respiteresponse · 7 months
sometimes i still sing gnf of
i used to laugh at sinjin drowning clips on tiktok until i saw one of them where they made a joke abt dream and because im not entirely well in my head i stopped watching them LMFAOOOOOOO
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
Love knows no binds
Summary In which Tommy thinks about the past
Notes So, this started as something about oRanboo and became this. Hope I got the characterizations right! XD Also, bless demonadelem for doing like 87% of the heavy lifting on the 'backstory' of Wilbur's Phantom status in his Origins’ Origins comic. (Seriously go read it here. It’s very good :D )
Tommy pushed up the edge of his floppy hat as he watched Ranboo traipse across the bridge toward the ladder up to the Pub.
He narrowed his eyes at her improbably pristine attire. Practical knee high boots, a lacy button down, an embroidered silk vest and flounced silk knee length skirt that emphasized the Enderian slender build. And of course her cozy deep purple cloak.
And somehow she always managed to stay a perfect temperature. Unlike Mr Tommy Innit who never left his home without a binder. Yeah, half the time his father was running around without his, but that was Phil's choice.
As for Wilbur; Tommy grimaced, remembering the last living moments he had spent with his brother.
Hetta pushed her head through the gap between Tommy's elbow and the side of his chest. He cuddled his eldest daughter, his attention turning back to the lanky Enderian 'princess' that was teleporting between the islands up to the Pub.
Her newfound confidence in her skin was a recent development. Probably ever since she had taken the step to start wearing more skirts? Or it might have been a bit further back to when Niki, Shubble and Trixtin had gotten a hold of Ranboo and tried some cosmetics on her?
Or it might have even been before that… A time after Tommy had met her. He couldn't pin down when. Just that it had happened, and that she was happier now.
It kinda hurt a little bit to see one of his good friends so comfortable in her own body when he wasn't entirely satisfied with his own. But blah-de-blah cultural pressures to present a certain way and all that.
Tommy gently stroked Hetta's red hair. She was getting pretty big now. He would need to dig out some of his old clothes for her soon. Maybe check with Beau if she had some old stuff that Hetta would like.
Hetta sighed happily. "Dad." She started, turning and looking up at her father. "Why does Grandfather Philza sometimes have boobs and sometimes doesn't?"
Tommy snerked, caught off guard by the question. "Wot? Now where did that question come from?" He exclaimed.
Hetta shrugged. "Just curious about Grandfather Philza's Phiddies." Her last words drew a snort of amusement from her father.
Tommy took a breath. "Well, your Grandfather sometimes wears what is called a 'Binder'. We Elyrians and Avians use them to smooth out our flight muscles."
"A binder…" Hetta spoke slowly. "Why?"
"Ah." Tommy paused, thinking back to when he himself asked his father and older brother that question. "Well, some use it to put pressure on the flight muscles to prevent tears. Some use it because they like the way it looks. And long ago…"
He trailed off, remembering the history he had been taught about it.
"Long ago Elytrians wore it to help other species to differentiate between males and females." He finished. It wasn't the whole story. Just the beginning. And Tommy didn't want to tell Hetta. Yet.
Not today.
She will learn someday. But till then, Tommy was determined to let her see the world as a good place for at least one more day.
"What about Uncle Wil?" Hetta asked.
Tommy smiled at the thought of the expressions that Wilbur would make at being called 'uncle'. "Well. Your Uncle Wil can't use his wings to fly anymore like your grandpapa can. So he doesn't use a binder."
"Ohh." Hetta nodded, her expression as somber as a smiley little Avian could make it. "Why did he stop flying like Grandfather Philza?" She asked.
"Ah." Tommy paused, considering how to answer. "Well. A while back when your papa was about your age."
"So, a loo~ong time ago!" Hetta exclaimed.
Tommy gently booped his daughter on the nose. "Not that long ago, chickling." He smiled, but it quickly dropped as he kept talking. "When I was about your age, your Uncle Wil got really sick. He had been hurt. Really badly."
"But he got better!" Hetta nodded. "Cause he's here now!"
Tommy shook his head. "No chickling. He didn't. He got a lot worse. Your grandpapa and grandmama scoured the land and seas searching for what is referred to as an Enchanted Golden Apple. It was supposed to have incredible healing properties."
"Did they find it?" Hetta asked. "They must have!"
"They did." Tommy nodded. "But it was too late. When they arrived home. It was too late for its power to work fully."
Hetta cocked her head, looking up at her father with her large blue eyes.
"For a moment, your Uncle Wilbur was gone. Then he began Changing. He Changed from an Avian into the Phantom uncle you know and love." Tommy gently ran his talons through Hetta's hair.
"Now. Enough with the sad backstory!" Tommy scooped up his eldest daughter. "How about we go see if we can 'scam' a few ice creams out of someone for all of us."
Hetta giggled as Tommy hefted her onto his shoulder. Her little hand rested on the top of his head and her slight talons lightly massaged his scalp. "Onward!" She declared.
The two managed to commander a few ice creams for the family and were heading home past Wilbur's little cottage.
The sound of something heavy falling over followed by angry expletives made the pair pause. "You al'right there Wil?" Tommy called out.
"Yes!" The silence hung there for a moment while Tommy took a lick of his ice cream. "No." Came the much quieter correction.
Tommy looked down at Hetta. "Well? Shall we go help Uncle Wil?" He asked his daughter who was currently trying to lick mostly melted ice cream off her nose.
Hetta nodded excitedly and nearly pulled her father over as she took off toward the ajar door to Wilbur's basement.
Wilbur was sprawled inelegantly over a toppled low stool, sans shirt. An old familiar article of clothing was on his torso, obviously too small for the lanky phantom to the point where it obviously wouldn't fasten. But it seemed that Wilbur had been trying anyway.
Tommy and Hetta stared down at Wilbur, who let out a defeated sigh. "I can feel your judgment from here…" He grumbled into the floor.
Tommy burst into laughter, needing to basically fold in half. "Wil you look absolutely ridiculous!"
"I know that Tommy!" Wilbur snapped back. He half sank into the floor, righting himself in his floating state. "Help me get this off."
Tommy wiped a tear from his eye and started to help his older brother get the old binder off. When they were done, Wilbur tossed the offending bit of cloth across the room. "Fuck that." He grumbled, his words contrary to the slight smirk on his face.
Tommy took a step back and stared at his brother. He had changed. Slightly.
"Your flight muscles are coming back?" Tommy said, each word sticking on his tongue.
Wilbur nodded, turning away to look for his sweater. "Dad has been helping me relearn how to fly. Watch this!" He paused and slowly extended his right arm. His right wing smoothly followed the motion, rather than the slow jerky movement that had been ever present since Wilbur's Change.
And for a moment, Tommy saw Wilbur's old golden-brown feathers overlaid over the blued skin of Wilbur's skeletal wing.
"Uncle Wil! Does this mean you'll be able to fly with Dad and Grandfather Philza?" Hetta looked up at Wilbur.
Wilbur smiled and scooped up his little niece. "Soon. And if you keep calling me 'Uncle' I will cry." He gently booped Hetta's nose. Wilbur glanced over at his little brother, who was rubbing at his eyes. "Well? Come on then!" Wilbur said, holding his free arm open for Tommy.
Tommy gladly took the invitation and thumped into Wilbur's chest, drawing an "oof" from his older brother. "Wil, if you cry, I'm gonna cry…" He mumbled.
Wilbur patted Tommy's head. "I missed flying with dad, and I promised that I would fly with you someday."
Tommy nodded slowly. "Yeah. Yeah you did."
End Notes Speaking of binders, don't forget to take a break from yours! I know that it makes you feel much gender, but it's still a tight article of clothing, and your body could use a break sometimes.
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charbeloved · 1 year
A State of Gainsay
Word Count : 5,551
Warnings : Description of violence, The turning process of a watcher, Death, Grief : Denial, Revival
This is part 1 in a 5 part series.
POV : Tomathy Innit MineCraft
Note : Tommy does not cuss in this AU.
May 17th, Tuesday, 11:05pm
Tomathy, an 17 year old who works at L'Bucks, is almost done with his shift when he sees a light of purple shoot past the windows at the fleeing figure of a winged man. He goes to take a break from cleaning a coffee maker to take a peek out the window and sees Dream, the second in command of the L'Manburg county's hero team Dream Complex, fighting Vulture, the leader of the villain group Syndicate. The villain's left wing looked like a few bones were out of the spots they're supposed to be in. He went back behind the counter and resumed the cleaning of the products. After a few minutes he leaves through the back alleyway to not get caught in the fight. What he doesn't realize is the sound of Dream's power is gone, and thus the fight is over. As he's walking he finds the unconscious body of Vulture and leans over him. He starts setting the man's bones, and ends up waking the bird up. "Hey, I'm trying to help you. Don't kill me," Tommy softly says to the man, trying to stay calm himself at the same time, "I know how hard it may be to not panic." He is allowed to fully set the bones of the wing and is able to use his power to heal him. He continues his walk home at a faster pace then usual and notes that his two roommates and best friends, Ranboo and Tubbo, aren't there when he's home at 11:26pm again.
May 18th, Wednesday, 2:49pm
Tomathy is making an order for Aunt Lizzie when Quackity came in with a few friends, talking about healing. He listens in while his aunt is watching the TV.
"Seriously though, Phil. We do need a healer," his manager spoke softly in loud, whisperIng voice. "Yeah, yeah. We do just fine on our own. We don't have any need for a healer," the strange winged man replied. Quackity gave a doubtful look at the winged man before speaking, "I'm not gonna pretend I didn't see Tommy heal you last night. You were on the brink of death, dude."
Tommy stopped listening in on the conversation and focuses on work a little bit more then usual.
When he got home, Tubbo was playing on his phone in the dining room while Ranboo was quite literally nuking ramen in the microwave. "Boo, why are you cooking?" Tommy asked sternly while getting rid of the flaming ramen. "Tubbo wanted food!" "Then why didn't you just make a honey nector sandwich?" "Yeah, Boo?" Tubbo pops in, teasingly. "Why didn't you?" Tomathy smacked his best friend in the forehead, "You hush.. Mother Hen is taking care of this." The three barely contained their laughter before Tommy actually got onto the two for even thinking of letting one of them cook while Tommy made scrambled eggs and waffles.
June 7th, Monday, 4:02pm
Tommy made it to work, and immediately he is taken aside by Quackity. "Yeah, Bossman? What'd you need?" "Tommy, this is important. You must not say even a singular word of this, alright?" Tomathy nods, skeptical as Quackity is never like this. "Phil wants you to join the Syndicate. You already know one or two identities because of me, and if you decline you may die." Tommy is shocked, "Do I have to decide right now..?" "He said you'll have a week to tell me." Tommy nods, thinking about it while getting back to work.
June 9th, Wednesday, 11:03pm
Tommy started to walk back home from work when the ground started to fall beneath him, and a his arms are forcefully lifted up. "..Tubs?" Tommy says, hoping it's right. "Try 'Shadow,' To- Boy," A rough, familiar voice replies. It took a little bit for them to get to their destination, with this 'Shadow' guy making awkward jokes.
They make it to a cottage out in a forest, and that's where Tommy gets to see this dude's face. Turns out, he's Vulture. "It feels so weird to be in this form," Vulture mumbles. Tommy perks up at this, as Vulture is constantly in 'this form.' "My power's shapeshifting," 'Shadow' tells him, starting to ruffle Tommy's hair while they started to sit on the grass right next to a tree. "I will bite your hand if you don't stop petting me, Big S," the child warns. The hand does not lift, so Tommy bites the guy's hand, and sees him shift into a genderbent version of Quackity for a split second then into a navy-colored haired man. "Quackity?" The man looks up a tad bit. "Wait, I was scared of Big Q?" The man goes back to looking at the grass. "You okay..? You're nor-" "Shadow! Why did you bring the child?'" the real Vulture says, cutting Tommy off. "Not safe.. Code XD," Quackity mumbles. Vulture gasps, and brings Tommy into the house, and turns on the news. "Welcome to Everest News. This is Lauren Side with your Hero Update! Xavier Dean, much better known as the leader of the Dream Complex, father of number one hero Dream himself, and XD,  has been seen killing a innocent vigilante called 'Bee.' This vigilante was in the middle of helping an old woman across the street at the time of the murder. XD is no longer a hero, and instead is in jail. We have identified Bee as the civilian Tubbo Underscore. His partner, Ender, and friends will dearly miss him. Thank you for tuning in!" The room was udder silence. "He tried it to get me under his roof again, too," Quackity added. Vulture took off his mask when he called for his son, Wilbur, and the man was crying. "His father killed Bee, too," Phil said to his son. His eyes grew wider, and his fists clinched. "Tubbo is Toms' best friend and roommate," Quackity yet again adds, "And code XD for me too. That's why I brought Tommy, actually." Wilbur nods, and brings him to the room across from the one he came out of. The room contained a desk with a computer on it, and an axe hanging above. A bed with a blanket made with a red cotton and 3 fluffy white pillows was set for someone. There was a brown couch, and many blades on the wall next to it. There was a pig plush right next to the computer, and a rug with a pig's face on it in the middle of the room. The walls were painted a maroon color, a huge contrast from the baby blue walls of the living room, kitchen and hallway. Wilbur brings him into a tight hug. "Be.. Before Te-Tech di-ed, he-- he was ta.. talking about how y-you and The.. Theseus are alike," Wilbur said, sobbing and hiccuping in between breaths.
June 10th, Thursday, 3:28pm
"Hey, Tommy, wake up," A familiar voice says, "You've got a shift today." He opens his eyes slightly to see who's talking to him, because Tubbo would never talk to him so sweetly, nor would Ranboo's voice be able to reach that low with his voice. He sees Quackity, and remembers that he was in Vulture's house. "How long is the drive to L'Bucks?" "Around a 20 minute drive, Theseus," Wilbur says from the doorway. "And I want my hot choccy Bubba would always get for me while he got bitter coffee." "Wait, you're Tech's brother?" Tommy said, putting two-and-two together, "He was always talking about his whiny little brother who would be best friends with me." "I am not whiny!" "Anyways, get out the room while I get dressed, Athena," Tommy adds, teasingly. "I am not Athena! If anything, Dadza would be her considering he's too much of an empath!" Wilbur defended. Tommy kicked the taller men out of the room, and grabbed the uniform Quackity had left on the desk. He was in the room from earlier with the axe on the wall. It reminded him so much of his second favorite villain, BloodBlade.
Once he was done putting the uniform on, he checked the clock. 3:32pm. He opened the door after putting on the scarf Tubbo had knitted for him while he was alive. "Quackity's going to drive you to L'Bucks, please bring back the order Tech would always get, except the Frappé when you get off work," Phil had informed and asked him. "Tell Quackers over there to remind me. I may not have Boo's memory, but I won't remember that after 7 hours of pure work." "Sure thing, mate."
June 12th, Saturday, 12:28pm
Tommy had gotten back to the apartment on the 11th, but Ranboo hadn't been back at the apartment in over 24 hours. When Tommy had gotten back, it was 11pm and Boo left as soon as he saw Tommy. Jump in the c-BEEP! Tommy answered the call he got from the contact 'spooderphobia at its max.' "WHERE IN THE NAME OF CREEPER ARE YOU?!" "Hey, calm down," the man on the other side tries to reason, "I'm fine." "The fact I can hear SLEEPBOY talking to SNAPMAP in the back tells me otherwise." "Ender, who have you called?" Mushroom asks, seemingly to Ranboo. "Erm, my roommate, so he wouldn't get too worried..?" Ranboo answers. "You are a vigilante," Tommy states, "And you never told me?" Ranboo's phone picks up air, then suddenly stops and Ranboo whispers, "Y-yeah..?" "You could have at least told me! I would rather be able to know why you have strange bruises and cuts then have to pretend to be oblivious! At least then I could have tried to help you." "S.. Sorry." "It's fine." "Alri-" Ranboo is able to get out before he loses signal.
Tommy is debating on if he really should join the villains now that his roommate is now literally working with the heroes. "Toms, I'm home!" "About time! Quick question, do they know your actual identity?" Tommy asks. The tall 16-year-old shakes his head in a 'no.' "What's your perspective on Heroes and Villains?" "Villains would be good if they could actually get the help they need or the heroes stop picking fights with them, and heroes are manipulate people who bribe the news into only showing the good things about them." "What would you think of joining the Syndicate?" "..The Syndicate?" Ranboo asks in disbelief, "We'd have to find them first, and not get killed to ask! If we could, I would so join them!" "Thanks, I'll ask if you can join too since you're my roommate."
June 13th, Sunday, 3:08pm
Ranboo and Tomathy are waiting for Phil to arrive at the door. Knock Knock "Comin'!" Tommy called, running to open the door. Phil walks in, Civilian clothes on. "It's time to make your choice." "I've got one request, can Ranboo join, too?" "If you accept, indeed." "I accept. One thing, heroes have tracked down our apartment." Phil nods at this, calling for Quackity who now has wings. "Can you get these two to the house?" He asks, and Quackity nods. "Tommy, I'll fly you there again. Ranboo, Phil can take you."
June 14th, Monday, 10:59pm
Tommy walks over to the window at the noise, peeking through the curtains. He sees Creeper and Dream fighting. "You know," Creeper says, breathing quite hard while dodging an attack, "I wanted to be like you before you killed my bloody brother." A quiet hum came from Dream in response as he teleported behind Creeper, and put him in a death hold. "Hah," Creeper laughs, "How the ship has sunk, the most inseparable pair of Philip High trying to kill eachother." "Wilby would never act like you," Dream said, putting his sword to Creeper's throat. "Kill me, and live with the guilt when I'm unmasked. Leave me, and I'll stay silent about identity. You're choice, Clay." Tommy closes the window, and walks around and out the back door.
11:23 PM
The door creeks as Ranboo and Tommy walk into the house. Wilbur is crying while sitting on a couch, Phil soothing the boy. Tommy walks over to the two. "Hey, Wilby," Tommy says while Wilbur gives an even more pained look, "Where does it hurt? I.. I can heal it." Wilbur lifts his right arm up, covered with pink-ish bandages. Red is still slowly oozing out from beneath the plasters. Tommy walks over, and sets his hand atop the bandages, and looks towards Phil. "I'm trusting you set the bone?" A nod is the only response he gets before using his power. He closes his eyes, and is able to actually relax as he focuses on the injury. The more relaxed he is, the faster it will heal. A slight blue glow comes from under his hand as many wounds slowly close beneath the bandages. Once it is done, Tommy asks the brunette if there's any more wounds. Wilbur shows him his left hand, cut and bleeding. Phil audibly gasps, and tears start to form. Tommy heals each wound on the hand carefully, making sure not to upset a single nerve. "Thank you," Wilbur says, slowly looking up. "My neck, too, if you would?" Tommy leans down to more easily reach the wound on his neck and heals it. "Phil, I'm gonna drag Wilbur over to my and Boo's room, if you don't mind." "Ofcourse!" Once they get to Ranboo and Tommy's new room, still a work in progress since they had just learned they were being moved to Phil's house at 11:18 PM, Tommy sits down on the red bed while Wilbur sits across from him on the black-and-white bed in the otherwise empty room. "Wilbur..?" Tommy starts. "Hm?" "..Are you.. Perhaps.. Creeper..?" Tommy gets out. Wilbur looks stunned as he slowly nodded.
June 15, Tuesday, 5:03 PM
Quackity had given him a few days off so he and Ranboo could unpack their stuff. Tommy took out a few bookshelves, and rebuilt them. He took out BeeInnIt, and him on his bed. He put up a few Vulture and BloodBlade posters, and put up the fan art he made when he was younger. He put a plush of a flying pig up on the top shelf of a bookshelf, and put a few books up from his childhood. He put the 'Employee of the Month' picture up over a foldable desk. He put bee stickers over the desk, and started to set his pc up. Once he was done, and went to sit down on his bed and look at Ranboo's side of the room. The portion Ranboo had has a giant bee plush on the wall next to the bed, and a bookcase full of fantasy books with the Barbie movies. A TV was placed in the split of the two's room. "Boo? Do you feel up to making the drawers right now?" Tommy perks up, seeing the other sitting on the bed, panting. Ranboo checks his phone, "Maybe in the mornin. We've worked for three hours straight." "..You're kidding." "Nope it's 8:27."
June 16th, Wednesday, 6:09 PM
Tommy walks out, and is greeted by his favorite alive cousin, Niki. "Hey Toms! I want you to meet my brother Jack. He is known as Blaze. I'm Flower." "Ah, alrighty."
"Samuel, SHUT UP!" a tall brunette man yells across the table. "I still don't think we should be the Dream Complex!" says Samuel, the black-haired man. "Brother. Sam. Please stop yelling. You're hurting Gog's ears," A female brunette says. The taller brunette looks at the shorter next to him. "Gogy, I'm sorry." His face gets slapped. The female, being the only reasonable one here, suggests a vote to change the name. A agreement is settled. The names chosen to be voted on are Dream Complex, Dream Team, Dream 'n Co, and Men and a Girl. The rules are as follows; Your cannot vote more then once, or for your own. Dream Complex gets no votes, as expected. Dream Team gets 3 vote. Dream 'n Co gets 1 vote, and George gets a smug grin. Men and a Girl gets no votes, and Sam shouts he couldn't think of anything and started to panic. The push out a news letter saying that their name has been changed to 'Dream Team.'
