You then begin to hear yelling coming from the Second floor girls bathroom
- There you lock eyes with one pissed Hermione a heartbroken Harry and a frustrated Ron
-You put your stuff down to side
-“ What’s up?”
-“ What’s up?!?” Hermione repeats in a angered voice
- It wasn’t exactly a yell it was more of whisper yell
- “ Harry here just told us you called him a friend.” Ron says while tapping his foot
- “ He is my friend.” You replied confused
-“ BOYFRIEND!” Hermione shouts at you, “You can’t just deny having a Significant other to people.”
- “ You acted like we were strangers.” Harry mutters
- “ You know how the other Slytherins can be!” You begin to start yelling too
- Hermione scoffs before leading Harry and Ron out of the bathroom
- in anger you shout behind them
-“ Yea have your mom walk you out!”
- Hermione looks back making a disgusted face towards you
- After a bit you began to feel your eyes water
- You hated arguing with Harry but you hated it even more when it was the three of them against you.
- You remember the words that had left you mouth
- you hadn’t even been thinking when you said it.
- You consider going to talk to Harry but a feeling inside you tells you that your better without them
- you look down at your watch. 9:50 you don't even have time to apologize if you want to
- You wipe your wet eyes and You head back to your dorm with your head hanging low
- Once you enter looking up from the ground you can see Daphne and Pansy wide awake
- “ What’s got your panties in a twist?” remarks Pansy
-Daphne giggles but quickly stops once she sees your damp face
- You begin to feel those tears coming back again but this time you can’t stop them
- you throw yourself into Pansy’s arms and begin crying spilling all your secrets in the process
- “ Wait a minute so that thing at the library… You two are dating!” Exclaimed Pansy
- “ Ohhh dating the chosen one aren’t you.” Comments Daphne
- “ I don’t even know anymore.” You say to the other girls.
- “ I didn’t even like them anyways.” Pansy says while rubbing your shoulder.
- “ I agree.” Daphne affirms.
- After a long conversation you three all fell asleep on Pansy’s bed
- The next morning is a Saturday (Thank the Gods)
- The three of you are still laying on top of each other
- you get ready and then go to great hall to have some breakfast.
- you usually wait for Harry outside the fat lady’s portrait but that wasn’t an option now.
- once you reach the great hall you can see Harry, Hermione, and Ron.
- Harry looks as if he’s been crying.
- you drift over to them only for Hermione to snap at you and the rest of the Gryffindors to ignore you.
- Not even Neville says anything to you
- you write a note asking Harry to meet you in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom after breakfast and slip it to him before going to sit with Daphne and the others.
- You spend the rest of breakfast quiet with your head in a Transfiguration book.
- When breakfast is over you practically sprint to the bathroom.
- It's been roughly ten minutes after breakfast and you suspect he's not going to show up.
- Peeves has just begun singing a song about being rejected dedicated to you even Moaning Myrtle is humming to it.
- you're about to have when the handle starts to twitch.
- Harry walks in with his hand in his hair like usual.
- You give a big smile but it's not returned.
“ Why'd you ask me-“ Before he could finish you're in his arms crying.
- “You don’t get to do this.” He snaps pushing you away from him.
- “But I-“ you begin but are interrupted.
- “You don't get to pretend I'm the bad guy after you completely ignored me in front of all your friends.” He barks you.
- “Well, every time we have a problem you tell Hermione. Maybe I don't want everyone to know my personal life but, I guess the great Harry Potter can’t relate to that. Can he?” You hiss at him
- “Oh so that’s where we're going. Don't act like you don’t do the same thing with Pansy.” He yells.
- “I don't !” you scream back at him.
- “Liar.” He mumbles before shutting the door behind him.
- “Look’s like someone is having a bit of trouble in paradise.” snorts Peeves.
- “If you can call it paradise.” adds Moaning Myrtle.
- “I hate you both.” you speak on the verge of tears
- Determined to reach Harry before he gets back to his common room you bolt through the hallways
- Avoiding Peeves in the process
- You catch Harry before he enters through the portrait.
- “ I’m sorry!” You belt trying to grab his attention.
- He looks taken back, “what?”
- “ I shouldn’t have tried to hide you. You’re really important to me and you make me happy, Harry.” You smile.
- “We are meant to be, y/n.” He beams before pulling you into one long passionate kiss.
- “Where do we go from here?” You ask wiggling out of the kiss.
- “Where we want.” He says before pulling you back in.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Up All Night
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Request by @garbinge​: “Meeting the love of your life in a police station does not make for a good story to tell your children, but definitely an interesting one.”
Warnings: the littlest tiniest dash of angst, and Nestor being a softie
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Anj sent me this prompt and I immediately got in my soft Nestor feelings. So now you guys get to have him as a dad. I will not be taking any criticism at this time, for I am too busy being soft.
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You heard the front door shut, followed by a very loud sigh from Nestor. You bit back your laugh in an attempt to stay quiet, desperate to not wake the sleeping baby that was cradled in your arms. Rocking slowly in the chair, you waited for him to appear in the doorway. The upside of having a baby that struggled to sleep through the night was that you were usually awake when he got home from work these days.
Like clockwork, within seconds he was leaning against the doorframe. The exhaustion was clearly written all over his face, but despite that he was still smiling at the two of you curled up together on the chair. You smiled over at him, letting out a quiet hum in greeting as you fought to keep your own eyes open.
He walked over, leaning down to press a light kiss to your forehead. His voice was hardly a whisper as he spoke, “Another rough night?”
You gave a tiny shrug, trying not to move too much, “More of the same,” you looked up at him, “What about you? Rough night?”
He shook his head, unable to take his eyes off the little infant in your arms, “Just long. Nothing bad, though.”
“Everyone’s safe?”
He kissed your temple, “Everyone’s safe.”
Seeing that you weren’t ready to get up and try to put her back in the crib just yet, Nestor pulled her small toy chest over and sat down on top of it to join the two of you. He leaned onto the arm of the chair, thumb tracing lightly back and forth over your forearm as both of you looked down at the little bundle of joy in your arms.
“She’s beautiful.”
You let you a quiet chuckle as you nodded, “Remember that when she wakes up crying in another hour or so.”
He leaned over, kissing you on the cheek, “That’s why they make ‘em so cute.”
“Oh? Is it? I thought she just got all my good genes.”
He smiled, “That didn’t hurt.”
You leaned back against the chair as he rested the side of his head against the outside of your arm. The house was silent save for the sounds of your breathing. There was something peaceful about spending the small hours of the morning in the nursery together despite the tiredness that was weighing on both your mind and Nestor’s.
“I want to go lay down,” you whispered, “but I don’t want to risk waking her up.”
He chuckled, “Can’t spend your whole life in the rocking chair,” he looked down at the peaceful expression on your daughter’s face, “Pretty sure she’s out.”
Taking a deep breath, you slowly stand up from the rocking chair. You pause, relief flooding over you when you see her eyes still closed. You slowly walked over to the crib, laying her down. You leaned on the railing of it for a few moments, watching her sleeping soundly. Nestor’s arms wrapped around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder as he joined you. Reaching up, you lightly traced your fingertips along his cheek. He leaned into your touch, humming in approval.
“Ready?” he mumbled against your shoulder.
You nodded, “I think so.”
You walked back to your room, Nestor’s arms still wrapped around you. You laughed softly as he scooped you up and set you on the bed. He changed into an old t-shirt and pair of sweatpants before crawling into bed beside you. He pulled the blanket up over the both of you, pulling you tight against his chest and letting out a deep sigh.
Neither of you fell right to sleep despite the fact that your bodies were begging for rest. You listened to the steady thrum of his heartbeat as his hands massaged circles into the small of your back. Quiet moments with just the two of you were rare and more precious than they’d ever been. He inhaled deeply, squeezing you tight for a moment.
“I love you,” he kissed your forehead.
You smiled into his chest, “I love you too.”
That was all the two of you said, falling back into peaceful, comfortable silence once more. You felt your eyes starting to grow heavy, letting yourself melt into Nestor as you drifted off to sleep. He could feel you leaning more and more of your weight onto him and he took comfort in the sensation, liking that he could feel you pressed to close to him.
Just as he was about to fall asleep as well, the sound of crying came in through the baby monitor. You woke up instantly, sitting straight up in bed as you began to wipe the sleep from your eyes. You went to pull the blanket down off of yourself but Nestor motioned for you to stop.
“I got it,” he leaned in and kissed you, “Get some rest.”
You smiled, flopping back onto your pillow with no hesitation, “Thank you.”
He chuckled quietly to himself as he stood up and made his way out of the bedroom. You listened on the baby monitor and could hear him walking into the nursery. Your eyes drifted shut again but you were still listening intently as the scene unfolded a couple rooms down the hall.
“Hey, now,” he said with a soft smile on his face, “what’s all this about?” he scooped her up and carefully cradled her in his arms, “Hm? What’s wrong?”
He paced around the nursery, swaying slightly as he continued to whisper and coo in an attempt to quiet her cries. He shifted her so that she was laying against his shoulder. Her tiny little hands gripping what they could of the fabric of his t-shirt as her crying slowly but surely began to lessen. He hummed absent-mindedly as he continued to walk around the room. His feet adopted a rhythm without him even realizing it as he gently rubbed her back.
“You’re alright,” he whispered once her crying had quieted, “I’ve got you.”
You hadn’t been able to stay in bed. As quietly as you could manage, you made your way to the doorway of the nursery, watching Nestor get wrapped up with his daughter falling back to sleep against him. She looked so small as she rested against him. Nestor never seemed as comfortable and gentle as when he was holding her.
He turned around, eyebrows raising slightly when he saw you in the doorway. He laughed quietly, “You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
You stepped in, shaking your head with a smile, “Sounded more fun in here,” you walked behind him to get a good look at your daughter’s face and smiled when you saw that she was already falling back to sleep, “You’ve got the magic touch. Think it might be the dancing.”
He chuckled, “I might not have much, but I do have rhythm.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Sometimes.”
Nestor managed to get her to fall completely back sleep and tucked back away in her crib. He sat down in the rocking chair, motioning for you to come and join him. You laughed softly as you walked over, taking the hand that he offered you as you curled up into his lap. You pulled your knees to your chest and rested your head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms completely around you. Both of you had your eyes on the crib as Nestor began to make the chair sway slightly.
“Gonna put me back to sleep too?” you asked quietly.
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “Maybe.”
“You know what I was thinking about the other day?” you asked, not taking your eyes off of your daughter.
“What’s that?”
“What are we going to tell her when she asks how we met?”
He pulled away, looking down at you with a confused look on his face, “What do you mean? We’ll tell her the truth.”
You laughed, “Really? Are you sure you wanna do that?”
“Why not?”
“Being in holding cells next to each other isn’t exactly a sweetheart romance story.”
His lips curled into a smile as they rested against the side of your head, “Meeting the love of your life in a police station may not make for a good story to tell your children, but definitely makes for an interesting one.”
“You going to tell her what you were in for?”
“I’ll tell her what you were in for,” he laughed, “Make sure your daughter knows that her mother used to be a hot-head.”
You smiled, “Used to be?”
“It’s been a while since you’ve gotten in someone’s face. Especially a cop’s. Especially while you’re drunk.”
You chuckled, “That’s fair. That guy deserved it, though.”
