#yes I'm distracting myself
commissionsdarian · 2 years
It looks so crusty I can't believe I willingly chose to work with these graphics
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theramblingvoid · 2 years
Low level/continuous pain tips for writing
Want to avoid the action movie effect and make your character's injuries have realistic lasting impacts? Have a sick character you're using as hurt/comfort fodder? Everyone has tips for how to write Dramatic Intense Agony, but the smaller human details of lasting or low-level discomfort are rarely written in. Here are a few pain mannerisms I like to use as reference:
Continuously gritted teeth (may cause headaches or additional jaw pain over time)
Irritability, increased sensitivity to lights, sounds, etc
Repetitive movements (fidgeting, unable to sit still, slight rocking or other habitual movement to self-soothe)
Soft groaning or whimpering, when pain increases or when others aren't around
Heavier breathing, panting, may be deeper or shallower than normal
Moving less quickly, resistant to unnecessary movement
Itching in the case of healing wounds
Subconsciously hunching around the pain (eg. slumped shoulders or bad posture for gut pain)
Using a hand to steady themself when walking past walls, counters, etc (also applies to illness)
Narration-wise: may not notice the pain was there until it's gone because they got so used to it, or may not realize how bad it was until it gets better
May stop mentioning it outright to other people unless they specifically ask or the pain increases
Limb pain
Subtly leaning on surfaces whenever possible to take weight off foot/leg pain
Rubbing sore spots while thinking or resting
Wincing and switching to using other limb frequently (new/forgettable pain) or developed habit of using non dominant limb for tasks (constant/long term pain)
Propping leg up when sitting to reduce inflammation
Holding arm closer to body/moving it less
Moving differently to avoid bending joints (eg. bending at the waist instead of the knees to pick something up)
Nausea/fever/non-pain discomfort
Many of the same things as above (groaning, leaning, differences in movement)
May avoid sudden movements or turning head for nausea
Urge to press up against cold surfaces for fever
Glazed eyes, fixed stare, may take longer to process words or get their attention
Shivering, shaking, loss of fine motor control
If you have any more details that you personally use to bring characters to life in these situations, I'd love to hear them! I'm always looking for ways to make my guys suffer more write people with more realism :)
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thistle--bug · 10 days
Jiang Cheng going from dueling and exiling Wei Wuxian from the Jiang clan to in the next episode or so wanting Wei Wuxian to name their nephew and asking if his injuries healed up ok is such a Jiang Cheng thing to do
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airenyah · 9 days
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White noticing Ivy's struggle and switching his and Ivy's boxes so she can reach hers more easily
BONUS: Ivy realizing what White did
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ratcandy · 6 months
3 straight hours of drawing and editing through a horrid migraine for a whole THIRTY SECONDS of self-indulgence beyond your wildest dreams. we call this being extremely normal
song is Bernadette by IAMX
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le-panda-chocovore · 22 days
Soft Thought of the Day :
Toji watching his partner slowly waking up, with a sweet smile on his face, just waiting for them to be awake enough to kiss their lovely lips after a "G'morning sleeping beauty" with his deep voice
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will80sbyers · 6 months
This is supposedly the back of the house, again the decorations are old so not part of the set because these images are from Google street
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legobiwan · 10 months
I think what makes Super Paper Mario stand out from many of the other plot-based Mario games is the motivation of the villains. (And no, I have not played all of them, but I'm familiar enough with the major titles to take a leap with this idea here).
You can write a laundry list of bad guys who have wanted to take over the world: Smithy and his gang want to reforge it (literally) in their image. The Shadow Queen wants to rule over a dark, new reality. Cackletta wants the Beanstar to fulfill her crazed wishes of destruction and power. Antasma wants command through the Dream World. Princess Shroob wants, and maybe even needs, to a degree, to siphon off the life force of the Toads in an interesting twist on an alien species' resource issues. In fact, one of the few antagonists we encounter who is not 100% fueled by power-lust is King Boo, who walks a tighrope between a pedestrian desire to rule reality via ghost army and a need to exact revenge, a tightrope he eventually falls off of decidedly in the direction of bloodthirsty vengeance directed specifically at Luigi. (He built, bought, or at least took over a whole-ass, multi-level hotel for this express purpose, not only luring Luigi into this trap, but roping his brother, his friend, and some random Toad acquaintances into the whole ordeal, as well - which is categorically insane and the topic of another rant for another day).
But Count Bleck doesn't want power for power's sake. He merely wants to use the Chaos Heart to end reality. There's no throne he covets, no crown he searches for - he desires only utter annihilation of everything, including himself. It's such a nihilistic goal and is so striking in comparison to the other enemies we encounter in and around the Mushroom Kingdom. Even Dimentio, whose initial plan was to seize power and reshape the world in his own corrupted image - even Dimentio chooses this final destruction over the promise of false power in the end.
How do you fight against someone who seeks death as their ultimate goal? It's such a depressing and fascinating concept in a Mario game, of all things, and is one of the reasons I personally see SPM as a kind of climax to the events of many of the preceding games, including SM: RPG and Thousand Year Door, which you can see as the "prequels," as it were, to SPM, if you look at these games as existing along a timeline that began with the creation of the Pixls and the Tribe of Ancients and ends with Bleck and Dimentio's defeat at the threshold of apocalypse.
Anyway, I'm starting to come up with some lore ideas that would possibly tie these three games together in a slight AU where the Bleck gang would show up in 7 Stars and Geno's role is extended past the restoration of the Star Road.
