#yeah I’m thinking about Lucy and David again
tsunanami17 · 1 year
Shocking revelation: Rewatching a series that made me emotional to research for oc lore made me emotional!
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regressionschool · 18 days
BBQ and pull-ups
The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the backyard as two daddies sat comfortably in lawn chairs. The smell of grilled burgers filled the air, but their attention was focused less on the barbecue and more on the two women crawling around the grass nearby, playing with colorful plastic blocks. Their wives, dressed in matching pastel rompers with thick, crinkly diapers peeking out from beneath, giggled and babbled softly as they built little towers, completely absorbed in their play.
David leaned back in his chair, a cool drink in hand as he watched his wife, Claire, carefully stack one block on top of another. She was concentrating so hard, her pacifier bobbing gently in her mouth as she worked. Beside her, Mike’s wife, Lucy, giggled as she knocked over Claire’s tower, clapping her hands in delight. Claire pouted, but only for a moment before joining in on the laughter, the playful energy between them contagious.
Mike chuckled, shaking his head. “They’re always like that, aren’t they? One minute building something, the next tearing it all down.”
David grinned, glancing at his friend. “Yeah, it’s like they never get tired of it. You’d think after playing with the same blocks every day, they’d be bored, but nope. They’re just happy to do the same thing over and over again.”
Mike nodded in agreement, watching as Lucy crawled over to a nearby stuffed bear, hugging it tightly. Her diaper crinkled loudly with every movement, the unmistakable sound a constant reminder of their little roles. “Speaking of the same thing,” Mike started, his tone shifting slightly, “I’ve been thinking about trying to reintroduce potty training with Lucy.”
David raised an eyebrow, surprised. “Potty training? Really? After all this time?”
Mike shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “Yeah, I know it sounds crazy. She’s been in diapers for over two years now, but I don’t know, I’ve been thinking it might be worth a shot. Maybe pull-ups, just to see how she handles it.”
David leaned forward, intrigued but skeptical. “Pull-ups? I don’t know, man. Why would you want to go through all that hassle? Diapers work perfectly fine. No mess, no fuss. She doesn’t even think about using the potty anymore.”
Mike scratched the back of his head, clearly conflicted. “I get that, but... part of me wonders if she could handle a little more responsibility, you know? Maybe give her a chance to grow up a bit, see if she’s ready for it.”
David smirked, shaking his head. “Trust me, Claire’s been in diapers just as long, and I wouldn’t dream of going back to potty training. She’s too far gone at this point. It’s just easier this way. Besides, you know how many accidents they’d have in pull-ups? I’d be changing them constantly.”
Mike laughed. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right about that. But pull-ups could be a nice middle ground, don’t you think? They’re still padded enough for accidents, but it would give Lucy a little more independence. At least she’d feel when she’s wet, instead of just going and not realizing it.”
David leaned back, crossing his arms. “That’s the thing, though. Do you really want her to feel when she’s wet? I mean, the whole point of diapers is to keep them blissfully unaware. It’s part of the appeal, isn’t it? They don’t have to worry about accidents because they don’t even realize they’re happening. Why give her a reason to think about it?”
Mike thought for a moment, his eyes drifting to Lucy, who was now happily stacking blocks with Claire again. Her diaper crinkled loudly with every little shift, the soft bulge beneath her romper proof that she had already wet herself at least once since they started playing.
“I guess that’s true,” Mike admitted. “But don’t you ever wonder if maybe they could handle just a little bit more responsibility? I’m not talking about making them fully potty-trained or anything. Just... seeing if they could manage pull-ups, at least during the day.”
David chuckled, shaking his head. “Honestly, no. I’m perfectly happy with Claire in diapers. She’s comfortable, I don’t have to worry about accidents, and she’s completely dependent on me. Why change that? Potty training is just going to stress her out.”
As if on cue, Claire glanced up at them, her pacifier still in her mouth, and crawled over to David’s chair, pulling herself up on the armrest. She looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes, her diaper crinkling as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“Hi, sweetie,” David cooed, reaching down to stroke her hair. “Are you having fun?”
Claire nodded, her pacifier bobbing as she sucked on it contentedly.
David smiled, glancing down at her diaper. It was obvious she had wet herself a while ago, the padding around her waist swollen and slightly discolored, but she didn’t seem to notice or care. It was just part of her life now, something she didn’t think about.
“See?” David said, looking up at Mike. “She’s perfectly happy, even though she’s wet. No fuss, no tantrums. She doesn’t even realize she’s had an accident. That’s what diapers are for, to keep them comfortable and carefree.”
Mike watched the interaction, a thoughtful look on his face. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I just... I don’t know. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m the one who feels like it’s time for her to grow up a little.”
David grinned. “If you want her to grow up, that’s fine. But you have to ask yourself, is she really ready? Or is this more about you wanting to see if she can handle it?”
Mike sighed, leaning back in his chair. “You’re probably right. Every time I think about trying pull-ups, I remember how much easier things are with diapers. No accidents to clean up, no stress for her. And she’s so used to them now...”
David chuckled. “Exactly. Why make things harder for yourself? Besides, can you imagine the chaos if you tried potty training and it didn’t work out? You’d be dealing with accidents everywhere, not to mention how frustrated Lucy would get.”
Mike smiled, glancing over at his wife, who was now lying on her back in the grass, hugging her stuffed bear and babbling softly to herself. Her diaper was clearly wet, but she didn’t seem to care, completely lost in her own little world.
“Yeah,” Mike said softly. “She does look pretty happy like this.”
David grinned, watching as Claire crawled back to the blocks, joining Lucy in their game. “Exactly. Diapers keep them happy, comfortable, and stress-free. Why mess with that?”
Mike nodded, his mind now clearer. “You’re right. Maybe I was overthinking it. Pull-ups might give her more responsibility, but honestly? I kind of like her like this—carefree and innocent. I don’t want her to worry about accidents.”
David smiled, satisfied. “That’s the spirit. Besides, do you really want to deal with all that extra work? Potty training sounds good in theory, but diapers are way easier. No need to rush them into growing up.”
Mike laughed, shaking his head. “You’re right. Diapers it is, then. I’ll leave the potty training for another lifetime.”
The two men shared a chuckle, the debate settled as they watched their wives play happily in the grass, their thick, crinkly diapers on full display, proof that they were right where they belonged.
As the afternoon wore on, Mike felt a sense of relief wash over him. Watching Lucy babble away, her face filled with innocent joy, he realized that David was right—there was no need to push her to grow up. Diapers kept her safe, comfortable, and blissfully unaware of any accidents she might have. And in the end, that’s all that really mattered.
Just then, Lucy crawled over to Mike’s chair, her diaper sagging slightly as she looked up at him with wide, curious eyes. Mike reached down, ruffling her hair gently. “Hey, princess. You having fun?”
Lucy nodded, her pacifier still firmly in place.
Mike glanced down at her diaper, noticing the bulge. She was definitely wet. But just like Claire, she hadn’t noticed. And that’s how it should be, he realized. She was happy, carefree, and completely dependent on him—and there was something deeply comforting in that.
Smiling to himself, Mike decided then and there: no pull-ups, no potty training. Lucy was his baby, and diapers were exactly where she belonged.
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ladylooch · 7 months
What is Mack's reaction to finding out she was busted cuddling with David? Xx
“Oh my god.” Mack moans, stumbling out of her dark bedroom and into the sunny, main area of her apartment. “Jesus take the wheel.” She cries, slapping a hand over her eyes. She squints to her kitchen counter, seeing David there, munching on some cereal. His mustache curls up with this lips joyfully when he sees her.
“Hi honey.” He says gently. “How you doing?”
“Shitty.” Mack moans. She is exhausted and feels like she has been run over by a damn garbage truck. Actually, she feels like garbage. Maybe the truck should have just picked her up instead of running her over.
“Think you could eat some soup? Get some nutrients into you?” He asks, standing up. He walks over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. He was getting nervous watching how shaky she was with each step. Mack leans into his strength, grateful for his help. She glances over at the mirror in her entry way, catching a glimpse of her appearance.
“Oh, fuck me.” She groans. She looks disgusting, like she smells similar to moldy cheese and BO. Then there is David, who looks like some he is about to be chiseled out of stone with his black sweatpants and shirtless chest. “You don’t have to stay.” She shakes her head.
“Ah, I know.” He chuckles, biting his lip as he gets her onto the couch. “But I’m not leaving.”
“Because this is the only place I wanna be.” He leans forward. Mack slaps her hand over her mouth.
“Don’t kiss me!” She mumbles around her fingers. His lips land on her forehead.
“Stop worrying. Just lay there and be useless so you can get better and be my sassy girl again.” He pats her leg. “I’m gonna heat up the soup Lucie brought.” 
“No.” Mack extends the word in shock.
“Yeah. She saw us in bed together.” He sighs, opening up the container from the fridge. He pours some in a microwaveable bowl, then puts it in for two minutes to start. 
“What did she say?” Mack whispers, eyes boring into him.
“Not much, but I wasn’t exactly inviting the conversation either.” He scratches at the under side of his jaw. He leans his palms on the counter top, staring at her. “She asked what we were.” Mack’s eyes slide away. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, so I didn’t give her an answer.” Mack’s eyebrows furrow. 
“What you thought?”
“That you aren’t ready for a label.” 
“I’m not?” She asks. “You want me to be your girlfriend?” Her tone is doubtful. David stares at her. 
“I think I’ve made that pretty obvious, Mack.” She tucks her bottom lip into her mouth, looking away.  “But if you wanna keep doing this, I’m fine with that too. I’m not in a rush, buttercup.” He turns back to the microwave, stirring the soup around then giving it a taste test. “Another minute.” He tells her. Mack turns away from him, curling her legs up beneath her.
David Carlson’s girlfriend… Mackenzie Hischier… officially dating a New York Ranger. Mack licks her lips, wanting to ignore the parts of her that long for and are giddy about that idea. She wasn’t looking for this. She didn’t want it either. It became this because David is… David. 
“It’s hot, baby.” The man in question says as he rounds the couch. Mack watches him move a coaster to rest her bowl on. 
“Thank you.” She murmurs. “For last night too. I was in a bad place.” 
“You were. I’m glad I came over.” He brushes her wild hair off her cheek, tucking it behind her ear. His thumb strokes across her red and inflamed skin, irritated from her feverish sweats last night. Mack stares at him, drawing her eyes over the features of this man she has come to care so much for. They have great chemistry. It is so much more than just sexual too. She feels like he knows her heart and soul, and does what he can to keep them both safe. Mack opens her mouth to speak, to tell him that she wants to be his girlfriend too. 
“Yes you can be my girlfriend..” He cuts her off while grinning at her. Mack furrows her eyebrows, mouth dropped open in awe.
“How do you know?” She shakes her head, rolling her eyes. He stops her from falling back and away from him in exasperation. He leans down, capturing her lips in his. He inhales her mouth until her lips are puffy and swollen, her nose and upper lip raw from his mustache. 
“Because I do.” 
Mack grabs his shirt, fisting it in her hand to keep him close. She scoots back onto the couch, weakly attempting to pull him down. David obliges, settling a knee between her legs, then easing her all the way back until she is laying on the couch. 
“Honey. You need to eat your soup.” 
“I wanna make out with my boyfriend first.” David chuckles. 
“You’re so obsessed with me.” He teases. His tongue thrusts into her mouth, not letting her respond with words.
Her strangled, blissful moan tells them both all they need to know.
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cyberpsychobabe · 2 years
David Martinez preferences
So, about that date?
A/n: sorry chooms, one of my weaker posts, more coming soon
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Here he was, sat in the very same seat at the very same bar. Afterlife. Although, this time there is no celebration. Scouting for info this time. ‘Saka been rooting, getting their noses into places that they usually don’t go after. Slums. Poorer areas. Sick bastards. Who fuckin knows what they’re planning. David scoffed, shuffling in his seat. He was getting antsy. Not a day went by where he wasn’t paranoid about the ‘Saka scum. But then again, he hasn’t been himself since he met her. He used to be laid back, indestructible, untouchable. The world was his oyster. He’s gladly give everything up for his damn crew, his family. Then you came along, made him use his head rather than use his sandy. Made him more cautious. Was he scared for himself? Fuck no. Was he scared for you? Fuck yeah. “Stupid. I haven’t even seen her since then..I’m being dramatic” he muttered, swirling his glass of water around before a pair of hands covered his eyes. What the fuck? “Guess who!” Did he use his sandevistan or was the world just naturally frozen in place? It’s her. Unharmed. Well, he assumed so by the sound of her voice. He hadn’t seen her since she snuck up on him the first time. He wasn’t worried for no reason. But she’d been gone for days. Weeks. The crew reassured him that she’d be fine. He was desperate to see her again, thought she disappeared for good. “Miss me? I haven’t been active for a while Huh? Been helping a friend out. Yknow how it is!” She eagerly sat down next to him, sending him a sickly sweet smile. “I um..hey, been a while.” Gonk. Been worried about her for weeks and now he’s acting so nonchalant or at least he’s trying to. In reality he was relieved, she was here. Safe as can be. Not a care in the world! Not knowing that David had been waiting for a text, a call, any form of contact from her. “Hey listen, sorry for going dark on you. I tried to stay off my phone..I was busy I promise! Me and Judy had a lot of catching up to do. But I’m here now. I’m back in business-“ “go out with me.” This shocked both of them. It shocked Y/n because it truly came out of nowhere. It shocked David because all of his faux confidence decided to suddenly become real. Fuck. Did he fuck up. Why are you taking so long to answer. Fuck it’s like Lucy all over again. “Woah um..yeah, let’s..when are you free?” His eyes widened, she said yes! And now he had to think of a place to take her. Shit. David was never good at dates. “..tomorrow. Lets go, somewhere. I’ll find someplace nice!” She grinned, leaning in to hold his face softly. “My my. You should smile more often Martinez. It suits you. But I can tell I worried you, afraid I’ll disappear again, that why you’re asking me out? Don’t fret. I’m not going anywhere Mkay?” She stroked his cheek, kissing the corner of his mouth. “Y-Yeah. No..no worries. We cool?” “Pfffft, of course we’re cool. So about that date?”
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mainebecca · 2 years
(Because somehow Pilar’s ghost is talking to her).
Hey, Becca. Heard you went up against Adam fuckin’ Smasher, got out alive. Not sure whether to call you a gonk or shake your hand. Well, seein’ as I can’t shake your hand, may as well call you a gonk. Heh, but for real, Becca, sorry I flatlined the way I did. I know, I know, wasn't my fault, but I wish you hadn’t seen it. And I know we both acted like a couple of gonk little kids while we were alive, but just for the record, you were always the best gonk little kid sister I could ask for, even if you did shoot my new hand after telling you to tip David (what the fuck, by the way?) Then again, guess that’s what brothers and sisters are for, right? Anyway, what I’m tryin’ to say is, I love ya, sis, and I’m glad you got away from Smasher. Don’t even think about flatlining anytime soon; Night City doesn’t give out second chances often. I know how sappy I sound, but I just wanted to give you a bit of closure, I guess. Not nearly enough time to say everything I should have when I was alive, but yeah. Love ya, sis. I’ll be watchin’ out for you. Maybe I’ll even haunt Smasher a bit. So, yeah. Be seein’ ya. Give the crew my regards.
(Sorry for the sudden feels trip).
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Becca was silent. She didn't know if she was finally going crazy? Or whatever counted as a "God" on high was showing her some kind of twisted mercy... All that mattered what she was finally hearing Pilar talk to her again. She smiled every now and again, even giving the spirit a laugh or two here and there.
