#yeah Izuku totally would run like
lucianinsanity · 1 year
I decided to buy the bnha manga from the beginning, I have the first one now, and look
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Why are you like this, Izuku?
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nnnyxie · 1 year
So this one is angsty (if you squint) basically reader is Bakugos little sibling (by like a year or two to not make it weird) and they grew up together…And this is kinda mean!Izu x reader but whatever
Izu one day just randomly reflects on Bakugos bullying and is like well fuck him and decides to date his younger sibling to fuck with Bakugo as ‚revenge‘
Failing to inform them he was only dating them to fuck with their brother. He‘s still doting and sweet and oh so loving(he also failed to realize he fell for reader fr)…and on one random Tuesday they just overhear him speaking about it like on the phone to his friends being like „yeah Kacchan is totally pissed it worked like a charm“
Reader absolutely breaks down and runs to Kacchan for comfort because big brother is always the solution🤞 so then Izu dosen’t even realize and tries talking to reader and they just cut all contact and Izu panics and realizes what he feels for them but it‘s too late hehe. (I need some sort of happy ending for reader😭)
Bonus ofcourse would be lots and lots of groveling before they eventually restart, or reader moves on if you‘re not the second chance type..revenge is always the answer🫶🏻 idk both ends would be cute Idk when I turned into an angst Whore I used to be a fluff addict😞 #𖢥 izuku anon
i’m not much of a second chance person when it comes to this stuff but……. i like fluff……. so we shall see how the ending goes…….. it’s a wild card for the both of us???
(ps there is swearing bc it’s me…) (pps i did add a part where he said ‘fuckin with my blood’ but i originally had like— an adopted sibling in mind?? so just read however you’d like!!) (ppps i added some comfort from our girlies and kiri bc i LOVE them)
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for this we’re gonna pretend like the boys have had no progress in friendship and that they HATE each other with a passion and that season 6 didn’t happen!! AND that they’re in their second year while you, darling reader, are a first year at UA!!
okay so. despite katsuki being such an asshole and probably the most difficult person to deal with— he has such a soft spot for his little sibling!!
he makes it known that if anyone fucks with you— he’ll beat them worse than they could ever imagine. you thought his normal threats were bad? oh sweetheart, these are far worse!! he’ll go into solid detail and even give ‘warning’ hits.
enter izuku, your longtime crush. ever since you were kids, you have always liked him. loved him, even. you admire how ambitious he is and how far he’s come.
izuku was dense about your crush at first, in all honesty. it wasn’t until he overheard your conversation with katsuki in the dorm stairs one day!!
it was something along the lines of “you can’t love that nerd!” “but i do! and if he feels the same i don’t want you ruining this for me!” “you’re too good for him! plus you’re too young to date anyways!” “katsuki, i’m not a baby anymore! look— if he ends up rejecting me then i’ll tell you. and you can do whatever you want, okay?” “okay. and if he accepts then, i’ll punch him too.” “katsuki no—”
izuku usually isn’t the type for petty revenge but— katsuki has hurt him for long enough. so this would be a great way to get back at him, right..?
now let’s dive into izuku’s little plan—
like i said before, he isn’t one to do this sort of thing. he really isn’t but— katsuki just… fuels a fire in him that he can’t put out.
izuku thought this little idea was crazy (it is), so he confided in someone about it— can you guess who?? wanna know who??? the one and only…
kaminari denki!!
that is correct, he confides in kaminari. see— izuku doesn’t tell kaminari that the person is katsuki’s little sibling.
izuku just tells him “i want to piss this guy off by dating their younger sibling but, i feel like that’s crazy…” and kaminari says “nah dude, if that person is a piece of shit then i say go for it. i mean— if they’re shitty then their sibling probably is too!”
which is very incorrect— you and katsuki aren’t alike.
well— you are?? but also aren’t??? if that makes sense
anyways… izuku was STUPID and took his advice.
so— izuku enacts his plan. he’ll fake confess to you, in front of katsuki. it has to be in front of him. he’ll date you for a bit to make katsuki mad, lead you on a little, then break up with you. easy peasy right?
first off, he did confess in front of katsuki but, katsuki punched him right in the face.
second, when you accepted his confession, katsuki punched him again. this time in the stomach.
but hey— anything for petty revenge… ig…?
anywhooo y’all get into a relationship!! and it’s a dream for you, truly. you’re with the person you’ve been in love with for basically your entire life!! and that person loves you back!!!
literally everyone is jealous because you’re the couple. the blueprint. the outcome. the relationship. (or so you and the others thought….)
the relationship is… healthy? i mean, it is healthy if you ignore the fact that izuku is doing this all to piss off katsuki!!
and oh my god— katsuki is fucking angry. he’s always ‘mean mugging’ izuku. he isn’t doing anything,,, physical because you chewed him out for it. like— you really laid into him when he punched izuku. and you had a very lengthy talk with him. so, he’s keeping his hands to himself— for now.
okay moving on from that??? kaminari doesn’t put two and two together when izuku starts dating you— as much as i love him, he isn’t the brightest bulb in the box! yes he’s smart but c’mon……..
which actually brings me to how you found out!!!
so……. one day you and izuku are just walking down the hall to go to his room, y’all planned a cute movie night!!! (which he was really looking forward to) when the lovely kaminari denki comes strolling up to him.
“hey dude! how’s that revenge thing going? it’s been what?? eight?? months— you piss off the guy yet? is he totally mad that you’re with his sibling?” kaminari had the widest grin— he’s so dumb, bless his heart.
“izuku, what does he mean?” “i— kaminari, i don’t—” “huh? he’s dating some guy’s sibling to piss him off cause the dude’s a total piece of shit and i thought maybe the dude’s sibling was shi—” “kaminari! stop it!” izuku slapped his hand over the blonde’s mouth. all you could say was ‘oh’ then you ran towards katsuki’s room, hoping he’d be in there.
“wait— was— was the guy katsuki and the sibling was them!?” kaminari shouted in surprised (jfc…). izuku sighed with a nod. “dude you fucked up. like really fucked up. they were a total hottie?? and super cool?? plus katsuki is gonna be really pissed.” “i know…”
izuku felt so guilty because he was genuinely beginning to fall for you— like seriously!! he’s in love with you and now everything is ruined. i mean, he knew he’d have to tell you at some point because, no relationship should be built on lies but still !!
when you told your brother— he felt beyond pissed, angry, furious, etc. his emotions were indescribable. katsuki genuinely wanted to kill izuku. yeah, he’s always said ‘i’ll kill you’ but it’s not like he ever actually meant it.
but this time—
he really did mean it. he felt like he could commit murder.
“outside.” katsuki grabbed izuku by the collar of his shirt and dragged him through the dorms.
“wait— kacchan just let me explain!” he panicked, he wanted to tell katsuki that he did love you. that his intentions weren’t good at first but his feelings became real very quickly!
“what dumb ass excuse could you possibly have that would make this fuckin’ situation better!?” katsuki’s left hand sparked as he tossed izuku outside the doors.
“i— i’m not trying to make the situation better! i j-just want to explain!” “you have one minute before i blow your head off.”
“i did it to make you mad at first but— but, i ended up really falling for them! seriously! i w-was going to tell them!” “why the fuck would you even think about doin’ that shit!? even i wouldn’t go that low!” katsuki’s hands grew hot. he was on the verge of becoming a murderer.
“i’m sorry! i really am! i just— i was so mad at you and it was petty revenge!” izuku’s hands were raised in defense. “that shit wasn’t revenge! that was fuckin’ with my blood!” katsuki raised his hand to izuku’s face, getting ready to blast him— but he was stopped. “bakugo, midoriya. nezu’s office, now.” a very tired sounding, aizawa demanded.
while that was going down— you were left in katsuki’s room, crying on his floor.
“uhm— hey, it’s just us…” mina, jirou, and kirishima walked in. you wiped your eyes and nose, you didn’t really like being seen in a vulnerable state. something you and katsuki had in common.
“so we uh… kinda heard about what happened from kaminari.” jirou whispered as her jacks poked together. “i’m sorry, he’s a loud mouth…” “and uhm… your brother isn’t exactly quiet either.” kirishima looked to the ground beside you.
“i kinda heard their conversation… midoriya said he loves you…” mina sat beside you. “so what are you gonna do? are you gonna hear midoriya out..?” you shrugged.
even if he really did begin to love you, how could you ever trust him again? and— what if he was lying to your brother just to get an easy out?
you felt sick— and you felt like a fool. you felt so stupid for thinking that your brother’s enemy could actually have feelings for you. you felt like an idiot.
“i think… i think that, maybe, i could hear his explanation but… i won’t forgive him or give him another chance. i can’t trust him again. plus, i’d look like a fool going back to him…” you mumbled into your arms, your knees were to your chest. the three just gave an understanding nod, then, huddled around you for an awkward but, warm, group hug.
“alright.” you heard your brother’s gruff voice from the doorway. “you three, out. now.” he pointed towards his friends and you watched them leave.
“so… what happened?” you asked, your brother plopped down beside you. sitting in his usual ‘delinquent’ position. “almost murdered him. got stopped by aizawa. got scolded by nezu. now ‘m suspended for 5 weeks. gotta do supplementary classes n’ shit.” “i’m sorry, kats.” he scoffed and gave you an ‘are you fucking serious’ look. “why the fuck are you apologizin’!?” you fiddled your fingers, “i got you in trouble…” he rolled his eyes and lightly smacked the back of your head. “idiot, you didn’t. was all me.”
there was a bit of silence, it was a comfortable one. you and katsuki always shared this sort of quiet.
“did they tell you what happened?” he asked in a hushed tone, referring to his friends. “yeah…” “and…?” “and i’m not gonna forgive him or anything. he lied to me. why would i wanna be with a liar? plus, what if he was lying about actually having feelings for me now? i can’t trust him again.”
katsuki gave you a small, smile. one that said ‘i understand. i’m sorry he did that. i’m here for you. and i love you.’
when it comes to him, words weren’t needed most of the time. looks could tell all. and that look told you everything you needed to hear.
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i’ll be so real— i was very a teensy bit drunk writing this… so like if it doesn’t make sense or anything i’m so sorry
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slaymbo · 7 months
more yan!class 1a with earthbender readerr :3
y'all know the sports festival where they had to fight eachother in the ring? yeah, if y/n got to the point where they have to fight todoroki its gonna be INSANE
because technically earthbenders can bend certain oils, riiight?
and it would be hilarious if y/n threw oil at him right after he finally lets himself use his fire
Todoroki steps into the ring, feeling electrified after his victory against Izuku. He knew you were strong, but as the festival went on he realized he was stronger. Or so he thought
"This is it, Y/N. It's impressive that you've made it this far, but I will be the one to end your winning streak once and for all." He says with a bit of melancholy in his voice, wanting to hurt his darling as little as possible.
You said nothing as the cameras focused on you opening a bottle of what seems to be water. Todoroki tilts his head in confusion "I thought you couldn't control water?"
You smile knowingly, shaking your head right before you force the viscous liquid out of the bottle and onto him.
As soon as it hits him, so does realization. This isnt water...it's oil. He runs towards you in an attempt to freeze your precious body in place, but he's too late. The earth around you both starts to rumble and get hot as parts of the ground begin to break apart. Shoto looks into one of the cracks...
Holy shit
That's lava
You strain your muscles as you bring up the hot magma slowly, obviously not wanting to hurt your classmate. Frozen in fear (or awe?), he doesn't even realize that it has already surrounded him. He's fucked.
"I-I...how...huh???" Shoto tries to form a coherent sentence, but all of his words have seemed to fall into the cracks of the earth and burn.
You smile as Midnight declares you as the victor of the match, pushing the lava back from were it came with your quirk and walking up to Shoto, giving him what was essentially a "good job" hug.
that day is when the whole class went crazy over you
yeah, shoto was a bit embarrassed that he was defeated so quickly, but he was more proud of you than anything
your classmates always want to train with you now, you becoming their first pick whenever they must partner up (the rest of them get jealous, but who cares)
izuku not only has ten pages dedicated to you and todoroki's fight (if you can even call it that), but he definitely has multiple videos of it.
bakugo ALWAYS wants to fight with you now, claiming because he 'needs to show you that he's better' (he just loves your attention fr)
denki and sero take any chance they get to flirt with you and put you off rhythm when you fight with them
unrelated rapid fire hcs GO!!!
the bakusquad helps you with vocal tolerance training (itll make sense if you read the other post), it started with far away whispers and now they can yell with you only being slightly overwhelmed!
jirou has totally eavesdropped on you singing in the shower b4, damn near dying because of your angelic voice (you could literally sing like you have nails in your throat, you still sound like an angel to her)
also i feel like she understands being overwhelmed by noises bc of her quirk, so you guys have both had cuddle sessions to calm yourselves down while listening to each others heartbeats
shoji's mask accidently came off one time, and he was ashamed bc he didnt want his darling to think he was ugly!!! but when you gasped and your eyes started twinkling, his heart damn near stopped. you thought he looked good!!! and ever since then he shows his face around u
momo, iida, and shoto all try to compete with each other to see who can get you the most elaborate gifts.
alr thats all i got rn. dont be afraid to send asks! :3
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dynamightmite · 4 months
What are your thoughts on Izuku lately. Is he alright? I have read other people being unsatisfied with how he has been in this last arc about his relationship with All Might and Katsuki.
I got this ask a few days ago and I wanted to spend a little time thinking about it, because, well, there's a lot of moving parts to my opinions regarding Izuku/Katsuki/All Might and I needed to try an sort them out. This will still probably be kinda long and rambly, though, sorry lol.
To start with, I understand why a lot of people were frustrated by the jump from chapter 423 to 424, and a lot of it has to do with this chapter confirming that Shigaraki's dead, which, understandably, pissed off a lotta readers. It's also pretty jarring to go from THE CLIMAX to... a week later in a hospital. And for people who are not super attached to the Katuski-Izuku dynamic, the emotional, wholesome childhood friend scene is just not what they wanted to see anyway.
On the other hand, from a purely utilitarian perspective as a writer, I totally get why Horikoshi felt he needed to show the audience, that, hey guys! The main character is still alive, here's the state of his quirk! Because based on the reactions of some people, if we don't immediately see a character after they get wounded, they are super dead. No other option, time to riot! Like no offense to the everyone who's been panicking about the League, but Dabi is not dead. That man is a fucking COCKROACH, he's literally fine. And Toga just got, like, a little exsanguinated. That's nothin' in shounen terms.
HOWEVER, I do agree with some of the complaints about the overall timing. I think there maybe needed to be more of a buffer between this chapter and the last, to help pad out Izuku's reactions to just, y'know, kinda killing a guy. Possibly also showing other parts of the cast/story, although I don't necessarily know that jumping to, for example, focus on the League immediately after would have been the right move either. And, like I said, it's not especially weird for a narrative to jump from the end fight to pay attention to the main character. That is... such an inoffensive choice to make with the plot to the point that it's almost expected. But yeah, with a little more time to emotionally process before showing it, I think people would not be upset about the contents of this chapter nearly as much.
