#yeah they argued but they also understood each other and clearly felt more excitement in each other's company more than anyone else's
torchwood-99 · 1 month
Kate and Anthony were friends to lovers masquerading as enemies to lovers.
Penelope and Colin are enemies to lovers masquerading as friends to lovers.
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Title: Someday
Author: David Levithan
Genre: YA Fiction | Romance | Friendship | Fantasy | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Bullying | Physical Violence
Overall Rating: 9.9/10
Personal Opinion: The plot is honestly nothing remarkable but that’s kind of why I love it. I love slice of life and seeing the world through A’s lens, hopping from body to body every day, that’s slices of many lives. But what’s great about this sequel to Everyday is that we get to see others like A too. How do they cope? What questions do they have? How do they live their unusual life? It’s truly fascinating. 
Do I Own This Book? No but it’s on my wish list.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I’m going to start with the part that made me the most giddy. Aemon and Liam. Oh my god. They are both entities like A, changing bodies every day. By sheer chance, they met at a book festival and fell for each other. Neither of them thought they could ever have more than words on a screen until Liam finally stopped being a coward (his words) and went to see Aemon/Peter anyway. And boom! They now know each other for real. Oh my god, when I read that part, I about exploded with excitement because it was such a plot twist. And it wasn’t even part of the main plot. It was like a 6 page intermission at best. But I just love love and I love that these two found each other.
- Okay, on to the main plot. It’s honestly nothing remarkable and that’s kind of why I love it. The thing that drew me to Everyday was the fact that it was slices of many lives. The simple, the complicated, the happy, the sad, the good, the bad. A has to live those lives and they did it alone. After sharing parts of themself with Rhiannon, they were not used to being alone again. I felt their heartbreak but I also felt the bits of the people that they embodied. It created this lens that was so unique to reading this book and I was just so enraptured.
- It was also so interesting to see A living the lives of people who are neurodivergent. Of course, I mean, Alvin. Clearly, something is going on with his brain because he was all over the place. There were two pages that had zero indents. It was just one long paragraph crammed into the pages. It was fascinating. And I understood the purpose it had served in the story. It was the story’s way of reminding the reader why A and Rhiannon couldn’t work. Because A had no idea who they would wake up as and what they would be experiencing. Some simply don’t have access to the internet. Others go through a crisis and need  help. It is impossible for A and Rhiannon to always be together because there’s no telling what sort of obstacles an individual’s life will present.
- I know A feels like they fucked up Moses Cheng’s life but I would argue that they helped Moses. First of all, his bullies were clearly racist and therefore deserve to have charges pressed against them for hurting Moses. Second of all, A was right to confess everything that had happened to Moses to the adults. It was the right thing to do and I think it will serve Moses well in the long run. I just hope Moses finds good friends to help him get through life in the future.
- I fucking hate X, oh my god. He (potentially) ruined Pat’s life. He killed Reverend Poole. He kidnapped Wyatt. He beat the shit out of Nathan. But my god, what a wild ride seeing the opposite of A at work. He is evil personified, abusing his power to ruin lives and harm innocent people while avoiding the consequences. But the crazy part is that he’s not wrong about some of his points. I mean, redistributing the wealth to the poor? That’s iconic. He still sucks ass for his violent tendencies though. Of course he identifies as a man too. It’s just like Amanita’s dads said in Sense8, “It’s always a man.” “Violence has a gender.”
- But yeah, glimpsing other entities like A at work was just so fascinating. People like that 98 year old lady who passed away uses God to cope with their waking up every day in a different body. People like Dawn who go to the MET every day and sit in front of the same painting for a constant. People like Helmut who have stayed in the same body for forty years because he wanted to stay. People like Morris who still don't understand how they work yet. It’s amazing seeing them exist because A and X aren’t the only ones. There’s more than just two ways to exist as them. And also A got to meet M on an online chat forum and therefore, neither of them are alone anymore. That makes me so happy too.
- I was worried that Alexander would be heartbroken by the end of this book but he and Rhiannon are still somewhat together. They have something and it’s theirs and it’s implied that Alexander learns about A too. And that makes me happy too. Plus, we also have Nathan and Wyatt starting their own support group of two to cope with being possessed. That makes me happy too. The fact that characters don’t have to be alone with their traumatic experiences makes me happy.
- As I said, fuck X. I just wish we knew what happened with Pat. I hope he doesn’t remember all the shitty stuff. It’s also implied that he’s gay. And I hate that X used Pat’s body to have sex with a woman. And then treated that woman like trash. Oh my god, I hate X. He ruined another life too! That college guy who had a girlfriend! Oh my god, I hope they’re okay. God, seriously, fuck X. He acts like he’s a gift for “restraining” himself from doing worse things. The things you do are still pretty bad you sicko. 
- That’s pretty much it, I hate X. I hate that he ruined lives. I understand why A feels conflicted about disposing of him but the world is better off without him. That’s it.
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kpostedsum · 3 years
only you
draco malfoy x reader, harry potter x reader
summary: when harry asks you to get closer to a specific someone, what happens if you get too close?
based off this tiktok
song: dark red - steve lacy
a/n: there is infidelity in this fic whomppp and not edited
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Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
I don't know it but I feel it comin'
Might be so sad, might leave my nose running
the sky was gloomy on your way to hogwarts, everyone was on edge with the return of voldemort. you stayed with harry, ron and hermione all throughout the summer at the burrow preparing for your sixth year.
“he has to be a deatheater, his father is in azkaban so it makes sense if voldemort would have made him a deatheater in his fathers place” your boyfriend harry tried to explain to ron and hermione. you have to admit, he could have a point— however, no matter how bad draco is you didn’t want to think that of a sixteen year old boy. “well how do you suppose we find out?” asked ron as he awaited an answer from everyone.
“i have a plan but i don’t suppose harry would be too fond of it” hermione said with a waver in her voice. “since y/n comes from a respectable pureblood family, perhaps she can get closer to draco and confirm our suspicions for us—”
“absolutely not. i don’t want y/n any where near malfoy, who knows how dangerous he is” harry said defensively. you have to admit, hermiones plan is smart and is probably the most realistic one there is.
“it’s okay harry” you soothed him. “i’ll be fine, hermiones plan makes the most sense” you said.
“so what’s the plan?”
I just hope she don't wanna leave me
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong with you, and only you, baby
“love, i still don’t think this is a good idea, what if you get hurt?” harry said as you two were cuddled on his bed together in the boys dorm, basking in each others warmth and security.
“he won’t hurt me harry, he’s a boy just like you— i’m sure if he is a deatheater he isn’t handling it as well as you think. i’ll be okay” you said. a soft silence stilled between the two of you as you enjoyed being wrapped up in your boyfriends arms, occasionally rubbing your nose against his just to hear his giggle that you love so much.
“i’ve just lost a lot of people, i don’t want you to be one of them. if something were to happen to you i’d light the world on fire and never let a flame touch you, just to keep you safe.” he said with a certain look of truth, loyalty and despair swimming in his eyes as he looked at you.
“i’m not going anywhere harry, i promise. i love you, only you” was the last thing you said before the both of you fell asleep, body parts tangled with eachother.
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
it’s been 3 days since that night with harry, and since then you’ve been trying to get closer to draco, but every time you tried he seemed to disappear. tonight you decided you’d wander outside of the slytherin common room in hopes of him showing up.
“what are you doing here, don’t you belong with the other gryffindors and saint potter?”
there he was. the voice you’ve been waiting to hear all week.
“i’ve grown quite bored of them right now, i figured i need a little excitement in my life. which is exactly why i am here, wandering outside the slytherin common room hoping there’s someone here to cure my boredom.” you said trying to sound as convincing as possible.
“get to the point y/n” he said walking closer to you. “what do you really want? is potter not fulfilling your needs anymore?” he smirked as he backed you against the wall, caging your frame beneath his.
“harry and i are fine, thank you very much” you rolled your eyes. “he’s just too busy right now”
“so you think i’m the cure to your boredom” draco said raising his brows, curious as to where this conversation is leading too.
“i know you’re the cure to my boredom.”
Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
Why I feel this way I don't know maybe
I think of her so much it drives me crazy
I just don't want her to leave me
you and draco have been hanging out every night since that day. some days he’d be there and you’d both talk until the sun rise, and others he wouldn’t show.
you knew you had to ask him about it soon for harry’s sake but you couldn’t bring yourself to do so, atleast not tonight.
“what do you mean you haven’t found out yet? you’ve been spending almost every night with him— which you could be spending with me by the way, and you still found out nothing about him. what do you even do then?” harry exclaimed, clearly frustrated over the lack of information and the fact that his girlfriend has been hanging out with the enemy.
“i can’t just straight up ask him harry!” you say a bit louder than intended. “he has to trust me first, and how can i build that trust with him if we don’t hang out. all we do is talk, i promise.” you said, your voice softening as you weren’t in the mood to argue with your boyfriend right now.
“can we just go to sleep please, i miss you” you pleaded.
“yeah, yeah we can” he said pulling you towards him in his bed, allowing your head to rest in the crook of his neck inhaling his scent. a scent that used to be so familiar but you can feel being replaced.
“it’s only me right?” he asked staring towards his ceiling.
“yes harry, it’s only you. i love you.” you said reassuring him, but also reassuring yourself.
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong with you and only you, baby
“draco, can i ask you something” you asked looking towards him as he sat on the other side of you looking at the stars on from the astronomy tower.
“what is it?” he responded.
“how come sometimes you don’t show up, some days i’ll sit here waiting for you to show up and you never do. i miss you” you said softly, hoping you can get some information out of him.
“it’s cute that you miss me, i’d be lying if i said sometimes i didn’t miss your presence as well.” he said turning towards you and sending you a smirk. crawling over to him and resting your head on his shoulder, you relaxed against him.
“you know i don’t think you’re as bad as harry makes you out to be” you admitted. it’s true though, harry makes him out to be someone vain, however you find his presence comforting. you look forward to the nights you spend with him, more than you’d like to admit. “you’re quite nice when you want to be and are really good company” you explained.
“oh yeah?” he turned to you.
“yeah” you nodded. “i think harry is blinded by hate, he doesn’t know i’ve been hanging out with you and i’m sure if he were to find out he’d think you’re hurting me.” you partly lied.
“but i don’t think you could hurt me even if you tried” you said peering up at him with a soft smile and big genuine eyes. he adored the sight but he’d never admit it.
“i dont think your boyfriend would appreciate you talking about him like this to his enemy, now would he love?” draco said with a smirk. he knew over the past few weeks you’ve been hanging out your love for harry has been fading, even if you haven’t seen it yourself.
“draco” you said breaking the soft silence. “i have something to confess”
“well what is it?” he said, turning towards you giving you his full attention.
“do you think it’s wrong for someone to feel something for someone they’re not supposed to feel for” you asked, staring into his stormy grey eyes.
“i feel like i should feel guilty, but i don’t. if anything i feel safe.” you continued.
“what do you mean by that?” draco asked, taking his hand and slowly caressing your cheek encouraging you to continue.
when he touched you it felt as if the stars were dancing across your skin. you haven’t felt that way with harry in a while. it felt as if you could be anything in the world, and for some reason, you wanted to be his.
“is it wrong that when i’m with you, i get the same feeling i used to feel with him” you asked. “i mean, for some reason i can’t seem to stay away from you, and i don’t think i want too. i feel safe with you”. you said softly, hoping he understood what you meant.
“i used to think i was crazy meeting up with you every night, but i think it’s the best decision i’ve ever made.” he expressed. “you’ve become something i look forward too everyday, someone i seek out in crowds without even realizing it. i don’t think i want to stay away from you either” he finished.
the air stilled between you two, the only sounds heard were the soft winds of the night.
“draco… can i kiss you?” you asked.
“if you do, i don’t think i’d be able to stop” he confessed.
“and what if i don’t want you to stop” you said leaning closer and pressing your lips against his.
his lips were soft. slightly cold but it was addictive. kissing him felt so good, you might have even forgot how to breathe, but breathing wasn’t important in that moment.
“i’ve waited— i’ve waited so long for this, but i didn’t want to ruin what you and saint potter had” he said as he pulled you to straddle his lap and you pressed harsh kisses against his neck, craving to feel him.
“you didn’t ruin a thing” you said in between kisses. “i ruined it the day i decided to seek you out outside your common room” you continued breaking the kiss.
“i’m glad you did” he said resting his forehead against yours.
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
whatever you had going on with draco continues for months, hidden kisses between classes and tangled limbs in his bed at night.
the only problem was harry.
“as much as i’d love to brag about stealing potters girlfriend to everyone, i don’t think i can do that” draco said as you both laid in bed together in each others embrace.
“i know, but i can’t leave him yet. it’s just not the right time” you said turning to face him.
“i know” he said turning towards you. “if anything, i enjoy sneaking around with you” he says as he presses light kisses to your neck.
“what are you thinking about” he asks as he notices you’re not paying attention to him.
“harry’s probably wondering where i am, i should probably go to him” you said sadly.
“just be back tomorrow, alright?”
“i’ll always come back to you draco, i promise” you said pressing a kiss to his lips and heading to the gryffindor common room.
What if she's fine
It's my mind that's wrong
And I just let bad thoughts
Linger for far too long
“you’ve been out quite a bit haven’t you” ron said as you entered the common room. his eyes, hermione’s and harry’s eyes all on you.
“i’ve just been trying to get the information you wanted from him” you lied as you took a seat next to hermione.
“we’ll have you gotten anything?” she asked
“no, i haven’t. i don’t think hes a deatheater, i mean it’s been months since i’ve been hanging with him— he would have told me by now” you explained.
“what do you mean he doesn’t trust you, all you do is be with him and stare at each other in class. i wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bloody crush on you by now” harry said quite aggressively.
“we only talk, i’ve told you that already” you said sternly even though it was a lie.
“how about we all go to sleep and discuss this in the morning, it’s quite late” ron said trying to diffuse the tension.
“i agree, it’s too late and none of us are thinking straight” hermione added on to ron’s statement and going straight to the girls dorm, ron going to the boys dorm.
Don't you give me up, please don't give up
Honey, I belong, with you, only you, baby
you and harry were left in the common room alone, the sound of fire crackling becoming more evident and loud as you tried to avoid his gaze.
“i’m sorry for lashing out like that” he said breaking the silence. “i know you and malfoy have nothing going on, i guess i’ve just missed you.”
“i missed you too harry” you said looking over to him.
“c’mere” he said tugging you towards him so you sit on his lap. “i love you, y’know. i don’t think i’d be able to do any of this without you” he continued looking into your eyes with a look of desperation of love.
a look you couldn’t return.
“i love you too harry, only you.” the lies came out your mouth before you could even stop them.
“only you, i promise.”
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you, babe
Only you, my girl, only you, babe
Only you, darling, only you
taglist: @mauvea @teenwolfbitches28 @ilygw @nic0lodean @s1ater @henqtic @justreadingficsdontmindme @i-love-scott-mccall @harmqnia @gwlvr @alishahpotter
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andvys · 3 years
bad idea / part 1
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warnings: none.
pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
summary: Ellie can’t help but fall for the new girl in Jackson who also seemed to have attracted the attention of Jesse, her best friend. Will she act upon her feelings or is she going to ignore her feelings for the sake of Jesse?
@peachymelon69​ hi! I'm sorry, I took way too long to finish this request but it’s finally written! I hope you enjoy it! <3
Walking through Jackson, you couldn't help but look at everything with such amazement in your eyes, you have never seen anything like this, you didn't even know there could be such civilized places like this one. 
Joel found you lost in the woods, he offered you to come back with him to Jackson when he saw the state you were in. You were bruised from fighting, your clothes were torn and you simply looked miserable. 
You were apprehensive of following a complete stranger home but you were lucky you did. 
It’s been two weeks since you came to this town and you were still mesmerized with everything here, you met Maria, the leader of Jackson. 
You found her quite intimidating and stern but she seemed like a great person overall, she let you stay without asking anything of you after all. 
You were introduced to all the different jobs here, you were most interested in going out on patrols but you weren't clear for that yet so you signed up for guard duty. 
You spotted a small cafe, eyes widening in surprise and excitement, you didn't know there was such a thing as cafe’s left in this world. You always walked into the old cafe’s, imagining what it would be like to just order a hot drink, sit down and enjoy your hot beverage while listening to music.
You remember your dad always telling you about the old world, things like cafes and cinemas didn't exist in this world anymore or so you thought. This town had more to offer than you have thought. 
You walked towards the cafe, opening the door, the bell rung over you, only a few people occupied the tables in the small but cute cafe, looking over to the counter, you noticed the pretty girl that was working here. 
You haven't seen her around yet, well you haven't been to this cafe yet. 
“hey y/n.” you heard someone say from behind you, the bell rung once again, making the pretty barista look over to you. 
Turning around you noticed it was Jesse, a smile tugged at your lips at the sight of him. Jesse was one of the first people you met in Jackson after Joel brought you in, you liked him, he was nice.
“hi.” you greeted him making him smile.
“here for coffee?” he asked, staring down at you. 
“I just found this place.” you chuckled “but yeah, I guess, I never tried it before.” you told him.
“then it’s about time, come on I'll introduce you to Ellie.” he said, pushing you towards the counter. 
There was no one else but the barista behind the counter and there were no other girls in this cafe but her and you right now, so she must be Ellie.
You’ve heard a lot about her in that one week since you’ve been here but you never actually met her. 
She was staring at you and Jesse already, causing you to look away from her shyly, for some reason you felt too nervous to look at her directly. 
“hey Williams.” he greeted her, grinning at her. 
“hi.” she mumbled, glaring at him before her eyes fell on you, staring at you in curiosity, a smirk tugging at her lips when she eyed you up and down.
“Ellie this is y/n and y/n that’s Ellie.” he spoke, introducing the two of you to each other. 
“hi.” she smirked at you, offering you her hand to shake.
“hey.” you smiled shyly, grabbing her hand to shake, a tingly feeling appeared in your body at her touch. 
“so you are the latest talk of town.” Ellie said, causing you to blush as you looked between her and Jesse in confusion. 
“don't scare the poor girl.” Jesse rolled his eyes at Ellie before explaining you that the people of Jackson were really noisy and would assess everything and everyone with hawk eyes. 
“how’s working at a cafe?” Jesse asked her, smirking when she let out a groan. 
“it sucks.” she muttered “I just wanna go on patrol again.” she whined. 
“too bad.” Jesse chuckled in amusement making her glare at him again.
Looking between them you wondered what caused her to be assigned to work at this cafe rather than going out on patrol.
“anyways..” Ellie mumbled, still glaring at him “what do you want to drink?” she asked you, her expression softening when she looked at you. 
“umm.. coffee?” you asked shyly making her chuckle at the way you looked at her, with a cute frown on your face.
“let me guess, you never had it before?” she guessed.
Scrunching up your face you shook your head, making her chuckle again. 
“trust me, you're gonna hate it.” she said, before grabbing a mug to pour you some fresh coffee. 
“oh come on, it’s great.” Jesse argued, sitting on the barstool. 
“is it really?” she questioned, placing the mug in front of you, eyeing your face slowly.
You looked down at the dark liquid before you grabbed the mug, holding it to your lips you looked at Ellie before taking a sip, savoring the bitter taste, you put the mug back down before scrunching up your face in disgust causing Ellie to laugh mumbling ‘I told you so’ while Jesse groaned in disappointment, taking your mug for himself as he was mumbling about something you and Ellie not knowing what taste is. 
“okay.. well, I think the coffee was better back in the day, at least that’s what I think, they had so many flavors.” you sighed. 
Ellie nodded in agreement while Jesse mumbled about plain black coffee being great. 
You found out that making conversation with Ellie was easy, almost natural, as if you've known each other since forever instead of just a few minutes.
“you coming to the bonfire tonight?” Ellie asked you, looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“of course she’s coming.” Jesse said, placing a hand on your shoulder “i already asked her two days ago”
She looked between you and Jesse, her shoulders slumped down slightly, as her expression turned from a hopeful one to a sad, disappointed one.
“o-oh, okay.” she mumbled, blinking a few times before she grabbed a rag, cleaning the countertop.
She couldn’t help but feel disappointed, the moment you walked into the cafe, she noted how beautiful you looked, she heard so much about you from Jesse and Joel but hadn’t had the pleasure to meet you herself in those two weeks you’ve been here.
Now that she finally had the chance to meet you she couldn’t help but crush on you from the first sight, you were all she’d dreamed of. Maybe it was a little too cliche to think that way, since she just met you but it was true, you were exactly her type and not just from looks, from what she’s seen of you already, she knew it would be hard to stay away from you.
But of course Jesse had his eyes on you already, who wouldn’t. She could just ignore his crush on you and still go after you but she couldn’t, not after he got his heart broken by Dina and was finally ready to move on.
You eyed Ellie, noticing how quiet she’s gotten all of the sudden while Jesse started talking about the bonfire, which was happening outside of Jackson, at some campsite.
“wait.” you started, furrowing your brows in worry “we’re sneaking out?” you asked.
“yeah.” Jesse answered, taking a sip of his coffee.
Ellie stopped cleaning the counter when she saw the worried look on your face “don’t worry about it, no one has ever catched us before.” she told you, reassuring you.
“o-okay.” you nodded.
“oh speaking of the bonfire, can you pick y/n here up and show her?” he asked Ellie “i have to be there earlier and help with the drinks.” he explained, shooting you an apologetic smile.
Ellie nodded her head, almost a little to enthusiastically. Of course she would jump at the opportunity to spend some time alone with you even if it was just for a 15 minute walk.
You blushed slightly, when you saw how excited she looked at spending some alone time with you.
“alright ladies, I gotta go now.” he announced, smiling at the both of you before he left, looking back at you one more time to send a wink your way before he left the cafe.
You chuckled, looking back at Ellie, you found her staring at you already, making you blush as you saw the way she was eying your face.
“so.. do you do these bonfire nights often?” you asked, feeling a bit nervous to be alone with her for some reason.
She didn’t answer right away, she kept looking at you, deep in thought until she realized she was staring “uh yeah, it’s nice to just have a few drinks and relax with no old people around.” she chuckled.
Nodding your head, you chuckled at her words.
Your eyes fell on her tattoo in interest, there weren’t many people who had tattoos except for the older ones who were from the old world, so you were intrigued, you asked her about it and she started explaining you the meaning of it, causing you to have another long conversation before you went back home to get ready for tonight.
“so.. do you like Jackson?” Ellie asked you as you were on the way to the bonfire, you successfully made it out of Jackson without being caught after Ellie came to pick you up. 
You were nervous to risk being caught but you felt safe with her even though you just met her today.
“I love it!” you smiled at her “I didn't even know there such places as this one so imagine my surprise when Joel brought me back.” you said, remembering how surprised you were when he showed you around town.
Ellie chuckled at your enthusiasm, she couldn't help but check you out. 
You wore tight jeans, that seemed to sit perfectly around your hips and ass which led Ellie to stare shamelessly when you bend down to put your shoes on back at home when she waited for you to get ready. 
“what do you like most about Jackson so far?” she asked, scanning your face in curiosity. 
“the cafe.” you winked at her, causing her to blush, clearly not expecting that response from you.
“are you sure about that? Coffee isn't that great.” she spoke, scrunching up her face in disgust. She never understood how people could drink that bitter stuff, the smell was nice but the taste wasn't. 
“but the barista is.” you smiled at her causing her to blush again. 
‘is she flirting with me?’ Ellie thought to herself, enjoying it a little too much, completely forgetting about Jesse for a moment. 
“oh?” she challenged you. 
“pretty cute too.” you spoke, checking her out. 
‘oh, she's definitely flirting.’ she thought to herself as a smirk tugged at her lips.
“well, I’d say, you're cuter.” she said, smirking at you. 
You smiled at her before you looked away shyly when the sound of chatter and music could be heard from behind the trees. 
“there we are.” Ellie said, putting a hand on the small of your back, guiding you towards the party. 
You could see light behind the trees, from the bonfire and some lights that were strung across the campsite. 