“I’m sure.”
You looked up at him, “What were you in for again? Street racing?”
“Yea,” he shook his head, “Me and my brother.”
You laughed, “That’s right. Good thing we both decided to get into trouble that night.”
“Good thing my brother had money to post your bail.”
“Yea. How’d you swing that anyway?”
He laughed, shaking his head, “You really wanna know?”
“I really do.”
“I told him, she’s cute, and she tried to punch a cop in the face. We gotta bail her out. And that was all it took.”
“So you both always had a problem with authority, huh?”
“Yea. You had that in common with us, Miss ‘Drunk & Disorderly’. I remember when they brought you in and threw you in the cell next to ours. Looking like a mess, all pissed off. Pretty sure I was already in love with you by the time they locked the door.”
You giggled quietly, leaning into him. It felt like lifetimes ago, and in a lot of ways it was. So much had changed since then. You took a deep breath as you felt his arms wrap a little tighter around you.  He didn’t talk about his brother very often, but in those soft, quiet moments it felt safe to do so. For a few minutes everything was still just like it was back then—no responsibilities, no extra weight to carry from day to day. You could tell that he was getting lost in it all by the way his breathing changed slightly.
“We did alright,” you whispered, trying to lighten the mood, “for a couple of degenerates. Right?”
You could feel him smiling against you as he nodded, “Yea, I’d say so.”
“We’re gonna have out hands full, aren’t we?”
He laughed, “I’d be willing to bet money on it.”
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Flash From The Past ✩
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Request: I have a request and I was asking if you cans do a ghost!Luke Patterson x alive!reader but she is older. Like in the 90s they were but then he died and she got older. But Julie had went through his journal or stuff and found a picture of them and he wrote a song like the Scene when he and Julie went to his parents house but the reader. I’m really bad at explaining things I just wanted to request an angst story please :) <3 Like a little of they’re romantic relationship and then show the aftermath of after he died and Julie kind a like confronts her with Luke like ep 8 <3
Warning: Angst, probably some grammar errors.
Word Count: 1,401
Song Used: “Somebody To You” By The Vamps
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“Luke be careful your gonna hit the car in front!” I scolded him as were were entering the drive in movie parking lot. He dismissed me with a sway of his hand. “I’m an excellent driver love, no need to worry” He smiled at me before making an abrupt stop.
“LUKE!” I yelled at him. He just cheekily smiled at me and shrugged. “That’s his fault for going so slow then stopping not mine” I rolled my eyes. “Nothing ever your fault” I said. He looked at me after he finished parking. “You know it baby, I’m an angel” “Yea, yea, keep thinking that” I leaned forward and pecked his lips.
I stretched myself to the back seat to get the food and blankets we had brought and opened my door to get out of his truck. He also got out and slid the trunks small door down so we had space to lay down. We put the blankets and pillow where we wanted them and cuddled up to watch the movie.
After the movie was done I had my head on Luke’s shoulder, he rested his on top of mine. “I love you” I froze. That’s the first time he’s ever said that, I haven’t even said it yet. My eyes started to water and I lifted my head up to look at his eyes. “Yea?” I whispered. “Yea. I’m completely in love with you” he smiled at me. I leaned forward and kissed him like never before. The kiss lasted a few seconds before I pulled away. “I’m in love with you too” “Yea?” He whispered. “Yea.” I giggled and kissed him again.
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“Shall we try this again?” Julie questioned from her keyboard looking towards the band. “Yes please. But remind us later there’s some Sunset Curve songs to show you.” Luke told Julie while standing up. Julie got intrigued and moved her mic to the side “Oh, show me now.” Luke nodded and went to reach for his song book next to him.
He looked at his notebook strangely. “Home is where my horse is?” He turned around “Reggie stop putting your country songs in my journal.” He side glanced at Reggie while throwing the paper out of his notebook into the guitar case. “That was a gift!” Reggie said offended. Luke rolled his eyes “thanks buddy.” He patted Reggie on the arm.
Luke turned back to Julie handing her his notebook. “I dog-eared the ones I think you would slay”. Julie started going through the pages until she reached a specific page that wasn’t dog- eared but caught her interest. “Somebody to you?” She questioned. Luke quickly got defensive. “That one isn’t dog- eared” he protested reaching for his notebook but Julie pulled it further away. “ “Look at me now I’m falling can’t even talk still stumbling” wow Luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” she smirked at Luke. “That one is actually about-” Luke cut Alex off. “No one it’s about no one if you go to the next page there is one I think you’d like”. Julie dropped the subject since she saw Luke didn’t like talking about but she was still very interested.
Band practice couldn’t have gone worse Luke wasn’t focused after Julie mentioned the song. Y/N has been stuck in his head causing him to mess up. “Let’s take a break yea I’ll be back in an hour” Julie got up from her keyboard and walked out. “I’m out, gonna go hang with Willie” Alex disappeared. “Ima go see what Ray is up to” Reggie said and disappeared as well. Leaving Luke to entertain himself.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you. Where you married? Did you have kids? Did you move away? What happened after you found out he died? How did you cope with it?
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Standing in front of the mirror making sure your outfit looked good you heard the house phone go off. You rushed downstairs and picked up the phone.
“Y/L/N Residence” you heard someone sniffle on the other side. “Y/N their gone” “Who’s gone?” you questioned. “Bobby talk to me! Who’s gone?” Panic started sinking in. “The boys they got food poisoning they’re dead Y/N” the phone fell from your hand and you dropped to your knees. You truly felt like you were dying. Tears where coming out of your eyes. The boys you have grown up with the love of your life was just taken away from you in a matter of hours. You were meant to see them preform tonight they weren’t supposed to go. Not yet. They were too young they had so much to live for.
It’s been two weeks you were invited to their funerals but you haven’t been able to leave your room yet. All you’ve done is cried until you fall asleep and repeat the same cycle everyday. Apart of you is missing and you don’t know if you’ll get through this. You’ve thrown everything that reminds you of them specially Luke in a box and told your mom to throw it away. (She didn’t throw it away) His shirts, guitar picks, hoodies, pictures, everything. You can’t bear it. It hurts a lot. Everything hurts. Your not gonna go to the funerals you can’t just stand there and get condolences from people who never really cared. You can’t pretend your ok.
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“Julie you sure this is a good idea?” Luke questioned. They were on your doorstep. Julie had this great plan to give you a letter that she made Luke write for you. If you seemed stable enough she would tell you about her and the band. For now it was just the letter. The closure that you needed that you didn’t get back in 1995. Julie found you through your Instagram account apparently you became a photographer. One of her classmates is your son so he gave Julie the address. “I’m positive....um.. if it’s too much Luke you could go and I’ll tell you how it went.” Luke shook his head “no I’m good” Julie nodded. She reached forward and ringed the doorbell.
You answered the door and Luke’s breath hitched as soon as he saw you. He wanted to step forward and hug you and apologize for what he might have put you through but he can’t. You look almost the same just as beautiful but time has aged you. You and Julie started talking. She explained how she had found this song and a letter written at the bottom of the song page addressed to you. So she decided to bring it over. As you read the song you kept it together no tears. Luke is someone you thought about each day since the moment he passed.
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It’s been 8 years since Luke passed away you are now 25 and have been traveling the world. Staying in Loz Feliz only made you sad you started your photograph career and have been traveling here and there. You haven’t meet anyone nearly as good as Luke so your still single. You don’t know if it’s guilt or if your the only one holding yourself back from dating again but you always put it off and say that you don’t have time for that. Will you ever go back to California? You don’t know.
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After reading the letter you thanked Julie and she walked away you closed the door and slid down against it finally letting go of the tears you’ve been holding back. Things possibly couldn’t get worse, you thought you’d move on find someone who was just as great as Luke but you didn’t, you married someone you didn’t love and ended up getting a divorce. Having a kid and moving back with your mom in Loz Feliz. You weren’t happy. This letter didn’t make matters better your even sadder now it was like a flash from the past. Knowing that you could have had a future with Luke made your heart ache. He was your person, no one else.
On the other side of the door Luke stood there completely shocked that you didn’t react at all to his letter. Did you move on? Did you even care about him anymore? Was he only now a distant memory? What he didn’t know was that you were crying on the other side.
He disappeared back into the studio thinking about you. Maybe in a different life.
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Sorry this request took so long I have been extremely busy because I had to get surgery but I finished it now. Hope you like it :)
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Soft morning sex with skz
This would be the softest moment you've ever experienced.
The curtains slightly open the sunlight would sneak in from the hotel window. Laying under you with his fingers digging gently into your waist, he'd let you pick the pace.
Eyes never leaving you, he'd break out into a gentle smile every time your breath hitches a little. His arms sneaking up your sides oh so softly, his curly morning hair gently swaying as you rock into him all adding to the morning bliss.
The cold air finally reaching you after the loss of blankets would earn a shiver from you causing him to pull you down onto him and lay you flush against his chest. Your rock hard nipples rubbing against his own chest would cause you to moan as he tenses up at the sensation. When you nuzzle your face against his neck, he'd start lifting his hips into yours slowly as you let out gentle moans. Sneaking one arm to your chest, he'd start to rub your nipple, same time turning his face to kiss your cheek. Bringing his other hand up to cradle the back of your head, he'd move the other back down to hold your waist in place as he fucks into you.
You move your face up to look him in the eyes. Chan returns the gesture with more intensity than you would've liked causing you to clench around him uncontrollably with a shiver.
Moaning at your reactions, Chan finally breaks the silence.
'Mhmmm. Me too'
Now this man would've woken you up because of his little morning wood.
Which makes the next sequence of events frustrating.
Turning you over to face him he'd throw your leg over his waist. Peppering kisses all over your face slowly working his way up to mark your neck up. He increases the pressure as he grows impatient trying to get you to wake up.
Now full on grinding on you, groping your ass and harshly sucking the sweet spot on your neck you'd wake up with a moan.
Throwing your underwear off, he'd test the waters before pushing into you slowly. You wouldn't get time to adjust to the pace because of your still hazy mind. Trying your best to contribute, you'd bring your fingers up to his face and start stroking his cheek.
But the sudden change in atmosphere would turn him soft and make him slow down into a more appropriate pace for you. Leaning into your touches he'd move closer to you brushing his nose with yours, smiling. But with the soft touches and soft mood, he'd start falling asleep much to your annoyance. Slowly slowing his thrusts till eventually stopping he'd start snoring in your face, breath hitting your lips.
Sleep still on your mind, you'd let yourself drift off too.
But soon enough you'd be moaning again when you feel him rub your bud. Opening your eyes you'd see him smirk before giggling out
'Did you just fall asleep on me?'
He wouldn't for the love of God even acknowledge you when you argue that he fell asleep first.
'What do you mean? You fell asleep first.'
Increasing the pressure on your clit, he'd start moving again making you give up on the argument.
Watching your bare back with hooded eyes, he'd forget to breathe for a few seconds. Running his fingers all over your back gently making sure to touch each and every inch of your body he'd press kisses to whatever he could reach from his position. He moves his hands over your shoulders as you move up and down in front of him only to then run them down your arms, pulling them back gently for him to hold on to.
