#yep i actually wrote it
kaiserouo · 4 months
Tired Ghost
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drenched-in-sunlight · 11 months
I gotta say I did not expect I’d love Miles this much, enough to look up shit like Secret War and Civil War II reading order, and worse, subject myself to Bendis’ writing of all things (he’s the reason why I stopped being a comic stan 5 years ago. I were a DC/ Superfam fan. You know the beef was BEEFING). Like, my tolerance of that dude now only stops at him being one of Miles’ creators. So that better writers can do the kid justice years later. That’s it.
Like, why is the “r u and Ganke together haha” a whole shtick that comes up multiple times during his run? It’s so annoying and painful to read. Miles can go around being paired up with different girls but the moment THAT question came up you know he gonna be super defensive and >:( about it which, eh, just does not line up with anything else happening in whatever story is happening at the time. At all.
The only silver of light is that Miles actually never says he doesn’t like boys, he just denies ever dating Ganke. Like, he could just say he doesn’t swing that way and the question would have stopped, but he doesn’t. So I know he be running around kissing the punk-est boy in the whole spider verse, ha!
Idk I’m near the end of Bendis’ run and some of it r good but a lot of them put me thru excruciating pain (cringe) so I have to complain about it.
Did I mention I were a DC stan 6 years ago? I were a DC stan 6 years ago so this isn’t even my first rodeo with white dudes writing weirdest things in American comic, but I just can’t believe I got dragged into this again because Miles blinks his bambi eyes on screen and makes me want to rotate him in my brain so I need to know the lore of him in every medium, apparently.
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its-ezraaa · 10 months
You know what's actually my favorite part about 2ha? Of course I could list things like the humor, the characters or the writing style, but what really makes it as great as it is... is Meatbun's obvious love and passion for the characters, the world and.. well, everything. It's so blatantly obvious how much she loves the story she created - just look at her unhinged 3AM tweets where she can't stop drooling over her own characters lol (same)
Or the funny little mini theaters at the end of every chapter. There is no reason to write them, they aren't even included in the official English translation. Sometimes these mini theaters are just an elaborate build-up for a silly joke, sometimes she's just bullying her own characters a little, one time she even wrote half a page about potential fanfic AUs for 2ha. I repeat: this is just the author's note and all the fans who only read the official English translation will never see this.
And let's not forget the bonus chapters. At this point it's obvious but I adore these chapters. Xue Meng trying to find a date through some form of magic tinder (and consequentially wrecking havoc in the whole cultivation world), Chu Wanning celebrating his birthday or you know... Ranwan being canonical soulmates who will always end up falling for each other in every universe possible? The bonus chapters are a love letter. Written by Meatbun to Mo Ran, Chu Wanning, Xue Meng and the whole cultivation world she created.
Seeing a writer loving their own work so much just fills me with joy. How proud she must be, how much love and time she must have put into this. It just makes being a fan so much more enjoyable because at the end of the day, I have the feeling that the greatest 2ha fan is actually the author herself.
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💪🏻S H O U L D E R S💪🏻
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lee-thebee · 4 months
Okay I can’t believe I’ve NEVER mentioned on here before that months ago during the summer I may or may not have written an over 7000 word essay on eastward.
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And I wrote this as the script for a YouTube video that I’ve yet to film, so there’s TONS of stuff I’ve just added on at the end as little notes (which btw I didn’t include in this word count) instead of actually writing it all out. I truly do think I am beyond help and have been for a long long time now,,
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selfshipshoutouts · 11 months
Shout-Out To....
Anyone who has ever read something back years later and struggled to believe it is theirs because it actually quite good.
Fear not, my talented friend, that really was you and you really are a genius. Create more, it will be interesting to see if you can confuse yourself again, in several more year's time ❤️
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reticent-fate · 12 days
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part 5/26ish
hey who spilled this plot in my otherkin hrt comic?
spoilers: it was me
from the beginning
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okcoolthanks · 13 days
“Just by looking around I can tell! Most of you were goofing around in your chemistry classes this year” yeah no shit why do you think we’re here. At summer school. In a chemistry class
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flfverse · 8 months
Oh gosh, ok first things first, the obligatory (but still very genuine) please take care of yourself— no fanfiction is worth killing yourself over (no matter how much you or we love it.) At the same time, wildly excited that you’re still working on Free Falling regardless of everything happening in your life — I love it so much. Tbh, I’ll take any part of FLFverse in any form.