What could she say in return? I love you too? David killed the bastard that took you away? All those thoughts running through her head just made her chest feel tighter and tighter. Rebecca knew she was getting upset, but the urge to go for her gun wasn't there. She didn't know what this feeling was until it finally hit...there, alone in her apartment...Rebecca had finally caved and let the tears fall.
"Heh...you're the fucking gonk... There you go again. Always pushing everything onto me. You don't have to apologize to me, bro... You said it first, it wasn't your fault. But, I'll do it... David and Lucy are up on the moon right now. You could probably flip them off from where you are.~ Maine...and Dorio should be around there somewhere with you...as well as that bitch, Kiwi."
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A pause. Just to wipe her eyes and collect her nerves before she spoke further. "Hey, Pilar? Love you too, dumbass..."
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nothingbutimagines · 4 years
The Set Up (Tom Holland)
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warning: Cursing, mentions of drug use, sibling bickering, a bit of angst
Summary: When Y/n comes back home for the holiday season to visit family after another long semester at Uni, her family takes it upon themselves to invite her old crush, Tom, to Christmas dinner in the hopes of setting the two up together. 
Author: Dizzy
A/N: Oh geez, Christmas is approaching very quickly! Hope you all have been able to get all your Christmas shopping done (I know I haven’t)! Tomorrow is going to be a cute little Harrison Osterfield fic, so keep your eyes peeled, and today is Tom Holland as well as a few other fics I hadn’t gotten the chance to put together until today since I fell ill for a few days. 
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
“Y/n, what are you wearing?” Your mother asked, causing you to turn away from the plate of cookies you were eating off of. 
“Uh, a hoodie and jeans?” You muttered, your statement sounding more like a question as you paused, mid bite.
“Are you really wearing that to dinner tonight? We’re going to the steakhouse.”
“I mean,” You swallowed, “I have a sweater on underneath.”
“What happened to that cute little dress I left for you on your bed?” 
“Mom, no one else is wearing a dress. Why would I?” You asked, brushing your hands off before sighing. “Lucy and Charlie are wearing sweaters and jeans too.”
“Your sisters are younger, they’re hard to get into dresses.”
“They’re 16 and 18. Not that young.” You argued. “I’m not wearing a dress. It’s just dinner with the family. You, me, Dad, Lucy, Charlie, and David. And you have all seen me at my ugliest.”
“Well, what if you run into someone you’re interested in?” Your mother asked, following you closely as you walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway. 
“Like who? Tom?” You scoffed. “Mom, I know you love Tom, but I don’t. And I know you want me to get a boyfriend, but this is getting ridiculous. Last Christmas you set me up on a date with Ms. Chasten’s nephew and now you’re telling me to pick up a guy at a restaurant?” 
“No, I wasn’t saying Tom. I know you said you no longer have a crush on him, but I’m just saying, what if you see a man you might want to date? Wouldn’t you want to look your best?”
You turned around, placing a hand on your mother’s shoulder as you smiled at her warmly. “Mom, I love you, but I’m not going to get a boyfriend just because you want me to. And I’m sure as hell never seeing Tom again, as much as I know you’d like me to.”
“Are you two ready to get going? We have a reservation to get to.” Your father interrupted, pulling his coat tighter around him. 
“Yeah, yeah. Let me get my coat on.” You pushed past the two, making your way to the door and grabbing your coat off the rack. 
You quickly pulled your hoodie over your head, hanging it up in place of your coat before pulling your coat over you. You quickly wrapped a scarf around your neck as the rest of your family began congregating by the door. 
“I thought you were going to wear a dress.” Lucy stated, looking up at you as you followed everyone out the door. 
“No, I wasn’t. Why is everyone trying to bully me into wearing a dress?” 
Lucy shrugged. “Maybe it’s because you’re ugly.”
“You’re ugly.” 
“No, I’m not. If anyone is the ugly, it’s David.”
“I heard that.” David grumbled as you piled into the car. “And for the record, if anyone is the ugly one it’s you, Luce. That’s just because you have a bad attitude and make unfunny tik toks.”
“I thought you said you liked my tik toks!” 
“I lied.” David stated, turning back around in his seat, now facing forward.
You laughed as he turned, only to receive a small pinch on your arm from Lucy, who was pouting beside you like a child. 
“Ow! That hurts, you brat!” You gasped, pushing her away and knocking her into the side of the car. “Luce, you’re like 16, cut it out!”
“And you’re like 21 but I have a boyfriend and you don’t!” 
“That’s not even a valid argument in this conversation.”
“I know, I was trying to be a bitch.” 
“You’re already a bitch. You don’t even have to try.” David interrupted, turning back around to face you both. 
“Dad! David called me a bitch!” Lucy whined as you rolled your eyes, gazing into the eyes of your younger brother who had the same expression on his face.
“David,” Your father gazed back into the rear view mirror, “it’s not polite to talk about other people’s shortcomings.” 
You started to laugh loudly, giving your younger sister a shove as the car slowed to a stop in the restaurant parking lot. 
“I hate you all.” Lucy pouted, shoving you back as you all climbed out of the car. 
“I can’t believe I still have to say this,” Your mother shook her head as you all walked into the lobby of the restaurant, “be on your best behavior, all of you, okay?”
“Hey!” Charlie spoke up, making you realize you had forgotten she was even there. “I didn’t do anything!”
“I didn’t say anyone did anything, I am just reminding you all that this is a very special evening, okay?” 
You nodded, still chuckling as you glanced over at your brother, who still had the same smirk on his face as he had in the car. You followed the group along with the hostess to your table, taking a seat before realizing there was an extra place setting beside you. 
“Oh, uh, I think there’s a mistake here.” You waved the hostess over. “There should just be six place settings.”
The hostess frowned slightly, confused. “Oh. I thought the reservation said seven people.” 
“It did.” Your mother interrupted. “The other guest will be here shortly, thank you.”
You watched the hostess nod and walk away. You turned back to your mother, furrowing your brows as you looked at her, confused. 
“I’m sorry, who else is joining us?” You asked, the confusion evident in your tone. 
“Tom!” Your mother smiled, her line of sight leading above you as you followed it, to come face to face with the boy she was referring to. 
“Hello, Mrs. L/n, and everyone else. Sorry I’m a bit late, there was some traffic.” Tom explained shyly, slipping his coat off and hanging it on his chair as he took a seat beside you. “Hi, Y/n.” 
“Hi, Tom.” You nodded at him as the inner turmoil had begun to stir in the back of your mind. 
“Oh, honey, don’t worry about it, we were just seated.” Your mother waved, almost as if she was apologetic herself. “I’m just glad you could make it.” 
“I think I’m going to go to the bar to get something to drink.” You announced, rising from your seat as you grabbed your small purse. “David, why don’t you come with me?” 
“Oh, I don’t think I’m all that thirsty.” 
“I wasn’t asking.” You muttered, giving him a look as he rose from his seat, now following you away from the table and in the direction of the bar. 
“Before you say anything-”
“How could you not have told me Tom was coming?” You snapped, causing the younger man to flinch.
“Uh.” David averting your gaze, trying to find something to say.
“Since when do you keep secrets?” 
“Since when do you cower at the sight of men?” David retorted, taking a seat on a bar stool as you followed in suit.  
“You didn’t answer my question.” 
“And you didn’t answer mine.” He huffed. “Ladies first.” 
“Ugh, fine.” You groaned, rolling your eyes. “I cower at the sight of Tom since he came with to drop me off at uni last year.” 
“Why? I thought that went really well.” 
“No, it didn’t. You were high the entire trip anyway, I doubt you remember it at all.”
“Wait, so you didn’t share a kiss with Tom?” He asked, scratching his head. “Cause I didn’t think that was a weed hallucination, but now I’m not sure.”
“No, I did kiss Tom. But, that’s not the problem.” You shook your head. “I kissed Tom outside my building when you and Charlie were still packing up the car, which is why you remember seeing that, but then I ran off before he could say anything because it was obvious how he felt about me by the way he reacted to the kiss.”
“The way he reacted? What does even that mean? Like he didn’t kiss back?” 
“Uh, yeah. Not at all. So I ran off and avoided his texts and calls forever and I haven’t talked to him since because it’s embarrassing.”
“Don’t you think maybe he didn’t kiss back because he was in shock?” David suggested, letting you think for a moment as he turned away to order a few drinks. 
You thought for a moment, unsure of your own memories from the trip. You could only remember small portions of events, such as smoking with your siblings and Tom, Tom pulling you aside to talk, and you kissing him. You paused, going back to the earlier memory of Tom asking to talk to you. What was he wanted to talk about? You couldn’t remember and didn’t get the chance to dig around your own thoughts as David snapped his fingers at you. 
“Hey, earth to Y/n. I got our drinks, let’s get back before Mom sends a search and rescue team.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You got up from your seat, drink in hand as you followed him to the table and took your seat beside Tom. 
“Y/n,” Tom glanced over at you, a bright smile on his face, “your mother was just telling me you got on the Dean’s list?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, placing your drink down on the table and placing your napkin in your lap, attempting to avoid eye contact. 
“It’s not that great, I mean, as long as you get over a 3.5, you’re on the list.” You explained, shrugging it off. 
“No, no, that’s way cooler than anything I’m doing. I mean, I’m just an acting major. You’re doing what? Pre-med?”
“Pre-law.” You corrected. “Pays about the same and is not as much schooling. But, acting sounds really cool. Sounds more fun.”
Tom shrugged. “I guess. I mean, I’m taking this improv class and it’s absolutely the worst thing I could’ve taken.”
“Oh! I take improv at school!” Charlie chimed in, excitedly bouncing in her seat. 
“Oh yeah?” Tom raised a brow, taking a drink from his glass before setting it down beside yours. “Maybe after we have dinner, you can show me some of your skills.”
Charlie shook her head. “I never said I was any good.”
The table erupted in a bout of laughter as you gave a small chuckle, your mind elsewhere while you picked up your glass, taking a drink of it. 
“Uh, I think that’s mine.” Tom leaned over, his breath hot on your ear as he spoke lowly. 
You choked on the drink a bit, coughing slightly as you set the glass down and looked at him apologetically. 
“Shit. Sorry.” 
“It’s alright. It’s not like we haven’t exchanged spit before.” Tom stated coolly, smirking slightly.
“I don’t backwash into drinks.” You retorted, attempting to not acknowledge his last statement fully. 
“I don’t know, you might.” Tom said, picking up the glass and swirling it around with his hand, pretending to inspect it. 
“Well, if you’re so worried, I’ll buy you another drink.”
“Oh, I’m not worried, but if you’re offering another drink, I will gladly take it.” 
“Hey, lovebirds, I’d look at the menu if I were you, otherwise Mom’s going to order for you.” David interrupted, nodding towards the waitress that was at the table. 
You gave him a glare before looking down at your menu, deciding to order the first thing you set your eyes on since you didn’t have much time before the waitress’s attention was on you.
“I see your brother is still snappy as ever.” Tom muttered after the moment of silence you shared. 
“You know how he is. He’s not so bad with me, definitely on his last straw with Lucy, though.”
Tom opened his mouth to speak before being interrupted by the waitress. You quickly ordered your food, Tom doing the same before you turned your attention back to the conversation. 
You weren’t sure what the young man’s plan was, why he was so insistent on talking your ear off when you had practically ghosted him like an ex-boyfriend for almost a year prior to the current exchange. You wanted to shrug it off, but you couldn’t get past it and it tortured you more for Tom to be so kind to you than it had ignoring him. 
It’s not that you were okay with ghosting him in the past, in fact, you felt like it was a true breakup without you having ever been with Tom. It was a stupid, little interaction that you could’ve talked about and explained away had you actually given him a chance to speak to you, but instead you let your own pride get in the way of that. 
“Y/n, did you hear what I said?” Tom asked, his hand resting on yours. 
You blinked for a moment, clearing your throat and slipping your hand from under his as you shook you head. “No, sorry, what did you say?”
“Oh, don’t take it personally, Tom,” Your father started, “Y/n’s always in her own head. She never really hears anyone.”
“Dad, it’s fine.” You shook your head again. “What did you say, Tom?”
“I asked if you wanted to get a drink and speak privately for a moment.” 
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” 
“I think it is,” Your mother stated, now interrupting. “You two go ahead. We’ll come get you when the food comes.”
You mentally cursed yourself and your parents as you followed Tom’s motions, setting down your napkin alongside his and rising from your seat. You allowed him to place a hand on your lower back and guide you away from the group and to the bar, much to your own internal dismay. 
“We need to talk.” Tom stated, taking a seat at the empty bar as he looked at you.
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Is that why you came tonight? Just to confront me? You could’ve just called if you wanted that.” 
“I would’ve if you didn’t block me.” Tom asserted himself before pointing to the empty seat beside him. “And have a seat, please, it’s weird that you’re just standing there.”
You took a seat beside him, leaning away from him and against the bar, as if you wanted to put as much space between you both. 
“I came tonight because I wanted to see you, not just talk about how you drop kicked me out of your life.” 
“I wouldn’t say I drop kicked you...” 
“You kissed me, ran away in a split second, and then proceeded to block me. I think that is the definition of drop kicking someone.” 
“Actually, I think it’s when you jump up and kick someone.” You joked, attempting to redirect the conversation away from your mistakes. 
“I’m about to drop kick you if you don’t take this seriously.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“For what? Drop kicking me or making a joke out of it when I’m trying to be vulnerable with you?”
“Both.” You shifted in your seat, uncomfortable and feeling as though you were a child about to go to the principal’s office. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, I think I’m just trying to protect my own.” 
“David’s right, you are selfish and trying to talk to you was a mistake.” Tom shook his head, rising from his seat. 
“Tom, wait.” You grabbed his arm, only for him to shake you off. 
“I have been waiting, Y/n. I’ve been waiting the past year for you to talk to me or be willing to see me and every time I think you will, you disappoint.”
“Tom, I-”
“You know, I begged your parents to let me come here to see you, to spend time with your family? They didn’t ask me. Once I realized you were never going to speak to me again over something so stupid, I had to swallow my own pride, unlike you, just to see you again.” Tom ran a hand through his hair, attempting to calm down as he looked away from you. “I swallowed my own pride to see you choking on yours and still acting as if I was the one in the wrong somehow. You kissed me, you blocked me. You didn’t even let me assess the situation before you did it for me and now I’m the bad guy?”
“I don’t think you’re a bad guy.” 
“Really? Because both Charlie and David have said multiple times that you claim that I rejected you when I never did. That you could just tell that I didn’t like you so you pushed me away when the truth was that I did like you. God, Y/n, I’d been in love with you since primary school and the one time I realized you reciprocated feelings, you ran away like you hadn’t.” 
“I’m sorry, okay?” You cried, falling back into your seat. “I didn’t think it would be a huge deal until it was and I was scared that the outcome of my actions wasn’t going to be the one I had been hoping for. When I kissed you, you didn’t seem to like it and when I ran, you didn’t chase after me and I took that as you not liking me and wanting to get the fuck out of the situation.” 
“But that’s what I’m saying, Y/n! You’re always so focused on yourself that you don’t even realize how other people are feeling. I tried to run after you, I did, but I lost you halfway up the stairs and I couldn’t remember your room number.” Tom explained, exasperated. “I even tried to call but you didn’t pick up and your brother and sister convinced me it was best to just go home so we did. I thought you needed space, but once it got to be so long, I didn’t know what to do.” 