Some people were sitting on chairs talking to each other while others stood in the corner laughing and joking around, you spotted Jesse in the corner, seeming to be in an argument with a beautiful dark haired girl. 
“oh no.” Ellie mumbled as she caught sight of them. 
“what's wrong?” you asked, turning around to look at her, you noted the uncomfortable look on her face when she looked over to Jesse. 
“nothing.” she mumbled, looking back at you “come one, let’s get some drinks.” she said, grabbing your hand she pulled you towards the table with the drinks.
You furrowed your brows but didn't question it any further, looking back at Jesse you noticed the girl storming off while he looked after her with an annoyed expression. 
“so.. what do you wanna drink?” Ellie asked, pulling you out of your thoughts “beer, beer or beer?” she asked, pursing her lips as you stared at her in amusement.
“hmm.” you put a finger on your cheek, pretending to think as you furrowed your brows. 
Ellie smiled at you, eying you as you scrunched up your face. 
‘she's so cute.’ 
“I think I'm gonna go with beer.” you chuckled causing her to snort as she grabbed a bottle and two plastic cups, filling them up before she gave you one. 
Your fingers brushed against hers as you grabbed the cup from her, smiling to yourself when you saw the way she blushed at your touch. 
Taking a sip from the cup you couldn't help but scrunch your face up in disgust at the very bitter taste. 
Ellie couldn't help but laugh at your facial expression. 
“wow..” you started, looking into the cup “that’s even worse than coffee.” 
“yeah.” Ellie chuckled, taking a sip “but it gets you drunk so..” 
Nodding, you took another sip. 
“there you guys are.” you heard Jesse’s voice from behind you, turning around you saw him walking towards you, smiling, pulling you into a short hug before he leaned over to grab a beer bottle. 
Ellie eyed him in worry, “is everything okay?” she asked him. 
“yeah.” he sighed, before he looked at you, trying to distract himself from whatever was going on as he began to make small talk. 
You found out that the dark haired girl used to be Jesse’s girlfriend, who broke up with him a few weeks ago, according to Ellie it was a usual occurrence, almost like they needed the drama to which Jesse objected, apparently he was over her and found someone else he was interested in now, which caused Ellie to look away in slight annoyance. 
“I’ll be right back, I'm gonna talk to Dean.” Jesse said, pointing to a guy with dark blonde hair, he was standing by the small cabin along with some other guys.
“okay.” you smiled at him before you looked back at Ellie, who seemed to look a little relieved now that Jesse left.
“should we go sit down?” you offered, looking around, you spotted a bench in front of the lake “maybe there?” you added, pointing to the bench.
“yeah.” Ellie said, grabbing your hand, she started walking towards the lake. 
You couldn't help but smile at her gesture, you liked her, from the moment you saw her, you couldn’t help but develop a little crush on her, she was beautiful and her tattoo and the way she wore her hair made her look very hot. 
Walking around the bench, she sat down and pulled you down next to her, still holding your hand. 
You smiled at her before you looked ahead, to avoid her seeing how flustered you looked.
You didn't know what it was about her but she made you feel nervous, yet excited and safe. If you could describe being around her right now it would be something along the lines of walking into an ice cold sea while there’s a huge storm raging around you but instead of feeling scared and anxious, something warm embraces you even though you are in the cold water, something unknown which leaves feeling nervous because you don’t know what it is. 
“so, where have you been before coming to Jackson?” she asked, pulling you out of your thoughts.
“everywhere.” you said, looking back at her you noticed the curious gaze she held.
“I was with a group but that was a long time ago.” you explained “there was a huge community back in Virginia, they were good people but I left them.” looking down at your hands, you thought about your friends back there, you missed them but you couldn’t stay there anymore.
“oh.. you came a long way.” Ellie said. 
“yeah, I basically grew up inside these walls there and after some things happened, I thought it was time for me to leave, I wanted to see what was left of this world and it led me here.” you said, smiling at her. 
Ellie nodded, smiling at you “well, I’m glad you’re here now.” she said, bringing her glass to her lips, taking a sip of her beer.
“yeah.” you smiled at her. 
You had a feeling that you would get close with her, so far you liked her the most out of everyone you met in Jackson, even though you just met her today. 
Something about her pulled you right into her. 
“I don’t think I've ever been this drunk before.” you slurred, staring at Ellie who seemed to be just as drunk as you are. 
She chuckled, agreeing to what you just said before she grabbed your hand waist tightly when you almost tripped over a thick branch that was laying on the ground. 
“you okay?” she chuckled, as she held you tightly, blushing when you felt her hands touched your waist.
“yeah.” you laughed “told you I'm drunk.” 
“I can see that.” she snorted, as her hand left your waist, grabbing your hand instead as she began walking again. 
You both decided to leave when you felt too drunk, it wasn't safe to walk around the woods intoxicated but you made it back to Jackson safely. 
You were supposed to hang out with Jesse but for some reason you ended up spending the whole night with Ellie while he was drinking with some guys, you didn't complain though, you were quite happy to spend time with her. 
“where are we going?” you asked, looking at her.
“I'm bringing you home.” she told you, smiling at you. “since you're too drunk to walk by yourself.”
Furrowing your brows “who brings you home then?” you asked “you're drunk too.” you pointed out, causing her to chuckle.
“I'll be fine.” she said, squeezing your hand. 
Arriving at your house, you pulled your keys out of the pocket of your hoodie, unlocking the door you looked back at Ellie who was waiting for you to go inside. 
You found her staring at you already, her eyes were moving back in forth between your eyes and your lips, as she eyed you hungrily. 
You gulped nervously, suddenly feeling very shy and flustered under her gaze but intrigued nonetheless. 
Stepping closer to you, she brushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the way she was staring at you, you bit on your lip nervously. 
Ellie tried to control herself, to keep herself from touching you but it was impossible. 
It was impossible to resist you. 
‘fuck it.’ she thought to herself as she grabbed your face and smashed her lips against yours. 
Your eyes widened, gasping against her mouth, you didn't expect her to kiss you. 
She pulled away again when you didn't kiss her back. 
“I-I’m sorry.” she began rambling with wide eyes “I shoul-
You interrupted her by slamming your lips against her’s as you grabbed her by the waist pulling her back into your house.
She closed her eyes and kissed you back. 
Her lips were soft and warm against yours, the taste of beer lingered on both of your lips. 
She pushed you inside and shut the door, turning you around she slammed you against the wall roughly, as her hands started to roam your body. 
You parted your lips slightly allowing her to slip her tongue inside causing you to moan into her mouth. 
Putting your hand on her shoulders, you started to push her towards your bed as you fumbled to take each other’s clothes off. 
Ellie knew she would regret this in the morning, she knew Jesse like you but she didn't care right now.
Not when you felt this good against her body. Not when she felt alive after so long, your touch and your kiss awoke something in her, she has never felt before and she knew one taste of you would make her addicted but she didn't care. She wanted you.
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!
following the tradition I started almost a year ago (it will be a year on Ginny's birthday), here it is, a fanfic to celebrate this date!
Harry Potter is probably the fictional character I'm most attached to.
Flynn for Fleamont, Albus still with the same name (I think Albus is a beautiful name, let's forget the meaning and there's no Severus), Ruby for Rubeus <3
‘‘Smile at the photo!’’
‘’I thought we were going to sing now.’’
"We will, but first, just smile... Yes, get closer... Perfect."
‘'We can start?'’
"Dad, you're getting old."
"I know, I realized that when you told me the same thing last night."
"Don't talk to your dad like that, Al, old people don't like to be reminded that they're old." Ginny smiled, brown eyes flashing towards him. ‘‘Come on, everyone! Happy Birthday to you…’’
Everyone started to sing, the same disorganized mess as usual, with Sirius and Remus whistling, his dad taking a bunch of pictures that were probably going bad but that he was going to display in the frame anyway, and the kids - who weren't kids anymore - starting to argue about the first piece of cake.
Harry was happier than ever.
It had been a nice day, they had traveled to their country house so there would be no unpleasant interruptions from curious people like on his 35th birthday, and they would spend the weekend having fun, enjoying the family, fishing, telling stories and laughing. It was the best way to celebrate his 41st birthday, and Harry was feeling like the happiest man in the world.
When the song ended and everyone looked forward to him blowing out the candle, Harry thought of all the years that had passed, and how things had improved since then. He looked at the children in front of the table, eagerly waiting to eat as usual, then at Ginny who was smiling at some picture James had taken, and Lily who was watching him with a smile very similar to his own, but a little older and wiser.
There wasn't much to ask for; he had his family, his parents, and all the people he loved and thought important to have there. He had nothing more to ask for.
May everything continue to be fine. He thought, closing his eyes and blowing out the candles, hearing the screams and howls and barely managing not to laugh.
"Happy birthday Dad, I love you so much." Albus was the first to come, which Harry was glad because he wasn't at an age for many outpourings of love.
‘'I love you too, my boy, so much.'’
‘‘And I wanted to know-’’
“Albus, stop hogging Dad,” Flynn pushed his brother away, already nearly as tall as Harry, a sly smile on his face. The same smile that had gotten him into so many other problems that year. Harry hadn't forgotten that. "Happy birthday, my old man." He opened his arms, far more willing to show affection than his brothers. ‘’Forty-one, huh? Almost time for retirement.'’
“Yeah, I'm thinking about starting to worry about putting my room downstairs. My knee is not the same anymore.” Harry hugged him, laughing at the boy's courage.
'’I love you.'’
"Me too, boy."
"Get out," Ruby shoved them both, but Harry was willing to ignore that because his little girl was only thirteen, and he didn't want to fight anyone on his birthday. 'Happy Birthday, Dad. If you weren't my dad, I'd hit the imposter and go after you.”
"I'm glad about it, my love." Harry chuckled, hugging her and thinking his babies were growing up too fast for him to like it.
‘'Forty years… It seems like yesterday that I thought your grandfather was going to kill me because I got his daughter pregnant.'’ His dad smiled from ear to ear, looking happy that his moment had finally arrived in the hug line, his mother was to the side and Lily also laughed at the memory, nodding.
'’Dad was furious, we thought he was really going to kill James.’' She had tears in her eyes, and Harry felt like a child again, running to his parents in the morning of his birthday and trying to guess the presents, excited by the schedule of the day. "I know I always say that, but I'm so proud of the man you've become."
"And I always say it's thanks to both of you." Harry kissed her forehead and then James, who was already crying. He became a man who got emotional easily after all the stress of the war, and every birthday, New Year and Christmas, James would cry. But Harry understood, he also needed to choke back tears at various times when he realized how far he was going.
When you were 15 years old and had already faced so many things, you doubted that you would be alive until the next year, let alone 41 years old.
"We love you so much, but I hope this year the cake doesn't have peachy," James joked, just to ease the slightly morbid vibe that had befallen them.
"No, chocolate," Harry soothed, chuckling along with Lily as they saw James turn towards the table, seeming to catch the children's eagerness to eat. Harry noticed that Albus had been hanging around the cake since the time Ginny arrived from the shop with him.
‘'Thank God! Excuse me, let me cut a piece then… Come here kids!’’
"Shouldn't you be the one cutting the cake?" Lily caught his eye, and Harry shook his head.
"Let him spoil his grandchildren a little more," he shrugged. "They'll probably go to bed early after they get sugary in their bodies."
‘‘Yeah, probably… You always fell asleep right after eating too much cake. It was our secret weapon for when we needed a few minutes of peace.” They both laughed, Harry now understanding what they had been through, but he still doubted that as a child he had as much energy as his kids had.
It looked like the three had an infinite battery.
"I'm glad to be here." Lily hugged him again, and again, Harry understood what she meant.
His parents had seen a lot, and the question of whether they would be able to survive the War was something Harry knew had haunted them as much as it had haunted him.
‘'I say the same… I wouldn't be anything without you and Dad.'’ He whispered, just because saying it too loudly aroused a sadness in him that Harry didn't like to think about, as the fear that his parents would die during the War was something that lingered in his mind for too long to be pleasant. "And neither do the kids." They watched James hand each one a piece of cake, ranting about how it had been the first time he'd fished with his father. Flynn seemed to be the most interested, his brown eyes flashing towards his grandfather.
‘’Let the others hug the birthday boy, Lily! There are more people in line!’’ Sirius yelled after Hestia, who rolled her eyes and looked at Harry as if she said, ‘'Don't worry, take your time.'’
‘‘Don't be a jerk, Pads. Ginny, can you…?” James walked back to Harry, putting his arm around Harry's shoulders and smiling as Ginny pointed the camera, the three of them posing for the photo. Harry knew that by the end of the party there would probably be another hundred, but he didn't care, it was important to keep those memories. And Lily had bought a new album that was barely two pages full, so they clearly needed more.
"Come here dear…" Lily and James walked out of there, James proudly taking the camera and going to where Ginny had been before. "Kids go with your dad, that's it, everybody together." Harry smiled again, ignoring when Albus nudged Flynn and whispered that he was getting taller, or when Ruby cursed them for pulling her braids.
Today he wouldn't mind that, it was his forty-one birthday and it was a happy day.
"Happy birthday my love," Ginny whispered after James took the picture, kissing Harry's cheek. ‘'You may be getting old, I know, but I still feel the same way I did when I stuck my elbow in butter because of you.'’ Another flash came, now just the two of them there, and Harry kissed her, definitely knowing he was the happiest man in the world.
Erised's mirror would probably show something very similar to reality - perhaps Harry had a more muscular stomach and less gray hair.
'’Thank you for being with me. I love you, and I still feel like that stupid teenager who dreamed of you and needed a cold shower at seven in the morning to get to class.” They both laughed, and another flash came toward them. These photos would make great frames.
"That hasn't changed much, has it?" She raised her eyebrows mischievously.
'Not. It hasn't changed much.” He shrugged.
Harry sighed, watching as Ginny winked at him and let Sirius come over to hug him, still smiling mischievously in his direction. Yeah, his sixteen-year-old self would be very proud of how far he's come.
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 years
Baked With Love
Here it is, the promised 8k of pure tooth-rotting fluff
Find it on AO3 here
In all the time that Reki had known Langa, he had never seen him hesitate. From that first day when Langa had taped his feet to a skateboard, he had always jumped headfirst into whatever it was that he wanted to do. He had never hesitated, always going for it and hoping for the best, so seeing him stare between the two jars he had placed on the table, brows furrowed and frowning, it was strange and somewhat endearing. Langa who never cared for consequences was hesitating between two jars of flour, face pulled in concentration rather than his usual spacey and lost expression.
“Dude, they’re both just flour,” Reki said, his chin resting on his folded arms against the kitchen table across from Langa. Both jars had been marked “flour,” but Langa insisted that there was a difference between them. He insisted that his mother used one for her baking while the other was kept for normal cooking.
“I know there’s a difference,” Langa said, brows still pinched, nose scrunching as he groaned. “They’re not the same. They can’t be.”
“Again, we’re just making cookies. Flour is flour and that’s all we need. Doesn’t have to be that baker’s fancy stuff.”
Langa sighed, finally settling for the jar on his right. “If you say so.”
“And I do. I guess you can say I’m a bit of an expert at making cookies.”
Reki grinned, laughing to himself as Langa nodded. Despite it being more of a joke than anything, Langa did trust Reki when it came to baking cookies. He had made hundreds if not thousands of them in his life and Langa always loved watching him whenever he would make. Langa had always been very vocal about his adoration of watching Reki work, be it in his workshop or in the kitchen. And, despite his burning face at the endless praise, Reki always loved the company. He loved having someone with him as he rambled away, his hands doing all the work.
While Reki loved baking with his sisters, it wasn’t the same as when it was just him and Langa. With his family, they were always bustling around the kitchen, bumping into each other, fighting to see who would break the egg – Koyomi won most of the time – and arguing about who would get the bowl and who would get the spoon once the cookies had been put to bake – the twins more often than not shared the bowl while Koyomi and Reki split what was left on the spoon. With his sisters, it was screams and giggles and grabbing at each other. And it was a lot of cleaning, which Reki found himself doing alone most of the time. Baking with his sisters was giving his mother a break, letting her sit down for an hour without worrying about the twins getting bored or asking for her attention. Baking with his sisters was just another activity he did with his family, being the good big brother he knew he had to be. Baking with his sister was Reki trying his best to be a good son, even if he would have rather be in his room or out skating with Langa.
But baking with Langa, it was calm and intimate, a little slice of heaven. It was quiet, low sunlight filtering into the kitchen as Langa sat on the counter, his legs swinging as he listened to Reki’s chatter with a content smile. Baking with Langa was muffled giggles and kisses in the middle of the night, with only the refrigerator light to light up their world. Baking with Langa was just… sweetness and domesticity. It always left Reki with a lightness in his heart, with the wish of baking cookies for Langa for the rest of his life.
Yet tonight, Reki was banned from working in the kitchen. Langa had insisted that he would be the one making the cookies all on his own. “You’re always making things for me,” he had said when Reki got ready to get to work. “I want to make something for you. I want to make these cookies for you, all on my own.”
And his face had glowed the moment Reki nodded, letting himself be pushed into the chair facing the kitchen. Langa, always so serious or spacey Langa, beautiful Langa with his boyish grin and his big, shiny blue eyes, had rarely seemed so excited. It wasn’t the same excitement as when he was on a skateboard, trying out new tricks or going up against strong skaters. Reki couldn’t quite explain the difference, but it was there. Langa seemed genuinely excited, not calculating in his excitement or expecting anything. It was an excitement that had a thousand butterflies blossom in Reki’s chest and stomach. It was an excitement that had him falling even more in love with Langa, childish, happy, and excited Langa.
“So, where do I start?”
Reki buried his face in his arms to muffle his laughter. He shouldn’t have been laughing – he knew Langa must have been pouting, not liking being laughed at – but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help it, even if he knew it wasn’t nice to be laughing at someone who was trying so hard to do something new, something nice, something for Reki, but then he was looking so cute, staring at Reki so expectantly, waiting for his instructions. Langa was waiting for Reki to guide him around his own kitchen. Langa always waited for Reki to explain to him new things.
“First things first-” Reki got up from his chair, laughter still lingering in his voice as he made his way to his boyfriend, his fingers slipping between the long, slender fingers he adored- “we tie your hair. I refuse to eat blue cookies.”
Langa tilted his head to the side. “What’s wrong with blue cookies? Sure, they look weird and- yeah, the person who made them was weird too, now that I think about it. Weird shit used to happen all the time in that school.”
Reki furrowed his eyebrows as he dragged Langa to the chair in which he had been sitting. “I meant your hair, dude. What the hell is a blue cookie? And why have you seen one? What kind of weird shit went down in Canada?”
Langa shrugged as he took a seat. “Public school. Was weird as fuck sometimes.”
Reki shook his head. There was no point in asking about that. From what he understood about Canadian public schools, it was a free-for-all of kids. From kids writing in sharpie on the floor next to the lockers to kids walking around with a bunch of stickers in their faces, things just sounded so weird. That and there was absolutely no consensus on how the education system worked throughout the country (something about provinces?) or even a consensus on language. Canada was weird, from what Reki understood. And the more Langa talked about whatever he saw, the more Reki felt terrified of Canadian kids.
Langa let himself be backed into the chair, trusting Reki as he always had. He only raised an eyebrow as Reki settled in his lap. But as soon as fingers were running through his hair, pulling it back to assess the situation, Langa melted, his head falling back with the motion. A content smile appeared on his pretty lips as his eyes shut.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, dude.”
Reki chuckled, still racking his fingers through the silky blue hair. With Langa not paying attention to what he was doing, Reki knew he had free reign. He could do whatever he wanted with Langa’s hair, from childish pigtails like the twins to a low and messy ponytail to… well, whatever Reki wanted, really. And with that many choices, Reki hesitated. On one hand, he could make a fool out of Langa and laugh a little at him (not in a mean way! Just in a Langa-would-look-funny way), while on the other hand, he could try something new, something that would take time, more time for his fingers to be playing with every strand of hair, more time for him to be this close to Langa.
With a little contemplation and quick attempts to see what would hold Langa’s hair best, Reki settled on braiding. If done correctly, it would hold Langa’s hair back, keeping his bangs out of his face while he baked, and it would mean that Reki would have his fingers tangling with Langa’s hair longer than if he just pulled it back in a half ponytail. Reki had done enough braids in his life to know that they took more time and patience than ponytails or pigtails. He knew that Langa would melt under his touch, sighing contently as his hair was being played with, twisted into a braid.
Reki shifted in Langa’s lap, frowning and huffing as he let the hair fall from his fingers. Initially, getting comfortable on Langa’s lap had been an act of petty revenge, hoping to get him to blush the same way Reki had when Langa crashed on his lap a few days prior, but clearly, it hadn’t worked. Langa was just too cool for all of Reki’s tactics at making him feel embarrassed. Langa never turned red, except on rare occasions like when he first told Reki that he liked him or when he said ‘I love you’ for the first time. Langa was too cool for blushing, which Reki found terribly unfair, given how easy it was to get him to blush. Just a smile of Langa’s could get him to flush, nerves twisting in his stomach.
No matter how he looked at it, there was no way Reki was getting any work done from that angle. Not only was Langa extremely distracting, but there was also no good way to braid his hair back without being behind him. So Reki got up only to be pulled back down, Langa’s eyes snapping wide open, hands gripping Reki’s hips.
“Where you going?”
“I can’t tie your hair like this, you clingy baby. I’m not going far if that’s what you’re afraid of.”
“But you’re warm. Don’t go away?”
Reki chuckled as he tapped Langa’s nose. “You’re so clingy, you know that?” Langa’s pout was one of the cutest things Reki had ever seen. Langa’s childish dramatic displays were just so fun, so different from how he acted when his walls were up. “But I really gotta get up, dude. Otherwise, you’re never gonna get to those cookies.”
Langa finally gave in, grumbling a little as his grip on Reki loosened, just enough for him to slip away. His sour mood quickly faded away as Reki’s fingers found their way back into his hair, his content smile reappearing, his eyes falling shut once more. Langa might have been too cool to blush, but he still had his weaknesses.
Reki hummed as he twisted the blue hair away from Langa’s face, a braid on each side of his head before coming together in a ponytail at the back of his head. Strands poked out from the braids, too short to be braided back smoothly, but they held rather well as Reki tied them off with one of the many colorful elastics that decorated his wrists.
Those were a courtesy of Koyomi, an annoying little sister who always forgot to tie her hair until it was too late. After a few times of hearing her complain, Reki had gotten into the habit of carrying a few elastics around, which seemed to come in handy for everyone with relatively long hair around him. At first, he had stored them in his bag, then they had migrated to his pockets until they found their way around his wrists. Now, he was just known as that guy that carried hair ties around, which the girls in his class seemed to really take advantage of, asking him for elastics whenever they needed some. And Reki didn’t mind helping out, though it was a little annoying to never get them back. There were certain colors that he really liked having as they matched his hoodies, not that he would tell anyone that.
After one last assessment of his work, Reki grinned as his chin dropped onto Langa’s shoulder. It wasn’t the most comfortable position, his arm draped over Langa’s other shoulder, slightly crouched, but if it meant he could be close to Langa, then it was worth it.
“All done.”
Langa shifted ever so slightly, just enough to be looking at Reki rather than at the kitchen sink. He was smiling, that pretty smile that Reki loved so much.
“You should play with my hair more often.”
A light chuckled rumbled through Reki as he pressed a kiss to Langa’s shoulder. “You really like that, don’t you?”
“It feels nice. You’re good with your hands.”
It was an innocent remark. Reki knew that it had to be, because if it was Langa, there was no other option. There weren’t any dirty undertones to the remark, he knew that, but that didn’t stop the blush from exploding under Reki’s skin. There wasn’t any kind of raunchy joke in what Langa was saying, yet Reki still felt the twist in his gut as he straightened out, brushing off dust that he knew wasn’t there and tugging on the hem of his hoodie. Nervous laughter bubbled out of him, his eyes refusing to focus on anything.
“Right! Okay! So those cookies!”
Langa slowly turned to Reki, eyebrows pinches as he stared blankly. He hadn’t meant it like that, Reki knew that. Langa didn’t have a dirty mind. Langa was a good boy. Langa had never made a sex joke as far as Reki was aware, which meant that he wasn’t going to start now. Especially not when he was staring at Reki, looking so confused.
