#yennefer x oc
navya04 · 1 year
at least jaskier is bi. its like i always say. at least jaskier is bi. at the end of the day. Jaskier is bi. dont cry ok? Jaskier is bi. at the end of the day. Jaskier is bi. when all else fails. Jaskier is bi. we'll always have. Jaskier is bi
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sayafics · 1 year
Soul-bonds & Heartaches - Chapter III
I apologise for the very long wait for this chapter, in all honesty I had no idea how to move forward from Chapter II but this felt right, and it felt true to the relationship between existing characters, to an extent.
Geralt is tied to these two women in two distinctly different ways, and it's only now that he has all the information, he can make the decision he needs to. But that doesn't come without its consequences, which subsequently leads to other consequences.
I apologise again for the long wait, and hope to update with another chapter soon! I truly hope you guys enjoy this chapter! <333
TW: (slight?) angst
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Andromeda had thought they had come to an understanding. She had fallen asleep with a smile on her face and hope in her heart.
She dreamed of waking up to the sun heating her face as it slowly rose, opening her eyes to ashes of a well-worn fire as a gentle breeze brushed through her hair before her gaze met Geralt's.
She thought they would've exchanged gentle smiles, would've looked for excuses throughout the day to brush past each other, and engaged in small conversations hidden from the sight of others. And then, maybe when they had gotten too distracted or brushed too close to death on one adventure or the next, they would've exchanged a kiss. A small, hesitant kiss that they poured all their emotions into, where they succumbed to their desires and the strings of destiny.
Instead, she had awoken to burning lips and a quivering heart. She knew. The moment the feeling spread over her, she knew.
Andromeda couldn't open her eyes in fear of what she would find.
Geralt and Yennefer locked in a battle of passion? The two carressing each other in gentle affection?
She feared she would find a liar and a coward in the place where she had seen her Geralt in the glowing embers of last night's fire.
But she couldn't escape his senses.
Unbeknownst to her, as she curled in on herself, eyes clenched shut as tears welled in her eyes, and she pretended to sleep as she stifled her laboured breaths, Geralt knew she was awake. And he knew she felt his betrayal just like she had every other time.
His soul roiled in its place, his heart burned in guilt. It was not what it seemed.
Yennefer had woken up before the rest had, before the sun had risen and its warmth had replaced what was lost as the campfire died out.
Geralt waited for her to say something as she sat up, to say 'good morning' or to say she would take watch instead, but she simply sat and stared.
He lost his patience quite quickly, feeling the way her stare burned into the side of his head as he forced his gaze away from Rory and onto her instead.
She looked amused.
His words were gruff, full of curiosity and annoyance. He knew he had no right to be annoyed. He had pursued Yennefer just as much as she pursued him. But it was different then.
Now, knowing that his Rory felt the same about him as he did about her, knowing she had been longing for him from the day they met, that her heart yearned for him, everything changed.
Andromeda could have ran, every time he had bed another woman, she could have walked away. And even yesterday, she could have turned away without giving him a second glance.
But she was full of compassion and sincerity, and she gave away chances as easily as she gave away her heart. It had just taken him too long to realise it was him she had gifted it to.
Yennefer didn't answer him, instead making her way to her feet as she strutted his way, her movements slow and sensual. She was so sure of herself, so confident she would get what she wanted. And Geralt was scared that, somehow, she would.
She stood behind him, hands on his shoulders as she leaned down and pressed her breasts into his back, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "you look tense. I could help you."
Her voice was low and sultry, and Geralt from a few days ago would have given into her words immediately, but the Geralt that sat in front of her now only grimaced at her words. His shoulders raised as he pulled himself from her embrace, standing to his full height as he turned on her - "no."
"No?" Yennefer was shocked, sure she had seen the looks the two exchanged, the way they smiled at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking, but it had never made Geralt reject her.
"No," Geralt had the knack to look at least somewhat apologetic, his eyes furrowing as he looked down at Yennfer in sympathy, "the circumstances have changed."
"Geralt, you told me that destiny tied us. That destiny wanted us together."
"I was wrong, Yen. Destiny didn't pick you, I did. But I can't keep choosing you anymore."
"Geralt..." her hand came up to rest at his cheek, her eyes pooling with tears as she shook her head in denial, "you love me."
Geralt let her keep her hand on his face, let her take what she needed as he broke the heart of another woman he cared for. He shook his head, "I don't. I love her."
It was a whispered confession, his voice shaky as the truth came out, and Geralt found a weight lift of his chest at the revelation, "I love her," he repeated.
"I'm sorry, Yennefer," she felt her heart break further at the sound of her name on his lips, "I can't love you, I can't pick you."
Yennefer's other hand reached up for his cheek, both now cradling his face as she ran her fingers over familiar lines and scars. She pulled him closer, but he resisted.
"Please, Geralt. Just one more time."
Her voice was desperate, he could smell the defeat permeating off of her, and when he gave in and brushed his lips against her own, he could taste it in her tears too.
The kiss was familiar, it was easy. It was a goodbye.
Geralt pulled away from Yennefer, as though her lips against his own had burned him the way it burned Andromeda.
He felt anger festering in the pits of his stomach, he hated himself for giving in so easily, for hurting Rory again.
He wanted to go to her, to plead with her to listen to him and know that it meant nothing to him. That it was a goodbye for Yennefer and not a betrayal to her. That he loves her. He needs her.
But with Yennefer's hands holding his face once more, and Jaskier rousing from his sleep, he had again lost his chance, and perhaps he had now lost her.
As they packed their gear, the air was stifled with tension. As Yennefer, Geralt, and Andromeda stayed away from each other, it did not take much guessing from Jaskier and Cirilla to realise what had probably happened.
Cirilla observed her aunt, worry colouring her eyes as she watched her move with no real purpose, her eyes empty as if every ounce of hope and life had been washed out.
Geralt was like a father to Cirilla, she craved his affection and even more his approval. But she knew that Geralt had to be the one responsible for her aunt's state, and she couldn't help the anger that bubbled in her chest as the minutes ticked by and Andromeda lost more of herself to the quiet around her.
Still, no one spoke as they carried on their journey, marching through the barren-land with their rations untouched and their stomachs full of lead.
Cirilla stood next to Andromeda, holding her hand tightly as she kept her aunt close to her side and safe. All the while, she would glare at Geralt every time she noticed his gaze stray towards Andromeda, forcing him to look back at the path ahead as he wiped any essence of emotion from his face.
But every once in a while, his expression would become drowned once more, and he would find himself throwing agonised glances her way.
Cirilla remained unaware of the guilty glances Yennefer threw their way.
When they had reached the nearest village, it didn't take long for stories about a nasty group of ghouls at the local cemetery that had been eating dead corpses and unknowing citizens, to spread.
It had gotten so bad that the people of the village they had come across refused to leave their homes after dark. So when they had reached a tavern, after a silent agreement they could all do with some hot food and rest, Geralt found himself agreeing to a large pouch of silver and a long, comfortable stay in the tavern in exchange for slaying the beasts.
He had agreed easily, of course. Needing something to channel his pent-up energy into, the anger and guilt that festered in him and the anguish that settled in his heart every time Andromeda brushed past him like he was not there, every time he tried to speak to her and failed.
Yennefer was still here. She couldn't leave knowing she was why the group had become so broken and frail. Perhaps her leaving would have made it easier for Andromeda to breathe, but it wouldn't lessen the pain Yennefer had caused.
She loves Geralt, and she wants to see him happy. He chose her every time before that day in the tavern, but she knew every time he had picked her there was a part of him that yearned for Andromeda.
She tried to hide from the truth in their moans and sighs, tried to find solace in their pleasurable escapades, tried to make Andromeda jealous, and assert the idea that Geralt was her's.
But he wasn't.
He may have picked Yennefer because of the cards destiny had given him, but Andromeda's name was scrawled across his heart. He needed Andromeda in a way Yennefer could never replace.
A heart-breaking revelation she had slowly been coming to peace with.
She would leave the group in peace, but she wanted to fix her mess first.
Darkness had drawn over the sky when Geralt prepared to leave, and as he sheathed his sword Cirilla couldn't find it within herself to plead with him to let her join, as she had done so many times before.
Cirilla couldn't leave Andromeda, couldn't pick Geralt over her.
Andromeda may not have been her blood, but she was the only family Cirilla had left from the life she lived before.
Geralt didn't try and push Cirilla to join. He didn't ask Jaskier to play bait, knowing he was disappointed in him, too. And he couldn't look towards Yennefer, fearful that one glance would confirm every terrified thought Andromeda had running through her head.
He had smelt the stench of agony on her. It was heavy and brittle and still so sweet in a way that was perfect for her. She was beautiful even when she was in pain.
He took one last glance towards his ragged group of friends, a longing gaze marked for the woman who had stolen his heart and burned her presence into his soul. He lowered his head in shame, gruffly clearing his throat as he spoke, "you should all get some rest. Don't wait for me."
He walked out, his form much more quainter than any of them had seen it before.
A few moments of silence had passed, and then it looked like Yennefer was going to speak.
But Andromeda beat her to it, sensing the conversation looming ahead she pushed herself up from her seat, "I'm going to my room."
She didn't wait for any reply, walking sluggishly to her room as her thoughts threatened to drown her.
Some distance away, Geralt circled the cemetery he entered, waiting for movement. Nothing came.
He needed bait, but there was no one around but himself. So he pulled his small dagger, pressing the knife into his hand and dragging a cut across his palm.
Replacing the dagger, he squeezed his hand closed, relishing in the pain as blood dripped into the soil beneath his feet.
He waited a breath, and then he heard it. Soft growling from all around him as the beasts scuttled in a frenzy.
He waited for them to attack, always on the move, and he pushed them back with his sword and sigils. He had fought enough ghouls to battle them with ease, waiting for one to separate from the group, snarling loud in rage as it got ready to attack, making it a priority to kill before repeating.
Geralt continued his dance, never giving the ghouls a long enough break to catch him off guard and never working too hard to break a sweat. One by one, he hacked down each monster until he was the only beast left standing.
The butchered corpses of seven ghouls laid at his feet, satisfaction filling his gut as he considered his work. He raised his head to the sky, taking in the darkness as he realised not much time would have passed since he left, but there also wasn't long until sunrise.
Geralt couldn't stand having to go back in and face his companions, a part of him was even scared to.
Scared they would leave him for his transgressions, hate him, and abandon him just like his mother had once done.