Since you said you were looking for asks, I have a couple of questions stacked up as I’ve been reading and rereading all your fics — no pressure to answer ofc, and idk if some of these answers contain spoilers or things you want to keep secret at the moment, but here we go.
Ok so history of subs in the hero world: in one of your BakuDeku fics, they watch this All Might series and you mention this female sub who was the first hero sub, but that there was just generally stupidity by society and the hero world that relegated her to sidekick hood (and then I think she left actually doing the heroics to manage her own agency? Forgive my memory. It’s been a minute since I’ve read it and I too am drowning in college.)
At the same time, however, from both Hawks and Deku’s POVs, there seems to be not any subs at all in the hero world when they’re heroes/training to be heroes. And forgive me if I’m wrong, but I sense from some of the BKDK fics, Deku is kinda seen as one of the first out sub heroes? Obviously there’s a huge gap in the middle between where Free Falling is right now and where the BKDK fics pick up that you probably can’t answer, but is it just like, an open secret in the hero world that Hawks is a sub? Is he one of several that can get by as long as they don’t openly admit it? Have there been hero subs before Hawks, or is her the first high profile heros who’s a sub, regardless of who knows? Have there been other high profile sub heros before Hawks and Deku? I don’t even know how much of that you can answer, but I’m just too obsessed with your world building and fictional history to not ask.
Ok so the next thing I have to ask, and I’m also guessing it’s a thing you can’t answer bc as an obsessive writer/reader of fiction, this is what I would center a plot point on (which, no judgement if you aren’t going to, I’m just obsessively theorizing in my free time): what are the legal ramifications of contracts? Hawk’s specifically. I remember that you posted a lot about contract’s legality, and a lot of Hawk’s seems to be in the illegal zone, ie, he signed it when he was underaged. Again, my memory is failing me, so I can’t remember if things like, there’s no dom specified or that there’s no end date specified could nullify the contract either. But then there’s the thing about permanent contracts. Is this like catholic marriage? Like, you can’t get it dissolved ever, unless under incredibly specific circumstances? Or do illegalities trump permanence? Is permanence itself even legal? But if it isn’t, why is everyone so afraid of that? (Personally, Im sensing Legal and Court Drama in the future, and if that’s the case, please know that I will literally lose my mind in anticipation.)
Anyways, those are things I’ve been stewing over. They might be too plot heavy for you to answer, idk, I’ve never done one of these before. But despite my absolute love of this entire world (but especially Free Falling), or rather, because of it, please take your time and prioritize your mental health! I think everyone who reads this series and loves it a lot would prefer it be a thing that’s made the way you want it to be in a way that’s supportive to you, no matter how long it takes or when the updates come :)
🥺 you’re so sweet 💖 and thank you for the ask!
SO, history of submissive heroes. basically that first hero sub (Morioka!) (she still needs a first name and a hero name shh) was doing it illegally/undercover, then once her secret got out she fought and won the right to keep being a hero so woo submissives can be heroes now.
[side note: i imagine that even she technically wasn’t The First, like when quirks were still new and heroes weren’t regulated, who was going to stop them? but it was still very rare bc of the general attitude around subs and it’s all very hush hush no one talks about that bit. it’s not like they were real heroes, after all 🙄]
so anyway, all that went down just ahead of aizawa’s generation, actually. his first year at UA was the first year the school started allowing submissives (not every hero school did right away, those requirements took a few years). as we know, aizawa and yamada are switches. you know who isn’t? oboro :3
i would like to write about that sometime. just. rahhh. that’s part of why aizawa is very pro-sub (the rest is, you know, basic human decency).
oh—i forgot about the fate of morioka up there. she was actually dropped by her agency for the scandal and did her best working with other heroes/on her own for a little while, but ultimately it got to be too much and she retired early to find a different career. unfortunately not the most feel-good story.