June 20th, Sunday, 6:38 PM
"Pesky!" Tommy screeched, overjoyed to see his brother again. "TomToms! I see you've found Father!" Grian says, gliding down with his red, blue, and yellow wings. "..Found.. Father..?" Grian's ear feathers twitch before he nods. "Did you not realize Phil was our dad?" "..I didn't realize we had a dad in the first place." The two burst out laughing at the embarrassing moment. "..So that means a hero is..?" Tommy trailed off. "Yes. A hero is related to villains. Actually, Tubs is on the trail of being able to join HermitFusion. Where even is he?" Tommy let out a choked wail before responding. "Dead, he's dead just like The Blade. Gone, dead." Horror crosses Grian's face. "He.. He can't-- You're joking, right? Yeah! Ye-Yeah! This- This is just a terrible prank or.dream and I just can't wake up! Haha! Yep!" Ranboo comes out their room, eyes puffy. He sees Grian and runs over to the shorter man. He hugs him as tight as he can. "Don't- Don't die on me, like- like Tubbo did." Tears started to fall from Grian's eyes as he knew Tubbo was dead. Phil rushes to Grian and wraps his wings around his, pulling Tommy in. "Grian, thank you for doing as I asked. Thank you, I knew I wouldn't be able too raise him very well after Kristen died." "It's fine and not a problem, dad." "Thank you," Phil continued, sobbing. Tommy joined in on the hug. "I brought someone with, if you don't mind. A few someones, actually." Tommy and Phil broke away from the hug and stepped to see who it was. A petite brunette with green all over her outfit. Her eyes, too, were green. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had few wounds. Next to her was a tall brunette man. He had a mask around his head that resembled a head of a hog. He had a sword on his waist, being held by a amber-brown belt. He suffered many scars, his eyes of blood red. It took Tommy a second, but he finally registered who he was looking at as BloodBlade, someone who had died. BloodBlade introduced the girl as Clara, or Dream Complex- Dream Team -'s  healer, Drista. "I'd like to join the Syndicate. I do not agree with my brother's ways."
June 23rd, Wednesday, 2:01 PM
Shlatt had invited Tommy to Tubbo's funeral, and Philza went with. He did have to pay respects to his nephew, and check up on his family. "Liz? You actually dyed your hair pink!" "Oh! Phil! I need to introduce to you Joel! He's the father-" "You had CHILDREN?! And without telling me?" Phil cuts her off, jokingly offended. "Father of our fur-babies. We have two cats." she continued. A few moments later, the actual funeral started and they payed respects.
2:28 PM
Tommy was walking out, and chatting with with his father, aunt, and uncle when he saw a flash of purple. Hands grabbed his shoulders, and he was teleported back to Phil's house. Tommy turns around, and falls into Shlatt's arms. "Thank you, Uncle." "No problem, Toms."
June 29th, Tuesday, 2:57 PM
Tommy woke up, his arms tied around him. His mask was on while was patrolling earlier in the day. They'd finally come up with his name, Theseus. He'd encountered Mushroom, and at that very moment he was put to sleep. His mask wasn't there. "Ah, looks as if he is awake," Dream's voice booms from above him. A silence is spread across the room. "Reveal some secrets of the Syndicate." Dream demands. "W-what?! No!" Tommy yelps. Turning to a door, Dream says, undoing the ropes, "Hm. Xqulea, dispose of this boy. We in the Dream Team no longer need him." Grian walked out in his hero form, panicked. "P-Pesky..?" Tommy mumurs. "What was that? You wanted to be tortured before dying?" Tomathy burst out in tears, jumping up and running to hug his brother. "Pesky, are-are you okay? Why are y-you here? I-Isn't HotG-Guy and Whisper su-supposed to be f-fighting over your l-love? W-Where's Mum..?" "Shh.. Little, Gem is sick right now. I just got found by Dream and his squad. I'm okay. I'm sure Hot is getting his butt beat right--" "Ehem. Xqulea, you're supposed to be killing the boy." "Dream, if you wanna be like Sam you can. I, on the other hand, am not going to kill my baby brother." "I am not like the Killer Rabbit!" "That's what he forced me to do. Luckily enough, Toms wasn't there for him to actually be able to make me." "Oh, wait, so Theseus is Tommy, now hm?" Silence. "He may leave, alive."
July 19th, Monday, 11:37PM
Tommy is in his costume, patrolling with his father, Quackity, the pesky birb, and his emotionally adopted mother, Gem Tay or Crystalline. While walking, he thought about when Day talked about how Charlotte had met someone named Gemini. "Hey, Crystie?" Tommy starts. "No, no no no no," Quackity starts freaking out. Philza grabs the shaeshifter and gently holds him still, keeping his hands in view of Quackity's eyes and knowledge. "Hey, bud, it's me, Vully. Hey, hey look! Look, stupid bird wings haha!" He says, flapping his wings a little bit. "C-Cover.." "Mhm! Ofcourse! Now, I want you to remember that Theseus was not calling you that. Remember, Crystalline is here and is his emotionally adopted mother," Phil says, trying to soothe the traumatized shapeshifter while covering the group with his wings. "Greetings, Syndicate. Mayhaps I ask why you lot are all huddled in a cuddle?" Dream says, walking up on the five. "Oh! I see a hero within you all." "I'm just here for my brother and yours," Grian says coldly. Quackity looks at Grian with wide, shook eyes. "Wh-How..?" "Let's just say I knew Crystalline before Lilac did." "There's not way that one of thou is brethren from Xavier. Dance, shall we not?" Sapnap and Mushroom came out from behind trees, and they started to fight. Fire from SnapMap's hands flying towards Gem, Philza and Quackity fighting against Mushroom, Grian fighting with Dream. Drista can from behind we tree and started to fight Tommy with rock paper scissors. Tommy won 8 games out of 13, so he counts himself the best. Grian has Dream pinned down, and everyone freezes, not knowing what was fixing to happen. Sapnap burned feathers from the parrots wings, but he didn't even flinch. Mushroom tried to put Grian to sleep, and that didn't work, either. Even Philza and Gem tried getting Grian off the dude, but it was to no avail. "Do you even know what could happen with your power?" "No, why?" "You could make someone like us. I wasn't even like you until I lived with Killer Rabbit and PcyBun! Just as easily as we could kill or heal someone, we could turn them, and that feels like dying three times." A flash of purple is sent of in the distance, behind Grian where he could not see who was near. What he did not expect, though, was hearing Tommy wail before Tommy screamed loudly.
Tommy 'woke' up to the sound of crying. All he could think of, though, was the massive pain in his back. He couldn't understand why he hurt so badly, or why had suddenly couldn't move, but something he could understand is his pesky bird of a brother was crying his name. "Tommy, please I can't loose you too," he cried, "I can't loose you like we lost Mum." Day after day, night after night. His brother crying on what was presumed to be his deathbed. "I- I understand that you are in pa-in," Grian choked. "Where ever you are you will always be my gremlin little brother." Some days Scar would come visit, too. "Hey, Tommy, we miss you and your crazyness," he'd always start, "We need you to wake up soon, okay?" Taurtis would always say the exact same thing as Scar when he came. Wilbur and Techno would sometimes come in, too. Always together. "Hey Toms, we miss you. Can you try to flex your hand for me?" Tech would always ask. Wilbur always told Tomathy's body dad jokes, Phil did too when he visited. Philza didn't visit alot, anyways.
One day, though, things changed. Everyone one was there. Scar, Taurtis, Grian, Wilbur, Phil, Techno, even Dream was there for some odd reason! "Tom-my," Grian choked out from his harsh crying, hugging him. "Plea-se wake u- up so-soon." Tommy heard the sound of boots step up, along with a quiet sob that sounded like Wilbur. "Tommy, if you don't wake up by next week they'll pronounce you dead," Wilbur said, void of all emotions but grief. "He's not dead, Wilbur!" Grian cried. Then, they left.
December 4th, Saturday, 2:39 PM
Tommy woke up three visits after the day that everyone was in the room, and the room was dim. No nurses or crying was able to be seen as Tommy realized he was really awake. "Nur'!" he yelled. The lights slowly turned on as the door opened and he saw his normal nurse at Pogtopia Hospital, Nurse Hannah, walk through with his family. "Tommy? You're awake?" she said in disbelief. "M'eah, 'ow long ha' I been out?" Tommy asked, slurring his words. "You've been out since July 19th, so just under," she trailed off, counting in her fingers. "Six months." "It' a'ready past Chrima'?!" A hand on his back causes pain to sprout. "No, Toms, you woke up just in time. It's the 4th," Grian tries to soothe him, turning to Hannah he asks, "Can we take him home?" Hannah nods, "Just make sure Brother keeps me updated. I know how hard this was when it happened to him.." "Ofcourse," Grian turns to Philza, "And I'm kidnapping my brother." Phil gives a thumbs up and Grian takes Tommy to HermitFusion's base.
3:57 PM
"Why have you called this meeting, G?" Scar asks. "I'm sure you all remember how much pain I was in when I left Sam's after he turned me?" "Grian, why are you-" Xisuma tried to ask before getting cut off. "Dream is a watcher, not a turned one but a born one. He didn't know he could transform others until it was too late and he had shot my brother with the power." "Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno?" Taurtis asks, "Techno could survive with little to no trauma, Wilbur a bit of trauma but Tommy could actually be driven insane because of the amount of pain it gives you, and combined with the grief of Tubbo? That's one to kill the world!" Tommy steps up, "Well then I guess the world will be killed?" The entire room gets loud quickly, and Tommy ends up with his ears covered by Grian in a corner and Taurtis cleaning the blood off his back. "G..? Why is there blood on on my back..?" Tommy asks, voice shaking and cracking. "It's because you're growing wings, and new eyes are opening. Tommy, soon you'll feed off of emotions and you'll have eyes no one else can see around you, and you'll see everything." "Gri..? I thought-" "I was a parrot, yes, I was. But, I am now a Watcher. Even after death, you will exist. Only reviving someone will even allow you to shed a physical form." "So I can revive Tubbo..?" "If you want him to have to build you a robot to have a physical form, yes."
December 8th, Wednesday, 1:09 PM
"Thes! Are you alright?" X yells through the Comm. "Axolotl send Cry, Lea, Hot and Whisp!!" Tommy yells back. Over the past few days, he'd become acquainted with the members of HermitFusion. Currently, though, he'd need Gem, Gri, Scar, and Taurtis "They should be behind now!" "Theseus! Are you okay?" "Xqulea! I'm okay but I do need help. Thorn and Diamond are being a pain!" "Thorn? Let me deal with her. She'll get Diamond to back down too," Grian says, walking over to Thorn. "Theseus over here is my little brother, Thorn. The youngest one, that is." "Oh I didn't realize! I am so sorry Theseus! Diamond, retreat. This is a battle you won't fight and I won't let get started." "Tell me at the base why."
December 25th, Saturday, 5:29 PM
Tommy sets out of L'Bucks after getting picked up by Philza. "So, merry Christmas, mate?" Phil says, sounding more like a question.. "Yeah, merry Christmas Dadza."
6:02 PM
They walk through the door to the Syndicate in costumes. "Niki? Jack? Big Q? Drist?" "Tommy, get HermitFusion and both of you get in your costumes. Brother's wanting to fight us and they have the Eggpire behind them, even though they are villains." Tommy grabs his comm off his waist and calls Grian. "Pesky, you there?" "Yeah, what's up Toms?" "D-Team wants to fight us- Uh, the Syndicate and they have the Eggpire behind them." "Oh. OH. I'll get X and everyone else!" "Cya, Pesky!" "Bye, Tommy."
6:36 PM
"I see you have received my message. I'm glad you agreed to fight," Dream says, "I suspect you don't know we have allies as you have none?" "Wrong, Clay Dean," Xqulea says, reaching the ground. "They have us." "Oh, so you decided to have your brother involved." "The Eggpire consists of only 3 people, of which one is a nurse I went to school with. Diamond, BadBoy, and Thorn. BadBoy is honestly really sweet and is being puppeteered by Xavior." "DREAM I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY WERE WILLING!" SapNap yells. "I THOUGHT SOTOO"Dreamyellsback. "BROTHER SHUT IT" Thorn ends up yelling, stunning SapNap. "I'm the one who agreed to fight with you lot in the first place. Now that I understand Theseus is part of the Syndicate, and the only willing one of the Eggpire, I back down." "Oh? Scared of a newbie, I see." "I'll see you in my office once this fight is over, Thes and Xqulea!" "Wait Hannah?!" SnapRap yells, running after her. A wall of thorns grows in his path, and Diamond pulls BadBoy away. "Pesky, you can call the others off." "On it." "Oh, how generous," Dream laughs, "Show them what we can do, everyone!" "There's literally 3 people on our side and like 7 on theirs." "Oh well. Mushroom can put them to sleep." "Dream I'm not your puppet." "Just this once?" "No, but I will fight." Grian's wings flare open, and so does Dream's. Soon enough, Tommy and Drista are helping Techno, Phil, and Niki against Mushroom, Jack and SapNap are burning each other with Wilbur, Quackity, and Ranboo helping out Jack, and Dream and Grian are fighting. After an hour or two Tommy breaks away and runs to the cemetery. He finds Tubbo's coffin, it was over ground for some odd reason, and opens it. He places his left hand over Tubbo's torso, and closes his eyes. He focuses on all his energy onto his hand, and purple starts to spout out of his hand, and over Tubbo. The world around him slowly shifts to his old apartment and Tubbo crying in the corner, a dead version of him in the middle of the floor. "Tμßb•?" Tommy calls out, "¥∆u ®€@dy +0 b£ @|!v€ ag@¡n?" "T-Tommy..? Why- Why are you here in my limbo? Oh, please tell me you aren't dead!" Tommy reaches out and takes his best friend by the hand, pulls him up, and hugs him. "G°∆dẞ¥€, My f®£πd."
Tubbo awakens, and he finds his best friend hovering over him, slowly fading away the stronger Tubbo gets. "Tommy?" He sees a black thing on him, and grabs it. "Theseus? Thes? Tommy? Toms? Tomathy? Hello?" a familiar voice practically yells through the device. Tubbo presses the big, black button, "..Hello? Who is this?" "Tubbo! Oh, no he didn't. I'll come get you, hold on." "..Who are you? You- You do sound familiar, don't get me wrong, but I can't-" "Yeah, I understand. Taurtis could only remember Sam and Me. Not even his girlfriend, as we were the closest when I revived him. You probably only remember Toms and Boo, right?" "Tommy and Ranboo, yes." "I'm Tommy's eldest brother, Grian." "Ah, so you're him!" The sound of wings flapping is above him, and tommy is only an outline. "Put the comm on him so he can still talk to us!" Tubbo puts the 'comm' back onto Tommy, as it was also fading, too. "I'm Grian, or the hero-villain Xqulea. Sometimes I help the Syndicate, most times I fight the Eggpire.
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epicaxolotls · 1 year
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i had no idea what to do for body swap so we're procrastinating on that
anyways morally gray sbi
if this is horrible and rushed then I'm just gonna say no beta we die like the guards in this, because i am tired-
oh speaking of those guards minor (background) character death tw but its very offscreen tbh
Prompt: Experiments/Scientist AU
Words: 1,985
The sirens were screaming.
People were screaming.
Tommy wanted to scream.
Well, it was a decent question to ask: Tommy, what the fuck was happening? Well, honestly, Tommy didn't know. Kinda. He wasn't really sure what was happening right now, but he knew what happened.
Actually, a lot more things made sense now, if Tommy was being honest.
…He wasn't making sense. Yeah, okay, starting at the beginning. That'd make sense.
Thomas 'Theseus' Innit, annoying problem child that no one liked. Couldn't stay in a foster home for more than two weeks (though his record was two hours), flunking out of school, and couldn't give a fuck about what anyone thought of him.
So yeah. When he was kidnapped by creeps and taken to a weird facility to be the test dummy for the studying of some eldritch horror demons they caught, it wasn't like anyone took the time to put up missing posters.
He had been pretty determined to try to escape at first. Getting the fuck out and bolt without a second thought.
He hadn't really been giving anything a second thought.
Honestly, looking back, he should've been worried about a bunch of other shit. Like hearing guards talking about their hate of having to clean up guts. Or y'know, why he was here in the first place. Which he still wasn't sure of at the time.
They never told him. Maybe that had been for the better. Knowing the shit he knew now, he would've been freaking out. And who knew how that would've turned out for him. He figured it out, though, eventually. 
Not in the beginning, though. Not when he was first hauled into a barren room, where in the middle, a man stood.
Techno. Tommy remembered how he thought the man's pink hair was a bit weird. He hadn't said it out loud at first, though. He wasn't that dumb.
"Uh." Was the first thing Tommy spoke. Usually, he had a lot more to say to people. Usually, he'd be talking about some shit no one was interested in by now. 
Well, this obviously wasn't usual.
"...You're a child." The man had spoken. Maybe, if he wasn't busy being offended, Tommy would've noticed how the words seemed just a little bit unnatural to the man, like he knew English but never spoke it. But even if he had noticed, that would've been something he'd brush off.
"I am not a child! I'm sixteen!" Tommy had shouted instead.
"Years? I doubt it." The man had said with a hum.
Tommy crossed his arms as he glared at the man. Techno had given him an impassive stare back.
"Though isn't sixteen still a child?" The man had finally asked.
"Oh, fuck you." Tommy muttered.
The man didn't respond.
If Tommy cared more, he might've kept it silent. Wait it out.
Looking back at it, Tommy was glad he didn't.
"...Tommy." He had eventually muttered.
"Your name?" The man had asked, and when Tommy had nodded, he hummed, "Kind of a boring name."
Tommy scoffed, "Yeah? What's yours, then?"
"Technoblade." Techno had responded, like he expected the question. He had then paused.
Tommy hummed, "Okay, but that's a weird name. I'd rather have a boring name than a weird name. Kids don't really get bullied for having a boring name. Were you bullied in school?" There it was. The shit that started to annoy people.
No one really finds it annoying at first. People just think he's chatty. Tommy had assumed Techno was the same, "Didn't go to school."
Tommy had nodded, "Homeschooled? Yeah, with a name like 'Technoblade', I can see why."
There had been a pause. Then, a slow nod, "Sure. I was homeschooled."
As the two made light conversation, Tommy had come to the conclusion that English wasn't Techno's first language.
Well, he hadn't been wrong, necessarily.
When the guards came back about half an hour later, they seemed shocked. It had been hard to tell, with the smiley face masks covering their faces, but the way they just kind of… stared at the two of them, sitting on the floor now, having been interrupted in the middle of a conversation about a book Tommy had read recently.
Techno had seemed to be actually listening, too.
But now Tommy was being brought back to his cell.
As he was being walked back, one of the two guards muttered to him, "Hey, kid, how'd you do that?"
Tommy had been confused, "Do what?"
The guard had paused. Then shook their head, as they got back to his cell.
The next day, he had been brought back. He talked with Techno. The guards still seemed surprised when they came back to him alive and well.
And thus, it became routine.
Honestly, Tommy should've figured something out. How Techno would glare at the guards, and how they'd flinch back when his eyes fell on them. How every once in a while, Techno's eyes would look more red than brown. Far too red to be a trick of the light, despite Tommy convincing himself that it was just that.
God, Tommy had been an idiot.
He had considered Techno a friend. And he thought, by the way Techno seemed to warm up to him, that Techno might consider Tommy a friend, too.
Eventually, Tommy pushed it. He fucked it up. Like he always does.
"D'you have any clue why we're here? 'Cause they aren't explaining shit to me." Tommy had asked at one point.
And Techno had gone silent.
Tommy looked up from where he had been lying on the floor to where Techno was sitting. The man was staring at Tommy. Tommy couldn't really read his face.
"...So you really don't know." Techno murmured.
"Know what?" Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow, "Pretty confused here, big man."
Techno didn't speak.
The guards pulled Tommy out soon after.
Tommy had never been great with keeping track of time, but he was pretty sure it hadn't been a half hour yet.
Tommy didn't see Techno after that. No one came to get him when he usually went. He just sat in his cell, staring up at the ceiling from the foam mattress he slept on.
He was still fed and shit. Same meals, same time. But none of the guards would answer his questions.
And Tommy had been an idiot and started to miss Techno. He actually got attached to the motherfucker.
Tommy felt dumb.
So when two guards came to grab him again, he had been… not excited. Hopeful.
Hopeful that he didn't fuck something up. Hopeful that Techno was still there. Hoping, stupidly, hoping that he didn't fuck it up-
But he did fuck it up. Like how Tommy fucks up everything.
Tommy wasn’t brought into the same room. The room looked the same, but Tommy knew the path to the room at this point. And it hadn't been the path.
And so Tommy met Phil.
"Where's Techno?" Had been the first thing Tommy asked.
"You know Techno?" Had been his answer.
Philza. Tommy met Philza, who was apparently Techno's dad.
Tommy didn't want to fuck it up again by questioning shit. So he didn't. 
Maybe he should've questioned shit. Maybe he should've asked what the hell was happening, what he didn't know, what he was doing here.
He didn't ask any of those things. Instead, he simply had asked if Techno was alright.
He was.
Then Phil let Tommy talk, too. He wasn't as quiet as Techno, but he still acted interested in what Tommy was saying. He talked with Tommy.
It was a bit refreshing, honestly. 
But then that became the routine. Tommy going and talking to Phil every day. Weirdly, it felt longer than when he was with Techno. He wondered if that was just him.
One time, he had heard a guard mutter to another one outside his cell, "Honestly, I'm just waiting for it to kill the fucker. Haven't eaten in weeks, the lot of them. Gotta be getting restless."
Honestly, Tommy should've figured it out then. But he hadn't. Maybe he was in denial. Maybe he had just been an idiot. Who knew.
