#yeeeeeee ask game!
dragonpyre · 4 months
2. 25. 32.?
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
I mean. It’s got my handwriting in it
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25. fave season and why?
Winter because I can wear layers and allergies don’t exist
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
Three. Critical Role’s new streaming service, YouTube, and tumblr
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went shopping the other day with my mum and since we were in town I saw HMV and finally found these. been meaning to find my fave films and music album from one of my fave bands.
I've also known at least one of the guys who still works there and told him my new name and transition and he was very cool about it, which felt really nice.
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salty-dracon · 14 days
hsr 2.5 quest yeeeeeee
feixiao is fun, she's chill but not in a boring way. she's chill in a fun way
marchieeee you've gotta do important thingsssss
love how jing yuan hears lingsha spouting some shit and gives lingsha basically a giant ap xianzhou history lesson on what politics actually went down
jiaoqiu: listen guys I can't just give you drugs and call it a day. I gotta do this shit to you link breath of the wild tears of the kingdom style.
jdjskdghddhkd jiaoqiu's two options were 'taunt them' and 'turn them against each other'
this guy sucks. I hope he gets bodied in a really boring way. by a foxian. I hope yukong hits him with the homegoods concrete brick.
writers be like "we're gonna psychologocally torture this fox guy because we really need the fandom to like him"
hey what are you doing? hsr characters can't climb trees! that's illegal!
feixiao is so epic lmao
also shoutout to hoolay's VA because his work is unique in these sorts of games and it fucks severely
they got coca cola ads in the wardance ring LMAO
I wish feixiao's battle intro was longer and had more oomph to it lol (2seconds later) LMAO HER TECHNIQUE
ngl I kind of find the xianzhou generals' similarities a little boring. "they're good leaders with high respect for the chain of command but they're a little bit silly" gets boring after a while. need more random weirdos from this locale who have nothing to do with the military or government. need xianzhou sampo. the independent unlicensed dentist
feixiao wields awesome power and she keeps showing it off in funnier and funnier ways
dude you cannot bring American capitalism into this. the coca cola ads are just gonna be "limited wolf edition"
I knew the moment they announced owlbert was here that hoolay would arrive in 0.9 seconds. he doesn't have an ingame model, if he did it would have been leaked weeks ago
xianzhou stories be like: and actually jing yuan thought of everything and this went all according to his plan because he's so good at this (both affectionate and derogatory)
and so the fate of the xianzhou lies in the palms of two fifteen year olds and the nineteen year old cousin they taught swordfighting to last month
I want my gender to be big werewolf with sword so bad. AND his animations are insane
oh. oh that's not good. that's not good. I think that's not good at all. how did you fit a whole moon in your chest
oh okay she's got some kind of divine beast in her body. that's unreasonably cool
ohhhhh she's a boss fight. that's hot
yeah I figured this out once he did the crimson moon trick. if feixiao has borisin blood and she eats his heart, she'll become a new warhead, similar to the line of succession in laceron
hoolay: foxian and borisin are just labels, be who you want!
feixiao: then why do you keep calling people slurs
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hazbinshusk · 3 months
Piggybacking off your last ask to say after they're done, him and reader would also slap each other on the ass and say "good game"
omfg yeeeeeees!
I love these chaotic, intimacy-challenged weirdos!
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peaches2217 · 2 months
I just saw that you're also playing the "which mutual am I" ask game.
You're also a mixture of several, so let's give you the most prominent one: Orange, and the most unique one I haven't given anyone yet: Purple 😉 I'd study you as eagerly as E. Gadd studies ghosts, and I promise my research would be more unquestionably ethical than his can be! And you'd be such a fascinating subject.