“What…?” His eyes snapped open, wider than Reki had ever seen in his life. His pale cheeks and ears turned a bright red as he waved his hands around frantically. “Wait! No! I didn’t mean-! I mean, I don’t know, but-!” Langa froze, his eyes squeezing shut as he tensed. He ducked his head as he always did when he embarrassed himself, but his bangs didn’t fall over his eyes as they usually did. There was no curtain protecting him from the outside world as he sat there, curled up on his chair, nails digging into the wood and his face pinched.
With a deep breath, Reki regained his composure. There was still that twist in his gut, that uncertainty, but he wasn’t going to let it linger. Not when Langa was so tense, looking so horrified by his accidental remark.
“S’okay, dude.” Langa’s eyes slowly fluttered open as Reki stroked his cheek tentatively, smiling softly at him. “It’s okay, I know what you meant. I just… I know.”
Despite the verbal reassurance, Langa did not relax. His nails still dug into the wooden chair, his ankles curling around one of the legs of the chair. He seemed so stiff that Reki couldn’t help but press a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Reki knew that he didn’t do it enough, that he didn’t initiate enough kisses or cuddles or anything remotely romantic. He always waited for things to happen, never chasing them, and Reki knew that Langa would have liked him to be a little less tense, a little less hesitant, a little less scared. It wasn’t on Langa to start everything, even if Reki was scared. Even if he was terribly afraid of doing something wrong. So maybe that was why he had pressed a kiss to Langa’s mouth, the touch making the boy melt against him, tension fading away slowly.
“Don’t worry about it. Really.” A small smile traced Langa’s lips as Reki pressed another quick peck to his mouth. “But you really should get back to those cookies. You know, if you want them ready before next week?”
Langa’s fingers curled around Reki’s, cold winter against Reki’s natural summer heat.
“Can you… Can you help me a bit?”
Reki nodded enthusiastically as he pulled Langa off his chair. It was so easy to grin around him, natural as breathing. And Reki loved helping. He loved feeling useful to those he cared about. He loved feeling like others could count on him, no matter what. So whatever Langa needed, Reki would be there. Whatever Langa needed him to do, Reki would do it with a grin.
“So, first step is,” Langa stared at his phone, scrolling up and down on the cookie recipe he had found earlier, “heat the oven.”
Reki leaned against the table and watched as Langa fiddled with the buttons and knobs of the oven, his whole face pinched in concentration. Reki felt the tightness in his chest, the butterflies crashing and fluttering against his heart. He felt all his emotions bubbling up in him, ready to spill out, spill until all he knew was Langa’s adorable concentrated expression, spill until all he knew was the sweetness of Langa’s chewed lips, spill until all he knew was Langa. Langa with his serious focus, messing with the oven as if it were a time machine that required the utmost precision to avoid the collapse of the whole universe.
“So, now that that’s done,” Langa straightened out and turned back to Reki, pulling his phone out once more to check the recipe, “we need to start mixing things.”
“Did you read the whole paragraph before starting?”
“Yes.” A beat of silence. Langa glanced down at this phone, eyes skirting over the screen as he quickly scrolled down before bouncing back up to find Reki’s. “Yes, I did.”
Laughter broke from Reki’s lips as he made his way next to Langa, shoulders bumping against each other. “Alright, you tell me what you want me to do and I’m on it.”
One by one, Langa listed off the ingredients that he needed. Reki made his way around the kitchen, opening cabinet after cabinet, trying his best to find where most of the ingredients were hidden. This wasn’t his kitchen; he didn’t know how Mrs. Hasegawa organized her kitchen, but he managed. The flour was already out, sugar had been found, eggs from the fridge, and all the extra little things that made cookies soft and sweet had been eventually spotted. One by one, all the ingredients that Langa had listed off found themselves on the table next to the bowl Langa had taken out earlier.
Reki slid back into his chair, chin resting on his folded arms against the table as he watched Langa measure his ingredients one by one. He read the amounts to Langa who seemed to struggle a little, spilling next to the measuring cups as he poured or splashing as he mixed with vigor. A literal child in the kitchen, but Reki didn’t have the heart to get him to calm down. He seemed to be having so much fun, his blue eyes sparkling like snowflakes under the warm afternoon sun. As long as he wasn’t the one stuck wiping everything down, Reki would let Langa be, let him have fun with his messy attempt at making cookies.
“Dude!” Reki coughed, waving his hand around. “Be more careful with the flour! That shit is volatile!”
“I didn’t think-!” Langa scrunched his nose before sneezing into his arm. “I didn’t think it would explode like that! It doesn’t do that in movies!”
The white cloud fluttered around before falling onto the counters and floor, snowfall right there in the kitchen. The impromptus blizzard had Reki chuckling and rubbing at his nose.
“Watch a cooking show and you’ll see you’re supposed to be careful with your ingredients, man.”
“Well, I’m sorry I don’t go looking for things that don’t exactly interest me. And all you send me are skating vids, so maybe this is on you. Maybe you,” Langa’s blue eyes narrowed onto Reki, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, “should start sending me baking videos instead.”
A sly smirk pulled at the corner of Reki’s mouth as he flicked more flour in Langa’s direction. Langa yelped, sneezing again.
“Maybe I will; no more skating for you until you learn how to be careful with flour.”
Langa shook his head, rolling his eyes and rubbing the flour out of his nose, but he didn’t bother concealing his pretty smile. “Pass me the chocolate.”
Reki slid the bag across the table, but not without stealing a handful of chocolate chips which he immediately stuffed in his mouth. Langa raised an eyebrow at him as he poured into the bowl a lot more chocolate chips than he was probably supposed to, but then again, when was there ever too much chocolate?
“Those are for the cookies, Reki.”
“C’mon! It’s chocolate! You know I never have at home.”
Langa gave the batter a mix, trying to spread the chocolate chips equally throughout the dough. Reki stretched over the table, stealing some of the cookie dough and plopping it in his mouth before Langa could swat him with the wooden spoon he was using.
“Stop stealing my cookies! And stop complaining. You have a bunch of sweet at your place.”
“Never for long.” Reki licked his thumb, getting the last of the dough he had managed to grab. “Everyone hogs them, so I barely get any.”
“I buy you sweet almost every day.”
“A personal choice?”
Reki almost missed the eyebrow raise and the playful smile as Langa turned on his heel, fetching two spoons from a drawer. “Are you telling me to stop?”
“What?” Reki took advantage of Langa’s turned back, stealing more cookie dough. He knew he wasn’t supposed to, but raw cookie dough was just too good to pass up. “Never!”
Langa sighed as he came back to his bowl. Reki had successfully taken more dough, but he had left so much evidence that it was impossible for Langa to not know.
Giggles broke from Reki’s lips as he covered his head with his arms, ducking for coverage as Langa hit him repeatedly with his wooden spoon.
“Stop stealing my cookies!”
“Then stop leaving it unattended, dude! And pass the chocolate, I want more.”
Langa huffed, (sorta) gently smacking Reki on the head one last time before handing him the bag of chocolate chips. “Just don’t eat them all. My mom likes having some with her lunches and I don’t want to be scolded when she inevitably believes that I am the one who ate them all.”
Quiet calm fell back in the kitchen, Reki plopping chocolate chip after chocolate chip into his mouth while Langa went over his recipe once more, making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. Reki watched as Langa muttered English words, his eyes glancing around the kitchen, pointing at everything he put into the dough. And once he seemed satisfied, he got to work, scooping the dough with his two spoons and desperately trying to make them into perfect little balls. Reki watched as Langa struggled, groaning every time he dropped a spoon or when the dough didn’t fall the way he wanted. It was a little sad, just watching him try so hard yet fail so miserably.
Reki felt Langa tense, his breath hitching, as Reki’s arms caging him against the table. His hands found Langa’s, warm palms guiding the repetitive motion of scooping dough with one spoon and scraping it off with the other, while his chin rested against Langa’s shoulder. And under his touch, Langa melted, leaning back into Reki, relaxing against his chest. And just like that, Reki was snuggling his boyfriend, smiling into his shoulder as he helped him prepare the cookies for the oven.
“It’s really just,” Reki did the motion once more, scoop and scrape, his fingers tightening around Langa’s. “Just like that. You don’t have to try to get them all round and cute. They’re gonna melt in the oven anyway.”
Langa huffed, but still, he turned his head just enough to press a kiss into Reki’s hair. “I know how to make cookies, you know. I’ve watched you make enough and it’s not the first time I’m making them.”
“Really?” Reki nuzzled Langa’s shoulder, muffling his giggles. “Because you’re really shit at this, dude.”
“Thanks. Not my fault I rather just buy them instead of struggling to make them.”
“Correction-” Reki pressed a kiss to Langa’s jaw, grinning into his skin- “you steal the cookies I have at home.”
Laughing came as natural as breathing when it came to Langa and his dramatics. Laughing was inevitable when he was whipping his head to the side to look at Reki, his eyes big and blue and bewildered. And when his voice was cracking, pitchy and funny, it was impossible to not laugh, happy and bright.
“You give those to me! And your mom insisted I bring home the last batch!”
“That’s not how I remember it going.”
“Well then, if you’re just going to insult me,” Langa shook Reki off, his arms falling to his side before looping around Langa’s waist, his whole body snuggling closer to his boyfriend’s, “you’re not having any of these.”
“You’re probably gonna end up eating them all anyway, dude.”
Langa huffed. “I hate you.”
“No, you don’t. In fact,” Reki nuzzled Langa’s shoulder once more, bumping his nose against the skin right below Langa’s jaw, “if I remember correctly,” he grinned into the skin, “you said you loved me just yesterday.”
Langa’s hands froze mid-scoop, his whole body tensing against Reki. A wildfire ignited under his skin, the snow-white skin turning to a blaze. Wildfire like never seen before. Langa was too cool for blushing, at least until he was reminded of his sudden love declaration over a late-night meal, Reki offering him the remains of his fries.
Langa’s shoulders untensed, sagging a little as he returned to his cookie dough.
“I meant it,” he whispered, his voice a little scratchy, tainted with embarrassment. “I meant it when I said I love you.”
“I know.” Another smile was pressed onto Langa’s shoulder. “I know you mean it.”
“I love you, Reki.”
Reki’s heart flipped in his chest. Sure, he had brought it up to tease Langa, but hearing him say it again, it left Reki as big a mess as it did the night before. It left him with those thousands of butterflies in his chest and stomach; it left him with giggles threatening to break from his lips; it left him with an explosion of color in his face and ears. Because Langa loved him, truly and wholly, and he meant it. Langa had meant the words he said. He never would have said them if he hadn’t meant them. He wasn’t the type to say what Reki wanted to hear. Langa spoke honestly and freely, even if his words sometimes came out clumsily and tripping over each other.
“I know you do.”
Something squeezed in Reki’s chest as he squeezed Langa’s middle before peeling himself off of the boy. He had wanted to stay there, warm against Langa’s body as he worked methodically, scoop and scrape, but the tray had been filled, 24 cookies laying neatly before the two.
He watched as Langa made his way to the oven, carefully pushing the tray in without burning himself. He was beautiful like that, crouched in front of the oven, looking through the glass door. He was beautiful like that, his hair pulled back, strands starting to slip undone. Langa was beautiful in every way possible, no matter what he was doing. And Reki loved him. Reki loved him in every way possible. Reki loved him, loved his shaky hands, loved his funny concentrated faces, loved his blue silky hair, loved his impulsivity, loved his kindness, loved him from head to toe, inside and out. Reki loved Langa, but whenever the words started to form, they clogged in the base of his throat, refusing to come out. Saying I love you turned out to be a lot more difficult than he had anticipated.
“Don’t feel obligated to say it back,” Langa had said the night before, his face flushed as his fingers tangled with Reki’s on his lap. “Only say if when you feel like it. Take all the time you need. And,” his smile faltered for a moment, but as soon as those sky-blue eyes met Reki’s, the smile eased its way back onto Langa’s lips, “if you never feel like saying it back, that’s also okay. I don’t want you saying it because you feel like you have to. Only when it feels right. Say it back to me when you’ll mean it. Because I mean it. I mean it when I say I love you.”
Only when it feels right. When would that be? It always felt like the right moment, but at the same time, it never felt like the right moment. Saying I love you for the first time, it had to be special, didn’t it? It had to be something straight out of a Hollywood movie. It had to be grand gestures and memorable. But then again, Langa had said it in the dead of the night, in a shitty 24-hour burger joint, over a half-empty carton of fries that Reki had pushed his way. Yet his eyes had shined like a thousand snowflakes under the clear moonlight, blurting out that I love youbefore clasping his hands over his mouth. His cheeks had flushed as Reki felt everything inside him twist, scared and excited and, and… and in love. Langa was the one saying the magic words, but Reki was the one who was so madly in love at that moment. Or maybe they both were. Maybe that was why Langa was laughing, grinning, fingers intertwining with Reki’s as he said it slower this time, in a way that was so genuinely Langa. No grand gestures. No fireworks. Just Langa and Reki sunken in a shitty booth in the back of an empty restaurant, giggling and grinning and burning up.
“I guess that’s it for now.” Langa got up, brushing off the remaining flour that had clung to his jeans. “We just have to wait now?”
Something strummed through Reki’s entire body, contracting, squeezing, choking. I love you. It was there, hanging on his lips as he watched Langa straighten out, beautiful Langa with his gorgeous blue eyes skirting over the kitchen. It pounded against his chest as he really took in the scene: a messy kitchen, soft white noise bouncing against the windows, a beautiful boy leaning against a counter. It was there, everywhere. And it had Reki dreaming of a future, one with Langa in it, one where they would have a place all to themselves where they could bake cookies together and just be happy, infinitely happy, forever the two of them.
Reki knew he could be reckless. Not like Langa, but he didn’t care for the scrapes and bruises he’d get when he tried a new trick on his board. He was impulsive by nature. If he wasn’t held back, he would be on a constant shopping spree, adding even more colorful hoodies and t-shirts to his closet. Reki rarely thought things through to the end, but when it came to his heart, he was calculating to a fault. When it came to his heart, he got so caught up in his head that he lost all his impulsivity, all his recklessness. When it came to his heart, Langa had to be the first to act otherwise nothing would happen.
What was Reki afraid of? Everything. Nothing. If he acted on impulse, maybe he’d go too far, too fast. If he acted as reckless as he did when he skated, then maybe Langa would realize that he was too much. And what if what he did was weird? What would he do then? Reki had never been in a relationship, he didn’t know how he was meant to act. And asking Langa what he was supposed to do, how he was supposed to act- no, that was too embarrassing. So he let Langa take the reigns on the relationship, even if he knew that Langa would have liked him to be just a little more assertive, just a little more sure of himself, just a little less afraid. He knew that it wasn’t right to have Langa make all the decisions for him, but Reki didn’t want to be pushy. At least, normally he didn’t like being pushy. But with I love you right on the tip of his tongue, love, desire hazing his mind, well…
Langa jumped, his eyes growing three sizes as Reki pushed him into the counter, arms caging him once more, lips hovering over his. Langa’s breath was warm and uneven against Reki’s burning skin, something close to choked laughter. Langa was almost always the one initiating kisses and cuddles, but when Reki found the courage to act on his impulses, it always caught him off guard, leaving him a blushing mess.
“You’re pretty, you know that?”
Langa relaxed, his shock starting to fade, unlike his blush. Arms circled around Reki’s waist, pulling him flush against Langa. Pretty laughter broke from his lips as they met Langa’s in a kiss.
“Is that so?” Langa said against Reki’s lips. “I don’t think you say it enough.”
They fit like the two last pieces of a puzzle, perfect against each other. With Langa’s arms around Reki’s waist and Reki’s arms around Langa’s neck, there was no leaving one another. Neither one was ready to let go, heads tilting to the side as the kisses left the realm of innocent pecks.
“You’re,” Reki gasped between kisses, “you’re so freaking beautiful. It’s,” another kiss, hot and wet, “it’s almost unfair.”
Langa was truly intoxicating, from the way his lips would quirk into a smile as he would press another kiss to Reki’s lips, slow and deep, to the way his fingers were fiddling with the stray threads on the hem of Reki’s hoodie. Langa was danger and Reki knew damn well that he was losing all his senses with every kiss that was pressed to his mouth. Langa was everything, good and perfect and so very hot.
It really didn’t take much for Reki to be breathless. All it took was a laugh of Langa’s, a touch of Langa’s, a kiss of Langa’s. Everything about Langa had him soaring high. Just one look with those heavy-lidded eyes, a flash of blue behind those long lashes, it was enough for Reki to lose himself completely to Langa. I love you.
“And you’re,” Reki laughed, panted, almost cried, “you’re so amazing. At absolutely everything.”
“Stop,” a kiss was pressed to the corner of Reki’s mouth, “stop talking.”
Reki didn’t need to be told twice, not when Langa’s mouth was pressed to his once more, their warm breaths mixing. Reki didn’t need to be told twice, not when Langa’s cold fingers were digging into Reki’s burning skin as he held him firmly against him. Reki didn’t need to be told twice, not when Langa’s tongue was licking at the seam of his lips, pressing against his, swiping against the roof of his mouth. Reki didn’t need to be told twice, not when he was whimpering into Langa’s mouth, lost to his touch, to his kisses, to his love.
Strands of blue hair slipped through Reki’s fingers, slipping from the elastic as he fisted at it. And with the little tug, Langa’s breath hitched and he melted against Reki, his fingers digging deeper into his sides.
“You,” Reki ran his fingers through Langa’s hair, freeing it from its braids as Langa let out a choked-out moan, “you really like that.”
“No?” More choked-up sounds rang against Reki’s ear as he trailed kisses along Langa’s jaw, his fingers following the natural line of his spine. Another whine as fingers moved from Reki’s hip to his arm, squeezing hard enough to leave a bruise, body curving under the touch. “Shut, shut up.”
“Make me.”
It had meant to be a joke, teasing and taunting, but as Langa’s ankle curled around Reki’s, flipping him and crashing his back into the counter, everything in Reki burned. His breath hitched, his heart hammering against his chest as Langa licked at his lips, biting his kiss-swollen lips, eyes darting down as he ran his thumb over Reki’s bottom lip.
“As you wish.”
His voice was raspy, low and… And as Langa’s fingers found their way under Reki’s chin, tilting his head up as he pressed their lips together, Reki felt himself slip. His arms tightened around Langa’s neck as Langa steadied him, hips flush as he held himself up against the counter. Langa. Always Langa. Langa with his addictive kisses. Langa with his sweet kisses. Langa who always knew exactly what he was doing. Langa who always knew exactly what he wanted. Langa who never hesitated. Langa that Reki loved so much. Langa that Reki loved most in the world.
“I,” Reki pulled back as Langa chased, another kiss cutting him off. “I love you.”
The words broke out before Reki could swallow them back, a whisper against Langa’s lips. Lips that froze, the next kiss never coming. A wave of anxiety crashed against Reki’s chest, choking him. Had he messed up? Langa had told him to shut up, but he didn’t. He kept talking because all he did was talk. He was always talking, talking too much when no one wanted to hear him. Reki didn’t know how to shut up and now he ruined a good moment because he just couldn’t hold his words back any longer.
Langa broke into a grin, his eyes twinkling with those blue snowflakes, and Reki couldn’t help the smile that grew against his lips. His voice had come out a few octaves higher, sounding so excited and happy. And as he glowed, shined, beautiful and overjoyed, Reki melted.
“Yeah, yeah, man. I mean,” there was laughter in his voice, lighter and higher than usual as he cupped Langa’s cheek, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into the soft skin, “yeah, I do mean it. I love you, Langa. Have for a long time.”
“I love you too. So, so much.”
Both broke into giggles against each other, wide grins pressed together in a poor attempt at a kiss. It was hard to kiss when they were both smiling so big, but it was even harder to pull apart. All Reki wanted was to be close to Langa, whispering “I love you” over and over against his boyfriend’s lips. All it took was saying once for Reki to want to say it over and over, every day until he couldn’t speak anymore. He was ready to say it now and forever.
Slow kisses filled Reki’s head and heart. There was no need to rush; they had forever, after all. There was need to be rushed and heated. Things could be taken one step at a time, slow and steady. They could enjoy the calm, peaceful moment, live blissfully in the present. And when Langa was touching him like that, his thumb rubbing comforting circled in the small of Reki’s back, it was wonderful. Peaceful and calm and so, so comforting. Nothing could pull them apart. Nothing could ruin-
Reki yelped as the smoke detector blared throughout the apartment. Langa scrambled away, muttering English curses under his breath as he opened every window in the room before pulling the oven door open to take out the burnt cookies.
Reki simply watched, frozen against the counter, his hand covering half his face. He felt the mixture of horror and laughter bubbling up in his chest as he watched Langa run around, controlling the situation. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for the blaring alarm to shut off, the apartment plunged back into silence. And when Langa crashed next to Reki, elbows pressed into the counter and pushing his bangs away from his eyes as he huffed, Reki dropped his head onto Langa’s shoulder, moving closer.
“Well shit, man. Didn’t you put on a timer or something?”
Langa pursed his lips as he glanced at Reki. “I was going to. But then someone,” he flicked Reki’s forehead playfully, but Reki didn’t miss the blush creeping up his neck, “jumped me before I could. And then I forgot.”
Reki giggled into Langa’s shoulder, arms wrapping around his middle to hug him. When Langa put it like that, it was a little embarrassing. Reki who had always been so careful, who was always so calculating when it came to his heart, who was also always so caught up in his own head when it came to love and Langa, he had let himself get carried away. He had let himself get so carried away that the cookies had burnt. He was the reason their cookies were charred and good for the trash.
“Reki? Reki!” Reki glanced up at Langa who was shifting to face him. Langa held his face so gently, his thumb stroking Reki’s damp cheeks. “Reki, what’s wrong?”
“I burned your cookies,” Reki laughed. He felt the tears in the corner of his eyes, he felt them streaming down his cheeks, but they weren’t from sadness or distress, even if he was gasping, choking, hiccupping as Langa continued brushing the tears away. These were tears of laughter, purely joyful and ridiculous. “Your cookies burned because of me, man!”
“No, no, my love.” Langa peppered kisses all over Reki’s face, from his cheeks to his nose to his eyebrow to his forehead. “It’s not your fault, my love. I would have burned them regardless.”
Reki felt his heart flutter as he raised an eyebrow at Langa. “My love?”
Langa froze mid-kiss, his fingers going rigid against Reki’s cheeks as he tensed. “Too soon?”
Was it too soon? Reki shook his head. It absolutely was not too soon. Reki kept shaking his head, laughter sweet on his lips as he beckoned Langa closer.
It had always been a dream of Reki’s to be called “my love.” It was one of those things he had heard in movies and in tv shows when he was young, and ever since he had wanted to find himself someone who would call him all those cute pet names that they said in his mom’s shows. My love. Sweetheart. Darling. Honey. All those cute little pet names that would make his heart flutter when he thought of someone saying them to him.
With time, he had given up on that dream – “those are just for girls,” his friends had told a few years back when he had first expressed his desire to be called so – but hearing the pet name come out of Langa’s mouth, it had Reki’s heart soaring. They weren’t just for girls. It wasn’t just a stupid fantasy of his. It wasn’t because Langa was there, whispering his name followed by “my love” over and over into his skin, pressing kisses all over his face, damp cheeks and all.
When Langa’s lips met Reki’s in a kiss, it was sweet as ever. Langa’s arms found their home around Reki’s waist while Reki’s fingers fiddled with a stray lock of blue hair, their smiles pressed together. It was just so easy to be in love with Langa, beautiful Langa, beautiful Langa with his funny nose that would bump against Reki’s every time he would pull back to breath before pressing another kiss to Reki’s lips. Beautiful Langa who only seemed to only care for Reki. Beautiful Langa who called Reki his love and meant it.
“You’re,” Reki rubbed his nose against Langa’s affectionately, “you’re so shit at making cookies, you know that?”