“You really chased after me?”
“Of course I did. I loved you, Y/n. I wanted to be with you. I’m here because I still do, but I’m starting to think this was a mistake. I should go, I shouldn’t have come in the first place.”
Tom straightened up before turning on his heel and starting to walk back to the table to collect his things and leave. 
You watched as he did so, something in you pulling you up off of your seat and making you grab him by the arm even though you wanted to cower away like you once had before. 
Tom turned towards you, about to say something when you collided your lips with his, the action feeling more natural than it had the first time you kissed him. He melted into you, his free hand resting on your hip as he kissed back, causing you to smile at the gesture before pulling away. 
“Please, Tom, don’t go.” You whispered. “I want you to stay. I want to make it up to you for all the heartache and lost time. I never meant to hurt you and I was being selfish and that wasn’t fair. I want to try to work something out with you.” 
“If I stay will you buy me that drink you promised?”
“I’ll do anything if you stay.” 
Tom looked away for a moment, as if he was pondering something. “Hmm. I’ll think about it.”
“Tom, please.” 
“Fine, I will stay, but only because I already ordered food.” Tom joked, raising his hands defensively as you pouted and gave him a look. “I’m kidding! I want to stay and work something out, I swear.”
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vampiredecay · 3 years
I Can Hear Your Heart Beat (Part 1)
A/N: heyo! this is the first part of a two parter, in celebration of hitting a little over 50 followers! this was a prompt/suggestion from @n3on-lights , thank you again so much!! originally this was going to be one part, but i realized i was at 3k words and only half way done with the story, lol. so part two will be out soon! in the mean time, hope you enjoy this first half!
rating: teen
wordcount: 3,139
warnings/notes: swearing, descriptions of being in pain, half vamp!michael, human!lost boys, the boys turn back to human, implied minor character death, goodbye max, poly!lost boys, lost boys x michael
summary: after convincing sam that he wasn't going to kill him, michael raced to the hotel to seek answers about what he was becoming. little does he know, sam has his own plans up his sleeve, leaving the boys human for the first time in years, and michael still stuck as half vampire.
“Sammy, please!” Michael cried out, hanging onto the phone cord for dear life, hoping to whatever god out there was merciful enough to put some sense into his little brother's head. Sam just stared, debating if he should really let his brother in or not. He was floating outside his bedroom window like a freak, and he tried to eat him! But when Sam looked at him, at his older brother, he could see that he looked terrified. He's hardly ever seen Michael genuinely afraid, and he looks so human, despite the obvious circumstances. So, Sam takes a deep breath and walks over to the window, unlocking it and opening it for Michael to crawl through.
Michael counts his blessings as he drops onto the floor, takes in huge amounts of air that he doesn't really need. Sam sinks down to the floor next to him, and Michael grabs hold of him, wrapping his arms around him like he'll start flying away again. Sam tries not to squirm too much.
"What's goin on, Mike?" Sam whispers, his voice refusing to go any higher. Michael is shaking slightly, breathing heavily, so Sam tries again, "What did those bikers do to you?"
That gets a reaction out of him, a low growling sound from deep in his throat. Michael can hear Sam's heartbeat quicken and he has to swallow thickly. "I don't know, Sam. But I'll sort it out, okay?"
"But what about mom-" Sam tries, but Michael cuts him off, frantic, "Just- just don't tell her anything, okay? You gotta trust me, Sammy."
Sam wants to argue, this was way bigger than getting a bad grade on a test, or getting into a fight in school. His gut reaction was to tell his mom, because he knew she would try and make it okay again. But he also trusted his brother. Plus, he had more experience with these guys, so Sam nodded, deciding Michael had it covered. “Okay. I trust you.”
Michael let out a sigh of relief, but it was short lived once they heard their moms car screeching to a halt outside of the house. The boys frantically got up, looking at each other with wide eyes. “I gotta go, Sam. Distract mom for me, yeah?” There wasn’t any time to debate, so Sam just nodded and sprinted down the stairs. He didn't know how Michael was going to sneak out, but at this rate, he didn’t want to know.
When he got down stairs, the blond teen could hear his mom calling his name, and when the front door opened, he could see his mom looking worried like crazy. “Oh, Sam!” she said once she saw him, she sounded exhausted. “You scared me half to death!”
Sam felt guilt start to stir in his chest, he didn’t mean to make his mom worry so much. And the fact that he had to lie now didn’t help matters at all. “I’m okay, mom. I was reading a horror comic and I thought I saw someone outside my window- but I just got carried away, that's all.”
Lucy stared at her son, trying to understand the excuse he was feeding her. She squinted her eyes at him. “You got carried away by a comic book?”
Sam tried not to flinch, he knew it sounded like bullshit, but it was the best he could come up with on the fly. “It was a scary comic mom. I’m sorry.”
The look on his mom's face made it clear she was frustrated. She couldn’t believe how her boys were acting, like she didn’t raise them better. “You know, I’ve just about had it with the both of you, you know that?” Sam nodded his head and looked down at his feet, and she almost forgave him then. But then her eyes landed on the kitchen, and her frustration flared up all over again. “What is this mess?”
Sam looked over to where his mom was talking about, and saw the spilt milk and open fridge door. God damnit, Mike. He tried telling her that it wasn’t his fault, but she wasn’t listening, not that he could blame her at this point. When he was done cleaning up the floor, Sam raced up to his room, pausing to see that Michael had long gone. Wasting no more time, he launched himself on his bed and called the Frog brothers again.
It took a few rings, but eventually, Edgar had answered the call. “What?” he asked, short and coarse. Sam rushed to answer, “Guys, it's me again.”
Edgar sighed from over the phone, “What, Sam? We told you to stake your brother, what more do you want?”
“Look guys, Michael and I talked, he’s going to try and talk to the vamps that got him, but there has to be something more that we can do!”
There was some vague conversation that Sam couldn’t hear, then Alan was speaking, “Do you know if he made his first kill? Can he still walk in sunlight?”
“No, he hasn’t killed anyone, and yes, he can still walk in sunlight.” Sam said, “That means he’s only half shit sucker, right?”
Alan grumbled into the phone, like he didn’t want to be entertaining this idea at all. “Yes, so technically, if you kill the head vampire, all half vampires would return to being human.” Sam was ready to celebrate, he was about to say something like “hell yeah!”, but then Alan asked something that made him cut the celebration short. “Does your brother know who the head vampire is?”
“Uh,” Sam mumbled, "No, I don't think so."
"We can't screw around anymore, Sam." Edgar said, taking the phone back. "Kill your brother, or we'll be forced to do it for you "
"Wait, no!" Sam shouted, desperate to think of something that would help. "We just gotta find the head vampire, right? We-" as he was talking, Sam suddenly thought of something. "Actually, I might know who the head vampire is."
"What?" Edgar asked, voice high and tight. "Well, this all started when my mom started working at Max's video store."
He could hear both the Frogs groaning. "Wait guys, hear me out! He doesn't come in till after dark, he has a dog that's always growling at people, and I read that vampires have hell hounds as companions!"
"Well duh, but-" Edgar started, but Sam cut him off. "If my mom is dating the head vampire, you guys can nail him and save Santa Carla!"
The Frogs were silent for a few seconds, so Sam tacked on "Truth, justice, and the American way triumphs, thanks to you two."
That seemed to convince them, because after a few more seconds, Edgar said "Alright, we'll check Max out. Tonight. Get ready, we'll come get you in ten minutes."
Sam froze, mouth open wide against the phone. "Tonight? Can't we wait until tomorrow?"
"This was your idea, Sam." Alan said, more rustling could be heard from the background. "If Max is clean, we're coming for your brother and his friends tomorrow. Be ready." Before Sam could say anything more, they hung up the phone.
When Michael got to the hotel, it was dark and quiet. There weren't as many candles lit, making shadows dance and flicker against the walls, and the only sounds Michael could hear were drops of water bouncing around the cave.
"David?" Michael called out, walking further into the hotel. The place was eerie now, without the boys there, dancing and laughing and joking around. "David? Anyone here?"
Where the hell were they? Michael was getting agitated, a hot irritation settling under his skin as he looked around the cave. If they weren't even here, he didn't know what he was going to do. Michael needed answers, he needed to know what the hell was happening to him.
"I'm not fucking around." The brunette said to the air. "I want answers, and I want them now!"
Silence. Michael snarled at nothing and turned around to stomp towards the exit, but then he heard an all too familiar voice echoing out the cave.
"I'm right here, Michael."
David was standing at the entrance, Dwayne, Paul and Marko lurking behind him. The platinum blond gave a wide smirk as he walked down into the cave, eyeing the angry halfling. “What’s going on?”
“What the hell did you do to me?” Michael demanded, walking right up to David and getting into his face. David cocked an eyebrow as the rest of the boys surrounded him, whispering and laughing. “Whatever do you mean?”
“Cut the bullshit! I’m hungry, I’m in pain, I was floating on the goddamn ceiling-”
“Woah,” Paul interrupted, sounding amazed, “You got there already? It took me a while-” Marko kicked Paul’s leg before he could continue, making the blond rocker yelp loudly. David cleared his throat and suddenly looked deadly serious. “You drank from the bottle, Michael. You’re one of us now.”
“But what the hell does that mean?” Michael was starting to feel drained, he was so tired of going around in circles, and it feels like he hasn’t gotten proper sleep in weeks. “What the fuck was in that bottle that makes me float off the ground and makes me want to eat my brother?”
The boys all looked at each other like they were having a silent conversation.
“Take it easy, man.” Dwayne said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. He was smiling like nothing was off or weird about this situation at all. “You’ll get the hang of it. Just go with the flow.”
Michael was about to ask what he’d “get the hang of”, but Marko spoke before he could. “It’s getting late, you should probably go home.” The way he spoke and the look he gave had an air of finality, like fighting would get him nowhere. This had been a huge waste of time.
“Fine.” Michael spit, shoving past David roughly as he walked towards the entrance. He would have to find answers some other way. As much as he hated it, he might have to resort to Sam’s weird friends. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but they seemed to be the only other ones who knew anything about-
“Wait!” Paul called out, making Michael stop in his tracks. He turned around and looked at Paul, who had a weird look on his face. His eyebrows were scrunched down and he held a hand to his middle. “Do you guys feel that?”
The others looked confused, but soon their faces contorted into concern and agitation. Marko’s hand shot to Paul's arm, gripping like his life depended on it, while Dwayne and David held onto each other, as if keeping each other from falling. Marko was panting, “What the fu-”
Suddenly, Markos words were cut off by a loud screeching sound. Michael nearly jumped out of his skin as the boys started shouting and screaming, falling to the ground hard. The halfling stared at them in shock.
“What happened?! What's wrong?!” Michael asked frantically, panicked, running back over and crouching over the pile of writhing bodies. No one could answer, the only sounds coming from them were grunts and whimpers of pain. Michael could only stand and watch, horrified that he had no idea what was going on.
After what felt like an eternity, the screaming stopped. The boys stopped convulsing on the ground, completely still and silent, like they passed out. The silence was deafening now. Michael slowly walked over to David, breathing heavily, anxious out of his mind. He placed a gentle hand to his cheek, finding him surprisingly warm. He checked his pulse, then, and found a shallow, but steady heart beat. Michael then checked the other boys and found the same warmth and beat. The teen sighed in relief, they were all alive, at least. They seemed to be out cold, though, and Michael knew that he needed to move them from the cold hard ground.
One by one, he moved each of the boys to a chair or couch, trying to make them as comfortable as possible. Michael looked around, but didn’t find any stashed food or water, so he decided to hurry out and get them something to eat when they woke up. He didn’t know if they would be hungry or not, but it would be worth the try.
Michael sped on his bike to the nearest convenience store and grabbed a basket, stuffing it with random chips and snacks. He also grabbed a few bottles of water and threw it in the basket. When he went up to the counter to pay, the cashier gave him an odd look, but he just smiled awkwardly. The total almost drained his wallet, which hurt, but there were more important things to worry about right now.
The trip back to the hotel was a bit of a pain in the ass, but he managed to get there in one piece. He parked his bike and hauled the food and water down into the cave, and when he was in the main lobby, he was startled to see that the boys were awake. They were all huddled around each other, holding and touching in whatever way they could. All of them wore similar shocked, concerned and disturbed expressions on their faces. It almost felt wrong to intrude on them, but he accidentally made a noise and alerted the boys to his presence.
“Michael?” David called out, but his voice was smaller, less sure. Michael immediately walked over to them, setting the bag down as he squatted next to the couch they were all piled in.
“Hey, are you guys okay? What the hell happened?” As he talked, Michael pulled out bottles of water and handed them out to each of the boys. They snatched the bottles out of his hands and opened them like they haven’t drank water in years, guzzling down the liquid and getting it all over themselves in the process.
“Woah, guys, slow down-” But they didn’t listen, not even if they started choking and coughing. When the waters were drained, Paul crawled over everyone to grab the bag full of snacks and dig through it.
“Michael.” David said, looking intensely at his face, studying every inch he could look at. He grabbed at Michaels arm and pulled him closer. “Do you feel any different? Did you change back?”
The brunette stared at him, bewildered. “Change? No, I feel the same as before.”
David's eyes widened, and Paul stopped tearing into a bag of potato chips, mouth gaping. “Wait, he’s still half? How’s that possible?”
Marko and Dwayne gave each other a disbelieving look, and Michael scrunched up his face in confusion. “Half what? What are you guys talking about?”
No one said anything for a long moment. David sighed and ran his hands through his spiked hair. “I guess we have no choice but to tell you.”
Michael watched as David sat up straighter, a pained look on his face, like his whole body ached. He looked uncomfortable as he said, “We were vampires, Michael. And you’re one, too. Half, anyway. You still haven’t made your first kill.”
So many thoughts and questions flooded Michaels mind at that moment. His first reaction was to call David crazy, but he remembered what it felt like to fly out his bedroom window, how painfully hungry he was and how loud he could hear Sam's heartbeat, even from the bathroom. His reflection in the mirror was fading and weak. Michael couldn’t fuckin believe this.
Michael stood up so fast he felt lightheaded. “So- you’re telling me,” He started, pacing in front of the couch. The rest of the boys were no longer paying attention, too busy devouring the snacks from the bag, but David was watching him walk back and forth. “That I’m a half vampire. An actual, honest to god vampire. That’s just fuckin great!” Michael shouted, and David winced at the sound.
“Wait.” The halfling stopped pacing and turned back to the platinum blond. “What do you mean you were a vampire?”
David blew air through his nose like an angry bull. He shifted around in his seat before answering, “We have a master. Or, I guess we did. If the vampire that turned you dies, you turn back into a human.”
“Which must be why Michael hasn’t turned back.” Dwayne chimed in suddenly, still chewing loudly on chips. Michael was lost at this point, which must have been clear on his face, cause Marko pitched in with, “You drank David’s blood from the bottle, not Max’s. David didn’t die, just turned back into a human. So, therefore, you can’t go back to being human.”
Michael didn’t know which fact he hated more, that his mom's dorky (now ex, he supposed) boyfriend was a head vampire, or that he drank actual blood. A lot of it, if he remembered properly. He groaned loudly and sank to the floor, head in his hands. “So you’re saying I'm stuck like this?”
“Well…” Paul started, but didn’t get to finish. David interrupted, irritation clear in his voice. “We don’t know. We don’t know jack shit.”
