#yeah I'm like uhh well uhhhh
1gaynius1 · 3 months
Minecraft yuri yay
Abyss getting her ass beaten by ender dragon
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cherrymoonvol6 · 8 months
#k so i started watching the shera show just to see if catradora is as bad as people say it is#(because seeing that people hate a ship makes me 200% more invested fyi)#and like. i do Not see it girlies#i do think the show is as shallow as they come and maybe the whole catradora backstory is too much for it#currently on ep 4? 5? of s2 and i'm pretty comfy with the fact that catradora will be endgame#because their dynamic is easily the most interesting one in the show#although crab lady (what was her name....) and catra scratch an itch of mine too#mainly bc i am really into one sided pining#and i like that (oh it's scorpia i remembered) scorpia is the easy option for catra#someone who idealizes her and is already invested in the idea of getting together with her#and catra having this realization of the nature of scorpia's feelings in that episode (4? 5?) like UGH that's some good shit right there#but what stood up to me about the show was how uhhhh like there's so much ship bait everywhere#not in a malicious way. just in the way that there's ship teases for a lot of pairings in the show#like glimmer and adora and bow with uhh everyone (disaster bisexual characters my beloved)#like it just feels very queer positive and casual. i really like that#but yeah. so far i'm not head over heels with catradora but i definitely think it has a lot of potentiak#and the fact that they are the endgame couple is pleasing to me#like IMAGINE identifying the couple with the most potential and making it canon. some other shows could've learned that lesson#oh well! (lumity why are you so fucking boring it pains me)
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dr3c0mix · 4 months
Hi I'm wondering if you can make a platonic yandere zombie boys x child gender nutreul reder and they find us wondering around by our self and they basically adopt us
Zombie Horde x Child! GN! Reader
they have no idea what theyre doing
💀 Literally where did you come from..
💀 You just happened to wander into the mall they lived in and find Screw rummaging for stuff in an old freezer.
💀 He picks up your scent and looks at you, but..you're small..
💀 He smelled a human, what is this small creature??
💀 He approaches you curiously with chirps coming from his throat, poking at your tummy and picking up tiny strands of hair, just...looking at you..
💀 Then you let out a little giggle, huh???what???
💀 What noise are you making? Are you calling your horde?? Are there more of you?!?!
💀 So he ties a cord around you and brings you to the rest of the horde, keeping you at a distance as you run around, pulling at the leash.
💀 He calls the others and Ribs immediately sees you as food, but Bo holds him back by the collar.
💀 He doesn't know what you're doing here, but he does know youre supposed to be a baby human.
💀 Maybe lets keep you and raise you so you can grow up and be eaten! You know like cows and whatever humans did?
💀 Yeah sure, totally not gonna bite them in he ass one day.
💀 Bo is the first to take care of you, he just accompanies you while you walk around the mall.
💀 You arrive at the old arcade, most of the stuff there were broken or forgotten, there wasn't much use for arcade prizes or small candies after the apocalypse happened..
💀 He watches you run up to an old claw machine, the toys inside were still as pristine as they were years ago, the glass box acting as a protective barrier from the hands of time.
💀 Your face was practically on the glass as you stare at the fluffy toys longingly
💀 Bo watches as you almost whimper at the sight of them
💀 *sighhhh* well, wouldn't hurt to give you what you want right?
💀 You two leave the arcade with a bag full of fluffy new friends and a broken claw machine
💀 Next was Soda, he just tied you to a cord and just let you do whatever
💀 He kinda just ignored you until he hears you fall over and start crying
💀 oh oh no oh no
💀 please please dont cry uhh
💀 do you want food? uhhh uhhhh!!
💀 He hands you the juicebox he was saving for himself and you immediately stop crying and go on the run around
💀 oh no my juice!! better make sure you don't hurt yourself again
💀 He's so much more protective of you now, he makes sure you're playing safe or not putting something in your mouth you're not supposed to.
💀 Screw was kinda just..there
💀 Both him and Ribs looked after you together, it was more of Ribs watching you and Screw watching Ribs to make sure he doesn't eat you.
💀 The whole thing went to the 3 of you chasing a mutant animal around the mall together, giggling and playing the whole day
💀 They taught you how to be feral, Ribs is a bad influence..
💀 The horde gradually starts teaching you things like hunting or picking up scents
💀 Thinking about it now, they'd never imagine ever hurting you or making you cry
💀 During cold nights they all huddle together with you in the middle, keeping you safe from anything that would hurt you..
💀 Looks like they wont be raising you for meat any time soon..
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
Frame redrawn! Or whatever it's called 😭
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First my wifeee 💜💜 she's so bigger body coded it's not funny grr lmao idk uhh her eye is pinker and obviously the ears, well, exist. Also eyepatch cuz... eyepatch. Yeah. She's my wife u guys... so real so fr fr 🗣🔥
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Made him actually black 💀 I'm sorry it felt sooo wrong to give him his canon skin tone it disturbs me.... he has a tie cuz he would wear tie over bow I jst know it. Snout! Cuz deer. I'll probably change his ear placement like, give back his top ears and give him human ones buttt not sure... I hate drawing his hair it's so goofy brutha eugh
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LOTTERALY ME U GUYS RARARAHAHEIIREM8S UHHHH idk why I gave her pure black pupils but like I will. Forever. I gave her snout too but like. In a more. Snout way. Yknow??? She's so goofy I love her smm we are the sam.e red cheek thinfs r pink now cuz I think it looks better idk. Goat ears. Cuz goat ears. She's so goat coded it hurts. Just. JUST MAKE HER GOAT RAAHHH
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blubushie · 1 month
Be me out working on my truck shirtless when some little girl walks up to me from the footpath and asks me if she can ask me a question. Her dad is close on her heels trying to call her back like I'm a rabid dog, but he's also apologising profusely.