His heart sank to his stomach, never had he felt such emotions, strong enough to rock him back and forth between the idea of running away or facing his problems head on.
He didn't know what to do.
Until he did.
It was still night, and Andromeda hated the dark. So it would be unlikely she was asleep.
Perhaps she was stargazing, a hobby she was so fond of. Geralt recalls the way her eyes glittered as she peered at the starlight, the way she emanated joy and delight as she pointed out constellations and spoke of the legends and fables behind them, how her heart raced when her eyes found his and her eyes would track his face as though she had found her favourite constellation in him.
He needed to find her. He needed to see her and speak to her and explain.
Maybe it wouldn't help, maybe it would make her hate him more. But the weight of such a confession sat unbearable on his shoulders, he needed her to know.
To know why he kissed Yennefer, to know of his guilt and of his sorrow. But mostly, to know of his truth.
Geralt could no longer hide behind cowardice - a truth badly disguised as indifference and intimidation.
Geralt found his steps hurrying back to the tavern, his footfalls heavy as he forced himself not to take off in a sprint. He pushed and pushed until he found himself at the tavern doors, never taking a breath to stop as he pushed through, tearing past a silent trio huddled by a fire and finding his way to the room he knew Andromeda would be in.
Faintly he hears Jaskier exclaim from his place by the fire, "fucking, finally!" And he feels a ghost of a smile stretch across his face.
A smile that sinks when he finds himself face-to-face with the door that separated him and the woman he had given his heart to, years before he had even realised.
Geralt wasn't sure if he should knock or barge in like he had done at the other tavern not so long ago. He wasn't sure if he should call out to her or simply get onto his knees and beg from outside.
His hand rested on the doorknob, steady and gentle as he twisted the door and creaked it open, "Rory?"
His voice was quiet, a hopeful whisper that was left unanswered.
As the door opened wider, Geralt could feel his heart sink at the realisation of what he had missed on his wild dash here. Something he should have realised miles before he had even reached the tavern once more.
He couldn't smell her sweet, sickly scent, the absence of orange blossoms and jasmine weighing heavy in his heart.
He couldn't hear her quiet breathing as she drowned herself in her imagination or her ragged breaths as she tried to hold back tears.
He couldn't hear the rustle of fabric as she fidgeted and picked at the loose strings in her clothes, or the sound of her comb brushing through her hair, or her huffs of boredom, or groans of irritations. Nothing.
Geralt could no longer hear the sound of her heartbeat.
He pushed open the door, his mind almost out of control as his actions became desperate. The room was bare, even of Andromeda's belongings and opposite him sat a lonely window, its sheer curtain billowing in the winds.
Rory had left. And it was all his fault.
Geralt's eyes burned, but he no longer had the strength to hold back his tears and let them fall freely down his face.
He walked the rest of the way in the room, sitting down heavily on the bed and basking in the faint smell of orange blossoms that surrounded him, and hidden between them was a scent he recognised as determination.
Geralt looked down at his hands, bloodied and destroyed, and found himself imagining a life where he hadn't lost Andromeda to his stupid mistakes.
He would fix this. He had to.
Taglist: @welliguessiwritethingsnow @kneelforloki @xicesam @lovesickollie @supersoilderswhxre @henryownsme @makemydaysworthit @pookiesnatcher @starlightaurorab
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gil-galadhwen · 8 days
Lady Of The Marred Moon [An Eskel Fic]
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Chapter 5 - When The Weathers Just Right
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Catrin settles in for her first night at Kaer Morhen, but after overhearing a conversation in the kitchen, she thinks perhaps the witchers aren't that happy about her being there after all. Especially one witcher in particular…
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It's not Lambert despite the gif 😆
Read here...
(Dividers by @saradika-graphics)
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 3 months
The Roles We Play (Ch: 8) is out on AO3
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Sarah is lost in unfamiliar lands. Morvran Voorhis pays a visit to an old acquaintance residing in Toussaint, upon the emperors' orders. TW: PTSD, multiple cuts
“I’d take it you are not here on a social call?”
Before replying to Geralts’ query, Morvran sent the mages away. They hesitated, looking at him disapprovingly, but Morvran waved his gauntleted hand at them  impatiently. The mages did not refuse this time and bowed before leaving. As soon as the doors closed, Morvran swivelled back to Geralt.
“The mages protects me from any telepathic probes Lady Yennefer may subject me to. Treat this as a token of my sincerity that what I am about to reveal are truths, unaltered and un-rehearsed.”
Morvran let this information sink into the witcher. Geralt knows that Yennefer, who is keeping Marlene company in the kitchen next door, is listening in through Geralt.
The general has been honest. So far Yennefer added. It was too early to give a fair assessment, but it was a good start. They will have much to mull over after this audience.
Geralt nodded and filled Morvran’s cup with a newly uncorked White Wolf. “Your gesture of good faith is well received and much appreciated, general. Please continue.”
Morvran took the proffered cup and drank.
“By order of emperor Emhyr var Emreis, I am to visit a certain Count Borhis di Salvaress about a delicate matter. I believe you have met him.”
Geralt had. It was impossible to forget Count Borhis and his dedication to the preservation of a dangerous beast: a silver basilisk dubbed The White Terror by the locals, the Count affectionately calls Iocaste. The Count was more than willing to recompense the families of the victims of Iocaste, more than half of which are merchants from the Coopers Guild. That largesse is emptying really fast.
“Does it have something to do with Iocaste?”
Morvrans’ lips thinned into a tense line: naming such dangerous and unstable creatures forms an equally dangerous and unstable attachments. That daft Count has taken leave of his senses, he thought, and even the witcher is catching it.
In the kitchens, Yennefer covered her mouth, stifling a laugh.
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(April’s PoV)
OC + Yenralt
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My best friend has a girlfriend, though... I'm not even sure I can call her that. It's complicated. They both have a tough and hard personality, meaning that they are both just as stubborn as each other. Geralt hasn't really been given a chance to be, well, human and Yennefer was never accepted because her looks lacked humanity. The thing is, they've been told their entire lives that they are not supposed, not even allowed to be human, they're meant to be witchers and mages. So it is only natural for two outcasts of society to meet and embark on a journey filled with longing, regret, hope and fear. It is said that God created an elixir and called it Love. However, the Devil couldn't put up with this happiness so he created a poison and called it Love too. Geralt and Yen blur the lines between these two elements. They are stuck in a constant loop of heartache and lust and what they don't see is how it affects those around them like Ciri... or me. As much as it hurts to see them like this, I don't really blame them. They have never been told what love is and they have never been taught how to use it for love is weapon that when wielded can cause unbareable pain. 
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prythianpages · 11 months
ACOSM | The Night her Father found out her secret
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azriel x rhysand's sister (oc)
warnings: angst, mentions of violence, blood, dead bodies
summary: the High Lord of the Night Court discovers his daughter's little secret. He does not take her sneaking off to train with the Valkyries lightly and decides to punish her for it.
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on them, you can find the masterlist for it here. I'm currently watching The Witcher and Yennefer is my fav character. the fact that she has purple eyes reminded me of Rhysand's sister so now I can't help but picture her as Val, hence me using her in one of the pics above.
The air buzzed with anticipation as they circled each other, eyes locked in fierce determination. Zeila, a seasoned Valkyrie instructor, initiated the first strike. Valeria, her dark membranous wings stretching proudly, deftly parried. Their blades danced in a symphony of skill and grace.
Despite Zeila’s experience, Valeria’s proved a formidable force. A quick succession of well-executed maneuvers caught Zeila off guard. Her sword fell from her grasps clattering to the ground but the warrior did not falter. With a grin, she unsheathed her daggers and Valeria did the same, throwing her sword to the floor.
They danced around each other, eyes sharp and focused. It was Valeria who threw the first strike, lunging forward with precision. She was at a disadvantage as she only had one dagger and Zeila two but she did not let this deter her. Zeila countered swiftly, her dagger slicing through the air grazing Valeria’s leathers, drawing a hiss of pain as it left a shallow cut on her arm. Undeterred, Valeria pressed on. Her keen eyes assessed Zeila’s movements, searching for an opening. When she found one, she disarmed her instructor in a swift maneuver. Before Zeila could react, Valeria had her backed against the training ground’s boundary, dagger gently pressed against her mentor’s throat.
A hushed pause settled over the training grounds as the surrounding Valkyries assessed the situation. Zeila’s eyes gleamed with pride rather than disappointment as she bore witness to Valeria’s skills and dedication that shined as bright as the full moon above them. She grinned. “Well done, Valeria.”
Valeria, panting but radiant, lowered her weapon in disbelief. The realization of her victory, not just in the spar but in the eyes of her instructor, overwhelmed her with a whirlwind of emotions. The look Zeila was giving her was one she had previously yearned to find within her father.
 Zeila had taken her under her wing, not caring that she was the High Lord’s daughter. She saw her as Valeria, a girl with a determined and unwavering spirit. She understood that Valeria’s path to training was not a smooth one, given the tempest of her fate as a high fae. So Zeila devoted every opportunity to guide her and it was through her and the other Valkyrie’s relentless support that Valeria transformed. She, who once faced the storm, had become the storm itself. This training session was more than a physical exercise. It was a moment of growth and validation of all the years Valeria trained.
“Looks like someone brought you a gift.”
Valeria turned around, her gaze finding Tanwyn and some of her other Valkyrie friends. Her heart swelled at the small pastry, a lemon cake, in Tanwyn’s hand that was topped with two lit candles. One for each decade of her life. “Happy late birthday,” Tanwyn smiled.
“Thank you.” Valeria’s own lips curled up into a smile as she took the pastry into her hands. Noctis, who had been persistent in accompanying her tonight, squeaked in delight and returned to her shoulder.
Valeria pursed her lips, preparing to blow the candles but there was a sudden gust of wind. She watched as the flames died out, eyes widening in horror as a familiar cloud of darkness began to engulf the training grounds. It wrapped them in its cold embrace, prompting all Valkyries to draw out their weapons, senses on high alert.
There was a thundering sound and in the blink of an eye, a figure appeared that had the blood draining from Valeria’s face. Both her wings and Noctis’s began to quiver.
It was her father. He had found her.
The Night Court’s throne room was bathed in twilight. Tall, obsidian pillars, adorned with intricate carvings of celestial motifs, reached toward the vaulted ceiling. As Rhysand walked through the vast room, he couldn’t help but notice the delicate mist that hung in the air.