Tommy kept visiting Phil. And then, one day, Phil had someone else with him.
"This's Wilbur," Phil had introduced the tall guy, who stared down at Tommy in… disgust. Yeah. That was an expression that Tommy was familiar with. "My other son."
Tommy couldn't help it, "What about Techno?"
Phil had paused, "Techno's… he's busy."
A part of Tommy was sad. But he ignored this, and instead almost immediately began to argue with Wilbur. 
Well. Not argue. Bicker, he'd call it, if Tommy knew him better. They just talked about things they disagreed about, and occasionally Phil would mention his own opinion.
Wilbur seemed to warm up to Tommy, eventually.
It took a bit longer than normal for Tommy to be brought back.
Tommy was taken back the next day. They had still been there, the both of them.
Tommy had been sure the guards had forgotten he was in the cell eventually, with how long they'd leave him alone in there.
 Tommy didn't complain. He liked being with Wilbur and Phil. More than just sitting alone all day, anyway.
Then they took him out.
They didn't bring him back.
Not after a day. Or two. Or three.
"I didn't even do anything wrong this time." Tommy muttered, as a guard gave him food.
He didn't get a response.
He missed them.
He hated that he missed them.
It was stupid of him. It was so fucking stupid, when he bolted out the door the second the guard unlocked it to come in with food.
To the room.
Nothing there.
To the other room, the one Tommy first met Techno in.
No one.
And as Tommy heard the shouts of guards behind him, he ran.
Did he know where he was running? Nope. He was just running. To get out, to find them, to spite these motherfuckers he wasn't sure. He was just running.
But then he stopped.
The place had looked important. Computers everywhere, all monitoring three… three things that were on the other side of a wall of glass.
Tommy had locked eyes with one, and he could see-
And so the alarms screamed. And people screamed. And Tommy screamed, as this colossal thing smashed through the glass. 
Honestly, Tommy was still processing it. Trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
He didn't know what to do. 
What the fuck was he supposed to do?
He- yeah, because that Techno. There was something about it. The creature.
Yeah. Yeah Tommy was freaking out a bit. What the fuck. Because he knew something was wrong. He ignored it. Not ignored. Missed it. He fucking missed all that shit they did, just because he was desperate to talk to someone. God, he was an idiot.
Techno was just staring at him. He looked like a fucking bipedal boar, but he had to be at least ten feet tall.
Why. Why the fuck. Tommy wasn’t allowed to make friends in a weird lab place that kidnapped him without them turning out to be fucking eldritch horrors or some shit-
Technoblade moved forward. Tommy found that he couldn't move. No, that was nice. That was fucking awesome, he'd just be wiped out by this guy. Why not.
But then Techno bent down in front of Tommy. His red eyes were fucking glowing, illuminating Tommy's face.
And then it cocked its head.
Tommy blinked.
It just stared at him. 
The other two guys- Phil and Wilbur-? That'd make sense. Those two were… oh yeah they were fucking killing people.
Tommy looked back at Techno.
Techno… Techno nodded.
…So Tommy was not being killed? That was nice. Good to know. 
Well, befriending eldritch horrors could be crossed off his bucket list.
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condorclaw · 4 years
Tommy frowned, staring.
Michael stared back.
Tubbo and Ranboo could only watch this scene unfold, somewhat expecting that this would happen between their friend and their son. What they didn't expect was how quiet Tommy was.
It was silent in the room for a minute or two more, before Tommy reached out a hand and softly booped the top of Michael's nose. The zombie piglin let out a honk of approval, making Tommy's eyebrows raise in amusement. With the piglin happy, the boy turned to face Michael's parents.
"I don't think this is a dog, fellas."
Tubbo and Ranboo both released large sighs of relief that they didn't even know they were holding in, Tommy slightly tilting his head in confusion.
"Well, we said he wasn't a dog, Tommy. We said he was our son."
"Some people call their dogs their kids, so I could only guess."
As the best friends talked, Ranboo gazed over at Michael with affection, feeling a grin spread across his face. What Ranboo didn't expect, however, was how closely Michael seemed to be watching Tommy.
Surprising Ranboo again, the piglin stood up on wobbly legs, trotting over to where Tommy was leaning on a piece of furniture. Snorting, he clutched on to one of Tommy's legs, leading Tommy to jolt from the sudden contact a little, before instinctively trying to lean away from Michael. Recognizing that Tommy was having a bit of a rough time at the moment, Tubbo leaned down and carefully removed Michael's arms from Tommy's leg, mumbling soft words of comfort and encouragement to both Tommy and Michael.
After Michael was removed, Tommy had to take a moment to catch his breath and clear his thoughts, his eyes shutting for a moment as he muttered unintelligible words to himself. Tubbo and Ranboo waited for him to recover, Michael watching with curiosity.
"A'ight, I'm okay now," Tommy inhaled deeply, letting out an equally deep exhale before opening his eyes again.
"I'm really sorry about that-" Ranboo began to apologize before getting cut off by Tommy.
"Nah, don't apologize, big man. Michael's a fetus, he doesn't know about complicated adult things like trauma."
Tubbo let out a snort of laughter, which Michael tried to copy the sound of.
"He's not normally physically affectionate like this on first meetings," Ranboo spoke, though mostly to himself more than anyone else.
Michael let out a squeal of frustration, alerting the trio to the piglin trying to wiggle out of Tubbo's arms. Tubbo and Ranboo's ears stood up in surprise at the sudden noise, the two looking down at their son worriedly. Tommy had looked startled when Michael began his outburst, but now looked much calmer as he leaned down a little to come face-to-face with Michael.
Tubbo and Ranboo's surprise grew even bigger as Tommy began to make squealing and oinking noises himself, causing Michael's fit to stop. The piglin's eyes were wide with excitement as Tommy spoke, his stubby arms starting to wave in excitement as he continued his excited honking, which Tommy responded to as well.
"What the fuck," Tubbo whispered in shock, his eyes wide, and Ranboo had to agree with him there.
Tommy proceeded to sit down on the floor, glancing up at Tubbo with a lopsided smile. "You can put 'em down, Big T. It's alright."
Following Tommy's instructions, Tubbo set his son down, who immediately sprinted towards the blonde at high speeds. He halted in his tracks when Tommy barked out another noise, one that Ranboo and Tubbo didn't understand, that brought Michael to a slower pace. It sounded somewhat familiar to Ranboo, but he didn't know why.
Michael ended up standing in front of a seated Tommy, the taller boy laughing as he reached out his hand slowly. The piglin stepped forward slowly, moving to grip one of Tommy's fingers gently, which allowed Tommy to carefully wrap his hands around Michael, lifting him up to eye level. Tommy let out a small noise again, causing Michael to oink in delight.
Smirking with satisfaction, Tommy looked back over at the stunned parents, sticking out his tongue a little. "Surprise, motherfuckers."
"HOW DID-" Tubbo began to belt out, quickly stopped by Ranboo by the taller boy pressing down on Tubbo's head gently. With this sign from Ranboo, Tubbo cleared his throat, continuing to speak.
"Tommy, and I mean this in the nicest way possible: how the fuck did you do that?"
"Wot? You jealous that I can speak piglin?"
Ranboo was learning so much today that he didn't expect in any way whatsoever.
"One," the enderman spoke, trying to keep his voice at a calm level while his husband stood slack-jawed. "Yes, I am. Two: how do you know piglin?"
The shit-eating grin on Tommy's face grew wider upon seeing how he stunned his friends, causing him to look back at Michael and speak in piglin once more, making the kid chirp out happily.
"Tomathy Danger Careful Kraken Innit Minecraft, you tell me what you just said to him right now," Tubbo folded his arms, trying to hide the previous shock on his face with little-to-no success. Ranboo, meanwhile, now had to process the fact that he had never known Tommy's full name.
"I just told him that I was cooler than the both of you," Tommy barked out a laugh, Michael giggling along with him as Tommy set him back down on the ground.
"Anyway," the blonde continued, watching as Michael began to walk in circles around him. "I learned piglin from Techno. He suggested we use it for commands in battle so nobody else would understand what we were saying."
It suddenly made sense what Tommy had said to Michael that sounded familiar. Ranboo had heard Technoblade use that exact sound when they were exploring in the nether, and had come face-to-face with a piglin squadron. "Wait, were you telling Michael to approach safely?"
"Hell yeah, Ranboob" Tommy gave a thumbs-up, Michael trying to copy the gesture with his own hooves. "When I was still living with him as well, I'd go to the Nether when we had nothing else to do. Yeah, the Nether is a horrible shitty place and I want nothing to do with it, but it was the only way I could make friends while I was still in exile."
"WAIT," Tubbo's eyes widened even more, his face looking like it might split open from surprise. "You spoke with piglins in the Nether!?"
Tommy's reply was shooting finger-guns towards his best friend with a grin, with Michael trying to copy them once more.
"As fascinating as this conversation is, and trust me, I'm absolutely going to ask you to death about this," Ranboo pointed at Tommy in a jokingly accusatory manner. "Tubbo, I think we just lost our son."
Tubbo looked towards Michael, the little one trying intensely to copy Tommy's movements. "God damn it Tommy, you stole our son."
"Hey, I'm not stealing him," Tommy protested with laughter, reaching over to gently pet Michael's head, Ranboo noticing how his touch lingered on the thin layer of hair, stroking it softly. Ranboo noted to himself that piglin hair seemed like a comfort texture to Tommy. He’d tell Tubbo about it later, but for now he’d play along with the bit of his friend stealing his son. “Oh really? Then why’s our son copying you?”
“Because I’m the coolest uncle.”
Silence stretched throughout the room once more, with both Tubbo and Ranboo’s eyes wide. The small on Tommy’s face slowly changed into a worried one, and he looked away from the couple and at the ground. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know if-”
“Watch how hard I can cry,” Tubbo mumbled, his eyes looking bright with joy before he went to Tommy’s side, kneeling down to give him a genuine smile. “Tommy, dude, I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Even better than Ranboo proposing to me.”
“Um, rude,” Ranboo giggled, kneeling at Tommy’s other side and allowing Michael to climb up on his lap. “But yeah, I know what Tubbo’s getting at. We weren’t sure if you would even want to be Michael’s uncle-”
“Wot?” Tommy sounded genuinely surprised at that, his own eyes wide. “Why wouldn’t I want to be? He’s my best friend-brother’s son!”
“I mean, yeah, but after what happened with Techno, we weren’t sure if piglins would...”
Tommy fell quiet, his eyes shifting to gaze at the ground as uncertainty crossed his face. After a stretch of silence, only filled with Michael’s occasional chirring, Tommy gazed back at the two parents. “As complicated as my relationship with Techno might be, that shouldn’t impact this little guy,” Tommy bore his fangs in a grin, making Michael clap with his little hands. “Besides, I can understand him while you two can’t. Who else is gonna teach you two piglin without fuss?”
“Are you holding our child’s language for ransom?” Tubbo was about to playfully punch Tommy in the arm, but appeared to suddenly remember the situation and placed his hand back down.
“Noooo, but now you two need me.”
Ranboo rolled his eyes, making Tommy pretend-pout at him. Tommy folded his arms, faking disappointment. “You’re so mean to me, Ranboo. I take back my marriage blessing.”
“My husband! No!”
“We can elope, Ranboo. Tommy can’t stop us.”
“I’m holding your whole son for ransom then.”
“Actually, I don’t need my husband anymore.”
“Tubbo! How could you do this to me?
And Michael squealed with delight as the three continued on into the night.
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embearsilly · 3 years
Hello! Call me Anarchy Anon! Take your time with this please. Can you maybe do a c! SBI + platonic husbands that are all exploring the nether and they find "The NetherVoid" Also find the "Quartress" Then Tommy drags Tubbo and Ranboo to the "Quartress" to steal stuff, but Blaze Empress reader caches them and about to send blaze guards, but Philza (first one to realize the trio was gone) stopped reader and reader recognized Phil [because he is a old and good friend of hers] {Season 4 Lore}
Don’t Steal From The Empress
Ooooooooh, this is such a cool idea! Also, hello new anon, could I have your pronouns please! I changed it up a bit. Hope its to your liking.
Pronouns - She/her
Warnings - slight explicit language, small mention of nsfw (just saying that someone got busy and nothing else)
The sickening humid air flowed around the crimson dimension. The heat is almost unbearable unless you are used to it.
Loud footsteps rang out around the blonde as he ran through the large nether fortress, two pairs following close behind.
“Tommy! Wait up!” The ram hybrid called after the blonde haired boy. Ranboo followed after the two, close behind his husband, Tubbo.
The blonde skillfully weaved around the monsters which roamed the hall of the fortress, the other two struggling to keep up.
After around a few minutes of non-stop running the blonde boy finally came to a halt. Tubbo was the first to reach Tommy while Ranboo was huffing and puffing behind them, trying to catch his breath.
“Tommy,” Tubbo paused, letting out a huge breath of air before he continued, “where are we going.”
The blonde gave the hybrid his signature innit grin before he began to speak, “Well yesterday I was exploring the nether void and was messing around when I found something that was almost as cool as a big man here.”
Tommy began to mine away at the ground when all of a sudden he dropped down into the abyss. Ranboo let out a gasp while Tubbo looked down the hole noticing the boy falling onto a white thing down below. Tubbo glanced at Ranboo before jumping in, Ranboo following after.
When they soon were greeted with a large white fortress which they fell on top of, no it was more castle than a fortress. It’s quartz walls stood around thirty blocks tall, a tower on each corner. In the center of it stood a large castle with towers on all corners of that as well. In front of them was a beautifully crafted bridge that hung over the lava.
The two husbands looked on in awe at the castle, I mean they had seen amazing builds before but nothing like this, it was marvelous.
“What, who's is it?” Questioned the enderman. Tommy shrugged his shoulders and continued down the path leading towards the kingdom.
Tubbo noted the two guards standing at the entrance of the large doors, they were tall and looked buff.
“Tommy don’t you think this might be a tad bit dangerous,” Ranboo’s  tail flicked from side to side as he continued, “I mean what if these people aren’t friendly, we might be killed.”
Tommy let out an annoyed huff, “Has that ever stopped me before?” he questioned.
“Look, I have a plan! We sneak in there, find some shiny things, borrow them and get out of there.” Tubbo raised a brow at the ‘borrow’ part.
“Are you going to be returning what you ‘borrowed’.” Tubbo air quoted when he spoke.
“Then that’s not borrowing. It’s stealing Tommy.” Tommy rolled his eyes and glanced at the guards.
“Look, I promise nothing bad is going to happen, okay? We get I and then we get out! kapeesh?”
Ranboo and Tubbo glanced at each other, going with what the other would say.
“Okay, we're in.” Tommy pumped his fist in the air. “Let’s goooooo.”
Tommy struggled against the grip of the guard, he was much shorter than them.
“Let go of us, and we won’t tell the great Technoblade about this!” The guard only let out a small chuckle as he led Tommy to a larger room.
Behind Tommy was Ranboo and Tubbo who were being forced to go the same way as he was going.
Ranboo was panicking, his heart beat picking up to high speeds. Tubbo placed his hand on Ranboo’s shoulder, “Everything is going to be okay."
They were led into a large room, which Ranboo believed to be the throne room possibly due to the large throne which stood at the end of the room.
As they made it down the hall Ranboo began to make out the person sitting on the throne.
She stood around nine feet tall, maybe taller than that. Around her were 3 pairs of arms on either side of her, they weren’t attached to her body which made Ranboo wonder how she could move them. Around her arms were the regular blaze rods which circled around her.
Her crown looked like antlers; it was a crimson red. She was a sight to behold. Her dress.
Standing beside her throne were two guards, the one on her right had their mouth gaped open and the one on her left had a smile on their face, they stood around 9 feet.
The woman narrowed her eyes when she spotted the boys coming down the hall, standing up to her full height. She was actually thirteen feet tall, making her tower over the enderman and the others.
When they finally came to a stop the four guards kneeled in front of the empress. She glared at the three boys before drifting over to them.
Ranboo stared in awe when he made eye contact with her, she snarled, "I didn’t think that the Ender King would send one of his own kin to die, oh wait I forgot he already did that to every single one of his subjects, now the only ones left live in the overworld and here in the nether. He was too greedy, he wanted every biome and dimension in his world, he instead fucked it all up and caused a mass extinction.” her voice echoed around them.
“You talk too much, woman.” She narrowed her eyes at the blonde and growled, “You were caught stealing, and I do not-"
“We weren’t stealing, we were just borrowing.” The Empress let out a thunderous laugh.
“A thief and a liar, now what I was about to say, thieves in my kingdom are given the penalty of death.” Ranboo’s heart stopped.
“Now how would-“ she was interrupted by a loud voice, “Y/n! Stop!” The empress lifted her head trying to locate the source of the voice, when she saw it.
“Philza Minecraft,” she called out, he flew down the hall and landed in front of her, bowing his head in respect.
Phil had been brewing some potions with Techno when he noticed something was off.
“Techno. Does something seem a tad bit off to you mate?” Techno paused for a moment before shaking his head no.
“I think today has turned out to be a good day though, its been a while since we’ve had one of those.” Phil nodded before returning to brewing.
All of a sudden he let out a loud gasp making the pigeon hybrid jump slightly.
“The boys!”
“Y/n L/n, s’been a while.” he let out a small chuckle. He glanced at the boys shooting them a ‘we’ll talk when we get home’ look.
“We can talk in a few moments. I'm in the middle of something if you can’t see.” she glanced back at the boys.
Phil put his hands up in front of him, “Yeah, I noticed, but I have to interrupt you with this. I can’t let you execute them,” he let out a loud huff, “they’re mine."
The empress raised a brow, “They are your kids, I would have never known, I mean the blonde here shows no manners, and is a liar. The next one here is a ram hybrid and the other an enderman hybrid.”
“Yes, yes I know. The blonde is my son, the other two are his friends.” She let out a small chuckle, “For a moment I thought you had a way with the ladies."
“I must apologize for the three of them, if you may spare them and punish them some other way.” She raised a brow and let out a sigh.
“As long as they return what they have stolen and apologize, I will give them no punishment.” The blonde cringed slightly at the thought of apologizing to her.
The other two apologized right away while it took Tommy a bit more to get himself to apologize.
“Thank you Y/n,” Phil dipped his head for her. “We will meet again soon.” she nods a goodbye before taking her place on her throne once more.
Once they had been escorted out of the kingdom Phil had smacked all three of them on the back of the head. “What were you idiots thinking.” he placed his hand on his head, “My god you three could’ve died if I didn’t show up.”
“We had it under control.” The blonde whined, “No we didn’t.” the other two said in unison."
“You guys are supposed to have my back on these kinds of things.” Tommy let out an annoyed huff.
Let's just say that they were all grounded.
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ganseybois · 3 years
if ur still taking alfietommy prompts, id love to see alfie meet arthur sr
i am yes :) here you go! i hope you enjoy it! it's a bit short, but considering how much tommy hates his father, I could only see it going one way!
“Let’s go,” Tommy said hurriedly.
“Mate, we just fucking got here.” Alfie frowned, looking over at Tommy. They had found themselves at one of the more underground bare-knuckle boxing rings, in an effort to make one of their nights together a little more interesting. Not that Alfie didn’t love spending most of the night kissing, fucking, or reading quietly next to one another, but he knew that Tommy ached for some semblance of romantic normalcy even if they had to hide it. So, their version of a night out was this.
“I don’t want to be here.”
Alfie raised his eyebrow. “What are you on about?”
“Alfie, please—”
“All right, all right, let’s go then.” he waved his cane to the door from which they entered.
“Tommy!” a voice exclaimed suddenly, and he did not miss the way Tommy’s entire body tensed, his eyes, which moments ago were soft and playful, had become hard. Nearly dead. Apathetic. They both turned to the voice, and standing there was an older gentleman. He was dressed similarly to Tommy, save for his hat which was a homburg instead of the cap Tommy wore.
“I thought you had left the country.” Tommy said, his tone cold and distant.
“I did, and now I’m back, but I’ll soon be gone again.”
“Good.” Tommy nodded. “Right, well, if that’s all.”
“Come on Tommy, have a drink with your father.”
Alfie’s eyebrows shot up and he looked between them. “This is your dad?”
“For all intents and purposes. Alfie Solomons, this is Arthur Shelby Senior.”
They shook hands, Alfie squeezing a little tighter than he thought he should, but taking pleasure in the small wince right by Arthur’s right eye.
“I didn’t know the leader of the Peaky Blinders had friends.” Arthur said, looking between them.
Alfie titled his head. “Well, seeing as you abandoned them when he was only little, yeah, that is not surprising, innit? For you to know that, you’d have to be around, wouldn’t ya?”
Arthur stared at him hard. “And what kind of friend are you to my son?”
“That right there, is none of your fucking business is it?”
“He’s my son.”
Tommy let out a sharp, hollow laugh. “Now I’m your fucking son am I? Where was that mentality when I was a child, hm?”
“Tommy, I am a changed man.”
“I should fucking kill you for stealing money from us.” Tommy pointed at him. “You’re lucky I don’t.”
“I came back to apologize to Arthur.”
Tommy let out a hard laugh, a single ‘Ha’, shaking his head. “You must think very low of me, of any of us, for me to believe that would be true. Every word you’ve ever said is a lie.”
He sighed tiredly, as though Tommy was the one being irrational. “Tommy please, just one drink.” He put a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, and before Tommy could slap it away, Alfie slapped it hard with his cane, earning a well-rounded shout from the impact.