Yeeeeeees I LOVE being studied!! 💗💗💗
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Sims tag
Thanks to those who tagged me~
1. what’s your favorite sims death?
satellite. It's so sudden and random and weird. Death be that way sometimes.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
whatever makes my game look like a dog ate a box of crayons and vomited all over everything
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
hell nah, I have too many skinny bitches in my game as it is
4. Do you use move objects?
religiously, and then I yell at my sims when they throw routing errors
5. Favorite mod?
whichever one makes the hobby NPCs go fuck themselves
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I got university from the library lol but I think the first one I owned was open for business, which was a revelation at the time. I always wanted nightlife but was too afraid to ask my mom for it cause it looked SEXY. now, as an adult, can confirm nightlife is the best one. but I am a sexual deviant, so.
7.  Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
in my head it's like "aLIVE" but from a linguistic perspective I gotta concede that the "LIVing" pronunciation makes more sense because it's consistent with the other modes (buy/build) which are verbs not adjectives
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
I hate all my loser sims I guess I have a sweet spot for a child sim I made back when I was a child. She lived in a trailer, had big droopy eyes like Brittany Spears, and was named Miami.
9.  Have you made a simself?
yeah I basically always have one but she's a townie. to play her would be weird. here's the bitch
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10. What sims traits do you give yourself?
sloppy and lazy yeeeeeee
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11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
the custom mohawk colors bro
12. Favorite EA hair?
this bitch still has a hold on me
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13. Favorite life stage?
I like teens, they're so sassy, getting them to do their homework sucks but also unlike children they can just get bad grades, nobody cares
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the game play?
I'm a builder but I'm trying not to give up on gameplay. It's not working.
15. Are you a CC creator?
not really, I like recoloring things to look like an 80s train-wreck though
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sims squad?
.....there are sim-cliques?
17. What’s your favorite game (1,2,3,4)?
sims 3 is hideous (sorry bout it), sims 4 has lovely landscapes but the gameplay is akin to watching paint dry. I'm sure I'll love the sims 1 once I get around to playing it. I like creepy weird stuff.
18. Do you have any sims merch?
i wouldnt let myself be seen dead in sims merch also fuck EA
19. Do you have a youtube for sims?
I have too much CC to also run a screen recorder without tons of crashing lol I have no self control
20. How has your “sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
with every passing day i am more of a builder and more of a maximalist also i keep making animal sims now like some kind of furry *shudders*
21. What’s your origin ID?
lol just say no to origin
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22. Who’s your favorite cc creator?
who made the baby bbq? them
23. How long have you had a simblr?
since 2017. I was a baby in undergrad then. making sims stories was like my therapy. now im an adult with real therapy.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I churn them mindlessly through photoscape generally. anything else is too much work.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
I'm not sure who has/hasn't done this. I'll tag @sicksadsim, @pixelatedpanic, @letomills, @snapdragoned, @ivycopur, @bubuthejedi, @lifetime-want
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jamneuromain · 10 months
Omggg Jam I just saw your response to my ask about JJ x coworker reader, and is all that I wanted??? YEEEEEEES 😍. Thank you so much for taking your time!
Also, I read this?" (Definitely bragging to his gamer teammates that he has a gf right now ((earning a few booos and scoffs from Johnny and Nick, while only Hayden congratulates him sincerely.." in a comment, and I------🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. So sweet
heheh you're welcome<333
Jakey is wayyy toooo cute<3 Just the thought of him wearing headphones and playing some combat game with his teammates makes me
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handelplayssims · 2 years
We’re back once more! Let’s see...we ended the night with Lou so what does Celene want to do? Talk to someone on the phone. Also chat with Kril, Bianca’s ex. Both sound like things to do when people properly wake up at 7AM! Bianca...is feeling tense from the lack of a promotion. She needs a thousand followers before she can attempt that! So let’s study trend on the computer and see what’s up. And Rory...is still angry. Take a pre-work jog, you. Hmm. Lou wants to admire art and we do have some torn up portaits around he could look at. And then there’s also the fact he wants to befriend Jacob. It would be possible but he’s about to snooze. ...eh screw it. Let’s make some light chatter at the Moonwood Collective before he takes a snooze.