He came to a halt upon the dais, where his father sat upon his throne.
“Ah, Rhysand.” The High Lord greeted with a smirk, his violet eyes flickered with an emotion Rhysand couldn’t quite place. “My son.”
“You called for me?”
“Yes.” His father replied. “I was hoping Valeria would be with you.”
Rhysand frowned. He rarely ever asked about his sister’s whereabouts. “She’s with Cassian. They’re shopping for the upcoming Starfall.”
“Interesting.” His father said with a hum. He inclined his head slightly to his left and in that subtle motion, the air seemed to dance with translucent waves. As the glamor fell apart, a crestfallen Cassian came into view. “Cassian was just telling me how Valeria was at the library with Azriel.”
He then gestured his head to his right and from the shadows emerged Azriel, maintaining an unwavering composure that echoed stoicism. “But he has been with me all day.”
Rhysand shrugged yet the discerning gaze in his eyes subtly revealed a crack in his normally composed facade–a fleeting trace of concern. His powers reached out toward his friends and they let him in their minds, allowing him access to their thoughts. They mirrored his concerns but neither of them knew of Valeria’s whereabouts.
 “Perhaps she is with Mor then.”
“Morrigan is in Velaris alone.”
“Then Mother–”
“Your mother has been in her room, working on dresses for Starfall. Also alone.”
Rhysand’s eyebrows furrowed and a surge of panic quickened his heartbeat. His hands instinctively folded together in front of him. “So where is Valeria?”
“I’ll tell you where she was.” The High Lord’s voice rang taut and rough and it was then that Rhysand recognized the look in his eyes. It was one of pure rage. “She was with the Valkyries.”
An eerie silence filled the throne room. Rhysand’s eyes were wide and he turned to his friends. Azriel remained stoic but there was an icy rage lurking within his eyes and Cassian’s fists were clenched at his sides as he glared at the High Lord. There was another haunting realization.
“Oh, you didn’t know either?” The High Lord’s voice carried a taunting tone, accompanied by an almost amused expression that played across his features. “Your little sister was sneaking off to train as if she were a Valkyrie herself.”
After another moment of silence, the High Lord spoke again. “Would you like to know where your sister is now?”
Rhysand’s throat tightened. “Where?”
The High Lord leaned back into his throne with a malevolent smirk that sent shivers down Rhysand’s spine. “Learning a very much needed lesson in Windhaven.”
As if following an otherworldly cue, the ground beneath them quivered and the mountains themselves seemed to shift. A low chuckle escaped the High Lord, his eyes gleaming in the face of such an overwhelming power, failing to recognize that it was not Rhysand who had made the Night Court tremble.
Valeria’s ears were ringing and her breath hitched at the sight of five heavily armed Illyrian males surrounding her. Her wings were taut, one of them curling inwards over Noctis, her dear bird. She had no weapons herself. Her dagger had fallen from her grasp at the Valkyrie’s training grounds and she didn’t have enough time to reach for it before her father had roughly grabbed her and winnowed them to Windhaven.
“You want to be a warrior?” Her father had seethed into her ear. “Go ahead then.”
He had pushed her to the ground in front of the hungry and malicious Illyrian males. “Have at her. This one needs to learn her place.” He had said before winnowing away.
She rose to her feet, eyeing each of them. She recognized one of them. He was the only one among them that bore no siphons. His eyes were cold and spiteful as ever. Mallory’s father.
This would not be a fair fight. She was outnumbered and unarmed but she refused to let the fear that surged through her body surface. She would not yield to it. She turned her head toward the bird on her shoulder, her eyes were pleading. Go. Noctis blinked back at her, his dark eyes twinkling with defiance. He refused to leave her side.
Mallory’s father was the first to step forward, a wicked smirk etched onto his face. The blade in his hand gleamed as it was directed toward her. “You thought yourself untouchable because you were the High Lord’s daughter but it is he who brought you to us. It’s going to be fun breaking you.”
“Let’s start with her wings.”
The one who last spoke was the one who lunged at her first. She dodged his strike with ease and grace and then kicked him, sending him crashing into one of the other Illyrian males.
“You will not take my wings from me.” Valeria snarled as she tucked her wings behind her and stepped into a defensive stance–one she learned from Cassian.
Mallory’s father chuckled. “You’re outnumbered.”
The four Illyrian males lunged at her, their siphons glowing. She punched, kicked and threw tendrils of silver light their way. Noctis flew from her shoulders, his beak piercing and pricking at their eyes to allow Valeria the upper hand. She didn’t scream as blades pierced her skin, refusing to give them the satisfaction of hearing her pain. 
Valeria managed to steal a dagger from one of them and swept it across his chest, sending the Illyrian male staggering backwards. “You bitch,” he growled before lunging for her again.
Distracted by the bleeding male before her, she didn’t catch the nod the two males approaching from behind her shared. She found herself pinned to the ground before she could even react properly. She squirmed and fought against their hold until a third male came from behind. One of them grasped her hair and yanked her head up, forcing her to look up at Mallory’s father.
Noctis let out a croak in warning as Mallory’s father approached her, flaring out his wings as he perched himself on her shoulder again.
“How embarrassing it must be.” Valeria choked out, blood trickling from her mouth. “To know that it takes three strong Illyrians, siphons and all, to hold me down.”
When the fingers digging into her pierced into her skin and Mallory’s father’s eyes flickered with uncertainty, she almost grinned.
“Do it now.”
She heard it before she felt it.
 The haunting sound of a blade slicing through her wing. The blade drew back and it was then that the fear within her surfaced for a fleeting moment as she watched Noctis fall from her shoulder. He fell to the ground silently, blood trickling from the gaping wound at his throat. Her own blood began to splatter on the ground beside him from the wound in her wing.
She could not bring herself to cry or scream. She could not afford to at the moment so with an unwavering determination, she pushed all her grief and hurt away until only one feeling remained. Anger.
Her father thought her to be weak. He had taunted her, believing that she could not withstand the storm of Illyrian rage. But he had forgotten that she was a half breed. Illyrian blood coursed through her veins too. She would not fall victim to this storm. She would not falter. She would not yield.
She looked up, past Mallory’s father, at the night sky above them. The moon was full and shining brightly. It seemed to cast its ethereal glow upon her, sparking a feeling she had never felt before. Thirst for revenge. For blood.
The moonstone wrapped around her neck glowed intensely and her pupils flared, capturing the reflection of the full moon within their depths. 
There was a scream and then the hold on her was faltering. She took advantage of it, pushing the three Illyrians away from her. She swore the ground beneath her trembled as she rose to her feet, gaze fixed on Mallory’s father.
Tendrils of pure and raging moonlight were snaking around him. They wrapped around his legs, his arms, his neck. They were burning and suffocating, clinging onto him as they anxiously awaited their master’s next orders.
“Witch.” She heard one of the males hiss under his breath.
Valeria allowed her silver tendrils to continue as her powers surged through her veins. She had never felt them like this before. So strong, so intense. It almost scared her to know what had been lurking within her.
The tendrils began to move over Mallory’s father. The ones at his neck snaked up and slithered into his parted mouth. She could see them glow from within him and she watched as he fell to the ground. Screams of agony escaped from the male as more of her light flooded into his mouth. He writhed on the ground while the other males froze in terror.
Mallory’s father fell silent and still as the tendrils of light that had swarmed into him were now surging out from his mouth and eyes. They rushed back to Valeria, slithering up her arms and she was surprised to find that they were warm and loving. 
She turned to the remaining males with a wicked gleam in her violet eyes. Her silver tendrils were radiating from her glowing body. The male who had sliced through her wing and killed Noctis was the first to drop his weapon and run.
“Where are you going?” She called out, taunting him. “I was just getting started.”
Her silver tendrils whirled after him and Valeria took delight in the way they wrapped around the male’s ankles and yanked, forcing him to the ground. They dragged his screaming body until he was laying at her feet with such force that the rocky ground beneath cut through his leathers and pricked his skin. One of her silver tendrils brought forth the male’s weapon and Valeria took the dagger into her own hands with a thankful smile before hurling it toward the male and silencing him, the dagger tearing into his throat just as he had done to Noctis.
The remaining males growled at her, their siphons glowing so bright that they burst as they rushed at her, unaware of the beast they had unleashed within Valeria. She brought them all down one by one, using both the dagger and her powers. 
When the last male had dropped to the ground, her knees gave out and it was only then that she released the scream that had been lingering in her throat.
Azriel’s heart was at his throat. He could feel everything she was feeling. He reached out toward that golden thread–that connection between him and Valeria–but he could not get a hold of her. He couldn’t reassure her as he did before. All he could do was feel her pain, her hurt and it drove him insane.
He desperately clung to that fine thread, urging it to lead him to where she was as he landed in Windhaven with Cassian and Rhysand by his side. His shadows were rushing from his side, diffusing into the chilling night.
“She’s close.” Azriel said as his shadows picked up on her scent. “The training grounds.”
A sudden, piercing scream followed his words. Its abruptness resonated through the cold Windhaven air, making their skins crawl and Azriel’s blood run cold. Valeria, Azriel’s shadows screamed in his ears.
A chilling and terrifying scene was before them. Five Illyrian males were strewn across the training grounds, their mouths agape–a telltale sign that they had died screaming. The scent of burnt flesh was strong and Rhysand’s eyes darted around them in fright. They all had matching injuries with the exception of one. Blood was seeping from their eyes and mouths and their exposed skin was marred by burnt marks while the one exception had bled out from a gaping wound at his throat.
“Valeria.” Rhysand breathed as he spotted her.
She was in the center of the dead males, hunched over on the ground as she hurled, her chest heaving. Her body was glowing so bright that Rhysand had to squint his eyes. He rushed toward her, dropping to the ground besides her as he heard Azriel and Cassian arrive.
Azriel’s shadows darted toward her, desperate to assess her injuries–to know how badly she had been harmed. His shadows were able to break through her protective light and Azriel’s knees nearly gave out as they returned to him and curled against his ear. Cassian’s eyes were wide and he moved to confirm that each of the males who had hurt her were dead.
“I didn’t mean to kill them all. I just wanted to hurt them, to scare them away but then something came over me.” Valeria’s voice was shaky and frantic as she sobbed. “They wanted to–my wings–Noctis–they–”
Rhysand let out a curse as he spotted the dead carcass of her beloved bird, his heart breaking at the sight. His touch was gentle and soothing despite the rage he felt within as he held her head in his hands, bringing her fearful gaze to his.