Alfie crowded Arthur Senior, looking at him in that menacing way he did when he wanted to kill someone. For as much as Alfie spoke, he didn’t actually need to say much to get his point across. His expression was always more than enough, he just liked to drive it home. “Let me make something, very fucking clear, all right? You fucking touch him, fucking come near him, fucking take money from him again, I will be the one who kills you.” He brought his cane under Arthur’s chin, narrowing his eyes. “From what I’ve been told, you’re not worth the air you breathe anyhow, mate.”
“Who do you think you are?” Arthur snarled. They were catching the attention of others nearby now, and Tommy looked like he was hovering between wanting to interfere, and wanting to disappear.
“A friend,” Alfie snarled.
Tommy’s hand quickly ghosted over Alfie’s back. “Alfie, it’s time to go.”
Arthur looked between the two of them, understanding very clear in his eyes. “Is this who you’ve become now Tommy?” he asked seriously. “Are you going around fucking me—”
“Right!” Alfie roared, and with his cane, he smashed it across Arthur’s knee, and then on his back, watching with satisfaction as he fell to the ground.
Tommy sighed, although he didn’t actually seem annoyed. “Jesus Christ, Alfie.”
“What?” he asked, pouting at Tommy. “All I see is a piece of shit here.” On cue, Arthur moaned from the ground. He was certainly very hurt. “Right, shall we be off then?” he motioned for Tommy to walk ahead of him.
Tommy looked like he was trying not to smile, but first, he got down so he could speak into his father’s ear. “If you ever try to use this against us,” Tommy threatened, “we will kill you. And he will make it hurt. Get out of my fucking country.” Then, he stood up, straightened his suit, and left. Alfie followed him, feeling very content, and very much in love.
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krazykupcake1121 · 3 years
Idea from @psiithirisma tysm for letting me use it!
Techno looked over his room, double checking that everything was in place. Sure, it was probably a bad idea to summon a being known as the "Blood God", but hey, the ritual he found in the old book didn't actually call for any murder, so it was probably fine, right?
He checked the time, then hurried to start the ritual before his family got home. He loved Wilbur and Phil, he really did, but he wasn't too keen on letting them know what he was doing while they were gone.
After checking again the candle was still lit, he started to read the chant. They were in Greek, for some reason, but Techno was pretty sure he could read it just fine. Sure, he didn't really know Greek, but he was the best student in his Greek mythology classes. That had to count for something, right?
Ok, maybe this was a little harder than he thought. He probably should have practiced beforehand, or, like, ran it through an online translator or something. Still, he thinks he's doing well enough for the ritual to still work, or at least he hopes so.
After finishing the package, Techno looked into the center of the little summoning circle, unsure of whether or not to be hopeful. At first, nothing happened, then a golden light filled the room. Techno was a little confused about the light color, sure, considering every source he could find on his god said the light should be scarlet, but he was more concerned with the teenager now sitting in his room.
Obviously, the weren't human. Sure, they had a humanoid figure. And the curly, golden hair and not-quite glowing skin could pass for human. But they had scarlet horns, fangs, a small, wiry tail, and glowing, golden eyes. Additionally, their skin was covered in scarlet words in many languages. The words Techno could read were all either about blood or loyalty, and he assumed the rest were too. To top it off, they were dressed in rather apparently mundane clothes, except for the mark of the blood god embroidered in golden thread.
They looked around the room for a second before seeing Techno, narrowing their eyes at him before looking surprised. "Wait. You're Technoblade, yeah?
A little confused they knew his name, Techno nodded, not trusting his voice to speak quite yet.
"Well, based on that book in your hand, and what I know about you, you were trying to summon big man B.G., not me. Though depending on your motive, this might be better.
Curiosity getting the better of him, Techno spoke for the first time since they appeared. "What's that supposed to mean? You look like an actual child." A second later, it occurred to him that maybe that wasn't the smartest thing to say in this situation.
"Oi! I'm not a fucking child! I'm like thousands of years older than you! A big man!." Then the demon huffed. "But I guess I have to tell you. Since the big man is a God, he can pretty much do whatever he wants, even if he's been summoned. He wouldn't kill you, I don't think, because I hear you're a pretty good follower, but he probably wouldn't stick around too long, man's got a busy schedule. With me, though, you've bound us together, so if you've got a long-term goal with then this is better, innit?
Techno blinked. "I was just trying to meet the Blood God."
"Oh, then yeah, you got the short end of the stick. Get fucked."
Part of what te millenia-old cild said struck Techno. "Wait, what do you mean "bound together"?".
"Uh, you know, sounds connected? Well, I guess you don't know. Basically, you've got yourself a demon now to do your bidding or whatever the fuck."
"Does this mean I can't get rid of you? No offense, I just don't think my family would be too thrilled to find out I summoned a demon, and I don't know how I'd hide you, yknow?"
The demon laughed, a surprisingly high-pitched sound that seemed to match the demon perfectly. "Don't worry about that part, I'm invisible to everyone but you in this form, unless you want them seeing. You can call me Tommy, by the way."
Techno wasn't really expecting to be told the demon wanted to be called Tommy, but it suited them. "Uh, do you have a preferred set of pronouns I should call you?"
Tommy's brow furrowed in thought for a second. "Well, demons don't really have a super strong concept of gender, but I've always like he/they. Yours are he/him, right?"
"Yeah. How do you know so much about me? Is it the soul-bonding thing?" Tommy shrugged.
"Somewhat, but also the Blood guy-"
"Did you really just call him the Blood Guy?"
"Yeah and I do it to his face too. Anyway. The blood guy tends to keep an eye on you, specifically. Nowadays most young followers aren't all that devoted, more just going through a rebellious phase than anything. Used to be older people who lost faith, didn't care anymore once they were done fighting, but it's flipped. You're pretty devoted, which makes you special or whatever the fuck."
The knowledge that he was special to his god made Techno more than a little proud, but he had work to do. "Alright, then. We need to get cleanin, even ifmy family can't see you they can still see the- the sound of a car door slamming right outside cut him off.
Dashing to the window, Techno looked out to see Phil's car back in the driveway.
"Is that them?" Tommy seemed rather curious, probably wondering about his family, but Techno was too busy frantically trying to get rid of the evidence to respond. "Do you want me to just get rid of this stuff? Seems a lot easier than trying to clean it up."
Techno froze, then spun around. "Heh? You can do that?"
Tommy just looked at him, a little confused. "Yeah? I'm tied to a mortal now, making me a lot more powerful than I would be just visiting. I need permission to do anything though. But don't think that makes you in charge of me, alright dickhead?"
Techno was pretty sure that did make him in charge of Tommy, but now wasn't really the time to argue.
"Right. Uh, you have permission to, well, clean up the ritual stuff, I guess?"
Tommy nodded, then everything disappeared, just as Wilbur shouted from downstairs that he was home. Techno didn't respond, too busy staring at Tommy as the situation sunk in. "I really jut summoned a demon, didn't I?"
Tommy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I already told you that, didn't I? Luckily, I'm a fucking delight to be around."
Techno wasn't sure how to answer that, but luckily he didn't have to, as Wilbur chose that moment to come in, probably looking for attention.
"You alright there, Techno?" Wilbur asked, getting a look at him. "You seem a little off."
Techno mentally shook off his feelings on the demon in his room. He could figure it out later. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why're you guys back so early?"
Oh, well, the restaurant was closed, so we just got fast food. We got some for you too, figured you'd want..."
Techno listens to Wilbur talk and follows him downstairs. Somehow, without looking or hearing anything, he knows Tommy is following them. Weirdly, there's a strange sense of comfort there. Maybe it's because of the soul thing, he'll ask Tommy later.
He'll tell his family later. Eventually. Probably.
Ok I don't know how to do a read more on a phone please help. Also, context for some lore: the blood god has a bunch of demons each representing a reason blood is spilled. Tommy, as you might guess from the scarlet words, represents spilling blood for loyalty. Also, although they're not mentioned here, Tubbo and Ranboo are also some of the blood gods demons. Tubbo is representative of spilling blood in defense, and although I'm unsure of what Ranboo represents, I have a few ideas, including spilling blood for (self?) sacrifice. I considered spilling blood out of fear, but I want it to tie in with Tommy and Tubbo a little bit more. If you have any thoughts, feel free to let me know!
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evienyx · 3 years
DSMP Citizens POV- Part 1
I've seen a lot of the memes going around, but I'm not funny enough to write that, so here's my addition to the trend :p
This is part one, because I had a lot of fun with this and want to do it more.
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DSMP Citizen POV Masterlist
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Sometimes, it was odd for the residents of the Dream SMP to be reminded of the fact that the constant state of chaos that their server was in was not, in fact, reflective of every server.
"Why did we move here?" One woman in Snowchester whispers to another as the sirens go off for yet another nuke test and they duck down into their bunker.
The other shrugs. She doesn't have an answer. No one does.
Things started out all right, the people supposed. There weren't any wars, at least. Some of those who lived on the server before the Revolution could remember back far enough to tell you about the first true conflict, between Dream, the creator of their home, and TommyInnit, a sixteen-year-old who could yell shockingly loud, even for a teenager. Dream fought against Tommy and Tubbo (yet another teenager), and it seemed to all be in good fun.
Some will tell you now, though, that the signs of tension were already there, and when Wilbur Soot joined, those tensions only escalated.
One moment, things on the server were normal, the next, there was a Revolution.
"Did anyone else hear Dream shouting about 'white flags' this morning?" One person would ask their friends, and receive nods in return. "Anyone know what it's about?"
"A Revolution," one would respond. "Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are starting a new country."
"Oh," the first would hum. "How long until they get completely crushed?"
"Eh, I give 'em a week."
It was only a week, but it did not end the way anyone thought it would. Instead, L'Manburg gained its independence after TommyInnit gave up his discs once he lost a duel with Dream.
"Is the L'Manburg cabinet missing someone?"
"No, I don't think so. Anyway, did you hear that Dream just declared that Eret is to be crowned king?"
"...Can he do that?"
"He's Dream. He can do whatever he wants."
After the Revolution, when the server finally had more than one ruling faction, more than one place to live, things seemed to pick up a bit. President Soot, with Vice President Innit (VP Tommy, the people called him), ruled over L'Manburg, and called it a place of freedom. When word spread to other servers, people came to see for themselves.
And often, they stayed.
It was peaceful, for a while.
"President Soot announced he's holding an election," one man said to his wife one day.
"Yeah. Said it was for democracy." The man snorted. "He and Innit are the only party running, though. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me."
"Darling, I know you're still salty about losing the war, but there's no reason to talk bad about a child," his wife said.
The man wrinkled his nose. "Still."
It was peaceful during the campaign.
For a while.
Then, though, Quackity announced that he was running for president, with GeorgeNotFound, best friend of Dream himself, as his running mate.
"This feels like a sitcom," one girl says as she watches the debate reruns with her friends.
"At least it's entertaining," her friend replies, shoving popcorn into his mouth.
And, for the people of the Dream SMP, from both L'Manburg and the Greater SMP, it was entertaining.
Until the election results came in, Schlatt was declared the winner, and President Soot and VP Tommy were banished.
"Dude, dude!" One teen says to their friends, running up to meet them on the Prime Path.
"What is it?"
"I just saw Technoblade join the server!"
The arrival of the Blood God shifted something in the people of the Dream SMP. When he joined Pogtopia, the rebellion being led by the two ex-leaders of the country, the people felt something settle within themselves.
All of a sudden, choosing sides wasn't as simple as where you live.
It was what you care about.
As the son of the ex-president burned down the old flag, the people of the Dream SMP, of (L')Manburg and of the Greater SMP, realized suddenly that they had to make a choice.
Without even wanting to, without doing anything to deserve it, they would have to fight.
Some people went to Pogtopia, some stayed in Manburg, some in the Greater SMP. Those in the latter two stayed where they were because they wanted to stay out of it.
It didn't change anything, in the end.
In Manburg, they watched their president (Emperor) fall further and further into alcohol, yelling at his cabinet and talking of expanding into territory that they had no right to.
In the Greater SMP, murmurs of King Eret's attempts to assist the Pogtopia rebels filled the alleyways.
In Pogtopia, people sat and watched the decline of the man that they had all once believed in. As Wilbur Soot slowly devolved until he was no longer recognizable as the man who had once led people to freedom, the residents of Pogtopia ate potatoes farmed by a man famous for his bloodlust and pretended that they were sleeping somewhere warm.
The day of the Manburg Festival, though, things felt better. Other than ex-president Soot and ex-VP Tommy (Wilbur and Tommy, the two insisted. No one listened), everyone, even the rebels in Pogtopia, were invited to attend. The people wandered through the stalls playing games, watching as Soot's son attempted (in vain) to drown Technoblade, buying food, and chatting with people from other factions, friends and family that they hadn't spoken to in weeks.
When the time came for the speeches, before the true festivities were set to begin, everyone was feeling good about the day. People congratulated Secretary Tubbo for a successful event, and offered him small words of encouragement for his speech coming up. The teenager would grin at all who spoke to him, and looked (rightfully) proud of how well he organized and decorated the festival.
Secretary Tubbo gave his speech, and people clapped, and then fell silent as President (Emperor) Schlatt laughed, asked for his Vice-President's assistance, and encased the teenager in a cage of concrete.
And then he called Technoblade to the stage.
And then, in front of the people of the Dream SMP, a teenager was executed in a spray of color that shot toward the sky.
Fireworks rained down on the people in the stands, then, and, regardless of where they were from, the people of the Dream SMP ran.
The Pogtopia ranks grew that day, and a nineteen-year-old who claimed to be a doctor without showing any credentials forced four other people to help her heal VP Tommy after he fought Technoblade in a pit, egged on by a man who once might have called himself his brother.
"How is this kid not dead yet?" One of the helpers asked, looking at the unconscious teenager's face.
"Pure spite?"
The first hummed. "Sounds about right."
One day, a bit after the festival, the people of Pogtopia woke to find Vice President Quackity walking through the ravine as if he owned the place.
One resident was noted to rub his eyes, blink three times, and then say, "It's too early for this shit," before heading back to bed.
A surprising number of people followed his lead.
Finally, the day of November 16th came, when Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit vowed to take their country back.
"I heard President Soot is planning to blow up L'Manburg," one Pogtopian woman mentioned to her friend as they suited up and prepared to fight, as they had signed up to be part of the forces.
"That's stupid," her friend replied.
"Bet you ten diamonds he blows something up."
As the country of L'Manburg blew sky-high, one woman was seen following another, screaming that she wanted her diamonds.
When Pogtopia won the war, the forces from both sides sat outside of the remains of the van as President Soot, VP Tommy, Secretary Tubbo, Dream, Technoblade, and many more, all piled inside to confront Emperor Schlatt.
They emerged fifteen minutes later, and Dream announced to the crowd that Schlatt was dead.
There was no time for the news to sink in, as they played hot potato with the presidency, going from VP Tommy to Wilbur Soot to Secretary Tubbo.
"President Soot is leaving, do you see that?"
"Probably going to the river to celebrate the win, if you know what I mean."
"Literally shut up. Never speak again. I hate you."
As the newly-inaugurated President Tubbo finished his speech, the people felt a wave of relief wash over them. Maybe the server could finally be peaceful once more.
Then, there was the tell-tale hiss of explosives under their feet, and the people ran as the ground beneath them fell away.
Stories of what happened next are conflicting, to say the least.
Words of President Soot dying in the explosion, of him turning the blade on himself, of another man killing him.
"He had wings," people who saw the man said. "Blonde hair, a green hat and robes. He stabbed Soot with the guy's own sword."
Technoblade apparently gave an incredible speech, and anyone who was there to witness it lamented that they hadn't recorded it.
Then, two Withers flew through the sky, and blood ran down the newly-exposed stones, and people who had never experienced death on the server before finally knew what it was like to die.
Afterward, though, when the anarchist had fled and the ex-President lay dead, President Tubbo, with VP Tommy by his side, stood and addressed the people, and made promises of a brighter future, and the hope and determination in his eyes was enough for the people to hope that maybe he was right.
("Whoa, cool wings, dude," a resident of L'Manburg said to their newest neighbor, a man in green with wings, burned across all the feathers, sprouting from his back. "Wait, what happened to them?"
"Oh, I was protecting my son from the explosion," the new resident replied.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. Is your son all right at least?"
"No, he died just a few minutes afterward. His last life, too." The man sighed. "As much as I hate to admit it, he probably deserved it."
A beat. "What did he do?"
"Well, you may have heard of him. Wilbur Soot? He was the president here before Schlatt, I believe."
"...Holy shit, you're the bird man that killed President Soot!"
"Yeah, mate, that's me."
"...He was your son?"
"...What the fuck is wrong with your family?")
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
I underestimated you
this is for @helliontherapscallion  ‘s 2k followers event ! (which congrates on that btw, well deserved. your fics are amazing!) and i found it kinda fun to do!
an x reader where tommy and the reader need to get something from the blade, so they ask wilbur to help out
The other fic I did for this event what did you three do
(y/n) walked down the prime path, examining the area around them. They turned to Tommy, who was walking with them, constantly writing in his book. “Tommy, hun, what are you doing? I thought you were illiterate.” he nodded his head. “uh uh.” (y/n) stopped walking, staring at the much taller male. “Your gay.” Tommy turned to them. “Thank you.'' Tommy says, turning right back to his book.
“Oh good, you were listening, anyway whatcha doing?'' Tommy furiously wrote, once finished, he put the pen in the middle of the book and slammed it shut. He looks over at (y/n), smiling widely. “You know how we’ve been trying to get that axe back from techno??” (y/n) nodded, remembering the axe they had left at technos and could never get back. “Well,” tommy shoved the book in their face, “i have a plan!” (y/n) looked up at the tall man, slowly. “Oh, god help us all...okay, what's the plan.” They look down, reading tommys horrible handwritten plan. “You can't write to save your life. Anyways, tommy this plans shit.” 
Tommy takes back his plan book, angrily. “What do you mean! It's a great plan!” they shook their head. “Tommy, it literally only says ‘go into his house, distract the blade, steal his shit’ yeah yeah, great plan toms.” they say, continuing their way threw the prime path. Tommy chased after them, “hey hey wait! It worked really well when i lived under his house-” “tommy i couldve came up with it myself. Besides, he keeps the axe on his person cause he knows i want it back, and i cant get it when he hibernates cause philza watches over it. This is why i need a plan, a good plan.”
The next day, Tommy came over to (y/n)’s house early in the morning to show them his plan.
“Tommy, what the fuck are you doing here this early in the morning!?” Tommy was basically buzzing in excitement. “Ugh, come in come in.” they say, gesturing for Tommy to get into their house. Tommy basically runs into their house, (y/n) closing the door behind them. They walk into the kitchen as Tommy sits down in the living room, still buzzing. 
“What are you doing in there!? Come on, come on!!” (y/n) just sighs, grabbing a cup and pouring themself a cup of water. “You woke me up at an ungodly hour of the day, you're gonna have to wait a second bitch.” they say, taking their cup and sipping it as they walk into the living room. They sat across from Tommy in an armchair as Tommy sat on the couch.
“What is it you needed tommy tom?” they say, putting their cup down. “Ew don't call me that. Anyways, I wanted to show you the new plan I've made!” he says, walking over to (y/n)’s arm chair and showing them the book. They take it, reading threw the plan. 
“Huh. this could work… do you know if he’s hibernating now?” (y/n) asked, turning to the blonde. He nodded. “Haven't seen him in chat for weeks. Even jumped from a tall height to test it, didn't say a word.” they nodded, smiling. “Well then, call wilbur up. Lets get started!”
Later that day, they called up Wilbur to see if he would help them out, fortunately, he agreed.
“So, what am i doing again?'' Wilbur asks, sitting down in (y/n)’s living room. “If philza shows up, you're gonna be there to distract him. Just say you're there to see him and techno to catch up since you've been dead for a while.” (y/n) said, standing next to tommy. Wilbur nodded, thinking. “Should be easy enough on my part. Anything else you need of me?” 
Tommy spoke up. “You’re gonna need to fight them if things get rough. (y/n) and I need to get the axe out of the house as fast as possible.” Wilbur stood up. “I did not agree to fight the blade, okay? You're gonna have to pay me if you want me to fight the blood god.” (y/n) sighed at this.
“Fine, you can have a stake of diamonds and 9 netherite, deal?” Tommy gasped. “How do you have that much!?” (y/n) just chuckles. “I go mining constantly ‘cause you're so expensive. Anyways Wilbur, got a deal?” 
Wilbur sat back down, thinking about it. “Yeah, we’ve got a deal! Now what  are you two gonna do?” (y/n) sat down in their arm chair. “Oh, easy. So what we’re planning is-”
They talked about the plan for a bit, wilbur interjecting to improve upon it. Once done, they set out, gathering what they needed and heading to the tundra to get their axe back.
It took awhile to get there, seeing as though the three of them kept arguing. 
“Omg we’re finally here!” tommy says, immediately getting shushed by wilbur and (y/n). (y/n) snakes Tommy's arm lightly. “We’re right outside their houses! Be quite!” they whisper yell, heading towards the front door. “Right right..” tommy whispers, following behind, along with wilbur.
They sneaked inside, heading in from the main and basement doors. Tommy and (y/n) snuck up the ladders, going as quietly as possible. “You see the axe?” (y/n) asks, whispering as low as possible. Tommy shook his head, heading further into technos room to try and find it.
The pigman was sleeping soundly in his big ass bed. The two teens assumed that he wouldn't wake up for a long time.
(y/n) followed after Tommy, slowly walking around the room to try and find the axe. They searched all around the room, searching in his chests and even closet.