Langa shut his eyes as he took a deep breath, his usual half-hearted annoyance appearing on his face. Reki chuckled against him, shaking the two ever so slightly. It was just so much fun to tease Langa, lovingly making fun of him.
“Ever the romantic, aren’t you?”
“You said you liked honesty, so I’m just being honest with you. You’re absolute shit at baking, man, but you’re my shitty baker.”
“Can’t,” Langa inhaled sharply, “can’t I have just one nice moment?”
Reki twirled a lock of Langa’s hair around his finger before pushing himself up, catching Langa’s lips in a kiss. “We are having a nice moment. You just don’t like that you’re finally bad at something.” Another short and sweet kiss was pressed to Langa’s lips. “But I still love you. I love you even if you would be an absolutely shitty househusband.”
“I would be-! Wait, backtrack.” Langa quirked an eyebrow as a sly smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. “You tell me you love me for the first time like 20, 30 minutes ago and you’re already thinking of marriage?” Reki gulped as Langa leaned in, close enough to feel his every short breath, but far enough to not be able to kiss him quiet. “Moving a little fast, don’t you think?”
“I-!” Reki huffed, straightening himself out. He felt the burn in his ears and in his face, but he persisted. He was not going to be tongue-tied. “You know what? Yeah. I am. But only because you-” he jabbed Langa’s chest, Langa who was laughing so freely and prettily- “started it by saying you wanted to skate infinitely with me! So, who’s moving fast now, huh?”
“Bold of you to assume I’d say yes.”
“Excuse me?” Reki was taken aback by the statement, especially when the implication hit him like a truck. Or a car. He scrunched his nose, eyes narrowing onto Langa. “Well bold of you to assume I’d be the one proposing.”
“I confessed first!” Langa’s eyes were big and round as he held a hand to his heart. “And I said I love you first! The least you can do is… It’s the least you could do!”
“Fine!” Reki pushed himself up onto the counter, his legs dangling in the open air. His head fell to the side as he swayed side to side. A grin stretched across his face as he stuck his tongue out playful. “I’ll propose the day you manage to make me an amazing cookie. The best cookie I’ll ever eat.”
“Oh c’mon! Low blow,” Langa whined, all pouty and cute. “That’s gonna take forever, Reki.”
“Then start working on it, Pretty Boy.”
Langa huffed, peeling himself off of the counter only to squeeze his way between Reki’s knees. Determination sparkled in his eyes as his entire focus fixated on his boyfriend. His fingers dug into Reki’s thighs as the boy’s ankles hooked behind his back, pulling his hips into the counter. And as soon as Reki’s hands were cupping his face, all signs of a pout faded.
“You know what?” Reki hummed, playing with the blue bangs as he had the habit of doing. It kept his hands busy while he focused on his boyfriend’s moving mouth. “I’m gonna make you the best fucking cookie ever and then you’ll be stuck with me until the end of infinity.”
A smile pulled on the corners of Reki’s mouth as he leaned down, meeting Langa in the middle for yet another sweet kiss. He had lost count of how many they had shared in the past hour or so, but Reki couldn’t be bothered by that. When it was just him and Langa, it didn’t matter how many kisses were shared, as long as they could be close, smiling and having fun. But it definitely felt good to be able to kiss Langa so freely, alone in the apartment. There was nothing to worry about as Langa’s fingers dug into his jeans, pushing himself up, chasing Reki’s mouth every time he pulled back to laugh. There was nothing to worry about as his fingers raked through Langa’s hair, playing with the locks as he got to kiss his boyfriend. There was nothing to worry about, not even the thousands of butterflies that erupted in his stomach, not even the giggles that threatened to break from his lips, not even the clumsy attempts at copying Langa and the clumsier attempts at making Langa feel as good as he did. Reki didn’t have to worry about anything because Langa too seemed lost to his touch, to his kisses, to his love. Because just like Reki, Langa was in love.
“I can’t wait,” he breathed against Langa’s lips, pretty and pink and oh so sweet. “I can’t wait to love you forever.”
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Fire meet gasoline | Draco Malfoy one shot
Request: yes, from the prompt list and by a lovely anon. (Hi! So I was wondering if you could make a Y/N x Draco fanfic with this prompt: “Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live”? The details would be like Draco and the reader had gotten into a fight about a stupid thing but make up in the end? Also...can it include fluff?)
Word count: 1,984
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin reader
Used prompt: 1. Please be quite, I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live
She was fire and he was gasoline. If people didn’t know better, they would have thought Malfoy and Y/L/N hated each other. They were always arguing about something, screaming at each other, ignoring the other, death stares and cold shoulders were the right description for their friendship. And it became even worse, when they smelt each other through the Amortentia potion. Draco became the most possessive and overprotective boyfriend ever, only letting his friends to talk to her. But just because he was acting like an arrogant asshole, it didn’t stop Y/N to be her own person and live her life the same way she did when they were only friends with the blonde boy. Of course Draco always picked a fight over this, and they would entertain the whole Common Room and sometimes even the Great Hall with their arguing. They were clever, one of the brightest in their year, so their fights were smart too. They were the explosion when fire meet gasoline. They were burning, but they burned in their love. 
Neither of them could have tell the exact reason of their argument. Both of them were tired, couldn’t sleep enough because they were up all night studying for their upcoming exams. The tiredness made them irritated and sensitive, and the whole week, they picked fights over the stupidest things. Like why was Draco always so mean to everyone who only wanted to be nice with him. Or why did she felt the sudden urge to help Harry and Ron with their essay for History of Magic. Malfoy even managed to get detention, because he almost hexed a first year old who picked a flower to his girlfriends as a thank you gift for helping him found his way back to the Hufflepuff Tower. They were fighting all week, and they were tired of it. But it wasn’t enough for them to actually push their pride aside and apologise to each other for being a bitch. No, they chose to argue over everything they could. 
“Do you think they will ever get tired of arguing so much?” Pansy Parkinson asked Blaise Zabini with a sigh, and rested her head on the chuckling boy’s shoulder. She was glad for the few minutes without Malfoy and Y/L/N, she had been listening to their bickering and arguing all day. On the other hand, Blaise found the couple rather entertaining, and often mocked them for being so stubborn and hot-headed. No matter what some people said, they were actually a match to happen. 
“I think they will argue even on their wedding day” Theodor Nott said with a huge smile and watched as the famous Slytherin couple entered the Great Hall. Both of their faces were red, and even though they were holding hands, it was evident they were still fighting about the same thing.
“Yeah, only if she doesn’t kill him until then” Blaise laughed with Grabe and Goyle, who were more occupied by the huge amount of food in front of them. Draco and Y/N joined their friends by the table, but they didn’t sit next to each other. Draco hopped down next to Blaise, and Y/N sat next Theo. Their friends watched them with amused looks.
“Look, all I’m saying, if you want to be with saint Potter, go and be with him” Draco spat and grabbed the plate from Y/N’s hand to put on some steamed vegetable for her. She rolled her eyes at his comment, and poured a glass of water and another glass of orange juice for him. Pansy chuckled at them. She found it funny, how they still cared and went along with their usual routine while they were clearly pissed at each other “But don’t forget that…”
“What?” Y/N raised an eyebrow at Draco “Don’t forget that your father will hear about this?” She bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, but her eyes were smiling “Please, you know that Lucius actually likes me” she shook her head and placed a stuffed potato on Draco’s plate.
“Bitch” Draco murmured and took away his plate from her “Everyone is head over heels for him, and I don’t know why” he rolled his eyes and aggressively cut the meat of his plate “And I don’t understand why’d you go and help him with that stupid essay, Y/L/N. You are a perfect pureblood, with a powerful family and you’re my girlfriend” he kept on renting. Their friends sighed in union and grabbed turned back to their food. It was going to be a very long night “Plus, should I mention that he is probably only using you for your looks? He is so pathetic, like who on Earth would actually be friends with an ork like Hagrid?” 
Pansy looked at her best friend, seeing the familiar look on her face. Y/N had enough of Draco’s childish behaviour, and how he was accusing everyone for every single thing, acting like he was so perfect. It was one thing when he was acting jealous and obsessive with her, but she couldn’t stand hearing him talk shit about nice and pure people like Hagrid. He was one of her favourite teachers, and she just wanted to put him in a bubble and protect him from the cruelty of real world. And she was certainly tired of arguing with him all day. She thought they were over the little incident, which was actually just a quick study session with Harry and Ron in the library, but it looks like Malfoy couldn’t drop it and believe that they were only friendly with her when they hugged her in the end. Those two would have failed History of Magic if she didn’t help them with their essay. But mostly, she was tired of hearing Draco talk and talk and talk and talk. She understood why Lucius was usually so annoyed when his son talked. Draco had the tendency to overdramatise things and make them look like it was the reason of the world ending soon. 
“Shut up, Draco” she said and put down her fork. Y/N felt a headache approaching, and she couldn’t afford resting for the rest of the day. They had an important Potions test on Monday, and she didn’t want to spend her whole weekend in the library. Not, when they had plans in Hogsmeade. She stood up and made her way out of the Great Hall. She needed space and silence, and she couldn’t get neither there. Malfoy was fast on his feet, rushing after her, and stopping her by grabbing her hand. They were standing in the middle of the Hall, most of the students’ eyes on them.
“Excuse me?” He said with concern. He didn’t mean to upset her and make her angry. He knew his behaviour wasn’t the best, and how he acted was a little bit toxic, but this whole love thing was so new to him. He never thought he could someone like he loved her, and he certainly believed nobody would ever love him. Not until he realised why he felt his blood boiling in his veins every time he was Y/N with a boy. And not until he realised why he was always so excited when he saw her, and why he felt that strange feeling in his stomach when she would hug him or just touch him. He was in love with her. Deeply, crazily and madly in love, and he didn’t plan to let her go so easily. That boy, honestly wanted to spend the rest of his life by her side. Marrying her, buying their own mansion and filling it with little Dracos and little Y/Ns. 
“Please, be quiet. I can’t even hear myself losing the will to live” she said annoyedly and tried to free her hand from his grip, but Draco was stronger. She looked up at him with a determined look, ready to tell him to go and fuck himself, but the amused look on his face confused her.
“Drop the attitude, woman” he said and bend down just enough to be able to pick her up and through her on his shoulder. He knew she wasn’t used to be told what to do, so it always silenced her when he did it. 
“Draco, put me down right now” she commanded, but he acted like he didn’t hear her. All eyes were on them, their own group of friends laughing at the pair. They knew this was their way of ending the argument and making up, so they continued their meal with the thought of not having to worry about the scene they would walk up to in the Common Room.
“Come on, princess” Malfoy playfully patted her butt and made his way back to the Slytherin Common Room. He smiled innocently at the students who were passing by them, looking at them strange and wondering why on Earth he was carrying a cursing Y/N on his shoulder. 
When they finally reached Draco’s dorm room, she refused to say anything. She just let Draco drop her on his bed and watch her pouting and looking up at the ceiling. He always found his girlfriend rather cute when she was mad at him, which she was a lot of time. He didn’t even know why they made such a big deal out of his jealous tantrum. They should have been so used to it by now. He gave up and with a sigh, he climbed on top of her, so she no other choice but to look at him. 
“Baby” he said in a soft voice, kissing the top of her noise and nudging it with his “Don’t be like this” 
“Piss of, Malfoy” she turned her head and stared at the picture of the two of them, hugging each other. It was taken last summer, when they visited the beach together and spent the whole day playing in the water, chasing each other in the sand, and cuddling under the stars, making future plans and talking about baby names for their kids. Even though they both knew they had plenty of time for those things, it was something very intimate and heartwarming, talking about their future together.
“I know you love me” he laid down next to her, and pulled Y/N on his chest.  He played with the ends of her ponytail. It was something that calmed down both of them “And you know that I love you” he tilted her head just enough to see her beautiful pace. She wasn’t angry. She was annoyed with him. She didn’t understand why he had to act like a baby when he was almost eighteen years old. They could have spared so much time for themselves. 
“No, I hate you” she buried her face in the crock of his neck. She breathed in his amazing scent, and felt how the stress and annoyance slowly left her body and mind. She relaxed under his soft touch, and let herself to enjoy the small kissed he was showering her face with.
“You can hate me as much as you want, as long as you don’t leave me” he said with a smile, and with a sudden movement, she was under him. She blushed at the way he looked at her. It was pure love, lust, admiration and loyalty. She knew he was the last one who would have heart her. Draco might have been the biggest cry baby ever, but he knew when he had to act like a man and protect his lover. 
“How could I ever leave you, you annoying little twat?” She laughed and pulled him down by his tie and kissed him sweetly. They both smiled in the kiss, and knew they were done fighting. At least for the day. 
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doeilovr · 3 years
《 a fool for you 》
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Pairing: Drummer Doyoung x Reader
Genre: fluff, a bit angst
Words: 1.8k words
It wasn't your first concert - no. You've been to many, sitting in the audience countless times to admire whatever artist was pouring out his heart on stage. But this was different to the classical concerts you've been to in the past.
This was way out of your usual comfort zone. And funny enough you just now started wondering how your friend had even convinced you to come here in the first place.
Jaehyun was like a brother to you, he was your best friend, always supporting you and always spending his free time with you.
But unlike you he had other friends too, friends that had other interests. They were kind of the exact opposite from not only him but also you - or so you thought.
You held Jaehyun's hand tightly as he lead you through the crowd closer to the stage. Loud music was roaring in your ears, you fought the urge to hold your ears.
"They already started", Jaehyun shouted in your direction. "Just enjoy yourself, I'll be right back."
You stood right in front of the stage, the people around you cheering and shouting in excitement. The lights were still out, only a loud melody was heard.
Finally as the stage lights turned on you saw them - Jaehyun and his friends. Five guys that wore either a little too much leather or a little too few clothes for your taste.
You recognized Xiaojun, who was the second singer in the group next to Jaehyun. And you recognized Jungwoo, who Jaehyun hung out with very often and who was an absolute god on the bass.
Yuta, the guitarist was who most of your classmates - mostly girls - talked about. Actually, now you kind of understood their obsession.
And then there was the - wait did he look at you? Just when you thought your mind had played you a trick the drummer's eyes and yours met again.
You didn't know him at all, but he had black messy hair which hid his eyes a bit and what seemed like a smirk, playing on his lips.
He looked ridiculously good in his black jeans and white tank top.
You were intrigued, a strange feeling was building in the pit of your stomach and you quickly averted your gaze, looking at Jaehyun instead.
The concert went by fast, you could really feel the energy of all the boys and the lively crowd.
After the show as the regular music set in again and most of the people left, you still stood at the front of the stage, waiting for Jaehyun who went backstage to change.
You leaned against the stage, watching the people slowly making their way to the exit.
"You're a new face", a male voice spoke from behind. Almost startled you turned your head to find the drummer crouching down next to you on stage.
"It's not like I've seen your face before either", you shrugged, fingers fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. He let out an amused chuckle, silently watching you.
"True." His dark eyes were burning into you and you felt a bit trapped under his gaze. "Did someone force you to come here or was it your own decision?"
You chuckled, looking around the room, "No one forced me, but it's not my usual scene either." You smiled unconsciously, thinking back to the time Jaehyun asked you to come and see him and his band live.
"I wouldn't have guessed", he let out a deep chuckle. You turned your head to meet his eyes, letting out a sigh at his teasing comment.
"Kim Doyoung", a loud voice echoed through the room, making both of you turn your head.
Kim Doyoung.
Yuta walked over to the two of you, Jaehyun right next to him. "Did you enjoy the show", Yuta asked, smirking at you.
"Yes, I had a good time actually", you smiled, Jaehyun shooting you an 'I told you so' look.
Doyoung brushed his hair back, his eyes still lingering on you.
"Should we go out for drinks", Yuta excitedly suggested, throwing an arm around Jaehyun.
"Can't", Jaehyun countered, "I drove us here, so I'll drive us back", he added, grinning at you. You were glad to call Jaehyun your friend, since he always took care of you no matter what.
But nevertheless you felt like you were holding him back from having fun. "No, Jaehyun. You should go and hang out with everyone. It's fine, I'll take the bus."
Before Jaehyun could protest Doyoung spoke up next to you. "I'll take you home."
You looked at him, his piercing eyes quickly finding yours. Everyone around you seemed to stop talking, an awkward silence filling the room.
"Would that be okay?" Jaehyun put a hand on your shoulder, trying to get your attention. "Sure", you nodded, feeling uneasy at the thought of Doyoung taking you home.
There was something dangerous about him, something that told you to stay away.
After a while you found yourself in front of the building, the others having already left. You were waiting for Doyoung who had to grab his bag from the backstage room.
You leaned against the wall just staring out into the night. A few drunk people passed by, girls you recognized from the concert earlier.
A group of boys walked up to you, you could barely make out their faces in the dark.
"You got cigarettes?" One of the boys pointed at you, clearly tipsy. You quickly shook your head, hoping they'd quickly leave you alone.
Of course they didn't and stepped even closer. "Wanna come with us", another one of the boys spat out with an evil smirk. "We could have some fun together."
You swallowed, "no I'm good. Now would you please excuse me I'm waiting for my boyfriend." You lied and you were pretty sure they noticed, you just sucked at lying.
The boys chuckled dangerously, one of them stepping even closer. You tried to back up more, but your back already hit the wall.
"That's very rude", the boy countered, visibly annoyed.
"Are they bothering you?" A familiar voice came from your right and you turned your head to watch no other than Kim Doyoung step out of the dark.
"Can I help you", one of the boys barked, now all the attention on Doyoung.
Doyoung chuckled, making you wonder what the hell he thought was so funny. "Yes, do me the favor and leave. Now", he hissed. You could tell it was a threat solely from the choice of his words. On the outside Doyoung looked as calm as ever.
"And who are you to tell me to piss off", the boy spat back. Doyoung walked past him and stopped next to you, his arm quickly finding its way over your shoulders.
"I'm her boyfriend."
You shot your head to the side, looking at Doyoung in confusion. You wondered if he had heard you mentioning that before?
The boys didn't argue any longer and walked away, Doyoung's staying close to you until they were really out of sight.
"Are you okay?" Doyoung's expression had changed, his eyes looked a lot bigger and sparklier than before, for a moment it even seemed like he was pouting. Or maybe that was just your imagination.
"What? Yeah, I'm okay", you mumbled, stepping away from him.
Maybe it was because you were still nervous about the encounter with these rude boys, but maybe it was also just because of Doyoung. Whatever this strange feeling that spread in your stomach was, it made your heart race and your mind go blank.
"Should I take you home now?" Doyoung took off his jacket, putting it around you instead. "It's cold", he mumbled, "you shouldn't get sick."
You felt torn between these two sides of Doyoung. Was he cold or caring?
Doyoung lead you to his car, which was parked right across the road - he even held the door open for you.
The whole ride you were quiet, not even daring to talk. You felt oddly nervous in Doyoung's presence, your heart was beating fast.
The car came to a halt in front of your dorm, both of you not moving in your seat. "Thanks", you turned your head to look at Doyoung once again, only to find him looking at you already.
"You know, I've actually seen you before", Doyoung explained, immediately having your attention. "I've been to one of your concerts. It was actually a coincidence, but I was glad I took the wrong turn that evening."
The corner of Doyoung's mouth slightly rose as he thought back to the time he first saw you. You were playing the piano on stage, a piece by Chopin.
And although he didn't even enjoy classical music it seemed like the most beautiful thing he had ever heard at that moment. Especially with you playing it.
"I didn't know who you were back then, but as I hung out with Jaehyun I unconsciously learned about you everyday", he explained, "you know, he just can't shut up about you."
You let out a chuckle - that was just so Jaehyun.
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again. And I don't believe in fate, you know, but when I saw you tonight I doubted all my beliefs for a second."
You swallowed, eyes blankly staring in Doyoung's direction. "So?" You watched his smile slowly appear. "Are you telling me you suddenly believe in fate?"
Doyoung chuckled, as if he was amused by your question. "No, but I believe in coincidences, in seizing the opportunity. And I'd be a fool to not ask you to come and see us play again tomorrow."
You raised your eyebrows at him. Did he just ask you out? "Tomorrow", you repeated, "yes, id love to come."
"Good", Doyoung nodded with a soft smile, his gaze moving between your eyes and your lips. "I was hoping you'd say that."
"And maybe afterwards you can drive me home again", you suggested without thinking twice.
"I'd like that."
You looked at each other for another moment, before you finally snapped back to reality, waving goodbye to Doyoung and getting out of the car.
You watched Doyoung drive off, unable to hold back your smile. You felt like you were floating and you were already excited to see him again the next evening.
You didn't believe in fate either, but there was something about seeing Doyoung on stage, fully focused on playing the drums.
There was something about him falling for a stranger he saw from the distance one day and falling for the same stranger again some time later - that stranger being you.
There was something that made you almost believe in fate too.
And maybe it really was a coincidence, maybe it was even Jaehyun's work. But maybe, just maybe, there really was a little fate involved.
a/n: check out the rest of the collab hosted by @johnsamericano :3 I'm super happy to be part of this collab! It's my first one too so it's even more exciting:)
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wearebothdrunk · 3 years
“You should smile more!”
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*gif not mine*
disclaimer: If you wanna repost my story, make sure you send me a message first!
word counting: 1751
pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: protective Bucky; fluff 
summary: Steve sends Bucky and Y/N togheter on a mission
You have been training with the avengers for six months now, so when Steve trusted you on a mission, you were really proud and super excited. Of course, until Steve told you that you were going with the one and only James Bucky Barnes. 
I mean you didn´t hate Bucky but you also didn´t love him either. He never talked to you and when you tried to get to know him, he just ignored you.
"Why do I have to go with him, Steve? I can do this alone you know?!"
"Y/N, Bucky is one of the best men that I have with me, he`s perfect for the mission, and from what I saw on your training, you both have similar characteristics"
" What similar characteristics?" you asked with your arms crossed
" Well you are both stubborn and you don't like to lose, what makes you perfect for the mission! Y/N, I don't have time to argue. Promise me one thing?"
" what" you asked with a bored face 
" Make sure he doesn´t freak out and do something stupid in the middle of the night"
Bucky had a lot of traumas over his life, so he had a lot of nightmares and a lot of insecurities. 
You were waiting for Bucky in the jet, ready to go. You heard Steve telling something to Bucky. " She can be a little hard to handle but she is a good person."  "I know" you heard Bucky saying. "Don´t do anything stupid!" " How can I? You´re taking all the stupid with you!" Bucky said. You laughed. You loved Steve´s and Bucky´s relationship, you felt kinda jealous for not having someone like they have each other. 
Bucky entered on the jet and looked at you with those blue ocean eyes, probably thinking if he should say something. " It took you long. " you said. " I know. I´m sorry I was just talking with Steve"  he said with a serious apology. You felt bad, you didn`t want to be rude to him. " I was just joking, don´t worry." you said, " Oh okay." he said with puppy eyes. 
You spend the whole trip in silence. 
When you arrived at the hotel the lady gave you two keys to your rooms. She leads you both to your rooms. She was clearly trying to flirt with Bucky but he didn´t even notice and you thought his innocence was cute. She touched Bucky´s back leading him to his room. She totally forgot you were there too.  " Here, you have your keys and your bedroom, you also have room service. If you need anything just call me. You have the number in the room. And my name is Grace by the way." " Thank you!" Bucky said taking the keys of her hand. You looked at him with an incredulous look on your face. She looked at him and left. 
" Idiot! " you told him giving a little slap on the arm. Bucky looked at you shooked " Why? What did I do now?" he asked. "Because the girl was totally hitting on you and you DIDN`T EVEN TOLD HER YOUR NAME!!" 
" We are on a mission, I´m not here to hanging out with some woman that I never met. Besides, she´s not my type" 
" so, what is your type?" you asked looking straight into his eyes, maybe hoping he said your name or some of your characteristics.
" woman with over 70 years old." he said smiling. You look down at your sneakers and your checks started to turn red. You had never seen Bucky´s smile before and you had never had a conversation with him that last this long. 
His smile was perfect. He looked so cute. That´s when you started to feel butterflies in your belly. You wanted this feeling to stop but you just couldn´t control it. 