as for how many submissive heroes there are now, during Free Falling, i’d say there’s a handful. but like morioka, quite a few burn out or never really climb the ranks that much and fade into obscurity. on the face of it discrimination is Bad and Not Allowed, but toxic workplaces, y’know? i don’t think i’ve said it outright, but i’ve definitely alluded to ryukuu being a sub. she’s the highest ranking one known to the public and gets a ton of shit for it, but from what we see in canon she doesn’t seem to be too big on the spotlight anyway? i don’t see her as being very activism-minded, she’s just trying to do her job, not be the face of a movement, and probably avoids discussing it publicly just for the sake of her own sanity. valid.
hawks is technically going stealth as a switch. he just dodges the question if it’s brought up or says something vague. the fan conspiracy theories are probably wild (oh no, now i’m thinking about FLFverse rpf xreader fic), but among heroes it’s kind of a “don’t ask, don’t tell” thing—at least the ones that aren’t dicks.
hawks’s image is very carefully crafted by the commission and they do not want that part of him to become undeniable fact because it would damage his reputation. especially after everything he’s accomplished. the first hero to make top ten before he’s twenty is a submissive? uh, yeah, right. that would go over well.
beyond that, i think it’s pretty much just deku who’s high-profile. and kaminari and jirou to a lesser extent (and whoever else i’ve decided subs, there’s 20 of them leave me alone). their whole class is really famous for obvious reasons, so it’s kind of a given. i’d like to say that deku being, you know, who he is starts to change some minds, and he probably does, but not so much that it takes all the fun out of playing with the social hierarchy, right? ;D change can’t be that easy.
hm, gotta think about the second question. if there is to be Legal And Courtroom Drama, it would be in part 4, which is a huge amorphous blob in my brain right now. i know some legal stuff has to happen/change, but i’m not sure if i’ll focus on it or not yet. tucking that in my back pocket!
anyway. what i can say about that right now is that hawks’s contract is very illegal, but pretty much solely bc of the underage signing, especially given that it’s permanent. permanent contracts are like marriage licenses. they’re the only ones that have to be registered with the government in order to “count” and they are harder to get out of, but not quite catholic-marriage-level. and yes, illegalities would trump permanence.
the question is….do you trust the hero commission to be honest with either the government or hawks?
there’s also the whole deal that separate from the D/s contract, hawks still has his canon contract where the commission bought him from his mom. what’s up with that? time will tell.
there’s also other legal/ethical/etc issues going on which, of course, you all won’t know about until the end of part two. :) i can do ~intrigue~, i promise
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I'm about to draw something and I pulled up some of your pictures from MariPav and this ended up lookin really funny to me
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Magolor, look out! Behind you!
Hee hee! (I'm ready to declare this MariPav canon. Magolor trying to work and Marx is just...standing behind him. Staaaaaaaaaaring.)
While on the topic of MariPav, here's a sneak peak earl~y WIP for the new cover for Arc 2...
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...Poor Marx. It only goes downhill from here...
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
yes I've been lying in bed for three hours, listening to the same song on repeat, and yes I have written *checks* 14,000 words of the most stupid, embarrassing shit ever over the last two days, and yes I can actively feel my brain melting in my head, but I'm definitely totally fine.
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kaiserouo · 2 months
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Fun fact: Most simulacra don't know they're simulacra, thanks to the ego retention system
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thewhisperingwinds · 9 months
Sometimes I wonder
If you cut me open with a knife
Would I have many layers, like a piece of cake?
Would my insides be coated in sweet caramel, or stuffed with cream?
Maybe the chocolate drizzle was to hide how bland I tasted
Or how I am actually filled with rotting fruit toppings
After all, cinnamon is a rather pleasant scent
Written 10/03/23
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poebrey · 11 months
whoever wrote this episode I want them BACK
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Whumpee sitting on the floor, miserable, looking at a cup of water: This will fix me.
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astro-b-o-y-d · 1 year
I should go to bed, but I managed to get a couple pages of chapter one finished, and even started a rough draft for a chapter WAY down the line with Mina.
This is fun.
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