Tommy looked at the far end of the room, near the ceiling. He notices the wall being two different colors, as if there's a giant hole in the wall. He climbs up to the ceiling, seeing what was in the whole. He gasps, realizing it's a barrel filled with a ton of valuable stuff, including the axe that they were looking for. He takes it (along with a bunch of the other things inside) and slowly gets down from where he was at. He turned back to (y/n), who was already looking at him.
“Find anything?” Tommy nodded at the younger teen.
“I know i found two rats in my room.'' They quickly turned to see the piglin awake, and fully geared to fight the two of them. Even when he's sleeping he's ready to fight. 
“Shit shit shit shit, tommy RUN!!” they booked it to the ladder, making sure to hold onto the axe they had finally gotten back. Techno quickly followed after them, not wanting to let them leave with the axe. 
Wilbur notices the commotion, grabbing his sword, putting on his armor, and getting ready to fight the blade. 
The teens basically slide down the ladder, heading to the basement to get away as fast as possible. Techno came down after, but Wilbur was there to stop techno from going down further. He had to think fast however, so Wilbur did the first thing he thought of.
Stabbing techno in the ass.
Techno jumped off the ladder, standing in front of wilbur. “How much are they paying you?”
“A stack of diamonds and more.” techno nodded, going over to his ender chest. “I'll give you a stack of netherite blocks and stacks of sand if you turn against them.” Wilbur immediately nodded. “Yes yes,fuck those guys! Gimme gimme!” Wilbur takes the sand form techno and starts monching on it.
“Now, where are they heading?” techno asks, giving Wilbur the rest of the stuff that he promised.
“Oh, they're heading to snow chester. Closer than either of their homes.” techno nodded, running out the door with wilbur to go and get technos stuff back.
Back with Tommy and (y/n), they had reached where they agreed to go, breathing heavily. (y/n) immediately collapsed to the ground once they reached their hideout. “Oh god i'm tasting but...still got the axe?” Tommy nodded, collapsing next to them. 
“I am so glad we agreed to change our hiding spot. I would be so dead if techno decided to chase us.” (y/n) says, grabbing the axe and examining it, happily. “Yeah, I knew not to trust wilbur. The guys insane!” (y/n) gets up, putting the axe with the rest of their treasures. “Well Tommy, I underestimated you. Your plan actually worked out for us.” they said, laying back down next to tommy. 
Tommy smiled, basically clinging onto the young teen. “Never underestimate big man tommy danger kraken innit.” (y/n) giggled, clinging onto Tommy as well.
“Wanna just sleep?” they ask. Tommy nodded. Too tired to say anything else. “Alright, goodnight tommy.”
“Goodnight pussy.”
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Disappointments-Male!Gay!Shelby!Reader x Shelby Family
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(GIF credit to @frillmag​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @bloodorangemoonlight​ @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous : 'Hey, do you write for male readers? If so, could you write a fic about either one of the Shelby brothers having a gay son, or being one of the Shelby brothers and being?? Maybe being Finn’s twin brother and being gay? If not, that’s okay. It’s just hard to find male reader fics. P.S. your writing is amazing! 😙’
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader (brothers), Polly Shelby x Reader (aunt), Thomas Shelby x Reader (brothers), John Shelby x Reader (brothers)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Homophobia, swearing, mentions of sex, violence, guns, fluff
"You're getting worse at sneaking in you know. It's just sloppy now." Finn startled his brother who had been doing just that. 
(Y/N) sighed as he shut the backdoor that lead to the kitchen. Finn was sat at the table, a cup of tea in his hand, already finished with his breakfast. He was loving this. But what person didn't enjoy seeing their sibling potentially get into trouble?
“Is Polly about?" (Y/N) asked, still staying quiet. 
“Going behind her back once again?” Finn didn't lower his voice, smirking at his brother's distress. 
“Shut up you prick! Just help me out here, please. It's not like you're a Saint round here.”
Footsteps coming down the stairs panicked (Y/N), desperately trying to think of a way out of this. He had been out on a long night out, meaning he was still wearing his fancy clothes and his head was throbbing with a hangover. The smell of Finn’s cooked breakfast still lingered in the air, which made (Y/N) feel both sick and starving. As Polly got nearer, (Y/N) grabbed a towel drying in front of the stove, wrapping it around his shoulders before trying to comb his hair down with his fingers. Finn tried to hide his sniggering as Polly entered the room. 
“Eh, where have you been?” Polly immediately asked.
“I've been down here, with Finn.” he lied. 
“Why have you got a towel around your shoulders?”
“Left my dressing gown upstairs.”
“You Shelby boys think you can blatantly lie in front of me and get away with it. Where were you?”
(Y/N) groaned, flinging the towel off his shoulders.“Out, enjoying myself for once.”
“You know you should tell us where you are, in case-”
“-in case anything happens, I know. But whenever Finn goes out, he doesn't get questioned!”
Polly glanced at the floor."We've been through this." 
“Because I let men fuck me?” 
Polly's head whipped up, her eyes wide.“(Y/N)!”
Finn ducked his head slightly. This was all fun and games at first, but it always lead back to this. His brother was right. They wanted to know where he was to make sure no one recognised him as a Shelby when he went there. And if anything broke out, he could be taken away from the scene before someone used him to mock the Peaky Blinders. 
“Just don't mention this to your brothers. They've got enough on their plate at the moment.” Polly snapped.”
(Y/N) stood from his seat, scoffing as he left the room.“Not that Finn or I would know anything about that. We're the disappointments of the family, remember? They don't want us anywhere near them.”
(Y/N) held back his frustrated tears as he washed his face in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror as the droplets ran down his face. This was who he was, but sometimes he wished he could be like his brothers, any of them. Over the years he had desperately tried to ignore that side of him, tried to find a girl he could put up with. At first, he thought it would be easier than he thought; he easily spoke to girls, he could be flirty if he wanted, and he was Shelby so it wasn't hard to convince them to coke home with him. However, as he thought about a life with a woman, he found himself turning up his nose at it. He just couldn't bring himself to go through with it, even the thought of a small kiss made him uncomfortable. 
As he left the bathroom and headed to his room, (Y/N) smelt a cooked breakfast again. This time it didn't make his stomach churn so much. Entering his room, he realised the smell was coming from there, and his confusion was resolved when he spotted Finn perched on his bed, a plate of food on his lap. 
“Pol left hers. So, thought it shouldn't go to waste.” Finn said, holding the plate out to (Y/N). 
A small smile graced (Y/N)'s lips as he took it.“Thanks.”
He sat up against the headboard of his single bed, starting to eat as Finn made himself comfortable. 
“I'm sorry about what I said earlier. About us being the disappointments.” (Y/N) rudely spoke with his mouth full. 
“It's the truth, innit?” Finn shrugged. 
“They'll take you on, Finn. You'll soon be running around doing jobs for them.” 
“What about you?”
“Let me outside into the public, letting people see the homosexual Shelby brother? I don't think so.”
Finn knew he was right. He hesitated before asking his next question.“(Y/N)...how did you know that you...liked men?” 
“I just...find them attractive, the same way you like women, I guess. I always thought that maybe I was jealous of how they looked. Maybe it was the way they held themselves. But at a party one night I...”
“You told me about this. You kissed a boy.”
(Y/N) sadly chuckled.“Yeah. In the moment it felt right, I could tell that this was who I was. But as soon as we stopped, I felt sick. I mean, could you blame me? I was fifteen and still terrified of our brothers. I just started imagining being kicked out, left on the streets, people would come after me because I like men, thinking that cause I'm a Shelby that it would effect the family. Our family doesn't give a shit about us.”
Suddenly the door opened, Polly stood there with a hand on her hip.“Right, you, get dressed. Your brothers want to see you.”
She swiftly closed the door, leaving the boys in silence. (Y/N) was the first to make noise as he bit into a piece of toast. 
He swallowed before speaking. “Guess I was wrong about what I said before.”
The boys were suited up before meeting their brothers at Charlie's yard. They were gathered around a fire pit, Charlie and Tommy smoking, no one noticing the boys until (Y/N) cleared his throat. They felt nervous, they always did when summoned by their older brothers. For so long they had both wanted to please them, make the family name proud; Finn still did, (Y/N) on the other hand couldn't give less of a damn.
“Right, we can start.” Tommy cleared his throat as he put out his cigarette. 
“Lovely greeting as always, Tom.” (Y/N) muttered. 
“Leave it (Y/N).” John warned. 
“You're all here to execute the plan.” Tommy started.“You've all been given your instructions, today is the day we carry them out.”
“Tom,” Finn interrupted,“we haven't been given any instructions.”
Everyone looked towards the youngest, but Arthur smirked.“Don't you two worry, we've got something for you.”
The boys had to stand there and listen as Tommy went over everything, ensuring that everyone knew what they were doing. None of it made sense to them, they were trying to figure out where they fit into all of this.  
“You two,” Tommy finally referred to them,“you're going to go to the family's house, make sure they stay there.” 
“How?” (Y/N) asked. 
“You'll come up with something. But make sure none of them leave, do what you have to do.” 
Everyone was dismissed, immediately knowing what to do. (Y/N) and Finn glanced at each other, obviously annoyed that they were left with the task of stalling. What on earth were they supposed to say to keep them from leaving the house? 
As they walked down the street address they were given, (Y/N) and Finn huffed, shoulders slumped as they approached the house. 
“We're really moving up in the ranks, aren't we?” Finn moaned. 
“I don't give a shit about ranks or impressing Tommy.” (Y/N) scoffed. 
Finn glared at his brother.”Yeah, well, some of us are expected to carry on the family business.”
(Y/N) just rolled his eyes, stopping in front of the door. He knocked on it, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stood beside Finn. The door opened to reveal a middle aged woman, quite plump with her hair in a (once neat) bun, cheeks red and she looked out of breath. 
“Oh, Mr Shelby...and Mr Shelby.” she panted out, the sound of screaming children answering why she looked tired. 
(Y/N)'s body tensed up as he recognised her. He was here last night, this was the house he was brought back to with that man...she obviously didn't know about that, but (Y/N) silently panicked at the thought of his one night stand seeing him here. 
“We're here to talk about your protection payment.” Finn started. 
She shrugged.“We don't pay for that anymore.”
“We know. That’s the problem.”
“Look, the kids need feeding, I don't have time to chat.” 
She started to shut the door, but Finn stopped it.“We're in no rush. We can wait inside.”
The woman knew it wasn't a suggestion, it was a demand. She didn't hide her anger as they walked in, scurrying off to her children in the kitchen, shouting for their food. 
“She must know her husband is going to die today.” Finn whispered.“He's been an arse hole for months now, to us and her.” 
(Y/N)'s heart was racing.“Finn, I might wait outside-”
“What you talking about? We're fine here.” 
“Just to cover more ground.” 
“We only need to be here. Stop messing around.” 
“For fucks sake Finn, I was here last night!” (Y/N) harshly whispered. 
“I came back here with a boy last night. This is his family!” 
Finn chuckled, trying to keep quiet.“Oh this is brilliant.” 
“Shut up, no it's not!” 
“Is he still here?”
“How the fuck should know?!”
“Look boys,” the mother returned,“I don't get involved with this side of things. This is all to do with my husband.”
“Then you don't know what he's been up to?” Finn alluded.
“Finn, don't say anything.” (Y/N) whispered.
He sighed.“Got any tea?” 
(Y/N) couldn't relax at all, hardly touching the tea the woman was forced to make. Finn seemed to be relishing in the small power he had. The children were outside playing, their squeals, giggles and bickering echoing out. Finn made the woman stay in the kitchen with them, not trusting her to somehow rush off and save her husband, not that she would be able to find him. (Y/N) had scenarios racing through his head, wondering if the guy he slept with would be home at any minute. It was killing him thinking that he had been here already, and the woman didn't even know.
“I'm back. Could only get a small loaf today, baker's struggling. Something to do with having the wrong flour?” an all too familiar voice rang out as the front door opened. 
(Y/N)’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets, loathing the menacing grin on his brother’s face. He scanned around the room, wondering if there was someway he could hide his face; he even thought about leaving through the back door, but (Y/N) knew he couldn’t leave Finn behind. It was too late anyway, because his one night stand was right in front of him. He too froze in the doorway, rustling the paper bag as he gripped onto it.
“What do you think you’re doing boy?” his mother scolded him, snatching the bag of bread out of his hand as she stood.“We have to make this last the week!”
He didn’t respond, his eyes still on (Y/N).“What are they doing here?”
“Your father is ruining our lives again.”
“That still doesn’t explain why they’re sat in our kitchen.”
“Here on business.” Finn piped up, glancing at his pocket watch.“Shouldn’t be here much longer.”
“What have you done with my dad?”
He wasn’t in shock so much, it had turned to anger, and it was directed at Finn’s cockiness. But Finn loved this, he felt like his brothers did when they had the power. Sipping on his tea, he took his time to answer, only making the son impatient.
“Dunno. Our brother’s are dealing with that.”
“You son of a bitch-”
The son swiftly moved towards Finn, but (Y/N) instinctively lunged in front of his brother, holding the man back. The woman screamed, grabbing a rolling pin and hitting (Y/N) on the back. He yelped out every time he hit her, until Finn easily took it out of her hands, giving her a fierce glare that made her shrink.
“He needs to stay outside. (Y/N), make sure he stays there.” Finn ordered.
“And if I don’t comply?” the son quipped back.
Finn opened one side of his coat, revealing his gun.“There doesn’t need to be anymore death today.”
The woman gasped, backing further into the counter away from Finn. (Y/N) just sighed, rolling his eyes.“There’s no need for that. Put it away before you give her a heart attack.”
The man shoved (Y/N) away, glaring at Finn as he made his way outside where his brother’s and sister’s were. (Y/N) followed, panicking slightly as he left through the gate and into the back alley that lined the small yards.
“Don’t worry, I’m not running off. Just didn’t want to argue in front of my siblings.” he huffed, leaning against the stone wall and crossing his arms.  
“Understandable.” (Y/N) muttered.
“So, you’re killing my dad today?”
(Y/N) didn’t answer, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Oh, so now it’s the silent treatment? You’re doing a better job of that than last night-”
“Alright! Look, I don’t actually know what my brother’s are doing.”
“You going to shoot all of us after they’re done?”
“No! You lot haven’t done anything. My brother’s wanted me today, they never usually do, and as usual, I am never involved with any planning.”
“But you go along with it anyway?”
“When you have a family like mine, you do as you’re told. It causes less drama.”
“Fuck having a family like yours.”
“That’s something we can both agree on.”
The man scoffed a laugh.“So, last night, you had no idea you would be here today?”
“You weren’t using me to get information for your brothers?”
“I would never do that.”
“Thought you said you do as you’re told?”
“Oh, shut the fuck up! I liked you last night when I was drunk but now you’re just really fucking annoying.”
“Good thing we didn’t want to take this further. Bet you don’t even remember my name.”
“Obviously not worth remembering.”
“It’s Jack!”
Their bickering was interrupted by a woman’s scream coming from the house. This caused silence over the children too, who after a few seconds started screaming themselves or crying out of fear. Jack tried to rush past (Y/N), but the Shelby boy held him back, pinning him against the wall. Jack was strong, but (Y/N) had the upper hand of wielding a gun. Jack hesitated, thinking about how he could get out of this, though he didn’t know how ruthless (Y/N) could be. 
They stared at each other, frozen in that position with the gun digging into Jacks’ neck. (Y/N) wasn’t sure what to do. On jobs like these, they would usually be done by now, but this was a mess. As he was trying to come up with a plan to calm the situation down, the sound of a door slamming startled them, luckily the safety was still on the gun. Finn burst through the gate, a scowl on his face as he saw the pair.
“Having a repeat of last night?” Finn spat.
“What have you done to my mother?!” Jack writhed under (Y/N)’s hold.
“She’s fine, unharmed. The children are inside with her. (Y/N) we can go.”
“So he’s dead then?” Jack pushed (Y/N) away as soon as his grip loosened.
Finn turned around, ready to start walking away.“Thought you would be happy. He sounded like a terrible person.”
“I am. I’m angry that you came here and terrified my family, you peaky scum.”
That made Finn halt in his steps. He loathed anyone disrespecting the family name.“What did you just call us?”
“Finn, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just get back to the others-”
Finn spoke over (Y/N).“He’s being disrespectful. That was a very stupid thing to do, especially since there’s two of us, and one of you.”
“Finn, we don’t have to do anything. Let’s. Go.”
(Y/N) quickly walked away, leaving Finn behind. His mouth dropped open in shock at his brother’s actions. How dare he leave him behind?! Finn turned to deal with Jack, only to have him spit on the floor before returning to his home and family.
Finn had a go at (Y/N) the whole time they were walking back to the shop. He kept going on about holding up to the family name, making sure that no one stood up to them. (Y/N) didn’t respond. He didn’t want to follow in his brother’s footsteps. Who would want to be part of this dynasty? If he had to hurt people like that again, he would tear his hair out. He hadn’t done anything directly to that family, however, being a part of the problem was still bothering him. As they entered the shop, Finn was still rambling on, catching the attention of the rest of the family.
“Oi!” Tommy yelled to shut up Finn.“What’s going on?”
(Y/N) lowered his head.“Nothing-”
“(Y/N) walked away from someone who deserved a beating.” Finn frowning.
Tommy rolled his eyes.“Did you do the job?”
“Tom, you’re not going to do anything? You always lecture me about-”
“No, Finn. Now is not the time. Answer my question.”
“Yeah. It’s fine. She stayed put.”
Finn just huffed at Tommy’s dismissive attitude, slumping into a chair as the eldest brothers started talking with Polly. (Y/N) stayed put, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So why didn’t you throw a punch? Scared to hurt your pretty little face?” John cruelly teased (Y/N) as he split from the group.
(Y/N) didn’t respond.
“Come on, (Y/N). Why so quiet?”
“John,” Polly warned,“leave your brother alone.”
“He’s no brother of mine.” 
John had always made his opinion about (Y/N) known. The young boy wasn’t stupid. He knew his older brothers didn’t like him, though John was the only one that said it out loud.
“Don’t worry Pol,” (Y/N) started,“they’re not my brothers either.”
“Stop it, both of you.”
“Why should I? I get this shit from them everyday, but the moment I stand up for myself, I’m the one who’s in the wrong.”
“Because you’re wrong. It’s not right what you...what you do with men.” John argued.
“What I do is none of your business!”
“It is when you’re a fucking Shelby and a Peaky Blinder!”
“I didn’t want to be either of those things! I always stay out of the way of you guys, but for some reason, you always want me to be a part of it! To keep up with your image? I don’t think so.”
(Y/N) wasn’t going to stay a moment longer. The arguments always ended up the same, he would always be outnumbered, and he wasn’t going to deal with it again. As he left, only Polly and Finn called out to him, not surprising. He made a beeline for his home, rushing upstairs to pack everything he could into a case. Small Heath was never his home. He never felt right here. He would get on a train tonight, find somewhere to go, anywhere but here, it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t be known anywhere else. (Y/N) could make somewhat of a start to his life. No more links to the Shelby name, no more links to the Peaky Blinders.
People stared at (Y/N) as he lugged his suitcase through the streets. They were all wondering where the young Shelby was headed to. His breathing was heavy as his heart beat raced. He was only young, he didn’t have much planned past getting on a train. This was crazy, it didn’t make sense to do this, yet it felt right to (Y/N). He knew he had to leave this place and his so called family.
“(Y/N)!” He heard Finn scream out.“Wait!”
(Y/N) turned to see his brother running towards him. He was probably sent to bring him back. Well, he wasn’t going easy.
“Where are you going?” Finn breathed out as he stopped.
“Anywhere that’s far from here.”
“You...you don’t know?”
“It sounds crazy-”
“It is!”
“But you know I can’t stay here much longer. I’m miserable. I can’t keep tiptoeing around our brothers, or face their judgement any longer.”
“Then, you’ll be needing this.” 
Finn dug into his jacket, pulling out wads of cash rolled up. He pushed it into (Y/N)’s hand.
“Finn, no, I can’t take this.”
“Yes you can. Besides, it’s not mine.” he smirked.
(Y/N) chuckled in shock.“You took this from the shop?”
“Anything to help my brother out.”
(Y/N) tucked away the cash, sighing as he looked at his brother.“You’re the one thing I’m going to miss.”
They hugged, patting each other on the back.“I love you brother. I know I’ve not always...agreed with what you...what like, but I’ll always be here for you. If you ever need any help, just call.”
“Thanks Finn. And if you ever need to get away from this place, you can come stay with me. Wherever that is.”
“So, what are you going to do, once you’re settled?”
“I don’t know. But whatever I do, it will be better than the future Tommy had for me.”
“You’re braver than I am.”
“No, I’m not. I’m just smarter.”
He winked at his brother as he picked up his suitcase, both of them laughing as (Y/N) started to walk away. (Y/N) wished he had longer with Finn, a proper goodbye would have been nice. But if he stayed any longer, his brothers would somehow force him to stay. He was on his own now, he had to be an adult if he was to make it on his own and never come back. (Y/N) just hoped that this really was the right choice, and that he wouldn’t come crawling back. The only way from here was forwards.
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digital-turtle101 · 3 years
Tumblr media
I got this request a while ago but— yes!! I’d love to write this :D! I wrote this one about Tommy specifically, but who knows, maybe I’ll do some more parts with other people?
People: TommyInnit
Type: Hangout/Cute
Fandom: Dream SMP
TW: Swearing, Mentions of Knives
AU: This is all meant to be completely platonic best friend activities <3
TommyInnit - Best Friends
Whether you like it or not, you somehow managed to become best friends with TommyInnit, aka the most chaotic and reckless person ever. He was unpredictable most of the time, yet no matter what you always found yourself tagging along on the various adventures he put himself through.