“Father–he brought me here–he wanted to–I was–I'm so sorry–I only wanted to–”
"Shh, it's okay."
Valeria’s cries and broken voice were soul-crushing. Azriel’s body was shaking and his wings prepared to take flight but Cassian, who sensed his intent, was stopping him. With a firm grip, he led Azriel to where Valeria and Rhysand were kneeled on the floor instead.
Rhysand’s eyes bore into Valeria’s. “You’re safe now.”
Valeria’s eyes continued to dart around her, her breathing ragged and uneven. Her tears blurred her vision but she could still make out the silhouettes of the dead bodies. She had killed them. All five of them. 
“You’re safe now.” Rhysand repeated, pulling her trembling body into his arms. He rested his hand on the back of her head, pressing it to his chest to keep her from looking at the scene around them. “It’s alright.”
Yet the vulnerability in his eyes betrayed his words and as he locked gazes with Cassian and Azriel, he found that a shared sentiment of unease painted their expressions. This was the night the High Lord unwittingly forged three formidable enemies.
A/N: after writing this I feel kind of bad for making rhysand's dad so evil but I don't want to defend him at all in this au bc he's an asshole. anyway, it was kind of fun writing Val's powers and also her Illyrian urge to kill awakening in her. sorry there wasn't much Az x Val interactions. just one more imagine and we're done with the collection of Val's early life. I don't have the name up for it yet bc I wanted it to be a little bit of surprise but any guesses as to what the theme will be? 👀 i've left subtle hints lol
tag list:  @justrepostandlove , @kemillyfreitas, @thelov3lybookworm
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senseless-writing · 4 months
Mountain Top Confessions
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x child!reader
Summary: Taking place in S1.E6, the little girl that Geralt took under his wing all those years ago isn't so little anymore. After overhearing something she wasn't supposed to while he and Yennefer argued about the quest to find the golden dragon, the witcher is forced to have a conversation with Orion that he'd been hoping to push off for as long as possible.
Warnings: Hurt feelings, talk of regret, death, etc. Really nothing much
A/N: Here's a story for a trope that's not in demand that nobody asked for, and yet I couldn't help but write! I actually wrote this forever ago and completely forgot about it, but I saw it today and thought I should share it even if it's only in self-service. Lemme know what you think!
Just so you know, this story exists within the world of the other Witcher stories I've written with the oc!character Orion. There are some references to those stories or Orion's life with Geralt in general, but I don't think it's completely necessary to read anything to understand this one.
“Did you mean it? What you said to Yennefer?” 
Geralt sighed, his entire body sagging with the release. After his fight with the enraging sorceress who always seemed to find a way under his skin, he had no energy left for anything more. Least of all a defiant tween. 
He turned to look at Orion, who was stepping out from behind the tree from which she was hiding. The Witcher blamed his scattered emotions for the failing of his normally heightened senses. 
“You weren’t supposed to hear any of that…I told you to stay with Jaskier.”
“But did you mean it?” She asked again, stoically, without meeting his gaze. Geralt couldn’t tell what was going through her head. These days, he never could. 
When Orion was little, and her favorite place in the whole world was Geralt’s arms, the witcher didn’t have to worry about finding the right words to say. All he had to do was hold her, and it was like anything and everything that worried her little head would disappear. 
At first, Geralt detested this part of guardianship. It made him feel like a witcher turned cuddler and coddler, and he could feel Vesemir’s disapproving glare from all the way across the Continent. After giving it some thought, though, he figured it was probably for the best. Those who truly knew him knew how verbose he could be, but witty remarks and philosophical ponderings never meant too much to a six year old. 
But now his Orion was twelve. Her eyes were forever wide, never shutting for the fear of missing something worth learning. And she had so many questions that Geralt alone was in charge of answering. He couldn’t wrap her in his arms anymore and pretend the Continent wasn’t confusing or dangerous. He owed her answers, and she deserved his words. 
Geralt hesitated for only a moment. The truth was unfortunate and uncomfortable, and he’d hoped to not have any conversations resembling the one they were about to have until she was older. But it was too late for that now, and he wouldn’t lie to her. 
Before he could so much as explain, Orion was already rushing away, quickening her steps to meet up with the rest of the group. 
She didn’t listen.
“Orion. Wait!”
He jogged forward, grabbing her arm and twisting her around to face him. She ripped herself from his grasp at once. Her face was stone cold, but still present were the hints of a curled top lip and the flash of barred teeth.
She looked so much like him when she did that. It nearly made his head spin. 
He cocked his head to the side a little, a warning for her to check her attitude. She didn’t take it.
“Will you let me explain?” he said with an even tone. 
“Explain what? That you regret taking me in?" The powerful rage in Orion's voice was not enough to mask what Geralt knew was lying underneath: deep, overwhelming hurt. "Well, you know what, no one held a knife to your throat and made you! If you didn’t want me, you should’ve done something about it!”
“That is not what I said.”
“You said-”
“Orion!” he shouted, and the child’s mouth clamped shut at once. She could count on one hand the amount of time he’s raised his voice at her. “What I said was that taking you in taught me, more than anything else, that raising a child is not something to be taken lightly. It’s a lesson that Yennefer could benefit from learning.”
The girl bit her lip and wrapped her arms tightly around her middle. “You said raising me taught you that your life isn't suited to a child. That implies regret.” 
“I do have regrets,” he agreed, and he noticed the flicker of insecurity in her gaze. He felt like an ass for putting it there. “Do you want to know why?” 
Orion stayed silent, and he suspected she didn’t want to know at all. He was going to tell her anyway. 
He spoke his next words very softly. “Every minute of every day, I regret not being able to give you the life you deserve.” 
That clearly wasn’t the answer she was expecting. He could tell from the immediate wrinkle of her brow. 
He sighed again, averting his eyes to the group behind her. They were making a steady pace up the mountain. And Jaskier, with his slightly codependent nature, kept turning back every few steps to check on his travel companions. Apparently, their yelling was loud enough to attract the attention of even the loudest of bards. 
Their eyes locked, and Geralt nodded once to let him know that everything was alright. Or, at the very least, that it would be. Jaskier didn’t look convinced, but he gave a defeated shrug and turned back around to continue walking. The witcher hesitantly directed his eyes back to Orion, who seemed to be frozen in a state of confusion. 
“Geralt, I don’t understand any of this.” 
“Our life on the path isn’t normal, Orion. You think it is, because it’s all you’ve ever known, but it’s not.”
“I know tha-”
“No, you don’t. You grew up hiding from monsters that most humans never see in their lifetime. By the age of eight, you were well versed in the art of ignoring those on the streets who throw stones as you walk by. And that's…that's not a reflection on you, it’s a reflection on me.”
“I’m not telling you this to make you feel bad about the cards you’ve been dealt. It’s the same way I was raised, it’s all I know. But witchers are a dwindling species for a reason, and the last thing I wanted was to make you a part of our ranks. I never wanted you to be like me.” 
“But I did! I’ve always wanted to be like you.”
Geralt wasn’t sure how to respond to that. He opened his mouth to try, but all that came out was a confused grunt. With a tilted head and lifted brow, the witcher sat there in silence as he struggled to understand. 
How was it possible that after all this time, his sweet, open-hearted Orion still didn’t believe what he knew to be true? He wasn’t the man she thought he was, and the longer she failed to realize that, the longer she would spend wandering blind in the dark. 
Orion took a few steps closer until they were an arms length away. It always shocked the witcher when he noticed how big she had gotten, how much she had changed from the little girl he used to know. “Geralt, people throw rocks at us because they’re afraid of what they don’t understand. You’re the one who told me that.”
“I did, didn’t I?” he averted his eyes. “What was I thinking?” 
Orion’s lips lifted in half a smile.“And people die everyday because they don’t know how to hide from monsters. Most humans don’t even recognize the signs for when one is around. I have a leg up on all of them.” 
“But you wouldn’t be around monsters as often as you are if it wasn't for me.” 
“I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you,” she reminded him sharply. “If you hadn’t found me, I’d probably still be sitting at the entrance of Kaer Morhen. A pile of bones withering to dust.” 
“Don’t say that!” Geralt snapped. His sudden change in tone shocked Orion to her very core, as it was a fiery anger that she'd never before heard directed at her. His eyes were wild and rabid as he stared at her, his entire body tense and shaking. To her, it was an extremely paradoxical image; he'd somehow managed to look terrified and terrifying at the same time.
The witcher had to squeeze his fists to stop himself from saying something he might regret. It wasn’t Orion he was mad at. If anything, it was himself.
Because the idea of his child going through a life-or-death situation should have been something he could only imagine. It should have been a distant nightmare, something that tortured his sleep but eased away once he awoke and realized it was only a figment of his imagination. 
Except that it wasn’t. Not for him. Orion had looked death in the eyes more than he could possibly count, and Geralt was the one leading her directly to it. 
“Don’t,” he repeated again in a clipped tone. “Don’t say things like that. You’re here with me because I made a choice. And while I may regret the implications of that choice, don't ever insinuate, even for a second, that I don’t want my child.” 
Orion was used to him calling her his. And she was, in all the ways that mattered. But it was always still a shock to her heart when he did. 
If Geralt noticed her reaction, he didn’t show it. “You needed me, and I made a choice,” he continued on. “Just as I made a choice to not do the same with my child surprise.” 
Oh, the infamous child surprise. From the little Orion knew, the whole thing ranked somewhere high on Geralt’s top ten list of the stupidest things he’s ever done. 
She wouldn’t pretend to understand why he was so insistent on ignoring the existence of someone he was connected to. “What if they need you too one day?” she asked. “What then?”
“He’s a prince of the largest and fiercest kingdom in all the North. He’s got people pleading for the honor of wiping his arse. I doubt he needs the help of a lowly witcher.” 
Or she, Orion thought absently. And perhaps a little dreamily. What luck it would be if Geralt was tied to a princess.
“Kingdoms fall everyday, Geralt. You also said that.” 
“Let's stop using my words against me, yeah? I’ll have to start keeping track of what I say around you.” 
Orion didn’t respond, staring back at him with an expectant glare. 
“Orion,” he leveled with her. “If Cintra falls, he’ll have dozens of people whose sole responsibility is to take the sword for him. He’ll be alright.” 
“And you’re sure of that?” Orion implored. “You can sleep peacefully at night knowing that maybe, just maybe, there’s a kid out there who might one day be as helpless as I was? A kid that, unlike me, is entitled to your protection?” 