Trending video topics are – Archaeology! Bowling! Kids! Inspired Vlog. Welp, it’s time to get in that inspired mood! After we do some other social media posts. Well Celene is heading to bed and Lou is just napping on the ground. As he does. And Rory is also taking a quick pre-work nap as well. So let’s work on that inspiring vlog! Hmm, but what to title it? Oh! And Lou is awake and- is all rested. Hmm. I say it’s more snoozing time for you Lou. Anyway, video is recorded for Bianca and now for some light editing before it’s sent off onto the internet. Video posted! Let’s go and post more to social media before actually doing Bianca’s whims. Of music listening.
Lou’s awake. Again. Now I guess it’s time to resign to our fate of being up during the day. Whims are to, befirend a vampire and befriend Jacob again. HOW DARE WE BE FRIENDLY TO VAMPIRES!? We must be mischevious! And mean! But Jacob we can befriendly with! Besides which, he’s back from school at this time! This is mostly so I don’t take control from the lot itself. Because I have this rare time with Bianca and Celene and I don’t want to ruin it! I did think to ask about becoming friends with the Moonwood Collective with Jacob but eh, seems like it’s a thing for the Alpha, Kristopher, only. Anyway, Rory’s back from work! She’s level 3 at this career meaning she can ditch it and go for something else. Like acting! ...it uses fitness! Sleep for her and sleep for Bianca. So now it’s time for Lou to go and pester a vampire!
First things first, we mark our territory! Then we steal something! A tablet is lying about and evidently it counts! Mwahahaha! Then to our target in question. We find out Cecil Leone’s job and one of his traits! The better to become enemies over! Unflirty! Oh no! Now we shall be sworn enemies! Nah. Just disliked honestly. ...wait a moment! We found out with Lou’s mean interactions that he’s evil! Acceptable target! Time to make an enemy! And for a supernatural smackdown! That’s what the fight interaction is called and yeeeeeees. If the game will let it happen. Had to move them both outside of the house.
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Noooo! Lou! You failed me! And he got a massive embarassed moodlet for it. Maaan. Let’s retreat with our tail behind our legs. Sadly. Celene still wants to clean something and -shrugs heavily- I dunno what to offer. Maybe the Moonwood Collective’s left out food. Perhaps that’ll work. Rory still has that dead-end-job sadness. Evidently that also clears when you quit a job but not when you immediately leave one job for another. Should have been smarter about it. Either or! Let’s go see about auditions for her! Keeping in mind it’s midnight on Friday and we’re ending our time with this household on Saturday so...likely nothing I could do within the time frame.
...yeah audition is at Saturday at 9AM and if she got the gig, it’d be at noon Sunday. ALAS. Aye! The cleaning up of food for another wolfpack tribe worked! Nice! I have a fun idea since Celene is out at night. It’s time to take a dip in the pond and-
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GREG SPOTTED! This is a dangerous feral werewolf who’s driven mad by his rage at his loss of his fated mate. Basically he attacks anyone. And this is quite the dangerous night for Celene to go out alone in the woods… Back in the home area, Rory was going to pacify a soon to be rampaging Lou but evidently, he can’t be pacified again yet. Alas! Also Rory’s sad and hurt by Lou still. Celene attempted to communicate with Greg but he, he fightened her away. And got that fear of the dark again. Welp. Let’s try one more time. ...nope. Just fear! Anyway, Lou’s rampaging now. Excellent. Sad Rory, gloomy about Lou pranking her. Scared Celene, with all of these rampaging werewolves. Rampaiging Lou. And Bianca waking up and going on a hunt. Good for her. With all of that, time for!
Neighborhood Watch!
Brindleton Bay: A dog was adopted by the Saito household.
Talon Ramos in the Ramos household has died. Talon was milking it and got too close to a cowplant.