The tension was thick in the air. Michael had no idea what they were going to do now. Living in a sunken hotel may have been okay when they were vampires, but it’s not gonna fly being human. He knew he couldn’t just leave them here. Michael sighed and stood back up, walking over to the entrance. It was still dark out, but he figured it was going to be morning soon. He walked back down and stood in front of the boys.
“Look, we’ll figure out how to change me back,” David huffed at that, looking less than amused. Michael rolled his eyes. “But until then, you guys are basically homeless. Why don’t you come stay with me for a few days?”
The boys froze. They looked at each other, and they looked at Michael, wondering if this was some kind of joke. They had lived in that cave so long it felt like forever, they couldn’t imagine leaving what they considered their home.
“What about your mom? And your brother?” David asked, knowing that it couldn’t be that easy, right? Surely Michaels family would bitch about them being there. But Michael didn’t look bothered. “Sam can be an ass, but he’ll deal. And my mom wouldn’t kick you guys out.”
David was still hesitant. He still didn’t want to believe he was human again, after all these years. It hurts to even think about it. He felt a nudge against his shoulder, and when he looked over, he saw Marko, shrugging his shoulders.
“What do we have left to lose?”
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its-monster-mash · 3 years
Paul(The Lost Boys) X Michael’s Ex!Fem!Reader Imagine(Part 1)
Content Warnings: Vaguely Love-Triangley? (Reader and Michael are still good friends and broke up a while before Mike moved, but things are a little awkward because they were each other’s first serious relationship; so he’s more protective than he needs to be, and there might be a few hurt feelings, but I wouldn’t quite call it a love triangle), Brief Sexual Harassment
Part 2
This turned out SUPER long so I’m putting it under a readmore; also I think I’m going to make it a series because I want to go a lot further with this but I suspect I’m going to run out of space soon
• Michael Emerson had been your best friend since you were kids, growing up in Phoenix only a ten minute walk from eachother...if you knew the right shortcuts. You knew all of them, thought you knew everything when you were younger, and you got yourself and Mike into a fair amount of trouble because of it...but he had always been a good kid, and was able to temper your more destructive elements.
• It surprised exactly no one when the two of you eventually started dating, nor did it surprise them when you broke up a few years later. You had always been inseparable, and the love had always been there, but over time you just couldn’t help but feel stifled. You had spent your entire teen years with him, and so many people liked to joke that Mike tamed you...at the rate you were going it seemed like sundresses, picket fences, and a couple of kids weren’t far off in your future...and that scared you.
• Mike was heartbroken when you left him, and for the first few weeks he absolutely held it against you, but due to your shared friends and history your friendship survived. Unfortunately, his parents’ divorce separated your iconic duo once again.
• When Mike’s dad showed up on your doorstep a few days after the move, you tore him a new one for basically abandoning his sons. He set a box on your porch, Mike’s Tools...his Grandpa gave them to him when he was just a little kid and they were one of his most treasured possessions...they were forgotten in the chaos of the move...His dad thought you might visit him sometime...
• That’s what led to you hopping in your shitass El Camino and making the drive to Santa Carla. Lucy had given you their new address before they left...you knew she hoped that maybe you and Mike would get back together some day, but that just wasn’t in the cards. At the end of the day he was just too good, too normal, for you.
• Driving through Santa Carla, you can’t help but be drawn to the sheer...strangeness of it all. Looking at the people, you feel like you actually fit in here. You definitely plan on hanging around the town for a while.
• Mike isn’t home when you get to his Grandpa’s house, but his mom could not be happier to see you. It’s a bittersweet reunion for you; she had been more of a mother to you growing up than your own parents, but after breaking her son’s heart you just don’t feel like it‘s right for you to call her “Mom” like you used to. She has a million questions, and she even suggests you stay with them for a while...you politely decline.
• You didn’t tell her that sleeping in your beat-up old car was preferable to her hospitality, but it would just be too weird, with how recent your breakup was. You and Mike are still friends, but you think sleeping under the same roof might be weird for him
• You still want to see him though, so you decide to explore the town on foot for a while; maybe run into him. You’re wandering around when you hear a familiar voice coming from the open door of a comic book store.
• As soon as you walk in you see the unmistakably garish patterns of Sammy Emerson’s signature style and break into a wide smile. “Long time no see, huh kid?” Almost the second he sees you he practically knocks you over with a hug, backing away in embarrassment after a second of thought. You and Mike were already best friends by the time he was born, so Sam was almost as much your little brother as he is Mike’s.
• “Now What was that about Vampires?” You had overheard Sam and the Frog brothers when you walked into the store...Sam rolls his eyes, and the Frogs assail you with some insane story about how the town is overrun with vampires. Some imaginations these kids have.
• You bail out of there pretty quick in favor of wandering the boardwalk, seeing what Santa Carla had to offer...before you know it, the sun is starting to set
• Maybe going out alone in “The Murder Capital of The World” wasn’t your smartest decision, but you weren’t exactly known for your self preservation; that had always been Mike’s job...but he isn’t here now.
• You grimace as you notice a group of surfers take notice of you. You had wandered a bit aways from the main crowd, so you aren’t sure anyone would notice if things went south... “Hey Sweetie.”
• “Get Bent.” You sneer as they close in on you. “Awe well that’s not very polite,” the leader says, giving your ass a firm squeeze. “You should try being a little nicer.”
• You humor him with the sweetest smile you can muster as you stomp as hard as you can on his foot. He calls you a bitch and you flinch as his fist flies toward you.
• You open your eyes when the hit never comes, and are shocked to see that someone had caught the guy’s fist. You look up at him and your cheeks flush; when was the last time you saw a guy this handsome? “This guy bothering you, babe?” He asks as he squeezes the guy’s fist so tight you hear something pop. The guy falls to his knees and gasps in pain as his friends back away nervously. You smile wickedly. “Not anymore.”
• You watch the douchbags storm away with their wounded pride, shouting empty threats, only distracted when your Knight in Shining Tight-Pants tucks your hair affectionately behind your ear. “So what’s a pretty thing like you doing alone in a town like this?”
• You bite your lip, eyeing him appreciatively; now that you could get a good look at him you can tell he is definitely your type...and you hadn’t been with anyone since you broke things off with Michael. “Hoping to run into an old friend, but I haven’t seen him.”
• He grins, clearly appreciating your look. “That’s too bad, wanna make some new friends?” His eyes are fixed on you with a certain hunger, there’s a palpable danger to him; it excites you.
• You shift your stance flirtatiously, leaning into him ever so slightly. “That depends, are they all as cute as you?” He pokes his tongue into his cheek with an amused grin. “Almost.”
• He takes your mischievous smirk as agreement, and throws an arm around you, leading you back to where his friends are gathered by their bikes. “This the chick you ditched us for?” The curly-headed blond asks, humor in his tone.
• “Well I for one am grateful for the timely rescue.” You grin. “How grateful?” The blond on the bike asks, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively; making you laugh. Your hero slaps at him playfully, and the favor is returned.
• Seemingly the leader of the group, the spiky-headed blond interrupts the roughhousing. “Paul, Marko, knock it off and let’s go.”
• Paul nods, climbing onto his bike and grinning at you seductively. “You wanna go for a ride, babe?”
• His smile is infectious, and his innuendo isn’t lost on you. Maybe it’s not your safest decision, but you climb on the back of his bike; earning a loud “HELL YES.” From him, and hooting and hollering from Marko.
• “Make sure you hold on tight babe, I’m about to take you on a ride you’ll never forget.” “Shut up and drive,” you tease as you wrap your arms tightly around his midsection.
• They all laugh deviously as they rev their motors to life, and you’re glad you’re holding on tight, nearly falling off when they take off from 0 to 100. “HOLY SHIT!” “What’s the matter sweetheart, can’t handle a little speed?”
• “That all you got?!” You ask, acting tough. It was a mistake though. “That all you got, Paul?” Marko asks, mocking you. “I dunno girl, I think that’s all he’s got.” The big brunette says, first time he’s spoken since you met the boys. “Fuck off, Dwayne!” Paul shouts. The leader gives his engine a rev, egging Paul on. You scream, forced to cling tightly to his back as his bike tears into the night. Marko pulls up next to you, mimicking you with a falsetto squeal.
• “Damn babe, already screaming for me,” Paul teases over the roar of his motor. You’d sass him back if you weren’t too busy burying your face in his back for dear life. You’d ridden on the back of Mike’s bike plenty of times before, but he was never this reckless. You’re as terrified as you are thrilled.
• By the time you start to get used to the speed, the boys are slowing down, and much to your surprise, they pull right up to Michael, who is standing with a girl you haven’t met. His eyes snap to you instantly and go wide with confusion, he hadn’t even been aware you’d come to town. “(Y/N)?”
• “This that friend you were looking for?” Paul asks. “Yeah, (Y/N), care to introduce us to Star’s new friend?” “David please.” You watch the exchange a bit uncomfortably, shifting on the bike, arms still around Paul. “Yeah...Hey Mike, I uh, your old man dropped your tools off at my place so I took them up to your mom.” Your chest feels impossibly tight. You aren’t jealous to see him with a new girl, but you had hoped that maybe he’d be a little happier to see you here...and him, the earring and that jacket...it doesn’t feel like Mike at all. Paul can feel you shrink against him.
• “Hope I’m not stepping on any toes here,” Paul says, giving your thigh an unsubtle squeeze; deliberately antagonizing Michael. You smile a bit awkwardly as Mike scratches the back of his head in discomfort. Star looks between the two of you, avoiding eye contact with David. “No, Mike and I used to date but...” “But it’s over,” Mike says, a bit too shortly, trying to cover the awkwardness with an unconvincing smile.
• David shoots him a not-all together-friendly look. “Well, you seem to be moving on well enough,” he says, gesturing to Star, who shrinks beside him. “So’s (Y/N),” Paul interjects, looking over his shoulder to smile at you. You smile back at him, despite the awkwardness.
• “We should go, Star,” David urges. Star hesitates, but climbs on the back of his bike. Michael looks mortified, and you can’t help but feel awful for him. You’re shocked when David nods his head toward Mike’s bike. “Come with us, Michael.”
• You know the look on Mike’s face; his first instinct is to back out, avoid trouble...but then he looks at you, and he looks at Star; like he’s worried what will happen to you if he doesn’t come along. “Mike,” You don’t have to come, you start to say, feeling Paul tense in your arms. “I’m coming.”
• “This is gonna be so sick,” Marko says with a practically manic grin, before Dwayne swats him upside the head. “Don’t be an ass.”
• “Don’t forget, (Y/N), hold on tight,” Paul says, side eyeing Michael a little less than subtly. Mike rolls his eyes and you shrug apologetically. This is awkward, for sure, but one way or another you want to see this through. Paul and the boys seem cool as hell, and at the very least seem like a good way to get back on the horse after getting over a long relationship.
• You squeeze Paul a little tighter, heart pounding against his back. He revs his engine. “You ready, babe?”
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tobinheath · 4 years
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Leah Williamson and Keira Walsh have shared enough “written in the stars” moments in their 23 years to make them feel that they were fated to be best friends. Since meeting on an England Under-15s camp, their football careers have played out with a striking, almost eerie, similarity. They each play for their childhood clubs — Williamson for Arsenal, Walsh for Manchester City — and have a knack of picking up the same injuries at the same time.
They both received their first senior call-up on the same day in 2017. The 2019 World Cup was their first senior England tournament: they called each other to celebrate even before they called their parents, which resulted in Williamson shrieking “bloody hell — what have we done here?” in tears outside a London branch of Nando’s.
Most memorably, Williamson made her England debut coming on for Walsh, in the final six minutes of a World Cup qualifier against Russia in 2018. “My mum’s just framing my shirt, pestering me for that picture,” Williamson says.
Walsh interrupts, giddily. “I think that’s the only time I’ve actually done a full-teeth smile. I was so buzzing.”
“Yeah,” remembers Williamson, “because I was game faced, and you proper smiled at me and I went…” before jerking her mouth into a tight-lipped, nervous smile, chuckling.
“If it was anyone else,” Walsh picks up, “I’d have been, like: ‘I don’t want to come off’. But as soon as I saw it was Leah, I was buzzing.”
This is life at the top for two of England’s most talented young players: phenomenal success and too many good memories to count.
Today, best friends will turn opponent and they will face each other in the Women’s Super League (WSL) for the first time this season — hosts Manchester City are fourth, four points behind second-placed Arsenal — with Williamson pointing out that in a pre-COVID-19 world, she would have stayed after the match with Walsh’s family in Rochdale, where Walsh’s mother Tracy is “just like my mum”.
Over the hour they spent together on Zoom, they are gloriously good fun: warm, ebullient and habitually careering into laughter. They balance each other out, Walsh says: she is “shy and awkward” — though you would not know it here — and Williamson is the “buffer” in certain situations, and the more “logical” one of the two. Williamson views Walsh as the honest one, sometimes brutally so. “I have to step in sometimes and give it a smile and keep it balanced,” she says. “If I play a game and I’m not actually sure how it went, I would text Keira, because I know I’d get the most honest answer from anybody, even if that means it’s not what I want to hear. I think that is where the respect comes from.”
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To track the pair’s football careers has been to often forget how young they are. Walsh made her City debut a few months after her 17th birthday and in November this year, Williamson played her 150th game for Arsenal. It is common for those in women’s football to grow up fast but in conversation, one is reminded of the duo’s gleeful, wonderful youth. There was the time, for instance, they rented electric scooters one afternoon at the World Cup in France to explore with Walsh’s Manchester City team-mate Georgia Stanway. The room-mates — Stanway with Williamson, Walsh with Lucy Bronze — had a group chat titled “The three best friends and Lucy”. Stanway, the youngest England player at the tournament, sped ahead on her scooter and they had to “rein her back in”, Williamson says.
“You were being a bit of a Cautious Claire, weren’t you?” teases Walsh, turning to Williamson, “probably as you should do at a World Cup. I think we were just enjoying being kids, weren’t we? Obviously, we were playing, and the reason we were there was to win, but we have so much free time that we were just enjoying being the younger ones.”
“All the older ones… that’s what they kept saying to us,” says Williamson. “Kaz Carney was like: ‘Make sure you enjoy your time now, because hopefully one day you will be the senior ones and there’ll be a lot more pressure on you. Just have the best time ever, make as many memories as possible. Jill Scott — I mean, she was a bit more wild than we are — said she’s got some of the best memories ever from those early tournaments and she wished she could do it again. I don’t think we wanted to waste a second.”
Do not presume, though, that the pair are anything other than serious competitors. By 20, Walsh had won every domestic title going: the WSL, FA Cup and League Cup. Williamson has won the league once, the FA Cup twice and the League Cup twice, finishing as runner-up in the latter to Walsh’s City in 2019. Walsh, an artful holding midfielder in the mould of Sergio Busquets — she grew up watching clips of him and David Silva with her father — will be among the most important players in the England squad moving forward and Williamson, capped 17 times, is touted as a future England captain.
It has not always been easy, though. An early test came in the form of Williamson’s ankle injury, sustained playing for Arsenal against Walsh’s Blackburn Rovers in the FA Youth Cup final. It was so traumatic Walsh admits there are still occasions she will search for Williamson’s results, see her friend has come off and think, “Please tell me it’s not her ankles again. My mum mentions it to me. She’ll say: ‘Did you see Leah came off?’” She addresses Williamson. “Because I’ve seen you in person do it, I feel like I automatically panic. When I see you at camp two weeks later, you’re like: ‘Maybe I was being a bit soft when I came off — it’s nothing to do with my ankles’. But I know what you’ve been through with them, so it is the first thing I think about.”