" Well, see you tomorrow Y/N" 
You both turned to face your dorms. You opened your door. "Bucky?" you said. " yes Y/N?" he said with a soft voice.  " You should smile more. It looks good on you!" and you closed your door leaving Bucky alone in his thoughts. 
Bucky never looked at you in that way, but he sure liked your complement.
Hours passed and you were bored in your room, you´ve already called Steve telling him that everything was okay and that you understood everything about the mission. You looked at the window and you saw a 50´s bar, with music and dancers. You always wanted to go to one of those, so you ran to Bucky´s door room, which was right in front of yours, and you knocked. You didn´t even think that he may didn´t wanna go. 
" Y/n? It´s everything okay?" Bucky said opening the door. 
" There is this 50`s bar across that the street and they are having a party. So I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" 
" oh... I don´t know y/n, I have to get ready for this mission and..." you cut him off. " Come on James, you don´t have a better excuse? You are one of the best soldiers that I ever train with, and, plus, you didn´t have the chance to enjoy the 50`s, so let´s go!!! Maybe you can meet some woman above 70 years old" you laughed and he smiled, that smile made you weak. " come on?" you said making your puppy eyes, " Okay, fine, one drink" he said almost giving you an order. " Okay captain." you said mocking him.
You both arrived at the bar and it was full. People dancing and singing, you were loving it. 
" Hold my hand!" you said almost screaming because of all the noise 
He held your hand and you lead you to the barmen and asked for your drinks. 
 " shots?" you asked him 
" yeah" 
" four shots please!" Bucky looked at you surprised. " Four shots?! I thought I told you ONE DRINK!". " oh I know, the other threes are for me" he giggled and said " You know we have a mission tomorrow. An important one." He was being a little bit dramatic. " Relax James, it´s just three shots, That´s not a big deal!" 
After a while, you got up and ask him if he wanted to dance. " No, I´m good here, but thank you."
" Come on! Just have fun" you said smiling at him. 
"I´m having fun just by being with you." you smiled, not even knowing exactly what meant by that. " Now go. I would steal the show if I start to dance!" he said smiling. You giggled. So you went without him. 
You were feeling so happy being there and singing and dancing as nothing else mattered. Bucky was still sitting in the same place, but not taking his eyes off you. He was loving watching your movements and your free spirit. Maybe you were the thing that he needed to feel less lost.
While you were dancing a man appeared on your back and grabbed your waist. You didn´t even have time to process when you heard Bucky´s voice " HEY YOU! What the hell are you think you doing?!". You had never seen Bucky being this angry. 
You put your hand in his chest pushing him softly. 
"Hey, James. It´s okay, calm down!" he looked at you putting his arms around you. " Are you okay?" he asked with his soft voice. 
" yes, I am. let´s just g...." you were interrupted by the man that grabbed you. 
" She doesn´t need to be saved by a killer. Yes, I know who you are, and if you think...." you pushed him in the face and start bleeding from his nose. 
"Damn right I don´t need to be saved" and you both left.
You were both silents until you get to your door rooms. 
" I don´t need to be saved, James" he looked down kinda embarrassed. "but, thank you for standing up for me. It meant a lot to me"
"Oh, that´s okay. I hate when people hurt someone that I like. " 
" OMG I´m the third person in the people James Bucky Barnes like list" you laughed
" Actually, you are the first" 
It was an awkward silence for a moment.
" I passed Steve?" you said with irony in your voice.
" Well doesn´t drive me crazy and makes me wanna kiss him." he said almost whispering. 
Did just Bucky Barnes said he wanted to kiss you? 
You felt his arm on your hair, putting him behind your ear. You were hearing his heartbeat and yours at the same time. You felt his breathing close to your face. 
" Can I kiss you?" he asked you, whispering
you nodded saying yes. He pulled you closer to him and kissed you softly on the lips. 
Who would it know that Bucky Barnes is an amazing kisser?! Not you. You never even thought about Bucky in that way, until now. He made you feel safe and good with yourself. You just wanted him to feel the same. 
He looked at you smiling. A genuine smile. 
"I really love your smile, did you know that" and you pulled him to another passionate kiss. 
" can you sleep with me?" he asked.
" yeah let me just grab my pajama" you said. " you don´t need to. you can sleep in one of my shirts"  he said with a smile. 
You were both so tired that you just wanted to sleep. So you got dressed and you cuddle in his bed. Your head was in his chest and his arms were around you. You started tracing your fingers in his metal arm. 
"I feel I don´t deserve this. I don´t deserve to feel this happy. Not after all I´ve done!" he said. 
you looked over him and you put your hand in his check making him close his eyes for a second. 
" the only thing you didn´t deserve was to be treated the way you were. No one should go throw what you went throw. So yes you deserve every little of happiness that your life provides you" 
He grabbed your hand and kissed you. You both fell asleep think about what life had waited for you.
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bard-llama · 3 years
Hello again! May I request Rorveth for the ship game again? Maybe prerelationship 2, General 1, 5, Love 2, Domestic 9? Have a good day
Always! Rorveth owns my heart and I can always talk about them lol.
Pre-Relationship #2: What was their first impression of each other?
Hmm. I mean, there was definitely some hate, lbr. But I think there was also a lot of admiration? Well, I guess it depends on what we count as first impression. When they first learn of each other or when they first meet?
Because Roche found Iorveth long before Iorveth knew he existed. Roche had a crush worked intelligence, analyzing data and putting together who their targets in the Scoia'tael were. So I think he and Thaler and other intel folks would have come up with code names for each unit commander that they knew of (probably something lame too), but as we see in the game - the Scoia'tael are PROUD of their commander. They cheer Iorveth's name as they go into battle. It would not take many confrontations to start to put names to positions. So Roche's first impression of Iorveth would be one of someone recognizing a skilled opponent. But it would also be heavily countered by the details of what exactly Iorveth is using those skills for. Because they probably have an office somewhere in the Temerian royal palace that's full of pictures stuck to bulletin boards and string connecting them lol. So he'd have front and center in his mind exactly how brutal Iorveth can be.
So when they meet, I think Roche expects to appreciate Iorveth's ability, but hate him as a person. But then Iorveth introduces himself playing the fucking recorder flute!? Like, that had maybe been shared in intel, but it was the kind of meaningless detail that Roche had never really paid attention to. Which was a mistake, as it turns out, because Iorveth is every bit as much a musician as he is a soldier. But Roche only learns that later.
On Iorveth's side... well, he'd first hear of Roche when Roche and the Stripes, on their first day, slaughtered an entire unit of Scoia'tael. So I think Iorveth's first impression would be fury and hate, but also, as time goes on and it turns out that wasn't just a fluke, he'd come to respect Roche as an enemy commander. Then they meet and Roche is so full of hate for killing his king and Iorveth wasn't expecting that to hurt, but it really actually does. And he tries to shove it down and ignore it, but the feeling lingers long enough that he ends up seeking Roche out post-W2.
General #1: Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Following the thread above... I think Iorveth did, but semi on accident. So he goes searching for Roche after Saskia has established Vergen and doesn't need him quite so much and this longing just won't stop nagging him. So he seeks Roche out and basically manages to say something along the lines of "I can't stop thinking about you and I'm going to make it your problem". Then he proceeds to follow Roche around and criticize his attempts at guerilla warfare as the Temerian partisans kicked off. Roche finds this absolutely baffling, but like, Iorveth is more experienced with this sort of thing, so why not take his advice? After arguing about it extensively, of course. Ves thinks this is all a Scoia'tael trap and keeps a very close eye on Iorveth. So close, in fact, that she notices the way that Iorveth looks at Roche over the campfire in the evenings. And once she notices that, suddenly the signs that Iorveth adores her Boss are everywhere. And she doesn't really know what to think about that or whether to tell Roche.
Not sure what she decides, but she definitely threatens Iorveth. And actually, I could see that being the first step in them coming to like, actually respect one another beyond "wow, you can kill a guy pretty efficiently". Like, maybe Iorveth begs asks as nicely as he can that Ves not tell Roche, because he's certain that it would only ruin things. And yeah, the longing is still there, but it's not so bad now that he has Roche in his life at all. He is grateful for as much of Roche as he can get.
i think Ves would be perfectly fine with that at first, but as she grows to appreciate Iorveth more as a person, she starts to feel bad. Because like, he very clearly loves Roche. And yeah, he probably has complicated feelings about loving a human, but like...he so clearly does and it's kind of pathetic but in a way that tugs at her heart and she HATES feeling sympathy for an elf, but...
I don't think she tells Roche directly. But she basically tells him that Iorveth is always staring at him and he should ask why. (Roche: because we're enemies, duh??? He's watching to see if I make a move to shank him, isn't he?)
General #5: What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Oh man, okay, this one is fun to play with. So, Roche is shorter than everyone most people and he is resentful about it. That whole thing about shorter people being closer to hell? Yeah, he is that 100%.
Iorveth, of course, enjoys very much that he is taller and will 100% grab Roche's paperwork or something and hold it out of reach just to enjoy Roche attempting to climb him to annoy Roche.
For age difference, I hc Roche as late 40s and Iorveth as around 1300, so it's a pretty big difference lol. I go back and forth on what elves think of such age differences, 'cause like... 40 is the age of majority for elves, so I could see them pointing at tired and wrinkled Roche and going, "that is a baby!"
But also, realistically, if they live so long (which they don't in canon, oops), i think they'd be a little more blase about age differences, as long as they're over the age of majority for their culture. Especially considering that they lost basically an entire generation of elves with Ailerinn's failed uprising + other pogroms like the cleansing of Loc Muinne, so like, the only elves left are either really old (pre-Conjunction) or really pretty young (200-300yo max, I think). So even if they don't already not care that much about age differences, I think they'd have to learn to, because there's not a lotta other options left.
(Not to derail, but Isengrim being torn up over being so much older than Eldain could be really, really fun, so I might ignore this lmao)
Love #2: What are their primary love languages?
Ooooh, Roche's is definitely touch! Just soft, casual touches, like a hand on the back or the shoulder, or just brushing their arms against each other or knocking their shoulders together to show that he's here. I think his receiving language might be more words of affirmation than touch, though. But that could be due to trauma/the fact that everyone in court does one thing and says another. So like, Foltest will clap him on the shoulder and then also go send him to torture someone. But then he'll also say 'good job' when Roche gets the intel they needed. So he has... kind of a fucked up relationship with both ideas, honestly.
Okay, I couldn't remember all 5 love languages, so I looked them up and fuck, Roche is very much acts of service, too. But in a self-sacrificing way.
Iorveth... hmm. I could see maybe receiving gifts just because it was such a rare and exciting thing when he was young. But along the same veins, I think quality time would mean a lot to him, because his family never made time for him. He always felt like he was in the way/bothering them while they're busy and hasn't fully yet come to understand that they should have made the time for him. So when Roche does things like call off work for the day to do something with Iorveth? Iorveth absolutely melts. I don't think he previously understood that time together could be precious, not because it's limited, but because it is special.
Domestic #9: Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Iorveth is a night owl. And very much NOT a morning person. Roche is also not a morning person, but he doesn't even get the exchange of being a night person, he's just eternally Tired. So I think Roche tries to encourage Iorveth to come to bed during the night, but is rarely successful, because Iorveth feels inspired. Fortuntely, Roche has ear plugs/enjoys music when he sleeps.
But when one of them gets really fixated on their work and loses track of the time? It's almost always Roche obsessing over some ig or small problem, and Iorveth will try to get him to come to bed, but usually he has to resort to physically sitting in Roche's lap/getting between Roche and the fixation. But once he's gotten Roche distracted, he can get some nice cuddles and/or sex out of it and Roche falls asleep afterwards.
But when they wake up in the morning and need to get up and go to work? It's always Iorveth who tries to persuade Roche that if he can't get 30 mins more sleep, then he could at least offer some morning sex.
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Adrien actually does things in this one, believe it or not.
“Sir” Nathalie entered Gabriel’s office, placing a tabloid magazine on his desk. “Adrien’s made quite a story.”
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Gabriel picked up the magazine and looked at the cover.
“Marinette Dupain Cheng is truly making herself known” Gabriel frowned, and began flipping through the magazine.
“You know this will upset Lila Rossi.” Nathalie pointed out. “Perhaps this jealousy could push her to continue protecting Adrien.”
“You’re right, Nathalie. Miss Dupain Cheng could be an asset.”
“H-hi Adrien!” Marinette smiled, approaching the model. “I can’t believe your dad let me join you on set for these new ads!”
“Yeah me either! He usually only lets Lila in...” he looked back at Lila, who was chatting with the photographer. “And she’s not as... professional as you are.”
“Wow, thanks Madrien— I mean, Adrien!” She laughed awkwardly, taking a seat next to the model.
“So... your dad just wants me to keep things running smoothly, right?”
“Yeah, but he also said you should study some of the designs I’m modeling today. He still has a few slots open for the next clothing line. It’s being released in a few months, and he wanted some ‘fresher’ pieces for the younger fans.” Adrien explained.
“Really?! This is amazing!” Marinette stood up, practically yelling to all of Paris, “I mean, tell your dad I say thank you!” She smiled before heading over to help set up the makeup station.
“Adrien!” Lila called as she walked towards him. “I saw Marinette is here. Is she like, interning for your dad?”
“Yeah, she’s his newest designer.” Adrien said, knowing it would upset her. “He personally requested her. Her designs are so impressive.”
Lila looked visibly upset by this, which only made Adrien’s white lie all the more satisfying. I mean, Marinette wasn’t technically a designer yet, but she probably would be. At least he hoped.
“All ready!” The Italian photographer announced, practically pushing the teen models out of their seats. “Up, up! Get excited! Mr. Gabriel needs passion! He needs magic!”
The photographer positioned Lila and Adrien next to each other, sitting them back to back. They sat on the edge of the fountain with the water splashing around them. It was the perfect picture.
Marinette watched the two, and began putting away makeup palletes. She sighed, but continued her work and studied the designs despite her sadness.
“Hmm....” the photographer scratched his chin, staring at the models. “Something’s missing...”
“Should I sit closer to Adrien?” Lila asked, leaning towards the model. “Our chemistry is great.” She giggled.
“That’s the problem!” The photographer snapped his fingers and put his camera down. “The boy’s posture is wonky.”
“I’m sitting normally.” Adrien said, slowly attempting to scoot away from Lila.
“How long have you known this girl?” The photographer asked, pointing at Lila.
“A few months?”
“And that one?” The photographer pointed to Marinette, who was sorting through a box of Gabriel products.
“She was one of my first friends. Maybe about a year?” Adrien shrugged.
The photographer whisked Lila away and practically flew to Marinette.
“You! What’s your name miss?” He asked, already whipping out makeup.
“Me? I’m not a model— I’m just here to study the Gabriel Agreste pieces.”
“Name!” The photographer yelled, taking out her hair ribbons.
“M-Marinette.” She answered. “Wait, am I going to model with Adri—“
“Go change in the booth! Wear this.” He shoved a pair of jeans and a Gabriel brand blouse into her arms. “Quickly!”
Marinette didn’t have time to argue as she was pushed into the changing booth. She put on the clothes, careful to not mess up her makeup. She looked into the large mirror on the wall, and was shocked by how professional she looked.
She stepped outside and was seated next to Adrien on the fountain edge. She could see Lila trying to beg the photographer out of the corner of her eye, but her attention was quickly taken to Adrien.
“Marinette, thank you for doing this.” He smiled, turning to her. “I’d much rather model with you. You’re one of my closest friends.”
“I— uh... yeah! I’ve never modeled before though, so...sorry if I mess up.” She blushed, but looked away after she realized how out of place she felt.
“Don’t worry. I’ll give you all the tips.” Adrien patted her shoulder reassuringly. “And your hair looks really good down!”
She practically fainted.
Meanwhile, Lila Rossi was busy fighting every possible person on set. She wanted that spot back. She needed it.
“Please, Mr. Gabriel asked for me to be the model. Marinette doesn’t have any experience!” Lila explained, even putting on a bit of an Italian accent to win over the photographer.
“Did...did she just put on an accent?” Marinette whispered to Adrien.
The two of them laughed, almost falling into the fountain. This only upset Lila further.
“I don’t think Mr. Agreste will be happy when he sees I’m not in his recent photo shoot.”
“I don’t think he’ll be happy if his photos turn out like the garbage ones you were in last week.” He retorted. “Adrien’s uncomfortable in the photos with you— his back gets all weird...”
“That’s not true. He’s probably just tired. Plus, he’s not used to having a partner.” She emphasized the last word, leaning in to make sure he understood.
“Yes, but those two—“ he gestured at Adrien and Marinette, “they work together. They are like Ladybug and Chat Noir— a good team!”
Lila burned at the mention of the superhero, and stormed off the set. But she couldn’t escape the change. Gradually, Marinette did more modeling with Adrien and eventually became a designer. The two clearly had chemistry, and all magazines ate it up. The fact that they weren’t dating just made it more interesting for the fans. The Gabriel brand became more popular, which inspired him to keep Marinette on his design team rather than simply using her against Lila Rossi.
And it was true—
Adrien and Marinette are a good team.
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groovybaybee · 4 years
Empty Beach (4.5k)
Three hours. It only took three hours for the tan line on my ring finger to be brought up. Three measly hours I had spent in the country, travelling to the house and unpacking, before his name was mentioned. Despite choosing a later flight in a desperate attempt to spend as little time with my distant relatives as possible, the question was inevitable.
 “No Ethan this year?” my sweet but intrusive grandmother had asked the second grace had been uttered.
 It took less than two seconds for the question to be answered by my mother.
 “They split up, ma,” she said with a passive aggressive smile as she passed me some vegetables.
 “That’s a pity… such a nice young man,” my grandmother pressed, leaning forward in her seat.
 “Very nice,” I muttered under my breath, knowing fully well that my side of the story would never be accepted.
“Anyone else on the scene?” asked my uncle as he bounced a fussy toddler on his knee. “Want to get yourself settled soon, pop out a couple of these sweet things.” He added when I shook my head.
 I watched as the child grabbed wildly at anything in his reach, knocking a bread roll on to the floor. My eyes followed my uncle as he reached down to scoop up the discarded food, quickly blowing at it before settling it back on his plate.
 “Mhm,” I hummed before dropping my gaze to my plate, pushing the food around miserably.
 The rest of the meal followed a similar pattern. Questions were asked. Digs unsubtly disguised as jokes were made at my expense. I offered half-hearted noises of agreement when reminded that my biological clock is ticking, and no man wants an old spinster for a wife.
 Family has a way of making you feel terrible about yourself. They can highlight all your perceived failures and mock them to your face, delighting in their ‘progress’ comparative to yours.
 Ethan used to make these visits more bearable. Having someone accompany me to these yearly holidays helped to calm the fire in my stomach, the urge to argue with my family’s traditional ideals. For a while, I convinced myself Ethan’s presence soothed my wild nature outside these trips as well, encouraging me to be practical and always plan ahead.
 He was sensible and I was sensible when I was around him. So, when he asked me to marry him at this exact villa one year ago, I did the sensible thing and accepted.
 My family were ecstatic, finally marrying me off and watching me become the person they expected me to become. First would be the wedding, then children, then grandchildren. I would be a wife, most likely staying home to raise our children and resenting every moment of allowing myself to be stifled like that.
 Ethan and I made sense in almost every way. We just lacked that… something. Some people describe it as a spark, others a fire. Whatever it is, it never existed between us. We both knew that, so it did not shock me to see the relief in his eyes when I returned his ring.
 No one could understand how we ended a four-year relationship over seemingly nothing, especially not my family members.
 “Have you been trying to work things out with Ethan? I’m sure if you just talked you could resolve whatever you’re going through.” My mother urged as we cleared the table.
 The scoff that left my lips was unintentional but impossible to retain.
 “I’m trying to help fix your mistakes.” She snapped, clattering plates as she piled them forcefully.
 “Not everything I do is a mistake.” I countered softly, exhausted from my flight and from the years of having this conversation.
 “Of course not, but don’t your father and I deserve grandchildren? Have we not earned that after—”
 I refused to let her finish her sentence, quickly announcing that I was going for a walk.
 Blood boiled in my veins as I trudged through cobbled streets. The stomp of my sandals against the ground sounded ridiculous and only infuriated me further as I stormed aimlessly through familiar backstreets until the sound of softly crashing waves called me closer.
 It was after sunset, most of the beach empty save for a few teenagers gathered around a small fire. The anger in me had subsided by the time I reached the sand, gently toeing off my shoes and carrying them with me as I walked the width of the beach.
 Waves brushed my toes as I inhaled and exhaled deeply, grateful for the gentle evening breeze that seemed to soothe the burn inside my throat. I spent a few moments, still, allowing the water to cleanse my soul and pull away the negativity of the night with each receding wave.
 Planting myself in the sand, I stretched out my legs to their full extent, flexing and relaxing my bare feet until the tiny grains felt coarse on my skin.
 I sat for a long while, reminding myself that only I knew what was best for me. Not my family, who I purposely only interacted with a couple of times per year. They barely knew me; they most definitely did not know what I needed.
 The urge to settle down at a young age and start a family as quickly as possible in order to continue the cycle had never appealed to me. Even as a child I craved excitement and adventure; something no amount of familial intervention could knock out of me.
 A late-night trip to the beach like this one would be considered reckless. I could only imagine the passive-aggressive nightmare I would return to. Silent gawks and glares would surround me until I felt claustrophobic.
 My desire for freedom and spontaneity most certainly was the product of a recessive gene, one only shared by my great aunt, Delilah. She stopped attending all family get-togethers when I was still a child. The memory of her pulling me back during a family walk to skip stones with her would stay with me forever.
 “They won’t be around you forever,” she had told me as she bounced a rock four times across the placid lake. “One day you’ll have your own life. You’ll make your own choices and you’ll make them for yourself, won’t you honey?”
 I hadn’t really understood what she meant but I nodded anyway. I idolised her. The fire I recognised in myself, I saw in her. She was the only one who understood me, which is why it hurt all the more when I had to face family gatherings alone.
 It was only when I was an adult that her leaving made sense. Delilah was in her late sixties when she finally came out to her family. That evening, after we returned from the lake, I was sent to bed while my family had a ‘grown-up’ discussion. The next morning, she was gone, and no one would tell me why.
 She sent presents on birthdays and Christmas, postcards from each new place she visited, always reminding me to be true to myself and do what I wanted. Now she was free, she felt alive.
 I drew her name in the damp sand with my index finger, mine beneath it, and made a silent promise to keep the fire alive for the both of us.
 What would DeeDee do right now? I had wondered.
 An immediate grin had spread across my face when I heard her voice in my head, telling me: “I don’t know, something stupid like skinny-dipping.”
 I knew that if she were around, she would tell the story of how she skinny-dipped at boarding school with the headmistress’ daughter. I could almost feel the warmth of her laughter as I sat on the sand.
 Envying her liberation, I glanced around the beach to gage the possibility of being nude without being arrested for public indecency.
 The teenagers had left while I was reminiscing, their fire extinguished. The beach appeared empty. No one would see. Even if it was just for a moment, it felt something that I needed to experience.
 Head and heart fixed on the idea, I quickly stripped my body of the pale blue sundress. Taking a swift but deep breath, I pulled down my underwear and tossed them into the pile. A small giggle fell from my lips as my body adjusted to the new temperature. A warm gust of wind blew past me, almost as if encouragingly pushing me towards the water.
 I ran without looking back until my knees splashed water around my body and the ocean became too deep and slowed me down. I stood, waist deep, under the sky. It was a clear night, save for a few light clouds which glided past in the breeze.
 My eyes fell closed as I breathed in the moment, desperate to savour each salty kiss and gentle caress of the water. Everyone had disappeared. Each nag and dig had vanished from memory. This was peace.
 It was peace, until the gentle crashing of waves was interrupted by a sigh.
 Instantly, I crouched in the water, eager for ever the slightest touch of modesty as I turned to locate the source of the sound.
 About ten metres away, waves lapping around his ribs, stood a man with his eyes closed and head thrown back as if bathing in the moonlight.