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daz4i · 2 years
Oooooh, 14, 21, and 30 for the ask game!!!!!!! 👀👀👀
thank you my dear!!!!! ^o^
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
hmmmmmmm sometimes! a lot of them are either about the military or about religion and i'm not a fan of those for obvious reasons, but usually when i watch other movies they're p good! we got lots of high quality crime stuff which is nice. i feel like while i'm at it i gotta recommend Doubtful if you can find a place to watch it and don't mind Teenagers Who Do Violence. by far one of the best local creations i've ever watched
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
sending our prime minister with no space suit <3 adjkfghg but ngl idk what you're supposed to send to space?? 🤔 so i've got no answer to that. for now
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
yeeeeeee i've got a few distant-ish (second cousins? maybe??) who are from the us! unless this isn't what this question means in which case oops
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waterspoutskies · 2 years
For the yes or no game - bugs? (since that seems to be what everyone is asking). Reptiles? Modern AUs? Outlining?
I'm late to this one and I ended up unreblogging because I didn't mean to in the first place but!
Bugs - yeah sure why not
Reptiles - Yep sure down for em
Modern AUs - Hmmmm... yeeeeeees tentative
Outlining - Lol no
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liviastudiespsych · 6 years
500/600/700 followers celebration
Hi peeps, love you all so much. Thank you for following ❤️ I feel really blessed for the welcome I had from this community. Everything I see, everyone I follow and that follow me is such a positive, amazing influence in one way or another. Oh, God, I'm becoming sappy.
ANYWAY. I'm doing something to get to know all of you. Because, why not.
So what I'll be doing is... Drum roll please....
A sleepover party!
Shocking, I know. Whatever. I also feel like this is going to go horribly so if no one cares and send me asks we'll pretend it never happened
The rules are simple:
Follow me (since this is bc of the new followers)
New followers are welcome as well though
Send me the emoji 🦄 (because unicorns are pretty)
Ask a question, or rant about anything
If you're asking a question, answer it as well, I want to get to know you as well
If you don't ask on anon, I'll check out your blog! (especially if you're studyblr and have any original content)
If you want to reblog this, you'll make me happy but it's not needed
It will run from when this is posted until Sunday 28th at midnight GTM+1 so London time
If you don't know what to ask (i am calling myself out with this one since I never do) here's a list of some questions you can use:
Favourite city?
Best food ever?
Favourite film?
If you knew you would die tomorrow what would you do? (beside panicking)
Who's the person you feel the most comfortable with?
Comfort food
What do you do when you're sick?
Favourite colour?
Do you want kids? How many?
Where do you want to bring up your potential children? Or live when you are older
Favourite youtuber?
Song that's stuck in your mind
What's the most difficult part of studying?
What's the meaning of life?
Which one is the best season?
Which languages do you LOVE? Which ones do yoh just not get at all?
How was/is living at home? (meaning your parents or something like that)
Do you follow politics? Why/why not?
Favourite subject right now?
Something you can't do without
Best trip
Something you splurge on
What does self care means to you?
Also some topics you can also rant about:
Your crush (yeee let's talk about crushes)
That one person that is bothering you so much right now and why
What you've been up to this weekend or this week
How's school/uni/college going?
Tell me about celebrities!
If you have pets (first of all SEND ME PICTURES) tell me about them
Do you have/want any tips?
I'm going to tag this "500 sleepover" so blacklist that if you don't want to see this
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queenofbaws · 2 years
top 5 deaths in a supermassive game
awwWWW YEEEEEEE!!!! okay, legit, i hate how very, very little i had to think to actually come up with this list skldajfksjdfklsj again, in no particular order:
house of ashes: rachel with the white phosphorous. the first time this happened to me, i stg i just. shouted. for like a minute straight.
house of ashes: literally ANYONE in the final showdown. is this one cheating??? that final sequence is just SICK, and every single death that can happen in it is *chefs kiss*
the quarry: without going into too much detail for anyone who still hasn’t played, um...c...constance. in the...dining room. oh my god. just. oh my god. mostly i’m going with this one because of everyone else’s reactions to it, just like...what a fuCKING SCENE.