Williamson, in her own words, “basically just snapped my ankle and everything in it” after misplanting her foot. Stretcher, gas and air, a wheelchair, a doctor advising her to go straight to hospital. “I’m trying to fight back the tears and she’s nearly crying looking at me as well,” Williamson remembers. She stayed at the game because Arsenal had lost the season prior and she wanted to collect her winner’s medal.
“I think I played most of the game thinking, ‘I just hope she’s OK’,” says Walsh. “The only thing I actually remember from that game — not the goals or anything — was afterwards, I saw Leah on the side in a wheelchair with an Arsenal bobble hat on, having to wheel herself on to get her winner’s medal.”
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A few months on from Williamson’s injury, Walsh damaged her ankle ligaments — it was an impact injury, and on her laptop, Williamson has pictures of her and Walsh “in wheelchairs at different times”. Walsh collected her second ankle injury at a training camp in La Manga, by which point Williamson’s ankles had betrayed her again. “We were both sat on the bench laughing because it was just crazy luck that we’d both done it again,” Walsh smiles. “I knew I couldn’t sit there feeling sorry for myself next to you.”
During their separate rehabilitation processes, they maintained the habit of visiting each other as often as they could. Their close friendship meant they were never allowed to share a room on international duty to ensure they didn’t isolate themselves from the rest of the group. Walsh was the class clown and Williamson the captain, meaning that “Leah would always get told off for me. They’d always be like: ‘Leah! You need to tell Keira she needs to be a bit more professional!’”
What it all meant was they had lost time to make up elsewhere. Each Christmas, Walsh would come to London from Rochdale and Williamson’s mother Amanda “would treat us to something from Jack Wills. That was like an annual little thing that we did, because I don’t think that I’d ever heard of Jack Wills, being from the north, until I met all these southerners at camp that used to wear it. I think I actually used to go down to see Amanda more than you, to be honest.”
What did they think of each other when they first met?
“You first,” says Williamson.
“No — you go,” Walsh replies.
“I’m going to big you up here,” Williamson begins. “Keira’s always been… she was always one of the best there, and you always want to be mates with the good ones.”
Walsh returns the favour: “I think I was quite jealous of you when you first came because everyone was like: ‘She’s amazing. I was thinking, I want to be amazing, as well, so I want to be friends with her.”
“That’s good, that we both thought the same thing.”
“There you go, then. That’s why we’re friends.”
“I’d say I’m your fangirl, Keira. I’m your hype man.”
Walsh has always been Williamson’s biggest supporter — “when you scored your first goal for England, I think I was happier for you than I would have been if I’d scored” — but probably has good reason to worry about Williamson calling herself a hype man. Before the World Cup, Williamson visited Cex, the second-hand goods chain, and spent £50 on some DJ decks to master during downtime at the tournament.
“I just looked across the corridor and I was like, ‘What is that noise? I’m sure that’s Leah’s room’,” Walsh recalls. “I opened the door and you had these big headphones on, mixing the decks. I saw Georgia just lying on the bed and I was like, ‘What is going on in here?’ They had the balcony door open and you were like: ‘Wait for the drop. Wait for the drop’. I was like: ‘OK – I’ll wait for the drop. You like your music, you are good with music and you actually might be very good. I trust you’. And the drop just never came.”
Williamson hoots with laughter. “Never came. I thought it would be so much easier than it was. It was so hard.” She shakes her head, jokingly rueful. “Massive flop. Massive flop.”
“I feel like you just try your hand at loads of random stuff,” continues Walsh. “I see you on camp and you’re like: ‘I’m doing the harmonica now’.”
Williamson says she has “found her calling” playing the piano in lockdown, but Walsh is unimpressed. “It’s just you try to give off this cool vibe and I feel like people don’t really know you. It just makes me laugh. What have you got — a lightsaber pen? And Star Wars pyjamas? People would just not think that. When you see the exterior of Leah, you would just think, ‘No – not Star Wars’. She’s done all these photoshoots, she’s dead cool, and then she just whacks out the craziest stuff and just makes me laugh.”
Williamson holds up her hands. “It’s true. I can’t deny it.”
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The World Cup was particularly testing for Walsh, for whom fierce social media criticism left her questioning whether she wanted to continue to play football. Walsh has spoken numerous times about the impact on her confidence, but what was it like for Williamson, who did not feature as much as Walsh, to witness? She pauses. “I think it’s hard,” she begins, “because you just feel so powerless when you’re not playing. It’s not even like I can go on the pitch and have a shocker to save her from the criticism,” she laughs. “If I tell Keira she’s great, there’s a slight bit of her that’s… I’m her best mate, so I’m going to try and pick her up as much as possible.
“The main thing, especially from a squad perspective, is that we all know how valuable Keira is to us and how — I’m bigging you up here — she’s the centre of what we’re doing as a team. It just annoys me. I wish I could eradicate all those other people because we, as a team, appreciate her so much. That’s all I ever said to Keira – if anybody was picking a team, you’d be the first name on the teamsheet. But it’s hard to get… like I say, I’m her best mate, so I’m honest with her, but at the same time, she probably needed to hear that a little bit more.”
They didn’t talk about it so much, Walsh says. “Because you weren’t playing, I didn’t want to put that on you because I felt like it would be selfish,” she adds. “I thought, at the time: you know what? We’ll just make the best of it off the pitch, and I think that’s why we had such a good time.” Williamson’s first appearance, from the bench in the round-of-16 match against Cameroon, changed Walsh’s perspective “because I was just so happy for you that I didn’t care what people would say about me at that moment. People could say whatever they wanted because I’ve just played in a World Cup with my best friend. Not many people can say that.”
To be best friends, as professional athletes, is a balancing act: in any other walk of life, they would — could — rage at each other, moan, weep, get angry. As professional footballers, they are wary of distracting the other. “I know what you want to achieve, so my problems taking a back seat is fine with me if I know you’re going on to achieve what you want to achieve,” Walsh tells Williamson.
To Sunday, then, and what will happen when two best friends turn competitors for 90 minutes. Walsh smirks. “I feel like you try and keep a really focused head, and then I’ll just be like…” she cups her hands for a high-pitched whisper and springs up like a Jack in a box. “’Leah!’” Williamson rollicks back with laughter. “Then she’ll turn around and she’ll start laughing, but I do it because I know she’s going to laugh and I know that she’s trying to focus. I feel like I’m a lot more relaxed than you. You’re like, ‘Game face, game head, here we go’, and you just have that annoying friend in the background.”
Stanway is the worst, apparently, to the point where Walsh and Williamson will intervene — Williamson with a stern “we’re not having that today” when Stanway inevitably flattens her early doors. “We always text each other a couple of days, speak to each other earlier on in the week before we play each other,” says Williamson of her and Walsh.
“In the game and stuff, we have our little tiffs, and if I say something and she doesn’t agree with it, we’re both playing for the win, and we both understand that,” Walsh concludes, “but then afterwards, we’re straight over to each other.”
She starts to sign off, but Williamson beats her to it. “See you Sunday,” they chorus, in unison.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
@hella-sirius expressed mild interest in seeing Kate's reaction to Francesca calling her during The Helen Mirren Incident ™️ and well, You know me
Kate Sheffield had been... surprised to say the least when she'd woken up at 1:48am on Saturday night to the name Dickhead Flashing across her phone screen. And honestly, she could have let it go to voicemail, but the opportunity to chew Anthony Bridgerton out of something so blatantly deserved seemed a little too good to miss so she'd answered with a sharp.
"Bridgerton. Someone had better have blood died." And perhaps the last thing she expected to hear was a woman's voice, stuttering and slurring a little.
“Hi, Kate? Yeah sorry to bother you, this is Frankie Bridgerton?" Frankie Bridgerton? Why on earth would Anthony's sister be calling in the middle of the night? "Francesca, hello." Kate said, slowly, more than little taken aback.
"Yeah we met-" Francesca was trying to explain " At the picnic last year. I remember you, Francesca." Kate said, again slowly, her mind still a little slow from her jarring awakening, struggling to fit the pieces together
"At the picnic yeah! Anyway I’m just calling to tell you that Anthony-” And then her voice was cut off by a voice that sounded like her brother's saying “Jesus Fucking Christ!" And then a crash and the line went dead. Kate sat, a little open mouthed, wondering if she should call back. No, definitely not. She decided, it was obvious that Francesca had had more than a little to drink and she wasn't really in the mood for a humiliating drunk conversation about whatever Anthony was or had been. She set her phone back on the nightstand and tried a little desperately not to think about it as she tried to go back to sleep.
Kate had tried not to obsess over it all day Sunday. Tried not to let her thumb hover over the call button next to his contact. Tried not to wonder if she had been about to be the punchline to a very cruel joke. Because honestly, how else would Kate Sheffield have come up in conversation where Anthony Bridgerton was concerned? And even her attempt to remind herself how quiet and kind Anthony's sister had seemed when she'd met her and only been partially successful. But still the words had echoes in her head all day. Anyway I’m just calling to tell you that Anthony-. tell you that Anthony-. Anthony Anthony. Anthony. Until she'd let out a huff of frustration Why do you care?! And she only realised she'd said the words aloud when Edwina looked very startled, and said "Climate change is really important Kate, Do you not know that?" Gesturing at the David Attenborough documentary she was watching.
And it was stupid, ridiculous, because she'd resolved to think of it no further, so the fact that a hand shot out to stop the lift door from closing on Monday morning, should not have filled her with dread when Anthony Bridgerton's tall frame followed it in seconds later. But it did. And Kate had truly never heard a silence so loud. Anthony's eyes had widened when he'd seen her, but he clearly felt he could hardly walk right out of the lift after he'd barged his way in like an irritated highland cow, and now his eyes were darting around the lift. And If Kate didn't know any better she'd say he was nervous. She cleared her throat.
"Is Francesca alright?" She said lightly, that seemed like a safe start. Anthony's eyes widened again, turning towards her like a deer in the headlights. fuck he was ridiculous "Of course. Why do you ask?" He said after several seconds, turning to face the door again. And his refusal to acknowledge it more than anything started the slow sizzle of anger in her chest. "Well I had a very odd phone call from her at 2am on Saturday." Anthony visibly blanched,cringing away from her what the fuck was going on? "Apparently you had something to tell me? Or rather she wanted to on your behalf." Anthony's entire body stiffened his eyes fixed ahead of him, refusing to make eye contact. And then his voice tight. "I'm afraid Eloise and Francesca thought it would be wise to play a prank on me using you." He said as the lift door dinged open, and for some odd reason Kate's chest started aching, and something was pushing at the back of her throat. "Well I'm sorry I'm such a joke to you, Anthony. But can you keep it to decent hours next time? God you're fucking insufferable" She said spitting the last words at him as she left, nearly colliding with a startled Lucy and as she walked away she could have sworn she heard
"Well that's fucking great! First Helen Mirren now This!" Hissed
And honestly what the fuck?!
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feirceangel · 4 years
Imagine | Family (Lost Boys)
Imagine the boys getting jealous because they think you're dating Michael since they don't know he's your brother.
Word Count: 1420
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"Watch it, bucko," you bristle as Michael playfully shoves you into a passerby. Your brother clearly finds it amusing while you find it anything but.
He laughs as you straighten up and push him back, "You have to do better than that."
You roll your eyes.
Your mom, Michael, and Sam just moved in with you and grandpa. While you had been living with your grandpa, your younger siblings had been living in Arizona.
The reasoning behind it was simple: you wanted a change after graduation so you moved to Santa Carla.
Lucy hadn't been too excited, but you went anyways. You got a job, paid rent, and were happy.
Then, they moved in.
You were okay with it, ecstatic even. Until you remembered that Michael loved to act like a pest. You're older than him by two years, and yet he still acts like the eldest.
Michael decided it would be cool to explore the boardwalk and wanted you to tag along, since you've been around here longer and know the ins and outs.
He had parked his bike by four other ones. Of course, you recognized the bikes immediately, but didn't see the owners close by.
Michael observes the bikes almost jealously, which makes you chuckle. Hopefully you'll run into the Lost Boys tonight.
Ever since you moved, you became fast friends with the group. They’re a bit odd, mainly in the fact that you only ever see them at night. That doesn’t matter much, since you always work the night shift anyways. So, sometimes they'll stop by your workplace to hangout.
You know about their secret, although you're not sure if they know that you know. They've never brought it up and neither have you.
Michael snaps you out of your thoughts by dragging you to a concert. The song playing a a great one, which makes you dance alongside Mike. He laughs and joins in the dancing.
'I wonder what Y/n's doing right now.'
'Same. We haven't seen her for, like, a week,' Marko replies to Paul mentally, as they pass a smoke between themselves.
David smirks, 'We could always go find her.'
‘Wait, I see her at the concert,' Dwayne informs them, easily spotting her in the crowd.
Each of the boys' eyes snap to the h/c haired girl as she dances next to a guy with mid length brown hair.
'Who's she with?' Marko frowns.
'Dude, did she get a boyfriend?'
The Lost Boys watch from their hiding spot as Y/n playfully slaps the mystery man's arm with a grin. He retaliates by shoving her with his shoulder.
The pair laugh and focus on the music again.
David's eyes narrow at the sight. Dwayne's smile has vanished, and Paul looks unamused.
The gang carefully observe as Y/n takes the boy's hand and they leave the crowd. David flicks his cigarette to the ground and crushes it underneath his heel.
"Let's go, boys."
"You're terrible at dancing," you insult your brother with a smirk.
He glares, but you see the laughter in his eyes, "You're one to talk!"
"Hey, I'm an excellent dancer!" You chuckle, punching him.
He shies away from your fist, and replies sarcastically, "Sure you are."
You chortle at his tone and dodge a few passerby's before ending up by Mike's bike.
"Where to next?" Michael asks.
Humming, you observe the floor beneath your feet, "You hungry?"
"Not really."
"Me neither," you think for a moment, "We could ride the coaster or go for a swim?"
"Swim? At this time of night?"
"Why not? You scared?" You taunt.
He rolls his eyes but loses the look and stares behind you.
"Wha-?" You follows his gaze to see the familiar group standing almost in a perfect line.
Dwayne on the far left with David beside him and then Paul and finally Marko on the far right. They seem a bit tense, but they don't look it. You’ve known them long enough to read their stances.
Dwayne looks as serious as he always does. David has his signature grin. Paul looks high as ever, with a lazy smile. Marko smiles, promising mischief.
Looking them over, maybe you were wrong. They don't seem to be tense.
"Y/n," David says in a lower tone than usual.
The bright smile on your face falters at his abrasiveness, "Yeah?"
"What are you doing?" He asks it casually, but his stare is icy.
Your own eyes narrow slightly, "Just hanging out."
"Y/n," Mike buts in, "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"
You had completely forgotten that your brother was there, "Sorry Mike. Guys, this is Michael. Michael, these are Dwayne, David, Paul, and Marko."
You motion to each of them as you state their names. Mike nods at them curtly but the boys don't return the gesture.
"Hi, Mikey," Marko practically sneers.
Frowning, you cross your arms, "Guys, be nice. He's cool."
They snicker at your attempt to defend Michael, which makes you glare at them. Usually, they aren't this rude.
"Let's go, Mike."
"Relax," David smirks. "Why don't you come with us?"
Mike speaks before you can, "No thanks."
"Come on, Hudson's Bluff, overlooking the point."
Your brother looks at you uncertainly. You sigh and smile a bit, "Fine, but just for a bit."