 In a desperate attempt to go unseen, I squatted low. My chin just above the water, I attempted to side-step away in order to keep an eye on him and prevent any awkwardness.
 I was almost crab-walking away when he finally noticed me, a misplaced footstep caused me to be plunged underneath the lukewarm tide.
 “Whoa, you alright?” I heard him ask when I surfaced, spluttering and spitting so much water that I did not notice him mirror my stance, also crouched.
 “Fine.” I coughed, clearly not fine but thankful that he did not press it.
 The two of us stood in silence as I caught my breath, running my hands over my head to scrape back the tangling mess of hair, already wondering how I would explain this when I returned to my family.
 “Nice night isn’t it?” he asked after the silence started to become thick with tension.
 “Yeah, not bad,” I replied, pausing for a moment to smirk at the ridiculousness of the situation.
 “Know any constellations?” he had asked, turning his head back up to the sky.
 “Not really,” I answered.
 It was at this moment that I was given the chance to appreciate him. His head bobbed just above the water, darkened wet hair plastered itself to his head, some parts curling out in defiance. An angular jaw tilted to the stars, catching their light and softening his features. The stranger glowed and glistened as awe-filled eyes watched the twinkling wonders above us.
 “You?” I questioned.
 “Just the ones everyone knows… Orion’s belt, Cassiopeia…” he commented, and I copied his stance, gazing up to the night sky.
 An overwhelming swell of gratitude washed across me as I stood beneath the glittering expanse. I pictured the stars looking down at us as we did to them, marvelling at their distance. Everything felt so insignificant in the most calming way. It did not matter what my family thought of me, or even the unknown man beside me (once I felt safe that he was not about to murder me and leave my lifeless body to float out with the tide). All that mattered is that in that moment, cuddled by gentle waves and illuminated by starlight, I felt alive.
 “When I was a kid, I thought that night-time was like a knitted blanket and stars were the little gaps you get,” he spoke.
 Not able to help myself, I turned to him with a grin at his admission. It felt like such an impossible confession to make to a stranger that I had to meet his gaze, eyes already trained on me by the time mine found his.
 “Sorry, bit mental to tell a stranger.” He laughed.
 “What’s your name?” I asked, sensing his discomfort from oversharing. “Then we aren’t strangers anymore.”
 I learnt his name was Harry. I told him mine and we discuss childhood beliefs as if we had known each other longer than a few minutes. Mentioning my unshakable faith that lightening was just a huge camera flashing seemed to relax him. There was a sweetness to the look he gave me as I spoke. A gentle stare that paired with an equally easy smile. Lips quirked with each word I uttered, until I soon wore a matching grin.
 Only when I was able to notice the deep-set dimples in his cheeks did I realise we had migrated closer to one another. By the sea or our own volition, we were only a few feet apart. He was breath-taking up close, warm but dark eyes glinted emerald and a light dusting of freckles across his nose were a testament to a day in the sun.
It was then that I began to panic. The realisation that the possibility to slip away without him seeing my nude body was quickly diminishing the more I spoke to him. But I didn’t want to stop.
 “I don’t believe you.” I laughed heartily.
 “It’s true! I can call my mum and she’ll tell you. My sister convinced me whenever I blinked everyone turned into a frog.” He spoke fondly, a warmth spreading across his features as he reminisced.
 “Can I ask you something that’s going to sound a bit mad?” I asked once calm was restored between us. One last-ditch effort to keep some dignity intact.
 “Sure.” Harry had answered with a light, throaty chuckle.
 “Do you think you could wait here for a few minutes and then come meet me on the beach? I’m getting kind of cold, but I think you’re interesting.” I explained the best I could.
 “Okay.” He smiled.
 Almost unbelievably, he continued to follow my instructions when I had him face away from the beach and promise not to look back. He seemed respectful when I made a half-hearted comment about wanting privacy as I towelled off, so I made my way out of the water with confidence that he would not peek. Even if he did, all he would have seen was two cheeks speeding away.
 As quickly as possible, I wiped off as much excess water as I could before pulling on sandy clothing. Almost instantly, a wave of regret passed over me as grains of sand covered a variety of patches of skin. However, when I saw Harry stepping towards me, equally sodden and sandy, the feeling washed away as promptly as it had arrived.
 “So how come you’re out here alone?” I asked curiously as we sat.
 “Doing a bit of solo travelling, kind of figuring out who I am by myself.” He answered. I felt there was more to his story that he was holding back but I did not push. “How about you?”
 “Similar thing kind of... just needed a break.” I explained. I imagine he sensed the same caginess from me as I did him, but, again, we did not dive deeper.
 “What’s the plan for your trip? Where you headed next?” I asked nosily, fascinated by him in all honesty.
 “No real plan.” He told happily.
 Again, he took my breath away. Here was someone with no plans, no aims, no pressures. He was freely living his life. The carefree and spontaneous nature of his attitude threw me off, and I sat staring at him, wondering how I could capture that feeling and keep it with me.
 “What?” he asked with a smirk as I gazed at him admiringly.
 “Nothing, you’re… you’re just not like a lot of people I know.”
 “Shall I take that as a compliment?”
 “Definitely.” I told him with a nod.
 Finally, I managed to prise my gaze from him and look out to the swelling ocean, but I felt his eyes on me still. My face began to heat up as I felt his lingering looks, tracing over my features. Breath caught in my throat as my chest rose and fell heavily.
 “Harry,” I uttered, voice barely above a whisper as I turned to face him.
 “Mm?” he hummed, eyes softly locked on my lips.
 We didn’t say anything else, there was no room for words as our bodies gravitated towards one another until our lips touched. His were salty and a little chapped from the ocean, I imagine mine were too, but they left soft, buttery kisses that left my chest aching for more. From the first moment our lips pressed, I felt addicted to them. Each kiss was another hit, more intoxicating than the last.
 He held me to him. Fingertips grazed the slope of my jaw. Lips sweeter than treacle, we sank together. Soon, our bodies laid as one on the sand, water occasionally lapping at our toes as the tide rolled closer.
 We kept ourselves warm despite the dropping temperature, bodies moving against one another symbiotically. Gradually, hands worked their way under clothing, cold and warm meeting in a blissful collision. A cocktail of excitement and caution filled my stomach. Each matched breath and heavy sigh sent a fizz through my bloodstream, soon drunk on his movements. Desire and trepidation battled throughout my being; a tug of war unevenly stacked against sensibility.
 When a large hand reached my breast, a light gasp tumbled from my lips. His actions stoked a fire within me that even the rising tide could not extinguish. Harry moved slowly, thoughtfully, as his touch spread around me, seeming to savour every single inch. My body arched into his when his lips pulled at the soft flesh of my neck, sucking gently but enough to have my hips rolling involuntarily. Desperately seeking some form of stimulation, they jolted harshly against his. The smirk I felt pressed against my skin only encouraged the burning within me. I was in dire need for something free and a little wild, and there he was.
 “I don’t want to assume anything…” I began, my breathy voice barely above a whisper as his lips travelled down my collarbones and to my chest, “But do you have protection?”
 “In my bag.” He replied with a nod to his large, bulging backpack.
 For a moment, we lay still, his chin on my chest as bright eyes and a matching smile looked up at me. There was a shared sense of relief at the realisation that we both wanted the same thing and wanted the best possible outcome for each other. There was mischief in our eyes, a touch of recklessness, but mainly care.
 Lips returned to my skin, puckering along each peak and valley of my covered torso until his mouth reached the hem of my dress. Lifting his eyes questioningly to meet mine, he waited patiently until I gave a soft nod. Eagerly, hands slip beneath the fabric, gliding up the outside of my thighs to reach my hips. He grabbed at the flesh there, greedily kneading it as kisses worked their way up the inside of my legs.
 “Harry…” I breathed out hopelessly.
 His lips crooked into a smile, but he continued to take his time, seeming to enjoy the way my body fought to lay flat against the sand.
 Special attention was given to each and every part of my body, his lips taking their time in dragging their way upwards until, finally, they met the ache between my thighs. His tongue licked tentatively to begin with, before the sight of my body writhing beneath him instilled a new wave of confidence. Soft licks evolved into wet, open-mouthed kisses. Before too long, his mouth moved keenly in delicate swirls as fingertips dug gently but firmly into my hips. Harry held me in place as I desperately sought more from him. Back arched and toes dug helplessly into the sand, his hair tangled through my fingers.
 His eyes were on me the whole time, confidently working me close to orgasm without even a shred of doubt in his performance. Not that there needed to be, his mouth moved beautifully against me, switching between soft licks, gentle sucking, and passionate lapping. I felt his jaw moving up and down as his face pressed into me, nose and mouth gliding up and down the length of my pussy, sure to leave no area neglected. My eyes met and disconnected with his constantly, battling to watch and remember every detail of being with him while struggling to keep my eyes open at all.
 “Think you can come for me?” he groaned; lips so close they sent vibrations across my flesh.
 I was already a quaking mess from his actions, but his words, his desire to give me pleasure, all became too much. My fingers wound through his hair as he pulled me closer, working faster and sloppier. Messy, wonderful circles swirled around my clit as a hand reached up the length of my body. The top of my dress was pulled down, breasts exposed and sensitive in the night air. Gentle fingertips juxtaposed the passion between my legs as they caressed and rolled the freed flesh.
 Overcome with sensation, my hips shuddered against him. Stomach contracting as my toes buried themselves in the sand and fingers grasped his hair, desperate to cling to the world in any way possible. My body fought this urge, convulsing and shivering as his actions became less intense, tongue moving softer against me as he pulled me through my orgasm.
 Once I had stopped shaking, Harry crawled back up my body to lay beside me. He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before propping himself up on his elbow to observe me.
 My breathing levelled out and muscles relaxed before I was able to open my eyes again. When I did, I noticed the way the moonlight reflected on his face, showering him with luminescent majesty. He looked ethereal as he watched over me.
 “All good?” he asked softly, the slightest touch of nervousness present in his voice.
 In response, I nodded my head to his backpack. I watched as an inescapable grin slipped on to his lips before he rolled over to dig through his bag.
 As he searched, my hands began to explore his body. Slowly, they felt the tension of his shoulders, a firm chest, prominent abdominal muscles covered in a layer of soft flesh. The other hand ghosted across the meatiness of his thighs, urgently fighting the desire to dig my fingers in. It continued up to his hipbone, the bottom of his shirt pushed up slightly, revealing tattoos I had not had chance to see yet. I wondered if he would let me count them sometime as he turned back to face me, condom in hand.
 His gaze softened as it fell on me, flickering for a second to my breasts before returning to my face. Our lips reconnected, the same warmth spreading across them and down into my chest and stomach, already hooked on the feeling.
 “You’re sure, right?” I asked him when my hand reached the waistband of his shorts.
 “Positive. You?”
 My answer came in the form of a nod before I slipped a hand through his hair and pulled his lips back to mine.
 Our hands worked clumsily together to unbutton his shorts, soft giggles shared as our fingers tangled. I pulled myself on top of him as he rolled the condom down the length of his cock. His eyes watched me hungrily as I positioned myself above him, gathering the excess fabric of my skirt in my hand before sinking slowly on to him. A gasp left my mouth involuntarily as my body accommodated his size. When the backs of my thighs met the tops of his, I paused, my hips grinding of their own volition. Rocking back and forth caused him to hit the most delicious spots, my muscles clenching around him until he was bucking his hips slightly, starting the cycle anew.
 I rose from my position before returning, just as slowly and deliberately. The moans my movements elicited where otherworldly. The melting of our bodies into one another was intense, seeming to fit and move together as if that was their design. Soon, our hips rolled and met quicker, the sensation unlike anything I had ever felt. After a moment, Harry sat up, one arm around my waist and the other behind him to steady us. Lips clung to my chest, pressing kisses along my sternum before encircling my nipple and sucking softly. My hips began to move up and down at the new sensation, causing Harry to pull his head back, watching with lust-filled eyes as my breasts bounced before his eyes.
 A low growl of a moan escaped Harry’s lips as both arms wrapped around my waist tightly. I was lifted and placed gently on my back on the sand before I could even register what was happening. This new position allowed so much more freedom for him, his hips instantly snapping against mine. Each thrust shook my whole body, sand certainly tangling in my hair. There would be no excusing this when I returned to the villa, but I could not have cared less. All I could think about was the feeling between my legs as Harry grabbed me by the waist and collided our hips over and over. He had pulled his shirt up, holding the bottom between his teeth to prevent it from interfering. His eyes bore into mine, watching with a small smirk as I crumbled into a moaning mess beneath him when he slipped a hand down to rub gentle circles against my clit. Still sensitive from before, the added stimulation had me writhing under him.
 I became increasingly thankful for the sound of the waves, just loud enough to cover the obscenities that spilled from my lips as I was brought to my second orgasm. The sensation of my muscles tightening around him proved too much, as he stilled not soon after, a beautifully gruff rendition of my name tumbling from his lips.
 After a moment of gentle thrusts, he pulled out and returned to his position beside me, grabbing a towel from his bag and laying it across us like a blanket. His arm lifted, calling me closer until my head rest on his chest. We laid for a while, regaining our breaths and waiting for our heartbeats to slow.
 “I think that one is Ursa Major.” Harry spoke softly, his voice a little gravellier than before.
 I looked up to the stars to seek the constellation he pointed out, quickly realised I was not that interested.
 “I don’t really care about stars.” I confessed, looking up at him with a slightly exhausted grin.
 “Me neither,” he replied, bottom lip tugged slightly into his mouth as he smirked at me mischievously. “Just wanted to keep talking to you really.”
 Thankful that the night would cover the heat rising in my cheeks, I told him, “I think I quite enjoy talking to you.”
 “Maybe we should run away together.” He joked, a look of fear flickering through his eyes as he realised how intense that could sound, quickly melted away by my breathy laugh.
 “Where do you want to go first?”
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atlafan · 4 years
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a/n: these have been in my inbox for a while, and I thought why not just get all of these into one big blurby bundle??? I think I hit the main things everyone wanted. Enjoy! There is smut in this fam! @dancinginblackandred​ @harryhiswatermelon​
Lock the Door - Blurb Four - Harry and Y/N Play House
The semester was just about to end, and finals week was upon everyone. But that didn’t mean parties weren’t still a thing. Harry was hesitant to bring Y/N over to Matt’s, but she had practically begged him to bring her out. 
“I need to de-stress, and his parties are fun.” She whines. 
“I know, but...it’s a little awkward, don’t you think? Have you two even spoken so since you hooked up?”
“No.” She shrugs. “Doesn’t he know you and I are together?”
“I haven’t had a chance to say anything. I’ve been busy working on different projects.” 
“Harry, please, bring me with you. I need to go out and have fun, and I’d rather have fun with you.” She pouts.
“God.” He leans in to kiss her. “You make it really hard to say no...” 
It’s a chilly evening, so Y/N clings to Harry’s arm as they walk. The smells of weed and alcohol fill their nostrils as they walk into the apartment. Harry finds a place to put their coats, and the second he finds Y/N, Matt has already backed her up against a wall, clearly uncomfortable. Harry rolls his eyes and comes onto the scene. He yanks Matt back by the collar of his shirt. 
“Yo, what the fuck, Harry?”
“She’s got a boyfriend, mate.”
“Oh really, who?” He crosses his arms. 
“Me.” Harry takes a step closer, getting in his face.
“Harry, relax, I was just about to tell him.” Y/N says, hoping a fight isn’t about to break out. 
“Whatever.” Matt rolls his eyes. “Her and loose cunt are worth it anyw-” Smack.
Y/N gasps as Matt hits the floor. Harry looks down at his knuckles and then to her. She grabs him and pulls him into the kitchen to get some ice. She moves people out of the way as she does so. She gets some ice from the freezer and finds a cloth to wrap it in.
“You didn’t have to do that.” She says, not looking up at him.
“Don’t even start, you heard what he said.”
“I did.” She looks up at him. “You should have let me punch him.” She winks, and he hooks an arm around her to hug her close. 
“Harry, did you just punch Matt?” One of his other friends asks.
“Yeah, he was talking shit about my girlfriend, is that a problem?”
“Nope, just wanted to confirm it was you.” He shrugs. “Didn’t know if we needed to kick some random out.”
“Nah,it was me.” 
Finals week was busy as fuck. This would be the last week Harry and Y/N would have until they’d both be going home for for the holidays. Sure, they’d be coming back two weeks later to be on campus for winter break, but still. Y/N just had projects or presentations, nothing she really needed to study for. But Harry was either in the computer lab working on a larger screen for his graphic design stuff, or down at the studio painting. 
Every time she looked over at his empty bed she was sad. He’d come home super late and would be too tired to even crawl into bed with her. One night she decides to order a small pizza and bring it down to him. It was kind of creepy going into the studio so late. 
“Harry?” She squeaks as she goes into the room she knows he paints in.
“Y/N?” He looks up and rubs his eyes. “Did you walk down her by yourself? It’s late.” He frowns.
“Had my keys in my hand the whole time.” She smiles. “I brought you some pizza.” 
“Aww...” He takes it from her and kisses her cheek. “Thank you.”
“I feel like I haven’t seen you all week.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” He sighs and grabs a slice. “My graphic design stuff took longer than I thought so I’m frantically trying to get things done here. I know you wanted to spend time together before we’re both gone for two weeks.” 
“It’s okay, I understand. Wanna show me what you’ve been working on?” 
He nods and walks her around to the different drawings and paintings. He explains the choices he made for each one. She was in awe of him. 
“You’re so talented, I can’t get over it.” She wraps her arms around his waist and nuzzles into his chest. “Miss you.” She mumbles. 
“Fuck, and I still have so much to do...otherwise I’d come home now.” 
“Any chance of you taking a break?” She looks up at him.
“What kind of break.” He smirks. 
“Are there cameras in here?” She looks around. 
“Not in the rooms no, just in the halls. Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
“Could be fun?” She smiles. 
He grabs her by the hips and lifts her onto the table. She giggles while he hooks his fingers into her leggings. 
“I’m very surprised by you.”
“Thought you knew by now that I’m not some goody goody.”
“I know, but this is like...really cool.” He kisses her as her hands work his belt and zipper. 
Harry slides her leggings down and leaves them around her ankles. He runs his fingers over he slit and moves her panties to the side. She groans into the kiss as he pushes his fingers inside her. 
“Still need to be quiet, I may be the only one in this room, but I’m not the only one in the building.” 
“Okay.” She whispers. 
“I don’t have any condoms with me, shit.” 
“In my jacket.” You nod over to it. 
Even though they both had been intimate a million times at this point, neither of them had been tested, so condoms were still a good idea. They both agreed to go to the doctor when you’re home. 
“You thought of everything didn’t you?” He smirks as he rifles through her jacket pocket. 
He rolls the condom on his hard cock and pulls her a little closer. her head rolls back the second his tip starts to push inside. Her legs wrap around his waist to get him even closer. She clings to him, nails digging into his back. The room was filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and panting. 
“Shit, I’m...I’m not gonna last very long...” He groans. “You feel too good.” 
“It’s okay, just touch me.” She leans back on her elbows, and his hand immediately starts rubbing her clit, while his other clutches to her hip. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunts. 
She loved making him feel this way. He also just knew exactly what to do with his hands. Her release was coming just as quick. She bites her bottom lip and put her forearm over her mouth to stifle her moans. He loses it when she does. They stay like that for a moment until they both catch their breaths. He pulls out and finds a garbage can for the condom. She hops of the table and pulls her leggings back up. 
“I hope your phone’s charged.” He says to her.
“Because I still have work to do, and no way am I lettin’ yeh walk back by yourself. So sit and get comfy, okay?”
“Alright.” She shrugs, too fucked out to argue. She grabs a slice of pizza and sits as he gets back to painting.
As she watches him it dawns on her that she’s totally and completely in love with Harry. She almost chokes on her pizza just thinking about it. She couldn’t tell him, could she? Would it make things weird? What if everything went wrong?
“Y/N?” Harry turns around to look at her, leaning against the table. 
“I, uh, I love you.” 
“I love you too, Harry.” 
“Cool.” He smiles and turns back around.
Y/N was happy to be back on campus, especially since she had her entire apartment alone with Harry. Liv and Chris didn’t have a reason for being on campus. Y/N got an easy job working for admissions answering calls, emails, and sending out mail. Harry would usually get back from basketball practice when she’d be getting home from work. They’d cook together a lot, it was great. 
“Hey...” He was looking around your shared room. “What if we pushed our beds together like Liv and Chris?” He turns to look at you.
“We can’t.”
“Why not?” He frowns. 
“Because...well...I finally told my parents we were sharing a room like I said I would...they weren’t thrilled, but they understood with Liv and Chris. But...”
“You still haven’t told them we’re together?” He sits down next to her, clearly disappointed. “I told my mum...”
“I know, I’m sorry. I just have this fear that they’ll yank me out of here if they knew. They like you, I just think they wouldn’t understand. I mean, to them it’s like we’re playing house at a really young age.”
“So they don’t mind we’re sharing a room?”
“They’re annoyed, but they’re dealing with it. I’m sorry, Harry. I’ll tell them, I just can’t yet.” 
“Well, they always call before they visit. Why not push ‘em together, and then we can separate ‘em when they come?” 
“Oh, so you don’t like being pressed up against each other all night anymore?” She jokes.
“I love it, but it would be nice to have a bit more room to spread out.” He kisses her. “Don’t you think?” 
“I suppose.” She kisses him. 
“Are you able to come to my game tomorrow?” 
“Mhm.” She smiles. “And I’m gonna drive out to your away game this weekend. I’ll be like your personal cheerleader.”
“You’re the best.” He squishes his nose to yours and gives you another kiss. 
Harry had gotten Y/N a sweatshirt with his last name and jersey number on it for her to wear to his games. A lot of the guys did that with for their girlfriends. She was happy to wear it. She looked extremely cute sitting in the stands. She waved to him and blew him a kiss. He was a starting player, so he was very busy. 
She had completely forgotten the dance team would also be there in their skimpy outfits. Harry wasn’t allowed to chat between quarters, coach’s rules, but that didn’t apply to the dance team girls. Y/N felt annoyed when she saw him laughing with a couple of them. He looks up at her and waves though, taking all jealousy away. He only had eyes for her and she knew that. 
“Woo! Go Harry!” She would cheer and clap for him, especially when he made a basket. 
The team won the game, it was very exciting. Y/N knew it was okay to go onto the court when she saw the other girlfriends go down to their boyfriends. She races down the bleachers and practically jumped into his arms. He spun her around and kissed her.
“Sorry.” He sets her down and lets her go. “M’all sweaty. Might shower quick.” 
“Please, don’t ever apologize. You know I think you look hot like this.” She runs her hand up his tattooed arm. 
“H, meet us downtown in an hour to celebrate.” One of the guys says and he nods. 
“Feel like goin’ out?”
“Where to?”
“One of the bars.”
“But...we’re not twenty-one yet.”
“They’re cool with us during winter break usually. They’ll just stamp our hands. Then we’ll go back to Pete’s for a real party.” He grins.
“Sounds good to me.” 
Harry looks around and sees not many people going into the locker room, and tugs you to walk in there with him. 
“Harry.” She whispers. “Isn’t your coach still here?”
“You mean my female coach whose office is in the women’s locker room?” He cock’s an eyebrow at you. “Think we’re good. I need to shower and it’ll take too much time to go all the way back home.” 
“I know you don’t think I’m getting naked in here.” She crosses her arms. 
“Oh, so you’ll fuck me in the studio, but not in here?”
“Nope, sorry. It stinks in here. But...we’re gonna drive downtown right?”
“So...shower quick.” She winks and leaves the locker room.
Harry does so and meets her back in the main part of the gym. They walk out to his car and she immediately climbs into the back seat. He smirks and starts the car up so it can get warm. He joins her in the back.
“See.” She says straddling him. “Isn’t this better?”
“Mhm.” He kisses on her neck. “I love seein’ yeh wear this sweatshirt.” 
“I love wearing it.” She rolls her hips down on his. She feels him growing hard against him. “You have no idea the torture of watching you play, and get all sweaty, and see your muscles and just everything about you out there.”