He'd try his best to last long even if every fibre in his body was screaming for an early release. You being in control wouldn't help his case though, so he'd slowly shift your positions and end up with him on top of you. Pushing you down into the bed he'd push into you from behind. Lifting your hips off the bed to get a better angle, he'd put himself flush against your back while slowly picking up the pace. He wouldn't try to stop you when you push your face into the mattress in the mornings. If he heard your moans when he has so little control he would get that early release he didn't want.
Once he tried spanking you to try and establish some power for himself but when you let out a muffled scream while clenching around him, he shot right into you.
He froze up and immediately got to work on your clit to make you climax before he was milked.
His arms would be wrapped around your body as you slowly bounce on him. His lips would be touching yours the whole time. Even if you weren't kissing.
Chances are his mouth would be slightly parted thanks to his inability to try and look sexy for you. But God damn, seeing him lost in a daze would be hotter than anything you've ever seen.
Wouldn't be able to control his moans either. He's plenty vocal during sex anyway but this would be so much softer and more frequent. He'd add a few to rile you up when he's fully awake but now he'd just be lazily letting out whimpers and cries not bothering to focus on them. Would feel everything too. If your fingers change positions, if your hair brushes against him, if the way you ride him changes even by a miniscule variant of pressure. Everything would push him closer.
And when he does climax, he'd all but cry at the feeling. First time you'd get scared and think that he was crying but then you'd see him shake, feeling him grow weaker as his face twists in pleasure.
99% of the time he'd climax feeling you climax. But if he came first then he'd bring his thumb to your clit and press till you came. Wouldn't have the strength to do anything else though but thankfully you'd be too riled up to need more than the pressure from his thumb.
Morning sex with Jisung would start off soft but develop into pure dirty love making when either of you start feeling your eyes get a little heavy.
But something as simple as getting out of each other's embrace would do the trick as the only parts of you touching would be your needy sexes causing the desperation to poke it's lusty head out.
Sitting up, he'd grab your waist while keeping his eyes focused to the spot where he meets your sex. The sight of him disappearing into you would be all he needs to flood his mind with lust throwing any signs of sleep out the window. Mouth hanging open as his thrusts gets rougher, he'd hook his arms under your thighs and lift your waist up to meet his thrusts. There's just something so dirty about being fucked by him out of pure lust so early in the morning.
Breasts bouncing and moans leaving your mouth with every thrust, your high would hit you out of nowhere. Back arching off the bed, eyes squeezing shut you'd thrust an arm out to grab onto Jisung's grip on your thighs only to fall short and grab the bedsheet instead. And you clenching around him would send Jisung over the edge. Groaning out loud as he shoots into you, he'd finally throw his head back and squeeze his eyes shut.
With the very last drop of energy in him leaving, he'd go right back to soft boy mode and drop right on top of you not even bothering to pull out.
The lack of contact while fucking wouldn't be entertained now though. He'd want every part of your body touching him. If you wouldn't do it yourself, he'd bring your palm up to his face and place it on his cheeks.
Also wants kisses. Lots and lots of them. You'd have to push his face back into your neck to stop as he'd probably keep going for hours if you don't.
He'd also be breathing into either your neck or your chest depending on the position. Would probably whine if you unhook your legs from his waist so you'd mostly fall asleep again in a tangled mess.
This would be so so so soft. Cheeks pressed together occasionally pressing kisses to your face, his palm on your other cheek all the while sensually entering you. His thumb would be constantly tracing your cheekbone and his mouth would press against your cheeks breath hitting it as his thrusts get more desperate. Would move his hand to your throat to have a better hold on you accidentally putting you in a choke grab though he didn't mean for it like that. His fingers would only tighten when he hears you moan as a result.
By now he's lost in the moment but if you were to whisper an 'I love you' to him, he'd come right back to earth snapping his eyes open moving to kiss you full on the lips as he lets his fingers trace your sides.
Aftercare would be amazing too. He'd even run out to get you snacks from the store if you asked him to no questions asked. All he wants is for you to be smiling.
Probably falls asleep on your chest. And would smile so wide if you were to hum some tune in satisfaction after you guys are done.
Holding you from the back slowly moving in and out, he would hum out soothingly while making small convo so as to keep a clear mind.
Peppering kisses to your shoulder, he'd move up your neck moving your hair out of the way gently brushing his fingers against your neck.
Nuzzling into your neck he'd be quiet for a few seconds as he feels your back pressed flush against his chest. Letting his eyes fall lower, he'd look at the way your breasts gently bounce with his thrusts. Unable to control his growing climax, he would bite down on your shoulder to earn a gasp from you. When he stops talking you'd know he's close so you'd bring your fingers down to stimulate yourself only for him to deepen his thrusts while watching you for a few seconds before replacing your fingers with his own.
And when you finally came, he would too with a long drawn out sigh. The delayed climax might even cause him to hiccup or choke thanks to the stress he put on himself. He'd blush and brush it off when you start scolding him for it though. Hugging you closer and putting a hand over your mouth he'd just start going
'AaaaaaaaaaAAaaaAaaaaaaaAaaaa' to drown out your ranting.
Not writing for the B-a-b-i-e
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im-unknownn · 2 years
A nice story about the reader getting into a fight, but didnt mean to hurt the girl. <3
(Please dont fight anyone...unless you want to)
"Hi George" Y/n said as she entered the his room. She was a Ravenclaw, but she knew the password to the Gryffindor tower.
"Hi y/n!" George said. "How was your day?"
You looked away knowing that you had gotten yourself in trouble by fighting a girl who had been bothering you
"Oh yea....I heard...about the...the fight" George said. Y/n began to cry, she didnt mean to hurt anyone.
"I didnt mean to" y/n said between sobs and tears.
"I know you didnt, come here, we can cuddle." He said with a smile.
You both fell asleep in each others arms, warm and loving.
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wolfling06 · 3 years
Bigger they are, the Harder they Fall (sequel)
“Hope you two are ready, cuz you’re gonna be stuck here for a long time.”
That’s all the 2 heard from the bomb man above, looking into his orange eyes glistening with playful revenge and mischief, though still slightly tired out from before. they trembled in anticipation, their giggles bubbling out on occasion, but they didn’t feel to be in danger, this was Whitty they were with after all. That still didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep his previous promise.
Without warning his arms wrapped around the two, pulling them into a big bear hug. with his arms their length, as compared to the small kids in his grasp, he was able to wrap his arms around each child and still be able to tickle their sides individually, that, and have an opening to their necks for raspberries. 
he started with Skid, his startled laughter sounded the squeakiest and highest of the two, and he seemed too distracted with trying, and failing, to push Whitty’s body away from his own. he blew a raspberry into the crook of his neck before he could register even breaking eye contact.
“eeeek!! nahohohoho, nohoho neheheck!!” He squealed out, wriggling like a little worm in the man’s grasp. he only chuckled some, amused by the mixed euphoric reactions. meanwhile, where Skid was struggling, for the most part, Pump became like a ragdoll in his arms, as if already succumbing to the tickles. that didn’t stop him from jumping suddenly and squealing out when Whitty’s hand found a sweet spot at his hip.
“Nahahahahaha! Whi-Whiihihihity, wahahait!!” This was when Whitty played a card he had seen Pico play on these two before.
“Whitty? there is no Whitty! you’re dealin’ with the Tickle Monster now!” he exclaimed.
“Nohohohoho!!” both cried gleefully in unison, the tease coaxing more laughter from the spooky duo. their similar reactions got a bit of a laugh of his own from Whit- I mean, the Tickle Monster.
“Yes!” He mocked teasingly, “and the Tickle Monster is very hungry for some little kids’ ribs right now, lets fix that, shall we?”
without a moment to spare, he readjusted the two with surprisingly graceful and smooth movements. the two were now pinned beneath him and pressed side by side, with one of each hand pinned to the couch above their heads while the other was free to move around, that that it would help them given that he would be attacking the opposite side of their free arms. Pump’s left and Skid’s right. 
He gave Skid a break from the raspberries and went to Pump’s side, nibbling into his ribs and making obnoxious nomming and growling noises, allowing Skid to catch his breath and watch the show, fully aware that he was next. “EEEEK! NAHOHOHO!!!! DOHOHOHONT EHEAT MEHEE!!” He squealed out, startling himself with a sudden snort at the end of that sentence.
“Hm, wasn’t aware I’d be eating pork today,” Whitty continued to tease,”and such a squealy one at that.” He went on to give a few more raspberries after pulling up the kids shirt to the soft, pale flesh beneath  and making a good target of his belly. afterwards, he gave the poor lad a break and moved on to Skid, showing even less mercy than before.
“NAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! w-wait!! WAHAHAIT!!” the small, squeaky child cried. but his halfhearted pleas fell on deaf ears. 
however, Pump managed to find a different way out, one hand was free, and Whitty was too busy with Skid to notice anything he did, so what if he just-
“PBPBFT- HMF! HEHEY!” Whitty cried suddenly, pulling away entirely and hugging himself upon feeling a tiny hand scitter along his side, he felt someone jerk out from under him, leaving only Skid who was still catching his breath. Pump got up and ran off the couch as fast as he could, aware that Whitty would chase after him and give Skid some time, making it harder for the former to get a firm grasp on both of them. 
“Hey! get back here!” he called, chucking slightly at the over childishness of this game. he got up and ran after him, not taking long to catch up, he returned from the hallway with a giggling and panicked Pump lugged over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then tossed carefully onto the couch with a sound “Oomf!”
He we straight for Pump instead of evening it out, Skid was worn out enough there’s no way he’d be able to help. He straddled Pump’s legs and proceeded to torment the poor boy’s hips, having previously kept a mental note on his reaction to a single hand before. he still couldn’t help but feel surprised at the near screaming it produced at first.
“NAHHAHAHAHAHA!!! WH-WHIHITTY, NOHOHOHOHO!!” he cried, grabbing Whitty’s wrists and throwing his head back into the couch in sheer mirth, his legs kicking out only slightly behind the two of them, though not much given they were almost completely, albeit, unintentionally, underneath Whitty’s long ass legs. 
Skid panted slightly, hearing the squealing euphoric state his best friend was in and knew he had to help. slowly, he krept closer and closer until he was standing upright on the couch nearly beside the bomb head. 
“lehet him go!” he shouted, laughing some as he jumped some and attempted to pull Whitty away from Pump, only succeeding in the much taller being to turn around and grab Skid, giving him the same merciless treatment as he did Pump. the two of them were both laughing messes now. 
“NOHOHO MOHORE MOHONSTER!! NOHO MORE MOHOHONSTEHER!!!” SKid cried, though there was no real desperation in his voice. Whitty had almost forgotten he was still the Tickle monster. “Yes, more Tickle Monster! He’s here to tickle you all day!” as he said that he released one hand from Skid and latched onto Pump’s side with it. his own laughter, however, was drowned out by the louder, shriller laughter coming from Skid. However, the two eventually began to reach their limit and began to cry mercy.
“Mehercy! MEHERCY!!” Pump cried, sounding rather breathless. 