Paul and Marko whoop in victory and Dwayne even cracks a smile. Chuckling at their antics, you start to get onto Mike's motorbike.
"Y/n," David says, almost in a warning.
You look at him in puzzlement.
"Ride with me."
It's not necessarily a question, more like a demand. The way he said it makes you uncomfortable. "I'm riding with Mike."
He does not seem at all pleased, but doesn't say anything else, instead driving off onto the beach. The rest of the boys follow.
You clutch Mike and say, "What are you waiting for?"
He had hesitated before going down the stairs, but, then again, he's never done anything like this.
The ride doesn't take long, and it's actually a lot of fun. The dangerous part was when you came upon the cliff. Luckily, the bike tipped before you could go off the precipice.
Mike naturally gets upset at this. He runs up to David and punches him.
"Mike, no!" You yell after him, wincing as you struggle to your feet. The fall had made you scrape your legs against the ground and the bike landed on your leg in a painful way.
Marko is by your side instantly, helping you stand. Paul joins, "You okay, girl?"
"I'm fine."
"We should get that leg cleaned up."
You're surprised they seem so calm about the blood that is running down your skin. By now, Mike has stopped threatening David and you all make your way into the cave.
Flinching as you walk, you manage to go down a few steps before Paul picks you up bridal style.
"Hey! What are you doing?!"
He laughs and looks into your eyes, "You're injured, you shouldn't be walking."
You roll your eyes, "I'm fine."
He shakes his head. Marko giggles beside you, "Maybe you'd like it more if I held you?"
"Ha," you say, smiling a bit.
Paul sets you down on the couch and Michael sits down beside you. Dwayne brings some bandages and helps you clean and dress the wound.
"Thanks," you smile at his kind actions.
"You're welcome," is his reply along with a smile.
You hang around the cave, chatting idly with the boys, until an awkward topic arises.
"So, how long have you and Michael been together?"
Your jaw drops at David icy question. So that's why they're acting weird.
You laugh hysterically as Michael looks around awkwardly and shakes his head.
"W-" you start to say, but start laughing again. "We're not dating! He's my brother for crying out loud! You thought-" you break into chortles.
David and the other Lost Boys look a bit embarrassed but play it cool.
Marko joins in on your chuckles as does Paul. "He's your brother?"
"Yeah," you wipe tears from your eyes. You had been laughing too hard. "My younger brother, by the way. He acts older, but I'm the eldest."
Michael shoots you a glare, but you simply stick your tongue out at him.
"You sure you're the eldest," Dwayne comments, so you chuck a pillow at his head.
He easily dodges it.
Now, they are acting more like themselves. More comfortable, you and Mike stay at the cave for another hour before heading back home.
"Man," Mike says when you get home, "You have interesting friends."
You chuckle, "You don’t even know the half of it.”
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cybrfang · 3 years
the lost boys for da fandom asks, my beloved
Oh my!
The first character I first fell in love with: It was definitely Michael. He was exactly who I wanted to be and be with. Plus I have a really bad main character syndrome and I wanna be cool lol.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Sam Emerson lol. He wasn't in my line of sight at all, and whenever I made daydreams in my head as a kid he just wasn't there. Now if I daydream he's always my best friend and the person I hang out with before the whole thing goes down. I love his dynamic OOC wise with all of the characters and I love him and Mikey!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Uh oh lol... so it's actually Lucy Emerson. I don't hate her at all and she's a great staple in my stories. But at the same time I really disliked how much stress she put Michael under. He's the eldest and he was obviously showing signs of something going wrong. Of course she didn't really understand, as much as she wanted to believe she did because she was a wild teen once. And I never liked the way she tried to talk to him about it. It was accusatory, like Michael was in the wrong. Plus how she embarrassed Sam in public and all of that. I never liked the corny trope of "Well I'm the parent who is dating again and you're just my kid. So I believe these wild stories are honestly just you not liking who I'm dating, and not maybe something wrong. Goodbye child and hello lover." I get it and the stresses she was under from her ex husband and whatever... but fuck man just believing a stranger you want to bang over your kid? I mean yeah it may not be vampires but it's obviously something if your kids are saying such wild ass stories.
The character I love that everyone else hates: Ummmm I don't really know cuz a lot of people like the Frog Brothers and Star. But a lot of people don't. I like Edgar and Alan due to just the wacky and wrong facts they have but somehow they were still right in the end?? And Star I love because of all of the screen time, the actress, the comics, and the content she got.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: The Saxophone guy. I never loved him to begin with, but he would be there in my stories. But now I do think he's not my scene and the actor dude was a lil wild lol.
The character I would totally smooch: David, Star, and Marko. I love them of course. I mean I would kiss all of them but those are the first three.
The character I’d want to be like: A mix between Star, David, and Sam please.... don't really know what that makes but it'll fucking MAKE!
The character I’d slap: Max.
A pairing that I love: Michael/Star/David, and Dwayne/Star. But also... The Lost Boys (including Star) and Michael.
A pairing that I despise: Grampa and Mrs. Johnson, and Max/Lucy.
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ladylooch · 2 months
Oh stop! How had I never come across the blurn where David and Mack made it official! She thanks him for coming over the night before, saying she was in a bad place.
How does that happen, did he find out from Connor that she was sick and just turn up? Were they talking on the phone and he insist on coming over??
Warning: descriptions of throwing up/ being sick.
David finds out Mack is sick from Connor, which truthfully is a bit of a relief for him because he hasn’t heard from Mack all day. He knows she is in New York. She just got back two days ago from a trip in the Pacific. He had been feeling uneasy before heading out for a beer with Connor when he had texted her a few different times and she didn’t respond. 
So David did what he does best and he softly probed.
“Stell and Lucie have big plans tonight?”
“Ah, they were going to go to a movie, I think. Originally, Mack was going to come, but Luc said she was sick. Lucie wanted to stay home then, but Stella wasn’t gonna let her off the hook.” Conor chuckles. 
David carefully keeps his face neutral, but pockets that information for after their drinks.
“That sucks.” He says to Connor, then focuses his attention back on his beer glass to lift it to his lips.
He hangs around with Connor as long as he can stand it which turns out to be two full beers. Connor wants to order a third, but David declines. He lifts his one hip off the chair, taking his wallet out and tossing a few bills onto he table to cover his part of the bill. 
“I gotta head out. Still need to pack for heading back home.”
“No problem. Hey, I’ll see ya in the Fall.” Connor stands and they share a big hug. “Stay safe out there in that summer heat, man.” 
“I’ll try to.” David smiles at his friend. He feels a slight itch in his throat as he always does saying goodbye to Connor. He is by far the best friend David has ever had, his Iowa boys included. It’s tough to go months without seeing each other, but he knows when they are reunited in the Fall, it will be like no time has passed. It’s what makes him feel so shitty lying to his friend about what he does with his friend’s sister-in-law in private.
Without putting much stock into that thought, David hustles out to his SUV and takes off in the direction of Mack’s place. He parks the car in a visitor spot on the side of her building, then contemplates how he is going to get Ron, her doorman, to let him up without calling for Mack. 
Turns out, Ron is worried too.
“Boy, I’m glad to see you here, David.” He says as he opens the door for him. “I haven’t seen Ms. Hischier all day. She didn’t have her usual routine.” 
“Yeah, she’s a little under the weather.” David fills in with a slight downwards tilt of his lips.
“Ah. Makes sense. Go take care of your girl.” He winks, then waves David inside and up to the elevator.
David practically stabs the button through the metal door with his antsy energy. He sighs heavily. Fuck, he hopes she is okay. He should have called her… Should have left drinks with Connor sooner too. But it’s not entirely unlike Mack to disappear for a bit. Not even because she is running from something, but she will get in a zone with writing and not be willing to interact until she gets her story right. He loves that tenaciousness and drive in her. 
As he walks quick steps down the hall to her unit, his hands feel empty. Maybe he should have stopped at the store and grabbed her some items. But he has no idea what is making her sick. 
He knocks on her door then waits. And waits. He knocks again. And waits. 
“Mack.” He knocks a third time, louder, hard, so that if she is asleep, there is no way she doesn’t hear it. He listens, pursing his lips, then feels relief shoot through his body when the lock flips. 
“Go away.” She moans. 
“Whoa.” He murmurs, surprised at the look of her. She is paler than paper, hair falling out of her slacked pony tail. Her clothes are stretched and too worn, hanging off her body in awkward slumps. Mack sighs then falls forward into his chest completely unwillingly. He catches her, feeling how hot her body is. Her lips are chapped around her mouth, white flakes crusting off from them, likely from vomiting.
“Dizzy.” She cries to him, squeezing her eyes shut. He holds the door open with his foot, then curls down to lift her into his arms. She can’t even lift hers around his neck. Instead, she loosely grips his shirt in her fists. 
“I’ve got you.” He assures her. He looks around her place, seeing the complete disarray of it, which is so unusual for her. Open drink bottles, electrolyte packs, and slices of toast litter the counter. The pieces are in various stages of eating, with crumbs littering the top. 
“I’m gonna throw up.” She says then gags, slapping a hand over her mouth. 
David moves her quickly to the bathroom, then settles her knees on the tile. He rubs her back as she heaves over the toilet, but nothing comes out. She spits then clenches up as she heaves again.
“Am I going to die?” She cries to him after she is done. “I have nothing left!” She starts to breathe heavily, tears falling from her eyes.
“No, honey.” He sighs empathetically. He kisses the top of her head, then helps her fall back into his body. Her head slumps against his shoulder, hot forehead on his throat. “You’re going to be okay.” He smoothes her hair back then kisses above her left eyebrow. “Have you taken anything?” She shakes her head no. 
“Okay. Do you have anything?” Again her response is no. “I’m going to grab some stuff from CVS okay?” 
“No, no, no.” She cries weakly. “Don’t leave.”
“You need medicine at this point, honey. We can’t fight this without it.” She is quiet, eyes closed, still breathing heavy. But then she nods in resolution. “Do you want to go to bed or stay here?”
“Stay. Not done.” 
“Okay.” He reaches up for the towel from the rack above, folding it over to make her a pillow for her head. Then he eases out from behind her, letting her back rest on the cool tile. He looks down at her, frowning at how bad she looks. He mentally commits to taking her in if this medicine doesn’t help her within the hour. He has seen what dehydration can do growing up on a farm. He doesn’t want that to happen to her. Not on his watch.
David is gone for twenty minutes. This time he takes her apartment keys with him. He assures Ron both times in and out that Mack is going to be okay. He comes back with various medications, Pedialyte, and crackers. Mack is barely awake when he reaches the bathroom again. He strokes her cheek gently then works on cracking open the Tylenol bottle. First, they need to start with her fever.
He helps her sit up, using the cabinets in the bathroom of her to rest her back on. She swallows them, groaning at how her throat aches from everything. She blinks lazily as David pulls out the bottle of Pepto Bismal. He reads the back, then pours the thick pink liquid into the cup. Mack grimaces as he hands it to her. 
“I know.” He nods. “But the liquid will help your throat and you’ll absorb it faster.” She whines but takes it without much more protest. She isn’t in a position to argue with him and he takes advantage of that. “Okay, let’s leave it at those two for now. See how you respond.” He says, putting the rest of the bag on the counter behind her. She reaches for his wrist as he sits back down in front of her. 
“Thank you.” Her appreciation for him is quiet but strong. “I…” She pauses, pursing her lips. “Tried to text you back, but…” She trails off, shaking her head.
“It’s okay.” He assures her. “Don’t worry about it. I’m here now.”
Despite her condition, a small smile stretches her pale, pink lips up. 
“I knew you would come for me.”
David smiles back at her, but she can’t see because she’s lost the battle to keep her eyes open again. He reaches for her hand, rubbing his thumb across her warm skin comfortingly. He doesn’t say anything else to let her rest, but internally his answer back to her is:
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Hey again! I was the one that requested the domestic one and omg it was amazing! Could I be cheeky and ask of you could write another one? I know, I'm sorry but I'm dying at everything you write! Maybe one where the emerson's are part of vamp family but Michael's older sister moves back in and flirts with the boys but she has a really bad case of baby face and they are unsure of her advances because she looks a bit too young for them? They find out she's older than Michael and just go ahead
I am always taking asks!! Feel free to ask for as much as you want!! God, I love the au that the Emersons joined the vamp fam so this may be a long imagine
Poly!Lost Boys x Fem!Reader That’s the Emersons Baby-Faced Older Sister
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You were the oldest of the Emersons. You’d left sunny Arizona for a full-ride scholarship in Ohio, and it had been the worst mistake of your life. The second you got your bachelors degree, you were ready to get the hell out of there. You were nearly twenty-two, and you already felt like you’d missed a thousand opportunities. You swore that if you had to see a cornfield one more time, you were going to blow your brains out. 
While you couldn’t return to your home in Phoenix, your mother, Lucy, was more than willing to welcome you back into the nest. They’d moved to Santa Carla, California, and you were doing your best to unpack your bags from your mothers car as you said, “We couldn’t have moved here before I went to college?” You asked, and your mother gave you a look as she handed you one of the boxes. They’d only moved there because your mother had divorced your father, and Sam gave you a look as well. “Way to go, y/n.” He said. Okay, maybe not the best thing you could’ve said.
You spent the day unpacking and arranging your room exactly how you wanted it. You had to admit. It was pretty awesome. Much bigger than your dorm, and you actually had space to stretch out. However, you still had a few boxes left unpacked when your mother knocked on your door.
Your mother told you that you were having a welcome home dinner, which would include her boyfriend and his kids. You hadn’t asked many questions, mainly because you didn’t really want to end up spending your night with either. You wanted to hit the town and roam the boardwalk. Not meet Mr. Rogers and his children. You showered changes into a fresh t-shirt and shorts, and you bounded down the stairs when you heard the sound of a motorbike. Well, motorbikes. You thought your brother, just your brother, had just arrived home, and you hadn’t been able to see him during the day. You met him in the living room, and missed the sight of the little boy and girl walking into the kitchen to greet your mother. When he walked in, you gave him a big hug before punching his arm. It was super lame of him for ditching you for the entire day.
“Nice piercing.” You teased, commenting on his new earring. He scoffed and pushed your head. He joked and asked you how ‘boarding school’ was. It was what he called your college, because when you’d showed him the brochure he’d commented on how it looked like one of those old boarding schools in the upper east-coast. You missed your brothers, and you were happy to talk to them again. You almost hadn’t noticed the boys behind him. 
Well, as soon as you did, you had to keep your mouth from dropping. It almost looked as if Michael had become friends with a metal band, and you had to keep yourself from staring too long. They were gorgeous, each in their own way. You had to flirt with them, even if they were Michaels friends. How could you not?
“Who are the local hotties?” You asked and the wild-haired blonde with a laid-back smile and a slight Californian accent replied, “I’m Paul. Who’s the babe?” In almost just as flirty of a tone as you had given them. You smiled, and one of his friends, the curly haired blonde, quickly elbowed him. He had an awesome jacket, but a face practically made for a museum. And that hair? The tied back blonde curls were perfectly styled, and practically begging to have fingers run through them. The brunette sent him a look, and then the blonde besides him replied, “Marko.” The mulleted blonde looked you up and down, as if trying to figure out something. You caught him, and gave him a wink. He was hot, in a punk way. He looked dangerous and almost a little mean, but his eyes were mesmerizing. He narrowed his eyes, and you genuinely couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “I’m David.” He said. From just those two words you could tell he was intense, and his voice was as smooth as silk. The brunette was last, and you didn’t even try to keep your gaze off his exposed abdomen. Nice. “Dwayne.” He said, and you sent him a wide grin. His voice was deep, and he was tall. He loomed like a statue, and his face was perfectly neutral. He was pretty intimidating, those dark eyes practically boring holes into your skin. You really wished you could ditch this lame dinner and spend it with the them instead.