Because the scene with Katsuki and Izuku was like... super predictable. None of the things they said to each other were surprising or out of character, and this moment has been built up to for-fucking-ever. Katsuki, needy bastard that he is, running to yell and cry at Izuku about being rivals forever? Izuku wailing KACCHAN while also crying and insisting that he's fine etc, etc? I have no complaints about any of that in terms of content.
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I have seen a few complaints about the Izuku-Katsuki dynamic stifling Katsuki's personal arc, which. I mean, I can't tell anybody how to feel, but I don't really feel like the criticisms I've personally seen were something to take seriously. Because Katsuki, singularly, was an inspiration. To his class (who lead the search for Izuku and brought the class together?), to the previous generation of heroes (All Might, Best Jeanist, FUCKING EDGESHOT???? WHO GAVE YEARS OFF HIS LIFE BECAUSE HE BELIEVED IN KATSUKI'S HEROISM AND SACRIFICE AND WAS INSPIRED BY HIM????), and to the general public (Horikoshi did put in those shots of all the random bg characters and characters we met from other arcs for a reason). He protected Izuku, he fought with him side-by-side, he acknowledged the help other characters gave him (Shoto and his ice ramp sob). His arc has followed the path that Horikoshi has been laying out for years and years. And it's fine if you don't like the arc that Horikoshi chose for him! But it is internally consistent. Even I have some superficial complaints about some of the specifics, but broad strokes? I'm quite happy.
In regards to Izuku and his personal arc... some of it's hard to comment on because the story's still not over. Like. IF my assumptions about the overall intentions behind Shigaraki's death are correct, the narrative will clarify as such through Izuku's actions and emotional state.
And, based on chapter 424, there's already some seeds of Shigaraki's death really affecting Izuku long-term.
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Idk man, does this really look like Izuku isn't struggling with what's happened? That he is totally cool with Shigaraki dying? Do you really think he isn't conflicted at all?
Frankly, Izuku being conflicted is quite possibly the most normal, reasonable response for him to have. I've always loved the idea of future Izuku and Shigaraki reaching out and bonding after the war, so some of this is directed at myself, but... there's no real basis for the idea that Izuku has any extremely personal, loving connection to Shigaraki. It isn't like with Touya and Shoto, who have a wildly personal, intimate connection. The only times Izuku and Shigaraki interacted, Shigaraki was either actively attacking Izuku or threatening to kill him T_T it isn't weird that Izuku isn't especially fond of Shigaraki as a person. He kidnapped Kacchan! He tried to kill Izuku! He tried to kill basically everyone Izuku knows and loves! HE BLEW UP HALF OF JAPAN?! It is absolutely normal for Izuku to not, y'know, be especially fond of the guy as an individual.
But also... he did kill Shigaraki. The person he was so dedicated to saving, he was willing to give up his hands, his life. And yet, those were his hands that ultimately (with Shigaraki's spirit help) killed Shigaraki's body, even if it was being possessed by AFO at the time. And I don't think he wanted to kill Shigaraki. I don't think he wanted to kill anybody! And if I'm right, the epilogue arc is going to uphold that pain, and use it to fuel Izuku and his desire to change the future of society.
IF Horikoshi is going for Shigaraki as a martyr who died and it was a tragedy that we, the audience, are supposed to be heartbroken about, then I expect him to continue the story with the idea that, just like it's a tragedy that Shigaraki died, it is a goddamn tragedy that Izuku was put in a position where he had to choose between saving the life of someone he wanted to save and stopping AFO from killing everyone. He is sixteen years old! He shouldn't be making a choice like that, and it is a travesty that he was forced to! That he was the only person capable of making that choice. He is a kind, caring, scared kid who just killed somebody. I want him to feel betrayed, even if he doesn't quite know how to express it. I want him to grieve. I want him to actively work towards a tomorrow where nobody gets put in Shigaraki's position OR HIS ever again. Because it isn't fair! It isn't fair to him, to Shigaraki, or the readers that love them both! And I want Izuku to be hurt about it and I want the other characters to care.
Which leads me to All Might.
I have a lot of complicated feelings about All Might. Because I simultaneously DO think that the narrative has actually spent a lot of time seriously criticizing him directly, and also feel like it's hard to balance the fact that he is a good person/hero who tried his best but ultimately failed (and was deeply, personally influential for basically all of the major characters) with the fact that he is super wrong about a lot of things and probably didn't need the amount/type of screen time he got. Like, I got the vision behind the Iron Might suit thing and Izuku inspiring him to be a quirkless hero, but also I think it took away from other characters who needed acknowledgement more. The torch should have been passed, and All Might could have been brought in a different way.
If you're asking about just this chapter? Honestly, I find it hard to criticize All Might for being proud of and kind to his proteges for doing the thing he couldn't: defeating AFO and stopping the destruction of Japan. They're wounded to the point of potentially life-long disability and emotionally wrecked. There was exactly zero chance that Izuku was going to wake up in his hospital bed to All Might saying "wow, it took you that long to stop AFO and both him and Shigaraki are dead now? You really do suck, kid. I never should have given you my quirk".
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In terms of framing, I do see some people's concern over the fact that All Might's words (and the surrounding imagery) seem to be positive and hopeful and could be read as him (and therefore the narrative) brushing off the horror of Shigaraki having to die for the rest of the world to know peace. All Might has always symbolized the Old Guard, and the outdated heroic ideals that caused the current tumult and state of society. So to have him say "good job, you did it!" does sound worryingly like the story saying that everything is good and right with the world now. Which... if we want to be thematically consistent, it isn't "all good".
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But ultimately, a lot of this is in wait-and-see territory. Until the manga is over, I'm not ready to be married to any particular opinion about the end, because we just don't know for sure where Hori's gonna take this. And while I do genuinely think that we have enough to be excited/optimistic over, I'm also not blind to the potential disaster that the ending could make the story. So. We'll find out in the next few weeks/months!
Sorry for talking so much, lmao. Thanks for asking!
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savindeku · 2 months
as a long time bnha fan, had to drop some thoughts i’ve been having about the manga ending! i’ve held this series near and dear to my heart, through the moments when i felt it was great story telling and when i felt so much was missing, or didn’t quite hit the mark. so i definitely don’t think bnha (or hori) is above critique, i love to yap about this series ((:
to me, there’s three main parts to the ending that i felt make sense:
izuku giving up OFA
izuku becoming a teacher
izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero
going into depth on each of these, while i love the inclusion of these three pieces, i can understand why the actual execution didn’t land with folks. even i have my qualms! okay let’s get into it! ps. this is really me just yapping away from the heart so bare with it 🫰🏽
1) izuku giving up OFA:
I think this one should not come as too much of a surprise, given that the reveal of OFA essentially being the cause of the early demises of the previous holders sort of insinuated an uncontrollable aspect to the power. even though izuku has an advantage as someone who was quirkless, it still creates a sense of foreshadowing that this is a gift that might have an expiration date. of course, a part of me would have loved for him not to have given it up but there’s enough build up there that it doesn’t feel out of left field. in addition to the running theme in the series being that anyone can be a hero/a quirk doesn’t make a hero, there’s certainly some symbolism in izuku now affectively being without, making him a quirkless hero - what he had dreamed of since the first chapter.
2) izuku becoming a teacher:
personally, i really love this for him! as a consumer of many a fanfic, i have grown obsessed with this job alternative for him, since it allows him to continue to work in the hero field, he can inspire the next generation to save to win (that as long as you willing to extend that helping hand, that’s what being a real hero is), his analytic mind is doing important work, and can use his own experience to help others learn! “deku sensei” makes my heart so happy and if anything, i would’ve loved an extra chapter just to see him as a teacher. one thing ill add here is, i can understand some disappointment with this or frustration at hori because to some, it may seem izuku ended up becoming complacent and didn’t at least try to continue to pursue his dream of being a hero after the war. not sure where i fall on this, but food for thought.
3) izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero (sorry this is gonna be long lol):
now to really get into the big reveal for this final chapter - a tech suit designed just for izuku (at the main request of a one katsuki bakugou, which yeah i Will Be Totally Normal About) so he can still be on the field as a pro-hero!! okay i also loved this, i won’t deny it as much as im on the deku sensei train! bnha is a series that is never going to please everyone and its ripe with many issues throughout but i do think this was a beautiful way to wrap it up. once again, from chapter 1, we are met with izuku who wants nothing more to be a hero despite being quirkless. i never really liked the argument of “well why didn’t he try harder or train up” when the series explains to us over and over again that this is a society that values quirks above all else. its a literal systemic issue (hitting close to home but i digress), where izuku would NEVER have been accepted as a quirkless hero no matter how hard he worked because it simply isn’t designed to allow that (also where the fuck would he have gotten the resources for that is beyond me lmao).
to me, this part was actually very important for bringing the story to a full circle in which we actually (somewhat, but arguable not completely) address the core issue and theme “people are not born equal”. instead of perpetuating a “pull yourself up by your boot straps” mindset, hori tells a story where we acknowledge the system and how it is working as intended - and that’s the very reason it needed dismantling. of course, i think along the way, we maybe lost the plot at times (thinking about how we didn’t fully address izuku’s martyrdom mindset, children get sent off to war multiple times, most of the villains being k*lled off rather than being saved as izuku wanted) but there’s much evidence of this. knowing that there was still the spirit of a hero in izuku - which is MADE SO CLEAR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING A QUIRK - and he now has the chance to continue onward, quirkless. i mean c’mon, it’s really something (to me at least).
bonus note time
here’s a sprinkle of random lingering thoughts. one critique i saw was that it felt strange for izuku to accept he couldn’t be a pro-hero until his friends (ehm mainly Katsuki teehee) gifted him the suit. as if he really just gave up and this sort of hurts any character development for izuku. while i see the thought process here and would’ve also welcomed izuku getting the suit designed himself, it doesn’t upset me quite as much that this is how it actually played out. it’s definitely conflicting feelings for me because ultimately i would’ve loved for izuku to have had an arc where it was more explicitly stated that he overcame his overly sacrificial tendencies - or that the story spent time sitting with the trauma inflicted on the children fighting a war. but here is where bnha slacks off (imo) - we don’t get that breath to explore or analyze or genuinely know izuku’s thoughts or feelings on the matter (beyond that he’s sad that shigaraki died, enjoys being a teacher, and can admit that he misses his quirk). so in this way, it makes sense why hori chose this path. it’s more about his friends extending their hand to him, an offering of never leaving anyone behind who is a hero, quirk or not. i think of it as something more symbolic than it having to say anything about izuku’s character. i think for that to be addressed, there’s so many things further back we would need to unravel too lol
lastly - bnha is also a story about disabilities!! there’s been a decent amount of analysis on this so i won’t say much but i think this is also good to keep in mind. it helps for understanding the metaphor in place - quirks can be disabling and rather than creating a world that is accessible to all, the world requires that you figure it out instead. “people are not born equal” what if we dared to dream of a world that understood “we each take shape differently…” so that we might want to care for one another. so we can build something that makes the space for all of us to be able to live and thrive.
okay so that’s what i’m feeling now! like i said, i really love bnha and i simply can’t bring myself to say i hated the ending or anything. it’s a series that will always have a special place in my heart! there’s are just thoughts rattling in my brain and how ive interpreted things as someone whose read the manga the last 5 years! it’s crazy to look back and remember key moments that shook the fandom to its core. anyway, if you read all of this, thanks!! :D
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justatalkingface · 1 year
I saw you responded to my Black Whip fiasco post and I just need a like-minded person to rant to about it, because my friend and I got into a little debate about it.
Izuku was clearly not in control of Black Whip and was panicking because it was destorying the area and putting himself and everyone else in danger. All Might - who at this point was in no position to physically help out and ALSO had little to no idea what was going on - can clearly see something's very wrong and tells Aizawa to stop the match.
NONE of the teachers do anything, even though Midnight and Aizawa have the Quirks necessary to do so (Mightnight could knock Izuku out, and Aizawa could erase Black Whip).
Instead, Ochako puts herself at risk to snap Izuku out of it... and is fucking PRAISED by Midnight and Aizawa for it, meaning they're basically proud that they sat back and could have let their students get seriously injured due to their own idiocy/negligence.
Like I know this is a hero school and all, but what tf are the teachers even at the trainings for if they won't step in when situations escalate like this? In the Battle Trials, All Might at least WARNED Bakugou that he'd interviene if he kept going for the kill (but he, of course, didn't 🙃) and the other students were begging him to stop the match. Even in Naruto where the kids are expressly being trained to be child soldiers, the squad instructors fucking interviened in the Chunin Exams when students were disobeying the rules and going for the kill.
Oh, Black Whip showing up is a clusterfuck for everyone involved (looking at you, Remnants!) and it's one of many points that make Aizawa look like a shit teacher... but wait! It's worse than you think!
Here's the thing: we know what that was. We had all the hints to expect that, yeah, at some point Izuku would get a new power, followed promptly by a monologue about what it was (and also, how Izuku was so bad for failing at standards he didn't have until just now, thanks Remnants!) but look at it from an outside perspective:
There's the exercise, things as normal, then combat tentacles explode from Izuku like he's hosting a new and exciting type of xenomorph. He grunts and groans, clearly trying to fight it. He yells, 'Run away!'
This looks nothing like his Quirk.
MHA is a one-Quirk setting, outside of high tier Mad Science, or a setting breaking Quirk. Shoto calls his Quirk two, but it's explicitly one, that's just him artificially separating it in his mind because of his trauma/how his dad seemed to have trained him with fire. So... why would anyone assume that was Izuku's Quirk, when edgy black tentacles have nothing to do with super strength? Why did everyone look at that and go, 'Yeah, that's totally Izuku'.
Why didn't anyone think it was something else?
And as for what else it could be? Well, you remember the first chapter? The slime guy, trying to parasite Bakugou? Sounds pretty similar to me! An energy version, sure, but still. With any normal amount of context these characters should have had, they shouldn't have treated this as, 'Izuku's having an accident with his powers'.
They should have been treating this as him being attacked.
I mean, fuck. In that next chapter (where they make it seem like Aizawa has been 'responsibly' keeping any eye on this the whole time), he even says 'if' this thing is a Quirk. He doesn't know what it is. The fact he's so laid back about letting an unknown element just... be there is mind-boggling. What if it isn't a Quirk? What if it was like the slime-guy, some Quirk that couldn't be canceled with a glance from, like, half a mile away? What the fuck is he going to do if breaks the neck of some kid a foot away from Izuku while Aizawa, who is way the fuck over there, is too far away to intervene?
It's so irresponsible it's insane.
And yeah, 'They still want to win'. Big whoop, they all do! I mean, hell, the losers are still going to want to win even after they lose; are you going to let them just have another shot because they want to win? He's clearly fine with letting them risk their lives to what the fuck ever that was, so breaking the rules and invalidating the win should be nothing in comparison, right?
This is the logic of an actual child. Consequences exist. Things happen beyond your control; hell, make it part of the lesson.
'You all lose, yes, just like when you're trying to catch a bank robber and them some gigantified asshole knocks over a building and suddenly you need to do something else. Get over it.'