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hammerbacks · 5 months
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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aloftmelevar · 10 months
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here is the space on my bookshelf dedicated to my major special interests. there are two TAWOG things on there - a mad libs book is tucked in before the mayhem manual. i should probably invest in collecting the TAWOG comics.
then you have my fanmade caddicarus DVDs + the official caddicarus blu ray. i don't think i've posted the spines of my DVD cases publicly yet, nor have i mentioned i added a fourth set for the 2023 episodes, so that's exciting.
then you have the huge onward section. when i noticed i was getting a special interest in a mainstream animated film i knew i had to take advantage of all the chances to collect merch. my precious sp/ins didn't have as much merch obviously, so i went crazy here.
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delta-piscium · 1 year
#24 for the dialogue prompt lol ❤️
24.  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” “Probably not.”
“Why are there never any hot guys here anymore?” Eddie complained, voice whinier than he’d like to admit. 
Jeff raised an eyebrow at him, “you calling me ugly, Munson?”
Eddie rolled his eyes before giving Jeff his sweetest smile. “Never any hot guys who’d also like to have sex with me, or are you suddenly interested Jeffy-boy?” 
Jeff made a disgusted face that would have been insulting if Eddie didn’t feel exactly the same. The only other gay guy he knew and they were tragically not attracted to each other. What a cruel world they lived in. 
Eddie was about to complain about that instead but before he could Jeff did a double take at the bar, eyes widening. 
“Is that Steve Harrington?” 
Eddie whipped his head around so quickly it was a wonder he didn’t hurt himself. It would have been worth it if he did though because there sitting at the bar was indeed Steve.
Steve with his broad shoulders, and ridiculous hair that Eddie had been obsessed with since his first senior year. 
“Oh shit,” he rasped, his throat suddenly dry. 
He blinked several times to see if maybe he was imagining it and Steve would go away. He didn’t, he stayed right where he was. And then he was turning around and their eyes locked. Steve looked shocked for a second but quickly gathered himself, tilting his head slightly at Eddie giving a slow once-over. Just that made Eddie feel like he was gonna explode and then the bastard had the audacity to wink at him before turning back around. 
Eddie gaped. 
“Did he just wink at you?” Jeff asked slowly, “did Steve fucking Harrington just wink at you in this gay bar?”
Eddie wordlessly nodded, Steve had just done that. If Eddie had had any questions about what Steve was doing here he didn’t anymore.
Steve Harrington had just- he had- oh this was good. Eddie's lips stretched into a slow smirk as his shock slowly faded away, a new thought taking its place. 
“I don’t like that look,” Jeff eyed him suspiciously. 
Eddie ignored it, instead asking, “are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
He sighed, “probably not.” 
“I should seduce Steve.” Eddie continued before Jeff had even finished. 
“Not even close to what I was thinking.” 
Eddie pressed his half-drunk beer into Jeff’s empty hands. “Well start thinking it baby, 'cause it’s happening.” 
He spun around as Jeff muttered ‘here we fucking go’ which Eddie chose to interpret as him being supportive. Like ‘fuck yeah, here we fucking go!’ he gave Jeff a one-fingered wave over his shoulder as thanks. 
'Here we fucking go indeed', he thought as he slid up next to Steve.
dialogue prompt
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susann-noir · 1 year
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collab with @mogruith
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cherienymphe · 11 months
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I can easily see this movie becoming a favorite of mine. I already knew I would love it because I tend to enjoy Sofia's direction and while I was prepared for a lot of things, I wasn't prepared to witness just how lonely Priscilla was. Just so many scenes of her all alone (even when surrounded by heaps of people) and that just made me so sad. The first time she and Elvis come face to face I wanted to scream at her to run and them casting these two was certainly a choice bc the height difference really emphasized the age difference too and both Cailee and Jacob do a wonderful job of understanding the power dynamics in this situation. Too many times I had to remind myself they're actually the same age irl bc it really felt like watching a grown man interact with a child.
The only criticism I agree with is the pacing towards the end but an argument can be made that it resembles the quickly crumbling relationship irl too. Despite what certain fans of a certain dead man will tell you, Jacob does a good job as him. I didn't care either way going into it bc he's literally not the focus of the movie. It's about Priscilla but if it's one thing Jacob Elordi is going to eat, it's the role of a toxic and abusive man so I never had any doubts tbh. There were too many moments where I thought he was going to hit her bc he's just so imposing and ominous and so many scenes had tension that I was just waiting to see snap.
Wardrobe and set design was amazing and I'm now convinced some so called fans never heard that man speak a day in his life bc Jacob literally nails the accent
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raycatz · 8 months
gen loz comic I want to draw
you know how there's always like a love letter sidequest? anyways- Wind Waker and the sidequest where Maggie (one of the girls rescued from the forsaken fortress) needs Link's help to send loveletters to Moe the Moblin. (and you help return one from Moe that reads something like, "I want to eat you" and Maggie thinks it's romantic and ajshgfddsjf)
The comic idea is Maggie wants to meet with Moe so Link agrees and goes to pick up Moe. It turns out Moe is actually a bokoblin with like a big bowtie and is quite nervous about meeting Maggie and he has a skull necklace as a gift for her. So Link, to break the ice while they're sailing, is like "Soooo,,, Moe? What are you looking forward to on Windfall?" and Moe, with all the enthusiasm and countenance of animal from the muppets, goes "EAT MAGGIE! :V" and Link's like, "NooOOOOO you're gonna MEET Maggie!!!!" and Moe's like "MEET MAGGIE! MEET MAGGIE!!!" and Link's like, leaning against the mast like 'wtf have I gotten into????'
They get to Windfall and Link escorts them to the milk bar and we see the little group sitting around a table, Maggie and Moe merrily chatting away, while all the patrons are leaned veeeery far back, Link peering over the brim of his cup, chaperone to the weirdest date ever, probably.
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blakbonnet · 1 year
I'm overqualified for towels 🤨🤨🤨
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