until dawn: chris being locked out of the lodge. look. you guys all know i’m over here sitting with my big #1 chrashley fan foam finger, but like. there is something. so. deeply. visceral. about ashley locking chris out and him getting torn to shreds right there. like, okay, you go girl. we love to see it.
man of medan: julia getting the bends. this one makes the list SOLELY for its comedic value. oh, i’m sorry, you thought you got through the whole game without killing anyone? you thought you were fine? SURPRISE BITCH, YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE HAD THAT BEER!!!
ask my top 5 anything! ;)c
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♬, 👽
♬:  what are the last 5 songs you listened to?
Here Come the Vultures by Delain
Unbearable Beauty by Ashbury Heights
Endless Forms Most Beautiful by Nightwish
Creatures by Delain
Viva la Vida by Coldplay
👽:  do you have a favorite creature/cryptid?
no pun intended, but I have always been a sucker for vampires. they’re just...sexy in a way, I guess, in that creature type way.
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cvptainbucky · 7 years
brown eyes? :)
guessing game!
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runawaymun · 3 years
For the wip game: give me sugar baby?
haha yeeeeeees you have a talent for finding the ones I desperately want to be asked about!!
Ok so we all know how I'm really really really partial to Celrond. I'm also really partial to Elrond/Lindir as an otp. Idk they're both just so??? soft???
And I have this dumbass idea for a modern AU romance fic for the two of them. And that name is just a stupid WIP name I slapped on there that a friend gave to me as a joke but now it's sticking oh no---
so ok, here's the concept blurb. This is gonna be long so bear with me. 
Lindir plays sugarbaby to wealthy old-money businessman Thranduil Greenwood, CEO of Greenwood Breweries. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement: Lindir has time to focus on his music and sticks to a part-time job at a coffee shop to make a little extra money for himself. Thranduil has a sweet young thing to hang off his arm and make puppy eyes at him at parties and meetings.
Things get uncomfortable when Lindir starts to develop a crush on Thranduil’s business partner, Elrond Peredhel. He’s mysterious, tall, handsome in a DILF sort of way, and Lindir is hopelessly smitten...which makes it hard to focus on making Thranduil look good.
Oh, and Elrond owns the coffee shop chain where Lindir works. Lindir absolutely hates himself for falling in love with someone so rich, well connected, powerful, and so very out of his league. Lindir is pretty sure that Elrond Peredhel doesn’t even care that he exists.
He couldn’t be more wrong.
More headcannons and also a snippet or two under the cut! This one’s writing itself so I have much more on it than some others. 
Elrond and Thranduil have a love/hate relationship. Elrond despises Thranduil’s arrogance and thinks he’s a little too debauched. Thranduil doesn’t think Elrond is debauched enough. 
Thranduil lives on a giant forested estate near his breweries and wineries. 
Elrond has one of those gorge-overlook type of houses, but maybe he has a suite in town for work. Definitely has semi-adult kids. Maybe Elladan and Elrohir are in college and Arwen is like still in school - maybe abroad? Foster-caring feral bby Aragorn who’s the son of a recently deceased friend. But yeah Elrond’s living in a giant house by himself. (Aragorn is still totally the heir to the throne of Gondor and his parents were assassinated). 
Lindir is pretty grayce and panromantic. Like he doesn’t really care about sex but he does pine a lot (but is also wayyyyy too shy to be in a real relationship). He’s dated a few people but kind of just gives up once they want sex. Thranduil’s an awesome arrangement because Thranduil isn’t at all in to him. Lindir’s more of like, an attractive handbag or tie. The sugar baby arrangement is just for looks. 
Which is a little frustrating because Lindir now can’t date anyone even if he wanted to, just in case their little “doting boyfriend” facade is ousted. 
Elrond totally believes they’re dating though and Thranduil doesn’t have the heart to contradict him. 