Whitty then knew to take pitty on the kids and slowed to a stop, backing off and allowing them to catch their breath, lying there on the couch as giggly, panting puddles. he got up and grabbed the spooky duo 2 glasses of water, allowing for them to drink and help their potentially hoarse throats and voices. he sat on the other end of the couch, thinking they probably didn’t want any physical contact until the ghostly after tickles had completely left their body. so he was surprised when the two came up and began to cuddle with him. but it wasn’t unpleasant. as they began to clam down, Mario Kart long forgotten, the three sat there in a peaceful silence, enjoying one another’s presence. 
a few hours later
“Hey Whitty, I’m back! sorry i left for so long I-” Carol stopped in her tracks upon entering their shared home after a friendly game of golf with Gf to see Whitty asleep with Skid and Pump cuddling up against his chest, his head tilted back and he was snoring a little. Carol looked at the long since lost and ended game though it was still running, she went over and turned it off before taking out her phone and carefully snapping a photo of the peaceful three. they all looked so tuckered out, she would ask about what happened later. all she knew now was that this was an extremely adorable scene that she dare not disturb. slowly, she crept out of the room so as to let the three sleep, only to grab a blanket of her own and join them, the four all now snoozing off peacefully together after a long day of video games and tickle fights.
what a satisfying end to one’s day, right?
Note: yea i know i sorta rushed the end there, i wanted it to have a satisfying and fluffy ending but feel I might have rushed it but eh, it was taking me for fucking ever to finish it so i hope it was worth the wait, peace out!
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yourmidnightlover · 4 years
niagara falls
TW: past thoughts of suicide, drinking, car accident (not involving reader), pining (lmk if i missed anything plz)
Summary - spencer explodes on reader after coming to a realization, and reader decides to take a much needed vacation - away from him.
WC - 5,305
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"i don't understand why you're like this!" spencer shouted as he slung his satchel off his shoulder and onto the couch. "why do you even care?!"
"why do i care?!" you scoffed. "you seriously aren't asking me that, spencer," you rolled your eyes in disbelief. "because i care about you. that's why i care. i'm so sorry my caring about you is an inconvenience," you sarcastically apologized, throwing your hands up in frustration as he sat down on the couch with his head laying in his hands.
"you're just so overbearing sometimes, y/n. i can't handle it right now!" he yelled, finally pulling his head up to meet your gaze only to find your eyes welling up with tears. "are you seriously crying right now?" he chuckled as he rolled his eyes once again.
"spencer please... just tell me why you're so upset right now. i want to help you," you pleaded, trying to calm yourself down as you sat on his couch beside him, placing a hand gently on his knee.
"well maybe i don't want your help! i never asked you to help me!" he slung your hand off his knee as he rose to his feet once again.
"why won't you let me help you? i'm your friend, spence. i want to help you... please," you admitted as a year slipped down your cheek.
"i don't want your help! i don't want you here! i don't want to be near you! i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him just finish the fucking job!" he yelled, running a hand through his hair as he turned away from you. "i mean it seemed like you wanted to die anyways because of your carelessness. your stupidity! so why don't you do just that?" he walked into his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.
you stayed silent, unaware of what to do with what he just admitted. your best friend just said he wished you had died. he wished you had been killed.
you didn't know what to do, but you knew you didn't want to stay with him for one more second. you were done trying to help him through whatever was going on.
so you got up and left. you walked out of his door and slowly made your way to the car, still trying to process what just happened.
spencer looked up when he heard his door softly shut. he grabbed his water and walked into the living room, only to find you not there anymore.
then he finally processed what he had said, himself. he said he wished you had died. he told you he wanted you dead.
he went to his room, not bothering with anything else at that point, and laid down on his bed. spencer felt guilty about what he had said, but he was sure you wouldn't want to see him.
but you would've done anything to see him. you waited inside your car, outside of his building for nearly half an hour just hoping he'd come down.
you wanted him to apologize, or to say he didn't mean it, anything that would suggest he didn't mean what he had said.
but he didn't come down.
you even saw as his lights turned off in his apartment, signaling his sleep, before you decided to drive off.
which leads to you now.
you were at a bar after calling penelope and emily, jj wasn't able to make it because of will and the kids. you were still in your work clothes, but managed to clean up the makeup that had began to streak down your face.
when the two girls got there, you had already been through a couple drinks within the past twenty minutes waiting for them, in spite of your knowledge of you being a lightweight.
"y/n!" you heard penelope greet you accompanied by the tell tale sound of her heels clicking against the floor. "my pumpkin pie what happened?!" she said as she approached you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder as she took a seat beside you.
"are you alright, y/n?" emily asked as she approached the chair on the opposite side of you.
"i'm... yup," you giggled as you turned to face emily. "is that unsub still in custody? maybe he still wants to have his go with me," you asked before busting out in laughter.
"what? y/n why...?" emily questioned, looking past you and making eye contact with penelope, silently asking if she understood what you meant. "why would you say that?" she asked softly, taking her coat off in preparation for the rest of the night.
"welllll, pretty lady, apparently spencer should've just let him finish the job when he took me," you giggled, leaning in closer to emily. "at this point i think spencer might want to finish the job himself!" you whisper shouted, penelope still able to hear your comment as you busted out in laughter once again.
"what'd boy wonder say?" penelope asked, scooting her chair closer to yours and emily's in hopes of hearing you better.
"he said 'i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him finish the fucking job!'" you said with a smile on your face, the giggles still popping out of your mouth every so often.
penny and emily shared a knowing look as they glanced at each other. emily raised her eyebrows in suspicion as penelope rubbed her lips together with furrowed brows.
"i think you guys forget," you hiccuped, "i'm a profiler, silly gooses. i knoowww that look you guys are giving each other," you slammed your hands down on the table. "he meant what he said. he wants me dead," you frowned, the giggling finally ceasing as you took in the harshness of the situation. "maybe i should be, you guys."
"no! no, no, no," penny insisted, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn you towards her. she took note of the tears in your eyes once again. "he doesn't want you dead, y/n. he lost it when he found out the unsub took you."
"garcia's right. he could barely think straight for longer than 15 seconds when you disappeared," emily confirmed. "he cares about you, don't forget that."
"you should've seen him tonight, em," you turned to face emily, taking another sip of your drink before penny took it from you despite your protests. "he told me he didn't want to be near me and that he didn't want my help," you sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes before they fell. "i just wanted him to be okay..."
"i know you did sweetie," penny consoled as she rubbed a hand on your back.
you leaned forward and rested your head on emily's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around you. penny continued to rub your back as sobs racked through your body. eventually, your sobs slowed and you were able to sit back up and wipe your tears.
he knew about your struggle with depression in the past. he knew that there was a point in your life when you didn't even want your life. he had to know the weight of his words as he said them.
and that hurt worse than the fact that he said them.
the fact that he knew how much they'd hurt you.
"i think i just need a break from him for a while," you sniffled as you used a napkin to wipe your tear stained cheeks.
you and spencer had spent practically every free night you had together. whether you went to his place or him yours, you spent whatever free time you had together.
you would watch those foreign films together, where he would whisper the translations in your ear. he would try to teach you to be better at chess. you would attempt to teach him to be a better cook. each of you loved spending time together.
so spencer saying that to you, knowing your backstory and your history, hurt more than you'd care to admit.
"are you sure?" emily asked concerned.
"he meant it, em. it was like he hated me. i don't... i don't want to see him again. at least not for a while," you frowned at the admission, picking at your nails in your lap.
"maybe that's for the best. a little break?" penelope agreed. "you still have a lot of vacation time, y'know," she suggested, nudging your shoulder slightly.
"yea. i think i might take a vacation for a month or two. visit my family, see some sights," you shrugged.
you and spencer had been looking through catalogues together at different sights you'd like to see together. those were the only places you'd thought about seeing, so you'd probably just visit them alone, try to make your own memories without him tainting them.
"that sounds fun, y/n. it's a good idea," she gently scratched your back.
"just uhm... don't tell spencer, please," you asked as you placed a twenty on the counter of the bar.
"whatever you want, sugar," penelope agreed, helping you stand to your feet. "we carpooled here, so i'll just drive you home, okay?" penelope suggested as you nodded in agreement.
"you can stay the night. you don't need to be out this late, pen," you practically demanded.
"yes ma'am," penny laughed at your care for others, even when you felt horrible.
you've always been the person that's there for everyone, even spencer.
when they each went through their own trouble or needed help you were there for them.
especially spencer.
and now after you had your own traumatic experience where you thought you would die yourself, spencer wasn't there for you. instead, he added to the hurt and pain.
penelope drove you home, you fell asleep on the way. she slept in your guest bedroom and helped you when you had to throw up in the middle of the night.
you had never been more grateful to not have worn the next day. you called hotch to let him know of your plans of vacation for a couple months, which he allowed.
he thought it was an excellent decision for you to take a vacation. you'd always worked hard on everything you did. paperwork or a case, you did your best. so he knew this break would really help you to relax.
so, you planned everything out. you got a plane ticket to see your family, and you would drive everywhere from there on out with a rental car.
you would see the statue of liberty, the empire state building, acadia national park, walters art gallery, the national aquarium, and so many other places you and spencer had looked through together.
part of you felt guilty for doing this without him, but you figured since he wanted you dead he could just go see the places by himself. he'd probably enjoy them even more without you, anyway.
you had decided to turn your phone off, not wanting to be bothered by the nuisance of social media, but you left your work phone on in case of an emergency. you had gotten a video camera in hopes of recording your journey.
you sent postcards at every location you went to. you even sent them pictures of you and your family together, smiles in every single one of them.
your mom and step dad were overjoyed to see you. they could tell there was something that pushed you for this vacation other than just needing a break from work, but they didn't push since they were just excited to see you.
you videoed them upon your arrival, them hugging you tightly and your dogs jumping on you.
the sights were absolutely stunning. you couldn't believe how amazing the views were. they were more incredible than you could imagine.
part of you couldn't stop thinking about spencer and how much you missed him. you had wanted to see these places together, but you figured he never wanted to see you again.
so at each spot, you made a separate video dedicated to spencer. you told him how part of you wished he was there to tell you his facts he had about the places. you told him how you wished he actually wanted to be there with you, but understood that he needed his own space.
as happy as you seemed in those pictures and at those sights, when you got back to your hotels you would break down.
you didn't understand how spencer could be so cruel to you after you trying to be the best friend you could be.
now you had one more week of vacation and you only had one more sight to see, the one you were the most excited about.
the day spencer blew up on you, he couldn't get over how rude his words had been. he decided to leave you be the next few days, letting you both cool off from the blowup that had ensued.
the day he had gone back to work, he got you your favorite muffin, coffee, and flowers. he placed them on your desk waited for you to walk through the doors so he could beg for your forgiveness.
but you didn't show up.
he went into hotch's office in hopes of finding answers, only to be told that you had requested time off.
he was riddled with guilt from the new information. you had practically fled because of his words.
he didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day. he just finished his paperwork quickly and went home.
when he saw the postcards you had sent emily, jj, derek, penelope, rossi, and hotch, he felt part of his heart break.
all of the places you went were the places he wanted to take you.
he wanted to tell you the fun facts about those places that he researched just to see your smile. he wanted to hold your hand as you looked out on new york as you stood in the empire state building. he wanted those experiences with you.
and there you were experiencing them without him. enjoying them like you had never discussed them with him yourself.
and you never even sent him a postcard.
during all of this, spencer had received the cold shoulder from practically everyone. they had stopped asking him out after cases, and didn't talk to him unless it had to do with the cases they were on.
"morgan! can you at least tell me why everyone's treating me like this?" spencer begged him to reveal the truth for what felt like the millionth time.