But you know what? Even if they all did know, it shouldn't have mattered, because there's a point where things have crossed the line and when someone yells, 'Run away, my power is going to murder you!', the situation has clearly reached that point. They should have stopped it, instantly, and then at worst maybe have marked Izuku's team as an automatic loss if he was faking or something, but... it was smashing buildings. It clearly could have killed someone. I mean, at least Vlad King was concerned, but Aizawa? Nah.
I guess nobody died yet, so it wasn't worth stopping.
Is Izuku OK after all that? Eh, the boy who fought past breaking his arms, doing himself permanent damage, wants to keep going; clearly he's fine and we can trust his decision making process. What if it happens again? Well, I handled it so well before (by doing nothing), that clearly I can handle it if that thing tries to murder my pride and joy, even if I'm blinking when it happens, or maybe Shinsou is blocking my view of Izuku so I can't use my Quirk on him, or any other factor that might prevent me from intervening when I am nowhere nearby.
God, the fact that nobody has died in the process of being trained by this man is genuinely awe-inspiring. I guess Shinsou's greatest proof of how great a hero he'll be isn't his Quirk, or how fast he picked up scarf-jutsu, but the fact he got one-on-one training with Aizawa and lived!
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mossibottomfarm · 1 month
Bkdk, size difference, nsfw, soft dom katsuki, belly bulge, vaginal sex, oral sex, fingering, getting together. No underage, both 18
They were midway through third year when Izuku first noticed it. He was standing next to Ochaco at the time, and when he turned to look at her he was hit with the sudden realisation he wasn't looking down like he used to. They were the same height.
“Deku? You alright?”
“Y-yeah, i’m fine. When did you get so tall?”
He started to pay closer attention to his classmates heights after that. The sudden realisation that he had not grown an inch, while everyone else had grown, almost gave him whiplash. Maybe he was just a late bloomer? Surely he wouldn’t have stopped growing at 14.
But apparently he had. Because a few months into third year, he was officially the shortest of his class.
And it wasn’t just his once shorter classmates that were growing, it was all of them. Namely- Katsuki. He nearly got a crook in his neck every time he talked to the boy, it felt like everytime he saw him he was a bit taller.
It wasn’t fair. Izuku wasn’t sure if he was more annoyed about his lack of growth, or how attractive he now found Katsuki. He had always had a crush on him, but it was so much worse now. Everytime katsuki got too close he was reduced to a stuttering, blushing mess.
Like right now, as Katsuki leaned over the back of the couch he was on.
He was surrounded by friends, but was struggling to keep up with conversation with the way Katsukis hand was dangling just in his peripheral.
Katsuki could probably wrap his hands around his waist and have his fingers meet. Could press bruises into his skin like a belt without trying.
“Deku!”, Katsuki growled, smacking him lightly in the side of the head. “Back down to earth, dumbass.”
He could hear him rolling his eyes “A-ah! Sorry guys, I was..”, he paused, eyes flickering back over to the hand still hanging just out of reach, “…distracted.”
“It’s no problem, midoriya!”, Kirishima piped up from across from him, “We just wanted to know if you wanted to join us for dinner later. We’re thinking of trying that new ramen place.”
“Yeah for sure!! Who’s coming?”
In hindsight, maybe he should have declined the offer. But how could he have predicted that he would be sat next to the man who was causing him to be akward? Not only was he the same height he was at 14, now he was acting the same way too.
But how could he not be flustered when Katsuki rested his arm over the back of his chair? When he could feel his warmth seep through his jacket?
It would be an impossible task for anyone. Especially because he was just now realising Katsukis bicep was the size of his head.
“Oi, nerd. Stop playing with your food and eat. What’s with you today?”, Katsuki nudged him, snapping him out of his stupor once again.
“I just have a lot on my mind i guess! Nothing important, it’s fine.” He tried to sound reassuring, but Katsuki didn’t look convinced. And, shit, even sitting he felt dwarfed by him.
“Y-yeah, nothing at all. I’m totally fine, is it warm in here to you? I’m warm. I’m going to go outside for some air!” Izuku basically spat his words out as he stood, almost knocking his chair to the floor had Katsukis arm not been ready to catch it.
He rushed outside, smacking into the door with his shoulder to push through. Gulping cold night air like he had never breathed before and panting like he had run a marathon.
“God, why am i so stupid?”, he whispered to himself. “Get a grip Izuku! He’s your friend. He doesn’t think of you like that!”
Sliding down the nearest wall, his hands found their way to his hair, tangling fingers in and pulling. This was getting ridiculous. Every minute he spent near Katsuki just made it worse.
He heard the door of the restaurant chime, and kept his eyes down, hoping it would be someone he didn’t know leaving the restaurant. But luck was never on his side because a few seconds later he received a swift kick to the shin.
“Ow! That hurt.” He grumbled, keeping his face buried in his knees. There was no need to look up, he knew who had followed him. “What do you want, Kacchan?”
“I want to know why your dumbass has been acting off the past few weeks.” Katsuki asked, and Izuku could hear concern in his voice. Because of course he had matured emotionally as well as physically. And that made it all so much worse.
Why did he find it so hot? Because his friend was concerned about him acting weird? Like any regular friendship?
“It’s nothing, really,” Izuku started, but he had to give Katsuki something or he would keep pushing. “I don’t.. my anxiety has just been playing up recently. I’ll work through it.”
He heard as Katsuki moved next to him and slid down to sit, and turned his head to look at him. Katsuki was looking at him, brow furrowed. Izuku hadn’t meant to worry him. He was hoping that he would be able to placate Katsuki, but clearly he had taken the wrong route.
“Has something happened to make it play up? I know we’ve had our issues, but you know i’m here if you need something, right?” Katsuki spoke lowly, slow. Spoke to Izuku in a way that would make sure his words got through, made him feel cared for.
“Nothings happened. You don’t need to worry about me, Kacchan, i’ll be okay.” Izuku spoke quietly, shifitimg his eyes back down to look at the floor. He was practically holding back tears at the way Katsuki has spoken to him.
“I’ll stop worrying when you stop being a chaos magnet.” Katsuki stood as he spoke, “Com’on, let’s get you back inside so you can eat something.”
A hand that very much dwarfed Izukus hand when he reached up to grab it. When he looked at his hands normally, he saw think fingers, wonky and knarled with scar tissue. But in Katsukis he thought it looked almost dainty.
Katsuki pulled him right into his chest, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and one at his waist, locking him in like a seatbelt. And yeah, he was right. The feeling of Katsukis hand at his hip confirmed that Katsuki could wrap his hands all the way around his waist.
Squeezing gently, Katsuki stepped back, but kept an arm around his shoulders to lead him inside.
Izukus last thought before entering the restaurant was that this was going to be a long night.
Izuku could not shake the feeling of Katsukis hand on his hip since that night. And knowing what that felt like made him hyper aware of everything Katsuki did when they were in the same room. Made every touch of shoulders feel like an electric shock. He was starting to doubt how long he could survive this, but he didn’t know how to get rid of his feelings either. He didn’t think he could.
Katsuki was starting to get suspicious. It wasn’t really shocking, considering how jumpy he had been around him. And because he was worried, he started to spend more time around Izuku. Which made it worse. Which made Katsuki hover more. Which made it- you get the idea.
And try as he might to keep some space between them (because Katsuki didn’t look so big when he was across the room), Katsuki seemed to take every opportunity to stand right next to him. Making dinner? Katsuki happened to need a glass of water. Brushing his teeth? Well, Katsuki had to do that too, what a coincidence.
Everytime he turned his head he was met with the reminder that he barely reached Katsukis chest. The top of his head was barely at his nipples! It wasn’t fair.
With all this extra time together, it seemed Katsuki had also realised just how significant their height difference was. He was not letting izuku live it down.
Being short didn’t make him incapable, especially since he had float. But Aizawa has banned him from using ANY quirks in the dorms after one too many accidents. So now he was stuck with no option but to climb the kitchen cupboards if he wanted to get his mug. How his mug had ended up out of his reach was beyond him, but here he was.
“Having issues there, short stack?” Katsuki drawled from next to him, Izuku jumped at the sudden appearance. “Need a hand?”
“I can get it,” Izuku huffed, turning away petulantly. “i’m not that short!”
“You’re what, five foot two?” Katsuki laughed, “Ya tiny, Deku.”
And well, Izuku didn’t really have a defence for that.
“I’m not tiny, have you considered that maybe you’re just stupidly big?” Izuku huffed, faking annoyance. If he pretended to be annoyed, maybe Katsuki wouldn’t notice him being a little too into this.
“Yeah, right.” Katsuki rolled his eyes at him, smug. “Maybe I am “stupidly big’, but you’re still the shortest in the class, Deku. You’re tiny to everyone.” As he spoke, Katsuki shifted to stand behind Izuku, caging him in with a hand on the counter.
Izuku couldn’t breathe. He stood, frozen, as he watched Katsukis other hand reach up and over his head, grabbing his mug. Was silent as Katsuki picked up his hand, cupping the back of it, and pressed the mug into his grip.
“See? Not so hard to let someone help you, is it?” Katsuki practically purred into his ear, ghosting his hands up Izukus arms.
This had to be on purpose. There was no way Katsuki would be doing this if he didn’t know what he had been doing to Izuku. Why else would he tease him, if not to poke fun at him? It’s not like Katsuki would ever feel the same way.
“Yeah, I guess so.” Izukus voice was subdued, disheartened. “Thank you, Kacchan.”
“Hey,” Katsuki shifted, turning Izuku to face him with a gentle hand on his elbow. “Does it bother you when people mention your height?” His brow was furrowed, worried.
Izuku hated that he made him worry so often. He needed to get a grip.
“No! No, it’s fine. I just have a lot on my mind, I guess.” He was fucking this all up. He had to talk to someone about this.
“Okay, but you need to let me know if i say something that bothers you. I can’t read your mind, Deku.” Katsuki stepped back, releasing his elbow.
“I will Kacchan, promise.”
After that disaster, Izuku started avoiding Katsuki. Holed himself up in his room whenever he wasn’t training or in class. Tucked himself between other friends at meal times so that Katsuki couldn’t sit next to him. It was only so long before Katsuki cornered him about the avoidance, but Izuku just hoped he could get a hold of his feelings before that happened.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a balled up piece of paper hitting his head.
“Okay Deku, spill. You’ve been acting weird and you’re more distracted then normal.” Ochaco spoke from beside him, pushing her homework aside.
Well he did say he needed to talk to someone.
“It’s- well. I’m shorter then everyone.” Izuku started, trying to ease himself into the conversation. It was hard to admit to what Katsuki did to him out loud.
“You are, that’s fine; it’s not a bad thing and you can’t control it.” O chaco started speaking when it didn’t seem he would continue. “Has someone said something to you? You’ve been shorter then the rest of the class for a while, why is it an issue now?”
“I should have worded that differently, it’s- i guess the problem isn’t that i’m shorter then everyone.” He paused, taking a breath. “The problem is that Kacchan is so big! And he’s always hanging around, i can’t escape it. Have you seen his hands? Or- did you know his bicep is the size of my head? How am i meant to be normal about that?”
He stopped, was quiet for a moment. Trying to gather him thoughts.
“And i think about him in ways i shouldn’t wherever he’s near me. I feel gross, he’s my friend! I shouldn’t be thinking about him the way i do.” Izuku was quieter now, blinking hard against the tears he could feel welling in his eyes.
“Izuku…,” Ochaco reached out, placing a hand on his arm, “have you considered, i don’t know, talking to him about it? You can’t know how he feels unless you ask.”
“I was more going the “ignore it and hope it goes away’ route.” Izukus signs, pulling his lip between his teeth. “I’ll think about it, I guess. But I really don’t think Kacchan would ever see me like that..”
Staring at the wall, he missed the dumbfounded look Ochaco gave him.
It took less then a week for Katsuki to decide he’d had enough and corner, which, honestly, he thought it would be at least a week. Another reminder that he is the most unlucky person in Japan.
Izuku was returning to his room from his post-workout shower, only to find Katsuki leaning against his door. He spun on his heel, heading back towards the elevator, but was stopped in his tracks when Katsuki called to him. He couldn’t avoid having some kind of interaction with him forever.
“Nerd! I saw you, dumbass, you can’t just turn around and run away! Get your ass over here.” Katsuki was stern, pinning Izuku with a glare as he crossed his arms over his chest. What Izuku would do to have Hagakures quirk in this moment. But he doesn’t, so he squares his shoulders and make his way towards his door.
“H-hi Kacchan…”, Izukus basically mumbling, he’s honestly not sure if Katsuki even heard him at first, until he rolls his eyes.
“Open the door. We’re going to talk, and you’re going to tell me exactly why you’ve been avoiding me. Don’t look at me like that, did you really think I wouldn’t notice?” Katsuki spoke as he unlocked his door. And well, he knew he would notice. That didn’t mean he hadn’t naively hoped he wouldn’t.
Izuku pushed his door open and walked inside, making a beeline to his bed and falling face first into it. What was he going to say? What would he tell Kacchan? He was always able to tell when Izuku lied, and it didn’t seem like he would be willing to let it slide today. Shit.
The bed dipped as Katsuki sat, not saying anything. Like he could sense Izuku needed a minute (or 20) to gather himself. Waited for Izuku to start, not pressing him as he would have years ago. Izuku was terrified to lose the relationship they had now by admitting how he felt.
Accepting his fate, Izuku rolled to his back, staring at the celing. There was no way he would be able to say what he needed to if he had to actually look at Katsuki while he said it.
“It’s- well. You have to promise not to hate me. And I know it’s gross because we’re just friends and you would never see me that way and yet I still keep having these throughts, even though I know it’s wrong.” He pauses, gathering courage. His voice is quiet when he starts again. “I think I like you, Kacchan. I keep thinking about things I shouldn’t, about you in a way I shouldn’t. But it keeps getting worse! And you’re so much bigger then me now and that’s so hot and-and you’ve matured so much. You’re too nice to me and I don’t deserve it! Not when i’m like this. You deserve better friends and i understand if you don’t want to be around me anymore, and i’ll miss you and our friendship now but I get it and-“
“Izuku, jesus, stop. Breathe.” Katsuki cuts him off, and when his eyes snap open Katsuki is now leant over him. “You’re not gross, I could never hate you. It’s okay. Com’on, sit up, there you go.” Katsuki slides a hand to his back as he speaks, guiding.
“Are you sure it’s okay? I promise i’m trying to stop. I’m sorry i’ve been avoiding you I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and, and it was getting harder to hide! I understand if- mmph!”
Izuku was cut off as Katsuki pressed their lips together, sliding a hand up to cradle the side of his neck and jaw. He sat still, stunned, for a moment, causing Katsuki to start pulling back, before Izuku surged forward into him. Izuku reaches up, arms looping around the back of Katsukis neck, as a warm hand shifts to grip firmly at his hip.
It feels like they’re kissing for hours, though Izukus sure it’s really only seconds. And seconds is all it takes for them to press close, to lose track of where one begins and the other starts. He’s not sure when he opened his mouth to let Katsuki in but he did and it’s perfect. He’s making soft little noises between breaths but he just can’t help it.