I look at her, put down my battery cables, and tell her she just asked me a question, but to hit me with another.
She finds this funny and then she asks what my top surgery scars are from. She seems a bit embarassed by it and like she obviously doesn't want to offend me.
I look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Look at dad. Look at her. Uhh. Dad. Her. Uhhhh. Dad. Uhhhh. Her.
"Well, I've got a bad heart, so the doctors took my heart out and turn it backwards, and now it works right. But they had to go through my chest obviously, so that's how they did it."
Her eyes go big the moment I start talking. I think the accent surprised her. But instead of commenting on that she let me finish and then went, "THEY TOOK YOUR HEART OUT?!"
"They took my heart out! And now it ticks funny, but at least it ticks, ay."
She looks back over her shoulder. "DAD THEY TOOK HIS HEART OUT."
And dad goes "Wow that's crazy I am so sorry about her ok let's go home-"
But little girl goes "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Referring to me and my battery cables.
And I go "Well, see, cars get old, and batteries get old, so you get alkaline on the batteries. That's all this white stuff."
"Oh I've seen that on batteries before!"
"Yeah, so, the way to get that stuff off is to get some baking soda and some water, and it just eats away at it, like—well, you wanna try? Can she try, dad?"
So dad gives her the ok and I tell her to put her foot up on the bumper cuz it's a bit high for her yet, and she climbs on up. And I give her the box of baking soda and go "Just sprinkle some on" and yeah she put on a bit too much but who cares. Then I give her the water bottle "Just spray it" and she gives it a spritz and FWOOSH the baking soda starts eating the alkaline right off the battery.
So I give her my toothbrush and tell her that now she's gotta scrub it, but she's gotta scrub slow cuz if she's too fast she'll flick alkaline everywhere and it's gonna eat through her shirt and burn her. So she's careful with her brushing. And then we washed off the cable and set it back in place and then she thanked me for letting her help and off they went back home and I heard her asking her dad what alkaline even IS on the way back, and why it's in batteries.
So, y'know. Sorry dad for the slew of questions you're gonna hafta answer on the way home. But you're welcome, little girl, for giving you something to bug your dad about.
And thanks for the clean cable.
I AM INTERSEX. Please do not tag with #trans. I love you my trans siblings but I'm tired of my intersex voice being erased for you to speak over me or claim my experiences as your own.
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orangecarton · 20 days
Nordic Bunny x Reader WP Pt3 (W.I.P.)
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The rest of the day went by relatively quickly. You listened to Nordic Bunny rant about Shred Force, his amazing plan, and how awesome he is. Surprisingly, you didn't get tired of hearing him talk. He had interesting things to say! You didn't have to justify your actions. You simply liked listening to him!
You did, however, get sleepy. It's safe to assume Nordic Bunny noticed because he made it known, loudly.
"Quit dozing off! Is what I am saying not INTERESTING enough for your HUMAN BRAIN?!... Do you need more food? Are you broken?!"
For a moment you could've sworn he was worried and was fussing over you... nahhhh
"Yeah I'm good, just tired."
You yawn and sluggishly shrug of his questions.
"Go ahead and tell me more about uhhhh... robots?"
He moves his face closer to yours and stares at you for a split second, as if to inspect it for lies. After finding nothing he smiles and leans back, you didn't notice the small bit of blush on his face.
"OF COURSE! I knew that!!"
You both sat in silence for a bit. Ultimately, you broke the quiet atmosphere with a yawn,
"Hey not to overstep, but like, do you got... a bed or something?"
He looks puzzled and goes off to the side, talking with himself.
"Hmmm, well... there's... uhh no no... hmmmm."
He turns back around to face you, looks you up and down.
"Hmmmm, I guess I'll just have to get one of my minions to make up somewhere for you to sleep!"
You sleepily nod, not entirely aware of what's going on around you. Nordic Bunny strides to the exit to leave, presumably to get one of his minions to do his bidding. As he's walking away he notices the lack of your presence next to him. Having dragged you around all day he had unconsciously moved to grab your arm only for it to not be there. Turning back around to where you are now dozing off he picks you up around your torso and carries you with one arm on his side. Your arms and legs are dangling a couple feet in the air, given his height. But despite that you are actually quite comfortable.
In time you find yourself falling asleep, not being able to fight off the exhaustion you had.
You wake up to the "peaceful" uproar of shouting and a lazer being blasted.
Ah, Nordic...
"CAN'T YOU SEE THEY ARE TRYING TO SLEEP?! How can I get intel if my human isn't rested up, because you NIMRODS are being TOO LOUD?!"
The yelling is followed by a couple more blasts. Being fully rested, you get up and take in the new room.
Kinda similar to Nordic Bunny's war room, there is definitely a huge red them going on. Different kinds of circuit boards and tubes line the walls, no visible windows, and it sorta looks like they just cleared out a walk in closet and set up a bed (no galvanized steel or eco friendly wood veneers anywhere). Speaking of, the bed you are resting on is a standard twin sized bed with cherry red sheets with matching pillows and a scarlet comforter. Nice.
"OH, you're awake!"
You turn your face to see Nordic Bunny's face wayyy too close to yours.
"Uhhh, hey?"
"GOOD MORNING! As the humans say. I'm quite knowledgeable about your human culture, and EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE!"
"Hm? Oh yeah, good morning."
Is it morning? Oh well, you wouldn't have anyway to check anyway.
"SO!... Uh, how do you like your room?"
Nordic looks to be almost a bit shy when waiting for your approval.
"Oh yeah, no it's cool. Thanks by the way, real nice of you!"