“The only person entitled to my protection is you.” 
They were at a stand still, and after a moment of nothing but silence and a gentle breeze passing between them, Orion decided to let it go. She didn’t even berate him for ignoring her question. Because truly, she knew the answer already. She knew that every night, when he thought she was asleep, he rose and paced in circles for hours on end. The sound of him incessantly cleaning his swords had become white noise for her throughout the night. In fact, Orion couldn’t remember the last time she actually saw him sleep; really sleep, that is. Because Geralt wasn’t nearly as much of a master at pretending as he thought he was. 
So instead, all she did was try and direct the conversation back to its original topic. If Geralt wanted to be pig headed about the situation he put himself in, then fine. That wasn’t her main concern. 
At least, not right now it wasn’t. 
“Okay, well,” she sighed, struggling to change subjects without making it sound awkward. Suddenly, this whole conversation felt awkward. She felt stupid for being insecure, and she felt even more stupid for bringing up Cintra when she knew he’d shut down. “You don’t have to worry about not giving me the ‘life I deserve,’ or whatever it is you regret. I quite like the one I have.” 
Geralt remembers her saying something to that effect before. She’s probably said it a number of times by now. But it never mattered, never meant anything real to him. It felt too comparable to a mutt saying that it quite liked its cage. 
So he stayed silent. That alone spoke volumes to Orion. 
“You’re never going to believe me, are you?” she groaned with an exasperated tone. “No matter what I say?” 
He gave her an honest look. “It’s not likely.”
Orion surged forward at once, crashing into his chest with a resounding thud. The witcher barely had time to catch himself, but even as he took a step back to regain his balance, his arms were firmly wrapped around her. 
This wasn’t at all how he imagined this conversation going. He could’ve sworn she was mad at him not ten seconds ago. 
She smushed her face tight to his side, and Geralt strained to hear what she said next. “Can you at least try to understand that I want to be here? With you?”
It’s bothering her, he thought to himself as he rested his chin on her head. And she’s too stubborn to let it go. 
“Can you try to understand that I want you here?” he answered her question with one of his own. 
He felt her nod against his chest, which he supposed was enough. Though truth be told, Geralt wasn’t much for changing. 
And unfortunately, neither was Orion. 
He would never forgive himself for his shortcomings. Day after day, mistake after mistake, Geralt looked back and saw all the ways that he could’ve done better at raising her. He wasn’t used to failing at a job; Vesemir had raised him better than that. And in his eyes, caring for the girl in front of him was the ultimate job. 
But he hadn’t been prepared for it. 
And Orion would never be able to ignore the feeling that a part of them was missing. A part of Geralt, really. It was something he refused to acknowledge, refused to accept. It would gnaw at him forever until he did, and the idea of that continued to gnaw at her. 
This painful circle of lies where one swallowed their truth for the sake of the other was tense and never ending, and it was difficult to pretend that they both weren’t craving something that they desperately needed. For Geralt, a chance to start over. A chance to give Orion the family she should’ve had from the beginning, the one he ripped her from when they left Kaer Morhen. And for Orion, something that would ease Geralt’s mind once and for all. 
Years ago, on that day they’d met one another, each of them had been given something new. A different life, a fresh start. It was all they needed back then. But not anymore. 
Ignoring it would get them nowhere. It was clear now, even if neither of them could voice it, that something else was needed. 
Something more.
(A/N: This ending is definitely catered towards the book fans out there haha)
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roleplayfinder · 2 months
Hi, I'm 30F so please be over 21 preferably! Minors DNI
♡ I have some AUs saved but would prefer brainstorm
♡I live in Europe so there can be a time difference and my schedule is irregular
♡I respect triggers and limits and reply delays, real life comes first
♡I prefer to RP in Discord my user is disneyprincesssebby
♡I prefer a private server, it's easier for worldbuilding and ooc chatting
♡I mirror length if it's reasonable and I can. No one liners, no novellas, no counting words. I do this for fun
♡I do not want to do OCs. I just don't. I have bad experiences, I'm sure youre not the same and I'm sure your OC is lovely and very skillfully made but I'm not a fan. Please respect that.
♡Don't control my character
♡NSFW-wise my characters are bottoms and it won't change
Fandoms (my preferred characer in italic) :
Red, White, and Royal Blue: Henry x Alex
Witcher: Geralt x Jaskier / Geralt x Yennefer
Sherlock: Sherlock x John / Sherlock x Greg / John x Mycroft /Jim x Sebastian / John x Sebastian
Marvel: Steve x Tony / Steve x Bucky / Steve x Thor/ Loki x Steve/ Loki x Tony / Sam x Bucky / Sam x Steve / Bucky x Zemo / Tony x Bucky / Stephen x Tony / Venom x Eddie / Steve x Rumlow / Wanda x Steve / Steve x Zemo  / Loki x Steve /  Sam x Zemo / Bucky x Clint / Pepper x Tony / Tony x Rhodey / Tony x Bruce Wayne / Wanda x Tony / Wanda x Stephen/ Bucky x Wanda / Bruce x Natasha / Clint x Natasha / Tony x Natasha / Natasha x Steve / Natasha x Bucky / Clint x Matt / Clint x Pietro / Joaquin x Bucky / Joaquin x Sam / Bruce x Tony / Thor x Bruce/ Foggy x Matt/ Matt x Karen + MANY OTHERS
DC Diana x Bruce / Diana x Clark / Harley x Bruce / Barry x Oliver / Felicity x Oliver / Bruce x Clark
Shadowhunters Magnus x Alec / Simon x Jace
Lucifer Lucifer x Chloe
Grimm Nick x Monroe
Hawaii 5-0 Danny x Steve
Supernatural Dean x Castiel/ Sam x Lucifer /Gabriel x Sam
9-1-1 Buck x Eddie / Buck x Tommy
Star Wars Rey x Kylo / Hux x Kylo
Star Trek Jim x Spock / Bones x Spock / Uhura x Spock
Merlin Merlin x Arthur
React to this post or message me here or Discord!
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thatwriterrosefics · 1 year
Rose's 2023 Kinktober List
I have done it! I have finished all of my kinktober prompts and this is the official list of what prompts and who they're about each day. These will be posted on my Ao3 which is ThatWriterRose. I will make daily posts with a link to each fic but this post will also have links to each fic as I post them. I hope you all enjoy!
1. Hair Pulling - Jonathan Byers x OC
2. Roleplay - Larissa Weems x OC
3. Hate Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
4. Breeding Kink - Steve Harrington x OC
5. Office Sex - Foggy Nelson x OC
6.  Double Penetration - Jonathan x OC x Argyle
7. Semi-Public - Randy Meeks x OC
8. Face Sitting - Oscar "Spooky" Diaz x OC
9. Sex Toys - Boba Fett x OC
10. Edging - Oberyn Martell x OC
11.  Cunnilingus - Johnny "Coco" Cruz x OC
12. Mutual Masturbation - Robin Buckley x OC
13. Reunion Sex - Adult!Natalie Scatorccio x OC
14. Shower Sex - Stefan Salvatore x OC
15. Anal Sex - Din Djarin x OC
16. Pegging - Gerald of Rivia x OC
17. Fancy Clothes - Yennefer of Vengerberg x OC
18. Taping Sex - Adult! Van Palmer x OC
19. Caught in the Act - Stu Macher x OC
20. Morning Sex - Jango Fett x OC
21. Aftercare - Evelyn Hugo x Celia St. James
22. Car Sex - Eddie Munson x OC
23. Sex Dream - Lottie Mathews x OC
24. Lingerie - Jim Hopper x OC
25. Quickie - Jaskier x OC
26. Corruption Kink - Henry Creel x OC
27. Dacryphilia - Fennec Shand x OC
28. Marking - Jackie Taylor x Shauna Shipman
29. Phone Sex - Argyle x OC
30. Virginity - Ethan Landry x OC
31. Possessive Sex - Steve Harrington x OC
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 2 months
A Lark Among the Wolves and Dragons: Chapter 62.5
Chapter 62
---------the North: the Wall---------------
It was just another day for the Night's Watch as the men patrol the outskirts of the wall. The threat of what laid beyond this 700 ft ice structure remained a mystery to the soldiers who took no sides as they dedicated the rest of their lives to remain vigilante for whatever was out there.
There was no telling when they threat would occur, only that the Night's Watch must keep on the lookout for when this threat will strike.
On this particular day, several of the men were out patrolling one side of the Wall, having to do a double take when they noticed something odd. Upon further investigation, they took notice that part of the wall had been chipped away.
How was this possible? This wall is impenetrable, what could possibly have done this?
The men go to report to the commander, who saw fit to send word to the Lord of Winterfell and inform him of the situation.
"FATHER!" Aemma calls out, causing Daemon to release his grip on Rhaenyra.
"Aemma?" Rhaenyra says back, rubbing where Daemon had choked her.
"What makes you think YOU CAN TREAT HER LIKE THAT??!!" Aemma exclaims, voice near distorted as she rushed at her father. "Aemma, this isn't what it looks like," Daemon hastily assures.
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Aemma shouts, practically lunging at Daemon, knocking him to the ground. "Aemma, what are you doing?" Rhaenyra protests, but Aemma ignores her. "Aemma, stop this!" Daemon demands, blocking every punch Aemma made at him. "It's not enough for you is it?!" Aemma exclaims, "it's not enough for you to be king consort? You have to be the king?! You have to strangle your own wife for that?" "Aemma, stop it," Rhaenyra demands, "stop it right now!" "You can't stop yourself, can you, you monster?!" Aemma demands, getting a few punches to Daemon's face, "you can't stop yourself from hurting the people around you! ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO LOVE!"
"AEMMA! GET OFF HIM!" Rhaenyra pulls Aemma away from Daemon, who managed to stagger back to his feet with a bloodied nose.
"He was strangling you!" Aemma exasperates, incredulous that Rhaenyra would stop Aemma from her actions, "he was hurting you, someone had to stop him! How can you defend him?! If any of the Kingsguard saw him attacking their queen-" "I had it under control!" Rhaenyra exclaims.