The hand cradling his face leaves, and he whimpers at the loss of warmth until it’s at his hip, tugging. Katsuki pulls him into his lap, muttering a soft “cm’ere’ into his mouth. Izuku is suddenly torn between sitting up on his knees to lean into the kiss, or sitting properly in Katsukis lap to press them together. Katsuki is so damn big.
Katsuki makes the decision for him, the strong grip on his hips pulling him down into Katsuki. Guiding him into a slow grind as their lips seperate with a wet smack, a string of saliva connecting them.
“Fuck, Deku. Sound so good, baby.” Katsukis voice is breathy, pulling air into starved lungs. “Need you to tell me what you want, how much you want.”
“You, Kacchan. What… whatever Kacchan wants.” Izuku knows he sounds desperate, but he doesn’t have it in him to care. He’s not even fully sure this isn’t a dream.
“Whatever I want, huh baby? Wanna taste you, then fuck into you until you’re crying, make a space inside just for me. You gonna let me do that?” All Izuku can do is nod, already reduced to nothing but wines and gaspy breaths as Katsuki forces his hips to shift against him. He can feel himself soaking, knows his pants are probably ruined.
“Aww sweetheart, struggling to speak already? That’s okay, you don’t need to.” Katsukis voice is low, speaking just for Izuku to hear. “Gonna have to open you up with my fingers real good, you’re so tiny, Deku. Don’t wanna hurt you.” Izuku moans at that, a fact that does not go unnoticed by Katsuki.
“You like that? You like that i’m so much bigger then you?”
“mmm.. yeah.. kacchans so b-big.” His voice is wobbly, broken. “love it.. can’t stop thinking about it…”
“God you’re cute. Can’t believe you didn’t think i would feel the same way.” He’s been lifted off Katsukis lap, shifted to lay down in his bed, legs streched wide to fit Katsuki between them. “Just relax, Deku baby. Don’t need to lift a finger.”
He does, however, lift his hips when Katsuki starts sliding down his pants, taking his boxers with them. Hit with a sudden wave of shyness, he reaches down to pull his shirt over himself. Katsuki chuckles.
“You not gonna let me see you? Don’t want me to see your pretty little cunt?” Katsuki purrs as he wraps one hand around both of Izukus wrists, pulling his hands away. “Lemme see baby, can’t touch you if I can’t see. You want me to touch you, right?”
Izuku humms out a soft “mmhm’, letting Katsuki drag his hands up, gripping the pillow above his head when he lets go. Watches as Katsuki settles between his legs, let’s him pull his legs to rest over his shoulders.
“So pretty. You’re so wet honey, is that all for me?” Izuku doesn’t get a chance to answer before fingers are tracing him, featherlight touches along his lips. Dragging down into where he’s wettest and spreading it all over. Ghosting right next to the spongy head of his clit, but not touching. He tries to shift his hips to get Katsuki to stroke him, but is easily overwhelmed and pinned. Helpless to do anything but accept what he’s given, to do anything but make begging noises and half formed words.
Humming, Katsuki leans down, spreading him apart with two fingers and dragging his tounge between the folds. He’s barely started and it already sounds obscene, if anyone heard they would know exactly what was going on. A tongue laps at his entrance, encouraging his cunt to leak more, before pressing inside. At the same time, Katsuki finally touches his neglected bud, circling just the tip with his thumb.
The tongue inside him swirls around, exploring as Katsukis other hand drags up his stomach, pushing his shirt up to expose his chest. Their eyes are locked, and Izuku doesn’t want to stop looking, fears he may wake up if he closes his eyes, but he struggles to keep them open. But they finally slide shut as a thumb drags over his nipple, nail catching along the tip.
Izukus first orgasm hits him like a train, knocks the breath out of him as he goes taunt. And the tongue and fingers don’t stop moving, riding him all the way through it.
Katsuki moves once Izuku stills, rolling his clit between two fingers as he pulls his mouth away from Izuku, quickly replacing his tongue with a finger.
Katsuki shifts, moving up to hover above Izuku and press their mouths together. It’s barely a kiss; Izuku struggling to focus while he’s being stretched open. Hiccuping and gasping into Katsukis mouth.
“How are you gonna take my cock if you’re already such a mess over a few fingers, huh?” Katsukis voice is low, speaking straight into izukus ear as he hooks his fingers.
“I can! I.. kacchan.” His voice is warbled, watery with the tears threatening to fall. Izukus mouth drops open on a whine as the fingers inside him retreat.
He goes quiet as he feels Katsukis cock slide between his folds, the head kissing his clit. They’ve moved so that Izukus ass is resting against Katsukis thighs so the larger man can sit half up, trying to accomodate the vast difference in size.
“You sure baby? You ready for me?” A thumb strokes along Izukus cheek as Katsukis hand forces him to maintain eye contact.
“mmhm kacchan… I can- I can do it.” Izuku whimpers, hips shifting and pushing into Katsuki unconsciously.
With that, Katsuki lines himself up and slowly pushes in, giving Izuku time to adjust. He’s cooing and whispering sweet words as he opens Izuku up. Cradling his face with one hand, while the other grips Izukus hip for leverage.
“Aww honey, you’re crying already? You’ve only taken half.” Katsukis tone is somewhat condescending, poking fun at how easy Izuku is to wind up.
“h-half?” His eyes are wide, looking up at Katsuki. “m’ so full already, Kacchan.”
Humming, Katsuki shifts the hand on his face to stroke at his clit, circling the head, alternating pressure until he finds what makes Izuku loudest. Helping ease him into taking all of Katsuki.
“Knew you could do it. Look, Deku, it’s all in.” Katsukis practically purring, watching izuku raptly as he listens and diverts his gaze to where they’re joined.
With a little gasp he reaches his hand down, touching his stomach where it bulges. He can see where Katsuki is through his stomach. He presses his palm to it, eyes flicking up when it causes Katsuki to let out a bit off moan as he glances down to where Izukus touching.
“Fuck- you got a bump? Shiiittt Deku.” Hes grinning, wide smirk splitting across his face. Pride. “You’re perfect. Gonna fuck you now.”
He reached down, wrapping his hands around Izukus waist, swearing under his breath when his fingers touch. Can feel it here when he shifts inside Izuku. Using the grasp as leverage, Katsuki begins rolling his hips, starts of slow. Builds momentum over minutes. Drinking in every little whimper and moan, every sob Izuku makes.
He’s so pent up, having thought about this for so long, he realised he won’t last. Arches his back and curls into Izuku, grip around his lithe waist becoming tight. His control is gone, slamming harshly into the boy beneath him, balls slapping against him with every thrust. Izukus making what sounds like little begging noises, attempting at words but sounding like his mouth is full of cotton.
When Katsuki is getting close he moves, taking Izukus ankles and bringing them up. They land on his shoulders as he leans down, pressing until Izukus knees are at his chest.
“Fucking- gonna, gonna cum, Deku, baby. Gonna fill you up.” He’s not sure Izuku is even hearing him at this point, but reaches a hand down to play with him. Bringing them to finish together.
It only takes a few seconds before Izukus eyes are rolling back in his head, gargling through a half-scream. He clenches so tightly it throws Katsuki into orgasm, growling and sinking his teeth into the back of Izukus leg.
They ride through together, hips rolling shallowly together as their chests heave, breathe intermingling. When he stills, Katsuki leans down to press a kiss gently into Izukus lips. It only lasts a few moments and then he’s pressing a kiss to Izukus forehead before resting his there.
“Hey. Any thoughts from you? Or you not with me yet?” Katsuki’s whispering, not wanting to startle him. Izuku can only make a noise that sounds somewhat affirmative. “Words honey, try again.”
Izukus eyes are fluttering, coming back into focus.
“mmm… kacchan. m’ here.” he sounds far away, but it’s enough to tell Katsuki he’s aware.
“Good boy. I’m gonna move you to the shower, take you to get cleaned off. That sound okay?” At Izukus nod, he pulls back, hissing as his cock leaves Izukus warmth and is hit with cold air.
Katsuki picks him up, carries him into the shower and washes them. Massages Izukus scalp as he rubs in the shampoo.
And when they’re clean he dries them off, Izuku coming more and more into awareness and moving where Katsuki tells him to. He breaks into a dopey grin when he’s shoved into Katsukis hoodie, drowning in it as it hits below mid-thigh. Let’s Katsuki fold the sleeves so he can utilise his hands.
Once they’re both clean, dry and dressed, they move to Katsukis room where the sheets are clean. Tuck into bed together.
Katsukis last thought before he falls asleep is how glad he is it’s a weekend.
They wake the next morning to a series of congratulations and annoyed messages. Apparently, most of the class had moved into the commons for an impromptu sleepover. Izuku was an apologetic mess, nearly crying as he bowed to the class for making them move. He couldn’t believe they had been so loud it made the class evacuate.
Katsuki could not care less. He looks like the cat who got the cream as he grins behind Izuku, mouthing losers over his head.
He had every intention of doing it again.
(In the end, Izuku did grow more before they were twenty. And he celebrated that extra inch as if it were a foot. (Katsuki bemoans the growth.))
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pikahlua · 6 months
OKehat are youre thoughts on Inner Shigaraki doing a reverse and giving Izuku a bunch of hands (he has so many! ) but actually doing a reverse of what Izuku just did with OFA and giving him AFO??
I think the whole bit with Yoichi saying something about how All For One could have been the kindest of powers is pretty good foreshadowing for something like that to happen. I wouldn't be surprised if it did happen, but I don't know if right now I'd say I will bet on it.
In all seriousness, I've mentioned elsewhere that at this time I think it's very possible that Izuku will not be getting his arms back, if for only this fight or even for the rest of the story, only because that creates an opportunity for the bonds he's forged with everyone else to come into play.
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In that way, Izuku still has plenty of hands that can reach out to save Tenko: the hands of his comrades.
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Yeah that's right, not JUST Katsuki would be in the running! (Although I can't help but continue to wonder at how Katsuki and Tenko were paralleled in the same position when Izuku and AFO reached out their hands and then Katsuki is parallel to Kudou who reached out his hand to Yoichi who was paralleled to Tenko in that shot and--)
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problemswithbooks · 6 months
BNHA Ch. 419
Haven't had much to say about the chapters lately. I didn't really find the fight between Shigaraki and Izuku very exciting and was checking up on leaks just to see if the ending had dropped yet.
But I was actually really excited to see this new development in 419.
I always suspected and hoped AfO gave Tenko decay and manipulated the situation so he wasn't saved. Now, we don't know if AfO orchestrated Tenko not being saved by a Hero during his trauma walk, but it was would be a little weird if he didn't after it's been revealed he had a hand in almost every aspect of Tenko's life.
I know a lot of fans are bumped by this choice or think it ruins his character, but personally it fixes a lot of my issues with how Shigaraki has been portrayed.
The main thing (as long as AfO did mess with Tenko being saved) is that it fixes the huge world building mistake that Tenko's backstory relies on. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the ridiculousness of Touya's backstory either, where this young teen in hospital clothes runs around a rich neighborhood, but that's not the core of his identity as a villain either. The thing that mattered was that Enji was still training Shoto so Touya thought his death didn't change anything.
Tenko's origin just straight up does not make sense with everything else we've been shown about this world. By the time Tenko was born Heroes were everywhere and beloved. We've never been shown anywhere else in the story that Heroes wouldn't help a child wandering around bloody on the streets actively asking for help. Even with civilians, claiming they rely to much on Heroes doesn't fix this because why wouldn't one of the thousands he walked by go get a Hero. I mean people report stuff all the time, and it'd give them an excuse to interact with what their society deems a celebrity.
It also makes AfO look stupid. Tenko is his golden ticket--he's putting all this effort into him, he's the only person he wants/can use for his goals. Why risk a Hero or caring civilain helping him? It would ruin his entire plan if anyone even showed a small kindness to Tenko. For someone who claims to plan everything, that's taking way to many chances.
I know the people that hated this reveal think it kneecaps the message of 'Hero Society bad', but I don't necessarily think the story was ever really trying to say that. It has issues and needs some fixing, but it's not what Shigaraki wanted--he wanted total destruction. It also explains why a bunch of stuff Shigaraki said didn't make sense with what we've been shown. He thinks the things he does because he's been lied to or set up in a way where that's the only conclusion he could come to.
And it's not as if all of Tenko's pain/suffering being caused by AfO makes BNHA society perfect. Spinner still faced racist discrimination, Toga's Quirk made her feel ostracized, Dabi was neglected and abused by his father who was a Hero, Twice is the poster child of the 'one bad day' motto. Shigaraki's origin is villainy itself and with AfO's own origin, a good argument of why Heroes exist. Now the entire core characters of the League have differeing backstories instead of Shigaraki just being a combo of them all, with some AfO manipulation sprinkled in.
It makes him a better foil for Izuku as well, since just like Izuku is often referred to as an empty puppet, Tenko could be viewed this way too. This is something Izuku can connect and help Tenko with when he comes back (because it'd be insane if he was just dead now). The one thing Shigaraki does have is a Heroic heart. Yes, AfO might have set some things up to get him to be that way, but you can't force someone to be altruistic or caring of others. Tenko cares about outcasts and his friends--that's still a part of him, even if it was nurtured by AfO for nefarious purposes.
So, yeah, that's my thoughts on 419. Actually sort of excited to see what happens next.
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medea10 · 1 year
My Review of My Hero Academia
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It’s done. It’s taken me 10 whole years, but I finished Gintama. My long-running comedic/drama nightmare has come to an end until they decide to come out with another damn sequel. But for now, it is DONE. And now, I can finally sit down and make good on a promise I made with one of my best friends. I will now watch Hunter x Hunter.
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No. I said Hunter x Hunter.
Tough shit, loser. You’re watching this shit!
Sorry, Marcus.
Yeah, My Hero Academia has been around for a couple of years now. It’ll emerge every couple of years in the anime world and the manga has been a massive hit. Not as big as Demon Slayer, but then again, no one can be as awesome as Demon Slayer. I had my chance to pick this series up, but I picked Black Clover instead. I made my decision and I stand by it. But once I noticed this series had several films and over 100 episodes to its name, I thought it be best to save this anime for after finishing my long-numbered series. Once I was able to get through Gintama, we can set this up.
Quirks or super powers are in about 80% of humanity. These quirks can vary from being super flashy, awesomely strong…or it could be like the Crest Man.
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I was going to make this joke one way or another.
(He’s living in his car)
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Many of these people decide to become heroes, especially those with potential. Now what about those 20% of humans that don’t have a quirk? Can they one day become a hero even though they have no power to their name? I guess we’ll find out with a young lad named Izuku Midoriya (or Deku). He has no quirk, no chance of developing one in his later years, and yet still wants to attend an academy that’s specifically for those with quirks.
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It wasn’t until he was given a chance by Japan’s #1 hero All Might who sees potential in the young Deku to pass down his powers to him. Due to an ugly fight a few years ago, All Might can only stay in hero form for 3 hours at the most a day. In the span of two episodes, Deku was able to go through 10 months of All Might’s training, inherit his power, and get accepted to UA, the academy for potential students with amazing quirks who want to become heroes. Let’s enter UA to meet all the special students and administration with amazing powers and see who’s going to be a smashing hero one day.