You give him a soft smile and he flusters a moment before proudly posing and standing a bit taller. How can he get even taller?!
"Ah yes well, I AM THE BEST! And I provide only THE BEST for my... friends?"
He seems to think momentarily for that word. Looking to you seeking a reaction.
"Sure, nice going, uh- friend?"
His face lights up and he virtually lunges at you, scooping you up and spinning you in a tight hug.
He stops abruptly and sets you down. You nearly fall over from the dizziness.
"Oh OH! I have something for you, because my AWESOMENESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS."
Oh, and there he goes running down the hall, leaving you alone with your thoughts... You've been getting pretty comfy here. Heck, you even got your own room now. But what about you lofe on Earth? You didn't have much, but the things you did have were yours. Will you ever see your cramped apartment again? Your extremely rude boss? Your friends? Do they even know you're gone?... Do they even care?
Your thinking is interrupted by the sound of shouting and frantic running. Nordic Bunny bursts into the room with a... PHONE?!
You look up and see Nordic Bunny parading around a small smartphone in his hands and then presents it to you.
"Oh my god! This... this is great! Thank you so much!"
You're not tearing up at all. Nope, nuh uh.
"OF COURSE! You can go ahead and tell me how great and amazing I am!"
He looks smug as you praise him and thank him profusely for everything he's given you... you god damn cornball.
(Thank you so much for reading and to everybody giving positive feedback and interacting!!! ;^;)
(Sorry this part is a bit late. I had a bit of trouble thinking of what direction I wanted this to go. I got it now tho!!!)
(And now for your designated doodles)
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checkingoutforheroes · 4 months
Come with me.
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Alex, in comm with Kara: Things are getting out of hand. We need Supergirl here! I mean now, Kara.
Kara: I'll be there.
Kara: Guys, they need me on site. I have to go now or it will get worse.
Lena: Well, go! Don't worry about us.
Kara: Okay. Y/n, can you help me scroll through this alien species' weakness? Never fight this one before.
Y/n, eyes on tablet: I'm on it. Lena, can you come in me?
Lena: Can I what??
Kara: Uhh, Y/n?
Y/n: What? Why are you two looking at me like that?
Kara: You told Lena to uhhhh to emmm cum in you?
Y/n: No, I didn't.
Lena: You kinda did. Do you have sexual fantasy feelings on me?
Y/n: I did not said that! I said,'Lena, can you come WITH me?' With. Not in. WITH!
Kara: kid, chill. No one is mad at you.
Y/n: I said what I said!
Kara: So you want to have sexual intimacy with Lena?
Y/n: Gosh! No.
Kara chuckle: Hey, superhearing. Can't help it.
Y/n: Don't you have an alien to kill? Go, skedaddle!
Kara: Okay, okay!
Y/n: Lena, let's go to the lab.
Lena, still blushing: Yeah.
Kara is about to fly: No funny business in the tower, kids!
Y/n & Lena: GO!
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ask-the-cat-cafe · 2 months
Question for the artist!:
I'm thinking of starting up an ask-blog for a character of mine. Would you recommend it? Pros and cons of a project like that?
(I just really like your blog and value your opinion on the subject <3 also hope you're doing well!)
Ok- so lemme answer this the best i can haha- im bad w questions like this 😅🥲
Ok so starting an ask blog is certainly a good way to get your ideas out their! It lets people ask all the questions you wabt abt your character! If ur starting writing-blog where you right instead of draw, then it may be different but idk 😶
I like it so i do recommend it!
Some pros and cons uhh
•its fun!!
•you may get more ideas for your character from asks
•uhhh im not good with pros- there's a lot more but y'know-
Cons (im better w these! Doesn't mean that ask blogs suck to make- i jist think abt these more lmao)
• you can get art/writers block soooo easily, so if you have a high drive and good schedule you'll be fine!
•some people in your ask box are gonna be... Weirder than expected
•some ppl dont read ur blog before asking
•its hard (for me atleast) to pick and choose between certain asks, but you will have to!
Uh also if you are thinking abt starting a blog, especially one that you're thinking of making into a big story thing like mine, then make sure you link them together! Either like how i did mine or something else, make sure you do it!!
Also make sure you take breaks, stretch yo back, and find a good schedule!!
Take care of urself with ur blog:) i hope it goes well!
Soo uhhhh yeah if you have any other questions plz ask!!
Im not the best at answering tho haha
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
Baby Making P1
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Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Flirty + Sweet
Anonymous asked:
Hey i had a Newt request! I wondering if you could do a angst+smut fic with crank newt? Like it's life or death for the both of them (literally) but during the start of the Death cure where Newts getting more Crank like but no weird veins, But he's trying to get his partner pregnant and saying stuff like "If something happens to me at least i left my mark" stuff like that 
I sat doing some sewing working watching the sea kiss the sand when I heard footsteps Very identifiable footsteps as his limp was getting far worse.
"Hi love"
"Hi newt what's up?"
"Can I uhh talk to you about something?' He asks
I glanced up and saw he was nervous shuffling his feet and picking his nails.
"Of course newt what is it?' I asked and he nervously sat with me
"So…you know about -"
"I do" I nodded holding his hand "is it bothering you?'
"No more then usual, no I uhh I was thinking about everything and… I wanted to ask you"
"Anything what is it?"
"I uhhh sorry it uhh it's kinda"
"Newt it's okay whatever you want to ask is fine"
"Can uhhh … can we have a baby?'
"Uhhhhh what?'
"I would like us to discuss, the idea of having a baby together."
"Having a baby?"
"... Uhh well. It can certainly be discussed"
"How do you feel about that love?"
"Uhh I don't really know newt, I mean the only time we've ever really thought about kids was in the glade and that was just how to prevent accidentally making one."