Elrond is fairly recently a widower/divorcee. He used to be a doctor but Celebrian developed a terminal illness and he couldn’t save her. And she ended up asking him to let her go and he quit medicine. Elrond is Sad(™). :( I hate to do this to Cel but I mean...it’s kind of canon. 
Thranduil insists Elrond needs to get out more and is throwing people at him left, right, and center in a misguided attempt to be helpful. Lindir is over here being like OH MY GOD STOP TOUCHING HIM and being like “aaaaa i’m so jealous”. And meanwhile Elrond is also really jealous of Thranduil and Lindir but he’s telling himself that he’s just annoyed with Thranduil’s PDA and that it has absolutely nothing to do with how much he likes Lindir no not at all. 
Elrond is really suave and together on the outside, but he’s actually just a really awkward touch-starved self-deprecating mess and he cannot understand why someone as young and pretty as Lindir is into him.
I have even more little headcannons but lmao I’ll stop. Here’s a few snippets of bits that I have written already: 
Lindir stopped to check his makeup in the visor mirror and touched up his lip tint. As they got out, he asked: “Do you want me to talk?” 
It was always a toss-up whether he was here as a distracting social buffer, or the elf equivalent of a handbag. 
“Absolutely not. Denethor is simply such a depressing wretch. I’ll need something pretty to look at so I don’t start fantasizing about throwing myself into traffic.”  
Right. Elf equivalent of a handbag.
Lindir preferred it that way. He was so unbearably awkward and he never knew what to say, but being a handbag didn’t require him to think. He just had to sit there, make puppy eyes at Thranduil, and laugh at his jokes. Easiest. Money. Ever.
The restaurant was stunning. Lindir would never dream of even setting foot inside something like this. Let alone affording to eat anything. Modern drop chandeliers hung from the vaulted ceiling, smooth jazz echoed through the cavernous dining room, and every single person from the guests to the servers looked so sleek. Stepping into it felt like stepping into another dimension. It was busy tonight, but everyone talked politely over their food so that the hubbub was more of a pleasant murmur than anything else. 
The host at the front desk recognized Thranduil the second he stepped through the front door and led them to their table. Lindir tagged dutifully along. 
“Thranduil Greenwood! A vision as always.” 
The voice belonged to an older man in a black suit seated at their table next to an objectively good-looking pack of muscles. Muscles had a scruffy ginger beard and an easy smile. Just Thranduil’s type. The other one who’d called out to them looked enough like Muscles to be his father, but was considerably less attractive. 
Thranduil donned a demure smile and slipped his arm around Lindir’s waist. “Denethor. It has been far too long.” By Thranduil’s tone, it had been nowhere near long enough. “Have you met my sweet Lindir? I hope you have no qualms about him joining us. He’ll be good.”
Denethor’s expression soured. He quickly schooled it into something that was a distant bastard cousin of a smile, but he didn’t say hello. Muscles offered his hand.
“Boromir. A pleasure.”
Lindir shook it. “Like--likewise.” The stutter hadn’t been intentional. He’d just been so surprised that Boromir had paid him any attention at all. As the two of them sat, Thranduil threw his arm over the back of Lindir’s chair. Lindir leaned back into it. Their host came by and Thranduil ordered a bottle of wine. Both Denethor and Boromir already had twin glasses of some kind of amber alcohol with a red layer pooled on the bottom. Lindir didn’t know his drinks well enough to venture a guess as to what kind of cocktail it might be. Something expensive, to be sure.
Thranduil glanced at the one conspicuously empty chair and then back at the two men. “Where is Elrond?” 
“Late,” Denethor croaked, as if it was the worst sin imaginable.
Thranduil’s smile thinned. It was the kind of smile Lindir knew meant he was thoroughly annoyed, but unwilling to relinquish a centimeter of composure.
Lindir had been staring at his wine glass. He looked up to see an elf in an immaculate burgundy suit gliding into the empty chair opposite Thranduil. 
“I apologize for my tardiness. My flight was delayed and I had a serious matter to attend to at the district office.” 