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Do keep in mind that I’m only summing up the first couple of episodes from the first season here. Each season has much more going on as Deku and his classmates learn what it means to become a great hero.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: You know, the five years of me not picking this anime up, I would take a look at these characters and say to myself, “Yeah, you’re totally voiced by this person”. Look at All Might, if that guy isn’t voiced by Chris Sabat this world doesn’t make sense. Oh look, it really is Chris Sabat! Hey, it’s a main girl and loved by majority of fans. Gotta be voiced by Luci Christian! It’s like I’m fucking psychic! Sexy big girl, gotta be Jamie Marchi! Wow! Strait-laced megane boy! My lady-loins are on fire so that could only mean a role by J. Michael Tatum. Okay, let me give it a try in the Japanese.
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Nobuhiko Okamoto! I only need the word “screaming”. I didn’t need to look at any character profiles to know this. Thank God Bakugo’s screaming didn’t get on my nerves the entire time. I sometimes have a problem with characters who scream so much that you just want to rip their mouths off their faces. Bakugo…he makes me laugh. He’s a tsundere with a short fuse, what’s not to like?!
As you can tell, I watched the majority of this series dubbed. The cast had a wide variety of seasoned veterans and modern favorite voice actors. Juli Erickson was also in the cast for a short time before retiring from voice acting. I’m glad I got to hear her one more time. There was another replacement in the dub. Alex Organ voiced Mr. Aizawa for the first season. After that however, Christopher Wehkamp took over and has remained since then. Scheduling conflicts, I suppose. I wasn’t even aware of the change until I read about it.
Oof. Both the sub and the dub have some great people behind these heroes and aspiring heroes. Let’s just say I give a gold star to everyone here. Even Tomokazu Seki was in this series as the spotted seal hero Selkie. Love it. Love everything about it! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Deku is played by Daiki Yamashita (known for Goh on Pokemon Journeys, Yushirou on Demon Slayer, Joro on Oresuki, Umino on Sailor Moon Crystal, and Shion on UtaPri)
*Bakugo is played by Nobuhiko Okamoto (known for Gladion on Pokemon SM, Accelerator on Railgun/Index, Rin on Blue Exorcist, Garfiel on Re:Zero, Usui on Maid-sama, Ryou on Food Wars, and Liebe on Black Clover)
*All Might is played by Kenta Miyake (known for Giovanni on Pokemon, Scar on FMA: Brotherhood, Avdol on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Pt. 3, Cocytus on Overlord, Zodd on Berserk 2016, and Takaoka on Assassination Classroom)
*Uraraka is played by Ayane Sakura (known for Nero on Black Clover, Tomori on Charlotte, Gasper on High School DxD, Tsubaki on Your Lie in April, Haru on Nisekoi, and Shimotsuki on Psycho Pass)
*Todoroki is played by Yuki Kaji (known for Clemont on Pokemon XY, Eren on Attack on Titan, Koichi on Jojo’s Pt. 4, Finn on Black Butler, Issei on High School DxD, Kuga on Food Wars, and Kenma on Haikyuu)
*Aizawa is played by Junichi Suwabe (known for Greed on FMA, Yami on Black Clover, Victor on Yuri on Ice, Archer on Fate/Stay Night, Hayama on Food Wars, Undertaker on Black Butler, and Grimmjow on Bleach)
*Shigaraki is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Ikuya on Free!, Yuuki on Shiki, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
ENGLISH CAST: *Deku is played by Justin Briner (known for Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, and Mitarai on Danganronpa 3)
*Bakugo is played by Clifford Chapin (known for Connie on Attack on Titan, Touya on Cardcaptor Sakura: CC, Cabba on DB Super, Langris on Black Clover, Kamui on Psycho Pass 2, and Hamazura on Railgun/Index)
*All Might is played by Chris Sabat (known for Armstrong on FMA, Vegeta & Piccolo on DBZ, Kurabara on Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoro on One Piece, Yami on Black Clover, Ayame on Fruits Basket, and Christophe on Yuri on Ice)
*Uraraka is played by Luci Christian (known for Wrath on FMA, Nagisa on Clannad, Yukari on Azumanga Daioh, Medusa on Soul Eater, Nami on One Piece, Huni on Ouran HSHC, and Alois on Black Butler)
*Todoroki is played by David Matranga (known for Tomoya on Clannad, Bertolt on Attack on Titan, Ookami on Wolf Children, Hinata on Angel Beats, Usui on Maid-sama, and Himura on ef – a tale of memories)
*Aizawa is played by Christopher Wehkamp (known for Ruijerd on Mushoku Tensei, Nyanko-Sensei on Natsume’s Book of Friends, Sylvester on Ascendance of a Bookworm, Hinawa on Fire Force, and Miles on Ace Attorney)
*Shigaraki is played by Eric Vale (known for Kimblee on FMA, Trunks on DBZ, Yuki on Fruits Basket, Sanji on One Piece, Tamaki on Deadman Wonderland, Kisumi on Free!, Arthur on Fire Force, and Nishiki on Tokyo Ghoul)
FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’ve gone through this over and over in my mind. There were a lot of characters I’ve grown to admire and ones I think are pretty nifty. I still can’t believe I was able to keep track of so many characters in this one series, but I think I did a pretty good job. Yes, I have a guilty pleasure for Bakugo. But that’s just it, he’s a guilty pleasure. I like him and am amused by him, but at the same time I can get annoyed with him. But if there was one character who I enjoyed the most out of all the characters that have appeared so far, it would be her.
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Tsuyu Asui (a.k.a. Froppy; Tsu)
I love Tsu. She’s best girl. And that’s all there is to it!
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: Ooh boy, you all knew I was going to discuss papa of the year over here! Long before I started this series, I was well aware of the existence of a shitty parent by the name of Endeavor. I thought if I sat through this long enough, I would switch my hatred from Endeavor to Overhaul. It didn’t happen. I’m still on this hate-train. Endeavor has had this unhealthy obsession and rivalry with All Might and wanting to surpass him. Thinking he could never reach that position of #1 hero, he stuck to the next generation by making it with another powerful quirk user and have babies.
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He had a total of four kids. One of his son’s is presumed dead due to trying to impress his father (wait until season six for the truth). One of his son’s hates Endeavor for what he’s done to the family. His daughter tries her best to keep things together, but you can tell she’s feeling uber stressed. And (Shoto) Todoroki still has daddy issues. I guess you can chalk all of this up to these kids upbringing. Todoroki witnessed his father’s physical abuse first-hand as he was rough with trainings. Not only that, but the abuse of his own wife that led to her mental breakdown giving Todoroki his trademark scar. And somehow Todoroki’s eldest had the worst of it all. All he wanted was his daddy’s approval and was just left for dead. Again, season six has the answers there. Bottom line, Endeavor was a very bad father. But, he is trying.
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You cannot expect your fully grown children to pretend that everything is okay now that you’re going to change and be father of the year. Natsuo was partially saved by his father and was unable to give him any satisfaction. And it seems like Todoroki is just using his father to further his quirk and can easily get into work study programs because of him. As for his wife, you know Rei may never forgive him for all that has happened to this family. That’s just my two cents on the matter. I think every one of the Todoroki’s might eventually forgive Endeavor…not the older two sons.
SHIPPING: Guys, seriously. There are more important things to discuss here than which characters should shack up. Japan has a severe problem with villains and these kids specifically signed up to be in an academy focused on serving the public as heroes.
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I support Uraraka x Deku
And aside from a few dropped hints by Uraraka, I seriously find no other ship that could…
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I also support Kirishima x Ashido
But aside from those two, this show is strictly about kids wanting to be heroes and let’s keep it that way.
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Mineta x his hand tonight
Yeah, I had to add that silly ship.
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ENDING TO SEASON ONE: It’s been well established since the beginning that All Might was one of the greatest heroes, if not THE greatest. A symbol of peace and justice! And now, he’s a teacher at UA. So, everyone pretty much wants a piece of him. During a field trip to a simulated area filled with terrains and weather patterns, Deku and his classmates were bombarded by villains. This is not a drill, these guys mean business and they also want All Might. While their teacher Mr. Aizawa was busy taking care of some of the bigger villains, the students were being separated so the enemies can learn about what quirks these kids have. Some of the more powerful classmates like Bakugo and Todoroki were able to get rid of their batch of baddies with little-to-no problem. Others, it was a little more challenging. Even Aizawa found himself in dire-straits. Meanwhile, where is All Might?
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We all know about All Might’s injury. It’s just that everyone else isn’t aware of it and All Might goes to great lengths to keep it a secret. Rightly so! If it’s learned by the wrong people that All Might has at most 3 hours a day in hero form, villains will swarm the area to cause havoc. Thankfully, dude shows up in the knick of time before these bad guys could do damage to Deku and the rest. Unfortunately, All Might already saved the day in another area and is at his max of what he’s capable of handling. Now these villains don’t know the specifics of All Might’s power, but someone controlling them from the shadows dropped hints about All Might being weaker than in his heyday.
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Bad guys Shigaraki, Nomu, and Kurogiri definitely put a dent in All Might, but All Might didn’t let up his bluff in front of the bad guys. But that steam coming from his body is not a good sign. And yeah, the only one who knows about All Might is Deku and Deku was worried about All Might dying on his feet or someone about to find out his big secret. Thankfully, Iida was able to escape and call for backup. The administration at UA came and they were able to put an end to the situation. It’s unknown how much extra damage was done to All Might and it seems like his time where he can spend in hero form has been cut drastically to only 90 minutes at the most. But for now, All Might and Deku can relax for a second knowing their actions saved a whole class of freshmen from being harmed or worse.
Now as for those bad guys like Shigaraki, who is filling his head with ideas that there might be something wrong with All Might? I guess that’s an answer to be filled in another season. Because now we’re about to head into a tournament arc!
Okay, good introduction to the students of UA. Get our feet wet with all the quirks the students have. Even though Deku isn’t a full zero to hero quite yet, he’s certainly one hell of a strategian when it comes to problem solving. And from here on out, the series gains more episodes. This season is the only one with 13 episodes. Every season from here on out will have 25. Just how many chapters are there for My Hero Academia?
SEASON TWO: One recap episode and one Anime Festa OVA later…
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The entire school is about to hold their annual sports festival. This sports festival is a big freakin’ deal. Hell, it’s even a bigger deal than the Olympics! Okay, I wouldn’t go that far. The students have opportunities of being discovered by a hero agency and might even become a sidekick for a famous hero. Other opportunities also include having kids from the lower-level classes get nudged up to a higher-level class. After the events of season one, Deku and the kids of class 1-A were getting a lot of fame and news coverage as the students who took out the league of villains that infiltrated a highly secured building of UA. As for the sports festival, Bakugo took home the gold.
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Pfft. Watching him bound and getting forced with the gold medal is truly a laughable moment.
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This season, we learn about what’s driving these students to excel at UA. Uraraka wants to earn money to help her struggling family. Todoroki wants to escape the grasp of his legendary father, the #2 hero Endeavor. Iida tries following in his big brother’s footsteps in a bit of revenge after someone injured him. And Deku wants to make a name for himself as All Might’s power has weakened significantly. Again, Deku’s the only one who knows.
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After the sports festival, the students end up as apprentices for either hero agencies or heroes themselves. This part of the story focuses on Deku learning to control his power and Iida finding the hero killer (Stain) who severely injured his older brother. Dealing with Stain was a very difficult task. Deku, along with Todoroki and Iida were all caught up in that fight. They beat the dude, but couldn’t get any credit due to bureaucratic issues with the police and certified heroes. As a repercussion, Iida ended up doing permanent damage to his hand and it might be the end of his career as a hero (unless the surgery is a miracle). They make this a big deal here, but I don’t recall hearing any more on that subject from season 3-6. Moving on!
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The end of this season consists of Deku learning the truth about his power One For All and the originator All For One. This guy is still out there, he’s a dick, and guess what, he’s the head of that league of villains that was behind the attack at the end of season one. Other than that, it’s exam time for class 1-A. Let’s have them fight against the teachers! Aside from two teams failing, everyone did pretty well considering they were up against UA’s greatest. And this was to be especially difficult for Deku as he had to be partnered with Bakugo and fight against All Might.
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The final episode consisted of Deku being cornered by Shigaraki. Yes, the guy behind the Nomus and the attack from season one’s finale. We finally see his face and we get a bit of foreshadowing of things to come from the League of Villains. The heinous group has recruited several new villains who we will see more of come season three. Speaking of…
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SEASON THREE: It’s time for summer training camp. And for funsies, let’s add class 1-B too. These kids will be pushed to their limits to enhance their quirks. Because while everyone has improved in other departments, their quirk powers haven’t moved much since the beginning of the semester! Gee, wouldn’t it suck if a bunch of villains come in and ruin everything? The League of Villains has arrived with new powerful members including Dabi and Toga. Their target this time is Bakugo! Their attack on the UA students kinda broke a lot of morale with not just the students, but the faculty as well. The end result was that many of the students and the faculty watching over them wound up injured and Bakugo was kidnapped.
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Saving face didn’t go as smoothly as anyone would hope. Deku got four of his classmates to defy orders to try and infiltrate the League of Villains to save Bakugo. At that very same time, several ranked heroes did their own rescue mission. It did not go well for either side! On the plus side, Deku and friends were able to save Bakugo without breaking the law by fighting crime without a license. But then All For One wrecked the whole place. He took out so many villains and heroes in his way. I think he might have killed one of them. Didn’t matter to him anyways because he was after All Might! This fight took everything from All Might.
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All For One exposed All Might to the entire world his ugly secret. Not only that, but dropped an unfortunate fact bomb involving All Might’s sensei and Shigaraki. And to top it all off, injured him so bad that All Might will never fight crime again. After all of that, the students of class 1-A were highly requested by the school to live in the school dorms from now on. Most parents agreed to it, though Deku’s mother was the most worried. Long story short, he’s living in the dorms now. Not before seeing this poor woman cry again.
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The next big arc after the fall of All Might was the provisional hero license exam. We meet a lot of brand-new soon-to-be heroes much like the students of UA from other schools across the land. The end result of that exam, everyone except two students from class 1-A got their provisional license. And surprisingly those two were Todoroki and Bakugo! Bakugo is so obvious that I don’t even need to waste the time explaining why he flunked. Todoroki on the other hand had someone from another school get under his skin with a comment likening him to his father Endeavor.
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While Bakugo was angry about not passing his provisional license exam, something else has been grinding his gears and for some time at that. Bakugo’s anger hits fever pitch when he confronts Deku alone after the exam about his relationship with All Might. And throwing punches! Despite that thick layer of anger he puts up, Bakugo is a sad boy who loves his favorite hero All Might. He was of course jealous that Deku got to be his protégé but guilty because Bakugo thought it was because of him being kidnapped that caused All Might to lose his powers permanently. All Might reassured the boys of everything. And then the boys were on lockdown for breaking curfew to fight. In the meantime, the League of Villains is still at it despite All For One being in a maximum security prison. Toga infiltrated the hero provisional license exam by posing as another student. Shigaraki is growing more menacing. And then there’s Overhaul…ooh boy, I can’t wait to talk about this guy in the following season.
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And class 1-A got to meet the top students of the third-year class (a.k.a. The Big Three). The strongest of the three (Mirio) wiped out the entire class by himself. Big difference between the power of the first years and this pant-less wonder!