"But, I had thought about it a few times"
"You had?"
"Of course, newt we were stuck in there over three years. Of course it has crossed my mind more then once that I may have been out in the maze to make babies"
"I had through about it. I was one girl with sixty boys in a inescapable maze, the idea were the last of humanity and I need to be a baby oven has crossed my mind newt" I chuckled "and… I had thought, has dreams of what life would be like if we escaped together, got a house, got married, had babies"
"I did too" he smiled holding my hand giving it a tight squeeze"I know it's not the life we wanted-"
"Newt, I don't think the life we wanted even exists anymore"
"You may be right, and… who knows how long I have left. Or how long until you get infected. Or how long till wicked finds us and locks us up in another death trap" he explained "I want to make sure there's something of me here. That I left something, some mark on the world before I go. And if you never get infected.. something of me you can keep"
"That's very sweet newt, but you'd really want that?"
"I would, would you?"
"I think I would, a sweet little one to keep close and take care of. Something to protect to fight for if they do try and take us again"
"But I don't want us to do this unless it's something you really want?"
"I want to newt, I think it's sweet" I smiled squeezing his hand back and giving him a gentle kiss "so? Lights out tonight suit you for some baby making newtie?"
"Ohhh uhhhh I uhhhh I think I can manage to pencil you in"
"Oh? Why busy schedule? You been going round asking all the girls?"
"No no! I uhh I just uhh… I may have thought about this earlier. In the shower. So I already…. But I'm sure everything will be fine by lights out"
"Alright, tonights good with you?"
"Absolutely just uhhh you know wasn't expecting quiet so soon"
"Times a wasting right newtie plus were about two weeks out from my period so seems like a good time"
"Uhh okay, I'll see you tonight"
" see you tonight" I smiled giving him a little kiss and heading into camp with my sewing.
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ihateornithologists · 1 month
i’ve always been curious about how you make your art so i’m wondering what tools/brushes/methods you use! your art has almost a scanned in painting feel with its line weight and the way everything comes onto the page and it almost feels like it would HAVE to be traditional. but im very curious and i’ve loved your art and specifically the style you use for ages now! sorry for such a long ask!
hi and thanks a lot! but i'm afraid i can't tell you much.... xD i always draw in procreate since uhh 2020 i think..? and i just use various default brushes with default settings.. (i draw with a finger so most of the brushes don't even work the way they're supposed to and that makes me upset sometimes but not too much.. idk i don't want to buy a stylus or whatever)
i usually combine different methods of drawing (i can't even describe them properly idk??) and randomly switch between them so when i'm starting a new drawing i can hardly even imagine what it must look like in the end hjhjsh (i have a composition in my mind but all the stylization/techniques choices etc are often made very randomly during the process lmao. like if i see that sth isn't working out very well i just switch to another random brush/type of stylization etc... so it's all very unpredictable tbh)
all i can tell is that these are my favorite procreate brushes at the moment xd (i didn't change anything in their settings)
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and sometimes i also use some paper textures/texture brushes just randomly downloaded from google idk. but not on every drawing idk just when it seems appropriate
so yeah basically i don't have any specific method and i like trying a lot of random shit to enjoy the process of drawing because it helps me to cope with anxiety lmao.. so the process itself can be very different
like for example
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this (1) was made by drawing a single sketch (which also replaces the nonexistent lineart lmao. i don't do a proper lineart now it's too boring for me) then some lazy black and white strokes and then 3-4 overlays with different colors/textures??
2) this was made mostly by cropping texture brushes into shapes idk i don't even know how to explain it lmao
3) this uhhhh uh just two brushes which i showed above.. nothing special just drawing shit and then making it more detailed
4) this is like a combination of the previous two uhh types of.. drawing.... more or less
and some more random examples of different.. everything but it's actually pretty hard to explain all the process xD
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junoswrlld · 8 months
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plus one
CHAP 22— my Romeo pt2
summary: Kai, one of your closest friends, invites you as a plus one to one of his best friend's birthday party. but the bday boy is kinda cute…can you steal his heart?
April 1, 2023
700 wc
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The night at the drive-in had been magical; you basically ignored the movie the whole night though, and stared at Beomgyu's dreamy features for two hours straight, except for when he caught you staring and flashed a heart-melting smile. As the credits rolled, the night air was filled with a sense of nostalgia and longing, much like the story you had just witnessed.
As you and Beomgyu settled back in the truck, wrapped in blankets, you couldn't help but exchange a warm smile. The evening had been a memorable one, and you were grateful for the time you had spent together.
"did you like the movie, beomgyu?" you ask sitting up, getting ready to leave.
Beomgyu turned to you, a twinkle in his eyes. "I loved the movie! but what was your favorite part, y/n?"
You struggled to come up with a response, your mind racing to recall any part of the movie. "uhhhhh...ummm...when uhhhh" you struggle to come up with a response since you were paying absolutely no attention to it.
"Did something else have your attention?"
You grinned sheepishly. "maybe" The memory of stealing glances at Beomgyu during the movie made you feel a bit bashful.
Beomgyu chuckled softly, a warm, understanding look in his eyes. "Well, that makes two of us then."
As you both shared a quiet laugh, it was clear that the connection between you and Beomgyu was something special, even if the movie had taken a backseat to your shared moments. With that, you both gathered your things and prepared to head home, knowing that this night at the drive-in would be a memory you'd cherish for a long time.
Just as Beomgyu was about to start the engine and head home, the familiar voice of Rami called out from behind you. She had apparently noticed you and Beomgyu and approached your truck.
"Hey guys!" Rami said, her tone friendly. "What are you two doing here?"