“I thought it was torturous watchin’ me paint?” He says against her neck as he tugs the sweatshirt off her. 
“It is, it’s all torture. My biggest problem with you is that you’re too sexy, Harry. Everything you do is hot.” 
“I could say the same for you.” He unhooks her bra and shoves his face into her chest and groans. “This is my favorite place in the world.” He mumbles, making her giggle. “Right between.” He kisses on one of her breasts. “These big.” He kisses on the other. “Tits.” He licks around one of her nipples and sucks it into his mouth. She rolls her hips on his again, grinding against his hard-on. 
She reaches for the button on his jeans and the hem of his shirt. It was clear she wanted him naked. He rips his shirt off and tugs his jeans down. She gets hers off as well. He takes her gets her fixed on all fours. She thinks he’s about to stick it in, but she jolts when she feels his tongue. 
“Just need to taste yeh first, that alright?”
His tongue works from her clit all the way up dangerously close to her other hole. His tongue enters her center while his thumb works her clit. 
“Harry, please, fuck me.” She groans. “Need your dick, please.” 
He pulls away from her lines his dick up with her and pushes in. They both sigh with relief. They had been using condoms less since they both came back clean. 
“You feel so fuckin’ good.” He moans.
“So do you, so big.” She bites her bottom lip. 
The windows in the car got foggy, and they could barely hear the music coming from the radio from how loud his skin was slapping against her. His balls were hitting against her clit just right. 
“Oh my god, fuck, don’t stop.” She moans. 
He moves faster and faster, and he feels her tighten around him. She lets out a moan of his name as she releases around him. He pulls out to come on her ass. She was panting and collapses onto her stomach. Harry grabs a towel from his gym bag to clean her up.
“Thanks.” She breathes. 
He hums his response as she flips over. He pulls her panties and jeans up her legs for her and she smiles big at him. 
“I love you.”She says.
“I love you too.”
They both finish getting dressed and drive down to the bar. Y/N liked Harry’s basketball friends, they were really nice. Some even had boyfriends. They all order some nachos and other junk food to split. 
Y/N knew as soon as the semester started the little bubble they were in would burst, but for now all was good. Her head was leaning on the shoulder of the guy she was absolutely smitten with. Harry Styles was in a monogamous relationship for the first time in his life, and he couldn’t be happier. 
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
10. Music Makers - Part 6 / Scenes from Gordon’s Bedside
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Chapter Summary:  Virgil and Gordon and music
 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
You are Here - Final Section
Chapter A/N: In honor of 10 chapters of this concept, the plan is to give you a hell of a chapter 10 with a few moments in time strung together. I decided to go ahead and share what I have with you instead of waiting. Once the chapter has been shared in full over tumblr, I will post the full piece at Ao3 and FF.net. It may or may not make sense to remain as chapter 10 or be it’s own thing. Do share if you have an opinion. :-)  
Adding also - this is the final bit. Thank you all so much for the reblogs and the likes, and the tags. The support has been wonderful and I am so humbled. I hope you have enjoyed. I am posting the last bit here, and tomorrow sometimes I’ll probably post the FF and Ao3 links for the story in full, but for now, this is for you tumblr. Thank you. 
Part Notes:  A thank you to @gumnut-logic​ for the read through because I needed another set of eyes on what is a complicated set of boys below. It’s been a whirlwind of a day. 
For tunes this time - Green Onions. 
Music Makers - Part 6/The Conclusion
“You want to do what?!”
“I want to use your accident as a simulation for training.”  John continues to layer cream cheese onto his toasted bagel as he speaks, but Gordon has stopped his knife mid-spread, the heaping dollop of hazelnut hovering dangerously on the dull edge.
“You’re joking.”
“I’m not,” John says, his countenance severe as green eyes stare piercingly to meet Gordon’s shocked expression.
“O-kay” Gordon says slowly, placing his breakfast down onto his plate and pushing the breakfast meal aside. “Why exactly?”
The hydrofoil had exploded before anyone could ever have anticipated the destruction; there had been no time. The only way to use his accident for a rescue simulation was to admit what really happened. And while Gordon was grateful for what John had risked by hacking confidential WASP files to discover the cause of the accident, no good could from clueing in Scott and Virgil to the knowledge that it was sabotage, that someone – they still don’t know who - had tried to murder him and had succeeded for seven others. He planned to take the knowledge to his grave and has asked John to do the same. Which is why it was strange for their Thursday morning to start with such a suggestion.
The four of them had been running sims for weeks. There was nothing that would beat live testing the equipment and they had done test drives of the pods and ships, but running mission scenarios was different. Before they introduced International Rescue to the world, they needed to be able to trust each other completely, to know how to work the problem.
Scott had naturally taken to the role of commander, his instincts well in tune with countering the details of John’s “missions.” Since it was all simulations, Virgil would often challenge Scott’s decisions, walk through the equipment they would have at their disposal, and offer additional suggestions. Brains and Jeff had started to create practice rescues as well, so John got the practice he needed to best support communications.
Overtime, the rescues became more complex. They were all experts in their fields, so it was natural for them to lean into the rescues that met their niches, but when they went live that wouldn’t always be the case. Just yesterday, Gordon had given his family a crash course on how to best avoid getting the bends in a deep sea rescue, and Gordon has learned more about functioning in zero gravity than he hopes he will ever truly need.
Sometimes John and Brains would program the mission to have an urgency to it, sometimes it was a mission of precision. And they’d failed. A lot. A lot less lately as they started to get into the groove, but they always worked the problem until they solved it.
Even knowing what he did about the bomb that had been placed deep in the hydrofoil’s engine, Gordon’s knew his accident was…unsolvable.
“But how are we supposed to solve for the impossible, John?” John doesn’t answer; he just looks at Gordon patiently, pointedly. Waiting. “Oh my God, you want to give them a Kobayashi Maru!”
John nods. “Yes.”
“No, I don’t like it,” Gordon says, shaking his head.
“Look, we will do everything we can, and we will still lose people. Scott and Virgil—” the and you goes unsaid “—need to understand that! They’re getting too complacent, and they need to understand the stakes. We can’t save everyone.”
“We understand the stakes,” he argues, but John is shaking his head vehemently.
“No. You don’t. You all have shown you’re going to be a hell of a team, honestly,” he says. “But it’s all been puzzling through the situations, how to use the pods. I need a way for it to feel real, and I can’t use the avalanche, so —"
“Don’t you DARE.”
“I’m just trying to find something—"
“John, stop.” Gordon says, grasping at the redhead’s shoulders and gently shaking him. “I need you to turn off rescue work here. How can you even think to do that to Virgil? What exactly are you trying to prove? I didn’t think you would be so cruel.”
Gordon can’t fathom what would possess John to pressure his brothers – Virgil who, he clearly has mis-understood, and Scott, who after two months MIA, had been returned to his family with an honorable discharge and a pair of haunted eyes and agitated reflexes that were mere phantoms to what they imagine he went through captured behind enemy lines.  If training in the Air Force was anything like WASP, Gordon knew just why and how Scott closed himself off from feeling at times.  
John pales. “I’m not—”
“What is Virgil supposed to think if you give them the avalanche and they can’t solve it?” Gordon feels heat flush up his neck.  “What if they can solve it? I don’t even know what’s worse, but I won’t let you do it! I won’t!”
“I know. Look, I know, Gordon. You haven’t let me finish; I said I am not going to use to avalanche,” he says, urging Gordon to understand. He knows how difficult this is. He’s been going through it in his head for days before mustering the courage to ask Gordon. “Just let me start over.”
“Fine. But get to the point.”
“Tell me - when is the last time any of you used someone’s name on a rescue simulation?”
The question takes him by surprise. He knows they receive the victim’s name in the scenario briefing, but he can’t remember a time when they used names. The simulations were life-like enough that they could role play if they need to, yeah, but the point was to practice with the equipment. But then, they had been exceeding expectations there lately.
“How about the last mission? Do you remember the victim’s name? How about his age?”
Gordon stares blankly at his brother. He thinks it started with a B, perhaps. Brandon? Bradley?  
“It was Randy, and he was 8.  Virgil geared up with the Jaws of Life, moved the cross beam to save him, and got him out of the fire to safety. You don’t even know why the boy froze, do you? It was because he was scared. Randy was deaf and he didn’t hear a thing Virgil said. Virgil can’t do ASL in the exo-suit, and for the entire simulation he faced away from him. Virgil may have gotten him out, but he didn’t give him very much trust in International Rescue.”
“Yeah, but he would still be alive if it were a real situation.”
“Gordon, the situation was never about the fire. It hasn’t been about learning the equipment for weeks. Please. I am not trying to be heartless. I just… don’t know how else to make it feel real to them. And I am worried.”
“So, what? You’re trying to make a point about their compassion, and yet you’re showing them none? I don’t want any part of it,” he growls. “And you make your own no-win scenario. Leave mine out of it.” Gordon slides his chair back and storms off.
After a few seconds, John too retreats to his room, after wrapping up the two uneaten bagels for later. He has a lot to think about.
Gordon finds Virgil in Thunderbird 2’s hangar, checking her over for the test flight they are planning to undertake after simulations today. His dark hair is swept underneath a large headset that could appear to have a safety function to protect his ear drums, but no, Gordon knows they are his older brother’s preferred set of sound blocking, bass pumping, wireless headphones.
He'd bought them for him himself, as a thank you after one of his more difficult nights, and he knew from experience how immersive the sounds were through the speakers. There was no one else around other than Gordon, which Virgil had yet to realize, and so it was a sign of just how focused Virgil was in his work.
Gordon steps further into the hangar and observes the adoration Virgil puts into his careful touches as he checks the green supply ship. Over the past year and a half, Virgil has channeled all of his creativity and ingenuity into her build. Thunderbird 2 was what Virgil needed, his special project to distract him from the burdens of Gordon’s injuries as he healed.
He sits down on a crate and closes his eyes. Virgil had sacrificed so much for him. If anything, the simulations had shown just how eager Virgil was, and John didn’t know their brother well enough if he felt Virgil was forgetting the stakes. Virgil knew the stakes better than anyone. The idea for International Rescue had been born from loss after all. A loss that Virgil was a breath away from being part of.
How can he possibly blame him for his excitement to share Thunderbird 2 with the world? For getting lost in the details? The problem was the simulations would always be awkward for him. He compensated for his lack of acting skills by leaning into what he knew well, which was his patience, knowledge of machines, and an innate talent for challenging Scott.
Gordon didn’t need a simulation for him to have the upmost faith in Virgil’s compassion. John hadn’t been here to know how tenderly Virgil cared for him while he was healing and so he couldn’t see what Gordon could: that when it was real and when it mattered, Virgil’s heart would only be focused on the people they were trying to save.
A no-win scenario would break him.
When he opens his eyes again, Virgil is still oblivious to his presence, but he’s abandoned his wrench and with his hands free has started to dance, his head bopping, energized with the beat that only he can hear. A shimmy and a spin and he finally catches sight of Gordon, who laughs with the scene. Virgil is so in his element today, and the joy Gordon feels is so counter to his anger from earlier that morning.
“Hey!” Virgil calls, a little louder than he realizes with the headphones still around his ears, but he removes them as he realizes and walks over. “How long have you been there?”
“Not long. Whatcha listening to?” Gordon can hear the pulse from the speakers.
“R&B Soul.” Virgil pulls the headphones off his neck and sets them around Gordon’s ears. The cool blues bassline vibrates through his bones and he too rocks his body with the music for a couple seconds.
“S’cool. I like it,” he says, before relinquishing the headphones back to his brother.
Virgil accepts them back, his eyes suspiciously bright as he places them around his neck once more. “Sorry,” he says chuckling lightly at himself.  “It’s just – you’re dancing.”
“I know. Who would’ve thought?” He grins devilishly as he attempts a pirouette and fails.  
“I did.”
“Yeah, yeah you did.” Gordon goes quiet a moment, whispering, “Thank you.”
“You really don’t need to keep thanking me, Gordon.”
“Yeah, I really do.”
After dinner, Scott finds Gordon sitting on the edge of the pool, swinging his feet in the chlorinated water. It’s wild to think that after all this time, Thunderbird 1 is waiting below for her first mission.
“You skipped simulations today.”
He grunts. “I know. How did it go?” He knows Scott will assume he skipped for his health.
“Well we need an astronaut, that’s for sure.”  A space mission. That’s… different. “We could use you tomorrow if you’re up for it. We still haven’t been able to launch correctly and it’s John’s program so he’s not talking.”
“I am not a space guy, Scott.”
“Yeah, but three of us are better than two,” he urges. “We’ll figure it out.”­­­­
Mayday! Mayday! Impact imminent.
He can’t get the sounds of John’s pained voice out of his head, panicked calls for help that they have been trying for hours to reach.
Over and over.
Until finally, they did reach Thunderbird 5, and after so many times hearing his brother die, John had programmed for them to see it.
“We’re too late; run it again,” Scott had said, pale. “Okay, how do we improve our launch speed this time?”
Then for another three hours, they kept trying to tick off time, to get there faster, until their time plateaued and yet they still were unable to save their sibling.
The mechanical voice – All systems offline. And the screams for help fade to nothing, and Virgil knows what to expect. It’s been torture. Virgil collapses in front of the too white, too pale, too dead figure and screams for it to stop, ripping off the virtual headset.
His knees are weak, but he dashes to John all the same – he needs to see him, to feel him alive. But John’s expression stops him in his tracks.  
“It’s not solvable.”
John shakes his head, his expression tight. “No.”
Betrayal flashes through Virgil’s eyes.
“What the hell, John!” Scott shouts and Virgil jumps at the volume. He puts his hand on Virgil’s trembling shoulder. “How long were going to do this for?”
“I-I didn’t think you’d keep running it that long!”
“Of course we were going to keep running it, John – you’re our brother. We would never give up on you. God dammit!”
“I’m sorry, look, Gordon was right-”
“Gordon knows? Is that why he’s been skipping? I thought he was hurt.”
“No, no. Well not really, but–”
Scott eyes flash, and he leaves the training room in a flurry of angry curse words. Virgil cringes as the door slams.
“Virgil, I mean it,” John pleads. “I am so sorry. I didn’t think you’d stay in there. I really didn’t.”
His fingers twitch, as he starts to feel life back in them again, his heart suppressing the vision of red hair caked with blood and unseeing green eyes. John is not the most tactile of people, but despite being quite tall among the Tracy family, his shoulders slump and he seems so small.
John is still his younger brother, though, and he’s upset, and they both could use the hug Virgil had been wanting. He covers the rest of the distance to John and envelops him in his arms.
“Damn you,” he whispers into red hair, and yet he never wants to let him go.
Scott is livid. Gordon is absent. John is remorseful. Alan is unaware, lucky kid.
Virgil feels sick. He taps on his watch and calls for Gordon. “Where are you?”
Through the communicator, the aquanaut responds that he’s on the beach by the dock and invites him to join if he wants. Virgil wants. He needs to get out of the villa. Maybe get some fresh air as the sun ducks beyond the horizon.
After a few moments gathering himself, he begins the trek down. In his left hand he carries a guitar, in his right he holds his shoes, as he steps carefully over the granules of sand towards his brother.
Gordon is already strumming on the ukulele when he approaches.
“Did you know?”
“I had an idea,” Gordon admits. “I didn’t agree with it.”
Virgil hums, plopping down next to him on the large beach blanket he’s laid out along the sand. Virgil likes the guitar, and it’s a lot more portable than a baby grand piano. But also, there’s just something powerful about a beach bonfire with the sound of plucked strings.
It's easy for Virgil to fall into chords that complement Gordon’s melodies, and they aren’t playing anything in particular, but it’s seamless when Gordon passes the harmony to Virgil.  The ukulele transitions to the accompanying chords, and Virgil smiles thankfully, nodding as he picks up one of many underdeveloped melodies in his head. Virgil fingers fly along the frets, and it's apparent in his loosening posture when he starts releasing the tension in his shoulders.
Gordon places his uke in his lap after some time and leans back into blanket, content to listen to his brother’s playing.
The gentle notes drift with the tossing of wind currents, until suddenly Virgil rounds out a melody with a sigh.
“I think we need to talk.”
Gordon nods and offers to call John and Scott if Virgil will start working on the bonfire.
John was keen for the invite, knowing he would need to be called on before his apology for the error would be accepted, but Scott had taken some talking to. After he left, he’d gone for a run along the bluffs and had settled a bit away. He finally agreed to come join with Gordon’s persuasion, but he would be a while yet.
Virgil has the fire roaring and Gordon has stepped away to talk to Scott by the time John arrives, picnic basket and roasting skewers in hand. Virgil turns from stroking the fire and accepts the picnic basket, peeking inside.
Marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. Hell yeah.
When Scott approaches, Virgil is playing a tune on the guitar, and Gordon and John both have their skewers extended over the flame, marshmallows browning in the heat.
He is disgusted by the angry shriek of the alarms that sound in his ears at the sight of John, but he swallows down the memory, as he joins his brothers around the fire.
They are not sure what to say to each other, the smoke rising between them and drifting into the night sky, but Virgil’s music is soothing against the tense air, and it’s obvious who is still struggling to the most to meet each other’s gaze.
Gordon shrugs and picks up his ukulele to join Virgil’s song.
A lightly browned marshmallow enters Scott’s field of vision, and he follows it to meet his brother’s apologetic eyes.
“Thanks.” Scott nods, taking the treat. He’s not one for sweets as much as his siblings are, and he can’t remember the last time he had an actual all out s’more. But John knows that, knows Scott’s preference, and has quelled his instinct to stick his skewer in the fire itself to burn it black the way he likes it.
He's furious with him, but he still feels warm at the thought.
“Okay, let’s talk.”
John starts. He explains about the simulations, the number of missions he’s designed to try to get them to focus on the nuances of the people they were to be saving (even many of these are new even to Gordon), and how he was so desperate to get them to feel something. How after days of trying, and days of running worse and worse scenarios in his head, he felt he needed to do something drastic to create a no-win scenario that would challenge them beyond how they had before.
“I’m so sorry, Scott. Virgil,” John finishes. “I knew it would be rough, I just didn’t think you’d be in there that long, repeating it on a loop like that. It must have been torture.”
“It was,” Virgil admits.
“We needed to save you, idiot,” Scott says at the same time.
John is quiet, nodding. “Too real?”
It’s Scott who says yes. “Okay, so how were you involved?”
Gordon frowns at him. “I wasn’t.”
“He knew what I was trying to do. But didn’t agree with it. He didn’t know exactly what I programmed.”
“Be glad,” Virgil tells him. It’s awkward, after hearing John’s explanation, describing to John and Gordon exactly how the program had made them feel, the desperation, the awful loop of the same terrible result over and over.
“Well thanks for the nightmare fuel, I guess,” Gordon says. His brown eyes are dark, thankful that the secret of his accident is still safe, but so torn at how seriously John had taken his words to make something up. “Wait, is that something that could happen?”
“Anything can happen. That’s been the whole point.”
“Well, not if we have a say in it,” Scott proclaims. “We are Tracys. Never give up, remember?”
“But John’s right too. The reality is we can’t save everyone,” Virgil adds with a nod in John’s direction. He doesn’t agree with the methods and will have nightmares for days, but he understands how this whole mess started.
Gordon strokes the fire, adding, “Not going to stop us from trying, though. Hand me another marshmallow, Virgil, please.” Virgil does so, and Gordon squishes it slightly, before promptly tossing it in John’s surprised face.  “Don’t be stupid next time.”
The marshmallow hits the center of John’s forehead, leaving a trail of sticky sugar there before it drops silently to the sand. Virgil smiles down at the guitar, suppressing his giggle with a series of notes, while Scott’s laughter is carried into the sky with the rising smoke, and John himself snorts at his own predicament.
Gordon wipes his hands on his shorts to clean off the remains of the marshmallow on his fingertips, before he picks up his instrument as well and joins Virgil in his song, just as he will for years to come, as they both will, and just as the four of them  – and eventually five – will come to know each other’s steps as naturally as they know their own.
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The Love Cruise - by GleefullyCaptainSwan
Read on AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Or on FF
Tagging:   @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda
Chapter 6: Muscle Memory
Emma woke with a headache and a slew of questions from Ruby.
Why is there a painting in our room?
Who the hell is Walsh?
Just what are you doing all day when you disappear?
Emma just grumbled about rich stalkers and stumbled to the bathroom for a warm shower. As she stood under the hot water, she hoped the steam would blow it all away and make the annoyances of dealing with Walsh disappear.
Unfortunately, the painting staring back at her as she opened the bathroom door brought her back to the immediate reality that this man she barely knew, gave her a painting that he just bought for more money than she made in months because he thought she was beautiful.
His attention made her uncomfortable, it unsettled her. She wasn’t sure why he continued to pursue her, but she was going to make sure he understood that his gift was not appropriate.
Stepping out of her room, she ran into August who was limping along the hallway. “Need assistance?”
“Emma, you are a welcome sight.” He grinned and she stepped up beside him to offer her shoulder to lean on. “I’m on my way to the medical bay.”
She gave him a knowing glance and pursed her lips together. “Hmm, this seems to be happening often.”
“Hey, I’m an injured man.” He replied incredulously.
“With a very pretty and attentive nurse.”
“Is she pretty?” He said with a smirk, “I never noticed.”
“Mmhm, you know if you lie, it makes your nose grow.”
“That’s a child’s fairytale, you don’t scare me.” He teased, reaching up to tap his nose. “See, no change.”
They reached the medical wing and August’s face brightened when Tink walked up to them. “There’s my favorite patient.”
“Good morning, Ms. Bell, my friend Emma made sure I got here safely.”
“Hi Emma. Nice to see you again. Your friend is in good hands, I’ll make sure he gets back to his room safely, in case you have plans.”
“Oh yes, August definitely thinks that you take great care of him, I leave you in his charge.” She winked at August as she left the room.
She turned the corner and ran directly into a man in uniform. “Emma, what a pleasant surprise.” He looked in the direction she had come from, concern slipping onto his face. “Is everything alright?”
“Oh yeah, just dropping my friend August off for his daily flirting session.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Sorry, I think my friend has a crush on one of your nurses.”
“I suppose you know what the ship’s name stands for right? TLC, tender loving care. Seems only fair that he be taken care of properly.”
She laughed lightly. “Well, I think he’s a satisfied customer then.”
“Happy to hear that my crew is meeting expectation.” His gaze scanned her face, causing her body to heat up suddenly. “Well, I must continue on my duties. Captain’s job is never done.”
“Of course, you do have an important job here.” Disappointed to see him leaving, she started to walk away when she felt his hand on her elbow.
“I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me on the sky bridge this evening. I hear tonight will offer a beautifully clear night for star gazing, a favorite activity of mine while at sea.”
“Star gazing with the Captain, I don’t remember seeing that listed as an option on the excursion board.” She teased. “I’d be honored.” His mouth turned upward slightly, her heart pounding in her chest when his tongue darted out across his bottom lip.
“I’ll see you there, Miss Swan.”
Emma was in a haze the rest of the day, flitting about from activity to activity with anticipation. She couldn’t wait for the opportunity to get more alone time with Killian. Stargazing was lovely, but she wanted nothing more than to gaze into the galaxy held within his bright blue orbs.
Emma practically skipped to the dining room to meet her friends for dinner that evening, but as she rounded the corner, her eyes caught sight of the one man she wanted to avoid. Walsh.
He looked up and she knew he had noticed her approaching him, there was no avoiding this. She marched up to him and he immediately stopped her before she could speak.
“Emma, I do hope you liked my gift.”
“Actually, I was coming over here to tell you that I think it’s inappropriate to send me something that cost so much, considering we don’t even know each other.”
“Emma, it was not my intent to offend you. You liked the painting, and I wanted to get it for you.”
“Why? You don’t even know me.”
“But I wish to get to know you better. Can’t you allow me that much?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. Besides, you knew I was with someone the night we first met.”
He looked around. “I haven’t seen him with you since. Seems if a man had such a beautiful woman on his arm, he would be foolish to leave her alone so often.”