It wasn’t often the two of you did one on one activities like this, but they did happen here and there. You were chilling at your house for a while, not expecting any company, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. You got up and trotted over to the door, opening it.
“Tommy?” You spoke curiously, tilting your head. Usually he came bursting into your house blabbering about whatever his plans were that day, so it was odd of him to be knocking. “What’s up?” You asked curiously, leaning against the doorway.
“Y/n, clear your plans for the night!” The blond announced, pushing past you and straight into your home. Just when you thought he was acting like a polite normal person. He went straight to your kitchen, searching for any kind of jars or plastic containers. “What are you doing?” You inquired curiously, following the somewhat taller boy into the kitchen. “It’s a surprise.” The boy hummed under his breath, collecting as many jars and plastic containers he could.
He pulled a small pocket knife out of his pocket. “You don’t use these for anything, right?” He questioned, glancing your way. “Uh, yeah? I use them to-” You began, but he quickly cut you off. “Blah blah blah- I’ll just get you new ones.” Tommy grumbled, beginning to poke small holes in the top of the plastic lids of the jars and containers with the edge of his knife. You watched him curiously. What on earth was he doing?
After he had a couple jars and containers with holes in the top, he put his knife and the rest of the containers away. “Here, put some of these in your bag.” The blond remarked, pointing to your faded backpack that was sitting on the couch. You shoveled a few into the bag, Tommy putting the rest of them in his. “Well, come on! We don’t have all day!” Tommy insisted, waiting by the door. Unknowing of what the two of you were going to do you simply threw on some shoes and a light flannel before following him outside.
The two of you joked side by side as you walked seemingly further and further away from the main buildings of the Dream SMP. “Where are we going?” You asked curiously, kicking small rocks as you walked. “That’ll ruin the surprise!” He exclaimed enthusiastically. He was obviously excited for whatever he was planning on showing you. Eventually the two of you arrived at a forest that just seemingly got deeper and deeper. It was also starting to get dark outside, so you were a bit worried. Just as the sun went out of view Tommy and you arrived in a small secluded area in the forest. He set down his bag in the middle of the area as he took out a large picnic blanket and laid it across the dirt covered ground. “What is this?” You murmured, and Tommy looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“A picnic, you idiot.” The blond responded in a sarcastic tone, sitting himself down on the picnic blanket. “If this is a picnic, why’d you cut a bunch of holes in all my jars and containers?” You spoke as you sat down across from him. “You’ll see.” He answered as he pulled out two sandwiches in plastic bags. “Awe, how kind of you.” You poked fun at the boy, giggling. “I’m not kind, I’m a big strong man.” Tommy defended himself, quickly taking his sandwich out of his bag and taking a bite of it . It wasn’t too long before the boy began playing quiet music from his phone.
“One day, I know that you will be there,
One day, I’ll focus on the future, maybe
One day, oh baby isn’t life so fucking inconsistent?”
The lyrics quietly echoed through the forest. It wasn’t long before stars filled the sky. Just as you thought all other light was gone, you noticed a small source of light in the corner of your eye. You snapped your head to look at the light, noticing it was a very small firefly silently flying through the forest. “Ah, here they come.” Tommy spoke, sitting up and staring at the small bug. You looked at him with a confused face. “Yeah, we’re gonna catch some fireflies. They love this little area, I bet you there’ll be at least 50 around us in a couple minutes.” Tommy mumbled. You nodded in response, you couldn’t help but smile. He was right. Within just a couple minutes, you were surrounded by tons of fireflies, producing soft light.
Tommy opened up your bag and took out one of the small jars, taking off the plastic top he had previously cut holes in. He grabbed another jar and handed it to you. “It’s pretty easy, you just.. Swing your jar around trying to catch 'em, but be careful. Don’t hurt the little guys.” Tommy explained, and you nodded. The two of you stood up, and just a couple moments later, you could hear Tommy let out an excited giggle. “I got one!” He hummed happily, quickly putting the plastic lid on the jar. He looked at the firefly in the jar for a little while, before letting it go.
“Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstlye
Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle
I’m a scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle”
Songs continued to cycle through a familiar playlist the two of you typically listened to while hanging out. After catching fireflies for a while, you and Tommy had laid back down on the picnic blanket as the two of you stared up at the stars in the sky.
“This is rather nice, innit?” The blond hummed quietly.
“Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
A Mother for Two
Welcome to the continuation! As always, time to dedicate these chapters! Hope you all enjoy, especially @applepie1000
@petrichormeraki I will fist fight you lmaooo /j
Part 3
Part 4 [CURRENT]
Part 5
“You two sure you have everything you need?”
“We’re sure, Xisuma, jeez. It’s not like we’re leaving for good, we’ll be back by tonight.”
Grian snickered as Tommy was swiftly swatted on the backside of his head by Xisuma. Huffing, the boy griped as the group walked over to the portal leading to the Hub. As Xisuma gave the two another look over, Grian finally spoke up.
“Tommy and I will be just fine. We’ll just set up the fliers, get supplies, get our asses back here. Done, easy work.”
“Yeah, easy work!”
“Nothing is easy work when the two of you are together for too long. Just don’t cause too much trouble, nothing more than usual.”
After bidding farewell to Xisuma, the two boys walked into the portal. Instantly, voices chatting with each other filled the silence. The two stepped out of the portal and into the Hub. Players of all kinds here entering and leaving several portals. As the two made their way through the portal transportation section, Tommy examined all the portals. 
Stampy’s Lovely World
Cops and Robbers
There were so many portals to so many places. He had only been through the Hub to get to MCC. He was always focused on getting to his destination that he didn’t stop to look closely at every other portal around him. Stopping in his tracks, he stared at a ruined portal. It was grand and beautiful, but falling apart. It was cracked and broken, no longer activated. The giant sign above it proudly held it’s name, keeping the world from being forgotten.
Grian was walking when he felt something off. Turning around, he noticed that Tommy wasn’t following him. Tilting his head and looking around, he saw that Tommy was just standing there, staring. Excusing himself as he pushed passed the crowd, he eventually made his way to his brother. Before he could get onto his brother for immediately separating from him, he saw what his brother was looking at. Making a humming noise, he nudged Tommy before pulling out a large banner. Tommy nodded in understanding, and helped Grian unravel the banner. Working with haste, the two strung up the banner on the inactive portal. Once it was secured, they stood back and admired their work.
We, in Hermitcraft, happily invite you to join us in the opening day of our latest amusement park, Innit an Adventure! Created by our very own TommyInnit, we encourage you to spend the day with us! Come join us as we make unforgettable memories! Keep an eye out for festival week, and join us for a wonderful night of dancing! 
Are you innit with us?
“Looks great!”
“Of course it does, we made it.”
“Yeah yeah, lets just finish the set up.”
Smiling, the two boys set up two podiums underneath the banner. Taking out a good amount of pamphlets and fliers, they neatly set them down on the podiums. Content, the two began to walk away from the portal as people began to stop at the ruin, murmuring in excitement for the adventure park. 
“This is going to be a success, I can already tell you that. Good job, baby brother.”
The two laughed as they made their way through the portal Hub. Grian noticed some people he recognized and waved them over, already pulling pamphlets out of his bag. Tommy laughed as he looked around, fliers in hand, searching for anyone who was willing to get one. That’s when he saw it. Gulping, he quietly walked up to a neon green portal. 
Reading the sign attached to the portal, Tommy saw that only whitelisted people could enter. He was whitelisted. He could walk in, right now, and possibly lose his final life tied to the world. Shaking his head, he snapped himself out of his thoughts and scoffed at them. He liked it in Hermitcraft, he didn’t want to leave it for a terrible past. He didn’t have to worry about permanently dying in Hermitcraft. He didn’t have to worry about losing his shit or having said shit used against him. 
As Tommy mumbled to himself, he eventually came to a final decision. Nodding to himself, he crumbled a couple fliers and chucked them into the portal, sending them to the SMP. It was common knowledge that, even though people couldn’t enter, they could send items. With the fliers crumbled up, it would appear as if random passerby’s just threw trash in, making it easy for Tommy to deny inviting them.
Tommy knew that he didn’t want to go back to his past, that much was crystal clear. But what was stopping his past from going to him? If they missed him as if and wanted to see him again, they would need to make the effort. Humming with approval, he walked over to Grian, who was finishing talking to his acquaintances. 
“Hey, big man, maybe we should send some of the fliers and pamphlets into the portals.”
Grian thought for a bit, before nodding in agreement. Taking half of Tommy’s fliers, Grian gave him half of his pamphlets. Nudging towards the main server, he explained his plan.
“I’ll handle the portals and the travelers, okay? You go out and hang up banners and set up more podiums. Meet me at Feast Street for lunch, okay?”
“Okay, okay, calm down. I can do this, I’m not useless.”
“Far from it. See you later, Toms, love you.”
Tommy stood in silence, watching his brother walk away. His brother’s proclamation of love had caught him by surprise. A smile formed on his face as a warm feeling bursted through his chest. Looking around, he found some crates nearby. Standing on them, he inhaled before hollering out.
He saw his brother turn around, confused. He felt his face flush as a couple of strangers faced him as well. Ignoring them, he yelled out in confidence through the crowd.
He saw Grian laugh, a big smile painted on his face. The two exchanged waves of goodbyes before turning their separate ways, ignoring the cooing noises from the crowd. Tommy laughed as he situated his satchel. Nodding, he made his way down to the capital city.
Things were going great for Tommy. Do take note of the use of past tense, just pointing that out there. Now, Tommy was being scolded as if he were a child again. For Nether’s sake, he was 18! Yet, here he was, being scolded for something he didn’t do.
“I swear that I didn’t do shit!”
“Then why are you being so defensive?”
“Because you’re accusing me of crap that I didn’t even do!”
Apparently, according to the stupid shopkeeper that was currently giving him a hard time, some kids were going around and stealing stuff from the shelves. Due to the stress, the shopkeeper immediately accused Tommy of being apart of that group of kids. She wouldn’t let him leave, even after he explained himself. So there he stood, feeling like a helpless child once again.
“Is something the matter?”
Tommy turned to see a petite woman standing behind the shopkeeper, arms crossed. Despite her height, or lack of it, she seemed very intimidating. At least, that’s what the shopkeeper seemed to believe.
“Oh, ma’am, my apologies! I was just reprimanding this deli-”
“My son. You’re reprimanding my son.”
“SON??? WHAT???”
“What is she doing?”
Tommy perked up at this, peering over at the lady once more. The shopkeeper seemed flabbergasted at how blunt the woman was with her. The woman, however, stayed firm with her stance and gaze. 
“You’re son, ma’am?”
“Yes, my son. How many times do I need to repeat myself? I sent him in here to buy some fresh fruit to snack on before lunch, but I now see that was a mistake.”
“W-Wait, no! Ma’am, I didn’t-”
“We will find a different shop to go buy fruit at, instead. Do think about things before acting. Here,”
The woman grabbed a flier and a pamphlet from Tommy, handing it to the shopkeeper.
“You can make things up to both me and my son by telling shoppers about this. Now, we shall take our leave. Come on, dear.”
The woman held her hand out to Tommy, who nodded his head and took it. She led him out of the store and to the street, ignoring the apologies coming from the shopkeeper. Once they were a good distance away, she let go.
“Sorry about that, but you seemed stuck with her hounding you like that. I was going to ask for a flier or pamphlet, but figured I should help you instead.”
Tommy blinked a few times before laughing alongside the woman. Chat was laughing alongside them, taking a liking to the mysterious woman who had saved their little pogchamp.
“Ah, I should introduce myself. I’m Kristin, very nice to meet you! I’m originally from SMP Earth, but I somehow ended up here many years ago.”
“SMP Earth? Holy shit, I’m from there, too! I’m Tommy, by the way. Well, my actual name is Thomas, but everyone calls me Tommy. I’m from Business Bay, but I eventually became the youngest prince of the Antarctic Empire.”
“Youngest prince? Are you Phil’s brother?”
“What? Nah, he adopted me as his son.”
Tommy was startled as the woman, Kristin, began choking on air. Alarmed, he pat her back as he gave her a water bottle he had on him. After a while, she raised her hand and nodded, indicating that she was okay.
“Wow, he has a son. The world is ending, hah.”
“Four, actually. He has four sons.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to have a heart attack.”
Tommy laughed before asking what was on his mind. Judging by the breezy feeling that moved across his starry face, he knew that Clara led this woman to him.
“How do you know Phil?”
Kristin’s face brightened up as a small blush painted her cheeks.
“Er, how about I tell you about it as we walk?”
“Better yet, why don’t you tell me and my older brother about it over lunch?”
Grian was not expecting Tommy to come back with an older woman. He didn’t mind, however, after hearing how she saved his brother from the shopkeeper’s rage. Laughing, he ruffled the younger boy’s hair. 
“Haha, you found a mother!”
“We’re brothers, so wouldn’t that make her our mother? Sheesh, dumbass.”
Kristin laughed out loud in the background, holding her stomach and she doubled over. Tommy happily smiled, very glad to have someone appreciate his language. Once they all gave proper introductions and a reason as to why Kristin was with them, they all got food and sad down at one of the outside tables.  After getting a few decent bites into their meals, Tommy spoke up.
“So,  how do you know Phil?”
“Ah, yes, that old fart-”
She smiled as both boys snorted at that statement. Taking a bite out her bread roll, she waited for them to settle down before. Nodding her head, she continued.
“It’s true, he is! Anyways, I knew him when I lived back on SMP Earth. I was, well, am the princess of a smaller kingdom back there. Phil’s parents had started a small kingdom of their own, the Antarctic Empire. My parents, along with his, arranged for the two of us to be married to one another. I would have usually thrown a fit at an arranged marriage, like I always did when they brought up suitors, but Phil and I actually liked each other, so we agreed. I disappeared before the wedding, however, fell through my mirror and into a hardcore world. Once I made it out of there, I ended up here. Been here ever since.”
Grian started choking out of surprise. Tommy and Kristin both moved quickly to help him, worried. Once he gave them a sign that he was okay, he adjusted himself.
“You’re Queen Kristin?”
“Yeah. I read it in one of the books in the archive when I was younger. Although you disappeared, you were still married to my dad, and the two kingdoms were merged into one.”
Kristin stared at Grian, confusion and disbelief painted her face. Suddenly, she groaned and hit her head against the table. 
“This explains why some of the things I bought took way too long to finalize! My last name has been Minecraft this entire time!”
Tommy and Grian shared a look of disbelief. This was the only thing she was concerned about? Being married to Phil wasn’t troubling or shocking news to her at all! Suddenly, Tommy’s eyes widened as he gasped, pointing at Kristin. 
Kristin helped them finish setting up banners and podiums. She also aided them in passing out fliers and pamphlets to passing people. Once they ran out, she walked them over to the Hub. As they stood at the entrance portal to Hermitcraft, Tommy hugged Kristin, who ran her fingers through her head. She may have been new to the whole mother thing, but her caring instincts were enough to comfort the young boy.
“I wish I could come, I really do, but I’m not on the list. I’ll have to wait until opening day.”
Before Tommy could whine, Grian spoke up. 
“What if we got you on the list? Would you move in, then?”
Kristin laughed as she pat Grian’s shoulder, a smile painting her face.
“Of course! I just found out I had family! You guys aren’t getting rid of me that easily. Here, take this. If you guys get me on the list, use this to get to my house.”
Tommy brightened up as he was given a compass labeled Kristin. He nodded as Grian promised. 
“Bye Kristin! See you around!”
“Bye Tommy, Grian, I’ll see you two soon.”
The boys watched as she walked away, a pep in her step as disappeared into the crowd. Nodding to each other, Tommy and Grian went home.
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condorclaw · 4 years
It's what Sam Nook was the best at.
The large mechanical creeper spent his days standing outside the towering structure of the Big Innit Hotel, keeping watch for potential customers, or potential troublemakers.
"Don't you ever get tired of standing here?" Jack Manifold had asked one day after a hostile confrontation between the two employees.
The answer was always no. Sam Nook never got tired of guarding the hotel. The task was never as boring as his peers made it seem. In fact, it was an exciting experience.
Sam Nook had been downloaded with the basic information of every server member, learning their names, heights, and basic personality traits with ease. However, the simple information couldn't compare to all he had noticed while speaking with them himself.
They all had their own stories to tell, and their own experiences to share. While standing guard, sometimes somebody would stop to speak with Sam Nook. Regardless if it was out of pity or for a genuine conversation, Sam Nook appreciated the gesture.
Captain Puffy would tell Sam Nook tales of her adventures, going into great detail when describing the scenery. It gave Sam Nook a thirst of adventure, making him feel like he was actually experiencing the harsh waves of the sea or the burning rays of the sun.
Eret regaled Sam Nook with history stories of their home. They would especially emphasize the horrible bits, including their traitorous actions as a leading cause for so much pain. Sam Nook could tell Eret still felt guilt after all this time, so as soon as Eret would finish their stories, Sam Nook offered the king a hug, which was gladly accepted.
Ranboo and Tubbo didn't have as many stories to share about the past, preferring to discuss what was happening in current moments. It was how Sam Nook became so fine-tuned to the social dynamic occurring, able to recognize specific actions relating to specific causes.
Even Sam himself would stop by frequently, checking up on his creation and making sure that Sam Nook was at tip-top shape. Sam Nook appreciated these check-ups, wanting to perform at his very best for his tasks. As Sam would make adjustments, he would tell Sam Nook small things about his life, and revealed quite a bit that he kept hidden to his other friends. Sam Nook swore to never tell anybody else unless Sam gave him permission. It was the least he could do for his creator.
Even though he was surrounded by such a colorful cast of characters, Sam Nook always looked forward to one in particular:
The big man himself, TommyInnit.
Tommy was loud and brash. He was young, yet experienced with conflict and war, masking it behind crude jokes and fragile confidence.
According to most others, Tommy was annoying and often unwanted. He was the source of problems and too impulsive for his own good. Sam Nook had occasionally heard mutterings of people wanting to ignore him or just shut him away somewhere. To an outsider, it sounded like Tommy was just some rabid stray animal who couldn't be caught.
But Tommy was more than that, and Sam Nook could see it firsthand. Tommy was passionate, loving to show off his accomplishments to his friends and being proud that he was the one able to do them. He took pride in the little things, and would frequently hype himself up when requested to perform tasks. Sam Nook was surprised at how quickly Tommy was able to get hotel materials, the boy being quite passionate to finish the build.
Outside of hotel work, the two had nice conversations. Tommy would curl up at Sam Nook's side, watching the stars in the sky and venting about his feelings. Tommy would always deny it whenever Sam Nook would bring his words up after that point, but it did warm Sam Nook's circuits to know how much Tommy trusted him to tell the robot these things in the first place.
After all, Sam Nook was built to be Tommy's guardian, and he took pride in that.
So Sam Nook was fine to wait.
It was a lovely day, with animals gathering in groups to scrounge for food. The sun was shining as bright as ever, and the few clouds in the sky twisted into funny shapes.
Sam Nook activated his cameras, taking a couple shots of the gorgeous scenery. He mentally stashed the photos away in a specific directory, one meant for Tommy.
Ever since Tommy had become trapped in Pandora's Vault, Sam Nook found himself recording his surroundings every minute of every day. Tommy was missing so much being trapped in a gloomy place, so Sam Nook was determined to show him everything he missed.
As Sam Nook stashed away his last photo, he heard the faint sound of arguing. Turning his head 90° to the left, Sam Nook spotted Jack Manifold speaking to Tubbo, the two deep in some sort of conflict. Ranboo was towering over the two, but remained quiet, listening. The enderman spotted Sam Nook gazing in their direction, giving a nervous wave and a shrug of confusion. Sam Nook returned the wave before shifting his head back forward.
It felt like there was a lot more aggression since Tommy was gone. Normally the kid was so blunt that it made it hard to argue against him. He wasn't always right, but he could end conversations quickly when they weren't worth having.
The heated discussion only got worse as minutes stretched on, Sam Nook catching bits of it, but remained still. It was only the final shout of "FINE!" that caused Sam Nook to look over once more.
Jack Manifold passed in front of Sam Nook, his teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed as he made his way to the entrance of the hotel.
"WHAT BUSINESS DO YOU HAVE HERE, JACK MANIFOLD." Sam Nook questioned as the hotel cats started gathering by the robot's feet.
"Relax," Jack Manifold snarled, rolling his eyes. "I'm just doing a bit of redecorating. If Tommy doesn't like that, then he can tell me himself." Before Sam Nook could formulate a response, Jack Manifold had gone up the ladders in a hurry.
Sam Nook let out a huff of steam, focusing his attention on some of the cats that wandered around the hotel. Jack Manifold wasn't a good employee. He was only focused on keeping the hotel to himself, which didn't belong to him. It belonged to TommyInnit, as much as Jack Manifold tried to deny that.
Thankfully, Tommy was scheduled to be released in a few days. The news had initially made Sam Nook upset when Sam had told him, but Sam Nook immediately cheered up at the thought of Sam being with Tommy. Sam liked Tommy a lot, Tommy wouldn't be alone!
So Sam Nook was fine to wait.
It was a stormy day, rain pouring down from the sky, almost as if the clouds were crying. Sam Nook didn't understand why it had to be such a gloomy day. After all, Tommy's first days out of prison should be happy!
Sam Nook hadn't seen Tommy once since the boy was scheduled for release, but that didn't worry him. Tommy was probably very busy reconnecting with all his friends. Eventually he'd come see Sam Nook.