Okay, this season had its ups and downs. But the ups were definitely worth it and we had a big payoff when it came to scenes involving All Might and All For One. Now let’s see what’s going on with that movie that came out around the same time.
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TWO HEROES: We got a glimpse of what to expect with this movie in an episode during the third season. Meaning, they gave us a filler in the middle of a tournament arc and are introduced to a movie character for five seconds. Let me guess how this movie goes; this in no way connects to any villain currently in the series, there is no character growth, serves no purpose to the main plot, and the new character introduced is the bad guy.
Most of what I said was pretty true! Deku gets invited by All Might to go with him to a special island that is full of people who manufacture AI technology. Most of the class ends up there under some special circumstances and yes, it’s just the popular ones fans like most. All Might’s friend from his younger days David wanted to help All Might regain his strength (he just doesn’t know the true story of why he’s losing his strength). And David ends up in cahoots with terrorists that took a whole island hostage. And these terrorists are also connected to All For One. Okay, I was wrong, All For One is somehow connected (or at least mentioned by the leader of the terrorists).
SEASON FOUR: So, it’s not just Bakugo that caught onto Deku and All Might’s relationship. It leaked to the press! One reporter knows there’s a protégé out there. And thankfully he has the right mind to shut up about it! Onto the main stuff! Deku and the rest of class-A are about to go through work study programs. And the League of Villains are ready for their next move. But right now, we gotta watch out for a lone Mafioso causing mischief.
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Deku winds up doing a work study with All Might’s previous side-kick Sir Nighteye. Several other characters like Kirishima, Tsu, and Uraraka also got a chance for a work study program. Deku unfortunately got a lot thrown at him in the drama department. He learned that Nighteye had a falling out with All Might due to the fatal injury All Might acquired and made worse once he decided to give Deku is One for All power.
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Next, all of these students I mentioned, plus their mentors, and the three 3rd years are all caught up trying to take down a lone Mafioso and some of the League of Villains in order to save one little girl. Overhaul was trying to use this young girl (Eri) and her power in order to suppress and end hero powers permanently. Eri has a quirk that can rewind a person’s body. But due to her age, she’s unable to control it properly and that has caused a lot of mental damage to her. Overhaul is quite the disgusting little shit abusing this poor girl. Thank goodness after this long, hard-fought battle, the heroes were able to prevail and save Eri.
But at what cost?
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Deku was able to survive with not so many injuries to his person. Some of the other heroes and classmates involved in the giant raid were not so lucky. Kirishima and Fat Gum sustained heavy injuries. Mirio’s power might have been altered permanently due to Overhaul and his gang having these serums that can erase quirks. And Eri (the girl they all saved) is forever haunted by the psychological horror she’s endured. But worst of all was Sir Nighteye. During the fight between the heroes and Overhaul, Nighteye literally got impaled and was at death’s door when All Might, Deku, and Mirio spoke to him. Up to this point, we really never saw death strike any of these characters. This was a heart tugger! Shit is getting real now for Deku. All I can say is…wait until season six. Meanwhile, Overhaul not only got his ass kicked by Deku, but was left powerless and crippled by Shigaraki.
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The last half of season four revolved around UA putting together a culture festival. This is both a wise and stupid decision. Wise because these students deserve a little fun after everything the students of UA (especially class 1-A) have gone through. Stupid because UA has been a giant target for villains since All Might became a teacher. And if one little thing happens with a villain coming near the area, the festival is going to be called off. At that exact same time, a new villain emerges and wants to break into the festival. Of course, he does!
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This guy is a tea-drinking gentleman with a side-kick I’m so not comfortable seeing together with him. I’m sorry, but this combination makes me feel a little ill inside and confused. Thankfully, Deku happened to be in the area and prevented the festival from getting shut down. Not only does he want to give his school this moment of peace, but because Eri is coming, he wants to make sure she has a great time. Thankfully, Deku was able to break through to this confused villain and he turns himself in with no more damage done. But most important for Deku, the festival went off perfectly. Class 1-A was commended for their performance on stage and Eri was able to smile and enjoy herself.
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We end the season off with some severe changes. First of all, Eri is going to attend UA. She’s stable enough to stay out of the psych ward and is all healed up. Deku and Mirio must protect this girl’s smile! And then my question was answered. I thought to myself, will there be another #1 hero now that All Might is retired? Yep, there’s a new top 10 and a new #1 with Endeavor taking the top spot. Will the world see him as the new symbol of peace? Endeavor is put to the test when he and #2 hero Hawkes got attacked by an overpowered Nomu. This was a tough fight as Endeavor was tossed around a lot. Thankfully, he won. He went beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
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Also, is anybody else thrown off by the Endeavor fanboy? It doesn’t help that he looks like Natsu from Fairy Tail, but did the English version REALLY have to get Haberkorn to play this guy too?
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HEROES RISING: In the second movie, it almost looked like we were getting some action between the UA students and the League of Villlains. In actuality, the villains of this movie get into an alliance with Shigaraki. These new villains end up attacking a lone island that Deku and his classmates just happen to be on as part of hero work. The villains want this one kid on the island because of this special quirk he possesses. We get some pretty primo fight scenes where Deku and Bakugo are actually working together to beat the villains. I’m going to be legit and ask, did anyone fall for that shit about Deku giving his One For All power to Bakugo? Yeah, me neither. There are two seasons after this movie. No way in hell Deku is losing his power this early in the game.
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SEASON FIVE: Endeavor’s fight with the superpowered Nomu came with a lot of baggage. His popularity as the new #1 hero is steadily rising. It’s just that people really saw him get his ass kicked pretty badly. And now, dude has a pretty gnarly scar on his face. Just like his son! I almost want to say something here, but…nah, bad taste. On top of that, Endeavor is now going to start acting like a real father instead of the bastard he’s been up to this point. Meanwhile, Deku has been getting visions during his sleep of the past One For All users and kinda using his power while sleeping. It got worse when his powers decided to go haywire during a class competition with class 1-B.
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I will say this. The stuff with Deku and controlling the powers of One For All was the only interesting part of the first part of season 5. I checked out when there were many episodes dedicated to class 1-A and 1-B fighting each other. I know several class 1-B classmates showcase their quirks in a big way in the following season, I just wasn’t a fan of this arc of the story. In the second part, work studies seem to be back in effect. And now that Bakugo and Todoroki finally obtained their licenses, they can finally catch up to the rest of their classmates. Geez, you only now realize that we’re halfway into season five with 100 episodes in and these kids are still only first years. Deku ends up joining Todoroki and Bakugo to work study under the world’s #1 hero…the current one.
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Okay Endeavor, let’s see if you can redeem yourself a little more. Actually, we only got a few episodes dedicated to Endeavor, his family, Deku, and Bakugo. There was an altercation between some rando villain and Endeavor’s son Natsuo. It happened, Natsuo’s safe, we moved on. Okay, now it’s time for My Hero Academia to turn into My Villain Academia. The League of Villains found themselves in severe trouble as another group of baddies ambush them. This was an ugly showdown as it pushed many of the league members to their breaking points. Himeko almost died and Shigaraki was pushed to remembering his own past.
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Yeah, we got the typical backstory for a villain of Shigaraki’s caliber. Misunderstood child, abusive father, enabling family members to abusive father, accidentally murders the entire family, yep, it’s all here on the checklist. Several seasons prior to this moment, we learned that Shigaraki’s paternal grandmother was Nana Shimura. Yes, the same Nana Shimura who was All Might’s mentor and previous carrier to the One For All quirk. Well, Shigaraki’s father was really resentful about his mother because he felt as though he was abandoned by her. That birthed a hatred for heroes and he would get angry if his children mention heroes or wanting to be one. So, there’s that. Shigaraki wound up gaining a quirk and much like Eri in season 4, his quirk went haywire and it took out his entire family. After being a sudden orphan, no one came to Shigaraki’s aid. Not one single hero! All For One did however. He took the boy in, gave him hands of his family members, and gave him a new name and purpose in life.
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Shigaraki, while almost broken to the point of no return, he took out Re-Destro and his gang of baddies. This led to an alliance. Shigaraki’s League of Villains and Re-Destro’s Meta Liberation Front have joined together under a new name, the Paranormal Liberation Front. We end the season with class 1-A showing off what they’ve learned from their work studies. Oh, and Hawkes is still infiltrating the newly formed league. Okay, I’m going to say it. This season was pretty lousy. Don’t get me wrong, I liked several moments in this season including Endeavor trying to atone for his sins, Deku’s new ability, and the My Villain Academia arc. But that class 1-A vs. class 1-B crap was for the birds.
There’s a third movie sometime after this. I really don’t feel like talking about it since I felt so disinterested with it. Blah, blah, Deku is wanted by the police, blah, blah, big fight, blah, blah, no one’s going to die here!
SEASON SIX: Hey, I caught up when it was airing!
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Shit’s about to go down! There’s a heavier tone in this anime everywhere you look. Even in the eye-catches halfway through an episode. The professional heroes, teachers from U.A., class 1-A of U.A. and even a few other students are all part of this sting operation to take down the newly united villain squad, the Paranormal Liberation Front. Besides going after that group, some of this sting is to get this doctor who was behind the creation of the Nomus and is also shielding Shigaraki until he’s 100% and then some. Shigaraki was in rough shape near the end of the fifth season, so he's being constantly monitored. But during the sting, Shigaraki awakened.
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The awakening of Shigaraki led to a domino effect of destruction everywhere. One of the giant villains couldn’t be controlled and ended up wrecking a lot of pro-heroes. Shigaraki’s decay power went berserk and took out the entire area. Deku, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Endeavor went toe-to-toe with Shigaraki and ended up putting a dent in him. Shigaraki is terrifying now, but because he wasn’t finished with the doctor’s experiment yet, his power isn’t what it could be. That’s when All For One took over Shigaraki’s body for his own…even though he’s in super jail. Yeah, I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense, but just roll with it because Shigaraki is going to be a puppet for a while. Moving on!
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And now for the moment I’ve been anticipating! League of Villain alumni Dabi comes in to drop a bomb on the Todoroki family. After Shigaraki ended his rampage, Dabi came in to break the news to not just Endeavor and Todoroki, but to the entire world. He put out a video prior to the current chaos to announce that Endeavor, the #1 hero is his father and went into detail about what a horrible father he was. Dabi (or Touya Todoroki) was Endeavor’s eldest son who was thought to be dead. This broke Endeavor inside causing him to look upon both of his sons fighting. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this story. The Todoroki family story intrigues me.
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This giant fight that lasted several episodes (if not half of the season) is finally coming to an end without a happy ending. It’s much worse than anyone jumping into the anime without reading spoilers could have imagined. Many characters got messed up badly. Worse than in any other season. Deku winds up in a coma. Bakugo was impaled, but survived. Mr. Aizawa sliced off his own leg to prevent losing his quirk from one of those quirk deleters that got Mirio the other season. Midnight and several prominent ranked heroes are dead. On the antagonist side, Twice ends up dying by Hawkes after he admits to betraying the front. Many of the villains were arrested including the doctor, Re-Destro, Mr. Compress, and Machia. Himiko is on the loose. Shigaraki ended up torching several prisons releasing many convicts with powerful quirks on the public along with All For One. This leaves the public to wonder if they can ever trust heroes again. If it took all of these heroes to take down all of these villains and they still couldn’t complete the mission, what good are they?
That’s not my take, that’s just public opinion…except the public was a lot crueler when it came to the heroes.
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AND NOW THE START OF THE FINAL ARC: With All For One taking over Shigaraki’s weakened state, he can get what he truly wants. The quirk, One For All. Shigaraki mentions it during the giant battle during this season and it catches the attention of Endeavor, Hawks, and even the angry media demanding answers about everything that has happened. Deku decided to make some pretty big decisions once he got out of his coma. Up to this point, Deku’s quirk was only known to All Might and later on Bakugo. Now, he decides to let the rest of his classmates know before he leaves U.A. Deku teams up with All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, and Jeanist to take down the rampant crime going on everywhere. Since season 5, Deku has been seeing past wielders of One For All and slowly unlocking their powers. A lot is riding on Deku with this ultimate power as he can’t pass the power down like All Might did. His life expectancy might be cut short. Kinda like Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan. And he’s getting prepped to take down Shigaraki with no regrets.
I make the Eren Yeager reference here because this is the part of the story that things take a harsher, somber-er tone compared to previous seasons. This includes the opening theme, ending themes, eye-catches, the preview, the background, the music, and Deku.
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Endeavor also made a promise to his family that he will take down Dabi (Touya). But for now, we are focusing on Deku teaming up with the top 3 heroes and All Might to take down every kind of crime from small stuff, misplaced anger, and anything involving the escaped convicts from the several jail breaks. With all of the other One For All quirks unleashed, Deku is able to make use of every one of them with his mission. It came in handy when going up against a former hero and present-day convict Lady Nagant. She is one of the escaped convicts. While All For One told nearly all convicts to do as they please, he had other plans for some special ones. He used Nagant to try and take down Deku. But Deku got through to her near the end of their match and it looked like she was going to see life for more than what she was used to. Unfortunately, things have a funny way of working out when All For One is involved.
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He planted explosives on Nagant. I’m pretty sure she’s a goner. This did not sit well with Deku. And neither did All For One’s taunt where he copied All Might’s infamous line, “now it’s your turn”. Rogue Deku is in quite the state. And now, let’s add his classmates to the mix. They’re going to bring him back to the academy by any means necessary. One Deku with 7 quirks vs. 19 classmates of his. With many flashbacks and a lot of push and pull, the class was able to subdue Deku and bring him back to U.A. which is currently being used as a refuge area. However, the people are not liking the idea of having Deku in the same place as them because Shigaraki’s looking for him and he has One For All. Thankfully, some kind words from Uraraka and a few supporters, the angry crowd came together to let Deku in.
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All For One and Shigaraki’s big threat seems to be looming closer. It’s hard to nail down how long the heroes have. All Might wound up getting this information from the hero-killer Stain. Yeah, you remember him, right? The guy that wrecked Iida and his brother back in season two. I remember Stain always wanting to kill All Might. But seeing All Might the way he is now, either he doesn’t know it’s really him or refuses to believe that’s really All Might. Well, rest up class 1-A because season 7 is gonna be a doozy from what I’ve heard. At least it will be for Bakugo from what I’ve heard. Oh, and we meet America’s #1 hero for a sec, Star and Stripe (voiced by Romi Park).
Wowee-wow-wow-wow! I did not expect to like this series the way I did. I mean, I really do love My Hero Academia. I know I had the opportunity to watch this but chose to watch Black Clover instead. I don’t regret that decision; I just wish I got to watch this a lot sooner and maybe start on the manga. Now that doesn’t mean this entire series is flawless, far from it. There were some seasons that fell flat on its face. I think we all can get on the same page of which season was the one that is the flat can of soda out of this six-pack.