The elf, Elrond, Lindir presumed, was so tall it was unreasonable. He rivaled Thranduil, but he seemed a little more athletic. His voice was deep and warm, his expression kind-- if a little exhausted-- and he held himself like a king. And that hair! Receding ever so slightly, but it was so dark and long and neat, with tiny braids that framed his delicately pointed ears and-- he looked so familiar… why did he look so familiar? 
Lindir was blushing. He was actually blushing. Oh, Valar. What’s wrong with me? It only got worse when those gray eyes landed on him. His stomach felt weird.
“Would you care to introduce me?”
Thranduil reclined back into his chair with a cheshire smile. “Lindir. Isn’t he a darling thing?”
Elrond glanced between the two of them. Lindir tried to sit up and relax his shoulders and act as if his blush was simply a product of the compliment. He shot Thranduil another one of his luminous saucer-eyed looks, and Thranduil leaned in to kiss him as if he really was the most irresistible thing in all of Arda.
Denethor cleared his throat. Boromir passed Elrond a menu. Elrond jumped at it, glad for something to look at that wasn’t the two of them. 
“I believe this is a meeting, Thran, not one of your parties,” Elrond said in a tone that was almost scathing. “Do try to behave.” 
Thranduil idly traced the shell of Lindir’s ear with the tip of his finger. “You wound me, mellon nin. I always behave.” 
“Do excuse me for a moment. I have to take this. I shan’t be long.”
Thranduil strode off to the patio and Lindir sat there feeling utterly naked without him nearby. He’d been accompanying Thranduil to various engagements for almost six months now, but Thranduil had never left him alone. And of course it had to be today of all days.
Elrond reclined in his chair and took out his phone, coffee poised in one hand. Lindir cradled his own, stealing nervous looks toward the patio where Thranduil was beginning to pace and looked very cross. Lindir shrank in his chair and tried not to fidget.
The restaurant was fading into the closing hour. Most of the diners had filtered out. One of the hosts flitted around straightening chairs and wiping down tables. Another led a late-coming group to the bar.
Minutes dragged by. Five. Ten. Fifteen. Thranduil hadn’t come back. The silence was suffocating.
“I really like your suit,” Lindir blurted, and instantly wished for death.
Elrond looked up from his phone in surprise. 
Lindir, for some Eru-forsaken reason, decided to add: “It’s-- it’s--it’s um-- a really nice...color. The red. Burgundy! I mean--” 
A tiny smile spread across Elrond’s features. It would’ve been a great time for the floor to open up and swallow Lindir whole.
“Thank you,” Elrond said. He looked out at Thranduil, still pacing on the patio, then turned his attention back to Lindir. “You don’t seem like Thran’s type.”
“Oh, I’m not,” Lindir agreed, which was a mistake. His ears burned and he floundered for some way to recover. “He’s, um-- he’s way out of my league.” He flavored it with a laugh he hoped sounded more shy than anxious. 
Elrond didn’t say anything. He just sat there, studying him with his phone balanced in his hand. It buzzed. 
Linder blundered into: “Sorry,” because he didn’t know what else to say. Elrond’s phone buzzed again. “Should you--um-- that’s probably important. Sorry. Don’t mind me.”
Elrond set his phone face down on the table and took a sip of his coffee. “At the risk of sounding trite, what do you do? You said nothing during dinner.” 
Lindir’s head emptied. A few moths might have flown out of it. He felt sure a tumbleweed blew through. Don’t say barista. Don’t say barista. Don’t you dare say you’re a barista.
No. That’s worse. Oh Elbereth, that’s so much worse! Why would you say that?
Elrond looked surprised again. “Music?” He echoed.
“Not really,” Lindir amended. “Kind of. Sort of. It isn’t really a thing. A thing-thing. I mean--” 
“--Not really, kind of music?”
Valar, why wasn’t the floor swallowing him yet? Could he just disappear? A wild fantasy about a meteor falling from the sky to squash him into Lindir-soup suddenly struck him. That would be nice.