The sound of Sam Nook's own shuttering cameras snapped the robot out of the slight daze he was in. The image was lovely, with red and white flowers spread all along the grass at the side of the path. Sam Nook didn't understand where these flowers were coming from, but they were very beautiful. He could only imagine Tommy's reaction to the gorgeous plants. Tommy would pretend to hate it at first, but would later go and water them all himself.
Out of the darkness of the rain, Sam Nook saw Ranboo and Jack Manifold emerge from one of the buildings. The two didn't appear to be engaging in conversation, and appeared rather sad. They continued walking until they stopped at the gates to the Big Innit Hotel, Jack Manifold opening them slowly.
Ranboo gave a slow wave to Sam Nook, who gave one in return. Ranboo had changed over the last few days. His normally colored eyes were slightly duller, and in his jacket pocket, a purple flower peaked out. Sometimes the enderman's hand would go to it, lighting stroking the flower's petals as if it were a pet.
Sam Nook was very curious about it, but there was still time to ask Ranboo about it in the future.
The more urgent concern was Jack Manifold, who was approaching the front of the hotel. Sam let out a few clicks, shifting his trident in his hands threateningly. Jack Manifold had been vandalizing the hotel lately, and Sam Nook wouldn't allow him to do it again.
Despite all the other times Sam Nook had threatened him however, Jack Manifold looked up at Sam Nook, looking weaker than ever. His eyes were glazed over too, and his form was drenched with rain. When he spoke, his words were soft. "Sorry, Sam Nook. I broke something yesterday. I'm just here to fix it."
In shock, Sam Nook didn't even reply to Jack Manifold as he climbed up the ladders. Jack Manifold was a liar sometimes, but that there had been the honest truth. It didn't make sense. Why now?
"Sam Nook."
The robot turned quickly, coming face-to-face with his creator. Sam's green had paled, and his armor no longer looked as shiny as it once had. It worried Sam Nook too, but Sam knew what he was doing. He could take care of it easily.
Sam flinched at the hotel's title, perplexing Sam Nook even more. Did he not like the name? He was the one who chose it, though.
"Don't you get tired, standing here?" Sam asked softly, his voice hoarse. "What if Tommy-"
Sam shut his eyes, his fists clenched at his side as if he was in pain. There was silence between the two for a couple of seconds.
"Yeah," Sam croaked out, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "He'll be very happy with this. Thank you, Sam Nook."
Sam Nook had never felt happier. Tommy would be very happy with his hotel, and together they could beat out the competition! Sam was right!
Sam nodded slowly, his mouth open, with only short puffs of breath coming out. Exhaling, he looked up, gave a polite bow to Sam Nook, and departed. Jack Manifold left shortly after Sam as well, only giving a quick farewell to the robot.
The sky may have looked like it was crying, but that didn't change Sam Nook's mood. The sky was crying out of joy, surely! The server couldn't wait for TommyInnit to return to his hotel, and neither could Sam Nook.
So Sam Nook was fine to wait. 
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griffintail · 3 years
His Little Star
Summary: The results are in.
Pairings: Parental! Wilbur x F! Child! Reader
Previous | Next
Warnings: The Election, Blood, Angst, Lost Lives, Death
A/N: It’s canon.
        “We’ll win daddy, I’m sure.” (Y/N) gave a bright smile as Wilbur adjusted her hat on her head.
        “I’m sure we will little star.” He smiled lightly at her. “Now, come on. Everyone will be waiting for us.”
        He took her hand and the two of them walked together, to go beyond their inner walls to get to the podium where the results would be read by himself. (Y/N) had confidence and so did he. This was his nation, his people! He started this safe haven for them and he would keep it that way by keeping the power to protect them.
        People had gathered around already, sitting in their seats to hear the election results.
        Today was the day.
        “There you are,” Tommy said, sweating slightly.
        “Calm now my Vice President.” Wilbur smiled. “Have some confidence in us alright?”
        Tommy nodded, wringing his hat slightly before straightening it out and putting it on his head, giving Wilbur a salute. “Yes sir.”
        “There he is.” Wilbur gripped his shoulder. “I need to read out the results, I need you to have a hand on (Y/N) for me.”
        “Yeah, alright. Come on dork.” Tommy said.
        “Tommy,” Wilbur warned.
        “Sorry!” Tommy raised one hand as his other took her free hand.
        “I won’t be far little star.” Wilbur smiled before the trio went onto the stage.
        Cheers and claps sounded. Wilbur acknowledged them as Tubbo gave him the election results envelope before scurrying down into the audience. He already knew about Schlatt and Quackity’s new partnership but he knew he could do this.
        “Hello, gentlemen.” Wilbur nodded his head to them, George standing next to Quackity’s side and Schlatt standing with his arms crossed. “And my son.”
        Fundy had joined extremely late into the campaigning and when Wilbur found out, he was proud of his son for standing up for himself but it broke his heart at the same time. It had also broken (Y/N)’s heart as well when he had to tell her why Fundy wouldn’t be around for a little while. She had given a small tantrum, a rare sight, as she didn’t understand why her brother wouldn’t stand with him and her.
        “Wilbur,” Schlatt smirked.
        “You seem rather well today,” Wilbur commented.
        “I’m here to win, need to look my best.” The goat man shrugged, looking over at the little girl holding onto Tommy’s hand. “Brought the little brat along?”
        Wilbur straightened up taller as he took note that his son did as well. “I would kindly ask you not to call my daughter such names.”
        Schlatt snorted as he made eye contact with the little girl. “Hey, brat, ready to watch your dad lose?”
        Wilbur was surprised as (Y/N) stood tall herself, a frown on her face. “Daddy is president, he’ll win. Pog 2020!”
        Wilbur grinned; that was his little star.
        “You heard my little star. Now, gentlemen, to your places. It’s time to announce the results.”
        Everyone went to their spots as Tommy whispered to (Y/N), “Next time we’ll teach you to swear at him.”
        Wilbur rolled his eyes, still smiling at Tommy’s antics. Then he looked at the crowd, taking a deep breath before starting.
        “My fellow L’Manbergians. Thank you for coming here today to watch a historic moment! The passing over of the presidency for the first election of L’Manberg. I have with me the election results of the four parties: Swag 2020, Pog 2020, Coconut 2020, and Schlatt 2020. Now the turn out of this election was astounding.” Wilbur nodded. “Without further ado, I want to go through the election results.”
        Opening the envelope, Wilbur looked at the votes, and…they won! They had the most votes! But…wait…his math had to be wrong…That can’t be right…
        Gripping the paper, he glanced at his little star, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, Tommy trying to get her to stop.
        Their L’Manberg…
        Steeling himself, he spoke.
        “With nine percent of the vote, in fourth place is Coconut 2020,” Wilbur announced, Fundy clapping for himself with a few polite claps. “With thirteen percent of the vote, coming in third place is Schlatt 2020.”
        There were more polite claps from the crowd as a few were shocked after the upbringing he had brought halfway into the campaigning.
        “Now, that just leaves two parties left. That leaves the two major front runners as the final options.” Wilbur’s heart pounded as he stared at the numbers for a moment before looking at the crowd. “In second place thirty percent of the popular vote, led by the party leader Quackity, Swag 2020.”
        (Y/N) immediately started clapping and jumping as Tommy lifted her up himself and cheered.
        “Meaning that the winner of the first popular vote by forty-five percent is Pog 2020.” Wilbur’s voice went quieter hearing the people cheer with his daughter and brother.
        This was their L’Manberg but…
        “Listen! Listen, listen.” Wilbur called for silence and Tommy stopped, looking at Wilbur with a grin, (Y/N) trying her best to contain her excitement but failing. “Please stop celebrating.” He put the paper down as he looked at Tommy and (Y/N). “Two nights ago, on the night of the election.”
        Taking a deep breath, he told everyone as he still addressed the two, Tommy’s grin falling.
        “Quackity made a deal with the leader of Schlatt 2020. Mr. Jschlatt. Quackity said, no matter what happens, Quackity would pool Swag 2020 votes on with Schlatt 2020 votes.” He turned to the people. “Pog 2020 got forty-five percent of the popular vote. Meaning that the coalition government of Schlatt and Swag 2020 got forty-six percent of the votes! Meaning that tonight, ladies and gentlemen on Tuesday the twenty-second of September 2020, Schlatt 2020 has been inaugurated.”
        “What does that mean?” (Y/N) whispered to Tommy, whimpering quietly at all the loud shouting as Tommy froze in shock.
        Wilbur took off his hat and cleared his throat, being as polite as possible as he offered the stage to Schlatt before taking Tommy’s shoulder.
        “Come on Tommy, we’re citizens tonight,” Wilbur muttered.
        “No.” (Y/N) had tears in her eyes and Wilbur gave her a sad smile.
        He took her out of Tommy’s hold and held her instead, wiping her tears.
        “It’s ok little star. It’s still our L’Manberg. Alright?” He kissed her forehead, giving her a seat before sitting next to her. “Things just…might be a little different.”
        He took her hand gently and instead she hugged his arm as Tommy sat next to him as well still in a state of shock. One percent…
        Schlatt tapped on the mic, grinning wickedly. “Well…that was pretty easy.” He held his arms out.
        (Y/N) gripped onto his arm tighter as she watched the man with wicked horns. Wilbur removed her hat and gently ran a hand through her hair. They were both devastated with the results, they had both been so confident…
        They still had their home but Wilbur couldn’t protect it right anymore! His little star…
        “You know what I said, the day I started my campaign. I said things are gonna change. I looked every citizen of L’Manberg in the eyes and I said you listen to me; this place will be a lot different tomorrow.” He smirked. “Let’s start making it happen.”
        “Wilbur.” Tommy finally spoke. “Are you sure?”
        Schlatt looked Wilbur in the eye and he tensed. He didn’t like that look.
        “My first decree, as the president of L’Manberg. The emperor! Of this great country! Is to revoke! The citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommy Innit!”
        Wilbur stood; his entire body on edge. An entire body of people…
        Some were shouting protests, several were pulling…weapons…
        His instincts from the war came back as he glanced at his little girl next to him, who was frozen in fear. They needed to go now.
        “Tommy. Tommy run!” Wilbur shouted before scooping up (Y/N).
        (Y/N) screamed at the sudden action as Wilbur sprinted, clutching onto her. People shouted as he glanced back, hearing Schlatt demand for their lives.
        “Hold on (Y/N)!” Wilbur commanded as he made for the inner walls.
        “Daddy?!” She asked panicked as she clutched onto his uniform.
        “Come on, come on.” Wilbur hissed to himself as he could hear Tommy behind him telling him to go faster.
        Wilbur let out a relieved laugh as he pulled out an invisibility potion.
        “Drink a few sips,” Wilbur told (Y/N), uncorking the bottle with his teeth before handing it to her.
         She nervously took it and drank a few sips before Wilbur quickly shot back the rest. It worked quickly and they were gone from everyone’s view as he saw Tommy running by and quickly diving into the walls. He had a speed potion.
        Wilbur looked behind him, paling at the crossbows firing his way. Arrows flew by, one catching him in the shoulder
        He stumbled as he turned before dashing to the bunker, Tommy waiting by the entrance in panic as (Y/N) was giving whimpers. He turned slightly towards the crowd as he got to the bunker entrance. Several more arrows came and (Y/N) screamed as he shouted at Tommy to go. The pair dove through the suspended water and came out the other side. (Y/N) coughed and sobbed as the both of them were still invisible and now soaking.
        “It’s ok little star. We’ll make it out.” Wilbur muttered to her as he took in his surroundings.
        “Where do we go?” Tommy looked around in panic.
        “We got to get far away, grab as much as you can and we run,” Wilbur commanded, sprinting down the stairs.
        He grabbed a few useful potions and supplies when he started to reappear again with (Y/N).
        “Ok, let’s—”
        “Wilbur!” Tommy dropped a bow he had picked up.
        “What?” Wilbur looked around on instinct.
        “(Y/N)’s hurt!”
        Wilbur’s world slowed as he looked down. His hand was wet but when he moved it away…it was wet with blood…
        She had been shot…with a crossbow bolt…and she had stopped crying…
        “No. No, no, no, no. No! NO!” Wilbur shouted as he quickly got to the floor and put her down to look her over.
        Her eyes were closed and her breathing extremely shallow. Her uniform was covered in blood spreading from where the bolt struck.
        “Little star. Please you got to wake up.” Wilbur pleaded as he pulled out one of the healing potions from his bag. “Wake up for me, my little star.”
        He looked at his blood-covered hands and had to keep himself from puking as he handed the potion to Tommy, who had gotten on the ground beside them.
        “Pour this on the second I pull the bolt out,” Wilbur told him.
        “This is healing, it’s not regen Wilbur, the wound—” Tommy sputtered.
        “It will slow down the bleeding significantly until I can properly bandage her now do as I say, Tommy!” Wilbur shouted.
        Tommy nodded with shaky breaths. Wilbur held his breath as he took the end of the bolt, counting out loud before pulling it out. (Y/N)’s body didn’t even give a reaction. Tommy poured the healing potion on the wound as they both looked up hearing voices above.
        “Shit.” Wilbur frantically looked around.
        He shrugged off his jacket to stem some more of the bleeding when Tommy gave a choked sound. Looking back…his little star had stopped breathing…
        “No…please god no. Little star.” Wilbur pleaded.
        The voices were getting louder as Tommy stood up, shaking. Tommy had one life left and people were coming to kill them too.
        Wilbur let out a sob as he knew, this was a lost life for his little girl. His little star…that he promised to always protect…
        “Wilbur,” Tommy mumbled.
        “I’m so sorry little star.” He whispered, tears blurring his vision, before standing up, covered in more blood than he realized. “We need to get to my home, then we run as far as we can from L’Manberg. Understood?”
        Tommy nodded, trying to remember how to breathe. Wilbur and took out new invisibility potions.
        “Bottoms up,” Wilbur muttered before they both threw back the potions and kept the bottles.
        They snuck their way out and carefully went through the land to Wilbur’s home. Wilbur practically dashed in.
        “(Y/N)!” Wilbur shouted as he rushed for her room, shedding his bloody uniform coat and leaving it.
        Wilbur stumbled as he caught the door frame and found (Y/N) sobbing as she hugged the bee plush Tubbo had given her along with the fox one Niki had given her.
        “Daddy’s here,” Wilbur whispered, pulling her into him. “I know. I’m back. Come on, we need to go little star.”
        He picked her up, letting her clutch onto him as he grabbed a few of his own supplies, having her drink again before he and Tommy sprinted out of L’Manberg territory.
        They shot his fucking child.
        They ran them out of their own country.
        Out of their home!
        He squeezed the little girl tightly as they reappeared, Tommy, checking their retreat.
        This was going to take a lot more than what he could do. He’d need some help…
        For now.
        “I’m here little star.” Wilbur shushed her gently, kissing the top of her head. “I’m so sorry my little darling. I’ll fix it. I promise I’ll fix all of this.”
        For now, they needed shelter so he could care for his daughter that had lost a life…
Lost Ones Taglist: @teaguecosmos​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @kakamiissad​ @chaosofsmarty​ @g0gyn0tf0und​ @alex8o​ @im-a-depressed-gay​ @jesuschristonadonut​ @immadatmostthings​ @hollybee0987​ @ravennightingaleandavatempus​ @little-duck​ @m1lkmandan​ @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @mosstea-png @imanewsoul @luluwinchester @aikochan4859 @netheriteaxes @thaticecreambish @acecarddraws @bad268 @simping-for-tendou @sakisaralazy @nadder37 @nucleareclipse17 @sunarinshoe @roxy3457 @appetiteofapeoplepleaser @strawb3rrydr3ss @ash-draws-alot @dcml04 @sylum @scarletrosesposts @brightert0mb @miloisagoodboi @crystalcow
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I give you the final chapter of Summoning Family. It’s been a fun story, and while I have more ideas for it, there are other things I want to write. I mean, i got 114,984 words out of this thing! (so says ao3) I hope you enjoy, and read to the very end for something extra.
@petrichormeraki @helleborusangel
Grian smacked his alarm as it started to ring, making it shut up. He had been up late the night before getting everything ready. About a minute later, the alarm went off again and Grian groaned before shutting it off. The third time he sat up angrily and stared the clock down as he turned the alarm off. Why had past him set such an early alarm? They had done everything yesterday. Except get the cake. And decorate. And- okay they still had a lot to do.
Grian dragged himself out of bed and poured a bucket of water over his head to wake himself up. He then regretted that as he needed to dry his wings afterwards, but then he flew over to Mumbo’s base and barged into his bedroom. 
“WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD!” Grian shouted at the top of his lungs to wake Mumbo up, but was surprised when nothing happened. “Mumbo!” Grian then stomped over to the bed, only to find it empty. Confused, the avian started looking through the base, eventually finding the redstoner feeding it. “What are you already doing awake?”
Mumbo jumped a little before looking over. “I could ask you the same thing. At least for me I rigged up some redstone to make sure I got up at the right time. I’ve already gathered up some supplies and in making sure I’ve got everything ready, I actually remembered to feed this place.”
“Good for you. Do you need me to get anything else? I was going to pick up the cake. Do you think Tommy remembered the message on top when ordering it. Oh no, what if he didn’t and it doesn’t-”
“Calm down Grian. I’m barely keeping myself together as it is. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sure store bought will be fine as an emergency.”
“But this is his first birthday! And it wouldn’t be fair if he got a standard one while Jrum would get a fancy cake!”
“Grian, they can’t even eat cake.”
“You’re right! Why did I even bother wanting to get them a cake?!”
“For the guests who can eat cake.” Mumbo quickly answered before continuing. “Although there is the possibility of a mineral cake. If I get some lava I could theoretically- hang on.” And he put down a shulker box and started going through it. “Of course a diamond on top since it will probably just be a cupcake or something, though we don’t want to leave Jrum out. And I think I’ve still got a chisel in my ender chest.”
“Well, It looks like you’ve got something to do.” Grian responded, feeling much calmer now that it looked like they had a good plan in place. “So even if this cake doesn’t work out, we’ll still have something good. But I’m still going to see if I can pick up the one we ordered so I’m going to run and grab that.” Mumbo half nodded, giving a slight wave, too busy planning on a mineral cake for Grum. 
Grian chuckled before making a portal and heading to the SMP. When he got to the other side, he pulled out a piece of paper. “Okay. Coordinates, coordinates… Ah, okay so the bakery is that way.” He turned in the direction of the coordinates and for a moment considered flying, but he remembered how close everything was and if he flew, he would probably pass it quickly.
It didn’t take long to actually reach the building, though Grian still double checked, even with the various signs of it being a bakery. Finally, he walked inside and went up to the counter, a bell ringing overhead as he opened the door. “I’ll be with you in a minute.” A voice from further in the building called and Grian just waited.
After about a minute and a half, a woman walked out and greeted Grian. “Hello there. Hoping to buy something or order?”
“Neither actually, I’m picking up an order. It should be under the name Tommy Innit but I’m the one picking it up.”
“Ah, yes! Tommy’s cake! I made sure to take special care of it!” The woman smiled and Grian narrowed his eyes slightly as it was a smile he was very familiar with, having used it plenty himself.
“Right, well did he remember to ask for a message to be written on top?” Grian asked, the woman shaking her head. “Right, I was worried about that. I hope it won’t be too much of a hassle to add that. I can pay extra if need be.”
“Hmm, yeah I can do that. What’s the message?”
“Well it’s… Here let me write it down just to be sure, I don’t want it wrong on such a special day.” The avian said before pulling a pen out and writing on his paper.
“Special… day?” The woman asked and Grian could hear the nervousness in her voice.
“Oh yes.” Grian couldn’t help but give a slight sly smile of his own. It looked like he’d have to get a store bought cake after all, but he wanted to see how this would go as he put the paper down. “It’s my kid’s first birthday. He’s… sort of adopted so while he’s not an infant, it’s still the first birthday he’s gotten to have so I’m making sure it’s perfect. So a simple 
Happy Birthday Grum’ will do.”
The woman stared at the piece of paper like it had just shown up and killed her family as she watched. “Right… birthday party for a child. Hmm. I think I got the design a bit wrong. Let me get you a second one. I can always comp the other person for the delay.” And she went into the back again, leaving Grian smiling. This was probably another person who had it out for Tommy, so messing with her was proving to be fun.
Listening carefully, he could pick up the woman panickedly whispering to someone else. “Jack we fucked up, Tommy’s not eating the cake, he ordered it for someone else!”
“What? Who? Ranboo or Tubbo?”
“No! I don’t even know the person out there but apparently the cake is for the birthday of a previously orphaned child!”
“Oh shit!”
“Yeah! So now we need to find a way to quickly make a non-poisoned cake before this guy gets suspicious.”
“You passed that point a while ago.” Grian called out into the shop. “I’ve done my fair share of schemes and recognize a scheming smile when I see it.”
Grian couldn’t help but smile as there was complete silence before the woman slowly came back out of the shop. “Right, so I guess, I don’t really have a cake for you.”
“No it’s fine. You said it’s poisoned? Did you use poison as a substitute for milk?”
“So you put both in there. That’s going to make this much easier. It always depends on the person, but milk normally stops any poisons, so a cake like that will just make someone sick for a bit but not actually poison them. Maybe just cause some nausea. It’s an easy enough fix!”
“You’ve… poisoned cakes before?” The woman asked.
“I’ve done a lot of things I’m not proud of… but poison cakes are not one of them, that was hilarious. Just not when it’s people I care about, which is why I even know how to fix it. Essentially we just need some milk and some netherwart. I’m guessing you have that somewhere?”