The answer is season five. It’s always going to be season five. No amount of My Villain Academia you throw at the audience is going to undo that. But I suppose that’s where that arc landed and call it bad timing. Long-running manga series have really awesome arcs and really slumpy arcs. Case and point, the anime Food Wars is a good example to bring up here. Their first 2 seasons were really good, but after that is when things started falling by the waist-side. When it comes to My Hero Academia, I had several hits of highs and lows watching. The field trip at the beginning season three, the culture festival at the end of season four, and the majority of season five were my lows. I only put that moment in season three up as, I have to be honest in this review. That arc actually got really good faster than I thought. The other two I mentioned just dragged on. Especially the class competition! I love watching class 1-A in action, but this was just so exhausting to sit through.
I think I’ve beat that dead horse enough. Let’s talk about the characters. I’ve always had the hardest time keeping up with the many characters an anime might have. Especially animes that are set in school and we focus on one particular class. Despite my love for the series Assassination Classroom, I could not remember every single person from that class. With My Hero Academia, I think I was able to recall every classmate. Just class 1-A though. Maybe it’s because of their quirks, some of their looks, or their quirky behavior. The same can be said about characters outside class 1-A like the professional heroes, the villains, the townspeople, Bakugo’s mother…yeah, you have to see the woman who gave birth to a feral, screaming grenade of loud noises.
I do have a legit question for manga readers. Do these kids finally become second years at U.A.? You don’t notice that these kids are in the same grade until it’s season five and you see a Christmas episode and you’re like, “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me, they’re still in their first year”. Don’t answer that. I know they’re probably going to age soon. Okay, enough of my dumbassary here. If you have a lot of time on your hands, I give this a full recommendation. If you’re able to sit through 100+ episodes of this, yes definitely give it a watch. And also keep in mind that Studio Bones animates this and they’re the ones who did Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mob Psycho 100, and Soul Eater. So, that’s a pretty big incentive.
I know I said some pretty rough things about several moments of this series. But here’s how I would break it down. Season one was a nice start as we get an introduction to Deku and what he’s going to go through to become a hero. Season two was wonderful with more of a build-up to the antagonists of the story. Plus, a tournament arc! Season three had a bit of a slow start, but once you get to Bakugo’s kidnapping and All Might vs. All For One, this season was a sure-fire hit. Season four starts great, but it hits a lull spot. Okay, I guess I can accept that as these kids do deserve some time off. Season five had some good moments with Deku learning a little more about the previous users of One For All and the My Villain Academia arc. Other than that, this season was nothing to write home about. Season six will rock you like a hurricane. It’s almost a little overwhelming in the first half with all of these heroes and villains going up against each other. But never a dull moment.
If you would like to watch My Hero Academia, several sites have the series streaming including FUNimation, Crunchyroll, and Hulu. It is also a staple on Adult Swim’s Toonami, so if it’s on, check it out.
Okay, now that I finished this long series, I think it’s high-time I watch Hunter x Hunter Urusei Yatsura! Huh? Okay, guess we’re doing something else instead.
20 notes · View notes
nowoyas · 2 years
Edible Arrangements 34
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
A/N: sorry this is running late! I had like three assignments due today and I've been in a depressive rut for like three months so I totally thought I just needed to edit a chapter and post it today. turns out that was the last chapter in my bank and it was only halfway written so AFTER taking an exam I haven't done any coursework for (and kicking ass fuck yeah) and writing a 1k word essay I also hadn't done anything for and also playing stardew valley bc of who I am as a person I finally got the time today to bust out the rest of the chapter! this is more lightly edited than usual due to time reasons. anyways rant over! here's the chapter!
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Chapter Summary: Fuck yeah axe throwing and heists!
Warnings: uhhh hospital and knife mentions
Word count: ~2500
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Holy fucking shit Tenya is insane. Holy fucking shit you love this.
Axe throwing. He took you axe throwing.
And holy shit, you’re living your best life.
The place does competitions between teams of two, and luckily, there was another pair hoping to fuck shit up on this fine Friday afternoon. They’re both younger, you think—at least, one is. The first, with bobbed brown hair, is definitely around your age—she smiles and waves as you approach. The other, you’re not able to be sure about, namely because she’s just some floating clothes. She’s invisible, apparently.
You wonder if you’d be able to see her features if she lied to you.
“Glad to see we’ve got another pair!” the brunette says as you and Tenya take point beside them. "This is fun, but I think it's a little more fun as a competition!" She's got a playful glint in her eyes. "I'm Ochako! And this is Tooru."
You nod. Tenya gives your names.
"Have you been here before?"
You have not. Tenya shakes his head for the both of you.
“Do you think they’ll be mad if I scream?” you ask as you inspect one of the throwing axes. “I’m going through some shit.”
Ochako laughs. “Go for it. Just try to make it sound more angry than in pain so they don’t freak out, and you should be good!”
Ochako and Tooru are great, as is Tenya. The girls give both of you pointers on good technique as the resident axe-throwing regulars, and you proceed to scream out your rage as you successfully hit a killshot on the target. It’s pure, violent delight, and even Tenya gets into it. By the time it’s over, Ochako and Tooru have thoroughly thrashed you (you silently write it off as the result of both you and Tenya having pretty heavily burnt arms) and you’ve walked out with both girls’ numbers and a group chat entitled “axing questions”.
And speaking of group chats, you haven’t looked at your phone except to get the chat set up since entering the axe-throwing venue. You almost feel light.
Tenya, for his part, is almost hands-off for once. Typically, he can't help but reach in to situations. You never fault him—it's who he's always been. But you can't say you don't welcome the way he's treating you now.
When at last you part ways with Ochako and Tooru, you return to shopping, and though the weird tightness in your chest remains at the thought of Tsuyu, you stick it out to go gift shopping for her. Her birthday's coming whether or not she pressed into something she shouldn't have, and honestly, by now you can't even remember what you were so upset about. You're just stressed about Izuku, is all.
Tenya takes you home when you've both secured your birthday presents for Tsuyu, and at the door, you pause. You wish you'd spent more time out of the house today. Confronting Izuku with everything going on is not something you're up for, and it's all you can do to hope he's still locked away in his office when you walk in. Tenya, sensing your hesitation, places a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"You're okay?" he asks.
You nod. "Yeah. I'll be okay."
"If you need to talk..."
He's watching you with this weird look on his face. Familiar. But weird. It's not an attempt to hide a lie, and anyway, you don't know why he would need to lie about offering help.
"Thanks. I'll keep you in mind."
"Um, [name]?"
He's still standing there as you pause with your hand on the doorknob. You wait, patiently, as he opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again.
"I... thank you for today. Truly."
"Are you alright, Tenya?"
He smiles. He doesn't glow. "Better than I have been in a long time. Don't let him worry you too much, alright?"
You smile thinly and nod. "Thank you for today. I think I needed this more than I realized. You've been distant since new year's, so I'm glad that whatever it is has cleared up. I don't think I could take you being mad at me, too."
He chuckles softly. "I could never."
He bids you goodnight, and you linger on the porch until long after he's gone, palm massaging a particularly itchy bite mark. The night air will be your comfort, if that is all you get to have.
This plan might possibly be ill-conceived.
It's funny; Neito never thought he'd question himself like this. Ever since his untimely death at the hands of his stepsister, he's been doing that plenty.
So now, every time he thinks back to tonight's plans, he finds himself preening. Smoothing out a shirt, then deliberately re-wrinkling it just to do something with his hands as he goes over it again and again.
"You're going to drive yourself insane like that."
He snorts softly. "And you're going to drive yourself insane worrying so much about me."
Itsuka leans against the door frame, hands clenched into fists. Normal-sized, thank god. "It's not like you don't give me reason to worry. I feel like a mother, and I'm not even out of college yet."
"Now, now, there's plenty of mothers in college. You know one of them, she brings her infant to our—"
She rolls her eyes. "I get it. You're obnoxious."
"Isn't that what siblinghood is all about?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
He can work with standoffish. The words are coming easier to him. Even just the one session with Dr. Fuyumi seems to be doing its work well, given that he and Itsuka are actually talking.
"You do realize how stupid this plan of yours is, right?"
"Isn't it?" He smooths out the cotton undershirt over the table once again. "But I think it's all we have."
"Did you try asking her for the records?"
"What good would that do? If she said no, not only would we be at square one, but she'd be more vigilant. She'd know to keep an eye out for missing records, and she'd know who'd taken them when she noticed them gone. Like this, she has no reason to suspect anything."
She sighs. "I get it, but... this is illegal, you know?"
"A lot of things are illegal. But you know, many ethical theorists agree that the most moral action ignores the concept of justice in favor of—"
"Oh my god, do not talk to me about philosophy. Just... this is me, trying to talk you out of it. And if you and your friends get caught stealing the therapy records of one of your classmates, I'm going to tell the police that I tried to talk you out of it. So just, do me a favor and pretend like I've talked you out of it. If you go out and do it anyway, I don't want to hear about it. So if the cops ask, I'm not involved, you're my stepbrother and you're crazy and I honestly thought I talked you out of this stupidity. Got it?"
"Aw," he teases, "I'm glad to have your blessing."
The smack to the back of his head is well worth it.
The receptionist isn't cold, but she's not talkative, either. Hitoshi keeps his phone on his lap, waiting for the signal from Mina. Namely, for her to walk in through the door.
Tsuyu to Heist Crew at 6:32PM
Tsuyu: We're here. Hitoshi, heads up.
Hitoshi: cool. no cameras in here. I love patient privacy rights.
Tsuyu: I'm sure you do.
He glances up from his phone at the receptionist, who's hard at work with some stack of papers at her desk. One deep breath. Another.
This is for you.
"Hey, where's the bathroom?" he asks.
"Oh, it's down the—" She chokes on the words, face going blank.
Hitoshi: come in.
"Stay in your seat and close your eyes." A precaution.
The girls file in quickly, gloves already in place. Hitoshi snaps his own onto his hands.
"Give me your keys to the building."
The keys wait in her palm. He takes them carefully, and the trio strides into the back of the office.
It couldn't have been better-timed. Neito's appointment was the last of the day, which meant no distractions. No risks.
"Tsuyu, you check the receptionist's computer. Mina, with me. We're going to search the file room," he whispers. Several nods, and they're sliding down the hall.
Dr. Fuyumi Todoroki likes to keep files on paper. It was a nice quirk for Neito to notice during their first session: she wrote every single thing down. According to Neito, corroborated by both Mina and Tsuyu, you started attending therapy right around two years ago. Mina takes the filing cabinet labeled "2047", and Hitoshi beelines to "2048", to cover both potential years.
And it's easy. It's almost too easy. He finds a file with your name on it, calls off Mina and Tsuyu, and slaps the entire thing into the copier. With the copies in place, stapled, your file is returned, and then everything is locked back up. They slide out of the back, Tsuyu joins them, and then Hitoshi is handing the keys back to the receptionist. "Put these back in your desk drawer and close the door."
When she obeys, Mina and Tsuyu walk out with the copied file in hand. Only then does Hitoshi give his last command. "Forget you ever saw me or these two."
There's the subtle twitch of the expression, and then he walks out the door. When he's sure every sign of them is gone, he releases his hold and tells himself that this hasn't proven anything.
Hitoshi to Neito at 6:36PM
Hitoshi: hey, I'm going to wait at the cafe down the street. let me know when you're out of your appointment.
He pockets his phone. No sense waiting for a return text that won’t come.
The three of them hang out in said café as long as they can. Hitoshi nurses his coffee, watching with an approximation of amusement as Tsuyu does her damnedest to keep Mina from blurting about everything they just did. When a lull comes in the conversation, Tsuyu catches his eye.
“You’re a really quiet person.”
“I’m just tired,” he replies.
“Yes. Constantly.”
There’s a moment of pause, where she seems already to know whatever it is is running through Hitoshi’s mind. Honestly, he’s not even sure, until he’s saying it.
“It feels weird actually reading the notes we got,” he admits with a shrug.
She nods. “I feel like we have to. This won’t work if the notes don’t back up everything we say, right?”
“Not to be your resident killjoy, but we don’t know if it’ll work at all.”
“So we’re all clear?”
Hitoshi turns to see Neito, standing behind their table looking absolutely elated for someone who wasn’t even directly involved in pulling off their little heist. “Yeah. We got them. Get your vanilla latte or whatever and we’ll take a look to see if it’s any good.”
Neito pauses. “How did you know my coffee order?”
“Wow, that’s seriously it? You are easy to read.”
When Neito returns with his coffee, Hitoshi lays out the notes on the table. “We need to get our story straight with the notes. If even one detail is off, they’ll latch onto it and this whole thing falls apart.”
He wishes he’d made multiple copies of the notes. Luckily, Tsuyu and Mina needed a refresher more than anything, having been there, so the notes were mainly shared between Hitoshi and Neito as they laid out the details.
Regardless, they keep their heads down, their nose to the work, and they iron out every last detail until they’ve got a truth powerful enough to smash your thrall.
This better work.
You don’t know how long you sit on the porch. The night air is a comfort, and Izuku’s front door seems just so heavy tonight. So you sit. You breathe. You think of the fight with Izuku.
You don’t think you’re unjustified in wanting him to live. You don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask someone not to do something which might very well kill them, let alone to ask that of someone you care deeply for.
But… shit, you get it. He’s going after someone who destroyed everything he cared about. You have to understand that, and you do!
You continue to turn the “buts” over in your head, passing them back and forth until you’re dizzy with the effort to just stop being mad at Izuku.
“I really hate this,” you whine into the cold.
“Aw, that’s too bad!”
A shrill giggle.
The cold isn’t just in the air now. It’s in your blood, in your lungs, in the glint of metal in the hand of—
A man. He’s tall, ratty-looking, with features you can’t make out in the dark. It’s just as well—they’re dripping away into a far more familiar sight.
You’re not sure if the scream leaves your mouth or stays viciously stuck in your throat.
“So then we’re seriously doing this!” Mina chirps as they stride out of the café at last. “[name]’s gonna get all her memories back!”
“Seems like it.”
“When should we go talk to her? I know she’s been kind of down lately, but—“
Mina’s phone rings. She takes it out, glances at the caller, and, brows furrowed, answers it.
“Hey, what’s up?”
Surprise on her face morphs into trepidation. Trepidation morphs into horror. If a girl with pink skin could go pale…
“W-where? I’m with most of the others right now. Everyone but Tenya, actually…”
A pause. A nod. Hitoshi hasn’t even tried not to pay attention since she answered the phone.
“But why did… why did you call me?”
“…yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay. Um… are they… how are they…”
“No, yeah, I’m okay! Yeah! I… I have to be, right? This isn’t the time to be… You know what, all of you. Walk with me. Tsuyu’s car. Now.” She gives an urgent look to Hitoshi and the others, and they each go along with it. Mina doesn’t drop the phone from her ear until she’s sat in the passenger’s seat and everyone’s buckled in, and even then, only to give Tsuyu the address to a hospital.
“When do you think she’ll tell us what’s going on?” Hitoshi whispers to Neito, who shrugs.
“I’m sure we’ll find out…?”
“Izuku, listen. They need you to breathe right now. We’re on our way. Have you called Tenya?” A pause. “Okay, I’ll call him. Tsuyu, is his place on the way?”
Tsuyu nods. “He’s not far from the hospital.”
“Stop to pick up Tenya.”