You and Beomgyu exchanged a quick glance before beomgyu responded "Oh we're just on a date. and we were actually just getting ready to leav-"
Rami continued, cutting beomgyu off. "it's such a coincidence we're all here isn't it? I mean like what a small world right?"
You and Beomgyu exchanged a knowing look, deciding to go along with the coincidence narrative even though you both suspected that she saw Beomgyus tweet the previous night. "Yeah, it's quite a surprise," you replied with a polite smile. "I didn't think you would be here."
Beomgyu decided to try to address the previous day's events. "Speaking of coincidences, Rami, why don't you do what you said you would yesterday?"
Rami looked a bit puzzled and annoyed. "What do you mean?"
"you know what I mean rami."
rami sighed and rolled her eyes before responding "Ugh, okay fine."
You watched her with curiosity, wondering if this conversation would finally end.
Rami, still somewhat exasperated, continued, "Alright, look, I'm sorry for how I acted. I was being kinda bitchy, and I didn't realize that acting that way would lead to Beomgyu not talking to me anymore. I guess I crossed a line. you accept my apology right y/n?"
"uhh no?" you replied, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "I guess I appreciate the attempt at an apology, but I think it was clear you didn't really mean it."
Beomgyu, with a hint of empathy, added, "Rami, we want to believe that you're sincere, but if you're gonna try to say sorry then you should mean it."
After the exchange. She nodded with a hint of determination in her gaze. "You're right, beomgyu. I'll try to seem more sincere next time."
As Rami walked back to her friends, you and Beomgyu shared a brief moment of silent acknowledgment. It was evident that getting Rami to realize her mistakes would take time.
Just as you and Beomgyu were starting to head home, Rami couldn't resist making one more annoying comment. She turned back, calling out, "Oh, and Y/N, if you ever need tips on how to keep a man's attention, feel free to ask me."
You and Beomgyu shared an exasperated glance as Rami finally walked away. Despite the persistent irritation, you decided to focus on enjoying the remainder of the ride home with Beomgyu, hoping that the night would still hold moments of connection and happiness.
With a wry smile, Beomgyu leaned in and whispered, "She really doesn't know when to quit, does she?"
You couldn't help but chuckle softly in response. "damn, I guess not."
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taglsit (always open): @heyanonymous123 @wccycc @beomomb @sweetheartsaku @woncheecks @gyuszie @kaewonie @flowerbe0m @tocupid @imsiriuslyreal @starsforbeomgyu @moa4lifeee @jype2papi @destairea @stqrrian @n034sy @cho8beomie @soobsfairy444 @spilled-coffee-cup @s00buwu @run2seob @sulkygyu @90steele @rieumura
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strayharmony943 · 12 days
Stray: "Hello everyone....Uhhh, I'm stray! Uhh.....I guess I'm the creater of Some OCS|÷¢}`✓ makes..... For some reason the name keeps on glitching out, since her main persona is Glitch....but all of us are more or less, some part of her personality.....glitch is kinda like the freak side... Harmony is more of the School type, there's mimic....gremlin basically....the others will be introduced later ...I hope. But yeah! Anyway...uhhhh.... here's some stuff about the one behind the screen!"
*An info board appears*
Hi! I'm =¢§•[¥{. I'm an artist, reader, ASMR addict *cough cough* Not my fault. Uhhh, well I like tea, coffee, and anything sweet, but I really tart things!! So......yeah! I like to call everyone little stars or something depending on which person I'm using...so yay! And I don't care for pronouns or genders since the whole lgbtq thing....i support!! But I think the extra genders is a bit much in my opinion.......
anyway these are some guys I admire and actually inspired me to do what I like!!
@scythe-the-problematic-audio @escapedaudios @goodboyaudios @dayspriteofficial @capitalmaudios @magebunkshelf @obsidian-lantern @shandzii
Also, bug army!!!!
@rozeliyawashereyall @willowve01 @asmrbrainrot @kaiamtt @iistxrmyskyii @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @aspenm00n @keyaartz @fangsshadow @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @lunaritychuwolf @littlesiren79 @castbracelet240 @strayharmony943 @proxdragon @tiefling-chaos @threeweekinsomnia @recated @wilderrorcard @diamondzoey @fennaboysenberry @astralbulldragon13 @lunnats
{sorry if it don't tag everyone}
Also my ask box is for lore, requests, and stuff. I don't do NSFW and stuff like that. I don't take any payment, along with nothing much..... Also WHY THE BLOODY HELL DO ALL THESE AMAZING PEOPLE THAT I'M INSPIRED BY SOMEHOW FOLLOW ME, I'M JUST AN ANOMALY IN TJE SYSTEM AGHHHHH T~T
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hunsa-jars · 6 months
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Heyy things are pretty busy and exhausting right now, but I promise I'm trying to be brave about it
Might pop up here tomorrow
Or the day after tomorrow- this week sometime, or I'll go bonkers
Gonna queue this because I really shouldn't be distracting myself more than I already do nhdfdh
Haghhhh I miss you all, I'll be back
(uhh life update under the cut? to the folks who are curious, kinda wanted to mention these at some point anyways)
Remember that I said that my phone might be still alive after all? Well.. yeah, no, that was a false alarm, it really did kick the bucket. Temporarily using my sister's old phone until I get a new one this Christmas
And because I'm the way I am, I refuse to change anything about it- like I can't stand the idea of getting used/attached to it when I know in a couple of weeks I'm gonna give it back, so..
So yeah, I don't want to go through the procedures of logging into everything, including Tumblr
I've been avoiding going here anyway, so technically it helps :''')
My attention span is so awful you guys, so mad at myself 24/7 for always looking for excuses to not do my studying routine
Speaking of studying, this is the last week of uni for this year!