"reid. you're telling me you seriously don't know why everyone's mad at you?" he scoffed. "you're a profiler. figure it out," he demanded as he turned to walk back to his desk, unaware that the shaggy haired man had followed him.
"i've tried. please, just tell me," he asked, his eyes welling with tears.
"because of what you told her, reid," morgan sighed, finally looking at the man standing beside him. "you told her you wanted her dead. we all know her past struggles, and you still told her you wished she was dead. that was so beyond low, reid," morgan informed the man.
spencer stood there, taking in the information.
he didn't realize that nobody knew why he had said that. nobody knew why he pushed you away.
"sh-she really believes that?" spencer asked, watching morgan nod. "i don't want her dead. i need her. i've always needed her. i'll always need her," he shook his head in frustration, running his hand through his hair. "i-i said that because i realized how much i needed her. i realized how much i love her and it terrified me. i was just scared of those feelings, morgan. sh-she can't go. i can't lose her, derek," spencer cried, tears streaming down his face as he admitted his feelings for the first time out loud.
"well you sure have a funny way of showing it, reid," morgan rolled his eyes before sighing in compliance. "if you really love her, show her that. she's traveling alone right now, thinking you hate her and thinking that you don't want her in the world right now," morgan shook his head as he stood up to hand some files in to hotch.
"i know. b-but what should i do?" the boy genius wondered.
"go to her, dumbass. let her know how you feel and how much of a dumbass you are," morgan said as he walked off to hand his files in.
spencer ran to penelope's lair in hopes to track where you were.
"garcia!" spencer said upon entrance.
"reid. what do you want?" she asked in a monotoned voice.
"garcia, please just listen to me. you have to hear my side of the story, please," he begged. she turned around in her chair to face spencer, raising her eyebrows to entice him to finish the story. "i love her," he ripped the band-aid off. "i'm in love with her, and i only realized it when i thought i might lose her forever. and that feeling... it-it terrified me. so, i pushed her away. i couldn't... i couldn't go on knowing that she didn't feel the same, so i ruined our friendship."
"spencer..." penelope sighed, bringing her hand up to her forehead in an attempt to not explode on the man in front of her. "she was absolutely devastated. she went to the bar that night and... she drank. you know that she never drinks, spencer. not since her dad was in that car accident. she was distraught because you knew her past. you knew and you still yelled that at her..." penelope looked at the tears in his eyes, realizing how much he truly felt for you. "but i guess i can help you. although i promised her i wouldn't tell you anything!" she chastised. spencer ran over and hugged her tightly.
"oh thank you so much, garcia! thank you!!" he exclaimed excitedly. "i'm gonna go tell hotch i need a week off to visit her!" he said before running out of garcia's office.
penelope had gotten the information he needed from tracking your work phone, and gave it to him. spencer was approved to leave abruptly by hotch, him being understanding of the direct of the situation.
truth be told, hotch had a suspicion reid was the reason you left. he had noticed the tension between the two of you after they got you back from the unsub, and just came to a conclusion after you asked for time off.
so of course he let spencer have time off. he hoped he would try to fix things between the two of you. hotch was a bit worried you might leave the into if things weren't resolved, so whatever would keep you with them would work.
spencer figured you'd choose to go to the place you were most excited about last. you always wanted that kind of flare, the buildup to the most beautiful sight you'd see. when penelope told him where you were after tracking your phone, he wasn't surprised in the slightest.
he ordered the first ticket to upstate new york, and reserved a room at the hotel he found you had been staying at after garcia tracked your credit card purchases.
"morgan, i just finished packing," spencer said while on the phone with his friend, putting his suitcase into the back of a cab so he could get to the airport.
"good. don't forget to have flare, reid. women love that stuff," morgan chuckled.
"not y/n, morgan. she wouldn't want that attention," spencer practically scoffed at him while shutting the trunk, now stepping into the back of the cab.
"right, right. my bad," he raised his hands in defense in spite of spencer not being able to see him.
"aright, i've got to go now," spencer announced.
"let me know how it goes, alright?" morgan requested, still feeling a little eager at the entire situation going down.
"of course," spencer accepted. "bye."
spencer sighed as he gave the cab driver the address of the airport. he wasn't sure about him confessing his feelings for you, but that's the only way to show you how sorry he was, and how he didn't mean a word he had said to you.
he hated the past three weeks without you. without your gentle touch, melodious laughter piercing his ears at one of his crummy jokes. without the sight of your beautiful smile, or the way your voice sounded while mindlessly singing as you attempted to teach him how to cook.
he found himself watching videos he had of you and him together, scrolling through your pictures.
some were silly, goofy pictures you had taken of the two of you. some of the pictures were of you and him in formal wear at rossi's, him looking at you in your dress like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen... mostly because you are. some are of you asleep on his couch cuddled into his chest and gripping onto him in the midst of your dream, your smile signified that it was a good dream, at that.
he didn't know when he fell in love. all he knew was that he had fallen. hard. he didn't even care enough to figure out when the exact moment was, and he might as well have not tried.
he fell in love with you over time.
because over time you would reveal a little bit more of yourself to him that he found himself admiring. at first it was the way you secretly had a crush on james t. kirk. then it was that you snort when you truly laugh... something you were insecure about but he found even more adorable.
then it was about your dad.
it was about the car accident that ensued after a drunk driver slammed into him.
then he understood why you were so protective over the team when they went out together. you never drank, and always drove the girls and morgan home when they drank too much. you took the responsibility because you couldn't stand the thought of losing them like you had your own father years ago.
his death is what made you question everything, including your own existence. you didn't understand why he was gone, and left you behind.
on the anniversary of his death, you and spencer had gone to his grave to mourn him. he held you while you cried, and helped you eat the picnic you had brought with you.
so no, there wasn't a specific moment where he could pinpoint where he fell in love with you. this was merely because there's so much love he has for you that he's pretty sure he'll never stop falling in love.
once the plane landed in new york, he took a cab to the hotel you were both staying at and got everything ready. he remembered everything you were doing that day, and decided to surprise you at the one place he knew you were going to love the most.
niagara falls.
he got dressed in jeans and a white button up shirt. he put a brown sweater vest overtop the button up, and wore his black converse and satchel.
he had stopped by to get your favorite flowers. he got a mixture because he knows how you hate only being able to have one favorite - marigolds, daisies, asters, lilies, white tulips, and lilacs. you love the mixture of the colors together.
he planned to stop by your room and give you the flowers, begging for your forgiveness and admit his undying love for you. no problem.
then the time came.
his palms were sweaty, he could practically tell his voice would crack upon his admission to you. worst case scenario, you say you hate his guts and never want to see him, transfer out of the team, and he never sees you again. that's something he can't let happen.
best case scenario, you return his feelings and let him see this one last place with you as a truce. he gets to tell you the facts he learned just for this experience, and you live happily ever after.
he really hopes it's best case scenario.
meanwhile, you were looking through your suitcase. you had realized the last sweater you brought with you was spencer's, you just didn't realize it upon packing. you felt the tears pricking the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
you could throw the sweater away, and just wear one of your other shirts. or you could bask in his scent one last time before christening your life from him.
that decision had to wait, because there was a knock on your door.
you threw a robe over your shirtless body, and ran to open the door. your face fell upon seeing who was there. you were confused, shocked that you saw the man you thought hated your guts at your door, with flowers nonetheless.
"s-spencer?" you questioned, squinting your eyes as if he was someone else.
"h-hi, y/n," spencer swallowed. your eyes widened upon this revelation before you scoffed and swiftly slammed the door shut.
you ran to get the sweater on and over your head, but spencer had thought you were shutting him out. he thought you were turning him away before he even had a chance to express his feelings.
"please let me explain, y/n!" he exclaimed, banging on the door before you swiftly opened it again.
"yeesh, smartypants," you joked as you used to, a small smile playing on your lips. "i was just putting a shirt on," you said before moving out of the doorway, signaling him to come inside.
"i uhm... i got these for you," he handed you the flowers after you shut the door behind you.
"thank you," you pulled your lips into a tight lipped smile before sighing. "why are you here?" you bit your bottom lip softly, trying to refrain yourself from crying just at the sight of seeing him.
you sat down on the edge of the bed, patting beside you for him to sit down. you began twiddling your fingers in your lap, avoiding his gaze.
"i'm about to say something, and then i'll explain something," he said slowly, forgetting every single word he had practiced before coming into your room, seeing your face in person, viewing your smile, noticing you still wearing his sweater... giving him a glimmer of hope. "when you got caught by the unsub... i broke. i broke like i never have before, and i didn't know why," he sighed. "until i did," he reached his hand over to grab yours gently. "i'm in love with you."
your face shot up, finally looking him in the eyes, confusion displayed in yours.
"i've been falling in love with you for... who know how long. all i know is that i thought i had lost you, and crumpled without you. i can't do anything without you. i can't live without you. i need you," he said, tears filling his on eyes as you placed a hand on top of his.
"so w-why'd you tell me that..." you trailed off, your eyes gazing downward in fear.
"because," he used his free hand to grasp your chin softly, pulling it up to meet his eyes, "i was terrified," he moved his hand to cup your cheek. "i was scared about our friendship being ruined because i loved you, and because i was scared i pushed you away. i know that's no excuse, and nothing can excuse what i said to you. ever. but i'll spend every second of my life trying to make it up to you. please... just say you'll let me make it up to you," tears were now streaming steadily down his face.
"spencer," you took you hands out of his, leaving his hand on your knee, and wiped his face with both of them.
you leaned in slowly, looking him in the eyes to see if he understood what you were about to do. he met you somewhere in the middle, connecting your lips together in a frenzy of sentiment, longing, and passion. it was build up of every emotion the two of you have been harboring for as long as either of you could remember.
his hand on your face remained there, pulling you into him a little more. his other went slightly higher on your knee, now meeting your thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze as your hands moved to the back of his neck.
when you opened your mouth for his tongue to enter, it met yours tentatively, slowly exploring every crevice, you doing the same. neither of you fought for dominance, allowing there to be certain kind of harmony to the moment the both of you have been dreaming of for so long.
you slowly pulled back, being sure to look in his eyes to see nothing but admiration and endearment in them.
"i love you too, spencer," you grinned softly. "but that doesn't mean i can just forget what you said..." you said before he wrapped you in his arms.
"i absolutely understand, of course," he sniffled. his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling your body impossibly closer to his. "don't leave, please," he begged as you embraced him by his neck, pulling his face down into the crevice in your neck.
"never again," you complied, feeling his smile against the skin on your neck, a slight chuckle leaving your lips at the sentiment. your hands found their way to his hair, running them though the locks gently. "wait!" you said as you jolted off of the bed to stand up. "how did you know where i was?"
"well..." spencer stood up and made his way back to you. "garcia helped a bit, and i realized that out of all of the places we talked about visiting, you haven't been to your favorite one yet. and because you're you, you saved the best for last," he finished as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"penelope!!" you huffed, your arms locking behind his neck. "i swore her to secrecy an you broke her!" you exclaimed. "oh well, she lasted longer than i expected," you shrugged before leaning in to give spencer another kiss.
"yea, i had to confess my love for you to her first so she'd tell me," he whispered before leaning in with you slowly, you pulling back a bit at what he revealed.
"how many people know?" you questioned, playing with the hair on his neck and brows furrowed.