The boys didn’t know what to make of you. You had flirted with them, and they usually would’ve been eager to swoop in. You were cute, and definitely their type. But you were Michaels sister. He hadn’t told them much about you, and the four guessed that was on purpose. More so, they had no idea how old you were. You still had a baby-face, and you were shorter than Sam. They guessed you had to be older than him, but Sam was only fourteen. Wait, fifteen maybe? They couldn’t remember. As far as they knew, you could’ve just been a very flirty sixteen year old and they were not going to make that mistake. 
It didn’t help that you continued by supplying your name and saying, “Y’know, guys like yourselves could definitely show a lady around sometime.” It was a not-so-subtle hint, and Paul was dying to respond. He was their biggest flirt, and you definitely had your own silver tongue. He was positive that you had to be at least eighteen. “Oh, yeah?” He asked, and this time it was Dwayne that elbowed him before he could continue. Paul gave him a glare, and Dwayne returned it tenfold. “Yeah, I’d offer tonight, but I have this family thing.” You said, waving your hand and rolling your eyes. Then, David smirked. Oh, you had no idea who they were. This was perfect. And like always, Max had perfect timing.
He’d strode in with a full suit, making you feel a little under-dressed for your own dinner. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hands, and he gave you a wide, dorky smile as he passed the boys and held out his hand. You shook it, and then took the flowers. “You must be y/n. Your mother has told me so much about you.” He said, and you gave him a smile. You wished you could say the same. “I’m Max,” He started. You expected to see some little tykes trailing behind him, but you didn’t see a single one. Instead, he gestured to the four boys besides him. “And I see you’ve already met my boys.” You felt your mouth drop. These were his kids? You stared at them, and you could feel your face go instantly red. Curse your giant mouth. Michael took way too much pleasure in seeing how surprised you were, and you sent him a deadly glare. He couldn’t have warned you? You excused yourself, hiding your escape by saying you wanted to help your mother with dinner. Max offered to come with you, and you thought it would be too rude, and suspicious, to deny him.
You fled into the kitchen, and you were confused when you saw two new faces. Okay, how many kids did this guy have? You were quickly introduced to Star and Laddie, and you sided up to the other girl. She was soft-spoken and kind, and you asked her some questions. Mainly just to get to know the others without having to ask them yourself. You learned that all of them were adopted, and that she was even dating Michael. Okay, that made you feel a little bit better about flirting with the boys. It also made them completely fair game.
All twelve of you couldn’t fit at the dining room table, so you split up. Sam and Laddie were banished to the kids table, and Star stuck to Laddie like glue. This made Michael aim to sit with her as well, and your grandpa decided he was too much of a kid to sit at the ‘adult table’. You were left with Max, your mother, and the four boys. The parental figures took the heads of the table, and you slid into the seat squeezed in-between two other chairs. It’d guarantee that a boy would have to sit on either side of you. Paul tried to sit next to you, but he was quickly pushed away from the seat by the platinum blonde. It was obvious the boys were trying to cock-block him as much as possible, and you thought it was because you were fresh meat and they each wanted you to themselves. Really, it was because Paul couldn’t be trusted. You grinned as David took the seat instead, but he didn’t smile back. You sat between David and Marko, while Dwayne and Paul sat on the other side.
You all begun eating, and Max began asking you all types of questions. You answered them, but you weren’t really paying attention to the conversation. Instead, you were playing footsies with Paul. Well, trying. You were dragging your foot up his leg, and he’d nearly choked when you started. He excused himself, saying something about the bathroom as he left the table. Paul went in there just to give himself a pep talk and remind himself that you were Michaels sister, making you his as well. Just as quickly as he reminded himself that, he said, “Well, Stars technically his sister and he fucks her all the time.” He stayed in the bathroom as he mulled over the morally vagueness of the situation.
You grinned, and next you tried Marko. You gave him a sweet smile as you reached out to touch his jacket. You complimented it, and then your hands trailed up to his hair. It’d been a ghost of a touch, but you asked him what he used to style it. He tried to seem unbothered as you touched his curls, but then you gently rubbed your leg against his. The boy had dropped his fork, and everyone looked at him. You stifled your laugh, and he became flustered as he picked it off the floor and excused himself to go get a new one. You rolled your eyes. Marko was doing his best to ignore you before, but you weren’t making it easy. He went into the kitchen and the ‘kids table’ gave him confused looks when they saw how flustered he was. The two blondes were gone, and you were running out of options.
So, you reached over and gave Davids thigh a light squeeze. He stilled, almost impossibly so. You trailed your hand up further and gave him another, and then he glared at you. He knocked your hand off his leg, but he didn’t get up like the others. David had far more self control than either of the two other blondes. He didn’t need to excuse himself to collect himself. Hell, he was almost impressed by your bravery. David didn’t care that you were Michaels sister. Michael had stolen Star from him, so he actually thought it would be quite fitting if he did the same to him with you. He just needed to know that you were legal first.
You set your eyes on the brunette, and he’d arched a brow at you when your eyes met his. You commented on his piercing and complimented it, and then lifted the edge of your shirt as you told them that you were thinking about getting a belly button piercing yourself. You’d done it just to expose some skin, and Dwayne’s eyes quickly flicked down to your stomach. He nodded, but he didn’t say a word as he quickly looked anywhere except at you. You were hell of a tease, and Dwayne refused to give in
You let your shirt drop when your mother asked you why, and when, you planned on getting one. Your mother wasn’t the judgemental type, and you cooly said, “Oh, just as a birthday present to myself. I’m older than Michael and even he has more piercings than I do.” 
Marko and Paul had just returned to the table when those words fell from your lips, and all of the boys paused for a moment. You were older than Michael. Definitely legal age. And you were definitely into them. All of them, it seemed. They’d been holding back before, but now every bit of restraint they had quickly left the building.
Marko touched your hair gently just as you’d done to him, and hid the action by mentioning your unpierced ears. He trailed his fingers along your neck and leaned in close as you talked. As soon as that was brought up, Dwayne offered to pierce them for you. He offered to pierce your belly-button as well. That was one way to get you out of your shirt, and the slight smirk he gave you told you that was exactly what he had in mind. Pauls leg rubbed against yours, and you didn’t hesitate to reciprocate the action. He gave you a wolfish grin, and even managed to keep up the conversation as he did. It was all topped off when Davids hand gripped your thigh. He wasn’t shy, and he even managed to worm his hand between your legs. He gripped your inner thigh and lightly traced his fingers over the exposed skin, and it took every ounce of willpower to not be a blushing, embarrassed mess from the onslaught of attention from all four of them
Both of your parents, a term loosely given to Max, were oblivious, and they even seemed happy that you were getting along with them so well. Once dinner was finished, you invited them upstairs to show them your room. It was completely under the guise of showing them your wicked music and comic collection, and perhaps having them help you finish packing since someone *cough* Michael *cough* had conveniently been gone the entire day so some of the heavier boxes and your TV (it only played vhs’ but it was better than nothing) hadn’t been brought up. Your parents didn’t see any harm. If it had just been one of them, they would’ve been suspicious. But all four? What could go wrong? Three of them grabbed a box and Dwayne carried your tv, and you told them where they could place everything. Michael was the only one who seemed concerned when Paul kicked the door to your room closed, but he was too distracted by Star to go investigate
At first, you really did unpack. Well, the boys looked through your stuff, and took them out of the boxes. Marko had snagged your box of comics, and he commented on the hefty collection. You told him that Sam had gotten his love of comics from you. Paul had gotten your box of vinyl and cassettes, and he was pouring through them and geeking over some of your heavy metal albums. Dwayne was doing his best to help set up your tv, and David had grabbed your box of vhs tapes. Once you and brunette has succeeded in getting it working, David popped a tape in. To add more noise, Paul put on one of your casettes into the boom box in your room. You had set up the tv on your desk, which was at the very end of your bed.
The two blondes didn’t move from their spots on the floor, and Dwayne sat on the floor with them. He leaned back against your bed, and David took off his boots and shed his coats before he was climbing onto it to sit at the headboard. He arched a brow at you, and you didn’t have to guess where this was going to go. You grinned as you climbed onto it with him, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around your shoulders.
Sam had, unfortunately, come to collect a comic you had promised to give him once you got back about twenty minutes later, and had opened your door to find you underneath and in a passionate lip-lock with the platinum blonde while the others seemed to be patiently waiting for their turns. 
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tiptapricot · 4 years
Can you give me some Marko and Sam friendship? 🥺🥺
Totally my man
Out of the boys, Marko’s the second one Sam gets close to after Paul, and it’s for a very... specific reason
Because they hate each other at first
Like... a lot
No one really knows why, just something about their vibes clashing, but every conversation between them ends in insults flying back and forth, and sometimes they have to be separated to cool off
And that’s just how it is. For months. Sam hates Marko, Marko hates Sam
And then one night, when Paul and Dwayne are out getting food and David’s out with Michael, Sam thunders into the cave looking totally out of sorts
Hes all wide eyed and fidgety, and it looks like he ran there
Marko makes his usual jab about Sam being a momma’s boy a little far from home, but Sam doesnt even respond, just trudges over to look in the side nooks of the main room, like he’s searching for something
Marko flies over to tease him again, and finally Sam snaps at him
“Can you shut up? I don’t have time for this right now! Is-is Paul here?”
“Why you wanna know? Those froggy friends of yours not wanna hang anymore?”
That only seems to make Sam more wound up. He’s nervously squeezing his knuckles and rechecking the cave again and he looks frantic
“No! I just gotta talk with him about something!”
“Lemme guess, you missed your Saturday morning cartoons and need to know if Bobby bear escaped the volcano.”
“No, god, fuck off Marko!”
“Strong words for such a little man.”
“Can you just leave me alone?!” Sam whips around to look at him and... fuck he’s crying
Marko kind of pauses, because while yeah, he thinks Sam is a little shit, hes never seen him cry like this before, not all angry and confused and trying to wipe the tears away like he doesn’t know why they’re there
And all of a sudden Marko’s fucking worried about this kid
“What the hell happened with you?” he asks
Sam tenses, glancing around one last time like he expects Paul to jump out from nowhere, and then turns back to Marko
His eyes kind of dart over his face a bit, like he’s deciding something, and then he averts his gaze and starts tugging at his shirt sleeves, his leg bouncing in place as he takes a deep breath
“Um I think I...” he swallows, “I think I’m gay.”
“Oh.” Marko floats down to the ground and kind of... well he doesn’t really know what to do here
Sam looks mortified. He’s flushed redder than a tomato and the leg bouncing has increased its tempo immensely
It reminds Marko of when he came out, standing in his parents kitchen and—
No, no, it’s not gonna go that way
“So do you wanna talk about it or what?”
Sam shakes his head a little, still very much not making eye contact, his foot tap tap tap taptaptaptapping. Marko sighs. The kid is gonna vibrate through the floor if he keeps going at this rate
“Hey,” he puts a hands on Sam’s shoulders, aiming for gentle, though he’s not sure he succeeds. “You’re gonna be fine. It’s... it can suck but you’re ok and it’s gonna be fine I’ll... you can talk to me about this shit if you want.”
Sam finally actually looks at him, and the relief there is... it’s weird
Marko removes his hands quickly and shakes them out. “Yeah so, that’s enough of that. C’mon, let’s hit the board walk.”
He gestures at the entrance to the cave. “The boardwalk, Sam. You need to blow off some steam or something, you look like shit.”
“Plus,” Marko adds as he tugs Sam towards the steps, “I can’t make fun of you when you’re all weepy, it’s boring.”
They spend the rest of the night fucking around on rides and stuff, and Marko even convinces Sam to steal something small from one of the gift shops
After that it’s like a switch flips, and they’re suddenly thick as thieves
They talk about fashion and clothes, Marko buys Sam patches for some of his older jackets and steals some of the shirts he wears less often, because “You weren’t using them anyway”
Marko very much becomes the casual and slightly bad influence older bro who cares a lot
“Don’t do what I do Sammy, unless I tell you to.”
Sam confides a lot in Marko abt queer stuff before he comes out to the others, and they end up bonding a lot over that.
Sam’s really happy that Marko’s supportive. Even though he knew the guys weren’t straight, he still had a lot of insecurities, and being able to talk and explore stuff and kind of test run different labels with someone was really comforting to him
With some coaxing he does come out to everyone else about a month later, Lucy first and then the rest of the guys, and finally the Frogs
Every once and awhile Sam wakes up to something thumping and finds Marko crawling in through his window. If he’s coaxed enough, he’ll get up and get dressed and let Marko take him on some dumb late night adventure to an abandoned building or nearby tourist trap or whatever else has caught his eye
He gets caught coming back home about half the time, but Lucy can’t stay mad at them since Sam’s never actually gotten hurt. She still wishes they wouldn’t do it on school nights though, since she already has a hard enough time getting Sam up in the mornings
Marko gives Sam a stick and poke tattoo of a little vampire face on his ankle when he’s 17
Sam forwards Edgar to Marko when he starts questioning stuff too (which Marko thinks is hilarious)
They still argue about stuff, but it’s about things like music and movies instead, both of which they have strong and differing opinions on
Marko’s not allowed to fly Sam around anymore because he dropped him into one of the bushes out back on his birthday once and Sam broke his arm
They both thought it was really funny though
Headcanons masterpost
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
He rather liked that part in a story – when the hero fell, and everything seemed bleak. It always meant that hope was just around the corner. Because darkness never lasted. It was always followed by light. There was nothing more beautiful than that kind of sunrise.
I literally live my life by this analogy
well i can't scream because my mom is sitting right there and I have class in 4 minutes so imma smile really wide
“Are you planning to read the entire library during your travel year?” Max chuckled.
“Of course not,” David replied. “I will need longer than a year to accomplish that goal.”
does max not being able to make portals have something to do with his lineage?
demon parent
ok so my programming class started 2 minutes early but screw programming I'm gonna be studying minds not this shit
ok that's a very bad attitude for someone who needs good grades in this year
Max was always hungry.
this is so me
also if David doesn't become an institute head in the future THEN WHAT'S THE POINT
“Where is the kitchen?” Max interrupted.
max is such a mood
He had told Max that he had centuries to perfect his magic, that there was no need to rush it. Max had given him a noncommittal nod and nothing more.
“I won’t tell the Consul,” Kit winked.
At the mention of the Consul, David straightened up. He had been trying to get into Alec Lightwood’s good graces for years now. He didn’t think sharing a room with his son would do him any favors.
oh my god
Word was that Mr. Herondale had gone back to his obsession with brewing tea.
I have so many emotions right now but all I'm gonna say is that I'm so so proud of Rafael
“Do you not want to sleep with me?” Max asked.
takes a deep breath don't scream. everyone outside this door thinks you're taking programming class
The one of Will Herondale and Tessa Gray – A love that had transcended reality and lasted a lifetime.
The one of James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs – A love that had started with a lie and then blossomed into nothing but happiness and devotion.
The one of Lucie Herondale and Jesse Blackthorn – A love that had been so powerful that it rewrote the past.
The one of Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild – A love that had walked through hell and shaken up the heavens.