BUT exam period is starting next week and I have like 3 exams before Christmas, so fun
Uhhhh remember the board game I mentioned making? Teacher loved it and wants to display it for the university's open day. Pretty glad, worked hard on that thing (even tho it could have been better)
Gonna show you guys once I get it back
Uhhhh did my best with my recorder, my hands were shaking, but the teacher could tell I was only messing up because I was nervous as balls, and not because I didn't know the songs, thank god
My grandma is doing well! Well.. better. We keep her company. My cousins come to visit us twice a week now, so no silent Saturdays or Sundays
FINALLY figured out how to use emulators, so between studying for the January exams and relative visits, I'm gonna finally play Animal Crossing and Earthbound properly (I think I've mentioned using online emulators before, but those distorted the music so much I just couldn't continue with it)
Also was anybody going to tell me that OFF is free?
And Yume Nikki?? On Steam?????? Hello??
Umm also! My little brother sat down with me last Saturday and made me watch Murder Drones (he's hyperfixating and wanted to pass it onto me, spoilers: IT WORKED)
Oh my goodness... that show................................. Plan for another flooding
What else, uh- we're on season 2 of AOT, it's insane, it makes me insane, I wish I could say more without going unhinged
I... i think that's all
To the people who've been tagging me the past few days I SEE YOU ALL, THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME, I'LL GET TO IT
See you guys later this week, hopefully, please take care
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comfey-sandwich · 12 days
ig i was kinda overdue for one of these huh
hi. im comfey, 19, they/he, blah blah blah. i figured i might as well make an intro or something, cause i don't really have anything better to do. i'm from alola, there's that too. rn im working as a barista at a pokemon center, not telling which one tho lmfao. if i end up posting on here it's probably gonna be stuff about work (but not enough to get me fired haha) or just like general stuff about my life.
oh yeah and uhh ig i might as well say it upfront but i used to be part of team skull. i quit for personal reasons before like a year before it disbanded but yea. officer nanu dni. team skull please interact. other teams are uhhhh. on a case by case basis.
i have two pokemon, a blue minior and a brionne, their names are moonrock and lotus and i think that's it
actually wait no i should like note. im like fully 100% human my name is just comfey. my mom picked it and it just stuck, what can i say
OOC under the cut!
haha. hi. its @aspen-in-da-crater back at it again with another pkmn irl blog.
Rules/Things to know!
Muse is an adult but mod is a minor, please keep this in mind!
I don't anticipate doing a lot with high stakes but I kinda made this blog on a whim, so that might change! High stakes will be tagged accordingly.
Nanu blogs are very much allowed to interact, Comfey just won't be happy about it lol
Feel free to ask Comfey about his team skull days and/or why he left!
Blogs of any kind can interact with Comfey! Sentient Pokemon, eebies, evil teams, you name it!
Pelipper mail/malice are ON!
Musharna mail, malice, and magic anons are OFF!
#comfey posting ⇌ posts/reblogs from comfey
#skull daze ⇌ posts about comfey's time in team skull
#comfey ama ⇌ answered asks
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yesyourstalker · 3 months
Neta: ok everything is set up. Just a couple interviews. Warabi!
Warabie: hmmmmmm
Neta: warabie
Warabie: hmmm what?
Neta: I need you to manage for a little until Mahi comes in. I forgot they had orientation today and they had no time to reschedule everyone. (Clap clap) [Signing] Seth, I know you have four clients scheduled today for piercing. Help warabie when you're able to.
Seth: cool
Warabie: hmmm My stomach still hurts from the tattoo and it's still healing.
Neta: *sigh* then sit down or lean across the counter. I don't know what you want me to do. You shouldn't have gotten that if you can't handle the pain yet.
Seth: I told you it wasn't good to do it all in one sitting, I could have scheduled you for another session. But I have to say you did take it like a champ
Neta: I have no time to argue with you I have interviews I have to get to. If someone asks for an interview to send them to the back of the office.........
___________________ interview one_______________
Neta: so what would be your greatest strength?
Naomi [inkling]: uhhhhh...ummm.... I ....I'm regsijtfh
Neta:....I'm sorry can you repeat that.....
Naomi: uh.....I'm.........................hm
Neta: take your time I'm in no rush.......... It says here on your resume that you're an artist you intern at inkpin publishing you worked on several mangas. That's pretty impressive want to tell me about that?
Naomi: uh....uhhhhh..........I'm sorry......[ Leaves]
Neta: oh.... wait! Uh...ok...*sigh* She left her phone. She'll be back maybe she calms down.. we can get somewhere.
_________________Interview two__________________
Neta: where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Vinny [betta fish] definitely not in prison again hahaha! Uhh ohh shit ummm.... Being serious in 5 years? Maybe a manager or an assistant manager of this store.
Neta: really? Ok.... You used to work in a kitchen
Vinny: it was more like a cafeteria but yeah I used to prepare the food I actually made the menus for the week. See I used to tell the corrections offic-uhhhh- I mean my head manager what they needed to order for the week so I can get my team to learn the recipes and to make them meals.
Neta: so you like cooking?
Vinny: not necessarily. I kind of got into it because I just wanted to belong and be a part of something and I didn't want to join a gang..so.....uh.....
Neta: uh huh
Vinny: I just really like that kind of busy work environment. It keeps me on my toes and keeps me preoccupied. I really work well in high stake environments and I like being involved with people who also enjoy that environment. I also really like music and I used to be in a punk band back in the day it was called D.I. DIE.... Kind of sounds like DIY like do it yourself-You get it.
Neta: That's interesting... What did you play?