"well derek knows, garcia knows, i'm pretty sure hotch has a suspicion, so at this point most likely everyone on the team," he bent down to begin kissing your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
"oh?" you asked as he mumbled a 'mmhmm' against your skin.
you're breathing slowed down as he began to suck on the soft spot on your neck, a warm feeling rushing straight to your core  you tugged gently on his curls, a soft moan leaving the both of your lips.
"spencer..." you quietly called. "i have to be there in two and a half hours," you trailed off, your hand now running through the top of his hair, all the way down, feeling the softness of his locks between your fingers.
end of part 1 ;)
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy part 4/4 of my pieces for the last day of the anniversary collab for the @konoblog-simps. You can find all the lovely pieces for the day here! Today’s theme was seasons and my last piece helps you warm up in the winter with Bokuto. You can find all the days of the collab here!
Pairing: Kotaro Bokuto x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, fluff, language, dirty talk, dominant bokuto, a little self pleasure
Word Count: 1.3k
The wind outside whipped around the house, the walls sounding like they were shaking as you sat on the couch. You wrapped yourself farther into the blanket that was hanging from your shoulders and wished that the weather would get better already. It hadn’t been a winter this stormy in a long time. 
The sound of footsteps coming from behind you made your turn around, you hadn’t realized that you had stayed on the couch all night. It had to be pretty early at this point. The clock flashed on the television stand across from you and the time baffled you. Was it five in the morning already?
You watched as the figure of your other half came into view. Bokuto stretched his arms as he yawned, his t-shirt lifting just slightly over his sweatpants, your eyes almost instantly flashing to the happy trail that peeked out. As he noticed your eyes he chuckled slightly. “Well good morning to you, too.”
You shook your head and looked back up at him, locking eyes with his gentle ones. “Good morning.” You bit the inside of your lip as you gave him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry I fell asleep on the couch last night.”
He chuckled at you and sauntered over. “Don’t worry about it, my love. I fell asleep before you even finished your show last night.” He placed his hand under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. “I’ll let it slide this one time.”
You heard the faint sound of a phone ringing from the bedroom, Bokuto’s favorite song playing as you cleared your throat. “I think that’s yours.”
Confusion painted his face as he listened. It was so early, who could be calling him at this ungodly hour. “I wonder who it could be.” His figure left for the bedroom and you used the time alone to cool yourself off, the blanket around you now warming you up too much as he made your heart swoon. When he made his way back he sighed. “That was coach, they don’t want any of us venturing out into this mess today. Looks like I’ve got the day off. No practice.”
You wanted to jump for joy, it wasn’t often that you were able to have a full day with Bokuto, but you knew that he was upset about not having practice. Volleyball was this man's entire life. “At least that gives you a day to let your muscles relax and have some much needed R&R, Ko.”
He let himself fall onto the couch next to you and leaned into you, letting his strong arms envelop you as he did. “Yea, I guess you’re right. I should look at the bright side... I get to see your beautiful face all day.”
You could feel your cheeks growing warm at his words and you tried to keep yourself calm. That flustered feeling that you had felt earlier was now making its way back to you. “Ko... you don’t have to-”
Before you could stop him and finish your sentence his lips were on yours. You let them dance together as you relished in the moment. Every time he kissed you it was like the first time, that had never changed in all these years. There was something that Kotaro Bokuto did to you, something that you’d never be able to figure out. 
As he broke the kiss apart he grinned. “I didn’t want to listen to you put yourself down. You know I don’t stand for that, angel.”
You cupped his face in your hands and smiled back at him. How had you been so lucky to have a guy like him? You placed your hands on his chest and pushed him backward, moving your body over his legs to straddle his hips. “I have an idea, Ko.” His eyes widened as he felt your body on his own. “If you can’t go to practice, maybe you can still get a warmup here.”
The familiar chuckle that he always let slip came from him. “Someone’s awfully frisky at this time of the morning.”
You placed your lips to his chin and trailed down onto his neck. Your hands grasped the shirt he wore and tugged it over his head. Kisses now peppering his shoulders as you watched him begin to squirm underneath you. The urge to take control was present in him, although he was fighting it well. 
“You don’t even have to do anything, just let me handle it all.” You could feel the bulge in his sweatpants growing, pressing against you as he groaned. Bokuto’s head dropped onto the back of the couch, the urge to flip you onto your back growing almost too much.
Your hand ran down his chest, continuing to the waistband of his sweatpants. As you tugged at them he growled. “God, you’re such a tease.”
Bokuto lifted his hips as you tugged on his sweatpants. You easily got them down as his hands trailed to your hips. His large fingers dug into your sides as you grasped his erection that now stood before you. 
A few pumps was all you needed as he lifted your hips and watched as you pushed your shorts and panties to the side. Your fingers slowly rubbed at your folds as you watched him lick his lips. “Fuck, baby.” The hunger in his eyes grew more and more with each movement of your wrist, each roll of your eyes as pleasure began to course through you. 
When he couldn’t take it anymore he pulled at your hips, lowering you onto his length. As your walls were filled by his girth you let a whine out. His fingers dug more into your hips as he held you in place. His hips slowly moved as he thrust himself into you, bottoming out inside you. 
Bokuto had always been bad at letting you take control. As hard as you tried, he always wanted to be the one to make sure that you got everything that you deserved. Despite your attempts to take back control, it was futile. His arms lifted you, letting himself quicken his pace, his thrusts growing rougher and deeper as he fought back the urge to cry out your name. 
You could feel the coil in your abdomen starting to tighten more as his cock hit every spot perfectly. The pleasure that filled your body kept you from being quiet, it wasn’t usually this hard for you to keep yourself cool. Was it all the extra energy that Bokuto had today from not having practice?
“Shit,” You whined as you let your head fall onto his shoulder. “I’m-I’m so close, Ko.”
He egged you on as his pace quickened more, now relentless as he pounded in and out of you. “Let it all out, baby girl. Come for me. Suffocate me.” 
His words were nearly enough to have you falling apart. The coil in your abdomen snapped and his name left your lips. A grin spread across his face as he rut himself into you a couple more times, the clenching from your walls pushing him to his limit. He pressed his forehead to your own as he emptied himself out inside you. 
And you stayed there, his arms wrapping around you to pull you into his chest. A small chuckle left him as he joked around. “Maybe I should just start off my practices like this with you every morning. I’d say it’s enough of a warmup to get me ready for the day.” 
You laughed into him, the smell of his cologne that was always present despite him not even spraying it on today filling your nostrils. Home. Your safe place. Even when the weather outside was whipping, the roads treacherous, and the world around you cold as the snow fell, it was warm in your house. Warm in his arms as he tightened his hug, not wanting the moment to end.
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Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @ellechanwrites @barrysimpparker @impinthecloset @nikiniki743 @sssuckkii @gonuclear
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©2021 bakubabes-hatake’s content, please do not repost/modify without my permission
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hwangsies · 4 years
[3:21 am]
"wake up baby" seungmin kisses your cheek, he tries to hold himself back but can't help but to thrust up into you a little.
You voice is dripping with sleep when you open your eyes and manage to answer him.
"seungminnie" you groan, sparks of pleasure shooting up your spine.
"baby" he drops a kiss to your shoulder "we fell asleep like this"
With like this he means you laying on top of him with his length still sheathed inside of you from your late night activites.
Just that he wasn't that hard when you fell asleep.
"fuck you're still so wet" your boyfriend moans when you clench around him.
You prop yourself up on his chest and sit up so you can ride him.
One of his hands lifts to squeeze at your breast, the other one guides your hip to grind down on him harder.
"fuck" you moan when you grind your clit into his pubic bone.
"still so sensitive baby, riding me so fucking good" his voice sounds sugary sweet even when he's talking dirty.
"minnie" you mewl.
You can't really see him well because of how dark it is but you lean down to capture his lips with yours.
The kiss is more tongue than anything else but its just what you want.
"so fucking filthy- letting me fuck you with my cum still inside of you" he breathes against your cheek.
You cry out when he delivers a smack to your left ass cheek.
"gonna fuck even more cum into you" he wraps his arms around your waist so you lay flush to him again before pounding into you from below.
"hmm- please- seungmin" you whine into his neck.
"yea? want more of my cum baby?" his breathing gets heavier when you suck at his jugular.
"yes-yes fuck m'gonna cum" you moan.
Your boyfriends cock drags along your sweet spot and you feel your high approaching quickly.
"cum baby-cum with me" his hips stutter when he feels you clench down on him.
"fuck-baby" your voice cracks when you cum, your body trembling with the waves of your high.
A few seconds later seungmin looses himself inside of you as well.
Both of your bodies heaving to catch your breaths when he runs his hand down your spine and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
And before either of you can move, you get lulled to sleep by each others warmth again.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Five Times Angel Reyes Kissed You, and One Time You Kissed Him
Angel Reyes x Reader
Warnings: language, mention of death/funerals
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Okay I got this idea at like midnight last night and I’m SO GLAD that I didn’t lose it before being able to sit down and write it. I’m pretty hype about how this came up. We LOVE to see relationships evolve.
Angel Taglist:​ @queenbeered​ (If you want to be added just let me know!)
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You were fifteen, sitting on the front steps of your porch. You were sobbing into your hands, wondering how you could feel so much pain when you hadn’t even taken a beating. First heartbreaks were the worst, or at least that’s what people had told you. Some said it was bound to happen eventually, after all you were young, but that didn’t make the pain go away. You were a teary, sniffling mess. You heard footsteps approaching you and you didn’t even bother to look up to see who it was. You didn’t care.
You felt an arm wrap around you and you heard Angel’s voice, “What happened? I’ll kick his ass.”
You looked up and managed what you could of a smile. You knew him only because he was your best friend’s brother. He was a few years older than you, but he had never treated you like a child. He treated you the same way he treated EZ—like an adult only smaller.
“It’s so fucking stupid,” you wiped the tears off of your face, “He’s not even that cute, right?”
He chuckled, nodding in agreement, “That’s right. You can do way better, Y/N. Fuck that guy.”
You sighed and leaned against him, “Do boys get less stupid as they get older?”
He laughed, “I’ll keep you posted, but so far, no I don’t think so. Sorry,” he squeezed you tight to him, “You gonna be alright?”
You took a deep breath and nodded, “Yea. It just, you know, it kinda blows right now.”
He nodded, “I get it,” he quickly kissed the top of your head, you could feel the pressure through your hair, “You’ll get through it, Y/N. If you change your mind about me kicking his ass, let me know. I’ll fuck up a fifteen-year-old. I don’t care.”
You were eighteen, coming down the front steps of your house in your prom dress. You and EZ had decided to go together as friends (as much as both your parents and his tried to insist that maybe it was a little more than that). You both wanted to have a good time and the only way you could be certain of that was if you skipped the drama of trying to find “real dates”. There were worse people to spend the night dancing with, anyway.
Somehow Angel had gotten suckered into being your guys’ chauffer. You were fairly certain it was their parents’ doing—they liked knowing what Angel was up to. He moaned and groaned about it but had gone and got his pickup truck washed in preparation for the big night. He put on a clean dress shirt for the occasion as well, so you knew that despite his sarcastic remarks, he was pretty into the whole thing.
You twirled, loving the way your dress fanned out around you as you did. EZ was leaning against the side of his brother’s truck, chuckling at your theatrics. The two of you posed for pictures, and after each set of parents had burned through at least a few rolls of film each, it was time to get going. Angel held his hand out to help you up into his truck.