And then there the final one. The one of Kit Herondale and Tiberius Blackthorn – A love that had survived distance and darkness and doom.
This omg...
He wanted a love story. The kind he read in the books. The kind he saw in these portraits.
But he wasn’t a Herondale. He wasn’t sure if he was destined for that kind of love.
The first part though
He might have been a little too excited. It was biologically impossible to control yourself when you find a stranger reading your favorite book in the whole world.
“I see you already made a new friend,” Max said.
He sounded a little…odd. As if he was not pleased that David had made a new friend.
take a guess
can I jump in and bash their heads together?
“You are thinking of conjuring chocolate syrup, aren’t you?” David chuckled.
“How do you always know what’s on my mind?” Max chuckled back.
Because I know you, David wanted to say. I just wish I knew what’s in your heart too.
“You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup! You get chocolate syrup!” Max was yelling, standing on the chair.
They residents laughed harder, and David shook his head fondly. He hoped one day Max would pursue a career in theatre. He was a born showman.
can I have chocolate syrup?
also, the way David is just so fond of him like DYUSDGYJCDYUJM
“By the angel, do you have to be a drama queen about everything?” the boy next to them muttered – not so quietly.
David blinked. That was uncalled for.
But Max being Max was completely unfazed. “Of course I do. My Bapa would be personally offended otherwise.”
exactly you rude little shit
Max often pretended like people’s words didn’t hurt him - just as he pretend that fire doesn’t burn or wounds don’t bleed.
wow ok stop calling me out
Is max jealous??????
is he??????
how are people so good at languages like damn
“Oh my god,” Max groaned. “Is he already telling people to check on me?”
using mundane medicine...
that's risky
but it's also something that WILL help
can't warlocks tamper with the blood samples?
A part of him wondered if that’s why he had agreed to send Max away to London – at least for a week. Because sometimes you didn’t want other people to see you were hurting.
alec I really goddamn hope you're dealing with this well
some of whom had even decided to die than get help from a warlock.
alright then gets my knives but you chose this :D
Nobody brought a book down for breakfast if they didn't like to read.
yes but sometimes also to seem busy so people won't bother you or you won't look alone.
“I know,” the boy said as he walked past them to the gate. “I sat on the stairs and thought about life for a few good minutes.”
his family is the one who took over David's previous institute (i can't spell that. marse- marselli- wat??) methinks.
The gang always visited whenever all of them were in the city together. They would have so much fun! Of course, the 'fun' mostly entailed Rafael stopping Georgia from drinking random potions she found in the stalls, Selena stopping Lexi from opening a psychic booth to help people talk to Raziel and of course David stopping Max from running to the gambling booths.
Rafe: I am anxiety.
me at any given moment
ok maybe I'm the only person who's really picky when it comes to food and doesn't eat the majority of things
“Anything on Magnus Bane?” Max asked.
“No,” the woman snapped and shoved some of the letters into a bag and hide it under the table. “Leave Magnus Bane alone!”
“Appreciate your loyalty,” Max winked at her and started examining a diary.
I like her.
"Everyone should be participating in this" -my programming teacher
me, an intellectual: participating in what?? goes to the class web THE FUCK IS THAT
“Something for the shadowhunter?” the woman smiled. “Perhaps an unpublished snippet from the Beautiful Cordelia?”
“Do you have any love letters?” David asked.
“Hmmm,” the woman went through the pages. “I do have a correspondence between an Iblis demon and Christopher Lightwood? Would you be interested in that?”
if u don't mind I would love to see both of those-
you know I just remembered I have a computer assignment I need to submit by the end of this week fml
“Never fall in love with an immortal,” she giggled again. “We don’t like staying in one place.”
why are we using x and 3 in programming class what the heck is going on
“I’m not just some warlock,” Max said, his voice low. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
we usually have programming once a week on our physical school days and those are fun because my and my friend are continuously passing notes and talking to each other through writing
The scene where Max fought off all the evil people who tried to steal his valuable belonging. He would fight without breaking a sweat and throw magic fireballs at everyone and then get his necklace back. And then he would kiss David in front of everyone and it would somehow rain all of a sudden.
But life wasn’t a movie or a book. Life was just life.
life's boring
fuck life
I just heard a student ask "why are we not taking out the values of b and c" BESTIE I THOUGHT WE WERE DOING PROGRAMMING AND NOT ALGEBRA?????
“I know there wasn’t anyone to protect you before,” Magnus Bane had said. “But we are here now. We will protect you. This will protect you.”
He hadn’t wanted it back then. He didn't even want it even now.
He didn’t want something to protect him. Most importantly, he didn’t want to cover his scar. He didn’t want to hide it. He wasn’t ashamed of it. It wasn’t a mark of a victim. It was the mark of a survivor.
So, David had smiled and given the bracelet back.
“I never wanted to be protected,” David had replied. “I only ever wanted to be loved.”
The warlock had smiled at that and given David a hug. It had felt different than other hugs he had experienced since he had come to New York.
It wasn’t just the magic. Magnus Bane carried so much love inside himself you could literally feel it through him.
I'm gonna cry during my programming class (where we're doing variables apparently all of a sudden??)
this is so beautiful
“I wasn’t talking about Bapa,” Max said now. “I was talking about the other one.”
David chuckled at that. “Oh, yeah. He is definitely going to kill you.”
what flowers would you like at your funeral?
so Jackson has family troubles
I've definitely got that
yeah I know what it's like to be jealous of someone else's perfect family
Is he trying to ruin max's relationship with his family???
oh hell no
“One stolen necklace, One broken nose and One bruised cheek,” he said. “And you’ve been in London for less than a day.”
kit seriously? but is he wrong though?
“This is what I get for falling for a Lightwood-Bane,” David sighed and walked through the portal.
in some ways, I can empathize with him. my younger self anyway. but Jackson this is not how you do things
There was a moment of silence and then Magnus Bane giggled.
“I do love it when the quiet ones go feral,” the warlock grinned.
(me too)
“David!” Mr Herondale gasped. “Is your hand okay?”
yup that's Jace y'all
David hated violence. He hated fighting – which he was often not allowed to say out loud considering he was a shadowhunter.
But it was the truth. He hated hurting people – or even things. It made him feel sick.
“It’s alright, Chouchou,” Mr Herondale ran a hand through David’s hair. “Next time, just-”
“Use my words?” David asked.
“Just don’t get caught,” the man winked.
and that is why I would never want to be a shadowhunter.
I know saying that doesn't do anything but when I first read tsc I wanted to be a shadowhunter really badly and damn that was some time ago but now...violence of any kind is my biggest trigger idek why. and I hate that so much because what kind of a person gets triggered by loud voices and fighting EVEN ON SCREEN??? I usually just push myself to watch stuff because it's dumb. I refuse to see trigger warnings before reading a book or watching a show because damn it, I should be able to stand those things I'm, not a child. and it may be doing me more harm than good but I shouldn't feel like this in the first place
okay...that was long
“David, I appreciate you standing up for Max,” the Consul said. “But next time, please try not to punch anyone in the face.”
“Yes, sir,” David nodded. “Because it’s wrong.”
“Because it means more paperwork for me,” the Consul groaned and then straightened up. “But yes. Absolutely. Very wrong. No punching people!”
I was wrong then
He was grinning. Magnus Bane must have raised hell in the shadow market.
that must have been fun
Max was doing that thing where he was not trying to pout but he was mostly definitely pouting. It made David want to kiss him. But then the Consul spoke, and David reminded himself he didn’t want to be the third person to get punched in the face this evening.
“I understand that Jackson has been through a lot. But that’s not an excuse for him to hurt those around him. I learned that lesson the hard way. So, you shouldn’t excuse his behaviour.”
someone's trauma and pain is never an excuse to hurt others
but that doesn't mean we should invalidate their trauma either
“You can stay back and try to help him. I won’t stop you,” the man got up now. “But if he tries to hurt you-”
“You will unleash hell?” David chuckled.
“Worse,” the other man grinned. “I will unleash Lexi.”
that is much much worse
Books brought him comfort in so many ways. Just holding one in his hands automatically made him feel better.
oh my god
he gets it
I always have a book with me when I'm out even if I'm not gonna get the time to read it because just the weight and comfort of it in my hands or in my backpack brings me so much comfort and helps with my social anxiety so much
no one understands when I try to tell them that
you get it...
someone gets it finally
“David, it’s very sweet that you want to protect Jackson,” Kit pointed out. “But literally no one is buying that. Not even Irene.”
The lynx purred on his lap as if she agreed with Kit.
“I could break into a liquor cabinet,” David said a little indignantly.
David is the nicest you can get
David wouldn’t. Apparently, everyone already seemed to know that - even the lynx he had met five minutes ago.
we are solving something in class and it's really quiet because we're all doing our work (I'm reading the fic so-) and this one person had their mic open and they kept on whispering their steps and it was so weird I cant-
“We were talking about shitty fathers,” Jackson pointed out. “You’re welcome to stay.”
“I’m gonna need something stronger than red wine for this conversation,” Kit chuckled.
I remember that bitch
David used to do it when he was a child. He used to pretend his life was a story. He used to pretend everything that happened to him was happening to some other boy – a boy who wasn’t real. A boy who lived inside a book. Because it hurt a little less when you pretend like it wasn’t happening to you.
But the pain was still very real.
“I fucking hate ogres,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Was your father an ogre too?” Jackson asked.
“He was more like a harpy,” Kit snorted. “He was always flying and fleeing. I didn’t know how deep his talons were in my head until it was too late.”
you really like traumatizing all your characters, don't you?
I really fucking hope the ogre got what he deserved
and if the angel is dead then fuck everyone
“I mean, there was that time when Sebastian Morgenstern turned my father into the endarkened, and then he went around killing people. So, I would say he was more like a zombie,” the man was explaining now. “The zombie father tried to kill me but my brother killed him first.”
“Good lord!” Jackson said in shock.
Kit chuckled softly. “Boy do shadowhunters need therapy.”
they really do
He knew about those from New York. He knew Mr Herondale and Miss Fairchild went for one together.
“Yikes,” Kit chuckled. “I’d prefer something classier. How about London Boys?”
“None of us are from London though,” Tiberius pointed out.
“The Beatles are not actually beetles, Ty,” Kit chuckled. “It’s just for pizazz.”
damn guys
Then the idea of a band turned into a possible YouTube channel where they would react to cute animal videos.
“When people do awful things, really awful things, at one point we stop being surprised. Like what Valentine did to his children or what our fathers did to us or what those women did to Rafael. We might have been shocked or disgusted. But it wasn’t unrealistic, was it?”
“I guess not,” the boy said.
“Even when they did the most unimaginable acts of cruelty, it somehow managed to fit into our imagination. We accepted that the world can be unrealistically cruel. The kind of cruelty we will never understand. But why isn’t it the same for kindness? Why is that when someone is too kind, we automatically feel uncomfortable? We judge their intensions or think they are just pretending to be nice. We think they are being unrealistic. Why is that?”
we get so used to cruelty that kindness feels weird
“But that’s how our life works, doesn’t it? It’s a giant ball of what ifs and could have beens and if nots. What if my father had loved me instead of hurt me? Could I have been kinder if I was hugged instead of being abused? Would have I been a different person if not for my trauma? Our lives are an endless collection of theories about our real selves. The one didn’t we never had the chance to become.”
I used to spend a bunch of time on the what-ifs but those are useless. so screw the what-ifs and live in the present
“I guess we’ll never know, Jackson. None of us will never know how we would have turned out if things had been different for us. We never got the chance to be who were meant to be. Instead, we became who we had to become to survive what we went through. We will never know our true selves. We only know the version of us that made it through all the trauma.”
“Christ, that’s depressing,” Jackson said.
“It is,” David nodded. “But we made it through. We survived. I think we should focus on that.”
you survived. that's what matters
“There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rescued,” David smiled.
I wish I had heard this before...
maybe I don't always have to be strong. maybe it's ok sometimes just want to be saved.
I'm so happy that both Jackson and David found each other
David had learned Gaelic. Jackson had learned how to play the piano.
They had laughed and lived and loved and learned.
And they had survived – one day at a time. The London Boys.
they survived.
I know I'm always key smashing and screaming but these words, these lines, all these chapters mean so so much to me.
“You’ll write to me, won’t you?” David asked, hugging Jackson closely.
“No,” Jackson replied. “I will FaceTime you like a normal person, you weirdo!”
David laughed at that. “I prefer letters. They are more emotional.”
“I’ll text you,” Jackson countered. “With emojis.”
oh to have someone write me letters.
I love writing letters
once at the end of a school year, I wrote little letters to everyone in my class anonymously. even the people who had been mean to me. that was like 1-2 years after my transfer to that school and everyone practically hated me but I wanted to do something nice because who knows what someone is going through. I ended up not putting them in people's desks...
I threw them all away :)
but writing letters is superior
I often write my feelings down and give the letter to someone rather than talk to someone
if you receive a letter from me or a custom-made gift...you have reached my ultimate friendship
It's kind of been a mess between us and I want to talk to her but I didn't know how to.
this is why i shouldn't send asks-
“You know what it means,” Jackson grinned harder. “Also, if that wanker tries to break your heart, I will break his face.”
“You know he is the Consul’s son?” David giggled.
“I’ve done it once and I will do it again,” Jackson shrugged. “He better treat you right.”
Lexi had cut her hair even shorter. Her girlfriend apparently got something called an undercut.
“Just in case someone dared to assume we were straight,” she had winked at him.
how many years has this fake dating been going on...
fterA the twins went to bed, David stepped out of the institute and went looking for his heart.
"went looking for his heart"
And then somewhere along the way, Max’s heartbeat had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
Max, with all his chaos and drama and danger, had become the steadiest thing in David’s life.
oh my god that's a parallel from canon
“Tell me why.”
“Ain't nothing but a heart break!!"
Max could make fireballs that killed demons on the spot. He could summon things from anywhere. He could heal people with his eyes closed. He was one of the youngest warlocks allowed to visit the spiral labyrinth.
Max was a warlock in every sense. A good one. A great one even.
he is so talented...
Only idiots would underestimate Magnus Bane’s power.
He is probably going to be Consul like next week.”
David chuckled. “Next week?”
next week????
“Yeah, his smoking habits,” Max rolled his eyes.
Rafael wasn’t the smoker in the family. He knew who it was, but David would never open his mouth. It wasn’t his secret to tell.
this keeps on getting better
“It’s my hair!” David laughed.
“And you’re my David!” Max argued. “I say you are not allowed to grow your hair.”
“I don’t want to downworld-splain it to you.”
Max blinked and then laughed. “You don’t want to what?”
“Downworld-splain,” David mumbled. “It’s when shadowhunters explain downworlders how to be downworlders.”
they were SO close to kissing
I'm gonna get in there and lock them in a closet together and tell them to FUCKING GET WITH IT
Remember who you are. Remember where you stand.
remember who you are. remember where you stand...
I know this is supposed to be about portals.
reminds me of when alec fell down the stairs-
ok, I have a computer assignment to get to and tests to study for. BUT I LOVED THIS CHAPTER SO SO MUCH!! THEY FINALLY KISSED I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!
Also I know I tend to go off track and you can totally ignore that. i just go crazy. BYEE
This live blog gives me so much life you don't even know. I am go glad you enjoyed the chapter. I love hearing you rant about it. It's refreshing lol.
And I looooooove the lil anecdotes you share in between. Also wtf is a programming class like nobody wants to learn programme what kind of hetero nonsense I-
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