"Aemma," Daemon speaks up, wiping off the blood with his sleeve, "you should go to your quarters. Right now." "I'm not leaving you alone with her!" Aemma sneers, "I don't trust you. You can't be trusted." She then turned to Rhaenyra, "he can't be trusted with any kind of power you'll give him. He's proven time and time again that he abuses that power with joyous abandon." "Aemma what are you talking-" "He abused that power to hurt my mother!" Aemma confesses. "He hurt her, assaulted her, kept her as a prisoner on Dragonstone!" "Aemma?" "He impregnated her too," Aemma continues, "mother lost the baby the night she escaped. And I know this because the Lady of Larks survived the Rivian pogrom. I saw found her, and she told me the truth! Everything he told me, he told us all about him and my mother was all a lie. He needs to answer for those lies, your Grace."
"Aemma...I know," Rhaenyra confessed. "You...you know?" Aemma gives Rhaenyra an incredulous look, "I...I don't understand. How could you...?" "I told the queen what about that night," Daemon offers for an explanation, "I kept no secrets from her. She knows everything that happened." "You...you knew...?" Aemma says, feeling like her mind was going numb.
"Aemma-" "If you knew, this whole time, why did-"
"I don't condone Daemon's actions," Rhaenyra assured, as if that was meant to make Aemma feel better, "I don't what he had done to your mother, and I wished the Lady of Larks hadn't gone through such an ordeal. But, Aemma, you need to understand," she placed a hand on Aemma's arm, "I need your father. I've needed his support for our cause, that's why I married him shortly after Laenor's passing. Especially now...now that Aegon and the Hightowers have usurped my throne. I need you to understand this, Aemma. We...we can't afford to be divided right now. We need to set aside our grievances if we are to prevail against the Greens."
"...your father used to say the exact same thing," Aemma says in a low tone, "that's what he said that night before his death," she turned her gaze to Rhaenyra, looking her straight in the eye, "how is that working out for you, YOUR Grace?"
"Aemma-" "I won't side with the Greens if that is your worry," Aemma sneers, "but make no mistake, me being here does not mean I support you either. I'll only stay for the sake of my siblings. But after this, I won't stay here anymore. As far as I'm concerned, you may be the queen, but you're not my mother..." she turns to Daemon, "And you are NOT my father, anymore. I hope it was all worth it to you in the end...Daemon."
Ignoring their looks, Aemma stormed out of the council chambers, refusing to look back. She didn't see Daemon storm off to stew somewhere else after she left, and she didn't see the look of terror on Rhaenyra's face when she rubbed where Daemon's hand had previously wrapped around her.
Aemma stormed to her room, taking in deep breaths. At this point, she was becoming increasingly fed up with everything.  Rhaenyra knew this whole time. She knew about the abuse Daemon put (y/n), and yet she chose him to stand by her side. Aemma thought back to the times Rhaenyra spoke of Daemon when Aemma was younger. There was always a certain level of fondness for the man, admiration even.
Rhaenyra loved Daemon, enough so that she took him to husband in spite of everything. Aemma realized she didn't deign to ask if Rhaenyra learned of this BEFORE she married Daemon...but would it even make a difference if that was the case?
Suddenly, Aemma heard the sound of a bird. An owl. She turned to see something shiny at the edge of the balcony. Eyes wide, Aemma rushed over to see it was her medallion. Aemma had thought this memento of hers was lost the moment Daemon threw it out the window down the cliffs and possibly into the ocean.
Someone, or something, managed to retrieve it. Aemma looked up to see a bird fly over, fast enough that she couldn't even see who or what it was. She was certain by the shape that it was an owl...and she wondered if she had seen that same owl somewhere before.
Aemma took the medallion and fast walked over to her to where her sword was stowed and hid the trinket in the sheathe. Taking extra measures, Aemma hid the sword under her bed, not going to risk Daemon storming in here and doing away with this piece of her.
Sitting on the bed, Aemma knew this was no longer her home. She did not belong here anymore. Sure, she told Rhaenyra that she would only stay for the sake of her brothers and sisters, but the more she thought on it, the more she realized she couldn't stand this place any longer. Her siblings would be fine without her, she tries to justify. Baela and Rhaena would be married to Jace and Luke, both would treat her sisters well. Baela would be queen someday and Rhaena would be the future Lady of Driftmark. The egg Aemma gave Rhaena would hatch soon and Rhaena would someday have a dragon to fly her to the Continent, and Baela could come visit on Moondancer whenever she wanted. Aegon and Viserys barely knew Aemma, so it wouldn't matter too much if she disappeared from their lives once again.
Aemma was going to have to start making plans to get away from this place and return to the Continent. If she planned it carefully, she could fly to King's Landing and convince Aemond to fly with her.
The two of them could fly on Vhagar and Cirillia to Novigrad, reunite with her mother and uncle, wed over there, and then fly all the way to Toussaint to spend the rest of their days laying under the Toussaintian sun and drink the rarest Toussaintian wine and live in relative peace with themselves and however many children they may have.
-------the next day-----------
Aemma stood in the Council Chambers when Rhaenyra called for a meeting with her supporters. There were dark circles under the princess's eyes as she found she had trouble sleeping the night before. She also found she had trouble even looking at Rhaenyra, both because of the knowledge she now possessed of the queen knowing of Daemon's wrongdoings...and because of her plan to leave Dragonstone and return to the Continent with her mother where she truly belonged. 
She didn't know when she could put said plan into motion, but if not today, then maybe sometime soon in the near future.
Part of Aemma just wanted to scream to everyone in the council room about who and what Daemon is. Hells, part of her wanted to let them all know that the queen knew of his brutish cruelty and watch the chaos that would ensue from such a proclamation. But she held her tongue, not wanting to gamble how this will effect her sisters and stepbrothers whom she cared deeply for.
At this moment, Aemma was just grateful her father was nowhere in sight at the moment, otherwise she would lose her mind completely and say what exactly was on her mind.
"The Lord of the Tides! Lord Corlys Velaryon and his wife the Princess Rhaenys."
Aemma looked over to see Lord Corlys approach. Aemma placed a hand over her mouth upon seeing her grandsire approach, needing a cane to help him. Aemma noted the bandages wrapped around Corlys' injuries. Baela and Rhaena stood behind their grandparents as they walked down the steps.
"My lords," Corlys greets.
"It brings me much relief to see you hale and healthy again," Rhaenyra greets. Corlys nods in response, "I'm very sorry about your father, your Grace," he offers condolences, "he was a good man." Aemma looked over to see her sister stand by Jace and Luke, small smiles on their faces. Aemma walked over to stand by them as well.
Corlys took a look around before inquiring of the queen, "where is Daemon?" Rhaenyra was silent for a brief moment before she answered him, "There were other concerns which demanded the prince's attention." Aemma had to wonder whatever that could be. She did remember Rhaenyra saying that she didn't condone Daemon's past actions, especially where the Lady of Larks was concerned; part of her was thinking maybe Rhaenyra sent him away, but that was merely wishful thinking. Part of her also hoped that Daemon had crawled off somewhere to lick the wound he received from her last night, at least that would make her feel better. 
But she knew Daemon would be needed for the upcoming conflict, or more specifically, his dragon would be needed.
Corlys nods in understanding and looks over the stone map in the middle of the chambers, "you declared allies?" he inquires. "Yes," Rhaenyra answers confidently. "Too few to win a war for the throne," Corlys points out. Rhaenyra averted her gaze for a split second before speaking, "We would also hope to have the support of Houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark." "Hope...is the fool's ally," Corlys states.
"Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house," Rhaenyra confidently states, "but all of them have sworn oaths to me."
"As did House Hightower," Corlys points out, "if I remember." "As did you, Lord Corlys," Rhaenyra points back.
Corlys briefly gazes at his grandchildren before he addresses the queen once again, "your father's realm...was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. The Hightower treason cannot stand."
"You have the full support of our house AND our fleet," Corlys declares.
"You honor me, Lord Corlys," Rhaenyra says with sincerity, turning to Rhaenys and acknowledging her support as well. "But," Rhaenyra continues, "As I've said to my bannermen, I made a promise to hold the realm strong and united. If war's first stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand."
Aemma wondered if this was Rhaenyra considering the terms Otto Hightower offered the other day. It seemed Rhaenyra wanted to first establish her rule by peaceful means before she resorts to declaring war.
Easier said than done when the king consort by her side craves war and violence above all else.
"You do not mean to act?" Corlys gives an incredulous look. "Taking caution does not mean standing fast," Rhaenyra assures, "I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war." 
Lord Corlys made a certain look before he approached the queen, "the consequences of my...near demise in the Stepstones is that we now control them. I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The Triarchy have been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours."
Rhaenyra had a surprised look from this hearing this advantage. "If we further seal the Gullet," Corlys continues, going over the map, "we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing."
"I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself," Rhaenys declares.
"When we drain the Narrow Sea," one of the lords speaks up, "we can surround King's Landing, lay siege to the Red Keep, and force the Greens to surrender."
"If we are to have enough swords to surround King's Landing," Rhaenyra points out, "we must first secure the support of Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm's End."
"I'll prepare the ravens, your Grace," the maester assures.
"We should bare those messages," Jace speaks up, which got Aemma's attention right quick as well as Luke and Baela and Rhaena. "Dragons can fly faster than ravens," the young prince points out, "and they're more convincing. Send us."
"The prince is right, your Grace," Corlys agrees.
There was silence as Rhaenyra looked to her children and stepchildren, considering her oldest son's suggestion of sending them as envoys to ensure support of the great houses.
"Very well," she concedes.
"Prince Jacaerys...and Princess Aemma will fly north," Rhaenyra says, causing Aemma to look at the queen, "the two of them will fly first to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jane Arryn, and than to Winterfell to treat with Lord Stark for support from the North. Princess Aemma," Rhaenyra gives Aemma a serious glance, "as the one among your sisters who has not been properly betrothed, and...to ensure we will have the full support of the North...you will offer yourself to Lord Stark as a potential marriage prospect."
Aemma's eyes widen at this command, not noticing her sisters giving similar looks at this news.
"Prince Lucerys," Rhaenyra turns to Luke, "will fly to Storm's End and treat with Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind the lords of the oaths they swore. And...the cost of breaking them."
Aemma didn't hear anything else as she was taking in the information that Rhaenyra wished for her to consider Cregan Stark as her future husband. Perhaps Rhaenyra didn't completely accept the terms offered.
If that were the case, she would've had Aemma fly to King's Landing and offer herself to Aemond as a potential marriage instead.
Or maybe this was Rhaenyra's way of ensuring Aemma would not even think of bailing out. Sending Jacaerys and Aemma together, Jace could keep an eye on Aemma and keep her from diverting off course. 