When you placed your hand in his, he lifted and kissed the back of it with a laugh, “I will be your driver this evening, Hermosa.”
You laughed and gave an exaggerated courtesy in your gown, “Ah, I can’t wait, Señor.”
He chuckled as he helped you step up into the vehicle, expertly managing not to step on your own dress. He even double-checked to make sure that he didn’t shut any of the fabric in the door.
He nodded to both sets of parents, “I’ll be sure to have them home before midnight.”
You were nineteen, and calling him from a college party. EZ was away at Stanford and you didn’t know who else you trusted enough to come and pick you up and also not rat you out to your parents. You weren’t supposed to be at a party—you had lied and said you were staying at a friend’s dorm for a movie night.
“Angelito,” you laughed into the phone, “I need a huge favor.”
His voice was still laden with exhaustion and sleep as he answered, “What the fuck kind of favor do you need at 2AM, Y/N?”
“I need you to come pick me up from a party.”
“You kidding me? Call an Uber.”
You laughed, “I also need a place to crash. I know you have a couch that you’re not using in your living room.”
He sighed but you could hear him shuffling around, getting ready to come get you, “You good enough to ride on the bike? Or do I need to go get Pop’s truck?”
“I can ride!” your response came a little quicker than maybe it should have, but you were dying to have an excuse to ride on the back of Angel’s bike.
“Alright. Text me the address. I’m on my way now.”
He got there quicker than you thought he would. You were outside the house, waiting patiently for him on the front steps. You smiled as you jumped up to go and hug him, stumbling on your first few steps. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he hesitated for a moment before finally caving and hugging you back.
“You owe me for this,” he grumbled.
He handed you his helmet and helped you get on the back of the bike. You wrapped your arms tightly around his waist, keeping yourself flush up against his back as he took off. You had never experienced anything quite like the feeling of racing down the empty streets like that in the middle of the night.
You walked into his apartment and looked around as he locked the door behind you, “I put a pillow and blankets on the couch for you. I can go grab you a shirt and stuff to sleep in if you wait a second.”
You plopped down on the couch as he walked to his room to get you a few choices of sleep clothes. But as soon as your head hit the pillow and you felt the warmth of the blankets beneath you, you almost immediately fell asleep.
You were hanging onto your consciousness by a thread when you heard him chuckle. He pulled the blanket up over you and kissed your forehead softly, “Sweet dreams, you pain in the ass.”
You were twenty-one, and standing in front of Angel and the rest of his family, or rather, what was left of it, at his mother’s wake. You had made your way down the line, offering your condolences like they were going to make things any better for the three men in front of you. Angel was the last in the short line, and you could see it on his face that he desperately wanted to be anywhere else. He couldn’t escape though, not really.
You stepped in and hugged him tightly, “I’m so sorry, Angel.”
You could feel the tension in his body as he tried his hardest to hold back his tears, “Thank you, Y/N.”
“Can I do anything? Get you anything?”
“Could you, uh,” he cleared his throat, “grab my water bottle? It’s in the back room I fuckin’ forgot it.”
You nodded, “Yea I got you.”
You tried to make your way through the crowd of people with as little disturbance as possible. You knew that everyone loved the Reyes family, and Marisol especially, but even you were shocked at the number of people who had showed up for the wake. You had the feeling it was going to go well past the allotted time.
You appeared back by Angel’s side, trying to slip him his water bottle without disturbing the conversation he was having. You lightly touched his hand and gestured to the bottle by his feet, “Anything else?”
He shook his head, “No, thank you, Y/N.”
You pulled him into another hug, unable to stop yourself. You had spent a lot of time with EZ during the week leading up to the wake, but Angel had locked himself away. This was the first time you had really seen him since you heard the news and you felt like you were trying to make up for lost time.
“Anything you need,” you whispered, “You come find me, alright? I got you.”
He kissed your cheek and nodded as he pulled away, “Thank you. I, just, thank you.”
You thumbed the tears off of his face, giving him a small smile to let him know that he was going to make it through this. It was going to be a long, painful process, but he was going to get through it.
You were twenty-one, and crying on the front steps to Angel’s apartment building. You couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that your best friend had just been sentenced to spend twenty years in prison. Everything was happening so quickly around you and you felt like you couldn’t keep up.
You heard the sound of Angel’s bike and looked up. He saw you sitting on the front steps and his expression immediately fell. He had a feeling that you were going to end up at his place—he knew that you didn’t want to go home and face your family and all of the questions that they would have.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffed, “I didn’t know where else to go.”
He nodded, “Yea, I know the feeling,” he held out his arms, “C’mere, Y/N.”
You stood up and walked over to him and let him envelop you. Over the years he had made fun of you a lot for being so short, but in that moment you had never been happier to be so small. You were essentially wrapped up in an Angel blanket and for a few moments the world didn’t feel like it was crumbling around you.
“Come on up, I got beer in the fridge,” he offered what he could of a smile as he gestured for you to follow him upstairs.
You sat on his couch, twisting your hands in your lap as he went and got each of you a beer from the kitchen. He collapsed down next to you and handed you a bottle. You managed a small smile and thanked him before taking a long drink from it. The two of you sat there in silence, leaning against each other as you tried to process everything that had happened.
“I don’t have anything to say to make any of this shit any better, you know,” he finally said with a heavy sigh.
You nodded, “I know. I just needed to not be alone. And I couldn’t go home. Not yet.”
“I get it. You wanna crash here tonight?”
“If that’s alright?”
He smiled, “Like I could ever kick you out.”
The two of you spent most of the night not speaking to each other, just sitting next to each other on the couch letting episode after episode of your favorite shows play. You were leaning your head against his shoulder and every now and then he would look over at you to see if you had started to fall asleep yet.
“Want a change of clothes to sleep in?” he offered.
You nodded, “That’d be great.”
He went and grabbed one of his sweatshirts and tossed it to you, “This shit’ll be a dress on you.”
You stood up and started walking towards the bathroom to get changed, thanking him as you went. You knew that he didn’t have to be doing all of this, but he was anyway. It felt nice and that wasn’t something you had felt for a while.
When you came back out of the bathroom he had blankets and pillows on the couch for you. He pulled you into another hug and placed a kiss on your temple as he held you, letting you cry it out a little more before going to sleep. You wished that you could sleep like that, just to feel safe and protected in the chaos that was surrounding you now. He ran his fingers through your hair and all you could think was that you didn’t know he was capable of being so soft.
“If you need anything just yell, alright?”
You nodded, “Thank you, Angel.”
He winked, “I gotchu.”
You were twenty-seven and standing on the deck of the Mayans clubhouse, smoking a cigarette. You blew out the smoke, letting it disappear in wisps around you into the night sky. There was music and laughter and conversation drifting out to your ears from the open clubhouse windows and you smiled to yourself as you kept your eyes on the stars.
You heard heavy footsteps followed by the infamous sound of Angel sucking his teeth, “Ay, you shouldn’t be smoking that. Smoking kills, Querida,” he chuckled as he snatched the cigarette from between your fingers, “Let me finish it for you. To protect you.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Yea, always looking out for me, huh?”
“Since the day EZ dragged your sorry ass over to our house when you were in like, fifth grade,” he laughed as he looped his arm around your shoulder.
“Thanks for the invite, by the way,” you nodded back to the clubhouse, “The guys seem pretty cool.”
He took a long drag from your cigarette and smiled at you, “I’m gonna have to bring you to every club party now, aren’t I?”
You laughed and playfully slapped his chest, “Only if you don’t want me to be sad.”
“Well,” he chuckled, “Can’t have that, can we?”
The two of you stood together in silence for a couple minutes. His arm was still wrapped around your shoulders and you leaned into his side, soaking up his scent and body heat. While he was glancing up at the sky you reached and snatched your cigarette back from him, laughing as you ran off to the opposite side of the deck to take a drag before he finished it off.
He laughed, walking over to you. He easily took it from your fingers and held his arm up so it was way out of your reach, “Whatcha gonna do now, Y/N? Grow an extra foot to get your smoke back?”
“If I take you out at the knee I won’t have to do anything like that,” you chuckled as you stood up on your tippy-toes to try and pull his arm back down.
He flicked the last of the cigarette over the railing of the deck, assuring that neither of you were going to be able to finish it. He turned back towards you with a smug grin on his face, “Hah! No taking out my kneecaps.”
You pushed him with both hands on his chest, but he still didn’t budge. He laughed, shaking his head at your attempt to be tough, “You’re gonna have to do better than that.”
You stepped in close to him, getting as close to eye-to-eye as you were ever going to get with someone who was practically a foot taller than you. “I could easily make you stumble, Angel. Believe me.”
“No chance,” he shook his head with a smirk.
“Wanna bet?”
“Oh, definitely,” he laughed.
Before he could come up with another sassy remark you stood back up on your toes and pulled him down into a kiss. His eyes flew open wide and he stumbled a few steps back, but kept his arms wrapped around you so you stayed close to him, kept kissing him.
You pulled away, laughing as your entire face turned dark red, “Told you.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. If you didn’t know better you’d say that his cheeks were turning a little red too. “Alright,” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him again, “that’s a loss I’ll gladly take.”
You smiled as you cupped his face, pulling him into another, much softer kiss. You could feel both of your hearts racing as he tried to keep you held as close to him as possible. You wrapped your arms behind his neck as you felt his hands slide down from your hips to your ass, and it made you smile into your kiss. You felt him chuckle his hands slid back up to your hips, and crept farther up your back.
Finally, you had to pull away to catch your breath. Angel had a smile plastered across his face and you knew that you did too. He reached up, gently pushing the hair back out of your face to get a better look at you.
“I could get used to this, Y/N,” he traced his thumb along your cheekbone.
You smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips, “Yea, I think I could too.”
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stargazing-enby · 4 years
I had a dream that harry and draco were both aurors and they were married to ginny and astoria and then got sent to a mission and they had to do a steak out????? But ofc there was tension so they were like uuuuhhhhh we should bring our wives bc uuuuhhh we cant be away from them too long ya know and they all spend a month or two in a house and shit and ginny and astoria fall in love and bc theyre badass ladies they are upfront about it and then harry and draco are like.... Guess we should a dress
our thing too huh?? And then albus and scorpious have 2 moms and 2 dads (ginny and astoria were both pregnant btw, dont know if i already said that) and it was weirdly amazing and i didnt know who else to tell so yea
Anon, your mind. First of all, thanks so much for sharing your dream with me because it's honestly amazing. Second of all, I was re-reading your asks the other day wondering if I should try to write this, and soon after that I took the (ill-advised) decision to take a nap and started dreaming about your prompt. Now I feel like I share a special, oneiric connection with you! Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)
Thanks @april-thelightfury115 for betaing!
Drarry | 2.3k | Teen and Up | Falling in Love, Break Up, Getting Together, Kid Fic, Pregnancy | Read on AO3
At first, Ginny had been mad. Offended, even, that her husband had thought it a great idea to make her share a house with Astoria Malfoy for Merlin knew how long while he and Draco ran off to chase some suspect.
“The only thing that woman and I have in common is that we're pregnant,” Ginny had argued, “and that we're both married to bloody idiots!” 