Vinny: drums, I used to play drums. It was really good at it never played in a while. I hope Betty didn't sell my set after I got locked up
Neta: ok ........ All right. Here's the thing this interview was pretty decent..... Once the background check is complete. Expect a phone call.... Next week around Tuesday okay?
Vinny: really?
Neta: yep... We just need to do the background check and you're set
Vinny: ..... Right, my background check...uhhhhh about that
Neta: listen man... I don't judge. What you've done in the past I probably did worse. You came here, you applied for a job you passed the interview. It's very obvious that you want to turn over a new leaf. I'm willing to help you with that... Just expect the phone call and an email and will be....SET AHH
Neta: ah ha ok ok you can put me down now....hehe cod you're strong....
Vinny: I also took up weightlifting when I was inside.
_______________ interview three__________________
Neta:.................................... So.... What would you consider to be your greatest strengths
anemone:...ehhhh ...... I don't know...... My honesty I'm very honest person
Neta: ok ...... That's good.... Resume seems fine.... You said that you play guitar and you're in a band. Tell me about that
anemone: ugh..... I'm in a band and I play guitar That's it.
Neta:...................*sigh* shit he's one of those.......ok. in a group setting, how well do you work with-
anemone: okay let me just lay it straight to you. I'm available Monday through Thursday. I do not work Fridays. I'm available in the mid shift and closing shifts. I don't do mornings I never have and never will. You have my resume and my phone number you can call me on weekdays around 12 to 5 . After that I'm not picking up see Tuesday. Bye.
Neta:................................ .*sigh*........ We need more closers anyway.
__________________ interview four________________
Neta: what would you consider your biggest achievement
Fugue [puffer fish] My great is achievement? I would say I was one of the few to be picked to play at the scuba dome during the rainbow night symphony orchestra. I was one of the youngest only 15 at the time.
Neta: Yes That's very impressive. I actually read that in the paper you used to Seiche high of the arts. I'm trying to get my daughter into that school next year.
Fugue: yes that was me. Played the tuba It's a wonderful school. I'm sure she'd love it.
Neta: That's very impressive. So why do you want to work here?
Fugue: well I'm trying to save up to go to college I'm trying to get into Brackish University they have a really good music program.
Neta: Brackish!! get out of here! My fiance goes Brackish!
Fugue: oh I'm well aware, ikkan right? That's very impressive, he must have a good reputation. They don't really take back many people once they drop out. If it's too much to ask, what instrument did he play for his audition? I'm assuming it was a bass an upright one right?
Neta: you'd think that but he actually did play the bassoon. He's actually the only one in his marching band in high school to play the bassoon
Fugue: He must have been very skilled. You don't see that many bassoons in band.
Neta: yeah.. he's very talented and hard-working. Most of it was self-taught you know outside of school and everything
Fugue: yeah.... Are you self- taught?
Neta: yeah.. I taught myself... I used to watch music videos and I used to copy their- oh Man we're out of time. I'm sorry we trailed off. I didn't even get to finish the interview
Fugue: oh I'm sorry so do I reschedule or
Neta: nah... you have the job kid. You seem like a really good kid and you have a lot of head of you. I'll send you an email and call you Tuesday okay?
Fugue: thank you sir.
Neta: aw what fine young man. We need more kids like that in this world.
Neta: it seems to be everyone... I still need to do the baristas but I have to wait for AHhhhhhh.....uhhh Stefan, you're here..... Great.... You could have said something
Stefan [betta]: sorry.... I didn't mean to startle you.....so...... Let's talk I'm thrilled to be a part of this store expansion
Neta: right.... First, how are you doing? How's business?
Stefan: business is great. I finally have my coffee in Mako March. I never thought I'd seen my brand...................in a discount chain store...............umm
Neta: I mean hey! If it makes you feel better It's the most expensive one in there.
Stefan: well of course it is. It's the best quality coffee out there. It should be the most expensive........ Anyway, did you hire me a barista for the shop
Neta: yes.....well I do have a candidate for that store. They are my last interview. They should be here in........ Maybe 30 minutes ......
Stefan: um...
Neta:..........so............. How's your father?
Stefan: he passed finally
Neta: oh.... I'm sorry to hear that.
Stefan: don't be. Its what we all wanted.
Neta: Was it peaceful?
Stefan: it was. he went in his sleep.... We were all prepared for it to happen so we had everything ready.
Neta: yeah that's how my mom passed. My aunt told me she just closed her eyes, dozed off and just never woke up
Stefan: and that's all we can ask for, no pain no suffering just go, when you're ready, you're ready...... I buried him with his prize possession
Neta: let me guess a coffee machine-
Stefan: A stove top espresso and coffee maker
Neta: of course
Stefan: it was his first ever coffee maker and used to make My mother and I coffee with that every day till the day he died. He cherished it like it was a child, Unlike how he cherished me.
Neta: oh...ok that's uh
Toguni: excuse me. I'm here for the interview for the barista job
Stefan: he's early..... Very Punctual
Neta: Right you must be ehhhhhhhh.......... Toguni!! You're the one I sent the email to!
Stefan: hello you must be my apprentice
Toguni: oh uh...wow your...
Stefan: Stefan the reinventor of coffee. Yes I know. Nice to meet you. sit down please I insist make yourself come through right next to me.
Toguni: Yes sir
Neta: well thank you for showing up today the interview will be short and simple I just want to get to know you and you're just going to answer some questions-
Stefan: Tell me what's your relationship with coffee?
Neta: Stefan
Toguni: un-
Stefan: what is your favorite type of coffee?
Toguni: I love coffee
Stefan: what is your opinion on cold brew
Toguni: hu-
Stefan: if I give you three cups dark roast, medium roast and light roast, how fast could you tell them apart? And if abel can you tell me what brand of coffee I give you?