So much for finally going to Toussaint with the man she loves.
As conflicted as this all was, Aemma realized now that this was the opportunity for her to make her way the Wall. If Rhaenyra wanted Aemma to persuade the widower Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North to consider taking a wife once again, then she would take advantage of this prospect and also persuade him escort her to the Wall in the North...where she is sure to find Ciri and stop the Wild Hunt from ambushing the Night's Watch and stopping them from breaching the Wall.
--------outside Dragonstone by the docks---------
"Grandsire!" Aemma rushed over to Corlys who turned to see who was calling to him.
"Aemma!" Corlys reaches an arm out so as to embrace Aemma, "it's so good to see you again, princess." "It's good to see you as well," Aemma says, pulling away, "I'm glad to see you are well and not at death's door. I'm not sure I could afford to lose anymore family at this point."
"It would take much more than a war for me to leave this world," Corlys says with humor, "wherever did you go? Last I saw you, it was before you vanished without a trace." "The Continent," Aemma tells him, "I...I was looking for my mother. I learned that she survived, and...I found her."
This news took Corlys by surprise, "that is...very good news," the man says, "I'm glad to hear she is alive and well. Laenor and Laena were both quite fond of the Lady of Larks. They adored her greatly." "The adoration appeared to be mutual," Aemma admits, "My mother mourned when I told her what befell the two of them."
"I'm still glad to know she is well," Corlys says, "I wish I could with you some more, both you and the rest of my grandchildren. But time is short, and we must do all we can to prepare for the conflict that is sure to arise soon."
Aemma nods in understanding. "Grandsire," she speaks up, before she leaves, "I...you will remain close to the queen?" "As close as I can," Corlys assures, "I can't make stay too close as my fleet will need me to command. Why do you ask?" "I...I just want to make sure Her Grace will be protected," Aemma says cryptically, "even by those close to her who may try and harm her."
Corlys frowned somewhat, not sure what the princess meant, but nodded in understanding, "of course, princess."
Aemma gave Corlys one more hug before she headed back to the castle, or more specifically the beach.
On the shores, the dragons were saddled and ready to go. Jace and Luke waved over to Aemma as she ran towards them. Aemma was already dressed in her riding leathers, her sword strapped around her back. Baela and Rhaena were there as well, no doubt to bid their betrothed farewell and also to say goodbye to their sister.
"You'll be careful, yes?" Rhaena inquiries of her sister, "it's a long journey up North even on dragonback." "I'll be alright," Aemma assures, "Jace will see to it, I'm sure." "I do recall saying you might be the next Lady of Winterfell," Rhaena laughs, remembering that conversation.
"Yes I...suppose so," Aemma mutters. Once again, she had nothing against Cregan Stark, but despite their differences, her heart belonged to another.
Aemma moved over to give Baela a hug, "will the two of you keep watch over the queen?" she asks of her sisters, "in case...?" Baela nods in understanding, "We will," she assures, leaning in so her stepbrothers wouldn't hear, "will make sure father doesn't lay a hand on her."
Aemma nods, giving her sisters one last hug. "Aemma, are you ready?" Luke calls over. "I am," Aemma confirms, rushing over to give Luke a hug, "Storm's end is not so far compared to the North," she points out, "you'll do just fine." Luke had this look of doubt on his face, "I hope so," he admits, "I never done anything like this before. What if I fail? What if I say the wrong thing? Offend Lord Borros in some way?"
"House Baratheon is known for its stubborn pride, that much I'll admit," Aemma agrees, "but I'd imagine Lord Borros would be more concerned about offending the queen's son than the other way around. If anything, I'd imagine he'd go to great lengths to host a prince of the realm." "Mother said something similar," Luke mutters. "You'll be alright," Jace assures his younger brother, giving Luke a light punch on the arm, "just remember what mother said. Just do your best, Luke. You'll be alright."
Luke made a small smile, feeling a little more confident.
The two young men go to bid their betrothed farewell. Luke hugging Rhaena and Jace hugging Baela. Baela leaned in with a sweet smile so Jace would hear her, "if anything happens to my sister under your watch..." "I think I have an idea where this is going," Jace says with a humorous tone, then gave Baela a small kiss to her temple, "I promise your sister will return in one piece."
Baela and Rhaena bid one more farewell as Aemma and the boys mount their dragons. What exactly did your mother tell you?" Aemma asked of Jace as she got on Cirillia's saddle. "She hoped Lord Stark and I could find some common interest as young men," Jace tells her, climbing onto Verma's saddle "and...she hopes you might use your...feminine wiles to persuade him to consider forming a marriage pact."
"That doesn't exactly sound like your mother," Aemma deadpans. "Well she didn't exactly word it like that," Jace says with light laughter, "but she did make it clear the dire need of securing alliances." Jace didn't mention what his mother queen also told him concerning his older stepsister.
"There is a chance that...Aemma may lose sight of the objective before us," Rhaenyra had said, "I fear her mind is not focused on the bigger picture, and she may go astray if there is no one there  to keep her on the path set before us. Can you be the one to keep her on track, Jacaerys?"
Jace didn't know what his mother meant, but had nodded anyway and vowed to Rhaenyra to keep Aemma on focus. "Right," Aemma nods absentmindedly when she thought of hers and Ciri's vision. Part of her wanted to warn Jace of what was to happen in their near future, but part of her wondered if he would believe her, or if he would believe she had gone mad.
"Something on your mind, sister?" Jace asks, noting Aemma's distant gaze. "Nothing," Aemma hastily assures, "Just wondering what the North will be like. I've never been there before."
"Your guess is as good as mine," Jace shrugs, "This will be an adventure for the both of us."
With that said, the dragons took off from the beach and took their riders to their perspective destinations. Aemma took this moment to take the medallion she hid in her sword sheathe and placed it back around her neck where it rightfully belongs
-------------somewhere in Nilfgaard-------------
A messenger had arrived at the castle after days, almost weeks, of travel to this destination. Once he arrived a guard came to address the messenger demanding the man state his business. "I bring a message," the man answers, "to the Lady Yennefer of Vengerberg. Ravens have brought this to me all the way from Novigrad."
With that name uttered, the messenger was ushered inside where he was escorted to the chambers where the sorceress in question resided.
"Can I help you?" Yennefer inquires, eyeing the man up and down. 
"I bring a message from Novigrad...from the Lady of Larks."
---------back on Dragonstone-----------
The sun was setting right around the time the dragon envoys had departed from Dragonstone.
Rhaenyra looked out to the horizon, watching the sun set, hoping to the gods of Old Valyria that her sons would accomplish their mission and secure alliances with the Houses she sent them to. She also hoped Aemma wouldn't divert off course given everything that has happened between her and Daemon.
Rhaenyra heard the rustling of feathers catching her attention. The queen turned to see a white owl perched on the balcony where she stood. The owl tilted its head, almost as if studying Rhaenyra.
Curious, the young queen approached, wondering what this was about. The owl made a small hoot and flew off towards the top of the castle. Rhaenyra frowned a little.
She did not recall that such birds resided in this part of Westeros.
-------------King's Landing: docks of the Blackwater Bay--------------------
As the princess Aemma and prince Jacaerys made the long journey North, a ship had finally dropped anchor at the docks of King's Landing.
This ship in particular had traveled a long way, its starting destination from Novigrad and made a stop or two in different places in Skellige and the Stepstones before finally docking in the Blackwater Bay. Unknown to the captain of this ship, or to any of its passengers, this ship couldn't have arrived a moment too soon as ships from the Velaryon fleet had just been sent to close of the Gullet in the form of a blockade.  Multiple people disembarked as soon as they could as soon as the ship was cleared for entrance into the docks.
Among those were a brother and sister troubadour duo who had come to this place with one mission in mind.
After getting used to standing on solid ground after so long, you and Jaskier make your way into town. You look up as the Red Keep came into your sights. You stop in your tracks to take the sight of it.
"You alright?" Jaskier asks you, concerned for any oncoming panic attacks. "I'm fine," you assure, "I just...never imagined I would ever set foot anywhere near the place that used to be my prison after so long."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jaskier approaches, placing a hand on your arm in a concerned way. "Julian," you huff, "we came all this way, it's a little late to turn back now. We're doing this...for Aemma."
"...for Aemma," Jaskier nods in agreement.
Chapter 63
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navya04 · 1 year
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sayafics · 1 year
Soul-bonds & Heartaches - Masterlist
Andromeda was only a young elf when she was taken in by Queen Calanthe. She was never introduced to the people of the Kingdom, so she didn't expect much of her place in the castle.
But when Geralt of Rivia helps to save her sister and her sister's lover, Queen Calanthe and Duny were in great debt to him, and he finds himself claiming a treasure he didn't realise would lead to her.
Andromeda and Geralt are bound by fate, but with Geralt despising the ploys of destiny, perhaps they were never meant to be. Or maybe Geralt just needed a small nudge in the right direction.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
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gil-galadhwen · 4 days
Lady Of The Marred Moon [An Eskel Fic}
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Chapter 7 - One Cannot Flee One's Fate
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Catrin is about to head out on her first monster slaying excursion with Eskel when something unexpected happens... Who exactly is the princess with two wolves?
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Read here...