“That is clearly none of your business.”
“Please, Emma, surely my gift has granted me some favor, perhaps you could join me for dinner.”
“I have plans.” She stated simply and turned to walk away. “I’ll make sure you get your painting back.” Without turning around, she made her way to her table.
“There she is.” David announced as she sat down. “We were wondering where you have been all day.”
“I helped gimpy down to the medical wing, took in some trivia, a couple other activities, and then I needed to take care of something.” She looked over at Ruby and Will who both knew about the painting.
“Bloody shame, you could sell that thing.” Will huffed.
“Sell what?”
“Emma’s has an admirer who gifted her a very expensive painting last night.”
“Oh, are you finally warming up to the idea of this cruise?” Her brother mused.
“Absolutely not, and I’m returning the painting, the guy creeps me out.”
“I apologize, should I leave?” Graham looked apprehensively at the table as he approached them at the end of Emma’s sentence.
“Sorry, I was talking about this rich guy that won’t leave me alone.”
Graham wiped his brow and took a seat beside Ruby. “Do you need me to have him arrested.” He grinned.
“I don’t think you have jurisdiction out here on the water, but that’s not necessary. He’s harmless, just determined.” She groaned.
“Well, if he doesn’t back off, the Captain of the ship can take care of issues like that, he has maritime jurisdiction.”
Emma’s head shot up at the mention of the Captain. “Seriously guys, I took care of it. I’m not a damsel in distress. I don’t need to run to the Captain just because some guy acts like a jerk.”
She would prefer to use the Captain for more erotic activities.
The subject was interrupted when dinner was served, and Emma welcomed the change of discussion to keep her mind from wandering into a place it didn’t belong before she met with Killian tonight.
“So, Emma, a bunch of us are going to the dance club tonight, want to join us?” Graham looked over at her and Emma smiled politely.
“What time are you guys heading over? I planned to go to the gym for a bit, but I can meet you guys there.”
“Why the bloody hell are you stepping foot in a gym while you’re on vacation?” Will argued. “You’re on a cruise ship, who works out on a bloody cruise ship?”
“A lot of people, William. It’s kind of nice, the view is amazing.”
“Suit yourself, I think you’re quite mad.”
Emma had no plans of meeting the group this evening. All through dinner the only thing on her mind was spending time alone with Captain Jones. While she found that she enjoyed his company, it was the butterflies amassing in her stomach that surprised her. She was both nervous and excited to get to spend more time talking to him. As much as she detested the premise of coming on a ship to hook up with eligible bachelors, she couldn’t deny her attraction to the devilishly handsome Captain. Nor did she want to. The anticipation of his body in close proximity to hers was enough to have her squirming under the table.
“Emma are you alright?” Emma jumped, banging her knee under the table.
“Sorry what?” She glanced up to see everyone staring at her.
“I asked what you were thinking of wearing tonight.” Ruby sat staring at her curiously while Emma stammered about needing to go through her closet to see what she had.
Killian was pacing on the bridge thinking about his upcoming evening with Emma Swan. He hadn’t been this delighted about being alone with a woman in years. Well, perhaps delighted but also anxious and positively full of nerves.
“Captain, I looked up the woman you wanted me to find, but there is no one on the ship by the name of Emma Swan.”
Killian stopped pacing. “Are you quite sure?”
“I had them check twice just in case. Anything else you need from me, Captain?”
“No, thank you for checking sir.” Killian dismissed the man and frowned. How did a woman he had physically spoken to, not exist on the ship?
He pulled the pocket watch from the chain on his hip, time seeming to slow to a stop the closer it got to meeting with Emma.
“Somewhere to be, Captain?” He looked up to see his First Mate approaching him. He nodded. “Captain, we have things handled here.”
“Thank you, Smee. Let me know if anything is needed.”
He excused himself from the bridge and returned to his quarters. He tried to calm his nerves as he stood on his balcony, watching the sun falling toward the choppy waters at the horizon. When the ball of fire finally dipped into the surface of its lover, he left his room to wait for Emma on the top deck.
As he approached, he realized he was not alone on the sky deck.
She turned, her golden hair glowing in the moonlight.
“Hey, I uh, was hiding out so I thought I’d come up here a bit early.”
“And what, pray tell, would you be hiding from?
“Doesn’t matter.” She approached him, her eyes glimmering as she met his gaze. “I believe I was promised star gazing.”
“Aye.” He took her hand and guided her to the corner of the deck, sitting down in the large lounger and patting the spot next to him. She stood thinking for a moment before joining him on the chair, melting into his side.
“So, Captain, what are we looking for?”
He took her hand and pointed it toward the sky, “Right there, you see that bright star?” She nodded. “That’s Deneb, the star sits at the tail of the constellation, Cygnus.” He turned toward her, meeting her eyes. “That’s the Swan. Mythology says that the Cygnus is actually Zeus in disguise on his way to a tawdry tryst.” He laughed, then traced her hand across the sky. “That star, that’s Albireo, it sits at the Swan’s head and if you are lucky enough to view her from a microscope, you would be blessed with the sight of not one, but two stars huddled together.”
“Where did you learn all of this?”
“My mother used to take Liam and I to our rooftop at night, she would tell us tales of the constellation and the Gods. After she passed, it was the one thing I took solace in, in a way, I suppose it allowed me to continue to communicate with her in some way.”
“That’s beautiful. When did you lose your mother?”
“Oh, I was but a young lad of four.”
“I’m so sorry, are you close with your father.”
“No, it was just Liam and I, my father left shortly after my mother died.”
“So, you were all alone?”
“Liam took good care of me. He did the best he could being a young man himself. But he raised me right, taught me to sail, he joined the Navy after I came of age and of course I followed him. Everything I have, all of this, I owe to him.” She was lost in thought beside him. “And what of your parents, are you close?” She laughed but it wasn’t a pleasant laugh which caught him off guard. “Just who are you, Swan.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Perhaps I would.”
“It’s not a pleasant story.” She said as she leaned her head against his shoulder.
“You and I have that in common it seems.” He said sadly.
She sighed and relaxed beside him. “I never knew my parents, they left me, wrapped in a blanket on the steps of a police station when I was just a few months old. No note, just dropped me off like I was a donation at Goodwill or something.”
He swallowed hard; it was not a pleasant tale to be sure.
“Anyway, the Nolan’s adopted me, gave me a last name. But they passed when I turned 16, car accident. But my brother, David, he raised me, he’s a good man and he tried to do the best he could with an unruly teenager.”
“Is that why I couldn’t find you in the ship’s register?”
“You were looking me up?” She mused.
“I was merely curious.”
She narrowed her eyes before continuing, “I used the name Swan when I ran away from home.”
“Well, aren’t you a surprise? Your brother must have been distraught.”
“He was, like many sad stories, I met a guy, who I thought meant something to me. I mean, I wanted him to mean something so of course, he disappointed me. And it sucked and it changed my life.” She turned toward him, rolling slightly in the chair to face him. “You ever want something to work out so bad that your whole world falls out from under you when you lose it?”
He nodded, “Aye.” A lump forming in his throat.
“That’s what happened to me when Neal left. Things got hard and he ran, and I thought my world was over. But…” She stopped talking, looking back up at the sky.
“I was married.” He said suddenly.
“I was married for two years.” He said softly.
“But you’re not married now?”
He shook his head sadly. “She died three years ago. Aneurysm. One day she was here, and then…just gone.” He snapped his fingers.
“Oh God, that must have been terrible.”
“One of the worst days of my life.” He felt her fingers trace the flesh at his arm and he turned toward her, a look of uncertainty in her eyes.
“Life isn’t fair.” She said sadly. “Is it?”
She was staring at him, sadness sitting behind the green in her eyes. The wind was blowing across the bow, sending her hair in waves across her forehead. He reached out and brushed the strands from her face.
“Do you want to kiss me?” She whispered, reaching out to grab his hand before he pulled it away from her face.
“Does the lady wish for me to kiss her?” He asked, his heart speeding up in his chest.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about it since you kissed me on the bridge.”
“I was afraid I had overstepped.” She sat up, her eyes meeting his.
“I hadn’t been kissed in seven years.” She said softly and all he could think of was what a damn shame that was. “Why should everyone else on board this ship get to have fun except for us?”
“Is that what we’re doing? Having fun, Emma?” He paused before continuing. “I do wish to kiss you, again. I just…”
She frowned, “I understand if…” He pressed his hand to her lips, silencing her.
“It’s been three years, Emma. I’m rusty.” The corner of his lips turned up, “But I think I’d like to figure it out.” Her lips puckered, kissing the pad of his finger that was resting on her lip and he felt shivers race down his spine. His thumb pressed against her jaw line, sliding his hand to her neck, and bending forward to capture her lips with his. Her fingers slid into his hair, eliciting a light moan from his throat.
The kiss was intoxicating, she tasted of chocolate and honey and the moment her tongue slipped from her mouth, he allowed her entrance, their tongues tangling in a heat of desire, his hands exploring the curves of her torso. When his fingertips touched skin at her waist, she moaned wantonly into his mouth and he dropped his head against her neck.
“There may be others on deck.” He breathed against her neck, inhaling her intoxicating scent.
She pulled back, staring at him. “Perhaps the Captain can give me a tour of a more private location?” She said softly and he chuckled.
“I think that can be arranged.”
Emma couldn’t believe what she had said, did she really just ask him to take her somewhere private? Did she intend to sleep with him, a man she had only met a few days ago? Emma was not a reckless person, having Henry at such a young age had taught her to be responsible, never stepping outside of the lines she had set for herself.
And now she was stumbling down the hallways of a cruise ship, her mouth pressed against the Captain of the ship, her body on fire, burning to have him touch her, take her, devour her. She needed this, needed him. She never allowed herself a moment to have something she wanted, everything she ever did was for Henry. With her back pressed up against the door, his hand in her hair, his tongue hot against her ear, she decided that she could have one moment to take something she wanted.
The door pushed open and she fell backwards into the room, his hand steadying her at her back. “Woah, sorry, I think I’m a bit anxious.”
“I’m glad it’s not just me.” She looked around the room. “Holy shit, is this your room.”
He chuckled. “It’s a bit much, I know.”
She wandered through the room, finding a full living room, doors heading off in both directions. “How many rooms do you have?”
He held up his hand, counting on his fingers, “Living room, dining, bedroom, guestroom, and two bathrooms. It’s a bit obscene.” He laughed before stopping to lean against the wall of the door frame, his eyes dark and wanting. She walked slowly toward him. “Shit.” He swore and she stopped in her tracks. “I apologize, Lass, I am out of practice. I’m afraid I don’t have any protection with me, I had no intention of…”
She stopped in front of him, her lip turning upward. “Well, lucky for you, my best friend was determined, even under my direct protest, to ensure that I was prepared.” She opened her purse, displaying a full line of condoms. “Unless you’re not interested…”
He advanced on her in one move, pulling her against his body, the bulge pressing against her hip all the answer she needed. The nervous energy and concern she had before they got to the room were gone, replaced instead with curiosity and desire. Emma hoped that the few memories she had of sex would soon replace her inexperience from lack of practice. They stumbled in the dark, tripping over furniture, and Emma could barely hide her embarrassment when her bra clasp got stuck in the threads of her shirt. Standing in the darkened room, one arm free from her strap and the other encumbered in her sleeve. Despite her attempts at trying to look sexy she was the picture of inexperience.
“Perhaps I should rescue you.” He chuckled against her neck, reaching down to assist her, his teeth raking against her flesh causing goosebumps to appear along the length of her arms. “Relax love.” He whispered.
“Sorry, I’m not exactly experienced in hooking up with men.”
She felt his smile along her jaw, “I haven’t done this for 7 years, but I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed since then.” His fingertips slid from her neck down to her breast. “Perhaps it’s all muscle memory.” His voice was thick in her ear as his thumb rubbed against her nipple, eliciting a groan from her throat. His light chuckle at her response combined with his hot breath in her ear had her dripping with want.
She had only had sex with one other man before. Neal. He was not a talkative lover nor a patient one and while she found sex pleasant, she considered it something she could live without. Emma knew her own body and how to scratch the itch when the feelings arose. Men were never a necessity.
However, as Killian’s hand slid between her thighs, lightly teasing her before he reached up to push her shorts down, she felt her knees give way in anticipation of what was to come. He pushed her back toward the bed, the back of her knees bumping the mattress.
She sat back on the bed, his eyes staring down at her as he stood in front of her. With shaky hands she grabbed his belt, pulling the leather through the loops and sliding it to the floor beside her. Her heart was pounding as she fumbled with the buttons, pushing the pants from his hips to his ankles. He pulled his shirt over his head, leaving him in his boxers in front of her.  His thumb hooked under her chin, pulling her eyes up to meet his. “You really are quite beautiful, Emma.”
She gulped, sliding her hands up the bed to pull her body upwards. She felt the bed dip as his knees pressed into the mattress. He pulled her foot up his body, massaging her calf with his hand before bending to press his lips where his hands had been.  His fingers continued their way toward the apex of her thigh, his mouth not far behind, peppering hot kisses to each part of her flesh. Emma’s entire body felt like it was on fire as he slowly inched toward her most aching desire.
Their eyes connected before he dipped between her thighs, her entire body tensing when his tongue slid between her folds. She could barely stop herself from reaching out and gripping his hair in her hand, the other tightening in the folds of the sheet as her head fell backwards on the pillow, her moan echoing in the otherwise quiet room.
If this was what he was like without practice, Emma dared to think what he would be like after a few more tries. Squeezing her eyes shut she pushed away thoughts of continued activities with the man currently pumping his fingers inside of her. This was a fleeting moment, a one-time thing she deserved to experience, however when his teeth raked over her bundle of nerves, his thumb following with pressure, his fingers sliding in and out of her as she screamed out his name, she thought that maybe she really did owe it to herself to make this a two- or three-time thing before she got off the ship.
Killian was sure that the sound she made as her body tensed and fell apart under his hands was something he could play over and over again and never tire of hearing. Though he hadn’t pleasured a woman since Milah, watching Emma fall over the edge was like cracking a safe, it was intoxicating and worthy of the treasure it provided.
He slid slowly up her body, his teeth nipping at her soft flesh, sucking against her supple skin in ways that he knew would leave a temporary bruise in the morning. He knew he shouldn’t take pleasure in knowing he was marking her body, but it excited him all the same. He was eager to slide into her, to feel her beneath his body, writhing, moaning, all for him. His body was on fire and only she could put out the flames. When their mouths met, she hitched her leg around his hip, and he swallowed her moans, his erection twitching against her mound.
He moved away from her and she whined. “One moment, love, we aren’t going to get far without one of these.” He lunged for the condom on the bed, tearing the corner open with his teeth and reaching between them to sheath himself.
She bit her lip, watching him, the anticipation of what was about to transpire creeping into his brain. She blinked slowly; her hair splayed out on his pillow. He pressed his lips lightly to hers, “Are you…”
“I want you.” She whispered, the moonlight framing her face. His heart was racing as he pressed against her legs, she opened further to him as he positioned himself at her slick opening, slipping slowly inside of her. “Oh God.” Her legs squeezing him, pulling him toward her as he pushed forward, fully seating inside of her.
“Christ.” He grunted, before their lips met hungrily, his tongue slipping into her mouth before he began to thrust into her. Her nails pierced the flesh at his back, bucking her hips into his, sending his body into a frenzy. As if a switch was thrown, their motions became frantic, desperate, and messy, the sounds of moaning, heavy panting, and strangled screams invading the normally serene ocean sounds around them.
Just when Killian was sure he wouldn’t last any longer she shoved his shoulder, pushing he over onto the bed and sinking down on top of him. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would last like this. Her blonde hair cascaded down her naked form, the moonlight glowing on her milky white breasts, her chin tilted toward the ceiling with her mouth open, soft moans falling from her lips.
“Emma, look at me, darling.” He reached out, taking her hand, and bringing it between them, intertwining their fingers against her clit. Their eyes made contact and she screamed out, squeezing his cock in her warm slick until he could hold back no longer, spilling into the condom as he bucked into her body. When her hips finally stilled against his, he reached up, his hand trailing her spine, pulling her down to him and twisting her to her side, his lips pecking softly at her jaw.
“I hope that was at least as good as you remembered sex to be.” He smirked.
“Oh God no.” She exclaimed before laughing and he frowned. “I mean, I’ve never experienced anything like that.” She added.
“My apologizes, for your past lover then.”
Her head fell back on the pillow as she broke into a fit of giggles that was almost music to his ears. “I don’t know what I find more attractive, the sounds you were making a minute ago or the ones you are making now.” He said lazily and she pulled back to stare at him before she started fumbling around for her clothes.
“You are welcome to stay, if you would like.” She turned to look at him.
“I would, but Ruby would ask a million questions if I didn’t come back to the room tonight. She’s already going to wonder why I didn’t come to the dance.”
He sat up, kissing her bare shoulder as she tried to gather her clothes to dress. “Emma.” He said softly against her skin. “I want you to know that I do not normally behave this way.”
She laughed again, “You mean have sex with your passengers?”
“Well that yes, but…”
She turned, “Killian, I wouldn’t be here if I thought that of you. You don’t have to explain. I find you attractive, I enjoyed the evening, we are two consenting adults.”
“I’d very much like to see you again.”
“Well, it’s a good thing we are stuck out here on the ocean for another week then. I can’t see how we wouldn’t see each other.”
He narrowed his eyes, “That is hardly what I meant.”
She leaned forward, nudging her nose into his neck. “I’m just teasing you.” She nipped at his ear. “I want to see you again too.” His arm went around her waist and he pulled her backward onto the bed. Their mouths connecting hungrily.
“It’s still early, Swan. I don’t have to check in on the bridge for another hour.” She giggled into his mouth, “It would be a shame to waste all those condoms.” When he felt her hand wrap around his cock, he thought perhaps he could be a little late to the bridge.
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white-hemlock · 3 years
First post and first attempt at @drarrymicrofic . Prompt: love is a heartache
Also first fic in English (should have picked the prompt first time to do so but writing is still in process. I obviously struggle with the micro part) Hope you'll like it!
Love is a heartache. And it ached every time the phone rang, every time an owl came with a letter and every time someone knocked on the door.
Draco gave up pretty quickly, after only 8 months or so. But Harry couldn't. He kept hoping for the both of them, day after day.
It had been something like a year and 2 months when Draco finally said out loud: "Maybe we should stop."
They were at the park, watching after Rose while Ron and Hermione were both working on that Saturday morning. He didn't have to explain what he was talking about. Harry understood immediately.
"Those things take time, Dray. We knew it when we started this. Just be a bit more patient."
Draco saw the pain in his eyes and didn't insist.
5 months later, Harry flinched. They had just switched off the light and were cuddling before getting to sleep when he whispered: "Do you think it's because of my job? That being an Auror is considered too dangerous?"
Draco tightened his embrace and whispered in his husband's neck: "We both know you're not the problem."
"It's not fair, you never killed or even hurt anyone."
"Maybe not, but I have a filthy tattoo on my arm. And even if you are Holy Potter, that might not be enough to compensate. That and the fact that we are a gay couple."
Harry shivered, as if he were cold.
"What if nobody ever wants us?"
Draco wanted to say that it wasn't such a big deal. That the two of them was enough. But he knew Harry didn't feel the same way. So he simply told him to keep waiting, that some people waited even longer. That there was still hope.
On the day of the second anniversary of their file deposit, Harry received an answer to his demand for an update. It was still negative. And Draco decided that he couldn't bear his husband's disappointment anymore.
"Harry, I think it's time to let go."
Harry glared at him and snapped angrily:
"You’ve never wanted to do it anyway, did you?"
Draco didn't answer. He just stopped chopping the carrots in his hand and watched his husband as he slowly fell apart. Harry went on :
“I don’t know...what if it comes next week, next month? Would you accept to have been waiting for so long for nothing?”
“What if that day never comes? I don’t know how long I can keep up that way. Every answer is just…”
“Too painful?”
Draco nodded and Harry slowly came closer, hugging him from behind with a sigh.
“Alright. Let’s take a break.”
Two weeks later, they were having a family dinner with the Weasleys. Draco was a bit nervous as he always was at the Burrow. Molly was serving the potatoes when she asked:
“So boys, how is your research going? It’s been a while now.”
Silence dropped at the table as Harry’s smile faded away. He looked at his husband with a bit of despair. He didn’t want to say it out loud. So Draco answered for him:
“We decided to end it. At least for now. Those two years have been… demanding.”
There was a blank as no one knew what to do, or what to say. Molly’s eyes went wet and Hermione grabbed her friend's hand, telling him how sorry she was.
“I’ll do it.”
The voice, firm and determined, came from the other side of the table. Everybody was now looking at Ginny as she continued:
“Having a child would be nice but it’s quite incompatible with a professional Quidditch player career. And I'm not ready to sacrifice that! Plus the fact that I’m single of course. I would really like to have a kiddo calling me mummy... to spoil him when I see him while you two take care of all the boring educational parts. I know you would be amazing parents.”
Harry hoped again. Draco could tell by the way he clenched his fist on the table. But he didn’t rush to say yes and Draco was grateful for that.
“Are you sure Gin?”
“Yeah, I’ve been considering it for a while now. I see it as an absolute win-win scenario. But I didn’t want to impose myself. I don't wish for a child that much. However, since you didn’t find anyone the “formal” way… Maybe you could consider the option. No pressure though. I really can understand if you don't want to.” She paused before adding with a malicious smile and a wink. “ But in my defense, may I add that it gives you the opportunity to have one of you as a biological father.”
Harry and Draco looked at each other and Draco could already tell that Harry was a huge fan of the idea.
“That’s… a very generous offer. And I can’t thank you enough. But we have to talk about this before giving you an answer.”
He reached for Draco’s hand below the table and squeezed it.
Ginny replied with a wave of the hand: “Of course, take your time guys.”
And the discussion was over. Draco felt Harry’s impatience throughout the meal. It was only when he joined him in the garden to give him his cup of coffee while the others were preparing the backyard for a friendly Quidditch match, that he finally allowed himself to ask:
“What do you think?"
Draco sighed: ”I don’t know… I’m divided.”
He sat on a bench and took a sip of his own coffee before continuing, uneasy:
“The idea of being a father is terrifying in itself. But… raising your ex-girlfriend’s child? It’s a whole new level of scary…”
Harry sat down by his side, giving him the comfort of his warm shoulder.
“What if I make a terrible father? What if the two of you realise how great parents you make and go back together? What if I argue with her and she wants the kid back? Or she finds someone and decides to raise the kid herself? There are so many things that could go wrong...”
“Dray…” Harry took Draco’s hand in his own. “There are laws to prevent an adopted child from being taken away from their legal parents. And you know Ginny won’t do it, even if you have your disagreements from time to time. As for me… I won’t leave you and certainly not for Ginny. My relationship with her was brief and it was a long time ago. It didn’t work back then and it won’t work today. She's clearly not my type." He gave him one of his suggestive smiles.
"And finally, as I already told you a hundred times, you will be an amazing father. Of that I have no doubts and neither should you.” He ended up kissing the back of Draco's hand.
They remained silent for a while, Draco staring at his coffee.
"I'm scared Harry."
"I know, that's why you'll be a great dad."
Draco couldn't help but smile. He wanted to give Harry the answer he was waiting for but the words refused to leave his lips.
"Would it help if you were the biological father?"
Draco froze and looked at his husband as if he had suddenly become insane.
"Why not?"
There was so much confidence in Harry's voice. It never ceased to amaze him. He was speechless and he realised that he had never considered the possibility.
"Ginny will never agree."
"Give her more credit. If she had anything against the idea of bearing your child, she would have said it straight ahead. She will never admit it but she likes you and you know it."
"My child…" Draco felt dizzy at the idea. There was so much emotion in him that his heart was about to explode. It was a confused mix of hope and fear and excitement and pride.
Harry looked at him, his green eyes enlightened by an infinite amount of hope and tenderness.
"Our child?"
And love. So much love it twisted his heart. It felt hard to breathe.
He took a deep breath and squeezed Harry's hand a little stronger.
"Our child."
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