“It isn’t a career. I’m not anybody. I just write things-- and um, and play. What--what about you? I mean. That’s a stupid question. Obviously you’re a CEO…”
Elrond rescued before he could embarrass himself further. “I enjoy music as well. I must confess I’m not much good at making it. And I am a great lover of books.”
Despite himself, Lindir lit up. “What kind of books?”
“My apologies. That took far longer than I had expected.” Thranduil grazed his hand along the curve of Lindir’s neck. Lindir, habitually, leaned into it.
Elrond picked his phone back up and checked on that text. “No harm done. Lindir kept me company.”
Thranduil looked shocked.
“Did he?”
Elrond simply hummed and stood. He bent to write the check for dinner before Thranduil could beat him to it. “It is very late, mellon nin. But perhaps we can continue this conversation at a later date. I will have Glorfindel call you to arrange it.” He rebuttoned his burgundy suit jacket and, on his way out, said: “He’s very charming, Thranduil. Keep that one.”
Once Elrond was gone, Thranduil turned to Lindir with a withering glare.
“I just said his suit looked nice,” Lindir mumbled. 
“His suit is burgundy,” Thranduil exclaimed with abject horror. “I have been trying to rid him of that dreadful thing for an Age.”
Yeah that’s part of the really garbled first chapter. I have most of an outline & planned a lot of scenes. It’s mostly just really gay self-indulgent fluffy garbage lmao. I’ll get around to actually posting the thing one of these days, but I really want to finish And the Stars Shine the Same first! 
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Cyberchase Rewatch - S1E5 - "Sensible Flats"
This was one of my favorite episodes when I first started watching! I wanted to watch it again before bed. :D Why does he tolerate them? I love his western accent so much omg What was with that sound he made when getting charged up? I love his western gittup I just love everything about Hacker in this episodes To hell with Judge Trudy We get the point lady, Christ YEEEEEEE to the fucking HAAAAAAW Hackiepoo That's not a big piece of land, you ain't gonna fit nothing in there VARMIT You git down from thar dis instant Ill-proportioned dust mop - AAAAAHHHH GOT EM Don't go poking the chin now I love this interaction AW SHIT we got swerved Why are Buzz and Delete inappropriately smiling I hope that room is properly ventilating. The kids need an adult I love Hacker's prison pic You telling me y'all could have just put him in jail this whole time? Matt you devious bastard So you just stumble upon portals and can whip them out? Digit is so sweet Lion King flashbacks Digit couldn't put that portal in a better place? Today the kids get traumatized PFT Digit, you've never rode a bedframe before? Convenient sewing kit AH HATE SPIDERS I hate Judge Trudy too buddy What the hell did this guy do? Moonshine? Hacker running out of juice in jail is kinda sad. Like in a poetic way. Delete don't sass him, the poor man is dealing with a crisis Yeah rub it in kids Aaaaanyyything? The kids should ask for something innocent too, like help paint Inez's table. Matt got big energy this episode Sweetie you aren't conquering Cyberspace from a jail cell. Y'all gonna at least buy him a pack of cigs? Put some snelfus on his book. Matt doesn't care about justice, future bad guy Jackie is the best member of the squad, prove me wrong Look at those abs baby, eat it up Delete's boots are cute Buuuuuzzzzzy~ Deleeeeeeteeee~ Digit's running out of breath counting, Jesus. I miss math Cyberchase Teheheheh The poker game going on, I love it You tell 'em Jackie, JUSTICE This man is in love with himself Ah yes, the costume changing button that's never seen again The wolf whistle in the background, teehee Funny that Hacker is referring to his land is worthless. Just interesting. Donkey. I love Hacker. The wig is just so meh... Yes, yes, lift their hopes up, and then crush them when the antidote wear off. Mr. Hacker~ Well shit my britches Awwww Digit, you tried A flying wagon Chaos :D
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