< Dividers by @saradika-graphics >
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slowpokegamer · 2 months
I found your account thru artfight because I came across your Witcher "oc." I think it's absolutely ridiculous that your own character survives the events of the books while Geralt and several other main characters dies. Its completely unrealistic that after everything a useless nobody survives everything while actually well written characters like Geralt and Yennefer die and remain deead. After having scrolled through your blog a bit I can see eyoure just a hypocritcal queer for someone who preaches that the Witcher "isn't eacapsism fantasy" you sure do like to make it escapist with your mary sue oc. You're just as bad as the Netflix fans you preach about hating so much, but at least fans of the Netflix show can actually piece together coherent stories and fanfictions that still fit within the realm of the universe instead of a self insert over powered mary sue thats too busy fucking jaskiers ass to actually havw a compelling story. I hate people like you who have to shove ocs and yourself into every thing. You can't ever let stories just be stories you freaks always have to put yourself in it and drastically change the narrative to fit your own whims. This isn't like playing with dolls if you want to tell a story just write it yourself and leave things like the Witcher alone. It already has a story and it already has it's characters and we don't need poorly written Mary sues cluttering up fandom.tags. Write something original for once and stop inserting yourself into shows and games. Your not cute and your to old to be playing pretend and making up stories. Jaskier isn't gay in the books so your stupid character wouldn't even have a shot that ways either and Geralt probably would have just killed him. And if Geralt didn't kill him then he should have died when the rest of the characters did in the last book. That's the more realistic route. Witchers are also supposed to be rare in the world so your character being a Witcher is also unrealistic and he probably wouldn't have even been able to meet geralt. The story doesn't make sense and I don't understand why you have to come in and change something that was already written. It was fine as it was and we didn't need anymore characters in the story especially characters who dony even fit with it. I'm so gired of seeing people like you who think they can do whatever they want with media when its already written and already exists for a reason. Self ships are cringe and so are OC x canon, it's bad writing and if you have to relay on a made up character to tell gokd stories then your not a good writer. Please delete you Witcher ocs off artfight, as I'm tired of seeing them every time I browse the tags search
I've been getting really into pudding lately
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atlasthegreatest · 1 year
- Atlas Masterlist - [Requests are open]
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▪️Male reader
▫️Female reader
🔲 Gender neutral
🔳 Male/ Female Oc
Avatar: The Legend Of Korra:
Asami Sato:
🔳 - War of Hearts- I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, XI, X , XI
Avatar Korra
Lin Beifong
Iron II
Suyin Beifong
Percy Jackson:
Annabeth Chase
Percy Jackson
Jason Grace
Thalia Grace
Piper McLean
Leo Vasquez
Hazel Levesque
Nico DiAngelo
Sally Jackson
Silena Beauregard
Drew Tanaka
Harry Potter :
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Narcissa Black
Lily Evans
Bellatrix Black
Narcissa Black
Ginny Weasley
Fleur Delacour
Penny Haywood :
- Baby Problems
James Potter
Cassandra Vole:
▪️- Unexpected Surprises
▪️- Tme Wrap: Bizarrely Adventures!
Sirius Black
Sidney Prescott :
- ▪️ Flight or Figth
Tara Carpenter
Gale Weathers
Sam Carpenter
Fairy Tail:
Erza Scarlet
Natsu Dragneel
Grey Fullbuster
Lucy Heartfilia :
🔲 - Friends…? Friends.
Mirajane Strauss
Laxus Dreyar
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Attack On Titan:
Mikasa Ackerman:
-▫️ Fake It ‘Till You Break It - I
Eren Yeager
Historia Reiss
Annie Leonheart
Pieck Finger
Jean Kriestean
Sasha Broast
Hange Zoe
Marvel Universe:
Natasha Romanoff
Laura Kinney
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Wanda Maximoff
Maria Hill
Cindy Moon:
▪️ The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
Gwen Stacy
Felicia Hardy
DC Universe:
Cassandra Cain:
▪️The Bat, The Spider, and The Mutant
▪️The Super’s Bats
🔲- Silent Glances and Secret Smiles
🔲- Shadows of the Past — Birds of a Feather pt.2
Helena Bertinelli
Barbara Gordon:
▫️- Cards on the Table
Dick Grayson
Poison Ivy
Kara Zor-El
Wonder Woman
Cassandra Sandsmark
The Vampire Diaries/ The Originals:
Caroline Forbes
Katherine Pierce
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshal
Bonnie Bennett
Hope Mikaelson
Davina Clare
Freya Mikaelson
The Witcher:
Cirilla of Cintra
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Feyre Archeron
Nesta Archeron
Elain Archeron
Throne of Glass:
Aelin Galathynius :
- 🔳 In Each Others Arms
Rowan Whitethorne
Manon Blackbeack
Elide Lorchan
Navier Trovi :
- 🔳 Honor me of this dance
Penelope Eckart
Samantha Wilkins/ Atom Eve
Mark Grayson /Invincible
Fate: The Winx Saga
Choi Namra
Daphne Blake
Iori Utahime
Laura Croft
Haley Carter (Stadew Valley):
🔲- Daylight
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nightmarefuele · 5 months
muse directory.
primaries in big. repression is a huge theme on this blog. smut happens (usually in gruesome ways), but don't expect it.
Dune, Star Wars, general gritty sci-fi;
na-Baron Feyd-Rautha ; austin butler ; draws 98% from the '24 film. Verosha Aniseya ; amandla stenberg Qimir | The Stranger ; manny jacinto ; might feature a knight verse in addition to some canon Ren (of 'the' Ren) ; adam driver ; a heavily divergent/'oc-ified', post(usually)-snoke, visceral horror, gritty lean from star wars' kylo ren. Shin Hati ; ivanna sakhno ; ahsoka. Kylo Ren ; adam driver ; as close to kylo 'canon' as i'm capable of writing, but solely draws from tfa characterization. Mae-ho Aniseya ; amandla stenberg Paul-Muad'Dib Atreides ; timothee chalamet ; leans on the book(+ messiah) from time to time. Lady Margot Fenring ; léa seydoux. Officer KD6-3.7 ; ryan gosling ; blade runner 2049 . Ezra ; pedro pascal ; prospect (2018). Cee ; sophie thatcher ; prospect (2018).
Interview with the Vampire;
Claudia ; bailey bass Armand ; assad zaman Louis de Pointe du Lac ; jacob anderson
Melisande Shahrizai ; oc-ified character lifted from the kushiel's series; testing ; some amalgamized version of saffron vadher with myriem boukadida's vogue covers Aegon II Targaryen ; tom glynn-carney Alicent Hightower ; olivia cooke Aemond Targaryen ; ewan mitchell Rhaena Targaryen ; phoebe campbell Jacaerys Velaryon ; harry collett Addam di Hull ; clinton liberty Rhaenyra Targaryen ; milly alcock, emma d'arcy Mysaria ; sonoya mizuno Helaena Targaryen ; hunter schafer (slightly different interpretation), phia sabban Oscar Tully ; archie barnes
villains, antiheroes;
John Constantine ; keanu reeves Loki Laufeyson ; tom hiddleston ; fuck u i don't consider post-tdw canon. ciao Jonathan Crane ; cillian murphy ; selective muse, likely won't be writing him within gotham just for the sake of gotham. want to explore him thru different subjects and lenses.
bleak, flexible, modern;
Shelly Webster ; fka twigs ; the crow (2024). Lisa Nova ; rosa salazar ; brand new cherry flavor.Code ; manny jacinto ; brand new cherry flavor. Elliot Alderson ; rami malek ; mr. robot. Phillip Price ; michael cristofer ; mr. robot. Leon ; joey bada$$ ; mr. robot. Lisbeth Salander ; rooney mara ; the girl with the dragon tattoo (2011) . Berry Rydell ; young josh hartnett ; freelance private security officer from william gibson's virtual light trilogy, based in retrofuturist nocal and socal. just a guy doing his own thing and getting caught up, routinely, somehow, in the national (but very top-secret) dickfight over some expensive glasses. + virtual reality, or whatever. Control (John Rodriguez) ; bob morley ; based on authority by jeff vandermeer, and annihilation, book and film, exploring hypnosis/mind control and consequent distrust, or outright paranoia. operates at the branch-end of a highly bureaucratic and mysterious organization. eventually ends up at Southern Reach, "...a secret agency that manages expeditions into a place known as Area X, an uninhabited and abandoned coastal area of an unnamed country which nature is gradually reclaiming." 'nature', in this context, being a cute/tame word. refers to his guns as 'gramps', 'grandpa', 'grandpap', etc. 6" tall, impassive. Tangerine ; aaron taylor-johnson ; bullet train . Colin Laney ; tbd. ; has a talent for identifying nodal points. Kid ; dev patel ; monkey man. Benny Cross ; austin butler ; the bikeriders ; characters like these are cute. i basically get to make them ocs.
Joel Miller ; pedro pascal . Imperator Furiosa ; anya taylor-joy. (alyla browne.) Dr. Dementus ; chris hemsworth. Max Rockatansky ; tom hardy..
cyberpunk, modern sci-fi;
Connor (the Android Sent by Cyberlife) ; bryan dechart. Takeshi Kovacs ; joel kinnaman . Jesper Fahey ; kit young . Kaz Brekker ; freddy carter . Yennefer of Vengerberg ; anya chalotra .
Blitzø ; helluva boss Azula ; atla Silco ; arcane Jinx ; arcane Zuko ; atla
aus are fun. hit me with em or forever hold your peace.
ocs, always subject to adapt and update on a thread-to-thread basis;
Viggo Hurskainen ; firstname aliases include vil, nils, lars ; bill skarsgård ; 'soft' but also murdery. deranged and confused. will break away just as erratically as tag along. backdrops include scandinavian/russian/german mafia, interdimensional southern cthulhian gothic, (vampire) cult, serial killer bullshit, et al. sometimes works as 'housekeeping/cleanup crew.' (for assassinations.) (sometimes is the assassin/ation. or spy.) Oeznik Ambroicz ; cillian murphy ; loosely based on a character from an original script. flexible iterations. director of an institute/facility (sometimes agency, depending on setting and historical values) that focuses on exploring the residual elements that paranormal trauma leaves behind. these elements can be purely psychological, physical, combined, or, sometimes, paranormal themselves. in other iterations, to draw further on lovecraftian or cthulhu mythos elements, oeznik may lean more private investigator, or 'freelance', for his own mysterious and often unexplained purposes. focused and preoccupied when fixed securely inside his element; wary and suspicious when not. Nadya ; sara serraiocco, sara montpetit ; lab experiment turned a) runaway, b) interdimensional spy/assassin, c) something something time shenanigans. or simple modern ones. who the fuck knows. Dorian Yu ; christian yu ; tba. loosely based on christian yu's musical creations. relies either on psychological themes (wherein dorian is bipolar), for stories more grounded in realism, or the supernatural. heavily flexible, works into most (if not all) modern environments. can be taken a vaguely sci-fi or heavily cyberpunk route. (he's fun. smiley ball of energy and sunshine, or depressive and vaguely antagonistic shut-in.) prone to delusions, dissociation, and in severe instances, amnesia. Fifine ; anya taylor-joy ; random modern verse shenanigans. (the) Insomnium ; tbd. ; developed and hatched by a cult of space witches moreso than born. derived from an organically inorganic (or just inexplicable) substance. for tumblr purposes, blends the idea of dune's 'voice'. cult functions similarly on some levels to the b.g., but is entirely an unknown. stems from the same gritty, visceral horror environment and themes as the ren. (especially picky about where i throw this one.) space cultists tba.
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