Tsuyu nods, knuckles white on the wheel. Mina goes back to her careful attempts to talk Izuku through whatever’s happened. The others in the car just have to wait to understand, apparently.
As though that’s fair to anyone.
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I am super curious about your Vigilante AU. I think it was you who mentioned that Midoriya getting Vigilante training was a fandom trope you didn't super vibe with? But also I want to see Midoriya put the Dead in Deadbeat Dad and hit the League with his inescapable friendship instincts
My issue with Vigilante AUs is that they tend to make Izuku super competent to the point that he can easily run circles around Big Bads and Pro Heroes alike. Despite him often having /at best/ a year of training?
Like these fics are also usually a bunch of bashing so it's like 'oh All Might tells him he can't be a Hero so Izuku proves him wrong by being a vigilante' type of thing. so yeah at best a year of going from his pre-Canon self to the baddest bitch? Not exactly a thing I like.
Plus. Ya know. the bashing itself. Not a vibe.
So yeah the vigilante au I have in mind has Izuku getting in WAY over his head, even with as much training as possible that he could've done on his own. Because a teen vigilante with no formal training might get lucky, and learn some skill on the job, but he's not going to be able to take down anyone who gets in his way.
The things that really save him aren't 'being a total badass' its
1.) The fact that most of the LoV can be convinced to be vigilantes instead of Villains, and Izuku is the type of person who has a habbit of bringing out the best in people
2.) the entire 'Dad for One + Izuku inherited the Quirk' plotline still being A Thing and helping him get access to AfO in the first place/making AfO somewhat lower his guard and give Izuku a way to kill the fucker(taking the Quirks keeping him alive)
After that, he has a whole Villain/Vigilante squad who very much wants to help him, who are down to actually give him better training, and access to a lot of knowledge on illegal stuff to shut down, and semi-legal money to access to keep things running smoothly.
Now at some point in the future, he would be the 'badass who can keep up with every Villain and Hero', especially because in this one he'd utlize that inherited Quirk a bit more. But it takes time. Even if I do just kinda.... skip to that
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kimbapkimbapp · 1 year
Bkdk short fic!
They're both idiots in love who are both lost siblings and an old marriage. And class A loves to tease them (also, sassy deku)
This happens after the war, in the second-third year (does it matter lol) and yeah Katsuki and Izuku get, along?? (They really do seriously it's just teasing each other) and Katsuki calls him Izuku already. Anyways!
—Kacchan come on! You can watch it on your TV!! —Yelled an angry Izuku.
—I don't fucking care! I want a bigger screen!
—You literally have one TV stop being a jerk!
—Hah?! And so do you!
—I don't have that channel in my TV!
—Not my fucking problem!
—You're!…ugh! —He yelled in exasperation.
Surrounding them class A didn't really know if they should run away from those two or to laugh about the situation.
Of course they chose the second one.
—Yo bro why are these two fighting again? —Asked Kaminari to Kirishima while laughing.
—I don't know man, I think they both wanna see something on the TV.
—They literally are like siblings. —Said Sero.
—Me being siblings with this stupid idiot! He wish! —Shouted Katsuki.
—I would throw a microwave at you! —Answered Midoriya.
—Fucking try, you bitch!
—Are you sure you're not secret brothers or something? —Said Sero again.
—Shut up! —Both yelled in response.
—I would die before being brothers with this asshole! —Said Katsuki.
—And to think they were making progress… —Was what the class president could say about the situation.
—At least I don't prefer to watch a cooking show before an exclusive interview of the best heroes of the USA!
—Don't act like you don't like that fucking show! You All Might wannabe!
Class couldn't help to break a laugh. They really couldn't help it when it came to that duo, who were a perfect mix between siblings that argue for literally nothing and besties that finish each other's sentences.
—Kacchan, could you just be NICE for once and watch it in your room?
—Why do I have to be the one that goes to his room!
—Because I don't have that channel on my TV!
—Watch it on the phone then!
—It's not the same Kacchan and you know it!
—Hah?! That's why I'm gonna watch it on this gigantic TV!
—No you're not going to!
—Hell I am!
—Not if I catch the controller first!
As soon as Izuku finished saying that they both runned for their lives to the desk where it was supposed to be the controller.
But soon they realized that it wasn't there but on Jirou's hand, who was watching a random concert.
—Gimme the controller! —Both yelled at the same time.
—Uh…no? —Said Jirou totally unbothered by the situation.
—Please! I'll let you finish whatever that is!
—Fucking no! Give it to me!
—Uh… First, I'm not ears. Second, this is actually boring me so here you go Midoriya. —She said while throwing the controller to him.
—What! Why him?!
—Because he doesn't call me ears and I wanna see you mad. Besides, Midoriya would kill you if you don't let him see his hero stuff, so you're welcome.— Said while walking away.
—You're a fucking asshole!
—Cry about it! —She said while hiding a little laugh.
—Jirou is a queen... —Said Kaminari.
—Shut up, you simp! And give me that, fucking Izuku!
—No! —Midoriya said while holding it close to his chest.
—Gimme that!! —Yelled Katsuki while grabbing his face as Midoriya tried his best to pull him away.
Then he had an idea and not much later than that, the blackwhip was tying Katsuki.
—Don't you mghf!!! —Bakugou lost the ability to talk when the blackwhip tied his mouth and both his legs and hands, and all he could do was squirm like a worm.
—You could've watched your programme! But now you're not going to for being a jerk! —Said Midoriya. He was not going to untie him fearing that he would take away the remote from him.
—Rule number 1, never interpose between Midobro and Hero stuff. —Said Kirishima while laughing.
—What Kacchan? You're not saying anything? —Kaminari teased him.
The truth was that yeah Bakugou was tied, but he could still make explosions. And no matter how much Aizawa prohibited him from doing that after he 'accidentally' burned one chair, he would do it if Kaminari didn't shut up.
Fortunately for both Kirishima and Kaminari, both knew that if they didn't stop, they would probably be killed, so they left the common room while inevitably laughing.
Midoriya on the other hand, calmy switched the channel to the one with the USA hero programme, while Bakugou didn't stop squirming and casually ...yelling? If it can be considered that.
It was basically their dynamic. Getting mad for the stupidest reasons, fighting a bit and then making up like the lost siblings they were.
They both liked that to be honest. They were kind of opposites, but at the same time they were so similar, reason why they got along so well (and sometimes so not). But they both liked it and felt incredibly comfortable with each other.
Izuku wasn't afraid of interacting with Katsuki like he had been in the past, Katsuki wasn't afraid of showing a little bit of his emotions to Izuku. They were improving, time to time. But at the end of the day, both cared a lot for each other and loved spending time together.
The class also knew that they were really transparent with their actions but not that much with words. They were like brothers, yeah, but some of them also realized that Bakugou and Midoriya were more like an old marriage, which was kind of cute.
Eventually, Bakugou became calmer (he would never recognize it, but he also liked the programme). And because of that Midoriya untied him.
—It was about time, bastard.
—We can still watch that cooking show if you want to. —Responded Izuku.
—Nah, this is not that bad.
—I knew you would like it! —Said Midoriya with a big grin on his face.
—Shut up idiot!
Midoriya immediately got closer and leaned his head on Bakugou's shoulder.
—Uh… Izuku?
—Isn't this a little bit gay? —Bakugou asked, pointing out the situation.
—No? Why would it be?
—Because you're leaning your head on my shoulder?
—And? How 's that gay?
—Whatever, at least you're not on my lap.
Immediately after saying that, Izuku leaned his head on his lap to tease Katsuki.
—Move idiot!
—You're an annoying bitch you know.
—And why are you caressing my hair? —He said while Bakugou touched his curls.
—That's not fucking weird! —He replied as he stopped.
—Kacchan, don't be dumb, do whatever you want to, it's not gay. Besides, it's nice when people touch my hair.
But why then Bakugou felt butterflies whenever Midoriya was touching him? Why did it felt so good to have Midoriya's breath on his thighs? Why was it so easy to get his hands lost in his hair?
Bakugou didn't have an answer, so he preferred watching the programme while ignoring the heartbeats that were growing louder.
Yo! I wrote this shitty thing at midnight so don't rlly judge it lol
ALSO English is not my first language
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
Something crazy that's not overt in this current battle in the hospital, but it's a running theme I suppose, is how it's a ...battle of voices? It isn't physical power that will decide how this will end but what voices will be heard:the mutants are finally making their voices heard and are also being responded by Shouji who is trying to make his voice heard and even removing his mask for it, Koda power is in place and it's voice based, Mic is here and he can take over and make it so only his voice will be heard and can eclipse all the other's voices, and finally if Kurogiri hears AFO his programming will make him awake but he will be controled by him since Noumus can only follow commands...I'm beginning to believe that if Kurogiri hears Tenko's voice he will be able to fight his programming unitying his Shirakumo side with his current status, freeing himself from AFO and turning the tides, what do you think?
Yeah I think you're totally right about the voices thing! There's so many voices all at once and it's really a battle (physically and mentally) of who will get through to who first
Personally though, I think the voices thing isn't just limited to this arc. It's what bnha is about
You know, getting through to people. Getting through to the villains. Especially with Izuku and Tomura, Shouto and Dabi, and Ochako and Toga
But it can be found anywhere too. It's in the way Tomura has been crying for help, Dabi talking to Tokoyami about Twice's death, Twice and Hawks, the second license exam and trying to get through to the kids, Izuku vs Class 1A, Ochako speaking to the crowd in the return to UA etc etc
It's really what's been happening this whole time. The story is a conversation between different kinds of people and their ideals and experiences, overlapping in the air until one overcomes the other - like you said, "It isn't physical power that will decide how this will end but what voices will be heard". That applies to the story too I think
Though of course there are big shounen battles which is par for the course of reading shounen lol
But, yes, that definitely also includes this plot line centered on heteromorphs - a topic that has been talked about and touched on in the past, but has now come back into focus. EXTREMELY important, given the fact that it's a topic with a ton of different experiences all in one area (Spinner and Shouji being from villages and suffering from discrimination, Kouda being from the city implying that he has faced little to no discrimination despite being a heteromorph himself, PLF general talking about heteromorph massacre in history, the Heroes in the middle of the battle who haven't gone through anything like that)
And this arc is also a little more specific in the use of voices. I mean, like you said, we have two voice-based quirks in the battle (Mic and Kouda, interesting), then there's Shouji removing his mask and speaking about his experiences and wants for the future, but there's also the PLF general announcing to the mob and stirring everyone up, and AFO (the voice inside Spinner's mind - even if just in a memory, it's still a voice and it is influencing/controlling Spinner)
About Kurogiri; I don't know how exactly he would hear AFO's voice or how he would hear Tomura's voice (whether they personally go over to the hospital or it's some kind of mind connection thing idk, though yeah if it does happen, they definitely tie into the voice thing too)
BUT I fr have been thinking the same thing, about the Kurogiri side (warp, memories of villainy, loyalty to Tomura) merging with his Shirakumo side (the boy who wanted to be a hero, the boy who loved his friends and saved a kitten) and THAT being how he frees himself from the control and turning the tides
LIKE?? I'd fucking love that. I honestly think something like that is going to happen at some point, whether it's this arc or not. The Villain side combining with a Heroes heart and choosing to, idk, help the situation with the Heroes or specifically help Tomura and/or the League? Maybe both in some way?
I think it'd be so cool
Again, I'm not sure about how exactly Kurogiri would hear AFO and Tomura, but Kurogiri combining both sides of him to somehow help the situation would be a real tide changer that's for sure
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roguesenses · 2 years
shipping meme (accepting)
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Who is the little spoon?
Probably Katsuki.
For some reason, since Katsuki does not like cuddling as much, I imagine sometimes Izuku and Shouto would just hold each other. Other times due to Izuku's excessive rolling, they end up trapping poor Katsuki in the middle with no way to escape...yeah, sorry Kacchan, you are the little spoon.
Who sings in the shower?
Maybe Izuku, out of the three of them.
Who plays pranks on the other?
I can imagine Shouto pranking Katsuki and Izuku laughing along about it.
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
All three of them are caring enough to do that for each other. Maybe Shouto would do it the most because he's very attentive and I am sure treasures the others very much because he's a bit love-starved from his childhood.
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
Katsuki because let's be real he would want that control.
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
I can see Shouto and Izuku feeding each other, and embarrassing Katsuki. Maybe they can try to feed Katsuki too and make the other snarl and run away hahaha.
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Both Izuku and Shouto give compliments readily, but I think Shouto's would surprise people more because his compliments are probably weirder in nature and truly random.
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
None of them are really food thieves but I can see it happening out of banter and play between Katsuki & Shouto.
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Katsuki makes the list, and the other boys add to it. If he doesn't agree with what they choose, he'll veto them.
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
They'll all take care of each other, and it would actually be so cute. I imagine Shouto is more of the companionship type and when you are sick, he'd physically stay with you and take care of you. Katsuki is more of a take your goddamn medicine, barks a lil and then goes off to make you porridge. Izuku is in between where he'll hold your hand until you fall asleep and then go get you what he thinks you'll need.
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Izuku and Shouto would totally try to dance and Katsuki can tell them how they are getting the steps wrong from the side.
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Katsuki can bark at two people (affectionately) to hurry the hell up.
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adrift-in-thyme · 21 days
Okay 2 things:
2) I wonder about Scylla. What kind of monster is she, really, that even Poseidon fears her? Is Poseidon really scared of her? Or did the siren lie? But then, why did it work? Why should she tell him the truth? Perhaps because there was no reason not to? He was supposed to die either way. If the sirens never got him, Scylla or Poseidon would. But how did he escape? Even Poseidon doesn’t dare to roam into Scylla’s lair…did she hold back? I wonder…
Yeah that was just NOT COOL. I’ve heard from multiple people, including you now lol, that he has character development so I’m holding out for some changes haha. And honestly he’s a great foil for Izuku. Bakugo’s got insane power but an attitude like a villain. Izuku’s got no power (and then power that literally breaks him when he uses it) but he totally has the attitude of a hero. Like running out and risking his life for the dude that’s bullied him for years??? That’s some serious selflessness
Man I love that scrappy adorable little dude
As for Scylla…get ready for me to nerd out about mythology XD Idk if this is canon to EPIC but in mythology she was a woman who Circe, in a fit of jealousy, turned into a hideous monster with six dog heads attached to her body. So she can only eat six people at once. She is situated close to Charybdis — a whirlpool that devours ships.
In the Odyssey, it was Circe who told Ody about Scylla and gave him a choice: either navigate Charybdis or allow Scylla to devour six men. If he chose Scylla, he had to refrain from trying to fight her because their only escape would be to speed by while she chewed on the six dudes she’d snatched up (also this was random in the myth, while in EPIC they were selected and indicated by the torches Eury handed out). While I’m not sure about the siren’s thought process and if she realized Ody was doomed or not, I think this is how they escaped in EPIC as well.
That’s why as soon as Scylla pops up he tells his men to “row for your lives!” They have to run while she is devouring the men she can grab, otherwise she’ll come back for six more (which she actually does in the Odyssey because Odysseus desperately wants to save his men and tries to fight her).
So I think it was a feat of strategy and sacrifice that allowed them to escape
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