Three weeks into the stakeout, however, Ginny had to admit she’d been wrong. Although wrong wasn't perhaps the most accurate of word choices, since she and Astoria were, like she’d suspected, completely different kinds of people. Where Ginny was passionate and intense, Astoria was quiet, an aura of serenity always surrounding her. Where Ginny bickered and joked and threw jibes around with her husband whenever she had the chance, Astoria was all subtle touches; a small caress to Draco's shoulder before they left home in the morning, a careful take care whispered in his ear. 
Where Ginny was fire, Astoria was water: cleansing and soothing and calm. 
But she had been utterly, dangerously wrong in that she couldn’t help but find Astoria Malfoy intoxicating. 
“Darling.” Astoria had recently taken to calling her that when they were on their own, in a tone that Ginny could not bring herself to believe to be purely neutral. “Are you sure you're not tired? I sincerely doubt they'll arrive before dawn this morning—we don't have to stay awake if you don't want to.”
“No, no—” Ginny couldn’t help but shiver as the small realisation washed over her for seemingly the hundredth time that night: the realisation that Harry, as much as she adored him, could not have had any less to do with her wanting to stay awake. “I don't want to give up the chance to beat you one more time.” 
Astoria smiled at her, cheeky.
“Very well,” she said, and, after a moment, moved one of her knights on the board. She didn't take her eyes off Ginny as the Knight destroyed one of Ginny's pawns; her eyes sparkled with naughty mirth, and Ginny's breath caught. 
A moment later, a wave of guilt drowned the butterflies in her stomach, and Ginny looked down at the chess board and told herself that she was in love with her husband. Utterly, helplessly in love. 
Except you aren't, a little voice said. You love him. You love him more than anything. You’ve loved him since forever; you'll love him for forever, because he'll always be the person who gave you your son. But you are not in love with him anymore. You haven't been for a while now. 
She raised her head. 
“You're not thinking about the game.” 
It wasn't a question. 
Astoria knew. She wasn't stupid. She knew she wasn't meant to be calling Ginny darling, knew of the emotions—deep, fierce, raging—that ran under Ginny's skin whenever they shared a smile, a look; whenever one's fingertips found the other's knuckles and their knees brushed and bumped almost on their own accord in the middle of their nightly conversations. 
“I'm not,” Ginny said. “I'm thinking about us.” 
Astoria let out a breath, shoulders sagging. She looked down, but Ginny waited, gaze steady, for Astoria to look back up at her. 
“It's late,” Astoria said after a moment. 
“I think I'm falling in love with you.”
Astoria closed her eyes, a slow frown twisting her sharp features. 
“I know.” It was barely a murmur. 
“I know you know,” Ginny said, a challenge. 
Astoria met her gaze, then, and Ginny's resolve wavered when she realised just how terrified Astoria was.
“Hey,” Ginny murmured, standing up. Astoria, lips trembling, buckled over to make room for her in the settee. “Hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry—” 
“It's not your fault.” Even though her head was turned away from Ginny, Astoria leaned into her touch. “None of this is your fault. Draco is—” Her voice broke, and Ginny held her hand with both of hers, aching, yearning to hold Astoria in her arms and take the pain away. But she couldn't. “Draco is a wonderful man. He's attentive, and loving, and he's funny, and…”
A tear fell into Astoria's shirt over her tummy. 
“And he's my best friend. But he and I are not in love. We never have been.”
That caught Ginny off-guard. 
Astoria laughed, a broken, pathetic sound. 
“Never. Our parents planned our union soon after I left Hogwarts. I was horrified at first, but after getting to know him, there was a time when I really thought I would fall in love with him in time. That he'd fall in love with me. And we did end up loving each other, mind you: he will always be my closest friend. It's just not…”
“Yeah,” Ginny said softly. “I understand.”
Astoria turned to look at her, then. Seeing her teared up made something inside Ginny snap, and she reached out, held Astoria's cheeks in her hands, thumbing at her messy tears. 
“Harry and I were in love for a long time, but… I think he knows just as well as I do that the love we feel now is purely platonic.” She smiled—chuckled. “In fact, a small part of me suspects whatever he feels for Draco right now is more intense than what he ever felt for me.” 
That tore a laugh out of Astoria. 
“I would not be surprised if that was the case. Those two…” She shook her head. “They're incorrigible.”
Ginny groaned in agreement. A moment later, though, her smile faded away and she was left with Astoria's face cradled in her hands. Their legs pressed together, their eyes searching the other's face. Scared, but hopeful. 
Sliding her hands down Astoria's neck and shoulders, and then squeezing her arms, Ginny let out a slow, deep breath. 
“I think we need to have a conversation with our husbands.”
“You… What?” 
To Harry's credit, he looked more baffled than anything else. 
“We're in love,” Astoria repeated, voice steady, but gaze pleading with Draco to understand. 
“I… Okay. Okay. Give me one second.” Harry turned around and sat down on the nearest chair. 
Draco remained still. As far as Ginny was aware, he’d barely even blinked since they'd started explaining the situation to them.
“Are you going to say anything?” Harry asked after a moment, turning to Draco. When Draco shook his head, gaze still fixed in some distant point in space, Harry stood again, leaning his weight against the table. “Okay, so first of all, this is all extremely awkward.” 
“We were aware of that much, thank you,” Astoria said. 
“I mean, both of you are pregnant. With our babies.” He gestured between him and Draco. “Not to mention that we're married, although that's slightly less permanent…” 
Draco huffed, and the three of them turned to him. When he didn't say anything, Harry continued. 
“But I guess it… makes sense? I mean—you two are sort of like… the perfect opposites, you know. I always knew you would get on well. I didn't suspect you'd get on this well, but, hey—” 
“Have you—” Draco's head seemed to be stuck mid-shake, eyes scrunched closed. “Have you done anything? With one another?” 
“No, darling.” The word sounded different, Ginny thought, when Astoria used it for Draco. “We were waiting to tell you.” 
He nodded, but didn't say anything else. When Astoria approached him, Ginny took a step back to give them some space and leaned into the table with Harry. 
“I love you,” she told him. 
“And I you,” Harry said, eyes low. Gulping, he took Ginny's hand in his. “But… I mean, I think both of us had noticed that something was… that something wasn't…” 
“I know.” She squeezed his hand. “I know.” 
He looked up at her, and Merlin, he looked so, so vulnerable in that moment that Ginny wished more than ever that she could love him the way he deserved to be loved. But that simply wasn’t for her to do.
“I still would like for us to raise our son together,” he murmured. 
“We will. Harry, I don't care what happens from now on. You're still my best friend, and you're still the father of my kid. Nothing is going to change that. Okay?” 
Harry nodded, and, biting his lip, turned his gaze to Draco and Astoria. After a moment, Ginny did too. 
Draco was crying. 
“Come on, let's give them some space,” she said, pushing herself off the table. Harry followed her out of the room. 
No reply came. Harry looked at him, but Draco's gaze was fixed somewhere outside the car window. 
They'd spent countless hours inside that car, in that very watch post. Hours chatting, and bickering, and taking turns to sleep while the other watched the house for any signs of activity. 
It had never been awkward before now. 
“Look, we need to talk,” Harry said. Draco huffed, unamused. “We need to talk because we both know our wives are not the only ones who’d noticed something wasn’t right before yesterday’s conversation. They were just the only ones brave enough to be upfront about it.” 
In the moment it took Draco to turn around, Harry thought of Draco's head on his shoulder; of the way it had felt when Draco had fallen asleep there, of the way he'd been so careful not to let it fall so Draco wouldn't wake up. He thought of the way their arms brushed whenever they walked, wands in hand, toward a dangerous location. Thought of the very reason they'd been so adamant that their wives should come with them on this mission: a truth they'd refused to confront, and that had gone and slapped them in the face anyway. 
“Do you understand how terrifying this is for me?” Draco finally said, body turned to Harry, but gaze fixed on his knees. “To know that my life as I know it, as I always expected it to be, is over? Do you think”—he looked up at Harry, and Merlin, he looked so scared Harry had to hold back from reaching out to him—“that I haven't noticed that I'm in love with Harry Potter, and not with the woman I'm about to have a baby with?” 
Harry held his breath. Searched in Malfoy's eyes, desperately, for any hint that he was about to take back his words. Then, almost out of breath:
“I'm in love with you too.”
Draco let out a desperate laugh. 
“I know that, you bloody idiot,” he choked out. “Fuck, I know.”
Harry bit his lip. Reached out, rested a hand over Draco's trembling, fisted own. 
For a few moments, neither spoke. 
“I'm sorry,” Harry murmured eventually. “I'm sorry things can't be different.” 
Draco started playing with Harry's fingers, and Harry closed his eyes—marvelled in how warm Draco's hands felt. How careful they were even as he fidgeted. 
“I'm glad they told us,” Draco said. “I want Astoria to be happy, and I know she'd never be completely happy with me.” A sigh. “I wouldn't, either. Not with her. I just… I need some time to come to terms with it.” 
Harry's fingers turned and turned between Draco's nervous own. 
“That's okay. I don't mind waiting for you.”
Their eyes met. 
“Okay,” Draco said. 
Harry squeezed his hand. Smiled. 
The whoosh of the hearth letting someone through was quickly followed by two high-pitched squeals. By two very excited cries of, “Daddy!” 
Harry smiled to himself when he heard Draco's laughter coming from the living room as he—presumably—was tackled to the floor by Albus and Scorpius. 
“Boooys,” Harry called after a moment. “Come grab some cookies from the kitchen!” 
A few seconds later, the two five-year-old tornadoes were rushing toward the tray, barely sparing Harry a glance. Harry shook his head, grinning. 
“Where's my hug?” 
“Daddy!” Albus, face already full of crumbs, ran toward Harry's arms. “Your cookies are the best!” 
“Mmh!” Scorpius agreed. 
“I'm glad you like them.” Harry ruffled Al's hair. “Do save some for later, though!” 
Draco walked in, grabbed a cookie. “How are your mums?” he asked while he gave Harry a sonorous kiss on the cheek, the crumbs on Draco’s mouth scratching against his stubble. 
Harry was about to complain when Albus stretched his arms out, asking to be picked up. 
“They have a date today,” he—quite loudly—whispered in Harry's ear. 
“Do they, now!” 
“A date in a restawant with candles and a lot of different forks,” Albus explained. “And—and they were wearing really pretty dresses!” 
“Really? What colour?” Draco asked, picking Scorpius up too. 
“Mum's was red,” Scorpius said. “And mummy's was, uh, it was really pretty, and—” 
“And sparkly!” Albus squealed. “Black and sparkly!” 
“Wow! I don’t think Draco and I own anything so pretty!” Harry turned to Draco. “What do you think?” 
“Hmmm…” Draco dragged the sound out, sharing a mischievous look with Scorpius. “I’m not sure… I think we might have some sparkly garments hidden in the back of our wardrobe, but I’m sure Al and Scorp won’t be interested in—”
“We want to see!” Scorpius screamed, wiggling in his father’s arms. 
“We want to see, we want to see!” Albus chanted.
Harry and Draco shared a smile. 
“Very well, then,” Draco said solemnly, setting Scorpius down. “Let’s see which of you can find the prettiest clothes in our bedroom for us to wear today.” 
The kids darted upstairs, and, before following them, Harry took Draco’s hand in his and kissed his husband’s cheek in return.
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