“Uh, let me check.” She turned to yell behind her. “Jack do we have any netherwart?!”
“No, but I can grab some!”
“Hurry up!”
“Yeah I know!”
The woman turned back to Grian. “So… it might take a little bit.”
Grian just leaned on the counter. “Oh I’ve got time since I don’t need to pick up a new cake. How about you start with that message and we can talk. What’s your name?”
“Uh, Niki.” The woman nervously answered as she grabbed the poisoned cake.
“Well Niki, seems like you didn’t like my brother much. I’d like to know why that is if you don’t mind.”
“Alright team, let’s get this place built.” Scar said as he rubbed his hands together. “We’ve technically only got fifteen minutes, so let’s make it count. Plus I managed to get a good sale out of thi-”
“Can we just start building already man?” Ren spoke up, and Scar jokingly glared.
“Oh alright. Start building!” And Scar used some vex magic to set up a little bit of localized time displacement for some super fast build mode. Though he wanted to help out as well, someone needed to stop the spell if any certain robots wandered over. And of course the only one currently around to do that was Scar, so he had to stay outside of it. Having never actually been on the outside of the spell, he got distracted for a bit watching everything happen, which was perfectly fine. Neither of the bots made their way to Aqua Town, and even if they had, Jellie was keeping an eye on things.
As things were still being built, Mumbo arrived and set down shulker boxes. “Sorry I’m late. I was up early of course, and so was Grian, but we got talking and realized there was something we forgot, so then I got busy doing that.”
“Well don’t worry about that Mumbolio, the place isn’t completely built yet, so decorating is still yet to come. The kids are still with Tommy?”
“As far as I’m aware, yes. Hopefully if they’re awake, they’re not causing too much trouble. Do you think they’re upset about not being with us for breakfast?”
Scar thought it over. “Maybe they’re a little disappointed, but I’m sure they’re happy about knowing that you’re setting something up for Grum, even if they don’t know exactly what it is.”
“I guess you’re right.”
“Yeah! Though could you also check with Tommy? I want to make sure I probably don’t have to worry about stopping the bubble and possibly also put up something for cloaking.”
“Right! Yes let me do that.” And Mumbo fumbled just a little bit before getting his comm to message Tommy. He sent a message off and waited for a bit for Tommy to respond. When one didn’t immediately come in, he got a bit nervous, but a few more minutes calmed him. “Well, they’re either still asleep or busy, so that’s probably good.”
“Good to know! Unless something changes in the next, I want to say five or so minutes, we should be good.” Scar responded, Jellie giving and approving meow as she groomed herself at Scar’s side.
“Well then I’ll keep watching for a message.”
“Got it. So, what did you get for decorations?” Scar asked, peeking into a shulker box.
“Well, his favorite colors are red and light blue, so there’s a lot of streamers and balloons and what not in those colors. Also got it in a music theme since I wasn’t sure how to make a party theme out of building.”
“Oh, that sounds nice. And got any plans for Grum?”
“Fantasy themed since he’s always going out to your village to play plus he seems to really like stories with that theme.”
“Alright, I’ll start drawing up plans for that tonight.”
“That sounds alright. Grian already sent an order in to The Boomers so this plot can be cleared again.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Keep it up. Better to keep the history around.I can sell another plot of land for the next party.”
“Well that’s very kind of you.” Mumbo started. “But again, it’s already been paid for. Though I’m sure they would be willing to listen to the change of plans.”
“Well, I normally wouldn’t suggest it, but you might buy a plot of land from Bdubs and get it cheap but using what would have gone to The Boomers.”
“Hmm, I’ll discuss that with Grian when he gets back.” Mumbo glanced down at his communicator. “Ah, they’re awake now. Tommy gave them the old reliable of a bowl or redstone though Grum got his with quartz.”
“Oh yeah, we’ll definitely finish building before they show up.”
“Then I’ll start prepping the decorations.”
Grian waved to Niki and Jack beforing picking up the cake box. “Thanks for the cake! And if you want to try killing Tommy again, you’ll need to try something sneakier to get past me!” Grian smiled at the pair, who gave nervous ones back. As he left, they retreated further into the bakery. To do what, Grian didn’t care since he had other things to pick up. Or rather, he had people to pick up.
Grian flew up into the air and looked around before spotting a snowy town to the north. That was probably Snowchester, which was where he was trying to go anyway. From there, flying to the town was easy, but actually knowing which house to go to was a bit more difficult. He didn’t immediately see any signs saying who lived where, so Grian’s first idea was to just knock on every door. That is, until he saw a certain ziglin looking out the window of one of the houses.
When the child saw him, he immediately started bouncing and ran off further into the house. Grian walked over to the house and knocked on the door, waiting as he heard movement inside. A few moments later, the door opened. Ranboo stood there, Michael now clinging to his leg and looking up at Grian. “Hey! I’m here to start picking people up and to be honest, this is the only place I knew to find people right now.”
“Well, I sort of know where some people are, but I can check if Tubbo is awake enough to help out with that.”
“Sounds good to me.” Grian agreed, then followed Ranboo into the house. As he waited for Ranboo to get Tubbo, the avian watched as Michael showed off some of his toys. Grian smiled and set the cake down to look at what was being shared with him. He was especially happy at the plush chicken, parroting a few clucks which made Michael squeal in delight.
Before long, Ranboo returned with Tubbo, who still looked a little tired, but was still awake and dressed. “Hey, sorry. Guess I slept in a bit.”
“No, it’s perfectly fine. I nearly did the same after being so busy the other day. We’re not supposed to start until a bit after lunch, so I’m early anyway, but Tommy’s back home and I only really knew about this place since Grum remembered it. No clue where everyone else lives.”
“Well, who all are you after again?”
“Fundy, Puffy, Wilbur, Techno and my dad.” Grian answered. “To be honest, just messaging them all would probably work if you could do that. My comm is a mess right now.”
“What happened to it?”
“I have never. Ever. In my life. Hated a chicken like the one I apparently own now.”
Tubbo and Ranboo glanced at each other. “Do we want to know.”
Grian sighed. “Probably not. It’s a long story. All I know is it messed with some ribbons, and when I tried to stop it, it broke my comm.”
“Well, I’ll message Fundy and Puffy. Ranboo, can you message Phil? I’m sure he’ll be near Techno or Wilbur, so that should get two birds with one stone.”
“Um, I’m the only other avian, thank you very much.” Grian said jokingly before he laughed. “But yeah, that sounds good to me.”
Tubbo nodded and sent some messages, Ranboo doing the same. Before long, they had responses from everyone and the only person who needed to be picked up was Techno, who was still living out in the middle of nowhere. Grian begrudgingly picked him up, dropping him on the landing absolutely completely on accident.
“Alright, I’ve got the cake, I’ve got all of you, you guys got presents or cards if you wanted to bring them?” Grian asked, looking at everyone, glaring at Techno to try and will him to not say he forgot something. Fortunately, Ranboo was the only one to have forgotten anything, and even then, Tubbo had remembered it for him. “Okay, good.”
Grian opened up a portal and gestured to it. “Alright, this should take you right in front of town hall, I’ll be the last through and lead you once I’m on the other side with you. Got it? Good! Let’s go.”
One by one, everyone made their way through the portal, the one exception being Ranboo and Michael who went through at the same time. Grian double checked everyone successfully got through before picking up the cake and- jumping as a chicken showed up, poking its head through the portal. 
“Oh come on. Go back through!” Grian tried shooing the chicken with a foot, his hands full with the cake. Instead of listening, it just hissed at him, coming all the way through and pecking at his feet. “Ow! Hey! If you don’t go through, I’m going to close the portal behind me and leave you stuck here!”
The chicken hissed again before jumping back through the portal, Grian following behind. He handed the cake off before closing the portal and taking it back. 
“So, I’m guessing that’s the chicken you talked about before?” Tubbo piped up, making Grian nod.
“Yep. Now let’s just head to the building. Follow me.” And Grian started walking, doing his best to dodge the chicken that kept following him and almost tripping him. “Please, how did you even get here from the mansion?”
The chicken of course didn’t answer, but it did move closer to where Michael was, the child enamored by the bird, especially as it currently donned a shiny ribbon around its neck. Michael wriggled to be put down, but after Grian’s reaction to the chicken, Ranboo was hesitant to let the ziglin leave his arms.
It fortunately didn’t take too long to reach the newly built building, a number of hermits on scaffolding around the place hanging up decorations. “Wait, what are you all doing? This wasn’t part of the plan.”
Etho slid down a bit of scaffolding to get down to Grian. “Yeah, well it’s a special occasion. At least it’s not another war right? But where are we putting the presents? I’ve got mine ready.”
Grian just sighed as Etho held up ribbons floating in the shape of a box. “I thought I paid for that.”
“Yeah, you did. But the kids didn’t.” Etho said, and Grian could hear the smirk from behind the mask.
“Alright fine, but there better not be any walls around.” Grian rolled his eyes and started walking towards the door.
“Wait actually there’s-” And Grian crashed into a wall of glass in front of the entrance. Etho grabbed the cake away just in time that it didn’t get destroyed, and Grian just laid on the ground.
“There’s a wall.”
“Yeah there’s a wall.”
“I hate glass sometimes.”
No one was able to stop Phil before he did the same thing as Grian and walked face first into the wall of glass he couldn’t see.
“Ace of spades.” Jrum said as he set down the card. To his left, Tommy smiled and put down a card of his own.
“As if that would work.” He set down an uno card. “Plus four.”
“Hey! That’s not fair!”
Tommy shrugged. “Too bad, I had it in my hand.”
“Yeah, I think it’s a great choice.” Grum nodded. “Jolteon, I choose you.”
At the same time Tommy and Jrum groaned at the card. “What the fuck Grum, I thought you were out of evolution cards!”
“Because you always forget there are branch ones.” Grum said smugly. “So that makes it your turn Jrum.”
“Okay fine! I’ve got garudamon. That’s a third stage card which stops your jolteon.”
“No it doesn’t, you used queen of hearts to get Philomena in there, so it only counts as a stage two.”
“Dammit! I forgot!” Jrum groaned, but then gestured to Tommy to take his turn.
“I play vertical half fire, half gold!”
“You added a seven dragons card to your deck?!” Jrum stomped his foot. “Where did you even get one?”
“Someone on the SMP had it for some reason. Cost a whole diamond for it.”
“Yeah, because you suck at bluffing.” Grum spoke up as he stared at his hand of cards.
“I do not!” Tommy retorted, crossing his arms.
“Yes you do. Mini outrage crowbar.” Grum put down a card which would normally be about the fourth the size of normal cards, but all of the cards were in sleeves so their backs couldn’t be seen, making it a level playing field.
“Ugh, I guess I’m down a point.” Tommy rested his head in his hand. “Fine, what do you have Jrum?”
“Battle!” He slapped down a very generic looking card. “Rock paper scissors!” Tommy threw rock while both the bots did paper. “Aww, no one did scissors!”
“Oh thank fuck. I need to draw anyway.” And instead of playing a card, he drew two instead.
“Well then that means I can play Legacy. The Revere ring means I won’t lose points the next time someone tries to take them!”
“Then I get to win!” Jrum smiled, making Grum and Tommy both look at him in shock. “I’ve got the two and a half of hearts! Steal double points if they would be protected!”
“Noooooo!” Grum groaned. “My points!”
From there, everyone dissolved into laughter and then put their cards away. “Alright, well I guess while we were playing your dad messaged me. Sounds like it’s birthday time.”
From there, Grum and Jrum stopped smiling to look at each other for a moment. “Are you sure? I mean, technically it’s my birthday, but at the same time, it’s also past then.”
“Because of the whole time thing? I mean, I guess, but did you guys actually celebrate or anything?” Tommy asked, the bots shaking their heads. “Then yeah, it’s your birthday. Don’t fight it. Even if you want to argue, pretend you don’t because you’re just going to get free shit out of it.”
“Hmm… I do like free shit.” Grum nodded. “Alright, I’m in. Let’s go.”
Tommy smiled at how he had rubbed off on the bot before leading them towards Aquoo town. Before they even landed, they spotted the new building and headed straight there, landing in front of it. Jrum and Tommy were both excited, but Grum still looked a bit nervous about it all. “What if something happens?”
Tommy turned around and went back to Grum’s side. “Hey, nothing bad’s gonna happen. Everyone’s in one place, only death that might happen is from minigames, but I think everyone made sure to not make those. I mean, there’s even a regen beacon set up just in case. Iskall and Stress said they’re going to try and stay away just to be safe, so they’ve probably already dropped off presents.”
“Why? I messed up with making it so they couldn’t come.”
“Hey Grum, remember my beach party? How I was freaking out thinking people wouldn’t show up like with my first one?”
“Yeah.” Grum nodded.
“And how I had no reason to be? This is kinda like this. There’s no reason to freak out, it’s safe and everyone’s trying to make you happy. And it’s not like you’re the only one getting this treatment, or are you forgetting my birthday.”
Both of the bots giggled at their memories of that. “Okay, I guess you’re right.”
“Does this mean we can go inside now? I wanna sca- I mean, see who’s here!” Jrum said, bouncing a bit.
“Yeah, let’s go in.”
The party was extremely eventful. A number of minigames kept everyone occupied and everyone was sharing stories. A few motes of interest came up during the stories, such as the wars Hermitcraft had had as well as the fact that L’Manberg started because of a drug van more or less.
When it came time for cake, the one Niki had made was presented for the whole singing of happy birthday. They had a little trouble as Jellie decided she wanted to try and eat some of the cake while the candles were still lit, but Scar managed to pull her away. 
With a bit of help from a piece of paper being used as a fan, Grum blew the candles out. As everyone was given slices of the cake, Mumbo set a special cupcake in front of Grum that he could eat. The redstoner was about to give another one which wasn’t quite as extravagant to Jrum, but in the bot’s few moments of thinking he was left out, he stole a piece of cake and tried smashing it against his screen, only for it to disappear. “Huh… I think we can eat actual food now.”
No one was too upset about Grum getting a slice of actual cake, mainly as they were too busy trying to wrap their heads around what happened. Though it was also since Grum was the guest of honor. Before long, all the cake was eaten, no one showing any signs of being poisoned. From there, a whole cart of presents was pulled over, Grum wide eyed at the amount there was stacked there.
Grum looked at all of them, trying to decide which to grab. His eyes caught Etho’s gift and he pulled it closer and undid the ribbon. “Oh yay. Glass. How thoughtful.” Grum thanked, everyone giving Etho a few eye rolls or glares. Following that, everyone watched as the bot stared Etho dead in the eyes and ate it, Grian Mumbo and Jrum being the only ones that knew he could do that. “I eat quartz, redstone and diamonds. Why is this such a surprise?”
“Well, I guess let’s do real presents now.” Tommy said, handing an actually wrapped present to Grum. “That’s mine. I think you’ll know what to do with it.”
Grum was confused for a second before opening the present, eyes lighting up at the contents. “A stylophone! Yes I know exactly what to do with this!” Grum turned the small instrument on and tested the scale before just a few notes. “Okay, I think we want… eight ten eight ten ten eight, seven nine seven six.” He tested out the keys, glad that it sounded right, then he inhaled loudly before quickly playing the notes. 
As soon as he finished playing the notes, he, Tommy, Jrum, Tubbo and even Grian all shouted at the same time. “LET’S GO!” And the room was filled with an extremely bass boosted song for a few seconds. Fortunately, since Grian had known what was about to happen, he quickly used some Watcher magic to save the ears of everyone with advanced hearing, something that Ren was grateful for since he had already gone through this once before.
When Grum went for the next present, everything shifted a bit and out popped the head of a certain chicken from the middle of the pile of presents. “Wh- how did you get in there?!” Grian asked, trying to pull the chicken out. It just hissed and pecked at him when he tried, leaving him to pull away. 
Grum tried next and it gave no resistance, so he patted the chicken. “Were you trying to be one of my birthday presents?” The chicken gave a single cluck. “Well then, I guess Kokatori is my chicken now.”
“It’s named what?” Phil asked.
“Apparently it’s name is Kokatori.” Grian answered. “That’s what I was told when he was given to me.”
“Huh. Good to know.”
Grum’s next present was from his brother, it being a number of various cards and a new set of card sleeves. After that was from Wilbur, which was a guitar perfect for Grum’s size. Techno had found some sort of journal to give as a present. Scar gave him a diamond statue, which was also packaged together with Bdubs’ gift of lots of bedsheets, which he said were for pillow forts and not just because he had plenty of spares. Beef’s was a voucher for a piano, mainly because he couldn’t wrap it. 
There were plenty of presents after that, but once they were all unwrapped, Grian and Mumbo pulled out one more. “Alright, currently it’s just covered by blankets because we didn’t have wrapping paper to cover something this big.”
“What is it?” Grum asked, walking over to the giant present.
“Well, when building you two, there were some things we had to leave out, so this is a recreation of something we had to leave out of you.” Mumbo explained.
Grum grabbed the blanket covering the thing and pulled it off, revealing a redstone machine that he soon recognized. “My music making system! I can finally make the thing that’s been stuck in my head!”
Before anyone could stop him, Grum started messing with the machine, and before long, a music disc popped out. Tommy always had a jukebox on him in some form, so he put it down and they played the disc. “So, what’s it for?”
“Well, Dad said he wanted to make a minigame for the barge.” Grum started to explain.
“It’s a shopping experience. Not a minigame.” Grian complained, getting a few laughs.
“Yeah, anyway, he needed music for it, and I had an idea, and, well, now he’s got something for it!”
“Well thanks for that.” Grian said, taking the disc out again. “Uh, we can make copies, right?” Grum nodded. “Alright. Well, the next question is if you want to keep this here and we can change this place into a music studio for you, or if you want it at the mansion or the ruin.”
“Hmm, here works, but maybe keep it out of the way ‘cause I want to play more games with people!”
“Yeah, I’m sure everyone’s down with that.”
The presents were put aside and people either went back to games, or excused themselves if they had somewhere to be. Grian had to take Puffy back as well as Wilbur, and then Fundy left to go see Iskall, Grum being understanding that he wanted to be with someone who wasn’t there and he knew longer.
Though he didn’t officially leave, Phil still stepped outside to get away from the noise of the party. When it was quiet enough, he pulled out a communicator and flipped through the contacts, finally reaching one he hadn’t touched in a long time. He pressed the call button and held the comm to his ear, waiting as it rang.
“Yeah, hello?”
“Hey, it’s Phil.”
“Phil? Hey, haven’t heard from you in, what, how many years?”
“Who knows. Just, A lot has happened recently and-”
“Hey while I’d love to talk, I’m sort of running out of battery and I’m currently the prisoner to some pirates who hurt my dragon and got them to fly off. I can call you back when I can, but for now it’s got to be quick.”
“Finally found Xelqua, I’ve got grandkids, looks like there’s a spy here.”
“Haven’t killed the spy yet?”
“Yeah that’s an issue because one of the grandkids likes it and has it as a pet now.”
“Oh wonderful. Whose kid by the way?”
“Huh, thought he’d still be in jail. I didn’t think he had any sort of bail.”
“Wait, what are you talking about? You knew where he was this whole time?!”
“I sent you letters. I mean, before I moved to Minecrack, I was still doing my tv series. I’m actually back to doing it, which is where I am right now.”
“So one of your letters actually said you knew where he was? Now I wish I had read them all. Why couldn’t you just text or call for something important?”
“Because you never know what a spy can get into with all those digital things. The one you’ve got could-”
“Could what? Hello? Paul? Are you there?” Phil sighed and put his comm away. “Right, guess the batter died. Guess that’s something I’ll have to look into.”
The sun wasn’t quite setting when the party officially ended, but it was getting late. Everyone headed home left, Though Ranboo and Tubbo stayed behind to let Michael and the bots have a sleepover. Grum was especially excited about it when Grian came back from taking everyone home and seeming a bit out of it.
“Does this mean we can have a cuddle pile?” Grum asked, getting a nod from Grian.
“Oh hell no. I’m too manly for cuddling.” Tommy tried to argue, but GRum went over to him and gave him big puppy eyes.
“Please? It’s still my birthday.”
“...Fuck you.” Tommy replied, failing to the eyes with a sigh. “Alright fine, but the couples better not get too lovey dovey and shit.”
“No promises.” Grian said, tiredly. “But speaking of, where’s Mumbo?”
“Daddy said he was putting all the presents in some shulker boxes.” Jrum answered. “Amd I gonna get as many presents as Grum did on my birthday?”
“Yup.” Grian answered. “Welp, now that we know where he is, time to go to the mansion.”
Instead of flying them there, Grian just used a bit of magic to teleport them to his nest platform, flopping down on the hay a moment later. Tommy went and got blankets since he knew where they were while Tubbo and Ranboo watched over the bots and Michael as they played. Kokatori had also been brought along and played with the kids, though any time Ranboo or Tubbo got too close to it, it hissed at them.
Eventually Tommy returned with blankets as well as Mumbo, who had returned and helped Tommy with the blankets. Before long, everyone was curled up in blankets or wings or arms. Tommy was the last to fall asleep, thinking about how it all started when he and Grian were hanging out here. Now, here they were, a few weeks later with more friends and closer together.
Tommy shifted a little to pull one of Grian’s wings over him as a blanket, then finally fell asleep, and everyone was quiet.
With everyone asleep, Kokatori carefully got out of Grum’s arms and hopped out of the nest. It opened its wings and let a communicator fall to the floor. Opening it up, it saw the most recent use: a phone call in the middle of the party. Just what they were after.
oh whoops, I’ve got a sequel planned.
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