Toguni: iiiiiii
Neta: Stefan, you're making him nervous
Stefan: what is an Americano?. Huh what is that? That's a genuine question. What is an Americano like what is that? What does that even mean? Neta you know history? What is that?
Neta: the Americano is named after a location during the mammalian period it was the first to be destroyed during world war-
Stefan: I don't need to hear one of your history lectures!!!!
Neta: your the one who asked
Stefan: what is the difference between a cortado and a flat white
Toguni: oh! I can actually answer this-
Stefan: quiet! be quiet, shut your mouth and I've had enough.......................
Toguni: ..........
Stefan:........................ I like you.... You don't sound like you're from here. Where are you from?..... Don't answer that.... I like you. I really do
Tagami: * gasp* really so I'm hired
Stefan: no. Not yet. You need to make me a single cup of coffee. Your choice.
Neta: We have a coffee maker in the break room but it only uses K-Cups
Stefan: no, he's not making that type of coffee. That's what you call coffee is an insult and abomination and you need to be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting that we use that coffee machine!!... *Sigh*.... here's my house address. You shall show up to my house at 7:00 a.m. I have all the materials needed. You make me one cup of coffee and if I like it........ You're hired.
Toguni:.........uh.................yes sir you said 7?
Stefan: Great! Be there at 7:00. I'll see you then. I see a lot of potential in you. Good bye....
Toguni: ......... .. ......
Neta: I'm .....so sorry. He's a fucking weirdo I don't know why I agreed to work with him. Listen you don't have to do any of that if you don't want to... I can
Toguni: I can't believe I'm going to his house. I'm going to Stefan's you make him a cup of coffee. I thought this was just going to be like a crappy part-time job
Neta: hurtful
Toguni: I have to. I have to go home. I have to practice I have to .. Make coffee....bye thank you for the interview!
Neta:* inhale* * exhale*.......
anemone: that guy was a fucking weirdo
Neta: ...... yeah he is ....... Why are you still here?
anemone: I just wanted to see all the other freaks I have to work with....... And they're definitely freaks *huff*
Neta: well, you're going to have to tolerate them.... Hey, maybe after a couple days you might actually like some..... Maybe you can let go of this mean facade you have on and actually make friends.
anemone: I have friends
Neta: ehhhh I don't believe you ... Trust me this whole 'thing' that you have going on, that's how I wasted my teenage years. Trust me.
anemone: *humpf*
Neta: *sigh* I still have that Naomi girls phone wonder if she's-
Naomi: I'm back! I'm sorry I panicked....uhhhhh I uh i.........
anemone: heh...
Naomi [faces away. Eyes closed] .....*sigh* One of my greatest strengths. I like to show up early and on time I don't like being late. I know that I didn't show it today, but I am actually very reliable............ I don't really have a uh......uh...... Life..... outside of work so I am available whenever you need me. Just call me at any time and I will show up.
Neta: what did you choose this job?
Naomi: Truth is that.. My therapist wants me to go outside and interact with people... .... and suggest getting a part-time job...... to further improve my social skills....... I decided on rockshock because I like music. ........ and I like the alternative community and that it caters to.... People in the alternative community, though they look scary. They are actually very welcoming and patient and I feel like that would be a good environment to start my journey in to social interaction
Neta: well I must say you were right on that......... You forgot your cell phone on the table...... I'll call you next week for orientation okay?
Naomi: ok .....*huff* ok. ..... I'll be going. Thank you... he's so nice.
Neta: It's no problem.
anemone: I gave give her a week
Neta: shut up
anemone belongs to @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
And Toguni belongs to @conkreetmonkey
And neta belongs to...oh me he belongs to me nvm
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cytharat · 8 months
✨ people I wanna know better! ✨
tagged by @visualtaehyun and @kinnbig thank you <3
Last Song? it was one of my playlists on shuffle so let me check
Favourite colour? look you can't ask me, a bisexual, to choose any one thing. It's impossible I'm sorry I love them all. All of the colours. Yes, even that one. I am not choosing just one when I can have a full rainbow ok and you can't make me
Currently watching? I haven't really been watching anything that is currently airing, but I'm still slowwwly catching up with I feel you linger in the air which I love with my whole entire heart ever since I read the novel. Jane and I are also watching Kiseki: Dear to me and Moving on our weekly date nights. Other than that there are a few things on my to watch list that I want to get to but haven't found the time and energy to start yet. The struggle is so real hhhh
Currently reading? tbh I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything rn, but I finally got my official Seaven Seas translated Guardian copy a while back so I'm kind of sort of re-(re-)reading that
Last movie? Jane and I watched Inhuman Kiss 2 the other day! And you know what that means ... the spooky season is upon us ayyy :D
Sweet/spicy/savoury? I mean it depends on my mood, really. But I suppose if I had to choose only one I'd go with savoury. Give me that umami
Relationship status? tumblr user @pharawee has been the light of my life for *checks calender* 10 years now?? whoa
Current obsessions? I guess Baldur's Gate 3 is still holding my heart and soul hostage. ...yeah
Last thing you googled? my city's stupid annual parade thing is tomorrow so I had to google all the bus detours and whatnot to figure out how the fuck I'll get to work lmao super exciting stuff
Selfie? lol
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I won't subject you to that
Currently working on: uhh keeping it together, mostly lmao no idk I have a few irons in the fire, but I don't think there's anything worth mentioning because that makes it seem like some sort of Big Project when it's just some random silly doodles. Well, and the KenBig AU fics of course, they are still an ongoing struggle
tagging uhhhh @sotc @kruk-art @plushchimera @uldren-sov @jiaoliqiao @aikinn @punkeduppirate @fismoll7secinv @riessene but absolutely no pressure obviously <3
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